Document not found (404)
+This URL is invalid, sorry. Please use the navigation bar or search to continue.
+ +diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..308eedd --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ + + +
+ + +This URL is invalid, sorry. Please use the navigation bar or search to continue.
+ +rsgrad band
can plot the band structure from PROCAR and OUTCAR.
$ rsgrad band -h
+Plot bandstructure and projected bandstructure
+ rsgrad band [OPTIONS]
+ -c, --config <CONFIG>
+ Band structure plot configuration file path
+ --colormap <COLORMAP>
+ [default: jet]
+ --efermi <EFERMI>
+ Set the E-fermi given from SCF's OUTCAR and it will be the reference energy level
+ --gen-template
+ Generate band structure plot configuration template
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ --htmlout <HTMLOUT>
+ Save the band structure plot as HTML [default: band.html]
+ -k, --kpoint-labels <KPOINT_LABELS>
+ Symbols for high symmetry points on the kpoint path
+ --ncl-spinor <NCL_SPINOR>
+ [possible values: X, Y, Z]
+ --outcar <OUTCAR>
+ OUTCAR path [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ --procar <PROCAR>
+ PROCAR path [default: ./PROCAR]
+ --show
+ Open the browser and show the plot immediately
+ --to-inline-html
+ Render the plot and print the rendered code to stdout
+ --txtout-prefix <TXTOUT_PREFIX>
+ Save the raw data of band structure [default: band_raw]
+ --ylim <YLIM> <YLIM>
+ Set the y-range of the plot [default: "-1 6"]
+# rsgrad Band plot configuration in toml format.
+# multiple tokens inside string are seperated by whitespace, if you
+# kpoint-labels = ["G", "K", "M", "G"] # should be consistant with the boundaries in KPOINTS
+procar = "PROCAR"
+outcar = "OUTCAR"
+txtout-prefix = "band_raw"
+htmlout = "band.html"
+# segment-ranges = [[1, 40], [41, 80], [81, 120]] # if commented, rsgrad will find the boundaries by judging if k[i] == k[i+1]
+# ncl-spinor = "Z" # for vasp_ncl calculation
+# colormap = "jet" # the colormap specified to plot ncl-band
+# efermi = 0.0 # if commented, rsgrad will read the efermi from OUTCAR, but if may be slightly different from scf's
+# ylim = [-1, 6]
+# [pband.plot1]
+# spins = "up down" # "u d" are also ok, for ncl system, "tot x y z" are available
+# atoms = "1 3..7 -1" # which atoms to project on, if commented, all atoms are selected
+# orbits = "s px dxy" # which orbits to project on, if commented, all orbits are selected
+# color = "red" # the color of marker
+Simply run rsgrad band
can plot the band structure.
$ rsgrad band
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Reading fermi level and lattice data from "./OUTCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Reading band data from "./PROCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Found Fermi level: 12.7626, shifting eigenvalues ...
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z WARN rsgrad::commands::band] No k-point labels found, use empty labels instead
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting raw bands ...
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Writing Bandstructure to "band.html"
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Writing raw band data to "band_raw.txt"
+[2022-07-14T18:40:18Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 79.644034ms
+There may be a warning reminds you provide the labels of each high-symmetry point.
identifies high-symmetry points by calculate the difference of consecutive k-points.
+If the difference equals zero, these two points are labelled as one high-symmetry point.
For example:
+k-point 38 : 0.0000 0.0256 0.0000
+k-point 39 : 0.0000 0.0128 0.0000
+k-point 40 : 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
+k-point 41 : 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
+k-point 42 : -0.0085 0.0171 0.0000
+k-point 43 : -0.0171 0.0342 0.0000
+k-point 40 and k-point 41 are same, thus be identified as one high-symmetry point. Each of the high-symmetry
+points need a label. You may either left the --kpoint-labels
empty or provide the correct labels seperated
+by white spaces. Sometimes it may produce wrong band structure due to the special k-point path like
kpoints for bandstructure L-G-X-U K-G
+ 10
+ 0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 1
+ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1
+ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1
+ 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 1
+ 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 1
+ 0.25000 0.62500 0.62500 1
+ 0.37500 0.7500 0.37500 1
+ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1
+The end of third segment (0.25000, 0.62500, 0.62500) and the beginning of fourth segment (0.37500, 0.7500, 0.37500) +are not consistent, which produces wrong k-path, leading to wrong band structure:
+ + +To solve this issue, you need to try the configuration file.
+With the configuration in the following
+kpoint-labels = ["L", "Γ", "X", "U|K", "Γ"]
+procar = "PROCAR"
+outcar = "OUTCAR"
+txtout-prefix = "pband_raw"
+htmlout = "pband.html"
+segment-ranges = [[1, 10], [11, 20], [21, 30], [31, 40]]
+orbits = "px py pz"
+color = "red"
+and run rsgrad -c pband.toml
$ rsgrad band -c pband.toml
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Reading porjected band configuration fomr Some("pband.toml")
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Reading fermi level and lattice data from "OUTCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Reading band data from "PROCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Found Fermi level: 12.7626, shifting eigenvalues ...
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting raw bands ...
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Plotting projected bands ...
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Writting projected band Si-p-orbit to "pband_raw_Si-p-orbit.txt" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Projected band plot time usage: 1.220401ms
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Writing Bandstructure to "band.html"
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad::commands::band] Writing raw band data to "pband_raw.txt"
+[2022-07-14T18:41:02Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 77.804627ms
+then it produces
+ + +For the results produced by vasp_ncl
, rsgrad
supports plotting the \(z\) (\(x\) and \(y\) are also OK) projection to
+analyze the spin angular moments.
kpoint-labels = ["M", "Γ", "K", "M"]
+procar = "PROCAR"
+outcar = "OUTCAR"
+txtout-prefix = "band_ncl_raw"
+htmlout = "band_ncl.html"
+segment-ranges = [[81, 120], [1, 40], [41, 80]]
+ncl-spinor = "Z"
+colormap = "jet"
+then it produces
+ + + +rsgrad chgdiff
can calculate the charge density difference from CHGCAR files:
$$ +\Delta \rho = \rho_{A+B} - (\rho_A + \rho_B) +$$
+Where \(\rho_{A+B}\), \(\rho_A\) and \(\rho_B\) are the charge densities of total structure, +A structure and B structure, respectively.
+You may also need rsgrad poscar --split ...
to generate
+the structure of A and B from A+B.
$ rsgrad chgdiff --help
+Calculate charge density difference.
+The operation is performed by `chgdiff = chgcar_ab - (chgcar_a + chgcar_b)`.
+ rsgrad chgdiff [OPTIONS] <CHGCAR_AB> <CHGCAR_A> <CHGCAR_B>
+ The CHGCAR of A+B system
+ The CHGCAR of A system
+ The CHGCAR of B system
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -o, --output <OUTPUT>
+ The output charge density difference file path
+ [default: CHGDIFF.vasp]
+You need to calculate the electronic structure of the three structures (A+B, A and B) first,
+then rsgrad chgdiff CHGCAR_A+B CHGCAR_A CHGCAR_B
$ rsgrad chgdiff ../scf/CHGCAR Ag/CHGCAR noAg/CHGCAR
+[2022-07-14T18:34:59Z INFO rsgrad::commands::chgdiff] Reading charge density from "Ag/CHGCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:34:59Z INFO rsgrad::commands::chgdiff] Reading charge density from "noAg/CHGCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:34:59Z INFO rsgrad::commands::chgdiff] Reading charge density from "../scf/CHGCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:35:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::chgdiff] Calculating charge density difference by `CHGDIFF = "../scf/CHGCAR" - ("Ag/CHGCAR" + "noAg/CHGCAR")`
+[2022-07-14T18:35:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::chgdiff] Writing charge difference to "CHGDIFF.vasp"
+[2022-07-14T18:35:10Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 11.189259653s
+finally use VESTA to visualize the data
+ + +The rsgrad dos
command calculates the Density of States (DOS) of current system.
DOES NOT read the DOSCAR, but calculates the DOS from PROCAR instead by
$$ +D(E) = \frac{1}{V} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \delta(E-E(\mathbf{k}_i)) +$$
+Because rsgrad
uses arbitrary unit, the factor \(\frac{1}{V}\) is omitted. The \(\delta(x)\)
+is replaced by Gaussian function or Lorentzian function:
$$ +g(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \frac{(x-\mu)^2}{\sigma^2} \right) \\ +l(x) = \frac{1}{\pi} \frac{\sigma}{(x-\mu)^2 + \sigma^2} +$$
+where \(\mu\) is \(E(\mathbf{k}_i)\) and \(\sigma\) is sigma
of configuration in the implementation.
This method makes it easier to calculate projected DOS with projection of specific atoms, angular moments and k-points.
+However, this method sometimes differs from DOSCAR with ISMEAR = -5
. For detailed explaination, see the
+document here.
The OUTCAR is also needed to get the Fermi level.
+$ rsgrad dos -h
+Calculate density of states from PROCAR and OUTCAR
+ rsgrad dos [OPTIONS]
+ -c, --config <CONFIG> Projected DOS configuration file path
+ --gen-template Generate projected DOS configuration template
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ --htmlout <HTMLOUT> Save the projected DOS plot as HTML. Then you can view it in the
+ browser [default: dos.html]
+ --outcar <OUTCAR> OUTCAR path [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ --procar <PROCAR> PROCAR path [default: ./PROCAR]
+ --show Open the browser and show the plot immediately
+ --show-brief Print brief info of PROCAR, this may be helpful when you write the
+ configuration
+ --to-inline-html Render the plot and print the rendered code to stdout
+ --txtout <TXTOUT> Save the raw data of projected DOS. Then you can replot it with more
+ advanced tools [default: dos_raw.txt]
+ --xlim <XLIM> <XLIM> Set the x-range of the plot [default: -1 6]
+The configuration template can be generated by running rsgrad dos --gen-template
. The following configuration
+is written to pband.toml
by default:
# rsgrad DOS configuration in toml format.
+# multiple tokens inside string are seperated by whitespace
+method = "Gaussian" # smearing method
+sigma = 0.05 # smearing width, (eV)
+procar = "PROCAR" # PROCAR path
+outcar = "OUTCAR" # OUTCAR path
+txtout = "dos_raw.txt" # save the raw data as "dos_raw.txt"
+htmlout = "dos.html" # save the pdos plot as "dos.html"
+totdos = true # plot the total dos
+fill = true # fill the plot to x axis or not
+xlim = [-1, 6] # x-range of plot
+[pdos.plot1] # One label produces one plot, the labels CANNOT be repetitive.
+ # This label is 'plot1', to add more pdos, write '[pdos.plot2]' and so on.
+kpoints = "1 3..7 -1" # selects 1 3 4 5 6 7 and the last kpoint for pdos plot.
+atoms = "1 3..7 -1" # selects 1 3 4 5 6 7 and the last atoms' projection for pdos plot.
+orbits = "s px dxy" # selects the s px and dx orbits' projection for pdos plot.
+factor = 1.01 # the factor multiplied to this pdos
+[pdos.plot2] # One label produces one plot, the labels CANNOT be repetitive.
+ # This label is 'plot2', to add more pdos, write '[pdos.plot2]' and so on.
+kpoints = "1 3..7 -1" # selects 1 3 4 5 6 7 and the last kpoint for pdos plot.
+atoms = "1 3..7 -1" # selects 1 3 4 5 6 7 and the last atoms' projection for pdos plot.
+orbits = "s px dxy" # selects the s px and dx orbits' projection for pdos plot.
+factor = 1.01 # the factor multiplied to this pdos
+# The fields can be left blank, if you want select all the components for some fields,
+# just comment them. You can comment fields with '#'
+This command can calculate total DOS only. To calculate projected DOS, +use configuration instead (see next section).
+$ rsgrad dos
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Parsing PROCAR file "./PROCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Parsing OUTCAR file "./OUTCAR" for Fermi level
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Found Fermi level = -1.9018, eigenvalues will be shifted.
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Plotting Total DOS ...
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Total DOS plot time usage: 29.055µs
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Writing DOS plot to "dos.html"
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Writing raw DOS data to "dos_raw.txt"
+[2022-07-14T18:42:55Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 124.426652ms
+The output html should be like something in the following
+ + +To plot multiple PDOS, using configuration file is suggested.
+With the configuration (pdos.toml
) in the following
method = "Gaussian"
+sigma = 0.05
+procar = "PROCAR"
+outcar = "OUTCAR"
+txtout = "dos_raw.txt"
+htmlout = "dos.html"
+totdos = true
+fill = true
+xlim = [-1, 6]
+atoms = "37..48"
+atoms = "3 6 10 14 21 23 25 33 36"
+then rsgrad dos -c pdos.toml
$ rsgrad dos -c pdos.toml
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Reading PDOS configuration from Some("pdos.toml")
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Parsing PROCAR file "PROCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Parsing OUTCAR file "OUTCAR" for Fermi level
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Found Fermi level = -1.9018, eigenvalues will be shifted.
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Plotting Total DOS ...
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Total DOS plot time usage: 42.878µs
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Plotting PDOS ...
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] PDOS plot time usage: 6.223076ms
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Writing DOS plot to "dos.html"
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad::commands::dos] Writing raw DOS data to "dos_raw.txt"
+[2022-07-14T18:43:34Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 61.982958ms
+you will get something in the following
+ + +rsgrad
can write the raw data of plot by setting txtout (dos_raw.txt
by default). The organization of it
+shows the energy, total DOS and projected dos respectively:
# E-Ef TotDOS Benzene AgSurf
+ -7.921938 0.002969 0.002158 0.000004
+ -7.899296 0.016032 0.011655 0.000019
+ -7.876654 0.070713 0.051408 0.000085
+ -7.854012 0.254749 0.185212 0.000307
+ -7.831371 0.749573 0.544998 0.000910
+ -7.808729 1.801235 1.309709 0.002202
+ -7.786087 3.534640 2.570233 0.004349
+ -7.763446 5.663677 4.118580 0.007011
+ -7.740804 7.409459 5.388357 0.009226
+ -7.718162 7.913407 5.755104 0.009908
+ -7.695520 6.898991 5.017578 0.008683
+ -7.672879 4.909619 3.570876 0.006208
+ -7.650237 2.854880 2.076535 0.003622
+ -7.627595 1.373037 0.998928 0.001724
+ -7.604953 0.617183 0.449840 0.000672
+ -7.582312 0.494734 0.362904 0.000231
+ -7.559670 0.977346 0.718873 0.000173
+ -7.537028 2.169137 1.593003 0.000599
+ -7.514387 4.077126 2.981347 0.002383
+ -7.491745 6.295459 4.560748 0.007858
+ -7.469103 8.005154 5.685401 0.021128
+The first line shows the labels of each series and have a hastag #
in the beginning in order to let numpy.loadtxt
+can read it directly.
Then you can throw it into other plotters like Excel, Matplotlib, OriginPro GnuPlot etc. and do whatever fancy things you prefer.
+ +We are happy that you reach here. As an open-source project, rsgrad
welcomes feedback.
If you have want to add features to rsgrad
, just open an issue at
+GitHub Issues. We also created a feature-requests list,
+you can follow it at this page.
If rsgrad
complains something or produces wrong result, just open an issue at
+GitHub Issues. We are grateful if you can provide
+the input files in order that we can reproduce the issue conveniently,
+thus solve the issue as soon as possible.
If you are interested in rsgrad
and want to contribute to the source code, just fork rsgrad
and create pull requests at
+Pull Requests. We are super grateful if you can contribute
+to rsgrad
This command (rsgrad gap
) calculates the band gap and prints positions of VBM and CBM.
There are two ways to run this command:
only. All required information can be extracted from WAVECAR
instead. PROCAR
is read for the band energies, band occupations and k-point coordinates;
is read for the Fermi level only.Note: Usually it's faster to parse results from WAVECAR
If your system is a non-SCF calculation for band structure, you may need to specify the correct Fermi level by
+rsgrad gap -e <put the correct E-fermi here>
, the correct Fermi level can be obtained from the OUTCAR of SCF calculation.
$ rsgrad gap --help
+Find band gap and print positions of VBM and CBM
+ rsgrad gap [OPTIONS]
+ -e, --efermi <EFERMI> Specify Fermi level, if left empty, this value would be read from
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -o, --outcar <OUTCAR> OUTCAR file name, this file is parsed to get Fermi level only
+ [default: OUTCAR]
+ -p, --procar <PROCAR> PROCAR file name, OUTCAR is also needed to get Fermi level [default:
+ -w, --wavecar <WAVECAR> WAVECAR file name, no more files needed [default: WAVECAR]
+[2022-12-01T11:30:49Z INFO rsgrad::commands::gap] Trying to parse "WAVECAR" ...
+ Current system is Metal
+[2022-12-01T11:30:49Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 166.251241ms
+[2022-12-01T11:37:15Z INFO rsgrad::commands::gap] Trying to parse "WAVECAR" ...
+ Current system has Direct Gap of 0.328 eV
+ CBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 819 of 0.322 eV
+ VBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 818 of -0.006 eV
+[2022-12-01T11:37:15Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 253.556682ms
+$ rsgrad gap
+[2022-12-01T11:38:16Z INFO rsgrad::commands::gap] Trying to parse "WAVECAR" ...
+ ==================== Gap Info For SPIN UP ====================
+ Current system has Direct Gap of 0.976 eV
+ CBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 129 of 0.498 eV
+ VBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 128 of -0.478 eV
+ ==================== Gap Info For SPIN DOWN ====================
+ Current system has Direct Gap of 0.980 eV
+ CBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 129 of 0.499 eV
+ VBM @ k-point 1 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 128 of -0.481 eV
+[2022-12-01T11:38:16Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 31.744371ms
+$ rsgrad gap
+[2022-12-01T11:40:52Z INFO rsgrad::commands::gap] Trying to parse "WAVECAR" ...
+ Current system has Indirect Gap of 1.160 eV
+ CBM @ k-point 25 of ( 0.000, 0.444, 0.444) , band 5 of 1.097 eV
+ VBM @ k-point 17 of ( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000) , band 4 of -0.062 eV
+[2022-12-01T11:40:52Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 22.565948ms
+ There are two ways to install rsgrad
, downloading the pre-built binaries and building from scratch.
We provide the pre-built binaries at GitHub Release.
+There are four platforms we support with pre-built binaries
: Statically linked binary. Can run on almost all Linux distros.
+However, the musl libc
may have performance issues in some scenes like wave1d
, wav3d
: Dynamically linked against glibc
and other fundamental
+system libraries.
+For the binaries with 0.3.6_ci-test or upper version, they can run on most Linux distros
+(e.g. CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04).
+If it still complains with message like /lib64/ version 'GLIBC_2.18' not found
, just switch to -musl
+binary or build from scratch.
: Binary for macOS (Intel). rsgrad
is developed on macOS 13, which
+means you are don't need to worry about the availability if you are using macOS.
: Binary for macOS (Apple Silicon).
: Binary for Windows system. We have no plan to support 32-bit systems.
Download the corresponding binary and put it in $PATH
(or %PATH%
on Windows), and have fun!
The build requires Internet accessibility.
+If you haven't installed Rust toolchain, run curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
+and follow the instructions to configure it. When you finished the toolchain installation, you should be able to
+run cargo
in command-line. Detailed instructions can be found here.
If you have installed Rust toolchain already, just run cargo install --git
+Several minutes later, the rsgrad
should be installed to ~/.cargo/bin
, no need to modify the $PATH
(or %PATH%
on Windows).
is an open-source command-line tool to help VASP players play better with VASP.
is written proudly in pure Rust.
Now rsgrad
provides several features:
Wish you have a good time with rsgrad
There are several operations that rsgrad pos
can do
$ rsgrad pos --help
+Operation(s) about POSCAR, including split it into two POSCARs
+ rsgrad pos [OPTIONS] [--] [POSCAR]
+ Specify the input POSCAR file
+ [default: ./POSCAR]
+ -a, --a-name <A_NAME>
+ Splitted POSCAR path with selected atoms
+ [default: POSCAR_A]
+ -b, --b-name <B_NAME>
+ Splitted POSCAR path with complement of `a_name`
+ [default: POSCAR_B]
+ -c, --cartesian
+ Cartesian coordinates is used in writting POSCAR
+ --convert
+ Convert POSCAR to cartesian coordinates or fractional coordinates
+ --converted <CONVERTED>
+ The target path of converted POSCAR
+ [default: POSCAR_new]
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -i, --select-indices <SELECT_INDICES>...
+ Selects the indices to operate.
+ Step indices start from '1', if '0' is given, all the structures will be selected. Step
+ indices can be negative, where negative index means counting reversely. E.g. "-i -2 -1 1
+ 2 3" means selecting the last two and the first three atom.
+ --no-add-symbols-tags
+ The symbols of each atom will not be written as comment in POSCAR
+ --no-preserve-constraints
+ Atom constraints will be dropped when writting POSCAR
+ -s, --split
+ Split POSCAR according to selected_indices
+The original POSCAR of CO2:
+ C O
+ 1.0000000000000000
+ 20.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
+ 0.0000000000000000 20.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
+ 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 20.0000000000000000
+ C O
+ 1 2
+ 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 -0.5000000000000000
+ 0.5754584707965210 0.4974961803083730 0.5000000000000000
+ 0.4249089651951450 0.5078477015701101 0.5000000000000000
+Then run rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert
$ rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert
+[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
+[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Converting it to "POSCAR_new"
+[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Done
+[2022-07-14T15:38:47Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 1.96796ms
+The formatted file should be POSCAR_new
+C O
+ 1.0000000
+ 20.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
+ 0.000000000 20.000000000 0.000000000
+ 0.000000000 0.000000000 20.000000000
+ C O
+ 1 2
+ 0.5000000000 0.5000000000 -0.5000000000 ! C-001 1
+ 0.5754584708 0.4974961803 0.5000000000 ! O-001 2
+ 0.4249089652 0.5078477016 0.5000000000 ! O-002 3
+Just run rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert --cartesian
$ rsgrad pos POSCAR --convert --cartesian
+[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
+[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Converting it to "POSCAR_new"
+[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Done
+[2022-07-14T15:40:33Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 1.57861ms
+The converted file POSCAR_new should be like
+C O
+ 1.0000000
+ 20.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
+ 0.000000000 20.000000000 0.000000000
+ 0.000000000 0.000000000 20.000000000
+ C O
+ 1 2
+ 10.0000000000 10.0000000000 -10.0000000000 ! C-001 1
+ 11.5091694159 9.9499236062 10.0000000000 ! O-001 2
+ 8.4981793039 10.1569540314 10.0000000000 ! O-002 3
+Let take the CO2 structure as the example again. Here we will take the +C atom out to see what the operation does.
+The C atom index is 1
, so we should run rsgrad pos POSCAR -s -i 1
$ rsgrad pos POSCAR -s -i 1
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Reading POSCAR file "POSCAR" ...
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] Splitting it to "POSCAR_A" and "POSCAR_B" ...
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_A" contains
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] C 1
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_B" contains
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] O 2
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_A" written
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pos] "POSCAR_B" written
+[2022-07-14T15:49:32Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 2.11275ms
+The separated files should be like
+ │ File: POSCAR_A
+ 1 │ Generated by rsgrad, POSCAR with selected atoms
+ 2 │ 1.0000000
+ 3 │ 20.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
+ 4 │ 0.000000000 20.000000000 0.000000000
+ 5 │ 0.000000000 0.000000000 20.000000000
+ 6 │ C
+ 7 │ 1
+ 8 │ Direct
+ 9 │ 0.5000000000 0.5000000000 -0.5000000000 ! C-001 1
+ │ File: POSCAR_B
+ 1 │ Generated by rsgrad, POSCAR complement
+ 2 │ 1.0000000
+ 3 │ 20.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
+ 4 │ 0.000000000 20.000000000 0.000000000
+ 5 │ 0.000000000 0.000000000 20.000000000
+ 6 │ O
+ 7 │ 2
+ 8 │ Direct
+ 9 │ 0.5754584708 0.4974961803 0.5000000000 ! O-001 1
+ 10 │ 0.4249089652 0.5078477016 0.5000000000 ! O-002 2
+The process schema:
+ + +This command generates POTCAR according to POSCAR. The usage is simple: rsgrad pot
in the directory with POSCAR presents.
To use this command, a configuration file is required like:
+PAW_PBE = "<path of PAW_PBE>"
+PAW_LDA = "<path of PAW_LDA>"
+and you need to put it at ~/.rsgrad
for Linux/macOS,
+and C:\Users\<YourUserName>\.rsgrad.toml
for Windows.
Note: rsgrad pot
will give some hint if you have no idea on how to write the file.
Then you can specify the element type in POSCAR, for example:
+Cd2 S2 HSE optimized
+ 1.00000000000000
+ 4.1704589747753724 0.0000000049514629 0.0000000000000000
+ -2.0852299788115007 3.6117232476351271 -0.0000000000000000
+ 0.0000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000 6.7822968954189937
+ Cd S
+ 2 2
+ 0.6666669999999968 0.3333330000000032 0.5001535716160643
+ 0.3333330000000032 0.6666669999999968 0.0001535716160644
+ 0.6666669999999968 0.3333330000000032 0.8768464283839381
+ 0.3333330000000032 0.6666669999999968 0.3768464283839381
+Finally rsgrad-pot
will read the line " Cd S "
, and find the corresponding POTCAR and merge them.
In some cases, several elements does not have "standard" POTCAR that without suffix. E.g. the K/POTCAR
+is not available for PBE functional. We provide two solutions for it:
or other available K-related functionals in POSCAR
+Cd2 S2 HSE optimized
+ 1.00000000000000
+ 4.1704589747753724 0.0000000049514629 0.0000000000000000
+ -2.0852299788115007 3.6117232476351271 -0.0000000000000000
+ 0.0000000000000000 -0.0000000000000000 6.7822968954189937
+ Cd K_sv
+ 2 2
+ 0.6666669999999968 0.3333330000000032 0.5001535716160643
+ ...
field in .rsgrad.toml
+aliases = { K = "K_sv" }
+K = "K_sv"
+Generate the POTCAR according to POSCAR
+ rsgrad pot [OPTIONS] [FUNCTIONAL]
+ Specify the functional type, now only "PAW_PBE"(or "paw_pbe") and "PAW_LDA"(or
+ "paw_lda") are available
+ [default: PAW_PBE]
+ -c, --config <CONFIG>
+ Specify the configuration file, if left blank, rsgrad will read `.rsgrad.toml` at your
+ home dir
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -p, --poscar <POSCAR>
+ Specify the POSCAR file
+ Note: the elements symbols' line should involve the specified valence configuration if
+ you need. For example, if you need a `K_sv` POTCAR for `K`, just write `K_sv` in the
+ [default: ./POSCAR]
+ -s, --save-in <SAVE_IN>
+ Specify where the `POTCAR` would be written
+ [default: ./]
+$ rsgrad pot
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::settings] Reading rsgrad settings from "/Users/ionizing/.rsgrad.toml" ...
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::settings] Checking rsgrad setting availability ...
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pot] Reading POSCAR file "../tests/POSCAR.CdS_HSE" ...
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::potcar] Reading POTCAR from "/Users/ionizing/apps/vasp/pp/potpaw_PBE.54/Cd/POTCAR"
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::potcar] Reading POTCAR from "/Users/ionizing/apps/vasp/pp/potpaw_PBE.54/S/POTCAR"
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad::commands::pot] Writing POTCAR to "./POTCAR" ...
+[2023-10-20T16:19:48Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 5.524643ms
+ To track the relaxation or MD process, use rsgrad rlx
. This command is useful if you want to know the progress
+of geometry optimization (aka relaxation) or molecular dynamics.
This commands extract the following tags from OUTCAR
$ rsgrad rlx -h
+Tracking relaxation or MD progress
+ rsgrad rlx [OPTIONS] [OUTCAR]
+ <OUTCAR> Specify the input OUTCAR file [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ -a, --favg Prints averaged total force in eV/A
+ -e, --toten Prints TOTEN in eV
+ -h, --help Print help information
+ -i, --fmidx Prints the index of ion with maximum total force load. Starts from 1
+ --no-fmax Don't print maximum total force in A^3
+ --no-lgde Don't print Log10(delta(TOTEN without entropy))
+ --no-magmom Don't print total magnetic moment in muB
+ --no-nscf Don't print number of SCF iteration for each ionic step
+ --no-time Don't print time elapsed for each ionic step in minutes
+ --no-totenz Don't print TOTEN without entropy in eV
+ -p, --poscar <POSCAR> Specify the input POSCAR file [default: ./POSCAR]
+ -v, --volume Prints lattice volume in A^3
+ -x, --fmaxis Prints the axis where the strongest total force component lies on.
+ [XYZ]
reads OUTCAR then provide some operations in the following.
$ rsgrad traj --help
+Operations about relaxation/MD trajectory.
+POSCAR is needed if you want to preserve the constraints when saving frames to POSCAR.
+ rsgrad traj [OPTIONS] [--] [OUTCAR]
+ Specify the input OUTCAR file
+ [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ --cartesian
+ Save to POSCAR in cartesian coordinates, the coordinates written is direct/fractional by
+ default
+ -d, --save-as-xdatcar
+ Save whole trajectory in XDATCAR format
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -i, --select-indices <SELECT_INDICES>...
+ Selects the indices to operate.
+ Step indices start from '1', if '0' is given, all the structures will be selected. Step
+ indices can be negative, where negative index means counting reversely. E.g.
+ "-i -2 -1 1 2 3" means selecting the last two and first three steps.
+ --no-add-symbol-tags
+ Don't add chemical symbol to each line of coordinates
+ --no-preserve-constraints
+ Don't preverse constraints when saving trajectory to POSCAR
+ -p, --poscar <POSCAR>
+ Specify the input POSCAR file
+ [default: ./POSCAR]
+ -s, --save-as-poscar
+ Save selected steps as POSCARs
+ --save-in <SAVE_IN>
+ Define where the files would be saved
+ [default: .]
+ -x, --save-as-xsfs
+ Saves each selected modes to XSF file, this file includes each atom's force information
+rsgrad traj -i -1 -x
$ rsgrad traj -i -1 -x
+[2022-07-14T18:37:35Z INFO rsgrad::commands::traj] Parsing file "./OUTCAR" and "./POSCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:37:35Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving ionic step to "./step_0003.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:37:35Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 11.223561ms
+rsgrad traj -i 1 -s
$ rsgrad traj -i 1 -s
+[2022-07-14T18:38:51Z INFO rsgrad::commands::traj] Parsing file "./OUTCAR" and "./POSCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:38:51Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving trajectory step # 1 to "./POSCAR_00001.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:38:51Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 8.64197ms
+ This command (rsgrad tdm
) calculates the transition dipole moment(tdm)
+between given bands, and then plot the peaks with plotly.
Note: This command can only calculate the TDM between bands in same k-point. The inter-kpoint +transition is not supported yet. Also, this commands calculates the TDM in reciprocal space by
+\[ +TDM_{i\to j} = \langle \phi_j | e\cdot\vec{r} | \phi_i \rangle = e\cdot\frac{i\hbar}{m_e\Delta E_{ij}} \langle \phi_j | \vec{p} | \phi_i \rangle +\]
+Also, this command only calculates the TDM if \(j > i\), otherwise it will ignore the invalid \(i\to j\) pairs.
+$ rsgrad tdm --help
+Calculate Transition Dipole Moment (TDM) between given bands.
+Note: This command can only calculate the TDM between bands in same k-point. The inter-kpoint
+transition is not supported yet. Also, this commands calculates the TDM in reciprocal space by
+tdm_{i->j} = <phi_j|e*r|phi_i> = i*ħ/(ΔE*m)*<phi_j|p|phi_i>
+ rsgrad tdm [OPTIONS] --ibands <IBANDS>... --jbands <JBANDS>...
+ --barwidth <BARWIDTH>
+ Specify the width of bars in the center of peaks. (eV)
+ [default: 0.1]
+ --gamma-half <GAMMA_HALF>
+ Gamma Half direction of WAVECAR. You need to set this to 'x' or 'z' when processing
+ WAVECAR produced by `vasp_gam`
+ [possible values: x, z]
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ --htmlout <HTMLOUT>
+ Write the plot of TDM to html file
+ [default: tdm_smeared.html]
+ -i, --ibands <IBANDS>...
+ Initial band indices, start from 1
+ -j, --jbands <JBANDS>...
+ Final band indices, starts from 1
+ -k, --ikpoint <IKPOINT>
+ K-point index, starts from 1
+ [default: 1]
+ --npoints <NPOINTS>
+ How many points in the x axis PER eV
+ [default: 500]
+ --peakout <PEAKOUT>
+ Write the TDM peaks to raw txt file
+ [default: tdm_peaks.txt]
+ -s, --ispin <ISPIN>
+ Spin index, 1 for up, 2 for down
+ [default: 1]
+ [possible values: 1, 2]
+ --show
+ Open the default browser to show the plot
+ --sigma <SIGMA>
+ Smearing width, in eV
+ [default: 0.05]
+ --to-inline-html
+ Print the inline HTML to stdout
+ --txtout <TXTOUT>
+ Write the summed and smeared TDM to raw txt file
+ [default: tdm_smeared.txt]
+ -v, --verbose
+ Print the calculated TDM to screen
+ -w, --wavecar <WAVECAR>
+ WAVECAR file path
+ [default: ./WAVECAR]
+ --xmax <XMAX>
+ Highest energy scale for tdm_smeared.txt, default for max(dE) + 2.0
+ --xmin <XMIN>
+ Lowest energy scale for tdm_smeared.txt, default for min(dE) - 2.0
+The -i
and -j
arguments are required, or it will complain with error.
$ rsgrad tdm -i 2 -j {3..5}
+[2022-08-10T07:26:46Z INFO rsgrad::commands::tdm] Reading "./WAVECAR"
+[2022-08-10T07:26:46Z INFO rsgrad::commands::tdm] Writing peaks info to "tdm_peaks.txt" ...
+[2022-08-10T07:26:46Z INFO rsgrad::commands::tdm] Writing smeared TDM data to "tdm_smeared.txt"
+[2022-08-10T07:26:46Z INFO rsgrad::commands::tdm] Writing plot to "tdm_smeared.html"
+[2022-08-10T07:26:46Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 56.655387ms
+It produces the HTML like:
+ + +You can view the \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) components of each peak by hovering on the thin bars +at the center of peaks.
+Note: If two peaks are in the same x position, one of them will be covered.
+Then the tdm_peaks.txt
should be like:
# iband jband E_i E_j ΔE Tx Ty Tz
+ 2 3 -5.974 -3.675 2.298 1.311 2.556 0.000
+ 2 4 -5.974 -3.675 2.298 2.556 1.311 0.000
+ 2 5 -5.974 -0.975 4.999 0.000 0.000 5.309
+And the tdm_smeared.txt
should be like:
# E(eV) Tx(Debye) Ty(Debye) Tz(Debye)
+ 0.298325 0.007692 0.007692 0.001912 0.017295
+ 0.300240 0.007706 0.007706 0.001914 0.017326
+ 0.302155 0.007721 0.007721 0.001915 0.017357
+ 0.304070 0.007736 0.007736 0.001917 0.017389
+ 0.305985 0.007751 0.007751 0.001918 0.017420
+ 0.307900 0.007766 0.007766 0.001920 0.017451
+Then you can plot the TDM peaks with other tools like OriginPro.
+If your WAVECAR
is produced by vasp_gam
, you'd better specify the gamma half direction by --gamma-half x
or --gamma-half z
+or rsgrad tdm
will produce wrong results.
For systems enabled vibration calculation (phonon at Γ point only), rsgrad vib
$ rsgrad vib --help
+Tracking vibration information.
+For systems enabled vibration mode calculation, this command can extract phonon eigenvalues and
+phonon eigenvectors at Gamma point.
+ rsgrad vib [OPTIONS] [--] [OUTCAR]
+ Specify the input OUTCAR file
+ [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ -a, --amplitude <AMPLITUDE>
+ Modulation amplitude coefficient, to avoid precision issue, abs(amplitude) >= 0.01
+ should be satisfied
+ [default: 0.1]
+ -c, --cartesian
+ Catesian coordinate is used when writting POSCAR. Fractional coordinate is used by
+ default
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -i, --select-indices <SELECT_INDICES>...
+ Selects the mode indices to operate.
+ Step indices start from '1', if '0' is given, all the structures will be selected. Step
+ indices can be negative, where negative index means counting reversely. E.g. "-i -2 -1 1
+ 2 3" means selecting the last two and first three steps.
+ -l, --list
+ Shows vibration modes in brief
+ -m, --modulate
+ Modulate the ground-state POSCAR with respect to a certern vibration frequencies
+ -p, --poscar <POSCAR>
+ Specify the input POSCAR file, the consntraints info is needed
+ [default: ./POSCAR]
+ --save-in <SAVE_IN>
+ Define where the files would be saved
+ [default: .]
+ -x, --save-as-xsfs
+ Saves each selected modes to XSF file
+Print the phonon eigenvalues; +
+Save the phonon eigenvectors;
+$ rsgrad vib -i {1..3} {-3..-1} -x
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::commands::vib] Parsing file "./OUTCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 1 as "./mode_0001_3682.13cm-1.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 3 as "./mode_0003_3679.99cm-1.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 44 as "./mode_0044_0010.79cm-1_imag.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 43 as "./mode_0043_0007.12cm-1_imag.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 2 as "./mode_0002_3680.83cm-1.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving mode # 45 as "./mode_0045_0047.20cm-1_imag.xsf" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:32:49Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 109.566967ms
+$ rsgrad vib -i {-3..-1} --modulate --amplitude 0.1
+[2022-07-14T18:31:41Z INFO rsgrad::commands::vib] Parsing file "./OUTCAR"
+[2022-07-14T18:31:41Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving modulated POSCAR of mode # 43 with amplitude coeff 0.100 as "./mode_0043_0007.12cm-1_0.100_imag.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:31:41Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving modulated POSCAR of mode # 44 with amplitude coeff 0.100 as "./mode_0044_0010.79cm-1_0.100_imag.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:31:41Z INFO rsgrad::vasp_parsers::outcar] Saving modulated POSCAR of mode # 45 with amplitude coeff 0.100 as "./mode_0045_0047.20cm-1_0.100_imag.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T18:31:41Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 202.629805ms
+ This command is similar to rsgrad wav3d
. The only difference is that wav1d
+the wavefunction over specified plane, and produces the averaged one dimensional wavefunction.
This command is useful when you are looking for image potential states.
+ + +$ rsgrad wav1d --help
+Plot wavefunction in realspace, then integrate over some plane, and save it as '.txt' file
+ rsgrad wav1d [OPTIONS]
+ --axis <AXIS>
+ Integration direction. e.g. if 'z' is provided, the XoY plane is integrated
+ [default: z]
+ [possible values: X, Y, Z]
+ -b, --ibands <IBANDS>...
+ Select band index, starting from 1
+ -d, --detail
+ Show the eigen values and band occupations of current WAVECAR.
+ This flag should be used with `--list`
+ --gamma-half <GAMMA_HALF>
+ Gamma Half direction of WAVECAR. You need to set this to 'x' or 'z' when processing
+ WAVECAR produced by `vasp_gam`
+ [possible values: x, z]
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ --htmlout <HTMLOUT>
+ Specify the file name to be written with html wav1d data
+ [default: wav1d.html]
+ -k, --ikpoints <IKPOINTS>...
+ Select kpoint index, starting from 1
+ [default: 1]
+ -l, --list
+ List the brief info of current WAVECAR
+ -s, --ispins <ISPINS>...
+ Select spin index, starting from 1
+ [default: 1]
+ --scale <SCALE>
+ Scale the wavefunction
+ [default: 10]
+ --show
+ Open the browser and show the plot immediately
+ --to-inline-html
+ Render the plot and print thw rendered code to stdout
+ --txtout <TXTOUT>
+ Specify the file name to be written with raw wav1d data
+ [default: wav1d.txt]
+ -w, --wavecar <WAVECAR>
+ WAVECAR file name
+ [default: ./WAVECAR]
+The usage is similar to rsgrad wav3d
, too.
$ rsgrad wav1d -b {20..27}
+[2022-07-14T12:54:35Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Reading WAVECAR: "./WAVECAR"
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 20 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 24 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 22 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 23 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 21 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 26 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 27 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 25 ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Writing to "wav1d.html"
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Writing to "wav1d.txt"
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav1d] Printing inline html to stdout ...
+[2022-07-14T12:54:36Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 864.911523ms
+Then produces
+ + +Note: The Fermi level is shiftted to 0.0 eV
+ +Main functions of rsgrad wav3d
$ rsgrad wav3d --help
+Plot wavefunction in realspace, and save it as '.vasp' file
+Usage: rsgrad wav3d [OPTIONS]
+ -w, --wavecar <WAVECAR>
+ WAVECAR file name
+ [default: ./WAVECAR]
+ -p, --poscar <POSCAR>
+ POSCAR filename, POSCAR is needed to get the real-space wavefunction
+ [default: ./POSCAR]
+ -s, --ispins [<ISPINS>...]
+ Select spin index, starting from 1
+ [default: 1]
+ -k, --ikpoints [<IKPOINTS>...]
+ Select kpoint index, starting from 1.
+ You can input ranges directly: `-k 1..4 5..10`
+ [default: 1]
+ -b, --ibands [<IBANDS>...]
+ Select band index, starting from 1.
+ You can input ranges directly: `-b 1..4 5..10`
+ -l, --list
+ List the brief info of current WAVECAR
+ -d, --detail
+ Show the eigen values and band occupations of current WAVECAR.
+ This flag should be used with `--list`
+ --gamma-half <GAMMA_HALF>
+ Gamma Half direction of WAVECAR. You need to set this to 'x' or 'z' when processing WAVECAR produced by `vasp_gam`
+ [possible values: x, z]
+ --ngrid <NGRID> <NGRID> <NGRID>
+ Grid size for realspace wavefunction, 3 numbers are required, i.e. NGXF NGYF and NGZF.
+ If this argument is left empty, NG_F will be set as NG_F=2*NG_.
+ Be aware that NG_F must be greater than or at least equal to corresponding NG_.
+ -o, --output-parts [<OUTPUT_PARTS>...]
+ Specify output part of the wavefunction.
+ Detailed message:
+ - normsquared/ns: Perform `ρ(r) = |ѱ(r)|^2` action to get the spatial distribution of selected band.
+ - real/re: Real part of the wavefunction, suffix '_re.vasp' is added to the output filename.
+ - imag/im: Imaginary part of the wavefunction, suffix '_im.vasp' is added to the output filename.
+ - reim: Output both real part and imaginary parts of the wavefunction.
+ - uns/dns: Perform `ρ(r) = |ѱ(r)|^2` for spinor up/down only. **Note: this option works for `ncl` WAVECAR only.**
+ [possible values: normsquared, ns, uns, dns, real, re, imag, im, reim]
+ --prefix <PREFIX>
+ Prefix of output filename
+ [default: wav]
+ -e, --show-eigs-suffix
+ Add eigen value suffix to the filename
+ --sum-chgs
+ Perform sum-up of the charge densities for selected bands.
+ With this flag open, only `normsquared` or `ns` or `uns` or `dns` are allowed for the `-o`/`--output-parts` option.
+ - The prefix for output filename `sum-prefix` is also required and has no default prefix.
+ - The individual charge densities will not be saved to corresponding '.vasp' files if this flag is on.
+ --sum-prefix <SUM_PREFIX>
+ Specify the output file for the summed charge densities.
+ This argument is required if `sum_chgs` is on.
+ -h, --help
+ Print help (see a summary with '-h')
+$ rsgrad wav3d -l
+[2022-07-14T09:19:51Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading WAVECAR: "./WAVECAR"
+LENGTH = 54145104
+RECLEN = 1388336
+TYPE = Standard
+NSPIN = 1
+NKPTS = 1
+NBANDS = 36
+ENCUT = 450.000
+EFERMI = -5.368
+VOLUME = 8000.000
+NGRID = [ 71, 71, 71]
+NPLWS = [173541]
+ACELL = [[ 20.000, 0.000, 0.000], [ 0.000, 20.000, 0.000], [ 0.000, 0.000, 20.000]]
+BCELL = [[ 0.050, 0.000, 0.000], [ 0.000, 0.050, 0.000], [ 0.000, 0.000, 0.050]]
+[2022-07-14T09:19:51Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 160.337862ms
+if you want the band eigen values information
+$ rsgrad wav3d -ld
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 1 E-Efermi: -19.991 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 2 E-Efermi: -18.141 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 3 E-Efermi: -18.141 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 4 E-Efermi: -16.418 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 5 E-Efermi: -15.534 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 6 E-Efermi: -15.532 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 7 E-Efermi: -10.662 Occupation: 1.000
+ISPIN: 1 IKPOINT: 1 IBAND: 8 E-Efermi: -10.661 Occupation: 1.000
+$ rsgrad wav3d -b {10..20} -o ns -e
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading WAVECAR: "./WAVECAR"
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Reading POSCAR: "./POSCAR"
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 10 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 13 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 11 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 14 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 12 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 15 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-13_-5.740eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-15_-5.601eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-14_-5.728eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-10_-8.376eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-11_-7.385eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:06Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-12_-7.380eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:08Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 18 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:08Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 19 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-18_-3.514eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 16 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 20 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-19_-3.265eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:09Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Processing spin 1, k-point 1, band 17 ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-16_-5.477eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-17_-3.546eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:10Z INFO rsgrad::commands::wav3d] Writing "wav_1-1-20_-0.701eV.vasp" ...
+[2022-07-14T09:23:11Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 5.484733549s
+Open the .vasp in VESTA
+ +rsgrad wav3d
supports extracting multiple bands at the same time, and the processes
+executed in parallel, which can save a lot of time.
rsgrad workfunc
reads LOCPOT to calculate the work function. For further discussion about
+work function, please read this blog.
Note: rsgrad workfunc
does not show the vacuum level directly, hence you need to find it by
+hovering on the step of the work function. Take the work function above as an example, the
+vacuum level should be about 4.048eV around 40Å.
$ rsgrad workfunc --help
+Calculate work-function from LOCPOT file, OUTCAR is also needed to get the Fermi level.
+The work function is calculated by plannar integration of the data cube in LOCPOT. The selected axis
+should be perpendicular to the other two axises.
+ rsgrad workfunc [OPTIONS] [LOCPOT]
+ LOCPOT file path. Turn on 'LVHAR' in INCAR to get the electro-static potential saved it
+ [default: ./LOCPOT]
+ --axis <AXIS>
+ Integration direction. e.g. if 'z' is provided, the XoY plane is integrated
+ [default: z]
+ [possible values: X, Y, Z]
+ -h, --help
+ Print help information
+ -o, --htmlout <HTMLOUT>
+ Write the plot to html and view it in the web browser
+ [default: ./workfunction.html]
+ --outcar <OUTCAR>
+ OUTCAR file path. This file is needed to get the E-fermi level and lattice properties
+ [default: ./OUTCAR]
+ --show
+ Open default browser to see the plot immediately
+ --to-inline-html
+ Render the plot and print the rendered code to stdout
+ --txtout <TXTOUT>
+ Write the raw plot data as txt file in order to replot it with more advanced tools
+ [default: locpot.txt]
+In general, you don't need t provide additional arguments.
+$ rsgrad workfunc
+[2022-07-14T14:41:38Z INFO rsgrad::commands::workfunc] Reading "./OUTCAR"
+[2022-07-14T14:41:38Z INFO rsgrad::commands::workfunc] Reading electro-static potential data from "./LOCPOT"
+[2022-07-14T14:41:39Z INFO rsgrad::commands::workfunc] Writing raw plot data to "locpot.txt"
+[2022-07-14T14:41:39Z INFO rsgrad::commands::workfunc] Writing to "./workfunction.html"
+[2022-07-14T14:41:39Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 1.352347116s
+ rsgrad
is an open-source command-line tool to help VASP players play better with VASP.
is written proudly in pure Rust.
Now rsgrad
provides several features:
Wish you have a good time with rsgrad