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db-sync docker sync check #8

db-sync docker sync check

db-sync docker sync check #8

name: db-sync docker sync check
description: cardano-db-sync branch that will be used
required: true
default: ""
description: node image version to use
required: false
default: "cardano-node:9.0.0"
description: db-sync image version to use
required: false
default: "cardano-db-sync:"
os: [ubuntu-latest]
env: [mainnet, preprod, preview, sanchonet]
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
timeout-minutes: 60
- name: Checkout cardano-db-sync Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: IntersectMBO/cardano-db-sync
path: cardano-db-sync
ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.db_sync_branch }}
- name: Start docker-compose WITHOUT flags
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
echo "DB_SYNC_REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short=40 HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "DB_SYNC_VERSION=$(echo ${{ inputs.db_sync_branch }} | grep -oE "(\w*[.]\w*)*")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Update the cardano-db-sync image version
sed -i "s|[^ ]*|${{ inputs.db_sync_image_version }}|" docker-compose.yml
# Update the cardano-node image version
sed -i "s|[^ ]*|${{ inputs.node_image_version }}|" docker-compose.yml
cat docker-compose.yml
sudo NETWORK=${{ matrix.env }} docker-compose up -d
- name: Wait for 60 seconds
run: |
echo "Waiting 60 seconds for startup"
sleep 60
- name: Print db-sync Logs
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
echo "db-sync logs:"
sudo docker-compose logs cardano-db-sync | tee db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt
- name: Network Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
if grep -i ${{ matrix.env }} "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Connected to correct network"; else echo "WRONG or NO NETWORK found !" && exit 1; fi
- name: Version and Revision Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
if grep -i ${{ env.DB_SYNC_VERSION }} "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Correct version"; else echo "WRONG Version !" && exit 1; fi
if grep -i ${{ env.DB_SYNC_REVISION }} "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Correct SHA"; else echo "WRONG SHA !" && exit 1; fi
- name: Default Options Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
grep -i "soptEpochAndCacheEnabled = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag soptEpochAndCacheEnabled set to True" || (echo "soptEpochAndCacheEnabled is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "soptCache = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag soptCache set to True" || (echo "soptCache is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "pcmPruneTxOut = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag pcmPruneTxOut set to False" || (echo "pcmPruneTxOut is not set to False!" && exit 1)
grep -i "pcmConsumeOrPruneTxOut = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag pcmConsumeOrPruneTxOut set to False" || (echo "pcmConsumeOrPruneTxOut is not set to False!" && exit 1)
grep -i "pcmSkipTxIn = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag pcmSkipTxIn set to False" || (echo "pcmSkipTxIn is not set to False!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioTxCBOR = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioTxCBOR set to False" || (echo "ioTxCBOR is not set to False!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioInOut = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioInOut set to True" || (echo "ioInOut is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioUseLedger = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioUseLedger set to True" || (echo "ioUseLedger is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioShelley = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioShelley set to True" || (echo "ioShelley is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioRewards = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioRewards set to True" || (echo "ioRewards is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioMultiAssets = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioMultiAssets set to True" || (echo "ioMultiAssets is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioMetadata = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioMetadata set to True" || (echo "ioMetadata is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioKeepMetadataNames = Nothing" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioKeepMetadataNames set to Nothing" || (echo "ioKeepMetadataNames is not set to Nothing!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioPlutusExtra = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioPlutusExtra set to True" || (echo "ioPlutusExtra is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioOffChainPoolData = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioOffChainPoolData set to True" || (echo "ioOffChainPoolData is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioPoolStats = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioPoolStats set to False" || (echo "ioPoolStats is not set to False!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioGov = True" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioGov set to True" || (echo "ioGov is not set to True!" && exit 1)
grep -i "ioRemoveJsonbFromSchema = False" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt" > /dev/null && echo "Flag ioRemoveJsonbFromSchema set to False" || (echo "ioRemoveJsonbFromSchema is not set to False!" && exit 1)
- name: Errors Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
if grep Error "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Found Error(s) !" && exit 1; fi
- name: Blocks Insertion Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
if grep -E 'Insert (Alonzo|Mary|Shelley|Babbage|Byron|Conway) Block|insertByronBlock' "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Blocks inserted into DB"; else echo "NO block insertion !" && exit 1; fi
- name: Cache Statistics Check
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
if grep -i "Cache Statistics" "db_sync_no_flags_logs.txt"; then echo "Cache Statistics present"; else echo "NO Cache Statistics !" && exit 1; fi
- name: Shut down docker-compose and remove volumes
run: |
cd cardano-db-sync
sudo docker-compose down -v
- name: Wait for 10 seconds
run: |
echo "Waiting 10 seconds for startup"
sleep 10
- name: Upload Logs
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ matrix.env }}-db-sync-logs
path: |
retention-days: 5