- migrate underscore to lodash #3564
- update packages #3573
- show private key for mnemonic wallets #3576
- return error when no providers provided #3531
- getting stuck at pending on failed transaction #3558
- adds estimated fees tooltip #3558
- menu highlight on direct navigation to my-blocks #3558
- disable swap button in swap when balance is low or 0 #3561
- stabilize all hardware wallet access and mnemonic #3562
- show cost in confirmation modal #3563
- fix mew wallet banner invalid url bug #3567
- add in additional ledger error check #3574
- add check for reading disconnects #3575
- refresh custom token balance after sending #3580
- fix ens commit #3581
- add survey to dashboard #3565
- getting stuck at pending on failed transaction adds estimated fees tooltip #3558
- menu highlight on direct navigation to my-blocks #3558
- add eth blocks landing page section #3566
- Add ETH blocks dapp ui and functionality, Created New Dapps Header #3527
- Added template for dapp store in eth blocks in dappsStore.js #3527
- Added new menu in Dapp Wrapper, with routes #3527
- update wallet card #3530
- add convert units page #3516
- replace mew-super-button and other buttons with mew-button #3518
- fix failed to fetch and wrong prev session #3525
- add a check for when tokens undefined or empty #3526
- add in connection check #3532
- add more error handling for trezor wallet popup #3535
- allow users to send custom tokens #3545
- change error message when user decides to cancel metamask tx #3546
- fix terms on mobile #3547
- ens and max amount in send #3548
- price error on confirm when sending tokens #3549
- check for undefined hardware wallet #3550
- fix path issue with hardware wallets #3553
- fix token to token swap #3553
- fix swap #3552
- refactor trezor wallet into own component #3481
- migrate addressBook store #3514
- add back how fees are determined #3523
- eip 1559 support #3351
- fix add in ledger errors back #3488
- add in check for swap #3490
- reset token amount when switching tokens on send #3501
- fix error handling and formatting for custom token #3503
- decimal swap undefined error #3504
- fix add in more ledger error handling #3507
- fix amount undefined #3511
- add in links for mew mobile or web #3513
- fix balance display #3515
- fix keepkey send, update gas every block #3528
- fix eip1559 signing issues on MEWconnect and Mnemonic #3533
- fix address book issue #3534
- fix trade button on my token value overlay #3452
- add in additional error handling #3466
- update components package and remove rules for module-address-book #3467
- change address book store to custom and fix mew address select dropdown component #3470
- fix sentry issue #2507644001 #3473
- fix matomo toggle color on wallet page #3474
- fix contract interaction input #3475
- fix low balance not showing up in send tx #3476
- fix sentry issue #2505736127 #3477
- fix add in throw for current network #3482
- fix add check for substr #3483
- fix swap provider list amount #3485
- enable custom path for mnemonic, hardware access cleanup #3486
- fix swap issues #3491
- replace all mew-overlays with the new design. #3367
- update mnemonic phrase flow, add ens fetch and nickname, add derivation path #3393
- add in new ledger ui flow #3403
- keepkey ui refresh #3404
- fix paperwallet qr code image #3405
- add connect wallet page for trezor wallet #3406
- coolwallet ui refresh #3413
- focus first mnemonic input on mount #3422
- load accounts at the same time, add loaders in the meanwhile #3423
- show icons while getting rates #3438
- sync develop with main #3419
- switch swap api #3465
- sync develop to main #3468
- remove matomo error #3469
- fix access wallet side padding #3374
- define error for setItem property of null #3397
- adding in ethjs util private key check and errors to handlers #3409
- handle errors for wrong sessions, multiple devices, and walletlink #3412
- call shutdown when intercom instance is booted #3472
- add in catch for json parse errors in settings #3451
- fix ens name obj is null on split #3453
- fix use toast instead for handling connection not open #3454
- add svg logo #3455
- update swap api #3465
- BitBox02 naming and fix attestation failure warning #3342
- hide total when sending tokens #3421
- update walletconnect library #3442
- github action to remove old lokalise branches #3460
- add 0x and paraswap providers to swap #3272
- add in Matomo analytics and tracking #3327
- add Intercom #3410
- added go chain network #3416
- update interact with contract overlay content #3429
- fix wallet layout bug #3373
- handle window.ethereum.on is not a function #3407
- adding in ethjs util private key check and errors to handlers #3409
- remove out type for transactions to fix metamask send transaction #3426
- ens manager error handling #3428
- fix undefined issue when deploying contract #3430
- remove error throw and only assign known keys that reflect current state #3435
- only allow numbers in gas price input #3436
- add catch and check whether ref exists before clearing #3437
- rerouting on refresh for settings nft manager and network #3439
- fix undefined token type or symbol #3440
- return array if preToken is undefined #3443
- fix token balance for non decimal from showing undefined #3445
- fix do not setWallet on accountsChanged event fired on first metamask lock #3450
- add in catch for json parse errors in settings #3451
- fix use toast instead for handling connection not open #3454
- filter out unpaid validators #3461
- fix paperwallet qr code image #3405
- fix ledger send #3424
- define error for setItem property of null #3397
- handle errors for wrong sessions, multiple devices, and walletlink #3412
- fix swap icons, and providers still showing when amount value errors #3414
- only reset send tx once tx is mined #3415
- implement routes on overlays and steppers #3360
- fix undefined symbol in swap #3387
- only push token if info is not empty #3392
- add submitted to known notification status types, add null hash if hash doesn't exists #3384
- allow decimals to be passed on custom gas price #3382
- return empty arraay when data doesn't exist when fetching balance #3380
- fix reset error #3379
- fix access wallet side padding #3374
- fix mnemonic auto fill, private key, ens registry #3400
- show walletLink when signing #3383 hide swap provider list when there is not enough balance #3390
- add toasts or error handling for known sentry errors #3371
- allow users to use other unstoppable tlds, normalise ens domains names #3377
- fix wallet layout bug #3373
- fix checking enough eth in contract #3378
- fix my public address overlay layout #3372
- Make sure everything in address book is checksummed #3289
- revert mew compoent, update package for build #3368
- create a way to avoid changelog conflicts #3336
- remove remaining decision tree parts from quickhelp #3345
- validate changelog files #3348
- update unstoppable domains package #3352
- use swap link in all ccswap instances that are active #3315
- only require mew component update when it isn't a beta version #3344
- fix gas price going below basefee in eip 1559 #3370
- show tokens even if it is not in the network list #3362
- fix error when swapping due to currentTrade becoming null #3366
- Check if object is there before calling disconnect #3298
- Change the refresh icon colors (regular state and hover state) #3353
- fix metamask transaction send issue #3354
- fix sanitize hex all the spots #3357
- fix transaction confirmation total with fee #3343
- fix tx confirmation layout #3335
- tx confirmation mew help center link #3323
- fix verify message layout #3320
- fix set ipfs hash button visible while uploading file #3321
- Fix disable next button on swap #3290
- remove provider from title and fix checkbox alignment #3314
- fix sanitize hex utils check #3285
- fix polygon gasprice issue #3312
- Add ethereum token when from token is not ethereum for swap #3305
- fix givenProvider.request_ is not a function #3293
- fix hardware wallet access erroring #3299
- fix error by catching it #3318
- fix e.wallet undefined error #3319
- hide language select #3317
- Fix wallet header overlapping issue on mobile #3308
- Fix swap display not working correctly #3326
- remove quick help from v6 3310
- reset send and swap forms after pressing next #3309
- Add refresh icon to balance card #3311
- Add MEW wallet banner #3295
- fix error message property of undefined #3292
- add mew notification prop to hide indicator #3302
- fix footer hiding content #3296
- Update mew components and other packages #3268
- use v6 mewbuilds #3257
- Remove reference to master on checkBranch #3254
- fix reset is not a function error #3269
- fix text overflow on hd wallet balance #3265
- fix re-add fix for routes #3262
- fix 'change route from watch to verify' and 'fix tools layout' #3258
- fix contract button size #3263
- fix back button on create wallet #3241
- fix prefilled swaps #3240
- fix nft send button when empty #3261
- use network getter instead of currentNetwork #3260
- fix getransferv2 error #3259
- fix tolowercase issues #3276
- fix create error #3271
- fix walletlink clear #3277
- fix let toast handle error #3275
- fix to address when transferring token #3282
- Add value to invalid type notification error message #3280
- Remove getTransactionByHash null error msg check and skip balance history apollo query if it is not ETH network #3235
- fix quickhelp content #3287
- fix show private key in paper wallet for non pubKeyOnly wallets #3239
- Fix contract interaction#3251
- Format 24 hour change percentage on module balance #3248
- fix $store null #3273
- Add dapp submission page #3279
- Change routes from hardcoded string to consts #3244
- Remove divider in Staked UI and replace Russ team member photo #3246
- Fix sentry sourcemaps and add more devmojis #3245
- fix routing issue #3231
- Multiple fixes#3236
- Update team page #3233
- major wallet related refactor #3170
- fix overflow balance on card 3229
- Fix v6 workflows #3226
- Add telegram link to footer #3184
- update readme #3227
- fix ipfs refetch once receipt, fix multicoin setting, fix txt record setting #3198
- remove wallet on back #3206
- listen and match metamask changes #3203
- fix landing and create wallet ui issues #3190
- Disable next button on gas estimation process or error #3180
- fix wallet link, fix trade, remove shield icon #3181
- fix create wallet flows #3174
- Fix swap verification data field #3176
- set eth as currency default #3171
- Fix swap verification data field #3162
- hide provider with 0 rates #3167
- fix console errors #3168
- btc address check #3159
- Fix swap provider list #3152
- Add scrollable option to app modal #3145
- Fix gas fee not showing up #3139
- Move component and update packages #3141
- Remove tokens from to selection if it is selected on from and vice versa #3107
- Add swap token switch #3103
- Fix swap button #3116
- Fix swap current balance #3118
- Fix ENS icons #3110
- Fix Swap store BTC on ETH message #3106
- Fix mew-select border issue #3091
- Add user msg for swap #3087
- Remove compiler #3115
- Harmonize errors across wallets #3051
- Fix ui issues for aave #3079
- Add top right button #3081
- Recalculate rates when gas price is switched #3039
- Fetch swap quotes only when all fields are in place #3040
- swap updates #3034
- Fix ui issues for dapps #3060
- Fix paper wallet printing bugs #3050
- Fix landing page paddings and set min width #3059
- Adjust home banner to fit on very large screen size #3058
- Hide options when not on mainnet #3021
- Update Deposit Borrow Withdraw layouts #3016
- Fix custom gas price not loaded after logging in #3026
- Note below min amount swaps #3030
- Add Switch Address for Hardware wallets #3042
- Allows press enter on keystore access #3043
- Fix zero tx fee on confirmation screen and in notifications #3025
- Find chart timeframe with data on load #3031
- Show toast when no web3 wallet is shown #3037
- Add mewcard wallet image #3006
- Fix ens manage domain #2997
- Hide options when not on mainnet #3021
- Fix dapps confirmation layout issues #3017
- Update Deposit Borrow Withdraw layouts #3016
- Fix mobile menu logo and max screen size #2998
- Fix ens manage domain #2997
- fix not error with invalid keystore file #3022
- Fix import configuration, sign message clear #2985
- Fix sign message mobile layout #2990
- Fix verify message layout #2987
- Fix footer CoinGecko link and verify message link #2957
- Fix hardware access - network and address select #2937
- Fix partners link #2953
- Fix print paper wallet #2956
- Fix decision-tree support contact link #2959
- Fix hardware wallet links #2963
- Fix interact with contract dropdown #2964
- Fix no balance missing balance card #2965
- Fix buy eth button overflow issue on old Chrome browsers #2966
- Fix access hardware wallet layout #2926
- Update tools page #2944
- Update how it works layout #2925
- Fix logout #2950
- Update side menu #2949
- Fix acceass wallet button font size #2943
- Update home features #2935
- Add MEWconnect #2934
- Fix send and sign tx #2929
- Fix get started block #2924
- Merge UI fixes #2916
- Fix create wallet nnemonic layout #2912
- Fix create wallet keystore layout #2911
- Update wallet side menu content order #2910
- Update mobile menu UI #2900
- Move tokens to state #2898
- Mobile Navigation bar implementationn for wallet, repalce mdi-text icon to svg #2895
- Refactor empty balance block, hide elemnents on network switches #2890
- Fix langing page header #2886
- Refactor access wallet, update ui to make it consistent #2846
- Update swap provider list #2871
- Settings #2835h
- notifications #2860
- Created Core wallet layout, fixes for header and footer #2863
- Fix sentry #2858
- Fix wallet layouts #2848
- add commitlint and husky for branch names #2845
- Send TX changes #2797
- Vuex changes #2787
- Add SWAP feature #2774
- Add decision tree #2720
- Add Privacy and Terms pages #2733
- update mobile wallet menu #2731
- update mobile front menu #2726
- Update team page #2743
- Add Press Kit page #2742
- Fix mew info card UI issues #2737
- Fix how it works UI issues #2736
- update mobile dashboard #2673
- update mobile notification #2671
- update mobile side menu #2670
- update mobile tools #2669
- update mobile how it works #2668
- Update mobile access wallet #2663
- Update mobile create wallet #2661
- Finalize routes #2556
- Update/Add landing, create wallet, access wallet pages #2493
- Apply MEW components to dashboard #2378
- Add MY TOKENS VALUE component for Dashboard #2015
- Update my eth balance component chart #1987
- Sign and Verify Message #2841