This changelog is auto generated by scanning the commit history. Commits have to follow following convention:
- Apply internal log level to pytest logger (#414)
- Reformatted
- Bump click from 8.1.3 to 8.1.7
- Bump invoke from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0
- Bump coverage from 6.5.0 to 7.2.7
- Initial addition
- Extend communication_aux to support multi parameters in send
- Junit report directory (#413)
- Make release 0.26.0 (#420)
- Remove deprecated interfaces
- Remove remaining multiprocessing
- Multiple execution if file pattern is provided (#403)
- Make pykiso work with pipx (#407)
- Undecodeable bytes received from rtt segger (#410)
- Jlink flash (#412)
- Fix fail fast (#409)
- Bump urllib3 from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7
- Make release 0.25.1 (#415)
- Enable internal file logging when junit option is provided (#385)
- Replace time sleep so tester present sender does not wait for the period end (#390)
- Support normal CAN for trc files (#391)
- Add event to avoid deadlocks on run_command calls (#386)
- Bump sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9
- Bump hidapi from 0.12.0.post2 to 0.14.0
- Bump rich from 13.4.1 to 13.5.2
- Bump python-can from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
- Bump importlib-metadata from 5.2.0 to 6.7.0
- Bump urllib3 from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6
- Bump pytest-mock from 3.10.0 to 3.11.1
- Bump sphinxcontrib-applehelp from 1.0.4 to 1.0.7
- Bump sphinxcontrib-devhelp from 1.0.2 to 1.0.5
- Bump certifi from 2023.5.7 to 2023.7.22 (#388)
- Bump debian from 11 to 12 in /ci (#325)
- Replace pkg_resources with importlib.metadata for faster load time (#366)
- Give all connectors a name (#371)
- Improve testsuite validation (#389)
- Make release (#396)
- Enum types (#355)
- Complete and fix uds negative response (#358)
- Use pformat for config logging (#364)
- What's up for 0.23.0
- Re-enable active loggers and add context manager for ConfigRegistry (#340)
- Clean up sphinx documentation warnings (#330)
- Improve log for uds auxiliary for performance (#335)
- Fix step report show wrong result (#309)
- Update python version (#314)
- Handle proxy autostart when being instanciated after auxiliaries and close channel at last
- Use shutil.move for renaming the merged trace to avoid windows errors
- Add junitxml option to default pytest options (#321)
- Add unit test for the use case
- Change logger class for the test (#303)
- Added shutdown method to CCHannel [ready for review] (#310)
- Added the possibility to connect via serial number (#319)
- Added shutdown method to auxiliary interface (#320)
- Make release 0.23.0 (#327)
- Resolved codefactor issues [ready for review] (#307)
- Restructure the documentation
- Pytest integration (#261)
- Added the timestamp to the received pcan and vector can messages (#301)
- Added the possibility to connect via pid/vid [ready for review] (#302)
- Added buttons to the step report to expand or collapse all or all failed tests. (#306)
- Make release 0.22.2
- Wrong step report result (#282)
- Testrail CLI (#281)
- Use open from pathlib instead of the builtin (#298)
- Update uds docs (#278)
- Make release 0.22.1 (#300)
- Revert container version (#293)
- Fixing record auxiliary unittest (#246)
- Step report now display nested assertions (#249)
- Release build (#277)
- Provide eclipse foundation link
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (#258)
- Bump sphinxcontrib-applehelp from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 (#259)
- Implement multi test result class (#234)
- Step report shows each test method description (#252)
- Handle logging for multiple yamls (#263)
- Junit report named like config file (#264)
- Add abort function (#270)
- Allow proxy auto start and stop (#265)
- Granularity in the installation (#213)
- Change quality checker
- Reworking cc_uart test (#248)
- Adding test for show_tag and pykiso to pytest (#244)
- Fix unittest issues (#274)
- Don't show the value for self.IsInstance and self.IsNotInstance in step report (#251)
- Decode received bytes in instrument_control_auxiliary (#245)
- Tcp ip connector (#236)
- Test result shown as failed when a subtest fails (#228)
- Bump setuptools from 65.3.0 to 65.5.1
- Store activated loggers globally (#223)
- Add step report folding (#221)
- Implement ykush auxiliary (#225)
- Rework test filtering strategy and improve output (#226)
- Make release 0.21.0 (#230)
- Cluster dut aux (#191)
- Make it more explicit
- Handle representation of test cases within nested test modules (#201)
- Change logger name if a serial number is specified (#209)
- Fix skip test cases of a test suite if a test suite setup fails (#208)
- Tag selection
- Extend classifiers with macos
- Bump certifi from 2022.6.15 to 2022.12.7
- Bump importlib-metadata from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0
- Upgrade kiso-testing-python-uds to 3.0.2 (#206)
- Wrong copyright license used in test file
- Add connector_required flag with value False (#199)
- Pcan logs for macos
- Make sure the action is triggered correctly (#187)
- Bump pykiso-python-uds from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#163)
- Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 (#155)
- Debian:11.0
- Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.8.0 (#154)
- Bump invoke from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3
- Bump pylink-square from 0.14.2 to 0.14.3
- Bump black from 22.8.0 to 22.10.0 (#179)
- Bump coverage from 6.4.4 to 6.5.0 (#181)
- Bump pytest-mock from 3.8.2 to 3.10.0 (#178)
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.10 to 0.9.0
- Bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0
- Bump pytest-cov from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
- Bump importlib-metadata from 4.12.0 to 5.0.0 (#166)
- Ensure default behaviour when (suite case) id is 0 (#177)
- Process connector (#165)
- Add stepreport example (#192)
- Make release 0.20.0 (#194)
- Update to monthly PRs (#180)
- Handle case odx_file_path parameter is type of bool (#158)
- Step report problem with inspect module in python>=3.8 (#160)
- Release 0.19.3 (#161)
- Write stderr to file when file logging is activated (#159)
- Changelog only triggered on master
- Cleanup auxiliary properly by removing them from sys.modules (#147)
- Fix double Logging with --junit option
- Update logging initializer so that internal logs are always logged in file
- Add jinja2 for step reporter dependency
- [breaking] Release 0.19.2
- Select test case with regex (#146)
- Small fixes
- Readthedocs requirements
- Bump pre-commit from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0
- Bump coverage from 5.5 to 6.4.4
- Bump pytest-mock from 3.7.0 to 3.8.2
- Bump pylink-square from 0.12.0 to 0.14.2 (#137)
- Update click (#143)
- Release 0.19.1 (#144)
- Restructure the documentation
- Replace auto-changelog
- Multiple yaml logging
- Hanging ci and rework mp aux and proxy pytest
- Virtual test fail
- Skip suite tests when setup fails
- Redefine jenkins resources & timeouts
- Correct AttributeError when setUpClass failed for junit report generation (#120)
- MarkupSafe
- Update pykitest example
- Step report ci issues(#134)
- Replace dependabot to .github (#133)
- Add tools section and remove tools from coverage
- Align dependencies in (#90)
- Fix dead links and rework formatting (#105)
- Extend contribution parts with DoD hints (#94)
- Fix issues induced by tmp_path fixture
- Fix docstring
- Rename show-tag CLI to pykiso-tags
- Bump lxml from 4.9.0 to 4.9.1 (#88)
- Add show tag script for test information analysis
- Detect test collection errors and abort execution
- Implement double threaded auxiliary interface (#74)
- Make DuT DT-aux capable (#77)
- Add a tester present sender to uds auxiliary (#87)
- ComAux ability to handle reception buffer (#86)
- Improve error reporting in test case execution (#111)
- Improve error reporting in test case execution (#111) (#91)
- Adapt UDS auxiliary and server to the dt auxiliary interface (#114)
- Add dependabot to manage our fixed dependencies (#121)
- Add new logging strategy (#122)
- Step report (#101)
- Make release 0.19.0 (#130)
- Migrate recorder to DT-aux interface (#80)
- Adapt acroname aux to dt interface (#84)
- Adapt instrument aux to dt interface (#85)
- Add tests for show-tag
- Increase coverage
- Try to fix get_yaml_files test
- Fix/adapt socketcan connectors to be agnostic (#89)
- Adapt rtt connector to create log folder if does not exist (#92)
- Do not wait for an UDS response in tester present sender (#113)
- Pykiso python uds 3 0 0 (#119)
- Add whats new for 0.17.0
- Make usage of TestSuite elements more visible
- Add quality goals
- Make bus error warnings switchable for pcan
- Set up badges
- Multiple yaml in CLI
- Rework pcan trace configuration in connector
- Add pykiso to pytest tool (#62)
- Make the proxy agnostic of transitioning messages
- Create base class for test (#61)
- Make release 0.18.0 (#72)
- Qsize() not available for macos x
- Pytest config and flake8 excludes
- Remove --dev option (default for poetry)
- Restrict markupsafe versions and cleanup docs
- Use coverage coonfig from pyproject.toml
- Point to pykiso-python-uds-alpha for PYPI
- Remove not maintained 'list of limitations' section
- Add section whats new (#38)
- Replace all occurences of pipenv with poetry
- Rework getting_started
- Update to new release 0.17.0
- [breaking] Change variant decorator
- [breaking] Change variant decorator
- Replace all setuptools-based files with poetry
- Add missing unittests
- Remove warning in unittests
- Remove warning in unittests
- Update pipeline with poetry
- Skip poetry install
- Add poetry installation
- Wait for logger thread to quit gracefully before closing segger channel (#28)
- Change auto changelog tool (#30)
- Add uptime for pcan inside python-can
- Expose yaml and cli configuration to user test cases/suites
- Add uptime for pcan inside python-can
- [breaking] Restore yaml loader in config parser (#31)
- Raise an exception when auxiliary failed at instance creation (#33)
- Update to new release 0.16.0 (#34)
- Github-action for codecov (#27)
- Add skip lock for pipenv to prevent hangup
- Add skip lock for pipenv to prevent hangup
- Add links for how to create an auxiliary and connector (#17)
- Make test reliable (#18)
- Update to new release 0.15 (#13)
- add capability to not automatically start an auxiliary and let the user do it (auto_start parameter for threaded auxiliaries only)
- add socket can connector with trc file logger
- add bitrate switch to every can bus connector
- add copycat capability (beta feature) for "threaded" auxiliaries
- Add multiprocessing and proxy capability to the recorder auxiliary
- correct random fail issue from proxy auxiliary unit test
- remove error handling during flashing in flash_jlink (handled by auxiliary)
- refactor test_case, test_suite, test_message_handler module
- add test name on failure (print: test name, description and reason)
- manage RTT connector resource consumption using rtt_log_speed parameter
- repeat testCases upon failure (x run, 1 successful -> ok & go)
- repeat testCases for stability test (x run, 1 failure -> not ok & go)
- add reset function and decorator to RTT connector
- add functionalities to recorder auxiliary
- move error messages from python-can 4.0.0 into log level debug
- add timeout in the receive method in order to to send the signal to the GIL to change thread
- add Repeat test upon failure examples and documentation
- Empty multiprocessing queue in instance deletion to avoid auxiliary hanging issues(workaround)
- correct junit reporting instability by flushing StreamHandler at each test cases start
- BREAKING CHANGE: Improve test fixture labeling by introducing branch_level params
- set message reception size to buffer size in CCRttSegger if raw is set
- Change pykiso import order for new vsc intellisense approach
- fix wrong exit code return when an exception is raised at suite collection level
- add BannerTestResult to show test execution results in a banner
- Variant skipped but case_setup and case_teardown kept executed
- add capability to read target memory to jlink connector
- add PATTERN argument in CLI to overwrite the test_filter_pattern
- remove brainstem libs because of installations conflicts
- Add external brainstem package for local installation
- add record auxiliary
- add acroname robot auxiliary
- add auxiliary to control acroname usb hubs
- add multiprocessing based auxiliary interface
- add multiprocessing proxy auxiliary version
- add multiprocessing proxy channel version
- add simple auxiliary interface
- put thread and multiprocessing based auxiliary interface in a dedicated folder
- make acroname auxiliary inherit from SimpleAuxiliaryInterface
- make instrument auxiliary inherit from SimpleAuxiliaryInterface
- Move back to threading RLock instead of multiprocessing one for CChannel interface
- add variant option to pykiso command
- add package requirements into the yaml file (version check)
- improve proxy auxiliary stability
- fix sporadic issue seen when CTRL+C is pressed(UnboundLocalError)
- add reset in CCRttSegger if the debugger is halted
- explicitly cast fdx connector and flasher params
- set CCRttSegger serial_no to None if the given one is not an int
- fix flash-lauterbach to wait properly till scripts are executed.
- add capability to generate a trace file for proxy auxiliary
- add PCAN connector
- add Vector-CAN connector
- Run proxy aux on a different process to improve cpu utilization. E.g. cycle time of network status message has less jitter.
- failing attempt to quit trace32 will not affect the pykiso test result
- resolve folder naming conflicts when parsing the config file
- flash-jlink didn't connect to given serial number
- introduce is_pausable flag to force an auxiliary to wait
- add logger activation for all auxiliaries
- make instrument control auxiliary respect auxiliary interface
- deactivate all non-pykiso loggers
- log any error when loading multiple testsuites
- add environment variable casting for float, bool, etc.
- refactor parse_config and move it in
- fix connection issues when t32 is already running
- fix connection issues when t32 executable is not able to start
- add environment variable casting for integer-like strings
- warn user and raise NotImplementedError when an auxiliary is not proxy compatible
- add templates for all available features, auxiliaries and connectors
- correct issue on InstrumentControlAuxiliary using 'Rohde&Schwarz' instrument name
- correct error when opening cc_tcp_ip with the wrong IP address
- fix log capability
- add tcp/ip socket connector
- add SOCKET interface to instrument_control_cli
- add stdout writing in junit report
- add line number in logging message format
- correct issue on proxy connector/auxiliary deletion phase
- correct issue on proxy auxiliary regarding late auxiliary import magic
- correct performance issues when auxiliaries are suspended
- correct validation mechanism in InstrumentControlAuxiliary
- add robot framework version of proxy auxiliary
- add robot framework version of instrument control auxiliary
- add RTT log reading in cc_rtt_segger
- adapt robot communication auxiliary keywords
- remove all sphinx documentation generation warnings
- DUTAuxiliary can be used with the robotframework to control the TestApp
- add new VISA connectors in cc_visa for VISA communication via serial and TCP/IP
- add new instrument_control_auxiliary that uses the VISA connectors to communicate with instruments.
- add two examples and a command line interface to control the instrument.
- the test reference (eg: JAMA) can be assigned
- improve code for robot package
- Update AuxiliaryInterface run method in order to avoid None value in queue_out.
- adapt return values from receive_message method for robot communication auxiliary
- add unit tests for framework package (interface, loader and communication aux)
- add auxiliary resume and suspend capabilities
- fix issue in config parser when entity name matches folder name
- modify define_test_parameters decorator in order to have parametrized timeout for each test fixtures.
- add reset functionality for the cc_fdx_lauterbach
- adapt ExampleAuxiliary timeout value
- fix test case run scenario for DUT simulation
- fix import issue for test_suite_virtual (UDP server has to be first)
Tests: -add pytest regarding define_test_parameters decorator modification
- track python guidelines
- split file into test_execution and config_registry
- restructured files into folders test_coordinator and test_setup
- fix parsing of environment variables in the connectors config
- add proxy connector
- add proxy auxiliary
- allow relative paths in yaml file
- added automatic detection of Vector Boxes' serial number
- add nested yaml capability (introduce !include tag)
- add docstrings and typehints for several connector implementation
- remove usage of timeout parameter for cc_send method in CChannel class
- add parameter kwargs for cc_send method in CChannel class
- add pytest for proxy connector
- add pytest for proxy auxiliary
- adapt test_simulated_auxiliary (use of sys.exit)
- set pytest logging level to INFO
- add test for
- fixed bug when generating junit report and reports folder does not exist
- fixed bug Vector serial number with leading zeros
- adding module-specific log in pykiso
- fixed bug enum34 package during developers installation
- adapt tests which uses log to use module-specific logs
- correct tests for test_factory_and_execution module
- add cli option for junit report generation
- add automated jenkins run of the dummy.yaml file
- add reports folder in which the junit reports are saved
- add the ability to use environment variables in YAML files
- modify define_test_parameters decorator to get the test case infos in the test results and test reports.
- Implement the catch of KeyboardInterrupt exception during pykiso execution
- fixed a bug in the flash_Lauterbach connector
- fixed reading of the messages from TestApp on pykiso side
Tests :
- add tests for test_factory_and_execution with different reporting options.
- add Device Under Test Auxiliary (DUT)
- add PCAN connector
- add Segger RTT connector (communication channel)
- add dummy jenkins file
- add example/configuration file for Segger RTT channel (flasher and communication)
- update sphinx documentation
- fix message segmentation issue on reception for Segger RTT connector
- fix management of LOG message type from test protocol
- fix flash procedure for Segger RTT connector (flasher channel)
- fix typo issues
Tests :
- add unit tests for DUT auxiliary
- add unit tests for Segger RTT connector
- adapt integration tests (using virtual auxiliary) for DUT auxiliary
- Initial version