This fork adds data validation so as to make it a required field. Couple of ways to do this: Insert field in form and save without any marking in the field. Note text entered into database and assign it to state variable attached on screen load. Then enter 'must not equal' against the state variable in data validation. Or directly enter the earlier noted value in data validation for the component without using a state variable.
A plugin that allows signatures to be created and saved in budibase, this plugin uses text fields to save the data and image fields to see the image
- Name - The name of the component
- Field - The selected text field to store the signature image data
- Label - Default budibase label for forms
- Width - The width of the component, valid inputs are css width attributes
- Height - The height of the component, valid inputs are css height attributes
- Pen Width - Set the pen width, valid values: 1-50
- Pen Colour - The colour of the writing on the canvasm, valid inputs are html colours e.g. Black, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0)
- Background Colour - The colour of the background, valid inputs are html colours e.g. White, #FFFFFF, rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Save Background Colour - Should the background colour be saved, if unselected the image will save with a transparent background
- Border Outline - The style of the border, set to none for no border
- Border Colour - The colour of the border e.g. Black, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0)
- Border Thickness - The thickness of the border e.g. Thin, 1px
- Show Clear Signature Button - Do you want to show a button at the top of the signature canvas to allow the end user to clear their signature
- Clear Signature Button Text - The text to display on the clear signature button e.g. ❌, Clear Signature
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Title - The title text for the clear signature modal e.g. Erase Signature
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Body Text - The text to display on the dialog prompt when then clear signature button is pressed e.g. This will clear the current signature, do you want to contiune?
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Action Button Text - The text to display on the action button on the modal e.g. Erase, OK
- Show Clear Signature Button Icon - Show the eraser icon on the clear signature button
To display a saved siganture use an image component and set the URL to the text field you used earlier.
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