The project brief is linked here however the goal was to build a general daily game similar to Wordle
The primary principles that were the key focus of our game are as follows :
- Engaging, so that it looks good and a user wants to play it every day.
- Challenging, so the user feels a sense of achievement
- Intuitive, so that it is easy for a user to access
As wordle as is a highly popular game, we decided to to capitalise on the aspect of inputing words. Upon research we found that a blend of Tetris and Wordle could be possible. As the game is played, randomly generated letters will drop from the top and will begin to stack up at the bottom of the grid. It is up to the user to clear as much letters as they can by trying to fomulate a word to be submitted,by using either their keyboard or by clicking on the letters on the screen. The game will finish when the pile reaches to the top.
To launch on local host you must first clone the repository into a directory that suits with the following command:
git clone
Next create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv auth
Then activate the virtual environment
source auth/bin/activate
Next install the necessary requirements with the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to the cloned repository and then run the server with the following, additionally you can specify the host ip and port number with the --host and --port flags:
flask run
If you have not specified different host IP or port number the server will be reachable on localhost:5000.
Our tests cover basic cases that are self explanatory in the function names and in the comments provided. To run our tests the venv must be active and the flask server must be running, our default unit tests uses Chrome webdriver.
Our validation was done on the W3C website found here we put in the local host url and it passed both tests for HTML and CSS!
To make sure all dependencies are upto date for the chrome webdriver and chrome
sudo apt update
Download and install Chrome:
sudo apt -y install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
In another terminal
Then activate the virtual environment
source auth/bin/activate
Next install the necessary requirements with the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to the cloned repository and then run the server with the following, additionally you can specify the host ip and port number with the --host and --port flags:
flask run
Then in another terminal To run unit tests
coverage run -m test
To run selenium tests
coverage run -m systemtests
To check the coverage report of tests
coverage report -m
Project Link: