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File metadata and controls

528 lines (421 loc) · 17.3 KB


This part contains simple implementations on how to use this package. You can find the full documentation of the Mpesa APIs on the official Mpesa documentation.

Before you start interacting with Mpesa APIs, you need to set the mpesa_consumer_key and the mpesa_consumer_secretin theconfig/mpesa.php file. You can get this when you create an app in your developer account.

You can also change the environment in your config/mpesa.php file to suit your needs. You can set it to either sandbox or production with the default being sandbox.

If you are testing on localhost and using the sandbox environment, you might use or LocalTunnel to expose your callbacks/webhooks to the internet. For some reason, Safaricom blocks Ngrok making testing through ngrok a pain.

You can run this command in your terminal to expose port 8000 to the internet.

ssh -R 80:localhost:8000 [email protected]

Useful Tips

Don't include these keywords in your urls when registering your callbacks

  • mpesa
  • safaricom
  • any other keyword related to Safaricom

Ensure all your callback urls are https.

STKPUSH Simulation

This API enables you to initiate transactions on behalf of a client/customer. It prefills with the paybill number,account number and the amount the customer should pay. It also requires a phonenumber to which the prompt will be sent.

To initiate the transaction, we need to call the stkpush() method on the Mpesa Facade. Before you call the method, you need to ensure you have set the passkey and the shortcode in the config/mpesa.php file. Failure to which the calls will not work.

This method requires a few parameters:

  1. phonenumber - Phone number of the customer
  2. amount - Amount of money to be paid by a customer
  3. account_number - The account number to the paybill which will be used to identify which user paid.
  4. callbackurl(optional) - A URL where safaricom can send the response to.
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::stkpush($phonenumber, $amount, $account_number,$callbackurl = null);

$result = json_decode((string)$response);
return $result;

If you have not registered a callback_url in the config/mpesa.php file, you can pass the callback url as the fourth parameter to the method. Otherwise, you can leave it as null.

use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::stkpush('0707070707', 100, '12345');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;


use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::stkpush('0707070707', 100, '12345','https://test.test/callback');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

Upon successful urls registration you should get the following response

  "MerchantRequestID": "",
  "CheckoutRequestID": "",
  "ResponseCode": "0",
  "ResponseDescription": "Success. Request accepted for processing",
  "CustomerMessage": "Success. Request accepted for processing"

Also a promt should have been sent to the phonenumber you specified.

After success you will get a callback via the callbackurl you provided.

  "Body": {
    "stkCallback": {
      "MerchantRequestID": "5913-662870-1",
      "CheckoutRequestID": "ws_CO_DMZ_224117480_19012019164445976",
      "ResultCode": 0,
      "ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully.",
      "CallbackMetadata": {
        "Item": [
            "Name": "Amount",
            "Value": 1
            "Name": "MpesaReceiptNumber",
            "Value": "NAJ3ABAMIR"
            "Name": "Balance"
            "Name": "TransactionDate",
            "Value": 20190119164514
            "Name": "PhoneNumber",
            "Value": 254705112855


This API enables you to query the status of STKPUSH payment. This is useful of you want to know what exatly happened when the prompt was sent to the user's phonenumber. You can get information regarding whether a user cancelled the transaction, if they had insufficient balance etc.

use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

It is good practice to store the checkoutRequestID you received from the STKPUSH response as it can be used to query the status of that transaction using this endpoint.

This will return a response resembling the one below

  "ResponseCode": "0",
  "ResponseDescription": "The service request has been accepted successfully",
  "MerchantRequestID": "22205-34066-1",
  "CheckoutRequestID": "ws_CO_13012021093521236557",
  "ResultCode": "0",
  "ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully."

Register C2B Urls

This API enables you to register the callback URLs through which you can receive payload for payments to your paybill/till number. It is useful especially if you need your application to perform a task after payment has been made to your paybill/till number.

use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

To register Urls ensure c2b_validation_url and c2b_confirmation_url are filled in config/mpesa.php. You can now call the c2bregisterURLS() method on Mpesa facade and pass a shortcode(paybill or till number) as a parameterS.

use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::c2bregisterURLS(600998);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

Upon successful urls registration you should get the following response

  "OriginatorCoversationID": "",
  "ResponseCode": "0",
  "ResponseDescription": "success"

C2B Simulate API

You can use this method to simulate payment from clients and safaricom API. Before simulating you need to have registered your urls using Register C2B Urls API.

To simulate you need to pass these parameters to c2bsimulate method.

  1. phonenumber- You can find this from the API test credentials
  2. amount- The amount to be charged
  3. shortcode Test paybill or till number
  4. command_id The two transactions that can be simulated are CustomerPayBillOnline and CustomerBuyGoodsOnline.
  5. account_number(optional) This is the test account number if the command id is CustomerPayBillOnline. You can leave it null if you are simulating till payments.
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::c2bsimulate($phonenumber, $amount, $shortcode, $command_id, $account_number = NULL);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

Upon successful simulation you will receive a response similar to;

  "ConversationID": "AG_20190115_00007fc37fc3db6e9562",
  "OriginatorCoversationID": "10028-4198443-1",
  "ResponseDescription": "Accept the service request successfully."


This API is useful if you want to make Payouts. These payouts can include salaries, promotional payments, cashbacks etc.

Before using this method, ensure you have added the initiator_name,initiator_password,b2c_shortcode,b2c_result_url and b2c_timeout_url configurations to the config/mpesa.php file.

To use this API you need to call b2c() method on the Mpesa facade. This function accept the following parameters

  1. phonenumber - Phone number of customer
  2. command_id -This specifies the type of transaction.There are three types of transactions available: SalaryPayment, BusinessPayment or PromotionPayment
  3. Amount - Amount of money to be sent to the customer.
  4. Remarks - small decription of the payment being made.
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response =Mpesa::b2c($phonenumber, $command_id, $amount, $remarks);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::b2c('0708374149','SalaryPayment',1000,'salary payment');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

In some cases, You might want to verify the recipient of the payment, using their ID number. To do this, you need to call the validated_b2c method, and pass the recipients ID Number as the 5th parameter. If the ID provided does not match the phone number on Safaricom Database, the transaction will fail.

use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response=Mpesa::validated_b2c('0708374149','SalaryPayment',1000,'salary payment','12345678');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

Upon success you should receive a response similar to the one below

  "ConversationID": "AG_20190117_00004636fb3ac56655df",
  "OriginatorConversationID": "17503-13504109-1",
  "ResponseCode": "0",
  "ResponseDescription": "Accept the service request successfully."

After a successful transaction you will get a callback via the b2c_result_url you specified in config/mpesa.php file.

  "Result": {
    "ResultType": 0,
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully.",
    "OriginatorConversationID": "10030-6237802-1",
    "ConversationID": "AG_20190119_000053c075d4e13cbeae",
    "TransactionID": "NAJ41H7YJQ",
    "ResultParameters": {
      "ResultParameter": [
          "Key": "TransactionReceipt",
          "Value": "NAJ41H7YJQ"
          "Key": "TransactionAmount",
          "Value": 100
          "Key": "B2CChargesPaidAccountAvailableFunds",
          "Value": -495
          "Key": "B2CRecipientIsRegisteredCustomer",
          "Value": "Y"
          "Key": "TransactionCompletedDateTime",
          "Value": "19.01.2019 17:01:27"
          "Key": "ReceiverPartyPublicName",
          "Value": "254708374149 - John Doe"
          "Key": "B2CWorkingAccountAvailableFunds",
          "Value": 600000
          "Key": "B2CUtilityAccountAvailableFunds",
          "Value": 235
    "ReferenceData": {
      "ReferenceItem": {
        "Key": "QueueTimeoutURL",
        "Value": ""

Transaction Status

This API can be used to view the details of a transaction.

Before using this method, ensure you have added the initiator_name,initiator_password,status_result_url and status_timeout_url configurations to the config/mpesa.php file.

To use this API you need to call transactionStatus() method on the Mpesa facade. This function accept the following parameters

  1. shortcode - The Till number, paybill or phonenumber that received the payment
  2. transactionid - Unique identifier to identify a transaction on M-Pesa
  3. identiertype - Type of organization receiving the transaction. Can be 1 – MSISDN(phonenumber) 2 – Till Number 4 – Organization short code(paybill)
  4. Remarks - small decription
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::transactionStatus($shortcode, $transactionid, $identiertype, $remarks);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::transactionStatus('600999', 'OEI2AK4Q16', 4, 'Check transaction status');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;

Upon success you should receive a response similar to the one below

  "OriginatorConversationID": "1236-7134259-1",
  "ConversationID": "AG_20210709_1234409f86436c583e3f",
  "ResponseCode": "0",
  "ResponseDescription": "Accept the service request successfully."

Safaricom will respond with the result through the status_result_url callback you specified in config/mpesa.php file.

  "Result": {
    "ConversationID": "AG_20180223_0000493344ae97d86f75",
    "OriginatorConversationID": "3213-416199-2",
    "ReferenceData": {
      "ReferenceItem": {
        "Key": "Occasion"
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully.",
    "ResultParameters": {
      "ResultParameter": [
          "Key": "DebitPartyName",
          "Value": "600310 - Safaricom333"
          "Key": "CreditPartyName",
          "Value": "254708374149 - John Doe"
          "Key": "OriginatorConversationID",
          "Value": "3211-416020-3"
          "Key": "InitiatedTime",
          "Value": 20180223054112
          "Key": "DebitAccountType",
          "Value": "Utility Account"
          "Key": "DebitPartyCharges",
          "Value": "Fee For B2C Payment|KES|22.40"
          "Key": "TransactionReason"
          "Key": "ReasonType",
          "Value": "Business Payment to Customer via API"
          "Key": "TransactionStatus",
          "Value": "Completed"
          "Key": "FinalisedTime",
          "Value": 20180223054112
          "Key": "Amount",
          "Value": 300
          "Key": "ConversationID",
          "Value": "AG_20180223_000041b09c22e613d6c9"
          "Key": "ReceiptNo",
          "Value": "MBN31H462N"
    "ResultType": 0,
    "TransactionID": "MBN0000000"

Account Balance

This API is useful or querying the balance on a specific asset(till number, paybill or Phonenumber)

Before using this method, ensure you have added the initiator_name,initiator_password,balance_result_url and balance_timeout_url configurations to the config/mpesa.php file.

To use this API you need to call accountBalance() method on the Mpesa facade. This function accept the following parameters

  1. shortcode - The Till number, paybill or phonenumber that received the payment
  2. identiertype - Type of organization receiving the transaction. Can be 1 – MSISDN(phonenumber) 2 – Till Number 4 – Organization short code(paybill)
  3. Remarks - small decription
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::accountBalance($shortcode, $identiertype, $remarks);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::accountBalance('600983', 4, 'check account balance');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;


This API is useful for Reversing Mpesa Transactions.

Before using this method, ensure you have added the initiator_name,initiator_password,reversal_result_url and reversal_timeout_url configurations to the config/mpesa.php file.

To use this API you need to call reversal() method on the Mpesa facade. This function accept the following parameters

  1. shortcode - The Till number, paybill or phonenumber that received the payment
  2. transactionid - Unique identifier to identify a transaction on M-Pesa
  3. amount - The Amount to be reversed
  4. Remarks - small decription
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::reversal($shortcode, $transactionid, $amount, $remarks);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;
$response = Mpesa::reversal('600981','OEI2AK4Q16', 500, 'Wrong Payment');

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;


This API is useful when you want to make business to business payments. It is, however, not publicly available in the documentation and you have to contact Safaricom and give them a valid usecase/reason on how you plan to use the API for them to give you access to the API.

Before using this method, ensure you have added the initiator_name,initiator_password,b2c_shortcode,b2b_result_url and b2b_timeout_url configurations to the config/mpesa.php file.

To use this API you need to call b2b() method on the Mpesa facade. This function accept the following parameters

  1. receiver_shortcode - The shortcode of the recipient
  2. command_id -The type of transaction being made. Can be BusinessPayBill, MerchantToMerchantTransfer, MerchantTransferFromMerchantToWorking, MerchantServicesMMFAccountTransfer, AgencyFloatAdvance
  3. amount - The amount to send to the recipient
  4. remarks - small decription of the payment being made.
  5. account_number - Required for BusinessPaybill CommandID
use Iankumu\Mpesa\Facades\Mpesa;

$response = Mpesa::b2b($receiver_shortcode, $command_id, $amount, $remarks, $account_number = null);

/** @var \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response */
$result = $response->json();
return $result;