- Midterm exam on Friday, available 7am to 11:59pm, 90 minutes.
- add
- type checking of
(define (type-check-exp env e)
(match e
[(Var x)
(define type (match-alist x env))
(values (HasType (Var x) type) type)]
[(Prim 'vector-set! (list vect (Int i) val))
(define-values (vect-exp vect-type) (type-check-exp env vect))
(define-values (i-exp i-type) (type-check-exp env (Int i)))
(define-values (val-exp val-type) (type-check-exp env val))
(if (not (eq? i-type 'Integer))
(error "The type of index for vector-set! must be an Integer")
(if (not (eq? (car vect-type) 'Vector))
(error "Vector set got a non vector")
(if (not (equal? (list-ref vect-type (add1 i)) val-type))
(error (format "Changing vector types is not supported got ~a ~a"
(list-ref vect-type (add1 i)) val-type))
(values (HasType (Prim 'vector-set! (list vect-exp i-exp val-exp))
'Void) 'Void))))]
lower (vector e1 ... en)
creation into:
- evaluate the initializing expressions
- call
if there is not enough room in the FromSpace - allocate the vector using the
form - initialize the vector's elements using
(define (expose-exp e)
(match e
[(HasType (Prim 'vector es) type)
(let* ([len (length es)]
[bytes (* 8 len)]
[vect (gensym 'vec)]
[vars (generate-n-vars len)])
(expand-into-lets vars (for/list ([e es]) (expose-exp e))
(do-allocate vect len bytes
(bulk-vector-set (HasType (Var vect) type) vars type)
;; for/list, range
(define (generate-n-vars n)
(if (zero? n) '()
(cons (gensym 'tmp) (generate-n-vars (sub1 n)))))
(define (expand-into-lets vars exps base base-type)
(if (empty? exps) base
(Let (car vars) (car exps)
(expand-into-lets (cdr vars) (cdr exps) base base-type))
;; ommitting the HasType's for readability
(define (do-allocate vect len bytes base type)
(Let '_ (If (Prim '< (list (Prim '+ (list (GlobalValue 'free_ptr) (Int bytes)))
(GlobalValue 'fromspace_end)))
(Collect bytes))
(Let vect (Allocate len type) base)))
(define (bulk-vector-set vect vars types)
(expand-into-lets (duplicate '_ (length vars))
(make-vector-set-exps vect 0 vars (cdr types)) vect types))
;; use Racket's make-list instead, for/list
(define (duplicate x n)
(if (zero? n) '()
(cons x (duplicate x (sub1 n)))))
;; for/list
(define (make-vector-set-exps vect accum vars types)
(if (empty? vars) '()
(cons (Prim 'vector-set! (list vect (Int accum) (Var (car vars))))
(make-vector-set-exps vect (add1 accum) (cdr vars) (cdr types)))))
Collect up all the variables and their types into an association list
in the Program
(define (uncover-block tail)
(match tail
[(Seq (Assign var (HasType x type)) t)
(cons `(,var . ,type) (uncover-block t))]
[x '()]))
(define (uncover-locals p)
(match p
[(Program info (CFG B-list))
(let ([locals (remove-duplicates
(append-map (lambda (x)
(uncover-block (cdr x))) B-list))])
(Program `((locals . ,locals)) (CFG B-list)))]))
Lower each of the following forms to x86:
(define (slct-stmt tail)
(match tail
[(Assign (Var x) (HasType exp t))
(match exp
[(Prim 'vector-ref (list (HasType vect t1) (HasType (Int n) t2)))
(list (Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom vect) (Reg 'r11)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Deref 'r11 (* 8 (add1 n))) (Var x))))]
[(Prim 'vector-set! (list (HasType vect t1) (HasType (Int n) t2) (HasType arg t3)))
(list (Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom vect) (Reg 'r11)))
(Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom arg) (Deref 'r11 (* 8 (add1 n)))))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Var x))))]
[(Allocate len types)
(let ([tag (calculate-tag (reverse (cdr types)) (length (cdr types)))])
(list (Instr 'movq (list (Global 'free_ptr) (Var x)))
(Instr 'addq (list (Imm (* 8 (add1 len))) (Global 'free_ptr)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Var x) (Reg 'r11)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm tag) (Deref 'r11 0)))))]
[(Collect bytes)
(list (Instr 'movq (list (Reg 'r15) (Reg 'rdi)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm bytes) (Reg 'rsi)))
(Callq 'collect))]
Variables of vector type that are live during a call to collect
be spilled. To ensure that, create interference edges with
callee-saved registers. (We already add edges to the caller-saved
(define (add-from-instr graph instr live-after types)
(match instr
[(Callq 'collect)
(for ([x live-after])
(if (list? (match-alist (Var x) types)) ;; is variable x a vector?, vector-type?
(for ([y (append caller-registers callee-registers)])
(add-edge! graph x y))
(for ([y caller-registers])
(add-edge! graph x y))))]
Spill vector-typed variables to the root stack.
2 root stack spills 3 regular spills
How much space on root stack? 5 slots On the regular stack? 5 slots
2 vector 0 3 int 1 4 int 2 5 vector 3 6 int 4
(define (assign-nat n type)
(let [(last-reg (sub1 (length reg-colors)))]
(cond [(<= n last-reg)
(Reg (rev-match-alist n reg-colors))]
[(list? type) ;; vector-type?
(Deref 'r15 (* 8 (add1 (- n last-reg))))]
(Deref 'rbp (* (add1 (- n last-reg)) (- 8)))]
(define (generate-assignments locals colors)
(cond [(empty? locals) '()]
[else (match (car locals)
[`(,(Var v) . ,type)
(cons `(,v . ,(assign-nat (match-alist v colors) type))
(generate-assignments (cdr locals) colors))])]))
In the prelude, call the initialize
function to set up the garbage
In the prelude and conclusion, add code for pushing and popping a
frame for main
to the root stack. Initialize all the slots in the
frame to zero.
(define (make-main stack-size used-regs root-spills)
(let* ([extra-pushes (filter (lambda (reg)
(match reg
[(Reg x) (index-of callee-registers x)]
[x false]))
[push-bytes (* 8 (length extra-pushes))]
[stack-adjust (- (round-stack-to-16 (+ push-bytes stack-size)) push-bytes)])
(Block '()
(append (list (Instr 'pushq (list (Reg 'rbp)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Reg 'rsp) (Reg 'rbp))))
(map (lambda (x) (Instr 'pushq (list x))) extra-pushes)
(list (Instr 'subq (list (Imm stack-adjust) (Reg 'rsp))))
(initialize-garbage-collector root-spills)
(list (Jmp 'start))))))
(define (initialize-garbage-collector root-spills)
(list (Instr 'movq (list (Imm root-stack-size) (Reg 'rdi)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm heap-size) (Reg 'rsi)))
(Callq 'initialize)
(Instr 'movq (list (Global 'rootstack_begin) (Reg 'r15)))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Deref (Reg 'r15) 0))
(Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Deref (Reg 'r15) k))
(Instr 'addq (list (Imm root-spills) (Reg 'r15)))))