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Code Review of Tuple & Garbage Collection


  • Midterm exam on Friday, available 7am to 11:59pm, 90 minutes.


  • add HasType
  • type checking of vector-set!
(define (type-check-exp env e)
  (match e
    [(Var x)
     (define type (match-alist x env))
     (values (HasType (Var x) type) type)]
    [(Prim 'vector-set! (list vect (Int i) val))
     (define-values (vect-exp vect-type) (type-check-exp env vect))
     (define-values (i-exp i-type) (type-check-exp env (Int i)))
     (define-values (val-exp val-type) (type-check-exp env val))
     (if (not (eq? i-type 'Integer))
         (error "The type of index for vector-set! must be an Integer")
         (if (not (eq? (car vect-type) 'Vector))
             (error "Vector set got a non vector")
             (if (not (equal? (list-ref vect-type (add1 i)) val-type))
                 (error (format "Changing vector types is not supported got ~a ~a" 
                     (list-ref vect-type (add1 i)) val-type))
                 (values (HasType (Prim 'vector-set! (list vect-exp i-exp val-exp))
                                  'Void) 'Void))))]


lower (vector e1 ... en) creation into:

  1. evaluate the initializing expressions e1 ... en
  2. call collect if there is not enough room in the FromSpace
  3. allocate the vector using the allocate form
  4. initialize the vector's elements using vector-set!
(define (expose-exp e)
  (match e
    [(HasType (Prim 'vector es) type)
     (let* ([len (length es)] 
            [bytes (* 8 len)]
            [vect (gensym 'vec)] 
            [vars (generate-n-vars len)])
       (expand-into-lets vars (for/list ([e es]) (expose-exp e)) 
          (do-allocate vect len bytes
              (bulk-vector-set (HasType (Var vect) type) vars type) 

;; for/list, range
(define (generate-n-vars n)
  (if (zero? n) '()
      (cons (gensym 'tmp) (generate-n-vars (sub1 n)))))

(define (expand-into-lets vars exps base base-type)
  (if (empty? exps) base
      (Let (car vars) (car exps) 
           (expand-into-lets (cdr vars) (cdr exps) base base-type))

;; ommitting the HasType's for readability
(define (do-allocate vect len bytes base type)
    (Let '_ (If (Prim '< (list (Prim '+ (list (GlobalValue 'free_ptr) (Int bytes)))
                                 (GlobalValue 'fromspace_end)))
                (Collect bytes))
    (Let vect (Allocate len type) base)))

(define (bulk-vector-set vect vars types)
  (expand-into-lets (duplicate '_ (length vars)) 
    (make-vector-set-exps vect 0 vars (cdr types)) vect types))

;; use Racket's make-list instead, for/list
(define (duplicate x n) 
  (if (zero? n) '()
      (cons x (duplicate x (sub1 n)))))

;; for/list
(define (make-vector-set-exps vect accum vars types)
  (if (empty? vars) '()
      (cons (Prim 'vector-set! (list vect (Int accum) (Var (car vars))))
            (make-vector-set-exps vect (add1 accum) (cdr vars) (cdr types)))))


Collect up all the variables and their types into an association list in the Program info.

(define (uncover-block tail)
  (match tail
    [(Seq (Assign var (HasType x type)) t)
     (cons `(,var . ,type) (uncover-block t))]
    [x '()]))

(define (uncover-locals p)
  (match p
    [(Program info (CFG B-list))
     (let ([locals (remove-duplicates
                     (append-map (lambda (x) 
                                    (uncover-block (cdr x))) B-list))])
       (Program `((locals . ,locals)) (CFG B-list)))]))


Lower each of the following forms to x86:

  • vector-ref
  • vector-set!
  • allocate
  • collect
(define (slct-stmt tail)
  (match tail
    [(Assign (Var x) (HasType exp t))
     (match exp
       [(Prim 'vector-ref (list (HasType vect t1) (HasType (Int n) t2))) 
        (list (Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom vect) (Reg 'r11))) 
              (Instr 'movq (list (Deref 'r11 (* 8 (add1 n))) (Var x))))]
       [(Prim 'vector-set! (list (HasType vect t1) (HasType (Int n) t2) (HasType arg t3)))
        (list (Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom vect) (Reg 'r11))) 
              (Instr 'movq (list (slct-atom arg) (Deref 'r11 (* 8 (add1 n))))) 
              (Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Var x))))]
       [(Allocate len types)
        (let ([tag (calculate-tag (reverse (cdr types)) (length (cdr types)))])
          (list (Instr 'movq (list (Global 'free_ptr) (Var x))) 
                (Instr 'addq (list (Imm (* 8 (add1 len))) (Global 'free_ptr))) 
                (Instr 'movq (list (Var x) (Reg 'r11))) 
                (Instr 'movq (list (Imm tag) (Deref 'r11 0)))))]
       [(Collect bytes) 
        (list (Instr 'movq (list (Reg 'r15) (Reg 'rdi)))
              (Instr 'movq (list (Imm bytes) (Reg 'rsi))) 
              (Callq 'collect))]


Variables of vector type that are live during a call to collect must be spilled. To ensure that, create interference edges with callee-saved registers. (We already add edges to the caller-saved registers.)

(define (add-from-instr graph instr live-after types)
  (match instr
    [(Callq 'collect)
     (for ([x live-after]) 
       (if (list? (match-alist (Var x) types))  ;; is variable x a vector?, vector-type?
         (for ([y (append caller-registers callee-registers)])
           (add-edge! graph x y))
         (for ([y caller-registers]) 
           (add-edge! graph x y))))]


Spill vector-typed variables to the root stack.

2 root stack spills 3 regular spills

How much space on root stack? 5 slots On the regular stack? 5 slots

Two registers: 0 int 1 int

2 vector 0 3 int 1 4 int 2 5 vector 3 6 int 4

(define (assign-nat n type)
  (let [(last-reg (sub1 (length reg-colors)))]
    (cond [(<= n last-reg)
           (Reg (rev-match-alist n reg-colors))]
          [(list? type) ;; vector-type?
           (Deref 'r15 (* 8 (add1 (- n last-reg))))]
           (Deref 'rbp (* (add1 (- n last-reg)) (- 8)))]

(define (generate-assignments locals colors)
  (cond [(empty? locals) '()]
        [else (match (car locals)
                [`(,(Var v) . ,type)
                 (cons `(,v . ,(assign-nat (match-alist v colors) type)) 
                       (generate-assignments (cdr locals) colors))])]))


In the prelude, call the initialize function to set up the garbage collector.

In the prelude and conclusion, add code for pushing and popping a frame for main to the root stack. Initialize all the slots in the frame to zero.

(define (make-main stack-size used-regs root-spills)
  (let* ([extra-pushes (filter (lambda (reg)
                                (match reg
                                  [(Reg x) (index-of callee-registers x)]
                                  [x false]))
         [push-bytes (* 8 (length extra-pushes))]
         [stack-adjust (- (round-stack-to-16 (+ push-bytes stack-size)) push-bytes)])
    (Block '()
      (append (list (Instr 'pushq (list (Reg 'rbp)))
                    (Instr 'movq (list (Reg 'rsp) (Reg 'rbp))))
              (map (lambda (x) (Instr 'pushq (list x))) extra-pushes) 
              (list (Instr 'subq (list (Imm stack-adjust) (Reg 'rsp)))) 
              (initialize-garbage-collector root-spills)
              (list (Jmp 'start))))))

(define (initialize-garbage-collector root-spills)
  (list (Instr 'movq (list (Imm root-stack-size) (Reg 'rdi)))
        (Instr 'movq (list (Imm heap-size) (Reg 'rsi)))
        (Callq 'initialize)
        (Instr 'movq (list (Global 'rootstack_begin) (Reg 'r15)))
        (Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Deref (Reg 'r15) 0))
        (Instr 'movq (list (Imm 0) (Deref (Reg 'r15) k))
        (Instr 'addq (list (Imm root-spills) (Reg 'r15)))))