diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Data.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Data.js
index 276de264a4c..b12a322351d 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Data.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Data.js
@@ -43,15 +43,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.auth.Data", {
check: "Number"
- /**
- * org IDs
- */
- orgIds: {
- init: [],
- nullable: false,
- check: "Array"
- },
* Basic authentification with a token
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Manager.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Manager.js
index d45f7ce15a5..8f325a0644a 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Manager.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/auth/Manager.js
@@ -255,11 +255,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.auth.Manager", {
role: profile.role.toLowerCase()
- if ("organizations" in profile["groups"]) {
- const orgIds = [];
- profile["groups"]["organizations"].forEach(org => orgIds.push(org["gid"]));
- authData.setOrgIds(orgIds);
- }
const role = profile.role.toLowerCase();
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/CardBase.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/CardBase.js
index 1b7a8fe6e82..acb3fe35386 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/CardBase.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/CardBase.js
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.CardBase", {
filterSharedWith: function(checks, sharedWith) {
if (sharedWith && sharedWith !== "show-all") {
- const myGroupId = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const myGroupId = groupsStore.getMyGroupId();
if (checks && myGroupId in checks) {
const myAccessRights = checks[myGroupId];
const totalAccess = "delete" in myAccessRights ? myAccessRights["delete"] : myAccessRights["write"];
@@ -108,10 +109,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.CardBase", {
} else if (sharedWith === "shared-with-me") {
return totalAccess;
} else if (sharedWith === "shared-with-everyone") {
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
const everyoneGroupIds = [
- store.getEveryoneProductGroup()["gid"],
- store.getEveryoneGroup()["gid"]
+ groupsStore.getEveryoneProductGroup().getGroupId(),
+ groupsStore.getEveryoneGroup().getGroupId(),
const found = Object.keys(checks).some(gId => everyoneGroupIds.includes(parseInt(gId)));
return !found;
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.CardBase", {
if (gid === myGroupId) {
- const grp = groups[i].find(group => group["gid"] === gid);
+ const grp = groups[i].find(group => group.getGroupId() === gid);
if (grp) {
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.CardBase", {
- const sharedGrpLabel = sharedGrps[i]["label"];
+ const sharedGrpLabel = sharedGrps[i].getLabel();
if (!sharedGrpLabels.includes(sharedGrpLabel)) {
@@ -216,25 +216,13 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.CardBase", {
// groups -> [orgMembs, orgs, [productEveryone], [everyone]];
populateShareIcon: function(shareIcon, accessRights) {
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- Promise.all([
- store.getGroupEveryone(),
- store.getProductEveryone(),
- store.getReachableMembers(),
- store.getGroupsOrganizations()
- ])
- .then(values => {
- const everyone = values[0] ? [values[0]] : [];
- const productEveryone = values[1] ? [values[1]] : [];
- const orgMembs = [];
- const orgMembers = values[2];
- for (const gid of Object.keys(orgMembers)) {
- orgMembs.push(orgMembers[gid]);
- }
- const orgs = values.length === 4 ? values[3] : [];
- const groups = [orgMembs, orgs, productEveryone, everyone];
- osparc.dashboard.CardBase.setIconAndTooltip(shareIcon, accessRights, groups);
- });
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgMembs = Object.values(groupsStore.getReachableUsers());
+ const orgs = Object.values(groupsStore.getOrganizations());
+ const productEveryone = [groupsStore.getEveryoneProductGroup()];
+ const everyone = [groupsStore.getEveryoneGroup()];
+ const groups = [orgMembs, orgs, productEveryone, everyone];
+ osparc.dashboard.CardBase.setIconAndTooltip(shareIcon, accessRights, groups);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/Dashboard.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/Dashboard.js
index 4a1420ade43..77595025bc4 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/Dashboard.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/Dashboard.js
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.Dashboard", {
}, this);
const preResourcePromises = [];
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- preResourcePromises.push(store.getAllGroupsAndMembers());
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ preResourcePromises.push(groupsStore.fetchGroupsAndMembers());
.then(() => {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/ResourceContainerManager.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/ResourceContainerManager.js
index fa99ba050dd..ba1485f024f 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/ResourceContainerManager.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/dashboard/ResourceContainerManager.js
@@ -474,29 +474,28 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.dashboard.ResourceContainerManager", {
let groupContainer = this.__getGroupContainer(orgId);
if (groupContainer === null) {
groupContainer = this.__createGroupContainer(orgId, "loading-label");
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getOrganizationOrUser(orgId)
- .then(org => {
- if (org && org["collabType"] !== 2) {
- let icon = "";
- if (org.thumbnail) {
- icon = org.thumbnail;
- } else if (org["collabType"] === 0) {
- icon = "@FontAwesome5Solid/globe/24";
- } else if (org["collabType"] === 1) {
- icon = "@FontAwesome5Solid/users/24";
- }
- groupContainer.set({
- headerIcon: icon,
- headerLabel: org.label
- });
- } else {
- groupContainer.exclude();
- }
- })
- .finally(() => {
- this._add(groupContainer);
- this.__moveNoGroupToLast();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const group = groupsStore.getGroup(orgId);
+ if (group) {
+ let icon = "";
+ if (group.getThumbnail()) {
+ icon = group.getThumbnail();
+ } else if (group["collabType"] === 0) {
+ icon = "@FontAwesome5Solid/globe/24";
+ } else if (group["collabType"] === 1) {
+ icon = "@FontAwesome5Solid/users/24";
+ } else if (group["collabType"] === 2) {
+ icon = "@FontAwesome5Solid/user/24";
+ }
+ groupContainer.set({
+ headerIcon: icon,
+ headerLabel: group.getLabel(),
+ } else {
+ groupContainer.exclude();
+ }
+ this._add(groupContainer);
+ this.__moveNoGroupToLast();
const card = this.__createCard(resourceData);
this.__addCardToContainer(card, groupContainer);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
index 007ba33eddd..8ff5eb822ba 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.data.Resources", {
"organizations": {
- useCache: true,
+ useCache: false, // osparc.store.Groups handles the cache
endpoints: {
get: {
method: "GET",
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.data.Resources", {
"organizationMembers": {
- useCache: false,
+ useCache: false, // osparc.store.Groups handles the cache
endpoints: {
get: {
method: "GET",
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Group.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Group.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ab5a8da6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Group.js
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/* ************************************************************************
+ osparc - the simcore frontend
+ https://osparc.io
+ Copyright:
+ 2024 IT'IS Foundation, https://itis.swiss
+ License:
+ MIT: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ Authors:
+ * Odei Maiz (odeimaiz)
+************************************************************************ */
+ * Class that stores Group data.
+ */
+qx.Class.define("osparc.data.model.Group", {
+ extend: qx.core.Object,
+ /**
+ * @param groupData {Object} Object containing the serialized Group Data
+ */
+ construct: function(groupData) {
+ this.base(arguments);
+ this.set({
+ groupId: groupData.gid,
+ label: groupData.label,
+ description: groupData.description,
+ accessRights: groupData.accessRights,
+ thumbnail: groupData.thumbnail,
+ groupMembers: {},
+ });
+ },
+ properties: {
+ groupId: {
+ check: "Number",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeGroupId",
+ },
+ label: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeLabel",
+ },
+ description: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeDescription",
+ },
+ accessRights: {
+ check: "Object",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeAccessRights",
+ },
+ thumbnail: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: "",
+ event: "changeThumbnail",
+ },
+ groupMembers: {
+ check: "Object",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeGroupMembers",
+ },
+ groupType: {
+ check: ["me", "organization", "productEveryone", "everyone"],
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ },
+ },
+ events: {
+ "memberAdded": "qx.event.type.Event",
+ "memberRemoved": "qx.event.type.Event",
+ },
+ statics: {
+ getProperties: function() {
+ return Object.keys(qx.util.PropertyUtil.getProperties(osparc.data.model.Group));
+ }
+ },
+ members: {
+ getGroupMemberByUserId: function(userId) {
+ return Object.values(this.getGroupMembers()).find(user => user.getUserId() === userId);
+ },
+ getGroupMemberByLogin: function(userEmail) {
+ return Object.values(this.getGroupMembers()).find(user => user.getLogin() === userEmail);
+ },
+ addGroupMember: function(user) {
+ this.getGroupMembers()[user.getGroupId()] = user;
+ this.fireEvent("memberAdded");
+ },
+ removeGroupMember: function(userId) {
+ const groupMember = this.getGroupMemberByUserId(userId);
+ if (groupMember) {
+ delete this.getGroupMembers()[groupMember.getGroupId()];
+ this.fireEvent("memberRemoved");
+ }
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ const jsonObject = {};
+ const propertyKeys = this.self().getProperties();
+ propertyKeys.forEach(key => {
+ jsonObject[key] = this.get(key);
+ });
+ return jsonObject;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Study.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Study.js
index dc96044e99f..e8929c93adf 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Study.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/Study.js
@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.data.model.Study", {
canIWrite: function(studyAccessRights) {
const myGroupId = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId();
- const orgIDs = [...osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getOrgIds()];
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgIDs = groupsStore.getOrganizationIds();
if (orgIDs.length) {
return osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy.canGroupsWrite(studyAccessRights, (orgIDs));
@@ -285,7 +286,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.data.model.Study", {
canIDelete: function(studyAccessRights) {
const myGroupId = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId();
- const orgIDs = [...osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getOrgIds()];
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgIDs = groupsStore.getOrganizationIds();
if (orgIDs.length) {
return osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy.canGroupsDelete(studyAccessRights, (orgIDs));
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/User.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/User.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3c03d837c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/model/User.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* ************************************************************************
+ osparc - the simcore frontend
+ https://osparc.io
+ Copyright:
+ 2024 IT'IS Foundation, https://itis.swiss
+ License:
+ MIT: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ Authors:
+ * Odei Maiz (odeimaiz)
+************************************************************************ */
+ * Class that stores User data.
+ */
+qx.Class.define("osparc.data.model.User", {
+ extend: qx.core.Object,
+ /**
+ * @param userData {Object} Object containing the serialized User Data
+ */
+ construct: function(userData) {
+ this.base(arguments);
+ const label = this.self().namesToLabel(userData["first_name"], userData["last_name"]) || userData["login"];
+ this.set({
+ userId: userData.id,
+ groupId: userData.gid,
+ label: label,
+ login: userData.login,
+ thumbnail: this.self().emailToThumbnail(userData.login),
+ accessRights: userData.accessRights,
+ });
+ },
+ properties: {
+ userId: {
+ check: "Number",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeUserId",
+ },
+ groupId: {
+ check: "Number",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeGroupId",
+ },
+ label: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeLabel",
+ },
+ login: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeLogin",
+ },
+ accessRights: {
+ check: "Object",
+ nullable: false,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeAccessRights",
+ },
+ thumbnail: {
+ check: "String",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: "",
+ event: "changeThumbnail",
+ },
+ },
+ statics: {
+ namesToLabel: function(firstName, lastName) {
+ let label = "";
+ if (firstName) {
+ label = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(firstName);
+ if (lastName) {
+ label += " " + osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(lastName);
+ }
+ }
+ return label;
+ },
+ emailToThumbnail: function(email) {
+ return osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(email, 32)
+ },
+ }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/StudyEditor.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/StudyEditor.js
index 393fc842796..14474eabd7d 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/StudyEditor.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/StudyEditor.js
@@ -225,15 +225,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.StudyEditor", {
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizations")
- .then(() => {
- if (osparc.data.model.Study.canIWrite(study.getAccessRights())) {
- this.__startAutoSaveTimer();
- } else {
- const msg = this.self().READ_ONLY_TEXT;
- osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "WARNING");
- }
- });
+ if (osparc.data.model.Study.canIWrite(study.getAccessRights())) {
+ this.__startAutoSaveTimer();
+ } else {
+ const msg = this.self().READ_ONLY_TEXT;
+ osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "WARNING");
+ }
const pageContext = study.getUi().getMode();
switch (pageContext) {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCreditsStepper.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCreditsStepper.js
index 37e4a351a8b..79a29649647 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCreditsStepper.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCreditsStepper.js
@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCreditsStepper", {
construct(paymentMethods) {
this.__paymentMethods = paymentMethods;
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const myGid = groupsStore.getMyGroupId()
const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- store.getGroupsMe()
- .then(personalGroup => {
- this.__personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === personalGroup.gid)
- this.__buildLayout()
- });
+ this.__personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === myGid)
+ this.__buildLayout()
events: {
"completed": "qx.event.type.Event"
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
index 93a2ee3dcae..610ab82754e 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
@@ -31,13 +31,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Transactions", {
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const myGid = groupsStore.getMyGroupId()
const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- store.getGroupsMe()
- .then(personalGroup => {
- this.__personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === personalGroup.gid);
- this.__personalWalletId = this.__personalWallet.getWalletId();
- this.__buildLayout();
- });
+ this.__personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === myGid);
+ this.__personalWalletId = this.__personalWallet.getWalletId();
+ this.__buildLayout();
members: {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/MembersList.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/MembersList.js
index eb694304233..b2e8bcda97f 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/MembersList.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/MembersList.js
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
createItem: () => new osparc.ui.list.MemberListItem(),
bindItem: (ctrl, item, id) => {
- ctrl.bindProperty("id", "model", null, item, id);
- ctrl.bindProperty("id", "key", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("userId", "model", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("userId", "key", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("thumbnail", "thumbnail", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("name", "title", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("accessRights", "accessRights", null, item, id);
@@ -167,36 +167,36 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
"border-radius": "16px"
item.addListener("promoteToMember", e => {
- const clusterMember = e.getData();
- this.__promoteToUser(clusterMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__promoteToUser(listedMember);
item.addListener("promoteToManager", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__promoteToManager(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__promoteToManager(listedMember);
item.addListener("promoteToAdministrator", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__promoteToAdministrator(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__promoteToAdministrator(listedMember);
item.addListener("demoteToUser", e => {
- const clusterMember = e.getData();
- this.__demoteToRestrictedUser(clusterMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__demoteToRestrictedUser(listedMember);
item.addListener("demoteToMember", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__demoteToMember(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__demoteToMember(listedMember);
item.addListener("demoteToManager", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__demoteToManager(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__demoteToManager(listedMember);
item.addListener("removeMember", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__deleteMember(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__deleteMember(listedMember);
item.addListener("leaveResource", e => {
- const orgMember = e.getData();
- this.__deleteMyself(orgMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__deleteMyself(listedMember);
@@ -208,13 +208,13 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
const membersModel = this.__membersModel;
- const orgModel = this.__currentOrg;
- if (orgModel === null) {
+ const organization = this.__currentOrg;
+ if (organization === null) {
- const canIWrite = orgModel.getAccessRights().getWrite();
- const canIDelete = orgModel.getAccessRights().getDelete();
+ const canIWrite = organization.getAccessRights()["write"];
+ const canIDelete = organization.getAccessRights()["delete"];
const introText = canIWrite ?
this.tr("You can add new members and promote or demote existing ones.") :
@@ -225,83 +225,82 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
enabled: canIWrite
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgModel.getGid()
+ const membersList = [];
+ const groupMembers = organization.getGroupMembers();
+ Object.values(groupMembers).forEach(groupMember => {
+ const member = {};
+ member["userId"] = groupMember.getUserId();
+ member["groupId"] = groupMember.getGroupId();
+ member["thumbnail"] = groupMember.getThumbnail();
+ member["name"] = groupMember.getLabel();
+ member["login"] = groupMember.getLogin();
+ member["accessRights"] = groupMember.getAccessRights();
+ let options = [];
+ if (canIDelete) {
+ // admin...
+ if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["delete"]) {
+ // ...on admin
+ options = [];
+ } else if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["write"]) {
+ // ...on manager
+ options = [
+ "promoteToAdministrator",
+ "demoteToMember",
+ "removeMember"
+ ];
+ } else if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["read"]) {
+ // ...on member
+ options = [
+ "promoteToManager",
+ "demoteToUser",
+ "removeMember"
+ ];
+ } else if (!groupMember.getAccessRights()["read"]) {
+ // ...on user
+ options = [
+ "promoteToMember",
+ "removeMember"
+ ];
+ }
+ } else if (canIWrite) {
+ // manager...
+ if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["delete"]) {
+ // ...on admin
+ options = [];
+ } else if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["write"]) {
+ // ...on manager
+ options = [];
+ } else if (groupMember.getAccessRights()["read"]) {
+ // ...on member
+ options = [
+ "promoteToManager",
+ "demoteToUser",
+ "removeMember"
+ ];
+ } else if (!groupMember.getAccessRights()["read"]) {
+ // ...on user
+ options = [
+ "promoteToMember",
+ "removeMember"
+ ];
+ }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params)
- .then(members => {
- const membersList = [];
- members.forEach(member => {
- member["thumbnail"] = osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(member["login"], 32);
- member["name"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(member["first_name"] || member["login"], member["last_name"] || "");
- let options = [];
- if (canIDelete) {
- // admin...
- if (member["accessRights"]["delete"]) {
- // ...on admin
- options = [];
- } else if (member["accessRights"]["write"]) {
- // ...on manager
- options = [
- "promoteToAdministrator",
- "demoteToMember",
- "removeMember"
- ];
- } else if (member["accessRights"]["read"]) {
- // ...on member
- options = [
- "promoteToManager",
- "demoteToUser",
- "removeMember"
- ];
- } else if (!member["accessRights"]["read"]) {
- // ...on user
- options = [
- "promoteToMember",
- "removeMember"
- ];
- }
- } else if (canIWrite) {
- // manager...
- if (member["accessRights"]["delete"]) {
- // ...on admin
- options = [];
- } else if (member["accessRights"]["write"]) {
- // ...on manager
- options = [];
- } else if (member["accessRights"]["read"]) {
- // ...on member
- options = [
- "promoteToManager",
- "demoteToUser",
- "removeMember"
- ];
- } else if (!member["accessRights"]["read"]) {
- // ...on user
- options = [
- "promoteToMember",
- "removeMember"
- ];
- }
- }
- // Let me go?
- const openStudy = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getCurrentStudy();
- if (
- openStudy === null &&
- canIWrite &&
- members.length > 1 && member["gid"] === osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId()
- ) {
- options.push("leave");
- }
- member["options"] = options;
- member["showOptions"] = Boolean(options.length);
- membersList.push(member);
- });
- membersList.sort(this.self().sortOrgMembers);
- membersList.forEach(member => membersModel.append(qx.data.marshal.Json.createModel(member)));
- });
+ // Let me go?
+ const openStudy = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getCurrentStudy();
+ const myGroupId = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getMyGroupId();
+ if (
+ openStudy === null &&
+ canIWrite &&
+ groupMembers.length > 1 && groupMember.getGroupId() === myGroupId
+ ) {
+ options.push("leave");
+ }
+ member["options"] = options;
+ member["showOptions"] = Boolean(options.length);
+ membersList.push(member);
+ });
+ membersList.sort(this.self().sortOrgMembers);
+ membersList.forEach(member => membersModel.append(qx.data.marshal.Json.createModel(member)));
__addMember: async function(orgMemberEmail) {
@@ -309,53 +308,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- const productEveryone = await osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getProductEveryone();
- const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGid();
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgId
- },
- data: {
- "email": orgMemberEmail
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "post", params)
- .then(() => {
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.postMember(orgId, orgMemberEmail)
+ .then(newMember => {
const text = orgMemberEmail + this.tr(" successfully added");
- if (productEveryone && productEveryone["gid"] === parseInt(orgId)) {
- // demote the new member to user
- const params2 = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgId
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params2)
- .then(respOrgMembers => {
- const newMember = respOrgMembers.find(m => m["login"] === orgMemberEmail);
- if (newMember) {
- this.__demoteToRestrictedUser(newMember, text);
- }
- });
- } else {
- osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(text);
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
- this.__reloadOrgMembers();
- // push 'NEW_ORGANIZATION' notification
- const params2 = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgId
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params2)
- .then(respOrgMembers => {
- const newMember = respOrgMembers.find(m => m["login"] === orgMemberEmail);
- if (newMember) {
- osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewOrganization(newMember["id"], orgId);
- }
- });
- }
+ osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(text);
+ this.__reloadOrgMembers();
+ // push 'NEW_ORGANIZATION' notification
+ osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewOrganization(newMember.getUserId(), orgId);
.catch(err => {
const errorMessage = err["message"] || this.tr("Something went wrong adding the user");
@@ -364,24 +326,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __promoteToUser: function(orgMember) {
+ __promoteToUser: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getReadAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getReadAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchMember(this.__currentOrg.getGroupId(), listedMember["id"], newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr(`Successfully promoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[1].label}`));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -390,27 +344,21 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __demoteToRestrictedUser: function(orgMember, msg) {
+ __demoteToRestrictedUser: function(listedMember, msg) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": "id" in orgMember ? orgMember["id"] : orgMember["key"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getNoReadAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const userId = "id" in listedMember ? listedMember["id"] : listedMember["key"]
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getNoReadAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchAccessRights(orgId, userId, newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
if (msg === undefined) {
msg = this.tr(`Successfully demoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[0].label}`);
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -419,24 +367,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __promoteToManager: function(orgMember) {
+ __promoteToManager: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getWriteAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const userId = listedMember["id"];
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getWriteAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchAccessRights(orgId, userId, newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr(`Successfully promoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[2].label}`));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -445,24 +387,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __promoteToAdministrator: function(orgMember) {
+ __promoteToAdministrator: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getDeleteAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const userId = listedMember["id"];
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getDeleteAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchAccessRights(orgId, userId, newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr(`Successfully promoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[3].label}`));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -471,24 +407,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __demoteToMember: function(orgMember) {
+ __demoteToMember: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getReadAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const userId = listedMember["id"];
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getReadAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchAccessRights(orgId, userId, newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr(`Successfully demoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[1].label}`));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -497,24 +427,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __demoteToManager: function(orgMember) {
+ __demoteToManager: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- },
- data: {
- "accessRights": this.self().getWriteAccess()
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ const orgId = this.__currentOrg.getGroupId();
+ const userId = listedMember["id"];
+ const newAccessRights = this.self().getWriteAccess();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.patchAccessRights(orgId, userId, newAccessRights)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr(`Successfully demoted to ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[3].label}`));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
.catch(err => {
@@ -523,30 +447,25 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- __doDeleteMember: function(orgMember) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid(),
- "uid": orgMember["id"]
- }
- };
- return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "delete", params)
+ __doDeleteMember: function(listedMember) {
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ return groupsStore.removeMember(this.__currentOrg.getGroupId(), listedMember["id"])
.then(() => {
- osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(orgMember["name"] + this.tr(" successfully removed"));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizationMembers");
+ osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(listedMember["name"] + this.tr(" successfully removed"));
+ this.__reloadOrgMembers();
.catch(err => {
- osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr("Something went wrong removing ") + orgMember["name"], "ERROR");
+ osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr("Something went wrong removing ") + listedMember["name"], "ERROR");
- __deleteMember: function(orgMember) {
+ __deleteMember: function(listedMember) {
if (this.__currentOrg === null) {
- this.__doDeleteMember(orgMember)
+ this.__doDeleteMember(listedMember)
.then(() => this.__reloadOrgMembers());
@@ -555,36 +474,29 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.MembersList", {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": this.__currentOrg.getGid()
+ const members = this.__currentOrg.getGroupMembers()
+ const isThereAnyAdmin = members.some(member => member.getAccessRights()["delete"]);
+ const isThereAnyManager = members.some(member => member.getAccessRights()["write"]);
+ let rUSure = this.tr("Are you sure you want to leave?");
+ if (isThereAnyAdmin) {
+ rUSure += `
There is no ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[2].label} in this Organization.`;
+ } else if (isThereAnyManager) {
+ rUSure += `
There is no ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[3].label} in this Organization.`;
+ }
+ rUSure += "
" + this.tr("If you Leave, the page will be reloaded.");
+ const confirmationWin = new osparc.ui.window.Confirmation(rUSure).set({
+ caption: this.tr("Leave Organization"),
+ confirmText: this.tr("Leave"),
+ confirmAction: "delete"
+ });
+ confirmationWin.center();
+ confirmationWin.open();
+ confirmationWin.addListener("close", () => {
+ if (confirmationWin.getConfirmed()) {
+ this.__doDeleteMember(orgMember)
+ .then(() => window.location.reload());
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params)
- .then(members => {
- const isThereAnyAdmin = members.some(member => member["accessRights"]["delete"]);
- const isThereAnyManager = members.some(member => member["accessRights"]["write"]);
- let rUSure = this.tr("Are you sure you want to leave?");
- if (isThereAnyAdmin) {
- rUSure += `
There is no ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[2].label} in this Organization.`;
- } else if (isThereAnyManager) {
- rUSure += `
There is no ${osparc.data.Roles.ORG[3].label} in this Organization.`;
- }
- rUSure += "
" + this.tr("If you Leave, the page will be reloaded.");
- const confirmationWin = new osparc.ui.window.Confirmation(rUSure).set({
- caption: this.tr("Leave Organization"),
- confirmText: this.tr("Leave"),
- confirmAction: "delete"
- });
- confirmationWin.center();
- confirmationWin.open();
- confirmationWin.addListener("close", () => {
- if (confirmationWin.getConfirmed()) {
- this.__doDeleteMember(orgMember)
- .then(() => window.location.reload());
- }
- }, this);
- });
+ }, this);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationDetails.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationDetails.js
index c9d0501c0cd..8b3781d7a12 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationDetails.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationDetails.js
@@ -41,25 +41,30 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationDetails", {
__templatesList: null,
__servicesList: null,
- setCurrentOrg: function(orgModel) {
- if (orgModel === null) {
+ setCurrentOrg: function(organization) {
+ if (organization === null) {
- this.__orgModel = orgModel;
+ this.__orgModel = organization;
const organizationListItem = this.__addOrganizationListItem();
- orgModel.bind("gid", organizationListItem, "key");
- orgModel.bind("gid", organizationListItem, "model");
- orgModel.bind("thumbnail", organizationListItem, "thumbnail");
- orgModel.bind("label", organizationListItem, "title");
- orgModel.bind("description", organizationListItem, "subtitle");
- orgModel.bind("nMembers", organizationListItem, "role");
- orgModel.bind("accessRights", organizationListItem, "accessRights");
+ organization.bind("groupId", organizationListItem, "key");
+ organization.bind("groupId", organizationListItem, "model");
+ organization.bind("thumbnail", organizationListItem, "thumbnail");
+ organization.bind("label", organizationListItem, "title");
+ organization.bind("description", organizationListItem, "subtitle");
+ organization.bind("groupMembers", organizationListItem, "groupMembers");
+ organization.bind("accessRights", organizationListItem, "accessRights");
+ organizationListItem.updateNMembers();
+ [
+ "memberAdded",
+ "memberRemoved",
+ ].forEach(ev => organization.addListener(ev, () => organizationListItem.updateNMembers()));
// set orgModel to the tab views
- this.__membersList.setCurrentOrg(orgModel);
- this.__templatesList.setCurrentOrg(orgModel);
- this.__servicesList.setCurrentOrg(orgModel);
+ this.__membersList.setCurrentOrg(organization);
+ this.__templatesList.setCurrentOrg(organization);
+ this.__servicesList.setCurrentOrg(organization);
__getTitleLayout: function() {
@@ -104,31 +109,15 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationDetails", {
__updateOrganization: function(win, button, orgEditor) {
- const orgKey = orgEditor.getGid();
+ const groupId = orgEditor.getGid();
const name = orgEditor.getLabel();
const description = orgEditor.getDescription();
const thumbnail = orgEditor.getThumbnail();
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgKey
- },
- data: {
- "label": name,
- "description": description,
- "thumbnail": thumbnail || null
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "patch", params)
+ osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().patchOrganization(groupId, name, description, thumbnail)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(name + this.tr(" successfully edited"));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizations");
- this.__orgModel.set({
- label: name,
- description: description,
- thumbnail: thumbnail || null
- });
.catch(err => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr("Something went wrong editing ") + name, "ERROR");
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsList.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsList.js
index c2f8656ed83..ff773341ff0 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsList.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsList.js
@@ -65,14 +65,11 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
statics: {
sortOrganizations: function(a, b) {
- const sorted = osparc.share.Collaborators.sortByAccessRights(a["accessRights"], b["accessRights"]);
+ const sorted = osparc.share.Collaborators.sortByAccessRights(a.getAccessRights(), b.getAccessRights());
if (sorted !== 0) {
return sorted;
- if (("label" in a) && ("label" in b)) {
- return a["label"].localeCompare(b["label"]);
- }
- return 0;
+ return a.getLabel().localeCompare(b.getLabel());
@@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
getOrgModel: function(orgId) {
let org = null;
this.__orgsModel.forEach(orgModel => {
- if (orgModel.getGid() === parseInt(orgId)) {
+ if (orgModel.getGroupId() === parseInt(orgId)) {
org = orgModel;
@@ -133,12 +130,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
createItem: () => new osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem(),
bindItem: (ctrl, item, id) => {
- ctrl.bindProperty("gid", "key", null, item, id);
- ctrl.bindProperty("gid", "model", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("groupId", "key", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("groupId", "model", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("thumbnail", "thumbnail", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("label", "title", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("description", "subtitle", null, item, id);
- ctrl.bindProperty("nMembers", "role", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("groupMembers", "groupMembers", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("accessRights", "accessRights", null, item, id);
configureItem: item => {
@@ -180,28 +177,14 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
const orgsModel = this.__orgsModel;
- const useCache = false;
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizations", {}, useCache)
- .then(async respOrgs => {
- const orgs = respOrgs["organizations"];
- const promises = await orgs.map(async org => {
- const params = {
- url: {
- gid: org["gid"]
- }
- };
- const respOrgMembers = await osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params);
- org["nMembers"] = Object.keys(respOrgMembers).length + this.tr(" members");
- return org;
- });
- const orgsList = await Promise.all(promises);
- orgsList.sort(this.self().sortOrganizations);
- orgsList.forEach(org => orgsModel.append(qx.data.marshal.Json.createModel(org)));
- this.setOrganizationsLoaded(true);
- if (orgId) {
- this.fireDataEvent("organizationSelected", orgId);
- }
- });
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgs = Object.values(groupsStore.getOrganizations());
+ orgs.sort(this.self().sortOrganizations);
+ orgs.forEach(org => orgsModel.append(org));
+ this.setOrganizationsLoaded(true);
+ if (orgId) {
+ this.fireDataEvent("organizationSelected", orgId);
+ }
__openEditOrganization: function(orgId) {
@@ -222,7 +205,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
__deleteOrganization: function(orgKey) {
let org = null;
this.__orgsModel.forEach(orgModel => {
- if (orgModel.getGid() === parseInt(orgKey)) {
+ if (orgModel.getGroupId() === parseInt(orgKey)) {
org = orgModel;
@@ -241,19 +224,10 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
win.addListener("close", () => {
if (win.getConfirmed()) {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgKey
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "delete", params)
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance(orgKey);
+ groupsStore.deleteOrganization(orgKey)
.then(() => {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizations");
- // reload "profile", "organizations" are part of the information in this endpoint
- osparc.data.Resources.getOne("profile", {}, null, false)
- .then(() => {
- this.reloadOrganizations();
- });
+ this.reloadOrganizations();
.catch(err => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr("Something went wrong deleting ") + name, "ERROR");
@@ -267,31 +241,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
__createOrganization: function(win, button, orgEditor) {
- const orgKey = orgEditor.getGid();
const name = orgEditor.getLabel();
const description = orgEditor.getDescription();
const thumbnail = orgEditor.getThumbnail();
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgKey
- },
- data: {
- "label": name,
- "description": description,
- "thumbnail": thumbnail || null
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "post", params)
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ groupsStore.postOrganization(name, description, thumbnail)
.then(org => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(name + this.tr(" successfully created"));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizations");
- // reload "profile", "organizations" are part of the information in this endpoint
- osparc.data.Resources.getOne("profile", {}, null, false)
- .then(() => {
- // open it
- this.reloadOrganizations(org["gid"]);
- });
+ // open it
+ this.reloadOrganizations(org.getGroupId());
.catch(err => {
const errorMessage = err["message"] || this.tr("Something went wrong creating ") + name;
@@ -305,27 +264,15 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList", {
__updateOrganization: function(win, button, orgEditor) {
- const orgKey = orgEditor.getGid();
+ const groupId = orgEditor.getGid();
const name = orgEditor.getLabel();
const description = orgEditor.getDescription();
const thumbnail = orgEditor.getThumbnail();
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": orgKey
- },
- data: {
- "label": name,
- "description": description,
- "thumbnail": thumbnail || null
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "patch", params)
+ osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().patchOrganization(groupId, name, description, thumbnail)
.then(() => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(name + this.tr(" successfully edited"));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().reset("organizations");
- this.reloadOrganizations();
.catch(err => {
osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(this.tr("Something went wrong editing ") + name, "ERROR");
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsWindow.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsWindow.js
index 57f7fe09c58..9564ab2a04f 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsWindow.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/OrganizationsWindow.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsWindow", {
members: {
__stack: null,
- __orgsList: null,
+ __orgsPage: null,
__orgDetails: null,
__buildLayout: function() {
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsWindow", {
flex: 1
- const orgsPage = this.__orgsList = new osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList();
+ const orgsPage = this.__orgsPage = new osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsList();
const orgDetails = this.__orgDetails = new osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationDetails();
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsWindow", {
openOrganizationDetails: function(organizationId) {
const openOrgDetails = orgId => {
- const orgModel = this.__orgsList.getOrgModel(orgId);
+ const orgModel = this.__orgsPage.getOrgModel(orgId);
this.getChildControl("title").setValue(this.tr("Organization details"));
- if (this.__orgsList.isOrganizationsLoaded()) {
+ if (this.__orgsPage.isOrganizationsLoaded()) {
} else {
- this.__orgsList.addListenerOnce("changeOrganizationsLoaded", () => openOrgDetails(organizationId));
+ this.__orgsPage.addListenerOnce("changeOrganizationsLoaded", () => openOrgDetails(organizationId));
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/ServicesList.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/ServicesList.js
index bf4f6a95c60..fec8d6d85e6 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/ServicesList.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/ServicesList.js
@@ -114,19 +114,19 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.ServicesList", {
- const gid = orgModel.getGid();
+ const groupId = orgModel.getGroupId();
.then(servicesLatest => {
const orgServices = [];
Object.keys(servicesLatest).forEach(key => {
const serviceLatest = servicesLatest[key];
- if (gid in serviceLatest["accessRights"]) {
+ if (groupId in serviceLatest["accessRights"]) {
orgServices.forEach(orgService => {
const orgServiceCopy = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(orgService);
- orgServiceCopy["orgId"] = gid;
+ orgServiceCopy["orgId"] = groupId;
if (orgServiceCopy["thumbnail"] === null) {
orgServiceCopy["thumbnail"] = osparc.dashboard.CardBase.PRODUCT_ICON;
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/TemplatesList.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/TemplatesList.js
index 70dee6617fc..bc0431ac22d 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/TemplatesList.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/organizations/TemplatesList.js
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.organizations.TemplatesList", {
- const gid = orgModel.getGid();
+ const groupId = orgModel.getGroupId();
.then(templates => {
- const orgTemplates = templates.filter(template => gid in template["accessRights"]);
+ const orgTemplates = templates.filter(template => groupId in template["accessRights"]);
orgTemplates.forEach(orgTemplate => {
const orgTemplateCopy = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(orgTemplate);
- orgTemplateCopy["orgId"] = gid;
+ orgTemplateCopy["orgId"] = groupId;
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/paymentMethods/PaymentMethods.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/paymentMethods/PaymentMethods.js
index 2e7032aa694..fa90ceddbe2 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/paymentMethods/PaymentMethods.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/paymentMethods/PaymentMethods.js
@@ -23,13 +23,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.paymentMethods.PaymentMethods", {
this._setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(20));
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const myGid = groupsStore.getMyGroupId();
const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- store.getGroupsMe()
- .then(personalGroup => {
- const personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === personalGroup.gid)
- this.__personalWalletId = personalWallet.getWalletId()
- this.__buildLayout()
- });
+ const personalWallet = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getOwner() === myGid)
+ this.__personalWalletId = personalWallet.getWalletId()
+ this.__buildLayout()
properties: {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/preferences/pages/ClustersPage.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/preferences/pages/ClustersPage.js
index e68f7f7577f..d5d7e6ba6dc 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/preferences/pages/ClustersPage.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/preferences/pages/ClustersPage.js
@@ -265,50 +265,42 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.ClustersPage", {
const clusterMembers = clusterModel.getMembersList();
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroupsMe()
- .then(myGroup => {
- const myGid = myGroup["gid"];
- const membersModel = clusterModel.getMembers();
- const getter = "get"+String(myGid);
- const canWrite = membersModel[getter] ? membersModel[getter]().getWrite() : false;
- if (canWrite) {
- this.__selectOrgMemberLayout.show();
- const memberKeys = [];
- clusterMembers.forEach(clusterMember => memberKeys.push(clusterMember["gid"]));
- this.__organizationsAndMembers.reloadVisibleCollaborators(memberKeys);
- }
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const myGid = groupsStore.getMyGroupId();
+ const membersModel = clusterModel.getMembers();
+ const getter = "get"+String(myGid);
+ const canWrite = membersModel[getter] ? membersModel[getter]().getWrite() : false;
+ if (canWrite) {
+ this.__selectOrgMemberLayout.show();
+ const memberKeys = [];
+ clusterMembers.forEach(clusterMember => memberKeys.push(clusterMember["gid"]));
+ this.__organizationsAndMembers.reloadVisibleCollaborators(memberKeys);
+ }
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- clusterMembers.forEach(clusterMember => {
- const gid = clusterMember.gid;
- if (gid in potentialCollaborators) {
- const collaborator = potentialCollaborators[gid];
- const collabObj = {};
- if (collaborator["collabType"] === 1) {
- collabObj["thumbnail"] = collaborator["thumbnail"] || "@FontAwesome5Solid/users/24";
- collabObj["name"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(collaborator["label"]);
- collabObj["login"] = collaborator["description"];
- } else if (collaborator["collabType"] === 2) {
- collabObj["thumbnail"] = osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(collaborator["login"], 32);
- collaborator["name"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(
- `${"first_name" in collaborator && collaborator["first_name"] != null ?
- collaborator["first_name"] : collaborator["login"]}`,
- `${"last_name" in collaborator && collaborator["last_name"] ?
- collaborator["last_name"] : ""}`
- );
- collabObj["login"] = collaborator["login"];
- }
- if (Object.keys(collabObj).length) {
- collabObj["id"] = collaborator["gid"];
- collabObj["accessRights"] = JSON.parse(qx.util.Serializer.toJson(clusterMember));
- collabObj["showOptions"] = canWrite;
- membersArrayModel.append(qx.data.marshal.Json.createModel(collabObj));
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators();
+ clusterMembers.forEach(clusterMember => {
+ const gid = clusterMember.getGroupId();
+ if (gid in potentialCollaborators) {
+ const collaborator = potentialCollaborators[gid];
+ const collabObj = {};
+ if (collaborator["collabType"] === 1) {
+ // group
+ collabObj["thumbnail"] = collaborator.getThumbnail() || "@FontAwesome5Solid/users/24";
+ collabObj["login"] = collaborator.getDescription();
+ } else if (collaborator["collabType"] === 2) {
+ // user
+ collabObj["thumbnail"] = collaborator.getThumbnail() || "@FontAwesome5Solid/user/24";
+ collabObj["login"] = collaborator.getLogin();
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(collabObj).length) {
+ collabObj["id"] = collaborator.getGroupId();
+ collabObj["name"] = collaborator.getLabel();
+ collabObj["accessRights"] = clusterMember.getAccessRights();
+ collabObj["showOptions"] = canWrite;
+ membersArrayModel.append(qx.data.marshal.Json.createModel(collabObj));
+ }
+ }
+ });
__openEditCluster: function(clusterId) {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/MembersList.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/MembersList.js
index 8aa4c4de229..da72d06c4e1 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/MembersList.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/MembersList.js
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
createItem: () => new osparc.desktop.wallets.MemberListItem(),
bindItem: (ctrl, item, id) => {
- ctrl.bindProperty("id", "model", null, item, id);
- ctrl.bindProperty("id", "key", null, item, id);
- ctrl.bindProperty("gid", "gid", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("userId", "model", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("userId", "key", null, item, id);
+ ctrl.bindProperty("groupId", "gid", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("thumbnail", "thumbnail", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("name", "title", null, item, id);
ctrl.bindProperty("accessRights", "accessRights", null, item, id);
@@ -183,16 +183,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
"border-radius": "16px"
item.addListener("promoteToAccountant", e => {
- const walletMember = e.getData();
- this.__promoteToAccountant(walletMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__promoteToAccountant(listedMember);
item.addListener("demoteToMember", e => {
- const walletMember = e.getData();
- this.__demoteToMember(walletMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__demoteToMember(listedMember);
item.addListener("removeMember", e => {
- const walletMember = e.getData();
- this.__deleteMember(walletMember);
+ const listedMember = e.getData();
+ this.__deleteMember(listedMember);
@@ -211,24 +211,24 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
const myGroupId = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId();
const membersList = [];
- const potentialCollaborators = await osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(true);
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(true);
const canIWrite = wallet.getMyAccessRights()["write"];
wallet.getAccessRights().forEach(accessRights => {
- const gid = accessRights["gid"];
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(potentialCollaborators, parseInt(gid))) {
- const collab = potentialCollaborators[parseInt(gid)];
- // Do not override collaborator object
- const collaborator = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(collab);
- if ("first_name" in collaborator) {
- collaborator["thumbnail"] = osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(collaborator["login"], 32);
- collaborator["name"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(
- `${"first_name" in collaborator && collaborator["first_name"] != null ?
- collaborator["first_name"] : collaborator["login"]}`,
- `${"last_name" in collaborator && collaborator["last_name"] != null ?
- collaborator["last_name"] : ""}`
- );
- }
- collaborator["accessRights"] = accessRights;
+ const gid = parseInt(accessRights["gid"]);
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(potentialCollaborators, gid)) {
+ // only users or groupMe
+ const collab = potentialCollaborators[gid];
+ const collaborator = {};
+ collaborator["userId"] = gid === myGroupId ? osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getUserId() : collab.getUserId();
+ collaborator["groupId"] = collab.getGroupId();
+ collaborator["thumbnail"] = collab.getThumbnail();
+ collaborator["name"] = collab.getLabel();
+ collaborator["login"] = gid === myGroupId ? osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getEmail() : collab.getLogin();
+ collaborator["accessRights"] = {
+ read: accessRights["read"],
+ write: accessRights["write"],
+ delete: accessRights["delete"],
+ };
let options = [];
if (canIWrite) {
// accountant...
@@ -289,21 +289,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
// push 'WALLET_SHARED' notification
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- gids.forEach(gid => {
- if (gid in potentialCollaborators && "id" in potentialCollaborators[gid]) {
- // it's a user, not an organization
- const collab = potentialCollaborators[gid];
- const uid = collab["id"];
- osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewWallet(uid, wallet.getWalletId());
- }
- });
- });
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators();
+ gids.forEach(gid => {
+ if (gid in potentialCollaborators && "getUserId" in potentialCollaborators[gid]) {
+ // it's a user, not an organization
+ const uid = potentialCollaborators[gid].getUserId();
+ osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewWallet(uid, wallet.getWalletId());
+ }
+ });
- __promoteToAccountant: function(walletMember) {
+ __promoteToAccountant: function(listedMember) {
const wallet = this.__currentModel;
if (wallet === null) {
@@ -312,7 +309,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
const params = {
url: {
"walletId": wallet.getWalletId(),
- "groupId": walletMember["gid"]
+ "groupId": listedMember["gid"],
data: this.self().getWriteAccess()
@@ -323,7 +320,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
- __demoteToMember: function(walletMember) {
+ __demoteToMember: function(listedMember) {
const wallet = this.__currentModel;
if (wallet === null) {
@@ -332,7 +329,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
const params = {
url: {
"walletId": wallet.getWalletId(),
- "groupId": walletMember["gid"]
+ "groupId": listedMember["gid"],
data: this.self().getReadAccess()
@@ -343,7 +340,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
- __deleteMember: function(walletMember) {
+ __deleteMember: function(listedMember) {
const wallet = this.__currentModel;
if (wallet === null) {
@@ -352,7 +349,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.MembersList", {
const params = {
url: {
"walletId": wallet.getWalletId(),
- "groupId": walletMember["gid"]
+ "groupId": listedMember["gid"],
osparc.data.Resources.fetch("wallets", "deleteAccessRights", params)
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/WalletListItem.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/WalletListItem.js
index 3e3f0e34e4e..e184975f3a3 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/WalletListItem.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/wallets/WalletListItem.js
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.wallets.WalletListItem", {
events: {
+ "openShareWallet": "qx.event.type.Data",
"openEditWallet": "qx.event.type.Data",
"buyCredits": "qx.event.type.Data",
"toggleFavourite": "qx.event.type.Data"
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/AnnotationNoteCreator.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/AnnotationNoteCreator.js
index 1073c1b7faf..4ff7706695f 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/AnnotationNoteCreator.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/AnnotationNoteCreator.js
@@ -142,10 +142,11 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.editor.AnnotationNoteCreator", {
__setRecipientGid: function(gid) {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(gid)
- .then(user => {
- this.getChildControl("selected-recipient").setValue(user.label);
- });
+ // only users were proposed
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByGroupId(gid);
+ if (user) {
+ this.getChildControl("selected-recipient").setValue(user.getLabel());
+ }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/OrganizationEditor.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/OrganizationEditor.js
index b528e760c01..d54eb22601a 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/OrganizationEditor.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/editor/OrganizationEditor.js
@@ -32,23 +32,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.editor.OrganizationEditor", {
organization ? this.getChildControl("save") : this.getChildControl("create");
if (organization) {
- organization.bind("gid", this, "gid");
+ organization.bind("groupId", this, "gid");
organization.bind("label", this, "label");
organization.bind("description", this, "description");
organization.bind("thumbnail", this, "thumbnail", {
converter: val => val ? val : ""
} else {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroupsOrganizations()
- .then(orgs => {
- const existingNames = orgs.map(org => org["label"]);
- const defaultName = osparc.utils.Utils.getUniqueName("New Organization", existingNames)
- title.setValue(defaultName);
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.error(err);
- title.setValue("New Organization");
- });
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgs = groupsStore.getOrganizations();
+ const existingNames = Object.values(orgs).map(org => org.getLabel());
+ const defaultName = osparc.utils.Utils.getUniqueName("New Organization", existingNames)
+ title.setValue(defaultName);
this.addListener("appear", () => {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/CollaboratorToggleButton.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/CollaboratorToggleButton.js
index 31d3aef3512..6100ace059d 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/CollaboratorToggleButton.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/CollaboratorToggleButton.js
@@ -23,28 +23,14 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.filter.CollaboratorToggleButton", {
appearance: "tagbutton"
- let label = null;
- if (collaborator["first_name"]) {
+ let label = collaborator.getLabel();
+ if ("getLogin" in collaborator) {
// user
- label = collaborator["first_name"];
- if (collaborator["last_name"]) {
- label += ` ${collaborator["last_name"]}`;
- }
- if (collaborator["login"]) {
- label += ` (${collaborator["login"]})`;
- }
- } else if ("login" in collaborator) {
- label = collaborator["login"];
- } else {
- // org
- label = collaborator["label"];
+ label += ` (${collaborator.getLogin()})`;
+ this.setToolTipText(collaborator.getLogin());
- if (collaborator["login"]) {
- this.setToolTipText(collaborator["login"]);
- }
let iconPath = null;
switch (collaborator["collabType"]) {
case 0:
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationMembers.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationMembers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e10a8bdb5..00000000000
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationMembers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* ************************************************************************
- osparc - the simcore frontend
- https://osparc.io
- Copyright:
- 2020 IT'IS Foundation, https://itis.swiss
- License:
- MIT: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- Authors:
- * Odei Maiz (odeimaiz)
-************************************************************************ */
- * Filter for members for the given organization.
- */
-qx.Class.define("osparc.filter.OrganizationMembers", {
- extend: osparc.filter.TagsFilter,
- /**
- * Constructor for Organizations creates the filter and builds its menu.
- *
- * @extends osparc.filter.TagsFilter
- */
- construct: function(filterGroupId) {
- this.base(arguments, this.tr("Members"), "organizationMembers", filterGroupId);
- },
- properties: {
- organizationId: {
- check: "Number",
- nullable: true,
- apply: "_applyOrganizationId",
- event: "changeOrganizationId"
- }
- },
- members: {
- _applyOrganizationId: function(orgId) {
- this._removeAllOptions();
- const params = {
- url: {
- gid: orgId
- }
- };
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params)
- .then(members => {
- members.sort((a, b) => (a["first_name"] > b["first_name"]) ? 1 : -1);
- members.forEach(member => {
- const name = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(member["first_name"] || member["login"], member["last_name"] || "");
- const bnt = this._addOption(name);
- bnt.uid = member["id"];
- });
- });
- },
- getSelectedOrgMemberIDs: function() {
- const selectedOrganizationMemberIDs = [];
- const activeMenuButtons = this._getActiveMenuButtons();
- activeMenuButtons.forEach(activeMenuButton => {
- selectedOrganizationMemberIDs.push(activeMenuButton.uid);
- });
- return selectedOrganizationMemberIDs;
- }
- }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationsAndMembers.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationsAndMembers.js
index bb3e9f47a01..03f07f01c97 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationsAndMembers.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/filter/OrganizationsAndMembers.js
@@ -37,14 +37,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.filter.OrganizationsAndMembers", {
__collaboratorsToBeRemoved: null,
addOption: function(group) {
- let name = "";
- if ("first_name" in group) {
- name = `${group["first_name"]} ${"last_name" in group && group["last_name"] != null ? group["last_name"] : ""}`;
- } else {
- name = group["label"];
- }
+ const name = group.getLabel();
const btn = this._addOption(name);
- btn.gid = group["gid"];
+ btn.gid = group.getGroupId();
return btn;
@@ -69,7 +64,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.filter.OrganizationsAndMembers", {
this.__collaboratorsToBeRemoved = collaboratorsToBeRemoved.map(collaboratorToBeRemoved => parseInt(collaboratorToBeRemoved));
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
+ osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
.then(potentialCollaborators => {
this.__visibleCollaborators = potentialCollaborators;
@@ -89,7 +84,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.filter.OrganizationsAndMembers", {
if (a["collabType"] < b["collabType"]) {
return -1;
- if (a["label"] > b["label"]) {
+ if (a.getLabel() > b.getLabel()) {
return 1;
return -1;
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentAdd.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentAdd.js
index 060ce42ca69..b8f36a839e6 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentAdd.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentAdd.js
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.info.CommentAdd", {
maxHeight: 32,
decorator: "rounded",
- const userEmail = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getEmail();
+ const myEmail = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getEmail();
- source: osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(userEmail, 32)
+ source: osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(myEmail, 32)
const layout = this.getChildControl("add-comment-layout");
layout.add(control, {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentUI.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentUI.js
index 62871860da6..ea6df760a08 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentUI.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/info/CommentUI.js
@@ -117,11 +117,10 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.info.CommentUI", {
const commentContent = this.getChildControl("comment-content");
- const user = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getUser(this.__comment["user_id"])
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByUserId(this.__comment["user_id"])
if (user) {
- const userSource = osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(user["login"], 32);
- thumbnail.setSource(userSource);
- userName.setValue(user["label"]);
+ thumbnail.setSource(user.getThumbnail());
+ userName.setValue(user.getLabel());
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/UserMenuButton.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/UserMenuButton.js
index ac256291335..e53fc4e7e1c 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/UserMenuButton.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/UserMenuButton.js
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.navigation.UserMenuButton", {
const preferencesSettings = osparc.Preferences.getInstance();
preferencesSettings.addListener("changeCreditsWarningThreshold", () => this.__updateHaloColor());
- const userEmail = authData.getEmail() || "bizzy@itis.ethz.ch";
+ const myEmail = authData.getEmail() || "bizzy@itis.ethz.ch";
const icon = this.getChildControl("icon");
authData.bind("role", this, "icon", {
converter: role => {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.navigation.UserMenuButton", {
"margin-left": "-4px"
- return osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(userEmail, 32);
+ return osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(myEmail, 32);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/NotificationUI.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/NotificationUI.js
index 67194c84418..f339a68bf06 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/NotificationUI.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/NotificationUI.js
@@ -134,9 +134,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.NotificationUI", {
if (resourceId) {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(resourceId)
- .then(group => descriptionLabel.setValue("You're now member of '" + group["label"] + "'"))
- .catch(() => this.setEnabled(false));
+ const org = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getOrganization(resourceId);
+ if (org) {
+ descriptionLabel.setValue("You're now member of '" + org.getLabel() + "'")
+ } else {
+ this.setEnabled(false);
+ }
@@ -157,9 +160,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.NotificationUI", {
.catch(() => this.setEnabled(false));
if (userFromId) {
- const user = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getUser(userFromId);
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByUserId(userFromId);
if (user) {
- descriptionLabel.setValue("was shared by " + user["label"]);
+ descriptionLabel.setValue("was shared by " + user.getLabel());
@@ -177,9 +180,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.NotificationUI", {
if (userFromId) {
- const user = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getUser(userFromId);
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByUserId(userFromId);
if (user) {
- descriptionLabel.setValue("was shared by " + user["label"]);
+ descriptionLabel.setValue("was shared by " + user.getLabel());
@@ -196,9 +199,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.NotificationUI", {
.catch(() => this.setEnabled(false));
if (userFromId) {
- const user = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getUser(userFromId);
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByUserId(userFromId);
if (user) {
- descriptionLabel.setValue("was added by " + user["label"]);
+ descriptionLabel.setValue("was added by " + user.getLabel());
@@ -264,16 +267,14 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.NotificationUI", {
__openOrganizationDetails: function(orgId) {
// make sure org is available
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(orgId)
- .then(org => {
- if (org) {
- const orgsWindow = osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsWindow.openWindow();
- orgsWindow.openOrganizationDetails(orgId);
- } else {
- const msg = this.tr("You don't have access anymore");
- osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "WARNING");
- }
- });
+ const org = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getOrganization(orgId)
+ if (org) {
+ const orgsWindow = osparc.desktop.organizations.OrganizationsWindow.openWindow();
+ orgsWindow.openOrganizationDetails(orgId);
+ } else {
+ const msg = this.tr("You don't have access anymore");
+ osparc.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "WARNING");
+ }
__openStudyDetails: function(studyId, notification) {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/Notifications.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/Notifications.js
index a34a0e2886c..2d5a2de9318 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/Notifications.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/notification/Notifications.js
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.Notifications", {
const specNotification = {
"category": "NEW_ORGANIZATION",
"actionable_path": "organization/"+orgId,
- "resource_id": orgId,
+ "resource_id": orgId.toString(),
"title": "New organization",
"text": "You're now member of a new Organization"
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.Notifications", {
const specNotification = {
"category": "WALLET_SHARED",
"actionable_path": "wallet/"+walletId,
- "resource_id": walletId,
+ "resource_id": walletId.toString(),
"title": "Credits shared",
"text": "A Credit Account was shared with you"
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.notification.Notifications", {
return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("notifications", "post", params);
- postNewWallet: function(userId, studyId) {
+ postNewWallet: function(userId, walletId) {
const params = {
- data: this.__newWalletObj(userId, studyId)
+ data: this.__newWalletObj(userId, walletId)
return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("notifications", "post", params);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/service/Utils.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/service/Utils.js
index b47f3a5b5fa..d8243573f49 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/service/Utils.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/service/Utils.js
@@ -212,8 +212,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.service.Utils", {
canIWrite: function(serviceAccessRights) {
- const orgIDs = [...osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getOrgIds()];
- orgIDs.push(osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId());
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgIDs = groupsStore.getOrganizationIds();
+ orgIDs.push(groupsStore.getMyGroupId());
return osparc.share.CollaboratorsService.canGroupsWrite(serviceAccessRights, orgIDs);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/Collaborators.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/Collaborators.js
index 66e75202ce6..283cf695ef3 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/Collaborators.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/Collaborators.js
@@ -35,11 +35,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.Collaborators", {
- this.__collaborators = {};
- initCollabs.forEach(initCollab => {
- this.__collaborators[initCollab["gid"]] = initCollab;
- });
- this.__getCollaborators();
+ this._reloadCollaboratorsList();
events: {
@@ -158,7 +154,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.Collaborators", {
_resourceType: null,
__addCollaborators: null,
__collaboratorsModel: null,
- __collaborators: null,
_createChildControlImpl: function(id) {
let control;
@@ -340,14 +335,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.Collaborators", {
return vBox;
- __getCollaborators: function() {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- this.__collaborators = Object.assign(this.__collaborators, potentialCollaborators);
- this._reloadCollaboratorsList();
- });
- },
__getLeaveStudyButton: function() {
const myGid = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().getGroupId();
if (
@@ -402,32 +389,35 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.Collaborators", {
// reload list
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
const everyoneGIds = [
- store.getEveryoneProductGroup()["gid"],
- store.getEveryoneGroup()["gid"]
+ groupsStore.getEveryoneProductGroup().getGroupId(),
+ groupsStore.getEveryoneGroup().getGroupId()
const accessRights = this._serializedDataCopy["accessRights"];
const collaboratorsList = [];
const showOptions = this.__canIChangePermissions();
+ const allGroupsAndUsers = groupsStore.getAllGroupsAndUsers();
Object.keys(accessRights).forEach(gid => {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.__collaborators, gid)) {
- const collab = this.__collaborators[gid];
+ if (gid in allGroupsAndUsers) {
+ const collab = allGroupsAndUsers[gid];
// Do not override collaborator object
- const collaborator = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(collab);
- if ("first_name" in collaborator) {
+ const collaborator = {
+ "gid": collab.getGroupId(),
+ "thumbnail": collab.getThumbnail(),
+ };
+ if ("getUserId" in collab) {
// user
- collaborator["thumbnail"] = osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(collaborator["login"], 32);
- collaborator["name"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(
- `${"first_name" in collaborator && collaborator["first_name"] != null ?
- collaborator["first_name"] : collaborator["login"]}`,
- `${"last_name" in collaborator && collaborator["last_name"] ?
- collaborator["last_name"] : ""}`
- );
- } else if (everyoneGIds.includes(parseInt(gid))) {
- // everyone product or everyone
- if (collaborator["thumbnail"] === null) {
+ collaborator["name"] = collab.getLabel();
+ collaborator["login"] = collab.getLogin();
+ } else {
+ // org/group
+ collaborator["label"] = collab.getLabel();
+ collaborator["description"] = collab.getDescription();
+ if (everyoneGIds.includes(parseInt(gid))) {
collaborator["thumbnail"] = "@FontAwesome5Solid/globe/32";
+ } else if (!collaborator["thumbnail"]) {
+ collaborator["thumbnail"] = "@FontAwesome5Solid/users/26";
collaborator["accessRights"] = accessRights[gid];
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsService.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsService.js
index 5ae55925f58..bd16086cb27 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsService.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsService.js
@@ -34,11 +34,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsService", {
this._resourceType = "service";
const serviceDataCopy = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(serviceData);
- const initCollabs = [];
- initCollabs.push(this.self().getEveryoneProductObj());
- initCollabs.push(this.self().getEveryoneObj());
- this.base(arguments, serviceDataCopy, initCollabs);
+ this.base(arguments, serviceDataCopy);
statics: {
@@ -64,20 +60,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsService", {
"write": true
- getEveryoneProductObj: function() {
- const everyoneProductGroup = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getEveryoneProductGroup();
- const everyone = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(everyoneProductGroup);
- everyone["accessRights"] = this.getCollaboratorAccessRight();
- return everyone;
- },
- getEveryoneObj: function() {
- const everyoneGroup = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getEveryoneGroup();
- const everyone = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(everyoneGroup);
- everyone["accessRights"] = this.getCollaboratorAccessRight();
- return everyone;
- }
members: {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsStudy.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsStudy.js
index 58f47059cd6..771a4284331 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsStudy.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsStudy.js
@@ -35,13 +35,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy", {
this._resourceType = studyData["resourceType"]; // study or template
const studyDataCopy = osparc.data.model.Study.deepCloneStudyObject(studyData);
- const initCollabs = [];
- if (osparc.data.Permissions.getInstance().canDo("study.everyone.share")) {
- initCollabs.push(this.self().getEveryoneProductObj(this._resourceType === "study"));
- initCollabs.push(this.self().getEveryoneObj(this._resourceType === "study"));
- }
- this.base(arguments, studyDataCopy, initCollabs);
+ this.base(arguments, studyDataCopy);
statics: {
@@ -105,20 +99,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy", {
return true;
- getEveryoneProductObj: function(isStudy) {
- const everyoneProductGroup = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getEveryoneProductGroup();
- const everyone = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(everyoneProductGroup);
- everyone["accessRights"] = isStudy ? this.getCollaboratorAccessRight() : this.getViewerAccessRight();
- return everyone;
- },
- getEveryoneObj: function(isStudy) {
- const everyoneGroup = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getEveryoneGroup();
- const everyone = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(everyoneGroup);
- everyone["accessRights"] = isStudy ? this.getCollaboratorAccessRight() : this.getViewerAccessRight();
- return everyone;
- }
members: {
@@ -224,9 +204,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy", {
- const groupData = await osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(groupId);
- const isOrganization = (groupData && !("id" in groupData));
- if (isOrganization) {
+ const organization = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getOrganization(groupId);
+ if (organization) {
const msg = this.tr(`Demoting to ${osparc.data.Roles.STUDY[1].label} will remove write access to all the members of the Organization. Are you sure?`);
const win = new osparc.ui.window.Confirmation(msg).set({
caption: this.tr("Demote"),
@@ -257,24 +236,21 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsStudy", {
__pushNotifications: function(gids) {
// push 'STUDY_SHARED'/'TEMPLATE_SHARED' notification
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- gids.forEach(gid => {
- if (gid in potentialCollaborators && "id" in potentialCollaborators[gid]) {
- // it's a user, not an organization
- const collab = potentialCollaborators[gid];
- const uid = collab["id"];
- if (this._resourceType === "study") {
- osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewStudy(uid, this._serializedDataCopy["uuid"]);
- } else if (this._resourceType === "template") {
- // do not push TEMPLATE_SHARED notification if users are not supposed to see the templates
- if (osparc.data.Permissions.getInstance().canRoleDo("user", "dashboard.templates.read")) {
- osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewTemplate(uid, this._serializedDataCopy["uuid"]);
- }
- }
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators()
+ gids.forEach(gid => {
+ if (gid in potentialCollaborators && "getUserId" in potentialCollaborators[gid]) {
+ // it's a user, not an organization
+ const uid = potentialCollaborators[gid].getUserId();
+ if (this._resourceType === "study") {
+ osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewStudy(uid, this._serializedDataCopy["uuid"]);
+ } else if (this._resourceType === "template") {
+ // do not push TEMPLATE_SHARED notification if users are not supposed to see the templates
+ if (osparc.data.Permissions.getInstance().canRoleDo("user", "dashboard.templates.read")) {
+ osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewTemplate(uid, this._serializedDataCopy["uuid"]);
- });
- });
+ }
+ }
+ });
__checkShareePermissions: function(gids) {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsWorkspace.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsWorkspace.js
index d8bb906794c..97dd58bc573 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsWorkspace.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/CollaboratorsWorkspace.js
@@ -157,9 +157,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.CollaboratorsWorkspace", {
- const groupData = await osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(groupId);
- const isOrganization = (groupData && !("id" in groupData));
- if (isOrganization) {
+ const group = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getOrganization(groupId);
+ if (group) {
const msg = this.tr(`Demoting to ${osparc.data.Roles.WORKSPACE[1].label} will remove write access to all the members of the Organization. Are you sure?`);
const win = new osparc.ui.window.Confirmation(msg).set({
caption: this.tr("Demote"),
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/NewCollaboratorsManager.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/NewCollaboratorsManager.js
index 65510ea9142..fcbe5befff5 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/NewCollaboratorsManager.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/NewCollaboratorsManager.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
- this.__selectedCollaborators = new qx.data.Array();
+ this.__selectedCollaborators = [];
this.__visibleCollaborators = {};
@@ -112,20 +112,18 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
// all users can share services with ProductEveryone
includeProductEveryone = true;
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(false, includeProductEveryone)
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- this.__visibleCollaborators = potentialCollaborators;
- const anyCollaborator = Object.keys(potentialCollaborators).length;
- // tell the user that belonging to an organization is required to start sharing
- this.__introLabel.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "excluded" : "visible");
- this.__orgsButton.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "excluded" : "visible");
- // or start sharing
- this.__textFilter.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
- this.__collabButtonsContainer.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
- this.__shareButton.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
- this.__addEditors();
- });
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(false, includeProductEveryone)
+ this.__visibleCollaborators = potentialCollaborators;
+ const anyCollaborator = Object.keys(potentialCollaborators).length;
+ // tell the user that belonging to an organization is required to start sharing
+ this.__introLabel.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "excluded" : "visible");
+ this.__orgsButton.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "excluded" : "visible");
+ // or start sharing
+ this.__textFilter.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
+ this.__collabButtonsContainer.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
+ this.__shareButton.setVisibility(anyCollaborator ? "visible" : "excluded");
+ this.__addEditors();
__collaboratorButton: function(collaborator) {
@@ -133,9 +131,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
collaboratorButton.addListener("changeValue", e => {
const selected = e.getData();
if (selected) {
- this.__selectedCollaborators.push(collaborator.gid);
+ this.__selectedCollaborators.push(collaborator.getGroupId());
} else {
- this.__selectedCollaborators.remove(collaborator.gid);
+ this.__selectedCollaborators.remove(collaborator.getGroupId());
}, this);
@@ -154,7 +152,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
if (a["collabType"] < b["collabType"]) {
return -1;
- if (a["label"] > b["label"]) {
+ if (a.getLabel() > b.getLabel()) {
return 1;
return -1;
@@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
const existingCollaborators = existingCollabs.map(c => parseInt(c));
visibleCollaborators.forEach(visibleCollaborator => {
// do not list the visibleCollaborators that are already collaborators
- if (existingCollaborators.includes(visibleCollaborator["gid"])) {
+ if (existingCollaborators.includes(visibleCollaborator.getGroupId())) {
if (this.__showOrganizations === false && visibleCollaborator["collabType"] !== 2) {
@@ -189,13 +187,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.NewCollaboratorsManager", {
- const addCollabs = [];
- for (let i=0; i {
const gids = e.getData();
if (gids.length) {
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(false, true)
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- const currentGids = this.getSelectedGroups();
- gids.forEach(gid => {
- if (gid in potentialCollaborators && !currentGids.includes(gid)) {
- const collabButton = new qx.ui.toolbar.Button(potentialCollaborators[gid]["label"], "@MaterialIcons/close/12");
- collabButton.gid = gid;
- this.__selectedCollabs.add(collabButton);
- collabButton.addListener("execute", () => {
- this.__selectedCollabs.remove(collabButton);
- this.__updateAccessRights();
- });
- }
+ const potentialCollaborators = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getPotentialCollaborators(false, true)
+ const currentGids = this.getSelectedGroups();
+ gids.forEach(gid => {
+ if (gid in potentialCollaborators && !currentGids.includes(gid)) {
+ const collabButton = new qx.ui.toolbar.Button(potentialCollaborators[gid].getLabel(), "@MaterialIcons/close/12");
+ collabButton.gid = gid;
+ this.__selectedCollabs.add(collabButton);
+ collabButton.addListener("execute", () => {
+ this.__selectedCollabs.remove(collabButton);
+ this.__updateAccessRights();
- this.__updateAccessRights();
- });
+ }
+ });
+ this.__updateAccessRights();
}, this);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/ShareePermissions.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/ShareePermissions.js
index c0c4a4c6b89..bc8c92cbe99 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/ShareePermissions.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/share/ShareePermissions.js
@@ -33,42 +33,40 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.share.ShareePermissions", {
for (let i=0; i {
- if (group) {
- layout.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label(group.label), {
- row: i,
- column: 0
- });
+ const group = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getGroup(shareeData.gid);
+ if (group) {
+ layout.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label(group.getLabel()), {
+ row: i,
+ column: 0
+ });
- const vBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(8));
- shareeData["inaccessible_services"].forEach(inaccessibleService => {
- const hBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)).set({
- alignY: "middle"
- });
- const infoButton = new qx.ui.form.Button(null, "@MaterialIcons/info_outline/14");
- infoButton.setAppearance("strong-button");
- const label = new qx.ui.basic.Label();
- hBox.add(infoButton);
- hBox.add(label);
- osparc.store.Services.getService(inaccessibleService.key, inaccessibleService.version)
- .then(metadata => {
- label.setValue(metadata["name"] + " : " + metadata["version"])
- infoButton.addListener("execute", () => {
- metadata["resourceType"] = "service";
- const resourceDetails = new osparc.dashboard.ResourceDetails(metadata);
- osparc.dashboard.ResourceDetails.popUpInWindow(resourceDetails);
- }, this);
- })
+ const vBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(8));
+ shareeData["inaccessible_services"].forEach(inaccessibleService => {
+ const hBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)).set({
+ alignY: "middle"
+ });
+ const infoButton = new qx.ui.form.Button(null, "@MaterialIcons/info_outline/14");
+ infoButton.setAppearance("strong-button");
+ const label = new qx.ui.basic.Label();
+ hBox.add(infoButton);
+ hBox.add(label);
+ osparc.store.Services.getService(inaccessibleService.key, inaccessibleService.version)
+ .then(metadata => {
+ label.setValue(metadata["name"] + " : " + metadata["version"])
+ infoButton.addListener("execute", () => {
+ metadata["resourceType"] = "service";
+ const resourceDetails = new osparc.dashboard.ResourceDetails(metadata);
+ osparc.dashboard.ResourceDetails.popUpInWindow(resourceDetails);
+ }, this);
+ })
- vBox.add(hBox);
- });
- layout.add(vBox, {
- row: i,
- column: 1
- });
- }
+ vBox.add(hBox);
+ });
+ layout.add(vBox, {
+ row: i,
+ column: 1
+ }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Groups.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Groups.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08ebcc2904c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Groups.js
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+/* ************************************************************************
+ osparc - the simcore frontend
+ https://osparc.io
+ Copyright:
+ 2024 IT'IS Foundation, https://itis.swiss
+ License:
+ MIT: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ Authors:
+ * Odei Maiz (odeimaiz)
+************************************************************************ */
+qx.Class.define("osparc.store.Groups", {
+ extend: qx.core.Object,
+ type: "singleton",
+ construct: function() {
+ this.base(arguments);
+ this.groupsCached = [];
+ },
+ properties: {
+ everyoneGroup: {
+ check: "osparc.data.model.Group",
+ init: {}
+ },
+ everyoneProductGroup: {
+ check: "osparc.data.model.Group",
+ init: {}
+ },
+ organizations: {
+ check: "Object",
+ init: {}
+ },
+ groupMe: {
+ check: "osparc.data.model.Group",
+ init: {}
+ },
+ reachableUsers: {
+ check: "Object",
+ init: {}
+ },
+ },
+ events: {
+ "groupAdded": "qx.event.type.Data",
+ "groupRemoved": "qx.event.type.Data",
+ },
+ statics: {
+ curateOrderBy: function(orderBy) {
+ const curatedOrderBy = osparc.utils.Utils.deepCloneObject(orderBy);
+ if (curatedOrderBy.field !== "name") {
+ // only "modified_at" and "name" supported
+ curatedOrderBy.field = "modified_at";
+ }
+ return curatedOrderBy;
+ },
+ },
+ members: {
+ groupsCached: null,
+ __fetchGroups: function() {
+ if (osparc.auth.Data.getInstance().isGuest()) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ resolve([]);
+ });
+ }
+ const useCache = false;
+ return osparc.data.Resources.get("organizations", {}, useCache)
+ .then(resp => {
+ const everyoneGroup = this.__addToGroupsCache(resp["all"], "everyone");
+ const productEveryoneGroup = this.__addToGroupsCache(resp["product"], "productEveryone");
+ const groupMe = this.__addToGroupsCache(resp["me"], "me");
+ const orgs = {};
+ resp["organizations"].forEach(organization => {
+ const org = this.__addToGroupsCache(organization, "organization");
+ orgs[org.getGroupId()] = org;
+ });
+ this.setEveryoneGroup(everyoneGroup);
+ this.setEveryoneProductGroup(productEveryoneGroup);
+ this.setOrganizations(orgs);
+ this.setGroupMe(groupMe);
+ const myAuthData = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance();
+ groupMe.set({
+ label: osparc.data.model.User.namesToLabel(myAuthData.getFirstName(), myAuthData.getLastName()),
+ description: myAuthData.getEmail(),
+ thumbnail: osparc.data.model.User.emailToThumbnail(myAuthData.getEmail()),
+ })
+ return orgs;
+ });
+ },
+ __fetchGroupMembers: function(groupId) {
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ gid: groupId
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params)
+ .then(orgMembers => {
+ const group = this.getOrganization(groupId);
+ if (group) {
+ // reset group's group members
+ group.setGroupMembers({});
+ orgMembers.forEach(orgMember => {
+ const user = new osparc.data.model.User(orgMember);
+ this.__addToUsersCache(user, groupId);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ fetchGroupsAndMembers: function() {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ this.__fetchGroups()
+ .then(orgs => {
+ // reset Reachable Users
+ this.resetReachableUsers();
+ const promises = Object.keys(orgs).map(orgId => this.__fetchGroupMembers(orgId));
+ Promise.all(promises)
+ .then(() => resolve())
+ .catch(err => console.error(err));
+ });
+ })
+ },
+ getAllGroupsAndUsers: function() {
+ const allGroupsAndUsers = {};
+ const groupEveryone = this.getEveryoneGroup();
+ allGroupsAndUsers[groupEveryone.getGroupId()] = groupEveryone;
+ const groupProductEveryone = this.getEveryoneProductGroup();
+ allGroupsAndUsers[groupProductEveryone.getGroupId()] = groupProductEveryone;
+ const groupMe = this.getGroupMe();
+ allGroupsAndUsers[groupMe.getGroupId()] = groupMe;
+ Object.values(this.getOrganizations()).forEach(organization => {
+ allGroupsAndUsers[organization.getGroupId()] = organization;
+ });
+ Object.values(this.getReachableUsers()).forEach(reachableUser => {
+ allGroupsAndUsers[reachableUser.getGroupId()] = reachableUser;
+ });
+ return allGroupsAndUsers;
+ },
+ getMyGroupId: function() {
+ return this.getGroupMe().getGroupId();
+ },
+ getOrganizationIds: function() {
+ return Object.keys(this.getOrganizations());
+ },
+ getGroup: function(groupId) {
+ const groups = [];
+ const groupMe = this.getGroupMe();
+ groupMe["collabType"] = 2;
+ groups.push(groupMe);
+ Object.values(this.getReachableUsers()).forEach(member => {
+ member["collabType"] = 2;
+ groups.push(member);
+ });
+ Object.values(this.getOrganizations()).forEach(org => {
+ org["collabType"] = 1;
+ groups.push(org);
+ });
+ const groupProductEveryone = this.getEveryoneProductGroup();
+ groupProductEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
+ groups.push(groupProductEveryone);
+ const groupEveryone = this.getEveryoneGroup();
+ groupEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
+ groups.push(groupEveryone);
+ const idx = groups.findIndex(group => group.getGroupId() === parseInt(groupId));
+ if (idx > -1) {
+ return groups[idx];
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getPotentialCollaborators: function(includeMe = false, includeProductEveryone = false) {
+ const potentialCollaborators = {};
+ const orgs = this.getOrganizations();
+ const productEveryone = this.getEveryoneProductGroup();
+ Object.values(orgs).forEach(org => {
+ if (org.getAccessRights()["read"]) {
+ // maybe because of migration script, some users have access to the product everyone group
+ // rely on the includeProductEveryone argument to exclude it if necessary
+ if (org.getGroupId() === productEveryone.getGroupId() && !includeProductEveryone) {
+ return;
+ }
+ org["collabType"] = 1;
+ potentialCollaborators[org.getGroupId()] = org;
+ }
+ });
+ const members = this.getReachableUsers();
+ for (const gid of Object.keys(members)) {
+ members[gid]["collabType"] = 2;
+ potentialCollaborators[gid] = members[gid];
+ }
+ if (includeMe) {
+ const myGroup = this.getGroupMe();
+ myGroup["collabType"] = 2;
+ potentialCollaborators[myGroup.getGroupId()] = myGroup;
+ }
+ if (includeProductEveryone && productEveryone) {
+ productEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
+ potentialCollaborators[productEveryone.getGroupId()] = productEveryone;
+ }
+ return potentialCollaborators;
+ },
+ getOrganization: function(groupId) {
+ if (groupId && groupId in this.getOrganizations()) {
+ return this.getOrganizations()[groupId];
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getUserByUserId: function(userId) {
+ if (userId) {
+ const visibleMembers = this.getReachableUsers();
+ return Object.values(visibleMembers).find(member => member.getUserId() === userId);
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getUserByGroupId: function(groupId) {
+ if (groupId) {
+ const visibleMembers = this.getReachableUsers();
+ return Object.values(visibleMembers).find(member => member.getGroupId() === groupId);
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getGroupMemberByUserId: function(orgId, userId) {
+ const org = this.getGroup(orgId);
+ if (org) {
+ return org.getGroupMemberByUserId(userId);
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getGroupMemberByLogin: function(orgId, userEmail) {
+ const org = this.getGroup(orgId);
+ if (org) {
+ return org.getGroupMemberByLogin(userEmail);
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ postOrganization: function(name, description, thumbnail) {
+ const newGroupData = {
+ "label": name,
+ "description": description,
+ "thumbnail": thumbnail || null
+ };
+ const params = {
+ data: newGroupData
+ };
+ let group = null;
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "post", params)
+ .then(groupData => {
+ group = this.__addToGroupsCache(groupData, "organization");
+ this.getOrganizations()[group.getGroupId()] = group;
+ return this.__fetchGroupMembers(group.getGroupId());
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return group;
+ });
+ },
+ deleteOrganization: function(groupId) {
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ "gid": groupId
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "delete", params)
+ .then(() => {
+ this.__deleteFromGroupsCache(groupId);
+ delete this.getOrganizations()[groupId];
+ });
+ },
+ patchOrganization: function(groupId, name, description, thumbnail) {
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ "gid": groupId
+ },
+ data: {
+ "label": name,
+ "description": description,
+ "thumbnail": thumbnail || null
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizations", "patch", params)
+ .then(() => {
+ const organization = this.getOrganization(groupId);
+ if (organization) {
+ organization.set({
+ label: name,
+ description: description,
+ thumbnail: thumbnail || null
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ postMember: function(orgId, newMemberEmail) {
+ const gid = parseInt(orgId);
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ "gid": gid
+ },
+ data: {
+ "email": newMemberEmail
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "post", params)
+ .then(() => {
+ // the backend doesn't return the user back,
+ // so fetch them all again and return the user
+ return this.__fetchGroupMembers(gid);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ const groupMember = this.getGroupMemberByLogin(gid, newMemberEmail);
+ if (groupMember) {
+ return groupMember;
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ },
+ patchAccessRights: function(orgId, userId, newAccessRights) {
+ const gid = parseInt(orgId);
+ const uid = parseInt(userId);
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ gid,
+ uid,
+ },
+ data: {
+ "accessRights": newAccessRights
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "patch", params)
+ .then(() => {
+ const groupMember = this.getGroupMemberByUserId(gid, uid);
+ if (groupMember) {
+ groupMember.setAccessRights(newAccessRights);
+ return groupMember;
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ },
+ removeMember: function(orgId, userId) {
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ "gid": parseInt(orgId),
+ "uid": parseInt(userId),
+ }
+ };
+ return osparc.data.Resources.fetch("organizationMembers", "delete", params)
+ .then(() => {
+ this.__removeUserFromCache(parseInt(userId), parseInt(orgId));
+ });
+ },
+ __addToGroupsCache: function(groupData, groupType) {
+ let group = this.groupsCached.find(f => f.getGroupId() === groupData["gid"]);
+ if (!group) {
+ group = new osparc.data.model.Group(groupData).set({
+ groupType
+ });
+ this.groupsCached.unshift(group);
+ }
+ return group;
+ },
+ __deleteFromGroupsCache: function(groupId) {
+ delete this.getOrganizations()[groupId];
+ },
+ __addToUsersCache: function(user, orgId = null) {
+ if (orgId) {
+ const organization = this.getOrganization(orgId);
+ if (organization) {
+ organization.addGroupMember(user);
+ }
+ }
+ this.getReachableUsers()[user.getGroupId()] = user;
+ },
+ __removeUserFromCache: function(userId, orgId) {
+ if (orgId) {
+ const organization = this.getOrganization(orgId);
+ if (organization) {
+ organization.removeGroupMember(userId)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Store.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Store.js
index 89ccc5e51a0..d2c2d24104e 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Store.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/store/Store.js
@@ -174,26 +174,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.store.Store", {
check: "Array",
init: []
- organizations: {
- check: "Object",
- init: {}
- },
- organizationMembers: {
- check: "Object",
- init: {}
- },
- reachableMembers: {
- check: "Object",
- init: {}
- },
- everyoneProductGroup: {
- check: "Object",
- init: {}
- },
- everyoneGroup: {
- check: "Object",
- init: {}
- },
clusters: {
check: "Array",
init: [],
@@ -457,193 +437,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.store.Store", {
- __getGroups: function(group) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizations")
- .then(groups => {
- resolve(groups[group]);
- })
- .catch(err => console.error(err));
- });
- },
- getGroupsMe: function() {
- return this.__getGroups("me");
- },
- getGroupsOrganizations: function() {
- return this.__getGroups("organizations");
- },
- getProductEveryone: function() {
- return this.__getGroups("product");
- },
- getGroupEveryone: function() {
- return this.__getGroups("all");
- },
- __getAllGroups: function() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- const promises = [];
- promises.push(this.getGroupsMe());
- promises.push(this.getReachableMembers());
- promises.push(this.getGroupsOrganizations());
- promises.push(this.getProductEveryone());
- promises.push(this.getGroupEveryone());
- Promise.all(promises)
- .then(values => {
- const groups = [];
- const groupMe = values[0];
- groupMe["collabType"] = 2;
- groups.push(groupMe);
- const orgMembers = values[1];
- for (const gid of Object.keys(orgMembers)) {
- orgMembers[gid]["collabType"] = 2;
- groups.push(orgMembers[gid]);
- }
- values[2].forEach(org => {
- org["collabType"] = 1;
- groups.push(org);
- });
- const groupProductEveryone = values[3];
- if (groupProductEveryone) {
- groupProductEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
- groups.push(groupProductEveryone);
- }
- const groupEveryone = values[4];
- if (groupEveryone) {
- groupEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
- groups.push(groupEveryone);
- }
- resolve(groups);
- });
- });
- },
- getOrganizationOrUser: function(orgId) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- this.__getAllGroups()
- .then(orgs => {
- const idx = orgs.findIndex(org => org.gid === parseInt(orgId));
- if (idx > -1) {
- resolve(orgs[idx]);
- }
- resolve(null);
- });
- });
- },
- getAllGroupsAndMembers: function() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- osparc.data.Resources.get("organizations")
- .then(resp => {
- this.setEveryoneGroup(resp["all"]);
- this.setEveryoneProductGroup(resp["product"]);
- const orgMembersPromises = [];
- const orgs = resp["organizations"];
- orgs.forEach(org => {
- const params = {
- url: {
- "gid": org["gid"]
- }
- };
- orgMembersPromises.push(osparc.data.Resources.get("organizationMembers", params));
- });
- Promise.all(orgMembersPromises)
- .then(orgMemberss => {
- const reachableMembers = this.getReachableMembers();
- orgMemberss.forEach(orgMembers => {
- orgMembers.forEach(orgMember => {
- orgMember["label"] = osparc.utils.Utils.firstsUp(
- `${"first_name" in orgMember && orgMember["first_name"] != null ? orgMember["first_name"] : orgMember["login"]}`,
- `${orgMember["last_name"] ? orgMember["last_name"] : ""}`
- );
- reachableMembers[orgMember["gid"]] = orgMember;
- });
- });
- resolve();
- });
- });
- });
- },
- getPotentialCollaborators: function(includeMe = false, includeProductEveryone = false) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const promises = [];
- promises.push(this.getGroupsOrganizations());
- promises.push(this.getReachableMembers());
- promises.push(this.getEveryoneProductGroup());
- Promise.all(promises)
- .then(values => {
- const orgs = values[0]; // array
- const members = values[1]; // object
- const productEveryone = values[2]; // entry
- const potentialCollaborators = {};
- orgs.forEach(org => {
- if (org["accessRights"]["read"]) {
- // maybe because of migration script, some users have access to the product everyone group
- // rely on the includeProductEveryone argument to exclude it if necessary
- if (org["gid"] === productEveryone["gid"] && !includeProductEveryone) {
- return;
- }
- org["collabType"] = 1;
- potentialCollaborators[org["gid"]] = org;
- }
- });
- for (const gid of Object.keys(members)) {
- members[gid]["collabType"] = 2;
- potentialCollaborators[gid] = members[gid];
- }
- if (includeMe) {
- const myData = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance();
- const myGid = myData.getGroupId();
- potentialCollaborators[myGid] = {
- "login": myData.getEmail(),
- "first_name": myData.getFirstName(),
- "last_name": myData.getLastName(),
- "collabType": 2
- };
- }
- if (includeProductEveryone && productEveryone) {
- productEveryone["collabType"] = 0;
- potentialCollaborators[productEveryone["gid"]] = productEveryone;
- }
- resolve(potentialCollaborators);
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.error(err);
- reject(err);
- });
- });
- },
- getGroup: function(gid) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (gid) {
- this.getPotentialCollaborators()
- .then(potentialCollaborators => {
- let group = null;
- if (gid in potentialCollaborators) {
- group = potentialCollaborators[gid];
- }
- resolve(group);
- })
- .catch(() => resolve(null));
- } else {
- resolve(null);
- }
- });
- },
- getUser: function(uid) {
- if (uid) {
- const visibleMembers = this.getReachableMembers();
- return Object.values(visibleMembers).find(member => member.id === uid);
- }
- return null;
- },
reloadCreditPrice: function() {
const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
@@ -782,38 +575,37 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.store.Store", {
- this.getGroupsOrganizations()
- .then(orgs => {
- if (orgs.length === 0) {
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const orgs = Object.values(groupsStore.getOrganizations());
+ if (orgs.length === 0) {
+ this.setClassifiers([]);
+ resolve([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ const classifierPromises = [];
+ orgs.forEach(org => {
+ classifierPromises.push(this.__getOrgClassifiers(org["gid"], !reload));
+ });
+ Promise.all(classifierPromises)
+ .then(orgsClassifiersMD => {
+ if (orgsClassifiersMD.length === 0) {
- const classifierPromises = [];
- orgs.forEach(org => {
- classifierPromises.push(this.__getOrgClassifiers(org["gid"], !reload));
- });
- Promise.all(classifierPromises)
- .then(orgsClassifiersMD => {
- if (orgsClassifiersMD.length === 0) {
- this.setClassifiers([]);
- resolve([]);
- return;
- }
- const allClassifiers = [];
- orgsClassifiersMD.forEach(orgClassifiersMD => {
- if ("classifiers" in orgClassifiersMD) {
- const classifiers = orgClassifiersMD["classifiers"];
- Object.keys(classifiers).forEach(key => {
- const classifier = classifiers[key];
- classifier.key = key;
- allClassifiers.push(classifier);
- });
- }
+ const allClassifiers = [];
+ orgsClassifiersMD.forEach(orgClassifiersMD => {
+ if ("classifiers" in orgClassifiersMD) {
+ const classifiers = orgClassifiersMD["classifiers"];
+ Object.keys(classifiers).forEach(key => {
+ const classifier = classifiers[key];
+ classifier.key = key;
+ allClassifiers.push(classifier);
- this.setClassifiers(allClassifiers);
- resolve(allClassifiers);
- });
+ }
+ });
+ this.setClassifiers(allClassifiers);
+ resolve(allClassifiers);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItem.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItem.js
index e046f420805..5b45f066022 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItem.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItem.js
@@ -50,9 +50,17 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.ListItem", {
const layout = new qx.ui.layout.Grid(8, 1);
layout.setColumnWidth(0, 32);
+ layout.setRowFlex(0, 1);
layout.setColumnFlex(1, 1);
+ layout.setColumnAlign(0, "center", "middle");
+ layout.setColumnAlign(2, "center", "middle");
- this.setPadding(5);
+ this.set({
+ padding: 5,
+ minHeight: 48,
+ alignY: "middle",
+ });
this.addListener("pointerover", this._onPointerOver, this);
this.addListener("pointerout", this._onPointerOut, this);
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItemWithMenu.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItemWithMenu.js
index 4d9d1d054bb..ba4164c9205 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItemWithMenu.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/ListItemWithMenu.js
@@ -91,14 +91,20 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.ListItemWithMenu", {
const accessRights = this.getAccessRights();
const role = this.getChildControl("role");
if (
- "getDelete" in accessRights && accessRights.getDelete()
+ "getDelete" in accessRights && accessRights.getDelete() ||
+ "delete" in accessRights && accessRights["delete"]
) {
- } else if ("getWrite" in accessRights && accessRights.getWrite()) {
+ } else if (
+ "getWrite" in accessRights && accessRights.getWrite() ||
+ "write" in accessRights && accessRights["write"]
+ ) {
} else if (
("getRead" in accessRights && accessRights.getRead()) ||
- ("getExecute" in accessRights && accessRights.getExecute())
+ ("getExecute" in accessRights && accessRights.getExecute()) ||
+ ("read" in accessRights && accessRights["read"]) ||
+ ("execute" in accessRights && accessRights["execute"])
) {
} else {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/OrganizationListItem.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/OrganizationListItem.js
index 6da8294c011..45ce402f79d 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/OrganizationListItem.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/ui/list/OrganizationListItem.js
@@ -24,7 +24,15 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem", {
init: true,
nullable: false,
event: "changeShowDeleteButton"
- }
+ },
+ groupMembers: {
+ check: "Object",
+ nullable: true,
+ init: null,
+ event: "changeGroupMembers",
+ apply: "updateNMembers",
+ },
events: {
@@ -39,11 +47,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem", {
+ updateNMembers: function() {
+ const roleText = this.getGroupMembers() ? Object.keys(this.getGroupMembers()).length + this.tr(" members") : "-";
+ this.setRole(roleText);
+ },
// overridden
_getOptionsMenu: function() {
let menu = null;
const accessRights = this.getAccessRights();
- if (accessRights.getWrite()) {
+ if (accessRights["write"]) {
const optionsMenu = this.getChildControl("options");
@@ -51,7 +64,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem", {
position: "bottom-right"
- if (accessRights.getWrite()) {
+ if (accessRights["write"]) {
const editOrgButton = new qx.ui.menu.Button(this.tr("Edit details..."));
editOrgButton.addListener("execute", () => {
this.fireDataEvent("openEditOrganization", this.getKey());
@@ -59,7 +72,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem", {
- if (accessRights.getDelete()) {
+ if (accessRights["delete"]) {
const deleteOrgButton = new qx.ui.menu.Button(this.tr("Delete"));
this.bind("showDeleteButton", deleteOrgButton, "visibility", {
converter: show => show ? "visible" : "excluded"
@@ -83,14 +96,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.ui.list.OrganizationListItem", {
if (this.isPropertyInitialized("key")) {
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- store.getProductEveryone()
- .then(groupProductEveryone => {
- if (groupProductEveryone && parseInt(this.getKey()) === groupProductEveryone["gid"]) {
- thumbnail.setSource(osparc.utils.Icons.everyone(osparc.ui.list.ListItemWithMenu.ICON_SIZE));
- }
- });
+ const groupsStore = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance();
+ const groupProductEveryone = groupsStore.getEveryoneProductGroup();
+ if (groupProductEveryone && parseInt(this.getKey()) === groupProductEveryone.getGroupId()) {
+ thumbnail.setSource(osparc.utils.Icons.everyone(osparc.ui.list.ListItemWithMenu.ICON_SIZE));
+ }
- }
+ },
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/Annotation.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/Annotation.js
index 904b71125eb..7444094680a 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/Annotation.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/Annotation.js
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.workbench.Annotation", {
let representation = null;
switch (this.getType()) {
case "note": {
- const user = await osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(attrs.recipientGid);
- representation = this.__svgLayer.drawAnnotationNote(attrs.x, attrs.y, user ? user.label : "", attrs.text);
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByGroupId(attrs.recipientGid);
+ representation = this.__svgLayer.drawAnnotationNote(attrs.x, attrs.y, user ? user.getLabel() : "", attrs.text);
case "rect":
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/WorkbenchUI.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/WorkbenchUI.js
index 504faf3c33f..0bde129f15e 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/WorkbenchUI.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/workbench/WorkbenchUI.js
@@ -1935,16 +1935,14 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.workbench.WorkbenchUI", {
const win = osparc.editor.AnnotationNoteCreator.popUpInWindow(noteEditor);
noteEditor.addListener("addNote", () => {
const gid = noteEditor.getRecipientGid();
- osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getGroup(gid)
- .then(user => {
- serializeData.attributes.recipientGid = gid;
- serializeData.attributes.text = noteEditor.getNote();
- if (user) {
- osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewAnnotationNote(user.id, this.getStudy().getUuid());
- }
- this.__addAnnotation(serializeData);
- })
- .finally(() => win.close());
+ serializeData.attributes.recipientGid = gid;
+ serializeData.attributes.text = noteEditor.getNote();
+ const user = osparc.store.Groups.getInstance().getUserByGroupId(gid)
+ if (user) {
+ osparc.notification.Notifications.postNewAnnotationNote(user.getUserId(), this.getStudy().getUuid());
+ }
+ this.__addAnnotation(serializeData);
+ win.close();
}, this);
noteEditor.addListener("cancel", () => win.close());
} else if (type === "rect") {