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File metadata and controls

233 lines (193 loc) · 6.2 KB

sphinx-promise NPM version dependencies Status devDependencies Status Status

Graceful native bluebird-promise-based javascript implementation of the standard Sphinx API for fulltext searching based on top of sphinxapi


  • Install module from npm:
$ npm install --save sphinx-promise
  • Setup your sphinx configuration file and run it



var Sphinx = require('sphinx-promise');

or if you prefer es6/7 syntax:

import Sphinx from 'sphinx-promise';

Create instance:

const sphinx = new Sphinx(); // it uses default host (localhost) & port (9312)

or if you wanna set up your server configuration add:

const sphinx = new Sphinx({
	host: 'localhost', // default sphinx host
	port: 9312 // default sphinx TCP port


const sphinx = new Sphinx();
	host: 'localhost',
	port: 9312

Basic usage:

let query = 'word | anotherword';

sphinx.query(query).then(result => {

or in es7:

let query = 'word | anotherword';

let result = await sphinx.query(query);

Setting up filters

You can learn how to set up a filter from the official documentation.

let query = 'computer';
let filters = [{
	attr: 'authorid', // attribute's name
	values: [ 2, 12, 34 ], // multi-valued type in Sphinx
	exclude: false // optional parameter, default is false

sphinx.query(query, { filters }).then(result => {
	console.log(result.matches); // array of objects with document's ids

or multiple filters:

let query = 'love';
let filters = [{
	attr: 'authorid', // attribute's name
	values: [ 2, 12, 34 ], // multi-valued type in Sphinx
	exclude: false // optional parameter, default is false
}, {
	attr: 'categoryid',
	values: [ 1321 ]

sphinx.query(query, { filters }).then(result => {
	console.log(result.matches); // array of objects with document's ids

you can include query string into your option's object just like here:

sphinx.query({ query, filters }).then(result => {
	console.log(result.matches); // array of objects with document's ids

Another query example with specifyingindexor comment(for logs):

let index = 'editions'; // indexes, default is '*'
let comment = 'Debug query'; // you can find the string in your query logs

sphinx.query({ query, filters, index, comment }).then(result => {
	console.log(result.matches); // array of objects with document's ids

If you want get only array of ids from a result, just add the resultAsIds: true boolean parameter.

sphinx.query({ query, filters, resultAsIds: true }).then(result => {
	console.log(result); // `result` is array of ids now

Chain queries

This module supports chains of queries on top of promises as well.

Basic usage of addQuery & runQueries:

let queries = [{
	query: 'cats'
}, {
	query: 'cars',
	filters: [{
	    attr: 'authorid',
	    values: [ 394 ]
}, {
	query: 'sleepy foxes',
	filters: [{
	    attr: 'authorid',
	    values: [ 854, 1557 ]
	}, {
	    attr: 'categoryid',
	    values: [ 2 ],
	    exclude: false
	index: 'main, delta',
	comment: 'Test query'

queries.forEach(query => sphinx.addQuery(query));

Sphinx#addQuery returns an index from array that will be returned after Sphinx#runQueries execution.

To get results just invoke runQueries function:

sphinx.runQueries().then(results => {
	// `results` are array in the appropriate order

More complex example:

sphinx.runQueries().tap(results => {
	console.log('Results length:', results.length); // just log the length of result & go on
}).map(result => {
	return sphinx.getIdsFromResult(result); // get an array of ids from single result
}).spread((first, second, third) => {
	// `first`, `second` & `third` are "smeared" results now
	// each argument is an array of ids

Setting up limits & match mode

const sphinx = new Sphinx();
const params = {
    index: 'books',
	limits: {
	    offset: 0, // default is 0
	    limit: 100 // default is 20 as documented
	matchMode: Sphinx.SPH_MATCH_ANY

 * e. g. getting user from db, search books by user's name
 * and then collate books by their ids
async function getUsersBooks(userId) {
    let user = await User.findOne(userId);
    let result = await sphinx.query(, params);
    let ids = sphinx.getIdsFromResult(result); // or include `resultAsIds: true` in options
    return Books.findAll({
        where: {
            id: {
                $in: ids

try {
    let books = await getUsersBooks(1);
} catch (error) {
    console.error(error); // catching errors


  • Implement other methods such as setSelect, addFilterString, addFilterRange etc.
  • Add a full description about each method from documentation.


$ mocha




MIT © 2016 Alexander Belov