Given: The user is on the registration page.
When: The user enters a valid email, name, and a secure password.
Then: The user should be successfully registered.
And: The user should be redirected to the login page.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const registrationPage = require('../pages/registrationPage');
describe('User Registration with Secure Password', function() {
it('should register user with a secure password', function() {;
registrationPage.fillRegistrationForm('John Doe', '[email protected]', 'password123!');
expect(registrationPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Registration successful');
Given: The user is on the login page.
When: The user enters valid email and password.
Then: The user should be successfully logged in and redirected to the homepage.
Given: The user is on the login page.
When: The user selects the "Login with Google" button.
Then: The user should be authenticated via Google SSO and redirected to the homepage.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const loginPage = require('../pages/loginPage');
describe('User Authentication', function() {
it('should allow login with email and password', function() {;
loginPage.login('[email protected]', 'password123');
it('should allow login using third-party login (Google)', function() {;
Given: The user is on the seller registration page.
When: The seller enters business name, address, and bank details.
Then: The seller account should be created successfully with the provided information.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sellerRegistrationPage = require('../pages/sellerRegistrationPage');
describe('Seller Registration', function() {
it('should register seller with business information', function() {;
sellerRegistrationPage.fillRegistrationForm('TechStore', '123 Tech St', '9876543210', '[email protected]', 'password123');
expect(sellerRegistrationPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Seller registration successful');
Given: The user is on the password recovery page.
When: The user enters their registered email address.
Then: A password recovery email should be sent to the user.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const passwordRecoveryPage = require('../pages/passwordRecoveryPage');
describe('Password Recovery', function() {
it('should send a recovery email when email is provided', function() {;
passwordRecoveryPage.enterEmail('[email protected]');
expect(passwordRecoveryPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Password recovery email sent');
Given: The user is on the homepage.
When: The user enters a product keyword (e.g., "laptop") into the search bar.
Then: The system should display a list of products matching the keyword "laptop".
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const homePage = require('../pages/homePage');
describe('Product Search by Keyword', function() {
it('should display products matching the keyword', function() {;
const searchResults = homePage.getSearchResults();
expect(searchResults).to.include.members(['Laptop Model A', 'Laptop Model B']);
Given: The user is on the search results page.
When: The user applies a price filter (e.g., "$100 - $500").
Then: The system should display only products within the selected price range.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const searchPage = require('../pages/searchPage');
describe('Product Search by Price Range', function() {
it('should display products within the selected price range', function() {;
searchPage.applyPriceFilter('1000 - 5000');
const filteredProducts = searchPage.getFilteredProducts();
filteredProducts.forEach(product => {
const price = product.getPrice();
expect(price), 500);
Given: The seller is logged in to their account.
When: The seller navigates to the product listing page and enters product details (e.g., name, description, images, price, category).
Then: The system should successfully create the product listing and display it in the seller’s product catalog.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const sellerAccount = require('../pages/sellerAccount');
describe('Product Listing Creation', function() {
it('should create a new product listing successfully', function() {
sellerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'securepassword');;
productPage.fillProductForm('Wireless Mouse', 'A high-quality wireless mouse', 'images/mouse.jpg', 29.99, 'Electronics');
expect(productPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Product created successfully');
expect(productPage.getProductList()).to.include('Wireless Mouse');
Given: The seller is logged in and viewing their product listings.
When: The seller selects a product and updates the product details (e.g., price, description, stock level).
Then: The system should successfully update the product listing with the new details.
Given: The seller is logged in and viewing their product listings.
When: The seller selects a product and deletes it.
Then: The system should successfully delete the product listing from the catalog.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const sellerAccount = require('../pages/sellerAccount');
describe('Product Listing Editing and Deletion', function() {
it('should edit a product listing successfully', function() {
sellerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'securepassword');;
productPage.selectProduct('Wireless Mouse');
productPage.editProductDetails('Wireless Mouse', 'A high-quality wireless mouse with adjustable DPI', 35.99);
expect(productPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Product updated successfully');
expect(productPage.getProductDetails('Wireless Mouse')).to.include('adjustable DPI');
it('should delete a product listing successfully', function() {
productPage.selectProduct('Wireless Mouse');
expect(productPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Product deleted successfully');
expect(productPage.getProductList()).to.not.include('Wireless Mouse');
Given: The seller is logged in and viewing their product listing.
When: The seller updates the inventory level for a product.
Then: The system should successfully update the inventory level and display the new stock count.
Given: The seller is logged in and viewing their product listing.
When: The inventory level for a product goes below a predefined threshold.
Then: The system should send a low-stock alert notification to the seller.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const inventoryPage = require('../pages/inventoryPage');
const sellerAccount = require('../pages/sellerAccount');
describe('Product Inventory Management', function() {
it('should update product inventory successfully', function() {
sellerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'securepassword');;
inventoryPage.selectProduct('Wireless Mouse');
expect(inventoryPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Inventory updated successfully');
expect(inventoryPage.getProductInventory('Wireless Mouse')).to.equal(50);
it('should send low-stock alert to seller', function() {
inventoryPage.selectProduct('Wireless Mouse');
expect(inventoryPage.getLowStockAlert()).to.equal('Low stock alert for Wireless Mouse');
Given: The buyer is browsing products on the platform.
When: The buyer clicks on a product to view its details.
Then: The system should display product details, including the name, price, description, images, reviews, and specifications.
Given: The buyer is viewing the product details page.
When: The buyer scrolls down to the reviews section.
Then: The system should display reviews and ratings for the product.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const buyerAccount = require('../pages/buyerAccount');
describe('Product Management', function() {
it('should display product details', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');'Wireless Mouse');
expect(productPage.getProductName()).to.equal('Wireless Mouse');
expect(productPage.getProductDescription()).to.include('Wireless mouse with ergonomic design');
it('should display product reviews and ratings', function() {
expect(productPage.getAverageRating()), 5);
Given: The buyer is on the product details page.
When: The buyer submits a review with a rating and a comment.
Then: The system should save the review and display it on the product page.
Given: The buyer is on the product details page.
When: The buyer scrolls down to the reviews section.
Then: The system should display all reviews and the average rating for the product.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const buyerAccount = require('../pages/buyerAccount');
const reviewPage = require('../pages/reviewPage');
describe('Product Management', function() {
it('should allow a buyer to submit a review', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');'Wireless Mouse');
reviewPage.submitReview(5, 'Great product, very comfortable!');
expect(reviewPage.getReviewMessage()).to.equal('Review submitted successfully');
it('should display all reviews and average rating', function() {
expect(productPage.getAverageRating()), 5);
Given: The buyer is on the product details page.
When: The buyer views the product's stock status.
Then: The system should show whether the product is in stock or out of stock.
Given: The buyer is on the product details page.
When: The buyer views a product that is out of stock.
Then: The system should display a message indicating that the product is out of stock.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const buyerAccount = require('../pages/buyerAccount');
describe('Product Management', function() {
it('should display the stock availability status', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');'Wireless Keyboard');
expect(productPage.getStockStatus()).to.equal('In Stock');
it('should display out-of-stock notification when product is unavailable', function() {'Gaming Laptop');
expect(productPage.getStockStatus()).to.equal('Out of Stock');
expect(productPage.getOutOfStockMessage()).to.equal('This product is currently unavailable');
Given: The buyer is on the product details page.
When: The buyer clicks the "Add to Cart" button.
Then: The system should add the product to the shopping cart.
Given: The buyer has added a product to the shopping cart.
When: The buyer clicks the "Remove" button next to the product in the cart.
Then: The system should remove the product from the cart.
Given: The buyer has added a product to the shopping cart.
When: The buyer increases or decreases the quantity of the product in the cart.
Then: The system should update the product quantity in the cart.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const cartPage = require('../pages/cartPage');
const productPage = require('../pages/productPage');
const buyerAccount = require('../pages/buyerAccount');
describe('Shopping Cart and Checkout', function() {
it('should add product to the shopping cart', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');'Wireless Headphones');
expect(cartPage.getCartItemName(1)).to.equal('Wireless Headphones');
it('should remove product from the shopping cart', function() {
it('should allow modifying product quantity in the cart', function() {'Wireless Keyboard');
cartPage.changeQuantity(1, 3);
Given: The buyer has products in the shopping cart.
When: The buyer proceeds to checkout and enters shipping information, payment details, and reviews the order.
Then: The system should allow the buyer to submit the order and display a confirmation message.
Given: The buyer is at the checkout page.
When: The buyer enters invalid payment details (e.g., expired credit card).
Then: The system should display an error message indicating the issue with the payment details.
Given: The buyer has provided valid payment details and shipping information.
When: The buyer submits the order for payment.
Then: The system should securely process the payment and confirm the order with a success message.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const checkoutPage = require('../pages/checkoutPage');
const cartPage = require('../pages/cartPage');
const paymentPage = require('../pages/paymentPage');
const buyerAccount = require('../pages/buyerAccount');
describe('Shopping Cart and Checkout', function() {
it('should allow buyer to complete secure checkout process', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');
checkoutPage.enterShippingInformation('John Doe', '123 Street', 'City', 'Country');
checkoutPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
expect(checkoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Your order has been placed successfully');
it('should display error for invalid payment details', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');
checkoutPage.enterShippingInformation('John Doe', '123 Street', 'City', 'Country');
checkoutPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/20', '123');
expect(paymentPage.getErrorMessage()).to.equal('Payment method expired. Please enter a valid card.');
it('should securely process payment and confirm order', function() {
buyerAccount.login('[email protected]', 'buyerpassword');
checkoutPage.enterShippingInformation('John Doe', '123 Street', 'City', 'Country');
checkoutPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
expect(checkoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Your order has been placed successfully');
Given: The buyer has products in the shopping cart.
When: The buyer proceeds to checkout without logging in or registering an account.
Then: The system should allow the buyer to provide shipping and payment details, and complete the checkout as a guest.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const cartPage = require('../pages/cartPage');
const guestCheckoutPage = require('../pages/guestCheckoutPage');
describe('Shopping Cart and Checkout (Guest Checkout)', function() {
it('should allow guest checkout without account registration', function() {
guestCheckoutPage.enterShippingInformation('John Doe', '123 Street', 'City', 'Country');
guestCheckoutPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
expect(guestCheckoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Your order has been placed successfully as a guest');
Given: The buyer is at the checkout page with items in the cart.
When: The buyer selects a payment method (credit/debit card, e-wallet, or COD).
Then: The system should allow the buyer to complete the payment using the selected method.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const checkoutPage = require('../pages/checkoutPage');
describe('Payment and Transaction Processing', function() {
it('should support multiple payment methods', function() {
checkoutPage.selectPaymentMethod('Credit Card');
checkoutPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
expect(checkoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Payment successful. Your order is being processed');
expect(checkoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Payment successful. Your order is being processed');
expect(checkoutPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Your order will be shipped and paid upon delivery');
Given: The buyer has selected a payment method and entered the necessary payment details.
When: The buyer submits the payment for processing.
Then: The system should securely process the payment using an integrated payment gateway and confirm the payment status.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const paymentPage = require('../pages/paymentPage');
const paymentGateway = require('../services/paymentGateway');
describe('Payment and Transaction Processing', function() {
it('should securely process payments using a payment gateway', function() {
paymentPage.enterPaymentDetails('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
const paymentResponse = paymentGateway.processPayment('4111111111111111', '12/23', '123');
expect(paymentPage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Payment processed successfully');
Given: The seller has a valid payment account and has completed the sale of products.
When: A payment has been successfully processed for a sale.
Then: The seller should be able to view the payment in their transaction history.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sellerDashboard = require('../pages/sellerDashboard');
const transactionHistoryService = require('../services/transactionHistoryService');
describe('Payment and Transaction Processing (Sellers)', function() {
it('should allow sellers to receive payments and view transaction history', function() {
const transaction = transactionHistoryService.recordTransaction('seller123', 100, 'completed');
const transactions = sellerDashboard.getTransactionHistory();
expect(sellerDashboard.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Transaction recorded successfully');
Given: The buyer has placed at least one order on the system.
When: The buyer accesses their order history page.
Then: The system should display a list of past orders with details including order status, shipping information, and expected delivery date.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const orderHistoryPage = require('../pages/orderHistoryPage');
const orderService = require('../services/orderService');
describe('Order Tracking and Fulfillment (Buyers)', function() {
it('should allow buyers to view their order history and track current order status', function() {
const order = orderService.placeOrder('buyer123', 'product456', 2);;
const orders = orderHistoryPage.getOrderHistory();
expect(orderHistoryPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Order history loaded successfully');
Given: The seller has received a new order from a buyer.
When: The seller accesses the "Manage Orders" section in the seller dashboard.
Then: The seller should be able to view the details of the new order, including the buyer's shipping information and order items.
And: The seller should be able to update the order status (e.g., "Shipped", "Out for Delivery") and track the shipment.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sellerDashboardPage = require('../pages/sellerDashboardPage');
const orderService = require('../services/orderService');
describe('Order Tracking and Fulfillment (Sellers)', function() {
it('should allow sellers to manage and fulfill orders, and update shipment status', function() {
const order = orderService.placeOrder('buyer123', 'product456', 2);;
const orders = sellerDashboardPage.getOrdersList();
sellerDashboardPage.updateOrderStatus(order.orderId, 'Shipped');
expect(sellerDashboardPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Order status updated successfully');
Given: The seller has received an order and the buyer has requested a return, refund, or cancellation.
When: The seller accesses the "Manage Orders" section in the seller dashboard.
Then: The seller should be able to view the return, refund, or cancellation request.
And: The seller should be able to process the request (e.g., approve the return, issue a refund, or cancel the order).
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sellerDashboardPage = require('../pages/sellerDashboardPage');
const orderService = require('../services/orderService');
describe('Order Tracking and Fulfillment (Sellers)', function() {
it('should allow sellers to handle returns, refunds, and order cancellations', function() {
const order = orderService.placeOrder('buyer123', 'product456', 2);;
const orders = sellerDashboardPage.getOrdersList();
const orderWithReturn = orders.find(o => o.orderId === order.orderId);
sellerDashboardPage.processReturn(order.orderId, 'Approved');
expect(sellerDashboardPage.getOrderStatus(order.orderId)).to.equal('Return Approved');
expect(sellerDashboardPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Return processed successfully');
Given: The seller is logged into the seller dashboard.
When: The seller navigates to the "Sales Reports" section.
Then: The seller should be able to view sales reports, including total revenue, best-selling products, and monthly sales.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sellerDashboardPage = require('../pages/sellerDashboardPage');
const salesService = require('../services/salesService');
describe('Sales Reporting and Analytics (Sellers)', function() {
it('should allow sellers to access sales reports and analytics', function() {;
const reports = sellerDashboardPage.getSalesReports();
Given: The buyer has placed an order and opted in for promotional notifications.
When: The order status changes (e.g., shipped, delivered) or a promotional offer is available.
Then: The buyer should receive an email or SMS notification regarding the order update or promotional offer.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const orderService = require('../services/orderService');
const notificationService = require('../services/notificationService');
describe('Notifications (Buyers and Sellers)', function() {
it('should send notification to buyer for order updates and promotional offers', function() {
const buyerId = 'buyer123';
const orderId = orderService.placeOrder(buyerId, ['product1', 'product2']);
orderService.updateOrderStatus(orderId, 'shipped');
const notifications = notificationService.getNotifications(buyerId);
const orderNotification = notifications.find(notification => notification.orderId === orderId);
expect(orderNotification)'message').that.contains('Your order has been shipped');
Given: A seller has active listings on the platform.
When: A new order is placed, a payment status is updated, or the inventory reaches a low threshold.
Then: The seller should receive an email or SMS notification regarding the new order, payment status update, or inventory alert.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const orderService = require('../services/orderService');
const paymentService = require('../services/paymentService');
const inventoryService = require('../services/inventoryService');
const notificationService = require('../services/notificationService');
describe('Notifications (Buyers and Sellers)', function() {
it('should send notification to seller for new orders, payment status, and inventory alerts', function() {
const sellerId = 'seller123';
const orderId = orderService.placeOrder('buyer123', ['product1']);
const orderNotification = notificationService.getNotifications(sellerId).find(notification => notification.orderId === orderId);
expect(orderNotification)'message').that.contains('New order placed');
const paymentStatus = paymentService.updatePaymentStatus(orderId, 'completed');
const paymentNotification = notificationService.getNotifications(sellerId).find(notification => notification.type === 'paymentStatus');
expect(paymentNotification)'message').that.contains('Payment completed');
inventoryService.updateInventory('product1', 2);
const inventoryNotification = notificationService.getNotifications(sellerId).find(notification => notification.type === 'inventoryAlert');
expect(inventoryNotification)'message').that.contains('Low stock for product1');
Given: A buyer or seller needs assistance with an issue related to their account or a transaction.
When: The buyer or seller attempts to contact customer support through email, phone, or live chat.
Then: The system should allow the buyer or seller to access customer support through their preferred method (email, phone, or live chat).
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const supportService = require('../services/supportService');
const userService = require('../services/userService');
describe('Customer Support (Buyers and Sellers)', function() {
it('should allow users to contact customer support via email, phone, or live chat', function() {
const buyerId = 'buyer123';
const sellerId = 'seller123';
const emailResponse = supportService.contactSupport(buyerId, 'email');
const phoneResponse = supportService.contactSupport(sellerId, 'phone');
const liveChatResponse = supportService.contactSupport(buyerId, 'live chat');
expect(liveChatResponse)'method').that.equals('live chat');
Given: A buyer or seller needs to initiate a product return request, dispute, or resolution.
When: The buyer or seller submits a request for a return, dispute, or resolution via the customer support system.
Then: The system should process the request and route it to the appropriate support team for resolution.
Chai.js Code:
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const returnService = require('../services/returnService');
const disputeService = require('../services/disputeService');
describe('Customer Support (Buyers and Sellers)', function() {
it('should handle product return requests, disputes, and resolution', function() {
const buyerId = 'buyer123';
const sellerId = 'seller123';
const returnRequest = returnService.initiateReturn(buyerId, 'order123', 'defective product');
const disputeRequest = disputeService.initiateDispute(sellerId, 'order456', 'misleading product description');
const resolutionStatus = returnService.resolveRequest('order123');
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