From 5f9349c1ed8fd6ac50eb28b93acf7e74b7c3fa86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: EsmeeIDEMS Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 12:24:42 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] content: 1.2.33 --- .../translated_strings/translated.br_pt.json | 7400 ++++++++ .../translated_strings/translated.es_es.json | 1886 +- .../translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json | 10066 ++++++++-- .../translated_strings/translated.tr_tr.json | 15296 ++++++++++++++++ config.ts | 2 +- reports/summary.json | 2 +- reports/ | 2 +- 7 files changed, 32827 insertions(+), 1827 deletions(-) create mode 100644 app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.br_pt.json create mode 100644 app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.tr_tr.json diff --git a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.br_pt.json b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.br_pt.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be8c691 --- /dev/null +++ b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.br_pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,7400 @@ +[ + { + "SourceText": "One day Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait, and Mary went to pick wild fruit.\n\nThey held hands to cross the big river.", + "text": "Um dia Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait e Maria foram colher frutas silvestres. \n\nElas deram as mãos e atravessaram o grande rio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the girls together.", + "text": "Contem as meninas juntos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the patterns you see in their clothing. Do you like to wear solids, patterns, or both?", + "text": "Descreva as estampas que você vê na roupa delas. Você gosta de usar roupas lisas, estampadas ou ambas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Friends sometimes hold hands to keep each other company or show they are friends. Why are these girls holding hands?", + "text": "Amigos às vezes dão as mãos para ficarem próximos ou mostrar que são amigos. Por que essas meninas estão de mãos dadas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girls found a tree full of ripe fruit.\n\nThey agreed to pick the fruit with their eyes closed.", + "text": "As garotas encontraram uma árvore cheia de frutas maduras.\n\nElas decidiram pegar as frutas com os olhos fechados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name all the colors in the colorful clothes they are wearing.", + "text": "Nomeie todas as cores das roupas que elas estão utilizando.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each girl has her arms in a different position. Can you copy their arm positions with your arms?", + "text": "Cada menina está com os braços em uma posição diferente. Você consegue imitar as posições delas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the branches coming off the main trunk of this tree. You will have to decide which ones are big enough to count.", + "text": "Contem juntos quantos galhos estão saindo do tronco principal dessa árvore. Vocês terão que decidir quais galhos são grandes o suficiente para serem contados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lucy, Acharait and Mary did not close their eyes.\n\nOnly Akadeli closed hers.", + "text": "Lucy, Acharait e Maria não fecharam seus olhos.\n\nApenas Akadeli fechou seus olhos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think the other girls did not close their eyes?", + "text": "Por que você acha que as outras meninas não fecharam os olhos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a good climbing tree. Count together the branches that look the strongest.", + "text": "Essa é uma boa árvore para ser escalada. Contem juntos os galhos que parecem ser mais fortes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever do things with your eyes closed, just for fun?", + "text": "Você já fez coisas de olhos fechados apenas por diversão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When they opened their eyes, only Akadeli had picked unripe fruit.", + "text": "Quando elas abriram os olhos, apenas Akadeli havia pegado frutas verdes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many pieces of fruit there are in one basket. Estimating means making an informed guess. Is your estimate bigger than the biggest number you know?", + "text": "Estime quantas frutas há em uma cesta. Estimar significa dar um palpite informado. A sua estimativa é maior do que o maior número que você conhece?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What shapes are there on the two blue dresses?", + "text": "Quais formas têm nos dois vestidos azuis?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever play a game where some of the people didn't follow the rules? How did it make you feel?", + "text": "Você já participou de uma brincadeira em que algumas pessoas não seguiram as regras? Como isso fez você se sentir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lucy, Acharait, and Mary laughed at Akadeli. They left for home.\n\nAkadeli threw away the unripe fruit. She began picking ripe ones.", + "text": "Lucy, Acharait e Maria riram de Akadeli. Elas foram pra casa.\n\nAkadeli jogou fora as frutas que estavam verdes. Ela começou a pegar as maduras.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you have four girls and you take three away, how many are left?", + "text": "Se você tem quatro meninas e tira três, quantas sobram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When people laugh at you, does that make you feel angry or ashamed? Were you able to ignore them knowing they were just being mean?", + "text": "Quando as pessoas riem de você, isso te faz ficar com raiva ou envergonhado? Você consegue ignorar essas pessoas por saber que elas estão sendo malvadas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Akadeli stay behind to pick fruit?", + "text": "Por que Akadeli ficou pra trás para pegar frutas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon, Akadeli filled her basket with ripe fruit.\n\nShe set off alone, crossing the big river.", + "text": "Logo, Akadeli encheu seu balde com frutas maduras.\n\nEla partiu sozinha, atravessando o grande rio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many splashes can you count when her fruit hits the water?", + "text": "Quantos respingos de água você consegue contar quando as frutas dela caíram na água?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the larger trees together.", + "text": "Contem juntos as árvores grandes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Akadeli slipped in the river when no one slipped before? Is there another reason for holding hands?", + "text": "Por que você acha que Akadeli escorregou no rio sendo que ninguém havia escorregado antes? Tem algum outro motivo para ficar de mãos dadas enquanto atravessam o rio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Half way across the river, Akadeli's fruit fell into the water.\n\nShe was angry and began to cry.", + "text": "Na metade da travessia do rio, as frutas de Akadeli caíram na água.\n\nEla ficou irritada e começou a chorar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli is standing in the middle of some circles in the water. How many?", + "text": "Akadeli está em pé em meio a alguns círculos de água. Quantos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People cry sometimes when they are sad or angry. Have you been sad or angry when you spilled something?", + "text": "Às vezes as pessoas choram quando estão tristes ou irritadas Você já ficou triste por ter derrubado alguma coisa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the dark squares in the checkerboard pattern on her shirt.", + "text": "Contem juntos os quadrados pretos na roupa com estampa xadrez que Akadeli está usando.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli saw a big fish and grabbed it.", + "text": "Akadeli viu um grande peixe e o agarrou.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it okay that Akadeli lost her basket? Do you think her parents will be mad?", + "text": "O fato de Akadeli ter perdido sua cesta é um problema? Você acha que os pais dela vão ficar bravos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The title says this is Akadeli's lucky day. How is Akadeli's day going so far?", + "text": "O título da história diz que esse é o dia de sorte de Akadeli. Como está sendo o dia de Akadeli até agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this fish bigger or smaller than Akadeli?", + "text": "Esse peixe é maior ou menor que Akadeli?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As Akadeli walked home, a hawk snatched the fish.\n\nHe flew away with it.", + "text": "Enquanto Akadeli voltava pra casa, um falcão agarrou seu peixe.\n\nEle voou para longe com o peixe.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk snatched the fish with the talons on its feet. How many talons do you see?", + "text": "O Falcão agarrou o peixe com as garras em suas patas. Quantas garras você vê?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk's wings and Akadeli's shirt look a bit alike -- describe how they are similar and how they are different.", + "text": "As asas do Falcão e a camiseta de Akadeli se parecem um pouco. Descreva as semelhanças e diferenças entre elas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Akadeli feeling as she watches the hawk fly away with her fish?", + "text": "O que Akadeli está sentindo enquanto vê o Falcão voar para longe com seu peixe?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk left behind a feather from its tail.\n\nAkadeli picked up the feather and continued walking home.", + "text": "O Falcão deixou para trás uma pena de sua cauda.\n\nAkadeli pegou a pena e continuou caminhando até sua casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many spots are on this feather?", + "text": "Quantas marcas há nessa pena?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever found a feather? Was it very colorful?", + "text": "Você já encontrou uma pena? Era muito colorida?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three kinds of plants in this picture. Point at the tallest and shortest ones.", + "text": "Há três tipos de plantas nesta foto. Aponte para as mais altas e para as menores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She came across a traditional wedding. Dancers were wearing grass on their heads instead of feathers as was the tradition.\n\nThey took her feather and gave her a big bull!", + "text": "No caminho, ela passou por um casamento tradicional. Os dançarinos estavam utilizando grama para enfeitar suas cabeças em vez de penas como a tradição pedia.\n\nEles pegaram a pena de Akadeli e a deram um grande touro em troca!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many people are wearing yellow grass on their heads.", + "text": "Conte quantas pessoas estão utilizando grama amarela para enfeitar a cabeça.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many people it would take to weigh as much as that bull.", + "text": "Estime quantas pessoas seriam necessárias para pesar tanto quanto aquele touro.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Surprisingly, Akadeli traded a feather for a bull. Why did the people do that?", + "text": "Surpreendentemente, Akadeli conseguiu trocar uma pena por um touro. Por que as pessoas fizeram isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli reached home with her bull. Her parents and relatives were so happy. Lucy, Acharait, and Mary wished they had not lied to Akadeli.\n\nIt was a lucky day for Akadeli!", + "text": "Akadeli chegou em casa com seu touro. Seus pais e familiares ficaram muito felizes. Lucy, Acharait e Maria gostariam que não tivessem mentido para Akadeli.\n\nFoi um dia de sorte para Akadeli!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the other girls feel?", + "text": "Como você acha que as outras garotas se sentiram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever lied to someone? If so, did it make you feel sorry or ashamed?", + "text": "Você já mentiu para alguém? Se sim, isso fez você se sentir envergonhado ou arrependido?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of difficult moments in Akadeli's day. All turned out well in the end. Life can be full of surprises!", + "text": "Conte quantos momentos difíceis Akadeli teve em seu dia. Mas no final, tudo ficou bem, não é mesmo?. A vida pode ser cheia de surpresas!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His hoe was too short.", + "text": "Sua enxada era muito curta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the vivid colors -- the yellow sun, the blue sky, the green bushes, and the red shoes.", + "text": "Aponte as cores vivas -- o sol amarelo, o céu azul, os arbustos verdes e os sapatos vermelhos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the two bushes and the two red shoes with your child.", + "text": "Conte os dois arbustos e os dois sapatos vermelhos com seu filho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out how uncomfortable the man looks bending over so far to hoe.", + "text": "Aponte como o homem parece desconfortável se curvando tanto para usar a enxada.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His doorway was too low.", + "text": "A porta dele era muito baixa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Comment that the doorway is too low -- the man is taller than the door.", + "text": "Comente que a porta é baixa demais para ele -- o homem é mais alto que a porta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look how much the man stoops down to talk to the boy -- he is much taller than the boy, and the boy is much shorter than the man!", + "text": "Veja como o homem se abaixa para falar com o menino -- ele é muito mais alto que o menino, e o menino é muito mais baixo que o homem!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bushes together.", + "text": "Contem os arbustos juntos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His bed was too short.", + "text": "Sua cama era muito curta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man's legs stick far out of the bed. He is much longer than his bed.", + "text": "As pernas do homem ficam para fora da cama. Ele é bem mais comprido do que a sua cama.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to the bird and the boy and how puzzled they look by the short bed.", + "text": "Aponte para o pássaro e para o menino e comente como eles parecem confusos com a pequena cama.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the toes on each of the man's feet.", + "text": "Contem juntos os dedos dos pés de cada pé do homem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His bicycle was too short.", + "text": "Sua bicicleta era muito pequena.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The tall man is much too big for his bicycle. Look how far his leg sticks out!", + "text": "O homem alto é muito grande para a sua bicicleta. Olha só como a perna dele fica pra fora!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that the bird has changed color from yellow to orange!", + "text": "Aponte que o passarinho mudou de cor de amarelo para laranja!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is the boy in this picture?", + "text": "Onde está o menino nessa imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This man was too tall!\n\nWhat can he do to solve his problem and fit into his world?", + "text": "Este homem era muito alto!\n\nO que ele pode fazer para resolver o problema e se encaixar no mundo dele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maybe the man is not too tall -- maybe he just needs to solve his problems!", + "text": "Talvez o homem não seja tão alto -- talvez ele só precise resolver os problemas dele!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man has a problem and he is feeling sad about it.", + "text": "Pontue que o homem tem um problema e que ele está se sentindo triste com isso.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that this man is much taller than the other people.", + "text": "Note que esse homem é bem mais alto que as outras pessoas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made a very long handle.", + "text": "Ele fez um cabo bem comprido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He solved his problem with the hoe! He made his hoe bigger!", + "text": "Ele resolveu o problema com a enxada! Ele fez a enxada maior!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one is bigger, the hoe or the man?", + "text": "Qual é maior, a enxada ou o homem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see the man's red shoes? They disappeared!", + "text": "Você vê os sapatos vermelhos do homem? Para onde será que eles foram? Eles sumiram!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made very high door frames.", + "text": "Ele fez portas bem altas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is higher -- the door or the man?", + "text": "Qual é mais alto -- o homem ou a porta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun in the sky is round. Point to round things where you are.", + "text": "O sol no céu é redondo. Aponte para as coisas redondas ao seu redor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is longer and which is shorter -- the man's legs or his upper body?", + "text": "Qual é mais comprido e qual é mais curto -- as pernas do homem ou a parte de cima do corpo dele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made a very long bed.", + "text": "Ele fez uma cama bem comprida.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can't see the man's feet now. His bed is longer than he is.", + "text": "Agora não conseguimos mais ver os pés do homem A cama é mais comprida que ele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man looks very comfortable and happy in his big bed.", + "text": "O homem parece bem confortável e feliz na cama grande dele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at how small the boy looks next to the bed!", + "text": "Veja como o menino parece pequenininho perto da cama!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He bought a very high bicycle.", + "text": "Ele comprou uma bicicleta bem alta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the boy and the bird are inside the basket now.", + "text": "Note que o menino e o passarinho estão dentro da cestinha agora.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone looks very happy now that the man's things are the right size.", + "text": "Todo mundo parece muito feliz agora que as coisas do homem estão do tamanho certo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the many different colors on this page.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie as várias cores diferentes nessa página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.", + "text": "Ele se sentou em uma cadeira bem alta. Comeu com um garfo bem comprido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count out with your child many of the things in the picture -- such as fingers, legs, steps, and tines.", + "text": "Conte com seu filho várias coisas na imagem -- como dedos, pernas, degraus e dentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at how high the boy's chair is! Would you be scared sitting so high?", + "text": "Veja como a cadeira do menino é alta! Você ficaria com medo de ficar em um lugar tão alto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now that all his things are the right size for him, the man is not too tall at all!", + "text": "Agora que todas as coisas estão no tamanho certo pra ele, o homem não é mais tão alto assim!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He left his house and moved to a big house in the forest, where he lived for many years.", + "text": "Ele saiu de casa e foi morar numa casa grande na floresta, onde viveu muitos anos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the pineapples, bags, and trees with your child.", + "text": "Conte os abacaxis, sacolas e árvores com seu filho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the rungs on the ladder with your child.", + "text": "Conte os degraus na escada com seu filho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the bird is yellow again!", + "text": "Note que o passarinho está amarelo de novo!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 0 Zero cats.\n\nNo cats here!", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n0 Zero gatos.\n\nNenhum gato aqui!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "0 is an important number! It's where all counting starts, even when we don't say it.", + "text": "0 é um número importante! É onde toda contagem começa, mesmo quando não o dizemos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats do you see?", + "text": "Quantos gatos você vê?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the butterflies – they are tricky to find in this picture.", + "text": "Contem juntos as borboletas -- elas são difíceis de encontrar nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 1 One cat.\n\n A black cat is eating red meat.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n1 Um gato.\n\nUm gato preto está comendo carne vermelha.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the green and orange squares, blue shirt, and black cat.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie os quadrados verdes e laranjas, a camisa azul e o gato preto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how Paul is looking at the cat. Paul sure likes cats!", + "text": "Note como o Paulo está olhando para o gato. O Paulo realmente gosta de gatos!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time a cat is added: a) say that one more than the last number of cats is the new number, and b) one less than the current number is the last number.", + "text": "Cada vez que um gato é adicionado: a) diga que o novo número é um a mais que o último número de gatos, e b) o último número é um a menos que o número atual.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 2 Two cats. \n\n A white cat and a grey cat are sleeping.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n2 Dois gatos. \n\nUm gato branco e um gato cinza estão dormindo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the cats, plants, and people.", + "text": "Contem juntos os gatos, as plantas e as pessoas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of cats, plants, and people, which number is the biggest? Which one is the smallest?", + "text": "Dos gatos, plantas e pessoas, qual número é o maior? Qual é o menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the square tiles are now all the same gray color.", + "text": "Note que os azulejos quadrados agora são todos da mesma cor cinza.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n3 Three cats. \n\nThree cats are playing in the kitchen.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n3 Três gatos.\n\nTrês gatos estão brincando na cozinha.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What a mess! There must be zero people here!", + "text": "Que bagunça! Deve ter zero pessoas aqui!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together each group – the cats, cabinet doors, food containers, and spoons.", + "text": "Contem juntos cada grupo -- os gatos, as portas dos armários, os recipientes de comida e as colheres.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which thing is there the most of in this picture?", + "text": "Qual coisa aparece mais vezes nessa imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n4 Four cats. \n\nFour cats are Paul's friends.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n4 Quatro gatos.\n\nQuatro gatos são amigos do Paulo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the cats.", + "text": "Conte todos os gatos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these cats have you seen before, and which are new? Which ones are missing?", + "text": "Quais desses gatos você já viu antes e quais são novos? Quais estão faltando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name all the different colors in the room.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie todas as cores diferentes na sala.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n5 Five cats. \n\nFive cats chase the dog.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n5 Cinco gatos.\n\nCinco gatos perseguem o cachorro.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at their faces and bodies, do the cats and the dog like each other?", + "text": "Olhando para as caras e corpos, os gatos e o cachorro gostam um do outro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of cats and the number of dogs. Which group is bigger? Poor dog!", + "text": "Conte o número de gatos e o número de cachorros. Qual grupo é maior? Coitado do cachorro!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These cats all have different coloring. Describe the color and pattern of each cat.", + "text": "Cada um dos gatos tem colorações diferentes. Descreva a cor e o padrão de cada gato.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats?\n\n6 Six cats.\n\nSix cats waiting for the dog.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n6 Seis gatos\n\nSeis gatos estão esperando pelo cachorro.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the cats on the floor and in the picture. Is it the same number?", + "text": "Conte os gatos no chão e na foto. É o mesmo número?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find a cat or two in the picture on the wall that is not on the floor.", + "text": "Encontre um ou dois gatos da foto da parede que não estão no chão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog doesn't want to come back. Why not?", + "text": "O cachorro não quer voltar. Por que não?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n7 Seven cats. \n\nSeven cats playing in the compound.", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n7 Sete gatos.\n\nSete gatos brincando no quintal.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at each of the seven cats.", + "text": "Aponte para cada um dos sete gatos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Paul looking for?", + "text": "O que Paulo está procurando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat on the roof is the highest cat. How did that cat get up so high?", + "text": "O gato no telhado é o gato que está mais alto. Como esse gato subiu tão alto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n8 Eight cats. \n\nEight cats and one dog!", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n8 Oito gatos.\n\nOito gatos e um cachorro!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cats have many different colors and patterns. Have you seen cats like these?", + "text": "Os gatos têm muitas cores e padrões diferentes. Você já viu gatos assim?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Seven cats plus one dog makes how many animals?", + "text": "Oito gatos mais um cachorro resulta em quantos animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the dog looks happy or worried?", + "text": "Você acha que o cachorro parece feliz ou preocupado?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A kitten is stuck in a tree! \n\n\"I will rescue you!\" says Paul.", + "text": "Um gatinho está preso em uma árvore!\n\n\"Eu vou te resgatar!\", diz Paulo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats are stuck in the tree?", + "text": "Quantos gatos estão presos nessa árvore?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How did the cat get up there?", + "text": "Como esse gato chegou ali?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is higher than Paul. How will Paul help the cat?", + "text": "O gato está mais alto que Paulo. Como Paulo vai ajudar o gato?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama, can we keep him?\" \n\nHow many cats? \n\n9 Nine cats. \n\n\"That is too many cats!\" says Mama.\u0001", + "text": "\"Mamãe, podemos ficar com ele?”\n\nQuantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n9 Nove gatos.\n\n\"São muitos gatos!\" diz a mamãe", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than eight cats is nine cats. A dog and nine cats is how many animals?\u0001\u0001", + "text": "Um a mais que oito gatos são nove gatos. Um cachorro e nove gatos são quantos animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know anyone with cats? How many cats do they have?", + "text": "Você conhece alguém com gatos? Quantos gatos essa pessoa tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think nine cats is too many?", + "text": "Você acha que nove gatos são muitos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the whiskers, ears, legs, eyes, and tails.", + "text": "Contem juntos os fios dos bigodes, as orelhas, as pernas, os olhos e os rabos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which counts are the same, which are different, which are the largest, and which are the smallest?", + "text": "Quais contagens são iguais, quais são diferentes, quais são maiores e quais são menores?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is red and which one is yellow?", + "text": "Qual animal é vermelho e qual é amarelo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog live in a house.\n\nA house with a door.\n\nA house with a roof.", + "text": "Gato e Cão moram numa casa.\n\nUma casa com uma porta.\n\nUma casa com um telhado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog live in a round house. Is your house round?", + "text": "Gato e Cão moram numa casa redonda. Sua casa é redonda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to any other round things in the picture.", + "text": "Aponte para outras coisas redondas na imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many rooms does their house seem to have?", + "text": "Quantos cômodos a casa deles parece ter?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog have a ball.\n\nThe ball is red and blue and yellow.", + "text": "Gato e Cão têm uma bola.\n\nA bola é vermelha, azul e amarela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of colors on the ball.", + "text": "Contem juntos o número de cores na bola.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which color on the ball is not a color for Cat or Dog?", + "text": "Qual cor na bola não é uma cor do Gato ou do Cão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is there anything where you are that is striped like this ball?", + "text": "Tem algo na sua casa que é listrado como essa bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog.\n\nDog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Cat.\n\nCat catches the ball.", + "text": "Gato e Cão brincam com a bola.\n\nO Gato joga a bola para o Cão.\n\nO Cão pega a bola.\n\nO Cão joga a bola para o Gato.\n\nO Gato pega a bola.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many times did they throw the ball?", + "text": "Quantas vezes eles jogaram a bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like playing with balls? Do you throw them, catch them, or kick them?", + "text": "Você gosta de brincar com bolas? Você joga, pega ou chuta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can real cats and dogs play catch with a ball? How can they play with balls?", + "text": "Gatos e cachorros reais conseguem brincar de pegar uma bola? Como eles podem brincar com bolas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Cat throws the ball very high.\n\nOh! Oh!", + "text": "Então Gato joga a bola bem alto.\n\nOh! Oh!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is higher than Dog. How much higher than Dog did Cat throw it?", + "text": "A bola está mais alta que o Cão. Quão mais alto que o Cão o Gato jogou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Cat mean to do that? How can you tell from Cat's face?", + "text": "O Gato fez isso de propósito? Como você pode dizer isso pela expressão do Gato?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the ball sometimes not go where you want it when you play catch?", + "text": "Já aconteceu de a bola não ir para o lugar esperado quando você joga ela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is on the roof.\n\nThe ball is on the roof of the house.", + "text": "A bola está no telhado.\n\nA bola está no telhado da casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The roof is slanted. Does the ball look like it would roll off the roof?", + "text": "O telhado é inclinado. Será que a bola vai rolar do telhado?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are Cat and Dog?", + "text": "Cadê o Gato e o Cão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is the shape of the ball and the house similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Como as formas da bola e da casa são similares e como são diferentes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog can see the ball.\n\nCat and Dog cannot get to the ball.\n\nHow will they get the ball down?", + "text": "Gato e Cão conseguem ver a bola.\n\nGato e Cão não conseguem pegar a bola.\n\nComo eles vão pegar a bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is too high for Cat and Dog to reach. How will they solve this problem?", + "text": "A bola está muito alta para Gato e Cão alcançarem. Como eles vão resolver esse problema?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What can you do to get something that is too high? Would you ask for help?", + "text": "O que você faria para pegar algo que está muito alto? Pediria ajuda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the ball look bigger than it did when they were throwing it?", + "text": "A bola parece maior do que quando eles estavam jogando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are sad.\n\nThey want to find something tall to reach the ball.\n\nThen Elephant comes by.", + "text": "Gato e Cão estão tristes.\n\nEles querem encontrar algo que seja alto para alcançar a bola.\n\nEntão o Elefante passa por ali.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are crying. Is their crying helping them solve their problem?", + "text": "Gato e Cão estão chorando. O choro deles está ajudando a resolver o problema?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the big animals, birds, and trees in the picture.", + "text": "Contem juntos os animais grandes, pássaros e árvores na imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can Elephant help them? Is the elephant tall?", + "text": "Como Elefante pode ajudá-los? O Elefante é alto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant is big.\n\nElephant can see the ball.\n\nElephant can get to the ball.\n\nElephant gets the ball from the roof.\n\nElephant takes the ball from the roof of the house.", + "text": "Elefante é grande.\n\nElefante consegue ver a bola.\n\nElefante pode pegar a bola.\n\nElefante pega a bola do telhado.\n\nElefante tira a bola do telhado da casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is higher than Elephant. How does Elephant reach the ball?", + "text": "A bola estava mais alta que o Elefante. Como o Elefante alcançou a bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals are all standing on two of their four legs. Have you seen animals do this?", + "text": "Os animais estão todos apoiados em duas de suas quatro patas. Você já viu animais fazerem isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other animals stand on two legs?", + "text": "Que outros animais ficam em duas patas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant gives the ball to Cat and Dog.\n\nCat and Dog smile. Elephant smiles.\n\nCat and Dog and Elephant smile.", + "text": "Elefante entrega a bola para Gato e Cão.\n\nGato e Cão sorriem. Elefante sorri.\n\nGato, Cão e Elefante sorriem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who has the longest nose? Why does an elephant need such a long nose?", + "text": "Quem tem o nariz mais comprido? Por que um elefante precisa de um nariz tão comprido?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these animals is the biggest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "Qual desses animais é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Elephant different and how is Elephant similar to Cat and Dog? What does Elephant have that they don't?", + "text": "Como o Elefante é diferente e como é similar ao Gato e ao Cão? O que o Elefante tem que eles não têm?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and Elephant play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog. Dog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Elephant. Elephant catches the ball.\n\nElephant throws the ball to Cat. Cat catches the ball.", + "text": "Gato, Cão e Elefante brincam com a bola.\n\nGato joga a bola para o Cão. Cão pega a bola.\n\nCão joga a bola para o Elefante. Elefante pega a bola.\n\nElefante joga a bola para o Gato. Gato pega a bola.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of throws and the number of catches. Are they the same number?", + "text": "Contem o número de jogadas e o número de pegadas. É o mesmo número?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did each animal throw and each animal catch?", + "text": "Todos os animais jogaram e pegaram a bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are good at taking turns. Are you good at taking turns?", + "text": "Eles são bons em se revezar. Você é bom em revezar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye Elephant.", + "text": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, Elefante.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of animals waving.", + "text": "Contem juntos o número de animais acenando.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more animals or balls? By how much?", + "text": "Existem mais animais ou bolas? Quantos estão sobrando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With fewer balls than animals, the animals must be good at sharing.", + "text": "Quando há menos bolas do que animais, os animais precisam ser bons em compartilhar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has stripes and which one has spots? How many stripes and how many spots?", + "text": "Qual deles tem listras e qual tem pintinhas? Quantas listras e quantas pintinhas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has whiskers we can see? How many whiskers?", + "text": "Qual deles tem bigodes que podemos ver? Quantos pêlos do bigode?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one is red and which one is yellow?", + "text": "Qual é vermelho e qual é amarelo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog look through the window.\n\nThey look through the window.", + "text": "Gato e Cão olham pela janela.\n\nEles olham pela janela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many times does it say that they are looking through the window? The writer repeats it to tell us that Cat and Dog have nothing to do.", + "text": "Quantas vezes a história diz que eles estão olhando pela janela? O escritor repete isso para nos mostrar que Gato e Cão não têm nada para fazer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do Cat and Dog look bored?", + "text": "Gato e Cão parecem entediados?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of trees.", + "text": "Contem juntos o número de árvores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Cat and Dog see a butterfly!\n\nThe butterfly is pink.", + "text": "Então Gato e Cão enxergam uma borboleta!\n\nA borboleta é rosa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why were Cat and Dog so excited to see a butterfly? Were they looking for one?", + "text": "Por que Gato e Cão ficaram tão animados ao ver a borboleta? Estavam procurando uma?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the wings on the butterfly.", + "text": "Aponte e conte quantas asas a borboleta tem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the short lines going away from the butterfly. They show the butterfly is alarmed.", + "text": "Aponte e conte as linhas curtas saindo da borboleta. Elas indicam que a borboleta está atenta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog want to catch the butterfly.\n\nCat and Dog follow the butterfly.\n\nThey follow the butterfly.", + "text": "Gato e Cão querem pegar a borboleta.\n\nGato e Cão seguem a borboleta.\n\nEles seguem a borboleta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the butterfly want to be caught?", + "text": "A borboleta quer ser pega?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it mean of Cat and Dog to want to catch the butterfly?", + "text": "É maldade o Gato e o Cão quererem pegar a borboleta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When is it fun to be chased and when is it frightening?", + "text": "Quando é divertido ser perseguido e quando é assustador?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by foot. They walk after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is too fast and Cat and Dog are slow. They are too slow.", + "text": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta a pé. Eles andam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é rápida demais e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles são lentos demais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is going the fastest?", + "text": "Qual animal está indo mais rápido?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you go faster or slower than Cat and Dog?", + "text": "Você consegue ir mais rápido ou mais devagar que o Gato e o Cão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that their feet are drawn going in circles to indicate they are running fast.", + "text": "Aponte que seus pés estão desenhados em círculos para indicar que estão correndo rápido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by bike. They ride after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is very fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are very slow.", + "text": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta de bicicleta. Eles pedalam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é muito rápida e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles são muito lentos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can butterflies fly faster than a bike can go?", + "text": "As borboletas podem voar mais rápido do que uma bicicleta pode ir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can cats and dogs ride bikes?", + "text": "Gatos e cachorros conseguem andar de bicicleta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you could catch a butterfly while riding a bike?", + "text": "Você acha que conseguiria pegar uma borboleta enquanto anda de bicicleta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by car. They drive after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still too fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still too slow.", + "text": "Gato e Cão seguem a borboleta de carro. Eles dirigem atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é rápida demais e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda estão lentos demais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can a butterfly or a bird fly faster than a car?", + "text": "Uma borboleta ou um pássaro pode voar mais rápido que um carro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can a real dog drive a car?", + "text": "Um cachorro de verdade consegue dirigir um carro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the clouds in the sky.", + "text": "Contem juntos as nuvens no céu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by boat. They float after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-slow.", + "text": "Gato e Cão seguem a borboleta de barco. Eles remam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é super-rápida, e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda estão super-lentos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of fish.", + "text": "Contem o número de peixes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Including Cat and Dog, count the number of animals.", + "text": "Incluindo Gato e Cão, contem o número de animais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fish look surprised. Why are they surprised?", + "text": "Os peixes parecem surpresos. Por que eles estão surpresos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by plane. They flow after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still super-super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-super-slow.", + "text": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta de avião. Eles voam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta ainda é super-super-rápida, e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda são super-super-lentos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think a dog can fly a plane?", + "text": "Você acha que um cachorro consegue pilotar um avião?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of cars, boats, and planes is the fastest and which is the slowest?", + "text": "Qual dos carros, barcos e aviões é o mais rápido e qual é o mais lento?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are up very high. Count together the clouds where they are.", + "text": "Eles estão muito altos. Contem juntos as nuvens de onde eles estão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Cat and Dog stop. They stop and sit down. They sit down at a tree.\n\nThey sit down at a big tree.\n\nBut then ....", + "text": "Gato e Cão param. Eles param e se sentam. Eles se sentam ao pé de uma árvore.\n\nEles se sentam ao pé de uma grande árvore.\n\nMas então....", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is longer, Cat's tongue or Cat's legs?", + "text": "Qual é mais comprido, a língua do Gato ou as pernas do Gato?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think cats have tongues that long?", + "text": "Você acha que os gatos têm línguas tão compridas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are their tongues hanging out because Cat and Dog are tired?", + "text": "Será que suas línguas estão para fora porque Gato e Cão sentem cansaço?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They see one butterfly in the tree.\n\nThey see two butterflies in the tree.\n\nThey see three butterflies in the tree.", + "text": "Eles veem uma borboleta na árvore.\n\nEles veem duas borboletas na árvore.\n\nEles veem três borboletas na árvore.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the butterflies you can see in the tree.", + "text": "Contem juntos as borboletas que conseguem ver na árvore.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you can see all the butterflies?", + "text": "Você acha que consegue ver todas as borboletas que estão na árvore?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three types of living things in the picture: trees, Cat and Dog, and butterflies. Which group is the largest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "Há três tipos de seres vivos na imagem: árvores, o Gato, o Cão e as borboletas. Qual deles é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They see a hundred butterflies!", + "text": "Eles veem cem borboletas!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many butterflies can you count? Are there too many for you to count?", + "text": "Quantas borboletas você consegue contar? São muitas para você contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different colors of butterflies are there?", + "text": "Qual cor de borboleta repete mais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For which color of butterfly is there the most?", + "text": "Qual cor de borboleta repete mais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye butterflies.", + "text": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, Borboletas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you happy or sad that Cat and Dog caught a butterfly?", + "text": "Você está feliz ou triste que Gato e Cão pegaram uma borboleta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the picture, who do you think is happy and who is sad?", + "text": "Na imagem, quem você acha que está feliz e quem está triste?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long do you think a butterfly can live in a jar?", + "text": "Por quanto tempo você acha que uma borboleta pode viver em um pote de vidro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have two ears. Whose ears are bigger?", + "text": "Cada um tem duas orelhas. Quem tem as maiores orelhas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have one tail. Whose tail is longer?", + "text": "Cada um tem um rabo. De quem é o rabo mais longo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have markings on their belly. Whose markings are bigger?", + "text": "Cada um tem marcações na barriga. De quem são as marcações maiores?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk.\n\nThey walk in their village.", + "text": "Gato e Cão caminham.\n\nEles caminham em sua vila.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the homes in the village.", + "text": "Contem juntos as casas na vila.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things to count together -- one bird, one cat, one dog, three animals, three buildings, and one tree.", + "text": "Há muitas coisas para contarem juntos - um pássaro, um gato, um cachorro, três animais, três prédios e uma árvore.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two of the buildings are round around the base. The third one has a base shaped like this page.", + "text": "Dois dos prédios são redondos na base. O terceiro tem uma base quadrada.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then they see an egg.\n\nThe egg is in the grass.\n\nThe egg is alone in the grass.\n\nThe egg is all alone.", + "text": "Então eles veem um ovo.\n\nO ovo está na grama.\n\nO ovo está sozinho na grama.\n\nO ovo está completamente sozinho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the animals, trees, houses, and eggs.", + "text": "Contem juntos os animais, árvores, casas e ovos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name an animal that lays eggs.", + "text": "Nomeie um animal que ponha ovos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog pick up the egg. It is usually better to leave eggs where you find them.", + "text": "Gato e Cão pegam o ovo. Geralmente é melhor deixar os ovos onde você os encontra.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to a bird.\n\nThey ask the bird, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Gato e Cão caminham até um pássaro.\n\nEles perguntam ao pássaro: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The egg is round. Point to other things with round sides.", + "text": "O ovo é redondo. Aponte para outras coisas redondas no desenho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to round things where you are.", + "text": "Aponte para as coisas redondas onde você está.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe where the bird is -- Cat and Dog are below the roof and below the bird, and the bird is above them.", + "text": "Descreva onde está o pássaro - Gato e Cão estão abaixo do telhado e abaixo do pássaro, e o pássaro está acima deles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the bird says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg.\"", + "text": "Mas o pássaro diz: \"Não, esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte à coruja. Talvez o ovo seja dela.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you seen blue birds where you live?", + "text": "Você já viu pássaros azuis onde você mora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What color is the tie the owl is wearing? Have you seen a bird wearing a tie?", + "text": "De que cor é a gravata que a coruja está usando? Você já viu uma ave usando gravata?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The blue bird is sitting on the roof. What is the owl sitting on?", + "text": "O pássaro azul está sentado no telhado. No que a coruja está sentada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the owl.\n\nThey ask the owl, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Gato e Cão caminham até a coruja.\n\nEles perguntam à coruja: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Owls are said to be wise. Does this owl look wise to you?", + "text": "Dizem que as corujas são sábias. Essa coruja parece sábia para você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the birds, cats, and dogs. Which type of animal is there the most of?", + "text": "Contem as aves, gatos e cachorros. Qual tipo de animal mais há?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice owl's unusual kite-shaped tie!", + "text": "Note a gravata incomum em forma de pipa da coruja!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the owl says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg.\"", + "text": "Mas a coruja diz: \"Não,esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte à gansa. Talvez seja o ovo dela.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you get something wrong two times, do you get discouraged?", + "text": "Se você erra duas vezes, fica desanimado?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are great at persisting -- trying over and over until they succeed. Are you good at persisting?", + "text": "Gato e Cão são ótimos em persistir - tentar repetidamente até conseguir. Você é bom em persistir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the houses and how many animals there are now.", + "text": "Contem juntos as casas e quantos animais há agora.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the goose.\n\nThey ask the goose, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Gato e Cão caminham até a gansa.\n\nEles perguntam à gansa: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals are there?", + "text": "Quantos animais há?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are any of the animals the same color? How many different colors are there for all the animals?", + "text": "Alguns dos animais têm a mesma cor? Quantas cores diferentes há para todos os animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three birds. How are these three similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Há três aves. Como essas três são semelhantes e como são diferentes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the goose says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg.\"", + "text": "Mas a gansa diz: \"Não, esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte aos dois patos. Talvez seja o ovo deles.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Cat and Dog will give up? Would you give up at this point?", + "text": "Você acha que Gato e Cão desistirão? Você desistiria nesse ponto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many birds have they talked to?", + "text": "Com quantas aves eles conversaram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If they can't find the home for the egg, what should they do with it?", + "text": "Se não conseguirem encontrar a casa do ovo, o que devem fazer com ele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks.\n\nThey ask the two ducks, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Gato e Cão caminham até os dois patos.\n\nEles perguntam aos patos: \"Este ovo é de vocês?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the ducks going to say?", + "text": "O que os patos vão dizer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The two ducks are different colors and patterns. Describe how they are the same and how they are different.", + "text": "Os dois patos têm muitas cores e padrões diferentes. Descreva como são iguais e como são diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have ducks around where you live?", + "text": "Há patos por perto onde você mora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the two ducks say, \"No, that is not our egg.\"\n\nThen the egg breaks.", + "text": "Mas os patos dizem: \"Não, esse ovo não é nosso.”\n\nEntão o ovo se quebra.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that the egg is breaking?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que o ovo está se quebrando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Cat drop the egg? Have you ever dropped an egg?", + "text": "Será que Gato deixou cair o ovo? Você já deixou cair um ovo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will come out of the egg?", + "text": "O que você acha que vai sair do ovo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a lizard in the egg.\n\nA baby lizard.", + "text": "Há um lagarto no ovo.\n\nUm filhote de lagarto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is it surprising to see a baby lizard come out of the egg? Were you expecting a baby bird?", + "text": "Por que é surpreendente ver um filhote de lagarto sair do ovo? Você estava esperando um filhote de uma ave?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that lay eggs and that are not birds? Hint: Fish, insects, and turtles are examples.", + "text": "Você consegue pensar em outros animais que botam ovos e que não são aves? Dica: Peixes, insetos e tartarugas são exemplos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What color is the lizard? Have you seen lizards like this before?", + "text": "De que cor é o lagarto? Você já viu lagartos assim antes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The baby lizard says, \"Where is my mother? Where is my father? Where are my mother and father?\"\n\nCat and Dog bring the baby lizard to his mother and father.", + "text": "O filhote de lagarto diz: \"Onde está minha mãe? Onde está meu pai? Onde estão minha mãe e meu pai?\"\n\nGato e Cão levam o filhote de lagarto para sua mãe e seu pai.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many lizards are on top of the rocks?", + "text": "Quantos lagartos estão em cima das rochas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do lizards like to be on rocks on sunny days?", + "text": "Por que os lagartos gostam de ficar em rochas em dias ensolarados?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are most rocks round like these, or do some have sharp edges and points?", + "text": "A maioria das rochas são redondas como essas, ou algumas têm bordas e pontas afiadas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye baby lizard.", + "text": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, bebê lagarto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The baby lizard is still in the egg. Is it stuck in there?", + "text": "O filhote de lagarto ainda está no ovo. Ele está preso lá dentro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three animals here. If you take away the baby lizard, how many animals does that leave?", + "text": "Há três animais aqui. Se você tirar o filhote de lagarto, quantos animais sobram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some round shapes you see in this picture?", + "text": "Quais são algumas formas redondas que você vê nesta imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the animals together and describe their colors.", + "text": "Contem juntos os animais e descrevam suas cores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has shorter ears? Which one has longer ears?", + "text": "Qual deles tem orelhas mais curtas? Qual deles tem orelhas mais longas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has short whiskers? Which one has long whiskers?", + "text": "Qual tem bigodes curtos? Qual tem bigodes mais longos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is night. It is dark.\n\nIt is cold. It is very cold.", + "text": "É noite. Está escuro.\n\nEstá frio. Está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their house is round. Do you live in a round building?", + "text": "A casa deles é redonda. Você mora em uma casa redonda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the trees together.", + "text": "Contem as árvores juntos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A full moon forms a complete circle. A moon that is a partial circle like this is called a crescent moon.", + "text": "Uma lua cheia forma um círculo completo. Uma lua que é um círculo parcial como na imagem é chamada de lua crescente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For Dog it is too cold.", + "text": "Para o Cão, está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What shows you that Dog is cold?", + "text": "O que mostra que o Cão está com frio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A light blue color is often used to show something cold. Does seeing blue make you feel cold?", + "text": "A cor azul clara é frequentemente usada para mostrar algo frio. Ver a cor azul te faz sentir frio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On cold nights, even outdoor animals can use help with the cold.", + "text": "Nas noites frias, até os animais ao ar livre podem precisar de ajuda para se esquentar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog underwear.\n\nOne pair of underwear is dirty. One pair of underwear is clean.", + "text": "O Gato dá roupas para o Cão.\n\nUma delas está suja. Uma delas está limpa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this choice of underwear very helpful?", + "text": "Esse tipo de roupa vai ajudar a esquentar o Cão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it silly that Cat offers underwear that is dirty?", + "text": "É bobo o Gato oferecer roupas sujas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Cat cold?", + "text": "Por que o Gato não está com frio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the clean underwear. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Cão pega a roupa limpa. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how much clothing Dog has. Dog is cold and needs more.", + "text": "Contem juntos quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem. Ele está com frio e precisa de mais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Remember a time when you were cold and how hard it was to get warm.", + "text": "Lembre um momento em que você sentiu frio e como foi difícil se aquecer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are Dog's arms crossed in front?", + "text": "Por que os braços do Cão estão cruzados?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog shirts. One shirt is big. One shirt is small.", + "text": "O Gato dá camisetas para o Cão. Uma é grande. Uma é pequena.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is offering a shirt that is much too small helpful?", + "text": "Oferecer uma camisa muito pequena é útil?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Cat trying to help, or is Cat just having some fun?", + "text": "O Gato está tentando ajudar, ou está apenas se divertindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of Cat's paws has more visible claws?", + "text": "Qual das patas do Gato tem garras mais visíveis?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the big shirt. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Cão pega a camisa grande. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the pieces of clothing Dog has. Is it enough?", + "text": "Contem quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem. É suficiente?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like a piece of paper with four equal sides. Compare the round moon with the square window.", + "text": "Um quadrado é uma forma como um pedaço de papel com quatro lados iguais. Compare a lua redonda com a janela quadrada.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a round window?", + "text": "Você já viu uma janela redonda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog pants.\n\nOne pair of pants is long. One pair of pants is short.", + "text": "O Gato dá calças para o Cão.\n\nUm par de calças é comprido. Um par de calças é curto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing does Cat offer each time?", + "text": "Quantas peças de roupa o Gato oferece por vez?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you are cold, do you want to wear shorts?", + "text": "Quando você está com frio, você usa bermudas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will happen with Dog's tail? Do these pants have a hole for Dog's tail?", + "text": "O que acontecerá com o rabo do Cão? Estas calças têm um buraco para o rabo dele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the long pair of pants. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Cão pega o par de calças comprido. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time, Dog gets one more piece of clothing. How many pieces does Dog have on now?", + "text": "Cada vez o Cão ganha mais uma peça de roupa. Quantas peças ele tem agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces will Dog need?", + "text": "Quantas peças o Cão vai precisar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think there is any way Dog will get warm?", + "text": "Você acha que há alguma maneira do Cão se aquecer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog vests. One vest is wet, one vest is dry.\n\nDog takes the dry vest, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Gato dá coletes ao Cão. Um colete está molhado, um está seco.\n\nO Cão pega o colete seco, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does having something wet on make you feel warmer or colder?", + "text": "Vestir algo molhado faz você se sentir mais quente ou mais frio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog had three pieces of clothing on. The vest is one more. How many does that make?", + "text": "O Cachorro tinha três peças de roupa. O colete é uma a mais. Quantas são agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With the vest, Dog has four pieces of clothing. Before he put the vest on, he had one less. How many was that?", + "text": "Com o colete, o Cão tem quatro peças de roupa. Antes de colocar o colete, ele tinha uma a menos. Quantas eram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog jackets. One jacket is thick, one jacket is thin.\n\nDog takes the thick jacket, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Gato dá jaquetas para o Cão. Uma jaqueta é grossa, uma é fina.\n\nO Cachorro pega a jaqueta mais grossa, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Thicker clothing helps you keep heat in and stay warmer.", + "text": "Roupas mais grossas ajudam a manter o calor e a ficar mais quente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the color of the jacket look odd with Dog's other clothes?", + "text": "A cor da jaqueta parece estranha com as outras roupas do Cão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog now has one more than four. How many is that?", + "text": "O Cão agora tem uma a mais que quatro. Quantas são agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog hats. One hat is high, one hat is low.\n\nDog takes the high hat, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "O Gato dá chapéus para o Cão. Um chapéu é alto, um chapéu é baixo.\n\nO Cão pega o chapéu comprido, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the short hat and the tall hat.", + "text": "Aponte para o chapéu baixo e para o alto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it matter which hat Dog chooses? Is one hat warmer than the other?", + "text": "A escolha do chapéu importa para o Cão? Um chapéu é mais quente que o outro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any hats? If so, do you like to wear them?", + "text": "Você tem chapéus? Se sim, gosta de usar eles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog shoes.\n\nOne pair of shoes is new, one pair of shoes is old.", + "text": "O Gato dá sapatos para o Cão.\n\nUm par de sapatos é novo, um par é velho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To give someone a choice, how many things do you need? Would having one thing be enough for a choice?", + "text": "Para oferecer uma escolha a alguém, você precisa de quantas opções? Ter apenas uma opção seria suficiente para realizar uma escolha?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A person can be baffled if you give them too many things to choose from.", + "text": "Uma pessoa pode ficar confusa se você der muitas coisas para escolher.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog is still cold. Why are Dog's choices not helping?", + "text": "O Cão ainda está com frio. Por que as escolhas do Cão não estão ajudando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dogs takes the new shoes, and then ...\n\nIt is not too cold for Dog.", + "text": "O Cão pega os sapatos novos e então...\n\nNão está mais tão frio para o Cão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What changed outside the window?", + "text": "O que mudou do lado de fora da janela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Dog cold any more? Did his clothes help make him warm?", + "text": "Por que o Cão não está mais com frio? Suas roupas ajudaram a esquentar ele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is the moon and what is that on the horizon in the window?", + "text": "Onde está a lua e o que é aquilo no horizonte da janela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The night is over.\n\nThe moon goes. The sun comes.", + "text": "A noite acabou.\n\nA lua se vai. O sol surge.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the palm trees together.", + "text": "Contem as palmeiras juntos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the round, yellow sun. Is the moon always gone when the sun comes up?", + "text": "Apontem para o sol amarelo e redondo. A lua sempre some quando o sol nasce?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the moon always visible at night?", + "text": "A lua está sempre visível à noite?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is day. It is light. It is warm. It is very warm.\n\nFor Dog it is too warm.", + "text": "É dia. Está claro. Está quente. Está muito quente.\n\nPara o Cão está muito quente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "List all the pieces of clothing Dog has on.", + "text": "Liste todas as peças de roupa que o Cão tem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Dog doing with his right hand? What motion do you use to try to cool off?", + "text": "O que o Cão está fazendo com a mão direita? Qual movimento você faz para tentar se refrescar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are Dog's clothes finally making him warm, or too warm?", + "text": "As roupas do Cão finalmente estão aquecendo como esperado, ou estão aquecendo demais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye hot Dog.", + "text": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, cachorro quente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count Cat's whiskers. How many whiskers does Dog have?", + "text": "Contem os bigodes do Gato. Quantos bigodes o Cachorro tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who has more whiskers -- Cat or Dog? They have the same number, but Dog's whiskers are small.", + "text": "Quem tem mais bigodes -- Gato ou Cão? Eles têm o mesmo número, mas os bigodes do Cão são pequenos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the end, how many pieces of clothing does Dog have? Too many!", + "text": "No final, quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem? Muitas!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.", + "text": "Este é o Gato.\n\nEste é o Cão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.", + "text": "Na minha aldeia vive o Senhor Kio. O Senhor Kio tem uma gata chamada Safi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out and name each of the strong colors on this page.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie cada uma das cores fortes nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which has the least number of legs -- the table, Mr. Kio, or Safi?", + "text": "Qual deles tem o menor número de pernas -- a mesa, o Senhor Kio ou Safi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of Safi's legs can you see? How many can't you see?", + "text": "Quantas pernas de Safi você consegue ver? Quantas não consegue ver?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mister Kio goes to work, he leaves the door open.", + "text": "Quando o Senhor Kio vai trabalhar, ele deixa a porta aberta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are the two things that used to be hanging on the pegs by the door?", + "text": "Onde estão as duas coisas que costumavam estar penduradas nos ganchos ao lado da porta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that Safi looks happy when Mr. Kio leaves?", + "text": "Perceba que a Safi parece feliz quando o Senhor Kio sai?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is odd that Mr. Kio leaves the door open when he leaves.", + "text": "É estranho o Senhor Kio deixar a porta aberta quando sai.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi sits in the doorway to watch over the house.", + "text": "Safi fica sentada na porta de entrada para vigiar a casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. This floor is tiled with square tiles.", + "text": "Um quadrado é uma forma que tem quatro lados iguais, como a página de um livro. Este chão é revestido com azulejos quadrados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have tiles where you live? If so, what shape are they?", + "text": "Você tem azulejos onde mora? Se sim, que forma eles têm?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Safi like being a house watcher?", + "text": "Safi gosta de ser uma vigia da casa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the neighbor's dog comes close, Safi scares him away.", + "text": "Quando o cachorro do vizinho se aproxima, Safi o assusta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that Safi is trying to scare the dog?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que Safi está tentando assustar o cachorro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the circles of colors and name the colors. Those circles aren't really in the house.", + "text": "Aponte para os círculos de cores e nomeie as cores. Esses círculos não estão realmente na casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Circles that share the same central point are called \"concentric.\"", + "text": "Círculos que compartilham o mesmo ponto central são chamados de \"concêntricos\".", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog runs away.", + "text": "O cachorro foge.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the dog feeling?", + "text": "O que o cachorro está sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is bigger, the cat or the dog?", + "text": "Qual animal é maior, o gato ou o cachorro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These bands of color going from yellow to orange give a sense of motion. Compare this to the concentric circles on the previous page.", + "text": "Essas faixas de cor indo do amarelo para o laranja dão uma sensação de movimento. Compare isso com os círculos concêntricos na página anterior.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When a neighbor knocks at the door, Safi is ready to scratch.", + "text": "Quando um vizinho bate à porta, Safi está pronta para arranhar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that Safi is being scary? Is the neighbor scared?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que Safi está sendo assustadora? A vizinha está com medo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the neighbor need to be scared away, or is Safi doing too much?", + "text": "A vizinha precisa ser assustada, ou Safi está exagerando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name different things in this picture that are in a group of 2, 3, or 4.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie diferentes coisas nesta imagem que estão em um grupo de 2, 3 ou 4.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The neighbor turns and runs away.", + "text": "A vizinha vira e corre.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at the neighbor's clothes, what is her favorite color?", + "text": "Olhando para as roupas da vizinha, qual é a cor favorita dela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The neighbor is frightened by Safi. Have you ever been frightened by a cat or other small animal?", + "text": "A vizinha está assustada com Safi. Você já se assustou com um gato ou outro animal pequeno?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Safi is hungry, she closes the door.", + "text": "Quando Safi está com fome, ela fecha a porta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi should just close the door as soon as Mr. Kio leaves.", + "text": "Safi deveria ter fechado a porta assim que o Senhor Kio saísse.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is little Safi big enough to close that big door?", + "text": "Será que a pequena Safi é grande o suficiente para fechar essa porta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After the door closes, will Safi be able to reach the handle and open it?", + "text": "Depois que a porta fechar, Safi vai conseguir alcançar a maçaneta para abrir de novo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi eats her food.", + "text": "Safi come sua comida.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the straight and curved lines in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte para as linhas retas e curvas nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Safi look happy to be eating? Do you like to eat your food?", + "text": "Safi parece feliz comendo? Você gosta de comer sua comida?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you wait to eat if you were left with a plate of food you liked?", + "text": "Você esperaria para comer se fosse deixado sozinho com um prato da sua comida favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Afterwards, Safi jumps onto the sofa and sleeps, \"Purr! Purr! Purr!\"", + "text": "Depois, Safi pula no sofá e dorme, \"Rom! Rom! Rom!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes people feel sleepy after eating and sometimes it gives them fresh energy. What does it do to you?", + "text": "Às vezes, as pessoas se sentem sonolentas depois de comer e às vezes isso dá a elas uma energia renovada. Como sua energia fica depois de comer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Safi dreaming? If so, what do you think Safi is dreaming about?", + "text": "Safi está sonhando? Se sim, o que você acha que Safi está sonhando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of the things you dream about?", + "text": "Quais são algumas das coisas com que você sonha?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mister Kio returns, Safi stretches happily and welcomes him home.", + "text": "Aponte para o belo círculo dentro do quadrado laranja.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the beautiful circle inside the orange square.", + "text": "Aponte para o belo círculo dentro do quadrado laranja.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have some circles and squares where you are?", + "text": "Você consegue apontar alguns círculos e quadrados no lugar onde está?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point together at the white circles Safi has on her back and belly.", + "text": "Apontem juntos para os círculos brancos que Safi tem nas costas e na barriga.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mister Kio and Safi sit down, and each of them reads the newspaper.", + "text": "O Senhor Kio e Safi se sentam e cada um deles lê o jornal.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is warm and cozy. Do cats read the newspaper?", + "text": "Isso parece estar quentinho e aconchegante. Gatos conseguem ler jornais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides with corners like this page. Point at the rectangles you see in this picture and around you.", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma com quatro lados retos com cantos como o retrato na parede. Aponte para os retângulos que você vê nesta imagem e ao seu redor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most papers are shaped like rectangles. Mr. Kio's paper is strangely shaped.", + "text": "A maioria dos jornais tem a forma de retângulos. O jornal do Senhor Kio tem um formato estranho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rainbow has seven colors.", + "text": "Um arco-íris tem sete cores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the colors of the rainbow.", + "text": "Contem juntos o número de cores do arco-íris.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a rainbow after it rains? Sometimes, you can even see a double rainbow if you're lucky!", + "text": "Você já viu um arco-íris depois da chuva? Às vezes, você pode até ver um arco-íris duplo se tiver sorte!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that her dress and the background on this page go through many of the same colors as the rainbow.", + "text": "Aponte que o vestido dela e o fundo nesta página possuem várias cores que estão no arco-íris também.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The first color is red.", + "text": "A primeira cor é o vermelho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does the color red make you feel? Red is often thought of as an active, high energy color.", + "text": "Como a cor vermelha te faz sentir? Vermelho é frequentemente considerado uma cor ativa, de alta energia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes red is an angry color. People may say they \"see red\" when they are angry.", + "text": "Às vezes, o vermelho é uma cor de raiva. As pessoas podem dizer que \"veem vermelho\" quando estão com raiva.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often paint things red or choose red things because of the color's high energy. Have you seen cars that are red?", + "text": "As pessoas frequentemente pintam coisas de vermelho ou escolhem coisas vermelhas por causa da energia alta da cor. Você já viu carros vermelhos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kewyu is wearing a red shirt.", + "text": "Kewyu está vestindo uma camisa vermelha.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any red clothes?", + "text": "Você tem alguma roupa vermelha?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any red flowers near where you live?", + "text": "Existem flores vermelhas perto de onde você mora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of people in this picture.", + "text": "Conte juntos o número de pessoas nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second color is orange.", + "text": "A segunda cor é laranja.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does orange feel compared to red? It is still high energy, but perhaps a bit less so.", + "text": "Qual é a sensação que o laranja lhe traz comparado ao vermelho? Ainda é uma energia alta, mas talvez um pouco menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks all alone in the middle of all that orange with her hands stretched out like that.", + "text": "Ela parece totalmente sozinha no meio de todo aquele laranja com as mãos esticadas assim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An orange is a fruit named after its color. Can you think of other orange things around you?", + "text": "Uma laranja é uma fruta nomeada por causa da sua cor. Você consegue pensar em outras coisas laranjas ao seu redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is an orange. What else can you see that is the color orange?", + "text": "Isto é uma laranja. O que mais você pode ver que é da cor laranja?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat and fish are orange. Have you seen an orange cat or fish before?", + "text": "O gato e o peixe são laranjas. Você já viu um gato ou peixe laranja antes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A sphere is a ball -- round in all directions. Is an orange a sphere?", + "text": "Uma esfera é uma bola -- redonda em todas as direções. Uma laranja é uma esfera?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is the fish bowl different from a sphere?", + "text": "Como o aquário de peixes é diferente de uma esfera?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The third color is yellow.", + "text": "A terceira cor é amarela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up something that she is pointing at.", + "text": "O que ela está apontando? Invente algo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks excited about what is coming next. I bet it is something yellow!", + "text": "Ela parece animada com o que está por vir. Acho que é algo amarelo!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How has her dress changed from earlier pictures? Hint: It is now broken up into two sections.", + "text": "Como o vestido dela mudou das imagens anteriores? Dica: agora está dividido em duas partes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The yolk of an egg is yellow. What else can you see that is the color yellow?", + "text": "A gema de um ovo é amarela. O que mais você consegue ver que é da cor amarela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that she is hungry?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que ela está com fome?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She has a yellow sunflower on her table. Do you have flowers around you sometimes when you eat?", + "text": "Ela tem um girassol amarelo em sua mesa. Você tem flores ao seu redor às vezes quando come?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name something in the sky that is yellow.", + "text": "Nomeie algo no céu que seja amarelo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fourth color is green.", + "text": "A quarta cor é verde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does green feel to you? This green is a lot calmer than the red, orange, or yellow.", + "text": "Como o verde faz você se sentir? Este verde é muito mais calmo que o vermelho, laranja ou amarelo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name some things that are green -- they are all around you!", + "text": "Nomeie algumas coisas que são verdes -- elas estão ao seu redor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Green comes in many different types. How many types of green can you name?", + "text": "O verde vem em muitos tipos diferentes. Quantos tipos de verde você consegue nomear?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Our banana garden is green.", + "text": "Nosso jardim de bananas é verde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the animals you see on this page -- look carefully!", + "text": "Aponte e conte os animais que você vê nesta página -- olhe com cuidado!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the yellow greens, lime greens, bright greens, and dark greens on this page.", + "text": "Aponte os verdes amarelados, verdes limão, verdes brilhantes e verdes escuros nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A lot of trees are brown and green. Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Where does it show up in the rainbow?", + "text": "Muitas árvores são marrons e verdes. O marrom não é uma das cores principais do arco-íris. Onde ele aparece no arco-íris?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fifth color is blue.", + "text": "A quinta cor é azul.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks so happy in the middle of all that blue. Does blue make you feel happy?", + "text": "Ela parece tão feliz no meio de todo esse azul. O azul te faz sentir feliz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people say they feel blue when they are sad. Does blue seem like a sad color to you?", + "text": "Algumas pessoas dizem que azul é a cor da tristeza. O azul parece uma cor triste para você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky and water are usually blue, but it is not common in plants. Have you seen flowers that are blue?", + "text": "O céu e a água costumam ser azuis, mas não é comum nas plantas. Você já viu flores azuis?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky is blue.", + "text": "O céu é azul.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, are often blue.", + "text": "Corpos d'água, como oceanos, mares, lagos e rios, geralmente são azuis.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to these birds and clouds and count them together.", + "text": "Aponte para esses pássaros e nuvens e conte-os juntos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there more of -- clouds or birds?", + "text": "Qual deles há mais -- nuvens ou pássaros?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sixth color is indigo.", + "text": "A sexta cor é anil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Flowers are sometimes indigo. Have you seen flowers whose color is close to being indigo?", + "text": "As flores às vezes são anis. Você já viu flores cuja cor é próxima do anil?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes her hands are stretched out wide. Having hands on hips often shows defiance and strength.", + "text": "Às vezes, a moça estica as mãos bem abertas. Ter as mãos nos quadris frequentemente mostra desafio e força.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Indigo is very powerful. How do you feel if you stare at this big square of indigo?", + "text": "Anil é muito poderoso. Como você se sente se ficar olhando para esse grande quadrado de anil?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These berries are the color indigo.", + "text": "Essas frutas são da cor anil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buttons or snaps on her jacket.", + "text": "Conte juntos os botões ou botões na jaqueta dela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you like to eat some of those berries? Do you think you could eat all of them?", + "text": "Você gostaria de comer algumas dessas frutas? Você acha que conseguiria comer todas elas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of the largest number you can. Does she have more berries than that number?", + "text": "Pense no maior número que você puder. Ela tem mais frutas do que esse número?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The seventh color is violet.", + "text": "A sétima cor é violeta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Violet is a very intense color. Is it too intense for you, or do you enjoy how intense it is?", + "text": "Violeta é uma cor muito intensa. É muito intensa para você, ou você gosta de como é intensa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now she has her arms crossed. Crossed arms can indicate being closed off from others.", + "text": "Agora ela está com os braços cruzados. Braços cruzados podem indicar estar fechado para os outros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People tell us a lot without saying any words. Sometimes people do that with an expression on their face, and sometimes they do it with the way they hold their body.", + "text": "As pessoas nos dizem muito sem dizer nenhuma palavra. Às vezes, as pessoas fazem isso com uma expressão no rosto, e às vezes fazem isso com a maneira como seguram o corpo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My dress is violet. Violet is my favorite color! What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Meu vestido é violeta. Violeta é minha cor favorita! Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the flowers she is next to are violet flowers -- they are named after their color.", + "text": "Observe que as flores ao lado dela são flores violetas – o nome delas é igual à sua cor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks very happy wearing a dress with her favorite color. Do you have clothes that are in your favorite color?", + "text": "Ela parece muito feliz usando um vestido com sua cor favorita. Você tem roupas da sua cor favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors make you happy? Are there colors you don't like?", + "text": "Quais cores te fazem feliz? Existem cores que você não gosta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know the seven colors of the rainbow?", + "text": "Você conhece as sete cores do arco-íris?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you remember what each color is?", + "text": "Você consegue lembrar o que cada cor é?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people use the fake name Roy G. Biv to remind them of the order of the seven colors of the rainbow.", + "text": "Algumas pessoas usam a frase “vermelho lá vai violeta”, para lembrá-las da ordem das sete cores do arco-íris.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Are there other colors you know that are not one of the seven?", + "text": "O marrom não é uma das cores principais do arco-íris. Existem outras cores que você conhece que não são uma das sete?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One elephant is going to drink water.", + "text": "Um elefante está indo beber água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the elephants, the tusks, the feet, the eyes, and the tails.", + "text": "Contem juntos os elefantes, as presas, os pés, os olhos e os rabos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which items are there the most of and which are there the least of?", + "text": "Quais itens existem em maior quantidade e quais existem em menor quantidade?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the elephant is about to do?", + "text": "O que você acha que o elefante está prestes a fazer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two giraffes are going to drink water.", + "text": "Duas girafas estão indo beber água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each giraffe has four feet. Count the number of giraffes and the number of feet.", + "text": "Cada girafa tem quatro pés. Conte o número de girafas e o número de pés.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The giraffes are very tall. They must bend way down to get to the water.", + "text": "As girafas são muito altas. Elas precisam se curvar muito para alcançar a água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two giraffes are one more animal than one elephant. What is one more animal than two animals?", + "text": "Duas girafas são um animal a mais do que um elefante. O que é um animal a mais do que dois animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.", + "text": "Contem juntos os búfalos, os pássaros, os chifres e os rabos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buffaloes, the birds, the horns, and the tails.", + "text": "Contem juntos os búfalos, os pássaros, os chifres e os rabos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When there is one source of water, all the thirsty animals come to that one place. If a lion wants to hunt animals, this is a good place to find them!", + "text": "Quando há uma só fonte de água, todos os animais sedentos vêm para esse único lugar. Se um leão quiser caçar animais, este é um bom lugar para encontrá-los!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three buffaloes is one less animal than four animals. What is one less animal than three animals?", + "text": "Três búfalos é um animal a menos do que quatro animais. O que é um animal a menos do que três animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Five antelopes and six warthogs are walking to the water.", + "text": "Cinco antílopes e seis javalis estão caminhando para a água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the antelopes and the warthogs. How many of the warthogs are babies?", + "text": "Contem os antílopes e os javalis. Quantos dos javalis são filhotes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the antelopes are looking around rather than looking at each other. The pack stays safe by having some of them looking for danger!", + "text": "Alguns dos antílopes estão olhando ao redor em vez de olhar um para o outro. O grupo se mantém seguro tendo alguns deles procurando perigo!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of antelopes and warthogs, which are there more of and which are there less of?", + "text": "Entre antílopes e javalis, quais existem mais e quais existem menos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Seven zebras are running to the water.", + "text": "Sete zebras estão correndo para a água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the zebras and the trees.", + "text": "Contem as zebras e as árvores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that the zebras have been running? They must be very thirsty to be running to the water!", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que as zebras estavam correndo? Elas devem estar com muita sede para correrem para a água!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Try counting the black stripes on some of the zebras. Do some zebras have more stripes than others?", + "text": "Tente contar as listras pretas em algumas das zebras. Algumas zebras têm mais listras do que outras?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.", + "text": "Oito sapos e nove peixes estão nadando na água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the frogs and the fish. Can you count that high?", + "text": "Contem juntos os sapos e os peixes. Vocês conseguem contar todos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are packed very tightly together. Do you think they feel crowded or do they like having the company?", + "text": "Eles estão bem apertados uns contra os outros. Você acha que eles se sentem apertados ou gostam de ter companhia?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is one more than eight frogs? What is one less than nine fish?", + "text": "O que é um a mais do que oito sapos? O que é um a menos do que nove peixes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different kinds of animals can you count?", + "text": "Quantos tipos diferentes de animais você consegue contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?", + "text": "Um leão ruge. Ele também quer beber água. Quem tem medo do leão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the lions, warthogs, birds, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, water buffaloes, and elephants. That's a lot of counting!", + "text": "Contem juntos os leões, javalis, pássaros, zebras, antílopes, girafas, búfalos de água e elefantes. Isso é muita contagem!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most of the animals start to run away from the lion. Which animals will stay?", + "text": "A maioria dos animais começa a fugir do leão. Quais animais vão ficar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One elephant is drinking water with the lion.", + "text": "Um elefante está bebendo água com o leão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The elephant, birds, fish, and frogs did not run away.", + "text": "O elefante, pássaros, peixes e sapos não fugiram.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you run away from a lion?", + "text": "Você fugiria de um leão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would it be fun to go for a swim in this watering hole?", + "text": "Seria divertido dar um mergulho neste poço de água?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Izinzawu family was a happy family. The children learned cooking, gardening, and hunting from their parents.", + "text": "A família Izinzawu era uma família feliz. As crianças aprenderam culinária, jardinagem e caça com seus pais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do plants need watering?", + "text": "Por que as plantas precisam ser regadas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie as cores nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How are the green colors in this picture similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Como as cores verdes nesta imagem são semelhantes e como elas são diferentes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At dinner time every day, they talked about what they had done that day.", + "text": "Todos os dias na hora do jantar, eles falavam sobre o que haviam feito naquele dia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. The tablecloth has a checkerboard design with lots of squares. Find some squares in a pattern where you are.", + "text": "Um quadrado é uma forma que possui quatro lados iguais. A toalha de mesa tem uma estampa xadrez com muitos quadrados. Encontre alguns quadrados no local onde você está.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name the shapes you see in this picture.", + "text": "Nomeie as formas que você vê nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This family talks about their day at dinner. What do you talk about when you eat dinner?", + "text": "Esta família fala sobre seu dia durante o jantar. Sobre o que você fala quando janta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father usually warned the children not to go deep into the forest. He told the family about a strange creature that lived in the forest. \"This creature is like two of us put together!\"", + "text": "O pai geralmente avisava os filhos para não se aprofundarem na floresta. Ele contou à família sobre uma criatura estranha que vivia na floresta. \"Esta criatura é igual a dois de nós juntos!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe what you think the father's \"strange creature\" might look like.", + "text": "Descreva como você acha que a \"estranha criatura\" do pai pode ser.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the different patterns you see in this picture?", + "text": "Quais são os diferentes padrões que você vê nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How are the bowls on this page different from the bowls on the last page?", + "text": "Como as tigelas nesta página são diferentes das tigelas na última página?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, the girls were playing at the river. Suddenly, from behind a tree, there was a strange creature! The creature had two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs.", + "text": "Um dia, as meninas estavam brincando no rio. De repente, atrás de uma árvore, havia uma criatura estranha! A criatura tinha dois olhos, duas orelhas, dois braços e duas pernas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the \"strange creature\" look like what you imagined?", + "text": "A \"criatura estranha\" se parece com o que você imaginou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the number of children in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte e conte o número de crianças nesta gravura.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Shaking with fear, they ran to tell their brothers about what they had seen. But the boys didn't believe them. \"The girls are being silly!\" they said.", + "text": "Tremendo de medo, eles correram para contar a seus irmãos sobre o que tinham visto. Mas os meninos não acreditaram neles. \"As meninas estão sendo bobas!\" eles disseram.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four children and four heads. How many legs do you see? How many arms do you see? Is that surprising?", + "text": "Há quatro crianças e quatro cabeças. Quantas pernas você vê? Quantos braços você vê? Isso é algo inesperado?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more girls or boys in this picture?", + "text": "Há mais meninas ou mais meninos nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at their mouths and eyebrows. What do their faces tell you about what these children are thinking and feeling?", + "text": "Olhe para suas bocas e sobrancelhas. O que seus rostos dizem sobre o que essas crianças estão pensando e sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Eventually, curiosity got the better of the boys. They followed the girls to the river to see this strange creature for themselves.", + "text": "Eventualmente, a curiosidade levou a melhor sobre os meninos. Eles seguiram as meninas até o rio para ver essa estranha criatura por si mesmos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell from their size in the picture that the girls are far away and the boys are nearby?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer pelo tamanho deles na foto que as meninas estão longe e os meninos estão por perto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the girls far away behind some bushes?", + "text": "Por que as meninas estão longe atrás de alguns arbustos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The grass, bushes, and trees are different shades of green. Are there different shades of some color where you are?", + "text": "A grama, os arbustos e as árvores são de diferentes tons de verde. Existem diferentes tons de alguma cor onde você está?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They searched and searched, but all they could see was the tall grass and trees.\n\nSuddenly, they heard a noise, and looked up.", + "text": "Eles procuraram e procuraram, mas tudo o que podiam ver era a grama alta e as árvores.\n\nDe repente, eles ouviram um barulho e olharam para cima.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think made that noise above them?", + "text": "O que você acha que fez aquele barulho acima deles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of things make noises above our heads?", + "text": "Que tipo de coisas fazem barulho acima de nossas cabeças?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That is really tall grass! What part of their bodies does the grass reach up to?", + "text": "Essa grama é muito alta! Que parte de seus corpos a grama alcança?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Up on a tree swung the strangest creature they had ever seen. It had two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. Instead of one each, like them.", + "text": "Em cima de uma árvore balançava a criatura mais estranha que eles já tinham visto. Tinha dois braços, duas mãos, duas pernas e dois pés. Em vez de um de cada, como eles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many arms, legs, hands, and eyes does each member of the family have?", + "text": "Quantos braços, pernas, mãos e olhos cada membro da família tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you assume the unseen side of each family member had another arm, leg, hand, and eye, just like the side you could see?", + "text": "Você presumiu que o lado escondido de cada criança tinha outro braço, perna, mão e olho, assim como o lado que você podia ver?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you see only one side of something, it is easy to assume the other side looks the same -- that it is the mirror reflection of what you can see.", + "text": "Quando você vê apenas um lado de algo, é fácil supor que o outro lado parece o mesmo - que é o reflexo espelhado do que você pode ver.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The frightened children ran home to call their parents. Soon the whole family was at the river to see the creature.", + "text": "As crianças assustadas correram para casa para chamar os pais. Logo toda a família estava no rio para ver a criatura.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of arms in this picture. If each person had two arms, how many arms would there be?", + "text": "Conte o número de braços nesta imagem. Se cada pessoa tivesse dois braços, quantos braços haveria?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does this family have?", + "text": "Braços e pernas são chamados de membros do corpo. Quantos membros do corpo esta família tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice that the grass was tall, but now it is short? Did someone cut the grass?", + "text": "Você notou que a grama era alta, mas agora está curta? Alguém cortou a grama?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Don't hurt me! the creature said, as it hid behind the tree. Now the family could only see the creature's one foot, one leg, one hand, one arm and one eye.", + "text": "\"Não me machuque!\" disse a criatura enquanto se escondia atrás da árvore. Agora a família só podia ver um pé, uma perna, uma mão, um braço e um olho da criatura.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature is hiding behind a tree. Where are some places you like to hide?", + "text": "A criatura está escondida atrás de uma árvore. Onde estão alguns lugares que você gosta de se esconder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the creature is halfway behind the tree, it looks just like each of the family members. Why is that?", + "text": "Quando a criatura está escondida pela metade atrás da árvore, ela se parece com cada um dos membros da família. Por que isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature feels \"outnumbered.\" How many people are in the family and how many creatures are there? Which is more and which is less?", + "text": "A criatura se sente \"em menor número\". Quantas pessoas estão na família e quantas criaturas existem? Qual é mais e qual é menos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I am just like you, continued the creature. \"The only difference is that I was made with two of almost everything.\"", + "text": "\"Eu sou igual a você\", continuou a criatura. \"A única diferença é que fui feito com dois de quase tudo.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which body parts do you have two of and which do you have one of?", + "text": "De quais partes do corpo você tem duas e quais você tem uma?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For the body parts you have one of, are they on the sides or the middle line of your body?", + "text": "Para as partes do corpo que você tem só uma, elas estão nas laterais ou na linha do meio do seu corpo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of someone you know. List three ways they are similar to you and three ways that they are different.", + "text": "Pense em alguém que você conhece. Liste três maneiras pelas quais eles são semelhantes a você e três maneiras pelas quais eles são diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So this was how the Izanzawu family discovered that it was not a creature to be scared of. It was simply a different form of them.", + "text": "Então foi assim que a família Izanzawu descobriu que não era uma criatura para se ter medo. Era simplesmente uma forma diferente deles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature has a striped shirt with two colors and everyone else's shirt has just one. Why did the writer do that?", + "text": "A criatura tem uma camisa listrada com duas cores e a camisa de todos os outros tem apenas uma. Por que o escritor fez isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are six people in the Izanzawu family. When you add one more for the \"creature,\" how many people are there?", + "text": "Há seis pessoas na família Izanzawu. Quando você adiciona mais um contando com a \"criatura\", quantas pessoas existem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you arrange these seven people in order of height, putting the shortest on the left and tallest on the right, what would the order be? Describe this order using the color of their clothes.", + "text": "Se você organizar essas sete pessoas em ordem de altura, colocando a mais baixa à esquerda e a mais alta à direita, qual seria a ordem? Descreva esta ordem usando a cor de suas roupas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drum has always been an important musical instrument in our community. We love drums!\n\nWe have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized, and small.", + "text": "O tambor sempre foi um instrumento musical importante em nossa comunidade. Nós amamos tambores!\n\nTemos tambores de diferentes tamanhos: pequenos, médios e grandes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of things that have the same shape with different sizes. Perhaps one big and one small, or three with big, medium, and small.", + "text": "Pense em coisas que têm a mesma forma com tamanhos diferentes. Talvez um grande e um pequeno, ou três nos tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of stories about three things. Some examples are: The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks.", + "text": "Pense em histórias sobre três coisas. Alguns exemplos são: Os Três Porquinhos e Cachinhos Dourados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever beat on a drum? Which of these three would you choose?", + "text": "Você já tocou um tambor? Qual desses três você escolheria?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers.\n\nWe play drums for various reasons: We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts, and in bad times.", + "text": "Tocamos tambores usando baquetas ou os dedos.\n\nTocamos tambor por vários motivos: tocamos tambor com canções e danças, para festas e em momentos ruins.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People use drums to make rhythms. Make up your own rhythm and count it. For example: (clapping for each number) \"1, 2, pause, 3, 1, 2, pause 3.\"", + "text": "As pessoas usam tambores para fazer ritmos. Crie seu próprio ritmo e conte-o. Por exemplo: (batendo palmas para cada número) \"1, 2, pausa, 3, 1, 2, pausa 3.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you suppose a beater sounds different than using fingers?", + "text": "Como você supõe que tocar com uma baqueta produz um som diferente comparado a tocar com as mãos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does the small drum sound different than the large one?", + "text": "Como o tambor pequeno soa diferente do grande?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colorful.\n\nWe play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth.", + "text": "Os tambores enriquecem as músicas e fazem as pessoas quererem dançar. Os tambores tornam as cerimônias coloridas.\n\nTocamos tambor durante as cerimônias de casamento e revelação dos nomes dos filhos. Tocamos tambor quando celebramos uma nova colheita ou um nascimento de gêmeos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People are wearing special wedding clothes. Count together the people wearing orange.", + "text": "As pessoas estão vestindo roupas especiais de casamento. Conte juntos as pessoas vestindo laranja.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which color are the drummers wearing?", + "text": "Qual cor os bateristas estão vestindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the people at the wedding. Can you count that high?", + "text": "Conte todas as pessoas no casamento. Você consegue contar um número tão grande?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs.", + "text": "Tocamos tambores para anunciar o luto e chamar as pessoas quando a morte ocorre.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does sad drumming sound like? Can you make a soft, sad rhythm with your hands?", + "text": "Como soa o tambor triste? Você pode fazer um ritmo suave e triste com as mãos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many kinds of drumming, such as soft background rhythms or fast loud rhythms. Which kinds of drumming have you heard?", + "text": "Existem muitos tipos de batuque, como ritmos de fundo suaves ou ritmos altos e rápidos por exemplo. Que tipos de batuque você já ouviu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does a drumbeat make you want to dance?", + "text": "Uma batida de tambor faz você querer dançar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to call people to clean wells, clear roads, or to build a hut for a needy old person.\n\nWe sound drums to call people when cattle are stolen in our village.", + "text": "Tocamos tambores para chamar as pessoas para limpar poços, limpar estradas ou construir uma cabana para um idoso necessitado.\n\nTocamos tambores para chamar as pessoas quando o gado é roubado em nossa aldeia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where you live, what sound or method do people use to call people together for food, school, or special events?", + "text": "Onde você mora, que som ou método as pessoas usam para reunir as pessoas para comida, escola ou eventos especiais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you rather beat the drum or do the work?", + "text": "Você prefere tocar o tambor ou fazer o trabalho?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of tools people are using in this picture.", + "text": "Conte juntos o número de ferramentas que as pessoas estão usando nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to gather for meetings at our chief's palace.", + "text": "Tocamos tambores para nos reunirmos no palácio do nosso chefe.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is something in this picture that shows this is a special place?", + "text": "O que há nesta foto que mostra que este é um lugar especial?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many people are gathering in this picture?", + "text": "Quantas pessoas estão se reunindo nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where do you think the chief will sit?", + "text": "Onde você acha que o chefe vai se sentar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drums call people to go to church for prayers on Sundays and other prayer days.\n\nWe also play drums to enrich songs when singing in churches.", + "text": "Os tambores chamam as pessoas para irem à igreja aos domingos e para outros dias de oração.\n\nTambém tocamos os tambores para enriquecer as músicas quando cantamos nas igrejas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Items made from wood come from trees. Which items in this picture are made of wood?", + "text": "Itens feitos de madeira vêm de árvores. Quais itens nesta foto são feitos de madeira?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which things are made of wood where you are?", + "text": "Que coisas são feitas de madeira onde você está?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are straps on the drums in each picture. Why are the straps useful?", + "text": "Existem alças nos tambores em cada foto. Por que as alças são úteis?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The big drum sounds, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul.\"\n\nThe small drums sing in their high pitches, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti.\"\n\nTogether they chorus, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\"", + "text": "O tambor grande canta: \"Tum Tum Tum\".\n\nOs pequenos tambores cantam em seus tons agudos: \"tim tim tim\".\n\nJuntos, eles cantam: \"tim Tum, tim Tum, tim Tum!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A duet is when two intruments are played together. Have you sung duets with your family or friends?", + "text": "Um dueto é quando dois instrumentos são tocados juntos. Você já cantou duetos com sua família ou amigos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a clapping duet. One person starts with a clapping pattern, and then the other person creates a clapping pattern that goes well with it.", + "text": "Faça um dueto de palmas. Uma pessoa começa com um padrão de palmas e, em seguida, a outra pessoa cria um padrão de palmas que combina bem com ele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you hear music, listen for the instruments that create the beat.", + "text": "Quando você ouvir música, ouça os instrumentos que criam a batida.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A Very Tall Man", + "text": "Um homem muito alto", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: muito, baixo, alto, comprido, grande, pequeno; nomes de cores; e comparações: mais curto, mais alto, mais comprido, mais baixo, maior, menor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli's Lucky Day", + "text": "Dia de sorte de Akadeli", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 12, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, até o 12, estimar, subtrair, cores, menor, mais alto, semelhante e diferente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can We Count Our Cats?", + "text": "Vamos Contar Nossos Gatos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem do 0 ao 9, colorações e padrões de cores. Vocabulário para praticar: muitos, maior número, menor número, um a mais, um a menos, nomes de cores, termos usados na contagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Ball", + "text": "O Gato, o Cão e a Bola", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 6, formas e descrições. Vocabulário para praticar: palavras de contagem, nomes de cores e termos como alto, demais, similar, diferente, menor, maior, curto, menos e mais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly", + "text": "O Gato, o Cão e a Borboleta", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 6, cores e descrições de velocidade. Vocabulário para praticar: palavras de contagem, cores e termos como muito, demais, rápido, devagar, mais rápido, mais devagar, mais e menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Egg", + "text": "O Gato, o Cão e o Ovo", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, comparações, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: acima, abaixo, similar, redondo, pipa, diferente, maior e mais longo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold", + "text": "Gato e Cão: O Cão está com frio", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.", + "text": "Essa história exercita palavras que são antônimas, contagem até 6 e as expressões “um a mais”/”um a menos”. Vocabulário para praticar: demais, frio, morno, quente, claro, escuro, dia, noite, limpo, sujo, pequeno, grande, curto, longo, molhado, seco, fino, grosso, baixo, alto, novo e velho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Clever Cat", + "text": "Gata Esperta", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.", + "text": "Essa história exercita conceitos de geometria e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: quadrado, retângulo, círculo, concêntrico, aberto, fechado, menos, pouco, pequeno, grande e nomes de cores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Colors of a Rainbow", + "text": "Cores de um Arco-íris", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.", + "text": "Essa história exercita números até sete, numerais ordinais do primeiro até o sétimo e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, três, até sete; os ordinais primeiro, segundo, terceiro, até sétimo; e os muitos nomes de cores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Counting Animals", + "text": "Contando Animais", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.", + "text": "Esta história exercita a contagem até o 9, números e comparações de tamanho. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, até o nove, grande, pequena, maioria, minoria, um a mais e um a menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Creature with Two", + "text": "Criatura com Dois", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até sete e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: números pequenos, especialmente um e dois; palavras de comparação como mais, igual, o mesmo e menos. Além disso, fale sobre quadrados, círculos, sólidos, listras, maiores e menores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drum", + "text": "Tambor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.", + "text": "Esta história exercita padrões, tamanhos e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: tamanho, grande, pequeno, médio, menor, mesmo, forma e padrão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana Loves Animals", + "text": "Fana Ama Animais", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.", + "text": "Esta história exercita quantidades até dez, comparação e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: contagem até dez, mais, menos, maior, menor, mais curto, mais alto, nomes de cores, liso, listrado e xadrez.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Feelings", + "text": "Sentimentos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.", + "text": "Esta história exercita quantidades até dez. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, mais um, mais e menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Flower Blind", + "text": "A Cega das Flores", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 10 e comparação de quantidades e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantas, mais, menos, mais uma, quantas mais, diferença, retângulo, quadrado, círculo e redondo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Friends", + "text": "Amigos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem de 6 em 6, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, números até seis, um a mais, dois a mais, um a menos, dois a menos, nomes de cores, listras, lisos, pentágono, hexágono, redondo, igual e diferente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How the Toad Got its Skin", + "text": "Como a Sapa Conseguiu sua pele", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até o 16, cores e formas. Vocabulário para prática: contagem de 2 em 2 ou de 4 em 4, mais, menos, mais um, nomes de cores, círculo, centro e concêntrico.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the Animals", + "text": "Olhe para os Animais", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.", + "text": "Esta história exercita pequenas quantidades até 8. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 8, quantos, mais um, pequeno e grande.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My School Clothes", + "text": "Minhas roupas escolares", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 5, formas e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 5, nomes de cores, também, muito grandes, muito pequenos, na medida certa, cores correspondentes e retângulo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm Tree", + "text": "Palmeira", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 12, formas e comparação. Vocabulário para prática: números até 12, quantidade, estimativa, contar de 2 em 2, mais, menos, diferença, forma arredondada, forma quadrada, aros e padrões.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo, Our Cow", + "text": "Pendo, Nossa Vaca", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.", + "text": "Esta história exercita quantidades até seis e comparações. Vocabulário para praticar: números até o seis, maior e menor, mais e menos e retângulo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Day the Sun Went Away", + "text": "O Dia Em Que O Sol Se Foi", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 7, comparações e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 7, quantos, mesmo, menos, mais, um a mais, um a menos, também, muitos, redondo, esfera, bola, cilindro, quente, mais quente, legal e mais frio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Visiting Grandmother", + "text": "Visitando A Vovó", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.", + "text": "Essa história exercita contagem até 10 e reconhecimento de formas geométricas. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 10, mais um, mais dois, mais três, contando por 2, igual, retângulo, círculo, concêntrico, reto e curvo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is Lulu?", + "text": "Onde está Lulu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 10, comparação de tamanhos e geometria. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 10, um a mais, um a menos, menos, mais, pequeno, grande, muito grande, menor, maior, triângulo, retângulo, pentágono, cilindro, igual, sobre e sob.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is My Bat?", + "text": "Onde está o meu taco?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.", + "text": "Esta história exercita contagem até 7, palavras sobre relacionamentos e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, números até 7, um a mais, um a menos, atrás, dentro, em, alto, muito alto, embaixo, retângulo, caixa, e linha vertical.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is My Cat?", + "text": "Cadê o meu gatinho?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.", + "text": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, palavras sobre relações e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 5, embaixo, em cima, sobre, atrás, ao lado, dentro, fora, nomes de cores, retas, e curvas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her family live in a busy town.", + "text": "Fana e sua família moram em uma cidade movimentada.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?", + "text": "Fana mora em uma cidade muito colorida. Sua cidade também é colorida?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.", + "text": "Apontem e nomeiem todas as cores das roupas e dos prédios.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.", + "text": "Fana tem um gato, duas galinhas, uma cabra e uma pomba.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals does Fana have?", + "text": "Quantos animais Fana tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal does Fana have the most of?", + "text": "Qual animal Fana tem mais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.", + "text": "A maioria das pessoas que vivem em uma cidade não tem tantos animais diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.", + "text": "Um dia, Fana viu outras crianças jogando pedras nas pombas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!", + "text": "Jogar pedras nos animais é uma coisa cruel de se fazer!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?", + "text": "O que vocês fariam se vissem alguém fazendo algo cruel?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?", + "text": "Contem todos os pássaros. Qual grupo é maior e qual é menor - pássaros no ar ou pássaros no chão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"", + "text": "Fana correu em direção às crianças.\n\nEla gritou: \"Parem de jogar pedras!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?", + "text": "Não é fácil dizer às outras pessoas que você acha que elas estão sendo más. Por que Fana fez isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma com quatro lados retos. Apontem retângulos que vocês veem nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?", + "text": "Vocês veem algum retângulo ao redor de onde estão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.", + "text": "Fana levou as duas pombas para casa para cuidar delas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.", + "text": "É muito gentil da parte de Fana ajudar esses animais. Pode ser perigoso lidar com animais selvagens.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?", + "text": "Contem o número de pessoas e o número de pássaros. Qual grupo é maior e qual é menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?", + "text": "O que os rostos deles dizem sobre o que estão sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.", + "text": "Ela os alimentou e contou à sua família como os salvou.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?", + "text": "Quantas crianças e quantos adultos há na família de Fana? Quando vocês juntam esses grupos, quantas pessoas há na família dela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?", + "text": "Há muitas cores do arco-íris aqui. Quais cores estão presentes e quais estão faltando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?", + "text": "Quais cores e padrões são seus favoritos para vestir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.", + "text": "Fana e seus pais levaram as pombas para a clínica.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?", + "text": "A maioria dos médicos ajuda pessoas ou ajuda animais. Que tipo de médico está nesta clínica?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?", + "text": "Quem é a pessoa mais baixa nesta imagem? Quem é a mais alta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.", + "text": "A cruz vermelha no armário mostra que dentro dele há suprimentos médicos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"", + "text": "Fana diz aos seus amigos: \"Os animais são nossos amigos. Nós os protegemos.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?", + "text": "Devemos proteger apenas nossos amigos, ou devemos proteger tudo o que pudermos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.", + "text": "Olhem todas as estampas coloridas nessas roupas. Apontem quais são lisas, listradas ou têm um padrão xadrez.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?", + "text": "Fana usou muitas cores diferentes durante esta história. Vocês conseguem se lembrar de todas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My heart feels a lot of things.", + "text": "Meu coração sente muitas coisas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?", + "text": "Pensem em diferentes sentimentos que vocês têm. Quantos conseguem pensar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.", + "text": "Contem uma história sobre uma vez em que sentiram um desses sentimentos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?", + "text": "Seus sentimentos se encaixam em alguns grupos? Por exemplo, são todos sentimentos felizes ou tristes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.", + "text": "Eu me sinto feliz quando minha vovó nos conta histórias à noite.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?", + "text": "Vocês conhecem uma pessoa especial que adora contar histórias para vocês? Ouvir essa pessoa contar histórias traz uma sensação boa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?", + "text": "Contem juntos quantas crianças estão ouvindo a história da vovó. Se vocês adicionarem a vovó a essa contagem, será mais um - quantas seriam então?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?", + "text": "Essas crianças parecem felizes? Como vocês podem dizer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel silly when I play with my friend.", + "text": "Eu me sinto boba quando brinco com meu amigo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What things do you do when you are being silly?", + "text": "Que coisas vocês fazem quando estão sendo bobos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.", + "text": "Contem juntos as mãos, pés, olhos, narizes, dedos, dedões ou qualquer outra coisa que vejam.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?", + "text": "Qual grupo de coisas tem o maior número e qual tem o menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.", + "text": "Eu me sinto mal quando meu pai diz que não tem dinheiro.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What sorts of things make you sad?", + "text": "Que tipos de coisas os deixam tristes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.", + "text": "Apontem e nomeiem as cores das diferentes peças de roupa deles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of buttons on her dress.", + "text": "Contem o número de botões no vestido dela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.", + "text": "Eu me sinto amada quando minha mãe me dá um abraço.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?", + "text": "Quais são alguns momentos especiais que os fazem sentir amados?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?", + "text": "O que vocês fazem para deixar os outros saberem que sentem amor por eles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?", + "text": "A roupa da mãe tem listras e a da menina tem estrelas. Vocês têm algumas roupas com estrelas ou outra forma?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.", + "text": "Chat nasceu cega.\n\nSeus olhos nunca tinham visto seus pais, ou seus irmãos e irmãs. Ela conhecia os rostos deles pelo toque.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.", + "text": "Você já tentou andar com os olhos fechados? Se fizer isso, tenha certeza de que está com outra pessoa para se manter em segurança.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?", + "text": "Quando você não enxerga, você se torna muito mais consciente de seus outros sentidos. Quais sentidos você nota mais quando fecha os olhos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Um quadrado é um retângulo com quatro lados iguais. Aponte para os quadrados e retângulos que você vê nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.", + "text": "Um dia, Chat estava passeando no jardim.\n\nEla gostava do doce aroma das flores.\n\nEla adorava tocar suas pétalas macias.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.", + "text": "Há muitas coisas para contar aqui. Conte as árvores, borboletas, bengalas, sapatos e quaisquer outros grupos que você notar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups can Chat count?", + "text": "Quais desses grupos a Chat consegue contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?", + "text": "Qual desses grupos tem mais e qual tem menos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.", + "text": "Chat gostaria que ela pudesse ver flores, apenas uma vez.\n\n\"Elas são adoráveis\", disse ela para si mesma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?", + "text": "Há cinco flores azuis e cinco flores amarelo-laranja. Quantas são todas juntas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?", + "text": "Se você incluir a flor amarelo-laranja que a Chat está segurando, seria mais uma. Quanto é um mais cinco?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?", + "text": "Quantas flores azuis existem a mais do que borboletas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.", + "text": "Todos os dias, Chat caminhava no jardim. Ela conhecia o caminho.\n\nHoje, ela ergueu a cabeça para o céu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?", + "text": "Você vê a surpresa no rosto dela? Com o que ela está surpresa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?", + "text": "Ela não consegue ver as nuvens. O que ela pode sentir sobre o que está acontecendo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "O que está acontecendo no céu? O que você acha que está prestes a acontecer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.", + "text": "De repente, ela ouviu trovões e relâmpagos.\n\n\"Eu preciso correr de volta para casa\", pensou Chat.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?", + "text": "Você já esteve fora em algum lugar quando uma tempestade surgiu rapidamente? Você se molhou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like watching lightning?", + "text": "Você gosta de ver relâmpagos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?", + "text": "Você acha um relâmpago assustador ou divertido quando está do lado de fora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.", + "text": "A chuva começou a cair.\n\nChat escorregou, perdeu o equilíbrio e caiu.\n\nEla bateu a cabeça em uma pedra.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?", + "text": "Lesões na cabeça podem ser muito graves. Você acha que a Chat vai ficar bem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.", + "text": "Existem cores que vão do amarelo ao vermelho claro e ao vermelho nesta imagem. Aponte para elas e descreva-as.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.", + "text": "Aponte e descreva as cores que vão do amarelo para vários verdes na imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.", + "text": "Quando Chat acordou, havia pessoas ao seu redor.\n\n\"O que aconteceu?\" ela perguntou.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?", + "text": "Conte as pessoas da família de Chat. Você incluiu a Chat?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?", + "text": "Você pode dizer, olhando para seus rostos, o que cada pessoa está sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?", + "text": "Há muitas cores aqui! Quais das cores do arco-íris estão faltando nesta imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.", + "text": "\"Você caiu e bateu a cabeça\", disse o pai dela.\n\n\"Estamos muito gratos por você estar bem\", disse a mãe.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?", + "text": "Há uma estampa circular divertida na cama da Chat. Existem mais círculos azuis ou vermelhos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.", + "text": "Descreva alguns padrões bonitos em torno de onde você está.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.", + "text": "Encontre os retângulos nesta imagem e também em torno de onde você está.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.", + "text": "\"Papai, mamãe?\" perguntou Chat. Ela também chamou os nomes de seus irmãos e irmãs. \"Por favor, traga-me uma flor.\" Todos ficaram surpresos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone surprised?", + "text": "Por que todos estão surpresos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone looking so happy?", + "text": "Por que todos parecem tão felizes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?", + "text": "Consegue contar todos os círculos na cama dela, ou são muitos? Consegue contar outras coisas, como olhos, braços ou narizes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.", + "text": "Sua irmã voltou com uma flor.\n\nChat segurou suavemente. \"É tão adorável\", disse ela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?", + "text": "Imagine como é ver o mundo pela primeira vez. O que você mais gostaria de ver?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?", + "text": "De que lado da cabeça ela bateu na pedra e de que lado está enfaixada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.", + "text": "Consegue encontrar todos os retângulos nesta imagem? Alguns deles estão escondidinhos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.", + "text": "Sua família olhou uns para os outros.\n\n\"Chat, você consegue ver a flor?\", sua mãe perguntou.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What emotion do you see on each person's face?", + "text": "Que emoção você vê no rosto de cada pessoa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?", + "text": "Você conhece alguém que de repente melhorou muito de uma doença?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who was blind?", + "text": "Você conhece alguém que era cego?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.", + "text": "Chat brincou com a flor na mão.\n\n\"Vocês são todos tão bonitos, assim como esta flor\", ela sorriu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte alguns dos novos retângulos nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?", + "text": "Este é um final muito feliz! Você achou que a história terminaria assim?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.", + "text": "Algumas pessoas se tornam médicas porque gostam de ajudar as pessoas a terem finais felizes como este.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My name is Simo.", + "text": "Meu nome é Simo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.", + "text": "Conte as diferentes cores de listras na camisa de Simo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?", + "text": "A bola do Simo tem duas cores e é redonda. Um pentágono é uma forma de cinco lados. Aponte para os pentágonos escuros na bola de Simo. Você vê algum pentágono ao seu redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?", + "text": "Um hexágono é uma forma de seis lados. Aponte para os hexágonos na bola. Os hexágonos são frequentemente usados em padrões de ladrilhos. Você vê algum hexágono ao seu redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have four friends.", + "text": "Eu tenho quatro amigos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"", + "text": "Quando você coloca Simo junto com seus quatro amigos, quantos são ao todo? Outra maneira de perguntar isso é: \"Quanto é 1 mais 4?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.", + "text": "Quantos deles têm camisas listradas e quantos têm camisas lisas? Isso significa que 2 mais de 3 é 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!", + "text": "São duas maneiras diferentes de conseguir cinco! Se você fizer um mais quatro, você recebe a mesma coisa que dois mais três!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.", + "text": "Seus nomes são Zizo, Lele, Sisa e Ayanda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.", + "text": "Você consegue adivinhar quem tem qual nome? Aprenderemos sobre cada um deles em breve.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?", + "text": "Invente uma história sobre um deles. Talvez um deles goste de gatos ou faça longas caminhadas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.", + "text": "Dos quatro, um deles gosta de futebol, um gosta de nadar, outro gosta de esconde-esconde e um gosta de ler -- adivinhe qual é qual.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.", + "text": "Meu amigo Zizo gosta de jogar futebol.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?", + "text": "Simo e Zizo têm o futebol em comum. Quais partes de suas roupas são semelhantes entre si?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?", + "text": "Simo e Zizo têm listras em diferentes partes de suas roupas. Como as listras são diferentes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Zizo parece gostar de tons de vermelho. E você? Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Lele likes to swim.", + "text": "Minha amiga Lele gosta de nadar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte e nomeie os belos verdes, azuis esverdeados e azuis nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?", + "text": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Lele. Ela está sem um dedo ou a artista foi descuidada ao desenhar esta imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.", + "text": "Pode ser perigoso nadar sozinho. Por segurança, sempre nade com um amigo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.", + "text": "Minha amiga Sisa gosta de brincar de pega-pega.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?", + "text": "Sisa é o “pega” ou está se escondendo? É fácil ver Sisa. Sisa está se escondendo atrás da árvore?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?", + "text": "Dizem que as zebras têm listras para ajudá-las a se esconder entre as árvores. As listras na camisa da Sisa fazem com que Sisa seja difícil de ser vista?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?", + "text": "Ao brincar de esconde-esconde, a pessoa geralmente conta até certo número antes de procurar pessoas. Quão alto você acha que a pessoa deve contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Ayanda likes to read.", + "text": "Minha amiga Ayanda gosta de ler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?", + "text": "As outras pessoas escolheram esportes e jogos que gostam de jogar. Ler é um esporte ou um jogo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?", + "text": "Você consegue ler com outras pessoas ou deve ler sozinho?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.", + "text": "Ayanda parece gostar de tons de laranja. Cite algumas coisas ao seu redor que são tons de laranja.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.", + "text": "Eu? Gosto de fazer as coisas que eles gostam de fazer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?", + "text": "Simo gosta de fazer todas as coisas, ou ele está apenas sendo agradável para que possa estar com todos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?", + "text": "Você notou que as listras na camisa dele mudaram? Como elas mudaram?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four activities, how many do you like?", + "text": "Das quatro atividades, quantas você gosta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play soccer with Zizo.", + "text": "Eu jogo futebol com Zizo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?", + "text": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Zizo. Zizo está sem um dedo ou o artista foi descuidado de novo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?", + "text": "Algumas pessoas nascem com seis dedos na mão. Quanto é um menos seis? Quanto é dois menos seis? Quantos dedos parecem ser um bom número para você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?", + "text": "Zizo tem uma camisa lisa com meias listradas, enquanto Simo tem uma camisa listrada com meias lisas. De que maneira você gosta mais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I swim with Lele.", + "text": "Eu nado com Lele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?", + "text": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Lele. Ela tem um dedo a mais do que antes! Ela fez crescer um dedo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.", + "text": "Fale sobre os tons de verde nesta foto. Alguns tons são mais escuros, outros mais amarelos e outros mais azuis.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!", + "text": "Lele está nadando com um amigo agora - isso é muito mais seguro (e mais divertido)!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.", + "text": "Eu brinco de pega-pega com Sisa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Simo take his shoes off?", + "text": "Por que Simo tirou os sapatos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?", + "text": "Quem você acha que está se escondendo e quem está procurando nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?", + "text": "Qual destes dois pode se esconder melhor neste lugar -- quais roupas se misturam melhor com as cores ao redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, friend, what do you like?", + "text": "Venha, amigo, do que você gosta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of your favorite activities?", + "text": "Quais são algumas das suas atividades favoritas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?", + "text": "Conte as diferentes atividades nesta história. Destes, qual você escolheria?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?", + "text": "Havia quatro atividades e você escolheu a sua favorita. Quanto é um menos que quatro? Das atividades restantes, qual é a sua menos favorita?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play soccer with us.", + "text": "Venha, jogue futebol com a gente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?", + "text": "Eles estão jogando em equipes ou estão apenas chutando a bola?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?", + "text": "São cinco pessoas. Você pode dividi-los em duas equipes com o mesmo número de pessoas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?", + "text": "De quem são os piores sapatos para jogar futebol?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, swim with us.", + "text": "Venha nadar com a gente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?", + "text": "Há dois pares de crianças e uma criança sozinha. Você pode colocar todos eles em pares para que ninguém fique de fora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.", + "text": "Diz-se que um número é \"ímpar\" se não houver como dividir sua quantidade em pares. Também é \"ímpar\" se esse número de coisas não puder ser dividido em dois grupos iguais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?", + "text": "Por que as duas ideias para \"ímpar\" são as mesmas? Por que ser capaz de dividir algo em pares é o mesmo que ser capaz de dividi-lo em dois grupos iguais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.", + "text": "Venha, brinque de pega-pega com a gente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?", + "text": "Parece que Simo é o \"pega\". Será que ela terá dificuldade em encontrar as outras crianças?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?", + "text": "Conte as crianças em cima do galho e o número escondido do outro lado da árvore. Eles somam quatro crianças?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.", + "text": "Há um na árvore, um contando e três atrás da árvore. Você pode obter cinco de várias maneiras a partir disso. Uma maneira é começar com três, adicionar um e depois adicionar mais um. Pense em outras maneiras de conseguir cinco.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, read with us!", + "text": "Venha, leia conosco!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.", + "text": "Uma pessoa está lendo sozinha, e o resto está lendo em pares.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?", + "text": "Todos parecem muito felizes juntos, não importa qual atividade eles façam. Você tem alguns amigos com quem gosta de fazer coisas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?", + "text": "Uma das crianças só tem quatro dedos na mão -- quem é?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.", + "text": "Mod, a sapa, estava cansada de viver na água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?", + "text": "Por que você acha que Mod estava cansada da água?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?", + "text": "Mod tem quatro \"dedos\" em cada perna. Quem tem mais dedos - você ou Mod? Quantos a mais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?", + "text": "Com quatro dedos em cada perna, quantos dedos Mod tem ao todo? Você pode contá-los de 1 em 1, de 2 em 2 ou de 4 em 4. É um número muito grande para você contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"", + "text": "\"Tenha cuidado,\" disse a tartaruga. \"Sua pele vai ressecar.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?", + "text": "Por que as tartarugas não se preocupam com a pele ressecando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?", + "text": "Você acha que uma tartaruga grande seria capaz de subir em um tronco estreito assim?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?", + "text": "Você acha que sapos e tartarugas conversam entre si?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.", + "text": "Mas Mod estava curiosa. Ela pulou para longe.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!", + "text": "Mod parece muito animada para embarcar em uma aventura!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?", + "text": "Você já fez algo mesmo sendo avisado de que era uma má ideia? Ficou feliz por ter feito?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?", + "text": "Você acha que Mod já havia saído do rio antes? Existem lugares que você gostaria de explorar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looked all around.", + "text": "Ela olhou ao redor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.", + "text": "Conte as árvores ao fundo atrás de Mod.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?", + "text": "É mais fácil para você contar as árvores uma por uma ou de 2 em 2?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.", + "text": "Observe os tons das cores. As cores de Mod vão de amarelo claro a marrom escuro. A grama vai de um amarelo muito claro aos verdes amarelados das copas das árvores e aos tons mais escuros diretamente sob o dossel da árvore.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.", + "text": "Ela encontrou um camaleão roxo ao lado de uma poça de água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!", + "text": "Mod parece surpresa ao ver o camaleão!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?", + "text": "Por que o camaleão está segurando esse inseto? Você come insetos às vezes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?", + "text": "Conte os insetos voando ao redor. Se adicionar mais um ao que o camaleão está segurando, quantos são ao todo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.", + "text": "O camaleão começou a ficar rosa! Mod pulou para longe.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.", + "text": "Camaleões e alguns outros animais podem mudar de cor para se camuflar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?", + "text": "Você acha que este camaleão está se camuflando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!", + "text": "Você acha que Mod sabia que o camaleão poderia mudar de cor? Mod parece surpresa e com medo!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.", + "text": "Então ela viu uma hiena começando um incêndio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.", + "text": "É bobagem pensar que hienas saem por aí iniciando incêndios com tochas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If they could do it, why would they want to?", + "text": "Se pudessem fazer isso, por que gostariam?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?", + "text": "As hienas às vezes são descritas como personagens ruins em histórias. Você acha que as hienas se dariam ao trabalho de iniciar um incêndio apenas para serem más?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.", + "text": "O fogo se espalhou ao redor de Mod. Ela estava com medo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?", + "text": "Você já viu ou esteve perto de um grande incêndio florestal? Se sim, como se sentiu sobre isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?", + "text": "Mod escolheu um bom lugar para se esconder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?", + "text": "O que você acha que acontecerá com Mod - Mod está em um lugar seguro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.", + "text": "O fogo queimou sua pele. Ela pulou de volta para a poça.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?", + "text": "Ser queimado dói muito! Você já se queimou ou conheceu alguém que já?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Mod cover her eyes?", + "text": "Por que Mod cobriu os olhos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.", + "text": "Encontrar algo frio para colocar na queimadura é geralmente uma ideia muito boa para evitar mais queimação.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But her skin was already full of blisters.", + "text": "Mas sua pele já estava cheia de bolhas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?", + "text": "Quando Mod espirrou, que forma tinham as ondulações na água ao redor de onde Mod entrou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?", + "text": "Você já observou as ondulações que uma pedra faz quando cai em água parada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.", + "text": "Essas ondulações são círculos que têm um ponto central comum. Esses círculos são chamados de concêntricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.", + "text": "Mod encontrou uma casa debaixo de uma pedra. Sua nova pele estava seca e áspera.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?", + "text": "Mesmo que as coisas não tenham corrido tão bem, ela teve algumas experiências interessantes. Você acha que Mod se arrepende de sua aventura?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?", + "text": "Você acha que sapos têm casas com portas, janelas e mesas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?", + "text": "Parece que Mod tem três dedos agora. Isso é mais ou menos do que ela tinha antes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.", + "text": "Agora apenas rãs têm pele lisa e vivem perto da água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?", + "text": "Você sabia que existem diferenças entre sapos e rãs?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?", + "text": "Você já viu um sapo ou uma rã? Conseguiu dizer qual era qual?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?", + "text": "Você já foi a um lago, rio ou lagoa para explorar a vida aquática?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the animals.", + "text": "Olhe para os animais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count and name together all the animals you see.", + "text": "Conte e nomeie juntos todos os animais que você vê.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are all the animals looking at?", + "text": "Para o que todos os animais estão olhando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the animals want something from the farmer?", + "text": "Os animais querem alguma coisa do fazendeiro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow says, \"Moo.\"", + "text": "A vaca diz: \"Muu.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?", + "text": "A vaca está olhando para um cocho vazio. O que você acha que \"Muu\" significa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?", + "text": "Se você só tem uma palavra (\"Muu\"), você tem que pronunciar ela de diferentes maneiras para que signifiquem coisas distintas. O que você acha que a vaca quer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.", + "text": "Algumas das manchas pretas da vaca são pequenas e algumas são grandes. Conte quantas manchas a vaca tem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"", + "text": "O bode diz: \"béé, béé.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?", + "text": "Por que o bode está olhando para o gotejamento de água da torneira?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?", + "text": "O bode está com sede, fome ou ambos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.", + "text": "Quantos chifres tem um bode? Nomeie outros animais que têm duas coisas duras crescendo em suas cabeças.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"", + "text": "O Cavalo diz, “iiirrrí.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?", + "text": "O cavalo também estava olhando para um cocho vazio. Para o que o cavalo está apontando com a perna dianteira esquerda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?", + "text": "Conte juntos as pernas do cavalo. Você consegue pensar em um animal de fazenda que tem apenas duas pernas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?", + "text": "Existem animais que têm algum outro número de pernas além de dois ou quatro? E quanto a insetos ou aranhas? -- você sabe quantas pernas eles têm?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"", + "text": "O porco diz, “Rók.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?", + "text": "Algumas pessoas pensam que os porcos dizem \"Oink.” O que você acha que eles dizem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!", + "text": "O porco tem duas orelhas, dois olhos e duas narinas. Imagine como seria se ele tivesse duas bocas!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.", + "text": "Conte juntos os postes que compõem a cerca na frente do porco.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"", + "text": "A galinha diz: \"Cocó.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?", + "text": "Uma galinha é um animal de fazenda com apenas duas pernas. Existem outros?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.", + "text": "Conte os pintinhos e conte quantas galinhas há ao todo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than three makes how many?", + "text": "Um a mais que três faz quantos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog says, \"Woof.\"", + "text": "O cachorro diz, “Auau.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.", + "text": "A tigela de comida do cachorro está vazia e o cachorro parece estar com fome.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of bags by the fence.", + "text": "Conte juntos o número de sacos perto da cerca.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?", + "text": "Conte juntos o número de dentes do rastelo no canto. Você consegue encontrar outras coisas para contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"", + "text": "O fazendeiro diz: \"Shhh!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?", + "text": "Por que o fazendeiro diz \"Shhh?” O fazendeiro está cansado de ser importunado pelos animais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the animals waiting for?", + "text": "O que os animais estão esperando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals are waiting for their food?", + "text": "Quantos animais estão esperando pela comida?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My sister's dress is too big for me!", + "text": "O vestido da minha irmã é grande demais para mim!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?", + "text": "Você às vezes usa roupas de outra pessoa? É divertido imaginar que você é essa outra pessoa quando faz isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?", + "text": "Como você pode dizer que o vestido e o cinto são muito grandes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Aponte para retângulos na imagem. Você vê algum retângulo onde você está?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.", + "text": "A blusa do meu irmão também é grande demais para mim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?", + "text": "Olhando para o rosto dela, como ela se sente por ter uma blusa muito grande?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?", + "text": "O vestido laranja que ela tem é do tamanho certo para ela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Observe os novos retângulos nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!", + "text": "Minha bolsa é grande.\n\nMas não muito grande!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this bag too big for her?", + "text": "Esta bolsa é grande demais para ela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the clasps on the bag.", + "text": "Conte juntos os fechos da bolsa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?", + "text": "O que você colocaria nesta bolsa se fosse sua?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This old belt is too small for me.", + "text": "Este cinto velho é muito pequeno para mim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?", + "text": "Por que o cinto velho de quando ela era menor pode ser pequeno demais para ela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?", + "text": "O que a expressão em seu rosto diz sobre como ela está se sentindo em relação ao cinto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?", + "text": "Quantas peças de roupa ela já experimentou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is my doll's hat.", + "text": "Este é o chapéu da minha boneca.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?", + "text": "Esta é a quarta peça de roupa que não se encaixa bem para ela. Como ela se sente sobre isso? Você acha que ela está se sentindo desanimada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.", + "text": "Conte juntos o número de pedaços de madeira que compõem o encosto da cadeira.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?", + "text": "Ela tem dois olhos, duas orelhas e dois braços, mas apenas uma boca e um nariz. Onde se alinham as partes do corpo que ela tem só uma?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!", + "text": "Minhas meias são do tamanho certo.\n\nMas da cor errada!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?", + "text": "Incluindo seus laços de cabelo, quais cores ela está usando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?", + "text": "Você acha que as meias dela são da cor errada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?", + "text": "A imagem da cadeira é composta por vários retângulos. Quantos você consegue encontrar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These are my new shoes.", + "text": "Estes são meus sapatos novos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?", + "text": "Depois de todas as outras roupas, você acha que esses sapatos vão servir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where did she go?", + "text": "Para onde ela foi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?", + "text": "Estes sapatos devem estar em uma sala diferente - a porta e as janelas são de uma cor diferente. Que cores eram antes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They fit me very well.", + "text": "Eles se encaixam muito bem em mim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?", + "text": "O chapéu dela é o mesmo que o chapéu de boneca? Parece muito pequeno para você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?", + "text": "Você acha que ela precisa de um cinto com o vestido?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she ready for school now?", + "text": "Ela está pronta para a escola agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let me tell you about the palm tree.", + "text": "Deixe-me lhe contar sobre a palmeira.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.", + "text": "Há palmeiras onde você mora? Existem muitos tipos de palmeiras – talvez as suas se pareçam diferente dessas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.", + "text": "Seu colar tem um padrão repetitivo de miçangas vermelhas e amarelas. Conte as contas usando o padrão para contar de 2 em 2.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.", + "text": "Ele tem argolas nas suas orelhas. Quantas peças de roupa com argolas ele tem? Não se esqueça de olhar tudo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This tree lives when everything else is dry.", + "text": "Esta árvore vive enquanto todo o resto está árido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.", + "text": "Embora a água seja necessária para grande parte das coisas vivas, palmeiras são inteligentes e usam pouquíssima água em locais secos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.", + "text": "Os galhos se separam em dois conforme sobem. Conte quantos galhos você consegue ver antes das folhas no topo da palmeira.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bones and stones on the ground.", + "text": "Conte os ossos e as rochas no chão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.", + "text": "A sombra de uma palmeira é sempre fresca.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?", + "text": "Há algo diferente na sombra de uma palmeira que a faz fresca?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the shade of all trees cool?", + "text": "A sombra de todas as árvores é fresca?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?", + "text": "Esta pessoa mal cabe nesta sombra. Por que ele escolheu uma árvore tão pequena? Talvez não existam outras árvores por perto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We eat fruit from the palm tree.", + "text": "Nós comemos frutas da palmeira.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.", + "text": "Liste e conte os tipos de fruta que você gosta de comer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?", + "text": "O cabelo deles é trançado em fileiras. Qual dos dois têm mais fileiras? Qual é a diferença entre esses dois números?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?", + "text": "Faz sentido que a pessoa maior tenha o maior número de fileiras no cabelo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.", + "text": "Nós usamos as folhas da palmeira para cobrir nossas casas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.", + "text": "Esta casa tem um formato redondo. Casas redondas são mais fáceis de serem construídas e possuem mais espaço.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any round buildings where you live?", + "text": "Existem prédios redondos onde você mora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?", + "text": "Bolas e lâmpadas são normalmente redondas. Quais são outras coisas redondas ao seu redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.", + "text": "Nós fazemos vassouras e tapetes de folhas de palmeiras.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?", + "text": "Das coisas ao seu redor, quais delas parecem serem feitas de árvores ou outros materiais naturais?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.", + "text": "Conte o número de coisas diferentes nesta imagem que são feitas a partir de uma palmeira.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?", + "text": "Conte o número de argolas que ela está usando. O número é maior ou menor do que o homem tinha nas páginas anteriores?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.", + "text": "Usamos sementes de palmeira como combustível.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?", + "text": "Queimar sementes de palmeira é uma das muitas formas de obter calor. Como você se esquenta onde você mora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?", + "text": "Além de cozinhar, quais são outros usos para o calor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?", + "text": "Uma estimativa é um chute aproximado baseado em informações parciais. Estime quantas sementes existem nessa cesta. É um número maior do que os que você conhece?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see why the palm tree is important?", + "text": "Você entende o porquê das palmeiras serem tão importantes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.", + "text": "Liste e conte de quantas formas as palmeiras são úteis para eles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?", + "text": "Quais árvores perto de você têm funções importantes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?", + "text": "Úteis ou não, quais são as suas árvores preferidas perto de você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Ndalo.", + "text": "Este é o Ndalo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.", + "text": "Identifiquem juntos os tipos de animais que você vê e conte cada um deles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?", + "text": "Nessa foto, qual animal está mais presente?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.", + "text": "Contem juntos quantos botões há na camisa de Ndalo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo likes to read books.", + "text": "Ndalo gosta de ler livros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.", + "text": "Contem juntos quantos livros há na mesa em frente a Ndalo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!", + "text": "Você pode ver em seu rosto o quanto ele gosta de ler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like hearing stories from books?", + "text": "Você gosta de ouvir histórias de livros?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Pendo.", + "text": "Esta é a Pendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.", + "text": "Existem muitos detalhes nesta imagem. Conte os animais que você conseguir encontrar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees and power poles do you see?", + "text": "Quantas árvores e postes de energia você vê?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.", + "text": "Indique e conte quantas pessoas você consegue identificar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo likes to eat carrots.", + "text": "Pendo gosta de comer cenouras.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?", + "text": "Você consegue perceber apenas olhando para Pendo que ela gosta de cenouras?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?", + "text": "Você gosta de comer cenouras? Qual é o seu vegetal preferido?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?", + "text": "Pendo está comendo duas cenouras enquanto Ndalo está segurando mais três. Quanto são três mais dois?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.", + "text": "Ndalo leva Pendo para pastar depois da escola.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.", + "text": "Conte todos os animais diferentes no quintal, ou conte apenas os seus favoritos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?", + "text": "Qual animal está em maior quantidade? E em menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?", + "text": "O que Pendo e as cabras estão comendo? Você gostaria de comer grama?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He gives fresh water to Pendo.", + "text": "Ele dá água fresca para Pendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?", + "text": "Ndalo cuida muito bem de Pendo. Você cuida de algum animal?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.", + "text": "Aponte para as cores diferentes – A Pendo é bege, a camisa de Ndalo é azul, o balde é amarelo, a grama é verde e a parte de fora do cocho de água é rosa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?", + "text": "Perto de Ndalo, a Pendo parece ser muito grande. Você acha que a Pendo é quantas vezes maior que o Ndalo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father gives grain to Pendo.", + "text": "O pai dá grãos para Pendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?", + "text": "O gato está observando Pendo comer os grãos. Você acha que o gato quer um pouco de grãos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the cat is waiting for?", + "text": "O que você acha que o gato está esperando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?", + "text": "Pendo provê muito leite para a família. O que o gato provê para a família?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He milks Pendo every day.", + "text": "Ele ordenha a Pendo todo dia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?", + "text": "O gato ainda está esperando. Talvez o gato esteja esperando que um pouco do leite respingue?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?", + "text": "Por que as duas patas traseiras de Pendo estão amarradas? Você acha que ela gosta de ser ordenhada?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Indique alguns retângulos presentes nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo gives a lot of milk.", + "text": "Pendo dá muito leite.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of milk containers.", + "text": "Contem juntos o número de recipientes de leite.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?", + "text": "A janela atrás deles é dividida por vidros. Quantos vidros há na janela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.", + "text": "Recipientes de líquido geralmente são redondos, mas às vezes o leite vem em caixas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father sells Pendo's milk.", + "text": "O pai vende o leite de Pendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.", + "text": "A camisa do pai dele tem padrões interessantes. Indique e descreva as listras e os diamantes pretos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe this woman's colorful dress.", + "text": "Descreva o vestido colorido desta mulher.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"", + "text": "O que é a imagem no papel na parede? O aviso diz \"Leite aqui\".", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.", + "text": "Ndalo bebe leite fresco todos os dias.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?", + "text": "Como você pode afirmar que o Ndalo tem tomado leite?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?", + "text": "Quando você bebe algo, você fica com um pouco de líquido ao redor da sua boca?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?", + "text": "Há muitos retângulos aqui. Conte quantas portas e janelas você consegue identificar. Há mais portas ou janelas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"", + "text": "Ele diz, \"Obrigado, Pendo!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?", + "text": "A família de Ndalo alimenta e toma conta de Pendo e, em troca, Pendo lhes dá leite. Isso parece uma troca justa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.", + "text": "Conte um pouco sobre de onde vem seu alimento.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?", + "text": "Você é grato pela origem do seu alimento?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.", + "text": "A Mãe Sol decidiu visitar sua irmã, a Lua. A irmã Lua mora do outro lado do céu. \"Voltarei em breve\", disse Sol às nuvens.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?", + "text": "O que mudará para as nuvens e as montanhas quando o Sol se for?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?", + "text": "Você já imaginou rostos nas nuvens e nas montanhas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?", + "text": "Há cinco coisas no céu. Quando o Sol se for, quantas restarão? Quanto é um menos cinco?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.", + "text": "Quando Sol partiu, as montanhas colocaram seus lenços brancos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?", + "text": "Por que as montanhas colocaram lenços brancos quando o Sol se foi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?", + "text": "Quantas nuvens existem? Há mais montanhas ou nuvens nesta página?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?", + "text": "O que as nuvens estão fazendo e o que você acha que elas estão sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.", + "text": "O vento teve uma discussão com as árvores. As árvores ficaram com raiva. Eles jogaram suas folhas por todo o lugar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?", + "text": "Adivinhe quantas folhas estão voando por aí. Você conhece números tão grandes assim?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!", + "text": "Observe o quão forte o vento está soprando. As folhas estão soprando por toda parte!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?", + "text": "O vento está soprando com tanta força que as árvores estão se curvando. Você já esteve do lado de fora enquanto o vento soprava tão forte que você teve problemas para andar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.", + "text": "O céu começou a resmungar.\n\nEle ficou cinza.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "As nuvens estão preocupadas e ansiosas. O que você acha que está prestes a acontecer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?", + "text": "Conte os rostos nas nuvens. Eles estão divididos em três grupos: grupos de dois, de quatro e de um. Quantos são ao todo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?", + "text": "Contando as árvores, as montanhas e os grupos de nuvens, há todos os números de um a cinco – você consegue encontrar todos eles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.", + "text": "As nuvens ficaram tristes ao ver tudo isso. Começaram a chorar. Havia muitas lágrimas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?", + "text": "As nuvens podem ter feito chuva porque estavam tristes, mas algumas pessoas gostam de assistir e ouvir a chuva. Como a chuva faz você se sentir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?", + "text": "Há muitos pingos de chuva. Você pode contar todos eles, ou são muitos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of something else that there are too many to count.", + "text": "Pense em outras coisas que sejam impossíveis contar de tantas que são.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The whole world began to sink under water.", + "text": "O mundo inteiro começou a afundar na água.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.", + "text": "As árvores precisam de água, mas você acha que elas gostam de ter tanta água? Os rostos nas árvores parecem um pouco ansiosos ou tristes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees do you count in this picture?", + "text": "Quantas árvores você consegue contar nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?", + "text": "O mundo está afundando sob a água ou a água está acumulando sobre o mundo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.", + "text": "Enquanto isso, do outro lado do céu, o Sol estava pronto para deixar sua irmã. Ela deu um beijo de despedida na Lua e foi para casa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?", + "text": "Você acha que é possível o Sol beijar a Lua?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?", + "text": "Você já viu estrelas perto da Lua ou do Sol?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.", + "text": "Uma esfera é uma forma similar a uma bola - ela é redonda em todas as direções. A Lua e o Sol têm a forma de esferas, mesmo que a Lua nem sempre se pareça.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.", + "text": "O céu ficou tão feliz em ver o Sol que ficou azul brilhante. As montanhas colocaram seus lindos vestidos verdes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?", + "text": "Do que é feito o vestido verde nas montanhas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?", + "text": "Quantas nuvens existem agora? O que aconteceu com as outras nuvens?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?", + "text": "Compare o número de coisas no céu com o número de montanhas com rostos. Um deles é um maior do que o outro, enquanto um deles é um menor do que o outro -- qual é qual?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.", + "text": "O vento foi dormir. As árvores esticaram seus galhos e sorriram.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?", + "text": "As montanhas e as árvores gostam do clima quente. Você gosta do clima mais quente ou mais frio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.", + "text": "Um cilindro é uma forma como um tubo ou um canudo. Um cabo de vassoura é geralmente um cilindro. Os troncos dessas árvores entre o solo e seus primeiros galhos são cilindros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?", + "text": "Que outras coisas ao seu redor têm a forma de um cilindro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.", + "text": "As nuvens ficaram muito felizes em ver a Mãe Sol novamente. Elas foram embora para brincar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?", + "text": "Há cinco nuvens no céu. Se você adicionar mais um para o sol, quantas coisas estão no céu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?", + "text": "Duas páginas atrás havia duas nuvens. Quantas nuvens a mais existem agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?", + "text": "Se as nuvens estavam felizes em ver o Sol, por que elas foram embora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.", + "text": "Muitas pequenas plantas saíram da terra para dizer, \"Olá.\" O mundo inteiro brilhou.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.", + "text": "Há borboletas, flores, caules e muitas plantas pequenas. Conte algumas dessas coisas juntas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?", + "text": "Qual grupo de coisas há mais e qual grupo tem menos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?", + "text": "Quais são algumas coisas que as plantas precisam para fazê-las felizes e crescerem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.", + "text": "Mãe Sol brilhou sua luz em todos os lugares. \"Eu disse que voltaria\", ela sorriu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?", + "text": "Os raios do Sol se estendem muito longe nesta página. Existem dias em que os raios do Sol parecem alcançar você completamente?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?", + "text": "O que tem menos nesta página: árvores, montanhas ou coisas no céu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.", + "text": "O que tem mais? É normal que haja duas coisas com a mesma quantidade – nesse caso não há problema, apenas diga ambas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo waited for the school holidays to come.", + "text": "Odongo e Apiyo esperaram as férias escolares chegarem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They look excited. Do you suppose they have big plans for their holidays?", + "text": "Eles parecem animados. Você acha que eles têm grandes planos para as férias?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there holidays that you get excited about?", + "text": "Há feriados com os quais você se empolga?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about something you did during a recent holiday.", + "text": "Conte uma história sobre algo que você fez durante um feriado recente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It was time for them to visit their grandmother.", + "text": "Era hora deles visitarem a avó.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever get so excited about something that you had trouble sleeping?", + "text": "Você já ficou tão animado com algo que teve dificuldades para dormir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to all the rectangles you can find on this page.", + "text": "Retângulos são formas com quatro lados retos e cantos como os desta página. Aponte para todos os retângulos que você pode encontrar nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to some of the rectangles around where you are.", + "text": "Aponte para alguns dos retângulos em torno de onde você está.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They drove past mountains, wild animals, and farms.", + "text": "Eles passaram por montanhas, animais selvagens e fazendas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the wild animals you see on this page.", + "text": "Conte todos os animais selvagens que você vê nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you add two children to the five other animals, how many animals are there all together? What is two more than five?", + "text": "Quando você adiciona duas crianças aos outros cinco animais, quantos animais existem juntos? Quanto é dois mais cinco?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and describe the pairs of animals here.", + "text": "Aponte e descreva os pares de animais aqui.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After a while, Odongo and Apiyo fell asleep.", + "text": "Depois de um tempo, Odongo e Apiyo adormeceram.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people have trouble sleeping sitting up. Can you fall asleep while you're sitting?", + "text": "Algumas pessoas têm dificuldade em dormir sentadas. Você consegue adormecer enquanto está sentado?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl is sleeping with her mouth open -- do you think she is snoring?", + "text": "A garota está dormindo com a boca aberta -- você acha que ela está roncando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the colors of some of the strips in this picture. There are yellows, blues, and greens on the bag, and yellows, oranges, and reds on their seat.", + "text": "Descreva as cores de algumas das listras nesta imagem. Há amarelos, azuis e verdes na bolsa, e amarelos, laranjas e vermelhos no assento.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They found their grandmother resting under a tree.", + "text": "Eles encontraram a avó descansando debaixo de uma árvore.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have friends or relatives you like to go on trips to visit?", + "text": "Você tem amigos ou parentes que gosta de visitar em viagens?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Remember a happy visit you had. What do you like to do when you visit someone?", + "text": "Lembre-se de uma visita feliz que você teve. O que você gosta de fazer quando visita alguém?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will these two do with their grandmother? Will they hear stories, cook meals, and go on walks together?", + "text": "O que esses dois farão com a avó? Eles vão ouvir histórias, cozinhar refeições e fazer caminhadas juntos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother danced and sang. The children gave her presents.", + "text": "Vovó dançava e cantava. As crianças lhe deram presentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you like to get as a present?", + "text": "O que você gostaria de ganhar de presente?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What feels so good about getting a present from someone?", + "text": "O que é tão bom em receber um presente de alguém?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The background on the last page had blues and greens. This one has yellows and oranges. What feels different to you when you see the colors on these two pages?", + "text": "O fundo da última página tinha azuis e verdes. Este tem amarelos e laranjas. O que você sente de diferente quando vê as cores nessas duas páginas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother blessed Odongo and Apiyo in a traditional way.", + "text": "A avó abençoou Odongo e Apiyo de uma maneira tradicional.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Giving a blessing is a solemn and dear thing.", + "text": "Dar uma bênção é uma coisa solene e querida.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The background color has changed again. How does it make you feel?", + "text": "A cor de fundo mudou novamente. Como isso faz você se sentir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this an exciting or calm part of the story? Does the blue color enhance that feeling?", + "text": "Esta é uma parte agitante ou calma da história? A cor azul melhora essa sensação?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo played with butterflies and birds.", + "text": "Odongo e Apiyo brincavam com borboletas e pássaros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen birds and butterflies with so many colors?", + "text": "Você já viu pássaros e borboletas com tantas cores?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count the number of butterflies, or is that a bigger number than you can count?", + "text": "Você pode contar o número de borboletas, ou esse é um número maior do que você consegue contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The colors in the background form ever larger circles -- they are called concentric circles. How do all these colors together make you feel?", + "text": "As cores no fundo formam círculos cada vez maiores - são chamados de círculos concêntricos. Como todas essas cores juntas fazem você se sentir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They climbed trees.\n\nThey splashed in the water of the lake.", + "text": "Eles subiram em árvores.\n\nEles brincaram na água do lago.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How did Odongo get up into a tree with no low branches?", + "text": "Como Odongo subiu em uma árvore sem galhos baixos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many branches are on this tree? Did you count all of them including the small ones, or just the large ones?", + "text": "Quantos galhos estão nesta árvore? Você contou todos eles, incluindo os pequenos, ou apenas os grandes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you go in a lake or pond with your shoes on? Why do you suppose Apiyo did that?", + "text": "Você entra em um lago ou lagoa com seus sapatos? Por que você acha que Apiyo fez isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They were tired.\n\nThey fell asleep before finishing their dinner.", + "text": "Eles estavam cansados.\n\nEles adormeceram antes de terminar o jantar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in the middle of eating?", + "text": "Você já esteve tão cansado que adormeceu no meio de uma refeição?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think they slept at the table all night?", + "text": "Você acha que eles dormiram na mesa a noite toda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the lines in this picture are straight, like the boards on the table, and some are curved, like the edges of the bowls. Look around you. Do you mostly see straight or curved lines?", + "text": "Algumas das linhas nesta imagem são retas, como as tábuas na mesa, e algumas são curvas, como as bordas das tigelas. Olhe à sua volta. Você vê principalmente linhas retas ou curvas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They helped grandmother.\n\nThey collected eggs and picked vegetables.", + "text": "Eles ajudaram a avó.\n\nEles coletaram ovos e colheram vegetais.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and describe all the pairs of things in this picture.", + "text": "Aponte e descreva todos os pares de coisas nesta imagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the eggs Apiyo is holding, how many can you see?", + "text": "Dos ovos que Apiyo está segurando, quantos você consegue ver?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like helping out with chores?", + "text": "Você gosta de ajudar com as tarefas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother taught Odongo and Apiyo how to cook different foods.", + "text": "A avó ensinou Odongo e Apiyo a cozinhar alimentos diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like helping with the cooking sometimes?", + "text": "Você gosta de ajudar na cozinha às vezes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any favorite foods you like to help with?", + "text": "Você tem alguma comida favorita com a qual gostaria de ajudar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the pleasures of traveling is getting to eat new foods. Do you like eating new foods?", + "text": "Um dos prazeres de viajar é poder comer novos alimentos. Você gosta de comer novos alimentos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo took grandmother's cows to graze.\n\nThey ate a neighbor's crops.", + "text": "Odongo levou as vacas da avó para pastar.\n\nElas comeram as colheitas de um vizinho.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at Odongo, the neighbor, and the cows, what is each of them feeling?", + "text": "Olhando para Odongo, o vizinho e as vacas, o que cada um deles está sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Odongo will be given a second chance after this mistake?", + "text": "Você acha que Odongo terá uma segunda chance após esse erro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you make mistakes, are you given another chance?", + "text": "Quando você comete erros, você tem outra chance?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They went to their grandmother's stall at the market.", + "text": "Eles foram para a barraca da avó no mercado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who is the new woman in this picture and what is she doing?", + "text": "Quem é a nova mulher nesta foto e o que ela está fazendo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is grandmother's umbrella for? Is it raining?", + "text": "Para que serve o guarda-chuva da vovó? Está chovendo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the different kinds of food grandmother is selling.", + "text": "Conte todos os diferentes tipos de comida que a vovó está vendendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the evening, they helped grandmother to count her money.", + "text": "À noite, eles ajudaram a avó a contar seu dinheiro.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell that it is evening from this picture?", + "text": "Você pode dizer que é noite a partir desta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes get to count money? If you do, is it fun to do?", + "text": "Você às vezes consegue contar dinheiro? Se você consegue, é divertido contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you count things, do you come up with faster ways to do it? For example, counting things in pairs can be twice as fast.", + "text": "Quando você conta as coisas, você encontra maneiras mais rápidas de fazer isso? Por exemplo, contar coisas em pares pode ser duas vezes mais rápido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon, the holidays were over.\n\nGrandmother packed food for their journey.", + "text": "Logo, as férias acabaram.\n\nA avó embalou comida para a viagem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children look happy. Are they happy about leaving?", + "text": "As crianças parecem felizes. Eles estão felizes em ir embora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the first time we're seeing Odongo's hat. Is it a present from his grandmother?", + "text": "Esta é a primeira vez que vemos o chapéu de Odongo. É um presente da avó dele?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their clothes have lots of colors. How many colors are in the clothes you are wearing?", + "text": "Suas roupas têm muitas cores. Quantas cores estão nas roupas que você está vestindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children did not want to leave.\n\n\"Grandmother, come with us.\"", + "text": "As crianças não queriam ir embora.\n\n\"Vovó, venha conosco.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the children feeling in this picture?", + "text": "O que as crianças estão sentindo nesta foto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did their grandmother say when the children asked her to come with them?", + "text": "O que a avó deles disse quando as crianças pediram que ela viesse com eles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children and their father make three people. When you add one more for their grandmother, how many people is that all together?", + "text": "Os filhos e o pai formam três pessoas. Quando você adiciona mais uma para a avó deles, quantas pessoas estão juntas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo hugged grandmother.\n\n\"Goodbye, grandmother,\" they said.", + "text": "Odongo e Apiyo abraçaram a avó.\n\n\"Adeus, avó\", disseram eles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a hard time saying goodbye to people you care a lot about? Does it make you feel sad?", + "text": "Você tem dificuldade em se despedir de pessoas de quem gosta muito? Isso faz você se sentir triste?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their arms and legs come in pairs. Count them by counting by 2's.", + "text": "Seus braços e pernas vêm em pares. Conte-os de 2 em 2.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the number of arms compare to the number of legs?", + "text": "Como o número de braços se compara ao número de pernas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is better, city life or village life?", + "text": "O que é melhor, a vida na cidade ou a vida na aldeia?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the number of girls compare to the number of boys?", + "text": "Como o número de meninas se compara ao número de meninos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you combine the three girls with the three boys, how many children are there? What is three more than three?", + "text": "Se você combinar as três meninas com os três meninos, quantas crianças existem? Quanto é três mais três?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Instead of counting them as three plus three more, count them by 2's and see if you get the same number.", + "text": "Em vez de contá-los como três mais três, conte-os de 2 em 2 e veja se você obtém o mesmo número.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oh, no!", + "text": "\"Essa não!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is scared of something. She is holding that book very tightly -- perhaps her fear has something to do with the book?", + "text": "Lulu está com medo de algo. Ela está segurando o livro com muita força -- talvez seu medo tenha algo a ver com o livro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some things that scare you?", + "text": "Quais são as coisas que te assustam?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do when you are scared? Do you go to someone or maybe find a safe place?", + "text": "O que você faz quando está com medo? Você vai a alguém ou talvez encontre um lugar seguro?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu, it is time to go, calls Ma.", + "text": "\"Lulu, é hora de ir\", chama Ma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is running away from her mother. Where do you think she will hide?", + "text": "Lulu está fugindo de sua mãe. Onde você acha que ela vai se esconder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think is Lulu's favorite color? How can you tell?", + "text": "Qual você acha que é a cor favorita de Lulu? Como você sabe?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Lulu walking or running? How can you tell?", + "text": "Lulu está andando ou correndo? Como você sabe?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she under the sofa?", + "text": "Onde está Lulu?\n\nEla está debaixo do sofá?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is hiding. Do you see Lulu?", + "text": "Lulu está escondida. Você vê Lulu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the cushions and window panes.", + "text": "Conte as almofadas e vidraças.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more or less cushions than window panes? What is the difference -- how far apart are the two numbers?", + "text": "Existem mais ou menos almofadas do que vidraças? Qual é a diferença -- qual é a distância entre os dois números?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she behind the curtain?", + "text": "Ela está atrás da cortina?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's a clever disguise for Lulu. Why does her clothing make her stand out?", + "text": "Esse é um disfarce inteligente para Lulu. Por que suas roupas a fazem se destacar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of legs on the lamp table. Do you have any tables around you with that many legs?", + "text": "Conte o número de pernas na mesa da lâmpada. Você tem alguma mesa ao seu redor com tantas pernas?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The number of legs on the lamp table is one less than the number on the couch. Three is one less than what number?", + "text": "O número de pernas na mesa da lâmpada é um a menos do que o número no sofá. Três é um menos que qual número?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she next to the stove?", + "text": "Onde está Lulu?\n\nEla está ao lado do fogão?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess where Lulu is hiding in the kitchen.", + "text": "Adivinhe onde Lulu está escondida na cozinha.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the cabinet knobs together.", + "text": "Conte os puxadores do armário.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at all the round things you can find in this kitchen -- there are quite a few.", + "text": "Aponte para todas as coisas redondas que você pode encontrar nessa cozinha -- há algumas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she in the cupboard?", + "text": "Ela está no armário?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once again, Lulu picked a clever hiding place, but her colors don't fit in with the colors in the kitchen.", + "text": "Mais uma vez, Lulu escolheu um esconderijo inteligente, mas suas cores não se encaixam nas cores da cozinha.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Count the rectangles you see on this page.", + "text": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados como esta página. Conte os retângulos que você vê nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a jar with straight sides. There are five cylinders on the top shelf (the bowl is not a cylinder). How many are there on Lulu's shelf? Is it the same number?", + "text": "Um cilindro é uma forma como um frasco com lados retos. Existem cinco cilindros na prateleira superior (a tigela não é um cilindro). Quantos há na prateleira de Lulu? É o mesmo número?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu, it is time to go! Where are you? calls Ma.", + "text": "\"Lulu, é hora de ir! Onde você está?\" chama Ma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu blends in better this time. Do you see her?", + "text": "Lulu se mistura melhor desta vez. Você vê ela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So many things to count! Point at and count together the blocks on the floor, the dolls, and the drawings on the wall.", + "text": "Tantas coisas para contar! Aponte e conte os blocos no chão, as bonecas e os desenhos na parede.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things is the largest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "Qual grupo de coisas é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There you are! says Ma.\n\n\"I do not want to gooo!\"", + "text": "\"Aqui está você!\" diz Ma.\n\n\"Eu não quero irrrr!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is still holding her book tightly. Do you think Lulu is afraid her mother will take it away?", + "text": "Lulu ainda está segurando seu livro com força. Você acha que Lulu tem medo que a mãe a leve embora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu seems like she can be difficult when she doesn't get her way. How are you when you don't get your way?", + "text": "Lulu parece ser difícil quando não consegue o que quer. Como você fica quando não consegue o que quer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu's room has many rectangles. How many can you count?", + "text": "O quarto de Lulu tem muitos retângulos. Quantos você consegue contar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We have to go, says Ma.\n\n\"But I really like this one!\"", + "text": "\"Temos que ir\", diz Ma.\n\n\"Mas eu realmente gosto deste!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu's book looks very big compared to Lulu. Do you think her book is really that big?", + "text": "O livro de Lulu parece muito grande em comparação com Lulu. Você acha que o livro dela é realmente tão grande?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a favorite book or story that you like to look through or have told to you? Have you heard the story many times?", + "text": "Você tem um livro ou uma história favorita que gosta de folhear ou de ouvir alguém contar para você? Você já ouviu a história muitas vezes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many kinds of stories. There are scary ones, funny ones, and some are adventures. Do you have a favorite type?", + "text": "Existem muitos tipos de histórias. Existem os assustadores, os engraçados e alguns são aventuras. Você tem alguma preferência?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This building has many rectangles. Most buildings use rectangles a lot for their sides and windows.", + "text": "{Este edifício tem muitos retângulos. A maioria dos edifícios usa muito retângulos nas laterais e janelas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Triangles are three-sided shapes, and pentagons are five-sided shapes. There is a famous building called the Pentagon because it is made in the shape of a pentagon.", + "text": "Os triângulos são formas de três lados e os pentágonos são formas de cinco lados. Há um edifício famoso chamado Pentágono porque é feito na forma de um pentágono.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you suppose buildings are not often made in the shape of a triangle or circle? Have you seen any buildings like that?", + "text": "Por que você acha que os edifícios frequentemente não têm formato de triangular ou circular? Você já viu algum prédio assim?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are they going? What does that big book on top of the building tell you about what this building is?", + "text": "Para onde eles estão indo? O que aquele grande livro no topo do prédio diz a respeito do que é esse prédio?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is going to happen to Lulu's book at this library?", + "text": "O que vai acontecer com o livro de Lulu nesta biblioteca?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a place where you can borrow books near where you live? Have you ever borrowed books there?", + "text": "Tem um lugar perto de onde você mora que empresta livros? Você já pegou livros emprestados lá?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I really like this one!", + "text": "\"Eu gostei muito desse!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She found a new book very quickly. It didn't take Lulu long to forget about her old book.", + "text": "Ela encontrou um novo livro muito rapidamente. Não demorou muito para que Lulu esquecesse seu livro antigo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does Lulu feel about this new book? How can you tell?", + "text": "Como Lulu se sente sobre este novo livro? Como você sabe?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The windows behind Lulu have four sides and are almost rectangles. How are they different from rectangles?", + "text": "As janelas atrás de Lulu têm quatro lados e são quase retângulos. Como eles são diferentes dos retângulos?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And this one!", + "text": "\"E esse aqui!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is a very enthusiastic person. Some people display their feelings a lot and others are quieter with them. Which are you?", + "text": "Lulu é uma pessoa muito entusiasmada. Algumas pessoas mostram muito seus sentimentos e outras são mais silenciosas quanto a eles. Qual deles é você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many books do you think she will want to take home?", + "text": "Quantos livros você acha que ela vai querer levar para casa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a library near you? Do you like to check books out of the library?", + "text": "Há uma biblioteca perto de você? Você gosta de pegar livros da biblioteca?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And this one! \n\n\"And this one!\"", + "text": "\"E esse aqui!\"\n\n\"E esse aqui!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many Lulus are there in this picture? Why did the artist draw more than one?", + "text": "Quantas Lulus existem nesta foto? Por que o artista desenhou mais de uma?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To count as Lulu grabs books, you would keep adding \"one more\" each time she added a book. What is one more than zero? What is one more than one? You can count as high as you like this way!", + "text": "Conforme Lulu pega livros, você continuaria adicionando \"mais um\" para cada vez que ela adicionasse outro livro. O que é um a mais que zero? O que é um a mais de um? Você pode contar o mais alto que quiser desta maneira!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Libraries are supposed to be quiet places. Do you think Lulu should be running around?", + "text": "As bibliotecas devem ser lugares tranquilos. Você acha que Lulu deveria estar correndo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "See, you return books and borrow more, says Ma.\n\n\"YAY!\"", + "text": "\"Viu, você devolve livros e pega mais emprestados\", diz Ma.\n\n\"VIVA!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Lulu sad about having to return her old book?", + "text": "Por que Lulu não está triste por ter que devolver seu livro antigo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the books on the counter.", + "text": "Conte os livros no balcão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many books do you think Lulu is checking out? What is the largest number you know?", + "text": "Quantos livros você acha que Lulu está pegando? Qual é o maior número que você conhece?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu now?", + "text": "Onde está Lulu agora?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu checked out a lot of books! Can you count them all?", + "text": "Lulu pegou muitos livros! Você consegue contar todos eles?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Lulu likes to look at and read books?", + "text": "Você acha que Lulu gosta de folhear e ler livros?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you?", + "text": "E você?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have lost my bat, and I cannot find it.", + "text": "Eu perdi o meu taco, e eu não consigo encontrá-lo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Though you can only see five of them, there are six panes in the window. What else is there six of?", + "text": "Apesar de você só conseguir ver cinco, há seis vidros na janela. O que mais tem seis?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The number of rungs on the ladder is one more than the number of panes -- how many? The number of panes you can see is five, which is one less than the total number of panes.", + "text": "O número de degraus na escada é um a mais do que o número de vidros na janela -- quantos são? O número de vidros que você consegue ver é cinco, que é um a menos do que o número total de vidros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles have four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to and describe the rectangles in the picture.", + "text": "Retângulos têm quatro lados retos e cantos como os desta página. Indique e descreva os retângulos nesta página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked behind the door. It was not there.", + "text": "Eu procurei atrás da porta. Não estava lá.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice the girl outside the window?", + "text": "Você percebeu a menina do lado de fora da janela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bat is not behind the door -- could it be inside the box?", + "text": "O taco não está atrás da porta -- ele poderia estar dentro da caixa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A box is a 3-dimensional shape with rectangles on every side. Do you see anything else similar to a box? (the door)", + "text": "Uma caixa é uma forma de 3 dimensões, com retângulos em cada lado. Você vê alguma outra coisa parecida com uma caixa? (a porta)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked for it on the shelf. I could not find it there.", + "text": "Eu procurei na prateleira. Eu não achei ele lá.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The window bangs into the shelf when it opens. That seems like a bad design!", + "text": "A janela bate na prateleira quando abre. Isso parece mal-planejado!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this shelf is too high for a child's room?", + "text": "Você acha que essa prateleira é muito alta para o quarto de uma criança?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There's that girl riding around again. Notice that the buildings behind her are shaped like big boxes. A lot of buildings are.", + "text": "Aí está aquela garota novamente. Perceba que os edifícios atrás dela possuem a forma de grandes caixas. Muitos edifícios são assim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked for it under the bed. Not there either.", + "text": "Eu procurei embaixo da cama. Também não estava lá.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl's dress matches the bag hanging by the door. Do you think the bag is hers?", + "text": "O vestido da menina combina com a bolsa pendurada perto da porta. Você acha que a bolsa é dela?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of a place the boy hasn't looked?", + "text": "Você consegue pensar em um lugar que o menino ainda não procurou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Vertical lines are lines that go up and down. How many vertical pieces are there to the blue frame on the side of the bed? The number of spaces between those vertical pieces is one less. How many is that?", + "text": "Linhas verticais são linhas que vão para cima e para baixo. Há quantas peças verticais na cabeceira azul da cama? O número de espaços entre essas peças verticais é um a menos. Quanto é isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I searched inside the box. There was no sign of it.", + "text": "Eu procurei dentro da caixa. Nenhum sinal dele lá.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boy's shirt has a stripe on it. Do you see other stripes in this picture? Do you see stripes around where you are?", + "text": "A camisa do menino possui uma listra. Você vê outras listras nesta imagem? Você vê listras ao seu redor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pink is a light shade of red. If you include pink, how many things are red in this picture?", + "text": "O rosa é um tom de vermelho claro. Se incluirmos o rosa, quantas coisas são vermelhas nessa imagem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you don't count pink, you get one less thing that is red. How many is that?", + "text": "Se não incluirmos o rosa, você tem uma coisa vermelha a menos. Quanto é isso?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I searched the attic. It was not there.", + "text": "Eu procurei no sótão. Não estava lá.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boy has looked in a lot of places. How long do you look for something before you give up?", + "text": "O menino procurou em vários lugares. Por quanto tempo você procura por algo antes de desistir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you have trouble finding something, what are some places you end up finding it?", + "text": "Quando você está com dificuldade de encontrar algo, em quais lugares você acaba encontrando?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the window no longer bangs into the shelf. Did the shelf move?", + "text": "Perceba que a janela não bate mais na prateleira. A prateleira se moveu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked here, there, and everywhere. I could not find it anywhere.", + "text": "Eu procurei aqui, lá, em todo lugar. Eu não encontrei o taco em lugar nenhum.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at his face, what do you think the boy is feeling?", + "text": "Observando sua expressão, o que você acha que o menino está sentindo?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever lost something and never found it?", + "text": "Você já perdeu algo e nunca o encontrou?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl is smiling in the window. Do you think she knows where the bat is?", + "text": "A menina está sorrindo na janela. Você acha que ela sabe onde está o taco?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is my cat?", + "text": "Cadê o meu gatinho?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This cat is very good at hiding. The dark black of this cat helps it hide.", + "text": "Esse gatinho é muito bom em se esconder. A cor preta do gato ajuda ele a se esconder.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of places would make it easy to see this cat?", + "text": "Em quais lugares seria mais fácil enxergar esse gatinho?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where do you like to hide?", + "text": "Onde você gosta de se esconder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it under the bed?", + "text": "Será que ele está embaixo da cama?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was the cat under the bed before the boy looked there?", + "text": "O gato estava embaixo da cama antes de o menino olhar ali?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This bed cover has lots of colorful stripes. Count how many different colors it has.", + "text": "O lençol da cama tem listras coloridas. Conte quantas cores diferentes ele tem.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The walls in this room have a free form design that doesn't repeat. Have you seen walls like this before?", + "text": "O papel de parede desse quarto possui diferentes formas, que não se repetem. Você já viu paredes assim antes?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it on top of the cupboard?", + "text": "Será que ele está em cima do armário?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Instead of being on top of the cupboard, the cat is inside it.", + "text": "Ao invés de estar em cima do armário, o gatinho está dentro dele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This cupboard has a beautiful design. How many colors does it have?", + "text": "Esse armário tem um lindo desenho. Quantas cores ele tem?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about the shapes and patterns on the cupboard doors.", + "text": "Fale sobre as formas e as estampas das portas desse armário.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it behind the couch?", + "text": "Será que ele está atrás do sofá?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is very easy to see right now. Too bad the boy is looking in the wrong place.", + "text": "Agora ficou muito fácil de ver o gatinho. Pena que o menino está procurando no lugar errado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the strong colors on this page: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and brown.", + "text": "Mostre onde estão as cores mais fortes nesta página: vermelho, laranja, amarelo, verde, azul e marrom.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors of the rainbow are missing from the room?", + "text": "Quais são as cores do arco-íris que estão faltando nesse quarto?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it next to the trash can?", + "text": "Será que o gatinho está ao lado da lixeira?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat must be very fast and quiet -- he was next to where the boy is now.", + "text": "Esse gatinho deve ser muito rápido e silencioso -- ele estava ao lado de onde o menino está agora.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the red bricks just below the window.", + "text": "Conte os tijolos vermelhos que estão embaixo da janela.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many straight lines in this picture. Point to some curved lines.", + "text": "Há muitas linhas retas nessa página. Mostre as linhas curvas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it inside the basket?", + "text": "Será que o gatinho está dentro da cesta?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which part of the cat is not inside the SOAP box?", + "text": "Qual parte do gato não está dentro da caixa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is inside the basket? Is that where the cat sleeps?", + "text": "O que tem dentro da cesta? É nela que o gatinho dorme?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the wall does not line up with the squares of the floor.", + "text": "Repare que o papel de parede não está alinhado com os quadrados do chão.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it outside the house?", + "text": "Será que o gatinho está fora de casa?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That poor boy is always looking in the wrong place.", + "text": "O coitado do menino sempre procura nos lugares errados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the boy ever finds the cat, or will the boy give up?", + "text": "Você acha que o menino ainda vai encontrar o gato ou vai desistir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the same wall pattern as on the last page, but the floor is a different color!", + "text": "Este é o mesmo papel de parede da última página, mas o chão tem uma cor diferente!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Here it is!", + "text": "Aqui está o gatinho!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like the cat is in a cupboard or under a sink.", + "text": "Parece que o gato está dentro de um armário ou embaixo da pia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was the cat playing a game with the boy?", + "text": "Será que o gatinho estava brincando com o menino?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will the boy do with the cat now? Maybe he will feed it or play with it? What do you think?", + "text": "O que o menino vai fazer com o gato agora? Será que ele vai alimentá-lo ou brincar com ele? O que você acha?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.es_es.json b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.es_es.json index 374bfbc..98fd4dd 100644 --- a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.es_es.json +++ b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.es_es.json @@ -8525,6 +8525,12 @@ "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, + { + "SourceText": "STAND UP / SIT DOWN", + "text": "LEVANTARSE / SENTARSE", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, { "SourceText": "**The setup:** Have everyone in a place where it is easy to stand up and sit down. Designate someone to lead.\n\n**How to play:** Suppose the leader selects the number 10. If the leader says the number 10, or anything that equals 10, such as 7 + 3, everyone stands up. If the leader says any other number, or anything not equal to 10, then everyone sits down. The leader can try to trick everyone else by standing up or sitting down when everyone should do the opposite.", "text": "**Cómo se organiza:** Haga que todos estén en un lugar donde sea fácil levantarse y sentarse. Designe a alguien para que dirija.\n\n**Cómo se juega:** Supongamos que el líder elige el número 10. Si el líder dice el número 10, o cualquier número que sea igual a 10, como 7 + 3, todos se ponen de pie. Si el líder dice cualquier otro número, o cualquier número que no sea igual a 10, entonces todos se sientan. El líder puede intentar engañar a todos los demás poniéndose de pie o sentándose cuando todos deberían hacer lo contrario.", @@ -12433,31 +12439,1897 @@ }, { "SourceText": "1.0 Stage 1 Introduction", - "text": "1.0 Etapa 1 Introducción", + "text": "Etapa 1 Introducción", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This Stage starts as early as 4 to 6 months. Exposing your child to all kinds of experiences is so important. Start talking with your child even though they show no outward signs of understanding you. Make a habit to point at and describe all sorts of things. As your child starts reacting to your words, begin mixing in questions for your child to respond to.\n\nWhen your child begins to understand that objects have properties, start pointing out properties that make things similar or different. These properties are also useful for playing with patterns. Finally, start describing shapes in terms of their many properties.\n\nThe math learning steps for this Stage are:\n\n**1. Math Talk – Early and Often** Constantly pointing at and describing things is very important for a child's development. Start doing this long before they seem to understand.\n**2. Math Talk – At Home** There are many mathematical things in your home to talk about.\n**3. Math Talk – Out and About** Talk about math in a store, in the park, and in many other places. Math is all around us!\n**4. Math Talk – Describe, Compare** Use describing, comparison, and spatial relationship words with your child - this is math!\n**5. Math Talk – Counting** Whenever possible, count things for your child.\n**6. Math Talk – Point, Describe, and Ask** Begin asking questions that they can respond nonverbally to by pointing or actions.\n**7. Object properties** Your descriptions and play should start to involve lots of properties of objects.\n**8. Same and Different** Discuss properties that make things the same or different\n**9. Patterns** Start playing with identifying, creating and extending patterns.\n**10. Basic shapes I** Introduce geometric ideas and objects, and the names of simple shapes.", + "text": "Esta etapa comienza tan pronto como los 4 a 6 meses de edad. Exponer a su niño/niña a todo tipo de experiencias es sumamente importante. Comience a hablar con su niño/niña a pesar de que no muestren signos externos de entenderle. Haz un hábito de señalar y describir todo tipo de cosas. A medida que su niño/niña comienza a reaccionar a sus palabras, empieza a mezclar preguntas para que su niño/niña le responda.\n\nCuando su niño/niña comienza a entender que los objetos tienen propiedades, empiece a señalar las propiedades que hacen las cosas similares o diferentes. Estas propiedades también son útiles para jugar con patrones. Finalmente, empiece a describir formas en términos de sus muchas propiedades.\n\nLos pasos de aprendizaje de matemáticas para esta Etapa son:\n\n**Paso 1: Charla matemática: Temprano y con frecuencia** Constantemente señalar y describir cosas es muy importante para el desarrollo de un niño.\n**Paso 2: Charla matemática: En casa** Hay muchas cosas matemáticas en su casa de las que puede hablar.\n**Paso 3: Charla matemática: En el mundo** Habla de matemáticas en la tienda, en el parque y en muchos otros lugares. ¡Las matemáticas están a nuestro alrededor!\n**Paso 4: Charla matemática: Describir y comparar** Utiliza descripción, comparación y palabras de relación espacial con su niño/niña - ¡Esto es matemáticas!\n**Paso 5: Charla matemática: Contando** Cuando sea posible, cuente las cosas para su niño/niña.\n**Paso 6: Charla matemática: Señalar, describir y preguntar** Comienza a hacer preguntas que puedan responder de forma no verbal con señas o haciendo acciones.\n**Paso 7: Propiedades de los objetos** Sus descripciones y juegos deberían empezar a involucrar muchas propiedades de objetos.\n**Paso 8: Igual y diferente** Discutir propiedades que hacen las cosas lo mismo o diferente.\n**Paso 9: Patrones** Empieza a jugar con identificando, creando y patrones extendidos.\n**Paso 10: Formas básicas I** Presenta ideas geométricas, objetos y los nombres de formas simples.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.1 Math Talk – Early and Often", + "text": "Paso 1: Charla matemática: Temprano y con frecuencia", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Exposure:** During these early years, it is all about exposure! Your child is being exposed to a wide array of experiences and is discovering patterns in everything they experience. As part of exposing your child to the world, expose them to math words and ideas. Let them see how enjoyable it can be to play with math together.\n\n**Start early:** Start this even before your child seems to understand what you're saying. Your child is a sponge who is getting more from your words than you realize.\n\n**Point and describe:** Point at things your child interacts with and describe them with words involving numbers, shapes, and colors. If you are dealing with a small set of things, count them out loud to your child.\n\n**Many facets of Math Talk** There is much more math to talk about than just numbers.\n\n* Describe things. Talk about sizes, colors, textures, shapes, softness, wetness, hotness,\nbrightness, and more. Naming and describing properties is essential for comparing\nthem and discovering patterns.\n* Use comparison words. Bigger, smaller, tallest, widest, more, less, same, ...\n* Use position words. Over, under, between, near, far, above, ...\n* Talk about patterns and sequences in space and time. Refer to the order of things as\nfirst, second, third, and last. Talk about what just happened, what is about to happen,\nand things happening today. Talk about patterns in designs you see.\n* Count things out loud and say numbers to refer to quantities.\n* Use measurement words. Use words for length, area, weight, and volume whenever\nyou are describing sizes.\n\n**This is all math:** These different ways of describing things and their relationships is talking about math! Building up this vocabulary and concepts will help your child develop mathematically. It will also give a big boost to helping your child read and talk about the world.", + "text": "**Exposición:** Durante los años tempranos, ¡todo se trata de exposición! Su niño/niña está siendo expuesto a un espectro amplio de experiencias y está descubriendo patrones en todo lo que sienten. Como parte de exponer a su niño/niña al mundo, exponlos a palabras e ideas matemáticas. Déjalos ver lo agradable que puede ser jugar con las matemáticas juntos.\n\n**Comienza temprano:** Empiece esto incluso antes de que su niño/niña parece entender lo que está diciendo. Su niño/niña es una esponja que está obteniendo más de sus palabras que sabe.\n\n**Señalar y describir:** Señale las cosas con las que interactúa su niño/niña y descríbalas con palabras que incluyan números, formas y colores. Si se trata de un conjunto reducido de cosas, cuéntele en voz alta a su niño/niña.\n\n**Las múltiples facetas de la charla matemática** Hay muchas más matemáticas para hablar que sólo números.\n\n* Describa las cosas. Hable de tamaños, colores, texturas, formas, suavidad, humedad, calor, brillo y más. Nombrar y describir las propiedades es esencial para compararlas y descubrir patrones.\n* Utilice palabras de comparación. Más grande, más pequeño, más alto, más ancho, más, menos, igual...\n* Utilice palabras de posición. Por encima, por debajo, entre, cerca, lejos, encima...\n* Hable de patrones y secuencias en el espacio y el tiempo. Refiérase al orden de las cosas como primero, segundo, tercero y último. Habla de lo que acaba de ocurrir, de lo que está a punto de ocurrir y de lo que ocurre hoy. Hable sobre patrones en los diseños que ve.\n* Cuente cosas en voz alta y pronuncia números para referirse a cantidades.\n* Utilice palabras de medición. Utilice palabras para indicar longitud, superficie, peso y volumen siempre que describa tamaños.\n\n**Esto es todo matemáticas:** Estas diferentes formas de describir las cosas y sus relaciones ¡es hablar de matemáticas! Ampliar este vocabulario y estos conceptos ayudará a su niño/niña a desarrollarse matemáticamente. También le dará un gran impulso para ayudarlo a leer y a hablar sobre el mundo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.2 Math Talk – At Home", + "text": "Paso 2: Charla matemática: En casa", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As you go about your household routines and activities together, there are many mathematical conversations to have with your child.\n\n**Putting things away:** Talk about which things belong together. Do things that are the same shape go together? Is there a special place for round things or triangular things?\n\n**Clothes:** If you are sorting clothes that are about to be washed or have just been washed, talk about colors, shapes, and sizes. When picking up clothes or putting them away, talk about why some clothes go in one place and others go in other places.\n\n**Going to sleep and getting up:** These times lend themselves to discussing doing things in order, and practicing words like first, second, third, last, and next.\n\n**Discuss as you read:** Storytime is a wonderful chance to do math with your child in a cozy setting. Talk about the characters and the things in the pictures. If there is a big yellow sun, point to the sun and say: “The sun is round and it is yellow. The wall of this room is also yellow. Point to something round in this room.”\n\nAs your child gets older, count together by pointing, such as the yellow flower petals in a picture, or ask your child to point to things you describe.\n\n**Food:** Whether putting food away, cooking food, or setting things out for mealtime, there are many opportunities for math. Different kinds of food should be put away in particular places – this is a good time for relationship words like inside, under, and over.\n\nCooking involves measuring quantities, talking about lengths of time, and describing the desired result for the food. Setting things out for mealtime involves setting out the appropriate number of things so that each person gets what they need.\n\n**Playing with objects:** Compare objects when constructing things for play or other uses. Which one is taller? Can you make one thing taller, wider, bigger, or the same as the other? Describe and compare the sizes, numbers, and colors of things you have or that are in pictures.", + "text": "Mientras desempeña sus rutinas del hogar y las actividades juntos, hay muchas conversaciones matemáticas que puede tener con su niño/ niña.\n\n**Guardando las cosas:** Hable sobre las cosas que van juntas. ¿Las cosas que tienen la misma forma van juntas? ¿Hay un lugar especial para las cosas redondas o triangulares?\n\n**Ropa:** Si estás separando ropa que fue lavada o que va a serlo, hable sobre colores, formas y tamaños. Cuando está recogiendo ropa o guardándola, hable sobre por qué algunas prendas van en unos lugares y otras van en otros.\n\n**Acostarse y despertarse:** Estos tiempos se prestan para hacer las cosas en orden y practicar palabras como primero, segundo, tercero, último y siguiente.\n\n**Converse mientras lee:** Contar historias le da una muy buena oportunidad de hacer matemáticas con su niño/ niña en un ambiente acogedor. Hable acerca de los personajes y las cosas en las fotos. Si hay un gran sol amarillo, apunte al sol y diga: “El sol es redondo y amarillo. Las paredes de este cuarto también son amarillas. Apunta a algo redondo en esta habitación.”\n\nA medida que su niño/ niña crezca, apunte a cosas para contar juntos, algo como los pétalos amarillos de una flor en una foto, o pídale a su niño/ niña que apunte a las cosas que describe.\n\n**Comida:** Mientras guardan la comida, cocinen alimentos, o preparen para la hora de comer, hay muchas oportunidades para las matemáticas. Diferentes tipos de comida necesitan ser almacenados de forma diferente– este es un buen momento para practicar palabras de relación como adentro, debajo y arriba.\n\nCocinar también implica medir cantidades, hablar sobre periodos de tiempo y describir el resultado deseado para la comida. Organizar las cosas para la comida también implica organizar el número apropiado de cosas para que cada persona obtenga lo que necesita.\n\n**Jugar con objetos:** Compara objetos cuando construyas cosas para jugar u otros usos. ¿Cuál es más alto? ¿Puede hacer una cosa más alta, ancha, grande o de el mismo tamaño que las otras? Describa y compare tamaños, números y colores de las cosas que tiene o que están en fotos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.3 Math Talk – Out and About", + "text": "Paso 3: Charla matemática: En el mundo", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Shapes:** You might see a circle in a design in a building and ask your child to point out other circles they see, such as the circles in a traffic light. Traffic signs and shop signs provide a great supply of shapes you can describe and name. There is no end to the shapes, colors, and counting that you can find and talk about once you make a habit of looking for them.\n\n**Traveling:** There are many mathematical things to talk about as you travel. If you see a somewhat unusual red car, you can point that out and count together other red cars that are like it. Ask about bigger, smaller, thinner, and wider things such as buildings, windows, trees, and people. Which things are closer than others, and which things are farther away?\n\n**Counting in a store:** Talk about how many apples you need, and count them out as you pick them out. Count the people in line in front of you, and compare that to the length of the other lines.\n\nPoint out the shapes of fruit or pictures on food boxes. Talk about how some things come in boxes, and other things come in round bottles. You might need something on a high shelf, or something on a low shelf. There is so much to describe and compare!\n\n**In a park:** Count the children, the number of structures or trees, or any- thing else. Comment about where there is more of one thing than an- other.\n\n**On the swings:** Pushing your child on something that swings or sways back and forth is a perfect opportunity to count with your child. With each push, count “1, 2, 3, 4, 5.” After your child starts learning how to count to 5, counting down from 5 is also a good idea. Start or end at 0 sometimes.\n\nPoint out the circles, curves, straight lines, triangles, and rectangles in the park. Talk about how some things are over, under, between, or on top of other things.", + "text": "**Formas:** Puede ver un círculo en un diseño en un edificio y pedirle a su niño/ niña que le apunte a otros círculos que vea, por ejemplo los círculos en un semáforo. Señales de tráfico y carteles de tiendas proveen una buena cantidad de formas que puede describir y nombrar. No hay un límite de las formas, colores y cosas que puede encontrar y hablar una vez se haya acostumbrado a buscar por ellas.\n\n**Viajar:** Hay muchas cosas matemáticas de las que hablar cuando viaja. Si ve un carro rojo poco común, puede señalar eso y contar juntos otros carros rojos que aparecen. Pregunte sobre más grande, más pequeño, más delgado y cosas más anchas como edificios, ventanas, árboles y personas. ¿Qué cosas están más cerca que otras, y qué cosas están más alejadas?\n\n**Contar en una tienda:** Hable sobre cuántas manzanas necesita, y luego cuente mientras las eligen. Cuente a las personas enfrente de usted, y compare eso con la longitud de otras líneas.\n\nSeñale la forma de la fruta o de las fotos en las cajas de comida. Hable sobre cómo algunas cosas vienen en caja y otras cosas vienen en botellas redondas. Puede que necesita algo en una estantería alta, o algo en un estante bajo. ¡Hay tanto que contrastar y comparar!\n\n**En un parque:** Contar a los niños, el número de estructuras o árboles o cualquier otra cosa. Comentar sobre dónde hay más de una cosa que de otra.\n\n**En los columpios:** Empujar a su niño/niña sobre algo que se balancea o se inclina hacia adelante y hacia atrás es una oportunidad perfecta para contar. Con cada empuje, cuente \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5.\" Después de que su niño/niña comienza a aprender a contar hasta 5, contar desde 5 también es una buena idea. Comience o termine a veces en 0.\n\nSeñale los círculos, curvas, líneas rectas, triángulos y rectángulos del parque. Hable de cómo algunas cosas están por encima, debajo, entre o sobre otras cosas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.4 Math Talk – Describe, Compare", + "text": "Paso 4: Charla matemática: Describir y comparar", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**There is important math beyond numbers:** Describing and comparing things is an important part of helping your child learn early mathematics. When children do mathematics, they use ideas about properties of objects to help them work with those objects, such as in grouping them or finding patterns with them. These skills will also help your child when it comes time to start learn- ing to read.\n\n**Point, describe, and compare:** Wherever you are, get in the habit of pointing at things that catch your or your child's attention, and then describing them. Take the opportunity to compare those things to other things to help the descriptions be more meaningful. Talk about how two things are the same or how they are different.\n\n**It is never too early:** From the earliest ages, your child is learning from everything they see, hear, taste, touch, and experience. Add to those experiences with your Math Talk. They are benefiting from your words before they show any reaction to them. Eventually, they will put together the experiences from your words and start showing you that they understand them.\n\n**Expose, but do not rush:** Don't confuse early exposure with teaching. A child will put together the patterns from their experiences as they are developmentally ready. For example, you can't teach your child to count to 5 by explaining it to them – you can only expose them to your counting over and over again until it starts making sense to them. Never be impatient or push them to understand it more quickly – they have a lot to learn and they will naturally want to make sense of it all.\n\n**Searching game:** Make a game of searching for objects around where you are. Use the game to practice concepts that your child is learning, such as color, size (large, medium, small), weight (heavy, light), quantity, and relationship (inside, on top of, below).\n\nOne of you says to the other that they see something that is round on top of something that is brown. The other person tries to discover what it is. If they have trouble finding it, more clues are given.", + "text": "**Hay matemáticas importantes más allá de los números:** Describir y comparar cosas es una parte importante de ayudar a su niño/niña a aprender matemáticas temprano. Cuando los niños hacen matemáticas, usan ideas sobre las propiedades de los objetos para ayudarlos a trabajar con esos objetos, como agruparlos o encontrar patrones con ellos. Estas habilidades también ayudarán a su niño/niña cuando llegue el momento de empezar a aprender a leer.\n\n**Señalar, describir y comparar:** Dondequiera que esté, adquiera el hábito de señalar las cosas que llaman la atención de su niño/niña o de usted y luego describirlas. Aproveche la oportunidad de comparar esas cosas con otras para que las descripciones sean más significativas. Hable de cómo dos cosas son iguales o diferentes.\n\n**Nunca es demasiado temprano:** Desde la más tierna edad, su niño/niña aprende de todo lo que ve, oye, sabe, toca y experimenta. Añada esas experiencias cuando hablen de matemáticas. Ellos se benefician de sus palabras antes de mostrar cualquier reacción ante ellas. Eventualmente, ellos juntarán las experiencias de sus palabras y comenzarán a mostrarle que los entienden.\n\n**Exponer, pero no se apresure:** No confunda la exposición temprana con la enseñanza. Los niños reunirán los patrones de sus experiencias a medida que estén listos para el desarrollo. Por ejemplo, no puede enseñarle a su niño/niña a contar hasta 5 explicándolo; solo puede exponerlos a que cuenten una y otra vez hasta que empiece a tener sentido. Nunca sea impaciente o los empuje a entenderlo más rápidamente; tienen mucho que aprender y naturalmente querrán darle sentido a todo.\n\n**Juego de búsqueda:** Haga un juego de búsqueda de objetos alrededor de donde usted está. Use el juego para practicar los conceptos que su niño/niña está aprendiendo, como color, tamaño (grande, mediano, pequeño), peso (pesado, ligero), cantidad y relación (interior, arriba, abajo).\n\nUno de ustedes le dice al otro que ve algo redondo sobre algo marrón. El otro intenta descubrir qué es. Si tienen dificultades para encontrarla, se les da más pistas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.5 Math Talk – Counting", + "text": "Paso 5: Charla matemática: Contando", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Counting, Numbers, and Quantities:** Counting and numbers are what comes to mind when most people think of early math, and they are the easiest to relate to and understand. Counting is also easy to verbalize in front of your child. There are several things to work on at the same time, so it can be more complicated for your child than what you might think.\n\n* Counting forward and backward, including 0 sometimes \n* Learning the numbers\n* Learning quantities\n\n**Repeating the sequence:** At first, all your counting in front of your child will lead to your child starting to repeat the numbers in sequence. Don't be surprised if they leave out some of the numbers or they say the numbers in the wrong order. If they make these errors, don't make a big deal out of it; simply say the count correctly and move on. This is all part of the process and they will eventually learn the numbers in the correct order.\n\n**Count down sometimes:** Counting down will help your child understand the sequence. This helps keep it from being a meaningless sequence of sounds they make that makes adults happy. You can do this almost any time you would have counted up. For example, if you have three apples you want to remove, count down from three after you take away each apple.\n\n**Include 0 sometimes:** Start your counting at 0 sometimes to help 0 become an accepted number and quantity. You can also count down to 0. Counting down to 0 is great for events that are about to happen, say in ten seconds. You can count down to 0 and then say \"Blastoff\" or something similar.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** It is completely intuitive to an adult that if you count a collection of things, say four pebbles, that when you count \"1, 2, 3, 4\" the last number you say is the size of the quantity of things you have. Your child is learning several things about counting and quantities. They are gaining an understanding of quantities. They are learning that when they count something they do a 1-to-1 correspondence between the things and the numbers they're saying. They are learning that it doesn't matter in which order you count things. And finally, they are learning the \"last number is the size\" rule. Adults take these things for granted, but it is a great deal for a child to learn. Be patient and remember that there is no rush.\n\n**Count everything:** There are so many things to count. Count chairs, steps to go a short distance, food items, people in line, people in a group, furniture around a table or in a room, arms, legs, and who knows what else. Whenever you find yourself mentally counting something, count it out loud in front of your child, and be sure to count down sometimes and to include 0 sometimes.", + "text": "**Conteo, números y cantidades:** Contar y los números son lo que viene a la mente cuando la mayoría de las personas piensa en matemáticas tempranas, y son las más fáciles de relacionar y entender. Contar también es fácil de verbalizar frente a su niño/niña. Hay varias cosas en las que trabajar al mismo tiempo, por lo que puede ser más complicado de lo que usted podría pensar.\n\n* Contando hacia adelante y hacia atrás, incluyendo 0 a veces\n* Aprendizaje de los números\n* Cantidades de aprendizaje\n\n**Repitiendo la secuencia:** Al principio, todos los números que cuenta delante de su niño/niña le llevarán a que empiece a repetir los números en secuencia. No se sorprenda si dejan algunos de los números o dicen los números en el orden equivocado. Si cometen estos errores, no haga un gran problema con ellos; simplemente diga la cuenta correctamente y siga adelante. Todo esto es parte del proceso y eventualmente aprenderán los números en el orden correcto.\n\n**Cuenta atrás a veces:** Contando regresivamente ayudará a su niño/niña a entender la secuencia. Esto ayuda a evitar que sea una secuencia de sonidos sin sentido que producen para entretener a los adultos. Puede hacerlo en casi cualquier momento que iba a contar hacía adelante. Por ejemplo, si tiene tres manzanas que quiere quitar, cuenta regresivamente de tres después de quitar cada manzana.\n\n**Incluir 0 algunas veces:** A veces empieza su conteo en 0 para ayudar a aceptar el 0 como un número y cantidad. Puede también contar regresivamente a 0. Contar regresivamente a 0 es bueno para eventos que están a punto de empezar, digamos en diez segundos. Puede contar regresivamente a 0 y después decir “despegue” o algo similar.\n\n**Entendiendo las cantidades:** Es completamente intuitivo para un adulto que sí cuenta una colección de cosas, digamos cuatro piedras, cuando cuente \"1, 2, 3, 4\" el último número que diga será el tamaño de la cantidad de cosas que tiene. Su niño/niña está aprendiendo varias cosas sobre el conteo y las cantidades. Está aprendiendo que cuando cuenta algo hace una correspondencia 1-a-1 entre las cosas y los números que está diciendo. Está aprendiendo que no importa en qué orden se cuenten las cosas. Y finalmente, está aprendiendo la regla de que “el último es el tamaño”. Los adultos dan por sentado estas cosas, pero es mucho lo que un niño debe aprender. Tenga paciencia y recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Cuenta todo:** Hay tantas cosas que contar. Cuente sillas, pasos para recorrer una distancia corta, alimentos, personas en fila, personas en un grupo, muebles alrededor de una mesa o en una habitación, brazos, piernas y quién sabe qué más. Siempre que se encuentre contando algo mentalmente, cuéntelo en voz alta delante de su niño/niña y asegúrese de contar hacia atrás y de incluir el 0 algunas veces.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.6 Math Talk – Point, Describe, Ask", + "text": "Paso 6: Charla matemática: Señalar, describir y preguntar", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Responding:** Once your child is able to respond to what you say, that will allow you to start asking questions. Your \"Point and Describe\" Math Talk will now become Point, Describe, and Ask. Even before your child can say words, they will start to respond nonverbally to you as they begin to make sense of your words.\n\n**Ask questions:** Use this new level of communication to make it clearer which ideas your child understands. \"Where is the bird?\" or \"Where is the ball? makes it clear if your child knows what a bird or ball is. Similarly, \"Point to the tree.\" or \"Point to a car.\" works for those two concepts.\n\n**Handling mistakes:** Ask all kinds of questions. Ask which of two things is bigger or smaller. Ask where you are walking to. Ask where something belongs. All these questions are opportunities for your child to express their understanding and for you to clear up any misconceptions. If your child points to the wrong thing or picks up the wrong thing, simply point out the right thing and don't try to explain their mistake to them.\n\n**Do this while reading:** Now you can add asking questions to your pointing and describing as you read a story. Point to pictures in the story and ask the same questions you would ask about the things around you.\n\n**Simple riddles:** Play games with your child's new skill and have fun with it. Have fun unraveling puzzles together such as: \"There is something red under something blue. Where is it?\"", + "text": "**Respondiendo:** Una vez que su niño/niña puede responder a lo que usted dice, puede comenzar a hacerle algunas preguntas. Su charla matemática sobre “Señalar y describir” ahora se convertirá en Señalar, describir y preguntar. Incluso antes de que pueda decir palabras, su niño/niña comenzará a responderle de manera no verbal a medida que comienza a comprender sus palabras.\n\n**Hacer preguntas:** Utilice este nuevo nivel de comunicación para dejar más en claro las ideas que entiende. Por ejemplo: “¿Dónde está el pájaro?” o “¿Dónde está la pelota?” Explique claramente si su niño/niña sabe qué es un pájaro o una pelota. De manera muy similar, puede “Señalar el árbol” o “Señalar un auto” ambos conceptos funcionan.\n\n**Dominando errores:** Haga todo tipo de preguntas. Cuestione cuál de las dos cosas es más grande o más pequeña. Pregunte en qué dirección camina. Interrogue en dónde va cada cosa. Todas estas preguntas son oportunidades para que su niño/niña exprese su comprensión y para que usted aclare cualquier confusión. Si señala algo de manera incorrecta o toma algo equivocadamente, simplemente señale lo que es correcto y no intente explicar su error.\n\n**Haga esto mientras lee:** Ahora puede agregar preguntas a sus actividades de señalar y describir mientras lee un cuento. Señale las imágenes del cuento y desarrolle las mismas preguntas que haría sobre las cosas que le rodean.\n\n**Acertijos sencillos:** Juegue con la nueva habilidad de su niño/niña y diviértase. Diviértanse resolviendo acertijos juntos como, \"Hay algo rojo debajo de algo azul. ¿Dónde está?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.7 Object Properties", + "text": "Paso 7: Propiedades de los objetos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Your child responds!:** All the pointing, describing, and asking you have been doing with your child has established that things have properties that can be discussed and reasoned with. You have been building up a vocabulary of words and concepts for describing things. It is time to start making more use of them.\n\n**Ask for things with a specific property:** Practice using properties by asking your child to bring you something with that property. You could ask \"Please bring me something that is red.\" for example. As your child gets better at this, make the requests more complicated by combining more than one property – \"Find a round wooden thing.\"\n\n**Grouping things with a property:** Practice grouping things with the same property. If your child has a collection of objects, ask to have all the round things put to one side.", + "text": "**¡Su niño/niña responde!:** Todo el trabajo de señalar, describir y hacer preguntas que ha estado haciendo con su niño/niña le ha permitido establecer que las cosas tienen propiedades que se puede analizar y razonar. Ha estado construyendo un vocabulario de palabras y conceptos para describir cosas. Es tiempo de comenzar a usarlos más.\n\n**Solicite cosas con una propiedad específica:** Practique el uso de propiedades pidiéndole a su niño/niña que le traiga algo que tenga esa propiedad. Por ejemplo, podría pedir \"Por favor, tráeme algo que sea rojo\". A medida que mejore en esto, haga que las solicitudes sean más complejas combinando más de una propiedad: \"Encuentra un objeto redondo de madera\".\n\n**Agrupar cosas con una propiedad:** Practique el agrupamiento de objetos con la misma propiedad. Si su niño/niña tiene una colección de objetos, pídale que coloque todos los objetos redondos a un lado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**A circle for each property:** Make this more visible by drawing a big circle and having all the things that have a particular property put in that circle. For example, you could have all the things with a hole in them put in the circle. As this becomes easy for your child, use two circles that overlap – one circle could be for triangles, the other for things with holes, and the common area to the two circles would be for triangles with holes.", + "text": "**Un círculo para cada propiedad:** Haga que esto sea más visible dibujando un círculo grande y colocando todas las cosas que tengan una propiedad en particular dentro de ese círculo. Por ejemplo, podría colocar todas las cosas que tengan un agujero dentro del círculo. A medida que esto se vuelva más fácil para su niño/niña, use dos círculos superpuestos: un círculo podría ser para triángulos, el otro para cosas con agujeros y el área común de los dos círculos sería para triángulos con agujeros.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Which one doesn't belong?:** A fun activity for practicing with proper- ties is to show your child a small set of objects and ask which of them doesn't belong. Challenge your child to identify the object that is not like the others and to explain why. Accept any reason that makes sense; your child may have an unusual reason.\n\nFor example, you could have pictures of some animals. Perhaps only one of them can fly. Maybe only one of them has two legs. This ac- tivity can provide fun challenges that let your child do some creative thinking with new concepts.", + "text": "**¿Cuál no pertenece?:** Una actividad divertida para practicar con las propiedades es mostrarle a su niño/niña un pequeño conjunto de objetos y preguntarle cuál de ellos no pertenece a ese grupo. Desafíelo/a a identificar el objeto que no es como los demás y a explicar por qué. Acepte cualquier razón que tenga sentido; su niño/niña puede tener una razón inusual.\n\nPor ejemplo, podría tener imágenes de algunos animales. Quizás solo uno de ellos pueda volar. Quizás solo uno de ellos tenga dos patas. Esta actividad puede brindar desafíos divertidos que le permiten a su niño/niña a pensar de manera creativa con nuevos conceptos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.8 Same and Different", + "text": "Paso 8: Igual y diferente", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Comparing:** Help your child understand properties better by comparing and contrasting them.\n\n**Examples:** For example, talk about the size or age of a child and an adult – one is younger and the other older, and one is shorter and the other is taller. Or you could talk about a bird and a dog – one can fly and has feathers and the other has fur and cannot fly.\n\n**Same and different:** Make a playful activity out of this by showing your child two objects and asking how they are the same and how they are different. Be prepared for surprising ideas and do include silly suggestions along with the more serious ones.\n\n**More examples:** If you hand your child a spoon and fork, there are many things your child might say. They are the same because you eat with both of them. They are also the same because you hold both of them, they are about the same size, or they are made of the same material. They are different because one is smooth and somewhat round, while the other is pointed.", + "text": "**Comparando:** Ayude a su niño/niña a comprender mejor las propiedades comparándolas y contrastándolas.\n\n**Ejemplos:** Por ejemplo, hablemos del tamaño o la edad de un niño y un adulto: uno es más pequeño y otro es más grande, uno es más bajo y otro es más alto. O podríamos hablar de un pájaro y un perro: uno puede volar y tiene plumas y el otro tiene pelo y no puede volar.\n\n**Igual y diferente:** Convierta esto en una actividad divertida, mostrando a su niño/niña dos objetos y preguntándole en qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian. Esté preparado para ideas sorprendentes e incluya sugerencias incoherentes junto con las más coherentes.\n\n**Más ejemplos:** Si le da a su niño/niña una cuchara y un tenedor, es posible que diga muchas cosas. Son iguales porque se puede comer con ambos instrumentos. También son iguales porque ambos se sostienen, tienen aproximadamente el mismo tamaño o están hechos del mismo material. Son diferentes porque uno es liso y algo redondo, mientras que el otro es puntiagudo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.9 Patterns", + "text": "Paso 9: Patrones", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Patterns are everywhere! Recognizing, describing, and creating patterns is central to playing with mathematics.", + "text": "¡Los patrones están en todas partes! Reconocer, describir y crear patrones es fundamental para jugar con las matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Here are some characteristics that can be used by themselves or mixed together to create patterns:\n\n* Movement patterns: stepping, jumping, waving, nodding\n* Sound patterns: clapping, knee slapping, tongue clicking, stamping \n* Loudness patterns: soft, medium, loud\n* Visual patterns: color, shape, size\n\n**Discover patterns:** Challenge each other to find repeating patterns wherever you are. You might notice a repeating tile work in a floor, wall, or ceiling. The brick work of a building might make an interesting pattern. Plants may be planted in an organized pattern in a field. The side of a pineap- ple or pine cone may have a spiral pattern. Something may be producing sounds in a repeating pattern.\n\n**Game: Repeat patterns:** Two or more of you can challenge each other to repeat and extend each other's patterns. This can be done in many ways. The simplest is for one person to create a pattern of sounds and movements and have all the others repeat it.\n\nAdd difficulty to this by having the original person add one more item to the end of the pattern every time the pattern goes once around the group. Alternatively, each person can take the pattern that comes to them and one more item at the end of it.\n\n**Secret handshakes or knocks:** Use patterns as an agreed upon way for being allowed to enter some place such as a room. This might be a series of fist bumps and other type of handshakes. Or it might be knocking and stamping that causes a series of sounds.\n\n**Sequence of drawings:** For older children, create puzzles by drawing a pattern of shapes. One person establishes a pattern and then leaves gaps in the repeating sequence for the other to fill in.", + "text": "A continuación se muestran algunas características que pueden utilizarse por sí solas o combinarse para crear patrones:\n\n* Patrones de movimiento: pisando, saltando, saludando, afirmando con la cabeza\n* Patrones de sonido: aplaudiendo, palmeando la rodilla, chasquear la lengua, pisoteando\n* Patrones de sonoridad: suave, medio, fuerte\n* Patrones visuales: color, tamaño, forma\n\n**Descubriendo patrones:** Desafíense mutuamente para encontrar patrones que se repitan dondequiera que estén. Es posible que observen un mosaico repetido en un piso, una pared o un techo. El ladrillo de un edificio puede formar un patrón interesante. Las plantas se pueden plantar siguiendo un patrón organizado en un campo. El lado de una piña o de un cono de pino puede tener un patrón en espiral. Algo podría estar produciendo sonidos siguiendo un patrón repetitivo.\n\n**Juego: Repetir patrones:** Dos o más personas pueden desafiarse mutuamente a repetir y ampliar los patrones del otro. Esto se puede hacer de muchas maneras. La más sencilla es que una persona cree un patrón de sonidos y movimientos y que todos los demás lo repitan.\n\nPara complicar las cosas aún más, la persona original puede agregar un elemento más al final del patrón cada vez que éste recorra el grupo. Alternativamente, cada persona puede tomar el patrón que le llega y un elemento más al final.\n\n**Apretones de manos o golpazos:** Utilice patrones como una forma acordada de entrar a un lugar, como una habitación. Esto podría ser una serie de golpes de puño y otros apretones de manos, o golpes y pisotones que produzcan una serie de sonidos.\n\n**Secuencia de dibujos:** Para los niños mayores, cree rompecabezas dibujando un patrón de formas. Una persona arma un patrón y luego deja espacios en la secuencia repetida para que la otra persona los complete.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "1.10 Basic Shapes I", + "text": "Paso 10: Formas básicas I", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**The world of shapes:** There are many possibilities that open up as your child's understanding of properties grows. For example, they can now understand geometric shapes and talk about them!\n\n**Counting sides:** Distinguishing between a triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and octagon will involve the idea of \"sides\" and being able to count those sides. Your child's growing understanding of quantities will make this counting possible. Also, as your child begins to automatically identify these shapes, that will help them to deepen their understand of the quantities for 3, 4, 6, and 8.\n\n**Basic shapes:** For now, stay with basic shapes and build confidence and fluency with those shapes. Of course, you can always mix in any additional shapes, such as stars, that your child happens to enjoy.\n\nHere is a list of words for flat shapes:\n\n* Circle\n* Triangle\n* Rectangle (looks like a piece of paper) \n* Square (rectangle with equal sides)\n* Hexagon (6 sides)\n* Octagon (8 sides – stop sign)\n\nThis is a list of words for 3-dimensional shapes:\n\n* Ball (Sphere)\n* Cylinder (Round tube) \n* Box (Cube)\n\n**Hands on:** Use and explain these shape names as your child plays with objects that have these shapes. Give them lots of opportunities to see how these fit together or build on top of each other. Help your child identify these shapes as you see the shapes out in the world.", + "text": "**El mundo de las formas:** Se abren muchas posibilidades a medida que su niño/niña aumenta la comprensión de las propiedades. Por ejemplo, ¡ahora puede comprender las formas geométricas y hablar sobre ellas!\n\n**Contando lados:** Para distinguir entre un triángulo, un cuadrado, un rectángulo, un hexágono y un octágono, será necesario tener en cuenta la idea de los \"lados\" y poder contarlos. La creciente comprensión por parte de su niño/niña de las cantidades hará posible este conteo. Además, a medida que comience a identificar automáticamente estas formas, le ayudará a profundizar su comprensión de las cantidades de 3, 4, 6 y 8.\n\n**Formas básicas:** Por ahora, quédese con las formas básicas y desarrolle confianza y fluidez con ellas. Por supuesto, siempre puede mezclar otras formas, como estrellas, que le gusten a su niño/niña.\n\nAquí hay una lista de palabras para formas planas:\n\n* Círculo\n* Triángulo\n* Rectángulo (parece un trozo de papel)\n* Cuadrado (rectángulo con partes iguales)\n* Hexágono (6 lados)\n* Octágono (8 lados –señal de alto)\n\nEsta es una lista de palabras para formas tridimensionales:\n\n* Pelota (Esfera)\n* Cilindro (Tubo redondo)\n* Caja (Cubo)\n\n**Manos a la obra:** Utilice y explique los nombres de estas formas mientras su niño/niña juega con objetos que tienen estas formas. Dele muchas oportunidades de ver cómo encajan entre sí o cómo se construyen unas sobre otras. Ayude a identificar estas formas mientras observan las formas en el mundo.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { "SourceText": "2.0 Stage 2 Introduction", - "text": "2.0 Etapa 2 Introducción", + "text": "Etapa 2 Introducción", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Your child has mastered counting to five and understands those numbers in terms of quantities. They also understand that objects have various properties and that those properties can be compared and contrasted.\n\nDuring this Stage, your child will learn to count to ten and begin to understand adding and subtracting of small numbers. They will also become much better at understanding the size of small quantities of objects.\n\n**1. Counting up from 1 and 0** This is the foundation of understanding quantities, and builds a basis for addition and sub- traction.\n**2. Counting down to 1 and 0** This solidifies the understanding of the number sequence and helps with subtraction.\n**3. Comparing small quantities** Use quantities of objects to build understanding of relative sizes.\n**4. Counting On** Counting On helps with an understanding of quantities, saves time for counting, and is im- portant for adding.\n**5. Basic shapes II** Use more sophisticated geometric ideas of shapes.\n**6. One more and one less** Learning the next number and previous number are the first steps towards learning addition and subtraction.\n**7. Finger add and subtract to 5** Small sums up to 5 can be handled effectively with one hand.\n**8. Finger add and subtract to 10** Using your child's fingers is an effective way to do addition and subtraction to 10.\n**9. Skip counting by 2’s** This is a fun and fast way to count a group of objects.\n**10. Counting groups** Explore different ways of counting groups of objects.", + "text": "Su niño/niña ya sabe contar hasta cinco y entiende estos números en términos de cantidades. También comprende que los objetos tienen distintas propiedades y que esas propiedades se pueden comparar y contrastar.\n\nDurante esta etapa, su niño/niña aprenderá a contar hasta diez y comenzará a comprender la suma y resta de números pequeños. También comprenderá mucho mejor el tamaño de pequeñas cantidades de objetos.\n\n**Paso 11: contar desde 1 y 0** Esta es la base para comprender las cantidades y sienta las bases para la suma y la resta.\n**Paso 12: Cuenta regresiva hasta 1 y 0** Esto solidifica la comprensión de la secuencia numérica y ayuda con la resta.\n**Paso 13: Comparar pequeñas cantidades** Utilice cantidades de objetos para desarrollar la comprensión de los tamaños relativos.\n**Paso 14: Contar hacia adelante** Contar hacia adelante ayuda a comprender cantidades, ahorra tiempo al contar y es importante para sumar.\n**Paso 15: Formas básicas II** Use ideas geométricas de formas más sofisticadas.\n**Paso 16: Uno más y uno menos.** Aprender el número siguiente y el número anterior son los primeros pasos para aprender a sumar y restar.\n**Paso 17: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 5** Se puede manejar eficazmente pequeñas sumas de hasta 5 con una sola mano.\n**Paso 18: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 10** Usar los dedos de su niño/niña es una forma efectiva de realizar sumas y restas hasta 10.\n**Paso 19: Contar de 2 en 2** Esta es una forma divertida y rápida de contar un grupo de objetos.\n**Paso 20: Contar grupos** Explore diferentes formas de contar grupos de objetos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.1 Counting Up From 1 and 0", + "text": "Paso 11: Contar desde 1 y 0", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Count everything:** Your child can already count to 5. You are now helping them to solidify that counting and as well as extend it to larger numbers. Count things in front of your child and also count with your child when your child wants to. Counting is the foundation of understanding quantities. It also builds a basis for addition and subtraction.\n\nThere are so many things to count. Count chairs, steps to go a short distance, food items, people in line, people in a group, furniture around a table or in a room, arms, legs, and who knows what else. Whenever you find yourself mentally counting something, count it with your child, and be sure to include 0 as a starting point sometimes.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** It is completely intuitive for an adult that if you count a collection of things, say four pebbles, that when you count \"1, 2, 3, 4,\" the last number you say is the size of the quantity of things you have. Your child is learning several things. They are gaining an understanding of quantities. They are learning that when you count something you do a 1-to-1 correspondence between the things and the numbers. They are learning that it doesn't matter in which order you count things. And finally they are learning the \"last number is the size\" rule. Adults take these things for granted, but it is a great deal for a child to learn. Be patient and remember that there is no rush.\n\n**Mistakes:** There are many kinds of mistakes you should expect your child to make as they count. Your child may leave out numbers or they may leave out some of the numbers. Or they may get mixed up in doing 1-1 correspondence with a group of things they are counting. Your child will sort all this out with time. For now, when your child makes a mistake, simply count the things out in front of them correctly and move on to something else.\n\n**Understand the numbers:** Don't be in such a hurry for your child to repeat the numbers 1 to 10 that they have no idea what they are saying. Take time with it and reinforce the connection of each number with its corresponding quantity.\n\n**Reading numbers:** You may of course start introducing reading the numbers whenever you like. However, don't let the reading limit the counting. Learning to read numerals will typically take longer than learning to say the numbers and getting a sense of the quantities.", + "text": "**Cuente todo:** Su niño/niña ya sabe contar hasta 5. Ahora está ayudando a consolidar ese conteo y también a extenderlo a números más grandes. Cuente cosas delante de su niño/niña y también cuenten juntos cuando lo deseen. Contar es la base para comprender las cantidades. También sienta las bases para la suma y la resta.\n\nHay muchas cosas que contar. Cuenten las sillas, los pasos para recorrer una distancia corta, los alimentos, las personas en una fila, las personas en un grupo, los muebles alrededor de una mesa o en una habitación, los brazos, las piernas y quién sabe qué más. Cada vez que se encuentre contando algo mentalmente, cuéntelo con su niño/niña y asegúrese de incluir el 0 como punto de partida en algunas ocasiones.\n\n**Entendiendo cantidades:** Para un adulto es completamente intuitivo que si cuentas una colección de cosas, por ejemplo, cuatro piedritas, cuando cuentes \"1, 2, 3, 4\", el último número que digas será la cantidad de cosas que tienes. Su niño/niña está aprendiendo varias cosas. Está adquiriendo una comprensión de las cantidades. Está aprendiendo que cuando cuentas algo haces una correspondencia 1 a 1 entre las cosas y los números. Está aprendiendo que no importa en qué orden cuentes las cosas. Y, por último, está aprendiendo la regla de que \"el último número es la cantidad\". Los adultos dan por sentado estas cosas, pero es mucho para que un niño aprenda. Ten paciencia y recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Errores:** Hay muchos tipos de errores que puede cometer su niño/niña mientras cuenta. Es posible que omita algunos números o que se olvide de algunos de ellos. O puede que se confunda al hacer la correspondencia 1-1 con un grupo de cosas que está contando. Su niño/niña resolverá todo esto con el tiempo. Por ahora, cuando cometa un error, simplemente cuente las cosas que tiene delante de manera correcta y pase a otra cosa.\n\n**Entender los números:** No tenga tanta prisa en que su niño/niña repita los números del 1 al 10 aunque no tenga idea de lo que está diciendo. Tómale su tiempo y refuerce la conexión de cada número con su cantidad correspondiente.\n\n**Lectura de números:** Por supuesto, puede empezar a introducir la lectura de números cuando quiera. Sin embargo, no deje que la lectura límite el conteo. Aprender a leer números suele llevar más tiempo que aprender a leerlos y hacerse una idea de las cantidades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.2 Counting Down to 1 and 0", + "text": "Paso 12: Cuenta regresiva hasta 1 y 0", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**It helps with meaning:** Counting down is surprisingly effective at solidifying understanding of the number sequence. Many very young children who have learned to count from 1 to 10 have a difficult time when they first try to count from 10 down to 1. This counting in the opposite order forces them to think in a fresh way about how the numbers are ordered. This will be particularly true when your child starts counting to 100 and they start thinking about what happens as they go from one decade to the next – say between 69 and 70.\n\n**It helps with subtraction:** Counting down is also very helpful with learning to subtract. A child who can count down will very quickly learn how to subtract 1 and 2. It is also helpful if counting down becomes automatic, so they can use their full attention on counting down the three steps when doing 9 subtract 3, for example.\n\n**Use when natural:** There are many times when counting down is the natural thing to do. If there are ten seconds left on a timer, you can count down together with the counter. If you say that something can be done three more times, then you can count down from three together.\n\n**Include 0:** It is usually natural to include 0 when counting down, and this is a good thing to do. If you are counting down the time remaining, when you reach 0 you have 0 seconds left. If you count down how many pieces of food your child can eat, when you reach 0 there will be no food left. It is helpful to make 0 a normal and expected quantity to work with.", + "text": "**Ayuda con el significado:** El conteo regresivo es sorprendentemente eficaz para consolidar la comprensión de la secuencia numérica. Muchos niños pequeños que han aprendido a contar del 1 al 10 tienen dificultades cuando intentan contar del 10 al 1 por primera vez. Este conteo en el orden opuesto los obliga a pensar de una manera nueva sobre cómo se ordenan los números. Esto se verá sobre todo cuando su niño/niña comienza a contar hasta 100 y empieza a pensar en lo que sucede a medida que pasa de una década a la siguiente, por ejemplo, entre 69 y 70.\n\n**Ayude con la resta:** La cuenta regresiva también es muy útil para aprender a restar. Un niño/niña que sepa contar hacia atrás aprenderá muy rápido a restar 1 y 2. También es útil que la cuenta regresiva se vuelva automática, de modo que pueda concentrar toda su atención en contar los tres pasos al hacer 9 menos 3, por ejemplo.\n\n**Usar cuando sea natural:** Hay muchas ocasiones en las que la cuenta regresiva es lo más natural. Si quedan diez segundos en un cronómetro, puede contar hacia atrás junto con el contador. Si dice que algo se puede hacer tres veces más, pueden contar juntos hacia atrás desde tres.\n\n**Incluye el 0:** Por lo general, es natural incluir el 0 al hacer la cuenta regresiva, y es bueno hacerlo. Si está contando el tiempo restante, cuando llegue a 0, le quedarán 0 segundos. Si cuenta la cantidad de alimentos que puede comer su niño/niña, cuando llegue a 0, no quedará ningún alimento. Es útil hacer que el 0 sea una cantidad normal y esperada con la que trabajar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.3 Comparing Small Quantities", + "text": "Paso 13: Comparar pequeñas cantidades", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**It takes time:** All these beginning concepts and skills take lots of time for your child to master, and comparing quantities and getting a sense of the size of quantities is no different. Create many, many experiences that allow your child to touch, feel, and directly experience the sizes of quanti- ties and how they compare.\n\n**Line them up:** One simple way to compare the sizes of two quantities is to line them up in 1-to-1 correspondence next to each other. For example, if you play a card game and you want to see who won, you can line up the cards of the two players and see which line has extra cards.\n\n**Common misunderstanding:** Be aware that a small child may think that two short sticks is the same amount as one long stick. This is perfectly understandable, but it is often not what the adult had in mind.\n\n**Give choices:** Put your child in situations where they can choose between two groups of of the same things they really like. When they pick the bigger group, reinforce it by saying that the chosen group had more than the other group.\n\n**Games:** You may be able to start playing simple card games, such as the game of \"War.\" Use the dots on the cards to allow your child to compare the quantities. Another good game to practice with is \"I'm Thinking of a Number,\" where you have a number line of cards with something hidden under one of the cards.\n\n**Number lines:** Number lines are an excellent visual aid for seeing which numbers are smaller (the ones on the left) and which are larger (the ones on the right). This is a good thing to expose your child to from an early age, but be aware that both the numerals and their being in a line is fairly abstract, so it will be a while before they understand what is going on with this picture that has numbers.", + "text": "**Lleva tiempo:** A su niño/niña le llevará mucho tiempo dominar todos estos conceptos y habilidades iniciales, y comparar cantidades y hacerse una idea del tamaño de las cantidades no es diferente. Crea muchas experiencias que le permitan a su niño/niña tocar, sentir y experimentar directamente los tamaños de las cantidades y cómo se comparan.\n\n**Alinear objetos:** Una forma sencilla de comparar los tamaños de dos cantidades es alinear en correspondencia 1 a 1 un objeto al lado del otro. Por ejemplo, si juega un juego de cartas y quiere ver quién ganó, puede alinear las cartas de los dos jugadores y ver qué línea tiene cartas extras.\n\n**Malentendidos frecuentes:** Tenga en cuenta que los niños pequeños pueden pensar que dos palitos cortos equivalen a la misma cantidad que un palito largo. Esto es perfectamente comprensible, pero muchas veces no es lo que el adulto tenía en mente.\n\n**Dar opciones:** Coloque a su niño/niña en situaciones en las que pueda elegir entre dos grupos de las mismas cosas que le gustan. Cuando elija el grupo más grande, refuércelo diciendo que el grupo elegido tenía más que el otro grupo.\n\n**Juegos:** Quizás pueda empezar a jugar a juegos de cartas sencillos, como el juego de la \"Guerra\". Utilice los puntos de las cartas para que su niño/niña pueda comparar las cantidades. Otro buen juego para practicar es \"Estoy pensando en un número\", en el que tiene una línea numérica de cartas con algo escondido debajo de una de ellas.\n\n**Líneas numéricas:** Las líneas numéricas son una excelente ayuda visual para ver qué números son más pequeños (los de la izquierda) y cuáles son más grandes (los de la derecha). Es bueno que los niños aprendan esto desde una edad temprana, pero tengan en cuenta que tanto los números como su ubicación en una línea son bastante abstractos, por lo que pasará un tiempo antes de que comprendan qué está pasando con esta imagen que tiene números.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.4 Counting On", + "text": "Paso 14: Contar hacia adelante", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Surprisingly powerful:** The technique called Counting On is a simple idea that is surprisingly helpful. As your child gets comfortable with seeing a group of objects as a quantity, start doing Counting On in front of them to help them get the idea of it.\n\n**Example:** Suppose your child has one row of 3 cards and another row of 4 cards. They can count all the cards one at a time \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\" and see that there are 7 cards. However, if your child recognizes that there are three cards in one row, they don't need to count those cards. They can start their counting at 3, pointing to the three cards on the first row, and then count the second row \"4, 5, 6, 7.\" Your child is Counting On starting at 3, and that's where the name comes from.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** Being able to Count On saves time and effort. It also signals that your child is getting comfortable seeing the quantity associated with a group of objects and can work with them as a group. This is a big conceptual leap that will be very useful to them in all the adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing soon to come.\n\n**Connection with addition:** Beginning addition is strongly linked to counting. When given a card with three dots on it, and another card with four dots on it, a child asked to add these two quan- tities will count them from 1 to 7. It is faster and more powerful to do this adding of 3 and 4 by starting at 3, or 4, and counting on using the other number. You will see finger techniques for doing this in upcoming lessons.", + "text": "**Sorprendentemente útil:** La técnica llamada “contar hacia adelante” es una idea sencilla que resulta sorprendentemente útil. A medida que su niño/niña sienta comodidad al ver a un grupo de objetos como una cantidad, comience a realizar la técnica “contar hacia adelante” para ayudarle a comprender la idea.\n\n**Ejemplo:** Suponga que su niño/niña tiene una fila de 3 cartas y otra fila de 4 cartas. Puede contar todas las cartas una a la vez \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\" y ver que hay 7 cartas. Sin embargo, si reconoce que hay tres cartas en una fila, no necesita contarlas. Puede empezar a contar en 3, señalando las tres cartas de la primera fila y luego contar la segunda fila \"4, 5, 6, 7\".\n\n**Entendiendo cantidades:** Poder contar hacia adelante ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo. También indica que su niño/niña se está acostumbrando a ver la cantidad asociada con un grupo de objetos y puede trabajar con ellos como grupo. Este es un gran salto conceptual que le resultará muy útil en todas las operaciones de suma, resta, multiplicación y división que están por venir.\n\n**Conexión con la suma:** Empezar a sumar está fuertemente vinculado con contar. Si se le da a un niño/niña una tarjeta con tres puntos y otra con cuatro, la suma de estas dos cantidades se contará del 1 al 7. Es más rápido y más eficaz sumar 3 y 4 si se empieza por 3 o 4 y se sigue contando con el otro número. En las próximas lecciones, verá técnicas con los dedos para hacerlo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.5 Basic Shapes II", + "text": "Paso 15: Formas básicas II", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Deepening explorations:** Bit by bit, your child's developing skills with shapes, counting, and de- scriptions will allow you to include more detailed and advanced aspects of shapes. Use lots of hands-on experiences for your child. Have your child fit pieces together, pile things on top of each other, put things inside other things, and study how shapes are put together in all the objects around them. As your child experiences these things, name and discuss the shapes, and ask lots of questions about them.\n\n**Shape words:** It may seem like there are a lot of words to learn. However, if you make a habit of exposing your child to these words, your child will pick them up slowly but surely.\n\nThis is a list of flat shapes:\n\n* Parallel lines (railroad tracks, two lines in the same direction that don't meet) \n* Right angle (angle found in the corner of a piece of paper)\n* Circle\n* Triangle\n* Rectangle (looks like a piece of paper, it has four right angles) \n* Square (rectangle with equal sides)\n* Parallelogram (opposite sides are parallel)\n* Rhombus (has four equal sides)\n* Trapezoid (one pair of parallel sides) \n* Pentagon (five sides)\n* Hexagon (6 sides)\n* Octagon (8 sides, stop sign)\n\nThis is a list of 3-dimensional shapes:\n\n* Sphere (Ball)\n* Cylinder (Round tube)\n* Box (Cube)\n* Pyramid (with a triangle or square as base)\n\n**Symmetries:** A lot of shapes have one side that looks like the other side upon being reflected. This is called mirror symmetry. The outside shape of a human body has mirror symmetry.\n\n**Tilings:** Point out tiling patterns to your child. A lot of buildings have tiling patterns on floors, walls, or ceilings. Brick walls often have interesting patterns made by their bricks. These patterns often have mirror symmetries.", + "text": "**Profundizando las exploraciones:** Poco a poco, las habilidades que su niño/niña va desarrollando con las formas, el conteo y las descripciones le permitirán incluir aspectos más detallados y avanzados de las formas. Utilice muchas experiencias prácticas. Haga que encaja piezas, apila cosas unas sobre otras, coloca cosas dentro de otras y estudia cómo se forman las formas en todos los objetos que lo rodean. A medida que su niño/niña experimenta con estas cosas, nombre y hable sobre las formas y haga muchas preguntas sobre ellas.\n\n**Formas en palabras:** Puede parecer que quedan muchas palabras por aprender. Sin embargo, si tiene el hábito de exponer a su niño/niña a estas palabras, las aprenderán de forma lenta pero segura.\n\nEsta es una lista de formas planas:\n\n* Líneas paralelas (vías del tren, dos líneas en la misma dirección que no se encuentran)\n* Ángulo recto (ángulo que se encuentra en la esquina de una hoja de papel)\n* Círculo\n* Triángulo\n* Rectángulo (Parece un trozo de papel, tiene cuatro ángulos rectos)\n* Cuadrado (rectángulo con lados iguales)\n* Paralelogramo (los lados opuestos son paralelos)\n* Rombo (tiene cuatro lados iguales)\n* Trapecio (un par de lados paralelos)\n* Pentágono (cinco lados)\n* Hexágono (6 lados)\n* Octágono (8 lados, señal de pare)\n\nEsta es una lista de formas tridimensionales:\n\n* Esfera (pelota)\n* Cilindro (tubo redondo)\n* Caja (Cubo)\n* Pirámide (con un triángulo o cuadrado como base)\n\n**Simetrías:** Muchas formas tienen un lado que se parece al otro cuando se refleja. Esto se llama simetría especular. La forma exterior de un cuerpo humano tiene simetría especular.\n\n**Teselaciones:** Señala los patrones de teselación a tu niño/niña. Muchos edificios tienen patrones de teselación en los pisos, paredes o techos. Las paredes a menudo tienen patrones interesantes formados por ladrillos. Estos patrones a menudo tienen simetrías.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.6 One More and One Less", + "text": "Paso 16: Uno más y uno menos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**More important than they look:** It is tempting to think of these ideas as minor, almost trivial steps. However, the ideas of One More and One Less are early and important steps for adding and subtracting.\n\n**Counting up and down:** One more and one less are strongly connected to the ideas of the next number and previous number when you are counting up and down. Counting practice with count- ing both directions will help make it easy for your child to know which number comes next and which number was the previous one.\n\n**Adding 1 and taking away 1:** Combine these ideas with adding and subtracting by asking ques- tions such as: \"How many pebbles do you have now? If I added 1 more, how many would you have? If I took 1 away so you had 1 less, how many would you have?\" These are very easy and natural questions to fit into everyday conversation, and your child can talk about them without ever considering that they are doing addition and subtraction.\n\nIf you have 3 of something and your child has four of that thing, you can discuss various possibilities. Would you have the same amount if you had one more? Would you have the same amount if your child has one less. Be playful with the idea. If your numbers are 3 and 5, you can talk about getting one more twice, or about one of you getting one more and the other getting one less.\n\n**Extend from 1 to 2:** When your child is ready, extend your child's understanding to what happens when you have two more or two less. There is no hurry to get to this, so please make sure your child first thoroughly understands one more and one less.\n\n**Games:** With this simple bit of arithmetic, you can start playing some games with adding and subtracting. A very simple one is to play the game of Nim with 1 and 2 using either addition or subtraction. Other games are Get Out of My House and Within 1 or 2", + "text": "**Más importantes de lo que parecen:** Resulta tentador pensar que estas ideas son pasos menores, casi triviales. Sin embargo, las ideas de Uno más y Uno menos son pasos iniciales e importantes para sumar y restar.\n\n**Contar hacia arriba y hacia abajo:** Uno más y uno menos están conectados con las ideas del número siguiente y del número anterior cuando se cuenta hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Practicar el conteo en ambas direcciones ayudará a que a su niño/niña le resulte más fácil saber qué número viene a continuación y cuál fue el número anterior.\n\n**Sumar 1 y quitar 1:** Combine estas ideas con la suma y la resta haciendo preguntas como: \"¿Cuántas piedritas tienes? Si añado una más, ¿cuántas tendrías? Si quito una, ¿cuántas quedan?\". Estas son preguntas muy fáciles y naturales para incluir en una conversación cotidiana, y su niño/niña puede hablar sobre ellas sin siquiera pensar que está haciendo una suma y una resta.\n\nSi tienes 3 objetos y tu niño/niña tiene 4 de esos objetos, pueden hablar sobre varias posibilidades. ¿Tendrías la misma cantidad si tuvieras una más? ¿Tendrías la misma cantidad si tu niño/niña tuviera una menos? Juega con la idea. Si los números son 3 y 5, pueden hablar sobre obtener una más dos veces, o sobre que uno de ustedes obtenga una más y el otro obtenga una menos.\n\n**Ampliar de 1 a 2:** Cuando su niño/niña esté listo, amplíe su comprensión de lo que sucede cuando hay dos más o dos menos. No hay prisa por llegar a esto, así que asegúrese de que su niño/niña primero comprenda a fondo qué es uno más y uno menos.\n\n**Juegos:** Con este sencillo ejercicio de aritmética, puedes empezar a jugar a algunos juegos de suma y resta. Uno muy sencillo es jugar al juego de Nim con 1 y 2 usando la suma o la resta. Otros juegos son Sal de mi casa y Margen de uno o dos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.7 Finger Add and Subtract to 5", + "text": "Paso 17: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 5", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Adding by counting:** For a long time your child has been doing adding problems by counting. If they were asked to add two things to three things, that was done by counting all five things. As your child mastered Counting On, some of that counting was replaced by starting with one of the numbers, say 3 in this example, and then counting the two remaining things. This experience with counting has also allowed your child to visualize and master the ideas of 1 more and 2 more, which has made adding 1 and 2 much easier.\n\n**Using fingers:** Children of this age will benefit greatly from having manipulatives to use when doing addition. It helps cement their understanding of the numbers in terms of quantities. Of course, the manipulative that is always available to them is their fingers. When doing our example of adding two to three, they can put up two fingers on one hand, three fingers on the other hand, and bring the two hands together. Another way to do it is to raise two fingers on one hand, raise three more fingers on that same hand, and then see a total of five fingers raised.\n\n**Add 0 sometimes:** Mix in adding 0 sometimes. It is easy to do, and it is important conceptually for your child.\n\n**Subtracting up to 5:** The ideas behind practicing subtraction are similar to those for addition. If your child is going to subtract three from five, have your chid raise five fingers and then lower three of them. Their familiarity with one less and two less will probably make subtracting one and two very easy.\n\n**Subtract 0 and everything sometimes:** Mix in questions where you subtract 0 sometimes. Also mix in questions where you subtract everything. For example, if you have three bits of food and you eat all of them, how many do you have left?\n\n**Memorizing:** As you ask your child to do various adding and subtracting problems that come along, your child will become more and more familiar with them and will eventually memorize them. While it is desirable to eventually make the recall of these facts automatic and easy for your child, there is no hurry.\n\n**Other math facts:** During this time your child's exposure to adding won't be restricted to those whose sum is 5 or less, and that is fine. For example, your child will probably have learned to add 1 or 2 to all the numbers up to 10. Your child may also have begun to learn the adding twin facts, such as 3 + 3 or 4 + 4.", + "text": "**Sumar contando:** Durante mucho tiempo, su niño/niña ha estado resolviendo problemas de suma contando. Si se le pedía que sumará dos cosas a tres, lo hacía contando las cinco cosas. A medida que su niño/niña dominaba el método de contar, parte de ese conteo se reemplazó por comenzar con uno de los números, digamos 3 en este ejemplo, y luego contar las dos cosas restantes. Esta experiencia con el conteo también le ha permitido visualizar y dominar las ideas de 1 más y 2 más, lo que ha hecho que sumar 1 y 2 sea mucho más fácil.\n\n**Utilizando los dedos:** Los niños de esta edad se beneficiarán mucho de tener objetos manipulables para usar al hacer sumas. Esto ayuda a consolidar su comprensión de los números en términos de cantidades. Por supuesto, el objeto manipulable que siempre tienen a su disposición son sus dedos. Al hacer nuestro ejemplo de sumar dos y tres, pueden levantar dos dedos de una mano, tres dedos de la otra y juntar las dos manos. Otra forma de hacerlo es levantar dos dedos de una mano, levantar tres dedos más de esa misma mano y luego ver un total de cinco dedos levantados.\n\n**Añade el 0 a veces:** A veces, añada el 0. Es fácil de hacer y es importante desde el punto de vista conceptual para su niño/niña.\n\n**Restar hasta 5:** Las ideas detrás de la práctica de la resta son similares a las de la suma. Si su niño/niña va a restar tres de cinco, pídale que levante cinco dedos y luego baje tres de ellos. Su familiaridad con uno menos y dos menos probablemente hará que restar uno y dos sea muy fácil.\n\n**Restar 0 y todo a veces:** A veces, se pueden incluir preguntas en las que se resta 0. También se pueden incluir preguntas en las que se resta todo. Por ejemplo, si tienes tres trozos de comida y te los comes todos, ¿cuántos te quedan?\n\n**Memorizar:** A medida que le pida a su niño/niña que resuelva los distintos problemas de suma y resta que se le presenten, se irá familiarizando cada vez más con ellos y, con el tiempo, los memorizará. Si bien es conveniente que, con el tiempo, el recuerdo de estos datos sea automático y fácil, recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Otros datos matemáticos:** Durante este tiempo, la exposición de su niño/niña a la suma no se limitará a aquellos números cuya suma sea 5 o menos, y eso está bien. Por ejemplo, probablemente habrá aprendido a sumar 1 o 2 a todos los números hasta el 10. Es posible que su niño/niña también haya comenzado a aprender las operaciones de suma de números iguales, como 3 + 3 o 4 + 4.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.8 Finger Add and Subtract to 10", + "text": "Paso 18: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 10", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Fingers and quantities:** Using your child's fingers is an effective way to do addition and subtraction to 10, and it will build your child's confidence and understanding of these operations in terms of quantities. The focus of this step is using fingers in a simple way to do adding and subtracting problems whose largest number is ten or less.", + "text": "**Dedos y cantidades:** Usar los dedos de su niño/niña es una forma eficaz de realizar sumas y restas hasta el 10, y le permitirá ganar confianza y comprensión de estas operaciones en términos de cantidades. El objetivo de este paso es usar los dedos de una manera sencilla para realizar operaciones de suma y resta cuyo número mayor sea diez o menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Ten frames:** A ten frame is a 2 by 5 grid of open squares. These are usually filled left to right, with the top row filled first. They are useful for getting familiar with quantities up to 10 as well as seeing pairs of numbers that add up to 10 – the filled squares plus the unfilled ones will always add up to 10.", + "text": "**Marcos de diez:** Un marco de diez es una cuadrícula de 2 x 5 de cuadrados abiertos. Estos suelen rellenarse de izquierda a derecha, llenando primero la fila superior. Son útiles para familiarizarse con cantidades hasta 10, así como para ver pares de números que suman 10: los cuadrados llenos más los vacíos siempre sumarán 10.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Flash numbers:** A fun activity with your child is to flash a partially filled ten frame or a group of fingers on your two hands, and then have your child quickly recognize the quantity of things. If you use five or more fingers, put up five of those fingers on one hand so the two hands look like a ten frame. This activity also lays the groundwork for more easily using quantities on two hands for adding and subtracting.\n\n**Finger adding to 10:** If both numbers are five or less, put up the appropriate number of fingers on the two hands and count them up. Alternatively, put up the number of fingers for one of the numbers, and then count that many more fingers for the other number. When you are done, the total number of fingers shown will be the sum.\n\n**Finger subtracting to 10:** Do subtracting from numbers that are ten or less by putting up the number of fingers for the number being subtracted from. Then put down one finger at a time as you count up the number that is being subtracted. The resulting number of fingers left up is the answer.", + "text": "**Mostrando números:** Una actividad divertida para hacer con su niño/niña es mostrarle un marco de diez parcialmente lleno o una cantidad de dedos en tus manos y luego hacer que el/ella reconozca rápidamente la cantidad de cosas. Si usa cinco o más dedos, muestre cinco de esos dedos en una mano para que las dos manos parezcan un marco de diez. Esta actividad también sienta las bases para usar más fácilmente las cantidades con las dos manos para sumar y restar.\n\n**Sumar con los dedos hasta 10:** Si ambos números son cinco o menos, levante el número correspondiente de dedos en las dos manos y cuéntelos. Alternativamente, coloque el número de dedos correspondiente a uno de los números y luego cuente esa misma cantidad de dedos más para el otro número. Cuando haya terminado, el número total de dedos que se muestra será la suma.\n\n**Restar con los dedos hasta 10:** Para restar números que sean diez o menos, levante la cantidad de dedos correspondiente al número que se resta. Luego, baje un dedo a la vez mientras cuenta el número que se resta. La cantidad de dedos que queden levantados es la respuesta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.9 Skip Counting by 2's", + "text": "Paso 19: Contar de 2 en 2", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**It's fast and fun:** Show your child that this is a fun way of counting that goes a lot more quickly than counting by 1's. If you pair things up and then skip count them by 2's, you will reinforce how paired things come in twos.\n\n**Getting started with skip counting:** Introduce skip counting in two ways. One way is to take turns with your child as you count up to some number, alternating numbers as you go – one of you will be skip counting starting at 0, and the other will be starting at 1. After some practice, one of you stays silent and the other one counts as before, saying every other number.\n\nThe other way for your child to get used to skip counting is to count up to some number normally the first time. Then do that counting again by saying every other number softly. Continue this practice until the softly-spoken numbers are not spoken at all.\n\n**Start at numbers other than 0:** It is tempting to always start at 0. However, if you start at other numbers, such as 1, you will be helping your child with adding skills as well as multiplying and dividing skills.\n\n**Skip count downwards sometimes:** Skip counting downwards helps with subtracting skills and with dividing skills.", + "text": "**Rápido y divertido:** Muéstrele a su niño/niña que esta es una forma divertida de contar que es mucho más rápida que contar de uno en uno. Si emparejas objetos y luego los cuentas de 2 en 2, reforzarán la idea de que los elementos emparejados se agrupan en pares.\n\n**Introducción al conteo salteado:** Introduzca el conteo salteado de dos maneras. Una forma es turnarse con su niño/niña mientras cuentan hasta cierto número, alternando números a medida que avanzan: uno de ustedes contará salteado comenzando en 0 y el otro comenzará en 1. Después de un poco de práctica, uno de ustedes se queda en silencio y el otro cuenta como antes, diciendo números alternos.\n\nOtra forma de que tu niño/niña se familiarice con el conteo salteado es contar hasta un número de manera normal la primera vez. Luego, repite el conteo diciendo en voz baja cada segundo número. Continúa practicando esto hasta que los números mencionados en voz baja no se pronuncien en absoluto.\n\n**Empezar con otros números:** Es tentador comenzar siempre desde 0. Sin embargo, si comienza con otros números, como 1, estará ayudando a su niño/niña con las habilidades de suma, multiplicación y división.\n\n**A veces, cuenta salteado hacia atrás:** El conteo salteado regresivo ayuda con las habilidades de resta y división.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "2.10 Counting Groups", + "text": "Paso 20: Contar grupos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Variety:** Skip counting is one way to add interest to counting a group of objects, and there are often many other ways as well. Show your child that they can use their imagination to explore the many other interesting ways they can count a picture of some objects.", + "text": "**Variedad:** Contar salteado es una forma de hacer que contar un grupo de objetos sea más interesante, y a menudo hay muchas otras formas también. Muéstrele a su niño/niña que puede usar su imaginación para explorar las muchas otras formas interesantes en que puede contar una imagen de algunos objetos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Ten frames:** Ten frames offer a simple example of different ways to count. Suppose you have seven dots in the usual way in a ten frame. You can count this as 5 plus 2 more. You can count by 2's from left to right to get to 4, and then add the 3 single dots. Or, you can see the 3 blank squares and count this as 3 less than 10.\n\n**Be playful:** Play with all the different ways you and your child can do the counting. Seeing different ways to get the answer will open your child's eyes that math is about exploring and play, and not about arriving at an answer in some preferred way. All these different ways of counting will also develop a deeper understanding of quantities for your child.\n\n**Additive approaches:** One way to count up a group of objects is to add up the different parts of the group. That's what we did in this ten frame example when we added up 5 from the top row to the 2 in the bottom row.\n\n**Skip counting:** You may see a repeated pattern when you add up the parts of a group. That's what happened when we started by skip counting the two 2's on the left side.\n\n**Subtracting:** Another common technique is to subtract off what is missing from what would oth- erwise be a whole collection. That's what we did when we subtracted 3 from 10 in this example.", + "text": "**Marcos de diez:** Los marcos de diez ofrecen un ejemplo sencillo de diferentes formas de contar. Supongamos que tienes siete puntos de la forma habitual en un marco de diez. Puedes contar esto como 5 más 2 más. Puedes contar de 2 en 2 de izquierda a derecha para llegar a 4 y luego sumar los 3 puntos individuales. O puedes ver los 3 cuadrados en blanco y contar esto como 3 menos 10.\n\n**Sea lúdico:** Juegue con las distintas formas en que pueden contar. Ver distintas maneras de obtener la respuesta le permitirá a su niño/niña comprender que las matemáticas se tratan de explorar y jugar, y no de llegar a una respuesta de una manera predeterminada. Todas estas distintas formas de contar también le permitirán comprender mejor las cantidades.\n\n**Métodos aditivos:** Una forma de contar un grupo de objetos es sumar las distintas partes del grupo. Eso es lo que hicimos en este ejemplo de marco de diez, cuando sumamos 5 de la fila superior y 2 de la fila inferior.\n\n**Contar salteado:** Es posible que veas un patrón repetido cuando sumas las partes de un grupo. Eso es lo que sucedió cuando comenzamos contando de forma salteada los dos 2 del lado izquierdo.\n\n**Restar:** Otra técnica habitual consiste en restar lo que falta de lo que sería una colección completa. Eso es lo que hicimos cuando restamos 3 de 10 en este ejemplo.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { "SourceText": "3.0 Stage 3 Introduction", - "text": "3.0 Etapa 3 Introducción", + "text": "Etapa 3 Introducción", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "4.0 Stage 4 Introduction", - "text": "4.0 Etapa 4 Introducción", + "SourceText": "Your child has become comfortable with counting to ten, and those numbers and quantities are now more meaningful. Your child is much better now with adding and subtracting small numbers.\n\nThis Stage extends counting to 20, and it extends the range of numbers your child can add and subtract. It also introduces the beginning of multiplying and dividing. Finally, your child's improving analytical skills and maturity warrant a discussion of early ideas for playing strategy games.\n\n**1. Mental adding by Counting On** Adding by Counting On from one of the numbers is an important step in learning addition.\n**2. Mental subtracting – take away** Subtracting by taking away and counting down is an important step in learning subtraction.\n**3. Mental subtracting – difference** Another way to subtract is to find the difference between two numbers by Counting On.\n**4. Number bonds** Number bonds reinforce part and whole concepts, as well as fact families for addition and subtraction.\n**5. Place value** Introduce your child to the role of 10 in the numbers up to 20.\n**6. Fact families** The facts 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 2 = 3, and 5 - 3 = 2 are connected. Knowing this deepens the understanding of each fact.\n**7. Adding twins and near twins** Most children learn adding twins easily. This provides a foundation for doubling.\n**8. Multiply and Divide by 2** This is the start of many concepts – doubling, multiplying by 2, halving, dividing by 2, and equal sharing.\n**9. Skip counting by 2s II** Further develop skip counting by 2s by going up and down and starting with any number.\n**10. Strategy games I** These games naturally motivate children to do problem solving.", + "text": "Su niño/niña puede contar hasta diez con comodidad, y esos números y cantidades son ahora más significativos. Mejoró ahora con la suma y resta de pequeños números.\n\nEsta etapa se extiende al contar hasta 20, y amplía el rango de números que puede sumar y restar. También introduce el principio de multiplicar y dividir. Finalmente, el mejoramiento de las habilidades analíticas y la madurez de su niño/niña justifican una discusión de ideas tempranas para jugar juegos de estrategia.\n\n**Paso 21: Suma mental contando adelante** Añadiendo al contar adelante desde uno de los números es un paso importante para aprender a sumar.\n**Paso 22: Resta mental: Quitar** Restar quitando y contando hacia atrás es un paso importante en el aprendizaje de la resta.\n**Paso 23: Resta mental: Diferencia** Otra forma de restar es encontrar la diferencia entre dos números por contando hacia adelante.\n**Paso 24: Vínculos numéricos** Vínculos numéricos refuerzan conceptos parciales y completos, al igual que las familias de operaciones para sumar y restar.\n**Paso 25: Valor posicional** Presente a su niño/niña el rol del 10 en los números hasta 20.\n**Paso 26: Familias de operaciones** Los hechos 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 2 = 3, y 5 - 3 = 2 están conectados. Saber esto profundiza la comprensión de cada hecho.\n**Paso 27: Suma de números iguales y casi iguales** La mayoría de los niños aprenden fácilmente a sumar números iguales. Esto proporciona una base para duplicar.\n**Paso 28: Multiplicar y dividir por 2:** Este es el comienzo de muchos conceptos - doblar, multiplicar por 2, dividir por 2 y compartir por igual.\n**Paso 29: Contar de 2 en 2 II** Seguir desarrollando el conteo de saltos por 2s subiendo y bajando y comenzando con cualquier número.\n**Paso 30: Juegos de estrategia I** Estos juegos motivan naturalmente a los niños a resolver problemas.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "5.0 Stage 5 Introduction", - "text": "5.0 Etapa 5 Introducción", + "SourceText": "3.1 Mental Adding by Counting On", + "text": "Paso 21: Suma mental contando adelante", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Gradual change:** As your child develops skill with small adding and subtracting problems, gradually shift over to doing more of these calculations mentally. Don't be in a hurry to memorize. This time spent calculating answers by seeing the relationships between numbers will pay off handsomely in terms of a much better feel and understanding of numbers. If your child masters these facts by grinding through repeated drills with flash cards, you will have thrown away this important opportunity.\n\n**Counting on:** Use 6 + 3 as an example of adding by Counting On.\n\nInitially, your child will want to do this using their fingers, and that is fine. Say \"6\" and have a closed fist to indicate 0. Next, count up \"7, 8, 9\" and raise one finger with each number. Stop at 9, when three fingers have been raised.\n\nOver time, using fingers with small addition problems will become less necessary. Your child will start to mentally see the change of 3 in going from 6 to 9, and will no longer need to use fingers – just as they no longer need fingers for adding 1 or 2.\n\n**Start from the larger number:** With experience, your child will start to realize that it is easier and faster to start with the larger of the two numbers. For example, it is easier to do 3 + 6 as 6 Counted On with 3 more than it is do it as 3 Counted On with 6 more. Part of making this choice is realizing that the results of 3 + 6 and 6 + 3 are the same. This important observation will mean learning only about half as many addition facts!", + "text": "**Cambio gradual:** A medida que su niño/niña desarrolla habilidades con pequeños problemas de suma y resta, cambie gradualmente a hacer más de estos cálculos mentalmente. No tengas prisa por memorizar. Este tiempo dedicado a calcular respuestas observando las relaciones entre los números dará buenos resultados en términos de una mejor comprensión de los números. Si su niño/niña domina estos datos mediante ejercicios repetidos con tarjetas didácticas, habrá desperdiciado esta importante oportunidad.\n\n**Contando adelante** Use 6 + 3 como ejemplo de suma por contar adelante.\n\nInicialmente, su niño/niña querrá hacer esto con los dedos, y eso está bien. Diga \"6\" y cierre el puño para indicar el 0. A continuación, cuenten \"7, 8, 9\" y levante un dedo con cada número. Deténgase en el 9, cuando haya levantado tres dedos.\n\nCon el tiempo, usar los dedos con pequeños problemas de suma se volverá menos necesario. Su niño/niña comenzará a ver mentalmente el cambio de 3 en ir de 6 a 9, y ya no tendrá que usar los dedos - al igual que ya no necesitan dedos para agregar 1 o 2.\n\n**Empiecen con el número más alto:** Con la experiencia, su niño/niña comenzará a darse cuenta de que es más fácil y rápido comenzar con el mayor de los dos números. Por ejemplo, es más fácil hacer 3 + 6 como 6 con 3 más que hacerlo como 3 con 6 más. Parte de tomar esta decisión es darse cuenta de que los resultados de 3 + 6 y 6 + 3 son los mismos. ¡Esta importante observación significará aprender solo la mitad de las operaciones de suma!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.2 Mental Subtracting – Take Away", + "text": "Paso 22: Resta mental: Quitar", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Two kinds of subtraction:** There are two models for subtraction, and both are important. The first is taking away. If you are asked to subtract 3 things from 9 things, you will probably think of this as taking away or removing 3 of the things. The second model involves difference. The difference between two numbers is the distance between them . If you are asked to subtract 7 from 9, you are likely to do this be finding how far apart they are, what their difference is.\n\nBoth understandings of subtraction are needed and are useful. For mental arithmetic, having a choice of using take away or difference can make a big difference in the ease of the calculation. Additionally, some problems are more naturally understood as take away or difference problems.\n\n**Counting down:** Counting down is a natural way to do take away. Use 9 - 3 as an example of subtracting by counting down.\n\nAs with adding, your child may want to initially do this using their fingers, and that is fine. Say \"9\" and have a closed fist to indicate 0. Next, count down \"8, 7, 6\" and raise one finger with each number. Stop at 6, when three fingers have been raised.\n\nOver time, using fingers with small subtraction problems will become less necessary. Your child will start to mentally see the change of 3 in going from 9 to 6, and will no longer need to use fingers – just as they no longer need fingers for subtracting 1 or 2.\n\n**Subtracting 1 to 4:** With practice, your child will build up speed using this approach for subtracting the numbers from 1 to 4. Take your time and make sure everyone enjoys the process.", + "text": "**Dos tipos de resta:** Hay dos modelos para la resta, y ambos son importantes. El primero es quitar. Si te piden que restes 3 cosas de 9 cosas, probablemente pensarás que esto es quitar o eliminar 3 de las cosas. El segundo modelo implica diferencia. La diferencia entre dos números es la distancia entre ellos. Si te piden que restes 7 de 9, es probable que lo hagas para encontrar qué tan separados están, cuál es su diferencia.\n\nAmbos conceptos de la resta son necesarios y útiles. Para el cálculo mental, tener la opción de usar 'quitar' o 'diferencia' puede marcar una gran diferencia en la facilidad del cálculo. Además, algunos problemas se entienden más naturalmente como problemas de 'quitar' o de 'diferencia'.\"\n\n**Contar hacia atrás** Contar hacia atrás es una forma natural de restar. Use 9 - 3 como ejemplo de restar contando hacia atrás.\n\nAl igual que con la suma, su niño/niña puede querer hacer esto inicialmente usando sus dedos, y eso está bien. Decir \"9\" y tener un puño cerrado para indicar 0. A continuación, contar hacia atrás \"8, 7, 6\" y levantar un dedo con cada número. Detenerse a las 6, cuando se hayan levantado tres dedos.\n\nCon el tiempo, usar los dedos con pequeños problemas de resta se volverá menos necesario. Su niño/niña comenzará a ver mentalmente el cambio de 3 en ir de 9 a 6, y ya no tendrá que usar los dedos - al igual que ya no necesitan dedos para restar 1 o 2.\n\n**Resta 1 a 4:** Con la práctica, su niño/niña aumentará la velocidad usando este enfoque para restar los números del 1 al 4. Tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que todos disfruten el proceso.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.3 Mental Subtracting – Difference", + "text": "Paso 23: Resta mental: Diferencia", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Distance or gap size:** If you are asked to find the difference between two numbers, you are doing a subtraction problem. Finding the difference is understood as finding the distance between the numbers, and this can be calculated by asking what number needs to be added to span the gap between them.\n\n**Counting On:** Use finding the difference of 9 and 6 as an example. Calculate this by keeping track of how many numbers you use as you Count On from 6 to 9. As with the instructions for adding in a previous learning step, this can be done with or without fingers. If your child has been practicing adding problems, they can probably very quickly count \"7, 8, 9\" and see that the gap is 3.\n\n**Subtracting and adding:** Using Counting On to find the difference is a great way to see the connec- tion between adding and subtracting. When we Counted On starting at 6 to add 6 + 3, we wanted to find the result of Counting On three times. When we Counted On from 6 to find 9 - 6, we knew the result of 9 and wanted to find out what we needed to add to 6 to get there.\n\n**Differences of 1 to 4:** With practice, your child will build up speed using this approach for finding differences of sizes 1 to 4. Take your time and make sure everyone enjoys the process.", + "text": "**Distancia o tamaño de espacio:** Si se le pide que encuentre la diferencia entre dos números, está resolviendo un problema de resta. Encontrar la diferencia se entiende como encontrar la distancia entre los números, y esto puede calcularse preguntando qué número necesita ser agregado para cubrir el espacio entre ellos.\n\n**Contando adelante:** Utilice la diferencia de 9 y 6 como ejemplo. Calcule esto manteniendo un registro de cuántos números utiliza cuando cuenta de 6 a 9. Como con las instrucciones para agregar en un paso anterior de aprendizaje, esto se puede hacer con o sin dedos. Si su niño/niña ha estado practicando la suma de problemas, probablemente puede contar muy rápidamente \"7, 8, 9\" y ver que el espacio es 3.\n\n**Resta y suma:** Contar adelante para encontrar la diferencia es una gran manera de ver la conexión entre sumar y restar. Cuando contamos a partir de 6 para añadir 6 + 3, queríamos encontrar el resultado de contar adelante en tres veces. Cuando contamos desde 6 hasta encontrar 9 - 6, sabíamos el resultado de 9 y queríamos saber qué necesitábamos añadir a 6 para llegar allí.\n\n**Diferencias de 1 a 4:** Con la práctica, su niño/niña aumentará la velocidad usando este enfoque para encontrar diferencias de tamaños del 1 al 4. Tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que todos disfruten el proceso.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.4 Number Bonds", + "text": "Paso 24: Vínculos numéricos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Part and whole:** Seeing a whole thing as being made up of its parts is an important developmental step for a child. The number bonds for a number, say 6, are all the ways of pairing two numbers that add up to 6. It is all the ways of taking the whole of 6 and breaking it into two parts. This reinforces an understanding of the connection between addition and subtraction as forming groups of fact families – a topic to be covered in an upcoming learning step.\n\n**What's missing?:** Let's continue using number bonds for 6 as our example. The number bonds for 6 are: 0 + 6, 1 + 5, 2 + 4, and 3 + 3. A child who has learned these well will then have little trouble answering the question: \"What do I need to add to 2 to get 6?\" They will know that 2 + 4 is a number bond for 6, so 4 is the part of 6 that is missing.", + "text": "**Parte y todo:** Ver una cosa entera como si estuviera hecha de sus partes es un paso importante en el desarrollo del niño/niña. Los vínculos numéricos para un número, digamos 6, son todas las formas de emparejar dos números que suman hasta 6. Es todas las formas de tomar el conjunto de 6 y dividirlo en dos partes. Esto refuerza la comprensión de la conexión entre la suma y la resta como grupos que forman familias de operaciones - un tema que se cubrirá en una próxima etapa de aprendizaje.\n\n**¿Qué falta?:** Sigamos usando los vínculos numéricos para el 6 como ejemplo. Los vínculos numéricos para el 6 son: 0 + 6, 1 + 5, 2 + 4 y 3 + 3. Si su niño/niña los aprendió bien no tendrá problemas para responder la pregunta: \"¿Qué necesito sumar a 2 para obtener 6?\". Sabrá que 2 + 4 es un vínculo numérico para el 6, por lo que 4 es la parte del 6 que falta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Ten frames:** Fluency with number bonds for all numbers up to about 12 is very useful for doing adding and subtracting, The number bonds that arise the most often are those for 10. Ten frames are designed to help visualize number bonds for 10. A ten frame with 7 dots in it makes it visually obvious that 7 + 3 is a number bond for 10.\n\n**Games and puzzles:** There are quite a few games and puzzles that involve number bonds. Sum Groups is a puzzle designed to practice number bonds. Many games, such as Memory Challenge and Go Fish, have versions that use target totals and thereby exercise number bonds.", + "text": "**Cuadros de diez:** La fluidez con los vínculos numéricos para todos los números hasta aproximadamente el 12 es muy útil para realizar sumas y restas. Los vínculos numéricos que surgen más a menudo son los de 10. Los cuadros de diez están diseñados para ayudar a visualizar los vínculos numéricos para 10. Un cuadro de diez con 7 puntos en él hace que sea visualmente obvio que 7 + 3 es un vínculo numérico de 10.\n\n**Juegos y rompecabezas:** Hay bastantes juegos y rompecabezas que implican vínculos numéricos. Grupos de suma es un rompecabezas diseñado para practicar los vínculos numéricos. Muchos juegos, como Desafío de memoria y ¡A pescar!, tienen versiones que usan totales de objetivos y por lo tanto ejercitan vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.5 Place Value", + "text": "Paso 25: Valor posicional", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Meaning for the numbers 10 to 20:** At first, the numbers above 9 can be thought of as just the next numbers that come along. There is nothing wrong with that, and that viewpoint will work just fine for a long time. Eventually, with numbers all the way up to 100 coming on the horizon, it will be time to Introduce your child to the role of 10 in the numbers from 10 to 20.\n\n**Adding and subtracting 10:** Start this introduction by helping your child learn how to add 10 to single-digit numbers and subtract 10 from double-digit numbers from 10 to 20.\n\n**Practice with physical quantities:** Find something you have a lot of – perhaps pebbles, sticks, or toothpicks. Let's use 3 and 13 as an example. If you place 13 things on a flat surface, you can separate them into one group of 10 and one group of 3. This demonstrates both that 3 + 10 is 13, and also that 13 - 10 is 3.\n\n**Numerals:** If your child is ready to use numerals, write down 13 = 10 + 3 and 13 - 10 = 3 as you do the demonstration just described. When we write a two-digit number, such as 13, the place on the left is the tens place and the place on the right is the ones place. Then tens place tells how many tens the number has, and the ones place how many ones it has. For 13, it is made up of 1 ten and 3 ones, so 13 = 10 + 3. As another example, 20 is made up of 2 tens and 0 ones.\n\n**It takes time:** Breaking up a number into tens and ones, particularly symbolically with written numbers, is a big conceptual step and you should expect this to take many demonstrations, many explanations, and lots of time. As with so many of these foundational elements, your child will absorb it eventually and there is no hurry.", + "text": "**Significado de los números del 10 al 20:** Al principio, los números superiores al 9 pueden considerarse simplemente los siguientes números que aparecen. No hay nada malo en eso, y ese punto de vista funcionará bien por mucho tiempo. Finalmente, cuando aparezcan en el horizonte números hasta el 100, será el momento de presentar a su niño/niña el papel del 10 en los números del 10 al 20.\n\n**Suma y resta con 10:** Comience esta introducción ayudando a su niño/niña a aprender cómo sumar 10 a números de un solo dígito y restar 10 de los números de dos dígitos de 10 a 20.\n\n**Práctica con cantidades físicas:** Encuentra algo que tengas en abundancia, como piedras, palos o palillos. Vamos a usar 3 y 13 como ejemplo. Si colocas 13 cosas en una superficie plana, puedes separarlas en un grupo de 10 y un grupo de 3. Esto demuestra que 3 + 10 es 13, y también que 13 - 10 es 3.\n\n**Números:** Si su niño/niña está en condiciones de usar números, anote 13 = 10 + 3 y 13 - 10 = 3 mientras realiza la demostración que acaba de describir. Cuando escribimos un número de dos dígitos, como 13, el lugar a la izquierda es el lugar de las decenas y el lugar a la derecha es el lugar de los unos. Entonces el lugar de las decenas dice cuántas decenas tiene el número, y los unos colocan cuántos tiene. Para 13, está compuesto de 1 diez y 3 unos, por lo que 13 = 10 + 3. Como otro ejemplo, 20 está compuesto de 2 decenas y 0 unos.\n\n**Se necesita tiempo:** Descomponer un número en decenas y unidades, particularmente de manera simbólica con números escritos, es un gran paso conceptual y debes esperar que esto requiera muchas demostraciones, muchas explicaciones y mucho tiempo. Al igual que con tantos de estos elementos fundamentales, su niño/niña lo absorberá eventualmente y no hay prisa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.6 Fact Families", + "text": "Paso 26: Familias de operaciones", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**A family of facts:** Addition and subtraction facts are easily grouped into facts that are closely related. Take this family of facts for example: 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 3 = 2, and 5 - 2 = 3. The picture below shows how these are interconnected.\n\nUse this kind of picture with your child. It shows one group of 3 dots, another group of 2 dots, and all together there are 5 dots. You can add the groups of dots in either order – either as 3 + 2 or 2 + 3 – and get the same result. If you take the 5 dots and you cover over one group, say the group of 2, then it is clear why 5 - 2 = 3.", + "text": "**Una familia de operaciones:** Las operaciones de suma y resta se agrupan fácilmente en operaciones estrechamente relacionadas. Tomemos esta familia de operaciones como ejemplo: 2 +3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 3 = 2 y 5 - 2 = 3. La imagen siguiente muestra cómo están interconectados.\n\nUtilice este tipo de imagen con su niño/niña. Muestra un grupo de 3 puntos, otro grupo de 2 puntos y, en total, hay 5 puntos. Puede agregar los grupos de puntos en cualquiera de los dos órdenes - ya sea como 3 + 2 o 2 + 3 - y obtener el mismo resultado. Si toma los 5 puntos y cubre un grupo, digamos el grupo de 2, entonces queda claro por qué 5 - 2 = 3.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Adding and subtracting are related:** Fact families and their associated pictures make it very clear how closely tied together addition and subtraction are. One important part of their relationship is that they undo each other. If you start with 3 and add 2, and then subtract 2, you are back with having the original 3. Similarly, if you start with 5 and subtract 2, and then add 2, you are back to having the original 5.\n\n**Addition order doesn't matter:** Another important thing to reinforce about fact families is that they show that the order that addition is done in does not change the result. So, if your child is asked to do 4 + 8 and they prefer to do 8 + 4, then they can do that.", + "text": "**La suma y la resta están relacionadas:** Las familias de operaciones y sus imágenes asociadas dejan muy claro cuán estrechamente relacionadas están la suma y la resta. Una parte importante de su relación es que se anulan mutuamente. Si empiezas con 3 y sumas 2, y luego restas 2, vuelves a tener el 3 original. De forma similar, si empiezas con 5 y restas 2, y después añades 2, vuelves a tener el 5 original.\n\n**El orden de la suma no importa:** Otra cosa importante a reforzar sobre las familias de operaciones es que muestran que el orden en que se realiza la suma no cambia el resultado. Entonces, si a su niño/niña se le pide que haga 4 + 8 y prefiere hacer 8 + 4, entonces puede hacerlo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.7 Adding Twins and Near Twins", + "text": "Paso 27: Suma de números iguales y casi iguales", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Children like them:** Adding twins are when a number is added to itself, such as 3 + 3. Children generally enjoy adding twins, so they learn them eagerly and readily. The sums are also the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's, so that helps to reinforce these adding facts.\n\n**A foundation for doubling:** Knowing adding twins quickly leads to knowing how to double. Suppose you ask your child to double 3. They know that doubling something means to take two if it. So, doubling 3 means 3 plus 3, which is 6.\n\n**Near twins:** A pair of numbers is a near twin if they are one apart, such as 3 + 4. Once your child knows their adding twins, near twins is an easy next step. Think of 3 + 4 as 3 + 3 + 1, so it is 1 more than 3 + 3. So, 3 + 4 = 6 + 1 = 7. Alternatively, think of 3 + 4 as (4 - 1) + 3, which is 1 less than 4 + 4. So, 3 + 4 = 8 - 1 = 7. Allow your child to pick whichever approach they prefer for each near twin, or have fun doing them both ways.\n\nThis technique of using a familiar math fact to figure out a closely related math fact is powerful. It will help with learning many math facts in the months to come. Take your time and make sure your child thoroughly understands how this works. To explain it, demonstrate how 3 objects and 4 objects can be split up as 3 objects plus 3 objects plus one more – being able to see and touch things at this age is very powerful.", + "text": "**A los niños les gustan:** La suma de números iguales se produce cuando un número se suma así mismo, como 3 + 3. Los niños generalmente disfrutan sumar números iguales, por lo que aprenden con entusiasmo y facilidad. Las sumas también son los números que se obtienen contando de 2 en 2, por lo que ayudan a reforzar estas operaciones de suma.\n\n**Una base para duplicar:** Saber sumar números iguales lleva rápidamente a saber cómo duplicar. Supongamos que le pide a su niño/niña que duplique 3. Él/Ella sabe que duplicar algo significa restarle dos. Por lo tanto, duplicar 3 significa 3 más 3, que es 6.\n\n**Casi iguales:** Un par de números son casi iguales si están separados por un número, como 3 + 4. Una vez que su niño/niña sepa cómo sumar números iguales, el siguiente paso es fácil, que es averiguar los números casi iguales. Piense en 3 + 4 como 3 + 3 + 1, por lo que es 1 más que 3 + 3. Por lo tanto, 3 + 4 = 6 + 1 = 7. Alternativamente, piense en 3 + 4 como (4 - 1) + 3, que es 1 menos que 4 + 4. Por lo tanto, 3 + 4 = 8 - 1 = 7. Permita que su niño/niña elija el enfoque que prefiera para cada número casi igual, o diviértase haciéndolo de ambas maneras.\n\nLa técnica de usar un efecto matemático para comprender y resolver un hecho matemático es efectiva. Esto le ayudará a su niño/niña a aprender en los próximos meses muchos hechos matemáticos. Así que tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que comprenda totalmente su función. Para explicarlo, demuestre cómo 3 objetos y 4 objetos se pueden dividir en 3 objetos más 3 objetos más uno más - poder ver y tocar cosas a esta edad es realmente eficaz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.8 Multiply and Divide by 2", + "text": "Paso 28: Multiplicar y dividir por 2", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Connected concepts:** In the previous learning step we discussed doubling. This is connected to a surprising number of related concepts, as you will soon see.\n\n**Multiplying by 2:** Multiplying by 2 is the same as doubling. However, it uses interesting new wording that your child will need to get used to. When you first introduce the phrase of multiplying by 2, be sure to mix in the use of doubling from time to time to help with the transition. Your child will be getting used to the new words \"multiplying\" and \"times.\"\n\n**Half of something:** When something is doubled, such as 3 doubled is 6, then you can take half of the result and get back the original number. For example, suppose you picture 3 doubled as two rows of 3 things. Then taking half of those two matched rows is to take one of the rows, which is 3 things.\n\n**Equal sharing:** When you talk about taking half of something, you can combine that with the idea of sharing it equally among two people. If two people are to get equal shares, they will each get the same thing and that will be half of the original amount.\n\n**Dividing by 2:** If your child is comfortable with all the concepts so far in this learning step, then they are ready to talk about dividing! You can start talking about dividing something equally, or dividing it in two, or dividing by two. Mix together using all these phrases with your child – it will take time for them to absorb this new vocabulary. As far as the math is concerned, they have mastered all the ideas already!\n\n**Concrete examples:** Do lots of practice with each of these new ideas and words with groups of objects. Make your child's understanding be concrete rather than simply abstract. Anytime there is something to share among two people is a perfect time to practice. You can of course start extending this to sharing among more than two people if you like.\n\n**The beginning of multiplying and dividing:** As you have seen, this is the starting point of multi- plying and dividing. There are one or two new ideas, and a lot of new vocabulary. It's exciting to see your child step into this new part of the world!", + "text": "**Conceptos conectados:** En el paso de aprendizaje anterior, analizamos la duplicación. La cual está vinculada a una cantidad sorprendente de conceptos relacionados, como podrá observar pronto.\n\n**Multiplicando por 2:** Multiplicar por 2 es lo mismo que duplicar. Sin embargo, se utilizan palabras nuevas e interesantes a las que su niño/niña tendrá que familiarizarse. Cuando se presente por primera vez la frase multiplicar por 2, asegúrese de mezclar el uso de la duplicación de vez en cuando para facilitar la transición. Su niño/niña estará adaptándose a las nuevas palabras “multiplicar” y “por”.\n\n**La mitad de algo:** Cuando algo se duplica, como 3 duplicado es 6, entonces puede tomar la mitad del resultado y recuperar el número original. Por ejemplo, figure 3 duplicados como dos filas de 3 cosas. Significa que, tomar la mitad de esas dos filas coincidentes es tomar una de las filas, que son 3 cosas.\n\n**Reparto equitativo:** Cuando se habla de tomar la mitad de algo, se puede combinar eso con la idea de compartir equitativamente entre dos personas. Si dos personas reciben partes iguales, cada una recibirá lo mismo y eso será la mitad de la cantidad original.\n\n**Dividiendo por 2:** Si su niño/niña se siente cómodo/a con todos los conceptos que ha aprendido hasta ahora en este proceso de aprendizaje, ¡entonces está listo para hablar sobre la división! Puede comenzar a hablar sobre dividir algo en partes iguales, dividirlo en dos o dividirlo por dos. Combine todas estas frases: le llevará tiempo asimilar este nuevo vocabulario. En lo que respecta a las matemáticas, ¡ya domina todas las ideas!\n\n**Ejemplos concretos:** Practique mucho con cada una de estas nuevas ideas y palabras con grupos de objetos. Haga que la comprensión de su niño/niña sea concreta en lugar de simplemente indefinida. Cualquier momento en que haya algo para compartir entre dos personas es un momento perfecto para practicar. Por supuesto, puede comenzar a extenderlo y compartirlo entre más de dos personas sí así lo desea.\n\n**El comienzo de la multiplicación y división:** Cómo ha visto, este es el punto de partida de la multiplicación y la división. Hay una o dos ideas nuevas y mucho vocabulario nuevo. ¡Es emocionante ver a su niño/niña adentrarse en esta nueva parte del mundo!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.9 Skip Counting by 2's II", + "text": "Paso 29: Contar de 2 en 2 II", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**New connections:** Your child started skip counting by 2's during Stage 2. Their skip counting is now going higher and faster, and it is also now connected with new ideas, such as with multiplying and with even and odd numbers.\n\n**Multiplying by 2:** For example, multiplying something by 2 means to take that many 2's. Suppose your child is calculating 5 times 2. This means adding 2 to itself 5 times, which is exactly what your child will get if they skip count by 2's 5 times starting at 0. Of course, they can also calculate this quantity by doubling the number, in this case 5.\n\n**Start anywhere and go up or down:** It is important to keep practicing skip counting by 2's starting anywhere and going up and down. This practice will be surprisingly helpful for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Get used to doing this practice anytime you have a somewhat large collection of things to count.\n\n**Even and odd numbers:** An even number is one that can be split in half evenly. It is a quantity that two people can share and have nothing left over. The odd numbers are the other numbers, the numbers that cannot be shared evenly. Even numbers are the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's starting at 0. Odd numbers are the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's starting at 1.\n\n**Skip count by other numbers:** If you like, this is a good time to start skip counting by other numbers. Skip counting by 10's, 11's, and 5's are good starting places.", + "text": "**Nuevas conexiones:** Su niño/niña comenzó a contar de 2 en 2 durante la Etapa 2. Ahora cuenta de 2 en 2 más rápido y con más frecuencia, además de conectarse con nuevas ideas, como la multiplicación y los números pares e impares.\n\n**Multiplicando por 2:** Por ejemplo, multiplicar algo por 2 significa sumar esa cantidad de 2. Supongamos que su niño/niña está calculando 5 por 2. Esto significa sumar 2 a sí mismo 5 veces, que es exactamente lo que obtendrá si cuenta de 2 en 2 5 veces comenzando en 0. Por supuesto, también puede calcular esta cantidad duplicando el número, en este caso 5.\n\n**Empiece en cualquier lugar y vaya hacia arriba o hacia abajo:** Es importante seguir practicando el conteo de 2 en 2, comience en cualquier parte y avance hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Esta práctica será sorprendentemente útil para sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir. Adquiera el hábito de realizar esta práctica cada vez que tenga una gran colección de cosas por contar.\n\n**Números pares e impares:** Un número par es aquel que se puede dividir en dos partes iguales. Es una cantidad que dos personas pueden repartir y no les sobra nada. Los números impares son los otros números, los números que no se pueden repartir de forma equitativa. Los números pares son los números que se obtienen al contar de 2 en 2 a partir del 0. Los números impares son los números que se obtienen al contar de 2 en 2 a partir del 1.\n\n**Conteo salteado por otros números:** Si lo desea, este es un buen momento para empezar a contar con otros números. Contar de 10 en 10, de 11 en 11 y de 5 en 5 son buenos puntos de partida.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "3.10 Strategy Games", + "text": "Paso 30: Juegos de estrategia I", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Developmental stage:** Strategy games are games where the players have choices that produce better or worse outcomes. These games have a lot to offer children. In particular, they naturally motivate children to do problem solving. However, the difficulty with these is that they require rule following and a willingness to participate in organized play. If your child is not ready yet for this kind of play environment, please be patient and let them get to a developmental point where they are ready. There is plenty of time.\n\n**Be patient:** When children are first ready to play organized games and are introduced to a new game, you will probably need to be very patient. It could well be that the first ten times you attempt to play the game your child will have fun with all the pieces and do many things that have nothing to do with the game. This is a process. Your child needs to become familiar with the game and its pieces, and the novelty needs to wear off a bit. You will know when your child is ready and your patience has paid off.\n\n**Play around:** At first, it is likely that your child won't really have a sense of winning and losing, and won't understand that their choices make a difference. That's okay. You are just there to have fun together. Over time, as the game and its choices become more familiar, your child will start to see that their choices make a difference and that they care about those differences.\n\n**Invisible math sometimes:** Strategy games don't always involve numeric components, but they are mathematical anyway. Any strategy game offers many important learning opportunities, some mathematical and some not. As mentioned earlier, problem solving is high on the list of skills that are developed by these games. Critical thinking and logical communication are also being developed. The rule following and turn taking are very good for social-emotional learning.", + "text": "**Etapa de desarrollo:** Los juegos de estrategia son juegos en los que los jugadores tienen opciones que producen mejores o peores resultados. Estos juegos tienen mucho que ofrecer a los niños. En particular, los motiva naturalmente a resolver problemas. Sin embargo, la dificultad con estos juegos es que requieren el cumplimiento de reglas y la voluntad de participar en un juego organizado. Si su niño/niña aún no está listo para este tipo de entorno, tenga paciencia y déjelo llegar a un punto de desarrollo en el que esté listo/a. Aún hay tiempo.\n\n**Ser paciente:** Cuando los niños están listos para jugar con juegos organizados y se les presenta un nuevo juego, probablemente necesitará mucha paciencia. Es posible que las primeras diez veces que su niño/niña intente jugar el juego se divierta con todas las piezas y haga muchas cosas que no tienen nada que ver. Este es un proceso. Su niño/niña necesita familiarizarse con el juego y sus piezas, y la novedad desaparecerá poco a poco. Sabrá cuando esté listo/a y su paciencia habrá valido la pena.\n\n**Jugar alrededor:** Al principio, es posible que su niño/niña no tenga un verdadero entendimiento de lo que es ganar o perder, y no comprenda que sus decisiones marcan la diferencia. No hay problema. Ustedes están allí para divertirse juntos. Con el tiempo, y a medida que el juego y sus opciones se vuelven más familiares, su niño/niña comenzará a ver que sus decisiones importan y marcan la diferencia.\n\n**Matemáticas a veces invisibles:** Los juegos de estrategia no siempre incluyen componentes numéricos, pero de todos modos son matemáticos. Cualquier juego de estrategia ofrece muchas oportunidades importantes de aprendizaje, algunas son matemáticas y otras no. Como se mencionó con anterioridad, la resolución de problemas ocupa un lugar destacado en la lista de habilidades que se desarrollan con estos juegos. También se desarrolla el pensamiento crítico y la comunicación lógica. El seguimiento de reglas y la toma de turnos son favorables para el aprendizaje socioemocional.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.0 Stage 4 Introduction", + "text": "Etapa 4 Introducción", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "During this Stage, your child will extend their counting to 100. As their counting develops, they need to get a solid understanding of double-digit place value. They will also come to master all their single-digit addition and subtraction facts. This is also an exciting time when multiplication by the numbers from 1 to 5 starts to be mastered.\n\n**1. Counting to 100** Count both forward and backward to solidify an understanding of these numbers.\n**2. Two-digit place value** Use expanded form to understand place value and how to compare numbers.\n**3. Finger Addition** Learn finger addition doing it the Easy Way.\n**4. Finger Subtraction** Learn finger subtraction doing it the Easy Way.\n**5. Compensation for Add and Subtract** Compensation is a useful tool for simplifying addition and subtraction calculations.\n**6. 10 as a midway point** Use 10 as a midway point for addition and subtraction.\n**7. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s** Practice this skip counting going up and down, starting anywhere.\n**8. Beginning multiplying** Gently introduce the words \"multiplying\" and \"times\" to describe doubling and skip counting.\n**9. Multiplying 1-5 by 1-5** At this point, your child knows all the multiplication facts for 1 to 5.\n**10. Strategy games II** Discuss deeper ideas about strategy games.", + "text": "Durante esta etapa, su niño/niña extenderá su conteo hasta 100. Mientras su conteo se desarrolla, es importante que tenga un entendimiento firme del valor posicional de dos cifras. También va a dominar todas las hechas de suma y resta de una sola cifra. Este es un tiempo bien interesante cuando se empieza a dominar la multiplicación de los números entre 1 y 5.\n\n**Paso 31: Contar hasta 100** Contar hacia adelante y atrás para profundizar el entendimiento de estos números.\n**Paso 32: Valor posicional de dos dígitos** Usar la forma expandida para entender el valor posicional y cómo comparar los números.\n**Paso 33: Sumar con los dedos** Aprender a sumar con los dedos de la manera más sencilla.\n**Paso 34: Restar con los dedos** Aprender a restar con los dedos de la manera más sencilla.\n**Paso 35: Compensación para suma y resta** La compensación es una herramienta útil para simplificar los cálculos de suma y resta.\n**Paso 36: 10 como un punto intermedio** Usar 10 como un punto intermedio para sumar y restar.\n**Paso 37: Contar de 2 en 2, 5 en 5 y 10 en 10** Practicar el conteo salteado hacia adelante y hacia atrás, empezando con cualquier número.\n**Paso 38: Empezar a multiplicar** Presente con delicadeza las palabras \"multiplicar\" y \"veces\" para describir la duplicación y el conteo salteado.\n**Paso 39: Multiplicar 1-5 por 1-5** En este momento, su niño/niña sabe todos los hechos de multiplicación para 1 a 5.\n**Paso 40: Juegos de estrategia II** Discuta ideas más avanzadas sobre juegos de estrategia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.1 Counting to 100", + "text": "Paso 31: Contar hasta 100", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**10's:** When your child's counting extends from 20 up to 100, the hard parts are the changes in 10's. Those are the parts to give special support and practice. Once your child knows the sequence of the 10's, it is usually very easy for them to fill in the changes in 1's. For example, they will quickly learn to count \"70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.\"\n\n**Skip count by 10's:** When your child gets stuck counting between 1 and 100, it is usually at a transition in 10's. Typical questions to help your child get unstuck are: \"What comes next after the 60's?\" or \"What comes before the 50's?\" Practice skip counting by 10's to help with this. If your child can produce the 10's from 0 to 100 forward and backward, then they will be ready to answer those questions about which 10's come next or before.\n\n**Use objects:** Make this counting have more meaning by practicing it using a large group of small objects, such as pebbles. Gather together 100 of these objects and put them in a big pile off to the side. As your child counts up from one, pull over one object at a time with each number and include it in the current group of objects. Each time a group of ten objects is formed, put that group together in a special tens area. As the numbers increase, the tens area will have more and more groups of tens. By the time your child is in the 50's, there should be five groups of ten and a small collection of left over ones.\n\nYou can also do this practice in reverse by starting with ten groups of tens and then taking away one at a time as your child counts down from 100.\n\n**Count both directions:** Children often become really good counting quickly and automatically upward from 1 to 100, but then have trouble counting in the opposite direction. Counting from 100 to 1 forces more thought about the 10's transitions and helps with understanding the numbers better in general.\n\n**100 number chart:** Having a ten by ten 100 number chart going from 1 to 100, or from 0 to 99, will help your child see the pattern of the numbers. It will make it particularly clear how the tens place stays the same for ten numbers and the ones place keeps changing.", + "text": "**10's:** Cuando el conteo de su niño/niña se extiende de 20 hasta 100, los más difíciles son los cambios de 10. Durante esas partes necesita dar apoyo y práctica extra. Cuando su niño/niña sabe la secuencia de los 10, normalmente puede rellenar los cambios en 1 fácilmente. Por ejemplo, va a aprender rápidamente a contar \"70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.\"\n\n**Contar de 10 en 10:** Cuando su niño/niña está atascado/a contando entre 1 y 100, normalmente el problema es una transición en 10. Preguntas típicas para ayudar a su niño/niña a desatascar son: \"¿Qué viene después de los 60?\" o \"¿Qué viene antes de los 50?\" Practicando el conteo salteado por 10 puede ayudar con esto. Si su niño/niña puede producir los 10 de 0 a 100 adelante y atrás, estará listo/a para responder a las preguntas sobre cuáles 10 son las próximas o las anteriores.\n\n**Usar objetos:** Enseña el significado del conteo practicándolo con un grupo grande de objetos pequeños, por ejemplo, piedrecitas. Recoge 100 de estos objetos y ponlos en una pila al lado. Mientras su niño/niña cuenta por adelante empezando con uno, mueva un objeto a la vez con cada número para incluirlo en el grupo actual de objetos. Cada vez que se forma un grupo de diez objetos, ponga ese grupo en un área especial para dieces. Mientras los números aumentan, el área de los dieces tendrá más y más grupos de dieces. Para cuando su niño/niña llega a los 50, debe tener cinco grupos de diez y un grupo más pequeño de restos.\n\nTambién puede practicarlo al revés empezando con diez grupos de dieces y quitando uno a la vez mientras su niño/niña cuenta por atrás empezando con 100.\n\n**Contar en ambas direcciones:** Los niños frecuentemente pueden contar bien y rápido de 1 a 100, pero después tienen dificultad contando en la otra dirección. Contando de 100 a 1 requiere más pensamiento sobre las transiciones entre los dieces y mejora el entendimiento general de los números.\n\n**Gráfica numeral de 100:** Una gráfica de diez por diez con todos los números de 1 a 100, o de 0 a 99, ayudará a su niño/niña a reconocer los patrones numéricos. Esto hará especialmente evidente que la posición de los dieces se mantiene constante para cada grupo de diez, mientras que el uno cambia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.2 Two-Digit Place Value", + "text": "Paso 32: Valor posicional de dos dígitos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Number meaning:** Seeing a two-digit number as some number of tens and ones is central to understanding and working with those numbers. Doing two-digit addition and subtraction requires fluency with the concepts of place value. Develop that understanding through lots of experiences with physical objects and written numbers.\n\n**Bundles of tens:** Take something you have lots of, make a large pile of it, and put some of them in a few bundles of ten. For example, out of that large pile ask your child to gather 23 of them. Then ask your child to group them in groups of ten. They will form two groups of ten and 3 singles. See what happens with the groups of ten in these 23 things as you put in some additional items or take some away, always making sure that there are no more than 9 single items at any time.\n\n**Expanded form:** The expanded form of a number is writing it as a sum of its place value parts. For example, 23 would be written as 20 + 3, and 256 would be written as 200 + 50 + 6. Practice with your child converting in both directions between a number's usual form and its expanded form. Point out that the expanded form of a number is the same as taking that many things and bundling them into groups of ten and have ones left over.\n\n**Counting with tick marks:** Counting using groups of five tick marks is a natural thing people like to do and is strongly related to place value. If you are counting 23 things with tick marks, you will end up with 4 bundles of 5 and 3 tick marks left over. Those 4 bundles of 5 can be reorganized as 2 bundles of 2 groups of 5, which is our expanded form view of 23.\n\n**Skip counting:** Skip counting by various numbers is a way to build mental practice with adding or subtracting single-digit and double-digit numbers. Although it is a great way to practice, this does require some mental steps that not every child will be ready for at this point – there is no hurry. Here are two examples. With lots of practice, these thinking steps will become automatic.\n\nSkip count upward by 8 starting at 23. Think of 23 as 20 plus 3 more. Using the number bonds for 10, 3 will need 7 more to make a group of 10. Use 7 out of the 8 being added so that 3 plus 7 forms another group of 10. So, 23 + 8 becomes 20 + 10 + 1, which is 31.\n\nSkip count downward by 5 starting at 23. Break up 5 into 3 and 2. To subtract 5, we will first take away 3 and then take away 2. 23 subtract 3 brings us to 20, which we will think of as 10 + 10. Subtracting the remaining 2 from one of those 10's leaves 8, so our answer is 10 + 8, which is 18.", + "text": "**Significado de los números:** Ver un número de dos cifras como un número de dieces y unos es central a comprender y trabajar con esos números. Haciendo suma y resta de dos cifras requiere fluidez con los conceptos de valor posicional. Desarrolla el entendimiento con muchas experiencias con objetos físicos y números escritos.\n\n**Grupos de diez:** oma algo de lo que tengas en abundancia, haz un gran montón y agrúpalo en algunos grupos de diez. Luego, pida a su niño/niña que tome 23 elementos de esa gran pila y los organice en grupos de diez. Van a formar dos grupos de diez y tres sobrantes. Observe lo que pasa con los grupos de diez en esas 23 mientras añade o quita algunas cosas, asegurándose de que nunca haya más de 9 objetos individuales en ningún momento.\n\n**Forma expandida:** La forma expandida de un número se escribe como una suma de las partes de valor posicional. Por ejemplo, 23 se escribe como 20 + 3, y 256 se escribe como 200 + 50 + 6. Practique con su niño/niña convertiendo en ambas direcciones entre la forma normal del número y su forma expandida. Señale que la forma expandida de un número es el mismo que tomar un grupo de objetos y ponerlos en grupos de diez con unos sobrantes.\n\n**Contando con rayitas:** Contando con grupos de cinco rayitas es algo natural que a la gente le gusta, y es relacionado poderosamente a valor posicional. Si estás contando 23 cosas con rayitas, vas a terminar con 4 bultos de 5 y 3 rayitas sobrantes. Esos 4 bultos de 5 pueden ser reorganizados como 2 bultos de 2 grupos de 5, que es la forma expandida de 23.\n\n**Contar salteado:** Contar salteado por varios números es una manera de desarrollar práctica mental con suma o resta con números de uno y dos cifras. Aunque es una buena manera de practicar, algunos niños no estarán listos para los pasos mentales que requiere – no hay prisa. Aquí hay dos ejemplos. Con mucha práctica, estos pasos mentales serán automáticos.\n\nEmpezando con 23, cuente adelante de 8 en 8. Piense en 23 como 20 + 3. Usando los vínculos numéricos para 10, 3 necesita 7 más para formar un grupo de 10. Use 7 de los 8 añadidos para que 3 + 7 formen otro grupo de 10. Entonces, 23 + 8 se convierte en 20 + 10 + 1, que es 31.\n\nEmpezando con 32, cuente hacia atrás de 5 en 5. Separe 5 en 3 y 2. Para restar 5, primero vamos a quitar 3 y después quitar 2. 23 menos 3 nos lleva a 20, que pensamos como 10 + 10. Restando los 2 sobrantes de uno de esos dieces, quedamos con 8, pues la respuesta es 10 + 8, que es 18.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.3 Finger Addition The Easy Way", + "text": "Paso 33: Sumar con los dedos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Counting On using fingers:** Any single-digit number can be added to any number using this method. This uses the child's hands to keep track of the single-digit number that is being added. It makes use of Counting On to find the final total, and also your child's skill with recognizing quantities of fingers.\n\n**Example:** Use 8 + 7 as an example. We could use either number as the number we start with, but it will be quicker and less work if we start with the larger number, which is 8 in this case. Start with no fingers raised and both hands in a closed fist. Your child is going to count starting at 8, and each time a new number is mentioned, your child will raise another finger. So, starting with \"8\" with no fingers raised, the child Counts On and says \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15\" while raising one more finger each time. Your child will stop at 15 because they will recognize they have 7 fingers raised at that point.\n\n**Any starting number:** Notice that your child can use this method with any starting number. This example would have worked just as easily for adding 58 + 7.\n\n**It is reliable, but it will be replaced:** This will eventually be replaced by other methods, but for now this is reliable and is something your child can be assured will always give them the right answer any time they need it.", + "text": "**Contar adelante usando los dedos:** Puede usar este método para añadir cualquier número de una cifra a otro número. El niño/la niña usa las manos para mantenerse al tanto del número de una cifra que está añadiendo. Se usa contar hacía adelante para encontrar el total final, y también las habilidades del niño/niña a reconocer cantidades de dedos.\n\n**Ejemplo:** Use 8 + 7 como un ejemplo. Podemos empezar con cualquiera de los dos números, pero será más rápido y mucho más fácil si empezamos con el número más grande, en este caso el 8. Empiece con todos los dedos bajados y ambas manos en un puño cerrado. Su niño/niña va a contar empezando con 8, levantando un dedo cada vez que se menciona un número nuevo. Entonces, empezando con \"8\" sin ningunos dedos levantados, el niño/la niña cuenta adelante y dice \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15\" levantando un dedo más cada vez. Su niño/niña va a parar en 15 porque verá que tiene 7 dedos levantados.\n\n**Empezando con cualquier número:** Ojo que su niño/niña puede usar este método empezando con cualquier número. Este ejemplo se puede usar igualmente para sumar 58 + 7.\n\n**Es fiable, pero será reemplazado:** Con el tiempo va a ser reemplazado con otros métodos, pero por este momento es fiable y su niño/niña puede asegurarse que siempre puede encontrar la respuesta correcta cuando la necesita.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.4 Finger Subtraction The Easy Way", + "text": "Paso 34: Restar con los dedos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Two subtractions:** The two models for subtraction, take away and difference, are both important and both need to be practiced. Here are methods that use a child's hands to keep track of part of the calculation. As with finger addition using fingers, these methods use your child's skill with recognizing quantities of fingers. We'll use 14 - 8 as our example for both methods.\n\n**Take away with fingers:** This method uses counting down to take away a single-digit number from any number. Have your child start with two closed fists and say \"14.\" Counting down from 14, your child raises one more finger with each new number: \"13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.\" Your child will stop at 6 when they see they have 8 fingers raised.\n\n**Difference with fingers:** This method uses Counting On to find a single-digit difference between any two numbers. Have your child start with two closed fists and say \"8.\" Counting On from 8, your child raises one more finger with each new number: \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.\" When your child hits 14, they look at their fingers and see that the difference is 6.\n\n**Reliable but will be replaced:** These will eventually be replaced by other methods, but for now these are reliable and are something your child can be assured will always give them the right answer any time they need it.", + "text": "**Dos restas:** Los dos modelos de resta, quitar y diferencia, son ambos importantes y necesita practicar los dos. Aquí hay métodos que usan las manos para mantener al tanto del parte de la calculación. Tal como suma de los dedos, estos métodos usan las habilidades del niño/la niña en reconocer cantidades de dedos. Vamos a usar 14 - 8 como el ejemplo para ambos métodos.\n\n**Quitar con los dedos:** Este método usa contar atrás para quitar un número de una cifra de cualquier otro número. Pida que su niño/niña empiece con dos puños cerrados y diga \"14.\" Contando hacía atrás de 14, el niño/la niña va a levantar un dedo más con cada número nuevo: \"13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.\" Su niño/niña va a parar en 6 cuando ve que tiene 8 dedos levantados.\n\n**Diferencia con los dedos:** Este método usa contar hacia adelante para encontrar la diferencia de una cifra entre dos números cualquiera. Pida que su niño/niña empiece con dos puños cerrados y diga \"8.\" Contando adelante empezando con 8, su niño/niña va a levantar un dedo más con cada número nuevo: \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.\" Cuando llega a 14, mirará los dedos y verá que la diferencia es 6.\n\n**Es fiable, pero será reemplazado:** Con el tiempo va a ser reemplazado con otros métodos, pero por este momento es fiable y su niño/niña puede asegurarse que siempre puede encontrar la respuesta correcta cuando la necesita.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.5 Compensation for Add and Subtract", + "text": "Paso 35: Compensación para suma y resta", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Useful and easier than you think:** Compensation is a useful mental arithmetic tool for simplifying addition and subtraction calculations of all sizes. Understanding it also increases number sense for addition and subtraction. It is simpler than it sounds.\n\nFor example, suppose you were adding 99 + 15. You would recognize that 99 needs just one more to make 100, a number that is much easier to work with than 99. So you would move 1 from the 15 to the 99 – you would have the same total number of things, but they are distributed in a way that's easier to work with. This problem becomes 100 + 14, which is very easy to do. This is the kind of thing we'll be doing.\n\n**Compensation for addition:** The idea is to give or take some small amount to make one of the numbers easier to work with. We will typically be making one of the numbers into a multiple of 10. Suppose you are adding 8 + 7. The 8 just needs 2 more to become 10, so take that 2 away from the 7. This makes 8 + 7 into 10 + 5, which is easy. We could also have done this problem by giving 3 to the 7 to make it 10. In that case, we'd turn 8 + 7 into 5 + 10.\n\n**More compensation for addition:** There are other possibilities for using compensation in addition problems. Consider 6 + 8 for example. The 6 could give 2 to the 8 to make this problem 4 + 10. However, the 8 could give 1 to the 6 to make this 7 + 7, an adding twins problem. Challenge each other to think of different ways for doing a given adding problem.\n\n**Compensation for subtraction:** For subtraction, we will add the same amount or subtract the same amount from both numbers. This will keep the distance between them the same but will make them easier to work with. Typically that will mean turning the number we're subtracting into a multiple of 10. Suppose we are subtracting 13 - 8. If we add 2 to both numbers, then the distance between stays the same, but now we are subtracting 15 - 10, which is easy. Similarly, if we were asked to do 17 - 13, we could subtract 3 from both numbers and turn it into 14 - 10. Alternatively, we could subtract 10 from both numbers and turn it into 7 - 3.", + "text": "**Útil y más fácil de lo que piensas:** Compensación es una herramienta útil en la aritmética mental para simplificar calculaciones de suma y resta de todos los tamaños. Entenderla también aumenta el sentido numérico para suma y resta. Es más simple de lo que parece.\n\nPor ejemplo, suponga que está añadiendo 99 + 15. Reconoce que 99 solo necesita uno más para ser 100, que es mucho más fácil. Entonces va a mover 1 del 15 al 99 – va a tener el mismo número total, pero son distribuidos de una manera mucho más fácil. El problema se convierte en 100 + 14, que puede calcular fácilmente. Vamos a hacer este tipo de compensación.\n\n**Compensación para suma:** La idea es quitar o añadir un poquito para hacerlo más fácil trabajar con algunos números. Normalmente vamos a convertir uno de los números en un múltiplo de 10. Suponga que está añadiendo 8 + 7. Solo necesita 2 más para convertir el 8 en 10, pues quite ese 2 del 7. Entonces 8 + 7 se convierte en 10 + 5, muy fácil. Podríamos también hacerlo añadiendo 3 al 7 para convertirlo en 10. En ese caso, cambiaremos 8 + 7 a 5 + 10.\n\n**Más compensación para suma:** Hay otras posibilidades para usar compensación en problemas de suma. Considere 6 + 8. El 6 podría dar 2 al 8 para convertir el problema en 4 + 10. Pero, el 8 podría dar 1 al 6 para hacerlo 7 + 7, un problema de sumar números iguales. Pida a cada uno que piense en diferentes maneras de hacer cada problema de suma.\n\n**Compensación para resta:** Para restar, vamos a sumar o restar el mismo aumento de ambos números. Así vamos a mantener la misma diferencia pero será mucho más fácil trabajar con ellos. Típicamente esto significa convertir uno de los números a un múltiplo de 10. Suponga que estamos restando 13 - 8. Si añadimos 2 a ambos números, la distancia queda lo mismo, pero ahora estamos restando 15 - 10, que es mucho más fácil. De la misma manera, si necesitamos hacer 17 - 13, podríamos quitar 3 de ambos números y convertirlo en 14 - 10. Alternativamente, podríamos restar 10 de ambos números y convertirlo en 7 - 3.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.6 10 as a Midway Point", + "text": "Paso 36: 10 como un punto intermedio", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Number bonds for 10:** The number 10 is often a handy mental arithmetic midway point to use for doing addition and subtraction problems that involve numbers above 10. Your child should have a strong command of the number bonds for 10 to take full advantage of these methods.\n\n**Addition sums over 10:** Suppose your child is given the addition problem 5 + 7. The number bond for 10 using 7 is 3, so your child can use 3 of the 5 to get to 10. The remaining 2 of the 5 will bring the total to 12. The point was to break up the 5 into two pieces, 3 and 2 – one which got the 7 to 10, and the other gets added onto the 10. This problem could also have been done the other way. The 7 could have been broken up into 5 and 2 – the 5 would be added to the original 5 to get 10, and then the 2 would be added to 10 to get 12.\n\nNotice that this is similar to the thinking for doing addition compensation.\n\n**Subtracting from a number bigger than 10:** Let's use 12 - 7 as our example. We can do this as a take away or a difference problem.\n\nAs a take away problem, we'll use 2 of the 7 to get 12 down to 10. We then have 5 of the 7 left to take the 10 down to 5. We broke 7 into 2 and 5 to be able to use 10 as an intermediate stop along the way.\n\nAs a difference problem, the total distance between 12 and 7 is the distance between 12 and 10 plus the distance between 10 and 7. The distance between 12 and 10 is 2, and the distance from 10 and 7 is 3, so the total distance is 2 plus 3, which is 5.", + "text": "**Vínculos numéricos para 10:** El número 10 es frecuentemente un buen punto intermedio en la aritmética mental para problemas de suma y resta con números más de 10. Su niño/niña debe tener un buen dominio de los vínculos numéricos de 10 para aprovechar de estos métodos.\n\n**Sumas de números mayores a 10:** Suponga que su niño/niña tiene el problema de suma 5 + 7. El vínculo numérico para 10 usando 7 es 3, entonces su niño/niña puede usar 3 de los 5 para llegar a 10. Los 2 restantes del 5 llegan a un total de 12. El objetivo es separar el 5 en dos pedazos, 3 y 2 – uno lleva el 7 al 10, y el otro se añade al 10. También puede hacer este problema de la otra manera. Podría separar el 7 en 5 y 2 – el 5 se añadiría al 5 original para llegar a 10, y el 2 se añadiría al 10 para llegar a 12.\n\nOjo que es similar al pensamiento para la compensación de suma.\n\n**Restar de un número mayor que 10:** Usamos 12 - 7 como un ejemplo. Podemos hacer este problema quitando o tomando la diferencia.\n\nComo un problema de quitar, vamos a usar 2 de los 7 para reducir 12 a 10. Después tenemos 5 de los 7 restantes para reducir el 10 a 5. Dividimos 7 en 2 y 5 para usar 10 como un punto intermedio.\n\nComo un problema de diferencia, la distancia total entre 12 y 7 es la distancia entre 12 y 10 más la distancia entre 10 y 7. La distancia entre 12 y 10 es 2, y la distancia entre 10 y 7 es 3, entonces la distancia total es 2+3, que es 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.7 Skip Counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's", + "text": "Paso 37: Contar de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**The easy ones:** At this point your child should be very comfortable skip counting by 2's, starting from anywhere and going up or down. If your child has not started already, it is time to extend this to skip counting by other numbers. The two easiest ones are skip counting by 5's and 10's.\n\n**By 10's:** Not only is skip counting by 10's easy to do, it also provides practice with place value. Your child will quickly realize that, if they skip count by 10's starting at 3, all the numbers will have a 3 in the ones place and the only thing that changes is the tens place. If you have a 100 chart available, use it to show your child that all the numbers go down or up in one column of the chart.\n\n**By 5's:** After your child masters skip counting by 10's, it is time to do the 5's. When your child skip counts by 5's, they will be comforted to see that every other number is 10 apart, as if they were skip counting by 10's.\n\n**Experiment with others:** There is no hurry to do the other numbers. Skip counting by 9's can be fun because the ones place gets one smaller and the tens place gets one bigger with each step. Skip counting by 11's is quite easy.\n\n**Have fun with it:** This is something you can make into an activity to do with two or more people. Someone says a number to start with, what the skip size will be, and whether to go up or down. Then go around the group with each person saying the next number.", + "text": "**Los fáciles:** En este punto, su niño/niña debería sentir comodidad al contar de 2 en 2, comenzando desde cualquier lugar y avanzando hacia adelante o hacia atras. Si su niño/niña aún no ha comenzado, es hora de extender esto para contar de forma salteada por otros números. Los dos más fáciles son contar de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10.\n\n**De 10 en 10:** contar de 10 en 10 no solo es fácil, sino que también permite practicar el valor posicional. Su niño/niña se dará cuenta rápidamente de que, si cuenta de 10 en 10 a partir del 3, todos los números tendrán un 3 en el lugar de las unidades y lo único que cambia es el lugar de las decenas. Si tiene una tabla del 100 disponible, úsela para mostrarle a su niño/niña que todos los números van hacia arriba o hacia abajo en una columna de la tabla.\n\n**De 5 en 5:** Cuando su niño/niña ha dominado contar de 10 en 10, ya es hora de contar de 5 en 5. Al contar de 5 en 5, su niño/niña notará que cada segundo número está a 10 de distancia, como si estuviera contando de 10 en 10.\"\n\n**Experimentar con otros:** No hay prisa para hacer los otros números. Contar de 9 en 9 puede ser divertido porque el lugar uno reduce por uno y el lugar diez aumenta por uno en cada paso. Contar de 11 en 11 es bastante fácil.\n\n**Diviértanse:** Esto se puede convertir en una actividad de dos o más personas. Alguien empieza por decir un número, de cuanto en cuanto hay que contar, y si van a contar para adelante o para atrás. Después tome turnos con cada persona diciendo el próximo número.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.8 Beginning Multiplying", + "text": "Paso 38: Empezar a multiplicar", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**New words:** During the last half of Stage 4, the learning steps involving doubling described starting to use the words \"multiply\" and \"times.\" If you haven't done so already, start using these words more and more. You now have plenty of situations to use those words in.\n\n**Doubling and tripling:** Doubling is multiplying by 2, and tripling is multiplying by 3, and you should start calling it that. If you are to double some number, say 4, ask your child to multiply it by 2 or ask them what 2 times 4 is. They have all the tools they need, they just need to adjust to the new wording.\n\n**Skip counting is multiplying:** If your child skip counts by 5's seven times starting at 0, your child will have seven 5's. That is the same as multiplying 7 times 5. From now on, anytime your child is asked to do a multiplication problem, they can skip count to find the answer. Over time, they will have better ways to find the answer, but this is a secure method they can use for now.", + "text": "**Nuevas palabras:** Durante la segunda mitad de Etapa 4, los pasos educacionales incluyen doblando describido con palabras como “multiplica” y “por.” Si todavía no lo ha hecho, empiece a usar estas palabras con más frecuencia. Ya tiene suficientes situaciones para usarlas.\n\n**Duplicando y triplicando:** Duplicando es multiplicar por 2, y triplicando es multiplicar por 3, así lo debe llamar. Si estás duplicando algún número, digamos 4, pida que su niño/niña lo multiplique por 2 o pregúntele qué es 2 por 4. Ya tiene todas las herramientas que necesita, solo hay que ajustar a la nueva formulación.\n\n**Contar de forma salteada es multiplicar:** Si su niño/niña cuenta de 5 en 5 siete veces comenzando desde 0, tendrá siete 5. Eso es lo mismo que multiplicar 7 por 5. De ahora en adelante, cada vez que su niño/niña necesita hacer un problema de multiplicación, podrá contar de forma salteada para encontrar la respuesta. Con el tiempo, tendrá mejores formas de encontrar la respuesta, pero este es un método seguro que puede usar por ahora.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.9 Multiplying 1-5 by 1-5", + "text": "Paso 39: Multiplicar 1-5 por 1-5", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**It's exciting:** Your child now has all the tools they need to master multiplying any number from 1 to 5 by any number from 1 to 5. That is an exciting place to be for a young child. Let's review all the things they know that support this.\n\n**Order does not matter:** When you multiply, it doesn't matter whether you multiply 3 time 4 or 4 times 3, the result is the same. This is a big work saver and it allows your child to pick their favorite way to multiply things. For example, if they want to calculate 2 times 5 by doubling 5, that's fine. However, if they prefer to skip count by 2's five times, that's fine as well.", + "text": "**Es emocionante:** Su niño/niña ahora tiene todas las herramientas que necesita para dominar multiplicar cualquier número de 1 a 5 por cualquier número de 1 a 5. Es un momento muy emocionante. Revisamos todo lo que conoce para apoyar esto.\n\n**El orden no importa:** Cuando multiplicas, no importa si multiplicas 3 por 4 o 4 por 3, el resultado es lo mismo. Esto puede ahorrar mucho tiempo y deja que su niño/niña escoja su manera favorita de multiplicar. Por ejemplo, si quiere calcular 2 por 5 duplicando 5, está bien. Sin embargo, si prefiere contar de 2 en 2 cinco veces, también está bien.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have your child look at a picture of 2 rows of 3 dots. Whether you have 2 rows of 3 dots, or 3 rows of 2 dots, you have the same total of 6 dots. All you need to do is turn the picture half way around to see that they are the same picture.\n\n**Multiplying by 2 is doubling:** Multiplying by 2 is the same as doubling, so your child has that skill already.\n\n**Multiplying by 3 is doubling plus one more:** If you have 3 of something, that's the same as having 2 of them and then adding one more. If your child needs to multiply 3 times 4, they can double 4 to get 8, and then add one more 4 to that to get 12. Alternatively, you can also skip count by 3's four times, or skip count by 4's three times, if you wish.\n\n**Multiplying by 4 is doubling twice:** If you want to get 4 of something, start by doubling it to get 2 of it, and then double that to get 4 of it. For example, to multiply 4 times 5, double 5 to get 10, and then double 10 to get 20.\n\n**Multiplying by 5 by skip counting:** Skip counting by 5's is so much fun, that is probably the preferred method. Also, all the 5's end in either 0 or 5, so that makes them pretty easy to remember.", + "text": "Pida que su niño/niña vea una imagen de 2 filas de 3 puntos. Tanto si tiene 2 filas de 3 puntos, o 3 filas de 2 puntos, tiene el mismo total de 6 puntos. Solo se necesita girar la imagen a medias para ver que las imágenes son iguales.\n\n**Multiplicar es duplicar:** Multiplicar por 2 es lo mismo que duplicar, entonces su niño/niña ya tiene esa habilidad.\n\n**Multiplicar por 3 es duplicar y uno más:** Si tiene 3 de algo, es lo mismo que tener 2 de ellos y añadir uno más. Si su niño/niña necesita multiplicar 3 por 4, puede duplicar 4 para obtener 8 y luego sumarle un 4 más para obtener 12. Alternativamente, también puede contar de 3 en 3 cuatro veces o de 4 en 4 tres veces, si lo desea.\n\n**Multiplicar por 4 es duplicar dos veces:** Si quiere llegar a 4 de algo, empiece por duplicar, y después duplique ese número. Por ejemplo, para multiplicar 4 por 5, duplique 5 para llegar a 10, y después duplique 10 para llegar a 20.\n\n**Multiplicar por 5 contando de 5 en 5:** Contar de 5 en 5 es muy divertido, probablemente sea el método preferido. Además, todos los números terminan en 0 o 5, por lo que son bastante fáciles de recordar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "4.10 Strategy Games II", + "text": "Paso 40: Juegos de estrategia II", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**The value of these games:** Strategy games are games where the players have choices that produce better or worse outcomes. These games have a lot to offer children mathematically, even when there is no explicit numerical content. In particular, they naturally motivate children to do problem solving.\n\n**An introduction to Nim:** Now that your child has been playing strategy games for a while, it is time to look into how to get more out of them. Let's use the game of Nim as an example. This game has some very simple rules: Pick a starting number, say 10, and a person to go first. Players alternate turns choosing to subtract 1 or 2 from the running total. The person who reaches 0 wins. The arithmetic is simple enough, but the strategy is challenging.\n\n**Learning from experience:** If you imagine you are playing any game against an extremely capable opponent, the game becomes a puzzle. How can I find the move that let's me have my best chance of winning no matter how well my opponent plays? One strategy is to play the game many times and pay attention to what seems to work and what doesn't. This approach is a good start and it does provide the opportunity for observation and insights. This can be a slow method of learning, and it may be very hard to find patterns in complicated games – imagine all the possibilities if we picked the starting number of 100 for Nim!\n\n**Solving Nim:** Can we look ahead a few moves and figure out good moves that way? That is hard to do starting at 10. If we start at 5, it's pretty easy to do. If we subtract 2, the new number will be 3. No matter whether the other play subtracts 1 or 2 at this point, we will win. So, if we are at the number 5, we know how to win. What happens with other small starting numbers? Can we find a pattern that will tell us which starting numbers will be winners and which will be losers? Can we explain why that pattern is true?\n\n**The goal:** If we follow this line of attack, we will completely solve how to play the game of Nim. What worked for Nim may or may not work for another game. This is problem solving, and each new problem can bring fresh challenges and a need for new ideas. And that is the fun. Share this attitude of puzzling and being challenged to your child. As they play a strategy game, discuss with them their ideas about what would make for a better or worse move at that moment. The point isn't so much to find the perfect move as it is to enjoy looking for it and having a discussion about it with people who they can enjoy sharing ideas with.", + "text": "**El valor de estos juegos:** En los juegos de estrategia los jugadores tienen opciones que producen resultados mejores y peores. Estos juegos ofrecen mucho a los niños matemáticamente, aun cuando no hay contenido específicamente numérico. En particular, motivan a los niños de una manera natural a resolver problemas.\n\n**Una introducción a Nim:** Ahora que su niño/niña ha jugado juegos de estrategia por un rato, ya es tiempo de investigar cómo sacar más beneficios de ellos. Usamos el juego de Nim como un ejemplo. El juego tiene unas reglas muy simples: se escoge un número para empezar, digamos 10, y una persona para tomar el primer turno. Los jugadores alternan turnos escogiendo entre restar 1 o 2 del total acumulado. La persona que llega a 0 gana. El aritmético es bastante simple, pero la estrategia es difícil.\n\n**Aprendiendo de la experiencia:** Si imagina que está jugando cualquier juego contra un oponente muy hábil, el juego se convierte en un acertijo. ¿Cómo puedo encontrar el paso que me da la mejor chance de ganar sin importar cómo juega mi oponente? Una manera es jugar muchas veces y prestar atención a cuáles estrategias funcionan bien. Este método es un buen comienzo y da una oportunidad para la observación y percepción. Puede ser un método lento para aprender, y puede ser muy difícil encontrar patrones en juegos complicados -- ¡imagine todas las posibilidades si escogiéramos el número 100 para comenzar el juego de Nim!\n\n**Resolviendo Nim:** ¿Es posible mirar a hacia unos pasos adelante y así descubrir buenas jugadas? Eso sería difícil si empezáramos por 10. Si empezamos con 5, es bastante fácil. Si restamos 2, el nuevo número será 3. Ahora no importa si el otro jugador resta 1 o 2, vamos a ganar. Entonces, si estamos en el número 5, sabemos cómo ganar. ¿Qué pasa con otros números de comienzo? ¿Podemos encontrar un patrón que nos diga cuáles números de comienzo serán ganadores y cuáles serán perdedores? ¿Podemos explicar por qué funciona ese patrón?\n\n**El objetivo:** Si seguimos ésta estrategia, vamos a resolver completamente cómo jugar el juego de Nim. Lo que funciona para Nim quizás puede funcionar para otro juego, y quizás no. Esto es el resuelvo de los problemas, y cada problema nuevo trae nuevos desafíos y la necesidad de nuevas ideas. Es por eso que es tan divertido. Comparta con su niño/niña esa actitud de jugar y ser desafiado. Mientras juegan un juego de estrategia, pregunte a su niño/niña sobre sus ideas de cuáles serían las jugadas mejores o peores en ese momento. El objetivo no es tanto encontrar la jugada perfecta sino disfrutar de encontrarla, y tener una discusión sobre ella con gente que tiene ganas de compartir ideas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.0 Stage 5 Introduction", + "text": "Etapa 5 Introducción", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this Stage counting progresses into the three-digit numbers beyond 100. The ideas of place value become incresingly important, and the use of expanded form for numbers can make many of these ideas clearer. Now that single-digit addition and subtraction have been mastered, it is time to learn single-digit multiplication and dividision.\n\n**1. 3-digit place value** Extend the use of expanded form to 3-digit numbers to understand place value.\n**2. Double-digit add/sub** Use expanded form to see how 2-digit addition and subtraction work.\n**3. Skip counting by 2's to 10's** Practice skip counting up and down starting anywhere and by any number from 2 to 10.\n**4. Multiplication – 2, 4, 8, 5, 10** These involve doubling and multiples of 5. They are quick to learn and provide a good framework for the remaining numbers.\n**5. Multiplication – 3, 4, 6, 9, 11** Use the idea of one more or one less to learn these based on the earlier numbers.\n**6. Single-digit multiplication** Your child will now know all of single-digit multiplication!\n**7. Divisors, factors, and multiples** Introduce the terms divisors, factors, and multiples.\n**8. Primes, composites, and powers** Learn about primes, composite numbers, and units. Practice prime factorizations – these often involve repeated factors, which is a good time to learn about powers of numbers.\n**9. Fact families II** Group multiplication and division facts by families.\n**10. Single-digit division** Your work with skip counting, learning multiplication facts, and fact families will smooth the way for dividing both with and without remainders.", + "text": "En esta etapa, el conteo avanza hacia números de tres dígitos posteriores a 100. Las ideas sobre el valor posicional se vuelven cada vez más importantes y el uso de la forma expandida para los números puede aclarar muchas de estas ideas. Ahora que se domina la suma y la resta de un solo dígito, es hora de aprender la multiplicación y la división de un solo dígito.\n\n**Paso 41: Valor posicional de 3 dígitos** Amplíe el uso de la forma expandida a números de 3 dígitos para comprender el valor posicional.\n**Paso 42: Suma y resta de dos dígitos** Utilice la forma expandida para ver cómo funcionan la suma y la resta de 2 dígitos.\n**Paso 43: Conteo de 2 en 2 a 10 en 10** Practique el conteo para adelante y para atrás comenzando en cualquier lugar y con cualquier número del 2 al 10.\n**Paso 44: Multiplicación: 2, 4, 8, 5, 10** Estos implican duplicación y múltiplos de 5. Se aprende rápidamente y proporcionan un buen marco para los números restantes.\n**Paso 45: Multiplicación: 3, 4, 6, 9, 11** Utilice la idea de uno más o uno menos para aprenderlos basándose en los números anteriores.\n**Paso 46: Multiplicación de un solo dígito** ¡Tu niño/niña ahora sabrá todas las multiplicaciones de un dígito!\n**Paso 47: Divisores, factores y múltiplos** Introduzca los términos divisores, factores y múltiplos.\n**Paso 48: Primos, compuestos y potencias** Aprendan sobre números primos, números compuestos y unidades. Practiquen la factorización de números primos, que suele implicar factores repetidos. Este es un buen momento para aprender sobre potencias de números.\n**Paso 49: Familias de operaciones II** Agrupe las operaciones de multiplicación y división por familias.\n**Paso 50: División de un solo dígito** Su trabajo con el conteo salteado, el aprendizaje de las tablas de multiplicar y las familias de operaciones facilitará la división con y sin resto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.1 3-Digit Place Value", + "text": "Paso 41: Valor posicional de 3 dígitos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Many objects:** Relating math concepts to physical objects is often the best approach for young children. The difficulty here is that it is not so easy to have hundreds of objects in the first place, and it can also be unwieldy to deal with such a large collection. In addition to having groups of ones and tens of some object, one strategy is to use symbolic place holders for large groups, such as 100s. You could have several pieces of paper or wood on which you have written \"100.\"\n\n**Use objects:** Practice having your child represent various quantities using objects grouped in ones, tens, and hundreds. For example, ask how 325 would be represented using these objects. Include examples such as 206, 430, and 500 that have zero things in one or more categories. Also, lay out collections of ones, tens, and hundreds and ask your child to name the number for this quantity.\n\n**Use expanded form:** Once your child is thoroughly comfortable with the connection between numbers and their quantities, start using numerals and expanded form to represent the numbers. Take a number, such as 325, for example. Represent it with quantities for hundreds, tens, and ones, and then use the quantity representation to write the number in expanded form as 325 = 300 + 20 + 5. Do this same practice in the opposite direction by writing 100 + 40 + 6, representing it with physical groups of hundreds, tens, and ones of objects, and then asking what the total number is.", + "text": "**Muchos objetos:** Relacionar los conceptos matemáticos con objetos físicos suele ser la mejor estrategia para los más pequeños. La dificultad aquí es que no es tan fácil tener cientos de objetos en primer lugar, y también puede resultar complicado manejar una colección tan grande. Además de tener grupos de unidades y decenas de algún objeto, una estrategia es utilizar marcadores simbólicos para grupos grandes, como los de 100. Puedes tener varios trozos de papel o madera en los que hayas escrito \"100\".\n\n**Utilice objetos:** Practique haciendo que su niño/niña represente varias cantidades usando objetos agrupados en unidades, decenas y centenas. Por ejemplo, pregúntele cómo se representaría 325 usando estos objetos. Incluya ejemplos cómo 206, 430 y 500 que tengan cero elementos en una o más categorías. Además, presente conjuntos de unidades, decenas y centenas y pídale a su niño/niña que nombre el número para esta cantidad.\n\n**Utiliza la forma expandida:** Una vez que su niño/niña sienta comodidad con la conexión entre los números y sus cantidades, comience a usar numerales y formas desarrolladas para representar los números. Tome un número, como 325, por ejemplo. Represéntelo con cantidades para centenas, decenas y unidades, y luego use la representación de cantidades para escribir el número en forma desarrollada como 325 = 300 + 20 + 5. Haga esta misma práctica en la dirección opuesta escribiendo 100 + 40 + 6, representándolo con grupos físicos de centenas, decenas y unidades de objetos, y luego pregunte cuál es el número total.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.2 Double-Digit Add and Subtract", + "text": "Paso 42: Suma y resta de dos dígitos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Single digit:** A gentle introduction to working with two two-digit numbers is to have one of them be a single-digit number. One of the best ways to practice adding or subtracting a single-digit number with a double-digit number is to do skip counting using various skip sizes, going up or down, and starting at any number. The following methods for two two-digit numbers will of course work when one of the numbers is a single-digit number.\n\n**Use objects:** Grounding your child's understanding by using physical objects is always a good idea. Start by representing both of the numbers with groups of tens and ones.\n\n**Adding:** If you are adding the two numbers, put all the groups together and discuss the result. If you are adding two numbers, such as 23 and 45, that is all you need to do. However, if you are adding 23 and 48, the two groups of ones form at least a group of ten. Talk about how that changes the total number of tens you have from 6 to 7. This is called regrouping.\n\n**Subtracting:** If you are subtracting, start by removing the tens being subtracted from the bigger number and then attempt to remove the appropriate number of ones. For example, if you are subtracting 23 from 45, then there are enough ones and you are done. If there are not enough ones, such as if you are subtracting 28 from 45, then discuss how one of the groups of tens needs to be broken up and included with the ones. The original grouping of 45 as 4 tens and 5 ones becomes a grouping of 3 tens and 15 ones. This is also called regrouping.\n\n**Use expanded form:** Use objects for double-digit adding and subtracting until your child thoroughly understands the process and why regrouping makes sense when it is needed. At this point, move to representing the adding and subtracting with numbers written in expanded form. When working with numbers in expanded form, the process and the steps are exactly the same as they were when you were working with groups of tens and ones – and that is the point.\n\n**Making it automatic:** Over time and with lots of practice, your child will stop needing to use groups of tens and ones or expanded form. However, as with so many other things, there is no hurry getting to that point – it will come with practice.", + "text": "**Un solo dígito:** Una introducción sencilla al trabajo con dos números de dos dígitos es que uno de ellos sea un número de un solo dígito. Una de las mejores formas de practicar la suma o resta de un número de un solo dígito con un número de dos dígitos es realizar el conteo salteado utilizando distintos tamaños de salto, hacia adelante o hacia atrás y comenzando en cualquier número. Los siguientes métodos para dos números de dos dígitos funcionarán, por supuesto, cuando uno de los números sea un número de un solo dígito.\n\n**Utilice objetos:** Siempre es una buena idea reforzar la comprensión de su niño/niña mediante el uso de objetos. Comience por representar ambos números con grupos de decenas y unidades.\n\n**Suma:** Si estás sumando dos números, junta todos los grupos y analiza el resultado. Si estás sumando dos números, como 23 y 45, eso es todo lo que necesitas hacer. Sin embargo, si estás sumando 23 y 48, los dos grupos de unos forman al menos un grupo de diez. Habla sobre cómo eso cambia el número total de decenas que tienes de 6 a 7. Esto se llama reagrupación.\n\n**Resta:** Si estás restando, comienza quitando las decenas que se restan del número mayor y luego intenta quitar la cantidad adecuada de unidades. Por ejemplo, si estás restando 23 de 45, entonces hay suficientes unidades y ya está. Si no hay suficientes unidades, como si estuvieras restando 28 de 45, entonces analiza cómo uno de los grupos de decenas debe dividirse e incluirse con las unidades. La agrupación original de 45 como 4 decenas y 5 unidades se convierte en una agrupación de 3 decenas y 15 unidades. Esto también se llama reagrupación.\n\n**Utiliza la forma expandida:** Utilice objetos para sumar y restar números de dos dígitos hasta que su niño/niña comprenda completamente el proceso y por qué tiene sentido reagrupar cuando es necesario. En este punto, comience a representar la suma y la resta con números escritos en forma expandida. Cuando trabaja con números en forma desarrollada, el proceso y los pasos son exactamente los mismos que cuando trabajaba con grupos de decenas y unidades, y ese es el objetivo.\n\n**Hazlo automático:** Con el tiempo y mucha práctica, tu niño/niña dejará de necesitar usar grupos de decenas y unidades o la forma expandida. Sin embargo, como ocurre con tantas otras cosas, no hay prisa por llegar a ese punto: llegará con la práctica.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.3 Skip Counting by 2's to 10's", + "text": "Paso 43: Conteo de 2 en 2 a 10 en 10", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Practice:** Practice skip counting up and down starting anywhere and by any number from 2 to 10. Not surprisingly, this is valuable for learning multiplication and division. It is also very helpful for getting better at mental addition and subtraction. One of the nice things about skip counting is that it can be done anywhere and at any time that you have some spare time.\n\n**Patterns on a 100 chart:** Look for patterns that show up as your child skip counts. This is most easily done using a 100 chart, but you can also do it by writing the numbers in a column and watching what happens to the ones and tens digits as they march down the column. Some numbers, such as 8 and 9, have interesting patterns in their ones digits, and other numbers, such as 3, are not as interesting.\n\n**Make it fun:** This is something you can make into an activity to do with two or more people. Someone says a number to start with, what the skip size will be, and whether to go up or down. Then go around the group with each person saying the next skip count number.", + "text": "**Practica:** Practiquen el conteo hacia adelante y hacia atrás comenzando en cualquier lugar y con cualquier número del 2 al 10. No es de extrañar que esto sea útil para aprender a multiplicar y dividir. También resulta muy útil para mejorar la suma y la resta mental. Una de las ventajas de contar salteado es que se puede hacer en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento en que tengas tiempo libre.\n\n**Patrones en un cuadro de 100:** Busquen patrones que cuando su niño/niña cuente de forma salteada. Esto se ve fácilmente utilizando una tabla de 100, pero también puede hacerlo escribiendo los números en una columna y observando lo que sucede con los dígitos de las unidades y las decenas a medida que avanzan por la columna. Algunos números, como el 8 y el 9, tienen patrones interesantes en sus dígitos de las unidades, y otros números, como el 3, no son tan interesantes.\n\n**Hazlo divertido:** Esto es algo que se puede convertir en una actividad para hacer con dos o más personas. Alguien dice un número para empezar, cuál será el tamaño del salto y si se debe contar hacia adelante o hacia atrás. Luego recorra el grupo y cada persona diga el siguiente número de conteo salteado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.4 Multiplying by 2, 4, 8, 5, and 10", + "text": "Paso 44: Multiplicación: 2, 4, 8, 5, 10", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Good framework:** These numbers are usually quick to learn, and once learned they provide a good framework for learning the remaining numbers.\n\n**Multiplying by 5 and 10:** Knowing how to multiply by 10 is quick to learn, and it is important for understanding place value. It also can make it easier to learn how to multiply by 5.\n\nThe 5's can either be learned by skip counting by 5 until they become automatic, or they can be learned using the 10's. If you multiply 6 times 5, that will give you half as many 10's. Half of 6 is 3, so the answer is 30. If you multiply 7 times 5, you need to put one of the 5's off to the side and proceed as you would for 6 times 5. The answer for 6 times 5 is 30, and then adding in the 5 held in reserve gives the answer of 35.\n\n**Multiplying by 2, 4, and 8:** These three can be done with lots of doubling. Your child should have had lots of practice with doubling and multiplying by 2. Multiply by 4 either by skip counting or by doubling the answer from multiplying by 2. For example 4 times 3 is twice as much as 2 x 3, so the answer is 6 doubled, which is 12. Multiply by 8 by skip counting by 8 or by doubling the answer from multiplying by 4.", + "text": "**Un buen marco:** Estos números suelen aprenderse rápidamente y, una vez aprendidos, proporcionan un buen marco para aprender los números restantes.\n\n**Multiplicar por 5 y 10:** Saber multiplicar por 10 es fácil de aprender y es importante para comprender el valor posicional. También puede facilitar el aprendizaje de la multiplicación por 5.\n\nLos 5 se pueden aprender contando de 5 en 5 hasta que se vuelvan automáticos, o se pueden aprender usando 10 en 10. Si multiplicas 6 por 5, obtendrás la mitad de decenas. La mitad de 6 es 3, entonces la respuesta es 30. Si multiplicas 7 por 5, debes dejar uno de los 5 a un lado y proceder como lo harías para 6 por 5. La respuesta para 6 por 5 es 30, y luego sumar el 5 que tienes en reserva da la respuesta de 35.\n\n**Multiplicar por 2, 4 y 8:** Estos tres se pueden hacer con muchas duplicaciones. Su niño/niña debería haber practicado mucho la duplicación y la multiplicación por 2. Multiplique por 4 ya sea contando de a saltos o duplicando el resultado de multiplicar por 2. Por ejemplo, 4 por 3 es el doble de 2 x 3, por lo que el resultado es 6 duplicado, que es 12. Multiplique por 8 contando de a saltos por 8 o duplicando el resultado de multiplicar por 4.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.5 Multiplying by 3, 4, 6, 9, and 11", + "text": "Paso 45: Multiplicación: 3, 4, 6, 9, 11", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Several strategies:** These are grouped here because they can be done with the idea of using one more or one less, which is described in a moment. However, several of these can be done in other ways. They can all be done with skip counting, if your child prefers that approach. Multiplying by 4 is the double of multiplying by 2. Multiplying by 6 is the double of multiplying by 3. Multiplying by 11 is quite simple and barely needs any practice.\n\nMultiplying by 9 has a special rule, that some children enjoy. Use 6 times 9 as an example. For the answer, put one less than the number in the tens place (which is 5), and subtract the tens place from 9 to get the ones place (which is 4). So 6 times 9 is 54. As you'll see, this is no different than subtracting 6 from 6 times 10, but somehow it feels like more fun.\n\n**One more and one less:** Use the idea of one more or one less to learn these based on other numbers you now know how to multiply by. The numbers 3, 6, and 11 are one more than numbers you already know. For example, 6 times 7 is one more 7 than 5 times 7. So 6 times 7 is 7 + 35, which is 42.\n\nThe numbers 4 and 9 are one less than numbers you already know. For example, 4 times 7 is one less 7 than 5 times 7. So 4 times 7 is 35 - 7, which is 28.", + "text": "**Algunas estrategias:** Estas estrategias se agrupan aquí porque se pueden hacer usando \"uno más\" o \"uno menos\", lo que se describe a continuación. Sin embargo, varias de estas se pueden hacer de otras maneras. También se pueden hacer contando salteado, si tu niño/niña lo prefiere. Multiplicar por 4 es el doble de multiplicar por 2. Multiplicar por 6 es el doble de multiplicar por 3. Multiplicar por 11 es bastante simple y apenas requiere práctica.\n\nMultiplicar por 9 tiene una regla especial que a algunos niños les encanta. Tomemos como ejemplo 6 por 9. Para la respuesta, ponga uno menos que el número en el lugar de las decenas (que es 5) y reste las decenas de 9 para obtener las unidades (que es 4). Entonces, 6 por 9 es 54. Como verá, esto no es diferente a restar 6 de 6 por 10, pero de alguna manera parece más divertido.\n\n**Uno más y uno menos:** Usa la idea de uno más o uno menos para aprender estos números basándote en otros números que ya saben multiplicar. Los números 3, 6 y 11 son uno más que los números que ya conoce. Por ejemplo, 6 por 7 es uno más 7 que 5 por 7. Entonces, 6 por 7 es 7 + 35, que es 42.\n\nLos números 4 y 9 son uno menos que los números que ya conocen. Por ejemplo, 4 por 7 es uno menos 7 que 5 por 7. Por lo tanto, 4 por 7 es 35 - 7, que es 28.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.6 Single-Digit Multiplication", + "text": "Paso 46: Multiplicación de un solo dígito", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Missing piecees:** If your child memorizes the one or two remaining multiplication facts, they will then know all of single-digit multiplication! For example, they may not know what 7 times 7 is yet. Similar to adding twins, squares are a fun category for many children, and these can be practiced on their own. Keep all this practice light-hearted and do not get too goal oriented.\n\n**Pulling it all together and memorizing:** Bit by bit, with practice and repeated exposure, your child will memorize all the multiplication facts. While it is important that these eventually become easy and automatic for your child, it is not essential that this happens quickly. It is far more important that you make this fun and that your child enjoys seeing how the various multiplication facts in- terrelate – which ones are doubles or halves of others, which ones are one more or one less than others, and which ones have interesting patterns with their ones digits.\n\n**Limited and fun flashcards:** Used sparingly and lightheartedly, flash cards, or something similar, can be helpful. If your child has trouble remembering a handful of the multiplication facts, make a list of just those facts so they can be briefly practiced on their own.", + "text": "**Tablas faltantes:** Si su niño/niña memoriza una o dos tablas de multiplicación que faltan, ¡entonces sabrá todas las multiplicaciones de un solo dígito! Por ejemplo, es posible que aún no sepa cuánto es 7 por 7. Al igual que la suma de números iguales, los cuadrados son una categoría divertida para muchos niños, y pueden practicarlos por su cuenta. Mantenga toda esta práctica alegre y no se centre demasiado en objetivos.\n\n**Juntarlo todo y memorizar:** Poco a poco, con práctica y exposición repetida, su niño/niña memorizará todas las tablas de multiplicación. Si bien es importante que con el tiempo se vuelvan fáciles y automáticas, no es esencial que esto suceda rápido. Es mucho más importante que haga que esto sea divertido y que su niño/niña disfrute viendo cómo se relacionan las distintas tablas de multiplicación: cuáles son el doble o la mitad de otras, cuáles son una unidad más o una unidad menos que otras y cuáles tienen patrones interesantes en sus dígitos.\n\n**Tarjetas didácticas limitadas y divertidas:** Si se usan con moderación y desenfado, las tarjetas didácticas o algo similar pueden resultar útiles. Si su niño/niña tiene problemas para recordar algunas tablas de multiplicación, haga una lista de solo esas tablas para que pueda practicarlas brevemente por su cuenta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.7 Divisors, Factors, and Multiples", + "text": "Paso 47: Divisores, factores y múltiplos", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Divisors and factors:** If a number evenly divides into a number, then it is called a divisor of it. For example, 3 is a divisor of 6 because 3 divides into 6 exactly 2 times. 4 is not a divisor by 6 because it goes into it 1 1/2 times. The word factor means the same thing as divisor.\n\n**Common divisors:** In some mathematical situations, particularly with simplifying fractions, it is useful to find numbers that evenly divide two given numbers. Such numbers are called common divisors or common factors. The common divisors of 20 and 8 are 1, 2, and 4. You may enjoy exploring together why all the common divisors for a pair of numbers are divisors of the greatest of the common divisors.\n\n**Multiples:** A multiple of a number is anything that can be produced by multiplying the number by a whole number. For example, some multiples of 6 are 0, 6, 12, and 18. Notice that any multiple of a number has that number as a divisor. For example, each of the multiples of 6 has 6 as a divisor.\n\n**Common multiples:** A number which is a multiple of two given numbers is said to be a common multiple for them. Some common multiples of 6 and 4 are 0, 12, 24, and 36. Notice that all the common multiples are multiples of the least of the positive common multiples. Common multiples will be useful in adding and subtracting fractions.\n\n**Introduce these words:** Slowly introduce these new words to your child as you discuss situations that involve multiplication and division. They are useful words that simplify many discussions once the words are understood.", + "text": "**Divisores y factores:** Si un número se divide uniformemente entre otro número, se le llama divisor. Por ejemplo, 3 es divisor de 6 porque 3 se divide en 6 exactamente 2 veces. 4 no es divisor de 6 porque cabe en él 1 1/2 veces. La palabra factor significa lo mismo que divisor.\n\n**Divisores comunes:** En algunas situaciones matemáticas, en particular en la simplificación de fracciones, resulta útil encontrar números que dividan exactamente dos números dados. Dichos números se denominan divisores comunes o factores comunes. Los divisores comunes de 20 y 8 son 1, 2 y 4. Puede que disfruten explorando juntos por qué todos los divisores comunes de un par de números son divisores del mayor de los divisores comunes.\n\n**Múltiplos:** Un múltiplo de un número es todo aquello que se puede obtener multiplicando el número por un número entero. Por ejemplo, algunos múltiplos de 6 son 0, 6, 12 y 18. Observe que cualquier múltiplo de un número tiene ese número como divisor. Por ejemplo, cada uno de los múltiplos de 6 tiene 6 como divisor.\n\n**Múltiplos comunes:** Un número que es múltiplo de dos números dados se dice que es múltiplo común de ellos. Algunos múltiplos comunes de 6 y 4 son 0, 12, 24 y 36. Observe que todos los múltiplos comunes son múltiplos del menor de los múltiplos comunes positivos. Los múltiplos comunes serán útiles para sumar y restar fracciones.\n\n**Introduce estas palabras:** Presente lentamente estas palabras nuevas a su niño/niña mientras habla sobre situaciones que involucran multiplicación y división. Son palabras útiles que simplifican muchas conversaciones una vez que las entiende.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.8 Primes, Composites, and Powers", + "text": "Paso 48: Primos, compuestos y potencias", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Primes:** Primes are central to understanding multiplication and division of whole numbers. As you will see, primes are the building blocks of numbers using multiplication. A prime number is a number larger than 1 whose only divisors are 1 and itself. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are the first few prime numbers.\n\n**Composites and 1:** There are three kinds of positive whole numbers: 1 (which is called a unit), primes, and composites. Composites can be thought of as being constructed from primes. For example, 12 is 2 times 2 times 3. Every number larger than 1 is either a prime or can be uniquely written as a product of two or more primes.\n\n**Prime factorizations:** Getting to know prime factorizations really well will be very helpful for many parts of the math your child is about to learn. Repeating the prime factorizations of the numbers up to 20, or even 30, is a good exercize for getting to know these factorizations. Simply go through the list of numbers in order like this: 1 - unit, 2 - prime, 3 - prime, 4 - 2 times 2, 5 - prime, 6 - 2 times 3, 7 - prime, 8 - 2 times 2 times 2, 9 - 3 times 3, and 10 - 2 times 5.\n\n**Powers:** Prime factorizations often involve repeated prime factors, so this is a good time to learn about powers and to practice them. It is quicker and easier to understand to say \"2 to the fourth\" than it is to say \"2 times 2 times 2 times 2.\" 2 squared means 2 times 2, and 2 cubed means 2 times 2 times 2.", + "text": "**Primos:** Los números primos son fundamentales para comprender la multiplicación y la división de números enteros. Como verás, los primos son los elementos básicos de los números que utilizan la multiplicación. Un número primo es un número mayor que 1 cuyos únicos divisores son 1 y él mismo. Los números 2, 3, 5, 7 y 11 son los primeros números primos.\n\n**Compuestos y 1:** Existen tres tipos de números enteros positivos: 1 (que se denomina unidad), primos y compuestos. Se puede considerar que los compuestos están construidos a partir de números primos. Por ejemplo, 12 es 2 por 2 por 3. Todo número mayor que 1 es primo o puede escribirse de forma única como producto de dos o más primos.\n\n**Factorizaciones primas:** Conocer bien las factorizaciones primas será muy útil para muchas partes de las matemáticas que su niño/niña está a punto de aprender. Repetir las factorizaciones primas de los números hasta el 20, o incluso el 30, es un buen ejercicio para conocer estas factorizaciones. Simplemente revise la lista de números en el siguiente orden: 1 - unidad, 2 - primo, 3 - primo, 4 - 2 por 2, 5 - primo, 6 - 2 por 3, 7 - primo, 8 - 2 por 2 por 2, 9 - 3 por 3 y 10 - 2 por 5.\n\n**Potencias:** Las factorizaciones primas suelen implicar factores primos repetidos, por lo que este es un buen momento para aprender sobre potencias y practicarlas. Es más rápido y fácil de entender \"2 elevado a la cuarta\" que decir \"2 por 2 por 2 por 2\". 2 al cuadrado significa 2 por 2, y 2 al cubo significa 2 por 2 por 2", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Factors and factor trees:** For larger numbers, it may not be immediately obvious what the prime factorization is. For these numbers, find one of the factors and use that to break apart the problem into easier pieces. For example, 54 is 9 times 6. Because 9 is 3 squared and 6 is 2 times 3, we can put those together to have 54 is 2 times 3 cubed. This process is sometimes called making a factor tree, and pictured above are three possible ways for creating a factor tree for 54.", + "text": "**Factores y árboles de factores:** Para números más grandes, puede que no sea inmediatamente obvio cuál es la factorización prima. Para estos números, encuentre uno de los factores y utilícelo para dividir el problema en partes más fáciles. Por ejemplo, 54 es 9 por 6. Como 9 es 3 al cuadrado y 6 es 2 por 3, podemos unirlos para obtener 54 es 2 por 3 al cubo. Este proceso a veces se denomina hacer un árbol de factores, y en la imagen de arriba se muestran tres formas posibles de crear un árbol de factores para 54.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.9 Fact Families II", + "text": "Paso 49: Familias de operaciones II", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Families:** In Stage 3 we explored the fact families that connect addition and subtraction, and we saw how useful they are in understanding the interconnections between those two operations. Similar to what was done for addition and subtraction, group multiplication and division facts by families to gain a deeper understanding of them. For example, 3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12 / 3 = 4, and 12 / 4 = 3 form a fact family.\n\n**Multiplying and dividing are related:** For the 3 x 4 = 12 fact family, visualize this interconnection using a rectangle that is 3 by 4. The area of this rectangle is 12, which is 3 times 4 or 4 times 3 – its width times its length. To get an area of 12 for a rectangle of width 3, the length must be 4. To get an area of 12 for a rectangle of length 4, its width must be 3. All these facts are tied together.\n\n**Multiplying and dividing undo each other:** Let's continue to use the example of 3 times 4. If we start with 3 and multiply it by 4 we arrive at 12. If we then take 12 and divide it by 4, the result is back to 3. Multiplying by 4 and then dividing by 4 gets back to where we started.\n\nSimilarly, if we take 12 and divide by 4 the answer is 3. If we then multiply 3 by 4 the answer is 12, which is where we started. Dividing by 4 and then multiplying by 4 returns things to the beginning.", + "text": "**Familias:** En la Etapa 3, exploramos las familias de operaciones que conectan la suma y la resta, y vimos lo útiles que son para comprender las interconexiones entre esas dos operaciones. De manera similar a lo que se hizo para la suma y la resta, agrupe las operaciones de multiplicación y división por familias para comprenderlas más profundamente. Por ejemplo, 3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12 / 3 = 4 y 12 / 4 = 3 forman una familia de operaciones.\n\n**Multiplicar y dividir se relacionan:** Para la familia de operaciones 3 x 4 = 12, visualice esta interconexión utilizando un rectángulo de 3 x 4. El área de este rectángulo es 12, que es 3 por 4 o 4 por 3: su ancho por su largo. Para obtener un área de 12 para un rectángulo de ancho 3, el largo debe ser 4. Para obtener un área de 12 para un rectángulo de largo 4, su ancho debe ser 3. Todos estos hechos están relacionados.\n\n**Multiplicar y dividir se deshacen entre sí:** Sigamos usando el ejemplo de 3 por 4. Si empezamos con 3 y lo multiplicamos por 4 llegamos a 12. Si luego tomamos 12 y lo dividimos por 4, el resultado vuelve a ser 3. Multiplicar por 4 y luego dividir por 4 nos lleva de nuevo al punto de partida.\n\nDe manera similar, si tomamos 12 y lo dividimos por 4, el resultado es 3. Si luego multiplicamos 3 por 4, el resultado es 12, que es el punto de partida. Dividir por 4 y luego multiplicar por 4 nos devuelve al principio.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "5.10 Single-Digit Division", + "text": "Paso 50: División de un solo dígito", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**You have prepared the way:** Your work with skip counting, learning multiplication facts, and fact families will smooth the way for dividing both with and without remainders. All those skills should be well mastered and understood before starting in on general single-digit division.\n\n**No remainder:** Division problems where the divisor goes in evenly without a remainder are mostly done by your child recognizing the corresponding multiplication fact. For example, if they are asked to divide 36 by 4, then remembering that 4 times 9 is 36 will get them straight to the answer. However, if that method doesn't work for a given problem, then they should use the next method.\n\n**Guessing and skip counting:** Suppose your child is asked to divide 29 by 4. Your child will not find 29 among their multiplication facts involving 4, so they will want to find a result that is less than 29 that does work. Have your child guess at a multiple of 4 that is less than 29. They might guess 24, which is 4 times 6. They can then skip count forward until they bump into 29. In this case that will mean moving forward to 28, which is 4 times 7. Seeing that they have to stop there, they have their answer that 29 divided by 4 is 7 with a remainder of 1.\n\n**Checking the answer:** Checking their answers is a good habit for your child to develop. In this last example, we think we found that 29 divided by 4 is 7 with a remainder of 1. Check this by multiplying 4 times 7 to get 28, and then adding 1 to get 29. So it all checks out!", + "text": "**Has preparado el camino:** Su trabajo con el conteo salteado, el aprendizaje de las tablas de multiplicación y las familias de tablas de operaciones le facilitará el camino para dividir con y sin resto. Todas esas habilidades deben dominarse y comprenderse bien antes de comenzar con la división general de un solo dígito.\n\n**Sin resto:** Los problemas de división en los que el divisor se divide en partes iguales sin resto se resuelven, en su mayoría, reconociendo el hecho de multiplicación correspondiente. Por ejemplo, si se les pide que dividan 36 por 4, recordar que 4 por 9 es 36 los llevará directamente a la respuesta. Sin embargo, si ese método no funciona para un problema determinado, entonces deben usar el siguiente método.\n\n**Adivinar y contar de forma salteada:** Supongamos que a su niño/niña se le pide que divida 29 por 4. No encontrará 29 entre las operaciones de multiplicación que incluyan 4, por lo que querrá encontrar un resultado que sea menor que 29 que sí funcione. Haga que su niño/niña adivine un múltiplo de 4 que sea menor que 29. Podría adivinar 24, que es 4 por 6. Luego puede contar de manera salteada hacia adelante hasta que llegue a 29. En este caso, eso significará avanzar hasta 28, que es 4 por 7. Al ver que tiene que detenerse allí, tiene su respuesta de que 29 dividido por 4 es 7 con un resto de 1.\n\n**Comprobar la respuesta:** Comprobar las respuestas es un buen hábito que tu niño/niña debe desarrollar. En este último ejemplo, creemos que hemos descubierto que 29 dividido por 4 es 7 con un resto de 1. Compruébalo multiplicando 4 por 7 para obtener 28 y luego sumando 1 para obtener 29. ¡Así todo cuadra!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stage 1 Overview", + "text": "Resumen de la etapa 1", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Overview for Stage 1 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 1 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.", + "text": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 1**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 1 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-1", + "text": "Cita de juego 1", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use Math Talk to point out and describe objects to your child. Talk about the properties of these objects.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice la Charla matemática para señalar y describir objetos a su niño/niña. Hable de las propiedades de estos objetos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has color words.", + "text": "Este libro tiene nombres de colores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve the properties of things.", + "text": "Comprenden las propiedades de las cosas cotidianas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-2", + "text": "Cita de juego 2", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Continue to use Math Talk to point out and describe objects to your child.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Continúe usando la charla matemática para señalar y describir objetos a su niño/niña.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This looks at how clothes can be too big or too small.", + "text": "Este libro trata de cómo la ropa puede ser demasiado grande o demasiado pequeña.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These practice shapes and descriptions.", + "text": "Estas practican formas y descripciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-3", + "text": "Cita de juego 3", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Describe all the math that is all around you everywhere you go. Use Math Talk to chat about it with your child.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Describe todas las matemáticas que los rodean dondequiera que vayan. Usa la charla matemática para hablar sobre ellas con tu niño/niña.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This talks about speed, colors, and small counting.", + "text": "Aquí se habla de velocidad, colores y conteos pequeños.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve descriptions of places and objects, and also the following of directions.", + "text": "Estas incluyen descripciones de lugares y objetos, y también el seguimiento de instrucciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-4", + "text": "Cita de juego 4", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Math is not just counting – math is also about properties and relationships. This should be brought out in your Math Talk.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Las matemáticas no son solo contar: también se relacionan con propiedades y relaciones. Esto debería quedar claro cuando hablamos sobre matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The storybook talks about colors, shapes, and spatial relationships.", + "text": "El libro de cuentos habla sobre colores, formas y relaciones espaciales.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve properties of objects and how those properties can create patterns.", + "text": "Estas involucran propiedades de los objetos y cómo esas propiedades pueden crear patrones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-5", + "text": "Cita de juego 5", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use counting in your Math Talk. Count everything you come across.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice el conteo en su conversación. Cuente todo lo que encuentre.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This involves counting and the ideas of one more and one less.", + "text": "Este cuento implica contar y las ideas de “uno más” y “uno menos”.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve quantities of objects and building with various shapes.", + "text": "Estas involucran cantidades de objetos y edificios con varias formas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-6", + "text": "Cita de juego 6", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Your Math Talk changes when your child is able to respond to your comments and questions.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** La charla matemática cambia cuando su niño/niña puede responder a sus comentarios y preguntas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This counts up to 5 and uses relationship words, which you can now use to ask your child about what's going on in the story.", + "text": "Este libro de cuentos cuenta hasta 5 y utiliza palabras de relación, que puede usar para preguntarle a su niño/niña sobre qué está sucediendo en la historia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve describing things and finding properties that make things similar or different.", + "text": "Implican describir cosas y encontrar propiedades que las hacen similares o diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-7", + "text": "Cita de juego 7", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Continue to emphasize words that describe properties and relationships.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Continúe enfatizando las palabras que describen propiedades y relaciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has relative sizes and shapes.", + "text": "Tiene tamaños y formas relativas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve using properties to compare things and find patterns.", + "text": "Utilizan propiedades para comparar cosas y encontrar patrones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-8", + "text": "Cita de juego 8", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** This is centered on what makes objects the same and different.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Este tema se centra en lo que hace que los objetos sean iguales y diferentes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has shapes, colors, relationships, and counting up to 5.", + "text": "Tiene formas, colores, relaciones y permite contar hasta 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve grouping things with the same property.", + "text": "Tratan de agrupar cosas con la misma propiedad.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-9", + "text": "Cita de juego 9", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use properties of things to establish patterns. Patterns are central to mathematics.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice las propiedades de las cosas para establecer patrones. Los patrones son fundamentales para las matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This talks about the daily feeding of hungry animals.", + "text": "Habla de la alimentación diaria de animales hambrientos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve properties and finding patterns involving those properties.", + "text": "Estas actividades implican propiedades y encontrar patrones que involucren esas propiedades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 1-10", + "text": "Cita de juego 10", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Discuss basic shapes and emphasize their names and descriptions.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Discuta las formas básicas y enfatice sus nombres y descripciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "his has shapes on every page.", + "text": "Este libro tiene formas en cada página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These continue the ongoing discussions about properties and patterns.", + "text": "Estas actividads implican la continuación de las discusiones sobre propiedades y patrones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stage 2 Overview", + "text": "Resumen de la etapa 2", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Overview for Stage 2 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 2 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.", + "text": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 2**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 2 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-1", + "text": "Cita de juego 11", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Count up from 1, start at 0 sometimes. This is the basis of understanding quantities and helps with beginning addition and subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Cuente desde 1 y, a veces, empiece desde 0. Ésta es la base para comprender cantidades y ayuda a comenzar a sumar y restar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting from 0 to 9. It also has smallest, biggest, one more, one less, and colors.", + "text": "Tiene un conteo del 0 al 9. También tiene más pequeño, más grande, uno más, uno menos, y colores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One activity introduces the idea of counterexamples. The other activity is a 2-person strategy game making triangles.", + "text": "Una actividad introduce la idea de contraejemplos. La otra actividad es un juego de estrategia para 2-personas haciendo triángulos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-2", + "text": "Cita de juego 12", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Count down to 1, ending at 0 sometimes. This deepens understanding of the number sequence. It also helps with subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Cuente regresivamente hasta 1, terminando a veces en 0. Esto profundiza la comprensión de la secuencia numérica. También ayuda con la resta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has the numbers from 1 to 7. It also has color descriptions on every page.", + "text": "Este tiene los números del 1 al 7. También tiene descripciones de colores en cada página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of counting and small quantities. One activity also has adding or subtracting of 1 and 2.", + "text": "Estos implican mucho conteo y pequeñas cantidades. Una actividad tiene suma o resta de 1 y 2.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-3", + "text": "Cita de juego 13", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Understand strategies for comparing small numbers and quantities.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Comprender estrategias para comparar números y cantidades pequeñas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting from 1 to 10; relationship words such as too big or too small; and spatial relationship words such as above and under.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar del 1 al 10, palabras relacionadas como demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño y palabras de relación espacial como arriba y abajo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve discovering shapes for quantities and playing with the order of numbers.", + "text": "Se trata de descubrir formas para cantidades y jugar con el orden de los números.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-4", + "text": "Cita de juego 14", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** This introduces the idea of Counting On and how valuable it is for understanding quantities and laying a foundation for addition.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** En este ejercicio se presenta la idea de contar hacia adelante y lo valioso que es para comprender las cantidades y sentar las bases para la suma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve the order of numbers and how numbers compare to each other.", + "text": "Estos involucran el orden de los números y cómo los números se comparan entre sí.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-5", + "text": "Cita de juego 15", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Develop further your child's understanding of shapes. Introduce more shapes and their names and properties. You can use counting now to discuss numbers of edges and corners.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Desarrolle aún más la comprensión de las formas de su niño/niña. Preséntele más formas y sus nombres y propiedades. Ahora puede usar el conteo para hablar sobre la cantidad de aristas y esquinas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of shapes on every page.", + "text": "Ésto tiene muchas figuras en cada página.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve creating lots of geometric shapes.", + "text": "Estos implican la creación de muchas formas geométricas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-6", + "text": "Cita de juego 16", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Make a lot of use of \"one more\" and \"one less\" to help with the understanding of the number sequence as well as beginning an understanding of addition and subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice mucho \"uno más\" y \"uno menos\" para ayudar a comprender la secuencia numérica, así como para comenzar a comprender la suma y la resta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 9, one more, one less, and many relationship words.", + "text": "Este implica contar hasta 9, uno más, uno menos y muchas palabras de relación.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve the ordering of numbers and the use of a number line.", + "text": "Estas implican ordenar números y utilizar una línea numérica.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-7", + "text": "Cita de juego 17", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Enjoy adding of small numbers with totals up to 5.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Disfrute sumando números pequeños con totales de hasta 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting up to 6, with colors and shapes.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar hasta 6, con colores y formas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve very small counting and adding. For now, only use small sums (up to around 6) for the Bonded Groups puzzles.", + "text": "Se trata de contar y sumar cantidades muy pequeñas. Por ahora, utilice únicamente sumas pequeñas (hasta alrededor de 6) para los rompecabezas de Grupos vinculados.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-8", + "text": "Cita de juego 18", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Fingers are very useful for counting, adding, and subtracting. Show your child how to make good use of their fingers for numbers of 10 or less.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Los dedos son muy útiles para contar, sumar y restar. Muéstrele a su niño/niña cómo hacer un buen uso de sus dedos para números de 10 o menos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting up to 12, shapes, and comparing.", + "text": "Ésto incluye contar hasta 12, formas, y comparar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve a number line for counting, adding, and subtracting, and Bonded Groups for practicing adding. Keep the totals for Bonded Groups small (perhaps around 7 or so), and slowly let the totals get larger.", + "text": "Éstos incluyen una línea numérica para contar, sumar, y restar y Grupos vinculados para practicar la suma. Mantenga pequeños los totales de los Grupos vinculados (quizás alrededor de 7 o más), y permita que aumenten lentamente.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-9", + "text": "Cita de juego 19", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Have fun skip counting by 2's with your child. It's a fun and fast way to count that helps them see numbers in a new way.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Diviértase contando de 2 en 2 con su niño/niña. Es una forma divertida y rápida de contar que les ayuda a ver los números de una manera nueva.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting along with shapes and comparisons.", + "text": "Ésto incluye contar de forma salteada junto con formas y comparaciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve number shapes (to practice pairing things up for skip counting) and making symmetric shapes.", + "text": "Estos involucran formas numéricas (para practicar la combinación de cosas para contar de forma salteada) y hacer figuras simétricas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 2-10", + "text": "Cita de juego 20", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Playfully find many different ways to count a group of objects. This helps with understanding quantities and that counting, adding, and subtracting can be playful.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Encuentre de manera divertida muchos estilos diferentes de contar un grupo de objetos. Esto ayuda a comprender las cantidades y que contar, sumar y restar puede ser divertido.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting and counting up to 14.", + "text": "Ésto incluye contar salteado y contar hasta 14.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve putting quantities of things into different shapes as well as playing with making estimates for quantities.", + "text": "Esto implica poner cantidades de cosas en diferentes formas, así como jugar con la realización de estimaciones de cantidades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stage 3 Overview", + "text": "Resumen de la etapa 3", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Overview for Stage 3 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 3 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.", + "text": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 3**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 3 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-1", + "text": "Cita de juego 21", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice adding by using the idea of Counting On. The term Counting On means that, if you count two groups, such as 4 and 3, you start your counting at 4 rather than 1.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique la suma utilizando la idea de Contar. El término contar significa que, sí cuenta dos grupos, como 4 y 3, comienza a contar en 4 en lugar de 1.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of shapes and groupings of objects.", + "text": "Esto tiene muchas formas y agrupaciones de objetos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve addition and subtraction. Use the \"Numbered\" version of Dots and Boxes with small numbers to practice addition.", + "text": "Estos implican suma y resta. Utilice la versión \"Numerada\" de Puntos y cajas con números pequeños para practicar la suma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-2", + "text": "Cita de juego 22", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice subtracting by counting down from the larger number. Talk about how \"take away\" and \"difference\" are two good models for subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique la resta contando regresivamente desde el número mayor. Hable sobre cómo \"quitar\" y \"diferencia\" son dos buenos modelos para restar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting, shapes, and comparisons.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar de forma salteada, formas y comparaciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve comparing, adding, and subtracting.", + "text": "Estos implican comparar, sumar y restar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-3", + "text": "Cita de juego 23", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice subtracting by counting up to find the difference. Reinforce that \"take away\" and \"difference\" are two good models for subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique la resta contando hacia arriba para encontrar la diferencia. Refuerce que 'quitar' y 'diferencia' son dos buenos modelos para la resta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 10 and shapes.", + "text": "Este tiene contenido hasta 10 y formas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve addition and some estimating of small quantities.", + "text": "Estos implican la suma y alguna estimación de pequeñas cantidades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-4", + "text": "Cita de juego 24", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** The Part-Whole relationship, seeing something as made out of parts, is a significant developmental step for a child. Practice Number Bonds, which are groups of numbers that total to the same result, with your child. Practicing with Ten Frames is an important part of this.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** La relación Parte-Todo, observar las partes conformadas, es un paso de desarrollo significativo para un niño/niña. Practique los Vínculos numéricos, que son grupos de números que suman el mismo resultado, con su niño/niña. Practicar con Diez cuadros es una parte importante de esto.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with number bonds.", + "text": "Estos requieren mucha práctica con vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-5", + "text": "Cita de juego 25", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Ten has a very important role for our numbers. Practice adding and subtracting 10. Also practice taking the numbers from 10 to 19 and breaking them up into 10 plus some ones – for example, that 14 is 10 plus 4 more.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** El diez tiene un papel muy importante para nuestros números. Practique sumar y restar 10. También practique tomar los números del 10 al 19 y dividirlos en 10 más algunas unidades – por ejemplo, que 14 es 10 más 4 más.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of shapes and counting with small numbers.", + "text": "Este tiene muchas formas y cuenta con números pequeños.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve comparing and ordering numbers up to 20.", + "text": "Se trata de comparar y ordenar números hasta el 20.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-6", + "text": "Cita de juego 26", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use Fact Families to emphasize the connection between addition and subtraction. This is a natural follow on to the last Playdate's focus on number bonds.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice Familias de operaciones para enfatizar la conexión entre la suma y la resta. Esta es una continuación natural del enfoque de la última Cita de juego sobre los vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 12, colors, shapes, and patterns.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar hasta 12, colores, formas y patrones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with number bonds and with addition and subtraction of small numbers.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con vínculos numéricos y con la suma y resta de números pequeños.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-7", + "text": "Cita de juego 27", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Adding Twins, where you add a number to itself, are often enjoyable addition facts for a child to learn. Near Twins, where you add a number to the next number (such as 3 + 4), are often easy to learn after adding twins have been learned, and they help your child to see how adding facts can be connected.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Sumar números iguales, donde un número se suma así mismo, suele ser una actividad de suma divertida para aprender. Los números casi iguales, en los que se suma un número al siguiente (como 3 + 4), suelen ser fáciles de aprender después de haber aprendido a sumar números iguales, y ayudan a su niño/niña a ver cómo se pueden conectar los hechos de la suma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting, adding twins, and counting to 14.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar de forma salteada, sumar números iguales, y contar hasta 14.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve adding practice and estimating using a number line.", + "text": "Estos implican agregar práctica y estimar utilizando una línea numérica.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-8", + "text": "Cita de juego 28", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** After skip counting by 2's and doing adding twins, it is a great time to start doing doubling, multiplying by 2, halving, dividing by 2, splitting things into two equal parts, and looking at odd and even numbers. This is a lot of topics; however, they go together very naturally.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Después de contar de 2 en 2 y sumar números iguales, es un buen momento para comenzar a duplicar, multiplicar por 2, reducir a la mitad, dividir por 2, dividir las cosas en dos partes iguales y observar los números pares e impares. Son muchos temas; sin embargo, se combinan de forma muy natural.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of discussion of how to split something fairly among coorperating friends.", + "text": "Aquí se habla mucho sobre cómo dividir algo de manera justa entre amigos que cooperan.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve doubling and taking halves.", + "text": "Estos implican duplicar y tomar mitades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-9", + "text": "Cita de juego 29", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Do lots of practice skip counting by 2's – do this practice up and down, and start it anywhere (not just at multiples of 2). When this becomes easy, practice with other skip count amounts such as 5 and 10.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique mucho contar de 2 en 2; practiquen contar hacia adelante y hacia atras, y comience en cualquier lugar (no sólo en múltiplos de 2). Cuando esto se vuelva fácil, practiquen con otras cantidades de conteo salteado como de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve practice with addition and subtraction as well as seeing which numbers can be seen as groups of pairs.", + "text": "Estas prácticas implican suma y resta, así como ver qué números pueden considerarse grupos de pares.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 3-10", + "text": "Cita de juego 30", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Play lots of strategy games with your child. Even games that don't involve numbers have a lot of math in them. They will develop important problem solving skills.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Juegue muchos juegos de estrategia con su niño/niña. Incluso los juegos que no involucran números tienen muchas matemáticas. Desarrollarán importantes habilidades para resolver problemas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 10, comparisons, and a discussion of problem solving.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar hasta 10, comparaciones y una discusión sobre la resolución de problemas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of problem solving while playing strategy games.", + "text": "Estos implican resolver muchos problemas mientras se juegan juegos de estrategia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stage 4 Overview", + "text": "Resumen de la etapa 4", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Overview for Stage 4 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 4 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.", + "text": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 4**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 4 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-1", + "text": "Cita de juego 31", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Count up and down to 100 with your child, paying particular attention to transitions at multiples of 10.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Cuenta hacia adelante y atrás hasta 100 con su niño/niña, enfocando en las transiciones a múltiples de 10.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of shapes, counting, and groupings of objects.", + "text": "Este tiene muchas formas, conteo y grupos de objetos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve ordering and comparing of numbers. Use numbers to 100 for I'm Thinking of a Number.", + "text": "Estos incluyen ordenar y comparar los números. Use números hasta 100 para Estoy pensando en un número.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-2", + "text": "Cita de juego 32", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use Expanded Form and 2-digit place value to understand the value and meaning of numbers. Expanded Form is breaking a number into tens and ones, such as 43 is 40 + 3. Place value is understanding that 43 means 4 tens and 3 ones – the place a digit is in is what gives it its value. Use Expanded Form and place value to help compare numbers.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Use Forma expandida y valor posicional de dos dígitos para entender el valor y significado de los números. Forma expandida es descomponer un número en dieces y unos, cómo 43 es 40 + 3. Valor posicional es entender que 43 significa 4 dieces y 3 unos -- la posición de un dígito determina su valor. Use la forma expandida y el valor posicional para ayudar a comparar los números.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes.", + "text": "Este incluye contar hasta 20, descripciones y formas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve ordering and comparing games.", + "text": "Estos incluyen ordenar y comparar juegos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-3", + "text": "Cita de juego 33", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use fingers and Counting On to make it easy to add a single-digit number to any number. Use Compensation to make some addition problems much easier.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice los dedos y el conteo progresivo para que resulte más fácil sumar un número de un solo dígito a cualquier número. Utilice la compensación para que los problemas de suma sean mucho más sencillos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has shapes, quantities, and speeds.", + "text": "Este incluye formas, cantidades y velocidades.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of addition and subtraction, and some practice with number bonds.", + "text": "Estos incluyen mucha suma y resta y un poco de práctica con vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-4", + "text": "Cita de juego 34", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use fingers to make it easy to subtract a single-digit number from any number, or to subtract any two numbers whose difference is a single-digit number.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice los dedos para restar fácilmente un número de un solo dígito de cualquier número, o para restar dos números cuya diferencia sea un número de un solo dígito.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has lots of shapes and polygons (many-sided flat shapes).", + "text": "Este tiene muchas formas y polígonos (formas planas con muchos lados).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with addition and subtraction.", + "text": "Estos incluyen mucha práctica de suma y resta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-5", + "text": "Cita de juego 35", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use compensation to make adding and subtracting a lot easier.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Use compensación para que la suma y resta sean mucho más fácil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting of groups and lots of comparison words.", + "text": "Este incluye contando grupos y mucha comparación de palabras.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve adding and subtracting, as well as a little bit of probability.", + "text": "Este incluye suma y resta, además de un poquito de probabilidad.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-6", + "text": "Cita de juego 36", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use 10 as an intermediate stop to make mental arithmetic for adding and subtracting a lot easier, as well as reinforcing number relationships.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Usar el 10 como un punto intermedio hace la suma y resta mental mucho más fácil, además de reforzar vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting and number properties.", + "text": "Este incluye conteo salteado y propiedades numéricas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve adding, subtracting, and number bonds.", + "text": "Estos incluyen suma, resta y vínculos numéricos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-7", + "text": "Cita de juego 37", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's starting anywhere and going up and down. This helps a lot with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Skip counting by 10's also helps with place value.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique el conteo de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10 comenzando en cualquier punto y avanzando hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Esto ayuda mucho con la suma, la resta, la multiplicación y la división. El conteo de 10 en 10 también ayuda con el valor posicional.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting to 14 and skip counting.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar hasta 14 y contar salteado.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve place value and simple additions with two-digit numbers.", + "text": "Estos incluyen valor posicional y suma simple con números de dos cifras.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-8", + "text": "Cita de juego 38", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use doubling and halving as a way to start using the words of multiplication and division without making a big deal about it.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Utilice duplicar y dividir por la mitad como una forma de comenzar a usar las palabras de multiplicación y división sin darle mucha importancia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting and shapes.", + "text": "Este incluye contar salteado y formas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve doubling, adding or subtracting single-digit numbers with double-digit numbers, and place value.", + "text": "Estos incluyen duplicar, sumar o restar números de una cifra con números de dos cifras y valor posicional.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-9", + "text": "Cita de juego 39", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Do mental multiplication with your child for any two numbers from 1 to 5. This is the beginning of mastering multiplication!", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Hacer multiplicación mental con su niño/niña para cualquieres dos números entre 1 y 5. ¡Este es el comienzo de dominar la multiplicación!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has skip counting, shapes, and colors.", + "text": "Este incluye contar salteado, formas y colores.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Number Scramble can now involve all three of these operations. War using multiplication should only use the cards from 1 to 5 until your child is comfortable with larger numbers.", + "text": "Estos incluyen suma, resta y multiplicación. Barullo de números, ahora puedo incluir todas estas tres operaciones. Guerra usando multiplicación, solo debe usar las cartas de 1 a 5 hasta que su niño/niña sienta comodidad con números más grandes.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 4-10", + "text": "Cita de juego 40", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** This is a chance to take a deeper look at problem solving using strategy games. A strategy game is any game where the players have choices that can make the outcome of the game better or worse.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Esta es una oportunidad para profundizar en la resolución de problemas usando juegos de estrategia. Un juego de estrategia es cualquier juego en el que los jugadores tienen opciones de mejorar o empeorar el resultado del juego.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This has counting, comparisons, and problem solving.", + "text": "Esto incluye contar, comparar, y resolver problemas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve addition and subtraction. Use the numbered version of Dots and Boxes and write in two-digit numbers if your child is ready for them.", + "text": "Estos implican suma y resta. Utilice la versión numerada de Puntos y cajas y escriba números de dos cifras si su niño/niña está listo/lista para ellos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stage 5 Overview", + "text": "Resumen de la etapa 5", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Overview for Stage 5 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 5 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have some suggested math activities.", + "text": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 5**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 5 ofrece una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-1", + "text": "Cita de juego 41", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Your child's numbers are going above 100, and their adding and subtracting involves two-digit numbers. Practice 2-digit and 3-digit expanded form and place value with them.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Los números de su niño/niña van por encima de 100, y su suma y resta involucra números de dos dígitos. Practique con ellos la forma expandida de 2 y 3 dígitos y el valor posicional.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-2", + "text": "Cita de juego 42", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use expanded form to practice double-digit addition and subtraction.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Use la forma expandida para practicar la suma y resta de dos dígitos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve two-digit addition and subtraction.", + "text": "Estos implican la suma y la resta de dos dígitos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-3", + "text": "Cita de juego 43", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice skip counting up and down by any skip amount starting at any number (not just multiples). This skip counting is great practice for all four of the operations.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique el conteo salteado hacia adelante y hacia atrás en cualquier cantidad de saltos, comenzando con cualquier número (no solo múltiplos). Este conteo salteado es una excelente práctica para las cuatro operaciones.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with skip counting.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con el conteo de saltos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-4", + "text": "Cita de juego 44", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practice mental multiplication using doubling for 2, 4, and 8. Practice mental multiplication by 5 and 10 because they are useful and easy.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practique la multiplicación mental duplicando por 2, 4 y 8. Practique la multiplicación mental por 5 y 10 porque son útiles y fáciles.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve doubling and general multiplication practice.", + "text": "Se trata de la duplicación y de la multiplicación general.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-5", + "text": "Cita de juego 45", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Use the idea of one more and one less to practice mental multiplication for multiplying by 3, 4, 6, 9, and 11. For example, multiplying by 6 is one more than multiplying by 5.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Use la idea de uno más y uno menos para practicar la multiplicación mental multiplicando por 3, 4, 6, 9 y 11. Por ejemplo, multiplicar por 6 es una más que multiplicar por 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of multiplication practice along with some mixed operation practice.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica de multiplicación junto con alguna práctica de operación mixta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-6", + "text": "Cita de juego 46", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** All the pieces are in place, and your child is ready to finish off the mastery of all single-digit multiplication!", + "text": "**Enfoque:** ¡Todas las piezas están en su lugar, y su niño/niña está listo para terminar el dominio de todos los dígitos de multiplicación!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These are repeated from the last Playdate and involve lots of multiplication practice along with some mixed operation practice.", + "text": "Estos se repiten desde la última cita de juego y implican mucha práctica de multiplicación junto con alguna práctica de operación mixta.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-7", + "text": "Cita de juego 47", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Now that your child is getting comfortable with multiplying and dividing, it's time to develop a sense of how numbers can evenly divide other numbers. This involves in learning and practice the words: factor, divisor, and multiple.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Ahora que su niño/niña se está acostumbrando a multiplicar y dividir, es hora de desarrollar un sentido de cómo los números pueden dividir uniformemente otros números. Esto implica aprender y practicar las palabras: factor, divisor y múltiple.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with factors and multiples.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con factores y múltiplos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-8", + "text": "Cita de juego 48", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Using multiplication, primes are the building blocks of numbers. Help your child develop a strong sense of prime factorizations. The new words for this Playdate are: prime, composite, unit, and power.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Usando la multiplicación, los números primos son los bloques de construcción de los números. Ayude a su niño/niña a desarrollar un fuerte sentido de las factorizaciones primas. Las nuevas palabras para esta cita de juego son: primo, compuesto, unidad y potencia.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and divisibility playing with Turning the Tables. Practice prime factorizations by using them when you play Beep.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y la divisibilidad jugando con Cambiando las tablas. Practique y use las factorizaciones primas cuando juegue Beep.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-9", + "text": "Cita de juego 49", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** Practicing with fact families is a good way to deepen your child's understanding of the interconnection between multiplication and division.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Practicar con familias de operaciones es una buena manera de profundizar la comprensión de su niño/niña sobre la interconexión entre la multiplicación y división.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and divisibility playing with Turning the Tables. Practice multiples by using them when you play Beep.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y la divisibilidad jugando con Cambiando las tablas. Practique y use los múltiplos cuando juegue Beep.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Playdate 5-10", + "text": "Cita de juego 50", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Playdate Focus:** This is a quick first step at practicing division with and without remainders.", + "text": "**Enfoque:** Este es un primer y rápido paso para practicar la división con y sin residuos.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and division.", + "text": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y división.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, diff --git a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json index 5d436ff..18b4c4d 100644 --- a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json +++ b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json @@ -4229,6 +4229,384 @@ "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, + { + "SourceText": "These two are a pair of friends. Point out all the pairs and groups of three you can find in this picture.", + "text": "هذان صديقان. أشر إلى جميع الأزواج والمجموعات المكونة من ثلاثة في الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cats and dogs are mammals. Mammals have fur (or hair), they give birth to babies (not eggs), and the mother feeds her baby milk. Can you think of other animals that are mammals (don't forget yourself!)?", + "text": "القطط والكلاب من الثدييات. الثدييات لها فراء وتلد صغارها وتطعمهم بالحليب. هل يمكنك أن تفكر في حيوانات أخرى من الثدييات؟ (لا تنسي نفسك!)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some ways that Cat and Dog are similar, and some other ways that they are different.", + "text": "صف بعض الطرق التي يتشابه بها القط والكلب، وبعض الطرق التي يختلفان بها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog want to draw.\n\nCat and Dog want to color.\n\nCat and Dog want to make art.\n\nDog starts.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper. The paper is a square.", + "text": "يريد القط والكلب الرسم.\n\nيريد القط والكلب التلوين.\n\nيريد القط والكلب صنع الفن.\n\nبدأ الكلب.\n\nيأخذ قلم رصاص وورقة. الورقة عبارة عن مربع.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point out some squares where you are now.", + "text": "المستطيل له أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة، مثل هذه الصفحة. المربع هو مستطيل له أربعة أضلاع متساوية. أشر إلى بعض المربعات حولك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes when we draw, we know exactly what we want to draw. Other times, we have to think and think. If you drew something right now, what would you draw?", + "text": "أحيانًا نعرف بالضبط ما نريد رسمه، وأحيانًا نفكر ونتفكر. إذا رسمت شيئًا الآن، فماذا سترسم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog is holding the pencil in his right paw. When you write or draw, which hand do you use?", + "text": "يمسك الكلب بالقلم الرصاص في مخلبه الأيمن. عندما تكتب أو ترسم، أي يد تستخدم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First, Dog draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Cat.\n\nWow, that is simple!", + "text": "أولاً، يرسم الكلب شكلًا بيضاويًا.\n\nالشكل البيضاوي هو جسم القط\n\nيا إلهي، هذا بسيط!!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An oval is like a squished or pulled circle. Ellipses are also ovals. Look for some ovals around where you are.", + "text": "الشكل البيضاوي يشبه الدائرة المضغوطة. ابحث عن بعض الأشكال البيضاوية حولك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the tails for Cat and Dog. Describe how they are similar and how they are different.", + "text": "انظر إلى ذيول القط والكلب. صف أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بينهما.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog draws Cat one step at a time. Which part of Cat do you think Dog will draw next?", + "text": "يرسم الكلب القط خطوة بخطوة. أي جزء من القط سيرسمه بعد ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws two triangles on top of the oval.\n\nThe two triangles are the ears of Cat and he draws a black triangle in the oval.\n\nThe black triangle is the nose of Cat and he draws a line above the nose.", + "text": "ثم يرسم مثلثين أعلى الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالمثلثان هما أذنا القط. يرسم مثلثًا أسود في الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالمثلث الأسود هو أنف القط. يرسم خطًا أعلى الأنف.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An arc is part of a circle. Point to each part of this drawing and name the shape (oval, triangle, arc).", + "text": "القوس هو جزء من الدائرة. أشر إلى كل جزء من هذا الرسم واذكر الشكل (بيضاوي، مثلث، أو قوس).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look around where you are and see how many of the shapes you can name.", + "text": "انظر حولك وسمِّ الأشكال التي تراها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the line above the nose. That is a surprising line. See what happens to this line in the next two pages.", + "text": "لاحظ الخط فوق الأنف. إنه خط مدهش. انظر ماذا سيحدث لهذا الخط في الصفحتين التاليتين.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Cat.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is easy!", + "text": "الآن يرسم عيني وحاجبي القط.\n\nالعينان عبارة عن نقطتان.\n\nالحاجبان عبارة عن خطان.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا سهل!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That unusual line from the last page is the start of Cat's muzzle. That line separates the muzzle from the rest of Cat's face.", + "text": "هذا الخط غير المعتاد هو بداية كمامة القط. يفصل كمامة القط عن بقية وجهه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The way people move their eyebrows can tell us what they are feeling. Can you move your eyebrows to show you are surprised? Angry?", + "text": "حركات الحواجب يمكن أن تخبرنا بما يشعر به الناس. هل يمكنك تحريك حاجبيك لتظهر أنك مندهش أو غاضب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do Cat's eyebrows tell us about how Cat is feeling?", + "text": "ماذا تخبرنا حواجب القط عن شعوره؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws the mouth of Cat.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nIt looks like the letter 'w' and he draws the hairs of Cat.\n\nThree hairs on the left side and three hairs on the right side.", + "text": "بعد ذلك يرسم شعر القط.\n\nثم يرسم فم القط. الفم خط يشبه الحرف ”w“ ثم يرسم شعر القط.\n\nثلاث شعرات على الجانب الأيسر وثلاث شعرات على الجانب الأيمن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The lines beside Cat's nose are whiskers. They are very sensitive to touch. They help a cat sense things in the dark.", + "text": "الخطوط بجانب أنف القط هي الشوارب. وهي حساسة للغاية وتساعد القطة على استشعار الأشياء في الظلام.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the fourth step in the drawing. See if you can describe the steps in order, calling each one by its number.", + "text": "هذه هي الخطوة الرابعة في الرسم. حاول أن تصف الخطوات بالترتيب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of something you do step by step. Perhaps it is getting dressed or going to the store. List as many of the steps in order that you can think of.", + "text": "فكر في شيء تفعله خطوة بخطوة. ربما ارتداء الملابس أو الذهاب إلى المتجر. قم بإدراج أكبر عدد ممكن من الخطوات بالترتيب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Cat.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Cat.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Cat.\n\nThe tail is a long line.", + "text": "الرسم تقريبًا مكتمل.\n\nيرسم ذراعي وساقي القط.\n\nالذراعان والساقان عبارة عن خطوط. يرسم أصابع قدمي القط.\n\nالأصابع عبارة عن دوائر. يرسم ذيل القط.\n\nالذيل عبارة عن خط طويل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which details still need to be added to this picture?", + "text": "ما التفاصيل التي لا تزال بحاجة إلى إضافتها إلى هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count by 3's to count how many of Cat's toes you can see (3 + 3).", + "text": "عدّ أصابع قدمي القط بالتخطي بمقدار ٣. يمكنك رؤية (٣ + ٣).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cats usually have 4 toes on a back leg. How many toes would that make? How many more toes would that be than 3 + 3?", + "text": "عادة ما يكون للقطط ٤ أصابع في رجلها الخلفية. كم عدد أصابع القدم؟ كم عدد أصابع القدم الإضافية التي ستكون ٣ + ٣؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last he draws some stripes on the body of Cat and colors the body orange.\n\nThe drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is beautiful!", + "text": "وأخيرًا، يرسم بعض الخطوط على جسم القط ويلونه باللون البرتقالي.\n\nلقد اكتمل الرسم.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا جميل", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe what Cat and Dog are each feeling by looking at their faces.", + "text": "صف ما يشعر به القط والكلب من خلال النظر إلى وجهيهما.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of groups of 3 in the picture now. Can you skip count by 3's to count them all?", + "text": "توجد مجموعات كبيرة من ٣ في الصورة الآن. هل يمكنك عدها بالتخطي بمقدار ٣؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that one side of Cat is the mirror image of the other side. That is called mirror symmetry. Many things in the world have that symmetry. Look around you and find a few.", + "text": "لاحظ أن أحد جانبي القط هو صورة طبق الأصل للجانب الآخر. وهذا ما يسمى بالتناظر المرآوي. العديد من الأشياء في العالم لها هذا التناظر. انظر حولك وابحث عن القليل منها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now it is Cat's turn.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper.\n\nThe paper is a rectangle.", + "text": "الآن جاء دور القط.\n\nيأخذ قلم رصاص وورقة. الورقة مستطيلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which paw is Cat holding the pencil in?", + "text": "في أي مخلب يحمل القط القلم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat's piece of paper is a rectangle which is not a square. Describe why it is not a square.", + "text": "قطعة الورق التي يمسكها القط مستطيلة وليست مربعة. صف سبب عدم كونها مربعة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keep an eye on that little tear on the bottom of the piece of paper as the story goes forward.", + "text": "راقب هذا التمزق الصغير في أسفل قطعة الورق بينما تتقدم القصة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First, Cat draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Dog.\n\nWow, that is good!", + "text": "أولاً، يرسم القط شكلًا بيضاويًا.\n\nالشكل البيضاوي هو جسم الكلب.\n\nيا إلهي, هذا جيد!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat is now drawing with the other paw. Cat is probably right-handed (or is that right-pawed).", + "text": "القط يرسم الآن بالمخلب الآخر. ربما يكون القط أيمن اليد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat is starting the drawing with the same first step. Predict what the next two steps will be.", + "text": "يبدأ القط الرسم بنفس الخطوة الأولى. توقع ما ستكون عليه الخطوتان التاليتان.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the bottom of the rectangular sheet of paper. Something has changed!", + "text": "انظر إلى أسفل الورقة المستطيلة. لقد تغير شيء ما!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws two black forms on top of the oval.\n\nThe two black forms are the ears of Dog and he draws a black circle in the oval.\n\nThe black circle is the nose of Dog and he draws a line above the nose.", + "text": "ثم يرسم شكلين أسودين فوق الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالشكلان الأسودان هما أذنا الكلب. يرسم دائرة سوداء في الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالدائرة السوداء هي أنف الكلب. يرسم خطًا فوق الأنف.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat's nose and Dog's nose are two different shapes. What are the shapes and how are they different?", + "text": "أنف القط وأنف الكلب لهما شكلان مختلفان. ما هما الشكلان وما الفرق بينهما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The picture doesn't look like Dog yet. Use your imagination to think of what else the drawing might become. Perhaps a ladybug, or a water bottle squirting water, or a space alien?", + "text": "الصورة لا تبدو مثل الكلب بعد. استخدم خيالك لتفكر في ما قد يصبح عليه الرسم. ربما خنفساء، أو زجاجة ماء ترش الماء، أو كائن فضائي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you noticed what came back on the rectangular piece of paper?", + "text": "هل لاحظت ما عاد إلى قطعة الورق المستطيلة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Dog.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is perfect!", + "text": "الآن يرسم عيني وحاجبي الكلب.\n\nالعينان عبارة عن نقطتين.\n\nالحواجب عبارة عن خطين.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا رائع!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles in addition to the piece of paper? There are probably many rectangles where you are. How many can you find?", + "text": "هل ترى أي مستطيلات بالإضافة إلى قطعة الورق؟ من المحتمل أن يكون هناك العديد من المستطيلات في المكان الذي تتواجد فيه. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog aren't talking to each other in this story. They are communicating without words. What are they doing to communicate?", + "text": "القط والكلب لا يتحدثان مع بعضهما البعض في هذه القصة. إنهما يتواصلان بدون كلمات. ماذا يفعلان للتواصل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which things come in pairs and which come in 3's in this picture?", + "text": "ما الأشياء التي تأتي في أزواج والتي تأتي في مجموعات مكونة من ثلاثة في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws the mouth of Dog.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nThe shape is again the letter 'w' and he draws some dots around the mouth of Dog.\n\nThree on the left side and three on the right side.", + "text": "ثم يرسم فم الكلب.\n\nالفم عبارة عن خط.\n\nالشكل هو مرة أخرى الحرف ”w“. يرسم بعض النقاط حول فم الكلب.\n\nثلاث نقاط على الجانب الأيسر وثلاث نقاط على الجانب الأيمن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lines can be straight or curved. Other than their mouths, what are some other curved lines in this picture?", + "text": "يمكن أن تكون الخطوط مستقيمة أو منحنية. بخلاف أفواههم، ما هي بعض الخطوط المنحنية الأخرى في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog have 3 dots on each side of their face. Skip count by 3's to count the total number of dots.", + "text": "القطة والكلب لديهما ٣ نقاط على كل جانب من وجهيهما. عدّ النقاط بالتخطي بمقدار ٣ لحساب العدد الإجمالي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They have very different ears. Describe the shapes. How are they similar and how are they different?", + "text": "لديهما آذان مختلفة جدًا. صف الأشكال. ما أوجه التشابه بينهما وما أوجه الاختلاف بينهما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Dog.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Dog.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Dog.\n\nThe tail looks like a flower.", + "text": "الرسم مكتمل تقريبًا.\n\nيرسم ذراعي وساقي الكلب.\n\nالذراعان والساقان عبارة عن خطوط. يرسم أصابع قدمي الكلب.\n\nأصابع القدم عبارة عن دوائر. يرسم ذيل الكلب.\n\nالذيل يشبه الزهرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dogs have the same number of toenails as toes. Skip count by 3's to find the total number of toes and toenails.", + "text": "لدى الكلاب نفس عدد أظافر القدمين وأصابع القدمين. عدّ بالتخطي بمقدار ٣ لإيجاد العدد الإجمالي لأصابع القدمين وأظافر القدمين.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This picture has many things that come in pairs. Count them all by skip counting by 2's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه الصورة على العديد من الأشياء التي تأتي في أزواج. احسبها جميعًا بالتخطي بمقدار ٢.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suppose you had five pairs. You could skip count them by 2's five times or skip count them by 5's two times. Why do you get the same answer both ways?", + "text": "افترض أن لديك خمسة أزواج. يمكنك عدها بالقفز بمقدار ٢ خمس مرات أو عدها بالتخطي بمقدار ٥ مرتين. لماذا تحصل على نفس الإجابة في كلا الطريقتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last he draws some black circles on the body of Dog and he colors the body yellow.\n\nThen the drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is wonderful!", + "text": "أخيرًا، يرسم بعض الدوائر السوداء على جسم الكلب ويلونه باللون الأصفر.\n\nثم ينتهي الرسم.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا رائع!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many steps did this drawing take? Was it less than, the same as, or more than the number of steps for the first drawing?", + "text": "م عدد الخطوات التي استغرقها هذا الرسم؟ هل كانت أقل، مساوية، أم أكثر من عدد الخطوات في الرسم الأول؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this drawing, you don't see Dog's mouth. Even still, you can tell Dog is happy in the drawing. How can you tell?", + "text": "في هذا الرسم، لا ترى فم الكلب. ومع ذلك، يمكنك أن تقول إن الكلب سعيد. كيف تعرف ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen cats and dogs stand on their back two feet? Some can do it for a short time, but it is unusual.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت قططًا وكلابًا تقف على قدميها الخلفيتين؟ يمكن لبعضها أن تفعل ذلك لفترة قصيرة، لكن هذا غير معتاد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye drawing of Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye drawing of Dog.", + "text": "وداعًا يا قط.\n\nوداعًا يا رسم القط.\n\nوداعًا يا كلب.\n\nوداعًا يا رسم الكلب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In which ways does this picture have mirror symmetry and in which ways does it fail?", + "text": "بأي الطرق تتمتع هذه الصورة بتناظر المرآة وبأي الطرق لا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you draw a picture of someone it's called a portrait. Have you ever drawn a portrait of someone? How did it turn out?", + "text": "عندما ترسم صورة لشخص ما، يُطلق عليها اسم صورة شخصية. هل رسمت صورة شخصية لشخص ما من قبل؟ كيف كانت النتيجة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drawing a picture of yourself is called a self-portrait. If you drew a self-portrait where would you start? Would you use an oval for your body, or would you start somewhere else?", + "text": "يُطلق على رسم صورة لنفسك اسم صورة شخصية. إذا رسمت صورة شخصية، من أين ستبدأ؟ هل ستستخدم شكلًا بيضاويًا لجسدك، أم ستبدأ من مكان آخر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, { "SourceText": "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.", "text": "في قريتي يعيش السيد كيو. السيد كيو لديه قطة تدعى صافي.", @@ -9336,5450 +9714,11120 @@ "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Stage 1 — I Can Hear You!", - "text": "المرحلة ١ – يمكنني سماعك!", + "SourceText": "**Where You've Been**\n\nYour child can now count to 100! They can comfortably do mental single-digit addition and subtraction. They can also count or skip count up or down by any number, and tied to that skill is their ability to add or subtract a single-digit number with a double-digit number. They can compare two double-digit numbers, and they have a beginning sense of place value with 10’s and 1’s.\n\nAs their skip counting is improving, they are also developing skills with multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10. The idea of even and odd numbers now makes a lot more sense to them.\n\nExtend activities from earlier stages to these larger numbers: Stage 3: Shape Sums, Going Up Some More; Stage 4: War - Double Digit Add and Subtract, DiffTriangles and SumTriangles, Fix It, Island Hopping by 1’s and 10’s, Fill in the Blanks Comparison, Sum Square, and Addition Pyramid.", + "text": "**أين كنت**\n\nيمكن لطفلك الآن العد حتى ١٠٠! ويمكنه القيام بالجمع والطرح الذهني للأعداد المكونة من رقم واحد بسهولة. كما يمكنه العد أو العد بالتخطي لأعلى أو لأسفل بأي رقم، وترتبط بهذه المهارة قدرته على جمع أو طرح رقم مكون من رقم واحد مع رقم مكون من رقمين. كما يمكنه مقارنة عددين من رقمين، ولديه إحساس أولي بالقيمة المكانية مع ١٠ و١.\n\nمع تحسنه في العد بالتخطي، فإن طفلك يقوم أيضًا بتطوير مهارات الضرب في ٢ و٣ و٤ و٥ و١٠. أصبحت فكرة الأعداد الزوجية والفردية أكثر منطقية بالنسبة له الآن.\n\nقم بتوسيع الأنشطة من المراحل السابقة إلى هذه الأعداد الأكبر: المرحلة ٣: مجموع الأشكال، الصعود أكثر؛ المرحلة ٤: الحرب - الجمع والطرح المكون من رقمين، المثلثات التفاضلية ومثلثات المجموع، إصلاح الأمر، التنقل بين الجزر باستخدام ١ و١٠، مقارنة ملء الفراغات، مربع المجموع، وهرم الجمع.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Stage 2 — I Can Count to 5!", - "text": "المرحلة ٢ – يمكنني العدد حتى ٥!", + "SourceText": "New ideas for this stage", + "text": "أفكار جديدة في هذه المرحلة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Stage 3 — I Can Count to 10!", - "text": "المرحلة ٣ – يمكنني العدد حتى ١٠!", + "SourceText": "* Counting to 200 – Introduce the 100’s place by looking at the numbers from 100 to 200.\n* Skip Counting to 100 – This is not new, but it is an important skill to reinforce.\n* Expanded Form and Place Value – This is a foundational skill, so it will be reinforced further.\n* Double-digit Addition and Subtraction – Skip counting will help make this seem effortless.\n* All Single-digit Multiplication – It is time to fill in the missing gaps for 6, 7, 8, and 9.\n* Rectangle Area is Length x Width – This is an important idea in its own right. This fact will also provide many opportunities for fun games and puzzles involving multiplication and factoring.\n* Factoring – Your child will learn the beauty of how numbers break apart into factors. 1 is a unit. A number bigger than 1 only divisible by 1 and itself is prime. A number bigger than 1 that is not prime is composite. 3 **squared** is 3 × 3. 3 **cubed** is 3 × 3 × 3. And 3 raised to a power means to multiply 3 by itself that many times - for example, 3 to the fourth is 3 × 3 × 3 × 3.\n* Factors, Divisors, and Multiples – 3 divides evenly into 12. That makes 3 a factor or divisor of 12, and 12 a multiple of 3. 3 is a common factor of 12 and 15, and 12 is a common multiple of 4 and 6.\n* Single-digit Division – Your child will learn division indirectly in the form of finding a missing factor in a multiplication problem.\n* Fact Families for Multiplication and Division – We'll reinforce the connection between these two operations. For example, 2 × 5 = 10, 5 × 2 = 10, 10 / 2 = 5, and 10 / 5 = 2 form a fact family.", + "text": "* العد حتى ٢٠٠ - تعرّف على خانة المئات من خلال النظر إلى الأرقام من ١٠٠ إلى ٢٠٠.\n* العد بالتخطي حتى ١٠٠ - هذا ليس جديدًا، ولكنه مهارة مهمة يجب تعزيزها.\n* الشكل الموسع والقيمة المكانية - هذه مهارة أساسية، لذا سيتم تعزيزها بشكل أكبر.\n* الجمع والطرح المكونان من رقمين - سيساعد العد بالتخطي في جعل هذا يبدو سهلاً.\n* جميع عمليات الضرب المكونة من رقم واحد - حان الوقت لملء الفجوات المفقودة للأعداد ٦ و٧ و٨ و٩\n* مساحة المستطيل هي الطول × العرض - هذه فكرة مهمة في حد ذاتها. ستوفر هذه الحقيقة أيضًا العديد من الفرص للألعاب والألغاز الممتعة التي تتضمن الضرب والتحليل إلى عوامل.\n* التحليل إلى عوامل - سيتعلم طفلك جمال كيفية تقسيم الأرقام إلى عوامل. ١ هو وحدة العدد الأكبر من ١ الذي لا يقبل القسمة إلا على ١ وهو في حد ذاته أولي. العدد الأكبر من ١ غير الأولي هو عدد مركب. ٣ مربع يساوي ٣ × ٣. و٣ مكعب يساوي ٣× ٣ × ٣. و٣ مرفوعة إلى قوة، تعني ضرب ٣ في حد ذاته عدة مرات - على سبيل المثال، ٣ أس أربعة يساوي ٣ × ٣ × ٣ × ٣.\n* العوامل والمقسومات والمضاعفات - ٣ يقسم ١٢ بالتساوي. وهذا يجعل ٣ عاملاً أو قاسمًا لـ ١٢، و١٢ مضاعفًا لـ ٣. و٣ عامل مشترك لـ ١٢ و١٥، و١٢ مضاعف مشترك لـ ٤ و٦.\n* القسمة المكونة من رقم واحد - سيتعلم طفلك القسمة بشكل غير مباشر في شكل إيجاد عامل مفقود في مسألة الضرب.\n* عائلات الحقائق للضرب والقسمة - سنعزز العلاقة بين هاتين العمليتين. على سبيل المثال، ٢ × ٥ = ١٠، و٥ × ٢ = ١٠، و١٠ / ٢ = ٥، و١٠ / ٥ = ٢ تشكل عائلة حقائق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Stage 4 — I Can Count to 20!", - "text": "المرحلة ٤ – يمكنني العدد حتى ٢٠!", + "SourceText": "MENTAL MULTIPLICATION", + "text": "الضرب الذهني", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Stage 5 — I Can Count to 100!", - "text": "المرحلة ٥ – يمكنني العدد حتى ١٠٠!", + "SourceText": "These teaching methods provide structured strategies for learning single-digit multiplication. Your child should already be good at doubling any number, skip counting by any number, and multiplying by 5 and 10.", + "text": "توفر طرق التدريس هذه استراتيجيات منظمة لتعلم الضرب المكون من رقم واحد. يجب أن يكون لدى طفلك القدرة الجيدة بالفعل في مضاعفة أي رقم، والعد بالتخطي بأي رقم، والضرب في ٥ و١٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A Very Tall Man", - "text": "رجل طويل جداً", + "SourceText": "3 x 4 = 4 x 3", + "text": "٣ × ٤ = ٤ × ٣", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller", - "text": "تتناول هذه القصة العد حتى 5 والأوصاف والمقارنات. تدرب على وصف الكلمات: أيضًا، جدًا، قصير، طويل، منخفض، عالي، كبير، صغير؛ أسماء الألوان؛ وكلمات المقارنة: أقصر، أطول، أقل، أعلى، أكبر، أصغر.", + "SourceText": "Your child is so familiar with addition that it’s no surprise that 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2. Although not as obvious, the same is true for multiplication.", + "text": "إن طفلك على دراية كبيرة بالجمع لدرجة أنه ليس من المفاجئ أن يكون ٢ + ٣ هو نفسه ٣ + ٢. على الرغم من عدم وضوح ذلك، فإن الأمر نفسه ينطبق على الضرب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Akadeli's Lucky Day", - "text": "يوم أكاديلي المحظوظ", + "SourceText": "This illustration shows that two rows of three is the same as three rows of two – you’re just changing your point of view!\n\nIt doesn’t matter which order you multiply two numbers – you get the same answer either way!\n\nIt's great that this cool observation means that your child needs to master only about half as many multiplication facts – once your child knows 3 × 4, they also know 4 × 3.", + "text": "يوضح هذا الرسم التوضيحي أن صفين من ثلاثة هو نفس ثلاثة صفوف من اثنين - أنت فقط تغير وجهة نظرك! لا يهم الترتيب الذي تضرب به رقمين، ستحصل على نفس الإجابة.\n\nمن الرائع أن هذه الملاحظة الرائعة تعني أن طفلك يحتاج إلى إتقان نصف عدد حقائق الضرب فقط - بمجرد أن يعرف طفلك ٣ × ٤، فإنه يعرف أيضًا ٤ × ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 12، الألوان، والأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: واحد، اثنان، إلى اثني عشر، التقدير، الإزالة، أسماء الألوان، الأقصر، الأطول، المتشابه، والمختلف.", + "SourceText": "SQUARES", + "text": "المربعات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can We Count Our Cats?", - "text": "هل يمكننا عدّ قططنا؟", + "SourceText": "Just as addition twins are favorite addition math facts, squares are often favorites for multiplication. Learning these provides another foundation for learning other multiplication facts.", + "text": "كما أن التوائم هي حقائق الجمع المفضلة في الرياضيات، فإن المربعات غالبًا ما تكون حقائق الضرب المفضلة. يوفر تعلم هذه الحقائق أساسًا آخر لتعلم حقائق الضرب الأخرى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.", - "text": "تتناول هذه القصة العد من 0 إلى 9 والألوان وأنماط الألوان. تدرب على كلمات العد، كلمات الألوان، وكلمات مثل: كثير ج ًدا، أكبر رقم، أصغر رقم، واحد أكثر، وواحد أقل.", + "SourceText": "1 MORE OR 1 LESS", + "text": "١ أكثر أو ١ أقل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Ball", - "text": "القط والكلب والكرة", + "SourceText": "When combined with the other earlier skills, the strategy of using '1 more' or '1 less' is effective for calculating the remaining multiplication facts. \n\nFor example, 9 × 7 is one 7 less than 10 × 7. So 9 × 7 = 70 – 7 = 63. This works for all 9’s. \n\nSimilarly, 3 × 7 is one more 7 than doubling 7, so 3 × 7 = 7 + 14 = 21. This works for all 3’s.", + "text": "عند دمجها مع المهارات السابقة الأخرى، تكون استراتيجية استخدام \"١ أكثر“ أو \"١ أقل“ فعالة لحساب حقائق الضرب المتبقية.\n\nعلى سبيل المثال، ٩ × ٧ أقل بمقدار ٧ من ١٠ × ٧ لذا ٩ × ٧ = ٧٠ - ٧ = ٦٣. وهذا ينطبق على جميع حقائق الضرب ٩.\n\nوبالمثل، فإن ٣ × ٧ يزيد بمقدار ٧ عن مضاعفة ٧ لذا فإن ٣ × ٧ = ٧ + ١٤ = ٢١. وهذا ينطبق على جميع الأعداد ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى 6، الألوان، والأوصاف. تدرب على عد الكلمات وأسماء الألوان والكلمات: مرتفع، أيضًا، متشابه، مختلف، أصغر، أكبر، قصير، طويل، أقل، والمزيد.", + "SourceText": "MULTIPLYING BY 9", + "text": "الضرب في ٩", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly", - "text": "القط والكلب والفراشة", + "SourceText": "Mental Multiplication", + "text": "الضرب الذهني", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أوصاف السرعة والألوان والعد حتى 6. تدرب على كلمات العد وكلمات الألوان والكلمات التالية: جدًا، أيضًا، سريع، بطيء، أسرع من، أبطأ من، الأسرع، الأبطأ، أكثر، وأقل.", + "SourceText": "Although multiplying by 9 is covered by the last strategy, they are fun to learn in their own right. If you write the multiples of 9 in order, you’ll see the tens digit is always one less than the number you are multiplying by and the ones digit plus the tens digit always adds up to 9!", + "text": "على الرغم من أن الضرب في ٩ مشمول بالاستراتيجية الأخيرة، إلا أنه من الممتع تعلمه في حد ذاته. إذا كتبت مضاعفات ٩ بالترتيب، فستجد أن رقم العشرات يكون دائمًا أقل بمقدار واحد من الرقم الذي تضرب فيه وأن رقم الآحاد بالإضافة إلى رقم العشرات يساوي دائمًا ٩!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Egg", - "text": "القط والكلب والبيضة", + "SourceText": "MAKING 100", + "text": "لعبة تكوين ١٠٠", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5 والمقارنة والألوان والأشكال. تدرب على الكلمات: مستدير، فوق، تحت، مشابه، مستدير، طائرة ورقية، مختلف، أكبر، وأطول.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Each player has a sheet of paper with 7 rows and 3 columns. The columns are marked “10’s,” “1’s,” and “Running Total.”\n\n**How to play:** Each player’s running total starts at 0. Roll a die or pick a random playing card from 1 to 9. Each player chooses to use this number in their 1’s or 10’s column for the current row. For example, if it is a 4, this can become 4 or 40. The chosen number is added to the running total.\n\n**How to win:** A player that goes over the target of 100 “goes bust” and loses. If neither player goes bust, the one closer to 100 wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد** كل لاعب لديه ورقة بها ٧ صفوف و٣ أعمدة. الأعمدة مُشار إليها بـ \"١٠“ و\"١“ و\"الإجمالي الجاري“\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يبدأ الإجمالي الجاري لكل لاعب من (٠). قم برمي نرد أو اختر بطاقة لعب عشوائية من ١ إلى ٩. يختار كل لاعب استخدام هذا الرقم في عمود ١ أو ١٠ الخاص به للصف الحالي. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان الرقم ٤، فيمكن أن يصبح ٤ أو ٤٠. تتم إضافة الرقم المختار إلى الإجمالي الجاري.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الذي يتجاوز الهدف ١٠٠ \"يخسر“. إذا لم يخسر أي من اللاعبين، يفوز اللاعب الأقرب إلى ١٠٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold", - "text": "القط والكلب: الكلب يشعر بالبرد", + "SourceText": "There are many options for this game:\n\n* Use a different target number\n* Use fewer or more rows.\n* Don’t go bust if you go over the target. The closer player on either side wins. \n* Use a fourth column of 100’s to practice 3-digit numbers.\n* Practice subtraction by starting at the target number and subtract down to 0.", + "text": "هناك العديد من الخيارات لهذه اللعبة:\n\n* استخدم رقم هدف مختلف\n* استخدم صفوفًا أقل أو أكثر.\n* لا تخسر إذا تجاوزت الهدف. يفوز اللاعب الأقرب على أي من الجانبين.\n* استخدم عمودًا رابعًا من ١٠٠ للتدرب على الأرقام المكونة من ٣ أرقام.\n* تدرب على الطرح من خلال البدء بالرقم المستهدف وطرحه حتى (٠).", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.", - "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن المبالغة في وصف الكلمات، والعد إلى 6 مع زيادة واحد أكثر أو أقل. الكلمات التي يجب التدرب عليها هي: أيضًا، بارد، دافئ، حار، خفيف، مظلم، نهار، ليل، نظيف، قذر، صغير، كبير، قصير، طويل، رطب، جاف، رقيق، سميك، منخفض، عالي، جديد، وقديم.", + "SourceText": "STAKE YOUR CLAIM", + "text": "لعبة \"طالب بحقك“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Clever Cat", - "text": "القطة الذكية", + "SourceText": "Place Value and Addition Games", + "text": "ألعاب القيمة المكانية والجمع", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أفكار هندسية وألوان. كلمات التدريب: أسماء المربع والمستطيل والدائرة والمتحدة المركز والمفتوحة والمغلقة والأقل والقليل والصغير والكبير والألوان.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Have a paper with a number line from 0 to 99 to share.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, a player uses two random cards from 0 to 9, choosing the order of these two digits, to generate a number from 00 to 99, and then puts that number on their side of the number line.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get four numbers in a region without any of the opponent’s numbers in between wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** احصل على ورقة بخط أرقام من $(٠)$ إلى $٩٩$ لمشاركتها.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، يستخدم اللاعب بطاقتين عشوائيتين من (٠) إلى ٩، ويختار ترتيب هذين الرقمين، لتوليد رقم من (٠٠) إلى ٩٩، ثم يضع هذا الرقم على جانبه من خط الأرقام.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز أول لاعب يحصل على أربعة أرقام في منطقة بدون أي من أرقام الخصم بينها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Colors of a Rainbow", - "text": "ألوان قوس قزح", + "SourceText": "Variation", + "text": "التنوع", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.", - "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن الأعداد حتى سبعة، والأعداد الترتيبية حتى السابع، والألوان. تدرب على الكلمات: واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، إلى سبعة؛ الأعداد الترتيبية: الأول، الثاني، الثالث، إلى السابع؛ وأسماء الألوان العديدة.", + "SourceText": "The game can also be played from 000 to 999.", + "text": "يمكن أيضًا لعب اللعبة من ٠٠٠ إلى ٩٩٩.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Counting Animals", - "text": "عدّ الحيوانات", + "SourceText": "BONDED GROUPS", + "text": "ألغاز المجموعات المرتبطة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 9 ومقارنات العدد والحجم. كلمات التدريب: واحد، اثنان، إلى تسعة، كبير، صغير، أكثر، أقل، واحد أكثر، وواحد أقل.", + "SourceText": "There are two versions of these puzzles.", + "text": "توجد نسختان من هذه الألغاز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Creature with Two", - "text": "مخلوق ذو اثنين", + "SourceText": "**Version 1:** The is the same as the Sum Groups puzzles in Stage 3, only now the target sums can be bigger. The boards can be any size, and here we use a 4 by 4 board. The target number is on the left, which is 13 in this case.", + "text": "**النسخة ١:** هي نفس ألغاز المجموعات المجمعة في المرحلة ٣، إلا أن مجموع الأهداف يمكن أن يكون أكبر الآن. يمكن أن تكون الألواح بأي حجم، وهنا نستخدم لوحة ٤ × ٤. الرقم المستهدف موجود على اليسار، وهو ١٣ في هذه الحالة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى سبعة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد الصغيرة، خاصة واحد واثنين؛ ومقارنة الكلمات مثل أكثر، متساو، نفس، وأقل. تحدث أيضًا عن المربعات والدوائر والمواد الصلبة والخطوط والأكبر والأصغر.", + "SourceText": "**The challenge:** Identify groups of connected numbers whose sum is the target (13).", + "text": "**التحدي:** تحديد مجموعات الأرقام المتصلة التي يكون مجموعها هو الهدف (١٣).", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Drum", - "text": "الطبل", + "SourceText": "**Version 2:** Here is an example of a 4 by 4 board with a target number of 20. As in Sum Groups, the board is filled with pairs and triples of numbers that add up to the target. However, now there will be one square not involved in any of those groups.", + "text": "**النسخة ٢:** هذا مثال للوحة ٤ × ٤ مع رقم هدف ٢٠. كما هو الحال في المجموعات المجمعة، تمتلئ اللوحة بأزواج وثلاثيات من الأرقام التي يصل مجموعها إلى الهدف. ومع ذلك، الآن سيكون هناك مربع واحد غير مشارك في أي من هذه المجموعات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.", - "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على الأنماط والأحجام والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الحجم، الكبير، الصغير، المتوسط، نفسه، الشكل، والنمط.", + "SourceText": "**The challenge:** The challenge is to find the single square that has that number. In this example, it is '5.'", + "text": "**التحدي:** التحدي هو إيجاد المربع الوحيد الذي يحتوي على هذا الرقم. في هذا المثال، هو \"٥“.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana Loves Animals", - "text": "فانا تحب الحيوانات", + "SourceText": "MISSING NUMBERS", + "text": "ألغاز الأرقام المفقودة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكميات إلى عشرة، المقارنة، والألوان. كلمات التدريب: العد إلى عشرة، معظم، أكثر، أقل، أكبر، أصغر، أقصر، أطول، أسماء الألوان، صلبة، مخططة، ومرقعة.", + "SourceText": "**How to create:** Create these puzzles by taking a simple addition or subtraction equation and leaving out some of the digits. If you accidentally leave out too many numbers, that can open up a discussion of what all the possible solutions are – for example, if you start with 2 + 5 = 7 and leave out the first and third numbers, there are many solutions to ? + 5 = ?\n\n**Example:** The following two problems are turned into Missing Number puzzles by leaving out a couple digits in each one.", + "text": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز من خلال أخذ معادلة جمع أو طرح بسيطة وحذف بعض الأرقام. إذا تركت عن طريق الخطأ عددًا كبيرًا جدًا من الأرقام، فقد يفتح ذلك مناقشة حول جميع الحلول الممكنة - على سبيل المثال، إذا بدأت بـ ٢ + ٥ = ٧ وحذفت الرقمين الأول والثالث، فهناك العديد من الحلول لـ ؟ + ٥ = ؟\n\n**مثال:** يتم تحويل المشكلتين التاليتين إلى ألغاز أرقام مفقودة من خلال حذف عدد من الأرقام في كل منها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Feelings", - "text": "المشاعر", + "SourceText": "**Letter substition puzzles:** These missing number puzzles form a very understandable stepping stone to using simple variables. After getting comfortable with these puzzles, your child will be ready to do some Letter Substitution puzzles that are described later in this Stage.", + "text": "**ألغاز استبدال الحروف:** تشكل ألغاز الأرقام المفقودة هذه حجر الأساس المفهوم للغاية لاستخدام المتغيرات البسيطة. بعد أن يعتاد طفلك على هذه الألغاز، سيكون مستعدًا لحل بعض ألغاز استبدال الحروف التي سيتم وصفها لاحقًا في هذه المرحلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.", - "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العدّ حتى عشرة. كلمات التدريب: كم، واحد أكثر، أكثر وأقل.", + "SourceText": "MAKING MULTIPLICATION CARDS", + "text": "اصنع بطاقات الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Flower Blind", - "text": "الزهرة العمياء", + "SourceText": "Make a set of multiplication cards to practice these math facts while playing matching games your family played earlier: Stage 1 - Go Fish, Memory Challenge; Stage 2 - Bingo; Stage 3 - Hot Potato; and Stage 4 - Gin Rummy.\n\n**How to create:** Hand draw four cards for each math fact. These are the four cards for 3 × 4.", + "text": "اصنع مجموعة من بطاقات الضرب لممارسة هذه الحقائق الرياضية أثناء لعب ألعاب المطابقة التي لعبتها عائلتك سابقًا: المرحلة ١ - لعبة ”إذهب للصيد“، تحدي الذاكرة؛ المرحلة ٢ - لعبة ”بينغو“؛ المرحلة ٣ - لعبة ”الطاطا الساخنة“؛ والمرحلة ٤ - لعبة ”الجن رومي“.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** ارسم يدويًا أربع بطاقات لكل حقيقة رياضية. ١) التعبير ٢) مجموعات الأشياء، ٣) المصفوفة، و٤) التحليل إلى عوامل أولية. البطاقات الأربع لـ ٣ × ٤ هي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.", - "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على الأعداد حتى العشرة10، والمقارنة بين الكميات والأشكال. يمكن من خلالها ممارسة الكلمات التالية: كم، أغلب، أقل، واحدة أكثر، بكم يزيد، الاختلاف، مستطيل، مربع، دائرة ودائري.", + "SourceText": "**Options:** One option is to include 3 × 4 and not include 4 × 3. This has the drawback that seeing 3 groups of 4 is different from seeing 4 groups of 3.\n\nFor array cards, put the skip counting numbers along one or both sides to help your child practice skip counting.", + "text": "أحد الخيارات هو تضمين ٣ × ٤ وعدم تضمين ٤ × ٣. وهذا له عيب يتمثل في أن رؤية ٣ مجموعات من ٤ تختلف عن رؤية ٤ مجموعات من ٣.\n\nبالنسبة لبطاقات المصفوفة، ضع أرقام العد بالتخطي على طول أحد أو كلا الجانبين لمساعدة طفلك على ممارسة العد بالتخطي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Friends", - "text": "أصدقاء", + "SourceText": "For expression cards, replace each number with the prime factorization symbol for the number. This makes it easier to see how the prime factorizations fit together when multiplying two numbers.", + "text": "بالنسبة لبطاقات التعبير، استبدل كل رقم برمز التحليل إلى عوامل أولية للرقم. وهذا يجعل من السهل رؤية كيفية تناسق التحليل إلى عوامل أولية معًا عند ضرب رقمين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 6, الألوان, والأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: كم، الأرقام إلى ستة، واحد إضافي، اثنان أكثر، واحد أقل، اثنان أقل، أسماء الألوان، الخطوط، المواد الصلبة، خماسي الأضلاع، السداسي، الدائري، نفس، ومختلف.", + "SourceText": "REVEALING PRODUCTS", + "text": "الكشف عن النتائج", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How the Toad Got its Skin", - "text": "كيف حصل الضفدع على جلده", + "SourceText": "Multiplication Cards and Tables", + "text": "بطاقات وجداول الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 16, الأشكال, والألوان. كلمات التدريب: العد بمقدار 2 أو 4، أكثر، أقل، واحد إضافي، أسماء الألوان، الدائرة، المركز، ومتحدة المركز.", + "SourceText": "**How to create:** Use a blank table with 4 product rows and columns. There are also groups of four missing numbers at the top and left sides – these will have some of the numbers, possibly with duplication, from 2 to 9. Fill in the table out of sight of your child, and then flip over or cover the numbers.\n\n**The challenge:** Your child can ask to reveal, one at a time, up to 10 of the 16 product entries. The goal is to find the entries for the top and left sides before running out of turns.", + "text": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** استخدم جدولاً فارغًا به ٤ صفوف وأعمدة للضرب. توجد أيضًا مجموعات من أربعة أرقام مفقودة في الجانبين العلوي واليسار - ستحتوي هذه على بعض الأرقام، ربما مع تكرار، من ٢ إلى ٩. املأ الجدول بعيدًا عن أنظار طفلك، ثم اقلب الأرقام أو غطها.\n\n**التحدي:** يمكن لطفلك أن يطلب الكشف، واحدًا تلو الآخر، عن ما يصل إلى ١٠ من إدخالات المنتج الستة عشر. والهدف هو العثور على الإدخالات للجانبين العلوي واليسار قبل نفاد الأدوار.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the Animals", - "text": "انظر إلى الحيوانات", + "SourceText": "**Example:** Imagine all cards are flipped over in this example. If your child chose to flip over the card that has the 63 under it, they would know it came from 7 and 9. Flipping over any other card in the same row or column as the 63 would show where the 7 and 9 are. Suppose the second card they flipped over is the 56. The third column must be 7, and also the second row is 9 and the third row is 8.", + "text": "**مثال:** تخيل أن جميع البطاقات مقلوبة في هذا المثال. إذا اختار طفلك قلب البطاقة التي تحتوي على الرقم ٦٣ أسفلها، فسوف يعرف أنها جاءت من ٧ و٩. سيُظهر قلب أي بطاقة أخرى في نفس الصف أو العمود مثل الرقم ٦٣ مكان الرقمين ٧ و٩. افترض أن البطاقة الثانية التي قلبها هي الرقم ٥٦. يجب أن يكون العمود الثالث ٧، والصف الثاني أيضًا ٩ والصف الثالث ٨.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كميات صغيرة تصل إلى 8. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 8، كم، واحد، صغير، وكبير.", + "SourceText": "COVER FACTORS AND MULTIPLES", + "text": "تغطية العوامل والمضاعفات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My School Clothes", - "text": "ملابسي المدرسية", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Have a board of numbers from 1 to 24. There are two kinds of tokens – a single token reserved for “the last move,” and a pile of other tokens.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** يجب أن يكون لديك لوحة بها أرقام من ١ إلى ٢٤. هناك نوعان من الرموز - رمز واحد مخصص لـ \"الحركة الأخيرة“، ومجموعة من الرموز الأخرى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5 والأشكال والألوان. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 5، أسماء الألوان، أيضًا، كبيرة جدًا، صغيرة جدًا، مناسبة تمامًا، الألوان المتطابقة، والمستطيل.", + "SourceText": "**How to play:** The first player gets to pick any number and cover it with the last move token. After that, a player replaces the last move token with the other type of token and moves the last move token to any number that is a factor or multiple of the number from the last move.\n\n**How to win:** The losing player is the one forced to cover the number 1.\n\n**Example:** This board shows the middle of a game that started 10 -> 5 -> 15 -> 3.", + "text": "**كيف تلعب:** يحصل اللاعب الأول على اختيار أي رقم وتغطيته برمز الحركة الأخيرة. بعد ذلك، يستبدل اللاعب رمز الحركة الأخيرة بنوع آخر من الرموز وينقل رمز الحركة الأخيرة إلى أي رقم يكون عاملًا أو مضاعفًا للرقم من الحركة الأخيرة.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الخاسر هو اللاعب الذي يضطر إلى تغطية الرقم ١.\n\n**مثال:** تُظهر هذه اللوحة منتصف لعبة بدأت بـ ١٠ -> ٥ -> ١٥ -> ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Palm Tree", - "text": "شجرة النخيل", + "SourceText": "As children get better at this game, they will discover rules they need to follow governing reasonable first moves. The most basic rule is that the first move cannot be on a prime number in the upper half of the numbers.\n\nAdjust the range of numbers to the skill level of the players – 1 to 30, 1 to 48, or 1 to 60.", + "text": "مع تحسن أداء الطفل في هذه اللعبة، سيكتشف القواعد التي تحكم التحركات الأولى المعقولة. والقاعدة الأساسية هي أن التحرك الأول لا يمكن أن يكون على رقم أولي في النصف العلوي من الأرقام.\n\nاضبط نطاق الأرقام وفقًا لمستوى مهارة اللاعبين - من ١ إلى ٣٠، أو من ١ إلى ٤٨، أو من ١ إلى ٦٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 12 والمقارنة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 12، كم عدد، التقدير، العد بمقدار 2، أكثر، أقل، الفرق، الشكل الدائري، شكل الصندوق، الحلقة، والنمط.", + "SourceText": "NIM WITH FACTORS", + "text": "لعبة نيم بالعوامل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo, Our Cow", - "text": "بيندو، بقرتنا", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Start with any number, say 20. Let your child decide whether to go first or second. How to play: During their turn, a player may subtract any divisor of the current number from the number. For example, starting at 20, the first player can subtract 1, 2, 4, 5, or 10 for their first move.\n\n**How to win:** The player forced to 0 loses.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** ابدأ بأي رقم، على سبيل المثال ٢٠. دع طفلك يقرر ما إذا كان سيبدأ أولاً أم ثانيًا.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** خلال دوره، يمكن للاعب طرح أي قاسم للرقم الحالي من الرقم. على سبيل المثال، بدءًا من ٢٠، يمكن للاعب الأول طرح ١ أو ٢ أو ٤ أو ٥ أو ١٠ في حركته الأولى.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يخسر اللاعب الذي يُجبر على (٠).", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كميات تصل إلى ستة والمقارنة. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى ستة، أكثر، أقل، ومستطيل.", + "SourceText": "Strategy", + "text": "الاستراتيجية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The Day the Sun Went Away", - "text": "يوم غابت الشمس", + "SourceText": "After your child becomes familiar with the game, encourage them to look for the remarkably simple strategy for always winning - once they discover it, see if they can explain why it works.", + "text": "بعد أن يعتاد طفلك على اللعبة، شجعه على البحث عن الاستراتيجية البسيطة بشكل ملحوظ للفوز دائمًا - بمجرد اكتشافها، انظر ما إذا كان بإمكانه شرح سبب نجاحها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 7 والمقارنة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 7، كم، نفسه، أقل، أكثر، واحد إضافي، واحد أقل، أيضًا، كثير جدًا، مستدير، كرة، أسطوانة، دافئ، أكثر دفئًا، بارد، وأكثر برودة.", + "SourceText": "SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENES", + "text": "غربال إراتوستينس", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Visiting Grandmother", - "text": "زيارة الجدة", + "SourceText": "Finding Primes", + "text": "العثور على الأعداد الأولية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد حتى 10، واحد آخر، اثنان آخران، ثلاثة آخرون، العد بمقدار 2، متساوي، مستطيل، دائرة، متحدة المركز، مستقيم، ومنحني.", + "SourceText": "Children have fun putting in X’s and watching primes fall through this sieve. This investigation\ncreates opportunities for discovering many interesting properties of divisibility and primes. \n\nStart with a number line numbered from 1 to 25 (or larger if space and patience allows). \n\nWrite the number 2 below itself. On this new line put X’s below each multiple of 2.\n\nNext, pull down the lowest number with no X’s below it (3 in this case) and put it on the next line. Write the 3 and put X’s on that line for all its multiples.", + "text": "يستمتع الأطفال بوضع علامة X ومشاهدة الأعداد الأولية تتساقط من خلال هذا الغربال. يتيح هذا التحقيق فرصًا لاكتشاف العديد من الخصائص المثيرة للاهتمام للقسمة والأعداد الأولية.\n\nابدأ بخط أعداد مرقم من ١ إلى ٢٥ (أو أكبر إذا سمح الوقت والصبر).\n\nاكتب الرقم ٢ أسفل نفسه. في هذا الخط الجديد، ضع علامة X أسفل كل مضاعف للرقم ٢.\n\nبعد ذلك، اسحب أدنى رقم لا يحتوي على علامة X أسفله (في هذه الحالة الرقم ٣) وضعه في السطر التالي. اكتب الرقم ٣ وضع علامة X في ذلك السطر لجميع مضاعفاته.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Where Is Lulu?", - "text": "أين هي لولو؟", + "SourceText": "Keep pulling down numbers and marking their multiples.\n\nWhen you are finished, you will have pulled down all the primes. Remember that 1 is a unit and not a prime!", + "text": "استمر في سحب الأرقام ووضع علامة على مضاعفاتها.\n\nعند الانتهاء، ستكون قد سحبت جميع الأعداد الأولية. تذكر أن ١ هو وحدة وليس عددًا أوليًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى 10، المقارنة بين الأحجام، كلمات تطبيقية للهندسة: الأعداد إلى 10، واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، أكثر، صغير، كبير، جداً، كبير جداً، الأصغر، الأكبر، مثلث، مستطيل، شكل خماسي، إسطواني، مماثل، فوق، تحت، على سطح.", + "SourceText": "Discuss these questions with your child as they play with the sieve:\n\n* Why are primes the numbers the numbers that are pulled down?\n* What is the last prime whose multiples you need to cross out? Why were the other\nprimes not useful?\n* For all the primes that were useful, which of their multiples produced new restrictions\nand which were not useful? Is there a pattern in that answer?\n* If you had a number, say 53, which prime numbers would you need to divide it by to\nconfirm that it’s a prime?", + "text": "ناقش هذه الأسئلة مع طفلك أثناء اللعب بالغربال:\n\n* لماذا الأعداد الأولية هي الأرقام التي يتم سحبها؟\n* ما هو آخر عدد أولي تحتاج إلى شطب مضاعفاته؟ لماذا لم تكن الأعداد الأولية الأخرى مفيدة؟\n* بالنسبة لجميع الأعداد الأولية التي كانت مفيدة، أي من مضاعفاتها أنتجت قيودًا جديدة وأيها لم يكن مفيدًا؟ هل هناك نمط في تلك الإجابة؟\n* إذا كان لديك رقم، لنقل ٥٣، ما هي الأعداد الأولية التي تحتاج إلى تقسيمه عليها لتأكيد أنه عدد أولي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Where Is My Bat?", - "text": "أين هو مضربي؟", + "SourceText": "MIX IT UP", + "text": "قم بخلط الأرقام", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 7، وكلمات العلاقات، والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: كم، الأرقام حتى 7، واحد إضافي واحد أقل، خلف، داخل، على، مرتفع، مرتفع جدًا، تحت، مستطيل، مربع، وخط عمودي.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use numbered cards from 1 to 25, or a range your child is comfortable with.\n\n**How to play:** A card is selected at random and used as everyone’s target number. That card is returned to the deck. Each player is dealt five cards to be used, in any order and with any operations, to get as close as possible to the target number.\n\n**Examples:** Suppose the target number is 14, and you are dealt 3, 6, 12, 17, and 20. 17 - 3 or 20 - 6 work, but only use two cards. 20 - 12 + 6 uses three cards. 17 x (6 / 3) - 20 or 20 - (12 / (6 / 3)) use four cards, so that's an improvement, if you're trying to use all the cards. Can you find a way to use all five?", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم بطاقات مرقمة من ١ إلى $٢٥$، أو نطاقًا يشعر طفلك بالراحة معه.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يتم اختيار بطاقة عشوائيًا وتستخدم كرقم الهدف للجميع. تُعاد تلك البطاقة إلى المجموعة. يتم توزيع خمس بطاقات على كل لاعب ليستخدمها بأي ترتيب ومع أي عمليات للوصول إلى الرقم الهدف بأقرب ما يمكن.\n\n**أمثلة:** لنفترض أن الرقم الهدف هو ١٤، وتم توزيع ٣، ٦، ١٢، ١٧، و٢٠. يمكن استخدام ١٧ - ٣ أو ٢٠ - ٦، ولكن باستخدام بطاقتين فقط. ٢٠ - ١٢ + ٦ يستخدم ثلاث بطاقات. ١٧ × (٦ / ٣) - ٢٠ أو ٢٠ - (١٢ / (٦ / ٣)) يستخدم أربع بطاقات، لذا هذا تحسن إذا كنت تحاول استخدام جميع البطاقات. هل يمكنك العثور على طريقة لاستخدام البطاقات الخمس جميعها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Where Is My Cat?", - "text": "أين هي قطتي؟", + "SourceText": "Scoring options", + "text": "خيارات التسجيل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5، كلمات العلاقات، والألوان. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 5، تحت، فوق، خلف، بجوار، داخل، خارج، أسماء الألوان، مستقيم، ومنحني.", + "SourceText": "There are several options for scoring, and you may think of your own.\n\n* 1 point to each player who hits the target. Total over several rounds.\n* A player's score for a round is the difference between their result and the target. The\nscores are totaled over several rounds, and the lowest total score wins.\n* A player earns twice as many points as the number of cards they use to reach the target; a player receives 5 points for hitting the target with help; and a player receives\n6 points for helping someone hit the target.", + "text": "هناك عدة خيارات للتسجيل، ويمكنك التفكير في خياراتك الخاصة.\n\n* نقطة واحدة لكل لاعب يصل إلى الهدف. يتم جمع النقاط على مدار عدة جولات.\n* درجة اللاعب لجولة هي الفرق بين نتيجته والهدف. يتم جمع الدرجات على مدار عدة جولات، والفائز هو من يحصل على أقل مجموع درجات.\n* يكسب اللاعب ضعف عدد النقاط بقدر عدد البطاقات التي يستخدمها للوصول إلى الهدف؛ يحصل اللاعب على ٥ نقاط للوصول إلى الهدف بمساعدة؛ ويحصل اللاعب على ٦ نقاط لمساعدة شخص آخر في الوصول إلى الهدف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A Dancer's Tale", - "text": "قصة الراقصة: فيليس سبيرا", + "SourceText": "PARENTHESES PUZZLES", + "text": "ألغاز الأقواس", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, smallest, shortest, longest, more, less, circle, arc, triangle, rectangle, right angle, straight lines, diagonal, shapes made with lines, Y shape.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى ١٢، المقارنة والكلمات. الكلمات التدريبية: الأرقام حتى ١٢، الأصغر، الأقصر، الأطول، أكثر، أقل، دائرة، قوس، مثلث، مستطيل، زاوية قائمة، خطوط مستقيمة، قطري، أشكال مصنوعة من خطوط، شكل حرف Y.", + "SourceText": "**The challenge:** Take an expression, such as \n\n2 + 7 × 5 − 2 × 2\n\nand add parentheses to it so that a target result, say 9, is obtained.\n\n**How to create:** These are easy to create and tailor to you child's skill set. Take any equation, in our case \n\n9 = (2 + 7) × (5 − 2 × 2)\n\nand then remove the parentheses. It's as simple as that! \n\nUse the operations and numbers that your child is comfortable with. Use shorter expressions and fewer parentheses to make simpler puzzles.", + "text": "**التحدي:** خذ تعبيرًا مثل ٢ + ٧ × ٥ − ٢ × ٢، وأضف إليه أقواسًا بحيث يتم الحصول على نتيجة مستهدفة، لنقل ٩\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** من السهل إنشاء هذه الألغاز وتكييفها مع مستوى مهارة طفلك. خذ أي معادلة، في هذه الحالة ٩ = (٢+٧) × (٥−٢×٢)، ثم قم بإزالة الأقواس. الأمر بهذه البساطة! استخدم العمليات والأرقام التي يشعر طفلك بالراحة معها. استخدم تعبيرات أقصر وأقواس أقل لجعل الألغاز أبسط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A Fish and a Gift", - "text": "سمكة وهدية", + "SourceText": "SECRET OPS", + "text": "العمليات السرية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 8, descriptions and comparisons, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 8, earlier, later, dark, faster, down, backwards, longest, more, little, different, triangle, rectangle, line, side, straight, horizon, and horizontal.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 8، والصفات والمقارنات، والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 8، سابقًا، لاحقًا، داكن، أسرع، أسفل، للخلف، الأطول، أكثر، قليل، مختلف، مثلث، مستطيل، خط، جانب، مستقيم، أفق، وأفقي.", + "SourceText": "Near the end of Stage 4, the Sum Difference activity had one person think of two numbers and then challenge the other person to find the numbers by telling them the sum and difference of the numbers. Secret Ops uses the same idea, only now the challenger can use any two operations, such as multiplying and subtracting.\n\n**Examples:** The challenger might say “Which two numbers have a product of 12 and a difference of 4?” You can extend this to three numbers, if you like - “Which three numbers have a product of 12 and a sum of 8?”", + "text": "في نهاية المرحلة ٤، كان نشاط الفرق بين المجموع يتطلب من شخص التفكير في رقمين ثم تحدي الشخص الآخر للعثور على الأرقام من خلال إخباره بمجموع الأرقام والفرق بينها. تستخدم العمليات السرية نفس الفكرة، ولكن الآن يمكن للمنافس استخدام أي عمليتين، مثل الضرب والطرح.\n\n**أمثلة:** قد يقول المنافس \"ما هما الرقمان اللذان حاصل ضربهما $١٢$ والفرق بينهما ٤؟“ يمكنك تمديد هذا إلى ثلاثة أرقام إذا أردت - \"ما هي الأرقام الثلاثة التي حاصل ضربها $١٢$ ومجموعها ٨؟“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Aku the Sun Maker", - "text": "آكو صانعة الشمس", + "SourceText": "LEVER BALANCE", + "text": "توازن الرافعة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has colors, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: white, red, yellow, orange, brown, rainbow colors, same, matching, different, difference, long, longer, short, very, curved, straight, round, triangle, and rectangle.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الألوان والأوصاف والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: أبيض، أحمر، أصفر، برتقالي، بني، ألوان قوس قزح، نفس الشيء، متطابق، مختلف، اختلاف، طويل، أطول، قصير، جداً، منحني، مستقيم، مستدير، مثلث، ومستطيل.", + "SourceText": "Mixed Operations", + "text": "العمليات المختلطة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Amazing Daisy", - "text": "ديزي الرائعة", + "SourceText": "**Levers:** Use the lever principle to practice multiplication and addition. The principle says that the force exerted by a mass on one side of a lever is equal to the mass times its distance from the pivot point, the fulcrum. The forces on one side from several masses add up to give the total force. The total forces on the two sides must be equal for the lever to be in balance.", + "text": "**الرافعات:** استخدم مبدأ الرافعة لممارسة الضرب والجمع. ينص المبدأ على أن القوة التي تمارسها الكتلة على جانب واحد من الرافعة تساوي الكتلة مضروبة في المسافة من نقطة الارتكاز. تتجمع القوى على جانب واحد من عدة كتل لتعطي القوة الكلية. يجب أن تكون القوى الكلية على الجانبين متساوية لكي تكون الرافعة في حالة توازن.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has geometry and shape ideas. Practice words: circle, rectangle, sides, corner, vertical line, horizontal line, big, small, low, and high", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أفكار هندسية وأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: دائرة، مستطيل، جوانب، زاوية، خط عمودي، خط أفقي، كبير، صغير، منخفض ومرتفع.", + "SourceText": "**Examples:** You have a 3-unit weight and a 5-unit weight to put on opposite sides of the fulcrum. Where should they be put to balance? The answer to this can be distances 5 and 3, but it can also be 10 and 6, or even larger answers like 15 and 9.\n\nIf you have a 3-unit and a 5-unit weight to put on one side of a lever, which weights can you put at which distances on the other side? What if the two weights are on different sides of the lever? This question continues the questions on the Make It Count page at the end of Stage 4.", + "text": "**أمثلة:** لديك وزن بوحدة ٣ ووزن بوحدة ٥ لوضعهما على الجوانب المقابلة من نقطة الارتكاز. أين يجب وضعهما لتحقيق التوازن؟ يمكن أن تكون الإجابة على هذا هي المسافات ٥ و٣، ولكن يمكن أن تكون أيضًا $١٠$ و٦، أو حتى إجابات أكبر مثل $١٥$ و٩.\n\nإذا كان لديك وزن بوحدة ٣ ووزن بوحدة ٥ لوضعهما على جانب واحد من الرافعة، ما هي الأوزان التي يمكنك وضعها على أي مسافات على الجانب الآخر؟ ماذا لو كانت الأوزان على جوانب مختلفة من الرافعة؟ يستمر هذا السؤال في الأسئلة الموجودة في صفحة \"اجعلها تحسب“ في نهاية المرحلة ٤.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Cassava and Palm", - "text": "الكاسافا و النخلة", + "SourceText": "BEEP", + "text": "صفير", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: very, extremely, more, difference, rectangle, square, round, cone, triangle, alike, different, dividing by 1, 2, and 1/2, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, oldest, youngest, inside, and outside.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على التمارين التالية: العد حتى العشرين، أوصاف و أشكال مختلفة. كلمات للممارسة: جدا، للغاية، أكثر، فرق، مستطيل، مربع، مستدير، مخروط، مثلث، متشابهين، مختلفين، قسمة على: 1 ، 2 ، 1/2، عمودي، أفقي، متعامد، الأقدم، الأصغر، الداخل والخارج.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Put the players in a circle. Start by identifying a group of numbers to use for a round of the game. Choose any group of numbers that would be fun or that provide practice with a concept. Some standard choice are:\n\n* odd numbers or even numbers\n* multiples of 3 (or some other number)\n* multiples of 3 together with multiples of 7\n* multiples of 3 that are not multiples of 5\n* multiples of 3 together with numbers that have the digit 3 in them \n* prime numbers\n\n**How to play:** Going around the circle, the players take turns saying the numbers starting at 1. When a player has a number in the group, they must say 'beep' instead of the number. If a player fails to say beep, or says beep for an incorrect number, they’re out.\n\n**How to win:** The last player remaining in wins!", + "text": "**الإعداد:** ضع اللاعبين في دائرة. ابدأ بتحديد مجموعة من الأرقام لاستخدامها في جولة اللعبة. اختر أي مجموعة من الأرقام التي ستكون ممتعة أو توفر ممارسة لمفهوم معين. بعض الخيارات القياسية هي:\n\n* الأرقام الفردية أو الزوجية\n* مضاعفات ٣ (أو أي رقم آخر)\n* مضاعفات ٣ مع مضاعفات ٧\n* مضاعفات ٣ التي ليست مضاعفات ٥\n* مضاعفات ٣ مع الأرقام التي تحتوي على الرقم ٣\n* الأعداد الأولية\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يدور اللاعبون حول الدائرة، ويتناوبون على قول الأرقام بدءًا من ١. عندما يكون لدى اللاعب رقم في المجموعة، يجب أن يقول \"بيب“ بدلاً من الرقم. إذا فشل اللاعب في قول \"بيب“، أو قال \"بيب“ لرقم غير صحيح، فإنه يخرج من اللعبة.\n\n**ميف تفوز:** اللاعب الأخير المتبقي يفوز!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Curious Baby Elephant", - "text": "الفيلة الصغيرة الفضولية", + "SourceText": "3 IN A ROW", + "text": "لعبة ٣ على التوالي", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has skip counting and number properties. Practice words: skip counting, counting by a number, even, odd, more, less, above, and below.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد القفزي وخصائص الأرقام. كلمات التدريب: العد القفزي، العد برقم، زوجي، فردي، أكثر، أقل، فوق وتحت.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use a deck of cards with Q’s (as 0’s), A’s (as 1’s), and 2-9, or use four sets of Number Cards from 0 to 9. Use a 4 by 5 grid on a paper with 20 spaces randomly filled out with multiples of 5 and 10. Have a set of tokens for each player.\n\n**How to play:** Select a random card and put your token on that number times 5 or 10 - your choice. Once occupied, the other player cannot move there.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get 3 in a row wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مجموعة من البطاقات تحتوي على Q (لتمثل (٠))، A (لتمثل (١))، و٢-٩، أو استخدم أربع مجموعات من بطاقات الأرقام من (٠) إلى ٩. استخدم شبكة ٤ في ٥ على ورقة تحتوي على ٢٠ مساحة مملوءة عشوائيًا بمضاعفات ٥ و١٠. احصل على مجموعة من الرموز لكل لاعب.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** اختر بطاقة عشوائية وضع رمزك على ذلك الرقم مضروبًا في ٥ أو ١٠ - اختيارك. بمجرد احتلالها، لا يمكن للاعب الآخر التحرك هناك.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يحصل على ٣ على التوالي يفوز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Father's Advice", - "text": "نصيحة أب", + "SourceText": "The numbers 5 and 10 can be replaced by other pairs such as 2 and 4, or 3 and 6. These pairings help with practicing doubling strategies for multiplication. For example, if the player does not know 6 × 7, they can double 3 × 7.", + "text": "يمكن استبدال الأرقام ٥ و١٠ بأزواج أخرى مثل ٢ و٤، أو ٣ و٦. تساعد هذه الأزواج في ممارسة استراتيجيات المضاعفة للضرب. على سبيل المثال، إذا لم يعرف اللاعب ٦ × ٧، يمكنه مضاعفة ٣ × ٧.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب:: دائري, مخروطي, مستطيل, طويل, خط عمودي, خط أفقي, زاوية قائمة, منحدر, صفر, إضافة واحد, العد بمرتين, بثلاثة مرات, بأربعة مرات, وبست مرات.", + "SourceText": "WAR – MULTIPLICATION", + "text": "الحرب - الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati and the Green Snake", - "text": "فاتي والأفعى الخضراء", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Remove the picture cards from a deck and split it evenly between two players. To give more focused practice, remove the A’s and 10’s as well.\n\n**How to play:** Each player turns over two cards, multiplies them, and the player with the larger product wins those four cards. If the products are equal, two more cards are turned over and the winner gets to keep all eight cards.\n\n**How to win:** The player with the most cards after playing for a set time is the winner.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** قم بإزالة بطاقات الصور من مجموعة البطاقات وقسمها بالتساوي بين لاعبين. للحصول على ممارسة أكثر تركيزًا، قم بإزالة بطاقات A و١٠ أيضًا.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يقوم كل لاعب بقلب بطاقتين، ويضربهما، واللاعب الذي يحصل على الناتج الأكبر يفوز بتلك البطاقات الأربع. إذا كانت النتائج متساوية، يتم قلب بطاقتين إضافيتين والفائز يحتفظ بجميع البطاقات الثمانية.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر عدد من البطاقات بعد اللعب لفترة محددة هو الفائز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing sizes. Practice words: numbers to 10, big, bigger, small, smaller, wide, wider, narrow, narrower, more, less, same, one more, and twice.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 ومقارنة الأحجام. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 10، كبير، أكبر، صغير، أصغر، واسع، أوسع، ضيق، أضيق، أكثر، أقل، نفس، واحد أكثر، ومرتين.", + "SourceText": "TURNING THE TABLES", + "text": "قلب الجداول", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How Many?", - "text": "كم العدد؟", + "SourceText": "Multiplying and Tables", + "text": "الجداول و الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 14 and skip counting. Practice words: numbers to 14, skip counting, more, fewer, one more, three more, and double.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 14 والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام حتى 14، العد القفزي، أكثر، أقل، واحد إضافي، ثلاثة إضافي، ومضاعف.", + "SourceText": "Filling in a standard multiplication table is boring, and children quickly realize they can fill it using repeated addition rather than multiplication. To really practice multiplication, as well as practicing problem solving and factoring, create a mixed-up multiplication table.\n\n**How to create:** Make these tables by moving the rows and columns around, and then leaving out most of the headings and entries in the middle.\n\n**Example:** Here is an example using headings of 2 through 9:", + "text": "ملء جدول الضرب القياسي ممل، وسرعان ما يدرك الأطفال أنهم يمكنهم ملؤه باستخدام الجمع المتكرر بدلاً من الضرب. لممارسة الضرب حقًا، بالإضافة إلى ممارسة حل المشكلات والتحليل إلى عوامل، قم بإنشاء جدول ضرب مختلط.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الجداول عن طريق تحريك الصفوف والأعمدة، ثم ترك معظم العناوين والإدخالات في الوسط.\n\n**مثال:** هنا مثال باستخدام عناوين من ٢ إلى ٩:", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I Love Forests", - "text": "أحب الغابات", + "SourceText": "**How to solve:** Start with the distinctive entries.\n\nThe 20 forces its row to be multiplying by 4, and then the 36 makes its column be 9.\n\nThe 49 forces its column and row to be multiplying by 7. The 9 forces its column and row to be multiplying by 3.", + "text": "**كيفية الحل:** ابدأ بالإدخالات المميزة.\n\nيجبر الرقم ٢٠ صفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٤، ثم يجعل الرقم ٣٦ عموده ٩.\n\nيجبر الرقم ٤٩ عموده وصفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٧. يجبر الرقم ٩ عموده وصفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to ten and comparing quantities. Practice words: numbers to ten, counting by 2's, one more, one less, most, and least.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى عشرة ومقارنة الكميات. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى عشرة، العد بمقدار 2، واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، أكثر، وأقل.", + "SourceText": "Continue the detective work in this way and fill in the entries as the headings are discovered.", + "text": "استمر في العمل التحليلي بهذه الطريقة واملأ الإدخالات مع اكتشاف العناوين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Listen to My Body", - "text": "استمع إلى جسدي", + "SourceText": "**Level of difficulty:** Increase or decrease the difficulty by leaving out more or less of the numbers. In this example, the '5' in the 5 column could have been left out – there must be a factor of 5 in 20, and that factor cannot come from 20's row because there is a 36 in that row.\n\n**Your child can make them:** Challenge your child to make one of these puzzles for you. A lot of good thought can go into creating one of these!", + "text": "**مستوى الصعوبة:** قم بزيادة أو تقليل مستوى الصعوبة عن طريق ترك المزيد أو القليل من الأرقام. في هذا المثال، كان يمكن ترك الرقم ٥ في عمود ٥ - يجب أن يكون هناك عامل ٥ في ٢٠، ولا يمكن أن يكون هذا العامل من صف ٢٠ لأن هناك ٣٦ في ذلك الصف.\n\n**يستطيع طفلك صنعها:** تحدى طفلك لصنع أحد هذه الألغاز لك. يمكن أن يتطلب إنشاء أحد هذه الألغاز الكثير من التفكير الجيد!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing. Practice words: more, less, difference, and counting by 2's.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 والمقارنة. كلمات التدريب: أكثر، أقل، الفرق، والعد بالرقم 2.", + "SourceText": "RECTANGLE AREA", + "text": "مساحة المستطيل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lory Dory", - "text": "لوري دوري", + "SourceText": "The area of a rectangle is its length times its width. That dry statement can be made tangible to your child in at least two ways.", + "text": "مساحة المستطيل هي طوله مضروبًا في عرضه. يمكن جعل هذا البيان الجاف ملموسًا لطفلك بطريقتين على الأقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: thin, pairs, line, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, negative space, different, triangle, side, straight, sphere, circle, arc, red, blue, right, left, and skip count by 5's.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والصفات. كلمات التدريب: رفيع، أزواج، خط، المتوازي، أفقي، عمودي، متعامد، المساحة السلبية، مختلف، مثلث، جانب، مستقيم، كرة، دائرة، قوس، أحمر، أزرق، يمين، يسار، والعد القفزي بمقدار 5.", + "SourceText": "The first way uses rectangles broken into an array of squares. The second uses number shapes to see how a quantity, such as 12, can be placed into an array – 3 by 4, 2 by 6, or 1 by 12. Playing with rectangle areas gives us an arena to play around with multiplication and factoring!", + "text": "الأولى تستخدم مستطيلات مقسمة إلى مجموعة من المربعات. الثانية تستخدم أشكال الأرقام لرؤية كيف يمكن وضع كمية، مثل ١٢، في مجموعة - ٣ في ٤، ٢ في ٦، أو ١ في ١٢. اللعب بمساحات المستطيلات يعطينا مجالًا للعب بالضرب والتحليل إلى عوامل!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru Gives Legs", - "text": "ماجورو يعطي أرجلاً", + "SourceText": "NUMBER SHAPES REVISITED", + "text": "إعادة النظر في أشكال الأرقام", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has shapes and groupings. Practice words: long, round, cone, flat, rectangle, square, close, closer, estimate, skip counting by 2's and 4's, colors, more, less, object properties, grouping by property, fewer, first, last, after, before, faster, slower, none, and zero.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والمجموعات. كلمات التدريب: طويلة، مستديرة، مخروطية، مسطحة، مستطيلة، مربعة، قريبة، أقرب، تقدير، العد القفزي بمقدار 2 و4، الألوان، أكثر، أقل، خصائص الكائن، التجميع حسب الخاصية، أقل، أول، أخيرًا، بعد، قبل، أسرع، أبطأ، لا شيء وصفر.", + "SourceText": "Rectangle Area", + "text": "مساحة المستطيل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Tortoise Finds his House", - "text": "السلحفاة تجد منزلها", + "SourceText": "Start with a large collection of small objects, such as raisins. For each number, investigate which rectangles and other shapes you can make with that many objects.\n\n**Rectangles:** The sides of rectangles are values that evenly divide the number and multiply together to give the number. Making rectangles is a direct way to experience divisibility.", + "text": "ابدأ بمجموعة كبيرة من الأشياء الصغيرة، مثل الزبيب. لكل رقم، تحقق من الأشكال المستطيلة والأشكال الأخرى التي يمكنك صنعها بهذا العدد من الأشياء.\n\n**المستطيلات:** جوانب المستطيلات هي قيم تقسم الرقم بالتساوي وتضرب معًا لتعطي الرقم. صنع المستطيلات هو طريقة مباشرة لتجربة القسمة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has descriptions and comparisons. Practice words: high, on, onto, average, speed, 5 times, pairs, odd, even, sharing, too, very, fast, long, distance, light, heavy, lower, higher, different, estimate, more, stronger, vertically, diagonally, parallel lines, and big.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الصفات والمقارنات. كلمات التدريب: عالي، على، متوسط، سرعة، 5 مرات، أزواج، فردي، زوجي، مشاركة، أي ًضا، سريع ج ًدا، طويل، مسافة، خفيف، ثقيل، أقل، أعلى، مختلف، تقدير، أكثر، أقوى، عمودياً، قطرياً، خطوط متوازية، وكبير.", + "SourceText": "**Unit, prime, composite:** 1 is a unit, and can only be made with a 1 by 1 rectangle. The numbers, such as 5, that only have flat rectangles, are called primes. Numbers that are not a unit or a prime are called composite because they are composed of primes being multiplied together, such as 12 = 2 × 2 × 3. Numbers, such as 9, are called squares because one of their rectangles is a square – one rectangle for 9 is the 3 by 3 square.", + "text": "**الوحدة، العدد الأولي، العدد المركب:** ١ هو وحدة، ويمكن صنعه فقط بمستطيل ١ في ١. الأرقام، مثل ٥، التي تحتوي فقط على مستطيلات مسطحة، تسمى أعدادًا أولية. الأرقام التي ليست وحدة أو أولية تسمى مركبة لأنها تتكون من أعداد أولية مضروبة معًا، مثل ١٢ = ٢ × ٢ × ٣. الأرقام، مثل ٩، تسمى مربعات لأن أحد مستطيلاتها هو مربع - أحد المستطيلات لـ ٩ هو المربع ٣ في ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Akai's Special Mat", - "text": "سجادة اكايا المميزة", + "SourceText": "**Trapezoidal numbers:** There are other shapes that are fun to investigate. For example, which numbers are trapezoidal? These are the numbers that can be represented as stair steps (where each level changes its length by 1)? If you include triangular numbers in this group, the answer is surprising – it is all numbers that are not a power of 2!", + "text": "**الأرقام شبه المنحرفة:** هناك أشكال أخرى ممتعة للتحقيق. على سبيل المثال، ما هي الأرقام شبه المنحرفة؟ هذه هي الأرقام التي يمكن تمثيلها كخطوات درج (حيث يتغير كل مستوى بطوله بمقدار١). إذا قمت بتضمين الأرقام المثلثية في هذه المجموعة، فإن الإجابة مفاجئة - إنها جميع الأرقام التي ليست قوة للعدد ٢!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has shapes, colors, and skip counting. Practice words: patterns, row, lighter, darker, rectangle, triangle, round, side, circle, concentric circles, shallow, faint, closer, farther, differences, color names, colors of the rainbow, pair, doubling, and skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 4's.", - "text": "هذة القصه تحتوي علي أشكال و الوان وتمارين تخطي العد. تدرب علي الكلمات: الانماط، الصف، فاتح، غامق، مستطيل، مثلث، مستدير، دائري، الدوائر متحدة المركز، الشكل الاجوف، باهت، قريب، بعيد، الاختلافات، أسماء الالوان، الوان قوس قزح، الاقتران، المضاعفة، وتمارين تخطي العد بمقدار ٢،٣،٤.", + "SourceText": "THE PADDOCK GAME", + "text": "لعبة الحظيرة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka and the Old Man", - "text": "ايمك و الرجل المسن", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Each player gets a piece of graph paper.\n\n**How to play:** For a player’s turn, use two playing cards from 1 to 10 to determine the dimensions of a rectangle. If a player’s paper has room, the rectangle may be placed anywhere its interior does not overlap with an existing rectangle. Once placed, its interior is lightly shaded and its area and dimensions are written on it. If there is no room, the turn is skipped.\n\n**How to win:** The player with the largest total wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** حصل كل لاعب على قطعة من ورق الرسم البياني.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في دور اللاعب، يستخدم بطاقتين للعب من ١ إلى ١٠ لتحديد أبعاد المستطيل. إذا كان هناك مساحة على ورقة اللاعب، يمكن وضع المستطيل في أي مكان لا يتداخل داخله مع مستطيل موجود. بمجرد وضعه، يتم تظليل داخله بخفة وتكتب مساحته وأبعاده عليه. إذا لم يكن هناك مساحة، يتم تخطي الدور.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر مجموع.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has shapes and geometry. Practice words: side, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, circle, oval, arc, big, flat, faint, faded, distance, far away, problem solving, horizontal lines, parallel lines, perspective, width, and dividing 8 evenly.", - "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال هندسية. تدرب علي الكلمات: ضلع، مثلث،مستطيل،خماسي،دائرة،بيضاوي،قوس، كبير، مسطح، باهت،تضاؤل، مسافة ، بعيد عن ، حل المسائل ، الخطوط الأفقية، الخطوط المتوازية ، منظور ، عرض ، قسمة رقم ثمانية.", + "SourceText": "For a normal piece of graph paper, this can be a long game – reduce the time by using half the paper or limiting the number of turns.", + "text": "بالنسبة لقطعة عادية من ورق الرسم البياني، يمكن أن تكون هذه اللعبة طويلة - قلل الوقت باستخدام نصف الورقة أو تحديد عدد الأدوار.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka lived in a fine house in Ebiba town. His parents were rich.\n\nEmeka had a dog called Chita. He looked after Chita very well.", - "text": "ايمك يعيش في بيت جميل في مدينة ايبابا. كان والدا ايمك أثرياء.\n\nايمك كان لديه كلب يدعى شيتا. كان ايمك يعتني ب كلبه جيدآ.", + "SourceText": "DIVIDE UP THE BOX", + "text": "تقسيم الصندوق", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are you responsible for caring for any animals who are your friends?", - "text": "هل انت علي قدر من المسئولية للاعتناء ب حيوانات أليفة؟", + "SourceText": "Rectangle Area Games", + "text": "ألعاب مساحة المستطيل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like this page. How many rectangles can you find here?", - "text": "المستطيل هو شكل من الأشكال الهندسية لديه أربع أضلاع مثل هذا الصفحة التي تقرأها الآن. كم عدد المستطيلات التي تستطيع إيجادها؟", + "SourceText": "**The challenge:** A rectangle, 4 by 4 or larger, with numbers in some of its squares, is to be divided into smaller rectangles. Each number must end up in a separate rectangle whose area is that number.", + "text": "**التحدي:** يجب تقسيم مستطيل، ٤ في ٤ أو أكبر، يحتوي على أرقام في بعض مربعاته، إلى مستطيلات أصغر. يجب أن ينتهي كل رقم في مستطيل منفصل تكون مساحته هي ذلك الرقم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are also some triangles on this page. How many triangles and rectangles can you find where you are?", - "text": "يوجد ايضا مجموعة من المثلثات في هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المثلثات والمستطيلات التي تستطيع عدها فيما حولك؟", + "SourceText": "**How to create:** Out of the sight of your child, create these puzzles by first filling in the big rectangle with smaller rectangles. Next, place the area in each rectangle. Lastly, give your child the big rectangle with only the numbers.", + "text": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** بعيدًا عن نظر طفلك، قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز عن طريق ملء المستطيل الكبير أولاً بمستطيلات أصغر. بعد ذلك، ضع المساحة في كل مستطيل. أخيرًا، أعط طفلك المستطيل الكبير مع الأرقام فقط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Every day, Emeka's father took him to school in his car. He also brought Emeka home after school.\n\nOne afternoon on their way home, Emeka's father stopped to buy something at a big shop.", - "text": "كان والد ايمك يأخذه كل يوم الي المدرسة ب سيارته. كان والد ايمك يوصله الي البيت أيضا يوميا بعد دوام المدرسة.\n\nوفي ذات يوم وأثناء عودته إلى المنزل توقف سيارة والد ايمك و نزل ليشتري شئ ما من محل كبير للغاية.", + "SourceText": "Solving strategies", + "text": "استراتيجيات الحل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are shapes everywhere! In addition to the rectangles on this wall, can you find some circles in this picture?", - "text": "كان يوجد الكثير من الأشكال الهندسية في كل مكان! بالإضافة إلى المستطيلات على الحائط هل تستطيع إيجاد أي دوائر في الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "To solve these puzzles, look first at areas that are prime numbers – their shapes are tightly constrained.\n\nNext, consider regions that are boxed in. In this puzzle the upper “4” must relate to the upper left 2 by 2 square. Also, the upper right corner must be used in a vertical 3 by 1 rectangle.", + "text": "لحل هذه الألغاز، انظر أولاً إلى المناطق التي تحتوي على أعداد أولية - أشكالها تكون مقيدة بشدة.\n\nبعد ذلك، فكر في المناطق المحاطة. في هذا اللغز، يجب أن تتعلق \"٤“ العلوية بالمربع العلوي الأيسر ٢ في ٢. أيضًا، يجب استخدام الزاوية العلوية اليمنى في مستطيل عمودي ٣ في ١.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "An arc is the name for a partial circle. Can you find any arcs in this picture?", - "text": "القوس هو تعريف لنصف الدائرة. هل تستطيع إيجاد الناس في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "A DEFINITION AND A RULE", + "text": "قاعدة وتعريف", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "As you get to know the shapes, you start to see the world in new ways and you see how the shapes fit together all around you.", - "text": "عندما تبدأ ب التعرف على الأشكال الهندسية سوف ترى العالم من منظور آخر وستكتشف كيف أن الأشكال تكمل بعضها البعض.", + "SourceText": "**The definition:** Just as 4 × 2 is a quick way to write 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, so 24 is a quick way to write 2 × 2 × 2 × 2. It’s much easier to say and understand the phrase “two to the fourth,” than to say “two times two times ... “\n\n**Special names:** The second power, 42 for example, can be said **four squared,** and the third power, 43 for example, can be said **four cubed.**\n\n**The rule:** When powers of the same number are multiplied, a simple rule governs how to simplify the result – add the powers. For example, if you do 42 × 43 = (4 × 4) × (4 × 4 × 4) = 45, we have two fours multiplied by three fours, so the result is five fours being multiplied.\n\n**Caution:** Note that this rule for adding exponents only works when it is the same number being taken to a power – you can't easily simplify 32 × 53.", + "text": "**التعريف:** تمامًا كما أن ٤ × ٢ هي طريقة سريعة لكتابة ٢ + ٢ + ٢ + ٢، فإن ٢٤ هي طريقة سريعة لكتابة ٢ × ٢ × ٢ × ٢. من الأسهل بكثير قول وفهم عبارة \"اثنان للقوة الرابعة“ بدلاً من قول \"اثنان ضرب اثنان ضرب ...“\n\n**أسماء خاصة:** يمكن أن يقال للقوة الثانية، على سبيل المثال ٤٢، أربعة تربيع، وللقوة الثالثة، على سبيل المثال ٤٣، **أربعة تكعيب**.\n\n**القاعدة:** عندما يتم ضرب قوى نفس الرقم، تحكم قاعدة بسيطة كيفية تبسيط النتيجة - إضافة القوى. على سبيل المثال، إذا قمت بـ ٤٢ × ٤٣ = (٤ × ٤) × (٤ × ٤ × ٤) = ٤٥، لدينا اثنان من الأربعات مضروبة في ثلاثة من الأربعات، لذا فإن النتيجة هي خمسة من الأربعات مضروبة.\n\n**تحذير:** لاحظ أن هذه القاعدة لإضافة الأسس تعمل فقط عندما يكون نفس الرقم مرفوعًا إلى قوة - لا يمكنك تبسيط ٣٢ × ٥٣ بسهولة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "From the car, Emeka looked across the road and saw an old man. He was carrying a big load on his head.\n\nHe was tired and walked slowly. Emeka kept looking at him.", - "text": "من نافذة السيارة نظر ايمك الي الشارع الذي يوجد في الجهة الأخرى من السيارة يوجد رجل مسن. كان يحمل الرجل المسن أكياس ثقيلة جدا في يديه.\n\nبدي الرجل المسن منهك للغاية و كان يسير ببطء. ظل ايمك ينظر إليه و يتابعه.", + "SourceText": "REUSE OLD ADDITION ACTIVITIES", + "text": "إعادة استخدام أنشطة الجمع القديمة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This old man is homeless. He is carrying everything he owns on his back. Can you imagine carrying everything you own on your back?", - "text": "كان هذا الرجل المسن بلا مأوي و كان يحمل كل ما يملك على ظهره في حقيبة. هل تستطيع أن تتخيل كم هو من الصعب أن تحمل كل شئ تمتلكه علي ظهرك؟", + "SourceText": "Feel the Power", + "text": "الشعور بالقوة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Homelessness is a big problem all over the world and it is a difficult problem to solve. A lot of people need help with food, shelter, medicine, and other basic needs.", - "text": "التشرد هو من أكبر المشاكل المنتشرة في العالم و هو أيضا من أصعب المشاكل التي يعجز حلها. العديد من الناس في حاجة إلى الطعام، العلاج، بيت دافئ ، و أكثر من ذلك من متطلبات الحياة الأساسية و البسيطة.", + "SourceText": "**Reuse puzzles and games:** Because powers add up when powers are being multiplied, any of our old games and puzzles involving addition can be used to practice multiplying numbers that are powers. Some examples of these old addtition activities are: Stage 3 - Shape Sums and Sum Groups; Stage 4 - Enclosed Sums, SumTriangles, and Fix It.", + "text": "**إعادة استخدام الألغاز والألعاب:** نظرًا لأن القوى تتجمع عند ضرب القوى، يمكن استخدام أي من ألعابنا وألغازنا القديمة التي تتضمن الجمع لممارسة ضرب الأرقام التي هي قوى. بعض أمثلة هذه الأنشطة القديمة هي: المرحلة ٣ - مجموع الأشكال ومجموع المجموعات؛ المرحلة ٤ - المجموع المغلق، المثلثات المجمعة، وإصلاحها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "That load is almost as big as the man! How far can you walk when you aren't carrying anything? How far do you think you could walk carrying a big load like that?", - "text": "كان حمل الرجل تقريبا في نفس وزنه. ما هي المسافة التي يمكنك قطعها بدون احمال؟ ماذا عن المسافة التي تستطيع قطعها بوجود الأحمال علي ظهرك؟", + "SourceText": "Working with powers will become routine and be just as easy as the original addition problems.", + "text": "سيصبح العمل مع القوى روتينيًا وسهلاً تمامًا مثل مسائل الجمع الأصلية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The old man sat under the shade of a tree on the walkway and opened his bag.\n\nHe had two flat plastic water bottles, which he was making into shoes.", - "text": "جلس الرجل المسن تحت ظل شجرة فوق الرصيف و فتح حقيبته.\n\nكان لديه قطعتين من قنينة الماء البلاستيكية. كانت القطعتان مسطحتان للغاية. كانت قطعتي البلاستيك مسطحة لأن الرجل المسن استخدامهما حذاء له.", + "SourceText": "If your child enjoys these problems and wants some extra challenge, start involving more than one number being raised to a power. For example, if you multiply (42 × 33) × (45 × 32) you can apply the rule separately to the powers of 4 and the powers of 3 and get the result 47 × 35.", + "text": "إذا كان طفلك يستمتع بهذه المسائل ويريد بعض التحدي الإضافي، ابدأ بإشراك أكثر من رقم واحد مرفوع إلى قوة. على سبيل المثال، إذا قمت بضرب ٤٢ × ٣٣ في ٤٥ × ٣٢، يمكنك تطبيق القاعدة بشكل منفصل على قوى ٤ وقوى ٣ والحصول على النتيجة ٤٧ × ٣٥.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Using plastic water bottles as shoes is clever, though uncomfortable. The old man has learned to be creative and resourceful to make do with the little he has.", - "text": "استخدام قنينة الماء لعمل حذاء تفكير ذكي و ماهر للغاية لكن هذا الحذاء لن يكون مريحا لارتداء. لقد تعلم الرجل المسن الابداع و اعادة التدوير في ظل الظروف القاسية التي يعيشها و انعدام المصادر.", + "SourceText": "FACTOR TREES", + "text": "أشجار العوامل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Finding new uses for old things is a good way to reduce waste in the world. Have you ever thought of new uses for things that were meant for other purposes?", - "text": "اعادة تدوير الأشياء القديمة فكره ذكية لتقليل المخلفات ب العالم هل فكرت من قبل في استخدام أي شئ قديم و اعاده استخدامه و تدويره؟", + "SourceText": "Discovering Prime Factorizations", + "text": "اكتشاف التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the many shades of blues and greens in this picture. Notice how the blue fades as the sky gets farther and farther away. Fading colors can help us tell which parts of a picture are in the distance.", - "text": "انظر الي الدرجات المختلفة من الأخضر و الأزرق في الصورة. لاحظ كيف يبهت اللون الأزرق عندما تبعد و تبعد السماء. الألوان الباهتة تساعد في تحديد مدى بعد أي شئ في الصورة.", + "SourceText": "The model for factor trees is an extension of Shape Products from the previous Feel the Power page. The goal in creating a factor tree is to reduce a number to its prime factors. Many things can be learned about a number in the process of constructing a factor tree.", + "text": "نموذج أشجار العوامل هو امتداد لنتائج الأشكال من صفحة \"الشعور بالقوة\" السابقة. الهدف من إنشاء شجرة العوامل هو تحليل الرقم إلى عوامله الأولية. يمكن تعلم العديد من الأشياء عن الرقم أثناء عملية إنشاء شجرة العوامل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka thought about that old man for a long time. He felt sad.\n\nWhen he got home, he could not eat.\n\nHe thought about what he could do.", - "text": "ظل ايمك ينظر طويلا في حال هذا الرجل المسن. لقد شعر ايمك ب الأسف و الحزن تجاه الرجل المسن.\n\nحيث أن ايمك لم يستطع تناول الطعام بعد عودة الي المنزل\n\nلانه كان يفكر فيما يمكن أن يفعله لمساعدة الرجل المسن.", + "SourceText": "**Example:** Start with a number, say 54. This can be broken down several ways. One way is 9 × 6, another is 18 × 3, and yet another is 3 × 3 × 6. Each produces a start to a factor tree.\n\nEach of these trees ultimately produces the same primes on its leaves. In each case we end up with 2 × 3 × 3 × 3, but look at the different ways of getting there!", + "text": "**مثال:** ابدأ برقم، لنقل ٥٤. يمكن تقسيم هذا الرقم بعدة طرق. إحدى الطرق هي ٩ × ٦، وأخرى هي ١٨ × ٣، وأخرى هي ٣ × ٣ × ٦. كل منها ينتج بداية لشجرة العوامل. كل من هذه الأشجار تنتج في النهاية نفس الأعداد الأولية في أوراقها.\n\nفي كل حالة، ننتهي بـ ٢ × ٣ × ٣ × ٣، ولكن انظر إلى الطرق المختلفة للوصول إلى هناك!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Most people see homeless people and ignore them. It is so hard to know good ways to help other people and then follow through and do them.", - "text": "الكثير من الناس يرون الأشخاص المشردين يوميا في الشوارع و لا يكترثون لأمرهم. إنه لمن الصعب إيجاد طرق فعالة لمساعدة الآخرين.", + "SourceText": "Questions", + "text": "الأسئلة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka is practicing good problem solving. He is considering his options and thinking carefully about what might be best. What do you think he should do to help the old man?", - "text": "استخدام ايمك طرق ومهارات مختلفة لحل تلك المشكلة. حيث أن ايمك قام ب وضع كل الأفكار الجيدة ف اعتباره و حاول إيجاد طريقة لتنفيذ تلك الأفكار. كيف تظن أن ايمك سوف يساعد الرجل المسن؟", + "SourceText": "After doing some examples like these, your child may naturally start asking some questions. \n\n* Why do some trees have more levels than others?\n* Why are some trees broader than others?\n* Why do the leaves always stop at primes?\n* Why do the leaves always have the same list of primes, perhaps with rearrangement?", + "text": "بعد القيام ببعض الأمثلة مثل هذه، قد يبدأ طفلك بطبيعة الحال في طرح بعض الأسئلة.\n\n* لماذا تحتوي بعض الأشجار على مستويات أكثر من غيرها؟\n* لماذا تكون بعض الأشجار أوسع من غيرها؟\n* لماذا تتوقف الأوراق دائمًا عند الأعداد الأولية؟\n* لماذا تحتوي الأوراق دائمًا على نفس قائمة الأعداد الأولية، ربما مع إعادة ترتيب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "An oval is a circle that has been stretched or squashed in one direction. As drawn in this picture, the table and the pan are ovals that don't look like circles. Do you think they are actually circles? Find a circle near you, move around and see how the circle changes shape depending on where you are.", - "text": "الشكل البيضاوي هو شكل دائري و لكن تم شده من طرفيه في نفس الاتجاه. مثلما مرسوم في الصورة تظهر الطاولة و المقلاة بشكل بيضاوي وليس شكل دائري. هل تظن ان المقلاه و الطاولة دائري الشكل؟ حاول إيجاد أي دوائر قريبة منك تحرك فيما حولك و لاحظ كيف تتغير أشكال الدوائر باختلاف الأماكن.", + "SourceText": "PRACTICE PRIME FACTORIZATIONS", + "text": "ممارسة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "He got up and took some money from his money bag. He called Chita and jumped on his bicycle.\n\nEmeka rode to the shop where his father had shopped.", - "text": "نهض ايمك و بحث عن أموال في حقيبته. ناد ايمك علي شيتا و قفز علي دراجته.\n\nساق ايمك الي المتجر الذي تسوق فيه والده.", + "SourceText": "Do prime factorizations in order when you travel or have time on your hands. This also provides practice with talking about powers. Knowing prime factorizations with ease will be helpful in many things to come, such as working with fractions. Have fun with this and don’t push your child beyond their comfort level.", + "text": "قم بتحليل الأعداد إلى عواملها الأولية بترتيب عندما تسافر أو يكون لديك وقت فراغ. هذا يوفر أيضًا ممارسة للحديث عن القوى. معرفة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية بسهولة سيكون مفيدًا في العديد من الأمور القادمة، مثل العمل مع الكسور. استمتع بهذا ولا تدفع طفلك إلى ما يتجاوز مستوى راحته.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Circles have many uses. The table on the last page was a circle. Find the circles on this page (there are at least three).", - "text": "للدوائر استخدامات كثيرة . كانت الطاولة في الصوره السابقه علي شكل دائري. حاول إيجاد الدوائر في هذه الصورة ( يوجد على الأقل ثلاث دوائر في هذه الصورة)", + "SourceText": "Recital", + "text": "الحفلة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Find some circles where you are. What do you suppose makes circles so useful?", - "text": "حاول إيجاد الدوائر من حولك. ما الذي في اعتقادك يجعل الدوائر مفيدة للإستخدام؟", + "SourceText": "The recital goes like this:\n\n1. is a unit\n2. is a prime \n3. is a prime \n4. is 2 squared \n5. is a prime \n6. is 2 times 3\n7. is a prime \n8. is 2 cubed \n9. is 3 squared\n10. is 2 times 5\n11. is a prime\n12. is 2 squared times 3\n13. is a prime\n14. is 2 times 7\n15. is 3 times 5\n16. is 2 to the fourth \n17. is a prime \n18. is 2 times 3 squared\n19. is a prime\n20. is 2 squared times 5 \n21. is 3 times 7\n22. is 2 times 11\n23. is a prime\n24. is 2 cubed times 3", + "text": "تسير الحفلة على هذا النحو:\n\n١. هو وحدة\n٢. هو عدد أولي\n٣. هو عدد أولي\n٤. هو ٢ تربيع\n٥. هو عدد أولي\n٦. هو ٢ × ٣\n٧. هو عدد أولي\n٨. هو ٢ تكعيب\n٩. هو ٣ تربيع\n١٠. هو ٢ × ٥\n١١. هو عدد أولي\n١٢. هو ٢ تربيع × ٣\n١٣. هو عدد أولي\n١٤. هو ٢ × ٧\n١٥. هو ٣ × ٥\n١٦. هو ٢ للقوة الرابعة\n١٧. هو عدد أولي\n١٨. هو ٢ × ٣ تربيع\n١٩. هو عدد أولي\n٢٠. هو ٢ تربيع × ٥\n٢١. هو ٣ × ٧\n٢٢. هو ٢ × ١١\n٢٣. هو عدد أولي\n٢٤. هو ٢ تكعيب × ٣", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The side of this house is a five-sided figure called a pentagon. This pentagon is made by putting a triangle on top of a rectangle. Combining basic shapes is a great way to make more complicated ones!", - "text": "هذا الجزء من المنزل مكون من خمس أضلاع و يسمي بالشكل الخماسي. يمكن تخيل تكوين الشكل الخماسي عن طريق وضع مثلث فوق مستطيل. يسهل تكوين الأشكال المعقدة عن طريق تركيب الاشكال البسيطه!", + "SourceText": "PRODUCT PYRAMID", + "text": "هرم الناتج", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The boy ran into the shop and came out with a bag. He went to where the old man was resting against a tree.\n\nEmeka called out, \"Good afternoon, sir.\" The man answered, \"Peace to you, my child.\"", - "text": "ركض ايمك الي داخل المتجر و خرج في يده كيس. ذهب ايمك الي مكان الرجل المسن تحت الشجرة.\n\nقال ايمك للرجل المسن\" مساء الخير يا سيدي “. رد الرجل المسن \" مساء الخير يا بني“.", + "SourceText": "Factoring With Primes", + "text": "التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the sides of the road and the horizontal lines of the ABC building. Those lines go in the same direction and are said to be parallel. If you extend parallel lines forever they never meet.", - "text": "انظر الى جوانب الطريق و الخطوط الأفقية على المبنى أ ب ت. تلك الخطوط تمشي في اتجاه واحد و شكل موازي. مهما قمت بمد الخطوط المتوازية إلى ما لا نهاية لن يلتقيا أبدا.", + "SourceText": "These puzzles are the multiplicative version of the Addition Pyramids seen in Stage 4. You are supplied with a target number and a pyramid of numbers.\n\n**The challenge:** The challenge is to find a path of connected numbers down the pyramid so the product of the selected numbers is the target.", + "text": "هذه الألغاز هي النسخة الضربية من أهرامات الجمع التي شوهدت في المرحلة ٤. يتم تزويدك برقم هدف وهرم من الأرقام.\n\n**التحدي:** التحدي هو العثور على مسار من الأرقام المتصلة أسفل الهرم بحيث يكون حاصل ضرب الأرقام المختارة هو الهدف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "In the picture, those parallel lines meet at an imaginary point on the horizon. This effect is called perspective. This is how our brain sees long parallel lines.", - "text": "في هذه الصورة تجتمع الخطوط المتوازية في نقطة خياليه في الفضاء. تسمى هذه الظاهرة ب المنظور. هذه هي الطريقة التي يرى بها عقلنا الخطوط المتوازية.", + "SourceText": "In this pyramid the target is 36, and the red lines indicate the path that works.\n\nThese puzzles are easier if you start by doing the prime factorization of the target. Because 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, these prime factors must be picked up along the path, and this helps guide the search.\n\nKnowing about prime factorizations also makes it much easier to create these puzzles.", + "text": "في هذا الهرم، الهدف هو ٣٦، والخطوط الحمراء تشير إلى المسار الذي يعمل.\n\nتكون هذه الألغاز أسهل إذا بدأت بتحليل العدد الهدف إلى عوامله الأولية. لأن ٣٦ = ٢ × ٢ × ٣ × ٣، يجب اختيار هذه العوامل الأولية على طول المسار، وهذا يساعد في توجيه البحث.\n\nمعرفة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية يجعل أيضًا من السهل جدًا إنشاء هذه الألغاز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Another example of parallel lines is a pair of railroad tracks. If you look straight down them, the two tracks look like they come together in the distance.", - "text": "خطوط السكك الحديدية هي أفضل مثال على الخطوط المتوازية، إذا نظرت في خط مستقيم إلى الخطوط المتوازية سوف يظهر الخطين و كأنهما يندمجان معا في خطأ واحد.", + "SourceText": "100 LAUGHS", + "text": "١٠٠ ضحكة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka asked, \"Sir, where do you come from?\"\n\nThe old man replied, \"My child, hunger has chased me from my village. I am here to earn money.\"", - "text": "سأل ايمك الرجل المسن فقال\" من أين أنت يا سيدي؟ “\n\nفأجاب الرجل المسن \" تضور ولدي جوعا ف ساقني الفقر من القريه لاكسب قوت يومي.“", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use a deck of cards with Q’s (as 0’s), A’s (as 1’s), and 2-9’s. Set the target number at 100. Four random cards are chosen in order and used to make a pair of 2-digit numbers, a shared resource.\n\n**How to play:** Each player is dealt 14 random cards face up. Players alternate turns. During a turn, a player must use exactly two of their cards to place on top of two of the four cards. The player gets one point if the current two two-digit numbers add up to the target. The name of the game comes from the optional action of a player laughing each time they succeed in getting the target amount.\n\n**How to win:** When the cards are all used up, the player with the most points wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مجموعة من البطاقات تحتوي على Q (كـ (٠))، A (كـ (١))، و٢-٩. حدد الرقم الهدف عند ١٠٠. يتم اختيار أربع بطاقات عشوائية بالترتيب وتستخدم لتكوين زوج من الأرقام المكونة من رقمين، كمورد مشترك.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يتم توزيع ١٤ بطاقة عشوائية على كل لاعب مكشوفة. يتناوب اللاعبون الأدوار. خلال الدور، يجب على اللاعب استخدام بطاقتين بالضبط من بطاقاته لوضعهما فوق اثنتين من البطاقات الأربع. يحصل اللاعب على نقطة واحدة إذا كانت الأرقام الحالية المكونة من رقمين تضيف إلى الرقم الهدف. يأتي اسم اللعبة من الإجراء الاختياري للاعب بالضحك في كل مرة ينجح فيها في الوصول إلى المبلغ المستهدف.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** عندما يتم استخدام جميع البطاقات، يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر عدد من النقاط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Many people are homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. This man is doing whatever he can to solve his problems by trying to earn some money to feed himself, even if it means being homeless to do it.", - "text": "الكثير من الناس مشردين بسبب ظروف خارجة عن إرادتهم. هذا الرجل يفعل كل ما بوسعه لحل مشاكله و كسب المال ليطعم نفسه.", + "SourceText": "* Having a target of 100 is useful for practicing number bonds for 10. However, other targets are useful for providing variety and to practice with other number bonds.\n* Give players fewer or more than 14 cards.\n* Use subtraction together with a smaller target number.", + "text": "* وجود هدف ١٠٠ جيد لممارسة روابط الأرقام لـ ١٠. ومع ذلك، فإن الأهداف الأخرى مفيدة للتنوع وممارسة روابط الأرقام الأخرى.\n* أعط اللاعبين أقل أو أكثر من ١٤ بطاقة.\n* استخدم الطرح مع رقم هدف أصغر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think Emeka has in the bag for the old man?", - "text": "ماذا تظن أن ايمك يحمل في حقيبته؟", + "SourceText": "5-CARD DRAW TO A TARGET", + "text": "سحب ٥ بطاقات إلى هدف", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Drawing realistic scenes using perspective is hard. Look at the width of the road in this picture. Compare Emeka's size with the road and decide whether you think there is room on the road for two cars to be side by side.", - "text": "يصعب توقع مشاهد حقيقة باستخدام المنظور. انظر إلى عرض الطريق في هذه الصورة. قارن حجم ايمك ب الطريق وقرر إذا كان هناك مساحة في الطريق ل اتساع سيارتان بجانب بعضهم البعض.", + "SourceText": "Adding and Subtracting", + "text": "الجمع والطرح", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka gave his shopping bag to the old man.\n\nTears filled the man's eyes as he took the sandals from the bag. He thanked Emeka from his heart.", - "text": "اعطي ايمك حقيبة المشتريات للرجل المسن.\n\nملأت الدموع عيون الرجل المسن حينما رأي الحذاء الجديد الذي أخرجه من الحقيبة و شكر ايمك من صميم قلبه.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Choose a target number, say 100.\n\n**How to play:** Each player picks up five random cards from 0 to 9. Two 2-digit numbers are made out of these numbers, the fifth card is unused. The two numbers are added and the player closest to the target wins a point for that round.\n\n**How to win:** The highest number of points after a fixed number of rounds wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** اختر رقم هدف، لنقل ١٠٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يلتقط كل لاعب خمس بطاقات عشوائية من (٠) إلى ٩. يتم تكوين رقمين مكونين من رقمين من هذه الأرقام، والبطاقة الخامسة غير مستخدمة. يتم جمع الرقمين واللاعب الأقرب إلى الهدف يفوز بنقطة لتلك الجولة.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أعلى عدد من النقاط بعد عدد محدد من الجولات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think the man cried because he was happy to have a real pair of shoes or because someone cared enough to show him some kindness?", - "text": "هل تظن أن الرجل المسن بكي من فرحه الحصول على حذاء حقيقي جديد أم لأنه وجد من يكترث لأمره و يعطف عليه؟", + "SourceText": "One option is to use three-digit numbers, a target number of 1000, and each player receives seven cards. Another option is to use subtraction with a smaller target number.", + "text": "أحد الخيارات هو استخدام الأرقام المكونة من ثلاثة أرقام، ورقم هدف ١٠٠٠، ويحصل كل لاعب على سبع بطاقات. خيار آخر هو استخدام الطرح مع رقم هدف أصغر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the picture and find what Emeka bought in addition to the shoes. His gifts were very thoughtful.", - "text": "انظر الى الصورة و حدد ماذا احضر ايمك أيضا بالإضافة الي الحذاء. أن أفكار ايمك في احضار الهدايا مبدعة للغاية.", + "SourceText": "LETTER SUBSTITUTION", + "text": "استبدال الحروف", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Everyone needs food and clothes. What are some other basic things people need?", - "text": "يحتاج الجميع إلى ملابس و طعام. ما هي الأشياء المهمه التي في رأيك من متطلبات الحياة الأساسية؟", + "SourceText": "Letter Substitutions", + "text": "استبدال الحروف", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "\"I must go now before mother starts looking for me,\" said Emeka.\n\nThe old man waved to the boy and his dog as they went, \"Bless you, my child,\" he said with a smile.", - "text": "\"علي أن أذهب الآن قبل أن تبحث عني امي،“ قال ايمك للرجل المسن.\n\nالاح الرجل المسن بيده نحو ايمك و كلبه و قال مبتسما \" بارك الله فيك يا بني،“", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** In these puzzles, single digits are replaced by letters. At first glance, these puzzles seem to be the same as the 'Missing Number' puzzles from earlier in this Stage. However, the use of letters provides more interesting opportunities for problem solving. If your child is comfortable with the Missing Number puzzles, you should transition to these puzzles.\n\nThe use of letters in these puzzles follows three rules:\n\n* A given letter is always the same digit from 0 to 9 \n* The leftmost digit of a number is never 0\n* Different letters must be different digits", + "text": "**الإعداد:** في هذه الألغاز، يتم استبدال الأرقام الأحادية بالحروف. للوهلة الأولى، تبدو هذه الألغاز مشابهة لألغاز \"الرقم المفقود“ من المرحلة السابقة. ومع ذلك، يوفر استخدام الحروف فرصًا أكثر إثارة لحل المشكلات. إذا كان طفلك مرتاحًا مع ألغاز الرقم المفقود، يجب أن تنتقل إلى هذه الألغاز.\n\nيتبع استخدام الحروف في هذه الألغاز ثلاث قواعد:\n\n* الحرف المعطى هو دائمًا نفس الرقم من (٠) إلى ٩\n* الرقم الأيسر في العدد لا يكون (٠)\n* يجب أن تكون الحروف المختلفة أرقامًا مختلفة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "With a little bit of his extra money, Emeka made a big difference in someone else's life by showing some kindness.", - "text": "لقد قام ايمك بتغيير حياة هذا الرجل الي الافضل و استطاع أن يحدث تغيير إيجابي عن طريق التصدق ب أمواله المدخره.", + "SourceText": "**How to create:** Take an ordinary addition or subtraction problem and replace one or more of the digits. Use the same letter when replacing the same digit. In this example, 6 is replaced by 'A' in both places.", + "text": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** خذ مسألة جمع أو طرح عادية واستبدل واحدًا أو أكثر من الأرقام. استخدم نفس الحرف عند استبدال نفس الرقم. في هذا المثال، يتم استبدال الرقم ٦ بالحرف \"A“ في كلا المكانين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you think of some times when your kindness has made a difference for someone else? How about some times when others were kind to you?", - "text": "هل تستطيع تذكر أي موقف ساهم فيه لديك بإحداث تغيير في حياة الآخرين؟ ماذا عن الأوقات التي كان فيها الآخرين عطوفين معك؟", + "SourceText": "**Special puzzles:** The circumstances of this type of puzzle allow for the creation of interesting problem-solving challenges. These take a bit of designing, but the result is some fun puzzles.\n\nNotice that the values of the letters do not carry over from puzzle to puzzle. The 'B,' which has value 1 in this first puzzle, has value 4 in the second.", + "text": "**ألغاز خاصة:** تتيح ظروف هذا النوع من الألغاز إنشاء تحديات مثيرة لحل المشكلات. يتطلب ذلك بعض التصميم، ولكن النتيجة هي بعض الألغاز الممتعة.\n\nلاحظ أن قيم الحروف لا تنتقل من لغز إلى آخر. الحرف \"B“، الذي قيمته ١ في هذا اللغز الأول، قيمته ٤ في اللغز الثاني.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The spokes split the bike wheel into eight equal parts. How many of those parts do you need to break the wheel into two equal parts? How many for four equal parts? Are there any other possibilities?", - "text": "ينقسم مكبح العجلة الى ثمان قطع متساوية. ما هو العدد المطلوب من هذه الأجزاء لقسم الدراجة إلى قطعتين متساويتين؟ ماذا العدد المطلوب إذا أردت الحصول على أربع قطع متساوية؟ هل تستطيع التفكير في تقسيمات أخرى؟", + "SourceText": "FILLING REGIONS WITH SHAPES", + "text": "ملء المناطق بالأشكال", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "\"Where were you?\" mother asked Emeka as soon as he got home. She was worried.\n\nEmeka told her everything. She felt touched by his story.", - "text": "\"أين كنت؟ “ صرخت ام ايمك فور وصوله المنزل. كانت أم ايمك قلقة للغاية.\n\nفقام ايمك بأخبار أمه بكل ما حدث. تعاطفت ام ايمك مع الرجل المسن.", + "SourceText": "Suppose you have an 8 by 8 chessboard and a collection of 1 by 2 tiles. Finding a way to exactly cover the chessboard with 32 of these 1 by 2 tiles is simple enough.\n\n**Remove corners:** Let’s start playing with removing squares from the chessboard. If you remove one corner of the chessboard, you know immediately that you can no longer cover the chessboard with tiles because the tiles will cover an even number of squares, and there are now 63 squares. Okay, remove two corners to make an even number of remaining squares – can you cover it now? The answer depends on which two corners you remove. Why? What if you no longer restrict yourself to removing corners, what happens?\n\n**Learn from smaller examples:** One important lesson in dealing with questions like these is to learn from smaller problems. Try these questions on a 4 by 4 or 6 by 6 board first.", + "text": "افترض أن لديك لوحة شطرنج ٨ في ٨ ومجموعة من البلاط ١ في ٢. العثور على طريقة لتغطية لوحة الشطرنج بالكامل بـ ٣٢ من هذه البلاط ١ في ٢ أمر بسيط بما فيه الكفاية.\n\n**إزالة الزوايا:** لنبدأ باللعب بإزالة المربعات من لوحة الشطرنج. إذا قمت بإزالة زاوية واحدة من لوحة الشطرنج، ستعرف فورًا أنك لم تعد تستطيع تغطية لوحة الشطرنج بالبلاط لأن البلاط سيغطي عددًا زوجيًا من المربعات، والآن هناك ٦٣ مربعًا. حسنًا، قم بإزالة زاويتين لجعل العدد المتبقي من المربعات زوجيًا - هل يمكنك تغطيته الآن؟ تعتمد الإجابة على الزاويتين اللتين تزيلهما. لماذا؟ ماذا لو لم تعد تقيد نفسك بإزالة الزوايا، ماذا يحدث؟\n\n**التعلم من الأمثلة الأصغر:** درس مهم في التعامل مع أسئلة مثل هذه هو التعلم من المشكلات الأصغر. جرب هذه الأسئلة على لوحة ٤ في ٤ أو ٦ في ٦ أولاً.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka's mother was both worried and then happy. Why do you suppose his mother was worried?", - "text": "كانت تشعر ام ايمك ب الفرحة و الخوف في نفس الوقت. ما هو سبب قلق أم ايمك يا تري؟", + "SourceText": "Branch out to using other shapes to fill the board. Play around with filling it with 1 by 3 tiles or with 3 squares in an L shape. What patterns and rules do you discover with these? What other shapes might be interesting to look at?", + "text": "تفرع إلى استخدام أشكال أخرى لملء اللوحة. العب بملئها بالبلاط ١ في ٣ أو بثلاثة مربعات على شكل L. ما الأنماط والقواعد التي تكتشفها مع هذه؟ ما الأشكال الأخرى التي قد تكون مثيرة للاهتمام للنظر فيها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What was it that his mother found so touching about his story?", - "text": "ما هو سبب تعاطف ام ايمك مع قصة الرجل المسن؟", + "SourceText": "FILLING SQUARES WITH SQUARES", + "text": "ملء المربعات بالمربعات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What should Emeka have done before going to buy the shoes for the old man? Why didn't Emeka do that?", - "text": "ماذا كان علي ايمك أن يفعل قبل شراء الحذاء للرجل المسن؟ و لماذا تصرف هكذا؟", + "SourceText": "Shapes Inside Shapes", + "text": "الأشكال داخل الأشكال", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Later, Emeka's father told him, \"We are proud of what you did. But you must always tell us before you leave the house.\"\n\nThen he added, \"Now, here is the money that you spent!\"", - "text": "لاحقا قال والد ايمك له \" نحن فخورون بك جدا يا ولدي. و لكن يجب عليك ان تخبرنا ب أي شئ قبل مغادرة المنزل.“\n\nثم اضاف والد ايمك \" و ها هي أموالك التي أنفقتها مكافأة لك!“", + "SourceText": "**The challenge:** In which ways can you fill a square with other squares, where the squares need not all be the same size? The question is: What are all the numbers of squares that are possible? For those that are possible, is there an easy way to describe how to do it?\n\nLet your child play with it over many days without any hurry to get an answer. Here is a diagram showing how 6 is possible.", + "text": "**التحدي:** بأي طرق يمكنك ملء مربع بمربعات أخرى، حيث لا يجب أن تكون جميع المربعات بنفس الحجم؟ السؤال هو: ما هي جميع أعداد المربعات الممكنة؟ بالنسبة لتلك التي تكون ممكنة، هل هناك طريقة سهلة لوصف كيفية القيام بذلك؟\n\nدع طفلك يلعب بها على مدى أيام عديدة دون أي عجلة للحصول على إجابة. هنا رسم بياني يوضح كيف يمكن تحقيق ٦.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Emeka did a good thing and made a difference in another person's life. Should his family do more for that old man?", - "text": "لقد قام ايمك بعمل نبيل وقام بإحداث تغيير إيجابي في حياة انسان. تل تعتقد أن على عائلة ايمك القيام ب المزيد لمساعدة هذا الرجل المسن؟", + "SourceText": "What happens if you only allow squares of certain sizes, such as 1 by 1, 2 by 2, and 3 by 3? What happens when filling other figures with figures that have the same shape? \n\nFor example, use figures that are regular triangles (triangles with all their sides the same length). Which figures are interesting to investigate in this way?", + "text": "ماذا يحدث إذا سمحت فقط بمربعات بأحجام معينة، مثل ١ في ١، ٢ في ٢، و٣ في ٣؟ ماذا يحدث عند ملء أشكال أخرى بأشكال لها نفس الشكل؟ على سبيل المثال، استخدم الأشكال التي هي مثلثات منتظمة (مثلثات جميع جوانبها بنفس الطول). ما الأشكال التي تكون مثيرة للاهتمام للتحقيق بهذه الطريقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each of us needs to find ways we can help others and help make their lives better.", - "text": "يجب على كل منا إيجاد طرق لمساعدة الآخرين لتحسين حياتهم إلى الأفضل.", + "SourceText": "THE PRODUCT GAME", + "text": "لعبة الناتج", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think? Should Emeka's parents have given Emeka back his money? Would it have been better to have Emeka sacrifice his own money to help the old man?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن هذا صحيح؟ هل أصاب والده ايمك بإعطائه أمواله التي أنفقها؟ هل تعتقد أنه كان من الأفضل أن يتعلم ايمك الإيثار عن الطريق التصدق بأمواله إلى الرجل المسن؟", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use a shared piece of paper filled out as shown.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم قطعة ورق مشتركة مملوءة كما هو موضح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana and her family live in a busy town.", - "text": "تعيش فانا وعائلتها في مدينة مزدحمة.", + "SourceText": "**How to play:** The first player moves a token onto any number from 1 to 9 in the 1-9 squares. The second player puts another token on one of the 1-9 squares and claims the product in the 6 by 6 grid. From then on, each player chooses to move either of the two tokens and claims the product (if they can).", + "text": "**كيف تلعب:** يقوم اللاعب الأول بتحريك رمز إلى أي رقم من ١ إلى ٩ في المربعات ١-٩. يقوم اللاعب الثاني بوضع رمز آخر على أحد المربعات ١-٩ ويطالب بالناتج في الشبكة ٦ في ٦. من ثم، يختار كل لاعب تحريك أي من الرمزين ويطالب بالناتج (إذا استطاع).", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?", - "text": "تعيش فانا في مدينة ملونة للغاية. هل مدينتك ملونة أيضًا؟", + "SourceText": "**How to win:** The first player with 3 squares in a row wins.\n\n**Variations:** Mix up the product numbers to give your child better practice identifying the products. Also, see the Stage 5 Bonus Material for designs of larger boards with larger ranges.", + "text": "**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الأول الذي يحصل على ٣ مربعات على التوالي يفوز.\n\n**التنوع:** امزج أرقام النتائج لتوفير ممارسة أفضل لطفلك في تحديد النتائج. أيضًا، راجع المواد الإضافية للمرحلة ٥ لتصميمات اللوحات الأكبر مع نطاقات أكبر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.", - "text": "أشر إلى جميع ألوان الملابس والمباني وقم بتسميتها.", + "SourceText": "ISLAND HOPPING WITH PRODUCTS", + "text": "القفز بالنتائج بين الجزر", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.", - "text": "لدى فانا قطة ودجاجتان وعنزة وحمامة.", + "SourceText": "Multiplying and Multiples", + "text": "الضرب والمضاعفات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many animals does Fana have?", - "text": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي تمتلكها فانا؟", + "SourceText": "These puzzles have islands (circles and squares) connected by bridges (lines). If there are two circles on either side of a square, then the square holds the product of the two circles.\n\n**The challenge:** Fill in the missing numbers.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه الألغاز على جزر (دوائر ومربعات) متصلة بجسور (خطوط). إذا كانت هناك دائرتان على جانبي مربع، فإن المربع يحتوي على حاصل ضرب الدائرتين.\n\n**التحدي:** املأ الأرقام المفقودة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which animal does Fana have the most of?", - "text": "ما هو الحيوان الذي تمتلكه فانا أكثر؟", + "SourceText": "**How to create:** Make these puzzles by filling in the circles, then filling in the squares, and finally removing some of the numbers before giving it to your child.\n\nIn addition to practicing multiplication, these puzzles can be structured to practice common factors as well. In the first puzzle, the only number, other than 1, that divides 14 and 21 is 7, so that is the number in the bottom circle.", + "text": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز عن طريق ملء الدوائر، ثم ملء المربعات، وأخيرًا إزالة بعض الأرقام قبل إعطائها لطفلك.\n\nبالإضافة إلى ممارسة الضرب، يمكن هيكلة هذه الألغاز لممارسة العوامل المشتركة أيضًا. في اللغز الأول، الرقم الوحيد، بخلاف ١، الذي يقسم ١٤ و٢١ هو ٧، لذا فإن هذا هو الرقم في الدائرة السفلية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.", - "text": "معظم الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في مدينة ليس لديهم الكثير من الحيوانات المختلفة.", + "SourceText": "COUNTING NEIGHBORS", + "text": "قم بعد الجيران", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.", - "text": "في أحد الأيام، رأت فانا أطفالًا يرشقون الحمام بالحجارة.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use three dice and an 8 by 8 board of numbers from 1 to 64.\n\n**How to play:** A player rolls the dice and uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to make any unmarked number on the board. The player marks this square and receives one point for the square plus one more point for each marked square that it touches, including diagonally. If a player cannot make a play, any other player who finds a play can claim that score.\n\n**How to win:** Play five or more rounds, with the largest score winning.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم ثلاثة نرد ولوحة ٨ في ٨ تحتوي على أرقام من ١ إلى ٦٤.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يقوم اللاعب برمي النرد ويستخدم الجمع، الطرح، الضرب، والقسمة لتكوين أي رقم غير محدد على اللوحة. يقوم اللاعب بتحديد هذا المربع ويحصل على نقطة واحدة للمربع بالإضافة إلى نقطة أخرى لكل مربع محدد يلمسه، بما في ذلك بشكل قطري. إذا لم يتمكن اللاعب من اللعب، يمكن لأي لاعب آخر يجد لعبة أن يطالب بتلك النقاط.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** العب خمس جولات أو أكثر، والفائز هو من يحصل على أكبر عدد من النقاط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!", - "text": "إن رمي الحيوانات بالحجارة أمر سيئ!", + "SourceText": "Some game options are to use a fourth die, and to use a smaller or larger board.", + "text": "بعض خيارات اللعبة هي استخدام نرد رابع، واستخدام لوحة أصغر أو أكبر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?", - "text": "ماذا تفعل إذا رأيت أحداً يفعل شيئاً سيئاً؟", + "SourceText": "MAKING A MOBILE", + "text": "صنع المحمول", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?", - "text": "عدّوا جميع الطيور. أيهما أكثر وأيهما أقل: الطيور في الهواء أم الطيور على الأرض؟", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** You are given some weights and a design for a mobile that has some attach points. The challenge is to put at most one weight per attach point so the mobile will balance along every arm. Assume the wires are weightless. Each arm in the mobile is a lever that needs balancing, so these puzzles are an extension of the Lever Balance puzzle given earlier in this Stage - practice those puzzles before starting these.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** يتم إعطاؤك بعض الأوزان وتصميم لمحمول يحتوي على بعض نقاط التعلق. التحدي هو وضع وزن واحد كحد أقصى لكل نقطة تعلق بحيث يتوازن المحمول على طول كل ذراع. افترض أن الأسلاك بلا وزن. كل ذراع في المحمول هو رافعة تحتاج إلى التوازن، لذا فإن هذه الألغاز هي امتداد للغز توازن الرافعة الذي تم تقديمه في وقت سابق في هذه المرحلة - مارس تلك الألغاز قبل البدء في هذه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"", - "text": "ركضت فانا نحو الأطفال.\n\nوصرخت: \"توقفوا عن رمي الحجارة!\"", + "SourceText": "**Simple example:** Start with the simplest mobiles, which are just levers in the air. Above is a solution for putting the weights from 1 to 4 on this mobile to balance it. This works because (2 × 4) + (1 × 2) = (4 × 1) + (3 × 2).\n\n**More complicated example:** Use the total of the weights below it to balance each side of the top wire (1 + 3) × 3 = (4 + 2) × 2.", + "text": "**مثال بسيط:** ابدأ بأبسط المحمولات، وهي مجرد رافعات في الهواء. هنا حل لوضع الأوزان من ١ إلى ٤ على هذا المحمول لتوازنه. هذا يعمل لأن ٢ × ٤ + ١ × ٢ = ٤ × ١ + ٣ × ٢.\n\n**مثال أكثر تعقيدًا:** استخدم مجموع الأوزان أسفلها لتوازن كل جانب من السلك العلوي (١ + ٣) × ٣ = (٤ + ٢) × ٢.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?", - "text": "ليس من السهل أن تخبر الآخرين أنك تعتقد أنهم سيئون. لماذا فعلت فانا ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Go to the Stage 5 Bonus Material for more examples and a longer discussion of mobiles.", + "text": "انتقل إلى المواد الإضافية للمرحلة ٥ لمزيد من الأمثلة ومناقشة أطول حول المحمولات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.", - "text": "المستطيل هو شكل له أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة مثل شكل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات التي تراها في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "LIMITED CALCULATORS", + "text": "الآلات الحاسبة المحدودة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?", - "text": "هل ترى أي مستطيلات حول مكان تواجدك؟", + "SourceText": "Add, Subtract, and Multiply", + "text": "الجمع والطرح والضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.", - "text": "أخذت فانا الحمامتين إلى المنزل لتعتني بهما.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Suppose you have a calculator that is badly broken and you are challenged to produce some result on the calculator. This is easy to play orally whenever you have a spare moment. Here are some examples to get you started.\n\n**Example:** Suppose you had a calculator with +, -, ×, and /, but only one working number key, the 4. Could you get the result 21? If so, what is the fewest number of steps you would need? Suppose you could use 4 at most four times - which numbers could you produce? Suppose you had to use the 4 exactly four times. Play around with having other single keys and creating other results.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة معطلة بشدة وتم تحديك لإنتاج نتيجة معينة على الآلة الحاسبة. من السهل لعب هذا شفهيًا كلما كان لديك لحظة فراغ. إليك بعض الأمثلة لتبدأ بها.\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة تحتوي على +، -، ×، و /، ولكن بها مفتاح رقم واحد يعمل فقط، وهو ٤. هل يمكنك الحصول على النتيجة ٢١؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، ما هو أقل عدد من الخطوات التي ستحتاجها؟ افترض أنه يمكنك استخدام ٤ بحد أقصى أربع مرات - ما هي الأرقام التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟ افترض أنه يجب عليك استخدام ٤ بالضبط أربع مرات. العب مع وجود مفاتيح فردية أخرى وإنشاء نتائج أخرى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.", - "text": "إنه أمر جميل جدًا من فانا أنها تساعد هذه الحيوانات. قد يكون التعامل مع الحيوانات البرية أمرًا خطيرًا.", + "SourceText": "**Example:** Suppose your calculator could only add 4 or 7. Which numbers could you produce?\n\n**Example:** Suppose the calculator only had 4 or 7, but now it can add and subtract. Which additional numbers could you produce?", + "text": "**مثال:** افترض أن الآلة الحاسبة يمكنها فقط إضافة ٤ أو ٧. ما هي الأرقام التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن الآلة الحاسبة تحتوي فقط على ٤ أو ٧، ولكن الآن يمكنها الجمع والطرح. ما هي الأرقام الإضافية التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?", - "text": "عدّوا عدد الناس وعدد الطيور. أي مجموعة الأكبر وأيهما الأصغر؟", + "SourceText": "These are the same activities we’ve seen previoiusly in other settings, such as with the pan balance.\n\n**Example:** Suppose you only had a 1 key and could only add or double. For example, 2 × (2 × 1) + 1 is 5. What other numbers can you create?\n\n**Example:** A fun challenge is the four 4's challenge. Suppose you had a calculator with only a 4 key, with all the operations working. Starting at 1, how many numbers can you create if you must use exactly four 4's in your work on the calculator?", + "text": "هذه هي نفس الأنشطة التي رأيناها سابقًا في إعدادات أخرى، مثل ميزان المقلاة.\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن لديك مفتاح ١ فقط ويمكنك فقط الجمع أو المضاعفة. على سبيل المثال، ٢ × (٢ × ١) + ١ هو ٥. ما هي الأرقام الأخرى التي يمكنك إنشاؤها؟\n\n**مثال:** تحدي ممتع هو تحدي الأربعة ٤. افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة تحتوي فقط على مفتاح ٤، مع عمل جميع العمليات. بدءًا من ١، كم عدد الأرقام التي يمكنك إنشاؤها إذا كان يجب عليك استخدام أربعة ٤ بالضبط في عملك على الآلة الحاسبة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?", - "text": "ماذا تخبرك وجوههم عما يشعرون؟", + "SourceText": "GRABBING FACTORS", + "text": "التقاط العوامل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.", - "text": "لقد أطعمتهما وأخبرت عائلتها كيف أنقذتهما.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use a board with a 4 by 6 grid of numbers from 1 to 24.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, a player chooses a number that is uncovered and has at least one factor uncovered – the player gets the selected number and the other player gets any or all of the uncovered factors (their choice as to how many). Play alternates until there are no legal numbers left.\n\n**How to win:** The players add up their numbers and the higher sum wins.\n\n**Tax Collector solitaire:** This can also be played as a solitaire puzzle, called Tax Collector. The one player selects each number and the tax collector gets all the available factors. Play continues until the player no longer has a legal move. At that point, the tax collector receives the remaining numbers. The goal is to have as large a sum as possible – bigger than the tax collector when that’s possible.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم لوحة تحتوي على شبكة ٤ في ٦ من الأرقام من ١ إلى ٢٤.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، يختار اللاعب رقمًا غير مغطى وله على الأقل عامل واحد غير مغطى - يحصل اللاعب على الرقم المختار ويحصل اللاعب الآخر على أي أو كل العوامل غير المغطاة (اختياره لعددها). يتناوب اللعب حتى لا يتبقى أرقام قانونية.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يجمع اللاعبون أرقامهم والفائز هو من يحصل على المجموع الأعلى.\n\n**لعبة جامع الضرائب الفردية:** يمكن لعب هذه اللعبة أيضًا كلغز فردي، يسمى جامع الضرائب. يختار اللاعب كل رقم ويحصل جامع الضرائب على جميع العوامل المتاحة. يستمر اللعب حتى لا يكون لدى اللاعب حركة قانونية. في هذه المرحلة، يحصل جامع الضرائب على الأرقام المتبقية. الهدف هو الحصول على أكبر مجموع ممكن - أكبر من جامع الضرائب عندما يكون ذلك ممكنًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?", - "text": "كم عدد الأطفال وكم عدد البالغين في عائلة فانا؟ عندما تجمع هاتين المجموعتين معًا، كم عدد الأشخاص في عائلتها؟", + "SourceText": "Set the range of numbers for the players – it could be 1 to 12, or as high as 1 to 60.", + "text": "حدد نطاق الأرقام وفقًا لمستوى مهارة اللاعبين. يمكن أن يكون من ١ إلى ١٢، أو حتى ١ إلى ٦٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?", - "text": "توجد ألوان كثيرة لقوس قزح هنا. ما هي الألوان الموجودة وأيها مفقودة؟", + "SourceText": "BOUNCING BILLIARD BALL", + "text": "كرة البلياردو المرتدة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?", - "text": "ما هي الألوان والأنماط التي تفضل ارتداءها؟", + "SourceText": "Factors and Multiples", + "text": "العوامل والمضاعفات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.", - "text": "أخذت فانا ووالداها الحمامتين إلى العيادة.", + "SourceText": "Imagine a billiard table that has a pocket in each of the four corners. When a ball bounces off the side of the table, it bounces away at the same angle it came in at.", + "text": "تخيل طاولة بلياردو تحتوي على جيب في كل زاوية من الزوايا الأربع. عندما ترتد الكرة عن جانب الطاولة، ترتد بزاوية نفسها التي دخلت بها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?", - "text": "معظم الأطباء إما يساعدون الناس أو يساعدون الحيوانات. أي نوع من الأطباء موجود في هذه العيادة؟", + "SourceText": "This investigation looks at the question: If we shoot a ball at a 45 degree angle from one corner, where will it end up?\n\nThe answer depends on the size of the table. This is what happens on a 3 by 4 table.\n\n**Investigation:** After playing with several different sizes of tables, challenge your child to predict what the answer is in advance for new sizes. Starting in the bottom left corner, which corner will be hit first and how many bounces will it take?", + "text": "ينظر هذا التحقيق في السؤال: إذا أطلقنا كرة بزاوية ٤٥ درجة من زاوية واحدة، أين ستنتهي؟\n\nتعتمد الإجابة على حجم الطاولة. هذا ما يحدث على طاولة ٣ في ٤.\n\nبعد اللعب بأحجام مختلفة من الطاولات، اطلب من طفلك أن يتنبأ بالإجابة للأحجام الجديدة. بدءًا من الزاوية السفلية اليسرى، أي زاوية سيتم ضربها أولاً وكم عدد الارتدادات التي ستحدث؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?", - "text": "من هو أقصر شخص في هذه الصورة؟ من هو الأطول؟", + "SourceText": "DOUBLE OR NOTHING", + "text": "المضاعفة أو لا شئ", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.", - "text": "يشير الصليب الأحمر الموجود على الخزانة إلى وجود مستلزمات طبية بداخلها.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Players start the game by secretly picking 5 distinct numbers larger than 20 and less than 121. After all selections are made, they are written where all can see them.\n\n**How to play:** Using Number Cards or some other device, a random number from 1 to 20 is created. That number is repeatedly doubled until either someone’s number is hit for the first time or the number becomes bigger than 120.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to have all five numbers hit is the winner.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** يبدأ اللاعبون اللعبة باختيار ٥ أرقام مميزة سرًا أكبر من ٢٠ وأقل من ١٢١. بعد إجراء جميع الاختيارات، يتم كتابتها حيث يمكن للجميع رؤيتها.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** باستخدام بطاقات الأرقام أو أي جهاز آخر، يتم إنشاء رقم عشوائي من ١ إلى ٢٠. يتم مضاعفة هذا الرقم بشكل متكرر حتى يتم الوصول إلى رقم أحد اللاعبين لأول مرة أو يصبح الرقم أكبر من ١٢٠.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يصل إلى جميع الأرقام الخمسة هو الفائز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"", - "text": "قالت فانا لأصدقائها: \"الحيوانات أصدقاؤنا. يجب علينا أن نحميها.\"", + "SourceText": "Selection strategies", + "text": "استراتيجيات اختيار الأرقام", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?", - "text": "هل يجب أن نحمي أصدقائنا فقط أم يجب أن نحمي كل ما نستطيع؟", + "SourceText": "It is a bad idea to pick a number, such as 46, that is not a power of 2 times some number between 1 and 20 – it will never get hit. Some numbers with lots of factors of 2, such as 32, are more likely to be hit because more starting numbers can get to them.", + "text": "من السيء اختيار رقم، مثل ٤٦، ليس قوة ٢ مضروبة في رقم بين ١ و٢٠ - لن يتم الوصول إليه أبدًا. بعض الأرقام التي تحتوي على الكثير من عوامل ٢، مثل ٣٢، من المرجح أن يتم الوصول إليها لأن المزيد من الأرقام البدء يمكن أن تصل إليها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.", - "text": "انظر إلى كل أنماط الألوان في هذه الملابس. وضح أي منها صلبة أو مخططة أو مرقعة.", + "SourceText": "You can triple the number each time instead of doubling it. You can double it and add 1 each time. For younger players, select numbers above 10 and not above 60, and select a random number from 1 to 10.", + "text": "يمكنك مضاعفة الرقم ثلاث مرات بدلاً من مضاعفته مرتين. يمكنك مضاعفته وإضافة ١ في كل مرة. بالنسبة للاعبين الأصغر سنًا، اختر أرقامًا أكبر من ١٠ وليس أكبر من ٦٠، واختر رقمًا عشوائيًا من ١ إلى ١٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?", - "text": "لقد ارتدت فانا العديد من الألوان المختلفة خلال هذه القصة. هل يمكنك تذكرها جميعًا؟", + "SourceText": "WAR WITH FACTORS", + "text": "الحرب مع العوامل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.", - "text": "كان يا ما كان, كان هناك فلاح ولديه اثنين من الأبناء.", + "SourceText": "Factors Count", + "text": "حساب العوامل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?", - "text": "أسطح المنازل الدائرية المصنوعة من القش هي على شكل مخروطي. ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي تستطيع أن تراها في الصورة?", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Have two sets of cards, say from 1 to 25.\n\n**How to play:** Play the standard game of war with these cards, only now the winner is the card that has more factors. For example, 12 beats 16 because 12 has 6 factors (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12) while 16 has 5 factors (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16). The holder of the winning card must be able to correctly list the factors to win the cards – otherwise, the cards get shuffled back into each player’s draw pile. As with standard War, when there is a tie, the next cards are turned over and the winner receives all the cards.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** حصل على مجموعتين من البطاقات، لنقل من ١ إلى ٢٥.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** العب لعبة الحرب القياسية بهذه البطاقات، ولكن الآن الفائز هو البطاقة التي تحتوي على المزيد من العوامل. على سبيل المثال، ١٢ يهزم ١٦ لأن ١٢ يحتوي على ٦ عوامل ١، ٢، ٣، ٤، ٦، و١٢) بينما يحتوي ١٦ على ٥ عوامل ١، ٢، ٤، ٨، و١٦). يجب أن يكون حامل البطاقة الفائزة قادرًا على سرد العوامل بشكل صحيح للفوز بالبطاقات - وإلا، يتم خلط البطاقات مرة أخرى في كومة السحب لكل لاعب. كما هو الحال في حرب القياسية، عندما يكون هناك تعادل، يتم قلب البطاقات التالية والفائز يحصل على جميع البطاقات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)", - "text": "ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي رأيتها في حياتك? (قمع الآيسكريم, أشجار التنوب, قمع المرور, قمع تحويل مسار الطريق)", + "SourceText": "You can play that the smaller number of factors wins. You can count the total of just the prime factors rather than all the factors. You can play that prime powers (numbers that are a power of a prime) beat other numbers.", + "text": "يمكنك اللعب بأن العدد الأصغر من العوامل يفوز. يمكنك حساب مجموع العوامل الأولية فقط بدلاً من جميع العوامل. يمكنك اللعب بأن قوى الأعداد الأولية (الأرقام التي هي قوة عدد أولي) تهزم الأرقام الأخرى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find as many rectangles as you can in this picture.", - "text": "المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. ابحث عن أكثر عدد مستطيلات تستطيع أن تجدها في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "CROSSING THE VOLCANO", + "text": "عبور البركان", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"", - "text": "في يوم من الأيام, نادى على أبنائه وقال, \"أنا كبير في السن وسأموت قريبا. ولكن قبل أن أموت, أريد أن أراكم في منازلكم الخاصة بكم. أمامكم شهر واحد لكي يبنى كل منكما منزله الخاص. أريد أن أراكم هنا بعد شهر.\"", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Use a 100-chart with the 36 squares on the four edges colored gray. Use playing cards with picture cards removed or use Number Cards from 1 to 10.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, if you pick a 1 you can claim any odd number; if you pick any other number, you can claim any multiple of it. If you claim a number, your opponent cannot claim it. The aim is to make a path from one edge to the opposite edge, in either direction. You do not need to claim the squares in the order of your path.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مخطط ١٠٠ مع ٣٦ مربعًا على الحواف الأربعة ملونة باللون الرمادي. استخدم بطاقات اللعب مع إزالة بطاقات الصور أو استخدم بطاقات الأرقام من ١ إلى ١٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، إذا اخترت ١ يمكنك المطالبة بأي رقم فردي؛ إذا اخترت أي رقم آخر، يمكنك المطالبة بأي مضاعف له. إذا طالبت برقم، لا يمكن لمنافسك المطالبة به. الهدف هو إنشاء مسار من حافة إلى الحافة المقابلة، في أي اتجاه. لا تحتاج إلى المطالبة بالمربعات بترتيب مسارك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?", - "text": "يمكنك معرفة عدد الأقدام معاً عن طريق العد قفزتين ثلاث مرات أو ثلاث قفزات مرتين. كم عددها?", + "SourceText": "You can either play that diagonal connections are okay or not okay. Another option is to include picture cards – if you get one of these, you can put in a blocked square that cannot be included in either person’s path.", + "text": "يمكنك اللعب بأن الاتصالات القطرية مسموحة أو غير مسموحة. خيار آخر هو تضمين بطاقات الصور - إذا حصلت على واحدة من هذه، يمكنك وضع مربع محظور لا يمكن تضمينه في مسار أي شخص.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?", - "text": "لتعرف عدد الأطراف (الأرجل والأيدي) لديهم, ما هو الرقم الذي ستستعمله في العد القفزي? كم عدد الأطراف?", + "SourceText": "CHECKERS MATH", + "text": "رياضيات الداما", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?", - "text": "خمن لماذا لدى الأب عصا طويلة. هل لأن لديه مشكلة في المشي, أو هي علامة احترام لكبار السن, أو ربما الاثنين معاً?", + "SourceText": "Multiplication Board Games", + "text": "ألعاب لوحة الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The two sons rushed out. The first one went to the roadside. He cut down trees and began to build a big compound for himself.", - "text": "خرج الابنين بسرعة. ذهب الابن الأول لحافة الطريق. قطع الأشجار وبدأ ببناء مجمع سكني لنفسه.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** This game is lightly inspired by checkers. Each player has 10 counters. The counters are numbered from 1 to 10, with the “10” counter marked with 10 and 11. The counters start on the end rows of a 100-chart - one player on squares 1 to 10 and the other on squares 91 to 100.\n\n**How to play:** Initially, counters can only move “forward” one row onto any multiple of the number(s) on the marker they choose – for the player starting on 1 to 10, forward means larger numbers, and for the player starting on 91 to 100, forward means smaller numbers. Once a counter has made it all the way across the board, it becomes a king and can then move forward or backward one row after that. An opponent's piece is taken by landing on it. A player’s piece cannot double up with another of the same player’s pieces.\n\n**How to win:** You win by taking all your opponent’s pieces.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** هذه اللعبة مستوحاة بشكل خفيف من لعبة الداما. كل لاعب لديه ١٠ عدادات. العدادات مرقمة من ١ إلى ١٠، مع وضع علامة على العداد \"١٠“ بـ ١٠ و١١. تبدأ العدادات في الصفوف النهائية من مخطط ١٠٠ - لاعب واحد على المربعات ١ إلى ١٠ والآخر على المربعات ٩١ إلى ١٠٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في البداية، يمكن للعدادات التحرك \"للأمام“ صفًا واحدًا على أي مضاعف للأرقام على العلامة التي يختارونها - بالنسبة للاعب الذي يبدأ من ١ إلى ١٠، يعني الأمام أرقامًا أكبر، وبالنسبة للاعب الذي يبدأ من ٩١ إلى ١٠٠، يعني الأمام أرقامًا أصغر. بمجرد أن يصل العداد إلى الطرف الآخر من اللوحة، يصبح ملكًا ويمكنه بعد ذلك التحرك للأمام أو للخلف صفًا واحدًا بعد ذلك. يتم أخذ قطعة الخصم عن طريق الهبوط عليها. لا يمكن لقطعة اللاعب أن تتضاعف مع قطعة أخرى لنفس اللاعب.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أن تفوز بأخذ جميع قطع خصمك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?", - "text": "أحياناً تجد وجوهاً في السحب, في القمر, أو في أماكن أخرى. هل ترى وجهاً في الشجرة?", + "SourceText": "Variations", + "text": "التنوع", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?", - "text": "هل سبق ورأيت وجهاً في السحب أو في مكان آخر?", + "SourceText": "For younger players, shorten the board to use the first 6 rows – the numbers from 1 to 60. A child who does not know all the multiples yet can use skip counting to figure out the moves.", + "text": "بالنسبة للاعبين الأصغر سنًا، قصر اللوحة على استخدام الصفوف الستة الأولى - الأرقام من ١ إلى ٦٠. يمكن للطفل الذي لا يعرف جميع المضاعفات بعد استخدام العد القفزي لمعرفة الحركات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?", - "text": "كم شجرة قطع الابن ليصنع هذه البيوت?", + "SourceText": "MULTIPLICATION BINGO", + "text": "بينغو الضرب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.", - "text": "الابن الآخر, بالمقابل, خرج وبدأ بتكوين علاقات خاصة مع العائلات الأخرى. ذهب إلى أناس مختلفين, وأصبح كابن لهم.", + "SourceText": "**The setup:** Each player starts with a 4 by 4 grid of numbers that are possible multiplication products – these numbers can either be randomly assigned or carefully chosen by the player.\n\n**How to play:** To start, two cards are dealt and put face up on the table. If either player has the product of those two numbers, they cover it. From then on, the players take turns taking the top card from the draw pile and choosing which of the two cards to replace. All players who have a match with the product cover it.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get 4 in a row wins.", + "text": "**الإعداد:** يبدأ كل لاعب بمصفوفة ٤ في ٤ من الأرقام التي يمكن أن تكون نتائج ضرب - يمكن تعيين هذه الأرقام عشوائيًا أو اختيارها بعناية من قبل اللاعب.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** للبدء، يتم توزيع بطاقتين ووضعهما مكشوفتين على الطاولة. إذا كان لدى أي لاعب حاصل ضرب هذين الرقمين، فإنه يغطيه. من ثم، يتناوب اللاعبون على أخذ البطاقة العلوية من كومة السحب واختيار أي من البطاقتين لاستبدالها. يغطي جميع اللاعبين الذين لديهم تطابق مع الناتج.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يحصل على ٤ على التوالي هو الفائز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This second son is greeting someone in a friendly way with his hands. Copy this hand gesture with the person you are with now.", - "text": "هذا الابن يحيي شخصاً ما بطريقة لطيفة بيديه. قلد حركة اليد هذه مع الشخص الذي معك الآن.", + "SourceText": "CROSS PRODUCTS", + "text": "لنتائج المتقاطعة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?", - "text": "كيف تحيي الناس بطريقة مختلفة عندما يكونون من أفراد العائلة أو الأصدقاء?", + "SourceText": "Interesting Products", + "text": "النتائج المثيرة للاهتمام", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the shadows in this picture. Point to where you think the sun is in the sky. Guess what time of day it is.", - "text": "انظر إلى الظلال في الصورة. أشر إلى مكان الشمس في الصورة. خمن في أي وقت من النهار نحن.", + "SourceText": "This multiplication puzzle is either 3 by 3 involving each of the numbers 1 to 6 exactly once, or 4 by 4 involving the numbers 1 to 8 exactly once.\n\n**The challenge:** Fill in some of the squares, two numbers for each row and each column, so that the product of the numbers in a row is the number marked to the far left and the product of the numbers in a column is the number marked above the column. Some rows or columns may not be marked – if so, there is no constraint on the product of those rows or columns.", + "text": "هذا اللغز الضربي هو إما ٣ في ٣ يتضمن كل من الأرقام من ١ إلى ٦ مرة واحدة بالضبط، أو ٤ في ٤ يتضمن الأرقام من ١ إلى ٨ مرة واحدة بالضبط.\n\n**التحدي:** املأ بعض المربعات، رقمين لكل صف ولكل عمود، بحيث يكون حاصل ضرب الأرقام في الصف هو الرقم المحدد إلى أقصى اليسار وحاصل ضرب الأرقام في العمود هو الرقم المحدد فوق العمود. قد لا يتم تحديد بعض الصفوف أو الأعمدة - إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فلا يوجد قيد على حاصل ضرب تلك الصفوف أو الأعمدة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"", - "text": "بعد شهر, رجع الأخوان إلى والدهما. قال الأب, \"حسناً, هل بنيتما منازلكما?\" قال الأخوان معاً, \"أجل.\"", + "SourceText": "**Solving examples:** Solve the puzzle above by finding columns and rows where you can identify the two numbers. The 30 column must have 5 and 6, and the 10 row must have 2 and 5. Next, the 12 column must have 3 and 4 and the 4 row must have 1 and 4. The rest follows quickly.", + "text": "**أمثلة للحل:** حل هذا اللغز عن طريق العثور على الأعمدة والصفوف حيث يمكنك تحديد الرقمين. يجب أن يحتوي عمود ٣٠ على ٥ و٦، ويجب أن يحتوي صف ١٠ على ٢ و٥. بعد ذلك، يجب أن يحتوي عمود ١٢ على ٣ و٤ ويجب أن يحتوي صف ٤على ١ و٤. يتبع الباقي بسرعة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?", - "text": "الخطوط العمودية تكون إلى الأعلى والأسفل. مع أنك لا تستطيع رؤيتهم كلهم, كم تعتقد عدد الألواح العمودية في الباب?", + "SourceText": "The 5 row in this second puzzle must have 1 and 5, the 21 row has 3 and 7, the 32 row has 4 and 8, and the top row has, by elimination, 2 and 6. The 7 column has 1 and 7, the 40 column has 5 and 8, the 18 column has 3 and 6, and the second column has 2 and 4. Put this together for the solution.\n\n**How to create:** Make these by filling in the numbers on the inside of the puzzle first, writing down the products, and then removing all the interior numbers.", + "text": "يجب أن يحتوي صف ٥ في هذا اللغز على ١ و٥، ويحتوي صف ٢١ على ٣ و٧، ويحتوي صف ٣٢ على ٤ و٨، ويحتوي الصف العلوي، عن طريق الإقصاء، على ٢ و٦. يحتوي عمود ٧ على ١ و٧، ويحتوي عمود ٤٠ على ٥ و٨، ويحتوي عمود ١٨ على ٣ و٦، ويحتوي العمود الثاني على ٢ و٤. اجمع هذا معًا للحصول على الحل.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** كما هو الحال غالبًا مع هذه الألغاز، يمكن للبالغين إنشاؤها عن طريق ملء الأرقام داخل اللغز أولاً، وكتابة النتائج، ثم إزالة جميع الأرقام الداخلية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?", - "text": "الخطوط الأفقية تتجه من جانب إلى آخر. إذا أضفت لوح أفقي إلى الألواح العمودية, كم يكون عدد الألواح معاً?", + "SourceText": "Stage 1 — I Can Hear You!", + "text": "المرحلة ١ – يمكنني سماعك!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?", - "text": "الشهر ممكن أن يكون 28 أو 29 أو 30 أو 31 يوم. هل تعتقد أنه بإمكان شخص ما أن يبني منزلاً في 30 يوماً? في أي شهر في السنة نحن الآن?", + "SourceText": "Stage 2 — I Can Count to 5!", + "text": "المرحلة ٢ – يمكنني العدد حتى ٥!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"", - "text": "ذهب الأب مع ابنه الأكبر. وجد أن ابنه بنى الكثير من الأكواخ. كلما مر بجانب كوخ, كان يسأل, \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ?\" في كل مرة, كان يجيب الابن, \"لا.\"", + "SourceText": "Stage 3 — I Can Count to 10!", + "text": "المرحلة ٣ – يمكنني العدد حتى ١٠!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?", - "text": "هناك كلمة جديدة استخدمها الأب لتلك المباني. كيف يكون الكوخ مختلفاً عن المنزل?", + "SourceText": "Stage 4 — I Can Count to 20!", + "text": "المرحلة ٤ – يمكنني العدد حتى ٢٠!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?", - "text": "هل سبق أن بنيت أو تخيلت كوخاً أو منزلاً أو حصناً? ماذا استخدمت لتصنعه?", + "SourceText": "Stage 5 — I Can Count to 100!", + "text": "المرحلة ٥ – يمكنني العدد حتى ١٠٠!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)", - "text": "قم بعد الأكواخ في هذه الصورة. إن كان لا يوجد أحد في الكوخ, كم شخصاً هناك? (0 – صفر)", + "SourceText": "A Very Tall Man", + "text": "رجل طويل جداً", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"", - "text": "كان الأب يسأل, \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ?\" وكان الابن يجيب, \"لا.\"", + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller", + "text": "تتناول هذه القصة العد حتى 5 والأوصاف والمقارنات. تدرب على وصف الكلمات: أيضًا، جدًا، قصير، طويل، منخفض، عالي، كبير، صغير؛ أسماء الألوان؛ وكلمات المقارنة: أقصر، أطول، أقل، أعلى، أكبر، أصغر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count all the rectangles you can find in this picture.", - "text": "قم بعد كل المستطيلات التي تجدها في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "Akadeli's Lucky Day", + "text": "يوم أكاديلي المحظوظ", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A right angle is formed when two lines cross each other like the corner of this page. Horizontal lines form right angles with vertical lines. Point out some right angles in this picture.", - "text": "تتشكل الزاوية القائمة عندما يتلاقى خطان معا مثل زاوية هذه الصفحة. الخطوط الأفقية تكون زوايا قائمة مع الخطوط العمودية. أشر إلى بعض الزوايا القائمة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 12، الألوان، والأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: واحد، اثنان، إلى اثني عشر، التقدير، الإزالة، أسماء الألوان، الأقصر، الأطول، المتشابه، والمختلف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?", - "text": "ربما يوجد الكثير من الزوايا القائمة حيث تكون أنت. هل تستطيع عدهم جميعاً, أم هي كثيرة جداً?", + "SourceText": "Can We Count Our Cats?", + "text": "هل يمكننا عدّ قططنا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.", - "text": "أحس الأب بالجوع, لكن لا يوجد أحد ليقدم له الطعام. قال الأب, \"لنذهب إلى البيت.\" فذهبا إلى البيت.", + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.", + "text": "تتناول هذه القصة العد من 0 إلى 9 والألوان وأنماط الألوان. تدرب على كلمات العد، كلمات الألوان، وكلمات مثل: كثير ج ًدا، أكبر رقم، أصغر رقم، واحد أكثر، وواحد أقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.", - "text": "عادةً يقدم الناس إلى الضيوف شيئاً ليأكلوه أو يشربوه. كل هذه الأكواخ كانت غير مرحبة بالضيوف, لا شيء لتقدمه للضيوف.", + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Ball", + "text": "القط والكلب والكرة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?", - "text": "لاحظ بأن الأب قد أدار ظهره إلى ابنه. ما الرسالة التي تعطيها حين تدير ظهرك إلى أحد?", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى 6، الألوان، والأوصاف. تدرب على عد الكلمات وأسماء الألوان والكلمات: مرتفع، أيضًا، متشابه، مختلف، أصغر، أكبر، قصير، طويل، أقل، والمزيد.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?", - "text": "بينما يبتعد الأب, بماذا تعتقد أنه يشعر?", + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly", + "text": "القط والكلب والفراشة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.", - "text": "أخذهم الابن الثاني إلى العائلة الأولى التي تبناها. عرفهم بهم وقال, \"هذا أبي وهذا أخي.\" رحبت العائلة بالرجال. ذبحوا خروفاً وقدموا لهم وليمة كبيرة.", + "SourceText": "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أوصاف السرعة والألوان والعد حتى 6. تدرب على كلمات العد وكلمات الألوان والكلمات التالية: جدًا، أيضًا، سريع، بطيء، أسرع من، أبطأ من، الأسرع، الأبطأ، أكثر، وأقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?", - "text": "قدمت هذه العائلة وليمة كبيرة للأب! لماذا قاموا بذلك?", + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Egg", + "text": "القط والكلب والبيضة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How do you think the father is feeling about this?", - "text": "بماذا يشعر الأب في اعتقادك?", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5 والمقارنة والألوان والأشكال. تدرب على الكلمات: مستدير، فوق، تحت، مشابه، مستدير، طائرة ورقية، مختلف، أكبر، وأطول.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?", - "text": "ماذا في اعتقادك سيحدث مع العائلة التالية التي سيزورونها?", + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold", + "text": "القط والكلب: الكلب يشعر بالبرد", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They went to the second family the younger son had adopted. He introduced his father and brother and they were given another feast.", - "text": "ذهبوا إلى العائلة الأخرى التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. عرفهم بأبيه وأخيه وقدموا لهم وليمة أخرى.", + "SourceText": "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.", + "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن المبالغة في وصف الكلمات، والعد إلى 6 مع زيادة واحد أكثر أو أقل. الكلمات التي يجب التدرب عليها هي: أيضًا، بارد، دافئ، حار، خفيف، مظلم، نهار، ليل، نظيف، قذر، صغير، كبير، قصير، طويل، رطب، جاف، رقيق، سميك، منخفض، عالي، جديد، وقديم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?", - "text": "لاحظ كيف ينظر الناس إلى بعضهم البعض. بماذا يشعرون?", + "SourceText": "Clever Cat", + "text": "القطة الذكية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?", - "text": "في رأيك ماذا تقول الطفلة الصغيرة والابن الثاني لبعضهما عندما تقابلا?", + "SourceText": "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أفكار هندسية وألوان. كلمات التدريب: أسماء المربع والمستطيل والدائرة والمتحدة المركز والمفتوحة والمغلقة والأقل والقليل والصغير والكبير والألوان.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Their clothes have many soft hues. Describe some of the different colors that you see.", - "text": "تحتوي ملابسهم على ألوان بسيطة. صِف بعض الألوان المختلفة التي تراها.", + "SourceText": "Colors of a Rainbow", + "text": "ألوان قوس قزح", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Father and brother were welcomed in all the places where the younger son was adopted. They ate and were satisfied. Then they left for home.", - "text": "كان الأب والابن مرحباً بهم في كل الأماكن التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. لقد تناولوا الطعام وكانوا سعداء. وبعدها عادوا إلى المنزل.", + "SourceText": "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.", + "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن الأعداد حتى سبعة، والأعداد الترتيبية حتى السابع، والألوان. تدرب على الكلمات: واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، إلى سبعة؛ الأعداد الترتيبية: الأول، الثاني، الثالث، إلى السابع؛ وأسماء الألوان العديدة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?", - "text": "بعض الأسقف المخروطية الشكل كانت مائلة أكثر من الأخرى. لماذا من المفيد أن يكون السقف مائلاً?", + "SourceText": "Counting Animals", + "text": "عدّ الحيوانات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)", - "text": "هل تستطيع أن تخمن ما هي مساوئ الأسقف المائلة? (يمكن أن تحتاج مواداً أكثر.)", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 9 ومقارنات العدد والحجم. كلمات التدريب: واحد، اثنان، إلى تسعة، كبير، صغير، أكثر، أقل، واحد أكثر، وواحد أقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?", - "text": "ما الأشياء التي تخبرك بأن الأب يشعر بالتعب الشديد?", + "SourceText": "Creature with Two", + "text": "مخلوق ذو اثنين", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"", - "text": "قال الأب, \"هذا ما كنت أعنيه عندما قلت يجب أن تمتلكوا منزلكم الخاص. المنزل أكثر من مجرد أكواخ كثيرة أو منازل كبيرة وغالية الثمن. إنه المحبة, الدفء والصداقة مع الآخرين.\"", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى سبعة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد الصغيرة، خاصة واحد واثنين؛ ومقارنة الكلمات مثل أكثر، متساو، نفس، وأقل. تحدث أيضًا عن المربعات والدوائر والمواد الصلبة والخطوط والأكبر والأصغر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?", - "text": "المسكن ليس مجرد سقف أو جدران أو أبواب. في المكان الذي تعيش فيه, ما نوع الأشياء التي تجعله منزلاً بالفعل?", + "SourceText": "Drum", + "text": "الطبل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?", - "text": "مَن من هؤلاء الثلاثة الأطول ومن منهم الأقصر?", + "SourceText": "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على الأنماط والأحجام والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الحجم، الكبير، الصغير، المتوسط، نفسه، الشكل، والنمط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?", - "text": "ماذا في اعتقادك أكثر فائدة – أن تحظى بكثير من الناس يهتمون لأمرك أم تمتلك الكثير من المباني?", + "SourceText": "Fana Loves Animals", + "text": "فانا تحب الحيوانات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati was a little girl who ran like the wind.\n\nShe loved to laugh, and always tried hard to do as she was told.", - "text": "كانت فاتي فتاة صغيرة تجري مثل الريح.\n\nكانت تحب الضحك، وتحاول دائماً أن تفعل ما يطلب منها.", + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكميات إلى عشرة، المقارنة، والألوان. كلمات التدريب: العد إلى عشرة، معظم، أكثر، أقل، أكبر، أصغر، أقصر، أطول، أسماء الألوان، صلبة، مخططة، ومرقعة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It can be hard sometimes to do what you are told. Are you good at following directions?", - "text": "قد يكون من الصعب أحيانًا تنفيذ ما يُقال لك. هل أنت جيد في اتباع التوجيهات؟", + "SourceText": "Feelings", + "text": "المشاعر", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How do you feel when you don't do as you are told?", - "text": "ما هو شعورك عندما لا تفعل ما يقال لك؟", + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العدّ حتى عشرة. كلمات التدريب: كم، واحد أكثر، أكثر وأقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Does Fati have more, or less, limbs (arms and legs) than there are ends to her stick?", - "text": "هل لدى فاتي أطراف (أذرع وأرجل) أكثر أم أقل من أطراف عصاها؟", + "SourceText": "Flower Blind", + "text": "الزهرة العمياء", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day, Fati went with her mother and father to look for firewood.", - "text": "في أحد الأيام، ذهبت فاتي مع والدتها ووالدها للبحث عن الحطب.", + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على الأعداد حتى العشرة10، والمقارنة بين الكميات والأشكال. يمكن من خلالها ممارسة الكلمات التالية: كم، أغلب، أقل، واحدة أكثر، بكم يزيد، الاختلاف، مستطيل، مربع، دائرة ودائري.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to balance something on your head the way Fati's mother is doing? What sorts of things do people carry on their heads?", - "text": "هل جربت يوماً أن توازن شيئا على رأسك كما تفعل أم فاتي؟ ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي يحملها الناس على رؤوسهم؟", + "SourceText": "Friends", + "text": "أصدقاء", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Looking at Fati's head and shoulders, what do you think she is feeling?", - "text": "بالنظر إلى رأس فاتي وكتفيها، ما الذي تشعر به برأيك؟", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 6, الألوان, والأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: كم، الأرقام إلى ستة، واحد إضافي، اثنان أكثر، واحد أقل، اثنان أقل، أسماء الألوان، الخطوط، المواد الصلبة، خماسي الأضلاع، السداسي، الدائري، نفس، ومختلف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the people in this picture.", - "text": "قوموا بعدّ الأشخاص الموجودين في هذه الصورة معًا.", + "SourceText": "How the Toad Got its Skin", + "text": "كيف حصل الضفدع على جلده", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati liked to help her mother and father, but there was so much to do and so much to see.\n\nThere were birds, monkeys, and the sky!", - "text": "كانت فاتي تحب مساعدة والدتها ووالدها، ولكن كان هناك الكثير للقيام به والكثير لرؤيته.\n\nكانت هناك الطيور، والقرود، والسماء!", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 16, الأشكال, والألوان. كلمات التدريب: العد بمقدار 2 أو 4، أكثر، أقل، واحد إضافي، أسماء الألوان، الدائرة، المركز، ومتحدة المركز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you are outside, what do you like to look at in the sky?", - "text": "عندما تكون بالخارج، ما الذي تحب أن تنظر إليه في السماء؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the Animals", + "text": "انظر إلى الحيوانات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many birds is Fati looking at?", - "text": "كم عدد الطيور التي تنظر إليها فاتي؟", + "SourceText": "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كميات صغيرة تصل إلى 8. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 8، كم، واحد، صغير، وكبير.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together all the ends of the sticks in this picture.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا جميع أطراف العصي في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "My School Clothes", + "text": "ملابسي المدرسية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, please listen! You can look for firewood here and you can look for firewood there.\"", - "text": "قالت أمها: \"فاتي، من فضلك اسمعي! يمكنك البحث عن الحطب هنا أو هناك.\"", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5 والأشكال والألوان. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 5، أسماء الألوان، أيضًا، كبيرة جدًا، صغيرة جدًا، مناسبة تمامًا، الألوان المتطابقة، والمستطيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati and her mother are holding outdoor tools. Have you used tools, such as a broom, to do work outside?", - "text": "فاتي ووالدتها تحملان أدوات خارجية. هل سبق أن استخدمت أدوات، مثل المكنسة، للقيام بالعمل بالخارج؟", + "SourceText": "Palm Tree", + "text": "شجرة النخيل", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati's mother's dress has a design on it. Count together how many times the design is repeated. Can you count that high? If not, count just one leg.", - "text": "فستان والدة فاتي عليه تصميم. عدّوا معًا عدد المرات التي تكرر فيها التصميم. هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟ إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك، عد ساقاً واحدة فقط.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 12 والمقارنة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 12، كم عدد، التقدير، العد بمقدار 2، أكثر، أقل، الفرق، الشكل الدائري، شكل الصندوق، الحلقة، والنمط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Two people have a total of two heads. Together, how many legs, arms, eyes, and ears do these two people have?", - "text": "يملك الشخصان رأسين. معًا، كم عدد الأرجل والذراعين والعينين والأذنين التي يمتلكها هذان الشخصان؟", - "type": "data_list", + "SourceText": "Pendo, Our Cow", + "text": "بيندو، بقرتنا", + "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "But Fati, please watch where you go and be very careful.\"\n\nShe replied, \"Yes, mother.\"", - "text": "\"ولكن يا فاتي، أرجوك أن تنتبهي أين تذهبين وأن تتوخي الحذر.\"\n\nأجابت فاتي: \"نعم يا أمي.\"", + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كميات تصل إلى ستة والمقارنة. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى ستة، أكثر، أقل، ومستطيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What kinds of things might be dangerous for Fati while out collecting firewood?", - "text": "ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي قد تشكل خطورة على فاتي أثناء خروجها لجمع الحطب؟", + "SourceText": "The Day the Sun Went Away", + "text": "يوم غابت الشمس", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which sorts of things are you warned to be careful about?", - "text": "ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي يجب التحذير منها؟", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 7 والمقارنة والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 7، كم، نفسه، أقل، أكثر، واحد إضافي، واحد أقل، أيضًا، كثير جدًا، مستدير، كرة، أسطوانة، دافئ، أكثر دفئًا، بارد، وأكثر برودة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you listen to those warnings? Do you think Fati will listen?", - "text": "هل تستمع لتلك التحذيرات؟ هل تعتقد أن فاتي سوف تستمع؟", + "SourceText": "Visiting Grandmother", + "text": "زيارة الجدة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Soon Fati's mother and father were very busy.", - "text": "وسرعان ما أصبح والدا فاتي مشغولين للغاية.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد حتى 10، واحد آخر، اثنان آخران، ثلاثة آخرون، العد بمقدار 2، متساوي، مستطيل، دائرة، متحدة المركز، مستقيم، ومنحني.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many reasons people wear hats. Why is Fati's father wearing a hat?", - "text": "هناك العديد من الأسباب التي تجعل الناس يرتدون القبعات. لماذا يرتدي والد فاتي قبعة؟", + "SourceText": "Where Is Lulu?", + "text": "أين هي لولو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati's father uses a hat to work outside in the sun. Can you think of other clothes that have special uses for certain occasions?", - "text": "يستخدم والد فاتي القبعة للعمل في الخارج تحت أشعة الشمس. هل يمكنك التفكير في ملابس أخرى لها استخدامات خاصة في مناسبات معينة؟", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى 10، المقارنة بين الأحجام، كلمات تطبيقية للهندسة: الأعداد إلى 10، واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، أكثر، صغير، كبير، جداً، كبير جداً، الأصغر، الأكبر، مثلث، مستطيل، شكل خماسي، إسطواني، مماثل، فوق، تحت، على سطح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati's family is gathering firewood. Other than keeping warm, what are some ways people use fires?", - "text": "عائلة فاتي تجمع الحطب. بخلاف التدفئة، ما هي بعض الطرق التي يستخدم بها الناس النار؟", + "SourceText": "Where Is My Bat?", + "text": "أين هو مضربي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They found big pieces of firewood.\n\nThey found small pieces of firewood.", - "text": "وجدا قطعاً كبيرة من الحطب.\n\nوجدا قطعاً صغيرة من الحطب.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 7، وكلمات العلاقات، والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: كم، الأرقام حتى 7، واحد إضافي واحد أقل، خلف، داخل، على، مرتفع، مرتفع جدًا، تحت، مستطيل، مربع، وخط عمودي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do the different sizes of firewood have different uses?", - "text": "هل للأحجام المختلفة من الحطب استخدامات مختلفة؟", + "SourceText": "Where Is My Cat?", + "text": "أين هي قطتي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count how many pieces of firewood there are.", - "text": "قم بعدّ قطع الحطب الموجودة.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 5، كلمات العلاقات، والألوان. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 5، تحت، فوق، خلف، بجوار، داخل، خارج، أسماء الألوان، مستقيم، ومنحني.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Compare the thickness of the biggest pieces of firewood to Fati's father's leg. Which is wider and which is narrower?", - "text": "قارن سمك أكبر قطع الحطب بساق والد فاتي. أيهما أوسع وأيهما أضيق؟", + "SourceText": "A Dancer's Tale", + "text": "قصة الراقصة: فيليس سبيرا", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati was also very busy.\n\nShe found small pieces of firewood.\n\nShe found very small pieces of firewood.", - "text": "فاتي كانت مشغولة جداً أيضاً.\n\nوجدت قطعاً صغيرة من الحطب.\n\nوجدت قطعاً صغيرة جداً من الحطب.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, smallest, shortest, longest, more, less, circle, arc, triangle, rectangle, right angle, straight lines, diagonal, shapes made with lines, Y shape.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى ١٢، المقارنة والكلمات. الكلمات التدريبية: الأرقام حتى ١٢، الأصغر، الأقصر، الأطول، أكثر، أقل، دائرة، قوس، مثلث، مستطيل، زاوية قائمة، خطوط مستقيمة، قطري، أشكال مصنوعة من خطوط، شكل حرف Y.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why do you think Fati found such small pieces of firewood?", - "text": "لماذا تظن أن فاتي وجدت قطع حطب صغيرة إلى هذا الحد؟", + "SourceText": "A Fish and a Gift", + "text": "سمكة وهدية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "In making a fire, having a variety of sizes of wood is useful. The small pieces help get the fire going, and the big pieces can make it last a long time.", - "text": "عند إشعال النار، من المفيد وجود مجموعة متنوعة من أحجام الخشب. تساعد القطع الصغيرة على إشعال النار، والقطع الكبيرة يمكن أن تجعلها تستمر لفترة طويلة.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 8, descriptions and comparisons, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 8, earlier, later, dark, faster, down, backwards, longest, more, little, different, triangle, rectangle, line, side, straight, horizon, and horizontal.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 8، والصفات والمقارنات، والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 8، سابقًا، لاحقًا، داكن، أسرع، أسفل، للخلف، الأطول، أكثر، قليل، مختلف، مثلث، مستطيل، خط، جانب، مستقيم، أفق، وأفقي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together how many pieces of firewood Fati has found. It's tricky to tell because her wood is all jumbled together.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد قطع الحطب التي عثرت عليها فاتي. من الصعب معرفة ذلك لأن الحطب الذي جمعته متبعثر.", + "SourceText": "Aku the Sun Maker", + "text": "آكو صانعة الشمس", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Then Fati looked up.\n\nShe saw a red bird in the tall grass.", - "text": "ثم نظرت فاتي إلى الأعلى.\n\nرأت طيراً أحمر في العشب الطويل.", + "SourceText": "This story has colors, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: white, red, yellow, orange, brown, rainbow colors, same, matching, different, difference, long, longer, short, very, curved, straight, round, triangle, and rectangle.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الألوان والأوصاف والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: أبيض، أحمر، أصفر، برتقالي، بني، ألوان قوس قزح، نفس الشيء، متطابق، مختلف، اختلاف، طويل، أطول، قصير، جداً، منحني، مستقيم، مستدير، مثلث، ومستطيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lots of animals have things in common, such as a mouth and a heart. Guess what birds have that no other animal has. (feathers)", - "text": "هناك أشياء مشتركة بين الكثير من الحيوانات، مثل الفم والقلب. خمن ما تمتلكه الطيور ولا يمتلكه أي حيوان آخر. (الريش)", + "SourceText": "Amazing Daisy", + "text": "ديزي الرائعة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati is having too much fun looking at special things to worry about looking for dangers. Is she being careless?", - "text": "تستمتع فاتي كثيرًا بالنظر إلى الأشياء الخاصة لدرجة أنها لا تنتبه إلى المخاطر حولها. هل هي مهملة؟", + "SourceText": "This story has geometry and shape ideas. Practice words: circle, rectangle, sides, corner, vertical line, horizontal line, big, small, low, and high", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أفكار هندسية وأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: دائرة، مستطيل، جوانب، زاوية، خط عمودي، خط أفقي، كبير، صغير، منخفض ومرتفع.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Does the bird's red color blend in with the colors in the tall grass?", - "text": "هل يمتزج لون الطائر الأحمر مع ألوان العشب الطويل؟", + "SourceText": "Cassava and Palm", + "text": "الكاسافا و النخلة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Next, Fati looked down.\n\nShe saw a brown ant on the dusty path.", - "text": "بعد ذلك، نظرت فاتي إلى الأسفل.\n\nرأت نملة بنية على الطريق المترب.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: very, extremely, more, difference, rectangle, square, round, cone, triangle, alike, different, dividing by 1, 2, and 1/2, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, oldest, youngest, inside, and outside.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على التمارين التالية: العد حتى العشرين، أوصاف و أشكال مختلفة. كلمات للممارسة: جدا، للغاية، أكثر، فرق، مستطيل، مربع، مستدير، مخروط، مثلث، متشابهين، مختلفين، قسمة على: 1 ، 2 ، 1/2، عمودي، أفقي، متعامد، الأقدم، الأصغر، الداخل والخارج.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The largest ants are about the same length as your finger. Do you think the artist got a little carried away drawing this ant?", - "text": "أكبر النمل يبلغ طوله نفس طول إصبعك تقريبًا. هل تعتقد أن الفنان قد بالغ قليلاً في رسم هذه النملة؟", + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog Draw and Color", + "text": "القط والكلب يرسمان ويلونان", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ants have six legs. How many legs does this ant have?", - "text": "النمل له ستة أرجل. كم عدد أرجل هذه النملة؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes, comparisons, and skip counting. Practice words: rectangle, square, oval, circle, arc, triangle, line, straight, curved, mirror symmetry, similar, different, less, same, more, pair, difference, right, left, skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 5's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال، ومقارنات، وعدّ بالتخطي. كلمات التدريب: مستطيل، مربع، بيضاوي، دائرة، قوس، مثلث، خط، مستقيم، منحني، تناظر مرآوي، متشابه، مختلف، أقل، نفس، أكثر، زوج، فرق، يمين، يسار، العدّ بالتخطي بالأرقام ٢، ٣، و٥.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If ants should have six legs, how many legs is this ant missing?", - "text": "إذا كان يجب على النمل أن يملك ستة أرجل، فكم ينقص هذه النملة؟", + "SourceText": "Curious Baby Elephant", + "text": "الفيلة الصغيرة الفضولية", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati saw a beautiful leaf. The leaf was shiny and green.\n\nShe put one finger on the beautiful leaf.", - "text": "رأت فاتي ورقة جميلة. كانت الورقة خضراء ومشعة.\n\nوضعت إصبعاً واحداً على الورقة الجميلة.", + "SourceText": "This story has skip counting and number properties. Practice words: skip counting, counting by a number, even, odd, more, less, above, and below.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد القفزي وخصائص الأرقام. كلمات التدريب: العد القفزي، العد برقم، زوجي، فردي، أكثر، أقل، فوق وتحت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next with this strange leaf?", - "text": "ماذا تظن أنه سيحدث بعد ذلك مع هذه الورقة الغريبة؟", + "SourceText": "Father's Advice", + "text": "نصيحة أب", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is different about the \"leaf\" that Fati is touching?", - "text": "ما المختلف في \"الورقة\" التي تلمسها فاتي؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.", + "text": "حتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب:: دائري، مخروطي، مستطيل، طويل، خط عمودي، خط أفقي، زاوية قائمة، منحدر، صفر، إضافة واحد، العد بمرتين، بثلاثة مرات، بأربعة مرات، وبست مرات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Make an estimate of how many leaves are in this picture. Is it a number bigger than you know?", - "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس. قم بتقدير عدد الأوراق الموجودة في هذه الصورة. هل هو رقم أكبر مما تعرفه؟", + "SourceText": "Fati and the Green Snake", + "text": "فاتي والأفعى الخضراء", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati said, \"This does not feel like a leaf.\"\n\nSuddenly, the beautiful leaf moved!\n\nFati said, \"This is not a beautiful leaf. This is a green snake!\"", - "text": "قالت فاتي: \"لا تبدو هذه وكأنها ورقة.\"\n\nوفجأة، تحركت الورقة الجميلة!\n\nقالت فاتي: \"هذه ليست ورقة جميلة. إنها أفعى خضراء!\"", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing sizes. Practice words: numbers to 10, big, bigger, small, smaller, wide, wider, narrow, narrower, more, less, same, one more, and twice.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 ومقارنة الأحجام. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 10، كبير، أكبر، صغير، أصغر، واسع، أوسع، ضيق، أضيق، أكثر، أقل، نفس، واحد أكثر، ومرتين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which of her five senses did Fati use to notice the snake?", - "text": "أي من حواسها الخمس قد استخدمت فاتي لملاحظة الأفعى؟", + "SourceText": "How Many?", + "text": "كم العدد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you remove one of the five senses, how many are left?", - "text": "إذا أزلت واحداً من الحواس الخمس فكم يتبقى؟", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 14 and skip counting. Practice words: numbers to 14, skip counting, more, fewer, one more, three more, and double.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 14 والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام حتى 14، العد القفزي، أكثر، أقل، واحد إضافي، ثلاثة إضافي، ومضاعف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you name all five of your senses?", - "text": "هل يمكنك تسمية الحواس الخمس كلها؟", + "SourceText": "I Love Forests", + "text": "أحب الغابات", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati screamed, \"EII!\"\n\nShe ran very fast to look for her mother and father.", - "text": "صرخت فاتي: \"اخخ!\"\n\nركضت بسرعة كبيرة للبحث عن والدتها ووالدها.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to ten and comparing quantities. Practice words: numbers to ten, counting by 2's, one more, one less, most, and least.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى عشرة ومقارنة الكميات. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى عشرة، العد بمقدار 2، واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، أكثر، وأقل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati screamed and ran. When you are surprised and scared, what do you do?", - "text": "صرخت فاتي وركضت. عندما تتفاجأ وتخاف ماذا تفعل؟", + "SourceText": "Is There Anyone Like Me?", + "text": "هل يوجد شخص مثلي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you like to hide in your bed or maybe under your bed? What is your favorite hiding spot?", - "text": "هل تحب أن تختبئ فوق سريرك أو ربما تحت سريرك؟ ما هو مكان الاختباء المفضل لديك؟", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 8 and comparing. Practice words: one more, one less, take away, fact family, symmetry, mirror symmetry, similarity, difference, and same.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد حتى 8 والمقارنة. الكلمات التي يجب ممارستها: واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، طرح، عائلة الحقائق، التناظر، تناظر المرآة، التشابه، الاختلاف، ونفس الشيء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati is running so fast that she doesn't notice something. What is it?", - "text": "فاتي تجري بسرعة كبيرة لدرجة أنها لا تلاحظ شيئًا. ما هذا؟", + "SourceText": "Listen to My Body", + "text": "استمع إلى جسدي", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati saw her father and shouted, \"A snake! A snake!\"\n\nFather said, \"Where? Where?\"\n\nFati said, \"There! There!\"", - "text": "رأت فاتي والدها وصرخت: \"أفعى! أفعى\"!\n\nقال والدها: \"أين؟ أين؟\"\n\nقالت فاتي: \"هناك! هناك!\"", + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing. Practice words: more, less, difference, and counting by 2's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 والمقارنة. كلمات التدريب: أكثر، أقل، الفرق، والعد بالرقم 2.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think her father is angry that she wondered away, happy that she is okay, or both?", - "text": "ل تعتقد أن والدها غاضب لأنها تجولت بعيدًا، أم أنه سعيد لأنها بخير، أو كليهما؟", + "SourceText": "Little Jojo's Long Tall Tale", + "text": "قصة جوجو الصغيرة الطويلة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Her father has two shoes. How many shoes does Fati have and how many is she missing?", - "text": "لدى والدها حذاءان. كم عدد الأحذية التي تمتلكها فاتي وكم عدد الأحذية المفقودة؟", + "SourceText": "This story has many shapes. Practice words: circle, round, short, polygon, side, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, square, rectangle, diamond, rhombus, cone, pattern, concentric circles, colors, tall, tallest, far, farthest, long, half, pair, add, subtract, easy, hard, easier, harder, and problem solving.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العديد من الأشكال. كلمات الممارسة: دائرة، مستدير، قصير، مضلع، جانب، مثلث، رباعي الزوايا، خماسي الزوايا، سداسي الزوايا، مربع، مستطيل، ماسة، معين، مخروط، نمط، دوائر متحدة المركز، ألوان، طويل، الأطول، بعيد، الأبعد، طويل، نصف، زوج، إضافة، طرح، سهل، صعب، أسهل، أصعب، وحل المشكلات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Together they have one more shoe than her father has. What is one more than two?", - "text": "مع بعضهما، إنهما يملكان حذاء واحد أكثر من أحذية والدها. ما هو واحد أكثر من اثنين؟", + "SourceText": "Lory Dory", + "text": "لوري دوري", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Then her father chased the green snake with a stick.\n\nThe green snake slithered away.", - "text": "ثم طارد والدها الأفعى الخضراء بعصا.\n\nهربت الأفعى الخضراء بعيداً.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: thin, pairs, line, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, negative space, different, triangle, side, straight, sphere, circle, arc, red, blue, right, left, and skip count by 5's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والصفات. كلمات التدريب: رفيع، أزواج، خط، المتوازي، أفقي، عمودي، متعامد، المساحة السلبية، مختلف، مثلث، جانب، مستقيم، كرة، دائرة، قوس، أحمر، أزرق، يمين، يسار، والعد القفزي بمقدار 5.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a snake outside on the ground or in a bush?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت أفعى في الخارج على الأرض أو في الشجيرات؟", + "SourceText": "Maguru Gives Legs", + "text": "ماجورو يعطي أرجلاً", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some snakes are very dangerous, and many others are safe. Do some snakes do good things?", - "text": "بعض الأفاعي خطيرة جدًا، والعديد من الأفاعي الأخرى آمنة. هل بعض الأفاعي تقوم بأشياء جيدة؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and groupings. Practice words: long, round, cone, flat, rectangle, square, close, closer, estimate, skip counting by 2's and 4's, colors, more, less, object properties, grouping by property, fewer, first, last, after, before, faster, slower, none, and zero.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والمجموعات. كلمات التدريب: طويلة، مستديرة، مخروطية، مسطحة، مستطيلة، مربعة، قريبة، أقرب، تقدير، العد القفزي بمقدار 2 و4، الألوان، أكثر، أقل، خصائص الكائن، التجميع حسب الخاصية، أقل، أول، أخيرًا، بعد، قبل، أسرع، أبطأ، لا شيء وصفر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you know about snakes?", - "text": "ماذا تعرف عن الأفاعي؟", + "SourceText": "Tortoise Finds his House", + "text": "السلحفاة تجد منزلها", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Father said, \"Fati, you are safe.\"\n\nLet's go to mother and tell her about the green snake.\"", - "text": "قال والدها: \"فاتي، أنت بأمان.\n\nفلنذهب إلى والدتك ونخبرها عن الأفعى الخضراء.\"", + "SourceText": "This story has descriptions and comparisons. Practice words: high, on, onto, average, speed, 5 times, pairs, odd, even, sharing, too, very, fast, long, distance, light, heavy, lower, higher, different, estimate, more, stronger, vertically, diagonally, parallel lines, and big.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الصفات والمقارنات. كلمات التدريب: عالي، على، متوسط، سرعة، 5 مرات، أزواج، فردي، زوجي، مشاركة، أي ًضا، سريع ج ًدا، طويل، مسافة، خفيف، ثقيل، أقل، أعلى، مختلف، تقدير، أكثر، أقوى، عمودياً، قطرياً، خطوط متوازية، وكبير.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are Fati and her father feeling in this picture?", - "text": "بماذا تشعر فاتي ووالدها في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Akai's Special Mat", + "text": "سجادة اكايا المميزة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think her mother will say?", - "text": "ماذا تظن أن أمها ستقول؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes, colors, and skip counting. Practice words: patterns, row, lighter, darker, rectangle, triangle, round, side, circle, concentric circles, shallow, faint, closer, farther, differences, color names, colors of the rainbow, pair, doubling, and skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 4's.", + "text": "هذة القصه تحتوي علي أشكال و الوان وتمارين تخطي العد. تدرب علي الكلمات: الانماط، الصف، فاتح، غامق، مستطيل، مثلث، مستدير، دائري، الدوائر متحدة المركز، الشكل الاجوف، باهت، قريب، بعيد، الاختلافات، أسماء الالوان، الوان قوس قزح، الاقتران، المضاعفة، وتمارين تخطي العد بمقدار ٢،٣،٤.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Fati got back her other shoe. Now she and her father have one more than three shoes. How many shoes is that?", - "text": "استعادت فاتي حذائها الآخر. والآن أصبح لديها هي ووالدها حذاء واحد أكثر من ثلاثة. كم عدد الأحذية؟", + "SourceText": "Emeka and the Old Man", + "text": "ايمك و الرجل المسن", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, I am happy the green snake did not bite you.\"", - "text": "قالت والدتها: \"فاتي، أنا سعيدة أن الأفعى الخضراء لم تلدغك.\"", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and geometry. Practice words: side, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, circle, oval, arc, big, flat, faint, faded, distance, far away, problem solving, horizontal lines, parallel lines, perspective, width, and dividing 8 evenly.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال هندسية. تدرب علي الكلمات: ضلع، مثلث،مستطيل،خماسي،دائرة،بيضاوي،قوس، كبير، مسطح، باهت،تضاؤل، مسافة ، بعيد عن ، حل المسائل ، الخطوط الأفقية، الخطوط المتوازية ، منظور ، عرض ، قسمة رقم ثمانية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are you surprised that her mother is not angry?", - "text": "هل تفاجأت بأن والدتها ليست غاضبة؟", + "SourceText": "Father, Son, and Donkey", + "text": "الأب و الأبن و الحمار", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of many kinds of things in this picture.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد أنواع الأشياء المتنوعة الموجودة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and geometry. Practice words: distance, middle, rectangle, triangle, pale, twice, pairs, counting by 20's, 50's, and 100's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال هندسية. تدرب علي الكلمات التالية: المسافة، المنتصف، المستطيل، المثلث، باهت، الضعف، الأزواج، العد بمقدار ٢٠ و ٥٠ و ١٠٠.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are there more pants or dresses? Are there more sandals or boots?", - "text": "هل هناك المزيد من السراويل أو الفساتين؟ هل هناك المزيد من الصنادل أو الأحذية؟", + "SourceText": "Horses of Debre Birhan", + "text": "حصان مدينه ديبري برهن", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "But next time, please, look where you go, and be more careful.\n\nAnd that was the end of that.", - "text": "\"ولكن في المرة القادمة، من فضلك، انظري إلى أين تذهبين، وكوني أكثر حذراً.\"\n\nوكانت تلك نهاية ذلك.", + "SourceText": "This story has comparing words and counting in groups. Practice words: heavy, faster, enough, more than, too tight, very, old, skip counting by 2's and 4's, equal sharing, pair, pairing, odd, even, estimate, hundred, thousand, million, side, opposite side, round, and rectangle.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كلمات تستخدم المقارنة و مجموعات للعد. تدرب على هذه الكلمات: ثقيل، سريع، كاف، أكثر من، طويل للغاية ، جدا، قديم، تسلسل العد بمقدار ٢ و ٤, التوزيع المتساوي، زوج، اقتران، فردي، زوجي، قرب/قدر، مائة، ألف، مليون، جانب، الجانب المقابل/ الآخر، مستدير، و مستطيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What does the story mean by \"And that was the end of that.\" ?", - "text": "ماذا تعني القصة بـ\"وكانت تلك نهاية ذلك\"؟", + "SourceText": "Hyena and Tortoise", + "text": "الضبع والسلحفاة", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The three of them have three pairs of shoes. How many is that?", - "text": "لثلاثتهم ثلاثة أزواج من الأحذية. كم هو ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and quantities. Practice words: round, cone, different shape, hexagon, regular hexagon, tile designs, squares, patterns, more, less, fewer, same, equal, number difference, estimate, stronger, weaker, faster, slower, slowly, and speed.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وكميات. تدرب على الكلمات: دائرة، مخروط، شكل مختلف، مسدس، مسدس منتظم، تصميمات قرميدية، مربعات، أنماط، أكثر، أقل، نفس، متساوٍ، فرق في الأرقام، تقدير، أقوى، أضعف، أسرع، أبطأ، ببطء، وسرعة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can count all their shoes by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6. Or, you could think of it as twice the number of people -- 3, 6. Which way is easier for you?", - "text": "يمكنك عد جميع أحذيتهم من خلال العد بمقدار 2 -- 2، 4، 6. أو يمكنك التفكير في الأمر على أنه ضعف عدد الأشخاص -- 3، 6. ما هي الطريقة الأسهل بالنسبة لك؟", + "SourceText": "Keeper and his Nursery", + "text": "القائم على الرعاية و حضانته", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My heart feels a lot of things.", - "text": "قلبي يشعر بكثيرٍ من الأشياء.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, sides, diagonal, circle, oval, cylinder, ball, sphere, stripe, thin, small, big, flat, pairs, opposite, center, long, high, twice, measurement, and estimate.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف. كلمات للممارسة: مثلث، مستطيل، خماسي، سداسي، جوانب، قطر، دائرة، بيضاوي، أسطوانة، كرة، مجال، شريط، رقيق، صغير، كبير، مسطح، أزواج، متقابل، مركز، طويل، مرتفع، مرتين، قياس، وتقدير.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?", - "text": "فكر في المشاعر المختلفة التي تملكها. كم عدد المشاعر التي يمكنك التفكير فيها؟", + "SourceText": "Magical Rainbow River", + "text": "نهر قوس القزح السحري", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.", - "text": "احكِ قصة عن وقت شعرت فيه بأحد تلك المشاعر.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: circle, arc, oval, lines, sides, straight, rectangle, curve, color names, rainbow colors, double, high, pairs, and skip counting by 2's.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف. كلمات للممارسة: دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، خطوط، جوانب، مستقيم، مستطيل، منحنى، أسماء الألوان، ألوان قوس القزح، مزدوج، عالي، أزواج، والعد بالقفز ب٢.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?", - "text": "هل تتناسب مشاعرك مع مجموعات معينة؟ على سبيل المثال، هل جميعها مشاعر سعيدة أم حزينة؟", + "SourceText": "Sakima's Song", + "text": "أغنية ساكيما", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.", - "text": "أشعر بالسعادة عندما تروي لنا جدتي قصة في المساء.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes, descriptions, and perspective. Practice words: rectangle, sides, square, straight, curved, parallel lines, color names, rainbow colors, little, twice, tall, taller, short, shorter, far, farthest, farther, apart, large, thick, close, too close, small, too small, below, and estimate.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف ومنظور. كلمات للممارسة: مستطيل، جوانب، مربع، مستقيم، منحني، خطوط متوازية، أسماء الألوان، ألوان قوس القزح، صغير، مرتين، طويل، أطول، قصير، أقصر، بعيد، الأبعد، أبعد، منفصل، تقدير، قصير، أقصر، كبير، سميك، قريب، قريب جدًا، صغير، صغير جدًا، أدناه، وتقدير.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?", - "text": "هل تعرف شخصاً مميزاً يحب أن يروي لك القصص؟ هل تشعر بالسعادة عندما تسمع ذاك الشخص يحكي لك هذه القصص؟", + "SourceText": "Searching for the Spirit of Spring", + "text": "البحث عن روح الربيع", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأطفال الذين يستمعون إلى قصة الجدة. إذا أضفت الجدة إلى هذا العدد، فسيكون العدد واحداً بالإضافة -- كم سيكون العدد؟", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: circle, oval, arc, cone, rectangle, triangle, long, longest, far, far away, distance, big, bigger, pattern, color, bright, dull, muted, drab, giant, dark, too dark, and problem solving.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال ووصف. كلمات الممارسة: دائرة، بيضاوي، قوس، مخروط، مستطيل، مثلث، كبير، طويل، الأطول، بعيد، بعيد جدًا، مسافة، كبير، أكبر، نمط، لون، ساطع، باهت، خافت، كئيب، عملاق، مظلم، مظلم جدًا، ومشاكل حل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?", - "text": "هل يبدو هؤلاء الأطفال سعداء؟ كيف عرفت ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Share it Fair!", + "text": "القسمة العادلة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I feel silly when I play with my friend.", - "text": "أشعر بالسذاجة عندما ألعب مع صديقي.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and dividing evenly. Practice words: rectangle, square, round, circle, arc, oval, ellipse, stripe, equal, dividing equally, point of view, perspective, half, third, fourth, quarter, problem solving, simpler versions of a problem, persistence, subtracting 1, 2, 3, estimate, and multiples of 3.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وتقسيم بالتساوي. كلمات التدريب: مستطيل، مربع، مستدير، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، إهليلجي، شريط، متساوٍ، تقسيم بالتساوي، وجهة نظر، منظور، نصف، ثلث، رابع، ربع، حل المشكلات، نسخ أبسط من مشكلة، مثابرة، طرح ١، ٢، ٣، تقدير، ومضاعفات ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What things do you do when you are being silly?", - "text": "ما الأشياء التي تفعلها عندما تتصرف بسذاجة؟", + "SourceText": "Singing the Truth: The Story of Miriam Makeba", + "text": "غناء الحقيقة: قصة مريم مكبا", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا اليدين، القدمين، العينين، الأنوف، أصابع اليدين، أصابع القدمين أو أي شيء آخر ترونه.", + "SourceText": "This story has lots of shapes. Practice words: shape, rectangle, straight, circle, arc, oval, arch, cone, ellipse, different, same, flat, outline, and stripe.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكثير من الأشكال. كلمات التدريب: شكل، مستطيل، مستقيم، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، قوس، مخروط، إهليلجي، مختلف، نفس، مسطح، مخطط، شريط.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?", - "text": "أي مجموعة من الأشياء لديها أكبر عدد وأيها لديها الأصغر؟", + "SourceText": "Sizwe's Smile", + "text": "ابتسامة سيويز", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.", - "text": "أشعر بالسوء عندما يقول والدي أنه لا يملك المال.", + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and progressions. Practice words: muted, bright, rectangle, circle, arc, oval, ellipse, big, biggest, curve, vertical lines, parallel lines, stripe, twice, doubling, exponential growth, estimate, and counting by 2's and 4's.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال وتقدمات. كلمات التدريب: باهت، ساطع، مستطيل، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، إهليلجي، كبير، الأكبر، منحنى، خطوط عمودية، خطوط متوازية، شريط، ضعف، تضعيف، نمو أسي، تقدير، وعد بالأعداد ٢ و٤.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What sorts of things make you sad?", - "text": "ما هي الأمور التي تجعلك حزيناً؟", + "SourceText": "The Smell Thief", + "text": "لص الروائح", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.", - "text": "أشر إلى ألوان قطع الملابس المختلفة وقم بتسميتها.", + "SourceText": "This story has skip counting and shapes. Practice words: counting by 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's; multiplying, dividing, estimate, rectangle, and triangle.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد بالقفز والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: العد بـ ١، ٢، ٣، ٤، و ٦؛ الضرب، القسمة، التقدير، المستطيل، والمثلث.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the number of buttons on her dress.", - "text": "عدّوا عدد الأزرار على فستانها.", + "SourceText": "Who Can Count to Ten?", + "text": "من يستطيع العد إلى عشرة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.", - "text": "أشعر بأنني محبوبة عندما تعانقني أمي.", + "SourceText": "This story has counting, comparisons, and problem solving. Practice words: numbers to ten, skip counting, counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 10's, odd numbers, more, difference, add, combination, total, stripes, spots, big, biggest, fast, fastest, strong, strongest, large largest, high, higher, pattern, and problem solving.", + "text": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد، المقارنات، وحل المشكلات. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد إلى العشرة، العد بالقفز، العد بـ ٢، ٣، ٤، ٥، و ١٠، الأعداد الفردية، أكثر، الفرق، الإضافة، الجمع، المجموع، الخطوط، البقع، كبير، الأكبر، سريع، الأسرع، قوي، الأقوى، كبير، الأكبر، عالي، أعلى، النمط، وحل المشكلات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?", - "text": "ما هي بعض اللحظات الخاصة التي تجعلك تشعر بأنك محبوب؟", + "SourceText": "Emeka lived in a fine house in Ebiba town. His parents were rich.\n\nEmeka had a dog called Chita. He looked after Chita very well.", + "text": "ايمك يعيش في بيت جميل في مدينة ايبابا. كان والدا ايمك أثرياء.\n\nايمك كان لديه كلب يدعى شيتا. كان ايمك يعتني ب كلبه جيدآ.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?", - "text": "ماذا تفعل لتجعل الآخرين يعرفون أنك تشعر بالحب تجاههم؟", + "SourceText": "Are you responsible for caring for any animals who are your friends?", + "text": "هل انت علي قدر من المسئولية للاعتناء ب حيوانات أليفة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?", - "text": "ملابس الأم مخططة وملابس الفتاة بها نجوم. هل لديك بعض الملابس التي عليها نجوم أو أشكال أخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like this page. How many rectangles can you find here?", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل من الأشكال الهندسية لديه أربع أضلاع مثل هذا الصفحة التي تقرأها الآن. كم عدد المستطيلات التي تستطيع إيجادها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.", - "text": "ولدت شات عمياء. لم ترى عينيها والديها أو إخوتها وأخواتها قط. فقد كانت تتعرف على وجههم باللمس فقط.", + "SourceText": "There are also some triangles on this page. How many triangles and rectangles can you find where you are?", + "text": "يوجد ايضا مجموعة من المثلثات في هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المثلثات والمستطيلات التي تستطيع عدها فيما حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.", - "text": "هل حاولت أن تمشي وعينيك مغمضة من قبل؟ إذا فعلت ذلك، فتأكد أن يكون معك شخص ما حتى تكون بمأمن.", + "SourceText": "Every day, Emeka's father took him to school in his car. He also brought Emeka home after school.\n\nOne afternoon on their way home, Emeka's father stopped to buy something at a big shop.", + "text": "كان والد ايمك يأخذه كل يوم الي المدرسة ب سيارته. كان والد ايمك يوصله الي البيت أيضا يوميا بعد دوام المدرسة.\n\nوفي ذات يوم وأثناء عودته إلى المنزل توقف سيارة والد ايمك و نزل ليشتري شئ ما من محل كبير للغاية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?", - "text": "حينما لا تستطيع الرؤية، ستصبح أكثر وعيا بحواسك الأخرى. ما هي الحواس التي تلاحظها حينما تغلق عينيك؟", + "SourceText": "There are shapes everywhere! In addition to the rectangles on this wall, can you find some circles in this picture?", + "text": "كان يوجد الكثير من الأشكال الهندسية في كل مكان! بالإضافة إلى المستطيلات على الحائط هل تستطيع إيجاد أي دوائر في الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An arc is the name for a partial circle. Can you find any arcs in this picture?", + "text": "القوس هو تعريف لنصف الدائرة. هل تستطيع إيجاد الناس في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As you get to know the shapes, you start to see the world in new ways and you see how the shapes fit together all around you.", + "text": "عندما تبدأ ب التعرف على الأشكال الهندسية سوف ترى العالم من منظور آخر وستكتشف كيف أن الأشكال تكمل بعضها البعض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "From the car, Emeka looked across the road and saw an old man. He was carrying a big load on his head.\n\nHe was tired and walked slowly. Emeka kept looking at him.", + "text": "من نافذة السيارة نظر ايمك الي الشارع الذي يوجد في الجهة الأخرى من السيارة يوجد رجل مسن. كان يحمل الرجل المسن أكياس ثقيلة جدا في يديه.\n\nبدي الرجل المسن منهك للغاية و كان يسير ببطء. ظل ايمك ينظر إليه و يتابعه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This old man is homeless. He is carrying everything he owns on his back. Can you imagine carrying everything you own on your back?", + "text": "كان هذا الرجل المسن بلا مأوي و كان يحمل كل ما يملك على ظهره في حقيبة. هل تستطيع أن تتخيل كم هو من الصعب أن تحمل كل شئ تمتلكه علي ظهرك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Homelessness is a big problem all over the world and it is a difficult problem to solve. A lot of people need help with food, shelter, medicine, and other basic needs.", + "text": "التشرد هو من أكبر المشاكل المنتشرة في العالم و هو أيضا من أصعب المشاكل التي يعجز حلها. العديد من الناس في حاجة إلى الطعام، العلاج، بيت دافئ ، و أكثر من ذلك من متطلبات الحياة الأساسية و البسيطة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That load is almost as big as the man! How far can you walk when you aren't carrying anything? How far do you think you could walk carrying a big load like that?", + "text": "كان حمل الرجل تقريبا في نفس وزنه. ما هي المسافة التي يمكنك قطعها بدون احمال؟ ماذا عن المسافة التي تستطيع قطعها بوجود الأحمال علي ظهرك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The old man sat under the shade of a tree on the walkway and opened his bag.\n\nHe had two flat plastic water bottles, which he was making into shoes.", + "text": "جلس الرجل المسن تحت ظل شجرة فوق الرصيف و فتح حقيبته.\n\nكان لديه قطعتين من قنينة الماء البلاستيكية. كانت القطعتان مسطحتان للغاية. كانت قطعتي البلاستيك مسطحة لأن الرجل المسن استخدامهما حذاء له.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Using plastic water bottles as shoes is clever, though uncomfortable. The old man has learned to be creative and resourceful to make do with the little he has.", + "text": "استخدام قنينة الماء لعمل حذاء تفكير ذكي و ماهر للغاية لكن هذا الحذاء لن يكون مريحا لارتداء. لقد تعلم الرجل المسن الابداع و اعادة التدوير في ظل الظروف القاسية التي يعيشها و انعدام المصادر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finding new uses for old things is a good way to reduce waste in the world. Have you ever thought of new uses for things that were meant for other purposes?", + "text": "اعادة تدوير الأشياء القديمة فكره ذكية لتقليل المخلفات ب العالم هل فكرت من قبل في استخدام أي شئ قديم و اعاده استخدامه و تدويره؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the many shades of blues and greens in this picture. Notice how the blue fades as the sky gets farther and farther away. Fading colors can help us tell which parts of a picture are in the distance.", + "text": "انظر الي الدرجات المختلفة من الأخضر و الأزرق في الصورة. لاحظ كيف يبهت اللون الأزرق عندما تبعد و تبعد السماء. الألوان الباهتة تساعد في تحديد مدى بعد أي شئ في الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka thought about that old man for a long time. He felt sad.\n\nWhen he got home, he could not eat.\n\nHe thought about what he could do.", + "text": "ظل ايمك ينظر طويلا في حال هذا الرجل المسن. لقد شعر ايمك ب الأسف و الحزن تجاه الرجل المسن.\n\nحيث أن ايمك لم يستطع تناول الطعام بعد عودة الي المنزل\n\nلانه كان يفكر فيما يمكن أن يفعله لمساعدة الرجل المسن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most people see homeless people and ignore them. It is so hard to know good ways to help other people and then follow through and do them.", + "text": "الكثير من الناس يرون الأشخاص المشردين يوميا في الشوارع و لا يكترثون لأمرهم. إنه لمن الصعب إيجاد طرق فعالة لمساعدة الآخرين.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka is practicing good problem solving. He is considering his options and thinking carefully about what might be best. What do you think he should do to help the old man?", + "text": "استخدام ايمك طرق ومهارات مختلفة لحل تلك المشكلة. حيث أن ايمك قام ب وضع كل الأفكار الجيدة ف اعتباره و حاول إيجاد طريقة لتنفيذ تلك الأفكار. كيف تظن أن ايمك سوف يساعد الرجل المسن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An oval is a circle that has been stretched or squashed in one direction. As drawn in this picture, the table and the pan are ovals that don't look like circles. Do you think they are actually circles? Find a circle near you, move around and see how the circle changes shape depending on where you are.", + "text": "الشكل البيضاوي هو شكل دائري و لكن تم شده من طرفيه في نفس الاتجاه. مثلما مرسوم في الصورة تظهر الطاولة و المقلاة بشكل بيضاوي وليس شكل دائري. هل تظن ان المقلاه و الطاولة دائري الشكل؟ حاول إيجاد أي دوائر قريبة منك تحرك فيما حولك و لاحظ كيف تتغير أشكال الدوائر باختلاف الأماكن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He got up and took some money from his money bag. He called Chita and jumped on his bicycle.\n\nEmeka rode to the shop where his father had shopped.", + "text": "نهض ايمك و بحث عن أموال في حقيبته. ناد ايمك علي شيتا و قفز علي دراجته.\n\nساق ايمك الي المتجر الذي تسوق فيه والده.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Circles have many uses. The table on the last page was a circle. Find the circles on this page (there are at least three).", + "text": "للدوائر استخدامات كثيرة . كانت الطاولة في الصوره السابقه علي شكل دائري. حاول إيجاد الدوائر في هذه الصورة ( يوجد على الأقل ثلاث دوائر في هذه الصورة)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find some circles where you are. What do you suppose makes circles so useful?", + "text": "حاول إيجاد الدوائر من حولك. ما الذي في اعتقادك يجعل الدوائر مفيدة للإستخدام؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The side of this house is a five-sided figure called a pentagon. This pentagon is made by putting a triangle on top of a rectangle. Combining basic shapes is a great way to make more complicated ones!", + "text": "هذا الجزء من المنزل مكون من خمس أضلاع و يسمي بالشكل الخماسي. يمكن تخيل تكوين الشكل الخماسي عن طريق وضع مثلث فوق مستطيل. يسهل تكوين الأشكال المعقدة عن طريق تركيب الاشكال البسيطه!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boy ran into the shop and came out with a bag. He went to where the old man was resting against a tree.\n\nEmeka called out, \"Good afternoon, sir.\" The man answered, \"Peace to you, my child.\"", + "text": "ركض ايمك الي داخل المتجر و خرج في يده كيس. ذهب ايمك الي مكان الرجل المسن تحت الشجرة.\n\nقال ايمك للرجل المسن\" مساء الخير يا سيدي “. رد الرجل المسن \" مساء الخير يا بني“.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the sides of the road and the horizontal lines of the ABC building. Those lines go in the same direction and are said to be parallel. If you extend parallel lines forever they never meet.", + "text": "انظر الى جوانب الطريق و الخطوط الأفقية على المبنى أ ب ت. تلك الخطوط تمشي في اتجاه واحد و شكل موازي. مهما قمت بمد الخطوط المتوازية إلى ما لا نهاية لن يلتقيا أبدا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the picture, those parallel lines meet at an imaginary point on the horizon. This effect is called perspective. This is how our brain sees long parallel lines.", + "text": "في هذه الصورة تجتمع الخطوط المتوازية في نقطة خياليه في الفضاء. تسمى هذه الظاهرة ب المنظور. هذه هي الطريقة التي يرى بها عقلنا الخطوط المتوازية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Another example of parallel lines is a pair of railroad tracks. If you look straight down them, the two tracks look like they come together in the distance.", + "text": "خطوط السكك الحديدية هي أفضل مثال على الخطوط المتوازية، إذا نظرت في خط مستقيم إلى الخطوط المتوازية سوف يظهر الخطين و كأنهما يندمجان معا في خطأ واحد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka asked, \"Sir, where do you come from?\"\n\nThe old man replied, \"My child, hunger has chased me from my village. I am here to earn money.\"", + "text": "سأل ايمك الرجل المسن فقال\" من أين أنت يا سيدي؟ “\n\nفأجاب الرجل المسن \" تضور ولدي جوعا ف ساقني الفقر من القريه لاكسب قوت يومي.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many people are homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. This man is doing whatever he can to solve his problems by trying to earn some money to feed himself, even if it means being homeless to do it.", + "text": "الكثير من الناس مشردين بسبب ظروف خارجة عن إرادتهم. هذا الرجل يفعل كل ما بوسعه لحل مشاكله و كسب المال ليطعم نفسه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think Emeka has in the bag for the old man?", + "text": "ماذا تظن أن ايمك يحمل في حقيبته؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drawing realistic scenes using perspective is hard. Look at the width of the road in this picture. Compare Emeka's size with the road and decide whether you think there is room on the road for two cars to be side by side.", + "text": "يصعب توقع مشاهد حقيقة باستخدام المنظور. انظر إلى عرض الطريق في هذه الصورة. قارن حجم ايمك ب الطريق وقرر إذا كان هناك مساحة في الطريق ل اتساع سيارتان بجانب بعضهم البعض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka gave his shopping bag to the old man.\n\nTears filled the man's eyes as he took the sandals from the bag. He thanked Emeka from his heart.", + "text": "اعطي ايمك حقيبة المشتريات للرجل المسن.\n\nملأت الدموع عيون الرجل المسن حينما رأي الحذاء الجديد الذي أخرجه من الحقيبة و شكر ايمك من صميم قلبه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the man cried because he was happy to have a real pair of shoes or because someone cared enough to show him some kindness?", + "text": "هل تظن أن الرجل المسن بكي من فرحه الحصول على حذاء حقيقي جديد أم لأنه وجد من يكترث لأمره و يعطف عليه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the picture and find what Emeka bought in addition to the shoes. His gifts were very thoughtful.", + "text": "انظر الى الصورة و حدد ماذا احضر ايمك أيضا بالإضافة الي الحذاء. أن أفكار ايمك في احضار الهدايا مبدعة للغاية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone needs food and clothes. What are some other basic things people need?", + "text": "يحتاج الجميع إلى ملابس و طعام. ما هي الأشياء المهمه التي في رأيك من متطلبات الحياة الأساسية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"I must go now before mother starts looking for me,\" said Emeka.\n\nThe old man waved to the boy and his dog as they went, \"Bless you, my child,\" he said with a smile.", + "text": "\"علي أن أذهب الآن قبل أن تبحث عني امي،“ قال ايمك للرجل المسن.\n\nالاح الرجل المسن بيده نحو ايمك و كلبه و قال مبتسما \" بارك الله فيك يا بني،“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With a little bit of his extra money, Emeka made a big difference in someone else's life by showing some kindness.", + "text": "لقد قام ايمك بتغيير حياة هذا الرجل الي الافضل و استطاع أن يحدث تغيير إيجابي عن طريق التصدق ب أمواله المدخره.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of some times when your kindness has made a difference for someone else? How about some times when others were kind to you?", + "text": "هل تستطيع تذكر أي موقف ساهم فيه لديك بإحداث تغيير في حياة الآخرين؟ ماذا عن الأوقات التي كان فيها الآخرين عطوفين معك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The spokes split the bike wheel into eight equal parts. How many of those parts do you need to break the wheel into two equal parts? How many for four equal parts? Are there any other possibilities?", + "text": "ينقسم مكبح العجلة الى ثمان قطع متساوية. ما هو العدد المطلوب من هذه الأجزاء لقسم الدراجة إلى قطعتين متساويتين؟ ماذا العدد المطلوب إذا أردت الحصول على أربع قطع متساوية؟ هل تستطيع التفكير في تقسيمات أخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Where were you?\" mother asked Emeka as soon as he got home. She was worried.\n\nEmeka told her everything. She felt touched by his story.", + "text": "\"أين كنت؟ “ صرخت ام ايمك فور وصوله المنزل. كانت أم ايمك قلقة للغاية.\n\nفقام ايمك بأخبار أمه بكل ما حدث. تعاطفت ام ايمك مع الرجل المسن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka's mother was both worried and then happy. Why do you suppose his mother was worried?", + "text": "كانت تشعر ام ايمك ب الفرحة و الخوف في نفس الوقت. ما هو سبب قلق أم ايمك يا تري؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What was it that his mother found so touching about his story?", + "text": "ما هو سبب تعاطف ام ايمك مع قصة الرجل المسن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What should Emeka have done before going to buy the shoes for the old man? Why didn't Emeka do that?", + "text": "ماذا كان علي ايمك أن يفعل قبل شراء الحذاء للرجل المسن؟ و لماذا تصرف هكذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Later, Emeka's father told him, \"We are proud of what you did. But you must always tell us before you leave the house.\"\n\nThen he added, \"Now, here is the money that you spent!\"", + "text": "لاحقا قال والد ايمك له \" نحن فخورون بك جدا يا ولدي. و لكن يجب عليك ان تخبرنا ب أي شئ قبل مغادرة المنزل.“\n\nثم اضاف والد ايمك \" و ها هي أموالك التي أنفقتها مكافأة لك!“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Emeka did a good thing and made a difference in another person's life. Should his family do more for that old man?", + "text": "لقد قام ايمك بعمل نبيل وقام بإحداث تغيير إيجابي في حياة انسان. تل تعتقد أن على عائلة ايمك القيام ب المزيد لمساعدة هذا الرجل المسن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each of us needs to find ways we can help others and help make their lives better.", + "text": "يجب على كل منا إيجاد طرق لمساعدة الآخرين لتحسين حياتهم إلى الأفضل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think? Should Emeka's parents have given Emeka back his money? Would it have been better to have Emeka sacrifice his own money to help the old man?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن هذا صحيح؟ هل أصاب والده ايمك بإعطائه أمواله التي أنفقها؟ هل تعتقد أنه كان من الأفضل أن يتعلم ايمك الإيثار عن الطريق التصدق بأمواله إلى الرجل المسن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her family live in a busy town.", + "text": "تعيش فانا وعائلتها في مدينة مزدحمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?", + "text": "تعيش فانا في مدينة ملونة للغاية. هل مدينتك ملونة أيضًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.", + "text": "أشر إلى جميع ألوان الملابس والمباني وقم بتسميتها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.", + "text": "لدى فانا قطة ودجاجتان وعنزة وحمامة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals does Fana have?", + "text": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي تمتلكها فانا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal does Fana have the most of?", + "text": "ما هو الحيوان الذي تمتلكه فانا أكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.", + "text": "معظم الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في مدينة ليس لديهم الكثير من الحيوانات المختلفة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.", + "text": "في أحد الأيام، رأت فانا أطفالًا يرشقون الحمام بالحجارة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!", + "text": "إن رمي الحيوانات بالحجارة أمر سيئ!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?", + "text": "ماذا تفعل إذا رأيت أحداً يفعل شيئاً سيئاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?", + "text": "عدّوا جميع الطيور. أيهما أكثر وأيهما أقل: الطيور في الهواء أم الطيور على الأرض؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"", + "text": "ركضت فانا نحو الأطفال.\n\nوصرخت: \"توقفوا عن رمي الحجارة!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?", + "text": "ليس من السهل أن تخبر الآخرين أنك تعتقد أنهم سيئون. لماذا فعلت فانا ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل له أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة مثل شكل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات التي تراها في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?", + "text": "هل ترى أي مستطيلات حول مكان تواجدك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.", + "text": "أخذت فانا الحمامتين إلى المنزل لتعتني بهما.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.", + "text": "إنه أمر جميل جدًا من فانا أنها تساعد هذه الحيوانات. قد يكون التعامل مع الحيوانات البرية أمرًا خطيرًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?", + "text": "عدّوا عدد الناس وعدد الطيور. أي مجموعة الأكبر وأيهما الأصغر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?", + "text": "ماذا تخبرك وجوههم عما يشعرون؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.", + "text": "لقد أطعمتهما وأخبرت عائلتها كيف أنقذتهما.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?", + "text": "كم عدد الأطفال وكم عدد البالغين في عائلة فانا؟ عندما تجمع هاتين المجموعتين معًا، كم عدد الأشخاص في عائلتها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?", + "text": "توجد ألوان كثيرة لقوس قزح هنا. ما هي الألوان الموجودة وأيها مفقودة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?", + "text": "ما هي الألوان والأنماط التي تفضل ارتداءها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.", + "text": "أخذت فانا ووالداها الحمامتين إلى العيادة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?", + "text": "معظم الأطباء إما يساعدون الناس أو يساعدون الحيوانات. أي نوع من الأطباء موجود في هذه العيادة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?", + "text": "من هو أقصر شخص في هذه الصورة؟ من هو الأطول؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.", + "text": "يشير الصليب الأحمر الموجود على الخزانة إلى وجود مستلزمات طبية بداخلها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"", + "text": "قالت فانا لأصدقائها: \"الحيوانات أصدقاؤنا. يجب علينا أن نحميها.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?", + "text": "هل يجب أن نحمي أصدقائنا فقط أم يجب أن نحمي كل ما نستطيع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.", + "text": "انظر إلى كل أنماط الألوان في هذه الملابس. وضح أي منها صلبة أو مخططة أو مرقعة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?", + "text": "لقد ارتدت فانا العديد من الألوان المختلفة خلال هذه القصة. هل يمكنك تذكرها جميعًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.", + "text": "كان يا ما كان، كان هناك فلاح ولديه اثنين من الأبناء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?", + "text": "أسطح المنازل الدائرية المصنوعة من القش هي على شكل مخروطي. ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي تستطيع أن تراها في الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)", + "text": "ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي رأيتها في حياتك؟ (قمع الآيسكريم، أشجار التنوب، قمع المرور، قمع تحويل مسار الطريق)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find as many rectangles as you can in this picture.", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. ابحث عن أكثر عدد مستطيلات تستطيع أن تجدها في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"", + "text": "في يوم من الأيام، نادى على أبنائه وقال، \"أنا كبير في السن وسأموت قريبا. ولكن قبل أن أموت،أريد أن أراكم في منازلكم الخاصة بكم. أمامكم شهر واحد لكي يبنى كل منكما منزله الخاص. أريد أن أراكم هنا بعد شهر.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?", + "text": "يمكنك معرفة عدد الأقدام معاً عن طريق العد قفزتين ثلاث مرات أو ثلاث قفزات مرتين. كم عددها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?", + "text": "لتعرف عدد الأطراف (الأرجل والأيدي) لديهم، ما هو الرقم الذي ستستعمله في العد القفزي؟ كم عدد الأطراف؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?", + "text": "خمن لماذا لدى الأب عصا طويلة. هل لأن لديه مشكلة في المشي، أو هي علامة احترام لكبار السن، أو ربما الاثنين معاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The two sons rushed out. The first one went to the roadside. He cut down trees and began to build a big compound for himself.", + "text": "خرج الابنين بسرعة. ذهب الابن الأول لحافة الطريق. قطع الأشجار وبدأ ببناء مجمع سكني لنفسه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?", + "text": "أحياناً تجد وجوهاً في السحب، في القمر، أو في أماكن أخرى. هل ترى وجهاً في الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?", + "text": "هل سبق ورأيت وجهاً في السحب أو في مكان آخر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?", + "text": "كم شجرة قطع الابن ليصنع هذه البيوت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.", + "text": "الابن الآخر، بالمقابل، خرج وبدأ بتكوين علاقات خاصة مع العائلات الأخرى. ذهب إلى أناس مختلفين، وأصبح كإبن لهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This second son is greeting someone in a friendly way with his hands. Copy this hand gesture with the person you are with now.", + "text": "هذا الابن يحيي شخصاً ما بطريقة لطيفة بيديه. قلد حركة اليد هذه مع الشخص الذي معك الآن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?", + "text": "كيف تحيي الناس بطريقة مختلفة عندما يكونون من أفراد العائلة أو الأصدقاء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the shadows in this picture. Point to where you think the sun is in the sky. Guess what time of day it is.", + "text": "انظر إلى الظلال في الصورة. أشر إلى مكان الشمس في الصورة. خمن في أي وقت من النهار نحن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"", + "text": "بعد شهر، رجع الأخوان إلى والدهما. قال الأب، \"حسناً، هل بنيتما منازلكما؟“ قال الأخوان معاً، \"أجل.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?", + "text": "الخطوط العمودية تكون إلى الأعلى والأسفل. مع أنك لا تستطيع رؤيتهم كلهم، كم تعتقد عدد الألواح العمودية في الباب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?", + "text": "الخطوط الأفقية تتجه من جانب إلى آخر. إذا أضفت لوح أفقي إلى الألواح العمودية، كم يكون عدد الألواح معاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?", + "text": "الشهر ممكن أن يكون ٢٨ أو ٢٩ أو ٣٠ أو ٣١ يوم. هل تعتقد أنه بإمكان شخص ما أن يبني منزلاً في ٣٠ يوماً؟ في أي شهر في السنة نحن الآن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"", + "text": "ذهب الأب مع ابنه الأكبر. وجد أن ابنه بنى الكثير من الأكواخ. كلما مر بجانب كوخ، كان يسأل، \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ؟“ في كل مرة ، كان يجيب الابن، \"لا.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?", + "text": "هناك كلمة جديدة استخدمها الأب لتلك المباني. كيف يكون الكوخ مختلفاً عن المنزل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?", + "text": "هل سبق أن بنيت أو تخيلت كوخاً أو منزلاً أو حصناً؟ ماذا استخدمت لتصنعه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)", + "text": "قم بعد الأكواخ في هذه الصورة. إن كان لا يوجد أحد في الكوخ، كم شخصاً هناك؟ ((٠) – صفر)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"", + "text": "كان الأب يسأل، \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ؟“ وكان الابن يجيب، \"لا.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the rectangles you can find in this picture.", + "text": "قم بعد كل المستطيلات التي تجدها في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A right angle is formed when two lines cross each other like the corner of this page. Horizontal lines form right angles with vertical lines. Point out some right angles in this picture.", + "text": "تتشكل الزاوية القائمة عندما يتلاقى خطان معا مثل زاوية هذه الصفحة. الخطوط الأفقية تكون زوايا قائمة مع الخطوط العمودية. أشر إلى بعض الزوايا القائمة في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?", + "text": "ربما يوجد الكثير من الزوايا القائمة حيث تكون أنت. هل تستطيع عدهم جميعاً، أم هي كثيرة جداً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.", + "text": "أحس الأب بالجوع، لكن لا يوجد أحد ليقدم له الطعام. قال الأب، \"لنذهب إلى البيت.“ فذهبا إلى البيت.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.", + "text": "عادةً يقدم الناس إلى الضيوف شيئاً ليأكلوه أو يشربوه. كل هذه الأكواخ كانت غير مرحبة بالضيوف، لا شيء لتقدمه للضيوف.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?", + "text": "لاحظ بأن الأب قد أدار ظهره إلى ابنه. ما الرسالة التي تعطيها حين تدير ظهرك إلى أحد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?", + "text": "بينما يبتعد الأب، بماذا تعتقد أنه يشعر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.", + "text": "أخذهم الابن الثاني إلى العائلة الأولى التي تبناها. عرفهم بهم وقال، \"هذا أبي وهذا أخي.“ رحبت العائلة بالرجال. ذبحوا خروفاً وقدموا لهم وليمة كبيرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?", + "text": "قدمت هذه العائلة وليمة كبيرة للأب! لماذا قاموا بذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the father is feeling about this?", + "text": "بماذا يشعر الأب في اعتقادك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?", + "text": "ماذا في اعتقادك سيحدث مع العائلة التالية التي سيزورونها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They went to the second family the younger son had adopted. He introduced his father and brother and they were given another feast.", + "text": "ذهبوا إلى العائلة الأخرى التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. عرفهم بأبيه وأخيه وقدموا لهم وليمة أخرى.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?", + "text": "لاحظ كيف ينظر الناس إلى بعضهم البعض. بماذا يشعرون؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?", + "text": "في رأيك ماذا تقول الطفلة الصغيرة والابن الثاني لبعضهما عندما تقابلا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their clothes have many soft hues. Describe some of the different colors that you see.", + "text": "تحتوي ملابسهم على ألوان بسيطة. صِف بعض الألوان المختلفة التي تراها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father and brother were welcomed in all the places where the younger son was adopted. They ate and were satisfied. Then they left for home.", + "text": "كان الأب والابن مرحباً بهم في كل الأماكن التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. لقد تناولوا الطعام وكانوا سعداء. وبعدها عادوا إلى المنزل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?", + "text": "بعض الأسقف المخروطية الشكل كانت مائلة أكثر من الأخرى. لماذا من المفيد أن يكون السقف مائلاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)", + "text": "هل تستطيع أن تخمن ما هي مساوئ الأسقف المائلة؟ (يمكن أن تحتاج مواداً أكثر.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?", + "text": "ما الأشياء التي تخبرك بأن الأب يشعر بالتعب الشديد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"", + "text": "قال الأب، \"هذا ما كنت أعنيه عندما قلت يجب أن تمتلكوا منزلكم الخاص. المنزل أكثر من مجرد أكواخ كثيرة أو منازل كبيرة وغالية الثمن. إنه المحبة، الدفء والصداقة مع الآخرين.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?", + "text": "المسكن ليس مجرد سقف أو جدران أو أبواب. في المكان الذي تعيش فيه، ما نوع الأشياء التي تجعله منزلاً بالفعل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?", + "text": "مَن من هؤلاء الثلاثة الأطول ومن منهم الأقصر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?", + "text": "ماذا في اعتقادك أكثر فائدة – أن تحظى بكثير من الناس يهتمون لأمرك أم تمتلك الكثير من المباني؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A father, his son, and their donkey started a long journey.\n\nOn the way, some people asked them why they didn't ride the donkey.", + "text": "قصتنا اليوم عن أب و ابنه و حماره خاضوا جميعا رحلة طويلة.\n\nو في الطريق تساءل الناس لماذا الأب والابن لا يركبا الحمار.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think other people cared about why no one was riding the donkey? Make up a reason why no one is riding.", + "text": "ما هو سبب تساءل الناس عن عدم ركوب الحمار يا تري؟ قم بإيجاد إجابة منطقية لحل هذا السؤال.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story is about these three going along the road together. Before reading on, make up a story of your own about them.", + "text": "هذه القصة عن رحلة هذا الرجل و ابنه و الحمار في الطريق. قبل إكمال القراءة حاول توقع أحداث القصة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The three of them look tired. Think about how many steps they have to take to go on their long journey. Do you think the donkey will get twice as tired because it takes twice as many steps?", + "text": "بدي الإعياء الشديد على كل من الرجل وابنه والحمار. حاول تخيل طول الطريق لإكمال الرحلة. هل تظن ان الحمار سوف يشعر بضعف التعب لأنه يسير ضعف الخطوات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father invited his son to ride the donkey while he walked.\n\nThey continued like this for a while.", + "text": "عرض الأب على ابنه أن يركب علي الحمار بينما هو يسير طوال الرحلة.\n\nو ظلا على هذا الحال لفتره.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how the hills and sky in the distance are paler than the hills and sky closer in. Have you seen this effect when you look out over distant scenes near you?", + "text": "لاحظ كيف أن الهضاب و السماء على بعد يظهرون بشكل باهت علي عكس الهضاب و السماء القريبين. هل لاحظت هذه الظاهرة حين النظر لأشياء علي بعد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This paleness of objects is an important clue in a scene that tells you what is close and what is far. What do you suppose causes this effect? (It is caused by all the air between you and the objects.)", + "text": "هذا البهتان يحدد مدى قرب أو بعد الأشياء. ما هو السبب وراء هذه الظاهرة؟ (هذه الظاهرة تتكون بسبب الهواء الموجود بينك و بين الأشياء.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to count your own steps when you walked someplace? If you can't count that high, you can keep track of the count in bunches of 20's, 50's, or 100's -- for example, you could count how many groups of 50 steps you take.", + "text": "هل جربت عد خطاك من قبل حين الذهاب الي مكان ما؟ إذا لا تستطيع العد الى ارقام كبيرة للغاية يمكنك العد في مجموعات بمقدار ٢٠ أو ٥٠ أو ١٠٠. على سبيل المثال قم بعدد خطواتك في مجموعات مكونة من ٥٠ خطوة،", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then, other people they met remarked, \"Look at this rude boy riding a donkey while his father is walking!\"", + "text": "عقب بعض الناس في الطريق قائلين \"انظروا الى هذا الولد العاق يركب الحمار وأبوه يمشي سيرا على الأقدام!“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why would someone think it is rude for the boy to ride while his father walked? Why would these people care what this father and son did?", + "text": "لماذا يعني ركوب الولد علي الحمار من دون أبيه يعتبر عقوق ؟ لماذا اصلا يكترث الناس لأمر الولد و ابنه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most of the people have sticks. What do you suppose they use them for?", + "text": "معظم الناس يحملون عصيان. يا تري ما هو استخدام هذه العصيان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Here is another scene with faded things that are far away. In addition to faintness, what are some other clues that tell you that these things are far away? (They are smaller and somewhat bluer.)", + "text": "هنا مشهد آخر الأشياء تبدو باهتة لأنها بعيدة. بالإضافة إلى البهتان، هل يوجد دليل اخري علي بعد هذه الأشياء غير البهتان؟ (مساعده: بعض الأشياء البعيدة تبدو بشكل أصغر وأكثر زرقة.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As a result, the son jumped down and his father rode the donkey.\n\nThey continued their journey.", + "text": "و بسبب ثرثرة الناس نزل الولد عن ظهر الحمار و صعد أباه مكانه.\n\nو ليكملوا رحلتهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you notice about the expressions of the father and son during their journey? Do they change?", + "text": "ماذا تلاحظ من تعابير وجه الأب و الأبن خلال هذه الرحلة؟ هل تغيرت عن بدايه الرحله؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you enjoy going on long walks or hikes? Describe a walk or hike you went on recently and some of the interesting things you saw or experienced along the journey.", + "text": "هل تستمتع بالذهاب في رحلات طويلة. اذكر رحلة من تلك الرحلات التي قمت بها و استمتع بها من قبل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at all the body parts that come in pairs on these people and donkey. They have pairs of legs, arms, ears, and many more. What are some parts that don't come in pairs? Notice that all these single items are in the middle of their bodies.", + "text": "انظر كيف أن بعض أجزاء الجسم في الإنسان والحمار تأتي على شكل أزواج. مثلا الأرجل والأذرع و الأذنين و الكثير. اذكر بعض أجزاء الجسم التي لا تأتي على شكل أزواج! لاحظ أن كل الأعضاء التي تأتي بشكل فردي تتمركز في منتصف الجسد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After some time, other people said, \"Look at this rude father riding a donkey while his son is walking!\"", + "text": "بعد وقت ليس بالقليل قال أناس آخرون \"انظروا لذلك الرجل القاسي يركب الحمار بينما يمشي ولده فلذة كبده سيرا على الأقدام!“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did these people say it was rude for the father to be riding? Who is correct -- is it rude for the son to ride or the father to ride? Why do these people care?", + "text": "لماذا لماذا ظن الناس أن الرجل قاسي علي ولده لأنه يركب الحمار؟ من هو المحق من الناس أن يركب الأب الحمار أم أن يركب الابن؟لماذا اصلا يكترث الناس لمثل هذا الأمر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do some people feel they need to comment on how other people are living? Are there times when it is a good thing to comment about others?", + "text": "لماذا يظن الناس أن لهم حق في التعليق على حياة الآخرين؟ هل تظن أن هناك بعض الأوقات المناسبة للتعليق على حياة الناس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are some new shapes on this page. Point out the rectangles and triangles here. Can you count all the rectangles, or are there too many?", + "text": "يوجد أشكال هندسية جديدة في هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات و المثلثات في الصورة. هل تستطيع عدهم ام انهم كثيرين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So the father and son decided to ride the donkey together.", + "text": "و بعد كل هذا العناء قرر الأب و الأبن أن يركبا الحمار معا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, the watching people have always found something to criticize. Try to guess what people will object to this time.", + "text": "و لأن الناس يجدون دائما ما ينتقدونه. حاول أن تخمن على ماذا اعترض الناس هذه المرة،", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story is almost over. How do you think it will end?", + "text": "أوشكت القصه على الانتهاء. كيف تتوقع النهاية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the donkey doing that shows that the donkey is stressed and tired?", + "text": "ما الذي يفعله الحمار يدل على تعبه و انهاكه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But a few minutes later, some people remarked, \"Look at these rude people! They are going to kill the donkey.\"", + "text": "و انتقد الناس قائلين \"انظروا الى هؤلاء عديمي الرحمه و القلوب يركبا سويا على الحمار سوف يقتلونه.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Nothing seems to make the watching people happy. Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed no matter what you did it was considered wrong? How did that make you feel?", + "text": "لا شئ يسر الناس ابدا. هل كنت في مثل ذلك الموقف من قبل؟ ماذا جعلك هذا تشعر بي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the father and son should do about all these unhappy, critical people?", + "text": "ما هو التصرف الذي يجب على الأب و الأبن أن يفعلها مع هؤلاء الناس المتلصصين على حياة الآخرين.؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the three people by the side of the road are doing? Do you think they just spend their days watching people go by?", + "text": "ماذا يا ترى يفعل هؤلاء الأشخاص الثلاث ب جانب الطريق؟ هل تظن ان هم يقضون يومهم يشاهدون في المارة ليل نهار؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finally, father and son understood that they could not escape from people's remarks.\n\nThey decided to use their minds to do the right thing.", + "text": "و في النهاية آمن الأب و ابنه أنه لا مفر من محاكمة وانتقاد الناس لهم.\n\nقرر الأب وابنه أحكام العقل لإيجاد حل لتلك المشكلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things we can learn from others. However, ultimately we need to figure out what feels right and stick up for ourselves.", + "text": "يوجد الكثير لنتعلمه من الآخرين ولكن علينا أن نحدد ما الذي يفيدنا و ما الذي يؤذينا لتجنب أذى الناس.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible to act in a way that will make everyone happy?", + "text": "هل تظن أن يمكنك إرضاء جميع الناس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of a time when you did what you felt was right despite what others thought?", + "text": "هل تستطيع تذكر موقف اعترض فيه الجميع علي قرار ولكنك اصررت عليه و حققت رغبتك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati was a little girl who ran like the wind.\n\nShe loved to laugh, and always tried hard to do as she was told.", + "text": "كانت فاتي فتاة صغيرة تجري مثل الريح.\n\nكانت تحب الضحك، وتحاول دائماً أن تفعل ما يطلب منها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be hard sometimes to do what you are told. Are you good at following directions?", + "text": "قد يكون من الصعب أحيانًا تنفيذ ما يُقال لك. هل أنت جيد في اتباع التوجيهات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you feel when you don't do as you are told?", + "text": "ما هو شعورك عندما لا تفعل ما يقال لك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Fati have more, or less, limbs (arms and legs) than there are ends to her stick?", + "text": "هل لدى فاتي أطراف (أذرع وأرجل) أكثر أم أقل من أطراف عصاها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Fati went with her mother and father to look for firewood.", + "text": "في أحد الأيام، ذهبت فاتي مع والدتها ووالدها للبحث عن الحطب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to balance something on your head the way Fati's mother is doing? What sorts of things do people carry on their heads?", + "text": "هل جربت يوماً أن توازن شيئا على رأسك كما تفعل أم فاتي؟ ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي يحملها الناس على رؤوسهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at Fati's head and shoulders, what do you think she is feeling?", + "text": "بالنظر إلى رأس فاتي وكتفيها، ما الذي تشعر به برأيك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the people in this picture.", + "text": "قوموا بعدّ الأشخاص الموجودين في هذه الصورة معًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati liked to help her mother and father, but there was so much to do and so much to see.\n\nThere were birds, monkeys, and the sky!", + "text": "كانت فاتي تحب مساعدة والدتها ووالدها، ولكن كان هناك الكثير للقيام به والكثير لرؤيته.\n\nكانت هناك الطيور، والقرود، والسماء!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you are outside, what do you like to look at in the sky?", + "text": "عندما تكون بالخارج، ما الذي تحب أن تنظر إليه في السماء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many birds is Fati looking at?", + "text": "كم عدد الطيور التي تنظر إليها فاتي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the ends of the sticks in this picture.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا جميع أطراف العصي في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, please listen! You can look for firewood here and you can look for firewood there.\"", + "text": "قالت أمها: \"فاتي، من فضلك اسمعي! يمكنك البحث عن الحطب هنا أو هناك.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati and her mother are holding outdoor tools. Have you used tools, such as a broom, to do work outside?", + "text": "فاتي ووالدتها تحملان أدوات خارجية. هل سبق أن استخدمت أدوات، مثل المكنسة، للقيام بالعمل بالخارج؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's mother's dress has a design on it. Count together how many times the design is repeated. Can you count that high? If not, count just one leg.", + "text": "فستان والدة فاتي عليه تصميم. عدّوا معًا عدد المرات التي تكرر فيها التصميم. هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟ إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك، عد ساقاً واحدة فقط.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two people have a total of two heads. Together, how many legs, arms, eyes, and ears do these two people have?", + "text": "يملك الشخصان رأسين. معًا، كم عدد الأرجل والذراعين والعينين والأذنين التي يمتلكها هذان الشخصان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Fati, please watch where you go and be very careful.\"\n\nShe replied, \"Yes, mother.\"", + "text": "\"ولكن يا فاتي، أرجوك أن تنتبهي أين تذهبين وأن تتوخي الحذر.\"\n\nأجابت فاتي: \"نعم يا أمي.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of things might be dangerous for Fati while out collecting firewood?", + "text": "ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي قد تشكل خطورة على فاتي أثناء خروجها لجمع الحطب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which sorts of things are you warned to be careful about?", + "text": "ما هي أنواع الأشياء التي يجب التحذير منها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you listen to those warnings? Do you think Fati will listen?", + "text": "هل تستمع لتلك التحذيرات؟ هل تعتقد أن فاتي سوف تستمع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon Fati's mother and father were very busy.", + "text": "وسرعان ما أصبح والدا فاتي مشغولين للغاية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many reasons people wear hats. Why is Fati's father wearing a hat?", + "text": "هناك العديد من الأسباب التي تجعل الناس يرتدون القبعات. لماذا يرتدي والد فاتي قبعة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's father uses a hat to work outside in the sun. Can you think of other clothes that have special uses for certain occasions?", + "text": "يستخدم والد فاتي القبعة للعمل في الخارج تحت أشعة الشمس. هل يمكنك التفكير في ملابس أخرى لها استخدامات خاصة في مناسبات معينة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's family is gathering firewood. Other than keeping warm, what are some ways people use fires?", + "text": "عائلة فاتي تجمع الحطب. بخلاف التدفئة، ما هي بعض الطرق التي يستخدم بها الناس النار؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They found big pieces of firewood.\n\nThey found small pieces of firewood.", + "text": "وجدا قطعاً كبيرة من الحطب.\n\nوجدا قطعاً صغيرة من الحطب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the different sizes of firewood have different uses?", + "text": "هل للأحجام المختلفة من الحطب استخدامات مختلفة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many pieces of firewood there are.", + "text": "قم بعدّ قطع الحطب الموجودة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the thickness of the biggest pieces of firewood to Fati's father's leg. Which is wider and which is narrower?", + "text": "قارن سمك أكبر قطع الحطب بساق والد فاتي. أيهما أوسع وأيهما أضيق؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati was also very busy.\n\nShe found small pieces of firewood.\n\nShe found very small pieces of firewood.", + "text": "فاتي كانت مشغولة جداً أيضاً.\n\nوجدت قطعاً صغيرة من الحطب.\n\nوجدت قطعاً صغيرة جداً من الحطب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Fati found such small pieces of firewood?", + "text": "لماذا تظن أن فاتي وجدت قطع حطب صغيرة إلى هذا الحد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In making a fire, having a variety of sizes of wood is useful. The small pieces help get the fire going, and the big pieces can make it last a long time.", + "text": "عند إشعال النار، من المفيد وجود مجموعة متنوعة من أحجام الخشب. تساعد القطع الصغيرة على إشعال النار، والقطع الكبيرة يمكن أن تجعلها تستمر لفترة طويلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how many pieces of firewood Fati has found. It's tricky to tell because her wood is all jumbled together.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد قطع الحطب التي عثرت عليها فاتي. من الصعب معرفة ذلك لأن الحطب الذي جمعته متبعثر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Fati looked up.\n\nShe saw a red bird in the tall grass.", + "text": "ثم نظرت فاتي إلى الأعلى.\n\nرأت طيراً أحمر في العشب الطويل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lots of animals have things in common, such as a mouth and a heart. Guess what birds have that no other animal has. (feathers)", + "text": "هناك أشياء مشتركة بين الكثير من الحيوانات، مثل الفم والقلب. خمن ما تمتلكه الطيور ولا يمتلكه أي حيوان آخر. (الريش)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati is having too much fun looking at special things to worry about looking for dangers. Is she being careless?", + "text": "تستمتع فاتي كثيرًا بالنظر إلى الأشياء الخاصة لدرجة أنها لا تنتبه إلى المخاطر حولها. هل هي مهملة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the bird's red color blend in with the colors in the tall grass?", + "text": "هل يمتزج لون الطائر الأحمر مع ألوان العشب الطويل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Next, Fati looked down.\n\nShe saw a brown ant on the dusty path.", + "text": "بعد ذلك، نظرت فاتي إلى الأسفل.\n\nرأت نملة بنية على الطريق المترب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The largest ants are about the same length as your finger. Do you think the artist got a little carried away drawing this ant?", + "text": "أكبر النمل يبلغ طوله نفس طول إصبعك تقريبًا. هل تعتقد أن الفنان قد بالغ قليلاً في رسم هذه النملة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ants have six legs. How many legs does this ant have?", + "text": "النمل له ستة أرجل. كم عدد أرجل هذه النملة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If ants should have six legs, how many legs is this ant missing?", + "text": "إذا كان يجب على النمل أن يملك ستة أرجل، فكم ينقص هذه النملة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati saw a beautiful leaf. The leaf was shiny and green.\n\nShe put one finger on the beautiful leaf.", + "text": "رأت فاتي ورقة جميلة. كانت الورقة خضراء ومشعة.\n\nوضعت إصبعاً واحداً على الورقة الجميلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next with this strange leaf?", + "text": "ماذا تظن أنه سيحدث بعد ذلك مع هذه الورقة الغريبة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is different about the \"leaf\" that Fati is touching?", + "text": "ما المختلف في \"الورقة\" التي تلمسها فاتي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Make an estimate of how many leaves are in this picture. Is it a number bigger than you know?", + "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس. قم بتقدير عدد الأوراق الموجودة في هذه الصورة. هل هو رقم أكبر مما تعرفه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati said, \"This does not feel like a leaf.\"\n\nSuddenly, the beautiful leaf moved!\n\nFati said, \"This is not a beautiful leaf. This is a green snake!\"", + "text": "قالت فاتي: \"لا تبدو هذه وكأنها ورقة.\"\n\nوفجأة، تحركت الورقة الجميلة!\n\nقالت فاتي: \"هذه ليست ورقة جميلة. إنها أفعى خضراء!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of her five senses did Fati use to notice the snake?", + "text": "أي من حواسها الخمس قد استخدمت فاتي لملاحظة الأفعى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you remove one of the five senses, how many are left?", + "text": "إذا أزلت واحداً من الحواس الخمس فكم يتبقى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you name all five of your senses?", + "text": "هل يمكنك تسمية الحواس الخمس كلها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati screamed, \"EII!\"\n\nShe ran very fast to look for her mother and father.", + "text": "صرخت فاتي: \"اخخ!\"\n\nركضت بسرعة كبيرة للبحث عن والدتها ووالدها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati screamed and ran. When you are surprised and scared, what do you do?", + "text": "صرخت فاتي وركضت. عندما تتفاجأ وتخاف ماذا تفعل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to hide in your bed or maybe under your bed? What is your favorite hiding spot?", + "text": "هل تحب أن تختبئ فوق سريرك أو ربما تحت سريرك؟ ما هو مكان الاختباء المفضل لديك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati is running so fast that she doesn't notice something. What is it?", + "text": "فاتي تجري بسرعة كبيرة لدرجة أنها لا تلاحظ شيئًا. ما هذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati saw her father and shouted, \"A snake! A snake!\"\n\nFather said, \"Where? Where?\"\n\nFati said, \"There! There!\"", + "text": "رأت فاتي والدها وصرخت: \"أفعى! أفعى\"!\n\nقال والدها: \"أين؟ أين؟\"\n\nقالت فاتي: \"هناك! هناك!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her father is angry that she wondered away, happy that she is okay, or both?", + "text": "ل تعتقد أن والدها غاضب لأنها تجولت بعيدًا، أم أنه سعيد لأنها بخير، أو كليهما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her father has two shoes. How many shoes does Fati have and how many is she missing?", + "text": "لدى والدها حذاءان. كم عدد الأحذية التي تمتلكها فاتي وكم عدد الأحذية المفقودة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Together they have one more shoe than her father has. What is one more than two?", + "text": "مع بعضهما، إنهما يملكان حذاء واحد أكثر من أحذية والدها. ما هو واحد أكثر من اثنين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then her father chased the green snake with a stick.\n\nThe green snake slithered away.", + "text": "ثم طارد والدها الأفعى الخضراء بعصا.\n\nهربت الأفعى الخضراء بعيداً.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a snake outside on the ground or in a bush?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت أفعى في الخارج على الأرض أو في الشجيرات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some snakes are very dangerous, and many others are safe. Do some snakes do good things?", + "text": "بعض الأفاعي خطيرة جدًا، والعديد من الأفاعي الأخرى آمنة. هل بعض الأفاعي تقوم بأشياء جيدة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you know about snakes?", + "text": "ماذا تعرف عن الأفاعي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father said, \"Fati, you are safe.\"\n\nLet's go to mother and tell her about the green snake.\"", + "text": "قال والدها: \"فاتي، أنت بأمان.\n\nفلنذهب إلى والدتك ونخبرها عن الأفعى الخضراء.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are Fati and her father feeling in this picture?", + "text": "بماذا تشعر فاتي ووالدها في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think her mother will say?", + "text": "ماذا تظن أن أمها ستقول؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati got back her other shoe. Now she and her father have one more than three shoes. How many shoes is that?", + "text": "استعادت فاتي حذائها الآخر. والآن أصبح لديها هي ووالدها حذاء واحد أكثر من ثلاثة. كم عدد الأحذية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, I am happy the green snake did not bite you.\"", + "text": "قالت والدتها: \"فاتي، أنا سعيدة أن الأفعى الخضراء لم تلدغك.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you surprised that her mother is not angry?", + "text": "هل تفاجأت بأن والدتها ليست غاضبة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of many kinds of things in this picture.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد أنواع الأشياء المتنوعة الموجودة في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more pants or dresses? Are there more sandals or boots?", + "text": "هل هناك المزيد من السراويل أو الفساتين؟ هل هناك المزيد من الصنادل أو الأحذية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But next time, please, look where you go, and be more careful.\n\nAnd that was the end of that.", + "text": "\"ولكن في المرة القادمة، من فضلك، انظري إلى أين تذهبين، وكوني أكثر حذراً.\"\n\nوكانت تلك نهاية ذلك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the story mean by \"And that was the end of that.\" ?", + "text": "ماذا تعني القصة بـ\"وكانت تلك نهاية ذلك\"؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The three of them have three pairs of shoes. How many is that?", + "text": "لثلاثتهم ثلاثة أزواج من الأحذية. كم هو ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can count all their shoes by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6. Or, you could think of it as twice the number of people -- 3, 6. Which way is easier for you?", + "text": "يمكنك عد جميع أحذيتهم من خلال العد بمقدار 2 -- 2، 4، 6. أو يمكنك التفكير في الأمر على أنه ضعف عدد الأشخاص -- 3، 6. ما هي الطريقة الأسهل بالنسبة لك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My heart feels a lot of things.", + "text": "قلبي يشعر بكثيرٍ من الأشياء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?", + "text": "فكر في المشاعر المختلفة التي تملكها. كم عدد المشاعر التي يمكنك التفكير فيها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.", + "text": "احكِ قصة عن وقت شعرت فيه بأحد تلك المشاعر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?", + "text": "هل تتناسب مشاعرك مع مجموعات معينة؟ على سبيل المثال، هل جميعها مشاعر سعيدة أم حزينة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.", + "text": "أشعر بالسعادة عندما تروي لنا جدتي قصة في المساء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصاً مميزاً يحب أن يروي لك القصص؟ هل تشعر بالسعادة عندما تسمع ذاك الشخص يحكي لك هذه القصص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأطفال الذين يستمعون إلى قصة الجدة. إذا أضفت الجدة إلى هذا العدد، فسيكون العدد واحداً بالإضافة -- كم سيكون العدد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?", + "text": "هل يبدو هؤلاء الأطفال سعداء؟ كيف عرفت ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel silly when I play with my friend.", + "text": "أشعر بالسذاجة عندما ألعب مع صديقي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What things do you do when you are being silly?", + "text": "ما الأشياء التي تفعلها عندما تتصرف بسذاجة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا اليدين، القدمين، العينين، الأنوف، أصابع اليدين، أصابع القدمين أو أي شيء آخر ترونه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?", + "text": "أي مجموعة من الأشياء لديها أكبر عدد وأيها لديها الأصغر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.", + "text": "أشعر بالسوء عندما يقول والدي أنه لا يملك المال.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What sorts of things make you sad?", + "text": "ما هي الأمور التي تجعلك حزيناً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.", + "text": "أشر إلى ألوان قطع الملابس المختلفة وقم بتسميتها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of buttons on her dress.", + "text": "عدّوا عدد الأزرار على فستانها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.", + "text": "أشعر بأنني محبوبة عندما تعانقني أمي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?", + "text": "ما هي بعض اللحظات الخاصة التي تجعلك تشعر بأنك محبوب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?", + "text": "ماذا تفعل لتجعل الآخرين يعرفون أنك تشعر بالحب تجاههم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?", + "text": "ملابس الأم مخططة وملابس الفتاة بها نجوم. هل لديك بعض الملابس التي عليها نجوم أو أشكال أخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.", + "text": "ولدت شات عمياء. لم ترى عينيها والديها أو إخوتها وأخواتها قط. فقد كانت تتعرف على وجههم باللمس فقط.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.", + "text": "هل حاولت أن تمشي وعينيك مغمضة من قبل؟ إذا فعلت ذلك، فتأكد أن يكون معك شخص ما حتى تكون بمأمن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?", + "text": "حينما لا تستطيع الرؤية، ستصبح أكثر وعيا بحواسك الأخرى. ما هي الحواس التي تلاحظها حينما تغلق عينيك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.", + "text": "إن المستطيل يتكون من أربعة أضلاع كهذه الصفحة. والمربع هو نفسه المستطيل ولكن لديه أربعة أضلاع متساوية. هل يمكنك أن تشير للمربعات والمستطيلات الموجودة في هذه الصفحة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.", + "text": "في يوم من الأيام، كانت شات تتجول في الحديقة.\n\nوقد أعجبتها رائحة الأزهار كثيرا\n\nكانت تحب أن تلمس بتلاتها الناعمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.", + "text": "ووجدت الكثير من الأشياء لتعدها هنا. لنعد معا الأشجار والفراشات والعصي والأحذية وأي مجموعة أخرى تلاحظها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups can Chat count?", + "text": "أي من هذه المجموعات يمكن لشات أن تعدها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?", + "text": "أي من هذه المجموعات تحتوي على الكثير فيها وأيها تحتوي على الأقل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.", + "text": "تتمنى شات أن تستطيع رؤية الأزهار ولو لمرة واحدة في حياتها.\n\nقالت شات في نفسها :\"إنها جميلة\".", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?", + "text": "هناك خمسة زهرات زرقاء وخمسة زهرات أخرى باللون الأصفر البرتقالي. كم عددها مجموعة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?", + "text": "وإذا أضفت الزهرة الصفراء البرتقالية التي في يد شات، ستكون لدينا واحدة أكثر. كم تصبح خمسة زائد واحد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?", + "text": "بكم يزيد عدد الزهرات الزرقاء عن عدد الفراشات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.", + "text": "تتمشى شات كل يوم في الحديقة. فقد كانت تعرف الطريق جيدا حولها.\n\nولكنها اليوم، رفعت رأسها إلى السماء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن ترى الدهشة على وجهها؟ مالذي فاجأها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?", + "text": "لا يمكنها رؤية السحاب. ما الذي تشعر به تجاه ما يحدث؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "ما الذي يحدث في السماء؟ ما الذي يمكن أن يحدث؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.", + "text": "فجأة سمعت صوت البرق والرعد.\n\nفكرت شات:\"علي أن أعود إلى المنزل بسرعة.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?", + "text": "هل كنت في الخارج يوما في مكان ما حينما بدأت عاصفة فجأة؟ هل ابتللت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like watching lightning?", + "text": "هل تحب مشاهدة البرق؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?", + "text": "هل البرق مخيف أو ممتع حينما تراه في الخارج؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.", + "text": "بدأ المطر في الهطول.\n\nفانزلقت شات، ثم فقدت توازنها وسقطت أرضا.\n\nلقد ارتطم رأسها بحجر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?", + "text": "يمكن أن تكون جروح الرأس خطيرة للغاية. هل تظن أن شات ستكون بخير؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.", + "text": "هناك ألوان متنوعة بين أصفر إلى أحمر فاتح إلى أحمر فاقع في هذه الصورة. أشر إليها وصفها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.", + "text": "أشر وصف الألوان المتنوعة بين الأصفر إلى درجات اللون الأخضر المختلفة في الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.", + "text": "حينما استيقظت شات، وجدت أشخاصا حولها.\n\nفسألت: \"ما الذي حدث؟\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?", + "text": "هيا لنحسب معا الأشخاص من عائلة شات. هل حسبت شات معهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?", + "text": "هل يمكن أن تقول كيف يحس كل شخص منهم من خلال الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الألوان هنا. ما هو اللون الناقص في قوس قزح المرسوم في الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.", + "text": "قال أبوها:لقد سقطت وصدمت رأسك.\n\nقالت أمها: نحمد الله كثيرا لأنك بخير.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?", + "text": "هناك رسمة دائرية على سرير شات. هل هناك دوائر زرقاء أو دوائر حمراء أخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.", + "text": "صف لي أشكالا أخرى موجودة حولك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.", + "text": "جد المستطيلات الموجودة في الصورة والموجودة حولك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.", + "text": "سألت شات:”أمي، أبي؟” حتى أنها نادت على إخوتها وأخواتها. ثم قالت: ”أعطوني زهرة من فضلكم؟” فوقف الجميع مندهشا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone surprised?", + "text": "لماذا الجميع مندهش؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone looking so happy?", + "text": "لماذا الجميع يبدو سعيدا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن تحسب الدوائر على سريرها أم أنها كثيرة جدا؟ هل يمكنك أن تحسب أشياء أخرى كالعينين، والأذرع أو الأنوف؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.", + "text": "عادت أختها وفي يدها زهرة.\n\nحملتها شات بلطف وقالت: \"إنها جميلة للغاية\".", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?", + "text": "تخيل كيف يكون شعورك حينما ترى العالم لأول مرة. ما الذي سترغب برؤيته كثيرا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?", + "text": "ما هو الجانب الذي اصطدمت عليه شات وأي جانب تمت لفه بضماد؟ همممممم....؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن تجد كل المستطيلات في الصورة؟ إن البعض منها متخفي قليلا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.", + "text": "نظر أفراد عائلتها لبعضهم البعض.\n\nفسألتها أمها: \"هل يمكنك رؤية الزهرة يا شات؟\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What emotion do you see on each person's face?", + "text": "ما هي المشاعر التي تراها على وجه كل شخص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصا تعافى من مرض فجأة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who was blind?", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصا كان أعمى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.", + "text": "لعبت شات بالزهرة بين يديها.\n\nابتسمت وقالت: \"أنت جميلة كهذه الزهرة.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "أشر الى المستطيلات الجديدة الموجودة في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?", + "text": "هل تظن أن القصة انتهت هكذا؟ !إنها نهاية سعيدة جدا", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.", + "text": "بعض الناس يصبحون أطباء لأنهم يحبون أن يساعدوا الآخرين ليحصلوا على نهاية سعيدة كهذه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My name is Simo.", + "text": "اسمي سيمو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.", + "text": "عدّوا معاً الألوان المختلفة للخطوط الموجودة على قميص سيمو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?", + "text": "كرة سيمو لها لونان وهي مستديرة. خماسي الأضلاع هو شكل ذو خمسة جوانب. أشر إلى الخماسيات السوداء على كرة سيمو. هل ترى أي أشكال خماسية من حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?", + "text": "الشكل السداسي هو شكل سداسي الأضلاع. أشر إلى الأشكال السداسية على الكرة. غالبا ما تستخدم السداسيات في أنماط التبليط. هل ترى أي أشكال سداسية من حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have four friends.", + "text": "أملك أربعة أصدقاء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"", + "text": "عندما تضع سيمو مع أصدقائه الأربعة، كم يبلغ عددهم معًا؟ هناك طريقة أخرى لطرح هذا السؤال وهي: \"ما هو 4 بالإضافة إلى 1؟\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.", + "text": "كم منهم ذو قميص مخطط وكم منهم ذو قميص بلون واحد؟ هذا يعني أن 2 أكثر من 3 يساوي 5.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!", + "text": "هاتان طريقتان مختلفتان للحصول على الرقم خمسة! إذا أخذت واحدًا أكثر من أربعة، فستحصل على نفس نتيجة اثنين أكثر من ثلاثة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.", + "text": "أسمائهم هي زيزو، ليلي، سيسا وآياندا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.", + "text": "هل يمكنك تخمين من لديه أي اسم؟ سنتعرف على كل واحد منهم قريبًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?", + "text": "اختلق قصة عن أحدهم. ربما أحدهم يحب القطط أو المشي لمسافات طويلة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.", + "text": "من بين الأربعة، واحد منهم يحب كرة القدم، وآخر يحب السباحة، وآخر يحب لعبة الغميضة، وواحد يحب القراءة - خمن أيهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.", + "text": "صديقتي زيزو ​​تحب لعب كرة القدم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?", + "text": "سيمو وزيزو لديهما كرة قدم مشتركة. أي أجزاء من ملابسهما متشابهة مع بعضها البعض؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?", + "text": "سيمو وزيزو لديهما خطوط على أجزاء مختلفة من ملابسهما. كيف تختلف خطوطهما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?", + "text": "يبدو أن زيزو تحب درجات اللون الأحمر. هل تحب ذلك أيضاً؟ ما هو لونك المفضل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Lele likes to swim.", + "text": "صديقتي ليلي تحب السباحة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.", + "text": "أشر إلى اللون الأخضر الجميل، والأخضر المائل إلى الأزرق، والأزرق في هذه الصورة وقم بتسمية كل منها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?", + "text": "عد الأصابع على يد ليلي اليسرى. هل ينقصها إصبع أم أن الفنان كان مهملاً في رسم هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.", + "text": "قد يكون من الخطر أن تسبح بمفردك. لكي تكون آمنًا، اسبح دائمًا مع صديق.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.", + "text": "صديقي سيسا يحب لعب لعبة الغميضة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?", + "text": "هل سيسا هو اللاعب الرئيس أم أن سيسا مختبئ؟ من السهل رؤية سيسا. هل يختبئ سيسا خلف الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?", + "text": "قولون أن الحمير الوحشية لها خطوط تساعدها على الاختباء بين الأشجار. هل الخطوط الموجودة على قميص سيسا تجعل رؤية سيسا صعبة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?", + "text": "عند لعب لعبة الغميضة، عادةً ما يقوم اللاعب الرئيس بالعد حتى رقم ما قبل البحث عن الأشخاص. إلى أي مدى تعتقد أن الشخص يجب أن يعد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Ayanda likes to read.", + "text": "صديقتي آياندا تحب القراءة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?", + "text": "اختار الأشخاص الآخرون الألعاب الرياضية والألعاب التي يحبون لعبها. هل القراءة رياضة أم لعبة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?", + "text": "هل تستطيع القراءة مع الآخرين أم يجب أن تقرأ وحدك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.", + "text": "يبدو أن آياندا تستمتع بدرجات اللون البرتقالي. قم بتسمية بعض الأشياء من حولك ذات درجات برتقالية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.", + "text": "أنا؟ أحب أن أفعل الأشياء التي يحبون القيام بها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?", + "text": "هل يحب سيمو القيام بكل الأشياء، أم أنه يقبل فقط حتى يتمكن من التواجد مع الجميع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?", + "text": "هل لاحظتم أن خطوط قميصه قد تغيرت؟ كيف تغيرت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four activities, how many do you like?", + "text": "من الأنشطة الأربعة، كم تحب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play soccer with Zizo.", + "text": "ألعب كرة القدم مع زيزو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?", + "text": "عد أصابع يد زيزو ​​اليسرى. هل زيزو ​​فقد إصبعه أم أن الفنان استهتر مرة أخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?", + "text": "يولد بعض الناس بستة أصابع في اليد. ما هو واحد أقل من ستة؟ ما العدد الذي يقل عن ستة باثنين؟ كم عدد الأصابع الذي يبدو رقمًا جيدًا بالنسبة لك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?", + "text": "يرتدي زيزو ​​قميصًا ءا لون واحد مع جوارب مخططة، بينما يرتدي سيمو قميصًا مخططًا مع جوارب ذات لون واحد. ما هي الطريقة التي تفضلها أكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I swim with Lele.", + "text": "أسبح مع ليلي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?", + "text": "عد الأصابع على يد ليلي اليسرى. لديها إصبع واحد أكثر مما كانت عليه من قبل! هل نما لها إصبع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.", + "text": "تحدث عن درجات اللون الأخضر في هذه الصورة. بعض الدرجات أغمق وبعضها أصفر وبعضها أزرق.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!", + "text": "تسبح ليلي مع صديق لها الآن - وهذا أكثر أمانًا (وأكثر متعة)!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.", + "text": "ألعب لعبة الغميضة مع سيسا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Simo take his shoes off?", + "text": "لماذا خلع سيمو حذائه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?", + "text": "من تعتقدون أنه مختبئ ومن يبحث عن الآخر في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?", + "text": "أيهما أفضل في الاختباء في هذا المكان، وأيهما تمتزج ملابسه بشكل أفضل مع الألوان المحيطة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, friend, what do you like?", + "text": "تعال يا صديقي، ماذا تحب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of your favorite activities?", + "text": "ما هي بعض أنشطتك المفضلة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?", + "text": "عدّوا الأنشطة المختلفة في هذه القصة معًا. من بين هذه، أي واحدة ستختار؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?", + "text": "كانت هناك أربعة أنشطة واخترت ما تفضله. ما هو أقل من أربعة بواحد؟ من بين الأنشطة المتبقية، ما هو النشاط الأقل تفضيلاً لديك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play soccer with us.", + "text": "تعال والعب كرة القدم معنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?", + "text": "هل يلعبون ضمن فرق أم أنهم يركلون الكرة فحسب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?", + "text": "هناك خمسة أشخاص. هل يمكنك تقسيمهم إلى فريقين بنفس العدد من الأشخاص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?", + "text": "أي حذاء هو الأسوأ للعب كرة القدم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, swim with us.", + "text": "تعال، اسبح معنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?", + "text": "هناك زوجان من الأطفال وطفل واحد وحده. هل يمكنك تقسيمهم جميعًا إلى أزواج حتى لا يتم استبعاد أي منهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.", + "text": "يقال أن الرقم \"فردي\" إذا لم يكن هناك طريقة لتقسيم هذا العدد من الأشياء إلى أزواج. ومن \"الغريب\" أيضًا أنه لا يمكن تقسيم هذا العدد من الأشياء إلى مجموعتين متساويتين.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?", + "text": "لماذا فكرتا \"الفرد\" متماثلتان؟ لماذا تكون القدرة على تقسيم شيء ما إلى أزواج هي نفسها القدرة على تقسيمه إلى مجموعتين متساويتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.", + "text": "تعال، العب الغميضة معنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?", + "text": "يبدو أن سيمو هو من يعد. هل سيواجه صعوبة في العثور على الأطفال الآخرين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?", + "text": "عد الأطفال الموجودين أعلى الغصن والرقم المختبئ على الجانب الآخر من الشجرة. هل يصل عددهم إلى أربعة أطفال؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.", + "text": "يوجد واحد فوق الشجرة وواحد يعد وثلاثة خلف الشجرة. يمكنك الحصول على خمسة بعدة طرق من خلال هذا. إحدى الطرق هي أن تبدأ بثلاثة، ثم تضيف واحدًا آخر، ثم تضيف واحدًا آخر. فكروا معًا في طرق أخرى للحصول على الرقم خمسة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, read with us!", + "text": "تعال، اقرأ معنا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.", + "text": "يقرأ شخص واحد بمفرده، ويقرأ الآخرون في أزواج.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?", + "text": "يبدو أنهم جميعًا سعداء جدًا معًا، بغض النظر عن النشاط الذي يقومون به. هل لديك بعض الأصدقاء الذين تحب القيام بالأشياء معهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?", + "text": "أحد الأطفال لديه أربعة أصابع فقط في يده، أيهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew is a horse that pulls a cart.\n\nHe carries heavy loads along the gravel roads of Debre Birhan.\n\nHe works from morning to evening.", + "text": "شاهين هو حصان يجر عربة.\n\nيحمل شاهين أحمله ثقيلة جدا و يجرها في شوارع و ووديان مدينة ديبري برهن.\n\nيعمل الحصان شاهين من الصباح وحتى المساء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew pulls heavy loads and does a difficult job. Have you seen any animals that have to do work?", + "text": "يجر شاهين احمال ثقيله و يعمل عملا صعبا و شاقا للغاية. هل قابلت حيوانات يتوجب عليها العمل من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out some shapes in this picture that are rectangles and some that are round.", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل مكون من أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة مثل هذه الصفحة. اشر على بعض الاشكال المستطيلة و المستديرة في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many rectangles can you find in the place where you are now?", + "text": "ما هو عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك إيجادها من حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew does not get enough time to rest.\n\nHe does not get enough food to eat.\n\nThe driver of the cart beats him to go faster.", + "text": "الحصان شاهين لا يجد وقت ابدا للراحة.\n\nلا يحصل شاهين أيضا على طعام كاف.\n\nو يقوم صاحب الحصان شاهين بضربه بالسوط لكي يتحرك أسرع.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you feel about the way the driver treats Chalew?", + "text": "هل تعجبك الطريقة التي يتعامل بها صاحب الحصان شاهين معه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some ways to treat animals, or people, to try to get them to do what you want? For people, you can say \"please,\" and that works sometimes.", + "text": "ما هي الطريقة الصحيحة للتعامل مع الحيوانات او البشر و طلب اشياء منهم ينفذوها. مثلا حينما ترغب في طلب شئ من احد نقول ارجوك أو لو سمحت.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What makes you want to do things for other people?", + "text": "هل ترغب في تنفيذ طلبات الآخرين و مالذي يدفعك لذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, all the cart drivers gathered for a funeral.\n\nThe cart horses were left to graze in a nearby field.\n\nThey began to talk about their terrible conditions.", + "text": "في يوم من الأيام تجمع كل سائقي العربات في عزاء.\n\nو تركوا جميع عربات الأحصنة في حقل قريب.\n\nوبدأت الأحصنة تتحدث عن مدى سوء معاملة السائقين لهم و عن أحوالهم المذرية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of horses. Are there more people or horses? How many more?", + "text": "قم بعد الناس والأحصنة. من هم الأكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use skip counting by 2's to count how many legs the people have. Can you skip count that high?", + "text": "قم ببعد ارجل الناس بمقدار ٢. هل تستطيع العد الى ارقام كبيرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you skip count by to count the number of legs the horses have? That's a pretty big number. Can you skip count that high?", + "text": "ماذا عن الاحصنة كيف يمكنك عدها؟ أنه رقم كبير للغاية أليس كذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"My harness doesn't fit me. It is too tight and cuts my skin,\" said one horse.\n\n\"Me too, me too,\" another agreed.", + "text": "قال أحد الأحصنة: إن سرجي لا يناسبني ابدا. أنه ضيق للغاية و يجرح جلدي.\n\n\"وانا ايضا و انا ايضا“ قال أحد الأحصنة متفقا معه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do real horses talk with each other?", + "text": "كيف تتكلم الأحصنة الحقيقية يا تري؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which parts of a horse come in pairs, and which don't?", + "text": "ما هي الأجزاء من جسم الحصان التي تأتي في شكل أزواج؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The body parts that pair up show up on opposite sides of the horse's body. Can you think of other animals like that? Can you think of any that aren't like that?", + "text": "الأجزاء الموجودة على شكل أزواج في الحصان تظهر على جانبي الحصان. هل يوجد حيوانات أخرى بهذا الشكل؟ ماذا عن أشكال أجسام الحيوانات الأخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An old horse spoke. \"I'm almost lame because of the nails they hammer into my hooves.\"\n\nMore horses nodded in agreement.", + "text": "تحدث حصان مسن \"انا عاجز عن الحركة بسبب المسامير المغروزة في حوافيري.“\n\nهزت بقية الاحصنه رأسها معلنة اتفاقها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think the owners have been so bad to the horses? Were the owners mean on purpose and did they not realize what they were doing?", + "text": "ما هو سبب المعاملة السيئة للاحصنه يا تري ؟ هل تعتقد أن سائقي الأحصنة يفعلون ذلك عن عمد؟ هل اصلا يدركون ما يفعلونه في الأحصنة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the horses should do about being treated so badly?", + "text": "ماذا في اعتقادك يجب على الاحصنه فعله للتخلص من هذا العذاب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five horses. How many tails, ears, and legs are there? Did you skip count to find the ears and legs, or did you start with the number of tails and double things?", + "text": "يوجد خمس أحصنة في هذه الصورة. كم عدد أرجلهم و اذيالهم و آذانهم؟ هل استخدمت العد بالتسلسل او قمت فقط بضربهم في ٢؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"We work very hard, but most of our owners treat us badly. Many do not know how to look after us,\" said Chalew.\n\nAll of the horses agreed.", + "text": "قال الحصان شاهين: نحن نعمل بجد طوال النهار و مع ذلك يعاملنا أصحابنا أسوأ معاملة و لا يكترثون لأمرنا ابدا.\n\nقالت الاحصنه جميعا : \"نعم نتفق.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think Chalew is going to suggest that they do about their bad situation?", + "text": "ماذا تظن عن ما سوف يفعله شاهين لحل تلك المشكلة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this picture, the five horses are paired up into two pairs with one left over. Is there any way to pair these five horses into pairs all at the same time? When there are a number of things that can't all be paired up, that's called on odd number.", + "text": "في تلك الصورة كل حصانين من الأحصنة الخمسة مقيدين معا و هناك حصان واحد فقط ليس مقيد. هل يمكن تقييد الاحصنه بطريق تجعل كل حصان مقيد بحصان آخر. لا لا يوجد. عندما تحدث مثل هذه المشكلة يسمي عدد الاحصنه بالعدد الفردي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other odd numbers. When you have two people and an odd number of things, it is impossible to give them the same number, so you can't share the things equally.", + "text": "هل تستطيع التفكير في اعداد فرديه أخرى غير رقم خمسه؟ مثلا اذا كان هناك شخصين وثلاث أقلام لا يمكن تقسيم تلك الأقلام بالتساوي ابدا بين الشخصين.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"We need better conditions. Let's go on strike!\" declared Chalew. The horses cheered!\n\nThey decided to stay in the field until the cart drivers agreed to change.", + "text": "قال الحصان شاهين بكل قوة و شجاعة \"نحن نستحق أوضاع معيشية أفضل من تلك.“ سوف نقوم بالإضراب عن العمل. فرح الاحصنه و صهلت جميعها معلنة فرحتها.\n\nقرر الاحصنه الانتظار في الحقل حتى يغير السائقين طريقة معاملتهم لهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A strike occurs when a group of workers refuse to work and insist on getting treated better by their company. People sometimes go on strike to get better working conditions, and sometimes they do it to get paid more.", + "text": "قام من قبل مجموعة من العمال بعمل إضراب عن العمل و أصروا على تغيير أوضاعهم في الشركة. يقوم الناس بعمل إضرابات التحسين أحوالهم المعيشية و أحوالهم في العمل و لرفع أجورهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is risky for a person when they strike? (They might not get paid for a long time and they might lose their job.)", + "text": "ما هي خطوره الإضراب عن العمل ؟ ( العمال لا يتقاضون أجور إذا اضربوا عن العمل و ايضا من الممكن أن يخسروا وظائفهم)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Numbers that can be pair up are called even numbers. There are six horses in this picture. Can you pair them all up? Is six an odd or even number?", + "text": "الأرقام التي يمكن اقترانها بشكل ثنائي تسمي ارقام زوجيه. يوجد ست أحصنة في الصورة. هل يمكنك إقران هذه الأحصنة في أزواج ثنائية؟ هل رقم سته رقم زوجي ام فردي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cart drivers did not know what to do.\n\n\"I can get another horse,\" boasted one driver.\n\nBut most of the drivers needed their horses to earn a living.", + "text": "لم يعرف سائقي العربات ماذا يفعلون في هذا المشكله.\n\n\"يمكنني شراء حصان آخر“ قال أحد السائقين.\n\nلكن معظم سائقي العربات يحتاجون إلي الأحصنة لأنها مصدر رزقهم و لا يستطيعون تحمل شراء احصنه جديده.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many people are in this picture? If you take away (subtract off) the two who are sitting down, how many are standing up?", + "text": "كم عدد الناس في هذه الصورة ؟ لو قمت بطرح الشخصين الجالسين كم يكون عدد الأشخاص الواقفين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there an odd or even number of people in the room? Can they be split into two equal groups? If you can, it's an even number and otherwise it's an odd number.", + "text": "هل عدد الأشخاص في الغرفة عدد فردي ام زوجي؟ هل يمكن قسم عدد الأشخاص إلى مجموعتين متساويتين في العدد؟ إذا كنت تستطيع قسم الأشخاص إلى مجموعتين متساويتين إذا عددهم عدد زوجي إذا لم تستطع إذا عددهم عدد فردي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What worries the owners? Are they worried about how the horses feel or are they worried about their businesses?", + "text": "ما هو سبب قلق أصحابنا الاحصنه ؟ هل اصحاب الاحصنه قلقين علي مشاعر الاحصنه ام علي مصدر رزقهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drivers held a meeting to discuss the strike. They argued for a long time.\n\n\"Maybe the horses are right,\" said one man. \"Why should they get better conditions?\" asked another.", + "text": "عقد سائقي العربات اجتماع لمناقشة إضراب الاحصنه عن العمل. تناقش واختلف السائقين لمدة طويلة جدا.\n\nقال أحد السائقين \"ربما الأحصنه علي حق“. فرد عليه أحد السائقين متسائلاً \"لماذا تحتاج الأحصنه حياة أفضل؟“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many people are crowded into the room and then count, as best you can, how people there are. An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information, such as a quick glance.", + "text": "قم بعد هذا التجمع من الناس على قدر المستطاع. و قم بتخمين عددهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Making estimates can be a fun game. When you're walking around, have everyone make an estimate of a group of things, then carefully count how many there are, and see who is closest to the right answer.", + "text": "التخمين أو تقدير العدد لعبة ممتعة. إذا أردت أن تلعب هذا اللعبة احضر مجموعة من الكرات وضعهم في سلة ثم اطلب من أصدقائك تخمين عدد المرات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the owners know what the horses want? Did the horses talk to them?", + "text": "كيف عرف سائقي العربات مطالب الأحصنة؟ هل تحدثت الأحصنة إليهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horses' strike spread from the town of Debre Birhan across Ethiopia.\n\nNearly three million horses refused to work.\n\n\"We have had enough! Treat us fairly!\" they said.", + "text": "انتشر إضراب الاحصنه من ديبري برهن إلى إثيوبيا.\n\nقرابة ثلاثة ملايين حصان اضربوا عن العمل.\n\n\"صرخت الأحصنه قائلين“ لقد اكتفينا من الإهانة وسوء المعاملة. ارفقوا بنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three million is a lot of horses! Can you think of something around you that there are more than one hundred of? More than a thousand?", + "text": "ثلاثة ملايين حصان رقم كبير جدا. هل يوجد من حولك أشياء يصل عددها الى مائة؟ او الف؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you heard of working people going on strike near you? Did the strike work, or did the strikers give up before getting what they wanted?", + "text": "هل سمعت من قبل عن أشخاص يضربون عن العمل؟ إذا كانت إجابتك نعم، هل نجح هذا الاضراب وحقق مطالب الناس أم لا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do when you really want something and it doesn't seem like you are going to get it? Does it work?", + "text": "ماذا تفعل اذا كان هناك شيئا ما تريده و لكن لا تستطيع الحصول عليه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So, the cart drivers were forced to change.\n\nThey agreed to better conditions and fair treatment for all horses.\n\nThey learned how to look after the horses, and keep them healthy.", + "text": "أجبر سائقي العربات على التغيير.\n\nواتفقوا على توفير أحوال معيشية أفضل للأحصنة وان يحسنوا معاملتهم.\n\nتعلم سائقي العربات كيفية الإعتناء بأحصنتهم والحفاظ على صحتهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Taking better care of the horses is the right thing to do for the horses, and it's the smart thing to do to get the horses to do better work!", + "text": "الاعتناء بالأحصنة هو ما يجب فعله وهو الطريقة الأفضل لجعل الأحصنه تعمل بجد", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If it's a good idea to take better care of the horses, why weren't the drivers doing this all along?", + "text": "إذا كان الإعتناء بالأحصنه خطة ذكية لماذا لم يفعل سائقي العربات ذلك من البدايه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes people do something that seems easy, but is a bad idea in the long run. Have you ever put off doing something that you wished you hadn't?", + "text": "أحيانا يقوم الناس بارتكاب أخطاء فقط لأنها كانت الطريقة او الاختيار الأسهل. هل قمت بفعل ذلك من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Slowly, the horses' lives improved.\n\nThey got enough food and rest. Their harnesses fitted. They got better shoes for their hooves.\n\nOld Chalew became a hero to all horses!", + "text": "ببطء بدأت أحوال الأحصنه في التحسن.\n\nأصبحت الأحصنه تحصل على أطعمة جيدة ووقت للراحة. و أسرجة مريحة. و أيضاً أخفاف مريحة لأقدامهم.\n\nأما عن الحصان شاهين فقد تحول الي بطل أسطوري بين الأحصنة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew took a risk and helped an important cause. Can you think of a person who has done that?", + "text": "قام شاهين بالمخاطرة من اجل حياة افضل للجميع. هل تستطيع التفكير في قصه بطل أسطوري آخر مثل الحصان شاهين ؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone out of your way to help a person or group of people who needed help? Did you make a difference for them?", + "text": "هل قمت بمساعد أحد من قبل؟ هل قمت بإحداث تغيير في حياة الآخرين من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does it feel when you help others?", + "text": "كيف هو شعور مساعد الآخرين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many legs do two ladybugs have?", + "text": "كم عدد الأرجل التي تمتلكها الدعسوقة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip counting is counting by steps bigger than 1. You can skip count these legs by 6's by counting 6, 12. You can also skip count by 3's using the sides of their bodies 3, 6, 9, 12.", + "text": "العدّ القفزي هو العد بخطوات أكبر من 1. يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 6 عن طريق العد 6، 12. يمكنك أيضًا القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 3 باستخدام جوانب أجسامها 3، 6، 9، 12.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can skip count to 12 in steps of 3 and 6. Can you think of other ways to skip count to 12? Which ways work (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) and which ways don't (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)?", + "text": "يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي إلى 12 بخطوات 3 و6. هل يمكنك التفكير في طرق أخرى للعدّ القفزي إلى 12؟ ما هي الطرق التي تعمل (1، 2، 3، 4، 6، 12) وأي الطرق لا تعمل (5، 7، 8، 9، 10، 11)؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the dots on each ladybug's back. Have you seen ladybugs around where you live -- did they have more or fewer dots than these?", + "text": "عدّوا النقاط الموجودة على ظهر كل دعسوقة معًا. هل سبق لك أن رأيت دعاسيق في المكان الذي تعيش فيه -- هل كانت تمتلك نقاط أكثر أو أقل من هذه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many wings do four birds have?", + "text": "كم عدد أجنحة أربعة طيور؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting by 2's -- one 2 for each bird.", + "text": "قم بالعدّ القفزي للأجنحة عن طريق العد بمقدار 2 - 2 واحدة لكل طائر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting the four left wings and then the four right wings. It's fun that you get the same answer whether you skip by 2's or 4's!", + "text": "قم بالعدّ القفزي للأجنحة من خلال عد الأجنحة الأربعة اليسرى ثم الأجنحة الأربعة اليمنى. من الممتع أن تحصل على نفس الإجابة سواء تخطيت رقم 2 أو 14.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If the bird in the sky flies away, how many of the four birds will remain?", + "text": "إذا طار طير واحد في السماء فكم يبقى من الطيور الأربعة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many horns do three rhinos have?", + "text": "كم عدد القرون التي تمتلكها ثلاثة من وحيدات القرن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each rhino has two horns, a big one and a small one. Skip count their horns by 2's and 3's.", + "text": "لكل وحيد قرن قرنان، كبير وصغير. تخطي عد قرونهم بمقدار 2 و 3.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How would you skip count to find out how many feet they have?", + "text": "كيف يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي لمعرفة عدد الأقدام التي تمتلكها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each rhino has twice as many feet as horns. Take the total number of horns and double that to get the total number of feet.", + "text": "يبلغ عدد أقدام كل وحيد قرن ضعف عدد القرون. خذ العدد الإجمالي للقرون وضاعفه لتحصل على العدد الإجمالي للأقدام.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trunks do five elephants have?", + "text": "كم عدد الخراطيم التي تمتلكها خمسة أفيال؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let's count trunks, tails, tusks, and ears. Counting tails and trunks is simple -- what number do you get?", + "text": "لنعد الخراطيم والذيول والأنياب والآذان. يعد عد الذيول والأنياب أمرًا بسيطًا - ما العدد الذي ستحصل عليه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each elephant has two tusks and two ears. Which do you like better -- skip counting these by 2's or by 5's?", + "text": "لكل فيل نابان وأذنان. ما الذي تفضله أكثر -- العدّ القفزي لهذه الأرقام بمقدار 2 أو 5؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four big elephants and one baby elephant. How much is four plus one more?", + "text": "هناك أربعة أفيال كبيرة وفيل صغير. كم يساوي أربعة زائد واحد بالإضافة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many ears do seven dogs have?", + "text": "كم عدد آذان سبعة كلاب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you count the ears by 1's, 2's, or 7's?", + "text": "هل عددت الأذنين بواحد أم اثنين أم سبعة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are 14 ears. We can skip count to 14 by 1's, 2's, and 7's. Are there any other step sizes that work for counting to 14?", + "text": "هناك 14 أذناً. يمكننا العدّ بالتخطي إلى 14 بمقدار 1 و2 و7. هل هناك أية خطوات أخرى مناسبة للعد حتى 14؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four dogs in the top group and three in the bottom. What do you get when put four dogs together with three more?", + "text": "توجد أربعة كلاب في المجموعة العليا وثلاثة في المجموعة السفلى. ما الذي تحصل عليه عندما تضع أربعة كلاب مع ثلاثة آخرين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many tails do three monkeys have?", + "text": "كم عدد ذيول ثلاثة قرود؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let's count the tails, eyes, and feet. How many tails do you count?", + "text": "لنعد الذيول والعيون والأقدام. كم عدد الذيول التي قمت بعدّها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you count the eyes two at a time, two for each monkey, or would you count them three at a time, which is doubling the number of monkeys?", + "text": "أتعد عيونها عينين في الوقت عينه، اثنتين لكل قرد أم تعدها ثلاثا في كل مرة وهو ضعف عدد القرود؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You have many choices for skip counting their feet. What are your choices and which one would you choose to use?", + "text": "لديك العديد من الخيارات لعدّ أقدامها بالتخطي. ما هي اختياراتك وأي منها تفضل أن تستخدم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many eyes do six cats have?", + "text": "كم عدد عيون ست قطط؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Wow, these cats are a bit creepy! Did you skip count the eyes by 2's or 6's?", + "text": "واو، هذه القطط مخيفة بعض الشيء! هل عددت العيون بالتخطي بمقدار 2 أو 6؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many whiskers does each cat have? Can you count high enough to skip count all the whiskers?", + "text": "كم عدد الشوارب التي تمتلكها كل قطة؟ هل يمكنك العد بالتخطي بدرجة كافية لحساب عدد الشوارب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you skip count high enough to count all the feet?", + "text": "هل يمكنك العد بالتخطي بدرجة كافية لحساب كل الأقدام؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many legs does one worm have?", + "text": "كم عدد الأرجل التي تمتلكها الدودة الواحدة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all those legs, or is it too tricky to see or too high to count?", + "text": "هل يمكنك عد كل تلك الأرجل، أم أن رؤيتها صعبة للغاية أو أن عددها مرتفع جدًا بحيث لا يمكن عدها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other things that are just too many to count.", + "text": "فكر في بعض الأشياء الأخرى التي لا يمكن إحصاؤها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip counting can be fun because it gets you to the answer much more quickly than counting by 1's. It's also fun to discover the different step sizes that give you the same answer.", + "text": "يمكن أن يكون العد التخطي أمرًا ممتعًا لأنه يوصلك إلى الإجابة بسرعة أكبر بكثير من العد بالرقم 1. ومن الممتع أيضًا اكتشاف الخطوات المختلفة التي تمنحك نفس الإجابة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.", + "text": "لقد سئمت الضفدعة مود من العيش في الماء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن مود سئمت من الماء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?", + "text": "تملك مود أربعة \"أصابع\" في كل ساق. من لديه عدد أكبر من الأصابع أنت أم مود؟ كم أكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?", + "text": "مع وجود أربعة أصابع في كل ساق، كم عدد أصابع مود معًا؟ يمكنك عدها بالرقم 1 أو 2 أو 4. هل الرقم مرتفع جدًا بحيث لا يمكنك حسابه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"", + "text": "\"كوني حذرة،\" قالت السلحفاة. \"سوف تجف بشرتك.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?", + "text": "لماذا لا تقلق السلاحف من جفاف جلدها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن سلحفاة كبيرة كهذه ستكون قادرة على الصعود على جذع شجرة ضيق كهذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن الضفادع والسلاحف تتحدث مع بعضها البعض؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.", + "text": "لكن مود كانت فضولية. فقفزت بعيدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!", + "text": "تبدو مود متحمسة للغاية للذهاب في مغامرة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن فعلت شيئًا رغم أنه قيل لك أنه فكرة سيئة؟ هل شعرت بالسعادة لفعلك ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن مود قد خرجت من النهر من قبل؟ هل هناك أماكن ترغب في استكشافها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looked all around.", + "text": "نظرت من حولها في كل مكان.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.", + "text": "عد الأشجار الموجودة في الخلفية خلف مود.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?", + "text": "هل هو من الأسهل عليك أن تعد الأشجار شجرة شجرة أم أن تعدها اثنتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.", + "text": "لاحظ ظلال الألوان. تتراوح ألوان مود من الأصفر الفاتح إلى البني الداكن. يتحول العشب من اللون الأصفر الفاتح جدًا إلى اللون الأخضر المائل إلى الأصفر لقمم الأشجار إلى الظلال الداكنة أسفل مظلة الشجرة مباشرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.", + "text": "التقت بحرباء أرجوانية بجوار بركة ماء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!", + "text": "تبدو مود مندهشة لرؤية الحرباء!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?", + "text": "لماذا تحمل الحرباء تلك الحشرة؟ هل هي تأكل الحشرات أحياناً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?", + "text": "عد الحشرات التي تطير حولها. إذا أضفت واحدًا آخر للذي تحمله الحرباء، فكم سيكون إجمالي ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.", + "text": "بدأت الحرباء تتحول إلى اللون الوردي! قفزت مود بعيدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.", + "text": "تستطيع الحرباء وبعض الحيوانات الأخرى تغيير ألوانها لتندمج.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن هذه الحرباء مندمجة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن مود كانت تعلم أن الحرباء يمكنها تغيير ألوانها؟ تبدو مود مندهشة وخائفة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.", + "text": "ثم رأت ضبعًا يشعل نارًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.", + "text": "من السخافة الاعتقاد بأن الضباع تتجول وتشعل النيران بالمشاعل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If they could do it, why would they want to?", + "text": "إذا كان بإمكانهم فعل ذلك، فلماذا قد يريدونه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?", + "text": "يتم وصف الضباع أحيانًا على أنها شخصيات سيئة في القصص. هل تعتقد أن الضباع ستتحمل كل متاعب إشعال النار فقط لتكون سيئة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.", + "text": "انتشر الحريق حول مود. لقد كانت خائفة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت أو كنت بالقرب من حريق هائل؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، كيف كان شعورك حيال ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?", + "text": "هل اختارت مود مكانًا جيدًا للاختباء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?", + "text": "برأيك، ماذا سيحصل لمود - هل مود في مكان آمن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.", + "text": "النار أحرقت جلدها. قفزت مرة أخرى في البركة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?", + "text": "الحرق يؤذي كثيراً! هل سبق لك أن تعرضت للحرق أو عرفت شخصًا تعرض لذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Mod cover her eyes?", + "text": "لماذا غطت مود عينيها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.", + "text": "إن العثور على شيء رائع لوضعه على جرحك غالبًا ما يكون فكرة جيدة جدًا لوقف المزيد من الحرق داخل الجرح.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But her skin was already full of blisters.", + "text": "لكن بشرتها كانت مليئة بالجروح بالفعل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?", + "text": "عندما سقطت مود، ما كان شكل التموجات الموجودة في الماء حول مكان سقوطها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن شاهدت التموجات التي يصنعها الحجر عند سقوطه في الماء الهادئ؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.", + "text": "تلك التموجات عبارة عن دوائر لها نقطة مركزية مشتركة. تسمى هذه الدوائر متحدة المركز.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.", + "text": "وجدت مود منزلاً تحت صخرة. كانت بشرتها الجديدة جافة وخشنة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?", + "text": "حتى لو لم تسر الأمور على ما يرام، فقد خاضت بعض التجارب المثيرة للاهتمام. هل تعتقد أن مود نادمة على مغامرتها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?", + "text": "هل تظن أن للضفادع بيوتا لها أبواب ونوافذ وطاولات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?", + "text": "يبدو أن لدى مود ثلاثة أصابع الآن. هل هذا أكثر أم أقل مما كانت عليه من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.", + "text": "الآن فقط الضفادع لديها بشرة ناعمة وتعيش بالقرب من الماء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?", + "text": "هل تعلم أن هناك اختلافات بين الضفادع والعلاجيم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?", + "text": "هل رأيت ضفدعاً أو علجوماً من قبل؟ هل يمكنك معرفة أي منها كانت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى بركة أو نهر أو بحيرة لاستكشاف الحياة المائية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A long time ago, there was a greedy hyena.", + "text": "منذ زمن طويل، كان هناك ضبع جشع.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These houses seem very smoky. How many houses do you see in Hyena's village?", + "text": "هذه المنازل تبدو مدخنة جداً. كم عدد المنازل التي تراها في قرية الضبع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each house is round with round roof going up to a point. Each roof is in the shape of a cone. Do you see any cone-shaped things around you?", + "text": "كل منزل دائري مع سقف دائري يصل إلى نقطة. كل سقف على شكل مخروط. هل ترى أي أشياء على شكل مخروط حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the toes on each of Hyena's legs. Hyenas have the same number of toes on all their legs -- is that what the picture shows?", + "text": "عد أصابع الضبع على كل من أرجله. الضباع لديها نفس عدد الأصابع في جميع أرجلها - هل يظهر هذا في الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There was also Tortoise. Hyena and Tortoise were friends.", + "text": "كان هناك أيضاً سلحفاة. كان الضبع والسلحفاة أصدقاء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many houses are in Tortoise's village? How many houses are in the two villages combined?", + "text": "كم عدد المنازل في قرية السلحفاة؟ كم عدد المنازل في القريتين مجتمعتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which village has more houses, or are they equal?", + "text": "أي قرية تحتوي على عدد أكبر من المنازل، أم هما متساويان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is different about the roofs in Tortoise/s village compared to Hyena's village? Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "ما هو المختلف في أسطح المنازل في قرية السلحفاة مقارنة بقرية الضبع؟ لماذا تعتقد أن هذا هو الحال؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Let us search for honey.\"", + "text": "قال الضبع للسلحفاة: \"دعينا نبحث عن العسل.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the drawing of the houses with the first page. Whose house are they in front of?", + "text": "قارن الرسم الخاص بالمنازل بالصفحة الأولى. أمام منزل من يقفان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena and Tortoise seem like unlikely friends. What do you think will happen to their friendship by the end of the story?", + "text": "يبدو أن الضبع والسلحفاة أصدقاء غير متوقعين. ماذا تعتقد سيحدث لصداقتهما بنهاية القصة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have friends that are different from you? Do your differences help make your friendship weaker or stronger?", + "text": "هل لديك أصدقاء يختلفون عنك؟ هل تساعد اختلافاتك في جعل صداقتكما أضعف أم أقوى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena ran fast. Tortoise followed slowly. He was afraid.", + "text": "ركض الضبع بسرعة. وتبعته السلحفاة ببطء. كان خائفاً.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These animals travel at very different speeds. Have you gone for a walk with someone who is a lot faster or slower than you? How did the two of you work out having two different speeds?", + "text": "تتحرك هذه الحيوانات بسرعات مختلفة جداً. هل ذهبت في نزهة مع شخص أسرع أو أبطأ منك بكثير؟ كيف توافقتما مع السرعتين المختلفتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Real hyenas and tortoises don't look like these two. What are the differences? Those differences will be important later in the story!", + "text": "لا تبدو الضباع والسلاحف في الحقيقية مثل هذين الاثنين. ما هي الفروق؟ ستكون هذه الفروق مهمة لاحقاً في القصة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise is looking backward. What is Tortoise looking for?", + "text": "تنظر السلحفاة إلى الوراء. عن ماذا تبحث السلحفاة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They crossed a river. They got wet.", + "text": "عبروا النهر وتبللوا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"They got wet\" seems like an understatement for how they look in the picture. Hyenas are excellent swimmers, so it is surprising that Hyena looks so unhappy.", + "text": "يبدو أن عبارة \"لقد تبللوا\" أقل من الحقيقة فيما يتعلق بمظهرهم في الصورة. إن الضباع\n\tسبّاحون ممتازون، لذا فمن المدهش أن يبدو الضبع حزينًا للغاية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like swimming? Have you ever gone swimming in rivers or other natural bodies of water?", + "text": "هل تحب السباحة؟ هل جربت السباحة في الأنهار أو البحيرات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which direction do you think the water is flowing? How can you tell?", + "text": "في أي اتجاه تعتقد أن الماء يجري؟ وكيف يمكنك معرفة ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then they saw beehives. Hyena ran to the hives.", + "text": "رأوا خلايا النحل. ركض الضبع إلى الخلايا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a lot of hives in those trees. Sometimes a swarm will fly around looking for a new home. Have you ever seen a swarm of bees?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الخلايا في تلك الأشجار. أحياناً يطير السرب باحثاً عن منزل جديد. هل رأيت سرباً من النحل من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like bees or are you afraid of them? What are some things you are afraid of?", + "text": "هل تحب النحل أم تخاف منه؟ ما هي الأشياء التي تخاف منها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena is pictured with four toes on his front legs and three toes on his back legs. How many more fingers do you have on your arms? How many more toes do you have on your legs?", + "text": "يظهر الضبع بأربعة أصابع في أرجله الأمامية وثلاثة أصابع في أرجله الخلفية. كم عدد الأصابع التي لديك في ذراعيك؟ وكم عدد الأصابع التي لديك في رجليك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Climb up and get the beehive.\"", + "text": "قال الضبع للسلحفاة: \"اصعدي واجلبي خلية النحل.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is difficult to imagine Tortoise climbing a tree. Why would Hyena be a better tree climber than Tortoise?", + "text": "من الصعب تصور السلحفاة تتسلق الشجرة. لماذا يكون الضبع متسلقاً أفضل من السلحفاة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Hyena tell Tortoise to climb up and get the beehive?", + "text": "لماذا قال الضبع للسلحفاة أن تصعد وتجلب خلية النحل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A hexagon is a shape with six straight sides. If the sides are all the same length, it is called a regular hexagon. Each of the little cells in a beehive is a regular hexagon. Do you know of any designs around you that are made of hexagons?", + "text": "المسدس هو شكل له ستة جوانب مستقيمة. إذا كانت الجوانب كلها بنفس الطول، يطلق عليه مسدس منتظم. كل واحدة من الخلايا الصغيرة في خلية النحل هي مسدس منتظم. هل تعرف أي تصميمات حولك مصنوعة من المسدسات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise climbed slowly. Hyena was angry. He shouted at Tortoise.", + "text": "تسلقت السلحفاة ببطء. كان الضبع غاضباً. وصرخ في وجه السلحفاة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why was Hyena shouting? Did Hyena's shouting help Tortoise climb the tree?", + "text": "لماذا كان الضبع يصرخ؟ هل ساعد صراخ الضبع السلحفاة في تسلق الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever get angry and start shouting? Did your shouting help make the situation better?", + "text": "هل تغضب أحياناً وتبدأ في الصراخ؟ هل ساعد صراخك في تحسين الوضع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tiles that are regular hexagons fit together to make beautiful tile floors and walls. Tiles in the shape of squares (shapes with four equal straight sides and square corners) fit together well too. Describe any other tiling patterns on floors or walls that you have seen.", + "text": "البلاط الذي يكون على شكل مسدسات منتظمة يتناسب بشكل جميل لتصميم أرضيات وجدران جميلة. البلاط الذي يكون على شكل مربعات (أشكال بأربعة جوانب مستقيمة متساوية وزوايا قائمة) يتناسب بشكل جيد أيضاً. صف أي أنماط قرميدية أخرى على الأرضيات أو الجدران التي رأيتها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise touched the beehive. Bees swarmed in the air.", + "text": "لمست السلحفاة خلية النحل. تجمع النحل في الهواء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why was Tortoise safe from the bees and Hyena was not?", + "text": "لماذا كان السلحفاة آمنة من النحل بينما لم يكن الضبع آمناً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess when there are too many things to count easily. What is your estimate of how many bees there are?", + "text": "التقدير هو تخمين او تقدير العدد عندما يكون هناك الكثير من الأشياء يصعب عدها بسهولة. ما هو تقديرك لعدد النحل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do your best to count the bees. How far off was your quick estimate?", + "text": "قم بأفضل ما لديك في عد النحل. كم كان تقديرك السريع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise fell. The beehive fell on him. Hyena licked the honey.", + "text": "سقطت السلحفاة. وسقطت خلية النحل عليها. لعق الضبع العسل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena was so focused on the honey that he didn't help Tortoise. Can you think of a time you were so focused on one thing that you completely forgot something else you should have done?", + "text": "كان الضبع منهمكاً في اكل العسل لدرجة أنه لم يساعد السلحفاة. هل يمكنك التفكير في شئ آخر بينما انت منهمك في عمل شيء ما لدرجة أنك تنسي تماماً شيئاً آخر كان يجب عليك فعله؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena should have helped his friend. Is Hyena a very good friend?", + "text": "كان يجب على الضبع أن يساعد صديقه. هل الضبع صديق جيد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this page shows more or fewer bees than on the last page?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن هذه الصفحة تظهر نحل أكثر أم أقل من الصفحة السابقة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bees stung Hyena. He ran. The bees followed him.", + "text": "لسع النحل الضبع. ركض الضبع. وتبعه النحل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the bees chase and sting Hyena?", + "text": "لماذا طارد النحل الضبع ولسعه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A beehive is the home for the bees. Is it okay for people to take honey from beehives, or should we leave their homes untouched?", + "text": "خلية النحل هي منزل النحل. هل من المقبول أن يأخذ الناس العسل من خلايا النحل، أم يجب علينا ترك منازلهم دون مساس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to outrun a bee or some other stinging insect? Were you able to do it?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت الهروب من نحلة أو حشرة لسعتك؟ هل تمكنت من فعل ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena ran into the river. The bees still followed him.", + "text": "ركض الضبع إلى النهر. وتبعه النحل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the Hyena go into the river? Did it work?", + "text": "لماذا دخل الضبع إلى النهر؟ هل نجح ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bees can't go into the water, but Hyena can't stay under the water for long. What do you think Hyena should do?", + "text": "لا يمكن للنحل الدخول إلى الماء، ولكن لا يمكن للضبع البقاء تحت الماء طويلاً. ما الذي تعتقد أن الضبع يجب أن يفعله؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Poor Hyena must be miserable. Have you ever had a bee sting or some other kind of sting? If so, did it hurt a lot?", + "text": "لا بد أن يكون الضبع بائساً. هل سبق لك أن لسعتك نحلة أو أي نوع آخر من اللسعات؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، هل آلمك كثيراً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The beehive and the honey dried on Tortoise's back.", + "text": "جفت خلية النحل والعسل على ظهر السلحفاة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "All the bees went after Hyena and left Tortoise alone.", + "text": "ذهب كل النحل خلف الضبع وترك السلحفاة وحده.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise looks pretty safe sitting quietly under that layer of drying honey. Do you have a quiet place where you feel safe and peaceful? Perhaps it is a place no one else knows about.", + "text": "يبدو أن السلحفاة آمنة تماماً جالسة بهدوء تحت تلك الطبقة من العسل المجفف. هل لديك مكان هادئ تشعر فيه بالأمان والسكينة؟ ربما يكون مكان لا يعرفه أحد غيرك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does his face tell you about how he is feeling?", + "text": "ماذا تخبرك ملامح وجهه عن شعوره؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise got a shell to protect himself. He went home.", + "text": "السلحفاة لديها صدفة تحميها. فعادت إلى المنزل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The honey dried on Tortoise in a beautiful pattern. Can you think of some interesting natural patterns around you?", + "text": "جف العسل على السلحفاة في نمط جميل. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأنماط الطبيعية المثيرة للاهتمام حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People also make a lot of patterns when they build things. Tiles are often laid out to make interesting designs. Do you see any any tiling patterns near you?", + "text": "الناس أيضاً يصنعون الكثير من الأنماط عند بناء الأشياء. غالباً ما يتم وضع البلاط بتصميمات مثيرة للاهتمام. هل ترى أي أنماط قرميدية حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think -- how easy is it to sit in that chair with a big shell on your back?", + "text": "ما رأيك - كم هو سهل الجلوس على هذا الكرسي بصدفة كبيرة على ظهرك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The stings caused patches on Hyena's body.", + "text": "تسببت لسعات النحل في بقع على جسم الضبع.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now Hyena has lots of spots on him, just like hyenas we see today.", + "text": "الآن لدى الضبع الكثير من البقع عليه، تماماً مثل الضباع التي نراها اليوم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make a quick estimate how many spots he has and then try to count them. How close was your estimate?", + "text": "قم بتقدير سريع لعدد البقع التي ثم حاول عدها. كم كان تقديرك قريباً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Making quick estimates is a fun game two people can play. Whose estimate will be the closest?", + "text": "يعد القيام بتقديرات سريعة لعبة ممتعة يمكن لشخصين لعبها. من سيكون تقديره الأقرب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise and Hyena are no longer friends.", + "text": "السلحفاة والضبع لم يعودا أصدقاء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise and Hyena always seemed like unlikely friends. What happened in the story that caused them to stop being friends?", + "text": "ما الذي حدث في القصة وجعلهم يتوقفون عن أن يكونوا أصدقاء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever had something that caused you to stop being friends with someone?", + "text": "هل مررت بشيء جعلك تفقد صديقًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Tortoise and Hyena will return to being friends someday?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن السلحفاة والضبع سيعودان أصدقاء يومًا ما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I wonder if there's another me somewhere in the world.", + "text": "أتساءل عما إذا كان هناك شخص مثلي في مكان ما في العالم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think -- is there another animal just like this one somewhere in the world?", + "text": "ما رأيك - هل يوجد حيوان آخر مثل هذا في مكان ما في العالم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think there's another person just like you?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن هناك شخص آخر مثلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five trees in this picture. If you take away the one by itself on one side, how many trees are there on the other side? What is one less than five?", + "text": "هناك خمسة أشجار في هذه الصورة. إذا قمت بإزالة واحدة على جانب واحد، كم عدد الأشجار على الجانب الآخر؟ ما هو العدد الأقل من خمسة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who looks the same.", + "text": "من يشبهني.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you look in a mirror or in water, the image is almost the same as how you look. How is it different and how is it the same?", + "text": "عندما تنظر في المرآة أو في الماء، تكون الصورة تقريبًا مثلما تبدو. كيف تختلف وكيف تتشابه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Something that has one side that is the mirror image of the other side is called symmetric, or even mirror symmetric. Do you see some things around you that are symmetric?", + "text": "الشيء الذي يكون له جانب واحد هو الصورة المرآة للجانب الآخر ويسمى متماثل، أو حتى متماثل المرآة. هل ترى بعض الأشياء حولك المتماثلة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People's faces are very close to being symmetric. Do you notice anything on one side of your face that is a little different than the other side? Perhaps your hair?", + "text": "وجوه الناس قريبة جدًا من كونها متماثلة. هل تلاحظ شيئًا في جانب وجهك يختلف قليلاً عن الجانب الآخر؟ ربما شعرك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And talks the same.", + "text": "ويتحدث مثلما أتحدث.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal is listening to its echo across a canyon. Have you heard an echo of your voice?", + "text": "هذا الحيوان يستمع إلى صداه عبر الوادي. هل سمعت صدى صوتك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An echo for your voice is like looking in a mirror for your image. Does an echo sound exactly like you, or can you tell the difference?", + "text": "الصدى لصوتك يشبه النظر في المرآة لصورتك. هل الصدى يبدو تمامًا مثلك، أم يمكنك تمييز الفرق؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hearing an echo is similar to hearing a recording of your voice. Do you think recordings of your voice sound like what you hear in your head when you talk?", + "text": "سماع الصدى يشبه سماع تسجيل لصوتك. هل تعتقد أن تسجيلات صوتك تشبه ما تسمعه في رأسك عندما تتحدث؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And even has my curls.", + "text": "بل وحتى لديه شعري المجعد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hippos and mice may have curly tails, but that does not make them the same as our friend. How many things need to be the same for two animals to be the same?", + "text": "{قد يكون للأفراس والفئران ذيول مجعدة، لكن هذا لا يجعلها تشبه صديقنا هذا. كم عدد الأشياء التي يجب أن تكون نفس الشيء لكي يكون حيوانين متشابهين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some ways that the hippo and the mouse are different than our friend.", + "text": "صف بعض الطرق التي يختلف بها فرس النهر والفأر عن صديقنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pick someone you know and describe some ways you are similar to them and some ways you are different.", + "text": "اختر شخصًا تعرفه وصف بعض الطرق التي تتشابه بها معه وبعض الطرق التي تختلف بها عنه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Someone with my eyes my ears.", + "text": "شخص لديه عيوني وأذني.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that have big ears similar to these?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات أخرى لها آذان كبيرة مثل هذه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that have eyelashes like these?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات أخرى لها رموش مثل هذه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal has three eyelashes on each side. How many eyelashes is that all together?", + "text": "لهذا الحيوان ثلاث رموش على كل جانب. كم عدد الرموش معًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who even has my laugh.", + "text": "من لديه حتى ضحكتي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you make some animals sounds? Which animals?", + "text": "هل تستطيع تقليد أصوات الحيوانات؟ أي حيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you neigh like a horse, oink like a pig, meow like a cat, or bray like a donkey?", + "text": "هل يمكنك الصهيل مثل الحصان، أو النخير مثل الخنزير، أو المواء مثل القطة، أو النهيق مثل الحمار؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal has exceptionally big teeth. Think of other animals with teeth like these.", + "text": "هذا الحيوان لديه أسنان ضخمة جداً. فكّر في حيوانات أخرى لديها أسنان مثل هذه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who can do what I can do.", + "text": "من يمكنه أن يفعل ما أفعله", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you feel happy running in a big open space like that?", + "text": "هل تشعر بالسعادة عند الجري في مساحة واسعة مثل هذه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you prefer to run with someone or by yourself?", + "text": "هل تفضل الجري مع شخص ما أو بمفردك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the rocks near them. If you take away the two biggest rocks, how many rocks are left?", + "text": "عد كل الصخور بالقرب منهم. إذا أزلت أكبر صخرتين، كم عدد الصخور المتبقية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And can't do what I can't.", + "text": "ومن لا يمكنه أن يفعل ما لا أستطيع فعله", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the animals having trouble peeling the banana?", + "text": "لماذا تواجه الحيوانات صعوبة في تقشير الموزة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you peel a banana easily?", + "text": "هل يمكنك تقشير الموزة بسهولة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there things, such as fruit or packages, that you have trouble opening?", + "text": "هل هناك أشياء مثل الفواكه أو الحزم التي تواجه صعوبة في فتحها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I've looked and looked everywhere to find another me. I went down to the park and looked behind the trees.", + "text": "بحثت في كل مكان لأجد شخصًا مثلي. ذهبت إلى الحديقة ونظرت خلف الأشجار", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What animal did he see when he looked behind a tree?", + "text": "ما هو الحيوان الذي رآه عندما نظر خلف شجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did he see an animal just like him when he looked behind the tree?", + "text": "هل رأى حيوانًا مثله تمامًا عندما نظر خلف الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did he see what he was looking for behind the tree?", + "text": "هل رأى ما كان يبحث عنه خلف الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked around, up, and down.", + "text": "نظرت حولي، لأعلى ولأسفل", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think our friend could ever climb to the top of a tree?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن صديقنا يمكن أن يتسلق إلى قمة الشجرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the bird is surprised to see him there?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن الطائر تفاجأ لرؤيته هناك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Has the animal looked everywhere? What are some places that may have been missed?", + "text": "هل نظر الحيوان في كل مكان؟ ما هي بعض الأماكن التي قد تكون قد فاتته؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At every single face.", + "text": "في كل وجه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three animals on one side of the pond, and one more on the other side. If you put them all together, how many animals are there? What is one more than 3?", + "text": "هناك ٣ حيوانات على كل جانب من البركة، وحيوان واحد آخر على الجانب الآخر. إذا جمعتهم معًا، كم عدد الحيوانات هناك؟ ما هو العدد الذي يزيد عن ٣؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you remove one animal on one side of the pond from the four animals at the pond, how many are left? What is one less than 4?", + "text": "إذا قمت بإزالة حيوان واحد من الحيوانات الأربعة من جانب واحد من البركة، كم عدد الحيوانات المتبقية؟ ما هو العدد الأقل من ٤؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe how the two facts:\n3 + 1 = 4 and 4 - 1 = 3\nare tied together.\nThese two related math facts are called a math fact family. Can you think of another math fact family?", + "text": "صف كيف ترتبط هاتين الحقيقتين معًا: ٣ + ١ = ٤ و ٤ - ١ = ٣. هاتان الحقيقتان الرياضيتان المرتبطتان تسمى عائلة الحقائق الرياضية. هل يمكنك التفكير في عائلة حقائق رياضية أخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I couldn't find another me in any single place.", + "text": "لم أتمكن من العثور على شخص مثلي في أي مكان", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think his shadow temporarily fooled him into thinking that there was another animal just like him?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن ظله خدعه مؤقتًا ليفكر بوجود حيوان آخر مثله تمامًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How much does your shadow look like you?", + "text": "إلى أي مدى يشبه ظلك شكلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a shadow that you thought was a person?", + "text": "هل رأيت يومًا ظلًا اعتقدت أنه شخص ما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There's only one me in the world!\nI'm special, oh it's true!", + "text": "لا يوجد غيري في العالم!\n\nأنا مميز، إنها حقيقة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals can you count in this picture?", + "text": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some of the ways each animal in this picture is different than our friend.", + "text": "صف بعض الطرق التي يختلف بها كل حيوان في هذه الصورة عن صديقنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some of the ways each animal is similar to our friend.", + "text": "صف بعض الطرق التي يتشابه بها كل حيوان مع صديقنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But not just me, don't you see?\nThere's only one of you!", + "text": "ولكن ليس فقط أنا، ألا ترى ذلك؟\n\nلا يوجد شخص مثلك أيضًا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know someone who is very similar to you? How are they similar to you?", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصًا يشبهك كثيرًا؟ كيف تتشابه معه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Despite the similarities, describe some ways they are different from you.", + "text": "على الرغم من التشابهات، صف بعض الطرق التي تختلف بها عنه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like being the only you that there is?", + "text": "هل تحب أن تكون الشخص الوحيد من نوعك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I love forests!", + "text": "أنا أحب الغابات!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some great things about forests?", + "text": "ما هي بعض الأشياء الرائعة عن الغابات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many types of places. For example, there are deserts, hills, beaches, canyons, mesas, and mountain slopes. What are some of your favorite places?", + "text": "هناك أنواع عديدة من الأماكن. على سبيل المثال، هناك الصحاري والتلال والشواطئ والأودية والهضاب والمنحدرات الجبلية. ما هي بعض الأماكن المفضلة لديك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of the trees in this picture can you count? Can you count that high?", + "text": "كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Last week I went to Kibale forest.", + "text": "ذهبت الأسبوع الماضي إلى غابة كيبالي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kibale National Park is a rain forest in Western Uganda near the center of Africa. It is a sanctuary for a large variety of primates, wildlife, and vegetation.", + "text": "منتزه كيبالي الوطني عبارة عن غابة مطيرة في غرب أوغندا بالقرب من وسط أفريقيا. إنه ملاذ لمجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من الرئيسيات والحياة البرية والنباتات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there parks or natural areas that you like to visit?", + "text": "هل هناك حدائق أو مناطق طبيعية تحب زيارتها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which do you find more interesting to see: plants and trees or lots of animals?", + "text": "ما الذي تجده أكثر إثارة للاهتمام: النباتات والأشجار أم الكثير من الحيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw many trees. I saw Fig, Muvule, Palm, and Ebony trees.", + "text": "رأيت العديد من الأشجار. رأيت أشجار التين والموفول والنخل والأبنوس.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This picture shows plains with mountains in the distance. Do you think a mixture of living areas will be good for creating a mixture of plants and animals for the park?", + "text": "تظهر هذه الصورة سهولًا مع وجود جبال في الأفق. هل تعتقد أن مزيج مناطق المعيشة سيكون جيدًا لإنشاء مزيج من النباتات والحيوانات للحديقة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story mentions four types of trees in the park. Do you see four types in this picture?", + "text": "تذكر القصة أربعة أنواع من الأشجار الموجودة في الحديقة. هل ترى أربعة أنواع في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many types of trees can you think of near where you live?", + "text": "كم عدد أنواع الأشجار التي يمكنك التفكير فيها بالقرب من المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw chimpanzees, baboons, and monkeys.", + "text": "رأيت الشمبانزي والبابون والقردة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These adult animals are sitting in pairs, which makes them easy to count by 2's - 2, 4, 6. Adding in one more baby makes 7!", + "text": "تجلس هذه الحيوانات البالغة في أزواج، مما يجعل من السهل العد بمقدار 2 - 2، 4، 6. وبإضافة طفل آخر نحصل على 7!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than the 6 adults is 7. If you take away the one baby, how many is one less than 7?", + "text": "واحد أكثر من 6 أشخاص بالغين هو 7. إذا أخذت طفلًا واحدًا، فكم هو العدد الأقل من 7 بواحد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this mixture of animals would naturally be together like this, or did the artist take some liberties with the picture?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أنه من الطبيعي أن يكون هذا الخليط من الحيوانات معاً، أم أن الفنان أخذ بعض الحرية في الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw different birds. I saw crested cranes, eagles, and owls.", + "text": "رأيت طيورًا مختلفة. رأيت الكركي المتوج والنسور والبوم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What about this picture -- do you think these birds would all be together like this?", + "text": "ماذا عن هذه الصورة - هل تعتقد أن هذه الطيور ستكون مع بعضها بهذا الشكل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four birds and one fish. How many animals is that all together? How many is one more than four?", + "text": "هناك أربعة طيور وسمكة واحدة. كم عدد الحيوانات مجتمعة؟ كم هو واحد أكثر من أربعة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story mentions three types of birds and shows us four birds. Do you think two of these birds are of the same type? If so, which two?", + "text": "تذكر القصة ثلاثة أنواع من الطيور وتبين لنا أربعة طيور. هل تعتقد أن اثنتين من هذه الطيور من نفس النوع؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، أي اثنتين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I laughed when I saw a big elephant with a little tail.", + "text": "ضحكت عندما رأيت فيلًا كبيرًا لديه ذيل صغير.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think such a large animal has such a little tail?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن هذا الحيوان الكبير لديه مثل هذا الذيل الصغير؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The parts the elephant has two of (ears, tusks, pairs of legs, and eyes) are on opposite sides of its body, and the parts it has one of (mouth, tail, and trunk) are in the middle of its body. Are all animals like this?", + "text": "الأجزاء التي للفيل منها اثنان (الأذنان، والأنابان، وأزواج الأرجل، والعيون) موجودة في طرفين متقابلين من جسمه، والأجزاء التي يمتلك واحداً منها (الفم والذيل والجذع) موجودة في وسط جسمه. هل كل الحيوانات هكذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of an animal that doesn't have its parts arranged about a middle line?", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن تتخيل حيوانًا لا تترتب أجزاؤه حول خط وسط؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw so many different animals, birds, and plants.", + "text": "رأيت الكثير من الحيوانات والطيور والنباتات المختلفة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the animals by where they are in the picture -- some are in the air, the trees, the water, and in the grass.", + "text": "صف الحيوانات من خلال مكان تواجدها في الصورة، بعضها في الهواء، وفي الأشجار، وفي الماء، وفي العشب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count each group and then count them all together -- do you get the same result?", + "text": "عد كل مجموعة ثم قم بعدها معًا -- هل تحصل على نفس النتيجة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group has the most animals in it? Which has the least?", + "text": "أي المجموعة تضم حيوانات أكثر؟ أيها تصم الأقل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kibale forest is a good place to visit. I love forests! Do you?", + "text": "تعد غابة كيبالي مكانًا جيدًا للزيارة. أنا أحب الغابات! هل تحبها أيضاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to visit forests?", + "text": "هل تحب زيارة الغابات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite place to visit away from where you live?", + "text": "ما هو المكان المفضل لديك للزيارة بعيداً عن المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite spot to go to around where you live?", + "text": "ما هو المكان الذي تفضل الذهاب إليه في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the story of Keeper and his nursery of orphaned animals.", + "text": "هذه هي قصة القائم على الرعاية وحضانته للحيوانات اليتيمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An orphan is a young animal who has no adult animals to care for it. What problems might an orphan animal have in the wild?", + "text": "اليتيم هو الحيوان الصغير الذي لا يوجد له حيوانات كبيرة تعتني به. ما المشاكل التي قد تواجهها الحيوانات اليتيمة في البرية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like this page. Notice how each of the gates and doors is a rectangle with a diagonal crosspiece. Adding a diagonal piece creates two triangles, and triangles are stiffer and stronger than rectangles.", + "text": "المستطيلات هي أشكال رباعية مثل هذه الصفحة. لاحظ كيف أن كل من البوابات والأبواب عبارة عن مستطيل مع قطعة قطرية. إضافة قطعة قطرية ينشئ مثلثين، والمثلثات أكثر صلابة وقوة من المستطيلات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you find some triangles and rectangles where you are?", + "text": "هل يمكنك العثور على بعض المثلثات والمستطيلات حيث أنت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "August was a busy month for Keeper and his helpers at the nursery.", + "text": "شهر أغسطس كان شهرًا مزدحمًا للقائم على الرعاية ومساعديه في الحضانة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many baby animals need milk the way baby people do. What kind of milk do you think they are putting in the bottles?", + "text": "العديد من صغار الحيوانات تحتاج إلى الحليب كما يحتاج الأطفال. ما نوع الحليب الذي تعتقد أنهم يضعونه في الزجاجات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We have triangles and rectangles as before, and now we have lots of circles. The bottles are round shapes that are called cylinders.", + "text": "لدينا مثلثات ومستطيلات كما كان من قبل، والآن لدينا الكثير من الدوائر. الزجاجات هي أشكال دائرية تُسمى أسطوانات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many different jobs in a place that keeps lots of animals. See if you can figure out what each person's job is in this picture.", + "text": "هناك العديد من الوظائف المختلفة في مكان يحتفظ بالكثير من الحيوانات. حاول معرفة وظيفة كل شخص في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One-year-old Mkite arrived first. She came in an old green truck.", + "text": "وصلت مكايت ذات العام الواحد أولاً. جاءت في شاحنة خضراء قديمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a baby elephant with no adult elephants to take care of it. Make up a story about how this elephant came to be by itself.", + "text": "هذا فيل صغير بلا أفيال كبيرة تعتني به. اخترع قصة حول كيف أصبح هذا الفيل وحده.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the baby elephant is feeling, and how can you tell? Our eyes and body position can reveal a lot about our feelings.", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أن الفيل الصغير يشعر، وكيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟ عيوننا ووضع جسمنا يمكن أن يكشف الكثير عن مشاعرنا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are there black and yellow stripes on the ramp going down from the truck?", + "text": "لماذا توجد خطوط سوداء وصفراء على المنحدر المنحدر من الشاحنة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keeper and his helpers were very sorry for Mkite. She was so thin and sad.", + "text": "كان القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه حزينين على مكايت. كانت نحيفة وحزينة جدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think these people feel about animals who are in trouble? Do you think they believe in their work?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أن هؤلاء الأشخاص يشعرون تجاه الحيوانات التي تواجه مشاكل؟ هل تعتقد أنهم يؤمنون بعملهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a wild animal who was hurt or not doing well? If so, how did it make you feel? It's very natural to want to help others in trouble.", + "text": "هل رأيت يومًا حيوانًا بريًا كان مصابًا أو ليس بحالة جيدة؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، كيف شعرت؟ من الطبيعي أن نرغب في مساعدة الآخرين في أوقات الشدة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes when a person is sad, they stop eating normally. And sometimes, it can work the other way too -- if a person is not eating properly, that can affect their emotional health. All parts of an animal's life need to be in balance.", + "text": "أحيانًا عندما يكون الشخص حزينًا، يتوقف عن الأكل بشكل طبيعي. وأحيانًا يمكن أن يكون العكس صحيحًا أيضًا - إذا كان الشخص لا يأكل بشكل صحيح، يمكن أن يؤثر ذلك على حالته العاطفية. جميع أجزاء حياة الحيوان تحتاج إلى توازن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But soon, Mkite got stronger. She began to play with the other animals at the nursery.", + "text": "لكن سرعان ما أصبحت مكايت أقوى. بدأت تلعب مع الحيوانات الأخرى في الحضانة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In zoos and in the wild, these animals are usually separated. Isn't it fun to see the different kinds of animals playing together!", + "text": "في حدائق الحيوان وفي البرية، عادة ما تكون هذه الحيوانات مفصولة. أليس من الممتع رؤية الأنواع المختلفة من الحيوانات تلعب معًا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the different shapes on this page. There are rectangles in the windows and the ball is in the shape of a sphere.", + "text": "انظر إلى الأشكال المختلفة في هذه الصفحة. هناك مستطيلات في النوافذ والكرة في شكل مجال.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you look very closely, the ball has pentagons (5-sided figures) and hexagons (6-sided figures) on it.", + "text": "إذا نظرت جيدًا، ستجد أن القاعة تحتوي على خماسيات (أشكال خماسية الأضلاع) وسداسيات (أشكال سداسية الأضلاع).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On another day in August, a helicopter landed at the nursery.", + "text": "في يوم آخر في أغسطس، حطت طائرة هليكوبتر في الحضانة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This view high up in the sky is something you don't get to see very often. Notice how the roofs all look like rectangles from up here. What does that tell you about the shape of the rooms underneath the roofs?", + "text": "هذا المشهد من السماء هو شيء لا تراه غالبًا. لاحظ كيف أن الأسقف كلها تبدو كمستطيلات من هنا. ماذا يخبرك ذلك عن شكل الغرف تحت الأسقف؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a circle around the top of the helicopter. There is actually nothing circular there. What is causing it to look like there is a circle there?", + "text": "هناك دائرة حول الجزء العلوي من الطائرة الهليكوبتر. لا يوجد شيء دائري هناك بالفعل. ما الذي يسبب ظهورها وكأنها دائرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a second small circle at the far end of the helicopter. Because we are seeing it from the side, that circle looks like a very thin oval.", + "text": "هناك دائرة صغيرة أخرى في نهاية الطائرة الهليكوبتر. لأننا نراها من الجانب، تبدو تلك الدائرة كأنها بيضاوية رقيقة جدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keeper and his helpers rushed outside. In the helicopter was a small elephant covered with a blanket.", + "text": "اندفع القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه إلى الخارج. كان في الطائرة الهليكوبتر فيل صغير مغطى ببطانية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A helicopter would only be used for a small animal who needed very fast attention. Take a guess at what kind of problem this elephant has.", + "text": "لن تستخدم الطائرة الهليكوبتر إلا لحيوان صغير يحتاج إلى اهتمام سريع جدًا. خمن نوع المشكلة التي يعاني منها هذا الفيل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the cart that they are going to load the animal on. Why does it need four wheels? Which sorts of things are usually put on this cart?", + "text": "انظر إلى العربة التي سيقومون بتحميل الحيوان عليها. لماذا تحتاج إلى أربع عجلات؟ ما أنواع الأشياء التي توضع عادة على هذه العربة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are shapes all around us, and they are fun to wonder about. Look at the clouds. These clouds all have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Why do you suppose a lot of clouds are like this?", + "text": "الأشكال موجودة من حولنا، ومن الممتع التفكير فيها. انظر إلى السحب. هذه السحب كلها لها قيعان مسطحة وقمم منفوخة. لماذا تعتقد أن الكثير من السحب هي كذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It was Ndiwa. He was five days old. Keeper fed Ndiwa with a bottle.", + "text": "كان ذلك نديوا. كان عمره خمسة أيام. أطعم القائم على الرعاية نديوا زجاجة الحليب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The health of animals who are just a few days old is very fragile. That's one reason there was such a rush to get care for Ndiwa.", + "text": "صحة الحيوانات التي تكون بعمر بضعة أيام فقط هشة جدًا. هذا أحد الأسباب التي جعلت هناك عجلة كبيرة لتوفير الرعاية لنديوا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndiwa is being fed milk from a milk bottle, much as a human baby would be fed. Have you ever fed a baby or a baby animal from a milk bottle?", + "text": "نديوا يتغذى بالحليب من زجاجة حليب، تمامًا كما يتم تغذية الطفل البشري. هل سبق أن أطعمت طفلًا أو حيوانًا صغيرًا من زجاجة حليب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Milk bottles are in the shape of cylinders. They are round and their sides go straight up and down. Do you see any cylinders around you? They are not so common, so you may not see any.", + "text": "زجاجات الحليب تكون على شكل أسطوانات. هي دائرية وجوانبها مستقيمة. هل ترى أي أسطوانات حولك؟ قد لا تراها لأنها ليست شائعة جدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The third orphan that month was Malea. She arrived at the nursery on a red tractor. She was six months old.", + "text": "اليتيم الثالث في ذلك الشهر كان ماليا. وصلت إلى الحضانة على جرار أحمر. كانت تبلغ من العمر ستة أشهر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This orphan is a lot older than Ndiwa. It must be pretty large to be in a trailer pulled by a tractor. What kind of animal do you think it is?", + "text": "هذا اليتيم أكبر بكثير من نديوا. لا بد أنه كبير الحجم ليكون في عربة تجرها الجرار. ما نوع الحيوان الذي تعتقد أنه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the two pairs of wheels on the tractor. The rear pair of wheels is much larger than the front pair. Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "انظر إلى زوجي العجلات على الجرار. زوج العجلات الخلفية أكبر بكثير من الزوج الأمامي. لماذا تعتقد أن ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What advantage would having a very large pair of wheels give you?", + "text": "ما الفائدة التي ستحصل عليها من امتلاك زوج كبير جدًا من العجلات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Malea the rhinoceros soon became close friends with Enkare, a baby buffalo. They went everywhere together.", + "text": "سرعان ما أصبح وحيد القرن ماليا والجاموس الصغيرإنكار أصدقاء مقربين. يذهبان معاً إلى كل مكان.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the fun things about this nursery is that the different kinds of baby animals get to play together. Do you think they are having fun?", + "text": "أحد الأمور الممتعة في هذه الحضانة هو أن الأنواع المختلفة من الحيوانات الصغيرة تتاح لها فرصة اللعب معًا. هل تعتقد أنهم يستمتعون؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever wondered what pattern four-legged animals use their feet in? Next time you get a chance, take a careful look and see if you can figure it out. (They move their left side first, back foot first, and then repeat on their right side.)", + "text": "هل تساءلت يومًا عن النمط الذي تستخدمه الحيوانات الرباعية الأرجل في تحريك أقدامها؟ في المرة القادمة التي تحصل فيها على فرصة، ألقِ نظرة دقيقة وحاول معرفة ذلك. (يحركون جانبهم الأيسر أولًا، القدم الخلفية أولًا، ثم يكررون ذلك على الجانب الأيمن.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "All these animals have body parts that come in pairs on opposite sides of their body, or singleton parts down the center of their body. Can you think of any animals that have more than one of a body part that doesn't come in pairs?", + "text": "كل هذه الحيوانات لديها أجزاء جسدية تأتي في أزواج على الجانبين المتقابلين من جسمها، أو أجزاء فردية في منتصف جسمها. هل يمكنك التفكير في أي حيوانات لديها أكثر من جزء واحد من جزء جسدي لا يأتي في أزواج؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One night, everybody was woken up by the arrival of Ambia.", + "text": "في إحدى الليالي، استيقظ الجميع على وصول أمبيا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at how much that poor baby giraffe had to bend its neck to fit into that cage. Why do you suppose they didn't put the giraffe in a bigger cage?", + "text": "انظر كيف كان على ذلك الزراف الصغير أن يثني رقبته ليتسع داخل القفص. لماذا تعتقد أنهم لم يضعوا الزرافة في قفص أكبر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever squeezed into a small box or other space to play? Was it scary or cozy to be in such a small space?", + "text": "هل سبق أن انحشرت في صندوق صغير أو مساحة أخرى للعب؟ هل كان مخيفًا أم مريحًا أن تكون في مكان صغير كهذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at all those stars! How many can you count? Have you been in a really dark place outside where you could see more stars than you can count?", + "text": "انظر إلى كل تلك النجوم! كم يمكنك عدها؟ هل سبق أن كنت في مكان مظلم جدًا في الخارج حيث يمكنك رؤية المزيد من النجوم أكثر من أن تحصى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ambia was five months old. She was weak after her long journey.", + "text": "كان عمر أمبيا خمسة أشهر. كانت تشعر بالضعف الشديد بعد رحلتها الطويلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ambia looks weak and sad. These poor baby animals are away from their homes to get care to help save their lives. It is hard for a baby animal to be by itself in a strange place.", + "text": "أمبيا تبدو ضعيفة وحزينة. هذه الحيوانات الصغيرة المسكينة بعيدة عن منازلها لتلقي الرعاية لإنقاذ حياتها. من الصعب على حيوان صغير أن يكون بمفرده في مكان غريب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone on a trip away from home for a long time? Did you feel sad, or were you excited to be in a new place on an adventure?", + "text": "هل سبق أن قمت برحلة بعيدًا عن المنزل لفترة طويلة؟ هل شعرت بالحزن، أم كنت متحمسًا لأن تكون في مكان جديد ومغامرة جديدة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is a best guess when it is difficult to count something. What is your estimate for how many dark spots Ambia has?", + "text": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين عندما يكون من الصعب عد شيء ما. ما هو تقديرك لعدد البقع الداكنة التي تملكها أمبيا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Because of her long neck, Keeper held the bottle high to feed Ambia.", + "text": "بسبب عنقها الطويل، رفع القائم على الرعاية الزجاجة عالياً لإطعام أمبيا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keeper does everything to make the animals comfortable. Taking stress out of the animals' lives is an important part of helping them to get healthy.", + "text": "القائم على الرعاية يفعل كل شيء لجعل الحيوانات مرتاحة. إزالة التوتر من حياة الحيوانات هو جزء مهم من مساعدتها على الشفاء.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "About how high up is Keeper? He is higher than the height of one person. Is he higher than twice the height of a person? Sometimes it is useful to measure the size of one thing in terms of the size of something else you know.", + "text": "كم تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية مرتفع؟ هل هو أعلى من ارتفاع شخص واحد؟ هل هو أعلى من ضعفي ارتفاع شخص؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون من المفيد قياس حجم شيء ما بمقارنة حجمه بشيء آخر تعرفه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the same thing with this tree. How many person-heights tall is this tree? People did this sort of thing a long time ago when creating lengths they could talk about with others. For example, they would measure some things by the length of a foot or the length of a stride.", + "text": "قم بنفس الشيء مع هذه الشجرة. كم ارتفاع هذه الشجرة بمقاييس ارتفاع الأشخاص؟ الناس كانوا يفعلون هذا منذ زمن طويل عندما كانوا يخلقون أطوالًا يمكنهم التحدث عنها مع الآخرين. على سبيل المثال، كانوا يقيسون بعض الأشياء بطول القدم أو طول الخطوة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tiny twins Abei and Moit arrived in the middle of August. These antelopes were only a few hours old. They were very sick.", + "text": "وصل التوأم الصغير آبي ومويت في منتصف أغسطس. كانت هذه الظباء صغيرة جدًا، عمرهم فقط بضع ساعات. كانوا مريضين جدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think they got these baby antelopes to the nursery so quickly? Do you think they were watching the birth?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أنهم جلبوا هذه الظباء الصغيرة إلى الحضانة بسرعة؟ هل تعتقد أنهم كانوا يراقبون الولادة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a newborn animal or person? They seem so helpless and wide eyed. They are seeing their world for the very first time and they are amazed!", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت حيوانًا حديث الولادة أو شخصًا حديث الولادة؟ يبدو أنهم لا حول لهم ولا قوة وعيونهم مفتوحة على وسعها. إنهم يرون عالمهم للمرة الأولى وهم مندهشون!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's important to keep newborns warm. That's why these pictures of newborn animals show blankets on the animals. You'll see the same thing for newborn human babies.", + "text": "من المهم إبقاء حديثي الولادة دافئين. لهذا السبب تظهر الصور لأطفال الحيوانات حديثي الولادة مع البطانيات عليهم. سترى نفس الشيء مع الأطفال حديثي الولادة البشر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone was sad when Abei died a week after he arrived at the nursery. But Keeper and his helpers saved Moit.", + "text": "حزن الجميع عندما توفي آبي بعد أسبوع من وصوله إلى الحضانة. لكن القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه أنقذوا مويت.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes, people do their best and still things do not turn out well. Think of a time when you did your best and things did not go well.", + "text": "أحيانًا، يبذل الناس قصارى جهدهم ومع ذلك لا تسير الأمور على ما يرام. فكر في وقت بذلت فيه قصارى جهدك ولم تسر الأمور على ما يرام.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be discouraging to try hard and not have things turn out well. When you have had failures, did it discourage you, or did it make you want to work even harder to make sure things turned out better the next time?", + "text": "يمكن أن يكون الأمر محبطًا أن تحاول بجد ولا تسير الأمور على ما يرام. عندما واجهت إخفاقات، هل أحبطتك، أم جعلتك ترغب في العمل بجد أكبر للتأكد من أن الأمور ستسير بشكل أفضل في المرة القادمة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When things go poorly, it is important to understand why that happened. If there were things that happened that you could not have foreseen or controlled, then that's just bad luck. If there were things you could have done better, it's a good idea to learn those lessons so you'll do better next time.", + "text": "عندما تسير الأمور بشكل سيء، من المهم أن نفهم سبب حدوث ذلك. إذا كانت هناك أشياء حدثت لا يمكنك التنبؤ بها أو السيطرة عليها، فإن ذلك مجرد سوء حظ. إذا كانت هناك أشياء كان بإمكانك القيام بها بشكل أفضل، فمن الجيد تعلم تلك الدروس حتى تؤدي بشكل أفضل في المرة القادمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The last orphans to arrive in August were Kopi, Kepi, and Keji. These cubs were two weeks old. They were very hungry when they arrived.", + "text": "آخر الأيتام الذين وصلوا في أغسطس كانوا كوبي وكيبي وكيجي. كان عمر هذه الأشبال أسبوعين. كانوا جائعين جدًا عند وصولهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These three cubs look like they are going to have a lot of fun with each other. How do Keeper and his helpers feel about these cubs? How can you tell?", + "text": "تبدو هذه الأشبال الثلاثة وكأنها ستستمتع كثيرًا مع بعضها البعض. كيف تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية ومساعديه يشعرون تجاه هؤلاء الأشبال؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many spots these cubs have all together. Now, try counting the spots, perhaps 2 at a time, and see how close your estimate is.", + "text": "قدّر كم عدد البقع التي تملكها هذه الأشبال مجتمعة. الآن، حاول عد البقع، ربما ٢ في كل مرة، وانظر كم كان تقديرك دقيقًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make a game of estimating by challenging each other to look quickly at something and have each of you make an estimate. Then, look back, count the actual number of things, and see whose estimate was closest. With practice, you'll get much better at this!", + "text": "اجعلها لعبة تقدير بتحدي بعضكم البعض للنظر بسرعة في شيء ما وجعل كل منكم يقوم بتقدير. ثم، انظر مرة أخرى، عد العدد الفعلي للأشياء، وانظر من كان تقديره أقرب. مع الممارسة، ستصبح أفضل بكثير في هذا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keeper and his helpers love all of the animals, even the naughty ones.", + "text": "القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه يحبون جميع الحيوانات، حتى المشاغبة منها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even when these baby animals cause trouble, Keeper and his helpers have a good time playing with them. Are there some animals you enjoy playing with?", + "text": "حتى عندما تسبب هذه الحيوانات الصغيرة المشاكل، يستمتع القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه باللعب معها. هل هناك بعض الحيوانات التي تستمتع باللعب معها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to play around in the water when you wash off? Young animals are not all that different than young people.", + "text": "هل تحب اللعب في الماء عندما تغتسل؟ الحيوانات الصغيرة ليست مختلفة كثيرًا عن البشر الصغار.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The elephant barely fits in that bath tub. What do you think they will do when the elephant outgrows this tub?", + "text": "الفيل بالكاد يتسع في حوض الاستحمام هذا. ما الذي تعتقد أنهم سيفعلونه عندما يكبر الفيل ويتجاوز حجم هذا الحوض؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The naughtiest baby was Lobolia. Lobolia liked to hide Keeper's glasses.", + "text": "أكثر الحيوانات شغبًا كان القرد لوبوليا. كان لوبوليا يحب إخفاء نظارات القائم على الرعاية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Keeper can see without his glasses? If he can't see, he's going to have a very hard time finding his glasses. He doesn't wear his glasses on any of the pages, so he must not need them very much.", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية يمكنه الرؤية بدون نظاراته؟ إذا لم يستطع الرؤية، فسيواجه صعوبة كبيرة في العثور على نظاراته. إنه لا يرتدي نظاراته في أي من الصفحات، لذا لا بد أنه لا يحتاجها كثيرًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you remember seeing Lobolia on the previous page? Keeper had his glasses in his shirt pocket during the bath. Do you think Lobolia stole them from him?", + "text": "هل تتذكر رؤية لوبوليا في الصفحة السابقة؟ كان القائم على الرعاية يضع نظاراته في جيب قميصه أثناء الاستحمام. هل تعتقد أن لوبوليا سرقها منه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It would be very easy for Lobolia to escape from the nursery. Those fences would certainly not keep Lobolia in. Why do you think Lobolia stays around?", + "text": "سيكون من السهل جدًا على لوبوليا الهروب من الحضانة. هذه الأسوار لن تمنع لوبوليا من الخروج بالتأكيد. لماذا تعتقد أن لوبوليا يبقى حولها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The people at the nursery work hard to look after the baby animals. They hope that one day the orphans can look after themselves. Then they can return to the wild.", + "text": "يعمل الناس في الحضانة بجد لرعاية الحيوانات الصغيرة. يأملون في أن يتمكن الأيتام يومًا من الاعتناء بأنفسهم. ثم يمكنهم العودة إلى البرية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They may care about each animal, but wild animals should always go back to the wild if they can handle it. It must be sad, but fulfilling, to see their animals become healthy adults who can thrive in the wild.", + "text": "قد يهتمون بكل حيوان، لكن الحيوانات البرية يجب أن تعود دائمًا إلى البرية إذا كانت تستطيع التعامل معها. يجب أن يكون الأمر محزنًا، ولكن مُرضٍ، رؤية حيواناتهم تصبح بالغين أصحاء يمكنهم الازدهار في البرية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some animals have permanent injuries or problems that make it impossible for them to go back into the wild. Can you think of why that would be?", + "text": "بعض الحيوانات تعاني من إصابات دائمة أو مشاكل تجعل من المستحيل عليها العودة إلى البرية. هل يمكنك التفكير في سبب ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think about being one of these animals that has been in the nursery ever since it was a baby. Do you think the animal is excited to go into the wild, or do you think it is fearful about being on its own?", + "text": "فكر في كونك أحد هذه الحيوانات التي كانت في الحضانة منذ أن كانت طفلة. هل تعتقد أن الحيوان متحمس للذهاب إلى البرية، أم تعتقد أنه يخاف من أن يكون بمفرده؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How old and how many? Read the story again and then answer these questions.\n\n1. How many animals arrived at the nursery in the month of August?\n\n2. Who arrived first that month? How old was this animal?\n\n3. Who arrived last? How old were those animals?\n\n4. Who were the youngest animals to arrive in August? How old were they?\n\n5. Who was the oldest to arrive in August?\n\nReviewing a story after you read it can help you remember it much better!", + "text": "كم العمر وكم العدد؟ اقرأ القصة مرة أخرى ثم أجب عن هذه الأسئلة.\n\n١. كم عدد الحيوانات التي وصلت إلى الحضانة في شهر أغسطس؟\n\n٢. من وصل أولًا ذلك الشهر؟ كم كان عمر هذا الحيوان؟\n\n٣. من وصل آخرًا؟ كم كان عمر هؤلاء الحيوانات؟\n\n٤. من كان أصغر الحيوانات التي وصلت في أغسطس؟ كم كان عمرهم؟\n\n٥. من كان أكبر من وصل في أغسطس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Today I an not going to school.\n\nIt is a holiday.", + "text": "اليوم لن أذهب إلى المدرسة.\n\nإنها عطلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think she will do with her day off from school?", + "text": "ماذا تعتقد أنها ستفعل في يوم إجازتها من المدرسة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does she like not going to school?", + "text": "لماذا تحب عدم الذهاب إلى المدرسة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she will miss seeing her school friends and teachers?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أنها ستفتقد رؤية أصدقائها ومدرسيها في المدرسة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Today I am not going to watch TV.\n\nThere is no electricity anyway.", + "text": "اليوم لن أقوم بمشاهدة التلفاز.\n\nلا توجد كهرباء على أي حال.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does she decide to not watch TV?", + "text": "لماذا قررت عدم مشاهدة التلفاز؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you do if you were to plan a special day?", + "text": "ماذا ستفعل لو كنت تخطط ليوم خاص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do during times when your electricity is not working? Do you have special activities for such times?", + "text": "ماذا تفعل في الأوقات التي لا تعمل فيها الكهرباء؟ هل لديك أنشطة خاصة لمثل هذه الأوقات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What am I going to do?\n\nToday I am going to listen to my body!", + "text": "ماذا سأفعل؟\n\nاليوم سأستمع إلى جسدي!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her hands only have four fingers! Have you seen someone with four fingers on a hand?", + "text": "يدها تحتوي على أربعة أصابع فقط! هل سبق وأن رأيت أحداً يمتلك أربعة أصابع في يده؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is uncommon, but some people are born with six fingers on a hand. How many more fingers is six fingers than what she has?", + "text": "إنه أمر غير شائع، لكن بعض الناس يولدون بستة أصابع في اليد. كم إصبعاً إضافياً تزيد الستة أصابع عن عدد أصابعها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you can buy gloves for someone with six fingers?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أنه يمكنك شراء قفازات لشخص لديه ستة أصابع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First I have to be very quiet.\n\nSo that I can listen to my own body.", + "text": "ًأولاً يجب أن أكون هادئة جدا.\n\nلكي أستطيع الاستماع إلى جسدي.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you listened to the sounds your body makes? What are some of them?", + "text": "هل استمعت إلى الأصوات التي يصدرها جسمك؟ ما هي بعضها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you heard your stomach rumbling, grumbling, or gurgling?", + "text": "هل سمعت قرقرة بطنك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever run hard and heard your pulse pounding in your ears?", + "text": "هل ركضت يومًا فسمعت نبضك يدق في أذنيك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yes, now I can hear my breath.\n\nI breath in and out, in and out.", + "text": "نعم، الآن أستطيع سماع أنفاسي.\n\nأنا أتنفس إلى الداخل وإلى الخارج، إلى الداخل وإلى الخارج.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you stop and listen, can you hear yourself breathing?", + "text": "إذا توقفت واستمعت، هل يمكنك سماع تنفسك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose most of the time?", + "text": "هل تتنفس من فمك أو أنفك في أغلب الأحيان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Watch the time for half a minute and count your breaths. How many were there?", + "text": "راقب الوقت لمدة نصف دقيقة وأحصي أنفاسك. كم كان عددها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And I can make my breath noisier. \nSsssssssssss!\n\nAnd softer.\nMmmmmmmm.", + "text": "ويمكنني أن أجعل أنفاسي أكثر ضجيجًا.\nسسسسسسسس!\n\nوأكثر هدوءاً.\nمممممممممم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is making her toy fly around by blowing on it very hard. When have you blown hard on something?", + "text": "إنها تجعل لعبتها تطير عن طريق النفخ عليها بقوة. متى نفخت بشدة على شيء ما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you blown out candles on a birthday cake or maybe blown on a fire to help it burn?", + "text": "هل أطفأت شموعًا على كعكة عيد ميلاد أو ربما أشعلت فيها النار لتساعدها على الاحتراق؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How old were you at your last birthday?", + "text": "كم كان عمرك في آخر عيد ميلاد لك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now I can hear my heart beating!\n\nDoodom, doodoom, dooo dooom.", + "text": "الآن أستطيع أن أسمع قلبي يدق!\n\nدودوم، دودووم، دودووم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is not easy to hear your own heart beating. Can you hear yours?", + "text": "ليس من السهل سماع نبض قلبك. هل تستطيع سماع نبضك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Put your ear on someone's chest so you can hear their heart beating.", + "text": "ضع أذنك على صدر أحدهم حتى تسمع نبض قلبه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think your heart ever stops beating? Most of your muscles can get tired, but your heart muscle never does!", + "text": "هل تظن أن قلبك سيتوقف عن النبض يومًا؟ يمكن أن تتعب معظم عضلاتك، لكن عضلة القلب لا تتعب أبدًا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can I make my heart go faster or louder?\n\nYes, by jumping up and down twenty times.", + "text": "هل يمكنني أن أجعل قلبي ينبض بشكل أسرع أو بصوت أعلى؟\n\nنعم، عبر القفز لأعلى ولأسفل عشرين مرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count to 20 to count the jumps?", + "text": "هل يمكنك العد حتى 20 لحساب القفزات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you can't count to 20, you can count to 10 and then immediately count to 10 again. That will be just the same.", + "text": "إذا لم تتمكن من العد حتى 20، يمكنك العد حتى 10 ثم العد على الفور إلى 10 مرة أخرى. سيكون هذا هو نفسه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you run around and start breathing hard, do you sometimes feel your heart beating in your chest?", + "text": "عندما تركض وتبدأ في التنفس بصعوبة، هل تشعر أحيانًا بنبض قلبك في صدرك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now see, my heart is beating faster.", + "text": "الآن انظر، قلبي ينبض بشكل أسرع.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen your own heart beating in your chest? Is it possible to see it?", + "text": "هل سبق وأن رأيت قلبك ينبض في صدرك؟ هل من الممكن رؤيته؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The storyteller and artist are stretching the truth a bit here. Have you ever stretched the truth a bit to make a story a little more interesting?", + "text": "يقوم الراوي والفنان بالمبالغة بالحقيقة قليلاً هنا. هل سبق لك أن قمت بمبالغة الحقيقة قليلاً لجعل القصة أكثر إثارة للاهتمام؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her toy is covering its ears because the heart is beating so loudly. Is it possible to hear someone else's heart from a distance?", + "text": "لعبتها تغطي أذنيها لأن القلب ينبض بصوت عالٍ. هل من الممكن سماع قلب شخص آخر من بعيد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If I put my fingers on my wrist, then I can feel my pulse!", + "text": "إذا وضعت أصابعي على معصمي، فسأشعر بنبضي!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you feel your pulse on your wrist? Some people like to feel their pulse on their neck or on their head. Try it!", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن تشعر بنبضك على معصمك؟ يحب بعض الأشخاص أن يشعروا بنبضهم على رقبتهم أو على رؤوسهم. جرب ذلك!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count your pulse for ten seconds. Did you get a count between 7 and 20?", + "text": "احسب نبضك لمدة عشر ثوان. هل حصلت على عدد بين 7 و 20؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have another person do the same thing and compare the counts you got. Whose count was more and whose was less?", + "text": "اطلب من شخص آخر أن يفعل الشيء نفسه ويقارن الأعداد التي حصلت عليها. من كان عدده أكثر ومن كان أقل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself laughing.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!", + "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أضحك.\n\nهاهاها، هاهاهاهاها، هاهاهاهاهاها!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is very expressive, so her laughter is probably very loud. Is it possible to laugh softly? Can you do it?", + "text": "إنها معبرة للغاية، لذا فإن ضحكتها لا بد أن تكون عالية جدًا. هل من الممكن أن تضحك بهدوء؟ هل تستطيع فعل ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often like to laugh together. When you laugh, do other people laugh with you?", + "text": "غالبًا ما يحب الناس الضحك معًا. عندما تضحك هل يضحك الآخرون معك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even when there is nothing funny happening, sometimes just laughing out loud can make you feel better.", + "text": "حتى عندما لا يحدث أي شيء مضحك، فإن مجرد الضحك بصوت عالٍ في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن يجعلك تشعر بالتحسن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself crying. Boohoooo hooo!", + "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أبكي. بوووهووو هوو!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she is really crying, or is she just pretending?", + "text": "أتحسبها تبكي حقاً أم أنها تتظاهر فقط؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever pretend to cry so that people will feel sorry for you?", + "text": "هل تتظاهر بالبكاء احياناً ليشفق عليك الناس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people feel much better after they cry. Do you feel better after you cry?", + "text": "يشعر بعض الناس بتحسن كبير بعد البكاء. هل تشعر بتحسن بعد البكاء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself clapping.\n\nClap, clap, clap.", + "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أصفق.\n\nتصفيق، تصفيق، تصفيق.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a pattern using claps and foot stomps on the ground.", + "text": "اصنع نمطًا باستخدام التصفيق والدوس على الأرض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was your pattern complicated, or was it as simple as: clap clap stomp, clap clap stomp?", + "text": "هل كان النمط الخاص بك معقدًا، أم كان بسيطًا مثل: تصفيق تصفيق دوس، تصفيق تصفيق دوس؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dancing is often a pattern of movements with your arms and legs. Do you like to dance?", + "text": "الرقص غالبًا ما يكون نمطًا من الحركات بذراعيك وساقيك. هل تحب الرقص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear my stomach rumbling!\n\nGuddu, guddu, guddu.", + "text": "أستطيع سماع معدتي تقرقر!\n\nجودو، جودو، جودو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When your stomach rumbles, what is your body feeling?", + "text": "عندما تقرقر معدتك، بماذا يشعر جسمك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does your stomach ever rumble when it is having trouble digesting something or when you're sick?", + "text": "هل تقرقر معدتك عندما تجد صعوبة في هضم شيء ما أو عندما تكون مريضًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at her face, what is she feeling right now?", + "text": "بالنظر إلى وجهها، ما الذي تشعر به الآن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My stomach is saying, \"Feed me!\"", + "text": "تقول معدتي: \"أطعميني!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been so hungry you couldn't wait and you had to eat immediately?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن شعرت بالجوع لدرجة أنك لم تتمكن من الانتظار واضطررت إلى تناول الطعام على الفور؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her stomach is really shoving her to get some food?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن معدتها تدفعها حقًا للحصول على بعض الطعام؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time she bounds forward, she takes two steps. You can count those steps by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ...", + "text": "كلما تقدمت خطت خطوتين. يمكنك حساب تلك الخطوات عن طريق العد بمقدار 2 -- 2، 4، 6، 8، ...", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My nose can smell cakes baking in mother's kitchen.\n\nAnd now I want to hear my jaws chewing those cakes!", + "text": "يستطيع أنفي أن يشم رائحة الكعك المخبوز في مطبخ أمي.\n\nوالآن أريد أن أسمع فكي يمضغان ذلك الكعك!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many really small cakes do you think she will eat?", + "text": "كم عدد الكعكات الصغيرة التي تعتقد أنها ستأكلها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the most cookies or other snack you've eaten at one time?", + "text": "ما هو أكثر عدد من البسكويت أو الوجبات الخفيفة الأخرى التي تناولتها في ذات الوقت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has talked about a lot of different sounds to hear from your body. How many of them can you remember?", + "text": "تحدثت هذه القصة عن الكثير من الأصوات المختلفة التي يمكنك سماعها من جسدك. كم منها يمكنك أن تتذكر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have a very big problem, cried Chief Short and Round in a loud voice. \"Everyone, come here! I have a very big problem.\"\n\nThe people of the Village of Many Shapes formed a big circle around Chief Short and Round. They wanted to hear what he had to say.", + "text": "\"لدي مشكلة كبيرة جداً“، صرخ الزعيم قصير ومستدير بصوت عالٍ. \"أيها الناس، تعالوا الى هنا جميعا! لدي مشكلة كبيرة جداً.“\n\nفشكّل أهل قرية الأشكال المتعددة دائرة كبيرة حول الزعيم قصير ومستدير. كانوا يريدون سماع ما يريد قوله.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A polygon is a shape with several straight sides. Triangles have 3 sides, quadrilaterals have 4, pentagons have 5, and hexagons have 6. Name some polygons where you are.", + "text": "المضلع هو شكل له عدة جوانب مستقيمة. المثلثات لها ٣ جوانب، ورباعيات الزوايا لها ٤، والخماسيات لها ٥، والسداسيات لها ٦. سمِّ بعض الأشكال المضلعة الموجودة حولك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of the shapes of the buildings in this picture?", + "text": "ما هي بعض أشكال المباني في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are snowflakes in the sky on a sunny day on this page. Have you ever seen this?", + "text": "هناك ندفات ثلج في السماء في يوم مشمس على هذه الصفحة. هل رأيت هذا من قبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chief Short and Round began, \"This is the worst news ever. I have lost my spring horn.\" \n\nThe villagers whispered to each other, \"Oh no!\" Chief Short and Round continued talking, \"If I don't find my spring horn then I can't blow my spring horn! And we can't start the springtime party if I can't blow my spring horn. And spring won't come if we don't have a springtime party.\"", + "text": "بدأ الزعيم قصير ومستدير كلامه قائلا: \"هذه أسوأ أخبار على الإطلاق. لقد فقدت قرني الربيعي.“ همس القرويون لبعضهم البعض، \"يا إلهي!“ استمر الزعيم قصير ومستدير في الحديث، \"إذا لم أجد قرني الربيعي فلن أستطيع النفخ فيه! ولن نستطيع بدء حفل الربيع إذا لم أستطع النفخ في قرني الربيعي. ولن يأتي الربيع إذا لم يكن لدينا حفل الربيع.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many of these people have very colorful clothes. What are your favorite colors to wear to a party?", + "text": "كثير من هؤلاء الناس لديهم ملابس ملونة جداً. ما هي ألوانك المفضلة التي ترتديها في الحفلات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever looked forward to a party and then worried that it might not happen?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن تتطلع إلى حفل ثم تشعر بالقلق من أنها قد لا تحدث؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many beautiful polygons on these clothes! There are patterns with squares (polygons with four equal sides and four square corners), and some with hexagons. Notice how the hexagons on the back of the shirt are made of six triangles in a lively pattern!", + "text": "هناك العديد من المضلعات الجميلة على هذه الملابس! هناك أنماط بمربعات (مضلعات بأربعة جوانب متساوية وأربع زوايا قائمة)، وبعضها بسداسيات الزوايا. لاحظ كيف أن السداسيات على ظهر القميص مكونة من ستة مثلثات في نمط حيوي!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo stepped into the circle and lifted up his hand. \"I will find your spring horn, Chief Short and Round.\" \"Good, good,\" said the chief with a smile. \"You can start looking in the last place I visited this morning. Go to Tata Rectangle's house. I remember having my horn with me there.\"", + "text": "دخل جوجو المربع الصغير إلى الدائرة ورفع يده. \"سأجد قرنك الربيعي، ايها الزعيم قصير ومستدير.“ \"جيد، جيد“، قال الزعيم بابتسامة. \"يمكنك البدء بالبحث في آخر مكان زرته هذا الصباح. اذهب إلى منزل تاتا المستطيل. أتذكر أنني كنت أحمل قرني هناك.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does Little Square Jojo deserve his name?", + "text": "لماذا يستحق جوجو المربع الصغير اسمه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many circles in this picture. How many circles can you find?", + "text": "هناك العديد من الدوائر في هذه الصورة. كم عدد الدوائر التي يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many squares are there on Jojo's clothes? That is a very tricky question because there are squares of different sizes on his clothes -- some of the squares are made up of smaller squares!", + "text": "كم عدد المربعات الموجودة على ملابس جوجو؟ هذا سؤال صعب جداً لأن هناك مربعات بأحجام مختلفة على ملابسه -- بعض المربعات مكونة من مربعات أصغر!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tata Rectangle was happy to see Jojo. He opened his door and welcomed Jojo inside. \"I remember seeing Chief Short and Round earlier this morning,\" said Tata Rectangle, \"but I don't think he had his spring horn with him.\" \n\nLittle Square Jojo looked under Tata Rectangle's bed and behind his books. He even looked into his fridge. But Jojo couldn't find the spring horn anywhere.", + "text": "كان تاتا المستطيل سعيداً برؤية جوجو. فتح بابه ورحب بجوجو بالدخول. \"أتذكر رؤية الزعيم قصير ومستدير في وقت سابق هذا الصباح“، قال تاتا المستطيل، \"لكنني لا أعتقد أنه كان يحمل قرنه الربيعي.“ بحث جوجو المربع الصغير تحت سرير تاتا المستطيل وخلف كتبه. حتى أنه نظر في ثلاجه. لكن جوجو لم يجد القرن الربيعي في أي مكان.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle has four straight sides with corners like the corners of this page. A square is always a rectangle, but rectangles are not always squares. What would make a rectangle not be a square?", + "text": "المستطيل له أربعة جوانب مستقيمة بزوايا مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. المربع دائماً مستطيل، لكن المستطيلات ليست دائماً مربعات. ما الذي يجعل المستطيل ليس مربعاً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there any rectangles that are squares in this picture?", + "text": "هل هناك أي مستطيلات هي مربعات في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which objects in this room are rectangles? There are rectangles everywhere on this page! Point to as many rectangles as you can.", + "text": "أين توجد المستطيلات في هذه الغرفة؟ هناك مستطيلات في كل مكان في هذه الصفحة! أشر إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المستطيلات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Go and see if Mama Triangle has the spring horn, said Tata Rectangle. \"Chief Short and Round visited her before he came to see me.\" \"Thank you, Tata,\" said Jojo as he waved goodbye.\n\nMama Triangle's house is about three kilometers from here, thought Jojo. That is a far distance to walk. I will stop at my house along the way and have a rest.", + "text": "\"اذهب واسأل إذا كانت ماما مثلث لديها القرن الربيعي“، قال تاتا المستطيل. \"لقد زارها الزعيم قصير ومستدير قبل أن يأتي لرؤيتي.“ \"شكراً، تاتا“، قال جوجو وهو يلوح بيده وداعاً.\n\nفكر جوجو بأن منزل ماما مثلث يبعد حوالي ٣ كيلومترات من هنا. هذه مسافة بعيدة للمشي. سأتوقف عند منزلي على الطريق وأخذ قسطاً من الراحة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the tallest things in this picture? Have you ever seen a person almost as tall as a house?", + "text": "ما هي أطول الأشياء في هذه الصورة؟ هل رأيت شخصاً يكاد يكون طويلاً مثل المنزل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo is going for a long 3km (about two miles) walk. What is the farthest you have ever walked?", + "text": "جوجو على وشك السير في مسافة ٣ كم (حوالي ميلين). ما هي أبعد مسافة مشيتها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever walk a long, long time? How many minutes was that walk? 10? 20? 60? more?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن مشيت لفترة طويلة جداً؟ كم دقيقة استغرق ذلك المشي؟ ١٠؟ ٢٠؟ ٦٠؟ أكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo was hot and tired by the time he reached his house. He went inside to open his freezer and pour a glass of cold water with ice blocks. \"I must be half the way to Mama Triangle's house,\" he said. \"I hope she has the chief's horn.\"\n\nThen Jojo had an idea. \"I can visit Dudu Diamond. Her house is only half a kilometer from here and it's on the way.", + "text": "كان جوجو المربع الصغير متعباً ويشعر بالحر الشديد عندما وصل إلى منزله. دخل ليفتح ثلاجته ويصب كوباً من الماء البارد مع مكعبات الثلج. \"يجب أن أكون قطعت نصف الطريق إلى منزل ماما مثلث“، قال. \"آمل أن يكون لديها قرن الزعيم.“\n\nثم خطر بباله فكرة. \"يمكنني زيارة دودو الماس. منزلها يبعد نصف كيلومتر فقط من هنا وهو في الطريق.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On this floor, you can hop from one square to another square of the same color. Choose one color with your finger and hop around that room.", + "text": "يمكنك القفز من مربع إلى مربع آخر من نفس اللون على هذه الأرضية. اختر لوناً واحداً بإصبعك واقفز حول الغرفة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a pattern on the floor where you are? Do you ever hop around a room trying to stay on just one color?", + "text": "هل ترى نمط على الأرضية حيث تقف؟ هل سبق لك أن قفزت حول غرفة محاولاً البقاء على لون واحد فقط؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo has walked half way of his 3 km (2 mi) walk. How far has he walked?", + "text": "لقد قطع جوجو نصف مسافة ٣ كم (٢ ميل). كم قطع من المسافة الكلية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dudu Diamond was cleaning her house when Jojo arrived. Her earrings were making a lovely tinkling sound as she worked. \n\n\"Hello, Jojo,\" she said. \"What are you doing today?\" \"I am on my way to Mama Triangle's house to find the chief's spring horn,\" said Little Square Jojo. \"That's nice of you,\" said Dudu. \"I am happy to come with you. How much further do you have to go?\"", + "text": "كانت دودو الماس تنظف منزلها عندما وصل جوجو. كانت أقراطها تصدر صوتاً لطيفاً أثناء عملها. \"مرحباً، جوجو“، قالت. \"ماذا تفعل اليوم؟“ \"أنا في طريقي إلى منزل ماما مثلث لأجد قرن الزعيم الربيعي“، قال جوجو المربع الصغير. \"هذا لطيف منك“، قالت دودو. \"سأكون سعيدة بالانضمام إليك. كم تبقي لك من المسافة؟“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Another name for a diamond is a rhombus. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. A square is always a rhombus, but not every rhombus is a square. Point to some diamonds in this picture that aren't squares.", + "text": "اسم آخر للماس هو معين. المعين هو مضلع بأربعة جوانب متساوية. المربع دائماً معين، لكن ليس كل معين مربع. أشر إلى بعض الألماسات في هذه الصورة التي ليست مربعات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This room is full of diamond shapes. What shape are the diamond windows if you turn them on their side? Jojo should feel right at home with those windows!", + "text": "هذه الغرفة مليئة بأشكال الماس. ما هو شكل نوافذ الماس إذا قمت بتدويرها على جانبها؟ يجب أن يشعر جوجو بالراحة مع تلك النوافذ!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This room has many pairs of things. Which pairs do you see?", + "text": "هذه الغرفة بها العديد من الأزواج من الأشياء. ما هي الأزواج التي تراها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo scratched his head. \"Let's see. Mama Triangle's house was three kilometers away from where I started. I walked about half the way to get to my house, that's one and a half kilometers. Then I walked another half a kilometer to get to your house. That makes 2 kilometers. So we only have one more kilometer to go!\" \n\n\"That's not so far then!\" smiled Dudu. \"I'll pack some things to take with.\"", + "text": "حك جوجو المربع الصغير رأسه. \"لنرى! كان منزل ماما مثلث يبعد ٣ كيلومترات عن المكان الذي بدأت منه. مشيت حوالي نصف الطريق للوصول إلى منزلي، هذا يعني ١٫٥ كيلومتر. ثم مشيت نصف كيلومتر آخر للوصول إلى منزلك. هذا يجعل ٢ كيلومتر. لذا بقي لدينا كيلومتر واحد فقط!“ \"هذا ليس بعيداً إذن!“ ابتسمت دودو. \"سأجهز بعض الأشياء لأخذها معنا.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo added 1 1/2 km plus 1/2 km to get 2 km. He subtracted 2 km from 3 km to get 1 km.", + "text": "أضاف جوجو ١٫٥ كم بالإضافة إلى ٠٫٥ كم ليصبح ٢ كم. طرح ٢ كم من ٣ كم ليصبح كيلومتر واحد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Another way is: He had 1 1/2 km to go and he walked 1/2 km, so there was only 1 km left.", + "text": "طريقة أخرى: كان لديه ١٫٥ كم ليقطعه ومشى ٠٫٥ كم، لذا بقي لديه كيلومتر واحد فقط.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yet another way: Think of 3 km as 6 half kms. When he did half of 6 of those, that meant he did 3 halves and had 3 halves to go. When he did another half km, then he only had 2 halves left. It's a fun puzzle to find different ways to calculate the same thing!", + "text": "طريقة أخرى: فكر في ٣ كم كأنها ٦ أنصاف كيلومترات. عندما قطع نصف ٦ من تلك، يعني أنه قطع ٣ أنصاف وبقي له ٣ أنصاف. عندما قطع نصف كيلومتر آخر، بقي لديه نصفان فقط. إنه لغز ممتع أن تجد طرق مختلفة لحساب نفس الشيء!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo walked until they reached the bottom of a tall mountain. \"Mama Triangle's house is right up there at the top,\" said Dudu.\n\n\"Let's stop for a while and have a rest. You can have the sandwich I packed.\" Jojo cut the sandwich into four smaller pieces. \"Here, let's share the sandwich, you have two pieces and I'll have two.\"", + "text": "سارت دودو دايموند وجوجو المربع الصغير حتى وصلا إلى أسفل جبل طويل. \"منزل ماما مثلث هناك في الأعلى“، قال دودو.\n\n\"لنتوقف لبعض الوقت ونأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. يمكنك تناول الساندويتش الذي أعددته.“ قطع جوجو الساندويتش إلى أربع قطع أصغر. \"هيا، لنشارك الساندويتش، لديك قطعتان وأنا لدي قطعتان.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can't see the top of the mountain. What do you think the shape is of the part we can't see?", + "text": "لا يمكننا رؤية قمة الجبل. ما هو شكل الجزء الذي لا نستطيع رؤيته؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some different ways to cut a sandwich into four parts. Which shapes can you make that way?", + "text": "فكر في بعض الطرق المختلفة لتقطيع الساندويتش إلى أربعة أجزاء. أي أشكال يمكنك صنعها بهذه الطريقة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The mountain next to them is in the shape of a cone. Find some other cones in this picture.", + "text": "الشكل الدائري الذي يأتي إلى نقطة يسمى مخروط. الجبل بجانبهما يشبه شكل مخروط. ابحث عن بعض المخاريط الأخرى في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo were half the way up the mountain. Things were very different there.\n\n\"Look,\" said Jojo. \"That's the strangest spider I've ever seen.\" \"Wow,\" said Dudu. \"It has spun a beautiful web. Let's count the sides. One, two, three, four, five, and six! That makes it a hexagon then!\"", + "text": "وبعد قليل، كان دودو دايموند وجوجو المربع الصغير في منتصف الطريق أعلى الجبل. كانت الأمور هناك مختلفة جداً.\n\n\"انظر“، قال جوجو. \"هذا أغرب عنكبوت رأيته في حياتي.“ \"واو“، قالت دودو. \"لقد نسجت شبكة جميلة. دعونا نعد الجوانب. واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، أربعة، خمسة، وستة! هذا يعني أنه سداسي.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of any other hexagons you see or know about? Are there any where you are right now? Perhaps there are some hexagons on a bathroom floor?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في أي سداسيات أخرى تراها أو تعرفها؟ هل هناك أي منها حيث أنت الآن؟ ربما هناك بعض السداسيات على أرضية الحمام؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know any stories or songs about spiders?", + "text": "هل تعرف أي قصص أو أغاني عن العناكب؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Spiders make webs in trees, in holes in the ground, and even across water. Where have you seen spider webs where you live? Why do spiders make webs?", + "text": "العناكب تصنع شبكات في الأشجار، في الحفر في الأرض، وحتى عبر الماء. أين رأيت شبكات العنكبوت حيث تعيش؟ لماذا تصنع العناكب الشبكات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After climbing over a very big rock, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond finally arrived at Mama Triangle's house. They were high up now and felt a bit dizzy.\n\n\"Hello, you two,\" said Mama Triangle with a smile. \"I am so happy to have visitors. Most of the time I'm all alone here on the top of my mountain. Come inside and sit down at my table.", + "text": "بعد تسلق صخرة كبيرة جداً، وصل جوجو المربع الصغير ودودو دايموند أخيراً إلى منزل ماما مثلث. كانوا في أعلى المكان الآن وشعروا ببعض الدوار.\n\n\"مرحباً بكما“، قالت ماما مثلث بابتسامة. \"أنا سعيدة جداً لأن لدي زوار. معظم الوقت أكون هنا وحدي على قمة هذا الجبل. تعالوا وادخلوا واجلسوا على طاولتي.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mama Triangle knows where the Chief's spring horn is? Do you think they wasted their time coming to the top of the mountain?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن ماما مثلث تعرف مكان قرن ربيع الزعيم؟ هل تعتقد أنهم أضاعوا وقتهم بالمجيء إلى قمة الجبل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a great many polygons in this picture and they are of many types. Point at some polygons and name their types.", + "text": "هناك العديد من المضلعات في هذه الصورة وهي من أنواع كثيرة. أشر إلى بعض المضلعات واذكر أنواعها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a few shapes that are not polygons. These shapes have at least one side that is curved and not straight. Can you find them?", + "text": "هناك بعض الأشكال التي ليست مضلعات. هذه الأشكال لها جانب واحد على الأقل يكون منحني وليس مستقيم. هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama Triangle, said Jojo after catching his breath, \"We've come to find Chief Short and Round's spring horn. Tata Rectangle said that the chief visited you this morning.\" \"Yes, that is correct,\" said Mama Triangle. \"The chief came to ask me to help prepare for the springtime party. But he didn't leave his spring horn here.\" \"Oh no,\" said Jojo sadly, \"We've come all this way for nothing!\"", + "text": "\"ماما مثلث“، قال جوجو بعد أن التقط أنفاسه، \"جئنا لنجد القرن الربيع الخاص بالزعيم قصير ومستدير. قال تاتا مستطيل إن الزعيم زارك هذا الصباح.“ \"نعم، هذا صحيح“، قالت ماما مثلث. \"جاء الزعيم ليطلب مني المساعدة في تحضير حفل الربيع. لكن لم يترك قرنه الربيعي هنا.“ \"يا إلهي لا“، قال جوجو بحزن، \"جئنا كل هذا الطريق دون فائدة!“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think they went all that way for nothing? They may not know where the horn is, but they have learned a lot during their travels.", + "text": "هل تعتقد أنهم جاؤوا كل هذا الطريق دون فائدة؟ ربما لا يعرفون أين القرن، ولكنهم تعلموا الكثير أثناء رحلتهم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes, finding out what something can't be can be almost as valuable as finding out what it is. Useful information comes in many forms!", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان، قد يكون اكتشاف ما لا يمكن أن يكون عليه شيء ما بنفس قيمة اكتشاف ماهيته. تأتي المعلومات المفيدة في أشكال عديدة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next in the story? Create an ending for how this story turns out. Do they find the horn, and if so, how do they find it?", + "text": "ما الذي تعتقد أنه سيحدث بعد ذلك في القصة؟ اصنع نهاية لكيفية تحول هذه القصة. هل يجدون القرن، وإذا كان كذلك، كيف يجدونه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama Triangle held Jojo's hand as she led him outside. \"Don't worry Jojo,\" she said. \"Chief Short and Round didn't leave his spring horn here, but I know where it is. That chief can be such a silly thing!\" Mama Triangle, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond all ran down the mountain and in no time at all they were safely at the bottom.", + "text": "أمسكت ماما مثلث بيد جوجو وهي تقوده إلى الخارج. \"لا تقلق يا جوجو“، قالت. \"لم يترك الزعيم قصير ومستدير قرنه الربيعي هنا، لكنني أعرف مكانه. ذلك الزعيم يمكن أن يكون سخيفاً في بعض الأحيان!“ ركضت ماما مثلث، وجوجو المربع الصغير، ودودو دايموند جميعاً إلى أسفل الجبل وفي وقت قصير كانوا بأمان في الأسفل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a lot of triangles in this picture! Can you count them all, or is it higher than you can count?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من المثلثات في هذه الصورة! هل يمكنك عدهم جميعاً، أم أن العدد أكبر مما يمكنك عده؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why were they able to go down the mountain so much more quickly than when they went up?", + "text": "لماذا استطاعوا النزول من الجبل بسرعة أكبر بكثير من صعودهم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oddly enough, going down a steep hill can be harder than going up. Has this happened to you?", + "text": "من الغريب أن النزول من تل حاد يمكن أن يكون أصعب من الصعود. هل حدث هذا لك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It was evening by the time they reached Chief Short and Round's house. Mama Triangle knocked on the door and when it was opened everyone rushed inside.\n\n\"Hello,\" said Chief Short and Round, blinking sleepily. \"Did you find my spring horn? Will we be able to have the springtime party?\" Little Square Jojo felt very bad and shook his head.", + "text": "كان الوقت مساءً عندما وصلوا إلى منزل الزعيم قصير ومستدير. طرقت ماما مثلث على الباب وعندما فُتح الباب، هرع الجميع إلى الداخل.\n\n\"مرحباً“، قال الزعيم قصير ومستدير وهو يرمش بعينه بنعاس. \"هل وجدتم قرني الربيعي؟ هل سنتمكن من إقامة حفل الربيع؟“ شعر جوجو المربع الصغير بالحزن وهز رأسه.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Chief's room is round and is filled with round things. Point at and count as many circles as you can.", + "text": "غرفة الزعيم مستديرة ومليئة بالأشياء المستديرة. أشر واحسب أكبر عدد ممكن من الدوائر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The circles in the rug have the same center. Circles that share a common center are called concentric circles. Do you see any concentric circles where you are?", + "text": "الدوائر في السجادة لها نفس المركز. الدوائر التي تشترك في مركز مشترك تسمى دوائر متحدة المركز. هل ترى أي دوائر متحدة المركز حيث أنت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Chief is wearing his pajamas. What do you think his bedtime is? What is your bedtime?", + "text": "يرتدي الزعيم بيجامته. متي تعتقد يكون وقت نومه؟ ما هو وقت نومك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo looked for your spring horn all day, said Mama Triangle. \"It is not his fault that he didn't find it. It is your fault, Chief Short and Round. Don't you remember?\" Mama Triangle pointed at the chief. \"You are wearing your spring horn on your head!\"\n\nChief Short and Round gasped, \"Oh my, I remember it now. I was so hot from climbing up that mountain that I put my horn on my head.\"", + "text": "\"كان جوجو يحث عن قرنك الربيعي طوال اليوم“، قالت ماما مثلث. \"وليس خطأه أنه لم يجده. إنه خطؤك أنت، ايها الزعيم قصير ومستدير. ألا تتذكر؟“ أشارت ماما مثلث إلى الزعيم. \"أنت ترتدي قرنك الربيعي على رأسك!“\n\nذُهل الزعيم قصير ومستدير، \"يا إلهي، أتذكر الآن. كنت اشعر بالحر جداً بعد صعودي لذلك الجبل لدرجة أنني وضعت قرني على رأسي.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the Chief felt when he realized the horn was on his head?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أن الزعيم شعر عندما أدرك أن القرن كان على رأسه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long in this story has the horn been on his head?", + "text": "كم من الوقت في هذه القصة كان القرن على رأسه؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you thought you lost something and then found out it was in an obvious place all along.", + "text": "أخبرنا قصة عن وقت اعتقدت فيه أنك فقدت شيئاً ثم اكتشفت أنه كان في مكان واضح طوال الوقت.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I am so embarrassed, said Chief Short and Round as he took his spring horn off his head. Then he passed it to Little Square Jojo. \"You have done all the hard work, Jojo. You should blow the horn.\"\n\nLittle Square Jojo smiled. He lifted up the horn and gave a loud blow. \"Now we can have the springtime party!\" All was well in the Village of Many Shapes.", + "text": "\"أنا محرج جداً“، قال الزعيم قصير ومستدير وهو يرفع قرنه الربيعي عن رأسه. ثم مرره إلى جوجو المربع الصغير. \"لقد قمت بكل العمل الشاق يا جوجو. يجب أن تنفخ في القرن.“\n\nابتسم جوجو المربع الصغير. رفع القرن ونفخ فيه نفخة قوية. \"الآن يمكننا إقامة حفل الربيع!“ وكان كل شيء على ما يرام في قرية الأشكال المتعددة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Unlike real snowflakes, the snowflakes in this sky come in many, very different shapes. Point to a few and describe them.", + "text": "على عكس ندفات الثلج الحقيقية، تأتي ندفات الثلج في هذه السماء بأشكال كثيرة ومختلفة جداً. أشر إلى البعض وقم بوصفها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo did a great job of problem solving. He thought about the problem, he discussed ideas with others, and he persisted even when he was having trouble solving the problem.", + "text": "قام جوجو بعمل رائع في حل المشكلات. فكر في المشكلة، ناقش الأفكار مع الآخرين، واستمر حتى عندما كان يواجه صعوبة في حل المشكلة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a fun story, real or make believe, of a time when someone was searching all over for something for a long time and then finally found it.", + "text": "أخبرنا قصة ممتعة، حقيقية أو خيالية، عن وقت كان فيه شخص يبحث في كل مكان عن شيء لفترة طويلة ثم وجده أخيراً.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the animals.", + "text": "انظر إلى الحيوانات.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count and name together all the animals you see.", + "text": "قوموا بعدّ وتسمية جميع الحيوانات التي ترونها معًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are all the animals looking at?", + "text": "ما الذي تنظر إليه جميع الحيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the animals want something from the farmer?", + "text": "هل تريد الحيوانات شيئاً من الفلاح؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow says, \"Moo.\"", + "text": "تقول البقرة: \"مو\".", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?", + "text": "البقرة تنظر إلى حوض فارغ. ماذا تعتقد أن كلمة \"مو\" تعني؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?", + "text": "إذا كانت لديك كلمة واحدة فقط (\"مو\")، فعليك أن تقولها بطرق مختلفة لجعلها تعني أشياء مختلفة. ماذا تعتقد أن البقرة تريد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.", + "text": "إن بعض البقع السوداء على البقرة صغيرة وبعضها الآخر كبير. احسب عدد البقع الموجودة على البقرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"", + "text": "تقول العنزة: \"ماع، ماع.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?", + "text": "لماذا تنظر العنزة إلى قطرة الماء من الصنبور؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?", + "text": "هل العنزة عطشانة أم جائعة أم كلاهما؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.", + "text": "كم عدد قرون العنزة؟ اذكر بعض الحيوانات الأخرى التي ينمو في رأسها شيئان صلبان.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"", + "text": "يقول الحصان: \"نييه.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?", + "text": "الحصان ينظر أيضًا إلى حوض فارغ. إلى ماذا يشير الحصان برجله اليسرى الأمامية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?", + "text": "عدّوا أرجل الحصان معًا. هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوان مزرعة يملك ساقين فقط؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?", + "text": "هل هناك حيوانات تملك عدد أرجل غير اثنتين أو أربع؟ ماذا عن الحشرات أو العناكب؟ -- هل تعرف كم عدد أرجلها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"", + "text": "يقول الخنزير: \"غرانت.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?", + "text": "يظن بعض الناس أن الخنازير تقول \"أوينك\". ماذا تظن أنها تقول؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!", + "text": "للخنزير أذنان وعينان ومنخران. تخيل كيف سيكون الأمر لو كان له فمان!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا الأعمدة التي تشكل السياج أمام الخنزير.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"", + "text": "تقول الدجاجة: \"كلاك.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?", + "text": "الدجاجة حيوان مزرعة ذو ساقين فقط. هل هناك غيرها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.", + "text": "عدّوا الكتاكيت الصغيرة والدجاجات الموجودة معًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than three makes how many?", + "text": "واحد أكثر من ثلاثة كم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog says, \"Woof.\"", + "text": "يقول الكلب: \"ووف.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.", + "text": "وعاء الكلب فارغ والكلب يبدو جائعاً.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of bags by the fence.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأكياس عند السياج.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأسنان الموجودة على المجرفة في الزاوية. هل يمكنك العثور على أشياء أخرى لحسابها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"", + "text": "يقول المزارع: \"ششش!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?", + "text": "لماذا يقول المزارع \"ششش؟\" هل سئم المزارع من مضايقة الحيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the animals waiting for?", + "text": "ماذا تنتظر الحيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals are waiting for their food?", + "text": "كم من الحيوانات تنتظر طعامها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One night Grandpa was tucking me in. His hands were soft and his hair was thin.", + "text": "في إحدى الليالي كان جدي يحتضنني. كانت يداه ناعمتين وكان شعره خفيفًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two words rhyme when their endings sound alike. Look for the rhyming words on many of the pages of this story. For this page, \"in\" and \"thin\" are the rhyming words.", + "text": "الجد لديه نقاط حمراء مستديرة على خديه. هل يمكنك العثور على شيء مستدير آخر في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other words that rhyme with in and thin. (fin, din, kin, tin, win, bin, grin)", + "text": "في هذه الصورة، الكثير من الأشياء المنحنية. ابحث عن بعض الأشياء التي تعرف أنه يجب أن تكون خطوطًا مستقيمة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Putting things in pairs can be fun. However, not everything can be paired up. There are five buttons on Grandpa's coat, and no matter how you pair them up there will be one left over -- that's because five is an odd number!", + "text": "يمكن أن يكون وضع الأشياء في أزواج أمرًا ممتعًا. ومع ذلك، لا يمكن إقران كل شيء. هناك خمسة أزرار على معطف الجد، وبغض النظر عن كيفية ربطها معًا، سيبقى هناك زر بمفرده -- وذلك لأن خمسة عدد فردي!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I'm going to tell you a special story, about a girl named Lory Dory.", + "text": "\"سأخبركم بقصة خاصة عن فتاة تدعى لوري دوري.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hearing someone tell you a story is a special treat. Someone is reading this story to you right now. How does it make you feel?", + "text": "إن سماع شخص ما يروي لك قصة هو أمر ممتع. هناك من يقرأ لك هذه القصة الآن. كيف يجعلك ذلك تشعر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When lines are lined up and go in exactly the same direction they are called parallel lines. The artist has drawn this room in a style with almost no parallel lines. Point out some parallel lines where you are right now.", + "text": "عندما تصطف الخطوط وتسير في نفس الاتجاه تمامًا، فإنها تسمى خطوطًا متوازية. لقد رسم الفنان هذه الغرفة بأسلوب لا يحتوي على خطوط متوازية تقريبًا. أشر إلى بعض الخطوط المتوازية حيث أنت الآن.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the rhyming words on this page?", + "text": "يجب أن تكون الأبواب والجدران وإطارات السرير وإطارات الصور مستقيمة. لماذا تعتقد أنهم لم يرسموا خطوطاً مستقيمة هنا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You couldn't see Lory Dory at all because she was born invisible.", + "text": "لا يمكنك رؤية لوري دوري على الإطلاق لأنها ولدت غير مرئية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think it feels to be invisible? You could go places and no one would know you were there. Would you like to be invisible?", + "text": "ماذا تظن أن شعورك سيكون عندما تجد نفسك غير مرئي؟ يمكنك الذهاب إلى أماكن ولن يعرف أحد أنك هناك. هل تريد أن تكون غير مرئي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you are invisible and you put clothes on, are the clothes invisible too?", + "text": "إذا كنت غير مرئي وارتديت ملابس، فهل الملابس تصبح غير مرئية أيضًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lory Dory in this picture? How can you tell?", + "text": "أين لوري دوري في هذه الصورة؟ كيف تستطيع أن تعرف ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You'd only see Lory when rain hit her head.", + "text": "لن ترى لوري إلا عندما يضرب المطر رأسها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you see a shape by seeing an empty space in a picture, that is called \"negative space.\" You can tell where Lory is by seeing the negative space where there is no rain.", + "text": "عندما ترى شكلاً من خلال رؤية مساحة فارغة في الصورة، فإن ذلك يسمى \"المساحة السلبية\". يمكنك معرفة مكان لوري من خلال رؤية المساحة السلبية حيث لا يوجد مطر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The rain lines in this picture are lined up. Those lines are parallel lines.", + "text": "تصطف خطوط المطر في هذه الصورة. تلك الخطوط هي خطوط متوازية.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look for parallel lines around you. Most of them will probably be horizontal lines (going side to side) or vertical lines (going up and down). Are there any other parallel lines around you?", + "text": "ابحث عن الخطوط المتوازية من حولك. من المحتمل أن تكون معظمها خطوطًا أفقية (تتجه جنبًا إلى جنب) أو خطوطًا رأسية (تتجه لأعلى ولأسفل). هل هناك أي خطوط متوازية أخرى من حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Or when she was curled under blankets in bed.", + "text": "أو عندما تكون ملتوية تحت البطانيات في السرير.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The artist took many liberties with this drawing. There are extra squiggles that aren't really there. What else is extra in the picture? (the big red area)", + "text": "أخذ الفنان الكثير من الحرية بهذا الرسم. هناك تمايلات إضافية ليست موجودة بالفعل. ما هو الشيء الإضافي في الصورة؟ (المنطقة الحمراء الكبيرة)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the artist put in those extra things?", + "text": "لماذا وضع الفنان تلك الأشياء الزائدة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the easiest part of Lory to see in this picture?", + "text": "ما هو أسهل جزء من لوري يمكن رؤيته في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory was left out of all the kids' games. They teased her and they called her names.", + "text": "تم استبعاد لوري من جميع ألعاب الأطفال. كانوا يقومون بإزعاجها ويطلقون عليها الألقاب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can see Lory in this picture by her negative space and her eyes.", + "text": "يمكننا رؤية لوري في هذه الصورة من خلال مساحتها السلبية وعينيها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you suppose her eyelashes are visible when the rest of her is not?", + "text": "لماذا تظن أن رموشها مرئية بينما سائر جسمها ليس كذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often make fun of someone who is different in some way. Have you ever been made fun for this reason? Have you made fun of someone for this reason? Why do you think people do this?", + "text": "غالبًا ما يسخر الناس من شخص مختلف بطريقة ما. هل سبق لك أن تعرضت للسخرية لهذا السبب؟ هل سخرت من شخص ما لهذا السبب؟ لماذا تعتقد أن الناس يفعلون هذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look, it's Lory. The Imaginary Friend! She's not like us, she's just pretend!", + "text": "\"انظروا، إنها لوري. الصديقة الخيالية! إنها ليست مثلنا، إنها تتظاهر فقط!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The umbrellas are divided into areas that are triangles. Triangles are shapes with three straight sides. Do you see any triangles where you are?", + "text": "تنقسم المظلات إلى مناطق تكون على شكل مثلثات. المثلثات هي أشكال لها ثلاثة أضلاع مستقيمة. هل ترى أي مثلثات في مكان تواجدك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Triangles are stronger than four-sided shapes. It is much harder to bend triangles and make them lose their shape. Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "المثلثات أقوى من الأشكال الرباعية. من الصعب جدًا ثني المثلثات وجعلها تفقد شكلها. لماذا تفترض ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That child is about to throw a snowball. Balls are also called spheres. Spheres roll well and are fun to kick and play with. Do you have any spheres around you?", + "text": "هذا الطفل على وشك رمي كرة الثلج. تتدحرج الكرات بشكل جيد وهي ممتعة للركل واللعب بها. هل لديك أي كرات من حولك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day at school, a boy wanted to know: \"How do you look? I only see you in snow.\"", + "text": "في أحد الأيام في المدرسة، أراد أحد الصبية أن يعرف: \"كيف تبدين؟ أنا أراك فقط في الثلج.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did the boy mean when he said \"I only see you in snow.\"? Where is Lory in this picture?", + "text": "ماذا كان يعني الصبي عندما قال: \"أنا أراك فقط في الثلج\"؟ أين لوري في هذه الصورة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The lines on the boy's shirt go in two directions. The two directions meet each other in the same way as the edges of this page do. Lines that meet this way are said to be perpendicular to each other.", + "text": "الخطوط الموجودة على قميص الصبي تسير في اتجاهين. يلتقي الاتجاهان مع بعضهما البعض بنفس الطريقة التي تلتقي بها حواف هذه الصفحة. يقال إن الخطوط التي تلتقي بهذه الطريقة متعامدة مع بعضها البعض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out some perpendicular lines where you are. There will probably be a lot of them! Horizontal and vertical lines are usually perpendicular to each other.", + "text": "أشر إلى بعض الخطوط المتعامدة حيث أنت. ربما سيكون هناك الكثير منها! الخطوط الأفقية والعمودية عادة ما تكون متعامدة مع بعضها البعض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you paint yourself? Lory knew that she could. But not in the same way the boy thought she would.", + "text": "\"هل تستطيعين أن ترسمي نفسك؟\" عرفت لوري أنها تستطيع ذلك. ولكن ليس بنفس الطريقة التي ظن الصبي أنها ستفعلها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It often happens that someone will mean something different when they say something than what the person hearing it understands. Has that happened to you recently?", + "text": "يحدث غالبًا أن يعني شخص ما شيئًا مختلفًا عندما يقول شيئًا عما يفهمه الشخص الذي يستمع إليه. هل حدث لك ذلك مؤخرًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did the boy mean by \"paint yourself\" and what do you think Lory is going to do?", + "text": "ماذا كان يقصد الصبي بقوله \"ارسمي نفسك\" وماذا ستفعل لوري برأيك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A partial circle is called an arc. There are at least five arcs on this page -- can you find them all? Can you find more than five?", + "text": "تسمى الدائرة الجزئية قوسًا. هناك خمسة أقواس على الأقل في هذه الصفحة، هل يمكنك العثور عليها جميعها؟ هل يمكنك العثور على أكثر من خمسة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory painted her body with all that she loved from the world all around and the sky above.", + "text": "رسمت لوري جسدها بكل ما أحبته من العالم من حولها ومن السماء فوقها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The expression \"wearing your feelings on your sleeve\" refers to showing the world how you feel. Do you keep your feelings to yourself or do you show them to the world?", + "text": "يشير التعبير \"ارتداء مشاعرك على كُمك\" إلى إظهار ما تشعر به للعالم. هل تحتفظ بمشاعرك لنفسك أم أنك تظهرها للعالم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory is showing the world all the things she loves. She is wearing her thoughts all over her body!", + "text": "تُظهر لوري للعالم كل الأشياء التي تحبها. إنها ترتدي أفكارها في جميع أنحاء جسدها!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is inside each of us is invisible to the world until we tell the world. Which things that you love would you like to share with the world?", + "text": "ما بداخل كل واحد منا غير مرئي للعالم حتى نخبره به. ما هي الأشياء التي تحبها وترغب في مشاركتها مع العالم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She painted herself every day with such pride, to bring out the person who she was inside.", + "text": "كانت ترسم نفسها كل يوم بكل فخر، لتبرز الشخص الذي بداخلها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.", - "text": "إن المستطيل يتكون من أربعة أضلاع كهذه الصفحة. والمربع هو نفسه المستطيل ولكن لديه أربعة أضلاع متساوية. هل يمكنك أن تشير للمربعات والمستطيلات الموجودة في هذه الصفحة؟", + "SourceText": "Which color did she use for her right foot and which one for her left foot?", + "text": "ما اللون الذي كانت تستخدمه لقدمها اليمنى وأي لون كانت تستخدمه لقدمها اليسرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.", - "text": "في يوم من الأيام، كانت شات تتجول في الحديقة.\n\nوقد أعجبتها رائحة الأزهار كثيرا\n\nكانت تحب أن تلمس بتلاتها الناعمة.", + "SourceText": "Using paint is a bit messy, but it is one way to show her mark on the world. There are many ways we leave marks on the world without using paint. Can you think of a few?", + "text": "إن استخدام الطلاء أمر فوضوي بعض الشيء، ولكنه إحدى الطرق لإظهار بصمتها على العالم. هناك العديد من الطرق التي نترك بها بصماتنا على العالم دون استخدام الطلاء. هل يمكنك التفكير في القليل منها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.", - "text": "ووجدت الكثير من الأشياء لتعدها هنا. لنعد معا الأشجار والفراشات والعصي والأحذية وأي مجموعة أخرى تلاحظها.", + "SourceText": "You can count the toe prints one by one, or you can count them by 5's. Skip counting is often a quick way to count a bunch of things! How many toe prints are there?", + "text": "يمكنك حساب بصمات أصابع القدم واحدًا تلو الآخر، أو يمكنك عدها بمقدار 5. غالبًا ما يكون العد القفزي طريقة سريعة لحساب مجموعة من الأشياء! كم عدد بصمات أصابع القدم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which of these groups can Chat count?", - "text": "أي من هذه المجموعات يمكن لشات أن تعدها؟", + "SourceText": "I know I'm invisible and hard to see. So I painted these pictures to show the real me.", + "text": "\"أعلم أنني غير مرئية ومن الصعب رؤيتي. لذا رسمت هذه الصور لأظهر حقيقتي.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?", - "text": "أي من هذه المجموعات تحتوي على الكثير فيها وأيها تحتوي على الأقل؟", + "SourceText": "How many different things can you see on her that Lory likes?", + "text": "كم عدد الأشياء المختلفة التي يمكنك رؤيتها والتي تحبها لوري؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.", - "text": "تتمنى شات أن تستطيع رؤية الأزهار ولو لمرة واحدة في حياتها.\n\nقالت شات في نفسها :\"إنها جميلة\".", + "SourceText": "How well does this share who Lory is?", + "text": "كيف يعبر ذلك بشكل جيد عن من هي لوري؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?", - "text": "هناك خمسة زهرات زرقاء وخمسة زهرات أخرى باللون الأصفر البرتقالي. كم عددها مجموعة؟", + "SourceText": "Which things would be hard to share this way?", + "text": "ما هي الأشياء التي سيكون من الصعب مشاركتها بهذه الطريقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?", - "text": "وإذا أضفت الزهرة الصفراء البرتقالية التي في يد شات، ستكون لدينا واحدة أكثر. كم تصبح خمسة زائد واحد؟", + "SourceText": "\"Are you making this up, Gramps? Is this story true?\" \"Lory is real -- real as me, real as you.\"", + "text": "\"هل تختلق هذا يا جدي؟ هل هذه القصة حقيقية؟\" \"لوري حقيقية - حقيقية مثلي، حقيقية مثلك.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?", - "text": "بكم يزيد عدد الزهرات الزرقاء عن عدد الفراشات؟", + "SourceText": "The story may not be real, but it has a real message. What is the message?", + "text": "قد لا تكون القصة حقيقية، لكنها تحمل رسالة حقيقية. ما هي الرسالة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.", - "text": "تتمشى شات كل يوم في الحديقة. فقد كانت تعرف الطريق جيدا حولها.\n\nولكنها اليوم، رفعت رأسها إلى السماء.", + "SourceText": "How well do you think people see the invisible things inside you?", + "text": "إلى أي حد تعتقد أن الناس يرون الأشياء غير المرئية بداخلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن ترى الدهشة على وجهها؟ مالذي فاجأها؟", + "SourceText": "Is there something inside you that you would want to keep invisible?", + "text": "هل هناك شيء بداخلك تريد أن تبقيه غير مرئي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?", - "text": "لا يمكنها رؤية السحاب. ما الذي تشعر به تجاه ما يحدث؟", + "SourceText": "When Grandpa had left me, I can't quite be sure, but I think I saw Lory just outside my door.", + "text": "عندما تركني جدي، لست متأكدة تمامًا، ولكن أعتقد أنني رأيت لوري خارج باب منزلي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?", - "text": "ما الذي يحدث في السماء؟ ما الذي يمكن أن يحدث؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think? Do \"sure\" and \"door\" rhyme?", + "text": "قصص ما قبل النوم يمكن أن تساعدك على النوم. أعتقد أن القصة هنا جعلت الطفلة أكثر يقظة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.", - "text": "فجأة سمعت صوت البرق والرعد.\n\nفكرت شات:\"علي أن أعود إلى المنزل بسرعة.\"", + "SourceText": "Go back and look at all the pairs of rhyming words. Can you find a few more words that go with each pair?", + "text": "الأرضية مظللة بطيات غطاء السرير. هل ترى التجاعيد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?", - "text": "هل كنت في الخارج يوما في مكان ما حينما بدأت عاصفة فجأة؟ هل ابتللت؟", + "SourceText": "Some kinds of poems use rhyming words. Have you ever written a poem?", + "text": "إنه أمر خاص عندما يقوم شخص ما باختلاق قصة ويرويها. هل تعرف أحداً يروي قصصاً كهذه؟ هل تختلق القصص وترويها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you like watching lightning?", - "text": "هل تحب مشاهدة البرق؟", + "SourceText": "Three siblings, Udoo, Erdoo, and Eryum listened to the music of the rain. They wanted to dance in it. They wanted to touch the rainbow that arrived in the sky. Mother said, \"No.\" \n\nThey cried, hoping to change her mind. It didn't work. Eryum even tried to sneak out of the house to visit the rainbow.", + "text": "استمع ثلاثة أشقاء، أودو، إردو، وإريوم إلى موسيقى المطر. أرادوا الرقص فيه. أرادوا لمس قوس القزح الذي ظهر في السماء. ولكن قالت الأم، \"لا.“\n\nبكوا، على أمل أن تغير رأيها. ولكن لم ينجح ذلك. حتى أن إريوم حاول التسلل خارج المنزل لزيارة قوس القزح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?", - "text": "هل البرق مخيف أو ممتع حينما تراه في الخارج؟", + "SourceText": "Rainbows happen when sunlight shines through raindrops in the sky. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Some people remember this as Roy G. Biv.", + "text": "قوس القزح يحدث عندما يضيء ضوء الشمس عبر قطرات المطر في السماء. ألوان قوس القزح هي الأحمر، البرتقالي، الأصفر، الأخضر، الأزرق، النيلي، والبنفسجي. يتذكر البعض هذا باسم \"روي جي. بيف\".", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.", - "text": "بدأ المطر في الهطول.\n\nفانزلقت شات، ثم فقدت توازنها وسقطت أرضا.\n\nلقد ارتطم رأسها بحجر.", + "SourceText": "Some people claim that indigo should not be on that list. What do you think?", + "text": "يزعم بعض الناس أن اللون النيلي لا ينبغي أن يكون في تلك القائمة. ما رأيك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?", - "text": "يمكن أن تكون جروح الرأس خطيرة للغاية. هل تظن أن شات ستكون بخير؟", + "SourceText": "There are many kinds of rainbows. There are double rainbows and ones that occur when it snows. Have you ever seen one of these unusual rainbows?", + "text": "هناك أنواع عديدة من أقواس القزح. هناك أقواس قزح مزدوجة وأخرى تحدث عندما تتساقط الثلوج. هل رأيت يومًا أحد هذه الأقواس القزح غير العادية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.", - "text": "هناك ألوان متنوعة بين أصفر إلى أحمر فاتح إلى أحمر فاقع في هذه الصورة. أشر إليها وصفها.", + "SourceText": "Mother caught him before he could go. She raised her voice so that Eryum and his sisters would hear too.\n\n\"You could catch a cold,\" she said. \"You don't like pepper soup and you would have to eat some, if you caught a cold,\" she added with a smile.", + "text": "أمسكت الأم به قبل أن يتمكن من الذهاب. رفعت صوتها حتى يسمع إريوم وأخواته أيضًا.\n\nقالت: \"قد تصاب بنزلة برد“. \"أنت لا تحب حساء الفلفل وسيكون عليك أن تأكل منه إذا أصبت بنزلة برد“، أضافت بابتسامة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.", - "text": "أشر وصف الألوان المتنوعة بين الأصفر إلى درجات اللون الأخضر المختلفة في الصورة.", + "SourceText": "A partial circle is called an arc. Do you think the colors of a rainbow are in the shape of an arc?", + "text": "القوس الجزئي يسمى قوس. هل تعتقد أن ألوان قوس القزح تشكل قوسًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.", - "text": "حينما استيقظت شات، وجدت أشخاصا حولها.\n\nفسألت: \"ما الذي حدث؟\"", + "SourceText": "Eryum wanted to go outside to see and touch the rainbow. Have you ever touched a rainbow. Do you think it's possible?", + "text": "أراد إريوم الخروج لرؤية ولمس قوس القزح. هل سبق لك أن لمست قوس القزح؟ هل تعتقد أنه ممكن؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?", - "text": "هيا لنحسب معا الأشخاص من عائلة شات. هل حسبت شات معهم؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever wanted to do something so much that you tried to do it even though an adult told you not to?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن أردت فعل شيء بشدة لدرجة أنك حاولت فعله رغم أن شخصًا بالغًا أخبرك بعدم فعله؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?", - "text": "هل يمكن أن تقول كيف يحس كل شخص منهم من خلال الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Hoping that they would ask for a story, she said, \"The rainbow is a magical river with healing powers. But it is so high up in the sky that you can't reach it. If you catch a cold, the rainbow can't help you.\"\n\nThe children thought about this.", + "text": "أملاً في أن يطلبوا قصة، قالت: \"قوس القزح هو نهر سحري له قوى شفاء. لكنه عالٍ في السماء لدرجة لا يمكنك الوصول إليه. إذا أصبت بنزلة برد، فلا يمكن لقوس القزح مساعدتك.“\n\nفكر الأطفال في هذا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?", - "text": "هناك الكثير من الألوان هنا. ما هو اللون الناقص في قوس قزح المرسوم في الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Their mother is going to tell them a story about the magical healing powers of a rainbow. Before you read further, make up a story of your own about rainbows.", + "text": "والدتهم ستروي لهم قصة عن قوى الشفاء السحرية لقوس القزح. قبل أن تقرأ المزيد، ابتكر قصة خاصة بك عن أقواس القزح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.", - "text": "قال أبوها:لقد سقطت وصدمت رأسك.\n\nقالت أمها: نحمد الله كثيرا لأنك بخير.", + "SourceText": "The straight lines in this picture make lots of rectangles, which are four-sided shapes similar to this page. How many rectangles do you see around you?", + "text": "الخطوط المستقيمة في هذه الصورة تصنع الكثير من المستطيلات، وهي أشكال رباعية الأضلاع تشبه هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المستطيلات التي تراها حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?", - "text": "هناك رسمة دائرية على سرير شات. هل هناك دوائر زرقاء أو دوائر حمراء أخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Sometimes, seeing lots of straight lines is dull. Do you find these lines interesting or dull? Is the curvy pot more interesting?", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان، رؤية الكثير من الخطوط المستقيمة مملة. هل تجد هذه الخطوط مثيرة للاهتمام أم مملة؟ هل القدر المنحني أكثر إثارة للاهتمام؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.", - "text": "صف لي أشكالا أخرى موجودة حولك.", + "SourceText": "\"Mother, please tell us our rainbow story,\" said Erdoo. \"Yes, please mother, I want to hear it too,\" Udoo chimed in. \"Me three,\" Eryum begged, lifting up three little fingers.\n\n\"Well, let me see, mmmm,\" she said playfully. \"Okay lovelies, gather round. Mother, the storyteller is here!\"", + "text": "\"أمي، من فضلك أخبرينا بقصتنا عن قوس القزح,“ قالت إردو. \"نعم، من فضلك، أمي، أريد أن أسمعها أيضًا,“ انضمت أودو. \"وأنا أيضًا,“ توسل إريوم، رافعًا ثلاثة أصابع صغيرة.\n\nقالت تمازحهم: \"حسنًا، دعوني أرى، هممم“. \"حسنًا، تعالوا يا أحبائي. الأم، الحكاءة، هنا!“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.", - "text": "جد المستطيلات الموجودة في الصورة والموجودة حولك.", + "SourceText": "Is there someone you know who makes up stories to tell you? Describe the feeling you have when someone tells you a story.", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصًا يبتكر قصصًا ليخبرك بها؟ صف الشعور الذي تشعر به عندما يخبرك شخص ما بقصة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.", - "text": "سألت شات:”أمي، أبي؟” حتى أنها نادت على إخوتها وأخواتها. ثم قالت: ”أعطوني زهرة من فضلكم؟” فوقف الجميع مندهشا.", + "SourceText": "Sometimes a group of people will create a story together by taking turns making up parts of the story. Have you ever tried this?", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان، ينشئ مجموعة من الأشخاص قصة معًا عن طريق تبادل الأدوار في ابتكار أجزاء من القصة. هل سبق لك أن جربت هذا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why is everyone surprised?", - "text": "لماذا الجميع مندهش؟", + "SourceText": "How can you tell the children are happy on this page? What do you see in their faces and body positions that make it obvious?", + "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن الأطفال سعداء في هذه الصفحة؟ ما الذي تراه في وجوههم ووضعيات أجسامهم يجعل ذلك واضحًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why is everyone looking so happy?", - "text": "لماذا الجميع يبدو سعيدا؟", + "SourceText": "Erdoo ran for the naha, the stirring stick they used as their totem. She handed it over to mother. Eryum got the headgear for mother to wear. It never failed to put her in character.\n\nThey all sat quietly to listen to the story they had heard many times. Udoo blew the whistle, telling mother to start. The story began.", + "text": "ركضت إردو للحصول على \"الناها“، وهي عصا التحريك التي يستخدمونها كرمز لهم. سلمتها للأم. وجاء إريوم بغطاء الرأس للأم لارتدائه. لم يفشل أبدًا في وضعها في الشخصية.\n\nجلسوا جميعًا بهدوء للاستماع إلى القصة التي سمعوها مرات عديدة. أودو نفخت في الصفارة، تخبر الأم بالبدء. بدأت القصة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن تحسب الدوائر على سريرها أم أنها كثيرة جدا؟ هل يمكنك أن تحسب أشياء أخرى كالعينين، والأذرع أو الأنوف؟", + "SourceText": "Do you have special clothes or objects that you use for particular events like story telling?", + "text": "هل لديك ملابس أو أشياء خاصة تستخدمها لأحداث معينة مثل رواية القصص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.", - "text": "عادت أختها وفي يدها زهرة.\n\nحملتها شات بلطف وقالت: \"إنها جميلة للغاية\".", + "SourceText": "Having a set of things, or particular places, associated with a type of event helps create a sense of shared occasion. Describe some special events, such as birthday parties, when you wear special clothes or do particular activities.", + "text": "وجود مجموعة من الأشياء، أو أماكن معينة، مرتبطة بنوع من الأحداث يساعد في خلق إحساس بالمناسبة المشتركة. صف بعض الأحداث الخاصة، مثل حفلات أعياد الميلاد، عندما ترتدي ملابس خاصة أو تقوم بأنشطة معينة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?", - "text": "تخيل كيف يكون شعورك حينما ترى العالم لأول مرة. ما الذي سترغب برؤيته كثيرا؟", + "SourceText": "The frame on the wall is a rectangle, but not the rug on the floor. An oval is a circle that has been stretched or shrunken in one direction. What do you think, is this rug a perfect circle or is it an oval?", + "text": "الإطار على الحائط مستطيل، لكن السجادة على الأرض ليست كذلك. البيضاوي هو دائرة تم تمديدها أو تصغيرها في اتجاه واحد. ما رأيك، هل هذه السجادة دائرة مثالية أم بيضاوية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?", - "text": "ما هو الجانب الذي اصطدمت عليه شات وأي جانب تمت لفه بضماد؟ همممممم....؟", + "SourceText": "\"Once, the rainbow was a magical river. It was hidden inside the green woods of Mbadede. Because it had healing powers, it was guarded.\n\nIf you were sick, you drank the water. The rainbow was always happy to share. Bit it didn't like badly behaved people.\"", + "text": "\"كان قوس القزح نهرًا سحريًا مخفيًا في داخل غابات مباديدي الخضراء. نظرًا لأن لديه قوى شفاء، فقد كان محروسًا.\n\nإذا كنت مريضًا، كنت تشرب الماء. كان قوس القزح دائمًا سعيدًا بالمشاركة. لكنه لم يعجب بالأشخاص الذين يتصرفون بشكل سيء.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن تجد كل المستطيلات في الصورة؟ إن البعض منها متخفي قليلا.", + "SourceText": "This story talks about the rainbow river as though it could feel and think. Do you think non-animals in our world have feelings and thoughts?", + "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن نهر قوس القزح وكأنه يمكنه الشعور والتفكير. هل تعتقد أن الأشياء غير الحيوانية في عالمنا لديها مشاعر وأفكار؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.", - "text": "نظر أفراد عائلتها لبعضهم البعض.\n\nفسألتها أمها: \"هل يمكنك رؤية الزهرة يا شات؟\"", + "SourceText": "This story talks about the river not liking badly behaved people. This is called foreshadowing. It tells us that such a person will soon appear in the story.", + "text": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن نهر لا يعجب بالأشخاص الذين يتصرفون بشكل سيء. هذا يسمى التنبؤ. إنه يخبرنا أن مثل هذا الشخص سيظهر قريبًا في القصة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What emotion do you see on each person's face?", - "text": "ما هي المشاعر التي تراها على وجه كل شخص؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think a badly behaved person could do to upset the river?", + "text": "ما الذي تعتقد أن الشخص الذي يتصرف بشكل سيء يمكن أن يفعله لإزعاج النهر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?", - "text": "هل تعرف شخصا تعافى من مرض فجأة؟", + "SourceText": "\"Because of the river's magic, there was ice cream along the banks! Everyone who came to drink the water also enjoyed the ice cream, especially children.\n\nThe ice cream from the river was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and indigo.\"", + "text": "\"بسبب سحر النهر، كان هناك آيس كريم على ضفافه! كل من جاء ليشرب الماء استمتع أيضًا بالآيس كريم، خاصة الأطفال.\n\nالآيس كريم من النهر كان بالألوان الأحمر، البرتقالي، الأصفر، الأخضر، الأزرق، البنفسجي، والنيلي.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who was blind?", - "text": "هل تعرف شخصا كان أعمى؟", + "SourceText": "How is this list of colors different from the Roy G. Biv list of rainbow colors?", + "text": "كيف يختلف هذا القائمة من الألوان عن قائمة \"روي جي. بيف\" لألوان قوس القزح؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.", - "text": "لعبت شات بالزهرة بين يديها.\n\nابتسمت وقالت: \"أنت جميلة كهذه الزهرة.\"", + "SourceText": "They are getting ice cream all over themselves. When you eat, do you like to be neat and tidy, or do you enjoy making a mess?", + "text": "يصبون الآيس كريم على أنفسهم. عندما تأكل، هل تحب أن تكون نظيفًا ومرتبًا، أم تستمتع بصنع الفوضى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.", - "text": "أشر الى المستطيلات الجديدة الموجودة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "It's fun to see the colors mixing together on the river bank. When you mix yellow and blue you get green. What happens when you mix other colors?", + "text": "من الممتع رؤية الألوان تختلط معًا على ضفاف النهر. عندما تخلط الأصفر والأزرق تحصل على الأخضر. ماذا يحدث عندما تخلط الألوان الأخرى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"One day, a naughty old woman called Mbom came from the land beyond. On arrival, she met with a guard. He did not know her and he felt a strange feeling. But he did not listen to his feelings.\n\nHe pointed the way into the woods and told her to respect the river. Mbom agreed and went to the water.\"", + "text": "\"يومًا ما، جاءت امرأة عجوز شقية تدعى مبوم من الأرض البعيدة. عند وصولها، التقت بحارس. لم يعرفها وشعر بشعور غريب. لكنه لم يستمع إلى شعوره.\n\nوأشار إلى الطريق المؤدي إلى الغابة وأخبرها بأن تحترم النهر. وافقت مبوم وذهبت إلى الماء.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes we get feelings about things we can sense but not quite understand. Learning to listen to those feelings and makes sense of them is a great skill learned over a lifetime.", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان، نحصل على مشاعر حول الأشياء التي يمكننا الشعور بها ولكن لا نفهمها تمامًا. تعلم الاستماع إلى تلك المشاعر وفهمها هو مهارة رائعة يتم تعلمها على مدار الحياة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a person who didn't seem quite right to you, or perhaps you were in a situation where you were afraid but didn't know why? Listen to those feelings when you have them and try to understand them.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت شخصًا لم يبدو لك صحيحًا، أو ربما كنت في موقف شعرت فيه بالخوف ولكن لم تعرف السبب؟ استمع إلى تلك المشاعر عندما تكون لديك وحاول فهمها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a large forest behind them. How many trees can you count?", + "text": "هناك غابة كبيرة خلفهم. كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"She took a drink and was healed. Then she looked around to make sure she wasn't being watched.\n\nMbom picked up a stone and threw it in. She watched as it rose, and spread into a ripple. Pleased, she picked up a stick. She threw it in. The same thing happened.\"", + "text": "\"شربت من الماء وتم شفاءها. ثم نظرت حولها لتتأكد من عدم وجود من يراقبها..\n\nالتقطت مبوم حجرًا ورمته في الماء. وراقبته وهو يرتفع، وينتشر في شكل تموج. فرحت، فالتقطت عصا وألقتها في الماء. فحدث نفس الشيء.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It seems Mbom's body was healed, but she was still sick at heart. Do you think this is what the guard sensed about her?", + "text": "يبدو أن جسد مبوم تم شفاءه، لكنها ما زالت مريضة في قلبها. هل تعتقد أن هذا ما شعر به الحارس حيالها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you suppose the river couldn't heal her heart?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن النهر لم يتمكن من شفاء قلبها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You would think she would be overjoyed at being healed; however, she doesn't look happy. Why did she throw the stone and stick into the river?", + "text": "من المفترض أن تكون سعيدة بالشفاء؛ ومع ذلك، لا تبدو سعدة. لماذا رمت الحجر والعصا في النهر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Mbom jumped right into the water! She hoped to get everlasting life. As soon as she jumped, the river rose up. It shot high into the sky, never to return to Mbadede. But sometimes the rainbow follows after the rain, to feel like a river again.\n\nAnd there my story ends.\" said mother.", + "text": "\"قفزت مبوم في الماء! كانت تأمل في الحصول على الحياة الأبدية. بمجرد أن قفزت، ارتفع النهر. ارتفع عاليًا في السماء، ولم يعد أبدًا إلى مباديدي. ولكن في بعض الأحيان يتبع قوس القزح المطر، ليشعر وكأنه نهر مرة أخرى.\n\nوهكذا تنتهي قصتي,“ قالت الأم.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible for anyone to live forever? Do you think the universe will be around forever?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أنه من الممكن لأي شخص أن يعيش إلى الأبد؟ هل تعتقد أن الكون سيبقى إلى الأبد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One selfish or thoughtless person can ruin a situation for everyone. Why do you suppose it can take a lot of work from a lot of people to make a good thing, and it is so easy for a few people to ruin it?", + "text": "شخص واحد أناني أو غير مبالي يمكن أن يدمر الوضع للجميع. لماذا تعتقد أن الأمر يتطلب الكثير من العمل من الكثير من الأشخاص لإنشاء شيء جيد، ومن السهل جدًا على عدد قليل من الأشخاص تدميره؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of a time when you were with friends and one person ruined the good time for everyone else?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كنت مع أصدقائك وفسد شخص واحد الوقت الجيد للجميع؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"So my lovelies tell me, why do you love this story so much?\" asked mother. \"You often ask me to tell it.\"\n\n\"I love it because it reminds me to pay attention to my feelings,\" Udoo smiled. \"It helps me to remember the colors of the rainbow,\" added Erdoo.", + "text": "\"إذًا يا أحبائي، أخبروني، لماذا تحبون هذه القصة كثيرًا؟“ سألت الأم. \"دائمًا ما تطلبون مني أن أخبركم بها.“\n\n\"أحبها لأنها تذكرني بالاهتمام بمشاعري,“ قالت أودو بابتسامة. \"تساعدني على تذكر ألوان قوس القزح,“ أضافت إردو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you remember the colors of the rainbow now?", + "text": "هل تتذكر ألوان قوس القزح الآن؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many things in this picture come in pairs. See how many you can find.", + "text": "العديد من الأشياء في هذه الصورة تأتي في أزواج. كم يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you combine the chairs and people together, how many legs do they have? Did you skip count the legs by 2's to figure it out?", + "text": "إذا جمعت الكراسي والأشخاص معًا، كم عدد الأرجل التي لديهم؟ هل قمت بعد الأرجل بالقفز ب٢ لمعرفة العدد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Eryum tried to push his luck, \"I love it because it reminds me of ice cream! Can I have some now, pleeeaaase?\"\n\n\"Mmmm. It's cold now, let's eat ice cream tomorrow. Shall we?\" mother says. Then she adds, \"Next time, I will tell the tale of the end of the rainbow.\"", + "text": "حاول إريوم أن يجرب حظه، \"أنا أحبها لأنها تذكرني بالآيس كريم! هل يمكنني أن أحصل على بعضه الآن، من فضلك؟“\n\n\"هممم. الجو بارد الآن، دعنا نأكل الآيس كريم غدًا. ما رأيك؟“ تقول الأم. ثم تضيف، \"في المرة القادمة، سأروي قصة نهاية قوس القزح.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like ice cream? If you could, would you eat ice cream all the time?", + "text": "هل تحب الآيس كريم؟ إذا كان بإمكانك، هل كنت ستأكل الآيس كريم طوال الوقت؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite food? Is your choice different at different times -- for example, one favorite for when it's hot and another when it is cold?", + "text": "ما هو طعامك المفضل؟ هل يختلف اختيارك في أوقات مختلفة - على سبيل المثال، طعام مفضل عند الحر وآخر عند البرد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people say there is treasure at the end of the rainbow. Make up a story this mother might tell about a treasure at the end of the rainbow.", + "text": "يقول بعض الناس أن هناك كنزًا في نهاية قوس القزح. ابتكر قصة قد ترويها هذه الأم عن كنز في نهاية قوس القزح.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Long time ago, animals had no legs.\n\nThey all used to crawl.", + "text": "منذ زمن طويل، لم تكن للحيوانات أرجل.\n\nكانت جميعها تزحف.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine if you had to crawl everywhere. How hard would that be?", + "text": "تخيل لو كان عليك الزحف في كل مكان. ما هو مدى صعوبة ذلك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Without counting, estimate how many spots the giraffe has. Now count the spots and see how close you came.", + "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس. بدون العد، قم بتقدير عدد البقع الموجودة على الزرافة. الآن قم بعدّ البقع وشاهد مدى قرب تقديرك منها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the estimation game with a friend. When you see a group of things, both of you make a quick estimate for the count. Now count the things and see which of you was closer.", + "text": "قم بلعبة التقدير مع صديق. عندما ترى مجموعة من الأشياء، يقوم كل منكما بتقدير سريع للعدد. ثم تعدان الأشياء وتنظران أيكما أقرب.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Only people had legs, which Maguru gave to them.", + "text": "كان البشر فقط هم من يمتلكون الأرجل، والتي أعطاها لهم ماجورو.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does one person have? How many limbs do two people have?", + "text": "تسمى الأذرع والأرجل أطرافاً. كم عدد الأطراف التي يمتلكها الشخص الواحد؟ كم عدد الأطراف لدى شخصين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To find all the limbs for two people, you can count them by 4's as four plus four more. Another way is to count the pairs of limbs by 2's as 2, 4, 6, 8. Of course you can just count them all one at a time. Which way do you like best?", + "text": "للعثور على جميع الأطراف لشخصين، يمكنك حسابها بأربعة زائد أربعة آخرين. هناك طريقة أخرى وهي حساب أزواج الأطراف بمقدار 2 على أنها 2، 4، 6، 8. بالطبع يمكنك عدها جميعًا واحدة تلو الأخرى. ما هي الطريقة التي تفضلها أكثر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الألوان في هذه الصورة. ما هي ألوان قوس قزح المفقودة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Maguru decided to give legs to every animal. He wanted them to walk.\n\nHe told them about it.", + "text": "في أحد الأيام، قرر ماجورو إعطاء أرجل لكل حيوان. أراد منهم أن يسيروا.\n\nأخبرهم بذلك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count as many round shapes in this picture as you can.", + "text": "قم بعدّ أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشكال المستديرة في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?", - "text": "هل تظن أن القصة انتهت هكذا؟ !إنها نهاية سعيدة جدا", + "SourceText": "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The megaphone and the tops of the houses are all cones. Have you ever had food, such as ice cream, out of a cone?", + "text": "الشكل الدائري الذي يصل إلى زاوية ما يسمى مخروطًا. مكبر الصوت وأسطح المنازل كلها مخروطية. هل سبق لك أن تناولت طعامًا، مثل المثلجات، ذات شكل مخروط؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.", - "text": "بعض الناس يصبحون أطباء لأنهم يحبون أن يساعدوا الآخرين ليحصلوا على نهاية سعيدة كهذه.", + "SourceText": "Maguru's hand has an unusual number of fingers. Who has more fingers, you or Maguru?", + "text": "تحتوي يد ماجورو على عدد غير عادي من الأصابع. من لديه أصابع أكثر، أنت أم ماجورو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My name is Simo.", - "text": "اسمي سيمو.", + "SourceText": "The animals said, \"It will be very nice to have legs.\"\n\nThey sang and danced.", + "text": "قالت الحيوانات: \"سيكون من الجيد جدًا أن تكون لدينا أرجل.”\n\nغنت ورقصت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.", - "text": "عدّوا معاً الألوان المختلفة للخطوط الموجودة على قميص سيمو.", + "SourceText": "You can dance sitting down and you can dance lying down. Have you ever tried dancing on your knees?", + "text": "يمكنك الرقص وأنت جالس ويمكنك الرقص وأنت مستلقي. هل سبق لك أن حاولت الرقص على ركبتيك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?", - "text": "كرة سيمو لها لونان وهي مستديرة. خماسي الأضلاع هو شكل ذو خمسة جوانب. أشر إلى الخماسيات السوداء على كرة سيمو. هل ترى أي أشكال خماسية من حولك؟", + "SourceText": "These animals can be grouped in many ways. Some have ears and some do not seem to. Some have bodies with just one color and others do not. Some have skinny tails and others do not. Can you think of some other groupings?", + "text": "يمكن تجميع هذه الحيوانات بعدة طرق. البعض لديه آذان والبعض الآخر لا. لدى البعض أجسام ذات لون واحد فقط والبعض الآخر لا. البعض لديه ذيول نحيفة والبعض الآخر لا. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض المجموعات الأخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?", - "text": "الشكل السداسي هو شكل سداسي الأضلاع. أشر إلى الأشكال السداسية على الكرة. غالبا ما تستخدم السداسيات في أنماط التبليط. هل ترى أي أشكال سداسية من حولك؟", + "SourceText": "Grouping things using their properties is an important way we understand things in the world. What are some of your most important properties?", + "text": "يعد تجميع الأشياء باستخدام خصائصها طريقة مهمة لفهم الأشياء في العالم. ما هي بعض أهم خصائصك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I have four friends.", - "text": "أملك أربعة أصدقاء.", + "SourceText": "The animals said it was hard to crawl.\n\nThey felt pain.", + "text": "قالت الحيوانات أنه كان من الصعب الزحف.\n\nكانت تشعر بالألم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"", - "text": "عندما تضع سيمو مع أصدقائه الأربعة، كم يبلغ عددهم معًا؟ هناك طريقة أخرى لطرح هذا السؤال وهي: \"ما هو 4 بالإضافة إلى 1؟\"", + "SourceText": "Would you rather crawl or walk?", + "text": "هل تفضل الزحف أم المشي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.", - "text": "كم منهم ذو قميص مخطط وكم منهم ذو قميص بلون واحد؟ هذا يعني أن 2 أكثر من 3 يساوي 5.", + "SourceText": "Do you think the mouse will get legs long enough to put him in the clouds?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن الفأر سيكون له أرجل طويلة بما يكفي ليصل إلى السحاب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!", - "text": "هاتان طريقتان مختلفتان للحصول على الرقم خمسة! إذا أخذت واحدًا أكثر من أربعة، فستحصل على نفس نتيجة اثنين أكثر من ثلاثة!", + "SourceText": "Why do you think the crocodile has band-aids on?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن التمساح يرتدي ضمادات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.", - "text": "أسمائهم هي زيزو، ليلي، سيسا وآياندا.", + "SourceText": "When the day came, many animals went to Maguru's house.\n\nGiraffes, lions, elephants, rabbits, crocodiles, and birds stood in a line.", + "text": "عندما جاء اليوم، ذهبت العديد من الحيوانات إلى منزل ماجورو.\n\nوقفت الزرافات والأسود والفيلة والأرانب والتماسيح والطيور في صف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.", - "text": "هل يمكنك تخمين من لديه أي اسم؟ سنتعرف على كل واحد منهم قريبًا.", + "SourceText": "That's a very long line! Estimate how many animals are in that line.", + "text": "هذا صف طويل جدا! قدّر عدد الحيوانات الموجودة في هذا الصف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?", - "text": "اختلق قصة عن أحدهم. ربما أحدهم يحب القطط أو المشي لمسافات طويلة؟", + "SourceText": "Count all the animals and see how close your estimate was. Can you count that high? Was it too high, too low, or exactly right?", + "text": "قم بعدّ جميع الحيوانات وانظر إلى أي مدى كان تقديرك قريبًا. هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟ هل كان تقديرك مرتفعاً جدًا أم منخفضاً جدًا أم صحيحاً تمامًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.", - "text": "من بين الأربعة، واحد منهم يحب كرة القدم، وآخر يحب السباحة، وآخر يحب لعبة الغميضة، وواحد يحب القراءة - خمن أيهم.", + "SourceText": "Do you see any animals going down? Do you think there is a different path on the backside of the mountain for going down?", + "text": "هل رأيت أي حيوانات تنزل؟ هل تعتقد أن هناك طريقًا مختلفًا في الجزء الخلفي من الجبل للنزول؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.", - "text": "صديقتي زيزو ​​تحب لعب كرة القدم.", + "SourceText": "Each animal was given four legs.\n\nBirds were given two legs each.", + "text": "أعطيت أربعة أرجل لكل حيوان.\n\nأعطيت رجلان لكل طير.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?", - "text": "سيمو وزيزو لديهما كرة قدم مشتركة. أي أجزاء من ملابسهما متشابهة مع بعضها البعض؟", + "SourceText": "Birds are animals, so why are they being treated differently than the other animals?", + "text": "الطيور حيوانات فلماذا تتم معاملتها بشكل مختلف عن الحيوانات الأخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?", - "text": "سيمو وزيزو لديهما خطوط على أجزاء مختلفة من ملابسهما. كيف تختلف خطوطهما؟", + "SourceText": "How many fewer feet did birds get than the other animals?", + "text": "حصلت الطيور على كم رجل أقل من الحيوانات الأخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?", - "text": "يبدو أن زيزو تحب درجات اللون الأحمر. هل تحب ذلك أيضاً؟ ما هو لونك المفضل؟", + "SourceText": "If you were a bird, would you feel short-changed getting only two feet, or do you think having two feet is more fun than having four?", + "text": "لو كنت طائرًا، هل ستشعر بالنقص لحصولك على رجلين فقط، أم تعتقد أن امتلاك رجلين أكثر متعة من امتلاك أربعة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My friend Lele likes to swim.", - "text": "صديقتي ليلي تحب السباحة.", + "SourceText": "Everything was different after they got legs.\n\nSome danced for joy. Others fell down.", + "text": "كل شيء أصبح مختلفاً بعد حصولها على أرجل.\n\nرقص بعضها من الفرح. وسقط بعضها الآخر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.", - "text": "أشر إلى اللون الأخضر الجميل، والأخضر المائل إلى الأزرق، والأزرق في هذه الصورة وقم بتسمية كل منها.", + "SourceText": "Look at their faces. What are the different feelings these animals have?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجوهها. ما هي المشاعر المختلفة التي تشعر بها هذه الحيوانات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?", - "text": "عد الأصابع على يد ليلي اليسرى. هل ينقصها إصبع أم أن الفنان كان مهملاً في رسم هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Some of the animals are having trouble with their new legs. Is it fun for you when you try something new, or is it frustrating sometimes? What is something new you tried that was difficult for you?", + "text": "تعاني بعض الحيوانات من مشكلة في أرجلها الجديدة. هل من الممتع بالنسبة لك تجربة شيء جديد، أم أنه محبط في بعض الأحيان؟ ما هو الشيء الجديد الذي جربته وصعب عليك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.", - "text": "قد يكون من الخطر أن تسبح بمفردك. لكي تكون آمنًا، اسبح دائمًا مع صديق.", + "SourceText": "How many of these animals have four legs and how many have two? What is the total number of legs on this page?", + "text": "كم من هذه الحيوانات لديه أربع أرجل وكم منها لديه اثنتان؟ ما هو إجمالي عدد الأرجل في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.", - "text": "صديقي سيسا يحب لعب لعبة الغميضة.", + "SourceText": "They went to show people.\n\nThe animals said, \"We will never crawl again.\"", + "text": "ذهبت لتري البشر.\n\nقالت الحيوانات: “لن نزحف مرة أخرى.”", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?", - "text": "هل سيسا هو اللاعب الرئيس أم أن سيسا مختبئ؟ من السهل رؤية سيسا. هل يختبئ سيسا خلف الشجرة؟", + "SourceText": "People are animals and only have two legs. According to this story, does that mean that people are birds?", + "text": "البشر حيوانات وليس لديهم سوى رجلين. فهل يعني هذا بحسب هذه القصة أن الناس طيور؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?", - "text": "قولون أن الحمير الوحشية لها خطوط تساعدها على الاختباء بين الأشجار. هل الخطوط الموجودة على قميص سيسا تجعل رؤية سيسا صعبة؟", + "SourceText": "Is it possible for two types of animals to have a property in common, such as having two legs, and still be different? How much do two things have to have in common to be the same?", + "text": "هل من الممكن أن يكون لنوعين من الحيوانات خاصية مشتركة، مثل أن يكون لهما رجلان، ويظلان مختلفين؟ ما هو القدر المشترك بين شيئين ليكونا متماثلين؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?", - "text": "عند لعب لعبة الغميضة، عادةً ما يقوم اللاعب الرئيس بالعد حتى رقم ما قبل البحث عن الأشخاص. إلى أي مدى تعتقد أن الشخص يجب أن يعد؟", + "SourceText": "One of these animals has four legs, but it is standing on two of them. Which one is it?", + "text": "لواحد من هذه الحيوانات أربع أرجل ولكنه يقف على اثنتين منها. أي واحد هو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My friend Ayanda likes to read.", - "text": "صديقتي آياندا تحب القراءة.", + "SourceText": "The last one in the line was Millipede. Maguru asked, \"Is there anyone else after you?\"\n\nMillipede answered, \"No, I am the last one.\"", + "text": "كانت الدودة آخر واحدة في الطابور. سأل ماجورو: \"هل هناك أحد بعدك؟”\n\nأجابت الدودة: \"لا، أنا الأخيرة.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?", - "text": "اختار الأشخاص الآخرون الألعاب الرياضية والألعاب التي يحبون لعبها. هل القراءة رياضة أم لعبة؟", + "SourceText": "When you are in line and there is no one after you, you are the last one. Where are you in line if there is no one before you?", + "text": "عندما تكون في الصف ولا يوجد أحد بعدك، فأنت الأخير. أين أنت من الصف إذا لم يكن قبلك أحد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?", - "text": "هل تستطيع القراءة مع الآخرين أم يجب أن تقرأ وحدك؟", + "SourceText": "Why was it important to Maguru that Millipede is last? Do you think Maguru is tired of giving legs to animals?", + "text": "لماذا كان من المهم بالنسبة إلى ماجورو أن تكون الدودة هي الأخيرة؟ هل تعتقد أن ماجورو سئم من إعطاء الأرجل للحيوانات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.", - "text": "يبدو أن آياندا تستمتع بدرجات اللون البرتقالي. قم بتسمية بعض الأشياء من حولك ذات درجات برتقالية.", + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next?", + "text": "ماذا تعتقد سوف يحدث بعد ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.", - "text": "أنا؟ أحب أن أفعل الأشياء التي يحبون القيام بها.", + "SourceText": "Maguru thought, \"He is the last one. What will I do with the rest of the legs?\"\n\nMaguru gave Millipede all the remaining legs.", + "text": "فكر ماجورو: \"إنها الأخيرة. ماذا سأفعل ببقية الأرجل؟”\n\nأعطى ماجورو للدودة كل الأرجل المتبقية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?", - "text": "هل يحب سيمو القيام بكل الأشياء، أم أنه يقبل فقط حتى يتمكن من التواجد مع الجميع؟", + "SourceText": "Millipede looks very happy to have so many legs. Would you like to have that many legs?", + "text": "تبدو الدودة الألفية سعيدة جدًا لامتلاكها هذا العدد من الأرجل. هل ترغب في الحصول على هذا العدد من الأرجل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?", - "text": "هل لاحظتم أن خطوط قميصه قد تغيرت؟ كيف تغيرت؟", + "SourceText": "If you had so many legs, think of all the shoes you would need. Tying your shoes in the morning would take forever!", + "text": "إذا كان لديك الكثير من الأرجل، فكر في كل الأحذية التي قد تحتاجها. ربط حذائك في الصباح سيستغرق إلى الأبد!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Of the four activities, how many do you like?", - "text": "من الأنشطة الأربعة، كم تحب؟", + "SourceText": "Can you count high enough to count all of Millipede's feet? Millipede's name means \"thousand feet.\" The record for a millipede is 750 feet, so the name is not exactly correct.", + "text": "هل يمكنك العد عاليًا بما يكفي لحساب كل أقدام الدودة الألفية؟ اسم الدودة الألفية يعني \"ذات الألف رجل\". الرقم القياسي للديدان الألفية هو 750 قدمًا، لذا فإن الاسم ليس صحيحًا تمامًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I play soccer with Zizo.", - "text": "ألعب كرة القدم مع زيزو.", + "SourceText": "Millipede was very happy. He said, \"I will move faster than others.\"", + "text": "كانت الدودة الألفية سعيدة جدًا. قالت: \"أنا أسرع من غيري.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?", - "text": "عد أصابع يد زيزو ​​اليسرى. هل زيزو ​​فقد إصبعه أم أن الفنان استهتر مرة أخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Do you think an animal moves faster because it has more feet? Can you think of four-legged animals that move more slowly than people?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن الحيوان يتحرك بشكل أسرع لأن عدد أقدامه أكبر؟ هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات ذات أربع أرجل تتحرك بشكل أبطأ من البشر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?", - "text": "يولد بعض الناس بستة أصابع في اليد. ما هو واحد أقل من ستة؟ ما العدد الذي يقل عن ستة باثنين؟ كم عدد الأصابع الذي يبدو رقمًا جيدًا بالنسبة لك؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a millipede? They do not move very quickly at all! Why do you suppose they are so slow?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت الديدان الألفية؟ إنها لا تتحرك بسرعة كبيرة على الإطلاق! لماذا تفترض أنها بطيئة جدًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?", - "text": "يرتدي زيزو ​​قميصًا ءا لون واحد مع جوارب مخططة، بينما يرتدي سيمو قميصًا مخططًا مع جوارب ذات لون واحد. ما هي الطريقة التي تفضلها أكثر؟", + "SourceText": "Clouds often look like the clouds in this picture; they have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Do you have any ideas on why that would be?", + "text": "غالبًا ما تبدو الغيوم مثل الغيوم في هذه الصورة؛ لديها قيعان مسطحة وقمم رقيقة. هل لديك أي فكرة حول سبب ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I swim with Lele.", - "text": "أسبح مع ليلي.", + "SourceText": "After Millipede left, Snake came to Maguru's house. He said to Maguru, \"Please give me some legs.\"", + "text": "بعد مغادرة الدودة الألفية، جاءت الأفعى إلى منزل ماجورو. قالت لماجورو، \"من فضلك أعطني بعض الأرجل.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?", - "text": "عد الأصابع على يد ليلي اليسرى. لديها إصبع واحد أكثر مما كانت عليه من قبل! هل نما لها إصبع؟", + "SourceText": "Uh oh! There are no more legs and Snake needs some. How would you solve this problem?", + "text": "اه أوه! لم يعد هناك المزيد من الأرجل والأفعى تحتاج إلى بعض منها. كيف يمكنك حل هذه المشكلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.", - "text": "تحدث عن درجات اللون الأخضر في هذه الصورة. بعض الدرجات أغمق وبعضها أصفر وبعضها أزرق.", + "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides that look like this page. How many rectangles can you find on this page?", + "text": "المستطيلات هي أشكال ذات أربعة جوانب مستقيمة تشبه هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!", - "text": "تسبح ليلي مع صديق لها الآن - وهذا أكثر أمانًا (وأكثر متعة)!", + "SourceText": "Squares are rectangles with four equal sides. Can you find the rectangle on this page that is a square?", + "text": "المربعات عبارة عن مستطيلات ذات أربعة أضلاع متساوية. هل يمكنك العثور على المستطيل المربع في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.", - "text": "ألعب لعبة الغميضة مع سيسا.", + "SourceText": "Maguru said, \"I have given out all the legs. Where were you?\"\n\nSnake answered, \"I overslept.\"", + "text": "قال ماجورو: \"لقد انتهت كل الأرجل. أين كنت؟”\n\nأجابت الأفعى: \"لقد أفرطت في النوم.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why did Simo take his shoes off?", - "text": "لماذا خلع سيمو حذائه؟", + "SourceText": "Look at their faces. How do they feel?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجهيهما. كيف يشعران؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?", - "text": "من تعتقدون أنه مختبئ ومن يبحث عن الآخر في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever overslept? Was it fun to sleep in, or did you feel guilty about sleeping so long?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن أفرطت في النوم؟ هل كان النوم ممتعًا أم أنك شعرت بالذنب بسبب النوم لفترة طويلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?", - "text": "أيهما أفضل في الاختباء في هذا المكان، وأيهما تمتزج ملابسه بشكل أفضل مع الألوان المحيطة؟", + "SourceText": "Can you count all the stripes on this page? Can you count that high?", + "text": "هل يمكنك حساب جميع الخطوط الموجودة في هذه الصفحة؟ هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Come, friend, what do you like?", - "text": "تعال يا صديقي، ماذا تحب؟", + "SourceText": "Maguru looked to see if there were legs remaining.\n\nHe did not find any.", + "text": "نظر ماجورو ليرى ما إذا كانت هناك أرجل متبقية.\n\nلم يجد أياً منها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are some of your favorite activities?", - "text": "ما هي بعض أنشطتك المفضلة؟", + "SourceText": "Describe some of the rectangles on this page. Are any of them squares?", + "text": "صف بعض المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة. هل أي منها مربع؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?", - "text": "عدّوا الأنشطة المختلفة في هذه القصة معًا. من بين هذه، أي واحدة ستختار؟", + "SourceText": "When you can only see part of something that has a stripe, it can look like a rectangle. Describe a few of those on this page.", + "text": "عندما لا يمكنك رؤية سوى جزء من شيء يحتوي على شريط، فقد يبدو كمستطيل. قم بوصف عدد قليل من تلك الموجودة في هذه الصفحة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?", - "text": "كانت هناك أربعة أنشطة واخترت ما تفضله. ما هو أقل من أربعة بواحد؟ من بين الأنشطة المتبقية، ما هو النشاط الأقل تفضيلاً لديك؟", + "SourceText": "There are no legs where Maguru looked. When you have none of something, you have 0 of them. Zero is a very useful number for describing not having anything. Name some silly things that you have zero of!", + "text": "لا توجد أرجل حيث نظر ماجورو. عندما لا يكون لديك أي شيء، يكون لديك 0 منه. الصفر هو رقم مفيد جدًا لوصف عدم وجود أي شيء. اذكر بعض الأشياء السخيفة التي ليس لديك أي منها!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Come, play soccer with us.", - "text": "تعال والعب كرة القدم معنا.", + "SourceText": "Maguru said to Snake, \"Sorry. There are no legs left.\" Snake crawled home without legs.\n\nFrom that day, Snake does not sleep much. He is waiting to be first in line to get legs.", + "text": "قال ماجورو للأفعى: \"آسف. لم تعد هناك أرجل متبقية.\" زحفت الأفعى إلى المنزل بدون أرجل.\n\nمنذ ذلك اليوم، لم تعد الأفعى تنام كثيرًا. إنها تنتظر أن تكون في الأولى في الصف للحصول على أرجل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?", - "text": "هل يلعبون ضمن فرق أم أنهم يركلون الكرة فحسب؟", + "SourceText": "It is a very sad day for Snake! Have you ever been sad that others got something that you did not? Were you happy for the others, or just sad that you were left out?", + "text": "إنه يوم حزين للغاية بالنسبة للأفعى! هل حزنت يومًا لأن الآخرين حصلوا على شيء لم تحصل عليه؟ هل كنت سعيدًا من أجل الآخرين، أم حزينًا لأنك استُبعدت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?", - "text": "هناك خمسة أشخاص. هل يمكنك تقسيمهم إلى فريقين بنفس العدد من الأشخاص؟", + "SourceText": "Can you think of some other animals that have zero legs?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الحيوانات الأخرى التي ليست لها أرجل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?", - "text": "أي حذاء هو الأسوأ للعب كرة القدم؟", + "SourceText": "There is a cloud next to Maguru that is quite strange! The cloud is between Snake and Maguru's home. It must be a very tiny cloud!", + "text": "هناك سحابة غريبة جداً بجوار ماجورو! السحابة بين منزل الأفعى و ماجورو. لا بد أنها سحابة صغيرة جدًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Come, swim with us.", - "text": "تعال، اسبح معنا.", + "SourceText": "My sister's dress is too big for me!", + "text": "فستان أختي كبير جدًا بالنسبة لي!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?", - "text": "هناك زوجان من الأطفال وطفل واحد وحده. هل يمكنك تقسيمهم جميعًا إلى أزواج حتى لا يتم استبعاد أي منهم؟", + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?", + "text": "هل ترتدي أحيانًا ملابس شخص آخر؟ هل من الممتع أن تتخيل أنك ذلك الشخص عندما تفعل ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.", - "text": "يقال أن الرقم \"فردي\" إذا لم يكن هناك طريقة لتقسيم هذا العدد من الأشياء إلى أزواج. ومن \"الغريب\" أيضًا أنه لا يمكن تقسيم هذا العدد من الأشياء إلى مجموعتين متساويتين.", + "SourceText": "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?", + "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن الفستان والحزام كبيران جدًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?", - "text": "لماذا فكرتا \"الفرد\" متماثلتان؟ لماذا تكون القدرة على تقسيم شيء ما إلى أزواج هي نفسها القدرة على تقسيمه إلى مجموعتين متساويتين؟", + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل رباعي الأضلاع مثل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات الموجودة في الصورة. هل ترى أي مستطيلات حيث أنت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.", - "text": "تعال، العب الغميضة معنا.", + "SourceText": "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.", + "text": "قميص أخي كبير جدًا بالنسبة لي أيضًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?", - "text": "يبدو أن سيمو هو من يعد. هل سيواجه صعوبة في العثور على الأطفال الآخرين؟", + "SourceText": "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?", + "text": "بالنظر إلى وجهها، ما هو شعورها حيال ارتداء قميص كبير جدًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?", - "text": "عد الأطفال الموجودين أعلى الغصن والرقم المختبئ على الجانب الآخر من الشجرة. هل يصل عددهم إلى أربعة أطفال؟", + "SourceText": "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?", + "text": "هل الفستان البرتقالي الذي ترتديه مناسب لها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.", - "text": "يوجد واحد فوق الشجرة وواحد يعد وثلاثة خلف الشجرة. يمكنك الحصول على خمسة بعدة طرق من خلال هذا. إحدى الطرق هي أن تبدأ بثلاثة، ثم تضيف واحدًا آخر، ثم تضيف واحدًا آخر. فكروا معًا في طرق أخرى للحصول على الرقم خمسة.", + "SourceText": "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "لاحظ المستطيلات الجديدة في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Come, read with us!", - "text": "تعال، اقرأ معنا!", + "SourceText": "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!", + "text": "حقيبتي كبيرة.\n\nولكنها ليست كبيرة جداً!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.", - "text": "يقرأ شخص واحد بمفرده، ويقرأ الآخرون في أزواج.", + "SourceText": "Is this bag too big for her?", + "text": "هل هذه الحقيبة كبيرة جدًا بالنسبة لها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?", - "text": "يبدو أنهم جميعًا سعداء جدًا معًا، بغض النظر عن النشاط الذي يقومون به. هل لديك بعض الأصدقاء الذين تحب القيام بالأشياء معهم؟", + "SourceText": "Count together the clasps on the bag.", + "text": "عدّوا مشابك الكيس معًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?", - "text": "أحد الأطفال لديه أربعة أصابع فقط في يده، أيهم؟", + "SourceText": "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?", + "text": "ماذا كنت ستضع في هذه الحقيبة لو كانت لك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many legs do two ladybugs have?", - "text": "كم عدد الأرجل التي تمتلكها الدعسوقة؟", + "SourceText": "This old belt is too small for me.", + "text": "هذا الحزام القديم صغير جدًا بالنسبة لي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Skip counting is counting by steps bigger than 1. You can skip count these legs by 6's by counting 6, 12. You can also skip count by 3's using the sides of their bodies 3, 6, 9, 12.", - "text": "العدّ القفزي هو العد بخطوات أكبر من 1. يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 6 عن طريق العد 6، 12. يمكنك أيضًا القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 3 باستخدام جوانب أجسامها 3، 6، 9، 12.", + "SourceText": "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?", + "text": "لماذا قد يكون حزامها القديم الذي كانت ترتديه عندما كانت صغيرة صغيرًا جدًا بالنسبة لها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can skip count to 12 in steps of 3 and 6. Can you think of other ways to skip count to 12? Which ways work (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) and which ways don't (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)?", - "text": "يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي إلى 12 بخطوات 3 و6. هل يمكنك التفكير في طرق أخرى للعدّ القفزي إلى 12؟ ما هي الطرق التي تعمل (1، 2، 3، 4، 6، 12) وأي الطرق لا تعمل (5، 7، 8، 9، 10، 11)؟", + "SourceText": "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?", + "text": "ما الذي يخبرك به تعبير وجهها عن شعورها تجاه الحزام؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the dots on each ladybug's back. Have you seen ladybugs around where you live -- did they have more or fewer dots than these?", - "text": "عدّوا النقاط الموجودة على ظهر كل دعسوقة معًا. هل سبق لك أن رأيت دعاسيق في المكان الذي تعيش فيه -- هل كانت تمتلك نقاط أكثر أو أقل من هذه؟", + "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?", + "text": "كم قطعة ملابس جربت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many wings do four birds have?", - "text": "كم عدد أجنحة أربعة طيور؟", + "SourceText": "This is my doll's hat.", + "text": "هذه هي قبعة دميتي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting by 2's -- one 2 for each bird.", - "text": "قم بالعدّ القفزي للأجنحة عن طريق العد بمقدار 2 - 2 واحدة لكل طائر.", + "SourceText": "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?", + "text": "هذه هي قطعة الملابس الرابعة التي لا تناسبها. كيف تشعر حيال ذلك؟ هل تعتقد أنها تشعر بالإحباط؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting the four left wings and then the four right wings. It's fun that you get the same answer whether you skip by 2's or 4's!", - "text": "قم بالعدّ القفزي للأجنحة من خلال عد الأجنحة الأربعة اليسرى ثم الأجنحة الأربعة اليمنى. من الممتع أن تحصل على نفس الإجابة سواء تخطيت رقم 2 أو 14.", + "SourceText": "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد قطع الخشب التي تشكل ظهر الكرسي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If the bird in the sky flies away, how many of the four birds will remain?", - "text": "إذا طار طير واحد في السماء فكم يبقى من الطيور الأربعة؟", + "SourceText": "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?", + "text": "تملك عينين وأذنين وذراعين وفماً وأنفاً واحداً. أين تقع أجزاء الجسم التي تملكها على جسدها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many horns do three rhinos have?", - "text": "كم عدد القرون التي تمتلكها ثلاثة من وحيدات القرن؟", + "SourceText": "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!", + "text": "جواربي هي الحجم الصحيح.\n\nولكن اللون الخطأ!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each rhino has two horns, a big one and a small one. Skip count their horns by 2's and 3's.", - "text": "لكل وحيد قرن قرنان، كبير وصغير. تخطي عد قرونهم بمقدار 2 و 3.", + "SourceText": "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?", + "text": "ما هي الألوان التي ترتديها بما في ذلك ربطات شعرها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How would you skip count to find out how many feet they have?", - "text": "كيف يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي لمعرفة عدد الأقدام التي تمتلكها؟", + "SourceText": "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن لون جواربها خاطئ؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each rhino has twice as many feet as horns. Take the total number of horns and double that to get the total number of feet.", - "text": "يبلغ عدد أقدام كل وحيد قرن ضعف عدد القرون. خذ العدد الإجمالي للقرون وضاعفه لتحصل على العدد الإجمالي للأقدام.", + "SourceText": "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?", + "text": "صورة الكرسي مكونة من عدة مستطيلات. كم يمكن أن تجد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many trunks do five elephants have?", - "text": "كم عدد الخراطيم التي تمتلكها خمسة أفيال؟", + "SourceText": "These are my new shoes.", + "text": "هذه هي أحذيتي الجديدة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Let's count trunks, tails, tusks, and ears. Counting tails and trunks is simple -- what number do you get?", - "text": "لنعد الخراطيم والذيول والأنياب والآذان. يعد عد الذيول والأنياب أمرًا بسيطًا - ما العدد الذي ستحصل عليه؟", + "SourceText": "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?", + "text": "بعد كل الملابس الأخرى، هل تعتقد أن هذه الأحذية ستناسبها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each elephant has two tusks and two ears. Which do you like better -- skip counting these by 2's or by 5's?", - "text": "لكل فيل نابان وأذنان. ما الذي تفضله أكثر -- العدّ القفزي لهذه الأرقام بمقدار 2 أو 5؟", + "SourceText": "Where did she go?", + "text": "إلى أين ذهبت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are four big elephants and one baby elephant. How much is four plus one more?", - "text": "هناك أربعة أفيال كبيرة وفيل صغير. كم يساوي أربعة زائد واحد بالإضافة؟", + "SourceText": "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?", + "text": "لا بد أن هذه الأحذية في غرفة مختلفة – الباب والنوافذ بلون مختلف. ما هي الألوان التي كانت عليها من قبل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many ears do seven dogs have?", - "text": "كم عدد آذان سبعة كلاب؟", + "SourceText": "They fit me very well.", + "text": "إنها تناسبني بشكل جيد للغاية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Did you count the ears by 1's, 2's, or 7's?", - "text": "هل عددت الأذنين بواحد أم اثنين أم سبعة؟", + "SourceText": "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?", + "text": "هل قبعتها هي نفس قبعة دميتها؟ هل تبدو صغيرةً جدًا بالنسبة لك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are 14 ears. We can skip count to 14 by 1's, 2's, and 7's. Are there any other step sizes that work for counting to 14?", - "text": "هناك 14 أذناً. يمكننا العدّ بالتخطي إلى 14 بمقدار 1 و2 و7. هل هناك أية خطوات أخرى مناسبة للعد حتى 14؟", + "SourceText": "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?", + "text": "هل تظن أنها تحتاج إلى حزام مع فستانها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are four dogs in the top group and three in the bottom. What do you get when put four dogs together with three more?", - "text": "توجد أربعة كلاب في المجموعة العليا وثلاثة في المجموعة السفلى. ما الذي تحصل عليه عندما تضع أربعة كلاب مع ثلاثة آخرين؟", + "SourceText": "Is she ready for school now?", + "text": "هل هي مستعدة للمدرسة الآن؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many tails do three monkeys have?", - "text": "كم عدد ذيول ثلاثة قرود؟", + "SourceText": "Let me tell you about the palm tree.", + "text": "دعني أحدثك عن شجرة النخيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Let's count the tails, eyes, and feet. How many tails do you count?", - "text": "لنعد الذيول والعيون والأقدام. كم عدد الذيول التي قمت بعدّها؟", + "SourceText": "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.", + "text": "هل لديك أشجار نخيل حيث تعيش؟ للنخيل أنواع كثيرة، ولعل شكل التي لديك يختلف عن هذه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Would you count the eyes two at a time, two for each monkey, or would you count them three at a time, which is doubling the number of monkeys?", - "text": "أتعد عيونها عينين في الوقت عينه، اثنتين لكل قرد أم تعدها ثلاثا في كل مرة وهو ضعف عدد القرود؟", + "SourceText": "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.", + "text": "قلادته بها نمط متكرر من الخرز الأصفر والأحمر. عد الخرزات باستخدام النمط للعد بمقدار 2.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You have many choices for skip counting their feet. What are your choices and which one would you choose to use?", - "text": "لديك العديد من الخيارات لعدّ أقدامها بالتخطي. ما هي اختياراتك وأي منها تفضل أن تستخدم؟", + "SourceText": "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.", + "text": "أنه يمتلك حلقين في أذنيه. كم عدد قطع الملابس على شكل حلقات لديه؟ تأكد من النظر في كل مكان.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many eyes do six cats have?", - "text": "كم عدد عيون ست قطط؟", + "SourceText": "This tree lives when everything else is dry.", + "text": "تعيش هذه الشجرة حيث يجف كل شيء آخر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Wow, these cats are a bit creepy! Did you skip count the eyes by 2's or 6's?", - "text": "واو، هذه القطط مخيفة بعض الشيء! هل عددت العيون بالتخطي بمقدار 2 أو 6؟", + "SourceText": "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.", + "text": "الماء تحتاجه معظم الكائنات الحية. تتميز أشجار النخيل بالذكاء في استخدام القليل جدًا من الماء في مكان جاف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many whiskers does each cat have? Can you count high enough to skip count all the whiskers?", - "text": "كم عدد الشوارب التي تمتلكها كل قطة؟ هل يمكنك العد بالتخطي بدرجة كافية لحساب عدد الشوارب؟", + "SourceText": "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.", + "text": "تنقسم الأغصان إلى غصنين إضافيين عند صعودها. عد الأغصان في الجزء العلوي مما يمكننا رؤيته قبل الأوراق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you skip count high enough to count all the feet?", - "text": "هل يمكنك العد بالتخطي بدرجة كافية لحساب كل الأقدام؟", + "SourceText": "Count the bones and stones on the ground.", + "text": "عد العظام والحجارة التي على الأرض.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many legs does one worm have?", - "text": "كم عدد الأرجل التي تمتلكها الدودة الواحدة؟", + "SourceText": "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.", + "text": "ظل شجرة النخيل بارد دائمًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you count all those legs, or is it too tricky to see or too high to count?", - "text": "هل يمكنك عد كل تلك الأرجل، أم أن رؤيتها صعبة للغاية أو أن عددها مرتفع جدًا بحيث لا يمكن عدها؟", + "SourceText": "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?", + "text": "هل في ظل النخلة شيء مميز يجعلها تبرد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Think of some other things that are just too many to count.", - "text": "فكر في بعض الأشياء الأخرى التي لا يمكن إحصاؤها.", + "SourceText": "Is the shade of all trees cool?", + "text": "هل ظل الأشجار كلها بارد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Skip counting can be fun because it gets you to the answer much more quickly than counting by 1's. It's also fun to discover the different step sizes that give you the same answer.", - "text": "يمكن أن يكون العد التخطي أمرًا ممتعًا لأنه يوصلك إلى الإجابة بسرعة أكبر بكثير من العد بالرقم 1. ومن الممتع أيضًا اكتشاف الخطوات المختلفة التي تمنحك نفس الإجابة.", + "SourceText": "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?", + "text": "هذا الشخص لا يكاد يحتوي داخل هذا الظل. لماذا اختار مثل هذه الشجرة الصغيرة؟ ربما لا توجد أي أشجار أخرى قريبة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.", - "text": "لقد سئمت الضفدعة مود من العيش في الماء.", + "SourceText": "We eat fruit from the palm tree.", + "text": "نأكل من ثمر النخل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?", - "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن مود سئمت من الماء؟", + "SourceText": "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.", + "text": "اذكر وعدّ أنواع الفاكهة التي تحب أن تأكلها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?", - "text": "تملك مود أربعة \"أصابع\" في كل ساق. من لديه عدد أكبر من الأصابع أنت أم مود؟ كم أكثر؟", + "SourceText": "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?", + "text": "شعرهم مجدول. أي واحد لديه المزيد من الصفوف التي يمكنك رؤيتها؟ ما الفرق بين الرقمين - أيهما أكثر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?", - "text": "مع وجود أربعة أصابع في كل ساق، كم عدد أصابع مود معًا؟ يمكنك عدها بالرقم 1 أو 2 أو 4. هل الرقم مرتفع جدًا بحيث لا يمكنك حسابه؟", + "SourceText": "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?", + "text": "هل من المنطقي أن يكون لدى الشخص الأكبر عدد أكبر من صفوف الشعر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"", - "text": "\"كوني حذرة،\" قالت السلحفاة. \"سوف تجف بشرتك.\"", + "SourceText": "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.", + "text": "نستخدم سعف النخيل في تغطية بيوتنا بالقش.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?", - "text": "لماذا لا تقلق السلاحف من جفاف جلدها؟", + "SourceText": "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.", + "text": "هذا المنزل له شكل دائري. من السهل بناء المنازل المستديرة كما أنها توفر مساحة أكبر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن سلحفاة كبيرة كهذه ستكون قادرة على الصعود على جذع شجرة ضيق كهذا؟", + "SourceText": "Do you have any round buildings where you live?", + "text": "هل لديك أي مباني مستديرة حيث تعيش؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن الضفادع والسلاحف تتحدث مع بعضها البعض؟", + "SourceText": "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?", + "text": "عادة ما تكون الكرات والمصابيح مستديرة الشكل. ما هي بعض الأشياء المستديرة من حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.", - "text": "لكن مود كانت فضولية. فقفزت بعيدًا.", + "SourceText": "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.", + "text": "لدينا مكانس وحصير من سعف النخيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!", - "text": "تبدو مود متحمسة للغاية للذهاب في مغامرة!", + "SourceText": "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?", + "text": "من الأشياء من حولك أي منها يبدو وكأنه مصنوع مباشرة من الأشجار أو غيرها من المواد الطبيعية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن فعلت شيئًا رغم أنه قيل لك أنه فكرة سيئة؟ هل شعرت بالسعادة لفعلك ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا الأشياء المختلفة في هذه الصورة المصنوعة من النخيل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن مود قد خرجت من النهر من قبل؟ هل هناك أماكن ترغب في استكشافها؟", + "SourceText": "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?", + "text": "احسب عدد الحلقات التي ترتديها. هل الرقم أكثر أم أقل مما كان لدى الرجل في صفحة سابقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She looked all around.", - "text": "نظرت من حولها في كل مكان.", + "SourceText": "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.", + "text": "نستخدم بذور شجرة النخيل كوقود.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.", - "text": "عد الأشجار الموجودة في الخلفية خلف مود.", + "SourceText": "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?", + "text": "يعد حرق بذور النخيل أحد المصادر العديدة المحتملة للحرارة. كيف تحصل على الحرارة في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?", - "text": "هل هو من الأسهل عليك أن تعد الأشجار شجرة شجرة أم أن تعدها اثنتين؟", + "SourceText": "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?", + "text": "ما هي الاستخدامات الأخرى للحرارة غير الطبخ؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.", - "text": "لاحظ ظلال الألوان. تتراوح ألوان مود من الأصفر الفاتح إلى البني الداكن. يتحول العشب من اللون الأصفر الفاتح جدًا إلى اللون الأخضر المائل إلى الأصفر لقمم الأشجار إلى الظلال الداكنة أسفل مظلة الشجرة مباشرة.", + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?", + "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس يعتمد على معلومات جزئية. قم بتقدير عدد البذور الموجودة في تلك السلة. هل هو رقم أكبر مما تعلم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.", - "text": "التقت بحرباء أرجوانية بجوار بركة ماء.", + "SourceText": "Do you see why the palm tree is important?", + "text": "هل ترى ما أهمية شجرة النخيل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!", - "text": "تبدو مود مندهشة لرؤية الحرباء!", + "SourceText": "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.", + "text": "اذكروا وعدّوا عدد الطرق التي تنفعهم بها النخلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?", - "text": "لماذا تحمل الحرباء تلك الحشرة؟ هل هي تأكل الحشرات أحياناً؟", + "SourceText": "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?", + "text": "ما هي بعض الأشجار حيث تعيش التي لها استخدامات مهمة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?", - "text": "عد الحشرات التي تطير حولها. إذا أضفت واحدًا آخر للذي تحمله الحرباء، فكم سيكون إجمالي ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?", + "text": "سواء كانت مفيدة أم لا، ما هي بعض الأشجار المفضلة لديك القريبة منك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.", - "text": "بدأت الحرباء تتحول إلى اللون الوردي! قفزت مود بعيدًا.", + "SourceText": "This is Ndalo.", + "text": "هذا ندالو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.", - "text": "تستطيع الحرباء وبعض الحيوانات الأخرى تغيير ألوانها لتندمج.", + "SourceText": "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.", + "text": "حددوا معًا أنواع الحيوانات التي ترونها وقوموا بعدّ كل نوع.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن هذه الحرباء مندمجة؟", + "SourceText": "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?", + "text": "ما هو أكثر نوع من الحيوانات موجود في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن مود كانت تعلم أن الحرباء يمكنها تغيير ألوانها؟ تبدو مود مندهشة وخائفة!", + "SourceText": "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.", + "text": "عدّوا معًا أزرار قميص ندالو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.", - "text": "ثم رأت ضبعًا يشعل نارًا.", + "SourceText": "Ndalo likes to read books.", + "text": "ندالو يحب قراءة الكتب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.", - "text": "من السخافة الاعتقاد بأن الضباع تتجول وتشعل النيران بالمشاعل.", + "SourceText": "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.", + "text": "عدّوا الكتب الموجودة أمام ندالو على الطاولة معًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If they could do it, why would they want to?", - "text": "إذا كان بإمكانهم فعل ذلك، فلماذا قد يريدونه؟", + "SourceText": "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!", + "text": "يمكنك أن ترى على وجهه مدى حبه للقراءة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?", - "text": "يتم وصف الضباع أحيانًا على أنها شخصيات سيئة في القصص. هل تعتقد أن الضباع ستتحمل كل متاعب إشعال النار فقط لتكون سيئة؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like hearing stories from books?", + "text": "هل تحب سماع القصص من الكتب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.", - "text": "انتشر الحريق حول مود. لقد كانت خائفة.", + "SourceText": "This is Pendo.", + "text": "هذه بيندو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت أو كنت بالقرب من حريق هائل؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، كيف كان شعورك حيال ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.", + "text": "هناك الكثير من التفاصيل الصغيرة في هذه الصورة. قم بعدّ الحيوانات التي يمكنك العثور عليها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?", - "text": "هل اختارت مود مكانًا جيدًا للاختباء؟", + "SourceText": "How many trees and power poles do you see?", + "text": "كم عدد الأشجار وأعمدة الكهرباء التي تراها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?", - "text": "برأيك، ماذا سيحصل لمود - هل مود في مكان آمن؟", + "SourceText": "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.", + "text": "أشر إلى الأشخاص الذين يتحركون في الأنحاء وبالكاد يمكنك رؤيتهم وقم بعدّهم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.", - "text": "النار أحرقت جلدها. قفزت مرة أخرى في البركة.", + "SourceText": "Pendo likes to eat carrots.", + "text": "بيندو تحب أكل الجزر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?", - "text": "الحرق يؤذي كثيراً! هل سبق لك أن تعرضت للحرق أو عرفت شخصًا تعرض لذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?", + "text": "هل يمكنك أن تعرف من خلال النظر إلى بيندو أن بيندو تحب الجزر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why did Mod cover her eyes?", - "text": "لماذا غطت مود عينيها؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?", + "text": "هل تحب أكل الجزر؟ ما هي الخضار المفضلة لديك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.", - "text": "إن العثور على شيء رائع لوضعه على جرحك غالبًا ما يكون فكرة جيدة جدًا لوقف المزيد من الحرق داخل الجرح.", + "SourceText": "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?", + "text": "بيندو تأكل جزرتين، وندالو يحمل ثلاث جزرات أخرى. ما هو ثلاثة أكثر من اثنين؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "But her skin was already full of blisters.", - "text": "لكن بشرتها كانت مليئة بالجروح بالفعل.", + "SourceText": "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.", + "text": "ندالو يرعى بيندو بعد المدرسة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?", - "text": "عندما سقطت مود، ما كان شكل التموجات الموجودة في الماء حول مكان سقوطها؟", + "SourceText": "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.", + "text": "عد جميع الحيوانات المختلفة الموجودة في الفناء، أو قم فقط بعدّ الحيوانات المفضلة لديك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن شاهدت التموجات التي يصنعها الحجر عند سقوطه في الماء الهادئ؟", + "SourceText": "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?", + "text": "أي الحيوانات أكثر وأيها أقل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.", - "text": "تلك التموجات عبارة عن دوائر لها نقطة مركزية مشتركة. تسمى هذه الدوائر متحدة المركز.", + "SourceText": "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?", + "text": "ما هو الطعام الذي تأكله بيندو والماعز؟ هل تعتقد أنك ترغب في أكل العشب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.", - "text": "وجدت مود منزلاً تحت صخرة. كانت بشرتها الجديدة جافة وخشنة.", + "SourceText": "He gives fresh water to Pendo.", + "text": "إنه يعطي الماء العذب لبيندو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?", - "text": "حتى لو لم تسر الأمور على ما يرام، فقد خاضت بعض التجارب المثيرة للاهتمام. هل تعتقد أن مود نادمة على مغامرتها؟", + "SourceText": "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?", + "text": "ندالو جيد جدًا في رعاية بيندو. هل لديك أي حيوانات تعتني بها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?", - "text": "هل تظن أن للضفادع بيوتا لها أبواب ونوافذ وطاولات؟", + "SourceText": "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.", + "text": "أشر إلى الألوان المتعددة - بيندو بنية، قميص ندالو أزرق، السطل أصفر، العشب أخضر، والجانب السفلي من حوض الماء وردي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?", - "text": "يبدو أن لدى مود ثلاثة أصابع الآن. هل هذا أكثر أم أقل مما كانت عليه من قبل؟", + "SourceText": "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?", + "text": "بيندو شكلها كبير جدًا بجوار ندالو. كم مرة تعتقد أن بيندو أكبر من ندالو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.", - "text": "الآن فقط الضفادع لديها بشرة ناعمة وتعيش بالقرب من الماء.", + "SourceText": "Father gives grain to Pendo.", + "text": "الأب يعطي الحبوب لبيندو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?", - "text": "هل تعلم أن هناك اختلافات بين الضفادع والعلاجيم؟", + "SourceText": "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?", + "text": "القطة تشاهد بيندو وهي تأكل الحبوب.. هل تعتقد أن القطة تريد بعضًا من الحبوب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?", - "text": "هل رأيت ضفدعاً أو علجوماً من قبل؟ هل يمكنك معرفة أي منها كانت؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think the cat is waiting for?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن القطة تنتظر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى بركة أو نهر أو بحيرة لاستكشاف الحياة المائية؟", + "SourceText": "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?", + "text": "تزود بيندو الأسرة بالكثير من الحليب. ماذا تقدم القطة للعائلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I love forests!", - "text": "أنا أحب الغابات!", + "SourceText": "He milks Pendo every day.", + "text": "إنه يحلب بيندو كل يوم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are some great things about forests?", - "text": "ما هي بعض الأشياء الرائعة عن الغابات.", + "SourceText": "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?", + "text": "القطة لا تزال تنتظر. ربما تأمل القطة في الحصول على بعض الحليب المرشوش؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many types of places. For example, there are deserts, hills, beaches, canyons, mesas, and mountain slopes. What are some of your favorite places?", - "text": "هناك أنواع عديدة من الأماكن. على سبيل المثال، هناك الصحاري والتلال والشواطئ والأودية والهضاب والمنحدرات الجبلية. ما هي بعض الأماكن المفضلة لديك؟", + "SourceText": "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?", + "text": "لماذا تم ربط ساقي بيندو الخلفيتين بعمود؟ هل تعتقد أنها تحب أن تُحلب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many of the trees in this picture can you count? Can you count that high?", - "text": "كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟", + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "المستطيل هو شكل رباعي الجوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى عدد قليل من المستطيلات العديدة في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Last week I went to Kibale forest.", - "text": "ذهبت الأسبوع الماضي إلى غابة كيبالي.", + "SourceText": "Pendo gives a lot of milk.", + "text": "تعطي بيندو الكثير من الحليب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Kibale National Park is a rain forest in Western Uganda near the center of Africa. It is a sanctuary for a large variety of primates, wildlife, and vegetation.", - "text": "منتزه كيبالي الوطني عبارة عن غابة مطيرة في غرب أوغندا بالقرب من وسط أفريقيا. إنه ملاذ لمجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من الرئيسيات والحياة البرية والنباتات.", + "SourceText": "Count together the number of milk containers.", + "text": "قوموا بعدّ أوعية الحليب معاً.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are there parks or natural areas that you like to visit?", - "text": "هل هناك حدائق أو مناطق طبيعية تحب زيارتها؟", + "SourceText": "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?", + "text": "النافذة خلفهم مقسمة إلى أجزاء تسمى ألواحاً. كم عدد الألواح الموجودة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which do you find more interesting to see: plants and trees or lots of animals?", - "text": "ما الذي تجده أكثر إثارة للاهتمام: النباتات والأشجار أم الكثير من الحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.", + "text": "غالبًا ما تكون أوعية السوائل مستديرة، لكن في بعض الأحيان يأتي الحليب في علب حليب على شكل صناديق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I saw many trees. I saw Fig, Muvule, Palm, and Ebony trees.", - "text": "رأيت العديد من الأشجار. رأيت أشجار التين والموفول والنخل والأبنوس.", + "SourceText": "Father sells Pendo's milk.", + "text": "يبيع الأب حليب بيندو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This picture shows plains with mountains in the distance. Do you think a mixture of living areas will be good for creating a mixture of plants and animals for the park?", - "text": "تظهر هذه الصورة سهولًا مع وجود جبال في الأفق. هل تعتقد أن مزيج مناطق المعيشة سيكون جيدًا لإنشاء مزيج من النباتات والحيوانات للحديقة؟", + "SourceText": "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.", + "text": "يحتوي قميص والده على بعض الأنماط المثيرة للاهتمام. أشر إلى الخطوط والماس الأسود وقم بوصفها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The story mentions four types of trees in the park. Do you see four types in this picture?", - "text": "تذكر القصة أربعة أنواع من الأشجار الموجودة في الحديقة. هل ترى أربعة أنواع في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Describe this woman's colorful dress.", + "text": "صف فستان هذه المرأة الملون.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many types of trees can you think of near where you live?", - "text": "كم عدد أنواع الأشجار التي يمكنك التفكير فيها بالقرب من المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "SourceText": "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"", + "text": "ما هي الصورة الموجودة على الورقة الموجودة على الحائط؟ اللافتة تقول \"يوجد حليب هنا.\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I saw chimpanzees, baboons, and monkeys.", - "text": "رأيت الشمبانزي والبابون والقردة.", + "SourceText": "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.", + "text": "يشرب ندالو الحليب الطازج كل يوم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "These adult animals are sitting in pairs, which makes them easy to count by 2's - 2, 4, 6. Adding in one more baby makes 7!", - "text": "تجلس هذه الحيوانات البالغة في أزواج، مما يجعل من السهل العد بمقدار 2 - 2، 4، 6. وبإضافة طفل آخر نحصل على 7!", + "SourceText": "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?", + "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن ندالو كان يشرب الحليب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One more than the 6 adults is 7. If you take away the one baby, how many is one less than 7?", - "text": "واحد أكثر من 6 أشخاص بالغين هو 7. إذا أخذت طفلًا واحدًا، فكم هو العدد الأقل من 7 بواحد؟", + "SourceText": "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?", + "text": "عندما تشرب شيئا هل ينتهي بك الأمر إلى وجود السائل حول فمك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think this mixture of animals would naturally be together like this, or did the artist take some liberties with the picture?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أنه من الطبيعي أن يكون هذا الخليط من الحيوانات معاً، أم أن الفنان أخذ بعض الحرية في الصورة.", + "SourceText": "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?", + "text": "هناك العديد من المستطيلات هنا. قم بعد الأبواب والنوافذ التي يمكنك رؤيتها. هل هناك أبواب أكثر أم أقل من النوافذ؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I saw different birds. I saw crested cranes, eagles, and owls.", - "text": "رأيت طيورًا مختلفة. رأيت الكركي المتوج والنسور والبوم.", + "SourceText": "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"", + "text": "يقول، \"شكرًا لك بيندو!\"", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What about this picture -- do you think these birds would all be together like this?", - "text": "ماذا عن هذه الصورة - هل تعتقد أن هذه الطيور ستكون مع بعضها بهذا الشكل؟", + "SourceText": "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?", + "text": "عائلة ندالو تطعم بيندو وتعتني بها، وتقدم لهم بيندو الحليب بالمقابل. هل يبدو ذلك بمثابة تجارة عادلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are four birds and one fish. How many animals is that all together? How many is one more than four?", - "text": "هناك أربعة طيور وسمكة واحدة. كم عدد الحيوانات مجتمعة؟ كم هو واحد أكثر من أربعة؟", + "SourceText": "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.", + "text": "تحدث عن بعض الأماكن التي يأتي منها طعامك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The story mentions three types of birds and shows us four birds. Do you think two of these birds are of the same type? If so, which two?", - "text": "تذكر القصة ثلاثة أنواع من الطيور وتبين لنا أربعة طيور. هل تعتقد أن اثنتين من هذه الطيور من نفس النوع؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، أي اثنتين؟", + "SourceText": "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?", + "text": "هل أنت شاكر للمكان الذي يأتي منه طعامك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I laughed when I saw a big elephant with a little tail.", - "text": "ضحكت عندما رأيت فيلًا كبيرًا لديه ذيل صغير.", + "SourceText": "Sakima lived with his parents and his four-year-old sister.\n\nThey lived on a rich man's land.\n\nTheir grass-thatched hut was at the end of a row of trees.", + "text": "عاش ساكيما مع والديه وأخته التي تبلغ من العمر ٤ سنوات.\n\nعاشوا على أرض رجل غني.\n\nكان كوخهم المصنوع من القش عند نهاية صف من الأشجار.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why do you think such a large animal has such a little tail?", - "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن هذا الحيوان الكبير لديه مثل هذا الذيل الصغير؟", + "SourceText": "There are many bold colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?", + "text": "هناك العديد من الألوان الجريئة في هذه الصورة. أي ألوان قوس قزح مفقودة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The parts the elephant has two of (ears, tusks, pairs of legs, and eyes) are on opposite sides of its body, and the parts it has one of (mouth, tail, and trunk) are in the middle of its body. Are all animals like this?", - "text": "الأجزاء التي للفيل منها اثنان (الأذنان، والأنابان، وأزواج الأرجل، والعيون) موجودة في طرفين متقابلين من جسمه، والأجزاء التي يمتلك واحداً منها (الفم والذيل والجذع) موجودة في وسط جسمه. هل كل الحيوانات هكذا؟", + "SourceText": "The windows in the distance are rectangular, they are four-side shapes like this page. Do you see rectangles around where you are?", + "text": "النوافذ في المسافة مستطيلة، هي أشكال بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. هل ترى مستطيلات حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you think of an animal that doesn't have its parts arranged about a middle line?", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن تتخيل حيوانًا لا تترتب أجزاؤه حول خط وسط؟", + "SourceText": "When the four sides of a rectangle are the same length, the rectangle is called a square. Are some of the rectangles around you squares?", + "text": "عندما تكون الجوانب الأربعة لمستطيل بطول واحد، يسمى المستطيل مربعا. هل بعض المستطيلات حولك مربعات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I saw so many different animals, birds, and plants.", - "text": "رأيت الكثير من الحيوانات والطيور والنباتات المختلفة.", + "SourceText": "When Sakima was three years old, he fell sick and lost his sight.\n\nSakima was a talented boy.", + "text": "عندما كان ساكيما في الثالثة من عمره، مرض وفقد بصره.\n\nكان ساكيما فتى موهوبا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Describe the animals by where they are in the picture -- some are in the air, the trees, the water, and in the grass.", - "text": "صف الحيوانات من خلال مكان تواجدها في الصورة، بعضها في الهواء، وفي الأشجار، وفي الماء، وفي العشب.", + "SourceText": "Do you know someone who has lost their hearing or sight?", + "text": "هل تعرف شخصًا فقد سمعه أو بصره؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count each group and then count them all together -- do you get the same result?", - "text": "عد كل مجموعة ثم قم بعدها معًا -- هل تحصل على نفس النتيجة؟", + "SourceText": "Can you name all the major senses that people generally have?", + "text": "هل يمكنك تسمية جميع الحواس الرئيسية التي يمتلكها الناس عادة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which group has the most animals in it? Which has the least?", - "text": "أي المجموعة تضم حيوانات أكثر؟ أيها تصم الأقل؟", + "SourceText": "Losing one sense often causes a person to develop some of their other senses more fully. Blind people often get much better at listening because it helps them to know where things are.", + "text": "فقدان إحدى الحواس غالبًا ما يجعل الشخص يطور بعض الحواس الأخرى بشكل أفضل. الأشخاص المكفوفون غالبًا ما يتحسنون في الاستماع لأنه يساعدهم في معرفة مكان الأشياء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Kibale forest is a good place to visit. I love forests! Do you?", - "text": "تعد غابة كيبالي مكانًا جيدًا للزيارة. أنا أحب الغابات! هل تحبها أيضاً؟", + "SourceText": "Sakima did many things that other six-year-old children did not do.\n\nFor example, he could sit with older members of the village and discuss matters.", + "text": "قام ساكيما بأشياء كثيرة لم يفعلها أطفال في سن السادسة.\n\nعلى سبيل المثال، كان يمكنه الجلوس مع كبار القرية ومناقشة الأمور.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you like to visit forests?", - "text": "هل تحب زيارة الغابات؟", + "SourceText": "Why do you think Sakima became good at talking with older people? Perhaps because he couldn't be out playing games and being distracted by things he saw, he was better able to listen and focus on what people were saying. What do you think?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن ساكيما أصبح جيدًا في الحديث مع كبار السن؟ ربما لأنه لم يستطع الخروج للعب الألعاب والتشتيت بالأشياء التي يراها، كان يستطيع التركيز والاستماع بشكل أفضل إلى ما يقوله الناس. ما رأيك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is your favorite place to visit away from where you live?", - "text": "ما هو المكان المفضل لديك للزيارة بعيداً عن المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "SourceText": "Do you enjoy talking with adults, or do you prefer to talk with children your own age?", + "text": "هل تستمتع بالحديث مع البالغين، أم تفضل التحدث مع الأطفال في عمرك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is your favorite spot to go to around where you live?", - "text": "ما هو المكان الذي تفضل الذهاب إليه في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "SourceText": "Often, children and adults have different things they like to talk about. What are some of the things you like to talk about with your friends?", + "text": "غالبًا ما يكون لدى الأطفال والبالغين أشياء مختلفة يحبون التحدث عنها. ما هي بعض الأشياء التي تحب التحدث عنها مع أصدقائك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Today I an not going to school.\n\nIt is a holiday.", - "text": "اليوم لن أذهب إلى المدرسة.\n\nإنها عطلة.", + "SourceText": "Sakima's parents worked at the rich man's house.\n\nThey left home early in the morning and returned late in the evening.\n\nSakima was left with his little sister.", + "text": "عمل والدا ساكيما في منزل الرجل الغني.\n\nكانوا يغادرون المنزل مبكرًا في الصباح ويعودون في وقت متأخر من المساء.\n\nكان ساكيما يبقى مع أخته الصغيرة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think she will do with her day off from school?", - "text": "ماذا تعتقد أنها ستفعل في يوم إجازتها من المدرسة؟", + "SourceText": "Waving seems like something that sighted people would learn to do when they see other people waving. How do you suppose Sakima learned to wave?", + "text": "التلويح يبدو وكأنه شيء يتعلمه الأشخاص المبصرين عندما يرون أشخاص آخرين يلوحون. كيف تعتقد أن ساكيما تعلم التلويح؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why does she like not going to school?", - "text": "لماذا تحب عدم الذهاب إلى المدرسة؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the trees in this picture. The near trees are about twice as tall as an adult, but the tree farthest back is a little bit taller than the house. Do you think the artist made a mistake?", + "text": "انظر إلى الأشجار في هذه الصورة. الأشجار القريبة تقريبًا ضعف طول الشخص البالغ، ولكن الشجرة الأبعد قليلاً أطول من المنزل. هل تعتقد أن الفنان ارتكب خطأ؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think she will miss seeing her school friends and teachers?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أنها ستفتقد رؤية أصدقائها ومدرسيها في المدرسة؟", + "SourceText": "An estimate is a best guess when you don't know exactly how big something is. Glance at the trees and estimate how many there are. Then count the trees and see how close your estimate is.", + "text": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين عندما لا تعرف بالضبط حجم شيء ما. ألقِ نظرة على الأشجار وقدر كم عددها. ثم عد الأشجار وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Today I am not going to watch TV.\n\nThere is no electricity anyway.", - "text": "اليوم لن أقوم بمشاهدة التلفاز.\n\nلا توجد كهرباء على أي حال.", + "SourceText": "Sakima loved to sing songs.\n\nOne day his mother asked him, \"Where do you learn these songs from, Sakima?\"", + "text": "كان ساكيما يحب الغناء.\n\nفي يوم من الأيام سألته أمه، \"من أين تتعلم هذه الأغاني، يا ساكيما؟“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why does she decide to not watch TV?", - "text": "لماذا قررت عدم مشاهدة التلفاز؟", + "SourceText": "Why do you think Sakima learned to sing songs to himself?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن ساكيما تعلم الغناء لنفسه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What would you do if you were to plan a special day?", - "text": "ماذا ستفعل لو كنت تخطط ليوم خاص؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like to sing songs? Do you have a favorite song you sing or like to listen to?", + "text": "هل تحب الغناء؟ هل لديك أغنية مفضلة تغنيها أو تحب الاستماع إليها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you do during times when your electricity is not working? Do you have special activities for such times?", - "text": "ماذا تفعل في الأوقات التي لا تعمل فيها الكهرباء؟ هل لديك أنشطة خاصة لمثل هذه الأوقات؟", + "SourceText": "This picture has some notes written in sheet music form. Writing notes this way allows anyone to learn the notes of a song. Do you know how to read notes to sing or play on an instrument?", + "text": "هذه الصورة بها بعض النوتات المكتوبة بشكل موسيقي. كتابة النوتات بهذه الطريقة تسمح لأي شخص بتعلم نوتات الأغنية. هل تعرف كيفية قراءة النوتات للغناء أو العزف على آلة موسيقية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What am I going to do?\n\nToday I am going to listen to my body!", - "text": "ماذا سأفعل؟\n\nاليوم سأستمع إلى جسدي!", + "SourceText": "Sakima answered, \"I just know them, mother. I hear them in my mind and then I sing.\"", + "text": "أجاب ساكيما، \"أنا فقط أعرفها، يا أمي. أسمعها في ذهني ثم اقوم بغنائها.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Her hands only have four fingers! Have you seen someone with four fingers on a hand?", - "text": "يدها تحتوي على أربعة أصابع فقط! هل سبق وأن رأيت أحداً يمتلك أربعة أصابع في يده؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever made up a new song just for fun? Create a new song now and see what happens. You can make up new words to a melody you already know.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن اخترعت أغنية جديدة من باب المرح؟ اخترع أغنية جديدة الآن وشاهد ما يحدث. يمكنك تأليف كلمات جديدة على لحن تعرفه بالفعل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It is uncommon, but some people are born with six fingers on a hand. How many more fingers is six fingers than what she has?", - "text": "إنه أمر غير شائع، لكن بعض الناس يولدون بستة أصابع في اليد. كم إصبعاً إضافياً تزيد الستة أصابع عن عدد أصابعها؟", + "SourceText": "Songs can be about favorite people, animals, or places, or about a memory that is special to you. There are many things to write songs about.", + "text": "يمكن أن تكون الأغاني عن الأشخاص المفضلين، الحيوانات، الأماكن، أو عن ذكرى خاصة بك. هناك العديد من الأشياء لكتابة الأغاني عنها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think you can buy gloves for someone with six fingers?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أنه يمكنك شراء قفازات لشخص لديه ستة أصابع؟", + "SourceText": "Do you think Sakima is nearly as tall as his mother? He looks much shorter than she is in the other pictures. Why do you think the illustrator drew them this way?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن ساكيما قريب من طول أمه؟ يبدو أقصر بكثير منها في الصور الأخرى. لماذا تعتقد أن الرسام رسمهم بهذه الطريقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "First I have to be very quiet.\n\nSo that I can listen to my own body.", - "text": "ًأولاً يجب أن أكون هادئة جدا.\n\nلكي أستطيع الاستماع إلى جسدي.", + "SourceText": "Sakima liked to sing for his little sister, especially, if she felt hungry.\n\nHis sister would listen to him singing his favorite song. She would sway to the soothing tune.", + "text": "كان ساكيما يحب الغناء لأخته الصغيرة، خاصةً إذا شعرت بالجوع.\n\nكانت أخته تستمع إليه يغني أغنيته المفضلة. كانت تتمايل مع اللحن المرح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you listened to the sounds your body makes? What are some of them?", - "text": "هل استمعت إلى الأصوات التي يصدرها جسمك؟ ما هي بعضها؟", + "SourceText": "Why did he like to sing to his sister when she was hungry?", + "text": "لماذا كان يحب الغناء لأخته عندما تشعر بالجوع؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you heard your stomach rumbling, grumbling, or gurgling?", - "text": "هل سمعت قرقرة بطنك؟", + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes listen to music to help change your mood or what you are thinking about? Is there particular music that makes you happy or sad?", + "text": "هل تستمع أحيانًا إلى الموسيقى لتساعد في تغيير مزاجك أو ما تفكر فيه؟ هل هناك موسيقى معينة تجعلك سعيدًا أو حزينًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever run hard and heard your pulse pounding in your ears?", - "text": "هل ركضت يومًا فسمعت نبضك يدق في أذنيك؟", + "SourceText": "All the lines in their home are curved. There aren't any straight lines. Is there any place around you that is like that?", + "text": "كل الخطوط في منزلهم منحنية. لا توجد خطوط مستقيمة. هل هناك مكان حولك يشبه ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Yes, now I can hear my breath.\n\nI breath in and out, in and out.", - "text": "نعم، الآن أستطيع سماع أنفاسي.\n\nأنا أتنفس إلى الداخل وإلى الخارج، إلى الداخل وإلى الخارج.", + "SourceText": "\"Can you sing it again and again, Sakima?\" his sister would beg him.\n\nSakima would accept and sing it over and over again.", + "text": "\"كانت أخته تتوسل إليه وتقول“ هل يمكنك غنائها مرات عديدة، يا ساكيما؟.\n\nفكان ساكيما يقبل ويغنيها مرارًا وتكرارًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you stop and listen, can you hear yourself breathing?", - "text": "إذا توقفت واستمعت، هل يمكنك سماع تنفسك؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to convince someone to do something repeatedly with you that you really enjoy doing? It can be very difficult. Were you successful?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت إقناع شخص ما بفعل شيء متكرر معك تستمتع بفعله؟ قد يكون الأمر صعبًا جدًا. هل كنت ناجحًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose most of the time?", - "text": "هل تتنفس من فمك أو أنفك في أغلب الأحيان؟", + "SourceText": "Sakima is a really kind and thoughtful big brother! Are you kind like that with anyone you know?", + "text": "ساكيما هو حقًا أخ كبير طيب ومهتم! هل أنت طيب مثل ذلك مع أي شخص تعرفه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Watch the time for half a minute and count your breaths. How many were there?", - "text": "راقب الوقت لمدة نصف دقيقة وأحصي أنفاسك. كم كان عددها؟", + "SourceText": "Look at how this room is drawn. Do you think it was drawn accurately? Try to describe which pieces don't seem quite right to you and what is wrong with them.", + "text": "انظر كيف تم رسم هذه الغرفة. هل تعتقد أنها رسمت بدقة؟ حاول وصف الأجزاء التي تبدو لك غير صحيحة وما هو الخطأ فيها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "And I can make my breath noisier. \nSsssssssssss!\n\nAnd softer.\nMmmmmmmm.", - "text": "ويمكنني أن أجعل أنفاسي أكثر ضجيجًا.\nسسسسسسسس!\n\nوأكثر هدوءاً.\nمممممممممم.", + "SourceText": "One evening when his parents returned home, they were very quiet.\n\nSakima knew that there was something wrong.", + "text": "في إحدى الأمسيات عندما عاد والديه إلى المنزل، كانوا يجلسون في هدؤ شديد جدًا.\n\nعرف ساكيما أن هناك شيئًا ما قد حدث.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She is making her toy fly around by blowing on it very hard. When have you blown hard on something?", - "text": "إنها تجعل لعبتها تطير عن طريق النفخ عليها بقوة. متى نفخت بشدة على شيء ما؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think is wrong? Make up a reason or two that would make everyone quiet and sad.", + "text": "ما رأيك قد يكون الخطأ؟ اخترع سببًا أو سببين يجعل الجميع هادئين وحزينين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you blown out candles on a birthday cake or maybe blown on a fire to help it burn?", - "text": "هل أطفأت شموعًا على كعكة عيد ميلاد أو ربما أشعلت فيها النار لتساعدها على الاحتراق؟", + "SourceText": "Think of ways this story might end. What kinds of adventures could a blind child who loves to sing have with his family? What kinds of problems can singing solve?", + "text": "فكر في طرق قد تنتهي بها هذه القصة. ما نوع المغامرات التي قد يخوضها طفل كفيف يحب الغناء مع عائلته؟ ما نوع المشاكل التي يمكن أن يحلها الغناء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How old were you at your last birthday?", - "text": "كم كان عمرك في آخر عيد ميلاد لك؟", + "SourceText": "When you are feeling sad, do you prefer to be quiet about it? Sometimes, sharing what is making you sad can help relieve your burden and put you on the road to feeling better. Also, the person you share it with may be able to help cheer you up.", + "text": "عندما تشعر بالحزن، هل تفضل أن تكون هادئًا بشأنه؟ في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن يساعدك مشاركة ما يجعلك حزينًا في تخفيف العبء عنك ووضعك على طريق الشعور بالتحسن. وأيضًا، قد يتمكن الشخص الذي تشاركه من مساعدتك في تشجيعك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Now I can hear my heart beating!\n\nDoodom, doodoom, dooo dooom.", - "text": "الآن أستطيع أن أسمع قلبي يدق!\n\nدودوم، دودووم، دودووم.", + "SourceText": "\"What is wrong, mother, father?\" Sakima asked.\n\nSakima learned that the rich man's son was missing.\n\nThe man was very sad and lonely.", + "text": "\"ما الأمر، يا أمي ما الأمر يا أبي؟“ سأل ساكيما.\n\nعلم ساكيما أن ابن الرجل الغني كان مفقودًا.\n\nكان الرجل حزينًا ووحيدًا جدًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It is not easy to hear your own heart beating. Can you hear yours?", - "text": "ليس من السهل سماع نبض قلبك. هل تستطيع سماع نبضك؟", + "SourceText": "How do you think Sakima will try to solve this problem?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أن ساكيما سيحاول حل هذه المشكلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Put your ear on someone's chest so you can hear their heart beating.", - "text": "ضع أذنك على صدر أحدهم حتى تسمع نبض قلبه.", + "SourceText": "Have you ever missed someone you felt close to but hadn't seen for a long time? What helped you feel better at such a time?", + "text": "هل افتقدت يومًا شخصًا قريبًا منك ولم تره لفترة طويلة؟ ما الذي ساعدك على الشعور بالتحسن في مثل هذا الوقت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think your heart ever stops beating? Most of your muscles can get tired, but your heart muscle never does!", - "text": "هل تظن أن قلبك سيتوقف عن النبض يومًا؟ يمكن أن تتعب معظم عضلاتك، لكن عضلة القلب لا تتعب أبدًا!", + "SourceText": "The three people in this picture are using their hands in different ways. Each one is communicating a different message. What do you think each one is saying with their hands?", + "text": "الأشخاص الثلاثة في هذه الصورة يستخدمون أيديهم بطرق مختلفة. كل واحد منهم ينقل رسالة مختلفة. ماذا تعتقد أن كل واحد منهم يقول بيديه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can I make my heart go faster or louder?\n\nYes, by jumping up and down twenty times.", - "text": "هل يمكنني أن أجعل قلبي ينبض بشكل أسرع أو بصوت أعلى؟\n\nنعم، عبر القفز لأعلى ولأسفل عشرين مرة.", + "SourceText": "\"I can sing for him. He might be happy again,\" Sakima told his parents.\n\nBut his parents dismissed him. \"He is very rich. You are only a blind boy. Do you think your song will help him?\"", + "text": "\"قال ساكيما لوالديه“ يمكنني الغناء له. \"ربما يصبح سعيدًا مرة أخرى.“\n\nلكن والديه رفضا فكرته. \"إنه غني جدًا. وأنت مجرد فتى أعمى. هل تعتقد أن أغنيتك ستساعده؟“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you count to 20 to count the jumps?", - "text": "هل يمكنك العد حتى 20 لحساب القفزات؟", + "SourceText": "Are there songs that always make you feel happy no matter how you felt before hearing the song?", + "text": "هل هناك أغاني تجعلك تشعر بالسعادة دائمًا بغض النظر عن شعورك قبل سماع الأغنية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you can't count to 20, you can count to 10 and then immediately count to 10 again. That will be just the same.", - "text": "إذا لم تتمكن من العد حتى 20، يمكنك العد حتى 10 ثم العد على الفور إلى 10 مرة أخرى. سيكون هذا هو نفسه.", + "SourceText": "What is his father really saying when he says the man is very rich and Sakima is only a blind boy? Do you think blind boys can make rich people happy?", + "text": "ماذا يقصد والده حقًا عندما يقول أن الرجل غني جدًا وأن ساكيما مجرد فتى أعمى. هل تعتقد أن الفتيان العميان يمكنهم إسعاد الناس الأغنياء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you run around and start breathing hard, do you sometimes feel your heart beating in your chest?", - "text": "عندما تركض وتبدأ في التنفس بصعوبة، هل تشعر أحيانًا بنبض قلبك في صدرك؟", + "SourceText": "Now look at what Sakima's father and mother are doing with their hands, faces, and bodies. Without using words, what are they communicating this time?", + "text": "الآن انظر إلى ما يفعله والد ساكيما ووالدته بأيديهم ووجوههم وأجسادهم. بدون استخدام كلمات، ماذا ينقلون هذه المرة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Now see, my heart is beating faster.", - "text": "الآن انظر، قلبي ينبض بشكل أسرع.", + "SourceText": "However, Sakima did not give up. His little sister supported him.\n\nShe said, \"Sakima's songs soothe me when I am hungry. They will soothe the rich man too.\"", + "text": "ومع ذلك، لم يستسلم ساكيما. دعمته أخته الصغيرة.\n\nقالت، \"أغاني ساكيما تهدئني عندما أشعر بالجوع. ستريح الرجل الغني أيضًا.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen your own heart beating in your chest? Is it possible to see it?", - "text": "هل سبق وأن رأيت قلبك ينبض في صدرك؟ هل من الممكن رؤيته؟", + "SourceText": "Whether it is a rich man or Sakima's sister, a beautiful song can improve anyone's day!", + "text": "سواء كان الرجل الغني أو أخت ساكيما، يمكن لأغنية جميلة أن تحسن يوم أي شخص!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The storyteller and artist are stretching the truth a bit here. Have you ever stretched the truth a bit to make a story a little more interesting?", - "text": "يقوم الراوي والفنان بالمبالغة بالحقيقة قليلاً هنا. هل سبق لك أن قمت بمبالغة الحقيقة قليلاً لجعل القصة أكثر إثارة للاهتمام؟", + "SourceText": "His parents look skeptical, but they are willing to give it a try. Have there been times when you thought you could do something and the people around you doubted that you could? Who ended up being right?", + "text": "يبدو أن والديه متشككين، لكنهم مستعدون لتجربة الأمر. هل كانت هناك أوقات كنت تعتقد أنك تستطيع فعل شيء ما وشك الناس من حولك في قدرتك على فعله؟ من كان على حق في النهاية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Her toy is covering its ears because the heart is beating so loudly. Is it possible to hear someone else's heart from a distance?", - "text": "لعبتها تغطي أذنيها لأن القلب ينبض بصوت عالٍ. هل من الممكن سماع قلب شخص آخر من بعيد؟", + "SourceText": "This time, look at Sakima's sister's hands. What are her hands showing, especially her right hand? People say a lot with their bodies without using any words.", + "text": "هذه المرة، انظر إلى يدي أخت ساكيما. ماذا تظهر يديها، خاصة يدها اليمنى؟ الناس يقولون الكثير بأجسادهم بدون استخدام كلمات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If I put my fingers on my wrist, then I can feel my pulse!", - "text": "إذا وضعت أصابعي على معصمي، فسأشعر بنبضي!", + "SourceText": "The following day, Sakima asked his little sister to lead him to the rich man's house.", + "text": "في اليوم التالي، طلب ساكيما من أخته الصغيرة أن تقوده إلى منزل الرجل الغني.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you feel your pulse on your wrist? Some people like to feel their pulse on their neck or on their head. Try it!", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن تشعر بنبضك على معصمك؟ يحب بعض الأشخاص أن يشعروا بنبضهم على رقبتهم أو على رؤوسهم. جرب ذلك!", + "SourceText": "Sometime, when you're with someone, walk around holding their hand keeping your eyes closed. You will probably notice many things that you usually ignore. You will start feeling, hearing, and sensing your space in a fresh way!", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان، عندما تكون مع شخص ما، امشِ ممسكًا بيده وأنت مغمض العينين. ستلاحظ على الأرجح أشياء كثيرة عادة ما تتجاهلها. ستبدأ في الشعور والاستماع والإحساس بمساحتك بطريقة جديدة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count your pulse for ten seconds. Did you get a count between 7 and 20?", - "text": "احسب نبضك لمدة عشر ثوان. هل حصلت على عدد بين 7 و 20؟", + "SourceText": "Do you know why Sakima has a stick? Blind people often use sticks to help them find their way and to avoid stumbling over things. The sticks touch the ground so the person can feel bumps or things in the way. Those sticks are often painted white with a red tip so that other people will know the stick holder is blind.", + "text": "هل تعرف لماذا يحمل ساكيما عصا؟ الأشخاص المكفوفون غالبًا ما يستخدمون العصا لمساعدتهم في معرفة طريقهم وتجنب التعثر بالأشياء. تلمس العصا الأرض حتى يتمكن الشخص من الشعور بالنتوءات أو الأشياء في الطريق. غالبًا ما يتم طلاء هذه العصي بالأبيض مع طرف أحمر ليعرف الناس الآخرون أن حامل العصا أعمى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have another person do the same thing and compare the counts you got. Whose count was more and whose was less?", - "text": "اطلب من شخص آخر أن يفعل الشيء نفسه ويقارن الأعداد التي حصلت عليها. من كان عدده أكثر ومن كان أقل؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the trees behind them. We have seen those trees earlier in the story, and they have large crowns (the area where their branches are). Do you think the illustrator has drawn them too close together in this picture?", + "text": "انظر إلى الأشجار خلفهم. لقد رأينا تلك الأشجار في وقت سابق في القصة، ولديها تيجان كبيرة (المنطقة التي توجد فيها الفروع). هل تعتقد أن الرسام قد رسمها قريبة جدًا من بعضها في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I can hear myself laughing.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!", - "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أضحك.\n\nهاهاها، هاهاهاهاها، هاهاهاهاهاها!", + "SourceText": "He stood below a window and began to sing his favorite song.\n\nSlowly, the head of the rich man began to show through the window.", + "text": "وقف تحت نافذة وبدأ يغني أغنيته المفضلة.\n\nببطء، بدأ رأس الرجل الغني يظهر من خلال النافذة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She is very expressive, so her laughter is probably very loud. Is it possible to laugh softly? Can you do it?", - "text": "إنها معبرة للغاية، لذا فإن ضحكتها لا بد أن تكون عالية جدًا. هل من الممكن أن تضحك بهدوء؟ هل تستطيع فعل ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Sakima might be blind, but his gift of singing made a huge difference to the rich man. People have a wide variety of skills, and each skill can make a big contribution in the right context.", + "text": "قد يكون ساكيما أعمى، لكن موهبته في الغناء أحدثت فرقًا كبيرًا للرجل الغني. لدى الناس مجموعة واسعة من المهارات، ويمكن لكل مهارة أن تساهم بشكل كبير في السياق المناسب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "People often like to laugh together. When you laugh, do other people laugh with you?", - "text": "غالبًا ما يحب الناس الضحك معًا. عندما تضحك هل يضحك الآخرون معك؟", + "SourceText": "Do you have some surprising skills that people don't always fully appreciate? Are there skills other people have that you sometimes don't give enough recognition?", + "text": "هل لديك مهارات مفاجئة لا يقدرها الناس دائمًا بشكل كامل؟ هل هناك مهارات يمتلكها الآخرون ولا تعطيها الاعتراف الكافي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Even when there is nothing funny happening, sometimes just laughing out loud can make you feel better.", - "text": "حتى عندما لا يحدث أي شيء مضحك، فإن مجرد الضحك بصوت عالٍ في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن يجعلك تشعر بالتحسن.", + "SourceText": "There are a lot of notes (the dark or hollow circles) on that page. Use your new estimation skills and estimate how many notes there are. They are hard to count, but count them as best you can and see how close your estimate was.", + "text": "هناك الكثير من النوتات (الدوائر الداكنة أو الجوفاء) في تلك الصفحة. استخدم مهاراتك الجديدة في التقدير وقدر عدد النوتات الموجودة. يصعب عدها، لكن عدها بأفضل ما يمكنك وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I can hear myself crying. Boohoooo hooo!", - "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أبكي. بوووهووو هوو!", + "SourceText": "The workers stopped what they were doing. They listened to Sakima's beautiful song.\n\nBut one man said, \"Nobody has been able to console the boss. Does this blind boy think he will console him?\"", + "text": "توقف العمال عن العمل. استمعوا إلى أغنية ساكيما الجميلة.\n\nلكن رجلًا قال، \"لم يتمكن أحد من مواساة المدير. هل يعتقد هذا الفتى الأعمى أنه سيواسيه؟“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think she is really crying, or is she just pretending?", - "text": "أتحسبها تبكي حقاً أم أنها تتظاهر فقط؟", + "SourceText": "Look at all the different colors the people are wearing. Describe the difference in the coloring of their clothes and the rich man's clothes.", + "text": "انظر إلى جميع الألوان المختلفة التي يرتديها الناس. صف الفرق في تلوين ملابسهم وملابس الرجل الغني.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you ever pretend to cry so that people will feel sorry for you?", - "text": "هل تتظاهر بالبكاء احياناً ليشفق عليك الناس؟", + "SourceText": "Did you notice the rectangles on this page?", + "text": "هل لاحظت المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some people feel much better after they cry. Do you feel better after you cry?", - "text": "يشعر بعض الناس بتحسن كبير بعد البكاء. هل تشعر بتحسن بعد البكاء؟", + "SourceText": "What is wrong with this picture of the rich man? In a scene, the farther away the same thing is, the smaller it should be. The rich man's head is a little farther away than everyone else, and yet his head is drawn much larger than everyone else's. Hmmm ....", + "text": "ما الخطأ في هذه الصورة للرجل الغني؟ في المشهد، كلما كانت نفس الشيء أبعد، كان يجب أن يكون أصغر. رأس الرجل الغني أبعد قليلاً من الآخرين، ومع ذلك رأسه مرسوم أكبر من رؤوس الجميع. همم ....", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I can hear myself clapping.\n\nClap, clap, clap.", - "text": "أستطيع أن أسمع نفسي أصفق.\n\nتصفيق، تصفيق، تصفيق.", + "SourceText": "Sakima finished singing his song and turned to leave.\n\nBut the rich man rushed out and said, \"Please sing the song again.\"", + "text": "أنهى ساكيما غناء أغنيته واستدار للمغادرة.\n\nلكن الرجل الغني اندفع للخارج وقال، \"من فضلك غنِ الأغنية مرة أخرى.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Make up a pattern using claps and foot stomps on the ground.", - "text": "اصنع نمطًا باستخدام التصفيق والدوس على الأرض.", + "SourceText": "Look at the faces of the people in the crowd. What are they thinking about all this?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجوه الناس في الحشد. ماذا يعتقدون بشأن كل هذا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Was your pattern complicated, or was it as simple as: clap clap stomp, clap clap stomp?", - "text": "هل كان النمط الخاص بك معقدًا، أم كان بسيطًا مثل: تصفيق تصفيق دوس، تصفيق تصفيق دوس؟", + "SourceText": "Parallel lines are lines that go in exactly the same direction and would never meet if they kept going. Notice how the bottom and top sides of these windows are not parallel. However, these lines, including the base of the house, should be parallel. Hmmm ...", + "text": "الخطوط المتوازية هي خطوط تسير في نفس الاتجاه تمامًا ولن تلتقي أبدًا إذا استمرت في السير. لاحظ كيف أن الجوانب السفلية والعلوية لهذه النوافذ ليست متوازية. ومع ذلك، ينبغي أن تكون هذه الخطوط، بما في ذلك قاعدة المنزل، متوازية. همم ...", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Dancing is often a pattern of movements with your arms and legs. Do you like to dance?", - "text": "الرقص غالبًا ما يكون نمطًا من الحركات بذراعيك وساقيك. هل تحب الرقص؟", + "SourceText": "Compare the rich man's clothes to the other people's clothes. What are the ways his shirt and pants are different from everyone else's clothes?", + "text": "قارن ملابس الرجل الغني بملابس الأشخاص الآخرين. ما هي الطرق التي تختلف فيها قميصه وسرواله عن ملابس الآخرين؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I can hear my stomach rumbling!\n\nGuddu, guddu, guddu.", - "text": "أستطيع سماع معدتي تقرقر!\n\nجودو، جودو، جودو.", + "SourceText": "At that very moment, two men came carrying someone on a stretcher.\n\nThey had found the rich man's son beaten up and left on the side of the road.", + "text": "في تلك اللحظة بالضبط، جاء رجلان يحملان شخصًا على نقالة.\n\nلقد وجدوا ابن الرجل الغني مضروبًا وملقى على جانب الطريق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When your stomach rumbles, what is your body feeling?", - "text": "عندما تقرقر معدتك، بماذا يشعر جسمك؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to carry something as heavy as a person? It is hard work, even for two people, to carry someone for a distance.", + "text": "هل حاولت يومًا حمل شيء ثقيل مثل شخص؟ إنه عمل شاق، حتى لشخصين، حمل شخص لمسافة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Does your stomach ever rumble when it is having trouble digesting something or when you're sick?", - "text": "هل تقرقر معدتك عندما تجد صعوبة في هضم شيء ما أو عندما تكون مريضًا؟", + "SourceText": "The two people carrying the son look like they are working very hard. What about their bodies shows that they are carrying a heavy load?", + "text": "يبدو أن الشخصين اللذين يحملان الابن يعملان بجد. ماذا يظهر عن أجسامهم أنهم يحملون حملاً ثقيلاً؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Looking at her face, what is she feeling right now?", - "text": "بالنظر إلى وجهها، ما الذي تشعر به الآن؟", + "SourceText": "Notice how the tree trunks are now farther apart than when Sakima was walking toward the house. Given the large trunks, do some of the tree crowns look a little small to you?", + "text": "لاحظ كيف أن جذوع الأشجار الآن متباعدة أكثر مما كانت عليه عندما كان ساكيما يسير نحو المنزل. بالنظر إلى الجذوع الكبيرة، هل تبدو بعض تيجان الأشجار صغيرة قليلاً بالنسبة لك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My stomach is saying, \"Feed me!\"", - "text": "تقول معدتي: \"أطعميني!\"", + "SourceText": "The rich man was so happy to see his son again.\n\nHe rewarded Sakima for consoling him.\n\nHe took his son and Sakima to the hospital to check if Sakima could see again.", + "text": "كان الرجل الغني سعيدًا جدًا لرؤية ابنه مرة أخرى.\n\nوكافأ ساكيما لمواساته له.\n\nأخذ ابنه وساكيما إلى المستشفى للتحقق مما إذا كان ساكيما يستطيع الرؤية مرة أخرى.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever been so hungry you couldn't wait and you had to eat immediately?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن شعرت بالجوع لدرجة أنك لم تتمكن من الانتظار واضطررت إلى تناول الطعام على الفور؟", + "SourceText": "One person being nice often causes other people to be nice. It can make a big difference in a community when people look out for each other.", + "text": "كون شخص واحد لطيفًا غالبًا ما يجعل الآخرين يكونون لطيفين أيضًا. يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في المجتمع عندما يعتني الناس ببعضهم البعض.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think her stomach is really shoving her to get some food?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن معدتها تدفعها حقًا للحصول على بعض الطعام؟", + "SourceText": "Drawing things with perspective is a way of making our world look realistic when drawn on a flat page. It is tricky to do correctly. What are some mistakes the illustrator has made with this drawing?", + "text": "رسم الأشياء بالمنظور هو طريقة لجعل عالمنا يبدو واقعيًا عند رسمه على صفحة مسطحة. إنه من الصعب القيام به بشكل صحيح. ما هي بعض الأخطاء التي ارتكبها الرسام في هذا الرسم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each time she bounds forward, she takes two steps. You can count those steps by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ...", - "text": "كلما تقدمت خطت خطوتين. يمكنك حساب تلك الخطوات عن طريق العد بمقدار 2 -- 2، 4، 6، 8، ...", + "SourceText": "Try drawing a simple scene with just a few things using perspective. Do you notice how hard it is to get the relationships between things right?", + "text": "حاول رسم مشهد بسيط يحتوي على بضعة أشياء فقط باستخدام المنظور. هل تلاحظ مدى صعوبة جعل العلاقات بين الأشياء صحيحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My nose can smell cakes baking in mother's kitchen.\n\nAnd now I want to hear my jaws chewing those cakes!", - "text": "يستطيع أنفي أن يشم رائحة الكعك المخبوز في مطبخ أمي.\n\nوالآن أريد أن أسمع فكي يمضغان ذلك الكعك!", + "SourceText": "The winter cold had passed. Spring was coming to Nkanyezi's village. Soon the villagers would gather to celebrate the new season. Nkanyezi looked forward to the Spring Festival more than any other day of the year.", + "text": "لقد انقضى برد الشتاء. كان الربيع قادمًا إلى قرية نكانيازي. قريبًا سيتجمع القرويون للاحتفال بالموسم الجديد. كانت نكانيازي تتطلع إلى يوم مهرجان الربيع أكثر من أي يوم آخر في السنة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many really small cakes do you think she will eat?", - "text": "كم عدد الكعكات الصغيرة التي تعتقد أنها ستأكلها؟", + "SourceText": "The Spring Festival is a big event for Nkanyezi and her village. What are some celebrations that you look forward to? What makes them special for you?", + "text": "مهرجان الربيع هو حدث كبير لنكانيازي وقريتها. ما هي بعض الاحتفالات التي تتطلع إليها؟ ما الذي يجعلها مميزة بالنسبة لك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are the most cookies or other snack you've eaten at one time?", - "text": "ما هو أكثر عدد من البسكويت أو الوجبات الخفيفة الأخرى التي تناولتها في ذات الوقت؟", + "SourceText": "A butterfly has landed on her hand. Have you ever had a butterfly land on you?", + "text": "فراشة حطت على يدها. هل سبق لك أن حطت فراشة عليك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This story has talked about a lot of different sounds to hear from your body. How many of them can you remember?", - "text": "تحدثت هذه القصة عن الكثير من الأصوات المختلفة التي يمكنك سماعها من جسدك. كم منها يمكنك أن تتذكر؟", + "SourceText": "Identify different shapes in this picture. There are circles, ovals (stretched circles), arcs (parts of circles), cones on the tops of the huts, and rectangles for the doors and windows.", + "text": "حدد الأشكال المختلفة في هذه الصورة. هناك دوائر، وبيضاوي (دوائر ممددة)، وأقواس (أجزاء من دوائر)، ومخاريط على قمم الأكواخ، ومستطيلات للأبواب والنوافذ.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at the animals.", - "text": "انظر إلى الحيوانات.", + "SourceText": "One warm morning, Nkanyezi overheard two village elders talking about the festival. \"The people of Ndlovu have lost their spirit of celebration,\" one sighed. \"How can we have a Spring Festival in a village that has forgotten how to celebrate?\" asked another.", + "text": "في صباح دافئ، سمعت نكانيازي اثنين من شيوخ القرية يتحدثون عن المهرجان. \"لقد فقد أهل نديوفو روح الاحتفال“، تنهد أحدهم. \"كيف يمكننا إقامة مهرجان الربيع في قرية نسيت كيف تحتفل؟“ سأل الآخر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count and name together all the animals you see.", - "text": "قوموا بعدّ وتسمية جميع الحيوانات التي ترونها معًا.", + "SourceText": "On special occasions, groups of people come together and do things that celebrate that special day. What are some of the things that create a special day for you? (music, food, particular people, clothes, location, decorations, activities)", + "text": "في المناسبات الخاصة، تجتمع مجموعات من الناس وتقوم بأشياء تحتفل بهذا اليوم الخاص. ما هي بعض الأشياء التي تخلق يومًا خاصًا لك؟ (الموسيقى، الطعام، الأشخاص المعينين، الملابس، الموقع، الزينة، الأنشطة)", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are all the animals looking at?", - "text": "ما الذي تنظر إليه جميع الحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever listened in on someone else's conversation? When is it okay to do that and when is it invading someone's privacy?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن استمعت إلى محادثة شخص آخر؟ متى يكون ذلك مقبولًا ومتى يعتبر انتهاكًا لخصوصية شخص ما؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do the animals want something from the farmer?", - "text": "هل تريد الحيوانات شيئاً من الفلاح؟", + "SourceText": "What about their faces tells you that the elders and Nkanyezi are worried?", + "text": "ماذا عن وجوههم يخبرك أن الشيوخ ونكانيازي قلقون؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The cow says, \"Moo.\"", - "text": "تقول البقرة: \"مو\".", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi was worried. \"How will the sun shine again unless we sing to wake it from its winter slumber?\" she asked herself. Nkanyezi thought for a long time. \"I must find what we have lost,\" she decided. \"I must go in search of things that will bring back the spirit of celebration to my village.\"", + "text": "كانت نكانيازي قلقة. \"كيف ستشرق الشمس مرة أخرى إذا لم نغني لإيقاظها من سباتها الشتوي؟“ سألت نفسها. فكرت نكانيازي لفترة طويلة. فقررت قائلة \"يجب أن أجد ما فقدناه“. \"يجب أن أبحث عن الأشياء التي ستعيد روح الاحتفال إلى قريتي.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?", - "text": "البقرة تنظر إلى حوض فارغ. ماذا تعتقد أن كلمة \"مو\" تعني؟", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi is posing in a special way. What is she doing when she looks like this?", + "text": "نكانيازي تتخذ وضعية خاصة. ماذا تفعل عندما تبدو هكذا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?", - "text": "إذا كانت لديك كلمة واحدة فقط (\"مو\")، فعليك أن تقولها بطرق مختلفة لجعلها تعني أشياء مختلفة. ماذا تعتقد أن البقرة تريد؟", + "SourceText": "Does she look old enough to go on a long journey by herself? What are some of the longest trips you have been on? Was it scary to be so far away or was it exciting to be in new places, or maybe some of both?", + "text": "هل تبدو كبيرة بما يكفي للقيام برحلة طويلة بمفردها؟ ما هي بعض أطول الرحلات التي قمت بها؟ هل كان مخيفًا أن تكون بعيدًا جدًا أم كان من المثير أن تكون في أماكن جديدة، أم ربما مزيج من الاثنين؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.", - "text": "إن بعض البقع السوداء على البقرة صغيرة وبعضها الآخر كبير. احسب عدد البقع الموجودة على البقرة.", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi is practicing problem solving. Rather than giving up, she is going to think long and hard about the problem and she is going to get help from others who may have good ideas for her!", + "text": "نكانيازي تمارس حل المشكلات. بدلاً من الاستسلام، ستفكر طويلاً وبجد في المشكلة وستحصل على مساعدة من الآخرين الذين قد يكون لديهم أفكار جيدة لها!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"", - "text": "تقول العنزة: \"ماع، ماع.\"", + "SourceText": "The elders gave Nkanyezi their blessing for the journey. They gave her a bag to carry the things she would find. Nkanyezi was afraid, but she believed she would succeed.", + "text": "أعطى الشيوخ نكانيازي بركتهم للرحلة. أعطوها حقيبة لحمل الأشياء التي ستجدها. كانت نكانيازي خائفة، لكنها كانت تؤمن بأنها ستنجح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?", - "text": "لماذا تنظر العنزة إلى قطرة الماء من الصنبور؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever been afraid to do something you knew you should do? Fear can be a good thing when it stops us from doing something dangerous, but it can also get in the way when we know we need to do something we're afraid of.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن خفت من فعل شيء كنت تعلم أنه يجب عليك فعله؟ يمكن أن يكون الخوف شيئًا جيدًا عندما يمنعنا من فعل شيء خطير، لكنه يمكن أن يكون أيضًا عائقًا عندما نعلم أننا بحاجة إلى فعل شيء نخاف منه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?", - "text": "هل العنزة عطشانة أم جائعة أم كلاهما؟", + "SourceText": "How did you overcome your fear when you really had to do something you were afraid to do?", + "text": "كيف تغلبت على خوفك عندما كنت مضطرًا حقًا لفعل شيء كنت تخاف منه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.", - "text": "كم عدد قرون العنزة؟ اذكر بعض الحيوانات الأخرى التي ينمو في رأسها شيئان صلبان.", + "SourceText": "Look at the red mountains in the distance. She will be traveling to them very soon. What do you think she will find there?", + "text": "انظر إلى الجبال الحمراء في المسافة. ستسافر إليها قريبًا جدًا. ماذا تعتقد أنها ستجد هناك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"", - "text": "يقول الحصان: \"نييه.\"", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi walked all day. She hiked up a hill, and down into a valley. She sailed across the great river, and climbed between sharp rocks. She marched across the plains until she reached the shadow of the red mountains.", + "text": "مشيت نكانيازي طوال اليوم. صعدت التل، ونزلت إلى الوادي. أبحرت عبر النهر الكبير، وتسلقت بين الصخور الحادة. مشت عبر السهول حتى وصلت إلى ظل الجبال الحمراء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?", - "text": "الحصان ينظر أيضًا إلى حوض فارغ. إلى ماذا يشير الحصان برجله اليسرى الأمامية؟", + "SourceText": "She went by hills, valleys, rivers, rocks, plains, and mountains. Can you think of other land features not mentioned in this list?", + "text": "ذهبت عبر التلال، الوديان، الأنهار، الصخور، السهول، والجبال. هل يمكنك التفكير في ميزات أرضية أخرى لم تذكر في هذه القائمة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?", - "text": "عدّوا أرجل الحصان معًا. هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوان مزرعة يملك ساقين فقط؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever been on a sailboat? The sails on her boat are in the shape of triangles. Sometimes sails on bigger sailboats are shaped like rectangles.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن كنت على قارب شراعي؟ الأشرعة في قاربها على شكل مثلثات. أحيانًا تكون الأشرعة على القوارب الشراعية الأكبر على شكل مستطيلات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?", - "text": "هل هناك حيوانات تملك عدد أرجل غير اثنتين أو أربع؟ ماذا عن الحشرات أو العناكب؟ -- هل تعرف كم عدد أرجلها؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like being on a boat? Some people get seasick when they go on a boat (their stomachs get queasy). Do you know someone with that problem?", + "text": "هل تحب أن تكون على القارب؟ بعض الناس يصابون بدوار البحر عندما يذهبون على القارب (تشعر معدتهم بالغثيان). هل تعرف شخصًا يعاني من هذه المشكلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"", - "text": "يقول الخنزير: \"غرانت.\"", + "SourceText": "As night was closing in, Nkanyezi arrived at a village of patterns and colors as she had never seen before. She told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people.\n\nThe mother of this tribe gave Nkanyezi a gift. She told the girl, \"With love we give to you this paint to restore color to your village.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the paint in her bag. Early the next morning she went on her way.", + "text": "ومع اقتراب الليل، وصلت نكانيازي إلى قرية من الأنماط والألوان كما لم ترها من قبل. أخبرت شيوخ القرية عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال لشعبها.\n\nأعطت أم هذه القبيلة نكانيازي هدية. قالت للفتاة، \"بالحب نعطيك هذا الطلاء لإعادة اللون إلى قريتك.“ شكرت نكانيازي الشيوخ ووضعت الطلاء في حقيبتها. في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم التالي واصلت طريقها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?", - "text": "يظن بعض الناس أن الخنازير تقول \"أوينك\". ماذا تظن أنها تقول؟", + "SourceText": "How would you compare the colors this elder is wearing to the colors worn by the elders of Nkanyezi's village?", + "text": "كيف تقارن الألوان التي يرتديها هذا الشيخ بالألوان التي يرتديها شيوخ قرية نكانيازي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!", - "text": "للخنزير أذنان وعينان ومنخران. تخيل كيف سيكون الأمر لو كان له فمان!", + "SourceText": "Which colors would you choose if you were creating a celebration? Bright, lively, high-energy colors would probably be a better idea for a celebration than dull, muted, low-energy colors.", + "text": "أي الألوان ستختار إذا كنت تنشئ احتفالاً؟ الألوان الساطعة والمفعمة بالحيوية ستكون فكرة أفضل للاحتفال من الألوان الباهتة والخافتة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا الأعمدة التي تشكل السياج أمام الخنزير.", + "SourceText": "What are some of your favorite colors?", + "text": "ما هي بعض الألوان المفضلة لديك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"", - "text": "تقول الدجاجة: \"كلاك.\"", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi walked all day, through a vast forest of giant trees. As the sky became too dark for her to see, she heard the sound of beating drums. She hurried towards the drumming, feeling the spirit of dance coming to her tired feet.", + "text": "مشيت نكانيازي طوال اليوم، عبرت غابة واسعة من الأشجار العملاقة. عندما أصبحت السماء مظلمة جدًا لرؤيتها، سمعت صوت الطبول. سارعت نحو الطبول، وشعرت بروح الرقص تصل إلى قدميها المتعبتين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?", - "text": "الدجاجة حيوان مزرعة ذو ساقين فقط. هل هناك غيرها؟", + "SourceText": "How many trees can you count in this picture? Did you count them one at a time, or two at a time, or in some other way?", + "text": "كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل قمت بعدهم واحدًا واحدًا، أو اثنين اثنين، أو بطريقة أخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.", - "text": "عدّوا الكتاكيت الصغيرة والدجاجات الموجودة معًا.", + "SourceText": "What do you notice about these trees? One thing is that they do not have low branches. Have you seen trees like this around where you live?", + "text": "ما الذي تلاحظه عن هذه الأشجار؟ شيء واحد هو أنها لا تحتوي على فروع منخفضة. هل رأيت أشجارًا مثل هذه حول مكان إقامتك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One more than three makes how many?", - "text": "واحد أكثر من ثلاثة كم؟", + "SourceText": "If you were in the middle of a vast, dark forest at night, do you think you could move quickly? She must be very brave!", + "text": "إذا كنت في منتصف غابة واسعة ومظلمة ليلاً، هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع التحرك بسرعة؟ يجب أن تكون شجاعة جدًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The dog says, \"Woof.\"", - "text": "يقول الكلب: \"ووف.\"", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi found herself in the village of Bhubezi. People were sitting around a fire, drumming and singing. She had never before heard such wonderful music. She told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people. The Bhubezi invited her to rest and stay the night.", + "text": "وجدت نكانيازي نفسها في قرية بهوبيزي. كان الناس يجلسون حول النار، يعزفون الطبول ويغنون. لم تسمع من قبل مثل هذه الموسيقى الرائعة. أخبرت شيوخ القرية عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال لشعبها. دعاها بهوبيزي للراحة والبقاء في قريتهم لليلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.", - "text": "وعاء الكلب فارغ والكلب يبدو جائعاً.", + "SourceText": "How would you feel coming across people you did not know in the middle of the forest at night? Would you be scared of them or would you want to dance with them?", + "text": "كيف ستشعر إذا وجدت نفسك بين أشخاص لا تعرفهم في وسط الغابة ليلاً؟ هل ستخاف منهم أم سترغب في الرقص معهم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of bags by the fence.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأكياس عند السياج.", + "SourceText": "Look at the faces of the people dancing. Are they enjoying their dancing? How can you tell?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجوه الناس الراقصين. هل يستمتعون برقصهم؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد الأسنان الموجودة على المجرفة في الزاوية. هل يمكنك العثور على أشياء أخرى لحسابها؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like to dance?", + "text": "هل تحب الرقص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"", - "text": "يقول المزارع: \"ششش!\"", + "SourceText": "In the morning the chief called on Nkanyezi. \"My child,\" he said, \"here is a special drum. It plays a new song every time you beat it.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the drum in her bag. She went on her way again, delighted with this gift of music and dance.", + "text": "في الصباح، نادى الزعيم على نكانيزي. قال \"يا طفلتي، إليك طبلة خاصة. تعزف أغنية جديدة في كل مرة تضربين بها.“ شكرت نكانيزي شيوخ القرية ووضعت الطبلة في حقيبتها. واصلت طريقها مرة أخرى، مسرورة بهذه الهدية من الموسيقى والرقص.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?", - "text": "لماذا يقول المزارع \"ششش؟\" هل سئم المزارع من مضايقة الحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "This elder is very colorfully dressed. Are the clothes you wear colorful, or do you prefer less vibrant colors?", + "text": "هذا الشيخ يرتدي ملابس زاهية الألوان. هل الملابس التي ترتديها ملونة، أم تفضل الألوان الأقل حيوية؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are the animals waiting for?", - "text": "ماذا تنتظر الحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the shapes that make up the fringe of the elder's robe and the jewelry around her head. Which shapes do you see?", + "text": "انظر إلى الأشكال التي تشكل حافة رداء الشيخ والمجوهرات حول رأسها. ما هي الأشكال التي تراها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many animals are waiting for their food?", - "text": "كم من الحيوانات تنتظر طعامها؟", + "SourceText": "Nkanyezi has received gifts of colors, music, and dance. Can you think of other aspects of a celebration she still needs for her village?", + "text": "حصلت نكانيزي على هدايا من الألوان والموسيقى والرقص. هل يمكنك التفكير في جوانب أخرى للاحتفال ما زالت بحاجة إليها لقريتها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One night Grandpa was tucking me in. His hands were soft and his hair was thin.", - "text": "في إحدى الليالي كان جدي يحتضنني. كانت يداه ناعمتين وكان شعره خفيفًا.", + "SourceText": "On the third day of her journey, as she passed a field of fat cows, her nose started to tingle. An aroma tickled her taste buds and her mouth started to water. She followed the scent, and arrived in a village to find people standing over steaming pots of stew. This tribe was famous for its feasts and Nkanyezi had never before tasted such flavors. After she had eaten her fill, she told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people.", + "text": "في اليوم الثالث من رحلتها، عندما مرت بحقل من الأبقار السمينة، بدأت أنفها في الإحساس. دغدغت رائحة براعم تذوقها وبدأ لعابها يسيل. تتبعت الرائحة، ووصلت إلى قرية قريبة لتجد الناس واقفين فوق قدور يُغلي بها الحساء. كانت هذه القبيلة مشهورة بمأدباتها ولم يسبق لناكانيزي أن تذوقت مثل هذه النكهات من قبل. بعد أن شبعت، أخبرت الشيوخ عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال إلى شعبها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Two words rhyme when their endings sound alike. Look for the rhyming words on many of the pages of this story. For this page, \"in\" and \"thin\" are the rhyming words.", - "text": "الجد لديه نقاط حمراء مستديرة على خديه. هل يمكنك العثور على شيء مستدير آخر في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "An important missing ingredient is food! Some celebrations have specific food eaten during them. Think of some foods that you like to eat that are specially brought out during some celebrations.", + "text": "مكون مفقود مهم هو الطعام! بعض الاحتفالات لها طعام معين يؤكل خلالها. فكر في بعض الأطعمة التي تحب تناولها والتي تظهر خصيصًا خلال بعض الاحتفالات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Think of some other words that rhyme with in and thin. (fin, din, kin, tin, win, bin, grin)", - "text": "في هذه الصورة، الكثير من الأشياء المنحنية. ابحث عن بعض الأشياء التي تعرف أنه يجب أن تكون خطوطًا مستقيمة.", + "SourceText": "What in the picture tells you that Nkanyezi is smelling an aroma that she likes? What are some of your favorite smells?", + "text": "ما الذي في الصورة يخبرك أن نكانيزي تشم رائحة تعجبها؟ ما هي بعض روائحك المفضلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Putting things in pairs can be fun. However, not everything can be paired up. There are five buttons on Grandpa's coat, and no matter how you pair them up there will be one left over -- that's because five is an odd number!", - "text": "يمكن أن يكون وضع الأشياء في أزواج أمرًا ممتعًا. ومع ذلك، لا يمكن إقران كل شيء. هناك خمسة أزرار على معطف الجد، وبغض النظر عن كيفية ربطها معًا، سيبقى هناك زر بمفرده -- وذلك لأن خمسة عدد فردي!", + "SourceText": "Smells can be very good at bringing memories to mind. Are there some smells that remind you of specific events, places, or people?", + "text": "الروائح يمكن أن تكون جيدة جدًا في إحضار الذكريات إلى الذهن. هل هناك بعض الروائح التي تذكرك بأحداث معينة، أماكن، أو أشخاص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I'm going to tell you a special story, about a girl named Lory Dory.", - "text": "\"سأخبركم بقصة خاصة عن فتاة تدعى لوري دوري.\"", + "SourceText": "The next day, the council of cooks gave her a secret spice blend. \"Our daughter,\" they said, \"with these spices, happy tummies are guaranteed! We give you the gift of good food.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the spices in her bag. She knew she had everything she needed. With new energy she started the long journey back to the village of Ndlovu.", + "text": "في اليوم التالي، قدم لها مجلس الطهاة مزيج توابل سري. قالوا لها \"يا ابنتنا مع هذه التوابل تضمن سعادة البطون! نقدمها لك هدية لصنع الطعام الجيد.“ شكرت نكانيزي شيوخ القرية ووضعت التوابل في حقيبتها. علمت أنه الآن لديها كل ما تحتاجه لتجديد طاقة قريتها فبدأت رحلة العودة الطويلة إلى قرية ندفلو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Hearing someone tell you a story is a special treat. Someone is reading this story to you right now. How does it make you feel?", - "text": "إن سماع شخص ما يروي لك قصة هو أمر ممتع. هناك من يقرأ لك هذه القصة الآن. كيف يجعلك ذلك تشعر؟", + "SourceText": "Hmmm ... She is missing something in this picture. Where is her drum?", + "text": "همم ... هي تفتقد شيئًا في هذه الصورة. أين طبولتها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When lines are lined up and go in exactly the same direction they are called parallel lines. The artist has drawn this room in a style with almost no parallel lines. Point out some parallel lines where you are right now.", - "text": "عندما تصطف الخطوط وتسير في نفس الاتجاه تمامًا، فإنها تسمى خطوطًا متوازية. لقد رسم الفنان هذه الغرفة بأسلوب لا يحتوي على خطوط متوازية تقريبًا. أشر إلى بعض الخطوط المتوازية حيث أنت الآن.", + "SourceText": "Once again, the elders of the village are very colorfully dressed. It looks like people who are good at celebrating use lots of festive colors in their clothes.", + "text": "مرة أخرى، الشيوخ في القرية يرتدون ملابس زاهية الألوان. يبدو أن الناس الذين يجيدون الاحتفال يستخدمون الكثير من الألوان الزاهية في ملابسهم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are the rhyming words on this page?", - "text": "يجب أن تكون الأبواب والجدران وإطارات السرير وإطارات الصور مستقيمة. لماذا تعتقد أنهم لم يرسموا خطوطاً مستقيمة هنا؟", + "SourceText": "Looking at this picture with all those intense expressions, you can almost smell the delicious spices. What are some of your favorite spices to put on food?", + "text": "بالنظر إلى هذه الصورة بجميع تلك التعبيرات المكثفة، يمكنك تقريبًا شم التوابل اللذيذة. ما هي بعض التوابل المفضلة لديك لوضعها على الطعام؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You couldn't see Lory Dory at all because she was born invisible.", - "text": "لا يمكنك رؤية لوري دوري على الإطلاق لأنها ولدت غير مرئية.", + "SourceText": "When she arrived home the villagers gathered around her to hear of her adventures. She told them the tales of what she had seen, heard, and eaten. Then she opened her bag to share the gifts given. The villagers rejoiced to receive these treasures.\n\nThe generosity of others and the courage of Nkanyezi brought back color, song, and dance to the people. And so the spirit of celebration was restored to the village of Ndlovu.", + "text": "عندما وصلت إلى المنزل، اجتمع القرويون حولها لسماع مغامراتها. أخبرتهم بقصص ما رأته وسمعته وأكلته. ثم فتحت حقيبتها لتشاركهم الهدايا المقدمة. ابتهج القرويون لتلقي هذه الكنوز.\n\nأعاد كرم القرى الآخرى وشجاعة نكانيزي المرح والألوان والأغاني والرقص إلى الناس. وهكذا عادت روح الاحتفال إلى قرية ندفلو.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How do you think it feels to be invisible? You could go places and no one would know you were there. Would you like to be invisible?", - "text": "ماذا تظن أن شعورك سيكون عندما تجد نفسك غير مرئي؟ يمكنك الذهاب إلى أماكن ولن يعرف أحد أنك هناك. هل تريد أن تكون غير مرئي؟", + "SourceText": "Look at how the village's drab colors for clothes have been replaced with these happy and festive ones!", + "text": "انظر كيف أن الألوان الباهتة لملابس القرية قد استبدلت بهذه الألوان السعيدة والمبهجة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you are invisible and you put clothes on, are the clothes invisible too?", - "text": "إذا كنت غير مرئي وارتديت ملابس، فهل الملابس تصبح غير مرئية أيضًا؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think, has the village remembered how to celebrate?", + "text": "ما رأيك، هل تذكرت القرية كيفية الاحتفال؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Where is Lory Dory in this picture? How can you tell?", - "text": "أين لوري دوري في هذه الصورة؟ كيف تستطيع أن تعرف ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "It is amazing how acts of generosity, kindness, and caring can lift up the spirits of those around us. Can you think of a time when something you did for someone made a big difference in how they felt? How did it make you feel?", + "text": "من المدهش كيف يمكن لأفعال الكرم، اللطف، والرعاية أن ترفع من معنويات من حولنا. هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت قمت فيه بشيء لشخص ما جعل فرقًا كبيرًا في شعوره؟ كيف جعلك ذلك تشعر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You'd only see Lory when rain hit her head.", - "text": "لن ترى لوري إلا عندما يضرب المطر رأسها.", + "SourceText": "It is a hot, sunny Saturday morning on the farm. Maya, Duksie, and Doobie are helping Mama K in her vegetable garden. The children work all morning. They dig compost into the soil. They weed and water the garden. Then, the harvest is ripe.\n\nToday each of the children will take home freshly picked strawberries, spinach, and carrots.", + "text": "إنه صباح حار ومشمس يوم السبت في المزرعة. مايا، دوكسي، ودوبي يساعدون ماما كاي في حديقتها النباتية. يعمل الأطفال طوال الصباح. يحفرون السماد في التربة. يزيلون الأعشاب الضارة ويسقون الحديقة. ثم، ينضج المحصول.\n\nاليوم سيأخذ كل طفل منهم الفراولة الطازجة، والسبانخ، والجزر إلى المنزل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you see a shape by seeing an empty space in a picture, that is called \"negative space.\" You can tell where Lory is by seeing the negative space where there is no rain.", - "text": "عندما ترى شكلاً من خلال رؤية مساحة فارغة في الصورة، فإن ذلك يسمى \"المساحة السلبية\". يمكنك معرفة مكان لوري من خلال رؤية المساحة السلبية حيث لا يوجد مطر.", + "SourceText": "Have you ever worked in a garden or farm? Freshly grown food has wonderfully strong flavors!", + "text": "هل سبق لك العمل في حديقة أو مزرعة؟ الطعام المزروع حديثًا له نكهات قوية رائعة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The rain lines in this picture are lined up. Those lines are parallel lines.", - "text": "تصطف خطوط المطر في هذه الصورة. تلك الخطوط هي خطوط متوازية.", + "SourceText": "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like the shape of this page. Can you find all the rectangles on this page? There are a lot of them!", + "text": "المستطيلات هي أشكال بأربعة جوانب مثل شكل هذه الصفحة. هل يمكنك العثور على كل المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة؟ هناك الكثير منها!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look for parallel lines around you. Most of them will probably be horizontal lines (going side to side) or vertical lines (going up and down). Are there any other parallel lines around you?", - "text": "ابحث عن الخطوط المتوازية من حولك. من المحتمل أن تكون معظمها خطوطًا أفقية (تتجه جنبًا إلى جنب) أو خطوطًا رأسية (تتجه لأعلى ولأسفل). هل هناك أي خطوط متوازية أخرى من حولك؟", + "SourceText": "If you look closely, you'll notice that some of the rectangles are squares, with all their sides the same length. Can you find them?", + "text": "إذا نظرت عن كثب، ستلاحظ أن بعض المستطيلات مربعات، بأطوال جوانب متساوية. هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Or when she was curled under blankets in bed.", - "text": "أو عندما تكون ملتوية تحت البطانيات في السرير.", + "SourceText": "Mama K always gives the children a treat for helping her. Sometimes the treat is cake, chocolate, or long sweets that look like snakes. Sometimes it's apples, pears, or oranges.\n\nMama K has only one rule. \"Share it fair!\" The children know they must share the treats equally, so they all get the same amount.", + "text": "ماما كاي دائمًا تعطي الأطفال مكافأة لمساعدتها. أحيانًا تكون المكافأة كعكة، شوكولاتة، أو حلوى طويلة تشبه الثعابين. أحيانًا تكون تفاحًا، كمثرى، أو برتقالًا.\n\nماما كاي لديها قاعدة واحدة فقط. \"اقسموا بالعدل!“ يعرف الأطفال أنهم يجب أن يقتسموا المكافآت بالتساوي، حتى يحصل الجميع على نفس الكمية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The artist took many liberties with this drawing. There are extra squiggles that aren't really there. What else is extra in the picture? (the big red area)", - "text": "أخذ الفنان الكثير من الحرية بهذا الرسم. هناك تمايلات إضافية ليست موجودة بالفعل. ما هو الشيء الإضافي في الصورة؟ (المنطقة الحمراء الكبيرة)", + "SourceText": "Think about what it means to share something equally. Suppose you had 12 cookies to share evenly among 3 people. How many cookies would each person get?", + "text": "فكر في ما يعنيه أن تقسم شيئًا بالتساوي. افترض أنك تملك ١٢ قطعة من البسكويت لتقسيمها بالتساوي بين ٣ أشخاص. كم قطعة سيحصل عليها كل شخص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why did the artist put in those extra things?", - "text": "لماذا وضع الفنان تلك الأشياء الزائدة؟", + "SourceText": "What would you do if you had 4 or 5 pieces of hard candy to share among 3 people?", + "text": "ماذا ستفعل إذا كانت لديك ٤ أو ٥ قطع من الحلوى الصلبة لتقسمها بين ٣ أشخاص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is the easiest part of Lory to see in this picture?", - "text": "ما هو أسهل جزء من لوري يمكن رؤيته في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "What if the things are different? How would you share an apple, an orange, and a banana among three people? Sharing can be tricky, even when everyone is trying to be fair.", + "text": "ماذا إذا كانت الأشياء مختلفة؟ كيف ستقسم تفاحة، برتقالة، وموزة بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟ يمكن أن يكون الاقتسام صعبًا، حتى عندما يحاول الجميع أن يكونوا عادلين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lory was left out of all the kids' games. They teased her and they called her names.", - "text": "تم استبعاد لوري من جميع ألعاب الأطفال. كانوا يقومون بإزعاجها ويطلقون عليها الألقاب.", + "SourceText": "Today Mama K has baked a round strawberry cake with pink icing and berries from her garden. The children wait on the grass for their treat. \"Here you go!\" smiles Mama K. \"But remember the rule that everyone must get the same. Share it fair! Don't fight!\"", + "text": "صنعت ماما كاي اليوم كعكة فراولة مستديرة مع طلاء وردي وتوت من حديقتها. ينتظر الأطفال على العشب للحصول على مكافأتهم. \"ها هي!“ تبتسم ماما كاي. \"لكن تذكروا القاعدة بأن يحصل الجميع على نفس الشيء. اقسموا بالعدل! لا تتشاجروا!“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "We can see Lory in this picture by her negative space and her eyes.", - "text": "يمكننا رؤية لوري في هذه الصورة من خلال مساحتها السلبية وعينيها.", + "SourceText": "Fortunately, cake is easy to share. How would you share this cake among the three children?", + "text": "لحسن الحظ، الكعكة سهلة الاقتسام. كيف ستقسم هذه الكعكة بين الأطفال الثلاثة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why do you suppose her eyelashes are visible when the rest of her is not?", - "text": "لماذا تظن أن رموشها مرئية بينما سائر جسمها ليس كذلك؟", + "SourceText": "When someone dies, it is sometimes very hard to find an equal way to share all the different things that person owned.", + "text": "عندما يموت شخص ما، يكون من الصعب أحيانًا العثور على طريقة عادلة لاقتسام كل الأشياء المختلفة التي كان يملكها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "People often make fun of someone who is different in some way. Have you ever been made fun for this reason? Have you made fun of someone for this reason? Why do you think people do this?", - "text": "غالبًا ما يسخر الناس من شخص مختلف بطريقة ما. هل سبق لك أن تعرضت للسخرية لهذا السبب؟ هل سخرت من شخص ما لهذا السبب؟ لماذا تعتقد أن الناس يفعلون هذا؟", + "SourceText": "Can you think of a time when you and your friends or your family had something to share and it was tricky to find a way to do it? How was the problem solved?", + "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كان عليك أنت وأصدقاؤك أو عائلتك أن تقسموا شيئًا وكان من الصعب العثور على طريقة لفعل ذلك؟ كيف تم حل المشكلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look, it's Lory. The Imaginary Friend! She's not like us, she's just pretend!", - "text": "\"انظروا، إنها لوري. الصديقة الخيالية! إنها ليست مثلنا، إنها تتظاهر فقط!\"", + "SourceText": "Maya has the first turn to share the cake. She uses the knife to trace lines in the icing. The others watch her. She does not cut the cake yet. The others must first agree if her way is fair.\n\n\"I think I will cut two slices, like this. Now we have three slices, all the same!\" Maya shows them.", + "text": "مايا لديها الدور الأول لاقتسام الكعكة. تستخدم السكين لرسم خطوط في الطلاء. يراقبها الآخرون. لا تقطع الكعكة بعد. يجب أن يتفق الآخرون أولاً إذا كانت طريقتها عادلة.\n\n\"أعتقد أنني سأقطع شريحتين، هكذا. الآن لدينا ثلاث شرائح، كلها متساوية!“ تُظهرها مايا لهم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The umbrellas are divided into areas that are triangles. Triangles are shapes with three straight sides. Do you see any triangles where you are?", - "text": "تنقسم المظلات إلى مناطق تكون على شكل مثلثات. المثلثات هي أشكال لها ثلاثة أضلاع مستقيمة. هل ترى أي مثلثات في مكان تواجدك؟", + "SourceText": "Keep watching the strawberries on top of the cake. There are six of them now, but it will keep changing. Where do they go?", + "text": "استمر في مراقبة الفراولة على الكعكة. هناك ستة منها الآن، لكنها ستستمر في التغيير. أين تذهب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Triangles are stronger than four-sided shapes. It is much harder to bend triangles and make them lose their shape. Why do you suppose that is?", - "text": "المثلثات أقوى من الأشكال الرباعية. من الصعب جدًا ثني المثلثات وجعلها تفقد شكلها. لماذا تفترض ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "There are some more rectangles in this picture. Can you find parts of them?", + "text": "هناك بعض المستطيلات الأخرى في هذه الصورة. هل يمكنك العثور على أجزاء منها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "That child is about to throw a snowball. Balls are also called spheres. Spheres roll well and are fun to kick and play with. Do you have any spheres around you?", - "text": "هذا الطفل على وشك رمي كرة الثلج. تتدحرج الكرات بشكل جيد وهي ممتعة للركل واللعب بها. هل لديك أي كرات من حولك؟", + "SourceText": "Notice which children wear hats. That will keep changing too! Is the author having fun with us, or is something else going on?", + "text": "لاحظ أي الأطفال يرتدون قبعات. هذا سيتغير أيضًا! هل المؤلف يستمتع معنا، أم أن شيئًا آخر يجري؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day at school, a boy wanted to know: \"How do you look? I only see you in snow.\"", - "text": "في أحد الأيام في المدرسة، أراد أحد الصبية أن يعرف: \"كيف تبدين؟ أنا أراك فقط في الثلج.\"", + "SourceText": "\"No way!\" says Duksie, \"the one in the middle is much too big!\" Doobie also shakes his head. Maya laughs and shrugs and tells Duksie to try.", + "text": "\"مستحيل!“ يقول دوكسي، \"الذي في الوسط كبير جدًا!“ يهز دوبي رأسه أيضًا. تضحك مايا وتهز كتفيها وتطلب من دوكسي أن يحاول.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What did the boy mean when he said \"I only see you in snow.\"? Where is Lory in this picture?", - "text": "ماذا كان يعني الصبي عندما قال: \"أنا أراك فقط في الثلج\"؟ أين لوري في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "There are three pieces for three people. Is this a fair way to cut the cake?", + "text": "هناك ثلاث قطع لثلاثة أشخاص. هل هذه طريقة عادلة لاقتسام الكعكة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The lines on the boy's shirt go in two directions. The two directions meet each other in the same way as the edges of this page do. Lines that meet this way are said to be perpendicular to each other.", - "text": "الخطوط الموجودة على قميص الصبي تسير في اتجاهين. يلتقي الاتجاهان مع بعضهما البعض بنفس الطريقة التي تلتقي بها حواف هذه الصفحة. يقال إن الخطوط التي تلتقي بهذه الطريقة متعامدة مع بعضها البعض.", + "SourceText": "When some pieces have more topping or icing, it can be hard to divide something fairly. It is good to be among friends when it is difficult like that.", + "text": "عندما تحتوي بعض القطع على المزيد من الزينة أو الطلاء، يمكن أن يكون من الصعب تقسيم شيء ما بشكل عادل. من الجيد أن تكون بين الأصدقاء عندما يكون الأمر صعبًا هكذا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point out some perpendicular lines where you are. There will probably be a lot of them! Horizontal and vertical lines are usually perpendicular to each other.", - "text": "أشر إلى بعض الخطوط المتعامدة حيث أنت. ربما سيكون هناك الكثير منها! الخطوط الأفقية والعمودية عادة ما تكون متعامدة مع بعضها البعض.", + "SourceText": "When you have trouble sharing something equally, how do you work it out?", + "text": "عندما تواجه صعوبة في اقتسام شيء ما بالتساوي، كيف تحل المشكلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you paint yourself? Lory knew that she could. But not in the same way the boy thought she would.", - "text": "\"هل تستطيعين أن ترسمي نفسك؟\" عرفت لوري أنها تستطيع ذلك. ولكن ليس بنفس الطريقة التي ظن الصبي أنها ستفعلها.", + "SourceText": "\"Here! Pass me the knife, I'll do it. Easy peasy!\" chants Duksie. First she rubs out Maya's pattern in the icing and licks her fingers.", + "text": "\"هنا! ناولنيي السكين، سأفعل ذلك. سهل جداً!“ تردد دوكسي. أولاً، تمسح خطوط مايا في الطلاء وتلعق أصابعها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It often happens that someone will mean something different when they say something than what the person hearing it understands. Has that happened to you recently?", - "text": "يحدث غالبًا أن يعني شخص ما شيئًا مختلفًا عندما يقول شيئًا عما يفهمه الشخص الذي يستمع إليه. هل حدث لك ذلك مؤخرًا؟", + "SourceText": "Look at their faces. How can you tell they might not all agree with this new sharing idea?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجوههم. كيف يمكنك أن تعرف أنهم قد لا يتفقون جميعًا مع هذه الفكرة الجديدة للاقتسام؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What did the boy mean by \"paint yourself\" and what do you think Lory is going to do?", - "text": "ماذا كان يقصد الصبي بقوله \"ارسمي نفسك\" وماذا ستفعل لوري برأيك؟", + "SourceText": "There are lots of round shapes in this picture. When a circle gets stretched or shrunk in one direction, it is called an oval or an ellipse. Find some circles and ovals in this picture.", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الأشكال المستديرة في هذه الصورة. عندما يتم تمديد أو تقلص دائرة في اتجاه واحد، تسمى بيضاوي أو إهليلجي. ابحث عن بعض الدوائر والبيضاويات في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A partial circle is called an arc. There are at least five arcs on this page -- can you find them all? Can you find more than five?", - "text": "تسمى الدائرة الجزئية قوسًا. هناك خمسة أقواس على الأقل في هذه الصفحة، هل يمكنك العثور عليها جميعها؟ هل يمكنك العثور على أكثر من خمسة؟", + "SourceText": "Sometimes our point of view distorts a shape and makes it look different, even though it hasn't changed at all. For example, circles can look like ovals when viewed from the side. Do you see some examples of that around you?", + "text": "أحيانًا تشوه وجهة نظرنا شكلًا وتجعلها تبدو مختلفة، حتى ولو لم تتغير على الإطلاق. على سبيل المثال، يمكن أن تبدو الدوائر كالأشكال البيضاوية عندما تُرى من الجانب. هل ترى بعض الأمثلة على ذلك حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lory painted her body with all that she loved from the world all around and the sky above.", - "text": "رسمت لوري جسدها بكل ما أحبته من العالم من حولها ومن السماء فوقها.", + "SourceText": "Then she makes one cut across and one down, \"Look, these are my three slices!\"\n\n\"That's not fair!\" shout Maya and Doobie together.", + "text": "ثم تقوم برسم خط واحد عبر المنتسصف وآخر الى الأسفل، \"انظروا، هذه هي شرائحي الثلاثة!“\n\n\"هذا ليس عادلاً!“ تصرخ مايا ودوبي معًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The expression \"wearing your feelings on your sleeve\" refers to showing the world how you feel. Do you keep your feelings to yourself or do you show them to the world?", - "text": "يشير التعبير \"ارتداء مشاعرك على كُمك\" إلى إظهار ما تشعر به للعالم. هل تحتفظ بمشاعرك لنفسك أم أنك تظهرها للعالم؟", + "SourceText": "If you had a choice, which piece would you choose? When one piece is obviously the best or the worst, the sharing is probably not fair!", + "text": "إذا كان لديك اختيار، أي قطعة ستختار؟ عندما تكون إحدى القطع بوضوح هي الأفضل أو الأسوأ، فمن المحتمل أن الاقتسام ليس عادلاً!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lory is showing the world all the things she loves. She is wearing her thoughts all over her body!", - "text": "تُظهر لوري للعالم كل الأشياء التي تحبها. إنها ترتدي أفكارها في جميع أنحاء جسدها!", + "SourceText": "Duksie did it this way because it was easy to do. She split it once in half and then split one of those two pieces in half. Unfortunately, that created one piece that was twice as big as the other two pieces.", + "text": "دوكسي فعلتها بهذه الطريقة لأنها كانت سهلة التنفيذ. قسمتها مرة واحدة إلى نصفين ثم قسم أحد هذين النصفين إلى نصفين. لسوء الحظ، هذا خلق قطعة واحدة ضعف حجم القطعتين الأخريين.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is inside each of us is invisible to the world until we tell the world. Which things that you love would you like to share with the world?", - "text": "ما بداخل كل واحد منا غير مرئي للعالم حتى نخبره به. ما هي الأشياء التي تحبها وترغب في مشاركتها مع العالم؟", + "SourceText": "When you split something into two equal pieces, each piece is one half. When you split one half into two equal pieces, then each piece is one fourth, also called one quarter.", + "text": "عندما تقسم شيئًا إلى قطعتين متساويتين، كل قطعة هي نصف. عندما تقسم نصفًا إلى قطعتين متساويتين، فإن كل قطعة تكون ربعًا، وتسمى أيضًا ربع.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She painted herself every day with such pride, to bring out the person who she was inside.", - "text": "كانت ترسم نفسها كل يوم بكل فخر، لتبرز الشخص الذي بداخلها.", + "SourceText": "\"Share it fair! The pieces must be the same size and shape,\" adds Doobie.\n\n\"Why don't you try Doobie?\" smirks Duksie. \"I bet you can't do it!\"", + "text": "\"اقسموا بالعدل! يجب أن تكون القطع بنفس الحجم والشكل“، يضيف دوبي.\n\n\"لماذا لا تحاول يا دوبي؟“ تبتسم دوكسي. \"أتحداك ألا تستطيع فعلها!“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which color did she use for her right foot and which one for her left foot?", - "text": "ما اللون الذي كانت تستخدمه لقدمها اليمنى وأي لون كانت تستخدمه لقدمها اليسرى؟", + "SourceText": "If you split something into three equal pieces, each piece is one third of the whole thing. Have you figured out how to give each child one third, or do you think it is impossible?", + "text": "إذا قسمت شيئًا إلى ثلاث قطع متساوية، فإن كل قطعة تكون ثلث الشيء كله. هل توصلت إلى كيفية إعطاء كل طفل ثلثًا، أم تعتقد أنه مستحيل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Using paint is a bit messy, but it is one way to show her mark on the world. There are many ways we leave marks on the world without using paint. Can you think of a few?", - "text": "إن استخدام الطلاء أمر فوضوي بعض الشيء، ولكنه إحدى الطرق لإظهار بصمتها على العالم. هناك العديد من الطرق التي نترك بها بصماتنا على العالم دون استخدام الطلاء. هل يمكنك التفكير في القليل منها؟", + "SourceText": "There were five strawberries on the top of the cake in the last page. How can you share five things evenly among three people?", + "text": "كانت هناك خمس فراولات على الكعكة في الصفحة الأخيرة. كيف يمكنك مشاركة خمسة أشياء بالتساوي بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can count the toe prints one by one, or you can count them by 5's. Skip counting is often a quick way to count a bunch of things! How many toe prints are there?", - "text": "يمكنك حساب بصمات أصابع القدم واحدًا تلو الآخر، أو يمكنك عدها بمقدار 5. غالبًا ما يكون العد القفزي طريقة سريعة لحساب مجموعة من الأشياء! كم عدد بصمات أصابع القدم؟", + "SourceText": "Look at Duksie's expression and listen to what Duksie said to Doobie. What do you think Duksie is feeling?", + "text": "انظر إلى تعبير دوكسي واستمع إلى ما قالته لدوبي. ما الذي تعتقد أن دوكسي تشعر به؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "I know I'm invisible and hard to see. So I painted these pictures to show the real me.", - "text": "\"أعلم أنني غير مرئية ومن الصعب رؤيتي. لذا رسمت هذه الصور لأظهر حقيقتي.\"", + "SourceText": "\"I wish the cake was a square or a rectangle, and then it would be easy!\" says Doobie thoughtfully. \"Or, if there were four of us to share the round cake that would also be easy,\" says Maya.", + "text": "\"أتمنى لو كانت الكعكة مربعًا أو مستطيلًا، لكان الأمر سهلاً!“ يقول دوبي بتفكير. \"أو، لو كان هناك أربعة منا لنقتسم الكعكة المستديرة، لكان الأمر سهلاً أيضًا“، تقول مايا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many different things can you see on her that Lory likes?", - "text": "كم عدد الأشياء المختلفة التي يمكنك رؤيتها والتي تحبها لوري؟", + "SourceText": "Doobie is doing some thoughtful problem solving! He is thinking of simpler versions of this problem that he knows how to solve. If any of those versions were enough like this situation, he could use that prior knowledge to solve this problem.", + "text": "دوبي يقوم ببعض حل المشكلات بشكل مدروس! إنه يفكر في نسخ أبسط من هذه المشكلة يعرف كيفية حلها. إذا كانت أي من تلك النسخ تشبه هذه الحالة بما فيه الكفاية، يمكنه استخدام تلك المعرفة السابقة لحل هذه المشكلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How well does this share who Lory is?", - "text": "كيف يعبر ذلك بشكل جيد عن من هي لوري؟", + "SourceText": "Because he hasn't seen a problem just like this one before, he must use another important problem solving skill -- he persists! The other children rushed to a solution, but he is thinking about it more carefully.", + "text": "لأنه لم يرَ مشكلة مثل هذه من قبل، يجب عليه استخدام مهارة أخرى مهمة لحل المشكلات - الاستمرار! الأطفال الآخرون اندفعوا نحو الحل، لكنه يفكر في الأمر بشكل أكثر دقة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which things would be hard to share this way?", - "text": "ما هي الأشياء التي سيكون من الصعب مشاركتها بهذه الطريقة؟", + "SourceText": "Doobie is playing with the problem and thinking about shapes that are similar to this round cake that needs to be split three ways. He is enjoying the puzzle!", + "text": "دوبي يلعب مع المشكلة ويفكر في الأشكال التي تشبه هذه الكعكة المستديرة التي يجب تقسيمها بثلاثة طرق. إنه يستمتع باللغز!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "\"Are you making this up, Gramps? Is this story true?\" \"Lory is real -- real as me, real as you.\"", - "text": "\"هل تختلق هذا يا جدي؟ هل هذه القصة حقيقية؟\" \"لوري حقيقية - حقيقية مثلي، حقيقية مثلك.\"", + "SourceText": "And then, a picture comes into Doobie's head. He sees the sparkling silver badge at the front of his father's big red truck.\n\nOn Sundays he helps his dad to wash the truck, and to polish the shiny badge. \"I've got it! I've got it! I know how to do it,\" yells Doobie.", + "text": "ثم، تأتي صورة إلى رأس دوبي. يرى الشارة الفضية اللامعة في مقدمة شاحنة والده الحمراء الكبيرة.\n\nفي أيام الأحد، يساعد والده في غسل الشاحنة وتلميع الشارة اللامعة. \"لقد وجدتها! لقد وجدتها! أعرف كيف أفعلها“، يصرخ دوبي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The story may not be real, but it has a real message. What is the message?", - "text": "قد لا تكون القصة حقيقية، لكنها تحمل رسالة حقيقية. ما هي الرسالة؟", + "SourceText": "He persisted and he played with the problem, and his thoughts came to a shape that he knew would be perfect to solve this problem. Look at how happy he is. Describe how you feel when you solve something that was tricky.", + "text": "لقد استمر ولعب مع المشكلة، وجاءت أفكاره إلى شكل يعرف أنه سيكون مثاليًا لحل هذه المشكلة. انظر إلى مدى سعادته. صف كيف تشعر عندما تحل شيئًا كان صعبًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How well do you think people see the invisible things inside you?", - "text": "إلى أي حد تعتقد أن الناس يرون الأشياء غير المرئية بداخلك؟", + "SourceText": "There are rectangles, triangles, circles, stripes, and arcs (partial circles) in this picture.", + "text": "هناك مستطيلات، مثلثات، دوائر، خطوط، وأقواس (أجزاء من دوائر) في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is there something inside you that you would want to keep invisible?", - "text": "هل هناك شيء بداخلك تريد أن تبقيه غير مرئي؟", + "SourceText": "What do you suppose creates the stripes on the far hillside?", + "text": "ما الذي تعتقد أنه يخلق الخطوط على التلة البعيدة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When Grandpa had left me, I can't quite be sure, but I think I saw Lory just outside my door.", - "text": "عندما تركني جدي، لست متأكدة تمامًا، ولكن أعتقد أنني رأيت لوري خارج باب منزلي.", + "SourceText": "First he uses a knife to smooth Duksie's lines in the icing. Then he traces three lines on the cake. It looks just like the badge on his dad's truck, with three equal parts.", + "text": "أولاً يستخدم السكين لتنعيم خطوط دوكسي في الطلاء. ثم يرسم ثلاث خطوط على الكعكة. تبدو تمامًا مثل الشارة على شاحنة والده، بثلاثة أجزاء متساوية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think? Do \"sure\" and \"door\" rhyme?", - "text": "قصص ما قبل النوم يمكن أن تساعدك على النوم. أعتقد أن القصة هنا جعلت الطفلة أكثر يقظة.", + "SourceText": "There were originally six strawberries on this cake. How many strawberries were removed? Where did they go?", + "text": "كان هناك أصلاً ست فراولات على هذه الكعكة. كم عدد الفراولات التي أُزيلت؟ أين ذهبت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Go back and look at all the pairs of rhyming words. Can you find a few more words that go with each pair?", - "text": "الأرضية مظللة بطيات غطاء السرير. هل ترى التجاعيد؟", + "SourceText": "What are some numbers that can be divided evenly among three people? Notice that those numbers are exactly the ones you get as you skip count by 3. They are called multiples of 3 because they are the numbers you get when you multiply by 3.", + "text": "ما هي بعض الأعداد التي يمكن تقسيمها بالتساوي بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟ لاحظ أن هذه الأعداد هي بالضبط الأعداد التي تحصل عليها عندما تتجاوز العدد بـ٣. تُسمى مضاعفات ٣ لأنها الأعداد التي تحصل عليها عند ضربها في ٣.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some kinds of poems use rhyming words. Have you ever written a poem?", - "text": "إنه أمر خاص عندما يقوم شخص ما باختلاق قصة ويرويها. هل تعرف أحداً يروي قصصاً كهذه؟ هل تختلق القصص وترويها؟", + "SourceText": "What are the numbers you can divide evenly among 2 people? Among 4 people? Among 5 people?", + "text": "ما هي الأعداد التي يمكنك تقسيمها بالتساوي بين شخصين؟ بين أربعة أشخاص؟ بين خمسة أشخاص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Long time ago, animals had no legs.\n\nThey all used to crawl.", - "text": "منذ زمن طويل، لم تكن للحيوانات أرجل.\n\nكانت جميعها تزحف.", + "SourceText": "\"You are full of surprises, Doobie,\" says Duksie sweetly. \"How did you work it out?\" Maya asks. Doobie smiles to himself. For now it is his secret. Later, he will tell his dad.", + "text": "\"أنت مليء بالمفاجآت، دوبي“، تقول دوكسي بلطف. \"كيف تمكنت من حلها؟“ تسأل مايا. يبتسم دوبي لنفسه. الآن هو سره. لاحقًا، سيخبر والده.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Imagine if you had to crawl everywhere. How hard would that be?", - "text": "تخيل لو كان عليك الزحف في كل مكان. ما هو مدى صعوبة ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "It can be fun to have a secret. What's a secret you once had that is no longer a secret?", + "text": "قد يكون من الممتع أن تحتفظ بسر. ما هو السر الذي كان لديك من قبل ولم يعد سرًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Without counting, estimate how many spots the giraffe has. Now count the spots and see how close you came.", - "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس. بدون العد، قم بتقدير عدد البقع الموجودة على الزرافة. الآن قم بعدّ البقع وشاهد مدى قرب تقديرك منها.", + "SourceText": "There is a lot of pink icing in many places in this picture. The oddest place is on someone's nose. How do you suppose it got there?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الطلاء الوردي في أماكن كثيرة في هذه الصورة. أغرب مكان هو على أنف شخص ما. كيف تعتقد أنه وصل إلى هناك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do the estimation game with a friend. When you see a group of things, both of you make a quick estimate for the count. Now count the things and see which of you was closer.", - "text": "قم بلعبة التقدير مع صديق. عندما ترى مجموعة من الأشياء، يقوم كل منكما بتقدير سريع للعدد. ثم تعدان الأشياء وتنظران أيكما أقرب.", + "SourceText": "Look at how big their eyes are. What does it tell you when someone has big eyes like that?", + "text": "انظر إلى حجم أعينهم. ماذا يخبرك عندما تكون عيون شخص ما كبيرة هكذا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Only people had legs, which Maguru gave to them.", - "text": "كان البشر فقط هم من يمتلكون الأرجل، والتي أعطاها لهم ماجورو.", + "SourceText": "Just then Mama K comes out of her house. She is carrying a tray with glasses of strawberry juice. \"Look Mama K! Doobie found the way to cut the cake into three equal pieces,\" Maya tells her.\n\n\"Well done Doobie, three equal slices! You shared fairly, I'm proud of you all. Now cut the cake and drink your juice. It's time to go home.\"", + "text": "في تلك اللحظة، خرجت ماما كاي من منزلها. كانت تحمل صينية بها أكواب من عصير الفراولة. \"انظري ماما كاي! وجد دوبي طريقة لتقطيع الكعكة إلى ثلاث قطع متساوية“، تقول مايا لها.\n\n\"عمل جيد دوبي، ثلاث شرائح متساوية! لقد شاركت بعدل، أنا فخورة بكم جميعًا. الآن قطعوا الكعكة واشربوا عصيركم. حان موعد العودة إلى المنزل.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does one person have? How many limbs do two people have?", - "text": "تسمى الأذرع والأرجل أطرافاً. كم عدد الأطراف التي يمتلكها الشخص الواحد؟ كم عدد الأطراف لدى شخصين؟", + "SourceText": "They are all wearing their hats on this page. Do you like wearing a hat on a warm, sunny day? Do you have a favorite hat?", + "text": "يرتدي الجميع قبعاتهم في هذه الصفحة. هل تحب ارتداء قبعة في يوم مشمس ودافئ؟ هل لديك قبعة مفضلة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "To find all the limbs for two people, you can count them by 4's as four plus four more. Another way is to count the pairs of limbs by 2's as 2, 4, 6, 8. Of course you can just count them all one at a time. Which way do you like best?", - "text": "للعثور على جميع الأطراف لشخصين، يمكنك حسابها بأربعة زائد أربعة آخرين. هناك طريقة أخرى وهي حساب أزواج الأطراف بمقدار 2 على أنها 2، 4، 6، 8. بالطبع يمكنك عدها جميعًا واحدة تلو الأخرى. ما هي الطريقة التي تفضلها أكثر؟", + "SourceText": "Why is Mama K proud of all of them? What difficult thing did they do?", + "text": "لماذا ماما ك فخورة بهم جميعًا؟ ما الشيء الصعب الذي فعلوه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are lots of colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?", - "text": "هناك الكثير من الألوان في هذه الصورة. ما هي ألوان قوس قزح المفقودة؟", + "SourceText": "An estimate is a best guess at the size of something that is not easy to measure. What is your estimate of the number of dots on Mama K's dress?", + "text": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين لحجم شيء ما ليس من السهل قياسه. ما هو تقديرك لعدد النقاط على فستان ماما ك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One day, Maguru decided to give legs to every animal. He wanted them to walk.\n\nHe told them about it.", - "text": "في أحد الأيام، قرر ماجورو إعطاء أرجل لكل حيوان. أراد منهم أن يسيروا.\n\nأخبرهم بذلك.", + "SourceText": "Maya cuts along Doobie's lines to make three equal slices. Just for fun, the children stack the slices on top of each other to check that they are the same size. Yes they are! They pack their cake to take home.", + "text": "تقطع مايا على طول خطوط دوبي لتجعل ثلاث شرائح متساوية. من أجل المتعة فقط، يضع الأطفال الشرائح فوق بعضها البعض ليتأكدوا من أنها بنفس الحجم. نعم هي كذلك! يحزمون الكعكة ليأخذوها إلى المنزل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count as many round shapes in this picture as you can.", - "text": "قم بعدّ أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشكال المستديرة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "They are staring very intently at the cake. Are they admiring their work of creating three equal shares, or are they wishing they could eat it?", + "text": "إنهم يحدقون بتركيز شديد في الكعكة. هل يعجبهم عملهم في إنشاء ثلاث حصص متساوية، أم يتمنون أن يأكلوها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The megaphone and the tops of the houses are all cones. Have you ever had food, such as ice cream, out of a cone?", - "text": "الشكل الدائري الذي يصل إلى زاوية ما يسمى مخروطًا. مكبر الصوت وأسطح المنازل كلها مخروطية. هل سبق لك أن تناولت طعامًا، مثل المثلجات، ذات شكل مخروط؟", + "SourceText": "Look at how much pleasure they have at seeing that their solution really works. Problem solving is like that – you have a puzzle to think about and wrestle with, and when you solve the puzzle it feels really good!", + "text": "انظر إلى مدى سعادتهم عندما يرون أن حلهم يعمل بالفعل. حل المشكلات يشبه ذلك – لديك لغز لتفكر فيه وتصارع معه، وعندما تحل اللغز تشعر بشعور رائع!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru's hand has an unusual number of fingers. Who has more fingers, you or Maguru?", - "text": "تحتوي يد ماجورو على عدد غير عادي من الأصابع. من لديه أصابع أكثر، أنت أم ماجورو؟", + "SourceText": "Think of a time when you had a tricky puzzle to figure out and you finally solved it. How did it feel when you got the answer?", + "text": "فكر في وقت كان لديك لغز صعب لتكتشفه وأخيرًا حللته. كيف كان شعورك عندما حصلت على الإجابة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The animals said, \"It will be very nice to have legs.\"\n\nThey sang and danced.", - "text": "قالت الحيوانات: \"سيكون من الجيد جدًا أن تكون لدينا أرجل.”\n\nغنت ورقصت.", + "SourceText": "Doobie's dad arrives to pick up the children, and Doobie runs off to meet him.\n\nHe can't wait to tell his dad how the badge on the truck helped him to solve a very tricky problem!", + "text": "وصل والد دوبي ليأخذ الأطفال الى المنزل، فركض دوبي لإستقباله.\n\nلا يستطيع الانتظار ليخبر والده كيف ساعدت شارة الشاحنة في حل مشكلة صعبة للغاية!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can dance sitting down and you can dance lying down. Have you ever tried dancing on your knees?", - "text": "يمكنك الرقص وأنت جالس ويمكنك الرقص وأنت مستلقي. هل سبق لك أن حاولت الرقص على ركبتيك؟", + "SourceText": "It's fun to share successes with someone you care about and who cares about you. Can you think of some things you were proud of that you shared with someone you cared about?", + "text": "من الممتع مشاركة النجاحات مع شخص تهتم به ويهتم بك. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأشياء التي كنت فخورًا بها والتي شاركتها مع شخص تهتم به؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "These animals can be grouped in many ways. Some have ears and some do not seem to. Some have bodies with just one color and others do not. Some have skinny tails and others do not. Can you think of some other groupings?", - "text": "يمكن تجميع هذه الحيوانات بعدة طرق. البعض لديه آذان والبعض الآخر لا. لدى البعض أجسام ذات لون واحد فقط والبعض الآخر لا. البعض لديه ذيول نحيفة والبعض الآخر لا. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض المجموعات الأخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Those same people are important for times when you need someone to share something hard for you. Can you think of such a time?", + "text": "هؤلاء الأشخاص نفسهم مهمون في الأوقات التي تحتاج فيها إلى شخص يشاركك شيئًا صعبًا بالنسبة لك. هل يمكنك التفكير في مثل هذا الوقت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Grouping things using their properties is an important way we understand things in the world. What are some of your most important properties?", - "text": "يعد تجميع الأشياء باستخدام خصائصها طريقة مهمة لفهم الأشياء في العالم. ما هي بعض أهم خصائصك؟", + "SourceText": "The top two cakes on the next page are easy to share with three or six people. If you were sharing the bottom cake with three or five people, what would you do?", + "text": "الكعكتان العلويتان في الصفحة التالية سهلة المشاركة مع ثلاثة أو ستة أشخاص. إذا كنت تشارك الكعكة السفلية مع ثلاثة أو خمسة أشخاص، ماذا ستفعل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The animals said it was hard to crawl.\n\nThey felt pain.", - "text": "قالت الحيوانات أنه كان من الصعب الزحف.\n\nكانت تشعر بالألم.", + "SourceText": "A long time ago, in the vast city of Johannesburg, a baby girl was born. That baby was me. My mom called me Miriam. Miriam Makeba.", + "text": "منذ زمن طويل، في مدينة جوهانسبرغ الواسعة، ولدت طفلة. تلك الطفلة كانت أنا. أمي أسمتني مريم. مريم مكبا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Would you rather crawl or walk?", - "text": "هل تفضل الزحف أم المشي؟", + "SourceText": "She is sitting on a three-legged stool. Most chairs have four legs. What is better about having three legs?", + "text": "هي تجلس على كرسي ثلاثي الأرجل. معظم الكراسي لها أربعة أرجل. ما هو الأفضل في وجود ثلاث أرجل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think the mouse will get legs long enough to put him in the clouds?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن الفأر سيكون له أرجل طويلة بما يكفي ليصل إلى السحاب؟", + "SourceText": "This story has lots of rectangles. A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners that are right angles, like the corners of this page. Point to some rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكثير من المستطيلات. المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مستقيمة وزوايا قائمة، مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات في هذه الصورة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why do you think the crocodile has band-aids on?", - "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن التمساح يرتدي ضمادات؟", + "SourceText": "There are rectangles all around you. Point to some rectangles where you are.", + "text": "هناك مستطيلات حولك. أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات حيثما كنت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When the day came, many animals went to Maguru's house.\n\nGiraffes, lions, elephants, rabbits, crocodiles, and birds stood in a line.", - "text": "عندما جاء اليوم، ذهبت العديد من الحيوانات إلى منزل ماجورو.\n\nوقفت الزرافات والأسود والفيلة والأرانب والتماسيح والطيور في صف.", + "SourceText": "Mom was a sangoma, but she also worked to make other people's homes neat and clean. It was hard for my mom to earn enough for both of us. She started selling homemade beer to bring in more money.", + "text": "كانت أمي سانغوما او عرافة، لكنها كانت تعمل أيضًا لجعل منازل الآخرين نظيفة ومرتبة. كان من الصعب على أمي كسب ما يكفي لكلينا. فبدأت ببيع البيرة المنزلية لكسب المزيد من المال.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "That's a very long line! Estimate how many animals are in that line.", - "text": "هذا صف طويل جدا! قدّر عدد الحيوانات الموجودة في هذا الصف.", + "SourceText": "A sangoma is an herbalist or a healer. Do you like going to the doctor?", + "text": "السانغوما او العراف هو عشاب أو معالج. هل تحب الذهاب إلى الطبيب؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count all the animals and see how close your estimate was. Can you count that high? Was it too high, too low, or exactly right?", - "text": "قم بعدّ جميع الحيوانات وانظر إلى أي مدى كان تقديرك قريبًا. هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟ هل كان تقديرك مرتفعاً جدًا أم منخفضاً جدًا أم صحيحاً تمامًا؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the rectangles that are beautiful shades of blue in this picture. How many do you count? Did you count them by 1's, 2's, or in some other way?", + "text": "انظر إلى المستطيلات التي لها درجات جميلة من اللون الأزرق في هذه الصورة. كم تعد؟ هل قمت بعدهم بواحدات أو اثنين أو بطريقة أخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you see any animals going down? Do you think there is a different path on the backside of the mountain for going down?", - "text": "هل رأيت أي حيوانات تنزل؟ هل تعتقد أن هناك طريقًا مختلفًا في الجزء الخلفي من الجبل للنزول؟", + "SourceText": "Point to some rectangles that are not blue, if you can find any.", + "text": "أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات التي ليست زرقاء، إذا استطعت العثور على أي منها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Each animal was given four legs.\n\nBirds were given two legs each.", - "text": "أعطيت أربعة أرجل لكل حيوان.\n\nأعطيت رجلان لكل طير.", + "SourceText": "The laws of the land said that selling homemade beer was wrong. The police sent my mom to jail for six long months. I was only 18 days old, and needed my mom. So even though I was a baby, I went to jail too.", + "text": "قالت قوانين البلاد إن بيع البيرة المنزلية كان خطأ يعاقب عليه القانون. أرسلت الشرطة أمي إلى السجن لمدة ستة أشهر طويلة. كنت أبلغ من العمر ١٨ يومًا فقط، وكنت بحاجة إلى أمي. لذلك حتى وإن كنت طفلة، ذهبت إلى السجن أيضًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Birds are animals, so why are they being treated differently than the other animals?", - "text": "الطيور حيوانات فلماذا تتم معاملتها بشكل مختلف عن الحيوانات الأخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Looking at their faces, how are Miriam and her mother feeling? How were they feeling on the previous page?", + "text": "انظر إلى وجوههم، كيف يشعر مريم وأمها؟ كيف كانوا يشعرون في الصفحة السابقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many fewer feet did birds get than the other animals?", - "text": "حصلت الطيور على كم رجل أقل من الحيوانات الأخرى؟", + "SourceText": "More and more rectangles! There are lots of rectangles, but there are also some other shapes -- can you find them?", + "text": "المزيد والمزيد من المستطيلات! هناك الكثير من المستطيلات، ولكن هناك أيضًا بعض الأشكال الأخرى -- هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you were a bird, would you feel short-changed getting only two feet, or do you think having two feet is more fun than having four?", - "text": "لو كنت طائرًا، هل ستشعر بالنقص لحصولك على رجلين فقط، أم تعتقد أن امتلاك رجلين أكثر متعة من امتلاك أربعة؟", + "SourceText": "There are circles for the eyes, beads, and hoop earrings. There is a downturned arc, which is a part of a circle, for the mother's mouth.", + "text": "هناك دوائر للعيون، والخرز، والأقراط الحلقية. هناك قوس منحني لأسفل، وهو جزء من دائرة، لفم الأم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Everything was different after they got legs.\n\nSome danced for joy. Others fell down.", - "text": "كل شيء أصبح مختلفاً بعد حصولها على أرجل.\n\nرقص بعضها من الفرح. وسقط بعضها الآخر.", + "SourceText": "As a little girl I loved to sing. When I was older, I helped my mom clean houses. Singing songs as I worked made the chores go faster and the days seem brighter. Singing made me happier than I can explain.", + "text": "كطفلة صغيرة، أحببت الغناء. عندما كبرت، ساعدت أمي في تنظيف المنازل. جعل الغناء الأعمال المنزلية تمر بسرعة وأيامًا تبدو أكثر إشراقًا. الغناء جعلني أشعر بالسعادة أكثر مما أستطيع شرحه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at their faces. What are the different feelings these animals have?", - "text": "انظر إلى وجوهها. ما هي المشاعر المختلفة التي تشعر بها هذه الحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "What in this page shows that she is singing? Do you know how to read music notes on a page?", + "text": "ما الذي في هذه الصفحة يظهر أنها تغني؟ هل تعرف كيفية قراءة النوتات الموسيقية على صفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Some of the animals are having trouble with their new legs. Is it fun for you when you try something new, or is it frustrating sometimes? What is something new you tried that was difficult for you?", - "text": "تعاني بعض الحيوانات من مشكلة في أرجلها الجديدة. هل من الممتع بالنسبة لك تجربة شيء جديد، أم أنه محبط في بعض الأحيان؟ ما هو الشيء الجديد الذي جربته وصعب عليك؟", + "SourceText": "Do you like to sing? Some people have trouble hearing the right notes to sing, but with practice and listening they can get much better at it.", + "text": "هل تحب الغناء؟ بعض الناس يجدون صعوبة في سماع النوتات الصحيحة للغناء، ولكن مع الممارسة والاستماع يمكنهم أن يتحسنوا كثيرًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many of these animals have four legs and how many have two? What is the total number of legs on this page?", - "text": "كم من هذه الحيوانات لديه أربع أرجل وكم منها لديه اثنتان؟ ما هو إجمالي عدد الأرجل في هذه الصفحة؟", + "SourceText": "Rectangles are a very common shape in most rooms. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?", + "text": "المستطيلات هي شكل شائع جدًا في معظم الغرف. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They went to show people.\n\nThe animals said, \"We will never crawl again.\"", - "text": "ذهبت لتري البشر.\n\nقالت الحيوانات: “لن نزحف مرة أخرى.”", + "SourceText": "I sang in my church, and this made others happy too. Music has the power to bring people together. When we were singing we felt brave and strong.", + "text": "كنت أغني في كنيستي، وهذا جعل الآخرين سعداء أيضًا. للموسيقى قوة لجمع الناس معًا. عندما كنا نغني، كنا نشعر بالشجاعة والقوة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "People are animals and only have two legs. According to this story, does that mean that people are birds?", - "text": "البشر حيوانات وليس لديهم سوى رجلين. فهل يعني هذا بحسب هذه القصة أن الناس طيور؟", + "SourceText": "Does it surprise you to read that she felt brave and strong while singing? What do you think she meant by that?", + "text": "هل يفاجئك قراءة أنها شعرت بالشجاعة والقوة أثناء الغناء؟ ماذا تعتقد أنها تعني بذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is it possible for two types of animals to have a property in common, such as having two legs, and still be different? How much do two things have to have in common to be the same?", - "text": "هل من الممكن أن يكون لنوعين من الحيوانات خاصية مشتركة، مثل أن يكون لهما رجلان، ويظلان مختلفين؟ ما هو القدر المشترك بين شيئين ليكونا متماثلين؟", + "SourceText": "These windows are not rectangles! One of the windows is a circle. We can't see the whole scene, but it looks like the other windows have arched tops. An arch is part of an oval.", + "text": "هذه النوافذ ليست مستطيلات! إحدى النوافذ دائرة. لا يمكننا رؤية المشهد بالكامل، ولكن يبدو أن النوافذ الأخرى لها قمم مقوسة. القوس هو جزء من بيضاوي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "One of these animals has four legs, but it is standing on two of them. Which one is it?", - "text": "لواحد من هذه الحيوانات أربع أرجل ولكنه يقف على اثنتين منها. أي واحد هو؟", + "SourceText": "Look at the particularly interesting interplay of shapes on the blue dress. Shapes can be combined in such interesting ways!", + "text": "انظر إلى التفاعل المثير للاهتمام بين الأشكال على الفستان الأزرق. يمكن دمج الأشكال بطرق مثيرة للاهتمام!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The last one in the line was Millipede. Maguru asked, \"Is there anyone else after you?\"\n\nMillipede answered, \"No, I am the last one.\"", - "text": "كانت الدودة آخر واحدة في الطابور. سأل ماجورو: \"هل هناك أحد بعدك؟”\n\nأجابت الدودة: \"لا، أنا الأخيرة.\"", + "SourceText": "People said my voice was a gift and my songs were special. I sang with other musicians and our music was heard all over the world.", + "text": "قال الناس إن صوتي كان هدية وأغانيي كانت مميزة. قمت بالغناء مع موسيقيين آخرين وتم سماع موسيقانا في جميع أنحاء العالم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you are in line and there is no one after you, you are the last one. Where are you in line if there is no one before you?", - "text": "عندما تكون في الصف ولا يوجد أحد بعدك، فأنت الأخير. أين أنت من الصف إذا لم يكن قبلك أحد؟", + "SourceText": "Miriam is standing in a spotlight shining down from a bright light in the ceiling. The spotlight makes a cone of light that the singer can be in and stand on the stage. People can have cones that are funnels or ice cream cones.", + "text": "مريم تقف في دائرة الضوء التي تضيء من ضوء ساطع في السقف. دائرة الضوء تصنع مخروط ضوء يمكن أن يكون فيه المغني ويقف على المسرح. يمكن أن يكون الناس لديهم مخاريط تكون قمعية أو مخاريط الآيس كريم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why was it important to Maguru that Millipede is last? Do you think Maguru is tired of giving legs to animals?", - "text": "لماذا كان من المهم بالنسبة إلى ماجورو أن تكون الدودة هي الأخيرة؟ هل تعتقد أن ماجورو سئم من إعطاء الأرجل للحيوانات؟", + "SourceText": "When a spotlight shines straight down it makes a circle on the stage floor. When it shines from the side, the shape on the floor is called an oval or an ellipse. Do you see any ellipses where you are?", + "text": "عندما تضيء دائرة الضوء مباشرةً لأسفل، تصنع دائرة على أرضية المسرح. عندما تضيء من الجانب، يُطلق على الشكل الموجود على الأرض اسم بيضاوي أو إهليلجي. هل ترى أي بيضاويات حيث أنت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next?", - "text": "ماذا تعتقد سوف يحدث بعد ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Other than the spotlight, what other ovals or parts of ovals do you see in this picture?", + "text": "بجانب دائرة الضوء، ما الأشكال البيضاوية الأخرى أو أجزاء من البيضاويات التي تراها في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru thought, \"He is the last one. What will I do with the rest of the legs?\"\n\nMaguru gave Millipede all the remaining legs.", - "text": "فكر ماجورو: \"إنها الأخيرة. ماذا سأفعل ببقية الأرجل؟”\n\nأعطى ماجورو للدودة كل الأرجل المتبقية.", + "SourceText": "My home was Sophiatown, a place of culture and music. Sophiatown is a place where South Africans could make music and harmony and dance together. But the people who ruled the land at the time did not like this togetherness. Those rulers didn't want black and white people to be friends.", + "text": "كان منزلي في صوفيا تاون، مكان للثقافة والموسيقى. صوفيا تاون هو مكان حيث يمكن للأفارقة الجنوبيين صنع الموسيقى والتناغم والرقص معًا. ولكن الأشخاص الذين كانوا يحكمون الأرض في ذلك الوقت لم يحبوا هذا التجمع. أولئك الحكام لم يريدوا أن يكون الناس السود والبيض أصدقاء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Millipede looks very happy to have so many legs. Would you like to have that many legs?", - "text": "تبدو الدودة الألفية سعيدة جدًا لامتلاكها هذا العدد من الأرجل. هل ترغب في الحصول على هذا العدد من الأرجل؟", + "SourceText": "Unfortunately, some people pay attention to things that are different about people, such as skin color, how tall they are, or the place where they come from. Are there some differences that keep you away from some people?", + "text": "للأسف، يهتم بعض الناس بالأشياء التي تختلف عن الآخرين، مثل لون البشرة، طولهم، أو المكان الذي يأتون منه. هل هناك بعض الاختلافات التي تبقيك بعيدًا عن بعض الناس؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If you had so many legs, think of all the shoes you would need. Tying your shoes in the morning would take forever!", - "text": "إذا كان لديك الكثير من الأرجل، فكر في كل الأحذية التي قد تحتاجها. ربط حذائك في الصباح سيستغرق إلى الأبد!", + "SourceText": "Music is something that can be shared and it can help bring people together. What brings you together with your friends?", + "text": "الموسيقى هي شيء يمكن مشاركته ويمكن أن يساعد في جمع الناس معًا. ما الذي يجمعك مع أصدقائك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you count high enough to count all of Millipede's feet? Millipede's name means \"thousand feet.\" The record for a millipede is 750 feet, so the name is not exactly correct.", - "text": "هل يمكنك العد عاليًا بما يكفي لحساب كل أقدام الدودة الألفية؟ اسم الدودة الألفية يعني \"ذات الألف رجل\". الرقم القياسي للديدان الألفية هو 750 قدمًا، لذا فإن الاسم ليس صحيحًا تمامًا.", + "SourceText": "Do you think doing math is something that can be shared and bring people together?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن ممارسة الرياضيات هي شيء يمكن مشاركته وجمع الناس معًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Millipede was very happy. He said, \"I will move faster than others.\"", - "text": "كانت الدودة الألفية سعيدة جدًا. قالت: \"أنا أسرع من غيري.\"", + "SourceText": "I knew it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color. I did not hide my beliefs, and so those people in charge wanted me out of the country. When I was singing in America, I was told I could never return home.", + "text": "كنت أعلم أن معاملة الناس بشكل مختلف بسبب لون بشرتهم كانت خطأ. لم أخفي معتقداتي، ولذلك أراد الأشخاص الذين كانوا في السلطة أن أخرج من البلد. عندما كنت أغني في أمريكا، قيل لي أنه لا يمكنني العودة إلى وطني أبدًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think an animal moves faster because it has more feet? Can you think of four-legged animals that move more slowly than people?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن الحيوان يتحرك بشكل أسرع لأن عدد أقدامه أكبر؟ هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات ذات أربع أرجل تتحرك بشكل أبطأ من البشر؟", + "SourceText": "How is Miriam feeling? How can you tell?", + "text": "كيف تشعر مريم؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a millipede? They do not move very quickly at all! Why do you suppose they are so slow?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت الديدان الألفية؟ إنها لا تتحرك بسرعة كبيرة على الإطلاق! لماذا تفترض أنها بطيئة جدًا؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever been away from home and worried about getting back? Did it make you sad, or was it just hard to wait?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن كنت بعيدًا عن المنزل وكنت قلقًا بشأن العودة؟ هل جعلك ذلك حزينًا، أم كان من الصعب فقط الانتظار؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Clouds often look like the clouds in this picture; they have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Do you have any ideas on why that would be?", - "text": "غالبًا ما تبدو الغيوم مثل الغيوم في هذه الصورة؛ لديها قيعان مسطحة وقمم رقيقة. هل لديك أي فكرة حول سبب ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "Clouds can come in many shapes! Notice that the bottoms of these clouds are flat. That often happens with clouds. Look at the clouds where you are, or remember a time when there were lots of clouds -- were they flat on the bottom?", + "text": "يمكن أن تأتي السحب في العديد من الأشكال! لاحظ أن قيعان هذه السحب مسطحة. يحدث ذلك غالبًا مع السحب. انظر إلى السحب حيث أنت، أو تذكر وقتًا كان هناك الكثير من السحب -- هل كانت مسطحة في الأسفل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "After Millipede left, Snake came to Maguru's house. He said to Maguru, \"Please give me some legs.\"", - "text": "بعد مغادرة الدودة الألفية، جاءت الأفعى إلى منزل ماجورو. قالت لماجورو، \"من فضلك أعطني بعض الأرجل.\"", + "SourceText": "People all over the world heard my story. My songs and my story helped many to see how there was no fairness in South Africa for those with black skin. I decided to go on singing and telling the truth about my country, no matter what.", + "text": "سمع الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم قصتي. ساعدت أغانيي وقصتي العديد من الناس في رؤية كيف لم يكن هناك عدالة في جنوب أفريقيا لأولئك ذوي البشرة السوداء. قررت أن أستمر في الغناء وقول الحقيقة عن بلدي، مهما كان.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Uh oh! There are no more legs and Snake needs some. How would you solve this problem?", - "text": "اه أوه! لم يعد هناك المزيد من الأرجل والأفعى تحتاج إلى بعض منها. كيف يمكنك حل هذه المشكلة؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever done something that some people thought was a bad idea, but you knew it was the right thing to do? What was it? Were you glad you stood up for what you believed in?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن فعلت شيئًا يعتقد بعض الناس أنه فكرة سيئة، ولكنك كنت تعلم أنه الشيء الصحيح للقيام به؟ ما هو؟ هل كنت سعيدًا لأنك دافعت عن ما تؤمن به؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides that look like this page. How many rectangles can you find on this page?", - "text": "المستطيلات هي أشكال ذات أربعة جوانب مستقيمة تشبه هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها في هذه الصفحة؟", + "SourceText": "How do the eyebrows and mouths in this picture show that the people are dismayed?", + "text": "كيف تُظهر الحواجب والأفواه في هذه الصورة أن الناس في حالة من الاستياء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Squares are rectangles with four equal sides. Can you find the rectangle on this page that is a square?", - "text": "المربعات عبارة عن مستطيلات ذات أربعة أضلاع متساوية. هل يمكنك العثور على المستطيل المربع في هذه الصفحة؟", + "SourceText": "Use your eyebrows to show different feelings. Try to show that you are happy, sad, surprised, or worried.", + "text": "استخدم حواجبك لتظهر مشاعر مختلفة. حاول أن تُظهر أنك سعيد، حزين، متفاجئ، أو قلق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru said, \"I have given out all the legs. Where were you?\"\n\nSnake answered, \"I overslept.\"", - "text": "قال ماجورو: \"لقد انتهت كل الأرجل. أين كنت؟”\n\nأجابت الأفعى: \"لقد أفرطت في النوم.\"", + "SourceText": "The world loved my music and I was welcomed in many countries. I won awards and sang for important people all over the globe. My life was good, but something was missing. I could not sing in my home country, and people there were not free.", + "text": "أحب العالم موسيقاي وتم الترحيب بي في العديد من البلدان. فزت بالجوائز وغنيت لشخصيات هامة حول العالم. كانت حياتي جيدة، لكن كان هناك شيء مفقود. لم أتمكن من الغناء في بلدي، ولم يكن الناس هناك أحرارًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Look at their faces. How do they feel?", - "text": "انظر إلى وجهيهما. كيف يشعران؟", + "SourceText": "Notice how the spotlight creates part of an oval on the floor.", + "text": "لاحظ كيف يصنع الضوء الكشاف جزءًا من شكل بيضاوي على الأرض.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever overslept? Was it fun to sleep in, or did you feel guilty about sleeping so long?", - "text": "هل سبق لك أن أفرطت في النوم؟ هل كان النوم ممتعًا أم أنك شعرت بالذنب بسبب النوم لفترة طويلة؟", + "SourceText": "Sometimes an outline of a shape is enough to tell what it is. The two dark outlines show people wearing something special on their heads. Who do you think these people are?", + "text": "أحيانًا يكون مخطط شكل كافيًا ليخبرك بما هو. يظهر المخططان الداكنان أشخاصًا يرتدون شيئًا مميزًا على رؤوسهم. من تعتقد أن هؤلاء الأشخاص؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you count all the stripes on this page? Can you count that high?", - "text": "هل يمكنك حساب جميع الخطوط الموجودة في هذه الصفحة؟ هل يمكنك العد بهذا الارتفاع؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever done some singing, dancing, or other performing in front of people? How did you feel?", + "text": "هل سبق لك الغناء أو الرقص أو تقديم عروض أمام الناس؟ كيف كان شعورك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru looked to see if there were legs remaining.\n\nHe did not find any.", - "text": "نظر ماجورو ليرى ما إذا كانت هناك أرجل متبقية.\n\nلم يجد أياً منها.", + "SourceText": "Then a wonderful day dawned when Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa. New people were in charge and the unfair laws belonged to the past. I finally went home with new hope in my heart.", + "text": "ثم جاء يوم رائع عندما أصبح نيلسون مانديلا رئيسًا لجنوب أفريقيا. أصبح هناك أشخاص جدد في السلطة، وأصبحت القوانين غير العادلة جزءًا من الماضي. أخيرًا عدت إلى المنزل بآمال جديدة في قلبي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Describe some of the rectangles on this page. Are any of them squares?", - "text": "صف بعض المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة. هل أي منها مربع؟", + "SourceText": "Which arcs on their faces show that they are happy?", + "text": "ما الأقواس على وجوههم التي تظهر أنهم سعداء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you can only see part of something that has a stripe, it can look like a rectangle. Describe a few of those on this page.", - "text": "عندما لا يمكنك رؤية سوى جزء من شيء يحتوي على شريط، فقد يبدو كمستطيل. قم بوصف عدد قليل من تلك الموجودة في هذه الصفحة.", + "SourceText": "The stripes on the shirt of President Mandela are made up of rectangles. There are shapes all around us!", + "text": "الخطوط على قميص الرئيس مانديلا تتكون من مستطيلات. هناك أشكال حولنا في كل مكان!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are no legs where Maguru looked. When you have none of something, you have 0 of them. Zero is a very useful number for describing not having anything. Name some silly things that you have zero of!", - "text": "لا توجد أرجل حيث نظر ماجورو. عندما لا يكون لديك أي شيء، يكون لديك 0 منه. الصفر هو رقم مفيد جدًا لوصف عدم وجود أي شيء. اذكر بعض الأشياء السخيفة التي ليس لديك أي منها!", + "SourceText": "Did you notice the flat-bottomed clouds in this picture?", + "text": "هل لاحظت السحب المسطحة القاع في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Maguru said to Snake, \"Sorry. There are no legs left.\" Snake crawled home without legs.\n\nFrom that day, Snake does not sleep much. He is waiting to be first in line to get legs.", - "text": "قال ماجورو للأفعى: \"آسف. لم تعد هناك أرجل متبقية.\" زحفت الأفعى إلى المنزل بدون أرجل.\n\nمنذ ذلك اليوم، لم تعد الأفعى تنام كثيرًا. إنها تنتظر أن تكون في الأولى في الصف للحصول على أرجل.", + "SourceText": "After that, I could sing in a free, fair country. People of different colors could enjoy music together. I helped make this happen because I was brave and strong. I sang the truth in all of my songs.", + "text": "بعد ذلك، استطعت الغناء في بلد حر وعادل. كان بإمكان الأشخاص من مختلف الألوان التمتع بالموسيقى معًا. ساعدت في تحقيق ذلك لأنني كنت شجاعة وقوية. غنيت الحقيقة في جميع أغنياتي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "It is a very sad day for Snake! Have you ever been sad that others got something that you did not? Were you happy for the others, or just sad that you were left out?", - "text": "إنه يوم حزين للغاية بالنسبة للأفعى! هل حزنت يومًا لأن الآخرين حصلوا على شيء لم تحصل عليه؟ هل كنت سعيدًا من أجل الآخرين، أم حزينًا لأنك استُبعدت؟", + "SourceText": "What are some times when you have been brave and strong? How did you feel?", + "text": "ما هي بعض الأوقات التي كنت فيها شجاعًا وقويًا؟ كيف شعرت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you think of some other animals that have zero legs?", - "text": "هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الحيوانات الأخرى التي ليست لها أرجل؟", + "SourceText": "Count together all the people on this page. If you take away the people on the stage, how many are left?", + "text": "عد الأشخاص في هذه الصفحة معًا. إذا استبعدت الأشخاص على المسرح، كم يبقى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There is a cloud next to Maguru that is quite strange! The cloud is between Snake and Maguru's home. It must be a very tiny cloud!", - "text": "هناك سحابة غريبة جداً بجوار ماجورو! السحابة بين منزل الأفعى و ماجورو. لا بد أنها سحابة صغيرة جدًا!", + "SourceText": "How wonderful to see all these people enjoying Miriam's music and dancing together!", + "text": "كم هو رائع رؤية كل هؤلاء الناس يستمتعون بموسيقى ميريام ويرقصون معًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My sister's dress is too big for me!", - "text": "فستان أختي كبير جدًا بالنسبة لي!", + "SourceText": "It had been raining for days, and everyone was grumpy. Everyone except Sizwe, who woke up with a smile every morning. \"Yoh! Sizwe! That smile is magic!\" said Gogo. \"Is it for me?\" Sizwe clapped his hand over his mouth. \"But it's MY smile, Gogo,\" he whispered.", + "text": "لقد كانت تمطر لعدة أيام، وكان الجميع غاضبًا. الجميع باستثناء سيويز، الذي استيقظ بابتسامة كل صباح. \"يا سيويز! تلك الابتسامة سحرية!“ قالت غوجو. \"هل هي لي؟“ وضع سيويز يده على فمه. وهمس\"لكنها ابتسامتي، يا غوجو“،.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?", - "text": "هل ترتدي أحيانًا ملابس شخص آخر؟ هل من الممتع أن تتخيل أنك ذلك الشخص عندما تفعل ذلك؟", + "SourceText": "The colors on this page are muted, they are not very bright. How do muted colors make you feel? The muted colors are in strong contrast to Sizwe's bright smile, and they help us notice the smile.", + "text": "الألوان في هذه الصفحة باهتة، ليست ساطعة جدًا. كيف تجعلك الألوان الباهتة تشعر؟ الألوان الباهتة تتباين بقوة مع ابتسامة سيويز الساطعة، وتساعدنا على ملاحظة الابتسامة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?", - "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن الفستان والحزام كبيران جدًا؟", + "SourceText": "There are lots of shapes here. A rectangle is a 4-side figure shaped like this page. Though it is a bit rounded, the side of his bed is a rectangle. His eyes are circles. The neckline of his shirt is a partial circle, which is called an arc.", + "text": "هناك الكثير من الأشكال هنا. المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. على الرغم من أنه مستدير قليلاً، فإن جانب سريره هو مستطيل. عيناه هما دوائر. خط العنق في قميصه هو جزء من دائرة، ويسمى قوسًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?", - "text": "المستطيل هو شكل رباعي الأضلاع مثل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات الموجودة في الصورة. هل ترى أي مستطيلات حيث أنت؟", + "SourceText": "Point out all the arcs in this picture, don't forget the small ones, and then look around where you are to find some more arcs.", + "text": "أشر إلى جميع الأقواس في هذه الصورة، لا تنسَ الأقواس الصغيرة، ثم انظر حولك لتجد المزيد من الأقواس.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.", - "text": "قميص أخي كبير جدًا بالنسبة لي أيضًا.", + "SourceText": "His mother laughed. \"Sizwe! A smile is something you can give away without losing it. Look!\" She lifted him up to the mirror. There was his smile, just as bright as before.", + "text": "ضحكت أمه. \"سيويز! الابتسامة هي شيء يمكنك تقديمه دون أن تفقدها. انظر!“ رفعتُه إلى المرآة. كانت هناك ابتسامته، ساطعة كما كانت من قبل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?", - "text": "بالنظر إلى وجهها، ما هو شعورها حيال ارتداء قميص كبير جدًا؟", + "SourceText": "The colors on this page are a bit brighter. Which colors on this page are the brightest?", + "text": "الألوان في هذه الصفحة أكثر سطوعًا قليلاً. ما هي الألوان الأشد سطوعًا في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?", - "text": "هل الفستان البرتقالي الذي ترتديه مناسب لها؟", + "SourceText": "The mirror is round, but it is not a circle. A circle that is stretched or squished is called an oval or an ellipse. Look around you. Do you see rectangles, circles, arcs, and ovals?", + "text": "المرآة دائرية، لكنها ليست دائرة. الدائرة التي تم تمديدها أو ضغطها تسمى بيضاوية أو إهليلجية. انظر حولك. هل ترى مستطيلات، دوائر، أقواس، وبيضاويات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.", - "text": "لاحظ المستطيلات الجديدة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "A smile is something you can give away without losing it or using it up. Can you think of other things like this?", + "text": "الابتسامة هي شيء يمكنك تقديمه دون أن تفقدها أو تستهلكها. هل يمكنك التفكير في أشياء أخرى مثل هذا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!", - "text": "حقيبتي كبيرة.\n\nولكنها ليست كبيرة جداً!", + "SourceText": "It was time to go out. Mama buttoned up Sizwe's raincoat, and off they went, through the rain, to the library. Down the street, Sizwe's best friend Zanele stood at the window of her house, looking sadly at the rain. Sizwe felt his smile creeping, creeping up. Before he knew it, his smile LEAPT out, and flew across the garden to Zanele.", + "text": "حان الوقت للخروج. زرّرت ماما معطف المطر لسيويز، وانطلقوا في المطر إلى المكتبة. في الشارع، وقفت صديقة سيويز المفضلة زانيلي عند نافذة بيتها، تنظر بحزن إلى المطر. شعر سيويز بابتسامته تتسلل، تتسلل. قبل أن يعرف، قفزت ابتسامته، وطارت عبر الحديقة إلى زانيلي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is this bag too big for her?", - "text": "هل هذه الحقيبة كبيرة جدًا بالنسبة لها؟", + "SourceText": "How does Zanele feel? How can you tell from the picture that Zanele feels that way?", + "text": "كيف تشعر زانيلي؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف من الصورة أن زانيلي تشعر بهذه الطريقة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the clasps on the bag.", - "text": "عدّوا مشابك الكيس معًا.", + "SourceText": "Zanele's dog looks concerned about Zanele. Do you have an animal or person who is good at noticing when you are sad? Do they try to cheer you up?", + "text": "يبدو أن كلب زانيلي قلق بشأن زانيلي. هل لديك حيوان أو شخص يجيد ملاحظة عندما تكون حزينًا؟ هل يحاولون تشجيعك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?", - "text": "ماذا كنت ستضع في هذه الحقيبة لو كانت لك؟", + "SourceText": "Notice how the arcs of Zanele's mouth, eyes, and eyebrows are all turned down and sagging. Describe how these arcs change when someone is happy and smiling.", + "text": "لاحظ كيف أن أقواس فم زانيلي، عينيها، وحاجبيها كلها متجهة إلى الأسفل وتترهل. صف كيف تتغير هذه الأقواس عندما يكون شخص ما سعيدًا ويبتسم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This old belt is too small for me.", - "text": "هذا الحزام القديم صغير جدًا بالنسبة لي.", + "SourceText": "Zanele held on tightly to the smile – it was far too precious to let it get away. As Sizwe walked away to the library, Zanele's doorbell rang. It was the postman, with a letter from her favorite cousin. Zanele was so happy, that the smile bounced up, and beamed out at the postman. \"Thank you, Mister Postman!\" she said.", + "text": "تمسكت زانيلي بالابتسامة بإحكام – كانت ثمينة جدًا لا يمكنها السماح لها بالذهاب. عندما ابتعد سيويز إلى المكتبة، رن جرس باب زانيلي. كان ساعي البريد، ومعه رسالة من ابن عمها المفضل. كانت زانيلي سعيدة جدًا، حتى ارتفعت الابتسامة، وابتسمت لساعي البريد. وقالت \"شكرًا لك، سيد ساعي البريد!“ .", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?", - "text": "لماذا قد يكون حزامها القديم الذي كانت ترتديه عندما كانت صغيرة صغيرًا جدًا بالنسبة لها؟", + "SourceText": "How does it make you feel when you get a message from someone you like? Do you ever send messages to people you like to cheer them up?", + "text": "كيف تشعر عندما تتلقى رسالة من شخص تحبه؟ هل ترسل رسائل إلى أشخاص تحبهم لتشجيعهم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?", - "text": "ما الذي يخبرك به تعبير وجهها عن شعورها تجاه الحزام؟", + "SourceText": "What are the bright colors in this picture? On grey days, it can take a little extra effort to find bright colors and celebrate them.", + "text": "ما هي الألوان الزاهية في هذه الصورة؟ في الأيام الرمادية، قد يتطلب الأمر جهدًا إضافيًا للعثور على الألوان الزاهية والاحتفال بها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?", - "text": "كم قطعة ملابس جربت؟", + "SourceText": "It looks like the Postman is about twice as tall as Zanele. We could say he is two Zaneles in height. People sometimes measure things in terms of people. They will say that it is 100 steps to get somewhere or that ocean waves are waist high.", + "text": "يبدو أن ساعي البريد أطول حوالي ضعف طول زانيلي. يمكننا أن نقول إنه بارتفاع زانيليتين. يقيس الناس أحيانًا الأشياء بمدى طول الأشخاص. سيقولون إنها ١٠٠ خطوة للوصول إلى مكان ما أو أن أمواج المحيط تصل إلى الخصر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This is my doll's hat.", - "text": "هذه هي قبعة دميتي.", + "SourceText": "Zanele's smile was the brightest thing the postman had seen all morning. It kept him warm as he trudged off through the rain. He came to a big house. Inside the gate, a dog was spinning around in circles, barking, barking, barking. He was so silly that the postman couldn't help smiling. The smile bounced through the gate with glitter of glee.", + "text": "كانت ابتسامة زانيلي هي أكثر شيء ساطع رآه ساعي البريد طوال الصباح. أبقته دافئًا بينما كان يسير في المطر. وصل إلى بيت كبير. داخل البوابة، كان كلب يدور حول نفسه، ينبح وينبح وينبح. كان سخيفًا جدًا، حتى أن ساعي البريد لم يستطع إلا أن يبتسم. ارتدت الابتسامة عبر البوابة مع بريق من البهجة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?", - "text": "هذه هي قطعة الملابس الرابعة التي لا تناسبها. كيف تشعر حيال ذلك؟ هل تعتقد أنها تشعر بالإحباط؟", + "SourceText": "Zanele's smile was a wonderful gift to the postman, and from there it became a happy gift to the dog. Is the smile getting worn out, or is it just as powerful as when it started with Sizwe?", + "text": "كانت ابتسامة زانيلي هدية رائعة لساعي البريد، ومن هناك أصبحت هدية سعيدة للكلب. هل الابتسامة تتلاشى، أم أنها بنفس القوة عندما بدأت مع سيويز؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا عدد قطع الخشب التي تشكل ظهر الكرسي.", + "SourceText": "What shapes do you see on this page? There are lots of rectangles, and there are quite a few interesting curves.", + "text": "ما الأشكال التي تراها في هذه الصفحة. هناك الكثير من المستطيلات، وهناك بعض المنحنيات المثيرة للاهتمام.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?", - "text": "تملك عينين وأذنين وذراعين وفماً وأنفاً واحداً. أين تقع أجزاء الجسم التي تملكها على جسدها؟", + "SourceText": "Counting the rectangles here can be tricky because you get a new rectangle when you put two rectangles side by side. There are over 20 rectangles if you count them all!", + "text": "عد المستطيلات هنا يمكن أن يكون صعبًا لأنه عندما تضع مستطيلين بجانب بعضهما تحصل على مستطيل جديد. هناك أكثر من ٢٠ مستطيلًا إذا عددتهم جميعًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!", - "text": "جواربي هي الحجم الصحيح.\n\nولكن اللون الخطأ!", + "SourceText": "The dog stopped barking. He pricked up his ears and wagged his tail. Then he turned and ran back to the house with the precious, warm smile. A bent old man opened the door. \"Oh, no! You can't come inside. You're all wet!\" he told the dog. But right away, the smile beamed up at the old man.", + "text": "توقف الكلب عن النباح. رفع أذنيه واهتز ذيله. ثم استدار وركض عائدًا إلى البيت مع الابتسامة الدافئة الثمينة. فتح رجل عجوز منحن الباب. \"أوه، لا! لا يمكنك الدخول. أنت مبتل!“ قال للرجل العجوز. لكن فورًا، ابتسمت الابتسامة للرجل العجوز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?", - "text": "ما هي الألوان التي ترتديها بما في ذلك ربطات شعرها؟", + "SourceText": "It is amazing how much more people like to do nice things when they are feeling happy. Do you notice it's easier to be thoughtful and kind when you are feeling good?", + "text": "من المدهش كم يحب الناس فعل الأشياء اللطيفة عندما يشعرون بالسعادة. هل تلاحظ أن التفكير بأن تكون مدروسًا ولطيفًا يكون أسهل عندما تشعر بالرضا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?", - "text": "هل تعتقد أن لون جواربها خاطئ؟", + "SourceText": "The world would be a much better place if everyone could feel happy all the time. Do you think that is possible?", + "text": "سيكون العالم مكانًا أفضل بكثير إذا كان بإمكان الجميع الشعور بالسعادة طوال الوقت. هل تعتقد أن ذلك ممكن؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?", - "text": "صورة الكرسي مكونة من عدة مستطيلات. كم يمكن أن تجد؟", + "SourceText": "The light vertical lines going up and down show us that it is raining. These lines are all going in the same direction. A family of lines like this are said to be parallel. Parallel lines never meet, no matter how far out they go!", + "text": "الخطوط العمودية الخفيفة التي تصعد وتنزل تظهر لنا أنه يمطر. هذه الخطوط كلها تسير في نفس الاتجاه. عائلة من الخطوط مثل هذه يقال إنها متوازية. الخطوط المتوازية لا تلتقي أبدًا، بغض النظر عن مدى تمددها!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "These are my new shoes.", - "text": "هذه هي أحذيتي الجديدة.", + "SourceText": "The old man stood a little straighter. \"Eish,\" he said, \"Who cares if it's raining? Let's go for a walk, boy!\" And off they went, splashing in the puddles. There, at the zebra crossing, stood grumpy Mrs. Makabela, the traffic cop. She looked cold, and wet, and miserable. The old man knew just what to do. \"Morning, Mrs. Makabela!\" he called, and smiled his biggest, brightest smile. But Mrs. Makabela did not smile back.", + "text": "وقف الرجل العجوز مستقيمًا قليلاً. \"أه“، قال، \"من يهتم إذا كانت تمطر؟ لنذهب في نزهة، يا فتى!“ وانطلقا، يبللان في البرك. هناك، عند معبر الحمار الوحشي، وقفت السيدة ماكابيلا المتجهمة، شرطية المرور. بدت باردة ومبللة وبائسة. عرف الرجل العجوز ما يجب عليه فعله. \"صباح الخير، السيدة ماكابيلا!“ نادى، وابتسم بأكبر وأسطع ابتسامة. لكن السيدة ماكابيلا لم تبتسم.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?", - "text": "بعد كل الملابس الأخرى، هل تعتقد أن هذه الأحذية ستناسبها؟", + "SourceText": "Some people avoid puddles on rainy days. However, it's a lot more fun to splash in them! Do you like to do that?", + "text": "يتجنب بعض الناس البرك في الأيام الممطرة. ومع ذلك، يكون من الأكثر متعة اللعب فيها! هل تحب القيام بذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Where did she go?", - "text": "إلى أين ذهبت؟", + "SourceText": "What things in this picture show us how Mrs. Makabela is feeling?", + "text": "ما الأشياء في هذه الصورة التي تظهر لنا كيف تشعر السيدة ماكابيلا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?", - "text": "لا بد أن هذه الأحذية في غرفة مختلفة – الباب والنوافذ بلون مختلف. ما هي الألوان التي كانت عليها من قبل؟", + "SourceText": "Which shapes do you see in this picture? Are there any new ones here?", + "text": "ما الأشكال التي تراها في هذه الصورة؟ هل هناك أي أشكال جديدة هنا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "They fit me very well.", - "text": "إنها تناسبني بشكل جيد للغاية.", + "SourceText": "Standing in the rain for days can make a face sad, sad, sad. But a smile is a magical thing and, by now, the smile was so strong, and so bright, that it was very hard to keep inside. It didn't work right away, but bit by tiny bit, it began to creep out until, at last!", + "text": "الوقوف في المطر لأيام يمكن أن يجعل الوجه حزينًا، حزينًا، حزينًا. لكن الابتسامة شيء سحري والآن، كانت الابتسامة قوية جدًا، وساطعة جدًا، بحيث كان من الصعب الاحتفاظ بها في الداخل. لم تعمل على الفور، ولكن شيئًا فشيئًا، بدأت تزحف إلى الخارج حتى، أخيرًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?", - "text": "هل قبعتها هي نفس قبعة دميتها؟ هل تبدو صغيرةً جدًا بالنسبة لك؟", + "SourceText": "There is no picture on this page to tell us what is going on. What do you think is happening in the story right now? What will happen next?", + "text": "لا توجد صورة في هذه الصفحة لتخبرنا بما يحدث. ماذا تعتقد يحدث في القصة الآن؟ ماذا سيحدث بعد ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?", - "text": "هل تظن أنها تحتاج إلى حزام مع فستانها؟", + "SourceText": "How do you think the story will end? Will all the smiles get used up?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد ستنتهي القصة؟ هل ستنفد جميع الابتسامات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is she ready for school now?", - "text": "هل هي مستعدة للمدرسة الآن؟", + "SourceText": "Smiling and being happy is one emotion. Choose another emotion and make up a story about how someone with that emotion changed the lives of the people around them.", + "text": "الابتسام والشعور بالسعادة هما عاطفة واحدة. اختر عاطفة أخرى وابتكر قصة حول كيفية تغيير شخص بهذه العاطفة لحياة الأشخاص من حوله.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Let me tell you about the palm tree.", - "text": "دعني أحدثك عن شجرة النخيل.", + "SourceText": "A great, big smile lit up Mrs. Makabela's face! The school bell rang, and children ran to cross the road. Mrs. Makabela put up her sign, and smiled, and smiled, at each and every child.", + "text": "أضاءت ابتسامة كبيرة وجه السيدة ماكابيلا! دق جرس المدرسة، وركض الأطفال لعبور الطريق. رفعت السيدة ماكابيلا لافتتها، وابتسمت، وابتسمت، لكل طفل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.", - "text": "هل لديك أشجار نخيل حيث تعيش؟ للنخيل أنواع كثيرة، ولعل شكل التي لديك يختلف عن هذه.", + "SourceText": "Look at how the stripes on the street are made from a series of alternating black and white rectangles.", + "text": "انظر كيف تصنع الخطوط على الشارع من سلسلة من المستطيلات السوداء والبيضاء المتناوبة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.", - "text": "قلادته بها نمط متكرر من الخرز الأصفر والأحمر. عد الخرزات باستخدام النمط للعد بمقدار 2.", + "SourceText": "Ever wonder whether zebras are black with white stripes or whether they are white with black stripes (they are black with white stripes)? Most roads are black, so it's very likely that these are white stripes on top of a black road.", + "text": "هل تساءلت يومًا ما إذا كانت الحمير الوحشية سوداء بخطوط بيضاء أو بيضاء بخطوط سوداء (إنها سوداء بخطوط بيضاء)؟ معظم الطرق سوداء، لذلك من المحتمل جدًا أن تكون هذه الخطوط البيضاء فوق طريق أسود.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.", - "text": "أنه يمتلك حلقين في أذنيه. كم عدد قطع الملابس على شكل حلقات لديه؟ تأكد من النظر في كل مكان.", + "SourceText": "The story uses the two words \"smiled\" and \"child\" that sound alike -- they rhyme. Having rhyming words makes the story feel cheery and fun. Say some rhyming words that you think are fun to hear together.", + "text": "تستخدم القصة كلمتين \"ابتسم“ و\"طفل“ اللتين تشبهان الصوت -- إنهما تتقفيان. وجود كلمات تتقفى يجعل القصة تبدو مبهجة وممتعة. قل بعض الكلمات المتقفية التي تعتقد أنها ممتعة لتسمعها معًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This tree lives when everything else is dry.", - "text": "تعيش هذه الشجرة حيث يجف كل شيء آخر.", + "SourceText": "The children smiled at their moms and dads, and their gogos and tatas and brothers and sisters. They smiled at the bus driver and the greengrocer, and Mme. Makau, who went off to smile at her husband, who smiled at the mayor. The smiles leapt and rolled and beamed and gleamed until EVERYONE was smiling and giggling and laughing out loud in the rain.", + "text": "ابتسم الأطفال لأمهاتهم وآبائهم، وجداتهم وأجدادهم وإخوتهم وأخواتهم. ابتسموا لسائق الحافلة وبائع الخضار، ومدام ماكو، التي ذهبت لتبتسم لزوجها، الذي ابتسم لرئيس البلدية. قفزت الابتسامات وتدحرجت وأشعت وتألق الجميع، يبتسمون ويضحكون بصوت عالٍ في المطر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.", - "text": "الماء تحتاجه معظم الكائنات الحية. تتميز أشجار النخيل بالذكاء في استخدام القليل جدًا من الماء في مكان جاف.", + "SourceText": "There is no limit to how much smiles can bounce around. How marvelous that all that smiling and laughing can happen on a rainy day.", + "text": "لا يوجد حد لكمية الابتسامات التي يمكنها التردد. كم هو رائع أن كل هذا الابتسام والضحك يمكن أن يحدث في يوم ممطر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.", - "text": "تنقسم الأغصان إلى غصنين إضافيين عند صعودها. عد الأغصان في الجزء العلوي مما يمكننا رؤيته قبل الأوراق.", + "SourceText": "Sometimes rainy days can be fun. Do you enjoy rainy days and watching the rain come down?", + "text": "في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن تكون الأيام الممطرة ممتعة. هل تستمتع بالأيام الممطرة ومشاهدة المطر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the bones and stones on the ground.", - "text": "عد العظام والحجارة التي على الأرض.", + "SourceText": "If one person can cause two new people to smile, consider how quickly this becomes a lot of people. 1 smiling person creates 2 more, who create 4 more, who create 8 more, and it keeps on doubling. How high can you keep this progression going? This is called exponential growth.", + "text": "إذا كان بإمكان شخص واحد أن يجعل شخصين جديدين يبتسمان، فكر في مدى سرعة تحول هذا إلى الكثير من الناس. ١ شخص مبتسم يخلق ٢ آخرين، الذين يخلقون ٤ آخرين، الذين يخلقون ٨ آخرين، ويستمر في التضاعف. إلى أي مدى يمكنك أن تبقي هذا التقدم مستمرًا؟ يسمى هذا النمو الأسي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.", - "text": "ظل شجرة النخيل بارد دائمًا.", + "SourceText": "In the library, everything was quiet except for the sound of the rain. \"It's time to go,\" said Sizwe's mother, closing her book. \"Aw, mom!\" said Sizwe, who had run out of smiles.", + "text": "في المكتبة، كان كل شيء هادئًا باستثناء صوت المطر. \"حان الوقت للذهاب“، قالت والدة سيويز، مغلقة كتابها. \"آه، أمي!“ قال سيويز، الذي نفدت ابتساماته.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?", - "text": "هل في ظل النخلة شيء مميز يجعلها تبرد؟", + "SourceText": "There are lots and lots of rectangles in this picture. Can you count them all?", + "text": "هناك الكثير والكثير من المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. هل يمكنك عدها جميعًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is the shade of all trees cool?", - "text": "هل ظل الأشجار كلها بارد؟", + "SourceText": "When it is difficult to count a large number of things, we can make an estimate, which is our best guess, for that number.", + "text": "عندما يكون من الصعب عد عدد كبير من الأشياء، يمكننا وضع تقدير، وهو أفضل تخمين لنا، لذلك العدد.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?", - "text": "هذا الشخص لا يكاد يحتوي داخل هذا الظل. لماذا اختار مثل هذه الشجرة الصغيرة؟ ربما لا توجد أي أشجار أخرى قريبة؟", + "SourceText": "Play the estimation game with a friend. Take a quick look at a group of things and then both of you make an estimate for how many things there are. Then count the things and see who was closest. With practice, you will get much better at making estimates!", + "text": "العب لعبة التقدير مع صديق. ألق نظرة سريعة على مجموعة من الأشياء ثم يقوم كل منكما بعمل تقدير لعدد الأشياء الموجودة. ثم عد الأشياء وانظر من كان الأقرب. مع الممارسة، ستتحسن كثيرًا في وضع التقديرات!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "We eat fruit from the palm tree.", - "text": "نأكل من ثمر النخل.", + "SourceText": "But as they stepped out into the street WHAT A SIGHT! Everyone in town was there! Everyone! And they were ALL smiling!", + "text": "ولكن عندما خرجوا إلى الشارع، يا له من منظر! كان الجميع في المدينة هناك! الجميع! وكانوا جميعًا يبتسمون!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.", - "text": "اذكر وعدّ أنواع الفاكهة التي تحب أن تأكلها.", + "SourceText": "One of the wonderful parts of helping make other people happy is that they can help make you happy in return!", + "text": "أحد الأجزاء الرائعة لمساعدة الآخرين على السعادة هو أنهم يمكنهم مساعدتك على الشعور بالسعادة بالمقابل!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?", - "text": "شعرهم مجدول. أي واحد لديه المزيد من الصفوف التي يمكنك رؤيتها؟ ما الفرق بين الرقمين - أيهما أكثر؟", + "SourceText": "How has the red sign changed from earlier in the story? (The white rectangle turned into a white arc that looks like a smile.)", + "text": "كيف تغيرت العلامة الحمراء من بداية القصة؟ (المستطيل الأبيض تحول إلى قوس أبيض يشبه الابتسامة.)", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?", - "text": "هل من المنطقي أن يكون لدى الشخص الأكبر عدد أكبر من صفوف الشعر؟", + "SourceText": "That's a lot of people! If you wanted to count their feet, you could count by 2's. If you wanted to count their arms you could count by 2's. What would you count by to count their limbs (arms and legs)? Would you count by 2's or by 4's?", + "text": "هذا الكثير من الناس! إذا كنت تريد عد أقدامهم، يمكنك العد بمضاعفات ٢. إذا كنت تريد عد أذرعهم، يمكنك العد بمضاعفات ٢. ماذا ستعد لتعد أطرافهم (الأذرع والساقين)؟ هل ستعد بمضاعفات ٢ أم بمضاعفات ٤؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.", - "text": "نستخدم سعف النخيل في تغطية بيوتنا بالقش.", + "SourceText": "The smiles bounced around and beamed at Sizwe. They warmed him, and tickled him, and crept up, up, up from his toes to the TOP of his head. He was so full of happiness that the smile burst out, brilliant and beaming bright. And something changed. The dark, gloomy, rainy afternoon didn't seem so dark anymore. Could it be? YES! The clouds parted, and the warm sun shone down on them, with the biggest, brightest, most brilliant smile of all.", + "text": "تردد الابتسامات وأشعت على سيويز. لقد دفئته، ودغدغته، وزحفت لأعلى، أعلى، أعلى من أصابع قدميه إلى قمة رأسه. كان مليئًا بالسعادة لدرجة أن الابتسامة انفجرت، مشرقة ومبهجة. وحدث شيء ما. لم يعد الظهر كئيب وماطر ومظلمًا جدًا. هل يمكن أن يكون؟ نعم! انقشعت الغيوم، وأشرقت الشمس الدافئة عليهم، بأكبر وأسطع ابتسامة على الإطلاق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.", - "text": "هذا المنزل له شكل دائري. من السهل بناء المنازل المستديرة كما أنها توفر مساحة أكبر.", + "SourceText": "What a difference one's mental attitude can make! A happy person can often see difficult things in a positive way, and an unhappy person can choose to see good things in a negative way.", + "text": "يا لها من فرق يمكن أن تحدثه العقلية! يمكن للشخص السعيد أن يرى غالبًا الأشياء الصعبة بطريقة إيجابية، ويمكن للشخص غير السعيد أن يختار رؤية الأشياء الجيدة بطريقة سلبية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you have any round buildings where you live?", - "text": "هل لديك أي مباني مستديرة حيث تعيش؟", + "SourceText": "Think of an example of something you could have been sad or unhappy about, but you chose to see it in a positive way. It's a great talent if you can do it.", + "text": "فكر في مثال لشيء كان يمكنك أن تشعر بالحزن أو التعاسة حياله، لكنك اخترت أن تراه بطريقة إيجابية. إنها موهبة رائعة إذا كنت تستطيع فعلها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?", - "text": "عادة ما تكون الكرات والمصابيح مستديرة الشكل. ما هي بعض الأشياء المستديرة من حولك؟", + "SourceText": "Even the sun is smiling! This story has a very happy ending!", + "text": "حتى الشمس تبتسم! هذه القصة لها نهاية سعيدة جدًا!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.", - "text": "لدينا مكانس وحصير من سعف النخيل.", + "SourceText": "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.", + "text": "قررت الأم الشمس زيارة أختها القمر. تعيش الأخت قمر في الجانب الآخر من السماء. قالت الشمس للسحب: \"سأعود قريبًا\".", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?", - "text": "من الأشياء من حولك أي منها يبدو وكأنه مصنوع مباشرة من الأشجار أو غيرها من المواد الطبيعية؟", + "SourceText": "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?", + "text": "ماذا سيتغير في الغيوم والجبال إذا ذهبت الشمس؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا الأشياء المختلفة في هذه الصورة المصنوعة من النخيل.", + "SourceText": "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?", + "text": "هل سبق وأن تخيلت وجوهاً على الغيوم والجبال؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?", - "text": "احسب عدد الحلقات التي ترتديها. هل الرقم أكثر أم أقل مما كان لدى الرجل في صفحة سابقة؟", + "SourceText": "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?", + "text": "في السماء خمسة أشياء. عندما تغيب الشمس كم سيبقى؟ ما هو أقل من خمسة بواحد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.", - "text": "نستخدم بذور شجرة النخيل كوقود.", + "SourceText": "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.", + "text": "عندما غادرت الشمس، ارتدت الجبال أوشحتها البيضاء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?", - "text": "يعد حرق بذور النخيل أحد المصادر العديدة المحتملة للحرارة. كيف تحصل على الحرارة في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "SourceText": "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?", + "text": "لماذا ارتدت الجبال أوشحتها البيضاء حين غابت الشمس؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?", - "text": "ما هي الاستخدامات الأخرى للحرارة غير الطبخ؟", + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?", + "text": "كم عدد الغيوم؟ هل هناك المزيد من الجبال أو الغيوم في هذه الصفحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?", - "text": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس يعتمد على معلومات جزئية. قم بتقدير عدد البذور الموجودة في تلك السلة. هل هو رقم أكبر مما تعلم؟", + "SourceText": "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?", + "text": "ماذا تفعل الغيوم وبماذا تظنها تشعر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you see why the palm tree is important?", - "text": "هل ترى ما أهمية شجرة النخيل؟", + "SourceText": "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.", + "text": "تشاجرت الريح مع الأشجار. أصبحت الأشجار غاضبة. فألقت أوراقها في كل مكان.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.", - "text": "اذكروا وعدّوا عدد الطرق التي تنفعهم بها النخلة.", + "SourceText": "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?", + "text": "خمن كم عدد أوراق الشجر التي تتطاير حولها. هل تعرف أرقامًا بهذا الحجم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?", - "text": "ما هي بعض الأشجار حيث تعيش التي لها استخدامات مهمة؟", + "SourceText": "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!", + "text": "لاحظ مدى قوة هبوب الريح. الأوراق تتطاير في كل مكان!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?", - "text": "سواء كانت مفيدة أم لا، ما هي بعض الأشجار المفضلة لديك القريبة منك؟", + "SourceText": "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?", + "text": "هبت الريح بشدة حتى انحنت الأشجار. هل سبق لك أن كنت بالخارج عندما هبت الرياح بشدة لدرجة أنك واجهت صعوبة في المشي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This is Ndalo.", - "text": "هذا ندالو.", + "SourceText": "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.", + "text": "بدأت السماء تتذمر.\n\nتحولت إلى اللون الرمادي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.", - "text": "حددوا معًا أنواع الحيوانات التي ترونها وقوموا بعدّ كل نوع.", + "SourceText": "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "الغيوم مهمومة وقلقة. ما الذي تعتقد أنه على وشك الحدوث؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?", - "text": "ما هو أكثر نوع من الحيوانات موجود في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?", + "text": "عد الوجوه على الغيوم. هي في ثلاث مجموعات: مجموعات من اثنين، وأربعة، وواحد. كم عددها معًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.", - "text": "عدّوا معًا أزرار قميص ندالو.", + "SourceText": "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?", + "text": "عد الأشجار والجبال ومجموعات الغيوم، هناك كل الأعداد من واحد إلى خمسة، هل يمكنك العثور عليها كلها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ndalo likes to read books.", - "text": "ندالو يحب قراءة الكتب.", + "SourceText": "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.", + "text": "كانت الغيوم حزينة لرؤية كل هذا. فبدأت بالبكاء. كانت هناك دموع كثيرة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.", - "text": "عدّوا الكتب الموجودة أمام ندالو على الطاولة معًا.", + "SourceText": "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?", + "text": "ربما أمطرت الغيوم لحزنها، ولكن بعض الناس يستمتعون بمشاهدة المطر وسماعه. كيف يشعرك المطر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!", - "text": "يمكنك أن ترى على وجهه مدى حبه للقراءة!", + "SourceText": "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?", + "text": "هناك الكثير من قطرات المطر. هل يمكنك عدّها جميعًا أم أنها كثيرة جدًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you like hearing stories from books?", - "text": "هل تحب سماع القصص من الكتب؟", + "SourceText": "Think of something else that there are too many to count.", + "text": "فكر في شيء آخر يوجد الكثير منه مما لا يمكن عدّه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "This is Pendo.", - "text": "هذه بيندو.", + "SourceText": "The whole world began to sink under water.", + "text": "بدأ العالم كله يغرق تحت الماء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.", - "text": "هناك الكثير من التفاصيل الصغيرة في هذه الصورة. قم بعدّ الحيوانات التي يمكنك العثور عليها.", + "SourceText": "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.", + "text": "الأشجار تحتاج إلى الماء، ولكن هل تعتقد أنها تحب الحصول على هذا القدر من الماء؟ تبدو الوجوه على الأشجار قلقة أو حزينة بعض الشيء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many trees and power poles do you see?", - "text": "كم عدد الأشجار وأعمدة الكهرباء التي تراها؟", + "SourceText": "How many trees do you count in this picture?", + "text": "كم عدد الأشجار في هذه الصورة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.", - "text": "أشر إلى الأشخاص الذين يتحركون في الأنحاء وبالكاد يمكنك رؤيتهم وقم بعدّهم.", + "SourceText": "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?", + "text": "هل يغرق العالم تحت الماء أم أن الماء يمتلئ فوقه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo likes to eat carrots.", - "text": "بيندو تحب أكل الجزر.", + "SourceText": "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.", + "text": "وفي هذه الأثناء، على الجانب الآخر من السماء، كانت الشمس مستعدة لترك أختها. ودعت القمر وذهبت إلى المنزل.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?", - "text": "هل يمكنك أن تعرف من خلال النظر إلى بيندو أن بيندو تحب الجزر؟", + "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?", + "text": "أتحسبون أن الشمس تستطيع أن تقبل القمر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?", - "text": "هل تحب أكل الجزر؟ ما هي الخضار المفضلة لديك؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?", + "text": "هل سبق وأن رأيت نجومًا بالقرب من القمر أو الشمس؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?", - "text": "بيندو تأكل جزرتين، وندالو يحمل ثلاث جزرات أخرى. ما هو ثلاثة أكثر من اثنين؟", + "SourceText": "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.", + "text": "الكرة هي شكل كروي، وهي مستديرة في جميع الاتجاهات. القمر والشمس لديهما شكل كروي، رغم أن القمر لا يبدو كذلك دائمًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.", - "text": "ندالو يرعى بيندو بعد المدرسة.", + "SourceText": "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.", + "text": "كانت السماء سعيدة جدًا برؤية الشمس لدرجة أنها تحولت إلى اللون الأزرق الساطع. ارتدت الجبال ثيابها الخضراء الجميلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.", - "text": "عد جميع الحيوانات المختلفة الموجودة في الفناء، أو قم فقط بعدّ الحيوانات المفضلة لديك.", + "SourceText": "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?", + "text": "مما صنع الثوب الأخضر على الجبال؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?", - "text": "أي الحيوانات أكثر وأيها أقل؟", + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?", + "text": "كم عدد الغيوم الموجودة الآن؟ ماذا حدث للغيوم الأخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?", - "text": "ما هو الطعام الذي تأكله بيندو والماعز؟ هل تعتقد أنك ترغب في أكل العشب؟", + "SourceText": "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?", + "text": "قارن عدد ما في السماء بعدد الجبال ذات الوجوه. أحدهما أكثر من الآخر بواحد، وأحدهما أقل من الآخر بواحد، فأيهما؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "He gives fresh water to Pendo.", - "text": "إنه يعطي الماء العذب لبيندو.", + "SourceText": "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.", + "text": "ذهبت الريح للنوم. ومدت الأشجار أغصانها وابتسمت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?", - "text": "ندالو جيد جدًا في رعاية بيندو. هل لديك أي حيوانات تعتني بها؟", + "SourceText": "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?", + "text": "الجبال والأشجار تحب الطقس الدافئ. هل تحب الطقس الدافئ أم البارد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.", - "text": "أشر إلى الألوان المتعددة - بيندو بنية، قميص ندالو أزرق، السطل أصفر، العشب أخضر، والجانب السفلي من حوض الماء وردي.", + "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.", + "text": "الأسطوانة هي شكل مثل الأنبوب أو القشة. غالبًا ما يكون مقبض المكنسة عبارة عن أسطوانة. وجذوع هذه الأشجار بين الأرض وأغصانها الأولى عبارة عن أسطوانات.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?", - "text": "بيندو شكلها كبير جدًا بجوار ندالو. كم مرة تعتقد أن بيندو أكبر من ندالو؟", + "SourceText": "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?", + "text": "ما هي الأشياء الأخرى من حولك التي تكون على شكل أسطوانة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Father gives grain to Pendo.", - "text": "الأب يعطي الحبوب لبيندو.", + "SourceText": "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.", + "text": "كانت الغيوم سعيدة جدًا برؤية الأم الشمس مرة أخرى. لقد ذهبت للعب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?", - "text": "القطة تشاهد بيندو وهي تأكل الحبوب.. هل تعتقد أن القطة تريد بعضًا من الحبوب؟", + "SourceText": "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?", + "text": "في السماء خمسة غيوم. إذا أضفت واحدة أخرى للشمس، فكم عدد الأشياء الموجودة في السماء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What do you think the cat is waiting for?", - "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن القطة تنتظر؟", + "SourceText": "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?", + "text": "من صفحتين كانت هناك غيمتان. كم عدد الغيوم الموجودة الآن؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?", - "text": "تزود بيندو الأسرة بالكثير من الحليب. ماذا تقدم القطة للعائلة؟", + "SourceText": "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?", + "text": "إذا كانت الغيوم تسعد برؤية الشمس فلماذا غابت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "He milks Pendo every day.", - "text": "إنه يحلب بيندو كل يوم.", + "SourceText": "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.", + "text": "ظهرت الكثير من النباتات الصغيرة من الأرض لتقول: \"مرحبًا\". العالم كله تألق.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?", - "text": "القطة لا تزال تنتظر. ربما تأمل القطة في الحصول على بعض الحليب المرشوش؟", + "SourceText": "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.", + "text": "هناك فراشات، وأزهار، وسيقان، والكثير من النباتات الصغيرة. قوموا بعدّ بعض هذه الأشياء معًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?", - "text": "لماذا تم ربط ساقي بيندو الخلفيتين بعمود؟ هل تعتقد أنها تحب أن تُحلب؟", + "SourceText": "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?", + "text": "أي مجموعة من الأشياء أكثر وأي مجموعة أقل؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.", - "text": "المستطيل هو شكل رباعي الجوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى عدد قليل من المستطيلات العديدة في هذه الصورة.", + "SourceText": "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?", + "text": "ما هي الأشياء التي تحتاجها النباتات لتجعلها سعيدة وتنمو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Pendo gives a lot of milk.", - "text": "تعطي بيندو الكثير من الحليب.", + "SourceText": "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.", + "text": "أشرقت الأم الشمس نورها في كل مكان. \"لقد أخبرتكم أنني سأعود،\" ابتسمت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count together the number of milk containers.", - "text": "قوموا بعدّ أوعية الحليب معاً.", + "SourceText": "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?", + "text": "تمتد أشعة الشمس بعيدًا جدًا في هذه الصفحة. هل هناك أيام تبدو فيها أشعة الشمس وكأنها تصل إليك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?", - "text": "النافذة خلفهم مقسمة إلى أجزاء تسمى ألواحاً. كم عدد الألواح الموجودة؟", + "SourceText": "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?", + "text": "أي أقل ما في هذه الصفحة: الأشجار أم الجبال أم شيء في السماء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.", - "text": "غالبًا ما تكون أوعية السوائل مستديرة، لكن في بعض الأحيان يأتي الحليب في علب حليب على شكل صناديق.", + "SourceText": "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.", + "text": "أيها موجود بعدد أكبر؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون هناك شيئان بنفس المقدار مع أكبر عدد -- لا بأس، فقط قل كلاهما.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Father sells Pendo's milk.", - "text": "يبيع الأب حليب بيندو.", + "SourceText": "Mr. Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o'clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes, and biscuits.", + "text": "كان السيد شابانجو أفضل خباز في المدينة. كل صباح يستيقظ في الساعة الرابعة لخلط وعجن العجين لخبز الكعك والبسكويت الذي اشتهر به.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.", - "text": "يحتوي قميص والده على بعض الأنماط المثيرة للاهتمام. أشر إلى الخطوط والماس الأسود وقم بوصفها.", + "SourceText": "Do you like to cook? Baking can be a lot of fun. It usually involves a lot of careful measuring and counting.", + "text": "هل تحب الطهي؟ يمكن أن يكون الخبز ممتعًا جدًا. عادة ما يتطلب الكثير من القياس والعد بعناية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Describe this woman's colorful dress.", - "text": "صف فستان هذه المرأة الملون.", + "SourceText": "It looks like there are two rows of four eggs. You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Which way did you choose? Have you ever seen a carton holding 8 eggs?", + "text": "يبدو أن هناك صفين من أربع بيضات. يمكنك عدها بـ ١، ٢، أو ٤. أي طريقة اخترتها؟ هل سبق لك أن رأيت علبة تحتوي على ٨ بيضات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"", - "text": "ما هي الصورة الموجودة على الورقة الموجودة على الحائط؟ اللافتة تقول \"يوجد حليب هنا.\"", + "SourceText": "Why do you think bakers get up early in the morning? Do you like to get up so early that it is still dark outside, or does it seem like you should still be asleep at that time?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن الخبازين يستيقظون في وقت مبكر من الصباح؟ هل تحب أن تستيقظ مبكرًا عندما لا يزال الظلام في الخارج، أم يبدو لك أنه يجب أن تكون لا تزال نائمًا في ذلك الوقت؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.", - "text": "يشرب ندالو الحليب الطازج كل يوم.", + "SourceText": "By eight o'clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and school. By this time the cakes and buns were almost cooked, and the most delicious smells wafted out of the bakery's windows.", + "text": "بحلول الساعة الثامنة، كان الناس في المدينة يسيرون بجوار المخبز في طريقهم إلى العمل والمدرسة. وبحلول هذا الوقت يكون الكعك والبسكويت قد قد تم تجهيزه، وكانت أروع الروائح تتصاعد من نوافذ المخبز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?", - "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن ندالو كان يشرب الحليب؟", + "SourceText": "The baker started early so his wonderful food would be ready to eat when people walked by at breakfast time. Why couldn't the people just wait a little while?", + "text": "بدأ الخباز مبكرًا حتى يكون طعامه الرائع جاهزًا للأكل عندما يمر الناس به في وقت الإفطار. لماذا لم يستطع الناس الانتظار قليلاً؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?", - "text": "عندما تشرب شيئا هل ينتهي بك الأمر إلى وجود السائل حول فمك؟", + "SourceText": "The baker could have baked the evening before and then not needed to get up so early. Why didn't he do that?", + "text": "كان يمكن للخباز أن يخبز في الليلة السابقة وبالتالي لن يحتاج للاستيقاظ مبكرًا. لماذا لم يفعل ذلك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?", - "text": "هناك العديد من المستطيلات هنا. قم بعد الأبواب والنوافذ التي يمكنك رؤيتها. هل هناك أبواب أكثر أم أقل من النوافذ؟", + "SourceText": "This baker has a very small shop! Do you think he has room to cook in, display his baked goods, and have customers walk inside to buy things?", + "text": "هذا الخباز لديه متجر صغير جدًا! هل تعتقد أن لديه مساحة للطهي، عرض المخبوزات الخاصة به، والسماح للعملاء بالدخول لشراء الأشياء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"", - "text": "يقول، \"شكرًا لك بيندو!\"", + "SourceText": "Many of the people went into the bakery to buy their breakfast. Mr. Shabangu smiled happily at them as he passed them the fresh, tasty cinnamon buns and warm, golden biscuits that were so famous in the town.", + "text": "دخل العديد من الناس إلى المخبز لشراء إفطارهم. ابتسم السيد شابانجو بسعادة لهم وهو يمرر لهم الكعك الدافئ الذهبي والبسكويت الشهير في المدينة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?", - "text": "عائلة ندالو تطعم بيندو وتعتني بها، وتقدم لهم بيندو الحليب بالمقابل. هل يبدو ذلك بمثابة تجارة عادلة؟", + "SourceText": "The clock says it is 1:00. That seems late to be buying breakfast. Have you ever eaten breakfast after noon?", + "text": "تقول الساعة إنها الواحدة بعد الظهر. يبدو هذا متأخرًا لشراء الإفطار. هل سبق لك أن تناولت الإفطار بعد الظهر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.", - "text": "تحدث عن بعض الأماكن التي يأتي منها طعامك.", + "SourceText": "How can you tell the items in the box are fresh and hot?", + "text": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن العناصر في الصندوق طازجة وساخنة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?", - "text": "هل أنت شاكر للمكان الذي يأتي منه طعامك؟", + "SourceText": "What in the picture shows that Mr. Shabangu likes his work and cares about the food he makes? Do you have a favorite thing you like to do that you care a lot about?", + "text": "ما في الصورة يظهر أن السيد شابانجو يحب عمله ويهتم بالطعام الذي يصنعه؟ هل لديك شيء مفضل تحب القيام به وتعتني به كثيرًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.", - "text": "قررت الأم الشمس زيارة أختها القمر. تعيش الأخت قمر في الجانب الآخر من السماء. قالت الشمس للسحب: \"سأعود قريبًا\".", + "SourceText": "But other people were not so lucky. Because they had so little money, the poorer people of the town could hardly ever afford to buy any of the delicious buns, cakes, and biscuits. All they could do was enjoy the lovely smells that drifted out of the bakery windows. When Mr. Shabangu noticed these people sniffing the air near his bakery, he said angrily, \"How dare they sniff my delicious smells!\"", + "text": "لكن بعض الناس لم يكونوا محظوظين جدًا. لأنهم كانوا يمتلكون القليل من المال، فلم يستطع الناس الفقراء في المدينة شراء أي من الكعك اوالبسكويت اللذيذ. كل ما يمكنهم فعله هو التمتع بالروائح الرائعة التي تتصاعد من نوافذ المخبز. عندما لاحظ السيد شابانجو هؤلاء الناس يشمون الهواء بالقرب من مخبزه، قال بغضب، \"كيف يجرؤون على شم روائحي اللذيذة!“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?", - "text": "ماذا سيتغير في الغيوم والجبال إذا ذهبت الشمس؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think? Is it okay for the poor people to enjoy the delicious smells coming from Mr. Shabangu's bakery?", + "text": "ما رأيك؟ هل من المقبول أن يتمتع الناس الفقراء بالروائح اللذيذة التي تأتي من مخبز السيد شابانجو؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?", - "text": "هل سبق وأن تخيلت وجوهاً على الغيوم والجبال؟", + "SourceText": "Some people are generous with the things they have, while other people don't want to give away something they worked hard to make. Which kind of person do you think tends to be happier?", + "text": "بعض الناس كرماء بما يمتلكونه، بينما لا يريد الآخرون إعطاء شيء عملوا بجد لصنعه. أي نوع من الناس تعتقد أنه يكون أكثر سعادة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?", - "text": "في السماء خمسة أشياء. عندما تغيب الشمس كم سيبقى؟ ما هو أقل من خمسة بواحد؟", + "SourceText": "Each of the three loaves of bread on the shelf has three cuts in it. How many total cuts does that make? Did you skip count by 3's, or do you know what 3 times 3 is?", + "text": "كل واحدة من أرغفة الخبز الثلاثة على الرف تحتوي على ثلاث قطع. كم عدد القطع الإجمالية؟ هل قمت بالعد بالقفز بـ ٣، أم أنك تعرف ما هو ٣ ضرب ٣؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.", - "text": "عندما غادرت الشمس، ارتدت الجبال أوشحتها البيضاء.", + "SourceText": "\"Those are MY smells. I made them, so they belong to me! If people want to smell my wonderful smells, they should pay for them!\" He huffed and puffed and wiped the sweat from his brow, before turning back to the oven to bake some bread and rolls for his lunchtime customers.", + "text": "\"تلك هي روائحي. أنا صنعتها، لذا فهي تخصني! إذا أراد الناس أن يشموا روائحي الرائعة، فعليهم أن يدفعوا لي المال مقابل ذلك!“ كان ينفث ويزفر ويمسح العرق من جبينه، قبل أن يعود إلى الفرن لخبز الخبز واللفائف لزبائنه وقت الغداء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?", - "text": "لماذا ارتدت الجبال أوشحتها البيضاء حين غابت الشمس؟", + "SourceText": "Do you agree with Mr. Shabangu? Do we own the aromas we make?", + "text": "هل تتفق مع السيد شابانجو؟ هل نملك الروائح التي نصنعها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?", - "text": "كم عدد الغيوم؟ هل هناك المزيد من الجبال أو الغيوم في هذه الصفحة؟", + "SourceText": "There are many ways to sense things. For example, we can touch them. What are some other ways of sensing things?", + "text": "هناك العديد من الطرق لاستشعار الأشياء. على سبيل المثال، يمكننا لمسها. ما هي بعض الطرق الأخرى لاستشعار الأشياء؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?", - "text": "ماذا تفعل الغيوم وبماذا تظنها تشعر؟", + "SourceText": "We do restrict some ways of sensing. We typically control who gets to touch or taste our things. Can we control who gets to sense our things in other ways?", + "text": "نحن نقيد بعض طرق الاستشعار. عادة ما نتحكم في من يمكنه لمس أو تذوق أشيائنا. هل يمكننا التحكم في من يمكنه استشعار أشيائنا بطرق أخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.", - "text": "تشاجرت الريح مع الأشجار. أصبحت الأشجار غاضبة. فألقت أوراقها في كل مكان.", + "SourceText": "One old woman especially loved the smells that drifted out of the bakery window every morning. This was Ma Shange who slept on a bench in the park every night.", + "text": "كانت هناك امرأة عجوز تحب الروائح التي تتصاعد من نافذة المخبز كل صباح. كانت هذه ماشانجي التي تنام على مقعد في الحديقة كل ليلة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?", - "text": "خمن كم عدد أوراق الشجر التي تتطاير حولها. هل تعرف أرقامًا بهذا الحجم؟", + "SourceText": "Why do you think Ma Shange sleeps on a bench in the park? What does she do when it rains?", + "text": "لماذا تعتقد أن ما شانجي تنام على مقعد في الحديقة؟ ماذا تفعل عندما تمطر؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!", - "text": "لاحظ مدى قوة هبوب الريح. الأوراق تتطاير في كل مكان!", + "SourceText": "Do you ever sleep outside? Do you like being out in nature getting to see the night sky? Is it a little uncomfortable and scary, or does it feel very natural and pleasant?", + "text": "هل تنام في الخارج؟ هل تحب أن تكون في الطبيعة وترى السماء الليلية؟ هل هو غير مريح ومخيف بعض الشيء، أم أنه يشعر بالطبيعية والراحة؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?", - "text": "هبت الريح بشدة حتى انحنت الأشجار. هل سبق لك أن كنت بالخارج عندما هبت الرياح بشدة لدرجة أنك واجهت صعوبة في المشي؟", + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to count all the stars you can see in the sky on a clear night? If the sky is really clear, there are too many stars to count, but it's still fun to try!", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت عد جميع النجوم التي يمكنك رؤيتها في السماء في ليلة صافية؟ إذا كانت السماء صافية حقًا، فهناك الكثير من النجوم التي لا يمكن عدها، لكنه لا يزال ممتعًا المحاولة!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.", - "text": "بدأت السماء تتذمر.\n\nتحولت إلى اللون الرمادي.", + "SourceText": "A few weeks before, a kind person had given her the money to buy herself a cinnamon bun. She had taken the bun back to the park and ate it very slowly, licking her lips and sharing the last crumbs with the birds.", + "text": "قبل بضعة أسابيع، أعطاها شخص كريم المال لشراء كعكة قرفة. أخذت الكعكة إلى الحديقة وأكلتها ببطء شديد، تلعق شفتيها وتشارك الفتات الأخير مع الطيور.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?", - "text": "الغيوم مهمومة وقلقة. ما الذي تعتقد أنه على وشك الحدوث؟", + "SourceText": "That's a lot of birds for her to feed! If she gives three crumbs to each bird, count by 3's to find out how many crumbs she needs to feed them all.", + "text": "هذا الكثير من الطيور لتطعمها! إذا أعطت ثلاث فتات لكل طائر، عد بـ ٣ لتجد كم عدد الفتات التي تحتاجها لتطعمها جميعًا.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?", - "text": "عد الوجوه على الغيوم. هي في ثلاث مجموعات: مجموعات من اثنين، وأربعة، وواحد. كم عددها معًا؟", + "SourceText": "If you took one of those buns and broke it into a bunch of crumbs, estimate how many crumbs that would make. An estimate is a best guess as to the quantity of something that is hard to count.", + "text": "إذا أخذت واحدة من تلك الكعك وكسرته إلى مجموعة من الفتات، قدّر كم عدد الفتات التي ستصنعها. التقدير هو أفضل تخمين لكمية شيء من الصعب عدّه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?", - "text": "عد الأشجار والجبال ومجموعات الغيوم، هناك كل الأعداد من واحد إلى خمسة، هل يمكنك العثور عليها كلها؟", + "SourceText": "Ma Shange gave away some of something she likes very much. Why did she do that? Is she happier feeding the birds than if she had eaten those crumbs herself? Have you ever given away something you liked because you knew someone else would enjoy it or need it?", + "text": "ما شانجي أعطت بعضًا من شيء تحبه جدًا. لماذا فعلت ذلك؟ هل هي أسعد بإطعام الطيور من لو كانت قد أكلت تلك الفتات بنفسها؟ هل سبق لك أن أعطيت شيئًا تحبه لأنك كنت تعلم أن شخصًا آخر سيستمتع به أو يحتاجه؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.", - "text": "كانت الغيوم حزينة لرؤية كل هذا. فبدأت بالبكاء. كانت هناك دموع كثيرة.", + "SourceText": "After that, although the old woman didn't have enough money to buy breakfast, she longed for the delicious bun again. So every morning she walked slowly past Mr. Shabangu's bakery, sniffing the air and smiling blissfully at the mouth-watering smell.", + "text": "بعد ذلك، رغم أن المرأة العجوز لم يكن لديها ما يكفي من المال لشراء الإفطار، كانت تتوق للكعكة اللذيذة مرة أخرى. لذلك كل صباح كانت تسير ببطء بجوار مخبز السيد شابانجو، تشم الهواء وتبتسم بسعادة لرائحها الشهية.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?", - "text": "ربما أمطرت الغيوم لحزنها، ولكن بعض الناس يستمتعون بمشاهدة المطر وسماعه. كيف يشعرك المطر؟", + "SourceText": "It's a little hard to tell, so let's suppose that each piece of bread has 4 cuts in it. What are the total number of cuts for those 6 pieces of bread? Did you skip count by 4's, by 6's, or did you figure it out some other way?", + "text": "من الصعب قليلاً أن نقول، لذلك لنفترض أن كل قطعة خبز بها ٤ قطع. ما هو العدد الإجمالي للقطع لتلك ٦ قطع خبز؟ هل قمت بالعد بالقفز بـ ٤، بـ ٦، أم أنك اكتشفتها بطريقة أخرى؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?", - "text": "هناك الكثير من قطرات المطر. هل يمكنك عدّها جميعًا أم أنها كثيرة جدًا؟", + "SourceText": "Take a quick look and estimate how many buns you see on the lower shelf.", + "text": "ألق نظرة سريعة وقدّر كم عدد الكعك الذي تراه على الرف السفلي.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Think of something else that there are too many to count.", - "text": "فكر في شيء آخر يوجد الكثير منه مما لا يمكن عدّه.", + "SourceText": "Now count the buns and see how close your estimate is. There are many ways to count them. One way is to skip count by 2's. How did you count them?", + "text": "الآن عد الكعك وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك. هناك العديد من الطرق لعدها. إحدى الطرق هي العد بالقفز بـ ٢. كيف قمت بعدّها؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The whole world began to sink under water.", - "text": "بدأ العالم كله يغرق تحت الماء.", + "SourceText": "Ma Shange's new habit made the baker very angry. As each day went by, he grew angrier and angrier with her. Finally, one winter morning when he was in an especially bad mood, he stormed out of his bakery and grabbed the old woman by the arm. \"How dare you steal my smells!\" he shouted. \"You're nothing but a smell thief!\" He wiped his hands on an apron, then pulled it off and threw it back into the bakery.", + "text": "أثارت عادة ماشانجي الجديدة غضب الخباز بشدة. ومع مرور كل يوم، كان يغضب منها أكثر فأكثر. وأخيرًا، في صباح يوم شتوي عندما كان في مزاج سيئ بشكل خاص، خرج من مخبزه غاضبًا وأمسك بالمرأة العجوز من ذراعها. وصرخ في وجهها قائلاً \"كيف تجرؤين على سرقة روائحي!“. \"أنتِ لا شيء سوى لص الروائح!“ مسح يديه على المريلة، ثم خلعها وألقى بها داخل المخبز.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.", - "text": "الأشجار تحتاج إلى الماء، ولكن هل تعتقد أنها تحب الحصول على هذا القدر من الماء؟ تبدو الوجوه على الأشجار قلقة أو حزينة بعض الشيء.", + "SourceText": "The bricks showing in the wall are rectangles. Rectangles have four straight sides and have corners like the corners of this page. Can you find any other rectangles in this picture? Do you see any rectangles around where you are?", + "text": "الطوب الظاهر في الحائط هي مستطيلات. المستطيلات لها أربعة جوانب مستقيمة وزوايا مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. هل يمكنك العثور على أي مستطيلات أخرى في هذه الصورة؟ هل ترى أي مستطيلات حولك؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many trees do you count in this picture?", - "text": "كم عدد الأشجار في هذه الصورة؟", + "SourceText": "What do you think, is the baker right? Should Ma Shange be forced to stay away?", + "text": "ما رأيك، هل الخباز على حق؟ هل يجب أن تُجبر ما شانجي على البقاء بعيدًا؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?", - "text": "هل يغرق العالم تحت الماء أم أن الماء يمتلئ فوقه؟", + "SourceText": "Notice how the bricks in different rows are offset from the row above. This is always done. Guess why having the bricks all lined up would make the wall weaker.", + "text": "لاحظ كيف أن الطوب في الصفوف المختلفة متداخلة عن الصفوف التي فوقها. هذا دائمًا ما يتم. خمن لماذا يجعل وجود الطوب كلها في خط واحد الجدار أضعف.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.", - "text": "وفي هذه الأثناء، على الجانب الآخر من السماء، كانت الشمس مستعدة لترك أختها. ودعت القمر وذهبت إلى المنزل.", + "SourceText": "\"This is the last day this cheeky woman will steal my smells!\" he shouted. And with these words, he dragged Ma Shange off to the court to see judge Ngwenya. The judge was sitting down at his huge, shiny desk when the angry baker stormed in, dragging the quivering and confused Ma Shange with him.", + "text": "\"هذا هو آخر يوم تسرق فيه هذه المرأة الوقحة روائحي!“ قال غاضباً. ومع هذه الكلمات، جر ماشانجي إلى المحكمة لرؤية القاضي نجوينيا. كان القاضي يجلس على مكتبه الضخم اللامع عندما اندفع الخباز الغاضب إلى الداخل، وهو يجر ما شانجي المرتعدة والمرتبكة معه.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?", - "text": "أتحسبون أن الشمس تستطيع أن تقبل القمر؟", + "SourceText": "Point out the rectangles in this picture. Why do you think rectangles are used so often in creating rooms and buildings?", + "text": "أشر إلى المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. لماذا تعتقد أن المستطيلات تستخدم كثيرًا في إنشاء الغرف والمباني؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?", - "text": "هل سبق وأن رأيت نجومًا بالقرب من القمر أو الشمس؟", + "SourceText": "Triangles, which are 3-sided figures, are stronger, more rigid, and keep their shape better. Why not build everything out of triangles?", + "text": "المثلثات، التي هي أشكال ذات ٣ جوانب، أقوى، وأكثر صلابة، وتحافظ على شكلها بشكل أفضل. لماذا لا نبني كل شيء من المثلثات؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.", - "text": "الكرة هي شكل كروي، وهي مستديرة في جميع الاتجاهات. القمر والشمس لديهما شكل كروي، رغم أن القمر لا يبدو كذلك دائمًا.", + "SourceText": "Have you seen buildings that use shapes other than rectangles. It's fun to find places constructed out of unusual shapes!", + "text": "هل رأيت مباني تستخدم أشكالًا غير المستطيلات؟ من الممتع العثور على أماكن مبنية من أشكال غير عادية!", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.", - "text": "كانت السماء سعيدة جدًا برؤية الشمس لدرجة أنها تحولت إلى اللون الأزرق الساطع. ارتدت الجبال ثيابها الخضراء الجميلة.", + "SourceText": "\"Good morning,\" said the judge in his deep voice. \"Sir,\" said Mr. Shabangu furiously, \"I demand justice! I wish to lay a complaint against this woman. Every day for the last three weeks, she has walked past my bakery early in the morning when my delicious smells are at their best, and stolen them. I demand that she pays for those smells!\"", + "text": "\"صباح الخير،“ قال القاضي بصوته العميق. \"سيدي،“ قال السيد شابانجو بغضب، \"أطالب بالعدالة! أريد تقديم شكوى ضد هذه المرأة. كل يوم خلال الأسابيع الثلاثة الماضية، كانت تمر بجوار مخبزي في الصباح الباكر عندما تكون روائحي اللذيذة في أفضل حالاتها، وتسرقها. أطالب بأن تدفع ثمن تلك الروائح!“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?", - "text": "مما صنع الثوب الأخضر على الجبال؟", + "SourceText": "This is the first time in the story the baker has asked for payment for his smells rather than for his baked goods. Imagine how silly it would be if he had a sign in his shop that listed costs for different smells.", + "text": "هذه هي المرة الأولى في القصة التي يطلب فيها الخباز دفع ثمن روائحه بدلاً من المخبوزات. تخيل كم سيكون الأمر سخيفًا إذا كان لديه لافتة في متجره تدرج أسعار الروائح المختلفة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?", - "text": "كم عدد الغيوم الموجودة الآن؟ ماذا حدث للغيوم الأخرى؟", + "SourceText": "Smells can be wonderful and delightful and can fill us with happiness. However, what are they worth? How much do you think a good smell is worth?", + "text": "الروائح يمكن أن تكون رائعة وممتعة ويمكن أن تملأنا بالسعادة. ومع ذلك، ما قيمتها؟ كم تعتقد أن رائحة جيدة تستحق؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?", - "text": "قارن عدد ما في السماء بعدد الجبال ذات الوجوه. أحدهما أكثر من الآخر بواحد، وأحدهما أقل من الآخر بواحد، فأيهما؟", + "SourceText": "Some people buy perfumes with special smells, and some people buy herbs and other foods mainly for the aromas they will provide for their food. Those are some forms of buying smells.", + "text": "بعض الناس يشترون العطور بروائح خاصة، وبعض الناس يشترون الأعشاب والأطعمة الأخرى بشكل رئيسي من أجل الروائح التي ستضيفها لأطعمتهم. هذه بعض أشكال شراء الروائح.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.", - "text": "ذهبت الريح للنوم. ومدت الأشجار أغصانها وابتسمت.", + "SourceText": "The judge scratched his big, bald head for a moment. Then he cleared his throat. \"Fair enough,\" he said to the baker. \"Justice will be done.\" He turned to Ma Shange. \"How much money do you have on you, Madam?\" he asked.", + "text": "حك القاضي رأسه الاصلع الكبير للحظة. ثم صفى حنجرته وقال. \"لا بأس، سيتم تحقيق العدالة.“ استدار إلى ماشانجي. \"كم من المال لديك، سيدتي؟“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?", - "text": "الجبال والأشجار تحب الطقس الدافئ. هل تحب الطقس الدافئ أم البارد؟", + "SourceText": "There are even more rectangles in this picture. If you look for them, you will find rectangles almost everywhere people have made things.", + "text": "هناك المزيد من المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. إذا نظرت، ستجد المستطيلات في كل مكان تقريبًا حيث صنع الناس أشياء.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.", - "text": "الأسطوانة هي شكل مثل الأنبوب أو القشة. غالبًا ما يكون مقبض المكنسة عبارة عن أسطوانة. وجذوع هذه الأشجار بين الأرض وأغصانها الأولى عبارة عن أسطوانات.", + "SourceText": "What do you think the judge is going to do with Ma Shange's money? How will the judge put a price on the baker's smells?", + "text": "ما رأيك أن يفعل القاضي بأموال ما شانجي؟ كيف سيضع القاضي سعرًا على روائح الخباز؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?", - "text": "ما هي الأشياء الأخرى من حولك التي تكون على شكل أسطوانة؟", + "SourceText": "How do you think this story is going to end?", + "text": "كيف تعتقد أن هذه القصة ستنتهي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.", - "text": "كانت الغيوم سعيدة جدًا برؤية الأم الشمس مرة أخرى. لقد ذهبت للعب.", + "SourceText": "\"Only two rands,\" stammered Ma Shange. \"Well,\" said the judge, \"hand it to me, please.\" Meekly, Ma Shange reached into the pocket of her tatty old cardigan and pulled out two one rand coins. She handed them to the judge. He took them, thanking her politely.", + "text": "\"فقط راندين“، تلعثمت ماشانجي. \"حسنًا،“ قال القاضي، \"اعطني إياها، من فضلك.“ بوجل، مدت ماشانجي يدها في جيب سترتها القديمة المهترئة وسحبت قطعتين نقديتين من فئة راند واحد. سلمتهما للقاضي. أخذهما، وشكرها بأدب.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?", - "text": "في السماء خمسة غيوم. إذا أضفت واحدة أخرى للشمس، فكم عدد الأشياء الموجودة في السماء؟", + "SourceText": "The judge asked her for all the money she had in the world. It seems pretty harsh for her to give her only money to the baker, even if it is only 2 rands (equal to about 15 cents in the US or Europe right now).", + "text": "طلب القاضي منها كل المال الذي تملكه في العالم. يبدو من القسوة بعض الشيء أن تعطي مالها الوحيد للخباز، حتى وإن كان مجرد ٢ راند (يعادل حوالي ١٥ سنتًا في الولايات المتحدة أو أوروبا الآن).", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?", - "text": "من صفحتين كانت هناك غيمتان. كم عدد الغيوم الموجودة الآن؟", + "SourceText": "Rands are used as currency in the country of South Africa. Their smallest coin is the 5 cent piece. How many of those coins does it take to make 1 rand? If you haven't learned how to divide, count by 5's and keep track of how many 5's you use.", + "text": "الراند هو عملة تستخدم في دولة جنوب أفريقيا. أصغر عملة لديهم هي قطعة الـ ٥ سنت. كم عدد تلك العملات تحتاج لتكوين ١ راند؟ إذا لم تكن قد تعلمت كيفية القسمة، قم بالعد بـ ٥ واحتفظ بكم عدد الـ ٥ التي استخدمتها.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?", - "text": "إذا كانت الغيوم تسعد برؤية الشمس فلماذا غابت؟", + "SourceText": "South Africa also has a 10 cent piece. How many of those coins does it take to make 1 rand?", + "text": "جنوب أفريقيا لديها أيضًا قطعة ١٠ سنت. كم عدد تلك العملات تحتاج لتكوين ١ راند؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.", - "text": "ظهرت الكثير من النباتات الصغيرة من الأرض لتقول: \"مرحبًا\". العالم كله تألق.", + "SourceText": "Then he shook the coins in his big fist, so that they made a clinking sound. \"This is my judgement,\" he said to the baker. \"The punishment must fit the crime. Therefore the sound of Ma Shange's money is the payment you will get for the smells she stole. And now I wish you a good day.\" The baker looked thoughtful. Then, realizing how unreasonable he had been, he turned slowly and walked out of the room.", + "text": "ثم هز القطع النقدية في قبضته الكبيرة، مما أحدث صوت رنين. \"هذا هو حكمي“، قال للخباز. \"يجب أن تتناسب العقوبة مع الجريمة. لذلك صوت أموال ماشانجي هو الدفع الذي ستحصل عليه مقابل الروائح التي سرقتها. والآن أتمنى لك يومًا سعيدًا.“ نظر الخباز بتفكر. مدركاً مدى عدم معقولية تصرفاته، فاستدار ببطء وخرج من الغرفة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.", - "text": "هناك فراشات، وأزهار، وسيقان، والكثير من النباتات الصغيرة. قوموا بعدّ بعض هذه الأشياء معًا.", + "SourceText": "A good end to a dispute brings a sense of justice and rightness to all the parties involved. Did the baker feel he had been dealt with fairly? Did the baker learn something important on that day?", + "text": "النهاية الجيدة لنزاع تجلب إحساسًا بالعدالة والصواب لجميع الأطراف المعنية. هل شعر الخباز أنه تم التعامل معه بشكل عادل؟ هل تعلم الخباز شيئًا مهمًا في ذلك اليوم؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?", - "text": "أي مجموعة من الأشياء أكثر وأي مجموعة أقل؟", + "SourceText": "It was good the baker finally realized he had been unreasonable. It would have been even better if the baker had done more for Ma Shange. An apology to Ma Shange would have been an important step.", + "text": "كان من الجيد أن الخباز أدرك في النهاية أنه كان غير معقول. كان من الأفضل حتى لو كان الخباز قد فعل المزيد لما شانجي. كان الاعتذار لما شانجي خطوة مهمة.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?", - "text": "ما هي الأشياء التي تحتاجها النباتات لتجعلها سعيدة وتنمو؟", + "SourceText": "What else, if anything, do you think the baker should do for Ma Shange?", + "text": "ما الذي يجب على الخباز فعله أيضًا، إن وجد، لما شانجي؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.", - "text": "أشرقت الأم الشمس نورها في كل مكان. \"لقد أخبرتكم أنني سأعود،\" ابتسمت.", + "SourceText": "The judge smiled kindly at Ma Shange, and handed her back her money. \"Now, Madam,\" he said pulling a brown paper bag from his briefcase, \"would you care to join me for breakfast? These buns are still warm, I bought them only half an hour ago.\"", + "text": "ابتسم القاضي بلطف إلى ماشانجي، وأعاد لها مالها. \"الآن، سيدتي، قال وهو يسحب كيسًا ورقيًا بنيًا من حقيبته، هل ترغبين في الانضمام إلي لتناول الإفطار؟ هذه الكعك لا تزال دافئة، لقد اشتريتها منذ نصف ساعة فقط.“", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?", - "text": "تمتد أشعة الشمس بعيدًا جدًا في هذه الصفحة. هل هناك أيام تبدو فيها أشعة الشمس وكأنها تصل إليك؟", + "SourceText": "The judge realized how poor and hungry Ma Shange was. He showed the kind of generosity that the baker should have shown all along.", + "text": "أدرك القاضي كم كانت ماشانجي فقيرة وجائعة. أظهر نوع الكرم الذي كان يجب أن يظهره الخباز طوال الوقت.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?", - "text": "أي أقل ما في هذه الصفحة: الأشجار أم الجبال أم شيء في السماء؟", + "SourceText": "Helping others is tricky and involves some hard questions. Who do you help, how do you help, and how much do you help?", + "text": "مساعدة الآخرين أمر معقد وينطوي على بعض الأسئلة الصعبة. من تساعد، كيف تساعد، وكم تساعد؟", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, { - "SourceText": "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.", - "text": "أيها موجود بعدد أكبر؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون هناك شيئان بنفس المقدار مع أكبر عدد -- لا بأس، فقط قل كلاهما.", + "SourceText": "Have you ever given aid to someone in need of help? We all need help at times. We can't help everyone, but there are times when we can help and make an important difference in another person's life.", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن قدمت المساعدة لشخص يحتاج إلى مساعدة؟ كلنا نحتاج إلى المساعدة في بعض الأحيان. لا يمكننا مساعدة الجميع، ولكن هناك أوقات يمكننا فيها المساعدة وإحداث فرق كبير في حياة شخص آخر.", "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, @@ -16331,6 +22379,390 @@ "type": "data_list", "note": "" }, + { + "SourceText": "A long time ago, deep in the forests, King Leopard began to think about the future.\n\nHe thought, \"I'm getting old and one day, I'm going to die. A wise ruler should pick a successor while still young and healthy.\"\n\nBut how could King Leopard choose? He loved all the members of the animal kingdom the same!", + "text": "منذ زمن طويل، في أعماق الغابات، بدأ الملك النمر يفكر في المستقبل.\n\nفكروقال، \"أنا أتقدم في السن وفي يوم من الأيام، سأموت. والحاكم الحكيم يجب أن يختار خليفة له وهو لا يزال شابًا وصحيًا.“\n\nولكن كيف يمكن للملك النمر أن يختار؟ كان يحب جميع أعضاء المملكة الحيوانية بنفس القدر!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you were going to pick a leader, which skills would you want them to have?", + "text": "إذا كنت ستختار قائدًا، ما هي المهارات التي تود أن يمتلكها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess what King Leopard will look for in a successor. Do you think he will look for the largest, the fastest, or the friendliest animal?", + "text": "خمن ما الذي سيبحث عنه الملك النمر في خليفته. هل تعتقد أنه سيبحث عن أكبر الحيوانات، الأسرع، أم الأكثر ودية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the tree trunks you can see. Can you count that high?", + "text": "عد جميع جذوع الأشجار التي يمكنك رؤيتها معًا. هل يمكنك العد لهذا الرقم؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard had an idea. He sent his messengers out into the forests. He told them to ask all the animals of the kingdom to come to the palace.\n\nHe was going to have a big party and he was going to make an important announcement.\n\nAway the messengers ran, to all four corners of the forest.", + "text": "حصل الملك النمر على فكرة. أرسل رسله إلى الغابات. طلب منهم أن يطلبوا من جميع الحيوانات في المملكة أن يأتوا إلى القصر.\n\nكان سيقيم حفلة كبيرة وكان سيعلن إعلانًا هامًا.\n\nانطلق الرسل إلى جميع أركان الغابة الأربعة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many messengers does the King have? Are there enough to go to four corners? How many more does he need?", + "text": "كم عدد الرسل الذين يملكهم الملك؟ هل هناك ما يكفي للذهاب إلى الأركان الأربعة؟ كم يحتاج بعد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the forest really has four corners?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن الغابة حقًا لديها أربعة أركان؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the writer mean by the phrase \"all four corners of the forest?\" If forests don't have four corners, what shape are they?", + "text": "ماذا يعني الكاتب بعبارة \"جميع أركان الغابة الأربعة؟ إذا كانت الغابات لا تحتوي على أربعة أركان، فما شكلها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On the night of the party, all the animals were at the palace. They sang and they danced and had a great time.\n\nAfter the moon had risen above the trees, King Leopard came and stood in the middle of the clearing. The animals stopped their singing and dancing. They listened quietly as their king began to speak.", + "text": "في ليلة الحفلة، كانت جميع الحيوانات في القصر. غنوا ورقصوا واستمتعوا بوقتهم.\n\nبعد أن ارتفع القمر فوق الأشجار، جاء الملك النمر ووقف في وسط الفراغ. توقفت الحيوانات عن الغناء والرقص. استمعوا بصمت بينما بدأ ملكهم يتحدث.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals can you count in this picture? Are there more animals or more trees?", + "text": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل هناك المزيد من الحيوانات أم المزيد من الأشجار؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals do you think are in the forest? 10, 20, 30, ... ? A forest usually has hundreds or even thousands of animals, so this will be a very large party!", + "text": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي تعتقد أنها في الغابة؟ ١٠، ٢٠، ٣٠، ...؟ عادة ما تحتوي الغابة على مئات أو حتى آلاف الحيوانات، لذلك ستكون هذه حفلة كبيرة جدًا!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a non-human animal dance?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت حيوانًا غير بشري يرقص؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He cleared his throat and said, \"I've been thinking that it's time for me to pick a successor. But because I love all of you equally, I can't decide who among you is most worthy. So I've decided to let a contest decide for me.\"", + "text": "إستعد الملك النمر للكلام وقال، \"لقد كنت أفكر أنه قد حان الوقت لاختيار خليفة لي. ولكن لأنني أحبكم جميعًا بالتساوي، لا أستطيع أن أقرر من منكم هو الأجدر. لذلك قررت أن أقوم بعمل مسابقة للمساعدة في اتخاذ هذا القرار.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of these animals would usually hunt some of these other animals. Can you think of some examples in this picture of animals who would hunt and others who would be hunted?", + "text": "بعض هذه الحيوانات عادة ما تصطاد بعضها البعض. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأمثلة في هذه الصورة للحيوانات التي تصطاد وأخرى تُصطاد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kind of contest would be good for picking a successor? Would you have a race to see who can run the fastest or longest?", + "text": "ما نوع المسابقة التي ستكون جيدة لاختيار خليفة؟ هل ستجري سباقًا لترى من يستطيع الركض بشكل أسرع أو أطول؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would be good contests if you want to find the largest or the strongest?", + "text": "ما هي المسابقات الجيدة إذا كنت تريد العثور على الأكبر أو الأقوى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard held up a spear. He said, \"The first one among you who can throw this spear up into the sky and count to ten before it touches the ground, will be my successor.\"", + "text": "رفع الملك النمر رمحًا الى السماء. وقال، \"أول من يمكنه رمي هذا الرمح إلى السماء والعد إلى عشرة قبل أن يلمس الأرض، سيكون خليفتي.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Will this contest produce a good successor? Predict which animal is going to win.", + "text": "هل ستنتج هذه المسابقة خليفة جيدًا؟ توقع أي حيوان سيفوز.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the animal skins have stripes, some have spots, some are segmented, and some have just one color. Do you see any that involve more than two colors?", + "text": "بعض جلود الحيوانات لها خطوط، وبعضها لها بقع، وبعضها مقطع، وبعضها له لون واحد فقط. هل ترى أي منها يحتوي على أكثر من لونين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of these animals have horns, antlers, or tusks? Are there more of these animals than the other animals on this page?", + "text": "كم عدد هذه الحيوانات التي لديها قرون، أو قرون غزلان، أو أنياب؟ هل هناك المزيد من هذه الحيوانات عن الحيوانات الأخرى في هذه الصفحة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As King Leopard finished talking, the animals heard a loud noise from behind them. They turned around and saw elephant stomping through the crowd to the front.\n\n\"Move out of my way. I'm the biggest, I should be king,\" said Elephant.", + "text": "عندما انتهى الملك النمر من الحديث، سمعت الحيوانات ضجيجًا عالياً من خلفهم. استداروا ورأوا الفيل يدلف عبر الحشد إلى الأمام.\n\n\"تحركوا بعيدًا عن طريقي. أنا الأكبر، يجب أن أكون الملك“، قال الفيل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did the Elephant listen to the King? Was being the biggest important to the King?", + "text": "هل استمع الفيل إلى الملك؟ هل كان الحجم الأكبر مهمًا للملك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When we have our own ideas about the way something should be, we sometimes don't listen to others. Can you think of a time when you were like the elephant and didn't listen well?", + "text": "عندما تكون لدينا أفكارنا الخاصة حول كيفية سير الأمور، فإننا أحيانًا لا نستمع إلى الآخرين. هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كنت فيه مثل الفيل ولم تستمع جيدًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A lion is often called the King of the Jungle. Do you think a lion will win this contest and be the next king?", + "text": "الأسد غالبًا ما يسمى ملك الغابة. هل تعتقد أن الأسد سيفوز بهذه المسابقة ويكون الملك التالي؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant took the spear and held it up with his trunk. He put his head back and threw the spear up into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Oh!\" Elephant cried.\n\nThe spear hit the ground on the count of three. Elephant was angry and started stomping. King Leopard told him, \"You've had your chance.\"\n\nAnd so Elephant had to leave.", + "text": "أخذ الفيل الرمح ورفعه بجذعه. أمال رأسه وألقى الرمح إلى السماء. \"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أوه!“ صرخ الفيل.\n\nضرب الرمح الأرض عند العد لثلاثة. غضب الفيل وبدأ في الدلف وسط الحشد مرة اخرى. أخبره الملك النمر، \"لقد حصلت على فرصتك.“\n\nوهكذا اضطر الفيل للمغادرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it help to get angry when you lose? How do you feel and what do you show to other people when you lose?", + "text": "هل يساعد أن تغضب عندما تخسر؟ كيف تشعر وماذا تظهر للآخرين عندما تخسر؟}\n{هناك العديد من الحيوانات ذات الأربع أرجل في هذه الصورة. سمِّ بعض الحيوانات التي لا تمتلك أربع أرجل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many four-legged animals in this picture. Name some animals that don't have four legs.", + "text": "هناك العديد من الحيوانات ذات الأربع أرجل في هذه الصورة. سمِّ بعض الحيوانات التي لا تمتلك أربع أرجل.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An odd number is a number that can't be split into two equal parts -- 7 is an example. Can you think of any animals that have an odd number of arms or legs?", + "text": "العدد الفردي هو رقم لا يمكن تقسيمه إلى جزئين متساويين -- ٧ هو مثال. هل يمكنك التفكير في أي حيوانات لديها عدد فردي من الأذرع أو الأرجل؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After Elephant left, the animals started to talk excitedly amongst themselves. They were again disturbed by a loud noise coming from the back of the crowd.\n\nBoar came charging through saying, \"Get out of my way. Get out of my way. I'm going to be king. I've got the biggest muscles. I'm the strongest. I should be king.\"", + "text": "بعد مغادرة الفيل، بدأت الحيوانات تتحدث بحماس فيما بينها. ومرة أخرى سمعوا ضجيجاً عالٍ قادم من خلف الحشد.\n\nجاء الخنزير البري مندفعًا قائلاً، \"ابتعدوا عن طريقي. ابتعدوا عن طريقي. سأكون الملك. لدي أكبر عضلات. أنا الأقوى. يجب أن أكون الملك.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Boar did not listen to the King either. Do you think the King wants someone who is the strongest?", + "text": "لم يستمع الخنزير البري للملك أيضًا. هل تعتقد أن الملك يريد شخصًا يكون الأقوى؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think leaders need to be good listeners to help them know how to lead?", + "text": "هل تعتقد أن القادة بحاجة إلى أن يكونوا مستمعين جيدين لمساعدتهم على معرفة كيفية القيادة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this picture, there is only one of most of the animals. Can you spot the animals that there are more than one of?", + "text": "في هذه الصورة، يوجد حيوان واحد فقط من معظم الحيوانات. هل يمكنك تحديد الحيوانات التي يوجد منها أكثر من واحد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Boar leaned back, clenched the spear, and threw it into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Oh!\" he shouted.\n\nThe spear dropped on the count of five. He was so angry. He fumed and threw clouds of dirt into the air.\n\nLeopard told him \"Boar, you only throw once and you've had your chance.\" Boar had to leave.", + "text": "استدار الخنزير البري، وأمسك بالرمح، وألقاه إلى السماء. \"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أربعة! خمسة! أوه!“ صرخ.\n\nسقط الرمح عند العد لخمسة. كان غاضبًا جدًا. كان يغضب وينفث سحبًا من التراب في الهواء.\n\nقال له النمر، \"الخنزير البري، يمكنك الرمي مرة واحدة فقط وقد حصلت على فرصتك.“ كان على الخنزير البري المغادرة ايضاً.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is an animal who gets angry when they lose likely to be a good leader?", + "text": "هل من المرجح أن يكون الحيوان الذي يغضب عندما يخسر قائدًا جيدًا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, it looks like the King's contest is removing poor leaders. The contest is working! Who do you think will win?", + "text": "حتى الآن، يبدو أن مسابقة الملك تزيل القادة السيئين. المسابقة تعمل! من تعتقد أنه سيفوز؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stories sometimes vary from reality. This story does that in many ways. A boar does not have any fingers! How would a boar be able to clench a spear and throw it? Have you seen other ways this story seems unreal?", + "text": "القصص أحيانًا تختلف عن الواقع. هذه القصة تفعل ذلك بطرق عديدة. الخنزير البري ليس لديه أصابع! كيف يمكن للخنزير البري أن يمسك برمح ويرميه؟ هل رأيت طرقًا أخرى تبدو فيها هذه القصة غير واقعية؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After that, the animals started to say things like, \"This contest is difficult! Elephant couldn't do it, and he's really big. Boar couldn't do it either, and he's really strong. No one can win this contest!\"\n\nRight about then, they heard another sound coming from the back of the crowd. When the animals looked around, they couldn't believe their eyes.", + "text": "بعد ذلك، بدأت الحيوانات تقول أشياء مثل، \"هذه المسابقة صعبة! لم يستطع الفيل فعلها، رغم كبر حجمه. ولم يستطع الخنزير البري فعلها أيضًا، رغم قوة جسده. لا يمكن لأحد الفوز بهذه المسابقة!“\n\nوفي تلك اللحظة، سمعوا صوتًا آخر قادمًا من الخلف. عندما نظرت الحيوانات حولها، لم تستطع تصديق عيونها.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is unusual about the body positions these animals are in?", + "text": "ما هو غير المعتاد في وضعيات أجسام هذه الحيوانات؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of animals as best you can. Each animal has two eyes, so you can double that number to find the total number of eyes. You can also count the eyes by skip counting by 2's.", + "text": "عد عدد الحيوانات - إنه أمر صعب بعض الشيء، لكن افعل أفضل ما يمكنك. كل حيوان لديه عينان، لذا يمكنك مضاعفة هذا العدد للعثور على العدد الإجمالي للعيون. يمكنك أيضًا عد العيون بالعد بالقفز بـ ٢.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can count all the legs by multiplying the number of animals by 4, skip counting by 4, or by doubling the number of eyes! Which do you like best? Why does this work?", + "text": "مكنك عد جميع الأرجل بضرب عدد الحيوانات بـ ٤، العد بالقفز بـ ٤، أو بمضاعفة عدد العيون! أي واحدة تفضل؟ لماذا يعمل هذا؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They saw a big ape coming forward. As Ape moved, he chanted \"I can do it. I know I can do it. I can do it.\"\n\nApe took the spear and he backed way up. He pulled his arm back, charged forward, leapt into the air and threw the spear into the sky.\n\n\"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Oh!\" cried Ape.", + "text": "رأوا قردًا كبيرًا يتقدم امامهم. بينما كان يتحرك، كان يردد \"أستطيع فعلها. أعلم أنني أستطيع فعلها. أستطيع فعلها.“\n\nأخذ القرد الرمح وتراجع بعيدًا. سحب ذراعه للخلف، اندفع للأمام، قفز في الهواء وألقى الرمح إلى السماء.\n\n\"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أربعة! خمسة! ستة! سبعة! أوه!“ صرخ القرد.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Ape start by saying \"I can do it?\" Having confidence often helps with success.", + "text": "لماذا بدأ القرد بقول \"أستطيع فعلها؟“ الثقة غالبًا ما تساعد في النجاح.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Your attitude can make a big difference! Have you ever started to do something by saying to yourself that you wouldn't be able to do it -- do it help or did it get in your way?", + "text": "يمكن لموقفك أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا! هل سبق لك أن بدأت في فعل شيء بقولك لنفسك أنك لن تكون قادرًا على فعله - هل ساعد ذلك أم أنه أعاق طريقك؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How much higher was Ape able to count before the spear landed than Boar could count?", + "text": "إلى أي مدى كان القرد قادرًا على العد قبل أن يهبط الرمح مقارنةً بالخنزير البري؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The spear hit the ground on the count of seven.\n\nApe was upset. He was so angry that he started turning around, complaining and making all sorts of excuses.\n\nBut King Leopard told him \"No, Ape, you only get one chance.\" And so the ape had to leave.", + "text": "ضرب الرمح الأرض عند العد لسبعة.\n\nكان القرد مستاءً. كان غاضبًا لدرجة أنه بدأ يستدير، يشكو ويقدم جميع أنواع الأعذار.\n\nلكن الملك النمر أخبره \"لا، أيها القرد، يمكنك الحصول على فرصة واحدة فقط.“ لذلك كان على القرد المغادرة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, no animal has done it. Make up an ending for this story. Either think of a way an animal can win, change the contest, or figure out what to do if no animal can win.", + "text": "حتى الآن، لم ينجح أي حيوان في فعلها. ابتكر نهاية لهذه القصة. إما فكر في طريقة يمكن أن يفوز بها حيوان، أو غير المسابقة، أو اكتشف ما يجب فعله إذا لم يستطع أي حيوان الفوز.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long does it take you to count to ten? Do you think you can throw something in the air long enough to count to ten?", + "text": "كم من الوقت يستغرقك العد إلى عشرة؟ هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع رمي شيء في الهواء لفترة كافية للعد إلى عشرة؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use their facial expressions to describe what each of the animals in this picture is feeling.", + "text": "استخدم تعابير وجوههم لوصف ما يشعر به كل حيوان في هذه الصورة.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the animals turned and started to leave for home. As they were leaving, they saw a little antelope coming through the crowd. As she trotted, she said, \"Wait, wait, Let me try. I can do it. I can do it. Let me try.\"\n\nWhen the animals heard her words, they all started laughing.", + "text": "بعض الحيوانات استدارت وبدأت بالعودة إلى المنزل. بينما كانوا يغادرون، رأوا غزالًا صغيرًا قادمًا عبر الحشد. بينما كانت تتقدم، قالت، \"انتظروا، انتظروا، دعوني أحاول. أستطيع فعلها. أستطيع فعلها. دعوني أحاول.“\n\nعندما سمعت الحيوانات كلماتها، بدأت تضحك.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the other animals laugh at the little antelope? Were they being nice?", + "text": "لماذا ضحكت الحيوانات الأخرى على الغزال الصغير؟ هل كانوا لطفاء؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What skill might the antelope have that the others did not?", + "text": "ما المهارة التي قد تكون لدى الغزال والتي لم تكن لدى الآخرين؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen people laugh at someone and just assume that person would do poorly? How did that make the person feel?", + "text": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت الناس يضحكون على شخص ويفترضون فقط أن هذا الشخص سيفشل؟ كيف جعل ذلك الشخص يشعر؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard jumped up and shouted angrily. \"Stop it! Do not make fun of Antelope! Who is to say that small animals can't do things that big animals can do? If Antelope wants to have a chance, she will be given the same chance that all the animals had. So stand back and let Antelope throw the spear.\"", + "text": "قفز الملك النمر وصرخ بغضب. \"توقفوا! لا تسخروا من الغزال! من يقول إن الحيوانات الصغيرة لا يمكنها فعل ما تستطيع الحيوانات الكبيرة فعله؟ إذا أراد الغزال الحصول على فرصة، فسيتم منحه نفس الفرصة التي حصلت عليها جميع الحيوانات الأخرى. لذا ابتعدوا ودعوا الغزال يرمي الرمح.“", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It sounds like there might be a surprise coming. What do you think will be surprising about Antelope?", + "text": "يبدو أن هناك مفاجأة قادمة. ما الذي تعتقد أنه سيكون مفاجئًا بشأن الغزال؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A good leader takes care of everyone. Do you think King Leopard is a good leader?", + "text": "القائد الجيد يعتني بالجميع. هل تعتقد أن الملك النمر قائد جيد؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of a good leader who you know. Describe some qualities that you think make that person a good leader.", + "text": "فكر في قائد جيد تعرفه. صف بعض الصفات التي تعتقد أنها تجعل هذا الشخص قائدًا جيدًا.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Antelope bowed to her king, turned and took the spear in her mouth. She backed up, and with all the strength in her tiny body she started running. When she reached the center of the clearing, she jumped high.\n\nShe took a deep breath, released the spear and shouted, \"Five and five is ten.\" The spear hit the ground.", + "text": "انحنى الغزال للملك، استدار وأخذ الرمح بفمه. تراجع للخلف، وبكل قوة في جسده الصغير بدأ يجري. وعندما وصل إلى وسط الفراغ، قفز عاليًا.\n\nأخذ نفسًا عميقًا، أطلق الرمح وصرخ، \"خمسة وخمسة عشرة.“ سقط الرمح على الأرض.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The surprise is Math! Antelope used her intelligence and the power of math to win the contest!", + "text": "المفاجأة هي الرياضيات! استخدم الغزال ذكاءه وقوة الرياضيات للفوز في المسابقة!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other combinations of numbers that add up to ten. How many ways can you think of?", + "text": "فكر في بعض التوليفات الأخرى من الأعداد التي تصل إلى عشرة. كم عدد الطرق التي يمكنك التفكير فيها؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Try some smaller numbers, such as three, four, or five, and find all the ways to make combinations of numbers add up to those totals. Do you notice any patterns that can save you time? Discovering interesting patterns is what math is all about!", + "text": "حاول بعض الأرقام الأصغر، مثل ثلاثة، أربعة، أو خمسة، وابحث عن جميع الطرق لجعل التوليفات من الأعداد تصل إلى تلك المجاميع. هل تلاحظ أي أنماط يمكنها أن توفر لك الوقت؟ اكتشاف الأنماط المثيرة هو ما يتعلق به الرياضيات!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals were quiet. They were confused. King Leopard explained, \"Yes, Antelope! Five plus five is another way to get to ten. There is more than one way to count to ten.\"\n\nThe contest was not to find the biggest or the strongest animal. It was a contest to find the smartest animal! That is how Antelope became queen when leopard died.", + "text": "كانت الحيوانات هادئة. كانوا مرتبكين. شرح الملك النمر، \"نعم، الغزال علي حق! خمسة زائد خمسة هي طريقة أخرى للوصول إلى عشرة. هناك أكثر من طريقة واحدة للعد إلى عشرة.“\n\nلم تكن المسابقة لاختيار أكبر أو أقوى حيوان. كانت مسابقة لاختيار أذكى حيوان! وهكذا أصبح الغزال ملكاً عندما مات النمر.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Antelope listened carefully to the rules and found a new solution. Did Antelope cheat or was she clever?", + "text": "استمع الغزال بعناية إلى القواعد ووجد حلاً جديدًا. هل قام الغزال بالغش أم كان ذكياً؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If someone asked you to count to ten, would you count by 1's, 2's, 5's, or 10's? What would happen if you counted by 3's or 4's? Why don't those numbers come out evenly?", + "text": "إذا طلب منك شخص ما أن تعد إلى عشرة، هل ستعد بـ ١، ٢، ٥، أم ١٠؟ ماذا سيحدث إذا قمت بالعد بـ ٣ أو ٤؟ لماذا لا تنتهي هذه الأعداد بشكل صحيح؟", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A group of people often all think about something the same way and miss a good way to solve a problem. Good problem solvers discover new ways to approach problems!", + "text": "غالبًا ما يفكر مجموعة من الناس في شيء بنفس الطريقة ويغفلون عن طريقة جيدة لحل مشكلة. يحل حلالو المشكلات الجيدون بطرق جديدة لمقاربة المشكلات!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, { "SourceText": "Before Talking", "text": "قبل الحديث", diff --git a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.tr_tr.json b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.tr_tr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb53d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.tr_tr.json @@ -0,0 +1,15296 @@ +[ + { + "SourceText": "One day Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait, and Mary went to pick wild fruit.\n\nThey held hands to cross the big river.", + "text": "Bir gün Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait ve Mary yabani meyveler toplamaya gittiler.\n\nGeniş nehri geçebilmek için el ele tutuştular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the girls together.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte kızları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the patterns you see in their clothing. Do you like to wear solids, patterns, or both?", + "text": "Kıyafetlerinde gördüğünüz desenleri tarif edin. Düz renkli mi, desenli mi veya her ikisini de giymeyi mi seviyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Friends sometimes hold hands to keep each other company or show they are friends. Why are these girls holding hands?", + "text": "Arkadaşlar bazen birbirlerine eşlik etmek veya arkadaş olduklarını göstermek için el ele tutuşurlar. Bu kızlar neden el ele tutuşuyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girls found a tree full of ripe fruit.\n\nThey agreed to pick the fruit with their eyes closed.", + "text": "Kızlar olgunlaşmış meyvelerle dolu bir ağaç buldular.\n\nMeyveleri gözleri kapalı toplamaya karar verdiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name all the colors in the colorful clothes they are wearing.", + "text": "Üzerlerindeki bütün renkli kıyafetlerdeki renklerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each girl has her arms in a different position. Can you copy their arm positions with your arms?", + "text": "Her bir kızın kolları farklı bir pozisyonda. Kendi kollarınızla onların kol pozisyonlarını taklit edebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the branches coming off the main trunk of this tree. You will have to decide which ones are big enough to count.", + "text": "Bu ağacın ana gövdesinden çıkan dalları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Hangilerinin sayılabilecek kadar büyük olduklarına karar vermeniz gerekecek.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lucy, Acharait and Mary did not close their eyes.\n\nOnly Akadeli closed hers.", + "text": "Lucy, Acharait ve Mary gözlerini kapatmadılar.\n\nSadece Akadeli gözlerini kapattı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think the other girls did not close their eyes?", + "text": "Sizce neden diğer kızlar gözlerini kapatmadılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a good climbing tree. Count together the branches that look the strongest.", + "text": "Bu tırmanmak için iyi bir ağaç. En güçlü görünen dalları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever do things with your eyes closed, just for fun?", + "text": "Hiç sırf eğlencesine gözleriniz kapalı bir şeyler yapar mısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When they opened their eyes, only Akadeli had picked unripe fruit.", + "text": "Gözlerini açtıklarında, sadece Akadeli ham meyveleri toplamıştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many pieces of fruit there are in one basket. Estimating means making an informed guess. Is your estimate bigger than the biggest number you know?", + "text": "Oradaki tek bir sepette kaç meyve olduğunu kestirin. Kestirmek, bilinçli bir tahminde bulunmak demektir. Tahmininiz bildiğiniz en büyük sayıdan daha mı büyük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What shapes are there on the two blue dresses?", + "text": "İki mavi elbisenin üstünde hangi şekiller var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever play a game where some of the people didn't follow the rules? How did it make you feel?", + "text": "Hiç bazı insanların kuralları çiğnediği bir oyun oynadınız mı? Bu size nasıl hissettirdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lucy, Acharait, and Mary laughed at Akadeli. They left for home.\n\nAkadeli threw away the unripe fruit. She began picking ripe ones.", + "text": "Lucy, Acharait ve Mary, Akadeli’ye güldüler. Eve doğru yola koyuldular.\n\nAkadeli olgunlaşmamış meyveleri attı. Olgunlaşmış olanları toplamaya başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you have four girls and you take three away, how many are left?", + "text": "Eğer dört tane kız varsa ve üçünü çıkarırsanız, geriye kaç tane kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When people laugh at you, does that make you feel angry or ashamed? Were you able to ignore them knowing they were just being mean?", + "text": "İnsanlar size gülünce, bu sizi kızdırır mı yoksa utandırır mı? Sadece kabalaştıklarını bilerek onları görmezden gelebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Akadeli stay behind to pick fruit?", + "text": "Akadeli neden meyve toplamak için geride kaldı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon, Akadeli filled her basket with ripe fruit.\n\nShe set off alone, crossing the big river.", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, Akadeli sepetini olgun meyvelerle doldurdu.\n\nGeniş nehri geçerek tek başına yola çıktı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many splashes can you count when her fruit hits the water?", + "text": "Akadeli’nin meyveleri suya çarptıkça suyun kaç kez sıçradığını sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the larger trees together.", + "text": "Daha büyük ağaçları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Akadeli slipped in the river when no one slipped before? Is there another reason for holding hands?", + "text": "Sizce daha önce kimse kayıp düşmezken neden Akadeli nehirde kaydı? El ele tutuşmanın başka bir nedeni var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Half way across the river, Akadeli's fruit fell into the water.\n\nShe was angry and began to cry.", + "text": "Nehrin yarısını geçtikten sonra, Akadeli’nin meyveleri suya düştü.\n\nAkadeli öfkelenip ağlamaya başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli is standing in the middle of some circles in the water. How many?", + "text": "Akadeli sudaki bazı dalgaların ortasında duruyor. Kaç tane su dalgası var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People cry sometimes when they are sad or angry. Have you been sad or angry when you spilled something?", + "text": "İnsanlar üzgün veya kızgın olduklarında bazen ağlarlar. Siz daha önce bir şey döktüğünüzde üzüldünüz mü yoksa öfkelendiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the dark squares in the checkerboard pattern on her shirt.", + "text": "Akadeli’nin dama desenli tişörtündeki koyu renkli kareleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli saw a big fish and grabbed it.", + "text": "Akadeli büyük bir balık gördü ve balığı yakaladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it okay that Akadeli lost her basket? Do you think her parents will be mad?", + "text": "Akadeli’nin sepetini kaybetmesi sorun yaratır mı? Sizce ebeveynleri ona kızacaklar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The title says this is Akadeli's lucky day. How is Akadeli's day going so far?", + "text": "Başlık, bugün Akadeli’nin şanslı günü olduğunu söylüyor. Akadeli’nin günü şu ana kadar nasıl geçiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this fish bigger or smaller than Akadeli?", + "text": "Bu balık Akadeli’den büyük mü yoksa küçük mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As Akadeli walked home, a hawk snatched the fish.\n\nHe flew away with it.", + "text": "Akadeli eve yürürken, bir şahin balığı hızlıca kaptı.\n\nŞahin balıkla beraber uçup gitti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk snatched the fish with the talons on its feet. How many talons do you see?", + "text": "Şahin, balığı ayaklarındaki pençelerle yakaladı. Kaç tane pençe görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk's wings and Akadeli's shirt look a bit alike -- describe how they are similar and how they are different.", + "text": "Şahinin kanatları ve Akadeli’nin tişörtü birbirine benziyor – aralarındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Akadeli feeling as she watches the hawk fly away with her fish?", + "text": "Şahin Akadeli’nin balığını kapıp uçarken Akadeli ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hawk left behind a feather from its tail.\n\nAkadeli picked up the feather and continued walking home.", + "text": "Şahin arkasında kuyruğundan bir tüy bıraktı.\n\nAkadeli tüyü yerden aldı ve evine doğru yürümeye devam etti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many spots are on this feather?", + "text": "Bu tüyün üstünde kaç tane benek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever found a feather? Was it very colorful?", + "text": "Siz hiç tüy buldunuz mu? Bulduğunuz tüy çok renkli miydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three kinds of plants in this picture. Point at the tallest and shortest ones.", + "text": "Bu resimde üç farklı bitki var. En uzun ve en kısa olanlarına işaret edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She came across a traditional wedding. Dancers were wearing grass on their heads instead of feathers as was the tradition.\n\nThey took her feather and gave her a big bull!", + "text": "Akadeli, geleneksel bir düğüne denk geldi. Dansçılar gelenekleri gereği başlarına tüy yerine otlar takmışlar.\n\nAkadeli’nin tüyünü alıp ona büyük bir boğa verdiler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many people are wearing yellow grass on their heads.", + "text": "Kaç kişinin, kafasına sarı ot takmış olduklarını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many people it would take to weigh as much as that bull.", + "text": "Bu boğa kadar ağırlığına denk gelmek için kaç kişi gerektiğini tahmin edin (kestirin).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Surprisingly, Akadeli traded a feather for a bull. Why did the people do that?", + "text": "Şaşırtıcı biçimde, Akadeli bir tüyü bir boğaya takas etti. İnsanlar bunu neden yaptılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli reached home with her bull. Her parents and relatives were so happy. Lucy, Acharait, and Mary wished they had not lied to Akadeli.\n\nIt was a lucky day for Akadeli!", + "text": "Akadeli evine boğasıyla birlikte ulaştı. Ebeveynleri ve akrabaları çok mutluydular. Lucy, Acharait ve Mary keşke Akadeli’ye yalan söylememiş olmayı dilediler.\n\nO gün Akadeli için şanslı bir gündü!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the other girls feel?", + "text": "Sizce diğer kızlar kendilerini nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever lied to someone? If so, did it make you feel sorry or ashamed?", + "text": "Siz daha önce birine yalan söylediniz mi? Eğer söylediyseniz, bu sizi üzdü mü yoksa utandırdı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of difficult moments in Akadeli's day. All turned out well in the end. Life can be full of surprises!", + "text": "Akadeli’nin günündeki zor anlarını sayın. Sonunda her şey yoluna girdi. Hayat sürprizlerle dolu olabiliyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Long ago, in a town call Sunland, lived a girl with very long legs. Aku was her name.", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, Sunland adlı bir kasabada, çok uzun bacaklı olan bir kız yaşarmış. Adı Aku’ymuş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three round houses with thatched roofs. Thatch is a mix of dead and living plant material, usually grass. A thatched roof can help keep a house cool or warm. From the distance, those roofs look like triangles.", + "text": "Bu resimde sazdan çatıları olan üç yuvarlak ev var. Saz, genellikle çimenden olup, ölü ve canlı bitkilerden yapılan bir materyal karışımıdır. Sazdan yapılmış bir oda, bir evi serin veya sıcak tutmaya yardımcı olabilir. Uzaktan bakıldığında bu çatılar üçgen gibi görünüyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some reasons why these houses with thatched roofs are round.", + "text": "Saz çatılı bu evlerin yuvarlak olmasının bazı nedenlerini düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice Aku's face and the position of her arms. We can learn a lot about how someone is feeling by their body position. What do you think she is feeling?", + "text": "Aku’nun yüzüne ve kollarının pozisyonuna dikkat edin. Bir insanın vücut pozisyonundan nasıl hissettiği hakkında çok şey öğrenebiliriz. Sizce Aku ne hissediyor olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Aku wondered about a lot of things.\n\nSometimes Aku's father, Ataa Ankra, a fisherman, let her go to the river with him to fish in his canoe. While Aku fished with her father, she wondered why the sun always looked at her from the sky.\n\nSometimes Aku helped her mother, A'anua, to cook. Aku wondered why palm oil looked red in calabash but yellow in yam pottage.", + "text": "Aku pek çok şeyi merak ediyordu.\n\nAku’nun balıkçı olan babası Ataa Ankra, kanosuyla balık tutması için bazen kendisiyle birlikte nehre gitmesine izin verirdi. Aku babasıyla balık tutarken, güneşin neden hep gökyüzünden ona baktığını merak etti.\n\nAku bazen annesi A'anua’ya yemek pişirirken de yardım ederdi. Aku, palmiye yağının neden su kabağında kırmızı, yam çorbasındaysa sarı göründüğünü merak etti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Being curious and asking questions is an important way we learn new things. What are some things you are curious about right now?", + "text": "Meraklı olmak ve soru sormak yeni şeyler öğrenmemizin önemli bir yoludur. Peki ya sizin şu anda merak ettiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Aku feels a special connection to the sun. Some people feel a connection to the moon or a star. Do you notice things about the sun, such as where it is in the morning or evening?", + "text": "Aku güneşle özel bir bağ hissediyor. Bazı insanlar, ay veya bir yıldıza karşı bir bağ hissederler. Siz de güneşin sabah veya akşam nerede olduğu gibi şeyleri fark ediyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One thing about the sun is what happens when it shines through rain. This creates a beautiful arc, which is part of a circle, in the sky. Can you name the colors of the rainbow?", + "text": "Güneşle ilgili bir başka şey de yağmurun içinden parladığında ortaya çıkan şeydir. O şey, gökyüzünde bir dairenin parçası olan güzel bir yay oluşturur. Gökkuşağının renklerini sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And Aku wondered why Oti, her brother, and the other boys would not let her play football (soccer) with them. Once, Aku asked the boys why. They only laughed and told her to go and play with the girls.\n\nThe girls too would not play with Aku. \"Your legs are too long,\" they always said.\n\nAku was left lonely. She had no one to share her many thoughts with.", + "text": "Ve Aku, neden erkek kardeşi Oti ve diğer çocukların onlarla futbol oynamasına izin vermediklerini merak etti. Aku bir keresinde çocuklara bunun nedenini sordu. Çocuklar sadece güldüler ve Aku’ya, gidip kızlarla oynamasını söylediler.\n\nKızlar da Aku’yla oynamıyorlardı. Ona hep, “Senin bacakların çok uzun!” diyorlardı.\n\nAku yapayalnız kalmıştı. Düşüncelerini paylaşabileceği kimsesi yoktu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is football (soccer) a game that only boys can play? Are there any sports that only boys or only girls can play?", + "text": "Futbol sadece kızların oynayabileceği bir oyun mudur? Sadece erkeklerin veya sadece kızların oynayabileceği sporlar var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at matching colors in the clothes in this picture. Are there any colors that don't have a match?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki giysilerdeki eşleşen renkleri gösterin. Eşleşmeyen herhangi bir renk var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many time people get excluded from a group because there are different in some way. Did you ever see someone excluded like this? It's a mean thing to do!", + "text": "Çoğu zaman insanlar bir şekilde farklı oldukları için gruptan dışlanırlar. Hiç öyle dışlanan birini gördünüz mü? Bu çok kötü bir şey!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Aku soon became friends with the sun.\n\nShe looked forward to seeing the sun every morning when she woke up. The cocks crowed to announce sunrise. Aku loved to dance in the early morning sun, her shadow dancing with her. The tweeting of birds made the cock crow music sweeter.\n\nThen sun filled Aku with happiness. The sun made Aku smile a lot.", + "text": "Ama Aku çok geçmeden güneşle arkadaş oldu.\n\nHer sabah uyandığında güneşi görmeyi dört gözle bekliyordu. Horozlar güneşin doğuşunu haber vermek için ötüyorlardı. Aku sabahın erken saatlerinde güneşin altında dans etmeyi çok severdi, gölgesi de onunla dans ederdi. Kuşların cıvıltısı horozların ötüşünü daha da tatlı kılardı.\n\nSonra, güneş Aku’yu mutlulukla doldurdu. Güneş, Aku’yu çok gülümsetti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Birds often chirp and roosters crow right before the sun rises. Have you noticed special morning sounds when you wake up early?", + "text": "Genellikle, güneş doğmadan hemen önce kuşlar cıvıldar ve horozlar öter. Erken uyandığınızda özel sabah seslerini fark ettiniz mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the shadows that the sun makes on this page and many of the other pages.", + "text": "Bu sayfada ve diğer sayfaların çoğunda güneşin oluşturduğu gölgelere dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun creates longer shadows in the morning and late afternoon, and very short shadows at midday. Have you played with your own shadow as it copies you and follows you?", + "text": "Güneş, sabahları ve öğleden sonraları geç saatlerde daha uzun gölgeler yaratırken, gün ortasındaysa çok kısa gölgeler yaratır. Hiç sizi kopyalayıp takip eden gölgenizle oynadınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But one day, the sun did not rise. Aku waited for the cocks to crow. They did not. The birds too did not tweet.\n\nAnd without the sun in Sunland, people could not go about their daily activities. Farmers could not go to tend their crops. And the sky was grey and sad. Ataa Ankra could not go fishing. Children too could not prepare for school. And women could not go to the market to haggle over the prices of soap and kerosene.\n\nAku missed all these. She missed the cock crows and bird tweets too. And she missed the sunrise more.", + "text": "Ama bir gün güneş doğmadı. Aku horozların ötmesini bekledi. Ötmediler. Kuşlar da ötmedi.\n\nSunland’de güneş olmayınca insanlar günlük işlerini yapamadılar. Çiftçiler ekinlerini biçmeye gidemediler. Gökyüzü gri ve hüzünlüydü. Ataa Ankra, balık tutmaya gidemedi. Çocuklar okula hazırlanamadılar. Ve kadınlar pazara, sabun ve gaz yağı fiyatları için pazarlık etmeye gidemediler.\n\nAku tüm bunları özledi. Horoz ötüşlerini ve kuş cıvıltılarını da özledi. Güneşin doğuşunu ise daha da çok özledi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?", + "text": "Dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If it is dark when you get up, what kinds of things can you do without the sun in the sky?", + "text": "Uyandığınızda hava karanlıksa, gökyüzünde güneş yokken ne tür şeyler yapabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you didn't see the sun one dark morning, what would you think?", + "text": "Karanlık bir sabah, güneşi görmezseniz ne düşünürdünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone wanted to know where the sun went. \"Maybe the sun is dead,\" some people said. \"The sun has travelled,\" said others.\n\nAku disagreed, \"No, the sun is not dead. And the sun has not travelled. Or it would have first told me.\"\n\nSome people chuckled at what Aku said. She continued anyway, \"I tell the truth. The sun is my friend. The sun is not dead. It is only —\". But no one would hear anymore. Everyone forgot about the sun. They laughed hard at Aku. The children laughed too. The children's laughter pained Aku the most.", + "text": "Herkes güneşin nereye gittiğini bilmek istiyordu. “Belki de güneş ölmüştür,” dedi bazıları. “Güneş yolculuk etti,” dedi diğerleri.\n\nAku aynı fikirde değildi, “Hayır, güneş ölmedi! Ve güneş bir yolculuğa da çıkmadı. Öyle olsaydı, önce bana söylerdi.”\n\nBazı insanlar Aku’nun söylediklerine kıkır kıkır güldüler. Ama o yine de devam etti, “Ben doğruyu söylüyorum. Güneş, benim arkadaşım. Güneş, ölmedi. O sadece –” Ama artık onu hiç kimse duymuyordu. Herkes güneşi unutuverdi. Aku’ya çok güldüler. Aku’ya çocuklar da güldü. Aku’nun canını en çok çocukların kahkahaları acıttı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are 6 children in this picture. How many of their limbs (arms and legs) can you see?", + "text": "Bu resimde 6 çocuk var. Kaç tanesinin uzuvlarını (kollarını ve bacaklarını) görebiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count by 4's six times to count how many limbs these 6 children have. You can also skip count by 6's four times to get this same number. Why does that work?", + "text": "Bu 6 çocuğun toplam kaç uzvu olduğunu saymak için 6 kez dörderli atlayarak sayın. Aynı sonucu elde etmek için 4 kez altışarlı atlayarak da sayabilirsiniz. Sizce bu yöntem neden işe yarıyor olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many more limbs do they have than the number you can see?", + "text": "Onların, sizin baktığınızda görebildiğiniz sayıdan kaç daha fazla uzuvları var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sad like the sky, Aku hastened into her house.\n\nOn the way, she accidentally kicked her brother's football. The ball rolled into the kitchen. There was a calabash of palm oil in a corner of the kitchen. The ball hit the calabash. The calabash was toppled.\n\nThe palm oil on it spilled. The palm oil soiled the ball.", + "text": "Aku, gökyüzü gibi üzgün bir hâlde, apar topar evine gitti.\n\nEvde yürürken, kazayla kardeşinin futbol topunu tekmeledi. Top yuvarlanarak mutfağa gitti. Mutfağın bir köşesinde palmiye yağıyla dolu bir su kabağı kâsesi vardı. Top su kabağına çarptı. Su kabağı devrildi.\n\nPalmiye yağı dökülüp topa bulaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think Aku's brother will do when he sees that his ball has oil all over it?", + "text": "Sizce Aku’nun kardeşi, topunun her tarafında yağ olduğunu görünce ne yapacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The calabash is the bowl that was holding the oil. How did all that oil fit in that calabash?", + "text": "Yağı tutan kâse, bir su kabağıdır. O kadar yağ o su kabına nasıl sığmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever spill a small glass of water or milk and watch it spread out on the floor? A little bit can cover a lot of floor!", + "text": "Hiç küçük bir bardak su veya süt döküp yere yayılmasını izlediniz mi? Azıcık bir şey çok fazla yer kaplayabilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oti came into the house with one of his friends to fetch his ball. He saw the toppled calabash, the spilled palm oil. He saw his soiled ball too.\n\nBefore he could run out to tell A'anua what Aku had done, Aku picked up the ball and ran off. The boys followed Aku. They all met A'anua outside the house. A'anua saw Aku holding the ball. Before she could call Aku and scold her, Aku ran past her.\n\nOti, A'anua and all the people of Sunland watched Aku run away. They wondered what she would do with the soiled ball.", + "text": "Oti arkadaşlarından biriyle topunu almak için eve geldi. Devrilmiş su kabağını, dökülmüş palmiye yağını gördü. Her tarafına yağ bulaşmış topunu da gördü.\n\nKardeşi, A'nua’ya Aku’nun ne yaptığını söylemek için daha dışarıya koşmadan önce, Aku topu alıp hızlıca kaçtı. Çocuklar Aku’yu takip ettiler. Evin dışında A'anua ile karşılaştılar. A'anua, Aku’nun topu tuttuğunu gördü. A'anua, Aku’yu çağırıp onu daha paylamadan, Aku onun yanından koşarak geçti.\n\nOti, A'anua ve tüm Sunland halkı Aku’nun kaçışını izledi. Kirlenmiş topla ne yapacağını merak ediyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many ten-year olds can run a mile in ten minutes. Aku is extra fast. How many minutes do you think it takes her to run a mile? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 8 minutes?", + "text": "On yaşındaki birçok çocuk 1 mili (1,609 metreyi), 10 dakikada koşabilir. Ama Aku ekstra hızlı. Sizce Aku, bir mili kaç dakikada koşar? 2? 5? 8 dakikada mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What about Aku allows her to run so fast?", + "text": "Aku’nun bu kadar hızlı koşmasını sağlayan şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun is gone, people are laughing at Aku, and Aku has a dirty ball. How do you think the story will resolve all these problems?", + "text": "Güneş yok oldu, insanlar Aku’ya gülüyor ve Aku’nun kirli bir topu var. Sizce hikâyede tüm bu sorunlar nasıl çözülecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Aku stopped when she got to the middle of the town square. She put the ball on the ground.\n\nWith a mighty swing of her hands and a swift pull of one long leg behind the other, Aku kicked the ball. The ball turned round on the ground, spinning towards the edge of the town square. It hit the roots of the palm tree at one end of the town square.", + "text": "Aku kasaba meydanının ortasına ulaştığında durdu. Topu yere koydu.\n\nEllerini kuvvetlice savurarak ve uzun bacaklarından birini diğerinin arkasına hızla çekerek topu tekmeledi. Top kendi etrafında fırıl fırıl dönerek kasaba meydanının kenarına doğru savrulup gitti. Kasaba meydanının bir ucundaki palmiye ağacının köklerine çarptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What in the picture tells you that the ball is flying fast?", + "text": "Resimde size topun hızlıca uçtuğunu anlatan şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the path of the ball curved instead of straight?", + "text": "Topun izlediği yol neden düz değil de eğridir (kavislidir)?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Aku need to swing her hands to kick the ball hard? Notice how many other parts of your body are involved with action of just one part.", + "text": "Sizce Aku’nun topa sertçe vurmak için neden ellerini sallaması gerekti? Sadece tek bir parçanın hareketiyle vücudunuzun ne kadar çok parçasının işin içine girdiğine dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball shot into the sad sky. With mouths opened wide, the people of Sunland gazed after the flying ball. The ball flew beyond the clouds, beyond the gaze of the eyes.\n\nEverything was still. All was quiet.\n\nSuddenly, the sky cleared. The clouds became white, round and fluffy. Then a big ball came from behind the clouds. The ball was bright. And it was red and yellow like palm oil. The ball was the sun. Aku's sun.\n\nEverything stirred. The quietness left.", + "text": "Top hüzünlü gökyüzüne doğru hızla yol aldı. Ağızları kocaman açılmış olan Sunland halkı uçan topun ardından bakakaldı. Top bulutların ötesine, gözlerin bakışlarının ötesine uçtu.\n\nHer şey hareketsizdi. Her şey sessizdi.\n\nAniden, gökyüzü açıldı. Bulutlar beyaz, yuvarlak ve pofuduk pofuduk oldu. Ardından, bulutların arkasından büyük bir top geldi. Top parlaktı. Ve palmiye yağı gibi kırmızı ve sarıydı. O top, güneş idi. Aku’nun güneşi!\n\nHer şey hareketlendi. Sessizlik gitti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different colors of clothes do you see here? Which colors of the rainbow are missing?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç farklı renkte kıyafet görüyorsunuz? Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the colors of the clothes you are wearing match any of these clothes?", + "text": "Sizin üzerinizdeki giysilerin renkleri bu giysilerden herhangi biriyle eşleşiyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finding what is the same and what is different is an important way we understand the things in our world.", + "text": "Neyin aynı ve neyin farklı olduğunu bulmak, dünyamızdaki şeyleri anlamamızın önemli bir yoludur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon, everyone was rushing home to prepare for their daily activities.\n\nAtaa Ankra looked for his fish bucket. Farmers took their hoes. Children bathed and dressed, ready to go to school. Women tied monies at the ends of their cover cloths. They carried their basins and baskets and hurried to the market.", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, herkes kendi günlük aktivitelerine hazırlanmak için evlerine koşturdu. \n\nAtaa Ankra, balık kovasını aradı. Çiftçiler çapalarını aldılar. Çocuklar okula gitmek için yıkanıp üzerlerini değiştirdiler. Kadınlar örtülerinin uçlarına paralarını bağladılar. Leğenlerini ve sepetlerini taşıyıp alelacele pazara koştular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is dangerous to look at the sun, but we can still notice its changes. Depending on the weather and the time of day, the sun can look glowing yellow, hot white, orange, and even brown.", + "text": "Güneşe bakmak tehlikelidir ama bakmadan da değişimlerini fark edebiliriz. Hava durumuna ve günün saatine bağlı olarak, güneş parlak sarı, sıcak beyaz, turuncu ve hatta kahverengi görünebilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do during the day that you can't do at night?", + "text": "Geceleri yapamadığınız hangi şeyleri gündüz vakitlerinde yaparsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story mentioned farmers working, people going to market, and children going to school. What other adult things only happen when the sun is out?", + "text": "Hikâye, çiftçilerin çalıştığından, insanların pazara ve çocukların da okula gittiklerinden bahsediyor. Başka hangi yetişkin işleri sadece güneş çıktığında yapılır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun returned to Sunland. Aku made it. A new day began ...", + "text": "Güneş, Sunland’e geri döndü. Bunu Aku başardı. Yeni bir gün başladı...", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Aku kick the ball into the sky? Did she do it to make the sun come out, or did she do it for some other reason?", + "text": "Aku neden topu gökyüzüne doğru tekmeledi? Bunu güneşin doğmasını sağlamak için mi yoksa başka bir nedenle mi yaptı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun was Aku's only friend. She paid the sun a lot of attention, and the sun stayed with her without making fun of her long legs. Which things do you think make friendships work?", + "text": "Güneş, Aku’nun tek arkadaşıydı. Aku, güneşe çok ilgi gösterdi ve güneş de onun uzun bacaklarıyla dalga geçmeden Aku’nun yanında kaldı. Sizce hangi şeyler arkadaşlıkların yürümesini sağlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes, when some experience bothers two friends, it can get between them so they can't see each other. Has that happened to you with one of your friends? Did you find a way to fix things?", + "text": "Bazen, bazı deneyimler iki arkadaşın canını sıktığında, arkadaşların aralarına bir mesafe girebilir ve arkadaşlar da birbirlerini göremezler. Arkadaşlarınızdan biriyle başınıza böyle bir şey geldi mi? Aranızı düzeltmenin bir yolunu buldunuz mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once upon a time on a little farm near a little village.", + "text": "Bir zamanlar küçük bir köyün yakınındaki küçük bir çiftlikte.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Farms can grow crops and raise animals, such as chickens. What are some things on a farm that you are curious about?", + "text": "Çiftliklerde tavuk gibi hayvanlar ve mahsuller yetiştirilebilir. Bir çiftlikte merak ettiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are some groups of three things here. What do you see?", + "text": "Burada üç şeyden oluşan bazı gruplar var. Ne görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the different things these chickens are doing?", + "text": "Bu tavukların yaptığı farklı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There lived a little chicken called Daisy.", + "text": "Daisy adında küçük bir tavuk yaşarmış.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the claws that Daisy has on each leg and all together.", + "text": "Daisy’nin her bir bacağında bulunan pençeleri ve tüm pençelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy's claws spread out to help her balance. How long can you balance on one leg?", + "text": "Daisy’nin pençeleri dengesine yardımcı olmak için genişçe açılmış. Peki siz tek ayak üzerinde ne kadar süre dengede durabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you balance on one leg long enough to count to five? To ten?", + "text": "Beşe kadar sayabilecek kadar uzun süre tek ayak üzerinde dengede durabilir misiniz? 10’a kadar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"When I grow up, I want to fly high, high into the sky,\" Daisy said.", + "text": "“Ben büyüdüğümde yükseklere, gökyüzüne uçmak istiyorum,” dedi Daisy.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the circles on their faces. Don't forget to count the pupils in the middle of the eyes.", + "text": "Resimdeki tavukların yüzlerindeki daireleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Gözlerinin ortasındaki göz bebeklerini de saymayı unutmayın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that the other chickens are not as happy as Daisy?", + "text": "Diğer tavukların Daisy kadar mutlu olmadıklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are these other chicken's thinking?", + "text": "Acaba diğer tavuklar ne düşünüyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But all the other chickens laughed at her.", + "text": "Ama diğer tavuklar Daisy’ye güldüler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their eyes are now closed. We close our eyes when we are asleep and at other times. Why are these chicken's eyes closed?", + "text": "Tavukların şu anda gözleri kapalı. Uyurken ve diğer zamanlarda gözlerimizi kapatırız. Bu tavukların gözleri neden kapalı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes people laugh AT other people, and sometimes they laugh WITH other people. What is the difference?", + "text": "Bazen, insanlar, diğer insanlara gülerler ve bazen de insanlar, diğer insanlarla birlikte gülerler. Aradaki fark nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the shape of the big cloud looks like their mouths?", + "text": "Sizce resimdeki büyük bulutun şekli tavukların ağızlarına benziyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"You are so weird,\" they said. \"We won't play with you anymore.\"", + "text": "“Sen çok tuhafsın,” dediler. “Artık seninle oynamayacağız.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now that their mouths have changed, do you think the cloud changed shape too?", + "text": "Şu anda tavukların ağızlarının şekli değiştiğine göre, sizce bulut da şeklini değiştirdi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you use your mouth to copy the shape of each chicken's mouth? Can you guess and copy the sound each chicken is making?", + "text": "Her bir tavuğun ağzının şeklini taklit etmek için kendi ağzınızı kullanabilir misiniz? Her bir tavuğun çıkardığı sesi tahmin edip aynısını siz de çıkarabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are they calling Daisy a mean name?", + "text": "Neden Daisy’ye kötü bir isimle sesleniyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Daisy, we can all flap our wings, but it's very difficult for chickens to fly,\" Mama told her.", + "text": "“Daisy, hepimiz kanatlarımızı çırpabiliriz ama tavukların uçması çok zordur,” dedi annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Discuss what is similar about Daisy and her mother, and how they look different from the other chickens.", + "text": "Daisy’nin ve annesinin nelerinin benzer olduğunu ve diğer tavuklardan hangi yönlerden farklı göründüklerini tartışın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Daisy's mother doing to help Daisy feel better?", + "text": "Daisy’nin annesi Daisy’nin daha iyi hissetmesine yardımcı olmak için ne yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes we feel better when someone pats us or holds our hand. Have you ever tried to help a friend feel better with a friendly touch?", + "text": "Bazen biri bizi okşadığında veya elimizi tuttuğunda kendimizi daha iyi hissederiz. Siz de dostça bir dokunuşla bir arkadaşınızın daha iyi hissetmesine yardımcı olmaya çalıştınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy wouldn't give up. Every day she practiced by herself, flapping her wings. Flap, flap, flap, she would flap her wings but she couldn't lift off the ground.", + "text": "Daisy pes etmeyecekti. Her gün kanatlarını çırparak kendi kendine alıştırma yaptı. Kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı, çırptı ama yerden kalkamadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, this is a sad story for Daisy. Make up your own ending. Is it a happy or sad ending?", + "text": "Şu âna kadar hikâye, Daisy için üzücü bir şekilde ilerliyor. Bu hikâye için istediğiniz bir son yaratın. Bu, mutlu bir son mu yoksa üzücü mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Daisy too heavy to fly? Think of something that is as heavy as Daisy looks. Do you think that thing is too heavy to fly?", + "text": "Daisy uçamayacak kadar ağır mı? Daisy’nin göründüğü ağırlıkta bir şey düşünün. Sizce o şey uçmak için çok mu ağır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners like the corners of this page. Although they are slanted, find and point to the many rectangles on this page.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenleri bulup gösterin, eğimli olsalar da!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "While she practiced, she imagined herself flying high into the sky and looking at the chickens below. She imagined herself flying past the sparrows and past the swallows. \"Wow!\" The birds would say, \"A chicken that can fly!\"", + "text": "Daisy alıştırma yaparken, kendisini gökyüzünde uçarken ve aşağıdaki tavuklara bakarken hayal etti. Kendisini serçelerin ve kırlangıçların yanından uçup giderken hayal etti. Kuşlar, “Vay canına! Uçabilen bir tavuk!” diyeceklerdi ona.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the birds in this picture. Don't forget the ones on the ground.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki kuşları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Yerdekileri unutmayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What effect is caused by having some of the birds drawn so small?", + "text": "Resimdeki bazı kuşların bu kadar küçük çizilmesi nasıl bir etki yaratıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe a memory of looking at something big that was far away and looked tiny.", + "text": "Çok uzakta olan ve küçük görünen büyük bir şeye baktığınız bir anınızı anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So flap, flap, flap, every day Daisy would flap her wings.", + "text": "Çırp, çırp, çırp! Daisy her gün kanatlarını çırpıyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the little lines coming from Daisy showing her squawking.", + "text": "Resimdeki Daisy’nin ciyaklamasını gösteren küçük çizgileri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy has too many red speckles to count, but you can count together the groups of speckles all over her body.", + "text": "Daisy’nin sayılamayacak kadar çok kırmızı benekleri var ama yine de Daisy’nin vücudunun her yerindeki o ufak ‘benek gruplarını’ sayabilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy looks surprised. What do you think will happen next?", + "text": "Daisy şaşırmış görünüyor. Sizce hikâyede bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She would lift off the ground but fall down again.", + "text": "Daisy yerden yükseliyordu ama tekrar yere düşüyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How high do you think she got? A grownup is often 5 to 6 feet tall -- do you think she got that high?", + "text": "Sizce Daisy ne kadar yükselmiştir? Bir yetişkinin boyu genellikle 150 ile 180 cm (5-6 ft) arasındadır – sizce Daisy o kadar yükselmiş midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many lines are there above her and below her? When you combine them, how many are there in all?", + "text": "Daisy’nin yukarısında ve aşağısında kaç tane çizgi var? Onların hepsini birleştirdiğinizde toplam kaç çizgi olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do the lines below her show?", + "text": "Daisy’nin altındaki çizgiler hangi anlama geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"I'm never going to fly!\" Daisy cried to Mama. \"The others are right.\"", + "text": "“Ben asla uçamayacağım!” diyerek annesine ağladı. “Diğerleri haklı!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some times when you got discouraged like Daisy.", + "text": "Siz de Daisy gibi cesaretinizin kırıldığı bazı zamanları anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy is trying the same thing over and over. Is she showing strong will or is she being stubbornly foolish?", + "text": "Daisy aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar deniyor. Güçlü bir irade mi gösteriyor yoksa inatçı bir şapşallık mı yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What new ideas might Daisy try to figure out how to fly?", + "text": "Daisy nasıl uçacağını bulmak için hangi yeni fikirleri deneyebilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Daisy, you are different from the other chickens. They don't want to fly but you do! You can do it.\" Mama said.", + "text": "Annesi, “Daisy, sen diğer tavuklardan farklısın. Onlar uçmak istemiyor ama sen istiyorsun! Bunu yapabilirsin,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell from Daisy's face that she is getting a new idea?", + "text": "Daisy’nin yüzünden yeni bir fikir bulduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of a problem you solved by coming up with a new way to do it after the old way kept failing.", + "text": "Eski yönteminiz başarısız olunca yeni bir yöntem bularak çözdüğünüz bir probleminizi düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy's body is made up of pairs of things, such as her eyes, and single things, such as her tail. Name all the pairs you can and then all the singles you can.", + "text": "Daisy’nin vücudu gözleri gibi çift ve kuyruğu gibi tek sayıda olan şeylerden oluşmuş. Çift sayıda olan şeyleri ve ardından da tek sayıda olan şeyleri söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The following day Daisy climbed to the top of the chicken coop and flap, flap, flap, she flapped her wings. She flew into the air and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and ...", + "text": "Ertesi gün, Daisy kümesin tepesine tırmandı ve kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı, çırptı. Havada uçtu ve kanatlarını çırptı. Kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı ve...", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of straight lines here. Some are vertical -- they go up and down. Some are horizontal -- they go side to side. Find some vertical and horizontal lines where you are.", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü düz çizgi var. Bazıları dikey şekilde – yukarı ve aşağıya doğru gidiyorlar. Bazıları da yatay şekilde – bir yandan diğer yana gidiyorlar. Bulunduğunuz yerde birkaç dikey ve yatay çizgiler bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do the curved lines next to Daisy's body indicate?", + "text": "Daisy’nin vücudunun yanındaki eğri çizgiler neyi gösteriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy's face is very expressive. What does her face show this time?", + "text": "Daisy’nin yüzü çok dışavurumsal. Daisy’nin yüzü bu sefer neyi anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "BAM!", + "text": "BUM!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Daisy feeling right now?", + "text": "Daisy kendini şu anda nasıl hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the other chicken doing?", + "text": "Diğer tavuk ne yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A kind and thoughtful chicken might go over and console and cheer Daisy up. Why isn't this chicken doing that?", + "text": "Nazik ve düşünceli bir tavuk gidip Daisy’yi teselli edebilir ve neşelendirebilir. Bu tavuk neden öyle yapmıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The other chickens laughed out loud. \"Ha ha ha! We told you! Chickens can't fly!\"", + "text": "Diğer tavuklar yüksek sesle güldüler. “Ha ha ha! Sana söylemiştik! Tavuklar uçamaz!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is one thick vertical line in this picture. Do you see any other vertical or horizontal lines?", + "text": "Bu resimde kalın bir dikey çizgi var. Resimde başka dikey ya da yatay çizgiler görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the laughing chicken walking or running? How can you tell?", + "text": "Sizce gülen tavuk yürüyor mu yoksa koşuyor mu? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Daisy will give up after this bad fall? When you have a failure, is it hard for you to keep trying?", + "text": "Sizce Daisy bu kötü düşüşten sonra pes edecek mi? Siz de bir başarısızlık yaşadığınızda, tekrar denemeye devam etmeniz zor oluyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the next day Daisy climbed even higher, right up to the top of the hut. Flap, flap, flap, Daisy flapped her wings.", + "text": "Ama ertesi gün Daisy daha da yükseğe, kulübenin tepesine kadar tırmandı. Çırp, çırp, çırp! Daisy kanatlarını çırptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy is determined. Can you think of a time when you kept trying even after several failures?", + "text": "Daisy kararlı. Siz de birkaç başarısızlıktan sonra bile denemeye devam ettiğiniz bir ânı hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daisy is trying to solve her problem. What have been some of her new ideas for this problem?", + "text": "Daisy, problemini çözmeye çalışıyor. Daisy’nin bu problemi için bulduğu yeni fikirlerinden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did they show Daisy twice in this picture? Why does Daisy look big and the other chickens look so small?", + "text": "Bu resimde neden Daisy’yi iki kez göstermişler? Neden Daisy büyük ve diğer tavuklar çok küçük görünüyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She flew into the air and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and ...", + "text": "Daisy havaya uçtu ve kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı ve...", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last, Daisy is successful! How does that make you feel? It feels good to share the successes of others.", + "text": "Sonunda, Daisy başarılı oldu! Bu size nasıl hissettiriyor? Başkalarının başarılarını paylaşmak iyi hissettirir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell from the drawing that she is flying upward?", + "text": "Resimden, Daisy’nin yukarı doğru uçtuğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the movement lines drawn around her body. How are the movement lines in this picture different from the ones on the last page?", + "text": "Daisy’nin vücudunun etrafına çizilen hareket çizgilerine bakın. Bu resimdeki hareket çizgileri önceki sayfadakilerden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She kept flying! The wind beneath her wings grew stronger and she flew higher and higher! The sparrows and the swallows said, \"Amazing! A flying chicken!\"", + "text": "Daisy, uçmaya devam etti! Kanatlarının altındaki rüzgâr daha da güçlendi ve çok daha yükseğe uçtu! Serçeler ve kırlangıçlar, “İnanılmaz! Uçan bir tavuk!” dediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does Daisy's flying body look different from the other birds in the sky?", + "text": "Daisy’nin uçan vücudu gökyüzündeki diğer kuşlardan nasıl farklıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Daisy feeling now that all of her hard work has paid off?", + "text": "Tüm sıkı çalışmasının karşılığını alan Daisy artık nasıl hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the other chickens thinking now?", + "text": "Diğer tavuklar şu anda ne düşünüyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And the other chickens wanted to be just like her.", + "text": "Ve diğer tavuklar da tıpkı Daisy gibi olmak istediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use your arms to copy the positions of the wings of these chickens.", + "text": "Kollarınızı kullanarak bu tavukların kanatlarının pozisyonlarını taklit edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are these chickens feeling now that Daisy is successful?", + "text": "Daisy artık başarılı olduğuna göre, bu tavuklar şu anda ne hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the other chickens will learn to fly someday?", + "text": "Sizce diğer tavuklar da bir gün uçmayı öğrenecekler midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They said, \"Oh Daisy, you're amazing!\"", + "text": "“Ah, Daisy, harikasın!” dediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What happens next in Daisy's story after this book?", + "text": "Sizce bu hikâyeden sonra, Daisy’nin hayatında neler olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever wished that you could fly?", + "text": "Siz de uçabilmeyi dilediniz mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where would you go if you could fly? What would you like to look at if you could get way up in the sky above it?", + "text": "Uçabilseydiniz nereye giderdiniz? Peki ya gökyüzüne çıkabilseydiniz neye bakmak isterdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once upon a time, in Joburg's Orange Grove, a little girl called Phyllis was born into the world. Two people in love, hugged their sweet little babe. No one knew then, what a dancer they'd made.", + "text": "Bir zamanlar, Joburg şehrinin Orange Grove mahallesinde Phyllis adında minik bir kız çocuğu dünyaya geldi. Birbirlerine âşık olan anne babası, tatlı minik bebeklerini bağırlarına bastılar. O zamanlar, hiç kimse onların nasıl bir dansçı dünyaya getirdiklerini bilmiyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three people here. Which one is the smallest? Count their eyes together. If there are three people, how many eyes will they have?", + "text": "Bu resimde üç kişi var. Hangisi en küçük? Hepsinin gözlerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Eğer üç kişi varsa, kaç göz vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are some circles and partial circles in this picture. Partial circles are called arcs. Point to some of the arcs and make an arc with your arms.", + "text": "Bu resimde birkaç daire ve birkaç da kısmi daire var. Kısmi dairelere ‘yay’ denir. Resimdeki bazı yayları gösterip, kollarınızla bir yay şekli yapın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story is a biography -- it is a true story about the life of a real person. Pick a person you know and tell a biography story about them -- talk about their family and some things they have done.", + "text": "Bu hikâye bir biyografidir – gerçek bir kişinin hayatı hakkında gerçek bir hikâyedir. Siz de tanıdığınız birini seçip onun hakkında bir biyografi hikâyesi anlatın – o kişinin ailesinden ve yaptıkları bazı şeylerden bahsedin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "By the time she was four, she had learned very quick. She impressed all her teachers, with her ducky feet flicks! Before school and after, she danced every day. Nothing pleased Phyllis, more than ballet.", + "text": "Phyllis dört yaşına geldiğinde, dansı çok çabuk öğrenmişti bile! Ördek ayaklarıyla yaptığı hareketlerle tüm öğretmenlerini etkilemişti. Her gün, okuldan önce ve sonra, dans ediyordu. Phyllis’i baleden daha çok mutlu eden başka hiçbir şey yoktu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has lots of words that rhyme -- the ends of the words sound the same. On each page, find some of the rhyming words.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü kafiyeli – sonları aynı seste olan – sözcük var. Her bir sayfadaki bazı kafiyeli kelimeleri bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis' face looks full of joy! What do you think she is feeling as she dances?", + "text": "Phyllis’in yüzü sevinçle dolu görünüyor! Sizce Phyllis dans ederken ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of a time when you were moving that made you feel such joy. Perhaps you were running, dancing, jumping, or riding a bike.", + "text": "Siz de hareket ettiğinizde sizi böylesine mutlu eden bir ânı düşünün. Belki koşuyordunuz, dans ediyordunuz, zıplıyordunuz veya bisiklet sürüyordunuz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the world was ready for Phyllis at fifteen, she arrived in big, old London, ready to live her dream. She said goodbye to all her friends. She was ready to start fresh. Watch out Royal Ballet School! Phyllis is here to impress.", + "text": "Dünya on beş yaşındaki Phyllis için hazır olduğunda, Phyllis hayalini yaşamaya hazır bir halde, büyük, tarihi Londra’ya geldi. Tüm arkadaşlarına veda etti. Yeni bir başlangıç yapmayı hazırdı. Royal Ballet School'a dikkat edin! Phyllis, etkilemek için burada.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In a real sky, there are too many stars to count. Point to the stars in this picture as you count them.", + "text": "Gerçek bir gökyüzünde sayılamayacak kadar çok yıldız vardır. Yıldızları sayarken, onları gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find all the rectangles on this page. Point to all the rectangles around where you are.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu sayfadaki tüm dikdörtgenleri bulun. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki tüm dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It takes 11 hours to fly from Johannesburg in the south of Africa to London on the western side of Europe. Compare that to how long it takes to go to the store or to visit a friend or relative. Which of these is shortest and which is longest?", + "text": "Afrika’nın güneyindeki Johannesburg’dan Avrupa’nın batı yakasındaki Londra’ya uçmak yaklaşık 11 saat sürer. Bu süreyi, bir mağazaya gitmek veya bir arkadaşınızı ya da akrabanızı ziyaret etmekle kıyaslayın. Bunlardan hangisi en kısa ve hangisi en uzun zaman alır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Phyllis danced Swan Lake, it was fit to show the Queen! After years of pirouetting, she was ready to be seen. Dancing for the audience, she turned and twirled about. Look! Everyone is smiling! See how they clap and shout!", + "text": "Phyllis, Kuğu Gölü’nü (Swan Lake) dans ettiğinde, dans Kraliçe’ye göstermeye uygundu! Yıllarca piruet yaptıktan sonra, artık görülmeye hazırdı. Seyirciler için dans ederken, Phyllis döndü ve döndü. Bakın! Herkes gülümsüyor! Nasıl alkışlayıp bağırdıklarına bir bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Body position is important in ballet. Notice the male dancer's upper arm and opposite leg point in opposite directions almost making a straight, diagonal line.", + "text": "Balede vücut pozisyonu önemlidir. Erkek baletin üst kolunun ve karşı bacağının zıt yönlere baktığını ve neredeyse düz, köşegen (çapraz) bir çizgi oluşturduğunu fark edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how Phyllis' legs almost make a straight line. Can you make a straight line with your arms or legs?", + "text": "Phyllis’in bacaklarının neredeyse dümdüz bir çizgi oluşturduğuna dikkat edin. Siz de kollarınız veya bacaklarınızla düz bir çizgi yapabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis has become a very good dancer at this point in the story. What do you think will happen next? Make your own version of the second half of this story.", + "text": "Phyllis, hikâyenin bu noktasında çok iyi bir dansçı oldu. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak? Hikâyenin ikinci yarısını, kendi versiyonunuzla anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "From Mexico to Canada. From the USA to France. Phyllis travelled far and wide, so the world could see her dance. With the Royal Ballet Company, and her ballerina friends, she spread her love for ballet. She never wanted it to end.", + "text": "Meksika’dan Kanada’ya. ABD’den Fransa’ya. Phyllis dünyanın kendi dansını görebilmesi için çok uzaklara seyahat etti. Royal Ballet Company ve balerin arkadaşlarıyla baleye olan sevgisini etrafına yaydı. Bunun bitmesini asla istemedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see a diagonal line in Phyllis' body position? Trace that line with your finger.", + "text": "Phyllis’in vücut pozisyonundaki o köşegen çizgiyi görüyor musunuz? O çizgiyi parmağınızla takip edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of rectangles in this picture. Point to as many as you can and count them together.", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Gösterebildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen gösterip onları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the rectangles are flags on the bottom of Phyllis' dress. What are the colors on those flags? Do you recognize the flag of any country you know?", + "text": "Dikdörtgenlerden bazıları, Phyllis’in elbisesinin en alt kısmındaki bayraklardır. Peki o bayrakların renkleri nelerdir? Onlar arasında, bildiğiniz herhangi bir ülkenin bayrağını tanıyabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis always knew, that dance was in her heart. But she longed to return home again, and make a fresh new start. So she leaped and bounded, back to her beautiful land. Her ballerina roots were regrown. She was once more South African.", + "text": "Phyllis, dansın kalbinde olduğunu hep biliyordu. Fakat tekrar eve dönmeyi ve yepyeni bir başlangıç yapmayı özlemişti. Bu yüzden, göz açıp kapatıncaya kadar güzel ülkesine geri döndü. Balerin kökleri yeniden yeşermişti. Bir kez daha Güney Afrikalıydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis has the flag of South Africa. How many colors are on this flag? Can you see some of those colors where you are?", + "text": "Phyllis’in Güney Afrika bayrağı var. Bu bayrakta kaç renk var? Bulunduğunuz yerde bu renklerden bazılarını görebiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to the triangle on the flag. What shape is the green region on the flag?", + "text": "Bayrağın üzerindeki üçgeni gösterin. Bayraktaki yeşil bölge hangi şekildir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever traveled away from home? Was it exciting to be away, or did you miss your home?", + "text": "Peki siz evinizden uzaklara seyahat ettiniz mi hiç? Uzakta olmak heyecan verici miydi yoksa evinizi özlediniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dancing wasn't just for fun, as Phyllis always knew. She'd work at dancing day and night, and with hard work she grew. Always smiling, always trying, through good times and through tough, Phyllis always did her best. She couldn't get enough.", + "text": "Phyllis’in her zaman bildiği gibi dans sadece eğlence için değildi. O, gece gündüz dans etmek için çalıştı; sıkı bir çalışmayla daha da iyi oldu. Her zaman gülümseyen, her zaman çabalayan, iyi zamanlarda ve zorluklarda, Phyllis her zaman elinden gelenin en iyisini yaptı. Yaptıkça yapası geldi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis' legs are at a right angle to each other -- they make an angle like the corner of this page. Make a right angle with your arms or legs.", + "text": "Bu resimde Phyllis’in bacakları birbirine dik açıda – dik açılar, bu sayfanın köşesi gibi bir açı oluştururlar. Siz de kollarınız veya bacaklarınızla bir dik açı oluşturun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis and her partner are performing in this picture. How can you tell?", + "text": "Phyllis ve partneri bu resimde bir performans sergiliyorlar. Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever worked really hard at something? How did you feel about doing that?", + "text": "Siz de bir şey için çok sıkı çalıştınız mı hiç? Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake and Giselle. Phyllis danced these for the people: graceful, tireless, well. With partners Gary Burne and Eduard Greyling too, her magnificence inspired the audience. To her, flowers they threw.", + "text": "Romeo ve Juliet, Kuğu Gölü ve Giselle. Phyllis bunları insanlar için dans etti: zarif, yorulmadan, çok iyi bir şekilde. Gary Burne ve Eduard Greyling adlı partnerlerle de Phyllis’in ihtişamı seyirciye ilham oldu. Ona çiçekler attılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis' body is pictured inside a clock. Go around the clock saying and pointing at each number.", + "text": "Phyllis’in vücudu bir saatin içinde resmedilmiş. Saatin etrafından giderek, her bir sayıyı göstererek kaç olduğunu söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The numbers on the clock increase from 1 to 12 in what is called the clockwise direction.", + "text": "Saatin üzerindeki sayılar 1’den 12’ye kadar artıyor – böyle olunca, ona ‘saat yönü’ denir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each of Phyllis' hands and feet point at a number. What are they?", + "text": "Phyllis’in her bir eli ve ayağı bir sayıyı gösteriyor. O sayılar nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Reward comes easily, when you put yourself to the test. Phyllis came to realize this, once she was called 'The Best.' She was awarded 'Prima Ballerina Assoluta.' The greatest dancer of them all! Phyllis would be forever known. She wanted nothing more.", + "text": "Kendinizi bir teste tabi tuttuğunuzda ödüller kolaylıkla gelir. Phyllis bunu alanında ‘en iyisi’ olarak adlandırıldıktan sonra fark etmişti. ‘Prima Ballerina Assoluta’ ödülüne layık görüldü. Aralarındaki en iyi dansçıydı! Phyllis sonsuza dek bilinecekti. Bundan daha fazlasını isteyemezdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story rhymes \"test\" with \"best.\" It doesn't rhyme any word with \"more.\" Think of some words that rhyme with \"more.\"", + "text": "Bu sayfada, ‘hepsi’ kelimesi ile ‘iyisi’ kelimesi birbiriyle kafiyelidir. Ama ‘fazlasını’ kelimesi ile kafiyeli olan bir kelime yok.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is standing on her toes. Ballerinas wear special shoes, toe shoes, to help them do that.", + "text": "Phyllis, ayak parmaklarının üzerinde duruyor. Balerinler bunu yapmalarına yardımcı olan özel ayakkabılar – bale ayakkabıları – giyerler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you try to stand on your toes, do your toes curl under? It is very hard to be on your toes.", + "text": "Siz de ayak parmaklarınızın üzerinde durmaya çalışırsanız, acaba ayak parmaklarınız altta kıvrılır mı? Ayak parmakları üzerinde durmak çok zordur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Goodness! What a catch! Phyllis met her loving partner. His name was Phillip Boyd. He was another dancer. Together they were married. And together they would dance. No one could be better matched, given half the chance!", + "text": "Tanrı’m! Aşkı yakaladı! Phyllis sevgi dolu partneriyle tanıştı. Adı, Phillip Boyd idi. O da bir dansçıydı. Evlendiler. Ve birlikte, hep dans ederlerdi. Yüzde elli elli şans verildiğinde, kimse ondan daha iyi eşleştirilemezdi!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The word \"catch\" has two meanings here. A ballerina might leap or spin and her partner would catch her. It can also mean that romantic partners catch each other and become a couple.", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki ‘yakalamak’ kelimesinin iki anlamı vardır. Bir balerin sıçrayıp dönebilir ve partneri onu yakalayabilir. Yakalamak, romantik partnerlerin aşkı yakalayıp bir çift olmaları anlamına da gelebilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a lot of red flowers. How many do you see?", + "text": "Resimde bir sürü kırmızı çiçek var. Siz kaç tanesini görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The green leaves are in the shape of a heart. Which side of the heart has more red flowers?", + "text": "Yeşil yapraklar kalp şeklinde. Kalbin hangi tarafında daha fazla kırmızı çiçek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Though they had no children, Phyllis and Phillip were never sad. The two of them found another way to help other Mums and Dads. They started Dance for All, a special school for dance. So that children with no money, could also learn to prance!", + "text": "Çocukları olmamasına rağmen, Phyllis ve Phillip asla üzülmediler. Diğer anne ve babalara yardım etmenin başka bir yolunu buldular. Dans için özel bir okul olan ‘Herkes İçin Dans’ı (Dance for All) kurdular. Parası olmayan çocuklar da dans edebilsin diye!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many arms and legs can you count all together in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde, toplam kaç kol ve bacak sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Phyllis and Phillip helped children learn to dance even when their families couldn't pay. It's a good feeling helping others.", + "text": "Phyllis ve Phillip aileleri ödeme yapamadıklarında bile çocukların dans etmeyi öğrenmelerine yardımcı oldular. Başkalarına yardım etmek çok güzel bir duygu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever helped a person or animal that needed something? Even little things count, like opening a door or sharing some food. How did you feel?", + "text": "Siz de ihtiyacı olan bir insana veya hayvana yardım ettiniz mi hiç? Kapı açmak veya biraz yiyeceğinizi paylaşmak gibi küçük şeyler bile sayılabilir. Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She left a legacy of dance, and incredible success. Her magic was passed on to others to help them become their best. Her students spread across the world, inspired by her ducky feet. They dance on while we watch, dreaming from our seats.", + "text": "Phyllis arkasında dans ve inanılmaz bir başarı mirası bıraktı. Onun sihri, en iyi olmalarına yardımcı olması için başkalarına aktarıldı. Öğrencileri, ördek ayaklarından ilham alarak dünyanın dört bir yanına dağıldılar. Bizler koltuklarımızdan hayal kurarak izlerken onlar dans etmeye devam ettiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many dancers do you see here? Don't forget to count Phyllis.", + "text": "Burada kaç dansçı görüyorsunuz? Phyllis’i saymayı unutmayın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe all the different body positions you see. Make some of these shapes with your body.", + "text": "Gördüğünüz tüm farklı vücut pozisyonlarını tanımlayın. Vücudunuzla bu şekillerden bazılarını yapın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ballet is not a sport. However, dancers are athletes, and they form a team, and their teachers are like coaches. Did this story make you want to become a dancer?", + "text": "Bale bir spor değildir. Ancak dansçılar birer atlettirler; bir takım oluştururlar ve öğretmenleri de koçları gibidir. Bu hikâye sizde de dansçı olma isteği uyandırdı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One special Friday, Yusuf's father gets dressed before a flicker of light brightens the sky. He pulls on his heavy weather-proof jacket and the green woolen cap that covers his ears. He waves his boy goodbye. Yusuf's eyes brighten when Papa says, \"Today is the day I will catch a fish and bring a gift for you.\"", + "text": "Özel bir cuma günü, Yusuf’un babası daha gökyüzü aydınlanmadan önce giyinir kuşanır. Ağır hava koşullarına dayanıklı montunu ve kulaklarını örten yeşil yün beresini takar. Oğluna el sallayarak veda eder. Babası, “Balık tutup sana bir hediye getireceğim gün bugün!” dediğinde Yusuf’un gözleri parlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His father got up while it was still dark. Daylight starts much earlier in the day during the summer than in the winter.", + "text": "Babası hava daha aydınlanmamışken uyandı. Yazın gün ışığı, kışa göre çok daha erken başlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you gotten up while it was still dark? Was it in summer or in winter?", + "text": "Peki siz de hiç hava henüz kararmamışken kalktınız mı? Yaz mıydı kış mıydı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the gift will be?", + "text": "Hediyenin ne olacağını düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A fish and a gift? Oh, what will it be? Papa cycles down to Muizenberg Beach. Squeak squeak go the wheels all the way to Surfer's Corner. Gulls circle the sky. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" they cry. \"What will you bring back for Yusuf?\" Papa rings his bell. \"Wait and see what it will be!\"", + "text": "Bir balık ve bir hediye mi? Ah, acaba hediye ne olacak? Baba bisikletle Muizenberg Plajı’na gider. Surfer’s Corner’a kadar tekerlekleri gıcırdaya gıcırdaya gider. Martılar gökyüzünde daire çizerler. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye çığlık atarlar. “Yusuf’a ne getireceksin?” Baba zilini çalar. “Ne olacağını bekleyin ve görün!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Papa is riding downhill to the beach. Going downhill he might end up going faster and faster. He might need to use his brakes so he doesn't go into the water!", + "text": "Baba yokuş aşağı plaja doğru gider. Yokuş aşağı giderken daha da hızlanabilir. Suya girmemek için frenlerini kullanması gerekebilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many gulls do you see? If you take away the one gull on the beach, how many are left?", + "text": "Resimde kaç martı görüyorsunuz? Plajdaki o bir martıyı çıkarırsanız geriye kaç martı kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The gulls in the sky sound like they are asking Papa questions. What do you think they are doing as they are circling in the sky?", + "text": "Gökyüzündeki martılar babaya sorular soruyormuş gibi ses çıkarıyorlar. Sizce martılar gökyüzünde daireler çizerek ne yapıyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fishermen watch the sun rise. They check their nets. They check their oars. They listen to the wind. They drag their boats down to the water. Yusuf's grandfather, Oupa Salie was a treknet fisherman. Before him his father, Oupagrootjie Ridwaan, knew the sea too.", + "text": "Balıkçılar güneşin doğuşunu izlerler. Ağlarını kontrol ederler. Küreklerini kontrol ederler. Rüzgârı dinlerler. Teknelerini suya indirirler. Yusuf’un büyükbabası, Oupa Salie, bir treknet balıkçısıydı. Ondan daha önce onun babası Oupagrootjie Ridwaan da denizi biliyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this view, the line where the sea meets the sky is called the horizon. A horizontal line is like the horizon line, it goes straight across from side to side. Point out some horizontal lines near you.", + "text": "Bu manzarada, denizin gökyüzüyle buluştuğu çizgiye ‘ufuk’ denir. Yatay bir çizgi, ufuk çizgisi gibidir – bir yandan diğer yana dümdüz gider. Yakınınızdaki bazı yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yusuf's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all fishermen. Do you know anyone who does the same job as one of their parents?", + "text": "Yusuf’un babası, büyükbabası ve büyük büyükbabasının hepsi balıkçıydı. Ebeveynlerinden biriyle aynı işi yapan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People are many different ages. Suppose Papa is 25, Papa's father is 50, and Papa's grandfather is 75. How old are you? How many years until you are 25?", + "text": "İnsanlar çok farklı yaşlardadırlar. Babanın 25, babanın babasının 50 ve babanın büyükbabasının 75 yaşında olduğunu varsayın. Peki ya siz kaç yaşındasınız? 25 yaşına girmenize daha kaç yıl var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boat rides into the waves. Papa's arms stretch to the oar. His leg braces against the side. His neck strains, his back muscles ripple. Papa sings as he works: \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\"", + "text": "Tekne, dalgalara doğru ilerler. Babanın kolları küreğe uzanır. Bacakları yan tarafa dayanır. Boynu gerilir, sırt kasları kıpırdanır. Baba çalışırken şarkı söyler: “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People sit backwards in rowboats when they row. The pointed end of this boat is much higher than the flat end -- it looks like a pretty rough ride!", + "text": "İnsanlar, kayıklarda kürek çekerlerken geriye doğru otururlar. Bu kayığın sivri ucu düz ucundan çok daha yüksekte – oldukça zahmetli bir yolculuk gibi görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Papa's muscles are working very hard. Have you ever felt your muscles strain trying to lift or pull something?", + "text": "Babanın kasları çok sıkı çalışıyor. Bir şeyi kaldırmaya ya da çekmeye çalışırken kaslarınızın gerildiğini hissettiniz mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The words \"fish\" and \"swish\" rhyme. Think of some other words that rhyme with those words (dish, wish, squish).", + "text": "‘Kürek’ ve ‘yüksek’ kelimeleri birbiriyle kafiyelidir. Onlarla kafiyeli olan başka sözcükler daha düşünün (kürek, yüksek, tümsek).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "All day long Yusuf looks at the sky. It is bright and clear and windless. A fish and a gift! What will Papa bring home from the sea? Sometimes he brings a beautiful shell. Sometimes he brings a jewel green bottle rinsed by the waves.", + "text": "Yusuf gün boyu gökyüzüne bakar. Gökyüzü parlak, berrak ve durgundur. Bir balık ve bir hediye! Baba denizden eve ne getirecek? Bazen, güzel bir deniz kabuğu getirir. Bazen, dalgalar tarafından yıkanmış mücevher yeşili bir şişe getirir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yusuf has many gifts. There is a connection between one of his gifts and something outside the window -- can you figure out what it is?", + "text": "Yusuf’un bir sürü hediyesi var. Hediyelerinin birisi ile pencerenin dışındaki bir şey arasında bir ilişki var – ne olduğunu bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the horizontal lines in this picture.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, bu resimdeki tüm yatay çizgileri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which horizontal line is the longest?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki hangi yatay çizgi en uzundur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some days Yusuf's father brings a story. Like the time they found sea turtles on the sand, hundreds washed up in a storm. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cried the gulls. \"What will you do to help the turtles?\" Papa said, \"We saved those turtles, I tell you straight. We sent them back to the ocean, every last one.\"", + "text": "Bazı günler Yusuf’un babası bir hikâye getirir. Tıpkı kumların üzerinde fırtınada yüzlercesi kıyıya vurmuş deniz kaplumbağalarını buldukları zamanki gibi. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye haykırdı martılar. “Kaplumbağalara yardım etmek için ne yapacaksın?” Baba, “Biz o kaplumbağaları kurtardık, sana açıkça söylüyorum. Onları okyanusa geri bıraktık, her birini,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sea turtles come out of the sea to lay eggs on the shore. Every turtle has four flippers. How many flippers do you see?", + "text": "Deniz kaplumbağaları yumurtalarını kıyıya bırakmak için denizden çıkarlar. Her kaplumbağanın dört yüzgeci vardır. Bu resimde kaç yüzgeç görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you skip count by 4's to figure out how many flippers these turtles have?", + "text": "Bu kaplumbağaların toplamda kaç yüzgeci olduğunu bulmak için dörder dörder ritmik (atlayarak) sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A grown turtle can weigh up to 100 pounds. These turtles probably weigh 10 pounds each. Skip count by 10's to see how much these turtles weigh all together.", + "text": "Yetişkin bir deniz kaplumbağasının ağırlığı türüne bağlı olarak değişir – yaklaşık 1,000 kilograma (2,200 pound) kadar çıkabilir. Resimdeki kaplumbağaların her biri muhtemelen yaklaşık 10 kg ağırlığındadır. Bu kaplumbağaların toplam ağırlığının ne olduğunu bulmak için 10’ar 10’ar ritmik (atlayarak) sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Always Papa brings a song. He sings the song while he pulls the oars. He sings the song while he pulls the nets. He sings the song as he winds the ropes. He sings the song as he cycles home. \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\"", + "text": "Baba daima bir şarkı getirir. Baba, kürekleri çekerken şarkı söyler. Ağları çekerken şarkı söyler. Halatları sararken şarkı söyler. Eve bisikletle dönerken şarkıyı söyler. “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often sing or hum as they do something. Do you do this?", + "text": "İnsanlar, sıklıkla, bir şeyler yaparken ya şarkı söylerler ya da şarkılar mırıldanırlar. Siz de öyle yapar mısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is hard work pulling a wet fishing net out of the water. How many fishermen are pulling? Do they all pull together or take turns?", + "text": "Islak bir balık ağını sudan çekip çıkarmak zor bir iştir. Kaç balıkçı çekiyor? Hep birlikte mi yoksa sırayla mı çekiyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more gulls or fishermen in this picture? How many more?", + "text": "Bu resimde daha fazla martı mı yoksa daha fazla balıkçı mı var? Kaç fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ouma Safiya wants a nice fat yellowtail for her supper. \"But we'll be lucky if they catch even a tiny crab. More likely it will be fish tail Friday. There's not so many fish left in the sea,\" says Ouma shaking her head. Yusuf holds Ouma's hand. They cross the road at the bathing cabins. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cry the gulls perched on the bright rooftops. \"What is for supper?\"", + "text": "Ouma Safiya, akşam yemeği için iri dolgun güzel bir sarıkuyruk balığı ister. “Ama küçük bir yengeç bile yakalarlarsa yine de şanslıyız. Bugün büyük olasılıkla balık kuyruğu cuması olacak. Denizde çok fazla balık kalmadı,” der Ouma, başını sallayarak. Yusuf, Ouma’nın elini tutar. Duş kabinlerinin olduğu yoldan karşıya geçerler. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye bağırır parlak çatılara tünemiş martılar. “Akşam yemeğinde ne var?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ouma means grandmother. Do you have favorite names for people you are close to?", + "text": "“Ouma” büyükanne demektir. Sizin de yakın olduğunuz insanlar için koyduğunuz favori isimler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The people and the seagulls want the same things for dinner -- maybe a yellowtail or a crab. How many different kinds of fish do you know?", + "text": "İnsanlar ve martılar akşam yemeği için aynı şeyleri istiyorlar – ya bir sarıkuyruk ya da bir yengeç. Siz kaç farklı balık türü biliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. The doors and roofs of the buildings are rectangles. How many rectangles do you see in this picture? How many rectangles do you see where you are?", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Binaların kapıları ve çatıları dikdörtgendir. Bu resimde kaç tane dikdörtgen görüyorsunuz? Peki, bulunduğunuz yerde kaç dikdörtgen görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Last year the fishermen fought with the surfers. Angry fists and shouting words. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cried the gulls. \"There's enough sea for everybody,\" said Yusuf's father. He showed them the fishing license that had been Oupa Salie's. \"Waves for all. Water for free.\"", + "text": "Geçen yıl balıkçılar sörfçülerle kavga ettiler. Öfkeli yumruklar ve havada uçuşan kelimeler! “Neee? Neee? Neeee?” diye bağırdı martılar. “Herkese yetecek kadar deniz var,” dedi Yusuf’un babası. Sörfçülere, Oupa Salie’ye ait olan balıkçılık ruhsatını gösterdi. “Dalgalar herkes için. Su bedava.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What were the fishermen and surfers arguing about? What bad things might happen if they are in the same place?", + "text": "Balıkçılar ve sörfçüler ne hakkında tartışıyorlar? Aynı yerde olurlarsa ne gibi kötü şeyler olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People have disagreements, and then they find ways to resolve them. Think of a disagreement you had with someone. How did you solve that problem?", + "text": "İnsanlar anlaşmazlıklar yaşarlar ve sonra onları çözmenin yollarını bulurlar. Biriyle yaşadığınız bir anlaşmazlığı düşünün. O sorunu nasıl çözdünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What feelings do you have when you get into an argument with someone?", + "text": "Biriyle tartışmaya girdiğinizde ne tür duygular hissedersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ouma Safiya watches through her binoculars, her fingers curled in curiosity. The shark siren sounds. Swimmers run back to the sand and grab their towels. Surfers rush to the shore, carrying their boards under their arms. Under the showers they strip off their wetsuits. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cry the gulls. \"What will Yusuf's father bring from the ocean?\"", + "text": "Ouma Safiya dürbününden izler, parmakları meraktan kıvrılmış. Köpek balığı sirenleri duyulur. Yüzücüler plaja koşup havlularını kaparlar. Sörfçüler, sörf tahtalarını kollarının altında taşıyarak kıyıya koşarlar. Duşun altında dalgıç kıyafetlerini çıkarırlar. “Neee? Neee? Neeee?” diye bağırır martılar. Yusuf’un babası okyanustan ne getirecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are hundreds of kinds of sharks in the world. Here are a few of those kinds: Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Lemon Shark, and Nurse Shark.", + "text": "Dünyada yüzlerce çeşit köpek balığı vardır. İşte o türlerden birkaçı: Büyük beyaz köpek balığı, Kaplan köpek balığı, Çekiç başlı köpek balığı, Limon köpek balığı ve Hemşire köpek balığı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some sharks are dangerous. Others have no interest in people, such as nurse sharks. A leopard shark has never attacked a person and they just hunt for crabs.", + "text": "Bazı köpek balıkları tehlikelidir. Bazıları ise, hemşire köpek balıkları gibi, insanlarla ilgilenmezler. Leopar köpek balıkları henüz bir insana saldırmamış olup sadece yengeç avlarlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Goblin sharks are not very aggressive. They have not attacked a person, partly because they are so far out in the deep ocean.", + "text": "Goblin köpek balıkları çok saldırgan değildirler. Bugüne kadar bir insana saldırmamışlardır; bunun nedeni, kısmen okyanusun derinliklerinde çok uzakta olmalarıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yusuf's father and uncle and cousins heave and pull. A little shark has been caught. Yusuf's father untangles the nets, singing to the shark: \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\" When the shark at last is free it streaks back into the waves, leaving only one fat yellowtail in the net. Ouma Safiya will be pleased.", + "text": "Yusuf’un babası, amcası ve kuzenleri balık ağını güçlükle yukarı çekerler. Küçük bir köpek balığı yakalandı. Yusuf’un babası köpek balığına şarkı söyleyerek ağları çözer: “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.” Köpek balığı en sonunda serbest kaldığında, ağda sadece bir dolgun sarıkuyruk bırakarak dalgalara geri döner. Ouma Safiya çok sevinir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does Yusuf's father let the little shark go free?", + "text": "Yusuf’un babası küçük köpek balığını neden serbest bırakır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fin in the shape of a triangle on a shark's back is called a dorsal fin. It helps keep the shark upright in the water and it also helps it make quick turns.", + "text": "Köpek balığının sırtındaki üçgen şeklindeki yüzgece ‘sırt (dorsal) yüzgeci’ denir. Bu yüzgeç, köpek balığının suda dik durmasına ve hızlı dönüşler yapmasına yardımcı olur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The net in the picture has circular objects shaped like donuts on its edge. They're not donuts! What do you think they are for?", + "text": "Resimdeki ağın kenarında donut şeklinde dairesel nesneler var. Onlar donut değiller! Sizce ne işe yarıyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The men pull the boat in and coil up the cables. A hard white triangle catches Papa's finger. \"Whaaat? Whaaat\" Whaaat?\" cry the gulls. \"What did you bring back for Yusuf?\" As the sun goes down, Papa answers the gulls. \"A lucky shark tooth for my boy.\" At home Yusuf holds his gift up to the stars.", + "text": "Adamlar tekneyi çekip kabloları sararlar. Sert beyaz bir üçgen babanın parmağını yakalar. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye bağırır martılar. “Yusuf’a ne getirdin?” Güneş batarken, baba martılara cevap verir: “Oğlum için uğurlu bir köpek balığı dişi.” Yusuf evde hediyesini yıldızlara doğru tutar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The shark's tooth is a hard, white triangle. Do you remember another triangle on the shark's body? Do you see any triangles around you now?", + "text": "Köpek balığının dişi, sert ve beyaz renkli bir üçgendir. Köpek balığının vücudunda başka bir üçgen hatırlıyor musunuz? Peki, şu anda etrafınızda hiç üçgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you remember what some of the other gifts were from earlier in the story?", + "text": "Hikâyenin başlarındaki diğer hediyelerden bazılarının neler olduğunu hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have special things you've found that you like to keep? Perhaps you found a pretty rock or a bird's feather that you liked a lot?", + "text": "Peki ya sizin de bulduğunuz ve saklamak istediğiniz özel şeyler var mı? Belki de çok sevdiğiniz güzel bir taş ya da kuş tüyü bulmuşsunuzdur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His hoe was too short.", + "text": "Adamın çapası çok kısaydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the vivid colors -- the yellow sun, the blue sky, the green bushes, and the red shoes.", + "text": "Canlı renkleri gösterin – sarı güneşi, mavi gökyüzünü, yeşil çalıları ve kırmızı ayakkabıları.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the two bushes and the two red shoes with your child.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, iki çalıyı ve iki kırmızı ayakkabıyı sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out how uncomfortable the man looks bending over so far to hoe.", + "text": "Çapa yapmak için çok ileriye eğilmek zorunda kalan adamın ne kadar rahatsız göründüğüne dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His doorway was too low.", + "text": "Adamın kapısı çok alçaktı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Comment that the doorway is too low -- the man is taller than the door.", + "text": "Kapının adam için çok alçak olduğunu belirtin – adam kapıdan daha uzun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look how much the man stoops down to talk to the boy -- he is much taller than the boy, and the boy is much shorter than the man!", + "text": "Adamın çocukla konuşmak için ne kadar eğildiğine bakın – adam çocuktan çok daha uzun ve çocuk da adamdan çok daha kısa!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bushes together.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çalıları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His bed was too short.", + "text": "Adamın yatağı çok kısaydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man's legs stick far out of the bed. He is much longer than his bed.", + "text": "Adamın bacakları yataktan dışarı taşıyor. Adam yatağından çok daha uzun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to the bird and the boy and how puzzled they look by the short bed.", + "text": "Kuşa ve çocuğa işaret edin ve kısa yatak karşısında ne kadar şaşkın göründüklerine dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the toes on each of the man's feet.", + "text": "Adamın her bir ayağında kaç parmak olduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His bicycle was too short.", + "text": "Adamın bisikleti çok kısaydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The tall man is much too big for his bicycle. Look how far his leg sticks out!", + "text": "Uzun adam bisikleti için çok fazla büyük. Bacağının ne kadar dışarı çıktığına bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that the bird has changed color from yellow to orange!", + "text": "Kuşun renginin sarıdan turuncuya dönüştüğüne dikkat çekin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is the boy in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde çocuk nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This man was too tall!\n\nWhat can he do to solve his problem and fit into his world?", + "text": "Bu adam çok uzundu.\n\nBu sıkıntısını çözüp dünyaya sığmak için ne yapabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maybe the man is not too tall -- maybe he just needs to solve his problems!", + "text": "Belki adam çok da uzun değil – belki de sadece sıkıntılarını çözmesi gerekiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man has a problem and he is feeling sad about it.", + "text": "Adamın bir sorunu olduğunu ve bundan dolayı üzgün olduğunu belirtin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that this man is much taller than the other people.", + "text": "Bu adamın diğer insanlardan çok daha uzun olduğuna dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made a very long handle.", + "text": "Adam çapası için çok uzun bir sap yaptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He solved his problem with the hoe! He made his hoe bigger!", + "text": "Artık çapa ile olan sorununu çözdü! Çapasını daha uzun yaptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one is bigger, the hoe or the man?", + "text": "Hangisi daha uzun – çapa mı yoksa adam mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see the man's red shoes? They disappeared!", + "text": "Adamın kırmızı ayakkabılarını görüyor musunuz? Nereye gitmişler? Yok oldular!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made very high door frames.", + "text": "Adam çok uzun kapı çerçeveleri yaptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is higher -- the door or the man?", + "text": "Hangisi daha yüksek – kapı mı yoksa adam mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sun in the sky is round. Point to round things where you are.", + "text": "Gökyüzündeki güneş yuvarlak. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki diğer yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is longer and which is shorter -- the man's legs or his upper body?", + "text": "Hangisi daha uzun ve hangisi daha kısa – adamın bacakları mı yoksa gövdesi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He made a very long bed.", + "text": "Adam çok uzun bir yatak yaptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can't see the man's feet now. His bed is longer than he is.", + "text": "Artık adamın ayaklarını göremiyoruz. Adamın yatağı ondan daha uzun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The man looks very comfortable and happy in his big bed.", + "text": "Adam kocaman yatağında çok rahat ve mutlu gözüküyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at how small the boy looks next to the bed!", + "text": "Çocuğun yatağın yanında ne kadar küçük gözüktüğüne bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He bought a very high bicycle.", + "text": "Adam çok yüksek bir bisiklet aldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the boy and the bird are inside the basket now.", + "text": "Çocuğun ve kuşun şu anda sepetin içinde olduklarına dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone looks very happy now that the man's things are the right size.", + "text": "Adamın eşyaları doğru boyutta olduğu için artık herkes çok mutlu görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the many different colors on this page.", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki pek çok farklı renkleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.", + "text": "Adam çok yüksek bir sandalyede oturdu. Çok uzun bir çatal ile yemek yedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count out with your child many of the things in the picture -- such as fingers, legs, steps, and tines.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, resimdeki birçok şeyi sayın – örneğin, parmakları, bacakları, basamakları ve çatalların dişlerini.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at how high the boy's chair is! Would you be scared sitting so high?", + "text": "Çocuğun sandalyesinin ne kadar yüksek olduğuna bakın! Siz bu kadar yüksekte oturmaktan korkar mıydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now that all his things are the right size for him, the man is not too tall at all!", + "text": "Artık adamın tüm eşyaları onun için doğru boyutta olduğuna göre, adam hiç de çok uzun değil!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He left his house and moved to a big house in the forest, where he lived for many years.", + "text": "Adam evinden taşınıp ormanda uzun yıllar yaşayacağı büyük bir eve taşındı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the pineapples, bags, and trees with your child.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte ananasları, torbaları ve ağaçları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the rungs on the ladder with your child.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, portatif merdivenin basamaklarını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the bird is yellow again!", + "text": "Kuşun yine sarı olduğuna dikkat edin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 0 Zero cats.\n\nNo cats here!", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n0 Sıfır kedi.\n\nBurada hiç kedi yok!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "0 is an important number! It's where all counting starts, even when we don't say it.", + "text": "0, önemli bir rakamdır! Sıfır, biz söylemesek dahi tüm sayma işleminin başladığı yerdir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats do you see?", + "text": "Kaç tane kedi görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the butterflies – they are tricky to find in this picture.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, kelebekleri sayın — bu resimde onları bulmak zor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 1 One cat.\n\n A black cat is eating red meat.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n1 Bir kedi.\n\nSiyah bir kedi, kırmızı et yiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the green and orange squares, blue shirt, and black cat.", + "text": "Yeşil ve turuncu kareleri, mavi tişörtü ve siyah kediyi işaret edip adlandırın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how Paul is looking at the cat. Paul sure likes cats!", + "text": "Paul’un kediye nasıl baktığına dikkat edin. Paul kesinlikle kedileri seviyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time a cat is added: a) say that one more than the last number of cats is the new number, and b) one less than the current number is the last number.", + "text": "Her defasında bir kedi eklendiğinde: a) en sonki kedi sayısından bir fazlasının yeni sayı olduğunu ve b) şu anki mevcut kedi sayısından bir eksiğinin de en sonki sayı olduğunu söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n 2 Two cats. \n\n A white cat and a grey cat are sleeping.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\nİki kedi.\n\nBir beyaz kedi ve bir gri kedi uyuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the cats, plants, and people.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, kedileri, bitkileri ve insanları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of cats, plants, and people, which number is the biggest? Which one is the smallest?", + "text": "Kediler, bitkiler ve insanlar arasında hangisinin sayısı en büyük? Hangisinin sayısı en küçük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the square tiles are now all the same gray color.", + "text": "Kare fayansların hepsinin şu anda aynı gri renginde olduklarına dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n3 Three cats. \n\nThree cats are playing in the kitchen.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n3 Üç kedi.\n\nÜç kedi mutfakta oyun oynuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What a mess! There must be zero people here!", + "text": "Bu ne dağınıklık! Burada sıfır insan olmalı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together each group – the cats, cabinet doors, food containers, and spoons.", + "text": "Her bir grubu — kedileri, dolap kapaklarını, yemek kaplarını ve kaşıkları — çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which thing is there the most of in this picture?", + "text": "Orada en çok hangi şeyden var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n4 Four cats. \n\nFour cats are Paul's friends.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n4 Dört kedi.\n\nDört kedi de Paul'un arkadaşlarıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the cats.", + "text": "Bütün kedileri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these cats have you seen before, and which are new? Which ones are missing?", + "text": "Bu kedilerden hangilerini daha önce gördünüz ve hangileri yeni? Hangileri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name all the different colors in the room.", + "text": "Odadaki tüm farklı renkleri işaret edip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n5 Five cats. \n\nFive cats chase the dog.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n5 Beş kedi.\n\nBeş kedi köpeği kovalıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at their faces and bodies, do the cats and the dog like each other?", + "text": "Yüzlerine ve vücutlarına bakarak şu soruyu cevaplayın: Kediler ve köpekler birbirlerinden hoşlanıyorlar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of cats and the number of dogs. Which group is bigger? Poor dog!", + "text": "Kedileri ve köpekleri sayın. Hangi grup daha büyük? Zavallı köpek!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These cats all have different coloring. Describe the color and pattern of each cat.", + "text": "Bu kedilerin hepsi farklı renklere sahip. Her bir kedinin desenini ve rengini tanımlayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats?\n\n6 Six cats.\n\nSix cats waiting for the dog.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\nAltı kedi.\n\nAltı kedi, köpeği bekliyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the cats on the floor and in the picture. Is it the same number?", + "text": "Yerdeki ve resimdeki kedileri sayın. Sonuç aynı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find a cat or two in the picture on the wall that is not on the floor.", + "text": "Yerde olmayıp duvardaki resimde olan bir veya iki kedi bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog doesn't want to come back. Why not?", + "text": "Köpek geri gelmek istemiyor. Neden istemiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n7 Seven cats. \n\nSeven cats playing in the compound.", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n7 Yedi kedi.\n\nYedi kedi yerleşkede oynuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at each of the seven cats.", + "text": "Yedi kedinin her birini gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Paul looking for?", + "text": "Paul neyi arıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat on the roof is the highest cat. How did that cat get up so high?", + "text": "Çatıdaki kedi, en yüksek kedidir. O kedi nasıl o kadar yükseğe çıktı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats? \n\n8 Eight cats. \n\nEight cats and one dog!", + "text": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n8 Sekiz kedi.\n\nSekiz kedi ve bir köpek!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cats have many different colors and patterns. Have you seen cats like these?", + "text": "Kediler farklı renklere ve desenlere sahipler. Hiç böyle kediler gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Seven cats plus one dog makes how many animals?", + "text": "Sekiz kedi artı bir köpek kaç tane hayvan eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the dog looks happy or worried?", + "text": "Sizce köpek mutlu mu yoksa endişeli mi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A kitten is stuck in a tree! \n\n\"I will rescue you!\" says Paul.", + "text": "Bir yavru kedi bir ağaçta mahsur kalmış!\n\n“Seni kurtaracağım!” diyor Paul.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many cats are stuck in the tree?", + "text": "Ağaçta kaç kedi mahsur kalmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How did the cat get up there?", + "text": "Kedi oraya nasıl çıktı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is higher than Paul. How will Paul help the cat?", + "text": "Kedi, Paul’dan daha yüksekte. Paul kediye nasıl yardım edecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama, can we keep him?\" \n\nHow many cats? \n\n9 Nine cats. \n\n\"That is too many cats!\" says Mama.\u0001", + "text": "“Anne, onu sahiplenebilir miyiz?”\n\nKaç tane kedi var?\n\n9 Dokuz kedi.\n\n“O kadarı da çok fazla kedi!” diyor annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than eight cats is nine cats. A dog and nine cats is how many animals?\u0001\u0001", + "text": "Sekiz kediden bir fazlası dokuz kedi eder. Bir köpek ve dokuz kedi kaç tane hayvan eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know anyone with cats? How many cats do they have?", + "text": "Kedisi olan kimseyi biliyor musunuz? Kaç tane kedileri var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think nine cats is too many?", + "text": "Sizce dokuz kedi çok mu fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Long time ago, Cassava and Palm lived in a village called Koowa. They were very good friends. They visited each other every day. They were farmers. They worked very hard on their farms.", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, Manyok ve Palmiye, Koowa adlı bir köyde yaşıyorlardı. Onlar çok iyi dostlardı. Birbirlerini her gün ziyaret ediyorlardı. İkisi de çiftçiydi. Çiftliklerinde çok sıkı çalışıyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These are two talking plants! Use your imagination to suggest what they might be saying to each other.", + "text": "Bunlar konuşan iki bitki! Birbirlerine ne söylüyor olabileceklerini hayal gücünüzü kullanarak belirtin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm is a kind of tree that doesn't have branches like other trees -- it has leaves, called fronds, that are held together by a rib in the middle.", + "text": "Palmiye, diğer ağaçlarınkine benzer dalları olmayan bir ağaç türüdür – yapraklarının ortasındaki kaburga benzeri yapı tarafından bir arada tutulan geniş yaprakları (frond) vardır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many ribbed fronds you see. How does the rib on the fronds compare to your own ribs?", + "text": "Resimde kaç kaburga benzeri bileşik yaprak gördüğünüzü sayın. Yapraklardaki kaburga benzeri yapının sizin kaburgalarınızla benzerlikleri, farklılıkları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In a certain year, there was no rain. The crops did not grow well. All the plants dried up. People did not have any food to eat.\n\nCassava and Palm decided to travel to another village to look for work.", + "text": "Hatta bir yıl, hiç yağmur yoktu. Ekinler iyi yetişmedi. Tüm bitkiler kuruyup gitti. İnsanların yiyecek yemekleri kalmadı.\n\nManyok ve Palmiye iş aramak için başka bir köye taşınmaya karar verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How have Palm's fronds and Cassava's leaves changed now that the weather has been so dry?", + "text": "Hava çok kuru olduğuna göre, Palmiye’nin bileşik yaprakları ve Manyok’un yaprakları nasıl değişti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The plants in the ground are very thirsty. Have you ever been very, very thirsty? When you were extremely thirsty, how much did you drink? 1 cup? 2 cups? 3 cups? more?", + "text": "Yerdeki bitkiler çok susamışlar. Siz de hayatınızda çok ama çok susuz kaldınız mı hiç? Aşırı bir şekilde susadığınızda, ne kadar su içtiniz? 1 bardak? 2 bardak? 3 bardak? Daha çok?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "All the little plants are dying! How many of them can you count? Can you count that high?", + "text": "Bütün minik bitkiler ölüyorlar! Resimde kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On their way, they met a woman. \"Good afternoon,\" they greeted her.\n\nShe responded, \"Where are you going?\" \"We are going to the next village to look for work,\" said Palm.", + "text": "Yolda, bir kadınla karşılaştılar. “Tünaydın,” diyerek onu selamladılar.\n\nKadın, “Nereye gidiyorsunuz?” diye sordu. “İş aramak için yandaki köye gidiyoruz,” dedi Palmiye.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cassava has what are called tuber roots that help it stand up. How many tuber roots do you see?", + "text": "Manyok’un dik durmasına yardımcı olan yumru kökleri var. Resimde kaç yumru kök görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on the woman's hands. How many fingers do most people have? How many does she seem to be missing?", + "text": "Kadının ellerindeki parmakları sayın. Çoğu insanın kaç parmağı vardır? Resimdeki kadının kaç parmağı eksik gibi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice everyone's arms in this picture. Copy each one with your own arms. Arm positions can tell us a lot about what a person is thinking or feeling. What do these arm positions say to you?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki herkesin kollarına dikkat edin. Aynılarını kendi kollarınızla yapın. Kolların pozisyonları bize bir kişinin ne düşündüğü veya ne hissettiği hakkında çok şey anlatabilir. Resimdeki kol pozisyonları size ne söylüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"What work can you do?\" the woman asked. The friends responded, \"We can provide food for your family and animals.\"\n\nThe woman asked, \"What do you need to provide the food?\" \"Give us land, water and good care,\" they replied.", + "text": "“Ne iş yapabilirsiniz?” diye sordu kadın. Bu arkadaşlar, “Biz ailenize ve hayvanlarınıza yiyecek sağlayabiliriz,” diye cevap verdiler.\n\n“Yiyecek sağlamak için neye ihtiyacınız var?” diye sordu kadın. “Bize toprak, su ve iyi bir bakım verin,” diye karşılık verdiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most of our food comes from plants. What are some of your favorite foods that come from trees? From bushes? From vines? (berries, tomatoes, beans, squash)", + "text": "Yiyeceklerimizin çoğu bitkilerden gelir. Ağaçlardan gelen en sevdiğiniz yiyeceklerden bazıları nelerdir? Peki ya asmalardan gelen? Çalılardan? (yabani çilekler, domatesler, fasulyeler, kabakgiller)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides, like this page. Count the rectangles on this page.", + "text": "Dikdörtgenler bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan şekillerdir. Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These roofs are made of straw. The roof of the round building is shaped like a cone. The roofs of the other two buildings are somewhat like two sides of a triangle.", + "text": "Resimdeki çatılar sazlardan yapılmış. Yuvarlak binanın çatısı koni şeklinde. Diğer iki binanın çatıları, bir üçgenin iki kenarına benziyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The woman took them home with her.", + "text": "Kadın onları kendi evine aldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm and Cassava have very different bodies. Describe the shape, color, and size of the scales covering Palm's body.", + "text": "Manyok ve Palmiye’nin çok farklı gövdeleri var. Resimdeki Palmiye’nin gövdesini kaplayan pulsu yapıların şeklini, rengini ve büyüklüğünü tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of the bricks on the side of the house can you count? Are there more leaves on Cassava or bricks on the house? How many more?", + "text": "Evin yan tarafındaki tuğlaların kaçını sayabilirsiniz? Manyok’un üzerindeki yaprakların sayısı mı yoksa evin üzerindeki tuğlaların sayısı mı daha fazla? Kaç fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the shape of the side of a brick? Do you see any other objects with that shape in this picture?", + "text": "Bir tuğlanın kenarları hangi şekildedir? Bu resimde bu şekle sahip başka nesneler görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One afternoon, Palm tree and Cassava had an argument. Cassava said he was more important than Palm.\n\nPalm said he was more important than Cassava.", + "text": "Bir öğleden sonra, Manyok ve Palmiye laf dalaşına girdi. Manyok kendisinin Palmiye’den daha önemli olduğunu söyledi.\n\nPalmiye ise kendisinin Manyok’tan daha önemli olduğunu söyledi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm and Cassava want to feel important. What are some ways you feel important?", + "text": "Manyok ve Palmiye kendilerini önemli hissetmek istiyorlar. Kendinizi önemli hissetmenizin yolları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many ways someone might feel important. Perhaps they are important to someone, or because they can do something really well, or maybe because someone or something needs them.", + "text": "Kişinin kendisini önemli hissetmesinin pek çok yolu vardır. Belki biri için önemlidirler, belki bir şeyi gerçekten iyi yapabildikleri için önemlidirler veya belki de birinin kendilerine ihtiyacı olduğu için.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use the shadows on the ground to guess where the sun is. Point to the corner of the picture where the sun is.", + "text": "Güneşin nerede olduğunu tahmin etmek için yerdeki gölgelerden yola çıkın. Resimde güneşin olduğu yeri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The woman heard them from her room. She came out and asked \"Why are you fighting?\"", + "text": "Kadın onları odadan duydu. Gelip, “Neden kavga ediyorsunuz?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles with four equal sides are called squares. Point out squares and rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Dört eşit kenarlı dikdörtgenlere ‘kare’ denir. Bu resimdeki kareleri ve dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm and Cassava are arguing. What do you think will happen next? Will they stop being friends?", + "text": "Manyok ve Palmiye tartışıyorlar. Sizce bir sonraki aşamada ne olacak? Arkadaş olmayı bırakacaklar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it possible to disagree with someone and still be friends?", + "text": "Biriyle aynı fikirde olmamak ama yine de arkadaş kalabilmek mümkün müdür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cassava spoke first. \"I am more important than Palm tree. I provide tubers for your fufu, gari, boiled cassava and cassava dough.\"", + "text": "İlk Manyok konuştu. “Ben Palmiye ağacından daha önemliyim. Ben, sizin fufu, gari, haşlanmış manyok ve manyok hamurunuz için yumrular sağlarım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fufu is mashed cassava that people put in soups. Which kinds of soup have you eaten?", + "text": "Fufu, insanların çorbalara koyduğu bir manyok püresidir. Siz hangi tür çorbalardan içtiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These food containers are all round in some way. How are the shapes of these containers alike and how are they different?", + "text": "Bu yiyecek kaplarının hepsi o veya bu şekilde yuvarlak. Bu kapların şekilleri, birbirlerine hangi yönlerden benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The world has about 8 billion people. Almost 1 billion people eat food from cassava. The country where people eat the most cassava is Nigeria, in Africa.", + "text": "Dünyada yaklaşık 8 milyar insan var. Neredeyse 1 milyar insan manyoktan yemek yer. İnsanların en çok manyok yediği ülke Afrika’daki Nijerya’dır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"My stems are used for planting. My leaves and peels feed your animals. What does Palm tree do?\" asked Cassava.", + "text": "“Benim saplarım bitki ekiminde kullanılır. Yapraklarım ve kabuklarım hayvanlarınızı besler. Palmiye ağacı ne işe yarar?” diye sordu Manyok.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Not all shapes are simple and regular. There are several large, irregularly-shaped dark patches on the goat. How many?", + "text": "Resimdeki şekillerin tümü o kadar da sade veya düzenli değiller. Keçinin üzerinde birkaç büyük, düzensiz şekilli koyu lekeler var. Orada kaç leke var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig seems to be enjoying the peels of the cassava plant. Which kinds of foods do we eat after peeling them?", + "text": "Domuz, manyok bitkisinin kabuklarını beğenmiş gibi görünüyor. Peki bizler hangi tür yiyeceklerin kabuklarını soyduktan sonra yiyebiliriz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's fun to make animal sounds. Can you make a noise like a pig or a goat? Any others?", + "text": "Hayvan seslerini çıkarmak eğlencelidir. Keçi veya domuz gibi ses çıkarabilir misiniz? Peki ya başka hayvanların seslerini?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm tree laughed, shook his head and said, \"Woman, do you remember the palm soup you enjoy so much? I provide that.\"", + "text": "Palmiye ağacı başını sallayıp gülerek, “Kadın, o çok sevdiğin palmiye çorbasını hatırlıyor musun? Onu ben sağlıyorum,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some kinds of palm trees produce coconuts and some produce palm nuts. Palm nuts hold the seeds for new palm trees.", + "text": "Bazı palmiye ağaçları özel bir Hindistan cevizi çeşidini, bazıları da palmiye fıstıklarını üretir. Palmiye fıstıkları, içinde, yeni palmiye ağaçlarının tohumlarını barındırır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The recipe for palm soup uses palm nuts AND fufu made from cassava. These two friends belong together!", + "text": "Palmiye çorbası tarifinde palmiye fıstıkları ve manyoktan yapılan fufu kullanılır. Bu iki arkadaş birbirlerine aitler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm is laughing so hard that spit is flying from his mouth! Did you ever laugh that hard?", + "text": "Palmiye o kadar çok gülüyor ki ağzından etrafa tükürükler saçılıyor! Siz de hiç bu kadar çok güldünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I provide the palm oil for preparing the kpokpoi and the palm kernel oil for frying fish and meat. How would you prepare stews and gravies without oil?", + "text": "“Ben kpokpoi hazırlamak için palmiye yağı sağlıyorum ve balık ve et kızartmak için de palmiye çekirdeği yağı sağlıyorum. Yağım olmadan yahniyi ve et suyunu nasıl hazırlardınız?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People fry many kinds of food in oil. Name some kinds of fried food you have eaten.", + "text": "İnsanlar pek çok yiyeceği yağda kızartırlar. Yediğiniz bazı kızarmış yiyecek türlerinin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If every person in the family eats one of these fish, how many people are in the family?", + "text": "Ailedeki herkes resimdeki balıklardan birer tane yerse, o zaman ailede kaç kişi vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suppose each person eats two fish, how many people would there be? What if each person eats half a fish?", + "text": "Her bir kişinin iki balık yediğini varsaydığınızda, o zaman ailede kaç kişi olacaktır? Peki her bir kişi yarım balık yerse, ailede kaç kişi vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"In addition, my friends provide shade for your huts. You cool your heart with my sweet, rich, foamy palm wine after your hard day's work.\"", + "text": "“Buna ilaveten, arkadaşlarım kulübeleriniz için gölgeler de sağlıyorlar. Zor bir gününüzün ardından gönlünüzü benim tatlı, zengin, köpüklü palmiye şarabımla serinletiyorsunuz.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The poles that hold up the palm frond roof are vertical -- they are straight up and down. The edge of the wall behind the people is horizontal -- it goes from side to side. Point out vertical and horizontal lines around you.", + "text": "{Palmiye yapraklarından yapılmış çatıyı tutan direkler dikeyler – yani, dümdüz yukarı ve aşağıya gidiyorlar. İnsanların arkasındaki duvarın kenarı ise yatay – yani, duvar bir yandan öbür yana gidiyor. Etrafınızdaki dikey ve yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The places where the poles meet the wall make right angles – angles like the corner of this page. Point out right angles in the picture and where you are.", + "text": "Direklerin duvarla birleştiği yerler ‘dik açı’ yaparlar – dik açı, bu sayfanın köşesi gibidir. Resimdeki ve bulunduğunuz yerdeki dik açıları gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most drink containers are round. Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "Çoğu içecek kapları yuvarlaktır. Sizce neden öyledir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Above all, the brooms that are used to sweep the rooms and compounds come from me,\" concluded Palm.", + "text": "“Her şeyden önemlisi, odaları ve yerleşkeleri süpürmek için kullanılan süpürgeler benden geliyor,” diyerek sözlerini tamamladı Palmiye.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People tie palm fronds tightly together to make brooms. A dust broom is a really short broom for sweeping small areas. Do you have a dust broom?", + "text": "İnsanlar süpürge yapmak için palmiye yapraklarını sıkıca birbirine bağlarlar. Toz süpürgesi, küçük alanları süpürmek için kullanılan oldukça kısa bir süpürgedir. Sizin toz süpürgeniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you suppose they are sweeping up bits of cassava peels and palm nut shells? Have you ever used a tall broom or a dust broom?", + "text": "Sizce resimdekiler manyok ve palmiye kabuklarını mı süpürüyorlar? Hiç uzun bir süpürge veya kısa toz süpürgesi kullandınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the vertical and horizontal lines in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki dikey ve yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hmmm! sighed the woman. \"All right friends, I have heard you. I will settle this problem.\"", + "text": "“Hımmm!” diye iç geçirdi kadın. “Pekâlâ, arkadaşlar, sizi dinledim. Bu problemi çözeceğim.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The woman says, \"I have heard you.\" She listened carefully to both of them. It really helps when people listen closely to what people care about.", + "text": "Kadın, “Sizi dinledim,” dedi. Her ikisini de dikkatlice dinledi. İnsanların önemsedikleri şeyleri dikkatle dinlemeleri gerçekten yardımcı olur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is holding her hands with her palms up. Sometimes that gesture means \"Here's the answer!\" and sometimes it means \"I don't know.\" What does it mean here?", + "text": "Kadın ellerini avuç içleri yukarı bakacak şekilde tutuyor. Bu hareket bazen “İşte cevabı!” anlamına gelir, bazen de “Bilmiyorum!” anlamına gelir. Bu hareket, bu resimde hangi anlama geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many bumps do you see on Palm's body? Can you count that high?", + "text": "Palmiye’nin vücudunda kaç tane şişlik görüyorsunuz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Both of you are very important to me. The two of you together make a delicious meal, fufu and palm nut soup!\" said the woman.", + "text": "“İkiniz de benim için çok önemlisiniz. İkiniz birlikte lezzetli bir yemek olursunuz; fufu ve palmiye fıstığı çorbası!” dedi kadın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Giving a new way to look at something can resolve an argument. What did she say that made them both happy?", + "text": "Bir şeye yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmak bir tartışmayı çözebilir. Kadın ikisini de mutlu eden ne söyledi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The woman is wearing lots of colors. What are they? Do you have a favorite color?", + "text": "Kadın çok renkli giyinmiş. O renkler neler? Peki sizin favori renginiz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are fabric curtains at the windows and wooden shutters on the outside of the windows. When do you think they close the shutters? Why?", + "text": "Pencerelerde kumaş perdeler ve pencerelerin dışında da tahta panjurlar var. Sizce onlar panjurları ne zaman kapatıyorlar? Neden?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The woman prepared palm nut soup with fufu from cassavas. She invited her friends to eat with her. They enjoyed the meal very much.\n\nSince then, Cassava and Palm tree have remained good friends.", + "text": "Kadın manyoktan fufulu bir palmiye fıstığı çorbası hazırladı. Arkadaşlarını da kendisiyle birlikte yemeleri için davet etti. Yemeği çok beğendiler.\n\nO zamandan beri, Manyok ve Palmiye iki iyi dost olarak kaldılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many people are sharing the meal? Who do you think is the oldest and who is the youngest?", + "text": "Yemeği kaç kişi paylaşıyor? Sizce onların en yaşlısı ve en genci hangisi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are they eating inside or outside the house? Which do you like to do better – eat inside or outside?", + "text": "Evin içinde mi yoksa dışında mı yemek yiyorlar? Siz hangisini daha çok seversiniz – içeride mi yoksa dışarıda yemek yemeyi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can't see the face of the person in the green shirt. Why? Have you ever licked a plate clean because you liked the food so much?", + "text": "Yeşil tişörtlü kişinin yüzünü göremiyoruz. Neden? Bir yemeği çok beğendiğinizde tabağı yalayıp temizlediğiniz oldu mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the whiskers, ears, legs, eyes, and tails.", + "text": "Bıyıkları, kulakları, bacakları, gözleri ve kuyrukları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which counts are the same, which are different, which are the largest, and which are the smallest?", + "text": "Sayımınıza göre hangileri eşit, hangileri farklı, hangileri en büyük ve hangileri en küçüktür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is red and which one is yellow?", + "text": "Hangi hayvan kırmızı ve hangisi sarıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog live in a house.\n\nA house with a door.\n\nA house with a roof.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, bir evde yaşıyorlar.\n\nBir kapısı olan bir ev.\n\nBir çatısı olan bir ev.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog live in a round house. Is your house round?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, yuvarlak bir evde yaşıyorlar. Sizin eviniz yuvarlak mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to any other round things in the picture.", + "text": "Resimdeki diğer yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many rooms does their house seem to have?", + "text": "Evlerinin kaç odası var gibi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog have a ball.\n\nThe ball is red and blue and yellow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, bir topa sahiptir.\n\nTop kırmızı, mavi ve yeşildir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of colors on the ball.", + "text": "Topun üzerindeki renklerin sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which color on the ball is not a color for Cat or Dog?", + "text": "Topun üzerindeki hangi renk Kedi veya Köpek’in rengi değildir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is there anything where you are that is striped like this ball?", + "text": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde bu top gibi çizgili olan bir şey var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog.\n\nDog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Cat.\n\nCat catches the ball.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek topla oynuyorlar.\n\nKedi topu Köpek’e atıyor.\n\nKöpek topu yakalıyor.\n\nKöpek topu Kedi’ye atıyor.\n\nKedi topu yakalıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many times did they throw the ball?", + "text": "Topu kaç kere attılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like playing with balls? Do you throw them, catch them, or kick them?", + "text": "Siz toplarla oynamayı sever misiniz? Topları atar mısınız, yakalar mısınız yoksa tekmeler misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can real cats and dogs play catch with a ball? How can they play with balls?", + "text": "Gerçek kediler ve köpekler top yakalamaca oyunu oynarlar mı? Onlar toplarla nasıl oynarlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Cat throws the ball very high.\n\nOh! Oh!", + "text": "Daha sonra, Kedi topu çok yükseğe atıyor.\n\nAh! Ah!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is higher than Dog. How much higher than Dog did Cat throw it?", + "text": "Top, Köpek’ten daha yüksekte. Kedi topu Köpek’ten ne kadar yükseğe attı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Cat mean to do that? How can you tell from Cat's face?", + "text": "Kedi öyle mi yapmak istedi? Kedi’nin yüzüne bakarak bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the ball sometimes not go where you want it when you play catch?", + "text": "Siz top yakalamaca oynarken, top bazen sizin istediğiniz yere gitmiyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is on the roof.\n\nThe ball is on the roof of the house.", + "text": "Top, çatının üzerinde.\n\nTop, evin çatısının üzerinde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The roof is slanted. Does the ball look like it would roll off the roof?", + "text": "Çatı eğimlidir. Top çatıdan yuvarlanıp düşecek gibi mi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are Cat and Dog?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek neredeler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is the shape of the ball and the house similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Topun şekli evle hangi yönden benzerdir, top ve ev birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog can see the ball.\n\nCat and Dog cannot get to the ball.\n\nHow will they get the ball down?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, topu görebiliyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, topa ulaşamıyor.\n\nTopu aşağıya nasıl indirecekler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is too high for Cat and Dog to reach. How will they solve this problem?", + "text": "Top, Kedi ve Köpek’in ona ulaşamayacağı kadar çok yüksekte. Bu problemi nasıl çözecekler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What can you do to get something that is too high? Would you ask for help?", + "text": "Siz çok yüksekte olan bir şeyi almak için ne yapabilirsiniz? Yardım ister miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the ball look bigger than it did when they were throwing it?", + "text": "Top onların attığı zamandakinden daha mı büyük görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are sad.\n\nThey want to find something tall to reach the ball.\n\nThen Elephant comes by.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, üzgün.\n\nTopa erişebilecek uzun bir şey bulmak istiyorlar.\n\nOndan sonra, yanlarından Fil geçiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are crying. Is their crying helping them solve their problem?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ağlıyor. Onların ağlaması problemlerini çözmelerine yardım ediyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the big animals, birds, and trees in the picture.", + "text": "Resimdeki büyük hayvanları, kuşları ve ağaçları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can Elephant help them? Is the elephant tall?", + "text": "Fil onlara nasıl yardım edebilir? Fil uzun mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant is big.\n\nElephant can see the ball.\n\nElephant can get to the ball.\n\nElephant gets the ball from the roof.\n\nElephant takes the ball from the roof of the house.", + "text": "Fil, büyük.\n\nFil, topu görebilir.\n\nFil, topa erişebilir.\n\nFil, topu çatıdan alıyor.\n\nFil, topu, evin çatısından alıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The ball is higher than Elephant. How does Elephant reach the ball?", + "text": "Top, Fil’den daha yüksekte. Fil topa nasıl erişebilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals are all standing on two of their four legs. Have you seen animals do this?", + "text": "Hayvanların hepsi dört bacaklarının ikisi üzerinde duruyorlar. Hiç hayvanların böyle yaptıklarını gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other animals stand on two legs?", + "text": "Başka hangi hayvanlar iki bacak üzerinde durur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant gives the ball to Cat and Dog.\n\nCat and Dog smile. Elephant smiles.\n\nCat and Dog and Elephant smile.", + "text": "Fil, topu, Kedi ve Köpek’e veriyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek gülümsüyor. Fil gülümsüyor.\n\nKedi, Köpek ve Fil gülümsüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who has the longest nose? Why does an elephant need such a long nose?", + "text": "Hangisi en uzun buruna sahiptir? Bir fil neden bu kadar uzun bir buruna ihtiyaç duyar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these animals is the biggest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "Bu hayvanlardan hangisi en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Elephant different and how is Elephant similar to Cat and Dog? What does Elephant have that they don't?", + "text": "Fil, Kedi ve Köpek’ten nasıl farklıdır ve onlara nasıl benziyor? Kedi ve Köpek’te olmayan ama Fil’de olan ne var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and Elephant play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog. Dog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Elephant. Elephant catches the ball.\n\nElephant throws the ball to Cat. Cat catches the ball.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Fil, topla oynarlar.\n\nKedi topu Köpek’e atar. Köpek topu yakalar.\n\nKöpek topu Fil’e atar. Fil topu yakalar.\n\nFil topu Kedi’ye atar. Kedi topu yakalar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of throws and the number of catches. Are they the same number?", + "text": "Atış ve yakalama sayısını sayın. Aynı sayıdalar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did each animal throw and each animal catch?", + "text": "Her bir hayvan atıp, her bir hayvan yakaladı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are good at taking turns. Are you good at taking turns?", + "text": "Onlar, sırayla yapmakta iyiler. Siz sırayla hareket etmekte iyi misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye Elephant.", + "text": "Güle güle, Kedi.\n\nGüle güle, Köpek.\n\nGüle güle, Fil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of animals waving.", + "text": "El sallayan hayvanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more animals or balls? By how much?", + "text": "Orada daha fazla hayvan veya daha fazla top var mı? Ne kadar fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With fewer balls than animals, the animals must be good at sharing.", + "text": "Hayvanlardan daha az sayıda toplarla, hayvanlar paylaşmada iyi olmalılar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has stripes and which one has spots? How many stripes and how many spots?", + "text": "Hangisinin çizgileri ve hangisinin benekleri var? Kaç çizgi ve kaç benek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has whiskers we can see? How many whiskers?", + "text": "Hangisinin bıyıkları olduğunu görebiliyoruz? Kaç tane bıyık var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one is red and which one is yellow?", + "text": "Hangisi kırmızı ve hangisi sarı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog look through the window.\n\nThey look through the window.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, pencereden bakıyor.\n\nOnlar pencereden bakıyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many times does it say that they are looking through the window? The writer repeats it to tell us that Cat and Dog have nothing to do.", + "text": "Hikâye, onların pencereden baktıklarını kaç kere söylüyor? Yazar, Kedi ve Köpek’in yapacak hiçbir şeylerinin olmadığını bize anlatmak için pencereden baktıklarını tekrarlıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do Cat and Dog look bored?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, sıkılmış gibi mi görünüyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of trees.", + "text": "Ağaçların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Cat and Dog see a butterfly!\n\nThe butterfly is pink.", + "text": "Sonra, Kedi ve Köpek bir kelebek görürler!\n\nKelebek pembedir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why were Cat and Dog so excited to see a butterfly? Were they looking for one?", + "text": "Bir kelebeği görmek Kedi ve Köpek’i neden bu kadar heyecanlandırdı? Bir kelebek mi arıyorlardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the wings on the butterfly.", + "text": "Kelebekteki kanatları gösterip sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the short lines going away from the butterfly. They show the butterfly is alarmed.", + "text": "Kelebekten uzaklaşan kısa çizgileri işaret edip sayın. Kısa çizgiler kelebeğin paniğe kapılmış olduğunu gösterir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog want to catch the butterfly.\n\nCat and Dog follow the butterfly.\n\nThey follow the butterfly.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği yakalamak istiyorlar.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, kelebeği takip ediyorlar.\n\nOnlar kelebeği takip ediyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the butterfly want to be caught?", + "text": "Kelebek yakalanmayı istiyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it mean of Cat and Dog to want to catch the butterfly?", + "text": "Kedi’nin ve Köpek’in, kelebeği yakalamak istemeleri kötü bir şey mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When is it fun to be chased and when is it frightening?", + "text": "Kovalanmak ne zaman eğlencelidir ve ne zaman korkutucu olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by foot. They walk after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is too fast and Cat and Dog are slow. They are too slow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği yürüyerek mi takip ediyorlar? Onlar, kelebeğin peşinden yürüyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek çok hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar çok yavaş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is going the fastest?", + "text": "Hangi hayvan en hızlı gidiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you go faster or slower than Cat and Dog?", + "text": "Siz, Kedi ve Köpek’ten daha hızlı mı yoksa daha yavaş mı gidebilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that their feet are drawn going in circles to indicate they are running fast.", + "text": "Hızlı koştuklarını belirtmek için ayaklarının daireler çizerek gittiklerini belirtin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by bike. They ride after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is very fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are very slow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği bisikletle takip ediyorlar. Onlar, kelebeğin peşinden bisiklet sürerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar çok yavaş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can butterflies fly faster than a bike can go?", + "text": "Kelebekler bir bisikletin gidebileceğinden daha hızlı uçabilirler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can cats and dogs ride bikes?", + "text": "Kediler ve köpekler bisiklet sürebilirler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you could catch a butterfly while riding a bike?", + "text": "Bisiklet sürerken bir kelebeği yakalayabileceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by car. They drive after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still too fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still too slow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği arabayla takip ediyorlar. Kelebeğin peşinden araba sürerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek hâlâ çok hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ çok yavaşlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can a butterfly or a bird fly faster than a car?", + "text": "Bir kelebek veya bir kuş, bir arabadan daha hızlı uçabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can a real dog drive a car?", + "text": "Gerçek bir köpek bir araba sürebilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the clouds in the sky.", + "text": "Gökyüzündeki bulutları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by boat. They float after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-slow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği tekneyle takip ediyorlar. Onlar su üzerinde kelebeğin peşinden gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek süper hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ süper yavaşlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of fish.", + "text": "Balıkların sayısını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Including Cat and Dog, count the number of animals.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek de dahil, hayvanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fish look surprised. Why are they surprised?", + "text": "Balıklar şaşırmış görünüyorlar. Onlar neden şaşırmışlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by plane. They flow after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still super-super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-super-slow.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği uçakla takip ediyorlar. Onlar kelebeğin peşinden süzülerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek hâlâ süper süper hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ süper süper yavaşlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think a dog can fly a plane?", + "text": "Bir köpeğin bir uçak sürebileceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of cars, boats, and planes is the fastest and which is the slowest?", + "text": "Arabalar, tekneler ve uçaklardan hangisi en hızlı ve hangisi en yavaştır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are up very high. Count together the clouds where they are.", + "text": "Onlar çok yüksekteler. Onların bulundukları yerdeki bulutları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Cat and Dog stop. They stop and sit down. They sit down at a tree.\n\nThey sit down at a big tree.\n\nBut then ....", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, duruyorlar. Onlar duruyorlar ve oturuyorlar. Onlar bir ağacın dibine oturuyorlar.\n\nOnlar, büyük bir ağacın dibine oturuyorlar.\n\nFakat ondan sonra ...", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is longer, Cat's tongue or Cat's legs?", + "text": "Hangisi daha uzun, Kedi’nin dili mi yoksa Kedi’nin bacakları mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think cats have tongues that long?", + "text": "Sizce kedilerin bu kadar uzun dilleri var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are their tongues hanging out because Cat and Dog are tired?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek yorgun oldukları için mi dillerini dışarıya sarkıtmışlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They see one butterfly in the tree.\n\nThey see two butterflies in the tree.\n\nThey see three butterflies in the tree.", + "text": "Onlar ağaçta bir tane kelebek görüyorlar.\n\nOnlar ağaçta iki tane kelebek görüyorlar.\n\nOnlar ağaçta üç tane kelebek görüyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the butterflies you can see in the tree.", + "text": "Ağaçta görebildiğiniz kelebekleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you can see all the butterflies?", + "text": "Bütün kelebekleri görebildiğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three types of living things in the picture: trees, Cat and Dog, and butterflies. Which group is the largest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "Bu resimde üç tür canlı var: ağaçlar, Kedi ve Köpek ve kelebekler. Hangi grup en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They see a hundred butterflies!", + "text": "Onlar yüz tane kelebek görüyorlar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many butterflies can you count? Are there too many for you to count?", + "text": "Siz kaç tane kelebek sayabilirsiniz? Sayamayacağınız kadar çok mu var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different colors of butterflies are there?", + "text": "Orada kaç farklı renkte kelebek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For which color of butterfly is there the most?", + "text": "Orada en çok hangi renk kelebek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye butterflies.", + "text": "Güle güle, Kedi.\n\nGüle güle, Köpek.\n\nGüle güle, kelebekler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you happy or sad that Cat and Dog caught a butterfly?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek’in bir kelebeği yakalamalarına mutlu mu yoksa üzgün müsünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the picture, who do you think is happy and who is sad?", + "text": "Bu resimde, sizce kim mutlu ve kim üzgün?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long do you think a butterfly can live in a jar?", + "text": "Sizce bir kelebek bir kavanozda ne kadar uzun yaşayabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have two ears. Whose ears are bigger?", + "text": "İkisinin de iki kulağı var. Hangisinin kulakları daha büyük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have one tail. Whose tail is longer?", + "text": "İkisinin de bir kuyruğu var. Hangisinin kuyruğu daha uzun?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They each have markings on their belly. Whose markings are bigger?", + "text": "İkisinin de karnında işaretler var. Hangisinin işaretleri daha büyük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk.\n\nThey walk in their village.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek yürüyorlar.\n\nOnlar, köylerinde yürüyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the homes in the village.", + "text": "Köydeki evleri çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things to count together -- one bird, one cat, one dog, three animals, three buildings, and one tree.", + "text": "Birlikte sayılacak birçok şey var – bir kuş, bir kedi, bir köpek, üç hayvan, üç bina ve bir ağaç.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two of the buildings are round around the base. The third one has a base shaped like this page.", + "text": "Binalardan ikisinin tabanı yuvarlak. Üçüncüsünün tabanı bu sayfanın şekline benziyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then they see an egg.\n\nThe egg is in the grass.\n\nThe egg is alone in the grass.\n\nThe egg is all alone.", + "text": "Sonra, bir yumurta görürler.\n\nYumurta çimenlerin içinde.\n\nYumurta çimenlerin içinde tek başına.\n\nYumurta yapayalnız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the animals, trees, houses, and eggs.", + "text": "Hayvanları, ağaçları, evleri ve yumurtaları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name an animal that lays eggs.", + "text": "Yumurtlayan bir hayvan ismi söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog pick up the egg. It is usually better to leave eggs where you find them.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek yumurtayı alırlar. Yumurtaları bulduğunuz yerde bırakmak genellikle daha iyidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to a bird.\n\nThey ask the bird, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek bir kuşa doğru yürürler.\n\nKuşa, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The egg is round. Point to other things with round sides.", + "text": "Yumurta yuvarlak. Yuvarlak kenarları olan diğer şeyleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to round things where you are.", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe where the bird is -- Cat and Dog are below the roof and below the bird, and the bird is above them.", + "text": "Kuşun nerede olduğunu tarif edin – Kedi ve Köpek çatının ve kuşun altında, kuş ise onların üstünde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the bird says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg.\"", + "text": "Ama kuş, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. Baykuşa sorun. Belki onun yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you seen blue birds where you live?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerde mavi kuşlar gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What color is the tie the owl is wearing? Have you seen a bird wearing a tie?", + "text": "Baykuşun taktığı kravatın rengi nedir? Kravat takan bir kuş gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The blue bird is sitting on the roof. What is the owl sitting on?", + "text": "Mavi kuş çatının üzerinde oturuyor. Baykuş neyin üzerinde oturuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the owl.\n\nThey ask the owl, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek baykuşa doğru yürürler.\n\nBaykuşa, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Owls are said to be wise. Does this owl look wise to you?", + "text": "Baykuşların bilge olduğu söylenir. Bu baykuş size bilge gibi görünüyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the birds, cats, and dogs. Which type of animal is there the most of?", + "text": "Kuşları, kedileri ve köpekleri sayın. En fazla hangi tür hayvandan var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice owl's unusual kite-shaped tie!", + "text": "Baykuşun uçurtma şeklindeki sıra dışı kravatına dikkat edin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the owl says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg.\"", + "text": "Ama baykuş, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. Kaza sor. Belki onun yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you get something wrong two times, do you get discouraged?", + "text": "Bir şeyi iki kez yanlış yaptığınızda cesaretiniz kırılır mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog are great at persisting -- trying over and over until they succeed. Are you good at persisting?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ısrarcı olma konusunda – başarana kadar tekrar tekrar denemekte – harikadırlar. Siz de ısrar etmekte iyi misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the houses and how many animals there are now.", + "text": "Şimdi, evleri ve kaç tane hayvan olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the goose.\n\nThey ask the goose, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek kaza doğru yürürler.\n\nKaza, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals are there?", + "text": "Orada kaç tane hayvan var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are any of the animals the same color? How many different colors are there for all the animals?", + "text": "Hayvanlardan bazıları aynı renkte mi? Tüm hayvanların kaç farklı rengi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three birds. How are these three similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Üç kuş var. Bu üçü birbirlerine hangi yönden benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the goose says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg.\"", + "text": "Ama kaz, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. İki ördeğe sorun. Belki onların yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Cat and Dog will give up? Would you give up at this point?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek pes edecek mi sizce? Siz bu durumda pes eder miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many birds have they talked to?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, şimdiye kadar kaç kuşla konuştular?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If they can't find the home for the egg, what should they do with it?", + "text": "Eğer yumurta için bir yuva bulamazlarsa, yumurtayla ne yapmalılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks.\n\nThey ask the two ducks, \"Is this your egg?\"", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek iki ördeğe doğru yürürler.\n\nİki ördeğe, “Bu sizin yumurtanız mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the ducks going to say?", + "text": "Ördekler ne söyleyecekler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The two ducks are different colors and patterns. Describe how they are the same and how they are different.", + "text": "İki ördek farklı renk ve desenlerde. Onların nasıl aynı ve nasıl farklı olduklarını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have ducks around where you live?", + "text": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde ördekler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But the two ducks say, \"No, that is not our egg.\"\n\nThen the egg breaks.", + "text": "Ama iki ördek, “Hayır, bu bizim yumurtamız değil,” derler.\n\nSonra yumurta kırılır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that the egg is breaking?", + "text": "Yumurtanın kırıldığını nasıl anlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Cat drop the egg? Have you ever dropped an egg?", + "text": "Kedi yumurtayı mı düşürdü? Siz hiç yumurta düşürdünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will come out of the egg?", + "text": "Sizce yumurtadan ne çıkacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a lizard in the egg.\n\nA baby lizard.", + "text": "Yumurtanın içinde bir kertenkele var.\n\nBir yavru kertenkele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is it surprising to see a baby lizard come out of the egg? Were you expecting a baby bird?", + "text": "Yumurtadan bir yavru kertenkele çıkması neden şaşırtıcı? Bir yavru kuş mu bekliyordunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that lay eggs and that are not birds? Hint: Fish, insects, and turtles are examples.", + "text": "Kuş dışında başka yumurtlayan hayvanları düşünebiliyor musunuz? İpucu: Balıklar, böcekler ve kaplumbağalar örnek olarak verilebilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What color is the lizard? Have you seen lizards like this before?", + "text": "Kertenkele hangi renkte? Daha önce böyle kertenkeleler gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The baby lizard says, \"Where is my mother? Where is my father? Where are my mother and father?\"\n\nCat and Dog bring the baby lizard to his mother and father.", + "text": "Yavru kertenkele, “Annem nerede? Babam nerede? Annem ve babam nerede?” der.\n\nKedi ve Köpek yavru kertenkeleyi annesi ve babasına getirirler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many lizards are on top of the rocks?", + "text": "Kayaların üstünde kaç tane kertenkele var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do lizards like to be on rocks on sunny days?", + "text": "Kertenkeleler neden güneşli günlerde kayaların üstünde olmayı severler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are most rocks round like these, or do some have sharp edges and points?", + "text": "Kayaların çoğu bunlar gibi yuvarlak mıdır yoksa bazılarının keskin kenarları ve uçları mı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye baby lizard.", + "text": "Hoşça kal, Kedi.\n\nHoşça kal, Köpek.\n\nHoşça kal, yavru kertenkele.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The baby lizard is still in the egg. Is it stuck in there?", + "text": "Yavru kertenkele hâlâ yumurtanın içinde. Yumurtada mı sıkışmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three animals here. If you take away the baby lizard, how many animals does that leave?", + "text": "Burada üç hayvan var. Yavru kertenkeleyi çıkarırsanız, geriye kaç hayvan kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some round shapes you see in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde hangi yuvarlak şekilleri görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the animals together and describe their colors.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, hayvanları sayıp renklerini tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has shorter ears? Which one has longer ears?", + "text": "Hangisinin kulakları daha kısa? Hangisinin kulakları daha uzun?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which one has short whiskers? Which one has long whiskers?", + "text": "Hangisinin bıyıkları kısa? Hangisinin bıyıkları uzun?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is night. It is dark.\n\nIt is cold. It is very cold.", + "text": "Gece olmuş. Hava karanlık.\n\nSoğuk. Çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their house is round. Do you live in a round building?", + "text": "Onların evi yuvarlak. Siz yuvarlak bir binada mı yaşıyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the trees together.", + "text": "Ağaçları çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A full moon forms a complete circle. A moon that is a partial circle like this is called a crescent moon.", + "text": "Dolunay tam bir daire şeklindedir. Bu resimdeki gibi kısmi bir daire şeklinde olan Ay’a hilâl denir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For Dog it is too cold.", + "text": "Hava, Köpek için çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What shows you that Dog is cold?", + "text": "Köpek’in üşüdüğünü gösteren şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A light blue color is often used to show something cold. Does seeing blue make you feel cold?", + "text": "Açık mavi renk, genellikle, soğuk bir şeyi belirtmek için kullanılır. Mavi renk görmek sizi üşütüyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On cold nights, even outdoor animals can use help with the cold.", + "text": "Soğuk gecelerde, açık havada yaşayan hayvanların bile soğuğa karşı yardıma ihtiyacı olabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog underwear.\n\nOne pair of underwear is dirty. One pair of underwear is clean.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e giymesi için bir çift atlet verir.\n\nAtletlerden birisi kirli. Birisi temiz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this choice of underwear very helpful?", + "text": "Bu atlet seçimi çok yardımcı oluyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it silly that Cat offers underwear that is dirty?", + "text": "Kedi’nin kirli bir atlet vermek istemesi absürt mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Cat cold?", + "text": "Kedi neden üşümüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the clean underwear. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "Köpek temiz olan atleti alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how much clothing Dog has. Dog is cold and needs more.", + "text": "Köpek’in ne kadar giysisi olduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Köpek üşüyor ve daha fazlasına ihtiyacı var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Remember a time when you were cold and how hard it was to get warm.", + "text": "Üşüdüğünüz bir zamanı hatırlayın ve ısınmanızın ne kadar zor olduğunu düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are Dog's arms crossed in front?", + "text": "Köpek’in kolları neden önünde çapraz şekilde duruyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog shirts. One shirt is big. One shirt is small.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e tişörtler verir. Bir tişört büyük. Bir tişört küçük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is offering a shirt that is much too small helpful?", + "text": "Çok küçük bir tişört vermek istemek işe yarar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Cat trying to help, or is Cat just having some fun?", + "text": "Kedi yardım etmeye mi çalışıyor yoksa sadece biraz eğleniyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of Cat's paws has more visible claws?", + "text": "Kedi’nin hangi patisinin pençeleri daha fazla görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the big shirt. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "Köpek büyük tişörtü alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the pieces of clothing Dog has. Is it enough?", + "text": "Köpek’in kaç parça giysisi olduğunu sayın. O kadarı yeterli mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like a piece of paper with four equal sides. Compare the round moon with the square window.", + "text": "Bir kare, dört eşit kenarı olan bir kâğıt parçası gibi bir şekildir. Resimdeki yuvarlak ay ile kare pencereyi karşılaştırın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a round window?", + "text": "Siz hiç yuvarlak bir pencere gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog pants.\n\nOne pair of pants is long. One pair of pants is short.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e pantolonlar verir.\n\nBir pantolon uzun. Bir pantolon kısa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing does Cat offer each time?", + "text": "Kedi her seferinde kaç parça giysi sunuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you are cold, do you want to wear shorts?", + "text": "Siz üşüdüğünüzde şort giymek ister misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will happen with Dog's tail? Do these pants have a hole for Dog's tail?", + "text": "Köpek’in kuyruğuna ne olacak? Bu pantolonların Köpek’in kuyruğu için bir deliği var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog takes the long pair of pants. But it is still too cold.", + "text": "Köpek uzun pantolonu alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time, Dog gets one more piece of clothing. How many pieces does Dog have on now?", + "text": "Köpek her seferinde bir parça daha giysi alıyor. Şu anda Köpek’in üzerinde kaç parça giysi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces will Dog need?", + "text": "Köpek daha kaç parça giysiye ihtiyaç duyacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think there is any way Dog will get warm?", + "text": "Sizce Köpek’in ısınması için herhangi bir yol var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog vests. One vest is wet, one vest is dry.\n\nDog takes the dry vest, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e yelekler verir. Bir yelek ıslak, bir yelek kuru.\n\nKöpek kuru yeleği alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does having something wet on make you feel warmer or colder?", + "text": "Üzerinizde ıslak bir şey olması daha sıcak mı yoksa daha soğuk mu hissettirir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog had three pieces of clothing on. The vest is one more. How many does that make?", + "text": "Köpek’in üzerinde üç parça giysi vardı. Yelek, bir parça giysi daha eder. Şu anda toplam kaç parça var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With the vest, Dog has four pieces of clothing. Before he put the vest on, he had one less. How many was that?", + "text": "Yelekle birlikte, Köpek’in üzerinde dört parça giysi var. Yeleği giymeden önce, bir parça daha az giysisi vardı. O zaman kaç parça giysisi vardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog jackets. One jacket is thick, one jacket is thin.\n\nDog takes the thick jacket, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e ceketler verir. Bir ceket kalın, bir ceket ince.\n\nKöpek kalın ceketi alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Thicker clothing helps you keep heat in and stay warmer.", + "text": "Kalın giysiler, ısıyı içeride tutmanıza ve daha sıcak kalmanıza yardımcı olur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the color of the jacket look odd with Dog's other clothes?", + "text": "Ceketin rengi, Köpek’in diğer giysileriyle tuhaf görünüyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog now has one more than four. How many is that?", + "text": "Köpeğin artık dörtten bir fazla giysisi var. Bu kaç parça eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog hats. One hat is high, one hat is low.\n\nDog takes the high hat, but it is still too cold.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e şapkalar verir. Bir şapka uzun, bir şapka kısa.\n\nKöpek uzun şapkayı alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the short hat and the tall hat.", + "text": "Kısa şapkayı ve uzun şapkayı gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it matter which hat Dog chooses? Is one hat warmer than the other?", + "text": "Köpek’in hangi şapkayı seçtiği önemli mi? Bir şapka diğerinden daha mı sıcak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any hats? If so, do you like to wear them?", + "text": "Sizin şapkanız var mı? Eğer varsa, onları takmayı seviyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat gives Dog shoes.\n\nOne pair of shoes is new, one pair of shoes is old.", + "text": "Kedi, Köpek’e ayakkabılar verir.\n\nBir çift ayakkabı yeni, bir çift ayakkabı ise eskidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To give someone a choice, how many things do you need? Would having one thing be enough for a choice?", + "text": "Birine seçim şansı vermek için kaç şeye ihtiyacınız vardır? Bir tane şeyle seçim yapılabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A person can be baffled if you give them too many things to choose from.", + "text": "Bir kişiye aralarından seçim yapabileceği çok fazla şey verirseniz o kişi şaşırabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog is still cold. Why are Dog's choices not helping?", + "text": "Köpek hâlâ üşüyor. Köpeğin seçimleri neden ona yardımcı olmuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dogs takes the new shoes, and then ...\n\nIt is not too cold for Dog.", + "text": "Köpek yeni ayakkabıları alır ve sonra ...\n\nKöpek artık üşümüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What changed outside the window?", + "text": "Pencerenin dışında ne değişti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Dog cold any more? Did his clothes help make him warm?", + "text": "Köpek neden artık üşümüyor? Giysileri onu ısıttı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is the moon and what is that on the horizon in the window?", + "text": "Ay nerede ve penceredeki ufukta ne var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The night is over.\n\nThe moon goes. The sun comes.", + "text": "Gece sona erdi.\n\nAy gidiyor. Güneş geliyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the palm trees together.", + "text": "Palmiye ağaçlarını çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the round, yellow sun. Is the moon always gone when the sun comes up?", + "text": "Yuvarlak, sarı güneşi gösterin. Güneş doğduğunda, ay hep gider mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the moon always visible at night?", + "text": "Ay her zaman geceleri mi görünür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is day. It is light. It is warm. It is very warm.\n\nFor Dog it is too warm.", + "text": "Gündüz oldu. Her yer aydınlık. Hava sıcak. Çok sıcak.\n\nKöpek için çok sıcak.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "List all the pieces of clothing Dog has on.", + "text": "Köpek’in üstündeki tüm giysileri listeleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Dog doing with his right hand? What motion do you use to try to cool off?", + "text": "Köpek sağ eliyle ne yapıyor? Siz serinlemek için hangi hareketi yaparsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are Dog's clothes finally making him warm, or too warm?", + "text": "Köpek’in giysileri sonunda onu sıcak mı yoksa çok mu sıcak yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye hot Dog.", + "text": "Hoşça kal, Kedi.\n\nHoşça kal, sıcak Köpek.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count Cat's whiskers. How many whiskers does Dog have?", + "text": "Kedi’nin bıyıklarını sayın. Köpek’in kaç bıyığı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who has more whiskers -- Cat or Dog? They have the same number, but Dog's whiskers are small.", + "text": "Kimin daha fazla bıyığı var – Kedi’nin mi yoksa Köpek’in mi? İkisi de aynı sayıda bıyığa sahip ama Köpek’in bıyıkları küçük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the end, how many pieces of clothing does Dog have? Too many!", + "text": "En nihayetinde, Köpek’in üzerinde kaç parça giysi var? Çok fazla!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.", + "text": "Bu, Kedi.\n\nBu, Köpek.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These two are a pair of friends. Point out all the pairs and groups of three you can find in this picture.", + "text": "Bu ikisi bir çift arkadaş. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz tüm ikili (çift) ve üçlü grupları gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cats and dogs are mammals. Mammals have fur (or hair), they give birth to babies (not eggs), and the mother feeds her baby milk. Can you think of other animals that are mammals (don't forget yourself!)?", + "text": "Kediler ve köpekler memeli hayvanlardır. Memeli hayvanların kürkleri (veya kılları) vardır; yavrularını doğururlar (yumurtlayarak değil) ve anne yavrusunu kendi sütüyle besler. Memeli olan başka hayvanlar biliyor musunuz (kendinizi unutmayın!)?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some ways that Cat and Dog are similar, and some other ways that they are different.", + "text": "Kedi ve köpeğin benzer ve farklı oldukları bazı yönlerini açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog want to draw.\n\nCat and Dog want to color.\n\nCat and Dog want to make art.\n\nDog starts.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper. The paper is a square.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek, resim çizmek istiyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, boyamak istiyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, sanat yapmak istiyor.\n\nKöpek, yapmaya başlıyor.\n\nBir kalem alıyor ve bir kâğıt alıyor. Kâğıdı bir karedir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point out some squares where you are now.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Kare, dört eşit kenarı olan bir dikdörtgendir. Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerdeki birkaç kareyi gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes when we draw, we know exactly what we want to draw. Other times, we have to think and think. If you drew something right now, what would you draw?", + "text": "Bazen çizim yaparken, ne çizmek istediğimizi tam olarak biliriz. Diğer zamanlarda ise, onun üstüne düşünmemiz gerekir. Şu anda bir şey çizseydiniz, ne çizerdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog is holding the pencil in his right paw. When you write or draw, which hand do you use?", + "text": "Köpek, kalemi sağ patisinde tutuyor. Peki ya siz, yazarken veya çizerken hangi elinizi kullanırsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First, Dog draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Cat.\n\nWow, that is simple!", + "text": "Köpek, ilk önce, bir oval çizer.\n\nOval, Kedi’nin gövdesinin şeklidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok basit!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An oval is like a squished or pulled circle. Ellipses are also ovals. Look for some ovals around where you are.", + "text": "Oval, ezilmiş (bastırılmış) veya çekilmiş bir daire gibidir. Elipsler de ovaldir. Bulunduğunuz yerde ovaller arayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the tails for Cat and Dog. Describe how they are similar and how they are different.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek’in kuyruklarına bakın. Kuyruklarının nasıl benzer ve nasıl farklı olduklarını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dog draws Cat one step at a time. Which part of Cat do you think Dog will draw next?", + "text": "Köpek, Kedi’yi adım adım çizer. Sizce Köpek, bir sonraki adımda Kedi’nin hangi kısmını çizecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws two triangles on top of the oval.\n\nThe two triangles are the ears of Cat and he draws a black triangle in the oval.\n\nThe black triangle is the nose of Cat and he draws a line above the nose.", + "text": "Daha sonra, ovalin tepesine iki üçgen çizer.\n\nO çizdiği iki üçgen Kedi’nin kulaklarıdır. Ardından, ovalin içine siyah bir üçgen çizer.\n\nSiyah üçgen, Kedi’nin burnudur. Sonrasında, burnun üzerine bir çizgi çizer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An arc is part of a circle. Point to each part of this drawing and name the shape (oval, triangle, arc).", + "text": "Bir ‘yay’, dairenin bir parçasıdır. Bu çizimin her bir parçasını gösterip şekillerin isimlerini (oval, üçgen, yay) söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look around where you are and see how many of the shapes you can name.", + "text": "Etrafınıza bir göz atın; bakalım kaç şekli adlandırabileceksiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the line above the nose. That is a surprising line. See what happens to this line in the next two pages.", + "text": "Burnun üzerindeki çizgiye dikkat edin. Bu şaşırtıcı bir çizgidir! Bakalım sonraki iki sayfada bu çizgiye ne olacak.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Cat.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is easy!", + "text": "Köpek şu anda Kedi’nin gözlerini ve kaşlarını çiziyor.\n\nGözler iki noktadır.\n\nKaşlar iki çizgidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok kolay!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That unusual line from the last page is the start of Cat's muzzle. That line separates the muzzle from the rest of Cat's face.", + "text": "Geçtiğimiz sayfadaki o şaşırtıcı çizgi, aslında Kedi’nin ağzının başlangıcıdır. Bu çizgi, Kedi’nin ağzını, yüzünün geri kalanından ayırıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The way people move their eyebrows can tell us what they are feeling. Can you move your eyebrows to show you are surprised? Angry?", + "text": "İnsanların kaşlarını oynatma şekilleri, onların bize ne hissettiklerini anlatabilir. Siz de şaşırdığınızı belli etmek için kaşlarınızı hareket ettirebilir misiniz? Kızgın olduğunuzda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do Cat's eyebrows tell us about how Cat is feeling?", + "text": "Kedi’nin kaşları bize Kedi’nin nasıl hissettiği hakkında ne anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws the mouth of Cat.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nIt looks like the letter 'w' and he draws the hairs of Cat.\n\nThree hairs on the left side and three hairs on the right side.", + "text": "Köpek, daha sonra, Kedi’nin ağzını çizer.\n\nAğzı bir çizgi şeklinde.\n\n‘W’' harfine benziyor. Ardından, Kedi’nin bıyıklarını çizer.\n\nSol tarafta üç bıyık ve sağ tarafta da üç bıyık!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The lines beside Cat's nose are whiskers. They are very sensitive to touch. They help a cat sense things in the dark.", + "text": "Kedi’nin burnunun yanındaki çizgiler bıyıklarıdır. Bıyıkları, dokunmaya karşı çok hassas olup Kedi’nin karanlıkta bir şeyleri algılamasına yardımcı olur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the fourth step in the drawing. See if you can describe the steps in order, calling each one by its number.", + "text": "Bu, çiziminin dördüncü adımıdır. Çizimin adımlarını bir, iki, üç, dört şeklinde sırayla anlatabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of something you do step by step. Perhaps it is getting dressed or going to the store. List as many of the steps in order that you can think of.", + "text": "Adım adım yaptığınız bir şeyi düşünün. O şey belki de giyinmek veya alışverişe gitmek olabilir. Aklınıza gelen adımları sırasıyla listeleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Cat.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Cat.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Cat.\n\nThe tail is a long line.", + "text": "Çizim neredeyse bitti sayılır.\n\nKöpek, Kedi’nin kollarını ve bacaklarını çizer.\n\nKedi’nin kolları ve bacakları çizgilerden oluşuyor. Ardından, Kedi’nin ayağını çizer.\n\nKedi’nin ayak parmakları dairelerden oluşuyor. Sonra, Kedi’nin kuyruğunu çizer.\n\nKuyruğu uzun bir çizgidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which details still need to be added to this picture?", + "text": "Bu resme başka hangi detayların daha eklenmesi gereklidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count by 3's to count how many of Cat's toes you can see (3 + 3).", + "text": "Kedi’nin görebildiğiniz (3+3) ön ayak parmaklarını saymak için üçerli atlayarak sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cats usually have 4 toes on a back leg. How many toes would that make? How many more toes would that be than 3 + 3?", + "text": "Kedilerin arka patilerinde genellikle 4 ayak parmağı bulunur. Arkada toplamda kaç parmak vardır? O sayı, 3 + 3’ten kaç daha fazladır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last he draws some stripes on the body of Cat and colors the body orange.\n\nThe drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is beautiful!", + "text": "En sonunda, Kedi’nin vücuduna birkaç şerit çizip, vücudu turuncuya boyar.\n\nÇizim bitti.\n\nVay canına, bu resim çok güzel!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe what Cat and Dog are each feeling by looking at their faces.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek’in her birinin yüzlerine bakarak onların ne hissettiklerini anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of groups of 3 in the picture now. Can you skip count by 3's to count them all?", + "text": "Artık resimde bir sürü üçlü gruplar var. Hepsini sayabilmek için üçerli atlayarak sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that one side of Cat is the mirror image of the other side. That is called mirror symmetry. Many things in the world have that symmetry. Look around you and find a few.", + "text": "Kedi’nin bir tarafının diğer tarafının ayna görüntüsü olduğuna dikkat edin. Buna ‘ayna simetrisi’ denir. Dünyadaki pek çok şey bu tür bir simetriye sahiptir. Etrafınıza bakıp birkaç ayna simetrisi bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now it is Cat's turn.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper.\n\nThe paper is a rectangle.", + "text": "Şimdi sıra Kedi’de.\n\nKedi, bir kalem alır ve bir kâğıt alır.\n\nKedi’nin kâğıdı bir dikdörtgen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which paw is Cat holding the pencil in?", + "text": "Kedi, kalemi hangi patisiyle tutuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat's piece of paper is a rectangle which is not a square. Describe why it is not a square.", + "text": "Kedi’nin kâğıdı, kare olmayan bir dikdörtgendir. Kâğıdın neden kare olmadığını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Keep an eye on that little tear on the bottom of the piece of paper as the story goes forward.", + "text": "Hikâye ilerledikçe gözünüz kâğıdın altındaki küçük yırtıkta olsun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First, Cat draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Dog.\n\nWow, that is good!", + "text": "Kedi, ilk olarak, bir oval çizer.\n\nÇizdiği oval, Köpek’in gövdesidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok iyi!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat is now drawing with the other paw. Cat is probably right-handed (or is that right-pawed).", + "text": "Kedi, şimdi diğer patisiyle çiziyor. Kedi muhtemelen sağ elini kullanıyor (yoksa, sağ patisini mi demeliyiz?).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat is starting the drawing with the same first step. Predict what the next two steps will be.", + "text": "Kedi, çizime Köpek’in aynı ilk adımıyla başlıyor. Sonraki iki adımın ne olacağını siz tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the bottom of the rectangular sheet of paper. Something has changed!", + "text": "Dikdörtgen kâğıdın altına bakın. Bir şey değişmiş!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws two black forms on top of the oval.\n\nThe two black forms are the ears of Dog and he draws a black circle in the oval.\n\nThe black circle is the nose of Dog and he draws a line above the nose.", + "text": "Ardından, ovalin tepesine iki siyah şekil çizer.\n\nBu iki siyah şekil Köpek’in kulaklarıdır. Sonra, ovalin içine siyah bir daire çizer.\n\nSiyah daire Köpek’in burnudur. Burnun üzerine de bir çizgi çizer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat's nose and Dog's nose are two different shapes. What are the shapes and how are they different?", + "text": "Kedi’nin burnu ve Köpek’in burnu iki farklı şekildir. Bu şekiller nelerdir ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklıdırlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The picture doesn't look like Dog yet. Use your imagination to think of what else the drawing might become. Perhaps a ladybug, or a water bottle squirting water, or a space alien?", + "text": "Resim henüz Köpek’e benzemiyor. Hayal gücünüzü kullanarak bu resmin başka neye dönüşebileceğini bir düşünün. Belki bir uğur böceği, bir su fışkırtan su şişesi veya bir uzaylı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you noticed what came back on the rectangular piece of paper?", + "text": "Dikdörtgen kâğıdın üzerine neyin geri geldiğini fark ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Dog.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is perfect!", + "text": "Kedi şimdi Köpek’in gözlerini ve kaşlarını çiziyor.\n\nGözleri iki noktadır.\n\nKaşları iki çizgidir.\n\nVay canına, bu mükemmel!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles in addition to the piece of paper? There are probably many rectangles where you are. How many can you find?", + "text": "Resimde kâğıttan başka bir dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz? Şu an bulunduğunuz yerde muhtemelen bir sürü dikdörtgen vardır. Kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog aren't talking to each other in this story. They are communicating without words. What are they doing to communicate?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek bu hikâyede birbirleriyle konuşmuyorlar. Kelimeler olmadan iletişim kuruyorlar. İletişim kurmak için ne yapıyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which things come in pairs and which come in 3's in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde hangi şeyler çift ve hangileri üçlüdür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then he draws the mouth of Dog.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nThe shape is again the letter 'w' and he draws some dots around the mouth of Dog.\n\nThree on the left side and three on the right side.", + "text": "Kedi, daha sonra, Köpek’in ağzını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in ağzı bir çizgidir.\n\nŞekli yine ‘W’ harfidir. Ardından, Köpek’in ağzının etrafına birkaç nokta çizer.\n\nÜç tane sol tarafa ve üç tane sağ tarafa.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lines can be straight or curved. Other than their mouths, what are some other curved lines in this picture?", + "text": "Çizgiler düz veya kıvrımlı olabilir. Ağızları haricinde, bu resimdeki diğer kıvrımlı çizgiler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog have 3 dots on each side of their face. Skip count by 3's to count the total number of dots.", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek’in yüzlerinin her iki tarafında üç nokta var. Toplam nokta sayısını saymak için üçerli atlayarak sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They have very different ears. Describe the shapes. How are they similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek’in çok farklı kulakları var. Şekillerini tarif edin. Birbirlerine nasıl benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Dog.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Dog.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Dog.\n\nThe tail looks like a flower.", + "text": "Kedi’nin çizimi neredeyse bitti.\n\nKedi, Köpek’in kollarını ve bacaklarını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in kolları ve bacakları çizgidir. Sonra, Köpek’in ayak parmağını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in ayak parmakları daire şeklindedir. Ardından, Köpek’in kuyruğunu çizer.\n\nKuyruk bir çiçeğe benziyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dogs have the same number of toenails as toes. Skip count by 3's to find the total number of toes and toenails.", + "text": "Köpeklerin ayak parmakları ile aynı sayıda ayak tırnakları vardır. Köpek’in ayak parmaklarının ve ayak tırnaklarının toplam sayısını bulmak için üçer üçer ritmik (atlayarak) sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This picture has many things that come in pairs. Count them all by skip counting by 2's.", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü şey çiftler halinde. Çift olan şeylerin hepsini ikişerli atlayarak sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suppose you had five pairs. You could skip count them by 2's five times or skip count them by 5's two times. Why do you get the same answer both ways?", + "text": "Diyelim ki beş çiftiniz var. Onları, 5 kez ikişerli veya 2 kez beşerli atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. Neden her iki yöntemde de aynı sonucu elde edersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last he draws some black circles on the body of Dog and he colors the body yellow.\n\nThen the drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is wonderful!", + "text": "En sonunda, Köpek’in gövdesine bazı siyah daireler çizer ve gövdeyi sarıya boyar.\n\nArdından, çizim biter.\n\nVay canına, bu harika!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many steps did this drawing take? Was it less than, the same as, or more than the number of steps for the first drawing?", + "text": "Bu çizim kaç adım sürdü? Bu çizimin adım sayısı, ilk çizimin adım sayısından daha mı az, daha mı fazla? Yoksa eşit adım sayısına mı sahip?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this drawing, you don't see Dog's mouth. Even still, you can tell Dog is happy in the drawing. How can you tell?", + "text": "Bu çizimde Köpek’in ağzını göremiyorsunuz. Yine de çizimdeki Köpek’in mutlu olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz. Mutlu olduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen cats and dogs stand on their back two feet? Some can do it for a short time, but it is unusual.", + "text": "Hiç arka iki ayağı üzerinde duran kedi ve köpek gördünüz mü? Bazı kedi ve köpekler bunu kısa bir süre için yapabilir ancak bu alışılmadık bir durumdur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye drawing of Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye drawing of Dog.", + "text": "Güle güle, Kedi!\n\nGüle güle, Kedi çizimi!\n\nGüle güle, Köpek!\n\nGüle güle, Köpek çizimi!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In which ways does this picture have mirror symmetry and in which ways does it fail?", + "text": "Bu resim hangi açılardan ayna simetrisine sahiptir ve hangi bakımdan ayna simetrisinde başarısızdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you draw a picture of someone it's called a portrait. Have you ever drawn a portrait of someone? How did it turn out?", + "text": "Birinin resmini çizdiğinizde, ona ‘portre’ denir. Birinin portresini çizdiniz mi hiç? Nasıl sonuçlandı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drawing a picture of yourself is called a self-portrait. If you drew a self-portrait where would you start? Would you use an oval for your body, or would you start somewhere else?", + "text": "Kendi resminizi çizmeye ise ‘otoportre’ denir. Bir otoportre çizseniz, çizime nereden başlardınız? Vücudunuz için oval şeklini kullanır mıydınız yoksa çiziminize başka bir yerden mi başlardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.", + "text": "Benim köyümde Kio Bey yaşar. Kio Bey’in Safi adında bir kedisi var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out and name each of the strong colors on this page.", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki güçlü renklerin her birini gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which has the least number of legs -- the table, Mr. Kio, or Safi?", + "text": "Hangisi en az sayıda bacağa sahiptir – masa mı, Kio Bey mi yoksa Safi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of Safi's legs can you see? How many can't you see?", + "text": "Safi'nin kaç bacağını görebiliyorsunuz? Kaç tanesini göremiyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mister Kio goes to work, he leaves the door open.", + "text": "Kio Bey işe gittiği zaman kapıyı açık bırakır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are the two things that used to be hanging on the pegs by the door?", + "text": "Kapının yanındaki askıda hep asılı duran o iki şey nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that Safi looks happy when Mr. Kio leaves?", + "text": "Kio Bey gittiğinde Safi’nin mutlu olduğunu fark ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is odd that Mr. Kio leaves the door open when he leaves.", + "text": "Kio Bey gittiğinde kapıyı açık bırakması tuhaf.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi sits in the doorway to watch over the house.", + "text": "Safi, eve göz kulak olmak için kapı girişinde oturur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. This floor is tiled with square tiles.", + "text": "Bir kare, bu sayfa gibi dört eşit kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu yer, kare fayanslarla döşenmiş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have tiles where you live? If so, what shape are they?", + "text": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde fayans var mı? Varsa, hangi şekildeler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Safi like being a house watcher?", + "text": "Safi, evin bekçisi olmaktan hoşlanıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the neighbor's dog comes close, Safi scares him away.", + "text": "Komşunun köpeği yaklaştığında, Safi onu korkutup kaçırıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that Safi is trying to scare the dog?", + "text": "Safi’nin köpeği korkuttuğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the circles of colors and name the colors. Those circles aren't really in the house.", + "text": "Renk dairelerine işaret edip renklerin isimlerini söyleyin. O daireler aslında evin içinde değiller.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Circles that share the same central point are called \"concentric.\"", + "text": "Aynı merkezi noktayı paylaşan dairelere \"eş merkezli\" denir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog runs away.", + "text": "Köpek kaçıp gidiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the dog feeling?", + "text": "Köpek ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal is bigger, the cat or the dog?", + "text": "Hangi hayvan daha büyük, kedi mi yoksa köpek mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These bands of color going from yellow to orange give a sense of motion. Compare this to the concentric circles on the previous page.", + "text": "Sarıdan turuncuya giden bu renk şeritleri bir hareket hissi veriyor. Bunu bir önceki sayfadaki eş merkezli dairelerle kıyaslayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When a neighbor knocks at the door, Safi is ready to scratch.", + "text": "Bir komşu kapıyı çaldığında, Safi tırmalamak için hazır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that Safi is being scary? Is the neighbor scared?", + "text": "Safi’nin korkutucu olmaya başladığını nasıl anlarsınız? Komşu korkmuş mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the neighbor need to be scared away, or is Safi doing too much?", + "text": "Komşunun korkutulup kaçırılmasına gerek var mı yoksa Safi çok mu fazla korkutuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name different things in this picture that are in a group of 2, 3, or 4.", + "text": "Resimdeki ikili, üçlü veya dörtlü gruplar halinde olan farklı şeyleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The neighbor turns and runs away.", + "text": "Komşu, arkasını dönüp kaçıp gider.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at the neighbor's clothes, what is her favorite color?", + "text": "Komşunun kıyafetlerine bakarak, sizce onun favori rengi nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The neighbor is frightened by Safi. Have you ever been frightened by a cat or other small animal?", + "text": "Komşu, Safi tarafından korkutuluyor. Siz bir kedi veya başka küçük bir hayvan tarafından hiç korkutuldunuz mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Safi is hungry, she closes the door.", + "text": "Safi acıktığında, kapıyı kapatır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi should just close the door as soon as Mr. Kio leaves.", + "text": "Kio Bey gider gitmez Safi kapıyı hemen kapatmalıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is little Safi big enough to close that big door?", + "text": "Bu büyük kapıyı kapatmak için Safi yeterince büyük mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After the door closes, will Safi be able to reach the handle and open it?", + "text": "Kapı kapandıktan sonra, Safi kapının koluna ulaşıp onu açabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Safi eats her food.", + "text": "Safi yemeğini yiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the straight and curved lines in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki düz ve eğri çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Safi look happy to be eating? Do you like to eat your food?", + "text": "Safi, yerken mutlu mu görünüyor? Siz yemeğinizi yemekten hoşlanır mısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you wait to eat if you were left with a plate of food you liked?", + "text": "Eğer siz bir tabak sevdiğiniz bir yemekle bırakılsaydınız, bekler miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Afterwards, Safi jumps onto the sofa and sleeps, \"Purr! Purr! Purr!\"", + "text": "Ardından, Safi sofanın üzerine atlar ve uyur, \"Mırr! Mırr! Mırr!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes people feel sleepy after eating and sometimes it gives them fresh energy. What does it do to you?", + "text": "Bazen insanlar yemek yedikten sonra uykulu hissederler ve bazen de yemek yemek onlara taze bir enerji verir. Yemek yemek sizde neler yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Safi dreaming? If so, what do you think Safi is dreaming about?", + "text": "Safi rüya mı görüyor? Eğer öyleyse, sizce Safi ne hakkında rüya görüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of the things you dream about?", + "text": "Rüya gördüğünüz şeylerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mister Kio returns, Safi stretches happily and welcomes him home.", + "text": "Kio Bey geri döndüğünde, Safi mutlulukla gerinip onu karşılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the beautiful circle inside the orange square.", + "text": "Turuncu karenin içindeki o güzel daireye işaret edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have some circles and squares where you are?", + "text": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde daireler ve kareler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point together at the white circles Safi has on her back and belly.", + "text": "Safi’nin sırtındaki ve karnındaki beyaz halkaları çocuğunuzla birlikte gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mister Kio and Safi sit down, and each of them reads the newspaper.", + "text": "Kio Bey ve Safi oturur ve her birisi gazete okur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is warm and cozy. Do cats read the newspaper?", + "text": "Sıcacık ve rahat. Kediler gazete okur mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides with corners like this page. Point at the rectangles you see in this picture and around you.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki ve etrafınızdaki dikdörtgenleri işaret edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most papers are shaped like rectangles. Mr. Kio's paper is strangely shaped.", + "text": "Pek çok gazete dikdörtgen şeklindedir. Kio Bey’in gazetesi tuhaf bir şekildedir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rainbow has seven colors.", + "text": "Bir gökkuşağı yedi renge sahiptir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the colors of the rainbow.", + "text": "Gökkuşağının renklerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a rainbow after it rains? Sometimes, you can even see a double rainbow if you're lucky!", + "text": "Yağmur yağdıktan sonra bir gökkuşağı gördünüz mü hiç? Bazen, şansınız yaver giderse, çift gökkuşağı bile görebilirsiniz!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out that her dress and the background on this page go through many of the same colors as the rainbow.", + "text": "Kızın elbisesinin ve bu sayfanın arka planının, gökkuşağıyla aynı olan renklerin çoğundan geçtiğine dikkat çekin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The first color is red.", + "text": "İlk renk kırmızıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does the color red make you feel? Red is often thought of as an active, high energy color.", + "text": "Kırmızı renk sizi nasıl hissettirir? Kırmızı, sıklıkla, bir aktiflik ve yüksek enerji rengi olarak düşünülür.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes red is an angry color. People may say they \"see red\" when they are angry.", + "text": "Bazen kırmızı, bir kızgınlık rengidir. İnsanlar çok öfkeli ve kızgın olduklarında \"gözlerini kan bürümek\" deyimini kullanabilirler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often paint things red or choose red things because of the color's high energy. Have you seen cars that are red?", + "text": "Kırmızı renginin yüksek enerjisinden dolayı insanlar sık sık bir şeyleri kırmızıya boyarlar ya da kırmızı şeyleri seçerler. Siz hiç kırmızı arabalar gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kewyu is wearing a red shirt.", + "text": "Kewyu, kırmızı bir gömlek giyinmiş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any red clothes?", + "text": "Sizin hiç kırmızı giysileriniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any red flowers near where you live?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerin yakınlarında hiç kırmızı çiçek var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of people in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki insanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second color is orange.", + "text": "İkinci renk turuncudur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does orange feel compared to red? It is still high energy, but perhaps a bit less so.", + "text": "Kırmızıya kıyasla turuncu nasıl hissettirir? Turuncu rengi hâlâ yüksek enerjili ama belki kırmızıdan biraz daha az enerjili.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks all alone in the middle of all that orange with her hands stretched out like that.", + "text": "Tüm o turuncuların ortasında kız ellerini öylece uzatmış yapayalnız görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An orange is a fruit named after its color. Can you think of other orange things around you?", + "text": "Portakal, renginden dolayı öyle isimlendirilen bir meyvedir. Etrafınızda portakal renginde olan başka şeyler aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is an orange. What else can you see that is the color orange?", + "text": "Bu bir portakaldır. Resimde turuncu renkli başka neler görebiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat and fish are orange. Have you seen an orange cat or fish before?", + "text": "Resimdeki kedi ve balık turuncudur. Siz daha önce turuncu bir kedi veya turuncu balık gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A sphere is a ball -- round in all directions. Is an orange a sphere?", + "text": "Bir küre, bir toptur – bütün yönlerinde yuvarlaktır. Bir portakal, bir küre midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is the fish bowl different from a sphere?", + "text": "Balık fanusu bir küreden nasıl farklıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The third color is yellow.", + "text": "Üçüncü renk sarıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up something that she is pointing at.", + "text": "Kızın işaret ettiği bir şey uydurun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks excited about what is coming next. I bet it is something yellow!", + "text": "Kız, bir sonraki gelecek şey konusunda heyecanlı. Onun sarı olduğuna bahse girerim!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How has her dress changed from earlier pictures? Hint: It is now broken up into two sections.", + "text": "Kızın elbisesi önceki resimlere göre nasıl değişti? İpucu: Elbisesi artık iki kısma ayrılmış.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The yolk of an egg is yellow. What else can you see that is the color yellow?", + "text": "Yumurtanın sarısı, sarıdır. Sarı renkli başka ne görebiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that she is hungry?", + "text": "Kızın acıkmış olduğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She has a yellow sunflower on her table. Do you have flowers around you sometimes when you eat?", + "text": "Masasında sarı bir ayçiçeği var. Siz yemek yediğiniz zaman etrafınızda bazen çiçekler oluyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name something in the sky that is yellow.", + "text": "Gökyüzünde rengi sarı olan bir şeyin adını söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fourth color is green.", + "text": "Dördüncü renk yeşil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does green feel to you? This green is a lot calmer than the red, orange, or yellow.", + "text": "Yeşil size nasıl hissettiriyor? Bu yeşil, kırmızıdan, turuncudan veya sarıdan çok daha sakin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name some things that are green -- they are all around you!", + "text": "Yeşil olan bazı şeylerin adlarını söyleyin – onlar her yerdeler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Green comes in many different types. How many types of green can you name?", + "text": "Yeşilin birçok farklı türü vardır. Siz kaç çeşit yeşil sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Our banana garden is green.", + "text": "Bizim muz bahçemiz yeşil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the animals you see on this page -- look carefully!", + "text": "Bu sayfada gördüğünüz hayvanları işaret edip sayın – dikkatlice bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the yellow greens, lime greens, bright greens, and dark greens on this page.", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki sarımsı yeşilleri, misket limonu (lime) yeşillerini, cırtlak yeşilleri ve koyu yeşilleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A lot of trees are brown and green. Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Where does it show up in the rainbow?", + "text": "Bir sürü ağaç, kahverengi ve yeşildir. Kahverengi, gökkuşağının ana renklerinden birisi değildir. Kahverengi, gökkuşağının neresinde ortaya çıkar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fifth color is blue.", + "text": "Beşinci renk mavidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks so happy in the middle of all that blue. Does blue make you feel happy?", + "text": "Kız tüm o mavilerin arasında çok mutlu görünüyor. Mavi sizi mutlu eder mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people say they feel blue when they are sad. Does blue seem like a sad color to you?", + "text": "Türkçede, herkese şirin görünmeye çalışan ve birçok kişiye birden sevgi gösteren kişilerin yaptıkları eylemi anlatmak için 'mavi boncuk dağıtmak' deyimi kullanılır. Mavi size üzgün bir renk gibi mi geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky and water are usually blue, but it is not common in plants. Have you seen flowers that are blue?", + "text": "Gökyüzü ve su genellikle mavidir ama bu durum bitkilerde yaygın değildir. Mavi bitkiler gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky is blue.", + "text": "Gökyüzü mavidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, are often blue.", + "text": "Su kütleleri – okyanuslar, denizler, göller ve nehirler – sıklıkla mavidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to these birds and clouds and count them together.", + "text": "Resimdeki kuşları ve bulutları gösterip onları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there more of -- clouds or birds?", + "text": "Hangisinden daha çok var – bulutlardan mı yoksa kuşlardan mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sixth color is indigo.", + "text": "Altıncı renk çivit mavisidir. (Bazıları, çivit mavisine lacivert demeyi tercih eder.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Flowers are sometimes indigo. Have you seen flowers whose color is close to being indigo?", + "text": "Çiçekler bazen çivit mavisidir. Siz, hiç rengi çivit mavisine yakın bir çiçek gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes her hands are stretched out wide. Having hands on hips often shows defiance and strength.", + "text": "Kızın elleri bazen genişçe açılmış görünüyor. Ellerin kalçanın üzerinde olması sıklıkla gözdağını ve gücü anlatır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Indigo is very powerful. How do you feel if you stare at this big square of indigo?", + "text": "Çivit mavisi çok güçlüdür. Bu büyük çivit mavisi kareye uzun uzun baktığınızda, ne hissediyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These berries are the color indigo.", + "text": "Bu yaban mersinleri çivit mavisi rengindedir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buttons or snaps on her jacket.", + "text": "Ceketin üzerindeki düğmeleri veya çıtçıtları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you like to eat some of those berries? Do you think you could eat all of them?", + "text": "Şu meyvelerden biraz yemek ister misiniz? Onların hepsini yiyebileceğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of the largest number you can. Does she have more berries than that number?", + "text": "Düşünebileceğiniz en büyük sayıyı düşünün. Kızın o düşündüğünüz sayıdan daha çok mu yaban mersini var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The seventh color is violet.", + "text": "Yedinci renk menekşe rengidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Violet is a very intense color. Is it too intense for you, or do you enjoy how intense it is?", + "text": "Menekşe rengi çok yoğun bir renktir. Sizin için de yoğun mudur yoksa o kadar yoğun olmasından zevk alır mısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now she has her arms crossed. Crossed arms can indicate being closed off from others.", + "text": "Kız şu anda kollarını çapraz yapmış. Çapraz kollar başkalarından uzak durmak anlamına gelebilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People tell us a lot without saying any words. Sometimes people do that with an expression on their face, and sometimes they do it with the way they hold their body.", + "text": "İnsanlar bize hiçbir şey söylemeden çok fazla şey anlatırlar. Bunu bazen yüzlerindeki bir ifadeyle ve bazen de vücut duruşlarıyla anlatırlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My dress is violet. Violet is my favorite color! What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Benim elbisem menekşe renginde. Menekşe rengi benim favori rengim! Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the flowers she is next to are violet flowers -- they are named after their color.", + "text": "Kızın yanındaki çiçeklerin menekşe çiçekleri olduklarına dikkat edin – onlar isimlerini renklerinden almışlardır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looks very happy wearing a dress with her favorite color. Do you have clothes that are in your favorite color?", + "text": "Kız, en sevdiği renkte bir elbise giydiği için çok mutlu görünüyor. Sizin favori renginizde olan kıyafetleriniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors make you happy? Are there colors you don't like?", + "text": "Hangi renkler sizi mutlu eder? Sevmediğiniz renkler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know the seven colors of the rainbow?", + "text": "Gökkuşağının yedi rengini biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you remember what each color is?", + "text": "Her bir rengin ne olduğunu hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people use the fake name Roy G. Biv to remind them of the order of the seven colors of the rainbow.", + "text": "Bazı insanlar, gökkuşağının yedi renginin sırasını onlara hatırlatması için ‘KuTuSu YaMaÇ Mı?’ kısaltmasını kullanırlar (Ç, çivit mavisi/indigo rengi için kullanılmıştır).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Are there other colors you know that are not one of the seven?", + "text": "Kahverengi gökkuşağının ana renklerinden birisi değildir. Gökkuşağının yedi renginden biri olmayan bildiğiniz başka renkler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One elephant is going to drink water.", + "text": "Bir fil su içmeye gidiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the elephants, the tusks, the feet, the eyes, and the tails.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla beraber filleri, fildişlerini, ayakları, gözleri ve kuyrukları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which items are there the most of and which are there the least of?", + "text": "Hangi ögelerden en çok ve hangilerinden en az var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the elephant is about to do?", + "text": "Sizce fil ne yapmak üzere?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two giraffes are going to drink water.", + "text": "İki zürafa su içmeye gidiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each giraffe has four feet. Count the number of giraffes and the number of feet.", + "text": "Her zürafanın dört ayağı var. Kaç tane zürafa ve ayak olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The giraffes are very tall. They must bend way down to get to the water.", + "text": "Zürafalar çok uzundur. Suya ulaşmak için oldukça eğilmeleri gerekir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two giraffes are one more animal than one elephant. What is one more animal than two animals?", + "text": "İki zürafa, bir filden bir hayvan fazladır. O hâlde, iki hayvandan bir fazla hayvan nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.", + "text": "Üç manda ve dört kuş da su içmeye gidiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buffaloes, the birds, the horns, and the tails.", + "text": "Mandaları, kuşları, boynuzları ve kuyrukları çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When there is one source of water, all the thirsty animals come to that one place. If a lion wants to hunt animals, this is a good place to find them!", + "text": "Tek bir su kaynağı olunca bütün susamış hayvanlar o yere gelir. Eğer bir aslan hayvan avlamak istiyorsa, o yer avlarını bulmak için iyi bir yerdir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three buffaloes is one less animal than four animals. What is one less animal than three animals?", + "text": "Üç manda dört hayvandan bir hayvan daha azdır. Üç hayvandan bir eksik hayvan kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Five antelopes and six warthogs are walking to the water.", + "text": "Beş antilop ve altı yaban domuzu suya doğru yürüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the antelopes and the warthogs. How many of the warthogs are babies?", + "text": "Antilopları ve yaban domuzlarını sayın. Yaban domuzlarının kaç tanesi yavru?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the antelopes are looking around rather than looking at each other. The pack stays safe by having some of them looking for danger!", + "text": "Bazı antiloplar birbirlerine bakmak yerine etrafa bakıyor. Sürü, bazı antilopların tehlike olup olmadığını kontrol etmesi sayesinde güvende kalıyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of antelopes and warthogs, which are there more of and which are there less of?", + "text": "Antiloplar ve yaban domuzlarından hangisi sayıca daha fazla ve hangisi daha az?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Seven zebras are running to the water.", + "text": "Yedi zebra suya doğru koşuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the zebras and the trees.", + "text": "Zebraları ve ağaçları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell that the zebras have been running? They must be very thirsty to be running to the water!", + "text": "Zebraların koştuklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz? Suya doğru koştuklarına göre çok susamış olmalılar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Try counting the black stripes on some of the zebras. Do some zebras have more stripes than others?", + "text": "Bazı zebraların üzerindeki siyah çizgileri saymayı deneyin. Bazı zebraların diğerlerinden daha fazla çizgisi mi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.", + "text": "Sekiz kurbağa ve dokuz balık suda yüzüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the frogs and the fish. Can you count that high?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla beraber, kurbağaları ve balıkları sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They are packed very tightly together. Do you think they feel crowded or do they like having the company?", + "text": "Birbirlerine çok yakın olacak şekilde toplanmışlar. Sizce kendilerini kalabalık mı hissediyorlar yoksa arkadaşlıktan mı hoşlanıyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is one more than eight frogs? What is one less than nine fish?", + "text": "Sekiz kurbağadan bir fazlası nedir? Dokuz balıktan bir eksik kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different kinds of animals can you count?", + "text": "Kaç farklı hayvan türü sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?", + "text": "Bir aslan kükrüyor. O da su içmek istiyor. Aslandan kim korkuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the lions, warthogs, birds, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, water buffaloes, and elephants. That's a lot of counting!", + "text": "Aslanları, yaban domuzlarını, kuşları, zebraları, antilopları, zürafaları, mandaları ve filleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bu oldukça ileriye kadar saymak demek!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most of the animals start to run away from the lion. Which animals will stay?", + "text": "Hayvanların çoğu aslandan kaçmaya başlıyor. Hangi hayvanlar kalacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One elephant is drinking water with the lion.", + "text": "Bir fil aslanla birlikte su içiyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The elephant, birds, fish, and frogs did not run away.", + "text": "Fil, kuşlar, balıklar ve kurbağalar aslandan kaçmamış.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you run away from a lion?", + "text": "Siz aslandan kaçar mıydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would it be fun to go for a swim in this watering hole?", + "text": "Bu su birikintisinde yüzmek eğlenceli olur muydu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Izinzawu family was a happy family. The children learned cooking, gardening, and hunting from their parents.", + "text": "Izinzawu ailesi mutlu bir aileydi. Çocuklar yemek yapmayı, bahçeciliği ve avcılığı ebeveynlerinden öğreniyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do plants need watering?", + "text": "Bitkiler neden sulanmaya ihtiyaç duyarlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki renkleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How are the green colors in this picture similar and how are they different?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yeşil renkler birbirlerine nasıl benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At dinner time every day, they talked about what they had done that day.", + "text": "Her akşam yemeğinde, o gün neler yaptıklarını konuşurlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. The tablecloth has a checkerboard design with lots of squares. Find some squares in a pattern where you are.", + "text": "Bir kare, bu sayfa gibi dört eşit kenarı olan bir şekildir. Masa örtüsü bir sürü kareden oluşan bir dama (veya satranç) tahtası tasarımına sahip. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bir desenin içinde olan birkaç kare bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name the shapes you see in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz şekillerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This family talks about their day at dinner. What do you talk about when you eat dinner?", + "text": "Bu aile akşam yemeğinde kendi günlerinden bahsediyorlar. Siz akşam yemeği yerken neler hakkında konuşursunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father usually warned the children not to go deep into the forest. He told the family about a strange creature that lived in the forest. \"This creature is like two of us put together!\"", + "text": "Baba genellikle çocuklarını ormanın derinliklerine gitmemeleri konusunda uyarırdı. Ailesine ormanda yaşayan tuhaf bir yaratığı anlatmıştı. \"Bu yaratık, iki tanemizin bir araya gelmiş hali gibi!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe what you think the father's \"strange creature\" might look like.", + "text": "Babanın anlattığı o \"tuhaf yaratığın\" size göre neye benzediğini tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the different patterns you see in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz farklı desenler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How are the bowls on this page different from the bowls on the last page?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki kâseler, bir önceki sayfadaki kâselerden nasıl farklılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, the girls were playing at the river. Suddenly, from behind a tree, there was a strange creature! The creature had two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs.", + "text": "Bir gün, kızlar nehir kenarında oynuyorlardı. Aniden, bir ağacın arkasından tuhaf bir yaratık çıktı! Bu yaratığın iki gözü, iki kulağı, iki kolu ve iki bacağı vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the \"strange creature\" look like what you imagined?", + "text": "Bu \"tuhaf yaratık\" tıpkı hayal ettiğiniz gibi mi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the number of children in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki çocukları gösterip sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Shaking with fear, they ran to tell their brothers about what they had seen. But the boys didn't believe them. \"The girls are being silly!\" they said.", + "text": "Bu resimde daha fazla kız mı yoksa daha fazla erkek mi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four children and four heads. How many legs do you see? How many arms do you see? Is that surprising?", + "text": "Dört çocuk ve dört kafa var. Kaç tane bacak görüyorsunuz? Kaç tane kol görüyorsunuz? Bu sizi şaşırttı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more girls or boys in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde daha fazla kız mı yoksa daha fazla erkek mi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at their mouths and eyebrows. What do their faces tell you about what these children are thinking and feeling?", + "text": "Çocukların ağızlarına ve kaşlarına bakın. Çocukların yüzleri onların ne düşündükleri ve ne hissettikleri konusunda size ne anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Eventually, curiosity got the better of the boys. They followed the girls to the river to see this strange creature for themselves.", + "text": "En sonunda, erkekler meraklarına yenik düştüler. Bu tuhaf yaratığı kendi gözleriyle görmek için kızları nehre kadar takip ettiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell from their size in the picture that the girls are far away and the boys are nearby?", + "text": "Resimdeki büyüklüklerine bakarak, kızların uzakta, erkeklerin ise yakında olduklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the girls far away behind some bushes?", + "text": "Kızlar neden bazı çalılıkların arkasında, uzaktalar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The grass, bushes, and trees are different shades of green. Are there different shades of some color where you are?", + "text": "Çimenler, çalılar ve ağaçlar yeşilin farklı tonlarında. Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde, bazı renklerin farklı tonları var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They searched and searched, but all they could see was the tall grass and trees.\n\nSuddenly, they heard a noise, and looked up.", + "text": "Aradılar, aradılar ama tek görebildikleri uzun otlar ve ağaçlardı.\n\nAniden, bir ses duydular ve yukarı baktılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think made that noise above them?", + "text": "Üstlerinde bu sesi neyin çıkardığını düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of things make noises above our heads?", + "text": "Başımızın üstünde ne tür şeyler ses çıkarır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That is really tall grass! What part of their bodies does the grass reach up to?", + "text": "Gerçekten uzun çimenler! Çimenler çocukların vücutlarının hangi kısımlarına kadar uzanıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Up on a tree swung the strangest creature they had ever seen. It had two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. Instead of one each, like them.", + "text": "Bir ağaçta, o güne kadar gördükleri en tuhaf yaratık sallanıyordu. İki kolu, iki eli, iki bacağı ve iki ayağı vardı. Onlarınki gibi her birinden birer tane olmasından ziyade!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many arms, legs, hands, and eyes does each member of the family have?", + "text": "Ailenin her bir üyesinin kaç kolu, kaç bacağı, kaç eli ve kaç gözü var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you assume the unseen side of each family member had another arm, leg, hand, and eye, just like the side you could see?", + "text": "Her aile üyesinin görünmeyen tarafında, tıpkı görebildiğiniz tarafta olduğu gibi başka bir kol, bacak, el ve göz olduğunu da varsaydınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you see only one side of something, it is easy to assume the other side looks the same -- that it is the mirror reflection of what you can see.", + "text": "Bir şeyin sadece bir tarafını gördüğünüzde, diğer tarafının da aynı göründüğünü – yani, görebildiğiniz tarafın aynısı olduğunu – varsaymak kolaydır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The frightened children ran home to call their parents. Soon the whole family was at the river to see the creature.", + "text": "Korkuya kapılan çocuklar ebeveynlerini çağırmak için evlerine koştular. Çok geçmeden, tüm aile yaratığı görmek için nehrin kenarındaydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of arms in this picture. If each person had two arms, how many arms would there be?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki kolların sayısını sayın. Eğer her insanın iki kolu olsaydı, toplamda kaç kol olurdu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does this family have?", + "text": "Kollara ve bacaklara ‘uzuv’ denir. Bu ailenin toplam kaç uzvu var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice that the grass was tall, but now it is short? Did someone cut the grass?", + "text": "Çimenlerin önceden uzun ama şu anda kısa olduklarını fark ettiniz mi? Birisi çimleri mi kesti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Don't hurt me! the creature said, as it hid behind the tree. Now the family could only see the creature's one foot, one leg, one hand, one arm and one eye.", + "text": "\"Bana zarar vermeyin!\" diye bağırdı yaratık, ağacın arkasına saklanarak. Artık aile yaratığın sadece bir ayağını, bir bacağını, bir elini, bir kolunu ve bir gözünü görebiliyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature is hiding behind a tree. Where are some places you like to hide?", + "text": "Yaratık bir ağacın arkasında saklanıyor. Siz nerelerde saklanmayı seversiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the creature is halfway behind the tree, it looks just like each of the family members. Why is that?", + "text": "Yaratığın yarısı bir ağacın arkasındayken, aile üyelerine benziyor gibi görünüyor. Bunun nedeni nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature feels \"outnumbered.\" How many people are in the family and how many creatures are there? Which is more and which is less?", + "text": "Yaratık kendini \"sayıca az\" hissediyor. Ailede kaç insan var ve kaç tane yaratık var? Sayıca hangisi daha fazla ve hangisi daha az?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I am just like you, continued the creature. \"The only difference is that I was made with two of almost everything.\"", + "text": "\"Ben tıpkı sizin gibi biriyim,\" diye devam etti yaratık. \"Tek farkım, bende neredeyse her şeyden iki tane var.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which body parts do you have two of and which do you have one of?", + "text": "Sizde hangi vücut parçalarınızdan ikişer tane, hangilerinden birer tane var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For the body parts you have one of, are they on the sides or the middle line of your body?", + "text": "Bir tane olan vücut parçalarınız bedeninizin yan taraflarında mı yoksa orta hattında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of someone you know. List three ways they are similar to you and three ways that they are different.", + "text": "Tanıdığınız birini düşünün. Onun sizinle benzer ve farklı olan üç yönünü sıralayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So this was how the Izanzawu family discovered that it was not a creature to be scared of. It was simply a different form of them.", + "text": "Böylece, Izinzawu ailesi, onun korkulacak bir yaratık olmadığını keşfetti. O sadece kendilerinin farklı bir şekliydi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The creature has a striped shirt with two colors and everyone else's shirt has just one. Why did the writer do that?", + "text": "Yaratığın iki renkli çizgili bir tişörtü var; diğer herkesin giysilerinde ise sadece bir renk var. Sizce yazar bunu neden öyle yapmış olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are six people in the Izanzawu family. When you add one more for the \"creature,\" how many people are there?", + "text": "Izinzawu ailesinde altı kişi var. \"Yaratık\" için de bir kişi daha eklediğinizde, toplam kaç kişi olurlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you arrange these seven people in order of height, putting the shortest on the left and tallest on the right, what would the order be? Describe this order using the color of their clothes.", + "text": "Bu yedi kişiyi boylarına göre dizerseniz, en kısa olanı sola ve en uzun olanı sağa koyarsanız, sıralama nasıl olur? Bu sıralamayı giysilerinin renklerini kullanarak açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everyone knows that the elephant has a very long nose.", + "text": "Herkes bir filin çok uzun bir burnu olduğunu bilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephants live in many places in Africa and Asia. What are some things you know about elephants?", + "text": "Filler, Afrika ve Asya’da pek çok yerde yaşarlar. Filler hakkında bildiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen an elephant? If so, did it look like this?", + "text": "Hiç fil gördünüz mü? Gördüyseniz, resimdekine benziyor muydu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are two patches of hair on this elephant. Do elephants actually have hair like this?", + "text": "Bu filin vücudunun iki bölgesinde kılı veya tüyü var. Fillerin gerçekten böyle kılları veya tüyleri var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But a long time ago, the elephant's nose was short and fat. Like a shoe in the middle of its face.", + "text": "Ama uzun zaman önce, filin burnu kısa ve iriydi. Tıpkı yüzünün ortasında bir ayakkabı gibiydi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephants have 5 toes on each foot. How many toes in total? One way to figure this out is to skip count by 5's -- 5, 10, 15, 20.", + "text": "Fillerin her bir ayağında 5 parmak vardır. Toplam kaç ayak parmağı vardır? Bunu bulmanın bir yolu beşer beşer saymaktır – 5, 10, 15, 20.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephants have large ears and can hear sounds up to six miles away.", + "text": "Fillerin geniş kulakları vardır ve 9,65 km (yaklaşık 6 mil) uzaklığa kadar sesleri duyabilirler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephants also use their ears to keep cool.", + "text": "Filler, kulaklarını serinlemek için de kullanırlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day a baby elephant was born. She was curious about everything. She had a question for every animal.", + "text": "Bir gün, yavru bir fil doğdu. Yavru fil, her şeyi merak ediyordu. Her hayvan için bir sorusu vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even numbers are numbers that can be split evenly in two. Odd numbers can't. The elephant has 2 eyes, 2 ears, and four legs -- all even numbers.", + "text": "Çift sayılar eşit olarak ikiye bölünebilen sayılardır. Tek sayılar ikiye bölünemezler. Filin iki gözü, iki kulağı ve dört bacağı var – bunların hepsi çift sayıdır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find some things in this picture that there are an odd number of.", + "text": "Bu resimde tek sayıda olan bazı şeyleri bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that all the body parts that there are an odd number of are in the middle of the elephant's body.", + "text": "Tek sayıda olan tüm vücut parçalarının filin vücudunun ortasında olduğuna dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She was curious about Giraffe. \"Why do you have a long neck?\" she asked.", + "text": "Yavru fil, zürafayı merak ediyordu. “Neden uzun bir boynun var?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count the Giraffe's dark spots, or are there too many to count?", + "text": "Zürafanın koyu beneklerini sayabilir misiniz yoksa benekleri sayılamayacak kadar çok sayıdalar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "No two giraffe's have the same pattern of dark spots!", + "text": "“Hiçbir iki zürafanın koyu benekleri aynı desene sahip değildir!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think it takes a giraffe a long time to swallow its food because it has such a long neck?", + "text": "Sizce zürafanın boynu o kadar uzun olduğu için yemeğini yutması uzun zaman alıyor mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She was curious about Rhino. \"Why does your horn have a sharp point?\"", + "text": "Yavru fil, gergedanı merak ediyordu. “Neden boynuzunun sivri bir ucu var?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rhino can run about half as fast as a car on a highway.", + "text": "Bir gergedan neredeyse otobandaki bir arabanın hızının yarısı kadar bir hızla koşabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rhino can run three times faster than a person, so don't try to run away from one!", + "text": "Gergedan bir insandan hemen hemen üç kat daha hızlı da koşabilir; bu nedenle, sakın ondan kaçmaya çalışmayın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The elephant was curious about the rhino. Are you? What would you like to ask the rhino?", + "text": "Yavru fil, gergedanı merak ediyordu. Siz de merak ediyor musunuz? Öyleyse, gergedana ne sormak istersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She was curious about Hippo. \"Why do you have red eyes?\" she asked.", + "text": "Yavru fil, su aygırını merak ediyordu. “Senin neden kırmızı gözlerin var?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hippos can fill up on grass and then not eat for three weeks! How many days is that? Hint: Skip count by 7's.", + "text": "Su aygırları, otla karınlarını doyurduktan sonra üç hafta boyunca yemek yemeyebilirler! Bu, kaç gün eder? İpucu: Yedişerli atlayarak sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long can you go without eating?", + "text": "Peki siz yemek yemeden ne kadar süre dayanabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Every animal we've seen has a bit of hair at the end of its tail. They are all mammals, and mammals have hair! Even the bowhead whale has hair on its lips, chin, snout, and behind its blowhole.", + "text": "Bu kitapta gördüğümüz her hayvanın kuyruğunun ucunda bir parça kıl var. Bu hayvanların hepsi memelidir ve memeli hayvanların kılları vardır! Kutup balinasının dudaklarında, çenesinde, burnunda ve nefes (solunum) deliğinin arkasında bile kıllar vardır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And she was VERY curious about Crocodile. \"What does Crocodile eat for dinner?\" she asked.", + "text": "Ve yavru fil, timsahı ÇOK merak ediyordu. “Bir timsah akşam yemeğinde ne yer?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many teeth can you see? If it has the same number of teeth on the other side of its mouth, how many would that be all together?", + "text": "Resimde kaç diş görebiliyorsunuz? Eğzının diğer tarafında da aynı sayıda diş varsa, bu, toplam kaç diş eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think is on his dinner plate under the cover?", + "text": "Sizce timsahın kapağın altındaki tabağında ne var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which is more and which is less: Crocodile's teeth or the bumps on Crocodile's tail?", + "text": "Bunlardan hangisi daha fazla, hangisi daha az: timsahın dişleri mi yoksa timsahın kuyruğundaki çıkıntılar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Never ask a question like that!\" said her mother. Then she walked off, frowning.", + "text": "“Asla öyle bir soru sorma!” dedi annesi. Ardından, kaşlarını çatarak uzaklaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many groups of things in this picture, such as groups of ears, eyes, and eyelashes. How many different groups can you find?", + "text": "Bu resimde kulaklar, gözler ve kirpikler gibi pek çok grup var. Kaç farklı grup bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the mother say not to ask such a question?", + "text": "Anne fil neden öyle bir soru sormamasını söyledi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the eyelashes on both elephants by skip counting by 3's. What would you skip count by to count their feet?", + "text": "Her iki filin kirpiklerini üçer üçer atlayarak sayın. Peki ayaklarını saymak için kaçar kaçar atlayarak sayardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Quickly Crow flew down to baby elephant. \"Follow me to the river. There you will see what Crocodile eats for dinner,\" squawked Crow.", + "text": "Karga hızlıca yavru filin yanına uçtu. “Beni nehre kadar takip et. Orada timsahın akşam yemeğinde ne yediğini göreceksin,” diye ciyakladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Crow wants to help, or is Crow going to play a trick on Baby Elephant?", + "text": "Sizce karga yardım mı etmek mi istiyor yoksa yavru file bir oyun mu oynayacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you follow Crow?", + "text": "Siz olsaydınız kargayı takip eder miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "For each of the numbers from one to four, find a group in this picture with that many things in it.", + "text": "Bu resimde, içinde 1’den 4’e kadar olan sayıda şeyler olan grupları bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So the baby elephant followed Crow down to the river.", + "text": "Böylece yavru fil kargayı nehre kadar takip etti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The yellow path looks narrower in the distance. Things far away often look smaller.", + "text": "Sarı patika uzakta daha dar görünüyor. Uzaktaki şeyler genellikle daha küçük görünür.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How would you describe the look on Baby Elephant's face?", + "text": "Yavru filin yüzündeki ifadeyi nasıl anlatırsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine if you had four feet to control to walk like Baby Elephant. Would it be easier or harder than walking on two feet?", + "text": "Tıpkı yavru fil gibi yürürken kontrol edebileceğiniz dört ayağınız olduğunu hayal edin. Dört ayakla yürümek, iki ayakla yürümekten daha mı kolay yoksa daha mı zor olurdu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She pushed through the reeds and stood on the bank. She looked into the water. Where was Crocodile?", + "text": "Sazlıkları itip kıyıda durdu. Suyun içine baktı. Timsah neredeydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are the same things on each side of baby elephant. This is called mirror symmetry, or simply symmetry.", + "text": "Yavru filin her iki tarafında da aynı şeyler var. Buna ‘ayna simetrisi’ ya da basitçe ‘simetri’ denir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Faces often have mirror symmetry. The flower on baby elephant's face breaks the mirror symmetry of her face.", + "text": "Suratlar genellikle ayna simetrisine sahiptir. Yavru filin yüzünün bir tarafındaki çiçek, yüzünün ayna simetrisini bozuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With mirror symmetry, body parts not on the midline show up in pairs -- for example, two ears, two eyes, and two arms. Because of this, there will be an even number of them.", + "text": "Ayna simetrisinde, bedenin orta hattında olmayan vücut parçaları çiftler (ikili gruplar) halindedirler – örneğin, iki kulak, iki göz ve iki kol. Bu nedenle, onlar çift sayıda olacaklardır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Hello,\" said a stone near the river bank. \"Hello,\" said Baby Elephant. \"Can you tell me what Crocodile eats for dinner?\" she asked.", + "text": "“Merhaba,” dedi nehrin kıyısındaki bir taş. “Merhaba,” dedi yavru fil. “Bana timsahın akşam yemeğinde ne yediğini söyleyebilir misin?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Baby Elephant talking to a stone or to Crocodile?", + "text": "Yavru fil bir taşla mı yoksa timsahla mı konuşuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is it useful to a crocodile to have its eyes stick up above the water when the rest of its body is below the water?", + "text": "Vücudunun geri kalanı suyun altındayken gözlerinin suyun dışında olması timsah için neden faydalıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the circles in this picture. Some parts of some of the circles are blocked from view.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki tüm daireleri sayın. Bazı dairelerin bazı kısımları görünmüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Bend down and I will tell you,\" said the stone. \"Lower, lower,\" said the stone. So Baby Elephant bent down lower, and lower.", + "text": "“Eğil de sana anlatayım,” dedi taş. “Daha aşağı, daha aşağı,” dedi taş. Bunun üzerine yavru fil daha da aşağı, daha da aşağı eğildi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Uh oh! Why does Crocodile want Baby Elephant to get closer?", + "text": "Aha! Timsah neden yavru filin yaklaşmasını istiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can the crocodile eat Baby Elephant? Baby Elephant is much bigger than crocodile.", + "text": "Timsah, yavru fili yiyebilir mi? Yavru fil timsahtan çok daha büyük!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then suddenly, \"Snap!\" Baby Elephant's nose was caught in Crocodile's jaws. \"Crocodile will eat YOU for dinner!\" squawked Crow, and flew away.", + "text": "Sonra, aniden, yavru filin burnu “Şak!” diye timsahın çenesine takıldı. “Timsah akşam yemeğinde SENİ yiyecek!” diye ciyakladı Karga ve uçup gitti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Crow tricked Baby Elephant. Can you think of any stories where someone played a trick on someone else?", + "text": "Karga, yavru fili kandırdı. Siz de birinin bir başkasını kandırdığı herhangi bir hikâye hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of a time when someone tricked you?", + "text": "Peki birinin sizi kandırdığı bir zamanı hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you noticed the ground Baby Elephant stands on keeps changing color? Which colors have been used so far?", + "text": "Yavru filin üzerinde durduğu zeminin sürekli renk değiştirdiğini fark ettiniz mi? Şimdiye kadar hangi renkler kullanıldı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Baby Elephant sat back on her strong legs and pulled. She pulled, and pulled. But Crocodile did not let go of her nose.", + "text": "Yavru fil güçlü bacaklarının üzerine oturdu ve geri çekildi. Kendini çekti, çekti… Ama timsah onun burnunu bırakmadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Baby Elephant feeling right now?", + "text": "Yavru fil şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is Crocodile feeling right now?", + "text": "Timsah şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Baby Elephant's nose was described as a shoe in the middle of its face at the start of the story. What does it look like now?", + "text": "Yavru filin burnu hikâyenin başında ‘yüzünün ortasında bir ayakkabı’ olarak tarif edilmişti. Peki burnu şimdi neye benziyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Baby Elephant's nose stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Then, \"Thud!\" she fell on her back.", + "text": "Yavru filin burnu gerildi, gerildi ve gerildi. Sonra, yavru fil, “Güm!” diye sırt üstü düştü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever lost your balance and flipped over with a \"Thud\"?", + "text": "Sizin de hiç dengenizi kaybedip “güm” diye sırtüstü düştüğünüz oldu mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the lines that curl and swerve in the picture. What are they telling us?", + "text": "Resimde kıvrılıp yön değiştiren çizgilere dikkat edin. Bu çizgiler bize ne anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and count all the extra lines added to the picture.", + "text": "Bu resme fazladan eklenen tüm çizgileri gösterip sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Crocodile sunk back into the water. He was cross about losing his dinner.", + "text": "Timsah suya geri battı. Akşam yemeğini kaybettiği için öfkeliydi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this pond big enough for Crocodile, or is it too small?", + "text": "Bu gölet timsah için yeterince büyük mü yoksa çok mu küçük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Crocodile's body curled into a ball so that it fits in the pond?", + "text": "Timsahın vücudu gölete sığacak şekilde top şeklinde mi kıvrılmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three plants near Crocodile. There is another group of three things that shows us how Crocodile is feeling -- where are they?", + "text": "Timsahın yanında üç bitki var. Bize timsahın nasıl hissettiğini gösteren üç şeyden oluşan başka bir grup daha var – peki onlar neredeler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Baby Elephant looked at her nose. It was stretched very long. She could not see where it ended!", + "text": "Yavru fil burnuna baktı. Çok uzamıştı. Burnunun nerede bittiğini göremiyordu!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Baby Elephant feeling about her nose?", + "text": "Yavru fil burnu hakkında ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be difficult to accept changes in how you look. Have your looks changed?", + "text": "Görünüşünüzdeki değişiklikleri kabul etmek zor olabilir. Sizin de hiç görünüşünüz değişti mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Baby Elephant stands up, do you think her trunk will touch the ground?", + "text": "Yavru fil ayağa kalktığında, sizce hortumu yere değecek midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her nose was so long she could pick fruit from high branches.", + "text": "Yavru filin burnu o kadar uzundu ki yüksek dallardan meyve toplayabiliyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her nose has turned into a long trunk. An elephant's trunk has lots of muscles and is very strong.", + "text": "Burnu uzun bir hortuma dönüşmüştü. Bir filin hortumunda bir sürü kas vardır ve o kaslar çok güçlüdür.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some ways that a long trunk is useful? Do you wish you had one?", + "text": "Uzun bir hortumun faydalı olabileceği yerler nelerdir? Sizde de olmasını ister miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes a change that seemed bad at first turns out to be a good thing. Has something like that happened to you?", + "text": "Bazen ilk başta kötü görünen bir değişiklik, daha sonra iyi bir şeye dönüşebilir. Sizin başınıza hiç böyle bir şey geldi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her nose was so long she could shower her back with water. From that day, all elephants have had long and useful trunks.", + "text": "Burnu o kadar uzundu ki sırtını suyla yıkayabiliyordu. O günden sonra, tüm fillerin uzun ve kullanışlı hortumları oldu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If all elephants have long trunks after this, did each one have to get their nose stretched by a crocodile?", + "text": "O günden sonra tüm fillerin uzun hortumları olduysa, o zaman, her bir filin burnunun bir timsah tarafından uzatılması mı lazımdı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Baby Elephant should be friends with Crow ever again?", + "text": "Sizce yavru fil kargayla tekrar arkadaş olmalı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a story like this that explains how the giraffe got such a long neck.", + "text": "O halde, siz de zürafanın nasıl o kadar uzun bir boynunun olduğunu anlatan buna benzer bir hikâye uydurun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drum has always been an important musical instrument in our community. We love drums!\n\nWe have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized, and small.", + "text": "Davul, bizim toplumumuzda her zaman önemli bir müzik aleti olmuştur. Davulları çok severiz!\n\nFarklı boyutlarda davullarımız var: büyük, orta boy ve küçük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of things that have the same shape with different sizes. Perhaps one big and one small, or three with big, medium, and small.", + "text": "Aynı şekle sahip fakat farklı boyutlardaki – örneğin, bir büyük ve bir küçük veya küçük, orta ve büyük – şeyleri düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of stories about three things. Some examples are: The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks.", + "text": "Üç şey hakkında hikâyeler düşünün. Örneğin, Üç Küçük Domuzcuk ve Altın Saçlı Kız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever beat on a drum? Which of these three would you choose?", + "text": "Siz hiç davul çaldınız mı? Bu üçünden hangisini seçerdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers.\n\nWe play drums for various reasons: We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts, and in bad times.", + "text": "Davulları tokmakla veya parmaklarımızla çalarız.\n\nDavulları farklı nedenlerle çalarız: şarkılarda ve danslarda, şölenlerde ve zor zamanlarda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People use drums to make rhythms. Make up your own rhythm and count it. For example: (clapping for each number) \"1, 2, pause, 3, 1, 2, pause 3.\"", + "text": "İnsanlar davulları ritim tutmak için kullanır. Siz de kendi ritminizi oluşturup sayın. Örneğin, (her sayı için alkışlayarak) \"1, 2, dur, 3, 1, 2, dur, 3\" gibi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you suppose a beater sounds different than using fingers?", + "text": "Tokmakla çalmak ile parmaklarla çalmak arasında nasıl bir ses farkı olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does the small drum sound different than the large one?", + "text": "Küçük davul büyük davuldan nasıl farklı bir ses çıkarır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colorful.\n\nWe play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth.", + "text": "Davullar şarkıları zenginleştirir ve insanları dans etmeye teşvik eder. Davullar törenleri renklendirir.\n\nBiz, düğün ve bebeğe isim koyma törenlerinde davul çalarız. Yeni bir hasadı veya ikiz doğumunu kutladığımızda da davul çalarız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People are wearing special wedding clothes. Count together the people wearing orange.", + "text": "İnsanlar özel düğün kıyafetleri giyinmişler. Turuncu giymiş olanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which color are the drummers wearing?", + "text": "Davul çalanlar hangi renkte giyinmişler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the people at the wedding. Can you count that high?", + "text": "Düğündeki tüm insanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bu kadar çok sayıyı sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs.", + "text": "Kederi duyurmak ve bir ölüm gerçekleştiğinde insanları çağırmak için davul çalarız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does sad drumming sound like? Can you make a soft, sad rhythm with your hands?", + "text": "Hüzünlü bir davul sesi nasıldır? Ellerinizle yumuşak ve hüzünlü bir ritim tutabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many kinds of drumming, such as soft background rhythms or fast loud rhythms. Which kinds of drumming have you heard?", + "text": "Yumuşak arka plan ritimleri veya hızlı yüksek ritimler gibi pek çok davul çalma türü vardır. Siz bugüne kadar hangi tür davul seslerini duydunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does a drumbeat make you want to dance?", + "text": "Davul sesi sizi dans etmeye teşvik eder mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to call people to clean wells, clear roads, or to build a hut for a needy old person.\n\nWe sound drums to call people when cattle are stolen in our village.", + "text": "Davulları, insanları kuyuları temizlemeye, yolları açmaya ya da muhtaç bir yaşlı için kulübe inşa etmeye çağırmak için de çalarız.\n\nAyrıca, köyümüzde sığırlar çalındığında insanları çağırmada da davul çalarız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where you live, what sound or method do people use to call people together for food, school, or special events?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerde insanları yiyecek, okul veya özel etkinlikler için bir araya getirmek için hangi sesleri veya yöntemleri kullanıyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you rather beat the drum or do the work?", + "text": "Davul çalmayı mı yoksa iş yapmayı mı tercih edersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of tools people are using in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimde insanların kullandığı aletlerin sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We sound drums to gather for meetings at our chief's palace.", + "text": "Davulları, liderimizin sarayındaki toplantılara katılmak üzere toplanmak için de çalarız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is something in this picture that shows this is a special place?", + "text": "Bu resimde bu yerin özel olduğunu gösteren şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many people are gathering in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç kişi toplanıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where do you think the chief will sit?", + "text": "Sizce lider nereye oturacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drums call people to go to church for prayers on Sundays and other prayer days.\n\nWe also play drums to enrich songs when singing in churches.", + "text": "Davullar, pazar günleri ve diğer dua günlerinde insanları kiliseye duaya veya diğer dini ritüeller için çağırır.\n\nAyrıca, dini mabetlerde şarkı söylerken şarkıları zenginleştirmek için davul çalarız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Items made from wood come from trees. Which items in this picture are made of wood?", + "text": "Ahşap eşyalar ağaçlardan yapılırlar. Bu resimde hangi eşyalar ahşaptan yapılmıştır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which things are made of wood where you are?", + "text": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde hangi eşyalar ahşaptan yapılmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are straps on the drums in each picture. Why are the straps useful?", + "text": "Her resimde davullarda kayışlar var. Kayışlar neden kullanışlıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The big drum sounds, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul.\"\n\nThe small drums sing in their high pitches, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti.\"\n\nTogether they chorus, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\"", + "text": "Büyük davul, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul\" diye ses çıkarır.\n\nKüçük davullar ise, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti\" şeklinde yüksek perdeden (tiz) ses çıkarır.\n\nBirlikte çalındıklarında, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\" şeklinde bir melodi oluşur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A duet is when two intruments are played together. Have you sung duets with your family or friends?", + "text": "Düet, iki enstrümanın birlikte çalınmasıdır. Siz ailenizle veya arkadaşlarınızla düet yaptınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a clapping duet. One person starts with a clapping pattern, and then the other person creates a clapping pattern that goes well with it.", + "text": "Bir alkış düeti oluşturun. Bir kişi alkışla bir ritim başlatsın ve ardından, diğer kişi bu ritme uygun bir alkış ritmi oluştursun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you hear music, listen for the instruments that create the beat.", + "text": "Müzik dinlerken, ritmi oluşturan enstrümanlara kulak verin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "STAGE 1 – I CAN HEAR YOU!", + "text": "AŞAMA 1- SENI DUYABILIYORUM!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What a wonderful time watching your young child learn about the world! They are little sponges observing everything going on around them and they can hear you! They play and experiment constantly, making sense of the world and learning how to crawl, walk, talk, and interact with all that they are experiencing.\n\nMathematics is a natural part of this world they are learning about. No matter what your experiences and feelings about math, this is your chance to make mathematics a playful and fun activity that your family does together.\n\nFor now, the main mathematical activity to do together will be exposing your child constantly to mathematical language and ideas. This is mostly just a matter of verbalizing what is going on in your head already. Counting things out loud as you work with them and naming items that your child plays with is what gets everything rolling.\n\nHave fun! This is an amazing time for your family!", + "text": "Küçük çocuğunuzun dünyayı keşfetmesini ve öğrenmesini izlemek ne kadar harika! Onlar etraflarında olup biten her şeyi gözlemleyen küçük süngerlerdir gibidirler ve her şeyi hızlıca kaparlar! Sürekli oynarlar ve deneyler yaparlar, dünyayı anlamlandırırlar ve yaşadıkları her şeyle nasıl yürüyeceklerini, konuşacaklarını ve etkileşimde bulunacaklarını öğrenirler.\n\nMatematik, öğrendikleri bu dünyanın doğal bir parçasıdır. Matematikle ilgili deneyimleriniz ve duygularınız ne olursa olsun, bu etkinlikler, matematiği birlikte yaptığı eğlenceli bir aile aktivitesi haline getirme şansınızdır.\n\nŞimdilik, birlikte yapılacağınız temel matematiksel aktivite çocuğunuzu sürekli olarak matematiksel dile ve fikirlere maruz bırakmak olacaktır. Yani çoğunlukla düşüncelerinizi sözlü olarak ifade etmeniz. Mesela, onlarla çalışırken bir şeyleri yüksek sesle saymak ve çocuğunuzun oynadığı öğeleri adlandırmak, her şeyin başlamasını sağlar.\n\nEğlenin! Bu aileniz için harika bir zaman!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "* Have fun with math together! This is the most important thing. \n* Verbalize math - You do math all the time in your head – include your child by saying those thoughts out loud to your child all the time. \n* Point and describe - When you talk about something, point to it and then talk about it. If your child is ready, ask questions about it. \n* Expose - Your child is learning by being exposed to things. Your child will probably not un- derstand things initially, but by frequent exposure your child will pick up on the patterns and learn what is going on. \n* Count everything out loud. Count up and down. Include 0 sometimes. \n* Objects have properties that can be named, described, compared, and discussed. Those properties lead to discoveries of natural and human-made patterns.", + "text": "* Birlikte matematik ile eğlenin! Bu en önemli şey.\n* Matematiği sözlü hale getirin ve düşüncelerinizi çocuğunuza her zaman yüksek sesle söyleyerek çocuğunuzu dahil edin.\n* Vurgula ve işaret et- Bir şey hakkında konuştuğunuzda, ona işaret edin ve sonra bunun hakkında konuşun. Çocuğunuz hazırsa, bu konuda sorular sorun.\n* Maruz kalma- Çocuğunuz bir şeylere maruz kalarak öğreniyor. Çocuğunuz muhtemelen başlangıçta bir şeyleri anlamayacaktır, ancak sık sık maruz kalarak çocuğunuz kalıpları anlayacak ve neler olduğunu öğrenecektir.\n* Her şeyi yüksek sesle say. Yukarıdan aşağı ya da aşağıdan yukarıya say. Bazen 0'da dahil edin.\n* Nesneler, adlandırılabilen, tanımlanabilen, karşılaştırılabilen ve tartışılabilen özelliklere sahiptir. Bu özellikler, doğal ve insan yapımı örüntülerdeki tekrar eden kuralların keşfedilmesine yol açar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "MATH OUT LOUD – GENERAL", + "text": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – GENEL", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Exposure:** During these early ages, it is all about exposure! Your child is being exposed to a wide array of experiences and is discovering patterns in everything they sense. While exposing your child to the world, expose them to math words and ideas and let them see how enjoyable it can be to play with math together.\n\n**Start early:** Start this even before your child seems to understand what you're saying. Your child is a sponge who is getting more from your words than you realize.", + "text": "**Maruz kalma:** Her şey erken yaşlarda maruz kalmakla ilgilidir! Çocuğunuz çok çeşitli şeylere maruz kalıyor ve hissettikleri her şeyde tekrar eden kuralları veya örüntüleri keşfediyor. Çocuğunuzu dünyaya maruz kalırken, onlara matematik kelimelerini ve fikirlerini söyleyin ve birlikte matematiği keşfetmenin ne kadar keyifli olabileceğini görmelerine izin verin!\n\n**Erken yaşta başla:** Buna, çocuğunuzu ne dediğinizi anlamadığı dönemde bile başlayın. Çünkü çocuklar sözlerinizden sizin fark ettiğinizden daha fazlasını kaparlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Point, describe and ask:** Point at things your child interacts with and describe them with words involving numbers, shapes, and colors. If you are dealing with a small set of things, count them out loud to your child. When your child is old enough, point to and ask questions about the things around them.", + "text": "**Vurgula, tanımla ve sor:** Çocuğunuzun etkileşime girdiği şeyleri vurgulayın. Ayrıca etkileşime girdiği şeyleri sayılar, şekiller ve renkler içeren kelimelerle tanımlayın. Az sayıda bir şeylerle uğraşıyorsanız, bunları çocuğunuza yüksek sesle sayın. Çocuğunuz yeterince büyüdüğünde, etrafındakileri tarif edin ve sorular sorun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many facets of Math Talk", + "text": "Matematik konuşmanın farklı yönler", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is much more math to talk about than just numbers.\n • Describe things. Talk about sizes, colors, textures, shapes, softness, wetness, hot- ness, brightness, and more. Naming and describing properties is essential for comparing them and discovering patterns. \n• Use comparison words. Bigger, smaller, tallest, widest, more, less, same, ... \n• Use position words. Over, under, between, near, far, above, ... \n• Talk about patterns and sequences in space and time. Refer to the order of things as first, second, third, and last. Talk about what just happened, what is about to happen, and things happening today. Talk about patterns in designs you see. \n• Count things out loud and say numbers to refer to quantities. \n• Talk about adding or taking away one or two things from a collection. \n• Use measurement words. Use words like inch, centimeter, foot, meter, mile, kilometer, cup, liter, quart, and more to refer to the sizes of things.", + "text": "Matematikte sayılardan çok daha fazla matematik hakkında konuşulacak şey var.\n\n* Objeleri tarif et. Boyutlar, renkler, dokular, şekiller, yumuşaklık, ıslaklık, sıcaklık, parlaklık ve daha fazlası hakkında konuşun. Özellikleri adlandırmak ve tanımlamak, bunları karşılaştırmak ve tekrar eden kuralların keşfetmek için gereklidir.\n* Karşılaştırma sözcükleri kullanın. Daha büyük, daha küçük, en uzun, en geniş, daha fazla, daha az, aynı, ...\n* Konum sözcüklerini kullanın. Üstünde, altında, arasında, yakınında, uzağında, ...\n* Konum ve zamandaki tekrar eden kurallar ve diziler hakkında konuşun. Objelerin sırasını birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve son olarak adlandırın. Az önce ne olduğu daha sonra ne olacağı ve bugün olan şeyler hakkında konuşun. Gördüğünüz tasarımlardaki desenler hakkında konuşun.\n* Bir şeyleri yüksek sesle sayın ve miktarları vurgulamak için sayıları söyleyin.\n* Bir koleksiyondan bir veya iki şey ekleme veya çıkarma hakkında konuşun.\n* Ölçüm kelimeleri kullanın. Objelerin boyutlarına vurgulamak için santimetre, ayak, metre, santimetre, kilometre, fincan, litre ve daha fazlası gibi kelimeler kullanın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**This is all math:** These different ways of describing things and their relationships is talking about math! Building up this vocabulary and concepts will help your child develop mathematically, and it will also give a big boost to helping your child read and talk about the world.", + "text": "**Bunlar hep matematik:** Farklı objeler arasındaki ilişkileri tanımlamanın bu farklı yolların hepsi aslında matematik! Bu ifadeler, çocuğunuzun kelime dağarcığını ve kavramsal gelişimini destekleyerek matematiksel becerilerini güçlendirecek, aynı zamanda dünyayı anlamasına ve iletişim kurmasına büyük katkı sağlayacaktır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "MATH OUT LOUD – STORYTIME", + "text": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – HIKAYE ZAMANI", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**It's cozy:** Storytime is a wonderful chance to do a bit of math with your child in a cozy setting. This builds up happy associations with math for you and your child.\n\n**Discuss as you read:** As you read a story with your child, talk about things in the pictures and in the story. If there is a big yellow sun, point to the sun and say: “The sun is round and it is yellow. The wall of this room is also yellow. Point to something round in this room.”", + "text": "**Çok Kolay:** Hikâye zamanı, çocuğunuzla rahat bir ortamda biraz matematik yapmak için harika bir fırsat. Bu, sizin ve çocuğunuz için matematikle mutlu ilişkiler kurmanızı sağlar.\n\n**Okurken Konusun:** Çocuğunuzla bir hikâye okurken, resimlerdeki ve hikayedeki her şey hakkında konuşun. Eğer büyük ve sarı bir güneş varsa, güneşi gösterin ve şöyle deyin: 'Güneş yuvarlaktır ve sarıdır. Bu odanın duvarı da sarıdır. Ve bu odada yuvarlak bir şeye işaret edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As your child gets older, count together, such as the yellow flower petals in this picture, or ask your child to point to things you describe. In addition to discussing the characters in the story, discuss all the things you would if you were seeing these things in the world around you.", + "text": "Çocuğunuz büyüdükçe birlikte sayın, örneğin resimdeki sarı çiçeğin yaprakları gibi, ya da çocuğunuzun işaret etmesini istediğiniz şeyleri tarif edin. Hikayedeki karakterleri tartışmanın yanı sıra, etrafınızda gördüğünüz şeyleri tartışın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "EFM Storybooks", + "text": "EFM, Hikaye Kitapları", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "EFM provides free picture storybooks as PDFs. Each book has suggested comments or questions to use while reading. Use these same math discussion ideas in your day-to-day activities with your child.", + "text": "EFM, PDF olarak ücretsiz resimli hikâye kitapları sağlar. Her kitapta, okurken kullanabileceğiniz önerilen yorumlar veya sorular var. Günlük etkinliklerinizde çocuğunuzla bu matematik tartışma fikirlerini kullanın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "MATH OUT LOUD – HOME ROUTINES", + "text": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK- EV RUTINLERI", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Doing laundry:** When doing laundry, sort by similarities and differences – colors and sizes\n\n**Cleaning up an area:** Which things belong together and why? If you have a box, does it go into, under, over, or inside something else? Do things that are the same shape go together? Is there a special place for round things or triangular things? Which toys belong together?\n\n**Going to sleep and getting up:** Both of these situations lend themselves to discussing doing things in sequence, and practicing words like first, second, third, last, and next. Where do dirty clothes go? How do you decide which clothes you should wear together when you get dressed?", + "text": "**Çamaşır yıkamak:** Çamaşır yıkarken çamaşırları benzerliklere ve farklılıklara göre sıralayın- renkler ve boyutlar\n\n**Bir yeri temizlemek:** Hangi eşyalar/objeler ayni kategoridedir ve neden? Bir kutunuz varsa, başka bir şeyin üstüne mi, altına mı yoksa içine mi giriyor? Aynı şekildeki eşyalar/objeler bir araya geliyor mu? Yuvarlak eşyalar veya üçgen eşyalar için özel bir yer var mı? Hangi oyuncaklar bir araya gelmeli?\n\n**Uyumak ve kalkmak:** Her iki durum da sırayla işler yapmayı tartışmak için uygundur ve “ilk\", “ikinci\", “üçüncü\", “sonuncu\" ve “sonraki\" gibi kelimeleri pratik yapmak için fırsat sunar. Kirli giysiler nereye gider? Giyinirken hangi kıyafetleri birlikte giymeniz gerektiğine nasıl karar verirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "MATH OUT LOUD – MEALTIME", + "text": "YÜKSEK SESLI MATEMATIK- YEMEK ZAMANI", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**Cooking:** As you follow a recipe or prepare some food, involve your child in counting out or measuring the ingredients, and talk about the sequence of steps. If they are not ready to do the steps themselves, have them 'oversee' your work.\n\n**Table setting and clearing:** When setting the table, count how many people there will be, and then discuss which things (plate, fork, glass) each person will need. Do some people need different glasses for different drinks?\n\nWhen you put the food out, how do you figure out how much food to provide? If you have six pieces of fruit for three people, how many should each person get to share it fairly?\n\nWhen you clean up, are there some things that get cleaned in a different way than others? How can you tell when a lid matches a pot or pan? Which kinds of things get put away in which places?\n\n**Putting graceries away:** When putting away groceries, talk about the types of things that go together. Which things need refrigeration? Where do the cans go? Where is there space for the big box? Use lots of relation words such as above, under, around, and between.", + "text": "**Yemek pişirme:** Bir tarifi yaparken veya yemek hazırlarken, çocuğunuzu malzemeleri saymaya veya ölçmeye dahil edin ve adımların sırası hakkında konuşun. Adımları kendileri yapmaya hazır değillerse, çalışmalarınızı gözlemlemelerini sağlayın.\n\n**Masa kurma ve temizleme:** Yemek masasını kurarken, kaç kişi olacağını sayın ve ardından her kişinin neye ihtiyaç duyacağını (tabak, çatal, cam) tartışın. Bazı kişiler farklı içecekler için farklı bardaklara ihtiyaçları var mı?\n\nYemeği servis ederken, tabaklara ne kadar yemek koymanız gerektiğini nasıl belirlersiniz? Eğer altı farklı meyveniz varsa ve bunları üç kişiye adil bir şekilde paylaştırdığınızda her bir kişi kaç tane meyve alır?\n\nTemizlik yaparken, bazı şeylerin diğerlerinden farklı bir şekilde temizlendiği oluyor mu? Bir kapak bir tencere veya tavaya uyduğunda nasıl anlayabilirsiniz? Hangi tür eşyalar hangi yerlere kaldırılır?\n\n**Market malzemelerini yerleştirme:** Market alışverişi yaparken, bir araya gelen türler hakkında konuşun. Hangi şeyler buzdolabına kaldırılmalı? Kavanozlar nereye yerleştirilmeli? Büyük kutular nereye konulmalı? Yukarıda, altında, çevresinde ve arasında gibi birçok ilişki kelimesi kullanın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "MATH OUT LOUD – PLAYTIME", + "text": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – OYUN ZAMANI", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "While playing at home or in a park, there is much mathematics to point out and describe.\n\n**In the playground:** Count the children, the number of swings, the number of steps, or anything else. Comment about where there is more of one thing than another.", + "text": "Evde veya parkta oynarken, konuşulması ve fark edilmesi gereken çok fazla matematik var.\n\n**Oyun parkında:** Salıncaktaki çocukları, adım sayıları veya herhangi bir şeyin kaç tane olduğunu sayın. Oyun parkında bir şeyin diğerinden daha fazla olduğu bir yer hakkında konuşun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "**On the swings:** Pushing your child on the swings is a perfect opportunity to count with your child. With each push, count “1, 2, 3, 4, 5.” After your child starts learning how to count to 5, counting down from 5 is also a good idea. Start or end at 0 sometimes.", + "text": "**Salıncakta:** Çocuğunuzu sallamak, çocuğunuzla birlikte saymak için mükemmel bir fırsattır. Her seferinde “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” şeklinde sayın. Çocuğunuz 5'e kadar saymayı öğrendikten sonra 5’ten geriye saymakta iyi bir fikir. Bazen 0’dan başlayıp 0’da bitirin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out the circles, curves, straight lines, triangles, and rectangles in the play area. Talk about how some things are over, under, between, or on top of other things.\n\n**At home:** Compare sizes when building with toys or blocks – Which tower is the tallest; Can you make two towers the same height? Describe and compare the sizes, numbers, colors of your toys, animals in pictures, or things you can see outside. If you are making a jigsaw puzzle, describe the shape and color of the piece you need.", + "text": "Oyun alanındaki daireleri, eğrileri, düz çizgileri, üçgenleri ve dikdörtgenleri vurgulayın. Bazı objelerin diğer şeylerin üstünde, altında, arasında veya üstünde nasıl olduğu hakkında konuşun.\n\n**Evde:** Oyuncaklar veya bloklarla kule inşa ederken boyutları karşılaştırın – Hangi kule en uzun; Aynı uzunlukta iki kule yapabilir misiniz? Oyuncaklarınızın boyutlarını, sayılarını, renklerini, resimlerdeki hayvanları veya dışarıda görebileceğiniz şeyleri tanımlayın ve karşılaştırın. Bir yapboz yapıyorsanız, ihtiyacınız olan parçanın şeklini ve rengini açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A Very Tall Man", + "text": "Çok Uzun Bir Adam", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller", + "text": "Bu hikâye 5’e kadar saymayı, betimlemeleri ve karşılaştırmaları içerir. Renk isimlerinin haricinde şu betimleme sözcükleriyle: çok fazla, çok, kısa, uzun, alçak, yüksek, büyük, küçük ve şu karşılaştırma sözcükleriyle alıştırma yapın: daha kısa, daha uzun, daha alçak, daha yüksek, daha büyük, daha küçük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Akadeli's Lucky Day", + "text": "Akadeli'nin Şanslı Günü", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 12’ye kadar sayma, renkler ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 1’den 12’ye kadar sayılar, değer biçme (kestirme), çıkarma, renklerin adları, en kısa, en uzun, benzer, farklı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can We Count Our Cats?", + "text": "Kedilerimizi Sayabilir Miyiz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, 0’dan 9’a kadar saymayı, renkleri ve renk desenleri konularını ele alır. Sayma sözcüklerini ve renklerin isimlerini, şu kelimeler ile alıştırma yapın: çok fazla, en büyük sayı, en küçük sayı, bir fazla, bir eksik.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Ball", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Top", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 6’ya kadar saymayı, renkleri ve tanımlamaları içerir. Sayma kelimelerini ve renk isimlerini şu sözcükleri kullanarak alıştırma yapın: yüksek, çok fazla, benzer, farklı, en küçük, en büyük, kısa, uzun, daha az sayıda, daha fazla.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Kelebek", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.", + "text": "Bu hikâye hız tanımlarını, renkleri ve 6’ya kadar saymayı içerir. Sayma sözcükleri ve renk sözcüklerinin yanında, şu sözcükleri de kullanarak alıştırma yapın: çok, çok fazla, hızlı, yavaş, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, en hızlı, en yavaş, en çok, en az.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog and the Egg", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Yumurta", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 5’e kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmayı, renkleri ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma Kelimeleri: yuvarlak, üstte, altta, benzer, uçurtma, farklı, daha büyük, daha uzun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek: Köpek Üşüyor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, aşırı durumları anlatan kelimelerden ve sayının bir eksiği veya bir fazlasıyla 6’ya kadar saymaktan bahsetmektedir. Alıştırma yapmanız gereken kelimeler: çok, soğuk, ılık, sıcak, aydınlık, karanlık, gün, gece, temiz, kirli, küçük, büyük, kısa, uzun, ıslak, kuru, ince, kalın, alçak, yüksek, yeni, eski.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Clever Cat", + "text": "Akıllı Kedi", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.", + "text": "Bu hikâye geometri fikirlerini ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kare, dikdörtgen, çember, eş merkezli, açık, kapalı, en az, çok az, küçük, büyük, renklerin isimleri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Colors of a Rainbow", + "text": "Bir Gökkuşağının Renkleri", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.", + "text": "Bu hikâye yediye kadar sayılardan, yedinciye kadar sıralamalardan ve renklerden bahseder. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 1’den 7’ye kadar sayılar; birinci, ikinci, üçüncüden yedinciye kadar sıralamalar; renkler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Counting Animals", + "text": "Hayvanları Sayalım", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 9’a kadar saymayı ve sayı ile boyut karşılaştırmalarını içerir. Alıştırma kelimeleri: bir, iki, üç, dört, beş, altı, yedi, sekiz, dokuz, büyük, küçük, en çok, en az, bir tane daha (bir fazla), bir tane daha az (bir az).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Creature with Two", + "text": "İki’li Yaratık", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede yediye kadar sayma ve şekiller var. Alıştırma kelimeleri: küçük sayılar (özellikle, bir ve iki) ve karşılaştırma sözcükleri (daha fazla, eşit, aynı, daha az). Bunların yanında, kareler, daireler, düz renkler, çizgiler (şeritler), daha büyük ve daha küçük kelimeleri hakkında da konuşabilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Drum", + "text": "Davul", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede ritimler, boyutlar ve şekiller var. Pratik yapmanız gereken kelimeler: boyutlar, çok küçük, küçük, orta, büyük, aynı, şekil, ritim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana Loves Animals", + "text": "Fana Hayvanları Çok Seviyor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, 10’a kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmaları ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, en çok, daha çok, daha az, daha büyük, daha küçük, en kısa, en uzun, renklerin isimleri, düz, çizgili, kareli.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Feelings", + "text": "Hisler", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 10’a kadar sayıları içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç tane, bir fazla, en çok, en az.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Flower Blind", + "text": "Çiçek Körü", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.", + "text": "Bu öyküde 10'a kadar sayılar, miktarların karşılaştırılması ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç (tane), en çok, en az, bir fazla, kaç fazla, fark, dikdörtgen, kare, daire, yuvarlak.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Friends", + "text": "Arkadaşlar", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 6’ya kadar saymayı, renkleri ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç tane, altıya kadar sayılar, bir fazla, iki fazla, bir eksik, iki eksik, renkler, çizgiler (şeritler), düz renkler, beşgen, altıgen, yuvarlak, aynı, farklı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How the Toad Got its Skin", + "text": "Kara Kurbağası Derisini Nasıl Elde Etti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 16'ya kadar saymayı, şekilleri ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: Tek tek, ikişer ikişer veya dörder dörder sayma, daha fazla, daha az, bir fazla, renk isimleri, daire, merkez, eş merkezli.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the Animals", + "text": "Hayvanlara Bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 8'e kadar olan sayılar vardır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 8’e kadar sayılar, kaç tane, bir fazlası, küçük, büyük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My School Clothes", + "text": "Okul Kıyafetlerim", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 5’e kadar sayma, şekiller ve renkler var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: Beşe kadar sayılar, renklerin adları, çok, çok büyük, çok küçük, tam ölçüsünde (doğru bedende), eşleşen (uyumlu) renkler, dikdörtgen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Palm Tree", + "text": "Palmiye Ağacı", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 12'ye kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmayı ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 12'ye kadar sayılar, kaç tane, değer biçme (kestirme), tahmin etme, ikişer ikişer sayma, daha fazla, daha az, fark, yuvarlak şekil, kutu şekli, halka (ilmek), desen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo, Our Cow", + "text": "Pendo, İneğimiz", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede altıya kadar sayılar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: altıya kadar sayılar, daha çok, en çok, daha az, en az, dikdörtgen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Day the Sun Went Away", + "text": "Güneşin Gittiği Gün", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede yediye kadar saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: Yediye kadar sayılar, kaç tane, aynı, daha az, daha fazla, bir fazla, bir eksik, çok, çok fazla, yuvarlak, küre, top, silindir, sıcak, daha sıcak, serin, daha serin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Visiting Grandmother", + "text": "Büyükanneyi Ziyaret", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.", + "text": "Bu hikâye 10’a kadar saymayı ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, bir fazla, iki fazla, üç fazla, ikişer ikişer sayma, eşit, dikdörtgen, daire, eş merkezli, düz, eğri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is Lulu?", + "text": "Lulu Nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar sayma, büyüklüklerin karşılaştırılması ve geometri var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, bir fazla, bir az, daha az, daha çok, küçük, büyük, çok, çok büyük, en küçük, en büyük, üçgen, dikdörtgen, beşgen, silindir, aynı, üzerinde, altında, en üstte, en tepede (en üstte).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is My Bat?", + "text": "Raketim Nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.", + "text": "Bu hikâye yediye kadar sayma, ilişki kurma kelimeleri ve şekilleri içermektedir. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: kaç tane, yediye kadar sayılar, bir fazla, bir eksik, arkasında, içinde, üstünde, yüksek, çok yüksek, altında, dikdörtgen, kutu, dikey çizgi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where Is My Cat?", + "text": "Benim Kedim Nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, 5’e kadar saymayı, ilişki kurma sözcüklerini ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 5’e kadar sayılar, altında, en üstünde, tepesinde, üzerinde, arkasında, yanında, içinde, dışında, renklerin isimleri, düz, eğri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A Dancer's Tale", + "text": "Bir Dansçının Hikâyesi: Phyllis Spira", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, smallest, shortest, longest, more, less, circle, arc, triangle, rectangle, right angle, straight lines, diagonal, shapes made with lines, Y shape.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 12’ye kadar saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 12’ye kadar sayılar, en küçük, en kısa, en uzun, daha fazlası (daha çok), daha az, daire, yay, üçgen, dikdörtgen, dik açı, düz çizgiler, köşegen, çizgilerle yapılmış şekiller, Y şekli.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A Fish and a Gift", + "text": "Bir Balık ve Bir Hediye", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 8, descriptions and comparisons, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 8, earlier, later, dark, faster, down, backwards, longest, more, little, different, triangle, rectangle, line, side, straight, horizon, and horizontal.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede on’a kadar saymalar, tanımlamalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: on’a kadar sayılar, daha erken, daha sonra, karanlık, daha hızlı, aşağı, geriye doğru, en uzun, daha çok (daha fazlası), çok az, farklı, üçgen, dikdörtgen, çizgi, kenar, düz, ufuk, yatay.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Aku the Sun Maker", + "text": "Aku – Güneş Toplayıcı", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has colors, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: white, red, yellow, orange, brown, rainbow colors, same, matching, different, difference, long, longer, short, very, curved, straight, round, triangle, and rectangle.", + "text": "Bu öyküde renkler, tanımlamalar ve şekiller yer almaktadır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: beyaz, kırmızı, sarı, turuncu, kahverengi, gökkuşağı renkleri, aynı, eşleşen, farklı, fark, uzun, daha uzun, kısa, çok, kavisli, düz, yuvarlak, üçgen, dikdörtgen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Amazing Daisy", + "text": "Muhteşem Daisy", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has geometry and shape ideas. Practice words: circle, rectangle, sides, corner, vertical line, horizontal line, big, small, low, and high", + "text": "Bu hikâyede geometri ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daire, dikdörtgen, kenarlar, köşe, dikey çizgi, yatay çizgi, büyük, küçük, alçak, yüksek.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cassava and Palm", + "text": "Manyok ve Palmiye", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: very, extremely, more, difference, rectangle, square, round, cone, triangle, alike, different, dividing by 1, 2, and 1/2, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, oldest, youngest, inside, and outside.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 20’ye kadar saymalar, betimlemeler ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: çok, aşırı bir şekilde, daha çok, fark, dikdörtgen, kare, yuvarlak, koni, üçgen, benzer, farklı, 1’e, 2’ye ve ½’ye bölme, dikey, yatay, dik, en yaşlı, en genç, içeride, dışarıda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Cat and Dog Draw and Color", + "text": "Kedi ve Köpek Çiziyor ve Boyuyor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has shapes, comparisons, and skip counting. Practice words: rectangle, square, oval, circle, arc, triangle, line, straight, curved, mirror symmetry, similar, different, less, same, more, pair, difference, right, left, skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 5's.", + "text": "Bu hikâye şekilleri, karşılaştırmaları ve atlayarak saymayı içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: dikdörtgen, kare, oval, daire, yay, üçgen, çizgi, düz, eğri, ayna simetrisi, benzer, farklı, daha az, aynı, daha fazla, çift, fark, sağ, sol, ikişer ikişer, üçer üçer ve beşer beşer ritmik (atlayarak) sayma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Curious Baby Elephant", + "text": "Meraklı Yavru Fil", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has skip counting and number properties. Practice words: skip counting, counting by a number, even, odd, more, less, above, and below.", + "text": "Bu öyküde atlayarak saymalar ve sayıların özellikleri var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: atlayarak (ritmik) sayma, belli bir sayı ile sayma, çift, tek, daha fazla, daha az, yukarıda, aşağıda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father's Advice", + "text": "Babanın Tavsiyesi", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve atlayarak saymalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yuvarlak, koni, dikdörtgen, uzun, dikey çizgi, yatay çizgi, dik açı, dik (sarp), sıfır, artı bir ekleme, ikişerli, üçerli, dörderli ve altışarlı atlayarak (ritmik) saymalar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati and the Green Snake", + "text": "Fati ve Yeşil Yılan", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing sizes. Practice words: numbers to 10, big, bigger, small, smaller, wide, wider, narrow, narrower, more, less, same, one more, and twice.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar saymalar ve vücutları karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, büyük, daha büyük, küçük, daha küçük, geniş, daha geniş, dar, daha dar, daha çok, daha az, aynı, bir fazlası, iki katı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How Many?", + "text": "Kaç Tane?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 14 and skip counting. Practice words: numbers to 14, skip counting, more, fewer, one more, three more, and double.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, 14’e kadar saymayı ve atlayarak saymayı içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 14’e kadar sayılar, atlayarak sayma (ritmik sayma), daha fazla, daha az, bir fazlası (bir tane daha), üç fazlası (üç tane daha), iki katı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I Love Forests", + "text": "Ormanları Seviyorum", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to ten and comparing quantities. Practice words: numbers to ten, counting by 2's, one more, one less, most, and least.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar saymalar ve miktarları karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, ikişer ikişer sayma, bir fazla(sı), bir az(ı), en çok, en az.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is There Anyone Like Me?", + "text": "Benim Gibi Başka Biri Var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 8 and comparing. Practice words: one more, one less, take away, fact family, symmetry, mirror symmetry, similarity, difference, and same.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 8’e kadar saymalar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: bir fazla(sı), bir az(ı), çıkarma (alıp götürme), işlem ailesi, simetri, ayna simetrisi, benzerlik, farklılık, fark, aynı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Listen to My Body", + "text": "Vücudumu Dinleyin", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting to 10 and comparing. Practice words: more, less, difference, and counting by 2's.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede 20’ye kadar saymalar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daha fazla, daha az, fark, ikişer ikişer ritmik sayma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Jojo's Long Tall Tale", + "text": "Küçük Jojo’nun Uzun Hikâyesi", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has many shapes. Practice words: circle, round, short, polygon, side, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, square, rectangle, diamond, rhombus, cone, pattern, concentric circles, colors, tall, tallest, far, farthest, long, half, pair, add, subtract, easy, hard, easier, harder, and problem solving.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daire, çember, yuvarlak, kısa, çokgen, kenar, üçgen, dörtgen, beşgen, altıgen, kare, dikdörtgen, elmas, eşkenar dörtgen, koni, desen, eş merkezli daireler, renkler, uzun, en uzun, uzak, en uzak, yarım, çift, toplama, çıkarma, kolay, daha kolay, zor, daha zor, problem çözme.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory Dory", + "text": "Lory Dory", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: thin, pairs, line, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, negative space, different, triangle, side, straight, sphere, circle, arc, red, blue, right, left, and skip count by 5's.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve betimlemeler var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: ince, çiftler halinde, çizgi, paralel, yatay, dikey, dik, negatif uzay, farklı, üçgen, yan, düz, küre, daire, yay, kırmızı, mavi, sağ, sol, beşer beşer ritmik (atlayarak) sayma.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru Gives Legs", + "text": "Maguru Bacak Dağıtıyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and groupings. Practice words: long, round, cone, flat, rectangle, square, close, closer, estimate, skip counting by 2's and 4's, colors, more, less, object properties, grouping by property, fewer, first, last, after, before, faster, slower, none, and zero.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve gruplamalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: uzun, yuvarlak, koni, düz, dikdörtgen, kare, yakın, daha yakın, tahmin, ikişer ikişer ve dörder dörder atlayarak (ritmik) sayma, renkler, daha fazla, daha az, nesne özellikleri, özelliğe göre gruplama, daha az sayıda, ilk, son, sonra, önce, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, hiçbiri, sıfır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun Moon and Water", + "text": "Güneş, Ay ve Su", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has many shapes. Practice words: rainbow, circle, arc, polygon, rectangle, pentagon, big, large, straight, curved, box, top, many, color names, rainbow, next, and too much.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: gökkuşağı, daire, çember, yay, poligon, dikdörtgen, beşgen, büyük, geniş, düz, eğri, kutu, en üst (tepe), fazla, renk isimleri, yanında, çok fazla.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise Finds his House", + "text": "Kaplumbağa Evini Buluyor", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has descriptions and comparisons. Practice words: high, on, onto, average, speed, 5 times, pairs, odd, even, sharing, too, very, fast, long, distance, light, heavy, lower, higher, different, estimate, more, stronger, vertically, diagonally, parallel lines, and big.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede betimlemeler ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yüksek, üzerinde, üzerine, ortalama, hız, sürat, 5 kez, çift halde, tek sayı, çift sayı, paylaşım (paylaşma), çok fazla, çok, hızlı, uzun, mesafe, hafif, ağır, daha düşük, daha yüksek, farklı, tahmin, daha çok, daha güçlü, dikey, çapraz, paralel çizgiler, büyük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Horses of Debre Birhan", + "text": "Debre Birhan’ın Atları", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has comparing words and counting in groups. Practice words: heavy, faster, enough, more than, too tight, very, old, skip counting by 2's and 4's, equal sharing, pair, pairing, odd, even, estimate, hundred, thousand, million, side, opposite side, round, and rectangle.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, karşılaştırma sözcüklerini ve gruplar halinde saymaları içerir. Şu kelimeleri kullanarak alıştırma yapın: ağır, daha hızlı, yeterli, daha fazla, çok sıkı, çok, eski, ikişer ikişer ve dörder dörder atlayarak sayma, eşit paylaşım, çift, eşleştirme, tek sayı, çift, tahmin (değer biçme), yüz, bin, milyon, yan taraf, karşı taraf, yuvarlak, dikdörtgen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena and Tortoise", + "text": "Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has shapes and quantities. Practice words: round, cone, different shape, hexagon, regular hexagon, tile designs, squares, patterns, more, less, fewer, same, equal, number difference, estimate, stronger, weaker, faster, slower, slowly, and speed.", + "text": "Bu hikâye, şekilleri ve miktarları içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yuvarlak, koni, farklı şekil, altıgen, düzgün altıgen, fayans tasarımları, kareler, desenler, daha çok, daha az, daha az sayıda, aynı, eşit, sayı farkı, tahmin, daha güçlü, daha zayıf, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, yavaşça, hız (sürat).", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Singing the Truth: The Story of Miriam Makeba", + "text": "Gerçeği Şarkıyla Söylemek: Miriam Makeba'nın Hikâyesi", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has lots of shapes. Practice words: shape, rectangle, straight, circle, arc, oval, arch, cone, ellipse, different, same, flat, outline, and stripe.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: şekil, dikdörtgen, düz çizgi, daire, çember, yay, oval, kemer, koni, elips, farklı, aynı, düz yüzey, ana hat, şerit.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who Can Count to Ten?", + "text": "Kim 10’a Kadar Sayabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has counting, comparisons, and problem solving. Practice words: numbers to ten, skip counting, counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 10's, odd numbers, more, difference, add, combination, total, stripes, spots, big, biggest, fast, fastest, strong, strongest, large largest, high, higher, pattern, and problem solving.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve problem çözmeler ele alınmaktadır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar ve 10’dan büyük sayılar, ikişer ikişer, üçer üçer, dörder dörder, beşer beşer ve on’ar on’ar atlayarak saymalar, tek sayılar, daha fazla (daha çok), fark, toplama, kombinasyon, toplam, çizgiler (şeritler), noktalar (benekler, lekeler), büyük, en büyük, hızlı, en hızlı, güçlü, en güçlü, geniş, en geniş, yüksek, daha yüksek, örüntü (desen), problem çözme.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her family live in a busy town.", + "text": "Fana ve ailesi hareketli bir kasabada yaşıyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?", + "text": "Fana çok renkli bir kasabada yaşıyor. Sizin kasabanız da renkli mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki kıyafetlerin ve binaların renklerini gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.", + "text": "Fana’nın bir kedisi, iki tavuğu, bir keçisi ve bir kumrusu var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals does Fana have?", + "text": "Fana’nın kaç tane hayvanı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which animal does Fana have the most of?", + "text": "Fana’da en çok hangi hayvandan var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.", + "text": "Şehirde yaşayan çoğu insan bu kadar çok farklı hayvana sahip değildir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.", + "text": "Bir gün, Fana diğer çocukların kumrulara taş attıklarını gördü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!", + "text": "Hayvanlara taş atmak kötü bir davranıştır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?", + "text": "Birinin kötü bir şey yaptığını görseydiniz ne yapardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?", + "text": "Bütün kuşları sayın. Hangisi daha fazla ve hangisi daha az – havadaki kuşlar mı yoksa yerdeki kuşlar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"", + "text": "Fana çocukların yanına doğru koştu.\n\n\"Taş atmayı bırakın!\" diye bağırdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?", + "text": "Diğer insanlara kötü davrandıklarını düşündüğünüzü söylemek kolay değildir. Fana bunu neden yaptı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde gördüğünüz dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerde, etrafınızda hiç dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.", + "text": "Fana iki kumruyu bakmak için evine götürdü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.", + "text": "Fana'nın bu hayvanlara yardım etmesi çok hoş. Vahşi hayvanlarla ilgilenmek tehlikeli olabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?", + "text": "Resimdeki insanları ve kuşları sayın. Hangi grup daha büyük, hangi grup daha küçük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?", + "text": "Suratları size onların ne hissettikleri hakkında neler söylüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.", + "text": "Fana, kumruları besledi ve ailesine onları nasıl kurtardığını anlattı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?", + "text": "Fana'nın ailesinde kaç çocuk ve kaç yetişkin var? Bu grupları bir araya getirdiğinizde, ailede toplam kaç kişi olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?", + "text": "Burada gökkuşağının pek çok rengi mevcut. Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri var ve hangileri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?", + "text": "Siz hangi renkleri ve desenleri giymeyi seversiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.", + "text": "Fana ve ailesi kumruları kliniğe götürdü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?", + "text": "Çoğu hekim ya insanlara ya da hayvanlara yardım eder. Bu klinikte hangi tür doktor var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki en kısa kişi kimdir? En uzun boylu olan kimdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.", + "text": "Dolabın üzerindeki kırmızı artı işareti, içinde tıbbi malzemelerin olduğunu gösteriyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"", + "text": "Fana arkadaşlarına, \"Hayvanlar bizim dostlarımız. Biz onları koruruz,\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?", + "text": "Sadece dostlarımızı mı korumalıyız yoksa koruyabileceğimiz her şeyi mi korumalıyız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.", + "text": "Bu kıyafetlerdeki tüm renk desenlerine bakın. Hangilerinin düz, çizgili veya kareli desene sahip olduklarını gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?", + "text": "Fana bu hikâye boyunca pek çok farklı renk giydi. Hepsini hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.", + "text": "Bir zamanlar iki oğlu olan bir çiftçi vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?", + "text": "Evlerin yuvarlak sazdan çatıları koni şeklindedir. Bu resimde başka hangi koni şekillerini görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)", + "text": "Hayatınızda başka hangi koni biçimli şeyler gördünüz? (Dondurma külâhı, göknar (köknar) ağaçları, trafik konisi (ikaz kukası), huni)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find as many rectangles as you can in this picture.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz kadar dikdörtgen bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"", + "text": "Bir gün oğullarını çağırıp, “Ben yaşlıyım ve yakında öleceğim. Ama ölmeden önce, sizi kendi evlerinizde görmek istiyorum. Kendi evlerinizi yapmanız için bir ay’ınız var. Bir ay sonra, sizi burada görmek istiyorum!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?", + "text": "3 kere ikişerli atlayarak sayarak veya 2 kere de üçerli atlayarak sayarak hepsinin toplamda kaç ayağa sahip olduğunu bulabilirsiniz. Kaç ayak var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?", + "text": "Onların kaç tane uzuvlarının (bacak ve kollarının) olduğunu bulmak için hangi sayıya kadar atlayarak sayardınız? Resimde toplam kaç uzuv var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?", + "text": "Babanın niçin uzun bir sopası olduğunu tahmin edin. Yürümekte zorlandığı için mi yoksa yaşlı bir insan olarak saygı görülmesi gerektiğinin sinyalini vermek için mi veya her ikisi için de mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The two sons rushed out. The first one went to the roadside. He cut down trees and began to build a big compound for himself.", + "text": "İki oğul dışarı fırladı. İlki yol kenarındaki arazi şeridine gitti. Ağaçları kesip kendisi için büyük bir yerleşke inşa etmeye başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?", + "text": "Bazen bulutlarda, ayda veya başka yerlerde suratlar bulabilirsiniz. Ağaçtaki suratı görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?", + "text": "Peki siz hiç bulutlarda veya başka bir yerde gerçekte yüz olmayan bir yüz gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?", + "text": "Çiftçinin bu oğlu, tüm bu evleri yapmak için kaç ağaç kesti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.", + "text": "İkincisi ise, dışarı çıkıp diğer ailelerle özel ilişkiler kurmaya başladı. Farklı insanların yanlarına gidip onların manevi evlatları gibi oldu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This second son is greeting someone in a friendly way with his hands. Copy this hand gesture with the person you are with now.", + "text": "Bu ikinci oğul, birisini elleriyle dostane bir şekilde selamlıyor. Bu el hareketini şu anda birlikte olduğunuz kişiyle taklit edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?", + "text": "İnsanları ailenizden birisi olduklarında ve bir arkadaşınız olduklarında hangi farklı şekillerde selamlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the shadows in this picture. Point to where you think the sun is in the sky. Guess what time of day it is.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki gölgelere bakın. Güneşin gökyüzünde olduğunu düşündüğünüz yeri işaret edin. Günün hangi saati olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"", + "text": "Bir ay sonra, iki kardeş de babalarının yanına geri geldiler. Babaları, “Pekâlâ, evlerinizi inşa ettiniz mi?” diye sordu. İki kardeş, “Evet!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?", + "text": "Dikey çizgiler yukarı ve aşağı gider. Onların hepsini göremeseniz de sizce kapıda kaç tane dikey kalas var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?", + "text": "Yatay çizgiler bir yandan diğer yana gider. Bir yatay kalası dikey kalaslara eklerseniz, toplamda kaç kalas olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?", + "text": "Bir ay, 28, 29, 30 veya 31 gün çekebilir. Sizce bir kişi evini yaklaşık 30 günde yapabilir mi? Şu anda yılın hangi ayındasınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"", + "text": "Baba en büyük oğluyla gitti. Oğlunun pek çok kulübe inşa etmiş olduğunu gördü. Her kulübenin yanından geçerken, “Bu kulübede kimse var mı?” diye sordu. Oğlu, her defasında, “Hayır,” diye cevap verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?", + "text": "Babanın bu yapılar için kullandığı yeni bir sözcük var. Bir ‘kulübenin’ bir ‘evden’ farkı nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?", + "text": "Siz hiç gerçek veya hayali bir kulübe, ev ya da kale yaptınız mı? Yapmak için ne kullandınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç tane kulübe olduğunu sayın. Eğer bir kulübede hiç kimse yoksa, bu kaç kişi demektir? (0 - sıfır)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"", + "text": "Baba, “Bu kulübede kimse var mı?” diye soracaktı. Oğlu da, “Hayır,” diye cevap verecekti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the rectangles you can find in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz tüm dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A right angle is formed when two lines cross each other like the corner of this page. Horizontal lines form right angles with vertical lines. Point out some right angles in this picture.", + "text": "Dik açı iki çizgi birbirini kestiğinde oluşur, tıpkı bu sayfanın köşesinde olduğu gibi. Yatay çizgiler dikey çizgilerle dik açı oluştururlar. Bu resimdeki bazı dik açıları gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerde muhtemelen bir sürü dik açı vardır. Onların hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayılamayacak kadar çoklar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.", + "text": "Baba acıktı ama ona yemek verecek kimse yoktu. Baba, “Hadi eve gidelim!” dedi. Böylece eve gittiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.", + "text": "İnsanlar genellikle ziyaretçilerine yiyecek ya da içecek bir şeyler ikram ederler. Ziyaretçiye sunacak hiçbir şeyleri olmayan bu kulübeler misafirperver değiller.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?", + "text": "Babanın oğluna sırtını döndüğüne dikkat edin. Birine sırtınızı döndüğünüzde ona ne mesaj verirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?", + "text": "Baba uzaklaşırken, onun ne hissettiğini düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.", + "text": "İkinci kardeş, onları, manevi evlat kabul edildiği ilk ailenin yanına götürdü. “İşte babam ve ağabeyim!” diye onları tanıttı. Aile, adamları çok hoş karşıladı. Bir koyun kesip onlara büyük bir ziyafet verdiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?", + "text": "Bu aile, babaya bir ziyafet verdi! Bunu neden yaptılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the father is feeling about this?", + "text": "Sizce baba bu konuda ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?", + "text": "Sizce ziyaret ettikleri bir sonraki aileyle ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They went to the second family the younger son had adopted. He introduced his father and brother and they were given another feast.", + "text": "Küçük oğulun manevi evlat olduğu ikinci aileye gittiler. Küçük oğul, aileye babasını ve ağabeyini tanıttı ve onlara bir ziyafet daha verildi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?", + "text": "İnsanların birbirlerine nasıl baktıklarına dikkat edin. Nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?", + "text": "Sizce küçük çocuk ve ikinci oğul karşılaştıklarında birbirlerine ne söylüyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their clothes have many soft hues. Describe some of the different colors that you see.", + "text": "Giysilerinin yumuşak tonları var. Gördüğünüz farklı renklerden bazılarını tasvir edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father and brother were welcomed in all the places where the younger son was adopted. They ate and were satisfied. Then they left for home.", + "text": "Baba ve ağabey, küçük oğulun manevi evlat olduğu her yerde hoş karşılandılar. Yemek yediler ve hallerinden memnundular. Ardından, evlerine dönmek üzere ayrıldılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?", + "text": "Koni şeklindeki çatıların bazıları diğerlerinden daha diktir. Dik bir çatıya sahip olmak neden faydalıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)", + "text": "Dik bir çatıya sahip olmanın herhangi bir dezavantajını düşünebiliyor musunuz? (Daha fazla malzeme gerekebilir.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?", + "text": "Babayla ilgili hangi şeyler size onun çok yorgun hissettiğini anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"", + "text": "Baba, “Kendine bir ev yapmalısın derken bunu kastetmiştim. Bir ev, birçok kulübeden ya da büyük ve pahalı bir evden daha fazlasıdır. Ev, diğer insanlarla sevgi, sıcaklık ve dostluktur.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?", + "text": "Ev sadece bir çatı, duvarlar ya da kapılardan ibaret değildir. Yaşadığınız yerde, sizin için bir evi yuva yapan şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?", + "text": "Bu üçünden hangisi en uzun ve hangisi en kısadır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?", + "text": "Hangisinin daha yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz – sizi önemseyen çok sayıda insanın olması mı yoksa bir sürü binalarınız olması mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati was a little girl who ran like the wind.\n\nShe loved to laugh, and always tried hard to do as she was told.", + "text": "Fati rüzgâr gibi koşan küçük bir kızdı.\n\nGülmeyi çok severdi ve her zaman kendisine söyleneni yapmak için çok uğraşırdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be hard sometimes to do what you are told. Are you good at following directions?", + "text": "Bazen size söyleneni yapmak zor olabilir. Yönergeleri takip etmekte iyi misinizdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you feel when you don't do as you are told?", + "text": "Söyleneni yapmadığınızda kendinizi nasıl hissedersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Fati have more, or less, limbs (arms and legs) than there are ends to her stick?", + "text": "Fati’nin, sopasının uçlarından daha mı çok yoksa daha mı az uzvu (kolları ve bacakları) var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Fati went with her mother and father to look for firewood.", + "text": "Bir gün, Fati, annesi ve babasıyla birlikte yakacak odun aramaya gitti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to balance something on your head the way Fati's mother is doing? What sorts of things do people carry on their heads?", + "text": "Siz de Fati’nin annesinin yaptığı gibi hiç başınızın üzerinde bir şeyi dengede tutmaya çalıştınız mı? İnsanlar başlarında ne tür şeyler taşırlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at Fati's head and shoulders, what do you think she is feeling?", + "text": "Fati’nin başına ve omuzlarına baktığınızda; sizce o ne hissediyor olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the people in this picture.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, bu resimdeki insanları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati liked to help her mother and father, but there was so much to do and so much to see.\n\nThere were birds, monkeys, and the sky!", + "text": "Fati anne ve babasına yardım etmekten hoşlanıyordu ama yapacak ve görecek o kadar çok şey vardı ki!\n\nKuşlar, maymunlar ve gökyüzü vardı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you are outside, what do you like to look at in the sky?", + "text": "Dışarıdayken gökyüzünde nelere bakmayı seversiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many birds is Fati looking at?", + "text": "Fati kaç kuşa bakıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the ends of the sticks in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki çubukların uçlarını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, please listen! You can look for firewood here and you can look for firewood there.\"", + "text": "Annesi, “Fati, lütfen dinle! Burada yakacak odun arayabilirsin ve orada da yakacak odun arayabilirsin,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati and her mother are holding outdoor tools. Have you used tools, such as a broom, to do work outside?", + "text": "Fati’nin ve annesinin elinde dış mekân aletleri var. Peki siz dışarıda iş yapmak için süpürge gibi araçlar ya da aletler kullandınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's mother's dress has a design on it. Count together how many times the design is repeated. Can you count that high? If not, count just one leg.", + "text": "Fati’nin annesinin elbisesinin üzerinde bir desen var. Desenin kaç kez tekrarladığını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Sayamazsanız, o zaman, sadece bir bacağındakileri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two people have a total of two heads. Together, how many legs, arms, eyes, and ears do these two people have?", + "text": "İki kişinin toplam iki başı vardır. Bu ikisinin birlikte, kaç bacağı, kolu, gözü ve kulağı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Fati, please watch where you go and be very careful.\"\n\nShe replied, \"Yes, mother.\"", + "text": "“Ama Fati, lütfen, gittiğin yere dikkat et ve çok dikkatli ol.” \\PARA “Tamam, anne!” diye cevap verdi Fati.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of things might be dangerous for Fati while out collecting firewood?", + "text": "Fati odun toplarken ne tür şeyler onun için tehlikeli olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which sorts of things are you warned to be careful about?", + "text": "Peki siz hangi tür şeylere karşı dikkatli olmanız konusunda uyarılıyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you listen to those warnings? Do you think Fati will listen?", + "text": "O uyarıları dinler misiniz? Fati’nin dinleyeceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon Fati's mother and father were very busy.", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, Fati’nin annesi ve babası çok meşguldü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many reasons people wear hats. Why is Fati's father wearing a hat?", + "text": "İnsanların şapka takmalarının pek çok nedenleri vardır. Fati’nin babası neden şapka takıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's father uses a hat to work outside in the sun. Can you think of other clothes that have special uses for certain occasions?", + "text": "Fati’nin babası dışarıda güneş altında çalışırken şapka kullanıyor. Belirli durumlar için özel kullanımları olan başka giysiler aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati's family is gathering firewood. Other than keeping warm, what are some ways people use fires?", + "text": "Fati’nin ailesi yakacak odun topluyor. Isınmak dışında, insanların ateşi kullanmalarının başka yolları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They found big pieces of firewood.\n\nThey found small pieces of firewood.", + "text": "Büyük odun parçaları buldular.\n\nKüçük odun parçaları buldular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the different sizes of firewood have different uses?", + "text": "Farklı boyutlardaki yakacak odunların farklı kullanım alanları mı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many pieces of firewood there are.", + "text": "Resimde kaç tane yakacak odun olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the thickness of the biggest pieces of firewood to Fati's father's leg. Which is wider and which is narrower?", + "text": "En büyük odun parçalarının kalınlığını Fati’nin babasının bacağıyla karşılaştırın. Hangisi daha geniş ve hangisi daha dar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati was also very busy.\n\nShe found small pieces of firewood.\n\nShe found very small pieces of firewood.", + "text": "Fati de çok meşguldü.\n\nKüçük odun parçaları buldu.\n\nÇok küçük odun parçaları buldu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Fati found such small pieces of firewood?", + "text": "Sizce Fati neden o kadar küçük odun parçaları buldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In making a fire, having a variety of sizes of wood is useful. The small pieces help get the fire going, and the big pieces can make it last a long time.", + "text": "Ateş yakarken çeşitli boyutlarda odun bulundurmak kullanışlıdır. Küçük parçalar ateşin yanmasına yardımcı olurken, büyük parçalar ise ateşin uzun süre dayanmasını sağlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how many pieces of firewood Fati has found. It's tricky to tell because her wood is all jumbled together.", + "text": "Fati’nin kaç parça yakacak odun bulduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bunu bulmak zor çünkü odunların hepsi birbirine girmiş durumda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Fati looked up.\n\nShe saw a red bird in the tall grass.", + "text": "Sonra, Fati başını kaldırdı.\n\nUzun otların arasında kırmızı bir kuş gördü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lots of animals have things in common, such as a mouth and a heart. Guess what birds have that no other animal has. (feathers)", + "text": "Bir sürü hayvanın ağız ve kalbe sahip olmaları gibi ortak özellikleri vardır. Bilin bakalım kuşlarda her hayvanda olmayan ne var? (tüyleri)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati is having too much fun looking at special things to worry about looking for dangers. Is she being careless?", + "text": "Fati özel şeylere bakarken o kadar eğleniyor ki tehlikeler konusunda endişelenmiyor. Dikkatsiz mi davranıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does the bird's red color blend in with the colors in the tall grass?", + "text": "Kuşun kırmızı rengi uzun çimenlerdeki renklerle uyum sağlıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Next, Fati looked down.\n\nShe saw a brown ant on the dusty path.", + "text": "Daha sonra, Fati aşağıya baktı.\n\nTozlu yolda kahverengi bir karınca gördü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The largest ants are about the same length as your finger. Do you think the artist got a little carried away drawing this ant?", + "text": "En büyük karıncalar yaklaşık olarak parmağınızla aynı uzunluktadır. Sizce illüstratör bu karıncayı çizerken kendini biraz fazla mı kaptırmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ants have six legs. How many legs does this ant have?", + "text": "Karıncaların altı bacağı vardır. Bu karıncanın kaç bacağı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If ants should have six legs, how many legs is this ant missing?", + "text": "Eğer karıncaların altı bacağı olması gerekiyorsa, o zaman bu karıncanın kaç bacağı eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati saw a beautiful leaf. The leaf was shiny and green.\n\nShe put one finger on the beautiful leaf.", + "text": "Fati güzel bir yaprak gördü. Yaprak parlak ve yeşildi.\n\nBir parmağını güzel yaprağın üzerine koydu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next with this strange leaf?", + "text": "Sizce bu tuhaf yaprağa bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is different about the \"leaf\" that Fati is touching?", + "text": "Fati’nin dokunduğu “yaprakta” farklı olan nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Make an estimate of how many leaves are in this picture. Is it a number bigger than you know?", + "text": "Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Bu resimde kaç yaprak olduğuna dair bir tahminde bulunun. O sayı bildiğinizden daha büyük bir sayı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati said, \"This does not feel like a leaf.\"\n\nSuddenly, the beautiful leaf moved!\n\nFati said, \"This is not a beautiful leaf. This is a green snake!\"", + "text": "Fati, “Bu bir yaprak gibi hissettirmiyor!” dedi.\n\nO güzel yaprak aniden kımıldadı!\n\nFati, “Bu güzel bir yaprak değil. Bu bir yeşil yılan!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of her five senses did Fati use to notice the snake?", + "text": "Fati yılanı fark etmek için beş duyusundan hangisini kullandı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you remove one of the five senses, how many are left?", + "text": "Beş duyudan birini çıkarırsanız geriye kaç kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you name all five of your senses?", + "text": "Beş duyunuzun hepsinin isimlerini sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati screamed, \"EII!\"\n\nShe ran very fast to look for her mother and father.", + "text": "Fati çığlık attı, “Ay!”\n\nAnnesini ve babasını aramak için hızlıca koştu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati screamed and ran. When you are surprised and scared, what do you do?", + "text": "Fati çığlık atıp koştu. Peki siz şaşırdığınızda ve korktuğunuzda ne yaparsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to hide in your bed or maybe under your bed? What is your favorite hiding spot?", + "text": "Yatağınızda veya yatağınızın altında saklanmayı mı seversiniz? En sevdiğin saklanma yeri neresi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati is running so fast that she doesn't notice something. What is it?", + "text": "Fati o kadar hızlı koşuyor ki bir şeyi fark etmiyor. Nedir o?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati saw her father and shouted, \"A snake! A snake!\"\n\nFather said, \"Where? Where?\"\n\nFati said, \"There! There!\"", + "text": "Fati babasını görüp bağırdı, “Bir yılan! Bir yılan!”\n\nBabası, “Nerede? Nerede?” diye sordu.\n\nFati, “Orada! Orada!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her father is angry that she wondered away, happy that she is okay, or both?", + "text": "Sizce babası Fati uzaklaştığı için kızgın mı, iyi olduğu için mutlu mu yoksa her ikisi de mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her father has two shoes. How many shoes does Fati have and how many is she missing?", + "text": "Babasının iki ayakkabısı var. Fati’nin kaç ayakkabısı (veya terliği) var ve kaç tanesi eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Together they have one more shoe than her father has. What is one more than two?", + "text": "Babası ve Fati’nin birlikte, babasının sahip olduğundan bir fazla ayakkabıları var. İkinin bir fazlası nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then her father chased the green snake with a stick.\n\nThe green snake slithered away.", + "text": "Ardından, babası bir sopayla yeşil yılanı kovaladı.\n\nYeşil yılan sürünerek uzaklaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a snake outside on the ground or in a bush?", + "text": "Hiç dışarıdayken yerde veya çalıların arasında bir yılan gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some snakes are very dangerous, and many others are safe. Do some snakes do good things?", + "text": "Bazı yılanlar çok tehlikelidir, bazıları ise güvenlidir. Peki bazı yılanlar iyi şeyler yaparlar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you know about snakes?", + "text": "Yılanlar hakkında ne biliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father said, \"Fati, you are safe.\"\n\nLet's go to mother and tell her about the green snake.\"", + "text": "Babası, “Fati, güvendesin,” dedi.\n\n“Hadi anneme gidip ona yeşil yılanı anlatalım!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are Fati and her father feeling in this picture?", + "text": "Fati ve babası bu resimde ne hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think her mother will say?", + "text": "Sizce annesi ne diyecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fati got back her other shoe. Now she and her father have one more than three shoes. How many shoes is that?", + "text": "Fati diğer ayakkabısını (veya terliğini) geri aldı. Artık Fati’nin ve babasının üç ayakkabıdan bir fazla ayakkabıları var. Bu kaç ayakkabı eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother said, \"Fati, I am happy the green snake did not bite you.\"", + "text": "Annesi, “Fati, yeşil yılan seni ısırmadığı için mutluyum!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you surprised that her mother is not angry?", + "text": "Annesinin kızgın olmamasına şaşırdınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of many kinds of things in this picture.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte bu resimde kaç çeşit şey olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more pants or dresses? Are there more sandals or boots?", + "text": "Resimde daha çok pantolon mu yoksa daha çok elbise mi var? Daha fazla sandalet mi yoksa daha fazla bot mu var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But next time, please, look where you go, and be more careful.\n\nAnd that was the end of that.", + "text": "“Ama bir dahaki sefere, lütfen, gittiğin yere bak ve daha dikkatli ol!”\n\nVe bu son karardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the story mean by \"And that was the end of that.\" ?", + "text": "Hikâyede geçen “Ve bu son karardı” ifadesi hangi anlama geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The three of them have three pairs of shoes. How many is that?", + "text": "Üçünün toplam üç çift ayakkabıları (sandalet ve terlikler de dahil) var. Bu kaç ayakkabıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can count all their shoes by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6. Or, you could think of it as twice the number of people -- 3, 6. Which way is easier for you?", + "text": "Tüm ayakkabılarınızı ikişerli sayabilirsiniz – 2, 4, 6 şeklinde. Kişi sayısının iki katı olarak da düşünebilirsiniz – 3, 6 şeklinde. Hangisi sizin için daha kolay?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My heart feels a lot of things.", + "text": "Benim kalbim bir sürü şey hisseder.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?", + "text": "Sahip olduğunuz farklı hisleri düşünün. Kaç tanesi aklınıza geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.", + "text": "O hislerden birini hissettiğiniz bir zamanla ilgili bir hikâye anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?", + "text": "Hisleriniz birkaç gruba birden mi uyuyor? Örneğin, o hislerinizin hepsi mutlu hisler mi yoksa üzgün hisler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.", + "text": "Akşamları ninem bize hikâyeler anlattığı zaman kendimi mutlu hissederim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?", + "text": "Size hikâyeler anlatmayı seven özel bir kişi tanıyor musunuz? O kişinin anlattığı hikâyeleri duymak size kendinizi iyi hissettiriyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?", + "text": "Ninenin anlattığı hikâyeyi kaç tane çocuğun dinlediğini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Eğer sayıya nineyi de eklerseniz, o sayı bir fazla olacak – toplam kaç kişi eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?", + "text": "Bu çocuklar mutlu görünüyorlar mı? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel silly when I play with my friend.", + "text": "Arkadaşımla oynadığım zaman kendimi şapşal gibi hissederim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What things do you do when you are being silly?", + "text": "Siz şapşalca davrandığınızda neler yaparsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki elleri, ayakları, gözleri, burunları, parmakları, ayak parmaklarını veya gördüğünüz başka herhangi bir şeyi çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?", + "text": "Hangi gruptaki şeylerin sayısı en büyük sayıda ve hangi gruptaki şeylerin sayısı en küçük sayıdadır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.", + "text": "Babam parasının olmadığını söylediğinde kendimi kötü hissederim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What sorts of things make you sad?", + "text": "Ne tür şeyler sizi üzer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.", + "text": "Resimdekilerin kıyafetlerinin farklı parçalarına işaret edip renklerinin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of buttons on her dress.", + "text": "Kızın elbisesinin düğmelerinin sayısını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.", + "text": "Annem bana sarıldığı zaman sevildiğimi hissederim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?", + "text": "Size sevildiğinizi hissettiren bazı ‘özel an’lar nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?", + "text": "Başkalarına karşı hissettiğiniz sevgiyi onların bilmelerini sağlamak için ne yaparsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?", + "text": "Annenin kıyafetinde çizgiler, kızınkinde ise yıldızlar var. Sizin, üzerinde yıldız veya başka şekiller olan bazı kıyafetleriniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.", + "text": "Chat kör doğmuştu.\n\nGözleri, ebeveynlerini, erkek kardeşini veya kız kardeşini hiç görmemişti. Onları yüzlerine dokunarak tanıyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.", + "text": "Gözleriniz kapalı yürümeyi denediniz mi? Eğer denediyseniz, güvende olmak için birisiyle birlikte olduğunuzdan emin olun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?", + "text": "Görmediğinizde, diğer duyularınızın çok daha fazla farkına varırsınız. Gözlerinizi kapattığınızda hangi duyularınızı daha çok fark ediyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bir kare, dört eşit kenara sahip bir dikdörtgendir. Bu sayfada gördüğünüz kareleri ve dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.", + "text": "Bir gün, Chat bahçede geziniyordu.\n\nÇiçeklerin tatlı kokusunu beğendi.\n\nOnların yumuşak yapraklarına dokunmayı sevdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.", + "text": "Burada sayılacak çok şey var. Ağaçları, kelebekleri, bastonları, ayakkabıları ve fark ettiğiniz herhangi bir grubu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups can Chat count?", + "text": "Chat bu gruplardan hangisini sayabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?", + "text": "Bu gruplardan hangisinde en çok, hangisinde en az şey var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.", + "text": "Chat çiçekleri görebilmeyi diledi, sadece bir kere.\n\n“Çok hoşlar,” dedi kendi kendine.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?", + "text": "Beş mavi çiçek ve beş sarı-turuncu çiçek var. Hepsi birlikte kaç çiçek eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?", + "text": "Eğer Chat'in tuttuğu sarı-turuncu çiçeği de dahil ederseniz, ki bu bir fazlası eder; beşin bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?", + "text": "Orada kelebeklerden kaç daha fazla mavi çiçek var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.", + "text": "Chat her gün bahçede yürüdü. Yolunu biliyordu.\n\nBugün, başını göklere kaldırdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?", + "text": "Chat’in yüzündeki şaşkınlığı görüyor musunuz? Chat neye şaşırdı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?", + "text": "Chat bulutları göremiyor. Chat o anda olan biten hakkında ne hissedecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "Gökyüzünde neler oluyor? Sizce ne olmak üzere?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.", + "text": "Aniden, gök gürlemesi ve şimşek sesi duydu.\n\n“Acilen eve dönmem gerek!” diye düşündü Chat.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?", + "text": "Siz hiç fırtına çıktığında dışarıda bir yerde bulundunuz mu? Islandınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like watching lightning?", + "text": "Şimşekleri izlemeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?", + "text": "Dışarıdayken şimşeği korkutucu mu yoksa eğlenceli mi bulursunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.", + "text": "Yağmur yağmaya başladı.\n\nChat’in ayağı kaydı, dengesini kaybedip düştü.\n\nBaşını bir taşa çarptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?", + "text": "Kafa yaralanmaları çok ciddi olabilir. Sizce Chat iyi olacak mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.", + "text": "Bu resimde sarıdan açık kırmızıya ve kırmızıya doğru giden renkler var. Onları gösterip tasvir edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.", + "text": "Resimde sarıdan farklı yeşillere doğru giden renkleri gösterip tasvir edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.", + "text": "Chat uyandığında, etrafında insanlar vardı.\n\n“Ne oldu?” diye sordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Chat'in ailesindeki insanları sayın. Chat’i de dahil ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?", + "text": "Yüzlerine bakarak her birinin ne hissettiğini söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?", + "text": "Burada pek çok renk var! Bu resimde gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.", + "text": "“Düşüp başını çarptın,” dedi babası.\n\n“İyi olduğun için çok şükrediyoruz,” dedi annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?", + "text": "Chat'in yatağında eğlenceli dairesel bir desen var. Daha çok mavi daireler mi yoksa kırmızı daireler mi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerde etrafınızda olan bazı güzel desenleri tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki ve bulunduğunuz yerde etrafınızdaki dikdörtgenleri bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.", + "text": "“Babacığım, anneciğim?” diye sordu Chat. Erkek kardeşinin ve kız kardeşinin de isimlerini söyledi. “Lütfen, bana bir çiçek getirin.” Herkes şaşırdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone surprised?", + "text": "Neden herkes şaşırdı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is everyone looking so happy?", + "text": "Neden herkes çok mutlu görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?", + "text": "Chat’in yatağındaki tüm halkaları sayabilir misiniz yoksa onlar sayılamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar? Gözler, kollar veya burunlar gibi başka şeyleri de sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.", + "text": "Kız kardeşi bir çiçekle geri geldi.\n\nChat onu nazikçe tuttu. “Bu çok güzel,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?", + "text": "Dünyayı ilk kez görmenin nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edin. En çok neyi görmek isterdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?", + "text": "Chat kafasının hangi tarafını taşa çarptı ve hangi tarafı bandajlı? Hım...?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki tüm dikdörtgenleri bulabilir misiniz? Bazılarını bulmak biraz zor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.", + "text": "Ailesinin fertleri birbirlerine baktılar.\n\n“Chat, çiçeği görebiliyor musun?” diye sordu annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What emotion do you see on each person's face?", + "text": "Her bir kişinin suratında hangi duyguyu görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?", + "text": "Bir hastalıktan sonra aniden çok daha iyi olan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you known anyone who was blind?", + "text": "Kör olan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.", + "text": "Chat elindeki çiçekle oynadı.\n\n“Siz hepiniz çok güzelsiniz, tıpkı bu çiçek gibi,” diyerek gülümsedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yeni dikdörtgenlerden bazılarını gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?", + "text": "Bu çok mutlu bir son! Hikâyenin bu şekilde biteceğini düşünmüş müydünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.", + "text": "Bazı kişiler doktor olurlar çünkü bunun gibi mutlu sonlara sahip olmaları için insanlara yardım etmeyi severler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My name is Simo.", + "text": "Benim adım Simo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Simo'nun formasındaki farklı renkteki şeritleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?", + "text": "Simo'nun topu iki renkli ve yuvarlaktır. Bir beşgen, beş kenarlı bir şekildir. Simo'nun topundaki koyu renkli beşgenlere işaret edin. Hiç etrafınızda beşgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?", + "text": "Bir altıgen, altı kenarlı bir şekildir. Topun üzerindeki altıgenleri gösterin. Altıgenler sıklıkla fayans döşeme desenlerinde kullanılırlar. Etrafınızda hiç altıgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have four friends.", + "text": "Benim dört tane arkadaşım var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"", + "text": "Simo’yu dört arkadaşıyla bir araya getirdiğinizde, hepsi birlikte kaç kişi eder? Bunu sormanın bir başka yolu: \"4’ün 1 fazlası kaç eder?\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.", + "text": "Onların kaç tanesinin çizgili, kaç tanesinin düz tişörtü var? Bu, 3’ün 2 fazlasının 5 ettiği anlamına gelir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!", + "text": "Bu, 5’i elde etmenin iki farklı yoludur! Eğer dörtten bir fazlasını alırsanız, aynı şeyi, üçten iki fazlasını alırsanız da elde edersiniz!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.", + "text": "Arkadaşlarının isimleri: Zizo, Lele, Sisa ve Ayanda.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.", + "text": "Kimin hangi isme sahip olduğunu tahmin edebilir misiniz? Her birini çok yakında öğreneceğiz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?", + "text": "Onlardan birisi hakkında bir hikâye uydurun. Onlardan birisi belki de kedileri veya uzun yürüyüşlere çıkmayı seviyordur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.", + "text": "Dördünden birisi futbol oynamayı, birisi yüzmeyi, diğeri saklambaç oynamayı ve bir tanesi de okumayı seviyor – hangisinin hangisi olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.", + "text": "Arkadaşım Zizo futbol oynamayı sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?", + "text": "Simo ve Zizo’nun ortak noktaları futboldur. Onların kıyafetlerinin hangi kısımları birbirine benziyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?", + "text": "Simo ve Zizo’nun kıyafetlerinin farklı kısımlarında şeritler var. Şeritleri nasıl farklı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?", + "text": "Zizo kırmızının tonlarını seviyor gibi görünüyor. Ya siz? Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Lele likes to swim.", + "text": "Arkadaşım Lele yüzmeyi sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki güzel yeşilleri, mavi yeşilleri ve mavileri gösterip adlandırın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?", + "text": "Lele'nin sol elindeki parmaklarını sayın. Lele’nin bir parmağı mı eksik yoksa illüstratör bu resmi çizerken dikkatsiz mi davrandı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.", + "text": "Kendi başınıza yüzmek tehlikeli olabilir. Güvende olmak için daima bir arkadaşınızla yüzün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.", + "text": "Arkadaşım Sisa saklambaç oynamayı sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?", + "text": "Sisa \"ebe\" mi yoksa saklanıyor mu? Sisa’yı görmek kolay. Sisa ağacın arkasında mı saklanıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?", + "text": "Zebraların, ağaçların arasında saklanmalarına yardımcı olsun diye şeritlerinin olduğunu söylerler. Sisa'nın tişörtündeki şeritler, Sisa’yı görmeyi zorlaştırıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?", + "text": "Saklambaç oynandığında, \"ebe\" insanları aramadan önce, genellikle bir sayıya kadar sayar. Sizce kişi en çok kaça kadar saymalıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My friend Ayanda likes to read.", + "text": "Arkadaşım Ayanda okumayı sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?", + "text": "Diğerleri oynamayı sevdikleri sporları ve oyunları seçtiler. Okumak bir spor mudur yoksa oyun mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?", + "text": "Başka insanlarla okuyabilir misiniz yoksa tek başınıza mı okumalısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.", + "text": "Ayanda turuncunun tonlarından hoşlanıyor gibi görünüyor. Etrafınızdaki turuncunun tonlarında olan bazı şeylerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.", + "text": "Ben? Ben, onların yapmayı sevdikleri şeyleri yapmayı severim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?", + "text": "Simo her şeyi yapmaktan mı hoşlanıyor yoksa o sadece herkesle birlikte olabilsin diye uyumlu mu davranıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?", + "text": "Simo’nun üzerindeki tişörtün şeritlerinin değiştiğini fark ettiniz mi? Nasıl değiştiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the four activities, how many do you like?", + "text": "Dört aktiviteden, kaç tanesini beğendiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play soccer with Zizo.", + "text": "Ben Zizo ile futbol oynarım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?", + "text": "Zizo'nun sol elindeki parmakları sayın. Zizo’nun bir parmağı mı eksik yoksa illüstratör yine dikkatsiz mi davranmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?", + "text": "Bazı insanlar bir elinde altı parmakla doğarlar. Altıdan bir eksik kaçtır? Altıdan iki eksik kaçtır? Kaç parmak size iyi bir sayı gibi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?", + "text": "Zizo’nun çizgili çorapları ve düz bir tişörtü var, Simo’nun ise çizgili tişörtü ve düz çorapları var. Hangi tarzı daha çok beğendiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I swim with Lele.", + "text": "Ben Lele ile yüzerim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?", + "text": "Lele'nin sol elindeki parmakları sayın. Onun daha öncekinden bir fazla parmağı var! Lele’nin bir parmağı mı büyüdü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yeşilin tonları hakkında konuşun. Bazı tonlar daha koyu, bazıları daha sarı ve bazısı daha mavi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!", + "text": "Lele şu anda bir arkadaşıyla yüzüyor – bu çok daha güvenli (ve daha eğlenceli)!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.", + "text": "Sisa ile saklambaç oynarım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Simo take his shoes off?", + "text": "Simo neden ayakkabılarını çıkardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?", + "text": "Sizce bu resimde kim saklanıyor ve kim arıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?", + "text": "Bu yerde hangi ikisi daha iyi saklanabilir – kimin kıyafetleri çevredeki renklerle daha iyi uyum sağlıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, friend, what do you like?", + "text": "Gel, arkadaşım, sen neyi seversin?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of your favorite activities?", + "text": "Sizin en sevdiğiniz aktivitelerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?", + "text": "Bu hikâyedeki farklı aktiviteleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Onlardan hangisini seçerdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?", + "text": "Orada dört aktivite var ve siz en sevdiğinizi seçtiniz. Dördün bir eksiği nedir? Geriye kalan aktivitelerden hangisi en az sevdiğinizdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play soccer with us.", + "text": "Gel, bizimle futbol oyna.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?", + "text": "Onlar takım halinde mi oynuyorlar yoksa sadece topu mu tekmeliyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?", + "text": "Orada beş kişi var. Onları eşit sayıda kişiden oluşan iki takıma ayırabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?", + "text": "Hangisinin ayakkabıları futbol oynamak için en kötüsü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, swim with us.", + "text": "Gel, bizimle yüz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?", + "text": "Orada iki çift çocuk ve bir yalnız çocuk var. Hiç kimsenin dışarıda kalmaması için onların hepsini eşleştirebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.", + "text": "Eğer bu kadar çok şeyi çift çift bölmenin hiçbir yolu yok ise o sayının \"tek\" olduğu söylenir. Eğer o sayıdaki şey iki eşit gruplara ayrılamazsa, o zaman da o sayı \"tek\"tir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?", + "text": "Neden \"tek\" sayı için olan bu iki fikir aynıdır? Neden bir şeyi çiftlere ayırabilmek ile o şeyi iki eşit gruba ayırabilmek aynıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.", + "text": "Gel, bizimle saklambaç oyna.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?", + "text": "Görünüşe göre, Simo \"ebe.\" Diğer çocukları ararken zor anlar geçirecek midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?", + "text": "Dalın en tepesindeki çocukları ve ağacın diğer tarafında saklanan çocukları sayın. Toplamda dört çocuk mu oluyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.", + "text": "Bir tanesi ağacın içinde, bir tanesi sayıyor ve bir tanesi de ağacın arkasında. Bundan beşi elde etmenin pek çok yolu var. Bir yolu, üç ile başlayıp bir fazlasını eklemektir ve sonra, bir fazlasını daha eklemektir. Beşi elde etmenin diğer yollarını çocuğunuzla birlikte düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Come, read with us!", + "text": "Gel, bizimle oku!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.", + "text": "Bir kişi yalnız başına okuyor ve geriye kalanlar ise çiftler halinde okuyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?", + "text": "Hangi aktiviteyi yaparlarsa yapsınlar, hepsi birlikte çok mutlu görünüyorlar. Sizin de birlikte bir şeyler yapmaktan hoşlandığınız bazı arkadaşlarınız var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?", + "text": "Çocuklardan birisinin bir elinde sadece dört parmağı var – hangisinin?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew is a horse that pulls a cart.\n\nHe carries heavy loads along the gravel roads of Debre Birhan.\n\nHe works from morning to evening.", + "text": "Chalew, fayton çeken bir attır.\n\nDebre Birhan’ın çakıllı yolları boyunca ağır yükler taşır.\n\nSabahtan akşama kadar çalışır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew pulls heavy loads and does a difficult job. Have you seen any animals that have to do work?", + "text": "Chalew ağır yükleri çeker ve zor bir iş yapar. Hiç iş yapmak zorunda kalan bir hayvan gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out some shapes in this picture that are rectangles and some that are round.", + "text": "Dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki dikdörtgen ve bazı yuvarlak şekilleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many rectangles can you find in the place where you are now?", + "text": "Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew does not get enough time to rest.\n\nHe does not get enough food to eat.\n\nThe driver of the cart beats him to go faster.", + "text": "Chalew dinlenmek için yeterli zaman alamaz.\n\nChalew, yeterli yemek alamaz.\n\nFaytonun sürücüsü daha hızlı gitmesi için Chalew’e vurur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you feel about the way the driver treats Chalew?", + "text": "Sürücünün Chalew’e davranış şekli hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some ways to treat animals, or people, to try to get them to do what you want? For people, you can say \"please,\" and that works sometimes.", + "text": "Hayvanlara veya insanlara istediğinizi yaptırmak için onlara davranmanın bazı yöntemleri nelerdir? İnsanlar için “lütfen” diyebilirsiniz ve bu bazen işe yarar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What makes you want to do things for other people?", + "text": "Sizin diğer insanlar için bir şeyler yapmak istemenize sebep olan şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, all the cart drivers gathered for a funeral.\n\nThe cart horses were left to graze in a nearby field.\n\nThey began to talk about their terrible conditions.", + "text": "Bir gün, tüm fayton sürücüleri bir cenaze için toplandılar.\n\nFaytonların atları ise yakınlarındaki bir tarlada otlanmaya bırakıldılar.\n\nAtlar, içinde bulundukları korkunç koşullar hakkında konuşmaya başladılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of people and the number of horses. Are there more people or horses? How many more?", + "text": "Resimdeki insanları ve atları sayın. Daha fazla insan mı yoksa daha fazla at mı var? Kaç fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use skip counting by 2's to count how many legs the people have. Can you skip count that high?", + "text": "İnsanların kaç bacağı olduğunu saymak için ikişer ikişer atlayarak saymayı deneyin. O kadar ileriye kadar atlayarak sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you skip count by to count the number of legs the horses have? That's a pretty big number. Can you skip count that high?", + "text": "Atların kaç bacağı olduğunu saymak için kaçar kaçar atlayarak sayardınız? Bu sayı da oldukça büyük! O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"My harness doesn't fit me. It is too tight and cuts my skin,\" said one horse.\n\n\"Me too, me too,\" another agreed.", + "text": "“Koşum takımım bana uymuyor. Çok sıkı ve derimi kesiyor,” dedi bir at.\n\n“Benimki de! Benimki de!” diye araya katıldı bir diğer at.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do real horses talk with each other?", + "text": "Gerçek atlar birbirleriyle nasıl konuşurlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which parts of a horse come in pairs, and which don't?", + "text": "Bir atın hangi vücut parçaları çift sayıdadır ve hangileri değildir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The body parts that pair up show up on opposite sides of the horse's body. Can you think of other animals like that? Can you think of any that aren't like that?", + "text": "Eşleşen vücut parçaları, atın vücudunun diğer yanındadır. Böyle olan başka hayvanlar aklınıza geliyor mu? Böyle olmayan başka hayvanlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An old horse spoke. \"I'm almost lame because of the nails they hammer into my hooves.\"\n\nMore horses nodded in agreement.", + "text": "Yaşlı bir at konuştu: “Toynaklarıma çaktıkları çiviler yüzünden neredeyse topal oldum.”\n\nDaha fazla at aynı fikirde olup, başlarını salladılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think the owners have been so bad to the horses? Were the owners mean on purpose and did they not realize what they were doing?", + "text": "Sizce sahipleri atlara neden bu kadar kötü davranmış olabilirler? Sahipleri bilerek mi kötü davranıyorlardı yoksa ne yaptıklarının farkında mı değillerdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the horses should do about being treated so badly?", + "text": "Sizce atlar bu kadar kötü muamele gördükleri için ne yapmalılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five horses. How many tails, ears, and legs are there? Did you skip count to find the ears and legs, or did you start with the number of tails and double things?", + "text": "Resimde beş at var. Toplamda kaç kuyruk, kulak ve bacak var? Kulak ve bacak sayısını bulmak için atlayarak mı saydınız yoksa kuyruk sayısıyla başlayıp, her şeyi ikiyle mi çarptınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"We work very hard, but most of our owners treat us badly. Many do not know how to look after us,\" said Chalew.\n\nAll of the horses agreed.", + "text": "“Çok sıkı çalışıyoruz ama sahiplerimizin çoğu bize kötü davranıyor. Birçoğu daha bize nasıl bakacağını bilmiyor!” dedi Chalew.\n\nTüm atlar aynı fikirdelerdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think Chalew is going to suggest that they do about their bad situation?", + "text": "Sizce Chalew içinde bulundukları kötü durumla ilgili ne yapmalarını önerecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this picture, the five horses are paired up into two pairs with one left over. Is there any way to pair these five horses into pairs all at the same time? When there are a number of things that can't all be paired up, that's called on odd number.", + "text": "Bu resimde, beş at, çift çift eşleştirilmişler ama bir tanesi tek kalmış. Bu beş atı aynı anda çiftler halinde eşleştirmenin bir yolu var mı? Eğer çift çift eşleştirilemeyecek sayıda şeyler varsa, onun ‘tek sayıda’ olduğu söylenir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other odd numbers. When you have two people and an odd number of things, it is impossible to give them the same number, so you can't share the things equally.", + "text": "Başka tek sayılar düşünün. Eğer iki kişi varsa ve tek sayıda olan bir şeyiniz varsa, onlara o şeyi eşit sayıda vermek imkansızdır; dolayısıyla, o şeyi eşit olarak paylaşamazsınız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"We need better conditions. Let's go on strike!\" declared Chalew. The horses cheered!\n\nThey decided to stay in the field until the cart drivers agreed to change.", + "text": "“Daha iyi koşullara ihtiyacımız var. Haydi greve gidelim!” dedi Chalew. Atlar coşkuyla alkışladılar!\n\nFayton sürücüleri değişmeyi kabul edene kadar tarlada kalmaya karar verdiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A strike occurs when a group of workers refuse to work and insist on getting treated better by their company. People sometimes go on strike to get better working conditions, and sometimes they do it to get paid more.", + "text": "Grev, bir grup işçi çalışmayı reddettiğinde ve şirketlerinden daha iyi muamele görmeyi ısrar ettiğinde gerçekleşir. İnsanlar bazen daha iyi çalışma koşulları elde etmek için greve giderler, bazen de daha fazla ücret almak için bunu yaparlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is risky for a person when they strike? (They might not get paid for a long time and they might lose their job.)", + "text": "Grev yapan bir kişi için riskli olan şey nedir? (Uzun süre maaş alamayabilir ve işini kaybedebilir.)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Numbers that can be pair up are called even numbers. There are six horses in this picture. Can you pair them all up? Is six an odd or even number?", + "text": "Çift olabilen sayılara ‘çift sayı’ denir. Bu resimde altı at var. Hepsini eşleştirebilir misiniz? Altı, tek sayı mıdır yoksa çift sayı mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cart drivers did not know what to do.\n\n\"I can get another horse,\" boasted one driver.\n\nBut most of the drivers needed their horses to earn a living.", + "text": "Fayton sürücüleri ne yapacaklarını bilmiyorlardı.\n\nBir sürücü, “Ben başka bir at bulabilirim,” diye övündü.\n\nAma sürücülerin çoğunun geçimlerini sağlamak için kendi atlarına ihtiyaçları vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many people are in this picture? If you take away (subtract off) the two who are sitting down, how many are standing up?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç kişi var? Orada oturan iki kişiyi saymazsanız (çıkarırsanız), ayakta duran kaç kişi vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there an odd or even number of people in the room? Can they be split into two equal groups? If you can, it's an even number and otherwise it's an odd number.", + "text": "Odada tek sayıda mı yoksa çift sayıda mı insan var? İki eşit gruba ayrılabilirler mi? Eğer ayırabiliyorsanız çift sayıdır, aksi takdirde tek sayıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What worries the owners? Are they worried about how the horses feel or are they worried about their businesses?", + "text": "At sahiplerini endişelendiren şey nedir? Atların nasıl hissettikleri konusunda mı yoksa işleri konusunda mı endişeliler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The drivers held a meeting to discuss the strike. They argued for a long time.\n\n\"Maybe the horses are right,\" said one man. \"Why should they get better conditions?\" asked another.", + "text": "Sürücüler grevi tartışmak üzere bir toplantı düzenlediler. Uzun bir süre tartıştılar.\n\n“Belki de atlar haklıdır,” dedi bir adam. “Neden daha iyi koşullara sahip olsunlar ki?” diye sordu bir diğeri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate how many people are crowded into the room and then count, as best you can, how people there are. An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information, such as a quick glance.", + "text": "Odada kaç kişi olduğunu tahmin edin ve sonra elinizden geldiğince kaç kişi olduğunu sayın. Tahmin, hızlı bir bakış gibi kısmi bilgilere dayanan ‘eğitimli bir öngörüdür.’", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Making estimates can be a fun game. When you're walking around, have everyone make an estimate of a group of things, then carefully count how many there are, and see who is closest to the right answer.", + "text": "Tahmin etmek, eğlenceli bir oyun olabilir. Etrafta dolaşırken, herkesin bir grup şey hakkında bir tahminde bulunmasını sağlayın, ardından o şeyin kaç tane olduğunu dikkatlice sayın ve doğru cevaba en yakın olanın kim olduğunu bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the owners know what the horses want? Did the horses talk to them?", + "text": "Sahipleri atların ne istediklerini nereden biliyorlar? Atlar sahipleriyle mi konuştu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horses' strike spread from the town of Debre Birhan across Ethiopia.\n\nNearly three million horses refused to work.\n\n\"We have had enough! Treat us fairly!\" they said.", + "text": "Atların grevi Debre Birhan kasabasından çıkıp tüm Etiyopya’ya yayıldı.\n\nYaklaşık üç milyon at çalışmayı reddetti.\n\n“Yeter artık! Bize adil davranın!” dediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Three million is a lot of horses! Can you think of something around you that there are more than one hundred of? More than a thousand?", + "text": "Üç milyon at çok fazla! Etrafınızda 100’den fazla olan bir şey düşünebiliyor musunuz? Peki 1000’den fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you heard of working people going on strike near you? Did the strike work, or did the strikers give up before getting what they wanted?", + "text": "Yakınlarınızda çalışan insanların greve gittiklerini duydunuz mu? Grev işe yaradı mı yoksa grevciler istediklerini alamadan pes mi ettiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do when you really want something and it doesn't seem like you are going to get it? Does it work?", + "text": "Bir şeyi gerçekten istediğinizde ve onu elde edemeyecek gibi göründüğünüzde ne yaparsınız? O şey İşe yarar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So, the cart drivers were forced to change.\n\nThey agreed to better conditions and fair treatment for all horses.\n\nThey learned how to look after the horses, and keep them healthy.", + "text": "Böylece fayton sürücüleri, değişmek zorunda kaldılar.\n\nTüm atlar için daha iyi koşulları ve adil muameleyi kabul ettiler.\n\nAtlara nasıl bakacaklarını ve onları nasıl sağlıklı tutacaklarını öğrendiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Taking better care of the horses is the right thing to do for the horses, and it's the smart thing to do to get the horses to do better work!", + "text": "Atlara daha iyi bakmak, atlar için yapılacak en doğru şeydir ve bu, atların daha iyi iş yapmalarını sağlamak için yapılacak en akıllıca şeydir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If it's a good idea to take better care of the horses, why weren't the drivers doing this all along?", + "text": "Atlara daha iyi bakmak iyi bir fikirse, sürücüler neden bunu en başından beri yapmıyorlardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes people do something that seems easy, but is a bad idea in the long run. Have you ever put off doing something that you wished you hadn't?", + "text": "Bazen insanlar kolay gibi görünen ama uzun vadede kötü bir fikir olan şeyler yaparlar. Sizin de savsakladığınız ama sonra ‘keşke savsaklamasaydım’ dediğiniz bir şey oldu mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Slowly, the horses' lives improved.\n\nThey got enough food and rest. Their harnesses fitted. They got better shoes for their hooves.\n\nOld Chalew became a hero to all horses!", + "text": "Atların yaşamları yavaş yavaş iyi hale geldi.\n\nAtlar, yeterli yiyecek ve dinlenme molalarına kavuştular. Onlara uyan koşum takımlarını aldılar. Toynakları için daha iyi nallara sahip oldular.\n\nYaşlı Chalew, tüm atlar için bir kahraman oldu!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chalew took a risk and helped an important cause. Can you think of a person who has done that?", + "text": "Chalew risk alıp önemli bir amaca yardım etti. Buna benzer bir şey yapmış bir kişi biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone out of your way to help a person or group of people who needed help? Did you make a difference for them?", + "text": "Yardıma ihtiyacı olan bir kişiye veya gruba yardım etmek için elinizden geleni yaptığınız oldu mu? Onlar için bir fark yarattınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does it feel when you help others?", + "text": "Başkalarına yardım ettiğinizde nasıl hissedersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many legs do two ladybugs have?", + "text": "İki uğur böceğinin toplam kaç bacağı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip counting is counting by steps bigger than 1. You can skip count these legs by 6's by counting 6, 12. You can also skip count by 3's using the sides of their bodies 3, 6, 9, 12.", + "text": "Atlayarak sayma (ritmik sayma), 1’den büyük adımlarla saymadır. Bacakları saymayı 6’şar 6’şar; yani 6, 12 şeklinde, atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, uğur böceğinin vücutlarının yan taraflarını kullanarak da 3’er 3’er; 3, 6, 9, 12 şeklinde atlayarak sayabilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can skip count to 12 in steps of 3 and 6. Can you think of other ways to skip count to 12? Which ways work (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) and which ways don't (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)?", + "text": "3 ve 6’lık adımlarla, 12’ye kadar atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. 12’ye kadar atlayarak saymanın başka yollarını düşünebiliyor musunuz? Hangi yollar işe yarıyor (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) ve hangileri (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) işe yaramıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the dots on each ladybug's back. Have you seen ladybugs around where you live -- did they have more or fewer dots than these?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, her bir uğur böceğinin sırtındaki benekleri sayın. Yaşadığınız yerde uğur böcekleri gördünüz mü – onların bunlardan daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az benekleri vardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many wings do four birds have?", + "text": "Dört kuşun toplam kaç kanadı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting by 2's -- one 2 for each bird.", + "text": "Kanatları 2'şer 2’şer atlayarak sayın – her bir kuş için 2 tane.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip count the wings by counting the four left wings and then the four right wings. It's fun that you get the same answer whether you skip by 2's or 4's!", + "text": "Kanatları da önce dört sol kanadı sayarak ve ardından dört sağ kanadı sayarak sayın. 2’şer 2’şer veya 4’er 4’er atlayarak sayarak aynı cevabı bulmak eğlenceli!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If the bird in the sky flies away, how many of the four birds will remain?", + "text": "Gökyüzündeki kuş uçup giderse, dört kuştan geriye kaç kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many horns do three rhinos have?", + "text": "Üç gergedanın toplam kaç boynuzu vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each rhino has two horns, a big one and a small one. Skip count their horns by 2's and 3's.", + "text": "Her bir gergedanın iki boynuzu vardır; biri büyük ve biri küçüktür. Boynuzlarını 2’şer 2’şer ve 3’er 3’er sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How would you skip count to find out how many feet they have?", + "text": "Kaç adet ayaklarının olduğunu bulmak için atlayarak nasıl sayarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each rhino has twice as many feet as horns. Take the total number of horns and double that to get the total number of feet.", + "text": "Her bir gergedanın, boynuzlarının iki katı kadar ayağı vardır. Toplam ayak sayısını elde etmek için toplam boynuz sayısının iki katını alın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trunks do five elephants have?", + "text": "Beş filin toplam kaç hortumu vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let's count trunks, tails, tusks, and ears. Counting tails and trunks is simple -- what number do you get?", + "text": "Haydi fillerin hortumlarını, kuyruklarını, dişlerini ve kulaklarını sayalım! Kuyrukları ve dişleri saymak en kolayı – kaç buldunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each elephant has two tusks and two ears. Which do you like better -- skip counting these by 2's or by 5's?", + "text": "Her bir filin iki dişi ve iki kulağı vardır. Hangi yöntemi daha çok seversiniz – onları 2’şer 2’şer saymayı mı yoksa 5’er 5’er saymayı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four big elephants and one baby elephant. How much is four plus one more?", + "text": "Resimde dört büyük fil ve bir yavru fil var. Dördün bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many ears do seven dogs have?", + "text": "Yedi köpeğin toplam kaç kulağı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you count the ears by 1's, 2's, or 7's?", + "text": "Kulakları 1’er 1’er, 2’şer 2’şer veya 7’şer 7’şer mi saydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are 14 ears. We can skip count to 14 by 1's, 2's, and 7's. Are there any other step sizes that work for counting to 14?", + "text": "14 tane kulak var. 1’er 1’er, 2’şer 2’şer veya 7’şer 7’şer sayarak 14’e kadar sayabiliriz. Sizce 14’e kadar saymak için işe yarayan başka atlama adımları var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four dogs in the top group and three in the bottom. What do you get when put four dogs together with three more?", + "text": "Üst grupta dört ve alt grupta üç köpek var. Dört köpeği üç fazlasıyla bir araya getirdiğinizde hangi sayıyı elde edersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many tails do three monkeys have?", + "text": "Üç maymunun toplam kaç kuyruğu vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let's count the tails, eyes, and feet. How many tails do you count?", + "text": "Haydi kuyrukları, gözleri ve ayakları sayalım! Kaç kuyruk saydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you count the eyes two at a time, two for each monkey, or would you count them three at a time, which is doubling the number of monkeys?", + "text": "Gözleri, tek seferde her maymun için ikişer ikişer mi sayarsınız yoksa üçer üçer mi (ki bu, maymun sayısını iki katına çıkarır)?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You have many choices for skip counting their feet. What are your choices and which one would you choose to use?", + "text": "Ayaklarını atlayarak saymak için birçok seçeneğiniz var. Sizin seçenekleriniz neler ve hangisini kullanmayı seçerdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many eyes do six cats have?", + "text": "Altı kedinin toplam kaç gözü vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Wow, these cats are a bit creepy! Did you skip count the eyes by 2's or 6's?", + "text": "Vay canına, bu kediler biraz ürkütücü! Gözleri 2’şer 2’şer mi yoksa 6’şar 6’şar mı atlayarak saydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many whiskers does each cat have? Can you count high enough to skip count all the whiskers?", + "text": "Her bir kedinin kaç bıyığı vardır? Tüm bıyıkları atlayarak saymak için o kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you skip count high enough to count all the feet?", + "text": "Peki ya tüm ayakları atlayarak saymak için o kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many legs does one worm have?", + "text": "Bir kırkayağın kaç bacağı vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all those legs, or is it too tricky to see or too high to count?", + "text": "Tüm o bacakları sayabilir misiniz – onları görmek çok mu zor yoksa sayamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other things that are just too many to count.", + "text": "Sayamayacak kadar çok fazla olan başka şeyler düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Skip counting can be fun because it gets you to the answer much more quickly than counting by 1's. It's also fun to discover the different step sizes that give you the same answer.", + "text": "Atlayarak saymak eğlenceli olabilir çünkü atlayarak saymak sizi birer birer saymaktan çok daha hızlı bir şekilde cevaba ulaştırır. Ayrıca, size aynı cevabı veren farklı adım boyutlarını keşfetmek de eğlencelidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.", + "text": "Kara kurbağası Mod suda yaşamaktan bıkmıştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?", + "text": "Sizce Mod neden suda yaşamaktan bıkmıştı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?", + "text": "Mod'un her bir “ön” bacağında dört parmak var. Kimin daha fazla parmağı var – sizin mi yoksa Mod'un mu? Kaç parmak daha fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?", + "text": "Her bir “ön bacakta” dört parmak olduğuna göre, Mod'un toplamda kaç tane ‘ön bacak parmağı’ vardır? Onları tek tek, ikişer ikişer veya dörder dörder sayabilirsiniz. Bu sayılar sayabileceğinizden çok mu fazlalar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"", + "text": "“Dikkat et,” dedi kaplumbağa. “Derin kuruyacak!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?", + "text": "Kaplumbağalar derilerinin kuruması konusunda neden endişelenmezler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?", + "text": "Sizce büyük bir kaplumbağa böyle dar bir kütüğün üzerine tırmanabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?", + "text": "Sizce kara kurbağaları ve kaplumbağalar birbirleriyle konuşurlar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.", + "text": "Ama Mod meraklıydı. Zıplayarak uzaklaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!", + "text": "Mod bir maceraya çıkacağı için çok heyecanlı görünüyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?", + "text": "Size kötü bir fikir olduğu söylendiği hâlde o şeyi yine de hiç yaptınız mı? Yaptığınıza memnun oldunuz mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?", + "text": "Sizce Mod daha önce hiç nehirden çıkmış mıdır? Sizin de keşfetmek istediğiniz yerler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She looked all around.", + "text": "Mod, etrafına bakındı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.", + "text": "Mod'un arkasındaki ağaçları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?", + "text": "Ağaçları teker teker saymak mı yoksa ikişer ikişer saymak mı sizin için daha kolay?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.", + "text": "Renklerin tonlarına dikkat edin. Mod'un renkleri açık sarıdan koyu kahverengiye geçiyor. Çimenler ise çok açık sarıdan ağaç tepelerindeki sarı-yeşil tonlarına, ağaçların gölgelerinin hemen altındaki daha koyu tonlara doğru geçiş yapıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.", + "text": "Mod, bir su birikintisinin yanında mor bir bukalemunla karşılaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!", + "text": "Mod, bukalemunu görünce çok şaşırmış gibi görünüyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?", + "text": "Bukalemun o böceği neden tutuyor olabilir? Siz bazen böcek yer misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?", + "text": "Etrafta uçuşan böcekleri sayın. Bukalemunun tuttuğu böceğe bir tane daha eklerseniz, toplam kaç eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.", + "text": "Bukalemun pembeye dönmeye başladı! Mod zıplayarak uzaklaştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.", + "text": "Bukalemunlar ve diğer bazı hayvanlar çevrelerine uyum sağlamak için renk değiştirebilirler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?", + "text": "Sizce bu bukalemun ortama uyum sağlıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!", + "text": "Sizce Mod bukalemunun renk değiştirebildiğini biliyor muydu? Mod şaşırmış ve korkmuş görünüyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.", + "text": "Sonra, bir sırtlanın ateş yakmaya başladığını gördü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.", + "text": "Sırtlanların etrafta meşalelerle ateş yaktıklarını düşünmek absürt.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If they could do it, why would they want to?", + "text": "Eğer bunu yapabiliyorlarsa bile, neden yapmak istesinler ki?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?", + "text": "Sırtlanlar bazen hikâyelerde kötü karakterler olarak tanımlanırlar. Sizce sırtlanlar sırf kötü niyet olsun diye yangın çıkarmak için onca zahmete girerler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.", + "text": "Yangın Mod’un etrafına yayıldı. Mod korktu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?", + "text": "Siz hiç büyük bir orman yangını gördünüz mü veya yakınında bulundunuz mu? Eğer gördüyseniz, nasıl hissettiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?", + "text": "Mod, saklanmak için iyi bir yer seçti mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?", + "text": "Sizce Mod'a ne olacak? – Mod güvenli bir yerde mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.", + "text": "Ateş Mod’un derisini yaktı. Mod su birikintisinin içine geri sıçradı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?", + "text": "Yanmak çok acıtır! Siz hiç yandınız mı ya da yanmış birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Mod cover her eyes?", + "text": "Mod neden gözlerini kapattı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.", + "text": "Yaranızın üzerine koyabileceğiniz soğuk bir şey bulmak, yaranın daha fazla yanmasını önlemek için genellikle çok iyi bir fikirdir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But her skin was already full of blisters.", + "text": "Ama Mod’un derisi çoktan kabarcıklarla dolmuştu bile.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?", + "text": "Mod suya girdiğinde, suya girdiği yerin etrafında oluşan su dalgaları hangi şekildelerdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?", + "text": "Bir taşın durgun suya düştüğünde oluşturduğu dalgaları hiç izlediniz mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.", + "text": "Bu dalgalar ortak bir merkez noktası olan dairelerdir. Bu tür dairelere ‘eş merkezli daireler’ denir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.", + "text": "Mod bir kayanın altında bir yuva buldu. Yeni derisi kuru ve pürüzlüydü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?", + "text": "İşler pek iyi gitmemiş olsa da Mod, bazı ilginç deneyimler yaşadı. Sizce Mod macerasından pişmanlık duyuyor mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?", + "text": "Sizce kurbağaların kapıları, pencereleri ve masaları olan evleri var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?", + "text": "Resimde Mod’un üç parmağı görülüyor. Şu anda parmakları, daha önce sahip olduğundan daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az sayıda?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.", + "text": "Artık sadece kurbağaların pürüzsüz derileri var ve su kenarında yaşıyorlar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?", + "text": "Kurbağaların (frog) ve kara kurbağalarının (toad) arasında farkların olduğunu biliyor muydunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?", + "text": "Siz hiç kurbağa ya da kara kurbağası gördünüz mü? Hangisinin hangisi olduğunu ayırt edebildiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?", + "text": "Su yaşamını keşfetmek için bir gölete, nehre ya da göle gittiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A long time ago, there was a greedy hyena.", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, açgözlü bir sırtlan vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These houses seem very smoky. How many houses do you see in Hyena's village?", + "text": "Bu evler çok dumanlı görünüyor. Sırtlan’ın köyünde kaç ev görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each house is round with round roof going up to a point. Each roof is in the shape of a cone. Do you see any cone-shaped things around you?", + "text": "Evlerin her birisi yuvarlak ve yuvarlak çatıları bir noktaya kadar çıkıyor. Her çatı bir koni şeklinde. Etrafınızda koni şeklinde bir şey görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the toes on each of Hyena's legs. Hyenas have the same number of toes on all their legs -- is that what the picture shows?", + "text": "Sırtlan’ın her bir bacağındaki ayak parmaklarını sayın. Sırtlanların tüm bacaklarında aynı sayıda ayak parmağı vardır – resimde de öyle mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There was also Tortoise. Hyena and Tortoise were friends.", + "text": "Bir de Kaplumbağa vardı. Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa arkadaşlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many houses are in Tortoise's village? How many houses are in the two villages combined?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın köyünde kaç ev var? İki köyde toplam kaç ev var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which village has more houses, or are they equal?", + "text": "Hangi köyde daha çok ev var yoksa eşitler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is different about the roofs in Tortoise/s village compared to Hyena's village? Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "Sırtlan’ın köyüyle kıyasladığınızda Kaplumbağa’nın köyündeki çatıların farkı nedir? Sizce neden öyle?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Let us search for honey.\"", + "text": "Sırtlan, Kaplumbağa’ya, “Hadi bal arayalım!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the drawing of the houses with the first page. Whose house are they in front of?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki evleri ilk sayfadaki çizimlerle karşılaştırın. Kimin evinin önündeler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena and Tortoise seem like unlikely friends. What do you think will happen to their friendship by the end of the story?", + "text": "Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa ‘beklenmedik arkadaşlar’ gibi görünüyorlar. Sizce hikâyenin sonunda arkadaşlıklarına ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have friends that are different from you? Do your differences help make your friendship weaker or stronger?", + "text": "Sizin de sizden farklı arkadaşlarınız var mı? Farklılıklarınız arkadaşlığınızı daha da güçlendiriyor mu yoksa zayıflatıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena ran fast. Tortoise followed slowly. He was afraid.", + "text": "Sırtlan hızlı bir şekilde koştu. Kaplumbağa yavaş bir şekilde takip etti. Kaplumbağa korkuyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These animals travel at very different speeds. Have you gone for a walk with someone who is a lot faster or slower than you? How did the two of you work out having two different speeds?", + "text": "Bu hayvanlar çok farklı hızlarda hareket ederler. Sizden çok daha hızlı veya yavaş olan biriyle yürüyüşe çıktınız mı hiç? İki farklı hızlara sahip olmanız nasıl sonuçlandı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Real hyenas and tortoises don't look like these two. What are the differences? Those differences will be important later in the story!", + "text": "Gerçek sırtlanlar ve kaplumbağalar bu ikisine benzemezler. Aralarındaki farklar nelerdir? Bu farklılıklar hikâyenin ilerleyen bölümlerinde önemli olacak!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise is looking backward. What is Tortoise looking for?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa arkasına bakıyor. Kaplumbağa ne arıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They crossed a river. They got wet.", + "text": "Bir nehri geçtiler. Islandılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"They got wet\" seems like an understatement for how they look in the picture. Hyenas are excellent swimmers, so it is surprising that Hyena looks so unhappy.", + "text": "“Islandılar” ifadesi resimdeki görünüşlerinin yanında yetersiz kalıyor gibi. Sırtlanlar mükemmel yüzücülerdir; dolayısıyla, Sırtlan’ın bu kadar mutsuz görünmesi şaşırtıcıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like swimming? Have you ever gone swimming in rivers or other natural bodies of water?", + "text": "Yüzmeyi sever misiniz? Hiç nehirlerde ya da diğer doğal su kütlelerinde yüzdünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which direction do you think the water is flowing? How can you tell?", + "text": "Sizce su hangi yöne doğru akıyor? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then they saw beehives. Hyena ran to the hives.", + "text": "Sonra, arı kovanlarını gördüler. Sırtlan kovanlara doğru koştu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a lot of hives in those trees. Sometimes a swarm will fly around looking for a new home. Have you ever seen a swarm of bees?", + "text": "Şu ağaçlarda bir sürü kovan var. Bazen bir arı sürüsü yeni bir yuva aramak için etrafta uçar. Hç arı sürüsü gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like bees or are you afraid of them? What are some things you are afraid of?", + "text": "Arıları sever misiniz yoksa onlardan korkar mısınız? Bazı korktuğunuz şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena is pictured with four toes on his front legs and three toes on his back legs. How many more fingers do you have on your arms? How many more toes do you have on your legs?", + "text": "Resimde Sırtlan’ın ön ayaklarında dört, arka ayaklarında ise üç parmağı görülüyor. Sizin ellerinizde kaç parmak var? Ayaklarınızda, ellerinizdekilerden kaç fazla parmağınız var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Climb up and get the beehive.\"", + "text": "Sırtlan, Kaplumbağa’ya, “Tırman ve arı kovanını al,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is difficult to imagine Tortoise climbing a tree. Why would Hyena be a better tree climber than Tortoise?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın bir ağaca tırmandığını hayal etmek zor. Neden Sırtlan Kaplumbağa’dan daha iyi bir tırmanıcıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Hyena tell Tortoise to climb up and get the beehive?", + "text": "Sırtlan niçin Kaplumbağa’ya tırmanmasını ve arı kovanını almasını söyledi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A hexagon is a shape with six straight sides. If the sides are all the same length, it is called a regular hexagon. Each of the little cells in a beehive is a regular hexagon. Do you know of any designs around you that are made of hexagons?", + "text": "Bir altıgen, altı tane düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Eğer kenarların hepsi aynı uzunluktaysa, ona ‘düzgün altıgen’ denir. Bir arı kovanındaki küçük hücrelerin her biri düzgün altıgendir. Etrafınızda altıgenlerden yapılmış herhangi bir tasarım var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise climbed slowly. Hyena was angry. He shouted at Tortoise.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa yavaşça tırmandı. Sırtlan sinirlendi. Kaplumbağa’ya bağırdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why was Hyena shouting? Did Hyena's shouting help Tortoise climb the tree?", + "text": "Sırtlan neden bağırıyordu? Sırtlan’ın bağırması Kaplumbağa’nın ağaca tırmanmasına yardım etti mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever get angry and start shouting? Did your shouting help make the situation better?", + "text": "Sizin de sinirlendiğinizde bağırmaya başladığınız oldu mu hiç? Bağırmanız, durumu daha da iyileştirdi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tiles that are regular hexagons fit together to make beautiful tile floors and walls. Tiles in the shape of squares (shapes with four equal straight sides and square corners) fit together well too. Describe any other tiling patterns on floors or walls that you have seen.", + "text": "Düzgün altıgen şeklindeki fayanslar, güzel fayans zeminler ve duvarlar yapmak için iyidir. Kare şeklindeki fayanslar (karolar) yani dört eşit düz kenarı ve kare köşeleri olanlar da çok iyi olur. Bulunduğunuz yerin zemininde veya duvarlarında gördüğünüz başka karo desenlerini tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise touched the beehive. Bees swarmed in the air.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa arı kovanına dokundu. Arılar havada uçuştu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why was Tortoise safe from the bees and Hyena was not?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa neden arılardan kurtuldu da Sırtlan kurtulamadı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess when there are too many things to count easily. What is your estimate of how many bees there are?", + "text": "Tahmin, kolayca sayılamayacak kadar çok şey olduğunda yapılan eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Kaç tane arı olduğuna dair tahmininiz nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do your best to count the bees. How far off was your quick estimate?", + "text": "Arıları saymak için elinizden geleni yapın. En hızlı tahmininiz, gerçek değerden ne kadar uzaktı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise fell. The beehive fell on him. Hyena licked the honey.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa düştü. Arı kovanı da üzerine düştü. Sırtlan balı yaladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena was so focused on the honey that he didn't help Tortoise. Can you think of a time you were so focused on one thing that you completely forgot something else you should have done?", + "text": "Sırtlan bala o kadar odaklanmıştı ki Kaplumbağa’ya hiç yardım etmedi. Sizin de yapmanız gereken bir şeyi tamamen unutacak kadar başka bir şeye odaklandığınız bir zaman oldu mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena should have helped his friend. Is Hyena a very good friend?", + "text": "Sırtlan arkadaşına yardım etmeliydi. Sırtlan çok iyi bir arkadaş mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this page shows more or fewer bees than on the last page?", + "text": "Sizce bu sayfada bir önceki sayfadakinden daha çok mu yoksa daha az mı arı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bees stung Hyena. He ran. The bees followed him.", + "text": "Arılar Sırtlan’ı soktu. Sırtlan kaçtı. Arılar onu takip etti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the bees chase and sting Hyena?", + "text": "Arılar neden Sırtlan’ı kovalayıp soktular?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A beehive is the home for the bees. Is it okay for people to take honey from beehives, or should we leave their homes untouched?", + "text": "Bir arı kovanı arıların evidir. İnsanların arı kovanlarından bal almaları doğru mu yoksa biz insanlar onların yuvalarına dokunmamalı mıyız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever tried to outrun a bee or some other stinging insect? Were you able to do it?", + "text": "Bir arıdan veya iğneli başka bir böcekten kaçmayı denediniz mi hiç? Kaçabildiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hyena ran into the river. The bees still followed him.", + "text": "Sırtlan, nehre doğru koştu. Arılar hâlâ onu takip ediyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the Hyena go into the river? Did it work?", + "text": "Sırtlan niçin nehre girdi? İşe yaradı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bees can't go into the water, but Hyena can't stay under the water for long. What do you think Hyena should do?", + "text": "Arılar suya giremez ama Sırtlan da suyun altında uzun süre kalamaz. Sizce Sırtlan ne yapmalıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Poor Hyena must be miserable. Have you ever had a bee sting or some other kind of sting? If so, did it hurt a lot?", + "text": "Zavallı Sırtlan, şu anda perişan halde olmalı. Hiç arı sokması veya başka bir tür böcek sokması yaşadınız mı? Yaşadıysanız, çok acıdı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The beehive and the honey dried on Tortoise's back.", + "text": "Arı kovanı ve bal, Kaplumbağa’nın sırtında kurudu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "All the bees went after Hyena and left Tortoise alone.", + "text": "Bütün arılar Sırtlan’ın peşinden gitti ve Kaplumbağa’yı yalnız bıraktılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise looks pretty safe sitting quietly under that layer of drying honey. Do you have a quiet place where you feel safe and peaceful? Perhaps it is a place no one else knows about.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa, kuruyan bal tabakasının altında sessizce otururken oldukça güvende görünüyor. Sizin de kendinizi güvende ve huzurlu hissettiğiniz sessiz bir yeriniz var mı? O yer belki de kimsenin bilmediği bir yerdir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does his face tell you about how he is feeling?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın yüzü nasıl hissettiği hakkında size neler anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise got a shell to protect himself. He went home.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’da, onu koruyan baldan bir kabuk kaplandı. Evine gitti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The honey dried on Tortoise in a beautiful pattern. Can you think of some interesting natural patterns around you?", + "text": "Bal, Kaplumbağa’nın üzerinde güzel bir desen oluşturarak kurudu. Etrafınızda bazı ilginç doğal desenler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People also make a lot of patterns when they build things. Tiles are often laid out to make interesting designs. Do you see any any tiling patterns near you?", + "text": "İnsanlar bir şeyler inşa ederken de bir sürü desenler yaparlar. Fayanslar genellikle ilginç tasarımlar yapmak için döşenir. Yakınınızda herhangi bir döşeme deseni görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think -- how easy is it to sit in that chair with a big shell on your back?", + "text": "Sırtınızda baldan büyük bir kabuk varken o sandalyeye oturmak ne kadar kolaydır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The stings caused patches on Hyena's body.", + "text": "İğneler Sırtlan’ın vücudunda lekelere sebep oldu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now Hyena has lots of spots on him, just like hyenas we see today.", + "text": "Artık Sırtlan’ın üzerinde bir sürü benek var – tıpkı bugün gördüğümüz sırtlanlar gibi!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make a quick estimate how many spots he has and then try to count them. How close was your estimate?", + "text": "Ne kadar beneği olduğunu hızlıca tahmin edin ve sonra onları saymaya çalışın. Tahmininiz gerçeğe ne kadar yakındı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Making quick estimates is a fun game two people can play. Whose estimate will be the closest?", + "text": "Hızlı tahminler yapmak iki kişinin oynayabileceği eğlenceli bir oyundur. Oynayın bakalım kimin tahmini en yakın olacak!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise and Hyena are no longer friends.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan artık arkadaş değiller.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise and Hyena always seemed like unlikely friends. What happened in the story that caused them to stop being friends?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan zaten hep ‘beklenmedik arkadaşlar’ gibi görünüyorlardı. Hikâyede onların arkadaş olmalarını engelleyen ne oldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever had something that caused you to stop being friends with someone?", + "text": "Peki ya siz, biriyle arkadaşlığınızı bitirmenize neden olan bir şey yaşadınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Tortoise and Hyena will return to being friends someday?", + "text": "Sizce Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan bir gün tekrar arkadaş olacaklar mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I wonder if there's another me somewhere in the world.", + "text": "Dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde başka bir ben daha var mı diye merak ediyorum.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think -- is there another animal just like this one somewhere in the world?", + "text": "Ne düşünüyorsunuz – dünyanın bir yerinde tıpkı onun gibi başka bir hayvan daha var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think there's another person just like you?", + "text": "Peki ya tıpkı sizin gibi başka biri daha var mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five trees in this picture. If you take away the one by itself on one side, how many trees are there on the other side? What is one less than five?", + "text": "Bu resimde beş ağaç var. Resmin bir tarafındaki o tek ağacı çıkarırsanız, diğer tarafta kaç ağaç kalır? Beşin bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who looks the same.", + "text": "Tıpkı bana benzeyen.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you look in a mirror or in water, the image is almost the same as how you look. How is it different and how is it the same?", + "text": "Bir aynaya veya suya baktığınızda, görüntü sizinkiyle neredeyse aynıdır. Resimdeki hayvanın kendisiyle sudaki görüntüsü birbirinden nasıl farklı ve birbirine nasıl benzer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Something that has one side that is the mirror image of the other side is called symmetric, or even mirror symmetric. Do you see some things around you that are symmetric?", + "text": "Bir tarafı diğer tarafın ayna görüntüsü olan bir şeye ‘simetrik’ veya hatta ‘ayna simetrisi’ denir. Etrafınızda simetrik olan şeyler görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People's faces are very close to being symmetric. Do you notice anything on one side of your face that is a little different than the other side? Perhaps your hair?", + "text": "İnsanların yüzleri hemen hemen simetriktir. Yüzünüzün bir tarafında diğer tarafından biraz daha farklı olan bir şey fark ediyor musunuz? Mesela saçınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And talks the same.", + "text": "Ve tıpkı benim gibi konuşan.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal is listening to its echo across a canyon. Have you heard an echo of your voice?", + "text": "Bu hayvan bir kanyonun karşısında kendi yankısını dinliyor. Kendi sesinizin yankısını duydunuz mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An echo for your voice is like looking in a mirror for your image. Does an echo sound exactly like you, or can you tell the difference?", + "text": "Sesinizin yankısı, tıpkı aynadaki görüntünüze bakmak gibidir. Bir yankı tam olarak sizin sesiniz gibi mi duyulur? Aralarındaki farkı nasıl anlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hearing an echo is similar to hearing a recording of your voice. Do you think recordings of your voice sound like what you hear in your head when you talk?", + "text": "Bir yankı (eko) duymak, sesinizin kaydını duymaya benzer. Peki ya ses kayıtlarınız, konuşurken kafanızın içinde duyduğunuz sese mi benziyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And even has my curls.", + "text": "Ve hatta benim buklelerim gibi bukleleri olan.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hippos and mice may have curly tails, but that does not make them the same as our friend. How many things need to be the same for two animals to be the same?", + "text": "Su aygırları ve farelerin kıvırcık kuyrukları olabilir ancak bu, onları, bu arkadaşımızla aynı yapmaz. İki hayvanın aynı olması için kaç tane şeylerinin aynı olması gerekir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some ways that the hippo and the mouse are different than our friend.", + "text": "Su aygırı ve farenin bu arkadaşımızdan farklı oldukları bazı yönleri açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pick someone you know and describe some ways you are similar to them and some ways you are different.", + "text": "Tanıdığınız birini ele alın ve ona benzediğiniz ve ondan farklı olduğunuz bazı yönleri açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Someone with my eyes my ears.", + "text": "Benim gözlerim gibi gözleri, kulaklarım gibi kulakları olan biri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that have big ears similar to these?", + "text": "Resimdekine benzer büyük kulakları olan başka hayvanlar daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of other animals that have eyelashes like these?", + "text": "Buna benzer kirpikleri olan başka hayvanlar düşünebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal has three eyelashes on each side. How many eyelashes is that all together?", + "text": "Bu hayvanın yüzünün her iki tarafında üç kirpik var. Toplam kaç kirpik var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who even has my laugh.", + "text": "Hatta benim gülüşüm gibi gülüşe sahip olan biri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you make some animals sounds? Which animals?", + "text": "Bazı hayvan sesleri çıkarabilir misiniz? Hangi hayvanlarınkini?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you neigh like a horse, oink like a pig, meow like a cat, or bray like a donkey?", + "text": "Bir at gibi kişneyip, bir domuz gibi pırtlayıp, bir kedi gibi miyavlayıp ya da bir eşek gibi anırabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This animal has exceptionally big teeth. Think of other animals with teeth like these.", + "text": "Bu hayvanın son derece büyük dişleri var. Böyle dişleri olan başka hayvanları düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who can do what I can do.", + "text": "Benim yapabildiklerimi yapabilen biri.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you feel happy running in a big open space like that?", + "text": "Siz de böyle büyük bir açık alanda koşunca mutlu hisseder misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you prefer to run with someone or by yourself?", + "text": "Birisiyle mi yoksa kendi başınıza mı koşmayı tercih edersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the rocks near them. If you take away the two biggest rocks, how many rocks are left?", + "text": "Hayvanların yanlarındaki taşları sayın. En büyük iki taşı alıp götürürseniz, geride kaç taş kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And can't do what I can't.", + "text": "Ve yapamadıklarımı yapamayan biri!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are the animals having trouble peeling the banana?", + "text": "Bazı hayvanlar neden muz soymakta zorlanırlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you peel a banana easily?", + "text": "Peki ya siz, bir muzu kolaylıkla soyabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there things, such as fruit or packages, that you have trouble opening?", + "text": "Açmakta zorlandığınız başka şeyler var mı – mesela, meyveler veya paketler gibi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I've looked and looked everywhere to find another me. I went down to the park and looked behind the trees.", + "text": "Başka bir ben’i bulmak için her yere ama her yere baktım. Aşağıdaki parka gittim ve ağaçların arkasına baktım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What animal did he see when he looked behind a tree?", + "text": "Ağacın arkasına baktığında hangi hayvanı gördü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did he see an animal just like him when he looked behind the tree?", + "text": "Ağacın arkasına baktığında kendisi gibi bir hayvan gördü mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did he see what he was looking for behind the tree?", + "text": "Ağacın arkasında aradığını gördü mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked around, up, and down.", + "text": "Etrafa, yukarıya ve aşağıya baktım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think our friend could ever climb to the top of a tree?", + "text": "Sizce bu arkadaşımız bir ağacın tepesine tırmanabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the bird is surprised to see him there?", + "text": "Sizce kuş onu orada gördüğüne şaşırmış mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Has the animal looked everywhere? What are some places that may have been missed?", + "text": "Hayvan her yere bakmış mıdır? Bakmayı kaçırdığı bazı yerler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At every single face.", + "text": "Yüzlerin tek tek her birisine baktım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are three animals on one side of the pond, and one more on the other side. If you put them all together, how many animals are there? What is one more than 3?", + "text": "Havuzun bir tarafında üç tane hayvan var ve öbür tarafında bir tane daha var. Hepsini bir araya getirdiğinizde, kaç hayvan olur? Üçün bir fazlası nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you remove one animal on one side of the pond from the four animals at the pond, how many are left? What is one less than 4?", + "text": "Havuzdaki dört hayvandan havuzun bir tarafındaki o bir hayvanı çıkardığınızda, kaç hayvan kalır? Dördün bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe how the two facts:\n3 + 1 = 4 and 4 - 1 = 3\nare tied together.\nThese two related math facts are called a math fact family. Can you think of another math fact family?", + "text": "Bu iki sonucun:\n3 + 1 = 4 ve 4 - 1 = 3\nnasıl birbirine eşit olduğunu açıklayın.\nBu şekilde birbiriyle alakalı matematik işlemlere ‘matematik işlem ailesi’ denir. Aklınıza başka bir matematik işlem ailesi geliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I couldn't find another me in any single place.", + "text": "Hiçbir yerde başka bir ben bulamadım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think his shadow temporarily fooled him into thinking that there was another animal just like him?", + "text": "Acaba gölgesi orada onun gibi olan başka bir hayvan olduğunu düşünmesi için onu kandırmış olabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How much does your shadow look like you?", + "text": "Peki sizin gölgeniz size ne kadar benziyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a shadow that you thought was a person?", + "text": "Hayatınızda insan olduğunu sandığınız bir gölge gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There's only one me in the world!\nI'm special, oh it's true!", + "text": "Dünyada sadece bir tane ben var!\nBen özelim, ah, bu doğru!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals can you count in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some of the ways each animal in this picture is different than our friend.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki her bir hayvanın, bu hikâyedeki arkadaşımızdan farklı olduğu yönlerden bazılarını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some of the ways each animal is similar to our friend.", + "text": "Her bir hayvanın arkadaşımıza benzediği yönlerden bazılarını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "But not just me, don't you see?\nThere's only one of you!", + "text": "Ama özel olan sadece ben değilim, görmüyor musunuz?\nSizden de sadece bir tane var!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know someone who is very similar to you? How are they similar to you?", + "text": "Size çok benzeyen birini tanıyor musunuz? Hangi yönlerden benziyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Despite the similarities, describe some ways they are different from you.", + "text": "Benzerliklerine rağmen, sizden farklı olan taraflarından bazılarını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like being the only you that there is?", + "text": "Sizden sadece bir tane olmasından hoşlanıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I love forests!", + "text": "Ormanları seviyorum!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some great things about forests?", + "text": "Ormanlarla ilgili bazı harika şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many types of places. For example, there are deserts, hills, beaches, canyons, mesas, and mountain slopes. What are some of your favorite places?", + "text": "Bir sürü yer çeşitleri vardır; örneğin, çöller, tepeler, plajlar, kanyonlar, mesalar ve dağ yamaçları gibi. Sizin en sevdiğiniz yerlerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of the trees in this picture can you count? Can you count that high?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki ağaçlardan kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Last week I went to Kibale forest.", + "text": "Geçen hafta Kibale Ormanı’na gittim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kibale National Park is a rain forest in Western Uganda near the center of Africa. It is a sanctuary for a large variety of primates, wildlife, and vegetation.", + "text": "Kibale Ulusal Parkı, Batı Uganda’da Afrika’nın merkezine yakın bir yağmur ormanıdır. Orası, aynı zamanda, çok çeşitli primatlar, vahşi yaşam ve bitki örtüsü için de bir sığınaktır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there parks or natural areas that you like to visit?", + "text": "Ziyaret etmekten hoşlandığınız parklar veya doğal alanlar var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which do you find more interesting to see: plants and trees or lots of animals?", + "text": "Hangisini görmeyi daha ilginç buluyorsunuz – bitki ve ağaçları mı yoksa bir sürü hayvanı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw many trees. I saw Fig, Muvule, Palm, and Ebony trees.", + "text": "Birçok ağaç gördüm. İncir, muvule, palmiye ve abanoz ağaçlarını gördüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This picture shows plains with mountains in the distance. Do you think a mixture of living areas will be good for creating a mixture of plants and animals for the park?", + "text": "Bu resimde en uzakta dağların olduğu düzlükler de görülüyor. Sizce yaşam alanlarının bir karışımı, yani bitki ve hayvanları aynı yerde birleştirmek, park için iyi olacak mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story mentions four types of trees in the park. Do you see four types in this picture?", + "text": "Hikâyede parktaki dört ağaç türünden bahsediliyor. Bu resimde o dört tür ağacı görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many types of trees can you think of near where you live?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerin yakınında kaç çeşit ağaç vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw chimpanzees, baboons, and monkeys.", + "text": "Şempanzeler, babunlar ve maymunlar gördüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These adult animals are sitting in pairs, which makes them easy to count by 2's - 2, 4, 6. Adding in one more baby makes 7!", + "text": "Bu yetişkin hayvanlar çiftler hâlinde oturuyorlar, bu da onları ikişer ikişer saymayı kolaylaştırıyor – 2, 4, 6. Onlara bir yavru daha eklersek 7 eder!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than the 6 adults is 7. If you take away the one baby, how many is one less than 7?", + "text": "6 yetişkinin bir fazlası 7’dir. Eğer bir yavruyu çıkarırsanız, 7’nin bir eksiği kaç olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this mixture of animals would naturally be together like this, or did the artist take some liberties with the picture?", + "text": "Sizce bu hayvan karışımı doğal yaşamda da böyle bir arada mı olurlardı yoksa illüstratör resimde biraz özgür mü davranmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw different birds. I saw crested cranes, eagles, and owls.", + "text": "Farklı kuşlar gördüm. Gri taçlı turnalar, kartallar ve baykuşlar gördüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What about this picture -- do you think these birds would all be together like this?", + "text": "Peki ya bu resim – sizce bu kuşların hepsi böyle bir arada olabilirler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are four birds and one fish. How many animals is that all together? How many is one more than four?", + "text": "Resimde dört kuş ve bir balık var. Hepsi birlikte kaç hayvan eder? Dördün bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story mentions three types of birds and shows us four birds. Do you think two of these birds are of the same type? If so, which two?", + "text": "Hikâyede üç tür kuştan bahsediliyor ama resimde bize dört kuş gösteriliyor. Sizce bu kuşlardan ikisi aynı türden mi? Öyleyse, o ikisi hangisi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I laughed when I saw a big elephant with a little tail.", + "text": "Minicik bir kuyruğu olan büyük bir fil gördüğümde çok güldüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think such a large animal has such a little tail?", + "text": "Sizce o kadar büyük bir hayvanın neden bu kadar küçük bir kuyruğu var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The parts the elephant has two of (ears, tusks, pairs of legs, and eyes) are on opposite sides of its body, and the parts it has one of (mouth, tail, and trunk) are in the middle of its body. Are all animals like this?", + "text": "Filin çift sayıda olan vücut parçaları (kulakları, dişleri, çift bacakları ve gözleri) vücudunun her iki yanında, tek sayıda olan vücut parçaları (ağzı, kuyruğu ve hortumu) ise vücudunun orta hattındadır. Bütün hayvanlarda da öyle midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of an animal that doesn't have its parts arranged about a middle line?", + "text": "Vücut parçaları orta hatları etrafında dizilmemiş olan bir hayvan biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I saw so many different animals, birds, and plants.", + "text": "Bir sürü farklı hayvanlar, kuşlar ve bitkiler gördüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the animals by where they are in the picture -- some are in the air, the trees, the water, and in the grass.", + "text": "Hayvanları bu resimde oldukları yerlere göre tanımlayın – bazıları havada, bazıları ağaçlarda, bazıları suda ve çimenlerde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count each group and then count them all together -- do you get the same result?", + "text": "Her bir grubu sayın ve sonra hepsini birlikte sayın – aynı sonucu buluyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group has the most animals in it? Which has the least?", + "text": "Hangi grupta en çok hayvan var? Hangisinde en az var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Kibale forest is a good place to visit. I love forests! Do you?", + "text": "Kibale Ormanı, ziyaret için iyi bir yer! Ben ormanları seviyorum! Siz de seviyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to visit forests?", + "text": "Ormanları ziyaret etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite place to visit away from where you live?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerden uzakta olan ziyaret etmeyi en sevdiğiniz yer neresidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is your favorite spot to go to around where you live?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yerin civarında gitmeyi en çok sevdiğiniz yer neresidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Today I an not going to school.\n\nIt is a holiday.", + "text": "Bugün okula gitmiyorum.\n\nBugün tatil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think she will do with her day off from school?", + "text": "Sizce kız, okula gitmediği bugün ne yapacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does she like not going to school?", + "text": "Okula gitmemeyi neden seviyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she will miss seeing her school friends and teachers?", + "text": "Okul arkadaşlarını ve öğretmenlerini görmeyi özleyecek midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Today I am not going to watch TV.\n\nThere is no electricity anyway.", + "text": "Bugün televizyon izlemeyeceğim.\n\nZaten elektrikler yok.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does she decide to not watch TV?", + "text": "Neden televizyon izlememeye karar verdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you do if you were to plan a special day?", + "text": "Peki ya siz, özel bir gün planlayacak olsaydınız ne yapardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do during times when your electricity is not working? Do you have special activities for such times?", + "text": "Elektriğinizin olmadığı zamanlarda ne yaparsınız? Böyle zamanlar için özel aktiviteleriniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What am I going to do?\n\nToday I am going to listen to my body!", + "text": "Ne yapacağım?\n\nBugün vücudumu dinleyeceğim!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her hands only have four fingers! Have you seen someone with four fingers on a hand?", + "text": "Onun ellerinde sadece dört parmağı var! Bir elinde dört parmağı olan birini gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is uncommon, but some people are born with six fingers on a hand. How many more fingers is six fingers than what she has?", + "text": "Böyle bir şey nadirdir ama bazı insanlar bir ellerinde altı parmakla doğarlar. Altı parmak, onun sahip olduğundan kaç parmak daha fazladır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think you can buy gloves for someone with six fingers?", + "text": "Altı parmağı olan birisi için bir eldiven satın alabileceğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "First I have to be very quiet.\n\nSo that I can listen to my own body.", + "text": "İlk önce, çok sessiz olmalıyım.\n\nBöylece kendi vücudumu dinleyebilirim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you listened to the sounds your body makes? What are some of them?", + "text": "Hiç kendi vücudunuzun çıkardığı sesleri dinlediniz mi? O seslerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you heard your stomach rumbling, grumbling, or gurgling?", + "text": "Karnınızın guruldadığını, homurdandığını veya gürül gürül ses çıkardığını duydunuz mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever run hard and heard your pulse pounding in your ears?", + "text": "Peki ya çok koştuğunuzda nabzınızın kulaklarınızda attığını duydunuz mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yes, now I can hear my breath.\n\nI breath in and out, in and out.", + "text": "Evet, şu anda nefesimi duyabiliyorum.\n\nNefes alıyorum, nefes veriyorum, nefes alıp nefes veriyorum.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you stop and listen, can you hear yourself breathing?", + "text": "Durup dinlerseniz, nefes alış verişinizi duyabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose most of the time?", + "text": "Çoğu zaman ağzınızdan mı yoksa burnunuzdan mı nefes alıyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Watch the time for half a minute and count your breaths. How many were there?", + "text": "Yarım dakika süreyle zaman tutup nefeslerinizi sayın. Kaç nefes oldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And I can make my breath noisier. \nSsssssssssss!\n\nAnd softer.\nMmmmmmmm.", + "text": "Ve nefesimi daha gürültülü yapabilirim.\nSsssssssssss!\n\nVe daha yumuşak.\nMmmmmmmm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is making her toy fly around by blowing on it very hard. When have you blown hard on something?", + "text": "Oyuncağına çok sert üfleyerek onun kendi etrafında uçmasını sağlıyor. Peki ya siz ne zaman bir şeye sertçe üflediniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you blown out candles on a birthday cake or maybe blown on a fire to help it burn?", + "text": "Hiç doğum günü pastasındaki mumlara veya mumların yanmasına yardımcı olmak için ateşe üflediniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How old were you at your last birthday?", + "text": "Son doğum gününüzde kaç yaşındaydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now I can hear my heart beating!\n\nDoodom, doodoom, dooo dooom.", + "text": "Şu anda kalbimin atışını duyabiliyorum!\n\nDum dum, dum dum, dum dum.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is not easy to hear your own heart beating. Can you hear yours?", + "text": "Kendi kalbinizin atışını duymak kolay değildir. Siz duyabiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Put your ear on someone's chest so you can hear their heart beating.", + "text": "Kulağınızı birinin göğsüne dayayın, böylece o kişinin kalp atışlarını duyabilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think your heart ever stops beating? Most of your muscles can get tired, but your heart muscle never does!", + "text": "Sizce kalbiniz atmayı bırakır mı hiç? Kaslarınızın çoğu yorulabilir ama kalp kasınız asla yorulmaz!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can I make my heart go faster or louder?\n\nYes, by jumping up and down twenty times.", + "text": "Kalbimin daha hızlı veya daha gürültülü atmasını sağlayabilir miyim?\n\nEvet, yukarı aşağı 20 kez zıplayarak.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count to 20 to count the jumps?", + "text": "Zıplamaları saymak için 20’ye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you can't count to 20, you can count to 10 and then immediately count to 10 again. That will be just the same.", + "text": "Eğer 20’ye kadar sayamıyorsanız 10’a kadar sayabilir ve hemen ardından tekrar 10’a kadar sayabilirsiniz. Bu ikisi aynı şeylerdir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you run around and start breathing hard, do you sometimes feel your heart beating in your chest?", + "text": "Etrafta koştuğunuzda ve zor nefes almaya başladığınızda, bazen kalbinizin aşırı attığını hissediyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Now see, my heart is beating faster.", + "text": "Şimdi bakın, kalbim daha hızlı atıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen your own heart beating in your chest? Is it possible to see it?", + "text": "Kalbinizin göğüs kafesinizde attığını gördünüz mü hiç? Bunu görmek mümkün müdür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The storyteller and artist are stretching the truth a bit here. Have you ever stretched the truth a bit to make a story a little more interesting?", + "text": "Burada hikâye anlatıcısı ve illüstratör gerçekten biraz uzaklaşmışlar. Bir hikâyeyi biraz daha ilginç kılmak için sizin de gerçekten biraz uzaklaştığınız oldu mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Her toy is covering its ears because the heart is beating so loudly. Is it possible to hear someone else's heart from a distance?", + "text": "Kızın oyuncağı kulaklarını kapatıyor çünkü kızın kalbi çok yüksek sesle atıyor. Sizce birinin kalbini uzaktan duymak mümkün müdür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If I put my fingers on my wrist, then I can feel my pulse!", + "text": "Parmaklarımı bileğimin üzerine koyarsam, o zaman nabzımı hissedebilirim!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you feel your pulse on your wrist? Some people like to feel their pulse on their neck or on their head. Try it!", + "text": "Peki ya siz, nabzınızı bileğinizde hissedebiliyor musunuz? Bazı insanlar nabızlarını boyunlarında veya başlarında hissetmeyi severler. Haydi bir deneyin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count your pulse for ten seconds. Did you get a count between 7 and 20?", + "text": "Nabzınızı on saniye boyunca sayın. 7 ile 20 arasında bir sayı elde ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have another person do the same thing and compare the counts you got. Whose count was more and whose was less?", + "text": "Başka bir kişiye de aynı şeyi yaptırın ve elde ettiğiniz sayıları karşılaştırın. Kimin sayısı daha fazlaydı ve kiminki daha azdı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself laughing.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!", + "text": "Kendimi gülerken duyabiliyorum.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is very expressive, so her laughter is probably very loud. Is it possible to laugh softly? Can you do it?", + "text": "Kız, yüz ifadesinden ne hissettiğini gösteren birisi; kahkahası da muhtemelen çok yüksek sesli! Alçak sesli bir şekilde gülmek mümkün müdür? Bunu yapabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often like to laugh together. When you laugh, do other people laugh with you?", + "text": "İnsanlar genellikle ‘birlikte gülmeyi’ severler. Peki siz güldüğünüzde, diğer insanlar da sizinle birlikte gülerler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Even when there is nothing funny happening, sometimes just laughing out loud can make you feel better.", + "text": "Ortada komik bir şey olmasa da bazen sadece yüksek sesle gülmek bile kendinizi daha iyi hissetmenizi sağlayabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself crying. Boohoooo hooo!", + "text": "Ağladığımı duyabiliyorum. Aaahhhh! Aahh!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she is really crying, or is she just pretending?", + "text": "Sizce kız gerçekten mi ağlıyor yoksa numara mı yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you ever pretend to cry so that people will feel sorry for you?", + "text": "İnsanlar sizin için üzülsün diye ağlıyormuş gibi yaptınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people feel much better after they cry. Do you feel better after you cry?", + "text": "Bazı insanlar ağladıktan sonra kendilerini çok daha iyi hissederler. Peki ya siz, ağladıktan sonra kendinizi daha iyi hisseder misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear myself clapping.\n\nClap, clap, clap.", + "text": "Kendimi alkışlarken duyabiliyorum.\n\nŞak, şak, şak!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Make up a pattern using claps and foot stomps on the ground.", + "text": "Alkışlarınızı (şak) ve yere ayak vuruşlarınızı (pat) kullanarak seslerden oluşan bir desen (örüntü) oluşturun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was your pattern complicated, or was it as simple as: clap clap stomp, clap clap stomp?", + "text": "Örüntünüz karmaşık mıydı yoksa şu kadar basit miydi: şak, şak, şak, pat, şak, şak, pat?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dancing is often a pattern of movements with your arms and legs. Do you like to dance?", + "text": "Dans etmek genellikle kollarınız ve bacaklarınızla yaptığınız hareketlerden oluşan bir örüntüdür (desendir). Dans etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I can hear my stomach rumbling!\n\nGuddu, guddu, guddu.", + "text": "Midemin guruldadığını duyabiliyorum!\n\nGurr, gurr, gurr!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When your stomach rumbles, what is your body feeling?", + "text": "Mideniz guruldadığında, vücudunuz ne hisseder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does your stomach ever rumble when it is having trouble digesting something or when you're sick?", + "text": "Mideniz bir şeyi sindirmekte zorlandığında veya hasta olduğunuzda hiç gurulduyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at her face, what is she feeling right now?", + "text": "Kızın yüzüne baktığınızda, sizce o şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My stomach is saying, \"Feed me!\"", + "text": "Midem, \"Beni doyur!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been so hungry you couldn't wait and you had to eat immediately?", + "text": "Peki ya siz, bekleyemeyeceğiniz kadar çok acıkıp çabucak yemek yemek zorunda kaldınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her stomach is really shoving her to get some food?", + "text": "Sizce kızın midesi onu gerçekten yemek yemesi için zorluyor mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each time she bounds forward, she takes two steps. You can count those steps by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ...", + "text": "Kız her ileri atılışında (ileriye zıpladığında), iki adım atıyor. Bu adımları ikişer ikişer de sayabilirsiniz -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ... ", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My nose can smell cakes baking in mother's kitchen.\n\nAnd now I want to hear my jaws chewing those cakes!", + "text": "Burnum annemin mutfağında pişen keklerin kokusunu alabiliyor.\n\nVe şimdi ise çenemin o kekleri çiğnediğini duymak istiyorum!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many really small cakes do you think she will eat?", + "text": "Sizce kız gerçekten kaç adet küçük kek yer?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the most cookies or other snack you've eaten at one time?", + "text": "Sizin tek seferde yediğiniz en fazla kurabiye veya diğer atıştırmalıklar nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has talked about a lot of different sounds to hear from your body. How many of them can you remember?", + "text": "Bu hikâye, vücudunuzdan duyabileceğiniz pek çok farklı sesten bahsetti. Kaçını hatırlayabiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have a very big problem, cried Chief Short and Round in a loud voice. \"Everyone, come here! I have a very big problem.\"\n\nThe people of the Village of Many Shapes formed a big circle around Chief Short and Round. They wanted to hear what he had to say.", + "text": "“Çok büyük bir sorunum var,” diye yüksek bir sesle haykırdı Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef. “Herkes buraya gelsin! Çok büyük bir sorunum var.”\n\nÇok Şekilli Köy halkı, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in etrafında büyük bir daire oluşturdular. Onun söyleyeceklerini duymak istiyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A polygon is a shape with several straight sides. Triangles have 3 sides, quadrilaterals have 4, pentagons have 5, and hexagons have 6. Name some polygons where you are.", + "text": "Çokgen, birkaç düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Üçgenlerin 3, dörtgenlerin 4, beşgenlerin 5 ve altıgenlerin 6 kenarı vardır. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı çokgenlerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some of the shapes of the buildings in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki binaların şekillerinden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are snowflakes in the sky on a sunny day on this page. Have you ever seen this?", + "text": "Bu sayfada güneşli bir günde gökyüzünde kar taneleri var. Daha önce hiç böyle bir şey gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Chief Short and Round began, \"This is the worst news ever. I have lost my spring horn.\" \n\nThe villagers whispered to each other, \"Oh no!\" Chief Short and Round continued talking, \"If I don't find my spring horn then I can't blow my spring horn! And we can't start the springtime party if I can't blow my spring horn. And spring won't come if we don't have a springtime party.\"", + "text": "Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef başladı, “Bu şimdiye kadarki en kötü haber. Bahar borazanımı kaybettim.” \n\nKöylüler birbirlerine, “Ah, hayır!” diye fısıldadılar. Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef konuşmasına devam etti, “Eğer bahar borazanımı bulamazsam, bahar borazanımı çalamam! Ve eğer bahar borazanımı öttüremezsem bahar partisini başlatamayız. Ve bahar partisi yapmazsak bahar gelmez.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many of these people have very colorful clothes. What are your favorite colors to wear to a party?", + "text": "Bu insanların çoğunun çok renkli kıyafetleri var. Bir partide giymeyi en sevdiğiniz renkler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever looked forward to a party and then worried that it might not happen?", + "text": "Bir partiyi dört gözle beklediğiniz ve sonra ya parti olmazsa diye endişelendiğiniz oldu mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many beautiful polygons on these clothes! There are patterns with squares (polygons with four equal sides and four square corners), and some with hexagons. Notice how the hexagons on the back of the shirt are made of six triangles in a lively pattern!", + "text": "Resimdeki kıyafetlerin üzerlerinde çok güzel çokgenler var! Karelerden (dört eşit kenarı ve dört köşesi olan çokgenler) ve altıgenlerden oluşan desenler var. Gömleğin arkasındaki altıgenlerin nasıl capcanlı bir desende tam altı tane üçgenden oluştuğuna dikkat edin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo stepped into the circle and lifted up his hand. \"I will find your spring horn, Chief Short and Round.\" \"Good, good,\" said the chief with a smile. \"You can start looking in the last place I visited this morning. Go to Tata Rectangle's house. I remember having my horn with me there.\"", + "text": "Küçük Kare Jojo, dairenin içine bir adım atıp elini kaldırdı. “Bahar borazanınızı bulacağım, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef,” dedi. “İyi, iyi,” dedi şef gülümseyerek. “Aramaya bu sabah ziyaret ettiğim son yerden başlayabilirsin. Tata Dikdörtgen’in evine git. Oradayken borazanımın yanımda olduğunu hatırlıyorum.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does Little Square Jojo deserve his name?", + "text": "Küçük Kare Jojo neden bu ismi hak ediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many circles in this picture. How many circles can you find?", + "text": "Bu resimde pek çok daire var. Kaç tane daire bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many squares are there on Jojo's clothes? That is a very tricky question because there are squares of different sizes on his clothes -- some of the squares are made up of smaller squares!", + "text": "Jojo’nun giysilerinde kaç tane kare var? Bu çok zor bir soru çünkü giysilerinde farklı boyutlarda kareler var – bazı kareler daha küçük karelerden oluşmuş!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tata Rectangle was happy to see Jojo. He opened his door and welcomed Jojo inside. \"I remember seeing Chief Short and Round earlier this morning,\" said Tata Rectangle, \"but I don't think he had his spring horn with him.\" \n\nLittle Square Jojo looked under Tata Rectangle's bed and behind his books. He even looked into his fridge. But Jojo couldn't find the spring horn anywhere.", + "text": "Tata Dikdörtgen, Jojo’yu gördüğü için mutluydu. Kapısını açıp Jojo’yu içeri buyur etti. “Bu sabah Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’i gördüğümü hatırlıyorum,” dedi Tata Dikdörtgen, “ama bahar borazanının yanında olduğunu sanmıyorum.” \n\nKüçük Kare Jojo, Tata Dikdörtgen’in yatağının altına ve kitaplarının arkasına baktı. Buzdolabının içine bile baktı. Ama Jojo bahar borazanını hiçbir yerde bulamadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle has four straight sides with corners like the corners of this page. A square is always a rectangle, but rectangles are not always squares. What would make a rectangle not be a square?", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgenin tıpkı bu sayfanın köşeleri gibi köşeleri olan dört tane düz kenarı vardır. Bir kare her zaman bir dikdörtgendir ancak bir dikdörtgen her zaman bir kare değildir. Bir dikdörtgeni kare olmaktan çıkaran şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there any rectangles that are squares in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde kare olan bir dikdörtgen var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which objects in this room are rectangles? There are rectangles everywhere on this page! Point to as many rectangles as you can.", + "text": "Bu odadaki hangi nesneler dikdörtgendir? Bu sayfanın her yerinde dikdörtgenler var! Gösterebildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Go and see if Mama Triangle has the spring horn, said Tata Rectangle. \"Chief Short and Round visited her before he came to see me.\" \"Thank you, Tata,\" said Jojo as he waved goodbye.\n\nMama Triangle's house is about three kilometers from here, thought Jojo. That is a far distance to walk. I will stop at my house along the way and have a rest.", + "text": "“Git bak bakalım bahar borazanı Üçgen Anne’de mi?” dedi Tata Dikdörtgen ve ekledi, “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef beni görmeye gelmeden önce onu ziyaret etti.” Jojo el sallayarak vedalaşırken, “Teşekkür ederim, Tata,” dedi.\n\n“Üçgen Anne’nin evi buradan yaklaşık üç kilometre uzakta. Bu, yürümek için çok uzak bir mesafe. Yol boyunca evimde durup biraz dinleneceğim,” diye düşündü Jojo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the tallest things in this picture? Have you ever seen a person almost as tall as a house?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki en uzun şeyler hangi şeylerdir? Neredeyse bir ev kadar uzun bir insan gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo is going for a long 3km (about two miles) walk. What is the farthest you have ever walked?", + "text": "Jojo 3 km’lik (yaklaşık 2 mil) uzun bir yürüyüşe çıkıyor. Peki ya sizin şimdiye kadar yürüdüğünüz en uzun mesafe nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever walk a long, long time? How many minutes was that walk? 10? 20? 60? more?", + "text": "Hiç uzun, çok uzun bir süre yürüdünüz mü? O yürüyüş kaç dakikaydı? 10? 20? 60? Yoksa daha mı fazlaydı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo was hot and tired by the time he reached his house. He went inside to open his freezer and pour a glass of cold water with ice blocks. \"I must be half the way to Mama Triangle's house,\" he said. \"I hope she has the chief's horn.\"\n\nThen Jojo had an idea. \"I can visit Dudu Diamond. Her house is only half a kilometer from here and it's on the way.", + "text": "Küçük Kare Jojo evine vardığında sıcaklamış ve yorgundu. Dondurucusunu açıp buz kalıplarıyla dolu bir bardak soğuk su almak için içeri girdi. “Üçgen Anne’nin evine giden yolu yarılamış olmalıyım,” dedi. “Umarım şefin borazanı ondadır.”\n\nSonra, Jojo’nun aklına bir fikir geldi. “Dudu Elmas’ı ziyaret edebilirim. Onun evi buradan sadece yarım kilometre uzakta ve yol üzerinde.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On this floor, you can hop from one square to another square of the same color. Choose one color with your finger and hop around that room.", + "text": "Bu katta, bir kareden aynı renkteki başka bir kareye zıplayabilirsiniz. Bir renk seçip bir kareden diğerine resimdeki odanın içinde parmağınızla zıplayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a pattern on the floor where you are? Do you ever hop around a room trying to stay on just one color?", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerin zemininde bir desen var mı? Hiç tek bir renkte kalmaya çalışarak odanın içinde zıpladığınız oldu mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo has walked half way of his 3 km (2 mi) walk. How far has he walked?", + "text": "Jojo, 3 km’lik yürüyüşünün yarısını tamamladı. Böylece, ne kadar yol yürümüş oldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dudu Diamond was cleaning her house when Jojo arrived. Her earrings were making a lovely tinkling sound as she worked. \n\n\"Hello, Jojo,\" she said. \"What are you doing today?\" \"I am on my way to Mama Triangle's house to find the chief's spring horn,\" said Little Square Jojo. \"That's nice of you,\" said Dudu. \"I am happy to come with you. How much further do you have to go?\"", + "text": "Jojo oraya vardığında, Dudu Elmas evini temizliyordu. Dudu Elmas iş yaparken küpeleri hoş bir çınlama sesi çıkarıyordu.\n\n“Merhaba, Jojo,” dedi. “Bugün ne yapıyorsun?” diye sordu. Küçük Kare Jojo, “Şef’in bahar borazanını bulmak için Üçgen Anne’nin evine gidiyorum,” dedi. “Çok naziksin,” dedi Dudu. “Seninle gelmekten mutluluk duyarım. Daha ne kadar yol gitmen gerekiyor?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Another name for a diamond is a rhombus. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. A square is always a rhombus, but not every rhombus is a square. Point to some diamonds in this picture that aren't squares.", + "text": "Elmasın bir diğer adı ‘eşkenar dörtgendir (rhombus)’. Eşkenar dörtgen, dört eşit kenarı olan bir dörtgendir. Bir kare her zaman bir eşkenar dörtgendir ancak her eşkenar dörtgen bir kare değildir. Bu resimdeki kare olmayan elmaslardan bazılarını gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This room is full of diamond shapes. What shape are the diamond windows if you turn them on their side? Jojo should feel right at home with those windows!", + "text": "Bu oda elmas şekilleriyle dolu. Resimdeki elmas şekilli pencereleri yan taraflarına doğru çevirirseniz hangi şekli alırlar? Jojo, bu pencerelerle kendini evinde hissediyor olmalı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This room has many pairs of things. Which pairs do you see?", + "text": "Bu odada pek çok ‘çift şey’ var. Hangi çiftleri görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Little Square Jojo scratched his head. \"Let's see. Mama Triangle's house was three kilometers away from where I started. I walked about half the way to get to my house, that's one and a half kilometers. Then I walked another half a kilometer to get to your house. That makes 2 kilometers. So we only have one more kilometer to go!\" \n\n\"That's not so far then!\" smiled Dudu. \"I'll pack some things to take with.\"", + "text": "Küçük Kare Jojo başını kaşıdı. “Bir düşüneyim! Anne Üçgen’in evi başladığım yerden 3 km uzaktaydı. Evime varmak için o yolun yarısını yürüdüm – yani 1,5 km. Sonra, senin evine varmak için yarım kilometre daha yürüdüm. Bu da toplam 2 km yapar. Sonuç itibariyle, sadece bir kilometre yolumuz var!” dedi. “O kadar da uzak değilmiş!” diyerek gülümsedi Dudu. “Yanıma bir şeyler alacağım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo added 1 1/2 km plus 1/2 km to get 2 km. He subtracted 2 km from 3 km to get 1 km.", + "text": "Jojo 2 km’yi bulmak için 1,5 kilometreye (1½) yarım kilometre (½) ekledi. 1 kilometreyi bulmak için ise 3 kilometreden 2 kilometreyi çıkardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Another way is: He had 1 1/2 km to go and he walked 1/2 km, so there was only 1 km left.", + "text": "Bir başka yöntem: Jojo’nun daha gidecek 1½ km yolu vardı ve ½ km daha yürüdü; böylece, geriye sadece 1 km kaldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Yet another way: Think of 3 km as 6 half kms. When he did half of 6 of those, that meant he did 3 halves and had 3 halves to go. When he did another half km, then he only had 2 halves left. It's a fun puzzle to find different ways to calculate the same thing!", + "text": "Başka bir yöntem daha: 3 kilometreyi, 6 tane yarım (½) kilometre olarak düşünün. Bu 6 tanenin yarısını aldığınızda, bu, 3 tane yarısının yüründüğü ve diğer 3 yarısının ise kaldığı anlamına gelir. Yürünen üç yarımın üzerine bir yarım daha eklediğinizde (4 yarım eder) – geriye sadece iki yarım kalır (ki, bu da 1 km eder). Aynı şeyi hesaplamanın farklı yollarını bulmak eğlencelidir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo walked until they reached the bottom of a tall mountain. \"Mama Triangle's house is right up there at the top,\" said Dudu.\n\n\"Let's stop for a while and have a rest. You can have the sandwich I packed.\" Jojo cut the sandwich into four smaller pieces. \"Here, let's share the sandwich, you have two pieces and I'll have two.\"", + "text": "Dudu Elmas ve Küçük Kare Jojo yüksek bir dağın dibine ulaşana kadar yürüdüler. “Anne Üçgen’in evi işte orada, tam tepede,” dedi Dudu.\n\n“Haydi biraz duralım ve dinlenelim. Hazırladığım sandviçi yiyebilirsin.” Jojo sandviçi dört küçük parçaya böldü. “Haydi, sandviçi paylaşalım; sen iki parça al, ben de iki parça alayım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can't see the top of the mountain. What do you think the shape is of the part we can't see?", + "text": "Dağın tepesini göremiyoruz. Sizce göremediğimiz kısmın şekli nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some different ways to cut a sandwich into four parts. Which shapes can you make that way?", + "text": "Bir sandviçi dört parçaya bölmenin farklı yollarını düşünün. Farklı bölmelerle hangi şekilleri yapabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The mountain next to them is in the shape of a cone. Find some other cones in this picture.", + "text": "Bir noktaya doğru giden yuvarlak şekle ‘koni’ denir. Onların yanlarındaki dağ da koni şeklinde. Bu resimdeki diğer konileri bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo were half the way up the mountain. Things were very different there.\n\n\"Look,\" said Jojo. \"That's the strangest spider I've ever seen.\" \"Wow,\" said Dudu. \"It has spun a beautiful web. Let's count the sides. One, two, three, four, five, and six! That makes it a hexagon then!\"", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, Dudu Elmas ve Küçük Kare Jojo dağın yarısını aşmışlardı. Orada her şey çok farklıydı.\n\n“Bak,” dedi Jojo. “Bu şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en tuhaf örümcek.” Dudu ise, “Vay canına!” dedi. “Çok güzel bir ağ örmüş. Hadi kenarlarını sayalım. Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş ve altı! Bu da onu altıgen yapar!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of any other hexagons you see or know about? Are there any where you are right now? Perhaps there are some hexagons on a bathroom floor?", + "text": "Gördüğünüz veya bildiğiniz başka altıgenler var mı? Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde var mı? Belki banyonuzun zemininde altıgenler vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know any stories or songs about spiders?", + "text": "Örümcekler hakkında herhangi bir hikâye ya da şarkı biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Spiders make webs in trees, in holes in the ground, and even across water. Where have you seen spider webs where you live? Why do spiders make webs?", + "text": "Örümcekler ağaçlarda, yerdeki deliklerde ve hatta suyun üzerinde bile ağ yaparlar. Yaşadığınız yerde örümcek ağlarını nerelerde gördünüz? Örümcekler neden ağ yaparlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After climbing over a very big rock, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond finally arrived at Mama Triangle's house. They were high up now and felt a bit dizzy.\n\n\"Hello, you two,\" said Mama Triangle with a smile. \"I am so happy to have visitors. Most of the time I'm all alone here on the top of my mountain. Come inside and sit down at my table.", + "text": "Küçük Kare Jojo ve Dudu Elmas çok büyük bir kaya parçasını aştıktan sonra, nihayet, Üçgen Anne’nin evine vardılar. Artık yüksekteydiler ve biraz başlarının döndüğünü hissettiler.\n\n“İkinize de merhaba,” dedi Üçgen Anne gülümseyerek. “Ziyaretçilerimin olmasına çok sevindim. Çoğu zaman burada, dağımın tepesinde, tek başımayım. İçeri gelin ve masamda oturun.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Mama Triangle knows where the Chief's spring horn is? Do you think they wasted their time coming to the top of the mountain?", + "text": "Sizce Üçgen Anne, Şef’in bahar borazanının nerede olduğunu biliyor mudur? Acaba dağın tepesine gelerek zamanlarını boşa mı harcadılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a great many polygons in this picture and they are of many types. Point at some polygons and name their types.", + "text": "Bu resimde çok sayıda çokgen var ve farklı türlerdeler. Bazı çokgenleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a few shapes that are not polygons. These shapes have at least one side that is curved and not straight. Can you find them?", + "text": "Resimde çokgen olmayan birkaç şekil var. Onların da en az bir kenarı eğridir; düz değildir. Onları bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama Triangle, said Jojo after catching his breath, \"We've come to find Chief Short and Round's spring horn. Tata Rectangle said that the chief visited you this morning.\" \"Yes, that is correct,\" said Mama Triangle. \"The chief came to ask me to help prepare for the springtime party. But he didn't leave his spring horn here.\" \"Oh no,\" said Jojo sadly, \"We've come all this way for nothing!\"", + "text": "“Üçgen Anne,” dedi Jojo nefeslendikten sonra, “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in bahar borazanını bulmaya geldik. Tata Dikdörtgen, Şef’in bu sabah sizi ziyaret ettiğini söyledi.” Anne Üçgen, “Evet, bu doğru,” dedi. “Şef benden bahar partisi için hazırlıklara yardım etmemi istemeye geldi. Ama bahar borazanını burada bırakmadı.” Jojo, “Ah, hayır!” dedi üzüntüyle. “Bunca yolu boşuna geldik!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think they went all that way for nothing? They may not know where the horn is, but they have learned a lot during their travels.", + "text": "Sizce onca yolu boşuna mı geldiler? Borazanın nerede olduğunu bilmiyor olabilirler ama yolculukları sırasında bir sürü şey öğrendiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes, finding out what something can't be can be almost as valuable as finding out what it is. Useful information comes in many forms!", + "text": "Bazen bir şeyin o şey olamayacağını öğrenmek, o şeyi bulmak kadar değerli olabilir. Yararlı bilgiler pek çok şekillerde karşımıza çıkabilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next in the story? Create an ending for how this story turns out. Do they find the horn, and if so, how do they find it?", + "text": "Sizce hikâyede bundan sonra ne olacak? Bu hikâyenin nasıl sonuçlanacağına dair kendiniz bir son yaratın. Borazanını buluyorlar mı; eğer öyleyse, nasıl buluyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mama Triangle held Jojo's hand as she led him outside. \"Don't worry Jojo,\" she said. \"Chief Short and Round didn't leave his spring horn here, but I know where it is. That chief can be such a silly thing!\" Mama Triangle, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond all ran down the mountain and in no time at all they were safely at the bottom.", + "text": "Anne Üçgen, Jojo’yu dışarı çıkarırken elini tuttu. “Merak etme, Jojo,” dedi. “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, bahar borazanını burada bırakmadı ama ben nerede olduğunu biliyorum. O şef çok şapşal olabiliyor!” Anne Üçgen, Küçük Kare Jojo ve Dudu Elmas hep birlikte dağdan aşağı koştular ve hiç vakit kaybetmeden güvenli bir şekilde aşağıya indiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a lot of triangles in this picture! Can you count them all, or is it higher than you can count?", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü üçgen var! Hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayabileceğinizden çok daha fazlalar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why were they able to go down the mountain so much more quickly than when they went up?", + "text": "Neden dağdan aşağıya, yukarı çıktıklarından çok daha hızlı inebildiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oddly enough, going down a steep hill can be harder than going up. Has this happened to you?", + "text": "Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde, dik bir tepeden aşağı inmek yukarı çıkmaktan daha zor olabilir. Bu hiç başınıza geldi mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It was evening by the time they reached Chief Short and Round's house. Mama Triangle knocked on the door and when it was opened everyone rushed inside.\n\n\"Hello,\" said Chief Short and Round, blinking sleepily. \"Did you find my spring horn? Will we be able to have the springtime party?\" Little Square Jojo felt very bad and shook his head.", + "text": "Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in evine vardıklarında çoktan akşam olmuştu. Anne Üçgen kapıyı çaldı ve kapı açıldığında ise herkes içeri akın etti.\n\n“Merhaba,” dedi Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, uykulu gözlerle gözlerini kırpıştırarak. “Bahar borazanımı buldunuz mu? Bahar partisini yapabilecek miyiz?” Küçük Kare Jojo, kendisini çok kötü hissetti ve başını hayır anlamında salladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Chief's room is round and is filled with round things. Point at and count as many circles as you can.", + "text": "Şef’in odası yuvarlak ve içi de yuvarlak şeylerle dolu. Daireleri gösterip sayabildiğiniz kadar sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The circles in the rug have the same center. Circles that share a common center are called concentric circles. Do you see any concentric circles where you are?", + "text": "Halıdaki daireler, aynı merkeze sahipler. Ortak bir merkezi paylaşan dairelere ‘eş merkezli daireler’ denir. Bulunduğunuz yerde eş merkezli daireler görüyor musunuz hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The Chief is wearing his pajamas. What do you think his bedtime is? What is your bedtime?", + "text": "Şef pijamalarını giyinmiş. Sizce onun yatma vakti nedir? Sizin yatma vaktiniz nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo looked for your spring horn all day, said Mama Triangle. \"It is not his fault that he didn't find it. It is your fault, Chief Short and Round. Don't you remember?\" Mama Triangle pointed at the chief. \"You are wearing your spring horn on your head!\"\n\nChief Short and Round gasped, \"Oh my, I remember it now. I was so hot from climbing up that mountain that I put my horn on my head.\"", + "text": "“Jojo bütün gün senin bahar borazanını aradı,” dedi Üçgen Anne. “Bulamaması onun hatası değil. Bu senin hatan, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef. Hatırlamıyor musun?” Anne Üçgen, Şef’e işaret etti. “Bahar borazanını kafana takmışsın!”\n\nKısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, soluk soluğa, “Ah, aman Tanrı’m, şimdi hatırlıyorum. Dağa tırmanırken o kadar sıcaklamıştım ki borazanımı başıma takmıştım,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think the Chief felt when he realized the horn was on his head?", + "text": "Sizce Şef borazanının kafasında olduğunu fark ettiğinde nasıl hissetti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long in this story has the horn been on his head?", + "text": "Bu hikâyede borazan ne kadar zamandır onun başındaydı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about a time when you thought you lost something and then found out it was in an obvious place all along.", + "text": "Bir şeyi kaybettiğinizi sandığınız ve sonra onun başından beri belli bir yerde olduğunu anladığınız bir zamanla ilgili bir hikâye anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I am so embarrassed, said Chief Short and Round as he took his spring horn off his head. Then he passed it to Little Square Jojo. \"You have done all the hard work, Jojo. You should blow the horn.\"\n\nLittle Square Jojo smiled. He lifted up the horn and gave a loud blow. \"Now we can have the springtime party!\" All was well in the Village of Many Shapes.", + "text": "“Çok utandım,” dedi Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, bahar borazanını kafasından çıkarırken. Daha sonra, onu Küçük Kare Jojo’ya uzattı. “Bütün zor işleri sen yaptın, Jojo. Borazanı sen çalmalısın.”\n\nKüçük Kare Jojo gülümsedi. Borazanı kaldırıp yüksek sesle üfledi. “Artık bahar partisini verebiliriz!” Çok Şekilli Köy’de her şey yolundaydı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Unlike real snowflakes, the snowflakes in this sky come in many, very different shapes. Point to a few and describe them.", + "text": "Gerçek kar tanelerinin aksine, bu gökyüzündeki kar taneleri çok farklı şekillerde. Birkaç tanesini gösterip betimleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Jojo did a great job of problem solving. He thought about the problem, he discussed ideas with others, and he persisted even when he was having trouble solving the problem.", + "text": "Jojo problem çözme konusunda harika bir iş çıkardı. Problemi düşündü, fikirlerini başkalarıyla tartıştı ve problemi çözmekte zorlandığında bile yılmadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a fun story, real or make believe, of a time when someone was searching all over for something for a long time and then finally found it.", + "text": "Birinin bir şeyi uzun süre aradıktan sonra en nihayetinde bulduğuna dair gerçek ya da uydurmalı eğlenceli bir hikâye anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the animals.", + "text": "Hayvanlara bakın!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count and name together all the animals you see.", + "text": "Gördüğünüz bütün hayvanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayıp isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are all the animals looking at?", + "text": "Hayvanların hepsi neye bakıyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the animals want something from the farmer?", + "text": "Hayvanlar çiftçiden bir şey mi istiyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow says, \"Moo.\"", + "text": "İnek, \"Möö!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?", + "text": "İnek boş bir yemliğe bakıyor. Sizce \"Möö\" hangi anlama geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?", + "text": "Eğer sadece bir kelimeniz varsa (\"Möö\"), farklı şeyler ifade etmesi için onu farklı şekillerde söylemek zorundasınız. Sizce inek ne istiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.", + "text": "İneğin bazı siyah lekeleri (benekleri) küçük bazıları ise büyüktür. İnekte kaç tane leke olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"", + "text": "Keçi, \"Mee, mee!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?", + "text": "Keçi neden musluktan damlayan suya bakıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?", + "text": "Keçi susamış mı, acıkmış mı yoksa ikisi birden mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.", + "text": "Bir keçinin kaç boynuzu vardır? Başlarında iki adet sert şeyler büyüyen başka hayvanlardan bazılarının isimlerini söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"", + "text": "At, \"Neğihii!\" diye kişniyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?", + "text": "At da boş bir yemliğe doğru bakıyor. At, ön sol bacağıyla neye işaret ediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte atın bacaklarını sayın. Sadece iki bacağı olan bir çiftlik hayvanı düşünebiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?", + "text": "İki veya dörtten farklı bacak sayısına sahip başka hayvanlar mı? Peki, ya böcekler ve örümcekler? Onların kaç tane bacaklarının olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"", + "text": "Domuz, \"Pırt!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?", + "text": "Bazı insanlar domuzların \"Oyink!\" sesi çıkardıklarını düşünürler. Sizce domuzlar ne derler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!", + "text": "Domuzun iki kulağı, iki gözü ve iki burun deliği vardır. Bir domuzun iki ağzı olsaydı, nasıl olurdu bir hayal edin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, domuzun önündeki çiti oluşturan direkleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"", + "text": "Tavuk, \"Gıt gıt gıdak!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?", + "text": "Bir tavuk sadece iki bacağı olan bir çiftlik hayvanıdır. Orada başka hayvanlar var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.", + "text": "Civcivleri sayın ve toplamda kaç tane tavuk olduğunu da sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One more than three makes how many?", + "text": "Üçün bir fazlası kaç eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog says, \"Woof.\"", + "text": "Köpek, \"Hav!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.", + "text": "Mama kabı boş ve köpek acıkmış görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of bags by the fence.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çitin yanındaki torbaları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, köşedeki tırmığın üzerindeki dişlerin sayısını sayın. Sayacak başka şeyler daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"", + "text": "Çiftçi, \"Şşşş!\" diyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?", + "text": "Çiftçi neden \"Şşşş!\" diyor? Çiftçi hayvanlar tarafından rahatsız edilmekten bıktı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the animals waiting for?", + "text": "Hayvanlar neyi bekliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals are waiting for their food?", + "text": "Kaç tane hayvan yiyeceklerini bekliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One night Grandpa was tucking me in. His hands were soft and his hair was thin.", + "text": "Bir gece, dedem beni yatağıma yatırıyordu. Elleri yumuşacık ve saçları çok inceydi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two words rhyme when their endings sound alike. Look for the rhyming words on many of the pages of this story. For this page, \"in\" and \"thin\" are the rhyming words.", + "text": "Eğer iki kelimenin sonları birbiriyle benzer seslerdeyse, o kelimeler kafiyelidir (uyaklıdır). Bu hikâyenin sayfalarındaki kafiyeli sözcükleri arayın. Bu sayfada, örneğin, “birbiri” ve “elleri” kelimeleri kafiyelidir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other words that rhyme with in and thin. (fin, din, kin, tin, win, bin, grin)", + "text": "“Birbiri” ve “elleri” kelimeleriyle kafiyeli olan başka kelimeler düşünün. (geri, beri, ileri, cari, hayri, gari, sari)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Putting things in pairs can be fun. However, not everything can be paired up. There are five buttons on Grandpa's coat, and no matter how you pair them up there will be one left over -- that's because five is an odd number!", + "text": "Bir şeyleri eşleştirmek eğlenceli olabilir. Ama her şey eşleşemeyebilir. Dede’nin montunda 5 tane düğme var ve hangi türlü eşleştirirseniz eşleştirin, bir düğme hep açıkta kalacaktır -- bunun nedeni beş sayısı ‘tek sayı’dır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I'm going to tell you a special story, about a girl named Lory Dory.", + "text": "“Lory Dory adındaki bir kız hakkında sana özel bir hikâye anlatacağım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Hearing someone tell you a story is a special treat. Someone is reading this story to you right now. How does it make you feel?", + "text": "Birisinin size bir hikâye anlatması özel bir hediyedir. Şu anda birisi size bu hikâyeyi okuyor. Bu size kendinizi nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When lines are lined up and go in exactly the same direction they are called parallel lines. The artist has drawn this room in a style with almost no parallel lines. Point out some parallel lines where you are right now.", + "text": "Çizgiler sıralanıp tam olarak aynı yöne gittiğinde, onlara ‘paralel çizgiler’ denir. İllüstratör bu odayı neredeyse hiç paralel çizgi olmayan bir stilde çizmiş! Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı paralel çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the rhyming words on this page?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki kafiyeli (uyaklı) kelimeler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You couldn't see Lory Dory at all because she was born invisible.", + "text": "Lory Dory’yi hiç göremezdin çünkü o görünmez doğmuştu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think it feels to be invisible? You could go places and no one would know you were there. Would you like to be invisible?", + "text": "Sizce görünmez olmak nasıl hissettirir? Bir yerlere gidebilirsiniz ve hiç kimse sizin orada olduğunuzu bilemez. Görünmez olmak ister miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you are invisible and you put clothes on, are the clothes invisible too?", + "text": "Eğer siz görünmezseniz ve üzerinize kıyafetlerinizi giydiğinizde, kıyafetleriniz de mi görünmez olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lory Dory in this picture? How can you tell?", + "text": "Bu resimde Lory Dory nerede? Nasıl anladınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You'd only see Lory when rain hit her head.", + "text": "Lory’yi sadece başına yağmur çarptığında görürsün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you see a shape by seeing an empty space in a picture, that is called \"negative space.\" You can tell where Lory is by seeing the negative space where there is no rain.", + "text": "Bir resimdeki boş bir alanda bir şekil gördüğünüzde, buna “negatif uzay” (negatif alan) denir. Yağmurun olmadığı negatif uzayı fark ederek Lory’nin nerede olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The rain lines in this picture are lined up. Those lines are parallel lines.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yağmur çizgileri sıra sıra dizilmişler. Bu çizgiler paralel çizgilerdir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look for parallel lines around you. Most of them will probably be horizontal lines (going side to side) or vertical lines (going up and down). Are there any other parallel lines around you?", + "text": "Etrafınızda paralel çizgiler arayın. Onların çoğu muhtemelen yatay (bir yandan öbür yana doğru giden) veya dikey (yukarı veya aşağı doğru giden) çizgilerdir. Etrafınızda başka paralel çizgiler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Or when she was curled under blankets in bed.", + "text": "Ya da yatakta battaniyelerin altında kıvrılmışken görürsün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The artist took many liberties with this drawing. There are extra squiggles that aren't really there. What else is extra in the picture? (the big red area)", + "text": "İllüstratör bu çizimde çok fazla alışılmışın dışına çıkmış. Gerçekte orada olmayan fazladan kısa, eğri, dalgalı çizgiler var. Resimde fazladan konulan başka ne var? (büyük kırmızı alan)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the artist put in those extra things?", + "text": "İllüstratör bu ekstra şeyleri neden oraya eklemiş?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the easiest part of Lory to see in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde Lory’nin, görülmesi en kolay kısmı neresi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory was left out of all the kids' games. They teased her and they called her names.", + "text": "Lory tüm çocukların oyunlarından dışlanmıştı. Çocuklar onunla dalga geçip ona isimler taktılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We can see Lory in this picture by her negative space and her eyes.", + "text": "Bu resimde Lory’yi onun negatif uzayından ve gözlerinden görebiliyoruz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you suppose her eyelashes are visible when the rest of her is not?", + "text": "Sizce Lory’nin geri kalanı görünmezken kirpikleri neden görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People often make fun of someone who is different in some way. Have you ever been made fun for this reason? Have you made fun of someone for this reason? Why do you think people do this?", + "text": "İnsanlar genellikle bir şekilde farklı olan biriyle dalga geçerler. Siz hiç bu gibi bir nedenle alay konusu oldunuz mu? Peki ya siz, hiç bu bahsedilen nedenle başka birisiyle dalga geçtiniz mi? Sizce insanlar bunu neden yaparlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look, it's Lory. The Imaginary Friend! She's not like us, she's just pretend!", + "text": "“Bak, bu Lory. Hayali Arkadaş! O bizim gibi değil, o sadece görünmez!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The umbrellas are divided into areas that are triangles. Triangles are shapes with three straight sides. Do you see any triangles where you are?", + "text": "Resimdeki şemsiyeler üçgen alanlara bölünmüşler. Üçgenler üç düz kenarı olan şekillerdir. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç üçgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Triangles are stronger than four-sided shapes. It is much harder to bend triangles and make them lose their shape. Why do you suppose that is?", + "text": "Üçgenler dört kenarlı şekillerden daha güçlüdürler. Üçgenleri bükmek ve şekillerini kaybetmelerini sağlamak dört kenarlı şekillere göre çok daha zordur. Sizce bunun nedeni nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That child is about to throw a snowball. Balls are also called spheres. Spheres roll well and are fun to kick and play with. Do you have any spheres around you?", + "text": "Resimdeki şu çocuk bir kar topu atmak üzere. Toplara ‘küre’ de denir. Küreler iyi yuvarlanırlar ve onları tekmelemek ve onlarla oynamak çok eğlencelidir! Etrafınızda hiç küre var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day at school, a boy wanted to know: \"How do you look? I only see you in snow.\"", + "text": "Bir gün okulda, bir çocuk, “Sen nasıl görünüyorsun? Ben seni sadece karda görüyorum!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did the boy mean when he said \"I only see you in snow.\"? Where is Lory in this picture?", + "text": "Çocuk, “Seni sadece karda görüyorum!” derken ne demek istedi? Lory bu resmin neresinde?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The lines on the boy's shirt go in two directions. The two directions meet each other in the same way as the edges of this page do. Lines that meet this way are said to be perpendicular to each other.", + "text": "Çocuğun gömleğindeki çizgiler iki farklı yöne doğru gidiyor. Tıpkı bu sayfanın kenarlarının birbiriyle buluştukları gibi, çizgiler, bu iki yönde de aynı şekilde buluşuyorlar. Bu şekilde kesişen çizgilerin birbirlerine ‘dik’ oldukları söylenir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point out some perpendicular lines where you are. There will probably be a lot of them! Horizontal and vertical lines are usually perpendicular to each other.", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dik çizgileri gösterin. Muhtemelen onlardan bir sürü vardır! Yatay ve dikey çizgiler genellikle birbirlerine diktir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you paint yourself? Lory knew that she could. But not in the same way the boy thought she would.", + "text": "“Kendi resmini yapabilir misin?” diye sordu. Lory kendi resmini yapabileceğini biliyordu. Fakat çocuğun düşündüğü şekilde değil!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It often happens that someone will mean something different when they say something than what the person hearing it understands. Has that happened to you recently?", + "text": "Birisi bir şey söylediğinde, aslında bunu duyan kişinin anladığından farklı bir şey kastettiği sıklıkla olur. Son zamanlarda başınıza böyle bir şey geldi mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did the boy mean by \"paint yourself\" and what do you think Lory is going to do?", + "text": "Çocuk “kendi resmini yapabilir misin?” derken ne demek istedi ve sizce Lory ne yapacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A partial circle is called an arc. There are at least five arcs on this page -- can you find them all? Can you find more than five?", + "text": "Kısmi bir daireye ‘yay’ denir. Bu sayfada en az beş tane yay var – onların hepsini bulabilir misiniz? Peki ya beşten fazlasını bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory painted her body with all that she loved from the world all around and the sky above.", + "text": "Lory vücudunu, etrafındaki dünyadan ve yukarıdaki gökyüzünden sevdiği her şeyle boyadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The expression \"wearing your feelings on your sleeve\" refers to showing the world how you feel. Do you keep your feelings to yourself or do you show them to the world?", + "text": "“İçi dışı bir olmak” ifadesi, duygularınızı ve nasıl hissettiğinizi dünyaya olduğu gibi göstermek anlamına gelir. Duygularınızı kendinize mi saklarsınız yoksa etrafa gösterir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lory is showing the world all the things she loves. She is wearing her thoughts all over her body!", + "text": "Lory sevdiği her şeyi dünyaya gösteriyor. Özü sözü bir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is inside each of us is invisible to the world until we tell the world. Which things that you love would you like to share with the world?", + "text": "Her birimizin içinde olan şey, biz dünyaya söyleyene kadar aslında o şey dünya için görünmezdir. Sevdiğiniz hangi şeyleri dünyayla paylaşmak isterdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She painted herself every day with such pride, to bring out the person who she was inside.", + "text": "Lory, içindeki o kişiyi ortaya çıkarmak için her gün büyük bir gururla kendi resmini yapıyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which color did she use for her right foot and which one for her left foot?", + "text": "Lory sağ ayağı için hangi rengi ve sol ayağı için hangi rengi kullanmış?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Using paint is a bit messy, but it is one way to show her mark on the world. There are many ways we leave marks on the world without using paint. Can you think of a few?", + "text": "Boyaları kullanmak biraz ortalığı kirletebilir ama boyalar Lory’nin dünyaya iz bırakmasının bir yoludur. Boya kullanmadan da dünyaya iz bırakmanın pek çok yolu vardır. Aklınıza onların birkaçı geliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can count the toe prints one by one, or you can count them by 5's. Skip counting is often a quick way to count a bunch of things! How many toe prints are there?", + "text": "Ayak parmak izlerini tek tek veya beşer beşer atlayarak da sayabilirsiniz. Atlayarak sayma, sıklıkla, bir sürü şeyi saymanın hızlı bir yöntemidir! Orada kaç ayak parmağı izi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I know I'm invisible and hard to see. So I painted these pictures to show the real me.", + "text": "“Görünmez olduğumu ve görülmemin zor olduğunu biliyorum. Bu nedenle, gerçek beni göstermek için bu resimleri yaptım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many different things can you see on her that Lory likes?", + "text": "Lory’nin üzerinde onun çok sevdiği kaç farklı şey görebiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How well does this share who Lory is?", + "text": "Sizce bu, Lory’nin kim olduğunu ne kadar iyi anlatıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which things would be hard to share this way?", + "text": "Hangi şeyleri bu şekilde paylaşmak çok zor olurdu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Are you making this up, Gramps? Is this story true?\" \"Lory is real -- real as me, real as you.\"", + "text": "“Bu hikâyeyi uyduruyor musun, büyükbaba? Bu hikâye gerçek mi?” diye sordum. Büyükbabam, “Lory gerçek – benim kadar, senin kadar gerçek!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story may not be real, but it has a real message. What is the message?", + "text": "Bu hikâye gerçek olmayabilir ama gerçek bir mesaj veriyor. O mesaj nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How well do you think people see the invisible things inside you?", + "text": "Sizce başkaları sizin içinizdeki görünmez şeyleri ne kadar iyi görüyor olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is there something inside you that you would want to keep invisible?", + "text": "İçinizde görünmez kalmasını istediğiniz bir şey var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Grandpa had left me, I can't quite be sure, but I think I saw Lory just outside my door.", + "text": "Büyükbabam gittiğinde, tam olarak emin değilim ama sanırım Lory’yi kapımın hemen dışında gördüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think? Do \"sure\" and \"door\" rhyme?", + "text": "Ne düşünüyorsunuz? “Emin” ve “kapımın” kelimeleri kafiyeli mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Go back and look at all the pairs of rhyming words. Can you find a few more words that go with each pair?", + "text": "Önceki sayfalara geri dönün ve tüm kafiyeli sözcük çiftlerine bir bakın. Her çiftle kafiyeli olan birkaç uyumlu kelime daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some kinds of poems use rhyming words. Have you ever written a poem?", + "text": "Bazı şiir türlerinde kafiyeli sözcükler kullanılır. Hiç şiir yazdınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Long time ago, animals had no legs.\n\nThey all used to crawl.", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, hayvanların bacakları yoktu.\n\nHepsi sürünmeye alışmışlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Imagine if you had to crawl everywhere. How hard would that be?", + "text": "Her yere emeklemek zorunda kaldığınızı hayal edin. Bu sizin için ne kadar zor olurdu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess. Without counting, estimate how many spots the giraffe has. Now count the spots and see how close you came.", + "text": "Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Saymadan, zürafanın kaç beneği olduğunu tahmin edin. Şimdi benekleri sayın ve tahmininizde ne kadar yaklaştığınızı görün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do the estimation game with a friend. When you see a group of things, both of you make a quick estimate for the count. Now count the things and see which of you was closer.", + "text": "Bir arkadaşınızla tahmin oyunu oynayın. Bir grup şey gördüğünüzde, ikiniz de o şeylerin hangi sayıda olduğunu hızlı bir tahminde bulunun. Şimdi, birlikte, nesneleri sayın ve hanginizin o sayıya daha yakın tahminde bulunduğunu görün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Only people had legs, which Maguru gave to them.", + "text": "Sadece Maguru’nun bacak verdiği insanların bacakları vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does one person have? How many limbs do two people have?", + "text": "Kollara ve bacaklara ‘uzuv’ denir. Bir insanın kaç uzvu vardır? İki insanın kaç uzvu vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To find all the limbs for two people, you can count them by 4's as four plus four more. Another way is to count the pairs of limbs by 2's as 2, 4, 6, 8. Of course you can just count them all one at a time. Which way do you like best?", + "text": "İki kişinin tüm uzuvlarını bulmak için onları ‘dört artı dört’ şeklinde dörder dörder sayabilirsiniz. Başka bir yol da uzuv çiftlerini ikişer ikişer, dörder dörder, altışar altışar ve sekizer sekizer saymaktır. Elbette, hepsini teker teker de sayabilirsiniz. En çok hangi sayma yönetimini seviyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are lots of colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü renk var. Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day, Maguru decided to give legs to every animal. He wanted them to walk.\n\nHe told them about it.", + "text": "Bir gün, Maguru, her hayvana bacak vermeye karar verdi. Maguru, hayvanların yürümelerini istedi.\n\nOnlara bunu anlattı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count as many round shapes in this picture as you can.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yuvarlak şekilleri sayabildiğiniz kadar sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The megaphone and the tops of the houses are all cones. Have you ever had food, such as ice cream, out of a cone?", + "text": "Bir noktaya doğru giden yuvarlak şekillere ‘koni’ denir. Resimdeki megafon ve evlerin tepeleri koni şeklindedir. Bir külahtan dondurma gibi bir yiyecek yediniz mi hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru's hand has an unusual number of fingers. Who has more fingers, you or Maguru?", + "text": "Maguru’nun elinin alışılmadık sayıda parmakları var. Kimin daha çok parmağı var – sizin mi yoksa Maguru’nun mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals said, \"It will be very nice to have legs.\"\n\nThey sang and danced.", + "text": "Hayvanlar, “Bacaklarımızın olması çok güzel olacak,” dediler.\n\nBirlikte şarkı söyleyip dans ettiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can dance sitting down and you can dance lying down. Have you ever tried dancing on your knees?", + "text": "Oturarak ve yatarak dans edebilirsiniz. Hiç dizlerinizin üzerinde dans etmeyi denediniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These animals can be grouped in many ways. Some have ears and some do not seem to. Some have bodies with just one color and others do not. Some have skinny tails and others do not. Can you think of some other groupings?", + "text": "Bu hayvanlar pek çok şekillerde gruplandırılabilirler. Bazılarının kulakları var ve bazılarının yok gibi görünüyor. Bazılarının vücutları tek renkli, bazılarının ise değil. Bazılarının ince kuyrukları var, bazılarının ince kuyruğu yok. Bunun gibi başka gruplandırmalar düşünebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grouping things using their properties is an important way we understand things in the world. What are some of your most important properties?", + "text": "Cisimleri, özelliklerini kullanarak gruplandırmak, dünyadaki şeyleri anlamamızın önemli bir yoludur. Peki ya sizin en önemli özelliklerinizden bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals said it was hard to crawl.\n\nThey felt pain.", + "text": "Hayvanlar sürünmenin zor olduğunu söylediler.\n\nOnlar acı hissettiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Would you rather crawl or walk?", + "text": "Peki ya siz? Sürünmeyi mi yoksa yürümeyi mi tercih ederdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the mouse will get legs long enough to put him in the clouds?", + "text": "Sizce fare onu bulutlara eriştirecek kadar uzun bacaklar alacak mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think the crocodile has band-aids on?", + "text": "Sizce timsahın üzerinde neden yara bantları var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When the day came, many animals went to Maguru's house.\n\nGiraffes, lions, elephants, rabbits, crocodiles, and birds stood in a line.", + "text": "Gün geldiğinde, birçok hayvan Maguru’nun evine gitti.\n\nZürafalar, aslanlar, filler, tavşanlar, timsahlar ve kuşlar sıraya (kuyruğa) girdiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's a very long line! Estimate how many animals are in that line.", + "text": "Bu çok uzun bir sıra! Bu sırada kaç hayvan olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the animals and see how close your estimate was. Can you count that high? Was it too high, too low, or exactly right?", + "text": "Tüm hayvanları sayın ve tahmininizin gerçeğe ne kadar yakın olduğunu görün. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Tahmininiz çok mu yüksek, çok mu az yoksa tam tamına doğru muydu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see any animals going down? Do you think there is a different path on the backside of the mountain for going down?", + "text": "Aşağı inen hayvan görüyor musunuz? Sizce dağın arka tarafında aşağı inmek için farklı bir yol mu var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Each animal was given four legs.\n\nBirds were given two legs each.", + "text": "Her hayvana dört ayak verildi.\n\nKuşlara ikişer bacak verildi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Birds are animals, so why are they being treated differently than the other animals?", + "text": "Kuşlar da hayvandır, o zaman neden onlara diğer hayvanlardan farklı davranılıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many fewer feet did birds get than the other animals?", + "text": "Kuşlara diğer hayvanlardan kaç adet daha az ayak verildi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you were a bird, would you feel short-changed getting only two feet, or do you think having two feet is more fun than having four?", + "text": "Siz bir kuş olsaydınız sadece iki ayağınız olduğu için kendinizi eksik mi hissederdiniz yoksa iki ayağınızın olmasının dört ayağınızın olmasından daha mı eğlenceli olduğunu düşünürdünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Everything was different after they got legs.\n\nSome danced for joy. Others fell down.", + "text": "Hayvanlar bacaklara sahip olduktan sonra, artık her şey farklıydı.\n\nBazıları sevinçten dans etti. Bazıları yere düştü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at their faces. What are the different feelings these animals have?", + "text": "Yüzlerine bakın. Bu hayvanların sahip oldukları farklı duygular nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the animals are having trouble with their new legs. Is it fun for you when you try something new, or is it frustrating sometimes? What is something new you tried that was difficult for you?", + "text": "Bazı hayvanlar yeni bacaklarıyla sorun yaşıyor. Sizin için yeni bir şey denemek eğlenceli mi yoksa bazen sinir bozucu mu? Zor olsa da denediğiniz yeni bir şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of these animals have four legs and how many have two? What is the total number of legs on this page?", + "text": "Bu hayvanlardan kaçının dört, kaçının iki bacağı var? Bu sayfadaki toplam bacak sayısı kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They went to show people.\n\nThe animals said, \"We will never crawl again.\"", + "text": "Bacaklarını insanlara göstermeye gittiler.\n\nHayvanlar, “Bir daha asla sürünmeyeceğiz,” dediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People are animals and only have two legs. According to this story, does that mean that people are birds?", + "text": "Bu hikâyede insanlar da hayvandır ve sadece iki ayakları vardır. O halde, hikâyeye göre, bu, insanların kuş olduğu anlamına mı geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it possible for two types of animals to have a property in common, such as having two legs, and still be different? How much do two things have to have in common to be the same?", + "text": "İki tür hayvanın iki bacağa sahip olmak gibi aynı ortak özelliğe sahip olması ama yine de farklı olmaları mümkün müdür? İki şeyin aynı olması için ne kadar ortak özelliğe sahip olması gerekir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of these animals has four legs, but it is standing on two of them. Which one is it?", + "text": "Resimdeki bu hayvanlardan birinin normalde dört bacağı var ama iki bacağının üzerinde duruyor. O hayvan hangisi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The last one in the line was Millipede. Maguru asked, \"Is there anyone else after you?\"\n\nMillipede answered, \"No, I am the last one.\"", + "text": "Sıradaki son kişi kırkayak (millipede) idi. Maguru, “Senden sonra başka kimse var mı?” diye sordu.\n\nKırkayak cevap verdi, “Hayır, ben en sonuncuyum.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you are in line and there is no one after you, you are the last one. Where are you in line if there is no one before you?", + "text": "Sırada (kuyrukta) olduğunuzda ve sizden sonra kimse yoksa, en sonuncu sizsinizdir. Peki ya sizden önce kimse yoksa, o zaman sıranın neresindesiniz demektir?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why was it important to Maguru that Millipede is last? Do you think Maguru is tired of giving legs to animals?", + "text": "Kırkayağın sonuncu olması Maguru için neden önemliydi? Sizce Maguru hayvanlara bacak vermekten bıkmış mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think will happen next?", + "text": "Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru thought, \"He is the last one. What will I do with the rest of the legs?\"\n\nMaguru gave Millipede all the remaining legs.", + "text": "Maguru, “Kırkayak sonuncusu. Bu artakalan bacakları ne yapacağım ben?” diye düşündü.\n\nMaguru, artakalan tüm bacakları kırkayağa verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Millipede looks very happy to have so many legs. Would you like to have that many legs?", + "text": "Kırkayak bu kadar çok bacağa sahip olduğu için çok mutlu görünüyor. Siz de bu kadar çok bacağınızın olmasını ister miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you had so many legs, think of all the shoes you would need. Tying your shoes in the morning would take forever!", + "text": "Bu kadar çok bacağınız olsaydı, ihtiyacınızın olacağı tüm ayakkabıları bir düşünün bakalım! Sabahları ayakkabılarınızı bağlamak sonsuza kadar sürerdi!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count high enough to count all of Millipede's feet? Millipede's name means \"thousand feet.\" The record for a millipede is 750 feet, so the name is not exactly correct.", + "text": "Kırkayağın (millipede) tüm ayaklarını sayabilmek için o kadar çok ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Millipede, “bin ayak” anlamına gelir. Bir millipede için rekor ayak sayısı 1306’dır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Millipede was very happy. He said, \"I will move faster than others.\"", + "text": "Kırkayak çok mutluydu. “Ben diğerlerinden daha hızlı hareket edeceğim,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think an animal moves faster because it has more feet? Can you think of four-legged animals that move more slowly than people?", + "text": "Sizce bir hayvan daha fazla ayağı olduğu için mi daha hızlı hareket eder? İnsanlardan daha yavaş hareket eden dört ayaklı hayvanlar biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a millipede? They do not move very quickly at all! Why do you suppose they are so slow?", + "text": "Hiç kırkayak (millipede) gördünüz mü? Aslında millipede’ler hiç de hızlı hareket etmezler! Sizce onlar neden o kadar yavaşlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Clouds often look like the clouds in this picture; they have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Do you have any ideas on why that would be?", + "text": "Bulutlar genellikle bu resimdeki bulutlar gibi görünürler; düz tabanları ve kabarık üstleri vardır. Bunun nedeni hakkında bir fikriniz var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After Millipede left, Snake came to Maguru's house. He said to Maguru, \"Please give me some legs.\"", + "text": "Kırkayak gittikten sonra, Yılan, Maguru’nun evine geldi. Maguru’ya, “Lütfen bana biraz bacak ver!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Uh oh! There are no more legs and Snake needs some. How would you solve this problem?", + "text": "Ah! Vah! Başka bacak kalmadı ama yılanın bacağa ihtiyacı var. Siz olsaydınız, bu sorunu nasıl çözerdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides that look like this page. How many rectangles can you find on this page?", + "text": "Dikdörtgenler dört düz kenarı olan ve bu sayfa gibi görünen şekillerdir. Bu sayfada kaç tane dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Squares are rectangles with four equal sides. Can you find the rectangle on this page that is a square?", + "text": "Kareler, dört eşit kenarı olan dikdörtgenlerdir. Bu sayfadaki kare olan dikdörtgeni bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru said, \"I have given out all the legs. Where were you?\"\n\nSnake answered, \"I overslept.\"", + "text": "Maguru, “Bütün bacakları dağıttım. Sen neredeydin?” dedi.\n\nYılan, “Uyuyakalmışım,” diye cevap verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at their faces. How do they feel?", + "text": "Yüzlerine bakın. Sizce nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever overslept? Was it fun to sleep in, or did you feel guilty about sleeping so long?", + "text": "Siz hiç uyuyakaldınız mı? Uyumak eğlenceli miydi yoksa o kadar uzun süre uyuduğunuz için kendinizi suçlu mu hissettiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count all the stripes on this page? Can you count that high?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki tüm çizgileri (şeritleri) sayabilir misiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru looked to see if there were legs remaining.\n\nHe did not find any.", + "text": "Maguru hiç bacak olup olmadığına baktı.\n\nHiç bacak bulamadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe some of the rectangles on this page. Are any of them squares?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenlerden bazılarını tanımlayın. İçlerinde kare olanlar var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you can only see part of something that has a stripe, it can look like a rectangle. Describe a few of those on this page.", + "text": "Şeritli bir şeyin sadece bir kısmını görebildiğinizde, o şey dikdörtgen gibi görünebilir. Bu sayfada böyle olan şekillerden birkaçını gösterip anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are no legs where Maguru looked. When you have none of something, you have 0 of them. Zero is a very useful number for describing not having anything. Name some silly things that you have zero of!", + "text": "Maguru’nun baktığı yerde hiç bacak yok. Bir şeyden hiç yoksa ondan 0 tane vardır. Sıfır, hiçbir şeye sahip olmamayı tanımlamak için çok kullanışlı bir rakamdır. Sıfır sayıda sahip olduğunuz bazı şeyleri söyleyin!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Maguru said to Snake, \"Sorry. There are no legs left.\" Snake crawled home without legs.\n\nFrom that day, Snake does not sleep much. He is waiting to be first in line to get legs.", + "text": "Maguru, “Üzgünüm. Hiç bacak kalmamış,” dedi. Yılan bacaksız bir halde sürünerek evine gitti.\n\nYılan o günden beri pek uyumaz. Bacaklara kavuşmak için sıranın kendisine gelmesini bekler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is a very sad day for Snake! Have you ever been sad that others got something that you did not? Were you happy for the others, or just sad that you were left out?", + "text": "Yılan için çok üzücü bir gün! Sizin alamadığınız bir şeyi başkaları aldığında üzüldünüz mü hiç? Diğerleri için mutlu mu oldunuz yoksa dışlanmış gibi hissettiğiniz için sadece üzüldünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of some other animals that have zero legs?", + "text": "Sıfır bacaklı başka hayvanlar biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There is a cloud next to Maguru that is quite strange! The cloud is between Snake and Maguru's home. It must be a very tiny cloud!", + "text": "Maguru’nun yanında oldukça tuhaf bir bulut var! Bulut, Yılan ve Maguru’nun evinin arasında. O çok küçük bir bulut olmalı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My sister's dress is too big for me!", + "text": "Ablamın elbisesi bana çok büyük!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?", + "text": "Siz de bazen başka birisinin kıyafetlerini giyer misiniz? Giydiğinizde, o kişinin yerine geçtiğinizi hayal etmek eğlenceli mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?", + "text": "Elbisenin ve kemerin çok büyük olduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki dikdörtgenleri gösterin. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.", + "text": "Ağabeyimin forması bana çok büyük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?", + "text": "Kızın yüzüne bakarak, çok büyük bir formaya sahip olmak hakkında sizce kız ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?", + "text": "Kızın üstündeki turuncu elbise kız için doğru bedende mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yeni dikdörtgenlere dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!", + "text": "Benim çantam büyük.\n\nAma çok büyük değil!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this bag too big for her?", + "text": "Bu çanta kıza çok mu büyük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the clasps on the bag.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çantanın üzerindeki tokaları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?", + "text": "O çanta sizin olsaydı içerisine neler koyardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This old belt is too small for me.", + "text": "Bu eski kemer bana çok küçük.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?", + "text": "Bu çocuğun küçükken taktığı eski kemeri neden ona çok küçük gelmiş olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?", + "text": "Kızın yüzündeki ifade, kızın kemeri hakkında ne hissettiğini anlatıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?", + "text": "Kız şu ana kadar kaç parça kıyafet denedi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is my doll's hat.", + "text": "Bu, benim oyuncak bebeğimin şapkası.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?", + "text": "Bu, kızın denediği ona uymayan dördüncü parça. Kız bu konu hakkında ne hissediyor? Kızın cesaretinin kırıldığını düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, sandalyenin arkasını oluşturan tahta parçalarını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?", + "text": "Kızın iki gözü, iki kulağı, iki kolu var ama bir ağzı ve bir burnu var. Resimde, çizgi olan yerdeki kızın vücudunun parçaları nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!", + "text": "Çoraplarım doğru ölçüde.\n\nAma yanlış renkteler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?", + "text": "Kızın saç tokaları da dahil olmak üzere, kız hangi renkleri giyinmiş?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?", + "text": "Sizce kızın çorapları yanlış renkte mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?", + "text": "Sandalye resmi birkaç dikdörtgenden oluşuyor. Onların kaç tanesini bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These are my new shoes.", + "text": "Bunlar benim yeni ayakkabılarım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?", + "text": "Diğer tüm o kıyafetlerden sonra, sizce bu ayakkabılar kıza uyacak mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where did she go?", + "text": "Kız nereye gitti?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?", + "text": "Bu ayakkabılar farklı bir odada olmalılar – kapı ve pencereler farklı renkteler. Onlar daha önce hangi renkteydiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They fit me very well.", + "text": "Bunlar bana çok iyi uydular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?", + "text": "Kızın şapkası oyuncak bebeğinin şapkasıyla aynı mı? Size çok küçük mü görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?", + "text": "Sizce kızın o elbisesiyle birlikte bir kemere ihtiyacı var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she ready for school now?", + "text": "Kız şimdi okula hazır mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Let me tell you about the palm tree.", + "text": "Size palmiye ağacı hakkında bilgi vereyim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.", + "text": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde palmiye ağaçları var mı? Birçok palmiye ağacı çeşidi vardır – belki sizinkiler bunlardan farklı görünüyorlardır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.", + "text": "Resimdeki adamın kolyesinde sarı ve kırmızı boncuklardan oluşan tekrar eden bir desen var. Deseni kullanarak boncukları ikişer ikişer sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.", + "text": "Kulaklarında halkalar var. Adamın üzerinde kaç tane halka şeklinde (veya ilmekli) parçalar var? Her tarafına baktığınızdan emin olun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This tree lives when everything else is dry.", + "text": "Bu ağaç, diğer her şey kuruduğunda bile yaşar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.", + "text": "Su çoğu canlı için gereklidir. Palmiye ağaçları kurak yerlerde çok az su kullanma konusunda akıllıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.", + "text": "Dallar yukarılara doğru gittikçe iki dala ayrılır. Ağacın yapraklar başlamadan önceki kısmındaki görebildiğiniz dallarını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the bones and stones on the ground.", + "text": "Yerdeki kemikleri ve taşları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.", + "text": "Bir palmiye ağacının gölgesi her zaman serindir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?", + "text": "Palmiye ağacının gölgesini serin yapan özel bir şey var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the shade of all trees cool?", + "text": "Tüm ağaçların gölgeleri serin midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?", + "text": "Bu kişi bu gölgenin içine zar zor sığıyor. Neden bu kadar küçük bir ağaç seçti? Belki yakınlarda başka ağaç yoktur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We eat fruit from the palm tree.", + "text": "Palmiye ağacından meyveler yeriz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.", + "text": "Yemekten hoşlandığınız meyve türlerinin isimlerini söyleyin ve sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?", + "text": "Resimdekilerin saçları sıra sıra örülmüş. Hangisinde daha fazla sıra var? Örgü sayıları arasındaki fark nedir — bir sayı öbüründen ne kadar daha fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?", + "text": "Daha büyük bir kişinin saçlarında daha fazla örgü sırasına sahip olması mantıklı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.", + "text": "Evlerimizin damlarını örtmek için palmiyelerin yapraklarını kullanırız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.", + "text": "Bu ev yuvarlak bir şekle sahip. Yuvarlak evleri inşa etmek daha kolaydır ve daha fazla alan kaplar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any round buildings where you live?", + "text": "Sizin yaşadığınız hiç yerde yuvarlak yapılar var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?", + "text": "Toplar ve ampuller genellikle yuvarlaktır. Etrafınızdaki yuvarlak şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.", + "text": "Palmiye yapraklarından süpürgeler ve kilimler (paspaslar) yaparız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?", + "text": "Etrafınızdaki eşyalar arasında hangileri doğrudan ağaçlardan veya diğer doğal malzemelerden yapılmışlar gibi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki palmiye ağacından yapılmış farklı şeyleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?", + "text": "Resimdeki kadının taktığı halkaların sayısını sayın. Bu sayı, daha önceki sayfadaki adamın sahip olduğu halkaların sayısından daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.", + "text": "Palmiye ağacı tohumlarını yakıt olarak kullanırız.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?", + "text": "Palmiye ağacı tohumlarını yakmak olası ısı kaynaklarından biridir. Siz yaşadığınız yerde ısıyı nasıl elde ediyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?", + "text": "Yemek pişirmek dışında, ısının diğer kullanım alanları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?", + "text": "Değer biçme (kestirme), kısmi bilgilere dayanan eğitimli bir tahmindir. Bu sepetteki tohumların sayısını tahmin edin (kestirin). Tahmininiz, bildiğiniz sayıdan daha mı büyük?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you see why the palm tree is important?", + "text": "Artık palmiye ağacının neden önemli olduğunu anlıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.", + "text": "Palmiye ağacının onlar için kaç farklı şekilde faydalı olduğunu listeleyip sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?", + "text": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde önemli kullanımları olan bazı ağaçlar nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?", + "text": "Faydalı olsun veya olmasın, yakınınızdaki en sevdiğiniz ağaçlarınızdan bazıları nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Ndalo.", + "text": "Bu, Ndalo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, gördüğünüz hayvanların türlerini belirleyip her bir türü sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki hangi hayvan türü orada en çok sayıda olandır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Ndalo'nun gömleğindeki düğmeleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo likes to read books.", + "text": "Ndalo kitap okumayı sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, masadaki Ndalo’nun önündeki kitapları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!", + "text": "Ndalo’nun yüzünden onun okumayı ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlayabilirsiniz!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like hearing stories from books?", + "text": "Siz kitaplardan hikâyeler okumayı sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is Pendo.", + "text": "Bu, Pendo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü küçük ayrıntılar var. Bulabildiğiniz hayvanları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees and power poles do you see?", + "text": "Kaç tane ağaç ve elektrik direği görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.", + "text": "Etrafta dolaşan zar zor görebildiğiniz insanları gösterip sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo likes to eat carrots.", + "text": "Pendo havuç yemeyi sever.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?", + "text": "Pendo’ya bakarak onun havuç sevdiğini söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?", + "text": "Siz havuç yemeyi sever misiniz? Sizin en sevdiğiniz sebze nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?", + "text": "Pendo, iki havuç yiyor ve Ndalo ise üç tane havuç tutuyor. İkinin üç fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.", + "text": "Ndalo, okuldan sonra Pendo’yu otlatır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.", + "text": "Bahçedeki tüm farklı hayvanları sayın veya sadece en sevdiklerinizi sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?", + "text": "Orada en çok hangi hayvan türünden var ve hangisi en azdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?", + "text": "Pendo ve keçiler hangi yiyecekleri yiyorlar? Siz ot yemeyi seveceğinizi düşünebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He gives fresh water to Pendo.", + "text": "Ndalo, Pendo’ya temiz su veriyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?", + "text": "Ndalo, Pendo'ya bakma konusunda çok iyi. Sizin baktığınız bir hayvanınız var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.", + "text": "Birçok renge işaret edin – Pendo kahverengidir, Ndalo'nun gömleği mavidir, kova sarıdır, çimen yeşildir ve su leğeninin altı pembedir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?", + "text": "Pendo, Ndalo'nun yanında çok büyük görünüyor. Sizce Pendo, Ndalo'dan kaç kat daha büyüktür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father gives grain to Pendo.", + "text": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’ya tahıl veriyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?", + "text": "Kedi, Pendo’nun tahılı yemesini seyrediyor. Sizce kedi de tahıldan biraz istiyor mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think the cat is waiting for?", + "text": "Sizce kedi neyi bekliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?", + "text": "Pendo, aileye bol bol süt sağlıyor. Kedi, aileye ne veriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He milks Pendo every day.", + "text": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’yu her gün sağıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?", + "text": "Kedi hâlâ bekliyor. Belki de kedi biraz sıçrayan sütten istiyordur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?", + "text": "Pendo'nun arka iki bacağı neden elektrik direğine bağlı? Sizce Pendo, sağılmaktan hoşlanıyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki birçok dikdörtgenden birkaçını gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pendo gives a lot of milk.", + "text": "Pendo çok fazla süt veriyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of milk containers.", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, süt kaplarını sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?", + "text": "Arkalarındaki pencere ‘bölme’ adı verilen kısımlara ayrılmıştır. Orada kaç tane bölme var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.", + "text": "Sıvı kapları genellikle yuvarlaktır ancak sütler bazen kutu şeklindeki süt kartonlarında da gelir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Father sells Pendo's milk.", + "text": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’nun sütünü satıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.", + "text": "Babanın gömleğinde bazı ilginç desenler var. Gömlekteki çizgileri ve siyah elmasları gösterip tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe this woman's colorful dress.", + "text": "Bu kadının renkli elbisesini tarif edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"", + "text": "Duvardaki kâğıttaki resim nedir? Tabelada, \"Süt burada!\" yazıyor.\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.", + "text": "Ndalo her gün taze süt içer.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?", + "text": "Ndalo’nun süt içmiş olduğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?", + "text": "Siz bir şey içtiğinizde ağzınızın etrafında sıvı kalır mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?", + "text": "Burada bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Görebildiğiniz kapıları ve pencereleri sayın. Orada pencerelerden daha fazla mı yoksa daha az mı kapı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"", + "text": "\"Teşekkür ederim, Pendo!\" diyor Ndalo.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?", + "text": "Ndalo'nun ailesi Pendo’yu besleyip ona bakıyor ve Pendo da onlara süt veriyor. Sizce bu adil bir ticaret gibi mi görünüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.", + "text": "Yiyeceklerinizin geldiği bazı yerler hakkında konuşun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?", + "text": "Yiyeceklerinizin geldiği yerlere minnettar mısınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A long time ago, in the vast city of Johannesburg, a baby girl was born. That baby was me. My mom called me Miriam. Miriam Makeba.", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, çok büyük Johannesburg kentinde bir kız bebek dünyaya geldi. O bebek bendim. Annem bana ‘Miriam’ derdi. Miriam Makeba.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She is sitting on a three-legged stool. Most chairs have four legs. What is better about having three legs?", + "text": "Resimdeki kadın üç bacaklı bir taburede oturuyor. Çoğu sandalyenin dört bacağı vardır. Üç bacaklı olmasının nesi daha iyidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This story has lots of rectangles. A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners that are right angles, like the corners of this page. Point to some rectangles in this picture.", + "text": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Bir dikdörtgen, dört düz kenarı ve bu sayfanın köşeleri gibi dik açılı köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are rectangles all around you. Point to some rectangles where you are.", + "text": "Etrafınızda bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mom was a sangoma, but she also worked to make other people's homes neat and clean. It was hard for my mom to earn enough for both of us. She started selling homemade beer to bring in more money.", + "text": "Annem bir şifacıydı (sangoma) ama başkalarının evlerini tertipli ve temiz hâle getirmek için de çalışırdı. Annem için ikimize yetecek kadar para kazanmak zordu. Daha fazla para kazanmak için ev yapımı bira satmaya başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A sangoma is an herbalist or a healer. Do you like going to the doctor?", + "text": "Bir şifacı (sangoma) şifalı otlarla bitkisel tedaviler uygulayan kişidir. Doktora gitmeyi seviyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the rectangles that are beautiful shades of blue in this picture. How many do you count? Did you count them by 1's, 2's, or in some other way?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki mavinin güzel tonlarında olan dikdörtgenlere bir bakın! Kaç dikdörtgen sayabilirsiniz? Onları teker teker mi, ikişer ikişer mi yoksa başka bir şekilde mi saydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to some rectangles that are not blue, if you can find any.", + "text": "Eğer bulabilirseniz, mavi olmayan bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The laws of the land said that selling homemade beer was wrong. The police sent my mom to jail for six long months. I was only 18 days old, and needed my mom. So even though I was a baby, I went to jail too.", + "text": "Ülkedeki yasalar ev yapımı bira satmanın yanlış olduğunu söylüyordu. Polis annemi altı ay hapse gönderdi. Ben daha 18 günlüktüm ve anneme ihtiyacım vardı. Bebek olmama rağmen, ben de hapse girdim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at their faces, how are Miriam and her mother feeling? How were they feeling on the previous page?", + "text": "Yüzlerine baktığınızda, sizce Miriam ve annesi bu resimde nasıl hissediyorlar? Bir önceki sayfada nasıl hissediyorlardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "More and more rectangles! There are lots of rectangles, but there are also some other shapes -- can you find them?", + "text": "Daha da çok dikdörtgen! Bir sürü dikdörtgen var ama burada başka şekiller de var – onları bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are circles for the eyes, beads, and hoop earrings. There is a downturned arc, which is a part of a circle, for the mother's mouth.", + "text": "Gözler, boncuklar ve halka küpeler için daireler var. Annenin ağzı için ise dairenin bir parçası olan aşağı dönük bir yay da var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As a little girl I loved to sing. When I was older, I helped my mom clean houses. Singing songs as I worked made the chores go faster and the days seem brighter. Singing made me happier than I can explain.", + "text": "Küçük bir kız çocuğuyken, şarkı söylemeyi çok severdim. Büyüdüğümde, anneme evleri temizlemesinde de yardım ettim. Çalışırken şarkı söylemek, ev işlerinin daha hızlı yapılmasını ve günlerin daha parlak geçmesini sağladı. Şarkı söylemek beni açıklayamayacağım kadar mutlu ediyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What in this page shows that she is singing? Do you know how to read music notes on a page?", + "text": "Bu sayfada Miriam’ın şarkı söylediğini gösteren neler var? Bir sayfadaki notaları nasıl okuyacağınızı biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to sing? Some people have trouble hearing the right notes to sing, but with practice and listening they can get much better at it.", + "text": "Peki ya siz, şarkı söylemeyi sever misiniz? Bazı insanlar şarkı söylemek için doğru notaları duymakta zorlanırlar ancak pratik yaparak ve dinleyerek bu konuda çok daha iyi olabilirler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are a very common shape in most rooms. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?", + "text": "Dikdörtgenler, çoğu odada bulunan çok yaygın şekillerdir. Bu resimde kaç tane dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I sang in my church, and this made others happy too. Music has the power to bring people together. When we were singing we felt brave and strong.", + "text": "Kilisemizde şarkı söylerdim ve bu, başkalarını da mutlu ederdi. Müziğin insanları bir araya getirme gücü vardır. Şarkı söylerken kendimizi cesur ve güçlü hissederdik.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it surprise you to read that she felt brave and strong while singing? What do you think she meant by that?", + "text": "Miriam’ın şarkı söylerken kendisini cesur ve güçlü hissettiğini okumak sizi şaşırttı mı? Sizce bununla ne demek istedi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "These windows are not rectangles! One of the windows is a circle. We can't see the whole scene, but it looks like the other windows have arched tops. An arch is part of an oval.", + "text": "Bu pencereler dikdörtgen değil! Pencerelerden biri daire şeklinde. Sahnenin tamamını göremiyoruz ama diğer pencerelerin üst kısımları kemerli gibi görünüyor. Kemer, ovalin bir parçasıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Look at the particularly interesting interplay of shapes on the blue dress. Shapes can be combined in such interesting ways!", + "text": "Özellikle, mavi elbisenin üzerindeki şekillerin ilginç etkileşimlerine bakın. Şekiller çok ilginç biçimlerde bir araya getirilebilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People said my voice was a gift and my songs were special. I sang with other musicians and our music was heard all over the world.", + "text": "İnsanlar, sesimin Tanrı vergisi bir yetenek olduğunu ve şarkılarımın özel olduğunu söylerlerdi. Diğer müzisyenlerle birlikte de şarkı söylerdim ve müziğimiz dünyanın her yerinde duyulurdu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Miriam is standing in a spotlight shining down from a bright light in the ceiling. The spotlight makes a cone of light that the singer can be in and stand on the stage. People can have cones that are funnels or ice cream cones.", + "text": "Miriam tavandaki parlak bir ışıktan aşağıya doğru inen parlak bir spot ışığının altında duruyor. Spot ışığı, şarkıcının içinde olabileceği ve sahnede durabileceği bir ışık konisi oluşturuyor. İnsanların huni ya da dondurma külahı gibi konileri olabilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When a spotlight shines straight down it makes a circle on the stage floor. When it shines from the side, the shape on the floor is called an oval or an ellipse. Do you see any ellipses where you are?", + "text": "Bir spot ışığı doğrudan aşağıya doğru parladığında sahne zemininde bir ‘daire’ oluşturur. Yandan parladığında ise zemindeki şekil ‘oval’ veya ‘elips’ olur. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç elips görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Other than the spotlight, what other ovals or parts of ovals do you see in this picture?", + "text": "Spot ışığı dışında, bu resimde başka hangi ovalleri veya oval parçalarını görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "My home was Sophiatown, a place of culture and music. Sophiatown is a place where South Africans could make music and harmony and dance together. But the people who ruled the land at the time did not like this togetherness. Those rulers didn't want black and white people to be friends.", + "text": "Benim evim bir kültür ve müzik mekânı olan Sophiatown idi. Sophiatown, Güney Afrikalıların birlikte müzik ve ahenk yapıp dans edebildikleri bir yerdi. Lâkin o dönemde ülkeyi yöneten insanlar bu birliktelikten hoşlanmıyorlardı. O yöneticiler, siyah ve beyazların arkadaş olmasını istemiyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Unfortunately, some people pay attention to things that are different about people, such as skin color, how tall they are, or the place where they come from. Are there some differences that keep you away from some people?", + "text": "Ne yazık ki bazı kişiler, insanların ten renkleri, ne kadar uzun oldukları ya da nereli oldukları gibi insanlarda farklı olan şeylere dikkat ederler. Sizi bazı insanlardan uzak tutan farklılıklarınız var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Music is something that can be shared and it can help bring people together. What brings you together with your friends?", + "text": "Müzik paylaşılabilen bir şeydir ve insanları bir araya getirmeye yardımcı olabilir. Sizi arkadaşlarınızla bir araya getiren nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think doing math is something that can be shared and bring people together?", + "text": "Sizce matematik de paylaşılabilen ve insanları bir araya getirebilen bir şey midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I knew it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color. I did not hide my beliefs, and so those people in charge wanted me out of the country. When I was singing in America, I was told I could never return home.", + "text": "İnsanlara ten renklerinden dolayı farklı davranmanın yanlış olduğunu biliyordum. Bu konudaki inançlarımı gizlemedim ve dolayısıyla, konuyla ilgili yetkililer beni ülkeden atmak istediler. Amerika’da şarkı söylüyorken, bana asla eve dönemeyeceğim söylendi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How is Miriam feeling? How can you tell?", + "text": "Bu resimde Miriam nasıl hissediyor? Bunu nereden anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been away from home and worried about getting back? Did it make you sad, or was it just hard to wait?", + "text": "Hiç evinizden uzak kaldığınız ve geri dönme konusunda endişelendiğiniz oldu mu? Bu sizi üzdü mü yoksa sadece beklemek mi zordu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Clouds can come in many shapes! Notice that the bottoms of these clouds are flat. That often happens with clouds. Look at the clouds where you are, or remember a time when there were lots of clouds -- were they flat on the bottom?", + "text": "Bulutlar birçok şekillerde olabilir! Bu bulutların tabanlarının düz olduğuna dikkat edin. Bu tür şekiller bulutlarda genellikle olur. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bulutlara bakın ya da çok sayıda bulutun olduğu bir ânı hatırlayın – onların tabanları düz müydü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "People all over the world heard my story. My songs and my story helped many to see how there was no fairness in South Africa for those with black skin. I decided to go on singing and telling the truth about my country, no matter what.", + "text": "Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki insanlar hikâyemi duydu. Şarkılarım ve hikâyem birçok kişinin Güney Afrika’da siyah tenliler için adaletin olmadığını görmesine yardımcı oldu. Ne olursa olsun şarkı söylemeye ve ülkem hakkındaki gerçekleri anlatmaya devam etmeye karar verdim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever done something that some people thought was a bad idea, but you knew it was the right thing to do? What was it? Were you glad you stood up for what you believed in?", + "text": "Hiç sizin doğru olduğunu bildiğiniz ama bazı insanların onun kötü bir fikir olduğunu düşündüğü bir şey yaptınız mı? O şey neydi? İnandığınız şeyi savunduğunuz için mutlu muydunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the eyebrows and mouths in this picture show that the people are dismayed?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki kaşlar ve ağızlar insanların dehşete düştüğünü nasıl belli ediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use your eyebrows to show different feelings. Try to show that you are happy, sad, surprised, or worried.", + "text": "Farklı duyguları göstermek için kaşlarınızı kullanın. Mutlu, üzgün, şaşkın veya endişeli olduğunuzu göstermeye çalışın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The world loved my music and I was welcomed in many countries. I won awards and sang for important people all over the globe. My life was good, but something was missing. I could not sing in my home country, and people there were not free.", + "text": "Dünya, müziğimi sevdi ve birçok ülkede memnuniyetle karşılandım. Ödüller kazandım ve dünyanın her yerinde önemli insanlar için şarkılar söyledim. Hayatım güzeldi ama bir şeyler eksikti. Kendi ülkemde şarkı söyleyemiyordum ve oradaki insanlar özgür değillerdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how the spotlight creates part of an oval on the floor.", + "text": "Bu resimde spot ışığının nasıl zeminde ovalin bir kısmını oluşturduğuna dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sometimes an outline of a shape is enough to tell what it is. The two dark outlines show people wearing something special on their heads. Who do you think these people are?", + "text": "Bazen bir şeklin ana hatları o şeklin ne olduğunu anlamak için yeterlidir. Resimdeki iki adet koyu renkli ana hatları olan çizimler, başlarına özel bir şey takan insanları gösteriyor. Sizce bu insanlar kim olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever done some singing, dancing, or other performing in front of people? How did you feel?", + "text": "Peki ya siz, insanların önünde şarkı söylediniz mi, dans ettiniz mi veya başka bir performans sergilediniz mi? Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then a wonderful day dawned when Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa. New people were in charge and the unfair laws belonged to the past. I finally went home with new hope in my heart.", + "text": "Daha sonra, Nelson Mandela Güney Afrika’nın başkanı olduğunda harika bir gün doğdu. Yeni yetkililer iş başındaydı ve artık adaletsiz yasalar geçmişte kalmıştı. En nihayetinde, kalbimde yeni bir umutla eve döndüm.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which arcs on their faces show that they are happy?", + "text": "Resimdeki insanların yüzlerindeki hangi yaylar onların mutlu olduklarını gösteriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The stripes on the shirt of President Mandela are made up of rectangles. There are shapes all around us!", + "text": "Başkan Mandela’nın gömleğinde dikdörtgen çizgiler var. Etrafımızda her yerde şekiller var!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice the flat-bottomed clouds in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki düz tabanlı bulutları fark ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After that, I could sing in a free, fair country. People of different colors could enjoy music together. I helped make this happen because I was brave and strong. I sang the truth in all of my songs.", + "text": "Artık özgür ve adil bir ülkede şarkı söyleyebilirdim. Farklı ten rengindeki insanlar, beraber, müziğin tadını çıkarabilirdi. Bunun gerçekleşmesine yardımcı oldum çünkü ben cesur ve güçlüydüm. Tüm şarkılarımda gerçeği söyledim.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some times when you have been brave and strong? How did you feel?", + "text": "Peki ya sizin cesur ve güçlü olduğunuz bazı anlar oldu mu hiç? Kendinizi nasıl hissetmiştiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the people on this page. If you take away the people on the stage, how many are left?", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki tüm insanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Sahnedekileri çıkarırsanız geriye kaç kişi kalır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How wonderful to see all these people enjoying Miriam's music and dancing together!", + "text": "Tüm bu insanların Miriam’ın müziğiyle eğlendiklerini ve hep birlikte dans ettiklerini görmek ne kadar harika!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Many years ago, Sun and Water were great friends. Both lived on earth together.", + "text": "Yıllar önce, Güneş ve Su çok iyi arkadaşlardı. İkisi de Dünya’da yaşıyorlardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever thought of Sun, Moon, and Water as beings that could talk to each other?", + "text": "Hiç güneşin, ayın ve suyun birbirleriyle konuşabilen varlıklar olduklarını düşündünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would it be like if the sun were not in the sky? What do you think would change?", + "text": "Acaba gökyüzünde güneş olmasaydı nasıl olurdu? Sizce ne değişirdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors in this picture. Can you name them all?", + "text": "Bu resimde pek çok renk var. Onların hepsini adlandırabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun used to visit Water very often, but Water never went to visit Sun.", + "text": "Güneş, Su’yu çok sık ziyaret ederdi ama Su, Güneş’i hiç ziyarete gitmezdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun is very hot! What do you think would happen to Water if Sun got close to it?", + "text": "Güneş çok sıcak! Güneş Su’ya yaklaşırsa, sizce Su’ya ne olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun's shape is drawn as a circle. A partial circle is called an arc. Many of the parts of Sun's face are drawn as arcs. See if you can find some circles and arcs around where you are now.", + "text": "Güneş bir daire şeklinde çizilmiş. Kısmi dairelere ‘yay’ denir. Resimdeki Güneş’in yüzünün birçok parçası ‘yay’ şeklinde çizilmiş. Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde bazı daireler ve yaylar bulup bulamayacağınıza bir bakın bakalım!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many colors of the rainbow in this picture. Are any rainbow colors missing?", + "text": "Bu resimde gökkuşağının pek çok rengi var. Eksik olan bir gökkuşağı rengi var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "At last Sun asked Water why he never came to visit.\n\nWater replied that Sun's house was too small. \"If I come with my family we will drive you out,\" he said.", + "text": "En sonunda, Güneş, Su’ya neden onu hiç ziyarete gelmediğini sordu.\n\nSu, Güneş’in evinin çok küçük olduğunu söyledi. “Eğer ailemle birlikte sana gelirsek, seni evinden sürükleyip atarız,” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors do you see on this page that you didn't see on the previous two pages?", + "text": "Bu sayfada, bir önceki iki sayfada görmediğiniz hangi renkleri görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you recognize something familiar inside Sun's house?", + "text": "Güneş’in evinin içinde tanıdık bir şey fark ediyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Polygons are flat shapes with straight sides. Sun's house is made up of polygons. Find as many rectangles (polygons with four sides and square corners) and pentagons (polygons with five sides) as you can.", + "text": "Çokgenler dümdüz kenarları olan yassı şekillerdir. Güneş’in evi çokgenlerden oluşuyor. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen (dört kenarlı ve kare köşeli çokgenler) ve beşgen (beş kenarlı çokgenler) bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Then Water said, \"If you wish me to visit you, build a very large compound. My people are very many, and take up a lot of room.\"\n\nSun promised to build a very big compound.", + "text": "Ardından, Su, “Eğer seni ziyaret etmemi istiyorsan, çok büyük bir yerleşke inşa et. Benim halkım çok kalabalıktır ve çok yer kaplarlar,” dedi.\n\nGüneş, çok büyük bir yerleşke inşa edeceğine dair söz verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The story is leading up to Water coming to visit Sun's home. On the previous page Water said \"we will drive you out.\" What problem may occur when Water comes to visit?", + "text": "Hikâye, Su’yun Güneş’in evini ziyarete gitmesine kadar ilerleyecektir. Bir önceki sayfada, Su, “seni evinden sürükleyip atarız” demişti. Su, ziyarete gittiğinde ne gibi bir sorun çıkabilir ki?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do you think this story will end after Water comes to visit?", + "text": "Su ziyarete gittikten sonra, sizce bu hikâye nasıl bitecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who do you think is in Water's family? Why does Water describe his family as being big?", + "text": "Sizce Su’yun ailesinde kimler var? Su, ailesini neden ‘büyük’ olarak tanımlıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun returned home to his wife, Moon, who greeted him with a broad smile. Sun told Moon what he had promised Water.", + "text": "Güneş evine, onu geniş bir gülümsemeyle karşılayan karısı Ay’ın yanına döndü. Güneş, Ay’a, Su’ya ne söz verdiğini anlattı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you can only see part of Moon like this, it is called a crescent moon. The outline of a crescent moon is made of two arcs.", + "text": "Ay’ın tıpkı resimdeki gibi sadece bir kısmını görebildiğinizde, ona ‘hilâl’ (ayça) denir. Hilâlin dış hatları iki yaydan oluşur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you look at a crescent moon in the sky, you are only seeing part of the moon. What happened to the part of the moon you don't see? Has that part disappeared, or is something going on that makes that part hard to see?", + "text": "Gökyüzünde bir hilâle baktığınızda, Ay’ın sadece bir kısmını görürsünüz. Ay’ın görmediğiniz o kısmına ne oldu? O kısmı kayıp mı oldu yoksa o kısmı görmeyi zorlaştıran bir şeyler mi oluyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's fun to start tracking the relationship of the sun and the moon. For example, where is the sun relative to the moon when the moon is full?", + "text": "Güneş ve Ay arasındaki ilişkiyi takip etmeye başlamak eğlencelidir. Örneğin, Ay, dolunay halindeyken Güneş Ay’a göre nerede olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The next day he started building a huge compound in which to entertain his friend.", + "text": "Güneş, ertesi gün arkadaşını ağırlamak için kocaman bir yerleşke inşa etmeye başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun is building a very large wall. Will it be big enough to hold Water and all Water's friends?", + "text": "Güneş çok büyük bir duvar inşa ediyor. Acaba bu duvar, Su’yu ve Su’yun tüm arkadaşlarını içine alacak kadar büyük olacak mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun's wall is straight up and down, but follows a curved path. Have you ever seen a wall near you that follows a curved path?", + "text": "Güneş’in duvarı yukarı ve aşağı doğru düz ama kavisli bir yol izliyor. Yakınlarınızda kavisli bir yol izleyen bir duvar gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wall is made of bricks that are shaped like boxes. How many sides does a brick have? Name the shapes you see on the sides of a brick.", + "text": "Duvar, kutu şeklindeki tuğlalardan oluşuyor. Bir tuğlanın kaç kenarı vardır? Bu resimdeki tuğlaların kenarlarında gördüğünüz şekilleri adlandırın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As soon as the compound was completed, he asked Water to come and visit them.", + "text": "Güneş, yerleşke tamamlanır tamamlanmaz Su’dan gelip onu ziyaret etmesini istedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The pictures of the wall are a little confusing. On this page the wall looks a little taller than the house. On other pages, the wall looks about half as high as the house. Which do you think it is?", + "text": "Duvarın resimleri biraz kafa karıştırıcı. Bu sayfada duvar evden biraz daha uzun görünüyor. Diğer sayfalardaysa duvar evin yarısı kadar yükseklikte görünüyor. Sizce hangisi doğru?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you think Sun made some of the wall straight and some of it curved?", + "text": "Güneş neden duvarın bir kısmını düz, bir kısmını ise kavisli yaptı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's time for Water to visit. What do you think will happen next?", + "text": "Artık Su’yun ziyaret zamanı gelmişti. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Water arrived, he asked Sun whether it would be safe for him to enter.\n\n\"Yes, come in, my friend,\" Sun answered.", + "text": "Su oraya vardığında, Güneş’e, içeri girmesinin güvenli olup olmadığını sordu.\n\n“Evet, içeri gel, dostum,” diye cevapladı Güneş.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water is bringing lots of friends. What are some plants and animals that like to live in water?", + "text": "Su yanında bir sürü arkadaş getiriyor. Suda yaşamayı seven bazı bitki ve hayvanlar nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If a lot of water comes into our houses, we say that they are flooded. Why is having too much water in a house bad for most houses?", + "text": "Evlerimize çok fazla su girerse, evlerimizi suyun bastığını söyleriz. Bir evde çok fazla su olması neden çoğu ev için kötüdür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like to swim? With all the water near their home, it looks like Sun and Moon had better like to swim!", + "text": "Yüzmeyi sever misiniz? Evlerinin yakınında bu kadar su varken, Güneş ve Ay yüzmeyi sevse iyi olur sanki!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water began to flow in.\n\nHe was accompanied by crocodiles, fish, frogs, snakes, snails, flukes, turtles, and all the water animals.", + "text": "Su içeriye akıp girmeye başladı.\n\nOna timsahlar, balıklar, kurbağalar, yılanlar, salyangozlar, yassı balıklar, kaplumbağalar ve tüm su hayvanları eşlik ediyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's a lot of animals! All those animals coming into the house look very happy to be there!", + "text": "Bu çok fazla hayvan demek! Eve gelen tüm bu hayvanlar orada olmaktan çok mutlu görünüyorlar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals do you see in this picture? How many more are coming? Do you think they will all fit?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan görüyorsunuz? Kaç hayvan daha geliyor? Sizce hepsi sığacak mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun and Moon are very welcoming! Perhaps they are too welcoming?", + "text": "Güneş ve Ay çok misafirperverler! Belki de fazla misafirperverler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Very soon Water was knee-deep. He asked Sun if it was still safe.\n\n\"Yes,\" Sun again answered. So more of water's people came in.", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, Su diz boyuydu. Güneş’e evinin hâlâ güvenli olup olmadığını sordu.\n\n“Evet,” diye tekrar cevap verdi Güneş. Böylece, Su’yun daha da fazla halkı içeriye girdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count how many animals are in the house and how many are still on their way in. How many animals does that make in total?", + "text": "Şu anda evde kaç hayvan olduğunu ve daha kaçının yolda olduğunu sayın. Bu, toplam kaç hayvan eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun still looks happy. Does Moon feel the same way? How can you tell?", + "text": "Güneş hâlâ mutlu görünüyor. Ay da öyle mi hissediyor? Nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever told someone it was okay for them to do something and then regretted it? Did you do anything about it?", + "text": "Birine bir şey yapmasında sakınca olmadığını söyleyip akabinde pişman olduğunuz oldu mu hiç? O konuda bir şey yaptınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water reached the level of the top of a person's head. He asked Sun, \"Can more of my people come in?\" Sun and Moon both answered, \"Yes.\"\n\nWater flowed on, until Sun and Moon had to perch themselves on the top of the roof.", + "text": "Su, bir insanın başının tepesi seviyesine ulaştı. Güneş’e, “Halkımdan daha da fazlası gelebilir mi?” diye sordu. Güneş ve Ay, “Evet!” diye yanıtladılar.\n\nSu içeri akmaya devam etti – ta ki Güneş ve Ay çatının tepesine tünemek zorunda kalana dek.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun and Moon both said yes, but they don't look entirely happy about having to move to their roof!", + "text": "Güneş ve Ay, ‘evet’ demişlerdi ama çatıya çıkmak zorunda kaldıkları için pek de mutlu görünmüyorlar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun and Moon had to move to the roof. If Water gets any higher, where will they be able to go next?", + "text": "Güneş ve Ay çatıya gitmek zorunda kaldılar. Ama Su biraz daha yükselirse, bir sonraki adımda nereye gidecekler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Before you turn the page, how do you think this story ends?", + "text": "Sayfayı çevirmeden önce, sizce bu hikâye nasıl bitecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Water's people continued to rush in. Very soon they reached the top of the roof.\n\nSun and Moon were forced to go up to the sky. They have remained in the sky ever since.", + "text": "Su’yun halkı aceleyle içeriye girmeye devam etti. Çok geçmeden, çatının tepesine ulaştılar.\n\nGüneş ve Ay gökyüzüne çıkmak zorunda kaldılar. O zamandan beri gökyüzünde kaldılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many things in the sky other than Sun and Moon. Make up a story about how the stars ended up in the sky and why there are so many of them.", + "text": "Gökyüzünde Güneş ve Ay’dan başka pek çok şey vardır. Yıldızların gökyüzüne nasıl çıktıkları ve neden o kadar çok oldukları hakkında bir hikâye uydurun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's fun to make up stories about why something came to be the way it is. Perhaps you have a favorite tree, rock, lake, or mountain you can think of a story for?", + "text": "Bir şeyin neden o hâle geldiğine dair hikâyeler uydurmak eğlencelidir. Belki de en sevdiğiniz ağaç, kaya, göl veya dağ için de bir hikâye uydurabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sun and Moon look happy together in the sky. When they are close to each other in the sky the moon is a new moon and can barely be seen. From now on you can look up and see Sun and Moon in a new way!", + "text": "Güneş ve Ay birlikte gökyüzünde mutlu görünüyorlar. Güneş ve Ay, gökyüzünde birbirlerine çok yakın olduklarında, Ay, ‘yeni ay’ halinde olur ve zar zor görülebilir. Şu andan itibaren yukarıya bakıp Güneş ve Ay’ı yeni bir şekilde görebilirsiniz artık!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.", + "text": "Güneş Ana, kız kardeşi Ay’ı ziyaret etmeye karar verdi. Kız kardeş Ay, gökyüzünün diğer tarafında yaşıyor. “Yakında döneceğim,” dedi Güneş bulutlara.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?", + "text": "Güneş gidince bulutlar ve dağlar için ne değişecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?", + "text": "Siz hiç bulutların ve dağların üzerinde yüzlerin olduğunu hayal ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?", + "text": "Resimde, gökyüzünde beş şey var. Güneş gidince, geriye kaç şey kalacak? Beşin bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.", + "text": "Güneş gittiğinde, dağlar beyaz atkılarını taktı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?", + "text": "Güneş gidince dağlar neden beyaz atkılar taktılar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?", + "text": "Resimde kaç tane bulut var? Bu sayfada dağlardan mı yoksa bulutlardan mı daha fazla var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?", + "text": "Bulutlar ne yapıyorlar ve sizce nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.", + "text": "Rüzgâr ağaçlarla tartıştı. Ağaçlar sinirlendi. Yapraklarını her tarafa savurdular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?", + "text": "Etrafta uçuşan yaprakların kaç tane olduğunu tahmin edin. Bu kadar büyük sayıları biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!", + "text": "Rüzgârın ne kadar sert estiğine dikkat edin. Yapraklar her yere savruluyorlar!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?", + "text": "Rüzgâr o kadar sert esiyor ki ağaçlar eğiliyor. Hiç rüzgârın çok sert estiği ve yürümekte zorlandığınız bir zamanda dışarıda bulundunuz mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.", + "text": "Gökyüzü gürlemeye başladı.\n\nRengi griye döndü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?", + "text": "Bulutlar endişeli ve kaygılılar. Sizce ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?", + "text": "Bulutların üstündeki yüzleri sayın. Üç grup halindeler: iki, dört ve bir kişilik gruplar. Toplamda kaç tane yüz var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?", + "text": "Ağaçları, dağları ve bulut gruplarını saydığınızda birden beşe kadar tüm sayılar var – hepsini bulabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.", + "text": "Bulutlar tüm bunları gördükleri için üzgünlerdi. Ağlamaya başladılar. Çok fazla gözyaşı vardı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?", + "text": "Bulutlar üzgün olduklarından yağmur yağdırmış olabilirler fakat bazı insanlar yağmuru izlemekten ve dinlemekten hoşlanırlar. Yağmur size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?", + "text": "Çok fazla yağmur damlası var. Hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayılamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of something else that there are too many to count.", + "text": "Sayılamayacak kadar çok olan başka bir şey düşünün.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The whole world began to sink under water.", + "text": "Tüm dünya suya batmaya başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.", + "text": "Ağaçların suya ihtiyacı var ama sizce bu kadar çok suya sahip olmak hoşlarına gidiyor mudur? Ağaçların yüzleri biraz endişeli veya üzgün görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many trees do you count in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç tane ağaç sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?", + "text": "Dünya suya mı batıyor yoksa su dünyanın yüzeyini mi dolduruyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.", + "text": "Bu sırada, gökyüzünün diğer tarafında, Güneş kız kardeşinden ayrılmaya hazırdı. Ay’a veda öpücüğü verdi ve evine döndü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?", + "text": "Sizce Güneş’in Ay’ı öpmesi mümkün mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?", + "text": "Hiç Ay'ın ya da Güneş'in yakınında yıldızlar gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.", + "text": "Bir küre, top gibi bir şekildir – tüm yönlerinde yuvarlaktır. Ay ve Güneş küre şeklindedir ama Ay her zaman öyle görünmeyebilir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.", + "text": "Gökyüzü Güneş'i gördüğüne o kadar sevindi ki parlak maviye döndü. Dağlar güzel yeşil elbiselerini giyindiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?", + "text": "Dağların üzerindeki yeşil elbise neyden yapılmıştır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?", + "text": "Şu anda kaç tane bulut var? Diğer bulutlara ne oldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?", + "text": "Gökyüzündeki şeylerin sayısını dağlardaki yüzlerin sayısıyla karşılaştırın. Bunlardan biri diğerinden bir fazla ve biri diğerinden bir eksiktir – hangisi hangisidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.", + "text": "Rüzgâr uyumaya gitti. Ağaçlar dallarını uzatıp gülümsediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?", + "text": "Dağlar ve ağaçlar sıcak havayı severler. Siz sıcak havayı mı yoksa serin havayı mı seviyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.", + "text": "Bir silindir, bir boru (tüp) veya pipet gibi bir şekildir. Bir süpürgenin sapı genellikle bir silindirdir. Bu ağaçların toprak ile ilk dalları arasındaki gövdeleri silindirdir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?", + "text": "Etrafınızdaki başka hangi şeyler silindir şeklindedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.", + "text": "Bulutlar, Güneş Ana’yı tekrar gördükleri için çok mutluydular. Oynamaya gitmek için uzaklaştılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?", + "text": "Gökyüzünde beş bulut var. O sayıya Güneş'i de eklediğinizde, gökyüzünde toplam kaç şey olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?", + "text": "İki sayfa önce iki bulut vardı. Şimdi kaç tane daha bulut var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?", + "text": "Bulutlar Güneş'i gördüklerine sevindilerse, neden gittiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.", + "text": "Bir sürü küçük bitki “Merhaba” demek için topraktan fırladı. Tüm dünya ışıldadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.", + "text": "Kelebekler, çiçekler, bitki sapları ve bir sürü küçük bitkiler var. Bunlardan bazılarını çocuğunuzla birlikte gruplar halinde sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?", + "text": "Hangi grupta en çok ve hangi grupta en az şey var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?", + "text": "Bitkilerin mutlu olup büyüyebilmeleri için ihtiyaç duydukları bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.", + "text": "Güneş Ana ışığını her yere saçtı. “Size geri döneceğimi söylemiştim,” diye ışıldadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?", + "text": "Güneş’in ışınları bu sayfada çok uzaklara uzanıyor. Güneş ışınlarının ta size kadar ulaştığı günler oluyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?", + "text": "Bu sayfada sayıca en az olan hangisi: ağaçlar mı, dağlar mı yoksa gökyüzündeki şeyler mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.", + "text": "En çok hangisinden var? Bazen iki şey aynı sayıda olabilir – sorun değil, eğer öyleyse her ikisini de söyleyin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One day Tortoise was walking through the countryside. He was looking for something. He gazed into the distance and squinted at the grass. Then he walked past Snail.", + "text": "Bir gün Kaplumbağa kırlarda yürüyordu. Bir şey arıyordu. Uzaklara dalmış, gözlerini kısmış otlara bakıyordu. Ondan sonra, Salyangoz’un yanından geçti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise is looking for his house. Do you think he forgot it or did he never know where it was? Do you know where Tortoise's house is?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa evini arıyor. Sizce kaplumbağa evini mi unutmuş yoksa evinin nerede olduğunu hiç bilmiyor muydu? Peki ya siz, Kaplumbağa’nın evinin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you know where Snail's house is?", + "text": "Salyangoz’un evinin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where do you live? Is your house easy to find, or do you need help finding your house sometimes?", + "text": "Siz nerede yaşıyorsunuz? Evinizi bulmak kolay mı yoksa bazen evinizi bulmak için yardıma ihtiyacınız oluyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "\"Are you looking for something?\" Snail asked. \"Yes, Snail, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"", + "text": "“Bir şey mi arıyorsun?” diye sordu Salyangoz. “Evet, Salyangoz, evimi arıyorum. Acaba evimi gördün mü?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you remember having trouble finding something and discovering it was easy to find all along?", + "text": "Bir şeyi bulmakta zorlandığınızı ve aslında onu bulmanın çok kolay olduğunu keşfettiğinizi hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you don't think of how to do something that is easy to do, how do you feel? Does it frustrate you? People overlook things all the time, it's very easy to do!", + "text": "Yapması kolay olan bir şeyi nasıl yapacağınızı düşünemediğinizde ne hissedersiniz? Bu sizi hayal kırıklığına uğratır mı? İnsanlar her zaman bir şeyleri gözden kaçırırlar – gözden kaçırmak çok kolaydır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's fun to imagine animals talking together like this. If you could talk with an animal, what would you ask them?", + "text": "Hayvanların bu şekilde birlikte konuştuklarını hayal etmek eğlenceli! Eğer bir hayvanla konuşabilseydiniz, ona ne sorardınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Snail said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She climbed onto Tortoise's shell.\n\nTortoise walked on with Snail on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The sun was high in the sky.", + "text": "Salyangoz, “Hayır, görmedim ama bulmana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğuna tırmandı.\n\nKaplumbağa sırtında Salyangoz’la yürümeye devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama evden bir iz yoktu. Güneş gökyüzünde yükseliyordu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why didn't Snail and Tortoise walk together side by side?", + "text": "Salyangoz ve Kaplumbağa neden yan yana yürümediler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The average speed of a tortoise is about 20 times faster than a snail. The average speed of a person is about five times faster than a tortoise.", + "text": "Bir kaplumbağanın ortalama hızı salyangozdan yaklaşık 20 kat daha hızlıdır. Bir insanın ortalama hızı bir kaplumbağadan yaklaşık beş kat daha hızlıdır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the story mention where the sun is? Do you think something interesting is going to happen with the sun?", + "text": "Hikâyede neden güneşin nerede olduğundan bahsedildi? Sizce güneşle ilgili ilginç bir şey mi olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A little later they passed Sparrow.\n\n\"Are you looking for something?\" asked Sparrow. \"Yes, Sparrow, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\" Sparrow said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\"", + "text": "Çok kısa bir süre sonra, Serçe’nin yanından geçtiler. \\PARA “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Serçe. “Evet, Serçe, evimi arıyorum. Acaba onu gördün mü?” Serçe, “Hayır, görmedim ama aramana yardım edeceğim!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The leaves of each branch are paired up except for one leaf at the very end. When things are paired up with one left over, that means there are an odd number of them.", + "text": "Resimdeki her dalın yaprakları eşleşmiş bir halde, en sondaki bir yaprak dışında. Bir şey ardında bir tane kalacak şekilde eşleştirildiğinde, bu, o şeyin ‘tek sayıda’ olduğu anlamına gelir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you have an odd number of something, you can't share it equally with two people. If you can share something equally, that means you have an even number of things. Two and four are examples of even numbers. Can you think of some other even numbers?", + "text": "Tek sayıda bir şeye sahip olduğunuzda, onu iki kişiyle eşit şekilde paylaşamazsınız. Eğer bir şeyi eşit olarak paylaşabiliyorsanız, o şeyden ‘çift sayıda’ var demektir. İki ve dört sayıları, çift sayılara örnektir. Başka çift sayılar aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's even trickier to think of numbers that can be shared equally by three people? Can you think of any examples of this?", + "text": "Acaba üç kişi tarafından eşit olarak paylaşılabilecek sayıları düşünmek daha mı zor? Buna bir örnek verebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He flapped his wings and he whizzed away. \"But you’re going too fast for me,\" complained Tortoise. Sparrow came back. \"Alright, then I’ll hop on too.\"", + "text": "Serçe kanatlarını çırptı ve vınlayarak uzaklaştı. “Ama bana göre çok hızlı gidiyorsun!” diye yakındı Kaplumbağa. Serçe geri geldi. “Pekâlâ, o zaman ben de sırtına atlarım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The average speed of a sparrow is at least 10 times faster than a person, so it is about 50 times faster than a tortoise!", + "text": "Bir serçenin ortalama hızı bir insanınkinden en az 10 kat daha hızlıdır – yani, bir kaplumbağadan yaklaşık 50 kat daha hızlıdır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What a huge range of speeds! Sparrow is 50 times faster than Tortoise, and Tortoise is 20 times faster than Snail!", + "text": "Ne kadar geniş bir hız aralığı! O zaman, bu hikâyede Serçe, Kaplumbağa’dan 50 kat, Kaplumbağa ise Salyangoz’dan 20 kat daha hızlı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Fortunately for Tortoise, Sparrow and Snail are very light to carry. Have you ever carried a heavy load for a long distance?", + "text": "Neyse ki Serçe ve Salyangoz, Kaplumbağa için çok hafifler. Peki ya siz, uzun bir mesafe için ağır bir yük taşıdınız mı hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise carried on, with Snail and Sparrow perched on his shell. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The sun had inched lower in the sky.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa, kabuğuna tünemiş Salyangoz ve Serçe’yle birlikte yoluna devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama bir eve dair hiçbir iz yoktu. Güneş gökyüzünde alçalmaya başlamıştı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does the story keep mentioning where the sun is? Where was the sun the last time it was mentioned?", + "text": "Hikâyede neden sürekli güneşin nerede olduğundan bahsediliyor? En son bahsedildiğinde güneş neredeydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mentioning the sun's position is a way for the story to let us know that time is passing and it is getting later in the day.", + "text": "Güneşin konumundan bahsetmek, hikâyenin bize zamanın geçtiğini ve günün ilerlediğini bildirmesinin bir yoludur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is getting later and the group is still not successful. What do you think happens next? WIll Tortoise give up?", + "text": "Gün ilerliyor ve bu grup hâlâ başarılı olamadı. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak? Kaplumbağa pes edecek midir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A little later they passed Ladybird. \"Are you looking for something?\" asked Ladybird. \"Yes, Ladybird, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"", + "text": "Kısa bir süre sonra, Uğur Böceği’nin yanından geçtiler. “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Uğur Böceği. “Evet, Uğur Böceği, evimi arıyorum. Onu gördün mü acaba?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many names for ladybirds -- they are also called ladybugs, lady beetles, lady clocks, and lady flies. There are many thousands of types of ladybirds in the world!", + "text": "Uğur böceğinin birçok ismi vardır – uğur böceği, uç uç böceği, gelin böceği gibi. Dünyada binlerce uğur böceği türü vardır!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Although ladybugs do not fly for very long, they can briefly fly as fast as a sparrow!", + "text": "Uğur böcekleri çok uzun süre uçmamalarına rağmen, kısa bir süre için de olsa bir serçe kadar hızlı uçabilirler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ladybirds can have different numbers of spots. How many spots have you seen on a ladybird?", + "text": "Uğur böceklerinin farklı sayıda benekleri olabilir. Bir uğur böceğinin üzerinde kaç benek gördünüz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Ladybird said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She hopped onto Tortoise's back and on he went, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird on his back.\n\nThey looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. A breeze started to blow.", + "text": "“Hayır, görmedim ama aramana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın sırtına atladı ve Kaplumbağa, Salyangoz, Serçe ve Uğur Böceği ile birlikte yola koyuldu.\n\nBaktılar, baktılar ama evden bir iz yoktu. Rüzgâr esmeye başladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise is lucky. A ladybird is another very light animal to carry.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa şanslı! Uğur böceği de taşıması çok hafif olan başka bir hayvan türü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is getting later in the day and a breeze is starting to blow. Hmm ... What do you think will happen with the weather?", + "text": "Gün ilerliyor ve rüzgâr esmeye başlıyor. Hım... Sizce hava nasıl olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It's hard to see all of Tortoise's shell. What's your best estimate for how many yellow regions are in his shell? An estimate is an educated guess.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğunun tamamını görmek zor. Kabuğunda kaç tane sarı bölge olduğuna dair en iyi tahmininiz nedir? Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A little later they passed Mouse. He was making a garland of daisies. \"Are you looking for something?\" asked Mouse. \"Yes, Mouse, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"", + "text": "Kısa bir süre sonra, Fare’nin yanından geçtiler. Papatyalardan bir taç yapıyordu. “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Fare. “Evet, Fare, evimi arıyorum. Acaba onu gördün mü?”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate and then count the number of daisies. Do the same for the number of dark spots on Tortoise.", + "text": "Papatyaların sayısını tahmin edin ve sonra sayın. Aynı şeyi Kaplumbağa’nın üzerindeki koyu lekelerin sayısı için de yapın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more daisies or spots, and how many more are there?", + "text": "Bu resimde daha fazla papatya mı yoksa daha fazla benek mi var? Kaç fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What happened to all the animals Tortoise was carrying? Where do you think they went?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın taşıdığı tüm hayvanlara ne oldu? Sizce onlar nereye gittiler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Mouse said: \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She hopped onto Tortoise's back. \"Wait, I can't leave my flowers behind.\" Tortoise waited. Mouse stretched and stretched and scooped up her daisies.", + "text": "Fare, “Hayır, görmedim ama bulmana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın sırtına atladı. “Bekle, çiçeklerimi arkamda bırakamam.” Kaplumbağa bekledi. Fare gerindi, gerindi ve papatyalarını kaptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How much help have the other animals been? Do you think Tortoise could have done just as well alone?", + "text": "Diğer hayvanlar Kaplumbağa’ya ne kadar yardımcı oldular? Sizce Kaplumbağa tek başına da aynı şeyi yapabilir miydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which kinds of things do you like to do with others, and which do you like to do by yourself?", + "text": "Hangi tür şeyleri başkalarıyla, hangilerini kendi başınıza yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Estimate and count the leaves blowing around Tortoise. Are your estimates getting better?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın etrafında uçuşan yaprakların sayısını önce tahmin edin ve sonra sayın. Tahminleriniz daha iyiye gidiyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise walked on, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The wind swept leaves off the ground and swirled them around Tortoise's feet. He was tired. \"You lot are heavy,\" he sighed.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa, sırtında Salyangoz, Serçe, Uğur Böceği ve Fare ile yürümeye devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama bir eve dair hiçbir iz yoktu. Rüzgâr yerdeki yaprakları süpürüyor ve onları Kaplumbağa’nın ayaklarının etrafında döndürüyordu. Kaplumbağa yorulmuştu. “Çok ağırsınız!” diye iç geçirdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind is getting stronger. The weather is changing!", + "text": "Rüzgâr gittikçe güçleniyor. Hava değişiyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you notice the weather changing when a storm comes? The wind picks up and there are more clouds.", + "text": "Fırtına çıktığında havanın değiştiğini fark ettiniz mi hiç? O anlarda rüzgâr şiddetlenir ve bulutların sayısı artar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you enjoy the excitement of a storm coming in? Sometimes there is lightning and thunder! Do you enjoy the thunder, or is it scary, or perhaps some of both?", + "text": "Yaklaşan bir fırtınanın heyecanı hoşunuza gider mi? Bazen şimşek ve gök gürültüsü olur! Gök gürültüsü hoşunuza mı gider yoksa sizin için korkutucu mudur veya her ikisinden de biraz mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind got stronger. The sky turned dark. \"Oh, where is my house?\" asked Tortoise. Thunder roared in the hills. Lightning flashed in the distance. Drip-drip came the rain.", + "text": "Rüzgâr daha da şiddetlendi. Gökyüzü karardı. “Ah, evim nerede?” diye sordu Kaplumbağa. Gök gürültüsü tepelerde kükredi. Uzaklarda şimşekler çaktı. Damla damla yağmur yağdı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why does Tortoise want to find his house so urgently now?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa niçin evini şimdi çok acil bulmak istiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Usually, people look for shelter when a storm comes. Do you see anyplace that could give them shelter?", + "text": "Genelde insanlar fırtına çıktığında sığınacak bir yer ararlar. Resimde onlara sığınak olabilecek herhangi bir yer görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been caught out in an open area when a storm came up suddenly? If you don't mind getting wet, it can be fun to experience being in the storm!", + "text": "Aniden çıkan bir fırtınaya açık bir alanda yakalandınız mı hiç? Eğer ıslanmak sizin için sorun değilse, fırtınada olmayı deneyimlemek eğlenceli olabilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The wind swirled and whipped. It blew Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse right off Tortoise's back.", + "text": "Rüzgâr girdap yaparak etrafta dönüp savruldu. Salyangoz, Serçe, Uğur Böceği ve Fare’yi Kaplumbağa’nın sırtından uçurdu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many parts of this picture that show how strongly the wind is blowing things around. Describe a few of them.", + "text": "Bu resimde rüzgârın eşyaları ne kadar güçlü savurduğunu gösteren pek çok yer var. Bunlardan birkaçını açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is the rain coming down vertically (straight up and down), or is the wind blowing the rain diagonally?", + "text": "Yağmur dikey olarak mı yağıyor (yukarı ve aşağıya doğru) yoksa rüzgâr yağmuru çapraz olarak mı üflüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The diagonal rain is all falling in the same direction. Parallel lines are lines that go in the same direction. Find some parallel lines around where you are.", + "text": "Çapraz yağmurun hepsi aynı yönde yağıyor. Paralel çizgiler aynı yönde giden çizgilerdir. Bulunduğunuz yerde bazı paralel çizgiler bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And then came the hail, tip-tip-tip. Tortoise got such a fright he shrank into his shell. It was warm and cozy in there. \"Oh, here is my house!\" smiled Tortoise.", + "text": "Ve sonra dolu geldi, pıt-pıt-pıt. Kaplumbağa öyle korktu ki kabuğuna çekildi. Orası sıcak ve rahattı. “Ah, işte benim evim!” diyerek gülümsedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise solved his problem when he got distracted and stopped looking for the answer. Sometimes, when we focus too hard on something, it's hard to have new ideas and find an answer.", + "text": "Kaplumbağa dikkati dağılıp cevap aramayı bıraktığında sorununu çözdü. Bazen bir şeye çok fazla odaklandığımızda, yeni fikirler üretmek ve cevap bulmak zorlaşır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever stopped thinking about something, relaxed for a while, and then suddenly realized the answer? It can be very powerful to let a different part of your brain work on a problem!", + "text": "Bir şey hakkında düşünmeyi bırakıp bir süre rahatladığınızda, aniden cevabı bulduğunuzu fark ettiğiniz oldu mu hiç? Beyninizin farklı bir bölümünün bir sorun üzerinde çalışmasına izin vermek çok etkili olabilir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tortoise found his shell was a warm and cozy place, and that meant home to Tortoise! What does home mean to you?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa kabuğunu sıcak ve rahat buldu ve bu Kaplumbağa için ev anlamına geliyordu! Sizin için ev ne anlama geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oh, here is Tortoise's house! said Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse.", + "text": "“Ah, işte Kaplumbağa’nın evi!” dedi Salyangoz, Serçe ve Fare.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The hail coming down on Tortoise's shell probably made a lot of noise. Imagine the racket! Have you ever heard hail falling on a roof or hard surface?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğuna yağan dolu muhtemelen bir sürü gürültü çıkarmıştır. O gürültü patırtıyı bir hayal edin! Peki ya siz, bir çatıya veya sert bir yüzeye yağan doluyu duydunuz mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It is easy for Tortoise to carry his home wherever he goes. Is your home easy to carry around, or is it a structure that would be very hard to move?", + "text": "Kaplumbağa için evini gittiği her yere taşımak kolay! Peki sizin evinizi taşımak kolay mı? Yoksa eviniz taşınması çok zor bir yapı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A nice thing about a home, if it is big enough, is that it can be shared with friends. It looks like a happy time for our group of friends in the story!", + "text": "Bir evin en güzel yanı, eğer eviniz yeterince büyükse, evinizin arkadaşlarınızla paylaşılabilmesidir. Bu hikâyedeki arkadaş grubumuz için mutlu bir zaman gibi görünüyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo waited for the school holidays to come.", + "text": "Odongo ve Apiyo, okul tatillerinin gelmesini bekledi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They look excited. Do you suppose they have big plans for their holidays?", + "text": "Heyecanlı görünüyorlar. Tatilleri için büyük planlarının olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there holidays that you get excited about?", + "text": "Sizin heyecanlandığınız tatiller var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Tell a story about something you did during a recent holiday.", + "text": "En sonki tatiliniz sırasında yaptığınız bir şey hakkında bir hikâye anlatın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It was time for them to visit their grandmother.", + "text": "Babaannelerini ziyaret etmelerinin vakti gelmişti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you ever get so excited about something that you had trouble sleeping?", + "text": "Sizin de hiç uyumakta zorlanacak kadar çok heyecanlandığınız bir şey oldu mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to all the rectangles you can find on this page.", + "text": "Dikdörtgenler, bu sayfadakiler gibi dört adet düz kenarları ve köşeleri olan şekillerdir. Bu sayfada bulabildiğiniz tüm dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to some of the rectangles around where you are.", + "text": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri işaret edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They drove past mountains, wild animals, and farms.", + "text": "Dağların, yabani hayvanların ve çiftliklerin yanlarından arabayla geçtiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the wild animals you see on this page.", + "text": "Bu sayfada gördüğünüz tüm yabani hayvanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you add two children to the five other animals, how many animals are there all together? What is two more than five?", + "text": "İki çocuğu başka beş hayvana eklediğinizde, toplam kaç olur? Beşin iki fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point to and describe the pairs of animals here.", + "text": "Buradaki hayvan çiftlerini gösterip tanımlayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After a while, Odongo and Apiyo fell asleep.", + "text": "Kısa zaman sonra, Odongo ve Apiyo uykuya daldılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some people have trouble sleeping sitting up. Can you fall asleep while you're sitting?", + "text": "Bazı insanlar oturarak uyumakta zorluk çekerler. Siz otururken uyuyakalabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl is sleeping with her mouth open -- do you think she is snoring?", + "text": "Kız ağzı açık uyuyor – sizce kız horluyor mudur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Describe the colors of some of the strips in this picture. There are yellows, blues, and greens on the bag, and yellows, oranges, and reds on their seat.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki bazı şeritlerin renklerini tanımlayın. Çantanın üzerinde sarılar, maviler ve yeşiller var ve oturdukları yerde ise sarılar, turuncular ve kırmızılar var.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They found their grandmother resting under a tree.", + "text": "Babaannelerini bir ağacın dibinde dinlenirken buldular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have friends or relatives you like to go on trips to visit?", + "text": "Sizin de ziyaret etmek için yolculuklara çıkmaktan hoşlandığınız arkadaşlarınız veya akrabalarınız var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Remember a happy visit you had. What do you like to do when you visit someone?", + "text": "Yaptığınız mutlu bir ziyareti hatırlayın. Birisini ziyaret ettiğinizde, ne yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will these two do with their grandmother? Will they hear stories, cook meals, and go on walks together?", + "text": "Bu ikisi büyükanneleriyle neler yapacaklar? Hikâyeler dinleyecekler mi, yemekler pişirecekler mi ve birlikte yürüyüşlere çıkacaklar mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother danced and sang. The children gave her presents.", + "text": "Büyükanne dans edip şarkı söyledi. Çocuklar büyükanneye hediyeler verdi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you like to get as a present?", + "text": "Siz hediye olarak ne almaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What feels so good about getting a present from someone?", + "text": "Birisinden hediye almanın nesi bu kadar iyi hissettiriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The background on the last page had blues and greens. This one has yellows and oranges. What feels different to you when you see the colors on these two pages?", + "text": "Son sayfanın arka planında maviler ve yeşiller vardı. Bu sayfanın arka planında sarılar ve turuncular var. Bu iki sayfadaki renkleri gördüğünüzde, size farklı hissettiren şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother blessed Odongo and Apiyo in a traditional way.", + "text": "Büyükanne, Odongo ve Apiyo’yu geleneksel bir yolla kutsadı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Giving a blessing is a solemn and dear thing.", + "text": "Kutsama, kutsal ve değerli bir şeydir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The background color has changed again. How does it make you feel?", + "text": "Arka planın rengi tekrar değişti. Bu size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is this an exciting or calm part of the story? Does the blue color enhance that feeling?", + "text": "Bu, hikâyenin heyecan verici mi yoksa sakin bir kısmı mı? Mavi renk bu hissi güçlendiriyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo played with butterflies and birds.", + "text": "Odongo ve Apiyo kelebeklerle ve kuşlarla oynadılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen birds and butterflies with so many colors?", + "text": "Siz çok renkli kuşlar ve kelebekler gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you count the number of butterflies, or is that a bigger number than you can count?", + "text": "Kelebeklerin sayısını sayabilir misiniz yoksa o sayı sizin sayabileceğinizden büyük bir sayı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The colors in the background form ever larger circles -- they are called concentric circles. How do all these colors together make you feel?", + "text": "Arka plandaki renkler daha da büyük daireler oluşturuyorlar – onlar eş merkezli daireler olarak adlandırılırlar. Tüm bu renklerin hepsi birlikte size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They climbed trees.\n\nThey splashed in the water of the lake.", + "text": "Odongo ve Apiyo ağaçlara tırmandılar.\n\nGölün suyunda su sıçrattılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How did Odongo get up into a tree with no low branches?", + "text": "Odongo hiç alçak dalı olmayan bir ağaca nasıl çıktı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many branches are on this tree? Did you count all of them including the small ones, or just the large ones?", + "text": "Bu ağaçta kaç tane dal var? Hepsini, küçük dallar da dahil, saydınız mı yoksa sadece büyük dalları mı saydınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you go in a lake or pond with your shoes on? Why do you suppose Apiyo did that?", + "text": "Bir göle veya havuza ayakkabılarınızla mı girersiniz? Sizce Apiyo göle neden ayakkabılarıyla girdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They were tired.\n\nThey fell asleep before finishing their dinner.", + "text": "Yorgunlardı.\n\nAkşam yemeklerini bitirmeden önce uyuyakaldılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in the middle of eating?", + "text": "Siz bir yemeğin ortasında uyuyakalacak kadar yorgun düştünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think they slept at the table all night?", + "text": "Sizce onlar bütün gece masada mı uyudular?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the lines in this picture are straight, like the boards on the table, and some are curved, like the edges of the bowls. Look around you. Do you mostly see straight or curved lines?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki bazı çizgiler düz (masanın üzerindeki tahtalar gibi) ve bazıları da eğri (kâselerin kenarları gibi). Etrafınıza bakın. Çoğunlukla düz mü yoksa eğri çizgiler mi görüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They helped grandmother.\n\nThey collected eggs and picked vegetables.", + "text": "Büyükannelerine yardım ettiler.\n\nYumurtalar ve sebzeler topladılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at and describe all the pairs of things in this picture.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki tüm çift olan şeyleri gösterip tanımlayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Of the eggs Apiyo is holding, how many can you see?", + "text": "Apiyo’nun tuttuğu yumurtalardan, kaç tanesini görebiliyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like helping out with chores?", + "text": "Günlük ev işlerine yardım etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Grandmother taught Odongo and Apiyo how to cook different foods.", + "text": "Büyükanne, Odongo ve Apiyo’ya farklı yemekleri nasıl pişireceklerini öğretti.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you like helping with the cooking sometimes?", + "text": "Siz de yemek yapılırken bazen yardım etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have any favorite foods you like to help with?", + "text": "Yapılırken yardım etmekten hoşlandığınız favori yemekler var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "One of the pleasures of traveling is getting to eat new foods. Do you like eating new foods?", + "text": "Seyahat etmenin zevklerinden birisi de yeni yemekler yemektir. Yeni yemekler yemeyi sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo took grandmother's cows to graze.\n\nThey ate a neighbor's crops.", + "text": "Odongo büyükannesinin ineklerini otlatmaya götürdü.\n\nİnekler bir komşunun mahsullerini yediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at Odongo, the neighbor, and the cows, what is each of them feeling?", + "text": "Odongo’ya, komşuya ve ineklere baktığınızda, onların her birisi ne hissediyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Odongo will be given a second chance after this mistake?", + "text": "Sizce Odongo’ya bu hatasından sonra ikinci bir şans verilecek mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you make mistakes, are you given another chance?", + "text": "Siz hatalar yaptığınızda, size bir başka şans veriliyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They went to their grandmother's stall at the market.", + "text": "Pazarda büyükannelerinin tezgâhına gittiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Who is the new woman in this picture and what is she doing?", + "text": "Bu resimdeki yeni kadın da kim ve ne yapıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is grandmother's umbrella for? Is it raining?", + "text": "Büyükannenin şemsiyesi ne için? Yağmur mu yağıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count all the different kinds of food grandmother is selling.", + "text": "Büyükannenin sattığı tüm farklı yiyecekleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In the evening, they helped grandmother to count her money.", + "text": "Akşamleyin parasını saymasına yardım ettiler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you tell that it is evening from this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimden zamanın akşam olduğunu söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you sometimes get to count money? If you do, is it fun to do?", + "text": "Siz de bazen para sayıyor musunuz? Eğer sayıyorsanız, onu yapmak eğlenceli mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you count things, do you come up with faster ways to do it? For example, counting things in pairs can be twice as fast.", + "text": "Bir şeyleri saydığınız zaman, onu daha hızlı yapmak için aklınıza daha hızlı yöntemlerle ilgili fikirler geliyor mu? Örneğin, ‘çift çift sayma iki kat daha hızlı olabilir’ gibi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Soon, the holidays were over.\n\nGrandmother packed food for their journey.", + "text": "Çok geçmeden, tatiller bitmişti.\n\nBüyükanne onlara yolculukları için yiyecekler hazırladı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children look happy. Are they happy about leaving?", + "text": "Çocuklar mutlu görünüyorlar. Ayrıldıklarına mutlular mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the first time we're seeing Odongo's hat. Is it a present from his grandmother?", + "text": "Bu, bizim Odongo’nun şapkasını gördüğümüz ilk an. Şapka, büyükannesinden bir hediye mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their clothes have lots of colors. How many colors are in the clothes you are wearing?", + "text": "Giysilerinde bir sürü renk var. Sizin giydiğiniz kıyafette kaç renk var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children did not want to leave.\n\n\"Grandmother, come with us.\"", + "text": "Çocuklar ayrılmak istemediler.\n\n\"Büyükanne, bizimle gel!\"", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are the children feeling in this picture?", + "text": "Bu resimde çocuklar ne hissediyorlar?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What did their grandmother say when the children asked her to come with them?", + "text": "Çocuklar büyükannelerine onlarla gelmelerini söylediklerinde, büyükanneleri ne dedi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The children and their father make three people. When you add one more for their grandmother, how many people is that all together?", + "text": "Çocuklar ve babaları üç kişi eder. Onlara büyükanne için de bir kişi eklerseniz, toplam kaç kişi eder?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Odongo and Apiyo hugged grandmother.\n\n\"Goodbye, grandmother,\" they said.", + "text": "Odongo ve Apiyo büyükannelerine sarıldılar.\n\n\"Hoşça kal, büyükanne!\" dediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a hard time saying goodbye to people you care a lot about? Does it make you feel sad?", + "text": "Çok önem verdiğiniz insanlara ‘hoşça kal’ derken zorlandığınız oluyor mu? Bu sizi üzüyor mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Their arms and legs come in pairs. Count them by counting by 2's.", + "text": "Onların kolları ve bacakları çiftler hâlinde. Onları ikişer ikişer sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the number of arms compare to the number of legs?", + "text": "Kolların sayısı bacakların sayısıyla kıyaslandığında nasıldır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is better, city life or village life?", + "text": "Hangisi daha iyi; şehir hayatı mı yoksa köy hayatı mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How do the number of girls compare to the number of boys?", + "text": "Kızların sayısı erkeklerin sayısına kıyasla nasıl?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you combine the three girls with the three boys, how many children are there? What is three more than three?", + "text": "Eğer üç kızla üç erkek çocuğunu birleştirirseniz, toplam kaç çocuk olur? Üçün üç fazlası kaçtır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Instead of counting them as three plus three more, count them by 2's and see if you get the same number.", + "text": "Onları üç artı üç fazlası olarak saymak yerine, ikişer ikişer sayın ve aynı sayıyı bulup bulmadığınıza bakın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Oh, no!", + "text": "“Ah, hayır!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is scared of something. She is holding that book very tightly -- perhaps her fear has something to do with the book?", + "text": "Lulu bir şeyden korkmuş. O kitabı çok sıkı bir şekilde tutuyor – belki de korkusu o kitapla ilgili bir şeydir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What are some things that scare you?", + "text": "Sizi korkutan bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you do when you are scared? Do you go to someone or maybe find a safe place?", + "text": "Siz korktuğunuzda ne yaparsınız? Birine mi gidersiniz yoksa güvenli bir yer mi bulursunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu, it is time to go, calls Ma.", + "text": "“Lulu, gitme zamanı!” diye sesleniyor annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is running away from her mother. Where do you think she will hide?", + "text": "Lulu annesinden kaçıyor. Sizce Lulu nereye saklanacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What do you think is Lulu's favorite color? How can you tell?", + "text": "Lulu’nun en sevdiği rengin ne olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is Lulu walking or running? How can you tell?", + "text": "Lulu yürüyor mu yoksa koşuyor mu? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she under the sofa?", + "text": "Lulu nerede?\n\nSofanın altında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is hiding. Do you see Lulu?", + "text": "Lulu saklanıyor. Lulu’yu görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the cushions and window panes.", + "text": "Kırlentleri ve pencere bölmelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Are there more or less cushions than window panes? What is the difference -- how far apart are the two numbers?", + "text": "Orada pencere bölmelerinden daha az mı yoksa daha fazla mı kırlent var? Aralarındaki fark kaçtır – iki sayı birbirlerinden ne kadar uzak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she behind the curtain?", + "text": "Lulu perdenin arkasında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That's a clever disguise for Lulu. Why does her clothing make her stand out?", + "text": "Bu, Lulu için çok akıllıca bir gizlenme. Lulu’nun kıyafetleri neden onu öne çıkarıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the number of legs on the lamp table. Do you have any tables around you with that many legs?", + "text": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, lamba masasındaki bacakları sayın. Sizin etrafınızda hiç böyle çok bacağı olan masalar var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The number of legs on the lamp table is one less than the number on the couch. Three is one less than what number?", + "text": "Lamba masasındaki ayakların sayısı sofanın ayaklarının sayısından bir azdır. Üç, hangi sayının bir eksiğidir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she next to the stove?", + "text": "Lulu nerede?\n\nFırının yanında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess where Lulu is hiding in the kitchen.", + "text": "Lulu’nun mutfakta nerede saklandığını tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the cabinet knobs together.", + "text": "Mutfak dolaplarının kulplarını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at all the round things you can find in this kitchen -- there are quite a few.", + "text": "Bu mutfakta bulabildiğiniz tüm yuvarlak şeyleri parmakla gösterin – epeyce var!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is she in the cupboard?", + "text": "Lulu mutfak dolabının içinde mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Once again, Lulu picked a clever hiding place, but her colors don't fit in with the colors in the kitchen.", + "text": "Bir kez daha, Lulu zekice bir saklanma yeri seçmiş ama Lulu’nun renkleri mutfaktaki renklerle uyuşmuyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Count the rectangles you see on this page.", + "text": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu sayfada gördüğünüz dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A cylinder is a shape like a jar with straight sides. There are five cylinders on the top shelf (the bowl is not a cylinder). How many are there on Lulu's shelf? Is it the same number?", + "text": "Bir silindir, düz kenarları olan kavanoz gibi bir şekildir. En üstteki rafta beş silindir var (kâse bir silindir değildir). Lulu'nun rafında kaç tane silindir var? Aynı sayıda mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu, it is time to go! Where are you? calls Ma.", + "text": "“Lulu, gitme zamanı! Neredesin?” diye sesleniyor annesi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu blends in better this time. Do you see her?", + "text": "Lulu bu kez daha iyi uyum sağlıyor. Onu görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So many things to count! Point at and count together the blocks on the floor, the dolls, and the drawings on the wall.", + "text": "Çok fazla şey var sayacak! Yerdeki blokları, oyuncak bebekleri ve duvardaki resimleri gösterip çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which group of things is the largest and which is the smallest?", + "text": "O şeylerden hangi grup en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There you are! says Ma.\n\n\"I do not want to gooo!\"", + "text": "“İşte buradasın!” diyor annesi.\n\n“Gitmek istemiyo-ruuummm!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is still holding her book tightly. Do you think Lulu is afraid her mother will take it away?", + "text": "Lulu hâlâ kitabını sıkıca tutuyor. Sizce Lulu, annesinin kitabını elinden alacağından mı korkuyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu seems like she can be difficult when she doesn't get her way. How are you when you don't get your way?", + "text": "Lulu istediğini elde edemediğinde zor biri gibi görünüyor. Siz istediğinizi elde edemediğinizde nasılsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu's room has many rectangles. How many can you count?", + "text": "Lulu'nun odasında birçok dikdörtgen var. Kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "We have to go, says Ma.\n\n\"But I really like this one!\"", + "text": "“Gitmek zorundayız,” diyor annesi.\n\n“Ama ben bunu gerçekten seviyorum!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu's book looks very big compared to Lulu. Do you think her book is really that big?", + "text": "Lulu'nun kitabı Lulu’ya kıyasla çok büyük görünüyor. Sizce kitabı gerçekten o kadar büyük mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a favorite book or story that you like to look through or have told to you? Have you heard the story many times?", + "text": "Sizin incelemekten keyif aldığınız favori bir kitabınız veya size anlatılan beğendiğiniz bir öykünüz var mı? O öyküyü defalarca mı dinlediniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many kinds of stories. There are scary ones, funny ones, and some are adventures. Do you have a favorite type?", + "text": "Pek çok hikâye türü vardır. Komik, maceracı ve korku hikâyeleri var. Sizin en beğendiğiniz bir öykü türü var mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This building has many rectangles. Most buildings use rectangles a lot for their sides and windows.", + "text": "Bu binada birçok dikdörtgen var. Çoğu bina, kenarları ve pencereleri için dikdörtgenleri çok kullanır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Triangles are three-sided shapes, and pentagons are five-sided shapes. There is a famous building called the Pentagon because it is made in the shape of a pentagon.", + "text": "Üçgenler üç kenarlı ve beşgenler ise beş kenarlı şekillerdir. Pentagon adında ünlü bir bina var; ismi öyle çünkü beşgen (pentagon) şeklinde yapılmıştır.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why do you suppose buildings are not often made in the shape of a triangle or circle? Have you seen any buildings like that?", + "text": "Neden binaların genellikle üçgen veya daire şeklinde yapılmadığını düşünüyorsunuz? Hiç öyle binalar gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where are they going? What does that big book on top of the building tell you about what this building is?", + "text": "Nereye gidiyorlar? Binanın tepesindeki o büyük kitap bu binanın ne olduğu hakkında size ne söylüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is going to happen to Lulu's book at this library?", + "text": "Bu kütüphanede Lulu'nun kitabına ne olacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a place where you can borrow books near where you live? Have you ever borrowed books there?", + "text": "Yaşadığınız yere yakın ödünç kitap alabileceğiniz bir yer var mı? Oradan daha önce hiç ödünç kitap aldınız mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I really like this one!", + "text": "“Bunu gerçekten sevdim!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "She found a new book very quickly. It didn't take Lulu long to forget about her old book.", + "text": "Lulu çok çabuk yeni bir kitap buldu. Lulu'nun eski kitabını unutması uzun sürmedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How does Lulu feel about this new book? How can you tell?", + "text": "Lulu bu yeni kitap hakkında ne hissediyor? Ne hissettiğini nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The windows behind Lulu have four sides and are almost rectangles. How are they different from rectangles?", + "text": "Lulu'nun arkasındaki pencerelerin dört kenarı var ve ‘neredeyse’ dikdörtgenler. Dikdörtgenden ne farkları var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And this one!", + "text": "“Ve bu!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu is a very enthusiastic person. Some people display their feelings a lot and others are quieter with them. Which are you?", + "text": "Lulu çok coşkulu bir insan. Bazı insanlar duygularını çok belli ederlerken, bazıları ise daha sessizdirler. Siz hangisisiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many books do you think she will want to take home?", + "text": "Sizce Lulu eve kaç kitap götürmek isteyecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you have a library near you? Do you like to check books out of the library?", + "text": "Yakınlarınızda bir kütüphane var mı? Kütüphaneden kitap ödünç almayı seviyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "And this one! \n\n\"And this one!\"", + "text": "“Ve bu!”\n\n“Ve bu!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many Lulus are there in this picture? Why did the artist draw more than one?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç tane Lulu var? İllüstratör neden birden fazla Lulu çizmiş?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "To count as Lulu grabs books, you would keep adding \"one more\" each time she added a book. What is one more than zero? What is one more than one? You can count as high as you like this way!", + "text": "Lulu kitapları aldıkça ve o her kitap eklediğinde, siz saymak için “bir tane daha” diye eklemeye devam edersiniz. Sıfırdan bir fazla olan sayı nedir? 1’den bir fazla olan sayı nedir? Bu şekilde istediğiniz kadar sayabilirsiniz!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Libraries are supposed to be quiet places. Do you think Lulu should be running around?", + "text": "Kütüphanelerin sessiz yerler olması gerekir. Sizce Lulu etrafta koşturmalı mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "See, you return books and borrow more, says Ma.\n\n\"YAY!\"", + "text": "“Gördün mü, kitapları iade ediyorsun ve daha fazlasını ödünç alıyorsun,” diyor annesi.\n\n“OLEY!”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why isn't Lulu sad about having to return her old book?", + "text": "Lulu eski kitabını iade etmek zorunda kaldığı için neden üzülmüyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together the books on the counter.", + "text": "Tezgâhtaki kitapları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many books do you think Lulu is checking out? What is the largest number you know?", + "text": "Sizce Lulu kaç kitap ödünç alıyor? Bildiğiniz en büyük sayı nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is Lulu now?", + "text": "Lulu şu anda nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Lulu checked out a lot of books! Can you count them all?", + "text": "Lulu bir sürü kitap ödünç aldı! Onların hepsini sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think Lulu likes to look at and read books?", + "text": "Sizce Lulu kitaplara bakıp okumayı mı seviyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you?", + "text": "Siz sever misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I have lost my bat, and I cannot find it.", + "text": "Raketimi kaybettim ve onu bulamıyorum.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Though you can only see five of them, there are six panes in the window. What else is there six of?", + "text": "Sadece beş tanesini görebilmenize rağmen, pencerede altı tane cam var. Başka nelerden altı tane var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The number of rungs on the ladder is one more than the number of panes -- how many? The number of panes you can see is five, which is one less than the total number of panes.", + "text": "Merdivendeki basamakların sayısı, camların sayısından bir fazladır — o hâlde, kaç tanedir? Pencerelerdeki görebildiğiniz cam (bölme) sayısı beştir, yani toplam sayıdan bir eksiktir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Rectangles have four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to and describe the rectangles in the picture.", + "text": "Dikdörtgenlerin bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri vardır. Resimdeki dikdörtgenleri gösterip tanımlayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked behind the door. It was not there.", + "text": "Kapının arkasına baktım. Orada değildi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did you notice the girl outside the window?", + "text": "Pencerenin dışındaki kızı fark ettiniz mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The bat is not behind the door -- could it be inside the box?", + "text": "Raket kapının arkasında değil — acaba kutunun içinde olabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A box is a 3-dimensional shape with rectangles on every side. Do you see anything else similar to a box? (the door)", + "text": "Bir kutu, her tarafında dikdörtgenler olan 3 boyutlu bir şekildir. Kutuyla benzer başka bir şey görüyor musunuz? (kapı)", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked for it on the shelf. I could not find it there.", + "text": "Rafın üstünde aradım. Orada da bulamadım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The window bangs into the shelf when it opens. That seems like a bad design!", + "text": "Pencere açıldığında rafa çarpıyor. Bu pek iyi bir tasarım gibi görünmüyor!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think this shelf is too high for a child's room?", + "text": "Sizce bu raf bir çocuk odası için çok mu yüksek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There's that girl riding around again. Notice that the buildings behind her are shaped like big boxes. A lot of buildings are.", + "text": "İşte yine o kız, etrafta bisiklet sürüyor. Arkasındaki binaların büyük kutular şeklinde olduğuna dikkat edin. Bir sürü bina öyledir.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked for it under the bed. Not there either.", + "text": "Yatağın altında aradım. Orada da yok.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl's dress matches the bag hanging by the door. Do you think the bag is hers?", + "text": "Kızın elbisesi, kapının yanında asılı olan çantayla uyumlu. Sizce bu çanta onun mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Can you think of a place the boy hasn't looked?", + "text": "Çocuğun henüz bakmadığı bir yer düşünebiliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Vertical lines are lines that go up and down. How many vertical pieces are there to the blue frame on the side of the bed? The number of spaces between those vertical pieces is one less. How many is that?", + "text": "Dikey çizgiler yukarıya ve aşağıya doğru giden çizgilerdir. Yatağın kenarındaki mavi çerçevede kaç tane dikey parça var? O dikey parçalar arasındaki boşlukların sayısı, çerçevedeki parçaların sayısından bir eksiktir. Kaç tanedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I searched inside the box. There was no sign of it.", + "text": "Kutunun içinde aradım. Ondan bir iz yoktu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boy's shirt has a stripe on it. Do you see other stripes in this picture? Do you see stripes around where you are?", + "text": "Çocuğun gömleğinde bir şerit var. Bu resimde başka şeritler görüyor musunuz? Etrafınızda şeritler (çizgiler) görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Pink is a light shade of red. If you include pink, how many things are red in this picture?", + "text": "Pembe, kırmızının açık bir tonudur. Pembeyi de dahil ederseniz, bu resimde kaç tane kırmızı şey vardır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you don't count pink, you get one less thing that is red. How many is that?", + "text": "Pembeyi saymazsanız, kırmızı olan şeylerin sayısı azalır. O zaman kaç olur?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I searched the attic. It was not there.", + "text": "Çatı katına baktım. Orada da yoktu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The boy has looked in a lot of places. How long do you look for something before you give up?", + "text": "Çocuk birçok yere baktı. Siz vazgeçmeden önce bir şeyi ne kadar süre boyunca ararsınız?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When you have trouble finding something, what are some places you end up finding it?", + "text": "Bir şeyi bulmakta zorlandığınızda, sonunda onu bulduğunuz bazı yerler nelerdir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the window no longer bangs into the shelf. Did the shelf move?", + "text": "Pencerenin artık rafa çarpmadığına dikkat edin. Raf yerinden mi oynadı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "I looked here, there, and everywhere. I could not find it anywhere.", + "text": "Oraya, buraya ve her yere baktım ama hiçbir yerde bulamadım.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Looking at his face, what do you think the boy is feeling?", + "text": "Çocuğun yüzüne baktığınızda, ne hissettiğini düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever lost something and never found it?", + "text": "Sizin bir şeyi kaybettiğiniz ve bulamadığınız oldu mu hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The girl is smiling in the window. Do you think she knows where the bat is?", + "text": "Kız pencerede gülümsüyor. Sizce kız raketin nerede olduğunu biliyor olabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where is my cat?", + "text": "Benim kedim nerede?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This cat is very good at hiding. The dark black of this cat helps it hide.", + "text": "Bu kedi saklanmakta çok iyi. Bu kedinin koyu siyah rengi, onun saklanmasına yardımcı oluyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kinds of places would make it easy to see this cat?", + "text": "Ne tür yerler bu kediyi görmeyi kolaylaştırır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Where do you like to hide?", + "text": "Siz nerede saklanmayı seversiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it under the bed?", + "text": "Yatağın altında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was the cat under the bed before the boy looked there?", + "text": "Çocuk oraya bakmadan önce, kedi yatağın altında mıydı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This bed cover has lots of colorful stripes. Count how many different colors it has.", + "text": "Bu yatak örtüsünün bir sürü renkli şeridi var. Yatak örtüsünde kaç tane farklı renk olduğunu sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The walls in this room have a free form design that doesn't repeat. Have you seen walls like this before?", + "text": "Bu odadaki duvarların tekrarlamayan serbest biçimli bir tasarımı var. Daha önce böyle duvarlar gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it on top of the cupboard?", + "text": "Dolabın tepesinde mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Instead of being on top of the cupboard, the cat is inside it.", + "text": "Dolabın tepesinde olmak yerine, kedi dolabın içinde.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This cupboard has a beautiful design. How many colors does it have?", + "text": "Bu dolap güzel bir tasarıma sahip. Dolabın kaç rengi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Talk about the shapes and patterns on the cupboard doors.", + "text": "Dolap kapaklarının üzerindeki şekiller ve desenler hakkında konuşun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it behind the couch?", + "text": "Kanepenin arkasında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat is very easy to see right now. Too bad the boy is looking in the wrong place.", + "text": "Kediyi görmek çok kolay şu anda. Çocuğun yanlış yere bakıyor olması çok kötü.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Point at the strong colors on this page: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and brown.", + "text": "Bu sayfadaki güçlü renkleri gösterin: kırmızı, turuncu, sarı, yeşil, mavi ve kahverengi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which colors of the rainbow are missing from the room?", + "text": "Odada gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it next to the trash can?", + "text": "Çöp kutusunun yanında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The cat must be very fast and quiet -- he was next to where the boy is now.", + "text": "Kedi, çocuğun şu anda bulunduğu yerin yanındaydı — kedi, çok hızlı ve sessiz olmalı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the red bricks just below the window.", + "text": "Pencerenin hemen altındaki kırmızı tuğlaları sayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many straight lines in this picture. Point to some curved lines.", + "text": "Bu resimde bir sürü düz çizgi var. Bazı eğri çizgileri gösterin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it inside the basket?", + "text": "Sepetin içinde mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Which part of the cat is not inside the SOAP box?", + "text": "Kedinin hangi kısmı SOAP kutusunun içinde değil?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is inside the basket? Is that where the cat sleeps?", + "text": "Sepetin içinde ne var? Kedinin uyuduğu yer orası mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Notice that the wall does not line up with the squares of the floor.", + "text": "Zemindeki karelerle duvarın aynı hizada olmadığına dikkat edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is it outside the house?", + "text": "Evin dışında mı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "That poor boy is always looking in the wrong place.", + "text": "Zavallı çocuk hep yanlış yere bakıyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the boy ever finds the cat, or will the boy give up?", + "text": "Sizce çocuk kediyi hiç bulabilecek mi yoksa pes mi edecek?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "This is the same wall pattern as on the last page, but the floor is a different color!", + "text": "Bu resim, son sayfadaki duvar deseninin aynısı ama zemin farklı bir renkte!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Here it is!", + "text": "İşte burada!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It looks like the cat is in a cupboard or under a sink.", + "text": "Kedi ya bir dolabın içinde ya da bir lavabonun altında gibi görünüyor.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Was the cat playing a game with the boy?", + "text": "Kedi, çocukla bir oyun mu oynuyordu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What will the boy do with the cat now? Maybe he will feed it or play with it? What do you think?", + "text": "Çocuk kediyle ne yapacak şimdi? Belki onu besleyecek veya onunla oyun oynayacak? Siz ne düşünüyorsunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A long time ago, deep in the forests, King Leopard began to think about the future.\n\nHe thought, \"I'm getting old and one day, I'm going to die. A wise ruler should pick a successor while still young and healthy.\"\n\nBut how could King Leopard choose? He loved all the members of the animal kingdom the same!", + "text": "Uzun zaman önce, ormanların derinliklerinde, Kral Leopar gelecek hakkında düşünmeye başladı.\n\n“Yaşlanıyorum ve ben bir gün öleceğim. Bilge bir hükümdar, genç ve sağlıklıyken bir varis seçmelidir,” diye düşündü.\n\nAma Kral Leopar nasıl seçim yapacaktı? Hayvan krallığının tüm üyelerini aynı şekilde seviyordu!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If you were going to pick a leader, which skills would you want them to have?", + "text": "Siz bir lider seçecek olsaydınız, onun hangi becerilere sahip olmasını isterdiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Guess what King Leopard will look for in a successor. Do you think he will look for the largest, the fastest, or the friendliest animal?", + "text": "Kral Leopar’ın bir varis ararken neye dikkat edeceğini tahmin edin. Sizce Kral, en büyük, en hızlı ya da en dost canlısı hayvanı mı arayacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count together all the tree trunks you can see. Can you count that high?", + "text": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz tüm ağaç gövdelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard had an idea. He sent his messengers out into the forests. He told them to ask all the animals of the kingdom to come to the palace.\n\nHe was going to have a big party and he was going to make an important announcement.\n\nAway the messengers ran, to all four corners of the forest.", + "text": "Kral Leopar’ın aklına bir fikir geldi. Elçilerini ormanlara gönderdi. Onlara, krallıktaki tüm hayvanların saraya gelmelerini istemelerini söyledi.\n\nBüyük bir parti verecek ve önemli bir duyuru yapacaktı.\n\nElçiler ormanın dört bir yanına koştular.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many messengers does the King have? Are there enough to go to four corners? How many more does he need?", + "text": "Kralın kaç elçisi var? Dört köşeye gidecek kadar yeterli elçisi var mı? Daha kaç elçiye ihtiyacı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think the forest really has four corners?", + "text": "Sizce ormanın gerçekten dört köşesi mi var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What does the writer mean by the phrase \"all four corners of the forest?\" If forests don't have four corners, what shape are they?", + "text": "Yazar “ormanın dört köşesi” ifadesiyle ne demek istiyor? Eğer ormanların dört köşesi yoksa, onlar hangi şekildedirler?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "On the night of the party, all the animals were at the palace. They sang and they danced and had a great time.\n\nAfter the moon had risen above the trees, King Leopard came and stood in the middle of the clearing. The animals stopped their singing and dancing. They listened quietly as their king began to speak.", + "text": "Parti gecesi tüm hayvanlar saraydalardı. Şarkı söylediler, dans ettiler ve harika vakit geçirdiler.\n\nAy, ağaçların üzerinde yükseldikten sonra, Kral Leopar geldi ve açık alanın ortasında durdu. Hayvanlar şarkı söylemeyi ve dans etmeyi bıraktılar. Kralları konuşmaya başladığında sessizce dinlediler.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals can you count in this picture? Are there more animals or more trees?", + "text": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan sayabilirsiniz? Daha fazla hayvan mı yoksa daha fazla ağaç mı var?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many animals do you think are in the forest? 10, 20, 30, ... ? A forest usually has hundreds or even thousands of animals, so this will be a very large party!", + "text": "Sizce ormanda kaç hayvan var? 10, 20, 30...? Bir ormanda genellikle yüzlerce hatta binlerce hayvan bulunur; dolayısıyla, bu, çok büyük bir parti olacak!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen a non-human animal dance?", + "text": "Bir hayvanın dans ettiğini gördünüz mü hiç?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "He cleared his throat and said, \"I've been thinking that it's time for me to pick a successor. But because I love all of you equally, I can't decide who among you is most worthy. So I've decided to let a contest decide for me.\"", + "text": "Boğazını temizledi ve, “Artık bir varis seçme zamanımın geldiğini düşünüyordum. Fakat hepinizi eşit derecede sevdiğimden, aranızdan kimin buna en layık olduğuna karar veremiyorum. Bu nedenle, ‘buna ben değil, bir yarışma karar versin’ kararına vardım.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of these animals would usually hunt some of these other animals. Can you think of some examples in this picture of animals who would hunt and others who would be hunted?", + "text": "Bu hayvanların bazıları, bu resimdeki hayvanlardan bazılarını genellikle avlarlar. Onlar arasından, avlayan ve avlanan hayvanlara örnekler verebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What kind of contest would be good for picking a successor? Would you have a race to see who can run the fastest or longest?", + "text": "Ne tür bir yarışma varis seçmek için iyi olurdu? Kimin en hızlı ya da en uzun mesafe koşacağını görmek için bir yarış düzenler miydiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What would be good contests if you want to find the largest or the strongest?", + "text": "En büyük veya en güçlü olanı bulmak istiyorsanız hangi yarışmalar iyi olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard held up a spear. He said, \"The first one among you who can throw this spear up into the sky and count to ten before it touches the ground, will be my successor.\"", + "text": "Kral Leopar bir mızrak kaldırdı. “Aranızdan bu mızrağı gökyüzüne fırlatıp yere değmeden 10’a kadar sayabilen ilk kişi benim varisim olacak!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Will this contest produce a good successor? Predict which animal is going to win.", + "text": "Bu yarışma iyi bir varis ortaya çıkaracak mı? Hangi hayvanın kazanacağını tahmin edin.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the animal skins have stripes, some have spots, some are segmented, and some have just one color. Do you see any that involve more than two colors?", + "text": "Bazı hayvanların derileri çizgili veya şeritli, bazılarınınki benekli, bazılarınınki segmentlere ayrılmış ve bazılarınınkiler de tek renklidir. Resimde, ikiden fazla renk içeren hayvan görüyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How many of these animals have horns, antlers, or tusks? Are there more of these animals than the other animals on this page?", + "text": "Bu hayvanlardan kaç tanesinin boynuzları, çatal boynuzları ya da uzun büyük dişleri var? Bu tür boynuzlu ve büyük dişli hayvanların sayısı diğer hayvanlardan daha mı fazla?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "As King Leopard finished talking, the animals heard a loud noise from behind them. They turned around and saw elephant stomping through the crowd to the front.\n\n\"Move out of my way. I'm the biggest, I should be king,\" said Elephant.", + "text": "Kral Leopar konuşmasını bitirdiğinde, hayvanlar arkalarından gelen büyük bir gürültü duydular. Arkalarını döndüklerinde paldır küldür yürüyerek kalabalığın arasından öne doğru ilerleyen bir fil gördüler.\n\n“Çekilin yolumdan. En büyük benim, kral ben olmalıyım,” dedi Fil.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Did the Elephant listen to the King? Was being the biggest important to the King?", + "text": "Fil, Kral’ı dinledi mi? Kral için en büyük olmak önemli miydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "When we have our own ideas about the way something should be, we sometimes don't listen to others. Can you think of a time when you were like the elephant and didn't listen well?", + "text": "Bir şeyin nasıl olması gerektiğine dair kendi fikirlerimiz olduğunda, bazen başkalarını dinlemeyiz. Sizin de Fil gibi davrandığınız ve çok iyi dinlemediğiniz bir zaman oldu mu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A lion is often called the King of the Jungle. Do you think a lion will win this contest and be the next king?", + "text": "Bir aslan genellikle ‘Ormanın Kralı’ olarak adlandırılır. Sizce bir aslan bu yarışmayı kazanıp bir sonraki kral olacak mıdır?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Elephant took the spear and held it up with his trunk. He put his head back and threw the spear up into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Oh!\" Elephant cried.\n\nThe spear hit the ground on the count of three. Elephant was angry and started stomping. King Leopard told him, \"You've had your chance.\"\n\nAnd so Elephant had to leave.", + "text": "Fil mızrağı aldı ve hortumuyla kaldırdı. Başını geriye attı ve mızrağı gökyüzüne fırlattı. “Bir! İki! Üç! Ah!” diye haykırdı Fil.\n\nMızrak üçte yere düştü. Fil kızgındı ve ayaklarını pat küt yere vurmaya başladı. Kral Leopar ona, “Şansını denedin!” dedi.\n\nVe böylece, Fil gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Does it help to get angry when you lose? How do you feel and what do you show to other people when you lose?", + "text": "Kaybettiğinizde öfkelenmek yardımcı olur mu? Kaybettiğinizde kendinizi nasıl hissedersiniz ve diğer insanlara bunu nasıl belli edersiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "There are many four-legged animals in this picture. Name some animals that don't have four legs.", + "text": "Bu resimde pek çok dört ayaklı hayvan var; dört ayaklı olmayan bazı hayvanları adlandırın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "An odd number is a number that can't be split into two equal parts -- 7 is an example. Can you think of any animals that have an odd number of arms or legs?", + "text": "Tek sayı, iki eşit parçaya bölünemeyen bir sayıdır – mesela, 7. Tek sayıda kolu veya bacağı olan bir hayvan biliyor musunuz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After Elephant left, the animals started to talk excitedly amongst themselves. They were again disturbed by a loud noise coming from the back of the crowd.\n\nBoar came charging through saying, \"Get out of my way. Get out of my way. I'm going to be king. I've got the biggest muscles. I'm the strongest. I should be king.\"", + "text": "Fil gittikten sonra, hayvanlar kendi aralarında heyecanla konuşmaya başladılar. Kalabalığın arkasından gelen yüksek bir sesle yine dikkatleri dağıldı.\n\nYaban domuzu aceleyle gelip, “Çekilin yolumdan! Çekilin yolumdan! Ben Kral olacağım. En büyük kaslar bende. En güçlü benim. Kral ben olmalıyım!” dedi.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Boar did not listen to the King either. Do you think the King wants someone who is the strongest?", + "text": "Yaban domuzu da kralı dinlemedi. Sizce Kral en güçlü olan birini mi istiyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Do you think leaders need to be good listeners to help them know how to lead?", + "text": "Sizce liderlerin nasıl liderlik edeceklerini bilmelerine yardımcı olması için iyi birer dinleyici olmaları mı gerekir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "In this picture, there is only one of most of the animals. Can you spot the animals that there are more than one of?", + "text": "Bu resimde hayvanların çoğundan sadece birer tane var. Birden fazla olan hayvanları belirleyebilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Boar leaned back, clenched the spear, and threw it into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Oh!\" he shouted.\n\nThe spear dropped on the count of five. He was so angry. He fumed and threw clouds of dirt into the air.\n\nLeopard told him \"Boar, you only throw once and you've had your chance.\" Boar had to leave.", + "text": "Yaban domuzu geriye yeltendi, mızrağı sıkıca kavradı ve gökyüzüne fırlattı. “Bir! İki! Üç! Dört! Beş! Ah!” diye bağırdı.\n\nMızrak beşte yere düştü. Çok kızgındı. Ateş püskürdü ve havaya toprak parçaları savurdu.\n\nLeopar ona, “Yaban Domuzu, sadece bir kez atabilirsin ve şansını kaybettin,” dedi. Yaban Domuzu gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Is an animal who gets angry when they lose likely to be a good leader?", + "text": "Kaybettiğinde öfkelenen bir hayvan iyi bir lider olabilir mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, it looks like the King's contest is removing poor leaders. The contest is working! Who do you think will win?", + "text": "Şu ana kadar, Kral’ın yarışması kötü liderleri eliyor gibi görünüyor. Yarışma işe yarıyor! Sizce kim kazanacak?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Stories sometimes vary from reality. This story does that in many ways. A boar does not have any fingers! How would a boar be able to clench a spear and throw it? Have you seen other ways this story seems unreal?", + "text": "Hikâyeler bazen gerçeklikten farklıdırlar. Bu hikâye de birçok yönden öyledir. Bir yaban domuzunun parmakları yoktur! Bir yaban domuzu nasıl olur da bir mızrağı kavrayıp fırlatabilir? Bu hikâyenin gerçek dışı görünen başka taraflarını da gördünüz mü?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "After that, the animals started to say things like, \"This contest is difficult! Elephant couldn't do it, and he's really big. Boar couldn't do it either, and he's really strong. No one can win this contest!\"\n\nRight about then, they heard another sound coming from the back of the crowd. When the animals looked around, they couldn't believe their eyes.", + "text": "Ondan sonra, hayvanlar, “Bu yarışma çok zor! Fil yapamadı ve o gerçekten çok büyük. Yaban domuzu da yapamadı ve o gerçekten çok güçlü. Bu yarışmayı hiç kimse kazanamaz!” gibi şeyler söylemeye başladılar.\n\nTam o sırada, kalabalığın arkasından gelen başka bir ses duydular. Hayvanlar etraflarına bakındıklarında gözlerine inanamadılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What is unusual about the body positions these animals are in?", + "text": "Bu hayvanların vücut pozisyonlarında alışılmadık olan şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Count the number of animals as best you can. Each animal has two eyes, so you can double that number to find the total number of eyes. You can also count the eyes by skip counting by 2's.", + "text": "Hayvanları elinizden gelenin en iyisini yaparak sayın. Her hayvanın iki gözü var; dolayısıyla, toplam göz sayısını bulmak için hayvan sayısını ikiye katlayabilirsiniz. Gözleri ikişer ikişer ritmik (atlayarak) sayabilirsiniz.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "You can count all the legs by multiplying the number of animals by 4, skip counting by 4, or by doubling the number of eyes! Which do you like best? Why does this work?", + "text": "Hayvan sayısını dörtle çarparak, dörder dörder atlayarak sayarak ya da göz sayısını ikiyle çarparak da toplam bacak sayısını bulabilirsiniz! Bu yöntemlerden en çok hangisini beğendiniz? Bu yöntem neden işe yarıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "They saw a big ape coming forward. As Ape moved, he chanted \"I can do it. I know I can do it. I can do it.\"\n\nApe took the spear and he backed way up. He pulled his arm back, charged forward, leapt into the air and threw the spear into the sky.\n\n\"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Oh!\" cried Ape.", + "text": "Büyük bir insansı maymunun (ape) yaklaştığını gördüler. Maymun hareket ederken, “Yapabilirim. Yapabileceğimi biliyorum. Başarabilirim!” diye bağırdı.\n\nMızrağı aldı ve geri geri gitti. Kolunu geri çekti, kocaman bir adımla ileriye atılıp havaya sıçradı ve mızrağı göğe fırlattı.\n\n“Bir! İki! Üç! Dört! Beş! Altı! Yedi! Ah!” diye haykırdı Maymun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did Ape start by saying \"I can do it?\" Having confidence often helps with success.", + "text": "Maymun neden “Yapabilirim!” diyerek başladı? Kendine güvenmek sıklıkla başarıya ulaşmada yardımcı olur.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Your attitude can make a big difference! Have you ever started to do something by saying to yourself that you wouldn't be able to do it -- do it help or did it get in your way?", + "text": "Tavrınız büyük bir fark yaratabilir! Hiç kendinize bir şeyi yapamayacağınızı söyleyerek o şeyi yapmaya başladığınız oldu mu – öyle söyleyerek yapmak yardımcı mı oldu yoksa size engel mi oldu?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How much higher was Ape able to count before the spear landed than Boar could count?", + "text": "Maymun, mızrak yere düşmeden önce Domuz’un sayabildiğinden ne kadar daha fazla sayabildi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The spear hit the ground on the count of seven.\n\nApe was upset. He was so angry that he started turning around, complaining and making all sorts of excuses.\n\nBut King Leopard told him \"No, Ape, you only get one chance.\" And so the ape had to leave.", + "text": "Yediye kadar saydıktan sonra mızrak yere düştü.\n\nMaymun hayal kırıklığına uğramıştı. O kadar öfkeliydi ki etrafında dönüp şikâyet etmeye ve bahaneler uydurmaya başladı.\n\nAma Kral Leopar ona, “Hayır, Maymun, sadece tek bir şansın var!” dedi. Ve böylece, Maymun gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "So far, no animal has done it. Make up an ending for this story. Either think of a way an animal can win, change the contest, or figure out what to do if no animal can win.", + "text": "Şu âna kadar hiçbir hayvan başaramadı. Bu hikâye için bir son uydurun. Ya bir hayvanın kazanmasını sağlayacak bir yol düşünün ya yarışmayı değiştirin ya da hiçbir hayvan kazanamazsa ne yapacağınızı düşünüp bulun.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "How long does it take you to count to ten? Do you think you can throw something in the air long enough to count to ten?", + "text": "Sizin 10’a kadar saymanız ne kadar zaman alıyor? Bir şeyi 10’a kadar sayabilecek kadar uzun süre havaya fırlatabilir misiniz?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Use their facial expressions to describe what each of the animals in this picture is feeling.", + "text": "Bu resimdeki hayvanların her birinin ne hissettiğini tasvir etmek için yüz ifadelerini kullanın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Some of the animals turned and started to leave for home. As they were leaving, they saw a little antelope coming through the crowd. As she trotted, she said, \"Wait, wait, Let me try. I can do it. I can do it. Let me try.\"\n\nWhen the animals heard her words, they all started laughing.", + "text": "Bazı hayvanlar dönüp evlerine doğru yola koyulmaya başladılar. Ayrılırlarken, kalabalığın arasından gelen küçük bir antilop gördüler. Antilop koşarcasına giderken, “Bekleyin, bekleyin! Ben de bir deneyeyim. Başarabilirim. Başarabilirim. Ben de deneyeyim!” dedi.\n\nHayvanlar onun sözlerini işittiklerinde gülmeye başladılar.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Why did the other animals laugh at the little antelope? Were they being nice?", + "text": "Diğer hayvanlar neden küçük Antilop’a güldüler? Ona nazik mi davranıyorlardı?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "What skill might the antelope have that the others did not?", + "text": "Antilop, diğerlerinin sahip olmadığı hangi beceriye sahip olabilir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Have you ever seen people laugh at someone and just assume that person would do poorly? How did that make the person feel?", + "text": "Hiç insanların, birisine gülüp, o kişinin kötü performans göstereceğini varsaydıklarını gördünüz mü? Bu, o kişiyi nasıl hissettirdi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "King Leopard jumped up and shouted angrily. \"Stop it! Do not make fun of Antelope! Who is to say that small animals can't do things that big animals can do? If Antelope wants to have a chance, she will be given the same chance that all the animals had. So stand back and let Antelope throw the spear.\"", + "text": "Kral Leopar ayağa fırladı ve öfkeyle bağırdı. “Kesin! Antilop’la dalga geçmeyin! Küçük hayvanların büyük hayvanların yapabildiği şeyleri yapamayacağını kim söyleyebilir? Eğer Antilop bir şans istiyorsa, tüm hayvanlara verilen şans ona da verilecektir. Dolayısıyla, geri çekilin ve Antilop’un mızrağı atmasına izin verin.”", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "It sounds like there might be a surprise coming. What do you think will be surprising about Antelope?", + "text": "Bir sürpriz olacakmış gibi görünüyor. Sizce Antilop’la ilgili şaşırtıcı olan şey nedir?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A good leader takes care of everyone. Do you think King Leopard is a good leader?", + "text": "İyi bir lider herkesi önemser. Sizce Kral Leopar iyi bir lider mi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of a good leader who you know. Describe some qualities that you think make that person a good leader.", + "text": "Bildiğiniz iyi bir lideri düşünün. Bu kişiyi iyi lider yapan bazı niteliklerini açıklayın.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Antelope bowed to her king, turned and took the spear in her mouth. She backed up, and with all the strength in her tiny body she started running. When she reached the center of the clearing, she jumped high.\n\nShe took a deep breath, released the spear and shouted, \"Five and five is ten.\" The spear hit the ground.", + "text": "Antilop, Kral’ın önünde saygıyla eğildi, döndü ve mızrağı ağzına aldı. Geri çekildi ve o minik vücudundaki tüm güçle koşmaya başladı. Açık alanın merkezine ulaştığında yükseğe sıçradı.\n\nDerin bir nefes aldı, mızrağı bıraktı ve, “Beş artı beş on eder,” diye bağırdı. Mızrak yere çarptı.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The surprise is Math! Antelope used her intelligence and the power of math to win the contest!", + "text": "Sürpriz olan şey Matematik! Antilop yarışmayı kazanmak için zekâsını ve matematiğin gücünü kullandı!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Think of some other combinations of numbers that add up to ten. How many ways can you think of?", + "text": "Toplamı on olan başka sayı kombinasyonlarını düşünün. Aklınıza kaç farklı yol geliyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Try some smaller numbers, such as three, four, or five, and find all the ways to make combinations of numbers add up to those totals. Do you notice any patterns that can save you time? Discovering interesting patterns is what math is all about!", + "text": "Üç, dört veya beş gibi daha küçük sayıları deneyin ve sayı kombinasyonlarının bu toplamlara eşit olmasını sağlayacak tüm yolları bulun. Size zaman kazandırabilecek örüntüleri fark ediyor musunuz? İlginç örüntüler keşfetmek matematiğin ta kendisidir!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "The animals were quiet. They were confused. King Leopard explained, \"Yes, Antelope! Five plus five is another way to get to ten. There is more than one way to count to ten.\"\n\nThe contest was not to find the biggest or the strongest animal. It was a contest to find the smartest animal! That is how Antelope became queen when leopard died.", + "text": "Hayvanlar sessizdi. Kafaları karışmıştı. Kral Leopar, “Evet, Antilop! Beş artı beş 10’a ulaşmanın bir başka yoludur. 10’a kadar saymanın birden fazla yolu vardır,” diye açıkladı.\n\nBu yarışma en büyük veya en güçlü hayvanı bulmak için değildi. Yarışma, en zeki hayvanı bulmak içindi! Leopar öldüğünde, işte Antilop böyle kraliçe oldu.", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "Antelope listened carefully to the rules and found a new solution. Did Antelope cheat or was she clever?", + "text": "Antilop kuralları dikkatlice dinledi ve yeni bir çözüm buldu. Antilop hile mi yaptı yoksa zeki miydi?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "If someone asked you to count to ten, would you count by 1's, 2's, 5's, or 10's? What would happen if you counted by 3's or 4's? Why don't those numbers come out evenly?", + "text": "Birisi sizden 10’a kadar saymanızı isteseydi, bunu, tek tek mi yoksa ikişer ikişer, beşer beşer ya da onar onar atlayarak mı sayardınız? Üçer üçer veya dörder dörder sayarsanız ne olur? Bu iki sayıyla saymanın sonucu neden eşit çıkmıyor?", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + }, + { + "SourceText": "A group of people often all think about something the same way and miss a good way to solve a problem. Good problem solvers discover new ways to approach problems!", + "text": "Bir grup insan, sıklıkla, bir şey hakkında aynı şekillerde düşünürler ve bir sorunu çözmenin iyi yollarını kaçırırlar. İyi problem çözücüler ise problemlere yaklaşmanın yeni yollarını keşfederler!", + "type": "data_list", + "note": "" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config.ts b/config.ts index 0effbc7..20f19f6 100644 --- a/config.ts +++ b/config.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ config.google_drive = { config.git = { content_repo: "", - content_tag_latest: "1.2.32", + content_tag_latest: "1.2.33", }; = { diff --git a/reports/summary.json b/reports/summary.json index cb12cd1..f431856 100644 --- a/reports/summary.json +++ b/reports/summary.json @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ }, { "type": "set_variable", - "count": 421 + "count": 422 }, { "type": "simple_checkbox", diff --git a/reports/ b/reports/ index 74102af..4ff2910 100644 --- a/reports/ +++ b/reports/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ | round_button | 6 | | select_text | 1 | | set_field | 11 | -| set_variable | 421 | +| set_variable | 422 | | simple_checkbox | 4 | | template | 64 | | text | 83 | From 39d87e02cad87c99642d4a127718fbdf4ae4e3a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 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He ate with a very long fork.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "He left his house and moved to a big house in the forest, where he lived for many years.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akadelis_Lucky_Day_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akadelis_Lucky_Day_pages.json index 7c22a9b..aaebba6 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akadelis_Lucky_Day_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akadelis_Lucky_Day_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "One day Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait, and Mary went to pick wild fruit.\n\nThey held hands to cross the big river.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "The girls found a tree full of ripe fruit.\n\nThey agreed to pick the fruit with their eyes closed.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Lucy, Acharait and Mary did not close their eyes.\n\nOnly Akadeli closed hers.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "When they opened their eyes, only Akadeli had picked unripe fruit.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Lucy, Acharait, and Mary laughed at Akadeli. They left for home.\n\nAkadeli threw away the unripe fruit. She began picking ripe ones.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Soon, Akadeli filled her basket with ripe fruit.\n\nShe set off alone, crossing the big river.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "Half way across the river, Akadeli's fruit fell into the water.\n\nShe was angry and began to cry.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Akadeli saw a big fish and grabbed it.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "As Akadeli walked home, a hawk snatched the fish.\n\nHe flew away with it.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "The hawk left behind a feather from its tail.\n\nAkadeli picked up the feather and continued walking home.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "She came across a traditional wedding. Dancers were wearing grass on their heads instead of feathers as was the tradition.\n\nThey took her feather and gave her a big bull!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "Akadeli reached home with her bull. Her parents and relatives were so happy. Lucy, Acharait, and Mary wished they had not lied to Akadeli.\n\nIt was a lucky day for Akadeli!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akais_Special_Mat_data.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akais_Special_Mat_data.json index 38dd0ea..909fa57 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akais_Special_Mat_data.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Akais_Special_Mat_data.json @@ -14,25 +14,25 @@ "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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"kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog have a ball.\n\nThe ball is red and blue and yellow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog.\n\nDog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Cat.\n\nCat catches the ball.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Then Cat throws the ball very high.\n\nOh! Oh!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "The ball is on the roof.\n\nThe ball is on the roof of the house.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog can see the ball.\n\nCat and Dog cannot get to the ball.\n\nHow will they get the ball down?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog are sad.\n\nThey want to find something tall to reach the ball.\n\nThen Elephant comes by.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "Elephant is big.\n\nElephant can see the ball.\n\nElephant can get to the ball.\n\nElephant gets the ball from the roof.\n\nElephant takes the ball from the roof of the house.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "Elephant gives the ball to Cat and Dog.\n\nCat and Dog smile. Elephant smiles.\n\nCat and Dog and Elephant smile.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog and Elephant play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog. Dog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Elephant. Elephant catches the ball.\n\nElephant throws the ball to Cat. Cat catches the ball.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye Elephant.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_But_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_But_pages.json index 6fc7f0d..72e65ac 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_But_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_But_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog look through the window.\n\nThey look through the window.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Then Cat and Dog see a butterfly!\n\nThe butterfly is pink.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog want to catch the butterfly.\n\nCat and Dog follow the butterfly.\n\nThey follow the butterfly.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by foot. They walk after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is too fast and Cat and Dog are slow. They are too slow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by bike. They ride after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is very fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are very slow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by car. They drive after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still too fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still too slow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by boat. They float after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-slow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by plane. They flow after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still super-super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-super-slow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "The Cat and Dog stop. They stop and sit down. They sit down at a tree.\n\nThey sit down at a big tree.\n\nBut then ....", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "They see one butterfly in the tree.\n\nThey see two butterflies in the tree.\n\nThey see three butterflies in the tree.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "They see a hundred butterflies!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -599,28 +695,36 @@ "story_text": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye butterflies.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Egg_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Egg_pages.json index 0a88e5f..ea6df50 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Egg_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_And_The_Egg_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog walk.\n\nThey walk in their village.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Then they see an egg.\n\nThe egg is in the grass.\n\nThe egg is alone in the grass.\n\nThe egg is all alone.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog walk to a bird.\n\nThey ask the bird, \"Is this your egg?\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "But the bird says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg.\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog walk to the owl.\n\nThey ask the owl, \"Is this your egg?\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "But the owl says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg.\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog walk to the goose.\n\nThey ask the goose, \"Is this your egg?\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "But the goose says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg.\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks.\n\nThey ask the two ducks, \"Is this your egg?\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "But the two ducks say, \"No, that is not our egg.\"\n\nThen the egg breaks.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "There is a lizard in the egg.\n\nA baby lizard.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -599,28 +695,36 @@ "story_text": "The baby lizard says, \"Where is my mother? Where is my father? Where are my mother and father?\"\n\nCat and Dog bring the baby lizard to his mother and father.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -648,28 +752,36 @@ "story_text": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye baby lizard.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_Dog_Is_Cold_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_Dog_Is_Cold_pages.json index 8227f25..0250b30 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_Dog_Is_Cold_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Cat_And_Dog_Dog_Is_Cold_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "It is night. It is dark.\n\nIt is cold. It is very cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "For Dog it is too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog underwear.\n\nOne pair of underwear is dirty. One pair of underwear is clean.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Dog takes the clean underwear. But it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog shirts. One shirt is big. One shirt is small.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "Dog takes the big shirt. But it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog pants.\n\nOne pair of pants is long. One pair of pants is short.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "Dog takes the long pair of pants. But it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog vests. One vest is wet, one vest is dry.\n\nDog takes the dry vest, but it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog jackets. One jacket is thick, one jacket is thin.\n\nDog takes the thick jacket, but it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog hats. One hat is high, one hat is low.\n\nDog takes the high hat, but it is still too cold.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -599,28 +695,36 @@ "story_text": "Cat gives Dog shoes.\n\nOne pair of shoes is new, one pair of shoes is old.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -648,28 +752,36 @@ "story_text": "Dogs takes the new shoes, and then ...\n\nIt is not too cold for Dog.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -697,28 +809,36 @@ "story_text": "The night is over.\n\nThe moon goes. The sun comes.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -746,28 +866,36 @@ "story_text": "It is day. It is light. It is warm. It is very warm.\n\nFor Dog it is too warm.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -795,28 +923,36 @@ "story_text": "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye hot Dog.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "When Mister Kio goes to work, he leaves the door open.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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Purr! Purr!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "When Mister Kio returns, Safi stretches happily and welcomes him home.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "Mister Kio and Safi sit down, and each of them reads the newspaper.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Colors_Of_A_Rainbow_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Colors_Of_A_Rainbow_pages.json index 5e59303..bd18823 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Colors_Of_A_Rainbow_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Colors_Of_A_Rainbow_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "A rainbow has seven colors.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "The first color is red.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Kewyu is wearing a red shirt.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "The second color is orange.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "This is an orange. What else can you see that is the color orange?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "The third color is yellow.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "The yolk of an egg is yellow. What else can you see that is the color yellow?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "The fourth color is green.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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Violet is my favorite color! What is your favorite color?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -746,28 +866,36 @@ "story_text": "Do you know the seven colors of the rainbow?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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The children learned cooking, gardening, and hunting from their parents.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "At dinner time every day, they talked about what they had done that day.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "The father usually warned the children not to go deep into the forest. He told the family about a strange creature that lived in the forest. \"This creature is like two of us put together!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "One day, the girls were playing at the river. Suddenly, from behind a tree, there was a strange creature! The creature had two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Shaking with fear, they ran to tell their brothers about what they had seen. But the boys didn't believe them. \"The girls are being silly!\" they said.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Eventually, curiosity got the better of the boys. 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It had two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. Instead of one each, like them.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "The frightened children ran home to call their parents. Soon the whole family was at the river to see the creature.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "Don't hurt me! the creature said, as it hid behind the tree. 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It was simply a different form of them.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Curious_Baby_Elephant_data.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Curious_Baby_Elephant_data.json index 5c9c05d..dacaa2b 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Curious_Baby_Elephant_data.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Curious_Baby_Elephant_data.json @@ -14,25 +14,29 @@ "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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We love drums!\n\nWe have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized, and small.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers.\n\nWe play drums for various reasons: We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts, and in bad times.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colorful.\n\nWe play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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She knew their faces by touch.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -109,28 +125,36 @@ "story_text": "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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They threw their leaves all over the place.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "The clouds were sad to see all this. 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There were many tears.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "The whole world began to sink under water.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "The wind went to sleep. 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"kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,28 +524,36 @@ "story_text": "They were tired.\n\nThey fell asleep before finishing their dinner.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -501,28 +581,36 @@ "story_text": "They helped grandmother.\n\nThey collected eggs and picked vegetables.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -550,28 +638,36 @@ "story_text": "Grandmother taught Odongo and Apiyo how to cook different foods.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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"kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -697,28 +809,36 @@ "story_text": "In the evening, they helped grandmother to count her money.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -746,28 +866,36 @@ "story_text": "Soon, the holidays were over.\n\nGrandmother packed food for their journey.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -795,28 +923,36 @@ "story_text": "The children did not want to leave.\n\n\"Grandmother, come with us.\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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"kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_Lulu_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_Lulu_pages.json index f5c3e3f..176b48b 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_Lulu_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_Lulu_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "Oh, no!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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"kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "Is she behind the curtain?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she next to the stove?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "Is she in the cupboard?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - 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Where are you? calls Ma.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -354,28 +410,36 @@ "story_text": "There you are! says Ma.\n\n\"I do not want to gooo!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -403,28 +467,36 @@ "story_text": "We have to go, says Ma.\n\n\"But I really like this one!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -452,22 +524,28 @@ "annotation_1": "This building has many rectangles. Most buildings use rectangles a lot for their sides and windows.", "_translations": { "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -491,22 +569,28 @@ "annotation_1": "Where are they going? What does that big book on top of the building tell you about what this building is?", "_translations": { "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -530,28 +614,36 @@ "story_text": "I really like this one!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -579,28 +671,36 @@ "story_text": "And this one!", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -628,28 +728,36 @@ "story_text": "And this one! \n\n\"And this one!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -677,28 +785,36 @@ "story_text": "See, you return books and borrow more, says Ma.\n\n\"YAY!\"", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -726,28 +842,36 @@ "story_text": "Where is Lulu now?", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_My_Bat_pages.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_My_Bat_pages.json index 5232d96..1634996 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_My_Bat_pages.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/Where_Is_My_Bat_pages.json @@ -11,28 +11,36 @@ "story_text": "I have lost my bat, and I cannot find it.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -60,28 +68,36 @@ "story_text": "I looked behind the door. 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I could not find it there.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -158,28 +182,36 @@ "story_text": "I looked for it under the bed. Not there either.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -207,28 +239,36 @@ "story_text": "I searched inside the box. There was no sign of it.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -256,28 +296,36 @@ "story_text": "I searched the attic. It was not there.", "_translations": { "story_text": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_1": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_2": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true }, "annotation_3": { + "br_pt": true, "cn_zh": true, "es_es": true, "fr_fr": true, - "kw_ar": true + "sa_ar": true, + "tr_tr": true } }, "_translatedFields": { @@ -305,28 +353,36 @@ "story_text": "I looked here, there, and everywhere. 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Do you like to wear solids, patterns, or both?": "Descreva as estampas que você vê na roupa delas. Você gosta de usar roupas lisas, estampadas ou ambas?", + "Friends sometimes hold hands to keep each other company or show they are friends. Why are these girls holding hands?": "Amigos às vezes dão as mãos para ficarem próximos ou mostrar que são amigos. Por que essas meninas estão de mãos dadas?", + "The girls found a tree full of ripe fruit.\n\nThey agreed to pick the fruit with their eyes closed.": "As garotas encontraram uma árvore cheia de frutas maduras.\n\nElas decidiram pegar as frutas com os olhos fechados.", + "Name all the colors in the colorful clothes they are wearing.": "Nomeie todas as cores das roupas que elas estão utilizando.", + "Each girl has her arms in a different position. Can you copy their arm positions with your arms?": "Cada menina está com os braços em uma posição diferente. Você consegue imitar as posições delas?", + "Count together the branches coming off the main trunk of this tree. You will have to decide which ones are big enough to count.": "Contem juntos quantos galhos estão saindo do tronco principal dessa árvore. Vocês terão que decidir quais galhos são grandes o suficiente para serem contados.", + "Lucy, Acharait and Mary did not close their eyes.\n\nOnly Akadeli closed hers.": "Lucy, Acharait e Maria não fecharam seus olhos.\n\nApenas Akadeli fechou seus olhos.", + "Why do you think the other girls did not close their eyes?": "Por que você acha que as outras meninas não fecharam os olhos?", + "This is a good climbing tree. Count together the branches that look the strongest.": "Essa é uma boa árvore para ser escalada. Contem juntos os galhos que parecem ser mais fortes.", + "Do you ever do things with your eyes closed, just for fun?": "Você já fez coisas de olhos fechados apenas por diversão?", + "When they opened their eyes, only Akadeli had picked unripe fruit.": "Quando elas abriram os olhos, apenas Akadeli havia pegado frutas verdes.", + "Estimate how many pieces of fruit there are in one basket. Estimating means making an informed guess. Is your estimate bigger than the biggest number you know?": "Estime quantas frutas há em uma cesta. Estimar significa dar um palpite informado. A sua estimativa é maior do que o maior número que você conhece?", + "What shapes are there on the two blue dresses?": "Quais formas têm nos dois vestidos azuis?", + "Did you ever play a game where some of the people didn't follow the rules? How did it make you feel?": "Você já participou de uma brincadeira em que algumas pessoas não seguiram as regras? Como isso fez você se sentir?", + "Lucy, Acharait, and Mary laughed at Akadeli. They left for home.\n\nAkadeli threw away the unripe fruit. She began picking ripe ones.": "Lucy, Acharait e Maria riram de Akadeli. Elas foram pra casa.\n\nAkadeli jogou fora as frutas que estavam verdes. Ela começou a pegar as maduras.", + "If you have four girls and you take three away, how many are left?": "Se você tem quatro meninas e tira três, quantas sobram?", + "When people laugh at you, does that make you feel angry or ashamed? Were you able to ignore them knowing they were just being mean?": "Quando as pessoas riem de você, isso te faz ficar com raiva ou envergonhado? Você consegue ignorar essas pessoas por saber que elas estão sendo malvadas?", + "Why did Akadeli stay behind to pick fruit?": "Por que Akadeli ficou pra trás para pegar frutas?", + "Soon, Akadeli filled her basket with ripe fruit.\n\nShe set off alone, crossing the big river.": "Logo, Akadeli encheu seu balde com frutas maduras.\n\nEla partiu sozinha, atravessando o grande rio.", + "How many splashes can you count when her fruit hits the water?": "Quantos respingos de água você consegue contar quando as frutas dela caíram na água?", + "Count the larger trees together.": "Contem juntos as árvores grandes.", + "Why do you think Akadeli slipped in the river when no one slipped before? Is there another reason for holding hands?": "Por que você acha que Akadeli escorregou no rio sendo que ninguém havia escorregado antes? Tem algum outro motivo para ficar de mãos dadas enquanto atravessam o rio?", + "Half way across the river, Akadeli's fruit fell into the water.\n\nShe was angry and began to cry.": "Na metade da travessia do rio, as frutas de Akadeli caíram na água.\n\nEla ficou irritada e começou a chorar.", + "Akadeli is standing in the middle of some circles in the water. How many?": "Akadeli está em pé em meio a alguns círculos de água. Quantos?", + "People cry sometimes when they are sad or angry. Have you been sad or angry when you spilled something?": "Às vezes as pessoas choram quando estão tristes ou irritadas Você já ficou triste por ter derrubado alguma coisa?", + "Count together the dark squares in the checkerboard pattern on her shirt.": "Contem juntos os quadrados pretos na roupa com estampa xadrez que Akadeli está usando.", + "Akadeli saw a big fish and grabbed it.": "Akadeli viu um grande peixe e o agarrou.", + "Is it okay that Akadeli lost her basket? Do you think her parents will be mad?": "O fato de Akadeli ter perdido sua cesta é um problema? Você acha que os pais dela vão ficar bravos?", + "The title says this is Akadeli's lucky day. How is Akadeli's day going so far?": "O título da história diz que esse é o dia de sorte de Akadeli. Como está sendo o dia de Akadeli até agora?", + "Is this fish bigger or smaller than Akadeli?": "Esse peixe é maior ou menor que Akadeli?", + "As Akadeli walked home, a hawk snatched the fish.\n\nHe flew away with it.": "Enquanto Akadeli voltava pra casa, um falcão agarrou seu peixe.\n\nEle voou para longe com o peixe.", + "The hawk snatched the fish with the talons on its feet. How many talons do you see?": "O Falcão agarrou o peixe com as garras em suas patas. Quantas garras você vê?", + "The hawk's wings and Akadeli's shirt look a bit alike -- describe how they are similar and how they are different.": "As asas do Falcão e a camiseta de Akadeli se parecem um pouco. Descreva as semelhanças e diferenças entre elas.", + "What is Akadeli feeling as she watches the hawk fly away with her fish?": "O que Akadeli está sentindo enquanto vê o Falcão voar para longe com seu peixe?", + "The hawk left behind a feather from its tail.\n\nAkadeli picked up the feather and continued walking home.": "O Falcão deixou para trás uma pena de sua cauda.\n\nAkadeli pegou a pena e continuou caminhando até sua casa.", + "How many spots are on this feather?": "Quantas marcas há nessa pena?", + "Have you ever found a feather? Was it very colorful?": "Você já encontrou uma pena? Era muito colorida?", + "There are three kinds of plants in this picture. Point at the tallest and shortest ones.": "Há três tipos de plantas nesta foto. Aponte para as mais altas e para as menores.", + "She came across a traditional wedding. Dancers were wearing grass on their heads instead of feathers as was the tradition.\n\nThey took her feather and gave her a big bull!": "No caminho, ela passou por um casamento tradicional. Os dançarinos estavam utilizando grama para enfeitar suas cabeças em vez de penas como a tradição pedia.\n\nEles pegaram a pena de Akadeli e a deram um grande touro em troca!", + "Count how many people are wearing yellow grass on their heads.": "Conte quantas pessoas estão utilizando grama amarela para enfeitar a cabeça.", + "Estimate how many people it would take to weigh as much as that bull.": "Estime quantas pessoas seriam necessárias para pesar tanto quanto aquele touro.", + "Surprisingly, Akadeli traded a feather for a bull. Why did the people do that?": "Surpreendentemente, Akadeli conseguiu trocar uma pena por um touro. Por que as pessoas fizeram isso?", + "Akadeli reached home with her bull. Her parents and relatives were so happy. Lucy, Acharait, and Mary wished they had not lied to Akadeli.\n\nIt was a lucky day for Akadeli!": "Akadeli chegou em casa com seu touro. Seus pais e familiares ficaram muito felizes. Lucy, Acharait e Maria gostariam que não tivessem mentido para Akadeli.\n\nFoi um dia de sorte para Akadeli!", + "How do you think the other girls feel?": "Como você acha que as outras garotas se sentiram?", + "Have you ever lied to someone? If so, did it make you feel sorry or ashamed?": "Você já mentiu para alguém? Se sim, isso fez você se sentir envergonhado ou arrependido?", + "Count the number of difficult moments in Akadeli's day. All turned out well in the end. Life can be full of surprises!": "Conte quantos momentos difíceis Akadeli teve em seu dia. Mas no final, tudo ficou bem, não é mesmo?. A vida pode ser cheia de surpresas!", + "His hoe was too short.": "Sua enxada era muito curta.", + "Point out the vivid colors -- the yellow sun, the blue sky, the green bushes, and the red shoes.": "Aponte as cores vivas -- o sol amarelo, o céu azul, os arbustos verdes e os sapatos vermelhos.", + "Count the two bushes and the two red shoes with your child.": "Conte os dois arbustos e os dois sapatos vermelhos com seu filho.", + "Point out how uncomfortable the man looks bending over so far to hoe.": "Aponte como o homem parece desconfortável se curvando tanto para usar a enxada.", + "His doorway was too low.": "A porta dele era muito baixa.", + "Comment that the doorway is too low -- the man is taller than the door.": "Comente que a porta é baixa demais para ele -- o homem é mais alto que a porta.", + "Look how much the man stoops down to talk to the boy -- he is much taller than the boy, and the boy is much shorter than the man!": "Veja como o homem se abaixa para falar com o menino -- ele é muito mais alto que o menino, e o menino é muito mais baixo que o homem!", + "Count the bushes together.": "Contem os arbustos juntos.", + "His bed was too short.": "Sua cama era muito curta.", + "The man's legs stick far out of the bed. He is much longer than his bed.": "As pernas do homem ficam para fora da cama. Ele é bem mais comprido do que a sua cama.", + "Point to the bird and the boy and how puzzled they look by the short bed.": "Aponte para o pássaro e para o menino e comente como eles parecem confusos com a pequena cama.", + "Count together the toes on each of the man's feet.": "Contem juntos os dedos dos pés de cada pé do homem.", + "His bicycle was too short.": "Sua bicicleta era muito pequena.", + "The tall man is much too big for his bicycle. Look how far his leg sticks out!": "O homem alto é muito grande para a sua bicicleta. Olha só como a perna dele fica pra fora!", + "Point out that the bird has changed color from yellow to orange!": "Aponte que o passarinho mudou de cor de amarelo para laranja!", + "Where is the boy in this picture?": "Onde está o menino nessa imagem?", + "This man was too tall!\n\nWhat can he do to solve his problem and fit into his world?": "Este homem era muito alto!\n\nO que ele pode fazer para resolver o problema e se encaixar no mundo dele?", + "Maybe the man is not too tall -- maybe he just needs to solve his problems!": "Talvez o homem não seja tão alto -- talvez ele só precise resolver os problemas dele!", + "The man has a problem and he is feeling sad about it.": "Pontue que o homem tem um problema e que ele está se sentindo triste com isso.", + "Notice that this man is much taller than the other people.": "Note que esse homem é bem mais alto que as outras pessoas.", + "He made a very long handle.": "Ele fez um cabo bem comprido.", + "He solved his problem with the hoe! He made his hoe bigger!": "Ele resolveu o problema com a enxada! Ele fez a enxada maior!", + "Which one is bigger, the hoe or the man?": "Qual é maior, a enxada ou o homem?", + "Do you see the man's red shoes? They disappeared!": "Você vê os sapatos vermelhos do homem? Para onde será que eles foram? Eles sumiram!", + "He made very high door frames.": "Ele fez portas bem altas.", + "Which is higher -- the door or the man?": "Qual é mais alto -- o homem ou a porta?", + "The sun in the sky is round. Point to round things where you are.": "O sol no céu é redondo. Aponte para as coisas redondas ao seu redor.", + "Which is longer and which is shorter -- the man's legs or his upper body?": "Qual é mais comprido e qual é mais curto -- as pernas do homem ou a parte de cima do corpo dele?", + "He made a very long bed.": "Ele fez uma cama bem comprida.", + "We can't see the man's feet now. His bed is longer than he is.": "Agora não conseguimos mais ver os pés do homem A cama é mais comprida que ele.", + "The man looks very comfortable and happy in his big bed.": "O homem parece bem confortável e feliz na cama grande dele.", + "Look at how small the boy looks next to the bed!": "Veja como o menino parece pequenininho perto da cama!", + "He bought a very high bicycle.": "Ele comprou uma bicicleta bem alta.", + "Notice that the boy and the bird are inside the basket now.": "Note que o menino e o passarinho estão dentro da cestinha agora.", + "Everyone looks very happy now that the man's things are the right size.": "Todo mundo parece muito feliz agora que as coisas do homem estão do tamanho certo.", + "Point to and name the many different colors on this page.": "Aponte e nomeie as várias cores diferentes nessa página.", + "He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.": "Ele se sentou em uma cadeira bem alta. Comeu com um garfo bem comprido.", + "Count out with your child many of the things in the picture -- such as fingers, legs, steps, and tines.": "Conte com seu filho várias coisas na imagem -- como dedos, pernas, degraus e dentes.", + "Look at how high the boy's chair is! Would you be scared sitting so high?": "Veja como a cadeira do menino é alta! Você ficaria com medo de ficar em um lugar tão alto?", + "Now that all his things are the right size for him, the man is not too tall at all!": "Agora que todas as coisas estão no tamanho certo pra ele, o homem não é mais tão alto assim!", + "He left his house and moved to a big house in the forest, where he lived for many years.": "Ele saiu de casa e foi morar numa casa grande na floresta, onde viveu muitos anos.", + "Count the pineapples, bags, and trees with your child.": "Conte os abacaxis, sacolas e árvores com seu filho.", + "Count the rungs on the ladder with your child.": "Conte os degraus na escada com seu filho.", + "Notice that the bird is yellow again!": "Note que o passarinho está amarelo de novo!", + "How many cats? \n\n 0 Zero cats.\n\nNo cats here!": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n0 Zero gatos.\n\nNenhum gato aqui!", + "0 is an important number! It's where all counting starts, even when we don't say it.": "0 é um número importante! É onde toda contagem começa, mesmo quando não o dizemos.", + "How many cats do you see?": "Quantos gatos você vê?", + "Count together the butterflies – they are tricky to find in this picture.": "Contem juntos as borboletas -- elas são difíceis de encontrar nesta imagem.", + "How many cats? \n\n 1 One cat.\n\n A black cat is eating red meat.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n1 Um gato.\n\nUm gato preto está comendo carne vermelha.", + "Point to and name the green and orange squares, blue shirt, and black cat.": "Aponte e nomeie os quadrados verdes e laranjas, a camisa azul e o gato preto.", + "Notice how Paul is looking at the cat. Paul sure likes cats!": "Note como o Paulo está olhando para o gato. O Paulo realmente gosta de gatos!", + "Each time a cat is added: a) say that one more than the last number of cats is the new number, and b) one less than the current number is the last number.": "Cada vez que um gato é adicionado: a) diga que o novo número é um a mais que o último número de gatos, e b) o último número é um a menos que o número atual.", + "How many cats? \n\n 2 Two cats. \n\n A white cat and a grey cat are sleeping.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n2 Dois gatos. \n\nUm gato branco e um gato cinza estão dormindo.", + "Count together the cats, plants, and people.": "Contem juntos os gatos, as plantas e as pessoas.", + "Of cats, plants, and people, which number is the biggest? Which one is the smallest?": "Dos gatos, plantas e pessoas, qual número é o maior? Qual é o menor?", + "Notice that the square tiles are now all the same gray color.": "Note que os azulejos quadrados agora são todos da mesma cor cinza.", + "How many cats? \n\n3 Three cats. \n\nThree cats are playing in the kitchen.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n3 Três gatos.\n\nTrês gatos estão brincando na cozinha.", + "What a mess! There must be zero people here!": "Que bagunça! Deve ter zero pessoas aqui!", + "Count together each group – the cats, cabinet doors, food containers, and spoons.": "Contem juntos cada grupo -- os gatos, as portas dos armários, os recipientes de comida e as colheres.", + "Which thing is there the most of in this picture?": "Qual coisa aparece mais vezes nessa imagem?", + "How many cats? \n\n4 Four cats. \n\nFour cats are Paul's friends.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n4 Quatro gatos.\n\nQuatro gatos são amigos do Paulo.", + "Count all the cats.": "Conte todos os gatos.", + "Which of these cats have you seen before, and which are new? Which ones are missing?": "Quais desses gatos você já viu antes e quais são novos? Quais estão faltando?", + "Point at and name all the different colors in the room.": "Aponte e nomeie todas as cores diferentes na sala.", + "How many cats? \n\n5 Five cats. \n\nFive cats chase the dog.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n5 Cinco gatos.\n\nCinco gatos perseguem o cachorro.", + "Looking at their faces and bodies, do the cats and the dog like each other?": "Olhando para as caras e corpos, os gatos e o cachorro gostam um do outro?", + "Count the number of cats and the number of dogs. Which group is bigger? Poor dog!": "Conte o número de gatos e o número de cachorros. Qual grupo é maior? Coitado do cachorro!", + "These cats all have different coloring. Describe the color and pattern of each cat.": "Cada um dos gatos tem colorações diferentes. Descreva a cor e o padrão de cada gato.", + "How many cats?\n\n6 Six cats.\n\nSix cats waiting for the dog.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n6 Seis gatos\n\nSeis gatos estão esperando pelo cachorro.", + "Count the cats on the floor and in the picture. Is it the same number?": "Conte os gatos no chão e na foto. É o mesmo número?", + "Find a cat or two in the picture on the wall that is not on the floor.": "Encontre um ou dois gatos da foto da parede que não estão no chão.", + "The dog doesn't want to come back. Why not?": "O cachorro não quer voltar. Por que não?", + "How many cats? \n\n7 Seven cats. \n\nSeven cats playing in the compound.": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n7 Sete gatos.\n\nSete gatos brincando no quintal.", + "Point at each of the seven cats.": "Aponte para cada um dos sete gatos.", + "What is Paul looking for?": "O que Paulo está procurando?", + "The cat on the roof is the highest cat. How did that cat get up so high?": "O gato no telhado é o gato que está mais alto. Como esse gato subiu tão alto?", + "How many cats? \n\n8 Eight cats. \n\nEight cats and one dog!": "Quantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n8 Oito gatos.\n\nOito gatos e um cachorro!", + "The cats have many different colors and patterns. Have you seen cats like these?": "Os gatos têm muitas cores e padrões diferentes. Você já viu gatos assim?", + "Seven cats plus one dog makes how many animals?": "Oito gatos mais um cachorro resulta em quantos animais?", + "Do you think the dog looks happy or worried?": "Você acha que o cachorro parece feliz ou preocupado?", + "A kitten is stuck in a tree! \n\n\"I will rescue you!\" says Paul.": "Um gatinho está preso em uma árvore!\n\n\"Eu vou te resgatar!\", diz Paulo.", + "How many cats are stuck in the tree?": "Quantos gatos estão presos nessa árvore?", + "How did the cat get up there?": "Como esse gato chegou ali?", + "The cat is higher than Paul. How will Paul help the cat?": "O gato está mais alto que Paulo. Como Paulo vai ajudar o gato?", + "Mama, can we keep him?\" \n\nHow many cats? \n\n9 Nine cats. \n\n\"That is too many cats!\" says Mama.\u0001": "\"Mamãe, podemos ficar com ele?”\n\nQuantos gatos estão aqui?\n\n9 Nove gatos.\n\n\"São muitos gatos!\" diz a mamãe", + "One more than eight cats is nine cats. A dog and nine cats is how many animals?\u0001\u0001": "Um a mais que oito gatos são nove gatos. Um cachorro e nove gatos são quantos animais?", + "Do you know anyone with cats? How many cats do they have?": "Você conhece alguém com gatos? Quantos gatos essa pessoa tem?", + "Do you think nine cats is too many?": "Você acha que nove gatos são muitos?", + "Count together the whiskers, ears, legs, eyes, and tails.": "Contem juntos os fios dos bigodes, as orelhas, as pernas, os olhos e os rabos.", + "Which counts are the same, which are different, which are the largest, and which are the smallest?": "Quais contagens são iguais, quais são diferentes, quais são maiores e quais são menores?", + "Which animal is red and which one is yellow?": "Qual animal é vermelho e qual é amarelo?", + "Cat and Dog live in a house.\n\nA house with a door.\n\nA house with a roof.": "Gato e Cão moram numa casa.\n\nUma casa com uma porta.\n\nUma casa com um telhado.", + "Cat and Dog live in a round house. Is your house round?": "Gato e Cão moram numa casa redonda. Sua casa é redonda?", + "Point to any other round things in the picture.": "Aponte para outras coisas redondas na imagem.", + "How many rooms does their house seem to have?": "Quantos cômodos a casa deles parece ter?", + "Cat and Dog have a ball.\n\nThe ball is red and blue and yellow.": "Gato e Cão têm uma bola.\n\nA bola é vermelha, azul e amarela.", + "Count together the number of colors on the ball.": "Contem juntos o número de cores na bola.", + "Which color on the ball is not a color for Cat or Dog?": "Qual cor na bola não é uma cor do Gato ou do Cão?", + "Is there anything where you are that is striped like this ball?": "Tem algo na sua casa que é listrado como essa bola?", + "Cat and Dog play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog.\n\nDog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Cat.\n\nCat catches the ball.": "Gato e Cão brincam com a bola.\n\nO Gato joga a bola para o Cão.\n\nO Cão pega a bola.\n\nO Cão joga a bola para o Gato.\n\nO Gato pega a bola.", + "How many times did they throw the ball?": "Quantas vezes eles jogaram a bola?", + "Do you like playing with balls? Do you throw them, catch them, or kick them?": "Você gosta de brincar com bolas? Você joga, pega ou chuta?", + "Can real cats and dogs play catch with a ball? How can they play with balls?": "Gatos e cachorros reais conseguem brincar de pegar uma bola? Como eles podem brincar com bolas?", + "Then Cat throws the ball very high.\n\nOh! Oh!": "Então Gato joga a bola bem alto.\n\nOh! Oh!", + "The ball is higher than Dog. How much higher than Dog did Cat throw it?": "A bola está mais alta que o Cão. Quão mais alto que o Cão o Gato jogou?", + "Did Cat mean to do that? How can you tell from Cat's face?": "O Gato fez isso de propósito? Como você pode dizer isso pela expressão do Gato?", + "Does the ball sometimes not go where you want it when you play catch?": "Já aconteceu de a bola não ir para o lugar esperado quando você joga ela?", + "The ball is on the roof.\n\nThe ball is on the roof of the house.": "A bola está no telhado.\n\nA bola está no telhado da casa.", + "The roof is slanted. Does the ball look like it would roll off the roof?": "O telhado é inclinado. Será que a bola vai rolar do telhado?", + "Where are Cat and Dog?": "Cadê o Gato e o Cão?", + "How is the shape of the ball and the house similar and how are they different?": "Como as formas da bola e da casa são similares e como são diferentes?", + "Cat and Dog can see the ball.\n\nCat and Dog cannot get to the ball.\n\nHow will they get the ball down?": "Gato e Cão conseguem ver a bola.\n\nGato e Cão não conseguem pegar a bola.\n\nComo eles vão pegar a bola?", + "The ball is too high for Cat and Dog to reach. How will they solve this problem?": "A bola está muito alta para Gato e Cão alcançarem. Como eles vão resolver esse problema?", + "What can you do to get something that is too high? Would you ask for help?": "O que você faria para pegar algo que está muito alto? Pediria ajuda?", + "Does the ball look bigger than it did when they were throwing it?": "A bola parece maior do que quando eles estavam jogando?", + "Cat and Dog are sad.\n\nThey want to find something tall to reach the ball.\n\nThen Elephant comes by.": "Gato e Cão estão tristes.\n\nEles querem encontrar algo que seja alto para alcançar a bola.\n\nEntão o Elefante passa por ali.", + "Cat and Dog are crying. Is their crying helping them solve their problem?": "Gato e Cão estão chorando. O choro deles está ajudando a resolver o problema?", + "Count together the big animals, birds, and trees in the picture.": "Contem juntos os animais grandes, pássaros e árvores na imagem.", + "How can Elephant help them? Is the elephant tall?": "Como Elefante pode ajudá-los? O Elefante é alto?", + "Elephant is big.\n\nElephant can see the ball.\n\nElephant can get to the ball.\n\nElephant gets the ball from the roof.\n\nElephant takes the ball from the roof of the house.": "Elefante é grande.\n\nElefante consegue ver a bola.\n\nElefante pode pegar a bola.\n\nElefante pega a bola do telhado.\n\nElefante tira a bola do telhado da casa.", + "The ball is higher than Elephant. How does Elephant reach the ball?": "A bola estava mais alta que o Elefante. Como o Elefante alcançou a bola?", + "The animals are all standing on two of their four legs. Have you seen animals do this?": "Os animais estão todos apoiados em duas de suas quatro patas. Você já viu animais fazerem isso?", + "What other animals stand on two legs?": "Que outros animais ficam em duas patas?", + "Elephant gives the ball to Cat and Dog.\n\nCat and Dog smile. Elephant smiles.\n\nCat and Dog and Elephant smile.": "Elefante entrega a bola para Gato e Cão.\n\nGato e Cão sorriem. Elefante sorri.\n\nGato, Cão e Elefante sorriem.", + "Who has the longest nose? Why does an elephant need such a long nose?": "Quem tem o nariz mais comprido? Por que um elefante precisa de um nariz tão comprido?", + "Which of these animals is the biggest and which is the smallest?": "Qual desses animais é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "How is Elephant different and how is Elephant similar to Cat and Dog? What does Elephant have that they don't?": "Como o Elefante é diferente e como é similar ao Gato e ao Cão? O que o Elefante tem que eles não têm?", + "Cat and Dog and Elephant play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog. Dog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Elephant. Elephant catches the ball.\n\nElephant throws the ball to Cat. Cat catches the ball.": "Gato, Cão e Elefante brincam com a bola.\n\nGato joga a bola para o Cão. Cão pega a bola.\n\nCão joga a bola para o Elefante. Elefante pega a bola.\n\nElefante joga a bola para o Gato. Gato pega a bola.", + "Count the number of throws and the number of catches. Are they the same number?": "Contem o número de jogadas e o número de pegadas. É o mesmo número?", + "Did each animal throw and each animal catch?": "Todos os animais jogaram e pegaram a bola?", + "They are good at taking turns. Are you good at taking turns?": "Eles são bons em se revezar. Você é bom em revezar?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye Elephant.": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, Elefante.", + "Count together the number of animals waving.": "Contem juntos o número de animais acenando.", + "Are there more animals or balls? By how much?": "Existem mais animais ou bolas? Quantos estão sobrando?", + "With fewer balls than animals, the animals must be good at sharing.": "Quando há menos bolas do que animais, os animais precisam ser bons em compartilhar.", + "Which one has stripes and which one has spots? How many stripes and how many spots?": "Qual deles tem listras e qual tem pintinhas? Quantas listras e quantas pintinhas?", + "Which one has whiskers we can see? How many whiskers?": "Qual deles tem bigodes que podemos ver? Quantos pêlos do bigode?", + "Which one is red and which one is yellow?": "Qual é vermelho e qual é amarelo?", + "Cat and Dog look through the window.\n\nThey look through the window.": "Gato e Cão olham pela janela.\n\nEles olham pela janela.", + "How many times does it say that they are looking through the window? The writer repeats it to tell us that Cat and Dog have nothing to do.": "Quantas vezes a história diz que eles estão olhando pela janela? O escritor repete isso para nos mostrar que Gato e Cão não têm nada para fazer.", + "Do Cat and Dog look bored?": "Gato e Cão parecem entediados?", + "Count together the number of trees.": "Contem juntos o número de árvores.", + "Then Cat and Dog see a butterfly!\n\nThe butterfly is pink.": "Então Gato e Cão enxergam uma borboleta!\n\nA borboleta é rosa.", + "Why were Cat and Dog so excited to see a butterfly? Were they looking for one?": "Por que Gato e Cão ficaram tão animados ao ver a borboleta? Estavam procurando uma?", + "Point at and count the wings on the butterfly.": "Aponte e conte quantas asas a borboleta tem.", + "Point at and count the short lines going away from the butterfly. They show the butterfly is alarmed.": "Aponte e conte as linhas curtas saindo da borboleta. Elas indicam que a borboleta está atenta.", + "Cat and Dog want to catch the butterfly.\n\nCat and Dog follow the butterfly.\n\nThey follow the butterfly.": "Gato e Cão querem pegar a borboleta.\n\nGato e Cão seguem a borboleta.\n\nEles seguem a borboleta.", + "Does the butterfly want to be caught?": "A borboleta quer ser pega?", + "Is it mean of Cat and Dog to want to catch the butterfly?": "É maldade o Gato e o Cão quererem pegar a borboleta?", + "When is it fun to be chased and when is it frightening?": "Quando é divertido ser perseguido e quando é assustador?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by foot. They walk after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is too fast and Cat and Dog are slow. They are too slow.": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta a pé. Eles andam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é rápida demais e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles são lentos demais.", + "Which animal is going the fastest?": "Qual animal está indo mais rápido?", + "Can you go faster or slower than Cat and Dog?": "Você consegue ir mais rápido ou mais devagar que o Gato e o Cão?", + "Point out that their feet are drawn going in circles to indicate they are running fast.": "Aponte que seus pés estão desenhados em círculos para indicar que estão correndo rápido.", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by bike. They ride after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is very fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are very slow.": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta de bicicleta. Eles pedalam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é muito rápida e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles são muito lentos.", + "Can butterflies fly faster than a bike can go?": "As borboletas podem voar mais rápido do que uma bicicleta pode ir?", + "Can cats and dogs ride bikes?": "Gatos e cachorros conseguem andar de bicicleta?", + "Do you think you could catch a butterfly while riding a bike?": "Você acha que conseguiria pegar uma borboleta enquanto anda de bicicleta?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by car. They drive after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still too fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still too slow.": "Gato e Cão seguem a borboleta de carro. Eles dirigem atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é rápida demais e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda estão lentos demais.", + "Can a butterfly or a bird fly faster than a car?": "Uma borboleta ou um pássaro pode voar mais rápido que um carro?", + "Can a real dog drive a car?": "Um cachorro de verdade consegue dirigir um carro?", + "Count together the clouds in the sky.": "Contem juntos as nuvens no céu.", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by boat. They float after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-slow.": "Gato e Cão seguem a borboleta de barco. Eles remam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta é super-rápida, e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda estão super-lentos.", + "Count the number of fish.": "Contem o número de peixes.", + "Including Cat and Dog, count the number of animals.": "Incluindo Gato e Cão, contem o número de animais.", + "The fish look surprised. Why are they surprised?": "Os peixes parecem surpresos. Por que eles estão surpresos?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by plane. They flow after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still super-super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-super-slow.": "O Gato e o Cão seguem a borboleta de avião. Eles voam atrás da borboleta.\n\nMas a borboleta é rápida. A borboleta ainda é super-super-rápida, e o Gato e o Cão são lentos. Eles ainda são super-super-lentos.", + "Do you think a dog can fly a plane?": "Você acha que um cachorro consegue pilotar um avião?", + "Which of cars, boats, and planes is the fastest and which is the slowest?": "Qual dos carros, barcos e aviões é o mais rápido e qual é o mais lento?", + "They are up very high. Count together the clouds where they are.": "Eles estão muito altos. Contem juntos as nuvens de onde eles estão.", + "The Cat and Dog stop. They stop and sit down. They sit down at a tree.\n\nThey sit down at a big tree.\n\nBut then ....": "Gato e Cão param. Eles param e se sentam. Eles se sentam ao pé de uma árvore.\n\nEles se sentam ao pé de uma grande árvore.\n\nMas então....", + "Which is longer, Cat's tongue or Cat's legs?": "Qual é mais comprido, a língua do Gato ou as pernas do Gato?", + "Do you think cats have tongues that long?": "Você acha que os gatos têm línguas tão compridas?", + "Are their tongues hanging out because Cat and Dog are tired?": "Será que suas línguas estão para fora porque Gato e Cão sentem cansaço?", + "They see one butterfly in the tree.\n\nThey see two butterflies in the tree.\n\nThey see three butterflies in the tree.": "Eles veem uma borboleta na árvore.\n\nEles veem duas borboletas na árvore.\n\nEles veem três borboletas na árvore.", + "Count together the butterflies you can see in the tree.": "Contem juntos as borboletas que conseguem ver na árvore.", + "Do you think you can see all the butterflies?": "Você acha que consegue ver todas as borboletas que estão na árvore?", + "There are three types of living things in the picture: trees, Cat and Dog, and butterflies. Which group is the largest and which is the smallest?": "Há três tipos de seres vivos na imagem: árvores, o Gato, o Cão e as borboletas. Qual deles é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "They see a hundred butterflies!": "Eles veem cem borboletas!", + "How many butterflies can you count? Are there too many for you to count?": "Quantas borboletas você consegue contar? São muitas para você contar?", + "How many different colors of butterflies are there?": "Qual cor de borboleta repete mais?", + "For which color of butterfly is there the most?": "Qual cor de borboleta repete mais?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye butterflies.": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, Borboletas.", + "Are you happy or sad that Cat and Dog caught a butterfly?": "Você está feliz ou triste que Gato e Cão pegaram uma borboleta?", + "In the picture, who do you think is happy and who is sad?": "Na imagem, quem você acha que está feliz e quem está triste?", + "How long do you think a butterfly can live in a jar?": "Por quanto tempo você acha que uma borboleta pode viver em um pote de vidro?", + "They each have two ears. Whose ears are bigger?": "Cada um tem duas orelhas. Quem tem as maiores orelhas?", + "They each have one tail. Whose tail is longer?": "Cada um tem um rabo. De quem é o rabo mais longo?", + "They each have markings on their belly. Whose markings are bigger?": "Cada um tem marcações na barriga. De quem são as marcações maiores?", + "Cat and Dog walk.\n\nThey walk in their village.": "Gato e Cão caminham.\n\nEles caminham em sua vila.", + "Count together the homes in the village.": "Contem juntos as casas na vila.", + "There are many things to count together -- one bird, one cat, one dog, three animals, three buildings, and one tree.": "Há muitas coisas para contarem juntos - um pássaro, um gato, um cachorro, três animais, três prédios e uma árvore.", + "Two of the buildings are round around the base. The third one has a base shaped like this page.": "Dois dos prédios são redondos na base. O terceiro tem uma base quadrada.", + "Then they see an egg.\n\nThe egg is in the grass.\n\nThe egg is alone in the grass.\n\nThe egg is all alone.": "Então eles veem um ovo.\n\nO ovo está na grama.\n\nO ovo está sozinho na grama.\n\nO ovo está completamente sozinho.", + "Count together the animals, trees, houses, and eggs.": "Contem juntos os animais, árvores, casas e ovos.", + "Name an animal that lays eggs.": "Nomeie um animal que ponha ovos.", + "Cat and Dog pick up the egg. It is usually better to leave eggs where you find them.": "Gato e Cão pegam o ovo. Geralmente é melhor deixar os ovos onde você os encontra.", + "Cat and Dog walk to a bird.\n\nThey ask the bird, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Gato e Cão caminham até um pássaro.\n\nEles perguntam ao pássaro: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "The egg is round. Point to other things with round sides.": "O ovo é redondo. Aponte para outras coisas redondas no desenho.", + "Point to round things where you are.": "Aponte para as coisas redondas onde você está.", + "Describe where the bird is -- Cat and Dog are below the roof and below the bird, and the bird is above them.": "Descreva onde está o pássaro - Gato e Cão estão abaixo do telhado e abaixo do pássaro, e o pássaro está acima deles.", + "But the bird says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg.\"": "Mas o pássaro diz: \"Não, esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte à coruja. Talvez o ovo seja dela.\"", + "Have you seen blue birds where you live?": "Você já viu pássaros azuis onde você mora?", + "What color is the tie the owl is wearing? Have you seen a bird wearing a tie?": "De que cor é a gravata que a coruja está usando? Você já viu uma ave usando gravata?", + "The blue bird is sitting on the roof. What is the owl sitting on?": "O pássaro azul está sentado no telhado. No que a coruja está sentada?", + "Cat and Dog walk to the owl.\n\nThey ask the owl, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Gato e Cão caminham até a coruja.\n\nEles perguntam à coruja: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "Owls are said to be wise. Does this owl look wise to you?": "Dizem que as corujas são sábias. Essa coruja parece sábia para você?", + "Count the birds, cats, and dogs. Which type of animal is there the most of?": "Contem as aves, gatos e cachorros. Qual tipo de animal mais há?", + "Notice owl's unusual kite-shaped tie!": "Note a gravata incomum em forma de pipa da coruja!", + "But the owl says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg.\"": "Mas a coruja diz: \"Não,esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte à gansa. Talvez seja o ovo dela.\"", + "If you get something wrong two times, do you get discouraged?": "Se você erra duas vezes, fica desanimado?", + "Cat and Dog are great at persisting -- trying over and over until they succeed. Are you good at persisting?": "Gato e Cão são ótimos em persistir - tentar repetidamente até conseguir. Você é bom em persistir?", + "Count the houses and how many animals there are now.": "Contem juntos as casas e quantos animais há agora.", + "Cat and Dog walk to the goose.\n\nThey ask the goose, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Gato e Cão caminham até a gansa.\n\nEles perguntam à gansa: \"Este ovo é seu?\"", + "How many animals are there?": "Quantos animais há?", + "Are any of the animals the same color? How many different colors are there for all the animals?": "Alguns dos animais têm a mesma cor? Quantas cores diferentes há para todos os animais?", + "There are three birds. How are these three similar and how are they different?": "Há três aves. Como essas três são semelhantes e como são diferentes?", + "But the goose says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg.\"": "Mas a gansa diz: \"Não, esse ovo não é meu. Pergunte aos dois patos. Talvez seja o ovo deles.\"", + "Do you think Cat and Dog will give up? Would you give up at this point?": "Você acha que Gato e Cão desistirão? Você desistiria nesse ponto?", + "How many birds have they talked to?": "Com quantas aves eles conversaram?", + "If they can't find the home for the egg, what should they do with it?": "Se não conseguirem encontrar a casa do ovo, o que devem fazer com ele?", + "Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks.\n\nThey ask the two ducks, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Gato e Cão caminham até os dois patos.\n\nEles perguntam aos patos: \"Este ovo é de vocês?\"", + "What are the ducks going to say?": "O que os patos vão dizer?", + "The two ducks are different colors and patterns. Describe how they are the same and how they are different.": "Os dois patos têm muitas cores e padrões diferentes. Descreva como são iguais e como são diferentes.", + "Do you have ducks around where you live?": "Há patos por perto onde você mora?", + "But the two ducks say, \"No, that is not our egg.\"\n\nThen the egg breaks.": "Mas os patos dizem: \"Não, esse ovo não é nosso.”\n\nEntão o ovo se quebra.", + "How can you tell that the egg is breaking?": "Como você pode dizer que o ovo está se quebrando?", + "Did Cat drop the egg? Have you ever dropped an egg?": "Será que Gato deixou cair o ovo? Você já deixou cair um ovo?", + "What do you think will come out of the egg?": "O que você acha que vai sair do ovo?", + "There is a lizard in the egg.\n\nA baby lizard.": "Há um lagarto no ovo.\n\nUm filhote de lagarto.", + "Why is it surprising to see a baby lizard come out of the egg? Were you expecting a baby bird?": "Por que é surpreendente ver um filhote de lagarto sair do ovo? Você estava esperando um filhote de uma ave?", + "Can you think of other animals that lay eggs and that are not birds? Hint: Fish, insects, and turtles are examples.": "Você consegue pensar em outros animais que botam ovos e que não são aves? Dica: Peixes, insetos e tartarugas são exemplos.", + "What color is the lizard? Have you seen lizards like this before?": "De que cor é o lagarto? Você já viu lagartos assim antes?", + "The baby lizard says, \"Where is my mother? Where is my father? Where are my mother and father?\"\n\nCat and Dog bring the baby lizard to his mother and father.": "O filhote de lagarto diz: \"Onde está minha mãe? Onde está meu pai? Onde estão minha mãe e meu pai?\"\n\nGato e Cão levam o filhote de lagarto para sua mãe e seu pai.", + "How many lizards are on top of the rocks?": "Quantos lagartos estão em cima das rochas?", + "Why do lizards like to be on rocks on sunny days?": "Por que os lagartos gostam de ficar em rochas em dias ensolarados?", + "Are most rocks round like these, or do some have sharp edges and points?": "A maioria das rochas são redondas como essas, ou algumas têm bordas e pontas afiadas?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye baby lizard.": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, Cão.\n\nTchau, bebê lagarto.", + "The baby lizard is still in the egg. Is it stuck in there?": "O filhote de lagarto ainda está no ovo. Ele está preso lá dentro?", + "There are three animals here. If you take away the baby lizard, how many animals does that leave?": "Há três animais aqui. Se você tirar o filhote de lagarto, quantos animais sobram?", + "What are some round shapes you see in this picture?": "Quais são algumas formas redondas que você vê nesta imagem?", + "Count the animals together and describe their colors.": "Contem juntos os animais e descrevam suas cores.", + "Which one has shorter ears? Which one has longer ears?": "Qual deles tem orelhas mais curtas? Qual deles tem orelhas mais longas?", + "Which one has short whiskers? Which one has long whiskers?": "Qual tem bigodes curtos? Qual tem bigodes mais longos?", + "It is night. It is dark.\n\nIt is cold. It is very cold.": "É noite. Está escuro.\n\nEstá frio. Está muito frio.", + "Their house is round. Do you live in a round building?": "A casa deles é redonda. Você mora em uma casa redonda?", + "Count the trees together.": "Contem as árvores juntos.", + "A full moon forms a complete circle. A moon that is a partial circle like this is called a crescent moon.": "Uma lua cheia forma um círculo completo. Uma lua que é um círculo parcial como na imagem é chamada de lua crescente.", + "For Dog it is too cold.": "Para o Cão, está muito frio.", + "What shows you that Dog is cold?": "O que mostra que o Cão está com frio?", + "A light blue color is often used to show something cold. Does seeing blue make you feel cold?": "A cor azul clara é frequentemente usada para mostrar algo frio. Ver a cor azul te faz sentir frio?", + "On cold nights, even outdoor animals can use help with the cold.": "Nas noites frias, até os animais ao ar livre podem precisar de ajuda para se esquentar.", + "Cat gives Dog underwear.\n\nOne pair of underwear is dirty. One pair of underwear is clean.": "O Gato dá roupas para o Cão.\n\nUma delas está suja. Uma delas está limpa.", + "Is this choice of underwear very helpful?": "Esse tipo de roupa vai ajudar a esquentar o Cão?", + "Is it silly that Cat offers underwear that is dirty?": "É bobo o Gato oferecer roupas sujas?", + "Why isn't Cat cold?": "Por que o Gato não está com frio?", + "Dog takes the clean underwear. But it is still too cold.": "O Cão pega a roupa limpa. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Count together how much clothing Dog has. Dog is cold and needs more.": "Contem juntos quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem. Ele está com frio e precisa de mais.", + "Remember a time when you were cold and how hard it was to get warm.": "Lembre um momento em que você sentiu frio e como foi difícil se aquecer.", + "Why are Dog's arms crossed in front?": "Por que os braços do Cão estão cruzados?", + "Cat gives Dog shirts. One shirt is big. One shirt is small.": "O Gato dá camisetas para o Cão. Uma é grande. Uma é pequena.", + "Is offering a shirt that is much too small helpful?": "Oferecer uma camisa muito pequena é útil?", + "Is Cat trying to help, or is Cat just having some fun?": "O Gato está tentando ajudar, ou está apenas se divertindo?", + "Which of Cat's paws has more visible claws?": "Qual das patas do Gato tem garras mais visíveis?", + "Dog takes the big shirt. But it is still too cold.": "O Cão pega a camisa grande. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Count the pieces of clothing Dog has. Is it enough?": "Contem quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem. É suficiente?", + "A square is a shape like a piece of paper with four equal sides. Compare the round moon with the square window.": "Um quadrado é uma forma como um pedaço de papel com quatro lados iguais. Compare a lua redonda com a janela quadrada.", + "Have you ever seen a round window?": "Você já viu uma janela redonda?", + "Cat gives Dog pants.\n\nOne pair of pants is long. One pair of pants is short.": "O Gato dá calças para o Cão.\n\nUm par de calças é comprido. Um par de calças é curto.", + "How many pieces of clothing does Cat offer each time?": "Quantas peças de roupa o Gato oferece por vez?", + "When you are cold, do you want to wear shorts?": "Quando você está com frio, você usa bermudas?", + "What will happen with Dog's tail? Do these pants have a hole for Dog's tail?": "O que acontecerá com o rabo do Cão? Estas calças têm um buraco para o rabo dele?", + "Dog takes the long pair of pants. But it is still too cold.": "O Cão pega o par de calças comprido. Mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Each time, Dog gets one more piece of clothing. How many pieces does Dog have on now?": "Cada vez o Cão ganha mais uma peça de roupa. Quantas peças ele tem agora?", + "How many pieces will Dog need?": "Quantas peças o Cão vai precisar?", + "Do you think there is any way Dog will get warm?": "Você acha que há alguma maneira do Cão se aquecer?", + "Cat gives Dog vests. One vest is wet, one vest is dry.\n\nDog takes the dry vest, but it is still too cold.": "O Gato dá coletes ao Cão. Um colete está molhado, um está seco.\n\nO Cão pega o colete seco, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Does having something wet on make you feel warmer or colder?": "Vestir algo molhado faz você se sentir mais quente ou mais frio?", + "Dog had three pieces of clothing on. The vest is one more. How many does that make?": "O Cachorro tinha três peças de roupa. O colete é uma a mais. Quantas são agora?", + "With the vest, Dog has four pieces of clothing. Before he put the vest on, he had one less. How many was that?": "Com o colete, o Cão tem quatro peças de roupa. Antes de colocar o colete, ele tinha uma a menos. Quantas eram?", + "Cat gives Dog jackets. One jacket is thick, one jacket is thin.\n\nDog takes the thick jacket, but it is still too cold.": "O Gato dá jaquetas para o Cão. Uma jaqueta é grossa, uma é fina.\n\nO Cachorro pega a jaqueta mais grossa, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Thicker clothing helps you keep heat in and stay warmer.": "Roupas mais grossas ajudam a manter o calor e a ficar mais quente.", + "Does the color of the jacket look odd with Dog's other clothes?": "A cor da jaqueta parece estranha com as outras roupas do Cão?", + "Dog now has one more than four. How many is that?": "O Cão agora tem uma a mais que quatro. Quantas são agora?", + "Cat gives Dog hats. One hat is high, one hat is low.\n\nDog takes the high hat, but it is still too cold.": "O Gato dá chapéus para o Cão. Um chapéu é alto, um chapéu é baixo.\n\nO Cão pega o chapéu comprido, mas ainda está muito frio.", + "Point at the short hat and the tall hat.": "Aponte para o chapéu baixo e para o alto.", + "Does it matter which hat Dog chooses? Is one hat warmer than the other?": "A escolha do chapéu importa para o Cão? Um chapéu é mais quente que o outro?", + "Do you have any hats? If so, do you like to wear them?": "Você tem chapéus? Se sim, gosta de usar eles?", + "Cat gives Dog shoes.\n\nOne pair of shoes is new, one pair of shoes is old.": "O Gato dá sapatos para o Cão.\n\nUm par de sapatos é novo, um par é velho.", + "To give someone a choice, how many things do you need? Would having one thing be enough for a choice?": "Para oferecer uma escolha a alguém, você precisa de quantas opções? Ter apenas uma opção seria suficiente para realizar uma escolha?", + "A person can be baffled if you give them too many things to choose from.": "Uma pessoa pode ficar confusa se você der muitas coisas para escolher.", + "Dog is still cold. Why are Dog's choices not helping?": "O Cão ainda está com frio. Por que as escolhas do Cão não estão ajudando?", + "Dogs takes the new shoes, and then ...\n\nIt is not too cold for Dog.": "O Cão pega os sapatos novos e então...\n\nNão está mais tão frio para o Cão.", + "What changed outside the window?": "O que mudou do lado de fora da janela?", + "Why isn't Dog cold any more? Did his clothes help make him warm?": "Por que o Cão não está mais com frio? Suas roupas ajudaram a esquentar ele?", + "Where is the moon and what is that on the horizon in the window?": "Onde está a lua e o que é aquilo no horizonte da janela?", + "The night is over.\n\nThe moon goes. The sun comes.": "A noite acabou.\n\nA lua se vai. O sol surge.", + "Count the palm trees together.": "Contem as palmeiras juntos.", + "Point at the round, yellow sun. Is the moon always gone when the sun comes up?": "Apontem para o sol amarelo e redondo. A lua sempre some quando o sol nasce?", + "Is the moon always visible at night?": "A lua está sempre visível à noite?", + "It is day. It is light. It is warm. It is very warm.\n\nFor Dog it is too warm.": "É dia. Está claro. Está quente. Está muito quente.\n\nPara o Cão está muito quente.", + "List all the pieces of clothing Dog has on.": "Liste todas as peças de roupa que o Cão tem.", + "What is Dog doing with his right hand? What motion do you use to try to cool off?": "O que o Cão está fazendo com a mão direita? Qual movimento você faz para tentar se refrescar?", + "Are Dog's clothes finally making him warm, or too warm?": "As roupas do Cão finalmente estão aquecendo como esperado, ou estão aquecendo demais?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye hot Dog.": "Tchau, Gato.\n\nTchau, cachorro quente.", + "Count Cat's whiskers. How many whiskers does Dog have?": "Contem os bigodes do Gato. Quantos bigodes o Cachorro tem?", + "Who has more whiskers -- Cat or Dog? They have the same number, but Dog's whiskers are small.": "Quem tem mais bigodes -- Gato ou Cão? Eles têm o mesmo número, mas os bigodes do Cão são pequenos.", + "In the end, how many pieces of clothing does Dog have? Too many!": "No final, quantas peças de roupa o Cão tem? Muitas!", + "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.": "Este é o Gato.\n\nEste é o Cão.", + "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.": "Na minha aldeia vive o Senhor Kio. O Senhor Kio tem uma gata chamada Safi.", + "Point out and name each of the strong colors on this page.": "Aponte e nomeie cada uma das cores fortes nesta página.", + "Which has the least number of legs -- the table, Mr. Kio, or Safi?": "Qual deles tem o menor número de pernas -- a mesa, o Senhor Kio ou Safi?", + "How many of Safi's legs can you see? How many can't you see?": "Quantas pernas de Safi você consegue ver? Quantas não consegue ver?", + "When Mister Kio goes to work, he leaves the door open.": "Quando o Senhor Kio vai trabalhar, ele deixa a porta aberta.", + "Where are the two things that used to be hanging on the pegs by the door?": "Onde estão as duas coisas que costumavam estar penduradas nos ganchos ao lado da porta?", + "Notice that Safi looks happy when Mr. Kio leaves?": "Perceba que a Safi parece feliz quando o Senhor Kio sai?", + "It is odd that Mr. Kio leaves the door open when he leaves.": "É estranho o Senhor Kio deixar a porta aberta quando sai.", + "Safi sits in the doorway to watch over the house.": "Safi fica sentada na porta de entrada para vigiar a casa.", + "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. This floor is tiled with square tiles.": "Um quadrado é uma forma que tem quatro lados iguais, como a página de um livro. Este chão é revestido com azulejos quadrados.", + "Do you have tiles where you live? If so, what shape are they?": "Você tem azulejos onde mora? Se sim, que forma eles têm?", + "Does Safi like being a house watcher?": "Safi gosta de ser uma vigia da casa?", + "When the neighbor's dog comes close, Safi scares him away.": "Quando o cachorro do vizinho se aproxima, Safi o assusta.", + "How can you tell that Safi is trying to scare the dog?": "Como você pode dizer que Safi está tentando assustar o cachorro?", + "Point at the circles of colors and name the colors. Those circles aren't really in the house.": "Aponte para os círculos de cores e nomeie as cores. Esses círculos não estão realmente na casa.", + "Circles that share the same central point are called \"concentric.\"": "Círculos que compartilham o mesmo ponto central são chamados de \"concêntricos\".", + "The dog runs away.": "O cachorro foge.", + "What is the dog feeling?": "O que o cachorro está sentindo?", + "Which animal is bigger, the cat or the dog?": "Qual animal é maior, o gato ou o cachorro?", + "These bands of color going from yellow to orange give a sense of motion. Compare this to the concentric circles on the previous page.": "Essas faixas de cor indo do amarelo para o laranja dão uma sensação de movimento. Compare isso com os círculos concêntricos na página anterior.", + "When a neighbor knocks at the door, Safi is ready to scratch.": "Quando um vizinho bate à porta, Safi está pronta para arranhar.", + "How can you tell that Safi is being scary? Is the neighbor scared?": "Como você pode dizer que Safi está sendo assustadora? A vizinha está com medo?", + "Does the neighbor need to be scared away, or is Safi doing too much?": "A vizinha precisa ser assustada, ou Safi está exagerando?", + "Point to and name different things in this picture that are in a group of 2, 3, or 4.": "Aponte e nomeie diferentes coisas nesta imagem que estão em um grupo de 2, 3 ou 4.", + "The neighbor turns and runs away.": "A vizinha vira e corre.", + "Looking at the neighbor's clothes, what is her favorite color?": "Olhando para as roupas da vizinha, qual é a cor favorita dela?", + "What is your favorite color?": "Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "The neighbor is frightened by Safi. Have you ever been frightened by a cat or other small animal?": "A vizinha está assustada com Safi. Você já se assustou com um gato ou outro animal pequeno?", + "When Safi is hungry, she closes the door.": "Quando Safi está com fome, ela fecha a porta.", + "Safi should just close the door as soon as Mr. Kio leaves.": "Safi deveria ter fechado a porta assim que o Senhor Kio saísse.", + "Is little Safi big enough to close that big door?": "Será que a pequena Safi é grande o suficiente para fechar essa porta?", + "After the door closes, will Safi be able to reach the handle and open it?": "Depois que a porta fechar, Safi vai conseguir alcançar a maçaneta para abrir de novo?", + "Safi eats her food.": "Safi come sua comida.", + "Point at the straight and curved lines in this picture.": "Aponte para as linhas retas e curvas nesta imagem.", + "Does Safi look happy to be eating? Do you like to eat your food?": "Safi parece feliz comendo? Você gosta de comer sua comida?", + "Would you wait to eat if you were left with a plate of food you liked?": "Você esperaria para comer se fosse deixado sozinho com um prato da sua comida favorita?", + "Afterwards, Safi jumps onto the sofa and sleeps, \"Purr! Purr! Purr!\"": "Depois, Safi pula no sofá e dorme, \"Rom! Rom! Rom!”", + "Sometimes people feel sleepy after eating and sometimes it gives them fresh energy. What does it do to you?": "Às vezes, as pessoas se sentem sonolentas depois de comer e às vezes isso dá a elas uma energia renovada. Como sua energia fica depois de comer?", + "Is Safi dreaming? If so, what do you think Safi is dreaming about?": "Safi está sonhando? Se sim, o que você acha que Safi está sonhando?", + "What are some of the things you dream about?": "Quais são algumas das coisas com que você sonha?", + "When Mister Kio returns, Safi stretches happily and welcomes him home.": "Aponte para o belo círculo dentro do quadrado laranja.", + "Point at the beautiful circle inside the orange square.": "Aponte para o belo círculo dentro do quadrado laranja.", + "Do you have some circles and squares where you are?": "Você consegue apontar alguns círculos e quadrados no lugar onde está?", + "Point together at the white circles Safi has on her back and belly.": "Apontem juntos para os círculos brancos que Safi tem nas costas e na barriga.", + "Mister Kio and Safi sit down, and each of them reads the newspaper.": "O Senhor Kio e Safi se sentam e cada um deles lê o jornal.", + "This is warm and cozy. Do cats read the newspaper?": "Isso parece estar quentinho e aconchegante. Gatos conseguem ler jornais?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides with corners like this page. Point at the rectangles you see in this picture and around you.": "Um retângulo é uma forma com quatro lados retos com cantos como o retrato na parede. Aponte para os retângulos que você vê nesta imagem e ao seu redor.", + "Most papers are shaped like rectangles. Mr. Kio's paper is strangely shaped.": "A maioria dos jornais tem a forma de retângulos. O jornal do Senhor Kio tem um formato estranho.", + "A rainbow has seven colors.": "Um arco-íris tem sete cores.", + "Count together the colors of the rainbow.": "Contem juntos o número de cores do arco-íris.", + "Have you ever seen a rainbow after it rains? Sometimes, you can even see a double rainbow if you're lucky!": "Você já viu um arco-íris depois da chuva? Às vezes, você pode até ver um arco-íris duplo se tiver sorte!", + "Point out that her dress and the background on this page go through many of the same colors as the rainbow.": "Aponte que o vestido dela e o fundo nesta página possuem várias cores que estão no arco-íris também.", + "The first color is red.": "A primeira cor é o vermelho.", + "How does the color red make you feel? Red is often thought of as an active, high energy color.": "Como a cor vermelha te faz sentir? Vermelho é frequentemente considerado uma cor ativa, de alta energia.", + "Sometimes red is an angry color. People may say they \"see red\" when they are angry.": "Às vezes, o vermelho é uma cor de raiva. As pessoas podem dizer que \"veem vermelho\" quando estão com raiva.", + "People often paint things red or choose red things because of the color's high energy. Have you seen cars that are red?": "As pessoas frequentemente pintam coisas de vermelho ou escolhem coisas vermelhas por causa da energia alta da cor. Você já viu carros vermelhos?", + "Kewyu is wearing a red shirt.": "Kewyu está vestindo uma camisa vermelha.", + "Do you have any red clothes?": "Você tem alguma roupa vermelha?", + "Do you have any red flowers near where you live?": "Existem flores vermelhas perto de onde você mora?", + "Count together the number of people in this picture.": "Conte juntos o número de pessoas nesta imagem.", + "The second color is orange.": "A segunda cor é laranja.", + "How does orange feel compared to red? It is still high energy, but perhaps a bit less so.": "Qual é a sensação que o laranja lhe traz comparado ao vermelho? Ainda é uma energia alta, mas talvez um pouco menos.", + "She looks all alone in the middle of all that orange with her hands stretched out like that.": "Ela parece totalmente sozinha no meio de todo aquele laranja com as mãos esticadas assim.", + "An orange is a fruit named after its color. Can you think of other orange things around you?": "Uma laranja é uma fruta nomeada por causa da sua cor. Você consegue pensar em outras coisas laranjas ao seu redor?", + "This is an orange. What else can you see that is the color orange?": "Isto é uma laranja. O que mais você pode ver que é da cor laranja?", + "The cat and fish are orange. Have you seen an orange cat or fish before?": "O gato e o peixe são laranjas. Você já viu um gato ou peixe laranja antes?", + "A sphere is a ball -- round in all directions. Is an orange a sphere?": "Uma esfera é uma bola -- redonda em todas as direções. Uma laranja é uma esfera?", + "How is the fish bowl different from a sphere?": "Como o aquário de peixes é diferente de uma esfera?", + "The third color is yellow.": "A terceira cor é amarela.", + "Make up something that she is pointing at.": "O que ela está apontando? Invente algo.", + "She looks excited about what is coming next. I bet it is something yellow!": "Ela parece animada com o que está por vir. Acho que é algo amarelo!", + "How has her dress changed from earlier pictures? Hint: It is now broken up into two sections.": "Como o vestido dela mudou das imagens anteriores? Dica: agora está dividido em duas partes.", + "The yolk of an egg is yellow. What else can you see that is the color yellow?": "A gema de um ovo é amarela. O que mais você consegue ver que é da cor amarela?", + "How can you tell that she is hungry?": "Como você pode dizer que ela está com fome?", + "She has a yellow sunflower on her table. Do you have flowers around you sometimes when you eat?": "Ela tem um girassol amarelo em sua mesa. Você tem flores ao seu redor às vezes quando come?", + "Name something in the sky that is yellow.": "Nomeie algo no céu que seja amarelo.", + "The fourth color is green.": "A quarta cor é verde.", + "How does green feel to you? This green is a lot calmer than the red, orange, or yellow.": "Como o verde faz você se sentir? Este verde é muito mais calmo que o vermelho, laranja ou amarelo.", + "Name some things that are green -- they are all around you!": "Nomeie algumas coisas que são verdes -- elas estão ao seu redor!", + "Green comes in many different types. How many types of green can you name?": "O verde vem em muitos tipos diferentes. Quantos tipos de verde você consegue nomear?", + "Our banana garden is green.": "Nosso jardim de bananas é verde.", + "Point at and count the animals you see on this page -- look carefully!": "Aponte e conte os animais que você vê nesta página -- olhe com cuidado!", + "Point out the yellow greens, lime greens, bright greens, and dark greens on this page.": "Aponte os verdes amarelados, verdes limão, verdes brilhantes e verdes escuros nesta página.", + "A lot of trees are brown and green. Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Where does it show up in the rainbow?": "Muitas árvores são marrons e verdes. O marrom não é uma das cores principais do arco-íris. Onde ele aparece no arco-íris?", + "The fifth color is blue.": "A quinta cor é azul.", + "She looks so happy in the middle of all that blue. Does blue make you feel happy?": "Ela parece tão feliz no meio de todo esse azul. O azul te faz sentir feliz?", + "Some people say they feel blue when they are sad. Does blue seem like a sad color to you?": "Algumas pessoas dizem que azul é a cor da tristeza. O azul parece uma cor triste para você?", + "The sky and water are usually blue, but it is not common in plants. Have you seen flowers that are blue?": "O céu e a água costumam ser azuis, mas não é comum nas plantas. Você já viu flores azuis?", + "The sky is blue.": "O céu é azul.", + "Bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, are often blue.": "Corpos d'água, como oceanos, mares, lagos e rios, geralmente são azuis.", + "Point to these birds and clouds and count them together.": "Aponte para esses pássaros e nuvens e conte-os juntos.", + "Which are there more of -- clouds or birds?": "Qual deles há mais -- nuvens ou pássaros?", + "The sixth color is indigo.": "A sexta cor é anil.", + "Flowers are sometimes indigo. Have you seen flowers whose color is close to being indigo?": "As flores às vezes são anis. Você já viu flores cuja cor é próxima do anil?", + "Sometimes her hands are stretched out wide. Having hands on hips often shows defiance and strength.": "Às vezes, a moça estica as mãos bem abertas. Ter as mãos nos quadris frequentemente mostra desafio e força.", + "Indigo is very powerful. How do you feel if you stare at this big square of indigo?": "Anil é muito poderoso. Como você se sente se ficar olhando para esse grande quadrado de anil?", + "These berries are the color indigo.": "Essas frutas são da cor anil.", + "Count together the buttons or snaps on her jacket.": "Conte juntos os botões ou botões na jaqueta dela.", + "Would you like to eat some of those berries? Do you think you could eat all of them?": "Você gostaria de comer algumas dessas frutas? Você acha que conseguiria comer todas elas?", + "Think of the largest number you can. Does she have more berries than that number?": "Pense no maior número que você puder. Ela tem mais frutas do que esse número?", + "The seventh color is violet.": "A sétima cor é violeta.", + "Violet is a very intense color. Is it too intense for you, or do you enjoy how intense it is?": "Violeta é uma cor muito intensa. É muito intensa para você, ou você gosta de como é intensa?", + "Now she has her arms crossed. Crossed arms can indicate being closed off from others.": "Agora ela está com os braços cruzados. Braços cruzados podem indicar estar fechado para os outros.", + "People tell us a lot without saying any words. Sometimes people do that with an expression on their face, and sometimes they do it with the way they hold their body.": "As pessoas nos dizem muito sem dizer nenhuma palavra. Às vezes, as pessoas fazem isso com uma expressão no rosto, e às vezes fazem isso com a maneira como seguram o corpo.", + "My dress is violet. Violet is my favorite color! What is your favorite color?": "Meu vestido é violeta. Violeta é minha cor favorita! Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "Notice that the flowers she is next to are violet flowers -- they are named after their color.": "Observe que as flores ao lado dela são flores violetas – o nome delas é igual à sua cor.", + "She looks very happy wearing a dress with her favorite color. Do you have clothes that are in your favorite color?": "Ela parece muito feliz usando um vestido com sua cor favorita. Você tem roupas da sua cor favorita?", + "Which colors make you happy? Are there colors you don't like?": "Quais cores te fazem feliz? Existem cores que você não gosta?", + "Do you know the seven colors of the rainbow?": "Você conhece as sete cores do arco-íris?", + "Can you remember what each color is?": "Você consegue lembrar o que cada cor é?", + "Some people use the fake name Roy G. Biv to remind them of the order of the seven colors of the rainbow.": "Algumas pessoas usam a frase “vermelho lá vai violeta”, para lembrá-las da ordem das sete cores do arco-íris.", + "Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Are there other colors you know that are not one of the seven?": "O marrom não é uma das cores principais do arco-íris. Existem outras cores que você conhece que não são uma das sete?", + "One elephant is going to drink water.": "Um elefante está indo beber água.", + "Count together the elephants, the tusks, the feet, the eyes, and the tails.": "Contem juntos os elefantes, as presas, os pés, os olhos e os rabos.", + "Which items are there the most of and which are there the least of?": "Quais itens existem em maior quantidade e quais existem em menor quantidade?", + "What do you think the elephant is about to do?": "O que você acha que o elefante está prestes a fazer?", + "Two giraffes are going to drink water.": "Duas girafas estão indo beber água.", + "Each giraffe has four feet. Count the number of giraffes and the number of feet.": "Cada girafa tem quatro pés. Conte o número de girafas e o número de pés.", + "The giraffes are very tall. They must bend way down to get to the water.": "As girafas são muito altas. Elas precisam se curvar muito para alcançar a água.", + "Two giraffes are one more animal than one elephant. What is one more animal than two animals?": "Duas girafas são um animal a mais do que um elefante. O que é um animal a mais do que dois animais?", + "Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.": "Contem juntos os búfalos, os pássaros, os chifres e os rabos.", + "Count together the buffaloes, the birds, the horns, and the tails.": "Contem juntos os búfalos, os pássaros, os chifres e os rabos.", + "When there is one source of water, all the thirsty animals come to that one place. If a lion wants to hunt animals, this is a good place to find them!": "Quando há uma só fonte de água, todos os animais sedentos vêm para esse único lugar. Se um leão quiser caçar animais, este é um bom lugar para encontrá-los!", + "Three buffaloes is one less animal than four animals. What is one less animal than three animals?": "Três búfalos é um animal a menos do que quatro animais. O que é um animal a menos do que três animais?", + "Five antelopes and six warthogs are walking to the water.": "Cinco antílopes e seis javalis estão caminhando para a água.", + "Count the antelopes and the warthogs. How many of the warthogs are babies?": "Contem os antílopes e os javalis. Quantos dos javalis são filhotes?", + "Some of the antelopes are looking around rather than looking at each other. The pack stays safe by having some of them looking for danger!": "Alguns dos antílopes estão olhando ao redor em vez de olhar um para o outro. O grupo se mantém seguro tendo alguns deles procurando perigo!", + "Of antelopes and warthogs, which are there more of and which are there less of?": "Entre antílopes e javalis, quais existem mais e quais existem menos?", + "Seven zebras are running to the water.": "Sete zebras estão correndo para a água.", + "Count the zebras and the trees.": "Contem as zebras e as árvores.", + "How can you tell that the zebras have been running? They must be very thirsty to be running to the water!": "Como você pode dizer que as zebras estavam correndo? Elas devem estar com muita sede para correrem para a água!", + "Try counting the black stripes on some of the zebras. Do some zebras have more stripes than others?": "Tente contar as listras pretas em algumas das zebras. Algumas zebras têm mais listras do que outras?", + "Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.": "Oito sapos e nove peixes estão nadando na água.", + "Count together the frogs and the fish. Can you count that high?": "Contem juntos os sapos e os peixes. Vocês conseguem contar todos?", + "They are packed very tightly together. Do you think they feel crowded or do they like having the company?": "Eles estão bem apertados uns contra os outros. Você acha que eles se sentem apertados ou gostam de ter companhia?", + "What is one more than eight frogs? What is one less than nine fish?": "O que é um a mais do que oito sapos? O que é um a menos do que nove peixes?", + "How many different kinds of animals can you count?": "Quantos tipos diferentes de animais você consegue contar?", + "One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?": "Um leão ruge. Ele também quer beber água. Quem tem medo do leão?", + "Count together the lions, warthogs, birds, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, water buffaloes, and elephants. That's a lot of counting!": "Contem juntos os leões, javalis, pássaros, zebras, antílopes, girafas, búfalos de água e elefantes. Isso é muita contagem!", + "Most of the animals start to run away from the lion. Which animals will stay?": "A maioria dos animais começa a fugir do leão. Quais animais vão ficar?", + "One elephant is drinking water with the lion.": "Um elefante está bebendo água com o leão.", + "The elephant, birds, fish, and frogs did not run away.": "O elefante, pássaros, peixes e sapos não fugiram.", + "Would you run away from a lion?": "Você fugiria de um leão?", + "Would it be fun to go for a swim in this watering hole?": "Seria divertido dar um mergulho neste poço de água?", + "The Izinzawu family was a happy family. The children learned cooking, gardening, and hunting from their parents.": "A família Izinzawu era uma família feliz. As crianças aprenderam culinária, jardinagem e caça com seus pais.", + "Why do plants need watering?": "Por que as plantas precisam ser regadas?", + "Point to and name the colors in this picture.": "Aponte e nomeie as cores nesta imagem.", + "How are the green colors in this picture similar and how are they different?": "Como as cores verdes nesta imagem são semelhantes e como elas são diferentes?", + "At dinner time every day, they talked about what they had done that day.": "Todos os dias na hora do jantar, eles falavam sobre o que haviam feito naquele dia.", + "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. The tablecloth has a checkerboard design with lots of squares. Find some squares in a pattern where you are.": "Um quadrado é uma forma que possui quatro lados iguais. A toalha de mesa tem uma estampa xadrez com muitos quadrados. Encontre alguns quadrados no local onde você está.", + "Name the shapes you see in this picture.": "Nomeie as formas que você vê nesta imagem.", + "This family talks about their day at dinner. What do you talk about when you eat dinner?": "Esta família fala sobre seu dia durante o jantar. Sobre o que você fala quando janta?", + "The father usually warned the children not to go deep into the forest. He told the family about a strange creature that lived in the forest. \"This creature is like two of us put together!\"": "O pai geralmente avisava os filhos para não se aprofundarem na floresta. Ele contou à família sobre uma criatura estranha que vivia na floresta. \"Esta criatura é igual a dois de nós juntos!\"", + "Describe what you think the father's \"strange creature\" might look like.": "Descreva como você acha que a \"estranha criatura\" do pai pode ser.", + "What are the different patterns you see in this picture?": "Quais são os diferentes padrões que você vê nesta foto?", + "How are the bowls on this page different from the bowls on the last page?": "Como as tigelas nesta página são diferentes das tigelas na última página?", + "One day, the girls were playing at the river. Suddenly, from behind a tree, there was a strange creature! The creature had two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs.": "Um dia, as meninas estavam brincando no rio. De repente, atrás de uma árvore, havia uma criatura estranha! A criatura tinha dois olhos, duas orelhas, dois braços e duas pernas.", + "Does the \"strange creature\" look like what you imagined?": "A \"criatura estranha\" se parece com o que você imaginou?", + "Point at and count the number of children in this picture.": "Aponte e conte o número de crianças nesta gravura.", + "Shaking with fear, they ran to tell their brothers about what they had seen. But the boys didn't believe them. \"The girls are being silly!\" they said.": "Tremendo de medo, eles correram para contar a seus irmãos sobre o que tinham visto. Mas os meninos não acreditaram neles. \"As meninas estão sendo bobas!\" eles disseram.", + "There are four children and four heads. How many legs do you see? How many arms do you see? Is that surprising?": "Há quatro crianças e quatro cabeças. Quantas pernas você vê? Quantos braços você vê? Isso é algo inesperado?", + "Are there more girls or boys in this picture?": "Há mais meninas ou mais meninos nesta foto?", + "Look at their mouths and eyebrows. What do their faces tell you about what these children are thinking and feeling?": "Olhe para suas bocas e sobrancelhas. O que seus rostos dizem sobre o que essas crianças estão pensando e sentindo?", + "Eventually, curiosity got the better of the boys. They followed the girls to the river to see this strange creature for themselves.": "Eventualmente, a curiosidade levou a melhor sobre os meninos. Eles seguiram as meninas até o rio para ver essa estranha criatura por si mesmos.", + "How can you tell from their size in the picture that the girls are far away and the boys are nearby?": "Como você pode dizer pelo tamanho deles na foto que as meninas estão longe e os meninos estão por perto?", + "Why are the girls far away behind some bushes?": "Por que as meninas estão longe atrás de alguns arbustos?", + "The grass, bushes, and trees are different shades of green. Are there different shades of some color where you are?": "A grama, os arbustos e as árvores são de diferentes tons de verde. Existem diferentes tons de alguma cor onde você está?", + "They searched and searched, but all they could see was the tall grass and trees.\n\nSuddenly, they heard a noise, and looked up.": "Eles procuraram e procuraram, mas tudo o que podiam ver era a grama alta e as árvores.\n\nDe repente, eles ouviram um barulho e olharam para cima.", + "What do you think made that noise above them?": "O que você acha que fez aquele barulho acima deles?", + "What kinds of things make noises above our heads?": "Que tipo de coisas fazem barulho acima de nossas cabeças?", + "That is really tall grass! What part of their bodies does the grass reach up to?": "Essa grama é muito alta! Que parte de seus corpos a grama alcança?", + "Up on a tree swung the strangest creature they had ever seen. It had two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. Instead of one each, like them.": "Em cima de uma árvore balançava a criatura mais estranha que eles já tinham visto. Tinha dois braços, duas mãos, duas pernas e dois pés. Em vez de um de cada, como eles.", + "How many arms, legs, hands, and eyes does each member of the family have?": "Quantos braços, pernas, mãos e olhos cada membro da família tem?", + "Did you assume the unseen side of each family member had another arm, leg, hand, and eye, just like the side you could see?": "Você presumiu que o lado escondido de cada criança tinha outro braço, perna, mão e olho, assim como o lado que você podia ver?", + "When you see only one side of something, it is easy to assume the other side looks the same -- that it is the mirror reflection of what you can see.": "Quando você vê apenas um lado de algo, é fácil supor que o outro lado parece o mesmo - que é o reflexo espelhado do que você pode ver.", + "The frightened children ran home to call their parents. Soon the whole family was at the river to see the creature.": "As crianças assustadas correram para casa para chamar os pais. Logo toda a família estava no rio para ver a criatura.", + "Count the number of arms in this picture. If each person had two arms, how many arms would there be?": "Conte o número de braços nesta imagem. Se cada pessoa tivesse dois braços, quantos braços haveria?", + "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does this family have?": "Braços e pernas são chamados de membros do corpo. Quantos membros do corpo esta família tem?", + "Did you notice that the grass was tall, but now it is short? Did someone cut the grass?": "Você notou que a grama era alta, mas agora está curta? Alguém cortou a grama?", + "Don't hurt me! the creature said, as it hid behind the tree. Now the family could only see the creature's one foot, one leg, one hand, one arm and one eye.": "\"Não me machuque!\" disse a criatura enquanto se escondia atrás da árvore. Agora a família só podia ver um pé, uma perna, uma mão, um braço e um olho da criatura.", + "The creature is hiding behind a tree. Where are some places you like to hide?": "A criatura está escondida atrás de uma árvore. Onde estão alguns lugares que você gosta de se esconder?", + "When the creature is halfway behind the tree, it looks just like each of the family members. Why is that?": "Quando a criatura está escondida pela metade atrás da árvore, ela se parece com cada um dos membros da família. Por que isso?", + "The creature feels \"outnumbered.\" How many people are in the family and how many creatures are there? Which is more and which is less?": "A criatura se sente \"em menor número\". Quantas pessoas estão na família e quantas criaturas existem? Qual é mais e qual é menos?", + "I am just like you, continued the creature. \"The only difference is that I was made with two of almost everything.\"": "\"Eu sou igual a você\", continuou a criatura. \"A única diferença é que fui feito com dois de quase tudo.\"", + "Which body parts do you have two of and which do you have one of?": "De quais partes do corpo você tem duas e quais você tem uma?", + "For the body parts you have one of, are they on the sides or the middle line of your body?": "Para as partes do corpo que você tem só uma, elas estão nas laterais ou na linha do meio do seu corpo?", + "Think of someone you know. List three ways they are similar to you and three ways that they are different.": "Pense em alguém que você conhece. Liste três maneiras pelas quais eles são semelhantes a você e três maneiras pelas quais eles são diferentes.", + "So this was how the Izanzawu family discovered that it was not a creature to be scared of. It was simply a different form of them.": "Então foi assim que a família Izanzawu descobriu que não era uma criatura para se ter medo. Era simplesmente uma forma diferente deles.", + "The creature has a striped shirt with two colors and everyone else's shirt has just one. Why did the writer do that?": "A criatura tem uma camisa listrada com duas cores e a camisa de todos os outros tem apenas uma. Por que o escritor fez isso?", + "There are six people in the Izanzawu family. When you add one more for the \"creature,\" how many people are there?": "Há seis pessoas na família Izanzawu. Quando você adiciona mais um contando com a \"criatura\", quantas pessoas existem?", + "If you arrange these seven people in order of height, putting the shortest on the left and tallest on the right, what would the order be? Describe this order using the color of their clothes.": "Se você organizar essas sete pessoas em ordem de altura, colocando a mais baixa à esquerda e a mais alta à direita, qual seria a ordem? Descreva esta ordem usando a cor de suas roupas.", + "The drum has always been an important musical instrument in our community. We love drums!\n\nWe have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized, and small.": "O tambor sempre foi um instrumento musical importante em nossa comunidade. Nós amamos tambores!\n\nTemos tambores de diferentes tamanhos: pequenos, médios e grandes.", + "Think of things that have the same shape with different sizes. Perhaps one big and one small, or three with big, medium, and small.": "Pense em coisas que têm a mesma forma com tamanhos diferentes. Talvez um grande e um pequeno, ou três nos tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande.", + "Think of stories about three things. Some examples are: The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks.": "Pense em histórias sobre três coisas. Alguns exemplos são: Os Três Porquinhos e Cachinhos Dourados.", + "Have you ever beat on a drum? Which of these three would you choose?": "Você já tocou um tambor? Qual desses três você escolheria?", + "We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers.\n\nWe play drums for various reasons: We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts, and in bad times.": "Tocamos tambores usando baquetas ou os dedos.\n\nTocamos tambor por vários motivos: tocamos tambor com canções e danças, para festas e em momentos ruins.", + "People use drums to make rhythms. Make up your own rhythm and count it. For example: (clapping for each number) \"1, 2, pause, 3, 1, 2, pause 3.\"": "As pessoas usam tambores para fazer ritmos. Crie seu próprio ritmo e conte-o. Por exemplo: (batendo palmas para cada número) \"1, 2, pausa, 3, 1, 2, pausa 3.\"", + "How do you suppose a beater sounds different than using fingers?": "Como você supõe que tocar com uma baqueta produz um som diferente comparado a tocar com as mãos?", + "How does the small drum sound different than the large one?": "Como o tambor pequeno soa diferente do grande?", + "Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colorful.\n\nWe play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth.": "Os tambores enriquecem as músicas e fazem as pessoas quererem dançar. Os tambores tornam as cerimônias coloridas.\n\nTocamos tambor durante as cerimônias de casamento e revelação dos nomes dos filhos. Tocamos tambor quando celebramos uma nova colheita ou um nascimento de gêmeos.", + "People are wearing special wedding clothes. Count together the people wearing orange.": "As pessoas estão vestindo roupas especiais de casamento. Conte juntos as pessoas vestindo laranja.", + "Which color are the drummers wearing?": "Qual cor os bateristas estão vestindo?", + "Count together all the people at the wedding. Can you count that high?": "Conte todas as pessoas no casamento. Você consegue contar um número tão grande?", + "We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs.": "Tocamos tambores para anunciar o luto e chamar as pessoas quando a morte ocorre.", + "What does sad drumming sound like? Can you make a soft, sad rhythm with your hands?": "Como soa o tambor triste? Você pode fazer um ritmo suave e triste com as mãos?", + "There are many kinds of drumming, such as soft background rhythms or fast loud rhythms. Which kinds of drumming have you heard?": "Existem muitos tipos de batuque, como ritmos de fundo suaves ou ritmos altos e rápidos por exemplo. Que tipos de batuque você já ouviu?", + "Does a drumbeat make you want to dance?": "Uma batida de tambor faz você querer dançar?", + "We sound drums to call people to clean wells, clear roads, or to build a hut for a needy old person.\n\nWe sound drums to call people when cattle are stolen in our village.": "Tocamos tambores para chamar as pessoas para limpar poços, limpar estradas ou construir uma cabana para um idoso necessitado.\n\nTocamos tambores para chamar as pessoas quando o gado é roubado em nossa aldeia.", + "Where you live, what sound or method do people use to call people together for food, school, or special events?": "Onde você mora, que som ou método as pessoas usam para reunir as pessoas para comida, escola ou eventos especiais?", + "Would you rather beat the drum or do the work?": "Você prefere tocar o tambor ou fazer o trabalho?", + "Count together the number of tools people are using in this picture.": "Conte juntos o número de ferramentas que as pessoas estão usando nesta imagem.", + "We sound drums to gather for meetings at our chief's palace.": "Tocamos tambores para nos reunirmos no palácio do nosso chefe.", + "What is something in this picture that shows this is a special place?": "O que há nesta foto que mostra que este é um lugar especial?", + "How many people are gathering in this picture?": "Quantas pessoas estão se reunindo nesta foto?", + "Where do you think the chief will sit?": "Onde você acha que o chefe vai se sentar?", + "Drums call people to go to church for prayers on Sundays and other prayer days.\n\nWe also play drums to enrich songs when singing in churches.": "Os tambores chamam as pessoas para irem à igreja aos domingos e para outros dias de oração.\n\nTambém tocamos os tambores para enriquecer as músicas quando cantamos nas igrejas.", + "Items made from wood come from trees. Which items in this picture are made of wood?": "Itens feitos de madeira vêm de árvores. Quais itens nesta foto são feitos de madeira?", + "Which things are made of wood where you are?": "Que coisas são feitas de madeira onde você está?", + "There are straps on the drums in each picture. Why are the straps useful?": "Existem alças nos tambores em cada foto. Por que as alças são úteis?", + "The big drum sounds, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul.\"\n\nThe small drums sing in their high pitches, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti.\"\n\nTogether they chorus, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\"": "O tambor grande canta: \"Tum Tum Tum\".\n\nOs pequenos tambores cantam em seus tons agudos: \"tim tim tim\".\n\nJuntos, eles cantam: \"tim Tum, tim Tum, tim Tum!\"", + "A duet is when two intruments are played together. Have you sung duets with your family or friends?": "Um dueto é quando dois instrumentos são tocados juntos. Você já cantou duetos com sua família ou amigos?", + "Make up a clapping duet. One person starts with a clapping pattern, and then the other person creates a clapping pattern that goes well with it.": "Faça um dueto de palmas. Uma pessoa começa com um padrão de palmas e, em seguida, a outra pessoa cria um padrão de palmas que combina bem com ele.", + "When you hear music, listen for the instruments that create the beat.": "Quando você ouvir música, ouça os instrumentos que criam a batida.", + "A Very Tall Man": "Um homem muito alto", + "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: muito, baixo, alto, comprido, grande, pequeno; nomes de cores; e comparações: mais curto, mais alto, mais comprido, mais baixo, maior, menor", + "Akadeli's Lucky Day": "Dia de sorte de Akadeli", + "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 12, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, até o 12, estimar, subtrair, cores, menor, mais alto, semelhante e diferente.", + "Can We Count Our Cats?": "Vamos Contar Nossos Gatos?", + "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.": "Essa história exercita a contagem do 0 ao 9, colorações e padrões de cores. Vocabulário para praticar: muitos, maior número, menor número, um a mais, um a menos, nomes de cores, termos usados na contagem.", + "Cat and Dog and the Ball": "O Gato, o Cão e a Bola", + "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 6, formas e descrições. Vocabulário para praticar: palavras de contagem, nomes de cores e termos como alto, demais, similar, diferente, menor, maior, curto, menos e mais.", + "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly": "O Gato, o Cão e a Borboleta", + "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 6, cores e descrições de velocidade. Vocabulário para praticar: palavras de contagem, cores e termos como muito, demais, rápido, devagar, mais rápido, mais devagar, mais e menos.", + "Cat and Dog and the Egg": "O Gato, o Cão e o Ovo", + "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, comparações, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: acima, abaixo, similar, redondo, pipa, diferente, maior e mais longo.", + "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold": "Gato e Cão: O Cão está com frio", + "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.": "Essa história exercita palavras que são antônimas, contagem até 6 e as expressões “um a mais”/”um a menos”. Vocabulário para praticar: demais, frio, morno, quente, claro, escuro, dia, noite, limpo, sujo, pequeno, grande, curto, longo, molhado, seco, fino, grosso, baixo, alto, novo e velho.", + "Clever Cat": "Gata Esperta", + "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.": "Essa história exercita conceitos de geometria e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: quadrado, retângulo, círculo, concêntrico, aberto, fechado, menos, pouco, pequeno, grande e nomes de cores.", + "Colors of a Rainbow": "Cores de um Arco-íris", + "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.": "Essa história exercita números até sete, numerais ordinais do primeiro até o sétimo e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, três, até sete; os ordinais primeiro, segundo, terceiro, até sétimo; e os muitos nomes de cores.", + "Counting Animals": "Contando Animais", + "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.": "Esta história exercita a contagem até o 9, números e comparações de tamanho. Vocabulário para praticar: um, dois, até o nove, grande, pequena, maioria, minoria, um a mais e um a menos.", + "Creature with Two": "Criatura com Dois", + "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.": "Esta história exercita contagem até sete e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: números pequenos, especialmente um e dois; palavras de comparação como mais, igual, o mesmo e menos. Além disso, fale sobre quadrados, círculos, sólidos, listras, maiores e menores.", + "Drum": "Tambor", + "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.": "Esta história exercita padrões, tamanhos e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: tamanho, grande, pequeno, médio, menor, mesmo, forma e padrão.", + "Fana Loves Animals": "Fana Ama Animais", + "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.": "Esta história exercita quantidades até dez, comparação e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: contagem até dez, mais, menos, maior, menor, mais curto, mais alto, nomes de cores, liso, listrado e xadrez.", + "Feelings": "Sentimentos", + "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.": "Esta história exercita quantidades até dez. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, mais um, mais e menos.", + "Flower Blind": "A Cega das Flores", + "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 10 e comparação de quantidades e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantas, mais, menos, mais uma, quantas mais, diferença, retângulo, quadrado, círculo e redondo.", + "Friends": "Amigos", + "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.": "Esta história exercita contagem de 6 em 6, cores e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, números até seis, um a mais, dois a mais, um a menos, dois a menos, nomes de cores, listras, lisos, pentágono, hexágono, redondo, igual e diferente.", + "How the Toad Got its Skin": "Como a Sapa Conseguiu sua pele", + "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.": "Esta história exercita contagem até o 16, cores e formas. Vocabulário para prática: contagem de 2 em 2 ou de 4 em 4, mais, menos, mais um, nomes de cores, círculo, centro e concêntrico.", + "Look at the Animals": "Olhe para os Animais", + "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.": "Esta história exercita pequenas quantidades até 8. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 8, quantos, mais um, pequeno e grande.", + "My School Clothes": "Minhas roupas escolares", + "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 5, formas e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 5, nomes de cores, também, muito grandes, muito pequenos, na medida certa, cores correspondentes e retângulo.", + "Palm Tree": "Palmeira", + "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 12, formas e comparação. Vocabulário para prática: números até 12, quantidade, estimativa, contar de 2 em 2, mais, menos, diferença, forma arredondada, forma quadrada, aros e padrões.", + "Pendo, Our Cow": "Pendo, Nossa Vaca", + "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.": "Esta história exercita quantidades até seis e comparações. Vocabulário para praticar: números até o seis, maior e menor, mais e menos e retângulo.", + "The Day the Sun Went Away": "O Dia Em Que O Sol Se Foi", + "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 7, comparações e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 7, quantos, mesmo, menos, mais, um a mais, um a menos, também, muitos, redondo, esfera, bola, cilindro, quente, mais quente, legal e mais frio.", + "Visiting Grandmother": "Visitando A Vovó", + "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.": "Essa história exercita contagem até 10 e reconhecimento de formas geométricas. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 10, mais um, mais dois, mais três, contando por 2, igual, retângulo, círculo, concêntrico, reto e curvo.", + "Where Is Lulu?": "Onde está Lulu?", + "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 10, comparação de tamanhos e geometria. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 10, um a mais, um a menos, menos, mais, pequeno, grande, muito grande, menor, maior, triângulo, retângulo, pentágono, cilindro, igual, sobre e sob.", + "Where Is My Bat?": "Onde está o meu taco?", + "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.": "Esta história exercita contagem até 7, palavras sobre relacionamentos e formas. Vocabulário para praticar: quantos, números até 7, um a mais, um a menos, atrás, dentro, em, alto, muito alto, embaixo, retângulo, caixa, e linha vertical.", + "Where Is My Cat?": "Cadê o meu gatinho?", + "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.": "Essa história exercita a contagem até o 5, palavras sobre relações e cores. Vocabulário para praticar: números até 5, embaixo, em cima, sobre, atrás, ao lado, dentro, fora, nomes de cores, retas, e curvas.", + "Fana and her family live in a busy town.": "Fana e sua família moram em uma cidade movimentada.", + "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?": "Fana mora em uma cidade muito colorida. Sua cidade também é colorida?", + "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.": "Apontem e nomeiem todas as cores das roupas e dos prédios.", + "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.": "Fana tem um gato, duas galinhas, uma cabra e uma pomba.", + "How many animals does Fana have?": "Quantos animais Fana tem?", + "Which animal does Fana have the most of?": "Qual animal Fana tem mais?", + "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.": "A maioria das pessoas que vivem em uma cidade não tem tantos animais diferentes.", + "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.": "Um dia, Fana viu outras crianças jogando pedras nas pombas.", + "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!": "Jogar pedras nos animais é uma coisa cruel de se fazer!", + "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?": "O que vocês fariam se vissem alguém fazendo algo cruel?", + "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?": "Contem todos os pássaros. Qual grupo é maior e qual é menor - pássaros no ar ou pássaros no chão?", + "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"": "Fana correu em direção às crianças.\n\nEla gritou: \"Parem de jogar pedras!\"", + "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?": "Não é fácil dizer às outras pessoas que você acha que elas estão sendo más. Por que Fana fez isso?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.": "Um retângulo é uma forma com quatro lados retos. Apontem retângulos que vocês veem nesta imagem.", + "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?": "Vocês veem algum retângulo ao redor de onde estão?", + "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.": "Fana levou as duas pombas para casa para cuidar delas.", + "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.": "É muito gentil da parte de Fana ajudar esses animais. Pode ser perigoso lidar com animais selvagens.", + "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?": "Contem o número de pessoas e o número de pássaros. Qual grupo é maior e qual é menor?", + "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?": "O que os rostos deles dizem sobre o que estão sentindo?", + "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.": "Ela os alimentou e contou à sua família como os salvou.", + "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?": "Quantas crianças e quantos adultos há na família de Fana? Quando vocês juntam esses grupos, quantas pessoas há na família dela?", + "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?": "Há muitas cores do arco-íris aqui. Quais cores estão presentes e quais estão faltando?", + "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?": "Quais cores e padrões são seus favoritos para vestir?", + "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.": "Fana e seus pais levaram as pombas para a clínica.", + "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?": "A maioria dos médicos ajuda pessoas ou ajuda animais. Que tipo de médico está nesta clínica?", + "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?": "Quem é a pessoa mais baixa nesta imagem? Quem é a mais alta?", + "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.": "A cruz vermelha no armário mostra que dentro dele há suprimentos médicos.", + "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"": "Fana diz aos seus amigos: \"Os animais são nossos amigos. Nós os protegemos.\"", + "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?": "Devemos proteger apenas nossos amigos, ou devemos proteger tudo o que pudermos?", + "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.": "Olhem todas as estampas coloridas nessas roupas. Apontem quais são lisas, listradas ou têm um padrão xadrez.", + "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?": "Fana usou muitas cores diferentes durante esta história. Vocês conseguem se lembrar de todas?", + "My heart feels a lot of things.": "Meu coração sente muitas coisas.", + "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?": "Pensem em diferentes sentimentos que vocês têm. Quantos conseguem pensar?", + "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.": "Contem uma história sobre uma vez em que sentiram um desses sentimentos.", + "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?": "Seus sentimentos se encaixam em alguns grupos? Por exemplo, são todos sentimentos felizes ou tristes?", + "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.": "Eu me sinto feliz quando minha vovó nos conta histórias à noite.", + "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?": "Vocês conhecem uma pessoa especial que adora contar histórias para vocês? Ouvir essa pessoa contar histórias traz uma sensação boa?", + "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?": "Contem juntos quantas crianças estão ouvindo a história da vovó. Se vocês adicionarem a vovó a essa contagem, será mais um - quantas seriam então?", + "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?": "Essas crianças parecem felizes? Como vocês podem dizer?", + "I feel silly when I play with my friend.": "Eu me sinto boba quando brinco com meu amigo.", + "What things do you do when you are being silly?": "Que coisas vocês fazem quando estão sendo bobos?", + "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.": "Contem juntos as mãos, pés, olhos, narizes, dedos, dedões ou qualquer outra coisa que vejam.", + "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?": "Qual grupo de coisas tem o maior número e qual tem o menor?", + "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.": "Eu me sinto mal quando meu pai diz que não tem dinheiro.", + "What sorts of things make you sad?": "Que tipos de coisas os deixam tristes?", + "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.": "Apontem e nomeiem as cores das diferentes peças de roupa deles.", + "Count the number of buttons on her dress.": "Contem o número de botões no vestido dela.", + "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.": "Eu me sinto amada quando minha mãe me dá um abraço.", + "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?": "Quais são alguns momentos especiais que os fazem sentir amados?", + "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?": "O que vocês fazem para deixar os outros saberem que sentem amor por eles?", + "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?": "A roupa da mãe tem listras e a da menina tem estrelas. Vocês têm algumas roupas com estrelas ou outra forma?", + "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.": "Chat nasceu cega.\n\nSeus olhos nunca tinham visto seus pais, ou seus irmãos e irmãs. Ela conhecia os rostos deles pelo toque.", + "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.": "Você já tentou andar com os olhos fechados? Se fizer isso, tenha certeza de que está com outra pessoa para se manter em segurança.", + "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?": "Quando você não enxerga, você se torna muito mais consciente de seus outros sentidos. Quais sentidos você nota mais quando fecha os olhos?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Um quadrado é um retângulo com quatro lados iguais. Aponte para os quadrados e retângulos que você vê nesta página.", + "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.": "Um dia, Chat estava passeando no jardim.\n\nEla gostava do doce aroma das flores.\n\nEla adorava tocar suas pétalas macias.", + "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.": "Há muitas coisas para contar aqui. Conte as árvores, borboletas, bengalas, sapatos e quaisquer outros grupos que você notar.", + "Which of these groups can Chat count?": "Quais desses grupos a Chat consegue contar?", + "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?": "Qual desses grupos tem mais e qual tem menos?", + "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.": "Chat gostaria que ela pudesse ver flores, apenas uma vez.\n\n\"Elas são adoráveis\", disse ela para si mesma.", + "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?": "Há cinco flores azuis e cinco flores amarelo-laranja. Quantas são todas juntas?", + "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?": "Se você incluir a flor amarelo-laranja que a Chat está segurando, seria mais uma. Quanto é um mais cinco?", + "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?": "Quantas flores azuis existem a mais do que borboletas?", + "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.": "Todos os dias, Chat caminhava no jardim. Ela conhecia o caminho.\n\nHoje, ela ergueu a cabeça para o céu.", + "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?": "Você vê a surpresa no rosto dela? Com o que ela está surpresa?", + "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?": "Ela não consegue ver as nuvens. O que ela pode sentir sobre o que está acontecendo?", + "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?": "O que está acontecendo no céu? O que você acha que está prestes a acontecer?", + "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.": "De repente, ela ouviu trovões e relâmpagos.\n\n\"Eu preciso correr de volta para casa\", pensou Chat.", + "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?": "Você já esteve fora em algum lugar quando uma tempestade surgiu rapidamente? Você se molhou?", + "Do you like watching lightning?": "Você gosta de ver relâmpagos?", + "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?": "Você acha um relâmpago assustador ou divertido quando está do lado de fora?", + "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.": "A chuva começou a cair.\n\nChat escorregou, perdeu o equilíbrio e caiu.\n\nEla bateu a cabeça em uma pedra.", + "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?": "Lesões na cabeça podem ser muito graves. Você acha que a Chat vai ficar bem?", + "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.": "Existem cores que vão do amarelo ao vermelho claro e ao vermelho nesta imagem. Aponte para elas e descreva-as.", + "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.": "Aponte e descreva as cores que vão do amarelo para vários verdes na imagem.", + "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.": "Quando Chat acordou, havia pessoas ao seu redor.\n\n\"O que aconteceu?\" ela perguntou.", + "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?": "Conte as pessoas da família de Chat. Você incluiu a Chat?", + "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?": "Você pode dizer, olhando para seus rostos, o que cada pessoa está sentindo?", + "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?": "Há muitas cores aqui! Quais das cores do arco-íris estão faltando nesta imagem?", + "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.": "\"Você caiu e bateu a cabeça\", disse o pai dela.\n\n\"Estamos muito gratos por você estar bem\", disse a mãe.", + "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?": "Há uma estampa circular divertida na cama da Chat. Existem mais círculos azuis ou vermelhos?", + "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.": "Descreva alguns padrões bonitos em torno de onde você está.", + "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.": "Encontre os retângulos nesta imagem e também em torno de onde você está.", + "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.": "\"Papai, mamãe?\" perguntou Chat. Ela também chamou os nomes de seus irmãos e irmãs. \"Por favor, traga-me uma flor.\" Todos ficaram surpresos.", + "Why is everyone surprised?": "Por que todos estão surpresos?", + "Why is everyone looking so happy?": "Por que todos parecem tão felizes?", + "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?": "Consegue contar todos os círculos na cama dela, ou são muitos? Consegue contar outras coisas, como olhos, braços ou narizes?", + "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.": "Sua irmã voltou com uma flor.\n\nChat segurou suavemente. \"É tão adorável\", disse ela.", + "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?": "Imagine como é ver o mundo pela primeira vez. O que você mais gostaria de ver?", + "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?": "De que lado da cabeça ela bateu na pedra e de que lado está enfaixada?", + "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.": "Consegue encontrar todos os retângulos nesta imagem? Alguns deles estão escondidinhos.", + "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.": "Sua família olhou uns para os outros.\n\n\"Chat, você consegue ver a flor?\", sua mãe perguntou.", + "What emotion do you see on each person's face?": "Que emoção você vê no rosto de cada pessoa?", + "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?": "Você conhece alguém que de repente melhorou muito de uma doença?", + "Have you known anyone who was blind?": "Você conhece alguém que era cego?", + "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.": "Chat brincou com a flor na mão.\n\n\"Vocês são todos tão bonitos, assim como esta flor\", ela sorriu.", + "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.": "Aponte alguns dos novos retângulos nesta imagem.", + "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?": "Este é um final muito feliz! Você achou que a história terminaria assim?", + "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.": "Algumas pessoas se tornam médicas porque gostam de ajudar as pessoas a terem finais felizes como este.", + "My name is Simo.": "Meu nome é Simo.", + "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.": "Conte as diferentes cores de listras na camisa de Simo.", + "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?": "A bola do Simo tem duas cores e é redonda. Um pentágono é uma forma de cinco lados. Aponte para os pentágonos escuros na bola de Simo. Você vê algum pentágono ao seu redor?", + "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?": "Um hexágono é uma forma de seis lados. Aponte para os hexágonos na bola. Os hexágonos são frequentemente usados em padrões de ladrilhos. Você vê algum hexágono ao seu redor?", + "I have four friends.": "Eu tenho quatro amigos.", + "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"": "Quando você coloca Simo junto com seus quatro amigos, quantos são ao todo? Outra maneira de perguntar isso é: \"Quanto é 1 mais 4?\"", + "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.": "Quantos deles têm camisas listradas e quantos têm camisas lisas? Isso significa que 2 mais de 3 é 5.", + "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!": "São duas maneiras diferentes de conseguir cinco! Se você fizer um mais quatro, você recebe a mesma coisa que dois mais três!", + "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.": "Seus nomes são Zizo, Lele, Sisa e Ayanda.", + "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.": "Você consegue adivinhar quem tem qual nome? Aprenderemos sobre cada um deles em breve.", + "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?": "Invente uma história sobre um deles. Talvez um deles goste de gatos ou faça longas caminhadas.", + "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.": "Dos quatro, um deles gosta de futebol, um gosta de nadar, outro gosta de esconde-esconde e um gosta de ler -- adivinhe qual é qual.", + "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.": "Meu amigo Zizo gosta de jogar futebol.", + "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?": "Simo e Zizo têm o futebol em comum. Quais partes de suas roupas são semelhantes entre si?", + "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?": "Simo e Zizo têm listras em diferentes partes de suas roupas. Como as listras são diferentes?", + "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?": "Zizo parece gostar de tons de vermelho. E você? Qual é a sua cor favorita?", + "My friend Lele likes to swim.": "Minha amiga Lele gosta de nadar.", + "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.": "Aponte e nomeie os belos verdes, azuis esverdeados e azuis nesta imagem.", + "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Lele. Ela está sem um dedo ou a artista foi descuidada ao desenhar esta imagem?", + "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.": "Pode ser perigoso nadar sozinho. Por segurança, sempre nade com um amigo.", + "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.": "Minha amiga Sisa gosta de brincar de pega-pega.", + "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?": "Sisa é o “pega” ou está se escondendo? É fácil ver Sisa. Sisa está se escondendo atrás da árvore?", + "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?": "Dizem que as zebras têm listras para ajudá-las a se esconder entre as árvores. As listras na camisa da Sisa fazem com que Sisa seja difícil de ser vista?", + "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?": "Ao brincar de esconde-esconde, a pessoa geralmente conta até certo número antes de procurar pessoas. Quão alto você acha que a pessoa deve contar?", + "My friend Ayanda likes to read.": "Minha amiga Ayanda gosta de ler.", + "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?": "As outras pessoas escolheram esportes e jogos que gostam de jogar. Ler é um esporte ou um jogo?", + "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?": "Você consegue ler com outras pessoas ou deve ler sozinho?", + "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.": "Ayanda parece gostar de tons de laranja. Cite algumas coisas ao seu redor que são tons de laranja.", + "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.": "Eu? Gosto de fazer as coisas que eles gostam de fazer.", + "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?": "Simo gosta de fazer todas as coisas, ou ele está apenas sendo agradável para que possa estar com todos?", + "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?": "Você notou que as listras na camisa dele mudaram? Como elas mudaram?", + "Of the four activities, how many do you like?": "Das quatro atividades, quantas você gosta?", + "I play soccer with Zizo.": "Eu jogo futebol com Zizo.", + "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Zizo. Zizo está sem um dedo ou o artista foi descuidado de novo?", + "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?": "Algumas pessoas nascem com seis dedos na mão. Quanto é um menos seis? Quanto é dois menos seis? Quantos dedos parecem ser um bom número para você?", + "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?": "Zizo tem uma camisa lisa com meias listradas, enquanto Simo tem uma camisa listrada com meias lisas. De que maneira você gosta mais?", + "I swim with Lele.": "Eu nado com Lele.", + "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?": "Conte os dedos da mão esquerda de Lele. Ela tem um dedo a mais do que antes! Ela fez crescer um dedo?", + "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.": "Fale sobre os tons de verde nesta foto. Alguns tons são mais escuros, outros mais amarelos e outros mais azuis.", + "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!": "Lele está nadando com um amigo agora - isso é muito mais seguro (e mais divertido)!", + "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.": "Eu brinco de pega-pega com Sisa.", + "Why did Simo take his shoes off?": "Por que Simo tirou os sapatos?", + "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?": "Quem você acha que está se escondendo e quem está procurando nesta foto?", + "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?": "Qual destes dois pode se esconder melhor neste lugar -- quais roupas se misturam melhor com as cores ao redor?", + "Come, friend, what do you like?": "Venha, amigo, do que você gosta?", + "What are some of your favorite activities?": "Quais são algumas das suas atividades favoritas?", + "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?": "Conte as diferentes atividades nesta história. Destes, qual você escolheria?", + "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?": "Havia quatro atividades e você escolheu a sua favorita. Quanto é um menos que quatro? Das atividades restantes, qual é a sua menos favorita?", + "Come, play soccer with us.": "Venha, jogue futebol com a gente.", + "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?": "Eles estão jogando em equipes ou estão apenas chutando a bola?", + "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?": "São cinco pessoas. Você pode dividi-los em duas equipes com o mesmo número de pessoas?", + "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?": "De quem são os piores sapatos para jogar futebol?", + "Come, swim with us.": "Venha nadar com a gente.", + "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?": "Há dois pares de crianças e uma criança sozinha. Você pode colocar todos eles em pares para que ninguém fique de fora?", + "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.": "Diz-se que um número é \"ímpar\" se não houver como dividir sua quantidade em pares. Também é \"ímpar\" se esse número de coisas não puder ser dividido em dois grupos iguais.", + "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?": "Por que as duas ideias para \"ímpar\" são as mesmas? Por que ser capaz de dividir algo em pares é o mesmo que ser capaz de dividi-lo em dois grupos iguais?", + "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.": "Venha, brinque de pega-pega com a gente.", + "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?": "Parece que Simo é o \"pega\". Será que ela terá dificuldade em encontrar as outras crianças?", + "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?": "Conte as crianças em cima do galho e o número escondido do outro lado da árvore. Eles somam quatro crianças?", + "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.": "Há um na árvore, um contando e três atrás da árvore. Você pode obter cinco de várias maneiras a partir disso. Uma maneira é começar com três, adicionar um e depois adicionar mais um. Pense em outras maneiras de conseguir cinco.", + "Come, read with us!": "Venha, leia conosco!", + "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.": "Uma pessoa está lendo sozinha, e o resto está lendo em pares.", + "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?": "Todos parecem muito felizes juntos, não importa qual atividade eles façam. Você tem alguns amigos com quem gosta de fazer coisas?", + "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?": "Uma das crianças só tem quatro dedos na mão -- quem é?", + "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.": "Mod, a sapa, estava cansada de viver na água.", + "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?": "Por que você acha que Mod estava cansada da água?", + "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?": "Mod tem quatro \"dedos\" em cada perna. Quem tem mais dedos - você ou Mod? Quantos a mais?", + "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?": "Com quatro dedos em cada perna, quantos dedos Mod tem ao todo? Você pode contá-los de 1 em 1, de 2 em 2 ou de 4 em 4. É um número muito grande para você contar?", + "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"": "\"Tenha cuidado,\" disse a tartaruga. \"Sua pele vai ressecar.\"", + "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?": "Por que as tartarugas não se preocupam com a pele ressecando?", + "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?": "Você acha que uma tartaruga grande seria capaz de subir em um tronco estreito assim?", + "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?": "Você acha que sapos e tartarugas conversam entre si?", + "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.": "Mas Mod estava curiosa. Ela pulou para longe.", + "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!": "Mod parece muito animada para embarcar em uma aventura!", + "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?": "Você já fez algo mesmo sendo avisado de que era uma má ideia? Ficou feliz por ter feito?", + "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?": "Você acha que Mod já havia saído do rio antes? Existem lugares que você gostaria de explorar?", + "She looked all around.": "Ela olhou ao redor.", + "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.": "Conte as árvores ao fundo atrás de Mod.", + "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?": "É mais fácil para você contar as árvores uma por uma ou de 2 em 2?", + "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.": "Observe os tons das cores. As cores de Mod vão de amarelo claro a marrom escuro. A grama vai de um amarelo muito claro aos verdes amarelados das copas das árvores e aos tons mais escuros diretamente sob o dossel da árvore.", + "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.": "Ela encontrou um camaleão roxo ao lado de uma poça de água.", + "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!": "Mod parece surpresa ao ver o camaleão!", + "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?": "Por que o camaleão está segurando esse inseto? Você come insetos às vezes?", + "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?": "Conte os insetos voando ao redor. Se adicionar mais um ao que o camaleão está segurando, quantos são ao todo?", + "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.": "O camaleão começou a ficar rosa! Mod pulou para longe.", + "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.": "Camaleões e alguns outros animais podem mudar de cor para se camuflar.", + "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?": "Você acha que este camaleão está se camuflando?", + "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!": "Você acha que Mod sabia que o camaleão poderia mudar de cor? Mod parece surpresa e com medo!", + "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.": "Então ela viu uma hiena começando um incêndio.", + "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.": "É bobagem pensar que hienas saem por aí iniciando incêndios com tochas.", + "If they could do it, why would they want to?": "Se pudessem fazer isso, por que gostariam?", + "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?": "As hienas às vezes são descritas como personagens ruins em histórias. Você acha que as hienas se dariam ao trabalho de iniciar um incêndio apenas para serem más?", + "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.": "O fogo se espalhou ao redor de Mod. Ela estava com medo.", + "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?": "Você já viu ou esteve perto de um grande incêndio florestal? Se sim, como se sentiu sobre isso?", + "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?": "Mod escolheu um bom lugar para se esconder?", + "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?": "O que você acha que acontecerá com Mod - Mod está em um lugar seguro?", + "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.": "O fogo queimou sua pele. Ela pulou de volta para a poça.", + "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?": "Ser queimado dói muito! Você já se queimou ou conheceu alguém que já?", + "Why did Mod cover her eyes?": "Por que Mod cobriu os olhos?", + "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.": "Encontrar algo frio para colocar na queimadura é geralmente uma ideia muito boa para evitar mais queimação.", + "But her skin was already full of blisters.": "Mas sua pele já estava cheia de bolhas.", + "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?": "Quando Mod espirrou, que forma tinham as ondulações na água ao redor de onde Mod entrou?", + "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?": "Você já observou as ondulações que uma pedra faz quando cai em água parada?", + "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.": "Essas ondulações são círculos que têm um ponto central comum. Esses círculos são chamados de concêntricos.", + "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.": "Mod encontrou uma casa debaixo de uma pedra. Sua nova pele estava seca e áspera.", + "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?": "Mesmo que as coisas não tenham corrido tão bem, ela teve algumas experiências interessantes. Você acha que Mod se arrepende de sua aventura?", + "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?": "Você acha que sapos têm casas com portas, janelas e mesas?", + "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?": "Parece que Mod tem três dedos agora. Isso é mais ou menos do que ela tinha antes?", + "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.": "Agora apenas rãs têm pele lisa e vivem perto da água.", + "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?": "Você sabia que existem diferenças entre sapos e rãs?", + "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?": "Você já viu um sapo ou uma rã? Conseguiu dizer qual era qual?", + "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?": "Você já foi a um lago, rio ou lagoa para explorar a vida aquática?", + "Look at the animals.": "Olhe para os animais.", + "Count and name together all the animals you see.": "Conte e nomeie juntos todos os animais que você vê.", + "What are all the animals looking at?": "Para o que todos os animais estão olhando?", + "Do the animals want something from the farmer?": "Os animais querem alguma coisa do fazendeiro?", + "The cow says, \"Moo.\"": "A vaca diz: \"Muu.\"", + "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?": "A vaca está olhando para um cocho vazio. O que você acha que \"Muu\" significa?", + "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?": "Se você só tem uma palavra (\"Muu\"), você tem que pronunciar ela de diferentes maneiras para que signifiquem coisas distintas. O que você acha que a vaca quer?", + "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.": "Algumas das manchas pretas da vaca são pequenas e algumas são grandes. Conte quantas manchas a vaca tem.", + "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"": "O bode diz: \"béé, béé.\"", + "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?": "Por que o bode está olhando para o gotejamento de água da torneira?", + "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?": "O bode está com sede, fome ou ambos?", + "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.": "Quantos chifres tem um bode? Nomeie outros animais que têm duas coisas duras crescendo em suas cabeças.", + "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"": "O Cavalo diz, “iiirrrí.”", + "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?": "O cavalo também estava olhando para um cocho vazio. Para o que o cavalo está apontando com a perna dianteira esquerda?", + "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?": "Conte juntos as pernas do cavalo. Você consegue pensar em um animal de fazenda que tem apenas duas pernas?", + "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?": "Existem animais que têm algum outro número de pernas além de dois ou quatro? E quanto a insetos ou aranhas? -- você sabe quantas pernas eles têm?", + "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"": "O porco diz, “Rók.”", + "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?": "Algumas pessoas pensam que os porcos dizem \"Oink.” O que você acha que eles dizem?", + "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!": "O porco tem duas orelhas, dois olhos e duas narinas. Imagine como seria se ele tivesse duas bocas!", + "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.": "Conte juntos os postes que compõem a cerca na frente do porco.", + "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"": "A galinha diz: \"Cocó.\"", + "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?": "Uma galinha é um animal de fazenda com apenas duas pernas. Existem outros?", + "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.": "Conte os pintinhos e conte quantas galinhas há ao todo.", + "One more than three makes how many?": "Um a mais que três faz quantos?", + "The dog says, \"Woof.\"": "O cachorro diz, “Auau.”", + "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.": "A tigela de comida do cachorro está vazia e o cachorro parece estar com fome.", + "Count together the number of bags by the fence.": "Conte juntos o número de sacos perto da cerca.", + "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?": "Conte juntos o número de dentes do rastelo no canto. Você consegue encontrar outras coisas para contar?", + "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"": "O fazendeiro diz: \"Shhh!\"", + "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?": "Por que o fazendeiro diz \"Shhh?” O fazendeiro está cansado de ser importunado pelos animais?", + "What are the animals waiting for?": "O que os animais estão esperando?", + "How many animals are waiting for their food?": "Quantos animais estão esperando pela comida?", + "My sister's dress is too big for me!": "O vestido da minha irmã é grande demais para mim!", + "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?": "Você às vezes usa roupas de outra pessoa? É divertido imaginar que você é essa outra pessoa quando faz isso?", + "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?": "Como você pode dizer que o vestido e o cinto são muito grandes?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Aponte para retângulos na imagem. Você vê algum retângulo onde você está?", + "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.": "A blusa do meu irmão também é grande demais para mim.", + "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?": "Olhando para o rosto dela, como ela se sente por ter uma blusa muito grande?", + "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?": "O vestido laranja que ela tem é do tamanho certo para ela?", + "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.": "Observe os novos retângulos nesta imagem.", + "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!": "Minha bolsa é grande.\n\nMas não muito grande!", + "Is this bag too big for her?": "Esta bolsa é grande demais para ela?", + "Count together the clasps on the bag.": "Conte juntos os fechos da bolsa.", + "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?": "O que você colocaria nesta bolsa se fosse sua?", + "This old belt is too small for me.": "Este cinto velho é muito pequeno para mim.", + "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?": "Por que o cinto velho de quando ela era menor pode ser pequeno demais para ela?", + "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?": "O que a expressão em seu rosto diz sobre como ela está se sentindo em relação ao cinto?", + "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?": "Quantas peças de roupa ela já experimentou?", + "This is my doll's hat.": "Este é o chapéu da minha boneca.", + "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?": "Esta é a quarta peça de roupa que não se encaixa bem para ela. Como ela se sente sobre isso? Você acha que ela está se sentindo desanimada?", + "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.": "Conte juntos o número de pedaços de madeira que compõem o encosto da cadeira.", + "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?": "Ela tem dois olhos, duas orelhas e dois braços, mas apenas uma boca e um nariz. Onde se alinham as partes do corpo que ela tem só uma?", + "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!": "Minhas meias são do tamanho certo.\n\nMas da cor errada!", + "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?": "Incluindo seus laços de cabelo, quais cores ela está usando?", + "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?": "Você acha que as meias dela são da cor errada?", + "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?": "A imagem da cadeira é composta por vários retângulos. Quantos você consegue encontrar?", + "These are my new shoes.": "Estes são meus sapatos novos.", + "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?": "Depois de todas as outras roupas, você acha que esses sapatos vão servir?", + "Where did she go?": "Para onde ela foi?", + "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?": "Estes sapatos devem estar em uma sala diferente - a porta e as janelas são de uma cor diferente. Que cores eram antes?", + "They fit me very well.": "Eles se encaixam muito bem em mim.", + "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?": "O chapéu dela é o mesmo que o chapéu de boneca? Parece muito pequeno para você?", + "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?": "Você acha que ela precisa de um cinto com o vestido?", + "Is she ready for school now?": "Ela está pronta para a escola agora?", + "Let me tell you about the palm tree.": "Deixe-me lhe contar sobre a palmeira.", + "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.": "Há palmeiras onde você mora? Existem muitos tipos de palmeiras – talvez as suas se pareçam diferente dessas.", + "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.": "Seu colar tem um padrão repetitivo de miçangas vermelhas e amarelas. Conte as contas usando o padrão para contar de 2 em 2.", + "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.": "Ele tem argolas nas suas orelhas. Quantas peças de roupa com argolas ele tem? Não se esqueça de olhar tudo.", + "This tree lives when everything else is dry.": "Esta árvore vive enquanto todo o resto está árido.", + "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.": "Embora a água seja necessária para grande parte das coisas vivas, palmeiras são inteligentes e usam pouquíssima água em locais secos.", + "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.": "Os galhos se separam em dois conforme sobem. Conte quantos galhos você consegue ver antes das folhas no topo da palmeira.", + "Count the bones and stones on the ground.": "Conte os ossos e as rochas no chão.", + "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.": "A sombra de uma palmeira é sempre fresca.", + "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?": "Há algo diferente na sombra de uma palmeira que a faz fresca?", + "Is the shade of all trees cool?": "A sombra de todas as árvores é fresca?", + "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?": "Esta pessoa mal cabe nesta sombra. Por que ele escolheu uma árvore tão pequena? Talvez não existam outras árvores por perto?", + "We eat fruit from the palm tree.": "Nós comemos frutas da palmeira.", + "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.": "Liste e conte os tipos de fruta que você gosta de comer.", + "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?": "O cabelo deles é trançado em fileiras. Qual dos dois têm mais fileiras? Qual é a diferença entre esses dois números?", + "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?": "Faz sentido que a pessoa maior tenha o maior número de fileiras no cabelo?", + "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.": "Nós usamos as folhas da palmeira para cobrir nossas casas.", + "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.": "Esta casa tem um formato redondo. Casas redondas são mais fáceis de serem construídas e possuem mais espaço.", + "Do you have any round buildings where you live?": "Existem prédios redondos onde você mora?", + "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?": "Bolas e lâmpadas são normalmente redondas. Quais são outras coisas redondas ao seu redor?", + "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.": "Nós fazemos vassouras e tapetes de folhas de palmeiras.", + "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?": "Das coisas ao seu redor, quais delas parecem serem feitas de árvores ou outros materiais naturais?", + "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.": "Conte o número de coisas diferentes nesta imagem que são feitas a partir de uma palmeira.", + "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?": "Conte o número de argolas que ela está usando. O número é maior ou menor do que o homem tinha nas páginas anteriores?", + "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.": "Usamos sementes de palmeira como combustível.", + "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?": "Queimar sementes de palmeira é uma das muitas formas de obter calor. Como você se esquenta onde você mora?", + "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?": "Além de cozinhar, quais são outros usos para o calor?", + "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?": "Uma estimativa é um chute aproximado baseado em informações parciais. Estime quantas sementes existem nessa cesta. É um número maior do que os que você conhece?", + "Do you see why the palm tree is important?": "Você entende o porquê das palmeiras serem tão importantes?", + "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.": "Liste e conte de quantas formas as palmeiras são úteis para eles.", + "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?": "Quais árvores perto de você têm funções importantes?", + "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?": "Úteis ou não, quais são as suas árvores preferidas perto de você?", + "This is Ndalo.": "Este é o Ndalo.", + "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.": "Identifiquem juntos os tipos de animais que você vê e conte cada um deles.", + "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?": "Nessa foto, qual animal está mais presente?", + "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.": "Contem juntos quantos botões há na camisa de Ndalo.", + "Ndalo likes to read books.": "Ndalo gosta de ler livros.", + "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.": "Contem juntos quantos livros há na mesa em frente a Ndalo.", + "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!": "Você pode ver em seu rosto o quanto ele gosta de ler!", + "Do you like hearing stories from books?": "Você gosta de ouvir histórias de livros?", + "This is Pendo.": "Esta é a Pendo.", + "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.": "Existem muitos detalhes nesta imagem. Conte os animais que você conseguir encontrar.", + "How many trees and power poles do you see?": "Quantas árvores e postes de energia você vê?", + "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.": "Indique e conte quantas pessoas você consegue identificar.", + "Pendo likes to eat carrots.": "Pendo gosta de comer cenouras.", + "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?": "Você consegue perceber apenas olhando para Pendo que ela gosta de cenouras?", + "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?": "Você gosta de comer cenouras? Qual é o seu vegetal preferido?", + "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?": "Pendo está comendo duas cenouras enquanto Ndalo está segurando mais três. Quanto são três mais dois?", + "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.": "Ndalo leva Pendo para pastar depois da escola.", + "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.": "Conte todos os animais diferentes no quintal, ou conte apenas os seus favoritos.", + "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?": "Qual animal está em maior quantidade? E em menor?", + "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?": "O que Pendo e as cabras estão comendo? Você gostaria de comer grama?", + "He gives fresh water to Pendo.": "Ele dá água fresca para Pendo.", + "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?": "Ndalo cuida muito bem de Pendo. Você cuida de algum animal?", + "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.": "Aponte para as cores diferentes – A Pendo é bege, a camisa de Ndalo é azul, o balde é amarelo, a grama é verde e a parte de fora do cocho de água é rosa.", + "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?": "Perto de Ndalo, a Pendo parece ser muito grande. Você acha que a Pendo é quantas vezes maior que o Ndalo?", + "Father gives grain to Pendo.": "O pai dá grãos para Pendo.", + "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?": "O gato está observando Pendo comer os grãos. Você acha que o gato quer um pouco de grãos?", + "What do you think the cat is waiting for?": "O que você acha que o gato está esperando?", + "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?": "Pendo provê muito leite para a família. O que o gato provê para a família?", + "He milks Pendo every day.": "Ele ordenha a Pendo todo dia.", + "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?": "O gato ainda está esperando. Talvez o gato esteja esperando que um pouco do leite respingue?", + "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?": "Por que as duas patas traseiras de Pendo estão amarradas? Você acha que ela gosta de ser ordenhada?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados. Indique alguns retângulos presentes nesta imagem.", + "Pendo gives a lot of milk.": "Pendo dá muito leite.", + "Count together the number of milk containers.": "Contem juntos o número de recipientes de leite.", + "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?": "A janela atrás deles é dividida por vidros. Quantos vidros há na janela?", + "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.": "Recipientes de líquido geralmente são redondos, mas às vezes o leite vem em caixas.", + "Father sells Pendo's milk.": "O pai vende o leite de Pendo.", + "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.": "A camisa do pai dele tem padrões interessantes. Indique e descreva as listras e os diamantes pretos.", + "Describe this woman's colorful dress.": "Descreva o vestido colorido desta mulher.", + "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"": "O que é a imagem no papel na parede? O aviso diz \"Leite aqui\".", + "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.": "Ndalo bebe leite fresco todos os dias.", + "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?": "Como você pode afirmar que o Ndalo tem tomado leite?", + "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?": "Quando você bebe algo, você fica com um pouco de líquido ao redor da sua boca?", + "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?": "Há muitos retângulos aqui. Conte quantas portas e janelas você consegue identificar. Há mais portas ou janelas?", + "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"": "Ele diz, \"Obrigado, Pendo!\"", + "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?": "A família de Ndalo alimenta e toma conta de Pendo e, em troca, Pendo lhes dá leite. Isso parece uma troca justa?", + "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.": "Conte um pouco sobre de onde vem seu alimento.", + "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?": "Você é grato pela origem do seu alimento?", + "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.": "A Mãe Sol decidiu visitar sua irmã, a Lua. A irmã Lua mora do outro lado do céu. \"Voltarei em breve\", disse Sol às nuvens.", + "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?": "O que mudará para as nuvens e as montanhas quando o Sol se for?", + "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?": "Você já imaginou rostos nas nuvens e nas montanhas?", + "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?": "Há cinco coisas no céu. Quando o Sol se for, quantas restarão? Quanto é um menos cinco?", + "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.": "Quando Sol partiu, as montanhas colocaram seus lenços brancos.", + "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?": "Por que as montanhas colocaram lenços brancos quando o Sol se foi?", + "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?": "Quantas nuvens existem? Há mais montanhas ou nuvens nesta página?", + "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?": "O que as nuvens estão fazendo e o que você acha que elas estão sentindo?", + "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.": "O vento teve uma discussão com as árvores. As árvores ficaram com raiva. Eles jogaram suas folhas por todo o lugar.", + "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?": "Adivinhe quantas folhas estão voando por aí. Você conhece números tão grandes assim?", + "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!": "Observe o quão forte o vento está soprando. As folhas estão soprando por toda parte!", + "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?": "O vento está soprando com tanta força que as árvores estão se curvando. Você já esteve do lado de fora enquanto o vento soprava tão forte que você teve problemas para andar?", + "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.": "O céu começou a resmungar.\n\nEle ficou cinza.", + "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?": "As nuvens estão preocupadas e ansiosas. O que você acha que está prestes a acontecer?", + "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?": "Conte os rostos nas nuvens. Eles estão divididos em três grupos: grupos de dois, de quatro e de um. Quantos são ao todo?", + "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?": "Contando as árvores, as montanhas e os grupos de nuvens, há todos os números de um a cinco – você consegue encontrar todos eles?", + "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.": "As nuvens ficaram tristes ao ver tudo isso. Começaram a chorar. Havia muitas lágrimas.", + "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?": "As nuvens podem ter feito chuva porque estavam tristes, mas algumas pessoas gostam de assistir e ouvir a chuva. Como a chuva faz você se sentir?", + "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?": "Há muitos pingos de chuva. Você pode contar todos eles, ou são muitos?", + "Think of something else that there are too many to count.": "Pense em outras coisas que sejam impossíveis contar de tantas que são.", + "The whole world began to sink under water.": "O mundo inteiro começou a afundar na água.", + "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.": "As árvores precisam de água, mas você acha que elas gostam de ter tanta água? Os rostos nas árvores parecem um pouco ansiosos ou tristes.", + "How many trees do you count in this picture?": "Quantas árvores você consegue contar nesta foto?", + "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?": "O mundo está afundando sob a água ou a água está acumulando sobre o mundo?", + "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.": "Enquanto isso, do outro lado do céu, o Sol estava pronto para deixar sua irmã. Ela deu um beijo de despedida na Lua e foi para casa.", + "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?": "Você acha que é possível o Sol beijar a Lua?", + "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?": "Você já viu estrelas perto da Lua ou do Sol?", + "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.": "Uma esfera é uma forma similar a uma bola - ela é redonda em todas as direções. A Lua e o Sol têm a forma de esferas, mesmo que a Lua nem sempre se pareça.", + "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.": "O céu ficou tão feliz em ver o Sol que ficou azul brilhante. As montanhas colocaram seus lindos vestidos verdes.", + "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?": "Do que é feito o vestido verde nas montanhas?", + "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?": "Quantas nuvens existem agora? O que aconteceu com as outras nuvens?", + "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?": "Compare o número de coisas no céu com o número de montanhas com rostos. Um deles é um maior do que o outro, enquanto um deles é um menor do que o outro -- qual é qual?", + "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.": "O vento foi dormir. As árvores esticaram seus galhos e sorriram.", + "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?": "As montanhas e as árvores gostam do clima quente. Você gosta do clima mais quente ou mais frio?", + "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.": "Um cilindro é uma forma como um tubo ou um canudo. Um cabo de vassoura é geralmente um cilindro. Os troncos dessas árvores entre o solo e seus primeiros galhos são cilindros.", + "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?": "Que outras coisas ao seu redor têm a forma de um cilindro?", + "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.": "As nuvens ficaram muito felizes em ver a Mãe Sol novamente. Elas foram embora para brincar.", + "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?": "Há cinco nuvens no céu. Se você adicionar mais um para o sol, quantas coisas estão no céu?", + "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?": "Duas páginas atrás havia duas nuvens. Quantas nuvens a mais existem agora?", + "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?": "Se as nuvens estavam felizes em ver o Sol, por que elas foram embora?", + "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.": "Muitas pequenas plantas saíram da terra para dizer, \"Olá.\" O mundo inteiro brilhou.", + "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.": "Há borboletas, flores, caules e muitas plantas pequenas. Conte algumas dessas coisas juntas.", + "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?": "Qual grupo de coisas há mais e qual grupo tem menos?", + "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?": "Quais são algumas coisas que as plantas precisam para fazê-las felizes e crescerem?", + "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.": "Mãe Sol brilhou sua luz em todos os lugares. \"Eu disse que voltaria\", ela sorriu.", + "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?": "Os raios do Sol se estendem muito longe nesta página. Existem dias em que os raios do Sol parecem alcançar você completamente?", + "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?": "O que tem menos nesta página: árvores, montanhas ou coisas no céu?", + "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.": "O que tem mais? É normal que haja duas coisas com a mesma quantidade – nesse caso não há problema, apenas diga ambas.", + "Odongo and Apiyo waited for the school holidays to come.": "Odongo e Apiyo esperaram as férias escolares chegarem.", + "They look excited. Do you suppose they have big plans for their holidays?": "Eles parecem animados. Você acha que eles têm grandes planos para as férias?", + "Are there holidays that you get excited about?": "Há feriados com os quais você se empolga?", + "Tell a story about something you did during a recent holiday.": "Conte uma história sobre algo que você fez durante um feriado recente.", + "It was time for them to visit their grandmother.": "Era hora deles visitarem a avó.", + "Did you ever get so excited about something that you had trouble sleeping?": "Você já ficou tão animado com algo que teve dificuldades para dormir?", + "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to all the rectangles you can find on this page.": "Retângulos são formas com quatro lados retos e cantos como os desta página. Aponte para todos os retângulos que você pode encontrar nesta página.", + "Point to some of the rectangles around where you are.": "Aponte para alguns dos retângulos em torno de onde você está.", + "They drove past mountains, wild animals, and farms.": "Eles passaram por montanhas, animais selvagens e fazendas.", + "Count together all the wild animals you see on this page.": "Conte todos os animais selvagens que você vê nesta página.", + "When you add two children to the five other animals, how many animals are there all together? What is two more than five?": "Quando você adiciona duas crianças aos outros cinco animais, quantos animais existem juntos? Quanto é dois mais cinco?", + "Point to and describe the pairs of animals here.": "Aponte e descreva os pares de animais aqui.", + "After a while, Odongo and Apiyo fell asleep.": "Depois de um tempo, Odongo e Apiyo adormeceram.", + "Some people have trouble sleeping sitting up. Can you fall asleep while you're sitting?": "Algumas pessoas têm dificuldade em dormir sentadas. Você consegue adormecer enquanto está sentado?", + "The girl is sleeping with her mouth open -- do you think she is snoring?": "A garota está dormindo com a boca aberta -- você acha que ela está roncando?", + "Describe the colors of some of the strips in this picture. There are yellows, blues, and greens on the bag, and yellows, oranges, and reds on their seat.": "Descreva as cores de algumas das listras nesta imagem. Há amarelos, azuis e verdes na bolsa, e amarelos, laranjas e vermelhos no assento.", + "They found their grandmother resting under a tree.": "Eles encontraram a avó descansando debaixo de uma árvore.", + "Do you have friends or relatives you like to go on trips to visit?": "Você tem amigos ou parentes que gosta de visitar em viagens?", + "Remember a happy visit you had. What do you like to do when you visit someone?": "Lembre-se de uma visita feliz que você teve. O que você gosta de fazer quando visita alguém?", + "What will these two do with their grandmother? Will they hear stories, cook meals, and go on walks together?": "O que esses dois farão com a avó? Eles vão ouvir histórias, cozinhar refeições e fazer caminhadas juntos?", + "Grandmother danced and sang. The children gave her presents.": "Vovó dançava e cantava. As crianças lhe deram presentes.", + "What do you like to get as a present?": "O que você gostaria de ganhar de presente?", + "What feels so good about getting a present from someone?": "O que é tão bom em receber um presente de alguém?", + "The background on the last page had blues and greens. This one has yellows and oranges. What feels different to you when you see the colors on these two pages?": "O fundo da última página tinha azuis e verdes. Este tem amarelos e laranjas. O que você sente de diferente quando vê as cores nessas duas páginas?", + "Grandmother blessed Odongo and Apiyo in a traditional way.": "A avó abençoou Odongo e Apiyo de uma maneira tradicional.", + "Giving a blessing is a solemn and dear thing.": "Dar uma bênção é uma coisa solene e querida.", + "The background color has changed again. How does it make you feel?": "A cor de fundo mudou novamente. Como isso faz você se sentir?", + "Is this an exciting or calm part of the story? Does the blue color enhance that feeling?": "Esta é uma parte agitante ou calma da história? A cor azul melhora essa sensação?", + "Odongo and Apiyo played with butterflies and birds.": "Odongo e Apiyo brincavam com borboletas e pássaros.", + "Have you ever seen birds and butterflies with so many colors?": "Você já viu pássaros e borboletas com tantas cores?", + "Can you count the number of butterflies, or is that a bigger number than you can count?": "Você pode contar o número de borboletas, ou esse é um número maior do que você consegue contar?", + "The colors in the background form ever larger circles -- they are called concentric circles. How do all these colors together make you feel?": "As cores no fundo formam círculos cada vez maiores - são chamados de círculos concêntricos. Como todas essas cores juntas fazem você se sentir?", + "They climbed trees.\n\nThey splashed in the water of the lake.": "Eles subiram em árvores.\n\nEles brincaram na água do lago.", + "How did Odongo get up into a tree with no low branches?": "Como Odongo subiu em uma árvore sem galhos baixos?", + "How many branches are on this tree? Did you count all of them including the small ones, or just the large ones?": "Quantos galhos estão nesta árvore? Você contou todos eles, incluindo os pequenos, ou apenas os grandes?", + "Do you go in a lake or pond with your shoes on? Why do you suppose Apiyo did that?": "Você entra em um lago ou lagoa com seus sapatos? Por que você acha que Apiyo fez isso?", + "They were tired.\n\nThey fell asleep before finishing their dinner.": "Eles estavam cansados.\n\nEles adormeceram antes de terminar o jantar.", + "Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in the middle of eating?": "Você já esteve tão cansado que adormeceu no meio de uma refeição?", + "Do you think they slept at the table all night?": "Você acha que eles dormiram na mesa a noite toda?", + "Some of the lines in this picture are straight, like the boards on the table, and some are curved, like the edges of the bowls. Look around you. Do you mostly see straight or curved lines?": "Algumas das linhas nesta imagem são retas, como as tábuas na mesa, e algumas são curvas, como as bordas das tigelas. Olhe à sua volta. Você vê principalmente linhas retas ou curvas?", + "They helped grandmother.\n\nThey collected eggs and picked vegetables.": "Eles ajudaram a avó.\n\nEles coletaram ovos e colheram vegetais.", + "Point at and describe all the pairs of things in this picture.": "Aponte e descreva todos os pares de coisas nesta imagem.", + "Of the eggs Apiyo is holding, how many can you see?": "Dos ovos que Apiyo está segurando, quantos você consegue ver?", + "Do you like helping out with chores?": "Você gosta de ajudar com as tarefas?", + "Grandmother taught Odongo and Apiyo how to cook different foods.": "A avó ensinou Odongo e Apiyo a cozinhar alimentos diferentes.", + "Do you like helping with the cooking sometimes?": "Você gosta de ajudar na cozinha às vezes?", + "Do you have any favorite foods you like to help with?": "Você tem alguma comida favorita com a qual gostaria de ajudar?", + "One of the pleasures of traveling is getting to eat new foods. Do you like eating new foods?": "Um dos prazeres de viajar é poder comer novos alimentos. Você gosta de comer novos alimentos?", + "Odongo took grandmother's cows to graze.\n\nThey ate a neighbor's crops.": "Odongo levou as vacas da avó para pastar.\n\nElas comeram as colheitas de um vizinho.", + "Looking at Odongo, the neighbor, and the cows, what is each of them feeling?": "Olhando para Odongo, o vizinho e as vacas, o que cada um deles está sentindo?", + "Do you think Odongo will be given a second chance after this mistake?": "Você acha que Odongo terá uma segunda chance após esse erro?", + "When you make mistakes, are you given another chance?": "Quando você comete erros, você tem outra chance?", + "They went to their grandmother's stall at the market.": "Eles foram para a barraca da avó no mercado.", + "Who is the new woman in this picture and what is she doing?": "Quem é a nova mulher nesta foto e o que ela está fazendo?", + "What is grandmother's umbrella for? Is it raining?": "Para que serve o guarda-chuva da vovó? Está chovendo?", + "Count all the different kinds of food grandmother is selling.": "Conte todos os diferentes tipos de comida que a vovó está vendendo.", + "In the evening, they helped grandmother to count her money.": "À noite, eles ajudaram a avó a contar seu dinheiro.", + "Can you tell that it is evening from this picture?": "Você pode dizer que é noite a partir desta foto?", + "Do you sometimes get to count money? If you do, is it fun to do?": "Você às vezes consegue contar dinheiro? Se você consegue, é divertido contar?", + "When you count things, do you come up with faster ways to do it? For example, counting things in pairs can be twice as fast.": "Quando você conta as coisas, você encontra maneiras mais rápidas de fazer isso? Por exemplo, contar coisas em pares pode ser duas vezes mais rápido.", + "Soon, the holidays were over.\n\nGrandmother packed food for their journey.": "Logo, as férias acabaram.\n\nA avó embalou comida para a viagem.", + "The children look happy. Are they happy about leaving?": "As crianças parecem felizes. Eles estão felizes em ir embora?", + "This is the first time we're seeing Odongo's hat. Is it a present from his grandmother?": "Esta é a primeira vez que vemos o chapéu de Odongo. É um presente da avó dele?", + "Their clothes have lots of colors. How many colors are in the clothes you are wearing?": "Suas roupas têm muitas cores. Quantas cores estão nas roupas que você está vestindo?", + "The children did not want to leave.\n\n\"Grandmother, come with us.\"": "As crianças não queriam ir embora.\n\n\"Vovó, venha conosco.\"", + "What are the children feeling in this picture?": "O que as crianças estão sentindo nesta foto?", + "What did their grandmother say when the children asked her to come with them?": "O que a avó deles disse quando as crianças pediram que ela viesse com eles?", + "The children and their father make three people. When you add one more for their grandmother, how many people is that all together?": "Os filhos e o pai formam três pessoas. Quando você adiciona mais uma para a avó deles, quantas pessoas estão juntas?", + "Odongo and Apiyo hugged grandmother.\n\n\"Goodbye, grandmother,\" they said.": "Odongo e Apiyo abraçaram a avó.\n\n\"Adeus, avó\", disseram eles.", + "Do you have a hard time saying goodbye to people you care a lot about? Does it make you feel sad?": "Você tem dificuldade em se despedir de pessoas de quem gosta muito? Isso faz você se sentir triste?", + "Their arms and legs come in pairs. Count them by counting by 2's.": "Seus braços e pernas vêm em pares. Conte-os de 2 em 2.", + "How do the number of arms compare to the number of legs?": "Como o número de braços se compara ao número de pernas?", + "What is better, city life or village life?": "O que é melhor, a vida na cidade ou a vida na aldeia?", + "How do the number of girls compare to the number of boys?": "Como o número de meninas se compara ao número de meninos?", + "If you combine the three girls with the three boys, how many children are there? What is three more than three?": "Se você combinar as três meninas com os três meninos, quantas crianças existem? Quanto é três mais três?", + "Instead of counting them as three plus three more, count them by 2's and see if you get the same number.": "Em vez de contá-los como três mais três, conte-os de 2 em 2 e veja se você obtém o mesmo número.", + "Oh, no!": "\"Essa não!\"", + "Lulu is scared of something. She is holding that book very tightly -- perhaps her fear has something to do with the book?": "Lulu está com medo de algo. Ela está segurando o livro com muita força -- talvez seu medo tenha algo a ver com o livro?", + "What are some things that scare you?": "Quais são as coisas que te assustam?", + "What do you do when you are scared? Do you go to someone or maybe find a safe place?": "O que você faz quando está com medo? Você vai a alguém ou talvez encontre um lugar seguro?", + "Lulu, it is time to go, calls Ma.": "\"Lulu, é hora de ir\", chama Ma.", + "Lulu is running away from her mother. Where do you think she will hide?": "Lulu está fugindo de sua mãe. Onde você acha que ela vai se esconder?", + "What do you think is Lulu's favorite color? How can you tell?": "Qual você acha que é a cor favorita de Lulu? Como você sabe?", + "Is Lulu walking or running? How can you tell?": "Lulu está andando ou correndo? Como você sabe?", + "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she under the sofa?": "Onde está Lulu?\n\nEla está debaixo do sofá?", + "Lulu is hiding. Do you see Lulu?": "Lulu está escondida. Você vê Lulu?", + "Count together the cushions and window panes.": "Conte as almofadas e vidraças.", + "Are there more or less cushions than window panes? What is the difference -- how far apart are the two numbers?": "Existem mais ou menos almofadas do que vidraças? Qual é a diferença -- qual é a distância entre os dois números?", + "Is she behind the curtain?": "Ela está atrás da cortina?", + "That's a clever disguise for Lulu. Why does her clothing make her stand out?": "Esse é um disfarce inteligente para Lulu. Por que suas roupas a fazem se destacar?", + "Count together the number of legs on the lamp table. Do you have any tables around you with that many legs?": "Conte o número de pernas na mesa da lâmpada. Você tem alguma mesa ao seu redor com tantas pernas?", + "The number of legs on the lamp table is one less than the number on the couch. Three is one less than what number?": "O número de pernas na mesa da lâmpada é um a menos do que o número no sofá. Três é um menos que qual número?", + "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she next to the stove?": "Onde está Lulu?\n\nEla está ao lado do fogão?", + "Guess where Lulu is hiding in the kitchen.": "Adivinhe onde Lulu está escondida na cozinha.", + "Count the cabinet knobs together.": "Conte os puxadores do armário.", + "Point at all the round things you can find in this kitchen -- there are quite a few.": "Aponte para todas as coisas redondas que você pode encontrar nessa cozinha -- há algumas.", + "Is she in the cupboard?": "Ela está no armário?", + "Once again, Lulu picked a clever hiding place, but her colors don't fit in with the colors in the kitchen.": "Mais uma vez, Lulu escolheu um esconderijo inteligente, mas suas cores não se encaixam nas cores da cozinha.", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Count the rectangles you see on this page.": "Um retângulo é uma forma de quatro lados como esta página. Conte os retângulos que você vê nesta página.", + "A cylinder is a shape like a jar with straight sides. There are five cylinders on the top shelf (the bowl is not a cylinder). How many are there on Lulu's shelf? Is it the same number?": "Um cilindro é uma forma como um frasco com lados retos. Existem cinco cilindros na prateleira superior (a tigela não é um cilindro). Quantos há na prateleira de Lulu? É o mesmo número?", + "Lulu, it is time to go! Where are you? calls Ma.": "\"Lulu, é hora de ir! Onde você está?\" chama Ma.", + "Lulu blends in better this time. Do you see her?": "Lulu se mistura melhor desta vez. Você vê ela?", + "So many things to count! Point at and count together the blocks on the floor, the dolls, and the drawings on the wall.": "Tantas coisas para contar! Aponte e conte os blocos no chão, as bonecas e os desenhos na parede.", + "Which group of things is the largest and which is the smallest?": "Qual grupo de coisas é o maior e qual é o menor?", + "There you are! says Ma.\n\n\"I do not want to gooo!\"": "\"Aqui está você!\" diz Ma.\n\n\"Eu não quero irrrr!\"", + "Lulu is still holding her book tightly. Do you think Lulu is afraid her mother will take it away?": "Lulu ainda está segurando seu livro com força. Você acha que Lulu tem medo que a mãe a leve embora?", + "Lulu seems like she can be difficult when she doesn't get her way. How are you when you don't get your way?": "Lulu parece ser difícil quando não consegue o que quer. Como você fica quando não consegue o que quer?", + "Lulu's room has many rectangles. How many can you count?": "O quarto de Lulu tem muitos retângulos. Quantos você consegue contar?", + "We have to go, says Ma.\n\n\"But I really like this one!\"": "\"Temos que ir\", diz Ma.\n\n\"Mas eu realmente gosto deste!\"", + "Lulu's book looks very big compared to Lulu. Do you think her book is really that big?": "O livro de Lulu parece muito grande em comparação com Lulu. Você acha que o livro dela é realmente tão grande?", + "Do you have a favorite book or story that you like to look through or have told to you? Have you heard the story many times?": "Você tem um livro ou uma história favorita que gosta de folhear ou de ouvir alguém contar para você? Você já ouviu a história muitas vezes?", + "There are many kinds of stories. There are scary ones, funny ones, and some are adventures. Do you have a favorite type?": "Existem muitos tipos de histórias. Existem os assustadores, os engraçados e alguns são aventuras. Você tem alguma preferência?", + "This building has many rectangles. Most buildings use rectangles a lot for their sides and windows.": "{Este edifício tem muitos retângulos. A maioria dos edifícios usa muito retângulos nas laterais e janelas.", + "Triangles are three-sided shapes, and pentagons are five-sided shapes. There is a famous building called the Pentagon because it is made in the shape of a pentagon.": "Os triângulos são formas de três lados e os pentágonos são formas de cinco lados. Há um edifício famoso chamado Pentágono porque é feito na forma de um pentágono.", + "Why do you suppose buildings are not often made in the shape of a triangle or circle? Have you seen any buildings like that?": "Por que você acha que os edifícios frequentemente não têm formato de triangular ou circular? Você já viu algum prédio assim?", + "Where are they going? What does that big book on top of the building tell you about what this building is?": "Para onde eles estão indo? O que aquele grande livro no topo do prédio diz a respeito do que é esse prédio?", + "What is going to happen to Lulu's book at this library?": "O que vai acontecer com o livro de Lulu nesta biblioteca?", + "Do you have a place where you can borrow books near where you live? Have you ever borrowed books there?": "Tem um lugar perto de onde você mora que empresta livros? Você já pegou livros emprestados lá?", + "I really like this one!": "\"Eu gostei muito desse!\"", + "She found a new book very quickly. It didn't take Lulu long to forget about her old book.": "Ela encontrou um novo livro muito rapidamente. Não demorou muito para que Lulu esquecesse seu livro antigo.", + "How does Lulu feel about this new book? How can you tell?": "Como Lulu se sente sobre este novo livro? Como você sabe?", + "The windows behind Lulu have four sides and are almost rectangles. How are they different from rectangles?": "As janelas atrás de Lulu têm quatro lados e são quase retângulos. Como eles são diferentes dos retângulos?", + "And this one!": "\"E esse aqui!\"", + "Lulu is a very enthusiastic person. Some people display their feelings a lot and others are quieter with them. Which are you?": "Lulu é uma pessoa muito entusiasmada. Algumas pessoas mostram muito seus sentimentos e outras são mais silenciosas quanto a eles. Qual deles é você?", + "How many books do you think she will want to take home?": "Quantos livros você acha que ela vai querer levar para casa?", + "Do you have a library near you? Do you like to check books out of the library?": "Há uma biblioteca perto de você? Você gosta de pegar livros da biblioteca?", + "And this one! \n\n\"And this one!\"": "\"E esse aqui!\"\n\n\"E esse aqui!\"", + "How many Lulus are there in this picture? Why did the artist draw more than one?": "Quantas Lulus existem nesta foto? Por que o artista desenhou mais de uma?", + "To count as Lulu grabs books, you would keep adding \"one more\" each time she added a book. What is one more than zero? What is one more than one? You can count as high as you like this way!": "Conforme Lulu pega livros, você continuaria adicionando \"mais um\" para cada vez que ela adicionasse outro livro. O que é um a mais que zero? O que é um a mais de um? Você pode contar o mais alto que quiser desta maneira!", + "Libraries are supposed to be quiet places. Do you think Lulu should be running around?": "As bibliotecas devem ser lugares tranquilos. Você acha que Lulu deveria estar correndo?", + "See, you return books and borrow more, says Ma.\n\n\"YAY!\"": "\"Viu, você devolve livros e pega mais emprestados\", diz Ma.\n\n\"VIVA!\"", + "Why isn't Lulu sad about having to return her old book?": "Por que Lulu não está triste por ter que devolver seu livro antigo?", + "Count together the books on the counter.": "Conte os livros no balcão.", + "How many books do you think Lulu is checking out? What is the largest number you know?": "Quantos livros você acha que Lulu está pegando? Qual é o maior número que você conhece?", + "Where is Lulu now?": "Onde está Lulu agora?", + "Lulu checked out a lot of books! Can you count them all?": "Lulu pegou muitos livros! Você consegue contar todos eles?", + "Do you think Lulu likes to look at and read books?": "Você acha que Lulu gosta de folhear e ler livros?", + "Do you?": "E você?", + "I have lost my bat, and I cannot find it.": "Eu perdi o meu taco, e eu não consigo encontrá-lo.", + "Though you can only see five of them, there are six panes in the window. What else is there six of?": "Apesar de você só conseguir ver cinco, há seis vidros na janela. O que mais tem seis?", + "The number of rungs on the ladder is one more than the number of panes -- how many? The number of panes you can see is five, which is one less than the total number of panes.": "O número de degraus na escada é um a mais do que o número de vidros na janela -- quantos são? O número de vidros que você consegue ver é cinco, que é um a menos do que o número total de vidros.", + "Rectangles have four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to and describe the rectangles in the picture.": "Retângulos têm quatro lados retos e cantos como os desta página. Indique e descreva os retângulos nesta página.", + "I looked behind the door. It was not there.": "Eu procurei atrás da porta. Não estava lá.", + "Did you notice the girl outside the window?": "Você percebeu a menina do lado de fora da janela?", + "The bat is not behind the door -- could it be inside the box?": "O taco não está atrás da porta -- ele poderia estar dentro da caixa?", + "A box is a 3-dimensional shape with rectangles on every side. Do you see anything else similar to a box? (the door)": "Uma caixa é uma forma de 3 dimensões, com retângulos em cada lado. Você vê alguma outra coisa parecida com uma caixa? (a porta)", + "I looked for it on the shelf. I could not find it there.": "Eu procurei na prateleira. Eu não achei ele lá.", + "The window bangs into the shelf when it opens. That seems like a bad design!": "A janela bate na prateleira quando abre. Isso parece mal-planejado!", + "Do you think this shelf is too high for a child's room?": "Você acha que essa prateleira é muito alta para o quarto de uma criança?", + "There's that girl riding around again. Notice that the buildings behind her are shaped like big boxes. A lot of buildings are.": "Aí está aquela garota novamente. Perceba que os edifícios atrás dela possuem a forma de grandes caixas. Muitos edifícios são assim.", + "I looked for it under the bed. Not there either.": "Eu procurei embaixo da cama. Também não estava lá.", + "The girl's dress matches the bag hanging by the door. Do you think the bag is hers?": "O vestido da menina combina com a bolsa pendurada perto da porta. Você acha que a bolsa é dela?", + "Can you think of a place the boy hasn't looked?": "Você consegue pensar em um lugar que o menino ainda não procurou?", + "Vertical lines are lines that go up and down. How many vertical pieces are there to the blue frame on the side of the bed? The number of spaces between those vertical pieces is one less. How many is that?": "Linhas verticais são linhas que vão para cima e para baixo. Há quantas peças verticais na cabeceira azul da cama? O número de espaços entre essas peças verticais é um a menos. Quanto é isso?", + "I searched inside the box. There was no sign of it.": "Eu procurei dentro da caixa. Nenhum sinal dele lá.", + "The boy's shirt has a stripe on it. Do you see other stripes in this picture? Do you see stripes around where you are?": "A camisa do menino possui uma listra. Você vê outras listras nesta imagem? Você vê listras ao seu redor?", + "Pink is a light shade of red. If you include pink, how many things are red in this picture?": "O rosa é um tom de vermelho claro. Se incluirmos o rosa, quantas coisas são vermelhas nessa imagem?", + "If you don't count pink, you get one less thing that is red. How many is that?": "Se não incluirmos o rosa, você tem uma coisa vermelha a menos. Quanto é isso?", + "I searched the attic. It was not there.": "Eu procurei no sótão. Não estava lá.", + "The boy has looked in a lot of places. How long do you look for something before you give up?": "O menino procurou em vários lugares. Por quanto tempo você procura por algo antes de desistir?", + "When you have trouble finding something, what are some places you end up finding it?": "Quando você está com dificuldade de encontrar algo, em quais lugares você acaba encontrando?", + "Notice that the window no longer bangs into the shelf. Did the shelf move?": "Perceba que a janela não bate mais na prateleira. A prateleira se moveu?", + "I looked here, there, and everywhere. I could not find it anywhere.": "Eu procurei aqui, lá, em todo lugar. Eu não encontrei o taco em lugar nenhum.", + "Looking at his face, what do you think the boy is feeling?": "Observando sua expressão, o que você acha que o menino está sentindo?", + "Have you ever lost something and never found it?": "Você já perdeu algo e nunca o encontrou?", + "The girl is smiling in the window. Do you think she knows where the bat is?": "A menina está sorrindo na janela. Você acha que ela sabe onde está o taco?", + "Where is my cat?": "Cadê o meu gatinho?", + "This cat is very good at hiding. The dark black of this cat helps it hide.": "Esse gatinho é muito bom em se esconder. A cor preta do gato ajuda ele a se esconder.", + "What kinds of places would make it easy to see this cat?": "Em quais lugares seria mais fácil enxergar esse gatinho?", + "Where do you like to hide?": "Onde você gosta de se esconder?", + "Is it under the bed?": "Será que ele está embaixo da cama?", + "Was the cat under the bed before the boy looked there?": "O gato estava embaixo da cama antes de o menino olhar ali?", + "This bed cover has lots of colorful stripes. Count how many different colors it has.": "O lençol da cama tem listras coloridas. Conte quantas cores diferentes ele tem.", + "The walls in this room have a free form design that doesn't repeat. Have you seen walls like this before?": "O papel de parede desse quarto possui diferentes formas, que não se repetem. Você já viu paredes assim antes?", + "Is it on top of the cupboard?": "Será que ele está em cima do armário?", + "Instead of being on top of the cupboard, the cat is inside it.": "Ao invés de estar em cima do armário, o gatinho está dentro dele.", + "This cupboard has a beautiful design. How many colors does it have?": "Esse armário tem um lindo desenho. Quantas cores ele tem?", + "Talk about the shapes and patterns on the cupboard doors.": "Fale sobre as formas e as estampas das portas desse armário.", + "Is it behind the couch?": "Será que ele está atrás do sofá?", + "The cat is very easy to see right now. Too bad the boy is looking in the wrong place.": "Agora ficou muito fácil de ver o gatinho. Pena que o menino está procurando no lugar errado.", + "Point at the strong colors on this page: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and brown.": "Mostre onde estão as cores mais fortes nesta página: vermelho, laranja, amarelo, verde, azul e marrom.", + "Which colors of the rainbow are missing from the room?": "Quais são as cores do arco-íris que estão faltando nesse quarto?", + "Is it next to the trash can?": "Será que o gatinho está ao lado da lixeira?", + "The cat must be very fast and quiet -- he was next to where the boy is now.": "Esse gatinho deve ser muito rápido e silencioso -- ele estava ao lado de onde o menino está agora.", + "Count the red bricks just below the window.": "Conte os tijolos vermelhos que estão embaixo da janela.", + "There are many straight lines in this picture. Point to some curved lines.": "Há muitas linhas retas nessa página. Mostre as linhas curvas.", + "Is it inside the basket?": "Será que o gatinho está dentro da cesta?", + "Which part of the cat is not inside the SOAP box?": "Qual parte do gato não está dentro da caixa?", + "What is inside the basket? Is that where the cat sleeps?": "O que tem dentro da cesta? É nela que o gatinho dorme?", + "Notice that the wall does not line up with the squares of the floor.": "Repare que o papel de parede não está alinhado com os quadrados do chão.", + "Is it outside the house?": "Será que o gatinho está fora de casa?", + "That poor boy is always looking in the wrong place.": "O coitado do menino sempre procura nos lugares errados.", + "Do you think the boy ever finds the cat, or will the boy give up?": "Você acha que o menino ainda vai encontrar o gato ou vai desistir?", + "This is the same wall pattern as on the last page, but the floor is a different color!": "Este é o mesmo papel de parede da última página, mas o chão tem uma cor diferente!", + "Here it is!": "Aqui está o gatinho!", + "It looks like the cat is in a cupboard or under a sink.": "Parece que o gato está dentro de um armário ou embaixo da pia.", + "Was the cat playing a game with the boy?": "Será que o gatinho estava brincando com o menino?", + "What will the boy do with the cat now? Maybe he will feed it or play with it? What do you think?": "O que o menino vai fazer com o gato agora? Será que ele vai alimentá-lo ou brincar com ele? O que você acha?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app_data/translations/contents.json b/app_data/translations/contents.json index 2c2237f..4054006 100644 --- a/app_data/translations/contents.json +++ b/app_data/translations/contents.json @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ { + "br_pt": { + "filename": "br_pt/strings.json" + }, "cn_zh": { "filename": "cn_zh/strings.json" }, @@ -8,7 +11,10 @@ "fr_fr": { "filename": "fr_fr/strings.json" }, - "kw_ar": { - "filename": "kw_ar/strings.json" + "sa_ar": { + "filename": "sa_ar/strings.json" + }, + "tr_tr": { + "filename": "tr_tr/strings.json" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app_data/translations/es_es/strings.json b/app_data/translations/es_es/strings.json index 5d90a5b..8d5f24e 100644 --- a/app_data/translations/es_es/strings.json +++ b/app_data/translations/es_es/strings.json @@ -1420,6 +1420,7 @@ "To create some variety, allow players to use more than two cards to create a group of cards that sum to the target sum. Another possibility is to say that two cards match when their difference is a specified target difference.": "Para darle variedad, se puede permitir que los jugadores utilicen más de dos cartas para formar un grupo de cartas cuya suma sea igual a la cantidad objetivo. También se puede definir que dos cartas coinciden cuando la diferencia entre ellas sea una cantidad objetivo específica.", "WHICH NUMBER AM I": "¿CUÉ NÚMERO SOY?", "Depending on whether there are one or two children playing, there are two ways to play.\n\n**Two children:** Each child draws a card and places it on their forehead facing out without seeing it. You announce the sum of the cards and the children are challenged to figure out their own card by looking at the other child’s card.\n\n**Adult with one child:** Create several pairs of cards in advance where each pair of cards has the same total known to all. The unused cards are moved to the side. Pick up one random pair of cards, place the cards on your foreheads, and figure out each card by looking at the other person’s card.": "Hay dos formas de jugar, dependiendo de si está participando uno o dos niños.\n\n**Dos niños:** cada niño saca una carta y la coloca en su frente, boca arriba, sin verla. Usted anuncia la suma de las cartas y los niños tienen que ver la carta del otro para adivinar su propia carta.\n\n**Adulto con un niño:** antes de empezar, prepare varios pares de cartas en las que cada par tenga el mismo total que todos los jugadores sepan. Las cartas que no se utilicen se apartan. Luego, escoja al azar un par de cartas, póngalas en su frente y mire la carta del otro participante para descubrir cada carta.", + "STAND UP / SIT DOWN": "LEVANTARSE / SENTARSE", "**The setup:** Have everyone in a place where it is easy to stand up and sit down. Designate someone to lead.\n\n**How to play:** Suppose the leader selects the number 10. If the leader says the number 10, or anything that equals 10, such as 7 + 3, everyone stands up. If the leader says any other number, or anything not equal to 10, then everyone sits down. The leader can try to trick everyone else by standing up or sitting down when everyone should do the opposite.": "**Cómo se organiza:** Haga que todos estén en un lugar donde sea fácil levantarse y sentarse. Designe a alguien para que dirija.\n\n**Cómo se juega:** Supongamos que el líder elige el número 10. Si el líder dice el número 10, o cualquier número que sea igual a 10, como 7 + 3, todos se ponen de pie. Si el líder dice cualquier otro número, o cualquier número que no sea igual a 10, entonces todos se sientan. El líder puede intentar engañar a todos los demás poniéndose de pie o sentándose cuando todos deberían hacer lo contrario.", "* Replace 10 with some other number.\n* Stand up when the number is larger than 5; sit down if it is 5 or below.\n* Stand when the number is even; sit when it is odd.\n* Stand if the digit 1 appears in the number; sit otherwise.": "* Reemplazar 10 por otro número.\n* Levantarse cuando el número sea mayor que 5; sentarse si es 5 o menor.\n* Levantarse cuando el número sea par; sentarse cuando sea impar.\n* Levantarse si aparece el dígito 1 en el número; sentarse en caso contrario.", "CHOPSTICKS HAND GAME": "MANOS Y PALILLOS CHINOS", @@ -2071,11 +2072,322 @@ "Stage 3 — I Can Count to 10!": "Etapa 3 – ¡Ya puedo contar hasta 10!", "Stage 4 — I Can Count to 20!": "Etapa 4 – ¡Ya puedo contar hasta 20!", "Stage 5 — I Can Count to 100!": "Etapa 5 – ¡Ya puedo contar hasta 100!", - "1.0 Stage 1 Introduction": "1.0 Etapa 1 Introducción", - "2.0 Stage 2 Introduction": "2.0 Etapa 2 Introducción", - "3.0 Stage 3 Introduction": "3.0 Etapa 3 Introducción", - "4.0 Stage 4 Introduction": "4.0 Etapa 4 Introducción", - "5.0 Stage 5 Introduction": "5.0 Etapa 5 Introducción", + "1.0 Stage 1 Introduction": "Etapa 1 Introducción", + "This Stage starts as early as 4 to 6 months. Exposing your child to all kinds of experiences is so important. Start talking with your child even though they show no outward signs of understanding you. Make a habit to point at and describe all sorts of things. As your child starts reacting to your words, begin mixing in questions for your child to respond to.\n\nWhen your child begins to understand that objects have properties, start pointing out properties that make things similar or different. These properties are also useful for playing with patterns. Finally, start describing shapes in terms of their many properties.\n\nThe math learning steps for this Stage are:\n\n**1. Math Talk – Early and Often** Constantly pointing at and describing things is very important for a child's development. Start doing this long before they seem to understand.\n**2. Math Talk – At Home** There are many mathematical things in your home to talk about.\n**3. Math Talk – Out and About** Talk about math in a store, in the park, and in many other places. Math is all around us!\n**4. Math Talk – Describe, Compare** Use describing, comparison, and spatial relationship words with your child - this is math!\n**5. Math Talk – Counting** Whenever possible, count things for your child.\n**6. Math Talk – Point, Describe, and Ask** Begin asking questions that they can respond nonverbally to by pointing or actions.\n**7. Object properties** Your descriptions and play should start to involve lots of properties of objects.\n**8. Same and Different** Discuss properties that make things the same or different\n**9. Patterns** Start playing with identifying, creating and extending patterns.\n**10. Basic shapes I** Introduce geometric ideas and objects, and the names of simple shapes.": "Esta etapa comienza tan pronto como los 4 a 6 meses de edad. Exponer a su niño/niña a todo tipo de experiencias es sumamente importante. Comience a hablar con su niño/niña a pesar de que no muestren signos externos de entenderle. Haz un hábito de señalar y describir todo tipo de cosas. A medida que su niño/niña comienza a reaccionar a sus palabras, empieza a mezclar preguntas para que su niño/niña le responda.\n\nCuando su niño/niña comienza a entender que los objetos tienen propiedades, empiece a señalar las propiedades que hacen las cosas similares o diferentes. Estas propiedades también son útiles para jugar con patrones. Finalmente, empiece a describir formas en términos de sus muchas propiedades.\n\nLos pasos de aprendizaje de matemáticas para esta Etapa son:\n\n**Paso 1: Charla matemática: Temprano y con frecuencia** Constantemente señalar y describir cosas es muy importante para el desarrollo de un niño.\n**Paso 2: Charla matemática: En casa** Hay muchas cosas matemáticas en su casa de las que puede hablar.\n**Paso 3: Charla matemática: En el mundo** Habla de matemáticas en la tienda, en el parque y en muchos otros lugares. ¡Las matemáticas están a nuestro alrededor!\n**Paso 4: Charla matemática: Describir y comparar** Utiliza descripción, comparación y palabras de relación espacial con su niño/niña - ¡Esto es matemáticas!\n**Paso 5: Charla matemática: Contando** Cuando sea posible, cuente las cosas para su niño/niña.\n**Paso 6: Charla matemática: Señalar, describir y preguntar** Comienza a hacer preguntas que puedan responder de forma no verbal con señas o haciendo acciones.\n**Paso 7: Propiedades de los objetos** Sus descripciones y juegos deberían empezar a involucrar muchas propiedades de objetos.\n**Paso 8: Igual y diferente** Discutir propiedades que hacen las cosas lo mismo o diferente.\n**Paso 9: Patrones** Empieza a jugar con identificando, creando y patrones extendidos.\n**Paso 10: Formas básicas I** Presenta ideas geométricas, objetos y los nombres de formas simples.", + "1.1 Math Talk – Early and Often": "Paso 1: Charla matemática: Temprano y con frecuencia", + "**Exposure:** During these early years, it is all about exposure! Your child is being exposed to a wide array of experiences and is discovering patterns in everything they experience. As part of exposing your child to the world, expose them to math words and ideas. Let them see how enjoyable it can be to play with math together.\n\n**Start early:** Start this even before your child seems to understand what you're saying. Your child is a sponge who is getting more from your words than you realize.\n\n**Point and describe:** Point at things your child interacts with and describe them with words involving numbers, shapes, and colors. If you are dealing with a small set of things, count them out loud to your child.\n\n**Many facets of Math Talk** There is much more math to talk about than just numbers.\n\n* Describe things. Talk about sizes, colors, textures, shapes, softness, wetness, hotness,\nbrightness, and more. Naming and describing properties is essential for comparing\nthem and discovering patterns.\n* Use comparison words. Bigger, smaller, tallest, widest, more, less, same, ...\n* Use position words. Over, under, between, near, far, above, ...\n* Talk about patterns and sequences in space and time. Refer to the order of things as\nfirst, second, third, and last. Talk about what just happened, what is about to happen,\nand things happening today. Talk about patterns in designs you see.\n* Count things out loud and say numbers to refer to quantities.\n* Use measurement words. Use words for length, area, weight, and volume whenever\nyou are describing sizes.\n\n**This is all math:** These different ways of describing things and their relationships is talking about math! Building up this vocabulary and concepts will help your child develop mathematically. It will also give a big boost to helping your child read and talk about the world.": "**Exposición:** Durante los años tempranos, ¡todo se trata de exposición! Su niño/niña está siendo expuesto a un espectro amplio de experiencias y está descubriendo patrones en todo lo que sienten. Como parte de exponer a su niño/niña al mundo, exponlos a palabras e ideas matemáticas. Déjalos ver lo agradable que puede ser jugar con las matemáticas juntos.\n\n**Comienza temprano:** Empiece esto incluso antes de que su niño/niña parece entender lo que está diciendo. Su niño/niña es una esponja que está obteniendo más de sus palabras que sabe.\n\n**Señalar y describir:** Señale las cosas con las que interactúa su niño/niña y descríbalas con palabras que incluyan números, formas y colores. Si se trata de un conjunto reducido de cosas, cuéntele en voz alta a su niño/niña.\n\n**Las múltiples facetas de la charla matemática** Hay muchas más matemáticas para hablar que sólo números.\n\n* Describa las cosas. Hable de tamaños, colores, texturas, formas, suavidad, humedad, calor, brillo y más. Nombrar y describir las propiedades es esencial para compararlas y descubrir patrones.\n* Utilice palabras de comparación. Más grande, más pequeño, más alto, más ancho, más, menos, igual...\n* Utilice palabras de posición. Por encima, por debajo, entre, cerca, lejos, encima...\n* Hable de patrones y secuencias en el espacio y el tiempo. Refiérase al orden de las cosas como primero, segundo, tercero y último. Habla de lo que acaba de ocurrir, de lo que está a punto de ocurrir y de lo que ocurre hoy. Hable sobre patrones en los diseños que ve.\n* Cuente cosas en voz alta y pronuncia números para referirse a cantidades.\n* Utilice palabras de medición. Utilice palabras para indicar longitud, superficie, peso y volumen siempre que describa tamaños.\n\n**Esto es todo matemáticas:** Estas diferentes formas de describir las cosas y sus relaciones ¡es hablar de matemáticas! Ampliar este vocabulario y estos conceptos ayudará a su niño/niña a desarrollarse matemáticamente. También le dará un gran impulso para ayudarlo a leer y a hablar sobre el mundo.", + "1.2 Math Talk – At Home": "Paso 2: Charla matemática: En casa", + "As you go about your household routines and activities together, there are many mathematical conversations to have with your child.\n\n**Putting things away:** Talk about which things belong together. Do things that are the same shape go together? Is there a special place for round things or triangular things?\n\n**Clothes:** If you are sorting clothes that are about to be washed or have just been washed, talk about colors, shapes, and sizes. When picking up clothes or putting them away, talk about why some clothes go in one place and others go in other places.\n\n**Going to sleep and getting up:** These times lend themselves to discussing doing things in order, and practicing words like first, second, third, last, and next.\n\n**Discuss as you read:** Storytime is a wonderful chance to do math with your child in a cozy setting. Talk about the characters and the things in the pictures. If there is a big yellow sun, point to the sun and say: “The sun is round and it is yellow. The wall of this room is also yellow. Point to something round in this room.”\n\nAs your child gets older, count together by pointing, such as the yellow flower petals in a picture, or ask your child to point to things you describe.\n\n**Food:** Whether putting food away, cooking food, or setting things out for mealtime, there are many opportunities for math. Different kinds of food should be put away in particular places – this is a good time for relationship words like inside, under, and over.\n\nCooking involves measuring quantities, talking about lengths of time, and describing the desired result for the food. Setting things out for mealtime involves setting out the appropriate number of things so that each person gets what they need.\n\n**Playing with objects:** Compare objects when constructing things for play or other uses. Which one is taller? Can you make one thing taller, wider, bigger, or the same as the other? Describe and compare the sizes, numbers, and colors of things you have or that are in pictures.": "Mientras desempeña sus rutinas del hogar y las actividades juntos, hay muchas conversaciones matemáticas que puede tener con su niño/ niña.\n\n**Guardando las cosas:** Hable sobre las cosas que van juntas. ¿Las cosas que tienen la misma forma van juntas? ¿Hay un lugar especial para las cosas redondas o triangulares?\n\n**Ropa:** Si estás separando ropa que fue lavada o que va a serlo, hable sobre colores, formas y tamaños. Cuando está recogiendo ropa o guardándola, hable sobre por qué algunas prendas van en unos lugares y otras van en otros.\n\n**Acostarse y despertarse:** Estos tiempos se prestan para hacer las cosas en orden y practicar palabras como primero, segundo, tercero, último y siguiente.\n\n**Converse mientras lee:** Contar historias le da una muy buena oportunidad de hacer matemáticas con su niño/ niña en un ambiente acogedor. Hable acerca de los personajes y las cosas en las fotos. Si hay un gran sol amarillo, apunte al sol y diga: “El sol es redondo y amarillo. Las paredes de este cuarto también son amarillas. Apunta a algo redondo en esta habitación.”\n\nA medida que su niño/ niña crezca, apunte a cosas para contar juntos, algo como los pétalos amarillos de una flor en una foto, o pídale a su niño/ niña que apunte a las cosas que describe.\n\n**Comida:** Mientras guardan la comida, cocinen alimentos, o preparen para la hora de comer, hay muchas oportunidades para las matemáticas. Diferentes tipos de comida necesitan ser almacenados de forma diferente– este es un buen momento para practicar palabras de relación como adentro, debajo y arriba.\n\nCocinar también implica medir cantidades, hablar sobre periodos de tiempo y describir el resultado deseado para la comida. Organizar las cosas para la comida también implica organizar el número apropiado de cosas para que cada persona obtenga lo que necesita.\n\n**Jugar con objetos:** Compara objetos cuando construyas cosas para jugar u otros usos. ¿Cuál es más alto? ¿Puede hacer una cosa más alta, ancha, grande o de el mismo tamaño que las otras? Describa y compare tamaños, números y colores de las cosas que tiene o que están en fotos.", + "1.3 Math Talk – Out and About": "Paso 3: Charla matemática: En el mundo", + "**Shapes:** You might see a circle in a design in a building and ask your child to point out other circles they see, such as the circles in a traffic light. Traffic signs and shop signs provide a great supply of shapes you can describe and name. There is no end to the shapes, colors, and counting that you can find and talk about once you make a habit of looking for them.\n\n**Traveling:** There are many mathematical things to talk about as you travel. If you see a somewhat unusual red car, you can point that out and count together other red cars that are like it. Ask about bigger, smaller, thinner, and wider things such as buildings, windows, trees, and people. Which things are closer than others, and which things are farther away?\n\n**Counting in a store:** Talk about how many apples you need, and count them out as you pick them out. Count the people in line in front of you, and compare that to the length of the other lines.\n\nPoint out the shapes of fruit or pictures on food boxes. Talk about how some things come in boxes, and other things come in round bottles. You might need something on a high shelf, or something on a low shelf. There is so much to describe and compare!\n\n**In a park:** Count the children, the number of structures or trees, or any- thing else. Comment about where there is more of one thing than an- other.\n\n**On the swings:** Pushing your child on something that swings or sways back and forth is a perfect opportunity to count with your child. With each push, count “1, 2, 3, 4, 5.” After your child starts learning how to count to 5, counting down from 5 is also a good idea. Start or end at 0 sometimes.\n\nPoint out the circles, curves, straight lines, triangles, and rectangles in the park. Talk about how some things are over, under, between, or on top of other things.": "**Formas:** Puede ver un círculo en un diseño en un edificio y pedirle a su niño/ niña que le apunte a otros círculos que vea, por ejemplo los círculos en un semáforo. Señales de tráfico y carteles de tiendas proveen una buena cantidad de formas que puede describir y nombrar. No hay un límite de las formas, colores y cosas que puede encontrar y hablar una vez se haya acostumbrado a buscar por ellas.\n\n**Viajar:** Hay muchas cosas matemáticas de las que hablar cuando viaja. Si ve un carro rojo poco común, puede señalar eso y contar juntos otros carros rojos que aparecen. Pregunte sobre más grande, más pequeño, más delgado y cosas más anchas como edificios, ventanas, árboles y personas. ¿Qué cosas están más cerca que otras, y qué cosas están más alejadas?\n\n**Contar en una tienda:** Hable sobre cuántas manzanas necesita, y luego cuente mientras las eligen. Cuente a las personas enfrente de usted, y compare eso con la longitud de otras líneas.\n\nSeñale la forma de la fruta o de las fotos en las cajas de comida. Hable sobre cómo algunas cosas vienen en caja y otras cosas vienen en botellas redondas. Puede que necesita algo en una estantería alta, o algo en un estante bajo. ¡Hay tanto que contrastar y comparar!\n\n**En un parque:** Contar a los niños, el número de estructuras o árboles o cualquier otra cosa. Comentar sobre dónde hay más de una cosa que de otra.\n\n**En los columpios:** Empujar a su niño/niña sobre algo que se balancea o se inclina hacia adelante y hacia atrás es una oportunidad perfecta para contar. Con cada empuje, cuente \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5.\" Después de que su niño/niña comienza a aprender a contar hasta 5, contar desde 5 también es una buena idea. Comience o termine a veces en 0.\n\nSeñale los círculos, curvas, líneas rectas, triángulos y rectángulos del parque. Hable de cómo algunas cosas están por encima, debajo, entre o sobre otras cosas.", + "1.4 Math Talk – Describe, Compare": "Paso 4: Charla matemática: Describir y comparar", + "**There is important math beyond numbers:** Describing and comparing things is an important part of helping your child learn early mathematics. When children do mathematics, they use ideas about properties of objects to help them work with those objects, such as in grouping them or finding patterns with them. These skills will also help your child when it comes time to start learn- ing to read.\n\n**Point, describe, and compare:** Wherever you are, get in the habit of pointing at things that catch your or your child's attention, and then describing them. Take the opportunity to compare those things to other things to help the descriptions be more meaningful. Talk about how two things are the same or how they are different.\n\n**It is never too early:** From the earliest ages, your child is learning from everything they see, hear, taste, touch, and experience. Add to those experiences with your Math Talk. They are benefiting from your words before they show any reaction to them. Eventually, they will put together the experiences from your words and start showing you that they understand them.\n\n**Expose, but do not rush:** Don't confuse early exposure with teaching. A child will put together the patterns from their experiences as they are developmentally ready. For example, you can't teach your child to count to 5 by explaining it to them – you can only expose them to your counting over and over again until it starts making sense to them. Never be impatient or push them to understand it more quickly – they have a lot to learn and they will naturally want to make sense of it all.\n\n**Searching game:** Make a game of searching for objects around where you are. Use the game to practice concepts that your child is learning, such as color, size (large, medium, small), weight (heavy, light), quantity, and relationship (inside, on top of, below).\n\nOne of you says to the other that they see something that is round on top of something that is brown. The other person tries to discover what it is. If they have trouble finding it, more clues are given.": "**Hay matemáticas importantes más allá de los números:** Describir y comparar cosas es una parte importante de ayudar a su niño/niña a aprender matemáticas temprano. Cuando los niños hacen matemáticas, usan ideas sobre las propiedades de los objetos para ayudarlos a trabajar con esos objetos, como agruparlos o encontrar patrones con ellos. Estas habilidades también ayudarán a su niño/niña cuando llegue el momento de empezar a aprender a leer.\n\n**Señalar, describir y comparar:** Dondequiera que esté, adquiera el hábito de señalar las cosas que llaman la atención de su niño/niña o de usted y luego describirlas. Aproveche la oportunidad de comparar esas cosas con otras para que las descripciones sean más significativas. Hable de cómo dos cosas son iguales o diferentes.\n\n**Nunca es demasiado temprano:** Desde la más tierna edad, su niño/niña aprende de todo lo que ve, oye, sabe, toca y experimenta. Añada esas experiencias cuando hablen de matemáticas. Ellos se benefician de sus palabras antes de mostrar cualquier reacción ante ellas. Eventualmente, ellos juntarán las experiencias de sus palabras y comenzarán a mostrarle que los entienden.\n\n**Exponer, pero no se apresure:** No confunda la exposición temprana con la enseñanza. Los niños reunirán los patrones de sus experiencias a medida que estén listos para el desarrollo. Por ejemplo, no puede enseñarle a su niño/niña a contar hasta 5 explicándolo; solo puede exponerlos a que cuenten una y otra vez hasta que empiece a tener sentido. Nunca sea impaciente o los empuje a entenderlo más rápidamente; tienen mucho que aprender y naturalmente querrán darle sentido a todo.\n\n**Juego de búsqueda:** Haga un juego de búsqueda de objetos alrededor de donde usted está. Use el juego para practicar los conceptos que su niño/niña está aprendiendo, como color, tamaño (grande, mediano, pequeño), peso (pesado, ligero), cantidad y relación (interior, arriba, abajo).\n\nUno de ustedes le dice al otro que ve algo redondo sobre algo marrón. El otro intenta descubrir qué es. Si tienen dificultades para encontrarla, se les da más pistas.", + "1.5 Math Talk – Counting": "Paso 5: Charla matemática: Contando", + "**Counting, Numbers, and Quantities:** Counting and numbers are what comes to mind when most people think of early math, and they are the easiest to relate to and understand. Counting is also easy to verbalize in front of your child. There are several things to work on at the same time, so it can be more complicated for your child than what you might think.\n\n* Counting forward and backward, including 0 sometimes \n* Learning the numbers\n* Learning quantities\n\n**Repeating the sequence:** At first, all your counting in front of your child will lead to your child starting to repeat the numbers in sequence. Don't be surprised if they leave out some of the numbers or they say the numbers in the wrong order. If they make these errors, don't make a big deal out of it; simply say the count correctly and move on. This is all part of the process and they will eventually learn the numbers in the correct order.\n\n**Count down sometimes:** Counting down will help your child understand the sequence. This helps keep it from being a meaningless sequence of sounds they make that makes adults happy. You can do this almost any time you would have counted up. For example, if you have three apples you want to remove, count down from three after you take away each apple.\n\n**Include 0 sometimes:** Start your counting at 0 sometimes to help 0 become an accepted number and quantity. You can also count down to 0. Counting down to 0 is great for events that are about to happen, say in ten seconds. You can count down to 0 and then say \"Blastoff\" or something similar.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** It is completely intuitive to an adult that if you count a collection of things, say four pebbles, that when you count \"1, 2, 3, 4\" the last number you say is the size of the quantity of things you have. Your child is learning several things about counting and quantities. They are gaining an understanding of quantities. They are learning that when they count something they do a 1-to-1 correspondence between the things and the numbers they're saying. They are learning that it doesn't matter in which order you count things. And finally, they are learning the \"last number is the size\" rule. Adults take these things for granted, but it is a great deal for a child to learn. Be patient and remember that there is no rush.\n\n**Count everything:** There are so many things to count. Count chairs, steps to go a short distance, food items, people in line, people in a group, furniture around a table or in a room, arms, legs, and who knows what else. Whenever you find yourself mentally counting something, count it out loud in front of your child, and be sure to count down sometimes and to include 0 sometimes.": "**Conteo, números y cantidades:** Contar y los números son lo que viene a la mente cuando la mayoría de las personas piensa en matemáticas tempranas, y son las más fáciles de relacionar y entender. Contar también es fácil de verbalizar frente a su niño/niña. Hay varias cosas en las que trabajar al mismo tiempo, por lo que puede ser más complicado de lo que usted podría pensar.\n\n* Contando hacia adelante y hacia atrás, incluyendo 0 a veces\n* Aprendizaje de los números\n* Cantidades de aprendizaje\n\n**Repitiendo la secuencia:** Al principio, todos los números que cuenta delante de su niño/niña le llevarán a que empiece a repetir los números en secuencia. No se sorprenda si dejan algunos de los números o dicen los números en el orden equivocado. Si cometen estos errores, no haga un gran problema con ellos; simplemente diga la cuenta correctamente y siga adelante. Todo esto es parte del proceso y eventualmente aprenderán los números en el orden correcto.\n\n**Cuenta atrás a veces:** Contando regresivamente ayudará a su niño/niña a entender la secuencia. Esto ayuda a evitar que sea una secuencia de sonidos sin sentido que producen para entretener a los adultos. Puede hacerlo en casi cualquier momento que iba a contar hacía adelante. Por ejemplo, si tiene tres manzanas que quiere quitar, cuenta regresivamente de tres después de quitar cada manzana.\n\n**Incluir 0 algunas veces:** A veces empieza su conteo en 0 para ayudar a aceptar el 0 como un número y cantidad. Puede también contar regresivamente a 0. Contar regresivamente a 0 es bueno para eventos que están a punto de empezar, digamos en diez segundos. Puede contar regresivamente a 0 y después decir “despegue” o algo similar.\n\n**Entendiendo las cantidades:** Es completamente intuitivo para un adulto que sí cuenta una colección de cosas, digamos cuatro piedras, cuando cuente \"1, 2, 3, 4\" el último número que diga será el tamaño de la cantidad de cosas que tiene. Su niño/niña está aprendiendo varias cosas sobre el conteo y las cantidades. Está aprendiendo que cuando cuenta algo hace una correspondencia 1-a-1 entre las cosas y los números que está diciendo. Está aprendiendo que no importa en qué orden se cuenten las cosas. Y finalmente, está aprendiendo la regla de que “el último es el tamaño”. Los adultos dan por sentado estas cosas, pero es mucho lo que un niño debe aprender. Tenga paciencia y recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Cuenta todo:** Hay tantas cosas que contar. Cuente sillas, pasos para recorrer una distancia corta, alimentos, personas en fila, personas en un grupo, muebles alrededor de una mesa o en una habitación, brazos, piernas y quién sabe qué más. Siempre que se encuentre contando algo mentalmente, cuéntelo en voz alta delante de su niño/niña y asegúrese de contar hacia atrás y de incluir el 0 algunas veces.", + "1.6 Math Talk – Point, Describe, Ask": "Paso 6: Charla matemática: Señalar, describir y preguntar", + "**Responding:** Once your child is able to respond to what you say, that will allow you to start asking questions. Your \"Point and Describe\" Math Talk will now become Point, Describe, and Ask. Even before your child can say words, they will start to respond nonverbally to you as they begin to make sense of your words.\n\n**Ask questions:** Use this new level of communication to make it clearer which ideas your child understands. \"Where is the bird?\" or \"Where is the ball? makes it clear if your child knows what a bird or ball is. Similarly, \"Point to the tree.\" or \"Point to a car.\" works for those two concepts.\n\n**Handling mistakes:** Ask all kinds of questions. Ask which of two things is bigger or smaller. Ask where you are walking to. Ask where something belongs. All these questions are opportunities for your child to express their understanding and for you to clear up any misconceptions. If your child points to the wrong thing or picks up the wrong thing, simply point out the right thing and don't try to explain their mistake to them.\n\n**Do this while reading:** Now you can add asking questions to your pointing and describing as you read a story. Point to pictures in the story and ask the same questions you would ask about the things around you.\n\n**Simple riddles:** Play games with your child's new skill and have fun with it. Have fun unraveling puzzles together such as: \"There is something red under something blue. Where is it?\"": "**Respondiendo:** Una vez que su niño/niña puede responder a lo que usted dice, puede comenzar a hacerle algunas preguntas. Su charla matemática sobre “Señalar y describir” ahora se convertirá en Señalar, describir y preguntar. Incluso antes de que pueda decir palabras, su niño/niña comenzará a responderle de manera no verbal a medida que comienza a comprender sus palabras.\n\n**Hacer preguntas:** Utilice este nuevo nivel de comunicación para dejar más en claro las ideas que entiende. Por ejemplo: “¿Dónde está el pájaro?” o “¿Dónde está la pelota?” Explique claramente si su niño/niña sabe qué es un pájaro o una pelota. De manera muy similar, puede “Señalar el árbol” o “Señalar un auto” ambos conceptos funcionan.\n\n**Dominando errores:** Haga todo tipo de preguntas. Cuestione cuál de las dos cosas es más grande o más pequeña. Pregunte en qué dirección camina. Interrogue en dónde va cada cosa. Todas estas preguntas son oportunidades para que su niño/niña exprese su comprensión y para que usted aclare cualquier confusión. Si señala algo de manera incorrecta o toma algo equivocadamente, simplemente señale lo que es correcto y no intente explicar su error.\n\n**Haga esto mientras lee:** Ahora puede agregar preguntas a sus actividades de señalar y describir mientras lee un cuento. Señale las imágenes del cuento y desarrolle las mismas preguntas que haría sobre las cosas que le rodean.\n\n**Acertijos sencillos:** Juegue con la nueva habilidad de su niño/niña y diviértase. Diviértanse resolviendo acertijos juntos como, \"Hay algo rojo debajo de algo azul. ¿Dónde está?\"", + "1.7 Object Properties": "Paso 7: Propiedades de los objetos", + "**Your child responds!:** All the pointing, describing, and asking you have been doing with your child has established that things have properties that can be discussed and reasoned with. You have been building up a vocabulary of words and concepts for describing things. It is time to start making more use of them.\n\n**Ask for things with a specific property:** Practice using properties by asking your child to bring you something with that property. You could ask \"Please bring me something that is red.\" for example. As your child gets better at this, make the requests more complicated by combining more than one property – \"Find a round wooden thing.\"\n\n**Grouping things with a property:** Practice grouping things with the same property. If your child has a collection of objects, ask to have all the round things put to one side.": "**¡Su niño/niña responde!:** Todo el trabajo de señalar, describir y hacer preguntas que ha estado haciendo con su niño/niña le ha permitido establecer que las cosas tienen propiedades que se puede analizar y razonar. Ha estado construyendo un vocabulario de palabras y conceptos para describir cosas. Es tiempo de comenzar a usarlos más.\n\n**Solicite cosas con una propiedad específica:** Practique el uso de propiedades pidiéndole a su niño/niña que le traiga algo que tenga esa propiedad. Por ejemplo, podría pedir \"Por favor, tráeme algo que sea rojo\". A medida que mejore en esto, haga que las solicitudes sean más complejas combinando más de una propiedad: \"Encuentra un objeto redondo de madera\".\n\n**Agrupar cosas con una propiedad:** Practique el agrupamiento de objetos con la misma propiedad. Si su niño/niña tiene una colección de objetos, pídale que coloque todos los objetos redondos a un lado.", + "**A circle for each property:** Make this more visible by drawing a big circle and having all the things that have a particular property put in that circle. For example, you could have all the things with a hole in them put in the circle. As this becomes easy for your child, use two circles that overlap – one circle could be for triangles, the other for things with holes, and the common area to the two circles would be for triangles with holes.": "**Un círculo para cada propiedad:** Haga que esto sea más visible dibujando un círculo grande y colocando todas las cosas que tengan una propiedad en particular dentro de ese círculo. Por ejemplo, podría colocar todas las cosas que tengan un agujero dentro del círculo. A medida que esto se vuelva más fácil para su niño/niña, use dos círculos superpuestos: un círculo podría ser para triángulos, el otro para cosas con agujeros y el área común de los dos círculos sería para triángulos con agujeros.", + "**Which one doesn't belong?:** A fun activity for practicing with proper- ties is to show your child a small set of objects and ask which of them doesn't belong. Challenge your child to identify the object that is not like the others and to explain why. Accept any reason that makes sense; your child may have an unusual reason.\n\nFor example, you could have pictures of some animals. Perhaps only one of them can fly. Maybe only one of them has two legs. This ac- tivity can provide fun challenges that let your child do some creative thinking with new concepts.": "**¿Cuál no pertenece?:** Una actividad divertida para practicar con las propiedades es mostrarle a su niño/niña un pequeño conjunto de objetos y preguntarle cuál de ellos no pertenece a ese grupo. Desafíelo/a a identificar el objeto que no es como los demás y a explicar por qué. Acepte cualquier razón que tenga sentido; su niño/niña puede tener una razón inusual.\n\nPor ejemplo, podría tener imágenes de algunos animales. Quizás solo uno de ellos pueda volar. Quizás solo uno de ellos tenga dos patas. Esta actividad puede brindar desafíos divertidos que le permiten a su niño/niña a pensar de manera creativa con nuevos conceptos.", + "1.8 Same and Different": "Paso 8: Igual y diferente", + "**Comparing:** Help your child understand properties better by comparing and contrasting them.\n\n**Examples:** For example, talk about the size or age of a child and an adult – one is younger and the other older, and one is shorter and the other is taller. Or you could talk about a bird and a dog – one can fly and has feathers and the other has fur and cannot fly.\n\n**Same and different:** Make a playful activity out of this by showing your child two objects and asking how they are the same and how they are different. Be prepared for surprising ideas and do include silly suggestions along with the more serious ones.\n\n**More examples:** If you hand your child a spoon and fork, there are many things your child might say. They are the same because you eat with both of them. They are also the same because you hold both of them, they are about the same size, or they are made of the same material. They are different because one is smooth and somewhat round, while the other is pointed.": "**Comparando:** Ayude a su niño/niña a comprender mejor las propiedades comparándolas y contrastándolas.\n\n**Ejemplos:** Por ejemplo, hablemos del tamaño o la edad de un niño y un adulto: uno es más pequeño y otro es más grande, uno es más bajo y otro es más alto. O podríamos hablar de un pájaro y un perro: uno puede volar y tiene plumas y el otro tiene pelo y no puede volar.\n\n**Igual y diferente:** Convierta esto en una actividad divertida, mostrando a su niño/niña dos objetos y preguntándole en qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian. Esté preparado para ideas sorprendentes e incluya sugerencias incoherentes junto con las más coherentes.\n\n**Más ejemplos:** Si le da a su niño/niña una cuchara y un tenedor, es posible que diga muchas cosas. Son iguales porque se puede comer con ambos instrumentos. También son iguales porque ambos se sostienen, tienen aproximadamente el mismo tamaño o están hechos del mismo material. Son diferentes porque uno es liso y algo redondo, mientras que el otro es puntiagudo.", + "1.9 Patterns": "Paso 9: Patrones", + "Patterns are everywhere! Recognizing, describing, and creating patterns is central to playing with mathematics.": "¡Los patrones están en todas partes! Reconocer, describir y crear patrones es fundamental para jugar con las matemáticas.", + "Here are some characteristics that can be used by themselves or mixed together to create patterns:\n\n* Movement patterns: stepping, jumping, waving, nodding\n* Sound patterns: clapping, knee slapping, tongue clicking, stamping \n* Loudness patterns: soft, medium, loud\n* Visual patterns: color, shape, size\n\n**Discover patterns:** Challenge each other to find repeating patterns wherever you are. You might notice a repeating tile work in a floor, wall, or ceiling. The brick work of a building might make an interesting pattern. Plants may be planted in an organized pattern in a field. The side of a pineap- ple or pine cone may have a spiral pattern. Something may be producing sounds in a repeating pattern.\n\n**Game: Repeat patterns:** Two or more of you can challenge each other to repeat and extend each other's patterns. This can be done in many ways. The simplest is for one person to create a pattern of sounds and movements and have all the others repeat it.\n\nAdd difficulty to this by having the original person add one more item to the end of the pattern every time the pattern goes once around the group. Alternatively, each person can take the pattern that comes to them and one more item at the end of it.\n\n**Secret handshakes or knocks:** Use patterns as an agreed upon way for being allowed to enter some place such as a room. This might be a series of fist bumps and other type of handshakes. Or it might be knocking and stamping that causes a series of sounds.\n\n**Sequence of drawings:** For older children, create puzzles by drawing a pattern of shapes. One person establishes a pattern and then leaves gaps in the repeating sequence for the other to fill in.": "A continuación se muestran algunas características que pueden utilizarse por sí solas o combinarse para crear patrones:\n\n* Patrones de movimiento: pisando, saltando, saludando, afirmando con la cabeza\n* Patrones de sonido: aplaudiendo, palmeando la rodilla, chasquear la lengua, pisoteando\n* Patrones de sonoridad: suave, medio, fuerte\n* Patrones visuales: color, tamaño, forma\n\n**Descubriendo patrones:** Desafíense mutuamente para encontrar patrones que se repitan dondequiera que estén. Es posible que observen un mosaico repetido en un piso, una pared o un techo. El ladrillo de un edificio puede formar un patrón interesante. Las plantas se pueden plantar siguiendo un patrón organizado en un campo. El lado de una piña o de un cono de pino puede tener un patrón en espiral. Algo podría estar produciendo sonidos siguiendo un patrón repetitivo.\n\n**Juego: Repetir patrones:** Dos o más personas pueden desafiarse mutuamente a repetir y ampliar los patrones del otro. Esto se puede hacer de muchas maneras. La más sencilla es que una persona cree un patrón de sonidos y movimientos y que todos los demás lo repitan.\n\nPara complicar las cosas aún más, la persona original puede agregar un elemento más al final del patrón cada vez que éste recorra el grupo. Alternativamente, cada persona puede tomar el patrón que le llega y un elemento más al final.\n\n**Apretones de manos o golpazos:** Utilice patrones como una forma acordada de entrar a un lugar, como una habitación. Esto podría ser una serie de golpes de puño y otros apretones de manos, o golpes y pisotones que produzcan una serie de sonidos.\n\n**Secuencia de dibujos:** Para los niños mayores, cree rompecabezas dibujando un patrón de formas. Una persona arma un patrón y luego deja espacios en la secuencia repetida para que la otra persona los complete.", + "1.10 Basic Shapes I": "Paso 10: Formas básicas I", + "**The world of shapes:** There are many possibilities that open up as your child's understanding of properties grows. For example, they can now understand geometric shapes and talk about them!\n\n**Counting sides:** Distinguishing between a triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and octagon will involve the idea of \"sides\" and being able to count those sides. Your child's growing understanding of quantities will make this counting possible. Also, as your child begins to automatically identify these shapes, that will help them to deepen their understand of the quantities for 3, 4, 6, and 8.\n\n**Basic shapes:** For now, stay with basic shapes and build confidence and fluency with those shapes. Of course, you can always mix in any additional shapes, such as stars, that your child happens to enjoy.\n\nHere is a list of words for flat shapes:\n\n* Circle\n* Triangle\n* Rectangle (looks like a piece of paper) \n* Square (rectangle with equal sides)\n* Hexagon (6 sides)\n* Octagon (8 sides – stop sign)\n\nThis is a list of words for 3-dimensional shapes:\n\n* Ball (Sphere)\n* Cylinder (Round tube) \n* Box (Cube)\n\n**Hands on:** Use and explain these shape names as your child plays with objects that have these shapes. Give them lots of opportunities to see how these fit together or build on top of each other. Help your child identify these shapes as you see the shapes out in the world.": "**El mundo de las formas:** Se abren muchas posibilidades a medida que su niño/niña aumenta la comprensión de las propiedades. Por ejemplo, ¡ahora puede comprender las formas geométricas y hablar sobre ellas!\n\n**Contando lados:** Para distinguir entre un triángulo, un cuadrado, un rectángulo, un hexágono y un octágono, será necesario tener en cuenta la idea de los \"lados\" y poder contarlos. La creciente comprensión por parte de su niño/niña de las cantidades hará posible este conteo. Además, a medida que comience a identificar automáticamente estas formas, le ayudará a profundizar su comprensión de las cantidades de 3, 4, 6 y 8.\n\n**Formas básicas:** Por ahora, quédese con las formas básicas y desarrolle confianza y fluidez con ellas. Por supuesto, siempre puede mezclar otras formas, como estrellas, que le gusten a su niño/niña.\n\nAquí hay una lista de palabras para formas planas:\n\n* Círculo\n* Triángulo\n* Rectángulo (parece un trozo de papel)\n* Cuadrado (rectángulo con partes iguales)\n* Hexágono (6 lados)\n* Octágono (8 lados –señal de alto)\n\nEsta es una lista de palabras para formas tridimensionales:\n\n* Pelota (Esfera)\n* Cilindro (Tubo redondo)\n* Caja (Cubo)\n\n**Manos a la obra:** Utilice y explique los nombres de estas formas mientras su niño/niña juega con objetos que tienen estas formas. Dele muchas oportunidades de ver cómo encajan entre sí o cómo se construyen unas sobre otras. Ayude a identificar estas formas mientras observan las formas en el mundo.", + "2.0 Stage 2 Introduction": "Etapa 2 Introducción", + "Your child has mastered counting to five and understands those numbers in terms of quantities. They also understand that objects have various properties and that those properties can be compared and contrasted.\n\nDuring this Stage, your child will learn to count to ten and begin to understand adding and subtracting of small numbers. They will also become much better at understanding the size of small quantities of objects.\n\n**1. Counting up from 1 and 0** This is the foundation of understanding quantities, and builds a basis for addition and sub- traction.\n**2. Counting down to 1 and 0** This solidifies the understanding of the number sequence and helps with subtraction.\n**3. Comparing small quantities** Use quantities of objects to build understanding of relative sizes.\n**4. Counting On** Counting On helps with an understanding of quantities, saves time for counting, and is im- portant for adding.\n**5. Basic shapes II** Use more sophisticated geometric ideas of shapes.\n**6. One more and one less** Learning the next number and previous number are the first steps towards learning addition and subtraction.\n**7. Finger add and subtract to 5** Small sums up to 5 can be handled effectively with one hand.\n**8. Finger add and subtract to 10** Using your child's fingers is an effective way to do addition and subtraction to 10.\n**9. Skip counting by 2’s** This is a fun and fast way to count a group of objects.\n**10. Counting groups** Explore different ways of counting groups of objects.": "Su niño/niña ya sabe contar hasta cinco y entiende estos números en términos de cantidades. También comprende que los objetos tienen distintas propiedades y que esas propiedades se pueden comparar y contrastar.\n\nDurante esta etapa, su niño/niña aprenderá a contar hasta diez y comenzará a comprender la suma y resta de números pequeños. También comprenderá mucho mejor el tamaño de pequeñas cantidades de objetos.\n\n**Paso 11: contar desde 1 y 0** Esta es la base para comprender las cantidades y sienta las bases para la suma y la resta.\n**Paso 12: Cuenta regresiva hasta 1 y 0** Esto solidifica la comprensión de la secuencia numérica y ayuda con la resta.\n**Paso 13: Comparar pequeñas cantidades** Utilice cantidades de objetos para desarrollar la comprensión de los tamaños relativos.\n**Paso 14: Contar hacia adelante** Contar hacia adelante ayuda a comprender cantidades, ahorra tiempo al contar y es importante para sumar.\n**Paso 15: Formas básicas II** Use ideas geométricas de formas más sofisticadas.\n**Paso 16: Uno más y uno menos.** Aprender el número siguiente y el número anterior son los primeros pasos para aprender a sumar y restar.\n**Paso 17: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 5** Se puede manejar eficazmente pequeñas sumas de hasta 5 con una sola mano.\n**Paso 18: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 10** Usar los dedos de su niño/niña es una forma efectiva de realizar sumas y restas hasta 10.\n**Paso 19: Contar de 2 en 2** Esta es una forma divertida y rápida de contar un grupo de objetos.\n**Paso 20: Contar grupos** Explore diferentes formas de contar grupos de objetos.", + "2.1 Counting Up From 1 and 0": "Paso 11: Contar desde 1 y 0", + "**Count everything:** Your child can already count to 5. You are now helping them to solidify that counting and as well as extend it to larger numbers. Count things in front of your child and also count with your child when your child wants to. Counting is the foundation of understanding quantities. It also builds a basis for addition and subtraction.\n\nThere are so many things to count. Count chairs, steps to go a short distance, food items, people in line, people in a group, furniture around a table or in a room, arms, legs, and who knows what else. Whenever you find yourself mentally counting something, count it with your child, and be sure to include 0 as a starting point sometimes.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** It is completely intuitive for an adult that if you count a collection of things, say four pebbles, that when you count \"1, 2, 3, 4,\" the last number you say is the size of the quantity of things you have. Your child is learning several things. They are gaining an understanding of quantities. They are learning that when you count something you do a 1-to-1 correspondence between the things and the numbers. They are learning that it doesn't matter in which order you count things. And finally they are learning the \"last number is the size\" rule. Adults take these things for granted, but it is a great deal for a child to learn. Be patient and remember that there is no rush.\n\n**Mistakes:** There are many kinds of mistakes you should expect your child to make as they count. Your child may leave out numbers or they may leave out some of the numbers. Or they may get mixed up in doing 1-1 correspondence with a group of things they are counting. Your child will sort all this out with time. For now, when your child makes a mistake, simply count the things out in front of them correctly and move on to something else.\n\n**Understand the numbers:** Don't be in such a hurry for your child to repeat the numbers 1 to 10 that they have no idea what they are saying. Take time with it and reinforce the connection of each number with its corresponding quantity.\n\n**Reading numbers:** You may of course start introducing reading the numbers whenever you like. However, don't let the reading limit the counting. Learning to read numerals will typically take longer than learning to say the numbers and getting a sense of the quantities.": "**Cuente todo:** Su niño/niña ya sabe contar hasta 5. Ahora está ayudando a consolidar ese conteo y también a extenderlo a números más grandes. Cuente cosas delante de su niño/niña y también cuenten juntos cuando lo deseen. Contar es la base para comprender las cantidades. También sienta las bases para la suma y la resta.\n\nHay muchas cosas que contar. Cuenten las sillas, los pasos para recorrer una distancia corta, los alimentos, las personas en una fila, las personas en un grupo, los muebles alrededor de una mesa o en una habitación, los brazos, las piernas y quién sabe qué más. Cada vez que se encuentre contando algo mentalmente, cuéntelo con su niño/niña y asegúrese de incluir el 0 como punto de partida en algunas ocasiones.\n\n**Entendiendo cantidades:** Para un adulto es completamente intuitivo que si cuentas una colección de cosas, por ejemplo, cuatro piedritas, cuando cuentes \"1, 2, 3, 4\", el último número que digas será la cantidad de cosas que tienes. Su niño/niña está aprendiendo varias cosas. Está adquiriendo una comprensión de las cantidades. Está aprendiendo que cuando cuentas algo haces una correspondencia 1 a 1 entre las cosas y los números. Está aprendiendo que no importa en qué orden cuentes las cosas. Y, por último, está aprendiendo la regla de que \"el último número es la cantidad\". Los adultos dan por sentado estas cosas, pero es mucho para que un niño aprenda. Ten paciencia y recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Errores:** Hay muchos tipos de errores que puede cometer su niño/niña mientras cuenta. Es posible que omita algunos números o que se olvide de algunos de ellos. O puede que se confunda al hacer la correspondencia 1-1 con un grupo de cosas que está contando. Su niño/niña resolverá todo esto con el tiempo. Por ahora, cuando cometa un error, simplemente cuente las cosas que tiene delante de manera correcta y pase a otra cosa.\n\n**Entender los números:** No tenga tanta prisa en que su niño/niña repita los números del 1 al 10 aunque no tenga idea de lo que está diciendo. Tómale su tiempo y refuerce la conexión de cada número con su cantidad correspondiente.\n\n**Lectura de números:** Por supuesto, puede empezar a introducir la lectura de números cuando quiera. Sin embargo, no deje que la lectura límite el conteo. Aprender a leer números suele llevar más tiempo que aprender a leerlos y hacerse una idea de las cantidades.", + "2.2 Counting Down to 1 and 0": "Paso 12: Cuenta regresiva hasta 1 y 0", + "**It helps with meaning:** Counting down is surprisingly effective at solidifying understanding of the number sequence. Many very young children who have learned to count from 1 to 10 have a difficult time when they first try to count from 10 down to 1. This counting in the opposite order forces them to think in a fresh way about how the numbers are ordered. This will be particularly true when your child starts counting to 100 and they start thinking about what happens as they go from one decade to the next – say between 69 and 70.\n\n**It helps with subtraction:** Counting down is also very helpful with learning to subtract. A child who can count down will very quickly learn how to subtract 1 and 2. It is also helpful if counting down becomes automatic, so they can use their full attention on counting down the three steps when doing 9 subtract 3, for example.\n\n**Use when natural:** There are many times when counting down is the natural thing to do. If there are ten seconds left on a timer, you can count down together with the counter. If you say that something can be done three more times, then you can count down from three together.\n\n**Include 0:** It is usually natural to include 0 when counting down, and this is a good thing to do. If you are counting down the time remaining, when you reach 0 you have 0 seconds left. If you count down how many pieces of food your child can eat, when you reach 0 there will be no food left. It is helpful to make 0 a normal and expected quantity to work with.": "**Ayuda con el significado:** El conteo regresivo es sorprendentemente eficaz para consolidar la comprensión de la secuencia numérica. Muchos niños pequeños que han aprendido a contar del 1 al 10 tienen dificultades cuando intentan contar del 10 al 1 por primera vez. Este conteo en el orden opuesto los obliga a pensar de una manera nueva sobre cómo se ordenan los números. Esto se verá sobre todo cuando su niño/niña comienza a contar hasta 100 y empieza a pensar en lo que sucede a medida que pasa de una década a la siguiente, por ejemplo, entre 69 y 70.\n\n**Ayude con la resta:** La cuenta regresiva también es muy útil para aprender a restar. Un niño/niña que sepa contar hacia atrás aprenderá muy rápido a restar 1 y 2. También es útil que la cuenta regresiva se vuelva automática, de modo que pueda concentrar toda su atención en contar los tres pasos al hacer 9 menos 3, por ejemplo.\n\n**Usar cuando sea natural:** Hay muchas ocasiones en las que la cuenta regresiva es lo más natural. Si quedan diez segundos en un cronómetro, puede contar hacia atrás junto con el contador. Si dice que algo se puede hacer tres veces más, pueden contar juntos hacia atrás desde tres.\n\n**Incluye el 0:** Por lo general, es natural incluir el 0 al hacer la cuenta regresiva, y es bueno hacerlo. Si está contando el tiempo restante, cuando llegue a 0, le quedarán 0 segundos. Si cuenta la cantidad de alimentos que puede comer su niño/niña, cuando llegue a 0, no quedará ningún alimento. Es útil hacer que el 0 sea una cantidad normal y esperada con la que trabajar.", + "2.3 Comparing Small Quantities": "Paso 13: Comparar pequeñas cantidades", + "**It takes time:** All these beginning concepts and skills take lots of time for your child to master, and comparing quantities and getting a sense of the size of quantities is no different. Create many, many experiences that allow your child to touch, feel, and directly experience the sizes of quanti- ties and how they compare.\n\n**Line them up:** One simple way to compare the sizes of two quantities is to line them up in 1-to-1 correspondence next to each other. For example, if you play a card game and you want to see who won, you can line up the cards of the two players and see which line has extra cards.\n\n**Common misunderstanding:** Be aware that a small child may think that two short sticks is the same amount as one long stick. This is perfectly understandable, but it is often not what the adult had in mind.\n\n**Give choices:** Put your child in situations where they can choose between two groups of of the same things they really like. When they pick the bigger group, reinforce it by saying that the chosen group had more than the other group.\n\n**Games:** You may be able to start playing simple card games, such as the game of \"War.\" Use the dots on the cards to allow your child to compare the quantities. Another good game to practice with is \"I'm Thinking of a Number,\" where you have a number line of cards with something hidden under one of the cards.\n\n**Number lines:** Number lines are an excellent visual aid for seeing which numbers are smaller (the ones on the left) and which are larger (the ones on the right). This is a good thing to expose your child to from an early age, but be aware that both the numerals and their being in a line is fairly abstract, so it will be a while before they understand what is going on with this picture that has numbers.": "**Lleva tiempo:** A su niño/niña le llevará mucho tiempo dominar todos estos conceptos y habilidades iniciales, y comparar cantidades y hacerse una idea del tamaño de las cantidades no es diferente. Crea muchas experiencias que le permitan a su niño/niña tocar, sentir y experimentar directamente los tamaños de las cantidades y cómo se comparan.\n\n**Alinear objetos:** Una forma sencilla de comparar los tamaños de dos cantidades es alinear en correspondencia 1 a 1 un objeto al lado del otro. Por ejemplo, si juega un juego de cartas y quiere ver quién ganó, puede alinear las cartas de los dos jugadores y ver qué línea tiene cartas extras.\n\n**Malentendidos frecuentes:** Tenga en cuenta que los niños pequeños pueden pensar que dos palitos cortos equivalen a la misma cantidad que un palito largo. Esto es perfectamente comprensible, pero muchas veces no es lo que el adulto tenía en mente.\n\n**Dar opciones:** Coloque a su niño/niña en situaciones en las que pueda elegir entre dos grupos de las mismas cosas que le gustan. Cuando elija el grupo más grande, refuércelo diciendo que el grupo elegido tenía más que el otro grupo.\n\n**Juegos:** Quizás pueda empezar a jugar a juegos de cartas sencillos, como el juego de la \"Guerra\". Utilice los puntos de las cartas para que su niño/niña pueda comparar las cantidades. Otro buen juego para practicar es \"Estoy pensando en un número\", en el que tiene una línea numérica de cartas con algo escondido debajo de una de ellas.\n\n**Líneas numéricas:** Las líneas numéricas son una excelente ayuda visual para ver qué números son más pequeños (los de la izquierda) y cuáles son más grandes (los de la derecha). Es bueno que los niños aprendan esto desde una edad temprana, pero tengan en cuenta que tanto los números como su ubicación en una línea son bastante abstractos, por lo que pasará un tiempo antes de que comprendan qué está pasando con esta imagen que tiene números.", + "2.4 Counting On": "Paso 14: Contar hacia adelante", + "**Surprisingly powerful:** The technique called Counting On is a simple idea that is surprisingly helpful. As your child gets comfortable with seeing a group of objects as a quantity, start doing Counting On in front of them to help them get the idea of it.\n\n**Example:** Suppose your child has one row of 3 cards and another row of 4 cards. They can count all the cards one at a time \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\" and see that there are 7 cards. However, if your child recognizes that there are three cards in one row, they don't need to count those cards. They can start their counting at 3, pointing to the three cards on the first row, and then count the second row \"4, 5, 6, 7.\" Your child is Counting On starting at 3, and that's where the name comes from.\n\n**Understanding quantities:** Being able to Count On saves time and effort. It also signals that your child is getting comfortable seeing the quantity associated with a group of objects and can work with them as a group. This is a big conceptual leap that will be very useful to them in all the adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing soon to come.\n\n**Connection with addition:** Beginning addition is strongly linked to counting. When given a card with three dots on it, and another card with four dots on it, a child asked to add these two quan- tities will count them from 1 to 7. It is faster and more powerful to do this adding of 3 and 4 by starting at 3, or 4, and counting on using the other number. You will see finger techniques for doing this in upcoming lessons.": "**Sorprendentemente útil:** La técnica llamada “contar hacia adelante” es una idea sencilla que resulta sorprendentemente útil. A medida que su niño/niña sienta comodidad al ver a un grupo de objetos como una cantidad, comience a realizar la técnica “contar hacia adelante” para ayudarle a comprender la idea.\n\n**Ejemplo:** Suponga que su niño/niña tiene una fila de 3 cartas y otra fila de 4 cartas. Puede contar todas las cartas una a la vez \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\" y ver que hay 7 cartas. Sin embargo, si reconoce que hay tres cartas en una fila, no necesita contarlas. Puede empezar a contar en 3, señalando las tres cartas de la primera fila y luego contar la segunda fila \"4, 5, 6, 7\".\n\n**Entendiendo cantidades:** Poder contar hacia adelante ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo. También indica que su niño/niña se está acostumbrando a ver la cantidad asociada con un grupo de objetos y puede trabajar con ellos como grupo. Este es un gran salto conceptual que le resultará muy útil en todas las operaciones de suma, resta, multiplicación y división que están por venir.\n\n**Conexión con la suma:** Empezar a sumar está fuertemente vinculado con contar. Si se le da a un niño/niña una tarjeta con tres puntos y otra con cuatro, la suma de estas dos cantidades se contará del 1 al 7. Es más rápido y más eficaz sumar 3 y 4 si se empieza por 3 o 4 y se sigue contando con el otro número. En las próximas lecciones, verá técnicas con los dedos para hacerlo.", + "2.5 Basic Shapes II": "Paso 15: Formas básicas II", + "**Deepening explorations:** Bit by bit, your child's developing skills with shapes, counting, and de- scriptions will allow you to include more detailed and advanced aspects of shapes. Use lots of hands-on experiences for your child. Have your child fit pieces together, pile things on top of each other, put things inside other things, and study how shapes are put together in all the objects around them. As your child experiences these things, name and discuss the shapes, and ask lots of questions about them.\n\n**Shape words:** It may seem like there are a lot of words to learn. However, if you make a habit of exposing your child to these words, your child will pick them up slowly but surely.\n\nThis is a list of flat shapes:\n\n* Parallel lines (railroad tracks, two lines in the same direction that don't meet) \n* Right angle (angle found in the corner of a piece of paper)\n* Circle\n* Triangle\n* Rectangle (looks like a piece of paper, it has four right angles) \n* Square (rectangle with equal sides)\n* Parallelogram (opposite sides are parallel)\n* Rhombus (has four equal sides)\n* Trapezoid (one pair of parallel sides) \n* Pentagon (five sides)\n* Hexagon (6 sides)\n* Octagon (8 sides, stop sign)\n\nThis is a list of 3-dimensional shapes:\n\n* Sphere (Ball)\n* Cylinder (Round tube)\n* Box (Cube)\n* Pyramid (with a triangle or square as base)\n\n**Symmetries:** A lot of shapes have one side that looks like the other side upon being reflected. This is called mirror symmetry. The outside shape of a human body has mirror symmetry.\n\n**Tilings:** Point out tiling patterns to your child. A lot of buildings have tiling patterns on floors, walls, or ceilings. Brick walls often have interesting patterns made by their bricks. These patterns often have mirror symmetries.": "**Profundizando las exploraciones:** Poco a poco, las habilidades que su niño/niña va desarrollando con las formas, el conteo y las descripciones le permitirán incluir aspectos más detallados y avanzados de las formas. Utilice muchas experiencias prácticas. Haga que encaja piezas, apila cosas unas sobre otras, coloca cosas dentro de otras y estudia cómo se forman las formas en todos los objetos que lo rodean. A medida que su niño/niña experimenta con estas cosas, nombre y hable sobre las formas y haga muchas preguntas sobre ellas.\n\n**Formas en palabras:** Puede parecer que quedan muchas palabras por aprender. Sin embargo, si tiene el hábito de exponer a su niño/niña a estas palabras, las aprenderán de forma lenta pero segura.\n\nEsta es una lista de formas planas:\n\n* Líneas paralelas (vías del tren, dos líneas en la misma dirección que no se encuentran)\n* Ángulo recto (ángulo que se encuentra en la esquina de una hoja de papel)\n* Círculo\n* Triángulo\n* Rectángulo (Parece un trozo de papel, tiene cuatro ángulos rectos)\n* Cuadrado (rectángulo con lados iguales)\n* Paralelogramo (los lados opuestos son paralelos)\n* Rombo (tiene cuatro lados iguales)\n* Trapecio (un par de lados paralelos)\n* Pentágono (cinco lados)\n* Hexágono (6 lados)\n* Octágono (8 lados, señal de pare)\n\nEsta es una lista de formas tridimensionales:\n\n* Esfera (pelota)\n* Cilindro (tubo redondo)\n* Caja (Cubo)\n* Pirámide (con un triángulo o cuadrado como base)\n\n**Simetrías:** Muchas formas tienen un lado que se parece al otro cuando se refleja. Esto se llama simetría especular. La forma exterior de un cuerpo humano tiene simetría especular.\n\n**Teselaciones:** Señala los patrones de teselación a tu niño/niña. Muchos edificios tienen patrones de teselación en los pisos, paredes o techos. Las paredes a menudo tienen patrones interesantes formados por ladrillos. Estos patrones a menudo tienen simetrías.", + "2.6 One More and One Less": "Paso 16: Uno más y uno menos", + "**More important than they look:** It is tempting to think of these ideas as minor, almost trivial steps. However, the ideas of One More and One Less are early and important steps for adding and subtracting.\n\n**Counting up and down:** One more and one less are strongly connected to the ideas of the next number and previous number when you are counting up and down. Counting practice with count- ing both directions will help make it easy for your child to know which number comes next and which number was the previous one.\n\n**Adding 1 and taking away 1:** Combine these ideas with adding and subtracting by asking ques- tions such as: \"How many pebbles do you have now? If I added 1 more, how many would you have? If I took 1 away so you had 1 less, how many would you have?\" These are very easy and natural questions to fit into everyday conversation, and your child can talk about them without ever considering that they are doing addition and subtraction.\n\nIf you have 3 of something and your child has four of that thing, you can discuss various possibilities. Would you have the same amount if you had one more? Would you have the same amount if your child has one less. Be playful with the idea. If your numbers are 3 and 5, you can talk about getting one more twice, or about one of you getting one more and the other getting one less.\n\n**Extend from 1 to 2:** When your child is ready, extend your child's understanding to what happens when you have two more or two less. There is no hurry to get to this, so please make sure your child first thoroughly understands one more and one less.\n\n**Games:** With this simple bit of arithmetic, you can start playing some games with adding and subtracting. A very simple one is to play the game of Nim with 1 and 2 using either addition or subtraction. Other games are Get Out of My House and Within 1 or 2": "**Más importantes de lo que parecen:** Resulta tentador pensar que estas ideas son pasos menores, casi triviales. Sin embargo, las ideas de Uno más y Uno menos son pasos iniciales e importantes para sumar y restar.\n\n**Contar hacia arriba y hacia abajo:** Uno más y uno menos están conectados con las ideas del número siguiente y del número anterior cuando se cuenta hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Practicar el conteo en ambas direcciones ayudará a que a su niño/niña le resulte más fácil saber qué número viene a continuación y cuál fue el número anterior.\n\n**Sumar 1 y quitar 1:** Combine estas ideas con la suma y la resta haciendo preguntas como: \"¿Cuántas piedritas tienes? Si añado una más, ¿cuántas tendrías? Si quito una, ¿cuántas quedan?\". Estas son preguntas muy fáciles y naturales para incluir en una conversación cotidiana, y su niño/niña puede hablar sobre ellas sin siquiera pensar que está haciendo una suma y una resta.\n\nSi tienes 3 objetos y tu niño/niña tiene 4 de esos objetos, pueden hablar sobre varias posibilidades. ¿Tendrías la misma cantidad si tuvieras una más? ¿Tendrías la misma cantidad si tu niño/niña tuviera una menos? Juega con la idea. Si los números son 3 y 5, pueden hablar sobre obtener una más dos veces, o sobre que uno de ustedes obtenga una más y el otro obtenga una menos.\n\n**Ampliar de 1 a 2:** Cuando su niño/niña esté listo, amplíe su comprensión de lo que sucede cuando hay dos más o dos menos. No hay prisa por llegar a esto, así que asegúrese de que su niño/niña primero comprenda a fondo qué es uno más y uno menos.\n\n**Juegos:** Con este sencillo ejercicio de aritmética, puedes empezar a jugar a algunos juegos de suma y resta. Uno muy sencillo es jugar al juego de Nim con 1 y 2 usando la suma o la resta. Otros juegos son Sal de mi casa y Margen de uno o dos.", + "2.7 Finger Add and Subtract to 5": "Paso 17: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 5", + "**Adding by counting:** For a long time your child has been doing adding problems by counting. If they were asked to add two things to three things, that was done by counting all five things. As your child mastered Counting On, some of that counting was replaced by starting with one of the numbers, say 3 in this example, and then counting the two remaining things. This experience with counting has also allowed your child to visualize and master the ideas of 1 more and 2 more, which has made adding 1 and 2 much easier.\n\n**Using fingers:** Children of this age will benefit greatly from having manipulatives to use when doing addition. It helps cement their understanding of the numbers in terms of quantities. Of course, the manipulative that is always available to them is their fingers. When doing our example of adding two to three, they can put up two fingers on one hand, three fingers on the other hand, and bring the two hands together. Another way to do it is to raise two fingers on one hand, raise three more fingers on that same hand, and then see a total of five fingers raised.\n\n**Add 0 sometimes:** Mix in adding 0 sometimes. It is easy to do, and it is important conceptually for your child.\n\n**Subtracting up to 5:** The ideas behind practicing subtraction are similar to those for addition. If your child is going to subtract three from five, have your chid raise five fingers and then lower three of them. Their familiarity with one less and two less will probably make subtracting one and two very easy.\n\n**Subtract 0 and everything sometimes:** Mix in questions where you subtract 0 sometimes. Also mix in questions where you subtract everything. For example, if you have three bits of food and you eat all of them, how many do you have left?\n\n**Memorizing:** As you ask your child to do various adding and subtracting problems that come along, your child will become more and more familiar with them and will eventually memorize them. While it is desirable to eventually make the recall of these facts automatic and easy for your child, there is no hurry.\n\n**Other math facts:** During this time your child's exposure to adding won't be restricted to those whose sum is 5 or less, and that is fine. For example, your child will probably have learned to add 1 or 2 to all the numbers up to 10. Your child may also have begun to learn the adding twin facts, such as 3 + 3 or 4 + 4.": "**Sumar contando:** Durante mucho tiempo, su niño/niña ha estado resolviendo problemas de suma contando. Si se le pedía que sumará dos cosas a tres, lo hacía contando las cinco cosas. A medida que su niño/niña dominaba el método de contar, parte de ese conteo se reemplazó por comenzar con uno de los números, digamos 3 en este ejemplo, y luego contar las dos cosas restantes. Esta experiencia con el conteo también le ha permitido visualizar y dominar las ideas de 1 más y 2 más, lo que ha hecho que sumar 1 y 2 sea mucho más fácil.\n\n**Utilizando los dedos:** Los niños de esta edad se beneficiarán mucho de tener objetos manipulables para usar al hacer sumas. Esto ayuda a consolidar su comprensión de los números en términos de cantidades. Por supuesto, el objeto manipulable que siempre tienen a su disposición son sus dedos. Al hacer nuestro ejemplo de sumar dos y tres, pueden levantar dos dedos de una mano, tres dedos de la otra y juntar las dos manos. Otra forma de hacerlo es levantar dos dedos de una mano, levantar tres dedos más de esa misma mano y luego ver un total de cinco dedos levantados.\n\n**Añade el 0 a veces:** A veces, añada el 0. Es fácil de hacer y es importante desde el punto de vista conceptual para su niño/niña.\n\n**Restar hasta 5:** Las ideas detrás de la práctica de la resta son similares a las de la suma. Si su niño/niña va a restar tres de cinco, pídale que levante cinco dedos y luego baje tres de ellos. Su familiaridad con uno menos y dos menos probablemente hará que restar uno y dos sea muy fácil.\n\n**Restar 0 y todo a veces:** A veces, se pueden incluir preguntas en las que se resta 0. También se pueden incluir preguntas en las que se resta todo. Por ejemplo, si tienes tres trozos de comida y te los comes todos, ¿cuántos te quedan?\n\n**Memorizar:** A medida que le pida a su niño/niña que resuelva los distintos problemas de suma y resta que se le presenten, se irá familiarizando cada vez más con ellos y, con el tiempo, los memorizará. Si bien es conveniente que, con el tiempo, el recuerdo de estos datos sea automático y fácil, recuerde que no hay prisa.\n\n**Otros datos matemáticos:** Durante este tiempo, la exposición de su niño/niña a la suma no se limitará a aquellos números cuya suma sea 5 o menos, y eso está bien. Por ejemplo, probablemente habrá aprendido a sumar 1 o 2 a todos los números hasta el 10. Es posible que su niño/niña también haya comenzado a aprender las operaciones de suma de números iguales, como 3 + 3 o 4 + 4.", + "2.8 Finger Add and Subtract to 10": "Paso 18: Sumar y restar con los dedos hasta 10", + "**Fingers and quantities:** Using your child's fingers is an effective way to do addition and subtraction to 10, and it will build your child's confidence and understanding of these operations in terms of quantities. The focus of this step is using fingers in a simple way to do adding and subtracting problems whose largest number is ten or less.": "**Dedos y cantidades:** Usar los dedos de su niño/niña es una forma eficaz de realizar sumas y restas hasta el 10, y le permitirá ganar confianza y comprensión de estas operaciones en términos de cantidades. El objetivo de este paso es usar los dedos de una manera sencilla para realizar operaciones de suma y resta cuyo número mayor sea diez o menos.", + "**Ten frames:** A ten frame is a 2 by 5 grid of open squares. These are usually filled left to right, with the top row filled first. They are useful for getting familiar with quantities up to 10 as well as seeing pairs of numbers that add up to 10 – the filled squares plus the unfilled ones will always add up to 10.": "**Marcos de diez:** Un marco de diez es una cuadrícula de 2 x 5 de cuadrados abiertos. Estos suelen rellenarse de izquierda a derecha, llenando primero la fila superior. Son útiles para familiarizarse con cantidades hasta 10, así como para ver pares de números que suman 10: los cuadrados llenos más los vacíos siempre sumarán 10.", + "**Flash numbers:** A fun activity with your child is to flash a partially filled ten frame or a group of fingers on your two hands, and then have your child quickly recognize the quantity of things. If you use five or more fingers, put up five of those fingers on one hand so the two hands look like a ten frame. This activity also lays the groundwork for more easily using quantities on two hands for adding and subtracting.\n\n**Finger adding to 10:** If both numbers are five or less, put up the appropriate number of fingers on the two hands and count them up. Alternatively, put up the number of fingers for one of the numbers, and then count that many more fingers for the other number. When you are done, the total number of fingers shown will be the sum.\n\n**Finger subtracting to 10:** Do subtracting from numbers that are ten or less by putting up the number of fingers for the number being subtracted from. Then put down one finger at a time as you count up the number that is being subtracted. The resulting number of fingers left up is the answer.": "**Mostrando números:** Una actividad divertida para hacer con su niño/niña es mostrarle un marco de diez parcialmente lleno o una cantidad de dedos en tus manos y luego hacer que el/ella reconozca rápidamente la cantidad de cosas. Si usa cinco o más dedos, muestre cinco de esos dedos en una mano para que las dos manos parezcan un marco de diez. Esta actividad también sienta las bases para usar más fácilmente las cantidades con las dos manos para sumar y restar.\n\n**Sumar con los dedos hasta 10:** Si ambos números son cinco o menos, levante el número correspondiente de dedos en las dos manos y cuéntelos. Alternativamente, coloque el número de dedos correspondiente a uno de los números y luego cuente esa misma cantidad de dedos más para el otro número. Cuando haya terminado, el número total de dedos que se muestra será la suma.\n\n**Restar con los dedos hasta 10:** Para restar números que sean diez o menos, levante la cantidad de dedos correspondiente al número que se resta. Luego, baje un dedo a la vez mientras cuenta el número que se resta. La cantidad de dedos que queden levantados es la respuesta.", + "2.9 Skip Counting by 2's": "Paso 19: Contar de 2 en 2", + "**It's fast and fun:** Show your child that this is a fun way of counting that goes a lot more quickly than counting by 1's. If you pair things up and then skip count them by 2's, you will reinforce how paired things come in twos.\n\n**Getting started with skip counting:** Introduce skip counting in two ways. One way is to take turns with your child as you count up to some number, alternating numbers as you go – one of you will be skip counting starting at 0, and the other will be starting at 1. After some practice, one of you stays silent and the other one counts as before, saying every other number.\n\nThe other way for your child to get used to skip counting is to count up to some number normally the first time. Then do that counting again by saying every other number softly. Continue this practice until the softly-spoken numbers are not spoken at all.\n\n**Start at numbers other than 0:** It is tempting to always start at 0. However, if you start at other numbers, such as 1, you will be helping your child with adding skills as well as multiplying and dividing skills.\n\n**Skip count downwards sometimes:** Skip counting downwards helps with subtracting skills and with dividing skills.": "**Rápido y divertido:** Muéstrele a su niño/niña que esta es una forma divertida de contar que es mucho más rápida que contar de uno en uno. Si emparejas objetos y luego los cuentas de 2 en 2, reforzarán la idea de que los elementos emparejados se agrupan en pares.\n\n**Introducción al conteo salteado:** Introduzca el conteo salteado de dos maneras. Una forma es turnarse con su niño/niña mientras cuentan hasta cierto número, alternando números a medida que avanzan: uno de ustedes contará salteado comenzando en 0 y el otro comenzará en 1. Después de un poco de práctica, uno de ustedes se queda en silencio y el otro cuenta como antes, diciendo números alternos.\n\nOtra forma de que tu niño/niña se familiarice con el conteo salteado es contar hasta un número de manera normal la primera vez. Luego, repite el conteo diciendo en voz baja cada segundo número. Continúa practicando esto hasta que los números mencionados en voz baja no se pronuncien en absoluto.\n\n**Empezar con otros números:** Es tentador comenzar siempre desde 0. Sin embargo, si comienza con otros números, como 1, estará ayudando a su niño/niña con las habilidades de suma, multiplicación y división.\n\n**A veces, cuenta salteado hacia atrás:** El conteo salteado regresivo ayuda con las habilidades de resta y división.", + "2.10 Counting Groups": "Paso 20: Contar grupos", + "**Variety:** Skip counting is one way to add interest to counting a group of objects, and there are often many other ways as well. Show your child that they can use their imagination to explore the many other interesting ways they can count a picture of some objects.": "**Variedad:** Contar salteado es una forma de hacer que contar un grupo de objetos sea más interesante, y a menudo hay muchas otras formas también. Muéstrele a su niño/niña que puede usar su imaginación para explorar las muchas otras formas interesantes en que puede contar una imagen de algunos objetos.", + "**Ten frames:** Ten frames offer a simple example of different ways to count. Suppose you have seven dots in the usual way in a ten frame. You can count this as 5 plus 2 more. You can count by 2's from left to right to get to 4, and then add the 3 single dots. Or, you can see the 3 blank squares and count this as 3 less than 10.\n\n**Be playful:** Play with all the different ways you and your child can do the counting. Seeing different ways to get the answer will open your child's eyes that math is about exploring and play, and not about arriving at an answer in some preferred way. All these different ways of counting will also develop a deeper understanding of quantities for your child.\n\n**Additive approaches:** One way to count up a group of objects is to add up the different parts of the group. That's what we did in this ten frame example when we added up 5 from the top row to the 2 in the bottom row.\n\n**Skip counting:** You may see a repeated pattern when you add up the parts of a group. That's what happened when we started by skip counting the two 2's on the left side.\n\n**Subtracting:** Another common technique is to subtract off what is missing from what would oth- erwise be a whole collection. That's what we did when we subtracted 3 from 10 in this example.": "**Marcos de diez:** Los marcos de diez ofrecen un ejemplo sencillo de diferentes formas de contar. Supongamos que tienes siete puntos de la forma habitual en un marco de diez. Puedes contar esto como 5 más 2 más. Puedes contar de 2 en 2 de izquierda a derecha para llegar a 4 y luego sumar los 3 puntos individuales. O puedes ver los 3 cuadrados en blanco y contar esto como 3 menos 10.\n\n**Sea lúdico:** Juegue con las distintas formas en que pueden contar. Ver distintas maneras de obtener la respuesta le permitirá a su niño/niña comprender que las matemáticas se tratan de explorar y jugar, y no de llegar a una respuesta de una manera predeterminada. Todas estas distintas formas de contar también le permitirán comprender mejor las cantidades.\n\n**Métodos aditivos:** Una forma de contar un grupo de objetos es sumar las distintas partes del grupo. Eso es lo que hicimos en este ejemplo de marco de diez, cuando sumamos 5 de la fila superior y 2 de la fila inferior.\n\n**Contar salteado:** Es posible que veas un patrón repetido cuando sumas las partes de un grupo. Eso es lo que sucedió cuando comenzamos contando de forma salteada los dos 2 del lado izquierdo.\n\n**Restar:** Otra técnica habitual consiste en restar lo que falta de lo que sería una colección completa. Eso es lo que hicimos cuando restamos 3 de 10 en este ejemplo.", + "3.0 Stage 3 Introduction": "Etapa 3 Introducción", + "Your child has become comfortable with counting to ten, and those numbers and quantities are now more meaningful. Your child is much better now with adding and subtracting small numbers.\n\nThis Stage extends counting to 20, and it extends the range of numbers your child can add and subtract. It also introduces the beginning of multiplying and dividing. Finally, your child's improving analytical skills and maturity warrant a discussion of early ideas for playing strategy games.\n\n**1. Mental adding by Counting On** Adding by Counting On from one of the numbers is an important step in learning addition.\n**2. Mental subtracting – take away** Subtracting by taking away and counting down is an important step in learning subtraction.\n**3. Mental subtracting – difference** Another way to subtract is to find the difference between two numbers by Counting On.\n**4. Number bonds** Number bonds reinforce part and whole concepts, as well as fact families for addition and subtraction.\n**5. Place value** Introduce your child to the role of 10 in the numbers up to 20.\n**6. Fact families** The facts 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 2 = 3, and 5 - 3 = 2 are connected. Knowing this deepens the understanding of each fact.\n**7. Adding twins and near twins** Most children learn adding twins easily. This provides a foundation for doubling.\n**8. Multiply and Divide by 2** This is the start of many concepts – doubling, multiplying by 2, halving, dividing by 2, and equal sharing.\n**9. Skip counting by 2s II** Further develop skip counting by 2s by going up and down and starting with any number.\n**10. Strategy games I** These games naturally motivate children to do problem solving.": "Su niño/niña puede contar hasta diez con comodidad, y esos números y cantidades son ahora más significativos. Mejoró ahora con la suma y resta de pequeños números.\n\nEsta etapa se extiende al contar hasta 20, y amplía el rango de números que puede sumar y restar. También introduce el principio de multiplicar y dividir. Finalmente, el mejoramiento de las habilidades analíticas y la madurez de su niño/niña justifican una discusión de ideas tempranas para jugar juegos de estrategia.\n\n**Paso 21: Suma mental contando adelante** Añadiendo al contar adelante desde uno de los números es un paso importante para aprender a sumar.\n**Paso 22: Resta mental: Quitar** Restar quitando y contando hacia atrás es un paso importante en el aprendizaje de la resta.\n**Paso 23: Resta mental: Diferencia** Otra forma de restar es encontrar la diferencia entre dos números por contando hacia adelante.\n**Paso 24: Vínculos numéricos** Vínculos numéricos refuerzan conceptos parciales y completos, al igual que las familias de operaciones para sumar y restar.\n**Paso 25: Valor posicional** Presente a su niño/niña el rol del 10 en los números hasta 20.\n**Paso 26: Familias de operaciones** Los hechos 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 2 = 3, y 5 - 3 = 2 están conectados. Saber esto profundiza la comprensión de cada hecho.\n**Paso 27: Suma de números iguales y casi iguales** La mayoría de los niños aprenden fácilmente a sumar números iguales. Esto proporciona una base para duplicar.\n**Paso 28: Multiplicar y dividir por 2:** Este es el comienzo de muchos conceptos - doblar, multiplicar por 2, dividir por 2 y compartir por igual.\n**Paso 29: Contar de 2 en 2 II** Seguir desarrollando el conteo de saltos por 2s subiendo y bajando y comenzando con cualquier número.\n**Paso 30: Juegos de estrategia I** Estos juegos motivan naturalmente a los niños a resolver problemas.", + "3.1 Mental Adding by Counting On": "Paso 21: Suma mental contando adelante", + "**Gradual change:** As your child develops skill with small adding and subtracting problems, gradually shift over to doing more of these calculations mentally. Don't be in a hurry to memorize. This time spent calculating answers by seeing the relationships between numbers will pay off handsomely in terms of a much better feel and understanding of numbers. If your child masters these facts by grinding through repeated drills with flash cards, you will have thrown away this important opportunity.\n\n**Counting on:** Use 6 + 3 as an example of adding by Counting On.\n\nInitially, your child will want to do this using their fingers, and that is fine. Say \"6\" and have a closed fist to indicate 0. Next, count up \"7, 8, 9\" and raise one finger with each number. Stop at 9, when three fingers have been raised.\n\nOver time, using fingers with small addition problems will become less necessary. Your child will start to mentally see the change of 3 in going from 6 to 9, and will no longer need to use fingers – just as they no longer need fingers for adding 1 or 2.\n\n**Start from the larger number:** With experience, your child will start to realize that it is easier and faster to start with the larger of the two numbers. For example, it is easier to do 3 + 6 as 6 Counted On with 3 more than it is do it as 3 Counted On with 6 more. Part of making this choice is realizing that the results of 3 + 6 and 6 + 3 are the same. This important observation will mean learning only about half as many addition facts!": "**Cambio gradual:** A medida que su niño/niña desarrolla habilidades con pequeños problemas de suma y resta, cambie gradualmente a hacer más de estos cálculos mentalmente. No tengas prisa por memorizar. Este tiempo dedicado a calcular respuestas observando las relaciones entre los números dará buenos resultados en términos de una mejor comprensión de los números. Si su niño/niña domina estos datos mediante ejercicios repetidos con tarjetas didácticas, habrá desperdiciado esta importante oportunidad.\n\n**Contando adelante** Use 6 + 3 como ejemplo de suma por contar adelante.\n\nInicialmente, su niño/niña querrá hacer esto con los dedos, y eso está bien. Diga \"6\" y cierre el puño para indicar el 0. A continuación, cuenten \"7, 8, 9\" y levante un dedo con cada número. Deténgase en el 9, cuando haya levantado tres dedos.\n\nCon el tiempo, usar los dedos con pequeños problemas de suma se volverá menos necesario. Su niño/niña comenzará a ver mentalmente el cambio de 3 en ir de 6 a 9, y ya no tendrá que usar los dedos - al igual que ya no necesitan dedos para agregar 1 o 2.\n\n**Empiecen con el número más alto:** Con la experiencia, su niño/niña comenzará a darse cuenta de que es más fácil y rápido comenzar con el mayor de los dos números. Por ejemplo, es más fácil hacer 3 + 6 como 6 con 3 más que hacerlo como 3 con 6 más. Parte de tomar esta decisión es darse cuenta de que los resultados de 3 + 6 y 6 + 3 son los mismos. ¡Esta importante observación significará aprender solo la mitad de las operaciones de suma!", + "3.2 Mental Subtracting – Take Away": "Paso 22: Resta mental: Quitar", + "**Two kinds of subtraction:** There are two models for subtraction, and both are important. The first is taking away. If you are asked to subtract 3 things from 9 things, you will probably think of this as taking away or removing 3 of the things. The second model involves difference. The difference between two numbers is the distance between them . If you are asked to subtract 7 from 9, you are likely to do this be finding how far apart they are, what their difference is.\n\nBoth understandings of subtraction are needed and are useful. For mental arithmetic, having a choice of using take away or difference can make a big difference in the ease of the calculation. Additionally, some problems are more naturally understood as take away or difference problems.\n\n**Counting down:** Counting down is a natural way to do take away. Use 9 - 3 as an example of subtracting by counting down.\n\nAs with adding, your child may want to initially do this using their fingers, and that is fine. Say \"9\" and have a closed fist to indicate 0. Next, count down \"8, 7, 6\" and raise one finger with each number. Stop at 6, when three fingers have been raised.\n\nOver time, using fingers with small subtraction problems will become less necessary. Your child will start to mentally see the change of 3 in going from 9 to 6, and will no longer need to use fingers – just as they no longer need fingers for subtracting 1 or 2.\n\n**Subtracting 1 to 4:** With practice, your child will build up speed using this approach for subtracting the numbers from 1 to 4. Take your time and make sure everyone enjoys the process.": "**Dos tipos de resta:** Hay dos modelos para la resta, y ambos son importantes. El primero es quitar. Si te piden que restes 3 cosas de 9 cosas, probablemente pensarás que esto es quitar o eliminar 3 de las cosas. El segundo modelo implica diferencia. La diferencia entre dos números es la distancia entre ellos. Si te piden que restes 7 de 9, es probable que lo hagas para encontrar qué tan separados están, cuál es su diferencia.\n\nAmbos conceptos de la resta son necesarios y útiles. Para el cálculo mental, tener la opción de usar 'quitar' o 'diferencia' puede marcar una gran diferencia en la facilidad del cálculo. Además, algunos problemas se entienden más naturalmente como problemas de 'quitar' o de 'diferencia'.\"\n\n**Contar hacia atrás** Contar hacia atrás es una forma natural de restar. Use 9 - 3 como ejemplo de restar contando hacia atrás.\n\nAl igual que con la suma, su niño/niña puede querer hacer esto inicialmente usando sus dedos, y eso está bien. Decir \"9\" y tener un puño cerrado para indicar 0. A continuación, contar hacia atrás \"8, 7, 6\" y levantar un dedo con cada número. Detenerse a las 6, cuando se hayan levantado tres dedos.\n\nCon el tiempo, usar los dedos con pequeños problemas de resta se volverá menos necesario. Su niño/niña comenzará a ver mentalmente el cambio de 3 en ir de 9 a 6, y ya no tendrá que usar los dedos - al igual que ya no necesitan dedos para restar 1 o 2.\n\n**Resta 1 a 4:** Con la práctica, su niño/niña aumentará la velocidad usando este enfoque para restar los números del 1 al 4. Tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que todos disfruten el proceso.", + "3.3 Mental Subtracting – Difference": "Paso 23: Resta mental: Diferencia", + "**Distance or gap size:** If you are asked to find the difference between two numbers, you are doing a subtraction problem. Finding the difference is understood as finding the distance between the numbers, and this can be calculated by asking what number needs to be added to span the gap between them.\n\n**Counting On:** Use finding the difference of 9 and 6 as an example. Calculate this by keeping track of how many numbers you use as you Count On from 6 to 9. As with the instructions for adding in a previous learning step, this can be done with or without fingers. If your child has been practicing adding problems, they can probably very quickly count \"7, 8, 9\" and see that the gap is 3.\n\n**Subtracting and adding:** Using Counting On to find the difference is a great way to see the connec- tion between adding and subtracting. When we Counted On starting at 6 to add 6 + 3, we wanted to find the result of Counting On three times. When we Counted On from 6 to find 9 - 6, we knew the result of 9 and wanted to find out what we needed to add to 6 to get there.\n\n**Differences of 1 to 4:** With practice, your child will build up speed using this approach for finding differences of sizes 1 to 4. Take your time and make sure everyone enjoys the process.": "**Distancia o tamaño de espacio:** Si se le pide que encuentre la diferencia entre dos números, está resolviendo un problema de resta. Encontrar la diferencia se entiende como encontrar la distancia entre los números, y esto puede calcularse preguntando qué número necesita ser agregado para cubrir el espacio entre ellos.\n\n**Contando adelante:** Utilice la diferencia de 9 y 6 como ejemplo. Calcule esto manteniendo un registro de cuántos números utiliza cuando cuenta de 6 a 9. Como con las instrucciones para agregar en un paso anterior de aprendizaje, esto se puede hacer con o sin dedos. Si su niño/niña ha estado practicando la suma de problemas, probablemente puede contar muy rápidamente \"7, 8, 9\" y ver que el espacio es 3.\n\n**Resta y suma:** Contar adelante para encontrar la diferencia es una gran manera de ver la conexión entre sumar y restar. Cuando contamos a partir de 6 para añadir 6 + 3, queríamos encontrar el resultado de contar adelante en tres veces. Cuando contamos desde 6 hasta encontrar 9 - 6, sabíamos el resultado de 9 y queríamos saber qué necesitábamos añadir a 6 para llegar allí.\n\n**Diferencias de 1 a 4:** Con la práctica, su niño/niña aumentará la velocidad usando este enfoque para encontrar diferencias de tamaños del 1 al 4. Tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que todos disfruten el proceso.", + "3.4 Number Bonds": "Paso 24: Vínculos numéricos", + "**Part and whole:** Seeing a whole thing as being made up of its parts is an important developmental step for a child. The number bonds for a number, say 6, are all the ways of pairing two numbers that add up to 6. It is all the ways of taking the whole of 6 and breaking it into two parts. This reinforces an understanding of the connection between addition and subtraction as forming groups of fact families – a topic to be covered in an upcoming learning step.\n\n**What's missing?:** Let's continue using number bonds for 6 as our example. The number bonds for 6 are: 0 + 6, 1 + 5, 2 + 4, and 3 + 3. A child who has learned these well will then have little trouble answering the question: \"What do I need to add to 2 to get 6?\" They will know that 2 + 4 is a number bond for 6, so 4 is the part of 6 that is missing.": "**Parte y todo:** Ver una cosa entera como si estuviera hecha de sus partes es un paso importante en el desarrollo del niño/niña. Los vínculos numéricos para un número, digamos 6, son todas las formas de emparejar dos números que suman hasta 6. Es todas las formas de tomar el conjunto de 6 y dividirlo en dos partes. Esto refuerza la comprensión de la conexión entre la suma y la resta como grupos que forman familias de operaciones - un tema que se cubrirá en una próxima etapa de aprendizaje.\n\n**¿Qué falta?:** Sigamos usando los vínculos numéricos para el 6 como ejemplo. Los vínculos numéricos para el 6 son: 0 + 6, 1 + 5, 2 + 4 y 3 + 3. Si su niño/niña los aprendió bien no tendrá problemas para responder la pregunta: \"¿Qué necesito sumar a 2 para obtener 6?\". Sabrá que 2 + 4 es un vínculo numérico para el 6, por lo que 4 es la parte del 6 que falta.", + "**Ten frames:** Fluency with number bonds for all numbers up to about 12 is very useful for doing adding and subtracting, The number bonds that arise the most often are those for 10. Ten frames are designed to help visualize number bonds for 10. A ten frame with 7 dots in it makes it visually obvious that 7 + 3 is a number bond for 10.\n\n**Games and puzzles:** There are quite a few games and puzzles that involve number bonds. Sum Groups is a puzzle designed to practice number bonds. Many games, such as Memory Challenge and Go Fish, have versions that use target totals and thereby exercise number bonds.": "**Cuadros de diez:** La fluidez con los vínculos numéricos para todos los números hasta aproximadamente el 12 es muy útil para realizar sumas y restas. Los vínculos numéricos que surgen más a menudo son los de 10. Los cuadros de diez están diseñados para ayudar a visualizar los vínculos numéricos para 10. Un cuadro de diez con 7 puntos en él hace que sea visualmente obvio que 7 + 3 es un vínculo numérico de 10.\n\n**Juegos y rompecabezas:** Hay bastantes juegos y rompecabezas que implican vínculos numéricos. Grupos de suma es un rompecabezas diseñado para practicar los vínculos numéricos. Muchos juegos, como Desafío de memoria y ¡A pescar!, tienen versiones que usan totales de objetivos y por lo tanto ejercitan vínculos numéricos.", + "3.5 Place Value": "Paso 25: Valor posicional", + "**Meaning for the numbers 10 to 20:** At first, the numbers above 9 can be thought of as just the next numbers that come along. There is nothing wrong with that, and that viewpoint will work just fine for a long time. Eventually, with numbers all the way up to 100 coming on the horizon, it will be time to Introduce your child to the role of 10 in the numbers from 10 to 20.\n\n**Adding and subtracting 10:** Start this introduction by helping your child learn how to add 10 to single-digit numbers and subtract 10 from double-digit numbers from 10 to 20.\n\n**Practice with physical quantities:** Find something you have a lot of – perhaps pebbles, sticks, or toothpicks. Let's use 3 and 13 as an example. If you place 13 things on a flat surface, you can separate them into one group of 10 and one group of 3. This demonstrates both that 3 + 10 is 13, and also that 13 - 10 is 3.\n\n**Numerals:** If your child is ready to use numerals, write down 13 = 10 + 3 and 13 - 10 = 3 as you do the demonstration just described. When we write a two-digit number, such as 13, the place on the left is the tens place and the place on the right is the ones place. Then tens place tells how many tens the number has, and the ones place how many ones it has. For 13, it is made up of 1 ten and 3 ones, so 13 = 10 + 3. As another example, 20 is made up of 2 tens and 0 ones.\n\n**It takes time:** Breaking up a number into tens and ones, particularly symbolically with written numbers, is a big conceptual step and you should expect this to take many demonstrations, many explanations, and lots of time. As with so many of these foundational elements, your child will absorb it eventually and there is no hurry.": "**Significado de los números del 10 al 20:** Al principio, los números superiores al 9 pueden considerarse simplemente los siguientes números que aparecen. No hay nada malo en eso, y ese punto de vista funcionará bien por mucho tiempo. Finalmente, cuando aparezcan en el horizonte números hasta el 100, será el momento de presentar a su niño/niña el papel del 10 en los números del 10 al 20.\n\n**Suma y resta con 10:** Comience esta introducción ayudando a su niño/niña a aprender cómo sumar 10 a números de un solo dígito y restar 10 de los números de dos dígitos de 10 a 20.\n\n**Práctica con cantidades físicas:** Encuentra algo que tengas en abundancia, como piedras, palos o palillos. Vamos a usar 3 y 13 como ejemplo. Si colocas 13 cosas en una superficie plana, puedes separarlas en un grupo de 10 y un grupo de 3. Esto demuestra que 3 + 10 es 13, y también que 13 - 10 es 3.\n\n**Números:** Si su niño/niña está en condiciones de usar números, anote 13 = 10 + 3 y 13 - 10 = 3 mientras realiza la demostración que acaba de describir. Cuando escribimos un número de dos dígitos, como 13, el lugar a la izquierda es el lugar de las decenas y el lugar a la derecha es el lugar de los unos. Entonces el lugar de las decenas dice cuántas decenas tiene el número, y los unos colocan cuántos tiene. Para 13, está compuesto de 1 diez y 3 unos, por lo que 13 = 10 + 3. Como otro ejemplo, 20 está compuesto de 2 decenas y 0 unos.\n\n**Se necesita tiempo:** Descomponer un número en decenas y unidades, particularmente de manera simbólica con números escritos, es un gran paso conceptual y debes esperar que esto requiera muchas demostraciones, muchas explicaciones y mucho tiempo. Al igual que con tantos de estos elementos fundamentales, su niño/niña lo absorberá eventualmente y no hay prisa.", + "3.6 Fact Families": "Paso 26: Familias de operaciones", + "**A family of facts:** Addition and subtraction facts are easily grouped into facts that are closely related. Take this family of facts for example: 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 3 = 2, and 5 - 2 = 3. The picture below shows how these are interconnected.\n\nUse this kind of picture with your child. It shows one group of 3 dots, another group of 2 dots, and all together there are 5 dots. You can add the groups of dots in either order – either as 3 + 2 or 2 + 3 – and get the same result. If you take the 5 dots and you cover over one group, say the group of 2, then it is clear why 5 - 2 = 3.": "**Una familia de operaciones:** Las operaciones de suma y resta se agrupan fácilmente en operaciones estrechamente relacionadas. Tomemos esta familia de operaciones como ejemplo: 2 +3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 - 3 = 2 y 5 - 2 = 3. La imagen siguiente muestra cómo están interconectados.\n\nUtilice este tipo de imagen con su niño/niña. Muestra un grupo de 3 puntos, otro grupo de 2 puntos y, en total, hay 5 puntos. Puede agregar los grupos de puntos en cualquiera de los dos órdenes - ya sea como 3 + 2 o 2 + 3 - y obtener el mismo resultado. Si toma los 5 puntos y cubre un grupo, digamos el grupo de 2, entonces queda claro por qué 5 - 2 = 3.", + "**Adding and subtracting are related:** Fact families and their associated pictures make it very clear how closely tied together addition and subtraction are. One important part of their relationship is that they undo each other. If you start with 3 and add 2, and then subtract 2, you are back with having the original 3. Similarly, if you start with 5 and subtract 2, and then add 2, you are back to having the original 5.\n\n**Addition order doesn't matter:** Another important thing to reinforce about fact families is that they show that the order that addition is done in does not change the result. So, if your child is asked to do 4 + 8 and they prefer to do 8 + 4, then they can do that.": "**La suma y la resta están relacionadas:** Las familias de operaciones y sus imágenes asociadas dejan muy claro cuán estrechamente relacionadas están la suma y la resta. Una parte importante de su relación es que se anulan mutuamente. Si empiezas con 3 y sumas 2, y luego restas 2, vuelves a tener el 3 original. De forma similar, si empiezas con 5 y restas 2, y después añades 2, vuelves a tener el 5 original.\n\n**El orden de la suma no importa:** Otra cosa importante a reforzar sobre las familias de operaciones es que muestran que el orden en que se realiza la suma no cambia el resultado. Entonces, si a su niño/niña se le pide que haga 4 + 8 y prefiere hacer 8 + 4, entonces puede hacerlo.", + "3.7 Adding Twins and Near Twins": "Paso 27: Suma de números iguales y casi iguales", + "**Children like them:** Adding twins are when a number is added to itself, such as 3 + 3. Children generally enjoy adding twins, so they learn them eagerly and readily. The sums are also the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's, so that helps to reinforce these adding facts.\n\n**A foundation for doubling:** Knowing adding twins quickly leads to knowing how to double. Suppose you ask your child to double 3. They know that doubling something means to take two if it. So, doubling 3 means 3 plus 3, which is 6.\n\n**Near twins:** A pair of numbers is a near twin if they are one apart, such as 3 + 4. Once your child knows their adding twins, near twins is an easy next step. Think of 3 + 4 as 3 + 3 + 1, so it is 1 more than 3 + 3. So, 3 + 4 = 6 + 1 = 7. Alternatively, think of 3 + 4 as (4 - 1) + 3, which is 1 less than 4 + 4. So, 3 + 4 = 8 - 1 = 7. Allow your child to pick whichever approach they prefer for each near twin, or have fun doing them both ways.\n\nThis technique of using a familiar math fact to figure out a closely related math fact is powerful. It will help with learning many math facts in the months to come. Take your time and make sure your child thoroughly understands how this works. To explain it, demonstrate how 3 objects and 4 objects can be split up as 3 objects plus 3 objects plus one more – being able to see and touch things at this age is very powerful.": "**A los niños les gustan:** La suma de números iguales se produce cuando un número se suma así mismo, como 3 + 3. Los niños generalmente disfrutan sumar números iguales, por lo que aprenden con entusiasmo y facilidad. Las sumas también son los números que se obtienen contando de 2 en 2, por lo que ayudan a reforzar estas operaciones de suma.\n\n**Una base para duplicar:** Saber sumar números iguales lleva rápidamente a saber cómo duplicar. Supongamos que le pide a su niño/niña que duplique 3. Él/Ella sabe que duplicar algo significa restarle dos. Por lo tanto, duplicar 3 significa 3 más 3, que es 6.\n\n**Casi iguales:** Un par de números son casi iguales si están separados por un número, como 3 + 4. Una vez que su niño/niña sepa cómo sumar números iguales, el siguiente paso es fácil, que es averiguar los números casi iguales. Piense en 3 + 4 como 3 + 3 + 1, por lo que es 1 más que 3 + 3. Por lo tanto, 3 + 4 = 6 + 1 = 7. Alternativamente, piense en 3 + 4 como (4 - 1) + 3, que es 1 menos que 4 + 4. Por lo tanto, 3 + 4 = 8 - 1 = 7. Permita que su niño/niña elija el enfoque que prefiera para cada número casi igual, o diviértase haciéndolo de ambas maneras.\n\nLa técnica de usar un efecto matemático para comprender y resolver un hecho matemático es efectiva. Esto le ayudará a su niño/niña a aprender en los próximos meses muchos hechos matemáticos. Así que tómese su tiempo y asegúrese de que comprenda totalmente su función. Para explicarlo, demuestre cómo 3 objetos y 4 objetos se pueden dividir en 3 objetos más 3 objetos más uno más - poder ver y tocar cosas a esta edad es realmente eficaz.", + "3.8 Multiply and Divide by 2": "Paso 28: Multiplicar y dividir por 2", + "**Connected concepts:** In the previous learning step we discussed doubling. This is connected to a surprising number of related concepts, as you will soon see.\n\n**Multiplying by 2:** Multiplying by 2 is the same as doubling. However, it uses interesting new wording that your child will need to get used to. When you first introduce the phrase of multiplying by 2, be sure to mix in the use of doubling from time to time to help with the transition. Your child will be getting used to the new words \"multiplying\" and \"times.\"\n\n**Half of something:** When something is doubled, such as 3 doubled is 6, then you can take half of the result and get back the original number. For example, suppose you picture 3 doubled as two rows of 3 things. Then taking half of those two matched rows is to take one of the rows, which is 3 things.\n\n**Equal sharing:** When you talk about taking half of something, you can combine that with the idea of sharing it equally among two people. If two people are to get equal shares, they will each get the same thing and that will be half of the original amount.\n\n**Dividing by 2:** If your child is comfortable with all the concepts so far in this learning step, then they are ready to talk about dividing! You can start talking about dividing something equally, or dividing it in two, or dividing by two. Mix together using all these phrases with your child – it will take time for them to absorb this new vocabulary. As far as the math is concerned, they have mastered all the ideas already!\n\n**Concrete examples:** Do lots of practice with each of these new ideas and words with groups of objects. Make your child's understanding be concrete rather than simply abstract. Anytime there is something to share among two people is a perfect time to practice. You can of course start extending this to sharing among more than two people if you like.\n\n**The beginning of multiplying and dividing:** As you have seen, this is the starting point of multi- plying and dividing. There are one or two new ideas, and a lot of new vocabulary. It's exciting to see your child step into this new part of the world!": "**Conceptos conectados:** En el paso de aprendizaje anterior, analizamos la duplicación. La cual está vinculada a una cantidad sorprendente de conceptos relacionados, como podrá observar pronto.\n\n**Multiplicando por 2:** Multiplicar por 2 es lo mismo que duplicar. Sin embargo, se utilizan palabras nuevas e interesantes a las que su niño/niña tendrá que familiarizarse. Cuando se presente por primera vez la frase multiplicar por 2, asegúrese de mezclar el uso de la duplicación de vez en cuando para facilitar la transición. Su niño/niña estará adaptándose a las nuevas palabras “multiplicar” y “por”.\n\n**La mitad de algo:** Cuando algo se duplica, como 3 duplicado es 6, entonces puede tomar la mitad del resultado y recuperar el número original. Por ejemplo, figure 3 duplicados como dos filas de 3 cosas. Significa que, tomar la mitad de esas dos filas coincidentes es tomar una de las filas, que son 3 cosas.\n\n**Reparto equitativo:** Cuando se habla de tomar la mitad de algo, se puede combinar eso con la idea de compartir equitativamente entre dos personas. Si dos personas reciben partes iguales, cada una recibirá lo mismo y eso será la mitad de la cantidad original.\n\n**Dividiendo por 2:** Si su niño/niña se siente cómodo/a con todos los conceptos que ha aprendido hasta ahora en este proceso de aprendizaje, ¡entonces está listo para hablar sobre la división! Puede comenzar a hablar sobre dividir algo en partes iguales, dividirlo en dos o dividirlo por dos. Combine todas estas frases: le llevará tiempo asimilar este nuevo vocabulario. En lo que respecta a las matemáticas, ¡ya domina todas las ideas!\n\n**Ejemplos concretos:** Practique mucho con cada una de estas nuevas ideas y palabras con grupos de objetos. Haga que la comprensión de su niño/niña sea concreta en lugar de simplemente indefinida. Cualquier momento en que haya algo para compartir entre dos personas es un momento perfecto para practicar. Por supuesto, puede comenzar a extenderlo y compartirlo entre más de dos personas sí así lo desea.\n\n**El comienzo de la multiplicación y división:** Cómo ha visto, este es el punto de partida de la multiplicación y la división. Hay una o dos ideas nuevas y mucho vocabulario nuevo. ¡Es emocionante ver a su niño/niña adentrarse en esta nueva parte del mundo!", + "3.9 Skip Counting by 2's II": "Paso 29: Contar de 2 en 2 II", + "**New connections:** Your child started skip counting by 2's during Stage 2. Their skip counting is now going higher and faster, and it is also now connected with new ideas, such as with multiplying and with even and odd numbers.\n\n**Multiplying by 2:** For example, multiplying something by 2 means to take that many 2's. Suppose your child is calculating 5 times 2. This means adding 2 to itself 5 times, which is exactly what your child will get if they skip count by 2's 5 times starting at 0. Of course, they can also calculate this quantity by doubling the number, in this case 5.\n\n**Start anywhere and go up or down:** It is important to keep practicing skip counting by 2's starting anywhere and going up and down. This practice will be surprisingly helpful for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Get used to doing this practice anytime you have a somewhat large collection of things to count.\n\n**Even and odd numbers:** An even number is one that can be split in half evenly. It is a quantity that two people can share and have nothing left over. The odd numbers are the other numbers, the numbers that cannot be shared evenly. Even numbers are the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's starting at 0. Odd numbers are the numbers you get when you skip count by 2's starting at 1.\n\n**Skip count by other numbers:** If you like, this is a good time to start skip counting by other numbers. Skip counting by 10's, 11's, and 5's are good starting places.": "**Nuevas conexiones:** Su niño/niña comenzó a contar de 2 en 2 durante la Etapa 2. Ahora cuenta de 2 en 2 más rápido y con más frecuencia, además de conectarse con nuevas ideas, como la multiplicación y los números pares e impares.\n\n**Multiplicando por 2:** Por ejemplo, multiplicar algo por 2 significa sumar esa cantidad de 2. Supongamos que su niño/niña está calculando 5 por 2. Esto significa sumar 2 a sí mismo 5 veces, que es exactamente lo que obtendrá si cuenta de 2 en 2 5 veces comenzando en 0. Por supuesto, también puede calcular esta cantidad duplicando el número, en este caso 5.\n\n**Empiece en cualquier lugar y vaya hacia arriba o hacia abajo:** Es importante seguir practicando el conteo de 2 en 2, comience en cualquier parte y avance hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Esta práctica será sorprendentemente útil para sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir. Adquiera el hábito de realizar esta práctica cada vez que tenga una gran colección de cosas por contar.\n\n**Números pares e impares:** Un número par es aquel que se puede dividir en dos partes iguales. Es una cantidad que dos personas pueden repartir y no les sobra nada. Los números impares son los otros números, los números que no se pueden repartir de forma equitativa. Los números pares son los números que se obtienen al contar de 2 en 2 a partir del 0. Los números impares son los números que se obtienen al contar de 2 en 2 a partir del 1.\n\n**Conteo salteado por otros números:** Si lo desea, este es un buen momento para empezar a contar con otros números. Contar de 10 en 10, de 11 en 11 y de 5 en 5 son buenos puntos de partida.", + "3.10 Strategy Games": "Paso 30: Juegos de estrategia I", + "**Developmental stage:** Strategy games are games where the players have choices that produce better or worse outcomes. These games have a lot to offer children. In particular, they naturally motivate children to do problem solving. However, the difficulty with these is that they require rule following and a willingness to participate in organized play. If your child is not ready yet for this kind of play environment, please be patient and let them get to a developmental point where they are ready. There is plenty of time.\n\n**Be patient:** When children are first ready to play organized games and are introduced to a new game, you will probably need to be very patient. It could well be that the first ten times you attempt to play the game your child will have fun with all the pieces and do many things that have nothing to do with the game. This is a process. Your child needs to become familiar with the game and its pieces, and the novelty needs to wear off a bit. You will know when your child is ready and your patience has paid off.\n\n**Play around:** At first, it is likely that your child won't really have a sense of winning and losing, and won't understand that their choices make a difference. That's okay. You are just there to have fun together. Over time, as the game and its choices become more familiar, your child will start to see that their choices make a difference and that they care about those differences.\n\n**Invisible math sometimes:** Strategy games don't always involve numeric components, but they are mathematical anyway. Any strategy game offers many important learning opportunities, some mathematical and some not. As mentioned earlier, problem solving is high on the list of skills that are developed by these games. Critical thinking and logical communication are also being developed. The rule following and turn taking are very good for social-emotional learning.": "**Etapa de desarrollo:** Los juegos de estrategia son juegos en los que los jugadores tienen opciones que producen mejores o peores resultados. Estos juegos tienen mucho que ofrecer a los niños. En particular, los motiva naturalmente a resolver problemas. Sin embargo, la dificultad con estos juegos es que requieren el cumplimiento de reglas y la voluntad de participar en un juego organizado. Si su niño/niña aún no está listo para este tipo de entorno, tenga paciencia y déjelo llegar a un punto de desarrollo en el que esté listo/a. Aún hay tiempo.\n\n**Ser paciente:** Cuando los niños están listos para jugar con juegos organizados y se les presenta un nuevo juego, probablemente necesitará mucha paciencia. Es posible que las primeras diez veces que su niño/niña intente jugar el juego se divierta con todas las piezas y haga muchas cosas que no tienen nada que ver. Este es un proceso. Su niño/niña necesita familiarizarse con el juego y sus piezas, y la novedad desaparecerá poco a poco. Sabrá cuando esté listo/a y su paciencia habrá valido la pena.\n\n**Jugar alrededor:** Al principio, es posible que su niño/niña no tenga un verdadero entendimiento de lo que es ganar o perder, y no comprenda que sus decisiones marcan la diferencia. No hay problema. Ustedes están allí para divertirse juntos. Con el tiempo, y a medida que el juego y sus opciones se vuelven más familiares, su niño/niña comenzará a ver que sus decisiones importan y marcan la diferencia.\n\n**Matemáticas a veces invisibles:** Los juegos de estrategia no siempre incluyen componentes numéricos, pero de todos modos son matemáticos. Cualquier juego de estrategia ofrece muchas oportunidades importantes de aprendizaje, algunas son matemáticas y otras no. Como se mencionó con anterioridad, la resolución de problemas ocupa un lugar destacado en la lista de habilidades que se desarrollan con estos juegos. También se desarrolla el pensamiento crítico y la comunicación lógica. El seguimiento de reglas y la toma de turnos son favorables para el aprendizaje socioemocional.", + "4.0 Stage 4 Introduction": "Etapa 4 Introducción", + "During this Stage, your child will extend their counting to 100. As their counting develops, they need to get a solid understanding of double-digit place value. They will also come to master all their single-digit addition and subtraction facts. This is also an exciting time when multiplication by the numbers from 1 to 5 starts to be mastered.\n\n**1. Counting to 100** Count both forward and backward to solidify an understanding of these numbers.\n**2. Two-digit place value** Use expanded form to understand place value and how to compare numbers.\n**3. Finger Addition** Learn finger addition doing it the Easy Way.\n**4. Finger Subtraction** Learn finger subtraction doing it the Easy Way.\n**5. Compensation for Add and Subtract** Compensation is a useful tool for simplifying addition and subtraction calculations.\n**6. 10 as a midway point** Use 10 as a midway point for addition and subtraction.\n**7. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s** Practice this skip counting going up and down, starting anywhere.\n**8. Beginning multiplying** Gently introduce the words \"multiplying\" and \"times\" to describe doubling and skip counting.\n**9. Multiplying 1-5 by 1-5** At this point, your child knows all the multiplication facts for 1 to 5.\n**10. Strategy games II** Discuss deeper ideas about strategy games.": "Durante esta etapa, su niño/niña extenderá su conteo hasta 100. Mientras su conteo se desarrolla, es importante que tenga un entendimiento firme del valor posicional de dos cifras. También va a dominar todas las hechas de suma y resta de una sola cifra. Este es un tiempo bien interesante cuando se empieza a dominar la multiplicación de los números entre 1 y 5.\n\n**Paso 31: Contar hasta 100** Contar hacia adelante y atrás para profundizar el entendimiento de estos números.\n**Paso 32: Valor posicional de dos dígitos** Usar la forma expandida para entender el valor posicional y cómo comparar los números.\n**Paso 33: Sumar con los dedos** Aprender a sumar con los dedos de la manera más sencilla.\n**Paso 34: Restar con los dedos** Aprender a restar con los dedos de la manera más sencilla.\n**Paso 35: Compensación para suma y resta** La compensación es una herramienta útil para simplificar los cálculos de suma y resta.\n**Paso 36: 10 como un punto intermedio** Usar 10 como un punto intermedio para sumar y restar.\n**Paso 37: Contar de 2 en 2, 5 en 5 y 10 en 10** Practicar el conteo salteado hacia adelante y hacia atrás, empezando con cualquier número.\n**Paso 38: Empezar a multiplicar** Presente con delicadeza las palabras \"multiplicar\" y \"veces\" para describir la duplicación y el conteo salteado.\n**Paso 39: Multiplicar 1-5 por 1-5** En este momento, su niño/niña sabe todos los hechos de multiplicación para 1 a 5.\n**Paso 40: Juegos de estrategia II** Discuta ideas más avanzadas sobre juegos de estrategia.", + "4.1 Counting to 100": "Paso 31: Contar hasta 100", + "**10's:** When your child's counting extends from 20 up to 100, the hard parts are the changes in 10's. Those are the parts to give special support and practice. Once your child knows the sequence of the 10's, it is usually very easy for them to fill in the changes in 1's. For example, they will quickly learn to count \"70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.\"\n\n**Skip count by 10's:** When your child gets stuck counting between 1 and 100, it is usually at a transition in 10's. Typical questions to help your child get unstuck are: \"What comes next after the 60's?\" or \"What comes before the 50's?\" Practice skip counting by 10's to help with this. If your child can produce the 10's from 0 to 100 forward and backward, then they will be ready to answer those questions about which 10's come next or before.\n\n**Use objects:** Make this counting have more meaning by practicing it using a large group of small objects, such as pebbles. Gather together 100 of these objects and put them in a big pile off to the side. As your child counts up from one, pull over one object at a time with each number and include it in the current group of objects. Each time a group of ten objects is formed, put that group together in a special tens area. As the numbers increase, the tens area will have more and more groups of tens. By the time your child is in the 50's, there should be five groups of ten and a small collection of left over ones.\n\nYou can also do this practice in reverse by starting with ten groups of tens and then taking away one at a time as your child counts down from 100.\n\n**Count both directions:** Children often become really good counting quickly and automatically upward from 1 to 100, but then have trouble counting in the opposite direction. Counting from 100 to 1 forces more thought about the 10's transitions and helps with understanding the numbers better in general.\n\n**100 number chart:** Having a ten by ten 100 number chart going from 1 to 100, or from 0 to 99, will help your child see the pattern of the numbers. It will make it particularly clear how the tens place stays the same for ten numbers and the ones place keeps changing.": "**10's:** Cuando el conteo de su niño/niña se extiende de 20 hasta 100, los más difíciles son los cambios de 10. Durante esas partes necesita dar apoyo y práctica extra. Cuando su niño/niña sabe la secuencia de los 10, normalmente puede rellenar los cambios en 1 fácilmente. Por ejemplo, va a aprender rápidamente a contar \"70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.\"\n\n**Contar de 10 en 10:** Cuando su niño/niña está atascado/a contando entre 1 y 100, normalmente el problema es una transición en 10. Preguntas típicas para ayudar a su niño/niña a desatascar son: \"¿Qué viene después de los 60?\" o \"¿Qué viene antes de los 50?\" Practicando el conteo salteado por 10 puede ayudar con esto. Si su niño/niña puede producir los 10 de 0 a 100 adelante y atrás, estará listo/a para responder a las preguntas sobre cuáles 10 son las próximas o las anteriores.\n\n**Usar objetos:** Enseña el significado del conteo practicándolo con un grupo grande de objetos pequeños, por ejemplo, piedrecitas. Recoge 100 de estos objetos y ponlos en una pila al lado. Mientras su niño/niña cuenta por adelante empezando con uno, mueva un objeto a la vez con cada número para incluirlo en el grupo actual de objetos. Cada vez que se forma un grupo de diez objetos, ponga ese grupo en un área especial para dieces. Mientras los números aumentan, el área de los dieces tendrá más y más grupos de dieces. Para cuando su niño/niña llega a los 50, debe tener cinco grupos de diez y un grupo más pequeño de restos.\n\nTambién puede practicarlo al revés empezando con diez grupos de dieces y quitando uno a la vez mientras su niño/niña cuenta por atrás empezando con 100.\n\n**Contar en ambas direcciones:** Los niños frecuentemente pueden contar bien y rápido de 1 a 100, pero después tienen dificultad contando en la otra dirección. Contando de 100 a 1 requiere más pensamiento sobre las transiciones entre los dieces y mejora el entendimiento general de los números.\n\n**Gráfica numeral de 100:** Una gráfica de diez por diez con todos los números de 1 a 100, o de 0 a 99, ayudará a su niño/niña a reconocer los patrones numéricos. Esto hará especialmente evidente que la posición de los dieces se mantiene constante para cada grupo de diez, mientras que el uno cambia.", + "4.2 Two-Digit Place Value": "Paso 32: Valor posicional de dos dígitos", + "**Number meaning:** Seeing a two-digit number as some number of tens and ones is central to understanding and working with those numbers. Doing two-digit addition and subtraction requires fluency with the concepts of place value. Develop that understanding through lots of experiences with physical objects and written numbers.\n\n**Bundles of tens:** Take something you have lots of, make a large pile of it, and put some of them in a few bundles of ten. For example, out of that large pile ask your child to gather 23 of them. Then ask your child to group them in groups of ten. They will form two groups of ten and 3 singles. See what happens with the groups of ten in these 23 things as you put in some additional items or take some away, always making sure that there are no more than 9 single items at any time.\n\n**Expanded form:** The expanded form of a number is writing it as a sum of its place value parts. For example, 23 would be written as 20 + 3, and 256 would be written as 200 + 50 + 6. Practice with your child converting in both directions between a number's usual form and its expanded form. Point out that the expanded form of a number is the same as taking that many things and bundling them into groups of ten and have ones left over.\n\n**Counting with tick marks:** Counting using groups of five tick marks is a natural thing people like to do and is strongly related to place value. If you are counting 23 things with tick marks, you will end up with 4 bundles of 5 and 3 tick marks left over. Those 4 bundles of 5 can be reorganized as 2 bundles of 2 groups of 5, which is our expanded form view of 23.\n\n**Skip counting:** Skip counting by various numbers is a way to build mental practice with adding or subtracting single-digit and double-digit numbers. Although it is a great way to practice, this does require some mental steps that not every child will be ready for at this point – there is no hurry. Here are two examples. With lots of practice, these thinking steps will become automatic.\n\nSkip count upward by 8 starting at 23. Think of 23 as 20 plus 3 more. Using the number bonds for 10, 3 will need 7 more to make a group of 10. Use 7 out of the 8 being added so that 3 plus 7 forms another group of 10. So, 23 + 8 becomes 20 + 10 + 1, which is 31.\n\nSkip count downward by 5 starting at 23. Break up 5 into 3 and 2. To subtract 5, we will first take away 3 and then take away 2. 23 subtract 3 brings us to 20, which we will think of as 10 + 10. Subtracting the remaining 2 from one of those 10's leaves 8, so our answer is 10 + 8, which is 18.": "**Significado de los números:** Ver un número de dos cifras como un número de dieces y unos es central a comprender y trabajar con esos números. Haciendo suma y resta de dos cifras requiere fluidez con los conceptos de valor posicional. Desarrolla el entendimiento con muchas experiencias con objetos físicos y números escritos.\n\n**Grupos de diez:** oma algo de lo que tengas en abundancia, haz un gran montón y agrúpalo en algunos grupos de diez. Luego, pida a su niño/niña que tome 23 elementos de esa gran pila y los organice en grupos de diez. Van a formar dos grupos de diez y tres sobrantes. Observe lo que pasa con los grupos de diez en esas 23 mientras añade o quita algunas cosas, asegurándose de que nunca haya más de 9 objetos individuales en ningún momento.\n\n**Forma expandida:** La forma expandida de un número se escribe como una suma de las partes de valor posicional. Por ejemplo, 23 se escribe como 20 + 3, y 256 se escribe como 200 + 50 + 6. Practique con su niño/niña convertiendo en ambas direcciones entre la forma normal del número y su forma expandida. Señale que la forma expandida de un número es el mismo que tomar un grupo de objetos y ponerlos en grupos de diez con unos sobrantes.\n\n**Contando con rayitas:** Contando con grupos de cinco rayitas es algo natural que a la gente le gusta, y es relacionado poderosamente a valor posicional. Si estás contando 23 cosas con rayitas, vas a terminar con 4 bultos de 5 y 3 rayitas sobrantes. Esos 4 bultos de 5 pueden ser reorganizados como 2 bultos de 2 grupos de 5, que es la forma expandida de 23.\n\n**Contar salteado:** Contar salteado por varios números es una manera de desarrollar práctica mental con suma o resta con números de uno y dos cifras. Aunque es una buena manera de practicar, algunos niños no estarán listos para los pasos mentales que requiere – no hay prisa. Aquí hay dos ejemplos. Con mucha práctica, estos pasos mentales serán automáticos.\n\nEmpezando con 23, cuente adelante de 8 en 8. Piense en 23 como 20 + 3. Usando los vínculos numéricos para 10, 3 necesita 7 más para formar un grupo de 10. Use 7 de los 8 añadidos para que 3 + 7 formen otro grupo de 10. Entonces, 23 + 8 se convierte en 20 + 10 + 1, que es 31.\n\nEmpezando con 32, cuente hacia atrás de 5 en 5. Separe 5 en 3 y 2. Para restar 5, primero vamos a quitar 3 y después quitar 2. 23 menos 3 nos lleva a 20, que pensamos como 10 + 10. Restando los 2 sobrantes de uno de esos dieces, quedamos con 8, pues la respuesta es 10 + 8, que es 18.", + "4.3 Finger Addition The Easy Way": "Paso 33: Sumar con los dedos", + "**Counting On using fingers:** Any single-digit number can be added to any number using this method. This uses the child's hands to keep track of the single-digit number that is being added. It makes use of Counting On to find the final total, and also your child's skill with recognizing quantities of fingers.\n\n**Example:** Use 8 + 7 as an example. We could use either number as the number we start with, but it will be quicker and less work if we start with the larger number, which is 8 in this case. Start with no fingers raised and both hands in a closed fist. Your child is going to count starting at 8, and each time a new number is mentioned, your child will raise another finger. So, starting with \"8\" with no fingers raised, the child Counts On and says \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15\" while raising one more finger each time. Your child will stop at 15 because they will recognize they have 7 fingers raised at that point.\n\n**Any starting number:** Notice that your child can use this method with any starting number. This example would have worked just as easily for adding 58 + 7.\n\n**It is reliable, but it will be replaced:** This will eventually be replaced by other methods, but for now this is reliable and is something your child can be assured will always give them the right answer any time they need it.": "**Contar adelante usando los dedos:** Puede usar este método para añadir cualquier número de una cifra a otro número. El niño/la niña usa las manos para mantenerse al tanto del número de una cifra que está añadiendo. Se usa contar hacía adelante para encontrar el total final, y también las habilidades del niño/niña a reconocer cantidades de dedos.\n\n**Ejemplo:** Use 8 + 7 como un ejemplo. Podemos empezar con cualquiera de los dos números, pero será más rápido y mucho más fácil si empezamos con el número más grande, en este caso el 8. Empiece con todos los dedos bajados y ambas manos en un puño cerrado. Su niño/niña va a contar empezando con 8, levantando un dedo cada vez que se menciona un número nuevo. Entonces, empezando con \"8\" sin ningunos dedos levantados, el niño/la niña cuenta adelante y dice \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15\" levantando un dedo más cada vez. Su niño/niña va a parar en 15 porque verá que tiene 7 dedos levantados.\n\n**Empezando con cualquier número:** Ojo que su niño/niña puede usar este método empezando con cualquier número. Este ejemplo se puede usar igualmente para sumar 58 + 7.\n\n**Es fiable, pero será reemplazado:** Con el tiempo va a ser reemplazado con otros métodos, pero por este momento es fiable y su niño/niña puede asegurarse que siempre puede encontrar la respuesta correcta cuando la necesita.", + "4.4 Finger Subtraction The Easy Way": "Paso 34: Restar con los dedos", + "**Two subtractions:** The two models for subtraction, take away and difference, are both important and both need to be practiced. Here are methods that use a child's hands to keep track of part of the calculation. As with finger addition using fingers, these methods use your child's skill with recognizing quantities of fingers. We'll use 14 - 8 as our example for both methods.\n\n**Take away with fingers:** This method uses counting down to take away a single-digit number from any number. Have your child start with two closed fists and say \"14.\" Counting down from 14, your child raises one more finger with each new number: \"13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.\" Your child will stop at 6 when they see they have 8 fingers raised.\n\n**Difference with fingers:** This method uses Counting On to find a single-digit difference between any two numbers. Have your child start with two closed fists and say \"8.\" Counting On from 8, your child raises one more finger with each new number: \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.\" When your child hits 14, they look at their fingers and see that the difference is 6.\n\n**Reliable but will be replaced:** These will eventually be replaced by other methods, but for now these are reliable and are something your child can be assured will always give them the right answer any time they need it.": "**Dos restas:** Los dos modelos de resta, quitar y diferencia, son ambos importantes y necesita practicar los dos. Aquí hay métodos que usan las manos para mantener al tanto del parte de la calculación. Tal como suma de los dedos, estos métodos usan las habilidades del niño/la niña en reconocer cantidades de dedos. Vamos a usar 14 - 8 como el ejemplo para ambos métodos.\n\n**Quitar con los dedos:** Este método usa contar atrás para quitar un número de una cifra de cualquier otro número. Pida que su niño/niña empiece con dos puños cerrados y diga \"14.\" Contando hacía atrás de 14, el niño/la niña va a levantar un dedo más con cada número nuevo: \"13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.\" Su niño/niña va a parar en 6 cuando ve que tiene 8 dedos levantados.\n\n**Diferencia con los dedos:** Este método usa contar hacia adelante para encontrar la diferencia de una cifra entre dos números cualquiera. Pida que su niño/niña empiece con dos puños cerrados y diga \"8.\" Contando adelante empezando con 8, su niño/niña va a levantar un dedo más con cada número nuevo: \"9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.\" Cuando llega a 14, mirará los dedos y verá que la diferencia es 6.\n\n**Es fiable, pero será reemplazado:** Con el tiempo va a ser reemplazado con otros métodos, pero por este momento es fiable y su niño/niña puede asegurarse que siempre puede encontrar la respuesta correcta cuando la necesita.", + "4.5 Compensation for Add and Subtract": "Paso 35: Compensación para suma y resta", + "**Useful and easier than you think:** Compensation is a useful mental arithmetic tool for simplifying addition and subtraction calculations of all sizes. Understanding it also increases number sense for addition and subtraction. It is simpler than it sounds.\n\nFor example, suppose you were adding 99 + 15. You would recognize that 99 needs just one more to make 100, a number that is much easier to work with than 99. So you would move 1 from the 15 to the 99 – you would have the same total number of things, but they are distributed in a way that's easier to work with. This problem becomes 100 + 14, which is very easy to do. This is the kind of thing we'll be doing.\n\n**Compensation for addition:** The idea is to give or take some small amount to make one of the numbers easier to work with. We will typically be making one of the numbers into a multiple of 10. Suppose you are adding 8 + 7. The 8 just needs 2 more to become 10, so take that 2 away from the 7. This makes 8 + 7 into 10 + 5, which is easy. We could also have done this problem by giving 3 to the 7 to make it 10. In that case, we'd turn 8 + 7 into 5 + 10.\n\n**More compensation for addition:** There are other possibilities for using compensation in addition problems. Consider 6 + 8 for example. The 6 could give 2 to the 8 to make this problem 4 + 10. However, the 8 could give 1 to the 6 to make this 7 + 7, an adding twins problem. Challenge each other to think of different ways for doing a given adding problem.\n\n**Compensation for subtraction:** For subtraction, we will add the same amount or subtract the same amount from both numbers. This will keep the distance between them the same but will make them easier to work with. Typically that will mean turning the number we're subtracting into a multiple of 10. Suppose we are subtracting 13 - 8. If we add 2 to both numbers, then the distance between stays the same, but now we are subtracting 15 - 10, which is easy. Similarly, if we were asked to do 17 - 13, we could subtract 3 from both numbers and turn it into 14 - 10. Alternatively, we could subtract 10 from both numbers and turn it into 7 - 3.": "**Útil y más fácil de lo que piensas:** Compensación es una herramienta útil en la aritmética mental para simplificar calculaciones de suma y resta de todos los tamaños. Entenderla también aumenta el sentido numérico para suma y resta. Es más simple de lo que parece.\n\nPor ejemplo, suponga que está añadiendo 99 + 15. Reconoce que 99 solo necesita uno más para ser 100, que es mucho más fácil. Entonces va a mover 1 del 15 al 99 – va a tener el mismo número total, pero son distribuidos de una manera mucho más fácil. El problema se convierte en 100 + 14, que puede calcular fácilmente. Vamos a hacer este tipo de compensación.\n\n**Compensación para suma:** La idea es quitar o añadir un poquito para hacerlo más fácil trabajar con algunos números. Normalmente vamos a convertir uno de los números en un múltiplo de 10. Suponga que está añadiendo 8 + 7. Solo necesita 2 más para convertir el 8 en 10, pues quite ese 2 del 7. Entonces 8 + 7 se convierte en 10 + 5, muy fácil. Podríamos también hacerlo añadiendo 3 al 7 para convertirlo en 10. En ese caso, cambiaremos 8 + 7 a 5 + 10.\n\n**Más compensación para suma:** Hay otras posibilidades para usar compensación en problemas de suma. Considere 6 + 8. El 6 podría dar 2 al 8 para convertir el problema en 4 + 10. Pero, el 8 podría dar 1 al 6 para hacerlo 7 + 7, un problema de sumar números iguales. Pida a cada uno que piense en diferentes maneras de hacer cada problema de suma.\n\n**Compensación para resta:** Para restar, vamos a sumar o restar el mismo aumento de ambos números. Así vamos a mantener la misma diferencia pero será mucho más fácil trabajar con ellos. Típicamente esto significa convertir uno de los números a un múltiplo de 10. Suponga que estamos restando 13 - 8. Si añadimos 2 a ambos números, la distancia queda lo mismo, pero ahora estamos restando 15 - 10, que es mucho más fácil. De la misma manera, si necesitamos hacer 17 - 13, podríamos quitar 3 de ambos números y convertirlo en 14 - 10. Alternativamente, podríamos restar 10 de ambos números y convertirlo en 7 - 3.", + "4.6 10 as a Midway Point": "Paso 36: 10 como un punto intermedio", + "**Number bonds for 10:** The number 10 is often a handy mental arithmetic midway point to use for doing addition and subtraction problems that involve numbers above 10. Your child should have a strong command of the number bonds for 10 to take full advantage of these methods.\n\n**Addition sums over 10:** Suppose your child is given the addition problem 5 + 7. The number bond for 10 using 7 is 3, so your child can use 3 of the 5 to get to 10. The remaining 2 of the 5 will bring the total to 12. The point was to break up the 5 into two pieces, 3 and 2 – one which got the 7 to 10, and the other gets added onto the 10. This problem could also have been done the other way. The 7 could have been broken up into 5 and 2 – the 5 would be added to the original 5 to get 10, and then the 2 would be added to 10 to get 12.\n\nNotice that this is similar to the thinking for doing addition compensation.\n\n**Subtracting from a number bigger than 10:** Let's use 12 - 7 as our example. We can do this as a take away or a difference problem.\n\nAs a take away problem, we'll use 2 of the 7 to get 12 down to 10. We then have 5 of the 7 left to take the 10 down to 5. We broke 7 into 2 and 5 to be able to use 10 as an intermediate stop along the way.\n\nAs a difference problem, the total distance between 12 and 7 is the distance between 12 and 10 plus the distance between 10 and 7. The distance between 12 and 10 is 2, and the distance from 10 and 7 is 3, so the total distance is 2 plus 3, which is 5.": "**Vínculos numéricos para 10:** El número 10 es frecuentemente un buen punto intermedio en la aritmética mental para problemas de suma y resta con números más de 10. Su niño/niña debe tener un buen dominio de los vínculos numéricos de 10 para aprovechar de estos métodos.\n\n**Sumas de números mayores a 10:** Suponga que su niño/niña tiene el problema de suma 5 + 7. El vínculo numérico para 10 usando 7 es 3, entonces su niño/niña puede usar 3 de los 5 para llegar a 10. Los 2 restantes del 5 llegan a un total de 12. El objetivo es separar el 5 en dos pedazos, 3 y 2 – uno lleva el 7 al 10, y el otro se añade al 10. También puede hacer este problema de la otra manera. Podría separar el 7 en 5 y 2 – el 5 se añadiría al 5 original para llegar a 10, y el 2 se añadiría al 10 para llegar a 12.\n\nOjo que es similar al pensamiento para la compensación de suma.\n\n**Restar de un número mayor que 10:** Usamos 12 - 7 como un ejemplo. Podemos hacer este problema quitando o tomando la diferencia.\n\nComo un problema de quitar, vamos a usar 2 de los 7 para reducir 12 a 10. Después tenemos 5 de los 7 restantes para reducir el 10 a 5. Dividimos 7 en 2 y 5 para usar 10 como un punto intermedio.\n\nComo un problema de diferencia, la distancia total entre 12 y 7 es la distancia entre 12 y 10 más la distancia entre 10 y 7. La distancia entre 12 y 10 es 2, y la distancia entre 10 y 7 es 3, entonces la distancia total es 2+3, que es 5.", + "4.7 Skip Counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's": "Paso 37: Contar de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10", + "**The easy ones:** At this point your child should be very comfortable skip counting by 2's, starting from anywhere and going up or down. If your child has not started already, it is time to extend this to skip counting by other numbers. The two easiest ones are skip counting by 5's and 10's.\n\n**By 10's:** Not only is skip counting by 10's easy to do, it also provides practice with place value. Your child will quickly realize that, if they skip count by 10's starting at 3, all the numbers will have a 3 in the ones place and the only thing that changes is the tens place. If you have a 100 chart available, use it to show your child that all the numbers go down or up in one column of the chart.\n\n**By 5's:** After your child masters skip counting by 10's, it is time to do the 5's. When your child skip counts by 5's, they will be comforted to see that every other number is 10 apart, as if they were skip counting by 10's.\n\n**Experiment with others:** There is no hurry to do the other numbers. Skip counting by 9's can be fun because the ones place gets one smaller and the tens place gets one bigger with each step. Skip counting by 11's is quite easy.\n\n**Have fun with it:** This is something you can make into an activity to do with two or more people. Someone says a number to start with, what the skip size will be, and whether to go up or down. Then go around the group with each person saying the next number.": "**Los fáciles:** En este punto, su niño/niña debería sentir comodidad al contar de 2 en 2, comenzando desde cualquier lugar y avanzando hacia adelante o hacia atras. Si su niño/niña aún no ha comenzado, es hora de extender esto para contar de forma salteada por otros números. Los dos más fáciles son contar de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10.\n\n**De 10 en 10:** contar de 10 en 10 no solo es fácil, sino que también permite practicar el valor posicional. Su niño/niña se dará cuenta rápidamente de que, si cuenta de 10 en 10 a partir del 3, todos los números tendrán un 3 en el lugar de las unidades y lo único que cambia es el lugar de las decenas. Si tiene una tabla del 100 disponible, úsela para mostrarle a su niño/niña que todos los números van hacia arriba o hacia abajo en una columna de la tabla.\n\n**De 5 en 5:** Cuando su niño/niña ha dominado contar de 10 en 10, ya es hora de contar de 5 en 5. Al contar de 5 en 5, su niño/niña notará que cada segundo número está a 10 de distancia, como si estuviera contando de 10 en 10.\"\n\n**Experimentar con otros:** No hay prisa para hacer los otros números. Contar de 9 en 9 puede ser divertido porque el lugar uno reduce por uno y el lugar diez aumenta por uno en cada paso. Contar de 11 en 11 es bastante fácil.\n\n**Diviértanse:** Esto se puede convertir en una actividad de dos o más personas. Alguien empieza por decir un número, de cuanto en cuanto hay que contar, y si van a contar para adelante o para atrás. Después tome turnos con cada persona diciendo el próximo número.", + "4.8 Beginning Multiplying": "Paso 38: Empezar a multiplicar", + "**New words:** During the last half of Stage 4, the learning steps involving doubling described starting to use the words \"multiply\" and \"times.\" If you haven't done so already, start using these words more and more. You now have plenty of situations to use those words in.\n\n**Doubling and tripling:** Doubling is multiplying by 2, and tripling is multiplying by 3, and you should start calling it that. If you are to double some number, say 4, ask your child to multiply it by 2 or ask them what 2 times 4 is. They have all the tools they need, they just need to adjust to the new wording.\n\n**Skip counting is multiplying:** If your child skip counts by 5's seven times starting at 0, your child will have seven 5's. That is the same as multiplying 7 times 5. From now on, anytime your child is asked to do a multiplication problem, they can skip count to find the answer. Over time, they will have better ways to find the answer, but this is a secure method they can use for now.": "**Nuevas palabras:** Durante la segunda mitad de Etapa 4, los pasos educacionales incluyen doblando describido con palabras como “multiplica” y “por.” Si todavía no lo ha hecho, empiece a usar estas palabras con más frecuencia. Ya tiene suficientes situaciones para usarlas.\n\n**Duplicando y triplicando:** Duplicando es multiplicar por 2, y triplicando es multiplicar por 3, así lo debe llamar. Si estás duplicando algún número, digamos 4, pida que su niño/niña lo multiplique por 2 o pregúntele qué es 2 por 4. Ya tiene todas las herramientas que necesita, solo hay que ajustar a la nueva formulación.\n\n**Contar de forma salteada es multiplicar:** Si su niño/niña cuenta de 5 en 5 siete veces comenzando desde 0, tendrá siete 5. Eso es lo mismo que multiplicar 7 por 5. De ahora en adelante, cada vez que su niño/niña necesita hacer un problema de multiplicación, podrá contar de forma salteada para encontrar la respuesta. Con el tiempo, tendrá mejores formas de encontrar la respuesta, pero este es un método seguro que puede usar por ahora.", + "4.9 Multiplying 1-5 by 1-5": "Paso 39: Multiplicar 1-5 por 1-5", + "**It's exciting:** Your child now has all the tools they need to master multiplying any number from 1 to 5 by any number from 1 to 5. That is an exciting place to be for a young child. Let's review all the things they know that support this.\n\n**Order does not matter:** When you multiply, it doesn't matter whether you multiply 3 time 4 or 4 times 3, the result is the same. This is a big work saver and it allows your child to pick their favorite way to multiply things. For example, if they want to calculate 2 times 5 by doubling 5, that's fine. However, if they prefer to skip count by 2's five times, that's fine as well.": "**Es emocionante:** Su niño/niña ahora tiene todas las herramientas que necesita para dominar multiplicar cualquier número de 1 a 5 por cualquier número de 1 a 5. Es un momento muy emocionante. Revisamos todo lo que conoce para apoyar esto.\n\n**El orden no importa:** Cuando multiplicas, no importa si multiplicas 3 por 4 o 4 por 3, el resultado es lo mismo. Esto puede ahorrar mucho tiempo y deja que su niño/niña escoja su manera favorita de multiplicar. Por ejemplo, si quiere calcular 2 por 5 duplicando 5, está bien. Sin embargo, si prefiere contar de 2 en 2 cinco veces, también está bien.", + "Have your child look at a picture of 2 rows of 3 dots. Whether you have 2 rows of 3 dots, or 3 rows of 2 dots, you have the same total of 6 dots. All you need to do is turn the picture half way around to see that they are the same picture.\n\n**Multiplying by 2 is doubling:** Multiplying by 2 is the same as doubling, so your child has that skill already.\n\n**Multiplying by 3 is doubling plus one more:** If you have 3 of something, that's the same as having 2 of them and then adding one more. If your child needs to multiply 3 times 4, they can double 4 to get 8, and then add one more 4 to that to get 12. Alternatively, you can also skip count by 3's four times, or skip count by 4's three times, if you wish.\n\n**Multiplying by 4 is doubling twice:** If you want to get 4 of something, start by doubling it to get 2 of it, and then double that to get 4 of it. For example, to multiply 4 times 5, double 5 to get 10, and then double 10 to get 20.\n\n**Multiplying by 5 by skip counting:** Skip counting by 5's is so much fun, that is probably the preferred method. Also, all the 5's end in either 0 or 5, so that makes them pretty easy to remember.": "Pida que su niño/niña vea una imagen de 2 filas de 3 puntos. Tanto si tiene 2 filas de 3 puntos, o 3 filas de 2 puntos, tiene el mismo total de 6 puntos. Solo se necesita girar la imagen a medias para ver que las imágenes son iguales.\n\n**Multiplicar es duplicar:** Multiplicar por 2 es lo mismo que duplicar, entonces su niño/niña ya tiene esa habilidad.\n\n**Multiplicar por 3 es duplicar y uno más:** Si tiene 3 de algo, es lo mismo que tener 2 de ellos y añadir uno más. Si su niño/niña necesita multiplicar 3 por 4, puede duplicar 4 para obtener 8 y luego sumarle un 4 más para obtener 12. Alternativamente, también puede contar de 3 en 3 cuatro veces o de 4 en 4 tres veces, si lo desea.\n\n**Multiplicar por 4 es duplicar dos veces:** Si quiere llegar a 4 de algo, empiece por duplicar, y después duplique ese número. Por ejemplo, para multiplicar 4 por 5, duplique 5 para llegar a 10, y después duplique 10 para llegar a 20.\n\n**Multiplicar por 5 contando de 5 en 5:** Contar de 5 en 5 es muy divertido, probablemente sea el método preferido. Además, todos los números terminan en 0 o 5, por lo que son bastante fáciles de recordar.", + "4.10 Strategy Games II": "Paso 40: Juegos de estrategia II", + "**The value of these games:** Strategy games are games where the players have choices that produce better or worse outcomes. These games have a lot to offer children mathematically, even when there is no explicit numerical content. In particular, they naturally motivate children to do problem solving.\n\n**An introduction to Nim:** Now that your child has been playing strategy games for a while, it is time to look into how to get more out of them. Let's use the game of Nim as an example. This game has some very simple rules: Pick a starting number, say 10, and a person to go first. Players alternate turns choosing to subtract 1 or 2 from the running total. The person who reaches 0 wins. The arithmetic is simple enough, but the strategy is challenging.\n\n**Learning from experience:** If you imagine you are playing any game against an extremely capable opponent, the game becomes a puzzle. How can I find the move that let's me have my best chance of winning no matter how well my opponent plays? One strategy is to play the game many times and pay attention to what seems to work and what doesn't. This approach is a good start and it does provide the opportunity for observation and insights. This can be a slow method of learning, and it may be very hard to find patterns in complicated games – imagine all the possibilities if we picked the starting number of 100 for Nim!\n\n**Solving Nim:** Can we look ahead a few moves and figure out good moves that way? That is hard to do starting at 10. If we start at 5, it's pretty easy to do. If we subtract 2, the new number will be 3. No matter whether the other play subtracts 1 or 2 at this point, we will win. So, if we are at the number 5, we know how to win. What happens with other small starting numbers? Can we find a pattern that will tell us which starting numbers will be winners and which will be losers? Can we explain why that pattern is true?\n\n**The goal:** If we follow this line of attack, we will completely solve how to play the game of Nim. What worked for Nim may or may not work for another game. This is problem solving, and each new problem can bring fresh challenges and a need for new ideas. And that is the fun. Share this attitude of puzzling and being challenged to your child. As they play a strategy game, discuss with them their ideas about what would make for a better or worse move at that moment. The point isn't so much to find the perfect move as it is to enjoy looking for it and having a discussion about it with people who they can enjoy sharing ideas with.": "**El valor de estos juegos:** En los juegos de estrategia los jugadores tienen opciones que producen resultados mejores y peores. Estos juegos ofrecen mucho a los niños matemáticamente, aun cuando no hay contenido específicamente numérico. En particular, motivan a los niños de una manera natural a resolver problemas.\n\n**Una introducción a Nim:** Ahora que su niño/niña ha jugado juegos de estrategia por un rato, ya es tiempo de investigar cómo sacar más beneficios de ellos. Usamos el juego de Nim como un ejemplo. El juego tiene unas reglas muy simples: se escoge un número para empezar, digamos 10, y una persona para tomar el primer turno. Los jugadores alternan turnos escogiendo entre restar 1 o 2 del total acumulado. La persona que llega a 0 gana. El aritmético es bastante simple, pero la estrategia es difícil.\n\n**Aprendiendo de la experiencia:** Si imagina que está jugando cualquier juego contra un oponente muy hábil, el juego se convierte en un acertijo. ¿Cómo puedo encontrar el paso que me da la mejor chance de ganar sin importar cómo juega mi oponente? Una manera es jugar muchas veces y prestar atención a cuáles estrategias funcionan bien. Este método es un buen comienzo y da una oportunidad para la observación y percepción. Puede ser un método lento para aprender, y puede ser muy difícil encontrar patrones en juegos complicados -- ¡imagine todas las posibilidades si escogiéramos el número 100 para comenzar el juego de Nim!\n\n**Resolviendo Nim:** ¿Es posible mirar a hacia unos pasos adelante y así descubrir buenas jugadas? Eso sería difícil si empezáramos por 10. Si empezamos con 5, es bastante fácil. Si restamos 2, el nuevo número será 3. Ahora no importa si el otro jugador resta 1 o 2, vamos a ganar. Entonces, si estamos en el número 5, sabemos cómo ganar. ¿Qué pasa con otros números de comienzo? ¿Podemos encontrar un patrón que nos diga cuáles números de comienzo serán ganadores y cuáles serán perdedores? ¿Podemos explicar por qué funciona ese patrón?\n\n**El objetivo:** Si seguimos ésta estrategia, vamos a resolver completamente cómo jugar el juego de Nim. Lo que funciona para Nim quizás puede funcionar para otro juego, y quizás no. Esto es el resuelvo de los problemas, y cada problema nuevo trae nuevos desafíos y la necesidad de nuevas ideas. Es por eso que es tan divertido. Comparta con su niño/niña esa actitud de jugar y ser desafiado. Mientras juegan un juego de estrategia, pregunte a su niño/niña sobre sus ideas de cuáles serían las jugadas mejores o peores en ese momento. El objetivo no es tanto encontrar la jugada perfecta sino disfrutar de encontrarla, y tener una discusión sobre ella con gente que tiene ganas de compartir ideas.", + "5.0 Stage 5 Introduction": "Etapa 5 Introducción", + "In this Stage counting progresses into the three-digit numbers beyond 100. The ideas of place value become incresingly important, and the use of expanded form for numbers can make many of these ideas clearer. Now that single-digit addition and subtraction have been mastered, it is time to learn single-digit multiplication and dividision.\n\n**1. 3-digit place value** Extend the use of expanded form to 3-digit numbers to understand place value.\n**2. Double-digit add/sub** Use expanded form to see how 2-digit addition and subtraction work.\n**3. Skip counting by 2's to 10's** Practice skip counting up and down starting anywhere and by any number from 2 to 10.\n**4. Multiplication – 2, 4, 8, 5, 10** These involve doubling and multiples of 5. They are quick to learn and provide a good framework for the remaining numbers.\n**5. Multiplication – 3, 4, 6, 9, 11** Use the idea of one more or one less to learn these based on the earlier numbers.\n**6. Single-digit multiplication** Your child will now know all of single-digit multiplication!\n**7. Divisors, factors, and multiples** Introduce the terms divisors, factors, and multiples.\n**8. Primes, composites, and powers** Learn about primes, composite numbers, and units. Practice prime factorizations – these often involve repeated factors, which is a good time to learn about powers of numbers.\n**9. Fact families II** Group multiplication and division facts by families.\n**10. Single-digit division** Your work with skip counting, learning multiplication facts, and fact families will smooth the way for dividing both with and without remainders.": "En esta etapa, el conteo avanza hacia números de tres dígitos posteriores a 100. Las ideas sobre el valor posicional se vuelven cada vez más importantes y el uso de la forma expandida para los números puede aclarar muchas de estas ideas. Ahora que se domina la suma y la resta de un solo dígito, es hora de aprender la multiplicación y la división de un solo dígito.\n\n**Paso 41: Valor posicional de 3 dígitos** Amplíe el uso de la forma expandida a números de 3 dígitos para comprender el valor posicional.\n**Paso 42: Suma y resta de dos dígitos** Utilice la forma expandida para ver cómo funcionan la suma y la resta de 2 dígitos.\n**Paso 43: Conteo de 2 en 2 a 10 en 10** Practique el conteo para adelante y para atrás comenzando en cualquier lugar y con cualquier número del 2 al 10.\n**Paso 44: Multiplicación: 2, 4, 8, 5, 10** Estos implican duplicación y múltiplos de 5. Se aprende rápidamente y proporcionan un buen marco para los números restantes.\n**Paso 45: Multiplicación: 3, 4, 6, 9, 11** Utilice la idea de uno más o uno menos para aprenderlos basándose en los números anteriores.\n**Paso 46: Multiplicación de un solo dígito** ¡Tu niño/niña ahora sabrá todas las multiplicaciones de un dígito!\n**Paso 47: Divisores, factores y múltiplos** Introduzca los términos divisores, factores y múltiplos.\n**Paso 48: Primos, compuestos y potencias** Aprendan sobre números primos, números compuestos y unidades. Practiquen la factorización de números primos, que suele implicar factores repetidos. Este es un buen momento para aprender sobre potencias de números.\n**Paso 49: Familias de operaciones II** Agrupe las operaciones de multiplicación y división por familias.\n**Paso 50: División de un solo dígito** Su trabajo con el conteo salteado, el aprendizaje de las tablas de multiplicar y las familias de operaciones facilitará la división con y sin resto.", + "5.1 3-Digit Place Value": "Paso 41: Valor posicional de 3 dígitos", + "**Many objects:** Relating math concepts to physical objects is often the best approach for young children. The difficulty here is that it is not so easy to have hundreds of objects in the first place, and it can also be unwieldy to deal with such a large collection. In addition to having groups of ones and tens of some object, one strategy is to use symbolic place holders for large groups, such as 100s. You could have several pieces of paper or wood on which you have written \"100.\"\n\n**Use objects:** Practice having your child represent various quantities using objects grouped in ones, tens, and hundreds. For example, ask how 325 would be represented using these objects. Include examples such as 206, 430, and 500 that have zero things in one or more categories. Also, lay out collections of ones, tens, and hundreds and ask your child to name the number for this quantity.\n\n**Use expanded form:** Once your child is thoroughly comfortable with the connection between numbers and their quantities, start using numerals and expanded form to represent the numbers. Take a number, such as 325, for example. Represent it with quantities for hundreds, tens, and ones, and then use the quantity representation to write the number in expanded form as 325 = 300 + 20 + 5. Do this same practice in the opposite direction by writing 100 + 40 + 6, representing it with physical groups of hundreds, tens, and ones of objects, and then asking what the total number is.": "**Muchos objetos:** Relacionar los conceptos matemáticos con objetos físicos suele ser la mejor estrategia para los más pequeños. La dificultad aquí es que no es tan fácil tener cientos de objetos en primer lugar, y también puede resultar complicado manejar una colección tan grande. Además de tener grupos de unidades y decenas de algún objeto, una estrategia es utilizar marcadores simbólicos para grupos grandes, como los de 100. Puedes tener varios trozos de papel o madera en los que hayas escrito \"100\".\n\n**Utilice objetos:** Practique haciendo que su niño/niña represente varias cantidades usando objetos agrupados en unidades, decenas y centenas. Por ejemplo, pregúntele cómo se representaría 325 usando estos objetos. Incluya ejemplos cómo 206, 430 y 500 que tengan cero elementos en una o más categorías. Además, presente conjuntos de unidades, decenas y centenas y pídale a su niño/niña que nombre el número para esta cantidad.\n\n**Utiliza la forma expandida:** Una vez que su niño/niña sienta comodidad con la conexión entre los números y sus cantidades, comience a usar numerales y formas desarrolladas para representar los números. Tome un número, como 325, por ejemplo. Represéntelo con cantidades para centenas, decenas y unidades, y luego use la representación de cantidades para escribir el número en forma desarrollada como 325 = 300 + 20 + 5. Haga esta misma práctica en la dirección opuesta escribiendo 100 + 40 + 6, representándolo con grupos físicos de centenas, decenas y unidades de objetos, y luego pregunte cuál es el número total.", + "5.2 Double-Digit Add and Subtract": "Paso 42: Suma y resta de dos dígitos", + "**Single digit:** A gentle introduction to working with two two-digit numbers is to have one of them be a single-digit number. One of the best ways to practice adding or subtracting a single-digit number with a double-digit number is to do skip counting using various skip sizes, going up or down, and starting at any number. The following methods for two two-digit numbers will of course work when one of the numbers is a single-digit number.\n\n**Use objects:** Grounding your child's understanding by using physical objects is always a good idea. Start by representing both of the numbers with groups of tens and ones.\n\n**Adding:** If you are adding the two numbers, put all the groups together and discuss the result. If you are adding two numbers, such as 23 and 45, that is all you need to do. However, if you are adding 23 and 48, the two groups of ones form at least a group of ten. Talk about how that changes the total number of tens you have from 6 to 7. This is called regrouping.\n\n**Subtracting:** If you are subtracting, start by removing the tens being subtracted from the bigger number and then attempt to remove the appropriate number of ones. For example, if you are subtracting 23 from 45, then there are enough ones and you are done. If there are not enough ones, such as if you are subtracting 28 from 45, then discuss how one of the groups of tens needs to be broken up and included with the ones. The original grouping of 45 as 4 tens and 5 ones becomes a grouping of 3 tens and 15 ones. This is also called regrouping.\n\n**Use expanded form:** Use objects for double-digit adding and subtracting until your child thoroughly understands the process and why regrouping makes sense when it is needed. At this point, move to representing the adding and subtracting with numbers written in expanded form. When working with numbers in expanded form, the process and the steps are exactly the same as they were when you were working with groups of tens and ones – and that is the point.\n\n**Making it automatic:** Over time and with lots of practice, your child will stop needing to use groups of tens and ones or expanded form. However, as with so many other things, there is no hurry getting to that point – it will come with practice.": "**Un solo dígito:** Una introducción sencilla al trabajo con dos números de dos dígitos es que uno de ellos sea un número de un solo dígito. Una de las mejores formas de practicar la suma o resta de un número de un solo dígito con un número de dos dígitos es realizar el conteo salteado utilizando distintos tamaños de salto, hacia adelante o hacia atrás y comenzando en cualquier número. Los siguientes métodos para dos números de dos dígitos funcionarán, por supuesto, cuando uno de los números sea un número de un solo dígito.\n\n**Utilice objetos:** Siempre es una buena idea reforzar la comprensión de su niño/niña mediante el uso de objetos. Comience por representar ambos números con grupos de decenas y unidades.\n\n**Suma:** Si estás sumando dos números, junta todos los grupos y analiza el resultado. Si estás sumando dos números, como 23 y 45, eso es todo lo que necesitas hacer. Sin embargo, si estás sumando 23 y 48, los dos grupos de unos forman al menos un grupo de diez. Habla sobre cómo eso cambia el número total de decenas que tienes de 6 a 7. Esto se llama reagrupación.\n\n**Resta:** Si estás restando, comienza quitando las decenas que se restan del número mayor y luego intenta quitar la cantidad adecuada de unidades. Por ejemplo, si estás restando 23 de 45, entonces hay suficientes unidades y ya está. Si no hay suficientes unidades, como si estuvieras restando 28 de 45, entonces analiza cómo uno de los grupos de decenas debe dividirse e incluirse con las unidades. La agrupación original de 45 como 4 decenas y 5 unidades se convierte en una agrupación de 3 decenas y 15 unidades. Esto también se llama reagrupación.\n\n**Utiliza la forma expandida:** Utilice objetos para sumar y restar números de dos dígitos hasta que su niño/niña comprenda completamente el proceso y por qué tiene sentido reagrupar cuando es necesario. En este punto, comience a representar la suma y la resta con números escritos en forma expandida. Cuando trabaja con números en forma desarrollada, el proceso y los pasos son exactamente los mismos que cuando trabajaba con grupos de decenas y unidades, y ese es el objetivo.\n\n**Hazlo automático:** Con el tiempo y mucha práctica, tu niño/niña dejará de necesitar usar grupos de decenas y unidades o la forma expandida. Sin embargo, como ocurre con tantas otras cosas, no hay prisa por llegar a ese punto: llegará con la práctica.", + "5.3 Skip Counting by 2's to 10's": "Paso 43: Conteo de 2 en 2 a 10 en 10", + "**Practice:** Practice skip counting up and down starting anywhere and by any number from 2 to 10. Not surprisingly, this is valuable for learning multiplication and division. It is also very helpful for getting better at mental addition and subtraction. One of the nice things about skip counting is that it can be done anywhere and at any time that you have some spare time.\n\n**Patterns on a 100 chart:** Look for patterns that show up as your child skip counts. This is most easily done using a 100 chart, but you can also do it by writing the numbers in a column and watching what happens to the ones and tens digits as they march down the column. Some numbers, such as 8 and 9, have interesting patterns in their ones digits, and other numbers, such as 3, are not as interesting.\n\n**Make it fun:** This is something you can make into an activity to do with two or more people. Someone says a number to start with, what the skip size will be, and whether to go up or down. Then go around the group with each person saying the next skip count number.": "**Practica:** Practiquen el conteo hacia adelante y hacia atrás comenzando en cualquier lugar y con cualquier número del 2 al 10. No es de extrañar que esto sea útil para aprender a multiplicar y dividir. También resulta muy útil para mejorar la suma y la resta mental. Una de las ventajas de contar salteado es que se puede hacer en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento en que tengas tiempo libre.\n\n**Patrones en un cuadro de 100:** Busquen patrones que cuando su niño/niña cuente de forma salteada. Esto se ve fácilmente utilizando una tabla de 100, pero también puede hacerlo escribiendo los números en una columna y observando lo que sucede con los dígitos de las unidades y las decenas a medida que avanzan por la columna. Algunos números, como el 8 y el 9, tienen patrones interesantes en sus dígitos de las unidades, y otros números, como el 3, no son tan interesantes.\n\n**Hazlo divertido:** Esto es algo que se puede convertir en una actividad para hacer con dos o más personas. Alguien dice un número para empezar, cuál será el tamaño del salto y si se debe contar hacia adelante o hacia atrás. Luego recorra el grupo y cada persona diga el siguiente número de conteo salteado.", + "5.4 Multiplying by 2, 4, 8, 5, and 10": "Paso 44: Multiplicación: 2, 4, 8, 5, 10", + "**Good framework:** These numbers are usually quick to learn, and once learned they provide a good framework for learning the remaining numbers.\n\n**Multiplying by 5 and 10:** Knowing how to multiply by 10 is quick to learn, and it is important for understanding place value. It also can make it easier to learn how to multiply by 5.\n\nThe 5's can either be learned by skip counting by 5 until they become automatic, or they can be learned using the 10's. If you multiply 6 times 5, that will give you half as many 10's. Half of 6 is 3, so the answer is 30. If you multiply 7 times 5, you need to put one of the 5's off to the side and proceed as you would for 6 times 5. The answer for 6 times 5 is 30, and then adding in the 5 held in reserve gives the answer of 35.\n\n**Multiplying by 2, 4, and 8:** These three can be done with lots of doubling. Your child should have had lots of practice with doubling and multiplying by 2. Multiply by 4 either by skip counting or by doubling the answer from multiplying by 2. For example 4 times 3 is twice as much as 2 x 3, so the answer is 6 doubled, which is 12. Multiply by 8 by skip counting by 8 or by doubling the answer from multiplying by 4.": "**Un buen marco:** Estos números suelen aprenderse rápidamente y, una vez aprendidos, proporcionan un buen marco para aprender los números restantes.\n\n**Multiplicar por 5 y 10:** Saber multiplicar por 10 es fácil de aprender y es importante para comprender el valor posicional. También puede facilitar el aprendizaje de la multiplicación por 5.\n\nLos 5 se pueden aprender contando de 5 en 5 hasta que se vuelvan automáticos, o se pueden aprender usando 10 en 10. Si multiplicas 6 por 5, obtendrás la mitad de decenas. La mitad de 6 es 3, entonces la respuesta es 30. Si multiplicas 7 por 5, debes dejar uno de los 5 a un lado y proceder como lo harías para 6 por 5. La respuesta para 6 por 5 es 30, y luego sumar el 5 que tienes en reserva da la respuesta de 35.\n\n**Multiplicar por 2, 4 y 8:** Estos tres se pueden hacer con muchas duplicaciones. Su niño/niña debería haber practicado mucho la duplicación y la multiplicación por 2. Multiplique por 4 ya sea contando de a saltos o duplicando el resultado de multiplicar por 2. Por ejemplo, 4 por 3 es el doble de 2 x 3, por lo que el resultado es 6 duplicado, que es 12. Multiplique por 8 contando de a saltos por 8 o duplicando el resultado de multiplicar por 4.", + "5.5 Multiplying by 3, 4, 6, 9, and 11": "Paso 45: Multiplicación: 3, 4, 6, 9, 11", + "**Several strategies:** These are grouped here because they can be done with the idea of using one more or one less, which is described in a moment. However, several of these can be done in other ways. They can all be done with skip counting, if your child prefers that approach. Multiplying by 4 is the double of multiplying by 2. Multiplying by 6 is the double of multiplying by 3. Multiplying by 11 is quite simple and barely needs any practice.\n\nMultiplying by 9 has a special rule, that some children enjoy. Use 6 times 9 as an example. For the answer, put one less than the number in the tens place (which is 5), and subtract the tens place from 9 to get the ones place (which is 4). So 6 times 9 is 54. As you'll see, this is no different than subtracting 6 from 6 times 10, but somehow it feels like more fun.\n\n**One more and one less:** Use the idea of one more or one less to learn these based on other numbers you now know how to multiply by. The numbers 3, 6, and 11 are one more than numbers you already know. For example, 6 times 7 is one more 7 than 5 times 7. So 6 times 7 is 7 + 35, which is 42.\n\nThe numbers 4 and 9 are one less than numbers you already know. For example, 4 times 7 is one less 7 than 5 times 7. So 4 times 7 is 35 - 7, which is 28.": "**Algunas estrategias:** Estas estrategias se agrupan aquí porque se pueden hacer usando \"uno más\" o \"uno menos\", lo que se describe a continuación. Sin embargo, varias de estas se pueden hacer de otras maneras. También se pueden hacer contando salteado, si tu niño/niña lo prefiere. Multiplicar por 4 es el doble de multiplicar por 2. Multiplicar por 6 es el doble de multiplicar por 3. Multiplicar por 11 es bastante simple y apenas requiere práctica.\n\nMultiplicar por 9 tiene una regla especial que a algunos niños les encanta. Tomemos como ejemplo 6 por 9. Para la respuesta, ponga uno menos que el número en el lugar de las decenas (que es 5) y reste las decenas de 9 para obtener las unidades (que es 4). Entonces, 6 por 9 es 54. Como verá, esto no es diferente a restar 6 de 6 por 10, pero de alguna manera parece más divertido.\n\n**Uno más y uno menos:** Usa la idea de uno más o uno menos para aprender estos números basándote en otros números que ya saben multiplicar. Los números 3, 6 y 11 son uno más que los números que ya conoce. Por ejemplo, 6 por 7 es uno más 7 que 5 por 7. Entonces, 6 por 7 es 7 + 35, que es 42.\n\nLos números 4 y 9 son uno menos que los números que ya conocen. Por ejemplo, 4 por 7 es uno menos 7 que 5 por 7. Por lo tanto, 4 por 7 es 35 - 7, que es 28.", + "5.6 Single-Digit Multiplication": "Paso 46: Multiplicación de un solo dígito", + "**Missing piecees:** If your child memorizes the one or two remaining multiplication facts, they will then know all of single-digit multiplication! For example, they may not know what 7 times 7 is yet. Similar to adding twins, squares are a fun category for many children, and these can be practiced on their own. Keep all this practice light-hearted and do not get too goal oriented.\n\n**Pulling it all together and memorizing:** Bit by bit, with practice and repeated exposure, your child will memorize all the multiplication facts. While it is important that these eventually become easy and automatic for your child, it is not essential that this happens quickly. It is far more important that you make this fun and that your child enjoys seeing how the various multiplication facts in- terrelate – which ones are doubles or halves of others, which ones are one more or one less than others, and which ones have interesting patterns with their ones digits.\n\n**Limited and fun flashcards:** Used sparingly and lightheartedly, flash cards, or something similar, can be helpful. If your child has trouble remembering a handful of the multiplication facts, make a list of just those facts so they can be briefly practiced on their own.": "**Tablas faltantes:** Si su niño/niña memoriza una o dos tablas de multiplicación que faltan, ¡entonces sabrá todas las multiplicaciones de un solo dígito! Por ejemplo, es posible que aún no sepa cuánto es 7 por 7. Al igual que la suma de números iguales, los cuadrados son una categoría divertida para muchos niños, y pueden practicarlos por su cuenta. Mantenga toda esta práctica alegre y no se centre demasiado en objetivos.\n\n**Juntarlo todo y memorizar:** Poco a poco, con práctica y exposición repetida, su niño/niña memorizará todas las tablas de multiplicación. Si bien es importante que con el tiempo se vuelvan fáciles y automáticas, no es esencial que esto suceda rápido. Es mucho más importante que haga que esto sea divertido y que su niño/niña disfrute viendo cómo se relacionan las distintas tablas de multiplicación: cuáles son el doble o la mitad de otras, cuáles son una unidad más o una unidad menos que otras y cuáles tienen patrones interesantes en sus dígitos.\n\n**Tarjetas didácticas limitadas y divertidas:** Si se usan con moderación y desenfado, las tarjetas didácticas o algo similar pueden resultar útiles. Si su niño/niña tiene problemas para recordar algunas tablas de multiplicación, haga una lista de solo esas tablas para que pueda practicarlas brevemente por su cuenta.", + "5.7 Divisors, Factors, and Multiples": "Paso 47: Divisores, factores y múltiplos", + "**Divisors and factors:** If a number evenly divides into a number, then it is called a divisor of it. For example, 3 is a divisor of 6 because 3 divides into 6 exactly 2 times. 4 is not a divisor by 6 because it goes into it 1 1/2 times. The word factor means the same thing as divisor.\n\n**Common divisors:** In some mathematical situations, particularly with simplifying fractions, it is useful to find numbers that evenly divide two given numbers. Such numbers are called common divisors or common factors. The common divisors of 20 and 8 are 1, 2, and 4. You may enjoy exploring together why all the common divisors for a pair of numbers are divisors of the greatest of the common divisors.\n\n**Multiples:** A multiple of a number is anything that can be produced by multiplying the number by a whole number. For example, some multiples of 6 are 0, 6, 12, and 18. Notice that any multiple of a number has that number as a divisor. For example, each of the multiples of 6 has 6 as a divisor.\n\n**Common multiples:** A number which is a multiple of two given numbers is said to be a common multiple for them. Some common multiples of 6 and 4 are 0, 12, 24, and 36. Notice that all the common multiples are multiples of the least of the positive common multiples. Common multiples will be useful in adding and subtracting fractions.\n\n**Introduce these words:** Slowly introduce these new words to your child as you discuss situations that involve multiplication and division. They are useful words that simplify many discussions once the words are understood.": "**Divisores y factores:** Si un número se divide uniformemente entre otro número, se le llama divisor. Por ejemplo, 3 es divisor de 6 porque 3 se divide en 6 exactamente 2 veces. 4 no es divisor de 6 porque cabe en él 1 1/2 veces. La palabra factor significa lo mismo que divisor.\n\n**Divisores comunes:** En algunas situaciones matemáticas, en particular en la simplificación de fracciones, resulta útil encontrar números que dividan exactamente dos números dados. Dichos números se denominan divisores comunes o factores comunes. Los divisores comunes de 20 y 8 son 1, 2 y 4. Puede que disfruten explorando juntos por qué todos los divisores comunes de un par de números son divisores del mayor de los divisores comunes.\n\n**Múltiplos:** Un múltiplo de un número es todo aquello que se puede obtener multiplicando el número por un número entero. Por ejemplo, algunos múltiplos de 6 son 0, 6, 12 y 18. Observe que cualquier múltiplo de un número tiene ese número como divisor. Por ejemplo, cada uno de los múltiplos de 6 tiene 6 como divisor.\n\n**Múltiplos comunes:** Un número que es múltiplo de dos números dados se dice que es múltiplo común de ellos. Algunos múltiplos comunes de 6 y 4 son 0, 12, 24 y 36. Observe que todos los múltiplos comunes son múltiplos del menor de los múltiplos comunes positivos. Los múltiplos comunes serán útiles para sumar y restar fracciones.\n\n**Introduce estas palabras:** Presente lentamente estas palabras nuevas a su niño/niña mientras habla sobre situaciones que involucran multiplicación y división. Son palabras útiles que simplifican muchas conversaciones una vez que las entiende.", + "5.8 Primes, Composites, and Powers": "Paso 48: Primos, compuestos y potencias", + "**Primes:** Primes are central to understanding multiplication and division of whole numbers. As you will see, primes are the building blocks of numbers using multiplication. A prime number is a number larger than 1 whose only divisors are 1 and itself. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are the first few prime numbers.\n\n**Composites and 1:** There are three kinds of positive whole numbers: 1 (which is called a unit), primes, and composites. Composites can be thought of as being constructed from primes. For example, 12 is 2 times 2 times 3. Every number larger than 1 is either a prime or can be uniquely written as a product of two or more primes.\n\n**Prime factorizations:** Getting to know prime factorizations really well will be very helpful for many parts of the math your child is about to learn. Repeating the prime factorizations of the numbers up to 20, or even 30, is a good exercize for getting to know these factorizations. Simply go through the list of numbers in order like this: 1 - unit, 2 - prime, 3 - prime, 4 - 2 times 2, 5 - prime, 6 - 2 times 3, 7 - prime, 8 - 2 times 2 times 2, 9 - 3 times 3, and 10 - 2 times 5.\n\n**Powers:** Prime factorizations often involve repeated prime factors, so this is a good time to learn about powers and to practice them. It is quicker and easier to understand to say \"2 to the fourth\" than it is to say \"2 times 2 times 2 times 2.\" 2 squared means 2 times 2, and 2 cubed means 2 times 2 times 2.": "**Primos:** Los números primos son fundamentales para comprender la multiplicación y la división de números enteros. Como verás, los primos son los elementos básicos de los números que utilizan la multiplicación. Un número primo es un número mayor que 1 cuyos únicos divisores son 1 y él mismo. Los números 2, 3, 5, 7 y 11 son los primeros números primos.\n\n**Compuestos y 1:** Existen tres tipos de números enteros positivos: 1 (que se denomina unidad), primos y compuestos. Se puede considerar que los compuestos están construidos a partir de números primos. Por ejemplo, 12 es 2 por 2 por 3. Todo número mayor que 1 es primo o puede escribirse de forma única como producto de dos o más primos.\n\n**Factorizaciones primas:** Conocer bien las factorizaciones primas será muy útil para muchas partes de las matemáticas que su niño/niña está a punto de aprender. Repetir las factorizaciones primas de los números hasta el 20, o incluso el 30, es un buen ejercicio para conocer estas factorizaciones. Simplemente revise la lista de números en el siguiente orden: 1 - unidad, 2 - primo, 3 - primo, 4 - 2 por 2, 5 - primo, 6 - 2 por 3, 7 - primo, 8 - 2 por 2 por 2, 9 - 3 por 3 y 10 - 2 por 5.\n\n**Potencias:** Las factorizaciones primas suelen implicar factores primos repetidos, por lo que este es un buen momento para aprender sobre potencias y practicarlas. Es más rápido y fácil de entender \"2 elevado a la cuarta\" que decir \"2 por 2 por 2 por 2\". 2 al cuadrado significa 2 por 2, y 2 al cubo significa 2 por 2 por 2", + "**Factors and factor trees:** For larger numbers, it may not be immediately obvious what the prime factorization is. For these numbers, find one of the factors and use that to break apart the problem into easier pieces. For example, 54 is 9 times 6. Because 9 is 3 squared and 6 is 2 times 3, we can put those together to have 54 is 2 times 3 cubed. This process is sometimes called making a factor tree, and pictured above are three possible ways for creating a factor tree for 54.": "**Factores y árboles de factores:** Para números más grandes, puede que no sea inmediatamente obvio cuál es la factorización prima. Para estos números, encuentre uno de los factores y utilícelo para dividir el problema en partes más fáciles. Por ejemplo, 54 es 9 por 6. Como 9 es 3 al cuadrado y 6 es 2 por 3, podemos unirlos para obtener 54 es 2 por 3 al cubo. Este proceso a veces se denomina hacer un árbol de factores, y en la imagen de arriba se muestran tres formas posibles de crear un árbol de factores para 54.", + "5.9 Fact Families II": "Paso 49: Familias de operaciones II", + "**Families:** In Stage 3 we explored the fact families that connect addition and subtraction, and we saw how useful they are in understanding the interconnections between those two operations. Similar to what was done for addition and subtraction, group multiplication and division facts by families to gain a deeper understanding of them. For example, 3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12 / 3 = 4, and 12 / 4 = 3 form a fact family.\n\n**Multiplying and dividing are related:** For the 3 x 4 = 12 fact family, visualize this interconnection using a rectangle that is 3 by 4. The area of this rectangle is 12, which is 3 times 4 or 4 times 3 – its width times its length. To get an area of 12 for a rectangle of width 3, the length must be 4. To get an area of 12 for a rectangle of length 4, its width must be 3. All these facts are tied together.\n\n**Multiplying and dividing undo each other:** Let's continue to use the example of 3 times 4. If we start with 3 and multiply it by 4 we arrive at 12. If we then take 12 and divide it by 4, the result is back to 3. Multiplying by 4 and then dividing by 4 gets back to where we started.\n\nSimilarly, if we take 12 and divide by 4 the answer is 3. If we then multiply 3 by 4 the answer is 12, which is where we started. Dividing by 4 and then multiplying by 4 returns things to the beginning.": "**Familias:** En la Etapa 3, exploramos las familias de operaciones que conectan la suma y la resta, y vimos lo útiles que son para comprender las interconexiones entre esas dos operaciones. De manera similar a lo que se hizo para la suma y la resta, agrupe las operaciones de multiplicación y división por familias para comprenderlas más profundamente. Por ejemplo, 3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12 / 3 = 4 y 12 / 4 = 3 forman una familia de operaciones.\n\n**Multiplicar y dividir se relacionan:** Para la familia de operaciones 3 x 4 = 12, visualice esta interconexión utilizando un rectángulo de 3 x 4. El área de este rectángulo es 12, que es 3 por 4 o 4 por 3: su ancho por su largo. Para obtener un área de 12 para un rectángulo de ancho 3, el largo debe ser 4. Para obtener un área de 12 para un rectángulo de largo 4, su ancho debe ser 3. Todos estos hechos están relacionados.\n\n**Multiplicar y dividir se deshacen entre sí:** Sigamos usando el ejemplo de 3 por 4. Si empezamos con 3 y lo multiplicamos por 4 llegamos a 12. Si luego tomamos 12 y lo dividimos por 4, el resultado vuelve a ser 3. Multiplicar por 4 y luego dividir por 4 nos lleva de nuevo al punto de partida.\n\nDe manera similar, si tomamos 12 y lo dividimos por 4, el resultado es 3. Si luego multiplicamos 3 por 4, el resultado es 12, que es el punto de partida. Dividir por 4 y luego multiplicar por 4 nos devuelve al principio.", + "5.10 Single-Digit Division": "Paso 50: División de un solo dígito", + "**You have prepared the way:** Your work with skip counting, learning multiplication facts, and fact families will smooth the way for dividing both with and without remainders. All those skills should be well mastered and understood before starting in on general single-digit division.\n\n**No remainder:** Division problems where the divisor goes in evenly without a remainder are mostly done by your child recognizing the corresponding multiplication fact. For example, if they are asked to divide 36 by 4, then remembering that 4 times 9 is 36 will get them straight to the answer. However, if that method doesn't work for a given problem, then they should use the next method.\n\n**Guessing and skip counting:** Suppose your child is asked to divide 29 by 4. Your child will not find 29 among their multiplication facts involving 4, so they will want to find a result that is less than 29 that does work. Have your child guess at a multiple of 4 that is less than 29. They might guess 24, which is 4 times 6. They can then skip count forward until they bump into 29. In this case that will mean moving forward to 28, which is 4 times 7. Seeing that they have to stop there, they have their answer that 29 divided by 4 is 7 with a remainder of 1.\n\n**Checking the answer:** Checking their answers is a good habit for your child to develop. In this last example, we think we found that 29 divided by 4 is 7 with a remainder of 1. Check this by multiplying 4 times 7 to get 28, and then adding 1 to get 29. So it all checks out!": "**Has preparado el camino:** Su trabajo con el conteo salteado, el aprendizaje de las tablas de multiplicación y las familias de tablas de operaciones le facilitará el camino para dividir con y sin resto. Todas esas habilidades deben dominarse y comprenderse bien antes de comenzar con la división general de un solo dígito.\n\n**Sin resto:** Los problemas de división en los que el divisor se divide en partes iguales sin resto se resuelven, en su mayoría, reconociendo el hecho de multiplicación correspondiente. Por ejemplo, si se les pide que dividan 36 por 4, recordar que 4 por 9 es 36 los llevará directamente a la respuesta. Sin embargo, si ese método no funciona para un problema determinado, entonces deben usar el siguiente método.\n\n**Adivinar y contar de forma salteada:** Supongamos que a su niño/niña se le pide que divida 29 por 4. No encontrará 29 entre las operaciones de multiplicación que incluyan 4, por lo que querrá encontrar un resultado que sea menor que 29 que sí funcione. Haga que su niño/niña adivine un múltiplo de 4 que sea menor que 29. Podría adivinar 24, que es 4 por 6. Luego puede contar de manera salteada hacia adelante hasta que llegue a 29. En este caso, eso significará avanzar hasta 28, que es 4 por 7. Al ver que tiene que detenerse allí, tiene su respuesta de que 29 dividido por 4 es 7 con un resto de 1.\n\n**Comprobar la respuesta:** Comprobar las respuestas es un buen hábito que tu niño/niña debe desarrollar. En este último ejemplo, creemos que hemos descubierto que 29 dividido por 4 es 7 con un resto de 1. Compruébalo multiplicando 4 por 7 para obtener 28 y luego sumando 1 para obtener 29. ¡Así todo cuadra!", + "Stage 1 Overview": "Resumen de la etapa 1", + "**Overview for Stage 1 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 1 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 1**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 1 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "Playdate 1-1": "Cita de juego 1", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use Math Talk to point out and describe objects to your child. Talk about the properties of these objects.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice la Charla matemática para señalar y describir objetos a su niño/niña. Hable de las propiedades de estos objetos.", + "This has color words.": "Este libro tiene nombres de colores.", + "These involve the properties of things.": "Comprenden las propiedades de las cosas cotidianas.", + "Playdate 1-2": "Cita de juego 2", + "**Playdate Focus:** Continue to use Math Talk to point out and describe objects to your child.": "**Enfoque:** Continúe usando la charla matemática para señalar y describir objetos a su niño/niña.", + "This looks at how clothes can be too big or too small.": "Este libro trata de cómo la ropa puede ser demasiado grande o demasiado pequeña.", + "These practice shapes and descriptions.": "Estas practican formas y descripciones.", + "Playdate 1-3": "Cita de juego 3", + "**Playdate Focus:** Describe all the math that is all around you everywhere you go. Use Math Talk to chat about it with your child.": "**Enfoque:** Describe todas las matemáticas que los rodean dondequiera que vayan. Usa la charla matemática para hablar sobre ellas con tu niño/niña.", + "This talks about speed, colors, and small counting.": "Aquí se habla de velocidad, colores y conteos pequeños.", + "These involve descriptions of places and objects, and also the following of directions.": "Estas incluyen descripciones de lugares y objetos, y también el seguimiento de instrucciones.", + "Playdate 1-4": "Cita de juego 4", + "**Playdate Focus:** Math is not just counting – math is also about properties and relationships. This should be brought out in your Math Talk.": "**Enfoque:** Las matemáticas no son solo contar: también se relacionan con propiedades y relaciones. Esto debería quedar claro cuando hablamos sobre matemáticas.", + "The storybook talks about colors, shapes, and spatial relationships.": "El libro de cuentos habla sobre colores, formas y relaciones espaciales.", + "These involve properties of objects and how those properties can create patterns.": "Estas involucran propiedades de los objetos y cómo esas propiedades pueden crear patrones.", + "Playdate 1-5": "Cita de juego 5", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use counting in your Math Talk. Count everything you come across.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice el conteo en su conversación. Cuente todo lo que encuentre.", + "This involves counting and the ideas of one more and one less.": "Este cuento implica contar y las ideas de “uno más” y “uno menos”.", + "These involve quantities of objects and building with various shapes.": "Estas involucran cantidades de objetos y edificios con varias formas.", + "Playdate 1-6": "Cita de juego 6", + "**Playdate Focus:** Your Math Talk changes when your child is able to respond to your comments and questions.": "**Enfoque:** La charla matemática cambia cuando su niño/niña puede responder a sus comentarios y preguntas.", + "This counts up to 5 and uses relationship words, which you can now use to ask your child about what's going on in the story.": "Este libro de cuentos cuenta hasta 5 y utiliza palabras de relación, que puede usar para preguntarle a su niño/niña sobre qué está sucediendo en la historia.", + "These involve describing things and finding properties that make things similar or different.": "Implican describir cosas y encontrar propiedades que las hacen similares o diferentes.", + "Playdate 1-7": "Cita de juego 7", + "**Playdate Focus:** Continue to emphasize words that describe properties and relationships.": "**Enfoque:** Continúe enfatizando las palabras que describen propiedades y relaciones.", + "This has relative sizes and shapes.": "Tiene tamaños y formas relativas.", + "These involve using properties to compare things and find patterns.": "Utilizan propiedades para comparar cosas y encontrar patrones.", + "Playdate 1-8": "Cita de juego 8", + "**Playdate Focus:** This is centered on what makes objects the same and different.": "**Enfoque:** Este tema se centra en lo que hace que los objetos sean iguales y diferentes.", + "This has shapes, colors, relationships, and counting up to 5.": "Tiene formas, colores, relaciones y permite contar hasta 5.", + "These involve grouping things with the same property.": "Tratan de agrupar cosas con la misma propiedad.", + "Playdate 1-9": "Cita de juego 9", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use properties of things to establish patterns. Patterns are central to mathematics.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice las propiedades de las cosas para establecer patrones. Los patrones son fundamentales para las matemáticas.", + "This talks about the daily feeding of hungry animals.": "Habla de la alimentación diaria de animales hambrientos.", + "These involve properties and finding patterns involving those properties.": "Estas actividades implican propiedades y encontrar patrones que involucren esas propiedades.", + "Playdate 1-10": "Cita de juego 10", + "**Playdate Focus:** Discuss basic shapes and emphasize their names and descriptions.": "**Enfoque:** Discuta las formas básicas y enfatice sus nombres y descripciones.", + "his has shapes on every page.": "Este libro tiene formas en cada página.", + "These continue the ongoing discussions about properties and patterns.": "Estas actividads implican la continuación de las discusiones sobre propiedades y patrones.", + "Stage 2 Overview": "Resumen de la etapa 2", + "**Overview for Stage 2 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 2 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 2**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 2 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "Playdate 2-1": "Cita de juego 11", + "**Playdate Focus:** Count up from 1, start at 0 sometimes. This is the basis of understanding quantities and helps with beginning addition and subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Cuente desde 1 y, a veces, empiece desde 0. Ésta es la base para comprender cantidades y ayuda a comenzar a sumar y restar.", + "This has counting from 0 to 9. It also has smallest, biggest, one more, one less, and colors.": "Tiene un conteo del 0 al 9. También tiene más pequeño, más grande, uno más, uno menos, y colores.", + "One activity introduces the idea of counterexamples. The other activity is a 2-person strategy game making triangles.": "Una actividad introduce la idea de contraejemplos. La otra actividad es un juego de estrategia para 2-personas haciendo triángulos.", + "Playdate 2-2": "Cita de juego 12", + "**Playdate Focus:** Count down to 1, ending at 0 sometimes. This deepens understanding of the number sequence. It also helps with subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Cuente regresivamente hasta 1, terminando a veces en 0. Esto profundiza la comprensión de la secuencia numérica. También ayuda con la resta.", + "This has the numbers from 1 to 7. It also has color descriptions on every page.": "Este tiene los números del 1 al 7. También tiene descripciones de colores en cada página.", + "These involve lots of counting and small quantities. One activity also has adding or subtracting of 1 and 2.": "Estos implican mucho conteo y pequeñas cantidades. Una actividad tiene suma o resta de 1 y 2.", + "Playdate 2-3": "Cita de juego 13", + "**Playdate Focus:** Understand strategies for comparing small numbers and quantities.": "**Enfoque:** Comprender estrategias para comparar números y cantidades pequeñas.", + "This has counting from 1 to 10; relationship words such as too big or too small; and spatial relationship words such as above and under.": "Esto incluye contar del 1 al 10, palabras relacionadas como demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño y palabras de relación espacial como arriba y abajo.", + "These involve discovering shapes for quantities and playing with the order of numbers.": "Se trata de descubrir formas para cantidades y jugar con el orden de los números.", + "Playdate 2-4": "Cita de juego 14", + "**Playdate Focus:** This introduces the idea of Counting On and how valuable it is for understanding quantities and laying a foundation for addition.": "**Enfoque:** En este ejercicio se presenta la idea de contar hacia adelante y lo valioso que es para comprender las cantidades y sentar las bases para la suma.", + "These involve the order of numbers and how numbers compare to each other.": "Estos involucran el orden de los números y cómo los números se comparan entre sí.", + "Playdate 2-5": "Cita de juego 15", + "**Playdate Focus:** Develop further your child's understanding of shapes. Introduce more shapes and their names and properties. You can use counting now to discuss numbers of edges and corners.": "**Enfoque:** Desarrolle aún más la comprensión de las formas de su niño/niña. Preséntele más formas y sus nombres y propiedades. Ahora puede usar el conteo para hablar sobre la cantidad de aristas y esquinas.", + "This has lots of shapes on every page.": "Ésto tiene muchas figuras en cada página.", + "These involve creating lots of geometric shapes.": "Estos implican la creación de muchas formas geométricas.", + "Playdate 2-6": "Cita de juego 16", + "**Playdate Focus:** Make a lot of use of \"one more\" and \"one less\" to help with the understanding of the number sequence as well as beginning an understanding of addition and subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice mucho \"uno más\" y \"uno menos\" para ayudar a comprender la secuencia numérica, así como para comenzar a comprender la suma y la resta.", + "This has counting to 9, one more, one less, and many relationship words.": "Este implica contar hasta 9, uno más, uno menos y muchas palabras de relación.", + "These involve the ordering of numbers and the use of a number line.": "Estas implican ordenar números y utilizar una línea numérica.", + "Playdate 2-7": "Cita de juego 17", + "**Playdate Focus:** Enjoy adding of small numbers with totals up to 5.": "**Enfoque:** Disfrute sumando números pequeños con totales de hasta 5.", + "This has counting up to 6, with colors and shapes.": "Esto incluye contar hasta 6, con colores y formas.", + "These involve very small counting and adding. For now, only use small sums (up to around 6) for the Bonded Groups puzzles.": "Se trata de contar y sumar cantidades muy pequeñas. Por ahora, utilice únicamente sumas pequeñas (hasta alrededor de 6) para los rompecabezas de Grupos vinculados.", + "Playdate 2-8": "Cita de juego 18", + "**Playdate Focus:** Fingers are very useful for counting, adding, and subtracting. Show your child how to make good use of their fingers for numbers of 10 or less.": "**Enfoque:** Los dedos son muy útiles para contar, sumar y restar. Muéstrele a su niño/niña cómo hacer un buen uso de sus dedos para números de 10 o menos.", + "This has counting up to 12, shapes, and comparing.": "Ésto incluye contar hasta 12, formas, y comparar.", + "These involve a number line for counting, adding, and subtracting, and Bonded Groups for practicing adding. Keep the totals for Bonded Groups small (perhaps around 7 or so), and slowly let the totals get larger.": "Éstos incluyen una línea numérica para contar, sumar, y restar y Grupos vinculados para practicar la suma. Mantenga pequeños los totales de los Grupos vinculados (quizás alrededor de 7 o más), y permita que aumenten lentamente.", + "Playdate 2-9": "Cita de juego 19", + "**Playdate Focus:** Have fun skip counting by 2's with your child. It's a fun and fast way to count that helps them see numbers in a new way.": "**Enfoque:** Diviértase contando de 2 en 2 con su niño/niña. Es una forma divertida y rápida de contar que les ayuda a ver los números de una manera nueva.", + "This has skip counting along with shapes and comparisons.": "Ésto incluye contar de forma salteada junto con formas y comparaciones.", + "These involve number shapes (to practice pairing things up for skip counting) and making symmetric shapes.": "Estos involucran formas numéricas (para practicar la combinación de cosas para contar de forma salteada) y hacer figuras simétricas.", + "Playdate 2-10": "Cita de juego 20", + "**Playdate Focus:** Playfully find many different ways to count a group of objects. This helps with understanding quantities and that counting, adding, and subtracting can be playful.": "**Enfoque:** Encuentre de manera divertida muchos estilos diferentes de contar un grupo de objetos. Esto ayuda a comprender las cantidades y que contar, sumar y restar puede ser divertido.", + "This has skip counting and counting up to 14.": "Ésto incluye contar salteado y contar hasta 14.", + "These involve putting quantities of things into different shapes as well as playing with making estimates for quantities.": "Esto implica poner cantidades de cosas en diferentes formas, así como jugar con la realización de estimaciones de cantidades.", + "Stage 3 Overview": "Resumen de la etapa 3", + "**Overview for Stage 3 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 3 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 3**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 3 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "Playdate 3-1": "Cita de juego 21", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice adding by using the idea of Counting On. The term Counting On means that, if you count two groups, such as 4 and 3, you start your counting at 4 rather than 1.": "**Enfoque:** Practique la suma utilizando la idea de Contar. El término contar significa que, sí cuenta dos grupos, como 4 y 3, comienza a contar en 4 en lugar de 1.", + "This has lots of shapes and groupings of objects.": "Esto tiene muchas formas y agrupaciones de objetos.", + "These involve addition and subtraction. Use the \"Numbered\" version of Dots and Boxes with small numbers to practice addition.": "Estos implican suma y resta. Utilice la versión \"Numerada\" de Puntos y cajas con números pequeños para practicar la suma.", + "Playdate 3-2": "Cita de juego 22", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice subtracting by counting down from the larger number. Talk about how \"take away\" and \"difference\" are two good models for subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Practique la resta contando regresivamente desde el número mayor. Hable sobre cómo \"quitar\" y \"diferencia\" son dos buenos modelos para restar.", + "This has skip counting, shapes, and comparisons.": "Esto incluye contar de forma salteada, formas y comparaciones.", + "These involve comparing, adding, and subtracting.": "Estos implican comparar, sumar y restar.", + "Playdate 3-3": "Cita de juego 23", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice subtracting by counting up to find the difference. Reinforce that \"take away\" and \"difference\" are two good models for subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Practique la resta contando hacia arriba para encontrar la diferencia. Refuerce que 'quitar' y 'diferencia' son dos buenos modelos para la resta.", + "This has counting to 10 and shapes.": "Este tiene contenido hasta 10 y formas.", + "These involve addition and some estimating of small quantities.": "Estos implican la suma y alguna estimación de pequeñas cantidades.", + "Playdate 3-4": "Cita de juego 24", + "**Playdate Focus:** The Part-Whole relationship, seeing something as made out of parts, is a significant developmental step for a child. Practice Number Bonds, which are groups of numbers that total to the same result, with your child. Practicing with Ten Frames is an important part of this.": "**Enfoque:** La relación Parte-Todo, observar las partes conformadas, es un paso de desarrollo significativo para un niño/niña. Practique los Vínculos numéricos, que son grupos de números que suman el mismo resultado, con su niño/niña. Practicar con Diez cuadros es una parte importante de esto.", + "These involve lots of practice with number bonds.": "Estos requieren mucha práctica con vínculos numéricos.", + "Playdate 3-5": "Cita de juego 25", + "**Playdate Focus:** Ten has a very important role for our numbers. Practice adding and subtracting 10. Also practice taking the numbers from 10 to 19 and breaking them up into 10 plus some ones – for example, that 14 is 10 plus 4 more.": "**Enfoque:** El diez tiene un papel muy importante para nuestros números. Practique sumar y restar 10. También practique tomar los números del 10 al 19 y dividirlos en 10 más algunas unidades – por ejemplo, que 14 es 10 más 4 más.", + "This has lots of shapes and counting with small numbers.": "Este tiene muchas formas y cuenta con números pequeños.", + "These involve comparing and ordering numbers up to 20.": "Se trata de comparar y ordenar números hasta el 20.", + "Playdate 3-6": "Cita de juego 26", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use Fact Families to emphasize the connection between addition and subtraction. This is a natural follow on to the last Playdate's focus on number bonds.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice Familias de operaciones para enfatizar la conexión entre la suma y la resta. Esta es una continuación natural del enfoque de la última Cita de juego sobre los vínculos numéricos.", + "This has counting to 12, colors, shapes, and patterns.": "Esto incluye contar hasta 12, colores, formas y patrones.", + "These involve lots of practice with number bonds and with addition and subtraction of small numbers.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con vínculos numéricos y con la suma y resta de números pequeños.", + "Playdate 3-7": "Cita de juego 27", + "**Playdate Focus:** Adding Twins, where you add a number to itself, are often enjoyable addition facts for a child to learn. Near Twins, where you add a number to the next number (such as 3 + 4), are often easy to learn after adding twins have been learned, and they help your child to see how adding facts can be connected.": "**Enfoque:** Sumar números iguales, donde un número se suma así mismo, suele ser una actividad de suma divertida para aprender. Los números casi iguales, en los que se suma un número al siguiente (como 3 + 4), suelen ser fáciles de aprender después de haber aprendido a sumar números iguales, y ayudan a su niño/niña a ver cómo se pueden conectar los hechos de la suma.", + "This has skip counting, adding twins, and counting to 14.": "Esto incluye contar de forma salteada, sumar números iguales, y contar hasta 14.", + "These involve adding practice and estimating using a number line.": "Estos implican agregar práctica y estimar utilizando una línea numérica.", + "Playdate 3-8": "Cita de juego 28", + "**Playdate Focus:** After skip counting by 2's and doing adding twins, it is a great time to start doing doubling, multiplying by 2, halving, dividing by 2, splitting things into two equal parts, and looking at odd and even numbers. This is a lot of topics; however, they go together very naturally.": "**Enfoque:** Después de contar de 2 en 2 y sumar números iguales, es un buen momento para comenzar a duplicar, multiplicar por 2, reducir a la mitad, dividir por 2, dividir las cosas en dos partes iguales y observar los números pares e impares. Son muchos temas; sin embargo, se combinan de forma muy natural.", + "This has lots of discussion of how to split something fairly among coorperating friends.": "Aquí se habla mucho sobre cómo dividir algo de manera justa entre amigos que cooperan.", + "These involve doubling and taking halves.": "Estos implican duplicar y tomar mitades.", + "Playdate 3-9": "Cita de juego 29", + "**Playdate Focus:** Do lots of practice skip counting by 2's – do this practice up and down, and start it anywhere (not just at multiples of 2). When this becomes easy, practice with other skip count amounts such as 5 and 10.": "**Enfoque:** Practique mucho contar de 2 en 2; practiquen contar hacia adelante y hacia atras, y comience en cualquier lugar (no sólo en múltiplos de 2). Cuando esto se vuelva fácil, practiquen con otras cantidades de conteo salteado como de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10.", + "These involve practice with addition and subtraction as well as seeing which numbers can be seen as groups of pairs.": "Estas prácticas implican suma y resta, así como ver qué números pueden considerarse grupos de pares.", + "Playdate 3-10": "Cita de juego 30", + "**Playdate Focus:** Play lots of strategy games with your child. Even games that don't involve numbers have a lot of math in them. They will develop important problem solving skills.": "**Enfoque:** Juegue muchos juegos de estrategia con su niño/niña. Incluso los juegos que no involucran números tienen muchas matemáticas. Desarrollarán importantes habilidades para resolver problemas.", + "This has counting to 10, comparisons, and a discussion of problem solving.": "Esto incluye contar hasta 10, comparaciones y una discusión sobre la resolución de problemas.", + "These involve lots of problem solving while playing strategy games.": "Estos implican resolver muchos problemas mientras se juegan juegos de estrategia.", + "Stage 4 Overview": "Resumen de la etapa 4", + "**Overview for Stage 4 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 4 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have a suggested storybook and some math activities.": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 4**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 4 brinda una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye un libro de cuentos sugerido y algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "Playdate 4-1": "Cita de juego 31", + "**Playdate Focus:** Count up and down to 100 with your child, paying particular attention to transitions at multiples of 10.": "**Enfoque:** Cuenta hacia adelante y atrás hasta 100 con su niño/niña, enfocando en las transiciones a múltiples de 10.", + "This has lots of shapes, counting, and groupings of objects.": "Este tiene muchas formas, conteo y grupos de objetos.", + "These involve ordering and comparing of numbers. Use numbers to 100 for I'm Thinking of a Number.": "Estos incluyen ordenar y comparar los números. Use números hasta 100 para Estoy pensando en un número.", + "Playdate 4-2": "Cita de juego 32", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use Expanded Form and 2-digit place value to understand the value and meaning of numbers. Expanded Form is breaking a number into tens and ones, such as 43 is 40 + 3. Place value is understanding that 43 means 4 tens and 3 ones – the place a digit is in is what gives it its value. Use Expanded Form and place value to help compare numbers.": "**Enfoque:** Use Forma expandida y valor posicional de dos dígitos para entender el valor y significado de los números. Forma expandida es descomponer un número en dieces y unos, cómo 43 es 40 + 3. Valor posicional es entender que 43 significa 4 dieces y 3 unos -- la posición de un dígito determina su valor. Use la forma expandida y el valor posicional para ayudar a comparar los números.", + "This has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes.": "Este incluye contar hasta 20, descripciones y formas.", + "These involve ordering and comparing games.": "Estos incluyen ordenar y comparar juegos.", + "Playdate 4-3": "Cita de juego 33", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use fingers and Counting On to make it easy to add a single-digit number to any number. Use Compensation to make some addition problems much easier.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice los dedos y el conteo progresivo para que resulte más fácil sumar un número de un solo dígito a cualquier número. Utilice la compensación para que los problemas de suma sean mucho más sencillos.", + "This has shapes, quantities, and speeds.": "Este incluye formas, cantidades y velocidades.", + "These involve lots of addition and subtraction, and some practice with number bonds.": "Estos incluyen mucha suma y resta y un poco de práctica con vínculos numéricos.", + "Playdate 4-4": "Cita de juego 34", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use fingers to make it easy to subtract a single-digit number from any number, or to subtract any two numbers whose difference is a single-digit number.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice los dedos para restar fácilmente un número de un solo dígito de cualquier número, o para restar dos números cuya diferencia sea un número de un solo dígito.", + "This has lots of shapes and polygons (many-sided flat shapes).": "Este tiene muchas formas y polígonos (formas planas con muchos lados).", + "These involve lots of practice with addition and subtraction.": "Estos incluyen mucha práctica de suma y resta.", + "Playdate 4-5": "Cita de juego 35", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use compensation to make adding and subtracting a lot easier.": "**Enfoque:** Use compensación para que la suma y resta sean mucho más fácil.", + "This has counting of groups and lots of comparison words.": "Este incluye contando grupos y mucha comparación de palabras.", + "These involve adding and subtracting, as well as a little bit of probability.": "Este incluye suma y resta, además de un poquito de probabilidad.", + "Playdate 4-6": "Cita de juego 36", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use 10 as an intermediate stop to make mental arithmetic for adding and subtracting a lot easier, as well as reinforcing number relationships.": "**Enfoque:** Usar el 10 como un punto intermedio hace la suma y resta mental mucho más fácil, además de reforzar vínculos numéricos.", + "This has skip counting and number properties.": "Este incluye conteo salteado y propiedades numéricas.", + "These involve adding, subtracting, and number bonds.": "Estos incluyen suma, resta y vínculos numéricos.", + "Playdate 4-7": "Cita de juego 37", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's starting anywhere and going up and down. This helps a lot with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Skip counting by 10's also helps with place value.": "**Enfoque:** Practique el conteo de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10 comenzando en cualquier punto y avanzando hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Esto ayuda mucho con la suma, la resta, la multiplicación y la división. El conteo de 10 en 10 también ayuda con el valor posicional.", + "This has counting to 14 and skip counting.": "Esto incluye contar hasta 14 y contar salteado.", + "These involve place value and simple additions with two-digit numbers.": "Estos incluyen valor posicional y suma simple con números de dos cifras.", + "Playdate 4-8": "Cita de juego 38", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use doubling and halving as a way to start using the words of multiplication and division without making a big deal about it.": "**Enfoque:** Utilice duplicar y dividir por la mitad como una forma de comenzar a usar las palabras de multiplicación y división sin darle mucha importancia.", + "This has skip counting and shapes.": "Este incluye contar salteado y formas.", + "These involve doubling, adding or subtracting single-digit numbers with double-digit numbers, and place value.": "Estos incluyen duplicar, sumar o restar números de una cifra con números de dos cifras y valor posicional.", + "Playdate 4-9": "Cita de juego 39", + "**Playdate Focus:** Do mental multiplication with your child for any two numbers from 1 to 5. This is the beginning of mastering multiplication!": "**Enfoque:** Hacer multiplicación mental con su niño/niña para cualquieres dos números entre 1 y 5. ¡Este es el comienzo de dominar la multiplicación!", + "This has skip counting, shapes, and colors.": "Este incluye contar salteado, formas y colores.", + "These involve addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Number Scramble can now involve all three of these operations. War using multiplication should only use the cards from 1 to 5 until your child is comfortable with larger numbers.": "Estos incluyen suma, resta y multiplicación. Barullo de números, ahora puedo incluir todas estas tres operaciones. Guerra usando multiplicación, solo debe usar las cartas de 1 a 5 hasta que su niño/niña sienta comodidad con números más grandes.", + "Playdate 4-10": "Cita de juego 40", + "**Playdate Focus:** This is a chance to take a deeper look at problem solving using strategy games. A strategy game is any game where the players have choices that can make the outcome of the game better or worse.": "**Enfoque:** Esta es una oportunidad para profundizar en la resolución de problemas usando juegos de estrategia. Un juego de estrategia es cualquier juego en el que los jugadores tienen opciones de mejorar o empeorar el resultado del juego.", + "This has counting, comparisons, and problem solving.": "Esto incluye contar, comparar, y resolver problemas.", + "These involve addition and subtraction. Use the numbered version of Dots and Boxes and write in two-digit numbers if your child is ready for them.": "Estos implican suma y resta. Utilice la versión numerada de Puntos y cajas y escriba números de dos cifras si su niño/niña está listo/lista para ellos.", + "Stage 5 Overview": "Resumen de la etapa 5", + "**Overview for Stage 5 playdates**\n\nThe Math Learning Step for the introduction for Stage 5 gives an overview of the topics that are covered during this stage. The individual Playdates each have some suggested math activities.": "**Resumen de las citas de juego de la etapa 5**\n\nEl paso de aprendizaje matemático para la introducción a la etapa 5 ofrece una descripción general de los temas que se abordan durante esta etapa. Cada cita de juego incluye algunas actividades matemáticas.", + "Playdate 5-1": "Cita de juego 41", + "**Playdate Focus:** Your child's numbers are going above 100, and their adding and subtracting involves two-digit numbers. Practice 2-digit and 3-digit expanded form and place value with them.": "**Enfoque:** Los números de su niño/niña van por encima de 100, y su suma y resta involucra números de dos dígitos. Practique con ellos la forma expandida de 2 y 3 dígitos y el valor posicional.", + "Playdate 5-2": "Cita de juego 42", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use expanded form to practice double-digit addition and subtraction.": "**Enfoque:** Use la forma expandida para practicar la suma y resta de dos dígitos.", + "These involve two-digit addition and subtraction.": "Estos implican la suma y la resta de dos dígitos.", + "Playdate 5-3": "Cita de juego 43", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice skip counting up and down by any skip amount starting at any number (not just multiples). This skip counting is great practice for all four of the operations.": "**Enfoque:** Practique el conteo salteado hacia adelante y hacia atrás en cualquier cantidad de saltos, comenzando con cualquier número (no solo múltiplos). Este conteo salteado es una excelente práctica para las cuatro operaciones.", + "These involve lots of practice with skip counting.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con el conteo de saltos.", + "Playdate 5-4": "Cita de juego 44", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practice mental multiplication using doubling for 2, 4, and 8. Practice mental multiplication by 5 and 10 because they are useful and easy.": "**Enfoque:** Practique la multiplicación mental duplicando por 2, 4 y 8. Practique la multiplicación mental por 5 y 10 porque son útiles y fáciles.", + "These involve doubling and general multiplication practice.": "Se trata de la duplicación y de la multiplicación general.", + "Playdate 5-5": "Cita de juego 45", + "**Playdate Focus:** Use the idea of one more and one less to practice mental multiplication for multiplying by 3, 4, 6, 9, and 11. For example, multiplying by 6 is one more than multiplying by 5.": "**Enfoque:** Use la idea de uno más y uno menos para practicar la multiplicación mental multiplicando por 3, 4, 6, 9 y 11. Por ejemplo, multiplicar por 6 es una más que multiplicar por 5.", + "These involve lots of multiplication practice along with some mixed operation practice.": "Estos implican mucha práctica de multiplicación junto con alguna práctica de operación mixta.", + "Playdate 5-6": "Cita de juego 46", + "**Playdate Focus:** All the pieces are in place, and your child is ready to finish off the mastery of all single-digit multiplication!": "**Enfoque:** ¡Todas las piezas están en su lugar, y su niño/niña está listo para terminar el dominio de todos los dígitos de multiplicación!", + "These are repeated from the last Playdate and involve lots of multiplication practice along with some mixed operation practice.": "Estos se repiten desde la última cita de juego y implican mucha práctica de multiplicación junto con alguna práctica de operación mixta.", + "Playdate 5-7": "Cita de juego 47", + "**Playdate Focus:** Now that your child is getting comfortable with multiplying and dividing, it's time to develop a sense of how numbers can evenly divide other numbers. This involves in learning and practice the words: factor, divisor, and multiple.": "**Enfoque:** Ahora que su niño/niña se está acostumbrando a multiplicar y dividir, es hora de desarrollar un sentido de cómo los números pueden dividir uniformemente otros números. Esto implica aprender y practicar las palabras: factor, divisor y múltiple.", + "These involve lots of practice with factors and multiples.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con factores y múltiplos.", + "Playdate 5-8": "Cita de juego 48", + "**Playdate Focus:** Using multiplication, primes are the building blocks of numbers. Help your child develop a strong sense of prime factorizations. The new words for this Playdate are: prime, composite, unit, and power.": "**Enfoque:** Usando la multiplicación, los números primos son los bloques de construcción de los números. Ayude a su niño/niña a desarrollar un fuerte sentido de las factorizaciones primas. Las nuevas palabras para esta cita de juego son: primo, compuesto, unidad y potencia.", + "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and divisibility playing with Turning the Tables. Practice prime factorizations by using them when you play Beep.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y la divisibilidad jugando con Cambiando las tablas. Practique y use las factorizaciones primas cuando juegue Beep.", + "Playdate 5-9": "Cita de juego 49", + "**Playdate Focus:** Practicing with fact families is a good way to deepen your child's understanding of the interconnection between multiplication and division.": "**Enfoque:** Practicar con familias de operaciones es una buena manera de profundizar la comprensión de su niño/niña sobre la interconexión entre la multiplicación y división.", + "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and divisibility playing with Turning the Tables. Practice multiples by using them when you play Beep.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y la divisibilidad jugando con Cambiando las tablas. Practique y use los múltiplos cuando juegue Beep.", + "Playdate 5-10": "Cita de juego 50", + "**Playdate Focus:** This is a quick first step at practicing division with and without remainders.": "**Enfoque:** Este es un primer y rápido paso para practicar la división con y sin residuos.", + "These involve lots of practice with multiplication and division.": "Estos implican mucha práctica con la multiplicación y división.", "A Very Tall Man": "Un Hombre Muy Alto", "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller": "Esta historia enseña a contar hasta 5, a hacer descripciones y comparaciones. Practica usar las siguientes palabras para hacer descripciones: demasiado, muy, corto, alto, largo, bajo, alto, grande, pequeño; nombres de colores; y palabras para comparar: más corto, más largo, más bajo, más alto, más grande, más pequeño", "Akadeli's Lucky Day": "El Día de Suerte de Akadeli", diff --git a/app_data/translations/kw_ar/strings.json b/app_data/translations/sa_ar/strings.json similarity index 66% rename from app_data/translations/kw_ar/strings.json rename to app_data/translations/sa_ar/strings.json index 7a7dd2b..5b90cba 100644 --- a/app_data/translations/kw_ar/strings.json +++ b/app_data/translations/sa_ar/strings.json @@ -704,6 +704,69 @@ "Who has more whiskers -- Cat or Dog? They have the same number, but Dog's whiskers are small.": "من لديه المزيد من الشوارب القط أم الكلب؟ لديهما نفس العدد، ولكن شوارب الكلب صغيرة.", "In the end, how many pieces of clothing does Dog have? Too many!": "في النهاية، كم قطعة ملابس يرتدي الكلب؟ كثير جدًا!", "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.": "هذا القط.\n\n هذا الكلب.", + "These two are a pair of friends. Point out all the pairs and groups of three you can find in this picture.": "هذان صديقان. أشر إلى جميع الأزواج والمجموعات المكونة من ثلاثة في الصورة.", + "Cats and dogs are mammals. Mammals have fur (or hair), they give birth to babies (not eggs), and the mother feeds her baby milk. Can you think of other animals that are mammals (don't forget yourself!)?": "القطط والكلاب من الثدييات. الثدييات لها فراء وتلد صغارها وتطعمهم بالحليب. هل يمكنك أن تفكر في حيوانات أخرى من الثدييات؟ (لا تنسي نفسك!)", + "Describe some ways that Cat and Dog are similar, and some other ways that they are different.": "صف بعض الطرق التي يتشابه بها القط والكلب، وبعض الطرق التي يختلفان بها.", + "Cat and Dog want to draw.\n\nCat and Dog want to color.\n\nCat and Dog want to make art.\n\nDog starts.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper. The paper is a square.": "يريد القط والكلب الرسم.\n\nيريد القط والكلب التلوين.\n\nيريد القط والكلب صنع الفن.\n\nبدأ الكلب.\n\nيأخذ قلم رصاص وورقة. الورقة عبارة عن مربع.", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point out some squares where you are now.": "المستطيل له أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة، مثل هذه الصفحة. المربع هو مستطيل له أربعة أضلاع متساوية. أشر إلى بعض المربعات حولك.", + "Sometimes when we draw, we know exactly what we want to draw. Other times, we have to think and think. If you drew something right now, what would you draw?": "أحيانًا نعرف بالضبط ما نريد رسمه، وأحيانًا نفكر ونتفكر. إذا رسمت شيئًا الآن، فماذا سترسم؟", + "Dog is holding the pencil in his right paw. When you write or draw, which hand do you use?": "يمسك الكلب بالقلم الرصاص في مخلبه الأيمن. عندما تكتب أو ترسم، أي يد تستخدم؟", + "First, Dog draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Cat.\n\nWow, that is simple!": "أولاً، يرسم الكلب شكلًا بيضاويًا.\n\nالشكل البيضاوي هو جسم القط\n\nيا إلهي، هذا بسيط!!", + "An oval is like a squished or pulled circle. Ellipses are also ovals. Look for some ovals around where you are.": "الشكل البيضاوي يشبه الدائرة المضغوطة. ابحث عن بعض الأشكال البيضاوية حولك.", + "Look at the tails for Cat and Dog. Describe how they are similar and how they are different.": "انظر إلى ذيول القط والكلب. صف أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بينهما.", + "Dog draws Cat one step at a time. Which part of Cat do you think Dog will draw next?": "يرسم الكلب القط خطوة بخطوة. أي جزء من القط سيرسمه بعد ذلك؟", + "Then he draws two triangles on top of the oval.\n\nThe two triangles are the ears of Cat and he draws a black triangle in the oval.\n\nThe black triangle is the nose of Cat and he draws a line above the nose.": "ثم يرسم مثلثين أعلى الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالمثلثان هما أذنا القط. يرسم مثلثًا أسود في الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالمثلث الأسود هو أنف القط. يرسم خطًا أعلى الأنف.", + "An arc is part of a circle. Point to each part of this drawing and name the shape (oval, triangle, arc).": "القوس هو جزء من الدائرة. أشر إلى كل جزء من هذا الرسم واذكر الشكل (بيضاوي، مثلث، أو قوس).", + "Look around where you are and see how many of the shapes you can name.": "انظر حولك وسمِّ الأشكال التي تراها.", + "Notice the line above the nose. That is a surprising line. See what happens to this line in the next two pages.": "لاحظ الخط فوق الأنف. إنه خط مدهش. انظر ماذا سيحدث لهذا الخط في الصفحتين التاليتين.", + "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Cat.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is easy!": "الآن يرسم عيني وحاجبي القط.\n\nالعينان عبارة عن نقطتان.\n\nالحاجبان عبارة عن خطان.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا سهل!", + "That unusual line from the last page is the start of Cat's muzzle. That line separates the muzzle from the rest of Cat's face.": "هذا الخط غير المعتاد هو بداية كمامة القط. يفصل كمامة القط عن بقية وجهه.", + "The way people move their eyebrows can tell us what they are feeling. Can you move your eyebrows to show you are surprised? Angry?": "حركات الحواجب يمكن أن تخبرنا بما يشعر به الناس. هل يمكنك تحريك حاجبيك لتظهر أنك مندهش أو غاضب؟", + "What do Cat's eyebrows tell us about how Cat is feeling?": "ماذا تخبرنا حواجب القط عن شعوره؟", + "Then he draws the mouth of Cat.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nIt looks like the letter 'w' and he draws the hairs of Cat.\n\nThree hairs on the left side and three hairs on the right side.": "بعد ذلك يرسم شعر القط.\n\nثم يرسم فم القط. الفم خط يشبه الحرف ”w“ ثم يرسم شعر القط.\n\nثلاث شعرات على الجانب الأيسر وثلاث شعرات على الجانب الأيمن.", + "The lines beside Cat's nose are whiskers. They are very sensitive to touch. They help a cat sense things in the dark.": "الخطوط بجانب أنف القط هي الشوارب. وهي حساسة للغاية وتساعد القطة على استشعار الأشياء في الظلام.", + "This is the fourth step in the drawing. See if you can describe the steps in order, calling each one by its number.": "هذه هي الخطوة الرابعة في الرسم. حاول أن تصف الخطوات بالترتيب.", + "Think of something you do step by step. Perhaps it is getting dressed or going to the store. List as many of the steps in order that you can think of.": "فكر في شيء تفعله خطوة بخطوة. ربما ارتداء الملابس أو الذهاب إلى المتجر. قم بإدراج أكبر عدد ممكن من الخطوات بالترتيب.", + "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Cat.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Cat.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Cat.\n\nThe tail is a long line.": "الرسم تقريبًا مكتمل.\n\nيرسم ذراعي وساقي القط.\n\nالذراعان والساقان عبارة عن خطوط. يرسم أصابع قدمي القط.\n\nالأصابع عبارة عن دوائر. يرسم ذيل القط.\n\nالذيل عبارة عن خط طويل.", + "Which details still need to be added to this picture?": "ما التفاصيل التي لا تزال بحاجة إلى إضافتها إلى هذه الصورة؟", + "Skip count by 3's to count how many of Cat's toes you can see (3 + 3).": "عدّ أصابع قدمي القط بالتخطي بمقدار ٣. يمكنك رؤية (٣ + ٣).", + "Cats usually have 4 toes on a back leg. How many toes would that make? How many more toes would that be than 3 + 3?": "عادة ما يكون للقطط ٤ أصابع في رجلها الخلفية. كم عدد أصابع القدم؟ كم عدد أصابع القدم الإضافية التي ستكون ٣ + ٣؟", + "At last he draws some stripes on the body of Cat and colors the body orange.\n\nThe drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is beautiful!": "وأخيرًا، يرسم بعض الخطوط على جسم القط ويلونه باللون البرتقالي.\n\nلقد اكتمل الرسم.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا جميل", + "Describe what Cat and Dog are each feeling by looking at their faces.": "صف ما يشعر به القط والكلب من خلال النظر إلى وجهيهما.", + "There are lots of groups of 3 in the picture now. Can you skip count by 3's to count them all?": "توجد مجموعات كبيرة من ٣ في الصورة الآن. هل يمكنك عدها بالتخطي بمقدار ٣؟", + "Notice that one side of Cat is the mirror image of the other side. That is called mirror symmetry. Many things in the world have that symmetry. Look around you and find a few.": "لاحظ أن أحد جانبي القط هو صورة طبق الأصل للجانب الآخر. وهذا ما يسمى بالتناظر المرآوي. العديد من الأشياء في العالم لها هذا التناظر. انظر حولك وابحث عن القليل منها.", + "Now it is Cat's turn.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper.\n\nThe paper is a rectangle.": "الآن جاء دور القط.\n\nيأخذ قلم رصاص وورقة. الورقة مستطيلة.", + "Which paw is Cat holding the pencil in?": "في أي مخلب يحمل القط القلم؟", + "Cat's piece of paper is a rectangle which is not a square. Describe why it is not a square.": "قطعة الورق التي يمسكها القط مستطيلة وليست مربعة. صف سبب عدم كونها مربعة.", + "Keep an eye on that little tear on the bottom of the piece of paper as the story goes forward.": "راقب هذا التمزق الصغير في أسفل قطعة الورق بينما تتقدم القصة.", + "First, Cat draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Dog.\n\nWow, that is good!": "أولاً، يرسم القط شكلًا بيضاويًا.\n\nالشكل البيضاوي هو جسم الكلب.\n\nيا إلهي, هذا جيد!", + "Cat is now drawing with the other paw. Cat is probably right-handed (or is that right-pawed).": "القط يرسم الآن بالمخلب الآخر. ربما يكون القط أيمن اليد.", + "Cat is starting the drawing with the same first step. Predict what the next two steps will be.": "يبدأ القط الرسم بنفس الخطوة الأولى. توقع ما ستكون عليه الخطوتان التاليتان.", + "Look at the bottom of the rectangular sheet of paper. Something has changed!": "انظر إلى أسفل الورقة المستطيلة. لقد تغير شيء ما!", + "Then he draws two black forms on top of the oval.\n\nThe two black forms are the ears of Dog and he draws a black circle in the oval.\n\nThe black circle is the nose of Dog and he draws a line above the nose.": "ثم يرسم شكلين أسودين فوق الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالشكلان الأسودان هما أذنا الكلب. يرسم دائرة سوداء في الشكل البيضاوي.\n\nالدائرة السوداء هي أنف الكلب. يرسم خطًا فوق الأنف.", + "Cat's nose and Dog's nose are two different shapes. What are the shapes and how are they different?": "أنف القط وأنف الكلب لهما شكلان مختلفان. ما هما الشكلان وما الفرق بينهما؟", + "The picture doesn't look like Dog yet. Use your imagination to think of what else the drawing might become. Perhaps a ladybug, or a water bottle squirting water, or a space alien?": "الصورة لا تبدو مثل الكلب بعد. استخدم خيالك لتفكر في ما قد يصبح عليه الرسم. ربما خنفساء، أو زجاجة ماء ترش الماء، أو كائن فضائي؟", + "Have you noticed what came back on the rectangular piece of paper?": "هل لاحظت ما عاد إلى قطعة الورق المستطيلة؟", + "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Dog.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is perfect!": "الآن يرسم عيني وحاجبي الكلب.\n\nالعينان عبارة عن نقطتين.\n\nالحواجب عبارة عن خطين.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا رائع!", + "Do you see any rectangles in addition to the piece of paper? There are probably many rectangles where you are. How many can you find?": "هل ترى أي مستطيلات بالإضافة إلى قطعة الورق؟ من المحتمل أن يكون هناك العديد من المستطيلات في المكان الذي تتواجد فيه. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "Cat and Dog aren't talking to each other in this story. They are communicating without words. What are they doing to communicate?": "القط والكلب لا يتحدثان مع بعضهما البعض في هذه القصة. إنهما يتواصلان بدون كلمات. ماذا يفعلان للتواصل؟", + "Which things come in pairs and which come in 3's in this picture?": "ما الأشياء التي تأتي في أزواج والتي تأتي في مجموعات مكونة من ثلاثة في هذه الصورة؟", + "Then he draws the mouth of Dog.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nThe shape is again the letter 'w' and he draws some dots around the mouth of Dog.\n\nThree on the left side and three on the right side.": "ثم يرسم فم الكلب.\n\nالفم عبارة عن خط.\n\nالشكل هو مرة أخرى الحرف ”w“. يرسم بعض النقاط حول فم الكلب.\n\nثلاث نقاط على الجانب الأيسر وثلاث نقاط على الجانب الأيمن.", + "Lines can be straight or curved. Other than their mouths, what are some other curved lines in this picture?": "يمكن أن تكون الخطوط مستقيمة أو منحنية. بخلاف أفواههم، ما هي بعض الخطوط المنحنية الأخرى في هذه الصورة؟", + "Cat and Dog have 3 dots on each side of their face. Skip count by 3's to count the total number of dots.": "القطة والكلب لديهما ٣ نقاط على كل جانب من وجهيهما. عدّ النقاط بالتخطي بمقدار ٣ لحساب العدد الإجمالي.", + "They have very different ears. Describe the shapes. How are they similar and how are they different?": "لديهما آذان مختلفة جدًا. صف الأشكال. ما أوجه التشابه بينهما وما أوجه الاختلاف بينهما؟", + "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Dog.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Dog.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Dog.\n\nThe tail looks like a flower.": "الرسم مكتمل تقريبًا.\n\nيرسم ذراعي وساقي الكلب.\n\nالذراعان والساقان عبارة عن خطوط. يرسم أصابع قدمي الكلب.\n\nأصابع القدم عبارة عن دوائر. يرسم ذيل الكلب.\n\nالذيل يشبه الزهرة.", + "Dogs have the same number of toenails as toes. Skip count by 3's to find the total number of toes and toenails.": "لدى الكلاب نفس عدد أظافر القدمين وأصابع القدمين. عدّ بالتخطي بمقدار ٣ لإيجاد العدد الإجمالي لأصابع القدمين وأظافر القدمين.", + "This picture has many things that come in pairs. Count them all by skip counting by 2's.": "تحتوي هذه الصورة على العديد من الأشياء التي تأتي في أزواج. احسبها جميعًا بالتخطي بمقدار ٢.", + "Suppose you had five pairs. You could skip count them by 2's five times or skip count them by 5's two times. Why do you get the same answer both ways?": "افترض أن لديك خمسة أزواج. يمكنك عدها بالقفز بمقدار ٢ خمس مرات أو عدها بالتخطي بمقدار ٥ مرتين. لماذا تحصل على نفس الإجابة في كلا الطريقتين؟", + "At last he draws some black circles on the body of Dog and he colors the body yellow.\n\nThen the drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is wonderful!": "أخيرًا، يرسم بعض الدوائر السوداء على جسم الكلب ويلونه باللون الأصفر.\n\nثم ينتهي الرسم.\n\nيا إلهي، هذا رائع!", + "How many steps did this drawing take? Was it less than, the same as, or more than the number of steps for the first drawing?": "م عدد الخطوات التي استغرقها هذا الرسم؟ هل كانت أقل، مساوية، أم أكثر من عدد الخطوات في الرسم الأول؟", + "In this drawing, you don't see Dog's mouth. Even still, you can tell Dog is happy in the drawing. How can you tell?": "في هذا الرسم، لا ترى فم الكلب. ومع ذلك، يمكنك أن تقول إن الكلب سعيد. كيف تعرف ذلك؟", + "Have you ever seen cats and dogs stand on their back two feet? Some can do it for a short time, but it is unusual.": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت قططًا وكلابًا تقف على قدميها الخلفيتين؟ يمكن لبعضها أن تفعل ذلك لفترة قصيرة، لكن هذا غير معتاد.", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye drawing of Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye drawing of Dog.": "وداعًا يا قط.\n\nوداعًا يا رسم القط.\n\nوداعًا يا كلب.\n\nوداعًا يا رسم الكلب.", + "In which ways does this picture have mirror symmetry and in which ways does it fail?": "بأي الطرق تتمتع هذه الصورة بتناظر المرآة وبأي الطرق لا؟", + "When you draw a picture of someone it's called a portrait. Have you ever drawn a portrait of someone? How did it turn out?": "عندما ترسم صورة لشخص ما، يُطلق عليها اسم صورة شخصية. هل رسمت صورة شخصية لشخص ما من قبل؟ كيف كانت النتيجة؟", + "Drawing a picture of yourself is called a self-portrait. If you drew a self-portrait where would you start? Would you use an oval for your body, or would you start somewhere else?": "يُطلق على رسم صورة لنفسك اسم صورة شخصية. إذا رسمت صورة شخصية، من أين ستبدأ؟ هل ستستخدم شكلًا بيضاويًا لجسدك، أم ستبدأ من مكان آخر؟", "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.": "في قريتي يعيش السيد كيو. السيد كيو لديه قطة تدعى صافي.", "Point out and name each of the strong colors on this page.": "أشر إلى كل لون من الألوان القوية في هذه الصفحة وقم بتسميتها.", "Which has the least number of legs -- the table, Mr. Kio, or Safi?": "من لديه أقل عدد من الأرجل - الطاولة، السيد كيو، أم صافي؟", @@ -1555,6 +1618,192 @@ "**Question 2**: Which things can you weigh exactly if the weights are on either side of the scale?\n\n**Question 3:** How do the answers of these two questions change if instead of using weights of size 4 and 7, you use 3 and 8? Or perhaps you use 4 and 6 or 8 and 12?\n\n**Question 4:** What happens if you have one weight each for each of the weights in a doubling progression of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16? How many ways can you weigh something that weighs 13? Does it change things if you allow weights on both sides? What is the largest weight you can measure? This situation is related to the binary number system.\n\n**Question 5:** What happens if you use single weights in the tripling progression 1, 3, 9, and 27? Which things can you weigh if you allow those weights on both sides?\n\n**Question 6:** What happens if the weights are the Fibonacci Numbers? Is there more than one way to weigh some weights? Find a restriction on the Fibonacci weights so that there is only one way to get each weight.": "**السؤال ٢:** ما الأشياء التي يمكنك وزنها بالضبط إذا كانت الأوزان على جانبي الميزان؟\n\n**السؤال ٣:** كيف تتغير إجابات هذين السؤالين إذا استخدمت ٣ و٨ بدلاً من استخدام أوزان بقياس ٤ و٧؟ أو ربما تستخدم ٤ و٦ أو ٨ و١٢؟\n\n**السؤال ٤:** ماذا يحدث إذا كان لديك وزن واحد لكل من الأوزان في تقدم مضاعف من ١ و٢و٤ و٨ و١٦؟ بكم طريقة يمكنك وزن شيء يزن ١٣؟ هل يتغير الأمر إذا سمحت بوجود أوزان على كلا الجانبين؟ ما هو أكبر وزن يمكنك قياسه؟ هذا الموقف مرتبط بنظام الأعداد الثنائية.\n\n**السؤال ٥:** ماذا يحدث إذا استخدمت أوزانًا فردية في المتوالية الثلاثية ١ و٣ و٩ و٢٧؟ ما الأشياء التي يمكنك وزنها إذا سمحت بوجود هذه الأوزان على كلا الجانبين؟\n\n**السؤال ٦:** ماذا يحدث إذا كانت الأوزان أرقام فيبوناتشي؟ هل هناك أكثر من طريقة لوزن بعض الأوزان؟ ابحث عن قيد على أوزان فيبوناتشي بحيث تكون هناك طريقة واحدة فقط للحصول على كل وزن.", "STAGE 5 – I CAN COUNT TO 100!": "المرحلة ٥ - أستطيع العد حتى ١٠٠!", "Stage 5 Introduction": "المرحلة ٥ – مقدمة", + "**Where You've Been**\n\nYour child can now count to 100! They can comfortably do mental single-digit addition and subtraction. They can also count or skip count up or down by any number, and tied to that skill is their ability to add or subtract a single-digit number with a double-digit number. They can compare two double-digit numbers, and they have a beginning sense of place value with 10’s and 1’s.\n\nAs their skip counting is improving, they are also developing skills with multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10. The idea of even and odd numbers now makes a lot more sense to them.\n\nExtend activities from earlier stages to these larger numbers: Stage 3: Shape Sums, Going Up Some More; Stage 4: War - Double Digit Add and Subtract, DiffTriangles and SumTriangles, Fix It, Island Hopping by 1’s and 10’s, Fill in the Blanks Comparison, Sum Square, and Addition Pyramid.": "**أين كنت**\n\nيمكن لطفلك الآن العد حتى ١٠٠! ويمكنه القيام بالجمع والطرح الذهني للأعداد المكونة من رقم واحد بسهولة. كما يمكنه العد أو العد بالتخطي لأعلى أو لأسفل بأي رقم، وترتبط بهذه المهارة قدرته على جمع أو طرح رقم مكون من رقم واحد مع رقم مكون من رقمين. كما يمكنه مقارنة عددين من رقمين، ولديه إحساس أولي بالقيمة المكانية مع ١٠ و١.\n\nمع تحسنه في العد بالتخطي، فإن طفلك يقوم أيضًا بتطوير مهارات الضرب في ٢ و٣ و٤ و٥ و١٠. أصبحت فكرة الأعداد الزوجية والفردية أكثر منطقية بالنسبة له الآن.\n\nقم بتوسيع الأنشطة من المراحل السابقة إلى هذه الأعداد الأكبر: المرحلة ٣: مجموع الأشكال، الصعود أكثر؛ المرحلة ٤: الحرب - الجمع والطرح المكون من رقمين، المثلثات التفاضلية ومثلثات المجموع، إصلاح الأمر، التنقل بين الجزر باستخدام ١ و١٠، مقارنة ملء الفراغات، مربع المجموع، وهرم الجمع.", + "New ideas for this stage": "أفكار جديدة في هذه المرحلة", + "* Counting to 200 – Introduce the 100’s place by looking at the numbers from 100 to 200.\n* Skip Counting to 100 – This is not new, but it is an important skill to reinforce.\n* Expanded Form and Place Value – This is a foundational skill, so it will be reinforced further.\n* Double-digit Addition and Subtraction – Skip counting will help make this seem effortless.\n* All Single-digit Multiplication – It is time to fill in the missing gaps for 6, 7, 8, and 9.\n* Rectangle Area is Length x Width – This is an important idea in its own right. This fact will also provide many opportunities for fun games and puzzles involving multiplication and factoring.\n* Factoring – Your child will learn the beauty of how numbers break apart into factors. 1 is a unit. A number bigger than 1 only divisible by 1 and itself is prime. A number bigger than 1 that is not prime is composite. 3 **squared** is 3 × 3. 3 **cubed** is 3 × 3 × 3. And 3 raised to a power means to multiply 3 by itself that many times - for example, 3 to the fourth is 3 × 3 × 3 × 3.\n* Factors, Divisors, and Multiples – 3 divides evenly into 12. That makes 3 a factor or divisor of 12, and 12 a multiple of 3. 3 is a common factor of 12 and 15, and 12 is a common multiple of 4 and 6.\n* Single-digit Division – Your child will learn division indirectly in the form of finding a missing factor in a multiplication problem.\n* Fact Families for Multiplication and Division – We'll reinforce the connection between these two operations. For example, 2 × 5 = 10, 5 × 2 = 10, 10 / 2 = 5, and 10 / 5 = 2 form a fact family.": "* العد حتى ٢٠٠ - تعرّف على خانة المئات من خلال النظر إلى الأرقام من ١٠٠ إلى ٢٠٠.\n* العد بالتخطي حتى ١٠٠ - هذا ليس جديدًا، ولكنه مهارة مهمة يجب تعزيزها.\n* الشكل الموسع والقيمة المكانية - هذه مهارة أساسية، لذا سيتم تعزيزها بشكل أكبر.\n* الجمع والطرح المكونان من رقمين - سيساعد العد بالتخطي في جعل هذا يبدو سهلاً.\n* جميع عمليات الضرب المكونة من رقم واحد - حان الوقت لملء الفجوات المفقودة للأعداد ٦ و٧ و٨ و٩\n* مساحة المستطيل هي الطول × العرض - هذه فكرة مهمة في حد ذاتها. ستوفر هذه الحقيقة أيضًا العديد من الفرص للألعاب والألغاز الممتعة التي تتضمن الضرب والتحليل إلى عوامل.\n* التحليل إلى عوامل - سيتعلم طفلك جمال كيفية تقسيم الأرقام إلى عوامل. ١ هو وحدة العدد الأكبر من ١ الذي لا يقبل القسمة إلا على ١ وهو في حد ذاته أولي. العدد الأكبر من ١ غير الأولي هو عدد مركب. ٣ مربع يساوي ٣ × ٣. و٣ مكعب يساوي ٣× ٣ × ٣. و٣ مرفوعة إلى قوة، تعني ضرب ٣ في حد ذاته عدة مرات - على سبيل المثال، ٣ أس أربعة يساوي ٣ × ٣ × ٣ × ٣.\n* العوامل والمقسومات والمضاعفات - ٣ يقسم ١٢ بالتساوي. وهذا يجعل ٣ عاملاً أو قاسمًا لـ ١٢، و١٢ مضاعفًا لـ ٣. و٣ عامل مشترك لـ ١٢ و١٥، و١٢ مضاعف مشترك لـ ٤ و٦.\n* القسمة المكونة من رقم واحد - سيتعلم طفلك القسمة بشكل غير مباشر في شكل إيجاد عامل مفقود في مسألة الضرب.\n* عائلات الحقائق للضرب والقسمة - سنعزز العلاقة بين هاتين العمليتين. على سبيل المثال، ٢ × ٥ = ١٠، و٥ × ٢ = ١٠، و١٠ / ٢ = ٥، و١٠ / ٥ = ٢ تشكل عائلة حقائق.", + "MENTAL MULTIPLICATION": "الضرب الذهني", + "These teaching methods provide structured strategies for learning single-digit multiplication. Your child should already be good at doubling any number, skip counting by any number, and multiplying by 5 and 10.": "توفر طرق التدريس هذه استراتيجيات منظمة لتعلم الضرب المكون من رقم واحد. يجب أن يكون لدى طفلك القدرة الجيدة بالفعل في مضاعفة أي رقم، والعد بالتخطي بأي رقم، والضرب في ٥ و١٠.", + "3 x 4 = 4 x 3": "٣ × ٤ = ٤ × ٣", + "Your child is so familiar with addition that it’s no surprise that 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2. Although not as obvious, the same is true for multiplication.": "إن طفلك على دراية كبيرة بالجمع لدرجة أنه ليس من المفاجئ أن يكون ٢ + ٣ هو نفسه ٣ + ٢. على الرغم من عدم وضوح ذلك، فإن الأمر نفسه ينطبق على الضرب.", + "This illustration shows that two rows of three is the same as three rows of two – you’re just changing your point of view!\n\nIt doesn’t matter which order you multiply two numbers – you get the same answer either way!\n\nIt's great that this cool observation means that your child needs to master only about half as many multiplication facts – once your child knows 3 × 4, they also know 4 × 3.": "يوضح هذا الرسم التوضيحي أن صفين من ثلاثة هو نفس ثلاثة صفوف من اثنين - أنت فقط تغير وجهة نظرك! لا يهم الترتيب الذي تضرب به رقمين، ستحصل على نفس الإجابة.\n\nمن الرائع أن هذه الملاحظة الرائعة تعني أن طفلك يحتاج إلى إتقان نصف عدد حقائق الضرب فقط - بمجرد أن يعرف طفلك ٣ × ٤، فإنه يعرف أيضًا ٤ × ٣.", + "SQUARES": "المربعات", + "Just as addition twins are favorite addition math facts, squares are often favorites for multiplication. Learning these provides another foundation for learning other multiplication facts.": "كما أن التوائم هي حقائق الجمع المفضلة في الرياضيات، فإن المربعات غالبًا ما تكون حقائق الضرب المفضلة. يوفر تعلم هذه الحقائق أساسًا آخر لتعلم حقائق الضرب الأخرى.", + "1 MORE OR 1 LESS": "١ أكثر أو ١ أقل", + "When combined with the other earlier skills, the strategy of using '1 more' or '1 less' is effective for calculating the remaining multiplication facts. \n\nFor example, 9 × 7 is one 7 less than 10 × 7. So 9 × 7 = 70 – 7 = 63. This works for all 9’s. \n\nSimilarly, 3 × 7 is one more 7 than doubling 7, so 3 × 7 = 7 + 14 = 21. This works for all 3’s.": "عند دمجها مع المهارات السابقة الأخرى، تكون استراتيجية استخدام \"١ أكثر“ أو \"١ أقل“ فعالة لحساب حقائق الضرب المتبقية.\n\nعلى سبيل المثال، ٩ × ٧ أقل بمقدار ٧ من ١٠ × ٧ لذا ٩ × ٧ = ٧٠ - ٧ = ٦٣. وهذا ينطبق على جميع حقائق الضرب ٩.\n\nوبالمثل، فإن ٣ × ٧ يزيد بمقدار ٧ عن مضاعفة ٧ لذا فإن ٣ × ٧ = ٧ + ١٤ = ٢١. وهذا ينطبق على جميع الأعداد ٣.", + "MULTIPLYING BY 9": "الضرب في ٩", + "Mental Multiplication": "الضرب الذهني", + "Although multiplying by 9 is covered by the last strategy, they are fun to learn in their own right. If you write the multiples of 9 in order, you’ll see the tens digit is always one less than the number you are multiplying by and the ones digit plus the tens digit always adds up to 9!": "على الرغم من أن الضرب في ٩ مشمول بالاستراتيجية الأخيرة، إلا أنه من الممتع تعلمه في حد ذاته. إذا كتبت مضاعفات ٩ بالترتيب، فستجد أن رقم العشرات يكون دائمًا أقل بمقدار واحد من الرقم الذي تضرب فيه وأن رقم الآحاد بالإضافة إلى رقم العشرات يساوي دائمًا ٩!", + "MAKING 100": "لعبة تكوين ١٠٠", + "**The setup:** Each player has a sheet of paper with 7 rows and 3 columns. The columns are marked “10’s,” “1’s,” and “Running Total.”\n\n**How to play:** Each player’s running total starts at 0. Roll a die or pick a random playing card from 1 to 9. Each player chooses to use this number in their 1’s or 10’s column for the current row. For example, if it is a 4, this can become 4 or 40. The chosen number is added to the running total.\n\n**How to win:** A player that goes over the target of 100 “goes bust” and loses. If neither player goes bust, the one closer to 100 wins.": "**الإعداد** كل لاعب لديه ورقة بها ٧ صفوف و٣ أعمدة. الأعمدة مُشار إليها بـ \"١٠“ و\"١“ و\"الإجمالي الجاري“\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يبدأ الإجمالي الجاري لكل لاعب من (٠). قم برمي نرد أو اختر بطاقة لعب عشوائية من ١ إلى ٩. يختار كل لاعب استخدام هذا الرقم في عمود ١ أو ١٠ الخاص به للصف الحالي. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان الرقم ٤، فيمكن أن يصبح ٤ أو ٤٠. تتم إضافة الرقم المختار إلى الإجمالي الجاري.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الذي يتجاوز الهدف ١٠٠ \"يخسر“. إذا لم يخسر أي من اللاعبين، يفوز اللاعب الأقرب إلى ١٠٠.", + "There are many options for this game:\n\n* Use a different target number\n* Use fewer or more rows.\n* Don’t go bust if you go over the target. The closer player on either side wins. \n* Use a fourth column of 100’s to practice 3-digit numbers.\n* Practice subtraction by starting at the target number and subtract down to 0.": "هناك العديد من الخيارات لهذه اللعبة:\n\n* استخدم رقم هدف مختلف\n* استخدم صفوفًا أقل أو أكثر.\n* لا تخسر إذا تجاوزت الهدف. يفوز اللاعب الأقرب على أي من الجانبين.\n* استخدم عمودًا رابعًا من ١٠٠ للتدرب على الأرقام المكونة من ٣ أرقام.\n* تدرب على الطرح من خلال البدء بالرقم المستهدف وطرحه حتى (٠).", + "STAKE YOUR CLAIM": "لعبة \"طالب بحقك“", + "Place Value and Addition Games": "ألعاب القيمة المكانية والجمع", + "**The setup:** Have a paper with a number line from 0 to 99 to share.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, a player uses two random cards from 0 to 9, choosing the order of these two digits, to generate a number from 00 to 99, and then puts that number on their side of the number line.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get four numbers in a region without any of the opponent’s numbers in between wins.": "**الإعداد:** احصل على ورقة بخط أرقام من $(٠)$ إلى $٩٩$ لمشاركتها.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، يستخدم اللاعب بطاقتين عشوائيتين من (٠) إلى ٩، ويختار ترتيب هذين الرقمين، لتوليد رقم من (٠٠) إلى ٩٩، ثم يضع هذا الرقم على جانبه من خط الأرقام.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز أول لاعب يحصل على أربعة أرقام في منطقة بدون أي من أرقام الخصم بينها.", + "Variation": "التنوع", + "The game can also be played from 000 to 999.": "يمكن أيضًا لعب اللعبة من ٠٠٠ إلى ٩٩٩.", + "BONDED GROUPS": "ألغاز المجموعات المرتبطة", + "There are two versions of these puzzles.": "توجد نسختان من هذه الألغاز.", + "**Version 1:** The is the same as the Sum Groups puzzles in Stage 3, only now the target sums can be bigger. The boards can be any size, and here we use a 4 by 4 board. The target number is on the left, which is 13 in this case.": "**النسخة ١:** هي نفس ألغاز المجموعات المجمعة في المرحلة ٣، إلا أن مجموع الأهداف يمكن أن يكون أكبر الآن. يمكن أن تكون الألواح بأي حجم، وهنا نستخدم لوحة ٤ × ٤. الرقم المستهدف موجود على اليسار، وهو ١٣ في هذه الحالة.", + "**The challenge:** Identify groups of connected numbers whose sum is the target (13).": "**التحدي:** تحديد مجموعات الأرقام المتصلة التي يكون مجموعها هو الهدف (١٣).", + "**Version 2:** Here is an example of a 4 by 4 board with a target number of 20. As in Sum Groups, the board is filled with pairs and triples of numbers that add up to the target. However, now there will be one square not involved in any of those groups.": "**النسخة ٢:** هذا مثال للوحة ٤ × ٤ مع رقم هدف ٢٠. كما هو الحال في المجموعات المجمعة، تمتلئ اللوحة بأزواج وثلاثيات من الأرقام التي يصل مجموعها إلى الهدف. ومع ذلك، الآن سيكون هناك مربع واحد غير مشارك في أي من هذه المجموعات.", + "**The challenge:** The challenge is to find the single square that has that number. In this example, it is '5.'": "**التحدي:** التحدي هو إيجاد المربع الوحيد الذي يحتوي على هذا الرقم. في هذا المثال، هو \"٥“.", + "MISSING NUMBERS": "ألغاز الأرقام المفقودة", + "**How to create:** Create these puzzles by taking a simple addition or subtraction equation and leaving out some of the digits. If you accidentally leave out too many numbers, that can open up a discussion of what all the possible solutions are – for example, if you start with 2 + 5 = 7 and leave out the first and third numbers, there are many solutions to ? + 5 = ?\n\n**Example:** The following two problems are turned into Missing Number puzzles by leaving out a couple digits in each one.": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز من خلال أخذ معادلة جمع أو طرح بسيطة وحذف بعض الأرقام. إذا تركت عن طريق الخطأ عددًا كبيرًا جدًا من الأرقام، فقد يفتح ذلك مناقشة حول جميع الحلول الممكنة - على سبيل المثال، إذا بدأت بـ ٢ + ٥ = ٧ وحذفت الرقمين الأول والثالث، فهناك العديد من الحلول لـ ؟ + ٥ = ؟\n\n**مثال:** يتم تحويل المشكلتين التاليتين إلى ألغاز أرقام مفقودة من خلال حذف عدد من الأرقام في كل منها.", + "**Letter substition puzzles:** These missing number puzzles form a very understandable stepping stone to using simple variables. After getting comfortable with these puzzles, your child will be ready to do some Letter Substitution puzzles that are described later in this Stage.": "**ألغاز استبدال الحروف:** تشكل ألغاز الأرقام المفقودة هذه حجر الأساس المفهوم للغاية لاستخدام المتغيرات البسيطة. بعد أن يعتاد طفلك على هذه الألغاز، سيكون مستعدًا لحل بعض ألغاز استبدال الحروف التي سيتم وصفها لاحقًا في هذه المرحلة.", + "MAKING MULTIPLICATION CARDS": "اصنع بطاقات الضرب", + "Make a set of multiplication cards to practice these math facts while playing matching games your family played earlier: Stage 1 - Go Fish, Memory Challenge; Stage 2 - Bingo; Stage 3 - Hot Potato; and Stage 4 - Gin Rummy.\n\n**How to create:** Hand draw four cards for each math fact. These are the four cards for 3 × 4.": "اصنع مجموعة من بطاقات الضرب لممارسة هذه الحقائق الرياضية أثناء لعب ألعاب المطابقة التي لعبتها عائلتك سابقًا: المرحلة ١ - لعبة ”إذهب للصيد“، تحدي الذاكرة؛ المرحلة ٢ - لعبة ”بينغو“؛ المرحلة ٣ - لعبة ”الطاطا الساخنة“؛ والمرحلة ٤ - لعبة ”الجن رومي“.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** ارسم يدويًا أربع بطاقات لكل حقيقة رياضية. ١) التعبير ٢) مجموعات الأشياء، ٣) المصفوفة، و٤) التحليل إلى عوامل أولية. البطاقات الأربع لـ ٣ × ٤ هي.", + "**Options:** One option is to include 3 × 4 and not include 4 × 3. This has the drawback that seeing 3 groups of 4 is different from seeing 4 groups of 3.\n\nFor array cards, put the skip counting numbers along one or both sides to help your child practice skip counting.": "أحد الخيارات هو تضمين ٣ × ٤ وعدم تضمين ٤ × ٣. وهذا له عيب يتمثل في أن رؤية ٣ مجموعات من ٤ تختلف عن رؤية ٤ مجموعات من ٣.\n\nبالنسبة لبطاقات المصفوفة، ضع أرقام العد بالتخطي على طول أحد أو كلا الجانبين لمساعدة طفلك على ممارسة العد بالتخطي.", + "For expression cards, replace each number with the prime factorization symbol for the number. This makes it easier to see how the prime factorizations fit together when multiplying two numbers.": "بالنسبة لبطاقات التعبير، استبدل كل رقم برمز التحليل إلى عوامل أولية للرقم. وهذا يجعل من السهل رؤية كيفية تناسق التحليل إلى عوامل أولية معًا عند ضرب رقمين.", + "REVEALING PRODUCTS": "الكشف عن النتائج", + "Multiplication Cards and Tables": "بطاقات وجداول الضرب", + "**How to create:** Use a blank table with 4 product rows and columns. There are also groups of four missing numbers at the top and left sides – these will have some of the numbers, possibly with duplication, from 2 to 9. Fill in the table out of sight of your child, and then flip over or cover the numbers.\n\n**The challenge:** Your child can ask to reveal, one at a time, up to 10 of the 16 product entries. The goal is to find the entries for the top and left sides before running out of turns.": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** استخدم جدولاً فارغًا به ٤ صفوف وأعمدة للضرب. توجد أيضًا مجموعات من أربعة أرقام مفقودة في الجانبين العلوي واليسار - ستحتوي هذه على بعض الأرقام، ربما مع تكرار، من ٢ إلى ٩. املأ الجدول بعيدًا عن أنظار طفلك، ثم اقلب الأرقام أو غطها.\n\n**التحدي:** يمكن لطفلك أن يطلب الكشف، واحدًا تلو الآخر، عن ما يصل إلى ١٠ من إدخالات المنتج الستة عشر. والهدف هو العثور على الإدخالات للجانبين العلوي واليسار قبل نفاد الأدوار.", + "**Example:** Imagine all cards are flipped over in this example. If your child chose to flip over the card that has the 63 under it, they would know it came from 7 and 9. Flipping over any other card in the same row or column as the 63 would show where the 7 and 9 are. Suppose the second card they flipped over is the 56. The third column must be 7, and also the second row is 9 and the third row is 8.": "**مثال:** تخيل أن جميع البطاقات مقلوبة في هذا المثال. إذا اختار طفلك قلب البطاقة التي تحتوي على الرقم ٦٣ أسفلها، فسوف يعرف أنها جاءت من ٧ و٩. سيُظهر قلب أي بطاقة أخرى في نفس الصف أو العمود مثل الرقم ٦٣ مكان الرقمين ٧ و٩. افترض أن البطاقة الثانية التي قلبها هي الرقم ٥٦. يجب أن يكون العمود الثالث ٧، والصف الثاني أيضًا ٩ والصف الثالث ٨.", + "COVER FACTORS AND MULTIPLES": "تغطية العوامل والمضاعفات", + "**The setup:** Have a board of numbers from 1 to 24. There are two kinds of tokens – a single token reserved for “the last move,” and a pile of other tokens.": "**الإعداد:** يجب أن يكون لديك لوحة بها أرقام من ١ إلى ٢٤. هناك نوعان من الرموز - رمز واحد مخصص لـ \"الحركة الأخيرة“، ومجموعة من الرموز الأخرى.", + "**How to play:** The first player gets to pick any number and cover it with the last move token. After that, a player replaces the last move token with the other type of token and moves the last move token to any number that is a factor or multiple of the number from the last move.\n\n**How to win:** The losing player is the one forced to cover the number 1.\n\n**Example:** This board shows the middle of a game that started 10 -> 5 -> 15 -> 3.": "**كيف تلعب:** يحصل اللاعب الأول على اختيار أي رقم وتغطيته برمز الحركة الأخيرة. بعد ذلك، يستبدل اللاعب رمز الحركة الأخيرة بنوع آخر من الرموز وينقل رمز الحركة الأخيرة إلى أي رقم يكون عاملًا أو مضاعفًا للرقم من الحركة الأخيرة.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الخاسر هو اللاعب الذي يضطر إلى تغطية الرقم ١.\n\n**مثال:** تُظهر هذه اللوحة منتصف لعبة بدأت بـ ١٠ -> ٥ -> ١٥ -> ٣.", + "As children get better at this game, they will discover rules they need to follow governing reasonable first moves. The most basic rule is that the first move cannot be on a prime number in the upper half of the numbers.\n\nAdjust the range of numbers to the skill level of the players – 1 to 30, 1 to 48, or 1 to 60.": "مع تحسن أداء الطفل في هذه اللعبة، سيكتشف القواعد التي تحكم التحركات الأولى المعقولة. والقاعدة الأساسية هي أن التحرك الأول لا يمكن أن يكون على رقم أولي في النصف العلوي من الأرقام.\n\nاضبط نطاق الأرقام وفقًا لمستوى مهارة اللاعبين - من ١ إلى ٣٠، أو من ١ إلى ٤٨، أو من ١ إلى ٦٠.", + "NIM WITH FACTORS": "لعبة نيم بالعوامل", + "**The setup:** Start with any number, say 20. Let your child decide whether to go first or second. How to play: During their turn, a player may subtract any divisor of the current number from the number. For example, starting at 20, the first player can subtract 1, 2, 4, 5, or 10 for their first move.\n\n**How to win:** The player forced to 0 loses.": "**الإعداد:** ابدأ بأي رقم، على سبيل المثال ٢٠. دع طفلك يقرر ما إذا كان سيبدأ أولاً أم ثانيًا.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** خلال دوره، يمكن للاعب طرح أي قاسم للرقم الحالي من الرقم. على سبيل المثال، بدءًا من ٢٠، يمكن للاعب الأول طرح ١ أو ٢ أو ٤ أو ٥ أو ١٠ في حركته الأولى.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يخسر اللاعب الذي يُجبر على (٠).", + "Strategy": "الاستراتيجية", + "After your child becomes familiar with the game, encourage them to look for the remarkably simple strategy for always winning - once they discover it, see if they can explain why it works.": "بعد أن يعتاد طفلك على اللعبة، شجعه على البحث عن الاستراتيجية البسيطة بشكل ملحوظ للفوز دائمًا - بمجرد اكتشافها، انظر ما إذا كان بإمكانه شرح سبب نجاحها.", + "SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENES": "غربال إراتوستينس", + "Finding Primes": "العثور على الأعداد الأولية", + "Children have fun putting in X’s and watching primes fall through this sieve. This investigation\ncreates opportunities for discovering many interesting properties of divisibility and primes. \n\nStart with a number line numbered from 1 to 25 (or larger if space and patience allows). \n\nWrite the number 2 below itself. On this new line put X’s below each multiple of 2.\n\nNext, pull down the lowest number with no X’s below it (3 in this case) and put it on the next line. Write the 3 and put X’s on that line for all its multiples.": "يستمتع الأطفال بوضع علامة X ومشاهدة الأعداد الأولية تتساقط من خلال هذا الغربال. يتيح هذا التحقيق فرصًا لاكتشاف العديد من الخصائص المثيرة للاهتمام للقسمة والأعداد الأولية.\n\nابدأ بخط أعداد مرقم من ١ إلى ٢٥ (أو أكبر إذا سمح الوقت والصبر).\n\nاكتب الرقم ٢ أسفل نفسه. في هذا الخط الجديد، ضع علامة X أسفل كل مضاعف للرقم ٢.\n\nبعد ذلك، اسحب أدنى رقم لا يحتوي على علامة X أسفله (في هذه الحالة الرقم ٣) وضعه في السطر التالي. اكتب الرقم ٣ وضع علامة X في ذلك السطر لجميع مضاعفاته.", + "Keep pulling down numbers and marking their multiples.\n\nWhen you are finished, you will have pulled down all the primes. Remember that 1 is a unit and not a prime!": "استمر في سحب الأرقام ووضع علامة على مضاعفاتها.\n\nعند الانتهاء، ستكون قد سحبت جميع الأعداد الأولية. تذكر أن ١ هو وحدة وليس عددًا أوليًا!", + "Discuss these questions with your child as they play with the sieve:\n\n* Why are primes the numbers the numbers that are pulled down?\n* What is the last prime whose multiples you need to cross out? Why were the other\nprimes not useful?\n* For all the primes that were useful, which of their multiples produced new restrictions\nand which were not useful? Is there a pattern in that answer?\n* If you had a number, say 53, which prime numbers would you need to divide it by to\nconfirm that it’s a prime?": "ناقش هذه الأسئلة مع طفلك أثناء اللعب بالغربال:\n\n* لماذا الأعداد الأولية هي الأرقام التي يتم سحبها؟\n* ما هو آخر عدد أولي تحتاج إلى شطب مضاعفاته؟ لماذا لم تكن الأعداد الأولية الأخرى مفيدة؟\n* بالنسبة لجميع الأعداد الأولية التي كانت مفيدة، أي من مضاعفاتها أنتجت قيودًا جديدة وأيها لم يكن مفيدًا؟ هل هناك نمط في تلك الإجابة؟\n* إذا كان لديك رقم، لنقل ٥٣، ما هي الأعداد الأولية التي تحتاج إلى تقسيمه عليها لتأكيد أنه عدد أولي؟", + "MIX IT UP": "قم بخلط الأرقام", + "**The setup:** Use numbered cards from 1 to 25, or a range your child is comfortable with.\n\n**How to play:** A card is selected at random and used as everyone’s target number. That card is returned to the deck. Each player is dealt five cards to be used, in any order and with any operations, to get as close as possible to the target number.\n\n**Examples:** Suppose the target number is 14, and you are dealt 3, 6, 12, 17, and 20. 17 - 3 or 20 - 6 work, but only use two cards. 20 - 12 + 6 uses three cards. 17 x (6 / 3) - 20 or 20 - (12 / (6 / 3)) use four cards, so that's an improvement, if you're trying to use all the cards. Can you find a way to use all five?": "**الإعداد:** استخدم بطاقات مرقمة من ١ إلى $٢٥$، أو نطاقًا يشعر طفلك بالراحة معه.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يتم اختيار بطاقة عشوائيًا وتستخدم كرقم الهدف للجميع. تُعاد تلك البطاقة إلى المجموعة. يتم توزيع خمس بطاقات على كل لاعب ليستخدمها بأي ترتيب ومع أي عمليات للوصول إلى الرقم الهدف بأقرب ما يمكن.\n\n**أمثلة:** لنفترض أن الرقم الهدف هو ١٤، وتم توزيع ٣، ٦، ١٢، ١٧، و٢٠. يمكن استخدام ١٧ - ٣ أو ٢٠ - ٦، ولكن باستخدام بطاقتين فقط. ٢٠ - ١٢ + ٦ يستخدم ثلاث بطاقات. ١٧ × (٦ / ٣) - ٢٠ أو ٢٠ - (١٢ / (٦ / ٣)) يستخدم أربع بطاقات، لذا هذا تحسن إذا كنت تحاول استخدام جميع البطاقات. هل يمكنك العثور على طريقة لاستخدام البطاقات الخمس جميعها؟", + "Scoring options": "خيارات التسجيل", + "There are several options for scoring, and you may think of your own.\n\n* 1 point to each player who hits the target. Total over several rounds.\n* A player's score for a round is the difference between their result and the target. The\nscores are totaled over several rounds, and the lowest total score wins.\n* A player earns twice as many points as the number of cards they use to reach the target; a player receives 5 points for hitting the target with help; and a player receives\n6 points for helping someone hit the target.": "هناك عدة خيارات للتسجيل، ويمكنك التفكير في خياراتك الخاصة.\n\n* نقطة واحدة لكل لاعب يصل إلى الهدف. يتم جمع النقاط على مدار عدة جولات.\n* درجة اللاعب لجولة هي الفرق بين نتيجته والهدف. يتم جمع الدرجات على مدار عدة جولات، والفائز هو من يحصل على أقل مجموع درجات.\n* يكسب اللاعب ضعف عدد النقاط بقدر عدد البطاقات التي يستخدمها للوصول إلى الهدف؛ يحصل اللاعب على ٥ نقاط للوصول إلى الهدف بمساعدة؛ ويحصل اللاعب على ٦ نقاط لمساعدة شخص آخر في الوصول إلى الهدف.", + "PARENTHESES PUZZLES": "ألغاز الأقواس", + "**The challenge:** Take an expression, such as \n\n2 + 7 × 5 − 2 × 2\n\nand add parentheses to it so that a target result, say 9, is obtained.\n\n**How to create:** These are easy to create and tailor to you child's skill set. Take any equation, in our case \n\n9 = (2 + 7) × (5 − 2 × 2)\n\nand then remove the parentheses. It's as simple as that! \n\nUse the operations and numbers that your child is comfortable with. Use shorter expressions and fewer parentheses to make simpler puzzles.": "**التحدي:** خذ تعبيرًا مثل ٢ + ٧ × ٥ − ٢ × ٢، وأضف إليه أقواسًا بحيث يتم الحصول على نتيجة مستهدفة، لنقل ٩\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** من السهل إنشاء هذه الألغاز وتكييفها مع مستوى مهارة طفلك. خذ أي معادلة، في هذه الحالة ٩ = (٢+٧) × (٥−٢×٢)، ثم قم بإزالة الأقواس. الأمر بهذه البساطة! استخدم العمليات والأرقام التي يشعر طفلك بالراحة معها. استخدم تعبيرات أقصر وأقواس أقل لجعل الألغاز أبسط.", + "SECRET OPS": "العمليات السرية", + "Near the end of Stage 4, the Sum Difference activity had one person think of two numbers and then challenge the other person to find the numbers by telling them the sum and difference of the numbers. Secret Ops uses the same idea, only now the challenger can use any two operations, such as multiplying and subtracting.\n\n**Examples:** The challenger might say “Which two numbers have a product of 12 and a difference of 4?” You can extend this to three numbers, if you like - “Which three numbers have a product of 12 and a sum of 8?”": "في نهاية المرحلة ٤، كان نشاط الفرق بين المجموع يتطلب من شخص التفكير في رقمين ثم تحدي الشخص الآخر للعثور على الأرقام من خلال إخباره بمجموع الأرقام والفرق بينها. تستخدم العمليات السرية نفس الفكرة، ولكن الآن يمكن للمنافس استخدام أي عمليتين، مثل الضرب والطرح.\n\n**أمثلة:** قد يقول المنافس \"ما هما الرقمان اللذان حاصل ضربهما $١٢$ والفرق بينهما ٤؟“ يمكنك تمديد هذا إلى ثلاثة أرقام إذا أردت - \"ما هي الأرقام الثلاثة التي حاصل ضربها $١٢$ ومجموعها ٨؟“", + "LEVER BALANCE": "توازن الرافعة", + "Mixed Operations": "العمليات المختلطة", + "**Levers:** Use the lever principle to practice multiplication and addition. The principle says that the force exerted by a mass on one side of a lever is equal to the mass times its distance from the pivot point, the fulcrum. The forces on one side from several masses add up to give the total force. The total forces on the two sides must be equal for the lever to be in balance.": "**الرافعات:** استخدم مبدأ الرافعة لممارسة الضرب والجمع. ينص المبدأ على أن القوة التي تمارسها الكتلة على جانب واحد من الرافعة تساوي الكتلة مضروبة في المسافة من نقطة الارتكاز. تتجمع القوى على جانب واحد من عدة كتل لتعطي القوة الكلية. يجب أن تكون القوى الكلية على الجانبين متساوية لكي تكون الرافعة في حالة توازن.", + "**Examples:** You have a 3-unit weight and a 5-unit weight to put on opposite sides of the fulcrum. Where should they be put to balance? The answer to this can be distances 5 and 3, but it can also be 10 and 6, or even larger answers like 15 and 9.\n\nIf you have a 3-unit and a 5-unit weight to put on one side of a lever, which weights can you put at which distances on the other side? What if the two weights are on different sides of the lever? This question continues the questions on the Make It Count page at the end of Stage 4.": "**أمثلة:** لديك وزن بوحدة ٣ ووزن بوحدة ٥ لوضعهما على الجوانب المقابلة من نقطة الارتكاز. أين يجب وضعهما لتحقيق التوازن؟ يمكن أن تكون الإجابة على هذا هي المسافات ٥ و٣، ولكن يمكن أن تكون أيضًا $١٠$ و٦، أو حتى إجابات أكبر مثل $١٥$ و٩.\n\nإذا كان لديك وزن بوحدة ٣ ووزن بوحدة ٥ لوضعهما على جانب واحد من الرافعة، ما هي الأوزان التي يمكنك وضعها على أي مسافات على الجانب الآخر؟ ماذا لو كانت الأوزان على جوانب مختلفة من الرافعة؟ يستمر هذا السؤال في الأسئلة الموجودة في صفحة \"اجعلها تحسب“ في نهاية المرحلة ٤.", + "BEEP": "صفير", + "**The setup:** Put the players in a circle. Start by identifying a group of numbers to use for a round of the game. Choose any group of numbers that would be fun or that provide practice with a concept. Some standard choice are:\n\n* odd numbers or even numbers\n* multiples of 3 (or some other number)\n* multiples of 3 together with multiples of 7\n* multiples of 3 that are not multiples of 5\n* multiples of 3 together with numbers that have the digit 3 in them \n* prime numbers\n\n**How to play:** Going around the circle, the players take turns saying the numbers starting at 1. When a player has a number in the group, they must say 'beep' instead of the number. If a player fails to say beep, or says beep for an incorrect number, they’re out.\n\n**How to win:** The last player remaining in wins!": "**الإعداد:** ضع اللاعبين في دائرة. ابدأ بتحديد مجموعة من الأرقام لاستخدامها في جولة اللعبة. اختر أي مجموعة من الأرقام التي ستكون ممتعة أو توفر ممارسة لمفهوم معين. بعض الخيارات القياسية هي:\n\n* الأرقام الفردية أو الزوجية\n* مضاعفات ٣ (أو أي رقم آخر)\n* مضاعفات ٣ مع مضاعفات ٧\n* مضاعفات ٣ التي ليست مضاعفات ٥\n* مضاعفات ٣ مع الأرقام التي تحتوي على الرقم ٣\n* الأعداد الأولية\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يدور اللاعبون حول الدائرة، ويتناوبون على قول الأرقام بدءًا من ١. عندما يكون لدى اللاعب رقم في المجموعة، يجب أن يقول \"بيب“ بدلاً من الرقم. إذا فشل اللاعب في قول \"بيب“، أو قال \"بيب“ لرقم غير صحيح، فإنه يخرج من اللعبة.\n\n**ميف تفوز:** اللاعب الأخير المتبقي يفوز!", + "3 IN A ROW": "لعبة ٣ على التوالي", + "**The setup:** Use a deck of cards with Q’s (as 0’s), A’s (as 1’s), and 2-9, or use four sets of Number Cards from 0 to 9. Use a 4 by 5 grid on a paper with 20 spaces randomly filled out with multiples of 5 and 10. Have a set of tokens for each player.\n\n**How to play:** Select a random card and put your token on that number times 5 or 10 - your choice. Once occupied, the other player cannot move there.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get 3 in a row wins.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مجموعة من البطاقات تحتوي على Q (لتمثل (٠))، A (لتمثل (١))، و٢-٩، أو استخدم أربع مجموعات من بطاقات الأرقام من (٠) إلى ٩. استخدم شبكة ٤ في ٥ على ورقة تحتوي على ٢٠ مساحة مملوءة عشوائيًا بمضاعفات ٥ و١٠. احصل على مجموعة من الرموز لكل لاعب.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** اختر بطاقة عشوائية وضع رمزك على ذلك الرقم مضروبًا في ٥ أو ١٠ - اختيارك. بمجرد احتلالها، لا يمكن للاعب الآخر التحرك هناك.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يحصل على ٣ على التوالي يفوز.", + "The numbers 5 and 10 can be replaced by other pairs such as 2 and 4, or 3 and 6. These pairings help with practicing doubling strategies for multiplication. For example, if the player does not know 6 × 7, they can double 3 × 7.": "يمكن استبدال الأرقام ٥ و١٠ بأزواج أخرى مثل ٢ و٤، أو ٣ و٦. تساعد هذه الأزواج في ممارسة استراتيجيات المضاعفة للضرب. على سبيل المثال، إذا لم يعرف اللاعب ٦ × ٧، يمكنه مضاعفة ٣ × ٧.", + "WAR – MULTIPLICATION": "الحرب - الضرب", + "**The setup:** Remove the picture cards from a deck and split it evenly between two players. To give more focused practice, remove the A’s and 10’s as well.\n\n**How to play:** Each player turns over two cards, multiplies them, and the player with the larger product wins those four cards. If the products are equal, two more cards are turned over and the winner gets to keep all eight cards.\n\n**How to win:** The player with the most cards after playing for a set time is the winner.": "**الإعداد:** قم بإزالة بطاقات الصور من مجموعة البطاقات وقسمها بالتساوي بين لاعبين. للحصول على ممارسة أكثر تركيزًا، قم بإزالة بطاقات A و١٠ أيضًا.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يقوم كل لاعب بقلب بطاقتين، ويضربهما، واللاعب الذي يحصل على الناتج الأكبر يفوز بتلك البطاقات الأربع. إذا كانت النتائج متساوية، يتم قلب بطاقتين إضافيتين والفائز يحتفظ بجميع البطاقات الثمانية.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر عدد من البطاقات بعد اللعب لفترة محددة هو الفائز.", + "TURNING THE TABLES": "قلب الجداول", + "Multiplying and Tables": "الجداول و الضرب", + "Filling in a standard multiplication table is boring, and children quickly realize they can fill it using repeated addition rather than multiplication. To really practice multiplication, as well as practicing problem solving and factoring, create a mixed-up multiplication table.\n\n**How to create:** Make these tables by moving the rows and columns around, and then leaving out most of the headings and entries in the middle.\n\n**Example:** Here is an example using headings of 2 through 9:": "ملء جدول الضرب القياسي ممل، وسرعان ما يدرك الأطفال أنهم يمكنهم ملؤه باستخدام الجمع المتكرر بدلاً من الضرب. لممارسة الضرب حقًا، بالإضافة إلى ممارسة حل المشكلات والتحليل إلى عوامل، قم بإنشاء جدول ضرب مختلط.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الجداول عن طريق تحريك الصفوف والأعمدة، ثم ترك معظم العناوين والإدخالات في الوسط.\n\n**مثال:** هنا مثال باستخدام عناوين من ٢ إلى ٩:", + "**How to solve:** Start with the distinctive entries.\n\nThe 20 forces its row to be multiplying by 4, and then the 36 makes its column be 9.\n\nThe 49 forces its column and row to be multiplying by 7. The 9 forces its column and row to be multiplying by 3.": "**كيفية الحل:** ابدأ بالإدخالات المميزة.\n\nيجبر الرقم ٢٠ صفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٤، ثم يجعل الرقم ٣٦ عموده ٩.\n\nيجبر الرقم ٤٩ عموده وصفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٧. يجبر الرقم ٩ عموده وصفه على أن يكون مضروبًا في ٣.", + "Continue the detective work in this way and fill in the entries as the headings are discovered.": "استمر في العمل التحليلي بهذه الطريقة واملأ الإدخالات مع اكتشاف العناوين.", + "**Level of difficulty:** Increase or decrease the difficulty by leaving out more or less of the numbers. In this example, the '5' in the 5 column could have been left out – there must be a factor of 5 in 20, and that factor cannot come from 20's row because there is a 36 in that row.\n\n**Your child can make them:** Challenge your child to make one of these puzzles for you. A lot of good thought can go into creating one of these!": "**مستوى الصعوبة:** قم بزيادة أو تقليل مستوى الصعوبة عن طريق ترك المزيد أو القليل من الأرقام. في هذا المثال، كان يمكن ترك الرقم ٥ في عمود ٥ - يجب أن يكون هناك عامل ٥ في ٢٠، ولا يمكن أن يكون هذا العامل من صف ٢٠ لأن هناك ٣٦ في ذلك الصف.\n\n**يستطيع طفلك صنعها:** تحدى طفلك لصنع أحد هذه الألغاز لك. يمكن أن يتطلب إنشاء أحد هذه الألغاز الكثير من التفكير الجيد!", + "RECTANGLE AREA": "مساحة المستطيل", + "The area of a rectangle is its length times its width. That dry statement can be made tangible to your child in at least two ways.": "مساحة المستطيل هي طوله مضروبًا في عرضه. يمكن جعل هذا البيان الجاف ملموسًا لطفلك بطريقتين على الأقل.", + "The first way uses rectangles broken into an array of squares. The second uses number shapes to see how a quantity, such as 12, can be placed into an array – 3 by 4, 2 by 6, or 1 by 12. Playing with rectangle areas gives us an arena to play around with multiplication and factoring!": "الأولى تستخدم مستطيلات مقسمة إلى مجموعة من المربعات. الثانية تستخدم أشكال الأرقام لرؤية كيف يمكن وضع كمية، مثل ١٢، في مجموعة - ٣ في ٤، ٢ في ٦، أو ١ في ١٢. اللعب بمساحات المستطيلات يعطينا مجالًا للعب بالضرب والتحليل إلى عوامل!", + "NUMBER SHAPES REVISITED": "إعادة النظر في أشكال الأرقام", + "Rectangle Area": "مساحة المستطيل", + "Start with a large collection of small objects, such as raisins. For each number, investigate which rectangles and other shapes you can make with that many objects.\n\n**Rectangles:** The sides of rectangles are values that evenly divide the number and multiply together to give the number. Making rectangles is a direct way to experience divisibility.": "ابدأ بمجموعة كبيرة من الأشياء الصغيرة، مثل الزبيب. لكل رقم، تحقق من الأشكال المستطيلة والأشكال الأخرى التي يمكنك صنعها بهذا العدد من الأشياء.\n\n**المستطيلات:** جوانب المستطيلات هي قيم تقسم الرقم بالتساوي وتضرب معًا لتعطي الرقم. صنع المستطيلات هو طريقة مباشرة لتجربة القسمة.", + "**Unit, prime, composite:** 1 is a unit, and can only be made with a 1 by 1 rectangle. The numbers, such as 5, that only have flat rectangles, are called primes. Numbers that are not a unit or a prime are called composite because they are composed of primes being multiplied together, such as 12 = 2 × 2 × 3. Numbers, such as 9, are called squares because one of their rectangles is a square – one rectangle for 9 is the 3 by 3 square.": "**الوحدة، العدد الأولي، العدد المركب:** ١ هو وحدة، ويمكن صنعه فقط بمستطيل ١ في ١. الأرقام، مثل ٥، التي تحتوي فقط على مستطيلات مسطحة، تسمى أعدادًا أولية. الأرقام التي ليست وحدة أو أولية تسمى مركبة لأنها تتكون من أعداد أولية مضروبة معًا، مثل ١٢ = ٢ × ٢ × ٣. الأرقام، مثل ٩، تسمى مربعات لأن أحد مستطيلاتها هو مربع - أحد المستطيلات لـ ٩ هو المربع ٣ في ٣.", + "**Trapezoidal numbers:** There are other shapes that are fun to investigate. For example, which numbers are trapezoidal? These are the numbers that can be represented as stair steps (where each level changes its length by 1)? If you include triangular numbers in this group, the answer is surprising – it is all numbers that are not a power of 2!": "**الأرقام شبه المنحرفة:** هناك أشكال أخرى ممتعة للتحقيق. على سبيل المثال، ما هي الأرقام شبه المنحرفة؟ هذه هي الأرقام التي يمكن تمثيلها كخطوات درج (حيث يتغير كل مستوى بطوله بمقدار١). إذا قمت بتضمين الأرقام المثلثية في هذه المجموعة، فإن الإجابة مفاجئة - إنها جميع الأرقام التي ليست قوة للعدد ٢!", + "THE PADDOCK GAME": "لعبة الحظيرة", + "**The setup:** Each player gets a piece of graph paper.\n\n**How to play:** For a player’s turn, use two playing cards from 1 to 10 to determine the dimensions of a rectangle. If a player’s paper has room, the rectangle may be placed anywhere its interior does not overlap with an existing rectangle. Once placed, its interior is lightly shaded and its area and dimensions are written on it. If there is no room, the turn is skipped.\n\n**How to win:** The player with the largest total wins.": "**الإعداد:** حصل كل لاعب على قطعة من ورق الرسم البياني.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في دور اللاعب، يستخدم بطاقتين للعب من ١ إلى ١٠ لتحديد أبعاد المستطيل. إذا كان هناك مساحة على ورقة اللاعب، يمكن وضع المستطيل في أي مكان لا يتداخل داخله مع مستطيل موجود. بمجرد وضعه، يتم تظليل داخله بخفة وتكتب مساحته وأبعاده عليه. إذا لم يكن هناك مساحة، يتم تخطي الدور.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر مجموع.", + "For a normal piece of graph paper, this can be a long game – reduce the time by using half the paper or limiting the number of turns.": "بالنسبة لقطعة عادية من ورق الرسم البياني، يمكن أن تكون هذه اللعبة طويلة - قلل الوقت باستخدام نصف الورقة أو تحديد عدد الأدوار.", + "DIVIDE UP THE BOX": "تقسيم الصندوق", + "Rectangle Area Games": "ألعاب مساحة المستطيل", + "**The challenge:** A rectangle, 4 by 4 or larger, with numbers in some of its squares, is to be divided into smaller rectangles. Each number must end up in a separate rectangle whose area is that number.": "**التحدي:** يجب تقسيم مستطيل، ٤ في ٤ أو أكبر، يحتوي على أرقام في بعض مربعاته، إلى مستطيلات أصغر. يجب أن ينتهي كل رقم في مستطيل منفصل تكون مساحته هي ذلك الرقم.", + "**How to create:** Out of the sight of your child, create these puzzles by first filling in the big rectangle with smaller rectangles. Next, place the area in each rectangle. Lastly, give your child the big rectangle with only the numbers.": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** بعيدًا عن نظر طفلك، قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز عن طريق ملء المستطيل الكبير أولاً بمستطيلات أصغر. بعد ذلك، ضع المساحة في كل مستطيل. أخيرًا، أعط طفلك المستطيل الكبير مع الأرقام فقط.", + "Solving strategies": "استراتيجيات الحل", + "To solve these puzzles, look first at areas that are prime numbers – their shapes are tightly constrained.\n\nNext, consider regions that are boxed in. In this puzzle the upper “4” must relate to the upper left 2 by 2 square. Also, the upper right corner must be used in a vertical 3 by 1 rectangle.": "لحل هذه الألغاز، انظر أولاً إلى المناطق التي تحتوي على أعداد أولية - أشكالها تكون مقيدة بشدة.\n\nبعد ذلك، فكر في المناطق المحاطة. في هذا اللغز، يجب أن تتعلق \"٤“ العلوية بالمربع العلوي الأيسر ٢ في ٢. أيضًا، يجب استخدام الزاوية العلوية اليمنى في مستطيل عمودي ٣ في ١.", + "A DEFINITION AND A RULE": "قاعدة وتعريف", + "**The definition:** Just as 4 × 2 is a quick way to write 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, so 24 is a quick way to write 2 × 2 × 2 × 2. It’s much easier to say and understand the phrase “two to the fourth,” than to say “two times two times ... “\n\n**Special names:** The second power, 42 for example, can be said **four squared,** and the third power, 43 for example, can be said **four cubed.**\n\n**The rule:** When powers of the same number are multiplied, a simple rule governs how to simplify the result – add the powers. For example, if you do 42 × 43 = (4 × 4) × (4 × 4 × 4) = 45, we have two fours multiplied by three fours, so the result is five fours being multiplied.\n\n**Caution:** Note that this rule for adding exponents only works when it is the same number being taken to a power – you can't easily simplify 32 × 53.": "**التعريف:** تمامًا كما أن ٤ × ٢ هي طريقة سريعة لكتابة ٢ + ٢ + ٢ + ٢، فإن ٢٤ هي طريقة سريعة لكتابة ٢ × ٢ × ٢ × ٢. من الأسهل بكثير قول وفهم عبارة \"اثنان للقوة الرابعة“ بدلاً من قول \"اثنان ضرب اثنان ضرب ...“\n\n**أسماء خاصة:** يمكن أن يقال للقوة الثانية، على سبيل المثال ٤٢، أربعة تربيع، وللقوة الثالثة، على سبيل المثال ٤٣، **أربعة تكعيب**.\n\n**القاعدة:** عندما يتم ضرب قوى نفس الرقم، تحكم قاعدة بسيطة كيفية تبسيط النتيجة - إضافة القوى. على سبيل المثال، إذا قمت بـ ٤٢ × ٤٣ = (٤ × ٤) × (٤ × ٤ × ٤) = ٤٥، لدينا اثنان من الأربعات مضروبة في ثلاثة من الأربعات، لذا فإن النتيجة هي خمسة من الأربعات مضروبة.\n\n**تحذير:** لاحظ أن هذه القاعدة لإضافة الأسس تعمل فقط عندما يكون نفس الرقم مرفوعًا إلى قوة - لا يمكنك تبسيط ٣٢ × ٥٣ بسهولة.", + "REUSE OLD ADDITION ACTIVITIES": "إعادة استخدام أنشطة الجمع القديمة", + "Feel the Power": "الشعور بالقوة", + "**Reuse puzzles and games:** Because powers add up when powers are being multiplied, any of our old games and puzzles involving addition can be used to practice multiplying numbers that are powers. Some examples of these old addtition activities are: Stage 3 - Shape Sums and Sum Groups; Stage 4 - Enclosed Sums, SumTriangles, and Fix It.": "**إعادة استخدام الألغاز والألعاب:** نظرًا لأن القوى تتجمع عند ضرب القوى، يمكن استخدام أي من ألعابنا وألغازنا القديمة التي تتضمن الجمع لممارسة ضرب الأرقام التي هي قوى. بعض أمثلة هذه الأنشطة القديمة هي: المرحلة ٣ - مجموع الأشكال ومجموع المجموعات؛ المرحلة ٤ - المجموع المغلق، المثلثات المجمعة، وإصلاحها.", + "Working with powers will become routine and be just as easy as the original addition problems.": "سيصبح العمل مع القوى روتينيًا وسهلاً تمامًا مثل مسائل الجمع الأصلية.", + "If your child enjoys these problems and wants some extra challenge, start involving more than one number being raised to a power. For example, if you multiply (42 × 33) × (45 × 32) you can apply the rule separately to the powers of 4 and the powers of 3 and get the result 47 × 35.": "إذا كان طفلك يستمتع بهذه المسائل ويريد بعض التحدي الإضافي، ابدأ بإشراك أكثر من رقم واحد مرفوع إلى قوة. على سبيل المثال، إذا قمت بضرب ٤٢ × ٣٣ في ٤٥ × ٣٢، يمكنك تطبيق القاعدة بشكل منفصل على قوى ٤ وقوى ٣ والحصول على النتيجة ٤٧ × ٣٥.", + "FACTOR TREES": "أشجار العوامل", + "Discovering Prime Factorizations": "اكتشاف التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", + "The model for factor trees is an extension of Shape Products from the previous Feel the Power page. The goal in creating a factor tree is to reduce a number to its prime factors. Many things can be learned about a number in the process of constructing a factor tree.": "نموذج أشجار العوامل هو امتداد لنتائج الأشكال من صفحة \"الشعور بالقوة\" السابقة. الهدف من إنشاء شجرة العوامل هو تحليل الرقم إلى عوامله الأولية. يمكن تعلم العديد من الأشياء عن الرقم أثناء عملية إنشاء شجرة العوامل.", + "**Example:** Start with a number, say 54. This can be broken down several ways. One way is 9 × 6, another is 18 × 3, and yet another is 3 × 3 × 6. Each produces a start to a factor tree.\n\nEach of these trees ultimately produces the same primes on its leaves. In each case we end up with 2 × 3 × 3 × 3, but look at the different ways of getting there!": "**مثال:** ابدأ برقم، لنقل ٥٤. يمكن تقسيم هذا الرقم بعدة طرق. إحدى الطرق هي ٩ × ٦، وأخرى هي ١٨ × ٣، وأخرى هي ٣ × ٣ × ٦. كل منها ينتج بداية لشجرة العوامل. كل من هذه الأشجار تنتج في النهاية نفس الأعداد الأولية في أوراقها.\n\nفي كل حالة، ننتهي بـ ٢ × ٣ × ٣ × ٣، ولكن انظر إلى الطرق المختلفة للوصول إلى هناك!", + "Questions": "الأسئلة", + "After doing some examples like these, your child may naturally start asking some questions. \n\n* Why do some trees have more levels than others?\n* Why are some trees broader than others?\n* Why do the leaves always stop at primes?\n* Why do the leaves always have the same list of primes, perhaps with rearrangement?": "بعد القيام ببعض الأمثلة مثل هذه، قد يبدأ طفلك بطبيعة الحال في طرح بعض الأسئلة.\n\n* لماذا تحتوي بعض الأشجار على مستويات أكثر من غيرها؟\n* لماذا تكون بعض الأشجار أوسع من غيرها؟\n* لماذا تتوقف الأوراق دائمًا عند الأعداد الأولية؟\n* لماذا تحتوي الأوراق دائمًا على نفس قائمة الأعداد الأولية، ربما مع إعادة ترتيب؟", + "PRACTICE PRIME FACTORIZATIONS": "ممارسة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", + "Do prime factorizations in order when you travel or have time on your hands. This also provides practice with talking about powers. Knowing prime factorizations with ease will be helpful in many things to come, such as working with fractions. Have fun with this and don’t push your child beyond their comfort level.": "قم بتحليل الأعداد إلى عواملها الأولية بترتيب عندما تسافر أو يكون لديك وقت فراغ. هذا يوفر أيضًا ممارسة للحديث عن القوى. معرفة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية بسهولة سيكون مفيدًا في العديد من الأمور القادمة، مثل العمل مع الكسور. استمتع بهذا ولا تدفع طفلك إلى ما يتجاوز مستوى راحته.", + "Recital": "الحفلة", + "The recital goes like this:\n\n1. is a unit\n2. is a prime \n3. is a prime \n4. is 2 squared \n5. is a prime \n6. is 2 times 3\n7. is a prime \n8. is 2 cubed \n9. is 3 squared\n10. is 2 times 5\n11. is a prime\n12. is 2 squared times 3\n13. is a prime\n14. is 2 times 7\n15. is 3 times 5\n16. is 2 to the fourth \n17. is a prime \n18. is 2 times 3 squared\n19. is a prime\n20. is 2 squared times 5 \n21. is 3 times 7\n22. is 2 times 11\n23. is a prime\n24. is 2 cubed times 3": "تسير الحفلة على هذا النحو:\n\n١. هو وحدة\n٢. هو عدد أولي\n٣. هو عدد أولي\n٤. هو ٢ تربيع\n٥. هو عدد أولي\n٦. هو ٢ × ٣\n٧. هو عدد أولي\n٨. هو ٢ تكعيب\n٩. هو ٣ تربيع\n١٠. هو ٢ × ٥\n١١. هو عدد أولي\n١٢. هو ٢ تربيع × ٣\n١٣. هو عدد أولي\n١٤. هو ٢ × ٧\n١٥. هو ٣ × ٥\n١٦. هو ٢ للقوة الرابعة\n١٧. هو عدد أولي\n١٨. هو ٢ × ٣ تربيع\n١٩. هو عدد أولي\n٢٠. هو ٢ تربيع × ٥\n٢١. هو ٣ × ٧\n٢٢. هو ٢ × ١١\n٢٣. هو عدد أولي\n٢٤. هو ٢ تكعيب × ٣", + "PRODUCT PYRAMID": "هرم الناتج", + "Factoring With Primes": "التحليل إلى عوامل أولية", + "These puzzles are the multiplicative version of the Addition Pyramids seen in Stage 4. You are supplied with a target number and a pyramid of numbers.\n\n**The challenge:** The challenge is to find a path of connected numbers down the pyramid so the product of the selected numbers is the target.": "هذه الألغاز هي النسخة الضربية من أهرامات الجمع التي شوهدت في المرحلة ٤. يتم تزويدك برقم هدف وهرم من الأرقام.\n\n**التحدي:** التحدي هو العثور على مسار من الأرقام المتصلة أسفل الهرم بحيث يكون حاصل ضرب الأرقام المختارة هو الهدف.", + "In this pyramid the target is 36, and the red lines indicate the path that works.\n\nThese puzzles are easier if you start by doing the prime factorization of the target. Because 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, these prime factors must be picked up along the path, and this helps guide the search.\n\nKnowing about prime factorizations also makes it much easier to create these puzzles.": "في هذا الهرم، الهدف هو ٣٦، والخطوط الحمراء تشير إلى المسار الذي يعمل.\n\nتكون هذه الألغاز أسهل إذا بدأت بتحليل العدد الهدف إلى عوامله الأولية. لأن ٣٦ = ٢ × ٢ × ٣ × ٣، يجب اختيار هذه العوامل الأولية على طول المسار، وهذا يساعد في توجيه البحث.\n\nمعرفة التحليل إلى عوامل أولية يجعل أيضًا من السهل جدًا إنشاء هذه الألغاز.", + "100 LAUGHS": "١٠٠ ضحكة", + "**The setup:** Use a deck of cards with Q’s (as 0’s), A’s (as 1’s), and 2-9’s. Set the target number at 100. Four random cards are chosen in order and used to make a pair of 2-digit numbers, a shared resource.\n\n**How to play:** Each player is dealt 14 random cards face up. Players alternate turns. During a turn, a player must use exactly two of their cards to place on top of two of the four cards. The player gets one point if the current two two-digit numbers add up to the target. The name of the game comes from the optional action of a player laughing each time they succeed in getting the target amount.\n\n**How to win:** When the cards are all used up, the player with the most points wins.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مجموعة من البطاقات تحتوي على Q (كـ (٠))، A (كـ (١))، و٢-٩. حدد الرقم الهدف عند ١٠٠. يتم اختيار أربع بطاقات عشوائية بالترتيب وتستخدم لتكوين زوج من الأرقام المكونة من رقمين، كمورد مشترك.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يتم توزيع ١٤ بطاقة عشوائية على كل لاعب مكشوفة. يتناوب اللاعبون الأدوار. خلال الدور، يجب على اللاعب استخدام بطاقتين بالضبط من بطاقاته لوضعهما فوق اثنتين من البطاقات الأربع. يحصل اللاعب على نقطة واحدة إذا كانت الأرقام الحالية المكونة من رقمين تضيف إلى الرقم الهدف. يأتي اسم اللعبة من الإجراء الاختياري للاعب بالضحك في كل مرة ينجح فيها في الوصول إلى المبلغ المستهدف.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** عندما يتم استخدام جميع البطاقات، يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أكبر عدد من النقاط.", + "* Having a target of 100 is useful for practicing number bonds for 10. However, other targets are useful for providing variety and to practice with other number bonds.\n* Give players fewer or more than 14 cards.\n* Use subtraction together with a smaller target number.": "* وجود هدف ١٠٠ جيد لممارسة روابط الأرقام لـ ١٠. ومع ذلك، فإن الأهداف الأخرى مفيدة للتنوع وممارسة روابط الأرقام الأخرى.\n* أعط اللاعبين أقل أو أكثر من ١٤ بطاقة.\n* استخدم الطرح مع رقم هدف أصغر.", + "5-CARD DRAW TO A TARGET": "سحب ٥ بطاقات إلى هدف", + "Adding and Subtracting": "الجمع والطرح", + "**The setup:** Choose a target number, say 100.\n\n**How to play:** Each player picks up five random cards from 0 to 9. Two 2-digit numbers are made out of these numbers, the fifth card is unused. The two numbers are added and the player closest to the target wins a point for that round.\n\n**How to win:** The highest number of points after a fixed number of rounds wins.": "**الإعداد:** اختر رقم هدف، لنقل ١٠٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يلتقط كل لاعب خمس بطاقات عشوائية من (٠) إلى ٩. يتم تكوين رقمين مكونين من رقمين من هذه الأرقام، والبطاقة الخامسة غير مستخدمة. يتم جمع الرقمين واللاعب الأقرب إلى الهدف يفوز بنقطة لتلك الجولة.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يفوز اللاعب الذي يحصل على أعلى عدد من النقاط بعد عدد محدد من الجولات.", + "One option is to use three-digit numbers, a target number of 1000, and each player receives seven cards. Another option is to use subtraction with a smaller target number.": "أحد الخيارات هو استخدام الأرقام المكونة من ثلاثة أرقام، ورقم هدف ١٠٠٠، ويحصل كل لاعب على سبع بطاقات. خيار آخر هو استخدام الطرح مع رقم هدف أصغر.", + "LETTER SUBSTITUTION": "استبدال الحروف", + "Letter Substitutions": "استبدال الحروف", + "**The setup:** In these puzzles, single digits are replaced by letters. At first glance, these puzzles seem to be the same as the 'Missing Number' puzzles from earlier in this Stage. However, the use of letters provides more interesting opportunities for problem solving. If your child is comfortable with the Missing Number puzzles, you should transition to these puzzles.\n\nThe use of letters in these puzzles follows three rules:\n\n* A given letter is always the same digit from 0 to 9 \n* The leftmost digit of a number is never 0\n* Different letters must be different digits": "**الإعداد:** في هذه الألغاز، يتم استبدال الأرقام الأحادية بالحروف. للوهلة الأولى، تبدو هذه الألغاز مشابهة لألغاز \"الرقم المفقود“ من المرحلة السابقة. ومع ذلك، يوفر استخدام الحروف فرصًا أكثر إثارة لحل المشكلات. إذا كان طفلك مرتاحًا مع ألغاز الرقم المفقود، يجب أن تنتقل إلى هذه الألغاز.\n\nيتبع استخدام الحروف في هذه الألغاز ثلاث قواعد:\n\n* الحرف المعطى هو دائمًا نفس الرقم من (٠) إلى ٩\n* الرقم الأيسر في العدد لا يكون (٠)\n* يجب أن تكون الحروف المختلفة أرقامًا مختلفة", + "**How to create:** Take an ordinary addition or subtraction problem and replace one or more of the digits. Use the same letter when replacing the same digit. In this example, 6 is replaced by 'A' in both places.": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** خذ مسألة جمع أو طرح عادية واستبدل واحدًا أو أكثر من الأرقام. استخدم نفس الحرف عند استبدال نفس الرقم. في هذا المثال، يتم استبدال الرقم ٦ بالحرف \"A“ في كلا المكانين.", + "**Special puzzles:** The circumstances of this type of puzzle allow for the creation of interesting problem-solving challenges. These take a bit of designing, but the result is some fun puzzles.\n\nNotice that the values of the letters do not carry over from puzzle to puzzle. The 'B,' which has value 1 in this first puzzle, has value 4 in the second.": "**ألغاز خاصة:** تتيح ظروف هذا النوع من الألغاز إنشاء تحديات مثيرة لحل المشكلات. يتطلب ذلك بعض التصميم، ولكن النتيجة هي بعض الألغاز الممتعة.\n\nلاحظ أن قيم الحروف لا تنتقل من لغز إلى آخر. الحرف \"B“، الذي قيمته ١ في هذا اللغز الأول، قيمته ٤ في اللغز الثاني.", + "FILLING REGIONS WITH SHAPES": "ملء المناطق بالأشكال", + "Suppose you have an 8 by 8 chessboard and a collection of 1 by 2 tiles. Finding a way to exactly cover the chessboard with 32 of these 1 by 2 tiles is simple enough.\n\n**Remove corners:** Let’s start playing with removing squares from the chessboard. If you remove one corner of the chessboard, you know immediately that you can no longer cover the chessboard with tiles because the tiles will cover an even number of squares, and there are now 63 squares. Okay, remove two corners to make an even number of remaining squares – can you cover it now? The answer depends on which two corners you remove. Why? What if you no longer restrict yourself to removing corners, what happens?\n\n**Learn from smaller examples:** One important lesson in dealing with questions like these is to learn from smaller problems. Try these questions on a 4 by 4 or 6 by 6 board first.": "افترض أن لديك لوحة شطرنج ٨ في ٨ ومجموعة من البلاط ١ في ٢. العثور على طريقة لتغطية لوحة الشطرنج بالكامل بـ ٣٢ من هذه البلاط ١ في ٢ أمر بسيط بما فيه الكفاية.\n\n**إزالة الزوايا:** لنبدأ باللعب بإزالة المربعات من لوحة الشطرنج. إذا قمت بإزالة زاوية واحدة من لوحة الشطرنج، ستعرف فورًا أنك لم تعد تستطيع تغطية لوحة الشطرنج بالبلاط لأن البلاط سيغطي عددًا زوجيًا من المربعات، والآن هناك ٦٣ مربعًا. حسنًا، قم بإزالة زاويتين لجعل العدد المتبقي من المربعات زوجيًا - هل يمكنك تغطيته الآن؟ تعتمد الإجابة على الزاويتين اللتين تزيلهما. لماذا؟ ماذا لو لم تعد تقيد نفسك بإزالة الزوايا، ماذا يحدث؟\n\n**التعلم من الأمثلة الأصغر:** درس مهم في التعامل مع أسئلة مثل هذه هو التعلم من المشكلات الأصغر. جرب هذه الأسئلة على لوحة ٤ في ٤ أو ٦ في ٦ أولاً.", + "Branch out to using other shapes to fill the board. Play around with filling it with 1 by 3 tiles or with 3 squares in an L shape. What patterns and rules do you discover with these? What other shapes might be interesting to look at?": "تفرع إلى استخدام أشكال أخرى لملء اللوحة. العب بملئها بالبلاط ١ في ٣ أو بثلاثة مربعات على شكل L. ما الأنماط والقواعد التي تكتشفها مع هذه؟ ما الأشكال الأخرى التي قد تكون مثيرة للاهتمام للنظر فيها؟", + "FILLING SQUARES WITH SQUARES": "ملء المربعات بالمربعات", + "Shapes Inside Shapes": "الأشكال داخل الأشكال", + "**The challenge:** In which ways can you fill a square with other squares, where the squares need not all be the same size? The question is: What are all the numbers of squares that are possible? For those that are possible, is there an easy way to describe how to do it?\n\nLet your child play with it over many days without any hurry to get an answer. Here is a diagram showing how 6 is possible.": "**التحدي:** بأي طرق يمكنك ملء مربع بمربعات أخرى، حيث لا يجب أن تكون جميع المربعات بنفس الحجم؟ السؤال هو: ما هي جميع أعداد المربعات الممكنة؟ بالنسبة لتلك التي تكون ممكنة، هل هناك طريقة سهلة لوصف كيفية القيام بذلك؟\n\nدع طفلك يلعب بها على مدى أيام عديدة دون أي عجلة للحصول على إجابة. هنا رسم بياني يوضح كيف يمكن تحقيق ٦.", + "What happens if you only allow squares of certain sizes, such as 1 by 1, 2 by 2, and 3 by 3? What happens when filling other figures with figures that have the same shape? \n\nFor example, use figures that are regular triangles (triangles with all their sides the same length). Which figures are interesting to investigate in this way?": "ماذا يحدث إذا سمحت فقط بمربعات بأحجام معينة، مثل ١ في ١، ٢ في ٢، و٣ في ٣؟ ماذا يحدث عند ملء أشكال أخرى بأشكال لها نفس الشكل؟ على سبيل المثال، استخدم الأشكال التي هي مثلثات منتظمة (مثلثات جميع جوانبها بنفس الطول). ما الأشكال التي تكون مثيرة للاهتمام للتحقيق بهذه الطريقة؟", + "THE PRODUCT GAME": "لعبة الناتج", + "**The setup:** Use a shared piece of paper filled out as shown.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم قطعة ورق مشتركة مملوءة كما هو موضح.", + "**How to play:** The first player moves a token onto any number from 1 to 9 in the 1-9 squares. The second player puts another token on one of the 1-9 squares and claims the product in the 6 by 6 grid. From then on, each player chooses to move either of the two tokens and claims the product (if they can).": "**كيف تلعب:** يقوم اللاعب الأول بتحريك رمز إلى أي رقم من ١ إلى ٩ في المربعات ١-٩. يقوم اللاعب الثاني بوضع رمز آخر على أحد المربعات ١-٩ ويطالب بالناتج في الشبكة ٦ في ٦. من ثم، يختار كل لاعب تحريك أي من الرمزين ويطالب بالناتج (إذا استطاع).", + "**How to win:** The first player with 3 squares in a row wins.\n\n**Variations:** Mix up the product numbers to give your child better practice identifying the products. Also, see the Stage 5 Bonus Material for designs of larger boards with larger ranges.": "**كيف تفوز:** اللاعب الأول الذي يحصل على ٣ مربعات على التوالي يفوز.\n\n**التنوع:** امزج أرقام النتائج لتوفير ممارسة أفضل لطفلك في تحديد النتائج. أيضًا، راجع المواد الإضافية للمرحلة ٥ لتصميمات اللوحات الأكبر مع نطاقات أكبر.", + "ISLAND HOPPING WITH PRODUCTS": "القفز بالنتائج بين الجزر", + "Multiplying and Multiples": "الضرب والمضاعفات", + "These puzzles have islands (circles and squares) connected by bridges (lines). If there are two circles on either side of a square, then the square holds the product of the two circles.\n\n**The challenge:** Fill in the missing numbers.": "تحتوي هذه الألغاز على جزر (دوائر ومربعات) متصلة بجسور (خطوط). إذا كانت هناك دائرتان على جانبي مربع، فإن المربع يحتوي على حاصل ضرب الدائرتين.\n\n**التحدي:** املأ الأرقام المفقودة.", + "**How to create:** Make these puzzles by filling in the circles, then filling in the squares, and finally removing some of the numbers before giving it to your child.\n\nIn addition to practicing multiplication, these puzzles can be structured to practice common factors as well. In the first puzzle, the only number, other than 1, that divides 14 and 21 is 7, so that is the number in the bottom circle.": "**كيفية الإنشاء:** قم بإنشاء هذه الألغاز عن طريق ملء الدوائر، ثم ملء المربعات، وأخيرًا إزالة بعض الأرقام قبل إعطائها لطفلك.\n\nبالإضافة إلى ممارسة الضرب، يمكن هيكلة هذه الألغاز لممارسة العوامل المشتركة أيضًا. في اللغز الأول، الرقم الوحيد، بخلاف ١، الذي يقسم ١٤ و٢١ هو ٧، لذا فإن هذا هو الرقم في الدائرة السفلية.", + "COUNTING NEIGHBORS": "قم بعد الجيران", + "**The setup:** Use three dice and an 8 by 8 board of numbers from 1 to 64.\n\n**How to play:** A player rolls the dice and uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to make any unmarked number on the board. The player marks this square and receives one point for the square plus one more point for each marked square that it touches, including diagonally. If a player cannot make a play, any other player who finds a play can claim that score.\n\n**How to win:** Play five or more rounds, with the largest score winning.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم ثلاثة نرد ولوحة ٨ في ٨ تحتوي على أرقام من ١ إلى ٦٤.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** يقوم اللاعب برمي النرد ويستخدم الجمع، الطرح، الضرب، والقسمة لتكوين أي رقم غير محدد على اللوحة. يقوم اللاعب بتحديد هذا المربع ويحصل على نقطة واحدة للمربع بالإضافة إلى نقطة أخرى لكل مربع محدد يلمسه، بما في ذلك بشكل قطري. إذا لم يتمكن اللاعب من اللعب، يمكن لأي لاعب آخر يجد لعبة أن يطالب بتلك النقاط.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** العب خمس جولات أو أكثر، والفائز هو من يحصل على أكبر عدد من النقاط.", + "Some game options are to use a fourth die, and to use a smaller or larger board.": "بعض خيارات اللعبة هي استخدام نرد رابع، واستخدام لوحة أصغر أو أكبر.", + "MAKING A MOBILE": "صنع المحمول", + "**The setup:** You are given some weights and a design for a mobile that has some attach points. The challenge is to put at most one weight per attach point so the mobile will balance along every arm. Assume the wires are weightless. Each arm in the mobile is a lever that needs balancing, so these puzzles are an extension of the Lever Balance puzzle given earlier in this Stage - practice those puzzles before starting these.": "**الإعداد:** يتم إعطاؤك بعض الأوزان وتصميم لمحمول يحتوي على بعض نقاط التعلق. التحدي هو وضع وزن واحد كحد أقصى لكل نقطة تعلق بحيث يتوازن المحمول على طول كل ذراع. افترض أن الأسلاك بلا وزن. كل ذراع في المحمول هو رافعة تحتاج إلى التوازن، لذا فإن هذه الألغاز هي امتداد للغز توازن الرافعة الذي تم تقديمه في وقت سابق في هذه المرحلة - مارس تلك الألغاز قبل البدء في هذه.", + "**Simple example:** Start with the simplest mobiles, which are just levers in the air. Above is a solution for putting the weights from 1 to 4 on this mobile to balance it. This works because (2 × 4) + (1 × 2) = (4 × 1) + (3 × 2).\n\n**More complicated example:** Use the total of the weights below it to balance each side of the top wire (1 + 3) × 3 = (4 + 2) × 2.": "**مثال بسيط:** ابدأ بأبسط المحمولات، وهي مجرد رافعات في الهواء. هنا حل لوضع الأوزان من ١ إلى ٤ على هذا المحمول لتوازنه. هذا يعمل لأن ٢ × ٤ + ١ × ٢ = ٤ × ١ + ٣ × ٢.\n\n**مثال أكثر تعقيدًا:** استخدم مجموع الأوزان أسفلها لتوازن كل جانب من السلك العلوي (١ + ٣) × ٣ = (٤ + ٢) × ٢.", + "Go to the Stage 5 Bonus Material for more examples and a longer discussion of mobiles.": "انتقل إلى المواد الإضافية للمرحلة ٥ لمزيد من الأمثلة ومناقشة أطول حول المحمولات.", + "LIMITED CALCULATORS": "الآلات الحاسبة المحدودة", + "Add, Subtract, and Multiply": "الجمع والطرح والضرب", + "**The setup:** Suppose you have a calculator that is badly broken and you are challenged to produce some result on the calculator. This is easy to play orally whenever you have a spare moment. Here are some examples to get you started.\n\n**Example:** Suppose you had a calculator with +, -, ×, and /, but only one working number key, the 4. Could you get the result 21? If so, what is the fewest number of steps you would need? Suppose you could use 4 at most four times - which numbers could you produce? Suppose you had to use the 4 exactly four times. Play around with having other single keys and creating other results.": "**الإعداد:** افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة معطلة بشدة وتم تحديك لإنتاج نتيجة معينة على الآلة الحاسبة. من السهل لعب هذا شفهيًا كلما كان لديك لحظة فراغ. إليك بعض الأمثلة لتبدأ بها.\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة تحتوي على +، -، ×، و /، ولكن بها مفتاح رقم واحد يعمل فقط، وهو ٤. هل يمكنك الحصول على النتيجة ٢١؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، ما هو أقل عدد من الخطوات التي ستحتاجها؟ افترض أنه يمكنك استخدام ٤ بحد أقصى أربع مرات - ما هي الأرقام التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟ افترض أنه يجب عليك استخدام ٤ بالضبط أربع مرات. العب مع وجود مفاتيح فردية أخرى وإنشاء نتائج أخرى.", + "**Example:** Suppose your calculator could only add 4 or 7. Which numbers could you produce?\n\n**Example:** Suppose the calculator only had 4 or 7, but now it can add and subtract. Which additional numbers could you produce?": "**مثال:** افترض أن الآلة الحاسبة يمكنها فقط إضافة ٤ أو ٧. ما هي الأرقام التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن الآلة الحاسبة تحتوي فقط على ٤ أو ٧، ولكن الآن يمكنها الجمع والطرح. ما هي الأرقام الإضافية التي يمكنك إنتاجها؟", + "These are the same activities we’ve seen previoiusly in other settings, such as with the pan balance.\n\n**Example:** Suppose you only had a 1 key and could only add or double. For example, 2 × (2 × 1) + 1 is 5. What other numbers can you create?\n\n**Example:** A fun challenge is the four 4's challenge. Suppose you had a calculator with only a 4 key, with all the operations working. Starting at 1, how many numbers can you create if you must use exactly four 4's in your work on the calculator?": "هذه هي نفس الأنشطة التي رأيناها سابقًا في إعدادات أخرى، مثل ميزان المقلاة.\n\n**مثال:** افترض أن لديك مفتاح ١ فقط ويمكنك فقط الجمع أو المضاعفة. على سبيل المثال، ٢ × (٢ × ١) + ١ هو ٥. ما هي الأرقام الأخرى التي يمكنك إنشاؤها؟\n\n**مثال:** تحدي ممتع هو تحدي الأربعة ٤. افترض أن لديك آلة حاسبة تحتوي فقط على مفتاح ٤، مع عمل جميع العمليات. بدءًا من ١، كم عدد الأرقام التي يمكنك إنشاؤها إذا كان يجب عليك استخدام أربعة ٤ بالضبط في عملك على الآلة الحاسبة؟", + "GRABBING FACTORS": "التقاط العوامل", + "**The setup:** Use a board with a 4 by 6 grid of numbers from 1 to 24.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, a player chooses a number that is uncovered and has at least one factor uncovered – the player gets the selected number and the other player gets any or all of the uncovered factors (their choice as to how many). Play alternates until there are no legal numbers left.\n\n**How to win:** The players add up their numbers and the higher sum wins.\n\n**Tax Collector solitaire:** This can also be played as a solitaire puzzle, called Tax Collector. The one player selects each number and the tax collector gets all the available factors. Play continues until the player no longer has a legal move. At that point, the tax collector receives the remaining numbers. The goal is to have as large a sum as possible – bigger than the tax collector when that’s possible.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم لوحة تحتوي على شبكة ٤ في ٦ من الأرقام من ١ إلى ٢٤.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، يختار اللاعب رقمًا غير مغطى وله على الأقل عامل واحد غير مغطى - يحصل اللاعب على الرقم المختار ويحصل اللاعب الآخر على أي أو كل العوامل غير المغطاة (اختياره لعددها). يتناوب اللعب حتى لا يتبقى أرقام قانونية.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** يجمع اللاعبون أرقامهم والفائز هو من يحصل على المجموع الأعلى.\n\n**لعبة جامع الضرائب الفردية:** يمكن لعب هذه اللعبة أيضًا كلغز فردي، يسمى جامع الضرائب. يختار اللاعب كل رقم ويحصل جامع الضرائب على جميع العوامل المتاحة. يستمر اللعب حتى لا يكون لدى اللاعب حركة قانونية. في هذه المرحلة، يحصل جامع الضرائب على الأرقام المتبقية. الهدف هو الحصول على أكبر مجموع ممكن - أكبر من جامع الضرائب عندما يكون ذلك ممكنًا.", + "Set the range of numbers for the players – it could be 1 to 12, or as high as 1 to 60.": "حدد نطاق الأرقام وفقًا لمستوى مهارة اللاعبين. يمكن أن يكون من ١ إلى ١٢، أو حتى ١ إلى ٦٠.", + "BOUNCING BILLIARD BALL": "كرة البلياردو المرتدة", + "Factors and Multiples": "العوامل والمضاعفات", + "Imagine a billiard table that has a pocket in each of the four corners. When a ball bounces off the side of the table, it bounces away at the same angle it came in at.": "تخيل طاولة بلياردو تحتوي على جيب في كل زاوية من الزوايا الأربع. عندما ترتد الكرة عن جانب الطاولة، ترتد بزاوية نفسها التي دخلت بها.", + "This investigation looks at the question: If we shoot a ball at a 45 degree angle from one corner, where will it end up?\n\nThe answer depends on the size of the table. This is what happens on a 3 by 4 table.\n\n**Investigation:** After playing with several different sizes of tables, challenge your child to predict what the answer is in advance for new sizes. Starting in the bottom left corner, which corner will be hit first and how many bounces will it take?": "ينظر هذا التحقيق في السؤال: إذا أطلقنا كرة بزاوية ٤٥ درجة من زاوية واحدة، أين ستنتهي؟\n\nتعتمد الإجابة على حجم الطاولة. هذا ما يحدث على طاولة ٣ في ٤.\n\nبعد اللعب بأحجام مختلفة من الطاولات، اطلب من طفلك أن يتنبأ بالإجابة للأحجام الجديدة. بدءًا من الزاوية السفلية اليسرى، أي زاوية سيتم ضربها أولاً وكم عدد الارتدادات التي ستحدث؟", + "DOUBLE OR NOTHING": "المضاعفة أو لا شئ", + "**The setup:** Players start the game by secretly picking 5 distinct numbers larger than 20 and less than 121. After all selections are made, they are written where all can see them.\n\n**How to play:** Using Number Cards or some other device, a random number from 1 to 20 is created. That number is repeatedly doubled until either someone’s number is hit for the first time or the number becomes bigger than 120.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to have all five numbers hit is the winner.": "**الإعداد:** يبدأ اللاعبون اللعبة باختيار ٥ أرقام مميزة سرًا أكبر من ٢٠ وأقل من ١٢١. بعد إجراء جميع الاختيارات، يتم كتابتها حيث يمكن للجميع رؤيتها.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** باستخدام بطاقات الأرقام أو أي جهاز آخر، يتم إنشاء رقم عشوائي من ١ إلى ٢٠. يتم مضاعفة هذا الرقم بشكل متكرر حتى يتم الوصول إلى رقم أحد اللاعبين لأول مرة أو يصبح الرقم أكبر من ١٢٠.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يصل إلى جميع الأرقام الخمسة هو الفائز.", + "Selection strategies": "استراتيجيات اختيار الأرقام", + "It is a bad idea to pick a number, such as 46, that is not a power of 2 times some number between 1 and 20 – it will never get hit. Some numbers with lots of factors of 2, such as 32, are more likely to be hit because more starting numbers can get to them.": "من السيء اختيار رقم، مثل ٤٦، ليس قوة ٢ مضروبة في رقم بين ١ و٢٠ - لن يتم الوصول إليه أبدًا. بعض الأرقام التي تحتوي على الكثير من عوامل ٢، مثل ٣٢، من المرجح أن يتم الوصول إليها لأن المزيد من الأرقام البدء يمكن أن تصل إليها.", + "You can triple the number each time instead of doubling it. You can double it and add 1 each time. For younger players, select numbers above 10 and not above 60, and select a random number from 1 to 10.": "يمكنك مضاعفة الرقم ثلاث مرات بدلاً من مضاعفته مرتين. يمكنك مضاعفته وإضافة ١ في كل مرة. بالنسبة للاعبين الأصغر سنًا، اختر أرقامًا أكبر من ١٠ وليس أكبر من ٦٠، واختر رقمًا عشوائيًا من ١ إلى ١٠.", + "WAR WITH FACTORS": "الحرب مع العوامل", + "Factors Count": "حساب العوامل", + "**The setup:** Have two sets of cards, say from 1 to 25.\n\n**How to play:** Play the standard game of war with these cards, only now the winner is the card that has more factors. For example, 12 beats 16 because 12 has 6 factors (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12) while 16 has 5 factors (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16). The holder of the winning card must be able to correctly list the factors to win the cards – otherwise, the cards get shuffled back into each player’s draw pile. As with standard War, when there is a tie, the next cards are turned over and the winner receives all the cards.": "**الإعداد:** حصل على مجموعتين من البطاقات، لنقل من ١ إلى ٢٥.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** العب لعبة الحرب القياسية بهذه البطاقات، ولكن الآن الفائز هو البطاقة التي تحتوي على المزيد من العوامل. على سبيل المثال، ١٢ يهزم ١٦ لأن ١٢ يحتوي على ٦ عوامل ١، ٢، ٣، ٤، ٦، و١٢) بينما يحتوي ١٦ على ٥ عوامل ١، ٢، ٤، ٨، و١٦). يجب أن يكون حامل البطاقة الفائزة قادرًا على سرد العوامل بشكل صحيح للفوز بالبطاقات - وإلا، يتم خلط البطاقات مرة أخرى في كومة السحب لكل لاعب. كما هو الحال في حرب القياسية، عندما يكون هناك تعادل، يتم قلب البطاقات التالية والفائز يحصل على جميع البطاقات.", + "You can play that the smaller number of factors wins. You can count the total of just the prime factors rather than all the factors. You can play that prime powers (numbers that are a power of a prime) beat other numbers.": "يمكنك اللعب بأن العدد الأصغر من العوامل يفوز. يمكنك حساب مجموع العوامل الأولية فقط بدلاً من جميع العوامل. يمكنك اللعب بأن قوى الأعداد الأولية (الأرقام التي هي قوة عدد أولي) تهزم الأرقام الأخرى.", + "CROSSING THE VOLCANO": "عبور البركان", + "**The setup:** Use a 100-chart with the 36 squares on the four edges colored gray. Use playing cards with picture cards removed or use Number Cards from 1 to 10.\n\n**How to play:** On a turn, if you pick a 1 you can claim any odd number; if you pick any other number, you can claim any multiple of it. If you claim a number, your opponent cannot claim it. The aim is to make a path from one edge to the opposite edge, in either direction. You do not need to claim the squares in the order of your path.": "**الإعداد:** استخدم مخطط ١٠٠ مع ٣٦ مربعًا على الحواف الأربعة ملونة باللون الرمادي. استخدم بطاقات اللعب مع إزالة بطاقات الصور أو استخدم بطاقات الأرقام من ١ إلى ١٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في الدور، إذا اخترت ١ يمكنك المطالبة بأي رقم فردي؛ إذا اخترت أي رقم آخر، يمكنك المطالبة بأي مضاعف له. إذا طالبت برقم، لا يمكن لمنافسك المطالبة به. الهدف هو إنشاء مسار من حافة إلى الحافة المقابلة، في أي اتجاه. لا تحتاج إلى المطالبة بالمربعات بترتيب مسارك.", + "You can either play that diagonal connections are okay or not okay. Another option is to include picture cards – if you get one of these, you can put in a blocked square that cannot be included in either person’s path.": "يمكنك اللعب بأن الاتصالات القطرية مسموحة أو غير مسموحة. خيار آخر هو تضمين بطاقات الصور - إذا حصلت على واحدة من هذه، يمكنك وضع مربع محظور لا يمكن تضمينه في مسار أي شخص.", + "CHECKERS MATH": "رياضيات الداما", + "Multiplication Board Games": "ألعاب لوحة الضرب", + "**The setup:** This game is lightly inspired by checkers. Each player has 10 counters. The counters are numbered from 1 to 10, with the “10” counter marked with 10 and 11. The counters start on the end rows of a 100-chart - one player on squares 1 to 10 and the other on squares 91 to 100.\n\n**How to play:** Initially, counters can only move “forward” one row onto any multiple of the number(s) on the marker they choose – for the player starting on 1 to 10, forward means larger numbers, and for the player starting on 91 to 100, forward means smaller numbers. Once a counter has made it all the way across the board, it becomes a king and can then move forward or backward one row after that. An opponent's piece is taken by landing on it. A player’s piece cannot double up with another of the same player’s pieces.\n\n**How to win:** You win by taking all your opponent’s pieces.": "**الإعداد:** هذه اللعبة مستوحاة بشكل خفيف من لعبة الداما. كل لاعب لديه ١٠ عدادات. العدادات مرقمة من ١ إلى ١٠، مع وضع علامة على العداد \"١٠“ بـ ١٠ و١١. تبدأ العدادات في الصفوف النهائية من مخطط ١٠٠ - لاعب واحد على المربعات ١ إلى ١٠ والآخر على المربعات ٩١ إلى ١٠٠.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** في البداية، يمكن للعدادات التحرك \"للأمام“ صفًا واحدًا على أي مضاعف للأرقام على العلامة التي يختارونها - بالنسبة للاعب الذي يبدأ من ١ إلى ١٠، يعني الأمام أرقامًا أكبر، وبالنسبة للاعب الذي يبدأ من ٩١ إلى ١٠٠، يعني الأمام أرقامًا أصغر. بمجرد أن يصل العداد إلى الطرف الآخر من اللوحة، يصبح ملكًا ويمكنه بعد ذلك التحرك للأمام أو للخلف صفًا واحدًا بعد ذلك. يتم أخذ قطعة الخصم عن طريق الهبوط عليها. لا يمكن لقطعة اللاعب أن تتضاعف مع قطعة أخرى لنفس اللاعب.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أن تفوز بأخذ جميع قطع خصمك.", + "Variations": "التنوع", + "For younger players, shorten the board to use the first 6 rows – the numbers from 1 to 60. A child who does not know all the multiples yet can use skip counting to figure out the moves.": "بالنسبة للاعبين الأصغر سنًا، قصر اللوحة على استخدام الصفوف الستة الأولى - الأرقام من ١ إلى ٦٠. يمكن للطفل الذي لا يعرف جميع المضاعفات بعد استخدام العد القفزي لمعرفة الحركات.", + "MULTIPLICATION BINGO": "بينغو الضرب", + "**The setup:** Each player starts with a 4 by 4 grid of numbers that are possible multiplication products – these numbers can either be randomly assigned or carefully chosen by the player.\n\n**How to play:** To start, two cards are dealt and put face up on the table. If either player has the product of those two numbers, they cover it. From then on, the players take turns taking the top card from the draw pile and choosing which of the two cards to replace. All players who have a match with the product cover it.\n\n**How to win:** The first player to get 4 in a row wins.": "**الإعداد:** يبدأ كل لاعب بمصفوفة ٤ في ٤ من الأرقام التي يمكن أن تكون نتائج ضرب - يمكن تعيين هذه الأرقام عشوائيًا أو اختيارها بعناية من قبل اللاعب.\n\n**كيف تلعب:** للبدء، يتم توزيع بطاقتين ووضعهما مكشوفتين على الطاولة. إذا كان لدى أي لاعب حاصل ضرب هذين الرقمين، فإنه يغطيه. من ثم، يتناوب اللاعبون على أخذ البطاقة العلوية من كومة السحب واختيار أي من البطاقتين لاستبدالها. يغطي جميع اللاعبين الذين لديهم تطابق مع الناتج.\n\n**كيف تفوز:** أول لاعب يحصل على ٤ على التوالي هو الفائز.", + "CROSS PRODUCTS": "لنتائج المتقاطعة", + "Interesting Products": "النتائج المثيرة للاهتمام", + "This multiplication puzzle is either 3 by 3 involving each of the numbers 1 to 6 exactly once, or 4 by 4 involving the numbers 1 to 8 exactly once.\n\n**The challenge:** Fill in some of the squares, two numbers for each row and each column, so that the product of the numbers in a row is the number marked to the far left and the product of the numbers in a column is the number marked above the column. Some rows or columns may not be marked – if so, there is no constraint on the product of those rows or columns.": "هذا اللغز الضربي هو إما ٣ في ٣ يتضمن كل من الأرقام من ١ إلى ٦ مرة واحدة بالضبط، أو ٤ في ٤ يتضمن الأرقام من ١ إلى ٨ مرة واحدة بالضبط.\n\n**التحدي:** املأ بعض المربعات، رقمين لكل صف ولكل عمود، بحيث يكون حاصل ضرب الأرقام في الصف هو الرقم المحدد إلى أقصى اليسار وحاصل ضرب الأرقام في العمود هو الرقم المحدد فوق العمود. قد لا يتم تحديد بعض الصفوف أو الأعمدة - إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فلا يوجد قيد على حاصل ضرب تلك الصفوف أو الأعمدة.", + "**Solving examples:** Solve the puzzle above by finding columns and rows where you can identify the two numbers. The 30 column must have 5 and 6, and the 10 row must have 2 and 5. Next, the 12 column must have 3 and 4 and the 4 row must have 1 and 4. The rest follows quickly.": "**أمثلة للحل:** حل هذا اللغز عن طريق العثور على الأعمدة والصفوف حيث يمكنك تحديد الرقمين. يجب أن يحتوي عمود ٣٠ على ٥ و٦، ويجب أن يحتوي صف ١٠ على ٢ و٥. بعد ذلك، يجب أن يحتوي عمود ١٢ على ٣ و٤ ويجب أن يحتوي صف ٤على ١ و٤. يتبع الباقي بسرعة.", + "The 5 row in this second puzzle must have 1 and 5, the 21 row has 3 and 7, the 32 row has 4 and 8, and the top row has, by elimination, 2 and 6. The 7 column has 1 and 7, the 40 column has 5 and 8, the 18 column has 3 and 6, and the second column has 2 and 4. Put this together for the solution.\n\n**How to create:** Make these by filling in the numbers on the inside of the puzzle first, writing down the products, and then removing all the interior numbers.": "يجب أن يحتوي صف ٥ في هذا اللغز على ١ و٥، ويحتوي صف ٢١ على ٣ و٧، ويحتوي صف ٣٢ على ٤ و٨، ويحتوي الصف العلوي، عن طريق الإقصاء، على ٢ و٦. يحتوي عمود ٧ على ١ و٧، ويحتوي عمود ٤٠ على ٥ و٨، ويحتوي عمود ١٨ على ٣ و٦، ويحتوي العمود الثاني على ٢ و٤. اجمع هذا معًا للحصول على الحل.\n\n**كيفية الإنشاء:** كما هو الحال غالبًا مع هذه الألغاز، يمكن للبالغين إنشاؤها عن طريق ملء الأرقام داخل اللغز أولاً، وكتابة النتائج، ثم إزالة جميع الأرقام الداخلية.", "Stage 1 — I Can Hear You!": "المرحلة ١ – يمكنني سماعك!", "Stage 2 — I Can Count to 5!": "المرحلة ٢ – يمكنني العدد حتى ٥!", "Stage 3 — I Can Count to 10!": "المرحلة ٣ – يمكنني العدد حتى ١٠!", @@ -1622,18 +1871,24 @@ "This story has geometry and shape ideas. Practice words: circle, rectangle, sides, corner, vertical line, horizontal line, big, small, low, and high": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أفكار هندسية وأشكال. الكلمات التدريبية: دائرة، مستطيل، جوانب، زاوية، خط عمودي، خط أفقي، كبير، صغير، منخفض ومرتفع.", "Cassava and Palm": "الكاسافا و النخلة", "This story has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: very, extremely, more, difference, rectangle, square, round, cone, triangle, alike, different, dividing by 1, 2, and 1/2, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, oldest, youngest, inside, and outside.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على التمارين التالية: العد حتى العشرين، أوصاف و أشكال مختلفة. كلمات للممارسة: جدا، للغاية، أكثر، فرق، مستطيل، مربع، مستدير، مخروط، مثلث، متشابهين، مختلفين، قسمة على: 1 ، 2 ، 1/2، عمودي، أفقي، متعامد، الأقدم، الأصغر، الداخل والخارج.", + "Cat and Dog Draw and Color": "القط والكلب يرسمان ويلونان", + "This story has shapes, comparisons, and skip counting. Practice words: rectangle, square, oval, circle, arc, triangle, line, straight, curved, mirror symmetry, similar, different, less, same, more, pair, difference, right, left, skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 5's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال، ومقارنات، وعدّ بالتخطي. كلمات التدريب: مستطيل، مربع، بيضاوي، دائرة، قوس، مثلث، خط، مستقيم، منحني، تناظر مرآوي، متشابه، مختلف، أقل، نفس، أكثر، زوج، فرق، يمين، يسار، العدّ بالتخطي بالأرقام ٢، ٣، و٥.", "Curious Baby Elephant": "الفيلة الصغيرة الفضولية", "This story has skip counting and number properties. Practice words: skip counting, counting by a number, even, odd, more, less, above, and below.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد القفزي وخصائص الأرقام. كلمات التدريب: العد القفزي، العد برقم، زوجي، فردي، أكثر، أقل، فوق وتحت.", "Father's Advice": "نصيحة أب", - "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب:: دائري, مخروطي, مستطيل, طويل, خط عمودي, خط أفقي, زاوية قائمة, منحدر, صفر, إضافة واحد, العد بمرتين, بثلاثة مرات, بأربعة مرات, وبست مرات.", + "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.": "حتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب:: دائري، مخروطي، مستطيل، طويل، خط عمودي، خط أفقي، زاوية قائمة، منحدر، صفر، إضافة واحد، العد بمرتين، بثلاثة مرات، بأربعة مرات، وبست مرات.", "Fati and the Green Snake": "فاتي والأفعى الخضراء", "This story has counting to 10 and comparing sizes. Practice words: numbers to 10, big, bigger, small, smaller, wide, wider, narrow, narrower, more, less, same, one more, and twice.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 ومقارنة الأحجام. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى 10، كبير، أكبر، صغير، أصغر، واسع، أوسع، ضيق، أضيق، أكثر، أقل، نفس، واحد أكثر، ومرتين.", "How Many?": "كم العدد؟", "This story has counting to 14 and skip counting. Practice words: numbers to 14, skip counting, more, fewer, one more, three more, and double.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 14 والعد القفزي. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام حتى 14، العد القفزي، أكثر، أقل، واحد إضافي، ثلاثة إضافي، ومضاعف.", "I Love Forests": "أحب الغابات", "This story has counting to ten and comparing quantities. Practice words: numbers to ten, counting by 2's, one more, one less, most, and least.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد إلى عشرة ومقارنة الكميات. كلمات التدريب: الأرقام إلى عشرة، العد بمقدار 2، واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، أكثر، وأقل.", + "Is There Anyone Like Me?": "هل يوجد شخص مثلي؟", + "This story has counting to 8 and comparing. Practice words: one more, one less, take away, fact family, symmetry, mirror symmetry, similarity, difference, and same.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد حتى 8 والمقارنة. الكلمات التي يجب ممارستها: واحد أكثر، واحد أقل، طرح، عائلة الحقائق، التناظر، تناظر المرآة، التشابه، الاختلاف، ونفس الشيء.", "Listen to My Body": "استمع إلى جسدي", "This story has counting to 10 and comparing. Practice words: more, less, difference, and counting by 2's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على العد حتى 10 والمقارنة. كلمات التدريب: أكثر، أقل، الفرق، والعد بالرقم 2.", + "Little Jojo's Long Tall Tale": "قصة جوجو الصغيرة الطويلة", + "This story has many shapes. Practice words: circle, round, short, polygon, side, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, square, rectangle, diamond, rhombus, cone, pattern, concentric circles, colors, tall, tallest, far, farthest, long, half, pair, add, subtract, easy, hard, easier, harder, and problem solving.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العديد من الأشكال. كلمات الممارسة: دائرة، مستدير، قصير، مضلع، جانب، مثلث، رباعي الزوايا، خماسي الزوايا، سداسي الزوايا، مربع، مستطيل، ماسة، معين، مخروط، نمط، دوائر متحدة المركز، ألوان، طويل، الأطول، بعيد، الأبعد، طويل، نصف، زوج، إضافة، طرح، سهل، صعب، أسهل، أصعب، وحل المشكلات.", "Lory Dory": "لوري دوري", "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: thin, pairs, line, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, negative space, different, triangle, side, straight, sphere, circle, arc, red, blue, right, left, and skip count by 5's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الأشكال والصفات. كلمات التدريب: رفيع، أزواج، خط، المتوازي، أفقي، عمودي، متعامد، المساحة السلبية، مختلف، مثلث، جانب، مستقيم، كرة، دائرة، قوس، أحمر، أزرق، يمين، يسار، والعد القفزي بمقدار 5.", "Maguru Gives Legs": "ماجورو يعطي أرجلاً", @@ -1644,6 +1899,30 @@ "This story has shapes, colors, and skip counting. Practice words: patterns, row, lighter, darker, rectangle, triangle, round, side, circle, concentric circles, shallow, faint, closer, farther, differences, color names, colors of the rainbow, pair, doubling, and skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 4's.": "هذة القصه تحتوي علي أشكال و الوان وتمارين تخطي العد. تدرب علي الكلمات: الانماط، الصف، فاتح، غامق، مستطيل، مثلث، مستدير، دائري، الدوائر متحدة المركز، الشكل الاجوف، باهت، قريب، بعيد، الاختلافات، أسماء الالوان، الوان قوس قزح، الاقتران، المضاعفة، وتمارين تخطي العد بمقدار ٢،٣،٤.", "Emeka and the Old Man": "ايمك و الرجل المسن", "This story has shapes and geometry. Practice words: side, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, circle, oval, arc, big, flat, faint, faded, distance, far away, problem solving, horizontal lines, parallel lines, perspective, width, and dividing 8 evenly.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال هندسية. تدرب علي الكلمات: ضلع، مثلث،مستطيل،خماسي،دائرة،بيضاوي،قوس، كبير، مسطح، باهت،تضاؤل، مسافة ، بعيد عن ، حل المسائل ، الخطوط الأفقية، الخطوط المتوازية ، منظور ، عرض ، قسمة رقم ثمانية.", + "Father, Son, and Donkey": "الأب و الأبن و الحمار", + "This story has shapes and geometry. Practice words: distance, middle, rectangle, triangle, pale, twice, pairs, counting by 20's, 50's, and 100's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال هندسية. تدرب علي الكلمات التالية: المسافة، المنتصف، المستطيل، المثلث، باهت، الضعف، الأزواج، العد بمقدار ٢٠ و ٥٠ و ١٠٠.", + "Horses of Debre Birhan": "حصان مدينه ديبري برهن", + "This story has comparing words and counting in groups. Practice words: heavy, faster, enough, more than, too tight, very, old, skip counting by 2's and 4's, equal sharing, pair, pairing, odd, even, estimate, hundred, thousand, million, side, opposite side, round, and rectangle.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على كلمات تستخدم المقارنة و مجموعات للعد. تدرب على هذه الكلمات: ثقيل، سريع، كاف، أكثر من، طويل للغاية ، جدا، قديم، تسلسل العد بمقدار ٢ و ٤, التوزيع المتساوي، زوج، اقتران، فردي، زوجي، قرب/قدر، مائة، ألف، مليون، جانب، الجانب المقابل/ الآخر، مستدير، و مستطيل.", + "Hyena and Tortoise": "الضبع والسلحفاة", + "This story has shapes and quantities. Practice words: round, cone, different shape, hexagon, regular hexagon, tile designs, squares, patterns, more, less, fewer, same, equal, number difference, estimate, stronger, weaker, faster, slower, slowly, and speed.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وكميات. تدرب على الكلمات: دائرة، مخروط، شكل مختلف، مسدس، مسدس منتظم، تصميمات قرميدية، مربعات، أنماط، أكثر، أقل، نفس، متساوٍ، فرق في الأرقام، تقدير، أقوى، أضعف، أسرع، أبطأ، ببطء، وسرعة.", + "Keeper and his Nursery": "القائم على الرعاية و حضانته", + "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, sides, diagonal, circle, oval, cylinder, ball, sphere, stripe, thin, small, big, flat, pairs, opposite, center, long, high, twice, measurement, and estimate.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف. كلمات للممارسة: مثلث، مستطيل، خماسي، سداسي، جوانب، قطر، دائرة، بيضاوي، أسطوانة، كرة، مجال، شريط، رقيق، صغير، كبير، مسطح، أزواج، متقابل، مركز، طويل، مرتفع، مرتين، قياس، وتقدير.", + "Magical Rainbow River": "نهر قوس القزح السحري", + "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: circle, arc, oval, lines, sides, straight, rectangle, curve, color names, rainbow colors, double, high, pairs, and skip counting by 2's.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف. كلمات للممارسة: دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، خطوط، جوانب، مستقيم، مستطيل، منحنى، أسماء الألوان، ألوان قوس القزح، مزدوج، عالي، أزواج، والعد بالقفز ب٢.", + "Sakima's Song": "أغنية ساكيما", + "This story has shapes, descriptions, and perspective. Practice words: rectangle, sides, square, straight, curved, parallel lines, color names, rainbow colors, little, twice, tall, taller, short, shorter, far, farthest, farther, apart, large, thick, close, too close, small, too small, below, and estimate.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وأوصاف ومنظور. كلمات للممارسة: مستطيل، جوانب، مربع، مستقيم، منحني، خطوط متوازية، أسماء الألوان، ألوان قوس القزح، صغير، مرتين، طويل، أطول، قصير، أقصر، بعيد، الأبعد، أبعد، منفصل، تقدير، قصير، أقصر، كبير، سميك، قريب، قريب جدًا، صغير، صغير جدًا، أدناه، وتقدير.", + "Searching for the Spirit of Spring": "البحث عن روح الربيع", + "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: circle, oval, arc, cone, rectangle, triangle, long, longest, far, far away, distance, big, bigger, pattern, color, bright, dull, muted, drab, giant, dark, too dark, and problem solving.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال ووصف. كلمات الممارسة: دائرة، بيضاوي، قوس، مخروط، مستطيل، مثلث، كبير، طويل، الأطول، بعيد، بعيد جدًا، مسافة، كبير، أكبر، نمط، لون، ساطع، باهت، خافت، كئيب، عملاق، مظلم، مظلم جدًا، ومشاكل حل.", + "Share it Fair!": "القسمة العادلة!", + "This story has shapes and dividing evenly. Practice words: rectangle, square, round, circle, arc, oval, ellipse, stripe, equal, dividing equally, point of view, perspective, half, third, fourth, quarter, problem solving, simpler versions of a problem, persistence, subtracting 1, 2, 3, estimate, and multiples of 3.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على أشكال وتقسيم بالتساوي. كلمات التدريب: مستطيل، مربع، مستدير، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، إهليلجي، شريط، متساوٍ، تقسيم بالتساوي، وجهة نظر، منظور، نصف، ثلث، رابع، ربع، حل المشكلات، نسخ أبسط من مشكلة، مثابرة، طرح ١، ٢، ٣، تقدير، ومضاعفات ٣.", + "Singing the Truth: The Story of Miriam Makeba": "غناء الحقيقة: قصة مريم مكبا", + "This story has lots of shapes. Practice words: shape, rectangle, straight, circle, arc, oval, arch, cone, ellipse, different, same, flat, outline, and stripe.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكثير من الأشكال. كلمات التدريب: شكل، مستطيل، مستقيم، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، قوس، مخروط، إهليلجي، مختلف، نفس، مسطح، مخطط، شريط.", + "Sizwe's Smile": "ابتسامة سيويز", + "This story has shapes and progressions. Practice words: muted, bright, rectangle, circle, arc, oval, ellipse, big, biggest, curve, vertical lines, parallel lines, stripe, twice, doubling, exponential growth, estimate, and counting by 2's and 4's.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على أشكال وتقدمات. كلمات التدريب: باهت، ساطع، مستطيل، دائرة، قوس، بيضاوي، إهليلجي، كبير، الأكبر، منحنى، خطوط عمودية، خطوط متوازية، شريط، ضعف، تضعيف، نمو أسي، تقدير، وعد بالأعداد ٢ و٤.", + "The Smell Thief": "لص الروائح", + "This story has skip counting and shapes. Practice words: counting by 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's; multiplying, dividing, estimate, rectangle, and triangle.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد بالقفز والأشكال. كلمات التدريب: العد بـ ١، ٢، ٣، ٤، و ٦؛ الضرب، القسمة، التقدير، المستطيل، والمثلث.", + "Who Can Count to Ten?": "من يستطيع العد إلى عشرة؟", + "This story has counting, comparisons, and problem solving. Practice words: numbers to ten, skip counting, counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 10's, odd numbers, more, difference, add, combination, total, stripes, spots, big, biggest, fast, fastest, strong, strongest, large largest, high, higher, pattern, and problem solving.": "هذه القصة تحتوي على العد، المقارنات، وحل المشكلات. كلمات التدريب: الأعداد إلى العشرة، العد بالقفز، العد بـ ٢، ٣، ٤، ٥، و ١٠، الأعداد الفردية، أكثر، الفرق، الإضافة، الجمع، المجموع، الخطوط، البقع، كبير، الأكبر، سريع، الأسرع، قوي، الأقوى، كبير، الأكبر، عالي، أعلى، النمط، وحل المشكلات.", "Emeka lived in a fine house in Ebiba town. His parents were rich.\n\nEmeka had a dog called Chita. He looked after Chita very well.": "ايمك يعيش في بيت جميل في مدينة ايبابا. كان والدا ايمك أثرياء.\n\nايمك كان لديه كلب يدعى شيتا. كان ايمك يعتني ب كلبه جيدآ.", "Are you responsible for caring for any animals who are your friends?": "هل انت علي قدر من المسئولية للاعتناء ب حيوانات أليفة؟", "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like this page. How many rectangles can you find here?": "المستطيل هو شكل من الأشكال الهندسية لديه أربع أضلاع مثل هذا الصفحة التي تقرأها الآن. كم عدد المستطيلات التي تستطيع إيجادها؟", @@ -1723,54 +2002,86 @@ "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?": "هل يجب أن نحمي أصدقائنا فقط أم يجب أن نحمي كل ما نستطيع؟", "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.": "انظر إلى كل أنماط الألوان في هذه الملابس. وضح أي منها صلبة أو مخططة أو مرقعة.", "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?": "لقد ارتدت فانا العديد من الألوان المختلفة خلال هذه القصة. هل يمكنك تذكرها جميعًا؟", - "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.": "كان يا ما كان, كان هناك فلاح ولديه اثنين من الأبناء.", - "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?": "أسطح المنازل الدائرية المصنوعة من القش هي على شكل مخروطي. ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي تستطيع أن تراها في الصورة?", - "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)": "ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي رأيتها في حياتك? (قمع الآيسكريم, أشجار التنوب, قمع المرور, قمع تحويل مسار الطريق)", + "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.": "كان يا ما كان، كان هناك فلاح ولديه اثنين من الأبناء.", + "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?": "أسطح المنازل الدائرية المصنوعة من القش هي على شكل مخروطي. ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي تستطيع أن تراها في الصورة؟", + "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)": "ما الأشكال المخروطية الأخرى التي رأيتها في حياتك؟ (قمع الآيسكريم، أشجار التنوب، قمع المرور، قمع تحويل مسار الطريق)", "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find as many rectangles as you can in this picture.": "المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. ابحث عن أكثر عدد مستطيلات تستطيع أن تجدها في هذه الصورة.", - "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"": "في يوم من الأيام, نادى على أبنائه وقال, \"أنا كبير في السن وسأموت قريبا. ولكن قبل أن أموت, أريد أن أراكم في منازلكم الخاصة بكم. أمامكم شهر واحد لكي يبنى كل منكما منزله الخاص. أريد أن أراكم هنا بعد شهر.\"", - "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?": "يمكنك معرفة عدد الأقدام معاً عن طريق العد قفزتين ثلاث مرات أو ثلاث قفزات مرتين. كم عددها?", - "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?": "لتعرف عدد الأطراف (الأرجل والأيدي) لديهم, ما هو الرقم الذي ستستعمله في العد القفزي? كم عدد الأطراف?", - "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?": "خمن لماذا لدى الأب عصا طويلة. هل لأن لديه مشكلة في المشي, أو هي علامة احترام لكبار السن, أو ربما الاثنين معاً?", + "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"": "في يوم من الأيام، نادى على أبنائه وقال، \"أنا كبير في السن وسأموت قريبا. ولكن قبل أن أموت،أريد أن أراكم في منازلكم الخاصة بكم. أمامكم شهر واحد لكي يبنى كل منكما منزله الخاص. أريد أن أراكم هنا بعد شهر.“", + "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?": "يمكنك معرفة عدد الأقدام معاً عن طريق العد قفزتين ثلاث مرات أو ثلاث قفزات مرتين. كم عددها؟", + "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?": "لتعرف عدد الأطراف (الأرجل والأيدي) لديهم، ما هو الرقم الذي ستستعمله في العد القفزي؟ كم عدد الأطراف؟", + "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?": "خمن لماذا لدى الأب عصا طويلة. هل لأن لديه مشكلة في المشي، أو هي علامة احترام لكبار السن، أو ربما الاثنين معاً؟", "The two sons rushed out. The first one went to the roadside. He cut down trees and began to build a big compound for himself.": "خرج الابنين بسرعة. ذهب الابن الأول لحافة الطريق. قطع الأشجار وبدأ ببناء مجمع سكني لنفسه.", - "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?": "أحياناً تجد وجوهاً في السحب, في القمر, أو في أماكن أخرى. هل ترى وجهاً في الشجرة?", - "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?": "هل سبق ورأيت وجهاً في السحب أو في مكان آخر?", - "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?": "كم شجرة قطع الابن ليصنع هذه البيوت?", - "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.": "الابن الآخر, بالمقابل, خرج وبدأ بتكوين علاقات خاصة مع العائلات الأخرى. ذهب إلى أناس مختلفين, وأصبح كابن لهم.", + "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?": "أحياناً تجد وجوهاً في السحب، في القمر، أو في أماكن أخرى. هل ترى وجهاً في الشجرة؟", + "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?": "هل سبق ورأيت وجهاً في السحب أو في مكان آخر؟", + "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?": "كم شجرة قطع الابن ليصنع هذه البيوت؟", + "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.": "الابن الآخر، بالمقابل، خرج وبدأ بتكوين علاقات خاصة مع العائلات الأخرى. ذهب إلى أناس مختلفين، وأصبح كإبن لهم.", "This second son is greeting someone in a friendly way with his hands. Copy this hand gesture with the person you are with now.": "هذا الابن يحيي شخصاً ما بطريقة لطيفة بيديه. قلد حركة اليد هذه مع الشخص الذي معك الآن.", - "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?": "كيف تحيي الناس بطريقة مختلفة عندما يكونون من أفراد العائلة أو الأصدقاء?", + "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?": "كيف تحيي الناس بطريقة مختلفة عندما يكونون من أفراد العائلة أو الأصدقاء؟", "Look at the shadows in this picture. Point to where you think the sun is in the sky. Guess what time of day it is.": "انظر إلى الظلال في الصورة. أشر إلى مكان الشمس في الصورة. خمن في أي وقت من النهار نحن.", - "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"": "بعد شهر, رجع الأخوان إلى والدهما. قال الأب, \"حسناً, هل بنيتما منازلكما?\" قال الأخوان معاً, \"أجل.\"", - "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?": "الخطوط العمودية تكون إلى الأعلى والأسفل. مع أنك لا تستطيع رؤيتهم كلهم, كم تعتقد عدد الألواح العمودية في الباب?", - "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?": "الخطوط الأفقية تتجه من جانب إلى آخر. إذا أضفت لوح أفقي إلى الألواح العمودية, كم يكون عدد الألواح معاً?", - "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?": "الشهر ممكن أن يكون 28 أو 29 أو 30 أو 31 يوم. هل تعتقد أنه بإمكان شخص ما أن يبني منزلاً في 30 يوماً? في أي شهر في السنة نحن الآن?", - "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"": "ذهب الأب مع ابنه الأكبر. وجد أن ابنه بنى الكثير من الأكواخ. كلما مر بجانب كوخ, كان يسأل, \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ?\" في كل مرة, كان يجيب الابن, \"لا.\"", - "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?": "هناك كلمة جديدة استخدمها الأب لتلك المباني. كيف يكون الكوخ مختلفاً عن المنزل?", - "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?": "هل سبق أن بنيت أو تخيلت كوخاً أو منزلاً أو حصناً? ماذا استخدمت لتصنعه?", - "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)": "قم بعد الأكواخ في هذه الصورة. إن كان لا يوجد أحد في الكوخ, كم شخصاً هناك? (0 – صفر)", - "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"": "كان الأب يسأل, \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ?\" وكان الابن يجيب, \"لا.\"", + "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"": "بعد شهر، رجع الأخوان إلى والدهما. قال الأب، \"حسناً، هل بنيتما منازلكما؟“ قال الأخوان معاً، \"أجل.“", + "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?": "الخطوط العمودية تكون إلى الأعلى والأسفل. مع أنك لا تستطيع رؤيتهم كلهم، كم تعتقد عدد الألواح العمودية في الباب؟", + "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?": "الخطوط الأفقية تتجه من جانب إلى آخر. إذا أضفت لوح أفقي إلى الألواح العمودية، كم يكون عدد الألواح معاً؟", + "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?": "الشهر ممكن أن يكون ٢٨ أو ٢٩ أو ٣٠ أو ٣١ يوم. هل تعتقد أنه بإمكان شخص ما أن يبني منزلاً في ٣٠ يوماً؟ في أي شهر في السنة نحن الآن؟", + "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"": "ذهب الأب مع ابنه الأكبر. وجد أن ابنه بنى الكثير من الأكواخ. كلما مر بجانب كوخ، كان يسأل، \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ؟“ في كل مرة ، كان يجيب الابن، \"لا.“", + "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?": "هناك كلمة جديدة استخدمها الأب لتلك المباني. كيف يكون الكوخ مختلفاً عن المنزل؟", + "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?": "هل سبق أن بنيت أو تخيلت كوخاً أو منزلاً أو حصناً؟ ماذا استخدمت لتصنعه؟", + "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)": "قم بعد الأكواخ في هذه الصورة. إن كان لا يوجد أحد في الكوخ، كم شخصاً هناك؟ ((٠) – صفر)", + "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"": "كان الأب يسأل، \"هل يوجد أحد في هذا الكوخ؟“ وكان الابن يجيب، \"لا.“", "Count all the rectangles you can find in this picture.": "قم بعد كل المستطيلات التي تجدها في هذه الصورة.", "A right angle is formed when two lines cross each other like the corner of this page. Horizontal lines form right angles with vertical lines. Point out some right angles in this picture.": "تتشكل الزاوية القائمة عندما يتلاقى خطان معا مثل زاوية هذه الصفحة. الخطوط الأفقية تكون زوايا قائمة مع الخطوط العمودية. أشر إلى بعض الزوايا القائمة في هذه الصورة.", - "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?": "ربما يوجد الكثير من الزوايا القائمة حيث تكون أنت. هل تستطيع عدهم جميعاً, أم هي كثيرة جداً?", - "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.": "أحس الأب بالجوع, لكن لا يوجد أحد ليقدم له الطعام. قال الأب, \"لنذهب إلى البيت.\" فذهبا إلى البيت.", - "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.": "عادةً يقدم الناس إلى الضيوف شيئاً ليأكلوه أو يشربوه. كل هذه الأكواخ كانت غير مرحبة بالضيوف, لا شيء لتقدمه للضيوف.", - "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?": "لاحظ بأن الأب قد أدار ظهره إلى ابنه. ما الرسالة التي تعطيها حين تدير ظهرك إلى أحد?", - "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?": "بينما يبتعد الأب, بماذا تعتقد أنه يشعر?", - "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.": "أخذهم الابن الثاني إلى العائلة الأولى التي تبناها. عرفهم بهم وقال, \"هذا أبي وهذا أخي.\" رحبت العائلة بالرجال. ذبحوا خروفاً وقدموا لهم وليمة كبيرة.", - "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?": "قدمت هذه العائلة وليمة كبيرة للأب! لماذا قاموا بذلك?", - "How do you think the father is feeling about this?": "بماذا يشعر الأب في اعتقادك?", - "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?": "ماذا في اعتقادك سيحدث مع العائلة التالية التي سيزورونها?", + "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?": "ربما يوجد الكثير من الزوايا القائمة حيث تكون أنت. هل تستطيع عدهم جميعاً، أم هي كثيرة جداً؟", + "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.": "أحس الأب بالجوع، لكن لا يوجد أحد ليقدم له الطعام. قال الأب، \"لنذهب إلى البيت.“ فذهبا إلى البيت.", + "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.": "عادةً يقدم الناس إلى الضيوف شيئاً ليأكلوه أو يشربوه. كل هذه الأكواخ كانت غير مرحبة بالضيوف، لا شيء لتقدمه للضيوف.", + "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?": "لاحظ بأن الأب قد أدار ظهره إلى ابنه. ما الرسالة التي تعطيها حين تدير ظهرك إلى أحد؟", + "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?": "بينما يبتعد الأب، بماذا تعتقد أنه يشعر؟", + "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.": "أخذهم الابن الثاني إلى العائلة الأولى التي تبناها. عرفهم بهم وقال، \"هذا أبي وهذا أخي.“ رحبت العائلة بالرجال. ذبحوا خروفاً وقدموا لهم وليمة كبيرة.", + "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?": "قدمت هذه العائلة وليمة كبيرة للأب! لماذا قاموا بذلك؟", + "How do you think the father is feeling about this?": "بماذا يشعر الأب في اعتقادك؟", + "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?": "ماذا في اعتقادك سيحدث مع العائلة التالية التي سيزورونها؟", "They went to the second family the younger son had adopted. He introduced his father and brother and they were given another feast.": "ذهبوا إلى العائلة الأخرى التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. عرفهم بأبيه وأخيه وقدموا لهم وليمة أخرى.", - "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?": "لاحظ كيف ينظر الناس إلى بعضهم البعض. بماذا يشعرون?", - "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?": "في رأيك ماذا تقول الطفلة الصغيرة والابن الثاني لبعضهما عندما تقابلا?", + "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?": "لاحظ كيف ينظر الناس إلى بعضهم البعض. بماذا يشعرون؟", + "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?": "في رأيك ماذا تقول الطفلة الصغيرة والابن الثاني لبعضهما عندما تقابلا؟", "Their clothes have many soft hues. Describe some of the different colors that you see.": "تحتوي ملابسهم على ألوان بسيطة. صِف بعض الألوان المختلفة التي تراها.", "Father and brother were welcomed in all the places where the younger son was adopted. They ate and were satisfied. Then they left for home.": "كان الأب والابن مرحباً بهم في كل الأماكن التي تبناها الابن الأصغر. لقد تناولوا الطعام وكانوا سعداء. وبعدها عادوا إلى المنزل.", - "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?": "بعض الأسقف المخروطية الشكل كانت مائلة أكثر من الأخرى. لماذا من المفيد أن يكون السقف مائلاً?", - "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)": "هل تستطيع أن تخمن ما هي مساوئ الأسقف المائلة? (يمكن أن تحتاج مواداً أكثر.)", - "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?": "ما الأشياء التي تخبرك بأن الأب يشعر بالتعب الشديد?", - "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"": "قال الأب, \"هذا ما كنت أعنيه عندما قلت يجب أن تمتلكوا منزلكم الخاص. المنزل أكثر من مجرد أكواخ كثيرة أو منازل كبيرة وغالية الثمن. إنه المحبة, الدفء والصداقة مع الآخرين.\"", - "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?": "المسكن ليس مجرد سقف أو جدران أو أبواب. في المكان الذي تعيش فيه, ما نوع الأشياء التي تجعله منزلاً بالفعل?", - "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?": "مَن من هؤلاء الثلاثة الأطول ومن منهم الأقصر?", - "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?": "ماذا في اعتقادك أكثر فائدة – أن تحظى بكثير من الناس يهتمون لأمرك أم تمتلك الكثير من المباني?", + "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?": "بعض الأسقف المخروطية الشكل كانت مائلة أكثر من الأخرى. لماذا من المفيد أن يكون السقف مائلاً؟", + "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)": "هل تستطيع أن تخمن ما هي مساوئ الأسقف المائلة؟ (يمكن أن تحتاج مواداً أكثر.)", + "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?": "ما الأشياء التي تخبرك بأن الأب يشعر بالتعب الشديد؟", + "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"": "قال الأب، \"هذا ما كنت أعنيه عندما قلت يجب أن تمتلكوا منزلكم الخاص. المنزل أكثر من مجرد أكواخ كثيرة أو منازل كبيرة وغالية الثمن. إنه المحبة، الدفء والصداقة مع الآخرين.“", + "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?": "المسكن ليس مجرد سقف أو جدران أو أبواب. في المكان الذي تعيش فيه، ما نوع الأشياء التي تجعله منزلاً بالفعل؟", + "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?": "مَن من هؤلاء الثلاثة الأطول ومن منهم الأقصر؟", + "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?": "ماذا في اعتقادك أكثر فائدة – أن تحظى بكثير من الناس يهتمون لأمرك أم تمتلك الكثير من المباني؟", + "A father, his son, and their donkey started a long journey.\n\nOn the way, some people asked them why they didn't ride the donkey.": "قصتنا اليوم عن أب و ابنه و حماره خاضوا جميعا رحلة طويلة.\n\nو في الطريق تساءل الناس لماذا الأب والابن لا يركبا الحمار.", + "Why do you think other people cared about why no one was riding the donkey? Make up a reason why no one is riding.": "ما هو سبب تساءل الناس عن عدم ركوب الحمار يا تري؟ قم بإيجاد إجابة منطقية لحل هذا السؤال.", + "This story is about these three going along the road together. Before reading on, make up a story of your own about them.": "هذه القصة عن رحلة هذا الرجل و ابنه و الحمار في الطريق. قبل إكمال القراءة حاول توقع أحداث القصة.", + "The three of them look tired. Think about how many steps they have to take to go on their long journey. Do you think the donkey will get twice as tired because it takes twice as many steps?": "بدي الإعياء الشديد على كل من الرجل وابنه والحمار. حاول تخيل طول الطريق لإكمال الرحلة. هل تظن ان الحمار سوف يشعر بضعف التعب لأنه يسير ضعف الخطوات؟", + "The father invited his son to ride the donkey while he walked.\n\nThey continued like this for a while.": "عرض الأب على ابنه أن يركب علي الحمار بينما هو يسير طوال الرحلة.\n\nو ظلا على هذا الحال لفتره.", + "Notice how the hills and sky in the distance are paler than the hills and sky closer in. Have you seen this effect when you look out over distant scenes near you?": "لاحظ كيف أن الهضاب و السماء على بعد يظهرون بشكل باهت علي عكس الهضاب و السماء القريبين. هل لاحظت هذه الظاهرة حين النظر لأشياء علي بعد؟", + "This paleness of objects is an important clue in a scene that tells you what is close and what is far. What do you suppose causes this effect? (It is caused by all the air between you and the objects.)": "هذا البهتان يحدد مدى قرب أو بعد الأشياء. ما هو السبب وراء هذه الظاهرة؟ (هذه الظاهرة تتكون بسبب الهواء الموجود بينك و بين الأشياء.)", + "Have you ever tried to count your own steps when you walked someplace? If you can't count that high, you can keep track of the count in bunches of 20's, 50's, or 100's -- for example, you could count how many groups of 50 steps you take.": "هل جربت عد خطاك من قبل حين الذهاب الي مكان ما؟ إذا لا تستطيع العد الى ارقام كبيرة للغاية يمكنك العد في مجموعات بمقدار ٢٠ أو ٥٠ أو ١٠٠. على سبيل المثال قم بعدد خطواتك في مجموعات مكونة من ٥٠ خطوة،", + "Then, other people they met remarked, \"Look at this rude boy riding a donkey while his father is walking!\"": "عقب بعض الناس في الطريق قائلين \"انظروا الى هذا الولد العاق يركب الحمار وأبوه يمشي سيرا على الأقدام!“", + "Why would someone think it is rude for the boy to ride while his father walked? Why would these people care what this father and son did?": "لماذا يعني ركوب الولد علي الحمار من دون أبيه يعتبر عقوق ؟ لماذا اصلا يكترث الناس لأمر الولد و ابنه؟", + "Most of the people have sticks. What do you suppose they use them for?": "معظم الناس يحملون عصيان. يا تري ما هو استخدام هذه العصيان؟", + "Here is another scene with faded things that are far away. In addition to faintness, what are some other clues that tell you that these things are far away? (They are smaller and somewhat bluer.)": "هنا مشهد آخر الأشياء تبدو باهتة لأنها بعيدة. بالإضافة إلى البهتان، هل يوجد دليل اخري علي بعد هذه الأشياء غير البهتان؟ (مساعده: بعض الأشياء البعيدة تبدو بشكل أصغر وأكثر زرقة.)", + "As a result, the son jumped down and his father rode the donkey.\n\nThey continued their journey.": "و بسبب ثرثرة الناس نزل الولد عن ظهر الحمار و صعد أباه مكانه.\n\nو ليكملوا رحلتهم.", + "What do you notice about the expressions of the father and son during their journey? Do they change?": "ماذا تلاحظ من تعابير وجه الأب و الأبن خلال هذه الرحلة؟ هل تغيرت عن بدايه الرحله؟", + "Do you enjoy going on long walks or hikes? Describe a walk or hike you went on recently and some of the interesting things you saw or experienced along the journey.": "هل تستمتع بالذهاب في رحلات طويلة. اذكر رحلة من تلك الرحلات التي قمت بها و استمتع بها من قبل.", + "Look at all the body parts that come in pairs on these people and donkey. They have pairs of legs, arms, ears, and many more. What are some parts that don't come in pairs? Notice that all these single items are in the middle of their bodies.": "انظر كيف أن بعض أجزاء الجسم في الإنسان والحمار تأتي على شكل أزواج. مثلا الأرجل والأذرع و الأذنين و الكثير. اذكر بعض أجزاء الجسم التي لا تأتي على شكل أزواج! لاحظ أن كل الأعضاء التي تأتي بشكل فردي تتمركز في منتصف الجسد.", + "After some time, other people said, \"Look at this rude father riding a donkey while his son is walking!\"": "بعد وقت ليس بالقليل قال أناس آخرون \"انظروا لذلك الرجل القاسي يركب الحمار بينما يمشي ولده فلذة كبده سيرا على الأقدام!“", + "Why did these people say it was rude for the father to be riding? Who is correct -- is it rude for the son to ride or the father to ride? Why do these people care?": "لماذا لماذا ظن الناس أن الرجل قاسي علي ولده لأنه يركب الحمار؟ من هو المحق من الناس أن يركب الأب الحمار أم أن يركب الابن؟لماذا اصلا يكترث الناس لمثل هذا الأمر؟", + "Why do some people feel they need to comment on how other people are living? Are there times when it is a good thing to comment about others?": "لماذا يظن الناس أن لهم حق في التعليق على حياة الآخرين؟ هل تظن أن هناك بعض الأوقات المناسبة للتعليق على حياة الناس؟", + "There are some new shapes on this page. Point out the rectangles and triangles here. Can you count all the rectangles, or are there too many?": "يوجد أشكال هندسية جديدة في هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى المستطيلات و المثلثات في الصورة. هل تستطيع عدهم ام انهم كثيرين؟", + "So the father and son decided to ride the donkey together.": "و بعد كل هذا العناء قرر الأب و الأبن أن يركبا الحمار معا.", + "So far, the watching people have always found something to criticize. Try to guess what people will object to this time.": "و لأن الناس يجدون دائما ما ينتقدونه. حاول أن تخمن على ماذا اعترض الناس هذه المرة،", + "This story is almost over. How do you think it will end?": "أوشكت القصه على الانتهاء. كيف تتوقع النهاية؟", + "What is the donkey doing that shows that the donkey is stressed and tired?": "ما الذي يفعله الحمار يدل على تعبه و انهاكه؟", + "But a few minutes later, some people remarked, \"Look at these rude people! They are going to kill the donkey.\"": "و انتقد الناس قائلين \"انظروا الى هؤلاء عديمي الرحمه و القلوب يركبا سويا على الحمار سوف يقتلونه.“", + "Nothing seems to make the watching people happy. Have you ever been in a situation where it seemed no matter what you did it was considered wrong? How did that make you feel?": "لا شئ يسر الناس ابدا. هل كنت في مثل ذلك الموقف من قبل؟ ماذا جعلك هذا تشعر بي؟", + "What do you think the father and son should do about all these unhappy, critical people?": "ما هو التصرف الذي يجب على الأب و الأبن أن يفعلها مع هؤلاء الناس المتلصصين على حياة الآخرين.؟", + "What do you think the three people by the side of the road are doing? Do you think they just spend their days watching people go by?": "ماذا يا ترى يفعل هؤلاء الأشخاص الثلاث ب جانب الطريق؟ هل تظن ان هم يقضون يومهم يشاهدون في المارة ليل نهار؟", + "Finally, father and son understood that they could not escape from people's remarks.\n\nThey decided to use their minds to do the right thing.": "و في النهاية آمن الأب و ابنه أنه لا مفر من محاكمة وانتقاد الناس لهم.\n\nقرر الأب وابنه أحكام العقل لإيجاد حل لتلك المشكلة.", + "There are many things we can learn from others. However, ultimately we need to figure out what feels right and stick up for ourselves.": "يوجد الكثير لنتعلمه من الآخرين ولكن علينا أن نحدد ما الذي يفيدنا و ما الذي يؤذينا لتجنب أذى الناس.", + "Do you think it is possible to act in a way that will make everyone happy?": "هل تظن أن يمكنك إرضاء جميع الناس؟", + "Can you think of a time when you did what you felt was right despite what others thought?": "هل تستطيع تذكر موقف اعترض فيه الجميع علي قرار ولكنك اصررت عليه و حققت رغبتك؟", "Fati was a little girl who ran like the wind.\n\nShe loved to laugh, and always tried hard to do as she was told.": "كانت فاتي فتاة صغيرة تجري مثل الريح.\n\nكانت تحب الضحك، وتحاول دائماً أن تفعل ما يطلب منها.", "It can be hard sometimes to do what you are told. Are you good at following directions?": "قد يكون من الصعب أحيانًا تنفيذ ما يُقال لك. هل أنت جيد في اتباع التوجيهات؟", "How do you feel when you don't do as you are told?": "ما هو شعورك عندما لا تفعل ما يقال لك؟", @@ -1975,6 +2286,54 @@ "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.": "يقرأ شخص واحد بمفرده، ويقرأ الآخرون في أزواج.", "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?": "يبدو أنهم جميعًا سعداء جدًا معًا، بغض النظر عن النشاط الذي يقومون به. هل لديك بعض الأصدقاء الذين تحب القيام بالأشياء معهم؟", "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?": "أحد الأطفال لديه أربعة أصابع فقط في يده، أيهم؟", + "Chalew is a horse that pulls a cart.\n\nHe carries heavy loads along the gravel roads of Debre Birhan.\n\nHe works from morning to evening.": "شاهين هو حصان يجر عربة.\n\nيحمل شاهين أحمله ثقيلة جدا و يجرها في شوارع و ووديان مدينة ديبري برهن.\n\nيعمل الحصان شاهين من الصباح وحتى المساء.", + "Chalew pulls heavy loads and does a difficult job. Have you seen any animals that have to do work?": "يجر شاهين احمال ثقيله و يعمل عملا صعبا و شاقا للغاية. هل قابلت حيوانات يتوجب عليها العمل من قبل؟", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out some shapes in this picture that are rectangles and some that are round.": "المستطيل هو شكل مكون من أربعة أضلاع مستقيمة مثل هذه الصفحة. اشر على بعض الاشكال المستطيلة و المستديرة في هذه الصورة.", + "How many rectangles can you find in the place where you are now?": "ما هو عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك إيجادها من حولك؟", + "Chalew does not get enough time to rest.\n\nHe does not get enough food to eat.\n\nThe driver of the cart beats him to go faster.": "الحصان شاهين لا يجد وقت ابدا للراحة.\n\nلا يحصل شاهين أيضا على طعام كاف.\n\nو يقوم صاحب الحصان شاهين بضربه بالسوط لكي يتحرك أسرع.", + "How do you feel about the way the driver treats Chalew?": "هل تعجبك الطريقة التي يتعامل بها صاحب الحصان شاهين معه؟", + "What are some ways to treat animals, or people, to try to get them to do what you want? For people, you can say \"please,\" and that works sometimes.": "ما هي الطريقة الصحيحة للتعامل مع الحيوانات او البشر و طلب اشياء منهم ينفذوها. مثلا حينما ترغب في طلب شئ من احد نقول ارجوك أو لو سمحت.", + "What makes you want to do things for other people?": "هل ترغب في تنفيذ طلبات الآخرين و مالذي يدفعك لذلك؟", + "One day, all the cart drivers gathered for a funeral.\n\nThe cart horses were left to graze in a nearby field.\n\nThey began to talk about their terrible conditions.": "في يوم من الأيام تجمع كل سائقي العربات في عزاء.\n\nو تركوا جميع عربات الأحصنة في حقل قريب.\n\nوبدأت الأحصنة تتحدث عن مدى سوء معاملة السائقين لهم و عن أحوالهم المذرية.", + "Count the number of people and the number of horses. Are there more people or horses? How many more?": "قم بعد الناس والأحصنة. من هم الأكثر؟", + "Use skip counting by 2's to count how many legs the people have. Can you skip count that high?": "قم ببعد ارجل الناس بمقدار ٢. هل تستطيع العد الى ارقام كبيرة؟", + "What would you skip count by to count the number of legs the horses have? That's a pretty big number. Can you skip count that high?": "ماذا عن الاحصنة كيف يمكنك عدها؟ أنه رقم كبير للغاية أليس كذلك؟", + "\"My harness doesn't fit me. It is too tight and cuts my skin,\" said one horse.\n\n\"Me too, me too,\" another agreed.": "قال أحد الأحصنة: إن سرجي لا يناسبني ابدا. أنه ضيق للغاية و يجرح جلدي.\n\n\"وانا ايضا و انا ايضا“ قال أحد الأحصنة متفقا معه.", + "How do real horses talk with each other?": "كيف تتكلم الأحصنة الحقيقية يا تري؟", + "Which parts of a horse come in pairs, and which don't?": "ما هي الأجزاء من جسم الحصان التي تأتي في شكل أزواج؟", + "The body parts that pair up show up on opposite sides of the horse's body. Can you think of other animals like that? Can you think of any that aren't like that?": "الأجزاء الموجودة على شكل أزواج في الحصان تظهر على جانبي الحصان. هل يوجد حيوانات أخرى بهذا الشكل؟ ماذا عن أشكال أجسام الحيوانات الأخرى؟", + "An old horse spoke. \"I'm almost lame because of the nails they hammer into my hooves.\"\n\nMore horses nodded in agreement.": "تحدث حصان مسن \"انا عاجز عن الحركة بسبب المسامير المغروزة في حوافيري.“\n\nهزت بقية الاحصنه رأسها معلنة اتفاقها.", + "Why do you think the owners have been so bad to the horses? Were the owners mean on purpose and did they not realize what they were doing?": "ما هو سبب المعاملة السيئة للاحصنه يا تري ؟ هل تعتقد أن سائقي الأحصنة يفعلون ذلك عن عمد؟ هل اصلا يدركون ما يفعلونه في الأحصنة.", + "What do you think the horses should do about being treated so badly?": "ماذا في اعتقادك يجب على الاحصنه فعله للتخلص من هذا العذاب؟", + "There are five horses. How many tails, ears, and legs are there? Did you skip count to find the ears and legs, or did you start with the number of tails and double things?": "يوجد خمس أحصنة في هذه الصورة. كم عدد أرجلهم و اذيالهم و آذانهم؟ هل استخدمت العد بالتسلسل او قمت فقط بضربهم في ٢؟", + "\"We work very hard, but most of our owners treat us badly. Many do not know how to look after us,\" said Chalew.\n\nAll of the horses agreed.": "قال الحصان شاهين: نحن نعمل بجد طوال النهار و مع ذلك يعاملنا أصحابنا أسوأ معاملة و لا يكترثون لأمرنا ابدا.\n\nقالت الاحصنه جميعا : \"نعم نتفق.“", + "What do you think Chalew is going to suggest that they do about their bad situation?": "ماذا تظن عن ما سوف يفعله شاهين لحل تلك المشكلة؟", + "In this picture, the five horses are paired up into two pairs with one left over. Is there any way to pair these five horses into pairs all at the same time? When there are a number of things that can't all be paired up, that's called on odd number.": "في تلك الصورة كل حصانين من الأحصنة الخمسة مقيدين معا و هناك حصان واحد فقط ليس مقيد. هل يمكن تقييد الاحصنه بطريق تجعل كل حصان مقيد بحصان آخر. لا لا يوجد. عندما تحدث مثل هذه المشكلة يسمي عدد الاحصنه بالعدد الفردي.", + "Think of some other odd numbers. When you have two people and an odd number of things, it is impossible to give them the same number, so you can't share the things equally.": "هل تستطيع التفكير في اعداد فرديه أخرى غير رقم خمسه؟ مثلا اذا كان هناك شخصين وثلاث أقلام لا يمكن تقسيم تلك الأقلام بالتساوي ابدا بين الشخصين.", + "\"We need better conditions. Let's go on strike!\" declared Chalew. The horses cheered!\n\nThey decided to stay in the field until the cart drivers agreed to change.": "قال الحصان شاهين بكل قوة و شجاعة \"نحن نستحق أوضاع معيشية أفضل من تلك.“ سوف نقوم بالإضراب عن العمل. فرح الاحصنه و صهلت جميعها معلنة فرحتها.\n\nقرر الاحصنه الانتظار في الحقل حتى يغير السائقين طريقة معاملتهم لهم.", + "A strike occurs when a group of workers refuse to work and insist on getting treated better by their company. People sometimes go on strike to get better working conditions, and sometimes they do it to get paid more.": "قام من قبل مجموعة من العمال بعمل إضراب عن العمل و أصروا على تغيير أوضاعهم في الشركة. يقوم الناس بعمل إضرابات التحسين أحوالهم المعيشية و أحوالهم في العمل و لرفع أجورهم.", + "What is risky for a person when they strike? (They might not get paid for a long time and they might lose their job.)": "ما هي خطوره الإضراب عن العمل ؟ ( العمال لا يتقاضون أجور إذا اضربوا عن العمل و ايضا من الممكن أن يخسروا وظائفهم)", + "Numbers that can be pair up are called even numbers. There are six horses in this picture. Can you pair them all up? Is six an odd or even number?": "الأرقام التي يمكن اقترانها بشكل ثنائي تسمي ارقام زوجيه. يوجد ست أحصنة في الصورة. هل يمكنك إقران هذه الأحصنة في أزواج ثنائية؟ هل رقم سته رقم زوجي ام فردي؟", + "The cart drivers did not know what to do.\n\n\"I can get another horse,\" boasted one driver.\n\nBut most of the drivers needed their horses to earn a living.": "لم يعرف سائقي العربات ماذا يفعلون في هذا المشكله.\n\n\"يمكنني شراء حصان آخر“ قال أحد السائقين.\n\nلكن معظم سائقي العربات يحتاجون إلي الأحصنة لأنها مصدر رزقهم و لا يستطيعون تحمل شراء احصنه جديده.", + "How many people are in this picture? If you take away (subtract off) the two who are sitting down, how many are standing up?": "كم عدد الناس في هذه الصورة ؟ لو قمت بطرح الشخصين الجالسين كم يكون عدد الأشخاص الواقفين؟", + "Are there an odd or even number of people in the room? Can they be split into two equal groups? If you can, it's an even number and otherwise it's an odd number.": "هل عدد الأشخاص في الغرفة عدد فردي ام زوجي؟ هل يمكن قسم عدد الأشخاص إلى مجموعتين متساويتين في العدد؟ إذا كنت تستطيع قسم الأشخاص إلى مجموعتين متساويتين إذا عددهم عدد زوجي إذا لم تستطع إذا عددهم عدد فردي.", + "What worries the owners? Are they worried about how the horses feel or are they worried about their businesses?": "ما هو سبب قلق أصحابنا الاحصنه ؟ هل اصحاب الاحصنه قلقين علي مشاعر الاحصنه ام علي مصدر رزقهم؟", + "The drivers held a meeting to discuss the strike. They argued for a long time.\n\n\"Maybe the horses are right,\" said one man. \"Why should they get better conditions?\" asked another.": "عقد سائقي العربات اجتماع لمناقشة إضراب الاحصنه عن العمل. تناقش واختلف السائقين لمدة طويلة جدا.\n\nقال أحد السائقين \"ربما الأحصنه علي حق“. فرد عليه أحد السائقين متسائلاً \"لماذا تحتاج الأحصنه حياة أفضل؟“", + "Estimate how many people are crowded into the room and then count, as best you can, how people there are. An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information, such as a quick glance.": "قم بعد هذا التجمع من الناس على قدر المستطاع. و قم بتخمين عددهم.", + "Making estimates can be a fun game. When you're walking around, have everyone make an estimate of a group of things, then carefully count how many there are, and see who is closest to the right answer.": "التخمين أو تقدير العدد لعبة ممتعة. إذا أردت أن تلعب هذا اللعبة احضر مجموعة من الكرات وضعهم في سلة ثم اطلب من أصدقائك تخمين عدد المرات.", + "How do the owners know what the horses want? Did the horses talk to them?": "كيف عرف سائقي العربات مطالب الأحصنة؟ هل تحدثت الأحصنة إليهم؟", + "The horses' strike spread from the town of Debre Birhan across Ethiopia.\n\nNearly three million horses refused to work.\n\n\"We have had enough! Treat us fairly!\" they said.": "انتشر إضراب الاحصنه من ديبري برهن إلى إثيوبيا.\n\nقرابة ثلاثة ملايين حصان اضربوا عن العمل.\n\n\"صرخت الأحصنه قائلين“ لقد اكتفينا من الإهانة وسوء المعاملة. ارفقوا بنا.", + "Three million is a lot of horses! Can you think of something around you that there are more than one hundred of? More than a thousand?": "ثلاثة ملايين حصان رقم كبير جدا. هل يوجد من حولك أشياء يصل عددها الى مائة؟ او الف؟", + "Have you heard of working people going on strike near you? Did the strike work, or did the strikers give up before getting what they wanted?": "هل سمعت من قبل عن أشخاص يضربون عن العمل؟ إذا كانت إجابتك نعم، هل نجح هذا الاضراب وحقق مطالب الناس أم لا؟", + "What do you do when you really want something and it doesn't seem like you are going to get it? Does it work?": "ماذا تفعل اذا كان هناك شيئا ما تريده و لكن لا تستطيع الحصول عليه؟", + "So, the cart drivers were forced to change.\n\nThey agreed to better conditions and fair treatment for all horses.\n\nThey learned how to look after the horses, and keep them healthy.": "أجبر سائقي العربات على التغيير.\n\nواتفقوا على توفير أحوال معيشية أفضل للأحصنة وان يحسنوا معاملتهم.\n\nتعلم سائقي العربات كيفية الإعتناء بأحصنتهم والحفاظ على صحتهم.", + "Taking better care of the horses is the right thing to do for the horses, and it's the smart thing to do to get the horses to do better work!": "الاعتناء بالأحصنة هو ما يجب فعله وهو الطريقة الأفضل لجعل الأحصنه تعمل بجد", + "If it's a good idea to take better care of the horses, why weren't the drivers doing this all along?": "إذا كان الإعتناء بالأحصنه خطة ذكية لماذا لم يفعل سائقي العربات ذلك من البدايه؟", + "Sometimes people do something that seems easy, but is a bad idea in the long run. Have you ever put off doing something that you wished you hadn't?": "أحيانا يقوم الناس بارتكاب أخطاء فقط لأنها كانت الطريقة او الاختيار الأسهل. هل قمت بفعل ذلك من قبل؟", + "Slowly, the horses' lives improved.\n\nThey got enough food and rest. Their harnesses fitted. They got better shoes for their hooves.\n\nOld Chalew became a hero to all horses!": "ببطء بدأت أحوال الأحصنه في التحسن.\n\nأصبحت الأحصنه تحصل على أطعمة جيدة ووقت للراحة. و أسرجة مريحة. و أيضاً أخفاف مريحة لأقدامهم.\n\nأما عن الحصان شاهين فقد تحول الي بطل أسطوري بين الأحصنة.", + "Chalew took a risk and helped an important cause. Can you think of a person who has done that?": "قام شاهين بالمخاطرة من اجل حياة افضل للجميع. هل تستطيع التفكير في قصه بطل أسطوري آخر مثل الحصان شاهين ؟", + "Have you ever gone out of your way to help a person or group of people who needed help? Did you make a difference for them?": "هل قمت بمساعد أحد من قبل؟ هل قمت بإحداث تغيير في حياة الآخرين من قبل؟", + "How does it feel when you help others?": "كيف هو شعور مساعد الآخرين؟", "How many legs do two ladybugs have?": "كم عدد الأرجل التي تمتلكها الدعسوقة؟", "Skip counting is counting by steps bigger than 1. You can skip count these legs by 6's by counting 6, 12. You can also skip count by 3's using the sides of their bodies 3, 6, 9, 12.": "العدّ القفزي هو العد بخطوات أكبر من 1. يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 6 عن طريق العد 6، 12. يمكنك أيضًا القيام بالعدّ القفزي بمقدار 3 باستخدام جوانب أجسامها 3، 6، 9، 12.", "You can skip count to 12 in steps of 3 and 6. Can you think of other ways to skip count to 12? Which ways work (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) and which ways don't (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)?": "يمكنك القيام بالعدّ القفزي إلى 12 بخطوات 3 و6. هل يمكنك التفكير في طرق أخرى للعدّ القفزي إلى 12؟ ما هي الطرق التي تعمل (1، 2، 3، 4، 6، 12) وأي الطرق لا تعمل (5، 7، 8، 9، 10، 11)؟", @@ -2055,6 +2414,126 @@ "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?": "هل تعلم أن هناك اختلافات بين الضفادع والعلاجيم؟", "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?": "هل رأيت ضفدعاً أو علجوماً من قبل؟ هل يمكنك معرفة أي منها كانت؟", "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?": "هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى بركة أو نهر أو بحيرة لاستكشاف الحياة المائية؟", + "A long time ago, there was a greedy hyena.": "منذ زمن طويل، كان هناك ضبع جشع.", + "These houses seem very smoky. How many houses do you see in Hyena's village?": "هذه المنازل تبدو مدخنة جداً. كم عدد المنازل التي تراها في قرية الضبع؟", + "Each house is round with round roof going up to a point. Each roof is in the shape of a cone. Do you see any cone-shaped things around you?": "كل منزل دائري مع سقف دائري يصل إلى نقطة. كل سقف على شكل مخروط. هل ترى أي أشياء على شكل مخروط حولك؟", + "Count the toes on each of Hyena's legs. Hyenas have the same number of toes on all their legs -- is that what the picture shows?": "عد أصابع الضبع على كل من أرجله. الضباع لديها نفس عدد الأصابع في جميع أرجلها - هل يظهر هذا في الصورة؟", + "There was also Tortoise. Hyena and Tortoise were friends.": "كان هناك أيضاً سلحفاة. كان الضبع والسلحفاة أصدقاء.", + "How many houses are in Tortoise's village? How many houses are in the two villages combined?": "كم عدد المنازل في قرية السلحفاة؟ كم عدد المنازل في القريتين مجتمعتين؟", + "Which village has more houses, or are they equal?": "أي قرية تحتوي على عدد أكبر من المنازل، أم هما متساويان؟", + "What is different about the roofs in Tortoise/s village compared to Hyena's village? Why do you suppose that is?": "ما هو المختلف في أسطح المنازل في قرية السلحفاة مقارنة بقرية الضبع؟ لماذا تعتقد أن هذا هو الحال؟", + "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Let us search for honey.\"": "قال الضبع للسلحفاة: \"دعينا نبحث عن العسل.“", + "Compare the drawing of the houses with the first page. Whose house are they in front of?": "قارن الرسم الخاص بالمنازل بالصفحة الأولى. أمام منزل من يقفان؟", + "Hyena and Tortoise seem like unlikely friends. What do you think will happen to their friendship by the end of the story?": "يبدو أن الضبع والسلحفاة أصدقاء غير متوقعين. ماذا تعتقد سيحدث لصداقتهما بنهاية القصة؟", + "Do you have friends that are different from you? Do your differences help make your friendship weaker or stronger?": "هل لديك أصدقاء يختلفون عنك؟ هل تساعد اختلافاتك في جعل صداقتكما أضعف أم أقوى؟", + "Hyena ran fast. Tortoise followed slowly. He was afraid.": "ركض الضبع بسرعة. وتبعته السلحفاة ببطء. كان خائفاً.", + "These animals travel at very different speeds. Have you gone for a walk with someone who is a lot faster or slower than you? How did the two of you work out having two different speeds?": "تتحرك هذه الحيوانات بسرعات مختلفة جداً. هل ذهبت في نزهة مع شخص أسرع أو أبطأ منك بكثير؟ كيف توافقتما مع السرعتين المختلفتين؟", + "Real hyenas and tortoises don't look like these two. What are the differences? Those differences will be important later in the story!": "لا تبدو الضباع والسلاحف في الحقيقية مثل هذين الاثنين. ما هي الفروق؟ ستكون هذه الفروق مهمة لاحقاً في القصة!", + "Tortoise is looking backward. What is Tortoise looking for?": "تنظر السلحفاة إلى الوراء. عن ماذا تبحث السلحفاة؟", + "They crossed a river. They got wet.": "عبروا النهر وتبللوا.", + "\"They got wet\" seems like an understatement for how they look in the picture. Hyenas are excellent swimmers, so it is surprising that Hyena looks so unhappy.": "يبدو أن عبارة \"لقد تبللوا\" أقل من الحقيقة فيما يتعلق بمظهرهم في الصورة. إن الضباع\n\tسبّاحون ممتازون، لذا فمن المدهش أن يبدو الضبع حزينًا للغاية.", + "Do you like swimming? Have you ever gone swimming in rivers or other natural bodies of water?": "هل تحب السباحة؟ هل جربت السباحة في الأنهار أو البحيرات؟", + "Which direction do you think the water is flowing? How can you tell?": "في أي اتجاه تعتقد أن الماء يجري؟ وكيف يمكنك معرفة ذلك؟", + "Then they saw beehives. Hyena ran to the hives.": "رأوا خلايا النحل. ركض الضبع إلى الخلايا.", + "There are a lot of hives in those trees. Sometimes a swarm will fly around looking for a new home. Have you ever seen a swarm of bees?": "هناك الكثير من الخلايا في تلك الأشجار. أحياناً يطير السرب باحثاً عن منزل جديد. هل رأيت سرباً من النحل من قبل؟", + "Do you like bees or are you afraid of them? What are some things you are afraid of?": "هل تحب النحل أم تخاف منه؟ ما هي الأشياء التي تخاف منها؟", + "Hyena is pictured with four toes on his front legs and three toes on his back legs. How many more fingers do you have on your arms? How many more toes do you have on your legs?": "يظهر الضبع بأربعة أصابع في أرجله الأمامية وثلاثة أصابع في أرجله الخلفية. كم عدد الأصابع التي لديك في ذراعيك؟ وكم عدد الأصابع التي لديك في رجليك؟", + "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Climb up and get the beehive.\"": "قال الضبع للسلحفاة: \"اصعدي واجلبي خلية النحل.“", + "It is difficult to imagine Tortoise climbing a tree. Why would Hyena be a better tree climber than Tortoise?": "من الصعب تصور السلحفاة تتسلق الشجرة. لماذا يكون الضبع متسلقاً أفضل من السلحفاة؟", + "Why did Hyena tell Tortoise to climb up and get the beehive?": "لماذا قال الضبع للسلحفاة أن تصعد وتجلب خلية النحل؟", + "A hexagon is a shape with six straight sides. If the sides are all the same length, it is called a regular hexagon. Each of the little cells in a beehive is a regular hexagon. Do you know of any designs around you that are made of hexagons?": "المسدس هو شكل له ستة جوانب مستقيمة. إذا كانت الجوانب كلها بنفس الطول، يطلق عليه مسدس منتظم. كل واحدة من الخلايا الصغيرة في خلية النحل هي مسدس منتظم. هل تعرف أي تصميمات حولك مصنوعة من المسدسات؟", + "Tortoise climbed slowly. Hyena was angry. He shouted at Tortoise.": "تسلقت السلحفاة ببطء. كان الضبع غاضباً. وصرخ في وجه السلحفاة.", + "Why was Hyena shouting? Did Hyena's shouting help Tortoise climb the tree?": "لماذا كان الضبع يصرخ؟ هل ساعد صراخ الضبع السلحفاة في تسلق الشجرة؟", + "Do you ever get angry and start shouting? Did your shouting help make the situation better?": "هل تغضب أحياناً وتبدأ في الصراخ؟ هل ساعد صراخك في تحسين الوضع؟", + "Tiles that are regular hexagons fit together to make beautiful tile floors and walls. Tiles in the shape of squares (shapes with four equal straight sides and square corners) fit together well too. Describe any other tiling patterns on floors or walls that you have seen.": "البلاط الذي يكون على شكل مسدسات منتظمة يتناسب بشكل جميل لتصميم أرضيات وجدران جميلة. البلاط الذي يكون على شكل مربعات (أشكال بأربعة جوانب مستقيمة متساوية وزوايا قائمة) يتناسب بشكل جيد أيضاً. صف أي أنماط قرميدية أخرى على الأرضيات أو الجدران التي رأيتها.", + "Tortoise touched the beehive. Bees swarmed in the air.": "لمست السلحفاة خلية النحل. تجمع النحل في الهواء.", + "Why was Tortoise safe from the bees and Hyena was not?": "لماذا كان السلحفاة آمنة من النحل بينما لم يكن الضبع آمناً؟", + "An estimate is an educated guess when there are too many things to count easily. What is your estimate of how many bees there are?": "التقدير هو تخمين او تقدير العدد عندما يكون هناك الكثير من الأشياء يصعب عدها بسهولة. ما هو تقديرك لعدد النحل؟", + "Do your best to count the bees. How far off was your quick estimate?": "قم بأفضل ما لديك في عد النحل. كم كان تقديرك السريع؟", + "Tortoise fell. The beehive fell on him. Hyena licked the honey.": "سقطت السلحفاة. وسقطت خلية النحل عليها. لعق الضبع العسل.", + "Hyena was so focused on the honey that he didn't help Tortoise. Can you think of a time you were so focused on one thing that you completely forgot something else you should have done?": "كان الضبع منهمكاً في اكل العسل لدرجة أنه لم يساعد السلحفاة. هل يمكنك التفكير في شئ آخر بينما انت منهمك في عمل شيء ما لدرجة أنك تنسي تماماً شيئاً آخر كان يجب عليك فعله؟", + "Hyena should have helped his friend. Is Hyena a very good friend?": "كان يجب على الضبع أن يساعد صديقه. هل الضبع صديق جيد؟", + "Do you think this page shows more or fewer bees than on the last page?": "هل تعتقد أن هذه الصفحة تظهر نحل أكثر أم أقل من الصفحة السابقة؟", + "The bees stung Hyena. He ran. The bees followed him.": "لسع النحل الضبع. ركض الضبع. وتبعه النحل.", + "Why did the bees chase and sting Hyena?": "لماذا طارد النحل الضبع ولسعه؟", + "A beehive is the home for the bees. Is it okay for people to take honey from beehives, or should we leave their homes untouched?": "خلية النحل هي منزل النحل. هل من المقبول أن يأخذ الناس العسل من خلايا النحل، أم يجب علينا ترك منازلهم دون مساس؟", + "Have you ever tried to outrun a bee or some other stinging insect? Were you able to do it?": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت الهروب من نحلة أو حشرة لسعتك؟ هل تمكنت من فعل ذلك؟", + "Hyena ran into the river. The bees still followed him.": "ركض الضبع إلى النهر. وتبعه النحل.", + "Why did the Hyena go into the river? Did it work?": "لماذا دخل الضبع إلى النهر؟ هل نجح ذلك؟", + "The bees can't go into the water, but Hyena can't stay under the water for long. What do you think Hyena should do?": "لا يمكن للنحل الدخول إلى الماء، ولكن لا يمكن للضبع البقاء تحت الماء طويلاً. ما الذي تعتقد أن الضبع يجب أن يفعله؟", + "Poor Hyena must be miserable. Have you ever had a bee sting or some other kind of sting? If so, did it hurt a lot?": "لا بد أن يكون الضبع بائساً. هل سبق لك أن لسعتك نحلة أو أي نوع آخر من اللسعات؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، هل آلمك كثيراً؟", + "The beehive and the honey dried on Tortoise's back.": "جفت خلية النحل والعسل على ظهر السلحفاة.", + "All the bees went after Hyena and left Tortoise alone.": "ذهب كل النحل خلف الضبع وترك السلحفاة وحده.", + "Tortoise looks pretty safe sitting quietly under that layer of drying honey. Do you have a quiet place where you feel safe and peaceful? Perhaps it is a place no one else knows about.": "يبدو أن السلحفاة آمنة تماماً جالسة بهدوء تحت تلك الطبقة من العسل المجفف. هل لديك مكان هادئ تشعر فيه بالأمان والسكينة؟ ربما يكون مكان لا يعرفه أحد غيرك.", + "What does his face tell you about how he is feeling?": "ماذا تخبرك ملامح وجهه عن شعوره؟", + "Tortoise got a shell to protect himself. He went home.": "السلحفاة لديها صدفة تحميها. فعادت إلى المنزل.", + "The honey dried on Tortoise in a beautiful pattern. Can you think of some interesting natural patterns around you?": "جف العسل على السلحفاة في نمط جميل. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأنماط الطبيعية المثيرة للاهتمام حولك؟", + "People also make a lot of patterns when they build things. Tiles are often laid out to make interesting designs. Do you see any any tiling patterns near you?": "الناس أيضاً يصنعون الكثير من الأنماط عند بناء الأشياء. غالباً ما يتم وضع البلاط بتصميمات مثيرة للاهتمام. هل ترى أي أنماط قرميدية حولك؟", + "What do you think -- how easy is it to sit in that chair with a big shell on your back?": "ما رأيك - كم هو سهل الجلوس على هذا الكرسي بصدفة كبيرة على ظهرك؟", + "The stings caused patches on Hyena's body.": "تسببت لسعات النحل في بقع على جسم الضبع.", + "Now Hyena has lots of spots on him, just like hyenas we see today.": "الآن لدى الضبع الكثير من البقع عليه، تماماً مثل الضباع التي نراها اليوم.", + "Make a quick estimate how many spots he has and then try to count them. How close was your estimate?": "قم بتقدير سريع لعدد البقع التي ثم حاول عدها. كم كان تقديرك قريباً؟", + "Making quick estimates is a fun game two people can play. Whose estimate will be the closest?": "يعد القيام بتقديرات سريعة لعبة ممتعة يمكن لشخصين لعبها. من سيكون تقديره الأقرب؟", + "Tortoise and Hyena are no longer friends.": "السلحفاة والضبع لم يعودا أصدقاء.", + "Tortoise and Hyena always seemed like unlikely friends. What happened in the story that caused them to stop being friends?": "ما الذي حدث في القصة وجعلهم يتوقفون عن أن يكونوا أصدقاء؟", + "Have you ever had something that caused you to stop being friends with someone?": "هل مررت بشيء جعلك تفقد صديقًا؟", + "Do you think Tortoise and Hyena will return to being friends someday?": "هل تعتقد أن السلحفاة والضبع سيعودان أصدقاء يومًا ما؟", + "I wonder if there's another me somewhere in the world.": "أتساءل عما إذا كان هناك شخص مثلي في مكان ما في العالم.", + "What do you think -- is there another animal just like this one somewhere in the world?": "ما رأيك - هل يوجد حيوان آخر مثل هذا في مكان ما في العالم؟", + "Do you think there's another person just like you?": "هل تعتقد أن هناك شخص آخر مثلك؟", + "There are five trees in this picture. If you take away the one by itself on one side, how many trees are there on the other side? What is one less than five?": "هناك خمسة أشجار في هذه الصورة. إذا قمت بإزالة واحدة على جانب واحد، كم عدد الأشجار على الجانب الآخر؟ ما هو العدد الأقل من خمسة؟", + "Who looks the same.": "من يشبهني.", + "When you look in a mirror or in water, the image is almost the same as how you look. How is it different and how is it the same?": "عندما تنظر في المرآة أو في الماء، تكون الصورة تقريبًا مثلما تبدو. كيف تختلف وكيف تتشابه؟", + "Something that has one side that is the mirror image of the other side is called symmetric, or even mirror symmetric. Do you see some things around you that are symmetric?": "الشيء الذي يكون له جانب واحد هو الصورة المرآة للجانب الآخر ويسمى متماثل، أو حتى متماثل المرآة. هل ترى بعض الأشياء حولك المتماثلة؟", + "People's faces are very close to being symmetric. Do you notice anything on one side of your face that is a little different than the other side? Perhaps your hair?": "وجوه الناس قريبة جدًا من كونها متماثلة. هل تلاحظ شيئًا في جانب وجهك يختلف قليلاً عن الجانب الآخر؟ ربما شعرك؟", + "And talks the same.": "ويتحدث مثلما أتحدث.", + "This animal is listening to its echo across a canyon. Have you heard an echo of your voice?": "هذا الحيوان يستمع إلى صداه عبر الوادي. هل سمعت صدى صوتك؟", + "An echo for your voice is like looking in a mirror for your image. Does an echo sound exactly like you, or can you tell the difference?": "الصدى لصوتك يشبه النظر في المرآة لصورتك. هل الصدى يبدو تمامًا مثلك، أم يمكنك تمييز الفرق؟", + "Hearing an echo is similar to hearing a recording of your voice. Do you think recordings of your voice sound like what you hear in your head when you talk?": "سماع الصدى يشبه سماع تسجيل لصوتك. هل تعتقد أن تسجيلات صوتك تشبه ما تسمعه في رأسك عندما تتحدث؟", + "And even has my curls.": "بل وحتى لديه شعري المجعد.", + "Hippos and mice may have curly tails, but that does not make them the same as our friend. How many things need to be the same for two animals to be the same?": "{قد يكون للأفراس والفئران ذيول مجعدة، لكن هذا لا يجعلها تشبه صديقنا هذا. كم عدد الأشياء التي يجب أن تكون نفس الشيء لكي يكون حيوانين متشابهين؟", + "Describe some ways that the hippo and the mouse are different than our friend.": "صف بعض الطرق التي يختلف بها فرس النهر والفأر عن صديقنا.", + "Pick someone you know and describe some ways you are similar to them and some ways you are different.": "اختر شخصًا تعرفه وصف بعض الطرق التي تتشابه بها معه وبعض الطرق التي تختلف بها عنه.", + "Someone with my eyes my ears.": "شخص لديه عيوني وأذني.", + "Can you think of other animals that have big ears similar to these?": "هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات أخرى لها آذان كبيرة مثل هذه؟", + "Can you think of other animals that have eyelashes like these?": "هل يمكنك التفكير في حيوانات أخرى لها رموش مثل هذه؟", + "This animal has three eyelashes on each side. How many eyelashes is that all together?": "لهذا الحيوان ثلاث رموش على كل جانب. كم عدد الرموش معًا؟", + "Who even has my laugh.": "من لديه حتى ضحكتي؟", + "Can you make some animals sounds? Which animals?": "هل تستطيع تقليد أصوات الحيوانات؟ أي حيوانات؟", + "Can you neigh like a horse, oink like a pig, meow like a cat, or bray like a donkey?": "هل يمكنك الصهيل مثل الحصان، أو النخير مثل الخنزير، أو المواء مثل القطة، أو النهيق مثل الحمار؟", + "This animal has exceptionally big teeth. Think of other animals with teeth like these.": "هذا الحيوان لديه أسنان ضخمة جداً. فكّر في حيوانات أخرى لديها أسنان مثل هذه.", + "Who can do what I can do.": "من يمكنه أن يفعل ما أفعله", + "Do you feel happy running in a big open space like that?": "هل تشعر بالسعادة عند الجري في مساحة واسعة مثل هذه؟", + "Do you prefer to run with someone or by yourself?": "هل تفضل الجري مع شخص ما أو بمفردك؟", + "Count all the rocks near them. If you take away the two biggest rocks, how many rocks are left?": "عد كل الصخور بالقرب منهم. إذا أزلت أكبر صخرتين، كم عدد الصخور المتبقية؟", + "And can't do what I can't.": "ومن لا يمكنه أن يفعل ما لا أستطيع فعله", + "Why are the animals having trouble peeling the banana?": "لماذا تواجه الحيوانات صعوبة في تقشير الموزة؟", + "Can you peel a banana easily?": "هل يمكنك تقشير الموزة بسهولة؟", + "Are there things, such as fruit or packages, that you have trouble opening?": "هل هناك أشياء مثل الفواكه أو الحزم التي تواجه صعوبة في فتحها؟", + "I've looked and looked everywhere to find another me. I went down to the park and looked behind the trees.": "بحثت في كل مكان لأجد شخصًا مثلي. ذهبت إلى الحديقة ونظرت خلف الأشجار", + "What animal did he see when he looked behind a tree?": "ما هو الحيوان الذي رآه عندما نظر خلف شجرة؟", + "Did he see an animal just like him when he looked behind the tree?": "هل رأى حيوانًا مثله تمامًا عندما نظر خلف الشجرة؟", + "Did he see what he was looking for behind the tree?": "هل رأى ما كان يبحث عنه خلف الشجرة؟", + "I looked around, up, and down.": "نظرت حولي، لأعلى ولأسفل", + "Do you think our friend could ever climb to the top of a tree?": "هل تعتقد أن صديقنا يمكن أن يتسلق إلى قمة الشجرة؟", + "Do you think the bird is surprised to see him there?": "هل تعتقد أن الطائر تفاجأ لرؤيته هناك؟", + "Has the animal looked everywhere? What are some places that may have been missed?": "هل نظر الحيوان في كل مكان؟ ما هي بعض الأماكن التي قد تكون قد فاتته؟", + "At every single face.": "في كل وجه.", + "There are three animals on one side of the pond, and one more on the other side. If you put them all together, how many animals are there? What is one more than 3?": "هناك ٣ حيوانات على كل جانب من البركة، وحيوان واحد آخر على الجانب الآخر. إذا جمعتهم معًا، كم عدد الحيوانات هناك؟ ما هو العدد الذي يزيد عن ٣؟", + "If you remove one animal on one side of the pond from the four animals at the pond, how many are left? What is one less than 4?": "إذا قمت بإزالة حيوان واحد من الحيوانات الأربعة من جانب واحد من البركة، كم عدد الحيوانات المتبقية؟ ما هو العدد الأقل من ٤؟", + "Describe how the two facts:\n3 + 1 = 4 and 4 - 1 = 3\nare tied together.\nThese two related math facts are called a math fact family. Can you think of another math fact family?": "صف كيف ترتبط هاتين الحقيقتين معًا: ٣ + ١ = ٤ و ٤ - ١ = ٣. هاتان الحقيقتان الرياضيتان المرتبطتان تسمى عائلة الحقائق الرياضية. هل يمكنك التفكير في عائلة حقائق رياضية أخرى؟", + "I couldn't find another me in any single place.": "لم أتمكن من العثور على شخص مثلي في أي مكان", + "Do you think his shadow temporarily fooled him into thinking that there was another animal just like him?": "هل تعتقد أن ظله خدعه مؤقتًا ليفكر بوجود حيوان آخر مثله تمامًا؟", + "How much does your shadow look like you?": "إلى أي مدى يشبه ظلك شكلك؟", + "Have you ever seen a shadow that you thought was a person?": "هل رأيت يومًا ظلًا اعتقدت أنه شخص ما؟", + "There's only one me in the world!\nI'm special, oh it's true!": "لا يوجد غيري في العالم!\n\nأنا مميز، إنها حقيقة!", + "How many animals can you count in this picture?": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟", + "Describe some of the ways each animal in this picture is different than our friend.": "صف بعض الطرق التي يختلف بها كل حيوان في هذه الصورة عن صديقنا.", + "Describe some of the ways each animal is similar to our friend.": "صف بعض الطرق التي يتشابه بها كل حيوان مع صديقنا.", + "But not just me, don't you see?\nThere's only one of you!": "ولكن ليس فقط أنا، ألا ترى ذلك؟\n\nلا يوجد شخص مثلك أيضًا!", + "Do you know someone who is very similar to you? How are they similar to you?": "هل تعرف شخصًا يشبهك كثيرًا؟ كيف تتشابه معه؟", + "Despite the similarities, describe some ways they are different from you.": "على الرغم من التشابهات، صف بعض الطرق التي تختلف بها عنه.", + "Do you like being the only you that there is?": "هل تحب أن تكون الشخص الوحيد من نوعك؟", "I love forests!": "أنا أحب الغابات!", "What are some great things about forests?": "ما هي بعض الأشياء الرائعة عن الغابات.", "There are many types of places. For example, there are deserts, hills, beaches, canyons, mesas, and mountain slopes. What are some of your favorite places?": "هناك أنواع عديدة من الأماكن. على سبيل المثال، هناك الصحاري والتلال والشواطئ والأودية والهضاب والمنحدرات الجبلية. ما هي بعض الأماكن المفضلة لديك؟", @@ -2087,6 +2566,83 @@ "Do you like to visit forests?": "هل تحب زيارة الغابات؟", "What is your favorite place to visit away from where you live?": "ما هو المكان المفضل لديك للزيارة بعيداً عن المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", "What is your favorite spot to go to around where you live?": "ما هو المكان الذي تفضل الذهاب إليه في المكان الذي تعيش فيه؟", + "This is the story of Keeper and his nursery of orphaned animals.": "هذه هي قصة القائم على الرعاية وحضانته للحيوانات اليتيمة.", + "An orphan is a young animal who has no adult animals to care for it. What problems might an orphan animal have in the wild?": "اليتيم هو الحيوان الصغير الذي لا يوجد له حيوانات كبيرة تعتني به. ما المشاكل التي قد تواجهها الحيوانات اليتيمة في البرية؟", + "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like this page. Notice how each of the gates and doors is a rectangle with a diagonal crosspiece. Adding a diagonal piece creates two triangles, and triangles are stiffer and stronger than rectangles.": "المستطيلات هي أشكال رباعية مثل هذه الصفحة. لاحظ كيف أن كل من البوابات والأبواب عبارة عن مستطيل مع قطعة قطرية. إضافة قطعة قطرية ينشئ مثلثين، والمثلثات أكثر صلابة وقوة من المستطيلات.", + "Can you find some triangles and rectangles where you are?": "هل يمكنك العثور على بعض المثلثات والمستطيلات حيث أنت؟", + "August was a busy month for Keeper and his helpers at the nursery.": "شهر أغسطس كان شهرًا مزدحمًا للقائم على الرعاية ومساعديه في الحضانة.", + "Many baby animals need milk the way baby people do. What kind of milk do you think they are putting in the bottles?": "العديد من صغار الحيوانات تحتاج إلى الحليب كما يحتاج الأطفال. ما نوع الحليب الذي تعتقد أنهم يضعونه في الزجاجات؟", + "We have triangles and rectangles as before, and now we have lots of circles. The bottles are round shapes that are called cylinders.": "لدينا مثلثات ومستطيلات كما كان من قبل، والآن لدينا الكثير من الدوائر. الزجاجات هي أشكال دائرية تُسمى أسطوانات.", + "There are many different jobs in a place that keeps lots of animals. See if you can figure out what each person's job is in this picture.": "هناك العديد من الوظائف المختلفة في مكان يحتفظ بالكثير من الحيوانات. حاول معرفة وظيفة كل شخص في هذه الصورة.", + "One-year-old Mkite arrived first. She came in an old green truck.": "وصلت مكايت ذات العام الواحد أولاً. جاءت في شاحنة خضراء قديمة.", + "This is a baby elephant with no adult elephants to take care of it. Make up a story about how this elephant came to be by itself.": "هذا فيل صغير بلا أفيال كبيرة تعتني به. اخترع قصة حول كيف أصبح هذا الفيل وحده.", + "How do you think the baby elephant is feeling, and how can you tell? Our eyes and body position can reveal a lot about our feelings.": "كيف تعتقد أن الفيل الصغير يشعر، وكيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟ عيوننا ووضع جسمنا يمكن أن يكشف الكثير عن مشاعرنا.", + "Why are there black and yellow stripes on the ramp going down from the truck?": "لماذا توجد خطوط سوداء وصفراء على المنحدر المنحدر من الشاحنة؟", + "Keeper and his helpers were very sorry for Mkite. She was so thin and sad.": "كان القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه حزينين على مكايت. كانت نحيفة وحزينة جدًا.", + "How do you think these people feel about animals who are in trouble? Do you think they believe in their work?": "كيف تعتقد أن هؤلاء الأشخاص يشعرون تجاه الحيوانات التي تواجه مشاكل؟ هل تعتقد أنهم يؤمنون بعملهم؟", + "Have you ever seen a wild animal who was hurt or not doing well? If so, how did it make you feel? It's very natural to want to help others in trouble.": "هل رأيت يومًا حيوانًا بريًا كان مصابًا أو ليس بحالة جيدة؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، كيف شعرت؟ من الطبيعي أن نرغب في مساعدة الآخرين في أوقات الشدة.", + "Sometimes when a person is sad, they stop eating normally. And sometimes, it can work the other way too -- if a person is not eating properly, that can affect their emotional health. All parts of an animal's life need to be in balance.": "أحيانًا عندما يكون الشخص حزينًا، يتوقف عن الأكل بشكل طبيعي. وأحيانًا يمكن أن يكون العكس صحيحًا أيضًا - إذا كان الشخص لا يأكل بشكل صحيح، يمكن أن يؤثر ذلك على حالته العاطفية. جميع أجزاء حياة الحيوان تحتاج إلى توازن.", + "But soon, Mkite got stronger. She began to play with the other animals at the nursery.": "لكن سرعان ما أصبحت مكايت أقوى. بدأت تلعب مع الحيوانات الأخرى في الحضانة.", + "In zoos and in the wild, these animals are usually separated. Isn't it fun to see the different kinds of animals playing together!": "في حدائق الحيوان وفي البرية، عادة ما تكون هذه الحيوانات مفصولة. أليس من الممتع رؤية الأنواع المختلفة من الحيوانات تلعب معًا!", + "Look at the different shapes on this page. There are rectangles in the windows and the ball is in the shape of a sphere.": "انظر إلى الأشكال المختلفة في هذه الصفحة. هناك مستطيلات في النوافذ والكرة في شكل مجال.", + "If you look very closely, the ball has pentagons (5-sided figures) and hexagons (6-sided figures) on it.": "إذا نظرت جيدًا، ستجد أن القاعة تحتوي على خماسيات (أشكال خماسية الأضلاع) وسداسيات (أشكال سداسية الأضلاع).", + "On another day in August, a helicopter landed at the nursery.": "في يوم آخر في أغسطس، حطت طائرة هليكوبتر في الحضانة.", + "This view high up in the sky is something you don't get to see very often. Notice how the roofs all look like rectangles from up here. What does that tell you about the shape of the rooms underneath the roofs?": "هذا المشهد من السماء هو شيء لا تراه غالبًا. لاحظ كيف أن الأسقف كلها تبدو كمستطيلات من هنا. ماذا يخبرك ذلك عن شكل الغرف تحت الأسقف؟", + "There is a circle around the top of the helicopter. There is actually nothing circular there. What is causing it to look like there is a circle there?": "هناك دائرة حول الجزء العلوي من الطائرة الهليكوبتر. لا يوجد شيء دائري هناك بالفعل. ما الذي يسبب ظهورها وكأنها دائرة؟", + "There is a second small circle at the far end of the helicopter. Because we are seeing it from the side, that circle looks like a very thin oval.": "هناك دائرة صغيرة أخرى في نهاية الطائرة الهليكوبتر. لأننا نراها من الجانب، تبدو تلك الدائرة كأنها بيضاوية رقيقة جدًا.", + "Keeper and his helpers rushed outside. In the helicopter was a small elephant covered with a blanket.": "اندفع القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه إلى الخارج. كان في الطائرة الهليكوبتر فيل صغير مغطى ببطانية.", + "A helicopter would only be used for a small animal who needed very fast attention. Take a guess at what kind of problem this elephant has.": "لن تستخدم الطائرة الهليكوبتر إلا لحيوان صغير يحتاج إلى اهتمام سريع جدًا. خمن نوع المشكلة التي يعاني منها هذا الفيل.", + "Look at the cart that they are going to load the animal on. Why does it need four wheels? Which sorts of things are usually put on this cart?": "انظر إلى العربة التي سيقومون بتحميل الحيوان عليها. لماذا تحتاج إلى أربع عجلات؟ ما أنواع الأشياء التي توضع عادة على هذه العربة؟", + "There are shapes all around us, and they are fun to wonder about. Look at the clouds. These clouds all have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Why do you suppose a lot of clouds are like this?": "الأشكال موجودة من حولنا، ومن الممتع التفكير فيها. انظر إلى السحب. هذه السحب كلها لها قيعان مسطحة وقمم منفوخة. لماذا تعتقد أن الكثير من السحب هي كذلك؟", + "It was Ndiwa. He was five days old. Keeper fed Ndiwa with a bottle.": "كان ذلك نديوا. كان عمره خمسة أيام. أطعم القائم على الرعاية نديوا زجاجة الحليب.", + "The health of animals who are just a few days old is very fragile. That's one reason there was such a rush to get care for Ndiwa.": "صحة الحيوانات التي تكون بعمر بضعة أيام فقط هشة جدًا. هذا أحد الأسباب التي جعلت هناك عجلة كبيرة لتوفير الرعاية لنديوا.", + "Ndiwa is being fed milk from a milk bottle, much as a human baby would be fed. Have you ever fed a baby or a baby animal from a milk bottle?": "نديوا يتغذى بالحليب من زجاجة حليب، تمامًا كما يتم تغذية الطفل البشري. هل سبق أن أطعمت طفلًا أو حيوانًا صغيرًا من زجاجة حليب؟", + "Milk bottles are in the shape of cylinders. They are round and their sides go straight up and down. Do you see any cylinders around you? They are not so common, so you may not see any.": "زجاجات الحليب تكون على شكل أسطوانات. هي دائرية وجوانبها مستقيمة. هل ترى أي أسطوانات حولك؟ قد لا تراها لأنها ليست شائعة جدًا.", + "The third orphan that month was Malea. She arrived at the nursery on a red tractor. She was six months old.": "اليتيم الثالث في ذلك الشهر كان ماليا. وصلت إلى الحضانة على جرار أحمر. كانت تبلغ من العمر ستة أشهر.", + "This orphan is a lot older than Ndiwa. It must be pretty large to be in a trailer pulled by a tractor. What kind of animal do you think it is?": "هذا اليتيم أكبر بكثير من نديوا. لا بد أنه كبير الحجم ليكون في عربة تجرها الجرار. ما نوع الحيوان الذي تعتقد أنه؟", + "Look at the two pairs of wheels on the tractor. The rear pair of wheels is much larger than the front pair. Why do you suppose that is?": "انظر إلى زوجي العجلات على الجرار. زوج العجلات الخلفية أكبر بكثير من الزوج الأمامي. لماذا تعتقد أن ذلك؟", + "What advantage would having a very large pair of wheels give you?": "ما الفائدة التي ستحصل عليها من امتلاك زوج كبير جدًا من العجلات؟", + "Malea the rhinoceros soon became close friends with Enkare, a baby buffalo. They went everywhere together.": "سرعان ما أصبح وحيد القرن ماليا والجاموس الصغيرإنكار أصدقاء مقربين. يذهبان معاً إلى كل مكان.", + "One of the fun things about this nursery is that the different kinds of baby animals get to play together. Do you think they are having fun?": "أحد الأمور الممتعة في هذه الحضانة هو أن الأنواع المختلفة من الحيوانات الصغيرة تتاح لها فرصة اللعب معًا. هل تعتقد أنهم يستمتعون؟", + "Have you ever wondered what pattern four-legged animals use their feet in? Next time you get a chance, take a careful look and see if you can figure it out. (They move their left side first, back foot first, and then repeat on their right side.)": "هل تساءلت يومًا عن النمط الذي تستخدمه الحيوانات الرباعية الأرجل في تحريك أقدامها؟ في المرة القادمة التي تحصل فيها على فرصة، ألقِ نظرة دقيقة وحاول معرفة ذلك. (يحركون جانبهم الأيسر أولًا، القدم الخلفية أولًا، ثم يكررون ذلك على الجانب الأيمن.)", + "All these animals have body parts that come in pairs on opposite sides of their body, or singleton parts down the center of their body. Can you think of any animals that have more than one of a body part that doesn't come in pairs?": "كل هذه الحيوانات لديها أجزاء جسدية تأتي في أزواج على الجانبين المتقابلين من جسمها، أو أجزاء فردية في منتصف جسمها. هل يمكنك التفكير في أي حيوانات لديها أكثر من جزء واحد من جزء جسدي لا يأتي في أزواج؟", + "One night, everybody was woken up by the arrival of Ambia.": "في إحدى الليالي، استيقظ الجميع على وصول أمبيا.", + "Look at how much that poor baby giraffe had to bend its neck to fit into that cage. Why do you suppose they didn't put the giraffe in a bigger cage?": "انظر كيف كان على ذلك الزراف الصغير أن يثني رقبته ليتسع داخل القفص. لماذا تعتقد أنهم لم يضعوا الزرافة في قفص أكبر؟", + "Have you ever squeezed into a small box or other space to play? Was it scary or cozy to be in such a small space?": "هل سبق أن انحشرت في صندوق صغير أو مساحة أخرى للعب؟ هل كان مخيفًا أم مريحًا أن تكون في مكان صغير كهذا؟", + "Look at all those stars! How many can you count? Have you been in a really dark place outside where you could see more stars than you can count?": "انظر إلى كل تلك النجوم! كم يمكنك عدها؟ هل سبق أن كنت في مكان مظلم جدًا في الخارج حيث يمكنك رؤية المزيد من النجوم أكثر من أن تحصى؟", + "Ambia was five months old. She was weak after her long journey.": "كان عمر أمبيا خمسة أشهر. كانت تشعر بالضعف الشديد بعد رحلتها الطويلة.", + "Ambia looks weak and sad. These poor baby animals are away from their homes to get care to help save their lives. It is hard for a baby animal to be by itself in a strange place.": "أمبيا تبدو ضعيفة وحزينة. هذه الحيوانات الصغيرة المسكينة بعيدة عن منازلها لتلقي الرعاية لإنقاذ حياتها. من الصعب على حيوان صغير أن يكون بمفرده في مكان غريب.", + "Have you ever gone on a trip away from home for a long time? Did you feel sad, or were you excited to be in a new place on an adventure?": "هل سبق أن قمت برحلة بعيدًا عن المنزل لفترة طويلة؟ هل شعرت بالحزن، أم كنت متحمسًا لأن تكون في مكان جديد ومغامرة جديدة؟", + "An estimate is a best guess when it is difficult to count something. What is your estimate for how many dark spots Ambia has?": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين عندما يكون من الصعب عد شيء ما. ما هو تقديرك لعدد البقع الداكنة التي تملكها أمبيا؟", + "Because of her long neck, Keeper held the bottle high to feed Ambia.": "بسبب عنقها الطويل، رفع القائم على الرعاية الزجاجة عالياً لإطعام أمبيا.", + "Keeper does everything to make the animals comfortable. Taking stress out of the animals' lives is an important part of helping them to get healthy.": "القائم على الرعاية يفعل كل شيء لجعل الحيوانات مرتاحة. إزالة التوتر من حياة الحيوانات هو جزء مهم من مساعدتها على الشفاء.", + "About how high up is Keeper? He is higher than the height of one person. Is he higher than twice the height of a person? Sometimes it is useful to measure the size of one thing in terms of the size of something else you know.": "كم تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية مرتفع؟ هل هو أعلى من ارتفاع شخص واحد؟ هل هو أعلى من ضعفي ارتفاع شخص؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون من المفيد قياس حجم شيء ما بمقارنة حجمه بشيء آخر تعرفه.", + "Do the same thing with this tree. How many person-heights tall is this tree? People did this sort of thing a long time ago when creating lengths they could talk about with others. For example, they would measure some things by the length of a foot or the length of a stride.": "قم بنفس الشيء مع هذه الشجرة. كم ارتفاع هذه الشجرة بمقاييس ارتفاع الأشخاص؟ الناس كانوا يفعلون هذا منذ زمن طويل عندما كانوا يخلقون أطوالًا يمكنهم التحدث عنها مع الآخرين. على سبيل المثال، كانوا يقيسون بعض الأشياء بطول القدم أو طول الخطوة.", + "Tiny twins Abei and Moit arrived in the middle of August. These antelopes were only a few hours old. They were very sick.": "وصل التوأم الصغير آبي ومويت في منتصف أغسطس. كانت هذه الظباء صغيرة جدًا، عمرهم فقط بضع ساعات. كانوا مريضين جدًا.", + "How do you think they got these baby antelopes to the nursery so quickly? Do you think they were watching the birth?": "كيف تعتقد أنهم جلبوا هذه الظباء الصغيرة إلى الحضانة بسرعة؟ هل تعتقد أنهم كانوا يراقبون الولادة؟", + "Have you ever seen a newborn animal or person? They seem so helpless and wide eyed. They are seeing their world for the very first time and they are amazed!": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت حيوانًا حديث الولادة أو شخصًا حديث الولادة؟ يبدو أنهم لا حول لهم ولا قوة وعيونهم مفتوحة على وسعها. إنهم يرون عالمهم للمرة الأولى وهم مندهشون!", + "It's important to keep newborns warm. That's why these pictures of newborn animals show blankets on the animals. You'll see the same thing for newborn human babies.": "من المهم إبقاء حديثي الولادة دافئين. لهذا السبب تظهر الصور لأطفال الحيوانات حديثي الولادة مع البطانيات عليهم. سترى نفس الشيء مع الأطفال حديثي الولادة البشر.", + "Everyone was sad when Abei died a week after he arrived at the nursery. But Keeper and his helpers saved Moit.": "حزن الجميع عندما توفي آبي بعد أسبوع من وصوله إلى الحضانة. لكن القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه أنقذوا مويت.", + "Sometimes, people do their best and still things do not turn out well. Think of a time when you did your best and things did not go well.": "أحيانًا، يبذل الناس قصارى جهدهم ومع ذلك لا تسير الأمور على ما يرام. فكر في وقت بذلت فيه قصارى جهدك ولم تسر الأمور على ما يرام.", + "It can be discouraging to try hard and not have things turn out well. When you have had failures, did it discourage you, or did it make you want to work even harder to make sure things turned out better the next time?": "يمكن أن يكون الأمر محبطًا أن تحاول بجد ولا تسير الأمور على ما يرام. عندما واجهت إخفاقات، هل أحبطتك، أم جعلتك ترغب في العمل بجد أكبر للتأكد من أن الأمور ستسير بشكل أفضل في المرة القادمة؟", + "When things go poorly, it is important to understand why that happened. If there were things that happened that you could not have foreseen or controlled, then that's just bad luck. If there were things you could have done better, it's a good idea to learn those lessons so you'll do better next time.": "عندما تسير الأمور بشكل سيء، من المهم أن نفهم سبب حدوث ذلك. إذا كانت هناك أشياء حدثت لا يمكنك التنبؤ بها أو السيطرة عليها، فإن ذلك مجرد سوء حظ. إذا كانت هناك أشياء كان بإمكانك القيام بها بشكل أفضل، فمن الجيد تعلم تلك الدروس حتى تؤدي بشكل أفضل في المرة القادمة.", + "The last orphans to arrive in August were Kopi, Kepi, and Keji. These cubs were two weeks old. They were very hungry when they arrived.": "آخر الأيتام الذين وصلوا في أغسطس كانوا كوبي وكيبي وكيجي. كان عمر هذه الأشبال أسبوعين. كانوا جائعين جدًا عند وصولهم.", + "These three cubs look like they are going to have a lot of fun with each other. How do Keeper and his helpers feel about these cubs? How can you tell?": "تبدو هذه الأشبال الثلاثة وكأنها ستستمتع كثيرًا مع بعضها البعض. كيف تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية ومساعديه يشعرون تجاه هؤلاء الأشبال؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", + "Estimate how many spots these cubs have all together. Now, try counting the spots, perhaps 2 at a time, and see how close your estimate is.": "قدّر كم عدد البقع التي تملكها هذه الأشبال مجتمعة. الآن، حاول عد البقع، ربما ٢ في كل مرة، وانظر كم كان تقديرك دقيقًا.", + "Make a game of estimating by challenging each other to look quickly at something and have each of you make an estimate. Then, look back, count the actual number of things, and see whose estimate was closest. With practice, you'll get much better at this!": "اجعلها لعبة تقدير بتحدي بعضكم البعض للنظر بسرعة في شيء ما وجعل كل منكم يقوم بتقدير. ثم، انظر مرة أخرى، عد العدد الفعلي للأشياء، وانظر من كان تقديره أقرب. مع الممارسة، ستصبح أفضل بكثير في هذا!", + "Keeper and his helpers love all of the animals, even the naughty ones.": "القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه يحبون جميع الحيوانات، حتى المشاغبة منها.", + "Even when these baby animals cause trouble, Keeper and his helpers have a good time playing with them. Are there some animals you enjoy playing with?": "حتى عندما تسبب هذه الحيوانات الصغيرة المشاكل، يستمتع القائم على الرعاية ومساعدوه باللعب معها. هل هناك بعض الحيوانات التي تستمتع باللعب معها؟", + "Do you like to play around in the water when you wash off? Young animals are not all that different than young people.": "هل تحب اللعب في الماء عندما تغتسل؟ الحيوانات الصغيرة ليست مختلفة كثيرًا عن البشر الصغار.", + "The elephant barely fits in that bath tub. What do you think they will do when the elephant outgrows this tub?": "الفيل بالكاد يتسع في حوض الاستحمام هذا. ما الذي تعتقد أنهم سيفعلونه عندما يكبر الفيل ويتجاوز حجم هذا الحوض؟", + "The naughtiest baby was Lobolia. Lobolia liked to hide Keeper's glasses.": "أكثر الحيوانات شغبًا كان القرد لوبوليا. كان لوبوليا يحب إخفاء نظارات القائم على الرعاية.", + "Do you think Keeper can see without his glasses? If he can't see, he's going to have a very hard time finding his glasses. He doesn't wear his glasses on any of the pages, so he must not need them very much.": "هل تعتقد أن القائم على الرعاية يمكنه الرؤية بدون نظاراته؟ إذا لم يستطع الرؤية، فسيواجه صعوبة كبيرة في العثور على نظاراته. إنه لا يرتدي نظاراته في أي من الصفحات، لذا لا بد أنه لا يحتاجها كثيرًا.", + "Do you remember seeing Lobolia on the previous page? Keeper had his glasses in his shirt pocket during the bath. Do you think Lobolia stole them from him?": "هل تتذكر رؤية لوبوليا في الصفحة السابقة؟ كان القائم على الرعاية يضع نظاراته في جيب قميصه أثناء الاستحمام. هل تعتقد أن لوبوليا سرقها منه؟", + "It would be very easy for Lobolia to escape from the nursery. Those fences would certainly not keep Lobolia in. Why do you think Lobolia stays around?": "سيكون من السهل جدًا على لوبوليا الهروب من الحضانة. هذه الأسوار لن تمنع لوبوليا من الخروج بالتأكيد. لماذا تعتقد أن لوبوليا يبقى حولها؟", + "The people at the nursery work hard to look after the baby animals. They hope that one day the orphans can look after themselves. Then they can return to the wild.": "يعمل الناس في الحضانة بجد لرعاية الحيوانات الصغيرة. يأملون في أن يتمكن الأيتام يومًا من الاعتناء بأنفسهم. ثم يمكنهم العودة إلى البرية.", + "They may care about each animal, but wild animals should always go back to the wild if they can handle it. It must be sad, but fulfilling, to see their animals become healthy adults who can thrive in the wild.": "قد يهتمون بكل حيوان، لكن الحيوانات البرية يجب أن تعود دائمًا إلى البرية إذا كانت تستطيع التعامل معها. يجب أن يكون الأمر محزنًا، ولكن مُرضٍ، رؤية حيواناتهم تصبح بالغين أصحاء يمكنهم الازدهار في البرية.", + "Some animals have permanent injuries or problems that make it impossible for them to go back into the wild. Can you think of why that would be?": "بعض الحيوانات تعاني من إصابات دائمة أو مشاكل تجعل من المستحيل عليها العودة إلى البرية. هل يمكنك التفكير في سبب ذلك؟", + "Think about being one of these animals that has been in the nursery ever since it was a baby. Do you think the animal is excited to go into the wild, or do you think it is fearful about being on its own?": "فكر في كونك أحد هذه الحيوانات التي كانت في الحضانة منذ أن كانت طفلة. هل تعتقد أن الحيوان متحمس للذهاب إلى البرية، أم تعتقد أنه يخاف من أن يكون بمفرده؟", + "How old and how many? Read the story again and then answer these questions.\n\n1. How many animals arrived at the nursery in the month of August?\n\n2. Who arrived first that month? How old was this animal?\n\n3. Who arrived last? How old were those animals?\n\n4. Who were the youngest animals to arrive in August? How old were they?\n\n5. Who was the oldest to arrive in August?\n\nReviewing a story after you read it can help you remember it much better!": "كم العمر وكم العدد؟ اقرأ القصة مرة أخرى ثم أجب عن هذه الأسئلة.\n\n١. كم عدد الحيوانات التي وصلت إلى الحضانة في شهر أغسطس؟\n\n٢. من وصل أولًا ذلك الشهر؟ كم كان عمر هذا الحيوان؟\n\n٣. من وصل آخرًا؟ كم كان عمر هؤلاء الحيوانات؟\n\n٤. من كان أصغر الحيوانات التي وصلت في أغسطس؟ كم كان عمرهم؟\n\n٥. من كان أكبر من وصل في أغسطس؟", "Today I an not going to school.\n\nIt is a holiday.": "اليوم لن أذهب إلى المدرسة.\n\nإنها عطلة.", "What do you think she will do with her day off from school?": "ماذا تعتقد أنها ستفعل في يوم إجازتها من المدرسة؟", "Why does she like not going to school?": "لماذا تحب عدم الذهاب إلى المدرسة؟", @@ -2151,6 +2707,70 @@ "How many really small cakes do you think she will eat?": "كم عدد الكعكات الصغيرة التي تعتقد أنها ستأكلها؟", "What are the most cookies or other snack you've eaten at one time?": "ما هو أكثر عدد من البسكويت أو الوجبات الخفيفة الأخرى التي تناولتها في ذات الوقت؟", "This story has talked about a lot of different sounds to hear from your body. How many of them can you remember?": "تحدثت هذه القصة عن الكثير من الأصوات المختلفة التي يمكنك سماعها من جسدك. كم منها يمكنك أن تتذكر؟", + "I have a very big problem, cried Chief Short and Round in a loud voice. \"Everyone, come here! I have a very big problem.\"\n\nThe people of the Village of Many Shapes formed a big circle around Chief Short and Round. They wanted to hear what he had to say.": "\"لدي مشكلة كبيرة جداً“، صرخ الزعيم قصير ومستدير بصوت عالٍ. \"أيها الناس، تعالوا الى هنا جميعا! لدي مشكلة كبيرة جداً.“\n\nفشكّل أهل قرية الأشكال المتعددة دائرة كبيرة حول الزعيم قصير ومستدير. كانوا يريدون سماع ما يريد قوله.", + "A polygon is a shape with several straight sides. Triangles have 3 sides, quadrilaterals have 4, pentagons have 5, and hexagons have 6. Name some polygons where you are.": "المضلع هو شكل له عدة جوانب مستقيمة. المثلثات لها ٣ جوانب، ورباعيات الزوايا لها ٤، والخماسيات لها ٥، والسداسيات لها ٦. سمِّ بعض الأشكال المضلعة الموجودة حولك.", + "What are some of the shapes of the buildings in this picture?": "ما هي بعض أشكال المباني في هذه الصورة؟", + "There are snowflakes in the sky on a sunny day on this page. Have you ever seen this?": "هناك ندفات ثلج في السماء في يوم مشمس على هذه الصفحة. هل رأيت هذا من قبل؟", + "Chief Short and Round began, \"This is the worst news ever. I have lost my spring horn.\" \n\nThe villagers whispered to each other, \"Oh no!\" Chief Short and Round continued talking, \"If I don't find my spring horn then I can't blow my spring horn! And we can't start the springtime party if I can't blow my spring horn. And spring won't come if we don't have a springtime party.\"": "بدأ الزعيم قصير ومستدير كلامه قائلا: \"هذه أسوأ أخبار على الإطلاق. لقد فقدت قرني الربيعي.“ همس القرويون لبعضهم البعض، \"يا إلهي!“ استمر الزعيم قصير ومستدير في الحديث، \"إذا لم أجد قرني الربيعي فلن أستطيع النفخ فيه! ولن نستطيع بدء حفل الربيع إذا لم أستطع النفخ في قرني الربيعي. ولن يأتي الربيع إذا لم يكن لدينا حفل الربيع.“", + "Many of these people have very colorful clothes. What are your favorite colors to wear to a party?": "كثير من هؤلاء الناس لديهم ملابس ملونة جداً. ما هي ألوانك المفضلة التي ترتديها في الحفلات؟", + "Have you ever looked forward to a party and then worried that it might not happen?": "هل سبق لك أن تتطلع إلى حفل ثم تشعر بالقلق من أنها قد لا تحدث؟", + "There are many beautiful polygons on these clothes! There are patterns with squares (polygons with four equal sides and four square corners), and some with hexagons. Notice how the hexagons on the back of the shirt are made of six triangles in a lively pattern!": "هناك العديد من المضلعات الجميلة على هذه الملابس! هناك أنماط بمربعات (مضلعات بأربعة جوانب متساوية وأربع زوايا قائمة)، وبعضها بسداسيات الزوايا. لاحظ كيف أن السداسيات على ظهر القميص مكونة من ستة مثلثات في نمط حيوي!", + "Little Square Jojo stepped into the circle and lifted up his hand. \"I will find your spring horn, Chief Short and Round.\" \"Good, good,\" said the chief with a smile. \"You can start looking in the last place I visited this morning. Go to Tata Rectangle's house. I remember having my horn with me there.\"": "دخل جوجو المربع الصغير إلى الدائرة ورفع يده. \"سأجد قرنك الربيعي، ايها الزعيم قصير ومستدير.“ \"جيد، جيد“، قال الزعيم بابتسامة. \"يمكنك البدء بالبحث في آخر مكان زرته هذا الصباح. اذهب إلى منزل تاتا المستطيل. أتذكر أنني كنت أحمل قرني هناك.“", + "Why does Little Square Jojo deserve his name?": "لماذا يستحق جوجو المربع الصغير اسمه؟", + "There are many circles in this picture. How many circles can you find?": "هناك العديد من الدوائر في هذه الصورة. كم عدد الدوائر التي يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "How many squares are there on Jojo's clothes? That is a very tricky question because there are squares of different sizes on his clothes -- some of the squares are made up of smaller squares!": "كم عدد المربعات الموجودة على ملابس جوجو؟ هذا سؤال صعب جداً لأن هناك مربعات بأحجام مختلفة على ملابسه -- بعض المربعات مكونة من مربعات أصغر!", + "Tata Rectangle was happy to see Jojo. He opened his door and welcomed Jojo inside. \"I remember seeing Chief Short and Round earlier this morning,\" said Tata Rectangle, \"but I don't think he had his spring horn with him.\" \n\nLittle Square Jojo looked under Tata Rectangle's bed and behind his books. He even looked into his fridge. But Jojo couldn't find the spring horn anywhere.": "كان تاتا المستطيل سعيداً برؤية جوجو. فتح بابه ورحب بجوجو بالدخول. \"أتذكر رؤية الزعيم قصير ومستدير في وقت سابق هذا الصباح“، قال تاتا المستطيل، \"لكنني لا أعتقد أنه كان يحمل قرنه الربيعي.“ بحث جوجو المربع الصغير تحت سرير تاتا المستطيل وخلف كتبه. حتى أنه نظر في ثلاجه. لكن جوجو لم يجد القرن الربيعي في أي مكان.", + "A rectangle has four straight sides with corners like the corners of this page. A square is always a rectangle, but rectangles are not always squares. What would make a rectangle not be a square?": "المستطيل له أربعة جوانب مستقيمة بزوايا مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. المربع دائماً مستطيل، لكن المستطيلات ليست دائماً مربعات. ما الذي يجعل المستطيل ليس مربعاً؟", + "Are there any rectangles that are squares in this picture?": "هل هناك أي مستطيلات هي مربعات في هذه الصورة؟", + "Which objects in this room are rectangles? There are rectangles everywhere on this page! Point to as many rectangles as you can.": "أين توجد المستطيلات في هذه الغرفة؟ هناك مستطيلات في كل مكان في هذه الصفحة! أشر إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المستطيلات.", + "Go and see if Mama Triangle has the spring horn, said Tata Rectangle. \"Chief Short and Round visited her before he came to see me.\" \"Thank you, Tata,\" said Jojo as he waved goodbye.\n\nMama Triangle's house is about three kilometers from here, thought Jojo. That is a far distance to walk. I will stop at my house along the way and have a rest.": "\"اذهب واسأل إذا كانت ماما مثلث لديها القرن الربيعي“، قال تاتا المستطيل. \"لقد زارها الزعيم قصير ومستدير قبل أن يأتي لرؤيتي.“ \"شكراً، تاتا“، قال جوجو وهو يلوح بيده وداعاً.\n\nفكر جوجو بأن منزل ماما مثلث يبعد حوالي ٣ كيلومترات من هنا. هذه مسافة بعيدة للمشي. سأتوقف عند منزلي على الطريق وأخذ قسطاً من الراحة.", + "What are the tallest things in this picture? Have you ever seen a person almost as tall as a house?": "ما هي أطول الأشياء في هذه الصورة؟ هل رأيت شخصاً يكاد يكون طويلاً مثل المنزل؟", + "Jojo is going for a long 3km (about two miles) walk. What is the farthest you have ever walked?": "جوجو على وشك السير في مسافة ٣ كم (حوالي ميلين). ما هي أبعد مسافة مشيتها؟", + "Did you ever walk a long, long time? How many minutes was that walk? 10? 20? 60? more?": "هل سبق لك أن مشيت لفترة طويلة جداً؟ كم دقيقة استغرق ذلك المشي؟ ١٠؟ ٢٠؟ ٦٠؟ أكثر؟", + "Little Square Jojo was hot and tired by the time he reached his house. He went inside to open his freezer and pour a glass of cold water with ice blocks. \"I must be half the way to Mama Triangle's house,\" he said. \"I hope she has the chief's horn.\"\n\nThen Jojo had an idea. \"I can visit Dudu Diamond. Her house is only half a kilometer from here and it's on the way.": "كان جوجو المربع الصغير متعباً ويشعر بالحر الشديد عندما وصل إلى منزله. دخل ليفتح ثلاجته ويصب كوباً من الماء البارد مع مكعبات الثلج. \"يجب أن أكون قطعت نصف الطريق إلى منزل ماما مثلث“، قال. \"آمل أن يكون لديها قرن الزعيم.“\n\nثم خطر بباله فكرة. \"يمكنني زيارة دودو الماس. منزلها يبعد نصف كيلومتر فقط من هنا وهو في الطريق.“", + "On this floor, you can hop from one square to another square of the same color. Choose one color with your finger and hop around that room.": "يمكنك القفز من مربع إلى مربع آخر من نفس اللون على هذه الأرضية. اختر لوناً واحداً بإصبعك واقفز حول الغرفة.", + "Do you have a pattern on the floor where you are? Do you ever hop around a room trying to stay on just one color?": "هل ترى نمط على الأرضية حيث تقف؟ هل سبق لك أن قفزت حول غرفة محاولاً البقاء على لون واحد فقط؟", + "Jojo has walked half way of his 3 km (2 mi) walk. How far has he walked?": "لقد قطع جوجو نصف مسافة ٣ كم (٢ ميل). كم قطع من المسافة الكلية؟", + "Dudu Diamond was cleaning her house when Jojo arrived. Her earrings were making a lovely tinkling sound as she worked. \n\n\"Hello, Jojo,\" she said. \"What are you doing today?\" \"I am on my way to Mama Triangle's house to find the chief's spring horn,\" said Little Square Jojo. \"That's nice of you,\" said Dudu. \"I am happy to come with you. How much further do you have to go?\"": "كانت دودو الماس تنظف منزلها عندما وصل جوجو. كانت أقراطها تصدر صوتاً لطيفاً أثناء عملها. \"مرحباً، جوجو“، قالت. \"ماذا تفعل اليوم؟“ \"أنا في طريقي إلى منزل ماما مثلث لأجد قرن الزعيم الربيعي“، قال جوجو المربع الصغير. \"هذا لطيف منك“، قالت دودو. \"سأكون سعيدة بالانضمام إليك. كم تبقي لك من المسافة؟“", + "Another name for a diamond is a rhombus. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. A square is always a rhombus, but not every rhombus is a square. Point to some diamonds in this picture that aren't squares.": "اسم آخر للماس هو معين. المعين هو مضلع بأربعة جوانب متساوية. المربع دائماً معين، لكن ليس كل معين مربع. أشر إلى بعض الألماسات في هذه الصورة التي ليست مربعات.", + "This room is full of diamond shapes. What shape are the diamond windows if you turn them on their side? Jojo should feel right at home with those windows!": "هذه الغرفة مليئة بأشكال الماس. ما هو شكل نوافذ الماس إذا قمت بتدويرها على جانبها؟ يجب أن يشعر جوجو بالراحة مع تلك النوافذ!", + "This room has many pairs of things. Which pairs do you see?": "هذه الغرفة بها العديد من الأزواج من الأشياء. ما هي الأزواج التي تراها؟", + "Little Square Jojo scratched his head. \"Let's see. Mama Triangle's house was three kilometers away from where I started. I walked about half the way to get to my house, that's one and a half kilometers. Then I walked another half a kilometer to get to your house. That makes 2 kilometers. So we only have one more kilometer to go!\" \n\n\"That's not so far then!\" smiled Dudu. \"I'll pack some things to take with.\"": "حك جوجو المربع الصغير رأسه. \"لنرى! كان منزل ماما مثلث يبعد ٣ كيلومترات عن المكان الذي بدأت منه. مشيت حوالي نصف الطريق للوصول إلى منزلي، هذا يعني ١٫٥ كيلومتر. ثم مشيت نصف كيلومتر آخر للوصول إلى منزلك. هذا يجعل ٢ كيلومتر. لذا بقي لدينا كيلومتر واحد فقط!“ \"هذا ليس بعيداً إذن!“ ابتسمت دودو. \"سأجهز بعض الأشياء لأخذها معنا.“", + "Jojo added 1 1/2 km plus 1/2 km to get 2 km. He subtracted 2 km from 3 km to get 1 km.": "أضاف جوجو ١٫٥ كم بالإضافة إلى ٠٫٥ كم ليصبح ٢ كم. طرح ٢ كم من ٣ كم ليصبح كيلومتر واحد.", + "Another way is: He had 1 1/2 km to go and he walked 1/2 km, so there was only 1 km left.": "طريقة أخرى: كان لديه ١٫٥ كم ليقطعه ومشى ٠٫٥ كم، لذا بقي لديه كيلومتر واحد فقط.", + "Yet another way: Think of 3 km as 6 half kms. When he did half of 6 of those, that meant he did 3 halves and had 3 halves to go. When he did another half km, then he only had 2 halves left. It's a fun puzzle to find different ways to calculate the same thing!": "طريقة أخرى: فكر في ٣ كم كأنها ٦ أنصاف كيلومترات. عندما قطع نصف ٦ من تلك، يعني أنه قطع ٣ أنصاف وبقي له ٣ أنصاف. عندما قطع نصف كيلومتر آخر، بقي لديه نصفان فقط. إنه لغز ممتع أن تجد طرق مختلفة لحساب نفس الشيء!", + "Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo walked until they reached the bottom of a tall mountain. \"Mama Triangle's house is right up there at the top,\" said Dudu.\n\n\"Let's stop for a while and have a rest. You can have the sandwich I packed.\" Jojo cut the sandwich into four smaller pieces. \"Here, let's share the sandwich, you have two pieces and I'll have two.\"": "سارت دودو دايموند وجوجو المربع الصغير حتى وصلا إلى أسفل جبل طويل. \"منزل ماما مثلث هناك في الأعلى“، قال دودو.\n\n\"لنتوقف لبعض الوقت ونأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. يمكنك تناول الساندويتش الذي أعددته.“ قطع جوجو الساندويتش إلى أربع قطع أصغر. \"هيا، لنشارك الساندويتش، لديك قطعتان وأنا لدي قطعتان.“", + "We can't see the top of the mountain. What do you think the shape is of the part we can't see?": "لا يمكننا رؤية قمة الجبل. ما هو شكل الجزء الذي لا نستطيع رؤيته؟", + "Think of some different ways to cut a sandwich into four parts. Which shapes can you make that way?": "فكر في بعض الطرق المختلفة لتقطيع الساندويتش إلى أربعة أجزاء. أي أشكال يمكنك صنعها بهذه الطريقة؟", + "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The mountain next to them is in the shape of a cone. Find some other cones in this picture.": "الشكل الدائري الذي يأتي إلى نقطة يسمى مخروط. الجبل بجانبهما يشبه شكل مخروط. ابحث عن بعض المخاريط الأخرى في هذه الصورة.", + "Soon Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo were half the way up the mountain. Things were very different there.\n\n\"Look,\" said Jojo. \"That's the strangest spider I've ever seen.\" \"Wow,\" said Dudu. \"It has spun a beautiful web. Let's count the sides. One, two, three, four, five, and six! That makes it a hexagon then!\"": "وبعد قليل، كان دودو دايموند وجوجو المربع الصغير في منتصف الطريق أعلى الجبل. كانت الأمور هناك مختلفة جداً.\n\n\"انظر“، قال جوجو. \"هذا أغرب عنكبوت رأيته في حياتي.“ \"واو“، قالت دودو. \"لقد نسجت شبكة جميلة. دعونا نعد الجوانب. واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، أربعة، خمسة، وستة! هذا يعني أنه سداسي.“", + "Can you think of any other hexagons you see or know about? Are there any where you are right now? Perhaps there are some hexagons on a bathroom floor?": "هل يمكنك التفكير في أي سداسيات أخرى تراها أو تعرفها؟ هل هناك أي منها حيث أنت الآن؟ ربما هناك بعض السداسيات على أرضية الحمام؟", + "Do you know any stories or songs about spiders?": "هل تعرف أي قصص أو أغاني عن العناكب؟", + "Spiders make webs in trees, in holes in the ground, and even across water. Where have you seen spider webs where you live? Why do spiders make webs?": "العناكب تصنع شبكات في الأشجار، في الحفر في الأرض، وحتى عبر الماء. أين رأيت شبكات العنكبوت حيث تعيش؟ لماذا تصنع العناكب الشبكات؟", + "After climbing over a very big rock, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond finally arrived at Mama Triangle's house. They were high up now and felt a bit dizzy.\n\n\"Hello, you two,\" said Mama Triangle with a smile. \"I am so happy to have visitors. Most of the time I'm all alone here on the top of my mountain. Come inside and sit down at my table.": "بعد تسلق صخرة كبيرة جداً، وصل جوجو المربع الصغير ودودو دايموند أخيراً إلى منزل ماما مثلث. كانوا في أعلى المكان الآن وشعروا ببعض الدوار.\n\n\"مرحباً بكما“، قالت ماما مثلث بابتسامة. \"أنا سعيدة جداً لأن لدي زوار. معظم الوقت أكون هنا وحدي على قمة هذا الجبل. تعالوا وادخلوا واجلسوا على طاولتي.“", + "Do you think Mama Triangle knows where the Chief's spring horn is? Do you think they wasted their time coming to the top of the mountain?": "هل تعتقد أن ماما مثلث تعرف مكان قرن ربيع الزعيم؟ هل تعتقد أنهم أضاعوا وقتهم بالمجيء إلى قمة الجبل؟", + "There are a great many polygons in this picture and they are of many types. Point at some polygons and name their types.": "هناك العديد من المضلعات في هذه الصورة وهي من أنواع كثيرة. أشر إلى بعض المضلعات واذكر أنواعها.", + "There are a few shapes that are not polygons. These shapes have at least one side that is curved and not straight. Can you find them?": "هناك بعض الأشكال التي ليست مضلعات. هذه الأشكال لها جانب واحد على الأقل يكون منحني وليس مستقيم. هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "Mama Triangle, said Jojo after catching his breath, \"We've come to find Chief Short and Round's spring horn. Tata Rectangle said that the chief visited you this morning.\" \"Yes, that is correct,\" said Mama Triangle. \"The chief came to ask me to help prepare for the springtime party. But he didn't leave his spring horn here.\" \"Oh no,\" said Jojo sadly, \"We've come all this way for nothing!\"": "\"ماما مثلث“، قال جوجو بعد أن التقط أنفاسه، \"جئنا لنجد القرن الربيع الخاص بالزعيم قصير ومستدير. قال تاتا مستطيل إن الزعيم زارك هذا الصباح.“ \"نعم، هذا صحيح“، قالت ماما مثلث. \"جاء الزعيم ليطلب مني المساعدة في تحضير حفل الربيع. لكن لم يترك قرنه الربيعي هنا.“ \"يا إلهي لا“، قال جوجو بحزن، \"جئنا كل هذا الطريق دون فائدة!“", + "Do you think they went all that way for nothing? They may not know where the horn is, but they have learned a lot during their travels.": "هل تعتقد أنهم جاؤوا كل هذا الطريق دون فائدة؟ ربما لا يعرفون أين القرن، ولكنهم تعلموا الكثير أثناء رحلتهم.", + "Sometimes, finding out what something can't be can be almost as valuable as finding out what it is. Useful information comes in many forms!": "في بعض الأحيان، قد يكون اكتشاف ما لا يمكن أن يكون عليه شيء ما بنفس قيمة اكتشاف ماهيته. تأتي المعلومات المفيدة في أشكال عديدة!", + "What do you think will happen next in the story? Create an ending for how this story turns out. Do they find the horn, and if so, how do they find it?": "ما الذي تعتقد أنه سيحدث بعد ذلك في القصة؟ اصنع نهاية لكيفية تحول هذه القصة. هل يجدون القرن، وإذا كان كذلك، كيف يجدونه؟", + "Mama Triangle held Jojo's hand as she led him outside. \"Don't worry Jojo,\" she said. \"Chief Short and Round didn't leave his spring horn here, but I know where it is. That chief can be such a silly thing!\" Mama Triangle, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond all ran down the mountain and in no time at all they were safely at the bottom.": "أمسكت ماما مثلث بيد جوجو وهي تقوده إلى الخارج. \"لا تقلق يا جوجو“، قالت. \"لم يترك الزعيم قصير ومستدير قرنه الربيعي هنا، لكنني أعرف مكانه. ذلك الزعيم يمكن أن يكون سخيفاً في بعض الأحيان!“ ركضت ماما مثلث، وجوجو المربع الصغير، ودودو دايموند جميعاً إلى أسفل الجبل وفي وقت قصير كانوا بأمان في الأسفل.", + "There are a lot of triangles in this picture! Can you count them all, or is it higher than you can count?": "هناك الكثير من المثلثات في هذه الصورة! هل يمكنك عدهم جميعاً، أم أن العدد أكبر مما يمكنك عده؟", + "Why were they able to go down the mountain so much more quickly than when they went up?": "لماذا استطاعوا النزول من الجبل بسرعة أكبر بكثير من صعودهم؟", + "Oddly enough, going down a steep hill can be harder than going up. Has this happened to you?": "من الغريب أن النزول من تل حاد يمكن أن يكون أصعب من الصعود. هل حدث هذا لك؟", + "It was evening by the time they reached Chief Short and Round's house. Mama Triangle knocked on the door and when it was opened everyone rushed inside.\n\n\"Hello,\" said Chief Short and Round, blinking sleepily. \"Did you find my spring horn? Will we be able to have the springtime party?\" Little Square Jojo felt very bad and shook his head.": "كان الوقت مساءً عندما وصلوا إلى منزل الزعيم قصير ومستدير. طرقت ماما مثلث على الباب وعندما فُتح الباب، هرع الجميع إلى الداخل.\n\n\"مرحباً“، قال الزعيم قصير ومستدير وهو يرمش بعينه بنعاس. \"هل وجدتم قرني الربيعي؟ هل سنتمكن من إقامة حفل الربيع؟“ شعر جوجو المربع الصغير بالحزن وهز رأسه.", + "The Chief's room is round and is filled with round things. Point at and count as many circles as you can.": "غرفة الزعيم مستديرة ومليئة بالأشياء المستديرة. أشر واحسب أكبر عدد ممكن من الدوائر.", + "The circles in the rug have the same center. Circles that share a common center are called concentric circles. Do you see any concentric circles where you are?": "الدوائر في السجادة لها نفس المركز. الدوائر التي تشترك في مركز مشترك تسمى دوائر متحدة المركز. هل ترى أي دوائر متحدة المركز حيث أنت؟", + "The Chief is wearing his pajamas. What do you think his bedtime is? What is your bedtime?": "يرتدي الزعيم بيجامته. متي تعتقد يكون وقت نومه؟ ما هو وقت نومك؟", + "Jojo looked for your spring horn all day, said Mama Triangle. \"It is not his fault that he didn't find it. It is your fault, Chief Short and Round. Don't you remember?\" Mama Triangle pointed at the chief. \"You are wearing your spring horn on your head!\"\n\nChief Short and Round gasped, \"Oh my, I remember it now. I was so hot from climbing up that mountain that I put my horn on my head.\"": "\"كان جوجو يحث عن قرنك الربيعي طوال اليوم“، قالت ماما مثلث. \"وليس خطأه أنه لم يجده. إنه خطؤك أنت، ايها الزعيم قصير ومستدير. ألا تتذكر؟“ أشارت ماما مثلث إلى الزعيم. \"أنت ترتدي قرنك الربيعي على رأسك!“\n\nذُهل الزعيم قصير ومستدير، \"يا إلهي، أتذكر الآن. كنت اشعر بالحر جداً بعد صعودي لذلك الجبل لدرجة أنني وضعت قرني على رأسي.“", + "How do you think the Chief felt when he realized the horn was on his head?": "كيف تعتقد أن الزعيم شعر عندما أدرك أن القرن كان على رأسه؟", + "How long in this story has the horn been on his head?": "كم من الوقت في هذه القصة كان القرن على رأسه؟", + "Tell a story about a time when you thought you lost something and then found out it was in an obvious place all along.": "أخبرنا قصة عن وقت اعتقدت فيه أنك فقدت شيئاً ثم اكتشفت أنه كان في مكان واضح طوال الوقت.", + "I am so embarrassed, said Chief Short and Round as he took his spring horn off his head. Then he passed it to Little Square Jojo. \"You have done all the hard work, Jojo. You should blow the horn.\"\n\nLittle Square Jojo smiled. He lifted up the horn and gave a loud blow. \"Now we can have the springtime party!\" All was well in the Village of Many Shapes.": "\"أنا محرج جداً“، قال الزعيم قصير ومستدير وهو يرفع قرنه الربيعي عن رأسه. ثم مرره إلى جوجو المربع الصغير. \"لقد قمت بكل العمل الشاق يا جوجو. يجب أن تنفخ في القرن.“\n\nابتسم جوجو المربع الصغير. رفع القرن ونفخ فيه نفخة قوية. \"الآن يمكننا إقامة حفل الربيع!“ وكان كل شيء على ما يرام في قرية الأشكال المتعددة.", + "Unlike real snowflakes, the snowflakes in this sky come in many, very different shapes. Point to a few and describe them.": "على عكس ندفات الثلج الحقيقية، تأتي ندفات الثلج في هذه السماء بأشكال كثيرة ومختلفة جداً. أشر إلى البعض وقم بوصفها.", + "Jojo did a great job of problem solving. He thought about the problem, he discussed ideas with others, and he persisted even when he was having trouble solving the problem.": "قام جوجو بعمل رائع في حل المشكلات. فكر في المشكلة، ناقش الأفكار مع الآخرين، واستمر حتى عندما كان يواجه صعوبة في حل المشكلة.", + "Tell a fun story, real or make believe, of a time when someone was searching all over for something for a long time and then finally found it.": "أخبرنا قصة ممتعة، حقيقية أو خيالية، عن وقت كان فيه شخص يبحث في كل مكان عن شيء لفترة طويلة ثم وجده أخيراً.", "Look at the animals.": "انظر إلى الحيوانات.", "Count and name together all the animals you see.": "قوموا بعدّ وتسمية جميع الحيوانات التي ترونها معًا.", "What are all the animals looking at?": "ما الذي تنظر إليه جميع الحيوانات؟", @@ -2239,6 +2859,54 @@ "What do you think? Do \"sure\" and \"door\" rhyme?": "قصص ما قبل النوم يمكن أن تساعدك على النوم. أعتقد أن القصة هنا جعلت الطفلة أكثر يقظة.", "Go back and look at all the pairs of rhyming words. Can you find a few more words that go with each pair?": "الأرضية مظللة بطيات غطاء السرير. هل ترى التجاعيد؟", "Some kinds of poems use rhyming words. Have you ever written a poem?": "إنه أمر خاص عندما يقوم شخص ما باختلاق قصة ويرويها. هل تعرف أحداً يروي قصصاً كهذه؟ هل تختلق القصص وترويها؟", + "Three siblings, Udoo, Erdoo, and Eryum listened to the music of the rain. They wanted to dance in it. They wanted to touch the rainbow that arrived in the sky. Mother said, \"No.\" \n\nThey cried, hoping to change her mind. It didn't work. Eryum even tried to sneak out of the house to visit the rainbow.": "استمع ثلاثة أشقاء، أودو، إردو، وإريوم إلى موسيقى المطر. أرادوا الرقص فيه. أرادوا لمس قوس القزح الذي ظهر في السماء. ولكن قالت الأم، \"لا.“\n\nبكوا، على أمل أن تغير رأيها. ولكن لم ينجح ذلك. حتى أن إريوم حاول التسلل خارج المنزل لزيارة قوس القزح.", + "Rainbows happen when sunlight shines through raindrops in the sky. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Some people remember this as Roy G. Biv.": "قوس القزح يحدث عندما يضيء ضوء الشمس عبر قطرات المطر في السماء. ألوان قوس القزح هي الأحمر، البرتقالي، الأصفر، الأخضر، الأزرق، النيلي، والبنفسجي. يتذكر البعض هذا باسم \"روي جي. بيف\".", + "Some people claim that indigo should not be on that list. What do you think?": "يزعم بعض الناس أن اللون النيلي لا ينبغي أن يكون في تلك القائمة. ما رأيك؟", + "There are many kinds of rainbows. There are double rainbows and ones that occur when it snows. Have you ever seen one of these unusual rainbows?": "هناك أنواع عديدة من أقواس القزح. هناك أقواس قزح مزدوجة وأخرى تحدث عندما تتساقط الثلوج. هل رأيت يومًا أحد هذه الأقواس القزح غير العادية؟", + "Mother caught him before he could go. She raised her voice so that Eryum and his sisters would hear too.\n\n\"You could catch a cold,\" she said. \"You don't like pepper soup and you would have to eat some, if you caught a cold,\" she added with a smile.": "أمسكت الأم به قبل أن يتمكن من الذهاب. رفعت صوتها حتى يسمع إريوم وأخواته أيضًا.\n\nقالت: \"قد تصاب بنزلة برد“. \"أنت لا تحب حساء الفلفل وسيكون عليك أن تأكل منه إذا أصبت بنزلة برد“، أضافت بابتسامة.", + "A partial circle is called an arc. Do you think the colors of a rainbow are in the shape of an arc?": "القوس الجزئي يسمى قوس. هل تعتقد أن ألوان قوس القزح تشكل قوسًا؟", + "Eryum wanted to go outside to see and touch the rainbow. Have you ever touched a rainbow. Do you think it's possible?": "أراد إريوم الخروج لرؤية ولمس قوس القزح. هل سبق لك أن لمست قوس القزح؟ هل تعتقد أنه ممكن؟", + "Have you ever wanted to do something so much that you tried to do it even though an adult told you not to?": "هل سبق لك أن أردت فعل شيء بشدة لدرجة أنك حاولت فعله رغم أن شخصًا بالغًا أخبرك بعدم فعله؟", + "Hoping that they would ask for a story, she said, \"The rainbow is a magical river with healing powers. But it is so high up in the sky that you can't reach it. If you catch a cold, the rainbow can't help you.\"\n\nThe children thought about this.": "أملاً في أن يطلبوا قصة، قالت: \"قوس القزح هو نهر سحري له قوى شفاء. لكنه عالٍ في السماء لدرجة لا يمكنك الوصول إليه. إذا أصبت بنزلة برد، فلا يمكن لقوس القزح مساعدتك.“\n\nفكر الأطفال في هذا.", + "Their mother is going to tell them a story about the magical healing powers of a rainbow. Before you read further, make up a story of your own about rainbows.": "والدتهم ستروي لهم قصة عن قوى الشفاء السحرية لقوس القزح. قبل أن تقرأ المزيد، ابتكر قصة خاصة بك عن أقواس القزح.", + "The straight lines in this picture make lots of rectangles, which are four-sided shapes similar to this page. How many rectangles do you see around you?": "الخطوط المستقيمة في هذه الصورة تصنع الكثير من المستطيلات، وهي أشكال رباعية الأضلاع تشبه هذه الصفحة. كم عدد المستطيلات التي تراها حولك؟", + "Sometimes, seeing lots of straight lines is dull. Do you find these lines interesting or dull? Is the curvy pot more interesting?": "في بعض الأحيان، رؤية الكثير من الخطوط المستقيمة مملة. هل تجد هذه الخطوط مثيرة للاهتمام أم مملة؟ هل القدر المنحني أكثر إثارة للاهتمام؟", + "\"Mother, please tell us our rainbow story,\" said Erdoo. \"Yes, please mother, I want to hear it too,\" Udoo chimed in. \"Me three,\" Eryum begged, lifting up three little fingers.\n\n\"Well, let me see, mmmm,\" she said playfully. \"Okay lovelies, gather round. Mother, the storyteller is here!\"": "\"أمي، من فضلك أخبرينا بقصتنا عن قوس القزح,“ قالت إردو. \"نعم، من فضلك، أمي، أريد أن أسمعها أيضًا,“ انضمت أودو. \"وأنا أيضًا,“ توسل إريوم، رافعًا ثلاثة أصابع صغيرة.\n\nقالت تمازحهم: \"حسنًا، دعوني أرى، هممم“. \"حسنًا، تعالوا يا أحبائي. الأم، الحكاءة، هنا!“", + "Is there someone you know who makes up stories to tell you? Describe the feeling you have when someone tells you a story.": "هل تعرف شخصًا يبتكر قصصًا ليخبرك بها؟ صف الشعور الذي تشعر به عندما يخبرك شخص ما بقصة.", + "Sometimes a group of people will create a story together by taking turns making up parts of the story. Have you ever tried this?": "في بعض الأحيان، ينشئ مجموعة من الأشخاص قصة معًا عن طريق تبادل الأدوار في ابتكار أجزاء من القصة. هل سبق لك أن جربت هذا؟", + "How can you tell the children are happy on this page? What do you see in their faces and body positions that make it obvious?": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن الأطفال سعداء في هذه الصفحة؟ ما الذي تراه في وجوههم ووضعيات أجسامهم يجعل ذلك واضحًا؟", + "Erdoo ran for the naha, the stirring stick they used as their totem. She handed it over to mother. Eryum got the headgear for mother to wear. It never failed to put her in character.\n\nThey all sat quietly to listen to the story they had heard many times. Udoo blew the whistle, telling mother to start. The story began.": "ركضت إردو للحصول على \"الناها“، وهي عصا التحريك التي يستخدمونها كرمز لهم. سلمتها للأم. وجاء إريوم بغطاء الرأس للأم لارتدائه. لم يفشل أبدًا في وضعها في الشخصية.\n\nجلسوا جميعًا بهدوء للاستماع إلى القصة التي سمعوها مرات عديدة. أودو نفخت في الصفارة، تخبر الأم بالبدء. بدأت القصة.", + "Do you have special clothes or objects that you use for particular events like story telling?": "هل لديك ملابس أو أشياء خاصة تستخدمها لأحداث معينة مثل رواية القصص؟", + "Having a set of things, or particular places, associated with a type of event helps create a sense of shared occasion. Describe some special events, such as birthday parties, when you wear special clothes or do particular activities.": "وجود مجموعة من الأشياء، أو أماكن معينة، مرتبطة بنوع من الأحداث يساعد في خلق إحساس بالمناسبة المشتركة. صف بعض الأحداث الخاصة، مثل حفلات أعياد الميلاد، عندما ترتدي ملابس خاصة أو تقوم بأنشطة معينة.", + "The frame on the wall is a rectangle, but not the rug on the floor. An oval is a circle that has been stretched or shrunken in one direction. What do you think, is this rug a perfect circle or is it an oval?": "الإطار على الحائط مستطيل، لكن السجادة على الأرض ليست كذلك. البيضاوي هو دائرة تم تمديدها أو تصغيرها في اتجاه واحد. ما رأيك، هل هذه السجادة دائرة مثالية أم بيضاوية؟", + "\"Once, the rainbow was a magical river. It was hidden inside the green woods of Mbadede. Because it had healing powers, it was guarded.\n\nIf you were sick, you drank the water. The rainbow was always happy to share. Bit it didn't like badly behaved people.\"": "\"كان قوس القزح نهرًا سحريًا مخفيًا في داخل غابات مباديدي الخضراء. نظرًا لأن لديه قوى شفاء، فقد كان محروسًا.\n\nإذا كنت مريضًا، كنت تشرب الماء. كان قوس القزح دائمًا سعيدًا بالمشاركة. لكنه لم يعجب بالأشخاص الذين يتصرفون بشكل سيء.“", + "This story talks about the rainbow river as though it could feel and think. Do you think non-animals in our world have feelings and thoughts?": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن نهر قوس القزح وكأنه يمكنه الشعور والتفكير. هل تعتقد أن الأشياء غير الحيوانية في عالمنا لديها مشاعر وأفكار؟", + "This story talks about the river not liking badly behaved people. This is called foreshadowing. It tells us that such a person will soon appear in the story.": "تتحدث هذه القصة عن نهر لا يعجب بالأشخاص الذين يتصرفون بشكل سيء. هذا يسمى التنبؤ. إنه يخبرنا أن مثل هذا الشخص سيظهر قريبًا في القصة.", + "What do you think a badly behaved person could do to upset the river?": "ما الذي تعتقد أن الشخص الذي يتصرف بشكل سيء يمكن أن يفعله لإزعاج النهر؟", + "\"Because of the river's magic, there was ice cream along the banks! Everyone who came to drink the water also enjoyed the ice cream, especially children.\n\nThe ice cream from the river was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and indigo.\"": "\"بسبب سحر النهر، كان هناك آيس كريم على ضفافه! كل من جاء ليشرب الماء استمتع أيضًا بالآيس كريم، خاصة الأطفال.\n\nالآيس كريم من النهر كان بالألوان الأحمر، البرتقالي، الأصفر، الأخضر، الأزرق، البنفسجي، والنيلي.“", + "How is this list of colors different from the Roy G. Biv list of rainbow colors?": "كيف يختلف هذا القائمة من الألوان عن قائمة \"روي جي. بيف\" لألوان قوس القزح؟", + "They are getting ice cream all over themselves. When you eat, do you like to be neat and tidy, or do you enjoy making a mess?": "يصبون الآيس كريم على أنفسهم. عندما تأكل، هل تحب أن تكون نظيفًا ومرتبًا، أم تستمتع بصنع الفوضى؟", + "It's fun to see the colors mixing together on the river bank. When you mix yellow and blue you get green. What happens when you mix other colors?": "من الممتع رؤية الألوان تختلط معًا على ضفاف النهر. عندما تخلط الأصفر والأزرق تحصل على الأخضر. ماذا يحدث عندما تخلط الألوان الأخرى؟", + "\"One day, a naughty old woman called Mbom came from the land beyond. On arrival, she met with a guard. He did not know her and he felt a strange feeling. But he did not listen to his feelings.\n\nHe pointed the way into the woods and told her to respect the river. Mbom agreed and went to the water.\"": "\"يومًا ما، جاءت امرأة عجوز شقية تدعى مبوم من الأرض البعيدة. عند وصولها، التقت بحارس. لم يعرفها وشعر بشعور غريب. لكنه لم يستمع إلى شعوره.\n\nوأشار إلى الطريق المؤدي إلى الغابة وأخبرها بأن تحترم النهر. وافقت مبوم وذهبت إلى الماء.“", + "Sometimes we get feelings about things we can sense but not quite understand. Learning to listen to those feelings and makes sense of them is a great skill learned over a lifetime.": "في بعض الأحيان، نحصل على مشاعر حول الأشياء التي يمكننا الشعور بها ولكن لا نفهمها تمامًا. تعلم الاستماع إلى تلك المشاعر وفهمها هو مهارة رائعة يتم تعلمها على مدار الحياة.", + "Have you ever seen a person who didn't seem quite right to you, or perhaps you were in a situation where you were afraid but didn't know why? Listen to those feelings when you have them and try to understand them.": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت شخصًا لم يبدو لك صحيحًا، أو ربما كنت في موقف شعرت فيه بالخوف ولكن لم تعرف السبب؟ استمع إلى تلك المشاعر عندما تكون لديك وحاول فهمها.", + "There is a large forest behind them. How many trees can you count?": "هناك غابة كبيرة خلفهم. كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها؟", + "\"She took a drink and was healed. Then she looked around to make sure she wasn't being watched.\n\nMbom picked up a stone and threw it in. She watched as it rose, and spread into a ripple. Pleased, she picked up a stick. She threw it in. The same thing happened.\"": "\"شربت من الماء وتم شفاءها. ثم نظرت حولها لتتأكد من عدم وجود من يراقبها..\n\nالتقطت مبوم حجرًا ورمته في الماء. وراقبته وهو يرتفع، وينتشر في شكل تموج. فرحت، فالتقطت عصا وألقتها في الماء. فحدث نفس الشيء.“", + "It seems Mbom's body was healed, but she was still sick at heart. Do you think this is what the guard sensed about her?": "يبدو أن جسد مبوم تم شفاءه، لكنها ما زالت مريضة في قلبها. هل تعتقد أن هذا ما شعر به الحارس حيالها؟", + "Why do you suppose the river couldn't heal her heart?": "لماذا تعتقد أن النهر لم يتمكن من شفاء قلبها؟", + "You would think she would be overjoyed at being healed; however, she doesn't look happy. Why did she throw the stone and stick into the river?": "من المفترض أن تكون سعيدة بالشفاء؛ ومع ذلك، لا تبدو سعدة. لماذا رمت الحجر والعصا في النهر؟", + "\"Mbom jumped right into the water! She hoped to get everlasting life. As soon as she jumped, the river rose up. It shot high into the sky, never to return to Mbadede. But sometimes the rainbow follows after the rain, to feel like a river again.\n\nAnd there my story ends.\" said mother.": "\"قفزت مبوم في الماء! كانت تأمل في الحصول على الحياة الأبدية. بمجرد أن قفزت، ارتفع النهر. ارتفع عاليًا في السماء، ولم يعد أبدًا إلى مباديدي. ولكن في بعض الأحيان يتبع قوس القزح المطر، ليشعر وكأنه نهر مرة أخرى.\n\nوهكذا تنتهي قصتي,“ قالت الأم.", + "Do you think it is possible for anyone to live forever? Do you think the universe will be around forever?": "هل تعتقد أنه من الممكن لأي شخص أن يعيش إلى الأبد؟ هل تعتقد أن الكون سيبقى إلى الأبد؟", + "One selfish or thoughtless person can ruin a situation for everyone. Why do you suppose it can take a lot of work from a lot of people to make a good thing, and it is so easy for a few people to ruin it?": "شخص واحد أناني أو غير مبالي يمكن أن يدمر الوضع للجميع. لماذا تعتقد أن الأمر يتطلب الكثير من العمل من الكثير من الأشخاص لإنشاء شيء جيد، ومن السهل جدًا على عدد قليل من الأشخاص تدميره؟", + "Can you think of a time when you were with friends and one person ruined the good time for everyone else?": "هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كنت مع أصدقائك وفسد شخص واحد الوقت الجيد للجميع؟", + "\"So my lovelies tell me, why do you love this story so much?\" asked mother. \"You often ask me to tell it.\"\n\n\"I love it because it reminds me to pay attention to my feelings,\" Udoo smiled. \"It helps me to remember the colors of the rainbow,\" added Erdoo.": "\"إذًا يا أحبائي، أخبروني، لماذا تحبون هذه القصة كثيرًا؟“ سألت الأم. \"دائمًا ما تطلبون مني أن أخبركم بها.“\n\n\"أحبها لأنها تذكرني بالاهتمام بمشاعري,“ قالت أودو بابتسامة. \"تساعدني على تذكر ألوان قوس القزح,“ أضافت إردو.", + "Do you remember the colors of the rainbow now?": "هل تتذكر ألوان قوس القزح الآن؟", + "Many things in this picture come in pairs. See how many you can find.": "العديد من الأشياء في هذه الصورة تأتي في أزواج. كم يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "If you combine the chairs and people together, how many legs do they have? Did you skip count the legs by 2's to figure it out?": "إذا جمعت الكراسي والأشخاص معًا، كم عدد الأرجل التي لديهم؟ هل قمت بعد الأرجل بالقفز ب٢ لمعرفة العدد؟", + "Eryum tried to push his luck, \"I love it because it reminds me of ice cream! Can I have some now, pleeeaaase?\"\n\n\"Mmmm. It's cold now, let's eat ice cream tomorrow. Shall we?\" mother says. Then she adds, \"Next time, I will tell the tale of the end of the rainbow.\"": "حاول إريوم أن يجرب حظه، \"أنا أحبها لأنها تذكرني بالآيس كريم! هل يمكنني أن أحصل على بعضه الآن، من فضلك؟“\n\n\"هممم. الجو بارد الآن، دعنا نأكل الآيس كريم غدًا. ما رأيك؟“ تقول الأم. ثم تضيف، \"في المرة القادمة، سأروي قصة نهاية قوس القزح.“", + "Do you like ice cream? If you could, would you eat ice cream all the time?": "هل تحب الآيس كريم؟ إذا كان بإمكانك، هل كنت ستأكل الآيس كريم طوال الوقت؟", + "What is your favorite food? Is your choice different at different times -- for example, one favorite for when it's hot and another when it is cold?": "ما هو طعامك المفضل؟ هل يختلف اختيارك في أوقات مختلفة - على سبيل المثال، طعام مفضل عند الحر وآخر عند البرد؟", + "Some people say there is treasure at the end of the rainbow. Make up a story this mother might tell about a treasure at the end of the rainbow.": "يقول بعض الناس أن هناك كنزًا في نهاية قوس القزح. ابتكر قصة قد ترويها هذه الأم عن كنز في نهاية قوس القزح.", "Long time ago, animals had no legs.\n\nThey all used to crawl.": "منذ زمن طويل، لم تكن للحيوانات أرجل.\n\nكانت جميعها تزحف.", "Imagine if you had to crawl everywhere. How hard would that be?": "تخيل لو كان عليك الزحف في كل مكان. ما هو مدى صعوبة ذلك؟", "An estimate is an educated guess. Without counting, estimate how many spots the giraffe has. Now count the spots and see how close you came.": "التقدير هو تخمين مدروس. بدون العد، قم بتقدير عدد البقع الموجودة على الزرافة. الآن قم بعدّ البقع وشاهد مدى قرب تقديرك منها.", @@ -2415,6 +3083,286 @@ "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?": "عائلة ندالو تطعم بيندو وتعتني بها، وتقدم لهم بيندو الحليب بالمقابل. هل يبدو ذلك بمثابة تجارة عادلة؟", "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.": "تحدث عن بعض الأماكن التي يأتي منها طعامك.", "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?": "هل أنت شاكر للمكان الذي يأتي منه طعامك؟", + "Sakima lived with his parents and his four-year-old sister.\n\nThey lived on a rich man's land.\n\nTheir grass-thatched hut was at the end of a row of trees.": "عاش ساكيما مع والديه وأخته التي تبلغ من العمر ٤ سنوات.\n\nعاشوا على أرض رجل غني.\n\nكان كوخهم المصنوع من القش عند نهاية صف من الأشجار.", + "There are many bold colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?": "هناك العديد من الألوان الجريئة في هذه الصورة. أي ألوان قوس قزح مفقودة؟", + "The windows in the distance are rectangular, they are four-side shapes like this page. Do you see rectangles around where you are?": "النوافذ في المسافة مستطيلة، هي أشكال بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. هل ترى مستطيلات حولك؟", + "When the four sides of a rectangle are the same length, the rectangle is called a square. Are some of the rectangles around you squares?": "عندما تكون الجوانب الأربعة لمستطيل بطول واحد، يسمى المستطيل مربعا. هل بعض المستطيلات حولك مربعات؟", + "When Sakima was three years old, he fell sick and lost his sight.\n\nSakima was a talented boy.": "عندما كان ساكيما في الثالثة من عمره، مرض وفقد بصره.\n\nكان ساكيما فتى موهوبا.", + "Do you know someone who has lost their hearing or sight?": "هل تعرف شخصًا فقد سمعه أو بصره؟", + "Can you name all the major senses that people generally have?": "هل يمكنك تسمية جميع الحواس الرئيسية التي يمتلكها الناس عادة؟", + "Losing one sense often causes a person to develop some of their other senses more fully. Blind people often get much better at listening because it helps them to know where things are.": "فقدان إحدى الحواس غالبًا ما يجعل الشخص يطور بعض الحواس الأخرى بشكل أفضل. الأشخاص المكفوفون غالبًا ما يتحسنون في الاستماع لأنه يساعدهم في معرفة مكان الأشياء.", + "Sakima did many things that other six-year-old children did not do.\n\nFor example, he could sit with older members of the village and discuss matters.": "قام ساكيما بأشياء كثيرة لم يفعلها أطفال في سن السادسة.\n\nعلى سبيل المثال، كان يمكنه الجلوس مع كبار القرية ومناقشة الأمور.", + "Why do you think Sakima became good at talking with older people? Perhaps because he couldn't be out playing games and being distracted by things he saw, he was better able to listen and focus on what people were saying. What do you think?": "لماذا تعتقد أن ساكيما أصبح جيدًا في الحديث مع كبار السن؟ ربما لأنه لم يستطع الخروج للعب الألعاب والتشتيت بالأشياء التي يراها، كان يستطيع التركيز والاستماع بشكل أفضل إلى ما يقوله الناس. ما رأيك؟", + "Do you enjoy talking with adults, or do you prefer to talk with children your own age?": "هل تستمتع بالحديث مع البالغين، أم تفضل التحدث مع الأطفال في عمرك؟", + "Often, children and adults have different things they like to talk about. What are some of the things you like to talk about with your friends?": "غالبًا ما يكون لدى الأطفال والبالغين أشياء مختلفة يحبون التحدث عنها. ما هي بعض الأشياء التي تحب التحدث عنها مع أصدقائك؟", + "Sakima's parents worked at the rich man's house.\n\nThey left home early in the morning and returned late in the evening.\n\nSakima was left with his little sister.": "عمل والدا ساكيما في منزل الرجل الغني.\n\nكانوا يغادرون المنزل مبكرًا في الصباح ويعودون في وقت متأخر من المساء.\n\nكان ساكيما يبقى مع أخته الصغيرة.", + "Waving seems like something that sighted people would learn to do when they see other people waving. How do you suppose Sakima learned to wave?": "التلويح يبدو وكأنه شيء يتعلمه الأشخاص المبصرين عندما يرون أشخاص آخرين يلوحون. كيف تعتقد أن ساكيما تعلم التلويح؟", + "Look at the trees in this picture. The near trees are about twice as tall as an adult, but the tree farthest back is a little bit taller than the house. Do you think the artist made a mistake?": "انظر إلى الأشجار في هذه الصورة. الأشجار القريبة تقريبًا ضعف طول الشخص البالغ، ولكن الشجرة الأبعد قليلاً أطول من المنزل. هل تعتقد أن الفنان ارتكب خطأ؟", + "An estimate is a best guess when you don't know exactly how big something is. Glance at the trees and estimate how many there are. Then count the trees and see how close your estimate is.": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين عندما لا تعرف بالضبط حجم شيء ما. ألقِ نظرة على الأشجار وقدر كم عددها. ثم عد الأشجار وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك.", + "Sakima loved to sing songs.\n\nOne day his mother asked him, \"Where do you learn these songs from, Sakima?\"": "كان ساكيما يحب الغناء.\n\nفي يوم من الأيام سألته أمه، \"من أين تتعلم هذه الأغاني، يا ساكيما؟“", + "Why do you think Sakima learned to sing songs to himself?": "لماذا تعتقد أن ساكيما تعلم الغناء لنفسه؟", + "Do you like to sing songs? Do you have a favorite song you sing or like to listen to?": "هل تحب الغناء؟ هل لديك أغنية مفضلة تغنيها أو تحب الاستماع إليها؟", + "This picture has some notes written in sheet music form. Writing notes this way allows anyone to learn the notes of a song. Do you know how to read notes to sing or play on an instrument?": "هذه الصورة بها بعض النوتات المكتوبة بشكل موسيقي. كتابة النوتات بهذه الطريقة تسمح لأي شخص بتعلم نوتات الأغنية. هل تعرف كيفية قراءة النوتات للغناء أو العزف على آلة موسيقية؟", + "Sakima answered, \"I just know them, mother. I hear them in my mind and then I sing.\"": "أجاب ساكيما، \"أنا فقط أعرفها، يا أمي. أسمعها في ذهني ثم اقوم بغنائها.“", + "Have you ever made up a new song just for fun? Create a new song now and see what happens. You can make up new words to a melody you already know.": "هل سبق لك أن اخترعت أغنية جديدة من باب المرح؟ اخترع أغنية جديدة الآن وشاهد ما يحدث. يمكنك تأليف كلمات جديدة على لحن تعرفه بالفعل.", + "Songs can be about favorite people, animals, or places, or about a memory that is special to you. There are many things to write songs about.": "يمكن أن تكون الأغاني عن الأشخاص المفضلين، الحيوانات، الأماكن، أو عن ذكرى خاصة بك. هناك العديد من الأشياء لكتابة الأغاني عنها.", + "Do you think Sakima is nearly as tall as his mother? He looks much shorter than she is in the other pictures. Why do you think the illustrator drew them this way?": "هل تعتقد أن ساكيما قريب من طول أمه؟ يبدو أقصر بكثير منها في الصور الأخرى. لماذا تعتقد أن الرسام رسمهم بهذه الطريقة؟", + "Sakima liked to sing for his little sister, especially, if she felt hungry.\n\nHis sister would listen to him singing his favorite song. She would sway to the soothing tune.": "كان ساكيما يحب الغناء لأخته الصغيرة، خاصةً إذا شعرت بالجوع.\n\nكانت أخته تستمع إليه يغني أغنيته المفضلة. كانت تتمايل مع اللحن المرح.", + "Why did he like to sing to his sister when she was hungry?": "لماذا كان يحب الغناء لأخته عندما تشعر بالجوع؟", + "Do you sometimes listen to music to help change your mood or what you are thinking about? Is there particular music that makes you happy or sad?": "هل تستمع أحيانًا إلى الموسيقى لتساعد في تغيير مزاجك أو ما تفكر فيه؟ هل هناك موسيقى معينة تجعلك سعيدًا أو حزينًا؟", + "All the lines in their home are curved. There aren't any straight lines. Is there any place around you that is like that?": "كل الخطوط في منزلهم منحنية. لا توجد خطوط مستقيمة. هل هناك مكان حولك يشبه ذلك؟", + "\"Can you sing it again and again, Sakima?\" his sister would beg him.\n\nSakima would accept and sing it over and over again.": "\"كانت أخته تتوسل إليه وتقول“ هل يمكنك غنائها مرات عديدة، يا ساكيما؟.\n\nفكان ساكيما يقبل ويغنيها مرارًا وتكرارًا.", + "Have you ever tried to convince someone to do something repeatedly with you that you really enjoy doing? It can be very difficult. Were you successful?": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت إقناع شخص ما بفعل شيء متكرر معك تستمتع بفعله؟ قد يكون الأمر صعبًا جدًا. هل كنت ناجحًا؟", + "Sakima is a really kind and thoughtful big brother! Are you kind like that with anyone you know?": "ساكيما هو حقًا أخ كبير طيب ومهتم! هل أنت طيب مثل ذلك مع أي شخص تعرفه؟", + "Look at how this room is drawn. Do you think it was drawn accurately? Try to describe which pieces don't seem quite right to you and what is wrong with them.": "انظر كيف تم رسم هذه الغرفة. هل تعتقد أنها رسمت بدقة؟ حاول وصف الأجزاء التي تبدو لك غير صحيحة وما هو الخطأ فيها.", + "One evening when his parents returned home, they were very quiet.\n\nSakima knew that there was something wrong.": "في إحدى الأمسيات عندما عاد والديه إلى المنزل، كانوا يجلسون في هدؤ شديد جدًا.\n\nعرف ساكيما أن هناك شيئًا ما قد حدث.", + "What do you think is wrong? Make up a reason or two that would make everyone quiet and sad.": "ما رأيك قد يكون الخطأ؟ اخترع سببًا أو سببين يجعل الجميع هادئين وحزينين.", + "Think of ways this story might end. What kinds of adventures could a blind child who loves to sing have with his family? What kinds of problems can singing solve?": "فكر في طرق قد تنتهي بها هذه القصة. ما نوع المغامرات التي قد يخوضها طفل كفيف يحب الغناء مع عائلته؟ ما نوع المشاكل التي يمكن أن يحلها الغناء؟", + "When you are feeling sad, do you prefer to be quiet about it? Sometimes, sharing what is making you sad can help relieve your burden and put you on the road to feeling better. Also, the person you share it with may be able to help cheer you up.": "عندما تشعر بالحزن، هل تفضل أن تكون هادئًا بشأنه؟ في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن يساعدك مشاركة ما يجعلك حزينًا في تخفيف العبء عنك ووضعك على طريق الشعور بالتحسن. وأيضًا، قد يتمكن الشخص الذي تشاركه من مساعدتك في تشجيعك.", + "\"What is wrong, mother, father?\" Sakima asked.\n\nSakima learned that the rich man's son was missing.\n\nThe man was very sad and lonely.": "\"ما الأمر، يا أمي ما الأمر يا أبي؟“ سأل ساكيما.\n\nعلم ساكيما أن ابن الرجل الغني كان مفقودًا.\n\nكان الرجل حزينًا ووحيدًا جدًا.", + "How do you think Sakima will try to solve this problem?": "كيف تعتقد أن ساكيما سيحاول حل هذه المشكلة؟", + "Have you ever missed someone you felt close to but hadn't seen for a long time? What helped you feel better at such a time?": "هل افتقدت يومًا شخصًا قريبًا منك ولم تره لفترة طويلة؟ ما الذي ساعدك على الشعور بالتحسن في مثل هذا الوقت؟", + "The three people in this picture are using their hands in different ways. Each one is communicating a different message. What do you think each one is saying with their hands?": "الأشخاص الثلاثة في هذه الصورة يستخدمون أيديهم بطرق مختلفة. كل واحد منهم ينقل رسالة مختلفة. ماذا تعتقد أن كل واحد منهم يقول بيديه؟", + "\"I can sing for him. He might be happy again,\" Sakima told his parents.\n\nBut his parents dismissed him. \"He is very rich. You are only a blind boy. Do you think your song will help him?\"": "\"قال ساكيما لوالديه“ يمكنني الغناء له. \"ربما يصبح سعيدًا مرة أخرى.“\n\nلكن والديه رفضا فكرته. \"إنه غني جدًا. وأنت مجرد فتى أعمى. هل تعتقد أن أغنيتك ستساعده؟“", + "Are there songs that always make you feel happy no matter how you felt before hearing the song?": "هل هناك أغاني تجعلك تشعر بالسعادة دائمًا بغض النظر عن شعورك قبل سماع الأغنية؟", + "What is his father really saying when he says the man is very rich and Sakima is only a blind boy? Do you think blind boys can make rich people happy?": "ماذا يقصد والده حقًا عندما يقول أن الرجل غني جدًا وأن ساكيما مجرد فتى أعمى. هل تعتقد أن الفتيان العميان يمكنهم إسعاد الناس الأغنياء؟", + "Now look at what Sakima's father and mother are doing with their hands, faces, and bodies. Without using words, what are they communicating this time?": "الآن انظر إلى ما يفعله والد ساكيما ووالدته بأيديهم ووجوههم وأجسادهم. بدون استخدام كلمات، ماذا ينقلون هذه المرة؟", + "However, Sakima did not give up. His little sister supported him.\n\nShe said, \"Sakima's songs soothe me when I am hungry. They will soothe the rich man too.\"": "ومع ذلك، لم يستسلم ساكيما. دعمته أخته الصغيرة.\n\nقالت، \"أغاني ساكيما تهدئني عندما أشعر بالجوع. ستريح الرجل الغني أيضًا.“", + "Whether it is a rich man or Sakima's sister, a beautiful song can improve anyone's day!": "سواء كان الرجل الغني أو أخت ساكيما، يمكن لأغنية جميلة أن تحسن يوم أي شخص!", + "His parents look skeptical, but they are willing to give it a try. Have there been times when you thought you could do something and the people around you doubted that you could? Who ended up being right?": "يبدو أن والديه متشككين، لكنهم مستعدون لتجربة الأمر. هل كانت هناك أوقات كنت تعتقد أنك تستطيع فعل شيء ما وشك الناس من حولك في قدرتك على فعله؟ من كان على حق في النهاية؟", + "This time, look at Sakima's sister's hands. What are her hands showing, especially her right hand? People say a lot with their bodies without using any words.": "هذه المرة، انظر إلى يدي أخت ساكيما. ماذا تظهر يديها، خاصة يدها اليمنى؟ الناس يقولون الكثير بأجسادهم بدون استخدام كلمات.", + "The following day, Sakima asked his little sister to lead him to the rich man's house.": "في اليوم التالي، طلب ساكيما من أخته الصغيرة أن تقوده إلى منزل الرجل الغني.", + "Sometime, when you're with someone, walk around holding their hand keeping your eyes closed. You will probably notice many things that you usually ignore. You will start feeling, hearing, and sensing your space in a fresh way!": "في بعض الأحيان، عندما تكون مع شخص ما، امشِ ممسكًا بيده وأنت مغمض العينين. ستلاحظ على الأرجح أشياء كثيرة عادة ما تتجاهلها. ستبدأ في الشعور والاستماع والإحساس بمساحتك بطريقة جديدة!", + "Do you know why Sakima has a stick? Blind people often use sticks to help them find their way and to avoid stumbling over things. The sticks touch the ground so the person can feel bumps or things in the way. Those sticks are often painted white with a red tip so that other people will know the stick holder is blind.": "هل تعرف لماذا يحمل ساكيما عصا؟ الأشخاص المكفوفون غالبًا ما يستخدمون العصا لمساعدتهم في معرفة طريقهم وتجنب التعثر بالأشياء. تلمس العصا الأرض حتى يتمكن الشخص من الشعور بالنتوءات أو الأشياء في الطريق. غالبًا ما يتم طلاء هذه العصي بالأبيض مع طرف أحمر ليعرف الناس الآخرون أن حامل العصا أعمى.", + "Look at the trees behind them. We have seen those trees earlier in the story, and they have large crowns (the area where their branches are). Do you think the illustrator has drawn them too close together in this picture?": "انظر إلى الأشجار خلفهم. لقد رأينا تلك الأشجار في وقت سابق في القصة، ولديها تيجان كبيرة (المنطقة التي توجد فيها الفروع). هل تعتقد أن الرسام قد رسمها قريبة جدًا من بعضها في هذه الصورة؟", + "He stood below a window and began to sing his favorite song.\n\nSlowly, the head of the rich man began to show through the window.": "وقف تحت نافذة وبدأ يغني أغنيته المفضلة.\n\nببطء، بدأ رأس الرجل الغني يظهر من خلال النافذة.", + "Sakima might be blind, but his gift of singing made a huge difference to the rich man. People have a wide variety of skills, and each skill can make a big contribution in the right context.": "قد يكون ساكيما أعمى، لكن موهبته في الغناء أحدثت فرقًا كبيرًا للرجل الغني. لدى الناس مجموعة واسعة من المهارات، ويمكن لكل مهارة أن تساهم بشكل كبير في السياق المناسب.", + "Do you have some surprising skills that people don't always fully appreciate? Are there skills other people have that you sometimes don't give enough recognition?": "هل لديك مهارات مفاجئة لا يقدرها الناس دائمًا بشكل كامل؟ هل هناك مهارات يمتلكها الآخرون ولا تعطيها الاعتراف الكافي؟", + "There are a lot of notes (the dark or hollow circles) on that page. Use your new estimation skills and estimate how many notes there are. They are hard to count, but count them as best you can and see how close your estimate was.": "هناك الكثير من النوتات (الدوائر الداكنة أو الجوفاء) في تلك الصفحة. استخدم مهاراتك الجديدة في التقدير وقدر عدد النوتات الموجودة. يصعب عدها، لكن عدها بأفضل ما يمكنك وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك.", + "The workers stopped what they were doing. They listened to Sakima's beautiful song.\n\nBut one man said, \"Nobody has been able to console the boss. Does this blind boy think he will console him?\"": "توقف العمال عن العمل. استمعوا إلى أغنية ساكيما الجميلة.\n\nلكن رجلًا قال، \"لم يتمكن أحد من مواساة المدير. هل يعتقد هذا الفتى الأعمى أنه سيواسيه؟“", + "Look at all the different colors the people are wearing. Describe the difference in the coloring of their clothes and the rich man's clothes.": "انظر إلى جميع الألوان المختلفة التي يرتديها الناس. صف الفرق في تلوين ملابسهم وملابس الرجل الغني.", + "Did you notice the rectangles on this page?": "هل لاحظت المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة؟", + "What is wrong with this picture of the rich man? In a scene, the farther away the same thing is, the smaller it should be. The rich man's head is a little farther away than everyone else, and yet his head is drawn much larger than everyone else's. Hmmm ....": "ما الخطأ في هذه الصورة للرجل الغني؟ في المشهد، كلما كانت نفس الشيء أبعد، كان يجب أن يكون أصغر. رأس الرجل الغني أبعد قليلاً من الآخرين، ومع ذلك رأسه مرسوم أكبر من رؤوس الجميع. همم ....", + "Sakima finished singing his song and turned to leave.\n\nBut the rich man rushed out and said, \"Please sing the song again.\"": "أنهى ساكيما غناء أغنيته واستدار للمغادرة.\n\nلكن الرجل الغني اندفع للخارج وقال، \"من فضلك غنِ الأغنية مرة أخرى.“", + "Look at the faces of the people in the crowd. What are they thinking about all this?": "انظر إلى وجوه الناس في الحشد. ماذا يعتقدون بشأن كل هذا؟", + "Parallel lines are lines that go in exactly the same direction and would never meet if they kept going. Notice how the bottom and top sides of these windows are not parallel. However, these lines, including the base of the house, should be parallel. Hmmm ...": "الخطوط المتوازية هي خطوط تسير في نفس الاتجاه تمامًا ولن تلتقي أبدًا إذا استمرت في السير. لاحظ كيف أن الجوانب السفلية والعلوية لهذه النوافذ ليست متوازية. ومع ذلك، ينبغي أن تكون هذه الخطوط، بما في ذلك قاعدة المنزل، متوازية. همم ...", + "Compare the rich man's clothes to the other people's clothes. What are the ways his shirt and pants are different from everyone else's clothes?": "قارن ملابس الرجل الغني بملابس الأشخاص الآخرين. ما هي الطرق التي تختلف فيها قميصه وسرواله عن ملابس الآخرين؟", + "At that very moment, two men came carrying someone on a stretcher.\n\nThey had found the rich man's son beaten up and left on the side of the road.": "في تلك اللحظة بالضبط، جاء رجلان يحملان شخصًا على نقالة.\n\nلقد وجدوا ابن الرجل الغني مضروبًا وملقى على جانب الطريق.", + "Have you ever tried to carry something as heavy as a person? It is hard work, even for two people, to carry someone for a distance.": "هل حاولت يومًا حمل شيء ثقيل مثل شخص؟ إنه عمل شاق، حتى لشخصين، حمل شخص لمسافة.", + "The two people carrying the son look like they are working very hard. What about their bodies shows that they are carrying a heavy load?": "يبدو أن الشخصين اللذين يحملان الابن يعملان بجد. ماذا يظهر عن أجسامهم أنهم يحملون حملاً ثقيلاً؟", + "Notice how the tree trunks are now farther apart than when Sakima was walking toward the house. Given the large trunks, do some of the tree crowns look a little small to you?": "لاحظ كيف أن جذوع الأشجار الآن متباعدة أكثر مما كانت عليه عندما كان ساكيما يسير نحو المنزل. بالنظر إلى الجذوع الكبيرة، هل تبدو بعض تيجان الأشجار صغيرة قليلاً بالنسبة لك؟", + "The rich man was so happy to see his son again.\n\nHe rewarded Sakima for consoling him.\n\nHe took his son and Sakima to the hospital to check if Sakima could see again.": "كان الرجل الغني سعيدًا جدًا لرؤية ابنه مرة أخرى.\n\nوكافأ ساكيما لمواساته له.\n\nأخذ ابنه وساكيما إلى المستشفى للتحقق مما إذا كان ساكيما يستطيع الرؤية مرة أخرى.", + "One person being nice often causes other people to be nice. It can make a big difference in a community when people look out for each other.": "كون شخص واحد لطيفًا غالبًا ما يجعل الآخرين يكونون لطيفين أيضًا. يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في المجتمع عندما يعتني الناس ببعضهم البعض.", + "Drawing things with perspective is a way of making our world look realistic when drawn on a flat page. It is tricky to do correctly. What are some mistakes the illustrator has made with this drawing?": "رسم الأشياء بالمنظور هو طريقة لجعل عالمنا يبدو واقعيًا عند رسمه على صفحة مسطحة. إنه من الصعب القيام به بشكل صحيح. ما هي بعض الأخطاء التي ارتكبها الرسام في هذا الرسم؟", + "Try drawing a simple scene with just a few things using perspective. Do you notice how hard it is to get the relationships between things right?": "حاول رسم مشهد بسيط يحتوي على بضعة أشياء فقط باستخدام المنظور. هل تلاحظ مدى صعوبة جعل العلاقات بين الأشياء صحيحة؟", + "The winter cold had passed. Spring was coming to Nkanyezi's village. Soon the villagers would gather to celebrate the new season. Nkanyezi looked forward to the Spring Festival more than any other day of the year.": "لقد انقضى برد الشتاء. كان الربيع قادمًا إلى قرية نكانيازي. قريبًا سيتجمع القرويون للاحتفال بالموسم الجديد. كانت نكانيازي تتطلع إلى يوم مهرجان الربيع أكثر من أي يوم آخر في السنة.", + "The Spring Festival is a big event for Nkanyezi and her village. What are some celebrations that you look forward to? What makes them special for you?": "مهرجان الربيع هو حدث كبير لنكانيازي وقريتها. ما هي بعض الاحتفالات التي تتطلع إليها؟ ما الذي يجعلها مميزة بالنسبة لك؟", + "A butterfly has landed on her hand. Have you ever had a butterfly land on you?": "فراشة حطت على يدها. هل سبق لك أن حطت فراشة عليك؟", + "Identify different shapes in this picture. There are circles, ovals (stretched circles), arcs (parts of circles), cones on the tops of the huts, and rectangles for the doors and windows.": "حدد الأشكال المختلفة في هذه الصورة. هناك دوائر، وبيضاوي (دوائر ممددة)، وأقواس (أجزاء من دوائر)، ومخاريط على قمم الأكواخ، ومستطيلات للأبواب والنوافذ.", + "One warm morning, Nkanyezi overheard two village elders talking about the festival. \"The people of Ndlovu have lost their spirit of celebration,\" one sighed. \"How can we have a Spring Festival in a village that has forgotten how to celebrate?\" asked another.": "في صباح دافئ، سمعت نكانيازي اثنين من شيوخ القرية يتحدثون عن المهرجان. \"لقد فقد أهل نديوفو روح الاحتفال“، تنهد أحدهم. \"كيف يمكننا إقامة مهرجان الربيع في قرية نسيت كيف تحتفل؟“ سأل الآخر.", + "On special occasions, groups of people come together and do things that celebrate that special day. What are some of the things that create a special day for you? (music, food, particular people, clothes, location, decorations, activities)": "في المناسبات الخاصة، تجتمع مجموعات من الناس وتقوم بأشياء تحتفل بهذا اليوم الخاص. ما هي بعض الأشياء التي تخلق يومًا خاصًا لك؟ (الموسيقى، الطعام، الأشخاص المعينين، الملابس، الموقع، الزينة، الأنشطة)", + "Have you ever listened in on someone else's conversation? When is it okay to do that and when is it invading someone's privacy?": "هل سبق لك أن استمعت إلى محادثة شخص آخر؟ متى يكون ذلك مقبولًا ومتى يعتبر انتهاكًا لخصوصية شخص ما؟", + "What about their faces tells you that the elders and Nkanyezi are worried?": "ماذا عن وجوههم يخبرك أن الشيوخ ونكانيازي قلقون؟", + "Nkanyezi was worried. \"How will the sun shine again unless we sing to wake it from its winter slumber?\" she asked herself. Nkanyezi thought for a long time. \"I must find what we have lost,\" she decided. \"I must go in search of things that will bring back the spirit of celebration to my village.\"": "كانت نكانيازي قلقة. \"كيف ستشرق الشمس مرة أخرى إذا لم نغني لإيقاظها من سباتها الشتوي؟“ سألت نفسها. فكرت نكانيازي لفترة طويلة. فقررت قائلة \"يجب أن أجد ما فقدناه“. \"يجب أن أبحث عن الأشياء التي ستعيد روح الاحتفال إلى قريتي.“", + "Nkanyezi is posing in a special way. What is she doing when she looks like this?": "نكانيازي تتخذ وضعية خاصة. ماذا تفعل عندما تبدو هكذا؟", + "Does she look old enough to go on a long journey by herself? What are some of the longest trips you have been on? Was it scary to be so far away or was it exciting to be in new places, or maybe some of both?": "هل تبدو كبيرة بما يكفي للقيام برحلة طويلة بمفردها؟ ما هي بعض أطول الرحلات التي قمت بها؟ هل كان مخيفًا أن تكون بعيدًا جدًا أم كان من المثير أن تكون في أماكن جديدة، أم ربما مزيج من الاثنين؟", + "Nkanyezi is practicing problem solving. Rather than giving up, she is going to think long and hard about the problem and she is going to get help from others who may have good ideas for her!": "نكانيازي تمارس حل المشكلات. بدلاً من الاستسلام، ستفكر طويلاً وبجد في المشكلة وستحصل على مساعدة من الآخرين الذين قد يكون لديهم أفكار جيدة لها!", + "The elders gave Nkanyezi their blessing for the journey. They gave her a bag to carry the things she would find. Nkanyezi was afraid, but she believed she would succeed.": "أعطى الشيوخ نكانيازي بركتهم للرحلة. أعطوها حقيبة لحمل الأشياء التي ستجدها. كانت نكانيازي خائفة، لكنها كانت تؤمن بأنها ستنجح.", + "Have you ever been afraid to do something you knew you should do? Fear can be a good thing when it stops us from doing something dangerous, but it can also get in the way when we know we need to do something we're afraid of.": "هل سبق لك أن خفت من فعل شيء كنت تعلم أنه يجب عليك فعله؟ يمكن أن يكون الخوف شيئًا جيدًا عندما يمنعنا من فعل شيء خطير، لكنه يمكن أن يكون أيضًا عائقًا عندما نعلم أننا بحاجة إلى فعل شيء نخاف منه.", + "How did you overcome your fear when you really had to do something you were afraid to do?": "كيف تغلبت على خوفك عندما كنت مضطرًا حقًا لفعل شيء كنت تخاف منه؟", + "Look at the red mountains in the distance. She will be traveling to them very soon. What do you think she will find there?": "انظر إلى الجبال الحمراء في المسافة. ستسافر إليها قريبًا جدًا. ماذا تعتقد أنها ستجد هناك؟", + "Nkanyezi walked all day. She hiked up a hill, and down into a valley. She sailed across the great river, and climbed between sharp rocks. She marched across the plains until she reached the shadow of the red mountains.": "مشيت نكانيازي طوال اليوم. صعدت التل، ونزلت إلى الوادي. أبحرت عبر النهر الكبير، وتسلقت بين الصخور الحادة. مشت عبر السهول حتى وصلت إلى ظل الجبال الحمراء.", + "She went by hills, valleys, rivers, rocks, plains, and mountains. Can you think of other land features not mentioned in this list?": "ذهبت عبر التلال، الوديان، الأنهار، الصخور، السهول، والجبال. هل يمكنك التفكير في ميزات أرضية أخرى لم تذكر في هذه القائمة؟", + "Have you ever been on a sailboat? The sails on her boat are in the shape of triangles. Sometimes sails on bigger sailboats are shaped like rectangles.": "هل سبق لك أن كنت على قارب شراعي؟ الأشرعة في قاربها على شكل مثلثات. أحيانًا تكون الأشرعة على القوارب الشراعية الأكبر على شكل مستطيلات.", + "Do you like being on a boat? Some people get seasick when they go on a boat (their stomachs get queasy). Do you know someone with that problem?": "هل تحب أن تكون على القارب؟ بعض الناس يصابون بدوار البحر عندما يذهبون على القارب (تشعر معدتهم بالغثيان). هل تعرف شخصًا يعاني من هذه المشكلة؟", + "As night was closing in, Nkanyezi arrived at a village of patterns and colors as she had never seen before. She told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people.\n\nThe mother of this tribe gave Nkanyezi a gift. She told the girl, \"With love we give to you this paint to restore color to your village.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the paint in her bag. Early the next morning she went on her way.": "ومع اقتراب الليل، وصلت نكانيازي إلى قرية من الأنماط والألوان كما لم ترها من قبل. أخبرت شيوخ القرية عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال لشعبها.\n\nأعطت أم هذه القبيلة نكانيازي هدية. قالت للفتاة، \"بالحب نعطيك هذا الطلاء لإعادة اللون إلى قريتك.“ شكرت نكانيازي الشيوخ ووضعت الطلاء في حقيبتها. في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم التالي واصلت طريقها.", + "How would you compare the colors this elder is wearing to the colors worn by the elders of Nkanyezi's village?": "كيف تقارن الألوان التي يرتديها هذا الشيخ بالألوان التي يرتديها شيوخ قرية نكانيازي؟", + "Which colors would you choose if you were creating a celebration? Bright, lively, high-energy colors would probably be a better idea for a celebration than dull, muted, low-energy colors.": "أي الألوان ستختار إذا كنت تنشئ احتفالاً؟ الألوان الساطعة والمفعمة بالحيوية ستكون فكرة أفضل للاحتفال من الألوان الباهتة والخافتة.", + "What are some of your favorite colors?": "ما هي بعض الألوان المفضلة لديك؟", + "Nkanyezi walked all day, through a vast forest of giant trees. As the sky became too dark for her to see, she heard the sound of beating drums. She hurried towards the drumming, feeling the spirit of dance coming to her tired feet.": "مشيت نكانيازي طوال اليوم، عبرت غابة واسعة من الأشجار العملاقة. عندما أصبحت السماء مظلمة جدًا لرؤيتها، سمعت صوت الطبول. سارعت نحو الطبول، وشعرت بروح الرقص تصل إلى قدميها المتعبتين.", + "How many trees can you count in this picture? Did you count them one at a time, or two at a time, or in some other way?": "كم عدد الأشجار التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل قمت بعدهم واحدًا واحدًا، أو اثنين اثنين، أو بطريقة أخرى؟", + "What do you notice about these trees? One thing is that they do not have low branches. Have you seen trees like this around where you live?": "ما الذي تلاحظه عن هذه الأشجار؟ شيء واحد هو أنها لا تحتوي على فروع منخفضة. هل رأيت أشجارًا مثل هذه حول مكان إقامتك؟", + "If you were in the middle of a vast, dark forest at night, do you think you could move quickly? She must be very brave!": "إذا كنت في منتصف غابة واسعة ومظلمة ليلاً، هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع التحرك بسرعة؟ يجب أن تكون شجاعة جدًا!", + "Nkanyezi found herself in the village of Bhubezi. People were sitting around a fire, drumming and singing. She had never before heard such wonderful music. She told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people. The Bhubezi invited her to rest and stay the night.": "وجدت نكانيازي نفسها في قرية بهوبيزي. كان الناس يجلسون حول النار، يعزفون الطبول ويغنون. لم تسمع من قبل مثل هذه الموسيقى الرائعة. أخبرت شيوخ القرية عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال لشعبها. دعاها بهوبيزي للراحة والبقاء في قريتهم لليلة.", + "How would you feel coming across people you did not know in the middle of the forest at night? Would you be scared of them or would you want to dance with them?": "كيف ستشعر إذا وجدت نفسك بين أشخاص لا تعرفهم في وسط الغابة ليلاً؟ هل ستخاف منهم أم سترغب في الرقص معهم؟", + "Look at the faces of the people dancing. Are they enjoying their dancing? How can you tell?": "انظر إلى وجوه الناس الراقصين. هل يستمتعون برقصهم؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", + "Do you like to dance?": "هل تحب الرقص؟", + "In the morning the chief called on Nkanyezi. \"My child,\" he said, \"here is a special drum. It plays a new song every time you beat it.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the drum in her bag. She went on her way again, delighted with this gift of music and dance.": "في الصباح، نادى الزعيم على نكانيزي. قال \"يا طفلتي، إليك طبلة خاصة. تعزف أغنية جديدة في كل مرة تضربين بها.“ شكرت نكانيزي شيوخ القرية ووضعت الطبلة في حقيبتها. واصلت طريقها مرة أخرى، مسرورة بهذه الهدية من الموسيقى والرقص.", + "This elder is very colorfully dressed. Are the clothes you wear colorful, or do you prefer less vibrant colors?": "هذا الشيخ يرتدي ملابس زاهية الألوان. هل الملابس التي ترتديها ملونة، أم تفضل الألوان الأقل حيوية؟", + "Look at the shapes that make up the fringe of the elder's robe and the jewelry around her head. Which shapes do you see?": "انظر إلى الأشكال التي تشكل حافة رداء الشيخ والمجوهرات حول رأسها. ما هي الأشكال التي تراها؟", + "Nkanyezi has received gifts of colors, music, and dance. Can you think of other aspects of a celebration she still needs for her village?": "حصلت نكانيزي على هدايا من الألوان والموسيقى والرقص. هل يمكنك التفكير في جوانب أخرى للاحتفال ما زالت بحاجة إليها لقريتها؟", + "On the third day of her journey, as she passed a field of fat cows, her nose started to tingle. An aroma tickled her taste buds and her mouth started to water. She followed the scent, and arrived in a village to find people standing over steaming pots of stew. This tribe was famous for its feasts and Nkanyezi had never before tasted such flavors. After she had eaten her fill, she told the village elders about her journey to bring back the spirit of celebration to her people.": "في اليوم الثالث من رحلتها، عندما مرت بحقل من الأبقار السمينة، بدأت أنفها في الإحساس. دغدغت رائحة براعم تذوقها وبدأ لعابها يسيل. تتبعت الرائحة، ووصلت إلى قرية قريبة لتجد الناس واقفين فوق قدور يُغلي بها الحساء. كانت هذه القبيلة مشهورة بمأدباتها ولم يسبق لناكانيزي أن تذوقت مثل هذه النكهات من قبل. بعد أن شبعت، أخبرت الشيوخ عن رحلتها لإعادة روح الاحتفال إلى شعبها.", + "An important missing ingredient is food! Some celebrations have specific food eaten during them. Think of some foods that you like to eat that are specially brought out during some celebrations.": "مكون مفقود مهم هو الطعام! بعض الاحتفالات لها طعام معين يؤكل خلالها. فكر في بعض الأطعمة التي تحب تناولها والتي تظهر خصيصًا خلال بعض الاحتفالات.", + "What in the picture tells you that Nkanyezi is smelling an aroma that she likes? What are some of your favorite smells?": "ما الذي في الصورة يخبرك أن نكانيزي تشم رائحة تعجبها؟ ما هي بعض روائحك المفضلة؟", + "Smells can be very good at bringing memories to mind. Are there some smells that remind you of specific events, places, or people?": "الروائح يمكن أن تكون جيدة جدًا في إحضار الذكريات إلى الذهن. هل هناك بعض الروائح التي تذكرك بأحداث معينة، أماكن، أو أشخاص؟", + "The next day, the council of cooks gave her a secret spice blend. \"Our daughter,\" they said, \"with these spices, happy tummies are guaranteed! We give you the gift of good food.\" Nkanyezi thanked the elders and put the spices in her bag. She knew she had everything she needed. With new energy she started the long journey back to the village of Ndlovu.": "في اليوم التالي، قدم لها مجلس الطهاة مزيج توابل سري. قالوا لها \"يا ابنتنا مع هذه التوابل تضمن سعادة البطون! نقدمها لك هدية لصنع الطعام الجيد.“ شكرت نكانيزي شيوخ القرية ووضعت التوابل في حقيبتها. علمت أنه الآن لديها كل ما تحتاجه لتجديد طاقة قريتها فبدأت رحلة العودة الطويلة إلى قرية ندفلو.", + "Hmmm ... She is missing something in this picture. Where is her drum?": "همم ... هي تفتقد شيئًا في هذه الصورة. أين طبولتها؟", + "Once again, the elders of the village are very colorfully dressed. It looks like people who are good at celebrating use lots of festive colors in their clothes.": "مرة أخرى، الشيوخ في القرية يرتدون ملابس زاهية الألوان. يبدو أن الناس الذين يجيدون الاحتفال يستخدمون الكثير من الألوان الزاهية في ملابسهم.", + "Looking at this picture with all those intense expressions, you can almost smell the delicious spices. What are some of your favorite spices to put on food?": "بالنظر إلى هذه الصورة بجميع تلك التعبيرات المكثفة، يمكنك تقريبًا شم التوابل اللذيذة. ما هي بعض التوابل المفضلة لديك لوضعها على الطعام؟", + "When she arrived home the villagers gathered around her to hear of her adventures. She told them the tales of what she had seen, heard, and eaten. Then she opened her bag to share the gifts given. The villagers rejoiced to receive these treasures.\n\nThe generosity of others and the courage of Nkanyezi brought back color, song, and dance to the people. And so the spirit of celebration was restored to the village of Ndlovu.": "عندما وصلت إلى المنزل، اجتمع القرويون حولها لسماع مغامراتها. أخبرتهم بقصص ما رأته وسمعته وأكلته. ثم فتحت حقيبتها لتشاركهم الهدايا المقدمة. ابتهج القرويون لتلقي هذه الكنوز.\n\nأعاد كرم القرى الآخرى وشجاعة نكانيزي المرح والألوان والأغاني والرقص إلى الناس. وهكذا عادت روح الاحتفال إلى قرية ندفلو.", + "Look at how the village's drab colors for clothes have been replaced with these happy and festive ones!": "انظر كيف أن الألوان الباهتة لملابس القرية قد استبدلت بهذه الألوان السعيدة والمبهجة!", + "What do you think, has the village remembered how to celebrate?": "ما رأيك، هل تذكرت القرية كيفية الاحتفال؟", + "It is amazing how acts of generosity, kindness, and caring can lift up the spirits of those around us. Can you think of a time when something you did for someone made a big difference in how they felt? How did it make you feel?": "من المدهش كيف يمكن لأفعال الكرم، اللطف، والرعاية أن ترفع من معنويات من حولنا. هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت قمت فيه بشيء لشخص ما جعل فرقًا كبيرًا في شعوره؟ كيف جعلك ذلك تشعر؟", + "It is a hot, sunny Saturday morning on the farm. Maya, Duksie, and Doobie are helping Mama K in her vegetable garden. The children work all morning. They dig compost into the soil. They weed and water the garden. Then, the harvest is ripe.\n\nToday each of the children will take home freshly picked strawberries, spinach, and carrots.": "إنه صباح حار ومشمس يوم السبت في المزرعة. مايا، دوكسي، ودوبي يساعدون ماما كاي في حديقتها النباتية. يعمل الأطفال طوال الصباح. يحفرون السماد في التربة. يزيلون الأعشاب الضارة ويسقون الحديقة. ثم، ينضج المحصول.\n\nاليوم سيأخذ كل طفل منهم الفراولة الطازجة، والسبانخ، والجزر إلى المنزل.", + "Have you ever worked in a garden or farm? Freshly grown food has wonderfully strong flavors!": "هل سبق لك العمل في حديقة أو مزرعة؟ الطعام المزروع حديثًا له نكهات قوية رائعة!", + "Rectangles are four-sided shapes like the shape of this page. Can you find all the rectangles on this page? There are a lot of them!": "المستطيلات هي أشكال بأربعة جوانب مثل شكل هذه الصفحة. هل يمكنك العثور على كل المستطيلات في هذه الصفحة؟ هناك الكثير منها!", + "If you look closely, you'll notice that some of the rectangles are squares, with all their sides the same length. Can you find them?": "إذا نظرت عن كثب، ستلاحظ أن بعض المستطيلات مربعات، بأطوال جوانب متساوية. هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "Mama K always gives the children a treat for helping her. Sometimes the treat is cake, chocolate, or long sweets that look like snakes. Sometimes it's apples, pears, or oranges.\n\nMama K has only one rule. \"Share it fair!\" The children know they must share the treats equally, so they all get the same amount.": "ماما كاي دائمًا تعطي الأطفال مكافأة لمساعدتها. أحيانًا تكون المكافأة كعكة، شوكولاتة، أو حلوى طويلة تشبه الثعابين. أحيانًا تكون تفاحًا، كمثرى، أو برتقالًا.\n\nماما كاي لديها قاعدة واحدة فقط. \"اقسموا بالعدل!“ يعرف الأطفال أنهم يجب أن يقتسموا المكافآت بالتساوي، حتى يحصل الجميع على نفس الكمية.", + "Think about what it means to share something equally. Suppose you had 12 cookies to share evenly among 3 people. How many cookies would each person get?": "فكر في ما يعنيه أن تقسم شيئًا بالتساوي. افترض أنك تملك ١٢ قطعة من البسكويت لتقسيمها بالتساوي بين ٣ أشخاص. كم قطعة سيحصل عليها كل شخص؟", + "What would you do if you had 4 or 5 pieces of hard candy to share among 3 people?": "ماذا ستفعل إذا كانت لديك ٤ أو ٥ قطع من الحلوى الصلبة لتقسمها بين ٣ أشخاص؟", + "What if the things are different? How would you share an apple, an orange, and a banana among three people? Sharing can be tricky, even when everyone is trying to be fair.": "ماذا إذا كانت الأشياء مختلفة؟ كيف ستقسم تفاحة، برتقالة، وموزة بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟ يمكن أن يكون الاقتسام صعبًا، حتى عندما يحاول الجميع أن يكونوا عادلين.", + "Today Mama K has baked a round strawberry cake with pink icing and berries from her garden. The children wait on the grass for their treat. \"Here you go!\" smiles Mama K. \"But remember the rule that everyone must get the same. Share it fair! Don't fight!\"": "صنعت ماما كاي اليوم كعكة فراولة مستديرة مع طلاء وردي وتوت من حديقتها. ينتظر الأطفال على العشب للحصول على مكافأتهم. \"ها هي!“ تبتسم ماما كاي. \"لكن تذكروا القاعدة بأن يحصل الجميع على نفس الشيء. اقسموا بالعدل! لا تتشاجروا!“", + "Fortunately, cake is easy to share. How would you share this cake among the three children?": "لحسن الحظ، الكعكة سهلة الاقتسام. كيف ستقسم هذه الكعكة بين الأطفال الثلاثة؟", + "When someone dies, it is sometimes very hard to find an equal way to share all the different things that person owned.": "عندما يموت شخص ما، يكون من الصعب أحيانًا العثور على طريقة عادلة لاقتسام كل الأشياء المختلفة التي كان يملكها.", + "Can you think of a time when you and your friends or your family had something to share and it was tricky to find a way to do it? How was the problem solved?": "هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كان عليك أنت وأصدقاؤك أو عائلتك أن تقسموا شيئًا وكان من الصعب العثور على طريقة لفعل ذلك؟ كيف تم حل المشكلة؟", + "Maya has the first turn to share the cake. She uses the knife to trace lines in the icing. The others watch her. She does not cut the cake yet. The others must first agree if her way is fair.\n\n\"I think I will cut two slices, like this. Now we have three slices, all the same!\" Maya shows them.": "مايا لديها الدور الأول لاقتسام الكعكة. تستخدم السكين لرسم خطوط في الطلاء. يراقبها الآخرون. لا تقطع الكعكة بعد. يجب أن يتفق الآخرون أولاً إذا كانت طريقتها عادلة.\n\n\"أعتقد أنني سأقطع شريحتين، هكذا. الآن لدينا ثلاث شرائح، كلها متساوية!“ تُظهرها مايا لهم.", + "Keep watching the strawberries on top of the cake. There are six of them now, but it will keep changing. Where do they go?": "استمر في مراقبة الفراولة على الكعكة. هناك ستة منها الآن، لكنها ستستمر في التغيير. أين تذهب؟", + "There are some more rectangles in this picture. Can you find parts of them?": "هناك بعض المستطيلات الأخرى في هذه الصورة. هل يمكنك العثور على أجزاء منها؟", + "Notice which children wear hats. That will keep changing too! Is the author having fun with us, or is something else going on?": "لاحظ أي الأطفال يرتدون قبعات. هذا سيتغير أيضًا! هل المؤلف يستمتع معنا، أم أن شيئًا آخر يجري؟", + "\"No way!\" says Duksie, \"the one in the middle is much too big!\" Doobie also shakes his head. Maya laughs and shrugs and tells Duksie to try.": "\"مستحيل!“ يقول دوكسي، \"الذي في الوسط كبير جدًا!“ يهز دوبي رأسه أيضًا. تضحك مايا وتهز كتفيها وتطلب من دوكسي أن يحاول.", + "There are three pieces for three people. Is this a fair way to cut the cake?": "هناك ثلاث قطع لثلاثة أشخاص. هل هذه طريقة عادلة لاقتسام الكعكة؟", + "When some pieces have more topping or icing, it can be hard to divide something fairly. It is good to be among friends when it is difficult like that.": "عندما تحتوي بعض القطع على المزيد من الزينة أو الطلاء، يمكن أن يكون من الصعب تقسيم شيء ما بشكل عادل. من الجيد أن تكون بين الأصدقاء عندما يكون الأمر صعبًا هكذا.", + "When you have trouble sharing something equally, how do you work it out?": "عندما تواجه صعوبة في اقتسام شيء ما بالتساوي، كيف تحل المشكلة؟", + "\"Here! Pass me the knife, I'll do it. Easy peasy!\" chants Duksie. First she rubs out Maya's pattern in the icing and licks her fingers.": "\"هنا! ناولنيي السكين، سأفعل ذلك. سهل جداً!“ تردد دوكسي. أولاً، تمسح خطوط مايا في الطلاء وتلعق أصابعها.", + "Look at their faces. How can you tell they might not all agree with this new sharing idea?": "انظر إلى وجوههم. كيف يمكنك أن تعرف أنهم قد لا يتفقون جميعًا مع هذه الفكرة الجديدة للاقتسام؟", + "There are lots of round shapes in this picture. When a circle gets stretched or shrunk in one direction, it is called an oval or an ellipse. Find some circles and ovals in this picture.": "هناك الكثير من الأشكال المستديرة في هذه الصورة. عندما يتم تمديد أو تقلص دائرة في اتجاه واحد، تسمى بيضاوي أو إهليلجي. ابحث عن بعض الدوائر والبيضاويات في هذه الصورة.", + "Sometimes our point of view distorts a shape and makes it look different, even though it hasn't changed at all. For example, circles can look like ovals when viewed from the side. Do you see some examples of that around you?": "أحيانًا تشوه وجهة نظرنا شكلًا وتجعلها تبدو مختلفة، حتى ولو لم تتغير على الإطلاق. على سبيل المثال، يمكن أن تبدو الدوائر كالأشكال البيضاوية عندما تُرى من الجانب. هل ترى بعض الأمثلة على ذلك حولك؟", + "Then she makes one cut across and one down, \"Look, these are my three slices!\"\n\n\"That's not fair!\" shout Maya and Doobie together.": "ثم تقوم برسم خط واحد عبر المنتسصف وآخر الى الأسفل، \"انظروا، هذه هي شرائحي الثلاثة!“\n\n\"هذا ليس عادلاً!“ تصرخ مايا ودوبي معًا.", + "If you had a choice, which piece would you choose? When one piece is obviously the best or the worst, the sharing is probably not fair!": "إذا كان لديك اختيار، أي قطعة ستختار؟ عندما تكون إحدى القطع بوضوح هي الأفضل أو الأسوأ، فمن المحتمل أن الاقتسام ليس عادلاً!", + "Duksie did it this way because it was easy to do. She split it once in half and then split one of those two pieces in half. Unfortunately, that created one piece that was twice as big as the other two pieces.": "دوكسي فعلتها بهذه الطريقة لأنها كانت سهلة التنفيذ. قسمتها مرة واحدة إلى نصفين ثم قسم أحد هذين النصفين إلى نصفين. لسوء الحظ، هذا خلق قطعة واحدة ضعف حجم القطعتين الأخريين.", + "When you split something into two equal pieces, each piece is one half. When you split one half into two equal pieces, then each piece is one fourth, also called one quarter.": "عندما تقسم شيئًا إلى قطعتين متساويتين، كل قطعة هي نصف. عندما تقسم نصفًا إلى قطعتين متساويتين، فإن كل قطعة تكون ربعًا، وتسمى أيضًا ربع.", + "\"Share it fair! The pieces must be the same size and shape,\" adds Doobie.\n\n\"Why don't you try Doobie?\" smirks Duksie. \"I bet you can't do it!\"": "\"اقسموا بالعدل! يجب أن تكون القطع بنفس الحجم والشكل“، يضيف دوبي.\n\n\"لماذا لا تحاول يا دوبي؟“ تبتسم دوكسي. \"أتحداك ألا تستطيع فعلها!“", + "If you split something into three equal pieces, each piece is one third of the whole thing. Have you figured out how to give each child one third, or do you think it is impossible?": "إذا قسمت شيئًا إلى ثلاث قطع متساوية، فإن كل قطعة تكون ثلث الشيء كله. هل توصلت إلى كيفية إعطاء كل طفل ثلثًا، أم تعتقد أنه مستحيل؟", + "There were five strawberries on the top of the cake in the last page. How can you share five things evenly among three people?": "كانت هناك خمس فراولات على الكعكة في الصفحة الأخيرة. كيف يمكنك مشاركة خمسة أشياء بالتساوي بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟", + "Look at Duksie's expression and listen to what Duksie said to Doobie. What do you think Duksie is feeling?": "انظر إلى تعبير دوكسي واستمع إلى ما قالته لدوبي. ما الذي تعتقد أن دوكسي تشعر به؟", + "\"I wish the cake was a square or a rectangle, and then it would be easy!\" says Doobie thoughtfully. \"Or, if there were four of us to share the round cake that would also be easy,\" says Maya.": "\"أتمنى لو كانت الكعكة مربعًا أو مستطيلًا، لكان الأمر سهلاً!“ يقول دوبي بتفكير. \"أو، لو كان هناك أربعة منا لنقتسم الكعكة المستديرة، لكان الأمر سهلاً أيضًا“، تقول مايا.", + "Doobie is doing some thoughtful problem solving! He is thinking of simpler versions of this problem that he knows how to solve. If any of those versions were enough like this situation, he could use that prior knowledge to solve this problem.": "دوبي يقوم ببعض حل المشكلات بشكل مدروس! إنه يفكر في نسخ أبسط من هذه المشكلة يعرف كيفية حلها. إذا كانت أي من تلك النسخ تشبه هذه الحالة بما فيه الكفاية، يمكنه استخدام تلك المعرفة السابقة لحل هذه المشكلة.", + "Because he hasn't seen a problem just like this one before, he must use another important problem solving skill -- he persists! The other children rushed to a solution, but he is thinking about it more carefully.": "لأنه لم يرَ مشكلة مثل هذه من قبل، يجب عليه استخدام مهارة أخرى مهمة لحل المشكلات - الاستمرار! الأطفال الآخرون اندفعوا نحو الحل، لكنه يفكر في الأمر بشكل أكثر دقة.", + "Doobie is playing with the problem and thinking about shapes that are similar to this round cake that needs to be split three ways. He is enjoying the puzzle!": "دوبي يلعب مع المشكلة ويفكر في الأشكال التي تشبه هذه الكعكة المستديرة التي يجب تقسيمها بثلاثة طرق. إنه يستمتع باللغز!", + "And then, a picture comes into Doobie's head. He sees the sparkling silver badge at the front of his father's big red truck.\n\nOn Sundays he helps his dad to wash the truck, and to polish the shiny badge. \"I've got it! I've got it! I know how to do it,\" yells Doobie.": "ثم، تأتي صورة إلى رأس دوبي. يرى الشارة الفضية اللامعة في مقدمة شاحنة والده الحمراء الكبيرة.\n\nفي أيام الأحد، يساعد والده في غسل الشاحنة وتلميع الشارة اللامعة. \"لقد وجدتها! لقد وجدتها! أعرف كيف أفعلها“، يصرخ دوبي.", + "He persisted and he played with the problem, and his thoughts came to a shape that he knew would be perfect to solve this problem. Look at how happy he is. Describe how you feel when you solve something that was tricky.": "لقد استمر ولعب مع المشكلة، وجاءت أفكاره إلى شكل يعرف أنه سيكون مثاليًا لحل هذه المشكلة. انظر إلى مدى سعادته. صف كيف تشعر عندما تحل شيئًا كان صعبًا.", + "There are rectangles, triangles, circles, stripes, and arcs (partial circles) in this picture.": "هناك مستطيلات، مثلثات، دوائر، خطوط، وأقواس (أجزاء من دوائر) في هذه الصورة.", + "What do you suppose creates the stripes on the far hillside?": "ما الذي تعتقد أنه يخلق الخطوط على التلة البعيدة؟", + "First he uses a knife to smooth Duksie's lines in the icing. Then he traces three lines on the cake. It looks just like the badge on his dad's truck, with three equal parts.": "أولاً يستخدم السكين لتنعيم خطوط دوكسي في الطلاء. ثم يرسم ثلاث خطوط على الكعكة. تبدو تمامًا مثل الشارة على شاحنة والده، بثلاثة أجزاء متساوية.", + "There were originally six strawberries on this cake. How many strawberries were removed? Where did they go?": "كان هناك أصلاً ست فراولات على هذه الكعكة. كم عدد الفراولات التي أُزيلت؟ أين ذهبت؟", + "What are some numbers that can be divided evenly among three people? Notice that those numbers are exactly the ones you get as you skip count by 3. They are called multiples of 3 because they are the numbers you get when you multiply by 3.": "ما هي بعض الأعداد التي يمكن تقسيمها بالتساوي بين ثلاثة أشخاص؟ لاحظ أن هذه الأعداد هي بالضبط الأعداد التي تحصل عليها عندما تتجاوز العدد بـ٣. تُسمى مضاعفات ٣ لأنها الأعداد التي تحصل عليها عند ضربها في ٣.", + "What are the numbers you can divide evenly among 2 people? Among 4 people? Among 5 people?": "ما هي الأعداد التي يمكنك تقسيمها بالتساوي بين شخصين؟ بين أربعة أشخاص؟ بين خمسة أشخاص؟", + "\"You are full of surprises, Doobie,\" says Duksie sweetly. \"How did you work it out?\" Maya asks. Doobie smiles to himself. For now it is his secret. Later, he will tell his dad.": "\"أنت مليء بالمفاجآت، دوبي“، تقول دوكسي بلطف. \"كيف تمكنت من حلها؟“ تسأل مايا. يبتسم دوبي لنفسه. الآن هو سره. لاحقًا، سيخبر والده.", + "It can be fun to have a secret. What's a secret you once had that is no longer a secret?": "قد يكون من الممتع أن تحتفظ بسر. ما هو السر الذي كان لديك من قبل ولم يعد سرًا؟", + "There is a lot of pink icing in many places in this picture. The oddest place is on someone's nose. How do you suppose it got there?": "هناك الكثير من الطلاء الوردي في أماكن كثيرة في هذه الصورة. أغرب مكان هو على أنف شخص ما. كيف تعتقد أنه وصل إلى هناك؟", + "Look at how big their eyes are. What does it tell you when someone has big eyes like that?": "انظر إلى حجم أعينهم. ماذا يخبرك عندما تكون عيون شخص ما كبيرة هكذا؟", + "Just then Mama K comes out of her house. She is carrying a tray with glasses of strawberry juice. \"Look Mama K! Doobie found the way to cut the cake into three equal pieces,\" Maya tells her.\n\n\"Well done Doobie, three equal slices! You shared fairly, I'm proud of you all. Now cut the cake and drink your juice. It's time to go home.\"": "في تلك اللحظة، خرجت ماما كاي من منزلها. كانت تحمل صينية بها أكواب من عصير الفراولة. \"انظري ماما كاي! وجد دوبي طريقة لتقطيع الكعكة إلى ثلاث قطع متساوية“، تقول مايا لها.\n\n\"عمل جيد دوبي، ثلاث شرائح متساوية! لقد شاركت بعدل، أنا فخورة بكم جميعًا. الآن قطعوا الكعكة واشربوا عصيركم. حان موعد العودة إلى المنزل.“", + "They are all wearing their hats on this page. Do you like wearing a hat on a warm, sunny day? Do you have a favorite hat?": "يرتدي الجميع قبعاتهم في هذه الصفحة. هل تحب ارتداء قبعة في يوم مشمس ودافئ؟ هل لديك قبعة مفضلة؟", + "Why is Mama K proud of all of them? What difficult thing did they do?": "لماذا ماما ك فخورة بهم جميعًا؟ ما الشيء الصعب الذي فعلوه؟", + "An estimate is a best guess at the size of something that is not easy to measure. What is your estimate of the number of dots on Mama K's dress?": "التقدير هو أفضل تخمين لحجم شيء ما ليس من السهل قياسه. ما هو تقديرك لعدد النقاط على فستان ماما ك؟", + "Maya cuts along Doobie's lines to make three equal slices. Just for fun, the children stack the slices on top of each other to check that they are the same size. Yes they are! They pack their cake to take home.": "تقطع مايا على طول خطوط دوبي لتجعل ثلاث شرائح متساوية. من أجل المتعة فقط، يضع الأطفال الشرائح فوق بعضها البعض ليتأكدوا من أنها بنفس الحجم. نعم هي كذلك! يحزمون الكعكة ليأخذوها إلى المنزل.", + "They are staring very intently at the cake. Are they admiring their work of creating three equal shares, or are they wishing they could eat it?": "إنهم يحدقون بتركيز شديد في الكعكة. هل يعجبهم عملهم في إنشاء ثلاث حصص متساوية، أم يتمنون أن يأكلوها؟", + "Look at how much pleasure they have at seeing that their solution really works. Problem solving is like that – you have a puzzle to think about and wrestle with, and when you solve the puzzle it feels really good!": "انظر إلى مدى سعادتهم عندما يرون أن حلهم يعمل بالفعل. حل المشكلات يشبه ذلك – لديك لغز لتفكر فيه وتصارع معه، وعندما تحل اللغز تشعر بشعور رائع!", + "Think of a time when you had a tricky puzzle to figure out and you finally solved it. How did it feel when you got the answer?": "فكر في وقت كان لديك لغز صعب لتكتشفه وأخيرًا حللته. كيف كان شعورك عندما حصلت على الإجابة؟", + "Doobie's dad arrives to pick up the children, and Doobie runs off to meet him.\n\nHe can't wait to tell his dad how the badge on the truck helped him to solve a very tricky problem!": "وصل والد دوبي ليأخذ الأطفال الى المنزل، فركض دوبي لإستقباله.\n\nلا يستطيع الانتظار ليخبر والده كيف ساعدت شارة الشاحنة في حل مشكلة صعبة للغاية!", + "It's fun to share successes with someone you care about and who cares about you. Can you think of some things you were proud of that you shared with someone you cared about?": "من الممتع مشاركة النجاحات مع شخص تهتم به ويهتم بك. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأشياء التي كنت فخورًا بها والتي شاركتها مع شخص تهتم به؟", + "Those same people are important for times when you need someone to share something hard for you. Can you think of such a time?": "هؤلاء الأشخاص نفسهم مهمون في الأوقات التي تحتاج فيها إلى شخص يشاركك شيئًا صعبًا بالنسبة لك. هل يمكنك التفكير في مثل هذا الوقت؟", + "The top two cakes on the next page are easy to share with three or six people. If you were sharing the bottom cake with three or five people, what would you do?": "الكعكتان العلويتان في الصفحة التالية سهلة المشاركة مع ثلاثة أو ستة أشخاص. إذا كنت تشارك الكعكة السفلية مع ثلاثة أو خمسة أشخاص، ماذا ستفعل؟", + "A long time ago, in the vast city of Johannesburg, a baby girl was born. That baby was me. My mom called me Miriam. Miriam Makeba.": "منذ زمن طويل، في مدينة جوهانسبرغ الواسعة، ولدت طفلة. تلك الطفلة كانت أنا. أمي أسمتني مريم. مريم مكبا.", + "She is sitting on a three-legged stool. Most chairs have four legs. What is better about having three legs?": "هي تجلس على كرسي ثلاثي الأرجل. معظم الكراسي لها أربعة أرجل. ما هو الأفضل في وجود ثلاث أرجل؟", + "This story has lots of rectangles. A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners that are right angles, like the corners of this page. Point to some rectangles in this picture.": "تحتوي هذه القصة على الكثير من المستطيلات. المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مستقيمة وزوايا قائمة، مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات في هذه الصورة.", + "There are rectangles all around you. Point to some rectangles where you are.": "هناك مستطيلات حولك. أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات حيثما كنت.", + "Mom was a sangoma, but she also worked to make other people's homes neat and clean. It was hard for my mom to earn enough for both of us. She started selling homemade beer to bring in more money.": "كانت أمي سانغوما او عرافة، لكنها كانت تعمل أيضًا لجعل منازل الآخرين نظيفة ومرتبة. كان من الصعب على أمي كسب ما يكفي لكلينا. فبدأت ببيع البيرة المنزلية لكسب المزيد من المال.", + "A sangoma is an herbalist or a healer. Do you like going to the doctor?": "السانغوما او العراف هو عشاب أو معالج. هل تحب الذهاب إلى الطبيب؟", + "Look at the rectangles that are beautiful shades of blue in this picture. How many do you count? Did you count them by 1's, 2's, or in some other way?": "انظر إلى المستطيلات التي لها درجات جميلة من اللون الأزرق في هذه الصورة. كم تعد؟ هل قمت بعدهم بواحدات أو اثنين أو بطريقة أخرى؟", + "Point to some rectangles that are not blue, if you can find any.": "أشر إلى بعض المستطيلات التي ليست زرقاء، إذا استطعت العثور على أي منها.", + "The laws of the land said that selling homemade beer was wrong. The police sent my mom to jail for six long months. I was only 18 days old, and needed my mom. So even though I was a baby, I went to jail too.": "قالت قوانين البلاد إن بيع البيرة المنزلية كان خطأ يعاقب عليه القانون. أرسلت الشرطة أمي إلى السجن لمدة ستة أشهر طويلة. كنت أبلغ من العمر ١٨ يومًا فقط، وكنت بحاجة إلى أمي. لذلك حتى وإن كنت طفلة، ذهبت إلى السجن أيضًا.", + "Looking at their faces, how are Miriam and her mother feeling? How were they feeling on the previous page?": "انظر إلى وجوههم، كيف يشعر مريم وأمها؟ كيف كانوا يشعرون في الصفحة السابقة؟", + "More and more rectangles! There are lots of rectangles, but there are also some other shapes -- can you find them?": "المزيد والمزيد من المستطيلات! هناك الكثير من المستطيلات، ولكن هناك أيضًا بعض الأشكال الأخرى -- هل يمكنك العثور عليها؟", + "There are circles for the eyes, beads, and hoop earrings. There is a downturned arc, which is a part of a circle, for the mother's mouth.": "هناك دوائر للعيون، والخرز، والأقراط الحلقية. هناك قوس منحني لأسفل، وهو جزء من دائرة، لفم الأم.", + "As a little girl I loved to sing. When I was older, I helped my mom clean houses. Singing songs as I worked made the chores go faster and the days seem brighter. Singing made me happier than I can explain.": "كطفلة صغيرة، أحببت الغناء. عندما كبرت، ساعدت أمي في تنظيف المنازل. جعل الغناء الأعمال المنزلية تمر بسرعة وأيامًا تبدو أكثر إشراقًا. الغناء جعلني أشعر بالسعادة أكثر مما أستطيع شرحه.", + "What in this page shows that she is singing? Do you know how to read music notes on a page?": "ما الذي في هذه الصفحة يظهر أنها تغني؟ هل تعرف كيفية قراءة النوتات الموسيقية على صفحة؟", + "Do you like to sing? Some people have trouble hearing the right notes to sing, but with practice and listening they can get much better at it.": "هل تحب الغناء؟ بعض الناس يجدون صعوبة في سماع النوتات الصحيحة للغناء، ولكن مع الممارسة والاستماع يمكنهم أن يتحسنوا كثيرًا.", + "Rectangles are a very common shape in most rooms. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?": "المستطيلات هي شكل شائع جدًا في معظم الغرف. كم عدد المستطيلات التي يمكنك العثور عليها في هذه الصورة؟", + "I sang in my church, and this made others happy too. Music has the power to bring people together. When we were singing we felt brave and strong.": "كنت أغني في كنيستي، وهذا جعل الآخرين سعداء أيضًا. للموسيقى قوة لجمع الناس معًا. عندما كنا نغني، كنا نشعر بالشجاعة والقوة.", + "Does it surprise you to read that she felt brave and strong while singing? What do you think she meant by that?": "هل يفاجئك قراءة أنها شعرت بالشجاعة والقوة أثناء الغناء؟ ماذا تعتقد أنها تعني بذلك؟", + "These windows are not rectangles! One of the windows is a circle. We can't see the whole scene, but it looks like the other windows have arched tops. An arch is part of an oval.": "هذه النوافذ ليست مستطيلات! إحدى النوافذ دائرة. لا يمكننا رؤية المشهد بالكامل، ولكن يبدو أن النوافذ الأخرى لها قمم مقوسة. القوس هو جزء من بيضاوي.", + "Look at the particularly interesting interplay of shapes on the blue dress. Shapes can be combined in such interesting ways!": "انظر إلى التفاعل المثير للاهتمام بين الأشكال على الفستان الأزرق. يمكن دمج الأشكال بطرق مثيرة للاهتمام!", + "People said my voice was a gift and my songs were special. I sang with other musicians and our music was heard all over the world.": "قال الناس إن صوتي كان هدية وأغانيي كانت مميزة. قمت بالغناء مع موسيقيين آخرين وتم سماع موسيقانا في جميع أنحاء العالم.", + "Miriam is standing in a spotlight shining down from a bright light in the ceiling. The spotlight makes a cone of light that the singer can be in and stand on the stage. People can have cones that are funnels or ice cream cones.": "مريم تقف في دائرة الضوء التي تضيء من ضوء ساطع في السقف. دائرة الضوء تصنع مخروط ضوء يمكن أن يكون فيه المغني ويقف على المسرح. يمكن أن يكون الناس لديهم مخاريط تكون قمعية أو مخاريط الآيس كريم.", + "When a spotlight shines straight down it makes a circle on the stage floor. When it shines from the side, the shape on the floor is called an oval or an ellipse. Do you see any ellipses where you are?": "عندما تضيء دائرة الضوء مباشرةً لأسفل، تصنع دائرة على أرضية المسرح. عندما تضيء من الجانب، يُطلق على الشكل الموجود على الأرض اسم بيضاوي أو إهليلجي. هل ترى أي بيضاويات حيث أنت؟", + "Other than the spotlight, what other ovals or parts of ovals do you see in this picture?": "بجانب دائرة الضوء، ما الأشكال البيضاوية الأخرى أو أجزاء من البيضاويات التي تراها في هذه الصورة؟", + "My home was Sophiatown, a place of culture and music. Sophiatown is a place where South Africans could make music and harmony and dance together. But the people who ruled the land at the time did not like this togetherness. Those rulers didn't want black and white people to be friends.": "كان منزلي في صوفيا تاون، مكان للثقافة والموسيقى. صوفيا تاون هو مكان حيث يمكن للأفارقة الجنوبيين صنع الموسيقى والتناغم والرقص معًا. ولكن الأشخاص الذين كانوا يحكمون الأرض في ذلك الوقت لم يحبوا هذا التجمع. أولئك الحكام لم يريدوا أن يكون الناس السود والبيض أصدقاء.", + "Unfortunately, some people pay attention to things that are different about people, such as skin color, how tall they are, or the place where they come from. Are there some differences that keep you away from some people?": "للأسف، يهتم بعض الناس بالأشياء التي تختلف عن الآخرين، مثل لون البشرة، طولهم، أو المكان الذي يأتون منه. هل هناك بعض الاختلافات التي تبقيك بعيدًا عن بعض الناس؟", + "Music is something that can be shared and it can help bring people together. What brings you together with your friends?": "الموسيقى هي شيء يمكن مشاركته ويمكن أن يساعد في جمع الناس معًا. ما الذي يجمعك مع أصدقائك؟", + "Do you think doing math is something that can be shared and bring people together?": "هل تعتقد أن ممارسة الرياضيات هي شيء يمكن مشاركته وجمع الناس معًا؟", + "I knew it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color. I did not hide my beliefs, and so those people in charge wanted me out of the country. When I was singing in America, I was told I could never return home.": "كنت أعلم أن معاملة الناس بشكل مختلف بسبب لون بشرتهم كانت خطأ. لم أخفي معتقداتي، ولذلك أراد الأشخاص الذين كانوا في السلطة أن أخرج من البلد. عندما كنت أغني في أمريكا، قيل لي أنه لا يمكنني العودة إلى وطني أبدًا.", + "How is Miriam feeling? How can you tell?": "كيف تشعر مريم؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف؟", + "Have you ever been away from home and worried about getting back? Did it make you sad, or was it just hard to wait?": "هل سبق لك أن كنت بعيدًا عن المنزل وكنت قلقًا بشأن العودة؟ هل جعلك ذلك حزينًا، أم كان من الصعب فقط الانتظار؟", + "Clouds can come in many shapes! Notice that the bottoms of these clouds are flat. That often happens with clouds. Look at the clouds where you are, or remember a time when there were lots of clouds -- were they flat on the bottom?": "يمكن أن تأتي السحب في العديد من الأشكال! لاحظ أن قيعان هذه السحب مسطحة. يحدث ذلك غالبًا مع السحب. انظر إلى السحب حيث أنت، أو تذكر وقتًا كان هناك الكثير من السحب -- هل كانت مسطحة في الأسفل؟", + "People all over the world heard my story. My songs and my story helped many to see how there was no fairness in South Africa for those with black skin. I decided to go on singing and telling the truth about my country, no matter what.": "سمع الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم قصتي. ساعدت أغانيي وقصتي العديد من الناس في رؤية كيف لم يكن هناك عدالة في جنوب أفريقيا لأولئك ذوي البشرة السوداء. قررت أن أستمر في الغناء وقول الحقيقة عن بلدي، مهما كان.", + "Have you ever done something that some people thought was a bad idea, but you knew it was the right thing to do? What was it? Were you glad you stood up for what you believed in?": "هل سبق لك أن فعلت شيئًا يعتقد بعض الناس أنه فكرة سيئة، ولكنك كنت تعلم أنه الشيء الصحيح للقيام به؟ ما هو؟ هل كنت سعيدًا لأنك دافعت عن ما تؤمن به؟", + "How do the eyebrows and mouths in this picture show that the people are dismayed?": "كيف تُظهر الحواجب والأفواه في هذه الصورة أن الناس في حالة من الاستياء؟", + "Use your eyebrows to show different feelings. Try to show that you are happy, sad, surprised, or worried.": "استخدم حواجبك لتظهر مشاعر مختلفة. حاول أن تُظهر أنك سعيد، حزين، متفاجئ، أو قلق.", + "The world loved my music and I was welcomed in many countries. I won awards and sang for important people all over the globe. My life was good, but something was missing. I could not sing in my home country, and people there were not free.": "أحب العالم موسيقاي وتم الترحيب بي في العديد من البلدان. فزت بالجوائز وغنيت لشخصيات هامة حول العالم. كانت حياتي جيدة، لكن كان هناك شيء مفقود. لم أتمكن من الغناء في بلدي، ولم يكن الناس هناك أحرارًا.", + "Notice how the spotlight creates part of an oval on the floor.": "لاحظ كيف يصنع الضوء الكشاف جزءًا من شكل بيضاوي على الأرض.", + "Sometimes an outline of a shape is enough to tell what it is. The two dark outlines show people wearing something special on their heads. Who do you think these people are?": "أحيانًا يكون مخطط شكل كافيًا ليخبرك بما هو. يظهر المخططان الداكنان أشخاصًا يرتدون شيئًا مميزًا على رؤوسهم. من تعتقد أن هؤلاء الأشخاص؟", + "Have you ever done some singing, dancing, or other performing in front of people? How did you feel?": "هل سبق لك الغناء أو الرقص أو تقديم عروض أمام الناس؟ كيف كان شعورك؟", + "Then a wonderful day dawned when Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa. New people were in charge and the unfair laws belonged to the past. I finally went home with new hope in my heart.": "ثم جاء يوم رائع عندما أصبح نيلسون مانديلا رئيسًا لجنوب أفريقيا. أصبح هناك أشخاص جدد في السلطة، وأصبحت القوانين غير العادلة جزءًا من الماضي. أخيرًا عدت إلى المنزل بآمال جديدة في قلبي.", + "Which arcs on their faces show that they are happy?": "ما الأقواس على وجوههم التي تظهر أنهم سعداء؟", + "The stripes on the shirt of President Mandela are made up of rectangles. There are shapes all around us!": "الخطوط على قميص الرئيس مانديلا تتكون من مستطيلات. هناك أشكال حولنا في كل مكان!", + "Did you notice the flat-bottomed clouds in this picture?": "هل لاحظت السحب المسطحة القاع في هذه الصورة؟", + "After that, I could sing in a free, fair country. People of different colors could enjoy music together. I helped make this happen because I was brave and strong. I sang the truth in all of my songs.": "بعد ذلك، استطعت الغناء في بلد حر وعادل. كان بإمكان الأشخاص من مختلف الألوان التمتع بالموسيقى معًا. ساعدت في تحقيق ذلك لأنني كنت شجاعة وقوية. غنيت الحقيقة في جميع أغنياتي.", + "What are some times when you have been brave and strong? How did you feel?": "ما هي بعض الأوقات التي كنت فيها شجاعًا وقويًا؟ كيف شعرت؟", + "Count together all the people on this page. If you take away the people on the stage, how many are left?": "عد الأشخاص في هذه الصفحة معًا. إذا استبعدت الأشخاص على المسرح، كم يبقى؟", + "How wonderful to see all these people enjoying Miriam's music and dancing together!": "كم هو رائع رؤية كل هؤلاء الناس يستمتعون بموسيقى ميريام ويرقصون معًا!", + "It had been raining for days, and everyone was grumpy. Everyone except Sizwe, who woke up with a smile every morning. \"Yoh! Sizwe! That smile is magic!\" said Gogo. \"Is it for me?\" Sizwe clapped his hand over his mouth. \"But it's MY smile, Gogo,\" he whispered.": "لقد كانت تمطر لعدة أيام، وكان الجميع غاضبًا. الجميع باستثناء سيويز، الذي استيقظ بابتسامة كل صباح. \"يا سيويز! تلك الابتسامة سحرية!“ قالت غوجو. \"هل هي لي؟“ وضع سيويز يده على فمه. وهمس\"لكنها ابتسامتي، يا غوجو“،.", + "The colors on this page are muted, they are not very bright. How do muted colors make you feel? The muted colors are in strong contrast to Sizwe's bright smile, and they help us notice the smile.": "الألوان في هذه الصفحة باهتة، ليست ساطعة جدًا. كيف تجعلك الألوان الباهتة تشعر؟ الألوان الباهتة تتباين بقوة مع ابتسامة سيويز الساطعة، وتساعدنا على ملاحظة الابتسامة.", + "There are lots of shapes here. A rectangle is a 4-side figure shaped like this page. Though it is a bit rounded, the side of his bed is a rectangle. His eyes are circles. The neckline of his shirt is a partial circle, which is called an arc.": "هناك الكثير من الأشكال هنا. المستطيل هو شكل بأربعة جوانب مثل هذه الصفحة. على الرغم من أنه مستدير قليلاً، فإن جانب سريره هو مستطيل. عيناه هما دوائر. خط العنق في قميصه هو جزء من دائرة، ويسمى قوسًا.", + "Point out all the arcs in this picture, don't forget the small ones, and then look around where you are to find some more arcs.": "أشر إلى جميع الأقواس في هذه الصورة، لا تنسَ الأقواس الصغيرة، ثم انظر حولك لتجد المزيد من الأقواس.", + "His mother laughed. \"Sizwe! A smile is something you can give away without losing it. Look!\" She lifted him up to the mirror. There was his smile, just as bright as before.": "ضحكت أمه. \"سيويز! الابتسامة هي شيء يمكنك تقديمه دون أن تفقدها. انظر!“ رفعتُه إلى المرآة. كانت هناك ابتسامته، ساطعة كما كانت من قبل.", + "The colors on this page are a bit brighter. Which colors on this page are the brightest?": "الألوان في هذه الصفحة أكثر سطوعًا قليلاً. ما هي الألوان الأشد سطوعًا في هذه الصفحة؟", + "The mirror is round, but it is not a circle. A circle that is stretched or squished is called an oval or an ellipse. Look around you. Do you see rectangles, circles, arcs, and ovals?": "المرآة دائرية، لكنها ليست دائرة. الدائرة التي تم تمديدها أو ضغطها تسمى بيضاوية أو إهليلجية. انظر حولك. هل ترى مستطيلات، دوائر، أقواس، وبيضاويات؟", + "A smile is something you can give away without losing it or using it up. Can you think of other things like this?": "الابتسامة هي شيء يمكنك تقديمه دون أن تفقدها أو تستهلكها. هل يمكنك التفكير في أشياء أخرى مثل هذا؟", + "It was time to go out. Mama buttoned up Sizwe's raincoat, and off they went, through the rain, to the library. Down the street, Sizwe's best friend Zanele stood at the window of her house, looking sadly at the rain. Sizwe felt his smile creeping, creeping up. Before he knew it, his smile LEAPT out, and flew across the garden to Zanele.": "حان الوقت للخروج. زرّرت ماما معطف المطر لسيويز، وانطلقوا في المطر إلى المكتبة. في الشارع، وقفت صديقة سيويز المفضلة زانيلي عند نافذة بيتها، تنظر بحزن إلى المطر. شعر سيويز بابتسامته تتسلل، تتسلل. قبل أن يعرف، قفزت ابتسامته، وطارت عبر الحديقة إلى زانيلي.", + "How does Zanele feel? How can you tell from the picture that Zanele feels that way?": "كيف تشعر زانيلي؟ كيف يمكنك أن تعرف من الصورة أن زانيلي تشعر بهذه الطريقة؟", + "Zanele's dog looks concerned about Zanele. Do you have an animal or person who is good at noticing when you are sad? Do they try to cheer you up?": "يبدو أن كلب زانيلي قلق بشأن زانيلي. هل لديك حيوان أو شخص يجيد ملاحظة عندما تكون حزينًا؟ هل يحاولون تشجيعك؟", + "Notice how the arcs of Zanele's mouth, eyes, and eyebrows are all turned down and sagging. Describe how these arcs change when someone is happy and smiling.": "لاحظ كيف أن أقواس فم زانيلي، عينيها، وحاجبيها كلها متجهة إلى الأسفل وتترهل. صف كيف تتغير هذه الأقواس عندما يكون شخص ما سعيدًا ويبتسم.", + "Zanele held on tightly to the smile – it was far too precious to let it get away. As Sizwe walked away to the library, Zanele's doorbell rang. It was the postman, with a letter from her favorite cousin. Zanele was so happy, that the smile bounced up, and beamed out at the postman. \"Thank you, Mister Postman!\" she said.": "تمسكت زانيلي بالابتسامة بإحكام – كانت ثمينة جدًا لا يمكنها السماح لها بالذهاب. عندما ابتعد سيويز إلى المكتبة، رن جرس باب زانيلي. كان ساعي البريد، ومعه رسالة من ابن عمها المفضل. كانت زانيلي سعيدة جدًا، حتى ارتفعت الابتسامة، وابتسمت لساعي البريد. وقالت \"شكرًا لك، سيد ساعي البريد!“ .", + "How does it make you feel when you get a message from someone you like? Do you ever send messages to people you like to cheer them up?": "كيف تشعر عندما تتلقى رسالة من شخص تحبه؟ هل ترسل رسائل إلى أشخاص تحبهم لتشجيعهم؟", + "What are the bright colors in this picture? On grey days, it can take a little extra effort to find bright colors and celebrate them.": "ما هي الألوان الزاهية في هذه الصورة؟ في الأيام الرمادية، قد يتطلب الأمر جهدًا إضافيًا للعثور على الألوان الزاهية والاحتفال بها.", + "It looks like the Postman is about twice as tall as Zanele. We could say he is two Zaneles in height. People sometimes measure things in terms of people. They will say that it is 100 steps to get somewhere or that ocean waves are waist high.": "يبدو أن ساعي البريد أطول حوالي ضعف طول زانيلي. يمكننا أن نقول إنه بارتفاع زانيليتين. يقيس الناس أحيانًا الأشياء بمدى طول الأشخاص. سيقولون إنها ١٠٠ خطوة للوصول إلى مكان ما أو أن أمواج المحيط تصل إلى الخصر.", + "Zanele's smile was the brightest thing the postman had seen all morning. It kept him warm as he trudged off through the rain. He came to a big house. Inside the gate, a dog was spinning around in circles, barking, barking, barking. He was so silly that the postman couldn't help smiling. The smile bounced through the gate with glitter of glee.": "كانت ابتسامة زانيلي هي أكثر شيء ساطع رآه ساعي البريد طوال الصباح. أبقته دافئًا بينما كان يسير في المطر. وصل إلى بيت كبير. داخل البوابة، كان كلب يدور حول نفسه، ينبح وينبح وينبح. كان سخيفًا جدًا، حتى أن ساعي البريد لم يستطع إلا أن يبتسم. ارتدت الابتسامة عبر البوابة مع بريق من البهجة.", + "Zanele's smile was a wonderful gift to the postman, and from there it became a happy gift to the dog. Is the smile getting worn out, or is it just as powerful as when it started with Sizwe?": "كانت ابتسامة زانيلي هدية رائعة لساعي البريد، ومن هناك أصبحت هدية سعيدة للكلب. هل الابتسامة تتلاشى، أم أنها بنفس القوة عندما بدأت مع سيويز؟", + "What shapes do you see on this page? There are lots of rectangles, and there are quite a few interesting curves.": "ما الأشكال التي تراها في هذه الصفحة. هناك الكثير من المستطيلات، وهناك بعض المنحنيات المثيرة للاهتمام.", + "Counting the rectangles here can be tricky because you get a new rectangle when you put two rectangles side by side. There are over 20 rectangles if you count them all!": "عد المستطيلات هنا يمكن أن يكون صعبًا لأنه عندما تضع مستطيلين بجانب بعضهما تحصل على مستطيل جديد. هناك أكثر من ٢٠ مستطيلًا إذا عددتهم جميعًا!", + "The dog stopped barking. He pricked up his ears and wagged his tail. Then he turned and ran back to the house with the precious, warm smile. A bent old man opened the door. \"Oh, no! You can't come inside. You're all wet!\" he told the dog. But right away, the smile beamed up at the old man.": "توقف الكلب عن النباح. رفع أذنيه واهتز ذيله. ثم استدار وركض عائدًا إلى البيت مع الابتسامة الدافئة الثمينة. فتح رجل عجوز منحن الباب. \"أوه، لا! لا يمكنك الدخول. أنت مبتل!“ قال للرجل العجوز. لكن فورًا، ابتسمت الابتسامة للرجل العجوز.", + "It is amazing how much more people like to do nice things when they are feeling happy. Do you notice it's easier to be thoughtful and kind when you are feeling good?": "من المدهش كم يحب الناس فعل الأشياء اللطيفة عندما يشعرون بالسعادة. هل تلاحظ أن التفكير بأن تكون مدروسًا ولطيفًا يكون أسهل عندما تشعر بالرضا؟", + "The world would be a much better place if everyone could feel happy all the time. Do you think that is possible?": "سيكون العالم مكانًا أفضل بكثير إذا كان بإمكان الجميع الشعور بالسعادة طوال الوقت. هل تعتقد أن ذلك ممكن؟", + "The light vertical lines going up and down show us that it is raining. These lines are all going in the same direction. A family of lines like this are said to be parallel. Parallel lines never meet, no matter how far out they go!": "الخطوط العمودية الخفيفة التي تصعد وتنزل تظهر لنا أنه يمطر. هذه الخطوط كلها تسير في نفس الاتجاه. عائلة من الخطوط مثل هذه يقال إنها متوازية. الخطوط المتوازية لا تلتقي أبدًا، بغض النظر عن مدى تمددها!", + "The old man stood a little straighter. \"Eish,\" he said, \"Who cares if it's raining? Let's go for a walk, boy!\" And off they went, splashing in the puddles. There, at the zebra crossing, stood grumpy Mrs. Makabela, the traffic cop. She looked cold, and wet, and miserable. The old man knew just what to do. \"Morning, Mrs. Makabela!\" he called, and smiled his biggest, brightest smile. But Mrs. Makabela did not smile back.": "وقف الرجل العجوز مستقيمًا قليلاً. \"أه“، قال، \"من يهتم إذا كانت تمطر؟ لنذهب في نزهة، يا فتى!“ وانطلقا، يبللان في البرك. هناك، عند معبر الحمار الوحشي، وقفت السيدة ماكابيلا المتجهمة، شرطية المرور. بدت باردة ومبللة وبائسة. عرف الرجل العجوز ما يجب عليه فعله. \"صباح الخير، السيدة ماكابيلا!“ نادى، وابتسم بأكبر وأسطع ابتسامة. لكن السيدة ماكابيلا لم تبتسم.", + "Some people avoid puddles on rainy days. However, it's a lot more fun to splash in them! Do you like to do that?": "يتجنب بعض الناس البرك في الأيام الممطرة. ومع ذلك، يكون من الأكثر متعة اللعب فيها! هل تحب القيام بذلك؟", + "What things in this picture show us how Mrs. Makabela is feeling?": "ما الأشياء في هذه الصورة التي تظهر لنا كيف تشعر السيدة ماكابيلا؟", + "Which shapes do you see in this picture? Are there any new ones here?": "ما الأشكال التي تراها في هذه الصورة؟ هل هناك أي أشكال جديدة هنا؟", + "Standing in the rain for days can make a face sad, sad, sad. But a smile is a magical thing and, by now, the smile was so strong, and so bright, that it was very hard to keep inside. It didn't work right away, but bit by tiny bit, it began to creep out until, at last!": "الوقوف في المطر لأيام يمكن أن يجعل الوجه حزينًا، حزينًا، حزينًا. لكن الابتسامة شيء سحري والآن، كانت الابتسامة قوية جدًا، وساطعة جدًا، بحيث كان من الصعب الاحتفاظ بها في الداخل. لم تعمل على الفور، ولكن شيئًا فشيئًا، بدأت تزحف إلى الخارج حتى، أخيرًا!", + "There is no picture on this page to tell us what is going on. What do you think is happening in the story right now? What will happen next?": "لا توجد صورة في هذه الصفحة لتخبرنا بما يحدث. ماذا تعتقد يحدث في القصة الآن؟ ماذا سيحدث بعد ذلك؟", + "How do you think the story will end? Will all the smiles get used up?": "كيف تعتقد ستنتهي القصة؟ هل ستنفد جميع الابتسامات؟", + "Smiling and being happy is one emotion. Choose another emotion and make up a story about how someone with that emotion changed the lives of the people around them.": "الابتسام والشعور بالسعادة هما عاطفة واحدة. اختر عاطفة أخرى وابتكر قصة حول كيفية تغيير شخص بهذه العاطفة لحياة الأشخاص من حوله.", + "A great, big smile lit up Mrs. Makabela's face! The school bell rang, and children ran to cross the road. Mrs. Makabela put up her sign, and smiled, and smiled, at each and every child.": "أضاءت ابتسامة كبيرة وجه السيدة ماكابيلا! دق جرس المدرسة، وركض الأطفال لعبور الطريق. رفعت السيدة ماكابيلا لافتتها، وابتسمت، وابتسمت، لكل طفل.", + "Look at how the stripes on the street are made from a series of alternating black and white rectangles.": "انظر كيف تصنع الخطوط على الشارع من سلسلة من المستطيلات السوداء والبيضاء المتناوبة.", + "Ever wonder whether zebras are black with white stripes or whether they are white with black stripes (they are black with white stripes)? Most roads are black, so it's very likely that these are white stripes on top of a black road.": "هل تساءلت يومًا ما إذا كانت الحمير الوحشية سوداء بخطوط بيضاء أو بيضاء بخطوط سوداء (إنها سوداء بخطوط بيضاء)؟ معظم الطرق سوداء، لذلك من المحتمل جدًا أن تكون هذه الخطوط البيضاء فوق طريق أسود.", + "The story uses the two words \"smiled\" and \"child\" that sound alike -- they rhyme. Having rhyming words makes the story feel cheery and fun. Say some rhyming words that you think are fun to hear together.": "تستخدم القصة كلمتين \"ابتسم“ و\"طفل“ اللتين تشبهان الصوت -- إنهما تتقفيان. وجود كلمات تتقفى يجعل القصة تبدو مبهجة وممتعة. قل بعض الكلمات المتقفية التي تعتقد أنها ممتعة لتسمعها معًا.", + "The children smiled at their moms and dads, and their gogos and tatas and brothers and sisters. They smiled at the bus driver and the greengrocer, and Mme. Makau, who went off to smile at her husband, who smiled at the mayor. The smiles leapt and rolled and beamed and gleamed until EVERYONE was smiling and giggling and laughing out loud in the rain.": "ابتسم الأطفال لأمهاتهم وآبائهم، وجداتهم وأجدادهم وإخوتهم وأخواتهم. ابتسموا لسائق الحافلة وبائع الخضار، ومدام ماكو، التي ذهبت لتبتسم لزوجها، الذي ابتسم لرئيس البلدية. قفزت الابتسامات وتدحرجت وأشعت وتألق الجميع، يبتسمون ويضحكون بصوت عالٍ في المطر.", + "There is no limit to how much smiles can bounce around. How marvelous that all that smiling and laughing can happen on a rainy day.": "لا يوجد حد لكمية الابتسامات التي يمكنها التردد. كم هو رائع أن كل هذا الابتسام والضحك يمكن أن يحدث في يوم ممطر.", + "Sometimes rainy days can be fun. Do you enjoy rainy days and watching the rain come down?": "في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن تكون الأيام الممطرة ممتعة. هل تستمتع بالأيام الممطرة ومشاهدة المطر؟", + "If one person can cause two new people to smile, consider how quickly this becomes a lot of people. 1 smiling person creates 2 more, who create 4 more, who create 8 more, and it keeps on doubling. How high can you keep this progression going? This is called exponential growth.": "إذا كان بإمكان شخص واحد أن يجعل شخصين جديدين يبتسمان، فكر في مدى سرعة تحول هذا إلى الكثير من الناس. ١ شخص مبتسم يخلق ٢ آخرين، الذين يخلقون ٤ آخرين، الذين يخلقون ٨ آخرين، ويستمر في التضاعف. إلى أي مدى يمكنك أن تبقي هذا التقدم مستمرًا؟ يسمى هذا النمو الأسي.", + "In the library, everything was quiet except for the sound of the rain. \"It's time to go,\" said Sizwe's mother, closing her book. \"Aw, mom!\" said Sizwe, who had run out of smiles.": "في المكتبة، كان كل شيء هادئًا باستثناء صوت المطر. \"حان الوقت للذهاب“، قالت والدة سيويز، مغلقة كتابها. \"آه، أمي!“ قال سيويز، الذي نفدت ابتساماته.", + "There are lots and lots of rectangles in this picture. Can you count them all?": "هناك الكثير والكثير من المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. هل يمكنك عدها جميعًا؟", + "When it is difficult to count a large number of things, we can make an estimate, which is our best guess, for that number.": "عندما يكون من الصعب عد عدد كبير من الأشياء، يمكننا وضع تقدير، وهو أفضل تخمين لنا، لذلك العدد.", + "Play the estimation game with a friend. Take a quick look at a group of things and then both of you make an estimate for how many things there are. Then count the things and see who was closest. With practice, you will get much better at making estimates!": "العب لعبة التقدير مع صديق. ألق نظرة سريعة على مجموعة من الأشياء ثم يقوم كل منكما بعمل تقدير لعدد الأشياء الموجودة. ثم عد الأشياء وانظر من كان الأقرب. مع الممارسة، ستتحسن كثيرًا في وضع التقديرات!", + "But as they stepped out into the street WHAT A SIGHT! Everyone in town was there! Everyone! And they were ALL smiling!": "ولكن عندما خرجوا إلى الشارع، يا له من منظر! كان الجميع في المدينة هناك! الجميع! وكانوا جميعًا يبتسمون!", + "One of the wonderful parts of helping make other people happy is that they can help make you happy in return!": "أحد الأجزاء الرائعة لمساعدة الآخرين على السعادة هو أنهم يمكنهم مساعدتك على الشعور بالسعادة بالمقابل!", + "How has the red sign changed from earlier in the story? (The white rectangle turned into a white arc that looks like a smile.)": "كيف تغيرت العلامة الحمراء من بداية القصة؟ (المستطيل الأبيض تحول إلى قوس أبيض يشبه الابتسامة.)", + "That's a lot of people! If you wanted to count their feet, you could count by 2's. If you wanted to count their arms you could count by 2's. What would you count by to count their limbs (arms and legs)? Would you count by 2's or by 4's?": "هذا الكثير من الناس! إذا كنت تريد عد أقدامهم، يمكنك العد بمضاعفات ٢. إذا كنت تريد عد أذرعهم، يمكنك العد بمضاعفات ٢. ماذا ستعد لتعد أطرافهم (الأذرع والساقين)؟ هل ستعد بمضاعفات ٢ أم بمضاعفات ٤؟", + "The smiles bounced around and beamed at Sizwe. They warmed him, and tickled him, and crept up, up, up from his toes to the TOP of his head. He was so full of happiness that the smile burst out, brilliant and beaming bright. And something changed. The dark, gloomy, rainy afternoon didn't seem so dark anymore. Could it be? YES! The clouds parted, and the warm sun shone down on them, with the biggest, brightest, most brilliant smile of all.": "تردد الابتسامات وأشعت على سيويز. لقد دفئته، ودغدغته، وزحفت لأعلى، أعلى، أعلى من أصابع قدميه إلى قمة رأسه. كان مليئًا بالسعادة لدرجة أن الابتسامة انفجرت، مشرقة ومبهجة. وحدث شيء ما. لم يعد الظهر كئيب وماطر ومظلمًا جدًا. هل يمكن أن يكون؟ نعم! انقشعت الغيوم، وأشرقت الشمس الدافئة عليهم، بأكبر وأسطع ابتسامة على الإطلاق.", + "What a difference one's mental attitude can make! A happy person can often see difficult things in a positive way, and an unhappy person can choose to see good things in a negative way.": "يا لها من فرق يمكن أن تحدثه العقلية! يمكن للشخص السعيد أن يرى غالبًا الأشياء الصعبة بطريقة إيجابية، ويمكن للشخص غير السعيد أن يختار رؤية الأشياء الجيدة بطريقة سلبية.", + "Think of an example of something you could have been sad or unhappy about, but you chose to see it in a positive way. It's a great talent if you can do it.": "فكر في مثال لشيء كان يمكنك أن تشعر بالحزن أو التعاسة حياله، لكنك اخترت أن تراه بطريقة إيجابية. إنها موهبة رائعة إذا كنت تستطيع فعلها.", + "Even the sun is smiling! This story has a very happy ending!": "حتى الشمس تبتسم! هذه القصة لها نهاية سعيدة جدًا!", "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.": "قررت الأم الشمس زيارة أختها القمر. تعيش الأخت قمر في الجانب الآخر من السماء. قالت الشمس للسحب: \"سأعود قريبًا\".", "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?": "ماذا سيتغير في الغيوم والجبال إذا ذهبت الشمس؟", "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?": "هل سبق وأن تخيلت وجوهاً على الغيوم والجبال؟", @@ -2463,6 +3411,66 @@ "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?": "تمتد أشعة الشمس بعيدًا جدًا في هذه الصفحة. هل هناك أيام تبدو فيها أشعة الشمس وكأنها تصل إليك؟", "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?": "أي أقل ما في هذه الصفحة: الأشجار أم الجبال أم شيء في السماء؟", "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.": "أيها موجود بعدد أكبر؟ في بعض الأحيان يكون هناك شيئان بنفس المقدار مع أكبر عدد -- لا بأس، فقط قل كلاهما.", + "Mr. Shabangu was the best baker in town. Every morning he woke up at four o'clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes, and biscuits.": "كان السيد شابانجو أفضل خباز في المدينة. كل صباح يستيقظ في الساعة الرابعة لخلط وعجن العجين لخبز الكعك والبسكويت الذي اشتهر به.", + "Do you like to cook? Baking can be a lot of fun. It usually involves a lot of careful measuring and counting.": "هل تحب الطهي؟ يمكن أن يكون الخبز ممتعًا جدًا. عادة ما يتطلب الكثير من القياس والعد بعناية.", + "It looks like there are two rows of four eggs. You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Which way did you choose? Have you ever seen a carton holding 8 eggs?": "يبدو أن هناك صفين من أربع بيضات. يمكنك عدها بـ ١، ٢، أو ٤. أي طريقة اخترتها؟ هل سبق لك أن رأيت علبة تحتوي على ٨ بيضات؟", + "Why do you think bakers get up early in the morning? Do you like to get up so early that it is still dark outside, or does it seem like you should still be asleep at that time?": "لماذا تعتقد أن الخبازين يستيقظون في وقت مبكر من الصباح؟ هل تحب أن تستيقظ مبكرًا عندما لا يزال الظلام في الخارج، أم يبدو لك أنه يجب أن تكون لا تزال نائمًا في ذلك الوقت؟", + "By eight o'clock the people of the town were walking past the bakery on their way to work and school. By this time the cakes and buns were almost cooked, and the most delicious smells wafted out of the bakery's windows.": "بحلول الساعة الثامنة، كان الناس في المدينة يسيرون بجوار المخبز في طريقهم إلى العمل والمدرسة. وبحلول هذا الوقت يكون الكعك والبسكويت قد قد تم تجهيزه، وكانت أروع الروائح تتصاعد من نوافذ المخبز.", + "The baker started early so his wonderful food would be ready to eat when people walked by at breakfast time. Why couldn't the people just wait a little while?": "بدأ الخباز مبكرًا حتى يكون طعامه الرائع جاهزًا للأكل عندما يمر الناس به في وقت الإفطار. لماذا لم يستطع الناس الانتظار قليلاً؟", + "The baker could have baked the evening before and then not needed to get up so early. Why didn't he do that?": "كان يمكن للخباز أن يخبز في الليلة السابقة وبالتالي لن يحتاج للاستيقاظ مبكرًا. لماذا لم يفعل ذلك؟", + "This baker has a very small shop! Do you think he has room to cook in, display his baked goods, and have customers walk inside to buy things?": "هذا الخباز لديه متجر صغير جدًا! هل تعتقد أن لديه مساحة للطهي، عرض المخبوزات الخاصة به، والسماح للعملاء بالدخول لشراء الأشياء؟", + "Many of the people went into the bakery to buy their breakfast. Mr. Shabangu smiled happily at them as he passed them the fresh, tasty cinnamon buns and warm, golden biscuits that were so famous in the town.": "دخل العديد من الناس إلى المخبز لشراء إفطارهم. ابتسم السيد شابانجو بسعادة لهم وهو يمرر لهم الكعك الدافئ الذهبي والبسكويت الشهير في المدينة.", + "The clock says it is 1:00. That seems late to be buying breakfast. Have you ever eaten breakfast after noon?": "تقول الساعة إنها الواحدة بعد الظهر. يبدو هذا متأخرًا لشراء الإفطار. هل سبق لك أن تناولت الإفطار بعد الظهر؟", + "How can you tell the items in the box are fresh and hot?": "كيف يمكنك معرفة أن العناصر في الصندوق طازجة وساخنة؟", + "What in the picture shows that Mr. Shabangu likes his work and cares about the food he makes? Do you have a favorite thing you like to do that you care a lot about?": "ما في الصورة يظهر أن السيد شابانجو يحب عمله ويهتم بالطعام الذي يصنعه؟ هل لديك شيء مفضل تحب القيام به وتعتني به كثيرًا؟", + "But other people were not so lucky. Because they had so little money, the poorer people of the town could hardly ever afford to buy any of the delicious buns, cakes, and biscuits. All they could do was enjoy the lovely smells that drifted out of the bakery windows. When Mr. Shabangu noticed these people sniffing the air near his bakery, he said angrily, \"How dare they sniff my delicious smells!\"": "لكن بعض الناس لم يكونوا محظوظين جدًا. لأنهم كانوا يمتلكون القليل من المال، فلم يستطع الناس الفقراء في المدينة شراء أي من الكعك اوالبسكويت اللذيذ. كل ما يمكنهم فعله هو التمتع بالروائح الرائعة التي تتصاعد من نوافذ المخبز. عندما لاحظ السيد شابانجو هؤلاء الناس يشمون الهواء بالقرب من مخبزه، قال بغضب، \"كيف يجرؤون على شم روائحي اللذيذة!“", + "What do you think? Is it okay for the poor people to enjoy the delicious smells coming from Mr. Shabangu's bakery?": "ما رأيك؟ هل من المقبول أن يتمتع الناس الفقراء بالروائح اللذيذة التي تأتي من مخبز السيد شابانجو؟", + "Some people are generous with the things they have, while other people don't want to give away something they worked hard to make. Which kind of person do you think tends to be happier?": "بعض الناس كرماء بما يمتلكونه، بينما لا يريد الآخرون إعطاء شيء عملوا بجد لصنعه. أي نوع من الناس تعتقد أنه يكون أكثر سعادة؟", + "Each of the three loaves of bread on the shelf has three cuts in it. How many total cuts does that make? Did you skip count by 3's, or do you know what 3 times 3 is?": "كل واحدة من أرغفة الخبز الثلاثة على الرف تحتوي على ثلاث قطع. كم عدد القطع الإجمالية؟ هل قمت بالعد بالقفز بـ ٣، أم أنك تعرف ما هو ٣ ضرب ٣؟", + "\"Those are MY smells. I made them, so they belong to me! If people want to smell my wonderful smells, they should pay for them!\" He huffed and puffed and wiped the sweat from his brow, before turning back to the oven to bake some bread and rolls for his lunchtime customers.": "\"تلك هي روائحي. أنا صنعتها، لذا فهي تخصني! إذا أراد الناس أن يشموا روائحي الرائعة، فعليهم أن يدفعوا لي المال مقابل ذلك!“ كان ينفث ويزفر ويمسح العرق من جبينه، قبل أن يعود إلى الفرن لخبز الخبز واللفائف لزبائنه وقت الغداء.", + "Do you agree with Mr. Shabangu? Do we own the aromas we make?": "هل تتفق مع السيد شابانجو؟ هل نملك الروائح التي نصنعها؟", + "There are many ways to sense things. For example, we can touch them. What are some other ways of sensing things?": "هناك العديد من الطرق لاستشعار الأشياء. على سبيل المثال، يمكننا لمسها. ما هي بعض الطرق الأخرى لاستشعار الأشياء؟", + "We do restrict some ways of sensing. We typically control who gets to touch or taste our things. Can we control who gets to sense our things in other ways?": "نحن نقيد بعض طرق الاستشعار. عادة ما نتحكم في من يمكنه لمس أو تذوق أشيائنا. هل يمكننا التحكم في من يمكنه استشعار أشيائنا بطرق أخرى؟", + "One old woman especially loved the smells that drifted out of the bakery window every morning. This was Ma Shange who slept on a bench in the park every night.": "كانت هناك امرأة عجوز تحب الروائح التي تتصاعد من نافذة المخبز كل صباح. كانت هذه ماشانجي التي تنام على مقعد في الحديقة كل ليلة.", + "Why do you think Ma Shange sleeps on a bench in the park? What does she do when it rains?": "لماذا تعتقد أن ما شانجي تنام على مقعد في الحديقة؟ ماذا تفعل عندما تمطر؟", + "Do you ever sleep outside? Do you like being out in nature getting to see the night sky? Is it a little uncomfortable and scary, or does it feel very natural and pleasant?": "هل تنام في الخارج؟ هل تحب أن تكون في الطبيعة وترى السماء الليلية؟ هل هو غير مريح ومخيف بعض الشيء، أم أنه يشعر بالطبيعية والراحة؟", + "Have you ever tried to count all the stars you can see in the sky on a clear night? If the sky is really clear, there are too many stars to count, but it's still fun to try!": "هل سبق لك أن حاولت عد جميع النجوم التي يمكنك رؤيتها في السماء في ليلة صافية؟ إذا كانت السماء صافية حقًا، فهناك الكثير من النجوم التي لا يمكن عدها، لكنه لا يزال ممتعًا المحاولة!", + "A few weeks before, a kind person had given her the money to buy herself a cinnamon bun. She had taken the bun back to the park and ate it very slowly, licking her lips and sharing the last crumbs with the birds.": "قبل بضعة أسابيع، أعطاها شخص كريم المال لشراء كعكة قرفة. أخذت الكعكة إلى الحديقة وأكلتها ببطء شديد، تلعق شفتيها وتشارك الفتات الأخير مع الطيور.", + "That's a lot of birds for her to feed! If she gives three crumbs to each bird, count by 3's to find out how many crumbs she needs to feed them all.": "هذا الكثير من الطيور لتطعمها! إذا أعطت ثلاث فتات لكل طائر، عد بـ ٣ لتجد كم عدد الفتات التي تحتاجها لتطعمها جميعًا.", + "If you took one of those buns and broke it into a bunch of crumbs, estimate how many crumbs that would make. An estimate is a best guess as to the quantity of something that is hard to count.": "إذا أخذت واحدة من تلك الكعك وكسرته إلى مجموعة من الفتات، قدّر كم عدد الفتات التي ستصنعها. التقدير هو أفضل تخمين لكمية شيء من الصعب عدّه.", + "Ma Shange gave away some of something she likes very much. Why did she do that? Is she happier feeding the birds than if she had eaten those crumbs herself? Have you ever given away something you liked because you knew someone else would enjoy it or need it?": "ما شانجي أعطت بعضًا من شيء تحبه جدًا. لماذا فعلت ذلك؟ هل هي أسعد بإطعام الطيور من لو كانت قد أكلت تلك الفتات بنفسها؟ هل سبق لك أن أعطيت شيئًا تحبه لأنك كنت تعلم أن شخصًا آخر سيستمتع به أو يحتاجه؟", + "After that, although the old woman didn't have enough money to buy breakfast, she longed for the delicious bun again. So every morning she walked slowly past Mr. Shabangu's bakery, sniffing the air and smiling blissfully at the mouth-watering smell.": "بعد ذلك، رغم أن المرأة العجوز لم يكن لديها ما يكفي من المال لشراء الإفطار، كانت تتوق للكعكة اللذيذة مرة أخرى. لذلك كل صباح كانت تسير ببطء بجوار مخبز السيد شابانجو، تشم الهواء وتبتسم بسعادة لرائحها الشهية.", + "It's a little hard to tell, so let's suppose that each piece of bread has 4 cuts in it. What are the total number of cuts for those 6 pieces of bread? Did you skip count by 4's, by 6's, or did you figure it out some other way?": "من الصعب قليلاً أن نقول، لذلك لنفترض أن كل قطعة خبز بها ٤ قطع. ما هو العدد الإجمالي للقطع لتلك ٦ قطع خبز؟ هل قمت بالعد بالقفز بـ ٤، بـ ٦، أم أنك اكتشفتها بطريقة أخرى؟", + "Take a quick look and estimate how many buns you see on the lower shelf.": "ألق نظرة سريعة وقدّر كم عدد الكعك الذي تراه على الرف السفلي.", + "Now count the buns and see how close your estimate is. There are many ways to count them. One way is to skip count by 2's. How did you count them?": "الآن عد الكعك وانظر مدى قرب تقديرك. هناك العديد من الطرق لعدها. إحدى الطرق هي العد بالقفز بـ ٢. كيف قمت بعدّها؟", + "Ma Shange's new habit made the baker very angry. As each day went by, he grew angrier and angrier with her. Finally, one winter morning when he was in an especially bad mood, he stormed out of his bakery and grabbed the old woman by the arm. \"How dare you steal my smells!\" he shouted. \"You're nothing but a smell thief!\" He wiped his hands on an apron, then pulled it off and threw it back into the bakery.": "أثارت عادة ماشانجي الجديدة غضب الخباز بشدة. ومع مرور كل يوم، كان يغضب منها أكثر فأكثر. وأخيرًا، في صباح يوم شتوي عندما كان في مزاج سيئ بشكل خاص، خرج من مخبزه غاضبًا وأمسك بالمرأة العجوز من ذراعها. وصرخ في وجهها قائلاً \"كيف تجرؤين على سرقة روائحي!“. \"أنتِ لا شيء سوى لص الروائح!“ مسح يديه على المريلة، ثم خلعها وألقى بها داخل المخبز.", + "The bricks showing in the wall are rectangles. Rectangles have four straight sides and have corners like the corners of this page. Can you find any other rectangles in this picture? Do you see any rectangles around where you are?": "الطوب الظاهر في الحائط هي مستطيلات. المستطيلات لها أربعة جوانب مستقيمة وزوايا مثل زوايا هذه الصفحة. هل يمكنك العثور على أي مستطيلات أخرى في هذه الصورة؟ هل ترى أي مستطيلات حولك؟", + "What do you think, is the baker right? Should Ma Shange be forced to stay away?": "ما رأيك، هل الخباز على حق؟ هل يجب أن تُجبر ما شانجي على البقاء بعيدًا؟", + "Notice how the bricks in different rows are offset from the row above. This is always done. Guess why having the bricks all lined up would make the wall weaker.": "لاحظ كيف أن الطوب في الصفوف المختلفة متداخلة عن الصفوف التي فوقها. هذا دائمًا ما يتم. خمن لماذا يجعل وجود الطوب كلها في خط واحد الجدار أضعف.", + "\"This is the last day this cheeky woman will steal my smells!\" he shouted. And with these words, he dragged Ma Shange off to the court to see judge Ngwenya. The judge was sitting down at his huge, shiny desk when the angry baker stormed in, dragging the quivering and confused Ma Shange with him.": "\"هذا هو آخر يوم تسرق فيه هذه المرأة الوقحة روائحي!“ قال غاضباً. ومع هذه الكلمات، جر ماشانجي إلى المحكمة لرؤية القاضي نجوينيا. كان القاضي يجلس على مكتبه الضخم اللامع عندما اندفع الخباز الغاضب إلى الداخل، وهو يجر ما شانجي المرتعدة والمرتبكة معه.", + "Point out the rectangles in this picture. Why do you think rectangles are used so often in creating rooms and buildings?": "أشر إلى المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. لماذا تعتقد أن المستطيلات تستخدم كثيرًا في إنشاء الغرف والمباني؟", + "Triangles, which are 3-sided figures, are stronger, more rigid, and keep their shape better. Why not build everything out of triangles?": "المثلثات، التي هي أشكال ذات ٣ جوانب، أقوى، وأكثر صلابة، وتحافظ على شكلها بشكل أفضل. لماذا لا نبني كل شيء من المثلثات؟", + "Have you seen buildings that use shapes other than rectangles. It's fun to find places constructed out of unusual shapes!": "هل رأيت مباني تستخدم أشكالًا غير المستطيلات؟ من الممتع العثور على أماكن مبنية من أشكال غير عادية!", + "\"Good morning,\" said the judge in his deep voice. \"Sir,\" said Mr. Shabangu furiously, \"I demand justice! I wish to lay a complaint against this woman. Every day for the last three weeks, she has walked past my bakery early in the morning when my delicious smells are at their best, and stolen them. I demand that she pays for those smells!\"": "\"صباح الخير،“ قال القاضي بصوته العميق. \"سيدي،“ قال السيد شابانجو بغضب، \"أطالب بالعدالة! أريد تقديم شكوى ضد هذه المرأة. كل يوم خلال الأسابيع الثلاثة الماضية، كانت تمر بجوار مخبزي في الصباح الباكر عندما تكون روائحي اللذيذة في أفضل حالاتها، وتسرقها. أطالب بأن تدفع ثمن تلك الروائح!“", + "This is the first time in the story the baker has asked for payment for his smells rather than for his baked goods. Imagine how silly it would be if he had a sign in his shop that listed costs for different smells.": "هذه هي المرة الأولى في القصة التي يطلب فيها الخباز دفع ثمن روائحه بدلاً من المخبوزات. تخيل كم سيكون الأمر سخيفًا إذا كان لديه لافتة في متجره تدرج أسعار الروائح المختلفة.", + "Smells can be wonderful and delightful and can fill us with happiness. However, what are they worth? How much do you think a good smell is worth?": "الروائح يمكن أن تكون رائعة وممتعة ويمكن أن تملأنا بالسعادة. ومع ذلك، ما قيمتها؟ كم تعتقد أن رائحة جيدة تستحق؟", + "Some people buy perfumes with special smells, and some people buy herbs and other foods mainly for the aromas they will provide for their food. Those are some forms of buying smells.": "بعض الناس يشترون العطور بروائح خاصة، وبعض الناس يشترون الأعشاب والأطعمة الأخرى بشكل رئيسي من أجل الروائح التي ستضيفها لأطعمتهم. هذه بعض أشكال شراء الروائح.", + "The judge scratched his big, bald head for a moment. Then he cleared his throat. \"Fair enough,\" he said to the baker. \"Justice will be done.\" He turned to Ma Shange. \"How much money do you have on you, Madam?\" he asked.": "حك القاضي رأسه الاصلع الكبير للحظة. ثم صفى حنجرته وقال. \"لا بأس، سيتم تحقيق العدالة.“ استدار إلى ماشانجي. \"كم من المال لديك، سيدتي؟“", + "There are even more rectangles in this picture. If you look for them, you will find rectangles almost everywhere people have made things.": "هناك المزيد من المستطيلات في هذه الصورة. إذا نظرت، ستجد المستطيلات في كل مكان تقريبًا حيث صنع الناس أشياء.", + "What do you think the judge is going to do with Ma Shange's money? How will the judge put a price on the baker's smells?": "ما رأيك أن يفعل القاضي بأموال ما شانجي؟ كيف سيضع القاضي سعرًا على روائح الخباز؟", + "How do you think this story is going to end?": "كيف تعتقد أن هذه القصة ستنتهي؟", + "\"Only two rands,\" stammered Ma Shange. \"Well,\" said the judge, \"hand it to me, please.\" Meekly, Ma Shange reached into the pocket of her tatty old cardigan and pulled out two one rand coins. She handed them to the judge. He took them, thanking her politely.": "\"فقط راندين“، تلعثمت ماشانجي. \"حسنًا،“ قال القاضي، \"اعطني إياها، من فضلك.“ بوجل، مدت ماشانجي يدها في جيب سترتها القديمة المهترئة وسحبت قطعتين نقديتين من فئة راند واحد. سلمتهما للقاضي. أخذهما، وشكرها بأدب.", + "The judge asked her for all the money she had in the world. It seems pretty harsh for her to give her only money to the baker, even if it is only 2 rands (equal to about 15 cents in the US or Europe right now).": "طلب القاضي منها كل المال الذي تملكه في العالم. يبدو من القسوة بعض الشيء أن تعطي مالها الوحيد للخباز، حتى وإن كان مجرد ٢ راند (يعادل حوالي ١٥ سنتًا في الولايات المتحدة أو أوروبا الآن).", + "Rands are used as currency in the country of South Africa. Their smallest coin is the 5 cent piece. How many of those coins does it take to make 1 rand? If you haven't learned how to divide, count by 5's and keep track of how many 5's you use.": "الراند هو عملة تستخدم في دولة جنوب أفريقيا. أصغر عملة لديهم هي قطعة الـ ٥ سنت. كم عدد تلك العملات تحتاج لتكوين ١ راند؟ إذا لم تكن قد تعلمت كيفية القسمة، قم بالعد بـ ٥ واحتفظ بكم عدد الـ ٥ التي استخدمتها.", + "South Africa also has a 10 cent piece. How many of those coins does it take to make 1 rand?": "جنوب أفريقيا لديها أيضًا قطعة ١٠ سنت. كم عدد تلك العملات تحتاج لتكوين ١ راند؟", + "Then he shook the coins in his big fist, so that they made a clinking sound. \"This is my judgement,\" he said to the baker. \"The punishment must fit the crime. Therefore the sound of Ma Shange's money is the payment you will get for the smells she stole. And now I wish you a good day.\" The baker looked thoughtful. Then, realizing how unreasonable he had been, he turned slowly and walked out of the room.": "ثم هز القطع النقدية في قبضته الكبيرة، مما أحدث صوت رنين. \"هذا هو حكمي“، قال للخباز. \"يجب أن تتناسب العقوبة مع الجريمة. لذلك صوت أموال ماشانجي هو الدفع الذي ستحصل عليه مقابل الروائح التي سرقتها. والآن أتمنى لك يومًا سعيدًا.“ نظر الخباز بتفكر. مدركاً مدى عدم معقولية تصرفاته، فاستدار ببطء وخرج من الغرفة.", + "A good end to a dispute brings a sense of justice and rightness to all the parties involved. Did the baker feel he had been dealt with fairly? Did the baker learn something important on that day?": "النهاية الجيدة لنزاع تجلب إحساسًا بالعدالة والصواب لجميع الأطراف المعنية. هل شعر الخباز أنه تم التعامل معه بشكل عادل؟ هل تعلم الخباز شيئًا مهمًا في ذلك اليوم؟", + "It was good the baker finally realized he had been unreasonable. It would have been even better if the baker had done more for Ma Shange. An apology to Ma Shange would have been an important step.": "كان من الجيد أن الخباز أدرك في النهاية أنه كان غير معقول. كان من الأفضل حتى لو كان الخباز قد فعل المزيد لما شانجي. كان الاعتذار لما شانجي خطوة مهمة.", + "What else, if anything, do you think the baker should do for Ma Shange?": "ما الذي يجب على الخباز فعله أيضًا، إن وجد، لما شانجي؟", + "The judge smiled kindly at Ma Shange, and handed her back her money. \"Now, Madam,\" he said pulling a brown paper bag from his briefcase, \"would you care to join me for breakfast? These buns are still warm, I bought them only half an hour ago.\"": "ابتسم القاضي بلطف إلى ماشانجي، وأعاد لها مالها. \"الآن، سيدتي، قال وهو يسحب كيسًا ورقيًا بنيًا من حقيبته، هل ترغبين في الانضمام إلي لتناول الإفطار؟ هذه الكعك لا تزال دافئة، لقد اشتريتها منذ نصف ساعة فقط.“", + "The judge realized how poor and hungry Ma Shange was. He showed the kind of generosity that the baker should have shown all along.": "أدرك القاضي كم كانت ماشانجي فقيرة وجائعة. أظهر نوع الكرم الذي كان يجب أن يظهره الخباز طوال الوقت.", + "Helping others is tricky and involves some hard questions. Who do you help, how do you help, and how much do you help?": "مساعدة الآخرين أمر معقد وينطوي على بعض الأسئلة الصعبة. من تساعد، كيف تساعد، وكم تساعد؟", + "Have you ever given aid to someone in need of help? We all need help at times. We can't help everyone, but there are times when we can help and make an important difference in another person's life.": "هل سبق لك أن قدمت المساعدة لشخص يحتاج إلى مساعدة؟ كلنا نحتاج إلى المساعدة في بعض الأحيان. لا يمكننا مساعدة الجميع، ولكن هناك أوقات يمكننا فيها المساعدة وإحداث فرق كبير في حياة شخص آخر.", "One day Tortoise was walking through the countryside. He was looking for something. He gazed into the distance and squinted at the grass. Then he walked past Snail.": "في أحد الأيام كانت السلحفاة تسير في الريف. كانت تبحث عن شيء ما. كانت تحدق في المسافة وتنظر إلى العشب. ثم مرت بجانب الحلزون.", "Tortoise is looking for his house. Do you think he forgot it or did he never know where it was? Do you know where Tortoise's house is?": "السلحفاة تبحث عن منزلها. هل تعتقد أنها نسيته أم أنها لم تعرف مكانه أبدًا؟ هل تعرف أين يقع منزل السلحفاة؟", "Do you know where Snail's house is?": "هل تعرف أين يقع منزل الحلزون؟", @@ -2721,6 +3729,70 @@ "It looks like the cat is in a cupboard or under a sink.": "يبدو أن القطة في خزانة أو تحت مغسلة.", "Was the cat playing a game with the boy?": "هل كانت القطة تلعب لعبة مع الصبي؟", "What will the boy do with the cat now? Maybe he will feed it or play with it? What do you think?": "ماذا سيفعل الصبي مع القطة الآن؟ ربما سيطعمها أو يلعب معها؟ ماذا تعتقد؟", + "A long time ago, deep in the forests, King Leopard began to think about the future.\n\nHe thought, \"I'm getting old and one day, I'm going to die. A wise ruler should pick a successor while still young and healthy.\"\n\nBut how could King Leopard choose? He loved all the members of the animal kingdom the same!": "منذ زمن طويل، في أعماق الغابات، بدأ الملك النمر يفكر في المستقبل.\n\nفكروقال، \"أنا أتقدم في السن وفي يوم من الأيام، سأموت. والحاكم الحكيم يجب أن يختار خليفة له وهو لا يزال شابًا وصحيًا.“\n\nولكن كيف يمكن للملك النمر أن يختار؟ كان يحب جميع أعضاء المملكة الحيوانية بنفس القدر!", + "If you were going to pick a leader, which skills would you want them to have?": "إذا كنت ستختار قائدًا، ما هي المهارات التي تود أن يمتلكها؟", + "Guess what King Leopard will look for in a successor. Do you think he will look for the largest, the fastest, or the friendliest animal?": "خمن ما الذي سيبحث عنه الملك النمر في خليفته. هل تعتقد أنه سيبحث عن أكبر الحيوانات، الأسرع، أم الأكثر ودية؟", + "Count together all the tree trunks you can see. Can you count that high?": "عد جميع جذوع الأشجار التي يمكنك رؤيتها معًا. هل يمكنك العد لهذا الرقم؟", + "King Leopard had an idea. He sent his messengers out into the forests. He told them to ask all the animals of the kingdom to come to the palace.\n\nHe was going to have a big party and he was going to make an important announcement.\n\nAway the messengers ran, to all four corners of the forest.": "حصل الملك النمر على فكرة. أرسل رسله إلى الغابات. طلب منهم أن يطلبوا من جميع الحيوانات في المملكة أن يأتوا إلى القصر.\n\nكان سيقيم حفلة كبيرة وكان سيعلن إعلانًا هامًا.\n\nانطلق الرسل إلى جميع أركان الغابة الأربعة.", + "How many messengers does the King have? Are there enough to go to four corners? How many more does he need?": "كم عدد الرسل الذين يملكهم الملك؟ هل هناك ما يكفي للذهاب إلى الأركان الأربعة؟ كم يحتاج بعد؟", + "Do you think the forest really has four corners?": "هل تعتقد أن الغابة حقًا لديها أربعة أركان؟", + "What does the writer mean by the phrase \"all four corners of the forest?\" If forests don't have four corners, what shape are they?": "ماذا يعني الكاتب بعبارة \"جميع أركان الغابة الأربعة؟ إذا كانت الغابات لا تحتوي على أربعة أركان، فما شكلها؟", + "On the night of the party, all the animals were at the palace. They sang and they danced and had a great time.\n\nAfter the moon had risen above the trees, King Leopard came and stood in the middle of the clearing. The animals stopped their singing and dancing. They listened quietly as their king began to speak.": "في ليلة الحفلة، كانت جميع الحيوانات في القصر. غنوا ورقصوا واستمتعوا بوقتهم.\n\nبعد أن ارتفع القمر فوق الأشجار، جاء الملك النمر ووقف في وسط الفراغ. توقفت الحيوانات عن الغناء والرقص. استمعوا بصمت بينما بدأ ملكهم يتحدث.", + "How many animals can you count in this picture? Are there more animals or more trees?": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي يمكنك عدها في هذه الصورة؟ هل هناك المزيد من الحيوانات أم المزيد من الأشجار؟", + "How many animals do you think are in the forest? 10, 20, 30, ... ? A forest usually has hundreds or even thousands of animals, so this will be a very large party!": "كم عدد الحيوانات التي تعتقد أنها في الغابة؟ ١٠، ٢٠، ٣٠، ...؟ عادة ما تحتوي الغابة على مئات أو حتى آلاف الحيوانات، لذلك ستكون هذه حفلة كبيرة جدًا!", + "Have you ever seen a non-human animal dance?": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت حيوانًا غير بشري يرقص؟", + "He cleared his throat and said, \"I've been thinking that it's time for me to pick a successor. But because I love all of you equally, I can't decide who among you is most worthy. So I've decided to let a contest decide for me.\"": "إستعد الملك النمر للكلام وقال، \"لقد كنت أفكر أنه قد حان الوقت لاختيار خليفة لي. ولكن لأنني أحبكم جميعًا بالتساوي، لا أستطيع أن أقرر من منكم هو الأجدر. لذلك قررت أن أقوم بعمل مسابقة للمساعدة في اتخاذ هذا القرار.“", + "Some of these animals would usually hunt some of these other animals. Can you think of some examples in this picture of animals who would hunt and others who would be hunted?": "بعض هذه الحيوانات عادة ما تصطاد بعضها البعض. هل يمكنك التفكير في بعض الأمثلة في هذه الصورة للحيوانات التي تصطاد وأخرى تُصطاد؟", + "What kind of contest would be good for picking a successor? Would you have a race to see who can run the fastest or longest?": "ما نوع المسابقة التي ستكون جيدة لاختيار خليفة؟ هل ستجري سباقًا لترى من يستطيع الركض بشكل أسرع أو أطول؟", + "What would be good contests if you want to find the largest or the strongest?": "ما هي المسابقات الجيدة إذا كنت تريد العثور على الأكبر أو الأقوى؟", + "King Leopard held up a spear. He said, \"The first one among you who can throw this spear up into the sky and count to ten before it touches the ground, will be my successor.\"": "رفع الملك النمر رمحًا الى السماء. وقال، \"أول من يمكنه رمي هذا الرمح إلى السماء والعد إلى عشرة قبل أن يلمس الأرض، سيكون خليفتي.“", + "Will this contest produce a good successor? Predict which animal is going to win.": "هل ستنتج هذه المسابقة خليفة جيدًا؟ توقع أي حيوان سيفوز.", + "Some of the animal skins have stripes, some have spots, some are segmented, and some have just one color. Do you see any that involve more than two colors?": "بعض جلود الحيوانات لها خطوط، وبعضها لها بقع، وبعضها مقطع، وبعضها له لون واحد فقط. هل ترى أي منها يحتوي على أكثر من لونين؟", + "How many of these animals have horns, antlers, or tusks? Are there more of these animals than the other animals on this page?": "كم عدد هذه الحيوانات التي لديها قرون، أو قرون غزلان، أو أنياب؟ هل هناك المزيد من هذه الحيوانات عن الحيوانات الأخرى في هذه الصفحة؟", + "As King Leopard finished talking, the animals heard a loud noise from behind them. They turned around and saw elephant stomping through the crowd to the front.\n\n\"Move out of my way. I'm the biggest, I should be king,\" said Elephant.": "عندما انتهى الملك النمر من الحديث، سمعت الحيوانات ضجيجًا عالياً من خلفهم. استداروا ورأوا الفيل يدلف عبر الحشد إلى الأمام.\n\n\"تحركوا بعيدًا عن طريقي. أنا الأكبر، يجب أن أكون الملك“، قال الفيل.", + "Did the Elephant listen to the King? Was being the biggest important to the King?": "هل استمع الفيل إلى الملك؟ هل كان الحجم الأكبر مهمًا للملك؟", + "When we have our own ideas about the way something should be, we sometimes don't listen to others. Can you think of a time when you were like the elephant and didn't listen well?": "عندما تكون لدينا أفكارنا الخاصة حول كيفية سير الأمور، فإننا أحيانًا لا نستمع إلى الآخرين. هل يمكنك التفكير في وقت كنت فيه مثل الفيل ولم تستمع جيدًا؟", + "A lion is often called the King of the Jungle. Do you think a lion will win this contest and be the next king?": "الأسد غالبًا ما يسمى ملك الغابة. هل تعتقد أن الأسد سيفوز بهذه المسابقة ويكون الملك التالي؟", + "Elephant took the spear and held it up with his trunk. He put his head back and threw the spear up into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Oh!\" Elephant cried.\n\nThe spear hit the ground on the count of three. Elephant was angry and started stomping. King Leopard told him, \"You've had your chance.\"\n\nAnd so Elephant had to leave.": "أخذ الفيل الرمح ورفعه بجذعه. أمال رأسه وألقى الرمح إلى السماء. \"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أوه!“ صرخ الفيل.\n\nضرب الرمح الأرض عند العد لثلاثة. غضب الفيل وبدأ في الدلف وسط الحشد مرة اخرى. أخبره الملك النمر، \"لقد حصلت على فرصتك.“\n\nوهكذا اضطر الفيل للمغادرة.", + "Does it help to get angry when you lose? How do you feel and what do you show to other people when you lose?": "هل يساعد أن تغضب عندما تخسر؟ كيف تشعر وماذا تظهر للآخرين عندما تخسر؟}\n{هناك العديد من الحيوانات ذات الأربع أرجل في هذه الصورة. سمِّ بعض الحيوانات التي لا تمتلك أربع أرجل.", + "There are many four-legged animals in this picture. Name some animals that don't have four legs.": "هناك العديد من الحيوانات ذات الأربع أرجل في هذه الصورة. سمِّ بعض الحيوانات التي لا تمتلك أربع أرجل.", + "An odd number is a number that can't be split into two equal parts -- 7 is an example. Can you think of any animals that have an odd number of arms or legs?": "العدد الفردي هو رقم لا يمكن تقسيمه إلى جزئين متساويين -- ٧ هو مثال. هل يمكنك التفكير في أي حيوانات لديها عدد فردي من الأذرع أو الأرجل؟", + "After Elephant left, the animals started to talk excitedly amongst themselves. They were again disturbed by a loud noise coming from the back of the crowd.\n\nBoar came charging through saying, \"Get out of my way. Get out of my way. I'm going to be king. I've got the biggest muscles. I'm the strongest. I should be king.\"": "بعد مغادرة الفيل، بدأت الحيوانات تتحدث بحماس فيما بينها. ومرة أخرى سمعوا ضجيجاً عالٍ قادم من خلف الحشد.\n\nجاء الخنزير البري مندفعًا قائلاً، \"ابتعدوا عن طريقي. ابتعدوا عن طريقي. سأكون الملك. لدي أكبر عضلات. أنا الأقوى. يجب أن أكون الملك.“", + "Boar did not listen to the King either. Do you think the King wants someone who is the strongest?": "لم يستمع الخنزير البري للملك أيضًا. هل تعتقد أن الملك يريد شخصًا يكون الأقوى؟", + "Do you think leaders need to be good listeners to help them know how to lead?": "هل تعتقد أن القادة بحاجة إلى أن يكونوا مستمعين جيدين لمساعدتهم على معرفة كيفية القيادة؟", + "In this picture, there is only one of most of the animals. Can you spot the animals that there are more than one of?": "في هذه الصورة، يوجد حيوان واحد فقط من معظم الحيوانات. هل يمكنك تحديد الحيوانات التي يوجد منها أكثر من واحد؟", + "Boar leaned back, clenched the spear, and threw it into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Oh!\" he shouted.\n\nThe spear dropped on the count of five. He was so angry. He fumed and threw clouds of dirt into the air.\n\nLeopard told him \"Boar, you only throw once and you've had your chance.\" Boar had to leave.": "استدار الخنزير البري، وأمسك بالرمح، وألقاه إلى السماء. \"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أربعة! خمسة! أوه!“ صرخ.\n\nسقط الرمح عند العد لخمسة. كان غاضبًا جدًا. كان يغضب وينفث سحبًا من التراب في الهواء.\n\nقال له النمر، \"الخنزير البري، يمكنك الرمي مرة واحدة فقط وقد حصلت على فرصتك.“ كان على الخنزير البري المغادرة ايضاً.", + "Is an animal who gets angry when they lose likely to be a good leader?": "هل من المرجح أن يكون الحيوان الذي يغضب عندما يخسر قائدًا جيدًا؟", + "So far, it looks like the King's contest is removing poor leaders. The contest is working! Who do you think will win?": "حتى الآن، يبدو أن مسابقة الملك تزيل القادة السيئين. المسابقة تعمل! من تعتقد أنه سيفوز؟", + "Stories sometimes vary from reality. This story does that in many ways. A boar does not have any fingers! How would a boar be able to clench a spear and throw it? Have you seen other ways this story seems unreal?": "القصص أحيانًا تختلف عن الواقع. هذه القصة تفعل ذلك بطرق عديدة. الخنزير البري ليس لديه أصابع! كيف يمكن للخنزير البري أن يمسك برمح ويرميه؟ هل رأيت طرقًا أخرى تبدو فيها هذه القصة غير واقعية؟", + "After that, the animals started to say things like, \"This contest is difficult! Elephant couldn't do it, and he's really big. Boar couldn't do it either, and he's really strong. No one can win this contest!\"\n\nRight about then, they heard another sound coming from the back of the crowd. When the animals looked around, they couldn't believe their eyes.": "بعد ذلك، بدأت الحيوانات تقول أشياء مثل، \"هذه المسابقة صعبة! لم يستطع الفيل فعلها، رغم كبر حجمه. ولم يستطع الخنزير البري فعلها أيضًا، رغم قوة جسده. لا يمكن لأحد الفوز بهذه المسابقة!“\n\nوفي تلك اللحظة، سمعوا صوتًا آخر قادمًا من الخلف. عندما نظرت الحيوانات حولها، لم تستطع تصديق عيونها.", + "What is unusual about the body positions these animals are in?": "ما هو غير المعتاد في وضعيات أجسام هذه الحيوانات؟", + "Count the number of animals as best you can. Each animal has two eyes, so you can double that number to find the total number of eyes. You can also count the eyes by skip counting by 2's.": "عد عدد الحيوانات - إنه أمر صعب بعض الشيء، لكن افعل أفضل ما يمكنك. كل حيوان لديه عينان، لذا يمكنك مضاعفة هذا العدد للعثور على العدد الإجمالي للعيون. يمكنك أيضًا عد العيون بالعد بالقفز بـ ٢.", + "You can count all the legs by multiplying the number of animals by 4, skip counting by 4, or by doubling the number of eyes! Which do you like best? Why does this work?": "مكنك عد جميع الأرجل بضرب عدد الحيوانات بـ ٤، العد بالقفز بـ ٤، أو بمضاعفة عدد العيون! أي واحدة تفضل؟ لماذا يعمل هذا؟", + "They saw a big ape coming forward. As Ape moved, he chanted \"I can do it. I know I can do it. I can do it.\"\n\nApe took the spear and he backed way up. He pulled his arm back, charged forward, leapt into the air and threw the spear into the sky.\n\n\"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Oh!\" cried Ape.": "رأوا قردًا كبيرًا يتقدم امامهم. بينما كان يتحرك، كان يردد \"أستطيع فعلها. أعلم أنني أستطيع فعلها. أستطيع فعلها.“\n\nأخذ القرد الرمح وتراجع بعيدًا. سحب ذراعه للخلف، اندفع للأمام، قفز في الهواء وألقى الرمح إلى السماء.\n\n\"واحد! اثنان! ثلاثة! أربعة! خمسة! ستة! سبعة! أوه!“ صرخ القرد.", + "Why did Ape start by saying \"I can do it?\" Having confidence often helps with success.": "لماذا بدأ القرد بقول \"أستطيع فعلها؟“ الثقة غالبًا ما تساعد في النجاح.", + "Your attitude can make a big difference! Have you ever started to do something by saying to yourself that you wouldn't be able to do it -- do it help or did it get in your way?": "يمكن لموقفك أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا! هل سبق لك أن بدأت في فعل شيء بقولك لنفسك أنك لن تكون قادرًا على فعله - هل ساعد ذلك أم أنه أعاق طريقك؟", + "How much higher was Ape able to count before the spear landed than Boar could count?": "إلى أي مدى كان القرد قادرًا على العد قبل أن يهبط الرمح مقارنةً بالخنزير البري؟", + "The spear hit the ground on the count of seven.\n\nApe was upset. He was so angry that he started turning around, complaining and making all sorts of excuses.\n\nBut King Leopard told him \"No, Ape, you only get one chance.\" And so the ape had to leave.": "ضرب الرمح الأرض عند العد لسبعة.\n\nكان القرد مستاءً. كان غاضبًا لدرجة أنه بدأ يستدير، يشكو ويقدم جميع أنواع الأعذار.\n\nلكن الملك النمر أخبره \"لا، أيها القرد، يمكنك الحصول على فرصة واحدة فقط.“ لذلك كان على القرد المغادرة.", + "So far, no animal has done it. Make up an ending for this story. Either think of a way an animal can win, change the contest, or figure out what to do if no animal can win.": "حتى الآن، لم ينجح أي حيوان في فعلها. ابتكر نهاية لهذه القصة. إما فكر في طريقة يمكن أن يفوز بها حيوان، أو غير المسابقة، أو اكتشف ما يجب فعله إذا لم يستطع أي حيوان الفوز.", + "How long does it take you to count to ten? Do you think you can throw something in the air long enough to count to ten?": "كم من الوقت يستغرقك العد إلى عشرة؟ هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع رمي شيء في الهواء لفترة كافية للعد إلى عشرة؟", + "Use their facial expressions to describe what each of the animals in this picture is feeling.": "استخدم تعابير وجوههم لوصف ما يشعر به كل حيوان في هذه الصورة.", + "Some of the animals turned and started to leave for home. As they were leaving, they saw a little antelope coming through the crowd. As she trotted, she said, \"Wait, wait, Let me try. I can do it. I can do it. Let me try.\"\n\nWhen the animals heard her words, they all started laughing.": "بعض الحيوانات استدارت وبدأت بالعودة إلى المنزل. بينما كانوا يغادرون، رأوا غزالًا صغيرًا قادمًا عبر الحشد. بينما كانت تتقدم، قالت، \"انتظروا، انتظروا، دعوني أحاول. أستطيع فعلها. أستطيع فعلها. دعوني أحاول.“\n\nعندما سمعت الحيوانات كلماتها، بدأت تضحك.", + "Why did the other animals laugh at the little antelope? Were they being nice?": "لماذا ضحكت الحيوانات الأخرى على الغزال الصغير؟ هل كانوا لطفاء؟", + "What skill might the antelope have that the others did not?": "ما المهارة التي قد تكون لدى الغزال والتي لم تكن لدى الآخرين؟", + "Have you ever seen people laugh at someone and just assume that person would do poorly? How did that make the person feel?": "هل سبق لك أن رأيت الناس يضحكون على شخص ويفترضون فقط أن هذا الشخص سيفشل؟ كيف جعل ذلك الشخص يشعر؟", + "King Leopard jumped up and shouted angrily. \"Stop it! Do not make fun of Antelope! Who is to say that small animals can't do things that big animals can do? If Antelope wants to have a chance, she will be given the same chance that all the animals had. So stand back and let Antelope throw the spear.\"": "قفز الملك النمر وصرخ بغضب. \"توقفوا! لا تسخروا من الغزال! من يقول إن الحيوانات الصغيرة لا يمكنها فعل ما تستطيع الحيوانات الكبيرة فعله؟ إذا أراد الغزال الحصول على فرصة، فسيتم منحه نفس الفرصة التي حصلت عليها جميع الحيوانات الأخرى. لذا ابتعدوا ودعوا الغزال يرمي الرمح.“", + "It sounds like there might be a surprise coming. What do you think will be surprising about Antelope?": "يبدو أن هناك مفاجأة قادمة. ما الذي تعتقد أنه سيكون مفاجئًا بشأن الغزال؟", + "A good leader takes care of everyone. Do you think King Leopard is a good leader?": "القائد الجيد يعتني بالجميع. هل تعتقد أن الملك النمر قائد جيد؟", + "Think of a good leader who you know. Describe some qualities that you think make that person a good leader.": "فكر في قائد جيد تعرفه. صف بعض الصفات التي تعتقد أنها تجعل هذا الشخص قائدًا جيدًا.", + "Antelope bowed to her king, turned and took the spear in her mouth. She backed up, and with all the strength in her tiny body she started running. When she reached the center of the clearing, she jumped high.\n\nShe took a deep breath, released the spear and shouted, \"Five and five is ten.\" The spear hit the ground.": "انحنى الغزال للملك، استدار وأخذ الرمح بفمه. تراجع للخلف، وبكل قوة في جسده الصغير بدأ يجري. وعندما وصل إلى وسط الفراغ، قفز عاليًا.\n\nأخذ نفسًا عميقًا، أطلق الرمح وصرخ، \"خمسة وخمسة عشرة.“ سقط الرمح على الأرض.", + "The surprise is Math! Antelope used her intelligence and the power of math to win the contest!": "المفاجأة هي الرياضيات! استخدم الغزال ذكاءه وقوة الرياضيات للفوز في المسابقة!", + "Think of some other combinations of numbers that add up to ten. How many ways can you think of?": "فكر في بعض التوليفات الأخرى من الأعداد التي تصل إلى عشرة. كم عدد الطرق التي يمكنك التفكير فيها؟", + "Try some smaller numbers, such as three, four, or five, and find all the ways to make combinations of numbers add up to those totals. Do you notice any patterns that can save you time? Discovering interesting patterns is what math is all about!": "حاول بعض الأرقام الأصغر، مثل ثلاثة، أربعة، أو خمسة، وابحث عن جميع الطرق لجعل التوليفات من الأعداد تصل إلى تلك المجاميع. هل تلاحظ أي أنماط يمكنها أن توفر لك الوقت؟ اكتشاف الأنماط المثيرة هو ما يتعلق به الرياضيات!", + "The animals were quiet. They were confused. King Leopard explained, \"Yes, Antelope! Five plus five is another way to get to ten. There is more than one way to count to ten.\"\n\nThe contest was not to find the biggest or the strongest animal. It was a contest to find the smartest animal! That is how Antelope became queen when leopard died.": "كانت الحيوانات هادئة. كانوا مرتبكين. شرح الملك النمر، \"نعم، الغزال علي حق! خمسة زائد خمسة هي طريقة أخرى للوصول إلى عشرة. هناك أكثر من طريقة واحدة للعد إلى عشرة.“\n\nلم تكن المسابقة لاختيار أكبر أو أقوى حيوان. كانت مسابقة لاختيار أذكى حيوان! وهكذا أصبح الغزال ملكاً عندما مات النمر.", + "Antelope listened carefully to the rules and found a new solution. Did Antelope cheat or was she clever?": "استمع الغزال بعناية إلى القواعد ووجد حلاً جديدًا. هل قام الغزال بالغش أم كان ذكياً؟", + "If someone asked you to count to ten, would you count by 1's, 2's, 5's, or 10's? What would happen if you counted by 3's or 4's? Why don't those numbers come out evenly?": "إذا طلب منك شخص ما أن تعد إلى عشرة، هل ستعد بـ ١، ٢، ٥، أم ١٠؟ ماذا سيحدث إذا قمت بالعد بـ ٣ أو ٤؟ لماذا لا تنتهي هذه الأعداد بشكل صحيح؟", + "A group of people often all think about something the same way and miss a good way to solve a problem. Good problem solvers discover new ways to approach problems!": "غالبًا ما يفكر مجموعة من الناس في شيء بنفس الطريقة ويغفلون عن طريقة جيدة لحل مشكلة. يحل حلالو المشكلات الجيدون بطرق جديدة لمقاربة المشكلات!", "Before Talking": "قبل الحديث", "Talk with your child before they can talk or even understand the words. Point at, name, and describe things you see, such as shapes, colors, comparisons, and quantities. As your child begins to understand words, ask about a thing and have your child point at it. For example, \"Where is the ball?\" If your child can't find the thing, point to it for them.": "تحدث مع طفلك قبل أن يتمكن من التحدث أو حتى فهم الكلمات. أشر إلى الأشياء التي تراها وقم بتسميتها ووصفها، مثل الأشكال والألوان والمقارنات والكميات. عندما يبدأ طفلك في فهم الكلمات، اسأل عن شيء ما واطلب من طفلك أن يشير إليه. على سبيل المثال، \"أين الكرة؟\" إذا لم يتمكن طفلك من العثور على الشيء، فأشر إليه.", "Early Talking": "الحديث المبكر", diff --git a/app_data/translations/tr_tr/strings.json b/app_data/translations/tr_tr/strings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81dbb91 --- /dev/null +++ b/app_data/translations/tr_tr/strings.json @@ -0,0 +1,2551 @@ +{ + "One day Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait, and Mary went to pick wild fruit.\n\nThey held hands to cross the big river.": "Bir gün Akadeli, Lucy, Acharait ve Mary yabani meyveler toplamaya gittiler.\n\nGeniş nehri geçebilmek için el ele tutuştular.", + "Count the girls together.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte kızları sayın.", + "Describe the patterns you see in their clothing. Do you like to wear solids, patterns, or both?": "Kıyafetlerinde gördüğünüz desenleri tarif edin. Düz renkli mi, desenli mi veya her ikisini de giymeyi mi seviyorsunuz?", + "Friends sometimes hold hands to keep each other company or show they are friends. Why are these girls holding hands?": "Arkadaşlar bazen birbirlerine eşlik etmek veya arkadaş olduklarını göstermek için el ele tutuşurlar. Bu kızlar neden el ele tutuşuyorlar?", + "The girls found a tree full of ripe fruit.\n\nThey agreed to pick the fruit with their eyes closed.": "Kızlar olgunlaşmış meyvelerle dolu bir ağaç buldular.\n\nMeyveleri gözleri kapalı toplamaya karar verdiler.", + "Name all the colors in the colorful clothes they are wearing.": "Üzerlerindeki bütün renkli kıyafetlerdeki renklerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "Each girl has her arms in a different position. Can you copy their arm positions with your arms?": "Her bir kızın kolları farklı bir pozisyonda. Kendi kollarınızla onların kol pozisyonlarını taklit edebilir misiniz?", + "Count together the branches coming off the main trunk of this tree. You will have to decide which ones are big enough to count.": "Bu ağacın ana gövdesinden çıkan dalları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Hangilerinin sayılabilecek kadar büyük olduklarına karar vermeniz gerekecek.", + "Lucy, Acharait and Mary did not close their eyes.\n\nOnly Akadeli closed hers.": "Lucy, Acharait ve Mary gözlerini kapatmadılar.\n\nSadece Akadeli gözlerini kapattı.", + "Why do you think the other girls did not close their eyes?": "Sizce neden diğer kızlar gözlerini kapatmadılar?", + "This is a good climbing tree. Count together the branches that look the strongest.": "Bu tırmanmak için iyi bir ağaç. En güçlü görünen dalları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Do you ever do things with your eyes closed, just for fun?": "Hiç sırf eğlencesine gözleriniz kapalı bir şeyler yapar mısınız?", + "When they opened their eyes, only Akadeli had picked unripe fruit.": "Gözlerini açtıklarında, sadece Akadeli ham meyveleri toplamıştı.", + "Estimate how many pieces of fruit there are in one basket. Estimating means making an informed guess. Is your estimate bigger than the biggest number you know?": "Oradaki tek bir sepette kaç meyve olduğunu kestirin. Kestirmek, bilinçli bir tahminde bulunmak demektir. Tahmininiz bildiğiniz en büyük sayıdan daha mı büyük?", + "What shapes are there on the two blue dresses?": "İki mavi elbisenin üstünde hangi şekiller var?", + "Did you ever play a game where some of the people didn't follow the rules? How did it make you feel?": "Hiç bazı insanların kuralları çiğnediği bir oyun oynadınız mı? Bu size nasıl hissettirdi?", + "Lucy, Acharait, and Mary laughed at Akadeli. They left for home.\n\nAkadeli threw away the unripe fruit. She began picking ripe ones.": "Lucy, Acharait ve Mary, Akadeli’ye güldüler. Eve doğru yola koyuldular.\n\nAkadeli olgunlaşmamış meyveleri attı. Olgunlaşmış olanları toplamaya başladı.", + "If you have four girls and you take three away, how many are left?": "Eğer dört tane kız varsa ve üçünü çıkarırsanız, geriye kaç tane kalır?", + "When people laugh at you, does that make you feel angry or ashamed? Were you able to ignore them knowing they were just being mean?": "İnsanlar size gülünce, bu sizi kızdırır mı yoksa utandırır mı? Sadece kabalaştıklarını bilerek onları görmezden gelebilir misiniz?", + "Why did Akadeli stay behind to pick fruit?": "Akadeli neden meyve toplamak için geride kaldı?", + "Soon, Akadeli filled her basket with ripe fruit.\n\nShe set off alone, crossing the big river.": "Çok geçmeden, Akadeli sepetini olgun meyvelerle doldurdu.\n\nGeniş nehri geçerek tek başına yola çıktı.", + "How many splashes can you count when her fruit hits the water?": "Akadeli’nin meyveleri suya çarptıkça suyun kaç kez sıçradığını sayabilir misiniz?", + "Count the larger trees together.": "Daha büyük ağaçları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Why do you think Akadeli slipped in the river when no one slipped before? Is there another reason for holding hands?": "Sizce daha önce kimse kayıp düşmezken neden Akadeli nehirde kaydı? El ele tutuşmanın başka bir nedeni var mıdır?", + "Half way across the river, Akadeli's fruit fell into the water.\n\nShe was angry and began to cry.": "Nehrin yarısını geçtikten sonra, Akadeli’nin meyveleri suya düştü.\n\nAkadeli öfkelenip ağlamaya başladı.", + "Akadeli is standing in the middle of some circles in the water. How many?": "Akadeli sudaki bazı dalgaların ortasında duruyor. Kaç tane su dalgası var?", + "People cry sometimes when they are sad or angry. Have you been sad or angry when you spilled something?": "İnsanlar üzgün veya kızgın olduklarında bazen ağlarlar. Siz daha önce bir şey döktüğünüzde üzüldünüz mü yoksa öfkelendiniz mi?", + "Count together the dark squares in the checkerboard pattern on her shirt.": "Akadeli’nin dama desenli tişörtündeki koyu renkli kareleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Akadeli saw a big fish and grabbed it.": "Akadeli büyük bir balık gördü ve balığı yakaladı.", + "Is it okay that Akadeli lost her basket? Do you think her parents will be mad?": "Akadeli’nin sepetini kaybetmesi sorun yaratır mı? Sizce ebeveynleri ona kızacaklar mı?", + "The title says this is Akadeli's lucky day. How is Akadeli's day going so far?": "Başlık, bugün Akadeli’nin şanslı günü olduğunu söylüyor. Akadeli’nin günü şu ana kadar nasıl geçiyor?", + "Is this fish bigger or smaller than Akadeli?": "Bu balık Akadeli’den büyük mü yoksa küçük mü?", + "As Akadeli walked home, a hawk snatched the fish.\n\nHe flew away with it.": "Akadeli eve yürürken, bir şahin balığı hızlıca kaptı.\n\nŞahin balıkla beraber uçup gitti.", + "The hawk snatched the fish with the talons on its feet. How many talons do you see?": "Şahin, balığı ayaklarındaki pençelerle yakaladı. Kaç tane pençe görüyorsunuz?", + "The hawk's wings and Akadeli's shirt look a bit alike -- describe how they are similar and how they are different.": "Şahinin kanatları ve Akadeli’nin tişörtü birbirine benziyor – aralarındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları tarif edin.", + "What is Akadeli feeling as she watches the hawk fly away with her fish?": "Şahin Akadeli’nin balığını kapıp uçarken Akadeli ne hissediyor?", + "The hawk left behind a feather from its tail.\n\nAkadeli picked up the feather and continued walking home.": "Şahin arkasında kuyruğundan bir tüy bıraktı.\n\nAkadeli tüyü yerden aldı ve evine doğru yürümeye devam etti.", + "How many spots are on this feather?": "Bu tüyün üstünde kaç tane benek var?", + "Have you ever found a feather? Was it very colorful?": "Siz hiç tüy buldunuz mu? Bulduğunuz tüy çok renkli miydi?", + "There are three kinds of plants in this picture. Point at the tallest and shortest ones.": "Bu resimde üç farklı bitki var. En uzun ve en kısa olanlarına işaret edin.", + "She came across a traditional wedding. Dancers were wearing grass on their heads instead of feathers as was the tradition.\n\nThey took her feather and gave her a big bull!": "Akadeli, geleneksel bir düğüne denk geldi. Dansçılar gelenekleri gereği başlarına tüy yerine otlar takmışlar.\n\nAkadeli’nin tüyünü alıp ona büyük bir boğa verdiler!", + "Count how many people are wearing yellow grass on their heads.": "Kaç kişinin, kafasına sarı ot takmış olduklarını sayın.", + "Estimate how many people it would take to weigh as much as that bull.": "Bu boğa kadar ağırlığına denk gelmek için kaç kişi gerektiğini tahmin edin (kestirin).", + "Surprisingly, Akadeli traded a feather for a bull. Why did the people do that?": "Şaşırtıcı biçimde, Akadeli bir tüyü bir boğaya takas etti. İnsanlar bunu neden yaptılar?", + "Akadeli reached home with her bull. Her parents and relatives were so happy. Lucy, Acharait, and Mary wished they had not lied to Akadeli.\n\nIt was a lucky day for Akadeli!": "Akadeli evine boğasıyla birlikte ulaştı. Ebeveynleri ve akrabaları çok mutluydular. Lucy, Acharait ve Mary keşke Akadeli’ye yalan söylememiş olmayı dilediler.\n\nO gün Akadeli için şanslı bir gündü!", + "How do you think the other girls feel?": "Sizce diğer kızlar kendilerini nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "Have you ever lied to someone? If so, did it make you feel sorry or ashamed?": "Siz daha önce birine yalan söylediniz mi? Eğer söylediyseniz, bu sizi üzdü mü yoksa utandırdı mı?", + "Count the number of difficult moments in Akadeli's day. All turned out well in the end. Life can be full of surprises!": "Akadeli’nin günündeki zor anlarını sayın. Sonunda her şey yoluna girdi. Hayat sürprizlerle dolu olabiliyor!", + "Long ago, in a town call Sunland, lived a girl with very long legs. Aku was her name.": "Uzun zaman önce, Sunland adlı bir kasabada, çok uzun bacaklı olan bir kız yaşarmış. Adı Aku’ymuş.", + "There are three round houses with thatched roofs. Thatch is a mix of dead and living plant material, usually grass. A thatched roof can help keep a house cool or warm. From the distance, those roofs look like triangles.": "Bu resimde sazdan çatıları olan üç yuvarlak ev var. Saz, genellikle çimenden olup, ölü ve canlı bitkilerden yapılan bir materyal karışımıdır. Sazdan yapılmış bir oda, bir evi serin veya sıcak tutmaya yardımcı olabilir. Uzaktan bakıldığında bu çatılar üçgen gibi görünüyorlar.", + "Think of some reasons why these houses with thatched roofs are round.": "Saz çatılı bu evlerin yuvarlak olmasının bazı nedenlerini düşünün.", + "Notice Aku's face and the position of her arms. We can learn a lot about how someone is feeling by their body position. What do you think she is feeling?": "Aku’nun yüzüne ve kollarının pozisyonuna dikkat edin. Bir insanın vücut pozisyonundan nasıl hissettiği hakkında çok şey öğrenebiliriz. Sizce Aku ne hissediyor olabilir?", + "Aku wondered about a lot of things.\n\nSometimes Aku's father, Ataa Ankra, a fisherman, let her go to the river with him to fish in his canoe. While Aku fished with her father, she wondered why the sun always looked at her from the sky.\n\nSometimes Aku helped her mother, A'anua, to cook. Aku wondered why palm oil looked red in calabash but yellow in yam pottage.": "Aku pek çok şeyi merak ediyordu.\n\nAku’nun balıkçı olan babası Ataa Ankra, kanosuyla balık tutması için bazen kendisiyle birlikte nehre gitmesine izin verirdi. Aku babasıyla balık tutarken, güneşin neden hep gökyüzünden ona baktığını merak etti.\n\nAku bazen annesi A'anua’ya yemek pişirirken de yardım ederdi. Aku, palmiye yağının neden su kabağında kırmızı, yam çorbasındaysa sarı göründüğünü merak etti.", + "Being curious and asking questions is an important way we learn new things. What are some things you are curious about right now?": "Meraklı olmak ve soru sormak yeni şeyler öğrenmemizin önemli bir yoludur. Peki ya sizin şu anda merak ettiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "Aku feels a special connection to the sun. Some people feel a connection to the moon or a star. Do you notice things about the sun, such as where it is in the morning or evening?": "Aku güneşle özel bir bağ hissediyor. Bazı insanlar, ay veya bir yıldıza karşı bir bağ hissederler. Siz de güneşin sabah veya akşam nerede olduğu gibi şeyleri fark ediyor musunuz?", + "One thing about the sun is what happens when it shines through rain. This creates a beautiful arc, which is part of a circle, in the sky. Can you name the colors of the rainbow?": "Güneşle ilgili bir başka şey de yağmurun içinden parladığında ortaya çıkan şeydir. O şey, gökyüzünde bir dairenin parçası olan güzel bir yay oluşturur. Gökkuşağının renklerini sayabilir misiniz?", + "And Aku wondered why Oti, her brother, and the other boys would not let her play football (soccer) with them. Once, Aku asked the boys why. They only laughed and told her to go and play with the girls.\n\nThe girls too would not play with Aku. \"Your legs are too long,\" they always said.\n\nAku was left lonely. She had no one to share her many thoughts with.": "Ve Aku, neden erkek kardeşi Oti ve diğer çocukların onlarla futbol oynamasına izin vermediklerini merak etti. Aku bir keresinde çocuklara bunun nedenini sordu. Çocuklar sadece güldüler ve Aku’ya, gidip kızlarla oynamasını söylediler.\n\nKızlar da Aku’yla oynamıyorlardı. Ona hep, “Senin bacakların çok uzun!” diyorlardı.\n\nAku yapayalnız kalmıştı. Düşüncelerini paylaşabileceği kimsesi yoktu.", + "Is football (soccer) a game that only boys can play? Are there any sports that only boys or only girls can play?": "Futbol sadece kızların oynayabileceği bir oyun mudur? Sadece erkeklerin veya sadece kızların oynayabileceği sporlar var mıdır?", + "Point at matching colors in the clothes in this picture. Are there any colors that don't have a match?": "Bu resimdeki giysilerdeki eşleşen renkleri gösterin. Eşleşmeyen herhangi bir renk var mı?", + "Many time people get excluded from a group because there are different in some way. Did you ever see someone excluded like this? It's a mean thing to do!": "Çoğu zaman insanlar bir şekilde farklı oldukları için gruptan dışlanırlar. Hiç öyle dışlanan birini gördünüz mü? Bu çok kötü bir şey!", + "But Aku soon became friends with the sun.\n\nShe looked forward to seeing the sun every morning when she woke up. The cocks crowed to announce sunrise. Aku loved to dance in the early morning sun, her shadow dancing with her. The tweeting of birds made the cock crow music sweeter.\n\nThen sun filled Aku with happiness. The sun made Aku smile a lot.": "Ama Aku çok geçmeden güneşle arkadaş oldu.\n\nHer sabah uyandığında güneşi görmeyi dört gözle bekliyordu. Horozlar güneşin doğuşunu haber vermek için ötüyorlardı. Aku sabahın erken saatlerinde güneşin altında dans etmeyi çok severdi, gölgesi de onunla dans ederdi. Kuşların cıvıltısı horozların ötüşünü daha da tatlı kılardı.\n\nSonra, güneş Aku’yu mutlulukla doldurdu. Güneş, Aku’yu çok gülümsetti.", + "Birds often chirp and roosters crow right before the sun rises. Have you noticed special morning sounds when you wake up early?": "Genellikle, güneş doğmadan hemen önce kuşlar cıvıldar ve horozlar öter. Erken uyandığınızda özel sabah seslerini fark ettiniz mi hiç?", + "Notice the shadows that the sun makes on this page and many of the other pages.": "Bu sayfada ve diğer sayfaların çoğunda güneşin oluşturduğu gölgelere dikkat edin.", + "The sun creates longer shadows in the morning and late afternoon, and very short shadows at midday. Have you played with your own shadow as it copies you and follows you?": "Güneş, sabahları ve öğleden sonraları geç saatlerde daha uzun gölgeler yaratırken, gün ortasındaysa çok kısa gölgeler yaratır. Hiç sizi kopyalayıp takip eden gölgenizle oynadınız mı?", + "But one day, the sun did not rise. Aku waited for the cocks to crow. They did not. The birds too did not tweet.\n\nAnd without the sun in Sunland, people could not go about their daily activities. Farmers could not go to tend their crops. And the sky was grey and sad. Ataa Ankra could not go fishing. Children too could not prepare for school. And women could not go to the market to haggle over the prices of soap and kerosene.\n\nAku missed all these. She missed the cock crows and bird tweets too. And she missed the sunrise more.": "Ama bir gün güneş doğmadı. Aku horozların ötmesini bekledi. Ötmediler. Kuşlar da ötmedi.\n\nSunland’de güneş olmayınca insanlar günlük işlerini yapamadılar. Çiftçiler ekinlerini biçmeye gidemediler. Gökyüzü gri ve hüzünlüydü. Ataa Ankra, balık tutmaya gidemedi. Çocuklar okula hazırlanamadılar. Ve kadınlar pazara, sabun ve gaz yağı fiyatları için pazarlık etmeye gidemediler.\n\nAku tüm bunları özledi. Horoz ötüşlerini ve kuş cıvıltılarını da özledi. Güneşin doğuşunu ise daha da çok özledi.", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?": "Dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "If it is dark when you get up, what kinds of things can you do without the sun in the sky?": "Uyandığınızda hava karanlıksa, gökyüzünde güneş yokken ne tür şeyler yapabilirsiniz?", + "If you didn't see the sun one dark morning, what would you think?": "Karanlık bir sabah, güneşi görmezseniz ne düşünürdünüz?", + "Everyone wanted to know where the sun went. \"Maybe the sun is dead,\" some people said. \"The sun has travelled,\" said others.\n\nAku disagreed, \"No, the sun is not dead. And the sun has not travelled. Or it would have first told me.\"\n\nSome people chuckled at what Aku said. She continued anyway, \"I tell the truth. The sun is my friend. The sun is not dead. It is only —\". But no one would hear anymore. Everyone forgot about the sun. They laughed hard at Aku. The children laughed too. The children's laughter pained Aku the most.": "Herkes güneşin nereye gittiğini bilmek istiyordu. “Belki de güneş ölmüştür,” dedi bazıları. “Güneş yolculuk etti,” dedi diğerleri.\n\nAku aynı fikirde değildi, “Hayır, güneş ölmedi! Ve güneş bir yolculuğa da çıkmadı. Öyle olsaydı, önce bana söylerdi.”\n\nBazı insanlar Aku’nun söylediklerine kıkır kıkır güldüler. Ama o yine de devam etti, “Ben doğruyu söylüyorum. Güneş, benim arkadaşım. Güneş, ölmedi. O sadece –” Ama artık onu hiç kimse duymuyordu. Herkes güneşi unutuverdi. Aku’ya çok güldüler. Aku’ya çocuklar da güldü. Aku’nun canını en çok çocukların kahkahaları acıttı.", + "There are 6 children in this picture. How many of their limbs (arms and legs) can you see?": "Bu resimde 6 çocuk var. Kaç tanesinin uzuvlarını (kollarını ve bacaklarını) görebiliyorsunuz?", + "Skip count by 4's six times to count how many limbs these 6 children have. You can also skip count by 6's four times to get this same number. Why does that work?": "Bu 6 çocuğun toplam kaç uzvu olduğunu saymak için 6 kez dörderli atlayarak sayın. Aynı sonucu elde etmek için 4 kez altışarlı atlayarak da sayabilirsiniz. Sizce bu yöntem neden işe yarıyor olabilir?", + "How many more limbs do they have than the number you can see?": "Onların, sizin baktığınızda görebildiğiniz sayıdan kaç daha fazla uzuvları var?", + "Sad like the sky, Aku hastened into her house.\n\nOn the way, she accidentally kicked her brother's football. The ball rolled into the kitchen. There was a calabash of palm oil in a corner of the kitchen. The ball hit the calabash. The calabash was toppled.\n\nThe palm oil on it spilled. The palm oil soiled the ball.": "Aku, gökyüzü gibi üzgün bir hâlde, apar topar evine gitti.\n\nEvde yürürken, kazayla kardeşinin futbol topunu tekmeledi. Top yuvarlanarak mutfağa gitti. Mutfağın bir köşesinde palmiye yağıyla dolu bir su kabağı kâsesi vardı. Top su kabağına çarptı. Su kabağı devrildi.\n\nPalmiye yağı dökülüp topa bulaştı.", + "What do you think Aku's brother will do when he sees that his ball has oil all over it?": "Sizce Aku’nun kardeşi, topunun her tarafında yağ olduğunu görünce ne yapacak?", + "The calabash is the bowl that was holding the oil. How did all that oil fit in that calabash?": "Yağı tutan kâse, bir su kabağıdır. O kadar yağ o su kabına nasıl sığmış?", + "Did you ever spill a small glass of water or milk and watch it spread out on the floor? A little bit can cover a lot of floor!": "Hiç küçük bir bardak su veya süt döküp yere yayılmasını izlediniz mi? Azıcık bir şey çok fazla yer kaplayabilir!", + "Oti came into the house with one of his friends to fetch his ball. He saw the toppled calabash, the spilled palm oil. He saw his soiled ball too.\n\nBefore he could run out to tell A'anua what Aku had done, Aku picked up the ball and ran off. The boys followed Aku. They all met A'anua outside the house. A'anua saw Aku holding the ball. Before she could call Aku and scold her, Aku ran past her.\n\nOti, A'anua and all the people of Sunland watched Aku run away. They wondered what she would do with the soiled ball.": "Oti arkadaşlarından biriyle topunu almak için eve geldi. Devrilmiş su kabağını, dökülmüş palmiye yağını gördü. Her tarafına yağ bulaşmış topunu da gördü.\n\nKardeşi, A'nua’ya Aku’nun ne yaptığını söylemek için daha dışarıya koşmadan önce, Aku topu alıp hızlıca kaçtı. Çocuklar Aku’yu takip ettiler. Evin dışında A'anua ile karşılaştılar. A'anua, Aku’nun topu tuttuğunu gördü. A'anua, Aku’yu çağırıp onu daha paylamadan, Aku onun yanından koşarak geçti.\n\nOti, A'anua ve tüm Sunland halkı Aku’nun kaçışını izledi. Kirlenmiş topla ne yapacağını merak ediyorlardı.", + "Many ten-year olds can run a mile in ten minutes. Aku is extra fast. How many minutes do you think it takes her to run a mile? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 8 minutes?": "On yaşındaki birçok çocuk 1 mili (1,609 metreyi), 10 dakikada koşabilir. Ama Aku ekstra hızlı. Sizce Aku, bir mili kaç dakikada koşar? 2? 5? 8 dakikada mı?", + "What about Aku allows her to run so fast?": "Aku’nun bu kadar hızlı koşmasını sağlayan şey nedir?", + "The sun is gone, people are laughing at Aku, and Aku has a dirty ball. How do you think the story will resolve all these problems?": "Güneş yok oldu, insanlar Aku’ya gülüyor ve Aku’nun kirli bir topu var. Sizce hikâyede tüm bu sorunlar nasıl çözülecek?", + "Aku stopped when she got to the middle of the town square. She put the ball on the ground.\n\nWith a mighty swing of her hands and a swift pull of one long leg behind the other, Aku kicked the ball. The ball turned round on the ground, spinning towards the edge of the town square. It hit the roots of the palm tree at one end of the town square.": "Aku kasaba meydanının ortasına ulaştığında durdu. Topu yere koydu.\n\nEllerini kuvvetlice savurarak ve uzun bacaklarından birini diğerinin arkasına hızla çekerek topu tekmeledi. Top kendi etrafında fırıl fırıl dönerek kasaba meydanının kenarına doğru savrulup gitti. Kasaba meydanının bir ucundaki palmiye ağacının köklerine çarptı.", + "What in the picture tells you that the ball is flying fast?": "Resimde size topun hızlıca uçtuğunu anlatan şey nedir?", + "Why is the path of the ball curved instead of straight?": "Topun izlediği yol neden düz değil de eğridir (kavislidir)?", + "Why did Aku need to swing her hands to kick the ball hard? Notice how many other parts of your body are involved with action of just one part.": "Sizce Aku’nun topa sertçe vurmak için neden ellerini sallaması gerekti? Sadece tek bir parçanın hareketiyle vücudunuzun ne kadar çok parçasının işin içine girdiğine dikkat edin.", + "The ball shot into the sad sky. With mouths opened wide, the people of Sunland gazed after the flying ball. The ball flew beyond the clouds, beyond the gaze of the eyes.\n\nEverything was still. All was quiet.\n\nSuddenly, the sky cleared. The clouds became white, round and fluffy. Then a big ball came from behind the clouds. The ball was bright. And it was red and yellow like palm oil. The ball was the sun. Aku's sun.\n\nEverything stirred. The quietness left.": "Top hüzünlü gökyüzüne doğru hızla yol aldı. Ağızları kocaman açılmış olan Sunland halkı uçan topun ardından bakakaldı. Top bulutların ötesine, gözlerin bakışlarının ötesine uçtu.\n\nHer şey hareketsizdi. Her şey sessizdi.\n\nAniden, gökyüzü açıldı. Bulutlar beyaz, yuvarlak ve pofuduk pofuduk oldu. Ardından, bulutların arkasından büyük bir top geldi. Top parlaktı. Ve palmiye yağı gibi kırmızı ve sarıydı. O top, güneş idi. Aku’nun güneşi!\n\nHer şey hareketlendi. Sessizlik gitti.", + "How many different colors of clothes do you see here? Which colors of the rainbow are missing?": "Bu resimde kaç farklı renkte kıyafet görüyorsunuz? Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "Do the colors of the clothes you are wearing match any of these clothes?": "Sizin üzerinizdeki giysilerin renkleri bu giysilerden herhangi biriyle eşleşiyor mu?", + "Finding what is the same and what is different is an important way we understand the things in our world.": "Neyin aynı ve neyin farklı olduğunu bulmak, dünyamızdaki şeyleri anlamamızın önemli bir yoludur.", + "Soon, everyone was rushing home to prepare for their daily activities.\n\nAtaa Ankra looked for his fish bucket. Farmers took their hoes. Children bathed and dressed, ready to go to school. Women tied monies at the ends of their cover cloths. They carried their basins and baskets and hurried to the market.": "Çok geçmeden, herkes kendi günlük aktivitelerine hazırlanmak için evlerine koşturdu. \n\nAtaa Ankra, balık kovasını aradı. Çiftçiler çapalarını aldılar. Çocuklar okula gitmek için yıkanıp üzerlerini değiştirdiler. Kadınlar örtülerinin uçlarına paralarını bağladılar. Leğenlerini ve sepetlerini taşıyıp alelacele pazara koştular.", + "It is dangerous to look at the sun, but we can still notice its changes. Depending on the weather and the time of day, the sun can look glowing yellow, hot white, orange, and even brown.": "Güneşe bakmak tehlikelidir ama bakmadan da değişimlerini fark edebiliriz. Hava durumuna ve günün saatine bağlı olarak, güneş parlak sarı, sıcak beyaz, turuncu ve hatta kahverengi görünebilir.", + "What do you do during the day that you can't do at night?": "Geceleri yapamadığınız hangi şeyleri gündüz vakitlerinde yaparsınız?", + "The story mentioned farmers working, people going to market, and children going to school. What other adult things only happen when the sun is out?": "Hikâye, çiftçilerin çalıştığından, insanların pazara ve çocukların da okula gittiklerinden bahsediyor. Başka hangi yetişkin işleri sadece güneş çıktığında yapılır?", + "The sun returned to Sunland. Aku made it. A new day began ...": "Güneş, Sunland’e geri döndü. Bunu Aku başardı. Yeni bir gün başladı...", + "Why did Aku kick the ball into the sky? Did she do it to make the sun come out, or did she do it for some other reason?": "Aku neden topu gökyüzüne doğru tekmeledi? Bunu güneşin doğmasını sağlamak için mi yoksa başka bir nedenle mi yaptı?", + "The sun was Aku's only friend. She paid the sun a lot of attention, and the sun stayed with her without making fun of her long legs. Which things do you think make friendships work?": "Güneş, Aku’nun tek arkadaşıydı. Aku, güneşe çok ilgi gösterdi ve güneş de onun uzun bacaklarıyla dalga geçmeden Aku’nun yanında kaldı. Sizce hangi şeyler arkadaşlıkların yürümesini sağlar?", + "Sometimes, when some experience bothers two friends, it can get between them so they can't see each other. Has that happened to you with one of your friends? Did you find a way to fix things?": "Bazen, bazı deneyimler iki arkadaşın canını sıktığında, arkadaşların aralarına bir mesafe girebilir ve arkadaşlar da birbirlerini göremezler. Arkadaşlarınızdan biriyle başınıza böyle bir şey geldi mi? Aranızı düzeltmenin bir yolunu buldunuz mu?", + "Once upon a time on a little farm near a little village.": "Bir zamanlar küçük bir köyün yakınındaki küçük bir çiftlikte.", + "Farms can grow crops and raise animals, such as chickens. What are some things on a farm that you are curious about?": "Çiftliklerde tavuk gibi hayvanlar ve mahsuller yetiştirilebilir. Bir çiftlikte merak ettiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "There are some groups of three things here. What do you see?": "Burada üç şeyden oluşan bazı gruplar var. Ne görüyorsunuz?", + "What are the different things these chickens are doing?": "Bu tavukların yaptığı farklı şeyler nelerdir?", + "There lived a little chicken called Daisy.": "Daisy adında küçük bir tavuk yaşarmış.", + "Count together the claws that Daisy has on each leg and all together.": "Daisy’nin her bir bacağında bulunan pençeleri ve tüm pençelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Daisy's claws spread out to help her balance. How long can you balance on one leg?": "Daisy’nin pençeleri dengesine yardımcı olmak için genişçe açılmış. Peki siz tek ayak üzerinde ne kadar süre dengede durabilirsiniz?", + "Can you balance on one leg long enough to count to five? To ten?": "Beşe kadar sayabilecek kadar uzun süre tek ayak üzerinde dengede durabilir misiniz? 10’a kadar?", + "\"When I grow up, I want to fly high, high into the sky,\" Daisy said.": "“Ben büyüdüğümde yükseklere, gökyüzüne uçmak istiyorum,” dedi Daisy.", + "Count together all the circles on their faces. Don't forget to count the pupils in the middle of the eyes.": "Resimdeki tavukların yüzlerindeki daireleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Gözlerinin ortasındaki göz bebeklerini de saymayı unutmayın!", + "How can you tell that the other chickens are not as happy as Daisy?": "Diğer tavukların Daisy kadar mutlu olmadıklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "What are these other chicken's thinking?": "Acaba diğer tavuklar ne düşünüyorlar?", + "But all the other chickens laughed at her.": "Ama diğer tavuklar Daisy’ye güldüler.", + "Their eyes are now closed. We close our eyes when we are asleep and at other times. Why are these chicken's eyes closed?": "Tavukların şu anda gözleri kapalı. Uyurken ve diğer zamanlarda gözlerimizi kapatırız. Bu tavukların gözleri neden kapalı?", + "Sometimes people laugh AT other people, and sometimes they laugh WITH other people. What is the difference?": "Bazen, insanlar, diğer insanlara gülerler ve bazen de insanlar, diğer insanlarla birlikte gülerler. Aradaki fark nedir?", + "Do you think the shape of the big cloud looks like their mouths?": "Sizce resimdeki büyük bulutun şekli tavukların ağızlarına benziyor mu?", + "\"You are so weird,\" they said. \"We won't play with you anymore.\"": "“Sen çok tuhafsın,” dediler. “Artık seninle oynamayacağız.”", + "Now that their mouths have changed, do you think the cloud changed shape too?": "Şu anda tavukların ağızlarının şekli değiştiğine göre, sizce bulut da şeklini değiştirdi mi?", + "Can you use your mouth to copy the shape of each chicken's mouth? Can you guess and copy the sound each chicken is making?": "Her bir tavuğun ağzının şeklini taklit etmek için kendi ağzınızı kullanabilir misiniz? Her bir tavuğun çıkardığı sesi tahmin edip aynısını siz de çıkarabilir misiniz?", + "Why are they calling Daisy a mean name?": "Neden Daisy’ye kötü bir isimle sesleniyorlar?", + "\"Daisy, we can all flap our wings, but it's very difficult for chickens to fly,\" Mama told her.": "“Daisy, hepimiz kanatlarımızı çırpabiliriz ama tavukların uçması çok zordur,” dedi annesi.", + "Discuss what is similar about Daisy and her mother, and how they look different from the other chickens.": "Daisy’nin ve annesinin nelerinin benzer olduğunu ve diğer tavuklardan hangi yönlerden farklı göründüklerini tartışın.", + "What is Daisy's mother doing to help Daisy feel better?": "Daisy’nin annesi Daisy’nin daha iyi hissetmesine yardımcı olmak için ne yapıyor?", + "Sometimes we feel better when someone pats us or holds our hand. Have you ever tried to help a friend feel better with a friendly touch?": "Bazen biri bizi okşadığında veya elimizi tuttuğunda kendimizi daha iyi hissederiz. Siz de dostça bir dokunuşla bir arkadaşınızın daha iyi hissetmesine yardımcı olmaya çalıştınız mı hiç?", + "Daisy wouldn't give up. Every day she practiced by herself, flapping her wings. Flap, flap, flap, she would flap her wings but she couldn't lift off the ground.": "Daisy pes etmeyecekti. Her gün kanatlarını çırparak kendi kendine alıştırma yaptı. Kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı, çırptı ama yerden kalkamadı.", + "So far, this is a sad story for Daisy. Make up your own ending. Is it a happy or sad ending?": "Şu âna kadar hikâye, Daisy için üzücü bir şekilde ilerliyor. Bu hikâye için istediğiniz bir son yaratın. Bu, mutlu bir son mu yoksa üzücü mü?", + "Is Daisy too heavy to fly? Think of something that is as heavy as Daisy looks. Do you think that thing is too heavy to fly?": "Daisy uçamayacak kadar ağır mı? Daisy’nin göründüğü ağırlıkta bir şey düşünün. Sizce o şey uçmak için çok mu ağır?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners like the corners of this page. Although they are slanted, find and point to the many rectangles on this page.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenleri bulup gösterin, eğimli olsalar da!", + "While she practiced, she imagined herself flying high into the sky and looking at the chickens below. She imagined herself flying past the sparrows and past the swallows. \"Wow!\" The birds would say, \"A chicken that can fly!\"": "Daisy alıştırma yaparken, kendisini gökyüzünde uçarken ve aşağıdaki tavuklara bakarken hayal etti. Kendisini serçelerin ve kırlangıçların yanından uçup giderken hayal etti. Kuşlar, “Vay canına! Uçabilen bir tavuk!” diyeceklerdi ona.", + "Count together the birds in this picture. Don't forget the ones on the ground.": "Bu resimdeki kuşları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Yerdekileri unutmayın.", + "What effect is caused by having some of the birds drawn so small?": "Resimdeki bazı kuşların bu kadar küçük çizilmesi nasıl bir etki yaratıyor?", + "Describe a memory of looking at something big that was far away and looked tiny.": "Çok uzakta olan ve küçük görünen büyük bir şeye baktığınız bir anınızı anlatın.", + "So flap, flap, flap, every day Daisy would flap her wings.": "Çırp, çırp, çırp! Daisy her gün kanatlarını çırpıyordu.", + "Count together the little lines coming from Daisy showing her squawking.": "Resimdeki Daisy’nin ciyaklamasını gösteren küçük çizgileri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Daisy has too many red speckles to count, but you can count together the groups of speckles all over her body.": "Daisy’nin sayılamayacak kadar çok kırmızı benekleri var ama yine de Daisy’nin vücudunun her yerindeki o ufak ‘benek gruplarını’ sayabilirsiniz.", + "Daisy looks surprised. What do you think will happen next?": "Daisy şaşırmış görünüyor. Sizce hikâyede bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "She would lift off the ground but fall down again.": "Daisy yerden yükseliyordu ama tekrar yere düşüyordu.", + "How high do you think she got? A grownup is often 5 to 6 feet tall -- do you think she got that high?": "Sizce Daisy ne kadar yükselmiştir? Bir yetişkinin boyu genellikle 150 ile 180 cm (5-6 ft) arasındadır – sizce Daisy o kadar yükselmiş midir?", + "How many lines are there above her and below her? When you combine them, how many are there in all?": "Daisy’nin yukarısında ve aşağısında kaç tane çizgi var? Onların hepsini birleştirdiğinizde toplam kaç çizgi olur?", + "What do the lines below her show?": "Daisy’nin altındaki çizgiler hangi anlama geliyor?", + "\"I'm never going to fly!\" Daisy cried to Mama. \"The others are right.\"": "“Ben asla uçamayacağım!” diyerek annesine ağladı. “Diğerleri haklı!” dedi.", + "Describe some times when you got discouraged like Daisy.": "Siz de Daisy gibi cesaretinizin kırıldığı bazı zamanları anlatın.", + "Daisy is trying the same thing over and over. Is she showing strong will or is she being stubbornly foolish?": "Daisy aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar deniyor. Güçlü bir irade mi gösteriyor yoksa inatçı bir şapşallık mı yapıyor?", + "What new ideas might Daisy try to figure out how to fly?": "Daisy nasıl uçacağını bulmak için hangi yeni fikirleri deneyebilir?", + "\"Daisy, you are different from the other chickens. They don't want to fly but you do! You can do it.\" Mama said.": "Annesi, “Daisy, sen diğer tavuklardan farklısın. Onlar uçmak istemiyor ama sen istiyorsun! Bunu yapabilirsin,” dedi.", + "How can you tell from Daisy's face that she is getting a new idea?": "Daisy’nin yüzünden yeni bir fikir bulduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Think of a problem you solved by coming up with a new way to do it after the old way kept failing.": "Eski yönteminiz başarısız olunca yeni bir yöntem bularak çözdüğünüz bir probleminizi düşünün.", + "Daisy's body is made up of pairs of things, such as her eyes, and single things, such as her tail. Name all the pairs you can and then all the singles you can.": "Daisy’nin vücudu gözleri gibi çift ve kuyruğu gibi tek sayıda olan şeylerden oluşmuş. Çift sayıda olan şeyleri ve ardından da tek sayıda olan şeyleri söyleyin.", + "The following day Daisy climbed to the top of the chicken coop and flap, flap, flap, she flapped her wings. She flew into the air and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and ...": "Ertesi gün, Daisy kümesin tepesine tırmandı ve kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı, çırptı. Havada uçtu ve kanatlarını çırptı. Kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı ve...", + "There are lots of straight lines here. Some are vertical -- they go up and down. Some are horizontal -- they go side to side. Find some vertical and horizontal lines where you are.": "Bu resimde bir sürü düz çizgi var. Bazıları dikey şekilde – yukarı ve aşağıya doğru gidiyorlar. Bazıları da yatay şekilde – bir yandan diğer yana gidiyorlar. Bulunduğunuz yerde birkaç dikey ve yatay çizgiler bulun.", + "What do the curved lines next to Daisy's body indicate?": "Daisy’nin vücudunun yanındaki eğri çizgiler neyi gösteriyor?", + "Daisy's face is very expressive. What does her face show this time?": "Daisy’nin yüzü çok dışavurumsal. Daisy’nin yüzü bu sefer neyi anlatıyor?", + "BAM!": "BUM!", + "How is Daisy feeling right now?": "Daisy kendini şu anda nasıl hissediyor?", + "What is the other chicken doing?": "Diğer tavuk ne yapıyor?", + "A kind and thoughtful chicken might go over and console and cheer Daisy up. Why isn't this chicken doing that?": "Nazik ve düşünceli bir tavuk gidip Daisy’yi teselli edebilir ve neşelendirebilir. Bu tavuk neden öyle yapmıyor?", + "The other chickens laughed out loud. \"Ha ha ha! We told you! Chickens can't fly!\"": "Diğer tavuklar yüksek sesle güldüler. “Ha ha ha! Sana söylemiştik! Tavuklar uçamaz!”", + "There is one thick vertical line in this picture. Do you see any other vertical or horizontal lines?": "Bu resimde kalın bir dikey çizgi var. Resimde başka dikey ya da yatay çizgiler görüyor musunuz?", + "Is the laughing chicken walking or running? How can you tell?": "Sizce gülen tavuk yürüyor mu yoksa koşuyor mu? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Do you think Daisy will give up after this bad fall? When you have a failure, is it hard for you to keep trying?": "Sizce Daisy bu kötü düşüşten sonra pes edecek mi? Siz de bir başarısızlık yaşadığınızda, tekrar denemeye devam etmeniz zor oluyor mu?", + "But the next day Daisy climbed even higher, right up to the top of the hut. Flap, flap, flap, Daisy flapped her wings.": "Ama ertesi gün Daisy daha da yükseğe, kulübenin tepesine kadar tırmandı. Çırp, çırp, çırp! Daisy kanatlarını çırptı.", + "Daisy is determined. Can you think of a time when you kept trying even after several failures?": "Daisy kararlı. Siz de birkaç başarısızlıktan sonra bile denemeye devam ettiğiniz bir ânı hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "Daisy is trying to solve her problem. What have been some of her new ideas for this problem?": "Daisy, problemini çözmeye çalışıyor. Daisy’nin bu problemi için bulduğu yeni fikirlerinden bazıları nelerdir?", + "Why did they show Daisy twice in this picture? Why does Daisy look big and the other chickens look so small?": "Bu resimde neden Daisy’yi iki kez göstermişler? Neden Daisy büyük ve diğer tavuklar çok küçük görünüyorlar?", + "She flew into the air and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and flapped her wings and ...": "Daisy havaya uçtu ve kanatlarını çırptı, çırptı, çırptı ve...", + "At last, Daisy is successful! How does that make you feel? It feels good to share the successes of others.": "Sonunda, Daisy başarılı oldu! Bu size nasıl hissettiriyor? Başkalarının başarılarını paylaşmak iyi hissettirir.", + "How can you tell from the drawing that she is flying upward?": "Resimden, Daisy’nin yukarı doğru uçtuğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "Look at the movement lines drawn around her body. How are the movement lines in this picture different from the ones on the last page?": "Daisy’nin vücudunun etrafına çizilen hareket çizgilerine bakın. Bu resimdeki hareket çizgileri önceki sayfadakilerden nasıl farklılar?", + "She kept flying! The wind beneath her wings grew stronger and she flew higher and higher! The sparrows and the swallows said, \"Amazing! A flying chicken!\"": "Daisy, uçmaya devam etti! Kanatlarının altındaki rüzgâr daha da güçlendi ve çok daha yükseğe uçtu! Serçeler ve kırlangıçlar, “İnanılmaz! Uçan bir tavuk!” dediler.", + "How does Daisy's flying body look different from the other birds in the sky?": "Daisy’nin uçan vücudu gökyüzündeki diğer kuşlardan nasıl farklıdır?", + "How is Daisy feeling now that all of her hard work has paid off?": "Tüm sıkı çalışmasının karşılığını alan Daisy artık nasıl hissediyor?", + "What are the other chickens thinking now?": "Diğer tavuklar şu anda ne düşünüyorlar?", + "And the other chickens wanted to be just like her.": "Ve diğer tavuklar da tıpkı Daisy gibi olmak istediler.", + "Use your arms to copy the positions of the wings of these chickens.": "Kollarınızı kullanarak bu tavukların kanatlarının pozisyonlarını taklit edin.", + "What are these chickens feeling now that Daisy is successful?": "Daisy artık başarılı olduğuna göre, bu tavuklar şu anda ne hissediyorlar?", + "Do you think the other chickens will learn to fly someday?": "Sizce diğer tavuklar da bir gün uçmayı öğrenecekler midir?", + "They said, \"Oh Daisy, you're amazing!\"": "“Ah, Daisy, harikasın!” dediler.", + "What happens next in Daisy's story after this book?": "Sizce bu hikâyeden sonra, Daisy’nin hayatında neler olacak?", + "Have you ever wished that you could fly?": "Siz de uçabilmeyi dilediniz mi hiç?", + "Where would you go if you could fly? What would you like to look at if you could get way up in the sky above it?": "Uçabilseydiniz nereye giderdiniz? Peki ya gökyüzüne çıkabilseydiniz neye bakmak isterdiniz?", + "Once upon a time, in Joburg's Orange Grove, a little girl called Phyllis was born into the world. Two people in love, hugged their sweet little babe. No one knew then, what a dancer they'd made.": "Bir zamanlar, Joburg şehrinin Orange Grove mahallesinde Phyllis adında minik bir kız çocuğu dünyaya geldi. Birbirlerine âşık olan anne babası, tatlı minik bebeklerini bağırlarına bastılar. O zamanlar, hiç kimse onların nasıl bir dansçı dünyaya getirdiklerini bilmiyordu.", + "There are three people here. Which one is the smallest? Count their eyes together. If there are three people, how many eyes will they have?": "Bu resimde üç kişi var. Hangisi en küçük? Hepsinin gözlerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Eğer üç kişi varsa, kaç göz vardır?", + "There are some circles and partial circles in this picture. Partial circles are called arcs. Point to some of the arcs and make an arc with your arms.": "Bu resimde birkaç daire ve birkaç da kısmi daire var. Kısmi dairelere ‘yay’ denir. Resimdeki bazı yayları gösterip, kollarınızla bir yay şekli yapın.", + "This story is a biography -- it is a true story about the life of a real person. Pick a person you know and tell a biography story about them -- talk about their family and some things they have done.": "Bu hikâye bir biyografidir – gerçek bir kişinin hayatı hakkında gerçek bir hikâyedir. Siz de tanıdığınız birini seçip onun hakkında bir biyografi hikâyesi anlatın – o kişinin ailesinden ve yaptıkları bazı şeylerden bahsedin.", + "By the time she was four, she had learned very quick. She impressed all her teachers, with her ducky feet flicks! Before school and after, she danced every day. Nothing pleased Phyllis, more than ballet.": "Phyllis dört yaşına geldiğinde, dansı çok çabuk öğrenmişti bile! Ördek ayaklarıyla yaptığı hareketlerle tüm öğretmenlerini etkilemişti. Her gün, okuldan önce ve sonra, dans ediyordu. Phyllis’i baleden daha çok mutlu eden başka hiçbir şey yoktu.", + "This story has lots of words that rhyme -- the ends of the words sound the same. On each page, find some of the rhyming words.": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü kafiyeli – sonları aynı seste olan – sözcük var. Her bir sayfadaki bazı kafiyeli kelimeleri bulun.", + "Phyllis' face looks full of joy! What do you think she is feeling as she dances?": "Phyllis’in yüzü sevinçle dolu görünüyor! Sizce Phyllis dans ederken ne hissediyor?", + "Think of a time when you were moving that made you feel such joy. Perhaps you were running, dancing, jumping, or riding a bike.": "Siz de hareket ettiğinizde sizi böylesine mutlu eden bir ânı düşünün. Belki koşuyordunuz, dans ediyordunuz, zıplıyordunuz veya bisiklet sürüyordunuz.", + "When the world was ready for Phyllis at fifteen, she arrived in big, old London, ready to live her dream. She said goodbye to all her friends. She was ready to start fresh. Watch out Royal Ballet School! Phyllis is here to impress.": "Dünya on beş yaşındaki Phyllis için hazır olduğunda, Phyllis hayalini yaşamaya hazır bir halde, büyük, tarihi Londra’ya geldi. Tüm arkadaşlarına veda etti. Yeni bir başlangıç yapmayı hazırdı. Royal Ballet School'a dikkat edin! Phyllis, etkilemek için burada.", + "In a real sky, there are too many stars to count. Point to the stars in this picture as you count them.": "Gerçek bir gökyüzünde sayılamayacak kadar çok yıldız vardır. Yıldızları sayarken, onları gösterin.", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find all the rectangles on this page. Point to all the rectangles around where you are.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu sayfadaki tüm dikdörtgenleri bulun. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki tüm dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "It takes 11 hours to fly from Johannesburg in the south of Africa to London on the western side of Europe. Compare that to how long it takes to go to the store or to visit a friend or relative. Which of these is shortest and which is longest?": "Afrika’nın güneyindeki Johannesburg’dan Avrupa’nın batı yakasındaki Londra’ya uçmak yaklaşık 11 saat sürer. Bu süreyi, bir mağazaya gitmek veya bir arkadaşınızı ya da akrabanızı ziyaret etmekle kıyaslayın. Bunlardan hangisi en kısa ve hangisi en uzun zaman alır?", + "When Phyllis danced Swan Lake, it was fit to show the Queen! After years of pirouetting, she was ready to be seen. Dancing for the audience, she turned and twirled about. Look! Everyone is smiling! See how they clap and shout!": "Phyllis, Kuğu Gölü’nü (Swan Lake) dans ettiğinde, dans Kraliçe’ye göstermeye uygundu! Yıllarca piruet yaptıktan sonra, artık görülmeye hazırdı. Seyirciler için dans ederken, Phyllis döndü ve döndü. Bakın! Herkes gülümsüyor! Nasıl alkışlayıp bağırdıklarına bir bakın!", + "Body position is important in ballet. Notice the male dancer's upper arm and opposite leg point in opposite directions almost making a straight, diagonal line.": "Balede vücut pozisyonu önemlidir. Erkek baletin üst kolunun ve karşı bacağının zıt yönlere baktığını ve neredeyse düz, köşegen (çapraz) bir çizgi oluşturduğunu fark edin.", + "Notice how Phyllis' legs almost make a straight line. Can you make a straight line with your arms or legs?": "Phyllis’in bacaklarının neredeyse dümdüz bir çizgi oluşturduğuna dikkat edin. Siz de kollarınız veya bacaklarınızla düz bir çizgi yapabilir misiniz?", + "Phyllis has become a very good dancer at this point in the story. What do you think will happen next? Make your own version of the second half of this story.": "Phyllis, hikâyenin bu noktasında çok iyi bir dansçı oldu. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak? Hikâyenin ikinci yarısını, kendi versiyonunuzla anlatın.", + "From Mexico to Canada. From the USA to France. Phyllis travelled far and wide, so the world could see her dance. With the Royal Ballet Company, and her ballerina friends, she spread her love for ballet. She never wanted it to end.": "Meksika’dan Kanada’ya. ABD’den Fransa’ya. Phyllis dünyanın kendi dansını görebilmesi için çok uzaklara seyahat etti. Royal Ballet Company ve balerin arkadaşlarıyla baleye olan sevgisini etrafına yaydı. Bunun bitmesini asla istemedi.", + "Do you see a diagonal line in Phyllis' body position? Trace that line with your finger.": "Phyllis’in vücut pozisyonundaki o köşegen çizgiyi görüyor musunuz? O çizgiyi parmağınızla takip edin.", + "There are lots of rectangles in this picture. Point to as many as you can and count them together.": "Bu resimde bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Gösterebildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen gösterip onları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Some of the rectangles are flags on the bottom of Phyllis' dress. What are the colors on those flags? Do you recognize the flag of any country you know?": "Dikdörtgenlerden bazıları, Phyllis’in elbisesinin en alt kısmındaki bayraklardır. Peki o bayrakların renkleri nelerdir? Onlar arasında, bildiğiniz herhangi bir ülkenin bayrağını tanıyabiliyor musunuz?", + "Phyllis always knew, that dance was in her heart. But she longed to return home again, and make a fresh new start. So she leaped and bounded, back to her beautiful land. Her ballerina roots were regrown. She was once more South African.": "Phyllis, dansın kalbinde olduğunu hep biliyordu. Fakat tekrar eve dönmeyi ve yepyeni bir başlangıç yapmayı özlemişti. Bu yüzden, göz açıp kapatıncaya kadar güzel ülkesine geri döndü. Balerin kökleri yeniden yeşermişti. Bir kez daha Güney Afrikalıydı.", + "Phyllis has the flag of South Africa. How many colors are on this flag? Can you see some of those colors where you are?": "Phyllis’in Güney Afrika bayrağı var. Bu bayrakta kaç renk var? Bulunduğunuz yerde bu renklerden bazılarını görebiliyor musunuz?", + "Point to the triangle on the flag. What shape is the green region on the flag?": "Bayrağın üzerindeki üçgeni gösterin. Bayraktaki yeşil bölge hangi şekildir?", + "Have you ever traveled away from home? Was it exciting to be away, or did you miss your home?": "Peki siz evinizden uzaklara seyahat ettiniz mi hiç? Uzakta olmak heyecan verici miydi yoksa evinizi özlediniz mi?", + "Dancing wasn't just for fun, as Phyllis always knew. She'd work at dancing day and night, and with hard work she grew. Always smiling, always trying, through good times and through tough, Phyllis always did her best. She couldn't get enough.": "Phyllis’in her zaman bildiği gibi dans sadece eğlence için değildi. O, gece gündüz dans etmek için çalıştı; sıkı bir çalışmayla daha da iyi oldu. Her zaman gülümseyen, her zaman çabalayan, iyi zamanlarda ve zorluklarda, Phyllis her zaman elinden gelenin en iyisini yaptı. Yaptıkça yapası geldi.", + "Phyllis' legs are at a right angle to each other -- they make an angle like the corner of this page. Make a right angle with your arms or legs.": "Bu resimde Phyllis’in bacakları birbirine dik açıda – dik açılar, bu sayfanın köşesi gibi bir açı oluştururlar. Siz de kollarınız veya bacaklarınızla bir dik açı oluşturun.", + "Phyllis and her partner are performing in this picture. How can you tell?": "Phyllis ve partneri bu resimde bir performans sergiliyorlar. Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Have you ever worked really hard at something? How did you feel about doing that?": "Siz de bir şey için çok sıkı çalıştınız mı hiç? Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake and Giselle. Phyllis danced these for the people: graceful, tireless, well. With partners Gary Burne and Eduard Greyling too, her magnificence inspired the audience. To her, flowers they threw.": "Romeo ve Juliet, Kuğu Gölü ve Giselle. Phyllis bunları insanlar için dans etti: zarif, yorulmadan, çok iyi bir şekilde. Gary Burne ve Eduard Greyling adlı partnerlerle de Phyllis’in ihtişamı seyirciye ilham oldu. Ona çiçekler attılar.", + "Phyllis' body is pictured inside a clock. Go around the clock saying and pointing at each number.": "Phyllis’in vücudu bir saatin içinde resmedilmiş. Saatin etrafından giderek, her bir sayıyı göstererek kaç olduğunu söyleyin.", + "The numbers on the clock increase from 1 to 12 in what is called the clockwise direction.": "Saatin üzerindeki sayılar 1’den 12’ye kadar artıyor – böyle olunca, ona ‘saat yönü’ denir.", + "Each of Phyllis' hands and feet point at a number. What are they?": "Phyllis’in her bir eli ve ayağı bir sayıyı gösteriyor. O sayılar nelerdir?", + "Reward comes easily, when you put yourself to the test. Phyllis came to realize this, once she was called 'The Best.' She was awarded 'Prima Ballerina Assoluta.' The greatest dancer of them all! Phyllis would be forever known. She wanted nothing more.": "Kendinizi bir teste tabi tuttuğunuzda ödüller kolaylıkla gelir. Phyllis bunu alanında ‘en iyisi’ olarak adlandırıldıktan sonra fark etmişti. ‘Prima Ballerina Assoluta’ ödülüne layık görüldü. Aralarındaki en iyi dansçıydı! Phyllis sonsuza dek bilinecekti. Bundan daha fazlasını isteyemezdi.", + "The story rhymes \"test\" with \"best.\" It doesn't rhyme any word with \"more.\" Think of some words that rhyme with \"more.\"": "Bu sayfada, ‘hepsi’ kelimesi ile ‘iyisi’ kelimesi birbiriyle kafiyelidir. Ama ‘fazlasını’ kelimesi ile kafiyeli olan bir kelime yok.", + "She is standing on her toes. Ballerinas wear special shoes, toe shoes, to help them do that.": "Phyllis, ayak parmaklarının üzerinde duruyor. Balerinler bunu yapmalarına yardımcı olan özel ayakkabılar – bale ayakkabıları – giyerler.", + "If you try to stand on your toes, do your toes curl under? It is very hard to be on your toes.": "Siz de ayak parmaklarınızın üzerinde durmaya çalışırsanız, acaba ayak parmaklarınız altta kıvrılır mı? Ayak parmakları üzerinde durmak çok zordur.", + "Goodness! What a catch! Phyllis met her loving partner. His name was Phillip Boyd. He was another dancer. Together they were married. And together they would dance. No one could be better matched, given half the chance!": "Tanrı’m! Aşkı yakaladı! Phyllis sevgi dolu partneriyle tanıştı. Adı, Phillip Boyd idi. O da bir dansçıydı. Evlendiler. Ve birlikte, hep dans ederlerdi. Yüzde elli elli şans verildiğinde, kimse ondan daha iyi eşleştirilemezdi!", + "The word \"catch\" has two meanings here. A ballerina might leap or spin and her partner would catch her. It can also mean that romantic partners catch each other and become a couple.": "Bu sayfadaki ‘yakalamak’ kelimesinin iki anlamı vardır. Bir balerin sıçrayıp dönebilir ve partneri onu yakalayabilir. Yakalamak, romantik partnerlerin aşkı yakalayıp bir çift olmaları anlamına da gelebilir.", + "There are a lot of red flowers. How many do you see?": "Resimde bir sürü kırmızı çiçek var. Siz kaç tanesini görüyorsunuz?", + "The green leaves are in the shape of a heart. Which side of the heart has more red flowers?": "Yeşil yapraklar kalp şeklinde. Kalbin hangi tarafında daha fazla kırmızı çiçek var?", + "Though they had no children, Phyllis and Phillip were never sad. The two of them found another way to help other Mums and Dads. They started Dance for All, a special school for dance. So that children with no money, could also learn to prance!": "Çocukları olmamasına rağmen, Phyllis ve Phillip asla üzülmediler. Diğer anne ve babalara yardım etmenin başka bir yolunu buldular. Dans için özel bir okul olan ‘Herkes İçin Dans’ı (Dance for All) kurdular. Parası olmayan çocuklar da dans edebilsin diye!", + "How many arms and legs can you count all together in this picture?": "Bu resimde, toplam kaç kol ve bacak sayabilirsiniz?", + "Phyllis and Phillip helped children learn to dance even when their families couldn't pay. It's a good feeling helping others.": "Phyllis ve Phillip aileleri ödeme yapamadıklarında bile çocukların dans etmeyi öğrenmelerine yardımcı oldular. Başkalarına yardım etmek çok güzel bir duygu.", + "Have you ever helped a person or animal that needed something? Even little things count, like opening a door or sharing some food. How did you feel?": "Siz de ihtiyacı olan bir insana veya hayvana yardım ettiniz mi hiç? Kapı açmak veya biraz yiyeceğinizi paylaşmak gibi küçük şeyler bile sayılabilir. Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "She left a legacy of dance, and incredible success. Her magic was passed on to others to help them become their best. Her students spread across the world, inspired by her ducky feet. They dance on while we watch, dreaming from our seats.": "Phyllis arkasında dans ve inanılmaz bir başarı mirası bıraktı. Onun sihri, en iyi olmalarına yardımcı olması için başkalarına aktarıldı. Öğrencileri, ördek ayaklarından ilham alarak dünyanın dört bir yanına dağıldılar. Bizler koltuklarımızdan hayal kurarak izlerken onlar dans etmeye devam ettiler.", + "How many dancers do you see here? Don't forget to count Phyllis.": "Burada kaç dansçı görüyorsunuz? Phyllis’i saymayı unutmayın!", + "Describe all the different body positions you see. Make some of these shapes with your body.": "Gördüğünüz tüm farklı vücut pozisyonlarını tanımlayın. Vücudunuzla bu şekillerden bazılarını yapın.", + "Ballet is not a sport. However, dancers are athletes, and they form a team, and their teachers are like coaches. Did this story make you want to become a dancer?": "Bale bir spor değildir. Ancak dansçılar birer atlettirler; bir takım oluştururlar ve öğretmenleri de koçları gibidir. Bu hikâye sizde de dansçı olma isteği uyandırdı mı?", + "One special Friday, Yusuf's father gets dressed before a flicker of light brightens the sky. He pulls on his heavy weather-proof jacket and the green woolen cap that covers his ears. He waves his boy goodbye. Yusuf's eyes brighten when Papa says, \"Today is the day I will catch a fish and bring a gift for you.\"": "Özel bir cuma günü, Yusuf’un babası daha gökyüzü aydınlanmadan önce giyinir kuşanır. Ağır hava koşullarına dayanıklı montunu ve kulaklarını örten yeşil yün beresini takar. Oğluna el sallayarak veda eder. Babası, “Balık tutup sana bir hediye getireceğim gün bugün!” dediğinde Yusuf’un gözleri parlar.", + "His father got up while it was still dark. Daylight starts much earlier in the day during the summer than in the winter.": "Babası hava daha aydınlanmamışken uyandı. Yazın gün ışığı, kışa göre çok daha erken başlar.", + "Have you gotten up while it was still dark? Was it in summer or in winter?": "Peki siz de hiç hava henüz kararmamışken kalktınız mı? Yaz mıydı kış mıydı?", + "What do you think the gift will be?": "Hediyenin ne olacağını düşünüyorsunuz?", + "A fish and a gift? Oh, what will it be? Papa cycles down to Muizenberg Beach. Squeak squeak go the wheels all the way to Surfer's Corner. Gulls circle the sky. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" they cry. \"What will you bring back for Yusuf?\" Papa rings his bell. \"Wait and see what it will be!\"": "Bir balık ve bir hediye mi? Ah, acaba hediye ne olacak? Baba bisikletle Muizenberg Plajı’na gider. Surfer’s Corner’a kadar tekerlekleri gıcırdaya gıcırdaya gider. Martılar gökyüzünde daire çizerler. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye çığlık atarlar. “Yusuf’a ne getireceksin?” Baba zilini çalar. “Ne olacağını bekleyin ve görün!”", + "Papa is riding downhill to the beach. Going downhill he might end up going faster and faster. He might need to use his brakes so he doesn't go into the water!": "Baba yokuş aşağı plaja doğru gider. Yokuş aşağı giderken daha da hızlanabilir. Suya girmemek için frenlerini kullanması gerekebilir!", + "How many gulls do you see? If you take away the one gull on the beach, how many are left?": "Resimde kaç martı görüyorsunuz? Plajdaki o bir martıyı çıkarırsanız geriye kaç martı kalır?", + "The gulls in the sky sound like they are asking Papa questions. What do you think they are doing as they are circling in the sky?": "Gökyüzündeki martılar babaya sorular soruyormuş gibi ses çıkarıyorlar. Sizce martılar gökyüzünde daireler çizerek ne yapıyorlar?", + "The fishermen watch the sun rise. They check their nets. They check their oars. They listen to the wind. They drag their boats down to the water. Yusuf's grandfather, Oupa Salie was a treknet fisherman. Before him his father, Oupagrootjie Ridwaan, knew the sea too.": "Balıkçılar güneşin doğuşunu izlerler. Ağlarını kontrol ederler. Küreklerini kontrol ederler. Rüzgârı dinlerler. Teknelerini suya indirirler. Yusuf’un büyükbabası, Oupa Salie, bir treknet balıkçısıydı. Ondan daha önce onun babası Oupagrootjie Ridwaan da denizi biliyordu.", + "In this view, the line where the sea meets the sky is called the horizon. A horizontal line is like the horizon line, it goes straight across from side to side. Point out some horizontal lines near you.": "Bu manzarada, denizin gökyüzüyle buluştuğu çizgiye ‘ufuk’ denir. Yatay bir çizgi, ufuk çizgisi gibidir – bir yandan diğer yana dümdüz gider. Yakınınızdaki bazı yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "Yusuf's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all fishermen. Do you know anyone who does the same job as one of their parents?": "Yusuf’un babası, büyükbabası ve büyük büyükbabasının hepsi balıkçıydı. Ebeveynlerinden biriyle aynı işi yapan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "People are many different ages. Suppose Papa is 25, Papa's father is 50, and Papa's grandfather is 75. How old are you? How many years until you are 25?": "İnsanlar çok farklı yaşlardadırlar. Babanın 25, babanın babasının 50 ve babanın büyükbabasının 75 yaşında olduğunu varsayın. Peki ya siz kaç yaşındasınız? 25 yaşına girmenize daha kaç yıl var?", + "The boat rides into the waves. Papa's arms stretch to the oar. His leg braces against the side. His neck strains, his back muscles ripple. Papa sings as he works: \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\"": "Tekne, dalgalara doğru ilerler. Babanın kolları küreğe uzanır. Bacakları yan tarafa dayanır. Boynu gerilir, sırt kasları kıpırdanır. Baba çalışırken şarkı söyler: “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.”", + "People sit backwards in rowboats when they row. The pointed end of this boat is much higher than the flat end -- it looks like a pretty rough ride!": "İnsanlar, kayıklarda kürek çekerlerken geriye doğru otururlar. Bu kayığın sivri ucu düz ucundan çok daha yüksekte – oldukça zahmetli bir yolculuk gibi görünüyor.", + "Papa's muscles are working very hard. Have you ever felt your muscles strain trying to lift or pull something?": "Babanın kasları çok sıkı çalışıyor. Bir şeyi kaldırmaya ya da çekmeye çalışırken kaslarınızın gerildiğini hissettiniz mi hiç?", + "The words \"fish\" and \"swish\" rhyme. Think of some other words that rhyme with those words (dish, wish, squish).": "‘Kürek’ ve ‘yüksek’ kelimeleri birbiriyle kafiyelidir. Onlarla kafiyeli olan başka sözcükler daha düşünün (kürek, yüksek, tümsek).", + "All day long Yusuf looks at the sky. It is bright and clear and windless. A fish and a gift! What will Papa bring home from the sea? Sometimes he brings a beautiful shell. Sometimes he brings a jewel green bottle rinsed by the waves.": "Yusuf gün boyu gökyüzüne bakar. Gökyüzü parlak, berrak ve durgundur. Bir balık ve bir hediye! Baba denizden eve ne getirecek? Bazen, güzel bir deniz kabuğu getirir. Bazen, dalgalar tarafından yıkanmış mücevher yeşili bir şişe getirir.", + "Yusuf has many gifts. There is a connection between one of his gifts and something outside the window -- can you figure out what it is?": "Yusuf’un bir sürü hediyesi var. Hediyelerinin birisi ile pencerenin dışındaki bir şey arasında bir ilişki var – ne olduğunu bulabilir misiniz?", + "Count together all the horizontal lines in this picture.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, bu resimdeki tüm yatay çizgileri sayın.", + "Which horizontal line is the longest?": "Bu resimdeki hangi yatay çizgi en uzundur?", + "Some days Yusuf's father brings a story. Like the time they found sea turtles on the sand, hundreds washed up in a storm. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cried the gulls. \"What will you do to help the turtles?\" Papa said, \"We saved those turtles, I tell you straight. We sent them back to the ocean, every last one.\"": "Bazı günler Yusuf’un babası bir hikâye getirir. Tıpkı kumların üzerinde fırtınada yüzlercesi kıyıya vurmuş deniz kaplumbağalarını buldukları zamanki gibi. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye haykırdı martılar. “Kaplumbağalara yardım etmek için ne yapacaksın?” Baba, “Biz o kaplumbağaları kurtardık, sana açıkça söylüyorum. Onları okyanusa geri bıraktık, her birini,” dedi.", + "Sea turtles come out of the sea to lay eggs on the shore. Every turtle has four flippers. How many flippers do you see?": "Deniz kaplumbağaları yumurtalarını kıyıya bırakmak için denizden çıkarlar. Her kaplumbağanın dört yüzgeci vardır. Bu resimde kaç yüzgeç görüyorsunuz?", + "Can you skip count by 4's to figure out how many flippers these turtles have?": "Bu kaplumbağaların toplamda kaç yüzgeci olduğunu bulmak için dörder dörder ritmik (atlayarak) sayabilir misiniz?", + "A grown turtle can weigh up to 100 pounds. These turtles probably weigh 10 pounds each. Skip count by 10's to see how much these turtles weigh all together.": "Yetişkin bir deniz kaplumbağasının ağırlığı türüne bağlı olarak değişir – yaklaşık 1,000 kilograma (2,200 pound) kadar çıkabilir. Resimdeki kaplumbağaların her biri muhtemelen yaklaşık 10 kg ağırlığındadır. Bu kaplumbağaların toplam ağırlığının ne olduğunu bulmak için 10’ar 10’ar ritmik (atlayarak) sayın.", + "Always Papa brings a song. He sings the song while he pulls the oars. He sings the song while he pulls the nets. He sings the song as he winds the ropes. He sings the song as he cycles home. \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\"": "Baba daima bir şarkı getirir. Baba, kürekleri çekerken şarkı söyler. Ağları çekerken şarkı söyler. Halatları sararken şarkı söyler. Eve bisikletle dönerken şarkıyı söyler. “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.”", + "People often sing or hum as they do something. Do you do this?": "İnsanlar, sıklıkla, bir şeyler yaparken ya şarkı söylerler ya da şarkılar mırıldanırlar. Siz de öyle yapar mısınız?", + "It is hard work pulling a wet fishing net out of the water. How many fishermen are pulling? Do they all pull together or take turns?": "Islak bir balık ağını sudan çekip çıkarmak zor bir iştir. Kaç balıkçı çekiyor? Hep birlikte mi yoksa sırayla mı çekiyorlar?", + "Are there more gulls or fishermen in this picture? How many more?": "Bu resimde daha fazla martı mı yoksa daha fazla balıkçı mı var? Kaç fazla?", + "Ouma Safiya wants a nice fat yellowtail for her supper. \"But we'll be lucky if they catch even a tiny crab. More likely it will be fish tail Friday. There's not so many fish left in the sea,\" says Ouma shaking her head. Yusuf holds Ouma's hand. They cross the road at the bathing cabins. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cry the gulls perched on the bright rooftops. \"What is for supper?\"": "Ouma Safiya, akşam yemeği için iri dolgun güzel bir sarıkuyruk balığı ister. “Ama küçük bir yengeç bile yakalarlarsa yine de şanslıyız. Bugün büyük olasılıkla balık kuyruğu cuması olacak. Denizde çok fazla balık kalmadı,” der Ouma, başını sallayarak. Yusuf, Ouma’nın elini tutar. Duş kabinlerinin olduğu yoldan karşıya geçerler. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye bağırır parlak çatılara tünemiş martılar. “Akşam yemeğinde ne var?”", + "Ouma means grandmother. Do you have favorite names for people you are close to?": "“Ouma” büyükanne demektir. Sizin de yakın olduğunuz insanlar için koyduğunuz favori isimler var mı?", + "The people and the seagulls want the same things for dinner -- maybe a yellowtail or a crab. How many different kinds of fish do you know?": "İnsanlar ve martılar akşam yemeği için aynı şeyleri istiyorlar – ya bir sarıkuyruk ya da bir yengeç. Siz kaç farklı balık türü biliyorsunuz?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. The doors and roofs of the buildings are rectangles. How many rectangles do you see in this picture? How many rectangles do you see where you are?": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Binaların kapıları ve çatıları dikdörtgendir. Bu resimde kaç tane dikdörtgen görüyorsunuz? Peki, bulunduğunuz yerde kaç dikdörtgen görüyorsunuz?", + "Last year the fishermen fought with the surfers. Angry fists and shouting words. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cried the gulls. \"There's enough sea for everybody,\" said Yusuf's father. He showed them the fishing license that had been Oupa Salie's. \"Waves for all. Water for free.\"": "Geçen yıl balıkçılar sörfçülerle kavga ettiler. Öfkeli yumruklar ve havada uçuşan kelimeler! “Neee? Neee? Neeee?” diye bağırdı martılar. “Herkese yetecek kadar deniz var,” dedi Yusuf’un babası. Sörfçülere, Oupa Salie’ye ait olan balıkçılık ruhsatını gösterdi. “Dalgalar herkes için. Su bedava.”", + "What were the fishermen and surfers arguing about? What bad things might happen if they are in the same place?": "Balıkçılar ve sörfçüler ne hakkında tartışıyorlar? Aynı yerde olurlarsa ne gibi kötü şeyler olabilir?", + "People have disagreements, and then they find ways to resolve them. Think of a disagreement you had with someone. How did you solve that problem?": "İnsanlar anlaşmazlıklar yaşarlar ve sonra onları çözmenin yollarını bulurlar. Biriyle yaşadığınız bir anlaşmazlığı düşünün. O sorunu nasıl çözdünüz?", + "What feelings do you have when you get into an argument with someone?": "Biriyle tartışmaya girdiğinizde ne tür duygular hissedersiniz?", + "Ouma Safiya watches through her binoculars, her fingers curled in curiosity. The shark siren sounds. Swimmers run back to the sand and grab their towels. Surfers rush to the shore, carrying their boards under their arms. Under the showers they strip off their wetsuits. \"Whaaat? Whaaat? Whaaat?\" cry the gulls. \"What will Yusuf's father bring from the ocean?\"": "Ouma Safiya dürbününden izler, parmakları meraktan kıvrılmış. Köpek balığı sirenleri duyulur. Yüzücüler plaja koşup havlularını kaparlar. Sörfçüler, sörf tahtalarını kollarının altında taşıyarak kıyıya koşarlar. Duşun altında dalgıç kıyafetlerini çıkarırlar. “Neee? Neee? Neeee?” diye bağırır martılar. Yusuf’un babası okyanustan ne getirecek?", + "There are hundreds of kinds of sharks in the world. Here are a few of those kinds: Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Lemon Shark, and Nurse Shark.": "Dünyada yüzlerce çeşit köpek balığı vardır. İşte o türlerden birkaçı: Büyük beyaz köpek balığı, Kaplan köpek balığı, Çekiç başlı köpek balığı, Limon köpek balığı ve Hemşire köpek balığı.", + "Some sharks are dangerous. Others have no interest in people, such as nurse sharks. A leopard shark has never attacked a person and they just hunt for crabs.": "Bazı köpek balıkları tehlikelidir. Bazıları ise, hemşire köpek balıkları gibi, insanlarla ilgilenmezler. Leopar köpek balıkları henüz bir insana saldırmamış olup sadece yengeç avlarlar.", + "Goblin sharks are not very aggressive. They have not attacked a person, partly because they are so far out in the deep ocean.": "Goblin köpek balıkları çok saldırgan değildirler. Bugüne kadar bir insana saldırmamışlardır; bunun nedeni, kısmen okyanusun derinliklerinde çok uzakta olmalarıdır.", + "Yusuf's father and uncle and cousins heave and pull. A little shark has been caught. Yusuf's father untangles the nets, singing to the shark: \"Drop and swish. Find a fish. Pull and plop. Don't you stop.\" When the shark at last is free it streaks back into the waves, leaving only one fat yellowtail in the net. Ouma Safiya will be pleased.": "Yusuf’un babası, amcası ve kuzenleri balık ağını güçlükle yukarı çekerler. Küçük bir köpek balığı yakalandı. Yusuf’un babası köpek balığına şarkı söyleyerek ağları çözer: “Bırak ve salla. Bir balık bul. Çek ve bırak. Durma.” Köpek balığı en sonunda serbest kaldığında, ağda sadece bir dolgun sarıkuyruk bırakarak dalgalara geri döner. Ouma Safiya çok sevinir.", + "Why does Yusuf's father let the little shark go free?": "Yusuf’un babası küçük köpek balığını neden serbest bırakır?", + "The fin in the shape of a triangle on a shark's back is called a dorsal fin. It helps keep the shark upright in the water and it also helps it make quick turns.": "Köpek balığının sırtındaki üçgen şeklindeki yüzgece ‘sırt (dorsal) yüzgeci’ denir. Bu yüzgeç, köpek balığının suda dik durmasına ve hızlı dönüşler yapmasına yardımcı olur.", + "The net in the picture has circular objects shaped like donuts on its edge. They're not donuts! What do you think they are for?": "Resimdeki ağın kenarında donut şeklinde dairesel nesneler var. Onlar donut değiller! Sizce ne işe yarıyorlar?", + "The men pull the boat in and coil up the cables. A hard white triangle catches Papa's finger. \"Whaaat? Whaaat\" Whaaat?\" cry the gulls. \"What did you bring back for Yusuf?\" As the sun goes down, Papa answers the gulls. \"A lucky shark tooth for my boy.\" At home Yusuf holds his gift up to the stars.": "Adamlar tekneyi çekip kabloları sararlar. Sert beyaz bir üçgen babanın parmağını yakalar. “Neee? Neee? Neee?” diye bağırır martılar. “Yusuf’a ne getirdin?” Güneş batarken, baba martılara cevap verir: “Oğlum için uğurlu bir köpek balığı dişi.” Yusuf evde hediyesini yıldızlara doğru tutar.", + "The shark's tooth is a hard, white triangle. Do you remember another triangle on the shark's body? Do you see any triangles around you now?": "Köpek balığının dişi, sert ve beyaz renkli bir üçgendir. Köpek balığının vücudunda başka bir üçgen hatırlıyor musunuz? Peki, şu anda etrafınızda hiç üçgen görüyor musunuz?", + "Do you remember what some of the other gifts were from earlier in the story?": "Hikâyenin başlarındaki diğer hediyelerden bazılarının neler olduğunu hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "Do you have special things you've found that you like to keep? Perhaps you found a pretty rock or a bird's feather that you liked a lot?": "Peki ya sizin de bulduğunuz ve saklamak istediğiniz özel şeyler var mı? Belki de çok sevdiğiniz güzel bir taş ya da kuş tüyü bulmuşsunuzdur?", + "His hoe was too short.": "Adamın çapası çok kısaydı.", + "Point out the vivid colors -- the yellow sun, the blue sky, the green bushes, and the red shoes.": "Canlı renkleri gösterin – sarı güneşi, mavi gökyüzünü, yeşil çalıları ve kırmızı ayakkabıları.", + "Count the two bushes and the two red shoes with your child.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, iki çalıyı ve iki kırmızı ayakkabıyı sayın.", + "Point out how uncomfortable the man looks bending over so far to hoe.": "Çapa yapmak için çok ileriye eğilmek zorunda kalan adamın ne kadar rahatsız göründüğüne dikkat edin.", + "His doorway was too low.": "Adamın kapısı çok alçaktı.", + "Comment that the doorway is too low -- the man is taller than the door.": "Kapının adam için çok alçak olduğunu belirtin – adam kapıdan daha uzun.", + "Look how much the man stoops down to talk to the boy -- he is much taller than the boy, and the boy is much shorter than the man!": "Adamın çocukla konuşmak için ne kadar eğildiğine bakın – adam çocuktan çok daha uzun ve çocuk da adamdan çok daha kısa!", + "Count the bushes together.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çalıları sayın.", + "His bed was too short.": "Adamın yatağı çok kısaydı.", + "The man's legs stick far out of the bed. He is much longer than his bed.": "Adamın bacakları yataktan dışarı taşıyor. Adam yatağından çok daha uzun.", + "Point to the bird and the boy and how puzzled they look by the short bed.": "Kuşa ve çocuğa işaret edin ve kısa yatak karşısında ne kadar şaşkın göründüklerine dikkat edin.", + "Count together the toes on each of the man's feet.": "Adamın her bir ayağında kaç parmak olduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "His bicycle was too short.": "Adamın bisikleti çok kısaydı.", + "The tall man is much too big for his bicycle. Look how far his leg sticks out!": "Uzun adam bisikleti için çok fazla büyük. Bacağının ne kadar dışarı çıktığına bakın!", + "Point out that the bird has changed color from yellow to orange!": "Kuşun renginin sarıdan turuncuya dönüştüğüne dikkat çekin!", + "Where is the boy in this picture?": "Bu resimde çocuk nerede?", + "This man was too tall!\n\nWhat can he do to solve his problem and fit into his world?": "Bu adam çok uzundu.\n\nBu sıkıntısını çözüp dünyaya sığmak için ne yapabilir?", + "Maybe the man is not too tall -- maybe he just needs to solve his problems!": "Belki adam çok da uzun değil – belki de sadece sıkıntılarını çözmesi gerekiyor.", + "The man has a problem and he is feeling sad about it.": "Adamın bir sorunu olduğunu ve bundan dolayı üzgün olduğunu belirtin.", + "Notice that this man is much taller than the other people.": "Bu adamın diğer insanlardan çok daha uzun olduğuna dikkat edin.", + "He made a very long handle.": "Adam çapası için çok uzun bir sap yaptı.", + "He solved his problem with the hoe! He made his hoe bigger!": "Artık çapa ile olan sorununu çözdü! Çapasını daha uzun yaptı.", + "Which one is bigger, the hoe or the man?": "Hangisi daha uzun – çapa mı yoksa adam mı?", + "Do you see the man's red shoes? They disappeared!": "Adamın kırmızı ayakkabılarını görüyor musunuz? Nereye gitmişler? Yok oldular!", + "He made very high door frames.": "Adam çok uzun kapı çerçeveleri yaptı.", + "Which is higher -- the door or the man?": "Hangisi daha yüksek – kapı mı yoksa adam mı?", + "The sun in the sky is round. Point to round things where you are.": "Gökyüzündeki güneş yuvarlak. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki diğer yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "Which is longer and which is shorter -- the man's legs or his upper body?": "Hangisi daha uzun ve hangisi daha kısa – adamın bacakları mı yoksa gövdesi mi?", + "He made a very long bed.": "Adam çok uzun bir yatak yaptı.", + "We can't see the man's feet now. His bed is longer than he is.": "Artık adamın ayaklarını göremiyoruz. Adamın yatağı ondan daha uzun.", + "The man looks very comfortable and happy in his big bed.": "Adam kocaman yatağında çok rahat ve mutlu gözüküyor.", + "Look at how small the boy looks next to the bed!": "Çocuğun yatağın yanında ne kadar küçük gözüktüğüne bakın!", + "He bought a very high bicycle.": "Adam çok yüksek bir bisiklet aldı.", + "Notice that the boy and the bird are inside the basket now.": "Çocuğun ve kuşun şu anda sepetin içinde olduklarına dikkat edin.", + "Everyone looks very happy now that the man's things are the right size.": "Adamın eşyaları doğru boyutta olduğu için artık herkes çok mutlu görünüyor.", + "Point to and name the many different colors on this page.": "Bu sayfadaki pek çok farklı renkleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.": "Adam çok yüksek bir sandalyede oturdu. Çok uzun bir çatal ile yemek yedi.", + "Count out with your child many of the things in the picture -- such as fingers, legs, steps, and tines.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, resimdeki birçok şeyi sayın – örneğin, parmakları, bacakları, basamakları ve çatalların dişlerini.", + "Look at how high the boy's chair is! Would you be scared sitting so high?": "Çocuğun sandalyesinin ne kadar yüksek olduğuna bakın! Siz bu kadar yüksekte oturmaktan korkar mıydınız?", + "Now that all his things are the right size for him, the man is not too tall at all!": "Artık adamın tüm eşyaları onun için doğru boyutta olduğuna göre, adam hiç de çok uzun değil!", + "He left his house and moved to a big house in the forest, where he lived for many years.": "Adam evinden taşınıp ormanda uzun yıllar yaşayacağı büyük bir eve taşındı.", + "Count the pineapples, bags, and trees with your child.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte ananasları, torbaları ve ağaçları sayın.", + "Count the rungs on the ladder with your child.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, portatif merdivenin basamaklarını sayın.", + "Notice that the bird is yellow again!": "Kuşun yine sarı olduğuna dikkat edin!", + "How many cats? \n\n 0 Zero cats.\n\nNo cats here!": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n0 Sıfır kedi.\n\nBurada hiç kedi yok!", + "0 is an important number! It's where all counting starts, even when we don't say it.": "0, önemli bir rakamdır! Sıfır, biz söylemesek dahi tüm sayma işleminin başladığı yerdir.", + "How many cats do you see?": "Kaç tane kedi görüyorsunuz?", + "Count together the butterflies – they are tricky to find in this picture.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, kelebekleri sayın — bu resimde onları bulmak zor.", + "How many cats? \n\n 1 One cat.\n\n A black cat is eating red meat.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n1 Bir kedi.\n\nSiyah bir kedi, kırmızı et yiyor.", + "Point to and name the green and orange squares, blue shirt, and black cat.": "Yeşil ve turuncu kareleri, mavi tişörtü ve siyah kediyi işaret edip adlandırın.", + "Notice how Paul is looking at the cat. Paul sure likes cats!": "Paul’un kediye nasıl baktığına dikkat edin. Paul kesinlikle kedileri seviyor!", + "Each time a cat is added: a) say that one more than the last number of cats is the new number, and b) one less than the current number is the last number.": "Her defasında bir kedi eklendiğinde: a) en sonki kedi sayısından bir fazlasının yeni sayı olduğunu ve b) şu anki mevcut kedi sayısından bir eksiğinin de en sonki sayı olduğunu söyleyin.", + "How many cats? \n\n 2 Two cats. \n\n A white cat and a grey cat are sleeping.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\nİki kedi.\n\nBir beyaz kedi ve bir gri kedi uyuyor.", + "Count together the cats, plants, and people.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, kedileri, bitkileri ve insanları sayın.", + "Of cats, plants, and people, which number is the biggest? Which one is the smallest?": "Kediler, bitkiler ve insanlar arasında hangisinin sayısı en büyük? Hangisinin sayısı en küçük?", + "Notice that the square tiles are now all the same gray color.": "Kare fayansların hepsinin şu anda aynı gri renginde olduklarına dikkat edin.", + "How many cats? \n\n3 Three cats. \n\nThree cats are playing in the kitchen.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n3 Üç kedi.\n\nÜç kedi mutfakta oyun oynuyor.", + "What a mess! There must be zero people here!": "Bu ne dağınıklık! Burada sıfır insan olmalı!", + "Count together each group – the cats, cabinet doors, food containers, and spoons.": "Her bir grubu — kedileri, dolap kapaklarını, yemek kaplarını ve kaşıkları — çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which thing is there the most of in this picture?": "Orada en çok hangi şeyden var?", + "How many cats? \n\n4 Four cats. \n\nFour cats are Paul's friends.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n4 Dört kedi.\n\nDört kedi de Paul'un arkadaşlarıdır.", + "Count all the cats.": "Bütün kedileri sayın.", + "Which of these cats have you seen before, and which are new? Which ones are missing?": "Bu kedilerden hangilerini daha önce gördünüz ve hangileri yeni? Hangileri eksik?", + "Point at and name all the different colors in the room.": "Odadaki tüm farklı renkleri işaret edip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "How many cats? \n\n5 Five cats. \n\nFive cats chase the dog.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n5 Beş kedi.\n\nBeş kedi köpeği kovalıyor.", + "Looking at their faces and bodies, do the cats and the dog like each other?": "Yüzlerine ve vücutlarına bakarak şu soruyu cevaplayın: Kediler ve köpekler birbirlerinden hoşlanıyorlar mı?", + "Count the number of cats and the number of dogs. Which group is bigger? Poor dog!": "Kedileri ve köpekleri sayın. Hangi grup daha büyük? Zavallı köpek!", + "These cats all have different coloring. Describe the color and pattern of each cat.": "Bu kedilerin hepsi farklı renklere sahip. Her bir kedinin desenini ve rengini tanımlayın.", + "How many cats?\n\n6 Six cats.\n\nSix cats waiting for the dog.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\nAltı kedi.\n\nAltı kedi, köpeği bekliyor.", + "Count the cats on the floor and in the picture. Is it the same number?": "Yerdeki ve resimdeki kedileri sayın. Sonuç aynı mı?", + "Find a cat or two in the picture on the wall that is not on the floor.": "Yerde olmayıp duvardaki resimde olan bir veya iki kedi bulun.", + "The dog doesn't want to come back. Why not?": "Köpek geri gelmek istemiyor. Neden istemiyor?", + "How many cats? \n\n7 Seven cats. \n\nSeven cats playing in the compound.": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n7 Yedi kedi.\n\nYedi kedi yerleşkede oynuyor.", + "Point at each of the seven cats.": "Yedi kedinin her birini gösterin.", + "What is Paul looking for?": "Paul neyi arıyor?", + "The cat on the roof is the highest cat. How did that cat get up so high?": "Çatıdaki kedi, en yüksek kedidir. O kedi nasıl o kadar yükseğe çıktı?", + "How many cats? \n\n8 Eight cats. \n\nEight cats and one dog!": "Kaç kedi var?\n\n8 Sekiz kedi.\n\nSekiz kedi ve bir köpek!", + "The cats have many different colors and patterns. Have you seen cats like these?": "Kediler farklı renklere ve desenlere sahipler. Hiç böyle kediler gördünüz mü?", + "Seven cats plus one dog makes how many animals?": "Sekiz kedi artı bir köpek kaç tane hayvan eder?", + "Do you think the dog looks happy or worried?": "Sizce köpek mutlu mu yoksa endişeli mi görünüyor?", + "A kitten is stuck in a tree! \n\n\"I will rescue you!\" says Paul.": "Bir yavru kedi bir ağaçta mahsur kalmış!\n\n“Seni kurtaracağım!” diyor Paul.", + "How many cats are stuck in the tree?": "Ağaçta kaç kedi mahsur kalmış?", + "How did the cat get up there?": "Kedi oraya nasıl çıktı?", + "The cat is higher than Paul. How will Paul help the cat?": "Kedi, Paul’dan daha yüksekte. Paul kediye nasıl yardım edecek?", + "Mama, can we keep him?\" \n\nHow many cats? \n\n9 Nine cats. \n\n\"That is too many cats!\" says Mama.\u0001": "“Anne, onu sahiplenebilir miyiz?”\n\nKaç tane kedi var?\n\n9 Dokuz kedi.\n\n“O kadarı da çok fazla kedi!” diyor annesi.", + "One more than eight cats is nine cats. A dog and nine cats is how many animals?\u0001\u0001": "Sekiz kediden bir fazlası dokuz kedi eder. Bir köpek ve dokuz kedi kaç tane hayvan eder?", + "Do you know anyone with cats? How many cats do they have?": "Kedisi olan kimseyi biliyor musunuz? Kaç tane kedileri var?", + "Do you think nine cats is too many?": "Sizce dokuz kedi çok mu fazla?", + "Long time ago, Cassava and Palm lived in a village called Koowa. They were very good friends. They visited each other every day. They were farmers. They worked very hard on their farms.": "Uzun zaman önce, Manyok ve Palmiye, Koowa adlı bir köyde yaşıyorlardı. Onlar çok iyi dostlardı. Birbirlerini her gün ziyaret ediyorlardı. İkisi de çiftçiydi. Çiftliklerinde çok sıkı çalışıyorlardı.", + "These are two talking plants! Use your imagination to suggest what they might be saying to each other.": "Bunlar konuşan iki bitki! Birbirlerine ne söylüyor olabileceklerini hayal gücünüzü kullanarak belirtin.", + "Palm is a kind of tree that doesn't have branches like other trees -- it has leaves, called fronds, that are held together by a rib in the middle.": "Palmiye, diğer ağaçlarınkine benzer dalları olmayan bir ağaç türüdür – yapraklarının ortasındaki kaburga benzeri yapı tarafından bir arada tutulan geniş yaprakları (frond) vardır.", + "Count how many ribbed fronds you see. How does the rib on the fronds compare to your own ribs?": "Resimde kaç kaburga benzeri bileşik yaprak gördüğünüzü sayın. Yapraklardaki kaburga benzeri yapının sizin kaburgalarınızla benzerlikleri, farklılıkları nelerdir?", + "In a certain year, there was no rain. The crops did not grow well. All the plants dried up. People did not have any food to eat.\n\nCassava and Palm decided to travel to another village to look for work.": "Hatta bir yıl, hiç yağmur yoktu. Ekinler iyi yetişmedi. Tüm bitkiler kuruyup gitti. İnsanların yiyecek yemekleri kalmadı.\n\nManyok ve Palmiye iş aramak için başka bir köye taşınmaya karar verdi.", + "How have Palm's fronds and Cassava's leaves changed now that the weather has been so dry?": "Hava çok kuru olduğuna göre, Palmiye’nin bileşik yaprakları ve Manyok’un yaprakları nasıl değişti?", + "The plants in the ground are very thirsty. Have you ever been very, very thirsty? When you were extremely thirsty, how much did you drink? 1 cup? 2 cups? 3 cups? more?": "Yerdeki bitkiler çok susamışlar. Siz de hayatınızda çok ama çok susuz kaldınız mı hiç? Aşırı bir şekilde susadığınızda, ne kadar su içtiniz? 1 bardak? 2 bardak? 3 bardak? Daha çok?", + "All the little plants are dying! How many of them can you count? Can you count that high?": "Bütün minik bitkiler ölüyorlar! Resimde kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "On their way, they met a woman. \"Good afternoon,\" they greeted her.\n\nShe responded, \"Where are you going?\" \"We are going to the next village to look for work,\" said Palm.": "Yolda, bir kadınla karşılaştılar. “Tünaydın,” diyerek onu selamladılar.\n\nKadın, “Nereye gidiyorsunuz?” diye sordu. “İş aramak için yandaki köye gidiyoruz,” dedi Palmiye.", + "Cassava has what are called tuber roots that help it stand up. How many tuber roots do you see?": "Manyok’un dik durmasına yardımcı olan yumru kökleri var. Resimde kaç yumru kök görüyorsunuz?", + "Count the fingers on the woman's hands. How many fingers do most people have? How many does she seem to be missing?": "Kadının ellerindeki parmakları sayın. Çoğu insanın kaç parmağı vardır? Resimdeki kadının kaç parmağı eksik gibi görünüyor?", + "Notice everyone's arms in this picture. Copy each one with your own arms. Arm positions can tell us a lot about what a person is thinking or feeling. What do these arm positions say to you?": "Bu resimdeki herkesin kollarına dikkat edin. Aynılarını kendi kollarınızla yapın. Kolların pozisyonları bize bir kişinin ne düşündüğü veya ne hissettiği hakkında çok şey anlatabilir. Resimdeki kol pozisyonları size ne söylüyor?", + "\"What work can you do?\" the woman asked. The friends responded, \"We can provide food for your family and animals.\"\n\nThe woman asked, \"What do you need to provide the food?\" \"Give us land, water and good care,\" they replied.": "“Ne iş yapabilirsiniz?” diye sordu kadın. Bu arkadaşlar, “Biz ailenize ve hayvanlarınıza yiyecek sağlayabiliriz,” diye cevap verdiler.\n\n“Yiyecek sağlamak için neye ihtiyacınız var?” diye sordu kadın. “Bize toprak, su ve iyi bir bakım verin,” diye karşılık verdiler.", + "Most of our food comes from plants. What are some of your favorite foods that come from trees? From bushes? From vines? (berries, tomatoes, beans, squash)": "Yiyeceklerimizin çoğu bitkilerden gelir. Ağaçlardan gelen en sevdiğiniz yiyeceklerden bazıları nelerdir? Peki ya asmalardan gelen? Çalılardan? (yabani çilekler, domatesler, fasulyeler, kabakgiller)", + "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides, like this page. Count the rectangles on this page.": "Dikdörtgenler bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan şekillerdir. Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "These roofs are made of straw. The roof of the round building is shaped like a cone. The roofs of the other two buildings are somewhat like two sides of a triangle.": "Resimdeki çatılar sazlardan yapılmış. Yuvarlak binanın çatısı koni şeklinde. Diğer iki binanın çatıları, bir üçgenin iki kenarına benziyor.", + "The woman took them home with her.": "Kadın onları kendi evine aldı.", + "Palm and Cassava have very different bodies. Describe the shape, color, and size of the scales covering Palm's body.": "Manyok ve Palmiye’nin çok farklı gövdeleri var. Resimdeki Palmiye’nin gövdesini kaplayan pulsu yapıların şeklini, rengini ve büyüklüğünü tarif edin.", + "How many of the bricks on the side of the house can you count? Are there more leaves on Cassava or bricks on the house? How many more?": "Evin yan tarafındaki tuğlaların kaçını sayabilirsiniz? Manyok’un üzerindeki yaprakların sayısı mı yoksa evin üzerindeki tuğlaların sayısı mı daha fazla? Kaç fazla?", + "What is the shape of the side of a brick? Do you see any other objects with that shape in this picture?": "Bir tuğlanın kenarları hangi şekildedir? Bu resimde bu şekle sahip başka nesneler görüyor musunuz?", + "One afternoon, Palm tree and Cassava had an argument. Cassava said he was more important than Palm.\n\nPalm said he was more important than Cassava.": "Bir öğleden sonra, Manyok ve Palmiye laf dalaşına girdi. Manyok kendisinin Palmiye’den daha önemli olduğunu söyledi.\n\nPalmiye ise kendisinin Manyok’tan daha önemli olduğunu söyledi.", + "Palm and Cassava want to feel important. What are some ways you feel important?": "Manyok ve Palmiye kendilerini önemli hissetmek istiyorlar. Kendinizi önemli hissetmenizin yolları nelerdir?", + "There are many ways someone might feel important. Perhaps they are important to someone, or because they can do something really well, or maybe because someone or something needs them.": "Kişinin kendisini önemli hissetmesinin pek çok yolu vardır. Belki biri için önemlidirler, belki bir şeyi gerçekten iyi yapabildikleri için önemlidirler veya belki de birinin kendilerine ihtiyacı olduğu için.", + "Use the shadows on the ground to guess where the sun is. Point to the corner of the picture where the sun is.": "Güneşin nerede olduğunu tahmin etmek için yerdeki gölgelerden yola çıkın. Resimde güneşin olduğu yeri gösterin.", + "The woman heard them from her room. She came out and asked \"Why are you fighting?\"": "Kadın onları odadan duydu. Gelip, “Neden kavga ediyorsunuz?” diye sordu.", + "Rectangles with four equal sides are called squares. Point out squares and rectangles in this picture.": "Dört eşit kenarlı dikdörtgenlere ‘kare’ denir. Bu resimdeki kareleri ve dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "Palm and Cassava are arguing. What do you think will happen next? Will they stop being friends?": "Manyok ve Palmiye tartışıyorlar. Sizce bir sonraki aşamada ne olacak? Arkadaş olmayı bırakacaklar mı?", + "Is it possible to disagree with someone and still be friends?": "Biriyle aynı fikirde olmamak ama yine de arkadaş kalabilmek mümkün müdür?", + "Cassava spoke first. \"I am more important than Palm tree. I provide tubers for your fufu, gari, boiled cassava and cassava dough.\"": "İlk Manyok konuştu. “Ben Palmiye ağacından daha önemliyim. Ben, sizin fufu, gari, haşlanmış manyok ve manyok hamurunuz için yumrular sağlarım.”", + "Fufu is mashed cassava that people put in soups. Which kinds of soup have you eaten?": "Fufu, insanların çorbalara koyduğu bir manyok püresidir. Siz hangi tür çorbalardan içtiniz?", + "These food containers are all round in some way. How are the shapes of these containers alike and how are they different?": "Bu yiyecek kaplarının hepsi o veya bu şekilde yuvarlak. Bu kapların şekilleri, birbirlerine hangi yönlerden benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "The world has about 8 billion people. Almost 1 billion people eat food from cassava. The country where people eat the most cassava is Nigeria, in Africa.": "Dünyada yaklaşık 8 milyar insan var. Neredeyse 1 milyar insan manyoktan yemek yer. İnsanların en çok manyok yediği ülke Afrika’daki Nijerya’dır.", + "\"My stems are used for planting. My leaves and peels feed your animals. What does Palm tree do?\" asked Cassava.": "“Benim saplarım bitki ekiminde kullanılır. Yapraklarım ve kabuklarım hayvanlarınızı besler. Palmiye ağacı ne işe yarar?” diye sordu Manyok.", + "Not all shapes are simple and regular. There are several large, irregularly-shaped dark patches on the goat. How many?": "Resimdeki şekillerin tümü o kadar da sade veya düzenli değiller. Keçinin üzerinde birkaç büyük, düzensiz şekilli koyu lekeler var. Orada kaç leke var?", + "The pig seems to be enjoying the peels of the cassava plant. Which kinds of foods do we eat after peeling them?": "Domuz, manyok bitkisinin kabuklarını beğenmiş gibi görünüyor. Peki bizler hangi tür yiyeceklerin kabuklarını soyduktan sonra yiyebiliriz?", + "It's fun to make animal sounds. Can you make a noise like a pig or a goat? Any others?": "Hayvan seslerini çıkarmak eğlencelidir. Keçi veya domuz gibi ses çıkarabilir misiniz? Peki ya başka hayvanların seslerini?", + "Palm tree laughed, shook his head and said, \"Woman, do you remember the palm soup you enjoy so much? I provide that.\"": "Palmiye ağacı başını sallayıp gülerek, “Kadın, o çok sevdiğin palmiye çorbasını hatırlıyor musun? Onu ben sağlıyorum,” dedi.", + "Some kinds of palm trees produce coconuts and some produce palm nuts. Palm nuts hold the seeds for new palm trees.": "Bazı palmiye ağaçları özel bir Hindistan cevizi çeşidini, bazıları da palmiye fıstıklarını üretir. Palmiye fıstıkları, içinde, yeni palmiye ağaçlarının tohumlarını barındırır.", + "The recipe for palm soup uses palm nuts AND fufu made from cassava. These two friends belong together!": "Palmiye çorbası tarifinde palmiye fıstıkları ve manyoktan yapılan fufu kullanılır. Bu iki arkadaş birbirlerine aitler!", + "Palm is laughing so hard that spit is flying from his mouth! Did you ever laugh that hard?": "Palmiye o kadar çok gülüyor ki ağzından etrafa tükürükler saçılıyor! Siz de hiç bu kadar çok güldünüz mü?", + "I provide the palm oil for preparing the kpokpoi and the palm kernel oil for frying fish and meat. How would you prepare stews and gravies without oil?": "“Ben kpokpoi hazırlamak için palmiye yağı sağlıyorum ve balık ve et kızartmak için de palmiye çekirdeği yağı sağlıyorum. Yağım olmadan yahniyi ve et suyunu nasıl hazırlardınız?”", + "People fry many kinds of food in oil. Name some kinds of fried food you have eaten.": "İnsanlar pek çok yiyeceği yağda kızartırlar. Yediğiniz bazı kızarmış yiyecek türlerinin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "If every person in the family eats one of these fish, how many people are in the family?": "Ailedeki herkes resimdeki balıklardan birer tane yerse, o zaman ailede kaç kişi vardır?", + "Suppose each person eats two fish, how many people would there be? What if each person eats half a fish?": "Her bir kişinin iki balık yediğini varsaydığınızda, o zaman ailede kaç kişi olacaktır? Peki her bir kişi yarım balık yerse, ailede kaç kişi vardır?", + "\"In addition, my friends provide shade for your huts. You cool your heart with my sweet, rich, foamy palm wine after your hard day's work.\"": "“Buna ilaveten, arkadaşlarım kulübeleriniz için gölgeler de sağlıyorlar. Zor bir gününüzün ardından gönlünüzü benim tatlı, zengin, köpüklü palmiye şarabımla serinletiyorsunuz.”", + "The poles that hold up the palm frond roof are vertical -- they are straight up and down. The edge of the wall behind the people is horizontal -- it goes from side to side. Point out vertical and horizontal lines around you.": "{Palmiye yapraklarından yapılmış çatıyı tutan direkler dikeyler – yani, dümdüz yukarı ve aşağıya gidiyorlar. İnsanların arkasındaki duvarın kenarı ise yatay – yani, duvar bir yandan öbür yana gidiyor. Etrafınızdaki dikey ve yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "The places where the poles meet the wall make right angles – angles like the corner of this page. Point out right angles in the picture and where you are.": "Direklerin duvarla birleştiği yerler ‘dik açı’ yaparlar – dik açı, bu sayfanın köşesi gibidir. Resimdeki ve bulunduğunuz yerdeki dik açıları gösterin.", + "Most drink containers are round. Why do you suppose that is?": "Çoğu içecek kapları yuvarlaktır. Sizce neden öyledir?", + "\"Above all, the brooms that are used to sweep the rooms and compounds come from me,\" concluded Palm.": "“Her şeyden önemlisi, odaları ve yerleşkeleri süpürmek için kullanılan süpürgeler benden geliyor,” diyerek sözlerini tamamladı Palmiye.", + "People tie palm fronds tightly together to make brooms. A dust broom is a really short broom for sweeping small areas. Do you have a dust broom?": "İnsanlar süpürge yapmak için palmiye yapraklarını sıkıca birbirine bağlarlar. Toz süpürgesi, küçük alanları süpürmek için kullanılan oldukça kısa bir süpürgedir. Sizin toz süpürgeniz var mı?", + "Do you suppose they are sweeping up bits of cassava peels and palm nut shells? Have you ever used a tall broom or a dust broom?": "Sizce resimdekiler manyok ve palmiye kabuklarını mı süpürüyorlar? Hiç uzun bir süpürge veya kısa toz süpürgesi kullandınız mı?", + "Point out the vertical and horizontal lines in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki dikey ve yatay çizgileri gösterin.", + "Hmmm! sighed the woman. \"All right friends, I have heard you. I will settle this problem.\"": "“Hımmm!” diye iç geçirdi kadın. “Pekâlâ, arkadaşlar, sizi dinledim. Bu problemi çözeceğim.”", + "The woman says, \"I have heard you.\" She listened carefully to both of them. It really helps when people listen closely to what people care about.": "Kadın, “Sizi dinledim,” dedi. Her ikisini de dikkatlice dinledi. İnsanların önemsedikleri şeyleri dikkatle dinlemeleri gerçekten yardımcı olur.", + "She is holding her hands with her palms up. Sometimes that gesture means \"Here's the answer!\" and sometimes it means \"I don't know.\" What does it mean here?": "Kadın ellerini avuç içleri yukarı bakacak şekilde tutuyor. Bu hareket bazen “İşte cevabı!” anlamına gelir, bazen de “Bilmiyorum!” anlamına gelir. Bu hareket, bu resimde hangi anlama geliyor?", + "How many bumps do you see on Palm's body? Can you count that high?": "Palmiye’nin vücudunda kaç tane şişlik görüyorsunuz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "\"Both of you are very important to me. The two of you together make a delicious meal, fufu and palm nut soup!\" said the woman.": "“İkiniz de benim için çok önemlisiniz. İkiniz birlikte lezzetli bir yemek olursunuz; fufu ve palmiye fıstığı çorbası!” dedi kadın.", + "Giving a new way to look at something can resolve an argument. What did she say that made them both happy?": "Bir şeye yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmak bir tartışmayı çözebilir. Kadın ikisini de mutlu eden ne söyledi?", + "The woman is wearing lots of colors. What are they? Do you have a favorite color?": "Kadın çok renkli giyinmiş. O renkler neler? Peki sizin favori renginiz var mı?", + "There are fabric curtains at the windows and wooden shutters on the outside of the windows. When do you think they close the shutters? Why?": "Pencerelerde kumaş perdeler ve pencerelerin dışında da tahta panjurlar var. Sizce onlar panjurları ne zaman kapatıyorlar? Neden?", + "The woman prepared palm nut soup with fufu from cassavas. She invited her friends to eat with her. They enjoyed the meal very much.\n\nSince then, Cassava and Palm tree have remained good friends.": "Kadın manyoktan fufulu bir palmiye fıstığı çorbası hazırladı. Arkadaşlarını da kendisiyle birlikte yemeleri için davet etti. Yemeği çok beğendiler.\n\nO zamandan beri, Manyok ve Palmiye iki iyi dost olarak kaldılar.", + "How many people are sharing the meal? Who do you think is the oldest and who is the youngest?": "Yemeği kaç kişi paylaşıyor? Sizce onların en yaşlısı ve en genci hangisi?", + "Are they eating inside or outside the house? Which do you like to do better – eat inside or outside?": "Evin içinde mi yoksa dışında mı yemek yiyorlar? Siz hangisini daha çok seversiniz – içeride mi yoksa dışarıda yemek yemeyi mi?", + "We can't see the face of the person in the green shirt. Why? Have you ever licked a plate clean because you liked the food so much?": "Yeşil tişörtlü kişinin yüzünü göremiyoruz. Neden? Bir yemeği çok beğendiğinizde tabağı yalayıp temizlediğiniz oldu mu hiç?", + "Count together the whiskers, ears, legs, eyes, and tails.": "Bıyıkları, kulakları, bacakları, gözleri ve kuyrukları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which counts are the same, which are different, which are the largest, and which are the smallest?": "Sayımınıza göre hangileri eşit, hangileri farklı, hangileri en büyük ve hangileri en küçüktür?", + "Which animal is red and which one is yellow?": "Hangi hayvan kırmızı ve hangisi sarıdır?", + "Cat and Dog live in a house.\n\nA house with a door.\n\nA house with a roof.": "Kedi ve Köpek, bir evde yaşıyorlar.\n\nBir kapısı olan bir ev.\n\nBir çatısı olan bir ev.", + "Cat and Dog live in a round house. Is your house round?": "Kedi ve Köpek, yuvarlak bir evde yaşıyorlar. Sizin eviniz yuvarlak mı?", + "Point to any other round things in the picture.": "Resimdeki diğer yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "How many rooms does their house seem to have?": "Evlerinin kaç odası var gibi görünüyor?", + "Cat and Dog have a ball.\n\nThe ball is red and blue and yellow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, bir topa sahiptir.\n\nTop kırmızı, mavi ve yeşildir.", + "Count together the number of colors on the ball.": "Topun üzerindeki renklerin sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which color on the ball is not a color for Cat or Dog?": "Topun üzerindeki hangi renk Kedi veya Köpek’in rengi değildir?", + "Is there anything where you are that is striped like this ball?": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde bu top gibi çizgili olan bir şey var mı?", + "Cat and Dog play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog.\n\nDog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Cat.\n\nCat catches the ball.": "Kedi ve Köpek topla oynuyorlar.\n\nKedi topu Köpek’e atıyor.\n\nKöpek topu yakalıyor.\n\nKöpek topu Kedi’ye atıyor.\n\nKedi topu yakalıyor.", + "How many times did they throw the ball?": "Topu kaç kere attılar?", + "Do you like playing with balls? Do you throw them, catch them, or kick them?": "Siz toplarla oynamayı sever misiniz? Topları atar mısınız, yakalar mısınız yoksa tekmeler misiniz?", + "Can real cats and dogs play catch with a ball? How can they play with balls?": "Gerçek kediler ve köpekler top yakalamaca oyunu oynarlar mı? Onlar toplarla nasıl oynarlar?", + "Then Cat throws the ball very high.\n\nOh! Oh!": "Daha sonra, Kedi topu çok yükseğe atıyor.\n\nAh! Ah!", + "The ball is higher than Dog. How much higher than Dog did Cat throw it?": "Top, Köpek’ten daha yüksekte. Kedi topu Köpek’ten ne kadar yükseğe attı?", + "Did Cat mean to do that? How can you tell from Cat's face?": "Kedi öyle mi yapmak istedi? Kedi’nin yüzüne bakarak bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Does the ball sometimes not go where you want it when you play catch?": "Siz top yakalamaca oynarken, top bazen sizin istediğiniz yere gitmiyor mu?", + "The ball is on the roof.\n\nThe ball is on the roof of the house.": "Top, çatının üzerinde.\n\nTop, evin çatısının üzerinde.", + "The roof is slanted. Does the ball look like it would roll off the roof?": "Çatı eğimlidir. Top çatıdan yuvarlanıp düşecek gibi mi görünüyor?", + "Where are Cat and Dog?": "Kedi ve Köpek neredeler?", + "How is the shape of the ball and the house similar and how are they different?": "Topun şekli evle hangi yönden benzerdir, top ve ev birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "Cat and Dog can see the ball.\n\nCat and Dog cannot get to the ball.\n\nHow will they get the ball down?": "Kedi ve Köpek, topu görebiliyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, topa ulaşamıyor.\n\nTopu aşağıya nasıl indirecekler?", + "The ball is too high for Cat and Dog to reach. How will they solve this problem?": "Top, Kedi ve Köpek’in ona ulaşamayacağı kadar çok yüksekte. Bu problemi nasıl çözecekler?", + "What can you do to get something that is too high? Would you ask for help?": "Siz çok yüksekte olan bir şeyi almak için ne yapabilirsiniz? Yardım ister miydiniz?", + "Does the ball look bigger than it did when they were throwing it?": "Top onların attığı zamandakinden daha mı büyük görünüyor?", + "Cat and Dog are sad.\n\nThey want to find something tall to reach the ball.\n\nThen Elephant comes by.": "Kedi ve Köpek, üzgün.\n\nTopa erişebilecek uzun bir şey bulmak istiyorlar.\n\nOndan sonra, yanlarından Fil geçiyor.", + "Cat and Dog are crying. Is their crying helping them solve their problem?": "Kedi ve Köpek ağlıyor. Onların ağlaması problemlerini çözmelerine yardım ediyor mu?", + "Count together the big animals, birds, and trees in the picture.": "Resimdeki büyük hayvanları, kuşları ve ağaçları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "How can Elephant help them? Is the elephant tall?": "Fil onlara nasıl yardım edebilir? Fil uzun mu?", + "Elephant is big.\n\nElephant can see the ball.\n\nElephant can get to the ball.\n\nElephant gets the ball from the roof.\n\nElephant takes the ball from the roof of the house.": "Fil, büyük.\n\nFil, topu görebilir.\n\nFil, topa erişebilir.\n\nFil, topu çatıdan alıyor.\n\nFil, topu, evin çatısından alıyor.", + "The ball is higher than Elephant. How does Elephant reach the ball?": "Top, Fil’den daha yüksekte. Fil topa nasıl erişebilir?", + "The animals are all standing on two of their four legs. Have you seen animals do this?": "Hayvanların hepsi dört bacaklarının ikisi üzerinde duruyorlar. Hiç hayvanların böyle yaptıklarını gördünüz mü?", + "What other animals stand on two legs?": "Başka hangi hayvanlar iki bacak üzerinde durur?", + "Elephant gives the ball to Cat and Dog.\n\nCat and Dog smile. Elephant smiles.\n\nCat and Dog and Elephant smile.": "Fil, topu, Kedi ve Köpek’e veriyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek gülümsüyor. Fil gülümsüyor.\n\nKedi, Köpek ve Fil gülümsüyor.", + "Who has the longest nose? Why does an elephant need such a long nose?": "Hangisi en uzun buruna sahiptir? Bir fil neden bu kadar uzun bir buruna ihtiyaç duyar?", + "Which of these animals is the biggest and which is the smallest?": "Bu hayvanlardan hangisi en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "How is Elephant different and how is Elephant similar to Cat and Dog? What does Elephant have that they don't?": "Fil, Kedi ve Köpek’ten nasıl farklıdır ve onlara nasıl benziyor? Kedi ve Köpek’te olmayan ama Fil’de olan ne var?", + "Cat and Dog and Elephant play with the ball.\n\nCat throws the ball to Dog. Dog catches the ball.\n\nDog throws the ball to Elephant. Elephant catches the ball.\n\nElephant throws the ball to Cat. Cat catches the ball.": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Fil, topla oynarlar.\n\nKedi topu Köpek’e atar. Köpek topu yakalar.\n\nKöpek topu Fil’e atar. Fil topu yakalar.\n\nFil topu Kedi’ye atar. Kedi topu yakalar.", + "Count the number of throws and the number of catches. Are they the same number?": "Atış ve yakalama sayısını sayın. Aynı sayıdalar mı?", + "Did each animal throw and each animal catch?": "Her bir hayvan atıp, her bir hayvan yakaladı mı?", + "They are good at taking turns. Are you good at taking turns?": "Onlar, sırayla yapmakta iyiler. Siz sırayla hareket etmekte iyi misiniz?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye Elephant.": "Güle güle, Kedi.\n\nGüle güle, Köpek.\n\nGüle güle, Fil.", + "Count together the number of animals waving.": "El sallayan hayvanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Are there more animals or balls? By how much?": "Orada daha fazla hayvan veya daha fazla top var mı? Ne kadar fazla?", + "With fewer balls than animals, the animals must be good at sharing.": "Hayvanlardan daha az sayıda toplarla, hayvanlar paylaşmada iyi olmalılar!", + "Which one has stripes and which one has spots? How many stripes and how many spots?": "Hangisinin çizgileri ve hangisinin benekleri var? Kaç çizgi ve kaç benek var?", + "Which one has whiskers we can see? How many whiskers?": "Hangisinin bıyıkları olduğunu görebiliyoruz? Kaç tane bıyık var?", + "Which one is red and which one is yellow?": "Hangisi kırmızı ve hangisi sarı?", + "Cat and Dog look through the window.\n\nThey look through the window.": "Kedi ve Köpek, pencereden bakıyor.\n\nOnlar pencereden bakıyorlar.", + "How many times does it say that they are looking through the window? The writer repeats it to tell us that Cat and Dog have nothing to do.": "Hikâye, onların pencereden baktıklarını kaç kere söylüyor? Yazar, Kedi ve Köpek’in yapacak hiçbir şeylerinin olmadığını bize anlatmak için pencereden baktıklarını tekrarlıyor.", + "Do Cat and Dog look bored?": "Kedi ve Köpek, sıkılmış gibi mi görünüyorlar?", + "Count together the number of trees.": "Ağaçların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Then Cat and Dog see a butterfly!\n\nThe butterfly is pink.": "Sonra, Kedi ve Köpek bir kelebek görürler!\n\nKelebek pembedir.", + "Why were Cat and Dog so excited to see a butterfly? Were they looking for one?": "Bir kelebeği görmek Kedi ve Köpek’i neden bu kadar heyecanlandırdı? Bir kelebek mi arıyorlardı?", + "Point at and count the wings on the butterfly.": "Kelebekteki kanatları gösterip sayın.", + "Point at and count the short lines going away from the butterfly. They show the butterfly is alarmed.": "Kelebekten uzaklaşan kısa çizgileri işaret edip sayın. Kısa çizgiler kelebeğin paniğe kapılmış olduğunu gösterir.", + "Cat and Dog want to catch the butterfly.\n\nCat and Dog follow the butterfly.\n\nThey follow the butterfly.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği yakalamak istiyorlar.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, kelebeği takip ediyorlar.\n\nOnlar kelebeği takip ediyorlar.", + "Does the butterfly want to be caught?": "Kelebek yakalanmayı istiyor mu?", + "Is it mean of Cat and Dog to want to catch the butterfly?": "Kedi’nin ve Köpek’in, kelebeği yakalamak istemeleri kötü bir şey mi?", + "When is it fun to be chased and when is it frightening?": "Kovalanmak ne zaman eğlencelidir ve ne zaman korkutucu olur?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by foot. They walk after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is too fast and Cat and Dog are slow. They are too slow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği yürüyerek mi takip ediyorlar? Onlar, kelebeğin peşinden yürüyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek çok hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar çok yavaş.", + "Which animal is going the fastest?": "Hangi hayvan en hızlı gidiyor?", + "Can you go faster or slower than Cat and Dog?": "Siz, Kedi ve Köpek’ten daha hızlı mı yoksa daha yavaş mı gidebilirsiniz?", + "Point out that their feet are drawn going in circles to indicate they are running fast.": "Hızlı koştuklarını belirtmek için ayaklarının daireler çizerek gittiklerini belirtin.", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by bike. They ride after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is very fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are very slow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği bisikletle takip ediyorlar. Onlar, kelebeğin peşinden bisiklet sürerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar çok yavaş.", + "Can butterflies fly faster than a bike can go?": "Kelebekler bir bisikletin gidebileceğinden daha hızlı uçabilirler mi?", + "Can cats and dogs ride bikes?": "Kediler ve köpekler bisiklet sürebilirler mi?", + "Do you think you could catch a butterfly while riding a bike?": "Bisiklet sürerken bir kelebeği yakalayabileceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by car. They drive after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still too fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still too slow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği arabayla takip ediyorlar. Kelebeğin peşinden araba sürerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek hâlâ çok hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ çok yavaşlar.", + "Can a butterfly or a bird fly faster than a car?": "Bir kelebek veya bir kuş, bir arabadan daha hızlı uçabilir mi?", + "Can a real dog drive a car?": "Gerçek bir köpek bir araba sürebilir mi?", + "Count together the clouds in the sky.": "Gökyüzündeki bulutları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by boat. They float after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-slow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği tekneyle takip ediyorlar. Onlar su üzerinde kelebeğin peşinden gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek süper hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ süper yavaşlar.", + "Count the number of fish.": "Balıkların sayısını sayın.", + "Including Cat and Dog, count the number of animals.": "Kedi ve Köpek de dahil, hayvanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "The fish look surprised. Why are they surprised?": "Balıklar şaşırmış görünüyorlar. Onlar neden şaşırmışlar?", + "Cat and Dog follow the butterfly by plane. They flow after the butterfly.\n\nBut the butterfly is fast. The butterfly is still super-super-fast, and Cat and Dog are slow. They are still super-super-slow.": "Kedi ve Köpek, kelebeği uçakla takip ediyorlar. Onlar kelebeğin peşinden süzülerek gidiyorlar.\n\nAma kelebek hızlı. Kelebek hâlâ süper süper hızlı ve Kedi ve Köpek ise yavaş. Onlar hâlâ süper süper yavaşlar.", + "Do you think a dog can fly a plane?": "Bir köpeğin bir uçak sürebileceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Which of cars, boats, and planes is the fastest and which is the slowest?": "Arabalar, tekneler ve uçaklardan hangisi en hızlı ve hangisi en yavaştır?", + "They are up very high. Count together the clouds where they are.": "Onlar çok yüksekteler. Onların bulundukları yerdeki bulutları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "The Cat and Dog stop. They stop and sit down. They sit down at a tree.\n\nThey sit down at a big tree.\n\nBut then ....": "Kedi ve Köpek, duruyorlar. Onlar duruyorlar ve oturuyorlar. Onlar bir ağacın dibine oturuyorlar.\n\nOnlar, büyük bir ağacın dibine oturuyorlar.\n\nFakat ondan sonra ...", + "Which is longer, Cat's tongue or Cat's legs?": "Hangisi daha uzun, Kedi’nin dili mi yoksa Kedi’nin bacakları mı?", + "Do you think cats have tongues that long?": "Sizce kedilerin bu kadar uzun dilleri var mıdır?", + "Are their tongues hanging out because Cat and Dog are tired?": "Kedi ve Köpek yorgun oldukları için mi dillerini dışarıya sarkıtmışlar?", + "They see one butterfly in the tree.\n\nThey see two butterflies in the tree.\n\nThey see three butterflies in the tree.": "Onlar ağaçta bir tane kelebek görüyorlar.\n\nOnlar ağaçta iki tane kelebek görüyorlar.\n\nOnlar ağaçta üç tane kelebek görüyorlar.", + "Count together the butterflies you can see in the tree.": "Ağaçta görebildiğiniz kelebekleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Do you think you can see all the butterflies?": "Bütün kelebekleri görebildiğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "There are three types of living things in the picture: trees, Cat and Dog, and butterflies. Which group is the largest and which is the smallest?": "Bu resimde üç tür canlı var: ağaçlar, Kedi ve Köpek ve kelebekler. Hangi grup en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "They see a hundred butterflies!": "Onlar yüz tane kelebek görüyorlar!", + "How many butterflies can you count? Are there too many for you to count?": "Siz kaç tane kelebek sayabilirsiniz? Sayamayacağınız kadar çok mu var?", + "How many different colors of butterflies are there?": "Orada kaç farklı renkte kelebek var?", + "For which color of butterfly is there the most?": "Orada en çok hangi renk kelebek var?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye butterflies.": "Güle güle, Kedi.\n\nGüle güle, Köpek.\n\nGüle güle, kelebekler.", + "Are you happy or sad that Cat and Dog caught a butterfly?": "Kedi ve Köpek’in bir kelebeği yakalamalarına mutlu mu yoksa üzgün müsünüz?", + "In the picture, who do you think is happy and who is sad?": "Bu resimde, sizce kim mutlu ve kim üzgün?", + "How long do you think a butterfly can live in a jar?": "Sizce bir kelebek bir kavanozda ne kadar uzun yaşayabilir?", + "They each have two ears. Whose ears are bigger?": "İkisinin de iki kulağı var. Hangisinin kulakları daha büyük?", + "They each have one tail. Whose tail is longer?": "İkisinin de bir kuyruğu var. Hangisinin kuyruğu daha uzun?", + "They each have markings on their belly. Whose markings are bigger?": "İkisinin de karnında işaretler var. Hangisinin işaretleri daha büyük?", + "Cat and Dog walk.\n\nThey walk in their village.": "Kedi ve Köpek yürüyorlar.\n\nOnlar, köylerinde yürüyorlar.", + "Count together the homes in the village.": "Köydeki evleri çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "There are many things to count together -- one bird, one cat, one dog, three animals, three buildings, and one tree.": "Birlikte sayılacak birçok şey var – bir kuş, bir kedi, bir köpek, üç hayvan, üç bina ve bir ağaç.", + "Two of the buildings are round around the base. The third one has a base shaped like this page.": "Binalardan ikisinin tabanı yuvarlak. Üçüncüsünün tabanı bu sayfanın şekline benziyor.", + "Then they see an egg.\n\nThe egg is in the grass.\n\nThe egg is alone in the grass.\n\nThe egg is all alone.": "Sonra, bir yumurta görürler.\n\nYumurta çimenlerin içinde.\n\nYumurta çimenlerin içinde tek başına.\n\nYumurta yapayalnız.", + "Count together the animals, trees, houses, and eggs.": "Hayvanları, ağaçları, evleri ve yumurtaları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Name an animal that lays eggs.": "Yumurtlayan bir hayvan ismi söyleyin.", + "Cat and Dog pick up the egg. It is usually better to leave eggs where you find them.": "Kedi ve Köpek yumurtayı alırlar. Yumurtaları bulduğunuz yerde bırakmak genellikle daha iyidir.", + "Cat and Dog walk to a bird.\n\nThey ask the bird, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Kedi ve Köpek bir kuşa doğru yürürler.\n\nKuşa, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "The egg is round. Point to other things with round sides.": "Yumurta yuvarlak. Yuvarlak kenarları olan diğer şeyleri gösterin.", + "Point to round things where you are.": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki yuvarlak şeyleri gösterin.", + "Describe where the bird is -- Cat and Dog are below the roof and below the bird, and the bird is above them.": "Kuşun nerede olduğunu tarif edin – Kedi ve Köpek çatının ve kuşun altında, kuş ise onların üstünde.", + "But the bird says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the owl. Maybe it is his egg.\"": "Ama kuş, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. Baykuşa sorun. Belki onun yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "Have you seen blue birds where you live?": "Yaşadığınız yerde mavi kuşlar gördünüz mü?", + "What color is the tie the owl is wearing? Have you seen a bird wearing a tie?": "Baykuşun taktığı kravatın rengi nedir? Kravat takan bir kuş gördünüz mü?", + "The blue bird is sitting on the roof. What is the owl sitting on?": "Mavi kuş çatının üzerinde oturuyor. Baykuş neyin üzerinde oturuyor?", + "Cat and Dog walk to the owl.\n\nThey ask the owl, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Kedi ve Köpek baykuşa doğru yürürler.\n\nBaykuşa, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "Owls are said to be wise. Does this owl look wise to you?": "Baykuşların bilge olduğu söylenir. Bu baykuş size bilge gibi görünüyor mu?", + "Count the birds, cats, and dogs. Which type of animal is there the most of?": "Kuşları, kedileri ve köpekleri sayın. En fazla hangi tür hayvandan var?", + "Notice owl's unusual kite-shaped tie!": "Baykuşun uçurtma şeklindeki sıra dışı kravatına dikkat edin!", + "But the owl says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the goose. Maybe it is her egg.\"": "Ama baykuş, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. Kaza sor. Belki onun yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "If you get something wrong two times, do you get discouraged?": "Bir şeyi iki kez yanlış yaptığınızda cesaretiniz kırılır mı?", + "Cat and Dog are great at persisting -- trying over and over until they succeed. Are you good at persisting?": "Kedi ve Köpek ısrarcı olma konusunda – başarana kadar tekrar tekrar denemekte – harikadırlar. Siz de ısrar etmekte iyi misiniz?", + "Count the houses and how many animals there are now.": "Şimdi, evleri ve kaç tane hayvan olduğunu sayın.", + "Cat and Dog walk to the goose.\n\nThey ask the goose, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Kedi ve Köpek kaza doğru yürürler.\n\nKaza, “Bu senin yumurtan mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "How many animals are there?": "Orada kaç tane hayvan var?", + "Are any of the animals the same color? How many different colors are there for all the animals?": "Hayvanlardan bazıları aynı renkte mi? Tüm hayvanların kaç farklı rengi var?", + "There are three birds. How are these three similar and how are they different?": "Üç kuş var. Bu üçü birbirlerine hangi yönden benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "But the goose says, \"No, that is not my egg. Ask the two ducks. Maybe it is their egg.\"": "Ama kaz, “Hayır, bu benim yumurtam değil. İki ördeğe sorun. Belki onların yumurtasıdır,” der.", + "Do you think Cat and Dog will give up? Would you give up at this point?": "Kedi ve Köpek pes edecek mi sizce? Siz bu durumda pes eder miydiniz?", + "How many birds have they talked to?": "Kedi ve Köpek, şimdiye kadar kaç kuşla konuştular?", + "If they can't find the home for the egg, what should they do with it?": "Eğer yumurta için bir yuva bulamazlarsa, yumurtayla ne yapmalılar?", + "Cat and Dog walk to the two ducks.\n\nThey ask the two ducks, \"Is this your egg?\"": "Kedi ve Köpek iki ördeğe doğru yürürler.\n\nİki ördeğe, “Bu sizin yumurtanız mı?” diye sorarlar.", + "What are the ducks going to say?": "Ördekler ne söyleyecekler?", + "The two ducks are different colors and patterns. Describe how they are the same and how they are different.": "İki ördek farklı renk ve desenlerde. Onların nasıl aynı ve nasıl farklı olduklarını açıklayın.", + "Do you have ducks around where you live?": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde ördekler var mı?", + "But the two ducks say, \"No, that is not our egg.\"\n\nThen the egg breaks.": "Ama iki ördek, “Hayır, bu bizim yumurtamız değil,” derler.\n\nSonra yumurta kırılır.", + "How can you tell that the egg is breaking?": "Yumurtanın kırıldığını nasıl anlarsınız?", + "Did Cat drop the egg? Have you ever dropped an egg?": "Kedi yumurtayı mı düşürdü? Siz hiç yumurta düşürdünüz mü?", + "What do you think will come out of the egg?": "Sizce yumurtadan ne çıkacak?", + "There is a lizard in the egg.\n\nA baby lizard.": "Yumurtanın içinde bir kertenkele var.\n\nBir yavru kertenkele.", + "Why is it surprising to see a baby lizard come out of the egg? Were you expecting a baby bird?": "Yumurtadan bir yavru kertenkele çıkması neden şaşırtıcı? Bir yavru kuş mu bekliyordunuz?", + "Can you think of other animals that lay eggs and that are not birds? Hint: Fish, insects, and turtles are examples.": "Kuş dışında başka yumurtlayan hayvanları düşünebiliyor musunuz? İpucu: Balıklar, böcekler ve kaplumbağalar örnek olarak verilebilir.", + "What color is the lizard? Have you seen lizards like this before?": "Kertenkele hangi renkte? Daha önce böyle kertenkeleler gördünüz mü?", + "The baby lizard says, \"Where is my mother? Where is my father? Where are my mother and father?\"\n\nCat and Dog bring the baby lizard to his mother and father.": "Yavru kertenkele, “Annem nerede? Babam nerede? Annem ve babam nerede?” der.\n\nKedi ve Köpek yavru kertenkeleyi annesi ve babasına getirirler.", + "How many lizards are on top of the rocks?": "Kayaların üstünde kaç tane kertenkele var?", + "Why do lizards like to be on rocks on sunny days?": "Kertenkeleler neden güneşli günlerde kayaların üstünde olmayı severler?", + "Are most rocks round like these, or do some have sharp edges and points?": "Kayaların çoğu bunlar gibi yuvarlak mıdır yoksa bazılarının keskin kenarları ve uçları mı vardır?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye baby lizard.": "Hoşça kal, Kedi.\n\nHoşça kal, Köpek.\n\nHoşça kal, yavru kertenkele.", + "The baby lizard is still in the egg. Is it stuck in there?": "Yavru kertenkele hâlâ yumurtanın içinde. Yumurtada mı sıkışmış?", + "There are three animals here. If you take away the baby lizard, how many animals does that leave?": "Burada üç hayvan var. Yavru kertenkeleyi çıkarırsanız, geriye kaç hayvan kalır?", + "What are some round shapes you see in this picture?": "Bu resimde hangi yuvarlak şekilleri görüyorsunuz?", + "Count the animals together and describe their colors.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, hayvanları sayıp renklerini tarif edin.", + "Which one has shorter ears? Which one has longer ears?": "Hangisinin kulakları daha kısa? Hangisinin kulakları daha uzun?", + "Which one has short whiskers? Which one has long whiskers?": "Hangisinin bıyıkları kısa? Hangisinin bıyıkları uzun?", + "It is night. It is dark.\n\nIt is cold. It is very cold.": "Gece olmuş. Hava karanlık.\n\nSoğuk. Çok soğuk.", + "Their house is round. Do you live in a round building?": "Onların evi yuvarlak. Siz yuvarlak bir binada mı yaşıyorsunuz?", + "Count the trees together.": "Ağaçları çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "A full moon forms a complete circle. A moon that is a partial circle like this is called a crescent moon.": "Dolunay tam bir daire şeklindedir. Bu resimdeki gibi kısmi bir daire şeklinde olan Ay’a hilâl denir.", + "For Dog it is too cold.": "Hava, Köpek için çok soğuk.", + "What shows you that Dog is cold?": "Köpek’in üşüdüğünü gösteren şey nedir?", + "A light blue color is often used to show something cold. Does seeing blue make you feel cold?": "Açık mavi renk, genellikle, soğuk bir şeyi belirtmek için kullanılır. Mavi renk görmek sizi üşütüyor mu?", + "On cold nights, even outdoor animals can use help with the cold.": "Soğuk gecelerde, açık havada yaşayan hayvanların bile soğuğa karşı yardıma ihtiyacı olabilir.", + "Cat gives Dog underwear.\n\nOne pair of underwear is dirty. One pair of underwear is clean.": "Kedi, Köpek’e giymesi için bir çift atlet verir.\n\nAtletlerden birisi kirli. Birisi temiz.", + "Is this choice of underwear very helpful?": "Bu atlet seçimi çok yardımcı oluyor mu?", + "Is it silly that Cat offers underwear that is dirty?": "Kedi’nin kirli bir atlet vermek istemesi absürt mü?", + "Why isn't Cat cold?": "Kedi neden üşümüyor?", + "Dog takes the clean underwear. But it is still too cold.": "Köpek temiz olan atleti alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Count together how much clothing Dog has. Dog is cold and needs more.": "Köpek’in ne kadar giysisi olduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Köpek üşüyor ve daha fazlasına ihtiyacı var.", + "Remember a time when you were cold and how hard it was to get warm.": "Üşüdüğünüz bir zamanı hatırlayın ve ısınmanızın ne kadar zor olduğunu düşünün.", + "Why are Dog's arms crossed in front?": "Köpek’in kolları neden önünde çapraz şekilde duruyor?", + "Cat gives Dog shirts. One shirt is big. One shirt is small.": "Kedi, Köpek’e tişörtler verir. Bir tişört büyük. Bir tişört küçük.", + "Is offering a shirt that is much too small helpful?": "Çok küçük bir tişört vermek istemek işe yarar mı?", + "Is Cat trying to help, or is Cat just having some fun?": "Kedi yardım etmeye mi çalışıyor yoksa sadece biraz eğleniyor mu?", + "Which of Cat's paws has more visible claws?": "Kedi’nin hangi patisinin pençeleri daha fazla görünüyor?", + "Dog takes the big shirt. But it is still too cold.": "Köpek büyük tişörtü alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Count the pieces of clothing Dog has. Is it enough?": "Köpek’in kaç parça giysisi olduğunu sayın. O kadarı yeterli mi?", + "A square is a shape like a piece of paper with four equal sides. Compare the round moon with the square window.": "Bir kare, dört eşit kenarı olan bir kâğıt parçası gibi bir şekildir. Resimdeki yuvarlak ay ile kare pencereyi karşılaştırın.", + "Have you ever seen a round window?": "Siz hiç yuvarlak bir pencere gördünüz mü?", + "Cat gives Dog pants.\n\nOne pair of pants is long. One pair of pants is short.": "Kedi, Köpek’e pantolonlar verir.\n\nBir pantolon uzun. Bir pantolon kısa.", + "How many pieces of clothing does Cat offer each time?": "Kedi her seferinde kaç parça giysi sunuyor?", + "When you are cold, do you want to wear shorts?": "Siz üşüdüğünüzde şort giymek ister misiniz?", + "What will happen with Dog's tail? Do these pants have a hole for Dog's tail?": "Köpek’in kuyruğuna ne olacak? Bu pantolonların Köpek’in kuyruğu için bir deliği var mı?", + "Dog takes the long pair of pants. But it is still too cold.": "Köpek uzun pantolonu alır. Ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Each time, Dog gets one more piece of clothing. How many pieces does Dog have on now?": "Köpek her seferinde bir parça daha giysi alıyor. Şu anda Köpek’in üzerinde kaç parça giysi var?", + "How many pieces will Dog need?": "Köpek daha kaç parça giysiye ihtiyaç duyacak?", + "Do you think there is any way Dog will get warm?": "Sizce Köpek’in ısınması için herhangi bir yol var mı?", + "Cat gives Dog vests. One vest is wet, one vest is dry.\n\nDog takes the dry vest, but it is still too cold.": "Kedi, Köpek’e yelekler verir. Bir yelek ıslak, bir yelek kuru.\n\nKöpek kuru yeleği alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Does having something wet on make you feel warmer or colder?": "Üzerinizde ıslak bir şey olması daha sıcak mı yoksa daha soğuk mu hissettirir?", + "Dog had three pieces of clothing on. The vest is one more. How many does that make?": "Köpek’in üzerinde üç parça giysi vardı. Yelek, bir parça giysi daha eder. Şu anda toplam kaç parça var?", + "With the vest, Dog has four pieces of clothing. Before he put the vest on, he had one less. How many was that?": "Yelekle birlikte, Köpek’in üzerinde dört parça giysi var. Yeleği giymeden önce, bir parça daha az giysisi vardı. O zaman kaç parça giysisi vardı?", + "Cat gives Dog jackets. One jacket is thick, one jacket is thin.\n\nDog takes the thick jacket, but it is still too cold.": "Kedi, Köpek’e ceketler verir. Bir ceket kalın, bir ceket ince.\n\nKöpek kalın ceketi alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Thicker clothing helps you keep heat in and stay warmer.": "Kalın giysiler, ısıyı içeride tutmanıza ve daha sıcak kalmanıza yardımcı olur.", + "Does the color of the jacket look odd with Dog's other clothes?": "Ceketin rengi, Köpek’in diğer giysileriyle tuhaf görünüyor mu?", + "Dog now has one more than four. How many is that?": "Köpeğin artık dörtten bir fazla giysisi var. Bu kaç parça eder?", + "Cat gives Dog hats. One hat is high, one hat is low.\n\nDog takes the high hat, but it is still too cold.": "Kedi, Köpek’e şapkalar verir. Bir şapka uzun, bir şapka kısa.\n\nKöpek uzun şapkayı alır ama hâlâ çok soğuk.", + "Point at the short hat and the tall hat.": "Kısa şapkayı ve uzun şapkayı gösterin.", + "Does it matter which hat Dog chooses? Is one hat warmer than the other?": "Köpek’in hangi şapkayı seçtiği önemli mi? Bir şapka diğerinden daha mı sıcak?", + "Do you have any hats? If so, do you like to wear them?": "Sizin şapkanız var mı? Eğer varsa, onları takmayı seviyor musunuz?", + "Cat gives Dog shoes.\n\nOne pair of shoes is new, one pair of shoes is old.": "Kedi, Köpek’e ayakkabılar verir.\n\nBir çift ayakkabı yeni, bir çift ayakkabı ise eskidir.", + "To give someone a choice, how many things do you need? Would having one thing be enough for a choice?": "Birine seçim şansı vermek için kaç şeye ihtiyacınız vardır? Bir tane şeyle seçim yapılabilir mi?", + "A person can be baffled if you give them too many things to choose from.": "Bir kişiye aralarından seçim yapabileceği çok fazla şey verirseniz o kişi şaşırabilir.", + "Dog is still cold. Why are Dog's choices not helping?": "Köpek hâlâ üşüyor. Köpeğin seçimleri neden ona yardımcı olmuyor?", + "Dogs takes the new shoes, and then ...\n\nIt is not too cold for Dog.": "Köpek yeni ayakkabıları alır ve sonra ...\n\nKöpek artık üşümüyor.", + "What changed outside the window?": "Pencerenin dışında ne değişti?", + "Why isn't Dog cold any more? Did his clothes help make him warm?": "Köpek neden artık üşümüyor? Giysileri onu ısıttı mı?", + "Where is the moon and what is that on the horizon in the window?": "Ay nerede ve penceredeki ufukta ne var?", + "The night is over.\n\nThe moon goes. The sun comes.": "Gece sona erdi.\n\nAy gidiyor. Güneş geliyor.", + "Count the palm trees together.": "Palmiye ağaçlarını çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "Point at the round, yellow sun. Is the moon always gone when the sun comes up?": "Yuvarlak, sarı güneşi gösterin. Güneş doğduğunda, ay hep gider mi?", + "Is the moon always visible at night?": "Ay her zaman geceleri mi görünür?", + "It is day. It is light. It is warm. It is very warm.\n\nFor Dog it is too warm.": "Gündüz oldu. Her yer aydınlık. Hava sıcak. Çok sıcak.\n\nKöpek için çok sıcak.", + "List all the pieces of clothing Dog has on.": "Köpek’in üstündeki tüm giysileri listeleyin.", + "What is Dog doing with his right hand? What motion do you use to try to cool off?": "Köpek sağ eliyle ne yapıyor? Siz serinlemek için hangi hareketi yaparsınız?", + "Are Dog's clothes finally making him warm, or too warm?": "Köpek’in giysileri sonunda onu sıcak mı yoksa çok mu sıcak yapıyor?", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye hot Dog.": "Hoşça kal, Kedi.\n\nHoşça kal, sıcak Köpek.", + "Count Cat's whiskers. How many whiskers does Dog have?": "Kedi’nin bıyıklarını sayın. Köpek’in kaç bıyığı var?", + "Who has more whiskers -- Cat or Dog? They have the same number, but Dog's whiskers are small.": "Kimin daha fazla bıyığı var – Kedi’nin mi yoksa Köpek’in mi? İkisi de aynı sayıda bıyığa sahip ama Köpek’in bıyıkları küçük.", + "In the end, how many pieces of clothing does Dog have? Too many!": "En nihayetinde, Köpek’in üzerinde kaç parça giysi var? Çok fazla!", + "This is Cat.\n\nThis is Dog.": "Bu, Kedi.\n\nBu, Köpek.", + "These two are a pair of friends. Point out all the pairs and groups of three you can find in this picture.": "Bu ikisi bir çift arkadaş. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz tüm ikili (çift) ve üçlü grupları gösterin.", + "Cats and dogs are mammals. Mammals have fur (or hair), they give birth to babies (not eggs), and the mother feeds her baby milk. Can you think of other animals that are mammals (don't forget yourself!)?": "Kediler ve köpekler memeli hayvanlardır. Memeli hayvanların kürkleri (veya kılları) vardır; yavrularını doğururlar (yumurtlayarak değil) ve anne yavrusunu kendi sütüyle besler. Memeli olan başka hayvanlar biliyor musunuz (kendinizi unutmayın!)?", + "Describe some ways that Cat and Dog are similar, and some other ways that they are different.": "Kedi ve köpeğin benzer ve farklı oldukları bazı yönlerini açıklayın.", + "Cat and Dog want to draw.\n\nCat and Dog want to color.\n\nCat and Dog want to make art.\n\nDog starts.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper. The paper is a square.": "Kedi ve Köpek, resim çizmek istiyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, boyamak istiyor.\n\nKedi ve Köpek, sanat yapmak istiyor.\n\nKöpek, yapmaya başlıyor.\n\nBir kalem alıyor ve bir kâğıt alıyor. Kâğıdı bir karedir.", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides, like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point out some squares where you are now.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Kare, dört eşit kenarı olan bir dikdörtgendir. Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerdeki birkaç kareyi gösterin.", + "Sometimes when we draw, we know exactly what we want to draw. Other times, we have to think and think. If you drew something right now, what would you draw?": "Bazen çizim yaparken, ne çizmek istediğimizi tam olarak biliriz. Diğer zamanlarda ise, onun üstüne düşünmemiz gerekir. Şu anda bir şey çizseydiniz, ne çizerdiniz?", + "Dog is holding the pencil in his right paw. When you write or draw, which hand do you use?": "Köpek, kalemi sağ patisinde tutuyor. Peki ya siz, yazarken veya çizerken hangi elinizi kullanırsınız?", + "First, Dog draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Cat.\n\nWow, that is simple!": "Köpek, ilk önce, bir oval çizer.\n\nOval, Kedi’nin gövdesinin şeklidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok basit!", + "An oval is like a squished or pulled circle. Ellipses are also ovals. Look for some ovals around where you are.": "Oval, ezilmiş (bastırılmış) veya çekilmiş bir daire gibidir. Elipsler de ovaldir. Bulunduğunuz yerde ovaller arayın.", + "Look at the tails for Cat and Dog. Describe how they are similar and how they are different.": "Kedi ve Köpek’in kuyruklarına bakın. Kuyruklarının nasıl benzer ve nasıl farklı olduklarını açıklayın.", + "Dog draws Cat one step at a time. Which part of Cat do you think Dog will draw next?": "Köpek, Kedi’yi adım adım çizer. Sizce Köpek, bir sonraki adımda Kedi’nin hangi kısmını çizecek?", + "Then he draws two triangles on top of the oval.\n\nThe two triangles are the ears of Cat and he draws a black triangle in the oval.\n\nThe black triangle is the nose of Cat and he draws a line above the nose.": "Daha sonra, ovalin tepesine iki üçgen çizer.\n\nO çizdiği iki üçgen Kedi’nin kulaklarıdır. Ardından, ovalin içine siyah bir üçgen çizer.\n\nSiyah üçgen, Kedi’nin burnudur. Sonrasında, burnun üzerine bir çizgi çizer.", + "An arc is part of a circle. Point to each part of this drawing and name the shape (oval, triangle, arc).": "Bir ‘yay’, dairenin bir parçasıdır. Bu çizimin her bir parçasını gösterip şekillerin isimlerini (oval, üçgen, yay) söyleyin.", + "Look around where you are and see how many of the shapes you can name.": "Etrafınıza bir göz atın; bakalım kaç şekli adlandırabileceksiniz.", + "Notice the line above the nose. That is a surprising line. See what happens to this line in the next two pages.": "Burnun üzerindeki çizgiye dikkat edin. Bu şaşırtıcı bir çizgidir! Bakalım sonraki iki sayfada bu çizgiye ne olacak.", + "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Cat.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is easy!": "Köpek şu anda Kedi’nin gözlerini ve kaşlarını çiziyor.\n\nGözler iki noktadır.\n\nKaşlar iki çizgidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok kolay!", + "That unusual line from the last page is the start of Cat's muzzle. That line separates the muzzle from the rest of Cat's face.": "Geçtiğimiz sayfadaki o şaşırtıcı çizgi, aslında Kedi’nin ağzının başlangıcıdır. Bu çizgi, Kedi’nin ağzını, yüzünün geri kalanından ayırıyor.", + "The way people move their eyebrows can tell us what they are feeling. Can you move your eyebrows to show you are surprised? Angry?": "İnsanların kaşlarını oynatma şekilleri, onların bize ne hissettiklerini anlatabilir. Siz de şaşırdığınızı belli etmek için kaşlarınızı hareket ettirebilir misiniz? Kızgın olduğunuzda?", + "What do Cat's eyebrows tell us about how Cat is feeling?": "Kedi’nin kaşları bize Kedi’nin nasıl hissettiği hakkında ne anlatıyor?", + "Then he draws the mouth of Cat.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nIt looks like the letter 'w' and he draws the hairs of Cat.\n\nThree hairs on the left side and three hairs on the right side.": "Köpek, daha sonra, Kedi’nin ağzını çizer.\n\nAğzı bir çizgi şeklinde.\n\n‘W’' harfine benziyor. Ardından, Kedi’nin bıyıklarını çizer.\n\nSol tarafta üç bıyık ve sağ tarafta da üç bıyık!", + "The lines beside Cat's nose are whiskers. They are very sensitive to touch. They help a cat sense things in the dark.": "Kedi’nin burnunun yanındaki çizgiler bıyıklarıdır. Bıyıkları, dokunmaya karşı çok hassas olup Kedi’nin karanlıkta bir şeyleri algılamasına yardımcı olur.", + "This is the fourth step in the drawing. See if you can describe the steps in order, calling each one by its number.": "Bu, çiziminin dördüncü adımıdır. Çizimin adımlarını bir, iki, üç, dört şeklinde sırayla anlatabilir misiniz?", + "Think of something you do step by step. Perhaps it is getting dressed or going to the store. List as many of the steps in order that you can think of.": "Adım adım yaptığınız bir şeyi düşünün. O şey belki de giyinmek veya alışverişe gitmek olabilir. Aklınıza gelen adımları sırasıyla listeleyin.", + "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Cat.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Cat.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Cat.\n\nThe tail is a long line.": "Çizim neredeyse bitti sayılır.\n\nKöpek, Kedi’nin kollarını ve bacaklarını çizer.\n\nKedi’nin kolları ve bacakları çizgilerden oluşuyor. Ardından, Kedi’nin ayağını çizer.\n\nKedi’nin ayak parmakları dairelerden oluşuyor. Sonra, Kedi’nin kuyruğunu çizer.\n\nKuyruğu uzun bir çizgidir.", + "Which details still need to be added to this picture?": "Bu resme başka hangi detayların daha eklenmesi gereklidir?", + "Skip count by 3's to count how many of Cat's toes you can see (3 + 3).": "Kedi’nin görebildiğiniz (3+3) ön ayak parmaklarını saymak için üçerli atlayarak sayın.", + "Cats usually have 4 toes on a back leg. How many toes would that make? How many more toes would that be than 3 + 3?": "Kedilerin arka patilerinde genellikle 4 ayak parmağı bulunur. Arkada toplamda kaç parmak vardır? O sayı, 3 + 3’ten kaç daha fazladır?", + "At last he draws some stripes on the body of Cat and colors the body orange.\n\nThe drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is beautiful!": "En sonunda, Kedi’nin vücuduna birkaç şerit çizip, vücudu turuncuya boyar.\n\nÇizim bitti.\n\nVay canına, bu resim çok güzel!", + "Describe what Cat and Dog are each feeling by looking at their faces.": "Kedi ve Köpek’in her birinin yüzlerine bakarak onların ne hissettiklerini anlatın.", + "There are lots of groups of 3 in the picture now. Can you skip count by 3's to count them all?": "Artık resimde bir sürü üçlü gruplar var. Hepsini sayabilmek için üçerli atlayarak sayabilir misiniz?", + "Notice that one side of Cat is the mirror image of the other side. That is called mirror symmetry. Many things in the world have that symmetry. Look around you and find a few.": "Kedi’nin bir tarafının diğer tarafının ayna görüntüsü olduğuna dikkat edin. Buna ‘ayna simetrisi’ denir. Dünyadaki pek çok şey bu tür bir simetriye sahiptir. Etrafınıza bakıp birkaç ayna simetrisi bulun.", + "Now it is Cat's turn.\n\nHe takes a pencil and he takes a paper.\n\nThe paper is a rectangle.": "Şimdi sıra Kedi’de.\n\nKedi, bir kalem alır ve bir kâğıt alır.\n\nKedi’nin kâğıdı bir dikdörtgen.", + "Which paw is Cat holding the pencil in?": "Kedi, kalemi hangi patisiyle tutuyor?", + "Cat's piece of paper is a rectangle which is not a square. Describe why it is not a square.": "Kedi’nin kâğıdı, kare olmayan bir dikdörtgendir. Kâğıdın neden kare olmadığını açıklayın.", + "Keep an eye on that little tear on the bottom of the piece of paper as the story goes forward.": "Hikâye ilerledikçe gözünüz kâğıdın altındaki küçük yırtıkta olsun.", + "First, Cat draws an oval.\n\nThe oval is the body of Dog.\n\nWow, that is good!": "Kedi, ilk olarak, bir oval çizer.\n\nÇizdiği oval, Köpek’in gövdesidir.\n\nVay canına, bu çok iyi!", + "Cat is now drawing with the other paw. Cat is probably right-handed (or is that right-pawed).": "Kedi, şimdi diğer patisiyle çiziyor. Kedi muhtemelen sağ elini kullanıyor (yoksa, sağ patisini mi demeliyiz?).", + "Cat is starting the drawing with the same first step. Predict what the next two steps will be.": "Kedi, çizime Köpek’in aynı ilk adımıyla başlıyor. Sonraki iki adımın ne olacağını siz tahmin edin.", + "Look at the bottom of the rectangular sheet of paper. Something has changed!": "Dikdörtgen kâğıdın altına bakın. Bir şey değişmiş!", + "Then he draws two black forms on top of the oval.\n\nThe two black forms are the ears of Dog and he draws a black circle in the oval.\n\nThe black circle is the nose of Dog and he draws a line above the nose.": "Ardından, ovalin tepesine iki siyah şekil çizer.\n\nBu iki siyah şekil Köpek’in kulaklarıdır. Sonra, ovalin içine siyah bir daire çizer.\n\nSiyah daire Köpek’in burnudur. Burnun üzerine de bir çizgi çizer.", + "Cat's nose and Dog's nose are two different shapes. What are the shapes and how are they different?": "Kedi’nin burnu ve Köpek’in burnu iki farklı şekildir. Bu şekiller nelerdir ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklıdırlar?", + "The picture doesn't look like Dog yet. Use your imagination to think of what else the drawing might become. Perhaps a ladybug, or a water bottle squirting water, or a space alien?": "Resim henüz Köpek’e benzemiyor. Hayal gücünüzü kullanarak bu resmin başka neye dönüşebileceğini bir düşünün. Belki bir uğur böceği, bir su fışkırtan su şişesi veya bir uzaylı?", + "Have you noticed what came back on the rectangular piece of paper?": "Dikdörtgen kâğıdın üzerine neyin geri geldiğini fark ettiniz mi?", + "Now he draws the eyes and the eyebrows of Dog.\n\nThe eyes are two dots.\n\nThe eyebrows are two lines.\n\nWow, that is perfect!": "Kedi şimdi Köpek’in gözlerini ve kaşlarını çiziyor.\n\nGözleri iki noktadır.\n\nKaşları iki çizgidir.\n\nVay canına, bu mükemmel!", + "Do you see any rectangles in addition to the piece of paper? There are probably many rectangles where you are. How many can you find?": "Resimde kâğıttan başka bir dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz? Şu an bulunduğunuz yerde muhtemelen bir sürü dikdörtgen vardır. Kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "Cat and Dog aren't talking to each other in this story. They are communicating without words. What are they doing to communicate?": "Kedi ve Köpek bu hikâyede birbirleriyle konuşmuyorlar. Kelimeler olmadan iletişim kuruyorlar. İletişim kurmak için ne yapıyorlar?", + "Which things come in pairs and which come in 3's in this picture?": "Bu resimde hangi şeyler çift ve hangileri üçlüdür?", + "Then he draws the mouth of Dog.\n\nThe mouth is a line.\n\nThe shape is again the letter 'w' and he draws some dots around the mouth of Dog.\n\nThree on the left side and three on the right side.": "Kedi, daha sonra, Köpek’in ağzını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in ağzı bir çizgidir.\n\nŞekli yine ‘W’ harfidir. Ardından, Köpek’in ağzının etrafına birkaç nokta çizer.\n\nÜç tane sol tarafa ve üç tane sağ tarafa.", + "Lines can be straight or curved. Other than their mouths, what are some other curved lines in this picture?": "Çizgiler düz veya kıvrımlı olabilir. Ağızları haricinde, bu resimdeki diğer kıvrımlı çizgiler nelerdir?", + "Cat and Dog have 3 dots on each side of their face. Skip count by 3's to count the total number of dots.": "Kedi ve Köpek’in yüzlerinin her iki tarafında üç nokta var. Toplam nokta sayısını saymak için üçerli atlayarak sayın.", + "They have very different ears. Describe the shapes. How are they similar and how are they different?": "Kedi ve Köpek’in çok farklı kulakları var. Şekillerini tarif edin. Birbirlerine nasıl benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "The drawing is almost finished.\n\nHe draws the arms and legs of Dog.\n\nThe arms and legs are lines and he draws the toes of Dog.\n\nThe toes are circles and he draws the tail of Dog.\n\nThe tail looks like a flower.": "Kedi’nin çizimi neredeyse bitti.\n\nKedi, Köpek’in kollarını ve bacaklarını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in kolları ve bacakları çizgidir. Sonra, Köpek’in ayak parmağını çizer.\n\nKöpek’in ayak parmakları daire şeklindedir. Ardından, Köpek’in kuyruğunu çizer.\n\nKuyruk bir çiçeğe benziyor.", + "Dogs have the same number of toenails as toes. Skip count by 3's to find the total number of toes and toenails.": "Köpeklerin ayak parmakları ile aynı sayıda ayak tırnakları vardır. Köpek’in ayak parmaklarının ve ayak tırnaklarının toplam sayısını bulmak için üçer üçer ritmik (atlayarak) sayın.", + "This picture has many things that come in pairs. Count them all by skip counting by 2's.": "Bu resimde bir sürü şey çiftler halinde. Çift olan şeylerin hepsini ikişerli atlayarak sayın.", + "Suppose you had five pairs. You could skip count them by 2's five times or skip count them by 5's two times. Why do you get the same answer both ways?": "Diyelim ki beş çiftiniz var. Onları, 5 kez ikişerli veya 2 kez beşerli atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. Neden her iki yöntemde de aynı sonucu elde edersiniz?", + "At last he draws some black circles on the body of Dog and he colors the body yellow.\n\nThen the drawing is finished.\n\nWow, that is wonderful!": "En sonunda, Köpek’in gövdesine bazı siyah daireler çizer ve gövdeyi sarıya boyar.\n\nArdından, çizim biter.\n\nVay canına, bu harika!", + "How many steps did this drawing take? Was it less than, the same as, or more than the number of steps for the first drawing?": "Bu çizim kaç adım sürdü? Bu çizimin adım sayısı, ilk çizimin adım sayısından daha mı az, daha mı fazla? Yoksa eşit adım sayısına mı sahip?", + "In this drawing, you don't see Dog's mouth. Even still, you can tell Dog is happy in the drawing. How can you tell?": "Bu çizimde Köpek’in ağzını göremiyorsunuz. Yine de çizimdeki Köpek’in mutlu olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz. Mutlu olduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Have you ever seen cats and dogs stand on their back two feet? Some can do it for a short time, but it is unusual.": "Hiç arka iki ayağı üzerinde duran kedi ve köpek gördünüz mü? Bazı kedi ve köpekler bunu kısa bir süre için yapabilir ancak bu alışılmadık bir durumdur.", + "Bye bye Cat.\n\nBye bye drawing of Cat.\n\nBye bye Dog.\n\nBye bye drawing of Dog.": "Güle güle, Kedi!\n\nGüle güle, Kedi çizimi!\n\nGüle güle, Köpek!\n\nGüle güle, Köpek çizimi!", + "In which ways does this picture have mirror symmetry and in which ways does it fail?": "Bu resim hangi açılardan ayna simetrisine sahiptir ve hangi bakımdan ayna simetrisinde başarısızdır?", + "When you draw a picture of someone it's called a portrait. Have you ever drawn a portrait of someone? How did it turn out?": "Birinin resmini çizdiğinizde, ona ‘portre’ denir. Birinin portresini çizdiniz mi hiç? Nasıl sonuçlandı?", + "Drawing a picture of yourself is called a self-portrait. If you drew a self-portrait where would you start? Would you use an oval for your body, or would you start somewhere else?": "Kendi resminizi çizmeye ise ‘otoportre’ denir. Bir otoportre çizseniz, çizime nereden başlardınız? Vücudunuz için oval şeklini kullanır mıydınız yoksa çiziminize başka bir yerden mi başlardınız?", + "In my village lives Mister Kio. Mister Kio has a cat called Safi.": "Benim köyümde Kio Bey yaşar. Kio Bey’in Safi adında bir kedisi var.", + "Point out and name each of the strong colors on this page.": "Bu sayfadaki güçlü renklerin her birini gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "Which has the least number of legs -- the table, Mr. Kio, or Safi?": "Hangisi en az sayıda bacağa sahiptir – masa mı, Kio Bey mi yoksa Safi mi?", + "How many of Safi's legs can you see? How many can't you see?": "Safi'nin kaç bacağını görebiliyorsunuz? Kaç tanesini göremiyorsunuz?", + "When Mister Kio goes to work, he leaves the door open.": "Kio Bey işe gittiği zaman kapıyı açık bırakır.", + "Where are the two things that used to be hanging on the pegs by the door?": "Kapının yanındaki askıda hep asılı duran o iki şey nerede?", + "Notice that Safi looks happy when Mr. Kio leaves?": "Kio Bey gittiğinde Safi’nin mutlu olduğunu fark ettiniz mi?", + "It is odd that Mr. Kio leaves the door open when he leaves.": "Kio Bey gittiğinde kapıyı açık bırakması tuhaf.", + "Safi sits in the doorway to watch over the house.": "Safi, eve göz kulak olmak için kapı girişinde oturur.", + "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. This floor is tiled with square tiles.": "Bir kare, bu sayfa gibi dört eşit kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu yer, kare fayanslarla döşenmiş.", + "Do you have tiles where you live? If so, what shape are they?": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde fayans var mı? Varsa, hangi şekildeler?", + "Does Safi like being a house watcher?": "Safi, evin bekçisi olmaktan hoşlanıyor mu?", + "When the neighbor's dog comes close, Safi scares him away.": "Komşunun köpeği yaklaştığında, Safi onu korkutup kaçırıyor.", + "How can you tell that Safi is trying to scare the dog?": "Safi’nin köpeği korkuttuğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Point at the circles of colors and name the colors. Those circles aren't really in the house.": "Renk dairelerine işaret edip renklerin isimlerini söyleyin. O daireler aslında evin içinde değiller.", + "Circles that share the same central point are called \"concentric.\"": "Aynı merkezi noktayı paylaşan dairelere \"eş merkezli\" denir.", + "The dog runs away.": "Köpek kaçıp gidiyor.", + "What is the dog feeling?": "Köpek ne hissediyor?", + "Which animal is bigger, the cat or the dog?": "Hangi hayvan daha büyük, kedi mi yoksa köpek mi?", + "These bands of color going from yellow to orange give a sense of motion. Compare this to the concentric circles on the previous page.": "Sarıdan turuncuya giden bu renk şeritleri bir hareket hissi veriyor. Bunu bir önceki sayfadaki eş merkezli dairelerle kıyaslayın.", + "When a neighbor knocks at the door, Safi is ready to scratch.": "Bir komşu kapıyı çaldığında, Safi tırmalamak için hazır.", + "How can you tell that Safi is being scary? Is the neighbor scared?": "Safi’nin korkutucu olmaya başladığını nasıl anlarsınız? Komşu korkmuş mudur?", + "Does the neighbor need to be scared away, or is Safi doing too much?": "Komşunun korkutulup kaçırılmasına gerek var mı yoksa Safi çok mu fazla korkutuyor?", + "Point to and name different things in this picture that are in a group of 2, 3, or 4.": "Resimdeki ikili, üçlü veya dörtlü gruplar halinde olan farklı şeyleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "The neighbor turns and runs away.": "Komşu, arkasını dönüp kaçıp gider.", + "Looking at the neighbor's clothes, what is her favorite color?": "Komşunun kıyafetlerine bakarak, sizce onun favori rengi nedir?", + "What is your favorite color?": "Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "The neighbor is frightened by Safi. Have you ever been frightened by a cat or other small animal?": "Komşu, Safi tarafından korkutuluyor. Siz bir kedi veya başka küçük bir hayvan tarafından hiç korkutuldunuz mu?", + "When Safi is hungry, she closes the door.": "Safi acıktığında, kapıyı kapatır.", + "Safi should just close the door as soon as Mr. Kio leaves.": "Kio Bey gider gitmez Safi kapıyı hemen kapatmalıdır.", + "Is little Safi big enough to close that big door?": "Bu büyük kapıyı kapatmak için Safi yeterince büyük mü?", + "After the door closes, will Safi be able to reach the handle and open it?": "Kapı kapandıktan sonra, Safi kapının koluna ulaşıp onu açabilir mi?", + "Safi eats her food.": "Safi yemeğini yiyor.", + "Point at the straight and curved lines in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki düz ve eğri çizgileri gösterin.", + "Does Safi look happy to be eating? Do you like to eat your food?": "Safi, yerken mutlu mu görünüyor? Siz yemeğinizi yemekten hoşlanır mısınız?", + "Would you wait to eat if you were left with a plate of food you liked?": "Eğer siz bir tabak sevdiğiniz bir yemekle bırakılsaydınız, bekler miydiniz?", + "Afterwards, Safi jumps onto the sofa and sleeps, \"Purr! Purr! Purr!\"": "Ardından, Safi sofanın üzerine atlar ve uyur, \"Mırr! Mırr! Mırr!\"", + "Sometimes people feel sleepy after eating and sometimes it gives them fresh energy. What does it do to you?": "Bazen insanlar yemek yedikten sonra uykulu hissederler ve bazen de yemek yemek onlara taze bir enerji verir. Yemek yemek sizde neler yapıyor?", + "Is Safi dreaming? If so, what do you think Safi is dreaming about?": "Safi rüya mı görüyor? Eğer öyleyse, sizce Safi ne hakkında rüya görüyor?", + "What are some of the things you dream about?": "Rüya gördüğünüz şeylerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "When Mister Kio returns, Safi stretches happily and welcomes him home.": "Kio Bey geri döndüğünde, Safi mutlulukla gerinip onu karşılar.", + "Point at the beautiful circle inside the orange square.": "Turuncu karenin içindeki o güzel daireye işaret edin.", + "Do you have some circles and squares where you are?": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde daireler ve kareler var mı?", + "Point together at the white circles Safi has on her back and belly.": "Safi’nin sırtındaki ve karnındaki beyaz halkaları çocuğunuzla birlikte gösterin.", + "Mister Kio and Safi sit down, and each of them reads the newspaper.": "Kio Bey ve Safi oturur ve her birisi gazete okur.", + "This is warm and cozy. Do cats read the newspaper?": "Sıcacık ve rahat. Kediler gazete okur mu?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides with corners like this page. Point at the rectangles you see in this picture and around you.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki ve etrafınızdaki dikdörtgenleri işaret edin.", + "Most papers are shaped like rectangles. Mr. Kio's paper is strangely shaped.": "Pek çok gazete dikdörtgen şeklindedir. Kio Bey’in gazetesi tuhaf bir şekildedir.", + "A rainbow has seven colors.": "Bir gökkuşağı yedi renge sahiptir.", + "Count together the colors of the rainbow.": "Gökkuşağının renklerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Have you ever seen a rainbow after it rains? Sometimes, you can even see a double rainbow if you're lucky!": "Yağmur yağdıktan sonra bir gökkuşağı gördünüz mü hiç? Bazen, şansınız yaver giderse, çift gökkuşağı bile görebilirsiniz!", + "Point out that her dress and the background on this page go through many of the same colors as the rainbow.": "Kızın elbisesinin ve bu sayfanın arka planının, gökkuşağıyla aynı olan renklerin çoğundan geçtiğine dikkat çekin.", + "The first color is red.": "İlk renk kırmızıdır.", + "How does the color red make you feel? Red is often thought of as an active, high energy color.": "Kırmızı renk sizi nasıl hissettirir? Kırmızı, sıklıkla, bir aktiflik ve yüksek enerji rengi olarak düşünülür.", + "Sometimes red is an angry color. People may say they \"see red\" when they are angry.": "Bazen kırmızı, bir kızgınlık rengidir. İnsanlar çok öfkeli ve kızgın olduklarında \"gözlerini kan bürümek\" deyimini kullanabilirler.", + "People often paint things red or choose red things because of the color's high energy. Have you seen cars that are red?": "Kırmızı renginin yüksek enerjisinden dolayı insanlar sık sık bir şeyleri kırmızıya boyarlar ya da kırmızı şeyleri seçerler. Siz hiç kırmızı arabalar gördünüz mü?", + "Kewyu is wearing a red shirt.": "Kewyu, kırmızı bir gömlek giyinmiş.", + "Do you have any red clothes?": "Sizin hiç kırmızı giysileriniz var mı?", + "Do you have any red flowers near where you live?": "Yaşadığınız yerin yakınlarında hiç kırmızı çiçek var mı?", + "Count together the number of people in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki insanların sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "The second color is orange.": "İkinci renk turuncudur.", + "How does orange feel compared to red? It is still high energy, but perhaps a bit less so.": "Kırmızıya kıyasla turuncu nasıl hissettirir? Turuncu rengi hâlâ yüksek enerjili ama belki kırmızıdan biraz daha az enerjili.", + "She looks all alone in the middle of all that orange with her hands stretched out like that.": "Tüm o turuncuların ortasında kız ellerini öylece uzatmış yapayalnız görünüyor.", + "An orange is a fruit named after its color. Can you think of other orange things around you?": "Portakal, renginden dolayı öyle isimlendirilen bir meyvedir. Etrafınızda portakal renginde olan başka şeyler aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "This is an orange. What else can you see that is the color orange?": "Bu bir portakaldır. Resimde turuncu renkli başka neler görebiliyorsunuz?", + "The cat and fish are orange. Have you seen an orange cat or fish before?": "Resimdeki kedi ve balık turuncudur. Siz daha önce turuncu bir kedi veya turuncu balık gördünüz mü?", + "A sphere is a ball -- round in all directions. Is an orange a sphere?": "Bir küre, bir toptur – bütün yönlerinde yuvarlaktır. Bir portakal, bir küre midir?", + "How is the fish bowl different from a sphere?": "Balık fanusu bir küreden nasıl farklıdır?", + "The third color is yellow.": "Üçüncü renk sarıdır.", + "Make up something that she is pointing at.": "Kızın işaret ettiği bir şey uydurun.", + "She looks excited about what is coming next. I bet it is something yellow!": "Kız, bir sonraki gelecek şey konusunda heyecanlı. Onun sarı olduğuna bahse girerim!", + "How has her dress changed from earlier pictures? Hint: It is now broken up into two sections.": "Kızın elbisesi önceki resimlere göre nasıl değişti? İpucu: Elbisesi artık iki kısma ayrılmış.", + "The yolk of an egg is yellow. What else can you see that is the color yellow?": "Yumurtanın sarısı, sarıdır. Sarı renkli başka ne görebiliyorsunuz?", + "How can you tell that she is hungry?": "Kızın acıkmış olduğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "She has a yellow sunflower on her table. Do you have flowers around you sometimes when you eat?": "Masasında sarı bir ayçiçeği var. Siz yemek yediğiniz zaman etrafınızda bazen çiçekler oluyor mu?", + "Name something in the sky that is yellow.": "Gökyüzünde rengi sarı olan bir şeyin adını söyleyin.", + "The fourth color is green.": "Dördüncü renk yeşil.", + "How does green feel to you? This green is a lot calmer than the red, orange, or yellow.": "Yeşil size nasıl hissettiriyor? Bu yeşil, kırmızıdan, turuncudan veya sarıdan çok daha sakin.", + "Name some things that are green -- they are all around you!": "Yeşil olan bazı şeylerin adlarını söyleyin – onlar her yerdeler!", + "Green comes in many different types. How many types of green can you name?": "Yeşilin birçok farklı türü vardır. Siz kaç çeşit yeşil sayabilirsiniz?", + "Our banana garden is green.": "Bizim muz bahçemiz yeşil.", + "Point at and count the animals you see on this page -- look carefully!": "Bu sayfada gördüğünüz hayvanları işaret edip sayın – dikkatlice bakın!", + "Point out the yellow greens, lime greens, bright greens, and dark greens on this page.": "Bu sayfadaki sarımsı yeşilleri, misket limonu (lime) yeşillerini, cırtlak yeşilleri ve koyu yeşilleri gösterin.", + "A lot of trees are brown and green. Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Where does it show up in the rainbow?": "Bir sürü ağaç, kahverengi ve yeşildir. Kahverengi, gökkuşağının ana renklerinden birisi değildir. Kahverengi, gökkuşağının neresinde ortaya çıkar?", + "The fifth color is blue.": "Beşinci renk mavidir.", + "She looks so happy in the middle of all that blue. Does blue make you feel happy?": "Kız tüm o mavilerin arasında çok mutlu görünüyor. Mavi sizi mutlu eder mi?", + "Some people say they feel blue when they are sad. Does blue seem like a sad color to you?": "Türkçede, herkese şirin görünmeye çalışan ve birçok kişiye birden sevgi gösteren kişilerin yaptıkları eylemi anlatmak için 'mavi boncuk dağıtmak' deyimi kullanılır. Mavi size üzgün bir renk gibi mi geliyor?", + "The sky and water are usually blue, but it is not common in plants. Have you seen flowers that are blue?": "Gökyüzü ve su genellikle mavidir ama bu durum bitkilerde yaygın değildir. Mavi bitkiler gördünüz mü?", + "The sky is blue.": "Gökyüzü mavidir.", + "Bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, are often blue.": "Su kütleleri – okyanuslar, denizler, göller ve nehirler – sıklıkla mavidir.", + "Point to these birds and clouds and count them together.": "Resimdeki kuşları ve bulutları gösterip onları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which are there more of -- clouds or birds?": "Hangisinden daha çok var – bulutlardan mı yoksa kuşlardan mı?", + "The sixth color is indigo.": "Altıncı renk çivit mavisidir. (Bazıları, çivit mavisine lacivert demeyi tercih eder.)", + "Flowers are sometimes indigo. Have you seen flowers whose color is close to being indigo?": "Çiçekler bazen çivit mavisidir. Siz, hiç rengi çivit mavisine yakın bir çiçek gördünüz mü?", + "Sometimes her hands are stretched out wide. Having hands on hips often shows defiance and strength.": "Kızın elleri bazen genişçe açılmış görünüyor. Ellerin kalçanın üzerinde olması sıklıkla gözdağını ve gücü anlatır.", + "Indigo is very powerful. How do you feel if you stare at this big square of indigo?": "Çivit mavisi çok güçlüdür. Bu büyük çivit mavisi kareye uzun uzun baktığınızda, ne hissediyorsunuz?", + "These berries are the color indigo.": "Bu yaban mersinleri çivit mavisi rengindedir.", + "Count together the buttons or snaps on her jacket.": "Ceketin üzerindeki düğmeleri veya çıtçıtları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Would you like to eat some of those berries? Do you think you could eat all of them?": "Şu meyvelerden biraz yemek ister misiniz? Onların hepsini yiyebileceğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Think of the largest number you can. Does she have more berries than that number?": "Düşünebileceğiniz en büyük sayıyı düşünün. Kızın o düşündüğünüz sayıdan daha çok mu yaban mersini var?", + "The seventh color is violet.": "Yedinci renk menekşe rengidir.", + "Violet is a very intense color. Is it too intense for you, or do you enjoy how intense it is?": "Menekşe rengi çok yoğun bir renktir. Sizin için de yoğun mudur yoksa o kadar yoğun olmasından zevk alır mısınız?", + "Now she has her arms crossed. Crossed arms can indicate being closed off from others.": "Kız şu anda kollarını çapraz yapmış. Çapraz kollar başkalarından uzak durmak anlamına gelebilir.", + "People tell us a lot without saying any words. Sometimes people do that with an expression on their face, and sometimes they do it with the way they hold their body.": "İnsanlar bize hiçbir şey söylemeden çok fazla şey anlatırlar. Bunu bazen yüzlerindeki bir ifadeyle ve bazen de vücut duruşlarıyla anlatırlar.", + "My dress is violet. Violet is my favorite color! What is your favorite color?": "Benim elbisem menekşe renginde. Menekşe rengi benim favori rengim! Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "Notice that the flowers she is next to are violet flowers -- they are named after their color.": "Kızın yanındaki çiçeklerin menekşe çiçekleri olduklarına dikkat edin – onlar isimlerini renklerinden almışlardır.", + "She looks very happy wearing a dress with her favorite color. Do you have clothes that are in your favorite color?": "Kız, en sevdiği renkte bir elbise giydiği için çok mutlu görünüyor. Sizin favori renginizde olan kıyafetleriniz var mı?", + "Which colors make you happy? Are there colors you don't like?": "Hangi renkler sizi mutlu eder? Sevmediğiniz renkler var mı?", + "Do you know the seven colors of the rainbow?": "Gökkuşağının yedi rengini biliyor musunuz?", + "Can you remember what each color is?": "Her bir rengin ne olduğunu hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "Some people use the fake name Roy G. Biv to remind them of the order of the seven colors of the rainbow.": "Bazı insanlar, gökkuşağının yedi renginin sırasını onlara hatırlatması için ‘KuTuSu YaMaÇ Mı?’ kısaltmasını kullanırlar (Ç, çivit mavisi/indigo rengi için kullanılmıştır).", + "Brown is not one of the main colors of the rainbow. Are there other colors you know that are not one of the seven?": "Kahverengi gökkuşağının ana renklerinden birisi değildir. Gökkuşağının yedi renginden biri olmayan bildiğiniz başka renkler var mı?", + "One elephant is going to drink water.": "Bir fil su içmeye gidiyor.", + "Count together the elephants, the tusks, the feet, the eyes, and the tails.": "Çocuğunuzla beraber filleri, fildişlerini, ayakları, gözleri ve kuyrukları sayın.", + "Which items are there the most of and which are there the least of?": "Hangi ögelerden en çok ve hangilerinden en az var?", + "What do you think the elephant is about to do?": "Sizce fil ne yapmak üzere?", + "Two giraffes are going to drink water.": "İki zürafa su içmeye gidiyor.", + "Each giraffe has four feet. Count the number of giraffes and the number of feet.": "Her zürafanın dört ayağı var. Kaç tane zürafa ve ayak olduğunu sayın.", + "The giraffes are very tall. They must bend way down to get to the water.": "Zürafalar çok uzundur. Suya ulaşmak için oldukça eğilmeleri gerekir.", + "Two giraffes are one more animal than one elephant. What is one more animal than two animals?": "İki zürafa, bir filden bir hayvan fazladır. O hâlde, iki hayvandan bir fazla hayvan nedir?", + "Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.": "Üç manda ve dört kuş da su içmeye gidiyor.", + "Count together the buffaloes, the birds, the horns, and the tails.": "Mandaları, kuşları, boynuzları ve kuyrukları çocuğunuzla beraber sayın.", + "When there is one source of water, all the thirsty animals come to that one place. If a lion wants to hunt animals, this is a good place to find them!": "Tek bir su kaynağı olunca bütün susamış hayvanlar o yere gelir. Eğer bir aslan hayvan avlamak istiyorsa, o yer avlarını bulmak için iyi bir yerdir!", + "Three buffaloes is one less animal than four animals. What is one less animal than three animals?": "Üç manda dört hayvandan bir hayvan daha azdır. Üç hayvandan bir eksik hayvan kaçtır?", + "Five antelopes and six warthogs are walking to the water.": "Beş antilop ve altı yaban domuzu suya doğru yürüyor.", + "Count the antelopes and the warthogs. How many of the warthogs are babies?": "Antilopları ve yaban domuzlarını sayın. Yaban domuzlarının kaç tanesi yavru?", + "Some of the antelopes are looking around rather than looking at each other. The pack stays safe by having some of them looking for danger!": "Bazı antiloplar birbirlerine bakmak yerine etrafa bakıyor. Sürü, bazı antilopların tehlike olup olmadığını kontrol etmesi sayesinde güvende kalıyor!", + "Of antelopes and warthogs, which are there more of and which are there less of?": "Antiloplar ve yaban domuzlarından hangisi sayıca daha fazla ve hangisi daha az?", + "Seven zebras are running to the water.": "Yedi zebra suya doğru koşuyor.", + "Count the zebras and the trees.": "Zebraları ve ağaçları sayın.", + "How can you tell that the zebras have been running? They must be very thirsty to be running to the water!": "Zebraların koştuklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz? Suya doğru koştuklarına göre çok susamış olmalılar!", + "Try counting the black stripes on some of the zebras. Do some zebras have more stripes than others?": "Bazı zebraların üzerindeki siyah çizgileri saymayı deneyin. Bazı zebraların diğerlerinden daha fazla çizgisi mi var?", + "Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.": "Sekiz kurbağa ve dokuz balık suda yüzüyor.", + "Count together the frogs and the fish. Can you count that high?": "Çocuğunuzla beraber, kurbağaları ve balıkları sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabiliyor musunuz?", + "They are packed very tightly together. Do you think they feel crowded or do they like having the company?": "Birbirlerine çok yakın olacak şekilde toplanmışlar. Sizce kendilerini kalabalık mı hissediyorlar yoksa arkadaşlıktan mı hoşlanıyorlar?", + "What is one more than eight frogs? What is one less than nine fish?": "Sekiz kurbağadan bir fazlası nedir? Dokuz balıktan bir eksik kaçtır?", + "How many different kinds of animals can you count?": "Kaç farklı hayvan türü sayabilirsiniz?", + "One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?": "Bir aslan kükrüyor. O da su içmek istiyor. Aslandan kim korkuyor?", + "Count together the lions, warthogs, birds, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, water buffaloes, and elephants. That's a lot of counting!": "Aslanları, yaban domuzlarını, kuşları, zebraları, antilopları, zürafaları, mandaları ve filleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bu oldukça ileriye kadar saymak demek!", + "Most of the animals start to run away from the lion. Which animals will stay?": "Hayvanların çoğu aslandan kaçmaya başlıyor. Hangi hayvanlar kalacak?", + "One elephant is drinking water with the lion.": "Bir fil aslanla birlikte su içiyor.", + "The elephant, birds, fish, and frogs did not run away.": "Fil, kuşlar, balıklar ve kurbağalar aslandan kaçmamış.", + "Would you run away from a lion?": "Siz aslandan kaçar mıydınız?", + "Would it be fun to go for a swim in this watering hole?": "Bu su birikintisinde yüzmek eğlenceli olur muydu?", + "The Izinzawu family was a happy family. The children learned cooking, gardening, and hunting from their parents.": "Izinzawu ailesi mutlu bir aileydi. Çocuklar yemek yapmayı, bahçeciliği ve avcılığı ebeveynlerinden öğreniyorlardı.", + "Why do plants need watering?": "Bitkiler neden sulanmaya ihtiyaç duyarlar?", + "Point to and name the colors in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki renkleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "How are the green colors in this picture similar and how are they different?": "Bu resimdeki yeşil renkler birbirlerine nasıl benzerler ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılar?", + "At dinner time every day, they talked about what they had done that day.": "Her akşam yemeğinde, o gün neler yaptıklarını konuşurlardı.", + "A square is a shape like this page that has four equal sides. The tablecloth has a checkerboard design with lots of squares. Find some squares in a pattern where you are.": "Bir kare, bu sayfa gibi dört eşit kenarı olan bir şekildir. Masa örtüsü bir sürü kareden oluşan bir dama (veya satranç) tahtası tasarımına sahip. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bir desenin içinde olan birkaç kare bulun.", + "Name the shapes you see in this picture.": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz şekillerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "This family talks about their day at dinner. What do you talk about when you eat dinner?": "Bu aile akşam yemeğinde kendi günlerinden bahsediyorlar. Siz akşam yemeği yerken neler hakkında konuşursunuz?", + "The father usually warned the children not to go deep into the forest. He told the family about a strange creature that lived in the forest. \"This creature is like two of us put together!\"": "Baba genellikle çocuklarını ormanın derinliklerine gitmemeleri konusunda uyarırdı. Ailesine ormanda yaşayan tuhaf bir yaratığı anlatmıştı. \"Bu yaratık, iki tanemizin bir araya gelmiş hali gibi!\"", + "Describe what you think the father's \"strange creature\" might look like.": "Babanın anlattığı o \"tuhaf yaratığın\" size göre neye benzediğini tarif edin.", + "What are the different patterns you see in this picture?": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz farklı desenler nelerdir?", + "How are the bowls on this page different from the bowls on the last page?": "Bu sayfadaki kâseler, bir önceki sayfadaki kâselerden nasıl farklılar?", + "One day, the girls were playing at the river. Suddenly, from behind a tree, there was a strange creature! The creature had two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs.": "Bir gün, kızlar nehir kenarında oynuyorlardı. Aniden, bir ağacın arkasından tuhaf bir yaratık çıktı! Bu yaratığın iki gözü, iki kulağı, iki kolu ve iki bacağı vardı.", + "Does the \"strange creature\" look like what you imagined?": "Bu \"tuhaf yaratık\" tıpkı hayal ettiğiniz gibi mi görünüyor?", + "Point at and count the number of children in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki çocukları gösterip sayın.", + "Shaking with fear, they ran to tell their brothers about what they had seen. But the boys didn't believe them. \"The girls are being silly!\" they said.": "Bu resimde daha fazla kız mı yoksa daha fazla erkek mi var?", + "There are four children and four heads. How many legs do you see? How many arms do you see? Is that surprising?": "Dört çocuk ve dört kafa var. Kaç tane bacak görüyorsunuz? Kaç tane kol görüyorsunuz? Bu sizi şaşırttı mı?", + "Are there more girls or boys in this picture?": "Bu resimde daha fazla kız mı yoksa daha fazla erkek mi var?", + "Look at their mouths and eyebrows. What do their faces tell you about what these children are thinking and feeling?": "Çocukların ağızlarına ve kaşlarına bakın. Çocukların yüzleri onların ne düşündükleri ve ne hissettikleri konusunda size ne anlatıyor?", + "Eventually, curiosity got the better of the boys. They followed the girls to the river to see this strange creature for themselves.": "En sonunda, erkekler meraklarına yenik düştüler. Bu tuhaf yaratığı kendi gözleriyle görmek için kızları nehre kadar takip ettiler.", + "How can you tell from their size in the picture that the girls are far away and the boys are nearby?": "Resimdeki büyüklüklerine bakarak, kızların uzakta, erkeklerin ise yakında olduklarını nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Why are the girls far away behind some bushes?": "Kızlar neden bazı çalılıkların arkasında, uzaktalar?", + "The grass, bushes, and trees are different shades of green. Are there different shades of some color where you are?": "Çimenler, çalılar ve ağaçlar yeşilin farklı tonlarında. Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde, bazı renklerin farklı tonları var mı?", + "They searched and searched, but all they could see was the tall grass and trees.\n\nSuddenly, they heard a noise, and looked up.": "Aradılar, aradılar ama tek görebildikleri uzun otlar ve ağaçlardı.\n\nAniden, bir ses duydular ve yukarı baktılar.", + "What do you think made that noise above them?": "Üstlerinde bu sesi neyin çıkardığını düşünüyorsunuz?", + "What kinds of things make noises above our heads?": "Başımızın üstünde ne tür şeyler ses çıkarır?", + "That is really tall grass! What part of their bodies does the grass reach up to?": "Gerçekten uzun çimenler! Çimenler çocukların vücutlarının hangi kısımlarına kadar uzanıyor?", + "Up on a tree swung the strangest creature they had ever seen. It had two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. Instead of one each, like them.": "Bir ağaçta, o güne kadar gördükleri en tuhaf yaratık sallanıyordu. İki kolu, iki eli, iki bacağı ve iki ayağı vardı. Onlarınki gibi her birinden birer tane olmasından ziyade!", + "How many arms, legs, hands, and eyes does each member of the family have?": "Ailenin her bir üyesinin kaç kolu, kaç bacağı, kaç eli ve kaç gözü var?", + "Did you assume the unseen side of each family member had another arm, leg, hand, and eye, just like the side you could see?": "Her aile üyesinin görünmeyen tarafında, tıpkı görebildiğiniz tarafta olduğu gibi başka bir kol, bacak, el ve göz olduğunu da varsaydınız mı?", + "When you see only one side of something, it is easy to assume the other side looks the same -- that it is the mirror reflection of what you can see.": "Bir şeyin sadece bir tarafını gördüğünüzde, diğer tarafının da aynı göründüğünü – yani, görebildiğiniz tarafın aynısı olduğunu – varsaymak kolaydır.", + "The frightened children ran home to call their parents. Soon the whole family was at the river to see the creature.": "Korkuya kapılan çocuklar ebeveynlerini çağırmak için evlerine koştular. Çok geçmeden, tüm aile yaratığı görmek için nehrin kenarındaydı.", + "Count the number of arms in this picture. If each person had two arms, how many arms would there be?": "Bu resimdeki kolların sayısını sayın. Eğer her insanın iki kolu olsaydı, toplamda kaç kol olurdu?", + "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does this family have?": "Kollara ve bacaklara ‘uzuv’ denir. Bu ailenin toplam kaç uzvu var?", + "Did you notice that the grass was tall, but now it is short? Did someone cut the grass?": "Çimenlerin önceden uzun ama şu anda kısa olduklarını fark ettiniz mi? Birisi çimleri mi kesti?", + "Don't hurt me! the creature said, as it hid behind the tree. Now the family could only see the creature's one foot, one leg, one hand, one arm and one eye.": "\"Bana zarar vermeyin!\" diye bağırdı yaratık, ağacın arkasına saklanarak. Artık aile yaratığın sadece bir ayağını, bir bacağını, bir elini, bir kolunu ve bir gözünü görebiliyor.", + "The creature is hiding behind a tree. Where are some places you like to hide?": "Yaratık bir ağacın arkasında saklanıyor. Siz nerelerde saklanmayı seversiniz?", + "When the creature is halfway behind the tree, it looks just like each of the family members. Why is that?": "Yaratığın yarısı bir ağacın arkasındayken, aile üyelerine benziyor gibi görünüyor. Bunun nedeni nedir?", + "The creature feels \"outnumbered.\" How many people are in the family and how many creatures are there? Which is more and which is less?": "Yaratık kendini \"sayıca az\" hissediyor. Ailede kaç insan var ve kaç tane yaratık var? Sayıca hangisi daha fazla ve hangisi daha az?", + "I am just like you, continued the creature. \"The only difference is that I was made with two of almost everything.\"": "\"Ben tıpkı sizin gibi biriyim,\" diye devam etti yaratık. \"Tek farkım, bende neredeyse her şeyden iki tane var.\"", + "Which body parts do you have two of and which do you have one of?": "Sizde hangi vücut parçalarınızdan ikişer tane, hangilerinden birer tane var?", + "For the body parts you have one of, are they on the sides or the middle line of your body?": "Bir tane olan vücut parçalarınız bedeninizin yan taraflarında mı yoksa orta hattında mı?", + "Think of someone you know. List three ways they are similar to you and three ways that they are different.": "Tanıdığınız birini düşünün. Onun sizinle benzer ve farklı olan üç yönünü sıralayın.", + "So this was how the Izanzawu family discovered that it was not a creature to be scared of. It was simply a different form of them.": "Böylece, Izinzawu ailesi, onun korkulacak bir yaratık olmadığını keşfetti. O sadece kendilerinin farklı bir şekliydi.", + "The creature has a striped shirt with two colors and everyone else's shirt has just one. Why did the writer do that?": "Yaratığın iki renkli çizgili bir tişörtü var; diğer herkesin giysilerinde ise sadece bir renk var. Sizce yazar bunu neden öyle yapmış olabilir?", + "There are six people in the Izanzawu family. When you add one more for the \"creature,\" how many people are there?": "Izinzawu ailesinde altı kişi var. \"Yaratık\" için de bir kişi daha eklediğinizde, toplam kaç kişi olurlar?", + "If you arrange these seven people in order of height, putting the shortest on the left and tallest on the right, what would the order be? Describe this order using the color of their clothes.": "Bu yedi kişiyi boylarına göre dizerseniz, en kısa olanı sola ve en uzun olanı sağa koyarsanız, sıralama nasıl olur? Bu sıralamayı giysilerinin renklerini kullanarak açıklayın.", + "Everyone knows that the elephant has a very long nose.": "Herkes bir filin çok uzun bir burnu olduğunu bilir.", + "Elephants live in many places in Africa and Asia. What are some things you know about elephants?": "Filler, Afrika ve Asya’da pek çok yerde yaşarlar. Filler hakkında bildiğiniz bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "Have you ever seen an elephant? If so, did it look like this?": "Hiç fil gördünüz mü? Gördüyseniz, resimdekine benziyor muydu?", + "There are two patches of hair on this elephant. Do elephants actually have hair like this?": "Bu filin vücudunun iki bölgesinde kılı veya tüyü var. Fillerin gerçekten böyle kılları veya tüyleri var mıdır?", + "But a long time ago, the elephant's nose was short and fat. Like a shoe in the middle of its face.": "Ama uzun zaman önce, filin burnu kısa ve iriydi. Tıpkı yüzünün ortasında bir ayakkabı gibiydi.", + "Elephants have 5 toes on each foot. How many toes in total? One way to figure this out is to skip count by 5's -- 5, 10, 15, 20.": "Fillerin her bir ayağında 5 parmak vardır. Toplam kaç ayak parmağı vardır? Bunu bulmanın bir yolu beşer beşer saymaktır – 5, 10, 15, 20.", + "Elephants have large ears and can hear sounds up to six miles away.": "Fillerin geniş kulakları vardır ve 9,65 km (yaklaşık 6 mil) uzaklığa kadar sesleri duyabilirler.", + "Elephants also use their ears to keep cool.": "Filler, kulaklarını serinlemek için de kullanırlar.", + "One day a baby elephant was born. She was curious about everything. She had a question for every animal.": "Bir gün, yavru bir fil doğdu. Yavru fil, her şeyi merak ediyordu. Her hayvan için bir sorusu vardı.", + "Even numbers are numbers that can be split evenly in two. Odd numbers can't. The elephant has 2 eyes, 2 ears, and four legs -- all even numbers.": "Çift sayılar eşit olarak ikiye bölünebilen sayılardır. Tek sayılar ikiye bölünemezler. Filin iki gözü, iki kulağı ve dört bacağı var – bunların hepsi çift sayıdır!", + "Find some things in this picture that there are an odd number of.": "Bu resimde tek sayıda olan bazı şeyleri bulun.", + "Notice that all the body parts that there are an odd number of are in the middle of the elephant's body.": "Tek sayıda olan tüm vücut parçalarının filin vücudunun ortasında olduğuna dikkat edin.", + "She was curious about Giraffe. \"Why do you have a long neck?\" she asked.": "Yavru fil, zürafayı merak ediyordu. “Neden uzun bir boynun var?” diye sordu.", + "Can you count the Giraffe's dark spots, or are there too many to count?": "Zürafanın koyu beneklerini sayabilir misiniz yoksa benekleri sayılamayacak kadar çok sayıdalar mı?", + "No two giraffe's have the same pattern of dark spots!": "“Hiçbir iki zürafanın koyu benekleri aynı desene sahip değildir!”", + "Do you think it takes a giraffe a long time to swallow its food because it has such a long neck?": "Sizce zürafanın boynu o kadar uzun olduğu için yemeğini yutması uzun zaman alıyor mudur?", + "She was curious about Rhino. \"Why does your horn have a sharp point?\"": "Yavru fil, gergedanı merak ediyordu. “Neden boynuzunun sivri bir ucu var?” diye sordu.", + "A rhino can run about half as fast as a car on a highway.": "Bir gergedan neredeyse otobandaki bir arabanın hızının yarısı kadar bir hızla koşabilir.", + "A rhino can run three times faster than a person, so don't try to run away from one!": "Gergedan bir insandan hemen hemen üç kat daha hızlı da koşabilir; bu nedenle, sakın ondan kaçmaya çalışmayın!", + "The elephant was curious about the rhino. Are you? What would you like to ask the rhino?": "Yavru fil, gergedanı merak ediyordu. Siz de merak ediyor musunuz? Öyleyse, gergedana ne sormak istersiniz?", + "She was curious about Hippo. \"Why do you have red eyes?\" she asked.": "Yavru fil, su aygırını merak ediyordu. “Senin neden kırmızı gözlerin var?” diye sordu.", + "Hippos can fill up on grass and then not eat for three weeks! How many days is that? Hint: Skip count by 7's.": "Su aygırları, otla karınlarını doyurduktan sonra üç hafta boyunca yemek yemeyebilirler! Bu, kaç gün eder? İpucu: Yedişerli atlayarak sayın.", + "How long can you go without eating?": "Peki siz yemek yemeden ne kadar süre dayanabilirsiniz?", + "Every animal we've seen has a bit of hair at the end of its tail. They are all mammals, and mammals have hair! Even the bowhead whale has hair on its lips, chin, snout, and behind its blowhole.": "Bu kitapta gördüğümüz her hayvanın kuyruğunun ucunda bir parça kıl var. Bu hayvanların hepsi memelidir ve memeli hayvanların kılları vardır! Kutup balinasının dudaklarında, çenesinde, burnunda ve nefes (solunum) deliğinin arkasında bile kıllar vardır.", + "And she was VERY curious about Crocodile. \"What does Crocodile eat for dinner?\" she asked.": "Ve yavru fil, timsahı ÇOK merak ediyordu. “Bir timsah akşam yemeğinde ne yer?” diye sordu.", + "How many teeth can you see? If it has the same number of teeth on the other side of its mouth, how many would that be all together?": "Resimde kaç diş görebiliyorsunuz? Eğzının diğer tarafında da aynı sayıda diş varsa, bu, toplam kaç diş eder?", + "What do you think is on his dinner plate under the cover?": "Sizce timsahın kapağın altındaki tabağında ne var?", + "Which is more and which is less: Crocodile's teeth or the bumps on Crocodile's tail?": "Bunlardan hangisi daha fazla, hangisi daha az: timsahın dişleri mi yoksa timsahın kuyruğundaki çıkıntılar mı?", + "\"Never ask a question like that!\" said her mother. Then she walked off, frowning.": "“Asla öyle bir soru sorma!” dedi annesi. Ardından, kaşlarını çatarak uzaklaştı.", + "There are many groups of things in this picture, such as groups of ears, eyes, and eyelashes. How many different groups can you find?": "Bu resimde kulaklar, gözler ve kirpikler gibi pek çok grup var. Kaç farklı grup bulabilirsiniz?", + "Why did the mother say not to ask such a question?": "Anne fil neden öyle bir soru sormamasını söyledi?", + "Count the eyelashes on both elephants by skip counting by 3's. What would you skip count by to count their feet?": "Her iki filin kirpiklerini üçer üçer atlayarak sayın. Peki ayaklarını saymak için kaçar kaçar atlayarak sayardınız?", + "Quickly Crow flew down to baby elephant. \"Follow me to the river. There you will see what Crocodile eats for dinner,\" squawked Crow.": "Karga hızlıca yavru filin yanına uçtu. “Beni nehre kadar takip et. Orada timsahın akşam yemeğinde ne yediğini göreceksin,” diye ciyakladı.", + "Do you think Crow wants to help, or is Crow going to play a trick on Baby Elephant?": "Sizce karga yardım mı etmek mi istiyor yoksa yavru file bir oyun mu oynayacak?", + "Would you follow Crow?": "Siz olsaydınız kargayı takip eder miydiniz?", + "For each of the numbers from one to four, find a group in this picture with that many things in it.": "Bu resimde, içinde 1’den 4’e kadar olan sayıda şeyler olan grupları bulun.", + "So the baby elephant followed Crow down to the river.": "Böylece yavru fil kargayı nehre kadar takip etti.", + "The yellow path looks narrower in the distance. Things far away often look smaller.": "Sarı patika uzakta daha dar görünüyor. Uzaktaki şeyler genellikle daha küçük görünür.", + "How would you describe the look on Baby Elephant's face?": "Yavru filin yüzündeki ifadeyi nasıl anlatırsınız?", + "Imagine if you had four feet to control to walk like Baby Elephant. Would it be easier or harder than walking on two feet?": "Tıpkı yavru fil gibi yürürken kontrol edebileceğiniz dört ayağınız olduğunu hayal edin. Dört ayakla yürümek, iki ayakla yürümekten daha mı kolay yoksa daha mı zor olurdu?", + "She pushed through the reeds and stood on the bank. She looked into the water. Where was Crocodile?": "Sazlıkları itip kıyıda durdu. Suyun içine baktı. Timsah neredeydi?", + "There are the same things on each side of baby elephant. This is called mirror symmetry, or simply symmetry.": "Yavru filin her iki tarafında da aynı şeyler var. Buna ‘ayna simetrisi’ ya da basitçe ‘simetri’ denir.", + "Faces often have mirror symmetry. The flower on baby elephant's face breaks the mirror symmetry of her face.": "Suratlar genellikle ayna simetrisine sahiptir. Yavru filin yüzünün bir tarafındaki çiçek, yüzünün ayna simetrisini bozuyor.", + "With mirror symmetry, body parts not on the midline show up in pairs -- for example, two ears, two eyes, and two arms. Because of this, there will be an even number of them.": "Ayna simetrisinde, bedenin orta hattında olmayan vücut parçaları çiftler (ikili gruplar) halindedirler – örneğin, iki kulak, iki göz ve iki kol. Bu nedenle, onlar çift sayıda olacaklardır.", + "\"Hello,\" said a stone near the river bank. \"Hello,\" said Baby Elephant. \"Can you tell me what Crocodile eats for dinner?\" she asked.": "“Merhaba,” dedi nehrin kıyısındaki bir taş. “Merhaba,” dedi yavru fil. “Bana timsahın akşam yemeğinde ne yediğini söyleyebilir misin?” diye sordu.", + "Is Baby Elephant talking to a stone or to Crocodile?": "Yavru fil bir taşla mı yoksa timsahla mı konuşuyor?", + "Why is it useful to a crocodile to have its eyes stick up above the water when the rest of its body is below the water?": "Vücudunun geri kalanı suyun altındayken gözlerinin suyun dışında olması timsah için neden faydalıdır?", + "Count all the circles in this picture. Some parts of some of the circles are blocked from view.": "Bu resimdeki tüm daireleri sayın. Bazı dairelerin bazı kısımları görünmüyor.", + "\"Bend down and I will tell you,\" said the stone. \"Lower, lower,\" said the stone. So Baby Elephant bent down lower, and lower.": "“Eğil de sana anlatayım,” dedi taş. “Daha aşağı, daha aşağı,” dedi taş. Bunun üzerine yavru fil daha da aşağı, daha da aşağı eğildi.", + "Uh oh! Why does Crocodile want Baby Elephant to get closer?": "Aha! Timsah neden yavru filin yaklaşmasını istiyor?", + "Can the crocodile eat Baby Elephant? Baby Elephant is much bigger than crocodile.": "Timsah, yavru fili yiyebilir mi? Yavru fil timsahtan çok daha büyük!", + "Then suddenly, \"Snap!\" Baby Elephant's nose was caught in Crocodile's jaws. \"Crocodile will eat YOU for dinner!\" squawked Crow, and flew away.": "Sonra, aniden, yavru filin burnu “Şak!” diye timsahın çenesine takıldı. “Timsah akşam yemeğinde SENİ yiyecek!” diye ciyakladı Karga ve uçup gitti.", + "Crow tricked Baby Elephant. Can you think of any stories where someone played a trick on someone else?": "Karga, yavru fili kandırdı. Siz de birinin bir başkasını kandırdığı herhangi bir hikâye hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "Can you think of a time when someone tricked you?": "Peki birinin sizi kandırdığı bir zamanı hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "Have you noticed the ground Baby Elephant stands on keeps changing color? Which colors have been used so far?": "Yavru filin üzerinde durduğu zeminin sürekli renk değiştirdiğini fark ettiniz mi? Şimdiye kadar hangi renkler kullanıldı?", + "Baby Elephant sat back on her strong legs and pulled. She pulled, and pulled. But Crocodile did not let go of her nose.": "Yavru fil güçlü bacaklarının üzerine oturdu ve geri çekildi. Kendini çekti, çekti… Ama timsah onun burnunu bırakmadı.", + "What is Baby Elephant feeling right now?": "Yavru fil şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "What is Crocodile feeling right now?": "Timsah şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "Baby Elephant's nose was described as a shoe in the middle of its face at the start of the story. What does it look like now?": "Yavru filin burnu hikâyenin başında ‘yüzünün ortasında bir ayakkabı’ olarak tarif edilmişti. Peki burnu şimdi neye benziyor?", + "Baby Elephant's nose stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Then, \"Thud!\" she fell on her back.": "Yavru filin burnu gerildi, gerildi ve gerildi. Sonra, yavru fil, “Güm!” diye sırt üstü düştü.", + "Have you ever lost your balance and flipped over with a \"Thud\"?": "Sizin de hiç dengenizi kaybedip “güm” diye sırtüstü düştüğünüz oldu mu?", + "Notice the lines that curl and swerve in the picture. What are they telling us?": "Resimde kıvrılıp yön değiştiren çizgilere dikkat edin. Bu çizgiler bize ne anlatıyor?", + "Point to and count all the extra lines added to the picture.": "Bu resme fazladan eklenen tüm çizgileri gösterip sayın.", + "Crocodile sunk back into the water. He was cross about losing his dinner.": "Timsah suya geri battı. Akşam yemeğini kaybettiği için öfkeliydi.", + "Is this pond big enough for Crocodile, or is it too small?": "Bu gölet timsah için yeterince büyük mü yoksa çok mu küçük?", + "Is Crocodile's body curled into a ball so that it fits in the pond?": "Timsahın vücudu gölete sığacak şekilde top şeklinde mi kıvrılmış?", + "There are three plants near Crocodile. There is another group of three things that shows us how Crocodile is feeling -- where are they?": "Timsahın yanında üç bitki var. Bize timsahın nasıl hissettiğini gösteren üç şeyden oluşan başka bir grup daha var – peki onlar neredeler?", + "Baby Elephant looked at her nose. It was stretched very long. She could not see where it ended!": "Yavru fil burnuna baktı. Çok uzamıştı. Burnunun nerede bittiğini göremiyordu!", + "How is Baby Elephant feeling about her nose?": "Yavru fil burnu hakkında ne hissediyor?", + "It can be difficult to accept changes in how you look. Have your looks changed?": "Görünüşünüzdeki değişiklikleri kabul etmek zor olabilir. Sizin de hiç görünüşünüz değişti mi?", + "When Baby Elephant stands up, do you think her trunk will touch the ground?": "Yavru fil ayağa kalktığında, sizce hortumu yere değecek midir?", + "Her nose was so long she could pick fruit from high branches.": "Yavru filin burnu o kadar uzundu ki yüksek dallardan meyve toplayabiliyordu.", + "Her nose has turned into a long trunk. An elephant's trunk has lots of muscles and is very strong.": "Burnu uzun bir hortuma dönüşmüştü. Bir filin hortumunda bir sürü kas vardır ve o kaslar çok güçlüdür.", + "What are some ways that a long trunk is useful? Do you wish you had one?": "Uzun bir hortumun faydalı olabileceği yerler nelerdir? Sizde de olmasını ister miydiniz?", + "Sometimes a change that seemed bad at first turns out to be a good thing. Has something like that happened to you?": "Bazen ilk başta kötü görünen bir değişiklik, daha sonra iyi bir şeye dönüşebilir. Sizin başınıza hiç böyle bir şey geldi mi?", + "Her nose was so long she could shower her back with water. From that day, all elephants have had long and useful trunks.": "Burnu o kadar uzundu ki sırtını suyla yıkayabiliyordu. O günden sonra, tüm fillerin uzun ve kullanışlı hortumları oldu.", + "If all elephants have long trunks after this, did each one have to get their nose stretched by a crocodile?": "O günden sonra tüm fillerin uzun hortumları olduysa, o zaman, her bir filin burnunun bir timsah tarafından uzatılması mı lazımdı?", + "Do you think Baby Elephant should be friends with Crow ever again?": "Sizce yavru fil kargayla tekrar arkadaş olmalı mı?", + "Make up a story like this that explains how the giraffe got such a long neck.": "O halde, siz de zürafanın nasıl o kadar uzun bir boynunun olduğunu anlatan buna benzer bir hikâye uydurun.", + "The drum has always been an important musical instrument in our community. We love drums!\n\nWe have drums of different sizes: big, medium-sized, and small.": "Davul, bizim toplumumuzda her zaman önemli bir müzik aleti olmuştur. Davulları çok severiz!\n\nFarklı boyutlarda davullarımız var: büyük, orta boy ve küçük.", + "Think of things that have the same shape with different sizes. Perhaps one big and one small, or three with big, medium, and small.": "Aynı şekle sahip fakat farklı boyutlardaki – örneğin, bir büyük ve bir küçük veya küçük, orta ve büyük – şeyleri düşünün.", + "Think of stories about three things. Some examples are: The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks.": "Üç şey hakkında hikâyeler düşünün. Örneğin, Üç Küçük Domuzcuk ve Altın Saçlı Kız.", + "Have you ever beat on a drum? Which of these three would you choose?": "Siz hiç davul çaldınız mı? Bu üçünden hangisini seçerdiniz?", + "We play drums using beaters, or with our fingers.\n\nWe play drums for various reasons: We play drums with songs and dances, for feasts, and in bad times.": "Davulları tokmakla veya parmaklarımızla çalarız.\n\nDavulları farklı nedenlerle çalarız: şarkılarda ve danslarda, şölenlerde ve zor zamanlarda.", + "People use drums to make rhythms. Make up your own rhythm and count it. For example: (clapping for each number) \"1, 2, pause, 3, 1, 2, pause 3.\"": "İnsanlar davulları ritim tutmak için kullanır. Siz de kendi ritminizi oluşturup sayın. Örneğin, (her sayı için alkışlayarak) \"1, 2, dur, 3, 1, 2, dur, 3\" gibi.", + "How do you suppose a beater sounds different than using fingers?": "Tokmakla çalmak ile parmaklarla çalmak arasında nasıl bir ses farkı olabilir?", + "How does the small drum sound different than the large one?": "Küçük davul büyük davuldan nasıl farklı bir ses çıkarır?", + "Drums enrich songs and make people want to dance. Drums make ceremonies colorful.\n\nWe play drums during ceremonies for marriage and child naming. We play drums when celebrating a new harvest or a twin birth.": "Davullar şarkıları zenginleştirir ve insanları dans etmeye teşvik eder. Davullar törenleri renklendirir.\n\nBiz, düğün ve bebeğe isim koyma törenlerinde davul çalarız. Yeni bir hasadı veya ikiz doğumunu kutladığımızda da davul çalarız.", + "People are wearing special wedding clothes. Count together the people wearing orange.": "İnsanlar özel düğün kıyafetleri giyinmişler. Turuncu giymiş olanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which color are the drummers wearing?": "Davul çalanlar hangi renkte giyinmişler?", + "Count together all the people at the wedding. Can you count that high?": "Düğündeki tüm insanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bu kadar çok sayıyı sayabilir misiniz?", + "We sound drums to announce grief and call people when death occurs.": "Kederi duyurmak ve bir ölüm gerçekleştiğinde insanları çağırmak için davul çalarız.", + "What does sad drumming sound like? Can you make a soft, sad rhythm with your hands?": "Hüzünlü bir davul sesi nasıldır? Ellerinizle yumuşak ve hüzünlü bir ritim tutabilir misiniz?", + "There are many kinds of drumming, such as soft background rhythms or fast loud rhythms. Which kinds of drumming have you heard?": "Yumuşak arka plan ritimleri veya hızlı yüksek ritimler gibi pek çok davul çalma türü vardır. Siz bugüne kadar hangi tür davul seslerini duydunuz?", + "Does a drumbeat make you want to dance?": "Davul sesi sizi dans etmeye teşvik eder mi?", + "We sound drums to call people to clean wells, clear roads, or to build a hut for a needy old person.\n\nWe sound drums to call people when cattle are stolen in our village.": "Davulları, insanları kuyuları temizlemeye, yolları açmaya ya da muhtaç bir yaşlı için kulübe inşa etmeye çağırmak için de çalarız.\n\nAyrıca, köyümüzde sığırlar çalındığında insanları çağırmada da davul çalarız.", + "Where you live, what sound or method do people use to call people together for food, school, or special events?": "Yaşadığınız yerde insanları yiyecek, okul veya özel etkinlikler için bir araya getirmek için hangi sesleri veya yöntemleri kullanıyorsunuz?", + "Would you rather beat the drum or do the work?": "Davul çalmayı mı yoksa iş yapmayı mı tercih edersiniz?", + "Count together the number of tools people are using in this picture.": "Bu resimde insanların kullandığı aletlerin sayısını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "We sound drums to gather for meetings at our chief's palace.": "Davulları, liderimizin sarayındaki toplantılara katılmak üzere toplanmak için de çalarız.", + "What is something in this picture that shows this is a special place?": "Bu resimde bu yerin özel olduğunu gösteren şey nedir?", + "How many people are gathering in this picture?": "Bu resimde kaç kişi toplanıyor?", + "Where do you think the chief will sit?": "Sizce lider nereye oturacak?", + "Drums call people to go to church for prayers on Sundays and other prayer days.\n\nWe also play drums to enrich songs when singing in churches.": "Davullar, pazar günleri ve diğer dua günlerinde insanları kiliseye duaya veya diğer dini ritüeller için çağırır.\n\nAyrıca, dini mabetlerde şarkı söylerken şarkıları zenginleştirmek için davul çalarız.", + "Items made from wood come from trees. Which items in this picture are made of wood?": "Ahşap eşyalar ağaçlardan yapılırlar. Bu resimde hangi eşyalar ahşaptan yapılmıştır?", + "Which things are made of wood where you are?": "Sizin bulunduğunuz yerde hangi eşyalar ahşaptan yapılmış?", + "There are straps on the drums in each picture. Why are the straps useful?": "Her resimde davullarda kayışlar var. Kayışlar neden kullanışlıdır?", + "The big drum sounds, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul.\"\n\nThe small drums sing in their high pitches, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti.\"\n\nTogether they chorus, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\"": "Büyük davul, \"An a bul mba, an a bul mba, an a bul mba-mba-mba-mba bul\" diye ses çıkarır.\n\nKüçük davullar ise, \"Tindiri, tindiri tindiri ti\" şeklinde yüksek perdeden (tiz) ses çıkarır.\n\nBirlikte çalındıklarında, \"Tindiri mba, tindiri mba, tindiri mba-mba-mba-mba, tindiri ti!\" şeklinde bir melodi oluşur.", + "A duet is when two intruments are played together. Have you sung duets with your family or friends?": "Düet, iki enstrümanın birlikte çalınmasıdır. Siz ailenizle veya arkadaşlarınızla düet yaptınız mı hiç?", + "Make up a clapping duet. One person starts with a clapping pattern, and then the other person creates a clapping pattern that goes well with it.": "Bir alkış düeti oluşturun. Bir kişi alkışla bir ritim başlatsın ve ardından, diğer kişi bu ritme uygun bir alkış ritmi oluştursun.", + "When you hear music, listen for the instruments that create the beat.": "Müzik dinlerken, ritmi oluşturan enstrümanlara kulak verin.", + "STAGE 1 – I CAN HEAR YOU!": "AŞAMA 1- SENI DUYABILIYORUM!", + "What a wonderful time watching your young child learn about the world! They are little sponges observing everything going on around them and they can hear you! They play and experiment constantly, making sense of the world and learning how to crawl, walk, talk, and interact with all that they are experiencing.\n\nMathematics is a natural part of this world they are learning about. No matter what your experiences and feelings about math, this is your chance to make mathematics a playful and fun activity that your family does together.\n\nFor now, the main mathematical activity to do together will be exposing your child constantly to mathematical language and ideas. This is mostly just a matter of verbalizing what is going on in your head already. Counting things out loud as you work with them and naming items that your child plays with is what gets everything rolling.\n\nHave fun! This is an amazing time for your family!": "Küçük çocuğunuzun dünyayı keşfetmesini ve öğrenmesini izlemek ne kadar harika! Onlar etraflarında olup biten her şeyi gözlemleyen küçük süngerlerdir gibidirler ve her şeyi hızlıca kaparlar! Sürekli oynarlar ve deneyler yaparlar, dünyayı anlamlandırırlar ve yaşadıkları her şeyle nasıl yürüyeceklerini, konuşacaklarını ve etkileşimde bulunacaklarını öğrenirler.\n\nMatematik, öğrendikleri bu dünyanın doğal bir parçasıdır. Matematikle ilgili deneyimleriniz ve duygularınız ne olursa olsun, bu etkinlikler, matematiği birlikte yaptığı eğlenceli bir aile aktivitesi haline getirme şansınızdır.\n\nŞimdilik, birlikte yapılacağınız temel matematiksel aktivite çocuğunuzu sürekli olarak matematiksel dile ve fikirlere maruz bırakmak olacaktır. Yani çoğunlukla düşüncelerinizi sözlü olarak ifade etmeniz. Mesela, onlarla çalışırken bir şeyleri yüksek sesle saymak ve çocuğunuzun oynadığı öğeleri adlandırmak, her şeyin başlamasını sağlar.\n\nEğlenin! Bu aileniz için harika bir zaman!", + "* Have fun with math together! This is the most important thing. \n* Verbalize math - You do math all the time in your head – include your child by saying those thoughts out loud to your child all the time. \n* Point and describe - When you talk about something, point to it and then talk about it. If your child is ready, ask questions about it. \n* Expose - Your child is learning by being exposed to things. Your child will probably not un- derstand things initially, but by frequent exposure your child will pick up on the patterns and learn what is going on. \n* Count everything out loud. Count up and down. Include 0 sometimes. \n* Objects have properties that can be named, described, compared, and discussed. Those properties lead to discoveries of natural and human-made patterns.": "* Birlikte matematik ile eğlenin! Bu en önemli şey.\n* Matematiği sözlü hale getirin ve düşüncelerinizi çocuğunuza her zaman yüksek sesle söyleyerek çocuğunuzu dahil edin.\n* Vurgula ve işaret et- Bir şey hakkında konuştuğunuzda, ona işaret edin ve sonra bunun hakkında konuşun. Çocuğunuz hazırsa, bu konuda sorular sorun.\n* Maruz kalma- Çocuğunuz bir şeylere maruz kalarak öğreniyor. Çocuğunuz muhtemelen başlangıçta bir şeyleri anlamayacaktır, ancak sık sık maruz kalarak çocuğunuz kalıpları anlayacak ve neler olduğunu öğrenecektir.\n* Her şeyi yüksek sesle say. Yukarıdan aşağı ya da aşağıdan yukarıya say. Bazen 0'da dahil edin.\n* Nesneler, adlandırılabilen, tanımlanabilen, karşılaştırılabilen ve tartışılabilen özelliklere sahiptir. Bu özellikler, doğal ve insan yapımı örüntülerdeki tekrar eden kuralların keşfedilmesine yol açar.", + "MATH OUT LOUD – GENERAL": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – GENEL", + "**Exposure:** During these early ages, it is all about exposure! Your child is being exposed to a wide array of experiences and is discovering patterns in everything they sense. While exposing your child to the world, expose them to math words and ideas and let them see how enjoyable it can be to play with math together.\n\n**Start early:** Start this even before your child seems to understand what you're saying. Your child is a sponge who is getting more from your words than you realize.": "**Maruz kalma:** Her şey erken yaşlarda maruz kalmakla ilgilidir! Çocuğunuz çok çeşitli şeylere maruz kalıyor ve hissettikleri her şeyde tekrar eden kuralları veya örüntüleri keşfediyor. Çocuğunuzu dünyaya maruz kalırken, onlara matematik kelimelerini ve fikirlerini söyleyin ve birlikte matematiği keşfetmenin ne kadar keyifli olabileceğini görmelerine izin verin!\n\n**Erken yaşta başla:** Buna, çocuğunuzu ne dediğinizi anlamadığı dönemde bile başlayın. Çünkü çocuklar sözlerinizden sizin fark ettiğinizden daha fazlasını kaparlar.", + "**Point, describe and ask:** Point at things your child interacts with and describe them with words involving numbers, shapes, and colors. If you are dealing with a small set of things, count them out loud to your child. When your child is old enough, point to and ask questions about the things around them.": "**Vurgula, tanımla ve sor:** Çocuğunuzun etkileşime girdiği şeyleri vurgulayın. Ayrıca etkileşime girdiği şeyleri sayılar, şekiller ve renkler içeren kelimelerle tanımlayın. Az sayıda bir şeylerle uğraşıyorsanız, bunları çocuğunuza yüksek sesle sayın. Çocuğunuz yeterince büyüdüğünde, etrafındakileri tarif edin ve sorular sorun.", + "Many facets of Math Talk": "Matematik konuşmanın farklı yönler", + "There is much more math to talk about than just numbers.\n • Describe things. Talk about sizes, colors, textures, shapes, softness, wetness, hot- ness, brightness, and more. Naming and describing properties is essential for comparing them and discovering patterns. \n• Use comparison words. Bigger, smaller, tallest, widest, more, less, same, ... \n• Use position words. Over, under, between, near, far, above, ... \n• Talk about patterns and sequences in space and time. Refer to the order of things as first, second, third, and last. Talk about what just happened, what is about to happen, and things happening today. Talk about patterns in designs you see. \n• Count things out loud and say numbers to refer to quantities. \n• Talk about adding or taking away one or two things from a collection. \n• Use measurement words. Use words like inch, centimeter, foot, meter, mile, kilometer, cup, liter, quart, and more to refer to the sizes of things.": "Matematikte sayılardan çok daha fazla matematik hakkında konuşulacak şey var.\n\n* Objeleri tarif et. Boyutlar, renkler, dokular, şekiller, yumuşaklık, ıslaklık, sıcaklık, parlaklık ve daha fazlası hakkında konuşun. Özellikleri adlandırmak ve tanımlamak, bunları karşılaştırmak ve tekrar eden kuralların keşfetmek için gereklidir.\n* Karşılaştırma sözcükleri kullanın. Daha büyük, daha küçük, en uzun, en geniş, daha fazla, daha az, aynı, ...\n* Konum sözcüklerini kullanın. Üstünde, altında, arasında, yakınında, uzağında, ...\n* Konum ve zamandaki tekrar eden kurallar ve diziler hakkında konuşun. Objelerin sırasını birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve son olarak adlandırın. Az önce ne olduğu daha sonra ne olacağı ve bugün olan şeyler hakkında konuşun. Gördüğünüz tasarımlardaki desenler hakkında konuşun.\n* Bir şeyleri yüksek sesle sayın ve miktarları vurgulamak için sayıları söyleyin.\n* Bir koleksiyondan bir veya iki şey ekleme veya çıkarma hakkında konuşun.\n* Ölçüm kelimeleri kullanın. Objelerin boyutlarına vurgulamak için santimetre, ayak, metre, santimetre, kilometre, fincan, litre ve daha fazlası gibi kelimeler kullanın.", + "**This is all math:** These different ways of describing things and their relationships is talking about math! Building up this vocabulary and concepts will help your child develop mathematically, and it will also give a big boost to helping your child read and talk about the world.": "**Bunlar hep matematik:** Farklı objeler arasındaki ilişkileri tanımlamanın bu farklı yolların hepsi aslında matematik! Bu ifadeler, çocuğunuzun kelime dağarcığını ve kavramsal gelişimini destekleyerek matematiksel becerilerini güçlendirecek, aynı zamanda dünyayı anlamasına ve iletişim kurmasına büyük katkı sağlayacaktır.", + "MATH OUT LOUD – STORYTIME": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – HIKAYE ZAMANI", + "**It's cozy:** Storytime is a wonderful chance to do a bit of math with your child in a cozy setting. This builds up happy associations with math for you and your child.\n\n**Discuss as you read:** As you read a story with your child, talk about things in the pictures and in the story. If there is a big yellow sun, point to the sun and say: “The sun is round and it is yellow. The wall of this room is also yellow. Point to something round in this room.”": "**Çok Kolay:** Hikâye zamanı, çocuğunuzla rahat bir ortamda biraz matematik yapmak için harika bir fırsat. Bu, sizin ve çocuğunuz için matematikle mutlu ilişkiler kurmanızı sağlar.\n\n**Okurken Konusun:** Çocuğunuzla bir hikâye okurken, resimlerdeki ve hikayedeki her şey hakkında konuşun. Eğer büyük ve sarı bir güneş varsa, güneşi gösterin ve şöyle deyin: 'Güneş yuvarlaktır ve sarıdır. Bu odanın duvarı da sarıdır. Ve bu odada yuvarlak bir şeye işaret edin.", + "As your child gets older, count together, such as the yellow flower petals in this picture, or ask your child to point to things you describe. In addition to discussing the characters in the story, discuss all the things you would if you were seeing these things in the world around you.": "Çocuğunuz büyüdükçe birlikte sayın, örneğin resimdeki sarı çiçeğin yaprakları gibi, ya da çocuğunuzun işaret etmesini istediğiniz şeyleri tarif edin. Hikayedeki karakterleri tartışmanın yanı sıra, etrafınızda gördüğünüz şeyleri tartışın.", + "EFM Storybooks": "EFM, Hikaye Kitapları", + "EFM provides free picture storybooks as PDFs. Each book has suggested comments or questions to use while reading. Use these same math discussion ideas in your day-to-day activities with your child.": "EFM, PDF olarak ücretsiz resimli hikâye kitapları sağlar. Her kitapta, okurken kullanabileceğiniz önerilen yorumlar veya sorular var. Günlük etkinliklerinizde çocuğunuzla bu matematik tartışma fikirlerini kullanın.", + "MATH OUT LOUD – HOME ROUTINES": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK- EV RUTINLERI", + "**Doing laundry:** When doing laundry, sort by similarities and differences – colors and sizes\n\n**Cleaning up an area:** Which things belong together and why? If you have a box, does it go into, under, over, or inside something else? Do things that are the same shape go together? Is there a special place for round things or triangular things? Which toys belong together?\n\n**Going to sleep and getting up:** Both of these situations lend themselves to discussing doing things in sequence, and practicing words like first, second, third, last, and next. Where do dirty clothes go? How do you decide which clothes you should wear together when you get dressed?": "**Çamaşır yıkamak:** Çamaşır yıkarken çamaşırları benzerliklere ve farklılıklara göre sıralayın- renkler ve boyutlar\n\n**Bir yeri temizlemek:** Hangi eşyalar/objeler ayni kategoridedir ve neden? Bir kutunuz varsa, başka bir şeyin üstüne mi, altına mı yoksa içine mi giriyor? Aynı şekildeki eşyalar/objeler bir araya geliyor mu? Yuvarlak eşyalar veya üçgen eşyalar için özel bir yer var mı? Hangi oyuncaklar bir araya gelmeli?\n\n**Uyumak ve kalkmak:** Her iki durum da sırayla işler yapmayı tartışmak için uygundur ve “ilk\", “ikinci\", “üçüncü\", “sonuncu\" ve “sonraki\" gibi kelimeleri pratik yapmak için fırsat sunar. Kirli giysiler nereye gider? Giyinirken hangi kıyafetleri birlikte giymeniz gerektiğine nasıl karar verirsiniz?", + "MATH OUT LOUD – MEALTIME": "YÜKSEK SESLI MATEMATIK- YEMEK ZAMANI", + "**Cooking:** As you follow a recipe or prepare some food, involve your child in counting out or measuring the ingredients, and talk about the sequence of steps. If they are not ready to do the steps themselves, have them 'oversee' your work.\n\n**Table setting and clearing:** When setting the table, count how many people there will be, and then discuss which things (plate, fork, glass) each person will need. Do some people need different glasses for different drinks?\n\nWhen you put the food out, how do you figure out how much food to provide? If you have six pieces of fruit for three people, how many should each person get to share it fairly?\n\nWhen you clean up, are there some things that get cleaned in a different way than others? How can you tell when a lid matches a pot or pan? Which kinds of things get put away in which places?\n\n**Putting graceries away:** When putting away groceries, talk about the types of things that go together. Which things need refrigeration? Where do the cans go? Where is there space for the big box? Use lots of relation words such as above, under, around, and between.": "**Yemek pişirme:** Bir tarifi yaparken veya yemek hazırlarken, çocuğunuzu malzemeleri saymaya veya ölçmeye dahil edin ve adımların sırası hakkında konuşun. Adımları kendileri yapmaya hazır değillerse, çalışmalarınızı gözlemlemelerini sağlayın.\n\n**Masa kurma ve temizleme:** Yemek masasını kurarken, kaç kişi olacağını sayın ve ardından her kişinin neye ihtiyaç duyacağını (tabak, çatal, cam) tartışın. Bazı kişiler farklı içecekler için farklı bardaklara ihtiyaçları var mı?\n\nYemeği servis ederken, tabaklara ne kadar yemek koymanız gerektiğini nasıl belirlersiniz? Eğer altı farklı meyveniz varsa ve bunları üç kişiye adil bir şekilde paylaştırdığınızda her bir kişi kaç tane meyve alır?\n\nTemizlik yaparken, bazı şeylerin diğerlerinden farklı bir şekilde temizlendiği oluyor mu? Bir kapak bir tencere veya tavaya uyduğunda nasıl anlayabilirsiniz? Hangi tür eşyalar hangi yerlere kaldırılır?\n\n**Market malzemelerini yerleştirme:** Market alışverişi yaparken, bir araya gelen türler hakkında konuşun. Hangi şeyler buzdolabına kaldırılmalı? Kavanozlar nereye yerleştirilmeli? Büyük kutular nereye konulmalı? Yukarıda, altında, çevresinde ve arasında gibi birçok ilişki kelimesi kullanın!", + "MATH OUT LOUD – PLAYTIME": "YÜKSEK SESLE MATEMATIK – OYUN ZAMANI", + "While playing at home or in a park, there is much mathematics to point out and describe.\n\n**In the playground:** Count the children, the number of swings, the number of steps, or anything else. Comment about where there is more of one thing than another.": "Evde veya parkta oynarken, konuşulması ve fark edilmesi gereken çok fazla matematik var.\n\n**Oyun parkında:** Salıncaktaki çocukları, adım sayıları veya herhangi bir şeyin kaç tane olduğunu sayın. Oyun parkında bir şeyin diğerinden daha fazla olduğu bir yer hakkında konuşun.", + "**On the swings:** Pushing your child on the swings is a perfect opportunity to count with your child. With each push, count “1, 2, 3, 4, 5.” After your child starts learning how to count to 5, counting down from 5 is also a good idea. Start or end at 0 sometimes.": "**Salıncakta:** Çocuğunuzu sallamak, çocuğunuzla birlikte saymak için mükemmel bir fırsattır. Her seferinde “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” şeklinde sayın. Çocuğunuz 5'e kadar saymayı öğrendikten sonra 5’ten geriye saymakta iyi bir fikir. Bazen 0’dan başlayıp 0’da bitirin.", + "Point out the circles, curves, straight lines, triangles, and rectangles in the play area. Talk about how some things are over, under, between, or on top of other things.\n\n**At home:** Compare sizes when building with toys or blocks – Which tower is the tallest; Can you make two towers the same height? Describe and compare the sizes, numbers, colors of your toys, animals in pictures, or things you can see outside. If you are making a jigsaw puzzle, describe the shape and color of the piece you need.": "Oyun alanındaki daireleri, eğrileri, düz çizgileri, üçgenleri ve dikdörtgenleri vurgulayın. Bazı objelerin diğer şeylerin üstünde, altında, arasında veya üstünde nasıl olduğu hakkında konuşun.\n\n**Evde:** Oyuncaklar veya bloklarla kule inşa ederken boyutları karşılaştırın – Hangi kule en uzun; Aynı uzunlukta iki kule yapabilir misiniz? Oyuncaklarınızın boyutlarını, sayılarını, renklerini, resimlerdeki hayvanları veya dışarıda görebileceğiniz şeyleri tanımlayın ve karşılaştırın. Bir yapboz yapıyorsanız, ihtiyacınız olan parçanın şeklini ve rengini açıklayın.", + "A Very Tall Man": "Çok Uzun Bir Adam", + "This story looks at counting to 5, descriptions, and comparisons. Practice describing words: too, very, short, tall, long, low, high, big, small; color names; and comparison words: shorter, taller, longer, lower, higher, bigger, smaller": "Bu hikâye 5’e kadar saymayı, betimlemeleri ve karşılaştırmaları içerir. Renk isimlerinin haricinde şu betimleme sözcükleriyle: çok fazla, çok, kısa, uzun, alçak, yüksek, büyük, küçük ve şu karşılaştırma sözcükleriyle alıştırma yapın: daha kısa, daha uzun, daha alçak, daha yüksek, daha büyük, daha küçük.", + "Akadeli's Lucky Day": "Akadeli'nin Şanslı Günü", + "This story has counting to 12, colors, and shapes. Practice words: one, two, to twelve, estimate, take away, color names, shortest, tallest, similar, and different.": "Bu hikâyede 12’ye kadar sayma, renkler ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 1’den 12’ye kadar sayılar, değer biçme (kestirme), çıkarma, renklerin adları, en kısa, en uzun, benzer, farklı.", + "Can We Count Our Cats?": "Kedilerimizi Sayabilir Miyiz?", + "This story looks at counting from 0 to 9, colors, and color patterns. Practice counting words, color words, words like: too many, biggest number, smallest number, one more, and one less.": "Bu hikâye, 0’dan 9’a kadar saymayı, renkleri ve renk desenleri konularını ele alır. Sayma sözcüklerini ve renklerin isimlerini, şu kelimeler ile alıştırma yapın: çok fazla, en büyük sayı, en küçük sayı, bir fazla, bir eksik.", + "Cat and Dog and the Ball": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Top", + "This story has counting to 6, colors, and descriptions. Practice counting words, color names, and words: high, too, similar, different, smallest, biggest, short, tall, biggest, smallest, fewer, and more.": "Bu hikâye 6’ya kadar saymayı, renkleri ve tanımlamaları içerir. Sayma kelimelerini ve renk isimlerini şu sözcükleri kullanarak alıştırma yapın: yüksek, çok fazla, benzer, farklı, en küçük, en büyük, kısa, uzun, daha az sayıda, daha fazla.", + "Cat and Dog and the Butterfly": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Kelebek", + "This story has speed descriptions, colors, and counting to 6. Practice counting words, color words, and these words: very, too, fast, slow, faster, slower, fastest, slowest, most, and least.": "Bu hikâye hız tanımlarını, renkleri ve 6’ya kadar saymayı içerir. Sayma sözcükleri ve renk sözcüklerinin yanında, şu sözcükleri de kullanarak alıştırma yapın: çok, çok fazla, hızlı, yavaş, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, en hızlı, en yavaş, en çok, en az.", + "Cat and Dog and the Egg": "Kedi ve Köpek ve Yumurta", + "This story has counting to 5, comparing, colors, and shapes. Practice words: round, above, below, similar, round, kite, different, bigger, and longer.": "Bu hikâye 5’e kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmayı, renkleri ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma Kelimeleri: yuvarlak, üstte, altta, benzer, uçurtma, farklı, daha büyük, daha uzun.", + "Cat and Dog: Dog Is Cold": "Kedi ve Köpek: Köpek Üşüyor", + "This story talks about extremes of describing words, and counting to 6 with one more or one less. Words to practice are: too, cold, warm, hot, light, dark, day, night, clean, dirty, small, big, short, long, wet, dry, thin, thick, low, high, new, and old.": "Bu hikâye, aşırı durumları anlatan kelimelerden ve sayının bir eksiği veya bir fazlasıyla 6’ya kadar saymaktan bahsetmektedir. Alıştırma yapmanız gereken kelimeler: çok, soğuk, ılık, sıcak, aydınlık, karanlık, gün, gece, temiz, kirli, küçük, büyük, kısa, uzun, ıslak, kuru, ince, kalın, alçak, yüksek, yeni, eski.", + "Clever Cat": "Akıllı Kedi", + "This story has geometry ideas and colors. Practice words: square, rectangle, circle, concentric, open, closed, least, little, small, big, and color names.": "Bu hikâye geometri fikirlerini ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kare, dikdörtgen, çember, eş merkezli, açık, kapalı, en az, çok az, küçük, büyük, renklerin isimleri.", + "Colors of a Rainbow": "Bir Gökkuşağının Renkleri", + "This story talks about the numbers to seven, the ordinals to seventh, and colors. Practice the words: one, two, three, to seven; the ordinals first, second, third, to seventh; and the many names of colors.": "Bu hikâye yediye kadar sayılardan, yedinciye kadar sıralamalardan ve renklerden bahseder. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 1’den 7’ye kadar sayılar; birinci, ikinci, üçüncüden yedinciye kadar sıralamalar; renkler.", + "Counting Animals": "Hayvanları Sayalım", + "This story has counting to 9 and number and size comparisons. Practice words: one, two, to nine, big, small, most, least, one more, and one less.": "Bu hikâye 9’a kadar saymayı ve sayı ile boyut karşılaştırmalarını içerir. Alıştırma kelimeleri: bir, iki, üç, dört, beş, altı, yedi, sekiz, dokuz, büyük, küçük, en çok, en az, bir tane daha (bir fazla), bir tane daha az (bir az).", + "Creature with Two": "İki’li Yaratık", + "This story has counting to seven and shapes. Practice words: small numbers, especially one and two; and comparing words such as more, equal, same, and less. Also, talk about squares, circles, solids, stripes, bigger, and smaller.": "Bu hikâyede yediye kadar sayma ve şekiller var. Alıştırma kelimeleri: küçük sayılar (özellikle, bir ve iki) ve karşılaştırma sözcükleri (daha fazla, eşit, aynı, daha az). Bunların yanında, kareler, daireler, düz renkler, çizgiler (şeritler), daha büyük ve daha küçük kelimeleri hakkında da konuşabilirsiniz.", + "Drum": "Davul", + "This story has patterns, sizes, and shapes. Practice words: size, big, little, medium, small, same, shape, and pattern.": "Bu hikâyede ritimler, boyutlar ve şekiller var. Pratik yapmanız gereken kelimeler: boyutlar, çok küçük, küçük, orta, büyük, aynı, şekil, ritim.", + "Fana Loves Animals": "Fana Hayvanları Çok Seviyor", + "This story has quantities to ten, comparing, and colors. Practice words: counting to ten, most, more, less, bigger, smaller, shortest, tallest, color names, solid, striped, and checkerboard.": "Bu hikâye, 10’a kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmaları ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, en çok, daha çok, daha az, daha büyük, daha küçük, en kısa, en uzun, renklerin isimleri, düz, çizgili, kareli.", + "Feelings": "Hisler", + "This story has quantities up to ten. Practice words: how many, one more, most, and least.": "Bu hikâye 10’a kadar sayıları içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç tane, bir fazla, en çok, en az.", + "Flower Blind": "Çiçek Körü", + "This story has quantities to 10, comparing quantities, and shapes. Practice words: how many, most, least, one more, how many more, difference, rectangle, square, circle, and round.": "Bu öyküde 10'a kadar sayılar, miktarların karşılaştırılması ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç (tane), en çok, en az, bir fazla, kaç fazla, fark, dikdörtgen, kare, daire, yuvarlak.", + "Friends": "Arkadaşlar", + "This story has counting to 6, colors, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to six, one more, two more, one less, two less, color names, stripes, solids, pentagon, hexagon, round, same, and different.": "Bu hikâye 6’ya kadar saymayı, renkleri ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: kaç tane, altıya kadar sayılar, bir fazla, iki fazla, bir eksik, iki eksik, renkler, çizgiler (şeritler), düz renkler, beşgen, altıgen, yuvarlak, aynı, farklı.", + "How the Toad Got its Skin": "Kara Kurbağası Derisini Nasıl Elde Etti?", + "This story has counting to 16, shapes, and colors. Practice words: counting by 2's or 4's, more, less, one more, color names, circle, center, and concentric.": "Bu hikâye 16'ya kadar saymayı, şekilleri ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: Tek tek, ikişer ikişer veya dörder dörder sayma, daha fazla, daha az, bir fazla, renk isimleri, daire, merkez, eş merkezli.", + "Look at the Animals": "Hayvanlara Bakın!", + "This story has small quantities up to 8. Practice words: numbers to 8, how many, one more, small, and large.": "Bu hikâyede 8'e kadar olan sayılar vardır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 8’e kadar sayılar, kaç tane, bir fazlası, küçük, büyük.", + "My School Clothes": "Okul Kıyafetlerim", + "This story has counting to 5, shapes, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, color names, too, too big, too small, just right, matching colors, and rectangle.": "Bu hikâyede 5’e kadar sayma, şekiller ve renkler var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: Beşe kadar sayılar, renklerin adları, çok, çok büyük, çok küçük, tam ölçüsünde (doğru bedende), eşleşen (uyumlu) renkler, dikdörtgen.", + "Palm Tree": "Palmiye Ağacı", + "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, how many, estimate, counting by 2's, more, less, difference, round shape, box shape, loop, and pattern.": "Bu hikâye 12'ye kadar saymayı, karşılaştırmayı ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 12'ye kadar sayılar, kaç tane, değer biçme (kestirme), tahmin etme, ikişer ikişer sayma, daha fazla, daha az, fark, yuvarlak şekil, kutu şekli, halka (ilmek), desen.", + "Pendo, Our Cow": "Pendo, İneğimiz", + "This story has quantities up to six and comparing. Practice words: numbers to six, more, most, less, least, and rectangle.": "Bu hikâyede altıya kadar sayılar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: altıya kadar sayılar, daha çok, en çok, daha az, en az, dikdörtgen.", + "The Day the Sun Went Away": "Güneşin Gittiği Gün", + "This story has counting to 7, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 7, how many, same, less, more, one more, one less, too, too many, round, sphere, ball, cylinder, warm, warmer, cool, and cooler.": "Bu hikâyede yediye kadar saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: Yediye kadar sayılar, kaç tane, aynı, daha az, daha fazla, bir fazla, bir eksik, çok, çok fazla, yuvarlak, küre, top, silindir, sıcak, daha sıcak, serin, daha serin.", + "Visiting Grandmother": "Büyükanneyi Ziyaret", + "This story has counting to 10 and shapes. Practice words: numbers up to 10, one more, two more, three more, counting by 2's, equal, rectangle, circle, concentric, straight, and curved.": "Bu hikâye 10’a kadar saymayı ve şekilleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, bir fazla, iki fazla, üç fazla, ikişer ikişer sayma, eşit, dikdörtgen, daire, eş merkezli, düz, eğri.", + "Where Is Lulu?": "Lulu Nerede?", + "This story has counting to 10, comparing sizes, and geometry. Practice words: numbers to 10, one more, one less, less, more, small, big, too, too big, smallest, largest, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, cylinder, same, on, under, and on top of.": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar sayma, büyüklüklerin karşılaştırılması ve geometri var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, bir fazla, bir az, daha az, daha çok, küçük, büyük, çok, çok büyük, en küçük, en büyük, üçgen, dikdörtgen, beşgen, silindir, aynı, üzerinde, altında, en üstte, en tepede (en üstte).", + "Where Is My Bat?": "Raketim Nerede?", + "This story has counting to 7, relationship words, and shapes. Practice words: how many, numbers to 7, one more, one less, behind, inside, on, high, too high, under, rectangle, box, and vertical line.": "Bu hikâye yediye kadar sayma, ilişki kurma kelimeleri ve şekilleri içermektedir. Alıştırma Sözcükleri: kaç tane, yediye kadar sayılar, bir fazla, bir eksik, arkasında, içinde, üstünde, yüksek, çok yüksek, altında, dikdörtgen, kutu, dikey çizgi.", + "Where Is My Cat?": "Benim Kedim Nerede?", + "This story has counting to 5, relationship words, and colors. Practice words: numbers to 5, under, on top of, over, behind, next to, inside, outside, color names, straight, and curved.": "Bu hikâye, 5’e kadar saymayı, ilişki kurma sözcüklerini ve renkleri içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 5’e kadar sayılar, altında, en üstünde, tepesinde, üzerinde, arkasında, yanında, içinde, dışında, renklerin isimleri, düz, eğri.", + "A Dancer's Tale": "Bir Dansçının Hikâyesi: Phyllis Spira", + "This story has counting to 12, comparing, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 12, smallest, shortest, longest, more, less, circle, arc, triangle, rectangle, right angle, straight lines, diagonal, shapes made with lines, Y shape.": "Bu hikâyede 12’ye kadar saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 12’ye kadar sayılar, en küçük, en kısa, en uzun, daha fazlası (daha çok), daha az, daire, yay, üçgen, dikdörtgen, dik açı, düz çizgiler, köşegen, çizgilerle yapılmış şekiller, Y şekli.", + "A Fish and a Gift": "Bir Balık ve Bir Hediye", + "This story has counting to 8, descriptions and comparisons, and shapes. Practice words: numbers to 8, earlier, later, dark, faster, down, backwards, longest, more, little, different, triangle, rectangle, line, side, straight, horizon, and horizontal.": "Bu hikâyede on’a kadar saymalar, tanımlamalar, karşılaştırmalar ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: on’a kadar sayılar, daha erken, daha sonra, karanlık, daha hızlı, aşağı, geriye doğru, en uzun, daha çok (daha fazlası), çok az, farklı, üçgen, dikdörtgen, çizgi, kenar, düz, ufuk, yatay.", + "Aku the Sun Maker": "Aku – Güneş Toplayıcı", + "This story has colors, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: white, red, yellow, orange, brown, rainbow colors, same, matching, different, difference, long, longer, short, very, curved, straight, round, triangle, and rectangle.": "Bu öyküde renkler, tanımlamalar ve şekiller yer almaktadır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: beyaz, kırmızı, sarı, turuncu, kahverengi, gökkuşağı renkleri, aynı, eşleşen, farklı, fark, uzun, daha uzun, kısa, çok, kavisli, düz, yuvarlak, üçgen, dikdörtgen.", + "Amazing Daisy": "Muhteşem Daisy", + "This story has geometry and shape ideas. Practice words: circle, rectangle, sides, corner, vertical line, horizontal line, big, small, low, and high": "Bu hikâyede geometri ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daire, dikdörtgen, kenarlar, köşe, dikey çizgi, yatay çizgi, büyük, küçük, alçak, yüksek.", + "Cassava and Palm": "Manyok ve Palmiye", + "This story has counting to 20, descriptions, and shapes. Practice words: very, extremely, more, difference, rectangle, square, round, cone, triangle, alike, different, dividing by 1, 2, and 1/2, vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, oldest, youngest, inside, and outside.": "Bu hikâyede 20’ye kadar saymalar, betimlemeler ve şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: çok, aşırı bir şekilde, daha çok, fark, dikdörtgen, kare, yuvarlak, koni, üçgen, benzer, farklı, 1’e, 2’ye ve ½’ye bölme, dikey, yatay, dik, en yaşlı, en genç, içeride, dışarıda.", + "Cat and Dog Draw and Color": "Kedi ve Köpek Çiziyor ve Boyuyor", + "This story has shapes, comparisons, and skip counting. Practice words: rectangle, square, oval, circle, arc, triangle, line, straight, curved, mirror symmetry, similar, different, less, same, more, pair, difference, right, left, skip counting by 2's, 3's, and 5's.": "Bu hikâye şekilleri, karşılaştırmaları ve atlayarak saymayı içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: dikdörtgen, kare, oval, daire, yay, üçgen, çizgi, düz, eğri, ayna simetrisi, benzer, farklı, daha az, aynı, daha fazla, çift, fark, sağ, sol, ikişer ikişer, üçer üçer ve beşer beşer ritmik (atlayarak) sayma.", + "Curious Baby Elephant": "Meraklı Yavru Fil", + "This story has skip counting and number properties. Practice words: skip counting, counting by a number, even, odd, more, less, above, and below.": "Bu öyküde atlayarak saymalar ve sayıların özellikleri var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: atlayarak (ritmik) sayma, belli bir sayı ile sayma, çift, tek, daha fazla, daha az, yukarıda, aşağıda.", + "Father's Advice": "Babanın Tavsiyesi", + "This story has shapes and skip counting. Practice words: round, cone, rectangle, long, vertical line, horizontal line, right angle, steep, zero, adding one, skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, and 6's.": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve atlayarak saymalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yuvarlak, koni, dikdörtgen, uzun, dikey çizgi, yatay çizgi, dik açı, dik (sarp), sıfır, artı bir ekleme, ikişerli, üçerli, dörderli ve altışarlı atlayarak (ritmik) saymalar.", + "Fati and the Green Snake": "Fati ve Yeşil Yılan", + "This story has counting to 10 and comparing sizes. Practice words: numbers to 10, big, bigger, small, smaller, wide, wider, narrow, narrower, more, less, same, one more, and twice.": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar saymalar ve vücutları karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, büyük, daha büyük, küçük, daha küçük, geniş, daha geniş, dar, daha dar, daha çok, daha az, aynı, bir fazlası, iki katı.", + "How Many?": "Kaç Tane?", + "This story has counting to 14 and skip counting. Practice words: numbers to 14, skip counting, more, fewer, one more, three more, and double.": "Bu hikâye, 14’e kadar saymayı ve atlayarak saymayı içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 14’e kadar sayılar, atlayarak sayma (ritmik sayma), daha fazla, daha az, bir fazlası (bir tane daha), üç fazlası (üç tane daha), iki katı.", + "I Love Forests": "Ormanları Seviyorum", + "This story has counting to ten and comparing quantities. Practice words: numbers to ten, counting by 2's, one more, one less, most, and least.": "Bu hikâyede 10’a kadar saymalar ve miktarları karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar sayılar, ikişer ikişer sayma, bir fazla(sı), bir az(ı), en çok, en az.", + "Is There Anyone Like Me?": "Benim Gibi Başka Biri Var mı?", + "This story has counting to 8 and comparing. Practice words: one more, one less, take away, fact family, symmetry, mirror symmetry, similarity, difference, and same.": "Bu hikâyede 8’e kadar saymalar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: bir fazla(sı), bir az(ı), çıkarma (alıp götürme), işlem ailesi, simetri, ayna simetrisi, benzerlik, farklılık, fark, aynı.", + "Listen to My Body": "Vücudumu Dinleyin", + "This story has counting to 10 and comparing. Practice words: more, less, difference, and counting by 2's.": "Bu hikâyede 20’ye kadar saymalar ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daha fazla, daha az, fark, ikişer ikişer ritmik sayma.", + "Little Jojo's Long Tall Tale": "Küçük Jojo’nun Uzun Hikâyesi", + "This story has many shapes. Practice words: circle, round, short, polygon, side, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, square, rectangle, diamond, rhombus, cone, pattern, concentric circles, colors, tall, tallest, far, farthest, long, half, pair, add, subtract, easy, hard, easier, harder, and problem solving.": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: daire, çember, yuvarlak, kısa, çokgen, kenar, üçgen, dörtgen, beşgen, altıgen, kare, dikdörtgen, elmas, eşkenar dörtgen, koni, desen, eş merkezli daireler, renkler, uzun, en uzun, uzak, en uzak, yarım, çift, toplama, çıkarma, kolay, daha kolay, zor, daha zor, problem çözme.", + "Lory Dory": "Lory Dory", + "This story has shapes and descriptions. Practice words: thin, pairs, line, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, negative space, different, triangle, side, straight, sphere, circle, arc, red, blue, right, left, and skip count by 5's.": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve betimlemeler var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: ince, çiftler halinde, çizgi, paralel, yatay, dikey, dik, negatif uzay, farklı, üçgen, yan, düz, küre, daire, yay, kırmızı, mavi, sağ, sol, beşer beşer ritmik (atlayarak) sayma.", + "Maguru Gives Legs": "Maguru Bacak Dağıtıyor!", + "This story has shapes and groupings. Practice words: long, round, cone, flat, rectangle, square, close, closer, estimate, skip counting by 2's and 4's, colors, more, less, object properties, grouping by property, fewer, first, last, after, before, faster, slower, none, and zero.": "Bu hikâyede şekiller ve gruplamalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: uzun, yuvarlak, koni, düz, dikdörtgen, kare, yakın, daha yakın, tahmin, ikişer ikişer ve dörder dörder atlayarak (ritmik) sayma, renkler, daha fazla, daha az, nesne özellikleri, özelliğe göre gruplama, daha az sayıda, ilk, son, sonra, önce, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, hiçbiri, sıfır.", + "Sun Moon and Water": "Güneş, Ay ve Su", + "This story has many shapes. Practice words: rainbow, circle, arc, polygon, rectangle, pentagon, big, large, straight, curved, box, top, many, color names, rainbow, next, and too much.": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: gökkuşağı, daire, çember, yay, poligon, dikdörtgen, beşgen, büyük, geniş, düz, eğri, kutu, en üst (tepe), fazla, renk isimleri, yanında, çok fazla.", + "Tortoise Finds his House": "Kaplumbağa Evini Buluyor", + "This story has descriptions and comparisons. Practice words: high, on, onto, average, speed, 5 times, pairs, odd, even, sharing, too, very, fast, long, distance, light, heavy, lower, higher, different, estimate, more, stronger, vertically, diagonally, parallel lines, and big.": "Bu hikâyede betimlemeler ve karşılaştırmalar var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yüksek, üzerinde, üzerine, ortalama, hız, sürat, 5 kez, çift halde, tek sayı, çift sayı, paylaşım (paylaşma), çok fazla, çok, hızlı, uzun, mesafe, hafif, ağır, daha düşük, daha yüksek, farklı, tahmin, daha çok, daha güçlü, dikey, çapraz, paralel çizgiler, büyük.", + "Horses of Debre Birhan": "Debre Birhan’ın Atları", + "This story has comparing words and counting in groups. Practice words: heavy, faster, enough, more than, too tight, very, old, skip counting by 2's and 4's, equal sharing, pair, pairing, odd, even, estimate, hundred, thousand, million, side, opposite side, round, and rectangle.": "Bu hikâye, karşılaştırma sözcüklerini ve gruplar halinde saymaları içerir. Şu kelimeleri kullanarak alıştırma yapın: ağır, daha hızlı, yeterli, daha fazla, çok sıkı, çok, eski, ikişer ikişer ve dörder dörder atlayarak sayma, eşit paylaşım, çift, eşleştirme, tek sayı, çift, tahmin (değer biçme), yüz, bin, milyon, yan taraf, karşı taraf, yuvarlak, dikdörtgen.", + "Hyena and Tortoise": "Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa", + "This story has shapes and quantities. Practice words: round, cone, different shape, hexagon, regular hexagon, tile designs, squares, patterns, more, less, fewer, same, equal, number difference, estimate, stronger, weaker, faster, slower, slowly, and speed.": "Bu hikâye, şekilleri ve miktarları içerir. Alıştırma sözcükleri: yuvarlak, koni, farklı şekil, altıgen, düzgün altıgen, fayans tasarımları, kareler, desenler, daha çok, daha az, daha az sayıda, aynı, eşit, sayı farkı, tahmin, daha güçlü, daha zayıf, daha hızlı, daha yavaş, yavaşça, hız (sürat).", + "Singing the Truth: The Story of Miriam Makeba": "Gerçeği Şarkıyla Söylemek: Miriam Makeba'nın Hikâyesi", + "This story has lots of shapes. Practice words: shape, rectangle, straight, circle, arc, oval, arch, cone, ellipse, different, same, flat, outline, and stripe.": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü şekiller var. Alıştırma sözcükleri: şekil, dikdörtgen, düz çizgi, daire, çember, yay, oval, kemer, koni, elips, farklı, aynı, düz yüzey, ana hat, şerit.", + "Who Can Count to Ten?": "Kim 10’a Kadar Sayabilir?", + "This story has counting, comparisons, and problem solving. Practice words: numbers to ten, skip counting, counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 10's, odd numbers, more, difference, add, combination, total, stripes, spots, big, biggest, fast, fastest, strong, strongest, large largest, high, higher, pattern, and problem solving.": "Bu hikâyede saymalar, karşılaştırmalar ve problem çözmeler ele alınmaktadır. Alıştırma sözcükleri: 10’a kadar ve 10’dan büyük sayılar, ikişer ikişer, üçer üçer, dörder dörder, beşer beşer ve on’ar on’ar atlayarak saymalar, tek sayılar, daha fazla (daha çok), fark, toplama, kombinasyon, toplam, çizgiler (şeritler), noktalar (benekler, lekeler), büyük, en büyük, hızlı, en hızlı, güçlü, en güçlü, geniş, en geniş, yüksek, daha yüksek, örüntü (desen), problem çözme.", + "Fana and her family live in a busy town.": "Fana ve ailesi hareketli bir kasabada yaşıyorlar.", + "Fana lives in a very colorful town. Is your town colorful too?": "Fana çok renkli bir kasabada yaşıyor. Sizin kasabanız da renkli mi?", + "Point at and name all the colors of the clothes and buildings.": "Bu resimdeki kıyafetlerin ve binaların renklerini gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "Fana has a cat, two hens, a goat and a dove.": "Fana’nın bir kedisi, iki tavuğu, bir keçisi ve bir kumrusu var.", + "How many animals does Fana have?": "Fana’nın kaç tane hayvanı var?", + "Which animal does Fana have the most of?": "Fana’da en çok hangi hayvandan var?", + "Most people living in a city do not have so many different animals.": "Şehirde yaşayan çoğu insan bu kadar çok farklı hayvana sahip değildir.", + "One day, Fana saw other children throwing stones at doves.": "Bir gün, Fana diğer çocukların kumrulara taş attıklarını gördü.", + "Throwing stones at animals is a mean thing to do!": "Hayvanlara taş atmak kötü bir davranıştır!", + "What would you do if you saw someone doing something that was mean?": "Birinin kötü bir şey yaptığını görseydiniz ne yapardınız?", + "Count all the birds. Which is more and which is less -- birds in the air or birds on the ground?": "Bütün kuşları sayın. Hangisi daha fazla ve hangisi daha az – havadaki kuşlar mı yoksa yerdeki kuşlar mı?", + "Fana ran towards the children.\n\nShe shouted, \"Stop throwing stones!\"": "Fana çocukların yanına doğru koştu.\n\n\"Taş atmayı bırakın!\" diye bağırdı.", + "It is not easy to tell other people that you think they are being bad. Why did Fana do it?": "Diğer insanlara kötü davrandıklarını düşündüğünüzü söylemek kolay değildir. Fana bunu neden yaptı?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out rectangles you see in this picture.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde gördüğünüz dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "Do you see any rectangles around where you are?": "Bulunduğunuz yerde, etrafınızda hiç dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz?", + "Fana took the two doves home to look after them.": "Fana iki kumruyu bakmak için evine götürdü.", + "It is very nice of Fana to help these animals. It can be dangerous to handle wild animals.": "Fana'nın bu hayvanlara yardım etmesi çok hoş. Vahşi hayvanlarla ilgilenmek tehlikeli olabilir.", + "Count the number of people and the number of birds. Which group is bigger and which group is smaller?": "Resimdeki insanları ve kuşları sayın. Hangi grup daha büyük, hangi grup daha küçük?", + "What do their faces tell you about what they are feeling?": "Suratları size onların ne hissettikleri hakkında neler söylüyor?", + "She fed them and told her family how she saved them.": "Fana, kumruları besledi ve ailesine onları nasıl kurtardığını anlattı.", + "How many children and how many adults are there in Fana's family? When you put those groups together, how many people are there in her family?": "Fana'nın ailesinde kaç çocuk ve kaç yetişkin var? Bu grupları bir araya getirdiğinizde, ailede toplam kaç kişi olur?", + "There are many colors of the rainbow here. Which colors are present and which ones are missing?": "Burada gökkuşağının pek çok rengi mevcut. Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri var ve hangileri eksik?", + "Which colors and patterns are your favorite to wear?": "Siz hangi renkleri ve desenleri giymeyi seversiniz?", + "Fana and her parents took the doves to the clinic.": "Fana ve ailesi kumruları kliniğe götürdü.", + "Most doctors either help people or they help animals. Which kind of doctor is at this clinic?": "Çoğu hekim ya insanlara ya da hayvanlara yardım eder. Bu klinikte hangi tür doktor var?", + "Who is the shortest person in this picture? Who is the tallest?": "Bu resimdeki en kısa kişi kimdir? En uzun boylu olan kimdir?", + "The red cross on the cabinet shows that it has medical supplies in it.": "Dolabın üzerindeki kırmızı artı işareti, içinde tıbbi malzemelerin olduğunu gösteriyor.", + "Fana tells her friends, \"Animals are our friends. We protect them.\"": "Fana arkadaşlarına, \"Hayvanlar bizim dostlarımız. Biz onları koruruz,\" diyor.", + "Should we only protect our friends, or should we protect everything we can?": "Sadece dostlarımızı mı korumalıyız yoksa koruyabileceğimiz her şeyi mi korumalıyız?", + "Look at all the color patterns in these clothes. Point out which ones are solid, striped, or have a checkered pattern.": "Bu kıyafetlerdeki tüm renk desenlerine bakın. Hangilerinin düz, çizgili veya kareli desene sahip olduklarını gösterin.", + "Fana has worn many different colors during this story. Can you remember them all?": "Fana bu hikâye boyunca pek çok farklı renk giydi. Hepsini hatırlayabiliyor musunuz?", + "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had two sons.": "Bir zamanlar iki oğlu olan bir çiftçi vardı.", + "The round thatched roofs of the houses are cone shaped. What other cone shapes do you see in this picture?": "Evlerin yuvarlak sazdan çatıları koni şeklindedir. Bu resimde başka hangi koni şekillerini görüyorsunuz?", + "What other cone shaped things have you seen in your life? (Ice cream cone, fir trees, traffic cone, funnel)": "Hayatınızda başka hangi koni biçimli şeyler gördünüz? (Dondurma külâhı, göknar (köknar) ağaçları, trafik konisi (ikaz kukası), huni)", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like this page. Find as many rectangles as you can in this picture.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz kadar dikdörtgen bulun.", + "One day, he called his sons and said, \"I am old and will die soon. But before I die, I want to see you in your own homes. You have one month to each make your own home. I want to see you back here after the month.\"": "Bir gün oğullarını çağırıp, “Ben yaşlıyım ve yakında öleceğim. Ama ölmeden önce, sizi kendi evlerinizde görmek istiyorum. Kendi evlerinizi yapmanız için bir ay’ınız var. Bir ay sonra, sizi burada görmek istiyorum!” dedi.", + "You can find out how many feet they have all together by skip counting by 2's three times or skip counting by 3's two times. How many are there?": "3 kere ikişerli atlayarak sayarak veya 2 kere de üçerli atlayarak sayarak hepsinin toplamda kaç ayağa sahip olduğunu bulabilirsiniz. Kaç ayak var?", + "To find out how many limbs (legs and arms) they have, what number would you skip count by? How many limbs are there?": "Onların kaç tane uzuvlarının (bacak ve kollarının) olduğunu bulmak için hangi sayıya kadar atlayarak sayardınız? Resimde toplam kaç uzuv var?", + "Guess why the father has that long stick. Is it because he has trouble walking, or is it to signal that he should get respect as an older person, or perhaps both?": "Babanın niçin uzun bir sopası olduğunu tahmin edin. Yürümekte zorlandığı için mi yoksa yaşlı bir insan olarak saygı görülmesi gerektiğinin sinyalini vermek için mi veya her ikisi için de mi?", + "The two sons rushed out. The first one went to the roadside. He cut down trees and began to build a big compound for himself.": "İki oğul dışarı fırladı. İlki yol kenarındaki arazi şeridine gitti. Ağaçları kesip kendisi için büyük bir yerleşke inşa etmeye başladı.", + "Sometimes you can find faces in the clouds, in the moon, or other places. Do you see the face in the tree?": "Bazen bulutlarda, ayda veya başka yerlerde suratlar bulabilirsiniz. Ağaçtaki suratı görüyor musunuz?", + "Have you ever seen a face in the clouds or someplace else when it wasn't really a face?": "Peki siz hiç bulutlarda veya başka bir yerde gerçekte yüz olmayan bir yüz gördünüz mü?", + "How many trees has this son cut down to make these houses?": "Çiftçinin bu oğlu, tüm bu evleri yapmak için kaç ağaç kesti?", + "The second one, however, went out and started forming special relationships with other families. He went to different people, and he became like their foster child.": "İkincisi ise, dışarı çıkıp diğer ailelerle özel ilişkiler kurmaya başladı. Farklı insanların yanlarına gidip onların manevi evlatları gibi oldu.", + "This second son is greeting someone in a friendly way with his hands. Copy this hand gesture with the person you are with now.": "Bu ikinci oğul, birisini elleriyle dostane bir şekilde selamlıyor. Bu el hareketini şu anda birlikte olduğunuz kişiyle taklit edin.", + "How do you greet people differently when they are in your family and when they are a friend?": "İnsanları ailenizden birisi olduklarında ve bir arkadaşınız olduklarında hangi farklı şekillerde selamlarsınız?", + "Look at the shadows in this picture. Point to where you think the sun is in the sky. Guess what time of day it is.": "Bu resimdeki gölgelere bakın. Güneşin gökyüzünde olduğunu düşündüğünüz yeri işaret edin. Günün hangi saati olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "After a month, the two brothers came back to their father. The father said, \"Well, have you built your homes?\" And both of the brothers said, \"Yes.\"": "Bir ay sonra, iki kardeş de babalarının yanına geri geldiler. Babaları, “Pekâlâ, evlerinizi inşa ettiniz mi?” diye sordu. İki kardeş, “Evet!” dedi.", + "Vertical lines go up and down. Although you can't see them all, how many vertical planks in the door do you think there are?": "Dikey çizgiler yukarı ve aşağı gider. Onların hepsini göremeseniz de sizce kapıda kaç tane dikey kalas var?", + "Horizontal lines go from side to side. If you add the one horizontal plank to the vertical planks, how many planks are there all together?": "Yatay çizgiler bir yandan diğer yana gider. Bir yatay kalası dikey kalaslara eklerseniz, toplamda kaç kalas olur?", + "A month can be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Do you think someone could make their home in about 30 days? What month of the year is it for you right now?": "Bir ay, 28, 29, 30 veya 31 gün çekebilir. Sizce bir kişi evini yaklaşık 30 günde yapabilir mi? Şu anda yılın hangi ayındasınız?", + "The father went with his eldest son. He saw that the son had built many huts. As he walked by each hut, he asked, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" Each time, the son replied, \"No.\"": "Baba en büyük oğluyla gitti. Oğlunun pek çok kulübe inşa etmiş olduğunu gördü. Her kulübenin yanından geçerken, “Bu kulübede kimse var mı?” diye sordu. Oğlu, her defasında, “Hayır,” diye cevap verdi.", + "There is a new word that the father uses for these buildings. How is a hut different from a home?": "Babanın bu yapılar için kullandığı yeni bir sözcük var. Bir ‘kulübenin’ bir ‘evden’ farkı nedir?", + "Have you ever made a real or pretend hut, house, or fort? What did you use to make it?": "Siz hiç gerçek veya hayali bir kulübe, ev ya da kale yaptınız mı? Yapmak için ne kullandınız?", + "Count how many huts there are in this picture. If there is no one in a hut, how many people is that? (0 – zero)": "Bu resimde kaç tane kulübe olduğunu sayın. Eğer bir kulübede hiç kimse yoksa, bu kaç kişi demektir? (0 - sıfır)", + "The father would ask, \"Is there anybody in this hut?\" And the son would reply, \"No.\"": "Baba, “Bu kulübede kimse var mı?” diye soracaktı. Oğlu da, “Hayır,” diye cevap verecekti.", + "Count all the rectangles you can find in this picture.": "Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz tüm dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "A right angle is formed when two lines cross each other like the corner of this page. Horizontal lines form right angles with vertical lines. Point out some right angles in this picture.": "Dik açı iki çizgi birbirini kestiğinde oluşur, tıpkı bu sayfanın köşesinde olduğu gibi. Yatay çizgiler dikey çizgilerle dik açı oluştururlar. Bu resimdeki bazı dik açıları gösterin.", + "There are probably lots of right angles where you are. Can you count them all, or are there too many?": "Bulunduğunuz yerde muhtemelen bir sürü dik açı vardır. Onların hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayılamayacak kadar çoklar mı?", + "The father became hungry, but there was no one to serve food to him. He said, \"Let's go home.\" So they went home.": "Baba acıktı ama ona yemek verecek kimse yoktu. Baba, “Hadi eve gidelim!” dedi. Böylece eve gittiler.", + "People usually offer visitors something to eat or drink. All these huts are unwelcoming, with nothing to offer to a visitor.": "İnsanlar genellikle ziyaretçilerine yiyecek ya da içecek bir şeyler ikram ederler. Ziyaretçiye sunacak hiçbir şeyleri olmayan bu kulübeler misafirperver değiller.", + "Notice that the father has turned his back on his son. What message do you give someone when you turn your back on them?": "Babanın oğluna sırtını döndüğüne dikkat edin. Birine sırtınızı döndüğünüzde ona ne mesaj verirsiniz?", + "As the father walks away, what do you think he is feeling?": "Baba uzaklaşırken, onun ne hissettiğini düşünüyorsunuz?", + "The second brother took them to the first family he had adopted. He introduced them, \"Here is my father and my brother.\" The family welcomed the men. They slaughtered a sheep and gave them a big feast.": "İkinci kardeş, onları, manevi evlat kabul edildiği ilk ailenin yanına götürdü. “İşte babam ve ağabeyim!” diye onları tanıttı. Aile, adamları çok hoş karşıladı. Bir koyun kesip onlara büyük bir ziyafet verdiler.", + "This family gave the father a feast! Why did they do that?": "Bu aile, babaya bir ziyafet verdi! Bunu neden yaptılar?", + "How do you think the father is feeling about this?": "Sizce baba bu konuda ne hissediyor?", + "What do you think will happen with the next family they visit?": "Sizce ziyaret ettikleri bir sonraki aileyle ne olacak?", + "They went to the second family the younger son had adopted. He introduced his father and brother and they were given another feast.": "Küçük oğulun manevi evlat olduğu ikinci aileye gittiler. Küçük oğul, aileye babasını ve ağabeyini tanıttı ve onlara bir ziyafet daha verildi.", + "Notice how the people are looking at each other. How are they feeling?": "İnsanların birbirlerine nasıl baktıklarına dikkat edin. Nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "What do you think the small child and the second son are saying to each other as they meet?": "Sizce küçük çocuk ve ikinci oğul karşılaştıklarında birbirlerine ne söylüyorlar?", + "Their clothes have many soft hues. Describe some of the different colors that you see.": "Giysilerinin yumuşak tonları var. Gördüğünüz farklı renklerden bazılarını tasvir edin.", + "Father and brother were welcomed in all the places where the younger son was adopted. They ate and were satisfied. Then they left for home.": "Baba ve ağabey, küçük oğulun manevi evlat olduğu her yerde hoş karşılandılar. Yemek yediler ve hallerinden memnundular. Ardından, evlerine dönmek üzere ayrıldılar.", + "Some of the cone-shaped roofs are steeper than others. Why is it helpful to have a steep roof?": "Koni şeklindeki çatıların bazıları diğerlerinden daha diktir. Dik bir çatıya sahip olmak neden faydalıdır?", + "Can you think of any disadvantages of having a steep roof? (It would take more material.)": "Dik bir çatıya sahip olmanın herhangi bir dezavantajını düşünebiliyor musunuz? (Daha fazla malzeme gerekebilir.)", + "What things about the father tell you that he is feeling very tired?": "Babayla ilgili hangi şeyler size onun çok yorgun hissettiğini anlatıyor?", + "The father said, \"This is what I meant when I said you should make yourself a home. A home is more than many huts or a big expensive house. It is love, warmth and friendship with other people.\"": "Baba, “Kendine bir ev yapmalısın derken bunu kastetmiştim. Bir ev, birçok kulübeden ya da büyük ve pahalı bir evden daha fazlasıdır. Ev, diğer insanlarla sevgi, sıcaklık ve dostluktur.”", + "A home is not just a roof or walls or doors. In the place where you live, what kinds of things make it a home to you?": "Ev sadece bir çatı, duvarlar ya da kapılardan ibaret değildir. Yaşadığınız yerde, sizin için bir evi yuva yapan şeyler nelerdir?", + "Which of these three is the tallest and which is the shortest?": "Bu üçünden hangisi en uzun ve hangisi en kısadır?", + "Which do you think is more helpful – to have lots of people who care about you or to have lots of buildings?": "Hangisinin daha yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz – sizi önemseyen çok sayıda insanın olması mı yoksa bir sürü binalarınız olması mı?", + "Fati was a little girl who ran like the wind.\n\nShe loved to laugh, and always tried hard to do as she was told.": "Fati rüzgâr gibi koşan küçük bir kızdı.\n\nGülmeyi çok severdi ve her zaman kendisine söyleneni yapmak için çok uğraşırdı.", + "It can be hard sometimes to do what you are told. Are you good at following directions?": "Bazen size söyleneni yapmak zor olabilir. Yönergeleri takip etmekte iyi misinizdir?", + "How do you feel when you don't do as you are told?": "Söyleneni yapmadığınızda kendinizi nasıl hissedersiniz?", + "Does Fati have more, or less, limbs (arms and legs) than there are ends to her stick?": "Fati’nin, sopasının uçlarından daha mı çok yoksa daha mı az uzvu (kolları ve bacakları) var?", + "One day, Fati went with her mother and father to look for firewood.": "Bir gün, Fati, annesi ve babasıyla birlikte yakacak odun aramaya gitti.", + "Have you ever tried to balance something on your head the way Fati's mother is doing? What sorts of things do people carry on their heads?": "Siz de Fati’nin annesinin yaptığı gibi hiç başınızın üzerinde bir şeyi dengede tutmaya çalıştınız mı? İnsanlar başlarında ne tür şeyler taşırlar?", + "Looking at Fati's head and shoulders, what do you think she is feeling?": "Fati’nin başına ve omuzlarına baktığınızda; sizce o ne hissediyor olabilir?", + "Count together the people in this picture.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, bu resimdeki insanları sayın.", + "Fati liked to help her mother and father, but there was so much to do and so much to see.\n\nThere were birds, monkeys, and the sky!": "Fati anne ve babasına yardım etmekten hoşlanıyordu ama yapacak ve görecek o kadar çok şey vardı ki!\n\nKuşlar, maymunlar ve gökyüzü vardı!", + "When you are outside, what do you like to look at in the sky?": "Dışarıdayken gökyüzünde nelere bakmayı seversiniz?", + "How many birds is Fati looking at?": "Fati kaç kuşa bakıyor?", + "Count together all the ends of the sticks in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki çubukların uçlarını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Mother said, \"Fati, please listen! You can look for firewood here and you can look for firewood there.\"": "Annesi, “Fati, lütfen dinle! Burada yakacak odun arayabilirsin ve orada da yakacak odun arayabilirsin,” dedi.", + "Fati and her mother are holding outdoor tools. Have you used tools, such as a broom, to do work outside?": "Fati’nin ve annesinin elinde dış mekân aletleri var. Peki siz dışarıda iş yapmak için süpürge gibi araçlar ya da aletler kullandınız mı hiç?", + "Fati's mother's dress has a design on it. Count together how many times the design is repeated. Can you count that high? If not, count just one leg.": "Fati’nin annesinin elbisesinin üzerinde bir desen var. Desenin kaç kez tekrarladığını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Sayamazsanız, o zaman, sadece bir bacağındakileri sayın.", + "Two people have a total of two heads. Together, how many legs, arms, eyes, and ears do these two people have?": "İki kişinin toplam iki başı vardır. Bu ikisinin birlikte, kaç bacağı, kolu, gözü ve kulağı vardır?", + "But Fati, please watch where you go and be very careful.\"\n\nShe replied, \"Yes, mother.\"": "“Ama Fati, lütfen, gittiğin yere dikkat et ve çok dikkatli ol.” \\PARA “Tamam, anne!” diye cevap verdi Fati.", + "What kinds of things might be dangerous for Fati while out collecting firewood?": "Fati odun toplarken ne tür şeyler onun için tehlikeli olabilir?", + "Which sorts of things are you warned to be careful about?": "Peki siz hangi tür şeylere karşı dikkatli olmanız konusunda uyarılıyorsunuz?", + "Do you listen to those warnings? Do you think Fati will listen?": "O uyarıları dinler misiniz? Fati’nin dinleyeceğini düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Soon Fati's mother and father were very busy.": "Çok geçmeden, Fati’nin annesi ve babası çok meşguldü.", + "There are many reasons people wear hats. Why is Fati's father wearing a hat?": "İnsanların şapka takmalarının pek çok nedenleri vardır. Fati’nin babası neden şapka takıyor?", + "Fati's father uses a hat to work outside in the sun. Can you think of other clothes that have special uses for certain occasions?": "Fati’nin babası dışarıda güneş altında çalışırken şapka kullanıyor. Belirli durumlar için özel kullanımları olan başka giysiler aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "Fati's family is gathering firewood. Other than keeping warm, what are some ways people use fires?": "Fati’nin ailesi yakacak odun topluyor. Isınmak dışında, insanların ateşi kullanmalarının başka yolları nelerdir?", + "They found big pieces of firewood.\n\nThey found small pieces of firewood.": "Büyük odun parçaları buldular.\n\nKüçük odun parçaları buldular.", + "Do the different sizes of firewood have different uses?": "Farklı boyutlardaki yakacak odunların farklı kullanım alanları mı var?", + "Count how many pieces of firewood there are.": "Resimde kaç tane yakacak odun olduğunu sayın.", + "Compare the thickness of the biggest pieces of firewood to Fati's father's leg. Which is wider and which is narrower?": "En büyük odun parçalarının kalınlığını Fati’nin babasının bacağıyla karşılaştırın. Hangisi daha geniş ve hangisi daha dar?", + "Fati was also very busy.\n\nShe found small pieces of firewood.\n\nShe found very small pieces of firewood.": "Fati de çok meşguldü.\n\nKüçük odun parçaları buldu.\n\nÇok küçük odun parçaları buldu.", + "Why do you think Fati found such small pieces of firewood?": "Sizce Fati neden o kadar küçük odun parçaları buldu?", + "In making a fire, having a variety of sizes of wood is useful. The small pieces help get the fire going, and the big pieces can make it last a long time.": "Ateş yakarken çeşitli boyutlarda odun bulundurmak kullanışlıdır. Küçük parçalar ateşin yanmasına yardımcı olurken, büyük parçalar ise ateşin uzun süre dayanmasını sağlar.", + "Count together how many pieces of firewood Fati has found. It's tricky to tell because her wood is all jumbled together.": "Fati’nin kaç parça yakacak odun bulduğunu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Bunu bulmak zor çünkü odunların hepsi birbirine girmiş durumda.", + "Then Fati looked up.\n\nShe saw a red bird in the tall grass.": "Sonra, Fati başını kaldırdı.\n\nUzun otların arasında kırmızı bir kuş gördü.", + "Lots of animals have things in common, such as a mouth and a heart. Guess what birds have that no other animal has. (feathers)": "Bir sürü hayvanın ağız ve kalbe sahip olmaları gibi ortak özellikleri vardır. Bilin bakalım kuşlarda her hayvanda olmayan ne var? (tüyleri)", + "Fati is having too much fun looking at special things to worry about looking for dangers. Is she being careless?": "Fati özel şeylere bakarken o kadar eğleniyor ki tehlikeler konusunda endişelenmiyor. Dikkatsiz mi davranıyor?", + "Does the bird's red color blend in with the colors in the tall grass?": "Kuşun kırmızı rengi uzun çimenlerdeki renklerle uyum sağlıyor mu?", + "Next, Fati looked down.\n\nShe saw a brown ant on the dusty path.": "Daha sonra, Fati aşağıya baktı.\n\nTozlu yolda kahverengi bir karınca gördü.", + "The largest ants are about the same length as your finger. Do you think the artist got a little carried away drawing this ant?": "En büyük karıncalar yaklaşık olarak parmağınızla aynı uzunluktadır. Sizce illüstratör bu karıncayı çizerken kendini biraz fazla mı kaptırmış?", + "Ants have six legs. How many legs does this ant have?": "Karıncaların altı bacağı vardır. Bu karıncanın kaç bacağı var?", + "If ants should have six legs, how many legs is this ant missing?": "Eğer karıncaların altı bacağı olması gerekiyorsa, o zaman bu karıncanın kaç bacağı eksik?", + "Fati saw a beautiful leaf. The leaf was shiny and green.\n\nShe put one finger on the beautiful leaf.": "Fati güzel bir yaprak gördü. Yaprak parlak ve yeşildi.\n\nBir parmağını güzel yaprağın üzerine koydu.", + "What do you think will happen next with this strange leaf?": "Sizce bu tuhaf yaprağa bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "What is different about the \"leaf\" that Fati is touching?": "Fati’nin dokunduğu “yaprakta” farklı olan nedir?", + "An estimate is an educated guess. Make an estimate of how many leaves are in this picture. Is it a number bigger than you know?": "Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Bu resimde kaç yaprak olduğuna dair bir tahminde bulunun. O sayı bildiğinizden daha büyük bir sayı mı?", + "Fati said, \"This does not feel like a leaf.\"\n\nSuddenly, the beautiful leaf moved!\n\nFati said, \"This is not a beautiful leaf. This is a green snake!\"": "Fati, “Bu bir yaprak gibi hissettirmiyor!” dedi.\n\nO güzel yaprak aniden kımıldadı!\n\nFati, “Bu güzel bir yaprak değil. Bu bir yeşil yılan!” dedi.", + "Which of her five senses did Fati use to notice the snake?": "Fati yılanı fark etmek için beş duyusundan hangisini kullandı?", + "If you remove one of the five senses, how many are left?": "Beş duyudan birini çıkarırsanız geriye kaç kalır?", + "Can you name all five of your senses?": "Beş duyunuzun hepsinin isimlerini sayabilir misiniz?", + "Fati screamed, \"EII!\"\n\nShe ran very fast to look for her mother and father.": "Fati çığlık attı, “Ay!”\n\nAnnesini ve babasını aramak için hızlıca koştu.", + "Fati screamed and ran. When you are surprised and scared, what do you do?": "Fati çığlık atıp koştu. Peki siz şaşırdığınızda ve korktuğunuzda ne yaparsınız?", + "Do you like to hide in your bed or maybe under your bed? What is your favorite hiding spot?": "Yatağınızda veya yatağınızın altında saklanmayı mı seversiniz? En sevdiğin saklanma yeri neresi?", + "Fati is running so fast that she doesn't notice something. What is it?": "Fati o kadar hızlı koşuyor ki bir şeyi fark etmiyor. Nedir o?", + "Fati saw her father and shouted, \"A snake! A snake!\"\n\nFather said, \"Where? Where?\"\n\nFati said, \"There! There!\"": "Fati babasını görüp bağırdı, “Bir yılan! Bir yılan!”\n\nBabası, “Nerede? Nerede?” diye sordu.\n\nFati, “Orada! Orada!” dedi.", + "Do you think her father is angry that she wondered away, happy that she is okay, or both?": "Sizce babası Fati uzaklaştığı için kızgın mı, iyi olduğu için mutlu mu yoksa her ikisi de mi?", + "Her father has two shoes. How many shoes does Fati have and how many is she missing?": "Babasının iki ayakkabısı var. Fati’nin kaç ayakkabısı (veya terliği) var ve kaç tanesi eksik?", + "Together they have one more shoe than her father has. What is one more than two?": "Babası ve Fati’nin birlikte, babasının sahip olduğundan bir fazla ayakkabıları var. İkinin bir fazlası nedir?", + "Then her father chased the green snake with a stick.\n\nThe green snake slithered away.": "Ardından, babası bir sopayla yeşil yılanı kovaladı.\n\nYeşil yılan sürünerek uzaklaştı.", + "Have you ever seen a snake outside on the ground or in a bush?": "Hiç dışarıdayken yerde veya çalıların arasında bir yılan gördünüz mü?", + "Some snakes are very dangerous, and many others are safe. Do some snakes do good things?": "Bazı yılanlar çok tehlikelidir, bazıları ise güvenlidir. Peki bazı yılanlar iyi şeyler yaparlar mı?", + "What do you know about snakes?": "Yılanlar hakkında ne biliyorsunuz?", + "Father said, \"Fati, you are safe.\"\n\nLet's go to mother and tell her about the green snake.\"": "Babası, “Fati, güvendesin,” dedi.\n\n“Hadi anneme gidip ona yeşil yılanı anlatalım!”", + "What are Fati and her father feeling in this picture?": "Fati ve babası bu resimde ne hissediyorlar?", + "What do you think her mother will say?": "Sizce annesi ne diyecek?", + "Fati got back her other shoe. Now she and her father have one more than three shoes. How many shoes is that?": "Fati diğer ayakkabısını (veya terliğini) geri aldı. Artık Fati’nin ve babasının üç ayakkabıdan bir fazla ayakkabıları var. Bu kaç ayakkabı eder?", + "Mother said, \"Fati, I am happy the green snake did not bite you.\"": "Annesi, “Fati, yeşil yılan seni ısırmadığı için mutluyum!” dedi.", + "Are you surprised that her mother is not angry?": "Annesinin kızgın olmamasına şaşırdınız mı?", + "Count together the number of many kinds of things in this picture.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte bu resimde kaç çeşit şey olduğunu sayın.", + "Are there more pants or dresses? Are there more sandals or boots?": "Resimde daha çok pantolon mu yoksa daha çok elbise mi var? Daha fazla sandalet mi yoksa daha fazla bot mu var?", + "But next time, please, look where you go, and be more careful.\n\nAnd that was the end of that.": "“Ama bir dahaki sefere, lütfen, gittiğin yere bak ve daha dikkatli ol!”\n\nVe bu son karardı.", + "What does the story mean by \"And that was the end of that.\" ?": "Hikâyede geçen “Ve bu son karardı” ifadesi hangi anlama geliyor?", + "The three of them have three pairs of shoes. How many is that?": "Üçünün toplam üç çift ayakkabıları (sandalet ve terlikler de dahil) var. Bu kaç ayakkabıdır?", + "You can count all their shoes by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6. Or, you could think of it as twice the number of people -- 3, 6. Which way is easier for you?": "Tüm ayakkabılarınızı ikişerli sayabilirsiniz – 2, 4, 6 şeklinde. Kişi sayısının iki katı olarak da düşünebilirsiniz – 3, 6 şeklinde. Hangisi sizin için daha kolay?", + "My heart feels a lot of things.": "Benim kalbim bir sürü şey hisseder.", + "Think of different feelings you have. How many can you think of?": "Sahip olduğunuz farklı hisleri düşünün. Kaç tanesi aklınıza geliyor?", + "Tell a story about a time when you felt one of those feelings.": "O hislerden birini hissettiğiniz bir zamanla ilgili bir hikâye anlatın.", + "Do your feelings fit into a few groups? For example, are they all happy or sad feelings?": "Hisleriniz birkaç gruba birden mi uyuyor? Örneğin, o hislerinizin hepsi mutlu hisler mi yoksa üzgün hisler mi?", + "I feel happy when my granny tells us stories in the evening.": "Akşamları ninem bize hikâyeler anlattığı zaman kendimi mutlu hissederim.", + "Do you know a special person who loves to tell you stories? Does it make you feel good to hear that person tell stories?": "Size hikâyeler anlatmayı seven özel bir kişi tanıyor musunuz? O kişinin anlattığı hikâyeleri duymak size kendinizi iyi hissettiriyor mu?", + "Count together how many children are listening to granny's story. If you add granny to that count, it will be one more -- how many would that make?": "Ninenin anlattığı hikâyeyi kaç tane çocuğun dinlediğini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Eğer sayıya nineyi de eklerseniz, o sayı bir fazla olacak – toplam kaç kişi eder?", + "Do these children look happy? How can you tell?": "Bu çocuklar mutlu görünüyorlar mı? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "I feel silly when I play with my friend.": "Arkadaşımla oynadığım zaman kendimi şapşal gibi hissederim.", + "What things do you do when you are being silly?": "Siz şapşalca davrandığınızda neler yaparsınız?", + "Count together the hands, feet, eyes, noses, fingers, toes, or anything else you see.": "Bu resimdeki elleri, ayakları, gözleri, burunları, parmakları, ayak parmaklarını veya gördüğünüz başka herhangi bir şeyi çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which group of things has the biggest number and which one has the smallest?": "Hangi gruptaki şeylerin sayısı en büyük sayıda ve hangi gruptaki şeylerin sayısı en küçük sayıdadır?", + "I feel bad when my dad says he does not have money.": "Babam parasının olmadığını söylediğinde kendimi kötü hissederim.", + "What sorts of things make you sad?": "Ne tür şeyler sizi üzer?", + "Point to and name the colors of their different pieces of clothing.": "Resimdekilerin kıyafetlerinin farklı parçalarına işaret edip renklerinin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "Count the number of buttons on her dress.": "Kızın elbisesinin düğmelerinin sayısını sayın.", + "I feel loved when my mom gives me a hug.": "Annem bana sarıldığı zaman sevildiğimi hissederim.", + "What are some special moments that make you feel loved?": "Size sevildiğinizi hissettiren bazı ‘özel an’lar nelerdir?", + "What do you do to let others know you feel love for them?": "Başkalarına karşı hissettiğiniz sevgiyi onların bilmelerini sağlamak için ne yaparsınız?", + "The mother's clothing has stripes and the girl's has stars. Do you have some clothes with stars or some other shapes on them?": "Annenin kıyafetinde çizgiler, kızınkinde ise yıldızlar var. Sizin, üzerinde yıldız veya başka şekiller olan bazı kıyafetleriniz var mı?", + "Chat was born blind.\n\nHer eyes had never seen her parents, or her brother and sisters. She knew their faces by touch.": "Chat kör doğmuştu.\n\nGözleri, ebeveynlerini, erkek kardeşini veya kız kardeşini hiç görmemişti. Onları yüzlerine dokunarak tanıyordu.", + "Have you tried walking with your eyes closed? If you do, be sure to be with someone else to stay safe.": "Gözleriniz kapalı yürümeyi denediniz mi? Eğer denediyseniz, güvende olmak için birisiyle birlikte olduğunuzdan emin olun.", + "When you don't see, you become much more aware of your other senses. Which senses do you notice more when you close your eyes?": "Görmediğinizde, diğer duyularınızın çok daha fazla farkına varırsınız. Gözlerinizi kapattığınızda hangi duyularınızı daha çok fark ediyorsunuz?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Point to the squares and rectangles you see on this page.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bir kare, dört eşit kenara sahip bir dikdörtgendir. Bu sayfada gördüğünüz kareleri ve dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "One day, Chat was strolling in the garden.\n\nShe liked the sweet scent of flowers.\n\nShe loved to touch their soft petals.": "Bir gün, Chat bahçede geziniyordu.\n\nÇiçeklerin tatlı kokusunu beğendi.\n\nOnların yumuşak yapraklarına dokunmayı sevdi.", + "There are many things to count here. Count together the trees, butterflies, canes, shoes, and any other groups you notice.": "Burada sayılacak çok şey var. Ağaçları, kelebekleri, bastonları, ayakkabıları ve fark ettiğiniz herhangi bir grubu çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which of these groups can Chat count?": "Chat bu gruplardan hangisini sayabilir?", + "Which of these groups has the most in it and which has the least?": "Bu gruplardan hangisinde en çok, hangisinde en az şey var?", + "Chat wished she could see flowers, just once.\n\n\"They are lovely,\" she said to herself.": "Chat çiçekleri görebilmeyi diledi, sadece bir kere.\n\n“Çok hoşlar,” dedi kendi kendine.", + "There are five blue flowers and five yellow-orange flowers. How many is that all together?": "Beş mavi çiçek ve beş sarı-turuncu çiçek var. Hepsi birlikte kaç çiçek eder?", + "If you include the yellow-orange flower that Chat is holding, that would be one more. What is one more than five?": "Eğer Chat'in tuttuğu sarı-turuncu çiçeği de dahil ederseniz, ki bu bir fazlası eder; beşin bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "How many more blue flowers are there than butterflies?": "Orada kelebeklerden kaç daha fazla mavi çiçek var?", + "Every day, Chat walked in the garden. She knew her way around.\n\nToday, she raised her head to the skies.": "Chat her gün bahçede yürüdü. Yolunu biliyordu.\n\nBugün, başını göklere kaldırdı.", + "Do you see the surprise on her face? What is she surprised about?": "Chat’in yüzündeki şaşkınlığı görüyor musunuz? Chat neye şaşırdı?", + "She can't see the clouds. What can she sense about what is happening?": "Chat bulutları göremiyor. Chat o anda olan biten hakkında ne hissedecek?", + "What is going on in the sky? What do you think is about to happen?": "Gökyüzünde neler oluyor? Sizce ne olmak üzere?", + "Suddenly, she heard thunder and lightning.\n\n\"I need to hurry back to the house,\" Chat thought.": "Aniden, gök gürlemesi ve şimşek sesi duydu.\n\n“Acilen eve dönmem gerek!” diye düşündü Chat.", + "Have you ever been outside someplace when a storm came up quickly? Did you get wet?": "Siz hiç fırtına çıktığında dışarıda bir yerde bulundunuz mu? Islandınız mı?", + "Do you like watching lightning?": "Şimşekleri izlemeyi sever misiniz?", + "Do you find lightning scary or fun when you are outside?": "Dışarıdayken şimşeği korkutucu mu yoksa eğlenceli mi bulursunuz?", + "Rain began to fall.\n\nChat slipped, lost her balance and fell.\n\nShe hit her head on a stone.": "Yağmur yağmaya başladı.\n\nChat’in ayağı kaydı, dengesini kaybedip düştü.\n\nBaşını bir taşa çarptı.", + "Head injuries can be very serious. Do you think Chat will be okay?": "Kafa yaralanmaları çok ciddi olabilir. Sizce Chat iyi olacak mı?", + "There are colors going from yellow to light red to red in this picture. Point to them and describe them.": "Bu resimde sarıdan açık kırmızıya ve kırmızıya doğru giden renkler var. Onları gösterip tasvir edin.", + "Point to and describe the colors going from yellow to various greens in the picture.": "Resimde sarıdan farklı yeşillere doğru giden renkleri gösterip tasvir edin.", + "When Chat woke up, there were people around her.\n\n\"What happened?\" she asked.": "Chat uyandığında, etrafında insanlar vardı.\n\n“Ne oldu?” diye sordu.", + "Count together the people in Chat's family. Did you include Chat?": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Chat'in ailesindeki insanları sayın. Chat’i de dahil ettiniz mi?", + "Can you tell by looking at their faces what each person is feeling?": "Yüzlerine bakarak her birinin ne hissettiğini söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "There are many colors here! Which of the colors of the rainbow are missing in this picture?": "Burada pek çok renk var! Bu resimde gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "You fell and bumped your head, her father said.\n\n\"We are so thankful that you are fine,\" said her mother.": "“Düşüp başını çarptın,” dedi babası.\n\n“İyi olduğun için çok şükrediyoruz,” dedi annesi.", + "There is a fun circular pattern on Chat's bed. Are there more blue circles or red circles?": "Chat'in yatağında eğlenceli dairesel bir desen var. Daha çok mavi daireler mi yoksa kırmızı daireler mi var?", + "Describe some pretty patterns around where you are.": "Bulunduğunuz yerde etrafınızda olan bazı güzel desenleri tarif edin.", + "Find the rectangles in this picture and around where you are.": "Bu resimdeki ve bulunduğunuz yerde etrafınızdaki dikdörtgenleri bulun.", + "Daddy, mummy? asked Chat. She also called the names of her brothers and sisters. \"Please, get me a flower.\" Everyone was surprised.": "“Babacığım, anneciğim?” diye sordu Chat. Erkek kardeşinin ve kız kardeşinin de isimlerini söyledi. “Lütfen, bana bir çiçek getirin.” Herkes şaşırdı.", + "Why is everyone surprised?": "Neden herkes şaşırdı?", + "Why is everyone looking so happy?": "Neden herkes çok mutlu görünüyor?", + "Can you count all the circles on her bed, or is it too many? Can you count other things, such as eyes, arms, or noses?": "Chat’in yatağındaki tüm halkaları sayabilir misiniz yoksa onlar sayılamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar? Gözler, kollar veya burunlar gibi başka şeyleri de sayabilir misiniz?", + "Her sister returned with a flower.\n\nChat held it gently. \"It is so lovely,\" she said.": "Kız kardeşi bir çiçekle geri geldi.\n\nChat onu nazikçe tuttu. “Bu çok güzel,” dedi.", + "Imagine what it is like to see the world for the first time. What would you most want to see?": "Dünyayı ilk kez görmenin nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edin. En çok neyi görmek isterdiniz?", + "Which side of her head did she hit on the rock and which side is bandaged? Hmmm ...?": "Chat kafasının hangi tarafını taşa çarptı ve hangi tarafı bandajlı? Hım...?", + "Can you find all the rectangles in this picture? Some of them are a bit sneaky.": "Bu resimdeki tüm dikdörtgenleri bulabilir misiniz? Bazılarını bulmak biraz zor.", + "Her family looked at one another.\n\n\"Chat, can you see the flower?\" her mother asked.": "Ailesinin fertleri birbirlerine baktılar.\n\n“Chat, çiçeği görebiliyor musun?” diye sordu annesi.", + "What emotion do you see on each person's face?": "Her bir kişinin suratında hangi duyguyu görüyorsunuz?", + "Have you known anyone who suddenly got much better from an illness?": "Bir hastalıktan sonra aniden çok daha iyi olan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "Have you known anyone who was blind?": "Kör olan birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "Chat played with the flower in her hand.\n\n\"You are all so beautiful, just like this flower,\" she smiled.": "Chat elindeki çiçekle oynadı.\n\n“Siz hepiniz çok güzelsiniz, tıpkı bu çiçek gibi,” diyerek gülümsedi.", + "Point out some of the new rectangles in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki yeni dikdörtgenlerden bazılarını gösterin.", + "This is a very happy ending! Did you think the story would end this way?": "Bu çok mutlu bir son! Hikâyenin bu şekilde biteceğini düşünmüş müydünüz?", + "Some people become doctors because they like helping people to have happy endings like this.": "Bazı kişiler doktor olurlar çünkü bunun gibi mutlu sonlara sahip olmaları için insanlara yardım etmeyi severler.", + "My name is Simo.": "Benim adım Simo.", + "Count together the different colors of stripes on Simo's shirt.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Simo'nun formasındaki farklı renkteki şeritleri sayın.", + "Simo's ball has two colors and is round. A pentagon is a five-sided shape. Point at the dark pentagons on Simo's ball. Do you see any pentagons around you?": "Simo'nun topu iki renkli ve yuvarlaktır. Bir beşgen, beş kenarlı bir şekildir. Simo'nun topundaki koyu renkli beşgenlere işaret edin. Hiç etrafınızda beşgen görüyor musunuz?", + "A hexagon is a six-sided shape. Point at the hexagons on the ball. Hexagons are often used in tiling patterns. Do you see any hexagons around you?": "Bir altıgen, altı kenarlı bir şekildir. Topun üzerindeki altıgenleri gösterin. Altıgenler sıklıkla fayans döşeme desenlerinde kullanılırlar. Etrafınızda hiç altıgen görüyor musunuz?", + "I have four friends.": "Benim dört tane arkadaşım var.", + "When you put Simo together with his four friends, how many is that all together? Another way to ask this is: \"What is 1 more than 4?\"": "Simo’yu dört arkadaşıyla bir araya getirdiğinizde, hepsi birlikte kaç kişi eder? Bunu sormanın bir başka yolu: \"4’ün 1 fazlası kaç eder?\"", + "How many of them have striped shirts and how many have solid shirts? That means that 2 more than 3 is 5.": "Onların kaç tanesinin çizgili, kaç tanesinin düz tişörtü var? Bu, 3’ün 2 fazlasının 5 ettiği anlamına gelir.", + "That's two different ways of getting five! If you take one more than four you get the same thing as two more than three!": "Bu, 5’i elde etmenin iki farklı yoludur! Eğer dörtten bir fazlasını alırsanız, aynı şeyi, üçten iki fazlasını alırsanız da elde edersiniz!", + "Their names are Zizo, Lele, Sisa, and Ayanda.": "Arkadaşlarının isimleri: Zizo, Lele, Sisa ve Ayanda.", + "Can you guess who has which name? We'll learn about each one soon.": "Kimin hangi isme sahip olduğunu tahmin edebilir misiniz? Her birini çok yakında öğreneceğiz.", + "Make up a story about one of them. Perhaps one of them likes cats or going on long walks?": "Onlardan birisi hakkında bir hikâye uydurun. Onlardan birisi belki de kedileri veya uzun yürüyüşlere çıkmayı seviyordur?", + "Of the four, one of them likes soccer, one likes swimming, another likes hide-and-seek, and one likes reading -- guess which one is which.": "Dördünden birisi futbol oynamayı, birisi yüzmeyi, diğeri saklambaç oynamayı ve bir tanesi de okumayı seviyor – hangisinin hangisi olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "My friend Zizo likes to play soccer.": "Arkadaşım Zizo futbol oynamayı sever.", + "Simo and Zizo have soccer in common. Which parts of their clothes are similar to each other?": "Simo ve Zizo’nun ortak noktaları futboldur. Onların kıyafetlerinin hangi kısımları birbirine benziyor?", + "Simo and Zizo have stripes on different parts of their clothing. How are their stripes different?": "Simo ve Zizo’nun kıyafetlerinin farklı kısımlarında şeritler var. Şeritleri nasıl farklı?", + "Zizo seems to like shades of red. Do you? What is your favorite color?": "Zizo kırmızının tonlarını seviyor gibi görünüyor. Ya siz? Sizin favori renginiz nedir?", + "My friend Lele likes to swim.": "Arkadaşım Lele yüzmeyi sever.", + "Point at and name the beautiful greens, blue greens, and blues in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki güzel yeşilleri, mavi yeşilleri ve mavileri gösterip adlandırın.", + "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. Is she missing a finger or was the artist careless when drawing this picture?": "Lele'nin sol elindeki parmaklarını sayın. Lele’nin bir parmağı mı eksik yoksa illüstratör bu resmi çizerken dikkatsiz mi davrandı?", + "It can be dangerous to swim by yourself. To be safe, always swim with a buddy.": "Kendi başınıza yüzmek tehlikeli olabilir. Güvende olmak için daima bir arkadaşınızla yüzün.", + "My friend Sisa likes to play hide-and-seek.": "Arkadaşım Sisa saklambaç oynamayı sever.", + "Is Sisa \"it\" or is Sisa hiding? It is easy to see Sisa. Is Sisa hiding behind the tree?": "Sisa \"ebe\" mi yoksa saklanıyor mu? Sisa’yı görmek kolay. Sisa ağacın arkasında mı saklanıyor?", + "They say zebras have stripes to help them hide among trees. Do the stripes on Sisa's shirt make Sisa hard to see?": "Zebraların, ağaçların arasında saklanmalarına yardımcı olsun diye şeritlerinin olduğunu söylerler. Sisa'nın tişörtündeki şeritler, Sisa’yı görmeyi zorlaştırıyor mu?", + "When playing hide-and-seek, the \"it\" person usually counts up to some number before looking for people. How high do you think the person should count?": "Saklambaç oynandığında, \"ebe\" insanları aramadan önce, genellikle bir sayıya kadar sayar. Sizce kişi en çok kaça kadar saymalıdır?", + "My friend Ayanda likes to read.": "Arkadaşım Ayanda okumayı sever.", + "The other people picked sports and games they like to play. Is reading a sport or game?": "Diğerleri oynamayı sevdikleri sporları ve oyunları seçtiler. Okumak bir spor mudur yoksa oyun mudur?", + "Can you read with other people, or must you read by yourself?": "Başka insanlarla okuyabilir misiniz yoksa tek başınıza mı okumalısınız?", + "Ayanda looks like she enjoys shades of orange. Name some things around you that are shades of orange.": "Ayanda turuncunun tonlarından hoşlanıyor gibi görünüyor. Etrafınızdaki turuncunun tonlarında olan bazı şeylerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "Me? I like to do the things they like to do.": "Ben? Ben, onların yapmayı sevdikleri şeyleri yapmayı severim.", + "Does Simo like doing all the things, or is he just being agreeable so he can be with everyone?": "Simo her şeyi yapmaktan mı hoşlanıyor yoksa o sadece herkesle birlikte olabilsin diye uyumlu mu davranıyor?", + "Did you notice that the stripes on his shirt have changed? How have they changed?": "Simo’nun üzerindeki tişörtün şeritlerinin değiştiğini fark ettiniz mi? Nasıl değiştiler?", + "Of the four activities, how many do you like?": "Dört aktiviteden, kaç tanesini beğendiniz?", + "I play soccer with Zizo.": "Ben Zizo ile futbol oynarım.", + "Count the fingers on Zizo's left hand. Is Zizo missing a finger, or was the artist being careless again?": "Zizo'nun sol elindeki parmakları sayın. Zizo’nun bir parmağı mı eksik yoksa illüstratör yine dikkatsiz mi davranmış?", + "Some people are born with six fingers on a hand. What is one less than six? What is two less than six? How many fingers seems like a good number to you?": "Bazı insanlar bir elinde altı parmakla doğarlar. Altıdan bir eksik kaçtır? Altıdan iki eksik kaçtır? Kaç parmak size iyi bir sayı gibi görünüyor?", + "Zizo has a solid shirt with striped socks, while Simo has a striped shirt with solid socks. Which way do you like better?": "Zizo’nun çizgili çorapları ve düz bir tişörtü var, Simo’nun ise çizgili tişörtü ve düz çorapları var. Hangi tarzı daha çok beğendiniz?", + "I swim with Lele.": "Ben Lele ile yüzerim.", + "Count the fingers on Lele's left hand. She has one more finger than she had before! Did she grow a finger?": "Lele'nin sol elindeki parmakları sayın. Onun daha öncekinden bir fazla parmağı var! Lele’nin bir parmağı mı büyüdü?", + "Talk about the shades of green in this picture. Some shades are darker, some yellower, and some bluer.": "Bu resimdeki yeşilin tonları hakkında konuşun. Bazı tonlar daha koyu, bazıları daha sarı ve bazısı daha mavi.", + "Lele is swimming with a buddy now -- that is much safer (and more fun)!": "Lele şu anda bir arkadaşıyla yüzüyor – bu çok daha güvenli (ve daha eğlenceli)!", + "I play hide-and-seek with Sisa.": "Sisa ile saklambaç oynarım.", + "Why did Simo take his shoes off?": "Simo neden ayakkabılarını çıkardı?", + "Who do you think is hiding and who is seeking in this picture?": "Sizce bu resimde kim saklanıyor ve kim arıyor?", + "Which of these two can hide better in this place -- whose clothes blend in better with the surrounding colors?": "Bu yerde hangi ikisi daha iyi saklanabilir – kimin kıyafetleri çevredeki renklerle daha iyi uyum sağlıyor?", + "Come, friend, what do you like?": "Gel, arkadaşım, sen neyi seversin?", + "What are some of your favorite activities?": "Sizin en sevdiğiniz aktivitelerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "Count together the different activities in this story. Of these, which one would you pick?": "Bu hikâyedeki farklı aktiviteleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Onlardan hangisini seçerdiniz?", + "There were four activities and you picked your favorite. What is one less than four? Of the remaining activities, which one is your least favorite?": "Orada dört aktivite var ve siz en sevdiğinizi seçtiniz. Dördün bir eksiği nedir? Geriye kalan aktivitelerden hangisi en az sevdiğinizdir?", + "Come, play soccer with us.": "Gel, bizimle futbol oyna.", + "Are they playing on teams, or are they just kicking the ball around?": "Onlar takım halinde mi oynuyorlar yoksa sadece topu mu tekmeliyorlar?", + "There are five people. Can you split them into two teams with the same number of people?": "Orada beş kişi var. Onları eşit sayıda kişiden oluşan iki takıma ayırabilir misiniz?", + "Whose shoes are the worst for playing soccer?": "Hangisinin ayakkabıları futbol oynamak için en kötüsü?", + "Come, swim with us.": "Gel, bizimle yüz.", + "There are two pairs of children and one child alone. Can you put them all into pairs so no one is left out?": "Orada iki çift çocuk ve bir yalnız çocuk var. Hiç kimsenin dışarıda kalmaması için onların hepsini eşleştirebilir misiniz?", + "A number is said to be \"odd\" if there is no way of splitting that many things into pairs. It is also \"odd\" if that number of things cannot be split into two equal groups.": "Eğer bu kadar çok şeyi çift çift bölmenin hiçbir yolu yok ise o sayının \"tek\" olduğu söylenir. Eğer o sayıdaki şey iki eşit gruplara ayrılamazsa, o zaman da o sayı \"tek\"tir.", + "Why are the two ideas for \"odd\" the same? Why is being able to split something into pairs the same as being able to split it into two equal groups?": "Neden \"tek\" sayı için olan bu iki fikir aynıdır? Neden bir şeyi çiftlere ayırabilmek ile o şeyi iki eşit gruba ayırabilmek aynıdır?", + "Come, play hide-and-seek with us.": "Gel, bizimle saklambaç oyna.", + "It looks like Simo is \"it.\" Will he have a hard time finding the other children?": "Görünüşe göre, Simo \"ebe.\" Diğer çocukları ararken zor anlar geçirecek midir?", + "Count the children on top of the branch and the number hiding on the other side of the tree. Do they add up to four children?": "Dalın en tepesindeki çocukları ve ağacın diğer tarafında saklanan çocukları sayın. Toplamda dört çocuk mu oluyor?", + "There is one in the tree, one counting, and three behind the tree. You can get five in many ways from this. One way is to start with three, add one more, and then add one more. Think together of other ways to get five.": "Bir tanesi ağacın içinde, bir tanesi sayıyor ve bir tanesi de ağacın arkasında. Bundan beşi elde etmenin pek çok yolu var. Bir yolu, üç ile başlayıp bir fazlasını eklemektir ve sonra, bir fazlasını daha eklemektir. Beşi elde etmenin diğer yollarını çocuğunuzla birlikte düşünün.", + "Come, read with us!": "Gel, bizimle oku!", + "One person is reading alone, and the rest are reading in pairs.": "Bir kişi yalnız başına okuyor ve geriye kalanlar ise çiftler halinde okuyorlar.", + "They all seem very happy together, no matter which activity they do. Do you have some friends you like to do things with?": "Hangi aktiviteyi yaparlarsa yapsınlar, hepsi birlikte çok mutlu görünüyorlar. Sizin de birlikte bir şeyler yapmaktan hoşlandığınız bazı arkadaşlarınız var mı?", + "One of the children only has four fingers on a hand -- which one?": "Çocuklardan birisinin bir elinde sadece dört parmağı var – hangisinin?", + "Chalew is a horse that pulls a cart.\n\nHe carries heavy loads along the gravel roads of Debre Birhan.\n\nHe works from morning to evening.": "Chalew, fayton çeken bir attır.\n\nDebre Birhan’ın çakıllı yolları boyunca ağır yükler taşır.\n\nSabahtan akşama kadar çalışır.", + "Chalew pulls heavy loads and does a difficult job. Have you seen any animals that have to do work?": "Chalew ağır yükleri çeker ve zor bir iş yapar. Hiç iş yapmak zorunda kalan bir hayvan gördünüz mü?", + "A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides like the shape of this page. Point out some shapes in this picture that are rectangles and some that are round.": "Dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki dikdörtgen ve bazı yuvarlak şekilleri gösterin.", + "How many rectangles can you find in the place where you are now?": "Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde kaç dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "Chalew does not get enough time to rest.\n\nHe does not get enough food to eat.\n\nThe driver of the cart beats him to go faster.": "Chalew dinlenmek için yeterli zaman alamaz.\n\nChalew, yeterli yemek alamaz.\n\nFaytonun sürücüsü daha hızlı gitmesi için Chalew’e vurur.", + "How do you feel about the way the driver treats Chalew?": "Sürücünün Chalew’e davranış şekli hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?", + "What are some ways to treat animals, or people, to try to get them to do what you want? For people, you can say \"please,\" and that works sometimes.": "Hayvanlara veya insanlara istediğinizi yaptırmak için onlara davranmanın bazı yöntemleri nelerdir? İnsanlar için “lütfen” diyebilirsiniz ve bu bazen işe yarar.", + "What makes you want to do things for other people?": "Sizin diğer insanlar için bir şeyler yapmak istemenize sebep olan şeyler nelerdir?", + "One day, all the cart drivers gathered for a funeral.\n\nThe cart horses were left to graze in a nearby field.\n\nThey began to talk about their terrible conditions.": "Bir gün, tüm fayton sürücüleri bir cenaze için toplandılar.\n\nFaytonların atları ise yakınlarındaki bir tarlada otlanmaya bırakıldılar.\n\nAtlar, içinde bulundukları korkunç koşullar hakkında konuşmaya başladılar.", + "Count the number of people and the number of horses. Are there more people or horses? How many more?": "Resimdeki insanları ve atları sayın. Daha fazla insan mı yoksa daha fazla at mı var? Kaç fazla?", + "Use skip counting by 2's to count how many legs the people have. Can you skip count that high?": "İnsanların kaç bacağı olduğunu saymak için ikişer ikişer atlayarak saymayı deneyin. O kadar ileriye kadar atlayarak sayabilir misiniz?", + "What would you skip count by to count the number of legs the horses have? That's a pretty big number. Can you skip count that high?": "Atların kaç bacağı olduğunu saymak için kaçar kaçar atlayarak sayardınız? Bu sayı da oldukça büyük! O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "\"My harness doesn't fit me. It is too tight and cuts my skin,\" said one horse.\n\n\"Me too, me too,\" another agreed.": "“Koşum takımım bana uymuyor. Çok sıkı ve derimi kesiyor,” dedi bir at.\n\n“Benimki de! Benimki de!” diye araya katıldı bir diğer at.", + "How do real horses talk with each other?": "Gerçek atlar birbirleriyle nasıl konuşurlar?", + "Which parts of a horse come in pairs, and which don't?": "Bir atın hangi vücut parçaları çift sayıdadır ve hangileri değildir?", + "The body parts that pair up show up on opposite sides of the horse's body. Can you think of other animals like that? Can you think of any that aren't like that?": "Eşleşen vücut parçaları, atın vücudunun diğer yanındadır. Böyle olan başka hayvanlar aklınıza geliyor mu? Böyle olmayan başka hayvanlar?", + "An old horse spoke. \"I'm almost lame because of the nails they hammer into my hooves.\"\n\nMore horses nodded in agreement.": "Yaşlı bir at konuştu: “Toynaklarıma çaktıkları çiviler yüzünden neredeyse topal oldum.”\n\nDaha fazla at aynı fikirde olup, başlarını salladılar.", + "Why do you think the owners have been so bad to the horses? Were the owners mean on purpose and did they not realize what they were doing?": "Sizce sahipleri atlara neden bu kadar kötü davranmış olabilirler? Sahipleri bilerek mi kötü davranıyorlardı yoksa ne yaptıklarının farkında mı değillerdi?", + "What do you think the horses should do about being treated so badly?": "Sizce atlar bu kadar kötü muamele gördükleri için ne yapmalılar?", + "There are five horses. How many tails, ears, and legs are there? Did you skip count to find the ears and legs, or did you start with the number of tails and double things?": "Resimde beş at var. Toplamda kaç kuyruk, kulak ve bacak var? Kulak ve bacak sayısını bulmak için atlayarak mı saydınız yoksa kuyruk sayısıyla başlayıp, her şeyi ikiyle mi çarptınız?", + "\"We work very hard, but most of our owners treat us badly. Many do not know how to look after us,\" said Chalew.\n\nAll of the horses agreed.": "“Çok sıkı çalışıyoruz ama sahiplerimizin çoğu bize kötü davranıyor. Birçoğu daha bize nasıl bakacağını bilmiyor!” dedi Chalew.\n\nTüm atlar aynı fikirdelerdi.", + "What do you think Chalew is going to suggest that they do about their bad situation?": "Sizce Chalew içinde bulundukları kötü durumla ilgili ne yapmalarını önerecek?", + "In this picture, the five horses are paired up into two pairs with one left over. Is there any way to pair these five horses into pairs all at the same time? When there are a number of things that can't all be paired up, that's called on odd number.": "Bu resimde, beş at, çift çift eşleştirilmişler ama bir tanesi tek kalmış. Bu beş atı aynı anda çiftler halinde eşleştirmenin bir yolu var mı? Eğer çift çift eşleştirilemeyecek sayıda şeyler varsa, onun ‘tek sayıda’ olduğu söylenir.", + "Think of some other odd numbers. When you have two people and an odd number of things, it is impossible to give them the same number, so you can't share the things equally.": "Başka tek sayılar düşünün. Eğer iki kişi varsa ve tek sayıda olan bir şeyiniz varsa, onlara o şeyi eşit sayıda vermek imkansızdır; dolayısıyla, o şeyi eşit olarak paylaşamazsınız.", + "\"We need better conditions. Let's go on strike!\" declared Chalew. The horses cheered!\n\nThey decided to stay in the field until the cart drivers agreed to change.": "“Daha iyi koşullara ihtiyacımız var. Haydi greve gidelim!” dedi Chalew. Atlar coşkuyla alkışladılar!\n\nFayton sürücüleri değişmeyi kabul edene kadar tarlada kalmaya karar verdiler.", + "A strike occurs when a group of workers refuse to work and insist on getting treated better by their company. People sometimes go on strike to get better working conditions, and sometimes they do it to get paid more.": "Grev, bir grup işçi çalışmayı reddettiğinde ve şirketlerinden daha iyi muamele görmeyi ısrar ettiğinde gerçekleşir. İnsanlar bazen daha iyi çalışma koşulları elde etmek için greve giderler, bazen de daha fazla ücret almak için bunu yaparlar.", + "What is risky for a person when they strike? (They might not get paid for a long time and they might lose their job.)": "Grev yapan bir kişi için riskli olan şey nedir? (Uzun süre maaş alamayabilir ve işini kaybedebilir.)", + "Numbers that can be pair up are called even numbers. There are six horses in this picture. Can you pair them all up? Is six an odd or even number?": "Çift olabilen sayılara ‘çift sayı’ denir. Bu resimde altı at var. Hepsini eşleştirebilir misiniz? Altı, tek sayı mıdır yoksa çift sayı mıdır?", + "The cart drivers did not know what to do.\n\n\"I can get another horse,\" boasted one driver.\n\nBut most of the drivers needed their horses to earn a living.": "Fayton sürücüleri ne yapacaklarını bilmiyorlardı.\n\nBir sürücü, “Ben başka bir at bulabilirim,” diye övündü.\n\nAma sürücülerin çoğunun geçimlerini sağlamak için kendi atlarına ihtiyaçları vardı.", + "How many people are in this picture? If you take away (subtract off) the two who are sitting down, how many are standing up?": "Bu resimde kaç kişi var? Orada oturan iki kişiyi saymazsanız (çıkarırsanız), ayakta duran kaç kişi vardır?", + "Are there an odd or even number of people in the room? Can they be split into two equal groups? If you can, it's an even number and otherwise it's an odd number.": "Odada tek sayıda mı yoksa çift sayıda mı insan var? İki eşit gruba ayrılabilirler mi? Eğer ayırabiliyorsanız çift sayıdır, aksi takdirde tek sayıdır.", + "What worries the owners? Are they worried about how the horses feel or are they worried about their businesses?": "At sahiplerini endişelendiren şey nedir? Atların nasıl hissettikleri konusunda mı yoksa işleri konusunda mı endişeliler?", + "The drivers held a meeting to discuss the strike. They argued for a long time.\n\n\"Maybe the horses are right,\" said one man. \"Why should they get better conditions?\" asked another.": "Sürücüler grevi tartışmak üzere bir toplantı düzenlediler. Uzun bir süre tartıştılar.\n\n“Belki de atlar haklıdır,” dedi bir adam. “Neden daha iyi koşullara sahip olsunlar ki?” diye sordu bir diğeri.", + "Estimate how many people are crowded into the room and then count, as best you can, how people there are. An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information, such as a quick glance.": "Odada kaç kişi olduğunu tahmin edin ve sonra elinizden geldiğince kaç kişi olduğunu sayın. Tahmin, hızlı bir bakış gibi kısmi bilgilere dayanan ‘eğitimli bir öngörüdür.’", + "Making estimates can be a fun game. When you're walking around, have everyone make an estimate of a group of things, then carefully count how many there are, and see who is closest to the right answer.": "Tahmin etmek, eğlenceli bir oyun olabilir. Etrafta dolaşırken, herkesin bir grup şey hakkında bir tahminde bulunmasını sağlayın, ardından o şeyin kaç tane olduğunu dikkatlice sayın ve doğru cevaba en yakın olanın kim olduğunu bulun.", + "How do the owners know what the horses want? Did the horses talk to them?": "Sahipleri atların ne istediklerini nereden biliyorlar? Atlar sahipleriyle mi konuştu?", + "The horses' strike spread from the town of Debre Birhan across Ethiopia.\n\nNearly three million horses refused to work.\n\n\"We have had enough! Treat us fairly!\" they said.": "Atların grevi Debre Birhan kasabasından çıkıp tüm Etiyopya’ya yayıldı.\n\nYaklaşık üç milyon at çalışmayı reddetti.\n\n“Yeter artık! Bize adil davranın!” dediler.", + "Three million is a lot of horses! Can you think of something around you that there are more than one hundred of? More than a thousand?": "Üç milyon at çok fazla! Etrafınızda 100’den fazla olan bir şey düşünebiliyor musunuz? Peki 1000’den fazla?", + "Have you heard of working people going on strike near you? Did the strike work, or did the strikers give up before getting what they wanted?": "Yakınlarınızda çalışan insanların greve gittiklerini duydunuz mu? Grev işe yaradı mı yoksa grevciler istediklerini alamadan pes mi ettiler?", + "What do you do when you really want something and it doesn't seem like you are going to get it? Does it work?": "Bir şeyi gerçekten istediğinizde ve onu elde edemeyecek gibi göründüğünüzde ne yaparsınız? O şey İşe yarar mı?", + "So, the cart drivers were forced to change.\n\nThey agreed to better conditions and fair treatment for all horses.\n\nThey learned how to look after the horses, and keep them healthy.": "Böylece fayton sürücüleri, değişmek zorunda kaldılar.\n\nTüm atlar için daha iyi koşulları ve adil muameleyi kabul ettiler.\n\nAtlara nasıl bakacaklarını ve onları nasıl sağlıklı tutacaklarını öğrendiler.", + "Taking better care of the horses is the right thing to do for the horses, and it's the smart thing to do to get the horses to do better work!": "Atlara daha iyi bakmak, atlar için yapılacak en doğru şeydir ve bu, atların daha iyi iş yapmalarını sağlamak için yapılacak en akıllıca şeydir!", + "If it's a good idea to take better care of the horses, why weren't the drivers doing this all along?": "Atlara daha iyi bakmak iyi bir fikirse, sürücüler neden bunu en başından beri yapmıyorlardı?", + "Sometimes people do something that seems easy, but is a bad idea in the long run. Have you ever put off doing something that you wished you hadn't?": "Bazen insanlar kolay gibi görünen ama uzun vadede kötü bir fikir olan şeyler yaparlar. Sizin de savsakladığınız ama sonra ‘keşke savsaklamasaydım’ dediğiniz bir şey oldu mu?", + "Slowly, the horses' lives improved.\n\nThey got enough food and rest. Their harnesses fitted. They got better shoes for their hooves.\n\nOld Chalew became a hero to all horses!": "Atların yaşamları yavaş yavaş iyi hale geldi.\n\nAtlar, yeterli yiyecek ve dinlenme molalarına kavuştular. Onlara uyan koşum takımlarını aldılar. Toynakları için daha iyi nallara sahip oldular.\n\nYaşlı Chalew, tüm atlar için bir kahraman oldu!", + "Chalew took a risk and helped an important cause. Can you think of a person who has done that?": "Chalew risk alıp önemli bir amaca yardım etti. Buna benzer bir şey yapmış bir kişi biliyor musunuz?", + "Have you ever gone out of your way to help a person or group of people who needed help? Did you make a difference for them?": "Yardıma ihtiyacı olan bir kişiye veya gruba yardım etmek için elinizden geleni yaptığınız oldu mu? Onlar için bir fark yarattınız mı?", + "How does it feel when you help others?": "Başkalarına yardım ettiğinizde nasıl hissedersiniz?", + "How many legs do two ladybugs have?": "İki uğur böceğinin toplam kaç bacağı vardır?", + "Skip counting is counting by steps bigger than 1. You can skip count these legs by 6's by counting 6, 12. You can also skip count by 3's using the sides of their bodies 3, 6, 9, 12.": "Atlayarak sayma (ritmik sayma), 1’den büyük adımlarla saymadır. Bacakları saymayı 6’şar 6’şar; yani 6, 12 şeklinde, atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, uğur böceğinin vücutlarının yan taraflarını kullanarak da 3’er 3’er; 3, 6, 9, 12 şeklinde atlayarak sayabilirsiniz.", + "You can skip count to 12 in steps of 3 and 6. Can you think of other ways to skip count to 12? Which ways work (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) and which ways don't (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)?": "3 ve 6’lık adımlarla, 12’ye kadar atlayarak sayabilirsiniz. 12’ye kadar atlayarak saymanın başka yollarını düşünebiliyor musunuz? Hangi yollar işe yarıyor (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) ve hangileri (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) işe yaramıyor?", + "Count together the dots on each ladybug's back. Have you seen ladybugs around where you live -- did they have more or fewer dots than these?": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, her bir uğur böceğinin sırtındaki benekleri sayın. Yaşadığınız yerde uğur böcekleri gördünüz mü – onların bunlardan daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az benekleri vardı?", + "How many wings do four birds have?": "Dört kuşun toplam kaç kanadı vardır?", + "Skip count the wings by counting by 2's -- one 2 for each bird.": "Kanatları 2'şer 2’şer atlayarak sayın – her bir kuş için 2 tane.", + "Skip count the wings by counting the four left wings and then the four right wings. It's fun that you get the same answer whether you skip by 2's or 4's!": "Kanatları da önce dört sol kanadı sayarak ve ardından dört sağ kanadı sayarak sayın. 2’şer 2’şer veya 4’er 4’er atlayarak sayarak aynı cevabı bulmak eğlenceli!", + "If the bird in the sky flies away, how many of the four birds will remain?": "Gökyüzündeki kuş uçup giderse, dört kuştan geriye kaç kalır?", + "How many horns do three rhinos have?": "Üç gergedanın toplam kaç boynuzu vardır?", + "Each rhino has two horns, a big one and a small one. Skip count their horns by 2's and 3's.": "Her bir gergedanın iki boynuzu vardır; biri büyük ve biri küçüktür. Boynuzlarını 2’şer 2’şer ve 3’er 3’er sayın.", + "How would you skip count to find out how many feet they have?": "Kaç adet ayaklarının olduğunu bulmak için atlayarak nasıl sayarsınız?", + "Each rhino has twice as many feet as horns. Take the total number of horns and double that to get the total number of feet.": "Her bir gergedanın, boynuzlarının iki katı kadar ayağı vardır. Toplam ayak sayısını elde etmek için toplam boynuz sayısının iki katını alın.", + "How many trunks do five elephants have?": "Beş filin toplam kaç hortumu vardır?", + "Let's count trunks, tails, tusks, and ears. Counting tails and trunks is simple -- what number do you get?": "Haydi fillerin hortumlarını, kuyruklarını, dişlerini ve kulaklarını sayalım! Kuyrukları ve dişleri saymak en kolayı – kaç buldunuz?", + "Each elephant has two tusks and two ears. Which do you like better -- skip counting these by 2's or by 5's?": "Her bir filin iki dişi ve iki kulağı vardır. Hangi yöntemi daha çok seversiniz – onları 2’şer 2’şer saymayı mı yoksa 5’er 5’er saymayı mı?", + "There are four big elephants and one baby elephant. How much is four plus one more?": "Resimde dört büyük fil ve bir yavru fil var. Dördün bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "How many ears do seven dogs have?": "Yedi köpeğin toplam kaç kulağı vardır?", + "Did you count the ears by 1's, 2's, or 7's?": "Kulakları 1’er 1’er, 2’şer 2’şer veya 7’şer 7’şer mi saydınız?", + "There are 14 ears. We can skip count to 14 by 1's, 2's, and 7's. Are there any other step sizes that work for counting to 14?": "14 tane kulak var. 1’er 1’er, 2’şer 2’şer veya 7’şer 7’şer sayarak 14’e kadar sayabiliriz. Sizce 14’e kadar saymak için işe yarayan başka atlama adımları var mı?", + "There are four dogs in the top group and three in the bottom. What do you get when put four dogs together with three more?": "Üst grupta dört ve alt grupta üç köpek var. Dört köpeği üç fazlasıyla bir araya getirdiğinizde hangi sayıyı elde edersiniz?", + "How many tails do three monkeys have?": "Üç maymunun toplam kaç kuyruğu vardır?", + "Let's count the tails, eyes, and feet. How many tails do you count?": "Haydi kuyrukları, gözleri ve ayakları sayalım! Kaç kuyruk saydınız?", + "Would you count the eyes two at a time, two for each monkey, or would you count them three at a time, which is doubling the number of monkeys?": "Gözleri, tek seferde her maymun için ikişer ikişer mi sayarsınız yoksa üçer üçer mi (ki bu, maymun sayısını iki katına çıkarır)?", + "You have many choices for skip counting their feet. What are your choices and which one would you choose to use?": "Ayaklarını atlayarak saymak için birçok seçeneğiniz var. Sizin seçenekleriniz neler ve hangisini kullanmayı seçerdiniz?", + "How many eyes do six cats have?": "Altı kedinin toplam kaç gözü vardır?", + "Wow, these cats are a bit creepy! Did you skip count the eyes by 2's or 6's?": "Vay canına, bu kediler biraz ürkütücü! Gözleri 2’şer 2’şer mi yoksa 6’şar 6’şar mı atlayarak saydınız?", + "How many whiskers does each cat have? Can you count high enough to skip count all the whiskers?": "Her bir kedinin kaç bıyığı vardır? Tüm bıyıkları atlayarak saymak için o kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "Can you skip count high enough to count all the feet?": "Peki ya tüm ayakları atlayarak saymak için o kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "How many legs does one worm have?": "Bir kırkayağın kaç bacağı vardır?", + "Can you count all those legs, or is it too tricky to see or too high to count?": "Tüm o bacakları sayabilir misiniz – onları görmek çok mu zor yoksa sayamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar?", + "Think of some other things that are just too many to count.": "Sayamayacak kadar çok fazla olan başka şeyler düşünün.", + "Skip counting can be fun because it gets you to the answer much more quickly than counting by 1's. It's also fun to discover the different step sizes that give you the same answer.": "Atlayarak saymak eğlenceli olabilir çünkü atlayarak saymak sizi birer birer saymaktan çok daha hızlı bir şekilde cevaba ulaştırır. Ayrıca, size aynı cevabı veren farklı adım boyutlarını keşfetmek de eğlencelidir.", + "Mod the toad was tired of living in water.": "Kara kurbağası Mod suda yaşamaktan bıkmıştı.", + "Why do you think Mod was tired of water?": "Sizce Mod neden suda yaşamaktan bıkmıştı?", + "Mod has four \"fingers\" on each leg. Who has more fingers -- you or Mod? How many more?": "Mod'un her bir “ön” bacağında dört parmak var. Kimin daha fazla parmağı var – sizin mi yoksa Mod'un mu? Kaç parmak daha fazla?", + "With four fingers on each leg, how many fingers does Mod have all together? You can count them by 1's, 2's, or 4's. Is it too high for you to count?": "Her bir “ön bacakta” dört parmak olduğuna göre, Mod'un toplamda kaç tane ‘ön bacak parmağı’ vardır? Onları tek tek, ikişer ikişer veya dörder dörder sayabilirsiniz. Bu sayılar sayabileceğinizden çok mu fazlalar?", + "Be careful, said the turtle. \"Your skin will dry out.\"": "“Dikkat et,” dedi kaplumbağa. “Derin kuruyacak!”", + "Why don't turtles worry about their skin drying out?": "Kaplumbağalar derilerinin kuruması konusunda neden endişelenmezler?", + "Do you think a big turtle would be able to climb onto a narrow log like that?": "Sizce büyük bir kaplumbağa böyle dar bir kütüğün üzerine tırmanabilir mi?", + "Do you think toads and turtles talk to each other?": "Sizce kara kurbağaları ve kaplumbağalar birbirleriyle konuşurlar mı?", + "But Mod was curious. She hopped away.": "Ama Mod meraklıydı. Zıplayarak uzaklaştı.", + "Mod looks very excited to be going on an adventure!": "Mod bir maceraya çıkacağı için çok heyecanlı görünüyor!", + "Have you ever done something even though you were told it was a bad idea? Were you glad you did it?": "Size kötü bir fikir olduğu söylendiği hâlde o şeyi yine de hiç yaptınız mı? Yaptığınıza memnun oldunuz mu?", + "Do you think Mod had ever been out of the river before? Are there places you would like to explore?": "Sizce Mod daha önce hiç nehirden çıkmış mıdır? Sizin de keşfetmek istediğiniz yerler var mı?", + "She looked all around.": "Mod, etrafına bakındı.", + "Count the trees in the background behind Mod.": "Mod'un arkasındaki ağaçları sayın.", + "Is it easier for you to count the trees one at a time or to count them by 2's?": "Ağaçları teker teker saymak mı yoksa ikişer ikişer saymak mı sizin için daha kolay?", + "Notice the shades of colors. Mod's colors go from light yellow to dark brown. The grass goes from very light yellow to the yellow greens of the tree tops to the darker shades directly beneath the tree canopy.": "Renklerin tonlarına dikkat edin. Mod'un renkleri açık sarıdan koyu kahverengiye geçiyor. Çimenler ise çok açık sarıdan ağaç tepelerindeki sarı-yeşil tonlarına, ağaçların gölgelerinin hemen altındaki daha koyu tonlara doğru geçiş yapıyor.", + "She met a purple chameleon next to a puddle of water.": "Mod, bir su birikintisinin yanında mor bir bukalemunla karşılaştı.", + "Mod looks surprised to see the chameleon!": "Mod, bukalemunu görünce çok şaşırmış gibi görünüyor!", + "Why is the chameleon holding that bug? Do you eat insects sometimes?": "Bukalemun o böceği neden tutuyor olabilir? Siz bazen böcek yer misiniz?", + "Count the bugs flying around. If you add one more for the one the chameleon is holding, how many does that make in total?": "Etrafta uçuşan böcekleri sayın. Bukalemunun tuttuğu böceğe bir tane daha eklerseniz, toplam kaç eder?", + "The chameleon started turning pink! Mod jumped away.": "Bukalemun pembeye dönmeye başladı! Mod zıplayarak uzaklaştı.", + "Chameleons and some other animals can change colors to blend in.": "Bukalemunlar ve diğer bazı hayvanlar çevrelerine uyum sağlamak için renk değiştirebilirler.", + "Do you think this chameleon is blending in?": "Sizce bu bukalemun ortama uyum sağlıyor mu?", + "Do you think Mod knew the chameleon could change colors? Mod looks surprised and afraid!": "Sizce Mod bukalemunun renk değiştirebildiğini biliyor muydu? Mod şaşırmış ve korkmuş görünüyor!", + "Then she saw a hyena starting a fire.": "Sonra, bir sırtlanın ateş yakmaya başladığını gördü.", + "It's silly to think that hyenas go around starting fires with torches.": "Sırtlanların etrafta meşalelerle ateş yaktıklarını düşünmek absürt.", + "If they could do it, why would they want to?": "Eğer bunu yapabiliyorlarsa bile, neden yapmak istesinler ki?", + "Hyenas are sometimes described as bad characters in stories. Do you think hyenas would go to all the trouble to start a fire just to be mean?": "Sırtlanlar bazen hikâyelerde kötü karakterler olarak tanımlanırlar. Sizce sırtlanlar sırf kötü niyet olsun diye yangın çıkarmak için onca zahmete girerler mi?", + "The fire spread around Mod. She was afraid.": "Yangın Mod’un etrafına yayıldı. Mod korktu.", + "Have you ever seen or been near a big wildfire? If so, how did you feel about it?": "Siz hiç büyük bir orman yangını gördünüz mü veya yakınında bulundunuz mu? Eğer gördüyseniz, nasıl hissettiniz?", + "Did Mod pick a good place to hide?": "Mod, saklanmak için iyi bir yer seçti mi?", + "What do you think will happen to Mod -- is Mod in a safe place?": "Sizce Mod'a ne olacak? – Mod güvenli bir yerde mi?", + "The fire burned her skin. She jumped back, into the puddle.": "Ateş Mod’un derisini yaktı. Mod su birikintisinin içine geri sıçradı.", + "Getting burned hurts a lot! Have you ever been burned or known someone who was?": "Yanmak çok acıtır! Siz hiç yandınız mı ya da yanmış birini tanıyor musunuz?", + "Why did Mod cover her eyes?": "Mod neden gözlerini kapattı?", + "Finding something cool to put on your wound is often a very good idea to stop further burning inside the wound.": "Yaranızın üzerine koyabileceğiniz soğuk bir şey bulmak, yaranın daha fazla yanmasını önlemek için genellikle çok iyi bir fikirdir.", + "But her skin was already full of blisters.": "Ama Mod’un derisi çoktan kabarcıklarla dolmuştu bile.", + "When Mod splashed, what shape were the ripples in the water around where Mod went in?": "Mod suya girdiğinde, suya girdiği yerin etrafında oluşan su dalgaları hangi şekildelerdi?", + "Have you ever watched the ripples a stone makes when it falls into quiet water?": "Bir taşın durgun suya düştüğünde oluşturduğu dalgaları hiç izlediniz mi hiç?", + "Those ripples are circles that have a common center point. Such circles are called concentric.": "Bu dalgalar ortak bir merkez noktası olan dairelerdir. Bu tür dairelere ‘eş merkezli daireler’ denir.", + "Mod found a home under a rock. Her new skin was dry and rough.": "Mod bir kayanın altında bir yuva buldu. Yeni derisi kuru ve pürüzlüydü.", + "Even if things did not go so well, she had some interesting experiences. Do you think Mod regrets her adventure?": "İşler pek iyi gitmemiş olsa da Mod, bazı ilginç deneyimler yaşadı. Sizce Mod macerasından pişmanlık duyuyor mudur?", + "Do you think toads have homes with doors, windows, and tables?": "Sizce kurbağaların kapıları, pencereleri ve masaları olan evleri var mıdır?", + "It looks like Mod has three fingers now. Is that more or less than she had before?": "Resimde Mod’un üç parmağı görülüyor. Şu anda parmakları, daha önce sahip olduğundan daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az sayıda?", + "Now only frogs have smooth skin and live near water.": "Artık sadece kurbağaların pürüzsüz derileri var ve su kenarında yaşıyorlar.", + "Did you know that there are differences between frogs and toads?": "Kurbağaların (frog) ve kara kurbağalarının (toad) arasında farkların olduğunu biliyor muydunuz?", + "Have you ever seen a frog or toad? Could you tell which one it was?": "Siz hiç kurbağa ya da kara kurbağası gördünüz mü? Hangisinin hangisi olduğunu ayırt edebildiniz mi?", + "Have you ever gone to a pond, river, or lake to explore water life?": "Su yaşamını keşfetmek için bir gölete, nehre ya da göle gittiniz mi?", + "A long time ago, there was a greedy hyena.": "Uzun zaman önce, açgözlü bir sırtlan vardı.", + "These houses seem very smoky. How many houses do you see in Hyena's village?": "Bu evler çok dumanlı görünüyor. Sırtlan’ın köyünde kaç ev görüyorsunuz?", + "Each house is round with round roof going up to a point. Each roof is in the shape of a cone. Do you see any cone-shaped things around you?": "Evlerin her birisi yuvarlak ve yuvarlak çatıları bir noktaya kadar çıkıyor. Her çatı bir koni şeklinde. Etrafınızda koni şeklinde bir şey görüyor musunuz?", + "Count the toes on each of Hyena's legs. Hyenas have the same number of toes on all their legs -- is that what the picture shows?": "Sırtlan’ın her bir bacağındaki ayak parmaklarını sayın. Sırtlanların tüm bacaklarında aynı sayıda ayak parmağı vardır – resimde de öyle mi?", + "There was also Tortoise. Hyena and Tortoise were friends.": "Bir de Kaplumbağa vardı. Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa arkadaşlardı.", + "How many houses are in Tortoise's village? How many houses are in the two villages combined?": "Kaplumbağa’nın köyünde kaç ev var? İki köyde toplam kaç ev var?", + "Which village has more houses, or are they equal?": "Hangi köyde daha çok ev var yoksa eşitler mi?", + "What is different about the roofs in Tortoise/s village compared to Hyena's village? Why do you suppose that is?": "Sırtlan’ın köyüyle kıyasladığınızda Kaplumbağa’nın köyündeki çatıların farkı nedir? Sizce neden öyle?", + "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Let us search for honey.\"": "Sırtlan, Kaplumbağa’ya, “Hadi bal arayalım!” dedi.", + "Compare the drawing of the houses with the first page. Whose house are they in front of?": "Bu sayfadaki evleri ilk sayfadaki çizimlerle karşılaştırın. Kimin evinin önündeler?", + "Hyena and Tortoise seem like unlikely friends. What do you think will happen to their friendship by the end of the story?": "Sırtlan ve Kaplumbağa ‘beklenmedik arkadaşlar’ gibi görünüyorlar. Sizce hikâyenin sonunda arkadaşlıklarına ne olacak?", + "Do you have friends that are different from you? Do your differences help make your friendship weaker or stronger?": "Sizin de sizden farklı arkadaşlarınız var mı? Farklılıklarınız arkadaşlığınızı daha da güçlendiriyor mu yoksa zayıflatıyor mu?", + "Hyena ran fast. Tortoise followed slowly. He was afraid.": "Sırtlan hızlı bir şekilde koştu. Kaplumbağa yavaş bir şekilde takip etti. Kaplumbağa korkuyordu.", + "These animals travel at very different speeds. Have you gone for a walk with someone who is a lot faster or slower than you? How did the two of you work out having two different speeds?": "Bu hayvanlar çok farklı hızlarda hareket ederler. Sizden çok daha hızlı veya yavaş olan biriyle yürüyüşe çıktınız mı hiç? İki farklı hızlara sahip olmanız nasıl sonuçlandı?", + "Real hyenas and tortoises don't look like these two. What are the differences? Those differences will be important later in the story!": "Gerçek sırtlanlar ve kaplumbağalar bu ikisine benzemezler. Aralarındaki farklar nelerdir? Bu farklılıklar hikâyenin ilerleyen bölümlerinde önemli olacak!", + "Tortoise is looking backward. What is Tortoise looking for?": "Kaplumbağa arkasına bakıyor. Kaplumbağa ne arıyor?", + "They crossed a river. They got wet.": "Bir nehri geçtiler. Islandılar.", + "\"They got wet\" seems like an understatement for how they look in the picture. Hyenas are excellent swimmers, so it is surprising that Hyena looks so unhappy.": "“Islandılar” ifadesi resimdeki görünüşlerinin yanında yetersiz kalıyor gibi. Sırtlanlar mükemmel yüzücülerdir; dolayısıyla, Sırtlan’ın bu kadar mutsuz görünmesi şaşırtıcıdır.", + "Do you like swimming? Have you ever gone swimming in rivers or other natural bodies of water?": "Yüzmeyi sever misiniz? Hiç nehirlerde ya da diğer doğal su kütlelerinde yüzdünüz mü?", + "Which direction do you think the water is flowing? How can you tell?": "Sizce su hangi yöne doğru akıyor? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Then they saw beehives. Hyena ran to the hives.": "Sonra, arı kovanlarını gördüler. Sırtlan kovanlara doğru koştu.", + "There are a lot of hives in those trees. Sometimes a swarm will fly around looking for a new home. Have you ever seen a swarm of bees?": "Şu ağaçlarda bir sürü kovan var. Bazen bir arı sürüsü yeni bir yuva aramak için etrafta uçar. Hç arı sürüsü gördünüz mü?", + "Do you like bees or are you afraid of them? What are some things you are afraid of?": "Arıları sever misiniz yoksa onlardan korkar mısınız? Bazı korktuğunuz şeyler nelerdir?", + "Hyena is pictured with four toes on his front legs and three toes on his back legs. How many more fingers do you have on your arms? How many more toes do you have on your legs?": "Resimde Sırtlan’ın ön ayaklarında dört, arka ayaklarında ise üç parmağı görülüyor. Sizin ellerinizde kaç parmak var? Ayaklarınızda, ellerinizdekilerden kaç fazla parmağınız var?", + "Hyena told Tortoise, \"Climb up and get the beehive.\"": "Sırtlan, Kaplumbağa’ya, “Tırman ve arı kovanını al,” dedi.", + "It is difficult to imagine Tortoise climbing a tree. Why would Hyena be a better tree climber than Tortoise?": "Kaplumbağa’nın bir ağaca tırmandığını hayal etmek zor. Neden Sırtlan Kaplumbağa’dan daha iyi bir tırmanıcıdır?", + "Why did Hyena tell Tortoise to climb up and get the beehive?": "Sırtlan niçin Kaplumbağa’ya tırmanmasını ve arı kovanını almasını söyledi?", + "A hexagon is a shape with six straight sides. If the sides are all the same length, it is called a regular hexagon. Each of the little cells in a beehive is a regular hexagon. Do you know of any designs around you that are made of hexagons?": "Bir altıgen, altı tane düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Eğer kenarların hepsi aynı uzunluktaysa, ona ‘düzgün altıgen’ denir. Bir arı kovanındaki küçük hücrelerin her biri düzgün altıgendir. Etrafınızda altıgenlerden yapılmış herhangi bir tasarım var mı?", + "Tortoise climbed slowly. Hyena was angry. He shouted at Tortoise.": "Kaplumbağa yavaşça tırmandı. Sırtlan sinirlendi. Kaplumbağa’ya bağırdı.", + "Why was Hyena shouting? Did Hyena's shouting help Tortoise climb the tree?": "Sırtlan neden bağırıyordu? Sırtlan’ın bağırması Kaplumbağa’nın ağaca tırmanmasına yardım etti mi?", + "Do you ever get angry and start shouting? Did your shouting help make the situation better?": "Sizin de sinirlendiğinizde bağırmaya başladığınız oldu mu hiç? Bağırmanız, durumu daha da iyileştirdi mi?", + "Tiles that are regular hexagons fit together to make beautiful tile floors and walls. Tiles in the shape of squares (shapes with four equal straight sides and square corners) fit together well too. Describe any other tiling patterns on floors or walls that you have seen.": "Düzgün altıgen şeklindeki fayanslar, güzel fayans zeminler ve duvarlar yapmak için iyidir. Kare şeklindeki fayanslar (karolar) yani dört eşit düz kenarı ve kare köşeleri olanlar da çok iyi olur. Bulunduğunuz yerin zemininde veya duvarlarında gördüğünüz başka karo desenlerini tarif edin.", + "Tortoise touched the beehive. Bees swarmed in the air.": "Kaplumbağa arı kovanına dokundu. Arılar havada uçuştu.", + "Why was Tortoise safe from the bees and Hyena was not?": "Kaplumbağa neden arılardan kurtuldu da Sırtlan kurtulamadı?", + "An estimate is an educated guess when there are too many things to count easily. What is your estimate of how many bees there are?": "Tahmin, kolayca sayılamayacak kadar çok şey olduğunda yapılan eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Kaç tane arı olduğuna dair tahmininiz nedir?", + "Do your best to count the bees. How far off was your quick estimate?": "Arıları saymak için elinizden geleni yapın. En hızlı tahmininiz, gerçek değerden ne kadar uzaktı?", + "Tortoise fell. The beehive fell on him. Hyena licked the honey.": "Kaplumbağa düştü. Arı kovanı da üzerine düştü. Sırtlan balı yaladı.", + "Hyena was so focused on the honey that he didn't help Tortoise. Can you think of a time you were so focused on one thing that you completely forgot something else you should have done?": "Sırtlan bala o kadar odaklanmıştı ki Kaplumbağa’ya hiç yardım etmedi. Sizin de yapmanız gereken bir şeyi tamamen unutacak kadar başka bir şeye odaklandığınız bir zaman oldu mu hiç?", + "Hyena should have helped his friend. Is Hyena a very good friend?": "Sırtlan arkadaşına yardım etmeliydi. Sırtlan çok iyi bir arkadaş mı?", + "Do you think this page shows more or fewer bees than on the last page?": "Sizce bu sayfada bir önceki sayfadakinden daha çok mu yoksa daha az mı arı var?", + "The bees stung Hyena. He ran. The bees followed him.": "Arılar Sırtlan’ı soktu. Sırtlan kaçtı. Arılar onu takip etti.", + "Why did the bees chase and sting Hyena?": "Arılar neden Sırtlan’ı kovalayıp soktular?", + "A beehive is the home for the bees. Is it okay for people to take honey from beehives, or should we leave their homes untouched?": "Bir arı kovanı arıların evidir. İnsanların arı kovanlarından bal almaları doğru mu yoksa biz insanlar onların yuvalarına dokunmamalı mıyız?", + "Have you ever tried to outrun a bee or some other stinging insect? Were you able to do it?": "Bir arıdan veya iğneli başka bir böcekten kaçmayı denediniz mi hiç? Kaçabildiniz mi?", + "Hyena ran into the river. The bees still followed him.": "Sırtlan, nehre doğru koştu. Arılar hâlâ onu takip ediyorlardı.", + "Why did the Hyena go into the river? Did it work?": "Sırtlan niçin nehre girdi? İşe yaradı mı?", + "The bees can't go into the water, but Hyena can't stay under the water for long. What do you think Hyena should do?": "Arılar suya giremez ama Sırtlan da suyun altında uzun süre kalamaz. Sizce Sırtlan ne yapmalıdır?", + "Poor Hyena must be miserable. Have you ever had a bee sting or some other kind of sting? If so, did it hurt a lot?": "Zavallı Sırtlan, şu anda perişan halde olmalı. Hiç arı sokması veya başka bir tür böcek sokması yaşadınız mı? Yaşadıysanız, çok acıdı mı?", + "The beehive and the honey dried on Tortoise's back.": "Arı kovanı ve bal, Kaplumbağa’nın sırtında kurudu.", + "All the bees went after Hyena and left Tortoise alone.": "Bütün arılar Sırtlan’ın peşinden gitti ve Kaplumbağa’yı yalnız bıraktılar.", + "Tortoise looks pretty safe sitting quietly under that layer of drying honey. Do you have a quiet place where you feel safe and peaceful? Perhaps it is a place no one else knows about.": "Kaplumbağa, kuruyan bal tabakasının altında sessizce otururken oldukça güvende görünüyor. Sizin de kendinizi güvende ve huzurlu hissettiğiniz sessiz bir yeriniz var mı? O yer belki de kimsenin bilmediği bir yerdir!", + "What does his face tell you about how he is feeling?": "Kaplumbağa’nın yüzü nasıl hissettiği hakkında size neler anlatıyor?", + "Tortoise got a shell to protect himself. He went home.": "Kaplumbağa’da, onu koruyan baldan bir kabuk kaplandı. Evine gitti.", + "The honey dried on Tortoise in a beautiful pattern. Can you think of some interesting natural patterns around you?": "Bal, Kaplumbağa’nın üzerinde güzel bir desen oluşturarak kurudu. Etrafınızda bazı ilginç doğal desenler var mı?", + "People also make a lot of patterns when they build things. Tiles are often laid out to make interesting designs. Do you see any any tiling patterns near you?": "İnsanlar bir şeyler inşa ederken de bir sürü desenler yaparlar. Fayanslar genellikle ilginç tasarımlar yapmak için döşenir. Yakınınızda herhangi bir döşeme deseni görüyor musunuz?", + "What do you think -- how easy is it to sit in that chair with a big shell on your back?": "Sırtınızda baldan büyük bir kabuk varken o sandalyeye oturmak ne kadar kolaydır?", + "The stings caused patches on Hyena's body.": "İğneler Sırtlan’ın vücudunda lekelere sebep oldu.", + "Now Hyena has lots of spots on him, just like hyenas we see today.": "Artık Sırtlan’ın üzerinde bir sürü benek var – tıpkı bugün gördüğümüz sırtlanlar gibi!", + "Make a quick estimate how many spots he has and then try to count them. How close was your estimate?": "Ne kadar beneği olduğunu hızlıca tahmin edin ve sonra onları saymaya çalışın. Tahmininiz gerçeğe ne kadar yakındı?", + "Making quick estimates is a fun game two people can play. Whose estimate will be the closest?": "Hızlı tahminler yapmak iki kişinin oynayabileceği eğlenceli bir oyundur. Oynayın bakalım kimin tahmini en yakın olacak!", + "Tortoise and Hyena are no longer friends.": "Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan artık arkadaş değiller.", + "Tortoise and Hyena always seemed like unlikely friends. What happened in the story that caused them to stop being friends?": "Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan zaten hep ‘beklenmedik arkadaşlar’ gibi görünüyorlardı. Hikâyede onların arkadaş olmalarını engelleyen ne oldu?", + "Have you ever had something that caused you to stop being friends with someone?": "Peki ya siz, biriyle arkadaşlığınızı bitirmenize neden olan bir şey yaşadınız mı?", + "Do you think Tortoise and Hyena will return to being friends someday?": "Sizce Kaplumbağa ve Sırtlan bir gün tekrar arkadaş olacaklar mıdır?", + "I wonder if there's another me somewhere in the world.": "Dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde başka bir ben daha var mı diye merak ediyorum.", + "What do you think -- is there another animal just like this one somewhere in the world?": "Ne düşünüyorsunuz – dünyanın bir yerinde tıpkı onun gibi başka bir hayvan daha var mıdır?", + "Do you think there's another person just like you?": "Peki ya tıpkı sizin gibi başka biri daha var mıdır?", + "There are five trees in this picture. If you take away the one by itself on one side, how many trees are there on the other side? What is one less than five?": "Bu resimde beş ağaç var. Resmin bir tarafındaki o tek ağacı çıkarırsanız, diğer tarafta kaç ağaç kalır? Beşin bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "Who looks the same.": "Tıpkı bana benzeyen.", + "When you look in a mirror or in water, the image is almost the same as how you look. How is it different and how is it the same?": "Bir aynaya veya suya baktığınızda, görüntü sizinkiyle neredeyse aynıdır. Resimdeki hayvanın kendisiyle sudaki görüntüsü birbirinden nasıl farklı ve birbirine nasıl benzer?", + "Something that has one side that is the mirror image of the other side is called symmetric, or even mirror symmetric. Do you see some things around you that are symmetric?": "Bir tarafı diğer tarafın ayna görüntüsü olan bir şeye ‘simetrik’ veya hatta ‘ayna simetrisi’ denir. Etrafınızda simetrik olan şeyler görüyor musunuz?", + "People's faces are very close to being symmetric. Do you notice anything on one side of your face that is a little different than the other side? Perhaps your hair?": "İnsanların yüzleri hemen hemen simetriktir. Yüzünüzün bir tarafında diğer tarafından biraz daha farklı olan bir şey fark ediyor musunuz? Mesela saçınız?", + "And talks the same.": "Ve tıpkı benim gibi konuşan.", + "This animal is listening to its echo across a canyon. Have you heard an echo of your voice?": "Bu hayvan bir kanyonun karşısında kendi yankısını dinliyor. Kendi sesinizin yankısını duydunuz mu hiç?", + "An echo for your voice is like looking in a mirror for your image. Does an echo sound exactly like you, or can you tell the difference?": "Sesinizin yankısı, tıpkı aynadaki görüntünüze bakmak gibidir. Bir yankı tam olarak sizin sesiniz gibi mi duyulur? Aralarındaki farkı nasıl anlarsınız?", + "Hearing an echo is similar to hearing a recording of your voice. Do you think recordings of your voice sound like what you hear in your head when you talk?": "Bir yankı (eko) duymak, sesinizin kaydını duymaya benzer. Peki ya ses kayıtlarınız, konuşurken kafanızın içinde duyduğunuz sese mi benziyor?", + "And even has my curls.": "Ve hatta benim buklelerim gibi bukleleri olan.", + "Hippos and mice may have curly tails, but that does not make them the same as our friend. How many things need to be the same for two animals to be the same?": "Su aygırları ve farelerin kıvırcık kuyrukları olabilir ancak bu, onları, bu arkadaşımızla aynı yapmaz. İki hayvanın aynı olması için kaç tane şeylerinin aynı olması gerekir?", + "Describe some ways that the hippo and the mouse are different than our friend.": "Su aygırı ve farenin bu arkadaşımızdan farklı oldukları bazı yönleri açıklayın.", + "Pick someone you know and describe some ways you are similar to them and some ways you are different.": "Tanıdığınız birini ele alın ve ona benzediğiniz ve ondan farklı olduğunuz bazı yönleri açıklayın.", + "Someone with my eyes my ears.": "Benim gözlerim gibi gözleri, kulaklarım gibi kulakları olan biri.", + "Can you think of other animals that have big ears similar to these?": "Resimdekine benzer büyük kulakları olan başka hayvanlar daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "Can you think of other animals that have eyelashes like these?": "Buna benzer kirpikleri olan başka hayvanlar düşünebilir misiniz?", + "This animal has three eyelashes on each side. How many eyelashes is that all together?": "Bu hayvanın yüzünün her iki tarafında üç kirpik var. Toplam kaç kirpik var?", + "Who even has my laugh.": "Hatta benim gülüşüm gibi gülüşe sahip olan biri.", + "Can you make some animals sounds? Which animals?": "Bazı hayvan sesleri çıkarabilir misiniz? Hangi hayvanlarınkini?", + "Can you neigh like a horse, oink like a pig, meow like a cat, or bray like a donkey?": "Bir at gibi kişneyip, bir domuz gibi pırtlayıp, bir kedi gibi miyavlayıp ya da bir eşek gibi anırabilir misiniz?", + "This animal has exceptionally big teeth. Think of other animals with teeth like these.": "Bu hayvanın son derece büyük dişleri var. Böyle dişleri olan başka hayvanları düşünün.", + "Who can do what I can do.": "Benim yapabildiklerimi yapabilen biri.", + "Do you feel happy running in a big open space like that?": "Siz de böyle büyük bir açık alanda koşunca mutlu hisseder misiniz?", + "Do you prefer to run with someone or by yourself?": "Birisiyle mi yoksa kendi başınıza mı koşmayı tercih edersiniz?", + "Count all the rocks near them. If you take away the two biggest rocks, how many rocks are left?": "Hayvanların yanlarındaki taşları sayın. En büyük iki taşı alıp götürürseniz, geride kaç taş kalır?", + "And can't do what I can't.": "Ve yapamadıklarımı yapamayan biri!", + "Why are the animals having trouble peeling the banana?": "Bazı hayvanlar neden muz soymakta zorlanırlar?", + "Can you peel a banana easily?": "Peki ya siz, bir muzu kolaylıkla soyabilir misiniz?", + "Are there things, such as fruit or packages, that you have trouble opening?": "Açmakta zorlandığınız başka şeyler var mı – mesela, meyveler veya paketler gibi?", + "I've looked and looked everywhere to find another me. I went down to the park and looked behind the trees.": "Başka bir ben’i bulmak için her yere ama her yere baktım. Aşağıdaki parka gittim ve ağaçların arkasına baktım.", + "What animal did he see when he looked behind a tree?": "Ağacın arkasına baktığında hangi hayvanı gördü?", + "Did he see an animal just like him when he looked behind the tree?": "Ağacın arkasına baktığında kendisi gibi bir hayvan gördü mü?", + "Did he see what he was looking for behind the tree?": "Ağacın arkasında aradığını gördü mü?", + "I looked around, up, and down.": "Etrafa, yukarıya ve aşağıya baktım.", + "Do you think our friend could ever climb to the top of a tree?": "Sizce bu arkadaşımız bir ağacın tepesine tırmanabilir mi?", + "Do you think the bird is surprised to see him there?": "Sizce kuş onu orada gördüğüne şaşırmış mıdır?", + "Has the animal looked everywhere? What are some places that may have been missed?": "Hayvan her yere bakmış mıdır? Bakmayı kaçırdığı bazı yerler nelerdir?", + "At every single face.": "Yüzlerin tek tek her birisine baktım.", + "There are three animals on one side of the pond, and one more on the other side. If you put them all together, how many animals are there? What is one more than 3?": "Havuzun bir tarafında üç tane hayvan var ve öbür tarafında bir tane daha var. Hepsini bir araya getirdiğinizde, kaç hayvan olur? Üçün bir fazlası nedir?", + "If you remove one animal on one side of the pond from the four animals at the pond, how many are left? What is one less than 4?": "Havuzdaki dört hayvandan havuzun bir tarafındaki o bir hayvanı çıkardığınızda, kaç hayvan kalır? Dördün bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "Describe how the two facts:\n3 + 1 = 4 and 4 - 1 = 3\nare tied together.\nThese two related math facts are called a math fact family. Can you think of another math fact family?": "Bu iki sonucun:\n3 + 1 = 4 ve 4 - 1 = 3\nnasıl birbirine eşit olduğunu açıklayın.\nBu şekilde birbiriyle alakalı matematik işlemlere ‘matematik işlem ailesi’ denir. Aklınıza başka bir matematik işlem ailesi geliyor mu?", + "I couldn't find another me in any single place.": "Hiçbir yerde başka bir ben bulamadım.", + "Do you think his shadow temporarily fooled him into thinking that there was another animal just like him?": "Acaba gölgesi orada onun gibi olan başka bir hayvan olduğunu düşünmesi için onu kandırmış olabilir mi?", + "How much does your shadow look like you?": "Peki sizin gölgeniz size ne kadar benziyor?", + "Have you ever seen a shadow that you thought was a person?": "Hayatınızda insan olduğunu sandığınız bir gölge gördünüz mü hiç?", + "There's only one me in the world!\nI'm special, oh it's true!": "Dünyada sadece bir tane ben var!\nBen özelim, ah, bu doğru!", + "How many animals can you count in this picture?": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan sayabilirsiniz?", + "Describe some of the ways each animal in this picture is different than our friend.": "Bu resimdeki her bir hayvanın, bu hikâyedeki arkadaşımızdan farklı olduğu yönlerden bazılarını açıklayın.", + "Describe some of the ways each animal is similar to our friend.": "Her bir hayvanın arkadaşımıza benzediği yönlerden bazılarını açıklayın.", + "But not just me, don't you see?\nThere's only one of you!": "Ama özel olan sadece ben değilim, görmüyor musunuz?\nSizden de sadece bir tane var!", + "Do you know someone who is very similar to you? How are they similar to you?": "Size çok benzeyen birini tanıyor musunuz? Hangi yönlerden benziyor?", + "Despite the similarities, describe some ways they are different from you.": "Benzerliklerine rağmen, sizden farklı olan taraflarından bazılarını açıklayın.", + "Do you like being the only you that there is?": "Sizden sadece bir tane olmasından hoşlanıyor musunuz?", + "I love forests!": "Ormanları seviyorum!", + "What are some great things about forests?": "Ormanlarla ilgili bazı harika şeyler nelerdir?", + "There are many types of places. For example, there are deserts, hills, beaches, canyons, mesas, and mountain slopes. What are some of your favorite places?": "Bir sürü yer çeşitleri vardır; örneğin, çöller, tepeler, plajlar, kanyonlar, mesalar ve dağ yamaçları gibi. Sizin en sevdiğiniz yerlerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "How many of the trees in this picture can you count? Can you count that high?": "Bu resimdeki ağaçlardan kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "Last week I went to Kibale forest.": "Geçen hafta Kibale Ormanı’na gittim.", + "Kibale National Park is a rain forest in Western Uganda near the center of Africa. It is a sanctuary for a large variety of primates, wildlife, and vegetation.": "Kibale Ulusal Parkı, Batı Uganda’da Afrika’nın merkezine yakın bir yağmur ormanıdır. Orası, aynı zamanda, çok çeşitli primatlar, vahşi yaşam ve bitki örtüsü için de bir sığınaktır.", + "Are there parks or natural areas that you like to visit?": "Ziyaret etmekten hoşlandığınız parklar veya doğal alanlar var mı?", + "Which do you find more interesting to see: plants and trees or lots of animals?": "Hangisini görmeyi daha ilginç buluyorsunuz – bitki ve ağaçları mı yoksa bir sürü hayvanı mı?", + "I saw many trees. I saw Fig, Muvule, Palm, and Ebony trees.": "Birçok ağaç gördüm. İncir, muvule, palmiye ve abanoz ağaçlarını gördüm.", + "This picture shows plains with mountains in the distance. Do you think a mixture of living areas will be good for creating a mixture of plants and animals for the park?": "Bu resimde en uzakta dağların olduğu düzlükler de görülüyor. Sizce yaşam alanlarının bir karışımı, yani bitki ve hayvanları aynı yerde birleştirmek, park için iyi olacak mıdır?", + "The story mentions four types of trees in the park. Do you see four types in this picture?": "Hikâyede parktaki dört ağaç türünden bahsediliyor. Bu resimde o dört tür ağacı görüyor musunuz?", + "How many types of trees can you think of near where you live?": "Yaşadığınız yerin yakınında kaç çeşit ağaç vardır?", + "I saw chimpanzees, baboons, and monkeys.": "Şempanzeler, babunlar ve maymunlar gördüm.", + "These adult animals are sitting in pairs, which makes them easy to count by 2's - 2, 4, 6. Adding in one more baby makes 7!": "Bu yetişkin hayvanlar çiftler hâlinde oturuyorlar, bu da onları ikişer ikişer saymayı kolaylaştırıyor – 2, 4, 6. Onlara bir yavru daha eklersek 7 eder!", + "One more than the 6 adults is 7. If you take away the one baby, how many is one less than 7?": "6 yetişkinin bir fazlası 7’dir. Eğer bir yavruyu çıkarırsanız, 7’nin bir eksiği kaç olur?", + "Do you think this mixture of animals would naturally be together like this, or did the artist take some liberties with the picture?": "Sizce bu hayvan karışımı doğal yaşamda da böyle bir arada mı olurlardı yoksa illüstratör resimde biraz özgür mü davranmış?", + "I saw different birds. I saw crested cranes, eagles, and owls.": "Farklı kuşlar gördüm. Gri taçlı turnalar, kartallar ve baykuşlar gördüm.", + "What about this picture -- do you think these birds would all be together like this?": "Peki ya bu resim – sizce bu kuşların hepsi böyle bir arada olabilirler mi?", + "There are four birds and one fish. How many animals is that all together? How many is one more than four?": "Resimde dört kuş ve bir balık var. Hepsi birlikte kaç hayvan eder? Dördün bir fazlası kaçtır?", + "The story mentions three types of birds and shows us four birds. Do you think two of these birds are of the same type? If so, which two?": "Hikâyede üç tür kuştan bahsediliyor ama resimde bize dört kuş gösteriliyor. Sizce bu kuşlardan ikisi aynı türden mi? Öyleyse, o ikisi hangisi?", + "I laughed when I saw a big elephant with a little tail.": "Minicik bir kuyruğu olan büyük bir fil gördüğümde çok güldüm.", + "Why do you think such a large animal has such a little tail?": "Sizce o kadar büyük bir hayvanın neden bu kadar küçük bir kuyruğu var?", + "The parts the elephant has two of (ears, tusks, pairs of legs, and eyes) are on opposite sides of its body, and the parts it has one of (mouth, tail, and trunk) are in the middle of its body. Are all animals like this?": "Filin çift sayıda olan vücut parçaları (kulakları, dişleri, çift bacakları ve gözleri) vücudunun her iki yanında, tek sayıda olan vücut parçaları (ağzı, kuyruğu ve hortumu) ise vücudunun orta hattındadır. Bütün hayvanlarda da öyle midir?", + "Can you think of an animal that doesn't have its parts arranged about a middle line?": "Vücut parçaları orta hatları etrafında dizilmemiş olan bir hayvan biliyor musunuz?", + "I saw so many different animals, birds, and plants.": "Bir sürü farklı hayvanlar, kuşlar ve bitkiler gördüm.", + "Describe the animals by where they are in the picture -- some are in the air, the trees, the water, and in the grass.": "Hayvanları bu resimde oldukları yerlere göre tanımlayın – bazıları havada, bazıları ağaçlarda, bazıları suda ve çimenlerde.", + "Count each group and then count them all together -- do you get the same result?": "Her bir grubu sayın ve sonra hepsini birlikte sayın – aynı sonucu buluyor musunuz?", + "Which group has the most animals in it? Which has the least?": "Hangi grupta en çok hayvan var? Hangisinde en az var?", + "Kibale forest is a good place to visit. I love forests! Do you?": "Kibale Ormanı, ziyaret için iyi bir yer! Ben ormanları seviyorum! Siz de seviyor musunuz?", + "Do you like to visit forests?": "Ormanları ziyaret etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "What is your favorite place to visit away from where you live?": "Yaşadığınız yerden uzakta olan ziyaret etmeyi en sevdiğiniz yer neresidir?", + "What is your favorite spot to go to around where you live?": "Yaşadığınız yerin civarında gitmeyi en çok sevdiğiniz yer neresidir?", + "Today I an not going to school.\n\nIt is a holiday.": "Bugün okula gitmiyorum.\n\nBugün tatil.", + "What do you think she will do with her day off from school?": "Sizce kız, okula gitmediği bugün ne yapacak?", + "Why does she like not going to school?": "Okula gitmemeyi neden seviyor?", + "Do you think she will miss seeing her school friends and teachers?": "Okul arkadaşlarını ve öğretmenlerini görmeyi özleyecek midir?", + "Today I am not going to watch TV.\n\nThere is no electricity anyway.": "Bugün televizyon izlemeyeceğim.\n\nZaten elektrikler yok.", + "Why does she decide to not watch TV?": "Neden televizyon izlememeye karar verdi?", + "What would you do if you were to plan a special day?": "Peki ya siz, özel bir gün planlayacak olsaydınız ne yapardınız?", + "What do you do during times when your electricity is not working? Do you have special activities for such times?": "Elektriğinizin olmadığı zamanlarda ne yaparsınız? Böyle zamanlar için özel aktiviteleriniz var mı?", + "What am I going to do?\n\nToday I am going to listen to my body!": "Ne yapacağım?\n\nBugün vücudumu dinleyeceğim!", + "Her hands only have four fingers! Have you seen someone with four fingers on a hand?": "Onun ellerinde sadece dört parmağı var! Bir elinde dört parmağı olan birini gördünüz mü hiç?", + "It is uncommon, but some people are born with six fingers on a hand. How many more fingers is six fingers than what she has?": "Böyle bir şey nadirdir ama bazı insanlar bir ellerinde altı parmakla doğarlar. Altı parmak, onun sahip olduğundan kaç parmak daha fazladır?", + "Do you think you can buy gloves for someone with six fingers?": "Altı parmağı olan birisi için bir eldiven satın alabileceğinizi düşünüyor musunuz?", + "First I have to be very quiet.\n\nSo that I can listen to my own body.": "İlk önce, çok sessiz olmalıyım.\n\nBöylece kendi vücudumu dinleyebilirim.", + "Have you listened to the sounds your body makes? What are some of them?": "Hiç kendi vücudunuzun çıkardığı sesleri dinlediniz mi? O seslerden bazıları nelerdir?", + "Have you heard your stomach rumbling, grumbling, or gurgling?": "Karnınızın guruldadığını, homurdandığını veya gürül gürül ses çıkardığını duydunuz mu hiç?", + "Have you ever run hard and heard your pulse pounding in your ears?": "Peki ya çok koştuğunuzda nabzınızın kulaklarınızda attığını duydunuz mu?", + "Yes, now I can hear my breath.\n\nI breath in and out, in and out.": "Evet, şu anda nefesimi duyabiliyorum.\n\nNefes alıyorum, nefes veriyorum, nefes alıp nefes veriyorum.", + "If you stop and listen, can you hear yourself breathing?": "Durup dinlerseniz, nefes alış verişinizi duyabilir misiniz?", + "Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose most of the time?": "Çoğu zaman ağzınızdan mı yoksa burnunuzdan mı nefes alıyorsunuz?", + "Watch the time for half a minute and count your breaths. How many were there?": "Yarım dakika süreyle zaman tutup nefeslerinizi sayın. Kaç nefes oldu?", + "And I can make my breath noisier. \nSsssssssssss!\n\nAnd softer.\nMmmmmmmm.": "Ve nefesimi daha gürültülü yapabilirim.\nSsssssssssss!\n\nVe daha yumuşak.\nMmmmmmmm.", + "She is making her toy fly around by blowing on it very hard. When have you blown hard on something?": "Oyuncağına çok sert üfleyerek onun kendi etrafında uçmasını sağlıyor. Peki ya siz ne zaman bir şeye sertçe üflediniz?", + "Have you blown out candles on a birthday cake or maybe blown on a fire to help it burn?": "Hiç doğum günü pastasındaki mumlara veya mumların yanmasına yardımcı olmak için ateşe üflediniz mi?", + "How old were you at your last birthday?": "Son doğum gününüzde kaç yaşındaydınız?", + "Now I can hear my heart beating!\n\nDoodom, doodoom, dooo dooom.": "Şu anda kalbimin atışını duyabiliyorum!\n\nDum dum, dum dum, dum dum.", + "It is not easy to hear your own heart beating. Can you hear yours?": "Kendi kalbinizin atışını duymak kolay değildir. Siz duyabiliyor musunuz?", + "Put your ear on someone's chest so you can hear their heart beating.": "Kulağınızı birinin göğsüne dayayın, böylece o kişinin kalp atışlarını duyabilirsiniz.", + "Do you think your heart ever stops beating? Most of your muscles can get tired, but your heart muscle never does!": "Sizce kalbiniz atmayı bırakır mı hiç? Kaslarınızın çoğu yorulabilir ama kalp kasınız asla yorulmaz!", + "Can I make my heart go faster or louder?\n\nYes, by jumping up and down twenty times.": "Kalbimin daha hızlı veya daha gürültülü atmasını sağlayabilir miyim?\n\nEvet, yukarı aşağı 20 kez zıplayarak.", + "Can you count to 20 to count the jumps?": "Zıplamaları saymak için 20’ye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "If you can't count to 20, you can count to 10 and then immediately count to 10 again. That will be just the same.": "Eğer 20’ye kadar sayamıyorsanız 10’a kadar sayabilir ve hemen ardından tekrar 10’a kadar sayabilirsiniz. Bu ikisi aynı şeylerdir.", + "When you run around and start breathing hard, do you sometimes feel your heart beating in your chest?": "Etrafta koştuğunuzda ve zor nefes almaya başladığınızda, bazen kalbinizin aşırı attığını hissediyor musunuz?", + "Now see, my heart is beating faster.": "Şimdi bakın, kalbim daha hızlı atıyor.", + "Have you ever seen your own heart beating in your chest? Is it possible to see it?": "Kalbinizin göğüs kafesinizde attığını gördünüz mü hiç? Bunu görmek mümkün müdür?", + "The storyteller and artist are stretching the truth a bit here. Have you ever stretched the truth a bit to make a story a little more interesting?": "Burada hikâye anlatıcısı ve illüstratör gerçekten biraz uzaklaşmışlar. Bir hikâyeyi biraz daha ilginç kılmak için sizin de gerçekten biraz uzaklaştığınız oldu mu hiç?", + "Her toy is covering its ears because the heart is beating so loudly. Is it possible to hear someone else's heart from a distance?": "Kızın oyuncağı kulaklarını kapatıyor çünkü kızın kalbi çok yüksek sesle atıyor. Sizce birinin kalbini uzaktan duymak mümkün müdür?", + "If I put my fingers on my wrist, then I can feel my pulse!": "Parmaklarımı bileğimin üzerine koyarsam, o zaman nabzımı hissedebilirim!", + "Can you feel your pulse on your wrist? Some people like to feel their pulse on their neck or on their head. Try it!": "Peki ya siz, nabzınızı bileğinizde hissedebiliyor musunuz? Bazı insanlar nabızlarını boyunlarında veya başlarında hissetmeyi severler. Haydi bir deneyin!", + "Count your pulse for ten seconds. Did you get a count between 7 and 20?": "Nabzınızı on saniye boyunca sayın. 7 ile 20 arasında bir sayı elde ettiniz mi?", + "Have another person do the same thing and compare the counts you got. Whose count was more and whose was less?": "Başka bir kişiye de aynı şeyi yaptırın ve elde ettiğiniz sayıları karşılaştırın. Kimin sayısı daha fazlaydı ve kiminki daha azdı?", + "I can hear myself laughing.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!": "Kendimi gülerken duyabiliyorum.\n\nHaha, haha, haaah, haaa!", + "She is very expressive, so her laughter is probably very loud. Is it possible to laugh softly? Can you do it?": "Kız, yüz ifadesinden ne hissettiğini gösteren birisi; kahkahası da muhtemelen çok yüksek sesli! Alçak sesli bir şekilde gülmek mümkün müdür? Bunu yapabilir misiniz?", + "People often like to laugh together. When you laugh, do other people laugh with you?": "İnsanlar genellikle ‘birlikte gülmeyi’ severler. Peki siz güldüğünüzde, diğer insanlar da sizinle birlikte gülerler mi?", + "Even when there is nothing funny happening, sometimes just laughing out loud can make you feel better.": "Ortada komik bir şey olmasa da bazen sadece yüksek sesle gülmek bile kendinizi daha iyi hissetmenizi sağlayabilir.", + "I can hear myself crying. Boohoooo hooo!": "Ağladığımı duyabiliyorum. Aaahhhh! Aahh!", + "Do you think she is really crying, or is she just pretending?": "Sizce kız gerçekten mi ağlıyor yoksa numara mı yapıyor?", + "Do you ever pretend to cry so that people will feel sorry for you?": "İnsanlar sizin için üzülsün diye ağlıyormuş gibi yaptınız mı hiç?", + "Some people feel much better after they cry. Do you feel better after you cry?": "Bazı insanlar ağladıktan sonra kendilerini çok daha iyi hissederler. Peki ya siz, ağladıktan sonra kendinizi daha iyi hisseder misiniz?", + "I can hear myself clapping.\n\nClap, clap, clap.": "Kendimi alkışlarken duyabiliyorum.\n\nŞak, şak, şak!", + "Make up a pattern using claps and foot stomps on the ground.": "Alkışlarınızı (şak) ve yere ayak vuruşlarınızı (pat) kullanarak seslerden oluşan bir desen (örüntü) oluşturun.", + "Was your pattern complicated, or was it as simple as: clap clap stomp, clap clap stomp?": "Örüntünüz karmaşık mıydı yoksa şu kadar basit miydi: şak, şak, şak, pat, şak, şak, pat?", + "Dancing is often a pattern of movements with your arms and legs. Do you like to dance?": "Dans etmek genellikle kollarınız ve bacaklarınızla yaptığınız hareketlerden oluşan bir örüntüdür (desendir). Dans etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "I can hear my stomach rumbling!\n\nGuddu, guddu, guddu.": "Midemin guruldadığını duyabiliyorum!\n\nGurr, gurr, gurr!", + "When your stomach rumbles, what is your body feeling?": "Mideniz guruldadığında, vücudunuz ne hisseder?", + "Does your stomach ever rumble when it is having trouble digesting something or when you're sick?": "Mideniz bir şeyi sindirmekte zorlandığında veya hasta olduğunuzda hiç gurulduyor mu?", + "Looking at her face, what is she feeling right now?": "Kızın yüzüne baktığınızda, sizce o şu anda ne hissediyor?", + "My stomach is saying, \"Feed me!\"": "Midem, \"Beni doyur!\" diyor.", + "Have you ever been so hungry you couldn't wait and you had to eat immediately?": "Peki ya siz, bekleyemeyeceğiniz kadar çok acıkıp çabucak yemek yemek zorunda kaldınız mı hiç?", + "Do you think her stomach is really shoving her to get some food?": "Sizce kızın midesi onu gerçekten yemek yemesi için zorluyor mudur?", + "Each time she bounds forward, she takes two steps. You can count those steps by counting by 2's -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ...": "Kız her ileri atılışında (ileriye zıpladığında), iki adım atıyor. Bu adımları ikişer ikişer de sayabilirsiniz -- 2, 4, 6, 8, ... ", + "My nose can smell cakes baking in mother's kitchen.\n\nAnd now I want to hear my jaws chewing those cakes!": "Burnum annemin mutfağında pişen keklerin kokusunu alabiliyor.\n\nVe şimdi ise çenemin o kekleri çiğnediğini duymak istiyorum!", + "How many really small cakes do you think she will eat?": "Sizce kız gerçekten kaç adet küçük kek yer?", + "What are the most cookies or other snack you've eaten at one time?": "Sizin tek seferde yediğiniz en fazla kurabiye veya diğer atıştırmalıklar nelerdir?", + "This story has talked about a lot of different sounds to hear from your body. How many of them can you remember?": "Bu hikâye, vücudunuzdan duyabileceğiniz pek çok farklı sesten bahsetti. Kaçını hatırlayabiliyorsunuz?", + "I have a very big problem, cried Chief Short and Round in a loud voice. \"Everyone, come here! I have a very big problem.\"\n\nThe people of the Village of Many Shapes formed a big circle around Chief Short and Round. They wanted to hear what he had to say.": "“Çok büyük bir sorunum var,” diye yüksek bir sesle haykırdı Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef. “Herkes buraya gelsin! Çok büyük bir sorunum var.”\n\nÇok Şekilli Köy halkı, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in etrafında büyük bir daire oluşturdular. Onun söyleyeceklerini duymak istiyorlardı.", + "A polygon is a shape with several straight sides. Triangles have 3 sides, quadrilaterals have 4, pentagons have 5, and hexagons have 6. Name some polygons where you are.": "Çokgen, birkaç düz kenarı olan bir şekildir. Üçgenlerin 3, dörtgenlerin 4, beşgenlerin 5 ve altıgenlerin 6 kenarı vardır. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı çokgenlerin isimlerini söyleyin.", + "What are some of the shapes of the buildings in this picture?": "Bu resimdeki binaların şekillerinden bazıları nelerdir?", + "There are snowflakes in the sky on a sunny day on this page. Have you ever seen this?": "Bu sayfada güneşli bir günde gökyüzünde kar taneleri var. Daha önce hiç böyle bir şey gördünüz mü?", + "Chief Short and Round began, \"This is the worst news ever. I have lost my spring horn.\" \n\nThe villagers whispered to each other, \"Oh no!\" Chief Short and Round continued talking, \"If I don't find my spring horn then I can't blow my spring horn! And we can't start the springtime party if I can't blow my spring horn. And spring won't come if we don't have a springtime party.\"": "Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef başladı, “Bu şimdiye kadarki en kötü haber. Bahar borazanımı kaybettim.” \n\nKöylüler birbirlerine, “Ah, hayır!” diye fısıldadılar. Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef konuşmasına devam etti, “Eğer bahar borazanımı bulamazsam, bahar borazanımı çalamam! Ve eğer bahar borazanımı öttüremezsem bahar partisini başlatamayız. Ve bahar partisi yapmazsak bahar gelmez.”", + "Many of these people have very colorful clothes. What are your favorite colors to wear to a party?": "Bu insanların çoğunun çok renkli kıyafetleri var. Bir partide giymeyi en sevdiğiniz renkler nelerdir?", + "Have you ever looked forward to a party and then worried that it might not happen?": "Bir partiyi dört gözle beklediğiniz ve sonra ya parti olmazsa diye endişelendiğiniz oldu mu hiç?", + "There are many beautiful polygons on these clothes! There are patterns with squares (polygons with four equal sides and four square corners), and some with hexagons. Notice how the hexagons on the back of the shirt are made of six triangles in a lively pattern!": "Resimdeki kıyafetlerin üzerlerinde çok güzel çokgenler var! Karelerden (dört eşit kenarı ve dört köşesi olan çokgenler) ve altıgenlerden oluşan desenler var. Gömleğin arkasındaki altıgenlerin nasıl capcanlı bir desende tam altı tane üçgenden oluştuğuna dikkat edin!", + "Little Square Jojo stepped into the circle and lifted up his hand. \"I will find your spring horn, Chief Short and Round.\" \"Good, good,\" said the chief with a smile. \"You can start looking in the last place I visited this morning. Go to Tata Rectangle's house. I remember having my horn with me there.\"": "Küçük Kare Jojo, dairenin içine bir adım atıp elini kaldırdı. “Bahar borazanınızı bulacağım, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef,” dedi. “İyi, iyi,” dedi şef gülümseyerek. “Aramaya bu sabah ziyaret ettiğim son yerden başlayabilirsin. Tata Dikdörtgen’in evine git. Oradayken borazanımın yanımda olduğunu hatırlıyorum.”", + "Why does Little Square Jojo deserve his name?": "Küçük Kare Jojo neden bu ismi hak ediyor?", + "There are many circles in this picture. How many circles can you find?": "Bu resimde pek çok daire var. Kaç tane daire bulabilirsiniz?", + "How many squares are there on Jojo's clothes? That is a very tricky question because there are squares of different sizes on his clothes -- some of the squares are made up of smaller squares!": "Jojo’nun giysilerinde kaç tane kare var? Bu çok zor bir soru çünkü giysilerinde farklı boyutlarda kareler var – bazı kareler daha küçük karelerden oluşmuş!", + "Tata Rectangle was happy to see Jojo. He opened his door and welcomed Jojo inside. \"I remember seeing Chief Short and Round earlier this morning,\" said Tata Rectangle, \"but I don't think he had his spring horn with him.\" \n\nLittle Square Jojo looked under Tata Rectangle's bed and behind his books. He even looked into his fridge. But Jojo couldn't find the spring horn anywhere.": "Tata Dikdörtgen, Jojo’yu gördüğü için mutluydu. Kapısını açıp Jojo’yu içeri buyur etti. “Bu sabah Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’i gördüğümü hatırlıyorum,” dedi Tata Dikdörtgen, “ama bahar borazanının yanında olduğunu sanmıyorum.” \n\nKüçük Kare Jojo, Tata Dikdörtgen’in yatağının altına ve kitaplarının arkasına baktı. Buzdolabının içine bile baktı. Ama Jojo bahar borazanını hiçbir yerde bulamadı.", + "A rectangle has four straight sides with corners like the corners of this page. A square is always a rectangle, but rectangles are not always squares. What would make a rectangle not be a square?": "Bir dikdörtgenin tıpkı bu sayfanın köşeleri gibi köşeleri olan dört tane düz kenarı vardır. Bir kare her zaman bir dikdörtgendir ancak bir dikdörtgen her zaman bir kare değildir. Bir dikdörtgeni kare olmaktan çıkaran şey nedir?", + "Are there any rectangles that are squares in this picture?": "Bu resimde kare olan bir dikdörtgen var mı?", + "Which objects in this room are rectangles? There are rectangles everywhere on this page! Point to as many rectangles as you can.": "Bu odadaki hangi nesneler dikdörtgendir? Bu sayfanın her yerinde dikdörtgenler var! Gösterebildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen gösterin.", + "Go and see if Mama Triangle has the spring horn, said Tata Rectangle. \"Chief Short and Round visited her before he came to see me.\" \"Thank you, Tata,\" said Jojo as he waved goodbye.\n\nMama Triangle's house is about three kilometers from here, thought Jojo. That is a far distance to walk. I will stop at my house along the way and have a rest.": "“Git bak bakalım bahar borazanı Üçgen Anne’de mi?” dedi Tata Dikdörtgen ve ekledi, “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef beni görmeye gelmeden önce onu ziyaret etti.” Jojo el sallayarak vedalaşırken, “Teşekkür ederim, Tata,” dedi.\n\n“Üçgen Anne’nin evi buradan yaklaşık üç kilometre uzakta. Bu, yürümek için çok uzak bir mesafe. Yol boyunca evimde durup biraz dinleneceğim,” diye düşündü Jojo.", + "What are the tallest things in this picture? Have you ever seen a person almost as tall as a house?": "Bu resimdeki en uzun şeyler hangi şeylerdir? Neredeyse bir ev kadar uzun bir insan gördünüz mü hiç?", + "Jojo is going for a long 3km (about two miles) walk. What is the farthest you have ever walked?": "Jojo 3 km’lik (yaklaşık 2 mil) uzun bir yürüyüşe çıkıyor. Peki ya sizin şimdiye kadar yürüdüğünüz en uzun mesafe nedir?", + "Did you ever walk a long, long time? How many minutes was that walk? 10? 20? 60? more?": "Hiç uzun, çok uzun bir süre yürüdünüz mü? O yürüyüş kaç dakikaydı? 10? 20? 60? Yoksa daha mı fazlaydı?", + "Little Square Jojo was hot and tired by the time he reached his house. He went inside to open his freezer and pour a glass of cold water with ice blocks. \"I must be half the way to Mama Triangle's house,\" he said. \"I hope she has the chief's horn.\"\n\nThen Jojo had an idea. \"I can visit Dudu Diamond. Her house is only half a kilometer from here and it's on the way.": "Küçük Kare Jojo evine vardığında sıcaklamış ve yorgundu. Dondurucusunu açıp buz kalıplarıyla dolu bir bardak soğuk su almak için içeri girdi. “Üçgen Anne’nin evine giden yolu yarılamış olmalıyım,” dedi. “Umarım şefin borazanı ondadır.”\n\nSonra, Jojo’nun aklına bir fikir geldi. “Dudu Elmas’ı ziyaret edebilirim. Onun evi buradan sadece yarım kilometre uzakta ve yol üzerinde.”", + "On this floor, you can hop from one square to another square of the same color. Choose one color with your finger and hop around that room.": "Bu katta, bir kareden aynı renkteki başka bir kareye zıplayabilirsiniz. Bir renk seçip bir kareden diğerine resimdeki odanın içinde parmağınızla zıplayın.", + "Do you have a pattern on the floor where you are? Do you ever hop around a room trying to stay on just one color?": "Bulunduğunuz yerin zemininde bir desen var mı? Hiç tek bir renkte kalmaya çalışarak odanın içinde zıpladığınız oldu mu?", + "Jojo has walked half way of his 3 km (2 mi) walk. How far has he walked?": "Jojo, 3 km’lik yürüyüşünün yarısını tamamladı. Böylece, ne kadar yol yürümüş oldu?", + "Dudu Diamond was cleaning her house when Jojo arrived. Her earrings were making a lovely tinkling sound as she worked. \n\n\"Hello, Jojo,\" she said. \"What are you doing today?\" \"I am on my way to Mama Triangle's house to find the chief's spring horn,\" said Little Square Jojo. \"That's nice of you,\" said Dudu. \"I am happy to come with you. How much further do you have to go?\"": "Jojo oraya vardığında, Dudu Elmas evini temizliyordu. Dudu Elmas iş yaparken küpeleri hoş bir çınlama sesi çıkarıyordu.\n\n“Merhaba, Jojo,” dedi. “Bugün ne yapıyorsun?” diye sordu. Küçük Kare Jojo, “Şef’in bahar borazanını bulmak için Üçgen Anne’nin evine gidiyorum,” dedi. “Çok naziksin,” dedi Dudu. “Seninle gelmekten mutluluk duyarım. Daha ne kadar yol gitmen gerekiyor?”", + "Another name for a diamond is a rhombus. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. A square is always a rhombus, but not every rhombus is a square. Point to some diamonds in this picture that aren't squares.": "Elmasın bir diğer adı ‘eşkenar dörtgendir (rhombus)’. Eşkenar dörtgen, dört eşit kenarı olan bir dörtgendir. Bir kare her zaman bir eşkenar dörtgendir ancak her eşkenar dörtgen bir kare değildir. Bu resimdeki kare olmayan elmaslardan bazılarını gösterin.", + "This room is full of diamond shapes. What shape are the diamond windows if you turn them on their side? Jojo should feel right at home with those windows!": "Bu oda elmas şekilleriyle dolu. Resimdeki elmas şekilli pencereleri yan taraflarına doğru çevirirseniz hangi şekli alırlar? Jojo, bu pencerelerle kendini evinde hissediyor olmalı!", + "This room has many pairs of things. Which pairs do you see?": "Bu odada pek çok ‘çift şey’ var. Hangi çiftleri görüyorsunuz?", + "Little Square Jojo scratched his head. \"Let's see. Mama Triangle's house was three kilometers away from where I started. I walked about half the way to get to my house, that's one and a half kilometers. Then I walked another half a kilometer to get to your house. That makes 2 kilometers. So we only have one more kilometer to go!\" \n\n\"That's not so far then!\" smiled Dudu. \"I'll pack some things to take with.\"": "Küçük Kare Jojo başını kaşıdı. “Bir düşüneyim! Anne Üçgen’in evi başladığım yerden 3 km uzaktaydı. Evime varmak için o yolun yarısını yürüdüm – yani 1,5 km. Sonra, senin evine varmak için yarım kilometre daha yürüdüm. Bu da toplam 2 km yapar. Sonuç itibariyle, sadece bir kilometre yolumuz var!” dedi. “O kadar da uzak değilmiş!” diyerek gülümsedi Dudu. “Yanıma bir şeyler alacağım.”", + "Jojo added 1 1/2 km plus 1/2 km to get 2 km. He subtracted 2 km from 3 km to get 1 km.": "Jojo 2 km’yi bulmak için 1,5 kilometreye (1½) yarım kilometre (½) ekledi. 1 kilometreyi bulmak için ise 3 kilometreden 2 kilometreyi çıkardı.", + "Another way is: He had 1 1/2 km to go and he walked 1/2 km, so there was only 1 km left.": "Bir başka yöntem: Jojo’nun daha gidecek 1½ km yolu vardı ve ½ km daha yürüdü; böylece, geriye sadece 1 km kaldı.", + "Yet another way: Think of 3 km as 6 half kms. When he did half of 6 of those, that meant he did 3 halves and had 3 halves to go. When he did another half km, then he only had 2 halves left. It's a fun puzzle to find different ways to calculate the same thing!": "Başka bir yöntem daha: 3 kilometreyi, 6 tane yarım (½) kilometre olarak düşünün. Bu 6 tanenin yarısını aldığınızda, bu, 3 tane yarısının yüründüğü ve diğer 3 yarısının ise kaldığı anlamına gelir. Yürünen üç yarımın üzerine bir yarım daha eklediğinizde (4 yarım eder) – geriye sadece iki yarım kalır (ki, bu da 1 km eder). Aynı şeyi hesaplamanın farklı yollarını bulmak eğlencelidir!", + "Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo walked until they reached the bottom of a tall mountain. \"Mama Triangle's house is right up there at the top,\" said Dudu.\n\n\"Let's stop for a while and have a rest. You can have the sandwich I packed.\" Jojo cut the sandwich into four smaller pieces. \"Here, let's share the sandwich, you have two pieces and I'll have two.\"": "Dudu Elmas ve Küçük Kare Jojo yüksek bir dağın dibine ulaşana kadar yürüdüler. “Anne Üçgen’in evi işte orada, tam tepede,” dedi Dudu.\n\n“Haydi biraz duralım ve dinlenelim. Hazırladığım sandviçi yiyebilirsin.” Jojo sandviçi dört küçük parçaya böldü. “Haydi, sandviçi paylaşalım; sen iki parça al, ben de iki parça alayım.”", + "We can't see the top of the mountain. What do you think the shape is of the part we can't see?": "Dağın tepesini göremiyoruz. Sizce göremediğimiz kısmın şekli nedir?", + "Think of some different ways to cut a sandwich into four parts. Which shapes can you make that way?": "Bir sandviçi dört parçaya bölmenin farklı yollarını düşünün. Farklı bölmelerle hangi şekilleri yapabilirsiniz?", + "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The mountain next to them is in the shape of a cone. Find some other cones in this picture.": "Bir noktaya doğru giden yuvarlak şekle ‘koni’ denir. Onların yanlarındaki dağ da koni şeklinde. Bu resimdeki diğer konileri bulun.", + "Soon Dudu Diamond and Little Square Jojo were half the way up the mountain. Things were very different there.\n\n\"Look,\" said Jojo. \"That's the strangest spider I've ever seen.\" \"Wow,\" said Dudu. \"It has spun a beautiful web. Let's count the sides. One, two, three, four, five, and six! That makes it a hexagon then!\"": "Çok geçmeden, Dudu Elmas ve Küçük Kare Jojo dağın yarısını aşmışlardı. Orada her şey çok farklıydı.\n\n“Bak,” dedi Jojo. “Bu şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en tuhaf örümcek.” Dudu ise, “Vay canına!” dedi. “Çok güzel bir ağ örmüş. Hadi kenarlarını sayalım. Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş ve altı! Bu da onu altıgen yapar!”", + "Can you think of any other hexagons you see or know about? Are there any where you are right now? Perhaps there are some hexagons on a bathroom floor?": "Gördüğünüz veya bildiğiniz başka altıgenler var mı? Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde var mı? Belki banyonuzun zemininde altıgenler vardır?", + "Do you know any stories or songs about spiders?": "Örümcekler hakkında herhangi bir hikâye ya da şarkı biliyor musunuz?", + "Spiders make webs in trees, in holes in the ground, and even across water. Where have you seen spider webs where you live? Why do spiders make webs?": "Örümcekler ağaçlarda, yerdeki deliklerde ve hatta suyun üzerinde bile ağ yaparlar. Yaşadığınız yerde örümcek ağlarını nerelerde gördünüz? Örümcekler neden ağ yaparlar?", + "After climbing over a very big rock, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond finally arrived at Mama Triangle's house. They were high up now and felt a bit dizzy.\n\n\"Hello, you two,\" said Mama Triangle with a smile. \"I am so happy to have visitors. Most of the time I'm all alone here on the top of my mountain. Come inside and sit down at my table.": "Küçük Kare Jojo ve Dudu Elmas çok büyük bir kaya parçasını aştıktan sonra, nihayet, Üçgen Anne’nin evine vardılar. Artık yüksekteydiler ve biraz başlarının döndüğünü hissettiler.\n\n“İkinize de merhaba,” dedi Üçgen Anne gülümseyerek. “Ziyaretçilerimin olmasına çok sevindim. Çoğu zaman burada, dağımın tepesinde, tek başımayım. İçeri gelin ve masamda oturun.”", + "Do you think Mama Triangle knows where the Chief's spring horn is? Do you think they wasted their time coming to the top of the mountain?": "Sizce Üçgen Anne, Şef’in bahar borazanının nerede olduğunu biliyor mudur? Acaba dağın tepesine gelerek zamanlarını boşa mı harcadılar?", + "There are a great many polygons in this picture and they are of many types. Point at some polygons and name their types.": "Bu resimde çok sayıda çokgen var ve farklı türlerdeler. Bazı çokgenleri gösterip isimlerini söyleyin.", + "There are a few shapes that are not polygons. These shapes have at least one side that is curved and not straight. Can you find them?": "Resimde çokgen olmayan birkaç şekil var. Onların da en az bir kenarı eğridir; düz değildir. Onları bulabilir misiniz?", + "Mama Triangle, said Jojo after catching his breath, \"We've come to find Chief Short and Round's spring horn. Tata Rectangle said that the chief visited you this morning.\" \"Yes, that is correct,\" said Mama Triangle. \"The chief came to ask me to help prepare for the springtime party. But he didn't leave his spring horn here.\" \"Oh no,\" said Jojo sadly, \"We've come all this way for nothing!\"": "“Üçgen Anne,” dedi Jojo nefeslendikten sonra, “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in bahar borazanını bulmaya geldik. Tata Dikdörtgen, Şef’in bu sabah sizi ziyaret ettiğini söyledi.” Anne Üçgen, “Evet, bu doğru,” dedi. “Şef benden bahar partisi için hazırlıklara yardım etmemi istemeye geldi. Ama bahar borazanını burada bırakmadı.” Jojo, “Ah, hayır!” dedi üzüntüyle. “Bunca yolu boşuna geldik!”", + "Do you think they went all that way for nothing? They may not know where the horn is, but they have learned a lot during their travels.": "Sizce onca yolu boşuna mı geldiler? Borazanın nerede olduğunu bilmiyor olabilirler ama yolculukları sırasında bir sürü şey öğrendiler.", + "Sometimes, finding out what something can't be can be almost as valuable as finding out what it is. Useful information comes in many forms!": "Bazen bir şeyin o şey olamayacağını öğrenmek, o şeyi bulmak kadar değerli olabilir. Yararlı bilgiler pek çok şekillerde karşımıza çıkabilir!", + "What do you think will happen next in the story? Create an ending for how this story turns out. Do they find the horn, and if so, how do they find it?": "Sizce hikâyede bundan sonra ne olacak? Bu hikâyenin nasıl sonuçlanacağına dair kendiniz bir son yaratın. Borazanını buluyorlar mı; eğer öyleyse, nasıl buluyorlar?", + "Mama Triangle held Jojo's hand as she led him outside. \"Don't worry Jojo,\" she said. \"Chief Short and Round didn't leave his spring horn here, but I know where it is. That chief can be such a silly thing!\" Mama Triangle, Little Square Jojo and Dudu Diamond all ran down the mountain and in no time at all they were safely at the bottom.": "Anne Üçgen, Jojo’yu dışarı çıkarırken elini tuttu. “Merak etme, Jojo,” dedi. “Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, bahar borazanını burada bırakmadı ama ben nerede olduğunu biliyorum. O şef çok şapşal olabiliyor!” Anne Üçgen, Küçük Kare Jojo ve Dudu Elmas hep birlikte dağdan aşağı koştular ve hiç vakit kaybetmeden güvenli bir şekilde aşağıya indiler.", + "There are a lot of triangles in this picture! Can you count them all, or is it higher than you can count?": "Bu resimde bir sürü üçgen var! Hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayabileceğinizden çok daha fazlalar mı?", + "Why were they able to go down the mountain so much more quickly than when they went up?": "Neden dağdan aşağıya, yukarı çıktıklarından çok daha hızlı inebildiler?", + "Oddly enough, going down a steep hill can be harder than going up. Has this happened to you?": "Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde, dik bir tepeden aşağı inmek yukarı çıkmaktan daha zor olabilir. Bu hiç başınıza geldi mi?", + "It was evening by the time they reached Chief Short and Round's house. Mama Triangle knocked on the door and when it was opened everyone rushed inside.\n\n\"Hello,\" said Chief Short and Round, blinking sleepily. \"Did you find my spring horn? Will we be able to have the springtime party?\" Little Square Jojo felt very bad and shook his head.": "Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef’in evine vardıklarında çoktan akşam olmuştu. Anne Üçgen kapıyı çaldı ve kapı açıldığında ise herkes içeri akın etti.\n\n“Merhaba,” dedi Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, uykulu gözlerle gözlerini kırpıştırarak. “Bahar borazanımı buldunuz mu? Bahar partisini yapabilecek miyiz?” Küçük Kare Jojo, kendisini çok kötü hissetti ve başını hayır anlamında salladı.", + "The Chief's room is round and is filled with round things. Point at and count as many circles as you can.": "Şef’in odası yuvarlak ve içi de yuvarlak şeylerle dolu. Daireleri gösterip sayabildiğiniz kadar sayın.", + "The circles in the rug have the same center. Circles that share a common center are called concentric circles. Do you see any concentric circles where you are?": "Halıdaki daireler, aynı merkeze sahipler. Ortak bir merkezi paylaşan dairelere ‘eş merkezli daireler’ denir. Bulunduğunuz yerde eş merkezli daireler görüyor musunuz hiç?", + "The Chief is wearing his pajamas. What do you think his bedtime is? What is your bedtime?": "Şef pijamalarını giyinmiş. Sizce onun yatma vakti nedir? Sizin yatma vaktiniz nedir?", + "Jojo looked for your spring horn all day, said Mama Triangle. \"It is not his fault that he didn't find it. It is your fault, Chief Short and Round. Don't you remember?\" Mama Triangle pointed at the chief. \"You are wearing your spring horn on your head!\"\n\nChief Short and Round gasped, \"Oh my, I remember it now. I was so hot from climbing up that mountain that I put my horn on my head.\"": "“Jojo bütün gün senin bahar borazanını aradı,” dedi Üçgen Anne. “Bulamaması onun hatası değil. Bu senin hatan, Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef. Hatırlamıyor musun?” Anne Üçgen, Şef’e işaret etti. “Bahar borazanını kafana takmışsın!”\n\nKısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, soluk soluğa, “Ah, aman Tanrı’m, şimdi hatırlıyorum. Dağa tırmanırken o kadar sıcaklamıştım ki borazanımı başıma takmıştım,” dedi.", + "How do you think the Chief felt when he realized the horn was on his head?": "Sizce Şef borazanının kafasında olduğunu fark ettiğinde nasıl hissetti?", + "How long in this story has the horn been on his head?": "Bu hikâyede borazan ne kadar zamandır onun başındaydı?", + "Tell a story about a time when you thought you lost something and then found out it was in an obvious place all along.": "Bir şeyi kaybettiğinizi sandığınız ve sonra onun başından beri belli bir yerde olduğunu anladığınız bir zamanla ilgili bir hikâye anlatın.", + "I am so embarrassed, said Chief Short and Round as he took his spring horn off his head. Then he passed it to Little Square Jojo. \"You have done all the hard work, Jojo. You should blow the horn.\"\n\nLittle Square Jojo smiled. He lifted up the horn and gave a loud blow. \"Now we can have the springtime party!\" All was well in the Village of Many Shapes.": "“Çok utandım,” dedi Kısa ve Yuvarlak Şef, bahar borazanını kafasından çıkarırken. Daha sonra, onu Küçük Kare Jojo’ya uzattı. “Bütün zor işleri sen yaptın, Jojo. Borazanı sen çalmalısın.”\n\nKüçük Kare Jojo gülümsedi. Borazanı kaldırıp yüksek sesle üfledi. “Artık bahar partisini verebiliriz!” Çok Şekilli Köy’de her şey yolundaydı.", + "Unlike real snowflakes, the snowflakes in this sky come in many, very different shapes. Point to a few and describe them.": "Gerçek kar tanelerinin aksine, bu gökyüzündeki kar taneleri çok farklı şekillerde. Birkaç tanesini gösterip betimleyin.", + "Jojo did a great job of problem solving. He thought about the problem, he discussed ideas with others, and he persisted even when he was having trouble solving the problem.": "Jojo problem çözme konusunda harika bir iş çıkardı. Problemi düşündü, fikirlerini başkalarıyla tartıştı ve problemi çözmekte zorlandığında bile yılmadı.", + "Tell a fun story, real or make believe, of a time when someone was searching all over for something for a long time and then finally found it.": "Birinin bir şeyi uzun süre aradıktan sonra en nihayetinde bulduğuna dair gerçek ya da uydurmalı eğlenceli bir hikâye anlatın.", + "Look at the animals.": "Hayvanlara bakın!", + "Count and name together all the animals you see.": "Gördüğünüz bütün hayvanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayıp isimlerini söyleyin.", + "What are all the animals looking at?": "Hayvanların hepsi neye bakıyorlar?", + "Do the animals want something from the farmer?": "Hayvanlar çiftçiden bir şey mi istiyorlar?", + "The cow says, \"Moo.\"": "İnek, \"Möö!\" diyor.", + "The cow is looking at an empty trough. What do you think \"Moo\" means?": "İnek boş bir yemliğe bakıyor. Sizce \"Möö\" hangi anlama geliyor?", + "If you only have one word (\"Moo\"), you have to say it in different ways to have it mean different things. What do you think the cow wants?": "Eğer sadece bir kelimeniz varsa (\"Möö\"), farklı şeyler ifade etmesi için onu farklı şekillerde söylemek zorundasınız. Sizce inek ne istiyor?", + "Some of the cow's black spots are small and some are large. Count how many spots the cow has.": "İneğin bazı siyah lekeleri (benekleri) küçük bazıları ise büyüktür. İnekte kaç tane leke olduğunu sayın.", + "The goat says, \"Meh, meh.\"": "Keçi, \"Mee, mee!\" diyor.", + "Why is the goat looking at the drip of water from the faucet?": "Keçi neden musluktan damlayan suya bakıyor?", + "Is the goat thirsty, hungry, or both?": "Keçi susamış mı, acıkmış mı yoksa ikisi birden mi?", + "How many horns does a goat have? Name some other animals that have two hard things growing on their head.": "Bir keçinin kaç boynuzu vardır? Başlarında iki adet sert şeyler büyüyen başka hayvanlardan bazılarının isimlerini söyleyin.", + "The horse says, \"Neigh.\"": "At, \"Neğihii!\" diye kişniyor.", + "The horse is also looking at an empty trough. What is the horse pointing at with its front left leg?": "At da boş bir yemliğe doğru bakıyor. At, ön sol bacağıyla neye işaret ediyor?", + "Count together the horse's legs. Can you think of a farm animal that has only two legs?": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte atın bacaklarını sayın. Sadece iki bacağı olan bir çiftlik hayvanı düşünebiliyor musunuz?", + "Are there animals that have any other number of legs than two or four? What about insects or spiders? -- do you know how many legs they have?": "İki veya dörtten farklı bacak sayısına sahip başka hayvanlar mı? Peki, ya böcekler ve örümcekler? Onların kaç tane bacaklarının olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "The pig says, \"Grunt.\"": "Domuz, \"Pırt!\" diyor.", + "Some people think that pigs say \"Oink.\" What do you think they say?": "Bazı insanlar domuzların \"Oyink!\" sesi çıkardıklarını düşünürler. Sizce domuzlar ne derler?", + "The pig has two ears, two eyes, and two nostrils. Imagine what it would be like if it had two mouths!": "Domuzun iki kulağı, iki gözü ve iki burun deliği vardır. Bir domuzun iki ağzı olsaydı, nasıl olurdu bir hayal edin!", + "Count together the posts that make up the fence in front of the pig.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, domuzun önündeki çiti oluşturan direkleri sayın.", + "The chicken says, \"Cluck.\"": "Tavuk, \"Gıt gıt gıdak!\" diyor.", + "A chicken is a farm animal with just two legs. Are there any others?": "Bir tavuk sadece iki bacağı olan bir çiftlik hayvanıdır. Orada başka hayvanlar var mı?", + "Count the baby chicks and count how many chickens there are all together.": "Civcivleri sayın ve toplamda kaç tane tavuk olduğunu da sayın.", + "One more than three makes how many?": "Üçün bir fazlası kaç eder?", + "The dog says, \"Woof.\"": "Köpek, \"Hav!\" diyor.", + "The dog bowl is empty and the dog looks hungry.": "Mama kabı boş ve köpek acıkmış görünüyor.", + "Count together the number of bags by the fence.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çitin yanındaki torbaları sayın.", + "Count together the number of tines on the rake in the corner. Can you find other things to count?": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, köşedeki tırmığın üzerindeki dişlerin sayısını sayın. Sayacak başka şeyler daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "The farmer says, \"Shhh!\"": "Çiftçi, \"Şşşş!\" diyor.", + "Why does the farmer say \"Shhh?\" Is the farmer tired of being pestered by the animals?": "Çiftçi neden \"Şşşş!\" diyor? Çiftçi hayvanlar tarafından rahatsız edilmekten bıktı mı?", + "What are the animals waiting for?": "Hayvanlar neyi bekliyor?", + "How many animals are waiting for their food?": "Kaç tane hayvan yiyeceklerini bekliyor?", + "One night Grandpa was tucking me in. His hands were soft and his hair was thin.": "Bir gece, dedem beni yatağıma yatırıyordu. Elleri yumuşacık ve saçları çok inceydi.", + "Two words rhyme when their endings sound alike. Look for the rhyming words on many of the pages of this story. For this page, \"in\" and \"thin\" are the rhyming words.": "Eğer iki kelimenin sonları birbiriyle benzer seslerdeyse, o kelimeler kafiyelidir (uyaklıdır). Bu hikâyenin sayfalarındaki kafiyeli sözcükleri arayın. Bu sayfada, örneğin, “birbiri” ve “elleri” kelimeleri kafiyelidir.", + "Think of some other words that rhyme with in and thin. (fin, din, kin, tin, win, bin, grin)": "“Birbiri” ve “elleri” kelimeleriyle kafiyeli olan başka kelimeler düşünün. (geri, beri, ileri, cari, hayri, gari, sari)", + "Putting things in pairs can be fun. However, not everything can be paired up. There are five buttons on Grandpa's coat, and no matter how you pair them up there will be one left over -- that's because five is an odd number!": "Bir şeyleri eşleştirmek eğlenceli olabilir. Ama her şey eşleşemeyebilir. Dede’nin montunda 5 tane düğme var ve hangi türlü eşleştirirseniz eşleştirin, bir düğme hep açıkta kalacaktır -- bunun nedeni beş sayısı ‘tek sayı’dır!", + "I'm going to tell you a special story, about a girl named Lory Dory.": "“Lory Dory adındaki bir kız hakkında sana özel bir hikâye anlatacağım.”", + "Hearing someone tell you a story is a special treat. Someone is reading this story to you right now. How does it make you feel?": "Birisinin size bir hikâye anlatması özel bir hediyedir. Şu anda birisi size bu hikâyeyi okuyor. Bu size kendinizi nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "When lines are lined up and go in exactly the same direction they are called parallel lines. The artist has drawn this room in a style with almost no parallel lines. Point out some parallel lines where you are right now.": "Çizgiler sıralanıp tam olarak aynı yöne gittiğinde, onlara ‘paralel çizgiler’ denir. İllüstratör bu odayı neredeyse hiç paralel çizgi olmayan bir stilde çizmiş! Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı paralel çizgileri gösterin.", + "What are the rhyming words on this page?": "Bu sayfadaki kafiyeli (uyaklı) kelimeler nelerdir?", + "You couldn't see Lory Dory at all because she was born invisible.": "Lory Dory’yi hiç göremezdin çünkü o görünmez doğmuştu.", + "How do you think it feels to be invisible? You could go places and no one would know you were there. Would you like to be invisible?": "Sizce görünmez olmak nasıl hissettirir? Bir yerlere gidebilirsiniz ve hiç kimse sizin orada olduğunuzu bilemez. Görünmez olmak ister miydiniz?", + "If you are invisible and you put clothes on, are the clothes invisible too?": "Eğer siz görünmezseniz ve üzerinize kıyafetlerinizi giydiğinizde, kıyafetleriniz de mi görünmez olur?", + "Where is Lory Dory in this picture? How can you tell?": "Bu resimde Lory Dory nerede? Nasıl anladınız?", + "You'd only see Lory when rain hit her head.": "Lory’yi sadece başına yağmur çarptığında görürsün.", + "When you see a shape by seeing an empty space in a picture, that is called \"negative space.\" You can tell where Lory is by seeing the negative space where there is no rain.": "Bir resimdeki boş bir alanda bir şekil gördüğünüzde, buna “negatif uzay” (negatif alan) denir. Yağmurun olmadığı negatif uzayı fark ederek Lory’nin nerede olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz.", + "The rain lines in this picture are lined up. Those lines are parallel lines.": "Bu resimdeki yağmur çizgileri sıra sıra dizilmişler. Bu çizgiler paralel çizgilerdir.", + "Look for parallel lines around you. Most of them will probably be horizontal lines (going side to side) or vertical lines (going up and down). Are there any other parallel lines around you?": "Etrafınızda paralel çizgiler arayın. Onların çoğu muhtemelen yatay (bir yandan öbür yana doğru giden) veya dikey (yukarı veya aşağı doğru giden) çizgilerdir. Etrafınızda başka paralel çizgiler var mı?", + "Or when she was curled under blankets in bed.": "Ya da yatakta battaniyelerin altında kıvrılmışken görürsün.", + "The artist took many liberties with this drawing. There are extra squiggles that aren't really there. What else is extra in the picture? (the big red area)": "İllüstratör bu çizimde çok fazla alışılmışın dışına çıkmış. Gerçekte orada olmayan fazladan kısa, eğri, dalgalı çizgiler var. Resimde fazladan konulan başka ne var? (büyük kırmızı alan)", + "Why did the artist put in those extra things?": "İllüstratör bu ekstra şeyleri neden oraya eklemiş?", + "What is the easiest part of Lory to see in this picture?": "Bu resimde Lory’nin, görülmesi en kolay kısmı neresi?", + "Lory was left out of all the kids' games. They teased her and they called her names.": "Lory tüm çocukların oyunlarından dışlanmıştı. Çocuklar onunla dalga geçip ona isimler taktılar.", + "We can see Lory in this picture by her negative space and her eyes.": "Bu resimde Lory’yi onun negatif uzayından ve gözlerinden görebiliyoruz.", + "Why do you suppose her eyelashes are visible when the rest of her is not?": "Sizce Lory’nin geri kalanı görünmezken kirpikleri neden görünüyor?", + "People often make fun of someone who is different in some way. Have you ever been made fun for this reason? Have you made fun of someone for this reason? Why do you think people do this?": "İnsanlar genellikle bir şekilde farklı olan biriyle dalga geçerler. Siz hiç bu gibi bir nedenle alay konusu oldunuz mu? Peki ya siz, hiç bu bahsedilen nedenle başka birisiyle dalga geçtiniz mi? Sizce insanlar bunu neden yaparlar?", + "Look, it's Lory. The Imaginary Friend! She's not like us, she's just pretend!": "“Bak, bu Lory. Hayali Arkadaş! O bizim gibi değil, o sadece görünmez!”", + "The umbrellas are divided into areas that are triangles. Triangles are shapes with three straight sides. Do you see any triangles where you are?": "Resimdeki şemsiyeler üçgen alanlara bölünmüşler. Üçgenler üç düz kenarı olan şekillerdir. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç üçgen görüyor musunuz?", + "Triangles are stronger than four-sided shapes. It is much harder to bend triangles and make them lose their shape. Why do you suppose that is?": "Üçgenler dört kenarlı şekillerden daha güçlüdürler. Üçgenleri bükmek ve şekillerini kaybetmelerini sağlamak dört kenarlı şekillere göre çok daha zordur. Sizce bunun nedeni nedir?", + "That child is about to throw a snowball. Balls are also called spheres. Spheres roll well and are fun to kick and play with. Do you have any spheres around you?": "Resimdeki şu çocuk bir kar topu atmak üzere. Toplara ‘küre’ de denir. Küreler iyi yuvarlanırlar ve onları tekmelemek ve onlarla oynamak çok eğlencelidir! Etrafınızda hiç küre var mı?", + "One day at school, a boy wanted to know: \"How do you look? I only see you in snow.\"": "Bir gün okulda, bir çocuk, “Sen nasıl görünüyorsun? Ben seni sadece karda görüyorum!” dedi.", + "What did the boy mean when he said \"I only see you in snow.\"? Where is Lory in this picture?": "Çocuk, “Seni sadece karda görüyorum!” derken ne demek istedi? Lory bu resmin neresinde?", + "The lines on the boy's shirt go in two directions. The two directions meet each other in the same way as the edges of this page do. Lines that meet this way are said to be perpendicular to each other.": "Çocuğun gömleğindeki çizgiler iki farklı yöne doğru gidiyor. Tıpkı bu sayfanın kenarlarının birbiriyle buluştukları gibi, çizgiler, bu iki yönde de aynı şekilde buluşuyorlar. Bu şekilde kesişen çizgilerin birbirlerine ‘dik’ oldukları söylenir.", + "Point out some perpendicular lines where you are. There will probably be a lot of them! Horizontal and vertical lines are usually perpendicular to each other.": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dik çizgileri gösterin. Muhtemelen onlardan bir sürü vardır! Yatay ve dikey çizgiler genellikle birbirlerine diktir.", + "Can you paint yourself? Lory knew that she could. But not in the same way the boy thought she would.": "“Kendi resmini yapabilir misin?” diye sordu. Lory kendi resmini yapabileceğini biliyordu. Fakat çocuğun düşündüğü şekilde değil!", + "It often happens that someone will mean something different when they say something than what the person hearing it understands. Has that happened to you recently?": "Birisi bir şey söylediğinde, aslında bunu duyan kişinin anladığından farklı bir şey kastettiği sıklıkla olur. Son zamanlarda başınıza böyle bir şey geldi mi hiç?", + "What did the boy mean by \"paint yourself\" and what do you think Lory is going to do?": "Çocuk “kendi resmini yapabilir misin?” derken ne demek istedi ve sizce Lory ne yapacak?", + "A partial circle is called an arc. There are at least five arcs on this page -- can you find them all? Can you find more than five?": "Kısmi bir daireye ‘yay’ denir. Bu sayfada en az beş tane yay var – onların hepsini bulabilir misiniz? Peki ya beşten fazlasını bulabilir misiniz?", + "Lory painted her body with all that she loved from the world all around and the sky above.": "Lory vücudunu, etrafındaki dünyadan ve yukarıdaki gökyüzünden sevdiği her şeyle boyadı.", + "The expression \"wearing your feelings on your sleeve\" refers to showing the world how you feel. Do you keep your feelings to yourself or do you show them to the world?": "“İçi dışı bir olmak” ifadesi, duygularınızı ve nasıl hissettiğinizi dünyaya olduğu gibi göstermek anlamına gelir. Duygularınızı kendinize mi saklarsınız yoksa etrafa gösterir misiniz?", + "Lory is showing the world all the things she loves. She is wearing her thoughts all over her body!": "Lory sevdiği her şeyi dünyaya gösteriyor. Özü sözü bir!", + "What is inside each of us is invisible to the world until we tell the world. Which things that you love would you like to share with the world?": "Her birimizin içinde olan şey, biz dünyaya söyleyene kadar aslında o şey dünya için görünmezdir. Sevdiğiniz hangi şeyleri dünyayla paylaşmak isterdiniz?", + "She painted herself every day with such pride, to bring out the person who she was inside.": "Lory, içindeki o kişiyi ortaya çıkarmak için her gün büyük bir gururla kendi resmini yapıyordu.", + "Which color did she use for her right foot and which one for her left foot?": "Lory sağ ayağı için hangi rengi ve sol ayağı için hangi rengi kullanmış?", + "Using paint is a bit messy, but it is one way to show her mark on the world. There are many ways we leave marks on the world without using paint. Can you think of a few?": "Boyaları kullanmak biraz ortalığı kirletebilir ama boyalar Lory’nin dünyaya iz bırakmasının bir yoludur. Boya kullanmadan da dünyaya iz bırakmanın pek çok yolu vardır. Aklınıza onların birkaçı geliyor mu?", + "You can count the toe prints one by one, or you can count them by 5's. Skip counting is often a quick way to count a bunch of things! How many toe prints are there?": "Ayak parmak izlerini tek tek veya beşer beşer atlayarak da sayabilirsiniz. Atlayarak sayma, sıklıkla, bir sürü şeyi saymanın hızlı bir yöntemidir! Orada kaç ayak parmağı izi var?", + "I know I'm invisible and hard to see. So I painted these pictures to show the real me.": "“Görünmez olduğumu ve görülmemin zor olduğunu biliyorum. Bu nedenle, gerçek beni göstermek için bu resimleri yaptım.”", + "How many different things can you see on her that Lory likes?": "Lory’nin üzerinde onun çok sevdiği kaç farklı şey görebiliyorsunuz?", + "How well does this share who Lory is?": "Sizce bu, Lory’nin kim olduğunu ne kadar iyi anlatıyor?", + "Which things would be hard to share this way?": "Hangi şeyleri bu şekilde paylaşmak çok zor olurdu?", + "\"Are you making this up, Gramps? Is this story true?\" \"Lory is real -- real as me, real as you.\"": "“Bu hikâyeyi uyduruyor musun, büyükbaba? Bu hikâye gerçek mi?” diye sordum. Büyükbabam, “Lory gerçek – benim kadar, senin kadar gerçek!” dedi.", + "The story may not be real, but it has a real message. What is the message?": "Bu hikâye gerçek olmayabilir ama gerçek bir mesaj veriyor. O mesaj nedir?", + "How well do you think people see the invisible things inside you?": "Sizce başkaları sizin içinizdeki görünmez şeyleri ne kadar iyi görüyor olabilir?", + "Is there something inside you that you would want to keep invisible?": "İçinizde görünmez kalmasını istediğiniz bir şey var mı?", + "When Grandpa had left me, I can't quite be sure, but I think I saw Lory just outside my door.": "Büyükbabam gittiğinde, tam olarak emin değilim ama sanırım Lory’yi kapımın hemen dışında gördüm.", + "What do you think? Do \"sure\" and \"door\" rhyme?": "Ne düşünüyorsunuz? “Emin” ve “kapımın” kelimeleri kafiyeli mi?", + "Go back and look at all the pairs of rhyming words. Can you find a few more words that go with each pair?": "Önceki sayfalara geri dönün ve tüm kafiyeli sözcük çiftlerine bir bakın. Her çiftle kafiyeli olan birkaç uyumlu kelime daha bulabilir misiniz?", + "Some kinds of poems use rhyming words. Have you ever written a poem?": "Bazı şiir türlerinde kafiyeli sözcükler kullanılır. Hiç şiir yazdınız mı?", + "Long time ago, animals had no legs.\n\nThey all used to crawl.": "Uzun zaman önce, hayvanların bacakları yoktu.\n\nHepsi sürünmeye alışmışlardı.", + "Imagine if you had to crawl everywhere. How hard would that be?": "Her yere emeklemek zorunda kaldığınızı hayal edin. Bu sizin için ne kadar zor olurdu?", + "An estimate is an educated guess. Without counting, estimate how many spots the giraffe has. Now count the spots and see how close you came.": "Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür. Saymadan, zürafanın kaç beneği olduğunu tahmin edin. Şimdi benekleri sayın ve tahmininizde ne kadar yaklaştığınızı görün.", + "Do the estimation game with a friend. When you see a group of things, both of you make a quick estimate for the count. Now count the things and see which of you was closer.": "Bir arkadaşınızla tahmin oyunu oynayın. Bir grup şey gördüğünüzde, ikiniz de o şeylerin hangi sayıda olduğunu hızlı bir tahminde bulunun. Şimdi, birlikte, nesneleri sayın ve hanginizin o sayıya daha yakın tahminde bulunduğunu görün.", + "Only people had legs, which Maguru gave to them.": "Sadece Maguru’nun bacak verdiği insanların bacakları vardı.", + "Arms and legs are called limbs. How many limbs does one person have? How many limbs do two people have?": "Kollara ve bacaklara ‘uzuv’ denir. Bir insanın kaç uzvu vardır? İki insanın kaç uzvu vardır?", + "To find all the limbs for two people, you can count them by 4's as four plus four more. Another way is to count the pairs of limbs by 2's as 2, 4, 6, 8. Of course you can just count them all one at a time. Which way do you like best?": "İki kişinin tüm uzuvlarını bulmak için onları ‘dört artı dört’ şeklinde dörder dörder sayabilirsiniz. Başka bir yol da uzuv çiftlerini ikişer ikişer, dörder dörder, altışar altışar ve sekizer sekizer saymaktır. Elbette, hepsini teker teker de sayabilirsiniz. En çok hangi sayma yönetimini seviyorsunuz?", + "There are lots of colors in this picture. Which colors of the rainbow are missing?": "Bu resimde bir sürü renk var. Gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "One day, Maguru decided to give legs to every animal. He wanted them to walk.\n\nHe told them about it.": "Bir gün, Maguru, her hayvana bacak vermeye karar verdi. Maguru, hayvanların yürümelerini istedi.\n\nOnlara bunu anlattı.", + "Count as many round shapes in this picture as you can.": "Bu resimdeki yuvarlak şekilleri sayabildiğiniz kadar sayın.", + "A round shape that comes to a point is called a cone. The megaphone and the tops of the houses are all cones. Have you ever had food, such as ice cream, out of a cone?": "Bir noktaya doğru giden yuvarlak şekillere ‘koni’ denir. Resimdeki megafon ve evlerin tepeleri koni şeklindedir. Bir külahtan dondurma gibi bir yiyecek yediniz mi hiç?", + "Maguru's hand has an unusual number of fingers. Who has more fingers, you or Maguru?": "Maguru’nun elinin alışılmadık sayıda parmakları var. Kimin daha çok parmağı var – sizin mi yoksa Maguru’nun mu?", + "The animals said, \"It will be very nice to have legs.\"\n\nThey sang and danced.": "Hayvanlar, “Bacaklarımızın olması çok güzel olacak,” dediler.\n\nBirlikte şarkı söyleyip dans ettiler.", + "You can dance sitting down and you can dance lying down. Have you ever tried dancing on your knees?": "Oturarak ve yatarak dans edebilirsiniz. Hiç dizlerinizin üzerinde dans etmeyi denediniz mi?", + "These animals can be grouped in many ways. Some have ears and some do not seem to. Some have bodies with just one color and others do not. Some have skinny tails and others do not. Can you think of some other groupings?": "Bu hayvanlar pek çok şekillerde gruplandırılabilirler. Bazılarının kulakları var ve bazılarının yok gibi görünüyor. Bazılarının vücutları tek renkli, bazılarının ise değil. Bazılarının ince kuyrukları var, bazılarının ince kuyruğu yok. Bunun gibi başka gruplandırmalar düşünebilir misiniz?", + "Grouping things using their properties is an important way we understand things in the world. What are some of your most important properties?": "Cisimleri, özelliklerini kullanarak gruplandırmak, dünyadaki şeyleri anlamamızın önemli bir yoludur. Peki ya sizin en önemli özelliklerinizden bazıları nelerdir?", + "The animals said it was hard to crawl.\n\nThey felt pain.": "Hayvanlar sürünmenin zor olduğunu söylediler.\n\nOnlar acı hissettiler.", + "Would you rather crawl or walk?": "Peki ya siz? Sürünmeyi mi yoksa yürümeyi mi tercih ederdiniz?", + "Do you think the mouse will get legs long enough to put him in the clouds?": "Sizce fare onu bulutlara eriştirecek kadar uzun bacaklar alacak mıdır?", + "Why do you think the crocodile has band-aids on?": "Sizce timsahın üzerinde neden yara bantları var?", + "When the day came, many animals went to Maguru's house.\n\nGiraffes, lions, elephants, rabbits, crocodiles, and birds stood in a line.": "Gün geldiğinde, birçok hayvan Maguru’nun evine gitti.\n\nZürafalar, aslanlar, filler, tavşanlar, timsahlar ve kuşlar sıraya (kuyruğa) girdiler.", + "That's a very long line! Estimate how many animals are in that line.": "Bu çok uzun bir sıra! Bu sırada kaç hayvan olduğunu tahmin edin.", + "Count all the animals and see how close your estimate was. Can you count that high? Was it too high, too low, or exactly right?": "Tüm hayvanları sayın ve tahmininizin gerçeğe ne kadar yakın olduğunu görün. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Tahmininiz çok mu yüksek, çok mu az yoksa tam tamına doğru muydu?", + "Do you see any animals going down? Do you think there is a different path on the backside of the mountain for going down?": "Aşağı inen hayvan görüyor musunuz? Sizce dağın arka tarafında aşağı inmek için farklı bir yol mu var?", + "Each animal was given four legs.\n\nBirds were given two legs each.": "Her hayvana dört ayak verildi.\n\nKuşlara ikişer bacak verildi.", + "Birds are animals, so why are they being treated differently than the other animals?": "Kuşlar da hayvandır, o zaman neden onlara diğer hayvanlardan farklı davranılıyor?", + "How many fewer feet did birds get than the other animals?": "Kuşlara diğer hayvanlardan kaç adet daha az ayak verildi?", + "If you were a bird, would you feel short-changed getting only two feet, or do you think having two feet is more fun than having four?": "Siz bir kuş olsaydınız sadece iki ayağınız olduğu için kendinizi eksik mi hissederdiniz yoksa iki ayağınızın olmasının dört ayağınızın olmasından daha mı eğlenceli olduğunu düşünürdünüz?", + "Everything was different after they got legs.\n\nSome danced for joy. Others fell down.": "Hayvanlar bacaklara sahip olduktan sonra, artık her şey farklıydı.\n\nBazıları sevinçten dans etti. Bazıları yere düştü.", + "Look at their faces. What are the different feelings these animals have?": "Yüzlerine bakın. Bu hayvanların sahip oldukları farklı duygular nelerdir?", + "Some of the animals are having trouble with their new legs. Is it fun for you when you try something new, or is it frustrating sometimes? What is something new you tried that was difficult for you?": "Bazı hayvanlar yeni bacaklarıyla sorun yaşıyor. Sizin için yeni bir şey denemek eğlenceli mi yoksa bazen sinir bozucu mu? Zor olsa da denediğiniz yeni bir şey nedir?", + "How many of these animals have four legs and how many have two? What is the total number of legs on this page?": "Bu hayvanlardan kaçının dört, kaçının iki bacağı var? Bu sayfadaki toplam bacak sayısı kaçtır?", + "They went to show people.\n\nThe animals said, \"We will never crawl again.\"": "Bacaklarını insanlara göstermeye gittiler.\n\nHayvanlar, “Bir daha asla sürünmeyeceğiz,” dediler.", + "People are animals and only have two legs. According to this story, does that mean that people are birds?": "Bu hikâyede insanlar da hayvandır ve sadece iki ayakları vardır. O halde, hikâyeye göre, bu, insanların kuş olduğu anlamına mı geliyor?", + "Is it possible for two types of animals to have a property in common, such as having two legs, and still be different? How much do two things have to have in common to be the same?": "İki tür hayvanın iki bacağa sahip olmak gibi aynı ortak özelliğe sahip olması ama yine de farklı olmaları mümkün müdür? İki şeyin aynı olması için ne kadar ortak özelliğe sahip olması gerekir?", + "One of these animals has four legs, but it is standing on two of them. Which one is it?": "Resimdeki bu hayvanlardan birinin normalde dört bacağı var ama iki bacağının üzerinde duruyor. O hayvan hangisi?", + "The last one in the line was Millipede. Maguru asked, \"Is there anyone else after you?\"\n\nMillipede answered, \"No, I am the last one.\"": "Sıradaki son kişi kırkayak (millipede) idi. Maguru, “Senden sonra başka kimse var mı?” diye sordu.\n\nKırkayak cevap verdi, “Hayır, ben en sonuncuyum.”", + "When you are in line and there is no one after you, you are the last one. Where are you in line if there is no one before you?": "Sırada (kuyrukta) olduğunuzda ve sizden sonra kimse yoksa, en sonuncu sizsinizdir. Peki ya sizden önce kimse yoksa, o zaman sıranın neresindesiniz demektir?”", + "Why was it important to Maguru that Millipede is last? Do you think Maguru is tired of giving legs to animals?": "Kırkayağın sonuncu olması Maguru için neden önemliydi? Sizce Maguru hayvanlara bacak vermekten bıkmış mıdır?", + "What do you think will happen next?": "Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "Maguru thought, \"He is the last one. What will I do with the rest of the legs?\"\n\nMaguru gave Millipede all the remaining legs.": "Maguru, “Kırkayak sonuncusu. Bu artakalan bacakları ne yapacağım ben?” diye düşündü.\n\nMaguru, artakalan tüm bacakları kırkayağa verdi.", + "Millipede looks very happy to have so many legs. Would you like to have that many legs?": "Kırkayak bu kadar çok bacağa sahip olduğu için çok mutlu görünüyor. Siz de bu kadar çok bacağınızın olmasını ister miydiniz?", + "If you had so many legs, think of all the shoes you would need. Tying your shoes in the morning would take forever!": "Bu kadar çok bacağınız olsaydı, ihtiyacınızın olacağı tüm ayakkabıları bir düşünün bakalım! Sabahları ayakkabılarınızı bağlamak sonsuza kadar sürerdi!", + "Can you count high enough to count all of Millipede's feet? Millipede's name means \"thousand feet.\" The record for a millipede is 750 feet, so the name is not exactly correct.": "Kırkayağın (millipede) tüm ayaklarını sayabilmek için o kadar çok ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz? Millipede, “bin ayak” anlamına gelir. Bir millipede için rekor ayak sayısı 1306’dır.", + "Millipede was very happy. He said, \"I will move faster than others.\"": "Kırkayak çok mutluydu. “Ben diğerlerinden daha hızlı hareket edeceğim,” dedi.", + "Do you think an animal moves faster because it has more feet? Can you think of four-legged animals that move more slowly than people?": "Sizce bir hayvan daha fazla ayağı olduğu için mi daha hızlı hareket eder? İnsanlardan daha yavaş hareket eden dört ayaklı hayvanlar biliyor musunuz?", + "Have you ever seen a millipede? They do not move very quickly at all! Why do you suppose they are so slow?": "Hiç kırkayak (millipede) gördünüz mü? Aslında millipede’ler hiç de hızlı hareket etmezler! Sizce onlar neden o kadar yavaşlar?", + "Clouds often look like the clouds in this picture; they have flat bottoms and fluffy tops. Do you have any ideas on why that would be?": "Bulutlar genellikle bu resimdeki bulutlar gibi görünürler; düz tabanları ve kabarık üstleri vardır. Bunun nedeni hakkında bir fikriniz var mı?", + "After Millipede left, Snake came to Maguru's house. He said to Maguru, \"Please give me some legs.\"": "Kırkayak gittikten sonra, Yılan, Maguru’nun evine geldi. Maguru’ya, “Lütfen bana biraz bacak ver!” dedi.", + "Uh oh! There are no more legs and Snake needs some. How would you solve this problem?": "Ah! Vah! Başka bacak kalmadı ama yılanın bacağa ihtiyacı var. Siz olsaydınız, bu sorunu nasıl çözerdiniz?", + "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides that look like this page. How many rectangles can you find on this page?": "Dikdörtgenler dört düz kenarı olan ve bu sayfa gibi görünen şekillerdir. Bu sayfada kaç tane dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "Squares are rectangles with four equal sides. Can you find the rectangle on this page that is a square?": "Kareler, dört eşit kenarı olan dikdörtgenlerdir. Bu sayfadaki kare olan dikdörtgeni bulabilir misiniz?", + "Maguru said, \"I have given out all the legs. Where were you?\"\n\nSnake answered, \"I overslept.\"": "Maguru, “Bütün bacakları dağıttım. Sen neredeydin?” dedi.\n\nYılan, “Uyuyakalmışım,” diye cevap verdi.", + "Look at their faces. How do they feel?": "Yüzlerine bakın. Sizce nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "Have you ever overslept? Was it fun to sleep in, or did you feel guilty about sleeping so long?": "Siz hiç uyuyakaldınız mı? Uyumak eğlenceli miydi yoksa o kadar uzun süre uyuduğunuz için kendinizi suçlu mu hissettiniz?", + "Can you count all the stripes on this page? Can you count that high?": "Bu sayfadaki tüm çizgileri (şeritleri) sayabilir misiniz? O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "Maguru looked to see if there were legs remaining.\n\nHe did not find any.": "Maguru hiç bacak olup olmadığına baktı.\n\nHiç bacak bulamadı.", + "Describe some of the rectangles on this page. Are any of them squares?": "Bu sayfadaki dikdörtgenlerden bazılarını tanımlayın. İçlerinde kare olanlar var mı?", + "When you can only see part of something that has a stripe, it can look like a rectangle. Describe a few of those on this page.": "Şeritli bir şeyin sadece bir kısmını görebildiğinizde, o şey dikdörtgen gibi görünebilir. Bu sayfada böyle olan şekillerden birkaçını gösterip anlatın.", + "There are no legs where Maguru looked. When you have none of something, you have 0 of them. Zero is a very useful number for describing not having anything. Name some silly things that you have zero of!": "Maguru’nun baktığı yerde hiç bacak yok. Bir şeyden hiç yoksa ondan 0 tane vardır. Sıfır, hiçbir şeye sahip olmamayı tanımlamak için çok kullanışlı bir rakamdır. Sıfır sayıda sahip olduğunuz bazı şeyleri söyleyin!", + "Maguru said to Snake, \"Sorry. There are no legs left.\" Snake crawled home without legs.\n\nFrom that day, Snake does not sleep much. He is waiting to be first in line to get legs.": "Maguru, “Üzgünüm. Hiç bacak kalmamış,” dedi. Yılan bacaksız bir halde sürünerek evine gitti.\n\nYılan o günden beri pek uyumaz. Bacaklara kavuşmak için sıranın kendisine gelmesini bekler.", + "It is a very sad day for Snake! Have you ever been sad that others got something that you did not? Were you happy for the others, or just sad that you were left out?": "Yılan için çok üzücü bir gün! Sizin alamadığınız bir şeyi başkaları aldığında üzüldünüz mü hiç? Diğerleri için mutlu mu oldunuz yoksa dışlanmış gibi hissettiğiniz için sadece üzüldünüz mü?", + "Can you think of some other animals that have zero legs?": "Sıfır bacaklı başka hayvanlar biliyor musunuz?", + "There is a cloud next to Maguru that is quite strange! The cloud is between Snake and Maguru's home. It must be a very tiny cloud!": "Maguru’nun yanında oldukça tuhaf bir bulut var! Bulut, Yılan ve Maguru’nun evinin arasında. O çok küçük bir bulut olmalı!", + "My sister's dress is too big for me!": "Ablamın elbisesi bana çok büyük!", + "Do you sometimes wear someone else's clothes? Is it fun to imagine you are that other person when you do it?": "Siz de bazen başka birisinin kıyafetlerini giyer misiniz? Giydiğinizde, o kişinin yerine geçtiğinizi hayal etmek eğlenceli mi?", + "How can you tell the dress and belt are too big?": "Elbisenin ve kemerin çok büyük olduğunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point to rectangles in the picture. Do you see any rectangles where you are?": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki dikdörtgenleri gösterin. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç dikdörtgen görüyor musunuz?", + "My brother's jersey is also too big for me.": "Ağabeyimin forması bana çok büyük.", + "Looking at her face, how does she feel about having a jersey that is too big?": "Kızın yüzüne bakarak, çok büyük bir formaya sahip olmak hakkında sizce kız ne hissediyor?", + "Is the orange dress she has on the right size for her?": "Kızın üstündeki turuncu elbise kız için doğru bedende mi?", + "Notice the new rectangles in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki yeni dikdörtgenlere dikkat edin.", + "My bag is big.\n\nBut not too big!": "Benim çantam büyük.\n\nAma çok büyük değil!", + "Is this bag too big for her?": "Bu çanta kıza çok mu büyük?", + "Count together the clasps on the bag.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, çantanın üzerindeki tokaları sayın.", + "What would you put in this bag if it were yours?": "O çanta sizin olsaydı içerisine neler koyardınız?", + "This old belt is too small for me.": "Bu eski kemer bana çok küçük.", + "Why might this child's old belt from when she was younger be too small for her?": "Bu çocuğun küçükken taktığı eski kemeri neden ona çok küçük gelmiş olabilir?", + "What does the expression on her face tell you about how she is feeling about the belt?": "Kızın yüzündeki ifade, kızın kemeri hakkında ne hissettiğini anlatıyor mu?", + "How many pieces of clothing has she tried on?": "Kız şu ana kadar kaç parça kıyafet denedi?", + "This is my doll's hat.": "Bu, benim oyuncak bebeğimin şapkası.", + "This is the fourth piece of clothing that is a bad fit for her. How does she feel about it? Do you think she is feeling discouraged?": "Bu, kızın denediği ona uymayan dördüncü parça. Kız bu konu hakkında ne hissediyor? Kızın cesaretinin kırıldığını düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Count together the number of pieces of wood that make up the back of the chair.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, sandalyenin arkasını oluşturan tahta parçalarını sayın.", + "She has two eyes, ears, and arms, but only one mouth and nose. Where do the body parts that she has one of line up on her body?": "Kızın iki gözü, iki kulağı, iki kolu var ama bir ağzı ve bir burnu var. Resimde, çizgi olan yerdeki kızın vücudunun parçaları nerede?", + "My socks are the right size.\n\nBut the wrong color!": "Çoraplarım doğru ölçüde.\n\nAma yanlış renkteler!", + "Including her hair ties, which colors is she wearing?": "Kızın saç tokaları da dahil olmak üzere, kız hangi renkleri giyinmiş?", + "Do you think her socks are the wrong color?": "Sizce kızın çorapları yanlış renkte mi?", + "The picture of the chair is made up of several rectangles. How many can you find?": "Sandalye resmi birkaç dikdörtgenden oluşuyor. Onların kaç tanesini bulabilirsiniz?", + "These are my new shoes.": "Bunlar benim yeni ayakkabılarım.", + "After all the other clothes, do you think these shoes will fit?": "Diğer tüm o kıyafetlerden sonra, sizce bu ayakkabılar kıza uyacak mı?", + "Where did she go?": "Kız nereye gitti?", + "These shoes must be in a different room -- the door and windows are a different color. What colors were they before?": "Bu ayakkabılar farklı bir odada olmalılar – kapı ve pencereler farklı renkteler. Onlar daha önce hangi renkteydiler?", + "They fit me very well.": "Bunlar bana çok iyi uydular.", + "Is her hat the same as her doll's hat? Does it seem too small to you?": "Kızın şapkası oyuncak bebeğinin şapkasıyla aynı mı? Size çok küçük mü görünüyor?", + "Do you think she needs a belt with her dress?": "Sizce kızın o elbisesiyle birlikte bir kemere ihtiyacı var mı?", + "Is she ready for school now?": "Kız şimdi okula hazır mı?", + "Let me tell you about the palm tree.": "Size palmiye ağacı hakkında bilgi vereyim.", + "Do you have palm trees where you live? There are many kinds of palm trees -- perhaps yours look different than these.": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde palmiye ağaçları var mı? Birçok palmiye ağacı çeşidi vardır – belki sizinkiler bunlardan farklı görünüyorlardır.", + "His necklace has a repeating pattern of yellow and red beads. Count the beads by using the pattern to count by 2's.": "Resimdeki adamın kolyesinde sarı ve kırmızı boncuklardan oluşan tekrar eden bir desen var. Deseni kullanarak boncukları ikişer ikişer sayın.", + "He has loops for his ears. How many looping pieces of clothing does he have? Be sure to look all over.": "Kulaklarında halkalar var. Adamın üzerinde kaç tane halka şeklinde (veya ilmekli) parçalar var? Her tarafına baktığınızdan emin olun.", + "This tree lives when everything else is dry.": "Bu ağaç, diğer her şey kuruduğunda bile yaşar.", + "Water is needed by most living things. Palm trees are smart about using very little water in a dry place.": "Su çoğu canlı için gereklidir. Palmiye ağaçları kurak yerlerde çok az su kullanma konusunda akıllıdır.", + "The branches split into two branches as they go up. Count the branches at the top of what we can see before the leaves.": "Dallar yukarılara doğru gittikçe iki dala ayrılır. Ağacın yapraklar başlamadan önceki kısmındaki görebildiğiniz dallarını sayın.", + "Count the bones and stones on the ground.": "Yerdeki kemikleri ve taşları sayın.", + "The shade from a palm tree is always cool.": "Bir palmiye ağacının gölgesi her zaman serindir.", + "Is there something special about the shade of a palm tree that makes it cool?": "Palmiye ağacının gölgesini serin yapan özel bir şey var mı?", + "Is the shade of all trees cool?": "Tüm ağaçların gölgeleri serin midir?", + "This person barely fits inside this shade. Why did he pick such a small tree? Maybe there aren't any other trees nearby?": "Bu kişi bu gölgenin içine zar zor sığıyor. Neden bu kadar küçük bir ağaç seçti? Belki yakınlarda başka ağaç yoktur?", + "We eat fruit from the palm tree.": "Palmiye ağacından meyveler yeriz.", + "Name and count the kinds of fruit you like to eat.": "Yemekten hoşlandığınız meyve türlerinin isimlerini söyleyin ve sayın.", + "Their hair is braided into rows. Which one has more rows that you can see? What is the difference between the two numbers -- how many more?": "Resimdekilerin saçları sıra sıra örülmüş. Hangisinde daha fazla sıra var? Örgü sayıları arasındaki fark nedir — bir sayı öbüründen ne kadar daha fazla?", + "Does it make sense that the bigger person would have the bigger number of hair rows?": "Daha büyük bir kişinin saçlarında daha fazla örgü sırasına sahip olması mantıklı mı?", + "We use palm leaves to thatch our houses.": "Evlerimizin damlarını örtmek için palmiyelerin yapraklarını kullanırız.", + "This house has a round shape. Round houses are easier to build and enclose more space.": "Bu ev yuvarlak bir şekle sahip. Yuvarlak evleri inşa etmek daha kolaydır ve daha fazla alan kaplar.", + "Do you have any round buildings where you live?": "Sizin yaşadığınız hiç yerde yuvarlak yapılar var mı?", + "Balls and light bulbs are usually round. What are some round things around you?": "Toplar ve ampuller genellikle yuvarlaktır. Etrafınızdaki yuvarlak şeyler nelerdir?", + "We make brooms and mats from palm leaves.": "Palmiye yapraklarından süpürgeler ve kilimler (paspaslar) yaparız.", + "Of the things around you, which of them look like they are made directly from trees or other natural materials?": "Etrafınızdaki eşyalar arasında hangileri doğrudan ağaçlardan veya diğer doğal malzemelerden yapılmışlar gibi görünüyor?", + "Count together the number of different things in this picture that are made from a palm.": "Bu resimdeki palmiye ağacından yapılmış farklı şeyleri çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Count the number of loops that she is wearing. Is the number more or less than the man had on an earlier page?": "Resimdeki kadının taktığı halkaların sayısını sayın. Bu sayı, daha önceki sayfadaki adamın sahip olduğu halkaların sayısından daha mı fazla yoksa daha mı az?", + "We use palm tree seeds for fuel.": "Palmiye ağacı tohumlarını yakıt olarak kullanırız.", + "Burning palm tree seeds is one of many possible sources of heat. How do you get heat where you live?": "Palmiye ağacı tohumlarını yakmak olası ısı kaynaklarından biridir. Siz yaşadığınız yerde ısıyı nasıl elde ediyorsunuz?", + "What are other uses for heat besides cooking?": "Yemek pişirmek dışında, ısının diğer kullanım alanları nelerdir?", + "An estimate is an educated guess based on partial information. Estimate the number of seeds in that basket. Is it a bigger number than you know?": "Değer biçme (kestirme), kısmi bilgilere dayanan eğitimli bir tahmindir. Bu sepetteki tohumların sayısını tahmin edin (kestirin). Tahmininiz, bildiğiniz sayıdan daha mı büyük?", + "Do you see why the palm tree is important?": "Artık palmiye ağacının neden önemli olduğunu anlıyor musunuz?", + "List and count how many ways the palm tree is useful to them.": "Palmiye ağacının onlar için kaç farklı şekilde faydalı olduğunu listeleyip sayın.", + "What are some trees where you live that have important uses?": "Sizin yaşadığınız yerde önemli kullanımları olan bazı ağaçlar nelerdir?", + "Whether useful or not, what are some of your favorite trees near you?": "Faydalı olsun veya olmasın, yakınınızdaki en sevdiğiniz ağaçlarınızdan bazıları nelerdir?", + "This is Ndalo.": "Bu, Ndalo.", + "Identify together the kinds of animals you see and count each type.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, gördüğünüz hayvanların türlerini belirleyip her bir türü sayın.", + "Which type of animal in this picture is there the most of?": "Bu resimdeki hangi hayvan türü orada en çok sayıda olandır?", + "Count together the buttons on Ndalo's shirt.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, Ndalo'nun gömleğindeki düğmeleri sayın.", + "Ndalo likes to read books.": "Ndalo kitap okumayı sever.", + "Count together the books in front of Ndalo on the table.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, masadaki Ndalo’nun önündeki kitapları sayın.", + "You can see on his face how much he likes to read!": "Ndalo’nun yüzünden onun okumayı ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlayabilirsiniz!", + "Do you like hearing stories from books?": "Siz kitaplardan hikâyeler okumayı sever misiniz?", + "This is Pendo.": "Bu, Pendo.", + "There are many little details in this picture. Count the animals that you can find.": "Bu resimde bir sürü küçük ayrıntılar var. Bulabildiğiniz hayvanları sayın.", + "How many trees and power poles do you see?": "Kaç tane ağaç ve elektrik direği görüyorsunuz?", + "Point at and count the people moving around that you can just barely see.": "Etrafta dolaşan zar zor görebildiğiniz insanları gösterip sayın.", + "Pendo likes to eat carrots.": "Pendo havuç yemeyi sever.", + "Can you tell by looking at Pendo that Pendo likes carrots?": "Pendo’ya bakarak onun havuç sevdiğini söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "Do you like eating carrots? What is your favorite vegetable?": "Siz havuç yemeyi sever misiniz? Sizin en sevdiğiniz sebze nedir?", + "Pendo is eating two carrots, and Ndalo is holding three more carrots. What is three more than two?": "Pendo, iki havuç yiyor ve Ndalo ise üç tane havuç tutuyor. İkinin üç fazlası kaçtır?", + "Ndalo grazes Pendo after school.": "Ndalo, okuldan sonra Pendo’yu otlatır.", + "Count all the different animals in the yard, or just count your favorites.": "Bahçedeki tüm farklı hayvanları sayın veya sadece en sevdiklerinizi sayın.", + "Which type of animal is there the most of and which has the least?": "Orada en çok hangi hayvan türünden var ve hangisi en azdır?", + "What food are Pendo and the goats eating? Do you suppose you would like eating grass?": "Pendo ve keçiler hangi yiyecekleri yiyorlar? Siz ot yemeyi seveceğinizi düşünebilir misiniz?", + "He gives fresh water to Pendo.": "Ndalo, Pendo’ya temiz su veriyor.", + "Ndalo is very good about taking care of Pendo. Do you have any animals that you care for?": "Ndalo, Pendo'ya bakma konusunda çok iyi. Sizin baktığınız bir hayvanınız var mı?", + "Point at the many colors -- Pendo is brown, Ndalo's shirt is blue, the pail is yellow, the grass is green, and the underside of the water basin is pink.": "Birçok renge işaret edin – Pendo kahverengidir, Ndalo'nun gömleği mavidir, kova sarıdır, çimen yeşildir ve su leğeninin altı pembedir.", + "Pendo looks very big next to Ndalo. How many times bigger than Ndalo do you think Pendo is?": "Pendo, Ndalo'nun yanında çok büyük görünüyor. Sizce Pendo, Ndalo'dan kaç kat daha büyüktür?", + "Father gives grain to Pendo.": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’ya tahıl veriyor.", + "The cat is watching Pendo eat the grain.. Do you think the cat wants some of the grain?": "Kedi, Pendo’nun tahılı yemesini seyrediyor. Sizce kedi de tahıldan biraz istiyor mudur?", + "What do you think the cat is waiting for?": "Sizce kedi neyi bekliyor?", + "Pendo provides the family with a lot of milk. What does the cat provide the family?": "Pendo, aileye bol bol süt sağlıyor. Kedi, aileye ne veriyor?", + "He milks Pendo every day.": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’yu her gün sağıyor.", + "The cat is still waiting. Perhaps the cat is hoping for some splashed milk?": "Kedi hâlâ bekliyor. Belki de kedi biraz sıçrayan sütten istiyordur?", + "Why are Pendo's back two legs tied to a post? Do you think she likes being milked?": "Pendo'nun arka iki bacağı neden elektrik direğine bağlı? Sizce Pendo, sağılmaktan hoşlanıyor mu?", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Point at a few of the many rectangles in this picture.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki birçok dikdörtgenden birkaçını gösterin.", + "Pendo gives a lot of milk.": "Pendo çok fazla süt veriyor.", + "Count together the number of milk containers.": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, süt kaplarını sayın.", + "The window behind them is split into parts called panes. How many panes are there?": "Arkalarındaki pencere ‘bölme’ adı verilen kısımlara ayrılmıştır. Orada kaç tane bölme var?", + "Liquid containers are often round, but sometimes milk comes in milk cartons in the shape of boxes.": "Sıvı kapları genellikle yuvarlaktır ancak sütler bazen kutu şeklindeki süt kartonlarında da gelir.", + "Father sells Pendo's milk.": "Ndalo’nun babası Pendo’nun sütünü satıyor.", + "His father's shirt has some interesting patterns. Point at and describe the stripes and black diamonds.": "Babanın gömleğinde bazı ilginç desenler var. Gömlekteki çizgileri ve siyah elmasları gösterip tarif edin.", + "Describe this woman's colorful dress.": "Bu kadının renkli elbisesini tarif edin.", + "What is the picture on the paper on the wall? The sign says \"Milk here.\"": "Duvardaki kâğıttaki resim nedir? Tabelada, \"Süt burada!\" yazıyor.\"", + "Ndalo drinks fresh milk every day.": "Ndalo her gün taze süt içer.", + "How can you tell Ndalo has been drinking milk?": "Ndalo’nun süt içmiş olduğunu nasıl anlarsınız?", + "When you drink something, do you end up with the liquid around your mouth?": "Siz bir şey içtiğinizde ağzınızın etrafında sıvı kalır mı?", + "There are many rectangles here. Count the doors and windows that you can see. Are there more or less doors than windows?": "Burada bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Görebildiğiniz kapıları ve pencereleri sayın. Orada pencerelerden daha fazla mı yoksa daha az mı kapı var?", + "He says, \"Thank you Pendo!\"": "\"Teşekkür ederim, Pendo!\" diyor Ndalo.", + "Ndalo's family feeds and takes care of Pendo, and Pendo gives them milk. Does that seem like a fair trade?": "Ndalo'nun ailesi Pendo’yu besleyip ona bakıyor ve Pendo da onlara süt veriyor. Sizce bu adil bir ticaret gibi mi görünüyor?", + "Talk about some of the places your food comes from.": "Yiyeceklerinizin geldiği bazı yerler hakkında konuşun.", + "Are you thankful for where your food comes from?": "Yiyeceklerinizin geldiği yerlere minnettar mısınız?", + "A long time ago, in the vast city of Johannesburg, a baby girl was born. That baby was me. My mom called me Miriam. Miriam Makeba.": "Uzun zaman önce, çok büyük Johannesburg kentinde bir kız bebek dünyaya geldi. O bebek bendim. Annem bana ‘Miriam’ derdi. Miriam Makeba.", + "She is sitting on a three-legged stool. Most chairs have four legs. What is better about having three legs?": "Resimdeki kadın üç bacaklı bir taburede oturuyor. Çoğu sandalyenin dört bacağı vardır. Üç bacaklı olmasının nesi daha iyidir?", + "This story has lots of rectangles. A rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and corners that are right angles, like the corners of this page. Point to some rectangles in this picture.": "Bu hikâyede bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Bir dikdörtgen, dört düz kenarı ve bu sayfanın köşeleri gibi dik açılı köşeleri olan bir şekildir. Bu resimdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "There are rectangles all around you. Point to some rectangles where you are.": "Etrafınızda bir sürü dikdörtgen var. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "Mom was a sangoma, but she also worked to make other people's homes neat and clean. It was hard for my mom to earn enough for both of us. She started selling homemade beer to bring in more money.": "Annem bir şifacıydı (sangoma) ama başkalarının evlerini tertipli ve temiz hâle getirmek için de çalışırdı. Annem için ikimize yetecek kadar para kazanmak zordu. Daha fazla para kazanmak için ev yapımı bira satmaya başladı.", + "A sangoma is an herbalist or a healer. Do you like going to the doctor?": "Bir şifacı (sangoma) şifalı otlarla bitkisel tedaviler uygulayan kişidir. Doktora gitmeyi seviyor musunuz?", + "Look at the rectangles that are beautiful shades of blue in this picture. How many do you count? Did you count them by 1's, 2's, or in some other way?": "Bu resimdeki mavinin güzel tonlarında olan dikdörtgenlere bir bakın! Kaç dikdörtgen sayabilirsiniz? Onları teker teker mi, ikişer ikişer mi yoksa başka bir şekilde mi saydınız?", + "Point to some rectangles that are not blue, if you can find any.": "Eğer bulabilirseniz, mavi olmayan bazı dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "The laws of the land said that selling homemade beer was wrong. The police sent my mom to jail for six long months. I was only 18 days old, and needed my mom. So even though I was a baby, I went to jail too.": "Ülkedeki yasalar ev yapımı bira satmanın yanlış olduğunu söylüyordu. Polis annemi altı ay hapse gönderdi. Ben daha 18 günlüktüm ve anneme ihtiyacım vardı. Bebek olmama rağmen, ben de hapse girdim.", + "Looking at their faces, how are Miriam and her mother feeling? How were they feeling on the previous page?": "Yüzlerine baktığınızda, sizce Miriam ve annesi bu resimde nasıl hissediyorlar? Bir önceki sayfada nasıl hissediyorlardı?", + "More and more rectangles! There are lots of rectangles, but there are also some other shapes -- can you find them?": "Daha da çok dikdörtgen! Bir sürü dikdörtgen var ama burada başka şekiller de var – onları bulabilir misiniz?", + "There are circles for the eyes, beads, and hoop earrings. There is a downturned arc, which is a part of a circle, for the mother's mouth.": "Gözler, boncuklar ve halka küpeler için daireler var. Annenin ağzı için ise dairenin bir parçası olan aşağı dönük bir yay da var.", + "As a little girl I loved to sing. When I was older, I helped my mom clean houses. Singing songs as I worked made the chores go faster and the days seem brighter. Singing made me happier than I can explain.": "Küçük bir kız çocuğuyken, şarkı söylemeyi çok severdim. Büyüdüğümde, anneme evleri temizlemesinde de yardım ettim. Çalışırken şarkı söylemek, ev işlerinin daha hızlı yapılmasını ve günlerin daha parlak geçmesini sağladı. Şarkı söylemek beni açıklayamayacağım kadar mutlu ediyordu.", + "What in this page shows that she is singing? Do you know how to read music notes on a page?": "Bu sayfada Miriam’ın şarkı söylediğini gösteren neler var? Bir sayfadaki notaları nasıl okuyacağınızı biliyor musunuz?", + "Do you like to sing? Some people have trouble hearing the right notes to sing, but with practice and listening they can get much better at it.": "Peki ya siz, şarkı söylemeyi sever misiniz? Bazı insanlar şarkı söylemek için doğru notaları duymakta zorlanırlar ancak pratik yaparak ve dinleyerek bu konuda çok daha iyi olabilirler.", + "Rectangles are a very common shape in most rooms. How many rectangles can you find in this picture?": "Dikdörtgenler, çoğu odada bulunan çok yaygın şekillerdir. Bu resimde kaç tane dikdörtgen bulabilirsiniz?", + "I sang in my church, and this made others happy too. Music has the power to bring people together. When we were singing we felt brave and strong.": "Kilisemizde şarkı söylerdim ve bu, başkalarını da mutlu ederdi. Müziğin insanları bir araya getirme gücü vardır. Şarkı söylerken kendimizi cesur ve güçlü hissederdik.", + "Does it surprise you to read that she felt brave and strong while singing? What do you think she meant by that?": "Miriam’ın şarkı söylerken kendisini cesur ve güçlü hissettiğini okumak sizi şaşırttı mı? Sizce bununla ne demek istedi?", + "These windows are not rectangles! One of the windows is a circle. We can't see the whole scene, but it looks like the other windows have arched tops. An arch is part of an oval.": "Bu pencereler dikdörtgen değil! Pencerelerden biri daire şeklinde. Sahnenin tamamını göremiyoruz ama diğer pencerelerin üst kısımları kemerli gibi görünüyor. Kemer, ovalin bir parçasıdır.", + "Look at the particularly interesting interplay of shapes on the blue dress. Shapes can be combined in such interesting ways!": "Özellikle, mavi elbisenin üzerindeki şekillerin ilginç etkileşimlerine bakın. Şekiller çok ilginç biçimlerde bir araya getirilebilir!", + "People said my voice was a gift and my songs were special. I sang with other musicians and our music was heard all over the world.": "İnsanlar, sesimin Tanrı vergisi bir yetenek olduğunu ve şarkılarımın özel olduğunu söylerlerdi. Diğer müzisyenlerle birlikte de şarkı söylerdim ve müziğimiz dünyanın her yerinde duyulurdu.", + "Miriam is standing in a spotlight shining down from a bright light in the ceiling. The spotlight makes a cone of light that the singer can be in and stand on the stage. People can have cones that are funnels or ice cream cones.": "Miriam tavandaki parlak bir ışıktan aşağıya doğru inen parlak bir spot ışığının altında duruyor. Spot ışığı, şarkıcının içinde olabileceği ve sahnede durabileceği bir ışık konisi oluşturuyor. İnsanların huni ya da dondurma külahı gibi konileri olabilir.", + "When a spotlight shines straight down it makes a circle on the stage floor. When it shines from the side, the shape on the floor is called an oval or an ellipse. Do you see any ellipses where you are?": "Bir spot ışığı doğrudan aşağıya doğru parladığında sahne zemininde bir ‘daire’ oluşturur. Yandan parladığında ise zemindeki şekil ‘oval’ veya ‘elips’ olur. Bulunduğunuz yerde hiç elips görüyor musunuz?", + "Other than the spotlight, what other ovals or parts of ovals do you see in this picture?": "Spot ışığı dışında, bu resimde başka hangi ovalleri veya oval parçalarını görüyorsunuz?", + "My home was Sophiatown, a place of culture and music. Sophiatown is a place where South Africans could make music and harmony and dance together. But the people who ruled the land at the time did not like this togetherness. Those rulers didn't want black and white people to be friends.": "Benim evim bir kültür ve müzik mekânı olan Sophiatown idi. Sophiatown, Güney Afrikalıların birlikte müzik ve ahenk yapıp dans edebildikleri bir yerdi. Lâkin o dönemde ülkeyi yöneten insanlar bu birliktelikten hoşlanmıyorlardı. O yöneticiler, siyah ve beyazların arkadaş olmasını istemiyorlardı.", + "Unfortunately, some people pay attention to things that are different about people, such as skin color, how tall they are, or the place where they come from. Are there some differences that keep you away from some people?": "Ne yazık ki bazı kişiler, insanların ten renkleri, ne kadar uzun oldukları ya da nereli oldukları gibi insanlarda farklı olan şeylere dikkat ederler. Sizi bazı insanlardan uzak tutan farklılıklarınız var mı?", + "Music is something that can be shared and it can help bring people together. What brings you together with your friends?": "Müzik paylaşılabilen bir şeydir ve insanları bir araya getirmeye yardımcı olabilir. Sizi arkadaşlarınızla bir araya getiren nedir?", + "Do you think doing math is something that can be shared and bring people together?": "Sizce matematik de paylaşılabilen ve insanları bir araya getirebilen bir şey midir?", + "I knew it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color. I did not hide my beliefs, and so those people in charge wanted me out of the country. When I was singing in America, I was told I could never return home.": "İnsanlara ten renklerinden dolayı farklı davranmanın yanlış olduğunu biliyordum. Bu konudaki inançlarımı gizlemedim ve dolayısıyla, konuyla ilgili yetkililer beni ülkeden atmak istediler. Amerika’da şarkı söylüyorken, bana asla eve dönemeyeceğim söylendi.", + "How is Miriam feeling? How can you tell?": "Bu resimde Miriam nasıl hissediyor? Bunu nereden anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Have you ever been away from home and worried about getting back? Did it make you sad, or was it just hard to wait?": "Hiç evinizden uzak kaldığınız ve geri dönme konusunda endişelendiğiniz oldu mu? Bu sizi üzdü mü yoksa sadece beklemek mi zordu?", + "Clouds can come in many shapes! Notice that the bottoms of these clouds are flat. That often happens with clouds. Look at the clouds where you are, or remember a time when there were lots of clouds -- were they flat on the bottom?": "Bulutlar birçok şekillerde olabilir! Bu bulutların tabanlarının düz olduğuna dikkat edin. Bu tür şekiller bulutlarda genellikle olur. Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bulutlara bakın ya da çok sayıda bulutun olduğu bir ânı hatırlayın – onların tabanları düz müydü?", + "People all over the world heard my story. My songs and my story helped many to see how there was no fairness in South Africa for those with black skin. I decided to go on singing and telling the truth about my country, no matter what.": "Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki insanlar hikâyemi duydu. Şarkılarım ve hikâyem birçok kişinin Güney Afrika’da siyah tenliler için adaletin olmadığını görmesine yardımcı oldu. Ne olursa olsun şarkı söylemeye ve ülkem hakkındaki gerçekleri anlatmaya devam etmeye karar verdim.", + "Have you ever done something that some people thought was a bad idea, but you knew it was the right thing to do? What was it? Were you glad you stood up for what you believed in?": "Hiç sizin doğru olduğunu bildiğiniz ama bazı insanların onun kötü bir fikir olduğunu düşündüğü bir şey yaptınız mı? O şey neydi? İnandığınız şeyi savunduğunuz için mutlu muydunuz?", + "How do the eyebrows and mouths in this picture show that the people are dismayed?": "Bu resimdeki kaşlar ve ağızlar insanların dehşete düştüğünü nasıl belli ediyor?", + "Use your eyebrows to show different feelings. Try to show that you are happy, sad, surprised, or worried.": "Farklı duyguları göstermek için kaşlarınızı kullanın. Mutlu, üzgün, şaşkın veya endişeli olduğunuzu göstermeye çalışın.", + "The world loved my music and I was welcomed in many countries. I won awards and sang for important people all over the globe. My life was good, but something was missing. I could not sing in my home country, and people there were not free.": "Dünya, müziğimi sevdi ve birçok ülkede memnuniyetle karşılandım. Ödüller kazandım ve dünyanın her yerinde önemli insanlar için şarkılar söyledim. Hayatım güzeldi ama bir şeyler eksikti. Kendi ülkemde şarkı söyleyemiyordum ve oradaki insanlar özgür değillerdi.", + "Notice how the spotlight creates part of an oval on the floor.": "Bu resimde spot ışığının nasıl zeminde ovalin bir kısmını oluşturduğuna dikkat edin.", + "Sometimes an outline of a shape is enough to tell what it is. The two dark outlines show people wearing something special on their heads. Who do you think these people are?": "Bazen bir şeklin ana hatları o şeklin ne olduğunu anlamak için yeterlidir. Resimdeki iki adet koyu renkli ana hatları olan çizimler, başlarına özel bir şey takan insanları gösteriyor. Sizce bu insanlar kim olabilir?", + "Have you ever done some singing, dancing, or other performing in front of people? How did you feel?": "Peki ya siz, insanların önünde şarkı söylediniz mi, dans ettiniz mi veya başka bir performans sergilediniz mi? Nasıl hissettiniz?", + "Then a wonderful day dawned when Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa. New people were in charge and the unfair laws belonged to the past. I finally went home with new hope in my heart.": "Daha sonra, Nelson Mandela Güney Afrika’nın başkanı olduğunda harika bir gün doğdu. Yeni yetkililer iş başındaydı ve artık adaletsiz yasalar geçmişte kalmıştı. En nihayetinde, kalbimde yeni bir umutla eve döndüm.", + "Which arcs on their faces show that they are happy?": "Resimdeki insanların yüzlerindeki hangi yaylar onların mutlu olduklarını gösteriyor?", + "The stripes on the shirt of President Mandela are made up of rectangles. There are shapes all around us!": "Başkan Mandela’nın gömleğinde dikdörtgen çizgiler var. Etrafımızda her yerde şekiller var!", + "Did you notice the flat-bottomed clouds in this picture?": "Bu resimdeki düz tabanlı bulutları fark ettiniz mi?", + "After that, I could sing in a free, fair country. People of different colors could enjoy music together. I helped make this happen because I was brave and strong. I sang the truth in all of my songs.": "Artık özgür ve adil bir ülkede şarkı söyleyebilirdim. Farklı ten rengindeki insanlar, beraber, müziğin tadını çıkarabilirdi. Bunun gerçekleşmesine yardımcı oldum çünkü ben cesur ve güçlüydüm. Tüm şarkılarımda gerçeği söyledim.", + "What are some times when you have been brave and strong? How did you feel?": "Peki ya sizin cesur ve güçlü olduğunuz bazı anlar oldu mu hiç? Kendinizi nasıl hissetmiştiniz?", + "Count together all the people on this page. If you take away the people on the stage, how many are left?": "Bu sayfadaki tüm insanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. Sahnedekileri çıkarırsanız geriye kaç kişi kalır?", + "How wonderful to see all these people enjoying Miriam's music and dancing together!": "Tüm bu insanların Miriam’ın müziğiyle eğlendiklerini ve hep birlikte dans ettiklerini görmek ne kadar harika!", + "Many years ago, Sun and Water were great friends. Both lived on earth together.": "Yıllar önce, Güneş ve Su çok iyi arkadaşlardı. İkisi de Dünya’da yaşıyorlardı.", + "Have you ever thought of Sun, Moon, and Water as beings that could talk to each other?": "Hiç güneşin, ayın ve suyun birbirleriyle konuşabilen varlıklar olduklarını düşündünüz mü?", + "What would it be like if the sun were not in the sky? What do you think would change?": "Acaba gökyüzünde güneş olmasaydı nasıl olurdu? Sizce ne değişirdi?", + "There are many colors in this picture. Can you name them all?": "Bu resimde pek çok renk var. Onların hepsini adlandırabilir misiniz?", + "Sun used to visit Water very often, but Water never went to visit Sun.": "Güneş, Su’yu çok sık ziyaret ederdi ama Su, Güneş’i hiç ziyarete gitmezdi.", + "Sun is very hot! What do you think would happen to Water if Sun got close to it?": "Güneş çok sıcak! Güneş Su’ya yaklaşırsa, sizce Su’ya ne olur?", + "Sun's shape is drawn as a circle. A partial circle is called an arc. Many of the parts of Sun's face are drawn as arcs. See if you can find some circles and arcs around where you are now.": "Güneş bir daire şeklinde çizilmiş. Kısmi dairelere ‘yay’ denir. Resimdeki Güneş’in yüzünün birçok parçası ‘yay’ şeklinde çizilmiş. Şu anda bulunduğunuz yerde bazı daireler ve yaylar bulup bulamayacağınıza bir bakın bakalım!", + "There are many colors of the rainbow in this picture. Are any rainbow colors missing?": "Bu resimde gökkuşağının pek çok rengi var. Eksik olan bir gökkuşağı rengi var mı?", + "At last Sun asked Water why he never came to visit.\n\nWater replied that Sun's house was too small. \"If I come with my family we will drive you out,\" he said.": "En sonunda, Güneş, Su’ya neden onu hiç ziyarete gelmediğini sordu.\n\nSu, Güneş’in evinin çok küçük olduğunu söyledi. “Eğer ailemle birlikte sana gelirsek, seni evinden sürükleyip atarız,” dedi.", + "Which colors do you see on this page that you didn't see on the previous two pages?": "Bu sayfada, bir önceki iki sayfada görmediğiniz hangi renkleri görüyorsunuz?", + "Do you recognize something familiar inside Sun's house?": "Güneş’in evinin içinde tanıdık bir şey fark ediyor musunuz?", + "Polygons are flat shapes with straight sides. Sun's house is made up of polygons. Find as many rectangles (polygons with four sides and square corners) and pentagons (polygons with five sides) as you can.": "Çokgenler dümdüz kenarları olan yassı şekillerdir. Güneş’in evi çokgenlerden oluşuyor. Bu resimde bulabildiğiniz kadar çok dikdörtgen (dört kenarlı ve kare köşeli çokgenler) ve beşgen (beş kenarlı çokgenler) bulun.", + "Then Water said, \"If you wish me to visit you, build a very large compound. My people are very many, and take up a lot of room.\"\n\nSun promised to build a very big compound.": "Ardından, Su, “Eğer seni ziyaret etmemi istiyorsan, çok büyük bir yerleşke inşa et. Benim halkım çok kalabalıktır ve çok yer kaplarlar,” dedi.\n\nGüneş, çok büyük bir yerleşke inşa edeceğine dair söz verdi.", + "The story is leading up to Water coming to visit Sun's home. On the previous page Water said \"we will drive you out.\" What problem may occur when Water comes to visit?": "Hikâye, Su’yun Güneş’in evini ziyarete gitmesine kadar ilerleyecektir. Bir önceki sayfada, Su, “seni evinden sürükleyip atarız” demişti. Su, ziyarete gittiğinde ne gibi bir sorun çıkabilir ki?", + "How do you think this story will end after Water comes to visit?": "Su ziyarete gittikten sonra, sizce bu hikâye nasıl bitecek?", + "Who do you think is in Water's family? Why does Water describe his family as being big?": "Sizce Su’yun ailesinde kimler var? Su, ailesini neden ‘büyük’ olarak tanımlıyor?", + "Sun returned home to his wife, Moon, who greeted him with a broad smile. Sun told Moon what he had promised Water.": "Güneş evine, onu geniş bir gülümsemeyle karşılayan karısı Ay’ın yanına döndü. Güneş, Ay’a, Su’ya ne söz verdiğini anlattı.", + "When you can only see part of Moon like this, it is called a crescent moon. The outline of a crescent moon is made of two arcs.": "Ay’ın tıpkı resimdeki gibi sadece bir kısmını görebildiğinizde, ona ‘hilâl’ (ayça) denir. Hilâlin dış hatları iki yaydan oluşur.", + "When you look at a crescent moon in the sky, you are only seeing part of the moon. What happened to the part of the moon you don't see? Has that part disappeared, or is something going on that makes that part hard to see?": "Gökyüzünde bir hilâle baktığınızda, Ay’ın sadece bir kısmını görürsünüz. Ay’ın görmediğiniz o kısmına ne oldu? O kısmı kayıp mı oldu yoksa o kısmı görmeyi zorlaştıran bir şeyler mi oluyor?", + "It's fun to start tracking the relationship of the sun and the moon. For example, where is the sun relative to the moon when the moon is full?": "Güneş ve Ay arasındaki ilişkiyi takip etmeye başlamak eğlencelidir. Örneğin, Ay, dolunay halindeyken Güneş Ay’a göre nerede olabilir?", + "The next day he started building a huge compound in which to entertain his friend.": "Güneş, ertesi gün arkadaşını ağırlamak için kocaman bir yerleşke inşa etmeye başladı.", + "Sun is building a very large wall. Will it be big enough to hold Water and all Water's friends?": "Güneş çok büyük bir duvar inşa ediyor. Acaba bu duvar, Su’yu ve Su’yun tüm arkadaşlarını içine alacak kadar büyük olacak mı?", + "Sun's wall is straight up and down, but follows a curved path. Have you ever seen a wall near you that follows a curved path?": "Güneş’in duvarı yukarı ve aşağı doğru düz ama kavisli bir yol izliyor. Yakınlarınızda kavisli bir yol izleyen bir duvar gördünüz mü hiç?", + "The wall is made of bricks that are shaped like boxes. How many sides does a brick have? Name the shapes you see on the sides of a brick.": "Duvar, kutu şeklindeki tuğlalardan oluşuyor. Bir tuğlanın kaç kenarı vardır? Bu resimdeki tuğlaların kenarlarında gördüğünüz şekilleri adlandırın.", + "As soon as the compound was completed, he asked Water to come and visit them.": "Güneş, yerleşke tamamlanır tamamlanmaz Su’dan gelip onu ziyaret etmesini istedi.", + "The pictures of the wall are a little confusing. On this page the wall looks a little taller than the house. On other pages, the wall looks about half as high as the house. Which do you think it is?": "Duvarın resimleri biraz kafa karıştırıcı. Bu sayfada duvar evden biraz daha uzun görünüyor. Diğer sayfalardaysa duvar evin yarısı kadar yükseklikte görünüyor. Sizce hangisi doğru?", + "Why do you think Sun made some of the wall straight and some of it curved?": "Güneş neden duvarın bir kısmını düz, bir kısmını ise kavisli yaptı?", + "It's time for Water to visit. What do you think will happen next?": "Artık Su’yun ziyaret zamanı gelmişti. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak?", + "When Water arrived, he asked Sun whether it would be safe for him to enter.\n\n\"Yes, come in, my friend,\" Sun answered.": "Su oraya vardığında, Güneş’e, içeri girmesinin güvenli olup olmadığını sordu.\n\n“Evet, içeri gel, dostum,” diye cevapladı Güneş.", + "Water is bringing lots of friends. What are some plants and animals that like to live in water?": "Su yanında bir sürü arkadaş getiriyor. Suda yaşamayı seven bazı bitki ve hayvanlar nelerdir?", + "If a lot of water comes into our houses, we say that they are flooded. Why is having too much water in a house bad for most houses?": "Evlerimize çok fazla su girerse, evlerimizi suyun bastığını söyleriz. Bir evde çok fazla su olması neden çoğu ev için kötüdür?", + "Do you like to swim? With all the water near their home, it looks like Sun and Moon had better like to swim!": "Yüzmeyi sever misiniz? Evlerinin yakınında bu kadar su varken, Güneş ve Ay yüzmeyi sevse iyi olur sanki!", + "Water began to flow in.\n\nHe was accompanied by crocodiles, fish, frogs, snakes, snails, flukes, turtles, and all the water animals.": "Su içeriye akıp girmeye başladı.\n\nOna timsahlar, balıklar, kurbağalar, yılanlar, salyangozlar, yassı balıklar, kaplumbağalar ve tüm su hayvanları eşlik ediyordu.", + "That's a lot of animals! All those animals coming into the house look very happy to be there!": "Bu çok fazla hayvan demek! Eve gelen tüm bu hayvanlar orada olmaktan çok mutlu görünüyorlar!", + "How many animals do you see in this picture? How many more are coming? Do you think they will all fit?": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan görüyorsunuz? Kaç hayvan daha geliyor? Sizce hepsi sığacak mı?", + "Sun and Moon are very welcoming! Perhaps they are too welcoming?": "Güneş ve Ay çok misafirperverler! Belki de fazla misafirperverler?", + "Very soon Water was knee-deep. He asked Sun if it was still safe.\n\n\"Yes,\" Sun again answered. So more of water's people came in.": "Çok geçmeden, Su diz boyuydu. Güneş’e evinin hâlâ güvenli olup olmadığını sordu.\n\n“Evet,” diye tekrar cevap verdi Güneş. Böylece, Su’yun daha da fazla halkı içeriye girdi.", + "Count how many animals are in the house and how many are still on their way in. How many animals does that make in total?": "Şu anda evde kaç hayvan olduğunu ve daha kaçının yolda olduğunu sayın. Bu, toplam kaç hayvan eder?", + "Sun still looks happy. Does Moon feel the same way? How can you tell?": "Güneş hâlâ mutlu görünüyor. Ay da öyle mi hissediyor? Nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Have you ever told someone it was okay for them to do something and then regretted it? Did you do anything about it?": "Birine bir şey yapmasında sakınca olmadığını söyleyip akabinde pişman olduğunuz oldu mu hiç? O konuda bir şey yaptınız mı?", + "Water reached the level of the top of a person's head. He asked Sun, \"Can more of my people come in?\" Sun and Moon both answered, \"Yes.\"\n\nWater flowed on, until Sun and Moon had to perch themselves on the top of the roof.": "Su, bir insanın başının tepesi seviyesine ulaştı. Güneş’e, “Halkımdan daha da fazlası gelebilir mi?” diye sordu. Güneş ve Ay, “Evet!” diye yanıtladılar.\n\nSu içeri akmaya devam etti – ta ki Güneş ve Ay çatının tepesine tünemek zorunda kalana dek.", + "Sun and Moon both said yes, but they don't look entirely happy about having to move to their roof!": "Güneş ve Ay, ‘evet’ demişlerdi ama çatıya çıkmak zorunda kaldıkları için pek de mutlu görünmüyorlar!", + "Sun and Moon had to move to the roof. If Water gets any higher, where will they be able to go next?": "Güneş ve Ay çatıya gitmek zorunda kaldılar. Ama Su biraz daha yükselirse, bir sonraki adımda nereye gidecekler?", + "Before you turn the page, how do you think this story ends?": "Sayfayı çevirmeden önce, sizce bu hikâye nasıl bitecek?", + "Water's people continued to rush in. Very soon they reached the top of the roof.\n\nSun and Moon were forced to go up to the sky. They have remained in the sky ever since.": "Su’yun halkı aceleyle içeriye girmeye devam etti. Çok geçmeden, çatının tepesine ulaştılar.\n\nGüneş ve Ay gökyüzüne çıkmak zorunda kaldılar. O zamandan beri gökyüzünde kaldılar.", + "There are many things in the sky other than Sun and Moon. Make up a story about how the stars ended up in the sky and why there are so many of them.": "Gökyüzünde Güneş ve Ay’dan başka pek çok şey vardır. Yıldızların gökyüzüne nasıl çıktıkları ve neden o kadar çok oldukları hakkında bir hikâye uydurun.", + "It's fun to make up stories about why something came to be the way it is. Perhaps you have a favorite tree, rock, lake, or mountain you can think of a story for?": "Bir şeyin neden o hâle geldiğine dair hikâyeler uydurmak eğlencelidir. Belki de en sevdiğiniz ağaç, kaya, göl veya dağ için de bir hikâye uydurabilirsiniz?", + "Sun and Moon look happy together in the sky. When they are close to each other in the sky the moon is a new moon and can barely be seen. From now on you can look up and see Sun and Moon in a new way!": "Güneş ve Ay birlikte gökyüzünde mutlu görünüyorlar. Güneş ve Ay, gökyüzünde birbirlerine çok yakın olduklarında, Ay, ‘yeni ay’ halinde olur ve zar zor görülebilir. Şu andan itibaren yukarıya bakıp Güneş ve Ay’ı yeni bir şekilde görebilirsiniz artık!", + "Mother Sun decided to visit her sister, the moon. Sister Moon lives on the other side of the sky. \"I will be back soon,\" said Sun to the clouds.": "Güneş Ana, kız kardeşi Ay’ı ziyaret etmeye karar verdi. Kız kardeş Ay, gökyüzünün diğer tarafında yaşıyor. “Yakında döneceğim,” dedi Güneş bulutlara.", + "What will change for the clouds and the mountains when the Sun goes away?": "Güneş gidince bulutlar ve dağlar için ne değişecek?", + "Have you ever imagined faces on the clouds and mountains?": "Siz hiç bulutların ve dağların üzerinde yüzlerin olduğunu hayal ettiniz mi?", + "There are five things in the sky. When the sun goes away, how many will be left? What is one less than five?": "Resimde, gökyüzünde beş şey var. Güneş gidince, geriye kaç şey kalacak? Beşin bir eksiği kaçtır?", + "When Sun left, the mountains put on their white scarves.": "Güneş gittiğinde, dağlar beyaz atkılarını taktı.", + "Why did the mountains put on white scarves when the Sun went away?": "Güneş gidince dağlar neden beyaz atkılar taktılar?", + "How many clouds are there? Are there more mountains or clouds on this page?": "Resimde kaç tane bulut var? Bu sayfada dağlardan mı yoksa bulutlardan mı daha fazla var?", + "What are the clouds doing and what do you think they are feeling?": "Bulutlar ne yapıyorlar ve sizce nasıl hissediyorlar?", + "Wind had an argument with the trees. The trees became angry. They threw their leaves all over the place.": "Rüzgâr ağaçlarla tartıştı. Ağaçlar sinirlendi. Yapraklarını her tarafa savurdular.", + "Guess how many leaves there are blowing around. Do you know numbers that are that big?": "Etrafta uçuşan yaprakların kaç tane olduğunu tahmin edin. Bu kadar büyük sayıları biliyor musunuz?", + "Notice how hard the wind is blowing. The leaves are blowing everywhere!": "Rüzgârın ne kadar sert estiğine dikkat edin. Yapraklar her yere savruluyorlar!", + "The wind is blowing so hard that the trees are bending over. Have you ever been outside when the wind blew so hard that you had trouble walking?": "Rüzgâr o kadar sert esiyor ki ağaçlar eğiliyor. Hiç rüzgârın çok sert estiği ve yürümekte zorlandığınız bir zamanda dışarıda bulundunuz mu?", + "The sky started to grumble.\n\nShe turned grey.": "Gökyüzü gürlemeye başladı.\n\nRengi griye döndü.", + "The clouds are worried and anxious. What do you think is about to happen?": "Bulutlar endişeli ve kaygılılar. Sizce ne olacak?", + "Count the faces on the clouds. They are in three groups: groups of two, four, and one. How many is that all together?": "Bulutların üstündeki yüzleri sayın. Üç grup halindeler: iki, dört ve bir kişilik gruplar. Toplamda kaç tane yüz var?", + "Counting the trees, the mountains, and the groups of clouds, there are all the numbers from one to five -- can you find them all?": "Ağaçları, dağları ve bulut gruplarını saydığınızda birden beşe kadar tüm sayılar var – hepsini bulabilir misiniz?", + "The clouds were sad to see all this. They started crying. There were many tears.": "Bulutlar tüm bunları gördükleri için üzgünlerdi. Ağlamaya başladılar. Çok fazla gözyaşı vardı.", + "The clouds may have made rain because they were sad, but some people enjoy watching and listening to the rain. How does the rain make you feel?": "Bulutlar üzgün olduklarından yağmur yağdırmış olabilirler fakat bazı insanlar yağmuru izlemekten ve dinlemekten hoşlanırlar. Yağmur size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "There are a great many raindrops. Can you count them all, or is it too many?": "Çok fazla yağmur damlası var. Hepsini sayabilir misiniz yoksa sayılamayacak kadar çok mu fazlalar?", + "Think of something else that there are too many to count.": "Sayılamayacak kadar çok olan başka bir şey düşünün.", + "The whole world began to sink under water.": "Tüm dünya suya batmaya başladı.", + "Trees need water, but do you think they like having this much water? The faces on the trees look a little anxious or sad.": "Ağaçların suya ihtiyacı var ama sizce bu kadar çok suya sahip olmak hoşlarına gidiyor mudur? Ağaçların yüzleri biraz endişeli veya üzgün görünüyor.", + "How many trees do you count in this picture?": "Bu resimde kaç tane ağaç sayabilirsiniz?", + "Is the world sinking under the water, or is the water filling up on top of it?": "Dünya suya mı batıyor yoksa su dünyanın yüzeyini mi dolduruyor?", + "Meanwhile, on the other side of the sky, Sun was ready to leave her sister. She kissed the moon goodbye and went home.": "Bu sırada, gökyüzünün diğer tarafında, Güneş kız kardeşinden ayrılmaya hazırdı. Ay’a veda öpücüğü verdi ve evine döndü.", + "Do you think it is possible for the Sun to kiss the Moon?": "Sizce Güneş’in Ay’ı öpmesi mümkün mü?", + "Have you ever seen stars near the moon or the sun?": "Hiç Ay'ın ya da Güneş'in yakınında yıldızlar gördünüz mü?", + "A sphere is a shape like a ball -- it is round in all directions. The moon and the sun are shaped like spheres, though the moon doesn't always look like it.": "Bir küre, top gibi bir şekildir – tüm yönlerinde yuvarlaktır. Ay ve Güneş küre şeklindedir ama Ay her zaman öyle görünmeyebilir.", + "Sky was so happy to see Sun that she turned bright blue. The mountains put on their pretty green dresses.": "Gökyüzü Güneş'i gördüğüne o kadar sevindi ki parlak maviye döndü. Dağlar güzel yeşil elbiselerini giyindiler.", + "What is the green dress on the mountains made of?": "Dağların üzerindeki yeşil elbise neyden yapılmıştır?", + "How many clouds are there now? What happened to the other clouds?": "Şu anda kaç tane bulut var? Diğer bulutlara ne oldu?", + "Compare the number of things in the sky to the number of mountains with faces. One of them is one more than the other, and one of them is one less than the other -- which is which?": "Gökyüzündeki şeylerin sayısını dağlardaki yüzlerin sayısıyla karşılaştırın. Bunlardan biri diğerinden bir fazla ve biri diğerinden bir eksiktir – hangisi hangisidir?", + "The wind went to sleep. The trees stretched their branches and smiled.": "Rüzgâr uyumaya gitti. Ağaçlar dallarını uzatıp gülümsediler.", + "The mountains and trees like the warm weather. Do you like warmer or cooler weather?": "Dağlar ve ağaçlar sıcak havayı severler. Siz sıcak havayı mı yoksa serin havayı mı seviyorsunuz?", + "A cylinder is a shape like a tube or a straw. A broom handle is often a cylinder. The trunks of these trees between the ground and their first branches are cylinders.": "Bir silindir, bir boru (tüp) veya pipet gibi bir şekildir. Bir süpürgenin sapı genellikle bir silindirdir. Bu ağaçların toprak ile ilk dalları arasındaki gövdeleri silindirdir.", + "What other things around you are in the shape of a cylinder?": "Etrafınızdaki başka hangi şeyler silindir şeklindedir?", + "The clouds were very happy to see Mother Sun again. They went away to play.": "Bulutlar, Güneş Ana’yı tekrar gördükleri için çok mutluydular. Oynamaya gitmek için uzaklaştılar.", + "There are five clouds in the sky. If you add one more for the sun, how many things are in the sky?": "Gökyüzünde beş bulut var. O sayıya Güneş'i de eklediğinizde, gökyüzünde toplam kaç şey olur?", + "Two pages ago there were two clouds. How many more clouds are there now?": "İki sayfa önce iki bulut vardı. Şimdi kaç tane daha bulut var?", + "If the clouds were happy to see the Sun, why did they go away?": "Bulutlar Güneş'i gördüklerine sevindilerse, neden gittiler?", + "Lots of little plants popped out of the earth to say, \"Hello.\" The whole world sparkled.": "Bir sürü küçük bitki “Merhaba” demek için topraktan fırladı. Tüm dünya ışıldadı.", + "There are butterflies, flowers, stems, and lots of little plants. Count some of these things together.": "Kelebekler, çiçekler, bitki sapları ve bir sürü küçük bitkiler var. Bunlardan bazılarını çocuğunuzla birlikte gruplar halinde sayın.", + "Which group of things are there the most of and which group has the least?": "Hangi grupta en çok ve hangi grupta en az şey var?", + "What are some things that plants need to make them happy and grow?": "Bitkilerin mutlu olup büyüyebilmeleri için ihtiyaç duydukları bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "Mother Sun shined her light everywhere. \"I told you I would be back,\" she beamed.": "Güneş Ana ışığını her yere saçtı. “Size geri döneceğimi söylemiştim,” diye ışıldadı.", + "The rays of the Sun extend very far on this page. Are there days when the rays of the Sun seem to reach all the way to you?": "Güneş’in ışınları bu sayfada çok uzaklara uzanıyor. Güneş ışınlarının ta size kadar ulaştığı günler oluyor mu?", + "Which are there the least of on this page: trees, mountains, or things in the sky?": "Bu sayfada sayıca en az olan hangisi: ağaçlar mı, dağlar mı yoksa gökyüzündeki şeyler mi?", + "Which are there the most of? Sometimes there are two things with the same amount with the most -- that's okay, just say both of them.": "En çok hangisinden var? Bazen iki şey aynı sayıda olabilir – sorun değil, eğer öyleyse her ikisini de söyleyin.", + "One day Tortoise was walking through the countryside. He was looking for something. He gazed into the distance and squinted at the grass. Then he walked past Snail.": "Bir gün Kaplumbağa kırlarda yürüyordu. Bir şey arıyordu. Uzaklara dalmış, gözlerini kısmış otlara bakıyordu. Ondan sonra, Salyangoz’un yanından geçti.", + "Tortoise is looking for his house. Do you think he forgot it or did he never know where it was? Do you know where Tortoise's house is?": "Kaplumbağa evini arıyor. Sizce kaplumbağa evini mi unutmuş yoksa evinin nerede olduğunu hiç bilmiyor muydu? Peki ya siz, Kaplumbağa’nın evinin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "Do you know where Snail's house is?": "Salyangoz’un evinin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?", + "Where do you live? Is your house easy to find, or do you need help finding your house sometimes?": "Siz nerede yaşıyorsunuz? Evinizi bulmak kolay mı yoksa bazen evinizi bulmak için yardıma ihtiyacınız oluyor mu?", + "\"Are you looking for something?\" Snail asked. \"Yes, Snail, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"": "“Bir şey mi arıyorsun?” diye sordu Salyangoz. “Evet, Salyangoz, evimi arıyorum. Acaba evimi gördün mü?”", + "Can you remember having trouble finding something and discovering it was easy to find all along?": "Bir şeyi bulmakta zorlandığınızı ve aslında onu bulmanın çok kolay olduğunu keşfettiğinizi hatırlıyor musunuz?", + "When you don't think of how to do something that is easy to do, how do you feel? Does it frustrate you? People overlook things all the time, it's very easy to do!": "Yapması kolay olan bir şeyi nasıl yapacağınızı düşünemediğinizde ne hissedersiniz? Bu sizi hayal kırıklığına uğratır mı? İnsanlar her zaman bir şeyleri gözden kaçırırlar – gözden kaçırmak çok kolaydır!", + "It's fun to imagine animals talking together like this. If you could talk with an animal, what would you ask them?": "Hayvanların bu şekilde birlikte konuştuklarını hayal etmek eğlenceli! Eğer bir hayvanla konuşabilseydiniz, ona ne sorardınız?", + "Snail said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She climbed onto Tortoise's shell.\n\nTortoise walked on with Snail on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The sun was high in the sky.": "Salyangoz, “Hayır, görmedim ama bulmana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğuna tırmandı.\n\nKaplumbağa sırtında Salyangoz’la yürümeye devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama evden bir iz yoktu. Güneş gökyüzünde yükseliyordu.", + "Why didn't Snail and Tortoise walk together side by side?": "Salyangoz ve Kaplumbağa neden yan yana yürümediler?", + "The average speed of a tortoise is about 20 times faster than a snail. The average speed of a person is about five times faster than a tortoise.": "Bir kaplumbağanın ortalama hızı salyangozdan yaklaşık 20 kat daha hızlıdır. Bir insanın ortalama hızı bir kaplumbağadan yaklaşık beş kat daha hızlıdır.", + "Why did the story mention where the sun is? Do you think something interesting is going to happen with the sun?": "Hikâyede neden güneşin nerede olduğundan bahsedildi? Sizce güneşle ilgili ilginç bir şey mi olacak?", + "A little later they passed Sparrow.\n\n\"Are you looking for something?\" asked Sparrow. \"Yes, Sparrow, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\" Sparrow said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\"": "Çok kısa bir süre sonra, Serçe’nin yanından geçtiler. \\PARA “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Serçe. “Evet, Serçe, evimi arıyorum. Acaba onu gördün mü?” Serçe, “Hayır, görmedim ama aramana yardım edeceğim!” dedi.", + "The leaves of each branch are paired up except for one leaf at the very end. When things are paired up with one left over, that means there are an odd number of them.": "Resimdeki her dalın yaprakları eşleşmiş bir halde, en sondaki bir yaprak dışında. Bir şey ardında bir tane kalacak şekilde eşleştirildiğinde, bu, o şeyin ‘tek sayıda’ olduğu anlamına gelir.", + "When you have an odd number of something, you can't share it equally with two people. If you can share something equally, that means you have an even number of things. Two and four are examples of even numbers. Can you think of some other even numbers?": "Tek sayıda bir şeye sahip olduğunuzda, onu iki kişiyle eşit şekilde paylaşamazsınız. Eğer bir şeyi eşit olarak paylaşabiliyorsanız, o şeyden ‘çift sayıda’ var demektir. İki ve dört sayıları, çift sayılara örnektir. Başka çift sayılar aklınıza geliyor mu?", + "It's even trickier to think of numbers that can be shared equally by three people? Can you think of any examples of this?": "Acaba üç kişi tarafından eşit olarak paylaşılabilecek sayıları düşünmek daha mı zor? Buna bir örnek verebilir misiniz?", + "He flapped his wings and he whizzed away. \"But you’re going too fast for me,\" complained Tortoise. Sparrow came back. \"Alright, then I’ll hop on too.\"": "Serçe kanatlarını çırptı ve vınlayarak uzaklaştı. “Ama bana göre çok hızlı gidiyorsun!” diye yakındı Kaplumbağa. Serçe geri geldi. “Pekâlâ, o zaman ben de sırtına atlarım.”", + "The average speed of a sparrow is at least 10 times faster than a person, so it is about 50 times faster than a tortoise!": "Bir serçenin ortalama hızı bir insanınkinden en az 10 kat daha hızlıdır – yani, bir kaplumbağadan yaklaşık 50 kat daha hızlıdır!", + "What a huge range of speeds! Sparrow is 50 times faster than Tortoise, and Tortoise is 20 times faster than Snail!": "Ne kadar geniş bir hız aralığı! O zaman, bu hikâyede Serçe, Kaplumbağa’dan 50 kat, Kaplumbağa ise Salyangoz’dan 20 kat daha hızlı!", + "Fortunately for Tortoise, Sparrow and Snail are very light to carry. Have you ever carried a heavy load for a long distance?": "Neyse ki Serçe ve Salyangoz, Kaplumbağa için çok hafifler. Peki ya siz, uzun bir mesafe için ağır bir yük taşıdınız mı hiç?", + "Tortoise carried on, with Snail and Sparrow perched on his shell. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The sun had inched lower in the sky.": "Kaplumbağa, kabuğuna tünemiş Salyangoz ve Serçe’yle birlikte yoluna devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama bir eve dair hiçbir iz yoktu. Güneş gökyüzünde alçalmaya başlamıştı.", + "Why does the story keep mentioning where the sun is? Where was the sun the last time it was mentioned?": "Hikâyede neden sürekli güneşin nerede olduğundan bahsediliyor? En son bahsedildiğinde güneş neredeydi?", + "Mentioning the sun's position is a way for the story to let us know that time is passing and it is getting later in the day.": "Güneşin konumundan bahsetmek, hikâyenin bize zamanın geçtiğini ve günün ilerlediğini bildirmesinin bir yoludur.", + "It is getting later and the group is still not successful. What do you think happens next? WIll Tortoise give up?": "Gün ilerliyor ve bu grup hâlâ başarılı olamadı. Sizce bundan sonra ne olacak? Kaplumbağa pes edecek midir?", + "A little later they passed Ladybird. \"Are you looking for something?\" asked Ladybird. \"Yes, Ladybird, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"": "Kısa bir süre sonra, Uğur Böceği’nin yanından geçtiler. “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Uğur Böceği. “Evet, Uğur Böceği, evimi arıyorum. Onu gördün mü acaba?”", + "There are many names for ladybirds -- they are also called ladybugs, lady beetles, lady clocks, and lady flies. There are many thousands of types of ladybirds in the world!": "Uğur böceğinin birçok ismi vardır – uğur böceği, uç uç böceği, gelin böceği gibi. Dünyada binlerce uğur böceği türü vardır!", + "Although ladybugs do not fly for very long, they can briefly fly as fast as a sparrow!": "Uğur böcekleri çok uzun süre uçmamalarına rağmen, kısa bir süre için de olsa bir serçe kadar hızlı uçabilirler!", + "Ladybirds can have different numbers of spots. How many spots have you seen on a ladybird?": "Uğur böceklerinin farklı sayıda benekleri olabilir. Bir uğur böceğinin üzerinde kaç benek gördünüz?", + "Ladybird said, \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She hopped onto Tortoise's back and on he went, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird on his back.\n\nThey looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. A breeze started to blow.": "“Hayır, görmedim ama aramana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın sırtına atladı ve Kaplumbağa, Salyangoz, Serçe ve Uğur Böceği ile birlikte yola koyuldu.\n\nBaktılar, baktılar ama evden bir iz yoktu. Rüzgâr esmeye başladı.", + "Tortoise is lucky. A ladybird is another very light animal to carry.": "Kaplumbağa şanslı! Uğur böceği de taşıması çok hafif olan başka bir hayvan türü.", + "It is getting later in the day and a breeze is starting to blow. Hmm ... What do you think will happen with the weather?": "Gün ilerliyor ve rüzgâr esmeye başlıyor. Hım... Sizce hava nasıl olacak?", + "It's hard to see all of Tortoise's shell. What's your best estimate for how many yellow regions are in his shell? An estimate is an educated guess.": "Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğunun tamamını görmek zor. Kabuğunda kaç tane sarı bölge olduğuna dair en iyi tahmininiz nedir? Tahmin, eğitimli bir öngörüdür.", + "A little later they passed Mouse. He was making a garland of daisies. \"Are you looking for something?\" asked Mouse. \"Yes, Mouse, I'm looking for my house. Have you seen it, by any chance?\"": "Kısa bir süre sonra, Fare’nin yanından geçtiler. Papatyalardan bir taç yapıyordu. “Bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?” diye sordu Fare. “Evet, Fare, evimi arıyorum. Acaba onu gördün mü?”", + "Estimate and then count the number of daisies. Do the same for the number of dark spots on Tortoise.": "Papatyaların sayısını tahmin edin ve sonra sayın. Aynı şeyi Kaplumbağa’nın üzerindeki koyu lekelerin sayısı için de yapın.", + "Are there more daisies or spots, and how many more are there?": "Bu resimde daha fazla papatya mı yoksa daha fazla benek mi var? Kaç fazla?", + "What happened to all the animals Tortoise was carrying? Where do you think they went?": "Kaplumbağa’nın taşıdığı tüm hayvanlara ne oldu? Sizce onlar nereye gittiler?", + "Mouse said: \"No, I haven't, but I'll help you look!\" She hopped onto Tortoise's back. \"Wait, I can't leave my flowers behind.\" Tortoise waited. Mouse stretched and stretched and scooped up her daisies.": "Fare, “Hayır, görmedim ama bulmana yardım edeceğim!” dedi. Kaplumbağa’nın sırtına atladı. “Bekle, çiçeklerimi arkamda bırakamam.” Kaplumbağa bekledi. Fare gerindi, gerindi ve papatyalarını kaptı.", + "How much help have the other animals been? Do you think Tortoise could have done just as well alone?": "Diğer hayvanlar Kaplumbağa’ya ne kadar yardımcı oldular? Sizce Kaplumbağa tek başına da aynı şeyi yapabilir miydi?", + "Which kinds of things do you like to do with others, and which do you like to do by yourself?": "Hangi tür şeyleri başkalarıyla, hangilerini kendi başınıza yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "Estimate and count the leaves blowing around Tortoise. Are your estimates getting better?": "Kaplumbağa’nın etrafında uçuşan yaprakların sayısını önce tahmin edin ve sonra sayın. Tahminleriniz daha iyiye gidiyor mu?", + "Tortoise walked on, with Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse on his back. They looked and looked, but there was no sign of a house. The wind swept leaves off the ground and swirled them around Tortoise's feet. He was tired. \"You lot are heavy,\" he sighed.": "Kaplumbağa, sırtında Salyangoz, Serçe, Uğur Böceği ve Fare ile yürümeye devam etti. Baktılar, baktılar ama bir eve dair hiçbir iz yoktu. Rüzgâr yerdeki yaprakları süpürüyor ve onları Kaplumbağa’nın ayaklarının etrafında döndürüyordu. Kaplumbağa yorulmuştu. “Çok ağırsınız!” diye iç geçirdi.", + "The wind is getting stronger. The weather is changing!": "Rüzgâr gittikçe güçleniyor. Hava değişiyor!", + "Do you notice the weather changing when a storm comes? The wind picks up and there are more clouds.": "Fırtına çıktığında havanın değiştiğini fark ettiniz mi hiç? O anlarda rüzgâr şiddetlenir ve bulutların sayısı artar.", + "Do you enjoy the excitement of a storm coming in? Sometimes there is lightning and thunder! Do you enjoy the thunder, or is it scary, or perhaps some of both?": "Yaklaşan bir fırtınanın heyecanı hoşunuza gider mi? Bazen şimşek ve gök gürültüsü olur! Gök gürültüsü hoşunuza mı gider yoksa sizin için korkutucu mudur veya her ikisinden de biraz mı?", + "The wind got stronger. The sky turned dark. \"Oh, where is my house?\" asked Tortoise. Thunder roared in the hills. Lightning flashed in the distance. Drip-drip came the rain.": "Rüzgâr daha da şiddetlendi. Gökyüzü karardı. “Ah, evim nerede?” diye sordu Kaplumbağa. Gök gürültüsü tepelerde kükredi. Uzaklarda şimşekler çaktı. Damla damla yağmur yağdı.", + "Why does Tortoise want to find his house so urgently now?": "Kaplumbağa niçin evini şimdi çok acil bulmak istiyor?", + "Usually, people look for shelter when a storm comes. Do you see anyplace that could give them shelter?": "Genelde insanlar fırtına çıktığında sığınacak bir yer ararlar. Resimde onlara sığınak olabilecek herhangi bir yer görüyor musunuz?", + "Have you ever been caught out in an open area when a storm came up suddenly? If you don't mind getting wet, it can be fun to experience being in the storm!": "Aniden çıkan bir fırtınaya açık bir alanda yakalandınız mı hiç? Eğer ıslanmak sizin için sorun değilse, fırtınada olmayı deneyimlemek eğlenceli olabilir!", + "The wind swirled and whipped. It blew Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse right off Tortoise's back.": "Rüzgâr girdap yaparak etrafta dönüp savruldu. Salyangoz, Serçe, Uğur Böceği ve Fare’yi Kaplumbağa’nın sırtından uçurdu.", + "There are many parts of this picture that show how strongly the wind is blowing things around. Describe a few of them.": "Bu resimde rüzgârın eşyaları ne kadar güçlü savurduğunu gösteren pek çok yer var. Bunlardan birkaçını açıklayın.", + "Is the rain coming down vertically (straight up and down), or is the wind blowing the rain diagonally?": "Yağmur dikey olarak mı yağıyor (yukarı ve aşağıya doğru) yoksa rüzgâr yağmuru çapraz olarak mı üflüyor?", + "The diagonal rain is all falling in the same direction. Parallel lines are lines that go in the same direction. Find some parallel lines around where you are.": "Çapraz yağmurun hepsi aynı yönde yağıyor. Paralel çizgiler aynı yönde giden çizgilerdir. Bulunduğunuz yerde bazı paralel çizgiler bulun.", + "And then came the hail, tip-tip-tip. Tortoise got such a fright he shrank into his shell. It was warm and cozy in there. \"Oh, here is my house!\" smiled Tortoise.": "Ve sonra dolu geldi, pıt-pıt-pıt. Kaplumbağa öyle korktu ki kabuğuna çekildi. Orası sıcak ve rahattı. “Ah, işte benim evim!” diyerek gülümsedi.", + "Tortoise solved his problem when he got distracted and stopped looking for the answer. Sometimes, when we focus too hard on something, it's hard to have new ideas and find an answer.": "Kaplumbağa dikkati dağılıp cevap aramayı bıraktığında sorununu çözdü. Bazen bir şeye çok fazla odaklandığımızda, yeni fikirler üretmek ve cevap bulmak zorlaşır.", + "Have you ever stopped thinking about something, relaxed for a while, and then suddenly realized the answer? It can be very powerful to let a different part of your brain work on a problem!": "Bir şey hakkında düşünmeyi bırakıp bir süre rahatladığınızda, aniden cevabı bulduğunuzu fark ettiğiniz oldu mu hiç? Beyninizin farklı bir bölümünün bir sorun üzerinde çalışmasına izin vermek çok etkili olabilir!", + "Tortoise found his shell was a warm and cozy place, and that meant home to Tortoise! What does home mean to you?": "Kaplumbağa kabuğunu sıcak ve rahat buldu ve bu Kaplumbağa için ev anlamına geliyordu! Sizin için ev ne anlama geliyor?", + "Oh, here is Tortoise's house! said Snail and Sparrow and Ladybird and Mouse.": "“Ah, işte Kaplumbağa’nın evi!” dedi Salyangoz, Serçe ve Fare.", + "The hail coming down on Tortoise's shell probably made a lot of noise. Imagine the racket! Have you ever heard hail falling on a roof or hard surface?": "Kaplumbağa’nın kabuğuna yağan dolu muhtemelen bir sürü gürültü çıkarmıştır. O gürültü patırtıyı bir hayal edin! Peki ya siz, bir çatıya veya sert bir yüzeye yağan doluyu duydunuz mu hiç?", + "It is easy for Tortoise to carry his home wherever he goes. Is your home easy to carry around, or is it a structure that would be very hard to move?": "Kaplumbağa için evini gittiği her yere taşımak kolay! Peki sizin evinizi taşımak kolay mı? Yoksa eviniz taşınması çok zor bir yapı mı?", + "A nice thing about a home, if it is big enough, is that it can be shared with friends. It looks like a happy time for our group of friends in the story!": "Bir evin en güzel yanı, eğer eviniz yeterince büyükse, evinizin arkadaşlarınızla paylaşılabilmesidir. Bu hikâyedeki arkadaş grubumuz için mutlu bir zaman gibi görünüyor!", + "Odongo and Apiyo waited for the school holidays to come.": "Odongo ve Apiyo, okul tatillerinin gelmesini bekledi.", + "They look excited. Do you suppose they have big plans for their holidays?": "Heyecanlı görünüyorlar. Tatilleri için büyük planlarının olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz?", + "Are there holidays that you get excited about?": "Sizin heyecanlandığınız tatiller var mı?", + "Tell a story about something you did during a recent holiday.": "En sonki tatiliniz sırasında yaptığınız bir şey hakkında bir hikâye anlatın.", + "It was time for them to visit their grandmother.": "Babaannelerini ziyaret etmelerinin vakti gelmişti.", + "Did you ever get so excited about something that you had trouble sleeping?": "Sizin de hiç uyumakta zorlanacak kadar çok heyecanlandığınız bir şey oldu mu?", + "Rectangles are shapes with four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to all the rectangles you can find on this page.": "Dikdörtgenler, bu sayfadakiler gibi dört adet düz kenarları ve köşeleri olan şekillerdir. Bu sayfada bulabildiğiniz tüm dikdörtgenleri gösterin.", + "Point to some of the rectangles around where you are.": "Bulunduğunuz yerdeki bazı dikdörtgenleri işaret edin.", + "They drove past mountains, wild animals, and farms.": "Dağların, yabani hayvanların ve çiftliklerin yanlarından arabayla geçtiler.", + "Count together all the wild animals you see on this page.": "Bu sayfada gördüğünüz tüm yabani hayvanları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "When you add two children to the five other animals, how many animals are there all together? What is two more than five?": "İki çocuğu başka beş hayvana eklediğinizde, toplam kaç olur? Beşin iki fazlası kaçtır?", + "Point to and describe the pairs of animals here.": "Buradaki hayvan çiftlerini gösterip tanımlayın.", + "After a while, Odongo and Apiyo fell asleep.": "Kısa zaman sonra, Odongo ve Apiyo uykuya daldılar.", + "Some people have trouble sleeping sitting up. Can you fall asleep while you're sitting?": "Bazı insanlar oturarak uyumakta zorluk çekerler. Siz otururken uyuyakalabilir misiniz?", + "The girl is sleeping with her mouth open -- do you think she is snoring?": "Kız ağzı açık uyuyor – sizce kız horluyor mudur?", + "Describe the colors of some of the strips in this picture. There are yellows, blues, and greens on the bag, and yellows, oranges, and reds on their seat.": "Bu resimdeki bazı şeritlerin renklerini tanımlayın. Çantanın üzerinde sarılar, maviler ve yeşiller var ve oturdukları yerde ise sarılar, turuncular ve kırmızılar var.", + "They found their grandmother resting under a tree.": "Babaannelerini bir ağacın dibinde dinlenirken buldular.", + "Do you have friends or relatives you like to go on trips to visit?": "Sizin de ziyaret etmek için yolculuklara çıkmaktan hoşlandığınız arkadaşlarınız veya akrabalarınız var mı?", + "Remember a happy visit you had. What do you like to do when you visit someone?": "Yaptığınız mutlu bir ziyareti hatırlayın. Birisini ziyaret ettiğinizde, ne yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "What will these two do with their grandmother? Will they hear stories, cook meals, and go on walks together?": "Bu ikisi büyükanneleriyle neler yapacaklar? Hikâyeler dinleyecekler mi, yemekler pişirecekler mi ve birlikte yürüyüşlere çıkacaklar mı?", + "Grandmother danced and sang. The children gave her presents.": "Büyükanne dans edip şarkı söyledi. Çocuklar büyükanneye hediyeler verdi.", + "What do you like to get as a present?": "Siz hediye olarak ne almaktan hoşlanırsınız?", + "What feels so good about getting a present from someone?": "Birisinden hediye almanın nesi bu kadar iyi hissettiriyor?", + "The background on the last page had blues and greens. This one has yellows and oranges. What feels different to you when you see the colors on these two pages?": "Son sayfanın arka planında maviler ve yeşiller vardı. Bu sayfanın arka planında sarılar ve turuncular var. Bu iki sayfadaki renkleri gördüğünüzde, size farklı hissettiren şey nedir?", + "Grandmother blessed Odongo and Apiyo in a traditional way.": "Büyükanne, Odongo ve Apiyo’yu geleneksel bir yolla kutsadı.", + "Giving a blessing is a solemn and dear thing.": "Kutsama, kutsal ve değerli bir şeydir.", + "The background color has changed again. How does it make you feel?": "Arka planın rengi tekrar değişti. Bu size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "Is this an exciting or calm part of the story? Does the blue color enhance that feeling?": "Bu, hikâyenin heyecan verici mi yoksa sakin bir kısmı mı? Mavi renk bu hissi güçlendiriyor mu?", + "Odongo and Apiyo played with butterflies and birds.": "Odongo ve Apiyo kelebeklerle ve kuşlarla oynadılar.", + "Have you ever seen birds and butterflies with so many colors?": "Siz çok renkli kuşlar ve kelebekler gördünüz mü hiç?", + "Can you count the number of butterflies, or is that a bigger number than you can count?": "Kelebeklerin sayısını sayabilir misiniz yoksa o sayı sizin sayabileceğinizden büyük bir sayı mı?", + "The colors in the background form ever larger circles -- they are called concentric circles. How do all these colors together make you feel?": "Arka plandaki renkler daha da büyük daireler oluşturuyorlar – onlar eş merkezli daireler olarak adlandırılırlar. Tüm bu renklerin hepsi birlikte size nasıl hissettiriyor?", + "They climbed trees.\n\nThey splashed in the water of the lake.": "Odongo ve Apiyo ağaçlara tırmandılar.\n\nGölün suyunda su sıçrattılar.", + "How did Odongo get up into a tree with no low branches?": "Odongo hiç alçak dalı olmayan bir ağaca nasıl çıktı?", + "How many branches are on this tree? Did you count all of them including the small ones, or just the large ones?": "Bu ağaçta kaç tane dal var? Hepsini, küçük dallar da dahil, saydınız mı yoksa sadece büyük dalları mı saydınız?", + "Do you go in a lake or pond with your shoes on? Why do you suppose Apiyo did that?": "Bir göle veya havuza ayakkabılarınızla mı girersiniz? Sizce Apiyo göle neden ayakkabılarıyla girdi?", + "They were tired.\n\nThey fell asleep before finishing their dinner.": "Yorgunlardı.\n\nAkşam yemeklerini bitirmeden önce uyuyakaldılar.", + "Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep in the middle of eating?": "Siz bir yemeğin ortasında uyuyakalacak kadar yorgun düştünüz mü hiç?", + "Do you think they slept at the table all night?": "Sizce onlar bütün gece masada mı uyudular?", + "Some of the lines in this picture are straight, like the boards on the table, and some are curved, like the edges of the bowls. Look around you. Do you mostly see straight or curved lines?": "Bu resimdeki bazı çizgiler düz (masanın üzerindeki tahtalar gibi) ve bazıları da eğri (kâselerin kenarları gibi). Etrafınıza bakın. Çoğunlukla düz mü yoksa eğri çizgiler mi görüyorsunuz?", + "They helped grandmother.\n\nThey collected eggs and picked vegetables.": "Büyükannelerine yardım ettiler.\n\nYumurtalar ve sebzeler topladılar.", + "Point at and describe all the pairs of things in this picture.": "Bu resimdeki tüm çift olan şeyleri gösterip tanımlayın.", + "Of the eggs Apiyo is holding, how many can you see?": "Apiyo’nun tuttuğu yumurtalardan, kaç tanesini görebiliyorsunuz?", + "Do you like helping out with chores?": "Günlük ev işlerine yardım etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "Grandmother taught Odongo and Apiyo how to cook different foods.": "Büyükanne, Odongo ve Apiyo’ya farklı yemekleri nasıl pişireceklerini öğretti.", + "Do you like helping with the cooking sometimes?": "Siz de yemek yapılırken bazen yardım etmeyi sever misiniz?", + "Do you have any favorite foods you like to help with?": "Yapılırken yardım etmekten hoşlandığınız favori yemekler var mı?", + "One of the pleasures of traveling is getting to eat new foods. Do you like eating new foods?": "Seyahat etmenin zevklerinden birisi de yeni yemekler yemektir. Yeni yemekler yemeyi sever misiniz?", + "Odongo took grandmother's cows to graze.\n\nThey ate a neighbor's crops.": "Odongo büyükannesinin ineklerini otlatmaya götürdü.\n\nİnekler bir komşunun mahsullerini yediler.", + "Looking at Odongo, the neighbor, and the cows, what is each of them feeling?": "Odongo’ya, komşuya ve ineklere baktığınızda, onların her birisi ne hissediyor?", + "Do you think Odongo will be given a second chance after this mistake?": "Sizce Odongo’ya bu hatasından sonra ikinci bir şans verilecek mi?", + "When you make mistakes, are you given another chance?": "Siz hatalar yaptığınızda, size bir başka şans veriliyor mu?", + "They went to their grandmother's stall at the market.": "Pazarda büyükannelerinin tezgâhına gittiler.", + "Who is the new woman in this picture and what is she doing?": "Bu resimdeki yeni kadın da kim ve ne yapıyor?", + "What is grandmother's umbrella for? Is it raining?": "Büyükannenin şemsiyesi ne için? Yağmur mu yağıyor?", + "Count all the different kinds of food grandmother is selling.": "Büyükannenin sattığı tüm farklı yiyecekleri sayın.", + "In the evening, they helped grandmother to count her money.": "Akşamleyin parasını saymasına yardım ettiler.", + "Can you tell that it is evening from this picture?": "Bu resimden zamanın akşam olduğunu söyleyebilir misiniz?", + "Do you sometimes get to count money? If you do, is it fun to do?": "Siz de bazen para sayıyor musunuz? Eğer sayıyorsanız, onu yapmak eğlenceli mi?", + "When you count things, do you come up with faster ways to do it? For example, counting things in pairs can be twice as fast.": "Bir şeyleri saydığınız zaman, onu daha hızlı yapmak için aklınıza daha hızlı yöntemlerle ilgili fikirler geliyor mu? Örneğin, ‘çift çift sayma iki kat daha hızlı olabilir’ gibi.", + "Soon, the holidays were over.\n\nGrandmother packed food for their journey.": "Çok geçmeden, tatiller bitmişti.\n\nBüyükanne onlara yolculukları için yiyecekler hazırladı.", + "The children look happy. Are they happy about leaving?": "Çocuklar mutlu görünüyorlar. Ayrıldıklarına mutlular mı?", + "This is the first time we're seeing Odongo's hat. Is it a present from his grandmother?": "Bu, bizim Odongo’nun şapkasını gördüğümüz ilk an. Şapka, büyükannesinden bir hediye mi?", + "Their clothes have lots of colors. How many colors are in the clothes you are wearing?": "Giysilerinde bir sürü renk var. Sizin giydiğiniz kıyafette kaç renk var?", + "The children did not want to leave.\n\n\"Grandmother, come with us.\"": "Çocuklar ayrılmak istemediler.\n\n\"Büyükanne, bizimle gel!\"", + "What are the children feeling in this picture?": "Bu resimde çocuklar ne hissediyorlar?", + "What did their grandmother say when the children asked her to come with them?": "Çocuklar büyükannelerine onlarla gelmelerini söylediklerinde, büyükanneleri ne dedi?", + "The children and their father make three people. When you add one more for their grandmother, how many people is that all together?": "Çocuklar ve babaları üç kişi eder. Onlara büyükanne için de bir kişi eklerseniz, toplam kaç kişi eder?", + "Odongo and Apiyo hugged grandmother.\n\n\"Goodbye, grandmother,\" they said.": "Odongo ve Apiyo büyükannelerine sarıldılar.\n\n\"Hoşça kal, büyükanne!\" dediler.", + "Do you have a hard time saying goodbye to people you care a lot about? Does it make you feel sad?": "Çok önem verdiğiniz insanlara ‘hoşça kal’ derken zorlandığınız oluyor mu? Bu sizi üzüyor mu?", + "Their arms and legs come in pairs. Count them by counting by 2's.": "Onların kolları ve bacakları çiftler hâlinde. Onları ikişer ikişer sayın.", + "How do the number of arms compare to the number of legs?": "Kolların sayısı bacakların sayısıyla kıyaslandığında nasıldır?", + "What is better, city life or village life?": "Hangisi daha iyi; şehir hayatı mı yoksa köy hayatı mı?", + "How do the number of girls compare to the number of boys?": "Kızların sayısı erkeklerin sayısına kıyasla nasıl?", + "If you combine the three girls with the three boys, how many children are there? What is three more than three?": "Eğer üç kızla üç erkek çocuğunu birleştirirseniz, toplam kaç çocuk olur? Üçün üç fazlası kaçtır?", + "Instead of counting them as three plus three more, count them by 2's and see if you get the same number.": "Onları üç artı üç fazlası olarak saymak yerine, ikişer ikişer sayın ve aynı sayıyı bulup bulmadığınıza bakın.", + "Oh, no!": "“Ah, hayır!”", + "Lulu is scared of something. She is holding that book very tightly -- perhaps her fear has something to do with the book?": "Lulu bir şeyden korkmuş. O kitabı çok sıkı bir şekilde tutuyor – belki de korkusu o kitapla ilgili bir şeydir?", + "What are some things that scare you?": "Sizi korkutan bazı şeyler nelerdir?", + "What do you do when you are scared? Do you go to someone or maybe find a safe place?": "Siz korktuğunuzda ne yaparsınız? Birine mi gidersiniz yoksa güvenli bir yer mi bulursunuz?", + "Lulu, it is time to go, calls Ma.": "“Lulu, gitme zamanı!” diye sesleniyor annesi.", + "Lulu is running away from her mother. Where do you think she will hide?": "Lulu annesinden kaçıyor. Sizce Lulu nereye saklanacak?", + "What do you think is Lulu's favorite color? How can you tell?": "Lulu’nun en sevdiği rengin ne olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Is Lulu walking or running? How can you tell?": "Lulu yürüyor mu yoksa koşuyor mu? Bunu nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she under the sofa?": "Lulu nerede?\n\nSofanın altında mı?", + "Lulu is hiding. Do you see Lulu?": "Lulu saklanıyor. Lulu’yu görüyor musunuz?", + "Count together the cushions and window panes.": "Kırlentleri ve pencere bölmelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Are there more or less cushions than window panes? What is the difference -- how far apart are the two numbers?": "Orada pencere bölmelerinden daha az mı yoksa daha fazla mı kırlent var? Aralarındaki fark kaçtır – iki sayı birbirlerinden ne kadar uzak?", + "Is she behind the curtain?": "Lulu perdenin arkasında mı?", + "That's a clever disguise for Lulu. Why does her clothing make her stand out?": "Bu, Lulu için çok akıllıca bir gizlenme. Lulu’nun kıyafetleri neden onu öne çıkarıyor?", + "Count together the number of legs on the lamp table. Do you have any tables around you with that many legs?": "Çocuğunuzla birlikte, lamba masasındaki bacakları sayın. Sizin etrafınızda hiç böyle çok bacağı olan masalar var mı?", + "The number of legs on the lamp table is one less than the number on the couch. Three is one less than what number?": "Lamba masasındaki ayakların sayısı sofanın ayaklarının sayısından bir azdır. Üç, hangi sayının bir eksiğidir?", + "Where is Lulu?\n\nIs she next to the stove?": "Lulu nerede?\n\nFırının yanında mı?", + "Guess where Lulu is hiding in the kitchen.": "Lulu’nun mutfakta nerede saklandığını tahmin edin.", + "Count the cabinet knobs together.": "Mutfak dolaplarının kulplarını çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Point at all the round things you can find in this kitchen -- there are quite a few.": "Bu mutfakta bulabildiğiniz tüm yuvarlak şeyleri parmakla gösterin – epeyce var!", + "Is she in the cupboard?": "Lulu mutfak dolabının içinde mi?", + "Once again, Lulu picked a clever hiding place, but her colors don't fit in with the colors in the kitchen.": "Bir kez daha, Lulu zekice bir saklanma yeri seçmiş ama Lulu’nun renkleri mutfaktaki renklerle uyuşmuyor.", + "A rectangle is a four-sided shape like this page. Count the rectangles you see on this page.": "Bir dikdörtgen, bu sayfa gibi dört kenarlı bir şekildir. Bu sayfada gördüğünüz dikdörtgenleri sayın.", + "A cylinder is a shape like a jar with straight sides. There are five cylinders on the top shelf (the bowl is not a cylinder). How many are there on Lulu's shelf? Is it the same number?": "Bir silindir, düz kenarları olan kavanoz gibi bir şekildir. En üstteki rafta beş silindir var (kâse bir silindir değildir). Lulu'nun rafında kaç tane silindir var? Aynı sayıda mı?", + "Lulu, it is time to go! Where are you? calls Ma.": "“Lulu, gitme zamanı! Neredesin?” diye sesleniyor annesi.", + "Lulu blends in better this time. Do you see her?": "Lulu bu kez daha iyi uyum sağlıyor. Onu görüyor musunuz?", + "So many things to count! Point at and count together the blocks on the floor, the dolls, and the drawings on the wall.": "Çok fazla şey var sayacak! Yerdeki blokları, oyuncak bebekleri ve duvardaki resimleri gösterip çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "Which group of things is the largest and which is the smallest?": "O şeylerden hangi grup en büyük ve hangisi en küçüktür?", + "There you are! says Ma.\n\n\"I do not want to gooo!\"": "“İşte buradasın!” diyor annesi.\n\n“Gitmek istemiyo-ruuummm!”", + "Lulu is still holding her book tightly. Do you think Lulu is afraid her mother will take it away?": "Lulu hâlâ kitabını sıkıca tutuyor. Sizce Lulu, annesinin kitabını elinden alacağından mı korkuyor?", + "Lulu seems like she can be difficult when she doesn't get her way. How are you when you don't get your way?": "Lulu istediğini elde edemediğinde zor biri gibi görünüyor. Siz istediğinizi elde edemediğinizde nasılsınız?", + "Lulu's room has many rectangles. How many can you count?": "Lulu'nun odasında birçok dikdörtgen var. Kaç tanesini sayabilirsiniz?", + "We have to go, says Ma.\n\n\"But I really like this one!\"": "“Gitmek zorundayız,” diyor annesi.\n\n“Ama ben bunu gerçekten seviyorum!”", + "Lulu's book looks very big compared to Lulu. Do you think her book is really that big?": "Lulu'nun kitabı Lulu’ya kıyasla çok büyük görünüyor. Sizce kitabı gerçekten o kadar büyük mü?", + "Do you have a favorite book or story that you like to look through or have told to you? Have you heard the story many times?": "Sizin incelemekten keyif aldığınız favori bir kitabınız veya size anlatılan beğendiğiniz bir öykünüz var mı? O öyküyü defalarca mı dinlediniz?", + "There are many kinds of stories. There are scary ones, funny ones, and some are adventures. Do you have a favorite type?": "Pek çok hikâye türü vardır. Komik, maceracı ve korku hikâyeleri var. Sizin en beğendiğiniz bir öykü türü var mı?", + "This building has many rectangles. Most buildings use rectangles a lot for their sides and windows.": "Bu binada birçok dikdörtgen var. Çoğu bina, kenarları ve pencereleri için dikdörtgenleri çok kullanır.", + "Triangles are three-sided shapes, and pentagons are five-sided shapes. There is a famous building called the Pentagon because it is made in the shape of a pentagon.": "Üçgenler üç kenarlı ve beşgenler ise beş kenarlı şekillerdir. Pentagon adında ünlü bir bina var; ismi öyle çünkü beşgen (pentagon) şeklinde yapılmıştır.", + "Why do you suppose buildings are not often made in the shape of a triangle or circle? Have you seen any buildings like that?": "Neden binaların genellikle üçgen veya daire şeklinde yapılmadığını düşünüyorsunuz? Hiç öyle binalar gördünüz mü?", + "Where are they going? What does that big book on top of the building tell you about what this building is?": "Nereye gidiyorlar? Binanın tepesindeki o büyük kitap bu binanın ne olduğu hakkında size ne söylüyor?", + "What is going to happen to Lulu's book at this library?": "Bu kütüphanede Lulu'nun kitabına ne olacak?", + "Do you have a place where you can borrow books near where you live? Have you ever borrowed books there?": "Yaşadığınız yere yakın ödünç kitap alabileceğiniz bir yer var mı? Oradan daha önce hiç ödünç kitap aldınız mı?", + "I really like this one!": "“Bunu gerçekten sevdim!”", + "She found a new book very quickly. It didn't take Lulu long to forget about her old book.": "Lulu çok çabuk yeni bir kitap buldu. Lulu'nun eski kitabını unutması uzun sürmedi.", + "How does Lulu feel about this new book? How can you tell?": "Lulu bu yeni kitap hakkında ne hissediyor? Ne hissettiğini nasıl anlayabilirsiniz?", + "The windows behind Lulu have four sides and are almost rectangles. How are they different from rectangles?": "Lulu'nun arkasındaki pencerelerin dört kenarı var ve ‘neredeyse’ dikdörtgenler. Dikdörtgenden ne farkları var?", + "And this one!": "“Ve bu!”", + "Lulu is a very enthusiastic person. Some people display their feelings a lot and others are quieter with them. Which are you?": "Lulu çok coşkulu bir insan. Bazı insanlar duygularını çok belli ederlerken, bazıları ise daha sessizdirler. Siz hangisisiniz?", + "How many books do you think she will want to take home?": "Sizce Lulu eve kaç kitap götürmek isteyecek?", + "Do you have a library near you? Do you like to check books out of the library?": "Yakınlarınızda bir kütüphane var mı? Kütüphaneden kitap ödünç almayı seviyor musunuz?", + "And this one! \n\n\"And this one!\"": "“Ve bu!”\n\n“Ve bu!”", + "How many Lulus are there in this picture? Why did the artist draw more than one?": "Bu resimde kaç tane Lulu var? İllüstratör neden birden fazla Lulu çizmiş?", + "To count as Lulu grabs books, you would keep adding \"one more\" each time she added a book. What is one more than zero? What is one more than one? You can count as high as you like this way!": "Lulu kitapları aldıkça ve o her kitap eklediğinde, siz saymak için “bir tane daha” diye eklemeye devam edersiniz. Sıfırdan bir fazla olan sayı nedir? 1’den bir fazla olan sayı nedir? Bu şekilde istediğiniz kadar sayabilirsiniz!", + "Libraries are supposed to be quiet places. Do you think Lulu should be running around?": "Kütüphanelerin sessiz yerler olması gerekir. Sizce Lulu etrafta koşturmalı mıdır?", + "See, you return books and borrow more, says Ma.\n\n\"YAY!\"": "“Gördün mü, kitapları iade ediyorsun ve daha fazlasını ödünç alıyorsun,” diyor annesi.\n\n“OLEY!”", + "Why isn't Lulu sad about having to return her old book?": "Lulu eski kitabını iade etmek zorunda kaldığı için neden üzülmüyor?", + "Count together the books on the counter.": "Tezgâhtaki kitapları çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın.", + "How many books do you think Lulu is checking out? What is the largest number you know?": "Sizce Lulu kaç kitap ödünç alıyor? Bildiğiniz en büyük sayı nedir?", + "Where is Lulu now?": "Lulu şu anda nerede?", + "Lulu checked out a lot of books! Can you count them all?": "Lulu bir sürü kitap ödünç aldı! Onların hepsini sayabilir misiniz?", + "Do you think Lulu likes to look at and read books?": "Sizce Lulu kitaplara bakıp okumayı mı seviyor?", + "Do you?": "Siz sever misiniz?", + "I have lost my bat, and I cannot find it.": "Raketimi kaybettim ve onu bulamıyorum.", + "Though you can only see five of them, there are six panes in the window. What else is there six of?": "Sadece beş tanesini görebilmenize rağmen, pencerede altı tane cam var. Başka nelerden altı tane var?", + "The number of rungs on the ladder is one more than the number of panes -- how many? The number of panes you can see is five, which is one less than the total number of panes.": "Merdivendeki basamakların sayısı, camların sayısından bir fazladır — o hâlde, kaç tanedir? Pencerelerdeki görebildiğiniz cam (bölme) sayısı beştir, yani toplam sayıdan bir eksiktir.", + "Rectangles have four straight sides and corners like those on this page. Point to and describe the rectangles in the picture.": "Dikdörtgenlerin bu sayfa gibi dört düz kenarı ve köşeleri vardır. Resimdeki dikdörtgenleri gösterip tanımlayın.", + "I looked behind the door. It was not there.": "Kapının arkasına baktım. Orada değildi.", + "Did you notice the girl outside the window?": "Pencerenin dışındaki kızı fark ettiniz mi?", + "The bat is not behind the door -- could it be inside the box?": "Raket kapının arkasında değil — acaba kutunun içinde olabilir mi?", + "A box is a 3-dimensional shape with rectangles on every side. Do you see anything else similar to a box? (the door)": "Bir kutu, her tarafında dikdörtgenler olan 3 boyutlu bir şekildir. Kutuyla benzer başka bir şey görüyor musunuz? (kapı)", + "I looked for it on the shelf. I could not find it there.": "Rafın üstünde aradım. Orada da bulamadım.", + "The window bangs into the shelf when it opens. That seems like a bad design!": "Pencere açıldığında rafa çarpıyor. Bu pek iyi bir tasarım gibi görünmüyor!", + "Do you think this shelf is too high for a child's room?": "Sizce bu raf bir çocuk odası için çok mu yüksek?", + "There's that girl riding around again. Notice that the buildings behind her are shaped like big boxes. A lot of buildings are.": "İşte yine o kız, etrafta bisiklet sürüyor. Arkasındaki binaların büyük kutular şeklinde olduğuna dikkat edin. Bir sürü bina öyledir.", + "I looked for it under the bed. Not there either.": "Yatağın altında aradım. Orada da yok.", + "The girl's dress matches the bag hanging by the door. Do you think the bag is hers?": "Kızın elbisesi, kapının yanında asılı olan çantayla uyumlu. Sizce bu çanta onun mu?", + "Can you think of a place the boy hasn't looked?": "Çocuğun henüz bakmadığı bir yer düşünebiliyor musunuz?", + "Vertical lines are lines that go up and down. How many vertical pieces are there to the blue frame on the side of the bed? The number of spaces between those vertical pieces is one less. How many is that?": "Dikey çizgiler yukarıya ve aşağıya doğru giden çizgilerdir. Yatağın kenarındaki mavi çerçevede kaç tane dikey parça var? O dikey parçalar arasındaki boşlukların sayısı, çerçevedeki parçaların sayısından bir eksiktir. Kaç tanedir?", + "I searched inside the box. There was no sign of it.": "Kutunun içinde aradım. Ondan bir iz yoktu.", + "The boy's shirt has a stripe on it. Do you see other stripes in this picture? Do you see stripes around where you are?": "Çocuğun gömleğinde bir şerit var. Bu resimde başka şeritler görüyor musunuz? Etrafınızda şeritler (çizgiler) görüyor musunuz?", + "Pink is a light shade of red. If you include pink, how many things are red in this picture?": "Pembe, kırmızının açık bir tonudur. Pembeyi de dahil ederseniz, bu resimde kaç tane kırmızı şey vardır?", + "If you don't count pink, you get one less thing that is red. How many is that?": "Pembeyi saymazsanız, kırmızı olan şeylerin sayısı azalır. O zaman kaç olur?", + "I searched the attic. It was not there.": "Çatı katına baktım. Orada da yoktu.", + "The boy has looked in a lot of places. How long do you look for something before you give up?": "Çocuk birçok yere baktı. Siz vazgeçmeden önce bir şeyi ne kadar süre boyunca ararsınız?", + "When you have trouble finding something, what are some places you end up finding it?": "Bir şeyi bulmakta zorlandığınızda, sonunda onu bulduğunuz bazı yerler nelerdir?", + "Notice that the window no longer bangs into the shelf. Did the shelf move?": "Pencerenin artık rafa çarpmadığına dikkat edin. Raf yerinden mi oynadı?", + "I looked here, there, and everywhere. I could not find it anywhere.": "Oraya, buraya ve her yere baktım ama hiçbir yerde bulamadım.", + "Looking at his face, what do you think the boy is feeling?": "Çocuğun yüzüne baktığınızda, ne hissettiğini düşünüyorsunuz?", + "Have you ever lost something and never found it?": "Sizin bir şeyi kaybettiğiniz ve bulamadığınız oldu mu hiç?", + "The girl is smiling in the window. Do you think she knows where the bat is?": "Kız pencerede gülümsüyor. Sizce kız raketin nerede olduğunu biliyor olabilir mi?", + "Where is my cat?": "Benim kedim nerede?", + "This cat is very good at hiding. The dark black of this cat helps it hide.": "Bu kedi saklanmakta çok iyi. Bu kedinin koyu siyah rengi, onun saklanmasına yardımcı oluyor.", + "What kinds of places would make it easy to see this cat?": "Ne tür yerler bu kediyi görmeyi kolaylaştırır?", + "Where do you like to hide?": "Siz nerede saklanmayı seversiniz?", + "Is it under the bed?": "Yatağın altında mı?", + "Was the cat under the bed before the boy looked there?": "Çocuk oraya bakmadan önce, kedi yatağın altında mıydı?", + "This bed cover has lots of colorful stripes. Count how many different colors it has.": "Bu yatak örtüsünün bir sürü renkli şeridi var. Yatak örtüsünde kaç tane farklı renk olduğunu sayın.", + "The walls in this room have a free form design that doesn't repeat. Have you seen walls like this before?": "Bu odadaki duvarların tekrarlamayan serbest biçimli bir tasarımı var. Daha önce böyle duvarlar gördünüz mü hiç?", + "Is it on top of the cupboard?": "Dolabın tepesinde mi?", + "Instead of being on top of the cupboard, the cat is inside it.": "Dolabın tepesinde olmak yerine, kedi dolabın içinde.", + "This cupboard has a beautiful design. How many colors does it have?": "Bu dolap güzel bir tasarıma sahip. Dolabın kaç rengi var?", + "Talk about the shapes and patterns on the cupboard doors.": "Dolap kapaklarının üzerindeki şekiller ve desenler hakkında konuşun.", + "Is it behind the couch?": "Kanepenin arkasında mı?", + "The cat is very easy to see right now. Too bad the boy is looking in the wrong place.": "Kediyi görmek çok kolay şu anda. Çocuğun yanlış yere bakıyor olması çok kötü.", + "Point at the strong colors on this page: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and brown.": "Bu sayfadaki güçlü renkleri gösterin: kırmızı, turuncu, sarı, yeşil, mavi ve kahverengi.", + "Which colors of the rainbow are missing from the room?": "Odada gökkuşağının hangi renkleri eksik?", + "Is it next to the trash can?": "Çöp kutusunun yanında mı?", + "The cat must be very fast and quiet -- he was next to where the boy is now.": "Kedi, çocuğun şu anda bulunduğu yerin yanındaydı — kedi, çok hızlı ve sessiz olmalı.", + "Count the red bricks just below the window.": "Pencerenin hemen altındaki kırmızı tuğlaları sayın.", + "There are many straight lines in this picture. Point to some curved lines.": "Bu resimde bir sürü düz çizgi var. Bazı eğri çizgileri gösterin.", + "Is it inside the basket?": "Sepetin içinde mi?", + "Which part of the cat is not inside the SOAP box?": "Kedinin hangi kısmı SOAP kutusunun içinde değil?", + "What is inside the basket? Is that where the cat sleeps?": "Sepetin içinde ne var? Kedinin uyuduğu yer orası mı?", + "Notice that the wall does not line up with the squares of the floor.": "Zemindeki karelerle duvarın aynı hizada olmadığına dikkat edin.", + "Is it outside the house?": "Evin dışında mı?", + "That poor boy is always looking in the wrong place.": "Zavallı çocuk hep yanlış yere bakıyor.", + "Do you think the boy ever finds the cat, or will the boy give up?": "Sizce çocuk kediyi hiç bulabilecek mi yoksa pes mi edecek?", + "This is the same wall pattern as on the last page, but the floor is a different color!": "Bu resim, son sayfadaki duvar deseninin aynısı ama zemin farklı bir renkte!", + "Here it is!": "İşte burada!", + "It looks like the cat is in a cupboard or under a sink.": "Kedi ya bir dolabın içinde ya da bir lavabonun altında gibi görünüyor.", + "Was the cat playing a game with the boy?": "Kedi, çocukla bir oyun mu oynuyordu?", + "What will the boy do with the cat now? Maybe he will feed it or play with it? What do you think?": "Çocuk kediyle ne yapacak şimdi? Belki onu besleyecek veya onunla oyun oynayacak? Siz ne düşünüyorsunuz?", + "A long time ago, deep in the forests, King Leopard began to think about the future.\n\nHe thought, \"I'm getting old and one day, I'm going to die. A wise ruler should pick a successor while still young and healthy.\"\n\nBut how could King Leopard choose? He loved all the members of the animal kingdom the same!": "Uzun zaman önce, ormanların derinliklerinde, Kral Leopar gelecek hakkında düşünmeye başladı.\n\n“Yaşlanıyorum ve ben bir gün öleceğim. Bilge bir hükümdar, genç ve sağlıklıyken bir varis seçmelidir,” diye düşündü.\n\nAma Kral Leopar nasıl seçim yapacaktı? Hayvan krallığının tüm üyelerini aynı şekilde seviyordu!", + "If you were going to pick a leader, which skills would you want them to have?": "Siz bir lider seçecek olsaydınız, onun hangi becerilere sahip olmasını isterdiniz?", + "Guess what King Leopard will look for in a successor. Do you think he will look for the largest, the fastest, or the friendliest animal?": "Kral Leopar’ın bir varis ararken neye dikkat edeceğini tahmin edin. Sizce Kral, en büyük, en hızlı ya da en dost canlısı hayvanı mı arayacak?", + "Count together all the tree trunks you can see. Can you count that high?": "Bu resimde gördüğünüz tüm ağaç gövdelerini çocuğunuzla birlikte sayın. O kadar ileriye kadar sayabilir misiniz?", + "King Leopard had an idea. He sent his messengers out into the forests. He told them to ask all the animals of the kingdom to come to the palace.\n\nHe was going to have a big party and he was going to make an important announcement.\n\nAway the messengers ran, to all four corners of the forest.": "Kral Leopar’ın aklına bir fikir geldi. Elçilerini ormanlara gönderdi. Onlara, krallıktaki tüm hayvanların saraya gelmelerini istemelerini söyledi.\n\nBüyük bir parti verecek ve önemli bir duyuru yapacaktı.\n\nElçiler ormanın dört bir yanına koştular.", + "How many messengers does the King have? Are there enough to go to four corners? How many more does he need?": "Kralın kaç elçisi var? Dört köşeye gidecek kadar yeterli elçisi var mı? Daha kaç elçiye ihtiyacı var?", + "Do you think the forest really has four corners?": "Sizce ormanın gerçekten dört köşesi mi var?", + "What does the writer mean by the phrase \"all four corners of the forest?\" If forests don't have four corners, what shape are they?": "Yazar “ormanın dört köşesi” ifadesiyle ne demek istiyor? Eğer ormanların dört köşesi yoksa, onlar hangi şekildedirler?", + "On the night of the party, all the animals were at the palace. They sang and they danced and had a great time.\n\nAfter the moon had risen above the trees, King Leopard came and stood in the middle of the clearing. The animals stopped their singing and dancing. They listened quietly as their king began to speak.": "Parti gecesi tüm hayvanlar saraydalardı. Şarkı söylediler, dans ettiler ve harika vakit geçirdiler.\n\nAy, ağaçların üzerinde yükseldikten sonra, Kral Leopar geldi ve açık alanın ortasında durdu. Hayvanlar şarkı söylemeyi ve dans etmeyi bıraktılar. Kralları konuşmaya başladığında sessizce dinlediler.", + "How many animals can you count in this picture? Are there more animals or more trees?": "Bu resimde kaç hayvan sayabilirsiniz? Daha fazla hayvan mı yoksa daha fazla ağaç mı var?", + "How many animals do you think are in the forest? 10, 20, 30, ... ? A forest usually has hundreds or even thousands of animals, so this will be a very large party!": "Sizce ormanda kaç hayvan var? 10, 20, 30...? Bir ormanda genellikle yüzlerce hatta binlerce hayvan bulunur; dolayısıyla, bu, çok büyük bir parti olacak!", + "Have you ever seen a non-human animal dance?": "Bir hayvanın dans ettiğini gördünüz mü hiç?", + "He cleared his throat and said, \"I've been thinking that it's time for me to pick a successor. But because I love all of you equally, I can't decide who among you is most worthy. So I've decided to let a contest decide for me.\"": "Boğazını temizledi ve, “Artık bir varis seçme zamanımın geldiğini düşünüyordum. Fakat hepinizi eşit derecede sevdiğimden, aranızdan kimin buna en layık olduğuna karar veremiyorum. Bu nedenle, ‘buna ben değil, bir yarışma karar versin’ kararına vardım.”", + "Some of these animals would usually hunt some of these other animals. Can you think of some examples in this picture of animals who would hunt and others who would be hunted?": "Bu hayvanların bazıları, bu resimdeki hayvanlardan bazılarını genellikle avlarlar. Onlar arasından, avlayan ve avlanan hayvanlara örnekler verebilir misiniz?", + "What kind of contest would be good for picking a successor? Would you have a race to see who can run the fastest or longest?": "Ne tür bir yarışma varis seçmek için iyi olurdu? Kimin en hızlı ya da en uzun mesafe koşacağını görmek için bir yarış düzenler miydiniz?", + "What would be good contests if you want to find the largest or the strongest?": "En büyük veya en güçlü olanı bulmak istiyorsanız hangi yarışmalar iyi olabilir?", + "King Leopard held up a spear. He said, \"The first one among you who can throw this spear up into the sky and count to ten before it touches the ground, will be my successor.\"": "Kral Leopar bir mızrak kaldırdı. “Aranızdan bu mızrağı gökyüzüne fırlatıp yere değmeden 10’a kadar sayabilen ilk kişi benim varisim olacak!” dedi.", + "Will this contest produce a good successor? Predict which animal is going to win.": "Bu yarışma iyi bir varis ortaya çıkaracak mı? Hangi hayvanın kazanacağını tahmin edin.", + "Some of the animal skins have stripes, some have spots, some are segmented, and some have just one color. Do you see any that involve more than two colors?": "Bazı hayvanların derileri çizgili veya şeritli, bazılarınınki benekli, bazılarınınki segmentlere ayrılmış ve bazılarınınkiler de tek renklidir. Resimde, ikiden fazla renk içeren hayvan görüyor musunuz?", + "How many of these animals have horns, antlers, or tusks? Are there more of these animals than the other animals on this page?": "Bu hayvanlardan kaç tanesinin boynuzları, çatal boynuzları ya da uzun büyük dişleri var? Bu tür boynuzlu ve büyük dişli hayvanların sayısı diğer hayvanlardan daha mı fazla?", + "As King Leopard finished talking, the animals heard a loud noise from behind them. They turned around and saw elephant stomping through the crowd to the front.\n\n\"Move out of my way. I'm the biggest, I should be king,\" said Elephant.": "Kral Leopar konuşmasını bitirdiğinde, hayvanlar arkalarından gelen büyük bir gürültü duydular. Arkalarını döndüklerinde paldır küldür yürüyerek kalabalığın arasından öne doğru ilerleyen bir fil gördüler.\n\n“Çekilin yolumdan. En büyük benim, kral ben olmalıyım,” dedi Fil.", + "Did the Elephant listen to the King? Was being the biggest important to the King?": "Fil, Kral’ı dinledi mi? Kral için en büyük olmak önemli miydi?", + "When we have our own ideas about the way something should be, we sometimes don't listen to others. Can you think of a time when you were like the elephant and didn't listen well?": "Bir şeyin nasıl olması gerektiğine dair kendi fikirlerimiz olduğunda, bazen başkalarını dinlemeyiz. Sizin de Fil gibi davrandığınız ve çok iyi dinlemediğiniz bir zaman oldu mu?", + "A lion is often called the King of the Jungle. Do you think a lion will win this contest and be the next king?": "Bir aslan genellikle ‘Ormanın Kralı’ olarak adlandırılır. Sizce bir aslan bu yarışmayı kazanıp bir sonraki kral olacak mıdır?", + "Elephant took the spear and held it up with his trunk. He put his head back and threw the spear up into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Oh!\" Elephant cried.\n\nThe spear hit the ground on the count of three. Elephant was angry and started stomping. King Leopard told him, \"You've had your chance.\"\n\nAnd so Elephant had to leave.": "Fil mızrağı aldı ve hortumuyla kaldırdı. Başını geriye attı ve mızrağı gökyüzüne fırlattı. “Bir! İki! Üç! Ah!” diye haykırdı Fil.\n\nMızrak üçte yere düştü. Fil kızgındı ve ayaklarını pat küt yere vurmaya başladı. Kral Leopar ona, “Şansını denedin!” dedi.\n\nVe böylece, Fil gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "Does it help to get angry when you lose? How do you feel and what do you show to other people when you lose?": "Kaybettiğinizde öfkelenmek yardımcı olur mu? Kaybettiğinizde kendinizi nasıl hissedersiniz ve diğer insanlara bunu nasıl belli edersiniz?", + "There are many four-legged animals in this picture. Name some animals that don't have four legs.": "Bu resimde pek çok dört ayaklı hayvan var; dört ayaklı olmayan bazı hayvanları adlandırın.", + "An odd number is a number that can't be split into two equal parts -- 7 is an example. Can you think of any animals that have an odd number of arms or legs?": "Tek sayı, iki eşit parçaya bölünemeyen bir sayıdır – mesela, 7. Tek sayıda kolu veya bacağı olan bir hayvan biliyor musunuz?", + "After Elephant left, the animals started to talk excitedly amongst themselves. They were again disturbed by a loud noise coming from the back of the crowd.\n\nBoar came charging through saying, \"Get out of my way. Get out of my way. I'm going to be king. I've got the biggest muscles. I'm the strongest. I should be king.\"": "Fil gittikten sonra, hayvanlar kendi aralarında heyecanla konuşmaya başladılar. Kalabalığın arkasından gelen yüksek bir sesle yine dikkatleri dağıldı.\n\nYaban domuzu aceleyle gelip, “Çekilin yolumdan! Çekilin yolumdan! Ben Kral olacağım. En büyük kaslar bende. En güçlü benim. Kral ben olmalıyım!” dedi.", + "Boar did not listen to the King either. Do you think the King wants someone who is the strongest?": "Yaban domuzu da kralı dinlemedi. Sizce Kral en güçlü olan birini mi istiyor?", + "Do you think leaders need to be good listeners to help them know how to lead?": "Sizce liderlerin nasıl liderlik edeceklerini bilmelerine yardımcı olması için iyi birer dinleyici olmaları mı gerekir?", + "In this picture, there is only one of most of the animals. Can you spot the animals that there are more than one of?": "Bu resimde hayvanların çoğundan sadece birer tane var. Birden fazla olan hayvanları belirleyebilir misiniz?", + "Boar leaned back, clenched the spear, and threw it into the sky. \"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Oh!\" he shouted.\n\nThe spear dropped on the count of five. He was so angry. He fumed and threw clouds of dirt into the air.\n\nLeopard told him \"Boar, you only throw once and you've had your chance.\" Boar had to leave.": "Yaban domuzu geriye yeltendi, mızrağı sıkıca kavradı ve gökyüzüne fırlattı. “Bir! İki! Üç! Dört! Beş! Ah!” diye bağırdı.\n\nMızrak beşte yere düştü. Çok kızgındı. Ateş püskürdü ve havaya toprak parçaları savurdu.\n\nLeopar ona, “Yaban Domuzu, sadece bir kez atabilirsin ve şansını kaybettin,” dedi. Yaban Domuzu gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "Is an animal who gets angry when they lose likely to be a good leader?": "Kaybettiğinde öfkelenen bir hayvan iyi bir lider olabilir mi?", + "So far, it looks like the King's contest is removing poor leaders. The contest is working! Who do you think will win?": "Şu ana kadar, Kral’ın yarışması kötü liderleri eliyor gibi görünüyor. Yarışma işe yarıyor! Sizce kim kazanacak?", + "Stories sometimes vary from reality. This story does that in many ways. A boar does not have any fingers! How would a boar be able to clench a spear and throw it? Have you seen other ways this story seems unreal?": "Hikâyeler bazen gerçeklikten farklıdırlar. Bu hikâye de birçok yönden öyledir. Bir yaban domuzunun parmakları yoktur! Bir yaban domuzu nasıl olur da bir mızrağı kavrayıp fırlatabilir? Bu hikâyenin gerçek dışı görünen başka taraflarını da gördünüz mü?", + "After that, the animals started to say things like, \"This contest is difficult! Elephant couldn't do it, and he's really big. Boar couldn't do it either, and he's really strong. No one can win this contest!\"\n\nRight about then, they heard another sound coming from the back of the crowd. When the animals looked around, they couldn't believe their eyes.": "Ondan sonra, hayvanlar, “Bu yarışma çok zor! Fil yapamadı ve o gerçekten çok büyük. Yaban domuzu da yapamadı ve o gerçekten çok güçlü. Bu yarışmayı hiç kimse kazanamaz!” gibi şeyler söylemeye başladılar.\n\nTam o sırada, kalabalığın arkasından gelen başka bir ses duydular. Hayvanlar etraflarına bakındıklarında gözlerine inanamadılar.", + "What is unusual about the body positions these animals are in?": "Bu hayvanların vücut pozisyonlarında alışılmadık olan şey nedir?", + "Count the number of animals as best you can. Each animal has two eyes, so you can double that number to find the total number of eyes. You can also count the eyes by skip counting by 2's.": "Hayvanları elinizden gelenin en iyisini yaparak sayın. Her hayvanın iki gözü var; dolayısıyla, toplam göz sayısını bulmak için hayvan sayısını ikiye katlayabilirsiniz. Gözleri ikişer ikişer ritmik (atlayarak) sayabilirsiniz.", + "You can count all the legs by multiplying the number of animals by 4, skip counting by 4, or by doubling the number of eyes! Which do you like best? Why does this work?": "Hayvan sayısını dörtle çarparak, dörder dörder atlayarak sayarak ya da göz sayısını ikiyle çarparak da toplam bacak sayısını bulabilirsiniz! Bu yöntemlerden en çok hangisini beğendiniz? Bu yöntem neden işe yarıyor?", + "They saw a big ape coming forward. As Ape moved, he chanted \"I can do it. I know I can do it. I can do it.\"\n\nApe took the spear and he backed way up. He pulled his arm back, charged forward, leapt into the air and threw the spear into the sky.\n\n\"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Oh!\" cried Ape.": "Büyük bir insansı maymunun (ape) yaklaştığını gördüler. Maymun hareket ederken, “Yapabilirim. Yapabileceğimi biliyorum. Başarabilirim!” diye bağırdı.\n\nMızrağı aldı ve geri geri gitti. Kolunu geri çekti, kocaman bir adımla ileriye atılıp havaya sıçradı ve mızrağı göğe fırlattı.\n\n“Bir! İki! Üç! Dört! Beş! Altı! Yedi! Ah!” diye haykırdı Maymun.", + "Why did Ape start by saying \"I can do it?\" Having confidence often helps with success.": "Maymun neden “Yapabilirim!” diyerek başladı? Kendine güvenmek sıklıkla başarıya ulaşmada yardımcı olur.", + "Your attitude can make a big difference! Have you ever started to do something by saying to yourself that you wouldn't be able to do it -- do it help or did it get in your way?": "Tavrınız büyük bir fark yaratabilir! Hiç kendinize bir şeyi yapamayacağınızı söyleyerek o şeyi yapmaya başladığınız oldu mu – öyle söyleyerek yapmak yardımcı mı oldu yoksa size engel mi oldu?", + "How much higher was Ape able to count before the spear landed than Boar could count?": "Maymun, mızrak yere düşmeden önce Domuz’un sayabildiğinden ne kadar daha fazla sayabildi?", + "The spear hit the ground on the count of seven.\n\nApe was upset. He was so angry that he started turning around, complaining and making all sorts of excuses.\n\nBut King Leopard told him \"No, Ape, you only get one chance.\" And so the ape had to leave.": "Yediye kadar saydıktan sonra mızrak yere düştü.\n\nMaymun hayal kırıklığına uğramıştı. O kadar öfkeliydi ki etrafında dönüp şikâyet etmeye ve bahaneler uydurmaya başladı.\n\nAma Kral Leopar ona, “Hayır, Maymun, sadece tek bir şansın var!” dedi. Ve böylece, Maymun gitmek zorunda kaldı.", + "So far, no animal has done it. Make up an ending for this story. Either think of a way an animal can win, change the contest, or figure out what to do if no animal can win.": "Şu âna kadar hiçbir hayvan başaramadı. Bu hikâye için bir son uydurun. Ya bir hayvanın kazanmasını sağlayacak bir yol düşünün ya yarışmayı değiştirin ya da hiçbir hayvan kazanamazsa ne yapacağınızı düşünüp bulun.", + "How long does it take you to count to ten? Do you think you can throw something in the air long enough to count to ten?": "Sizin 10’a kadar saymanız ne kadar zaman alıyor? Bir şeyi 10’a kadar sayabilecek kadar uzun süre havaya fırlatabilir misiniz?", + "Use their facial expressions to describe what each of the animals in this picture is feeling.": "Bu resimdeki hayvanların her birinin ne hissettiğini tasvir etmek için yüz ifadelerini kullanın.", + "Some of the animals turned and started to leave for home. As they were leaving, they saw a little antelope coming through the crowd. As she trotted, she said, \"Wait, wait, Let me try. I can do it. I can do it. Let me try.\"\n\nWhen the animals heard her words, they all started laughing.": "Bazı hayvanlar dönüp evlerine doğru yola koyulmaya başladılar. Ayrılırlarken, kalabalığın arasından gelen küçük bir antilop gördüler. Antilop koşarcasına giderken, “Bekleyin, bekleyin! Ben de bir deneyeyim. Başarabilirim. Başarabilirim. Ben de deneyeyim!” dedi.\n\nHayvanlar onun sözlerini işittiklerinde gülmeye başladılar.", + "Why did the other animals laugh at the little antelope? Were they being nice?": "Diğer hayvanlar neden küçük Antilop’a güldüler? Ona nazik mi davranıyorlardı?", + "What skill might the antelope have that the others did not?": "Antilop, diğerlerinin sahip olmadığı hangi beceriye sahip olabilir?", + "Have you ever seen people laugh at someone and just assume that person would do poorly? How did that make the person feel?": "Hiç insanların, birisine gülüp, o kişinin kötü performans göstereceğini varsaydıklarını gördünüz mü? Bu, o kişiyi nasıl hissettirdi?", + "King Leopard jumped up and shouted angrily. \"Stop it! Do not make fun of Antelope! Who is to say that small animals can't do things that big animals can do? If Antelope wants to have a chance, she will be given the same chance that all the animals had. So stand back and let Antelope throw the spear.\"": "Kral Leopar ayağa fırladı ve öfkeyle bağırdı. “Kesin! Antilop’la dalga geçmeyin! Küçük hayvanların büyük hayvanların yapabildiği şeyleri yapamayacağını kim söyleyebilir? Eğer Antilop bir şans istiyorsa, tüm hayvanlara verilen şans ona da verilecektir. Dolayısıyla, geri çekilin ve Antilop’un mızrağı atmasına izin verin.”", + "It sounds like there might be a surprise coming. What do you think will be surprising about Antelope?": "Bir sürpriz olacakmış gibi görünüyor. Sizce Antilop’la ilgili şaşırtıcı olan şey nedir?", + "A good leader takes care of everyone. Do you think King Leopard is a good leader?": "İyi bir lider herkesi önemser. Sizce Kral Leopar iyi bir lider mi?", + "Think of a good leader who you know. Describe some qualities that you think make that person a good leader.": "Bildiğiniz iyi bir lideri düşünün. Bu kişiyi iyi lider yapan bazı niteliklerini açıklayın.", + "Antelope bowed to her king, turned and took the spear in her mouth. She backed up, and with all the strength in her tiny body she started running. When she reached the center of the clearing, she jumped high.\n\nShe took a deep breath, released the spear and shouted, \"Five and five is ten.\" The spear hit the ground.": "Antilop, Kral’ın önünde saygıyla eğildi, döndü ve mızrağı ağzına aldı. Geri çekildi ve o minik vücudundaki tüm güçle koşmaya başladı. Açık alanın merkezine ulaştığında yükseğe sıçradı.\n\nDerin bir nefes aldı, mızrağı bıraktı ve, “Beş artı beş on eder,” diye bağırdı. Mızrak yere çarptı.", + "The surprise is Math! Antelope used her intelligence and the power of math to win the contest!": "Sürpriz olan şey Matematik! Antilop yarışmayı kazanmak için zekâsını ve matematiğin gücünü kullandı!", + "Think of some other combinations of numbers that add up to ten. How many ways can you think of?": "Toplamı on olan başka sayı kombinasyonlarını düşünün. Aklınıza kaç farklı yol geliyor?", + "Try some smaller numbers, such as three, four, or five, and find all the ways to make combinations of numbers add up to those totals. Do you notice any patterns that can save you time? Discovering interesting patterns is what math is all about!": "Üç, dört veya beş gibi daha küçük sayıları deneyin ve sayı kombinasyonlarının bu toplamlara eşit olmasını sağlayacak tüm yolları bulun. Size zaman kazandırabilecek örüntüleri fark ediyor musunuz? İlginç örüntüler keşfetmek matematiğin ta kendisidir!", + "The animals were quiet. They were confused. King Leopard explained, \"Yes, Antelope! Five plus five is another way to get to ten. There is more than one way to count to ten.\"\n\nThe contest was not to find the biggest or the strongest animal. It was a contest to find the smartest animal! That is how Antelope became queen when leopard died.": "Hayvanlar sessizdi. Kafaları karışmıştı. Kral Leopar, “Evet, Antilop! Beş artı beş 10’a ulaşmanın bir başka yoludur. 10’a kadar saymanın birden fazla yolu vardır,” diye açıkladı.\n\nBu yarışma en büyük veya en güçlü hayvanı bulmak için değildi. Yarışma, en zeki hayvanı bulmak içindi! Leopar öldüğünde, işte Antilop böyle kraliçe oldu.", + "Antelope listened carefully to the rules and found a new solution. Did Antelope cheat or was she clever?": "Antilop kuralları dikkatlice dinledi ve yeni bir çözüm buldu. Antilop hile mi yaptı yoksa zeki miydi?", + "If someone asked you to count to ten, would you count by 1's, 2's, 5's, or 10's? What would happen if you counted by 3's or 4's? Why don't those numbers come out evenly?": "Birisi sizden 10’a kadar saymanızı isteseydi, bunu, tek tek mi yoksa ikişer ikişer, beşer beşer ya da onar onar atlayarak mı sayardınız? Üçer üçer veya dörder dörder sayarsanız ne olur? Bu iki sayıyla saymanın sonucu neden eşit çıkmıyor?", + "A group of people often all think about something the same way and miss a good way to solve a problem. Good problem solvers discover new ways to approach problems!": "Bir grup insan, sıklıkla, bir şey hakkında aynı şekillerde düşünürler ve bir sorunu çözmenin iyi yollarını kaçırırlar. İyi problem çözücüler ise problemlere yaklaşmanın yeni yollarını keşfederler!" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json b/app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.sa_ar.json similarity index 100% rename from app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.kw_ar.json rename to app_data/translations_source/translated_strings/translated.sa_ar.json From 04c2d34f1d02842dcc906b0a57270bb99a666039 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: EsmeeIDEMS Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 13:06:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Add language screen to first lauch pop-ups --- .../lifecycle_actions/launch_actions.json | 27 +++++++++++++- .../sheets/template/app_menu_language.json | 37 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/app_data/sheets/data_list/lifecycle_actions/launch_actions.json b/app_data/sheets/data_list/lifecycle_actions/launch_actions.json index e3e414d..5fa6dc8 100644 --- a/app_data/sheets/data_list/lifecycle_actions/launch_actions.json +++ b/app_data/sheets/data_list/lifecycle_actions/launch_actions.json @@ -25,8 +25,31 @@ }, { "lifecycle_event": "app_start", - 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