This repo contains an ansible playbook for installing and configuring the following on a VM with CentOS 7 or RHEL 7:
An OpenLDAP server with a set of users, groups and passwords.
Latest available version in the yum repo is installed
Two groups are created: admins and developers
- Members of the admins group will be Jenkins super users
- One member of this group will be created - suser001
- Members of the developers will be Jenkins regular users
- 40 members of this group will be created with usernames in the range: user001 - user040
- Manager DN is
- External LDAP port is
- Fully qualified user name is like
- Fully qualified group name is like
- Group membership is like
member: uid=user001,ou=users,dc=clouddragons,dc=com
- Group objectClass is
- User objectClass is
- Members of the admins group will be Jenkins super users
A clone of this repo on your local machine.
A local installation of ansible. Note: The playbook was tested with ansible 2.9.2 on macOS Mojave.
A Virtual Server Instance of CentOS 7 RHEL 7 running on IBM Cloud with passwordless SSH from your local machine set for the root user.
Edit the file inventory/hosts and add the following:
- A bind password for the LDAP server. This will be set when OpenLDAP is configured by the playbook
# Set this to the LDAP bind password you want to use ldap_bind_password=yourverysecurebindpassword
- The IP address of your CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 VSI
# Add external IP address of provisioned CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 VSI [ldapvm]
Run the following command from the base directory of this cloned repo
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/site.yml
- Open the file users.csv in the users subfolder of the base directory of this cloned repo. The first line of the file will have the suser001 user and the password. The remaining lines will be the users user001 - user040 and their respective passwords. Note: if you run the playbook again and this file is present, a fresh set of passwords will not be generated.