This module is not meant to be a production-grade or professional solution. It is meant to be a proof-of-concept repo, and to demonstrate my skills and understanding of the Go programming language.
Some of these data structures and algorithms may not inherently benefit from multithreading, such as the RootishArrayStack, and thus have not been implemented with goroutines. However, these still serve as useful structures as Go does not have built-in implementations of these structures.
- Merge Sort, Counting Sort
- None
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Trie
- RootishArrayStack
I have currently implemented unit tests for completed algorithms. The unit tests are passing, and you can run them all by running
go test -count=1 ./...
This can be executed at the module level (targets all tests) or at the package level (targets all tests in the package). When executing multiple iterations of tests where the actual test content may vary, be sure to include -count=1 as this disables test caching.
To test an individual file, run
go test -run <filename>
Work in progress.