# Privacy Policy ## What information do we collect about you? ### Frontier Authentication This application would not function without utilising the API provided as part of the [Frontier User Portal](https://user.frontierstore.net/user/information). When Frontier Authentication is performed this application inevitably receives: - Frontier ID - your unique ID for this system. - Name - The real name specified in your account. - Email - The email address associated with your account. - Platform - Whether this is a Frontier account, XBox, Playstation or Steam. The 'Authorized Applications' lists all the Clients (applications) you've authorised to request data on your behalf. This might include sites like Inara.Cz. The application *does not* process, transmit elsewhere, or store any of this information. For clarity, it also does *not* pass any of the information outlined above to any plugins. ### Elite Commander details While this app is running it collects the following information about you: - Your in-game “Cmdr” name. - Your in-game location. - Your in-game ship(s), ship loadout and inventory. - Various actions that you perform in the game. ### Operating System & IP Address As the updates file was moved onto GitHub in late June 2020 **we no longer** collect the following information about you: - Your Operating System. - Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) Address. but GitHub will be receiving this information instead. ______________________________________________________________________ ## Third-Party Sites At your choice this app transmits some of your Commander details to third-party services as follows: ### EDDN If you have active either of the following options on the 'EDDN' tab of the application's settings: - Send station data to the Elite Dangerous Data Network (on by default) - Send system and scan data to the Elite Dangerous Data Network (on by default) then your Cmdr name and your in-game location are transmitted to the [Elite Dangerous Data Network](https://github.com/EDCD/EDDN/wiki) (“EDDN”). Your Cmdr name is not visible to other users of the EDDN service. ### EDSM If you have active the option: - 'Send flight log and Cmdr status to EDSM' (on by default) on the 'EDSM' settings tab, *and filled in valid 'Commander Name' and 'API Key' values* then this application transmits details about your Commander to the [Elite Dangerous Star Map](https://www.edsm.net/) (“EDSM”) website. You can control how much of this information is visible to other people [here](https://www.edsm.net/settings/public-profile). ### Inara If you have active the option: - 'Send flight log and Cmdr status to EDSM' (on by default) on the 'Inara' settings tab, *and filled in a valid 'API Key' value* then this application transmits details about your Commander to the [Inara](https://inara.cz/) website. You can control how much of this information is visible to other people [here](https://inara.cz/settings/). ## Plugins If you have installed any [plugins](https://github.com/EDCD/EDMarketConnector/wiki/Plugins) this app makes your Commander details available to those plugins.