Collection of useful dotfiles
To use the .vimrc, first run
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Afterwards, open vim, dismiss the error by hitting and type :BundleInstall
Once complete, close vim by typing :qall
. Now all plugins should be active and no
more error should appear on startup.
To use the javascript syntax checker you need to install jsl
- Fedora
# yum install jsl
- Ubuntu
Tmux can be used to split your shell. Go here to learn how to use tmux:
Please note that using the config file provided will remap the prefix to
When using the config file you can navigate between the tmux planes using alt + h,j,k,l vim style.
If you include the script 'dev' provided and save it under ~/.tmux/dev you can use the shortcut prefix + D to split the current window vertically and open vim in the new plane.
If you use elementary os, it is best to start tmux with tmux -2