- Added reference to jsfiddle on readme
- Added dropdownClass option to apply classes to the dropdown container
- dropdownClass and highlightClass can now be passed a string or an array of strings
- if maximumItems set to 0 or less, display all available items
- Fixed vulnerability (dependency)
- Add entry point (main) to package.json
- Fixed destroying previously set click and keyup events
- Added the input element as a parameter to onSelectItem
- Fixed showing empty
- Added text highlighting
- Fixed wrong positioning
- Fixed autocomplete appearing on click with more items than it should
- Example added
- Now building with Gulp
- Updated README with badges
- Fixed undesired behaviour when setting autocomplete on a same field multiple times
- Fixed showing more items than desired
- Fixed showing full search when backspacing to empty field
- Fixed multiple instances sources overlapping each other
- Fixed bad positioning on focus