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Releases: HiberGlobal/api


02 Jul 08:09
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0.80.3 (2021-07-02)

This release contains a few more bug fixes.


  • Fixed a bug where fix device count for gateway was not taking organization into account,
    counting orphaned devices in other organizations.
  • Fixed device message order, which was broken in 0.80.


22 Jun 13:51
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0.80.2 (2021-06-22)

This release contains a few bug fixes.


  • Fixed a bug where an Area or Shape was not allowed to contain a location of (0.0, 0.0).
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a tag could affect the assignment of other tags.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a tag did not produce a ModemUpdatedEvent for the affected modems.


17 Jun 14:01
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0.80 (2021-06-17)

This release introduces the option to create your own modems (with some limitations)
and convenience improvements.


  • Added a OrganizationPermission.MODEMS_CREATE to create modems.
  • Renamed Organization.Feature.GENERAL_PURPOSE_TRACKING to Organization.Feature.EASYPULSE.
  • Added CreateModem to create modems for your organization.
    • This call is not available to all organizations, and is typically used to create modems for testing or
      when you want to connect a device to the API using just the API calls in the TestingService.
  • Fixed a bug where UpdateModemStatus only returned a single modem, even though all selected modems were affected.
  • Added include_types and exclude_types to ModemSelection, replacing the simple types list of included types.
  • Added ModemMessageSelection.modem_selection to allow selecting messages from multiple modems
    without having to list the individual modems (i.e. by tag).


03 Jun 16:14
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0.79 (2021-06-03)

This release contains a selection of bugfixes and API Ux improvements.


  • Added a new identifier generator to clean up the different types of identifiers a bit.
    • Identifiers - even without their prefix - are unique system-wide
    • New identifiers are generated using the new logic for the following types:
      • modem transfers
      • modem alarms
      • modem message body parsers
      • automatic assignments
  • Removed limitation where the minimum or maximum for threshold and delta check could not be 0.0.
  • The pagination for messages should now be more accurate, and only estimate total counts if you have a lot of messages.
  • Added AvailableModemMessageFields.Request.include_total and
    to calculate the total fields for all selected modems. This can be useful to display table columns, for example.
  • Added new Organization Feature flag: GENERAL_PURPOSE_TRACKING
  • Added random_location_in_area to Simulation.ModemMessageSimulation.Update.Request to allow the simulation
    to generate a new location for the modem on every message, but contain it within a given area.
  • Added more options to UpdateTokenOrganizationPermissionsRequest
    • Renamed new_organization_permissions to replace_organization_permissions, to be more explicit.
    • Added add_organization_permissions to instead just add permission to the token.
    • Added remove_organization_permissions to remove permissions from the token.
  • Added more options to UpdateTokenUserPermissionsRequest
    • Renamed new_user_permissions to replace_user_permissions, to be more explicit.
    • Added add_user_permissions to instead just add permission to the token.
    • Added remove_user_permissions to remove permissions from the token.


31 May 09:27
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0.78 (2021-05-31)

This release adds health levels to events, so they can be shown and filtered on.


  • Added health_level to Event and specific events, to reflect the HealthLevel the event causes.
    This allows us to use the new customizable health levels for events, and filtering events.
    • Added health_level to:
      • ModemStaleEvent
      • ModemMessageDroppedEvent
      • ModemMessageDelayedEvent
      • ModemMessageCannotBeParsedEvent
      • ModemAlarmEvent
      • ModemTransferNotReceivedEvent
      • ModemTransferReturnTransferStartedEvent
      • PublisherEvent.AutoDisabledEvent
      • PublisherEvent.FailedEvent
      • TokenExpiryWarningEvent
      • EventSelection
  • [B] Deprecated is_error and is_warning on Event, and errors_only and warnings_only on EventSelection
    to be replaced with the Event.health_level and EventSelection.health_levels respectively.
  • Added EmailNotificationPreferences.filter_health_levels to filter events on health level when sending them by email.
  • Added UpdateEmailNotificationPreferencesRequest.add_health_levels_to_filter to add health levels to the filter.
  • Added UpdateEmailNotificationPreferencesRequest.remove_health_levels_from_filter to remove health levels from
    the filter.
  • Added SlackPublisher.filter_health_levels to filter events on health level when sending them to slack.
  • Added CreateSlackPublisherRequest.filter_health_levels to filter events on health level when sending them to slack.
  • Added UpdateSlackPublisherRequest.add_health_levels_to_filter to add health levels to the filter.
  • Added UpdateSlackPublisherRequest.remove_health_levels_from_filter to remove health levels from
    the filter.
  • Added Webhook.filter_health_levels to filter events on health level when sending them to a webhook.
  • Added CreateWebhookRequest.filter_health_levels to filter events on health level when sending them to a webhook.
  • Added UpdateWebhookRequest.add_health_levels_to_filter and
    UpdateWebhookFilterRequest.add_health_levels_to_filter to add health levels to the filter.
  • Added UpdateWebhookRequest.remove_health_levels_from_filter and
    UpdateWebhookFilterRequest.remove_health_levels_from_filter to remove health levels from the filter.


17 May 14:59
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0.77 (2021-05-17)

This release contains:

  • marking data fields for message body parsers (for processing, charting, etc)
  • easy access to parsed message body in messages, using a merged Struct
  • exporting message to JSON or CSV
  • Added ExportCreatedEvent, ExportReadyEvent and ExportFailedEvent for the new export functionality.
    • Added export_created, export_ready and export_failed to Event.
  • Introduced the ExportService, to list and manage exports.
    • Exports are asynchronous and only available for a limited time when ready,
      which is reflected by the Export.Status (with PROCESSING, READY, EXPIRED).
    • Added Export.Format.Json for exporting in a JSON format.
    • Added Export.Format.Csv for exporting in a CSV format.
    • Added Export.Configuration.ModemMessages to export modem messages.
      This is currently the only available export configuration.
  • Added ModemMessage.body_fields, which is a flattened Struct of all ModemMessage.body_parsed[*].result.
    This is a convenience to access the fields from body_parsed, but if any fields are present in
    multiple body_parsed results, it is not defined which field will be used in this Struct.
    This may change in the future.
  • Added ModemMessageFieldsSelection to select fields in a ModemMessage, both proto fields and message body fields.
    • Added AvailableMessageFields to list available fields for messages from a modem.
      This is generally useful to list data fields added by message body parsers
      (and powered by ModemMessageBodyParser.data_fields).
      The available fields are returned as a ModemMessageFieldsSelection.
    • Added ListModemMessagesRequest.fields (a ModemMessageFieldsSelection) to limit the fields for the
      returned messages, to conserve data or simplify an operation.
      This applies to both protobuf fields and message body fields.
  • Added data_fields to ModemMessageBodyParser, which are fields that are marked to contain data
    (versus status fields or counters), that can be graphed, for example.
    • Added has_data_fields to ModemMessageBodyParserSelection to select parsers that have specified data fields.
    • Added data_fields to UploadModemMessageBodyParserRequest to set the data fields for a newly uploaded parser.
    • Added add_data_fields and remove_data_fields to UpdateUploadedModemMessageBodyParserRequest to update the
      data fields for an uploaded parser.
  • Added EXPORT permissions to allow a user to create exports and see download links.


29 Apr 11:54
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0.75 (2021-04-29)

This release adds a few more options to modem alarms.

  • Fixed the index for InactivityCheck.maximum.
  • Added formatting option to error message templates:
    • Added the option to round numeric values: {actual:.3f}
    • Added the option to always sign numeric values (when rounded): {actual:+.3f}
    • This is applied to numeric fields and fields that can be numeric, like {actual} and {expected}.


22 Apr 14:55
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0.74.4 (2021-04-22)

Small convenience hotfix for the ModemHealthCount.

  • [B] Changed ModemHealthCount.Response to group tag health counts instead of having them all in a big list.

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [B] Changed ModemHealthCount.Response to group tag health counts instead of having them all in a big list.


15 Apr 14:51
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0.74 (2021-04-15)


  • Added NamedLocationService to save locations with a name. These location can then be used in other
    places, like alarms.
    A named locations can be either a Location, Area or Shape.
    • Added permission LOCATIONS_MANAGE to OrganizationPermission to manage named locations.
  • Added named to LocationCheck to use a named location for the check.
  • ModemAlarmEvent title is now just the error message, without any additional data.
    The description contains the additional data, as before.


12 Apr 12:58
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0.73 (2021-04-12)


  • Added ModemHealthCount to efficiently count how many of your modems per health level.
    Optionally, the counts can also be done per tag, specified by a TagSelection.
  • Added DelayCheck to trigger the alarm when message delay
    (the difference between sentAt and receivedAt) exceeds a given threshold.