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159 lines (106 loc) · 6.75 KB

File metadata and controls

159 lines (106 loc) · 6.75 KB


This project was generated using XL Release Plugin Generator.


Before you can use this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine:

  1. Node.js: Depending on your system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-prepackaged bundle. After installing Node, you should install Yeoman using:

    npm install -g yo

  2. XL Release: A local distribution of XL Release should be available on you system. An accompanying valid licence should also be available.

  3. Gradle: This project uses the Gradle Plugin for XL Release for development. For the plugin to work you have to configure the following properties (they can be set either in your global or a local located in the root of the project):

    • xlReleaseHome - the location of the XL Release distribution
    • xlReleaseLicence - the location of the XL Release licence


Starting/stopping XL Release in plugin development mode

To (re)start the XL Release instance in plugin development mode you can run:

./gradlew startXLRelease

or just ./gradlew start.

To stop the XL Release instance you can run:

./gradlew stopXLRelease

or just ./gradlew stop.

The XL Release log files can be found at build/server/log/xl-release.log.

When developing you only need to restart XL Release server when you change synthetic.xml or xl-rest-endpoints.xml, the changes in Jython scripts, JavaScript, CSS and HTML are picked up on any browser refresh, so your development cycle can be faster. Please read more about it in the docs of XL Release Gradle plugin.

Generating a new task

Position yourself in the root of the project then run:

yo xl-release-plugin:task

You will be asked a series of questions regarding your new task:

  • ? Task namespace
  • ? Task name

After answering all questions a basic file / folder structure will be created.

Generating a new tile

Position yourself in the root of the project then run:

yo xl-release-plugin:tile

You will be asked a series of questions regarding your new task:

  • ? Tile namespace
  • ? Tile name
  • ? Tile label
  • ? Use default controller?
  • ? Add details view?

After answering all questions a basic file / folder structure will be created.

Project structure

The following shows a sample generated XL Release plugin, the Greeting plugin. It defines a task, the GreeterTask, and a tile, the HelloTile.

├─ build.gradle
├─ gradle
│   └─ wrapper
│       ├─ gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └─
├─ gradlew
├─ gradlew.bat
├─ karma.conf.js // Front end test runner configuration
├─ package.json
├─ settings.gradle
└─ src
    ├─ main
    │   └─ resources
    │       ├─ greeter // GreeterTask namespace
    │       │   ├─ // GreeterTask script
    │       │   ├─ // GreeterTask utility module
    │       │   └─
    │       ├─ hello // HelloTile namespace
    │       │   └─ // HelloTile script
    │       ├─ synthetic.xml // Type definitions
    │       ├─ web
    │       │   └─ include // tile front end
    │       │       └─ hello // HelloTile namespace
    │       │           └─ HelloTile // HelloTile front end
    │       │               ├─ css
    │       │               │   └─ hello-tile.css
    │       │               ├─ hello-tile-summary-view.html
    │       │               ├─ img
    │       │               └─ js
    │       │                   └─ hello-tile.js // HelloTile Angular module
    │       ├─ xl-rest-endpoints.xml // Custom REST endpoints
    │       └─ xl-ui-plugin.xml // UI extension definitions
    └─ test
        ├─ javascript // front end tests
        │   └─ unit
        │       └─ hello
        │           └─ HelloTile
        │               └─ hello-tile-controller.spec.js
        └─ jython // Jython tests
            ├─ test_greeter
            │   ├─
            │   └─
            └─ xlunittestrunner
                └─ // unittest test runner script


Front end unit tests are run by Karma and written with Jasmine. They are located in src/test/javascript/unit and can be run with:

`npm test` or `./gradlew testJavaScriptUnit`

End-to-end tests are run by Protractor and are located in src/test/javascript/e2e. They can be run with:

`npm run protractor` or `./gradlew testEnd2End`

Jython tests by default use unittest. They are located src/test/jython and can be run with:

`./gradlew testJython`

unittest uses predefined pattern for matching test files. By default it's test*.py but can be changed by editing the script.

This project uses the gradle-git plugin. The generated build.gradle contains commented out sections that configure the plugin.

To be successfully able to build the project uncomment those lines and initialize a new Git repository and make an initial commit. (GitHub has a help page Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line)

Now the project will contain a valid plugin.version field and can be dropped into an XL Release distribution.

To build the project run:

./gradlew build


This project uses the gradle-git plugin. To enable the plugin see the Building section. You can release a new version of this project using following sample commands:

  • to release a new patch release: ./gradlew release -Prelease.scope=patch -Prelease.stage=final
  • to release a new minor release candidate: ./gradlew release -Prelease.scope=minor -Prelease.stage=rc

Note that your Git repository must be clean to run any stage except for default dev.