This is the simplest Instacli file:
Print: Hello world
Instacli files are a list of commands. In this case the file contains a single Print
command. By convention,
commands start with a capital letter.
If we store it in a file hello-world.cli
, we can run it with the following command:
cli hello-world.cli
And get the expected output:
Hello world
Instacli files are just Yaml.
Instacli files have .cli
file extension. Within Instacli, the convention is that .yaml
files are for static data and
files are Instacli scripts that contain commands. Tip: Map your editor to recognize .cli
as .yaml
Instacli files being Yaml has its pros and cons.
The main idea is to blur the line between 'code' and 'data'. By having the 'data' closer to 'code' it makes it easier to adopt a declarative style: saying what you want to happen rather than how you want it to be carried out. In this style, you would have a higher 'data content' than 'logic content' in your scripts. Ideally, more than 50% of the script is 'data', and the 'logic' is a smaller part. Then Yaml starts making sense as a format.
By convention, commands start with a capital letter, for example Print
or Read file
, to distinguish them from data.
Another advantage of Instacli syntax being YAML is predictability: if you have worked with Yaml before you know its structure and pitfalls already, and you get editor support out-of-the-box. It's also way easier for the implementation to parse it than a custom format.
Instacli does add some additional formatting on top of Yaml, for example the variable syntax ${..}
Instacli's Yaml flavor does not rely on special Yaml features like directives. It is used as a human-friendly way of writing JSON.
You can have multiple commands in a file, and they will be executed in order:
Prompt: What is your name?
Print: Hello ${output}!
When storing this in a file prompt.cli
and running it with the following command,
cli prompt.cli
you would get the following:
? What is your name? Hes
Hello Hes!
The commands in a file are just dictionary keys. We run into trouble if we want to use the same key again.
For example, this won't work because it's invalid Yaml:
Print: Hello
Print: Hello again! # Invalid YAML!
The solution is to add the YAML document separator ---
Print: Hello
Print: Hello again!
It's not very pretty, but it works. This is the best option in most cases.
There are some ways to avoid the ---
separator, though.
With most commands you can simply supply the arguments as a list, and they will be executed in sequence:
- Hello
- Hello again!
Another approach is using the Do
command, that takes a list of command
- Print: Hello
- Print: Hello again!
You could argue that an Instacli script should have a giant Do
on top, and all commands should be specified in the
list. That's perfectly fine code, but to me it looks distracting, so I prefer the separator approach. Besides, the
separator helps you to visually divide sections in your code if placed strategically.
You can specify the description of your script with the Script info command.
Take this file simple-greeting.cli
Script info: Prints a simple greeting
Print: Hi there!
When running it with the --help
flag, the description is printed:
cli --help simple-greeting.cli
Prints a simple greeting
Script info is also used to specify input parameters. Here's greet.cli
Script info:
description: Prints a personalized greeting
name: Your name
Print: Hello ${}!
It has input parameter name
cli --help greeting.cli
Prints a personalized greeting
--name Your name
And you can invoke it as follows.
cli greeting.cli --name Bob
Hello Bob!
For more information, refer to the Script info command.
You can set the output of the script with the Output command.
For example, with script hello.cli
a: one
b: two
c: three
The output is stored in the ${output}
variable. When invoking instacli with the
--output option, it will be printed:
cli --output hello.cli
a: one
b: two
c: three
You also get it when calling a script from another script:
Run script:
resource: hello.cli
Expected output:
a: one
b: two
c: three