- Noisy speech (audio file)
Audio from creative commons youtube videos
(Original video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsjB1xTwZ20&t=536s)
- Music (audio file)
DSD100 dataset
049 - Young Griffo - Facade.wav
Separated voice (audio file)
Automatically downloads the onnx and prototxt files on the first run. It is necessary to be connected to the Internet while downloading.
For the sample audio file,
$ python3 unet_source_separation.py
If you want to specify the input audio file, put the input path after the --input option. You can use --savepath option to change the name of the output file to save.
$ python3 unet_source_separation.py --input WAV_PATH --savepath SAVE_WAV_PATH
You can select a pretrained model by specifying --arch base (default) or --arch large.
is a model for general voice separation task, and large
is a model for singing voice separation task.
$ python3 unet_source_separation.py --input WAV_PATH --savepath SAVE_WAV_PATH --arch base
Singing Voice Separation Samples
PyTorch 1.6.0
ONNX opset = 11
- General voice separation
- Singing voice separation