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255 lines (247 loc) · 6.21 KB

File metadata and controls

255 lines (247 loc) · 6.21 KB


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include<conio.h> int option = 0; int i = 0; int n = 0; int j = 0; float present = 80.00; char money = 'P'; float totaldays = 1; struct studentInfo { char name[20]; int rno; char fees; float days; float attend; } s[50]; void add(struct studentInfo s[]); void login(); void eligibleStudents(struct studentInfo s[]); void execution(); void printStudents(struct studentInfo s[]); void deleterecord(struct studentInfo s[]); void login() { int a=0,i=0; char uname[10],c=' '; char pword[10],code[10]; char user[10]; char pass[10]; do {

printf("\n ========================================= LOGIN FORM ==========================================\n "); printf(" \n ENTER USERNAME:-"); scanf("%s", &uname); printf(" \n ENTER PASSWORD:-"); while(i<10) { pword[i]=getch(); c=pword[i]; if(c==13) break; else printf("*"); i++; } pword[i]='\0'; i=0; if(strcmp(uname,"admin")==0 && strcmp(pword,"pass")==0) { printf(" \n\n\n WELCOME TO OUR STUDENT DATABASE & EXAMINATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM !! YOUR LOGIN IS SUCCESSFUL"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; } else { printf("\n SORRY !!!! LOGIN IS UNSUCESSFUL"); a++; getch(); system("cls"); } } while(a<=2); if (a>2) { printf("\nSorry you have entered the wrong username and password for four times!!!"); getch(); } system("cls"); } void execution() {

printf("\n"); printf(" Enter the number to select the option \n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" 1.Eligible candidates \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" 2.Delete the student record \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" 3.Change the eligibility criteria \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" 4.Reset the eligibility criteria \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" 5.Print the list of all the student \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" ->Enter 0 to exit \n"); scanf("%d", &option); printf("\n"); switch (option) { case 1: eligibleStudents(s); execution(); break; case 2: deleterecord(s); execution(); break; case 3: printf("Old Attendance required = %f",present); printf("\n"); printf("\n Enter the updated attendance required \n"); printf("\n"); scanf("%f", &present); printf("Eligibility Criteria updated \n"); printf("\n"); execution(); break; case 4: present = 80.00; money = 'P'; printf("Eligibility criteria reset \n"); execution(); break;

case 5:

case 6:

case 0:

	printf("Enter number only from 0-4 \n");

} void printStudents(struct studentInfo s[]) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(s[i].rno != 0){ printf("Name of student %s \n",s[i].name); printf("\n"); printf("Student roll number = %d \n",s[i].rno); printf("\n"); printf("Student fees status = %c \n",s[i].fees); printf("\n"); printf("Student number of days present = %f \n",s[i].days); printf("\n"); printf("Student attendance = %f%%\n",s[i].attend); printf("\n");} else{ printf("No student record is present right now.\n"); break; } } } void deleterecord(struct studentInfo s[]) { int a = 0; printf("Enter the roll number of the student to delete it "); scanf("%d", &a); for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if (s[i].rno == (a)) { for (j = i; j < n; j++) { strcpy(s[j].name, s[j + 1].name); s[j].rno = s[j + 1].rno; s[j].fees = s[j + 1].fees; s[j].days = s[j + 1].days; s[j].attend = s[j + 1].attend; } printf(" Student Record deleted"); printf("\n"); } } } void eligibleStudents(struct studentInfo s[]) { printf("____________________________________________________________ \n"); printf(" Qualified student are = \n");

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	if (s[i].fees == money || 'B' == money) {
		if (s[i].attend >= present) {

printf("Student name = %s \n",s[i].name); printf("\n"); printf("Student roll no. = %d \n",s[i].rno); printf("\n"); printf("Student fees = %c \n",s[i].fees); printf("\n"); printf("Student attendance = %f%% \n",s[i].attend); printf("\n"); } else{ printf("No students are eligible to give examination by the criteria.\n"); } } } } void add(struct studentInfo s[50]) { printf("\n"); printf("Enter the total number of working days: \n"); scanf("%f", &totaldays); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the number of students: \n"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf(" Student number- %d \n",(i + 1)); printf(" ------------------\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the name of the student: \n"); scanf("%s", s[i].name); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the roll number: \n"); scanf(" %d", &s[i].rno); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the fees of the student 'P' for paid , 'N' for not paid: \n"); scanf(" %c", &s[i].fees); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the number of days the student was present: \n"); scanf("%f", &s[i].days); printf("\n"); s[i].attend = (s[i].days/ totaldays)* 100; printf("student attendance = %f%% \n",s[i].attend); printf("\n"); } execution(); } int main() { system("COLOR 0A"); login(); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Welcome to Student database registration \n"); printf("======================================================================================================\n"); printf(" Press 0->Exit \n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Press 1->Add student record \n"); printf("======================================================================================================\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &option); switch (option) { case 0: exit(0); case 1: add(s); break; default: printf("Only enter 0 or 1"); execution(); } return 0; }