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Spatial Role Labeling

This is an example of the Spatial Role Labeling (SpRL) task.

Problem description

To showcase the effectiveness of the current framework and the components of our pipeline, we perform the spatial role labeling and spatial relation extraction task and validate on CLEF 2017 mSpRL datasets.

The task is as follow:

given an input text such as

"About 20 kids in traditional clothing and hats waiting on stairs.",

find a model that is able to extract the semantic entity types (e.g., Landmark, Trajector, and SpatialIndicator) as well as relations between them (e.g., region, direction, distance), and

generate the following output:

[About 20 kids]Trajector in tradirional clothing and hats waiting [on]SpatialIndicator [stairs]Landmark.


The example consists of several parts.

  1. Data reader SpRL/ raw data from mSpRL data set is located data. We build on the top of AllenNLP in this example. So the reader presents as a [] finally.

  2. Graph SpRL/ domain knowledge is presented as a graph. This is known as the Ontology Declaration step of the pipeline. Concepts are nodes in the graph and relations are the edges of the nodes. The graph can be compiled from OWL format. SpRL/ is the graph used in SpRL example showing concepts and relations, such as region, direction, distance), which means when there is a region relation for a triple with three arguments (landmark, trajector, spatialindicator). By the way, in terms of "spatial_relation", it is a kind of relation type to identify whether the predicated triplets belong to any relation type (region, direction, distance).

  3. Main SpRL/ the main entrance of the program, where the components are [put into one piece]. [AllenNlpGraph] is a wrapper class providing a set of helper functions to make the model run with AllenNLP and PyTorch, which connect us to GPU. Learning based program [lbp] is constructed in [model_declaration] by connecting sensors and learners to the model. This is know as the Model Declaration step of the pipeline.

  4. Solver ../../regr/solver/ it seems we missed something. Explicit inference, is not present explicitly?! They are done in AllenNlpGraph with help of a base model automatically. Cheers! We convert the inference into an integer linear programming (ILP) problem and maximize the overall confidence of the truth values of all concepts while satisfying the global constraints. We derive constraints from the input ontology. Two types of constraints are considered: the [disjoint constraints for the concepts] and [the composed-of constraints for the ralation]. By [solving the generated ILP problem], we can obtain a set of predictions that considers the structure of the data and the knowledge that is expressed in the domain ontology.

Run the example

Be sure to run anything in this instruction from current directory examples/SpRL, rather than from the project root.



Follow instructions of the project to have regr ready. Install SpaCy model: use command python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg to download SpaCy language model.


The SpRL data is located in data, and the training set is [data/sprl2017_train.xml], and the testing set is [data/sprl2017_gold.xml]. If you want to change the dataset directories, you can update [] ( to update the train and test directories.


The example can be run by using the following command:



Tensorboard style log is generated in log.<starting date and time>. To visualize the training process, use Tensorboard:

# replace log.<starting date and time> with your actural log directory
tensorboard --logdir=log.<starting date and time>

Tensorboard service will start at local port 6006 by default. Visit 'http://localhost:6006/' using a modern browser.

Some useful filters:

  • (landmark|trajector|spatialindicator|other)-F1 show F1 score on entities.
  • (region|distance|direction|spatial_relation|other)-F1 show F1 score on composed entities (relations).

Solver log can be find in the same log.<starting date and time> directory and named solver.log. It could be too large to load at once after a long-term training and testing. You can try to show the last one solution by tail:

# replace log.<starting date and time> with your actural log directory
tail -n 1000 log.<starting date and time>/solver.log

Usually last 1000 lines, with option -n 1000, is enough for one solution.


To evaluate a trained model with specific dataset,

python -m log.<starting date and time> -d <path to data corp> -b <batch size> [-M <>]

You may want to avoid using GPU because they are used by a training procees. Here is a complete example:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= python -m ./log.20190724-174229 -d ./data/sprl2017_gold.xml -b=16