jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||
- Description: A demo for using the World Wide Telescipe Jupyter app for visualizing astronomy images.
- Level: Beginner.
- Data: Chandra images of the Crab.
- Requirements:
- Credit: Tess Jaffe (Sep 2021).
- Support: Contact the HEASARC helpdesk.
- Last verified to run: 02/01/2024.
This demonstration of visualizatioin uses the PyWWT package as well as catalog access and image retrieval with PyVO.
We will first launch the app, center it on the Crab, then search for Chandra images and add them as overlay over the Hydrogen Alpha Full Sky Map.
For more about how to use the latter, see the Getting Started, Data Access and Finding and Downloading Data tutorials.
. One Sciserver, it is available in the root
conda environment . You should see (heasoft) at the top right of the notebook. If not, click there and select it.
If running outside sciserver, follow these installation instructions.
There are two ways of using the WWT App, either though the Launcher (icon in the main launcher page), or within a notebook.
If using the first case, launch the WWT App first, then connect to it from here using:
from pywwt.jupyter import connect_to_app
wwt = connect_to_app()
Here, we use the second case, where we launch the app inside the notebook.
First, import the required modules, then launch the app.
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.utils.data import download_file
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import pyvo as vo
from pywwt.jupyter import WWTJupyterWidget
# launch the app
wwt = WWTJupyterWidget()
The widget opens up with a default view. Let's set the background to Halpha emission and the field of view to center on the crab. You can do the pan and zoom with your mouse or with the command below.
wwt.background = 'Hydrogen Alpha Full Sky Map'
coords = SkyCoord.from_name('crab')
Now we're going to look for Chandra observations of the crab using a query to the HEASARC catalog service. Let's just get the top 10 deepest exposures:
# Get the TAP service from the Registry.
heasarc = vo.regsearch(servicetype='tap',keywords=['heasarc'])[0]
query=f"""SELECT top 10 *
FROM chanmaster
WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', ra, dec),CIRCLE('ICRS', {coords.ra.deg}, {coords.dec.deg}, 1))
Now that we have a list of observations, we can see what data products are available for them using the getdatalink() function look for a FITS image to display. Each observation has a list of things you can retrieve, some of which are further links to browse deeper into the HEASARC archive. This function below recurses down a given observation to find products of a given type:
def linkwalker(result, level, keyword=None, ctype=None, returnFirst=True):
result2 = result.getdatalink()
if keyword is None and ctype is None:
for i,r in enumerate(result2.to_table()):
if keyword is not None and keyword.lower() not in r['description'].lower():
if ctype is not None and ctype.lower() not in r['content_type'].lower():
print(f"Found match in level {level}")
except Exception as e:
print("Exception {}".format(e))
for link in [l for l in result2 if "datalink" in l.content_type]:
x = linkwalker(link, level+1, keyword,ctype)
if x is not None:
Not all of these observations have a FITS image available. You can browse them, or loop over them, as you wish. You'll find that the 9th row (counting from 0) has a decent looking image:
# This returns the (first) Record corresponding to the
# Center Image in FITS for the given observation:
r = linkwalker(results[9],0, keyword='Center', ctype='fits')
hdu_list = fits.open(r.getdataurl())
Let's just cut out the central region:
w = WCS(hdu_list[0].header, hdu_list)
cutout = Cutout2D(hdu_list[0].data, coords, (2*u.arcmin,2*u.arcmin), wcs=w)
So now let's add it to the viewing widget on top of the background Halpha emission:
layer2 = wwt.layers.add_image_layer(image=(np.ascontiguousarray(cutout.data),cutout.wcs))
layer2.opacity = 0.5