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RXTE Spectral Extraction Example

  • Description: Finding standard spectral products from RXTE.
  • Level: Intermediate.
  • Data: RXTE observations of eta car taken over 16 years.
  • Requirements: pyvo, matplotlib, pyxspec
  • Credit: Tess Jaffe (Sep 2021).
  • Support: Contact the HEASARC helpdesk.
  • Last verified to run: 01/26/2024.

1. Introduction

This notebook demonstrates an analysis of 16 years of RXTE spectra of Eta Car.

The RXTE archive contain standard data product that can be used without re-processing the data. These are described in details in the RXTE ABC guide.

We first find all of the standard spectra, then use pyxspec to do some basic analysis.

Running On Sciserver:
When running this notebook inside Sciserver, make sure the HEASARC data drive is mounted when initializing the Sciserver compute container. See details here.

Running Outside Sciserver:
If running outside Sciserver, some changes will be needed, including:
• Make sure pyxspec and heasoft are installed (Download and Install heasoft).
• Unlike on Sciserver, where the data is available locally, you will need to download the data to your machine.

2. Module Imports

We need the following python modules:

import os
import pyvo as vo
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import xspec

3. Find the Data

To find the relevent data, we can use Xamin, the HEASARC web portal, or the Virtual Observatory (VO) python client pyvo. Here, we use the latter so it is all in one notebook.

You can also see the Getting Started, Data Access and Finding and Downloading Data tutorials for examples using pyVO to find the data.

Specifically, we want to look at the observation tables. So first we get a list of all the tables HEASARC serves and then look for the ones related to RXTE:

#  First query the Registry to get the HEASARC TAP service.
#  Then query that service for the names of the tables it serves.

for tablename in heasarc_tables.keys():
    if "xte" in tablename:  
        print(" {:20s} {}".format(tablename,heasarc_tables[tablename].description))

Query the xtemaster catalog for observations of Eta Car

# Get the coordinate for Eta Car
pos = SkyCoord.from_name("eta car")

query = """SELECT target_name, cycle, prnb, obsid, time, exposure, ra, dec 
    FROM public.xtemaster as cat 
    cat.exposure > 0 order by cat.time
    """.format(pos.ra.deg, pos.dec.deg)
results = tap_services[0].search(query).to_table()
# Keep the unique combination of these columns
ids = np.unique( results['cycle','prnb','obsid'])

At this point, you need to construct a file list. There are a number of ways to do this, but this one is just using our knowledge of how the RXTE archive is structured.

## Construct a file list.
rxtedata = "/FTP/rxte/data/archive"
filenames = []
for id in tqdm(ids):
    fname = "{}/AO{}/P{}/{}/stdprod/xp{}_s2.pha.gz".format(
    # keep only files that exist in the archive
    if os.path.exists(fname):
print(f"Found {len(filenames)} out of {len(ids)} files")

Now we have to use PyXspec to convert the spectra into physical units. The spectra are read into a list spectra that contain enery values, their error (from the bin size), the counts (counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$) and their uncertainities. Then we use Matplotlib to plot them, since the Xspec plotter is not available here.

The background and response files are set in the header of each spectral file. So before reading a spectrum, we change directory to the location of the file so those files can be read correctly, then move back to the working directory.

We also set the chatter paramter to 0 to reduce the printed text given the large number of files we are reading.

xspec.Xset.chatter = 0

# other xspec settings
xspec.Plot.area = True
xspec.Plot.xAxis = "keV"
xspec.Plot.background = True

# save current working location
cwd = os.getcwd()

# number of spectra to read. We limit it to 500. Change as desired.
nspec = 500

# The spectra will be saved in a list
spectra = []
for file in tqdm(filenames[:nspec]):
    # clear out any previously loaded dataset
    # move to the folder containing the spectrum before loading it
    spec = xspec.Spectrum(file)

    spectra.append([xspec.Plot.x(), xspec.Plot.xErr(),
                    xspec.Plot.y(), xspec.Plot.yErr()])
# Now we plot the spectra

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
for x,xerr,y,yerr in spectra:
    plt.loglog(x, y, linewidth=0.2)
plt.xlabel('Energy (keV)')
plt.ylabel(r'counts cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$')

You can at this stage start adding spectral models using pyxspec, or model the spectra in others ways that may include Machine Learning modeling similar to the Machine Learning Demo

If you prefer to use the Xspec built-in functionality, you can do so by plotting to a file (e.g. GIF as we show below).

xspec.Plot.xLog = True
xspec.Plot.yLog = True
xspec.Plot.background = False
from IPython.display import Image
with open('spectrum.gif','rb') as f:
    display(Image(, format='gif',width=500))