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RXTE Lightcurve Exctraction On Sciserver with Parallelization

  • Description: Finding data and extracting light curves from RXTE data, with an example of running tasks in parallel.
  • Level: Advanced.
  • Data: RXTE observations of eta car taken over 16 years.
  • Requirements: heasoftpy, pyvo, matplotlib, tqdm
  • Credit: Tess Jaffe (Sep 2021). Parallelization by Abdu Zoghbi (Jan 2024)
  • Support: Contact the HEASARC helpdesk.
  • Last verified to run: 02/28/2024.

1. Introduction

This notebook demonstrates an analysis of 16 years of RXTE data, which would be difficult outside of SciServer.

The RXTE archive contain standard data product that can be used without re-processing the data. These are described in details in the RXTE ABC guide.

We first find all of the standard product light curves. Then, realizing that the channel boundaries in the standard data products do not address our science question, we re-extract light curves following the RXTE documentation and using heasoftpy.

As we will see, a single run on one observations takes about 20 seconds, which means that extracting all observations takes about a week. We will show an example of how this can be overcome by parallizing the analysis, reducing the run time from weeks to a few hours.

Running On Sciserver:
When running this notebook inside Sciserver, make sure the HEASARC data drive is mounted when initializing the Sciserver compute container. See details here.
Also, this notebook requires heasoftpy, which is available in the (heasoft) conda environment. You should see (heasoft) at the top right of the notebook. If not, click there and select it.

Running Outside Sciserver:
If running outside Sciserver, some changes will be needed, including:
• Make sure heasoftpy and heasoft are installed (Download and Install heasoft).
• Unlike on Sciserver, where the data is available locally, you will need to download the data to your machine.

2. Module Imports

We need the following python modules:

import sys, os, shutil
import glob
import pyvo as vo
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime

# tqdm is needed to show progress
from tqdm import tqdm

import heasoftpy as hsp

# for prallelization
import multiprocessing as mp

3. Find the Data

To find the relevent data, we can use Xamin, the HEASARC web portal, or the Virtual Observatory (VO) python client pyvo. Here, we use the latter so it is all in one notebook.

You can also see the Getting Started, Data Access and Finding and Downloading Data tutorials for examples using pyVO to find the data.

Specifically, we want to look at the observation tables. So first we get a list of all the tables HEASARC serves and then look for the ones related to RXTE:

tap_services = vo.regsearch(servicetype='tap', keywords=['heasarc'])
heasarc_tables = tap_services[0].service.tables
for tablename in heasarc_tables.keys():
    if "xte" in tablename:  
        print(" {:20s} {}".format(tablename,heasarc_tables[tablename].description))

The xtemaster catalog is the one that we are interested in.

Let's see what this table has in it. Alternatively, we can google it and find the same information here:

for c in heasarc_tables['xtemaster'].columns:
    print("{:20s} {}".format(,c.description))

We're interested in Eta Carinae, and we want to get the RXTE cycle, proposal, and obsid. for every observation it took of this source based on its position. We use the source positoin instead of the name in case the name has been entered differently in the table, which can happen.

We construct a query in the ADQL language to select the columns (target_name, cycle, prnb, obsid, time, exposure, ra and dec) where the point defined by the observation's RA and DEC lies inside a circle defined by our chosen source position.

For more example on how to use these powerful VO services, see the Data Access and Finding and Downloading Data tutorials, or the NAVO workshop tutorials.

# Get the coordinate for Eta Car
pos = SkyCoord.from_name("eta car")
query="""SELECT target_name, cycle, prnb, obsid, time, exposure, ra, dec 
    FROM public.xtemaster as cat 
    cat.exposure > 0 order by cat.time
    """.format(pos.ra.deg, pos.dec.deg)

Let's just see how long these observations are:

plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Exposure (s)')

4. Read the Standard Products and Plot the Light Curve

Let's collect all the standard product light curves for RXTE. (These are described on the RXTE analysis pages.)

## Need cycle number as well, since after AO9, 
##  no longer 1st digit of proposal number
ids = np.unique( results['cycle','prnb','obsid','time'])
## Construct a file list.
rxtedata = "/FTP/rxte/data/archive"
filenames = []
for (k,val) in enumerate(tqdm(ids['obsid'], total=len(ids))):
    fname = "{}/AO{}/P{}/{}/stdprod/xp{}".format(
    # keep only files that exist
    if os.path.exists(fname):
print("Found {} out of {} files".format(len(filenames), len(ids)))

Let's collect them all into one light curve:

lcurves = []
for file in tqdm(filenames):
    with as hdul:
        data = hdul[1].data
    plt.plot(data['TIME'], data['RATE'])
# combine the ligh curves into one
lcurve = np.hstack(lcurves)

# The above LCs are merged per proposal.  You can see that some proposals
# had data added later, after other proposals, so you need to sort:

# plot the light curve
plt.plot(lcurve['TIME'], lcurve['RATE'])

4. Re-extract the Light Curve

Let's say we find that we need different channel boundaries than were used in the standard products. We can write a function that does the RXTE data analysis steps for every observation to extract a lightcurve and read it into memory to recreate the above dataset. This function may look complicated, but it only calls three RXTE executables:

  • pcaprepobsid
  • maketime
  • pcaextlc2

which extracts the Standard mode 2 data (not to be confused with the "standard products") for the channels we are interested in. It has a bit of error checking that'll help when launching a long job.

class XlcError(Exception):

#  Define a function that, given an ObsID, does the rxte light curve extraction
def rxte_lc(obsid=None, ao=None , chmin=None, chmax=None, cleanup=True):
    rxtedata = "/FTP/rxte/data/archive"
    obsdir = "{}/AO{}/P{}/{}/".format(
    outdir = f"tmp.{obsid}"
    if (not os.path.isdir(outdir)):

    if cleanup and os.path.isdir(outdir):
        shutil.rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True)

    result = hsp.pcaprepobsid(indir=obsdir, outdir=outdir)
    if result.returncode != 0:
        raise XlcError(f"pcaprepobsid returned status {result.returncode}.\n{result.stdout}")

    # Recommended filter from RTE Cookbook pages:
    filt_expr = "(ELV > 4) && (OFFSET < 0.1) && (NUM_PCU_ON > 0) && .NOT. ISNULL(ELV) && (NUM_PCU_ON < 6)"
        filt_file = glob.glob(outdir+"/FP_*.xfl")[0]
        raise XlcError("pcaprepobsid doesn't seem to have made a filter file!")

    result = hsp.maketime(
        expr=filt_expr, name='NAME', 
    if result.returncode != 0:
        raise XlcError(f"maketime returned status {result.returncode}.\n{result.stdout}")
    # Running pcaextlc2
    result = hsp.pcaextlc2(
        pculist='ALL', layerlist='ALL', binsz=16

    if result.returncode != 0:
        raise XlcError(f"pcaextlc2 returned status {result.returncode}.\n{result.stdout}")

    with,'')) as hdul:
        lc = hdul[1].data
    if cleanup:
    return lc

Note that each call to this function will take 10-20 seconds to complete. Extracting all the observations will take a while, so we limit this run for 10 observations. We will look into running this in parallel in the next step.

Our new light curves will be for channels 5-10

# For this tutorial, we limit the number of observations to 10
nlimit = 10
lcurves = []
for (k,val) in tqdm(enumerate(ids[:nlimit])):
    lc = rxte_lc(obsid=val['obsid'], ao=val['cycle'], chmin="5", chmax="10", cleanup=True)
lcurve = np.hstack(lcurves)

5. Running the Extraction in Parallel.

As noted, extracting the light curves for all observations will take a while if run in serial. We will look next into parallizing the rxte_lc calls. We will use the multiprocessing python module.

We do this by first creating a wrapper around rxte_lc that does a few things:

  • Use local_pfiles_context in heasoftpy to properly handle parameter files used by the heasoft tasks. This step is required to prevent parallel calls to rxte_lc from reading or writing to the same parameter files that ca lead to calls with the wrong parameters.
  • Convert rxte_lc from multi-parameter method to a single one, so multiprocessing can handle it.
  • Catch all errors in the rxte_lc call.

We will use all CPUs available in the machine. This can be changing the value of ncpu.

def rxte_lc_wrapper(pars):
    """A wrapper around rxte_lc so it can be called in parallel

    pars: (obsid, ao, chmin, chmax, cleanup)
    obsid, ao, chmin, chmax, cleanup = pars
    # the following is needed so the parameter files
    # in parallel calls do not read or write the same file
    with hsp.utils.local_pfiles_context():
            lc = rxte_lc(obsid, ao, chmin, chmax, cleanup)
        except XlcError:
            lc = None
    return lc

Before running the function in parallel, we construct a list pars that holds the parameters that will be passed to rxte_lc_wrapper (and hence rxte_lc).

nlimit is now increased to 64. When you run this in full, change the limit to the number of observations
nlimit = 64
ncpu = mp.cpu_count()
pars = []
for (k,val) in enumerate(ids[:nlimit]):
    pars.append([val['obsid'], val['cycle'], "5", "10", True])

with mp.Pool(processes=ncpu) as pool:
    lcs =, pars)
# combine the ligh curves into one
lcurve = np.hstack(lcs)

# The above LCs are merged per proposal.  You can see that some proposals
# had data added later, after other proposals, so you need to sort:

# plot the light curve
plt.plot(lcurve['TIME'], lcurve['RATE'])
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Rate ($s^{-1}$)')

With the parallelization, we can do more observations at a fraction of the time.

If you want run this notebook on all observations, you can comment out the two cell that runs in serial (the cell below where rxte_lc is defined), and submit this notebook in the batch queue on Sciserver.