This is a complete list of all supported functions which can be use with the Doctrine Query Language (DQL).
For more information about how to setup and use these functions, refer to the DQL Functions documentation of this library.
- PostgreSQL PostGIS Geometry/Geography/Box Types
- Geometry Constructors
- Geometry Accessors
- Geometry Editors
- Geometry Outputs
- Spatial Relationships and Measurements
- Geometry Processing
- Miscellaneous Functions
- ST_Box2dFromGeoHash
- ST_GeogFromText
- ST_GeographyFromText
- ST_GeogFromWKB
- ST_GeomCollFromText
- ST_GeomFromEWKB
- ST_GeomFromEWKT
- ST_GeomFromGeoHash
- ST_GeomFromGML
- ST_GeomFromGeoJSON
- ST_GeomFromKML
- ST_GeomFromText
- ST_GeometryFromText
- ST_GeomFromWKB
- ST_LineFromMultiPoint
- ST_LineFromText
- ST_LineFromWKB
- ST_LinestringFromWKB
- ST_MakeBox2D
- ST_3DMakeBox
- ST_MakeLine
- ST_MakeEnvelope
- ST_MakePolygon
- ST_MakePoint
- ST_MakePointM
- ST_MLineFromText
- ST_MPointFromText
- ST_MPolyFromText
- ST_Point
- ST_PointFromGeoHash
- ST_PointFromText
- ST_PointFromWKB
- ST_Polygon
- ST_PolygonFromText
- GeometryType
- ST_Boundary
- ST_CoordDim
- ST_Dimension
- ST_EndPoint
- ST_Envelope
- ST_ExteriorRing
- ST_GeometryN
- ST_GeometryType
- ST_InteriorRingN
- ST_IsClosed
- ST_IsCollection
- ST_IsEmpty
- ST_IsRing
- ST_IsSimple
- ST_IsValid
- ST_IsValidReason
- ST_IsValidDetail
- ST_M
- ST_NDims
- ST_NPoints
- ST_NRings
- ST_NumGeometries
- ST_NumInteriorRings
- ST_NumInteriorRing
- ST_NumPatches
- ST_NumPoints
- ST_PatchN
- ST_PointN
- ST_StartPoint
- ST_Summary
- ST_X
- ST_XMax
- ST_XMin
- ST_Y
- ST_YMax
- ST_YMin
- ST_Z
- ST_ZMax
- ST_Zmflag
- ST_ZMin
- ST_AsBinary
- ST_GeoHash
- ST_AsLatLonText
- ST_AsText
- ST_3DClosestPoint
- ST_3DDistance
- ST_3DDWithin
- ST_3DDFullyWithin
- ST_3DIntersects
- ST_3DLongestLine
- ST_3DMaxDistance
- ST_3DShortestLine
- ST_Area
- ST_Azimuth
- ST_Centroid
- ST_ClosestPoint
- ST_Contains
- ST_ContainsProperly
- ST_Covers
- ST_CoveredBy
- ST_Crosses
- ST_LineCrossingDirection
- ST_Disjoint
- ST_Distance
- ST_HausdorffDistance
- ST_MaxDistance
- ST_DistanceSphere
- ST_DistanceSpheroid
- ST_DFullyWithin
- ST_DWithin
- ST_Equals
- ST_HasArc
- ST_Intersects
- ST_Length
- ST_3DLength
- ST_LengthSpheroid
- ST_LongestLine
- ST_OrderingEquals
- ST_Overlaps
- ST_Perimeter
- ST_PointOnSurface
- ST_Project
- ST_Relate
- ST_ShortestLine
- ST_Touches
- ST_Within