Async + no_std
+ no-alloc implementation of an mDNS responder.
The implementation is based on the splendid domain library.
For other protocols, look at the edge-net aggregator crate documentation.
use core::net::Ipv4Addr;
use edge_mdns::io::{self, MdnsIoError, MdnsRunBuffers, DEFAULT_SOCKET};
use edge_mdns::Host;
use edge_nal::{Multicast, UdpBind, UdpSplit};
use log::*;
// Change this to the IP address of the machine where you'll run this example
const OUR_IP: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1);
const OUR_NAME: &str = "mypc";
fn main() {
env_logger::Env::default().filter_or(env_logger::DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "info"),
let stack = edge_nal_std::Stack::new();
let mut buffers = MdnsRunBuffers::new();
&mut buffers,
async fn run<T>(
stack: &T,
buffers: &mut MdnsRunBuffers,
our_name: &str,
our_ip: Ipv4Addr,
) -> Result<(), MdnsIoError<T::Error>>
T: UdpBind,
for<'a> <T as UdpBind>::Socket<'a>: Multicast<Error = T::Error> + UdpSplit<Error = T::Error>,
info!("About to run an mDNS responder for our PC. It will be addressable using {our_name}.local, so try to `ping {our_name}.local`.");
let host = Host {
id: 0,
hostname: our_name,
ip: our_ip.octets(),
ipv6: None,
io::run(&host, Some(0), [], stack, DEFAULT_SOCKET, buffers).await