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Tool Required Version Installation
python >= 3.9 MacWindowsLinux
gcloud CLI Latest
terraform >= v1.3.7
solutions-builder == v1.18.1
skaffold >= v2.4.0
kustomize >= v5.0.0

Installing on Windows

We recommend you use WSL with Ubuntu for the initial steps, up to the point where you have a jump host. After that you should complete the install from the jump host.

Troubleshooting Awareness

Please be aware of our troubleshooting resources as they detail solutions to common issues found during the deployment process.


Set up the GCP Project

We recommend starting from a brand new GCP project. Create a new GCP project at

Install gcloud

Install the gcloud command line tool, if it is not already present in your dev environment.

Enable Cloud Identity Platform

Follow the steps below to enable Cloud Identity Platform and add Email/Password provider: (For Authentication)

Check Org policies (Optional)

Make sure that policies are not enforced (enforce: false or NOT_FOUND). You must be an organization policy administrator to set a constraint.

export ORGANIZATION_ID="$(gcloud projects get-ancestors $PROJECT_ID | grep organization | cut -f1 -d' ')"
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete constraints/compute.requireShieldedVm --organization=$ORGANIZATION_ID
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete constraints/compute.requireOsLogin --organization=$ORGANIZATION_ID
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete constraints/compute.vmExternalIpAccess --organization=$ORGANIZATION_ID
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete constraints/iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains --organization=$ORGANIZATION_ID

Clone repo

You should start with a clean copy of the repository. Clone this repo to your local machine to start. Optionally, you can use Cloud Shell. Run the rest of the commands inside the repo folder.

git clone
cd core-solution-services

Checkout the release tag for the desired release.

git checkout v0.3.2

Verify your Python version and create a virtual env

Make sure you have Python version 3.9 or greater.

python3 --version

Create a virtual environment and activate it.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install Solutions Builder package

Make sure to not install the default sb 2.x.x version, as its not backwards compatible.

pip install -U "solutions-builder==1.18.1"

# Verify Solution Builder CLI tool with version == v1.18.1
sb version

Set up gcloud CLI

export PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id>
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth configure-docker

Update Project ID

Run this command to update the project id in config files of your local repo.

sb set project-id ${PROJECT_ID}

Set up a Jump Host

If you choose to run this setup in your local machine, you can skip this section. However, we recommend using a jump host to ensure a consistent install environment.

During the install process we create an environment variable profile in /etc/profile.d/ This file captures the environment variables used for configuration of the microservices, and since it is sourced any time a user logs in, ensures all variables will be set correctly during a deploy. If you are not using a jump host we still recommend that you create this file.

Run the following to create a Compute Engine VM as the jump host.

sb infra apply 0-jumphost
  • Please note it may take 5-10 minutes to install dependencies in the VM.

Log into the jump host:

export JUMP_HOST_ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances list --filter="name=(jump-host)" --format="value(zone)")
echo Jump host zone is ${JUMP_HOST_ZONE}
gcloud compute ssh jump-host --zone=${JUMP_HOST_ZONE} --tunnel-through-iap --project=${PROJECT_ID}

Check the status of the jump host setup:

ls -la /tmp/jumphost_ready
  • If the file jumphost_ready exists, it means the jumphost is ready to deploy the rest of the resources. If not, please wait for a few minutes.

Authenticate to GCP in the jumphost:

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth configure-docker

Configure repository in Jumphost

Check out the code:

git clone

Checkout the release tag for the desired release.

cd core-solution-services
git checkout v0.3.2

Configure the repository:

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get project)

# Update project_id values in the source repo
sb set project-id ${PROJECT_ID}

Run the rest of the deployment steps from within this jumphost.

Create the Cloud infra

  • Perform this additional repo config step, to update domain name (for HTTPS load balancer and ingress):
export DOMAIN_NAME=<your-domain-name> # e.g.
export API_BASE_URL=https://${DOMAIN_NAME}
sb vars set domain_name ${DOMAIN_NAME}
  • On the jump host, run this command to ensure that these env vars are always set upon login:
sudo bash -c "cat << EOF >> /etc/profile.d/
export API_BASE_URL=https://${DOMAIN_NAME}
  • Apply bootstrap terraform:
sb infra apply 1-bootstrap
  • Apply foundations terraform. Note in the following step there is a known issue with firebase setup: Error 409: Database already exists. If this error occurs, consult the Troubleshooting section to apply the fix, then re-run the 2-foundation step.
sb infra apply 2-foundation
  • Proceed with the GKE and ingress install:
sb infra apply 3-gke
sb infra apply 3-gke-ingress
  • On the jump host, run this to update the env vars profile:
export REGION=$(gcloud container clusters list --filter=main-cluster --format="value(location)")
sudo bash -c "echo 'export REGION=$REGION' >> /etc/profile.d/"
  • (Optional) Add an A record to your DNS: Alt text

    • Set the IP address in the A record to the external IP address in the ingress.
  • Apply infra/terraform for LLM service:

    • This will create a $PROJECT_ID-llm-docs bucket and upload the sample doc llm-sample-doc.pdf to it.
    • It will add required Firestore indexes.
sb infra apply 4-llm

Before Deploy

  1. Set up kubectl to connect to the provisioned GKE cluster
export REGION=$(gcloud container clusters list --filter=main-cluster --format="value(location)")
gcloud container clusters get-credentials main-cluster --region ${REGION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
kubectl get nodes
  1. Follow README files for the microservices below to complete set up:
  • LLM Service: components/llm_service/ (Only Setup section)
    • We recommend deploying AlloyDB and PG Vector as a vector store. See the section on AlloyDB in the LLM Service README
  • Tools Service: If you are using the Tool Service (for GenAI agents that use Tools) follow the instructions in the README
  1. Build webscraper container Perform a one-time build of the webscraper utility container. Run this command at the top level repo directory.
skaffold build -m webscraper

Deploy Backend Microservices

Note that when you deploy the ingress below you may need to wait some time (in some cases, hours) before the https cert is active.

You must set these environment variables prior to deployment. The jump host includes a script to automatically set these variables on login: /etc/profile.d/

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get project)
export NAMESPACE=default
export PG_HOST=<the IP of your deployed Alloydb instance>
export DOMAIN_NAME=<your domain>
export API_BASE_URL=https://${DOMAIN_NAME}
export APP_BASE_PATH="/streamlit"

Option 1: Deploy GENIE microservices to the GKE cluster

If you are installing GENIE you can deploy a subset of the microservices used by a default install of GENIE.

skaffold config set default-repo "${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}"
skaffold run -p default-deploy -m authentication,redis,llm_service,jobs_service,frontend_streamlit -n $NAMESPACE
  • This will run skaffold commands to deploy those microservices to the GKE cluster.

Check the status of the pods:

kubectl get pods

Deploy ingress to GKE cluster:

Note again that the ingress may take some time to be available. You can check the ingress status in the GCP console by navigating to the cluster and selecting "Gateways, Service and Ingress"

cd ingress
skaffold run -p genie-deploy -n $NAMESPACE --default-repo="${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}"

Option 2: Deploy all microservices to GKE cluster

If you wish to deploy all microservices in Core Solution Services use the following command:

skaffold run -p default-deploy -n $NAMESPACE
  • This will run skaffold commands to deploy all microservices to the GKE cluster.

Check the status of the pods:

kubectl get pods

Deploy ingress to GKE cluster:

See above comments on time needed for ingress deploy

cd ingress
skaffold run -p default-deploy -n $NAMESPACE --default-repo="${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}"

After deployment

Verify deployment

Once deployed, check out the API docs with the following links:

  • Backend API documentations:
    • https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN/authentication/api/v1/docs
    • https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN/user-management/api/v1/docs
    • https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN/jobs-service/api/v1/docs
    • https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN/llm-service/api/v1/docs

Alternatively, you can test with the IP address to verify API endpoints

BASE_IP_ADDRESS=$(gcloud compute addresses list --global --format="value(address)")
  • Open up http://$BASE_IP_ADDRESS/authentication/api/v1/docs in a web browser.

Frontend applications

React app

React is a popular frontend development framework.

The codebase includes a React app that supports Chat and Query (RAG) for end users, along with Google Identity login. See the components/frontend_react/ for instructions on bnuilding and deploying the React app.

Streamlit and Flutterflow UX

FlutterFlow is a low-code development platform that enables you to build native mobile and web applications without writing code.

Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create custom web apps. It's a popular choice for data scientists and machine learning engineers who want to quickly create interactive dashboards and visualizations

As of the 0.3.0 release the React app is the preferred UX for GENIE and we recommend you deploy and use that app.

The Flutterflow app is not currently maintained but may be useful for those that have existing apps using Flutterflow.

When running skaffold run like above, it automatically deploys the Streamlit-based frontend app altogether with all services deployment. The streamlit UX is for development purposes only.

  • Once deployed, you can verify the FlutterFlow frontend app at https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN in a web browser.
  • Once deployed, you can verify the Streamlit frontend app at https://$YOUR_DNS_DOMAIN/streamlit in a web browser.

(Optional) Deploy or run frontend apps manually

See docs/ to clone and deploy a FlutterFlow app.

See components/frontend_streamlit/ for options to run or deploy the Streamlit app.

Node-pool configuration (Optional)

This section contains instructions on how to create a node pool specifc to the LLM Service. You may need to do this if you are experiencing crashes due to the LLM Service container running out of memory (this can happen when using the DB Agent for example), or if you want to increase performance on query engine builds.

For a production deployment, we recommend configuring a separate node pool for the LLM Service.

List current node-pools

gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=main-cluster --region ${REGION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}

Update kustomize config

Append this entry to the end of components/llm_service/kustomize/base/deployment.yaml:

      nodeSelector: llm-pool

Take care with the indentation - the nodeSelector directive should be under the template: spec: and at the same level as containers: and serviceAccountName:.

Create node-pool for LLM Service (if missing or upgrading)


gcloud container node-pools create llm-pool \
  --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
  --location=${REGION} \
  --node-locations=${REGION}-a \
  --cluster=main-cluster \
  --service-account gke-sa@${PROJECT_ID} \
  --machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
  --disk-type pd-balanced \
  --disk-size 1000 \

Update LLM node pool

gcloud container node-pools update llm-pool \
  --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
  --location=${REGION} \
  --cluster=main-cluster \
  --machine-type n1-standard-8 \
  --disk-type pd-balanced \
  --disk-size 1000

Resize LLM node pool

gcloud container clusters resize main-cluster \
  --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
  --location=${REGION} \
  --node-pool llm-pool \
  --num-nodes 2


Please refer to for any Terraform errors

Firestore database already exists

│ Error: Error creating Database: googleapi: Error 409: Database already exists. Please use another database_id
│   with google_firestore_database.database,
│   on line 42, in resource "google_firestore_database" "database":
│   42: resource "google_firestore_database" "database" {


cd terraform/stages/2-foundation/
terraform import google_firestore_database.database "(default)"
cd -

Apple M1 laptop related errors

  • I use an Apple M1 Mac and got errors like below when I ran terraform init:
    │ Error: Incompatible provider version
    │ Provider v2.2.0 does not have a package available for your current platform,
    │ darwin_arm64.
    │ Provider releases are separate from Terraform CLI releases, so not all providers are available for all platforms. Other
    │ versions of this provider may have different platforms supported.
    • A: Run the following to add support of M1 chip (reference)
       brew install kreuzwerker/taps/m1-terraform-provider-helper
       m1-terraform-provider-helper activate
       m1-terraform-provider-helper install hashicorp/template -v v2.2.0

Running user-tool gives an error

user@jump-host:/home/user/core-solution-services$ PYTHONPATH=components/common/src/ python components/authentication/scripts/ create_user --base-url=$BASE_URL
API base URL: http://x.x.x.x
User email ([email protected]):
/home/user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/google/cloud/firestore_v1/ UserWarning: Detected filter using positional arguments. Prefer using the 'filter' keyword argument instead.
  return query.where(field_path, op_string, value)


pip install -r components/common/requirements.txt
pip install -r components/authentication/requirements.txt

Docker not working for current user

docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.


sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Log out and log back in again to re-evaluate group memberships

sb deploy --dev fails for Mac OS

sh: envsubst: command not found
build [frontend-flutterflow] failed: exit status 127


brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext 

502 Bad Gateway Error when using LLM Service

If you have an existing Genie installation where the response takes a while and returns an 502 error, it could be because the backend LLM service is using the default timeout of 30 sec. The solution is to redeploy the LLM service manually because skaffold run does not automatically apply the backendconfig changes.


cd components/llm_service/kustomize/base
kubectl delete service llm-service
kubectl apply -f backend_config.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
cd -