This is a terraform script to provision the GCE infrastructure in which Anthos clusters on bare metal (ABM) will be installed. The cluster installation is done using
scripts. This does NOT use thegoogle_gkeonprem_*
terraform resources of the
Read the dosclaimer on top of this README before you continue.
This repository shows you how to use Terraform to try Anthos clusters on bare
metal in High Availability (HA) mode using Virtual Machines (VMs) running on
Compute Engine. For information about how to use the gcloud
command-line tool
to try this, see Try Anthos clusters on bare metal on Compute Engine VMs.
A workstation with access to internet (i.e. Google Cloud APIs) with the following installed
- Git
- Google Cloud SDK
- Terraform (>= v0.15.5, < v1.4)
A Google Cloud Project (in which the resources for the setup will be provisioned)
A Service Account in the project that satisfies one of the following requirements and its key file downloaded to the workstation:
- The Service Account has
permissions - The Service Account has both
andProject IAM Admin
- The Service Account has
The Quick starter guide sets up the following infrastructure in Google Cloud using Compute Engine VMs. The diagram assumes that the none of the default values for the variables were changed other than the ones mentioned in the quick starter.
Terraform Module Information (includes variables definitions)
- The terraform script sets up the GCE VM environment. The output of the script prints out the commands to follow to install Anthos on bare metal in the provisioned GCE VMs.
- The terraform script sets up the GCE VM environment and also triggers the Anthos on bare metal installation on the provisioned GCE VMs. The output of the script prints out the commands to SSH into the admin workstation VM and monitor the Anthos on bare metal installation process.
- The terraform script sets up the GCE environment and triggers the
Anthos on bare metal installation similar to the
all-in-one install. However, in this mode
Anthos on bare metal is installed with a
Manual Loadbalancer
instead of the defaultBundled LB
. We use Google Cloud Loadbalancer as the manual loadbalancer for the Anthos on bare metal cluster. The output of the script prints out the same instructions as the all-in-one install; additionally it also prints out the Public IP addresses of the loadbalancers.
- The terraform script sets up the GCE environment and triggers the
Anthos on bare metal installation similar to the
all-in-one install. However, in this mode
Anthos on bare metal is installed with a
- An optional NFS server is provisioned in conjunction with any of the install methods above to provide shared storage to the Anthos on bare metal cluster.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
abm_cluster_id | Unique id to represent the Anthos Cluster to be created | string |
"cluster1" |
no |
abm_version | Version of Anthos Bare Metal | string |
"1.14.1" |
no |
anthos_service_account_name | Name given to the Service account that will be used by the Anthos cluster components | string |
"baremetal-gcr" |
no |
as_sub_module | This script is being run as a sub module; thus output extra variables | bool |
false |
no |
boot_disk_size | Size of the primary boot disk to be attached to the Compute Engine VMs in GBs | number |
200 |
no |
boot_disk_type | Type of the boot disk to be attached to the Compute Engine VMs | string |
"pd-ssd" |
no |
credentials_file | Path to the Google Cloud Service Account key file. This is the key that will be used to authenticate the provider with the Cloud APIs |
string |
n/a | yes |
enable_nested_virtualization | Enable nested virtualization on the Compute Engine VMs are to be scheduled | string |
"true" |
no |
gcp_login_accounts | GCP account email addresses that must be allowed to login to the cluster using Google Cloud Identity. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
gpu | GPU information to be attached to the provisioned GCE instances. See for supported types |
object({ type = string, count = number }) |
{ |
no |
image | The source image to use when provisioning the Compute Engine VMs. Use 'gcloud compute images list' to find a list of all available images |
string |
"ubuntu-2004-focal-v20221018" |
no |
image_family | Source image to use when provisioning the Compute Engine VMs. The source image should be one that is in the selected image_project |
string |
"ubuntu-2004-lts" |
no |
image_project | Project name of the source image to use when provisioning the Compute Engine VMs | string |
"ubuntu-os-cloud" |
no |
instance_count | Number of instances to provision per layer (Control plane and Worker nodes) of the cluster | map(any) |
{ |
no |
machine_type | Google Cloud machine type to use when provisioning the Compute Engine VMs | string |
"n1-standard-8" |
no |
min_cpu_platform | Minimum CPU architecture upon which the Compute Engine VMs are to be scheduled | string |
"Intel Haswell" |
no |
mode | Indication of the execution mode. By default the terraform execution will end after setting up the GCE VMs where the Anthos bare metal clusters can be deployed. setup: create and initialize the GCE VMs required to install Anthos bare metal. install: everything up to 'setup' mode plus automatically run Anthos bare metal installation steps as well. manuallb: similar to 'install' mode but Anthos on bare metal is installed with ManualLB mode. |
string |
"setup" |
no |
network | VPC network to which the provisioned Compute Engine VMs is to be connected to | string |
"default" |
no |
nfs_server | Provision a Google Filestore instance for NFS shared storage | bool |
false |
no |
primary_apis | List of primary Google Cloud APIs to be enabled for this deployment | list(string) |
[ |
no |
project_id | Unique identifer of the Google Cloud Project that is to be used | string |
n/a | yes |
region | Google Cloud Region in which the Compute Engine VMs should be provisioned | string |
"us-central1" |
no |
resources_path | Path to the resources folder with the template files | string |
n/a | yes |
secondary_apis | List of secondary Google Cloud APIs to be enabled for this deployment | list(string) |
[ |
no |
tags | List of tags to be associated to the provisioned Compute Engine VMs | list(string) |
[ |
no |
username | The name of the user to be created on each Compute Engine VM to execute the init script | string |
"tfadmin" |
no |
zone | Zone within the selected Google Cloud Region that is to be used | string |
"us-central1-b" |
no |
Name | Description |
abm_version | Version of Anthos Bare Metal |
admin_vm_ssh | Run the following command to provision the anthos cluster. |
admin_workstation_ip | This is the IP address of your admin workstation. You may access the Anthos on bare metal cluster by accessing this IP address. |
admin_workstation_ssh_key | This is the local file path for the SSH key of the admin workstation. You may use this to SSH into the admin workstation. |
controlplane_ip | You may access the control plane nodes of the Anthos on bare metal cluster by accessing this IP address. You need to copy the kubeconfig file for the cluster from the admin workstation to access using the kubectl CLI. |
ingress_ip | You may access the application deployed in the Anthos on bare metal cluster by accessing this IP address |
installation_check | Run the following command to check the Anthos bare metal installation status. |
- The same pre-requisites to run this sample is required for testing as well
- For improvements to this sample submit your pull requests to the
- Ensure that the improvements have unit/integration tests where appropriate
- To run the existing tests you have to set two environment variables
- Move into the test directory and recursively execute the tests
cd anthos-bm-gcp-terraform/test
go test -v -timeout 30m ./...