Releases: Gold872/elastic-dashboard
Releases · Gold872/elastic-dashboard
Elastic v2024.0.1
Elastic v2024.0.0
- Crescendo field images (image source)
- Option to change graph line width
- Option to change the time to display yellow and red in match timer
- NT connection timeout is in the correct units, disconnects will now correctly happen when the connection from network tables is lost
- Topic ID signature is ignored when receiving RTT timestamps - fixes random disconnects
- List layouts now ignore mouse button when disconnected
- Camera streams are only updated & rendered when the widget is visible
- Improved Graph time accuracy
- PID controller widget only publishes when a button is pressed - improves robot safety when enabled
- App bar title is properly centered
Full Changelog: v2024.2.0-beta...v2024.0.0
Elastic v2024.2.0-beta
- Basic application logging
- Missing widgets from Shuffleboard and SmartDashboard
- 3-Axis Accelerometer
- Accelerometer
- Encoder
- Motor Controller
- Nidec Brushless
- Profiled PID Controller
- Relay
- Ultrasonic
- Text displaying network latency
- RTT network tables protocol
- Only uses if the server is running NT4.1, still works with WPILib 2023
- Ability to automatically resize the height of the window to fit the Driver Station on screen (same thing the LabVIEW dashboard does)
- Better looking context menus
- Ability to change widget type from the context menu, even if not connected to network tables
- Option to change the default update rate and graph rate
- Option to hide metadata topics in the add widget dialog
- Ability to drag a table and auto create a list layout
- Widgets are only rebuilt if subscription values change - significantly better performance
- Widgets ignore the mouse pointer when dragging
- Prevents the tooltip from showing on dropdown choosers
- Default tabs get correctly created on initial startup
- Team number doesn't display "null" if it's not set
- Camera stream widget will no longer choose invalid stream URLs
- Camera stream no longer breaks when switching tabs
- Widgets correctly rebuild themselves when changing subscription settings
- Differential drive vector arrow now points in the correct direction at the correct location
- List layout label locations properly load on startup
- List layout widget types and NT properties can now be edited without having to restart the app (oops)
- Shuffleboard API won't add widgets if disconnected from Network Tables
- Match time widget rounds down instead of up
- NaN numbers don't crash the Field widget
- Field trajectories draw a solid line instead of multiple dots
- Drivetrain widgets are scaled to the size of the widget
- Graph widgets use NT timestamps to update data - significantly higher accuracy
- Array editing properly works in text display widgets
Internal Code Changes
- Upgraded Flutter version to 3.16.5
- NT widgets inherit an abstract class instead of using a mixin
- All widgets are built using the NTWidgetBuilder so all constructors can be defined in one spot
- Everything with NT4 related has been renamed to have NT, except for classes specific to NT4 (subscriptions and topics)
- State management has been completely rebuilt, data is no longer stored in the draggable container classes themselves
Full Changelog: v2024.1.1-beta...v2024.2.0-beta
Elastic v2024.1.1-beta
- New shortcuts system
- Ability to reorder tabs
- Ability to change position of labels in list layouts
- More options for robot IP address connection
- Shuffleboard API integration now supports the property names of Shuffleboard widgets
- Attempting to load an invalid JSON will now show an error on the screen
- Default update period for widgets has been changed 100 ms to save bandwidth (except for graphs which is still 33ms), this of course can still be changed manually
- Graph settings now update when you change them
UI Changes
- List layouts take up significantly less space
- Widgets now have a minimum size
- Match time text takes up all available space
Full Changelog: v2024.1.0-beta...v2024.1.1-beta
Elastic v2024.1.0-beta
- List Layouts
- Team 6328 Network Alerts widget
- Swerve Drive visualization widget
- New shortcuts to create & close tabs
- Temporarily removed Network Tables pinging, will be added with the release of WPILib 2024
- PhotonVision camera streams can now be added to the dashboard
- Hitting the tab button won't cause the window buttons or tab close buttons to become in focus
- The edit properties menu no longer has a hiccup when changing widget types
- Minimum window size is dynamically determined by screen resolution
- Color picker is much faster and doesn't immediately update
- The "Use Team Number for IP" IP address is now determined using the RoboRIO mDNS instead of 10.TE.AM.2
- The rename tab menu now has a 50 character limit
- shared_preferences.json is backed up on program startup, making corruption less threatening
- Dragging a camera stream widget around won't cause a "Too many simultaneous camera streams" error in robot code
- Changing tabs with the add widget dialog open won't cause the widgets to lock up
- Huge code cleanup and reorganization
UI Changes
- The handles to resize widgets are smaller, making it easier to drag and resize widgets
- Number slider has a new and improved look & feel
Full Changelog: v2024.0.3-beta...v2024.1.0-beta
Elastic v2024.0.3-beta
- Single Color View
- Multi Color View
- Differential Drive
- You can now only open 1 instance of the app at once, trying to open multiple instances will not work
- App will load even if the saved JSON has incorrect data types
- Widgets now render even if it's subscribed to a topic with an incorrect data type
- Published topics no longer get incorrectly unpublished when you remove a widget
- Field widgets now have the option to hide trajectories and other non-robot objects
- The close confirmation will appear even if the window isn't closed from clicking the close button
- Dashboard will now properly display weather or not it has disconnected from a robot
- Opening a layout with fewer tabs than the current one will not longer crash the program
UI Changes
- Command scheduler widget is more compact
- Window buttons now have a hover effect
- Close window button now turns red when you hover over it
- All toggle switches now have an outline around them
Full Changelog: v2024.0.2-beta...v2024.0.3-beta
Elastic v2024.0.2-beta
- App now focuses when opened, even from the command line
- All network and internet related functions now work on MacOS
Full Changelog: v2024.0.1-beta...v2024.0.2-beta
Elastic v2024.0.1-beta
- Number bar
- Voltage view
- Robot preferences
- Grid size customizability
- Values no longer get cleared from the screen when you disconnect from your robot
- When unsubscribing from a NT4 topic, any publishers will be unpublished, allowing topics to be properly unannounced when not in use
- Arrays can now be modified in a text display
- Combo box chooser now takes up a limited amount of space, preventing overflow into other widgets
- Split button chooser is now scrollable
- The add widget dialog no longer locks up when scrolling
- All camera streams can now be added, previously only USB camera streams would work
- The 2nd stream in a camera stream widget is now prioritized to prevent using an unusable stream when connected to a robot
- All channels, voltages, and currents are rounded to 2 decimal places in the PowerDistribution widget, prevents box sizes from jumping all over the place
UI Changes
- Add widget dialog is more compact and less spaced out
- Combo box chooser lets you scroll and search if there are a lot of options
Full Changelog: v2024.0.0-beta...v2024.0.1-beta
Elastic v2024.0.0-beta
Initial release of Elastic
- Color scheme & widget customizability
- IP retrieval from Driver Station
- Shuffleboard API Integration
Features in the Works
- List & Grid Layouts
- Drivetrain widgets
- Number bar & voltage view widgets
Full Changelog: