Price commodities not null.
Price commodities not null.
Pull request merge
FAB to add scheduled export.
FAB to add scheduled export.
Pull request merge
Default export format for double-entry.
Default export format for double-entry.
Pull request merge
Avoid null context in fragments.
Avoid null context in fragments.
Pull request merge
Don't add duplicate currencies.
Don't add duplicate currencies.
Pull request merge
Avoid "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" for price.
Avoid "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" for price.
Pull request merge
Expression error messages.
Expression error messages.
Pull request merge
Avoid "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" for account.
Avoid "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" for account.
Pull request merge
Avoid null activities in fragments.
Avoid null activities in fragments.
Pull request merge
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern component: cccc
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern component: cccc
Pull request merge
Avoid null context in fragments.
Avoid null context in fragments.
Pull request merge
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already ad…
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment already ad…
Pull request merge
Timestamp should be UTC
Timestamp should be UTC
Pull request merge
Ignore zero balance sheet items.
Ignore zero balance sheet items.
Pull request merge
Action bar ready when view ready.
Action bar ready when view ready.
Pull request merge
Double-entry disabled?
Double-entry disabled?
Pull request merge
Bind export form date.
Bind export form date.
Pull request merge
First book name.
First book name.
Pull request merge
Workaround for ViewPager2 "Design assumption violated."
Workaround for ViewPager2 "Design assumption violated."
Pull request merge
Dialogs that have volatile members.
Dialogs that have volatile members.
Pull request merge
Sometimes sort accounts with favorites first.
Sometimes sort accounts with favorites first.
Pull request merge
Dialogs that have volatile members.
Dialogs that have volatile members.
Pull request merge
privacy policy crashlytics
privacy policy crashlytics
Pull request merge
retry import default accounts when error occurred
retry import default accounts when error occurred
Pull request merge
Scheduled list like other lists.
Scheduled list like other lists.
Pull request merge
Scheduled icon in form.
Scheduled icon in form.
Pull request merge
Android compatibility is default.
Android compatibility is default.
Pull request merge
Disable Google Services plugin for some flavors.
Disable Google Services plugin for some flavors.
Pull request merge