diff --git a/sorc/ocean_merge.fd/merge.F90 b/sorc/ocean_merge.fd/merge.F90 index febb78514..138ea5144 100644 --- a/sorc/ocean_merge.fd/merge.F90 +++ b/sorc/ocean_merge.fd/merge.F90 @@ -1,3 +1,21 @@ +!> Determine the water mask by merging the lake mask with the mapped ocean +!! mask from MOM6. Both are on the FV3 grid. During merge, the ocean mask +!! dominates the lake mask if there is a conflict. After the merge, the remaining +!! non-water fraction is the land fraction. +!! +!! @param[in] lon The "east/west" dimension of the model grid. +!! @param[in] lat The "north/south" dimension of the model grid. +!! @param[in] binary_lake When '1', lake fraction is either 0 or 1. Otherwise, it is a fraction. +!! @param[in] lat2d Latitude of the model grid points. +!! @param[in] ocn_frac Fraction of the grid point that is ocean. +!! @param[inout] lake_frac Fraction of the grid point that is lake. +!! @param[inout] lake_depth Lake depth. +!! @param[out] land_frac Fraction of the grid point that is land. +!! @param[out] slmsk Land/sea mask. '1' if less than 50% land. Otherwise, '1'. +!! +!! @author Shan Sun +!! @author Rahul Mahajan +!! @author Sanath Kumar subroutine merge(lon, lat, binary_lake, lat2d, ocn_frac, & lake_frac, lake_depth, land_frac, slmsk)