Your task is to build a partially HTTP 1.1 compliant HTTP Client that can GET and POST to a webserver.
You are meant to understand the very basics of HTTP by having a hands-on ground up understanding of what it takes to have an HTTP connection.
- You may consult with others but the submission should be your own source code.
- Collaboration must be documented in the file
- Any external source code must be referenced and documented in the file
- As a user I want to GET from URLs
- As a user I want to GET from URLs that use virtualhosting
- As a user I want to POST to URLs
- As a user I want to POST from URLs that use virtualhosting
- As a user when I GET or POST I want the result printed to stdout
- As a developer when I GET or POST I want the result returned as a HTTPResponse object
- [ ] Implement basic HTTP GET
- [ ] Implement basic HTTP POST
- [ ] The httpclient can pass all the tests in
- [ ] The webserver can pass all the tests in (you don’t have this one! it can change – but it will be fair to the user stories/requirements)
- [ ] HTTP POST can post vars
- [ ] HTTP POST handles at least Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- [ ] httpclient can handle 404 requests and 200 requests
- [ ] Cumulatively together all tests must SUCCESSFULLY terminate within 150 seconds. Lack of termination is test failure.
- [ ] Use Python 3.6 (3.6.7 is preferred)
- [ ] Must run in the VM without virtualenv (Ubuntu 18.10, Python 3.6)
- [ ] License your httpclient properly (use an OSI approved license)
- Put your name on it!
- [ ] You cannot use a Web Client library except for urllib utils
to convert strings to url-encode and query-string format and back
- urllib.request is BANNED
- urllib.parse is OKAY for parsing URLs
- you have to parse headers yourself
- [ ] You should use the socket library that comes with python
- Use the skeleton.
- Keep it short, keep it modular
- READ the spec, read the format of a request
- It’s a good idea to send the Host header in a GET or POST
- Fork 404’s repository from github
- Push your commits to your fork
- In EClass for this assignment submit a URL to the git
repository. I would prefer github for the host.
- Line 1: the git URL
- Line 2: Your CCID
- An example submission looks like this yourccid
- To mark your assignment I should be able to type:
git clone yourccid cd yourccid python3
- Marks will be deducted if I cannot successfully do this.
- Marks will be deducted for using library code that does the assignment.
- Marks can be deducated for egregious violation of requirements (e.g. hard coding path names etc.).
- Excellent 7/7: All tests pass (free and notfree) in time.
- Good 6/7: All tests pass (free and notfree) except testInternetGets in time.
- Failure 0/7: Any test other than testInternetGets fails.