http://visualized.com/2014/conference/ <--- no response on 2017.12.29 --->
http://visualized.com/2015 <--- no response on 2017.12.29 --->
http://visualized.com/2016 <--- no response on 2017.12.29 --->
https://twitter.com/lonestarruby <--- website returned 403 Forbidden on 2017.12.25 --->
https://twitter.com/knode_io <--- no response on 2018.01.04 --->
https://twitter.com/agileroots <--- no response on 2018.11.19 --->
https://twitter.com/appnation <--- website redirects to other website nonrelated with conference --->
https://twitter.com/xpconf <--- no response on 2018.11.20 --->
https://twitter.com/nervescamp <--- no response on 2018.11.20 --->
https://twitter.com/yowlambdajam <--- 2018 done 2018.01.13 --->
https://twitter.com/yow_conf <-- YOW Data 2018 done 2018.01.13 --->
https://twitter.com/codemash <--- 2018 done 2018.01.14 --->
https://twitter.com/openstreetmapus <--- looking to set up 2018 2018.01.14 --->
https://twitter.com/mobdeliverydays <--- website gone 2018.01.14 --->
https://twitter.com/lambdajam <--- became yowlambdajam in 2017 2018.01.14 --->
https://twitter.com/euroscipy <--- 2018 dates not set 2018.01.15 --->
https://twitter.com/bigandroidbbq <--- 2016 done, 2010-2015 dates on FB, defunct 2018.01.15 --->
https://twitter.com/drupalconfmsk <--- inactive since 2012, website gone 2018.01.15 --->
https://twitter.com/pytexas <--- 2017 done 2018.01.13 --->
https://twitter.com/NERDsummit <--- 2018 done 2018.01.13 --->
https://twitter.com/CodeOnTheBeach <--- 2018 done 2018.01.13 --->
https://twitter.com/ndc_conferences <--- https://ndcminnesota.com/ -->
https://twitter.com/OpenStack <-- https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018 -->