This simple utility written in literate CoffeeScript parses markdown into blocks of code organized in test pattern sections. The convention I use when writting literate CoffeeScript is that code colorized as CoffeeScript is the actual code used to implement this feature, while example code does not have syntax highlighting.
An angular test pattern file contains one section for each pattern, and each section can have any number of code blocks (in diffrent languages), read more. For example:
####My Awesome Test Pattern Title
# CoffeeScript
# My Awesome Test Pattern written in CoffeeScript
// JavaScript
// My Awesome Test Pattern written in JavaScript
At minimum, a properly formatted test pattern code block is a defined by a fenced code block ``` with language specification and comment. This not only enables syntax colorizing but enables language-based validatation and linting of the code. For example:
# CoffeeScript Code Block
// JavaScript Code Block
Parse a single section into code blocks, and return them as an array.
path = require 'path'
findCodeBlocks = /```([^`]*)```/g
findTestDesc = /it[\(\s]'(.*)',/g
parseSection = (filePath, title, section) ->
blocksInSection = []
# Find all the code blocks in the secion
findCodeBlocks.lastIndex = 0 # Reset regex
while (block = findCodeBlocks.exec(section)) isnt null
# Split the block into lines
lines = block[1].split('\n')
# Take the first one
lang = lines.shift()
# Put it back together
contents = lines.join('\n')
# Get the name from the file path
type = path.basename(filePath, '.md');
# Search for test description (aka jasmine 'it')
findTestDesc.lastIndex = 0 # Reset regex
match = findTestDesc.exec(contents)
desc = match[1] if match? and match.length > 1
file: filePath
type: type
lang: lang
title: title
desc: desc
contents: contents
# Return
Parses a markdown file into sections of code blocks, and returns them as an array.
The regex gibberish below defines a section as starting with a markdown heading between ####
(<h4>) and ######
(<h6>) with no space between the heading and the title. This convention helps reduce confusion between CoffeeScript comments such as #
and ###
. Because a section can contain any number of code blocks, the end of a section is defined as an ending code fence ``` followed by three (3) consecutive new lines. See example. It is especially important to include these at the end of the file where it can be easy to overlook them. While a bit inconvenient, it is a small price to pay and adds to the readability of the raw files.
findSections = /#{4,6}(\w{1}.*)(?:\n){1}((?:.|\n)+?\`\`\`)(?:\n){3}/g
exports.parse = (filePath) ->
blocksInFile = []
# get file contents
markup = getFile filePath
# Find all the sections
findSections.lastIndex = 0 # Reset regex
blocksInFile = blocksInFile
.concat(parseSection(filePath, section[1], section[2])) while (
section = findSections.exec(markup)
) isnt null
# Check for section formatting issues
findCodeBlocks.lastIndex = 0 # Reset regex
match = markup.match(findCodeBlocks)
blockCount = (if match then match.length else 0)
msg = "Format Error: #{filePath};\nFound #{blocksInFile.length} but expected #{blockCount} blocks"
throw new Error(msg) unless blockCount is blocksInFile.length
# Return
The getFile
method does nothing more than read a file synchronously from disk in UCS Transformation Format—8-bit and return it.
fs = require 'fs'
exports.getFile = getFile = (path) ->
fs.readFileSync path, 'utf8'