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accept trace constraints as input after final result
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danmatichuk committed Aug 7, 2024
1 parent eafbecb commit f49be54
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Showing 8 changed files with 208 additions and 66 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pate.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ library
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ mkRunConfig archLoader opts rcfg mtt = let
, PC.cfgStackScopeAssume = not $ noAssumeStackScope opts
, PC.cfgIgnoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings opts
, PC.cfgAlwaysClassifyReturn = alwaysClassifyReturn opts
, PC.cfgTraceConstraints = traceConstraints opts
cfg = PL.RunConfig
{ PL.archLoader = archLoader
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ data CLIOptions = CLIOptions
, ignoreWarnings :: [String]
, alwaysClassifyReturn :: Bool
, preferTextInput :: Bool
, traceConstraints :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,4 +476,8 @@ cliOptions = (OA.helper <*> parser)
<*> OA.switch
( OA.long "prefer-text-input"
<> "Prefer taking text input over multiple choice menus where possible."
<*> OA.switch
( OA.long "add-trace-constraints"
<> "Prompt to add additional constraints when generating traces."
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,8 @@ data VerificationConfig validRepr =
, cfgPreferTextInput :: Bool
-- ^ modifies some menus to take string input instead of providing
-- a menu selection
, cfgTraceConstraints :: Bool
-- ^ flag to determine if the user should be prompted to add constraints to traces

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,4 +319,5 @@ defaultVerificationCfg =
, cfgIgnoreWarnings = []
, cfgAlwaysClassifyReturn = False
, cfgPreferTextInput = False
, cfgTraceConstraints = False
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion src/Pate/PatchPair.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ import qualified What4.JSON as W4S
import What4.JSON
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT (..), put)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as CMS
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )

-- | A pair of values indexed based on which binary they are associated with (either the
-- original binary or the patched binary).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,4 +613,21 @@ w4SerializePair ppair f = case ppair of
return $ JSON.object ["patched" JSON..= p_v]

instance W4S.W4SerializableF sym f => W4S.W4Serializable sym (PatchPair f) where
w4Serialize ppair = w4SerializePair ppair w4SerializeF
w4Serialize ppair = w4SerializePair ppair w4SerializeF

instance (forall bin. PB.KnownBinary bin => W4Deserializable sym (f bin)) => W4Deserializable sym (PatchPair f) where
w4Deserialize v = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
case_pair = do
(vo :: f PB.Original) <- o .: "original"
(vp :: f PB.Patched) <- o .: "patched"
return $ PatchPair vo vp
case_orig = do
(vo :: f PB.Original) <- o .: "original"
return $ PatchPairOriginal vo
case_patched = do
(vp :: f PB.Patched) <- o .: "patched"
return $ PatchPairPatched vp
case_pair <|> case_orig <|> case_patched
27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions src/Pate/TraceTree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ module Pate.TraceTree (
, waitingForChoiceInput
, chooseInput
, chooseInputFromList
, chooseInput_
) where

import GHC.TypeLits ( Symbol, KnownSymbol )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1050,7 +1051,7 @@ instance PP.Pretty InputChoiceError where

data InputChoice (k :: l) nm where
InputChoice :: (IsTraceNode k nm) =>
{ inputChoiceParse :: String -> Either InputChoiceError (TraceNodeLabel nm, TraceNodeType k nm)
{ inputChoiceParse :: String -> IO (Either InputChoiceError (TraceNodeLabel nm, TraceNodeType k nm))
, inputChoicePut :: TraceNodeLabel nm -> TraceNodeType k nm -> IO Bool -- returns false if input has already been provided
, inputChoiceValue :: IO (Maybe (TraceNodeLabel nm, TraceNodeType k nm))
} -> InputChoice k nm
Expand All @@ -1063,7 +1064,7 @@ waitingForChoiceInput ic = inputChoiceValue ic >>= \case
giveChoiceInput :: InputChoice k nm -> String -> IO (Maybe InputChoiceError)
giveChoiceInput ic input = waitingForChoiceInput ic >>= \case
False -> return $ Just InputChoiceAlreadyMade
True -> case inputChoiceParse ic input of
True -> inputChoiceParse ic input >>= \case
Right (lbl, v) -> inputChoicePut ic lbl v >>= \case
True -> return Nothing
False -> return $ Just InputChoiceAlreadyMade
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,12 +1098,28 @@ chooseInputFromList ::
m (Maybe a)
chooseInputFromList treenm opts = do
let parseInput s = case findIndex (\(s',_) -> s == s') opts of
Just idx -> Right (s, idx)
Nothing -> Left (InputChoiceError "Invalid input. Valid options:" (map fst opts))
Just idx -> return $ Right (s, idx)
Nothing -> return $ Left (InputChoiceError "Invalid input. Valid options:" (map fst opts))
chooseInput @"opt_index" treenm parseInput >>= \case
Just (_, idx) -> return $ Just $ (snd (opts !! idx))
Nothing -> return Nothing

chooseInput_ ::
forall nm_choice k m e.
IsTreeBuilder k e m =>
IsTraceNode k nm_choice =>
Default (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice) =>
IO.MonadUnliftIO m =>
String ->
(String -> IO (Either InputChoiceError (TraceNodeType k nm_choice))) ->
m (Maybe (TraceNodeType k nm_choice))
chooseInput_ treenm parseInput = do
let parse s = parseInput s >>= \case
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right a -> return $ Right (def,a)
fmap snd <$> chooseInput @nm_choice treenm parse

-- | Take user input as a string. Returns 'Nothing' in the case where the trace tree
-- is not running interactively. Otherwise, blocks the current thread until
-- valid input is provided.
Expand All @@ -1112,7 +1129,7 @@ chooseInput ::
IsTraceNode k nm_choice =>
IO.MonadUnliftIO m =>
String ->
(String -> Either InputChoiceError (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice)) ->
(String -> IO (Either InputChoiceError (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice))) ->
m (Maybe (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice))
chooseInput treenm parseInput = do
builder <- getTreeBuilder
Expand Down
131 changes: 100 additions & 31 deletions src/Pate/Verification/StrongestPosts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ import qualified Pate.SimulatorRegisters as PSR
import qualified Pate.Verification.StrongestPosts.CounterExample as CE
import qualified Pate.Register.Traversal as PRt
import Pate.Discovery.PLT (extraJumpClassifier, ExtraJumps(..), ExtraJumpTarget(..))
import qualified Pate.TraceConstraint as PTC

import Pate.TraceTree
import qualified Pate.Verification.Validity as PVV
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -860,37 +861,104 @@ clearTrivialCondition nd condK pg = case getCondition pg nd ConditionEquiv of
return pg1
Nothing -> return pg

showFinalResult :: PairGraph sym arch -> EquivM sym arch ()
-- | Context needed to re-generate traces when adding trace constraints
data IntermediateEqCond sym arch v =
{ ieqBundle :: SimBundle sym arch v
, ieqFootprints:: PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch)
, ieqEnv :: W4S.ExprEnv sym
, ieqAsms :: PAS.AssumptionSet sym
, ieqCond :: W4.Pred sym
, ieqDom :: AbstractDomain sym arch v

data EqCondCollector sym arch = EqCondCollector
{ eqCondFinals :: Map.Map (GraphNode arch) (FinalEquivCond sym arch)
, eqCondInterims :: Map.Map (GraphNode arch) (PS.SimSpec sym arch (IntermediateEqCond sym arch))
, eqCondConstraints :: PTC.TraceConstraintMap sym arch

getExprEnvs :: EqCondCollector sym arch -> Map.Map (GraphNode arch) (W4S.ExprEnv sym)
getExprEnvs st = fmap (\spec -> PS.viewSpecBody spec ieqEnv) (eqCondInterims st)

showFinalResult :: forall sym arch. PairGraph sym arch -> EquivM sym arch ()
showFinalResult pg0 = withTracing @"final_result" () $ withSym $ \sym -> do
subTree @"node" "Observable Counter-examples" $ do
forM_ (Map.toList (pairGraphObservableReports pg0)) $ \(nd,report) ->
subTrace (GraphNode nd) $
emitTrace @"observable_result" (CE.ObservableCheckCounterexample report)
eq_conds <- fmap catMaybes $ subTree @"node" "Assumed Equivalence Conditions" $ do

forM (getAllNodes pg0) $ \nd -> do
st <- go (EqCondCollector Map.empty Map.empty (PTC.TraceConstraintMap Map.empty))
add_constraints <- asks (PCfg.cfgTraceConstraints . envConfig)
case add_constraints of
True ->
let loop st_ = chooseBool "Regenerate result with new trace constraints?" >>= \case
True -> do
tcs <- PTC.readConstraintMap sym "Waiting for constraints.." (getExprEnvs st_)
go (st_ {eqCondConstraints = tcs}) >>= loop
False -> return ()
in loop st
False -> return ()

mkEqCond ::
EqCondCollector sym arch ->
GraphNode arch ->
NodeBuilderT '(sym,arch) "node" (EquivM_ sym arch) (EqCondCollector sym arch)
mkEqCond rs nd = do
pg <- lift $ clearTrivialCondition nd ConditionEquiv pg0
case getCondition pg nd ConditionEquiv of
Just cond_spec -> subTrace nd $ do
s <- withFreshScope (graphNodeBlocks nd) $ \scope -> do
(_,cond) <- IO.liftIO $ PS.bindSpec sym (PS.scopeVarsPair scope) cond_spec
(tr, _) <- withGraphNode scope nd pg $ \bundle d -> do
cond_simplified <- PSi.applySimpStrategy PSi.deepPredicateSimplifier cond
eqCond_pred <- PEC.toPred sym cond_simplified
(mtraceT, mtraceF) <- getTracesForPred scope bundle d eqCond_pred
case (mtraceT, mtraceF) of
(Just traceT, Just traceF) -> do
cond_pretty <- PSi.applySimpStrategy PSi.prettySimplifier eqCond_pred
return $ (Just (FinalEquivCond cond_pretty traceT traceF), pg)
_ -> return (Nothing, pg)
return $ (Const (fmap (nd,) tr))
return $ PS.viewSpec s (\_ -> getConst)
Nothing -> return Nothing
let result = pairGraphComputeVerdict pg0
emitTrace @"equivalence_result" result
let eq_conds_map = Map.fromList eq_conds
let toplevel_result = FinalResult result (pairGraphObservableReports pg0) eq_conds_map
emitTrace @"toplevel_result" toplevel_result
let PTC.TraceConstraintMap tcm = eqCondConstraints rs

rest :: forall v. PS.SimScope sym arch v -> IntermediateEqCond sym arch v -> EquivM_ sym arch (Maybe (FinalEquivCond sym arch))
rest scope (IntermediateEqCond bundle fps _ _ cond d) = withSym $ \sym -> do
trace_constraint <- case Map.lookup nd tcm of
Just tc -> IO.liftIO $ PTC.constraintToPred sym tc
Nothing -> return $ W4.truePred sym
mres <- withSatAssumption (PAS.fromPred trace_constraint) $ do
(mtraceT, mtraceF) <- getTracesForPred scope bundle d cond
case (mtraceT, mtraceF) of
(Just traceT, Just traceF) -> do
cond_pretty <- PSi.applySimpStrategy PSi.prettySimplifier cond
return $ Just (FinalEquivCond cond_pretty traceT traceF fps)
_ -> return Nothing
case mres of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> emitWarning PEE.UnsatisfiableAssumptions >> return Nothing

case Map.lookup nd (eqCondInterims rs) of
Just ieqcspec -> subTrace nd $ PS.viewSpec ieqcspec $ \scope ieqc -> withAssumptionSet (ieqAsms ieqc) $ do
rest scope ieqc >>= \case
Just fcond -> return (rs { eqCondFinals = Map.insert nd fcond (eqCondFinals rs) })
Nothing -> return rs
Nothing -> case getCondition pg nd ConditionEquiv of
Just cond_spec -> subTrace nd $ withSym $ \sym -> do
spec <- withFreshScope (graphNodeBlocks nd) $ \scope -> fmap PS.WithScope $ do
(_,cond) <- IO.liftIO $ PS.bindSpec sym (PS.scopeVarsPair scope) cond_spec
fmap fst $ withGraphNode scope nd pg $ \bundle d -> do
cond_simplified <- PSi.applySimpStrategy PSi.deepPredicateSimplifier cond
eqCond_pred <- PEC.toPred sym cond_simplified
(fps, eenv) <- getTraceFootprint scope bundle
asms <- currentAsm
let ieqc = IntermediateEqCond bundle fps eenv asms eqCond_pred d
let interims = Map.insert nd (PS.mkSimSpec scope ieqc) (eqCondInterims rs)
rest scope ieqc >>= \case
Just fcond -> return (rs { eqCondFinals = Map.insert nd fcond (eqCondFinals rs), eqCondInterims = interims }, pg)
Nothing -> return (rs { eqCondInterims = interims }, pg)
return $ PS.viewSpecBody spec PS.unWS
Nothing -> return rs

go :: EqCondCollector sym arch -> EquivM sym arch (EqCondCollector sym arch)
go rs = do
subTree @"node" "Observable Counter-examples" $ do
forM_ (Map.toList (pairGraphObservableReports pg0)) $ \(nd,report) ->
subTrace (GraphNode nd) $
emitTrace @"observable_result" (CE.ObservableCheckCounterexample report)

rs' <- subTree @"node" "Assumed Equivalence Conditions" $
foldM mkEqCond (rs { eqCondFinals = Map.empty }) (getAllNodes pg0)
let result = pairGraphComputeVerdict pg0
emitTrace @"equivalence_result" result

let toplevel_result = FinalResult result (pairGraphObservableReports pg0) (eqCondFinals rs')
emitTrace @"toplevel_result" toplevel_result
return rs'

data FinalResult sym arch = FinalResult
Expand All @@ -904,6 +972,7 @@ data FinalEquivCond sym arch = FinalEquivCond
_finEqCondPred :: W4.Pred sym
, _finEqCondTraceTrue :: CE.TraceEvents sym arch
, _finEqCondTraceFalse :: CE.TraceEvents sym arch
, _finEqFootprints :: PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch)

Expand All @@ -915,8 +984,8 @@ instance (PA.ValidArch arch, PSo.ValidSym sym) => W4S.W4Serializable sym (FinalR
W4S.object [ "eq_status" W4S..= st, "observable_counterexamples" W4S..= obs, "eq_conditions" W4S..= conds ]

instance (PA.ValidArch arch, PSo.ValidSym sym) => W4S.W4Serializable sym (FinalEquivCond sym arch) where
w4Serialize (FinalEquivCond p trT trF) = do
W4S.object [ "predicate" W4S..== p, "trace_true" W4S..= trT, "trace_false" W4S..= trF ]
w4Serialize (FinalEquivCond p trT trF fps) = do
W4S.object [ "predicate" W4S..== p, "trace_true" W4S..= trT, "trace_false" W4S..= trF, "trace_footprint" W4S..= fps ]

instance (PSo.ValidSym sym, PA.ValidArch arch) => IsTraceNode '(sym,arch) "toplevel_result" where
Expand Down
49 changes: 22 additions & 27 deletions src/Pate/Verification/Widening.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Pate.Verification.Widening
, getTraceFromModel
, addToEquivCondition
, strengthenPredicate
, getTraceFootprint
) where

import GHC.Stack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ import qualified Pate.Proof.Instances ()
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM
import qualified Pate.Solver as PSo
import qualified Pate.Verification.Simplify as PSi
import qualified Pate.TraceConstraint as PTC

import Pate.Monad
import Pate.Monad.PairGraph
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import qualified What4.Expr.GroundEval as W4
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Utils.MuxTree as MT
import Pate.Verification.Domain (universalDomain)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableF as TF

-- | Generate a fresh abstract domain value for the given graph node.
-- This should represent the most information we can ever possibly
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,44 +510,36 @@ getSomeGroundTrace scope bundle preD postCond = withSym $ \sym -> do
let stackbase = PS.unSE $ PS.simStackBase (PS.simInState in_)
zero <- liftIO $ W4.bvLit sym CT.knownRepr (BVS.mkBV CT.knownRepr 0)
PAs.fromPred <$> (liftIO $ W4.isEq sym zero stackbase)

ptrAsserts_pred <- PAs.toPred sym (stacks_zero <> ptrAsserts)
trace_constraint <- getTraceConstraint scope bundle

tr <- tryWithAsms
[ (ptrAsserts_pred, PEE.RequiresInvalidPointerOps)
, (trace_constraint, PEE.UnsatisfiableAssumptions)
] $ \evalFn ->
getTraceFromModel scope evalFn bundle preD postCond

return tr

getTraceFootprint ::
forall sym arch v.
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
SimBundle sym arch v ->
EquivM sym arch (PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch))
getTraceFootprint _scope bundle = withSym $ \sym -> PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> do
out <- PPa.get bin (PS.simOut bundle)
in_ <- PPa.get bin (PS.simIn bundle)
let in_regs = PS.simInRegs in_
let rop = MT.RegOp (MM.regStateMap in_regs)
let mem = PS.simOutMem out
let s = (MT.memFullSeq @_ @arch mem)
s' <- PEM.mapExpr sym concretizeWithSolver s
liftIO $ CE.mkFootprint sym rop s'

getTraceConstraint ::
forall sym arch v.
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
SimBundle sym arch v ->
EquivM sym arch (W4.Pred sym)
getTraceConstraint scope bundle = withSym $ \sym -> do
fps <- getTraceFootprint scope bundle
PPa.joinPatchPred (\a b -> liftIO $ W4.andPred sym a b) $ \bin -> withTracing @"binary" (Some bin) $ do
fp <- PPa.getC bin fps
(v',_eenv) <- liftIO $ W4S.w4ToJSONEnv sym fp
EquivM sym arch (PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch), W4S.ExprEnv sym)
getTraceFootprint _scope bundle = withSym $ \sym -> do
fps <- PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> withTracing @"binary" (Some bin) $ do
out <- PPa.get bin (PS.simOut bundle)
in_ <- PPa.get bin (PS.simIn bundle)
let in_regs = PS.simInRegs in_
let rop = MT.RegOp (MM.regStateMap in_regs)
let mem = PS.simOutMem out
let s = (MT.memFullSeq @_ @arch mem)
s' <- PEM.mapExpr sym concretizeWithSolver s
fp <- liftIO $ CE.mkFootprint sym rop s'
(v',eenv) <- liftIO $ W4S.w4ToJSONEnv sym fp
emitTraceLabel @"trace_footprint" v' fp
-- FIXME: todo: get constraint from user
return $ W4.truePred sym
return (fp, eenv)
env <- PPa.joinPatchPred (\(_, a) (_, b) -> return $ W4S.mergeEnvs a b) $ \bin -> (PPa.getC bin fps)
return $ (TF.fmapF (\(Const(a,_)) -> Const a) fps, env)

instance (PSo.ValidSym sym, PA.ValidArch arch) => IsTraceNode '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" = CE.TraceFootprint sym arch
Expand Down

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