"" indicates fields that need to be entered by the user
- systemctl start xx -- Directly start a service
- systemctl stop xx -- Directly stop a service
- systemctl enable xx -- Start a service during boot
- systemctl disable xx -- Disable starting a service during boot
- systemctl status xx -- Look at the status of a service
- systemctl is-active xx -- Check whether a service is active or not
identify "-v" -- (points to identify.py) gives information about the controller and makes LED's flash, add -v for more detailed information about the modules
go-test-can -- (points to testcan.js) if a can test plug is attached to the controller this can be called to test if the can busses are functioning correctly
go-test-leds -- (points to testLeds.py) if a controller has status leds this function can be called to check if all the leds are working correctly
go-parse-a2l -- (points to parse_a2l.py) parses a /usr/simulink/gocontroll.a2l to a json string, this can then be used by other applications.
Normally this gets called automatically by upload-server.js, but can also be called manually in case the server was not used to transfer the file
go-manual-update -- (points to manual_update.py) updates the controller from the command line, gives the option for a development or stable update.
Accessing the linux image and dtb's can be done by mounting the boot partition like so: mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot
go-update-modules -- (points to installModuleFirmware.py) scan the module slots and update any outdated module firmwares
go-scan-modules -- (points to module-info-gathering.js) scan the module slots
go-overwrite-module "slot" "firmware.srec" "force update (1 for yes, empty or other for no)" -- (points to upload-new-module-firmware.js) upload specific firmware to a module
systemctl start nodered
systemctl start go-simulink
systemctl start go-wwan
systemctl start go-bluetooth
systemctl start go-auto-shutdown
df -h
ip a
candump can0
candump -l can0
canbusload can"num"@"baudrate" ... -- Add other can busses at the end to monitor them at the same time
example: canbusload can0@250000 can1@250000
nmcli con -- Show list of connections and their statusses
nmcli con show "con" -- See detailed information about a specific connection
nmcli dev wifi -- Show available Wi-Fi networks
nmcli dev wifi connect "net name" password "password" -- Connect to a wifi network with the given name and password
nmcli con mod "con" ipv4.route-metric # -- used to set network priority lowest number is highest priority, needs to be higher than 0 when using
mmcli --list-modems -- Show the list of modems to get the modem number
mmcli -K --modem="modemnumber" -- Show the details of this modem
qrencode -t ansiutf8 "string" or qrencode -t ansiutf8 < /path/to/file
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /path/to/mount