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The documentation is still under development

##1. Installation In the folder scripts/install there is a shell script which makes the a generic installation for you, for further configurations please see the next sections

###1.1. Requirements

Ce1sus need the following packages:

  • python
    • python (2.7+)
    • sqlalchemy (0.7.8+)
    • mysqldb (1.2.3)
    • python-magic (0.4.6+)
    • python-ldap (2.4.10+)
    • dateutil (1.5+)
    • cherrypy3 (3.2.2+)
    • memcache
    • rtkit (0.6.0+)
    • gnupg (0.3.5+)
    • eml_parser
    • lxml
  • mysql (5.1+)
  • nginx (1.4+)
  • uwsgi (1.2.3+, with python-2 support)
  • python-stix (
  • python-cybox (
  • openioc-to-stix (0.12+)

###1.1.2 Installation of the requirements

Debian based systems can execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install python-cherrypy3 python-dateutil python-gnupg python-ldap python-memcache python-mysqldb python-sqlalchemy mysql-server python-mako git memcached

##1.2. Clone the repository

git clone

###1.2.1 Python magic

One possibility to install python-magic is the following

Go to your ce1sus installation directory and:

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
ln -s libs/python-magic/ .

The important fact is that the magic package must be accessible with "import magic"

###1.2.2 Email parser

One possibility to install eml_parser is the following

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
ln -s libs/eml_parser/eml_parser .

###1.2.3 Cybox

One possibility to install Cybox is the following

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
git -C libs/python-cybox checkout 03beb70618c83071cd7db77d26eb0752ab3bc22a # checkout v2.1.0.11
ln -s libs/python-cybox/cybox .

The other is it to install it via pip.

###1.2.4 Stix

One possibility to install Stix is the following

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
git -C libs/python-stix checkout 92f610076ad982b7577ede97f8f26982265e254b # checkout v1.1.1.5
ln -s libs/python-stix/stix .

###1.2.5 rtKit

One possibility to install rtKit is the following

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
git -C libs/python-rtkit checkout 78306d1a44080adca2e302b429beabd3d578a211 # checkout v0.6.0
ln -s libs/python-rtkit/rtkit .

###1.2.5 OpenIOC

One possibility to install OpenIOC is the following

mkdir libs
git -C libs clone
ln -s libs/openioc-to-stix/ .
ln -s libs/openioc-to-stix/ .
ln -s libs/openioc-to-stix/ .

Note: This implementation may change in future

##1.3. Database

###1.3.1 Database creation


###1.3.2 DB User

Create a db user for ce1sus user must have the following grants:

CREATE USER 'ce1sus'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE  ON ce1sus.* TO 'ce1sus'@'localhost';

###1.3.3 DB SCHEMA

The creation of the db schema changed since 0.11.X and is now done via a script. Before executing, copy and edit config files located in config/. Afterwards, you can initialize the database using

cd scripts/install/database

Everything needed will be created automatically. If there should be migrations the scripts for the migration will be provided the scripts/migrations folder, use these in order.

NOTE 1: also will create gpg keys in case they are not existing at the given location. It is perferably to create them manually as this takes some time to generate them if the system is not busy.

NOTE 2: Set for the database initialization the user in the configuration file to a user which has the permissions to create tables.

###1.3.4 Remarks

Depending on your DB server it is advised to have a tmp folder with at least 1 GB space.

##1.4 Ce1sus Configuration

###1.4.1a Celsus.conf

Go to your ce1sus installation directory and create configuration file ce1sus.conf in the config directory use the file config/ce1sus.conf_tmpl as template

cp config/ce1sus.conf_tmpl config/ce1sus.conf

The following sections have to be modified to the settings of your system

  • [SessionManager]
  • [ce1sus]
  • [Logger]
  • [LDAP]
  • [Plugins]
  • [Mailer]
  • [MISPAdapter]
  • [Errorhandler]

The next paragraphs will explain in more detail what has to be changed and what the different elements in the configuration do and their values.

The [SessionManager] section stores the settings of the database connection and has the following elements

variable name Description
protocol=[mysql+mysqldb,mylsql,sqlite] Defines the protocol used for the connection
username= Username of the db user i.e. "ce1sus" without quotes, can be left blank for sqlite
password= Password of the db user i.e. "ce1sus" without quotes, can be left blank for sqlite
host= IP address of the db server
db= Database name i.e. "ce1sus" without quotes
If the sqlite protocol is chosen the element db must correspond to the absolute path
to the sqlite file
port=3306 Port of the db server, is ignored for sqlite
debug=[no,yes ] If set to "yes" the sql queries will be shown in the logs
usecherrypy=[yes,no] If set to "yes" a single connection is used else multiples
Note: Do not change this value unless you know what you are doing

The [ce1sus] section stores the general settings of ce1sus and has the following elements

variable name Description
useldap=[no,yes] If "yes" the users can also be authenticated by ldap
Note: When set [LDAP] section has to be set and look in section XXXX how ldab users
needs to be configured
environment=LOCAL_DEV Text displayed in the header of the ce1sus web page. Used to separate dev
environment and production.
Note This value can be empty
baseurl=http://localhost:8080 The root url of your ce1sus server, this url is needed to build the links in the emails
maintenaceuseruuid= The user uuid which is used by the script and used for the sync mechanism
usebasicauth=[yes,no] enable basic authentication
salt= A random used to salt the hashes of passwords

The [Logger] section stores the configuration how the logs are stored/processed and has the following elements

variable name Description
log=[Yes,No] If set ce1sus does log
Note: It is advised that this element is set to "yes"
log_file=log/logger.txt Absolute or relative path for storage of log files
logConsole = [Yes,No] If set ce1sus logs to the console and the file
size=10000000 Size in bytes of the file before it gets rotated
backups=1000 Number of log backups
syslog=[Yes,No] Log to syslog

The [LDAP] section stores the configuration of the LDAP plugin and has the following elements

variable name Description
server= The server to use for the ldap connection
usetls=[True, False] Use TLS

The LDAP configuration only makes sense if useldap is set on the ce1sus section and LdapPlugin is set in the Plugins section.

The [Plugins] section defines which "Plugins" are available to use

variable name Description
LdapPlugin=[Yes,No] Enables the Ldap plugin
Note: If the ldapplugin is activated the section LDAP and the useldap
in the ce1sus section have to be set
MailPlugin=[Yes,No] Enables the mail plugin
Note: If the mail plugin is not enabled no mails will be send out, this has no impact except that new users have to be activated manually.

The [Mailer] section stores the configuration for sending mails and has the following elements

variable name Description
from=ce1sus Sender email
smtp= Smtp server
port=25 Port of the smtp server
user= Not implemented
password= Not implemented
keyfile= Folder of the gpp files used to sign or encrypt (i.e. ~/gpgkey)
passphrase= Pass-phrase for unlocking the gpg key
keylength=1024 Length of the gpg key in case it should be generated automatically
expiredate=[YYYY-MM-DD] Expiry date of the generated key

The [MISPAdapter] section provides you to enable dumping of the gotten Misp events

variable name Description
dump=[yes,no] Enable dumping of misps
file=mispdump Absolute path to a folder where the misps should be dumped

The [OpenIOCAdapter] section provides you to enable dumping of the gotten Misp events

variable name Description
dump=[yes,no] Enable dumping of openIOC xml
file=openiocdump Absolute path to a folder where the misps should be dumped

The [ErrorMails] section stores the configuration of the error mails. These mails are send in case a HTTP 500 error occurs.

variable name Description
enable=[no,yes] When set an mail is sent to the receiver with the error stack trace
sender=ce1sus Sender email
receiver=ce1sus The destiation address. Only one can be specified
subject=ErrorOccureredForCelsus Email subject for error mails
smtp= Smtp server
port=25 Port of the smtp server
level=info Not used yet
user= Not implemented

###1.4.1b handler.conf

Go to your ce1sus installation directory and create configuration file handlers.conf in the config directory use the file config/handlers.conf_tmpl as template

cp config/handlers.conf_tmpl config/handlers.conf

The following sections have to be modified to the settings of your system


variable name Description
files=/path/to/ce1sus/files The absolute file path where ce1sus can store/archive the
uploaded files as attributes.
The user (i.e 'www-data') of ce1sus must have access on that directory


variable name Description
cveUrl= Base url for cves. (used by the CVEHandler)


variable name Description
rt_user= The user used for accessing the RESTAPI for RT
(Used by RTHandler)
rt_password= The user password used for accessing the RESTAPI for RT
rt_url= Base url of RT (i.e https://localhost/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=)


variable name Description
files=/path/to/ce1sus/reference_files The absolute file path where ce1sus can store/archive the
uploaded files in the refrence section.
The user (i.e 'www-data') of ce1sus must have access on that directory


variable name Description
files=/path/to/ce1sus/files The absolute file path where ce1sus can store/archive the
uploaded files as attributes.
The user (i.e 'www-data') of ce1sus must have access on that directory

###1.4.2 Cherrypy.conf

Go to your ce1sus installation directory and create configuration file cherrypy.conf in the config directory use the file config/cherrypy.conf_tmpl as template

cp config/cherrypy.conf_tmpl config/cherrypy.conf

The following lines must be modified according to your installation


The session handling can be done in two ways:

For memcache (when memcached is installed) used the following:

tools.sessions.storage_type = 'Memcached'

For files use:

tools.sessions.timeout = 15
tools.sessions.storage_type = "file"
tools.sessions.storage_path = "/path/to/ce1sus/sessions"

But we strongly advise you to use memcache

Note: This is a standart cherrypy configuration file. For more information on that subject see

##1.5 Test configurations

Go to your ce1sus installation directory and launch


and access http://localhost:8080, except you configured in the cherrypy.conf that sockets had to be used

This is a method to see if ce1sus can start correctly. If this is the case continue to section 1.6

###1.5.1 Troubleshooting

If you are reading this you may have encoutered troubles when launching a local copy of ce1sus (see section 1.5).

Errors during stat:

*'MySQLConnection' object has no attribute 'get_characterset_info'*
-> connector issues try change it to mysql+mysqldb or mysql

##1.6 uwsgi

Install uwsgi and uwsgi-plugin-python

apt-get install uwsgi uwgsi-plugin-python

In the config folder of your ce1sus installation folder you'll find ce1sus.ini_tmpl a template for the configuration of uwsgi.

Copy the file to uwsgi:

cp scripts/install/uwsgi/ce1sus.ini_tmpl config/ce1sus.conf /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/ce1sus.ini

Edit /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/ce1sus.ini and replace "/path/to/ce1sus" with your ce1sus installation path

Enable ce1sus in uwsgi:

ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/ce1sus.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/

Restart service

/etc/init.d/uwsgi restart

##1.7 nginx

Install nginx

apt-get install nginx

In the config folder of your ce1sus installation folder you'll find ce1sus_tmpl a template for the configuration of nginx.

Copy the file to uwsgi:

cp scripts/install/nginx/ce1sus_tmpl config/ce1sus.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/ce1sus

Create a self signed certificate for ce1sus:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 7300 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/ce1sus.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/ce1sus.pem
chmod 600 /etc/ssl/certs/ce1sus.pem
chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/ce1sus.key

Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/ce1sus and replace "/path/to/ce1sus" with your ce1sus installation path

Note: If you have own already a certificat you need to adapt the confuration file of nginx accordingly.

Enable the ce1sus site:

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ce1sus /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Restart service

/etc/init.d/nginx restart

Login as admin with password admin

###1.7.1 Troubleshooting

Nginx shows a 404 or 403:

403: means that the folder is accessible but the file i.e. index.html is not available, location element is missing from the folder

404: the root folder was set up incorrectly

##1.8. Scheduler

The scheduler has to run in the background to performs the following actions:

  • Publication ** Send Publication mail ** Pushes the event to the syncronization servers
  • Pull (pulls all the scheduled events from a remote servers)
  • Push (Push all the scheduled events to a remote servers)
  • Proposal (Sends notification mails that a proposal has been inserted)
  • Relations (Generates the relations in the background)
  • Publish update (Sends out update mails for events)

To activate the scheduler create a cronjob. The following example is set to run every 5 minutes.

5 * * * * python /path/to/ce1sus/

##1.9 DB migration

If you are migrating from 0.10 to 0.11.0 proceed like stated below

First dump your current database.

cd scripts/migration
python -c ../../config/ce1sus.conf --dest dumps

The script will use the settings in the ce1sus.conf and dumps it into the folder ./dumps

The next step is to setup a new db schema (drop the old one) and follow the steps described in 1.3.3

Finally migrate the dropped data into the new database

cd scripts/migration
python  -d dumps

The script used the configuration of the later instance.

Note the migration can take some time depending on the volume of your database.

##1.10 Definitions updates

The default defintions for attributes and objects can update over time. To update these definitions simply run the following commands.

cd scripts/update

Note Only the default definitions will update

#2. Web Interface

The web interface of Ce1sus has two sections:

  1. Administration The administration section is used to:

    • Validate events inserted over the RESTAPI
    • Define definitions for objects, attributes, references
    • User management
    • Group management
    • Server managment
    • Editing mail templates
  2. User interface The event view is used to:

  • Search for attributes
  • Add/Edit events
  • View events
    • Overview
    • Observables
    • Indicators
    • Relations
    • Reports
    • Groups
  1. Event details

##2.1 Administration

This section describes the administration interface. This interface is only accessible to users with with the privileged flag set.

###2.1.1 Validation

This list shows the unvalidated Events inserted via REST. The operations which can be performed are similar to the one described in section 2.2.3 except that the main event overview cannot be edited.

To validate an event one has only to click on the "Validate" button.

Note: Unvalidated Events will not be viewable in the RecentEvent section, nor via search, nor in relations until they got validated.

###2.1.2 Usermanagment

ce1sus user mgt

Ce1sus offers, when ldap is enabled, to insert users from ldap. This is done by selecting the user from the list when "Add LDAP" is pressed. In case ldap is not enabled the button will not be shown.

A user has the following properties:

Field description
Identifier Generated id
Password The password's minimal requirements are lower, upper case, numbers, symbols and have a length of 8 characters.
Note if the password 'EXTERNALAUTH' is dispalyed the user is authenticated by LDAP (see section 1.4.1 for
LDAP Configuration)
Email The email has to be specified if the ce1sus is configured to sendmails.
Get notifications If this is set the user gets nofitications on updates or publishing of new events
GPGKey If no gpg key was specified the user receives only mails for events with TLP White.
Note: Depending on the group settings the user may not recieve any mails. See section 2.1.6
API Key The key to access the api
      | This key can be generated automatically over the button Gen. in the edit or add window.|

|Privileged | If set the user can access the administration area| |Disabled | If set the user cannot log in anymore| |Manage own group | Not used yet | |Group | The group the user belongs to. This group is also denoted by creator group. |

Note: *If ce1sus/sendmail is set the user will receive an activation mail and his account has to be activated within 24 hours. *If the user account is not activated within 24 hours, the account stays in disabled mode to reenable it either activate it manually or resend the activation mail. *In case the sendmail is not set one must activate the user manually.

###2.1.3 Groups

ce1sus group mgt

The Groups specify the group for users and have the following properties:

Field Description
Identifier Generated identifier
Name Name of the group
Description Description of the group
Email group email
GPGKey If no gpg key was specified the group receives only mails for events with TLP White.
Note: Depending on the group settings the user may not receive any mails. See section 2.1.6
Get notifications If this is set the user gets nofitications on updates or publishing of new events
TLP TLP level for this group. If this is set i.e. Amber it is possible for this group to access all amber and lower events
Can download files If set the users of the group can download files
TLP Propagation If this is set the highest level will be chosen from the group itself and its associcated groups
Associated Groups Groups which are associvated to this group

The default event permissions are the permissions set by default when the group is associated to an event. Please look section 2.2.3 for more informations on the different permissions.

Note: It is enough that a group has an associated group to let the users of the group view an event.

###2.1.4 Definitions

#### Object

ce1sus object mgt

The objects definitions can be considered as attribute containers. These containers limit the choice of attributes and ease the use for the user to choose an appropriate attribute, without being overwhelmed by attributes which may be ambiguous. These object containers will be refereed by object definitions. These containers are based on the Cybox standart. The object definitions which cannot be edited and show the cybox logo, are part of the standard.

Example: Object Email cannot have a mutex, therefore the attribute mutex is not part of the object container

An object definition has the following properties:

Field Description
Identifier Generated identifier
Name Name of the object container (i.e. Email)
Checksum Checksum of the object container. This checksum is used to identify an object container
Note: The checksum is the SHA1 hash of the name
Description Description of the object
Default Shareable The default value for sharing
Note: These values can be overridden, by the user
Associated Attributes Attributes which belong to the object container

Objects definitions can be added, edited and deleted. The deletion only works if the object is not referenced anymore.

Note: Do not forget to add attribute definitions to the object else one is only able to add the object to the event.

#### Attributes

ce1sus object mgt

The attribute definition are the definition what an attribute can be.

An attribute definition has the following properties:

Field Description
Identifier Generated identifier
Name Name of the attribtue (i.e. mutex)
Checksum Checksum of the object container. This checksum is used to identify an object container
Note: Checksum is SHA1(name + regex + class_index + handler.uuid)
Description Description of the attribute
Regular expression A regex of the value which the value has to be checked against
Default is "^.+$"
Data Type The type of the value of the attribute.(i.e. String, Number)
Possible types are String, Text, Number, Date
Note: Each type is stored in a different table, to keep a proper database
Input handler The handler used for the attribute. For more informations on handlers see section
Base type Not implemented yet
Default condifiton The condition which is set by default. (i.e. Equals or Fits Pattern)
Relation-able If this value is set relations between objects are created on entering an attribute or via
the maintenance tools
Default Shareable The default value for sharing
Note: These values can be overridden, by the user
Associated Object Objects which have the attribute definiton associated

##### Handlers

Ce1sus support custom handlers, these handlers are used to perform additional operations (i.e. parsing of the email) and display the attribute values depending on their configuration. The handlers can even create complex structures. One also must know that the handlers can also provide an complex input form which can be used to create a basic structure for the event for instance.

The handler will be in near future exchangeable therefore the uuid is required, note also that the uuid of the AttribtueHandlers table should correspond to the one specified in the handler

Ce1sus supports the following handlers:

Handler Name Supoorted Types Description
CBValueHandler String Handles values as combo-box.
The regex has to be under a similar form as "^yes$
Note the number of "
CVEHandler String Handler for CVEs
Creates a link to the entered CVE
DateHandler Date Handler for dates
Note: Currently supports only text dates under the form of "YYYY-mm-dd
FileHandler String Handles fileuploads and generates additional attributes as filename,
hash_sha1 of the file
When uploaded the file can be downloaded as a zip file
FileWithHashedHandler String Handles fileuploads and generates additional attributes as filename,
hash_md5, hash_sha1, hash_sha256, hash_sha384, hash_sha512 of the file
When uploaded the file can be downloaded as a zip file
GernericHandler String, Text, Number Generic one line handler
LinkHandler String Handler for links
The link is displayed as link
MultipleGenericHandler String, Text, Number Generic multiple line hander
Each new line is considered as new attribute with the same properties
RTHandler Number Handler for RT Tickets
RT Tickets can be chosen from a table or entered manually.
Multiple RT Ticket numbers can be entered in a CSV format
TextHandler Text Handler for large text i.e. YARA Rules

###### Manual handler insertion

There is not yet an automated installation of such handlers therefore they have to be installed manually. The process is be explained below

  1. Create a handler extending either the Generichandler or HandlerBase
  2. Place it in ce1sus.handlers.attribute for attribute handlers or ce1sus.handlers.references for report references.
  3. Insert into the Table AttributeHanlders or Referencehandlers
    • The module and classname i.e. generichandler.GenericHandler
    • The uuid for the handler
    • A descripiton 3b. (Optional) Create a configuration in the config/handlers.conf

#### Conditions

The conditions are straigt forward this is only to specify custom contitions on which the attribute can be used. This means that for instance "Equals" means that the attribute value matches 1:1, or "FitsPattern" for a value with wildcards.

#### Types

Not yet implemented

###2.1.4 Mails

Ce1sus offers the possibility to send mails on different occasions. This however depends on the configuration. Therefore the section [Mailer] has to be configured.

Note: It is recommended to supply an GPG key for ce1sus else it is only possible to get notifications on event which have a TLP level of white. This folder/key has to be owned by the owner of ce1sus (i.e. www-data)

If the configuration ce1sus/sendmail is set then ce1sus will send out mails for the following events:

  • Event publication/updates
  • Event validation if the event is published
  • Adding a user

Each mail of the above events use a template which can be configured via the admin interface, for more informations see the descriptions of each template.


  • If an events gets published or updated only the users who are in the group or subgroup of an event will receive the mail, regardless which TLP level it is.
  • If a user in one of the event groups has no GPG key specified, he will only receive a mail it the event is TLP while.

###2.1.5 BackgroundJobs

Ce1sus processes some processing in the background, for instance sending emails or syncronisation. In this view one can see all the jobs which are sceduled.

The view offers the possibility to reschedule, stop, delete the scheduled event.

###2.1.5 SyncServers

This is the view to ass severs which ce1sus syncs with. Currently only MISP and ce1sus instances can be entered.

The fields for a sync server are the following:

Field Description
Type The type of the server currently only MISP and ce1sus
Name Name of the sever (i.e. circl misp)
Description Description for the server
Associated user the user which has the informations to access the server.
Note: The user should have the api key and username have to be set to the ones from the remote server
Mode The supported modes by the remote server
Push: means that events can be pushed to this server
Pull: means that events can be pulled from this server
CA Certificate
Verify ssl

Note: In this view one can also perform push all or pull all operations, by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the overview of the servers.

##2.2 User interface

The next sections describes the elements of the user interface.

###2.2.1 Events

The event details are composed of the following views:

Field Description
Overview General details of the event, show also Relations beween other events and a possibility to add event comments
Note: The event comments are only viewable by priviledged users and the users of the creator group
Observables Lists all the elements seen though the event, the view can be seen under a list or strucktured form
Indicators Lists all the indicators seen though the event, the view can be seen under a list or strucktured form
Note: Currently these indicators are generated automatically. For the attribtues with the IOC flag set
Relations The relations of the event. These are more detailed as the one on the overview page. These relations
show the related event, object and the attribute who made the relation, it the attribute is relation-able.
See section 2.1.5 for more information on relations.
Groups Group management of the event. Ech group associated to the event permits the users of that group to
view the event.
Note: Only users of groups with the set group flag set view/change the associated goups.

#### Overview

The Overview view gives a genral view of the event, like the other related events, wich group it inserted and from which group it came to you. And comments.

Note: The comments are only viewable by the owner of the event. These are mainly used for comments related to the evnet.

Note2: Owners or priviledged users can change the ownership of the evnet via the Change ownership button.

#### Observables

The observables are an implementation of the observables found in Cybox/STIX.

The observable does not require anything every field is optional.

Inside such observable one can specify objects which then represent the item of an event like a File with all its attributes. The objects can have child objects. This is how the structures are set up.

Currently combined observables can only be created via the REST API.

The observables can be viewed in their structured form or in a list like view. The view can be changed by selecting the desired view via the button View Mode

#### Indicators

The indicator view show the indicators of the event. It can also similar as the observables shown in a structured or list view.

Note The indicators are created automatically for the attributes with the IOC flag set.

Note2 Indicators can currently only be created via the REST API, but as soon as indicators have been manually created, one must take care for all of the indicators are the automatically generated ones will not be available anymore.

#### Relations The relations view shows all the relations found between events on their attribute level.

This view is not editable

#### Reports

#### Groups

The groups associated to the event, provide the users of the group to view the event, event if the TLP level is too high. This is servers the purpose to cooperate/share informations of the event with all the parties involved. The other thing is that every associated group can have serveral permissions, which are only valdi for the event in context.

The permissions available are the following

Permission Description
Add Permission to add items to the event
Modify Permission to modify items in the event
Note This does not imply that the add right or delete is also granted
Delete Permission to delete items
Note This does not imply that the add right or modify is also granted
Validate Permission to validate items on the event
Set Groups Permissions to change the groups/permissions of groups

####2.2.2 Adding/Edit of an Event

##### Adding/Edit an Event

The event has the following properties:

Field description
UUID Generated UUID to uniquely identify an event
Title* Title (or Name) of the event
Note: Is mandatory
Description Short description of the event
Note: This description will aways shown
Published If set the event is visible to the users who access is granted to, if
not the event is only visible by the users of the same group as the creator.
Note1: Unpublished events are marked in a reddish color
Note2: If an event was published and changes are made i.e adding an
attribute the event will unpublish
First seen When the event was first seen. Default "now()"
Last seen When the event was last seen. Default "now()"
Note: This value is updated by "now() as soon there are attributes/objects
added to the event

Note: If ce1sus is configured to send mails, each time an events gets published the users allowed to see the events gets a notification mail of the changes

Note: The add event interface offers also the possibility to add the event via files. The currently supported formats are:

  • STIX xmls
  • MISP 2.3 xmls
  • OpenIOCs ioc files

#### Adding/Edit Observables/Objects

To add an object the user must just select the object he wants and if this object should be shared. If the object is not shared the attribute will automatically be not shared.

Note: Not shared means that they are only visible by the owner of the event and the users of the creator group.

The object will be displayed as a container, where the object can be modified with the following options:

Field Description
Add Attribute (Plus sign) See section
Add child object (Arrow down) Add a new object as child
Modify object (Lines) Offers the possibility to change the child parent relations
Modify properties (Pencil) Change the value for shearing
Note: If an object is unshared all its attributes and children will also be unshared
View details (Eye) Shows the details of the object and its creation date
Delete (Cross) Removes an object
Note: If an object has children it is not possible to delete that object until its
children are removed

Notes: * If the object header has a lock icon the object is not shared * If the object header is yellow the object has been proposed, for more informations on proposals see section

#### Adding/Edit Attributes

Attributes can only be added if an object exits. The attribtues can change for every object as they were configured in the administration section (see section 2.1.4 & 2.1.5).

To add an attribute one has first to select its type, depending on which type is selected the input fields may vary. The configured handler (see section specifies how the input fields look like and how the entered values are handled.

These are the possible properties of an attribute:

Field Description
Type See attribute definitions in section 2.1.4
Value The attribute value
Note: These values are checked against the regex specified in their definition.
Shared Defines if the attribute is shared. The default value depends in the attribute definition.
Note: Not shared means that they are only visible by privileged users and the users of the creator group.
Is an IOC Set the value if it is an IOC


  • If the attribute identifier is marked red the event is unpulbished.
  • If the attribute identifier is marked yellow the event got some proposals, for more informations on proposals see section
  • Depending on the handler used the properties may vary.

#### Proposal of objects/Attributes

Every user can propose attributes and objects to an event which is viewable to him. The proposals are made as if the proposing user is the owner of the event he wants to provide additional informations. The difference is that these proposed attributes will be marked (yellow color) to denote them as proposals. These proposals will only be visible by the proposing user and the event owner. As long as the proposed attribute had not been acknowledged by the owner, they can be deleted at any time, by the proposing user.

Note: These attributes will not be visible to other users, unless the owner acknowledge them and then they will be part of the event and shown normally to all the users having access to the corresponding event.

Remark: A future release will provide this feature also via REST.

#### Remarks

###2.2.2 Search

The search supports currently only the search on attributes and reports. The search results work the same way as the Recent events described in section 2.2.3.


###2.2.3 Events

The recent events list the last 200 entered events, by clicking, either on the identifier (number) or the eye icon in the options column, one enters view of the event.


  • If the event identifier is marked red the event is unpulbished.
  • If the event identifier is marked yellow the event got some proposals, for more informations on proposals see section


For viewing the REST API Documentation please access on the server with the frontend the "/swagger.html" path (i.e. http://localhost:8080/swagger.html).

#4. Maintenance tools

The maintenance tool is a command line application, wich is deployed on the server. It offers the following functionalities:

  • Rebuild all relations according to the definitions Note: This finctionality is used to recreate and remove relations in case there were changes made to the definitions. The relations which are existing but the definition is not relationable anyloger will also be removed
  • Rebuild relations according to the definitions for a specific event
  • Verify the checksums of all definitions and change them to the correct value if needed
  • Clear all the relations

Use the following command for the syntax

python -h

#5. Developing Handlers


#4. Known Issues
