diff --git a/htdocs/landing/authenticationError.html b/htdocs/landing/authenticationError.html
deleted file mode 100644
index db2d0b98c..000000000
--- a/htdocs/landing/authenticationError.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- To access this page, you require an X509 digital certificate installed in your browser that has been
- issued by one of the recognised EU-Grid-PMA Certification Authorities.
- Please note, after you have installed your certificate, you will need to restart and refresh your browser
- to re-establish the secure connection.
diff --git a/htdocs/web_portal/components/Get_User_Principle.php b/htdocs/web_portal/components/Get_User_Principle.php
index 04c35c194..78c79e361 100644
--- a/htdocs/web_portal/components/Get_User_Principle.php
+++ b/htdocs/web_portal/components/Get_User_Principle.php
@@ -243,77 +243,4 @@ function redirectUserToDiscoveryPage()
-/*function Get_User_Principle_back()
- // Return hard wired user's principle string (DN) e.g. for testing
- // =======================================================
- //return '/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=CLRC/L=DL/CN=david meredith';
- // Check if an authentication token has been set in the SecurityContext class
- // by higher level code, eg Symfony Security which provides a Firewall component
- // may have been used to intercept the HTTP request and authenticate the
- // user (using whatever auth scheme was configured in the Firewall). A
- // Symfony controller can then subsequently set the token in the SecurityContext
- // before invoking the GOCDB code.
- // =======================================================
- require_once __DIR__.'/../../../lib/Gocdb_Services/SecurityContextSource.php';
- if(\SecurityContextSource::getContext() != null){
- $token = \SecurityContextSource::getContext()->getToken();
- return str_replace("emailAddress=", "Email=", $token->getUser()->getUserName());
- }
- // ================Use x509 Authentication=======================
- //if(!isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']))
- // return "";
- //$Raw_Client_Certificate = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'];
- //$Plain_Client_Cerfificate = openssl_x509_parse($Raw_Client_Certificate);
- //$User_DN = $Plain_Client_Cerfificate['name'];
- // harmonise display of the "email" field that can be different depending on
- // used version of SSL
- //$User_DN = str_replace("emailAddress=", "Email=", $User_DN);
- //return $User_DN;
- if (isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) {
- $Raw_Client_Certificate = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'];
- if (isset($Raw_Client_Certificate)) {
- $Plain_Client_Cerfificate = openssl_x509_parse($Raw_Client_Certificate);
- $User_DN = $Plain_Client_Cerfificate['name'];
- if (isset($User_DN)) {
- // harmonise "email" field that can be different depending on version of SSL
- $dn = str_replace("emailAddress=", "Email=", $User_DN);
- if ($dn != null && $dn != '') {
- return $dn;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Fall back to try saml authentication (simplesaml)
- // =======================================================
- if(false){ // disable by default - to use saml requires install of simplesamlphp and config below
- require_once('/var/simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php');
- $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple('default-sp');
- $as->requireAuth();
- \Factory::$properties['LOGOUTURL'] = $as->getLogoutURL('https://gocdb-test.esc.rl.ac.uk');
- $attributes = $as->getAttributes();
- if(!empty($attributes)){
- //return $attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0];
- $dnAttribute = $attributes['urn:oid:'][0];
- if(!empty($dnAttribute)){
- return str_replace("emailAddress=", "Email=", $dnAttribute);
- } else {
- die('Did not retrieve a valid certificate DN from identify provider - your SSO '
- . 'account needs to be associated with a certificate to login via this route');
- }
- }
- }
- // Couldn't authetnicate the user, so finally return null
- return null;
diff --git a/lib/Authentication/AuthTokens/X509AuthenticationToken.php b/lib/Authentication/AuthTokens/X509AuthenticationToken.php
index e5f97fbe3..3b5aa3a4f 100644
--- a/lib/Authentication/AuthTokens/X509AuthenticationToken.php
+++ b/lib/Authentication/AuthTokens/X509AuthenticationToken.php
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ class X509AuthenticationToken implements IAuthentication {
//private $logger;
public function __construct() {
- // create logger
- //$this->logger = new Logger('X509AuthenticationTokenLogger');
- //$this->logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/../../../gocdb.log', Logger::DEBUG));
$this->initialDN = $this->getDN();
$this->userDetails = array('AuthenticationRealm' => array('X.509'));
diff --git a/todo.md b/todo.md
index 87ffb1e26..eb01c233d 100644
--- a/todo.md
+++ b/todo.md
@@ -62,23 +62,6 @@
## Maybe Todo
* Add LoA attribute to AuthToken details
-* Support account linking where a user would need to authenticate multiple times using the different
- AAI supported methods in order to link those identities to a single (possibly existing) account:
- * Update DB schema so that a user account has one-to-many identities rather than a single ID
- * Record additional information about which login-route/security-realm is associated with each ID
- * Modify the authentication lib so that the authentication-context can handle
-a collection of AuthTokens rather than a single AuthToken during the same HTTP session
- * Enable linking a new/unregistered ID to an existing account: On registering,
-provide an option to allow the new ID to be associated with an existing account
-rather than creating a new/separate account.
- * Link two existing accounts together: Provide interface to allow joining/merging
-two existing accounts (will need to merge existing roles, remove duplicate roles etc)
- * To perform either of these account linking scenarios, user will be required to
-authenticate for all the authentication-mechanisms during the same HTTP session
-(e.g. authenticate with x509, then re-authenticate via IdP). Only after successfully
-authenticating with the multiple login mechanisms, should they be able to link those accounts together.
- * Or use Unity / Perun to do the account linking for us?
* Add filtering of resources by 'project' ?
* Add 'project' URL param to PI get_project, get_site, get_service, get_downtime ?
* Introduce READ action for roles? - currently, once a user is authenticated, all info can