Badge management tools for Weezevent
- PHP 7.3
- MariaDB 10.2.7 or MySQL 5.7.8
- Composer
- A Google Oauth 2.0 API Key
- A Weezevent API Key (contact Weezevent for getting one)
$ composer create-project futurolan/weezbadge
Create a file name '.env.local' in project root (weezevent/). This file will not be overwrite on update.
# Symfony
# Google API
OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your google oauth id>
OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your google oauth secret>
# Weezevent
WEEZEVENT_API_KEY=<weezevent api key>
WEEZEVENT_USERNAME=<weezevent username>
WEEZEVENT_PASSWORD=<weezevent password>
# MySQL Database
DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:[email protected]:3306/database
# Administrator
[email protected]
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Please refer to Symfony 4 documentation on how to properly configure your web server :