You can customize key features in the customization.cfg
file such as :
- Selecting which LLVM backend version to use (respecting Lone_Wolf's MESA_WHICH_LLVM variable values)
- Enabling/disabling compilation of the lib32 package
- Change userpatches behaviour
You can use your own mesa patches by putting them in the mesa-userpatches folder and giving them the .mymesapatch extension. You can also revert mesa patches by putting them in the mesa-userpatches folder and giving them the .mymesarevert extension.
Note about Lone_Wolf's MESA_WHICH_LLVM for clean chroot users using an aur helper: Selecting AUR's llvm-git as the LLVM backend in a clean chroot will fail to find the package due to naming. Two workarounds can be used: installing llvm-git beforehand (that will provide the aur-llvm-git
dependency required), or selecting LordHeavy's llvm-git option instead (that will actually install AUR's llvm-git package unless you have LordHeavy's package installed in your chroot, due to the package names being the same).
git clone
cd mesa-git
makepkg -si