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FreshPorts host configuration

This directory contains scripts to get a FreshPorts system off the ground.

It uses mkjail, now a FreeBSD port.

Before running the scripts

  • add the A and PTR records for the new hosts
  • add the grant permissions for TXT records for Let's Encrypt (if you're going to issue certs for the website)
  • create the website cert
    • if your hostname will be, you'll probably have two jails:
      • dvl-ingress01
      • dvl-nginx01 (note the certificate file needs to have the same name as the jail + whatever hostname is used to get to that website - e.g
      • e.g. [acme@certs ~]$ --issue --force --dns dns_nsupdate -d -d -k 4096 --server letsencrypt
    • name them after the host which will be used to access this FreshPorts host
  • Follow the instructions to prepare the hosts

The scripts

These are the scripts to run after the above.

  1. Configure the host itself by running this Ansible script. This will install the prerequisite packages such as git, unbound, ntpd, etc.

     ansible-playbook freshports-host.yml
  2. Get the host-init scripts

     mkdir ~/src
     cd ~/src
     git clone
     cd host-init
     sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/host-init
     sudo cp -i /usr/local/etc/host-init/
     # adjust the ZPOOL and JAILROOT to your requirements in - also set values for the _CERT variables
  3. Configure mkjail.conf:

     # adjust the ZPOOL, JAILDATASET, and VERSION to your requirements
     sudoedit  /usr/local/etc/mkjail.conf
  4. Start running the configuration scripts

     cd ~/src/host-init (or wherever you checked it out)
     sudo ./
     # start stuff on the host which are needed by the jails
     # eg. unbound
     sudo ./02-start-required-services
  5. Create the jails

     # This creates the jails which will be later configured by Ansible
     sudo ./
     # Take the jails you're using, and copy them over
     # you might also have to add this to /etc/rc.conf
     # jail_enable="YES"
     # jail_reverse_stop="YES"
     # jail_list="jail-ingressjail-nginx jail-pg"
     # jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" # For PostgreSQL
     sudo cp -i jail-ingress.conf jail-nginx.conf jail-pg.conf /etc/jail.conf.d/
  6. Start the jails

     sudo service jail start
  7. Configure the jails for running Ansible

     sudo ./
     # if you haven't already, do the Ansible configuration outlined in
  8. Switch over to the ansible host and run some or all of these commands

    1. For postgresql hosts:

      # The following is run on the jail host
      # PG_JAIL_CERT is defined in /usr/local/etc/host-init/
      # bring those variables into your shell: 
      . /usr/local/etc/host-init/
      # copy the cert key into that file
      sudo jexec $PG_JAIL sudoedit /usr/local/etc/ssl/${PG_JAIL_CERT}.key
      ansible-playbook jail-postgresql.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-pg01
      # that may end with:
      # fatal: [x8dtu-freshports-pg01]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "pg_ctl: could not start server\nExamine the log output.\n"}
      # if so, go ahead with the next step. should fix that
    2. For ingress hosts:

      # The following is run on the jail host
      ansible-playbook freshports-ingress.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-ingress01
    3. For nginx hosts:

      # The following is run on the jail host
      # WEB_JAIL_CERT is defined in /usr/local/etc/host-init/
      # bringing those variables into your shell:
      . /usr/local/etc/host-init/
      # key for the nginx jail
      sudo jexec $WEB_JAIL mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/ssl
      sudo jexec $WEB_JAIL touch /usr/local/etc/ssl/${WEB_JAIL_CERT}.key
      sudo jexec $WEB_JAIL chmod 440 /usr/local/etc/ssl/${WEB_JAIL_CERT}.key
      sudo jexec $WEB_JAIL chown root:www /usr/local/etc/ssl/${WEB_JAIL_CERT}.key
      # copy the cert key into that file
      sudo jexec $WEB_JAIL sudoedit /usr/local/etc/ssl/${WEB_JAIL_CERT}.key
      # adjust `/etc/jail.conf.d/jail-nginx` and enable the ZFS filesystems
      ansible-playbook freshports-website.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-nginx01
  9. With the required packages installed, try fetching certs etc:

     # This will configure cert-puller.conf, run `cert-puller -s` to get
     # the sudo permissions, and run `cert-puller`
     # The anvil configuration should be done by Ansible re: roles/freshports-configuration-website/tasks/main.yml
     sudo ./
  10. With the certs downloaded and installed, we can do the final configurations.

     ansible-playbook freshports-configuration-ingress.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-ingress01
     ansible-playbook freshports-configuration-website.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-nginx01
  11. Now that the jails have been configured, we can mount all the filesystems

     sudo service jail stop
     sudoedit /etc/jail.conf.d/jail-*.conf
     # uncomment things which say commented out until after step 10
  12. Start the jails again

    sudo service jail start (or just specify the jails you want to stop)
  13. Create the ~freshports/cache directories on the webserver

    sudo ./
  14. Remember to rotate log files

    # the jails need to be started for this one
    sudo ./08-newsyslog.conf
  15. Uncomment the remaining items in /etc/jail.conf. Look for commented out until after step 13:

    # NOTE: last time I did this, there were no such items.
    sudo service jail stop
    sudoedit /etc/jail.conf
    sudo service jail start
  16. Configure the freshports jail within the ingress jail:

    sudo ./
  17. Add snmpd credentials for snmpd in the PostgreSQL and Nginx jails:

    sudo jexec $JAIL
    mkdir /snmp
    service snmpd stop
    net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -ro -x AES -a SHA -A 'supersecretauth' -X supersecretXX someone
    service snmpd start
    # then add this host to LibreNMS
  18. Special file systems for FreshPorts

    ingress node

    • /var/db/ingress/repos (about 10 GB)
    • /jails/freshports/usr/ports (about 50 GB)

    For creation:

    ingress node

    sudo zfs create -o canmount=off                                                 ${datazpool}/freshports
    sudo zfs create -o canmount=off                                                 ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}
    sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/jails/${INGRESS_JAIL}/var/db/ingress/repos       ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos
    sudo zfs create -o                                                              ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos/docs
    sudo zfs create -o                                                              ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos/ports
    sudo zfs create -o                                                              ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos/src
    sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/jails/${INGRESS_JAIL}/jails/freshports/usr/ports ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/ports
    # these need non root:wheel permissions
    # this needs to be done after the ingress user is created
    sudo jexec ${INGRESS_JAIL} chown -R ingress:ingress /var/db/ingress/repos

    Useful at times, not part of the setup.

This section shows how to umount what we just created, check the underlying directories, then mount.

    sudo zfs umount ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/ports
    sudo zfs umount ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos

    # just to be sure we're not overlaying something unintenionally
    ls -l /jails/${INGRESS_JAIL}/var/db/ingress/repos /jails/${INGRESS_JAIL}/jails/freshports/usr/ports

    sudo zfs  mount ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/ports
    sudo zfs  mount ${datazpool}/freshports/${INGRESS_JAIL}/repos

#### postgresql node

    # before you create this, you'll want to move the old one away
    sudo jexec ${PG_JAIL} service postgresql stop
    sudo mv /jails/${PG_JAIL}/var/db/postgres /jails/${PG_JAIL}/var/db/postgres.old

    # this needs to be done after postgresql server is installed but before the initdb
    # that may be tricky because 
    sudo zfs create -o canmount=off                                 ${datazpool}/freshports/${PG_JAIL}
    sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/jails/${PG_JAIL}/var/db/postgres ${datazpool}/freshports/${PG_JAIL}/postgres
    sudo jexec ${PG_JAIL} chown postgres:postgres /var/db/postgres
    sudo mv /jails/${PG_JAIL}/var/db/postgres.old/* /jails/${PG_JAIL}/var/db/postgres
    sudo jexec ${PG_JAIL} service postgresql start
  1. Create the database

    # the roles and users need to be created first
    # run this ansible script for the ingress host in question
    ansible-playbook freshports-database-passwords.yml --limit=x8dtu-freshports-ingress01
    # This will create a file on the ingress host at /root/freshports-roles.sql
    # copy it to the PG jail
    sudo cp -i /jails/$INGRESS_JAIL/root/freshports-roles.sql /jails/$PG_JAIL/var/db/postgres
    sudo jexec $PG_JAIL chown postgres:postgres /var/db/postgres/freshports-roles.sql
    sudo jexec ${PG_JAIL}
    pkg install databases/postgresql13-plperl
    su -l postgres
    createdb -T template0 -E SQL_ASCII
    \i freshports-roles.sql
    # if all good:
    # otherise:
    # set the -j parameter to the number of CPUs on this host
    # Timing is not required. I just like it.
    time pg_restore -j 16 -d
  2. Clone the required git repos for the ingress user:

    sudo jexec $INGRESS_JAIL
    su -l ingress
    git clone   ~ingress/repos/src
    git clone   ~ingress/repos/doc
    git clone ~ingress/repos/ports
  3. Get a copy of the git ports repo for the freshports jail. This can be owned by root, all operations are performed as root from within the jail.

    sudo jexec $INGRESS_JAIL
    git clone /jails/freshports/usr/ports

This FreshPorts instance should now be running - but no commit processing is occuring. Next, you'll need to extract and set repo starting points. Later, you'll need to enable various periodic scripts and daemons.

code checkouts for a development host:


NOTE: This needs to be done before the ansible scripts install the freshports-freshports package - which means this section needs to move up in this file.

sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/FreshPorts
sudo chown -R dvl:dvl /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/FreshPorts
ln -s /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/FreshPorts ~/modules

cd ~/modules
svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/freshports-1/ingress/modules/branches/git .

sudo mkdir /usr/local/libexec/freshports
sudo chown -R dvl:dvl /usr/local/libexec/freshports
ln -s /usr/local/libexec/freshports ~/scripts

cd ~/scripts
svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/freshports-1/ingress/scripts/branches/git .

mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src
svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/freshports-1/packaging/trunk packaging

cd packaging
see README.txt - run the commands therein - it registers fake packages to
avoid having your code overwritten by the real packages.

symlinks you'll need

cd ~/modules
sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/freshports/ .
sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/freshports/ .

cd ~/scripts
sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/freshports/ .

jail configuration

This configures the jail for extracting port information

cd ~/scripts/Jail/scripts
sudo ./ /jails/freshports
cd /jails/freshports
sudo cp -i


sudo mkdir /usr/local/www/freshports
sudo chown dvl:dvl /usr/local/www/freshports
ln -s /usr/local/www/freshports ~/www
cd ~/www
git clone [email protected]:FreshPorts/freshports.git .

mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src
svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/freshports-1/packaging/trunk packaging

cd packaging
see README.txt - run the commands therein - it registers fake packages to
avoid having your code overwritten by the real packages.

website configuration

cd /usr/local/www/freshports/configuration
sudo cp -i vhosts.conf.nginx.sample vhosts.conf.nginx
sudo cp -i virtualhost-common.conf.sample     /usr/local/etc/freshports/virtualhost-common.conf
sudo cp -i virtualhost-common-ssl.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/freshports/virtualhost-common-ssl.conf
sudo cp -i freshports.conf.php.sample         /usr/local/etc/freshports/freshports.conf.php

cd /usr/local/www/freshports/include
sudo cp -i common.php.sample          /usr/local/etc/freshports/common.php
sudo cp -i constants.local.php.sample /usr/local/etc/freshports/constants.local.php