diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d26237676 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,2290 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +The FreeTAKServer REST API is a human readeble approach to the TAK world. The API allows you to easily connect third parties to the TAK family, without the need to understand the complexity of the COT structure or what a TCP connection is. FTS also supports an Internal API.
+FTS will send the information coming trough the API to all the connected clients, addtionally it will save it to the persistency, to be query in future.
+In the current release (1.9), FTS supports following API:
+++To quickly test the API, you can use a browser extension like ARC Advanced rest client (Chrome). REST APIs are easy to use, however they require a minimum ammount of knowledge, we DO NOT provide support to explain WHAT an API is. Please refer to an online tutorial such as this.
The API uses the following format:
+VERB [Protocol]://IP:PORT/APIName/action
+For example:
+To use the API you need to have a REST API key. +The authorization is placed in the header of the message.
+Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_API_KEY]
+++You need to use the string 'Bearer' before YOUR_API_KEY
A valid key is generated from FTS' CLI or, since 1.4 also from the Web UI, and stored into the DB.
+To add an API user in the CLI type:
+See CLI help for details. +To create a REST API key using the Web UI, go to the User section and give an user a token.. +Token: gives an unique combination that this user can leverage for the FTS REST API. NOTICE: the field token is for any alphanumeric string. the prefix 'bearer' is NOT part of the token. The name “Bearer authenticatio +To consume the API you will need to request a key to your FTS admin.
+The following is a non-working example of a key:
+ "Authorization": "Bearer meg@secre7apip@guesmeIfyouCan"
+In most end points, the message is placed in the body of the request as JSON formatted. See below for detailed examples. +In the API using the Get verbs it's a variable.
+Set of commands relative to API management.
+Retrieve API version and supported endpoints. + * verb: GET + * endpoint: /manageAPI/getHelp + * returns: json containing API version and supported endpoints
+{"APIVersion": "1.9.5", "SupportedEndpoints":
+["/ManageNotification/getNotification", "/ManageVideoStream/deleteVideoStream", "/ManageVideoStream/postVideoStream", "/ManageVideoStream/getVideoStream", "/ManageSystemUser/putSystemUser",
+"/ManageGeoObject/getGeoObject", "/ManageGeoObject/putGeoObject", "/ManageEmergency/getEmergency", "/ManagePresence/postPresence", "/ManagePresence/putPresence", "/ManageRoute/postRoute", "/SystemUser/deleteSystemUser", "/SystemUser/postSystemUser", "/ManageChat/postChatToAll", "/ManageCoT/getZoneCoT", "/ManageKML/postKML", "/manageAPI/getHelp", "/Sensor/postDrone", "/Sensor/postSPI", "/BroadcastDataPackage", "/ManageVideoStream", "/AuthenticateUser", "/DataPackageTable", "/ManageGeoObject", "/ManageEmergency", "/FederationTable", "/ManagePresence", "/MissionTable", "/ExCheckTable", "/SendGeoChat", "/ManageRoute", "/checkStatus", "/GenerateQR", "/ManageChat", "/RecentCoT", "/APIUser", "/Clients", "/Sensor", "/MapVid", "/Alive", "/URL"]}
+A GeoObject is an element place on a map. It has a name, characteristics, and an attitude.
+ "longitude": -77.0104,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "attitude": "hostile",
+ "bearing": 132,
+ "distance": 1,
+ "geoObject": "Gnd Combat Infantry Sniper",
+ "how": "nonCoT",
+ "name": "Putin",
+ "timeout": 600
+ "address": "Washington, DC, USA",
+ "attitude": "hostile",
+ "geoObject": "Gnd Combat Infantry Sniper",
+ "how": "nonCoT",
+ "name": "Putin",
+ "timeout": 600
+ "longitude": -77.0104,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "distance": 500,
+ "bearing": 92,
+ "attitude": "hostile",
+ "geoObject": "Gnd Combat Infantry Sniper",
+ "how": "nonCoT",
+ "name": "Putin",
+ "timeout": 600
+ "longitude": -77.0104,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "attitude": "hostile",
+ "bearing": 132,
+ "distance": 1,
+ "geoObject": "Medevac",
+ "how": "nonCoT",
+ "name": "Medevac",
+ "timeout": 600
+Extensions since 1.7
+extensions in 1.8
+the following list contains +API term : Translation in the COT
+update an existing geoObject coordinates (can also update other features)
+ "uid": "44455566775623",
+ "longitude": -66.12614,
+ "latitude": 43.96552,
+ "attitude": "hostile",
+ "geoObject": "Sniper",
+retrieve in a array all geoObjects in a given radius. It uses JSON variables, not the json body
+NOTE: these should be provided in the form of url encoded variables. + * radius: radius in meters where geoObjects, default(100). + * longitude: longitude from which radius is calculated, default(0). + * latitude: latitude from which radius is calculated, default(0). + * attitude: (optional) the attitude which will be filtered, default(any). See list of supported attitudes above.
+ "longitude": -77.02385,
+ "latitude": 38.989,
+ "attitude": "Hostile",
+ "radius": 500
+Params in the URL + http://[IP]:[PORT]/ManageGeoObject/getGeoObject?longitude=-77.0104&latitude=38.889&radius=5000
+get geo objects that are regularly resend by the servers +* verb: GET +* endPoint: /ManageGeoObject/GetRepeatedMessages
+ "message": "sending this over Rest API",
+ "sender": "Admin"
+create a emergency into the server
+ "name": "Corvo",
+ "emergencyType": "In Contact",
+ "longitude": -77.01395,
+ "latitude": 38.889
+get a list of current active emergencies
+no parameter required
+ "json_list": [
+ {
+ "PrimaryKey": 1,
+ "event_id": "459b5874-1ebf-11eb-9e70-4e58de281c19"
+ }
+ ]
+delete an active emergency. +(TODO: delete of emergencies can be only done by the originator of it.)
+ "uid": "459b5874-1ebf-11eb-9e70-4e58de281c19",
+ "status": "off"
+Manage a team member position
+ "uid": "999b5874-1ebf-11zz-9e70-4e58de281c19",
+ "how": "nonCoT",
+ "name": "POTUS",
+ "longitude": -77.01385,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "role": "Team Member",
+ "team": "Yellow"
+Updates the location of a team member + * verb: PUT + * endPoint: /ManagePresence/putPresence + * returns: UID
+manage routes on the map
+ "longitude": -77.02385,
+ "latitude": 38.999,
+ "routeName": "trip to Phil",
+ "startName": "Washington",
+ "endName": "Philadelphia",
+ "timeout": 40000,
+ "latitudeDest": 39.940,
+ "longitudeDest": -75.01385
+ "longitude": -77.01385,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "routeName": "trip to wichita",
+ "timeout": 40000,
+ "address": "Wichita, KS, USA"
+ "longitude": -77.02385,
+ "latitude": 38.999,
+ "routeName": "trip to halifax",
+ "latitudeDest": 44.69,
+ "longitudeDest": -63.57,
+ "method": "Flying"
+Manages creation of videos endpoints in the clients. The videos are visible under 'Video Player'
+ {
+ "streamAddress": "",
+ "streamPort": "1935",
+ "streamPath": "/LiveApp/342508189321134315564775",
+ "alias": "Demo Stream From Drone ",
+ "streamProtocol": "rtmp"
+streamPort and streamPort params still required but will be ignored
+ "streamAddress": "rtsp://",
+ "alias": "raw Stream From Drone ",
+ "streamPort": "1935",
+ "streamPath": "/LiveApp/342508189321134315564775",
+ "streamProtocol": "raw"
+retrieves list of stream paths
+ "video_stream": [
+ "/LiveApp/342508189321134315564775",
+ "/test/other"
+ ]
+since 1.9 +manage sensors (name to be changed in ManageSensor)
+ +create a drone object with a field of view, a current aiming point a video stream
+ "name": "Putin air",
+ "Bearing": "90",
+ "longitude": -77.01383,
+ "latitude": 38.883,
+ "FieldOfView":"20",
+ "Range": "500",
+ "VideoURLUID": "rtmp://",
+ "SPILongitude": -77.01393,
+ "SPILatitude": 38.885,
+ "SPIName": "Putin air SPI"
+ }
+ "uid": "d033fd0c-d5ac-11eb-ab27-4e58de281c19",
+ "name": "Putin air",
+ "timeout": 40000,
+ "Bearing": "0",
+ "longitude": -77.01399,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "FieldOfView": "20",
+ "Range": "500",
+ "VideoURLUID": "rtmp://"
+Creates an SPI at a point or update an existing SPI. If the video source is a UAV, and the UAV is also publishing its own position and sensor point of interest (SPI), those will be plotted on the map. Being able to see the position of the aircraft and know where on the map the camera is looking in real time, while being able to see the video on the same screen, is a huge boost to SA.
+ "uid": "e452b6bf-d4f0-11eb-b818-2cf05d092d98",
+ "timeout": 500,
+ "longitude": 4,
+ "latitude": 8,
+ "droneUid": "d76f608a-d4f0-11eb-b375-2cf05d092d98",
+ "name": "test"
+allows to post a set of geo information with attached metadata in tabular format
+ +{
+ "name": "Putin Report",
+ "longitude": -77.01399,
+ "latitude": 38.889,
+ "body": {
+ "userCallsign": "Mr Putin",
+ "dateTime": "2021-07-13",
+ "type": "Surveillance",
+ "eventScale": "Capital",
+ "importance": "Routine",
+ "status": "FurtherInvestigation",
+ "Time Observed": "2021-05-13T13:55:05.19Z",
+ "Duration of Event": "All day",
+ "Method Of Detection": "General Observation",
+ "Surveillance Type": "Discreet",
+ "Assessed Threats": "Threat to Mission",
+ "Final Remarks": "SNAFU"
+ }
+ Internal APIs are primarly used by the FTS UI to communicate with the server. See also the REST API DOC for APIs used in integration +they may used to create other user interfaces such as CLI.
+In the current release (1.9), FTS supports following Internal API :
+there are two types of Internal API: +- Websocket, using socketIO +- REST
+FTS uses SocketIO for the comunication, ensure that you understand SOckectIO concepts:
+to use websocket events you need to trigger the event 'authenticate' after connection and pass
+as the body of the message {"Authenticate": [YOUR WEBSOCKET KEY]}
event triggered on initial connection to server
+Event: connect
(this is a special event as it is called automatically on connection)
+Subscription: connectUpdate
+"starttime": "", // time at which server was started
+"version": "" // version of FTS currently running
+event used to authenticate new clients in the websocket
+ Event: authenticate
+ Subscription: authentication
will call the event authentication on client with message body
+{'successful': 'True'/'False'}
dependent on whether or not
+the authentication was accepted.
a JSON body in the following format
+{"Authorization": [YOUR WEBSOCKET KEY]}
+event used to access list of connected client aswell as data
+relating to each client.
+ Event: users
+ Subscription: userUpdate
a JSON message containing connected clients
+ "Users":[
+ "user:"{"ip": "", "callsign": "CorvoMobile", "team": "Yellow"},
+ "user:"{"ip": "", "callsign": "Ghost", "team": "Blue"}
+ ]
+retrieve all system users and their associated information
+Event: systemUser
+Subscription: systemUserUpdate
system user information
+ "systemUsers": [
+ {"Name": "Dan", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "a.zip", "Uid": ""},
+ {"Name": "Joe", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "b.zip", "Uid": ""},
+ {"Name": "Bill", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "c.zip", "Uid": ""}
+ ]
+add one or many system users to the server
+Event: addSystemUser
+ "systemUsers": [
+ {"Name": "Dan", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "true"},
+ {"Name": "Joe", "Group": "Blue", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "true"},
+ {"Name": "Bill", "Group": "Red", "Token": "", "Password": "", "Certs": "true"}
+ ]
+remove a system user from the server
+Event: removeSystemUser
+ "systemUsers": [
+ {"uid": "[uid of system user to be deleted]"},
+ {"uid": "[uid of system user to be deleted]"},
+ {"uid": "[uid of system user to be deleted]"}
+ ]
+event used to retrieve recent error log entries
+from the server
+Event: logs
+Subscription: logUpdate
recent error logs in JSON to the client event logUpdate
with data in the following format
+ "log_data": [
+ {"time": "2020-12-16 21:15:14,618", "type": "ERROR", "file":"TCPCoTServiceController.py:31", "message": "there has been an exception in Data Package service startup maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object"}
+ ]
+the timestamp on the most recent log entry in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f
event used to retrieve last 5 events
+Event: events
+Subscription: eventsUpdate
+ "events": ["server event 1", "server event 2", "server event 3", "server event 4", "server event 5"]
+event used to retrieve information about all services including
+their current status and port
+Event: serviceInfo
+Subscription: serviceInfoUpdate
status and port of each service aswell as the server starttime to the client event serviceInfoUpdate
+with body data in the following format
+ "services": {
+ "SSL_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 11111
+ },
+ "TCP_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "off",
+ "port": 55555
+ },
+ "SSL_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 52345
+ },
+ "TCP_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 55235
+ },
+ "Federation_server_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 55235
+ },
+ "Rest_API_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 55235
+ }
+ },
+ "IP": ""
+event used to retrieve information regarding
+the status of the server hardware including
+cpu, disk and memory usage.
+Event: serverHealth
+Subscription: serverHealthUpdate
current hardware usage to the client event serverHealthUpdate
with body
+ "CPU": 56,
+ "memory": 39,
+ "disk": 94
+event used to execute test of all currently active
+services and return their respective status.
+ Event: systemStatus
+ Subscription: systemStatusUpdate
current and expected status of all services on the server in JSON format
+to the event systemStatusUpdate
on the client with the body of the message
+in the following format
+ "services": {
+ "SSL_CoT_service": {
+ "status_expected": "on",
+ "status_actual": "off"
+ },
+ "TCP_CoT_service": {
+ "status_expected": "on",
+ "satus_actual": "on"
+ },
+ "SSL_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status_expected": "on",
+ "status_actual": "on"
+ },
+ "TCP_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status_expected": "on",
+ "status_actual": "on"
+ },
+ "SSL_Federation_service": {
+ "status_expected": "off",
+ "status_actual": "off"
+ },
+ "TCP_API_service": {
+ "status_expected": "on",
+ "status_actual": "on"
+ }
+ }
+Event used to change the status of each service running on the server
+Event: changeServiceInfo
+Subscription: systemStatusUpdate
+"services": {
+ "SSL_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 11111
+ },
+ "TCP_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "off",
+ "port": 55555
+ },
+ "SSL_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 52345
+ },
+ "TCP_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 55235
+ }
+"ip": ""
+accepts JSON data containing information regarding the desired status of each service in the following format
+ "services": {
+ "SSL_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 11111
+ },
+ "TCP_CoT_service": {
+ "status": "off",
+ "port": 55555
+ },
+ "SSL_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 52345
+ },
+ "TCP_DataPackage_service": {
+ "status": "on",
+ "port": 55235
+ }
+ },
+ "ip": ""
: ip on which the server should be listening eg:
: whether the service is to be started or stopped eg: on
, off
(optional): the port on which the service should be listening eg: 8089
+not all services need to be in every message only those you would like to change
Event used to retrieve all system users
+ Event: systemUsers
+ Subscription: systemUsersUpdate
the metadata of each user
+ "systemUsers":[
+ {"Name": "Dan", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "Token1", "Password": "psw1", , "Certs": "a.zip"},
+ {"Name": "Joe", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "Token1", "Password": "psw1", , "Certs": "a.zip"},
+ {"Name": "Bill", "Group": "Yellow", "Token": "Token1", "Password": "psw1", , "Certs": "a.zip"}
+ ]
+used to create a new system user on the server
+Event: addSystemUsers
+ "systemUsers":[
+ {"Name":"dan", "Group":"Yellow", "Token":"token", "Password": "psw1", "Certs":"true" }
+ ]
+used to remove a system user and their associated files from the server
+Event: removeSystemUsers
+{ "systemUsers":
+ [
+ { "uid": "46b3de87-85f5-400d-a098-536f2e1421ce" }
+ ]
+to use the REST API you need to have a REST API key. +the authorization is placed in the header of the message. +Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_API_KEY]
+++you need to use the string 'Bearer' before your API KEY
used to create a new system user on the server
user created
+code: 201
+ "systemUsers":[{"Name":"dan", "Group":"Yellow", "Token":"token", "Password": "psw1", "Certs":"true", "DeviceType": "mobile" }]}
+used to remove a system user and their associated files from the server as well as revoking the users certificate
user deleted
+code: 200
{ "systemUsers":
+ [
+ { "uid": "46b3de87-85f5-400d-a098-536f2e1421ce" }
+ ]
+update an existing system user
user updated
+code: 200
{"systemUsers": [
+ {"uid": "existing user id", "password": "new user password", "token": "new user token", "group": "new user group"}
+ ]
+Endpoint used to access data regarding DataPackages
+returns JSON data containing information regarding all DataPackages currently on server
+ "DataPackages":[
+ {"Keywords": "", "name": "WWIII Locations","privacy":"public", "size":"345KB", "submitted":"2020-02-10" },
+ {"Keywords": "112.144.567.257", "name": "WWIII Locations","privacy":"public", "size":"345KB", "submitted":"2020-02-10" }
+ ]
+accepts the zipped form of the file in the body of the message and the following arguments in the url
+* filename: the name of the zipped file
+* creatorUid(optional): the uid of the user associated with the DataPackage defaults to server
if none is provided
accepts the following JSON data
+ "DataPackages":[
+ {"hash": "194728885783f87ws84888943fjew"},
+ {"hash": "19472mw45783f7ws848758943fjegr"}
+ ]
+the hash values are the hashes of DataPackages to be deleted
+accepts the following JSON data
+ "DataPackages":[
+ {"PrimaryKey": "1", "Name": "new_name", "Keywords": "new keywords", "Privacy": "0"}
+ ]
+Endpoint used to access data regarding mission packages
+return JSON data containing information about all current Missions +with the following format
+ "version": "3",
+ "type": "Mission",
+ "data": [{
+ "name": "save the world",
+ "description": "Protect the world from Aliens",
+ "chatRoom": "",
+ "tool": "public",
+ "keywords": ["War"],
+ "creatorUid": "Anonymous",
+ "createTime": "2020-12-09T15:53:42.873Z",
+ "groups": ["__ANON__"],
+ "externalData": [],
+ "uids": [{
+ "data": "32e9089c-6ae0-4c7e-b4cd-cb16d3f46933",
+ "timestamp": "2020-12-09T15:58:10.635Z",
+ "creatorUid": "aa0b0312-b5cd-4c2c-bbbc-9c4c70216261",
+ "details": {
+ "type": "a-h-G",
+ "callsign": "R.9.155734",
+ "iconsetPath": "COT_MAPPING_2525B/a-h/a-h-G"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "contents": [{
+ "data": {
+ "filename": "Sout",
+ "keywords": [],
+ "mimeType": "application/octet-stream",
+ "name": "SWN Threat",
+ "submissionTime": "2020-12-09T15:55:21.468Z",
+ "submitter": "anonymous",
+ "uid": "3ec22850-d6de-44a5-b79c-3af16695af60",
+ "hash": "8a99e610d223426caaf267f12c3100513bbb62a66d07c5feb624d4cf5b90b69b",
+ "size": 18360
+ },
+ "timestamp": "2020-12-09T15:55:21.559Z",
+ "creatorUid": "Anonymous"
+ }
+ ],
+ "passwordProtected": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "nodeId": "6ff99444fa124679a3943ee90308a44c9d794c02-e5a5-42b5-b4c8-625203ea1287"
+not yet implemented
+not yet implemented
+Endpoint used to access data regarding ExCheck items such as checklists and templates
+creates a template on the server from a supplied xml file accepting the following URL encoded values: +* clientUid: the uid of the client to be recognized as the creator of the template
+body of the message should be the xml of the template
+accepts the following data
+ "ExCheck":
+ {
+ "Templates": [{"uid": "TemplateUID1"}, {"uid": "TemplateUID2"}],
+ "Checklists": [{"uid": "ChecklistUID1"}, {"uid": "ChecklistUID2"}]
+ }
: the uid of those Checklists and Templates to be deleted
return JSON data containing the following information about Checklists and Templates present on the server
+ "ExCheck": {
+ "Templates": [
+ {
+ "filename": "cdd39d06-b43e-42f4-839d-32362febe9a1.xml",
+ "name": "test from atak",
+ "submissionTime": "2020-12-22T22:07:31.749284Z",
+ "submitter": "[('NOVA',)]",
+ "uid": "cdd39d06-b43e-42f4-839d-32362febe9a1",
+ "hash": "bfb97ed985f789b0c97cf3a93a4354e36eadadd0b6d156c4e4a5ad25330a8c45",
+ "size": 1735,
+ "description": "test from atak desc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Checklists": [
+ {
+ "filename": "c5322e53-5b95-4def-953d-6be9e42e79fd.xml",
+ "name": "test from atak",
+ "startTime": "2020-12-22T22:07:32.841000Z",
+ "submitter": "NOVA",
+ "uid": "c5322e53-5b95-4def-953d-6be9e42e79fd",
+ "description": "test from atak desc",
+ "template":"cdd39d06-b43e-42f4-839d-32362febe9a1"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+endpoint used to access federation objects
+return JSON data containing the following information regarding current checklists and templates present on the server
+ [
+ {
+ "id": "111-111-111",
+ "address": "",
+ "port": "9000",
+ "initiator": "Self",
+ "readCount": "0",
+ "processedCount": "0"
+ }
+ {
+ "id": "111-111-112",
+ "address": "",
+ "port": "11111",
+ "initiator": "Remote",
+ "readCount": "0",
+ "processedCount": "0"
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "federation 1",
+ "id": "111-111-111",
+ "address": "",
+ "port": "9000",
+ "fallBack": "federation 2",
+ "status": "Disabled",
+ "reconnectInterval": "32",
+ "maxRetries": "15",
+ "lastError": "Timeout"
+ }
+ ]
+create a new federation configuration
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "federation 1",
+ "address": "",
+ "port": "9000",
+ "fallBack": "federation 2",
+ "status": "Disabled",
+ "reconnectInterval": "32",
+ "maxRetries": "15"
+ }
+ ]
+delete an existing federation configuration
+ "federations":
+ [
+ {
+ "id": "111-111-111"
+ }
+ ]
+modify an existing federation configuration
+ "federations":
+ [
+ {
+ "id": "111-111-111",
+ "name": "new federation 1",
+ "fallBack": "new fallback",
+ "status": "Enabled",
+ "reconnectInterval": "15",
+ "maxRetries": "10"
+ }
+ ]
+FTS is a TAK server written in Python that connects all your TAK devices.
+We released our software under the "Eclipse Public License" allowing not only private usage but also commercial products built on top of it.
+There are many reasons for using a server, including the availability of a centralized repository of information (data packages), the administration of users and security (SSL), server-side functions (e.g., ExCheck, Data Sync), and integration with other non-TAK systems (e.g., video, audio, Telegram) using the FTS API.
+FTS is not only powerful–it's also more user-friendly when compared to other systems. Also, FTS is a community-driven Open Source project at its core. Under the covers, FTS is based on a domain model, so it's the only TAK server that can provide analysis and interpretation of the information it collects–not just receive requests from clients and provides the requested data or perform the requested actions. +Other TAK servers, on the other hand, act only as information brokers: they're services that collect, organize, and disseminate information. +The bottom line is that FTS is "smarter" than other TAK servers.
+For information on how to set up FTS, please see Installation Guides.
+ + + + + + +Users have spoken: FTS is the best TAK server on github!
+Function | +FTS 1.9 | +TAKServer | +FTS 2.X | +Other | +
Web Administration | +O (Single Page Web App) | +O | +O (Extended Multi Server) | +X | +
WebUI Configuration | +O | +O | +O (Full) | +X | +
Federation Service | +Ø (No Group) | +O (Full) | +O (Extended) | +X | +
Data Package | +O | +O | +O | +O | +
Data Sync | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
Easy Certificate | +O | +X | +O | +X | +
COT Database Recording | +O | +O | +O | +O | +
KML Generation | +O | +O | +O | +X | +
ExCheck Support | +O | +O | +O | +X | +
SSL Encryption | +O | +O | +O | +O | +
REST API | +O (Full) | +Ø | +O (Extended) | +X | +
XML COT | +O | +O | +O | +O | +
Protobuf COT | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
WebMAP | +O | +O | +O | +X | +
Video Server | +O | +X | +O | +X | +
Voice Server | +O | +X | +O | +X | +
FTP Server | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
ZeroTouch Installer | +Ø | +X | +O (Multi-Server) | +X | +
Telegram Integration | +Ø | +X | +O | +X | +
LDAP / AD support | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
Replay History | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
Geo SQL query | +X | +O | +O | +X | +
Technology | +FTS 1.9 | +TAKServer | +FTS 2.X | +Other | +
Data Sync | +X | +O | +X | +X | +
Android Edition | +Ø | +X | +O (Extended) | +X | +
Cloud Support | +O | +X | +O (Extended) | +X | +
Recommended OS | +Ubuntu 20.04 | +CentOS | +Ubuntu 22.04 | +??? | +
Language | +Python 3.8 | +Java | +Python 3.10 | +??? | +
We are FreeTAKTeam, a group of individuals passionate about democratizing Situational Awareness through the power of technology. +We believe that access to situational awareness software should be available to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise or financial resources. +Our mission is to create open-source software that is user-friendly, intuitive, and based on the latest and most advanced technologies. +We strive to make our software accessible to anyone who needs it, whether it be first responders, humanitarian aid workers, or military personnel. +We believe that by democratizing Situational Awareness, we can make the world a safer and more connected place. +Our software is designed to be interoperable, allowing different organizations and agencies to share critical information in real-time, across multiple platforms and devices.
+We are committed to constantly improving our software and keeping it up-to-date with the latest advances in technology. +We believe in the power of community and welcome feedback, contributions, and collaboration from anyone who shares our vision.
+Join us in our mission to democratize Situational Awareness and create a safer and more connected world. +Together, we can make a difference.
+ + + + + + +The Cursor-On-Target (CoT) Event data model defines a Domain model as a system of abstractions that describes selected aspects of a sphere of knowledge for the TAK domain) +It's reppresented as a platform-independent model (PIM) that is independent of the specific technological platform used to implement it. +the Domain model can be translated into a XML data schema for exchanging time sensitive position of moving objects, or "what", "when", and "where" (WWW) information, between systems. +
+The Cursor-On-Target (CoT) Event data model defines a Domain model as a system of abstractions that describes selected aspects of a sphere of knowledge for the TAK domain) +It's reppresented as a platform-independent model (PIM) that is independent of the specific technological platform used to implement it. +the Domain model can be translated into a XML data schema for exchanging time sensitive position of moving objects, or "what", "when", and "where" (WWW) information, between systems. +
+the destination of a certain message. indicates how to communicate back to the sender.
+Name | +Documentation | +
destinations | +string composed by IP:port: protocol:machineID.e.g. | +
This is a Cursor On Target detail class that holds "fingerprints" of the system that have processed a particular CoT event. This information aids in the routine of CoT messages along a particular processing chain. Each system that touches a particular CoT event is expected to add its own attribute to this entity. The attribute name should reflect the particular system name, and the value should be the time stamp when the information was sent out from that system. Some illustrative _flow-tags_ attributes are adocs, fbcb2, and tadilj, but the attribute list is not a closed set.
+Name | +Documentation | +
version | ++ |
adocs | ++ |
fbcb2 | ++ |
tadilj | ++ |
the medevac class is used to describe a case of someone in need to be evacuated
+Name | +Documentation | +
litter | ++ |
freq | ++ |
terrain_none | ++ |
zone_prot_selection | ++ |
Title | ++ |
Priority | ++ |
medline_remarks | ++ |
Security | ++ |
routine | ++ |
equipment_none | ++ |
hlz_marking | ++ |
casevac | ++ |
urgent | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
rssi | ++ |
gps | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
roll | ++ |
pitch | ++ |
yaw | ++ |
Class that holds information regarding chat. When communicating with a group, the__chat attributes specify the unique ID of the chat group, and the common name as to be read by the user. The recipient, upon receipt, will see that these fields do not match their information, and create the appropriate group. Members will be populated from the attributes of the chatgrp element.
+Name | +Documentation | +
senderCallsign | +the call sign of the sender | +
chatroom | +TBD: the callsign of the receiver? | +
groupOwner | +TBD, | +
id | +TBD: the unique ID of the sender? | +
parent | +the group where thise chat is attached | +
Class hosting IDs regarding the from and to
+Name | +Documentation | +
uid0 | +the machine ID of the sender | +
uid1 | +another ID | +
id | +third ID | +
Name | +Documentation | +
columnName | ++ |
columnType | ++ |
columnWidth | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
name | ++ |
uid | ++ |
description | ++ |
startTime | ++ |
templateName | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
value | ++ |
status | ++ |
completeDTG | ++ |
notes | ++ |
dueRelativeTime | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
argb | +integer with a colore.g. 65536 | +
value | ++ |
This is a Cursor On Target Class representing communications parameters for contacting a friendly element for human-to-human communications. The objective of this Class is to carry the essential information needed to contact this entity by a variety of means. Multiple ways of establishing contact can be specified;
+noThe attributes callsign, phone, and email should be self-explanatory. particular mode of contact is required. Other attributes, freq, dsn, modulation, and hostname, are also available.
+Name | +Documentation | +
iconsetpath | ++ |
callsign | +The unit's voice call sign | +
freq | +The frequency (in MHz) on which the unit may be contacted via voice. | +
e-mail address for this element (if applicable) | +|
endpoint | +TBD | +
dsn | +DSN number for this element (if applicable) | +
phone | +Phone number for this element (if applicable) | +
modulation | +Amplifies the radio frequency information provided. Contains the modulation type for the communication. (Coding tbd, should cover complex modulations such as SINCGARS hopping, csma, etc...) am|fm | +
hostname | +DNS-resolvable host name | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Necessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
xmppUsername | +user name in the xmpp network. A private, unique, and memorable "petname" or "alias" assigned by a contact to a user; represented in the 'name' attribute of the item associated with that user's JID in the contact's roster | +
The Cursor-On-Target (CoT) Event data model defines an XML data schema for exchanging time sensitive position of moving objects, or "what", "when", and "where" (WWW) information, between systems.
+Name | +Documentation | +
Identity | ++ |
dimension | ++ |
entity | ++ |
type | ++ |
lat | ++ |
lon | ++ |
uid | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
callsign | +the call sign of the destination | +
An optional element used to hold CoT sub-schema. Detail has no special properties.
+Detail entities...
+The "detail" entity is intended to carry information that is specific to smaller communities of producers and consumers and require more intimate knowledge of the operating domain. For example, mensurated "target" events may come from dramatically different sources and need to propagate dramatically different "detail" information. A close-air-support mission will augment target details with initial point and callsign details to facilitate coordination of weapon delivery. In contrast, a
+mission planning system may augment planned targets with target catalog information and weapon fuzing requirements.
+Because the "details" portion of the event are of interest only to a subset of subscribers, that entity may be mentioned by reference when the event is communicated. This reduces the congestion when events are transmitted over bandwidth limited links and also prevents the retransmission of static data elements.
+Name | +Documentation | +
space | ++ |
air | ++ |
land-unit | ++ |
land-equipment | ++ |
land-installation | ++ |
sea-surface | ++ |
sea-subsurface | ++ |
subsurface | ++ |
other | ++ |
A class to handle DJI Drones
+Name | +Documentation | +
spoiuid | ++ |
homelat | ++ |
gimbalroll | ++ |
gimbalpitch | ++ |
homelon | ++ |
gimbalyaw | ++ |
This is a hook for an arbitrary 3D DXF description of a volume of space.
+Name | +Documentation | +
level | +"level" is used to indicate the preferred ordering of multiple shape sub-schemas. For instance, if a polyline and ellipse are both present on the shape attribute, the one with the higher level value will be the "more desirable" representation of the object. This allows producers to provide alternative representation of an objects shape while ensuring that consumers will know which of the available representation is the best. (Note that not all consumers will implement all shape variations, hence the need for the allowing multiple shape objects.)See the documentation for shape/ellipse/@level for remarks on determining the precedence order when level values are equal or are missing. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
level | +"level" is used to indicate the preferred ordering of multiple shape sub-schemas. For instance, if a polyline and ellipse are both present on the shape attribute, the one with the higher level value will be the "more desirable" representation of the object. This allows producers to provide alternative representation of an objects shape while ensuring that consumers will know which of the available representation is the best. (Note that not all consumers will implement all shape variations, hence the need for the allowing multiple shape objects.)See the documentation for shape/ellipse/@level for remarks on determining the precedence order when level values are equal or are missing. | +
The "ellipse" is a common shape abstraction used by many geomanipulation applications; it is supported natively
+Name | +Documentation | +
major | +Ellipse major axis (meters) | +
minor | +Ellipse minor axis (meters) | +
angle | +Orientation of major axis with respect to true north. | +
level | +"level" is used to indicate the preferred ordering of multiple shape sub-schemas.For instance, if a polyline and ellipse are both present on the shape attribute, the one with the higher level value will be the "more desirable" representation of the object. This allows producers to provide alternative representation of an objects shape while ensuring that consumers will know which of the available representation is the best. (Note that not all consumers will implement all shape variations, hence the need for the allowing multiple shape objects.)Since the level attribute is optional, it is necesary for precedence rules to exist to ensure all consumersprocess the shape definition the same way.1. The shape definition with the highest value level attribute is considered the most accurate interpretation. 2. If all shape definitions specify the same level, the order from least to most accurate interpretation is presumed to be ellipse, polyline, dxf. 3. A shape that specifies the level attribute has precedence over any that do not specify it. 4. If the level attribute is absent from all shape definitions, the order from least to most accurate interpretation is presumed to be ellipse, polyline, dxf. | +
extrude | +A "Height" of the ellipse used to make the flat object encompas a volume. | +
An emergency beacon the is continually send to all the connected clients until deactivated from the original creator
+Name | +Documentation | +
type | +default constructor def __init__(self): | +
Alert | ++ |
cancel | +if true the emergency beacon is canceled | +
Name | +Documentation | +
military | ++ |
civilian | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
temperature | ++ |
windDirection | ++ |
windSpeed | ++ |
represents a TAK event: this class is instantiated with a standard set of values.
+The opex field is intended to indicate that the event is part of a live operation, an exercise, or a simulation. For backward compatibility, absence of the opex indicates "no statement", which will be interpreted in an installation specific manner.
+opex="o-<name>" or "e-<nickname>" or "s-<nickname>",
+where "-<name>" is optional. That is, it is permissible to specify only "o", "e", or "s" for the opex value.
+s = simulation
+Name | +Documentation | +
how | +Gives a hint about how the coordinates were generated. It is used specifically to relay a hint about the types of errors that may be expected in the data and to weight the data in systems that fuse multiple inputs. | +
version | +Schema version of this event instance (e.g. 2.0) | +
time | +time stamp with respect to Zulu time indicating when an event was generated in extended ISO 8601 formatin ProtoBuff expressed is in milliseconds | +
type | +Event.type contains the Code for the Center on Target object. It Defines what the Event is about. An event may describe a physical object, a set of raw, unprocessed bits, or a tasking.# Hierarchically organized hint about event type (defaultis 'a-f-G-I' for "Friendly Ground infrastructure)The "type" attribute is a composite of components delimited by the semi-colon character. The first component of this composite attribute is defined below.Future versions of this schema will define other components which we expect will aid in machine filtering. Despite the exclusion of definitions for additional components in this version of the schema, users of this schema should expect and design an optional trailing field delimited by the semi-colon character. This field can be ignored.- component1;optional fieldThe first component (component1) is a hierarchically organized hint about type.The intention is that this hierarchy be flexible and extensible and facilitate simple filtering, translation and display. To facilitate filtering, the hierarchy needs to present key fields in an easily parsed and logical order. To facilitate this, this component is a composite of fields separated by the "-" punctuation character, so a valid type would be: x-x-X-X-x. Using a punctuation for field separation allows arbitrary expansion of the type space,_e.g., a-fzp-mlk-gm-..._Field meanings are type specific. That is, the third field of an "atom" type may represent air vs. ground while the same field for a "reservation" type may represent purpose.MEANING of 'a' in the first positionThe "Atoms" portion of the type tree requires some additional explanation past the taxonomy defined below. The "Atoms" portion of the type tree contains CoT defined fields and part of theMIL-STD-2525type definition.To distinguish MIL-STD-2525 type strings from CoT defined fields, the MIL-STD-2525 types must be represented in all upper case. Differentiation of type namespace with upper/lower case facilitates extension of CoT types and MIL-STD-2525 types without name space conflict. An example:a-f-A-B-C-x- a = Atom - f = attitude or disposition (friendly in this case)- A-B-C =the SDIC 2525 separated by dashs - x = COT specific extensionThe organization of CoT and MIL-STD-2525 types can be determined from the taxonomy below, but additional details are provided here.The "Atoms" portion of the "type" tree contains the "Battle Dimension" and "Function ID" fields taken from MIL-STD-2525."Battle Dimension" is a single character taken from MIL-STD-2525 and is located in the position 5.a-.-G-I-M-N-B- P - Space - A - Air - G - Ground - S - Sea Surface - U - Sea Subsurface - SF - Special Operations ForcesThe typical 2525 representation for "Function ID" is three groups of two characters separated by a space (e.g. "12 34 56"). The CoT schema maps this to a "-" delimited list of characters. (e.g. "1-2-3-4-5-6").The concatenation of the "Battle Dimension" and "Function ID" fields from the MIL-STD-2525 specification represented in the CoT schema will be as follows:battle dimension-func id char1-func id char2- ... -func id char6When an appropriate MIL-STD-2525 type exists, it should be used. If there is a MIL-STD-2525 representation which is close, but may be refined, a CoT extension to the 2525 type can be appended.for example:a-h-X-X-X-X-X-i might represent hostile MIL-STD-2525 type X-X-X-X-X of Israeli(the 'i')manufacture. Again, the CoT extension uses lower case.Conceptually, this extension defines further branching from the nearest MIL-STD-2525 tree point.If no appropriate 2525 representation exists, a type definition can be added to the CoT tree defined here. The resulting definition would be represented in all lower case. For examplea-h-G-p-imight define atoms-hostile-Ground-photon cannon-infrared.The taxonomy currently looks like this: Note that the coding of the sub fields are determined entirely by the preceding fields!) The current type tree is defined here.+--- First position, this event describes- a - Atoms - this event describes an actual "thing"+--- 2nd CoT affiliation of these atoms- *p - Pending - u - Unknown - a - Assumed friend - f - Friend - n - Neutral - s - Suspect - h - Hostile - j - Joker - k - Faker - o - None specified - x - Other*+--- Battle dimension| Taken from MIL-STD-2525 "Battle Dimension" (upper case)- P - Space- A - Air - G - Ground - S - Sea Surface - U - Sea Subsurface- SF - Special Operations Forces+--- Function (dimension specific!)*_See MIL-STD-2525B specification for function fields (must be upper case)_Any number of char before the first “dash”, it express also the hierarchy(Hundreds of options)*+--- The event describes ...**b - Bits- Events in the "Bit" group (pos 1163++ ) carry meta information about raw data sources. For example, range-doppler radar returns or SAR imagery represent classes of information that are "bits". However, tracks derived from such sources represent objects on the battlespace and this have event type "A-..."The intention with the "Bit" type is to facilitate the identification of germane information products.This hierarchy is not intended to replace more detailed domain-specific meta information (such as that contained in NITF image headers or the GMTI data formats), rather it is intended to provide a domain-neutral mechanism for rapid filtering of information products.+--- Dimensionsecond position, Like battle dimension but for 'b' types- i - Imagery1. e - Electro-optical 2. i - Infra red 3. s - SAR 4. v - video- ... - r - Radar1. m - MTI data- ... - d - Sensor detection events1. s - Seismic 2. d - Doppler 3. a - Acoustic 4. m - Motion (e.g., IR)- m - Mapping1. p - Designated point (rally point, etc.) 2. i - initial points 3. r - rally points 4. ...r - Reservation/Restriction/ReferencesEvents in this category are generally "notices" about specific areas. These events are used for deconfliction and conveyance of significant "area" conditions. Generally, the "point" entity will describe a conical region that completely encloses the affected area. The details entity will provide more specific bounds on precisely the region affected.- u - Unsafe (hostile capability) - o - Occupied (e.g., SOF forces on ground) - c - Contaminated (NBC event) - c - chemical - x - agents, direction, - y - z - f - Flight restrictionst - Tasking (requests/orders)Events in this category are generalized requests for service. These may be used to request for data collection, request mesuration of a specific object, order an asset to take action against a specific point. Generally, the "details" entity will identify the general or specific entity being tasked.- s - Surveillance - r - Relocate - e - Engage - m - Mensuratec - Capability (applied to an area)- s - Surveillance - r - Rescue - f - Fires - d - Direct fires - i - Indirect fires - l - Logistics (supply) - f - Fuel...c - Communications | +
stale | +The "stale" attribute defines the ending time of the event's validity interval. The start and stale fields together define an interval in time.It has the same format as time and start.ending time when an event should no longer be considered valid l (with respect to Zulu time in extended ISO 8601 format)In protobuff is in milliseconds | +
uid | +The "uid" attribute is a globally unique name for this specific piece of information.Several "events" may be associated with one UID, but in that case, the latest (ordered by timestamp),overwrites all previous events for that UID.can have additional information attached.[EventTYPE].[MACHINESENDERID].Nichname.UniqueIDe.g. -_ping_means that this event is a ping,_GeoChat_indicates a chat type structure.TheUID should be in the following format: GeoChat.<sender uid>.<recipient callsign or name of the group>.<random string for uniqueness>. Diverging from this format should not cause significant issues; however, the UID is used as a fallback if other information cannot be parsed from the message, so issues may still be experienced. If uid does not contain any “.” characters, the chat room will default to “All Chat Rooms”.GeoChat.ANDROID-7C:91:22:E8:6E:4D.DIPPER.44bf77cd-289e-4ea4-8756-ce295de168ca | +
start | +format - DTGThe "start" attribute defines the starting time of the event's validity interval. The start and stale fields together define an interval in time.It has the same format as time and stale.starting time of the event's validity interval (with respect to Zulu time in extended ISO 8601 format). As different from the moment in which the element was generatedin protobuff this is expressed in milliseconds | +
access | +Specifies access controls that should be applied to the event | +
opex | +OPTIONAL: Specifies whether the event is part of a live operation, an exercise, or a simulation.The access field is intended to indicates who has access to this event. (e.g. unrestricted, nato, army, coalition...)It is currently defined as a string, and is optional in V2.0.Future version of the event schema will provide formal definition of this field. | +
cot2525 | ++ |
qos | +OPTIONAL: Specifies a quality of service desired from applications processing or routing the event | +
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
filename | ++ |
name | ++ |
senderCallsign | ++ |
senderUid | ++ |
senderUrl | ++ |
sha256 | ++ |
sizeInBytes | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
value | ++ |
the name of the group authorized to see the CoT
+Name | +Documentation | +
role | ++ |
name | ++ |
uid | +unique ID of the group | +
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
this class contains information regarding the current physical status of a connected user, measured with sensors.
+Name | +Documentation | +
heartRate | ++ |
steps | ++ |
stress | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
pending | +pending | +
unknown | +unknown | +
friend | +friend | +
neutral | ++ |
hostile | ++ |
assumed-friend | ++ |
suspect | ++ |
joker | ++ |
faker | ++ |
This is a Cursor On TargeClass for abstract image product metadata. It is specifically limited to geographically located (though not necessarily geographically registered) image products.
+It is not intended to contain all the meta data typically found in the NITF header associated with such images, but rather provides sufficient "hints" about the ISR product to facilitate collection queuing and ipl searching. Full meta data will reside in the NITF header or other IPL-specific schemas.
+This class borrows from the NITF standard. Note, also, that this class presumes is is contained within a CoT Evebnt element which provides information about center poiint, etc. Similarly, the CoT_shape schema can be used to delimit the bounds of the image. Furthermore, this element may conatin a base64 encoded image file. In this case, the 'mime' attribute should indicate the image type.
+Name | +Documentation | +
type | +Image type, drawn from NITF specification. E.g., SL - side-looking radar, TI - thermal infrared, FL - forward looking infrared, RD - radar, EO - electro-optical, OP - optical, HR - high resolution radar, HS - hyperspectral, CP - color frame photography, BP - black/white frame photography, SAR - synthetic aperture radar, SARIQ - SAR radio hologram, IR - infrared, MS - multispectral, ... | +
georegistered | +(DEPRECATED) True if this image has been properly geo-registered | +
source | +(REVISED) The source of this image, specifically the CoT UID of the producer. (The intention is to indicate equipment type used to collect imagery, not organization owning image.) | +
resolution | +Image product resolution (expressed in meters per pixel) | +
url | +URL link to image if the image is not embedded | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
size | +Approximate image file size (bytes) | +
analysis | +(DEPRECATED) True if image analysis (e.g., markup) is available | +
mime | +If an in-lined image is contained in this entity, then this attribute describes the mime type of that image. The actual image data will be base64 encoded. See http://www.w3schools.com/media/media_mimeref.asp for list of common mime types. | +
width | +The width of the image (in pixels) | +
height | +The height of the image (in pixels) | +
reason | +(NEW) The reason this image was originally produced (BHA, BDA, ISR, ...) Coding is TBD but will reflect the CoT type coding structure. E.g., a-d-b Assesment-Damage-Bomb, etc... | +
bands | +Number of data bands within the image. For example, an RGB image as 3 bands (Red, Green, Blue bands/channels) | +
mimecsv | +Used only if the attribute 'mime' references a container type (e.g., image/x-nitf21). In this case, 'mimecsv' holds a list of Comma Separated Values to supplement the MIME type in the mime field. Nominally, the values in 'mimecsv' wil lbe mime types of the elements in the composite image. For example, if 'mime' 'image/x-nitf21', then 'mimecsv' may hold 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg2000', or 'image/x-eagleeye'. | +
quality | +This expresses how the tradeoff between image quality and compression were made for this image. This is usually a 'relative' quality measure, an unsigned floating point value between 0.0 (highest compression) and 1.0 (highest quality). Implementers should attempt to map this scalar value to an approximate linear progression of visual quality as determined on a typical sample image. If the field's value carries an explicit sign (+/-) including +0 or -0, it represents the exact value expressed in a range appropriate to the compression type expressed in 'mime' or 'mimecsv'. For example, with 'image/x-eagleeye' the EagleEye clip setting, the quality setting may range from -4096.0 to +4096.0. | +
this class can drive input filtering without auth messages.
+Name | +Documentation | +
name | ++ |
Protocol | ++ |
Port | ++ |
auth | +Previously the only valid value for the <input> “auth” attribute was “ldap”. “file” is now another valid value. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
value | ++ |
This is a Cursor On Target Class for linking to either another CoT event or an arbitrary Internet resource. The objective of this class is to provide an abstract way to express a relationship between a CoT object and other object. This allows, for example, a sensor point of interest to be linked back to its source, or a PPLI from a wingman to be associated with his flight lead. Linkages are always unidirectional.
+One entity may have multiple links (i.e., it may be related to multiples other entities). For processing simplicity, it is required that the relationship graphs will directed and acyclic (no cycles). The link, itself, names the relationship (using a hierarchy similar to the CoT type), the UID of the related object (whether CoT or not), possibly provides a URL for retrieving that object.
+links are used for example in routes.
+Name | +Documentation | +
uid | ++ |
production_time | +the time in which this link has been produced (e.g. "2020-11-26T14:19:02Z") | +
relation | +The type of relationship (e.g, subject, object, indirect object) that this link describes. This is a hierarchy much like the event type field.Common values: "c" | +
type | +The CoT type of the referenced MIL 2525 object. This is included because it is generally the key item needed in a tasking. Common types are:- Control Point: "b-m-p-c" - Waypoint: "b-m-p-w" | +
url | +If present, this is a URL through which the linked object can be retrieved. If the URL is missing, then the object should be a periodic message (e.g., blue force track) that can be read from a CoT stream. | +
parent_callsign | +the call sign of the client that produced this link | +
remarks | +Remarks associated with this link. | +
mime | +Internet Media type of the referenced object. If the link is to a CoT event, the mime attribute is optional and its type may be application/xml or text/xml as described in RFC 3023, "XML Media Types", or the unregistered type, application/cot+xml. If the link is to an arbitrary resource, the mime attribute is required and and appropriate Internet media type must be specified. Registered media types are managed by the IANA and are listed at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/. | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
point | +location of a point in Format: "Lat,Lng" decimal values. e.g.38.843641314210366,-77.04564214131744 | +
Messages sent through the TAK server require an additional element to assist the server with properly routing your messages. If this element is not included, the server will interpret this as a message to all recipients, and the message will be sent to everyone, and depending upon the client software, this could mean a private message would be displayed publicly.
+Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
type | ++ |
tool | ++ |
name | ++ |
authorUid | ++ |
Represent a TAK Mission
+Name | +Documentation | +
name | ++ |
server | ++ |
description | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
lat | +Latitude referred to the WGS 84 ellipsoid in degrees | +
lon | +Longitude referred to the WGS 84 in degrees | +
ce | +Circular area around the point defined by lat and lon fields in meters. Although named ce, this field is intended to define a circular area around the event point, not necessarily an error (e.g. Describing a reservation area is not an "error").If it is appropriate for the "ce" field to represent an error value (e.g. event describes laser designated target), the value will represent the one sigma point for a zero mean normal (Guassian) distribution. | +
le | +Linear Error in meters associated with the HAE field. Although named le, this field is intended to define a height range about the event point, not necessarily an error. This field, along with the ce field allow for the definition of a cylindrical volume about the point. If it is appropriate for the "le" field to represent an error (e.g. event describes laser designated target), the value will represent the one sigma point for a zero mean normal (Guassian) distribution.A height range about the event point in meters associated with the HAE field. When used to represent error, the value represents the one sigma point for a zero mean normal (Gaussian) distribution. | +
hae | +Height above Ellipsoid based on WGS-84 ellipsoid (measured in meters)HAE acronym for Height above Ellipsoid based on WGS-84 ellipsoid (measured in meters). | +
The poly line provides a mechanism to express arbitrarily complex two-dimenstional shapes. This is used for representing oddly shaped objects such as exclusion zones, etc. Though generally closed, it is not necessarily a closed line, thus allowing polyline to represent objects such as phasing lines, etc.
+Name | +Documentation | +
vertex | ++ |
level | +"level" is used to indicate the preferred ordering of multiple shape sub-schemas. For instance, if a polyline and ellipse are both present on the shape attribute, the one with the higher level value will be the "more desirable" representation of the object. This allows producers to provide alternative representation of an objects shape while ensuring that consumers will know which of the available representation is the best. (Note that not all consumers will implement all shape variations, hence the need for the allowing multiple shape objects.)See the documentation for shape/ellipse/@level for remarks on determining the precedence order when level values are equal or are missing. | +
closed | +True if the list of verticies should be considered a closed polygon (an implicit line will be added from vertex N to vertex 0). | +
some type of location?
+Name | +Documentation | +
altsrc | +TDB can be DTED0 or ??? | +
geopointsrc | ++ |
This is a Cursor On TargetClass for a generic remarks (aka "FreeText").
+Provides a place to annotate CoT with free text information. e.g. comments from other users about the current COT. Used also for the geoChat.
+the xml body of this class is used to transport the chat message
+While the use of free text is strongly discouraged (it hampers machine-to-machine communication) it is a pragmatic necessity. This entity attempts to encapsulate freetext in a way that simplifies subsequent machine processing. The content of this entity is presumed to be a human-readable chunk of textual data. The attributes merely aid in the machine handling of the data.
+Name | +Documentation | +
time | +the time of the remark was added to the CoT object | +
to | +Intended recipeint(s) of this remark information. Tentative field coding as follows: The to attribute may contain the UID of the entity to whom the message is addressed. (Implementors should expect that future versions of this sub schema will allow a comma separated list of UIDs.) Absense of an explict addressee means the message is broadcast.e.g. ANDROID-359975090666199 | +
source | +Source specifies the sender’s UID – this is what is parsed by recipients to determine the sender, with the UID format being the fallback. | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
keywords | +Used to track a conversation thread. The format is a comma-separated list of freetext keywords.ex. keywords="debriefing" - Describes a conversation about debriefingex. keywords="mission-A" - Describes a conversation about mission-Aex. keywords="tasking_B, subject_C" - Describes a conversation about tasking_B and subject_C | +
sourceID | ++ |
This is a Cursor On Target sub-schema for a generic request. This schema contains information common to all requests, specifically where responses should be sent, the overall priority of the request, if immediate willco/cantco acknowledgement is needed, etc. Detail information for specific request types are carried in sub-schemas nested within this one.
+Notice that this is not the same as inTAKRequest
+Name | +Documentation | +
notify | +Network endpoint to which status notifications should be delivered. (A network endpoint is represented as an URL, e.g., tcp://hostname:port, udp://hostname:port. The previous format, host:port, e.g.,, is deprecated, but implementers should be aware that this format may be in use. | +
wilcoby | +An optional field that requests the receiving system to provide a positive or negative akcnowledgement (WILCO/CANTCO) by a specific time. This is used to ensure that deadline driven requests are made known to the operator. | +
priority | +This optional field indicates this request's relative priority with respect to other requests. (At present, no specific coding scheme is in mandated, but a floating point value between 0.0(low) and 1.0(high) is in current (limited) use.) | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
to | +When present, this field contains the CoT UID of the specific entity who is being addressed. It is assumed that all CoT entities that can provide a service are reported as friendly atoms. | +
authority | +This is a 'signature block' which holds the CoT uid of the entity which has uathorized the request. The authorizing entity is not necessarily the originator of the request and might not be associated with the 'notify' field. Authority is intended to provide services (such as a striker) a mechanism to verify that the request has been approved. | +
streamto | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
sender | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
__navcues | ++ |
This is (the root class of) a Cursor On Target sub-schema for a steerable, staring sensor such as EO, IR, or Radar sensor. The root class is intended to capture only information on the sensor's orientation and field of view is. Details about it's spectrum, sensitivity, resolution, modality, performance, etc., should be captured in a "derived" subschema for that particular type of sensor. All orientation attributes associated with sensor are normalized to an geodedic frame of reference, removing platform factors such as roll, pitch, yaw, etc. Therefore an "azimuth" of 0 means the sensor is pointed north regardless of its platform heading or attitude.
+Name | +Documentation | +
elevation | ++ |
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
type | +The sensor type. This is a type hierarchy much like the CoT type tree. E.g., r - raster, r-e - raster EO, r-e-z-c - raster EO zoom continuous. See types.txt for details | +
vfov | ++ |
model | +This is the sensor model. E.g., LANTRIN, TARPS, etc. | +
fov | +field of view | +
roll | ++ |
fovBlue | ++ |
displayMagneticReference | ++ |
range | ++ |
fovGreen | ++ |
fovAlpha | ++ |
hideFov | ++ |
fovRed | ++ |
azimuth | ++ |
This is a Cursor On Target sub-schema for a generic shape description. Many objects are not adequately represented by the simple "point" object in the CoT base schema. However, it is counterproductive to burden all CoT applications to understand arbitrary shapes, so "shape" is an optional attribute that can be used to communicate between shape-aware apprications. The "point" object in the base schema must still be populated and the CE and LE fields in the point entity must be set such that the point completely encloses the area described in any shape entity in the detail section. (This is needed so that CoT applications can quickly filter out objects that are clearly outside an area of interest.
+Name | +Documentation | +
ellipse | +The "ellipse" is a common shape abstraction used by many geomanipulation applications; it is supported natively. | +
link | ++ |
polyline | +The poly line provides a mechanism to express arbitrarily complex two-dimenstional shapes. This is used for representing oddly shaped objects such as exclusion zones, etc. Though generally closed, it is not necessarily a closed line, thus allowing polyline to represent objects such as phasing lines, etc. | +
dxf | +This is a hook for an arbitrary 3D DXF description of a volume of space. | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Can be used to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
This is a Cursor On TargetClass for spatial information of physical entity. It is intended to appear in the detail section of the Cursor On Target schema. It has elements to represent attitude and associated first derivatives (spin). The intention behind the spatial element is to convey the attitude of a body moving through space with respect to its "nominal" flight attitude.
+Name | +Documentation | +
attitude | +Attitude represents the attitude of the entity described by the Cursor On Target base schema. | +
spin | +Spin represents the first derivative of attributes found in attitude. | +
version | +Version tag for this sub schema. Neccessary to ensure upward compatibility with future revisions. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
roll | ++ |
pitch | ++ |
yaw | ++ |
The status element provides a container for elements reporting different kinds of
+status. e.g. a fuel subschema is used to report the amount of burnable fuel
+remaining in liters and the current burn rate (in liters per second).
+Name | +Documentation | +
battery | +% of the battery on the phone | +
readiness | +probably boolean to determine if ready or not | +
Name | +Documentation | +
value | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
value | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
A server which supports the TAK ProtocolMAYsend the following CoT XML message to indicate this support (whitespace added, xml header omitted):
+<event version='2.0' uid='protouid' type='t-x-takp-v' time='TIME' start='TIME' stale='TIME' how='m-g'>
+<point lat='0.0' lon='0.0' hae='0.0' ce='999999' le='999999'/>
+<TakProtocolSupport version="1"/>
+This message may contain one or more TakProtocolSupport elements inside the single <TakControl> detail, each specifying a supported version.
+The TAK server MUST send this message no more than once per connection.
+To allow for ancillary information in the negotiation, the TakProtocolSupport element_MAY_contain additional attributes compliant
+with the Protocol version indicated.
+set from
+Name | +Documentation | +
version | +version attribute is an integer number specifying a version of the TAK Protocol the server supports. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
version | ++ |
is sent in the procedure of negotiating protolcs to indicates if the server is accepting the client request to switch to an higher level of the protocol
+Name | +Documentation | +
status | ++ |
Provides the type and version of the TAK client
+Name | +Documentation | +
platform | +the variant of TAK | +
device | +type of physical device | +
os | +the operating system running TAK | +
version | +the version of TAK running on the device | +
a class for checklist templates
+Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
enabled | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
The track element specifiesdirection and speedof travel. It has two required attributes: course and speed. It also has optional attributes for specifying the vertical component of the motion vector (slope) and errors associated with course, speed, and slope.
+Coursedenotes the direction of motion and is specified as the number of degrees measured clockwise from true North.
+Speedis specified in meters per second as speed over ground.
+There is no constraint on the precision used for these values.
+Name | +Documentation | +
speed | ++ |
eCourse | +1-sigma error on a Gaussian distribution associated with the course attribute | +
course | ++ |
eSpeed | +1-sigma error on a Gaussian distribution associated with the speed attribute | +
eSlope | +1-sigma error on a Gaussian distribution associated with the slope attribute | +
version | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
extendedCot | ++ |
activeRoute | ++ |
This is a Cursor On Target detail Class that holds the unique ID assigned by each system that processed this event.
+Most systems (including CoT) have their own method for assigning system-wide unique identifiers for a particular object. In general, it is not possible for a single UID to be used for all systems. This 'uid' entity provides a common place where each systems can record its particular UID for each CoT event. Like the _flow-tags_ element, each system is responsible for adding its own attribute to this entity. The name of the attribute should represent the system, and the value of the attribute should be the id that system assigned to this CoT object.
+Name | +Documentation | +
version | ++ |
Droid | +TBD, maybe from Android? | +
special class used in mission only for ID
+Name | +Documentation | +
INTAG | ++ |
the image used to display the COt
+Name | +Documentation | +
iconsetpath | +the path of the icon image usedMIL 2525 STD- COT_MAPPING_2525B/a-u/a-u-GICON- 34ae1613-9645-4222-a9d2-e5f243dea2865/Military/EA-6B.png - 'f7f71666-8b28-4b57-9fbb-e38e61d33b79/Google/hiker.png'/in alternative for a spot- COT_MAPPING_SPOTMAP/b-m-p-s-m/-65536 | +
Name | +Documentation | +
goHomeBatteryPercent | ++ |
hal | ++ |
flightTimeRemaining | ++ |
typeTag | ++ |
batteryRemainingCapacity | ++ |
isFlying | ++ |
flightTime | ++ |
type | ++ |
batteryMaxCapacity | ++ |
voltage | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
hae | +Height Above Ellipsoid (HAE) in Meters. If absent, the value of the point/@hae in the CoT event base schema is used. | +
lat | +Latitude based on WGS-84 ellipsoid in signed degree-decimal format (e.g. -33.350000). Range -90 -> +90. Positive values denote north. | +
lon | +Longitude based on WGS-84 ellipsoid in signed degree-decimal format (e.g. 44.383333). Range -180 -> +180. Positive values denote east. | +
Name | +Documentation | +
sensor | ++ |
spi | ++ |
url | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
T | ++ |
M | ++ |
G | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
ShortString | ++ |
LongString | ++ |
Integer | ++ |
ActualTime | ++ |
RelativeTime | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Pending | ++ |
Complete | ++ |
Complete (late) | ++ |
Late | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Pending | ++ |
Complete | ++ |
Complete (late) | ++ |
Late | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
CREATE | ++ |
CHANGE | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Infil | ++ |
Exfil | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Driving | ++ |
Walking | ++ |
Flying | ++ |
Swimming | ++ |
Watercraft | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Ascending Check Points | ++ |
Descending Check Points | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Primary | ++ |
Secondary | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Yellow | ++ |
Red | ++ |
Blue | ++ |
Orange | ++ |
Magenta | ++ |
Maroon | ++ |
Purple | ++ |
Dark Blue | ++ |
Cyan | ++ |
Teal | ++ |
Green | ++ |
Dark Green | ++ |
Brown | ++ |
Name | +Documentation | +
Team Member | ++ |
Team Lead | ++ |
HQ | ++ |
Sniper | ++ |
Medic | ++ |
Forward Observer | ++ |
RTO | ++ |
K9 | ++ |
+The following table combines Center On Target information found in COTTYpes.XML, aligning it to MIL-STD-2525 CIDC code (when possible). To find more information read the MilSTD2525 documentation
+COTID | +Hierarchy | +Name | +nickname | +"ID" | +CIDC | +Category1 | +Category2 | +Category3 | +
a-.-.*-9-1-1 | +Mayday message | +Mayday | +Mayday | +001 | ++ | Mayday message | ++ | + |
a-.-A | +Air/Air Track | +Air Track | +Aircraft | +002 | +SA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-C | +Air/Civ | +Civil aircraft | +Aircraft | +003 | +SAC--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-C-F | +Air/Civ/fixed | +Fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +004 | +S*ACF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-C-F-q | +Air/Civ/fixed/RPV, drone, UAV | +Fixed wing RPV/Drone | +Fixed wing | +005 | +SACF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-C-H | +Air/Civ/rotary | +Rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +006 | +SACH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-C-L | +Air/Civ/Blimp | +Lighter than air | +Aircraft | +007 | +SACL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M | +Air/Mil | +Military aircraft | +Aircraft | +008 | +SAM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F | +Air/Mil/Fixed | +Fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +009 | +SAMF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-A | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Attack/Strike | +Attack/strike | +Fixed wing | +010 | +SAMFA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-B | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Bomber | +Bomber | +Bomber | +011 | +SAMFB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-C | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Transport | +Cargo airlift (transport) | +Fixed wing | +012 | +SAMFC--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-C-H | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Transport/Heavy | +Cargo airlift (heavy) | +Fixed wing | +013 | +SAMFCH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-C-L | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Transport/Light | +Cargo airlift (light) | +Fixed wing | +014 | +SAMFCL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-C-M | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Transport/Medium | +Cargo airlift (medium) | +Fixed wing | +015 | +SAMFCM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-D | +Air/Mil/Fixed/C2 | +Airborne command post (C2) | +Fixed wing | +016 | +SAMFD--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-F | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Fighter | +Fighter | +Fighter | +017 | +SAMFF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-F-I | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Interceptor | +Interceptor | +Interceptor | +018 | +SAMFFI--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-g | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Gunship | +Fixed wing gunship | +Fixed wing | +019 | +SAMF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-H | +Air/Mil/Fixed/CSAR | +Combat search and rescue (CSAR) | +Fixed wing | +020 | +SAMFH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-J | +Air/Mil/Fixed/ECM/Jammer | +Electronic countermeasures (ECM/jammer) | +Fixed wing | +021 | +SAMFJ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-K | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Tanker | +Tanker | +Tanker | +022 | +SAMFK--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-K-B | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Tanker/Boom-only | +Boom-only | +Boom-only | +023 | +SAMFKB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-K-D | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Tanker/Drogue-only | +Drogue-only | +Drogue-only | +024 | +SAMFKD--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-L | +Air/Mil/Fixed/VSTOL | +VSTOL | +VSTOL | +025 | +SAMFL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-M | +Air/Mil/Fixed/SOF | +Special operations forces (SOF) | +Fixed wing | +026 | +SAMFM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-O | +Air/Mil/Fixed/medevac | +Medevac | +Medevac | +027 | +SAMFO--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-P | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Patrol | +Patrol | +Patrol | +028 | +SAMFP--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-P-M | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Mine Countermeasures | +Mine countermeasures | +Patrol | +029 | +SAMFPM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-P-N | +Air/Mil/Fixed/ASUW | +Antisurface warfare/ASUW | +Patrol | +030 | +SAMFPN--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV | +Drone (RPV/UAV) | +Fixed wing | +031 | +SAMFQ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-A | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Attack | +Attack | +Attack | +032 | +SAMFQA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-B | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Bomber | +Bomber | +Bomber | +033 | +SAMFQB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-C | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Cargo | +Cargo | +Cargo | +034 | +SAMFQC--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-D | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Airborne command post | +Airborne command post | +Fixed wing | +035 | +SAMFQD--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-F | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Fighter | +Fighter | +Fighter | +036 | +SAMFQF--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-H | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Combat search & rescue (CSAR) | +Combat search & rescue (CSAR) | +CSAR | +037 | +SAMFQH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-I | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Mine countermeasures | +Mine countermeasures | +Fixed wing | +038 | +SAMFQI--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-J | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Electronic countermeasures (jammer) | +Electronic countermeasures (jammer) | +Jammer | +039 | +SAMFQJ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-K | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Tanker | +Tanker | +Tanker | +040 | +SAMFQK--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-L | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/VSTOL | +VSTOL | +VSTOL | +041 | +SAMFQL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-M | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Special operations forces (SOF) | +Special operations forces (SOF) | +SOF | +042 | +SAMFQM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-N | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Anti-surface warfare (ASUW) | +Anti-surface warfare (ASUW) | +Fixed wing | +043 | +SAMFQN--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-O | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Medevac | +Medevac | +Medevac | +044 | +SAMFQO--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-P | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Patrol | +Patrol | +Patrol | +045 | +SAMFQP--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-R | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Reconnaissance | +Reconnaissance | +Fixed wing | +046 | +SAMFQR--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-R-W | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Airborne early warning (AEW) | +Airborne early warning (AEW) | +Fixed wing | +047 | +SAMFQRW--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-R-X | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Photographic | +Photographic | +Photographic | +048 | +SAMFQRX--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-R-Z | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Electronic surveillance measures | +Electronic surveillance measures | +Fixed wing | +049 | +SAMFQRZ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-S | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) | +Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) | +Fixed wing | +050 | +SAMFQS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-T | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Trainer | +Trainer | +Trainer | +051 | +SAMFQT--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-U | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Utility | +Utility | +Utility | +052 | +SAMFQU--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Q-Y | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Drone,RPV,UAV/Communications (C3I) | +Communications (C3I) | +Fixed wing | +053 | +SAMFQY--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-R | +Air/Mil/Fixed/reconn | +Reconnaissance | +Fixed wing | +054 | +SAMFR--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-R-W | +Air/Mil/Fixed/AEW | +Airborne early warning (AEW) | +Fixed wing | +055 | +SAMFRW--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-R-X | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Photo | +Photographic | +Photographic | +056 | +SAMFRX--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-R-Z | +Air/Mil/Fixed/esm | +Electronic surveillance measures | +Fixed wing | +057 | +SAMFRZ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-S | +Air/Mil/Fixed/ASW/Carrier Based | +Antisubmarine warfare (ASW) carrier based | +Fixed wing | +058 | +SAMFS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-T | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Trainer | +Trainer | +Trainer | +059 | +SAMFT--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-U | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Utility | +Utility | +Utility | +060 | +SAMFU--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-U-H | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Utility/Heavy | +Utility (heavy) | +Utility | +061 | +SAMFUH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-U-L | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Utility/Light | +Utility (light) | +Utility | +062 | +SAMFUL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-U-M | +Air/Mil/Fixed/Utility/Medium | +Utility (medium) | +Utility | +063 | +SAMFUM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-F-Y | +Air/Mil/Fixed/C3I | +Communications (C3I) | +Fixed wing | +064 | +SAMFY----------------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H | +Air/Mil/Rotor | +Rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +065 | +SAMH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-A | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Attack | +Attack | +Attack | +066 | +SAMHA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-C | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Transport | +Cargo airlift (transport) | +Rotary wing | +067 | +SAMHC--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-C-H | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Transport/Heavy | +Cargo airlift (heavy) | +Rotary wing | +068 | +SAMHCH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-C-L | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Transport/Light | +Cargo airlift (light) | +Rotary wing | +069 | +SAMHCL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-C-M | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Transport/Medium | +Cargo airlift (medium) | +Rotary wing | +070 | +SAMHCM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-D | +Air/Mil/Rotor/C2 | +Airborne command post (C2) | +Rotary wing | +071 | +SAMHD--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-H | +Air/Mil/Rotor/CSAR | +Combat search and rescue (CSAR) | +Rotary wing | +072 | +SAMHH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-I | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Mine Countermeasures | +Mine countermeasures | +Rotary wing | +073 | +SAMHI--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-J | +Air/Mil/Rotor/ECM/Jammer | +Electronic countermeasures (ECM/jammer) | +Rotary wing | +074 | +SAMHJ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-K | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Tanker | +Tanker | +Tanker | +075 | +SAMHK--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-M | +Air/Mil/Rotor/SOF | +Special operations forces (SOF) | +Rotary wing | +076 | +SAMHM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-O | +Air/Mil/Rotor/medevac | +Medevac | +Medevac | +077 | +SAMHO--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-Q | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Drone,RPV,UAV | +Drone (RPV/UAV) | +Rotary wing | +078 | +SAMHQ--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-R | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Reconnaissance | +Reconnaissance | +Rotary wing | +079 | +SAMHR--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-S | +Air/Mil/Rotor/ASW/MPA | +Antisubmarine warfare/MPA | +Rotary wing | +080 | +SAMHS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-T | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Trainer | +Trainer | +Trainer | +081 | +SAMHT--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-U | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Utility | +Utility | +Utility | +082 | +SAMHU--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-U-H | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Utility/Heavy) | +Utility (heavy) | +Utility | +083 | +SAMHUH--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-U-L | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Utility/Light) | +Utility (light) | +Utility | +084 | +SAMHUL--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-H-U-M | +Air/Mil/Rotor/Utility/Medium) | +Utility (medium) | +Utility | +085 | +SAMHUM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-M-L | +Air/Mil/Blimp | +Lighter than air | +Aircraft | +086 | +SAML--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W | +Air/Weapon | +Weapon | +Weapon | +087 | +SAW--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-B | +Air/Weapon/bomb | +Bomb | +Bomb | +088 | +SAWB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-D | +Air/Weapon/Decoy | +Decoy | +Decoy | +089 | +SAWD--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M | +Air/Weapon/Missile In Flight | +Missile in flight | +Weapon | +090 | +SAWM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-A | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Air Launched | +Air launched missile | +Weapon | +091 | +SAWMA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-A-A | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Air To Air | +Air to air missile (AAM) | +Weapon | +092 | +SAWMAA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-A-P | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Air to space | +Air to space missile | +Missile | +093 | +SAWMAP--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-A-S | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Air To Surface | +Air to surface missile (ASM) | +Weapon | +094 | +SAWMAS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-B | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Missile In Flight/ballistic | +Ballistic missile | +Missile | +095 | +SAWMB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-C-M | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Missile In Flight/Cruise | +Cruise missile | +Missile | +096 | +SAWMCM--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-L | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Attack Missile | +Land attack missile | +Weapon | +097 | +SAWML--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Land Launched Missile | +Surface/land launched missile | +Weapon | +098 | +SAWMS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-A | +Air/Weapon/Missile/SAM | +Surface to air missile (SAM) | +Weapon | +099 | +SAWMSA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-A-f | +Air/Weapon/Missile/SAM/FixedSite | +SAM (FixedSite) | +Weapon | +100 | +SAWMSA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-A-i | +Air/Weapon/Missile/SAM/Manpad | +SAM (Manpad) | +SAM (Manpad) | +101 | +SAWMSA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-A-m | +Air/Weapon/Missile/SAM/Mobile | +SAM (Mobile) | +SAM (Mobile) | +102 | +SAWMSA--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-B | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Surface Launched Missile/ABM | +Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) | +Missile | +103 | +SAWMSB--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-S | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Surface To Surface (SSM) | +Surface to surface missile (SSM) | +Weapon | +104 | +SAWMSS--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-S-U | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Surface Launched Missile | +Surface to subsurface missile | +Missile | +105 | +SAWMSU--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-A-W-M-U | +Air/Weapon/Missile/Subsurface To Surface (S/SSM) | +Subsurface to surface missile (S/SSM) | +Weapon | +106 | +SAWMU--------- | +Air | ++ | + |
a-.-F | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | +SOF Unit | +SOF Unit | +107 | +SF--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation | +Aviation | +Aviation | +108 | +SFA--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +109 | +SFAF--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-A | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Attack | +Attack | +Attack | +110 | +SFAFA--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-K | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Refuel | +Refuel | +Refuel | +111 | +SFAFK--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-U | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Utility | +Utility | +Utility | +112 | +SFAFU--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-U-H | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Heavy | +Heavy | +Heavy | +113 | +SFAFUH--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-U-L | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Light | +Light | +Light | +114 | +SFAFUL--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-F-U-M | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Aviation/Medium | +Medium | +Medium | +115 | +SFAFUM--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary | +Rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +116 | +SFAH--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-A | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Attack | +Attack | +Attack | +117 | +SFAHA--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-H | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Combat search and rescue | +Combat search and rescue | +Rotary wing | +118 | +SFAHH--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-U | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Utility | +Utility | +Utility | +119 | +SFAHU--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-U-H | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Heavy | +Heavy | +Heavy | +120 | +SFAHUH--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-U-L | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Light | +Light | +Light | +121 | +SFAHUL--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-H-U-M | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Rotary/Medium | +Medium | +Medium | +122 | +SFAHUM--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-A-V | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/VSTOL | +VSTOL | +VSTOL | +123 | +SFAV--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-B | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Support | +Support | +Support | +124 | +SFF*B-------------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground | +Ground | +Ground | +125 | +SFG--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G-C | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground/Civil affairs | +Civil affairs | +Ground | +126 | +SFGC--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G-P | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground/psyop | +Psychological operations (psyop) | +PSYOP | +127 | +SFGP--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G-P-A | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground/Fixed wing aviation | +Fixed wing aviation | +Ground | +128 | +SFGPA--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G-R | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground/Ranger | +Ranger | +Ranger | +129 | +SFGR--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-G-S | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Ground/Special forces | +Special forces | +Ground | +130 | +SFGS--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-N | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Naval | +Naval | +Naval | +131 | +SFN-------------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-N-B | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Naval | +Special boat | +Special boat | +132 | +SFNB--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-N-N | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Naval/Special boat | +Special ssnr | +Special SSNR | +133 | +SFNN--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-N-S | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Naval/SEAL | +SEAL | +SEAL | +134 | +SFNS--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-F-N-U | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit/Naval/Underwater demolition team | +Underwater demolition team | +Naval | +135 | +SFNU--------- | +Special Operations Forces (Sof) Unit | ++ | + |
a-.-G | +Ground | +Ground track | +Ground | +136 | +SG--------- | +Ground | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E | +Gnd/Equipment | +Equipment | +Equipment | +137 | +SGE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-S | +Gnd/Equip/Sensor | +Sensor | +Sensor | +138 | +SGES--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-S-E | +Gnd/Equip/Sensor/Emplaced | +Emplaced sensor | +Sensor | +139 | +SGESE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-S-R | +Gnd/Equip/Sensor/Radar | +Radar | +Radar | +140 | +SGESR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V | +Gnd/Equip/Vehicle | +Ground vehicle | +Vehicle | +141 | +SGEV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Gun | +Armor (gun) | +Armor (gun) | +142 | +SGEVA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/APC | +Armor (APC) | +Armor (APC) | +143 | +SGEVAA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-A-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/APC/Recovery | +Armored personnel carrier recovery | +Armor (APC) | +144 | +SGEVAAR--------- | +Gnd | +Recovery | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-A-C | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/C2V/ACV | +C2V/ACV | +C2V/ACV | +145 | +SGEVAC--------- | +Gnd | +ACV | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-A-I | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Infantry | +Armored infantry | +Armor (gun) | +146 | +SGEVAI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Light | +Light armored vehicle | +Armor (gun) | +147 | +SGEVAL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-S | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Combat Service Support | +Combat service support vehicle | +Armor (gun) | +148 | +SGEVAS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank | +Tank | +Tank | +149 | +SGEVAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Heavy | +Tank heavy | +Tank heavy | +150 | +SGEVATH--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-H-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Heavy/Recovery | +Tank heavy recovery | +Tank heavy | +151 | +SGEVATHR--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | +Recovery | +
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Light | +Tank light | +Tank light | +152 | +SGEVATL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-L-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Light/Recovery | +Tank light recovery | +Tank light | +153 | +SGEVATLR--------- | +Gnd | +Light | +Recovery | +
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Medium | +Tank medium | +Tank medium | +154 | +SGEVATM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-A-T-M-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armor/Tank/Medium/Recovery | +Tank medium recovery | +Tank medium | +155 | +SGEVATMR--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | +Recovery | +
a-.-G-E-V-C | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian | +Civilian vehicle | +Equipment | +156 | +SGEVC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Automobile | +Automobile | +Automobile | +157 | +SGEVCA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-A-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Automobile/Sedan | +Sedan | +Sedan | +158 | +SGEVCAH--------- | +Gnd | +Sedan | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-A-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Automobile/Compact | +Compact | +Compact | +159 | +SGEVCAL--------- | +Gnd | +Compact | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-A-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Automobile/Midsize | +Midsize | +Midsize | +160 | +SGEVCAM--------- | +Gnd | +Midsize | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-F | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Flatbed Trailer | +Tractor trailer truck with flatbed trailer | +Flatbed | +161 | +SGEVCF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-F-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Flatbed Trailer/Large | +Large heavy flatbed trailer | +Equipment | +162 | +SGEVCFH--------- | +Gnd | +Large | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-F-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Flatbed Trailer/Light | +Small light flatbed trailer | +Equipment | +163 | +SGEVCFL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-F-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Flatbed Trailer/Medium | +Medium flatbed trailer | +Equipment | +164 | +SGEVCFM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-J | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Jeep | +Jeep type vehicle | +Jeep | +165 | +SGEVCJ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-J-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Jeep/Large heavy | +Large heavy | +Large heavy | +166 | +SGEVCJH--------- | +Gnd | +Large heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-J-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Jeep/Small | +Small light | +Small light | +167 | +SGEVCJL--------- | +Gnd | +Small | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-J-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Jeep/Medium | +Medium | +Medium | +168 | +SGEVCJM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Bus | +Multi-passenger vehicle | +Equipment | +169 | +SGEVCM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-M-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Bus/Large | +Large bus | +Large bus | +170 | +SGEVCMH--------- | +Gnd | +Large | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-M-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Bus/Van | +Van | +Van | +171 | +SGEVCML--------- | +Gnd | +Van | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-M-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Bus/small | +Small bus | +Small bus | +172 | +SGEVCMM--------- | +Gnd | +small | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-O | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Open-Bed Truck | +Open-bed truck | +Truck | +173 | +SGEVCO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-O-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Open-Bed Truck/Large | +Large open-bed truck | +Equipment | +174 | +SGEVCOH--------- | +Gnd | +Large | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-O-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Open-Bed Truck/Pickup Open-Bed Truck | +Pickup truck | +Pickup truck | +175 | +SGEVCOL--------- | +Gnd | +Pickup Open-Bed Truck | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-O-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Open-Bed Truck/Small | +Small open-bed truck | +Equipment | +176 | +SGEVCOM--------- | +Gnd | +Small | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Box Trailer | +Tractor trailer truck with box trailer | +Box truck | +177 | +SGEVCT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-T-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Box Trailer/Large | +Large heavy box trailer | +Equipment | +178 | +SGEVCTH--------- | +Gnd | +Large | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-T-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Box Trailer/Light | +Small light box trailer | +Equipment | +179 | +SGEVCTL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-T-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Tractor Trailer Truck With Box Trailer/Medium | +Medium box trailer | +Equipment | +180 | +SGEVCTM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-U | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Utility vehicle | +Utility vehicle | +Equipment | +181 | +SGEVCU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-C-U-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Utility vehicle/Large box truck | +Large box truck | +Equipment | +182 | +SGEVCUH--------- | +Gnd | +Large box truck | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-U-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Utility vehicle/SUV | +Sport utility vehicle (SUV) | +Equipment | +183 | +SGEVCUL--------- | +Gnd | +SUV | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-C-U-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Civilian/Utility vehicle/Small box truck | +Small box truck | +Equipment | +184 | +SGEVCUM--------- | +Gnd | +Small box truck | ++ |
a-.-G-E-V-E | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer | +Engineer vehicle | +Equipment | +185 | +SGEVE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Mine Clearing Vehicle | +Mine clearing vehicle | +Equipment | +186 | +SGEVEA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-A-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armored Mounted Mine Clearing Vehicle | +Armored mounted mine clearing vehicle | +Equipment | +187 | +SGEVEAA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-A-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Trailer Mounted Mine Clearing Vehicle | +Trailer mounted mine clearing vehicle | +Equipment | +188 | +SGEVEAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-B | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Bridge | +Bridge | +Bridge | +189 | +SGEVEB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-C | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Construction | +Construction vehicle | +Equipment | +190 | +SGEVEC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-D | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Dozer | +Dozer | +Dozer | +191 | +SGEVED--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-D-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer/Armored dozer | +Armored dozer | +Dozer | +192 | +SGEVEDA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-E | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Earthmover | +Earthmover | +Earthmover | +193 | +SGEVEE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-F | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer/Ferry Transporter | +Ferry transporter | +Ferry | +194 | +SGEVEF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer/Backhoe | +Backhoe | +Backhoe | +195 | +SGEVEH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Mine Laying Vehicle | +Mine laying vehicle | +Equipment | +196 | +SGEVEM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-M-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Truck Mounted With Volcano | +Truck mounted with volcano | +Equipment | +197 | +SGEVEML--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-M-V | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Armored Carrier With Volcano | +Armored carrier with volcano | +Equipment | +198 | +SGEVEMV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer/Armored engineer recon vehicle (AERV) | +Armored engineer recon vehicle (AERV) | +AERV | +199 | +SGEVER--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-E-S | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Engineer/Armored assault | +Armored assault | +Equipment | +200 | +SGEVES--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-m | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Ambulance | +Ambulance | +Ambulance | +201 | +SGEV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Pack animal(s) | +Pack animal(s) | +Pack animal | +202 | +SGEVM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Missile support | +Missile support | +Equipment | +203 | +SGEVS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S-C | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Crane loading device | +Crane loading device | +Crane | +204 | +SGEVSC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S-P | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Propellant transporter | +Propellant transporter | +Equipment | +205 | +SGEVSP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Transloader | +Transporter | +Transporter | +206 | +SGEVSR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Transloader | +Transloader | +Transloader | +207 | +SGEVST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-S-W | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Warhead transporter | +Warhead transporter | +Equipment | +208 | +SGEVSW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Locomotive | +Locomotive | +Locomotive | +209 | +SGEVT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Utility | +Utility vehicle | +Equipment | +210 | +SGEVU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Utility/Ambulance | +Ambulance | +Ambulance | +211 | +SGEVUA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-A-A | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Utility/Armored utility vehicle | +Armored utility vehicle | +Ambulance | +212 | +SGEVUAA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-B | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Bus | +Bus | +Bus | +213 | +SGEVUB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Limited Cross Country Truck | +Limited cross country truck | +Equipment | +214 | +SGEVUL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-R | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Boat | +Water craft | +Water craft | +215 | +SGEVUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-R-l | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Boat/Large | +Boat (Large) | +Boat (Large) | +216 | +SGEVUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-R-m | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Boat/Med | +Boat (Med) | +Boat (Med) | +217 | +SGEVUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-R-s | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Boat/Small | +Boat (Small) | +Boat (Small) | +218 | +SGEVUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-S | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Semi | +Semi | +Semi | +219 | +SGEVUS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-S-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Semi/Heavy semi | +Heavy semi | +Heavy semi | +220 | +SGEVUSH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-S-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Semi/Light semi | +Light semi | +Light semi | +221 | +SGEVUSL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-S-M | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Semi/Medium semi | +Medium semi | +Medium semi | +222 | +SGEVUSM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-T | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Tow Truck | +Tow truck | +Tow truck | +223 | +SGEVUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-T-H | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Tow Truck/heavy | +Heavy tow truck | +Tow truck | +224 | +SGEVUTH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-T-L | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Tow Truck/Light | +Light tow truck | +Tow truck | +225 | +SGEVUTL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-V-U-X | +Gnd/Equip/Vehic/Cross Country Truck | +Cross country truck | +Equipment | +226 | +SGEVUX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon | +Weapon | +Weapon | +227 | +SGEW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-A | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Air Defense Gun | +Air defense gun | +Weapon | +228 | +SGEWA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-A-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/AAA/Heavy | +AAA (Heavy) | +AAA (Heavy) | +229 | +SGEWAH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-A-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/AAA/Light | +AAA (Light) | +AAA (Light) | +230 | +SGEWAL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-A-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/AAA/Medium | +AAA (Medium) | +AAA (Medium) | +231 | +SGEWAM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-D | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/ | +Direct fire gun | +Weapon | +232 | +SGEWD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-D-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Heavy | +Direct fire gun heavy | +Weapon | +233 | +SGEWDH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-D-H-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Heavy/Self Propelled | +Direct fire gun heavy self propelled | +Weapon | +234 | +SGEWDHS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-D-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Light | +Direct fire gun light | +Weapon | +235 | +SGEWDL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-D-L-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Light/Self Propelled | +Direct fire gun light self propelled | +Weapon | +236 | +SGEWDLS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-D-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Medium | +Direct fire gun medium | +Weapon | +237 | +SGEWDM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-D-M-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/DirectFire/Medium/Self Propelled | +Direct fire gun medium self propelled | +Weapon | +238 | +SGEWDMS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-G | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/AnitTankGun | +Anti tank gun | +Weapon | +239 | +SGEWG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-G-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Atg/Heavy | +Anti tank gun heavy | +Weapon | +240 | +SGEWGH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-G-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Atg/Light | +Anti tank gun light | +Weapon | +241 | +SGEWGL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-G-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Atg/Medium | +Anti tank gun medium | +Weapon | +242 | +SGEWGM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-G-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Atg/Recoilless | +Anti tank gun recoilless | +Weapon | +243 | +SGEWGR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer | +Howitzer | +Howitzer | +244 | +SGEWH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-H-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Heavy | +Howitzer heavy | +Howitzer | +245 | +SGEWHH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-H-H-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Heavy/Self Propelled | +Howitzer heavy self propelled | +Howitzer | +246 | +SGEWHHS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-H-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Light | +Howitzer light | +Howitzer | +247 | +SGEWHL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-H-L-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Light/Self Propelled | +Howitzer light self propelled | +Howitzer | +248 | +SGEWHLS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-H-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Medium | +Howitzer medium | +Howitzer | +249 | +SGEWHM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-H-M-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Howitzer/Medium/Self Propelled | +Howitzer medium self propelled | +Howitzer | +250 | +SGEWHMS--------- | +Gnd | +Self Propelled | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher | +Missile launcher | +Weapon | +251 | +SGEWM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Air Defense | +Air defense (AD) missile launcher | +Weapon | +252 | +SGEWMA--------- | +Gnd | +Air Defense | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-I | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Intermediate Range | +Intermediate range AD missile launcher | +Weapon | +253 | +SGEWMAI--------- | +Gnd | +Intermediate Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-I-E | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Intermediate Range/Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar (Telar) | +Int. range AD missile launcher TELAR | +Weapon | +254 | +SGEWMAIE--------- | +Gnd | +Intermediate Range | +Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar (Telar) | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-I-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Intermediate Range/ | +Int. range AD missile launcher TLAR | +Weapon | +255 | +SGEWMAIR--------- | +Gnd | +Intermediate Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Long Range | +Long range AD missile launcher | +Weapon | +256 | +SGEWMAL--------- | +Gnd | +Long Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-L-E | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Long Range/Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar (Telar) | +Long range AD missile launcher TELAR | +Weapon | +257 | +SGEWMALE--------- | +Gnd | +Long Range | +Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar (Telar) | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-L-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Long Range/Transporter Launcher And Radar (Tlar) | +Long range AD missile launcher TLAR | +Weapon | +258 | +SGEWMALR--------- | +Gnd | +Long Range | +Transporter Launcher And Radar (Tlar) | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Short Range | +Short range AD missile launcher | +Weapon | +259 | +SGEWMAS--------- | +Gnd | +Short Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-S-E | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Short Range/TELAR | +Short range AD missile launcher TELAR | +Weapon | +260 | +SGEWMASE--------- | +Gnd | +Short Range | +TELAR | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-S-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Short Range/TLAR | +Short range AD missile launcher TLAR | +Weapon | +261 | +SGEWMASR--------- | +Gnd | +Short Range | +TLAR | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-T | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Theater | +AD missile launcher theater | +Weapon | +262 | +SGEWMAT--------- | +Gnd | +Theater | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-T-E | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Theater/TELAR | +AD missile launcher theater TELAR | +Weapon | +263 | +SGEWMATE--------- | +Gnd | +Theater | +TELAR | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-A-T-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AD/Theater/TLAR | +AD missile launcher theater TLAR | +Weapon | +264 | +SGEWMATR--------- | +Gnd | +Theater | +TLAR | +
a-.-G-E-W-M-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/SS/Surface Surf (SS) | +Surf surf (SS) missile launcher | +Weapon | +265 | +SGEWMS--------- | +Gnd | +Surface Surf (SS) | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-S-I | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/SS/Intermediate Range | +Intermediate range SS missile launcher | +Weapon | +266 | +SGEWMSI--------- | +Gnd | +Intermediate Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-S-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/SS/Long Range | +Long range SS missile launcher | +Weapon | +267 | +SGEWMSL--------- | +Gnd | +Long Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-S-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/SS/Short Range | +Short range SS missile launcher | +Weapon | +268 | +SGEWMSS--------- | +Gnd | +Short Range | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-T | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AT/Antitank | +Missile launcher antitank (AT) | +Weapon | +269 | +SGEWMT--------- | +Gnd | +Antitank | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-T-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AT/Heavy | +Missile launcher AT heavy | +Weapon | +270 | +SGEWMTH--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-T-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AT/Light | +Missile launcher AT light | +Weapon | +271 | +SGEWMTL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-M-T-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/MissileLauncher/AT/Medium | +Missile launcher AT medium | +Weapon | +272 | +SGEWMTM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-O | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Mortar | +Mortar | +Mortar | +273 | +SGEWO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-O-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Mortar/Heavy | +Mortar heavy | +Mortar heavy | +274 | +SGEWOH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-O-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Mortar/Light | +Mortar light | +Mortar light | +275 | +SGEWOL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-O-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Mortar/Medium | +Mortar medium | +Mortar | +276 | +SGEWOM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Rifle/Automatic Weapon | +Rifle/automatic weapon | +Weapon | +277 | +SGEWR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-R-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Rifle/Heavy Machine Gun | +Heavy machine gun | +Weapon | +278 | +SGEWRH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-R-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Rifle/Light Machine Gun | +Light machine gun | +Weapon | +279 | +SGEWRL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-R-R | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Rifle/Rifle | +Rifle | +Rifle | +280 | +SGEWRR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-S | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Single/ | +Single rocket launcher | +Weapon | +281 | +SGEWS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-S-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Single/Heavy | +Single rocket launcher heavy | +Weapon | +282 | +SGEWSH--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-S-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Single/Light | +Single rocket launcher light | +Weapon | +283 | +SGEWSL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-S-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Single/Medium | +Single rocket launcher medium | +Weapon | +284 | +SGEWSM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-T | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/AntiTank | +Anti tank rocket launcher | +Weapon | +285 | +SGEWT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-T-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/AT/Heavy | +Anti tank rocket launcher heavy | +Weapon | +286 | +SGEWTH--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-T-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/AT/Light | +Anti tank rocket launcher light | +Weapon | +287 | +SGEWTL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-T-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/AT/Medium | +Anti tank rocket launcher medium | +Weapon | +288 | +SGEWTM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-X | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Multiple | +Multiple rocket launcher | +Weapon | +289 | +SGEWX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-X-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Multiple/Heavy | +Multiple rocket launcher heavy | +Weapon | +290 | +SGEWXH--------- | +Gnd | +Heavy | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-X-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Multiple/Light | +Multiple rocket launcher light | +Weapon | +291 | +SGEWXL--------- | +Gnd | +Light | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-X-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/RocketLauncher/Multiple/Medium | +Multiple rocket launcher medium | +Weapon | +292 | +SGEWXM--------- | +Gnd | +Medium | ++ |
a-.-G-E-W-Z | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Grenade Launcher | +Grenade launcher | +Weapon | +293 | +SGEWZ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-Z-H | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Grenade Launcher/Heavy | +Grenade launcher heavy | +Weapon | +294 | +SGEWZH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-Z-L | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Grenade Launcher/Light | +Grenade launcher light | +Weapon | +295 | +SGEWZL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-W-Z-M | +Gnd/Equip/Weapon/Grenade Launcher/Medium | +Grenade launcher medium | +Weapon | +296 | +SGEWZM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X | +Gnd/Equip/Special Equipment | +Special equipment | +Equipment | +297 | +SGEX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-F | +Gnd/Equip/Flame Thrower | +Flame thrower | +Equipment | +298 | +SGEXF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-L | +Gnd/Equip/Laser | +Laser | +Laser | +299 | +SGEXL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-M | +Gnd/Equip/Land Mines | +Land mines | +Mine | +300 | +SGEXM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-M-C | +Gnd/Equip/Claymore | +Claymore | +Claymore | +301 | +SGEXMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-M-L | +Gnd/Equip/Less Than Lethal | +Less than lethal | +Land mines | +302 | +SGEXML--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-E-X-N | +Gnd/Equip/NBC Equipment | +NBC equipment | +Equipment | +303 | +SGEXN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I | +Gnd/Building | +Building | +Building | +304 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-B | +Gnd/Structure/Base/Military | +Military base/facility | +Building | +305 | +SGIB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-B-A | +Gnd/Structure/Base/Airbase | +Airport/airbase | +Building | +306 | +SGIBA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-B-N | +Gnd/Structure/Base/Naval Base | +Seaport/naval base | +Building | +307 | +SGIBN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian | +Civilian | +Civilian | +308 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-b | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Bridge | +Bridge | +Bridge | +309 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-bar | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Fence or Wall or Barrier | +Fence/Wall/Barrier | +Civilian | +310 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-can | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Canal | +Canal | +Canal | +311 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-can-l | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Canal/Lock | +Canal Lock | +Canal Lock | +312 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-frm | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Farm | +Farm | +Farm | +313 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-l | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Levee | +Levy | +Levy | +314 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-mon | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Monument | +Monument | +Monument | +315 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-o | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Offices | +Offices | +Offices | +316 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-rah | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Residence or Apartment or Hotel | +Residence/Apartment/Hotel | +Civilian | +317 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-rel | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Religious | +Religious | +Religious | +318 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-res | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Reservoir | +Reservoir | +Reservoir | +319 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-ret | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Retail | +Retail | +Retail | +320 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-sch | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/School | +School | +School | +321 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-vip | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/vip | +Vip | +Vip | +322 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-c-whs | +Gnd/Structure/Civilian/Warehouse | +Warehouse | +Warehouse | +323 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-E | +Gnd/Structure/Factory | +Equipment manufacture | +Building | +324 | +SGIE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-E-h | +Gnd/Structure/Factory/Heavy | +Heavy | +Heavy | +325 | +SGIE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-E-l | +Gnd/Structure/Factory/Light | +Light | +Light | +326 | +SGIE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-E-o | +Gnd/Structure/Factory/Plant Other | +Plant Other | +Plant Other | +327 | +SGIE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-G | +Gnd/Structure/Government | +Government leadership | +Building | +328 | +SGIG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities | +IM Facilities | +Building | +329 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management | +Emergency Management | +Building | +330 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e-EOC | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management/Emergency Operations Center | +Emergency Operations Center | +Building | +331 | +EOBF----H****--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e-ic | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management/Incident Commander | +Incident Commander | +Building | +332 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e-icc | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management/Incident Communications Center | +Incident Communications Center | +Building | +333 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e-icp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management/Incident Command Post | +Incident Command Post | +Building | +334 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-e-wr | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Management/War Room | +War Room | +War Room | +335 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Fire and Hazmat | +Fire/Hazmat | +Fire/Hazmat | +336 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-f-fd | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Fire and Hazmat/Fire Department | +Fire Department | +Fire/Hazmat | +337 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-h | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Health and Medical | +Health and Medical | +Building | +338 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-h-md | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Health and Medical/Medical Dispatch | +Medical Dispatch | +Building | +339 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement | +Law Enforcement | +Building | +340 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-cp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/Police Checkpoint | +Police Checkpoint | +Building | +341 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-hp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/Highway Patrol | +Highway Patrol | +Building | +342 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-lp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/Local Police | +Local Police | +Local Police | +343 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-ntz | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/No Trespassing Zone | +No Trespassing Zone | +Building | +344 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-sd | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/Sheriffs Department | +Sheriffs Department | +Building | +345 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-l-SP | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Law Enforcement/State Police | +State Police | +State Police | +346 | +SGISP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-m | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Emergency Medical Services | +Emergency Medical Services | +Building | +347 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other | +Other | +Other | +348 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch | +Agency Dispatch | +Other | +349 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-ems | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/ems | +Ems | +Ems | +350 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +ems | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Fire | +Fire | +Fire | +351 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Fire | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-hwy | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Highway | +Highway | +Highway | +352 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Highway | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-mda | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Media | +Media | +Media | +353 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Media | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-pl | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Police Local | +Police Local | +Police Local | +354 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Police Local | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-ps | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Police Station | +Police Station | +Other | +355 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Police Station | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-tow | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Tow | +Tow | +Tow | +356 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Tow | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-AD-ts | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Agency Dispatch/Transit | +Transit | +Transit | +357 | +SGIAD--------- | +Gnd | +Transit | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-bcc | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Border Control Checkpoint | +Border Control Checkpoint | +Other | +358 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-dmz | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/dmz | +Dmz | +Dmz | +359 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-isp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Independent Service Provider | +Independent Service Provider | +Other | +360 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mc | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobile Center | +Mobile Center | +Other | +361 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mc-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobile Center/Fire | +Fire | +Fire | +362 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Fire | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mc-h | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobile Center/Medical | +Medical | +Medical | +363 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Medical | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mc-l | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobile Center/Law Enforcement | +Law Enforcement | +Other | +364 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Law Enforcement | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mes | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Message Center | +Message Center | +Other | +365 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center | +Mobilization Center | +Other | +366 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-ems | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/ems | +Ems | +Ems | +367 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +ems | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-es | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Transit | +Transit | +Transit | +368 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Transit | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Fire | +Fire | +Fire | +369 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Fire | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-hwy | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Highway | +Highway | +Highway | +370 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Highway | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-mda | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Media | +Media | +Media | +371 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Media | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-pl | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Police Local | +Ploce Local | +Ploce Local | +372 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Police Local | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-ps | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Police Station | +Police Station | +Other | +373 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Police Station | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-mob-tow | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Mobilization Center/Tow | +Tow | +Tow | +374 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Tow | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-ps | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Public Safety | +Public Safety | +Other | +375 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-rl | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Reporting Locations | +Reporting Locations | +Other | +376 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area | +Staging Area | +Staging Area | +377 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-ems | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/ems | +Ems | +Ems | +378 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +ems | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Fire | +Fire | +Fire | +379 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Fire | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-hwy | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Highway | +Highway | +Highway | +380 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Highway | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-mda | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Media | +Media | +Media | +381 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Media | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-pl | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Police Local | +Police Local | +Police Local | +382 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Police Local | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-ps | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Police Station | +Police Station | +Staging Area | +383 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Police Station | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-tow | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Tow | +Tow | +Tow | +384 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Tow | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sa-ts | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Staging Area/Transit | +Transit | +Transit | +385 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Transit | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-sc | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Security Checkpoint | +Security Checkpoint | +Other | +386 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-seg | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Segment | +Segment | +Segment | +387 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-t | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Transportation | +Transportation | +Other | +388 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-t-IM | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Transportation/Transit Incident Management Center | +Transit Incident Management Center | +Other | +389 | +SGIIM--------- | +Gnd | +Transit Incident Management Center | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-t-tc | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Transportation/Transit Management Center | +Transit Management Center | +Other | +390 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Transit Management Center | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-t-td | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Transportation/Traffic Inc Service Patrol Dispatch | +Traffic Inc Service Patrol Dispatch | +Other | +391 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Traffic Inc Service Patrol Dispatch | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-t-tm | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Transportation/Traffic Management Center | +Traffic Management Center | +Other | +392 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Traffic Management Center | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-tmp | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Temp | +Temporary | +Temporary | +393 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-i-o-tmp-f | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Temp/Fire | +Fire | +Fire | +394 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Fire | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-tmp-h | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Temp/Medical | +Medical | +Medical | +395 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Medical | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-o-tmp-l | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Other/Temp/Law Enforcement | +Law Enforcement | +Temporary | +396 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | +Law Enforcement | ++ |
a-.-G-I-i-p | +Gnd/Structure/IM Facilities/Public Works | +Public Works | +Public Works | +397 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Military Materiel Facility | +Military materiel facility | +Building | +398 | +SGIM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-A | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Aircraft Production | +Aircraft production/assembly | +Building | +399 | +SGIMA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-C | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/NBC Warfare Production | +Chemical/biological warfare production | +Building | +400 | +SGIMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-E | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Ammunition Production | +Ammunition and explosives production | +Building | +401 | +SGIME--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-F | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Nuclear Energy | +Nuclear energy | +Building | +402 | +SGIMF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-F-A | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Atomic Energy Reactor | +Atomic energy reactor | +Building | +403 | +SGIMFA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-F-P | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Nuclear Material Production | +Nuclear material production | +Building | +404 | +SGIMFP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-F-P-W | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Nuclear/Weapons Grade | +Weapons grade | +Building | +405 | +SGIMFPW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-F-S | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Nuclear Material Storage | +Nuclear material storage | +Building | +406 | +SGIMFS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-G | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Armament Production | +Armament production | +Building | +407 | +SGIMG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-M | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Missile+Space System Production | +Missile/space system production | +Building | +408 | +SGIMM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Engineering Equipment Production | +Engineering equipment production | +Building | +409 | +SGIMN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N-B | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Bridge | +Bridge | +Bridge | +410 | +SGIMNB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N-B-l | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Bridge/Large | +Bridge (Large) | +Bridge | +411 | +SGIMNB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N-B-m | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Bridge/Med | +Bridge (Med) | +Bridge (Med) | +412 | +SGIMNB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N-B-s | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Bridge/Small | +Bridge (Small) | +Bridge | +413 | +SGIMNB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-N-c | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Canal | +Canal | +Canal | +414 | +SGIMN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-S | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Ship Construction | +Ship construction | +Building | +415 | +SGIMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-M-V | +Gnd/Structure/Mil/Military Vehicle Production | +Military vehicle production | +Building | +416 | +SGIMV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-P | +Gnd/Structure/Processing Facility | +Processing facility | +Building | +417 | +SGIP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-P-D | +Gnd/Structure/Decon | +Decon | +Decon | +418 | +SGIPD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R | +Gnd/Structure/Raw Material Production/Storage | +Raw material production/storage | +Building | +419 | +SGIR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-r | +Gnd/Structure/Road | +Road | +Road | +420 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-r-h | +Gnd/Structure/Road/Highway | +Road (Highway) | +Road | +421 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-r-i | +Gnd/Structure/Road/Improved | +Road (Improved) | +Road | +422 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-M | +Gnd/Structure/Mine | +Mine | +Mine | +423 | +SGIRM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-N | +Gnd/Structure/NBC | +NBC | +NBC | +424 | +SGIRN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-N-B | +Gnd/Structure/Biological | +Biological | +Biological | +425 | +SGIRNB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-N-C | +Gnd/Structure/Chemical | +Chemical | +Chemical | +426 | +SGIRNC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-N-N | +Gnd/Structure/Nuclear | +Nuclear | +Nuclear | +427 | +SGIRNN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-P | +Gnd/Structure/petroleum/gas/oil | +Petroleum/gas/oil | +Building | +428 | +SGIRP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-R-P-r | +Gnd/Structure/petroleum/gas/oil/Refinery | +Refinery | +Refinery | +429 | +SGIRP--------- | +Gnd | +Refinery | ++ |
a-.-G-I-r-ra | +Gnd/Structure/Road/Rest Area | +Rest Area | +Rest Area | +430 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-r-u | +Gnd/Structure/Road/Unimproved | +Road (Un-improved) | +Road | +431 | +SGI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility | +Transport facility | +Building | +432 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-a | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Airport | +Airport | +Airport | +433 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-hb | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Helibase | +Helibase | +Helibase | +434 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-hs | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Helispot | +Helispot | +Helispot | +435 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-l | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Land Port | +Land Port | +Land Port | +436 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-pg | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Parking Garage | +Parking Garage | +Building | +437 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-r | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Railroad | +Railroad | +Railroad | +438 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-T-s | +Gnd/Structure/Transport Facility/Seaport | +Seaport | +Seaport | +439 | +SGIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Service, Research, Utility Facility | +Service, research, utility facility | +Building | +440 | +SGIU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Electric Power | +Electric power facility | +Building | +441 | +SGIUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-c | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Electric Power/Coal Power Plant | +Coal Power Plant | +Building | +442 | +SGIUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-D | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Dam | +Dam | +Dam | +443 | +SGIUED--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-F | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Fossil Fuel | +Fossil fuel | +Fossil fuel | +444 | +SGIUEF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-h | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Electric Power/Hydroelectric Power Plant | +Hydroelectric Power Plant | +Building | +445 | +SGIUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-N | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Nuclear Plant | +Nuclear plant | +Building | +446 | +SGIUEN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-o | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Electric Power/Other Power | +Other Power | +Other Power | +447 | +SGIUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-E-ps | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Electric Power/Power Substation | +Power Substation | +Building | +448 | +SGIUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-P | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Public Water Services | +Public water services | +Building | +449 | +SGIUP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-R | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Technological Research | +Technological research facility | +Building | +450 | +SGIUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications | +Telecommunications facility | +Building | +451 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T-com | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Communications | +Communications | +Building | +452 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T-com-af | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Communications/Antenna Farm | +Antenna Farm | +Antenna Farm | +453 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Antenna Farm | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-com-sat | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Communications/Satellite Communications | +Satellite Communications | +Building | +454 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Satellite Communications | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-com-tow | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Communications/Tower | +Tower | +Tower | +455 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Tower | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-r | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Radio | +Radio | +Radio | +456 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T-r-s | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Radio/Station | +Station | +Station | +457 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Station | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-tp | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Telephone | +Telephone | +Telephone | +458 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T-tp-ts | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Telephone/Telephone Switching | +Telephone Switching | +Telephone | +459 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Telephone Switching | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-tv | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Television | +Television | +Television | +460 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-U-T-tv-c | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Television/Cable | +Cable | +Cable | +461 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Cable | ++ |
a-.-G-I-U-T-tv-s | +Gnd/Structure/Utility/Telecommunications/Television/Station | +Station | +Station | +462 | +SGIUT--------- | +Gnd | +Station | ++ |
a-.-G-I-X | +Gnd/Structure/Medical Facility | +Medical facility | +Building | +463 | +SGIX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-X-H | +Gnd/Structure/Hospital | +Hospital | +Hospital | +464 | +SGIXH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-I-X-hcf | +Gnd/Structure/Medical Facility/Hospital/Hospital Care Facility | +Hospital Care Facility | +Building | +465 | +SGIX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U | +Gnd/Unit | +Unit | +Unit | +466 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C | +Gnd/Combat | +Combat | +Combat | +467 | +SGUC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A | +Gnd/Combat/armor | +Armor | +Armor | +468 | +SGUCA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor | +Anti armor | +Anti armor | +469 | +SGUCAA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-A | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor armored | +Anti armor armored | +Anti armor | +470 | +SGUCAAA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-A-S | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor armored air assault | +Anti armor armored air assault | +Anti armor | +471 | +SGUCAAAS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-A-T | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor armored tracked | +Anti armor armored tracked | +Anti armor | +472 | +SGUCAAAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-A-W | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor armored wheeled | +Anti armor armored wheeled | +Anti armor | +473 | +SGUCAAAW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-C | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor arctic | +Anti armor arctic | +Anti armor | +474 | +SGUCAAC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-D | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor dismounted | +Anti armor dismounted | +Anti armor | +475 | +SGUCAAD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-L | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor light | +Anti armor light | +Anti armor | +476 | +SGUCAAL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-M | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor airborne | +Anti armor airborne | +Anti armor | +477 | +SGUCAAM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-O | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor motorized | +Anti armor motorized | +Anti armor | +478 | +SGUCAAO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-O-S | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor motorized air assault | +Anti armor motorized air assault | +Anti armor | +479 | +SGUCAAOS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-S | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor air assault | +Anti armor air assault | +Anti armor | +480 | +SGUCAAS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-A-U | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/anti armor mountain | +Anti armor mountain | +Anti armor | +481 | +SGUCAAU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track | +Armor track | +Armor track | +482 | +SGUCAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-A | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track airborne | +Armor track airborne | +Armor track | +483 | +SGUCATA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-H | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track, heavy | +Armor track, heavy | +Armor track | +484 | +SGUCATH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-L | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track, light | +Armor track, light | +Armor track | +485 | +SGUCATL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-M | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track, medium | +Armor track, medium | +Armor track | +486 | +SGUCATM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-R | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track, recovery | +Armor track, recovery | +Armor track | +487 | +SGUCATR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-W | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track amphibious | +Armor track amphibious | +Armor track | +488 | +SGUCATW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-T-W-R | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor track amphibious recovery | +Armor track amphibious recovery | +Armor track | +489 | +SGUCATWR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled | +Armor, wheeled | +Armor | +490 | +SGUCAW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-A | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled airborne | +Armor, wheeled airborne | +Armor | +491 | +SGUCAWA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-H | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled heavy | +Armor, wheeled heavy | +Armor | +492 | +SGUCAWH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-L | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled light | +Armor, wheeled light | +Armor | +493 | +SGUCAWL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-M | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled medium | +Armor, wheeled medium | +Armor | +494 | +SGUCAWM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-R | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled recovery | +Armor, wheeled recovery | +Armor | +495 | +SGUCAWR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-S | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled air assault | +Armor, wheeled air assault | +Armor | +496 | +SGUCAWS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-W | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled amphibious | +Armor, wheeled amphibious | +Armor | +497 | +SGUCAWW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-A-W-W-R | +Gnd/Combat/Armor/armor, wheeled amphibious recovery | +Armor, wheeled amphibious recovery | +Armor | +498 | +SGUCAWWR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense | +Air defense | +Air defense | +499 | +SGUCD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-C | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/composite | +Composite | +Composite | +500 | +SGUCDC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-G | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/gun unit | +Gun unit | +Gun unit | +501 | +SGUCDG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-H | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/H/MAD | +H/MAD | +H/MAD | +502 | +SGUCDH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-H-H | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/hawk | +Hawk | +Hawk | +503 | +SGUCDHH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-H-P | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/patriot | +Patriot | +Patriot | +504 | +SGUCDHP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-M | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense missile | +Air defense missile | +Air defense | +505 | +SGUCDM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-M-H | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense missile heavy | +Air defense missile heavy | +Air defense | +506 | +SGUCDMH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-M-L | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense missile light | +Air defense missile light | +Air defense | +507 | +SGUCDML--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-M-L-A | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense missile motorized (avenger) | +Air defense missile motorized (avenger) | +Air defense | +508 | +SGUCDMLA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-M-M | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/air defense missile medium | +Air defense missile medium | +Air defense | +509 | +SGUCDMM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-O | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/theater missile defense unit | +Theater missile defense unit | +Air defense | +510 | +SGUCDO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-S | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/short range | +Short range | +Short range | +511 | +SGUCDS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-S-C | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/Chaparral | +Chaparral | +Chaparral | +512 | +SGUCDSC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-S-S | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/stinger | +Stinger | +Stinger | +513 | +SGUCDSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-S-V | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/vulcan | +Vulcan | +Vulcan | +514 | +SGUCDSV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-D-T | +Gnd/Combat/Defense/targeting unit | +Targeting unit | +Air defense | +515 | +SGUCDT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer | +Engineer | +Engineer | +516 | +SGUCE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat | +Engineer combat | +Engineer | +517 | +SGUCEC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-A | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat airborne | +Engineer combat airborne | +Engineer | +518 | +SGUCECA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-C | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat arctic | +Engineer combat arctic | +Engineer | +519 | +SGUCECC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-H | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat heavy | +Engineer combat heavy | +Engineer | +520 | +SGUCECH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-L | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat light (sapper) | +Engineer combat light (sapper) | +Engineer | +521 | +SGUCECL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-M | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat medium | +Engineer combat medium | +Engineer | +522 | +SGUCECM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-O | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat mountain | +Engineer combat mountain | +Engineer | +523 | +SGUCECO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-R | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat recon | +Engineer combat recon | +Engineer | +524 | +SGUCECR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-S | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat air assault | +Engineer combat air assault | +Engineer | +525 | +SGUCECS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-T | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat mechanized (track) | +Engineer combat mechanized (track) | +Engineer | +526 | +SGUCECT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-C-W | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer combat motorized | +Engineer combat motorized | +Engineer | +527 | +SGUCECW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-N | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer construction | +Engineer construction | +Engineer | +528 | +SGUCEN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-E-N-N | +Gnd/Combat/Engineer/engineer naval construction | +Engineer naval construction | +Engineer | +529 | +SGUCENN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F | +Gnd/Combat/Artillery (Fixed) | +Artillery (Fixed) | +Artillery | +530 | +SGUCF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H | +Gnd/Combat/howitzer/gun | +Howitzer/gun | +Howitzer/gun | +531 | +SGUCFH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-A | +Gnd/Combat/airborne | +Airborne | +Airborne | +532 | +SGUCFHA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-C | +Gnd/Combat/arctic | +Arctic | +Arctic | +533 | +SGUCFHC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-E | +Gnd/Combat/Artillery (Mobile) | +Artillery (Mobile) | +Howitzer/gun | +534 | +SGUCFHE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-H | +Gnd/Combat/heavy | +Heavy | +Heavy | +535 | +SGUCFHH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-L | +Gnd/Combat/light | +Light | +Light | +536 | +SGUCFHL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-M | +Gnd/Combat/medium | +Medium | +Medium | +537 | +SGUCFHM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-O | +Gnd/Combat/mountain | +Mountain | +Mountain | +538 | +SGUCFHO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-S | +Gnd/Combat/air assault | +Air assault | +Air assault | +539 | +SGUCFHS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-H-X | +Gnd/Combat/amphibious | +Amphibious | +Amphibious | +540 | +SGUCFHX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M | +Gnd/Combat/mortar | +Mortar | +Mortar | +541 | +SGUCFM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-L | +Gnd/Combat/amphibious mortar | +Amphibious mortar | +Mortar | +542 | +SGUCFML--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-S | +Gnd/Combat/self propelled (SP) tracked mortar | +Self propelled (SP) tracked mortar | +Mortar | +543 | +SGUCFMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-T | +Gnd/Combat/towed mortar | +Towed mortar | +Towed mortar | +544 | +SGUCFMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-T-A | +Gnd/Combat/towed airborne mortar | +Towed airborne mortar | +Towed mortar | +545 | +SGUCFMTA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-T-C | +Gnd/Combat/towed arctic mortar | +Towed arctic mortar | +Towed mortar | +546 | +SGUCFMTC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-T-O | +Gnd/Combat/towed mountain mortar | +Towed mountain mortar | +Towed mortar | +547 | +SGUCFMTO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-T-S | +Gnd/Combat/towed air assault mortar | +Towed air assault mortar | +Towed mortar | +548 | +SGUCFMTS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-M-W | +Gnd/Combat/SP wheeled mortar | +SP wheeled mortar | +Mortar | +549 | +SGUCFMW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-O | +Gnd/Combat/meteorological | +Meteorological | +Combat | +550 | +SGUCFO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-O-A | +Gnd/Combat/airborne meteorological | +Airborne meteorological | +Combat | +551 | +SGUCFOA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-O-L | +Gnd/Combat/light meteorological | +Light meteorological | +Combat | +552 | +SGUCFOL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-O-O | +Gnd/Combat/mountain meteorological | +Mountain meteorological | +Combat | +553 | +SGUCFOO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-O-S | +Gnd/Combat/air assault meteorological | +Air assault meteorological | +Combat | +554 | +SGUCFOS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R | +Gnd/Combat/rocket | +Rocket | +Rocket | +555 | +SGUCFR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-M | +Gnd/Combat/Rockets (Fixed) | +Rockets (Fixed) | +Rocket | +556 | +SGUCFRM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-M-R | +Gnd/Combat/Rockets (Mobile) | +Rockets (Mobile) | +Rocket | +557 | +SGUCFRMR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-M-S | +Gnd/Combat/multi rocket self propelled | +Multi rocket self propelled | +Rocket | +558 | +SGUCFRMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-M-T | +Gnd/Combat/multi rocket towed | +Multi rocket towed | +Rocket | +559 | +SGUCFRMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-S | +Gnd/Combat/single rocket launcher | +Single rocket launcher | +Rocket | +560 | +SGUCFRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-S-R | +Gnd/Combat/single rocket truck | +Single rocket truck | +Rocket | +561 | +SGUCFRSR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-S-S | +Gnd/Combat/single rocket self propelled | +Single rocket self propelled | +Rocket | +562 | +SGUCFRSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-R-S-T | +Gnd/Combat/single rocket towed | +Single rocket towed | +Rocket | +563 | +SGUCFRST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-S | +Gnd/Combat/artillery survey | +Artillery survey | +Combat | +564 | +SGUCFS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-S-A | +Gnd/Combat/airborne | +Airborne | +Airborne | +565 | +SGUCFSA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-S-L | +Gnd/Combat/light | +Light | +Light | +566 | +SGUCFSL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-S-O | +Gnd/Combat/mountain | +Mountain | +Mountain | +567 | +SGUCFSO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-S-S | +Gnd/Combat/air assault | +Air assault | +Air assault | +568 | +SGUCFSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T | +Gnd/Combat/target acquisition | +Target acquisition | +Combat | +569 | +SGUCFT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-A | +Gnd/Combat/anglico | +Anglico | +Anglico | +570 | +SGUCFTA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-C | +Gnd/Combat/colt/fist | +Colt/fist | +Colt/fist | +571 | +SGUCFTC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-C-D | +Gnd/Combat/dismounted colt/fist | +Dismounted colt/fist | +Colt/fist | +572 | +SGUCFTCD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-C-M | +Gnd/Combat/tracked colt/fist | +Tracked colt/fist | +Colt/fist | +573 | +SGUCFTCM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-F | +Gnd/Combat/flash (optical) | +Flash (optical) | +Combat | +574 | +SGUCFTF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-R | +Gnd/Combat/radar | +Radar | +Radar | +575 | +SGUCFTR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-F-T-S | +Gnd/Combat/sound | +Sound | +Sound | +576 | +SGUCFTS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Troops (Open) | +Troops (Open) | +Troops | +577 | +SGUCI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-A | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Airborne | +Infantry airborne | +Combat | +578 | +SGUCIA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-C | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Arctic | +Infantry arctic | +Combat | +579 | +SGUCIC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-d | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/DugIn | +Troops (DugIn) | +Sniper | +580 | +SGUCI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-I | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Fighting Vehicle | +Infantry fighting vehicle | +Combat | +581 | +SGUCII--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-L | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Light | +Infantry light | +Combat | +582 | +SGUCIL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-M | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Motorized | +Infantry motorized | +Combat | +583 | +SGUCIM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-N | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Naval | +Infantry naval | +Combat | +584 | +SGUCIN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-O | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Mountain | +Infantry mountain | +Combat | +585 | +SGUCIO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-S | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Air Assault | +Infantry air assault | +Combat | +586 | +SGUCIS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-I-Z | +Gnd/Combat/Infantry/Mechanized | +Infantry mechanized | +Combat | +587 | +SGUCIZ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-M | +Gnd/Combat/missile (surf surf) | +Missile (surf surf) | +Combat | +588 | +SGUCM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-M-S | +Gnd/Combat/missile (surf surf) strategic | +Missile (surf surf) strategic | +Combat | +589 | +SGUCMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-M-T | +Gnd/Combat/missile (surf surf) tactical | +Missile (surf surf) tactical | +Combat | +590 | +SGUCMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/ | +Reconnaissance | +Combat | +591 | +SGUCR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-A | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/airborne | +Reconnaissance airborne | +Combat | +592 | +SGUCRA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-C | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/arctic | +Reconnaissance arctic | +Combat | +593 | +SGUCRC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-H | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/horse | +Reconnaissance horse | +Combat | +594 | +SGUCRH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-L | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/light | +Reconnaissance light | +Combat | +595 | +SGUCRL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-O | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/mountain | +Reconnaissance mountain | +Combat | +596 | +SGUCRO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-R | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/marine | +Reconnaissance marine | +Combat | +597 | +SGUCRR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-R-D | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/marine division | +Reconnaissance marine division | +Combat | +598 | +SGUCRRD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-R-F | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/marine force | +Reconnaissance marine force | +Combat | +599 | +SGUCRRF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-R-L | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/marine light armored | +Reconnaissance marine light armored | +Combat | +600 | +SGUCRRL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-S | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/air assault | +Reconnaissance air assault | +Combat | +601 | +SGUCRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-V | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/cavalry | +Reconnaissance cavalry | +Combat | +602 | +SGUCRV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-V-A | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/cavalry armored | +Reconnaissance cavalry armored | +Combat | +603 | +SGUCRVA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-V-G | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/cavalry ground | +Reconnaissance cavalry ground | +Combat | +604 | +SGUCRVG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-V-M | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/cavalry motorized | +Reconnaissance cavalry motorized | +Combat | +605 | +SGUCRVM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-V-O | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/cavalry air | +Reconnaissance cavalry air | +Combat | +606 | +SGUCRVO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-R-X | +Gnd/Combat/Recon/long range surveillance | +Reconnaissance long range surveillance | +Combat | +607 | +SGUCRX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S | +Gnd/Combat/Security/internal security forces | +Internal security forces | +Combat | +608 | +SGUCS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-A | +Gnd/Combat/Security/aviation | +Aviation | +Aviation | +609 | +SGUCSA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-G | +Gnd/Combat/Security/ground | +Ground | +Ground | +610 | +SGUCSG--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-G-A | +Gnd/Combat/Security/mechanized ground | +Mechanized ground | +Ground | +611 | +SGUCSGA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-G-D | +Gnd/Combat/Security/dismounted ground | +Dismounted ground | +Ground | +612 | +SGUCSGD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-G-M | +Gnd/Combat/Security/motorized ground | +Motorized ground | +Ground | +613 | +SGUCSGM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-M | +Gnd/Combat/Security/wheeled mechanized | +Wheeled mechanized | +Combat | +614 | +SGUCSM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-R | +Gnd/Combat/Security/Rail | +Rail | +Rail | +615 | +SGUCSR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-S-W | +Gnd/Combat/Security/riverine | +Riverine | +Riverine | +616 | +SGUCSW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/aviation | +Aviation | +Aviation | +617 | +SGUCV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-C | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/composite | +Composite | +Composite | +618 | +SGUCVC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-F | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +619 | +SGUCVF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-F-A | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/attack fixed wing | +Attack fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +620 | +SGUCVFA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-F-R | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/recon fixed wing | +Recon fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +621 | +SGUCVFR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-F-U | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/utility fixed wing | +Utility fixed wing | +Fixed wing | +622 | +SGUCVFU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +623 | +SGUCVR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-A | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/attack rotary wing | +Attack rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +624 | +SGUCVRA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-C | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/C2 Rotorary Wing | +C2 | +C2 | +625 | +SGUCVRC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-d | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/Helo/Dual | +Helo ground unit (Dual) | +Rotary wing | +626 | +SGUCVR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-E | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/rotary wing/Medevac | +Medevac | +Medevac | +627 | +SGUCVRE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-M | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/mine countermeasure rotary wing | +Mine countermeasure rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +628 | +SGUCVRM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-S | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/scout rotary wing | +Scout rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +629 | +SGUCVRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-s | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/Helo/Single | +Helo ground unit (Single) | +Rotary wing | +630 | +SGUCVR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/utility rotary wing | +Utility rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +631 | +SGUCVRU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U-C | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/C2 rotary wing | +C2 rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +632 | +SGUCVRUC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U-E | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/medevac rotary wing | +Medevac rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +633 | +SGUCVRUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U-H | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/heavy utility rotary wing | +Heavy utility rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +634 | +SGUCVRUH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U-L | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/light utility rotary wing | +Light utility rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +635 | +SGUCVRUL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-U-M | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/medium utility rotary wing | +Medium utility rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +636 | +SGUCVRUM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-R-W | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/antisubmarine warfare rotary wing | +Antisubmarine warfare rotary wing | +Rotary wing | +637 | +SGUCVRW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-S | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/search and rescue | +Search and rescue | +Aviation | +638 | +SGUCVS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-U | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/unmanned aerial vehicle | +Unmanned aerial vehicle | +Aviation | +639 | +SGUCVU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-U-F | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/unmanned aerial vehicle fixed wing | +Unmanned aerial vehicle fixed wing | +Aviation | +640 | +SGUCVUF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-U-R | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/unmanned aerial vehicle rotary wing | +Unmanned aerial vehicle rotary wing | +Aviation | +641 | +SGUCVUR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-C-V-V | +Gnd/Combat/Aviation/vertical/short takeoff and landing | +Vertical/short takeoff and landing | +Aviation | +642 | +SGUCVV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-H | +Gnd/special C2 headquarters component | +Special C2 headquarters component | +Unit | +643 | +SGUH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i | +Gnd/IM Resources | +Incident Management Resources | +Unit | +644 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a | +Gnd/IM Resources/Animal Health | +Animal Health | +Unit | +645 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-imt | +Gnd/Incident Management Team Animal Protection | +Incident Management Team Animal Protection | +Unit | +646 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-lar | +Gnd/Large Animal Rescue Strike Team | +Large Animal Rescue Strike Team | +Unit | +647 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-las | +Gnd/Large Animal Sheltering Team | +Large Animal Sheltering Team | +Unit | +648 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-lat | +Gnd/Large Animal Transport Team | +Large Animal Transport Team | +Unit | +649 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-SAR | +Gnd/Small Animal Rescue Strike Team | +Small Animal Rescue Strike Team | +Unit | +650 | +SGUSAR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-sas | +Gnd/Small Animal Sheltering Team | +Small Animal Sheltering Team | +Unit | +651 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-a-sat | +Gnd/Small Animal Transport Team | +Small Animal Transport Team | +Unit | +652 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e | +Gnd/IM Resources/Emergency Management | +Emergency Management | +Unit | +653 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-acrc | +Gnd/Airborne Communications Relay (cap) | +Airborne Communications Relay(cap) | +Unit | +654 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-acrt | +Gnd/Airborne Communications Relay Team | +Airborne Communications Relay Team | +Unit | +655 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-att | +Gnd/Airborne Transport Team | +Airborne Transport Team | +Unit | +656 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-cis | +Gnd/Critical Incident Stress Management Team | +Critical Incident Stress Management Team | +Unit | +657 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-cst | +Gnd/Communications Support Team | +Communications Support Team | +Unit | +658 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-dc | +Gnd/Donations Coordinator | +Donations Coordinator | +Unit | +659 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-dmt | +Gnd/Donations Management Personnel Team | +Donations Management Personnel Team | +Unit | +660 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-ect | +Gnd/Evacuation Coordination Team | +Evacuation Coordination Team | +Unit | +661 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-efa | +Gnd/EOC Finance Administration | +EOC Finance Administration | +Unit | +662 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-elt | +Gnd/Evacuation Liaison Team | +Evacuation Liaison Team | +Unit | +663 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-ems | +Gnd/EOC Management Support Team | +EOC Management Support Team | +Unit | +664 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-eos | +Gnd/EOC Operations Section Chief | +EOC Operations Section Chief | +Unit | +665 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-eps | +Gnd/EOC Planning Section Chief | +EOC Planning Section Chief | +Unit | +666 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-ial | +Gnd/Individual Assistance Disaster Assessment Team Leader | +Individual Assistance Disaster Assessment Team Leader | +Unit | +667 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-iat | +Gnd/Individual Assistance Disaster Assessment Team | +Individual Assistance Disaster Assessment Team | +Unit | +668 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-imt | +Gnd/Incident Management Team | +Incident Management Team | +Unit | +669 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-MCC | +Gnd/Mobile Communications Center | +Mobile Communications Center | +Unit | +670 | +SGUMCC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-mfk | +Gnd/Mobile Feeding Kitchen | +Mobile Feeding Kitchen | +Unit | +671 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-pac | +Gnd/Public Assistance Coordinator | +Public Assistance Coordinator | +Unit | +672 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-rna | +Gnd/Rapid Needs Assessment Team | +Rapid Needs Assessment Team | +Unit | +673 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-smt | +Gnd/Shelter Management Team | +Shelter Management Team | +Unit | +674 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-e-val | +Gnd/Volunteer Agency Liaison | +Volunteer Agency Liaison | +Unit | +675 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f | +Gnd/IM Resources/Fire hazmat | +Fire hazmat | +Fire hazmat | +676 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-act | +Gnd/Area Command Team, Firefighting | +Area Command Team, Firefighting | +Fire hazmat | +677 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-bp | +Gnd/Brush Patrol | +Brush Patrol | +Brush Patrol | +678 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-ct | +Gnd/Crew Transport | +Crew Transport | +Fire hazmat | +679 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-efp | +Gnd/Engine, Fire (Pumper) | +Engine, Fire (Pumper) | +Fire hazmat | +680 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-fb | +Gnd/Fire Boat | +Fire Boat | +Fire Boat | +681 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-ft | +Gnd/Fuel Tender | +Fuel Tender | +Fuel Tender | +682 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-fta | +Gnd/Fire Truck | +Fire Truck | +Fire Truck | +683 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-ftf | +Gnd/Foam Tender | +Foam Tender | +Foam Tender | +684 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-hc | +Gnd/Hand Crew | +Hand Crew | +Hand Crew | +685 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-het | +Gnd/HazMat Entry Team | +HazMat Entry Team | +Fire hazmat | +686 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-hf | +Gnd/Helicopters Firefighting | +Helicopters, Firefighting | +Fire hazmat | +687 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-ht | +Gnd/Helitanker | +Helitanker | +Helitanker | +688 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-ibt | +Gnd/Interagency Buying Team Firefighting | +Interagency Buying Team Firefighting | +Fire hazmat | +689 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-imt | +Gnd/Incident Management Team Firefighting | +Incident Management Team Firefighting | +Fire hazmat | +690 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-mcu | +Gnd/Mobile Communications Unit | +Mobile Communications Unit | +Fire hazmat | +691 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-nsf | +Gnd/USCG National Strike Force | +USCG National Strike Force | +Fire hazmat | +692 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-pp | +Gnd/Portable Pump | +Portable Pump | +Fire hazmat | +693 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-st | +Gnd/Strike Team, Engine (Fire) | +Strike Team, Engine (Fire) | +Fire hazmat | +694 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-f-wt | +Gnd/Water Tender, Firefighting (Tanker) | +Water Tender, Firefighting (Tanker) | +Fire hazmat | +695 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h | +Gnd/IM Resources/Health and Medical | +Health and Medical | +Unit | +696 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-dmb | +Gnd/Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Basic | +Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Basic | +Unit | +697 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-dmc | +Gnd/Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Crush Injury Specialty | +Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Crush Injury Specialty | +Unit | +698 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-dmm | +Gnd/Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Mental Health | +Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Mental Health | +Unit | +699 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-dmp | +Gnd/Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Pediatric | +Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Pediatric | +Unit | +700 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-dms | +Gnd/Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Burn | +Disaster Medical Assistance Team - Burn | +Unit | +701 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-mor | +Gnd/Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team | +Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team | +Unit | +702 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-msr | +Gnd/International Medical Surgical Response Team | +International Medical Surgical Response Team | +Unit | +703 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-mst | +Gnd/NDMS Management Support Team | +NDMS Management Support Team | +Unit | +704 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-h-vma | +Gnd/Veterinary Medical Assistance Team | +Veterinary Medical Assistance Team | +Unit | +705 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l | +Gnd/IM Resources/Law Enforcement | +Law Enforcement | +Unit | +706 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-bs | +Gnd/Bomb Squad Explosives Team | +Bomb Squad Explosives Team | +Unit | +707 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-cct | +Gnd/Crowd Control Team | +Crowd Control Team | +Unit | +708 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-dt | +Gnd/Public Safety Dive Team | +Public Safety Dive Team | +Unit | +709 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-hps | +Gnd/Aviation-Helicopters Patrol Surveillance | +Aviation-Helicopters Patrol Surveillance | +Unit | +710 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-oa | +Gnd/Observation Aircraft | +Observation Aircraft | +Unit | +711 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-l-tt | +Gnd/SWAT Tactical Team | +SWAT Tactical Team | +Unit | +712 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m | +Gnd/IM Resources/Emergency Medical Services | +Emergency Medical Services | +Unit | +713 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-aaf | +Gnd/Air Ambulance (Fixed-Wing) | +Air Ambulance (Fixed-Wing) | +Unit | +714 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-aar | +Gnd/Air Ambulance (Rotary-Wing) | +Air Ambulance (Rotary-Wing) | +Unit | +715 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-ag | +Gnd/Ambulances (Ground) | +Ambulances (Ground) | +Unit | +716 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-ast | +Gnd/Ambulance Strike Team | +Ambulance Strike Team | +Unit | +717 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-atf | +Gnd/Ambulance Task Force | +Ambulance Task Force | +Unit | +718 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-m-etf | +Gnd/Emergency Medical Task Force | +Emergency Medical Task Force | +Unit | +719 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-o | +Gnd/IM Resources/Other | +Other | +Other | +720 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p | +Gnd/IM Resources/Public Works | +Public Works | +Public Works | +721 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-acf | +Gnd/Air Curtain Burners (Above Ground) | +Air Curtain Burners (Above Ground) | +Public Works | +722 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-ach | +Gnd/Air Conditioner Heater | +Air Conditioner Heater | +Public Works | +723 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-act | +Gnd/Air Curtain Burners (In Ground) | +Air Curtain Burners (In Ground) | +Public Works | +724 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-atc | +Gnd/All Terrain Cranes | +All Terrain Cranes | +Public Works | +725 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-bh | +Gnd/Backhoe Loader | +Backhoe Loader | +Public Works | +726 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-cah | +Gnd/Chillers Air Handlers | +Chillers Air Handlers | +Public Works | +727 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-cc | +Gnd/Crawler Cranes | +Crawler Cranes | +Public Works | +728 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-cce | +Gnd/Concrete Cutter Multi-Processor for Hydraulic Excavator | +Concrete Cutter Multi-Processor for Hydraulic Excavator | +Public Works | +729 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dat | +Gnd/Disaster Assessment Team | +Disaster Assessment Team | +Public Works | +730 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dmm | +Gnd/Debris Management Monitoring Team | +Debris Management Monitoring Team | +Public Works | +731 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dmr | +Gnd/Debris Management Site Reduction Team | +Debris Management Site Reduction Team | +Public Works | +732 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dmt | +Gnd/Debris Management Team | +Debris Management Team | +Public Works | +733 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-drt | +Gnd/Disaster Recovery Team | +Disaster Recovery Team | +Public Works | +734 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dt | +Gnd/Dump Trailer | +Dump Trailer | +Dump Trailer | +735 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dtf | +Gnd/Dump Truck Off Road | +Dump Truck Off Road | +Public Works | +736 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-dtn | +Gnd/Dump Truck On Road | +Dump Truck On Road | +Public Works | +737 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-epr | +Gnd/Electrical Power Restoration Team | +Electrical Power Restoration Team | +Public Works | +738 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-es | +Gnd/Engineering Services | +Engineering Services | +Public Works | +739 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-fbt | +Gnd/Flat Bed Trailer Truck | +Flat Bed Trailer Truck | +Public Works | +740 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-gen | +Gnd/Generators | +Generators | +Generators | +741 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-hel | +Gnd/Hydraulic Excavator (Large) | +Hydraulic Excavator (Large) | +Public Works | +742 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-hem | +Gnd/Hydraulic Excavator (Medium) | +Hydraulic Excavator (Medium) | +Public Works | +743 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-htc | +Gnd/Hydraulic Truck Cranes | +Hydraulic Truck Cranes | +Public Works | +744 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-ltc | +Gnd/Lattice Truck Cranes | +Lattice Truck Cranes | +Public Works | +745 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-tb | +Gnd/Tug Boat | +Tug Boat | +Tug Boat | +746 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-td | +Gnd/Track Dozer | +Track Dozer | +Track Dozer | +747 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-tg | +Gnd/Tub Grinder | +Tub Grinder | +Tub Grinder | +748 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-tt | +Gnd/Tractor Trailer | +Tractor Trailer | +Public Works | +749 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wd | +Gnd/Wheel Dozer | +Wheel Dozer | +Wheel Dozer | +750 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wll | +Gnd/Wheel Loaders (Large) | +Wheel Loaders (Large) | +Public Works | +751 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wlm | +Gnd/Wheel Loaders (Medium) | +Wheel Loaders (Medium) | +Public Works | +752 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wls | +Gnd/Wheel Loaders (Small) | +Wheel Loaders (Small) | +Public Works | +753 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wpt | +Gnd/Water Purification Team | +Water Purification Team | +Public Works | +754 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-p-wt | +Gnd/Water Truck | +Water Truck | +Water Truck | +755 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s | +Gnd/IM Resources/Search and Rescue | +Search and Rescue | +Unit | +756 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-ar | +Gnd/Airborne Reconnaissance | +Airborne Reconnaissance | +Unit | +757 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-ast | +Gnd/Air Search Team | +Air Search Team | +Unit | +758 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cas | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Avalanche Snow | +Canine SAR Team Avalanche Snow | +Unit | +759 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cav | +Gnd/Cave SAR Team | +Cave SAR Team | +Unit | +760 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cdr | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Disaster Response | +Canine SAR Team Disaster Response | +Unit | +761 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-clc | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Land Cadaver | +Canine SAR Team Land Cadaver | +Unit | +762 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-col | +Gnd/Collapse SAR Team | +Collapse SAR Team | +Unit | +763 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cwa | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Water | +Canine SAR Team Water | +Unit | +764 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cwi | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Wilderness | +Canine SAR Team Wilderness | +Unit | +765 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-cwt | +Gnd/Canine SAR Team Wilderness Tracking | +Canine SAR Team Wilderness Tracking | +Unit | +766 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-mnt | +Gnd/Mountain SAR Team | +Mountain SAR Team | +Unit | +767 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-mt | +Gnd/Mine Tunnel SAR Team | +Mine Tunnel SAR Team | +Unit | +768 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-rdf | +Gnd/Radio Direction Finding Team | +Radio Direction Finding Team | +Unit | +769 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-sfd | +Gnd/Swiftwater Flood Search and Dive Rescue Team | +Swiftwater Flood Search and Dive Rescue Team | +Unit | +770 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-uis | +Gnd/USAR Incident Support Team | +USAR Incident Support Team | +Unit | +771 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-utf | +Gnd/USAR Task Force | +USAR Task Force | +Unit | +772 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-i-s-wi | +Gnd/Wilderness SAR Team | +Wilderness SAR Team | +Unit | +773 | +SGU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S | +Gnd/combat service support | +Combat service support | +Unit | +774 | +SGUS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A | +Gnd/administrative (admin) | +Administrative (admin) | +Unit | +775 | +SGUSA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-C | +Gnd/admin corps | +Admin corps | +Admin corps | +776 | +SGUSAC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-F | +Gnd/finance | +Finance | +Finance | +777 | +SGUSAF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-F-C | +Gnd/finance corps | +Finance corps | +Finance | +778 | +SGUSAFC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-F-T | +Gnd/finance theater | +Finance theater | +Finance | +779 | +SGUSAFT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-J | +Gnd/judge advocate general (JAG) | +Judge advocate general (JAG) | +Unit | +780 | +SGUSAJ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-J-C | +Gnd/JAG corps | +JAG corps | +JAG corps | +781 | +SGUSAJC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-J-T | +Gnd/JAG theater | +JAG theater | +JAG theater | +782 | +SGUSAJT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-L | +Gnd/labor | +Labor | +Labor | +783 | +SGUSAL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-L-C | +Gnd/labor corps | +Labor corps | +Labor corps | +784 | +SGUSALC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-L-T | +Gnd/labor theater | +Labor theater | +Labor | +785 | +SGUSALT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-M | +Gnd/mortuary/graves registry | +Mortuary/graves registry | +Unit | +786 | +SGUSAM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-M-C | +Gnd/mortuary/graves registry corps | +Mortuary/graves registry corps | +Unit | +787 | +SGUSAMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-M-T | +Gnd/mortuary/graves registry theater | +Mortuary/graves registry theater | +Unit | +788 | +SGUSAMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-O | +Gnd/postal | +Postal | +Postal | +789 | +SGUSAO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-O-C | +Gnd/postal corps | +Postal corps | +Postal corps | +790 | +SGUSAOC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-O-T | +Gnd/postal theater | +Postal theater | +Postal | +791 | +SGUSAOT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P | +Gnd/public affairs | +Public affairs | +Unit | +792 | +SGUSAP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-B | +Gnd/public affairs broadcast | +Public affairs broadcast | +Unit | +793 | +SGUSAPB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-B-C | +Gnd/public affairs broadcast corps | +Public affairs broadcast corps | +Unit | +794 | +SGUSAPBC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-B-T | +Gnd/public affairs broadcast theater | +Public affairs broadcast theater | +Unit | +795 | +SGUSAPBT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-C | +Gnd/public affairs corps | +Public affairs corps | +Unit | +796 | +SGUSAPC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-M | +Gnd/public affairs joint information bureau | +Public affairs joint information bureau | +Unit | +797 | +SGUSAPM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-M-C | +Gnd/public affairs JIB corps | +Public affairs JIB corps | +Unit | +798 | +SGUSAPMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-M-T | +Gnd/public affairs JIB theater | +Public affairs JIB theater | +Unit | +799 | +SGUSAPMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-P-T | +Gnd/public affairs theater | +Public affairs theater | +Unit | +800 | +SGUSAPT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-Q | +Gnd/quartermaster (supply) | +Quartermaster (supply) | +Unit | +801 | +SGUSAQ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-Q-C | +Gnd/quartermaster (supply) corps | +Quartermaster (supply) corps | +Unit | +802 | +SGUSAQC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-Q-T | +Gnd/quartermaster (supply) theater | +Quartermaster (supply) theater | +Unit | +803 | +SGUSAQT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-R | +Gnd/religious/chaplain | +Religious/chaplain | +Unit | +804 | +SGUSAR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-R-C | +Gnd/religious/chaplain corps | +Religious/chaplain corps | +Unit | +805 | +SGUSARC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-R-T | +Gnd/religious/chaplain theater | +Religious/chaplain theater | +Unit | +806 | +SGUSART--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-S | +Gnd/personnel services | +Personnel services | +Unit | +807 | +SGUSAS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-S-C | +Gnd/personnel corps | +Personnel corps | +Unit | +808 | +SGUSASC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-S-T | +Gnd/personnel theater | +Personnel theater | +Unit | +809 | +SGUSAST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-T | +Gnd/admin theater | +Admin theater | +Unit | +810 | +SGUSAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-W | +Gnd/morale, welfare, recreation (MWR) | +Morale, welfare, recreation (MWR) | +Unit | +811 | +SGUSAW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-W-C | +Gnd/MWR corps | +MWR corps | +MWR corps | +812 | +SGUSAWC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-W-T | +Gnd/MWR theater | +MWR theater | +MWR theater | +813 | +SGUSAWT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-X | +Gnd/replacement holding unit (RHU) | +Replacement holding unit (RHU) | +Unit | +814 | +SGUSAX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-X-C | +Gnd/RHU corps | +RHU corps | +RHU corps | +815 | +SGUSAXC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-A-X-T | +Gnd/RHU theater | +RHU theater | +RHU theater | +816 | +SGUSAXT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M | +Gnd/medical | +Medical | +Medical | +817 | +SGUSM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-C | +Gnd/medical corps | +Medical corps | +Medical | +818 | +SGUSMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-D | +Gnd/medical dental | +Medical dental | +Medical | +819 | +SGUSMD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-D-C | +Gnd/medical dental corps | +Medical dental corps | +Medical | +820 | +SGUSMDC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-D-T | +Gnd/medical dental theater | +Medical dental theater | +Medical | +821 | +SGUSMDT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-M | +Gnd/medical treatment facility | +Medical treatment facility | +Medical | +822 | +SGUSMM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-M-C | +Gnd/medical treatment facility corps | +Medical treatment facility corps | +Medical | +823 | +SGUSMMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-M-T | +Gnd/medical treatment facility theater | +Medical treatment facility theater | +Medical | +824 | +SGUSMMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-P | +Gnd/medical psychological | +Medical psychological | +Medical | +825 | +SGUSMP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-P-C | +Gnd/medical psychological corps | +Medical psychological corps | +Medical | +826 | +SGUSMPC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-P-T | +Gnd/medical psychological theater | +Medical psychological theater | +Medical | +827 | +SGUSMPT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-T | +Gnd/medical theater | +Medical theater | +Medical | +828 | +SGUSMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-V | +Gnd/medical veterinary | +Medical veterinary | +Medical | +829 | +SGUSMV--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-V-C | +Gnd/medical veterinary corps | +Medical veterinary corps | +Medical | +830 | +SGUSMVC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-M-V-T | +Gnd/medical veterinary theater | +Medical veterinary theater | +Medical | +831 | +SGUSMVT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S | +Gnd/supply | +Supply | +Supply | +832 | +SGUSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-1 | +Gnd/supply class I | +Supply class I | +Supply | +833 | +SGUSS1--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-1-C | +Gnd/supply class I corps | +Supply class I corps | +Supply | +834 | +SGUSS1C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-1-T | +Gnd/supply class I theater | +Supply class I theater | +Supply | +835 | +SGUSS1T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-2 | +Gnd/supply class II | +Supply class II | +Supply | +836 | +SGUSS2--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-2-C | +Gnd/supply class II corps | +Supply class II corps | +Supply | +837 | +SGUSS2C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-2-T | +Gnd/supply class II theater | +Supply class II theater | +Supply | +838 | +SGUSS2T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3 | +Gnd/supply class III | +Supply class III | +Supply | +839 | +SGUSS3--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3-A | +Gnd/supply class III aviation | +Supply class III aviation | +Supply | +840 | +SGUSS3A--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3-A-C | +Gnd/supply class III aviation corps | +Supply class III aviation corps | +Supply | +841 | +SGUSS3AC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3-A-T | +Gnd/supply class III aviation theater | +Supply class III aviation theater | +Supply | +842 | +SGUSS3AT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3-C | +Gnd/supply class III corps | +Supply class III corps | +Supply | +843 | +SGUSS3C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-3-T | +Gnd/supply class III theater | +Supply class III theater | +Supply | +844 | +SGUSS3T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-4 | +Gnd/supply class IV | +Supply class IV | +Supply | +845 | +SGUSS4--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-4-C | +Gnd/supply class IV corps | +Supply class IV corps | +Supply | +846 | +SGUSS4C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-4-T | +Gnd/supply class IV theater | +Supply class IV theater | +Supply | +847 | +SGUSS4T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-5 | +Gnd/supply class V | +Supply class V | +Supply | +848 | +SGUSS5--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-5-C | +Gnd/supply class V corps | +Supply class V corps | +Supply | +849 | +SGUSS5C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-5-T | +Gnd/supply class V theater | +Supply class V theater | +Supply | +850 | +SGUSS5T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-6 | +Gnd/supply class VI | +Supply class VI | +Supply | +851 | +SGUSS6--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-6-C | +Gnd/supply class VI corps | +Supply class VI corps | +Supply | +852 | +SGUSS6C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-6-T | +Gnd/supply class VI theater | +Supply class VI theater | +Supply | +853 | +SGUSS6T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-7 | +Gnd/supply class VII | +Supply class VII | +Supply | +854 | +SGUSS7--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-7-C | +Gnd/supply class VII corps | +Supply class VII corps | +Supply | +855 | +SGUSS7C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-7-T | +Gnd/supply class VII theater | +Supply class VII theater | +Supply | +856 | +SGUSS7T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-8 | +Gnd/supply class VIII | +Supply class VIII | +Supply | +857 | +SGUSS8--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-8-C | +Gnd/supply class VIII corps | +Supply class VIII corps | +Supply | +858 | +SGUSS8C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-8-T | +Gnd/supply class VIII theater | +Supply class VIII theater | +Supply | +859 | +SGUSS8T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-9 | +Gnd/supply class IX | +Supply class IX | +Supply | +860 | +SGUSS9--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-9-C | +Gnd/supply class IX corps | +Supply class IX corps | +Supply | +861 | +SGUSS9C--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-9-T | +Gnd/supply class IX theater | +Supply class IX theater | +Supply | +862 | +SGUSS9T--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-C | +Gnd/supply corps | +Supply corps | +Supply corps | +863 | +SGUSSC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-d | +Gnd/SupplyDepot | +SupplyDepot | +SupplyDepot | +864 | +SGUSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-L | +Gnd/supply laundry/bath | +bath | +Supply | +865 | +SGUSSL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-L-C | +Gnd/supply laundry/bath corps | +bath corps | +Supply | +866 | +SGUSSLC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-L-T | +Gnd/supply laundry/bath theater | +bath theater | +Supply | +867 | +SGUSSLT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-T | +Gnd/supply theater | +Supply theater | +Supply | +868 | +SGUSST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W | +Gnd/supply water | +Supply water | +Supply water | +869 | +SGUSSW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W-C | +Gnd/supply water corps | +Supply water corps | +Supply water | +870 | +SGUSSWC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W-P | +Gnd/supply water purification | +Supply water purification | +Supply water | +871 | +SGUSSWP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W-P-C | +Gnd/supply water purification corps | +Supply water purification corps | +Supply water | +872 | +SGUSSWPC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W-P-T | +Gnd/supply water purification theater | +Supply water purification theater | +Supply water | +873 | +SGUSSWPT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-W-T | +Gnd/supply water theater | +Supply water theater | +Supply water | +874 | +SGUSSWT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-X | +Gnd/supply class X | +Supply class X | +Supply | +875 | +SGUSSX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-X-C | +Gnd/supply class X corps | +Supply class X corps | +Supply | +876 | +SGUSSXC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-S-X-T | +Gnd/supply class X theater | +Supply class X theater | +Supply | +877 | +SGUSSXT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T | +Gnd/transportation | +Transportation | +Unit | +878 | +SGUST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-A | +Gnd/APOD/APOE | +APOD/APOE | +APOD/APOE | +879 | +SGUSTA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-A-C | +Gnd/APOD/APOE corps | +APOD/APOE corps | +APOD/APOE | +880 | +SGUSTAC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-A-T | +Gnd/APOD/APOE theater | +APOD/APOE theater | +APOD/APOE | +881 | +SGUSTAT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-C | +Gnd/transportation corps | +Transportation corps | +Unit | +882 | +SGUSTC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-I | +Gnd/missile | +Missile | +Missile | +883 | +SGUSTI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-I-C | +Gnd/missile corps | +Missile corps | +Missile | +884 | +SGUSTIC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-I-T | +Gnd/missile theater | +Missile theater | +Missile | +885 | +SGUSTIT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-M | +Gnd/movement control center(MCC) | +Movement control center(MCC) | +Unit | +886 | +SGUSTM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-M-C | +Gnd/MCC corps | +MCC corps | +MCC corps | +887 | +SGUSTMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-M-T | +Gnd/MCC theater | +MCC theater | +MCC theater | +888 | +SGUSTMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-R | +Gnd/railhead | +Railhead | +Railhead | +889 | +SGUSTR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-R-C | +Gnd/railhead corps | +Railhead corps | +Railhead | +890 | +SGUSTRC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-R-T | +Gnd/railhead theater | +Railhead theater | +Railhead | +891 | +SGUSTRT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-S | +Gnd/SPOD/SPOE | +SPOD/SPOE | +SPOD/SPOE | +892 | +SGUSTS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-S-C | +Gnd/SPOD/SPOE corps | +SPOD/SPOE corps | +SPOD/SPOE | +893 | +SGUSTSC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-S-T | +Gnd/SPOD/SPOE theater | +SPOD/SPOE theater | +SPOD/SPOE | +894 | +SGUSTST--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-T-T | +Gnd/transportation theater | +Transportation theater | +Unit | +895 | +SGUSTT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X | +Gnd/maintenance | +Maintenance | +Maintenance | +896 | +SGUSX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-C | +Gnd/maintenance corps | +Maintenance corps | +Maintenance | +897 | +SGUSXC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-E | +Gnd/electro optical | +Electro optical | +Maintenance | +898 | +SGUSXE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-E-C | +Gnd/electro optical corps | +Electro optical corps | +Maintenance | +899 | +SGUSXEC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-E-T | +Gnd/electro optical theater | +Electro optical theater | +Maintenance | +900 | +SGUSXET--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-H | +Gnd/maintenance heavy | +Maintenance heavy | +Maintenance | +901 | +SGUSXH--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-H-C | +Gnd/maintenance heavy corps | +Maintenance heavy corps | +Maintenance | +902 | +SGUSXHC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-H-T | +Gnd/maintenance heavy theater | +Maintenance heavy theater | +Maintenance | +903 | +SGUSXHT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O | +Gnd/ordnance | +Ordnance | +Ordnance | +904 | +SGUSXO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O-C | +Gnd/ordnance corps | +Ordnance corps | +Ordnance | +905 | +SGUSXOC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O-M | +Gnd/ordnance missile | +Ordnance missile | +Ordnance | +906 | +SGUSXOM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O-M-C | +Gnd/ordnance missile corps | +Ordnance missile corps | +Ordnance | +907 | +SGUSXOMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O-M-T | +Gnd/ordnance missile theater | +Ordnance missile theater | +Ordnance | +908 | +SGUSXOMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-O-T | +Gnd/ordnance theater | +Ordnance theater | +Ordnance | +909 | +SGUSXOT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-R | +Gnd/maintenance recovery | +Maintenance recovery | +Maintenance | +910 | +SGUSXR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-R-C | +Gnd/maintenance recovery corps | +Maintenance recovery corps | +Maintenance | +911 | +SGUSXRC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-R-T | +Gnd/maintenance recovery theater | +Maintenance recovery theater | +Maintenance | +912 | +SGUSXRT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-S-X-T | +Gnd/maintenance theater | +Maintenance theater | +Maintenance | +913 | +SGUSXT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U | +Gnd/combat support | +Combat support | +Unit | +914 | +SGUU--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A | +Gnd/combat support NBC | +Combat support NBC | +Unit | +915 | +SGUUA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-B | +Gnd/biological | +Biological | +Biological | +916 | +SGUUAB--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-B-R | +Gnd/recon equipped | +Recon equipped | +Biological | +917 | +SGUUABR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C | +Gnd/chemical | +Chemical | +Chemical | +918 | +SGUUAC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-C | +Gnd/smoke/decon | +Smoke/decon | +Smoke/decon | +919 | +SGUUACC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-C-K | +Gnd/mechanized smoke/decon | +Mechanized smoke/decon | +Smoke/decon | +920 | +SGUUACCK--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-C-M | +Gnd/motorized smoke/decon | +Motorized smoke/decon | +Smoke/decon | +921 | +SGUUACCM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-R | +Gnd/chemical recon | +Chemical recon | +Chemical | +922 | +SGUUACR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-R-S | +Gnd/chemical wheeled armored vehicle | +Chemical wheeled armored vehicle | +Chemical | +923 | +SGUUACRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-R-W | +Gnd/chemical wheeled armored vehicle | +Chemical wheeled armored vehicle | +Chemical | +924 | +SGUUACRW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-S | +Gnd/smoke | +Smoke | +Smoke | +925 | +SGUUACS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-S-A | +Gnd/armor smoke | +Armor smoke | +Armor smoke | +926 | +SGUUACSA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-C-S-M | +Gnd/motorized smoke | +Motorized smoke | +Smoke | +927 | +SGUUACSM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-D | +Gnd/decontamination | +Decontamination | +Unit | +928 | +SGUUAD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-A-N | +Gnd/nuclear | +Nuclear | +Nuclear | +929 | +SGUUAN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-E | +Gnd/explosive ordinance disposal | +Explosive ordinance disposal | +Unit | +930 | +SGUUE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-I | +Gnd/information warfare unit | +Information warfare unit | +Unit | +931 | +SGUUI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L | +Gnd/law enforcement unit | +Law enforcement unit | +Unit | +932 | +SGUUL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L-C | +Gnd/civilian law enforcement | +Civilian law enforcement | +Unit | +933 | +SGUULC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L-D | +Gnd/central intelligence division (CID) | +Central intelligence division (CID) | +Unit | +934 | +SGUULD--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L-F | +Gnd/security police (air) | +Security police (air) | +Unit | +935 | +SGUULF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L-M | +Gnd/military police | +Military police | +Unit | +936 | +SGUULM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-L-S | +Gnd/shore patrol | +Shore patrol | +Shore patrol | +937 | +SGUULS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M | +Gnd/military intelligence | +Military intelligence | +Unit | +938 | +SGUUM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-A | +Gnd/aerial exploitation | +Aerial exploitation | +Unit | +939 | +SGUUMA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-C | +Gnd/counter intelligence | +Counter intelligence | +Unit | +940 | +SGUUMC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-J | +Gnd/joint intelligence center | +Joint intelligence center | +Unit | +941 | +SGUUMJ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-M-O | +Gnd/meteorological | +Meteorological | +Unit | +942 | +SGUUMMO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-O | +Gnd/operations | +Operations | +Operations | +943 | +SGUUMO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-Q | +Gnd/interrogation | +Interrogation | +Unit | +944 | +SGUUMQ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R | +Gnd/surveillance | +Surveillance | +Surveillance | +945 | +SGUUMR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R-G | +Gnd/ground surveillance radar | +Ground surveillance radar | +Surveillance | +946 | +SGUUMRG--------------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R-O | +Gnd/Meteorological | +Meteorological | +Surveillance | +947 | +SGUUMRO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R-S | +Gnd/sensor | +Sensor | +Sensor | +948 | +SGUUMRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R-S-S | +Gnd/sensor SCM | +Sensor SCM | +Sensor SCM | +949 | +SGUUMRSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-R-X | +Gnd/ground station module | +Ground station module | +Surveillance | +950 | +SGUUMRX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S | +Gnd/signal intelligence (SIGINT) | +Signal intelligence (SIGINT) | +Unit | +951 | +SGUUMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E | +Gnd/electronic warfare | +Electronic warfare | +Unit | +952 | +SGUUMSE--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-A | +Gnd/armored wheeled vehicle | +Armored wheeled vehicle | +Unit | +953 | +SGUUMSEA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-C | +Gnd/corps | +Corps | +Corps | +954 | +SGUUMSEC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-D | +Gnd/direction finding | +Direction finding | +Unit | +955 | +SGUUMSED--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-I | +Gnd/intercept | +Intercept | +Intercept | +956 | +SGUUMSEI--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-J | +Gnd/jamming | +Jamming | +Jamming | +957 | +SGUUMSEJ--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-S-E-T | +Gnd/theater | +Theater | +Theater | +958 | +SGUUMSET--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-M-T | +Gnd/tactical exploit | +Tactical exploit | +Unit | +959 | +SGUUMT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-P | +Gnd/landing support | +Landing support | +Unit | +960 | +SGUUP--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S | +Gnd/signal unit | +Signal unit | +Signal unit | +961 | +SGUUS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-A | +Gnd/area | +Area | +Area | +962 | +SGUUSA--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-C | +Gnd/communication configured package | +Communication configured package | +Signal unit | +963 | +SGUUSC--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-C-L | +Gnd/large communication configured package | +Large communication configured package | +Signal unit | +964 | +SGUUSCL--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-F | +Gnd/forward communications | +Forward communications | +Signal unit | +965 | +SGUUSF--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-M | +Gnd/multiple subscriber element | +Multiple subscriber element | +Signal unit | +966 | +SGUUSM--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-M-L | +Gnd/large extension node | +Large extension node | +Signal unit | +967 | +SGUUSML--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-M-N | +Gnd/node center | +Node center | +Node center | +968 | +SGUUSMN--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-M-S | +Gnd/small extension node | +Small extension node | +Signal unit | +969 | +SGUUSMS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-O | +Gnd/command operations | +Command operations | +Signal unit | +970 | +SGUUSO--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-R | +Gnd/radio unit | +Radio unit | +Radio unit | +971 | +SGUUSR--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-R-S | +Gnd/tactical satellite | +Tactical satellite | +Radio unit | +972 | +SGUUSRS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-R-T | +Gnd/teletype center | +Teletype center | +Radio unit | +973 | +SGUUSRT--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-R-W | +Gnd/relay | +Relay | +Relay | +974 | +SGUUSRW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-S | +Gnd/signal support | +Signal support | +Signal unit | +975 | +SGUUSS--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-W | +Gnd/telephone switch | +Telephone switch | +Signal unit | +976 | +SGUUSW--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-G-U-U-S-X | +Gnd/electronic ranging | +Electronic ranging | +Signal unit | +977 | +SGUUSX--------- | +Gnd | ++ | + |
a-.-P | +WAR/SPC | +Space track | +Space track | +978 | +SP-------------------- | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-P-L | +WAR/SPC/SLV | +Space launch vehicle | +Space track | +979 | +SPL--------- | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-P-S | +WAR/SPC/SAT | +Satellite | +Satellite | +980 | +SPS--------- | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-P-T | +WAR/SPC/SST | +Space station | +Space track | +981 | +SPT--------- | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-P-V | +WAR/SPC/CSV | +Crewed space vehicle | +Space track | +982 | +SPV--------- | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-S | +Surface/sea surface track | +Sea surface track | +Watercraft | +983 | +SS--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C | +Surface/combatant | +Combatant | +Warship | +984 | +SSC--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A | +Surface/amphibious warfare ship | +Amphibious warfare ship | +Amphibious | +985 | +SSCA--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A-L-A | +Surface/assault vessel | +Assault vessel | +Amphibious | +986 | +SSCALA--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A-L-C | +Surface/landing craft | +Landing craft | +Amphibious | +987 | +SSCALC--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A-L-S | +Surface/landing ship | +Landing ship | +Landing ship | +988 | +SSCALS--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A-L-S-M | +Surface/landing ship/MDM | +Medium | +Medium | +989 | +SSCALSM--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-A-L-S-T | +Surface/landing ship/Tank | +Tank | +Tank | +990 | +SSCALST--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-D | +WAR/SSUF/CBTT/SUFDCY | +Surface decoy | +Decoy | +991 | +SSCD------------------ | +WAR | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-G | +Surface/Navy group | +Navy group | +Navy group | +992 | +SSG--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-H | +Surface/hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +993 | +SSCH--------- | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L | +Surface/line | +Line | +Line | +994 | +SSCL | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-B-B | +Surface/battleship | +Battleship | +Battleship | +995 | +SSCLBB | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-C-C | +Surface/cruiser | +Cruiser | +Cruiser | +996 | +SSCLCC | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-C-V | +Surface/carrier | +Carrier | +Carrier | +997 | +SSCLCV | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-D-D | +Surface/destroyer | +Destroyer | +Destroyer | +998 | +SSCLDD | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-F-F | +Surface/frigate/corvette | +Frigate/corvette | +Frigate | +999 | +SSCLFF | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-L-L | +Surface/Line/Littoral combatant | +Littoral combatant | +Line | +1000 | +SSCLLL | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-L-L-A-S | +Surface/Line/Littoral combatant/Antisubmarine | +Antisubmarine warfare mission package | +Line | +1001 | +SSCLLLAS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-L-L-M-I | +Surface/Line/Littoral combatant/Mine warfare | +Mine warfare mission package | +Line | +1002 | +SSCLLLMI | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-L-L-L-S-U | +Surface/Line/Littoral combatant/Surface warfare | +Surface warfare (SUW) mission package | +Line | +1003 | +SSCLLLSU | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M | +Surface/mine warfare vessel | +Mine warfare vessel | +Warship | +1004 | +SSCM | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M-M-A | +Surface/MCM support | +MCM support | +MCM support | +1005 | +SSCMMA | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M-M-D | +Surface/MCM drone | +MCM drone | +MCM drone | +1006 | +SSCMMD | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M-M-H | +Surface/minehunter | +Minehunter | +Minehunter | +1007 | +SSCMMH | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M-M-L | +Surface/minelayer | +Minelayer | +Minelayer | +1008 | +SSCMML | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-M-M-S | +Surface/minesweeper | +Minesweeper | +Minesweeper | +1009 | +SSCMMS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P | +Surface/patrol | +Patrol | +Patrol | +1010 | +SSCP | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P-S-B | +Surface/antisubmarine warfare | +Antisubmarine warfare | +Patrol | +1011 | +SSCPSB | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P-S-U | +Surface/antisurface warfare | +Antisurface warfare | +Patrol | +1012 | +SSCPSU | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P-S-U-G | +Surface/antisurface warfare/gun | +Gun | +Gun | +1013 | +SSCPSUG | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P-S-U-M | +Surface/antisurface warfare/Anti-ship missile | +Anti-ship missile | +Patrol | +1014 | +SSCPSUM | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-P-S-U-T | +Surface/antisurface warfare/Torpedo | +Torpedo | +Torpedo | +1015 | +SSCPSUT | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-S | +Surface/Unmanned Surface Vehicle Control Station | +Unmanned Surface Vehicle (Usv) Control Station | +Station | +1016 | +SSCS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-U | +Surface/Unmanned Surface Vehicle/Unmanned surface vehicle | +Unmanned surface vehicle | +USV | +1017 | +SSCU | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-U-M | +Surface/Unmanned Surface Vehicle/Mine Countermeasures Surface Drone | +Mine Countermeasures Surface Drone | +USV | +1018 | +SSCUM | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-U-N | +Surface/Unmanned Surface Vehicle/Antisurface warfare | +Antisurface warfare | +USV | +1019 | +SSCUN | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-C-U-S | +Surface/Unmanned Surface Vehicle/Antisubmarine warfare | +Antisubmarine warfare | +USV | +1020 | +SSCUS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-G | +Surface/navy group | +Navy group | +Navy group | +1021 | +SSG | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-G-C | +Surface/convoy | +Convoy | +Convoy | +1022 | +SSGC | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-G-G | +Surface/navy task group | +Navy task group | +Task group | +1023 | +SSGG | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-G-T | +Surface/navy task force | +Navy task force | +Task force | +1024 | +SSGT | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-G-U | +Surface/navy task unit | +Navy task unit | +Task unit | +1025 | +SSGU | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N | +Surface/noncombatant | +Noncombatant | +Noncombatant | +1026 | +SSN | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-F | +Surface/fleet support | +Fleet support | +Noncombatant | +1027 | +SSNF | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-H | +Surface/hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +1028 | +SSNH | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-I | +Surface/intelligence | +Intelligence | +Intelligence | +1029 | +SSNI | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-M | +Surface/hospital ship | +Hospital ship | +Hospital | +1030 | +SSNM | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-N | +Surface/station | +Station | +Station | +1031 | +SSNN | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-N-R | +Surface/rescue | +Rescue | +Rescue | +1032 | +SSNNR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-R | +Surface/underway replenishment | +Underway replenishment | +Noncombatant | +1033 | +SSNR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-N-S | +Surface/service/support harbor | +Service/support harbor | +Noncombatant | +1034 | +SSNS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-O | +Surface/own track | +Own track | +Own track | +1035 | +SSO | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-S | +Surface/station | +Station | +Station | +1036 | +SSS | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-S-A | +Surface/ASW ship | +ASW ship | +ASW ship | +1037 | +SSSA | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-S-P | +Surface/picket | +Picket | +Picket | +1038 | +SSSP | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X | +Surface/non military | +Non military | +Non military | +1039 | +SSX | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-F | +Surface/fishing | +Fishing | +Fishing | +1040 | +SSXF | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-F-D-F | +Surface/drifter | +Drifter | +Drifter | +1041 | +SSXFDF | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-F-D-R | +Surface/dredge | +Dredge | +Dredge | +1042 | +SSXFDR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-F-T-R | +Surface/trawler | +Trawler | +Trawler | +1043 | +SSXFTR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-H | +Surface/hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +Hovercraft | +1044 | +SSXH | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-L | +Surface/law enforcement vessel | +Law enforcement vessel | +Police | +1045 | +SSXL | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M | +Surface/merchant | +Merchant | +Merchant | +1046 | +SSXM | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-C | +Surface/cargo | +Cargo | +Cargo | +1047 | +SSXMC | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-F | +Surface/ferry | +Ferry | +Ferry | +1048 | +SSXMF | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-H | +Surface/hazardous materials (hazmat) | +Hazardous materials (hazmat) | +HAZMAT | +1049 | +SSXMH | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-O | +Surface/oiler/tanker | +Oiler/tanker | +Oiler/tanker | +1050 | +SSXMO | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-P | +Surface/passenger | +Passenger | +Passenger | +1051 | +SSXMP | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-R | +Surface/roll on/roll off | +Roll on/roll off | +Merchant | +1052 | +SSXMR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-T-O | +Surface/towing vessel | +Towing vessel | +Towing | +1053 | +SSXMTO | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-M-T-U | +Surface/tug | +Tug | +Tug | +1054 | +SSXMTU | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-S-X-R | +Surface/leisure craft | +Leisure craft | +Leisure | +1055 | +SSXR | +Surface | ++ | + |
a-.-U | +SubSurf/subsurface track | +Subsurface track | +Subsurface | +1056 | +SU | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-N | +SubSurf/non submarine | +Non submarine | +Non-submarine | +1057 | +SUN | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-N-D | +SubSurf/diver | +Diver | +Diver | +1058 | +SUND | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S | +SubSurf/submarine | +Submarine | +Submarine | +1059 | +SUS | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion | +Submarine conventional propulsion | +Submarine | +1060 | +SUSC | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C-A | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Attack Submarine (Ss) | +Attack (SS) | +Attack (SS) | +1061 | +SUSCA | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C-B | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Ballistic missile (SSB) | +Ballistic missile (SSB) | +SSB | +1062 | +SUSCB | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C-F | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Surfaced Conventional Propulsion Submarine | +Surfaced Conventional Propulsion Submarine | +Surfaced | +1063 | +SUSCF | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C-G | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Guided Missile Submarine (Ssg) | +Guided Missile Submarine (Ssg) | +SSG | +1064 | +SUSCG | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-C-M | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Missile Submarine (Type Unknown) | +Missile Submarine (Type Unknown) | +Missile | +1065 | +SUSCM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-F | +SubSurf/submarine conventional propulsion/Surfaced Submarine | +Surfaced | +Surfaced | +1066 | +SUSF | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion | +Submarine nuclear propulsion | +Submarine | +1067 | +SUSN | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N-A | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion/ | +Attack (ssn) | +Attack (ssn) | +1068 | +SUSNA | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N-B | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion/Ballistic missile (SSBN) | +Ballistic missile (SSBN) | +SSBN | +1069 | +SUSNB | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N-F | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion/Surfaced Nuclear Propulsion Submarine | +Surfaced Nuclear Propulsion Submarine | +Surfaced | +1070 | +SUSNF | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N-G | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion/Guided missile (SSGN) | +Guided missile (SSGN) | +SSGN | +1071 | +SUSNG | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-N-M | +SubSurf/submarine nuclear propulsion/Missile (type unknown) | +Missile (type unknown) | +Missile | +1072 | +SUSNM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-O | +SubSurf/other submersible | +Other submersible | +Submarine | +1073 | +SUSO | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-O-F | +SubSurf/other submersible/Surfaced Other Submersible | +Surfaced Other Submersible | +Surfaced | +1074 | +SUSOF | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-S | +SubSurf/station | +Station | +Station | +1075 | +SUSS | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-S-A | +SubSurf/ASW submarine | +ASW submarine | +Station | +1076 | +SUSSA | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-U | +SubSurf/unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) | +Unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) | +Submarine | +1077 | +SUSU | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-U-M | +SubSurf/Mine Warfare Subsurface Drone | +Mine Warfare Subsurface Drone | +Mine warfare | +1078 | +SUSUM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-U-N | +SubSurf/Antisurface Warfare Subsurface Drone | +Antisurface warfare | +Submarine | +1079 | +SUSUN | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-S-U-S | +SubSurf/Antisubmarine Warfare Subsurface Drone | +Antisubmarine warfare | +Submarine | +1080 | +SUSUS | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W | +SubSurf/underwater weapon | +Underwater weapon | +Weapon | +1081 | +SUW | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-D | +SubSurf/underwater decoy | +Underwater decoy | +Decoy | +1082 | +SUWD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-D-M | +SubSurf/sea mine decoy | +Sea mine decoy | +Mine decoy | +1083 | +SUWDM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M | +SubSurf/sea mine | +Sea mine | +Sea mine | +1084 | +SUWM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-D | +SubSurf/sea mine dealt | +Sea mine dealt | +Sea mine | +1085 | +SUWMD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-F | +SubSurf/sea mine (floating) | +Sea mine (floating) | +Sea mine | +1086 | +SUWMF | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-F-D | +SubSurf/sea mine (floating) dealt | +Sea mine (floating) dealt | +Sea mine | +1087 | +SUWMFD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-G | +SubSurf/sea mine (ground) | +Sea mine (ground) | +Sea mine | +1088 | +SUWMG | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-G-D | +SubSurf/sea mine (ground) dealt | +Sea mine (ground) dealt | +Sea mine | +1089 | +SUWMGD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-M | +SubSurf/sea mine (moored) | +Sea mine (moored) | +Sea mine | +1090 | +SUWMM | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-M-D | +SubSurf/sea mine (moored) dealt | +Sea mine (moored) dealt | +Sea mine | +1091 | +SUWMMD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-O | +SubSurf/sea mine (in other position) | +Sea mine (in other position) | +Sea mine | +1092 | +SUWMO | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-M-O-D | +SubSurf/sea mine (in other position) dealt | +Sea mine (in other position) dealt | +Sea mine | +1093 | +SUWMOD | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-U-W-T | +SubSurf/torpedo | +Torpedo | +Torpedo | +1094 | +SUWT | +SubSurf | ++ | + |
a-.-X | +Other | +Other | +Other | +1095 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i | +Other/incident | +Incident | +Incident | +1096 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-c | +Other/incident/CBRNE | +CBRNE | +CBRNE | +1097 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-e | +Other/incident/pollution environmental | +Pollution and other Environmental | +Incident | +1098 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f | +Other/incident/fire | +Incident Fire | +Fire | +1099 | +EIC---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-h | +Other/incident/fire/hot spot | +Incident Fire Hot Spot | +Fire | +1100 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-n | +Other/incident/fire/non residential | +Incident Fire Non-residential | +Fire | +1101 | +EICB--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-n-h | +Other/incident/fire/non residential special need | +Incident Fire Non-residential Special Need | +Fire | +1102 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-n-s | +Other/incident/fire/non residential school | +Incident Fire Non-residential School | +Fire | +1103 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-o | +Other/incident/fire/origin | +Incident Fire Origin | +Fire | +1104 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-p | +Other/incident/fire/special needs | +Incident Fire Special Needs | +Fire | +1105 | +EICG--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-r | +Other/incident/fire/residential | +Incident Fire Residential | +Fire | +1106 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-s | +Other/incident/fire/smoke | +Incident Fire Smoke | +Smoke | +1107 | +EICF--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-f-w | +Other/incident/fire/wild | +Incident Fire Wild | +Wildfire | +1108 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g | +Other/incident/geo | +Geophysical | +Geophysical | +1109 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-a | +Other/incident/geo/avalanche | +Geophysical Avalanche | +Avalanche | +1110 | +ENAB--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-e | +Other/incident/geo/earthquake | +Geophysical Earthquake | +Earthquake | +1111 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-e-a | +Other/incident/geo/aftershock | +Geophysical Earthquake Aftershock | +Aftershock | +1112 | +ENAC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-e-e | +Other/incident/geo/epicenter | +Geophysical Earthquake Epicenter | +Epicenter | +1113 | +ENAC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-l | +Other/incident/geo/landslide | +Geophysical Landslide | +Landslide | +1114 | +ENAD--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-s | +Other/incident/geo/subsistance | +Geophysical Subsistance | +Subsistance | +1115 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-v | +Other/incident/geo/volcano | +Geophysical Volcano | +Volcano | +1116 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-v-e | +Other/incident/geo/eruption | +Geophysical Volcano Eruption | +Eruption | +1117 | +WAS-WSVE--P---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-g-v-t | +Other/incident/geo/volcano threat | +Geophysical Volcano Threat | +Volcano | +1118 | +ENAG--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-h | +Other/incident/medical public health | +Medical and Public Health | +Health | +1119 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-i | +Other/incident/infrastructure | +Infrastructure | +Incident | +1120 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l | +Other/incident/security | +Security | +Security | +1121 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-c | +Other/incident/security/civil disturb | +Security Civil Disturbance | +Security | +1122 | +EIA---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-c-d | +Other/incident/security/civil disturb/demonstration | +Security Civil Disturbance Demonstration | +Demonstration | +1123 | +OOD---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-c-p | +Other/incident/security/civil disturb/displaced | +Security Civil Disturbance Displaced Population | +Security | +1124 | +OGA---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-c-r | +Other/incident/security/civil disturb/rioting | +Security Civil Disturbance Rioting | +Rioting | +1125 | +EIAC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement | +Security Law Enforcement Activity | +Security | +1126 | +EIB---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-b | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement/bombing | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Bombing | +Bombing | +1127 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-b-e | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement/bomb explosion | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Bombing Explosion | +Explosion | +1128 | +EIBC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-b-t | +Other/incident/security/law enforcementbomb threat | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Bombing Threat | +Bomb Threat | +1129 | +EIBA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-l | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement/looting | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Looting | +Looting | +1130 | +EIBD--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-p | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement/poisoning | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Poisoning | +Poisoning | +1131 | +OVP---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-l-l-s | +Other/incident/security/law enforcement/shooting | +Security Law Enforcement Activity Shooting | +Shooting | +1132 | +EIBF--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m | +Other/incident/met | +HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL | +Weather | +1133 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-a | +Other/incident/met/sandstorm | +Meteorological Sandstorm | +Sandstorm | +1134 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-c | +Other/incident/met/cyclone | +Meteorological Cyclone | +Cyclone | +1135 | +WAS-WSTSS-P---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-d | +Other/incident/met/drought | +Meteorological Drought | +Drought | +1136 | +ENBB--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-f | +Other/incident/met/flood | +Meteorological Flood | +Flood | +1137 | +ENBC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-g | +Other/incident/met/fog | +Meteorological Fog | +Fog | +1138 | +WAS-WSFGSOP---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-h | +Other/incident/met/hail | +Meteorological Hail | +Hail | +1139 | +WAS-WSGRL-P---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-i | +Other/incident/met/inversion | +Meteorological Inversion | +Inversion | +1140 | +ENBF--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-n | +Other/incident/met/tsunami | +Meteorological Tsunami | +Tsunami | +1141 | +ENBM--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-r | +Other/incident/met/rain | +Meteorological Rain | +Rain | +1142 | +WAS-WSR-LIP---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-s | +Other/incident/met/snow | +Meteorological Snow | +Snow | +1143 | +WAS-WSS-LIP---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-t | +Other/incident/met/tornado | +Meteorological Tornado | +Tornado | +1144 | +WAS-WST-FCP---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-u | +Other/incident/metthunderstorm | +Meteorological Thunderstorm | +Thunderstorm | +1145 | +WAS-WSTMH-P---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-m-z | +Other/incident/met/drizzle | +Meteorological Drizzle | +Drizzle | +1146 | +WAS-WSD-LIP---- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-o | +Other/incident/other | +Other | +Other | +1147 | +OOCC--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-r | +Other/incident/rescue | +Rescue | +Rescue | +1148 | +GGGPAR--****X | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-s | +Other/incident/safety | +Safety | +Safety | +1149 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t | +Other/incident/transportation/ | +Public and Private transportation | +Incident | +1150 | ++ | Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-a | +Other/incident/transportation/air | +Public and Private transportation Air Incident | +Incident | +1151 | +EIE---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-a-a | +Other/incident/transportation/air accident | +Public and Private transportation Air Accident | +Incident | +1152 | +EIEA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-a-h | +Other/incident/transportation/air hijacking | +Public and Private transportation Air Hijacking | +Incident | +1153 | +OOHA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-m | +Other/incident/transportation/maritime | +Public and Private transportation Maritime Incident | +Incident | +1154 | +EIF---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-m-a | +Other/incident/transportation/maritime accident | +Public and Private transportation Maritime Accident | +Incident | +1155 | +EIFA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-m-h | +Other/incident/transportation/maritime hijacking | +Public and Private transportation Maritime Hijacking | +Incident | +1156 | +OOHV--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-r | +Other/incident/transportation/rail | +Public and Private transportation Rail Incident | +Incident | +1157 | +EIG---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-r-a | +Other/incident/transportation/rail accident | +Public and Private transportation Rail Accident | +Incident | +1158 | +EIGA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-r-h | +Other/incident/transportation/rail hijacking | +Public and Private transportation Rail Hijacking | +Incident | +1159 | +EIGB--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-v | +Other/incident/transportation/vehicle | +Public and Private transportation Vehicle Incident | +Incident | +1160 | +EIH---------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-v-a | +Other/incident/transportation/vehicle accident | +Public and Private transportation Vehicle Accident | +Incident | +1161 | +EIHA--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
a-.-X-i-t-v-h | +Other/incident/transportation/vehicle hijacking | +Public and Private transportation Vehicle Hijacking | +Incident | +1162 | +OOHT--------- | +Other | ++ | + |
b | +Bits | +Bits | ++ | 1163 | ++ | Bits | ++ | + |
b-d | +Detection | +Detection | ++ | 1164 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-a | +Detection/Acoustic | +Acoustic | ++ | 1165 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-a-c | +Detection/Acoustic/Cyclostationary | +Cyclostationary | ++ | 1166 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-a-i | +Detection/Acoustic/Impulsive | +Impulsive | ++ | 1167 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-a-v | +Detection/Acoustic/Voice | +Voice | ++ | 1168 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c | +Detection/CBRNE | +CBRNE | ++ | 1169 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-b | +Detection/CBRNE/BioChem | +BioChem | ++ | 1170 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-b-b | +Detection/CBRNE/BioChem/Biological | +Biological | ++ | 1171 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-b-c | +Detection/CBRNE/BioChem/Chemical | +Chemical | ++ | 1172 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-e | +Detection/CBRNE/Explosive | +Explosive | ++ | 1173 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-e-d | +Detection/CBRNE/Explosive/Device | +Device | ++ | 1174 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological | +NuclearRadiological | ++ | 1175 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n-n | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear | +Nuclear | ++ | 1176 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n-n-b | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear/Bomb | +Bomb | ++ | 1177 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n-n-sm | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear/Special Nuclear Material | +Special Nuclear Material | ++ | 1178 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n-r | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Radiation | +Radiation | ++ | 1179 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-c-n-r-dd | +Detection/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Radiological/Dispersal Device (Dirty Bomb) | +Dispersal Device (Dirty Bomb) | ++ | 1180 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-i | +Detection/Impact | +Impact | ++ | 1181 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-i-m | +Detection/Impact/Mortar | +Mortar | ++ | 1182 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-l | +Detection/Launch | +Launch | ++ | 1183 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-l-b | +Detection/Launch/Bullet | +Bullet | ++ | 1184 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-l-m | +Detection/Launch/Mortar | +Mortar | ++ | 1185 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-m | +Detection/Motion | +Motion | ++ | 1186 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-n | +Detection/Nuclear | +Nuclear | ++ | 1187 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-r | +Detection/Radiaition | +Radiaition | ++ | 1188 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-d-s | +Detection/Seismic | +Seismic | ++ | 1189 | ++ | Detection | ++ | + |
b-g-. | +TACGRP | +Tactical Graphics | ++ | 1190 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F | +TACGRP/FSUPP | +Fire Support | ++ | 1191 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS | +Areas | ++ | 1192 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-A | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/FSA | +Fire Support Area (Fsa) | +Circular | +1193 | +GFACSC--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-B | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT/BMARA | +Bomb Area | +Circular | +1194 | +GFATB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-C | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/ACA | +Airspace Coordination Area (Aca) | +Circular | +1195 | +GFACAC--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-F | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/FFA | +Free Fire Area (Ffa) | +Circular | +1196 | +GFACFC--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-K | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT/SMK | +Smoke | +Circular | +1197 | +GFATS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-N | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/NFA/CIRCLR | +No Fire Area (Nfa) | +Circular | +1198 | +GFACNC--****X | +TACGRP | +CIRCLR | ++ |
b-g-.-F-A-P | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/PAA | +Position Area For Artillery (Paa) | +Circular | +1199 | +GFACPC--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-R | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/C2ARS/RFA/CIRCLR | +Restrictive Fire Area (Rfa) | +Circular | +1200 | +GFACRC--****X | +TACGRP | +CIRCLR | ++ |
b-g-.-F-A-S | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT/SGTGT | +Series Or Group Of Targets | ++ | 1201 | +GFATG---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-A-T | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT | +Area Target | ++ | 1202 | +GFAT----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1203 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-C | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/C2LNE/CFL | +Coordinated Fire Line (Cfl) | ++ | 1204 | +GFLCC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-F | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/C2LNE/FSCL | +Fire Support Coordination Line (Fscl) | ++ | 1205 | +GFLCF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-L | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/LNRTGT | +Linear Target | ++ | 1206 | +GFLT----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-N | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/C2LNE/NFL | +No-Fire Line (Nfl) | ++ | 1207 | +GFLCN---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-P | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/LNRTGT/FPF | +Final Protective Fire (Fpf) | ++ | 1208 | +GFLTF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-R | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/C2LNE/RFL | +Restrictive Fire Line (Rfl) | ++ | 1209 | +GFLCR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-L-S | +TACGRP/FSUPP/LNE/LNRTGT/LSTGT | +Linear Smoke Target | ++ | 1210 | +GFLTS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P | +TACGRP/FSUPP/PNT | +Point | ++ | 1211 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-S | +TACGRP/FSUPP/PNT/C2PNT/FSS | +Fire Support Station | ++ | 1212 | +GFPCF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-T | +TACGRP/FSUPP/PNT/TGT | +Target | ++ | 1213 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-T-C | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT/CIRTGT | +Circular Target | ++ | 1214 | +GFATC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-T-N | +TACGRP/FSUPP/PNT/TGT/NUCTGT | +Nuclear Target | ++ | 1215 | +GFPTN---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-T-R | +TACGRP/FSUPP/ARS/ARATGT/RTGTGT | +Rectangular Target | ++ | 1216 | +GFATR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-F-P-T-S | +TACGRP/FSUPP/PNT/TGT/PTGT | +Point/Single Target | ++ | 1217 | +GFPTS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G | +TACGRP/C2GM | +Command And Control And General Maneuver | ++ | 1218 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN | +Aviation | ++ | 1219 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS | +Areas | ++ | 1220 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/FFAADEZ | +Forward Area Air Defense Zone (Faadez) | ++ | 1221 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A-H | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/HIDACZ | +High Density Airspace Control Zone (Hidacz) | ++ | 1222 | +GGAAH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/MEZ | +Missile Engagement Zone (Mez) | ++ | 1223 | +GGAAM---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A-M-H | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/MEZ/HAMEZ | +High Altitude Mez | ++ | 1224 | +GGAAMH--****X | +TACGRP | +HAMEZ | ++ |
b-g-.-G-A-A-M-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/MEZ/LAMEZ | +Low Altitude Mez | ++ | 1225 | +GGAAML--****X | +TACGRP | +LAMEZ | ++ |
b-g-.-G-A-A-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/ROZ | +Restricted Operations Zone (Roz) | ++ | 1226 | +GGAAR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-A-W | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS/WFZ | +Weapons Free Zone | ++ | 1227 | +GGAAW---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1228 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE/ACDR | +Air Corridor | ++ | 1229 | +GGALC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE/LLTR | +Low Level Transit Route (Lltr) | ++ | 1230 | +GGALL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE/MRR | +Minimum Risk Route (Mrr) | ++ | 1231 | +GGALM---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE/SAAFR | +Standard-Use Army Aircraft Flight Route (Saafr) | ++ | 1232 | +GGALS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-L-U | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/LNE/UAR | +Unmanned Aircraft (Ua) Route | ++ | 1233 | +GGALU---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT | +Points | ++ | 1234 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-P-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT/COMMCP | +Communications Checkpoint (Ccp) | ++ | 1235 | +GGAPC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-P-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT/DAPP | +Downed Aircrew Pickup Point | ++ | 1236 | +GGAPD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-P-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT/ACP | +Air Control Point (Acp) | ++ | 1237 | +GGAPP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-A-P-U | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT/PUP | +Pull-Up Point (Pup) | ++ | 1238 | +GGAPU---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF | +Defense | ++ | 1239 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS | +Areas | ++ | 1240 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-A-B | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/ARS/BTLPSN | +Battle Position | ++ | 1241 | +GGDAB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-A-B-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/ARS/BTLPSN/PBNO | +Prepared But Not Occupied | ++ | 1242 | +GGDABP--****X | +TACGRP | +PBNO | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-A-E | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/ARS/EMTARA | +Engagement Area | ++ | 1243 | +GGDAE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-L | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1244 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-L-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/LNE/FEBA | +Forward Edge Of Battle Area (Feba) | ++ | 1245 | +GGDLF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-L-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/LNE/PDF | +Principal Direction Of Fire (Pdf) | ++ | 1246 | +GGDLP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT | +Points | ++ | 1247 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST | +Observation Post/Outpost | ++ | 1248 | +GGDPO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST/CBTPST | +Combat Outpost | ++ | 1249 | +GGDPOC--****X | +TACGRP | +CBTPST | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST/FWDOP | +Forward Observer Position | ++ | 1250 | +GGDPOF--****X | +TACGRP | +FWDOP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O-N | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST/CBRNOP | +Cbrn Observation Post (Dismounted) | ++ | 1251 | +GGDPON--****X | +TACGRP | +CBRNOP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST/RECON | +Observation Post Occupied By Dismounted Scouts Or Reconnaissance | ++ | 1252 | +GGDPOR--****X | +TACGRP | +RECON | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-P-O-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/OBSPST/SOP | +Sensor Outpost/Listening Post (Op/Lp) | ++ | 1253 | +GGDPOS--****X | +TACGRP | +SOP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-D-P-T | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/PNT/TGTREF | +Target Reference Point (Trp) | ++ | 1254 | +GGDPT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL | +General | ++ | 1255 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/ARS | +Areas | ++ | 1256 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/ABYARA | +Assembly Area | ++ | 1257 | +GGGAA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/DRPZ | +Drop Zone | ++ | 1258 | +GGGAD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-E | +TACGRP/C2GM/DEF/ARS/EMTARA | +Engagement Area | ++ | 1259 | +GGDAE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/FTFDAR | +Fortified Area | ++ | 1260 | +GGGAF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-G | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/GENARA | +General Area | ++ | 1261 | +GGGAG---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/LZ | +Landing Zone (Lz) | ++ | 1262 | +GGGAL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/PZ | +Pickup Zone (Pz) | ++ | 1263 | +GGGAP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/SRHARA | +Search Area/Reconnaissance Area | ++ | 1264 | +GGGAS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-X | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/EZ | +Extraction Zone (Ez) | ++ | 1265 | +GGGAX---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-Y | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/LAARA | +Limited Access Area | ++ | 1266 | +GGGAY---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-A-Z | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/ARS/AIRFZ | +Airfield Zone | ++ | 1267 | +GGGAZ---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1268 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L-B | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE/BNDS | +Boundaries | ++ | 1269 | +GGGLB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE/LOC | +Line Of Contact | ++ | 1270 | +GGGLC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE/FLOT | +Forward Line Of Own Troops (Flot) | ++ | 1271 | +GGGLF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE/LITLNE | +Light Line | ++ | 1272 | +GGGLL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-L-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/LNE/PHELNE | +Phase Line | ++ | 1273 | +GGGLP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/AVN/PNT | +Points | ++ | 1274 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL | +Air Control | ++ | 1275 | +GGGPA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/ASBWF | +Antisubmarine Warfare Fixed Wing | ++ | 1276 | +GGGPAA--****X | +TACGRP | +ASBWF | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT/CRDRTB | +Corridor Tab | ++ | 1277 | +GGGPRC--****X | +TACGRP | +CRDRTB | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-H | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/ASBWR | +Antisubmarine Warfare Rotorary Wing | ++ | 1278 | +GGGPAH--****X | +TACGRP | +ASBWR | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-K | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/TAK | +Tanking | ++ | 1279 | +GGGPAK--****X | +TACGRP | +TAK | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/RPH | +Replenish | ++ | 1280 | +GGGPAL--****X | +TACGRP | +RPH | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/ORBRT | +Orbit - Race Track | +Marshall | +1281 | +GGGPAM--****X | +TACGRP | +ORBRT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/TMC | +Tomcat | ++ | 1282 | +GGGPAO--****X | +TACGRP | +TMC | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/CAP | +Combat Air Patrol (Cap) | ++ | 1283 | +GGGPAP--****X | +TACGRP | +CAP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/RSC | +Rescue | ++ | 1284 | +GGGPAR--****X | +TACGRP | +RSC | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/SKEIP | +Strike Ip | ++ | 1285 | +GGGPAS--****X | +TACGRP | +SKEIP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-T | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/TCN | +Tacan | ++ | 1286 | +GGGPAT--****X | +TACGRP | +TCN | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-A-W | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTL/ABNEW | +Airborne Early Warning (Aew) | ++ | 1287 | +GGGPAW--****X | +TACGRP | +ABNEW | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/FRMN | +Formation | ++ | 1288 | +GGGPF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-H | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/HBR | +Harbor (General) | ++ | 1289 | +GGGPH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-H-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/HBR/PNTA | +Point A | ++ | 1290 | +GGGPHA--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTA | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-H-Q | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/HBR/PNTQ | +Point Q | ++ | 1291 | +GGGPHQ--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTQ | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-H-X | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/HBR/PNTX | +Point X | ++ | 1292 | +GGGPHX--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTX | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-H-Y | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/HBR/PNTY | +Point Y | ++ | 1293 | +GGGPHY--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTY | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/RTE | +Route | ++ | 1294 | +GGGPO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/RTE/DVSN | +Diversions | ++ | 1295 | +GGGPOD--****X | +TACGRP | +DVSN | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/RTE/PIM | +Pim | ++ | 1296 | +GGGPOP--****X | +TACGRP | +PIM | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/RTE/PNTR | +Point R | ++ | 1297 | +GGGPOR--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTR | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O-W | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/WAP | +Waypoint | ++ | 1298 | +GGGPPW--****X | +TACGRP | +WAP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-O-Z | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/RTE/RDV | +Rendezvous | ++ | 1299 | +GGGPOZ--****X | +TACGRP | +RDV | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT | +Action Points (General) | ++ | 1300 | +GGGPP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/CONPNT | +Contact Point | ++ | 1301 | +GGGPPC--****X | +TACGRP | +CONPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/DCNPNT | +Decision Point | ++ | 1302 | +GGGPPD--****X | +TACGRP | +DCNPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-E | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/RELPNT | +Release Point | ++ | 1303 | +GGGPPE--****X | +TACGRP | +RELPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-K | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/CHKPNT | +Check Point | ++ | 1304 | +GGGPPK--****X | +TACGRP | +CHKPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/LNKUPT | +Linkup Point | ++ | 1305 | +GGGPPL--****X | +TACGRP | +LNKUPT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/CRDPNT | +Coordination Point | ++ | 1306 | +GGGPPO--****X | +TACGRP | +CRDPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/PSSPNT | +Passage Point | ++ | 1307 | +GGGPPP--****X | +TACGRP | +PSSPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/RAYPNT | +Rally Point | ++ | 1308 | +GGGPPR--****X | +TACGRP | +RAYPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/STRPNT | +Start Point | ++ | 1309 | +GGGPPS--****X | +TACGRP | +STRPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-P-W | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/ACTPNT/WAP | +Waypoint | ++ | 1310 | +GGGPPW--****X | +TACGRP | +WAP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT | +Reference Point | ++ | 1311 | +GGGPR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-R-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT/DLRP | +Dlrp | ++ | 1312 | +GGGPRD--****X | +TACGRP | +DLRP | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-R-I | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT/PNTINR | +Point Of Interest | ++ | 1313 | +GGGPRI--****X | +TACGRP | +PNTINR | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-R-N | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT/NAVREF | +Navigational Reference Point | ++ | 1314 | +GGGPRN--****X | +TACGRP | +NAVREF | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-R-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/REFPNT/SPLPNT | +Special Point | ++ | 1315 | +GGGPRS--****X | +TACGRP | +SPLPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-U | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW | +UNDER SEA WARFARE | ++ | 1316 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SRH | +Search | ++ | 1317 | +GGGPUS--****X | +TACGRP | +SRH | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-S-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SRH/ARA | +Search Area | ++ | 1318 | +GGGPUSA-****X | +TACGRP | +SRH | +ARA | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-S-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SRH/CTR | +Search Center | ++ | 1319 | +GGGPUSC-****X | +TACGRP | +SRH | +CTR | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-S-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SRH/DIPPSN | +Dip Position | ++ | 1320 | +GGGPUSD-****X | +TACGRP | +SRH | +DIPPSN | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-U | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/UH2 | +Underwater | ++ | 1321 | ++ | TACGRP | +UH2 | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-U-B | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/UH2/BCON | +Brief Contact | ++ | 1322 | +GGGPUUB-****X | +TACGRP | +UH2 | +BCON | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-U-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/UH2/DTM | +Datum | ++ | 1323 | +GGGPUUD-****X | +TACGRP | +UH2 | +DTM | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-U-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/UH2/LCON | +Lost Contact | ++ | 1324 | +GGGPUUL-****X | +TACGRP | +UH2 | +LCON | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-U-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/UH2/SNK | +Sinker | ++ | 1325 | +GGGPUUS-****X | +TACGRP | +UH2 | +SNK | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY | +Sonobuoy | ++ | 1326 | +GGGPUY--****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/ANM | +Anm | ++ | 1327 | +GGGPUYA-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +ANM | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-B | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/BT | +Bathythermograph Transmitting (Bt) | ++ | 1328 | +GGGPUYB-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +BT | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/CASS | +Command Active Sonobuoy System (Cass) | ++ | 1329 | +GGGPUYC-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +CASS | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/DIFAR | +Directional Frequency Analyzing And Recording (Difar) | ++ | 1330 | +GGGPUYD-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +DIFAR | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-K | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/KGP | +Kingpin | ++ | 1331 | +GGGPUYK-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +KGP | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/LOFAR | +Low Frequency Analyzing And Recording (Lofar) | ++ | 1332 | +GGGPUYL-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +LOFAR | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/PTNCTR | +Pattern Center | ++ | 1333 | +GGGPUYP-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +PTNCTR | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/RO | +Range Only (Ro) | ++ | 1334 | +GGGPUYR-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +RO | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/DICASS | +Directional Command Active Sonobuoy System (Dicass) | ++ | 1335 | +GGGPUYS-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +DICASS | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-T | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/ATAC | +Atac | ++ | 1336 | +GGGPUYT-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +ATAC | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-U-Y-V | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/USW/SNBY/VLAD | +Vertical Line Array Difar (Vlad) | ++ | 1337 | +GGGPUYV-****X | +TACGRP | +SNBY | +VLAD | +
b-g-.-G-G-P-W | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN | +Weapon | ++ | 1338 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/AIMPNT | +Aim Point | ++ | 1339 | +GGGPWA--****X | +TACGRP | +AIMPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/DRPPNT | +Drop Point | ++ | 1340 | +GGGPWD--****X | +TACGRP | +DRPPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-E | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/ENTPNT | +Entry Point | ++ | 1341 | +GGGPWE--****X | +TACGRP | +ENTPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-G | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/GRDZRO | +Ground Zero | ++ | 1342 | +GGGPWG--****X | +TACGRP | +GRDZRO | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-I | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/IMTPNT | +Impact Point | ++ | 1343 | +GGGPWI--****X | +TACGRP | +IMTPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/MSLPNT | +Msl Detect Point | ++ | 1344 | +GGGPWM--****X | +TACGRP | +MSLPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-G-P-W-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL/PNT/WPN/PIPNT | +Predicted Impact Point | ++ | 1345 | +GGGPWP--****X | +TACGRP | +PIPNT | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF | +Offense | ++ | 1346 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS | +Areas | ++ | 1347 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/ASTPSN | +Assault Position | ++ | 1348 | +GGOAA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/AFP | +Attack By Fire Position | ++ | 1349 | +GGOAF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-K | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/ATKPSN | +Attack Position | ++ | 1350 | +GGOAK---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/OBJ | +Objective | ++ | 1351 | +GGOAO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/PBX | +Penetration Box | ++ | 1352 | +GGOAP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-A-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/ARS/SFP | +Support By Fire Position | ++ | 1353 | +GGOAS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1354 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV | +AXIS OF ADVANCE | ++ | 1355 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/ABN | +Airborne | ++ | 1356 | +GGOLAA--****X | +TACGRP | +ABN | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-G | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD | +Ground | ++ | 1357 | ++ | TACGRP | +GRD | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-G-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD/MANATK | +Main Attack | ++ | 1358 | +GGOLAGM-****X | +TACGRP | +GRD | +MANATK | +
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-G-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD/SUPATK | +Supporting Attack | ++ | 1359 | +GGOLAGS-****X | +TACGRP | +GRD | +SUPATK | +
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/ATK | +Attack Rotorary Wingv | ++ | 1360 | +GGOLAR--****X | +TACGRP | +ATK | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-A-V | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/AVN | +Aviation | ++ | 1361 | +GGOLAV--****X | +TACGRP | +AVN | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/LDLC | +Line Of Departure/Line Of Contact (Ld/Lc) | ++ | 1362 | +GGOLC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/FCL | +Final Coordination Line | ++ | 1363 | +GGOLF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-I | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/INFNLE | +Infiltration Lane | ++ | 1364 | +GGOLI---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-K | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/DIRATK | +Direction Of Attack | ++ | 1365 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-K-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/DIRATK/AVN | +Aviation | ++ | 1366 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | +AVN | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-K-G | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD | +Ground | ++ | 1367 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | +GRD | ++ |
b-g-.-G-O-L-K-G-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD/MANATK | +Main Attack | ++ | 1368 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | +GRD | +MANATK | +
b-g-.-G-O-L-K-G-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/AXSADV/GRD/SUPATK | +Supporting Attack | ++ | 1369 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | +GRD | +SUPATK | +
b-g-.-G-O-L-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/LMTADV | +Limit Of Advance | ++ | 1370 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/PLD | +Probable Line Of Deployment (Pld) | ++ | 1371 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-L-T | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/LNE/LD | +Line Of Departure | ++ | 1372 | +GGOLKA--****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/PNT | +Points | ++ | 1373 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-O-P-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/OFF/PNT/PNTD | +Point Of Departure | ++ | 1374 | +GGOPP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN | +Deception | ++ | 1375 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/AAFF | +Axis Of Advance For Feint | ++ | 1376 | +GGPA----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-C | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DMYMD | +Dummy Minefield (Dynamic) | ++ | 1377 | +GGPC----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-D | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DMY | +Dummy (Deception/Decoy) | ++ | 1378 | +GGPD----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-F | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DAFF | +Direction Of Attack For Feint | ++ | 1379 | +GGPF----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-M | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DMA | +Decoy Mined Area | ++ | 1380 | +GGPM----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-N | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DMYMS | +Dummy Minefield (Static) | ++ | 1381 | +GGPN----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-P-Y | +TACGRP/C2GM/DCPN/DMA | +Decoy Mined Area | ++ | 1382 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL | +Special | ++ | 1383 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA | +Area | ++ | 1384 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA/AHD | +Airhead | ++ | 1385 | +GGSAA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-B | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/LNE/BRGH | +Bridgehead | ++ | 1386 | +GGSLB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-E | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA/ENCMT | +Encirclement | ++ | 1387 | +GGSAE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-N | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA/NAI | +Named Area Of Interest (Nai) | ++ | 1388 | +GGSAN---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-O | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA/AOO | +Area Of Operations (Ao) | ++ | 1389 | +GGSAO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-A-T | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/ARA/TAI | +Targeted Area Of Interest (Tai) | ++ | 1390 | +GGSAT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-L | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/LNE | +Line | ++ | 1391 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-L-A | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/LNE/AMB | +Ambush | ++ | 1392 | +GGSLA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-L-H | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/LNE/HGL | +Holding Line | ++ | 1393 | +GGSLH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-G-S-L-R | +TACGRP/C2GM/SPL/LNE/REL | +Release Line | ++ | 1394 | +GGSLR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M | +TACGRP/MOBSU | +Mobility/Survivability | ++ | 1395 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP | +OBSTACLE BYPASS | ++ | 1396 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/ASTCA | +Assault Crossing Area | ++ | 1398 | +GMBCA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/BRG | +Bridge Or Gap | ++ | 1399 | +GMBCB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/FRDDFT | +Ford Difficult | ++ | 1400 | +GMBCD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/FRDESY | +Ford Easy | ++ | 1401 | +GMBCE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/FRY | +Ferry | ++ | 1402 | +GMBCF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-L | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/LANE | +Lane | ++ | 1403 | +GMBCL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/ERP | +Engineer Regulating Point | ++ | 1404 | +GMBCP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-C-R | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/CSGSTE/RFT | +Raft Site | ++ | 1405 | +GMBCR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-D-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/DFTY/DFT | +Bypass Difficult | ++ | 1407 | +GMBDD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-D-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/DFTY/ESY | +Bypass Easy | ++ | 1408 | +GMBDE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-B-D-I | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBSTBP/DFTY/IMP | +Bypass Impossible | ++ | 1409 | +GMBDI---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/BIOCA | +Biologically Contaminated Area | ++ | 1411 | +GMNB----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/CMLCA | +Chemically Contaminated Area | ++ | 1412 | +GMNC----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/ALTUSP | +Alternate Decon Site/Point (Unspecified) | ++ | 1414 | +GMNDA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/EQTTRP | +Decon Site/Point (Equipment And Troops) | ++ | 1415 | +GMNDB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/TRGH | +Decon Site/Point (Thorough Decontamination) | ++ | 1416 | +GMNDD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/EQT | +Decon Site/Point (Equipment) | ++ | 1417 | +GMNDE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-O | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/OPDECN | +Decon Site/Point (Operational Decontamination) | ++ | 1418 | +GMNDO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/USP | +Decon Site/Point (Unspecified) | ++ | 1419 | +GMNDP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-D-T | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DECONP/TRP | +Decon Site/Point (Troops) | ++ | 1420 | +GMNDT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/REEVNT | +RELEASE EVENTS | ++ | 1421 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-E-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/REEVNT/BIO | +Biological | ++ | 1422 | +GMNEB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-E-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/REEVNT/CML | +Chemical | ++ | 1423 | +GMNEC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/FAOTP | +Fallout Producing | ++ | 1424 | +GMNF----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-L | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/DRCL | +Dose Rate Contour Lines | ++ | 1425 | +GMNL----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-M | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/MSDZ | +Minimum Safe Distance Zones | ++ | 1426 | +GMNM----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-R | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/RADA | +Radioactive Area | ++ | 1427 | +GMNR----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-N-Z | +TACGRP/MOBSU/CBRN/NDGZ | +Nuclear Detonations Ground Zero | ++ | 1428 | +GMNZ----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST | +Obstacles | ++ | 1429 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO | +Antitank Obstacles | ++ | 1430 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-A-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/ATD | +ANTITANK DITCH | ++ | 1431 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-A-D-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/ATD/ATDC | +Complete (Antitank Obstacles) | ++ | 1432 | +GMOADC--****X | +TACGRP | +ATDC | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-A-D-U | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/ATD/ATDUC | +Under Construction (Antitank Obstacles) | ++ | 1433 | +GMOADU--****X | +TACGRP | +ATDUC | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-A-O-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/TDTSM/FIXPFD | +Fixed And Prefabricated (Antitank Obstacles: Tetrahedrons Dragons Teeth And Other Similar Obstacles) | ++ | 1435 | +GMOAOF--****X | +TACGRP | +FIXPFD | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-A-O-M | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/TDTSM/MVB | +Moveable (Antitank Obstacles: Tetrahedrons Dragons Teeth And Other Similar Obstacles) | ++ | 1436 | +GMOAOM--****X | +TACGRP | +MVB | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-A-O-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/TDTSM/MVBPFD | +Moveable And Prefabricated (Antitank Obstacles: Tetrahedrons Dragons Teeth And Other Similar Obstacles) | ++ | 1437 | +GMOAOP--****X | +TACGRP | +MVBPFD | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-A-R | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/ATDATM | +Antitank Ditch Reinforced With Antitank Mines | ++ | 1438 | +GMOAR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-A-W | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ATO/ATW | +Antitank Wall | ++ | 1439 | +GMOAW---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/BBY | +Booby Trap | ++ | 1440 | +GMOB----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/OBSEFT | +OBSTACLE EFFECT | ++ | 1441 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-E-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/OBSEFT/BLK | +Block | ++ | 1442 | +GMOEB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-E-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/OBSEFT/DRT | +Disrupt | ++ | 1443 | +GMOED---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-E-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/OBSEFT/FIX | +Fix | ++ | 1444 | +GMOEF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-E-T | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/OBSEFT/TUR | +Turn | ++ | 1445 | +GMOET---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNEFLD | +MINEFIELDS | ++ | 1446 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-F-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNEFLD/MNDARA | +Mined Area | ++ | 1447 | +GMOFA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-F-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNEFLD/DYN | +Dynamic Depiction | ++ | 1448 | +GMOFD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-F-G | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNEFLD/GAP | +Gap | ++ | 1449 | +GMOFG---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-F-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNEFLD/STC | +Static Depiction | ++ | 1450 | +GMOFS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL | +General | +General Obstacle | +1451 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G-B | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL/BLT | +Belt | ++ | 1452 | +GMOGB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL/OFA | +Obstacle Free Area | ++ | 1453 | +GMOGF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G-L | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL/LNE | +Line | ++ | 1454 | +GMOGL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G-R | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL/ORA | +Obstacle Restricted Area | ++ | 1455 | +GMOGR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-G-Z | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/GNL/Z | +Zone | ++ | 1456 | +GMOGZ---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE | +MINES | ++ | 1457 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/MCLST | +Mine Cluster | ++ | 1458 | +GMOMC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/ATMAHD | +Antitank Mine With Antihandling Device | ++ | 1459 | +GMOMD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/ATMDIR | +Antitank Mine (Directional) | ++ | 1460 | +GMOME---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/APMNE | +Antipersonnel (Ap) Mines | ++ | 1461 | +GMOMP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-T | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/ATMNE | +Antitank Mine (At) | ++ | 1462 | +GMOMT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-U | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/USPMNE | +Unspecified Mine | ++ | 1463 | +GMOMU---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-M-W | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/MNE/WAMNE | +Wide Area Mines | ++ | 1464 | +GMOMW---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-R-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/RCBB/ABP | +Explosives State Of Readiness 2 (Armed-But Passable) | ++ | 1466 | +GMORA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-R-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/RCBB/EXCD | +Roadblock Complete (Executed) | ++ | 1467 | +GMORC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-R-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/RCBB/PLND | +Planned | ++ | 1468 | +GMORP---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-R-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/RCBB/SAFE | +Explosives State Of Readiness 1 (Safe) | ++ | 1469 | +GMORS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/ABS | +Abatis | ++ | 1470 | +GMOS----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-T | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/TRIPWR | +Trip Wire | ++ | 1471 | +GMOT----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-U | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/UXO | +Unexploded Ordnance Area (Uxo) | ++ | 1472 | +GMOU----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS | +WIRE OBSTACLE | ++ | 1473 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-A | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/DAFNC | +Double Apron Fence | ++ | 1474 | +GMOWA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-C | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/CCTA | +Concertina | ++ | 1475 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-C-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/CCTA/DBLSTD | +Double Strand Concertina | ++ | 1476 | +GMOWCD--****X | +TACGRP | +DBLSTD | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-W-C-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/CCTA/SNG | +Single Concertina | ++ | 1477 | +GMOWCS--****X | +TACGRP | +SNG | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-W-C-T | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/CCTA/TRISTD | +Triple Strand Concertina | ++ | 1478 | +GMOWCT--****X | +TACGRP | +TRISTD | ++ |
b-g-.-M-O-W-D | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/DBLFNC | +Double Fence | ++ | 1479 | +GMOWD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-H | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/HWFNC | +High Wire Fence | ++ | 1480 | +GMOWH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-L | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/LWFNC | +Low Wire Fence | ++ | 1481 | +GMOWL---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/SNGFNC | +Single Fence | ++ | 1482 | +GMOWS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-O-W-U | +TACGRP/MOBSU/OBST/WREOBS/USP | +Unspecified | ++ | 1483 | +GMOWU---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU | +SURVIVABILITY | ++ | 1484 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-E | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/ESTOF | +Earthwork Small Trench Or Fortification | ++ | 1485 | +GMSE----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-F | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/FRT | +Fort | ++ | 1486 | +GMSF----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-L | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/FTFDLN | +Fortified Line | ++ | 1487 | +GMSL----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-P | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/STRGPT | +Strong Point | ++ | 1488 | +GMSP----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-S | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/SUFSHL | +Surface Shelter | ++ | 1489 | +GMSS----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-U | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/UGDSHL | +Underground Shelter | ++ | 1490 | +GMSU----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-M-S-W | +TACGRP/MOBSU/SU/FEWS | +Foxhole Emplacement Or Weapon Site | ++ | 1491 | +GMSW----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O | +TACGRP/OTH | +Other | ++ | 1492 | +OOCC--------- | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-B | +TACGRP/OTH/BERLNE | +Bearing Line | ++ | 1493 | +GOB-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-B-A | +TACGRP/OTH/BERLNE/ACU | +Acoustic | ++ | 1494 | +GOBA----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-B-E | +TACGRP/OTH/BERLNE/ELC | +Electronic | ++ | 1495 | +GOBE----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-B-O | +TACGRP/OTH/BERLNE/EOPI | +Electro-Optical Intercept | ++ | 1496 | +GOBO----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-B-T | +TACGRP/OTH/BERLNE/TPD | +Torpedo | ++ | 1497 | +GOBT----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-E | +TACGRP/OTH/ER | +Emergency | ++ | 1498 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-E-D | +TACGRP/OTH/ER/DTHAC | +Ditched Aircraft | ++ | 1499 | +GOED----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-E-P | +TACGRP/OTH/ER/PIW | +Person In Water | ++ | 1500 | +GOEP----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-E-V | +TACGRP/OTH/ER/DSTVES | +Distressed Vessel | ++ | 1501 | +GOEV----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-F | +TACGRP/OTH/FIX | +FIX | ++ | 1502 | +GMOEF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-F-A | +TACGRP/OTH/FIX/ACU | +Acoustic | ++ | 1503 | +GOFA----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-F-E | +TACGRP/OTH/FIX/EM | +Electro-Magnetic | ++ | 1504 | +GOFE----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-F-O | +TACGRP/OTH/FIX/EOP | +Electro-Optical | ++ | 1505 | +GOFO----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-H | +TACGRP/OTH/HAZ | +Hazard | ++ | 1506 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-H-I | +TACGRP/OTH/HAZ/IB | +Iceberg | ++ | 1507 | +GOHI----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-H-M | +TACGRP/OTH/HAZ/SML | +Sea Mine-Like | ++ | 1508 | +GOHM----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-H-N | +TACGRP/OTH/HAZ/NVGL | +Navigational | ++ | 1509 | +GOHN----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-H-O | +TACGRP/OTH/HAZ/OLRG | +Oil Rig | ++ | 1510 | +GOHO----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR | +SEA SUBSURFACE RETURNS | ++ | 1511 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-B | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/BTMRTN | +Bottom Return/Non-Milco | ++ | 1512 | +GOSB----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-B-M | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/BTMRTN/INS | +Installation/Manmade | ++ | 1513 | +GOSBM---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-B-N | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/BTMRTN/SBRSOO | +Seabed Rock/Stone Obstacle Other | ++ | 1514 | +GOSBN---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-B-W | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/BTMRTN/WRKD | +Wreck Dangerous | ++ | 1515 | +GOSBX---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-M | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/MARLFE | +Marine Life | ++ | 1516 | +GOSM----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-O-S-S | +TACGRP/OTH/SSUBSR/SA | +Sea Anomaly (Wake Current Knuckle) | ++ | 1517 | +GOSS----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S | +TACGRP/CSS | +COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT | ++ | 1518 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA | +Area | ++ | 1519 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-D | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/DHA | +Detainee Holding Area | ++ | 1520 | +GSAD----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-E | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/EPWHA | +Enemy Prisoner Of War (Epw) Holding Area | ++ | 1521 | +GSAE----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-H | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/RHA | +Refugee Holding Area | ++ | 1522 | +GSAH----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-R | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/FARP | +Forward Arming And Refueling Area (Farp) | ++ | 1523 | +GSAR----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-S | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/SUPARS | +Support Areas | ++ | 1524 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-S-B | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/SUPARS/BSA | +Brigade (Bsa) | ++ | 1525 | +GSASB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-S-D | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/SUPARS/DSA | +Division (Dsa) | ++ | 1526 | +GSASD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-A-S-R | +TACGRP/CSS/ARA/SUPARS/RSA | +Regimental (Rsa) | ++ | 1527 | +GSASR---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE | +Lines | ++ | 1528 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-C | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/CNY | +CONVOYS | ++ | 1529 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-C-H | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/CNY/HCNY | +Halted Convoy | ++ | 1530 | +GSLCH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-C-M | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/CNY/MCNY | +Moving Convoy | ++ | 1531 | +GSLCM---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT | +SUPPLY ROUTES | ++ | 1532 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R-A | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT/ASRUT | +Alternate Supply Route | ++ | 1533 | +GSLRA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R-M | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT/MSRUT | +Main Supply Route | ++ | 1534 | +GSLRM---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R-O | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT/1WTRFF | +One-Way Traffic | ++ | 1535 | +GSLRO---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R-T | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT/ATRFF | +Alternating Traffic | ++ | 1536 | +GSLRT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-L-R-W | +TACGRP/CSS/LNE/SLPRUT/2WTRFF | +Two-Way Traffic | ++ | 1537 | +GSLRW---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT | +Points | ++ | 1538 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-A | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/AP | +AMMUNITION POINTS | ++ | 1539 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-A-S | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/AP/ASP | +Ammunition Supply Point (Asp) | ++ | 1540 | +GSPAS---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-A-T | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/AP/ATP | +Ammunition Transfer Point (Atp) | ++ | 1541 | +GSPAT---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-C | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/CBNP | +Cannibalization Point | ++ | 1542 | +GSPC----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-D | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/DCP | +Detainee Collection Point | ++ | 1543 | +GSPD----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-E | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/EPWCP | +Enemy Prisoner Of War (Epw) Collection Point | ++ | 1544 | +GSPE----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-I | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/TTP | +Trailer Transfer Point | ++ | 1545 | +GSPI----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-L | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/LRP | +Logistics Release Point (Lrp) | ++ | 1546 | +GSPL----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-M | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/MCP | +Maintenance Collection Point | ++ | 1547 | +GSPM----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-N | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/UMC | +Unit Maintenance Collection Point | ++ | 1548 | +GSPN----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-O | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/TCP | +Traffic Control Post (Tcp) | ++ | 1549 | +GSPO----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-R | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/RRRP | +Rearm Refuel And Resupply Point | ++ | 1550 | +GSPR----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT | +Supply Points | ++ | 1551 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-A | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS1 | +Class I | ++ | 1552 | +GSPSA---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-B | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS2 | +Class Ii | ++ | 1553 | +GSPSB---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-C | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS3 | +Class Iii | ++ | 1554 | +GSPSC---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-D | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS4 | +Class Iv | ++ | 1555 | +GSPSD---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-E | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS5 | +Class V | ++ | 1556 | +GSPSE---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-F | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS6 | +Class Vi | ++ | 1557 | +GSPSF---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-G | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS7 | +Class Vii | ++ | 1558 | +GSPSG---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-H | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS8 | +Class Viii | ++ | 1559 | +GSPSH---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-I | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS9 | +Class Ix | ++ | 1560 | +GSPSI---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-J | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/SPT/CLS10 | +Class X | ++ | 1561 | +GSPSJ---****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-S-Z | +TACGRP/C2GM/GNL | +General | ++ | 1562 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-T | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/CVP | +Civilian Collection Point | ++ | 1563 | +GSPT----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-U | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/ROM | +Refuel On The Move (Rom) Point | ++ | 1564 | +GSPU----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-X | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/AEP | +Ambulance Exchange Point | ++ | 1565 | +GSPX----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-S-P-Y | +TACGRP/CSS/PNT/CCP | +Casualty Collection Point | ++ | 1566 | +GSPY----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T | +TACGRP/TSK | +TASKS | ++ | 1567 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-A | +TACGRP/TSK/FLWASS | +Follow And Assume | ++ | 1568 | +GTA-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-A-S | +TACGRP/TSK/FLWASS/FLWSUP | +Follow And Support | ++ | 1569 | +GTAS----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-B | +TACGRP/TSK/BLK | +Block | ++ | 1570 | +GTB-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-C | +TACGRP/TSK/CNZ | +Canalize | ++ | 1571 | +GTC-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-D | +TACGRP/TSK/DSTY | +Destroy | ++ | 1572 | +GTD-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-E | +TACGRP/TSK/ISL | +Isolate | ++ | 1573 | +GTE-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-F | +TACGRP/TSK/FIX | +Fix | ++ | 1574 | +GTF-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-H | +TACGRP/TSK/BRH | +Breach | ++ | 1575 | +GTH-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-I | +TACGRP/TSK/ITDT | +Interdict | ++ | 1576 | +GTI-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-J | +TACGRP/TSK/CNT | +Contain | ++ | 1577 | +GTJ-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-K | +TACGRP/TSK/CATK | +Counterattack (Catk) | ++ | 1578 | +GTK-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-K-F | +TACGRP/TSK/CATK/CATKF | +Counterattack By Fire | ++ | 1579 | +GTKF----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-L | +TACGRP/TSK/DLY | +Delay | ++ | 1580 | +GTL-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-M | +TACGRP/TSK/RTM | +Retirement | ++ | 1581 | +GTM-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-N | +TACGRP/TSK/NEUT | +Neutralize | ++ | 1582 | +GTN-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-O | +TACGRP/TSK/OCC | +Occupy | ++ | 1583 | +GTO-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-P | +TACGRP/TSK/PNE | +Penetrate | ++ | 1584 | +GTP-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-Q | +TACGRP/TSK/RTN | +Retain | ++ | 1585 | +GTQ-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-R | +TACGRP/TSK/RIP | +Relief In Place (Rip) | ++ | 1586 | +GTR-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-S | +TACGRP/TSK/SCE | +Secure | ++ | 1587 | +GTS-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-T | +TACGRP/TSK/DRT | +Disrupt | ++ | 1588 | +GTT-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-U | +TACGRP/TSK/SEC | +SECURITY | ++ | 1589 | ++ | TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-U-C | +TACGRP/TSK/SEC/COV | +Cover | ++ | 1590 | +GTUC----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-U-G | +TACGRP/TSK/SEC/GUD | +Guard | ++ | 1591 | +GTUG----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-U-S | +TACGRP/TSK/SEC/SCN | +Screen | ++ | 1592 | +GTUS----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-W | +TACGRP/TSK/WDR | +Withdraw | ++ | 1593 | +GTW-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-W-P | +TACGRP/TSK/WDR/WDRUP | +Withdraw Under Pressure | ++ | 1594 | +GTWP----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-X | +TACGRP/TSK/CLR | +Clear | ++ | 1595 | +GTX-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-Y | +TACGRP/TSK/BYS | +Bypass | ++ | 1596 | +GTY-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-g-.-T-Z | +TACGRP/TSK/SZE | +Seize | ++ | 1597 | +GTZ-----****X | +TACGRP | ++ | + |
b-i | +bits Image | +Image | ++ | 1598 | ++ | Image | ++ | + |
b-i-v | +bits Image | +video | ++ | 15981 | ++ | Video | ++ | + |
b-l | +Alarm | +Alarm | ++ | 1599 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c | +Alarm/CBRNE | +CBRNE | ++ | 1600 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-b | +Alarm/CBRNE/BioChem | +BioChem | ++ | 1601 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-b-b | +Alarm/CBRNE/BioChem/Biological | +Biological | ++ | 1602 | +GMNEB---****X | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-b-c | +Alarm/CBRNE/BioChem/Chemical | +Chemical | ++ | 1603 | +GMNEC---****X | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-e | +Alarm/CBRNE/Explosive | +Explosive | ++ | 1604 | +EIDD--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-e-d | +Alarm/CBRNE/Explosive/Device | +Device | ++ | 1605 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n | +Alarm/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological | +NuclearRadiological | ++ | 1606 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n-n | +Alarm/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear | +Nuclear | ++ | 1607 | +SGIRNN--H**** | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n-n-b | +Alarm/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear/Bomb | +Bomb | ++ | 1608 | +OVB---------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n-n-sm | +Alarm/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Nuclear/Special Nuclear Material | +Special Nuclear Material | ++ | 1609 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n-r | +Alarm/CBRNE/NuclearRadiological/Radiological | +Radiological | ++ | 1610 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-c-n-r-dd | +Alarm/CBRNE/Radiological/Dispersal Device (Dirty Bomb) | +Dispersal Device (Dirty Bomb) | ++ | 1611 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-e | +Alarm/Environmental | +Environmental | ++ | 1612 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-e-h | +Alarm/Environmental/Hazmat | +Hazmat | ++ | 1613 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f | +Alarm/Fire | +Fire | ++ | 1614 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a | +Alarm/Fire/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1615 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-a | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Pump Activated | +Pump Activated | ++ | 1616 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-c | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Combustion | +Combustion | ++ | 1617 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-d | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Duct Detector | +Duct Detector | ++ | 1618 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-f | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Flame Detector | +Flame Detector | ++ | 1619 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-h | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Heat | +Heat | ++ | 1620 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-p | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Pull Station | +Pull Station | ++ | 1621 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-s | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Smoke | +Smoke | ++ | 1622 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-f-a-w | +Alarm/Fire/Audible/Waterflow | +Waterflow | ++ | 1623 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-g | +Alarm/Geophysical | +Geophysical | ++ | 1624 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-h | +Alarm/Medical and Public Health | +Medical and Public Health | ++ | 1625 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-h-a | +Alarm/Medical and Public Health/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1626 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-h-am | +Alarm/Medical and Public Health/Ambulance | +Ambulance | ++ | 1627 | +EOAE--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-h-am-s | +Alarm/Medical and Public Health/Ambulance/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1628 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-i | +Alarm/Infrastructure | +Infrastructure | ++ | 1629 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l | +Alarm/Security | +Security | ++ | 1630 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement | +Law Enforcement | ++ | 1631 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ad | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Armed and Dangerous | +Armed and Dangerous | ++ | 1632 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-an | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Animal | +Animal | ++ | 1633 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-an-or | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Animal/On Roadway | +On Roadway | ++ | 1634 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-as | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Assualt | +Assualt | ++ | 1635 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-av | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Abandoned Vehicle | +Abandoned Vehicle | ++ | 1636 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ba | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Battery | +Battery | ++ | 1637 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-bt | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Bomb Threat | +Bomb Threat | ++ | 1638 | +EIBA--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-bur | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary | +Burglary | ++ | 1639 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-bur-a | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1640 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-bur-a-d | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Day/Night Zone | +Night Zone | ++ | 1641 | ++ | Alarm | +Day | +Night Zone | +
b-l-l-l-bur-a-e | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Entry/Exit | +Exit | ++ | 1642 | ++ | Alarm | +Entry | +Exit | +
b-l-l-l-bur-a-i | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Interior | +Interior | ++ | 1643 | ++ | Alarm | +Interior | ++ |
b-l-l-l-bur-a-o | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Outdoor | +Outdoor | ++ | 1644 | ++ | Alarm | +Outdoor | ++ |
b-l-l-l-bur-a-p | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Perimeter | +Perimeter | ++ | 1645 | ++ | Alarm | +Perimeter | ++ |
b-l-l-l-bur-a-t | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/24 Hour Zone | +24 Hour Zone | ++ | 1646 | ++ | Alarm | +24 Hour Zone | ++ |
b-l-l-l-bur-a-x | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Audible/Exit Error | +Exit Error | ++ | 1647 | ++ | Alarm | +Exit Error | ++ |
b-l-l-l-bur-s | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1648 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-bur-s-c | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Burglary/Silent/Recent Close | +Recent Close | ++ | 1649 | ++ | Alarm | +Recent Close | ++ |
b-l-l-l-c | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash | +Crash | ++ | 1650 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-c-a | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash/Aircraft | +Aircraft | ++ | 1651 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-c-pc | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash/Patrol Car | +Patrol Car | ++ | 1652 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-c-wf | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash/With Fatalities | +With Fatalities | ++ | 1653 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-c-wi | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash/With injuries | +With injuries | ++ | 1654 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-c-wr | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Crash/With Roadblock | +With Roadblock | ++ | 1655 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ca | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Child Abuse | +Child Abuse | ++ | 1656 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-cd | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Civil Disturbance or Disorder | +Civil Disturbance or Disorder | ++ | 1657 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-cr | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Callbox Request | +Callbox Request | ++ | 1658 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dc | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Drug or Contraband | +Drug or Contraband | ++ | 1659 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dov | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Domestic Violence | +Domestic Violence | ++ | 1660 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dp | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Dead Person | +Dead Person | ++ | 1661 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-drp | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Drunk Pedestrian | +Drunk Pedestrian | ++ | 1662 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dui | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/DUI | +DUI | ++ | 1663 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dui-j | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/DUI/Juvenile | +Juvenile | ++ | 1664 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-dv | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Disabled Vehicle | +Disabled Vehicle | ++ | 1665 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ep | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Escaped Prisoner | +Escaped Prisoner | ++ | 1666 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hr | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hit and Run | +Hit and Run | ++ | 1667 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hr-wi | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hit and Run/With Injuries | +With Injuries | ++ | 1668 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hr-wr | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hit and Run/With Roadblock | +With Roadblock | ++ | 1669 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hup | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hold Up | +Hold Up | ++ | 1670 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hup-a | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hold Up/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1671 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-hup-s | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Hold Up/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1672 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ii | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Information or Intelligence - calls to take witness info | +Information or Intelligence - calls to take witness info | ++ | 1673 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-io | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Impersonating an Officer | +Impersonating an Officer | ++ | 1674 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-jo | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Juvenile Offense | +Juvenile Offense | ++ | 1675 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-k | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Kidnapping | +Kidnapping | ++ | 1676 | +OOK---------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-l | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Larceny | +Larceny | ++ | 1677 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-m | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Murder | +Murder | ++ | 1678 | +OVMA--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-mi | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Mentally Ill Person | +Mentally Ill Person | ++ | 1679 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-mm | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Malacious Mischief | +Malacious Mischief | ++ | 1680 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-mp | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Missing Person | +Missing Person | ++ | 1681 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-od | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Officer Down | +Officer Down | ++ | 1682 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-ph | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Pedestrian or Hitchhiker | +Pedestrian or Hitchhiker | ++ | 1683 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-r | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Robbery | +Robbery | ++ | 1684 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-r-sa | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Robbery/Strongarm | +Strongarm | ++ | 1685 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-rd | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Reckless Driving | +Reckless Driving | ++ | 1686 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-rt | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Rock Throwing | +Rock Throwing | ++ | 1687 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-s | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Shooting | +Shooting | ++ | 1688 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-sc | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Suspicious Circumstances | +Suspicious Circumstances | ++ | 1689 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-sd | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Special Detail | +Special Detail | ++ | 1690 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-sg | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Smuggling | +Smuggling | ++ | 1691 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-si | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Sick or Injured Person | +Sick or Injured Person | ++ | 1692 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-so | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Sex Offense | +Sex Offense | ++ | 1693 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-sp | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Suspicious Person | +Suspicious Person | ++ | 1694 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-su | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Suicide | +Suicide | ++ | 1695 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-sv | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Suspicious Vehcle | +Suspicious Vehcle | ++ | 1696 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-te | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Toll Evasion | +Toll Evasion | ++ | 1697 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-l-l-vt | +Alarm/Security/Law Enforcement/Lost or Stolen Vehicle Tag | +Lost or Stolen Vehicle Tag | ++ | 1698 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-m | +Alarm/Meteorological | +Meteorological | ++ | 1699 | +SGUCFO------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o | +Alarm/Other | +Other | ++ | 1700 | +OOCC--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp | +Alarm/Other/Bypass | +Bypass | ++ | 1701 | +GTY-----****X | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1702 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-24 | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/24 Hour zone | +24 Hour zone | ++ | 1703 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-b | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/Burglary | +Burglary | ++ | 1704 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-f | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/Fire | +Fire | ++ | 1705 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-g | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/Group | +Group | ++ | 1706 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-sb | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/Swinger Bypassed | +Swinger Bypassed | ++ | 1707 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-byp-s-zs | +Alarm/Other/Bypass/Silent/Zone or Sensor | +Zone or Sensor | ++ | 1708 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-can | +Alarm/Other/Cancel | +Cancel | ++ | 1709 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-can-s | +Alarm/Other/Cancel/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1710 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-clo | +Alarm/Other/Close | +Close | ++ | 1711 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-clo-s | +Alarm/Other/Close/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1712 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-clo-s-sm | +Alarm/Other/Close/Silent/Stay Mode | +Stay Mode | ++ | 1713 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-far | +Alarm/Other/Forced Arming | +Forced Arming | ++ | 1714 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-far-s | +Alarm/Other/Forced Arming/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1715 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-far-s-pa | +Alarm/Other/Forced Arming/Silent/Partial Arm | +Partial Arm | ++ | 1716 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ftt | +Alarm/Other/Failure to Test | +Failure to Test | ++ | 1717 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ftt-s | +Alarm/Other/Failure to Test/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1718 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ftt-s-pn | +Alarm/Other/Failure to Test/Silent/Point not Tested | +Point not Tested | ++ | 1719 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log | +Alarm/Other/Log | +Log | ++ | 1720 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1721 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-ad | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Access Denied | +Access Denied | ++ | 1722 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-ap | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Access Permitted | +Access Permitted | ++ | 1723 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-as | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Access Schedule Change | +Access Schedule Change | ++ | 1724 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-cr | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Callback Requested | +Callback Requested | ++ | 1725 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-ds | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Dialer Shutdown | +Dialer Shutdown | ++ | 1726 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-er | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Event Log Reset | +Event Log Reset | ++ | 1727 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-es | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Exception Schedule Change | +Exception Schedule Change | ++ | 1728 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-pe | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Program Mode Entry | +Program Mode Entry | ++ | 1729 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-px | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Program Mode Exit | +Program Mode Exit | ++ | 1730 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-sa | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Successful Access | +Successful Access | ++ | 1731 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-sr | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Status Report to Follow | +Status Report to Follow | ++ | 1732 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-ss | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/System shutdown | +System shutdown | ++ | 1733 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-tr | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Time/Date Reset | +Date Reset | ++ | 1734 | ++ | Alarm | +Date Reset | ++ |
b-l-o-log-s-ua | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Unsuccessful Access | +Unsuccessful Access | ++ | 1735 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-log-s-vx | +Alarm/Other/Log/Silent/Video Transmitter Active | +Video Transmitter Active | ++ | 1736 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ltc | +Alarm/Other/Late to Close | +Late to Close | ++ | 1737 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ltc-s | +Alarm/Other/Late to Close/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1738 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-ltc-s-af | +Alarm/Other/Late to Close/Silent/Auto Armed Failed | +Auto Armed Failed | ++ | 1739 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-lto | +Alarm/Other/Late to Open | +Late to Open | ++ | 1740 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-lto-s | +Alarm/Other/Late to Open/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1741 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-nul | +Alarm/Other/Null | +Null | ++ | 1742 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-nul-s | +Alarm/Other/Null/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1743 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-nul-s-p | +Alarm/Other/Null/Silent/Periodic | +Periodic | ++ | 1744 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-nul-s-pr | +Alarm/Other/Null/Silent/Periodic Radio | +Periodic Radio | ++ | 1745 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn | +Alarm/Other/Open | +Open | ++ | 1746 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1747 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-a | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Automatic | +Automatic | ++ | 1748 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-d | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Deferred | +Deferred | ++ | 1749 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-e | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Early | +Early | ++ | 1750 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-ex | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Exception | +Exception | ++ | 1751 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-g | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Group | +Group | ++ | 1752 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-k | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Keyswitch | +Keyswitch | ++ | 1753 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-l | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Late | +Late | ++ | 1754 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-qa | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Quick Arm | +Quick Arm | ++ | 1755 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-r | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/Remote | +Remote | ++ | 1756 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-u | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/By User | +By User | ++ | 1757 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-opn-s-up | +Alarm/Other/Open/Silent/User on Premises | +User on Premises | ++ | 1758 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-pan | +Alarm/Other/Panic | +Panic | ++ | 1759 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-res | +Alarm/Other/Reset | +Reset | ++ | 1760 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-res-s | +Alarm/Other/Reset/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1761 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-res-s-er | +Alarm/Other/Reset/Silent/Exp Mod Reset | +Exp Mod Reset | ++ | 1762 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc | +Alarm/Other/Special | +Special | ++ | 1763 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1764 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-a | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/General Alarm | +General Alarm | ++ | 1765 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-e | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/Personal Emergency | +Personal Emergency | ++ | 1766 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-f | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/Air Flow Loss | +Air Flow Loss | ++ | 1767 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-g | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/Gas Detected | +Gas Detected | ++ | 1768 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-l | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/Low Gas Level | +Low Gas Level | ++ | 1769 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-a-w | +Alarm/Other/Special/Audible/Water Leakage | +Water Leakage | ++ | 1770 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-s | +Alarm/Other/Special/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1771 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-s-f | +Alarm/Other/Special/Silent/Fail to Report | +Fail to Report | ++ | 1772 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-spc-s-li | +Alarm/Other/Special/Silent/Listen in to Follow | +Listen in to Follow | ++ | 1773 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps | +Alarm/Other/Supress | +Supress | ++ | 1774 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-a | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1775 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-a-g | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Audible/Gate Valve Tamper | +Gate Valve Tamper | ++ | 1776 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1777 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-ar | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Alarm Relay Disabled | +Alarm Relay Disabled | ++ | 1778 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-b1 | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Bell 1 Disabled | +Bell 1 Disabled | ++ | 1779 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-b2 | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Bell 2 Disabled | +Bell 2 Disabled | ++ | 1780 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-dd | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Dialer Disabled | +Dialer Disabled | ++ | 1781 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-rr | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Reversing Relay Disabled | +Reversing Relay Disabled | ++ | 1782 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-rx | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Radio Transmitter Disabled | +Radio Transmitter Disabled | ++ | 1783 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-sr | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Sounder relay Disabled | +Sounder relay Disabled | ++ | 1784 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-sps-s-tr | +Alarm/Other/Supress/Silent/Trouble Relay Disabled | +Trouble Relay Disabled | ++ | 1785 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam | +Alarm/Other/Tamper | +Tamper | ++ | 1786 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-a | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1787 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-s | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1788 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-s-e | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Silent/Expansion Module | +Expansion Module | ++ | 1789 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-s-p | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Silent/Panel Program Change | +Panel Program Change | ++ | 1790 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-s-s | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Silent/Sensor | +Sensor | ++ | 1791 | +SGES--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tam-s-v | +Alarm/Other/Tamper/Silent/Verify | +Verify | ++ | 1792 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl | +Alarm/Other/Trouble | +Trouble | ++ | 1793 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1794 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-b | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Foil Break | +Foil Break | ++ | 1795 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-c | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Low CO2 | +Low CO2 | ++ | 1796 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-d | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Day Trouble | +Day Trouble | ++ | 1797 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-ee | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Exit error | +Exit error | ++ | 1798 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-l | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Low Water Level | +Low Water Level | ++ | 1799 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-p | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Low Water Pressure | +Low Water Pressure | ++ | 1800 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-a-u | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Audible/Pump Failure | +Pump Failure | ++ | 1801 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent | +Silent | ++ | 1802 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-a | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Sensor | +Sensor | ++ | 1803 | +SGES--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ar | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Alarm Relay | +Alarm Relay | ++ | 1804 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-b | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Low System Battery | +Low System Battery | ++ | 1805 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-b1 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Bell 1 | +Bell 1 | ++ | 1806 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-b2 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Bell 2 | +Bell 2 | ++ | 1807 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-bt | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Battery Test Fail | +Battery Test Fail | ++ | 1808 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-c | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Polling Loop Close | +Polling Loop Close | ++ | 1809 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-cf | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Communication Fail | +Communication Fail | ++ | 1810 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-dc | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Exp Mod DC Loss | +Exp Mod DC Loss | ++ | 1811 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-dh | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Detector Hi Sens | +Detector Hi Sens | ++ | 1812 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-dl | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Detector Low Sens | +Detector Low Sens | ++ | 1813 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-e | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Expansion Mod Fail | +Expansion Mod Fail | ++ | 1814 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-e50 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Event Log 50% Full | +Event Log 50% Full | ++ | 1815 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-e90 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Event Log 90% Full | +Event Log 90% Full | ++ | 1816 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-em | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Expansion Module Fail | +Expansion Module Fail | ++ | 1817 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-eo | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Event Log Overflow | +Event Log Overflow | ++ | 1818 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ft | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Fire Trouble | +Fire Trouble | ++ | 1819 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-gf | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Ground Fault | +Ground Fault | ++ | 1820 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-lb | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Exp Mod Low Battery | +Exp Mod Low Battery | ++ | 1821 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-lo | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Protection Loop Open | +Protection Loop Open | ++ | 1822 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-lp | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Lost Polling | +Lost Polling | ++ | 1823 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-lr | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Long Range Radio | +Long Range Radio | ++ | 1824 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ls | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Protection Loop Short | +Protection Loop Short | ++ | 1825 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ms | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/RPM Supervision | +RPM Supervision | ++ | 1826 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-n | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Near Alarm | +Near Alarm | ++ | 1827 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-o | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Polling Loop Open | +Polling Loop Open | ++ | 1828 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-p | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/AC Power Lost | +AC Power Lost | ++ | 1829 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-pf | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Printer Failure | +Printer Failure | ++ | 1830 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-pl | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Protection Loop | +Protection Loop | ++ | 1831 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-pp | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Printer Paper Out | +Printer Paper Out | ++ | 1832 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ps | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Polling Loop Short | +Polling Loop Short | ++ | 1833 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ra | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Radio Antenna Vswr | +Radio Antenna Vswr | ++ | 1834 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-rf | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Repeater Failure | +Repeater Failure | ++ | 1835 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-rfb | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/RF Low Battery | +RF Low Battery | ++ | 1836 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-rr | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Reversing Relay | +Reversing Relay | ++ | 1837 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-rs | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/RF Supervision | +RF Supervision | ++ | 1838 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-sh | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Smoke Det Hi Sens | +Smoke Det Hi Sens | ++ | 1839 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-sl | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Smoke Det Low Sens | +Smoke Det Low Sens | ++ | 1840 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-sp | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/System Peripheral | +System Peripheral | ++ | 1841 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-sr | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Sounder/Relay | +Relay | ++ | 1842 | +SGUUSRW------ | +Alarm | +Relay | ++ |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ss | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/System Shutdown | +System Shutdown | ++ | 1843 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-st | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Self Test Failure | +Self Test Failure | ++ | 1844 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-t1 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Telco Line 1 | +Telco Line 1 | ++ | 1845 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-t2 | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Telco Line 2 | +Telco Line 2 | ++ | 1846 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-ti | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Time/Date Inaccurate | +Date Inaccurate | ++ | 1847 | ++ | Alarm | +Date Inaccurate | ++ |
b-l-o-tbl-s-tr | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/Trouble Relay | +Trouble Relay | ++ | 1848 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-x | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/RAM Checksum Bad | +RAM Checksum Bad | ++ | 1849 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tbl-s-y | +Alarm/Other/Trouble/Silent/ROM Checksum Bad | +ROM Checksum Bad | ++ | 1850 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem | +Alarm/Other/Temperature | +Temperature | ++ | 1851 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem-a | +Alarm/Other/Temperature/Audible | +Audible | ++ | 1852 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem-a-h | +Alarm/Other/Temperature/Audible/High Temperature | +High Temperature | ++ | 1853 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem-a-l | +Alarm/Other/Temperature/Audible/Low Temperature | +Low Temperature | ++ | 1854 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem-a-lh | +Alarm/Other/Temperature/Audible/Loss of Heat | +Loss of Heat | ++ | 1855 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tem-a-r | +Alarm/Other/Temperature/Audible/Refrigeration | +Refrigeration | ++ | 1856 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst | +Alarm/Other/Test | +Test | ++ | 1857 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent | +SIlent | ++ | 1858 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s-fa | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent/Fire Alarm | +Fire Alarm | ++ | 1859 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s-m | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent/Manual | +Manual | ++ | 1860 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s-pt | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent/Point Tested OK | +Point Tested OK | ++ | 1861 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s-st | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent/System Remains in Trouble | +System Remains in Trouble | ++ | 1862 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-o-tst-s-wm | +Alarm/Other/Test/SIlent/Walk Test Mode Entered | +Walk Test Mode Entered | ++ | 1863 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-r | +Alarm/Rescue | +Rescue | ++ | 1864 | +GGGPAR--****X | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-s | +Alarm/Safety | +Safety | ++ | 1865 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t | +Alarm/Transportation | +Transportation | ++ | 1866 | +SGUST-------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle | +Vehicle | ++ | 1867 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident | +Accident | ++ | 1868 | +OOCB--------- | +Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-c | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Collision | +Collision | ++ | 1869 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-c-f | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Collision/Fixed Object | +Fixed Object | ++ | 1870 | ++ | Alarm | +Fixed Object | ++ |
b-l-t-v-a-c-n | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Collision/Non-Fixed Object | +Non-Fixed Object | ++ | 1871 | ++ | Alarm | +Non-Fixed Object | ++ |
b-l-t-v-a-e | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Equipment/Cargo Loss/Shift | +Shift | ++ | 1872 | ++ | Alarm | +Cargo Loss | +Shift | +
b-l-t-v-a-f | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Fire_Explosion | +Fire_Explosion | ++ | 1873 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-i | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Immersion | +Immersion | ++ | 1874 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-j | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Jacknife | +Jacknife | ++ | 1875 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-o | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Object Thrown/Fallen | +Fallen | ++ | 1876 | ++ | Alarm | +Fallen | ++ |
b-l-t-v-a-or | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Overturn_Rollover | +Overturn_Rollover | ++ | 1877 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-a-p | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Accident/Person Fell or Jumped | +Person Fell or Jumped | ++ | 1878 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-l-t-v-o | +Alarm/Transportation/Vehicle/Other (Non Collision) | +Other (Non Collision) | ++ | 1879 | ++ | Alarm | ++ | + |
b-m-g-o | +Map/point/grid | +grid | ++ | 1880 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p | +Map/point/map point | +map point | ++ | 1881 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-c-cp | +Map/point/contact point | +contact point | ++ | 1882 | +GGGPPC--****X | +Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-c-ip | +Map/point/initial point | +initial point | ++ | 1883 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-m-c | +Map/point/click | +click | ++ | 1884 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-s-m | +Map/point/Marker – Spot | +Marker – Spot | ++ | 1885 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-s-p-i | +Map/point/spi | +spi | ++ | 1886 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-s-p-loc | +Map/point/sensor point | +sensor point | ++ | 1887 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-s-p-op | +Map/point/observation point | +observation point | ++ | 1888 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-t | +Map/point/targeted | +targeted | ++ | 1889 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-v-p-i | +Map/point/vpoi | +vpoi | ++ | 1890 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-m-p-w | +Map/point/waypoint | +waypoint | ++ | 1891 | +GGGPPW--****X | +Map | ++ | + |
b-m-r | +Map/Route/route | +route | ++ | 1892 | +GGGPO---****X | +Map | ++ | + |
b-m-r | +Map/Route/route | +route | ++ | 1893 | +GGGPO---****X | +Map | ++ | + |
b-r-.-h-c | +Map/Health/Casualty | +Health/Casualty | ++ | 1894 | ++ | Map | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I | +SIGINT | +Signals Intelligence | ++ | 1895 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A | +SIGINT/AIRTRK | +Air Track | ++ | 1896 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC | +AIR SIGNAL INTERCEPT | ++ | 1897 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-C | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/COMM | +COMMUNICATIONS | ++ | 1898 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-C-C | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/COMM/CELL | +Cellular/Mobile | ++ | 1899 | +IASCC-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-C-O | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/COMM/OLOS | +Omni-Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1900 | +IASCO-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-C-P | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/COMM/PTPLOS | +Point-To-Point Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1901 | +IASCP-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-C-S | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/COMM/SATUL | +Satellite Uplink | ++ | 1902 | +IASCS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD | +Radar | ++ | 1903 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-A-I | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/ABNINC | +Airborne Intercept | ++ | 1904 | +IASRAI----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-A-S | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/ABNSB | +Airborne Search & Bombing | ++ | 1905 | +IASRAS----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-C | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/CTDINC | +Controlled Intercept | ++ | 1906 | +IASRC-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-D | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/DATTMN | +Data Transmission | ++ | 1907 | +IASRD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-E | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/EW | +Early Warning | ++ | 1908 | +IASRE-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-F | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/FIRCTL | +Fire Control | ++ | 1909 | +IASRF-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-I | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/IFF | +Iff (Transponder) | ++ | 1910 | +IASRI-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-M-A | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLAQ | +Missile Acquisition | ++ | 1911 | +IASRMA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-M-D | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLDL | +Missile Downlink | ++ | 1912 | +IASRMD----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-M-F | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MFN | +Multifunction | ++ | 1913 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-M-G | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLGDN | +Missile Guidance | ++ | 1914 | +IASRMG----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-M-T | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLTRK | +Missile Tracking | ++ | 1915 | +IASRMT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-T-A | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTAQ | +Target Acquisition | ++ | 1916 | +IASRTA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-T-I | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTILL | +Target Illuminator | ++ | 1917 | +IASRTI----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-T-T | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTTRK | +Target Tracking | ++ | 1918 | +IASRTT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-A-S-R-U | +SIGINT/AIRTRK/SIGINC/RAD/UNK | +Unknown | ++ | 1919 | +IASRU-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G | +SIGINT/GRDTRK | +Ground Track | ++ | 1920 | +SG----------- | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC | +Ground SIGNAL INTERCEPT | ++ | 1921 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM | +COMMUNICATIONS | ++ | 1922 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C-C | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM/CELL | +Cellular/Mobile | ++ | 1923 | +IGSCC-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C-O | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM/OLOS | +Omni-Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1924 | +IGSCO-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C-P | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM/PTPLOS | +Point To Point Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1925 | +IGSCP-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C-S | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM/SATUL | +Satellite Uplink | ++ | 1926 | +IGSCS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-C-T | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/COMM/TPSSCT | +Tropospheric Scatter | ++ | 1927 | +IGSCT-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD | +Radar | ++ | 1928 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-A-A | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/AA | +Anti Aircraft | ++ | 1929 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-A-T | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/ATCTL | +Air Traffic Control | ++ | 1930 | +IGSRAT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-B | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/BTFSVL | +Battlefield Surveillance | ++ | 1931 | +IGSRB-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-C-A | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/CTDAPP | +Controlled Approach | ++ | 1932 | +IGSRCA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-C-S | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/CSTSVL | +Coastal Surveillance | ++ | 1933 | +IGSRCS----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-D | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/DATTMN | +Data Transmission | ++ | 1934 | +IGSRD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-E | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/EW | +Early Warning | ++ | 1935 | +IGSRE-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-F | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/FIRCTL | +Fire Control | ++ | 1936 | +IGSRF-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-H | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/HGTFDG | +Height Finding | ++ | 1937 | +IGSRH-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-I | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/IDFF | +Identification Friend/Foe (Interrogator) | ++ | 1938 | +IGSRI-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-M-A | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLAQ | +Missile Acquisition | ++ | 1939 | +IGSRMA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-M-F | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MFN | +Multifunction | ++ | 1940 | +IGSRMF----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-M-G | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLGDN | +Missile Guidance | ++ | 1941 | +IGSRMG----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-M-M | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/METO | +Meteorological (Military) | ++ | 1942 | +IGSRMM----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-M-T | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/MSLTRK | +Missile Tracking | ++ | 1943 | +IGSRMT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-S | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/SHETKG | +Shell Tracking | ++ | 1944 | +IGSRS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-T-A | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTAQ | +Target Acquisition | ++ | 1945 | +IGSRTA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-T-I | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTILL | +Target Illuminator | ++ | 1946 | +IGSRTT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-T-T | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/TGTTRK | +Target Tracking | ++ | 1947 | +IGSRTT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-G-S-R-U | +SIGINT/GRDTRK/SIGINC/RAD/UNK | +Unknown | ++ | 1948 | +IGSRU-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P | +SIGINT/SPC | +Space Track | ++ | 1949 | +SP----------- | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC | +Signal Intercept | ++ | 1950 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-C | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/COMM | +Communications | ++ | 1951 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-C-D | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/COMM/SATDL | +Satellite Downlink | ++ | 1952 | +IPSCD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD | +Radar | ++ | 1953 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-D | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/DATTMN | +Data Transmission | ++ | 1954 | +IPSRD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-E | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/ERHSVL | +Earth Surveillance | ++ | 1955 | +IPSRI-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-I | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/IFF | +Iff (Transponder) | ++ | 1956 | +IASRI-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-M | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/MFN | +Multifunction | ++ | 1957 | +IPSRM-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-S | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/SPC | +Space | ++ | 1958 | +IPSRS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-T | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/TGTAQ | +Target Acquisition | ++ | 1959 | +IPSRU-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-P-S-R-U | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/UNK | +Unknown | ++ | 1960 | +IASRU-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S | +SIGINT/SSUF | +Sea Surface Track | ++ | 1961 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC | +Signal Intercept | ++ | 1962 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-C | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/COMM | +Communications | ++ | 1963 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-C-C | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/COMM/CELL | +Cellular/Mobile | ++ | 1964 | +ISSCC-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-C-O | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/COMM/OLOS | +Omni Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1965 | +ISSCO-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-C-P | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/COMM/PTPLOS | +Point To Point Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1966 | +ISSCP-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-C-S | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/COMM/SATUL | +Satellite Up Link | ++ | 1967 | +ISSCS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD | +Radar | ++ | 1968 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-A-A | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/AA-C | +AntiAircraft | ++ | 1969 | +ISSRAA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-A-T | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/ATCTL | +Air Traffic Control | ++ | 1970 | +ISSRAT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-C-A | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/CTDAPP | +Controlled Approach | ++ | 1971 | +ISSRCA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-C-I | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/CTDINC | +Controlled Intercept | ++ | 1972 | +ISSRCI----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-D | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/DATTMN | +Data Transmission | ++ | 1973 | +ISSRD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-E | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/EW | +Early Warning | ++ | 1974 | +ISSRE-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-F | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/FIRCTL | +Fire Control | ++ | 1975 | +ISSRF-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-H | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/HGTFDG | +Height Finding | ++ | 1976 | +ISSRH-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-I | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/IDFF | +Identification Friend/Foe (Interrogator) | ++ | 1977 | +ISSRI-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-M-A | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/MSLAQ | +Missile Acquisition | ++ | 1978 | +ISSRMA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-M-F | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/MFN | +Multifunction | ++ | 1979 | +ISSRMF----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-M-G | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/MSLGDN | +Missile Guidance | ++ | 1980 | +ISSRMG----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-M-M | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/METO | +Meteorological (Military) | ++ | 1981 | +ISSRMM----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-M-T | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/MSLTRK | +Missile Tracking | ++ | 1982 | +IASRMT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-S | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/SUFSRH | +Surface Search | ++ | 1983 | +ISSRS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-T-A | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/TGTAQ | +Target Acquisition | ++ | 1984 | +ISSRTA----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-T-I | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/TGTILL | +Target Illuminator | ++ | 1985 | +ISSRTI----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-T-T | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/TGTTRK | +Target Tracking | ++ | 1986 | +ISSRTT----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-S-S-R-U | +SIGINT/SSUF/SIGINC/RAD/UNK | +Unknown | ++ | 1987 | +ISSRU-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U | +SIGINT/SBSUF | +Subsurface Track | ++ | 1988 | +SU----------- | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC | +Signal Intercept | ++ | 1989 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-C | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/COMM | +Communications | ++ | 1990 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-C-O | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/COMM/CELL | +Omni Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1991 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-C-P | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/COMM/OLOS | +Point To Point Line Of Sight (Los) | ++ | 1992 | +IUSCO-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-C-S | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/COMM/PTPLOS | +Satellite Up Link | ++ | 1993 | +IUSCP-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/COMM/SATUL | +Radar | ++ | 1994 | +IUSCS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-D | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD | +Data Transmission | ++ | 1995 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-E | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD/EW | +Early Warning | ++ | 1996 | +IUSRE-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-M | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD/ATCTL | +Multi Function | ++ | 1997 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-S | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD/CTDAPP | +Surface Search | ++ | 1998 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-T | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD/CTDINC | +Target Acquisition | ++ | 1999 | ++ | SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-I-U-S-R-U | +SIGINT/SBSUF/SIGINC/RAD/DATTMN | +Unknown | ++ | 2000 | +IUSRD-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O | +STBOPS | +Military Operations Other Than War (Mootw) | ++ | 2001 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I | +STBOPS/ITM | +Items | ++ | 2002 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-D | +STBOPS/ITM/DGVEH | +Drug Vehicle | ++ | 2003 | +OID---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-F | +STBOPS/ITM/ISF | +Internal Security Force | ++ | 2004 | +OIF---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-G | +STBOPS/ITM/GRF | +Graffiti | ++ | 2005 | +OIG---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-I | +STBOPS/ITM/KNIVEH | +Known Insurgent Vehicle | ++ | 2006 | +OII---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-R | +STBOPS/ITM/RFG | +Refugees | ++ | 2007 | +OIR---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-S | +STBOPS/ITM/SAFHSE | +Safe House | ++ | 2008 | +OIS---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-I-V | +STBOPS/ITM/VRLRPS | +Vandalism/Loot/Ransack/Plunder/Sack | ++ | 2009 | +OIV---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-L | +STBOPS/LOCAT | +Locations | ++ | 2010 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-L-B | +STBOPS/LOCAT/BLST | +Black List Location | ++ | 2011 | +OLB---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-L-G | +STBOPS/LOCAT/GLST | +Gray List Location | ++ | 2012 | +OLG---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-L-W | +STBOPS/LOCAT/WLST | +White List Location | ++ | 2013 | +OLW---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O | +STBOPS/OPN | +Operations | ++ | 2014 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-A | +STBOPS/OPN/ARR | +Arrest | ++ | 2015 | +OOA---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-D | +STBOPS/OPN/DEMO | +Demonstration | ++ | 2016 | +OOD---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-E | +STBOPS/OPN/EXTN | +Extortion | ++ | 2017 | +OOE---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-F | +STBOPS/OPN/FRGSRH | +Foraging/Searching | ++ | 2018 | +OOF---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-H | +STBOPS/OPN/HJKG | +Hijacking | ++ | 2019 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-H-A | +STBOPS/OPN/HJKG/APL | +Hijacking (Airplane) | ++ | 2020 | +OOHA--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-H-T | +STBOPS/OPN/HJKG/VEH | +Hijacking (Vehicle) | ++ | 2021 | +OOHT--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-H-V | +STBOPS/OPN/HJKG/BOAT | +Hijacking (Boat) | ++ | 2022 | +OOHV--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-K | +STBOPS/OPN/KDNG | +Kidnapping | ++ | 2023 | +OOK---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-M | +STBOPS/OPN/ML | +Mine Laying | ++ | 2024 | +OOM---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-O | +STBOPS/OPN/FDDIST | +Food Distribution | ++ | 2025 | +OOO---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-P | +STBOPS/OPN/PATG | +Patrolling | ++ | 2026 | +OOP---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-R | +STBOPS/OPN/RCMT | +RECRUITMENT | ++ | 2027 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-R-C | +STBOPS/OPN/RCMT/CRCD | +Recruitment (Coerced/Impressed) | ++ | 2028 | +OORC--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-R-W | +STBOPS/OPN/RCMT/WLG | +Recruitment (Willing) | ++ | 2029 | +OORW--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-S | +STBOPS/OPN/SPY | +Spy | ++ | 2030 | +OOS---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-U | +STBOPS/OPN/DGOPN | +Drug Operation | ++ | 2031 | +OOU---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-Y | +STBOPS/OPN/PSYOP | +Psychological Operations (Psyop) | ++ | 2032 | +OOY---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-Y-H | +STBOPS/OPN/PSYOP/HTHP | +House-To-House Propaganda | ++ | 2033 | +OOYH--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-Y-T | +STBOPS/OPN/PSYOP/TARP | +Psyop (Tv And Radio Propaganda) | ++ | 2034 | +OOYT--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-O-Y-W | +STBOPS/OPN/PSYOP/WP | +Psyop (Written Propaganda) | ++ | 2035 | +OOYW--------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V | +STBOPS/VIOATY | +Violent Activities (Death Causing) | ++ | 2036 | ++ | STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-A | +STBOPS/VIOATY/ASN | +Arson/Fire | ++ | 2037 | +OVA---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-B | +STBOPS/VIOATY/BM | +Bomb/Bombing | ++ | 2038 | +OVB---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-D | +STBOPS/VIOATY/DBS | +Drive-By Shooting | ++ | 2039 | +OVD---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-M | +STBOPS/VIOATY/KILL | +Assassination/Murder/Execution | ++ | 2040 | +OVM---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-P | +STBOPS/VIOATY/PSNG | +Poisoning | ++ | 2041 | +OVP---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-S | +STBOPS/VIOATY/SPG | +Sniping | ++ | 2042 | +OVS---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-r-.-O-V-Y | +STBOPS/VIOATY/BBY | +Booby Trap | ++ | 2043 | +OVY---------- | +STBOPS | ++ | + |
b-t-f | +none | +Geo-Chat | ++ | 20431 | ++ | + | + | + |
b-w | +METOC | +Metoc | ++ | 2044 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A | +METOC/AMPHC | +Atmospheric | ++ | 2045 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM | +Coverage Symbols | ++ | 2046 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-a | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/Total Cloud Coverage | +Total Cloud Coverage | ++ | 2047 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-b | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/Cloud Base | +Cloud Base | ++ | 2048 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-B | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/BKN | +Broken Coverage | ++ | 2049 | +WAS-CCCSBCP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-c | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/Cloud Ceiling | +Cloud Ceiling | ++ | 2050 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-C | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/SKC | +Clear Sky | ++ | 2051 | +WAS-CCCSCSP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-O | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/OVC | +Overcast Coverage | ++ | 2052 | +WAS-CCCSOCP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-P | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/STOPO | +Sky Totally Or Partially Obscured | ++ | 2053 | +WAS-CCCSOBP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-S | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/SCT | +Scattered Coverage | ++ | 2054 | +WAS-CCCSSCP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-t | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/Cloud Tops | +Cloud Tops | ++ | 2055 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-C-W | +METOC/AMPHC/CUDCOV/SYM/OVC | +Overcast Coverage | ++ | 2056 | +WAS-CCCSOCP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-F | +METOC/AMPHC/BDAWTH | +Flight Rules | ++ | 2057 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-F-I | +METOC/AMPHC/BDAWTH/IFR | +Instrument Flight Rule (Ifr) | ++ | 2058 | +WA-DBAIF----A-- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-F-V | +METOC/AMPHC/BDAWTH/MVFR | +Marginal Visual Flight Rule (Mvfr) | ++ | 2059 | +WA-DBAMV----A-- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I | +METOC/AMPHC/BDAWTH/ICG | +Icing | ++ | 2060 | +WA-DBAI-----A-- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-C | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/CLR/LIT | +Clear Icing – Light | ++ | 2061 | +WAS-ICL---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-C-L | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/CLR/LIT | +Clear Icing - Light | ++ | 2062 | +WAS-ICL---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-C-M | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/CLR/MOD | +Clear Icing - Moderate | ++ | 2063 | +WAS-ICM---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-C-S | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/CLR/SVR | +Clear Icing - Severe | ++ | 2064 | +WAS-ICS---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-M | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/MIX | +MIXED ICING | ++ | 2065 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-M-L | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/MIX/LIT | +Mixed Icing - Light | ++ | 2066 | +WAS-IML---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-M-M | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/MIX/MOD | +Mixed Icing - Moderate | ++ | 2067 | +WAS-IMM---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-M-S | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/MIX/SVR | +Mixed Icing - Severe | ++ | 2068 | +WAS-IMS---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-R | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/RIME | +RIME ICING | ++ | 2069 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-R-L | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/RIME/LIT | +Rime Icing - Light | ++ | 2070 | +WAS-IRL---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-R-M | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/RIME/MOD | +Rime Icing - Moderate | ++ | 2071 | +WAS-IRM---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-I-R-S | +METOC/AMPHC/ICG/RIME/SVR | +Rime Icing - Severe | ++ | 2072 | +WAS-IRS---P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH | +Obstructions To Visibility | ++ | 2073 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-B | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/DT-SD/BLDTSD | +Blowing Dust Or Sand | ++ | 2074 | +WAS-WSDB--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-D | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/DT-SD/DTDVL | +Dust Devil | ++ | 2075 | +WAS-WSDD--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-F | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/FG | +Fog (Fg) | ++ | 2076 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-F-F | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/FG/FZSNV | +Fog - Freezing Sky Not Visible | ++ | 2077 | +WAS-WSFGFOP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-H | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/HZ | +Haze | ++ | 2078 | +WAS-WSHZ--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-K | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/FU | +Smoke | ++ | 2079 | +WAS-WSFU--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/SN/BLSNHY | +Blowing Snow – Heavy | ++ | 2080 | +WAS-WSSBH-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-O-T | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/DT-SD/LITMOD | +Dust-Sand Storm - Light To Moderate | ++ | 2081 | +WAS-WSDSLMP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS | +PRESSURE SYSTEMS | ++ | 2082 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS | +FRONTAL SYSTEMS | ++ | 2083 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F-C | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/CLDFRN | +Cold Front | ++ | 2084 | +WA-DPFC----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F-C-U | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/CLDFRN/UPP | +Upper Cold Front | ++ | 2085 | +WA-DPFCU---L--- | +METOC | +UPP | ++ |
b-w-A-P-F-O | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/OCD | +Occluded Front | ++ | 2086 | +WA-DPFO----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F-S | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/STAT | +Stationary Front | ++ | 2087 | +WA-DPFS----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F-W | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/WRMFRN | +Warm Front | ++ | 2088 | +WA-DPFW----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-F-W-U | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/FRNSYS/WRMFRN/UPP | +Upper Warm Front | ++ | 2089 | +WA-DPFWU---L--- | +METOC | +UPP | ++ |
b-w-A-P-H | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/HGHCTR | +High Pressure Center | ++ | 2090 | +WAS-PH----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-L | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LOWCTR | +Low Pressure Center | ++ | 2091 | +WAS-PL----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-X | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LNE | +LINES | ++ | 2092 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-X-R | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LNE/RDGAXS | +Ridge Axis | ++ | 2093 | +WA-DPXR----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-X-S | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LNE/SSL | +Severe Squall Line | ++ | 2094 | +WA-DPXSQ---L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-P-X-T | +METOC/AMPHC/PRS/LNE/TRUAXS | +Trough Axis | ++ | 2095 | +WA-DPXT----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R | ++ | Precipitation | ++ | 2096 | ++ | + | + | + |
b-w-A-R-C | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/IC | +Ice Crystals (Diamond Dust) | +Ice Crystals | +2097 | +WAS-WSIC--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-H | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/HL | +Hail | ++ | 2098 | +WAS-WSGRL-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-I | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/PE/LIT | +Ice Pellets - Light | ++ | 2099 | +WAS-WSPLL-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-R | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/RA | +Rain (Ra) | ++ | 2100 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-R-D | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/DZ/INMLIT | +Drizzle - Intermittent Light | ++ | 2101 | +WAS-WSD-LIP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-R-D-F | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/FZDZ/LIT | +Freezing Drizzle - Light | ++ | 2102 | +WAS-WSDFL-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-R-F | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/FZRA/LIT | +Freezing Rain - Light | ++ | 2103 | +WAS-WSRFL-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-R-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/RASWR/LIT | +Rain Showers - Light | ++ | 2104 | +WAS-WSRSL-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/SN | +Snow(Sn) | ++ | 2105 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-S-G | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/SG | +Snow Grains | ++ | 2106 | +WAS-WSSG--P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-R-S-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/SSWR | +SNOW SHOWERS | ++ | 2107 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/STMS | +STORMS | ++ | 2108 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-S | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/TPLSYS | +TROPICAL STORM SYSTEMS | ++ | 2109 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-S-H | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/TPLSYS/HC | +Hurricane-Typhoon | ++ | 2110 | +WAS-WSTSH-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-S-T | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/TPLSYS/TROPSM | +Tropical Storm | ++ | 2111 | +WAS-WSTSS-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-T | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/STMS/TS | +Thunderstorm - No Precipitation | ++ | 2112 | +WAS-WST-NPP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-T-F | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/STMS/FC | +Funnel Cloud (Tornado-Waterspout) | ++ | 2113 | +WAS-WST-FCP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-T-L | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/STMS/LTG | +Lightning | ++ | 2114 | +WAS-WST-LGP---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-S-T-R | +METOC/AMPHC/WTH/STMS/TSHVNH | +Thunderstorm Heavy With Rain-Snow - No Hail | ++ | 2115 | +WAS-WSTHR-P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-t | ++ | Temperature | ++ | 2116 | ++ | + | + | + |
b-w-A-T | +METOC/AMPHC/BDAWTH/TRB | +TURBULENCE | ++ | 2117 | +WA-DBATB----A-- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-T-E | +METOC/AMPHC/TRB/EXT | +Turbulence - Extreme | ++ | 2118 | +WAS-TE----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-T-L | +METOC/AMPHC/TRB/LIT | +Turbulence - Light | ++ | 2119 | +WAS-TL----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-T-M | +METOC/AMPHC/TRB/MOD | +Turbulence - Moderate | ++ | 2120 | +WAS-TM----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-T-S | +METOC/AMPHC/TRB/SVR | +Turbulence - Severe | ++ | 2121 | +WAS-TS----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-W | +METOC/AMPHC/WND/PLT | +Wind Plot | +Wind Barb | +2122 | +WAS-WP----P---- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-A-W-J | +METOC/AMPHC/WND/JTSM | +Jet Stream | ++ | 2123 | +WA-DWJ-----L--- | +METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-O | +METOC/OCA | +Oceanic | ++ | 2124 | ++ | METOC | ++ | + |
b-w-S | +SIGINT/SPC/SIGINC/RAD/SPC | +Space | ++ | 2125 | +IPSRS-----*** | +SIGINT | ++ | + |
b-x.* | +Non COT | +Non-Cot Object | ++ | 2126 | ++ | Non COT | ++ | + |
c | +Capability | +Capability | ++ | 2127 | ++ | Capability | ++ | + |
c-c | +capability/CAP: Communications | +CAP: Communications | ++ | 2128 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-f | +capability/CAP: Fires | +CAP: Fires | ++ | 2129 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-f-d | +capability/CAP: Direct fires | +CAP: Direct fires | ++ | 2130 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-f-i | +capability/CAP: Indirect fires | +CAP: Indirect fires | ++ | 2131 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-l | +capability/CAP: Logistics (supply) | +CAP: Logistics (supply) | ++ | 2132 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-l-f | +capability/CAP: Fuel | +CAP: Fuel | ++ | 2133 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-r | +capability/CAP: Rescue | +CAP: Rescue | ++ | 2134 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
c-s | +capability/CAP: Surveillance | +CAP: Surveillance | ++ | 2135 | ++ | capability | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b | +Biological Attack | +Biological attack | ++ | 2136 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b | +Biological Attack/Bacterial biological agents | +Bacterial biological agents | ++ | 2137 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-a | +Biological Attack/anthrax | +anthrax | ++ | 2138 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-a-n | +Biological Attack/N anthrax | +N anthrax | ++ | 2139 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-a-t | +Biological Attack/TR anthrax | +TR anthrax | ++ | 2140 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b | +Biological Attack/brucellosis | +brucellosis | ++ | 2141 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-b | +Biological Attack/AB, bovine brucellosis | +AB, bovine brucellosis | ++ | 2142 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-c | +Biological Attack/caprine brucellosis | +caprine brucellosis | ++ | 2143 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-c-a | +Biological Attack/AM, caprine brucellosis | +AM, caprine brucellosis | ++ | 2144 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-c-b | +Biological Attack/BX, caprine brucellosis | +BX, caprine brucellosis | ++ | 2145 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-p | +Biological Attack/porcine brucellosis | +porcine brucellosis | ++ | 2146 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-p-n | +Biological Attack/NX, porcine brucellosis | +NX, porcine brucellosis | ++ | 2147 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-b-p-u | +Biological Attack/US, porcine brucellosis | +US, porcine brucellosis | ++ | 2148 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-c | +Biological Attack/HO, cholera | +HO, cholera | ++ | 2149 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-d | +Biological Attack/DK, diphtheria | +DK, diphtheria | ++ | 2150 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-g | +Biological Attack/LA, Glanders | +LA, Glanders | ++ | 2151 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-l | +Biological Attack/TQ, listeriosis | +TQ, listeriosis | ++ | 2152 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-m | +Biological Attack/HI, Melioidosis | +HI, Melioidosis | ++ | 2153 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-p | +Biological Attack/LE, plague | +LE, plague | ++ | 2154 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t | +Biological Attack/tularemia | +tularemia | ++ | 2155 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t-d | +Biological Attack/ZZ, dry-type UL | +ZZ, dry-type UL | ++ | 2156 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t-j | +Biological Attack/JT, tularemia (425) | +JT, tularemia (425) | ++ | 2157 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t-s | +Biological Attack/SR, tularemia | +SR, tularemia | ++ | 2158 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t-u | +Biological Attack/UL, tularemia (schu S4) | +UL, tularemia (schu S4) | ++ | 2159 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-t-w | +Biological Attack/TT, wet-type UL | +TT, wet-type UL | ++ | 2160 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-b-y | +Biological Attack/Y, bacterial dysentery | +Y, bacterial dysentery | ++ | 2161 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-c | +Biological Attack/Chlamydial biological agents | +Chlamydial biological agents | ++ | 2162 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-c-s | +Biological Attack/SI - psittacosis | +SI - psittacosis | ++ | 2163 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-m | +Biological Attack/Mycotic biological agents | +Mycotic biological agents | ++ | 2164 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-m-c | +Biological Attack/OC, Coccidioides mycosis | +OC, Coccidioides mycosis | ++ | 2165 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r | +Biological Attack/Rickettsial biological agents | +Rickettsial biological agents | ++ | 2166 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-q | +Biological Attack/OU, Q fever | +OU, Q fever | ++ | 2167 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-q-d | +Biological Attack/NT, dry-type OU | +NT, dry-type OU | ++ | 2168 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-q-w | +Biological Attack/MN, wet-type OU | +MN, wet-type OU | ++ | 2169 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-r | +Biological Attack/rocky mountain spotted fever | +rocky mountain spotted fever | ++ | 2170 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-r-r | +Biological Attack/RI, rocky mountain spotted fever | +RI, rocky mountain spotted fever | ++ | 2171 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-r-u | +Biological Attack/UY, rocky mountain spotted fever | +UY, rocky mountain spotted fever | ++ | 2172 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-t | +Biological Attack/typhus | +typhus | ++ | 2173 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-t-h | +Biological Attack/YE, human typhus | +YE, human typhus | ++ | 2174 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-r-t-m | +Biological Attack/AV, murine typhus | +AV, murine typhus | ++ | 2175 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s | +Biological Attack/Simuants | +Simuants | ++ | 2176 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-a | +Biological Attack/AF, Aspergillus fumigatus mutant C-2 | +AF, Aspergillus fumigatus mutant C-2 | ++ | 2177 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-e | +Biological Attack/EC, E/ coli | +EC, E. coli | ++ | 2178 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-f | +Biological Attack/FP, fluorescent particle | +FP, fluorescent particle | ++ | 2179 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-g | +Biological Attack/Bacillus globigii | +Bacillus globigii | ++ | 2180 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-g-bg | +Biological Attack/BG, Bacillus globigii | +BG, Bacillus globigii | ++ | 2181 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-g-bs | +Biological Attack/BS, Bacillus globigii | +BS, Bacillus globigii | ++ | 2182 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-g-u | +Biological Attack/U, Bacillus globigii | +U, Bacillus globigii | ++ | 2183 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-m | +Biological Attack/MR, molasis residium | +MR, molasis residium | ++ | 2184 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-s | +Biological Attack/Serratia marescens | +Serratia marescens | ++ | 2185 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-s-p | +Biological Attack/P, Serratia marescens | +P, Serratia marescens | ++ | 2186 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-s-s | +Biological Attack/SM, Serratia marescens | +SM, Serratia marescens | ++ | 2187 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-t | +Biological Attack/BT, Bacillus thursidius | +BT, Bacillus thursidius | ++ | 2188 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-s-w | +Biological Attack/EH, Erwinia hebicola | +EH, Erwinia hebicola | ++ | 2189 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t | +Biological Attack/Biological Toxins | +Biological Toxins | ++ | 2190 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-3 | +Biological Attack/Trichothecene | +Trichothecene | ++ | 2191 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-a | +Biological Attack/Abrin | +Abrin | ++ | 2192 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-b | +Biological Attack/botulinum toxin A | +botulinum toxin A | ++ | 2193 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-b-x | +Biological Attack/X, botulinum toxin A | +X, botulinum toxin A | ++ | 2194 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-b-xr | +Biological Attack/XR, partially purified botulinum toxin A | +XR, partially purified botulinum toxin A | ++ | 2195 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-c | +Biological Attack/Colchicine | +Colchicine | ++ | 2196 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-d | +Biological Attack/Digitalis | +Digitalis | ++ | 2197 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-e | +Biological Attack/staphylococcal enterotoxin B | +staphylococcal enterotoxin B | ++ | 2198 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-e-pg | +Biological Attack/PG, staphylococcal enterotoxin B | +PG, staphylococcal enterotoxin B | ++ | 2199 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-e-uc | +Biological Attack/UC, staphylococcal enterotoxin B | +UC, staphylococcal enterotoxin B | ++ | 2200 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-n | +Biological Attack/Nicotine | +Nicotine | ++ | 2201 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-r | +Biological Attack/ricin | +ricin | ++ | 2202 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-r-w | +Biological Attack/W, ricin | +W, ricin | ++ | 2203 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-r-wa | +Biological Attack/WA, ricin | +WA, ricin | ++ | 2204 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-s | +Biological Attack/saxitoxin | +saxitoxin | ++ | 2205 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-s-s | +Biological Attack/SS, saxitoxin | +SS, saxitoxin | ++ | 2206 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-s-t | +Biological Attack/TZ, saxitoxin | +TZ, saxitoxin | ++ | 2207 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-t | +Biological Attack/PP, tetrodotoxin | +PP, tetrodotoxin | ++ | 2208 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-v | +Biological Attack/Brevetoxin | +Brevetoxin | ++ | 2209 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-t-y | +Biological Attack/Strychnine | +Strychnine | ++ | 2210 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v | +Biological Attack/Viral biological agents | +Viral biological agents | ++ | 2211 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e | +Biological Attack/Encephalitis | +Encephalitis | ++ | 2212 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e | +Biological Attack/Equine Encephalitis | +Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2213 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e-e | +Biological Attack/ZX, Eastern Equine Encephalitis | +ZX, Eastern Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2214 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e-v | +Biological Attack/Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | +Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2215 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e-v-f | +Biological Attack/FX, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | +FX, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2216 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e-v-n | +Biological Attack/NU, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | +NU, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2217 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-e-v-t | +Biological Attack/TD, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | +TD, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis | ++ | 2218 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-e-j | +Biological Attack/AN, Japanese B Encephalitis | +AN, Japanese B Encephalitis | ++ | 2219 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-r | +Biological Attack/FA, rift valley fever | +FA, rift valley fever | ++ | 2220 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-s | +Biological Attack/ZL, smallpox | +ZL, smallpox | ++ | 2221 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-y | +Biological Attack/yellow fever | +yellow fever | ++ | 2222 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-y-l | +Biological Attack/LU, yellow fever | +LU, yellow fever | ++ | 2223 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-y-o | +Biological Attack/OJ, yellow fever | +OJ, yellow fever | ++ | 2224 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-b-v-y-u | +Biological Attack/UT, yellow fever | +UT, yellow fever | ++ | 2225 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c | +Biological Attack/Chemical attack | +Chemical attack | ++ | 2226 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-a | +Biological Attack/Long-Acting Anticoagulants: Poisons that prevent blood from clotting properly, which can lead to uncontrolled bleeding | +Long-Acting Anticoagulants: Poisons that prevent blood from clotting properly, which can lead to uncontrolled bleeding | ++ | 2227 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-a-w | +Biological Attack/Super warfarin | +Super warfarin | ++ | 2228 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b | +Biological Attack/blood: Poisons that affect the body by being absorbed into the blood | +blood: Poisons that affect the body by being absorbed into the blood | ++ | 2229 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-a | +Biological Attack/Arsine (SA) | +Arsine (SA) | ++ | 2230 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-c | +Biological Attack/Cyanide | +Cyanide | ++ | 2231 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-c-c | +Biological Attack/Cyanogen chloride (CK) | +Cyanogen chloride (CK) | ++ | 2232 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-c-h | +Biological Attack/Hydrogen cyanide (AC) | +Hydrogen cyanide (AC) | ++ | 2233 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-c-p | +Biological Attack/Potassium cyanide (KCN) | +Potassium cyanide (KCN) | ++ | 2234 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-c-s | +Biological Attack/Sodium cyanide (NaCN) | +Sodium cyanide (NaCN) | ++ | 2235 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-m | +Biological Attack/Carbon Monoxide | +Carbon Monoxide | ++ | 2236 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-b-s | +Biological Attack/Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) | +Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080) | ++ | 2237 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-c | +Biological Attack/caustics (Acids): Chemicals that burn or corrode people's skin, eyes, and mucus membranes (lining of the nose, mouth, throat, and lungs) on contact | +caustics (Acids): Chemicals that burn or corrode people's skin, eyes, and mucus membranes (lining of the nose, mouth, throat, and lungs) on contact | ++ | 2238 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-c-h | +Biological Attack/Hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluoride) | +Hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluoride) | ++ | 2239 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g | +Biological Attack/Riot Control Agents/Tear Gas: Highly irritating agents normally used by law enforcement for crowd control or by individuals for protection (for example, mace) | +Riot Control Agents/Tear Gas: Highly irritating agents normally used by law enforcement for crowd control or by individuals for protection (for example, mace) | ++ | 2240 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g-b | +Biological Attack/Bromobenzylcyanide (CA) | +Bromobenzylcyanide (CA) | ++ | 2241 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g-d | +Biological Attack/Dibenzoxazepine (CR) | +Dibenzoxazepine (CR) | ++ | 2242 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g-n | +Biological Attack/Chloroacetophenone (CN) | +Chloroacetophenone (CN) | ++ | 2243 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g-p | +Biological Attack/Chloropicrin (PS) | +Chloropicrin (PS) | ++ | 2244 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-g-s | +Biological Attack/Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS) | +Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS) | ++ | 2245 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-h | +Biological Attack/Toxic Alcohols: Poisonous alcohols that can damage the heart, kidneys, and nervous system | +Toxic Alcohols: Poisonous alcohols that can damage the heart, kidneys, and nervous system | ++ | 2246 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-h-e | +Biological Attack/Ethylene glycol | +Ethylene glycol | ++ | 2247 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-i | +Biological Attack/Incapacitating Agents: Drugs that make people unable to think clearly or that cause an altered state of consciousness (possibly unconsciousness) | +Incapacitating Agents: Drugs that make people unable to think clearly or that cause an altered state of consciousness (possibly unconsciousness) | ++ | 2248 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-i-b | +Biological Attack/BZ | +BZ | ++ | 2249 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-i-o | +Biological Attack/opioids: chemical substance that causes a morphine-like action | +opioids: chemical substance that causes a morphine-like action | ++ | 2250 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-i-o-f | +Biological Attack/Fentanyls | +Fentanyls | ++ | 2251 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-m | +Biological Attack/Metals: Agents that consist of metallic poisons | +Metals: Agents that consist of metallic poisons | ++ | 2252 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-m-a | +Biological Attack/Arsenic | +Arsenic | ++ | 2253 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-m-b | +Biological Attack/Barium | +Barium | ++ | 2254 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-m-m | +Biological Attack/Mercury | +Mercury | ++ | 2255 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-m-t | +Biological Attack/Thallium | +Thallium | ++ | 2256 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n | +Biological Attack/Nerve Agents: Highly poisonous chemicals that work by preventing the nervous system from working properly | +Nerve Agents: Highly poisonous chemicals that work by preventing the nervous system from working properly | ++ | 2257 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-g | +Biological Attack/G agents | +G agents | ++ | 2258 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-g-a | +Biological Attack/Tabun (GA) | +Tabun (GA) | ++ | 2259 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-g-b | +Biological Attack/Sarin (GB) | +Sarin (GB) | ++ | 2260 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-g-d | +Biological Attack/Soman (GD) | +Soman (GD) | ++ | 2261 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-v | +Biological Attack/V agents | +V agents | ++ | 2262 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-n-v-x | +Biological Attack/VX | +VX | ++ | 2263 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-o | +Biological Attack/Organic Solvents: Agents that damage the tissues of living things by dissolving fats and oils | +Organic Solvents: Agents that damage the tissues of living things by dissolving fats and oils | ++ | 2264 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-o-b | +Biological Attack/Benzene | +Benzene | ++ | 2265 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p | +Biological Attack/Choking/Lung/Pulmonary Agents: Chemicals that cause severe irritation or swelling of the respiratory tract (lining of the nose, throat, and lungs) | +Choking/Lung/Pulmonary Agents: Chemicals that cause severe irritation or swelling of the respiratory tract (lining of the nose, throat, and lungs) | ++ | 2266 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-a | +Biological Attack/Ammonia | +Ammonia | ++ | 2267 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-b | +Biological Attack/Bromine (CA) | +Bromine (CA) | ++ | 2268 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-c | +Biological Attack/Chlorine (CL) | +Chlorine (CL) | ++ | 2269 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-h | +Biological Attack/Hydrogen chloride | +Hydrogen chloride | ++ | 2270 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-i | +Biological Attack/Methyl isocyanate | +Methyl isocyanate | ++ | 2271 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-m | +Biological Attack/Methyl bromide | +Methyl bromide | ++ | 2272 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-o | +Biological Attack/Phosphine | +Phosphine | ++ | 2273 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-p | +Biological Attack/Phosgene | +Phosgene | ++ | 2274 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-p-c | +Biological Attack/Phosgene (CG) | +Phosgene (CG) | ++ | 2275 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-p-d | +Biological Attack/Diphosgene (DP) | +Diphosgene (DP) | ++ | 2276 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-r | +Biological Attack/Phosphorus, elemental | +Phosphorus, elemental | ++ | 2277 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-r-w | +Biological Attack/white | +white | ++ | 2278 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-r-y | +Biological Attack/yellow | +yellow | ++ | 2279 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-s | +Biological Attack/Sulfuryl fluoride | +Sulfuryl fluoride | ++ | 2280 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-p-t | +Biological Attack/Osmium tetroxide | +Osmium tetroxide | ++ | 2281 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s | +Biological Attack/blister: aka vesicants/ Chemicals that severely blister the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin on contact | +blister: aka vesicants. Chemicals that severely blister the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin on contact | ++ | 2282 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-cx | +Biological Attack/hosgene oxime (CX) | +hosgene oxime (CX) | ++ | 2283 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-l | +Biological Attack/Lewisites/chloroarsine agents | +Lewisites/chloroarsine agents | ++ | 2284 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-l-hl | +Biological Attack/ustard/lewisite (HL) | +ustard/lewisite (HL) | ++ | 2285 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-l-l | +Biological Attack/Lewisite (L, L-1, L-2, L-3) | +Lewisite (L, L-1, L-2, L-3) | ++ | 2286 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m | +Biological Attack/mustards | +mustards | ++ | 2287 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-h | +Biological Attack/Mustard gas (H) (sulfur mustard) | +Mustard gas (H) (sulfur mustard) | ++ | 2288 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-hd | +Biological Attack/istilled mustard (HD) | +istilled mustard (HD) | ++ | 2289 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-hl | +Biological Attack/ustard/lewisite (HL) | +ustard/lewisite (HL) | ++ | 2290 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-n | +Biological Attack/Nitrogen mustard (HN-1, HN-2, HN-3) | +Nitrogen mustard (HN-1, HN-2, HN-3) | ++ | 2291 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-q | +Biological Attack/Sesqui mustard | +Sesqui mustard | ++ | 2292 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-s | +Biological Attack/Sulfur mustard (H) (mustard gas) | +Sulfur mustard (H) (mustard gas) | ++ | 2293 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-s-m-t | +Biological Attack/Mustard/T | +Mustard/T | ++ | 2294 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-v | +Biological Attack/Vomiting Agents: Chemicals that cause nausea and vomiting | +Vomiting Agents: Chemicals that cause nausea and vomiting | ++ | 2295 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
r-c-x-c-v-a | +Biological Attack/Adamsite (DM) | +Adamsite (DM) | ++ | 2296 | ++ | Biological Attack | ++ | + |
t | +Tasking | +Tasking | ++ | 2297 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a | +Tasking/air | +air | ++ | 2298 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-c | +Tasking/close air support | +close air support | ++ | 2299 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-d | +Tasking/air drop | +air drop | ++ | 2300 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-e | +Tasking/electronic warfare | +electronic warfare | ++ | 2301 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-k | +Tasking/strike | +strike | ++ | 2302 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-r | +Tasking/recovery | +recovery | ++ | 2303 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-a-s | +Tasking/SEAD | +SEAD | ++ | 2304 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-k | +Tasking/Strike | +Strike | ++ | 2305 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-k-d | +Tasking/Destroy | +Destroy | ++ | 2306 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-k-i | +Tasking/Investigate | +Investigate | ++ | 2307 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-k-t | +Tasking/Target | +Target | ++ | 2308 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-m | +Tasking/Mensurate | +Mensurate | ++ | 2309 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- pairing | +Weapon Target Pairing- pairing | ++ | 2310 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-a | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- air | +Weapon Target Pairing- air | ++ | 2311 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-a-c | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- CAS | +Weapon Target Pairing- CAS | ++ | 2312 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-a-f | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- refueling | +Weapon Target Pairing- refueling | ++ | 2313 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-a-k | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- strike | +Weapon Target Pairing- strike | ++ | 2314 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-k | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- Strike | +Weapon Target Pairing- Strike | ++ | 2315 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-k-d | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- Destroy | +Weapon Target Pairing- Destroy | ++ | 2316 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-k-i | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- Investigate | +Weapon Target Pairing- Investigate | ++ | 2317 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-k-t | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- Target | +Weapon Target Pairing- Target | ++ | 2318 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-r | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- Recovery (personnel) | +Weapon Target Pairing- Recovery (personnel) | ++ | 2319 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-s | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- ISR | +Weapon Target Pairing- ISR | ++ | 2320 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-p-s-i | +Tasking/Weapon Target Pairing- imagery | +Weapon Target Pairing- imagery | ++ | 2321 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-q | +Tasking/Tasking Query Capable | +Tasking Query Capable | ++ | 2322 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-r | +Tasking/Tasking Relocate | +Tasking Relocate | ++ | 2323 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s | +Tasking/ISR | +ISR | ++ | 2324 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-b | +Tasking/Tasking BFT info | +Tasking BFT info | ++ | 2325 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-i | +Tasking/imagery desired | +imagery desired | ++ | 2326 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-i-e | +Tasking/ISR EO | +ISR EO | ++ | 2327 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-i-i | +Tasking/ISR IR | +ISR IR | ++ | 2328 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-r | +Tasking/ISR Radar | +ISR Radar | ++ | 2329 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-v | +Tasking/ISR Video | +ISR Video | ++ | 2330 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-v-e | +Tasking/ISR Video EO | +ISR Video EO | ++ | 2331 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-s-v-i | +Tasking/ISR Video IR | +ISR Video IR | ++ | 2332 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-u | +Tasking/Tasking Update | +Tasking Update | ++ | 2333 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-u-q | +Tasking/Tasking Status Query | +Tasking Status Query | ++ | 2334 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-u-z | +Tasking/Tasking Cancel | +Tasking Cancel | ++ | 2335 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x | +Tasking/Tasking (Experimental) | +Tasking (Experimental) | ++ | 2336 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-a-f | +Tasking/Filter | +Filter | ++ | 2337 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-a-o | +Tasking/Open | +Open | ++ | 2338 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-a-s | +Tasking/App control- Sync (with peer) | +App control- Sync (with peer) | ++ | 2339 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-a-s-c | +Tasking/App control- Sync (subscribe) | +App control- Sync (subscribe) | ++ | 2340 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-i | +Tasking/Tasking Data Retrieval | +Tasking Data Retrieval | ++ | 2341 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-i-l | +Tasking/Link Dereference | +Link Dereference | ++ | 2342 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission add CONTENT | ++ | 23431 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-l | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission LOG | ++ | 234310 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-k | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission keyword | ++ | 234311 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-k-u | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission UID KEYWORD | ++ | 234312 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-k-c | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission RESOURCE_KEYWORD | ++ | 234313 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-m | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission METADATA | ++ | 234314 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-n | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission new | ++ | 234315 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-e | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission EXTERNAL_DATA | ++ | 234316 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-c-e | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission Layer | ++ | 2343161 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-m-i | +Tasking/Mission | +Mission invite | ++ | 2343161 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
t-x-v-m | +Tasking/Medevac | +Medevac | ++ | 2343 | ++ | Tasking | ++ | + |
u-d-c-c | +Drawing Shapes/Drawing Shapes – Circle | +Drawing Shapes – Circle | ++ | 2344 | ++ | Drawing Shapes | ++ | + |
u-d-c-c | +Drawing Shapes/Geo Fence | +Geo Fence | ++ | 2345 | ++ | Drawing Shapes | ++ | + |
u-d-f | +Drawing Shapes/Drawing Shapes - Free Form | +Drawing Shapes - Free Form | ++ | 2346 | ++ | Drawing Shapes | ++ | + |
u-d-f-m | +Drawing Shapes/Drawing Shapes – Telestration | +Drawing Shapes – Telestration | ++ | 2347 | ++ | Drawing Shapes | ++ | + |
u-d-r | +Drawing Shapes/Drawing Shapes – Rectangle | +Drawing Shapes – Rectangle | ++ | 2348 | ++ | Drawing Shapes | ++ | + |
u-r-b-bullseye | +Range & Bearing/Range & Bearing – Bullseye | +Range & Bearing – Bullseye | ++ | 2349 | ++ | Range & Bearing | ++ | + |
u-r-b-c-c | +Range & Bearing/Range & Bearing – Circle | +Range & Bearing – Circle | ++ | 2350 | ++ | Range & Bearing | ++ | + |
u-rb-a | +Range & Bearing/Range & Bearing – Line | +Range & Bearing – Line | ++ | 2351 | ++ | Range & Bearing | ++ | + |
y | +Reply | +Reply | ++ | 2352 | ++ | Reply | ++ | + |
y-a | +Reply/Ack | +Ack | ++ | 2353 | ++ | Reply | ++ | + |
y-a-r | +Reply/Rcvd | +Rcvd | ++ | 2354 | ++ | Reply | ++ | + |
y-a-w | +Reply/Wilco | +Wilco | ++ | 2355 | ++ | Reply | ++ | + |
y-c | +Reply/Tasking Complete | +Tasking Complete | ++ | 2356 | ++ | Reply | ++ | + |
y-c-f | +Fail | +Fail | ++ | 2357 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-a | +Fail/Fail: No Assets | +Fail: No Assets | ++ | 2358 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-b | +Fail/Fail: Bad Reqest (CANTPRO) | +Fail: Bad Reqest (CANTPRO) | ++ | 2359 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-d | +Fail/Fail: Denied | +Fail: Denied | ++ | 2360 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-i | +Fail/Fail: Insufficient Info | +Fail: Insufficient Info | ++ | 2361 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-r | +Fail/Fail: Rejected | +Fail: Rejected | ++ | 2362 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-r-c | +Fail/Fail: C2 element | +Fail: C2 element | ++ | 2363 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-r-p | +Fail/Fail: Platform (CANTCO) | +Fail: Platform (CANTCO) | ++ | 2364 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-s | +Fail/Fail: Stale | +Fail: Stale | ++ | 2365 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-f-x | +Fail/Fail: Cancelled | +Fail: Cancelled | ++ | 2366 | ++ | Fail | ++ | + |
y-c-s | +Complete/Complete: Success | +Complete: Success | ++ | 2367 | ++ | Complete | ++ | + |
y-s | +Status/Status: Status | +Status: Status | ++ | 2368 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-c | +Status/Status: Canceling | +Status: Canceling | ++ | 2369 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-e | +Status/Status: Executing | +Status: Executing | ++ | 2370 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-e-a | +Status/Status: Approved | +Status: Approved | ++ | 2371 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-e-d | +Status/Status: Disseminating | +Status: Disseminating | ++ | 2372 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-e-d-c | +Status/Status: Disseminated | +Status: Disseminated | ++ | 2373 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-i | +Status/Status: Imagery Available | +Status: Imagery Available | ++ | 2374 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-m | +Status/Status: MISREP available | +Status: MISREP available | ++ | 2375 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-p | +Status/Status: Planning | +Status: Planning | ++ | 2376 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
y-s-r | +Status/Status: Reviewing | +Status: Reviewing | ++ | 2377 | ++ | Status | ++ | + |
The Center on Target (CoT) is a data exchange format primarily used in military and emergency response applications such as the TAK eco sytem. It's designed to facilitate real-time sharing of geospatial information among various systems and users. +The CoT protocol enables efficient communication of location, status, and other relevant situational data, enhancing operational awareness and coordination. MIL-STD-2525 is a military standard that specifies symbols for use on maps, charts, and other graphical displays in military command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) system. +The original 'NATO symbol' are expressed as a set of Military Symbols for Land Based Systems (Mil-STD-2525). The COT system is only partially overlapping with 2525. on a list of 3000+ COTS , 1000 are directly traceable to mil 2525.
+Defines what the event is about. An event may describe a physical object, a set of raw, unprocessed bits, or a tasking.
+The "type" attribute is a composite of components delimited by the semi-colon character (e.g. 'a-f-G-I' for "Friendly Ground infrastructure). The first component of this composite attribute is defined below.
+Future versions of this schema will define other components which we expect will aid in machine filtering. Despite the exclusion of definitions for additional components in this version of the schema, users of this schema should expect and design an optional trailing field delimited by the semi-colon character. This field can be ignored.
+component1;optional field
+The first component (component1) is a hierarchically organized hint about type. +The intention is that this hierarchy be flexible and extensible and facilitate simple filtering, translation and display.
+To facilitate filtering, the hierarchy needs to present key fields in an easily parsed and logical order. To facilitate this, this component is a composite of fields separated by the "-" punctuation character, so a valid type would be:
+Using a punctuation for field separation allows arbitrary expansion of the type space,
+e.g., a-fzp-mlk-gm-...
+Field meanings are type specific. That is, the third field of an "atom" type may represent air vs. ground while the same field for a "reservation" type may represent purpose.
+The "Atoms" portion of the type tree requires some additional explanation past the taxonomy defined below. The "Atoms" portion of the type tree contains CoT defined fields and part of the MIL-STD-2525 type definition. To distinguish MIL-STD-2525 type strings from CoT defined fields, the MIL-STD-2525 types must be represented in all upper case. Differentiation of type namespace with upper/lower case facilitates extension of CoT types and MIL-STD-2525 types without name space conflict. An example:
+ a-f-A-B-C-x
+The organization of CoT and MIL-STD-2525 types can be determined from the taxonomy, but additional details are provided here. + The "Atoms" portion of the "type" tree contains the "Battle Dimension" and "Function ID" fields taken from MIL-STD-2525 (see below). + "Battle Dimension" is a single character taken from MIL-STD-2525 and is located in the position 5.
+a-.- **G** -I-M-N-B
+The typical 2525 representation for "Function ID" is three groups of two characters separated by a space (e.g. "12 34 56"). The CoT schema maps this to a "-" delimited list of characters. (e.g. "1-2-3-4-5-6"). + The concatenation of the "Battle Dimension" and "Function ID" fields from the MIL-STD-2525 specification represented in the CoT schema will be as follows:
+battle dimension-func id char1-func id char2- ... -func id char6
+ When an appropriate MIL-STD-2525 type exists, it should be used. If there is a MIL-STD-2525 representation which is close, but may be refined, a CoT extension to the 2525 type can be appended.
For example: +a-h-X-X-X-X-X-i might represent hostile MIL-STD-2525 type X-X-X-X-X of Israeli (the 'i') manufacture. Again, the CoT extension uses lower case. + Conceptually, this extension defines further branching from the nearest MIL-STD-2525 tree point. + If no appropriate 2525 representation exists, a type definition can be added to the CoT tree defined here. The resulting definition would be represented in all lower case. For example + a-h-G-p-i + might define atoms-hostile-Ground-photon cannon-infrared. + The taxonomy currently looks like this: Note that the coding of the sub fields are determined entirely by the preceding fields!) The current type tree is defined here.
+a - Atoms - this event describes an actual "thing"
+Taken from MIL-STD-2525 "Battle Dimension" (upper case) + * P - Space + * A - Air + * G - Ground + * S - Sea Surface + * U - Sea Subsurface + * SF - Special Operations Forces
+See MIL-STD-2525B specification for function fields (must be upper case) Any number of char before the first “dash”, it express also the hierarchy +(Hundreds of options)
+the first positiojn can also contains a b.
+b - Bits - Events in the "Bit" group (pos 1163++ ) carry meta information about raw data sources. For example, range-doppler radar returns or SAR imagery represent classes of information that are "bits". However, tracks derived from such sources represent objects on the battlespace and this have event type "A-..." +The intention with the "Bit" type is to facilitate the identification of germane information products. +This hierarchy is not intended to replace more detailed domain-specific meta information (such as that contained in NITF image headers or the GMTI data formats), rather it is intended to provide a domain-neutral mechanism for rapid filtering of information products.
+second position, like battle dimension but for 'b' types
+Events in this category are generally "notices" about specific areas. These events are used for deconfliction and conveyance of significant "area" conditions. Generally, the "point" entity will describe a conical region that completely encloses the affected area. The details entity will provide more specific bounds on precisely the region affected.
+Events in this category are generalized requests for service. These may be used to request for data collection, request mesuration of a specific object, order an asset to take action against a specific point. Generally, the "details" entity will identify the general or specific entity being tasked. + * s - Surveillance + * r - Relocate + * e - Engage + * m - Mensurate + * x - experimental, new tasking + ### The event describes u - drawing (applied to an area) + * d - drawing + * r - range + * ... + ### The event describes c - Capability (applied to an area) + * s - Surveillance + * r - Rescue + * f - Fires + * d - Direct fires + * i - Indirect fires + * l - Logistics (supply) + * f - Fuel + ...
+Pos | +Type | +Value | +
1 | +en: Coding scheme | +S - Warfighting G – Tactical Group |
2 | +en: Affiliation | +P - Pending U - Unknown A - Assumed Friend F - Friend N - Neutral S - Suspect H - Hostile G - Exercise Pending W - Exercise Unknown D - Exercise Friend L - Exercise Neutral M - Exercise Assumed Friend J - Joker K - Faker O - None Specified |
3 | +en: Battle Dimension | +If Coding scheme is S or I: P - Space A - Air G - Ground S - Sea Surface U - Sea Subsurface SF - Special Operations Forces If Coding scheme is O: V - Violent Activities L - Locations O – Operations I - Items P - Individual G - Nonmilitary Group or Organization R – Rape If Coding scheme is E: I - Incident N - Natural Events O - Operations F - Infrastructure |
4 | +en: Status | +A - Anticipated/Planned P - Present C - Present/Fully Capable D - Present/Damaged X - Present/Destroyed F - Present/Full to Capacity |
5-10 | +en: Function ID | +Any number of char before the first “dash”, it express also the hierarchy (Hundreds of options) |
11 | +en: Symbol Modifier 1 | +A - Headquarters M - Mobility |
12 | +en: Symbol Modifier 2 | +A - Team/Crew B - Squad C - Section D - Platoon/Detachment E - Company/Battery/Troop F - Battalion/Squadron G - Regiment/Group H - Brigade I - Division J - Corps/Mef K - Army L - Army Group/Front M - Region N – Command If Symbol Modifier 1 is M: O - Wheeled/Limited P - Wheeled Q - Tracked R - Wheeled and Tracked S - Towed T - Rail U - Over the Snow V - Sled W - Pack Animals Y - Barge Z – Amphibious If Symbol Modifier 1 is N: S - Towed Array (Short) L - Towed Array (Long) |
Equipment Manufacture is part of ‘WAR.GRDTRK.INS.EQTMNF’ code is
+S*G*IE----H**** +
+S | +* | +G | +* | +IE | +H | ++ | + | + | + | + | + |
War | +Affiliation | +Ground | +Battle Dimension | +Function ID | +installation | ++ | + | + | + | + | + |
Test code here:
+Equipment manufacture Building is part of Gnd/Structure/Factory
+Atom | +** ** | +Affiliation | +** ** | +** Ground ** | +** ** | +** Infrastrucure ** | +** ** | +** Equipment ** | +
a | +- | +. | +- | +G | +- | +I | +- | +E | +
This document describes how to install and secure Node-RED. +- Install Using Script (simple) +- Install using APT (advanced Users) +- Secure Node-RED
+The following script will do Installing and Upgrading Node-RED to install Node.js, npm and Node-RED onto a Ubuntu Raspberry Pi. The script can also be used to upgrade an existing install when a new release is available.
+Running the following command will download and run the script. If you want to review the contents of the script first, you can view it on Github.
+bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
+Enable service so that starts automagically:
+sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
+Run the Node-RED service:
+Navigate to your Node-RED:
+To install Node-RED with APT you will need to: +- Satisfy the requirements +- Create a Non root user +- Install Node JS
+This guide assumes that you are using Ubuntu 20.04 on cloud installation (we use digital Ocean).
+First create a special user and dedicated group:
+sudo useradd -m nodered -G nodered
+you can use the apt package manager. Refresh your local package index first by typing:
+sudo apt update
+Then install Node.js:
+sudo apt install nodejs
+ ```
+Check that the install was successful by querying node for its version number:
+node -v + ``` +Output something like this
+If the package in the repositories suits your needs, this is all you need to do to get set up with Node.js. In most cases, you’ll also want to also install npm, the Node.js package manager. You can do this by installing the npm package with apt:
+sudo apt install npm
+This will allow you to install modules and packages to use with Node.js.
+Use npm to install node-red and a helper utility called node-red-admin.
+sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red node-red-admin
+npm normally installs its packages into your current directory. Here, we use the -g flag to install packages ‘globally’ so they’re placed in standard system locations such as /usr/local/bin. The --unsafe-perm flag helps us avoid some errors that can pop up when npm tries to compile native modules (modules written in a compiled language such as C or C++ vs. JavaScript).
+After a bit of downloading and file shuffling, you’ll be returned to the normal command line prompt. Let’s test our install.
+First, we’ll need to open up a port on our firewall. Node-RED defaults to using port 1880, so let’s allow that.
+sudo ufw allow 1880
+And now launch Node-RED itself. No sudo is necessary, as port 1880 is high enough to not require root privileges.
+In order to start Node-RED automatically on startup, we’ll need to install a node-red.service file:
+Let's creates the service using the Tee command:
+sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/node-red.service >/dev/null << EOF
+After=syslog.target network.target
+ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node-red-pi --max-old-space-size=128 -v
+# log output to syslog as 'node-red'
+# non-root user to run as
+Now that our service file is installed , we need to enable it. This will enable it to execute on startup.
+sudo systemctl enable node-red
+Let’s manually start the service now to test that it’s still working.
+sudo systemctl start node-red
+ ```
+To shut it back down you can use:
+sudo systemctl stop node-red
+## Test Your Installation
+Point a browser back at the server’s port 1880 and verify that Node-RED is back up. e.g. if your server is installed under the IP
+``` browser
+You will see the welcome screen of Node-RED with the tutorial. +Now, to install the flows, click on the hamburger menu and then import:
+ +Download one of the FreeTAKHub integrations (json files). +Import into your Node-RED.
+Resolve any conflicts by importing additional nodes into your palette.
+You can find "Manage palette" from top right corner, "setting" > "Manage palette"
+ +By clicking "Manage palette" a "User setting" page will pop up.
+go to "Palette" > "install" tab and type "node-red-contrib-config" in the search bar
+ +Success!!!!
+ +By default, Node-RED is installed with no authentication to the user interface (UI), also called the "Editor". This means that anyone with your IP address can make changes to any of your flows, or even add malicious flows to your Node-RED instance. Once your Node-RED instance is up-and-running, you should immediately secure the editor with a password, at a minimum.
+The following will get you started on securing the Node-RED editor with a password.
+For more details on how to secure Node-RED, see the Node-RED docs here:
Switch to the Node-RED folder:
+cd ~/.node-red
+Edit the settings.js file:
+sudo nano settings.js
+Uncomment the adminAuth section +
+save the file and Exit.
+ CTRL+o
+You can now login to your Node-RED editor [YOUR-IP-ADDRESS]:1880. The default user name is admin, and the default password is password.
+This isn't enough.
+You'll want to create a unique password, which will require creating a password hash.
+This is detailed in the Node-RED docs here:
MediaMTX is a RTSP / RTPM capable software to stream in real time from / to TAK devices. +It's used with the FreeTAK UAS and TAK ICU
+Get the linux_amd64 installation package link from the release page +
+Download the MediaMTX release:
+wget https://github.com/aler9/mediamtx/releases/download/v0.22.2/mediamtx_v0.22.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
+Un-tar the package:
+tar -zxvf mediamtx_v0.22.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
+Edit the YAML file +
+To start the video server as a system daemon, we will create a systemd unit file. The systemd framework is the service manager used by Ubuntu, Debian and many other Linux distributions. By creating a unit file to manage the daemon, systemd will ensure the service is started with the OS and stays healthy.
+Move the executable:
+sudo mv mediamtx /usr/local/bin/
+Move the configuration file:
+sudo mv mediamtx.yml /usr/local/etc/
+Create the Unit File. Copy this complete text and paste into the console:
+sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/mediamtx.service >/dev/null << EOF
+ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mediamtx /usr/local/etc/mediamtx.yml
+Start the service:
+sudo systemctl start mediamtx.service
+Enable the service:
+sudo systemctl enable mediamtx.service
+ The VideoChecker allows a video stream to be published to all the connected clients. It's used with TAK ICU, but any type of client can be also used.
+Import into NodeRed the VideoChecker flow (you may already have it installed by the ZeroTouch ) +
+open the config node
+open the "Post Video to FTS" node
+insert a valid API token
+the FTH Voice server is based on Mumble +to install it manually: +* open a console terminal +* Do some cleaning
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get upgrade
+If will be asked to confirm installing any packages. Type Y and press Enter.
+Now Install Mumble Server.
+sudo apt-get install mumble-server
+as soon it' started you may want to configure it
+sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
+You can use your arrow keys to select your answer, then press Enter to continue.
+ +you will accept the default value of Yes because we want Mumble-Server to run when the server boots.
+ +Even if this will be a dedicated Mumble-Server, Now select Yes since this will ensure the lowest possible latency.
+SuperUser is the highest-level administrative account for the server. You’ll need to log in to Mumble with this user when you want to manage the server.
+ +Type a password, press Tab to select Ok, and press Enter.
+you will need to edit some configuration file. +with WinSCP navigate to
+In general you want to setp the following:
+; Port to bind TCP and UDP sockets to you can leave the standard.
+; Password to join server.
+;Welcome message sent to clients when they connect.
+check out the complete file for more info
+ + + + + + +The webmap provides insights of user presence and COTS shared with everyone. Also in his NodeRed version can create certain types of CoT. +there are 2 versions of the webmap: +1. webMap NodeRed Flow version +2. webMap Compiled version
+the webmap Flow works with all systems that supports Nodered. Advanced users should use this version.
+get the webmap.json the last release:
+import the flow into node red
+ +in the FTS UI edit the file config.py / +change the lines:
+ # webmap IP
+ # webmap port
+ WEBMAPPORT = *1880*
+manage palette
+ +install/update the required nodes
+ +The compiled version of the webmap work only with AMD64 CPU. Can installed with the ZeroTOuch installer or manually following the instructions below.
+## NOTICE +the webmap is not a background app, so it needs to remain open to receive information and will not persist it. +So to test ensure that you have connected users and do no switch to other tabs.
+get the link of the last release:
+login to your server and go to the opt folder
+cd /opt
+the console type
+wget https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub/releases/download/v0.2.5/FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5.zip
+to download the zip file
+ +install Unzip
+sudo apt install unzip
+unzip the package
+unzip FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5.zip
+make the file an executable
+sudo chmod +x FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5
+edit the config file webMAP_config.json +set FTH_FTS_URL to the IP and port of your FTS
+in the console type:
+./[package_name] /[PATHTOCONFIGURATIONFILE]/webMAP_config.json
+e.g. if your configuration file is under opt
+./FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5 /opt/webMAP_config.json
+now connect a TAK client to see if that displays +
+Systemd is the service manager used by Ubuntu, Debian and many other Linux distributions, and allows to launch rtsp-simple-server on boot.
+move the executable
+sudo mv FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5 /usr/local/bin/
+and configuration in the system:
+sudo mv webMAP_config.json /usr/local/etc/
+Create the service. copy this complete text and paste into the console:
+sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/webMap.service >/dev/null << EOF
+ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/FTH-webmap-linux-0.2.5 /usr/local/etc/webMAP_config.json
+Enable the service:
+sudo systemctl enable webMap.service
+start the service
+sudo systemctl start webMap.service
+ Depending from your skillset and passion you can participate to the project in different ways. +Jump to the proper Section to get the instructions, this page is structured so that the basic instructions applies to more adanced roles
+As a Hobby user you want to install and use the FTS-TAK platform.
+You are familiar with installing and configuring complex applications using the console, you understand network configuration
+As a developer you have code experience in one or many of the languages we use (Python, JavaScript)
+You are an architect or a very experienced developer with deep understanding of Object Oriented thinking, patterns and Models.
+we use Sparx Enterprise Architect as modeling tool.
+ + + + + + +this tutorial assumes that you are working under windows (tested under 11)
+Download python-3.11.1-amd64.exe from the source
+As an integrated Development Environment (IDE) we use VisualStudio Code. +VIsual Studio Code is integrated with GitHub, in fact you can start editing any file directly in the browser for committing lightweight code changes.
+For a more serious collaboration you should install the desktop version: +https://code.visualstudio.com/Download +with the following plugins:
+ +we use the Setting Sync plugin to keep the team setting aligned, ask us for the coordinates of the settings.
+Get Microsoft C++ Build Tools +
+ensure that you have "Desktop development with C++" installed +
+install a source code manager like TortoiseGit
+Clone both FreeTakServer and DigitalPy repos locally +
+py -m venv venv # setup virtual environment
+if you now take a look inside the directory of your venv, you’ll see something like this on Windows:
+├── Include
+├── Lib
+│ └── site-packages
+├── pyvenv.cfg
+└── Scripts
+ ├── activate
+ ├── activate.bat
+ ├── Activate.ps1
+ ├── deactivate.bat
+ ├── pip3.10.exe
+ ├── pip3.exe
+ ├── pip.exe
+ ├── python.exe
+ └── pythonw.exe
+Activate the virtual enviroment
+# In cmd.exe
+# In PowerShell
+show installed packages
+pip list
+ +pip install -e .
+change directory to DigitalPy dir
+cd .../DigitalPy
+install dependencies and DigitalPy as package
+pip install -e .
+open VS Code Explorer to the location of the FreeTAKServer project
+ + {
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "FTS",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "C:\[YOURPATH]\\src\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServer\\controllers\\services\\FTS.py",
+ "console": "integratedTerminal",
+ "justMyCode": false,
+ "env": {
+ "FTS_CONFIG_PATH": "C:\[YOURPATH]\\src\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServer\\FTSConfig.yaml",
+ "FTS_FIRST_START": "false",
+ }
+ ]
+In the folder containing FreeTakServer repo create a file: + FTSConfig.yaml
+Copy the example FTSConfig.yaml into the file just created
+ FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE: Welcome to FreeTAKServer FreeTAKServer-2.X alpha. The
+ Parrot is not dead. It’s just resting
+ #FTS_COT_PORT: 8087
+ #FTS_API_PORT: 19023
+ #FTS_FED_PORT: 9000
+ FTS_DB_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServer.db
+ #FTS_COT_TO_DB: True
+ FTS_MAINPATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServer
+ FTS_CERTS_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts
+ FTS_EXCHECK_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\ExCheck
+ FTS_EXCHECK_TEMPLATE_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\ExCheck\\template
+ FTS_EXCHECK_CHECKLIST_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\ExCheck\\checklist
+ FTS_DATAPACKAGE_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerDataPackageFolder
+ FTS_LOGFILE_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTakServerLogs
+ FTS_CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH: \\home\\ariel\\Workspace\\FTAK\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServer\\components\\core
+ FTS_EXTERNAL_COMPONENTS_PATH: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\components\\extended
+ FTS_CLIENT_PACKAGES: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\clientPackages
+ FTS_SERVER_KEYDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.key
+ FTS_SERVER_PEMDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.pem
+ FTS_TESTCLIENT_PEMDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\Client.pem
+ FTS_TESTCLIENT_KEYDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\Client.key
+ FTS_UNENCRYPTED_KEYDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.key.unencrypted
+ FTS_SERVER_P12DIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.p12
+ FTS_CADIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\ca.pem
+ FTS_CAKEYDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\ca.key
+ FTS_FEDERATION_CERTDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.pem
+ FTS_FEDERATION_KEYDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\server.key
+ FTS_CRLDIR: [PATH]\\FreeTakServer\\FreeTAKServerCerts\\FTS_CRL.json
+ FTS_WEBSOCKET_KEY: YourWebsocketKey
+Adjust paths to point to point to dir structure +Create a certs folder at the same level +Adjust FTS_CERTS_PATH to point to the newly created dir +Create new directory for the FreeTakServerLogs +Adjust FTS_LOGFILE_PATH to point to the newly created dir
+Hit F5 to run debug
+ + + + + + +FTS 1.6 supports Android deployment. The following instructions refers to a initial version (1.6.6), you install it at your own risk. This has been tested with Android 9, 10, 11 and Samsung S7, S8 and S9.
+FTS Android Edition has a minimal user interface, allowing to start and stop the FTS (including all the services). For advanced management you will need to install the web UI. +since 1.6 you can now run the UI independently from the backend. THis allow you to install your web UI centrally and to manage several instances of FTS.
+sudo python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer-UI=
+pip show FreeTAKServer-UI
# this IP will be used to connect with the FTS API
+ IP = ''
+sudo FLASK_APP=/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py python3 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py
if FTS crashes at the start, please check out the following
FTS-UI is installed with python's pip. One way to get pip on Android is with Pydroid3, available here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.iiec.pydroid3
+If you've installed Pydroid3 open the App and navigate to the terminal: +- In the upper right corner of Pydroid3, touch the 3 horizontal bars. +- Select "Terminal" +- Enter the following commands:
+pip3 install FreeTAKServer-UI==
+pip3 install SQLAlchemy==1.3.23
+pip3 install requests
+pip3 install eventlet
+pip3 show eventlet
+After eventlet installs we need to update a file to hardcode the tcp/udp protocol numbers due to incompatiabilities with Android
+- The output of pip3 show eventlet
Location should be similar to /data/user/0/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/python3.8/site-packages
+- The file we need to update with the tcp/udp protocol numbers is located in dns/rdtypes/IN/WKS.py
+- The full path of the file to edit using the eventlet Location output:
Now edit WKS.py
and update as indicated below:
+_proto_tcp = socket.getprotobyname('tcp')
+_proto_udp = socket.getprotobyname('udp')
+_proto_tcp = 6
+_proto_udp = 17
+FTS-UI config.py
assumes a Linux environment, we need to update this for Android by replacing the appropriate paths with /sdcard
for the following:
+- certpath
+- If you are not running FTS and FTS-UI on the same device you will need to update IP
+- The config file is located here: /data/user/0/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/config.py
Now edit config.py
and update as indicated below:
+ # This will connect to the FTS db
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + '/root/FTSDataBase.db'
+ # certificates path
+ certpath = "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/"
+ # This will connect to the FTS db
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + r'/sdcard/FTSDataBase.db'
+ # certificates path
+ certpath = "/sdcard/FreeTAKServer/certs/"
+FLASK_APP=/data/user/0/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py nohup python3 /data/user/0/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py
+Now open your web browser and navigate to
and login with the default creds (admin/password)
Error: ImportError: cannot import name '_ColumnEntity' from 'sqlalchemy.orm.query'
+Solution: You didn't downgrade SQLAlchemy correctly
Error: Protocol not found
+Solution: You didn't update WKS.py
Ansible is an Infrastructure-As-Code (IAC) tool used for managing and monitoring local or remote FTS servers.
+This repository includes Ansible roles to:
+Below is required for Windows machines.
+The machine must be running: Windows 10 Version 2004 or higher (Build 19041 or higher) or Windows 11.
+For Windows installations:
+Install WSL2.
+See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
+See also: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/how-to-install-wsl2-on-windows-10
+See also: https://www.sitepoint.com/wsl2/
+Install the WSL Ubuntu 20.04 distribution.
+See: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ubuntu-2004-lts/9n6svws3rx71
repositoryIn the console:
+sudo apt update
+Make sure you have git
sudo apt install -y git
+Go to the home directory:
+cd ~
+Clone the FreeTAKHub-Installation
git clone https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation.git
+Go to the top-level directory of the FreeTAKHub-Installation repository:
+cd FreeTAKHub-Installation
+If you have previously cloned the repository, update the repository:
+git pull
+At the top-level directory of the FreeTAKHub-Installation
repository, enter:
+Optional (But Recommended!): Activate the Python virtual environment:
+To deactivate the Python virtual environment:
+To learn more about Python virtual environments and why they are a good idea, see:
+The manual installation allows more control.
+In the console, enter:
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt -y install software-properties-common
+sudo add-apt-repository --y --update ppa:ansible/ansible
+sudo apt install -y ansible
+Go to the top-level directory of the FreeTAKHub-Installation
cd ~/FreeTAKHub-Installation
+Run the Ansible playbook to install FreeTAKServer and components:
+sudo ansible-playbook install_all.yml
+Directions to check installation here.
+ + + + + + +the ZeroTouch (ZT or ZTI) installation is the simplest way to install FTS. +Has been tested on the cloud and on the RasberryPi however only on Digital Ocean cloud you will have the perfect experience, where all is installed and configured.
+To install, enter into the console on a Ubuntu 22.04 server:
+wget -qO - bit.ly/freetakhub2 | sudo bash
+in alternative use the long form
+wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation/main/scripts/easy_install.sh | sudo bash
+If you are still wanting to use the previous "legacy" version, please use the following command (please note this must be done in Ubuntu 20.04)
+wget -qO - bit.ly/freetakhub2 | sudo INSTALL_TYPE=legacy bash
+NOTE: +* Intel-based architecture + * The map in the web interface may not work with non-Intel-based architecture.
+The command wget -qO - bit.ly/freetakhub2 | sudo bash is a combination of several commands and options used together to perform a specific task. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the command does:
+wget: This is the command for a popular network downloader utility. +-q: This option tells wget to operate in quiet mode, which suppresses the usual output. +O -: as the capital letter 'o'. The -O - option tells wget to redirect the downloaded content to standard output (stdout) instead of saving it to a file. The - character is used here to denote stdout. +bit.ly/freetakhub2: This is a shortened URL using the bit.ly service. It redirects to a longer URL from which wget will download content. +|: This is a pipe. It takes the output of the command on its left (wget in this case) and uses it as the input for the command on its right. +sudo bash: +sudo: This command is used to execute the following command (bash) with superuser (root) privileges. It's required for commands that need higher permissions to run, typically for installing software or modifying system files. +bash: This is the command to invoke the Bash shell. When used without a filename, bash will read and execute commands from its standard input (which, in this case, is the output of wget). +Putting it all together, wget -qO - bit.ly/freetakhub2 | sudo bash downloads the content from the URL shortened as bit.ly/freetakhub2, then immediately executes that content as a bash script with superuser privileges.
+This script will install and configure FreeTAKHub components.
+This script prompts the user to select specific FreeTAKHub components to install:
+wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation/main/scripts/advanced_install.sh | sudo bash
+Shortened URL for Custom Deployment (under construction)
+wget -qO rb.gy/ocghax | sudo bash
+at the end of the ZT you will see a report that will provide credentials and a play recap + +you may now proceed to [Installation Check]{(https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKServer-User-Docs/blob/main/docs/docs/Installation/Troubleshooting/InstallationCheck.md)
+the current name of the services installed by the Zero Touch :
+ systemctl list-units --type=service
+to see if they are installed and active
+systemctl status [SERVICENAME].service
+to get the exact location
+ + + + + + + +9997 - REST API +9998 - Metrics Listener
+ +sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
+sudo reboot
+ip a
+grab $[publicip] from your instance details page
+sudo ip addr add $publicip dev $ethernetadapter
+wget -qO - bit.ly/ftszerotouch | sudo bash
+If anything fails, check IP values in the following files:
+This installation has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.
+Other operating systems may work, but are untested.
+The later executions will require admin privileges.
+Create an adminuser first:
+sudo adduser adminuser
+Add passwordless to adminuser.
+First type:
+sudo visudo
+Then add at the bottom:
+adminuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
+To save and quit in the nano
then ENTER
to save.CTRL + X
to exit.In the Ubuntu console:
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt install -y software-properties-common gnupg curl git
+sudo add-apt-repository -y --update ppa:ansible/ansible
+curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
+sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main"
+sudo apt install -y ansible terraform
Git repositoryGo to the home directory:
+cd ~
+git clone https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation.git
+Go to the FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation
cd FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation
+For the default, enter (and keep pressing enter):
+Print out the public key for the next step.
+If you did the default, the command will be:
+cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+See: https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/droplets/how-to/add-ssh-keys/to-account/
+See: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/create-personal-access-token/
+In the top-level directory of the project, initialize Terraform:
+terraform init
+Then apply:
+terraform apply
+You will then be prompted for your DigitalOcean Token and private key path:
+ ABSOLUTE path to private key, for example: /home/adminuser/.ssh/id_rsa
+ Enter a value: /home/adminuser/.ssh/id_rsa
+ In this example we will use the provider Digital Ocean
+in this example we will use Digital ocean.
+select the region that is the closesest to you +
+generate a new SSH key and dowload it. It will download 2 files 1 with PEM extension and the second without extension
+ssh vcloud@ipaddress –i privkey.pem
WinSCP can be used on the top of Putty to make browsing and editing of files more confortable.
+## Next step + you can now start installing FTS using the ZeroTouch or the Manual Installation
+ + + + + + +With the docker container isolating the running instance you also need to use docker to access the cli.
+docker exec -it fts python3 -m FreeTAKServer.views.CLI
+This will open a CLI instance attached to the process running in the container.
+With the CLI open in your terminal you can view supported commands by running help
This is assuming a fresh installation of Debian 10.
+sudo apt-get install curl
+curl https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh | sh
+Or follow the docker installation guide. +https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/
+docker volume create fts_data
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server Connection Message" -e FTS_SAVE_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data:/host/system/folder --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+Alternatively, you can use the example docker-compose.yml
available here by copying docker-compose.yml
into a directory and then doing docker-compose up
or docker-compose up -d
to bring the container up, and in the background, respectively. The docker-compose.yml
uses a bind mount to ./data
It is possible to run FreeTakServer multiple times on a single host by changing the port numbers.
+If you follow an installation guide for your target platform and have a container running named fts
using the default ports, this will explain how to run a second server on non default ports.
Currently due to a bug in the ATAK client you will need to share packages across all FTS servers on the same host. The additional servers will use the first server, using the default port of 8080 for data packages.
+docker volume create fts_data2
+docker run -d -p 8088:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server 2" -e FTS_SAVE_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data2:/host/system/folder --name fts2 --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+We can use this command as a template to run as many FTS server instances as we would like on a single host by changing the name of the container and the ports FTS is running on. +So long as we avoid collisions on ports and names, if we have the resources we can run multiple servers with ease.
+ + + + + + +This will run FreeTAKServer without persistent data storage with all default settings.
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+All persistent data is stored to /data and may be volume mounted. The host volume needs to be owned by user and group 1000.
+docker volume create fts_data
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server Connection Message" -e FTS_SAVE_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data:/host/system/folder --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+It is also possible to use an absolute path with a blind mount on the host instead of a proper volume. For more information about volumes https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/
+Alternatively, you can use the example docker-compose.yml
available here by copying docker-compose.yml
into a directory and then doing docker-compose up
or docker-compose up -d
to bring the container up, and in the background, respectively. The docker-compose.yml
uses a bind mount to ./data
It is recommended to use a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB or 8GB of ram.
+This guide assumes that you have a clean install of Raspberry Pi OS or Raspbian. +You may also use the 64 bit Ubuntu 20.04 server prepared for the Raspberry Pi 4.
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
+sudo apt-get install curl
+curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
+sudo sh get-docker.sh
+docker volume create fts_data
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server Connection Message" -e FTS_SAVE_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data:/host/system/folder --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+Alternatively, you can use the example docker-compose.yml
available here by copying docker-compose.yml
into a directory and then doing docker-compose up
or docker-compose up -d
to bring the container up, and in the background, respectively. The docker-compose.yml
uses a bind mount to ./data
Raspberry Pi's prior to the Pi3 have not been tested, and would not be recommended for use.
+ + + + + + +To upgrade the container to a new version you simply stop the container running the version you wish to upgrade from, and start a container running the version you want to upgrade to. To have data transfered between versions you need to have used a volume during the initial set up.
+docker stop fts
+docker rm fts
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server Connection Message" -e FTS_SAVE_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data:/data --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:{New FTS version}
+If using the docker-compose.yml
file, perform the following:
docker-compose pull
+docker-compose down
+docker-compose up
+# alternatively, use docker-compose up -d to run in the background
+ The official Docker image for FreeTAKServer. +As October 2023 the docker image is not maintained by the core team. If you are technically skilled you can try to build it.
+When using this docker container we suggested that you use the --restart unless-stopped
flag as shown in the examples. This will enure that the service automatically starts with the host and will restart if it encounters an error and crashes. The port mappings in the examples are required to make the service accessable to hosts. All environment variables are optional. All data is stored in a single directory for ease of persistent data between container versions.
docker volume create fts_data
+docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8087:8087/tcp -e FTS_CONNECTION_MESSAGE="Server Connection Message" -e FTS_COT_TO_DB="True" -v fts_data:/data --name fts --restart unless-stopped freetakteam/freetakserver:1.1.2
+Alternatively, you can use the example docker-compose.yml
available here by copying docker-compose.yml
into a directory and then doing docker-compose up
or docker-compose up -d
to bring the container up, and in the background, respectively. The docker-compose.yml
uses a bind mount to ./data
The docker image runs the ports on the same defaults as FreeTAKServer. You can use the -e
flag to map these ports to different ports or to run multiple FreeTAKServer's concurrently on the same host.
All environment variables will apply to FTS. However, these are some additional ones specific to this docker image.
+APPPORT: Allows hosting FTS UI from a different port, if needed
+APIIP: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different API port, if needed. Will use the `IP` environment variable, if not specified
+APIPORT: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different API port, if needed
+APIPROTOCOL: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different API protocol, if needed
+WEBMAPIP: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different webmap IP, if needed
+WEBMAPPORT: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different webmap port, if needed
+WEBMAPPROTOCOL: Allows the FTS UI to specify a different webmap protocol, if needed
+All data in this container is stored in /data
. This directory will need to be stored to a volume if you wish to persist data between updates.
If you use a storage volume you may need to run docker inspect fts_data
to find where it saved the data. It will return something similar to this:
root@fts:/home/ubuntu# docker inspect fts_data
+ {
+ "CreatedAt": "2020-11-12T03:32:53Z",
+ "Driver": "local",
+ "Labels": {},
+ "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/fts_data/_data",
+ "Name": "fts_data",
+ "Options": {},
+ "Scope": "local"
+ }
+The docker-compose.yml
example utilizes a bind mount to ./data
in the same directory.
Currently the container is being cross compiled for linux/amd64
, linux/arm64
and linux/arm/v7
. If additional processor architectures are needed please open an issue and request a new one.
TAK Infrastructure thoughts: Give some thought to how you are going to deploy FTS server. + 1. Cloud - A Digital Ocean (DO) or other virtually hosted server will allow quickest deployment and is scalable to as many users as you wish + 2. LAN - An RPi server located on your home/office LAN may require additional complexities for non-LAN TAK clients to access your server, e.g. dynamic +DNS services (noip.com) and NAT port forwarding. +VPN - An RPi server running as a ZeroTier (or other SD-WAN) client will mostly circumvent the need for the complexities listed above and allow any TAK +client on the ZeroTier network to access the RPi server regardless of internet connection method (broadband, cellular data, etc.) +Edge - An RPi server running on an ad hoc or local infrastructure LAN configuration – Can be setup completely off-grid and without reliance on a +functioning internet, but will suffer significant limitations in range for TAK clients to connect. +Hybrid off-grid – A DO installed server or RPi with one or more of the TAK clients connected as a “bridge” to an off-grid mesh network such as Meshtastic +LoRa. This configuration will allow any off-grid Meshtastic clients to have their communications reach all “internet-connected” TAK clients via a +TAK client who is simultaneously connected to both the internet and mesh sides of the network.
+Network 101 +FreeTAKServer is a server application designed for use for Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) clients. Like many server applications, FreeTAKServer requires a public IP address in order to be accessible from outside the local network.
+A public IP address is a globally unique IP address that is assigned to a device by an internet service provider (ISP). Devices on the internet use public IP addresses to communicate with each other, and public IP addresses are necessary for devices to be accessible from outside the local network.
+Without a public IP address, FreeTAKServer would only be visible within the local network. This means that devices outside the local network, such as those on the internet, would not be able to access or communicate with the server. In order for FreeTAKServer to be accessible from outside the local network, it must have a public IP address that is routable on the internet.
+One way to make FreeTAKServer accessible from outside the local network is to configure port forwarding on the router that connects the local network to the internet. This allows incoming traffic on a specific port to be forwarded to the FreeTAKServer, making it accessible from the internet using the public IP address of the router. Another option is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect to the local network, which can allow remote devices to access FreeTAKServer as if they were on the local network with a private IP address.
+A 19.X.X.X IP address is part of the range of IP addresses that have been reserved for private networks according to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) standard. The 19.X.X.X range falls within the private IP address space defined by the RFC 1918.
+Private IP addresses are used for local area networks (LANs) and are not routable over the public internet. They can be used by anyone without the need to register or pay for them. Private IP addresses are typically assigned by your home router using Network Address Translation (NAT), which allows multiple devices on a LAN to share a single public IP address.
+In the case of a 19.X.X.X address, it would typically be assigned to a device on a private network, such as a home or office LAN. This device would not be directly accessible from the internet, as the 19.X.X.X address is not publicly routable.
+Using private IP addresses like 19.X.X.X can help improve network security by keeping internal devices hidden from external networks, while still allowing them to communicate with each other within the private network.
+When you connect to the internet, your device is assigned a public IP address that can be seen by other devices on the internet. This public IP address is used to route traffic between your device and other devices on the internet. However, devices on the internet cannot directly access or see the private IP addresses used on your local network, such as a 19.X.X.X address.
+ + + + + + +This guide will walk you through installing FreeTAKServer 2.0
+The main supported OS is Ubuntu 20.04. Due to cross-compatibility, Debian 10 and the latest Raspbian also work.
+Centos/RHEL/Fedora installation instructions are provided on a best-effort volunteer basis.
+Update OS Packages before proceeding with the installation
+sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
+sudo dnf update
+sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 && sudo apt install python3-pip
+sudo apt install python3-dev python3-setuptools build-essential python3-gevent python3-lxml libcairo2-dev
+sudo dnf group install "C Development Tools and Libraries" "Development Tools"
+sudo dnf install python3 python3-pip cairo cairo-devel python3-cairo python3-cairo-devel python3-gevent python3-lxml python3-virtualenv
+Create and activate a virtualenv for the next steps
+virtualenv venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+sudo pip3 install wheel pycairo
+Note, use of pip with sudo is not recommended and you will be warned about this!
+pip install wheel pycairo
+sudo pip3 uninstall FreeTAKServer
+sudo pip3 uninstall FreeTAKServer-UI
+rm -rf venv/
+pip uninstall FreeTAKServer FreeTAKServer-UI
+Delete the database and log folders
+sudo rm /opt/FTSDataBase.db
+sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/<your-python-version>/<dist or site>-packages/FreeTAKServer
+Install the FreeTAKServer and the associated Web UI
+sudo python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]
+pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]
+The FreeTAKServer can be installed without the UI, however this makes the
+server much more difficult to use and is probably not what you want. This can be done using the FreeTAKServer
pip package only.
python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]==version-number
+For example, if you want to install version Alpha of the requests package, you can run the following command:
+python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]==
+Old installations can be installed in the same way, if desired.
+This will download and install version of FreeTAKServer. If no version number is specified, then the latest normal release will be installed.
+The pip utility allows the user to check the installation and dependency status of a package.
+pip check FreeTakServer
+You should see No broken requirements found.
displayed, in which case you can
+proceed. Otherwise there was an issue with the pip installation and you should
+investigate the pip-generated installation logs for more information.
FTS versions older than 1.9 are not configured this way. For versions <1.9 you +will need to locate older versions of this document in the repo history.
+sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+python -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+++:memo: Note: Warnings about
+failed to register component
are OK. +Your system will run fine with these warnings. Starting with FTS 2.0 some future +functionality is declared but not fully implemented.
On the first run, a configuration wizard will help set up the config file.
+++:memo: Note: If the wizard does not appear, see troubleshooting.
The default configuration option is presented in [brackets]. +If the default is acceptable you can simply press enter without entering any text +to automatically use the default.
+An example is provided below, your exact configuration will differ.
+would you like to use a yaml config file,
+ if yes you will be prompted for further configuration options [yes]:
+where would you like to save the yaml config [/opt/fts/FTSConfig.yaml]:
+enter ip []:
+enter the preferred database type (MySQL is highly experimental if you're not sure leave default) [SQLite]:
+enter the preferred database path [/opt/fts/FTSDataBase.db]:
+enter the preferred main path [/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/FreeTAKServer]:
+enter the preferred log file path [/opt/fts/Logs]:
+++:memo: Note: The IP in this configuration wizard is the FTS_MAIN_IP. +This must be your EXTERNAL IP.
MySQL usage is beyond the scope of this guide, if you wish to use MySQL, it is +assumed you know how to configure database servers already. Some additional +information for MySQL installations is available in the +FTS-UI configuration section.
+The database and log filepaths can be anywhere that the server's host user can +access.
+The main path should be the directory where pip installed FreeTAKServer. +This can be found under your python packages directory. In virtualenv installations, +it is inside the virtualenv directory.
+The wizard creates the YAML configuration file under the location you selected, +the default location is /opt/FTSConfig.yaml
+FreeTAKServer will then proceed start all the services.
+++:warning: Warning: Before modifying the YAML file, FreeTAKServer +must be stopped!
Use the keyboard chord CTRL + C
twice in the console running FTS to stop
A separate guide is maintained for manual configuration of your FTS install.
+FTS sends a welcome message on client connection which is configurable. See the FreeTAKServer/core/configuration/MainConfig.py
file to change it.
ConnectionMessage = f'Welcome to FreeTAKServer {version}. The Parrot is not dead. It’s just resting'
+Edit the config.py
file in the FreeTAKServer-UI
directory where it was installed by pip
Edit the IP value to your external IP, for example:
+# this IP will be used to connect with the FTS API
+IP = ''
+Set the web map IP address, for example:
+# the public IP your server is exposing
+APPIP = ''
+# webmap IP
+In a default installation, the port should be 19023
+Advanced users may wish to use a different port.
# Port the UI uses to communicate with the API
+ PORT = '19023'
+The following items can be updated to use your own secrets, however the values
+must be updated in both the FreeTAKServer-UI/config.py
and the
The API key used by the UI to comunicate with FTS. +Generate a new system user and then set it. +~~What does this mean? Where is a user generated? What is a system user?~~
+app.config['APIKEY'] = 'Bearer [API_TOKEN]'
+app.config['WEBSOCKETKEY'] = '[Your_Web_socket_Key]'
+To use a MySQL database, update the URI to point to your database.
+Database setup is beyond the scope of this document.
+SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://' + 'user:pass@localhost/dbname'
+Some additional parameters can be found in the __init__.py
file in the
These configure dashboard update frequency, ~~health pings?~~, +~~status messages?~~, and the file size limit for data packages.
+app.config['USERINTERVAL'] = '180000';
+app.config['SERVERHEALTHINTERVAL'] = '180000';
+app.config['SYSSTATUSINTERVAL'] = '600000';
+app.config['DATAPACKAGESIZELIMIT'] = '15360000';
+In the terminal, navigate to the FreeTAKServer-UI
directory wherever it was
+installed by the pip utility.
Start the UI from the terminal using python:
+sudo python3 run.py
+ python run.py
+You will see the UI server start up in your terminal, which should look similar +to that shown below.
+(55501) wsgi starting up on
+(55501) accepted ('', 49842)
+To run the server without keeping the console open, a service can be created.
+See: Service
+Typically the web UI is installed on the same machine as FTS, however you can install it on a separate machine and even use it to manage several instances.
+If you're installing FTS-UI on a separate server the following commands may help:
+sudo pip install WTForms==2.3.3
+sudo pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.20
+sudo pip install eventlet
+The config file will also need to be updated.
+IP = [FTS external IP]
+APPIP = [FTS-UI internal IP]
+After finishing all the steps, make sure your configuration is acceptable and +server running properly.
+sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+If you see FTS start without error you may hit ctrl+c
twice and move onto running FTS.
your FTS is now configured
+If you have setup the UI, from the Admin console send a message hello world to the client
+The default credentials for the UI are admin
and password
You are encouraged to update these quickly.
+In the event of a wtforms error, install it using pip:
+pip3 install WTForms==2.3.3
+Warnings about failed to register component
are OK.
+Your system will run fine with these warnings. Starting with FTS 2.0 some future
+functionality is declared but not fully implemented.
Usually this happens when you are using an OS that has a strong default firewall.
+Ensure all the ports you have set in your config files are open on the firewall +for TCP traffic.
+firewall-cmd --add-port=19023/tcp
+Depending on the linux distro your config file for FTS will be in a python version dependant location. +you can use pip to discover the location. Type:
+ sudo python3 -m pip show FreeTAKServer
+If you are running python 3.7 you would get
+similarly, If you are running python 3.8
+You can edit the file via nano with the following command
+sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/controllers/configuration/MainConfig.py
+To exit nano ctrl+x
and then enter y
to save and hit enter.
OPTIONAL this should not be necessary since FTS 1.5
+you need to change the DBFilePath
value to something valid, if you are running as root, '/root' is a good choice.
Original Value
+ # this should be set before startup
+ DBFilePath = str(r'/opt/FTSDataBase.db')
+As roots Home Folder
+ # this should be set before startup
+ DBFilePath = str(r'/root/FTSDataBase.db')
+FTS supports an abstraction layer, so it's easy to use a different database like MySQL. MYSQL is still experimental support, so use at your own risk. +To switch to a MySQL database
+ # this should be set before startup
+ DBFilePath = str('user:pass@localhost/dbname')
+And then under
+sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/controllers/configuration/DatabaseConfiguration.py
+DataBaseType = str('sqlite:///')
+DataBaseType = str('mysql://')
+ If you have not installed FreeTAKServer please follow the installation guide first.
+sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+If you have FTS running in the terminal how you would like it's time to move on to running FTS as a service.
+those parameters were supported in previous version of FTS
+Flag | +Default | +Description | +
-AutoStart | ++ | Weather the full server start or just the RestAPI, must be True or False | +
-CoTIP | ++ | Your Server IP | +
-CoTPort | +8087 | +The port you want clients to connect to | +
-SSLCoTIP | ++ | Your SSL Server IP | +
-SSLCoTPort | +8089 | +The port you want SSL clients to connect to | +
-DataPackageIP | + | +The IP where data packages are served from | +
-DataPackagePort | +8080 | +The port you want Data Packages to be sent and received on | +
-SSLDataPackageIP | + | +The IP where data SSL packages are served from | +
-SSLDataPackagePort | +8443 | +The port you want SSL Data Packages to be sent and received on | +
Running FreeTAKServer as a service on your Linux server can be achieved in multiple ways.
+Cron or Crontab is a basic scheduler that ships with most linux distributions.
+We can use this to get a very basic service running with minimal effort.
+sudo crontab -e
+Add this line to the bottom of the file
+@reboot nohup sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS &
+You will need to add any start parameters to the crontab file such as -DataPackageIP
Systemd is nearly unavoidable. It has permiated so many aspects of the Linux ecosystem that it's necessary for any Linux admin to know at least the basics of how it works. +One of the major selling points of systemd is the ease of writing service files. +They aren't scripts. Instead, they're basic configuration files. While they can grow to be complex, they are usually very simple.
+The main directive is ExecStart, which specifies the command that should be run when the service is started. The command is
+/usr/bin/python3 -m /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py.
+Here's what each part of the command does: +/usr/bin/python3: This specifies the Python interpreter that should be used to run the code. +-m: This option tells Python to run a module as a script. +/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py: This is the path to the Python module that should be run as a script. +So when the service is started, the Python interpreter will run the run.py module located in the /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/ directory.
+This code above is running FreeTAKServer-UI, which is a user interface for FreeTAKServer. When the Systemd service is started, it will start the FreeTAKServer-UI interface, allowing users to interact with the FreeTAKServer software through a web browser.
+++Note +You will need create two seperate systemd files, if you're using Web UI +- fts.service +- fts-ui.service
Systemd services exist at
+Any .service file that you create in that directory can be run as a service, if you construct it properly. +Create a file that you would like with the .service extension. +In our case, to create a file as /etc/systemd/system/FreeTAKServer.service with the following content: +(modify the parameters as needed) +copy and past in the console
+sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/fts.service >/dev/null << EOF
+Description=FreeTAK Server service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+And reload systemd so it will load new unit file:
+sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+sudo systemctl start fts.service
+sudo systemctl status fts.service
+sudo systemctl stop fts.service
+sudo systemctl enable fts.service
+similarly the UI service can be created with
+sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/fts-ui.service >/dev/null << EOF
+Description=FreeTAKServer UI service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py
+see also ZeroTouchInstall Services section to see the complete list of the services created by the installer
+ + + + + + +in certain cases, if you already installed FTS with pip you can use
+pip install FreeTAKServer[UI] --upgrade
+this is not warranted to work with version 1.9.9, often the best way is to delete the installation (saving first the the data) and start from zero. +To remove your installation
+sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/python3.8/FreeTAKServer
+ this procedure Installs FTS + UI + video Server of a Rasberry Pi
+you need a Pi with at least 4 GB RAM
+Need to start with new install of ubuntu 20.04 server for pi 64 FTS 2.x need ubuntu 22.04 +https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/22.04/release/ +Previous FTS versions works with 20.04 +https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04.4/release/ubuntu-20.04.3-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz
+download an imager
+follow the instructions to create a card with the image +
+sudo apt-get update; sudo reboot -n; sudo apt-get upgrade
+reboot be needed a couple times to get the OS completely updated
+sudo reboot -n might
install wget
+sudo apt install wget
+wget -qO - bit.ly/freetakhub2 | sudo bash
+in alternative use
+wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub-Installation/main/scripts/easy_install.sh | bash
+++ version of Zero Touch DOES NOT install the compiled webmap. You will need to install the flow version
+ * Use
+sudo vim /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/config.py
sudo systemctl start fts
sudo systemctl start fts-ui
To setup: Under Host Name, enter your RPi IP address and select SSH for Connection type
+WinSCP – A GUI-type file manager. Helpful for basic file management and understanding the RPi’s file structure. You can also start Putty from a WinSCP
+Click OK and then Save (if desired)
+ZeroTier - A software-defined wide area networking infrastructure that allows you to create a virtual network that is relatively secure and under +your control. Allows clients to have static IPs that can be accessed regardless of location on the internet and can be toggled on/off instantly
+Open a web browser to:
+Open a web browser to:
+Confirm the configuration (which is in json
+ "logLevel": "info",
+ "logDestinations": [
+ "stdout"
+ ],
+ "logFile": "rtsp-simple-server.log",
+ "readTimeout": "10s",
+ "writeTimeout": "10s",
+ "readBufferCount": 512,
+ "api": true,
+ "apiAddress": "<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:9997",
+ "metrics": false,
+ "metricsAddress": "",
+ "pprof": false,
+ "pprofAddress": "",
+ "runOnConnect": "",
+ "runOnConnectRestart": false,
+ "rtspDisable": false,
+ "protocols": [
+ "multicast",
+ "tcp",
+ "udp"
+ ],
+ "encryption": "no",
+ "rtspAddress": ":8554",
+ "rtspsAddress": ":8555",
+ "rtpAddress": ":8000",
+ "rtcpAddress": ":8001",
+ "multicastIPRange": "",
+ "multicastRTPPort": 8002,
+ "multicastRTCPPort": 8003,
+ "serverKey": "server.key",
+ "serverCert": "server.crt",
+ "authMethods": [
+ "basic",
+ "digest"
+ ],
+ "readBufferSize": 2048,
+ "rtmpDisable": false,
+ "rtmpAddress": ":1935",
+ "hlsDisable": false,
+ "hlsAddress": ":8888",
+ "hlsAlwaysRemux": false,
+ "hlsSegmentCount": 3,
+ "hlsSegmentDuration": "1s",
+ "hlsAllowOrigin": "*",
+ "paths": {
+ "~^.*$": {
+ "source": "publisher",
+ "sourceProtocol": "automatic",
+ "sourceAnyPortEnable": false,
+ "sourceFingerprint": "",
+ "sourceOnDemand": false,
+ "sourceOnDemandStartTimeout": "10s",
+ "sourceOnDemandCloseAfter": "10s",
+ "sourceRedirect": "",
+ "disablePublisherOverride": false,
+ "fallback": "",
+ "publishUser": "",
+ "publishPass": "",
+ "publishIPs": [],
+ "readUser": "",
+ "readPass": "",
+ "readIPs": [],
+ "runOnInit": "",
+ "runOnInitRestart": false,
+ "runOnDemand": "",
+ "runOnDemandRestart": false,
+ "runOnDemandStartTimeout": "10s",
+ "runOnDemandCloseAfter": "10s",
+ "runOnPublish": "",
+ "runOnPublishRestart": false,
+ "runOnRead": "",
+ "runOnReadRestart": false
+ }
+ }
+Open a web browser to:
+Confirm you see a login prompt. +see NodeRed for more information
+connect a client to
Currently, there is a known issue of a socket leak, causing SSL to stop working after a period of time. Even restarting the server OS would not help, documented under: https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTakServer/issues/368
+The cause is that Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is expired. +A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a type of security feature used in public key infrastructure (PKI) systems. +It is a list of digital certificates that have been revoked by the certificate authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date. +This list contains information about the certificate serial numbers, the revocation dates, and the reason for revocation. +Since FTS version 1.9, when you delete a user that has a certificate, the certificate will be revoked. +We have now created a script that will fix the issue re-creating the CRL.
+Please follow the steps below. Note that if you are trying to use this with 2.x.y the next step is not necessary:
+pip install DigitalPy>=
+ python3 -m digitalpy.core.security.crl_regen --ca-pem-path /opt/fts/certs/ca.pem --ca-key-path /opt/fts/certs/ca.key --crl-path /opt/fts/certs/FTS_CRL.json
+ sudo systemctl stop fts && sudo pkill python
+sudo reboot -n
+/usr/local/lib/python{{ python_version }}/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs
+If you have an issue with SSL probably depends on a limited amount of socket files you can open on the machine. +in a console type
+ulimit -n
+If you get 1024 or less you will need to increase the allowed file descriptors for the user.
+The procedure on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 is this:
+sudo sed -i 's/DefaultLimitNOFILE=1024/DefaultLimitNOFILE=1048576 /g' /etc/systemd/system.conf
+grep NOFILE /etc/systemd/system.conf DefaultLimitNOFILE=1048576
+or +open the file with an editor
+vi /etc/systemd/system.conf
+open the file with an editor and edit line 61 +Uncomment DefaultLimitNOFILE and set your limit there, e.
+Restart with:
+shutdown -r 0
+Then, check the user file descriptor limit again:
+ulimit -n
+$ ulimit -n
+$ ulimit -Sn
+$ ulimit -Hn
+$ ulimit -n
+$ ulimit -Sn
+$ ulimit -Hn
+The limits can be controlled by systemd and this is what we do here — instruct systemd to set it to 100k. +Note that this setting will apply to all users
+by increasing the soft limit for no file here +/etc/security/limits.conf
+you should be able to increase this time, try 20000 and in theory the time should multiply 20x +so you should be able to run for about 40 hours uninterrupted +the file may also be under the path /etc/limits.conf +also add this line:
+fs.file-max = 65536
+to this file: /etc/sysctl.conf +then restart and check file limits with this
+ulimit -Sn
+ While FTS will work with this OS, we do not support it
+FTS 2.0 supports 22.04 older versions require Ubuntu 20.04
+FTS 2.0 has been tested with Python 3.11, should work with others verson (3.10). Older versions require 3.8
+This has been adressed, so you should not have the issue. The older webmap was a Nodered packaged component, compiled for AMD64, so it will not run in the Pi. +You need to: + * install Node Red + * import the flow from source + * configure the flow
+copy this code, adapting to your enviroment
+ FTS_COT_PORT: 8087
+ FTS_API_PORT: 19023
+ FTS_FED_PORT: 9000
+ FTS_CONFIG_PATH: /opt/FTSConfig.yaml
+ FTS_DB_PATH: /opt/FreeTAKServer.db
+ FTS_MAINPATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer
+ FTS_CERTS_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs
+ FTS_EXCHECK_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/ExCheck
+ FTS_EXCHECK_TEMPLATE_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/ExCheck/template
+ FTS_EXCHECK_CHECKLIST_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/ExCheck/checklist
+ FTS_DATAPACKAGE_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/FreeTAKServerDataPackageFolder
+ FTS_LOGFILE_PATH: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/Logs
+ FTS_SERVER_KEYDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.key
+ FTS_SERVER_PEMDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.pem
+ FTS_TESTCLIENT_PEMDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/Client.pem
+ FTS_TESTCLIENT_KEYDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/Client.key
+ FTS_UNENCRYPTED_KEYDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.key.unencrypted
+ FTS_SERVER_P12DIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.p12
+ FTS_CADIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/ca.pem
+ FTS_CAKEYDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/ca.key
+ FTS_FEDERATION_CERTDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.pem
+ FTS_FEDERATION_KEYDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/server.key
+ FTS_CRLDIR: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer/certs/FTS_CRL.json
+for fts check out
+for the UI check out
+for the webmap check out
+for the video server check out
+ISSUE: SSL certs are not working +Cause: the certs are duplicated on your machine
+This has been observed on ATAK 4.7 + and WinTAK for functions that requires both encrypted TCP and SSL connections. the ExChcek plugin is an example of that. the main symptom on the client is that the connection to the server fails (for specific funtions). This is NOT a FTS issue, it's provoked by ATAK way to store certificates.
This is a problem of the client not sending data. +WinTAK: under settings/network preferences set the TCP Connection timeout higher, (e.g. 60 seconds) +ATAK: under settings/network preferences/ network connection preferences / TCP conection timeout (e.g. 40 seconds)
+if, trying to start FTS you get an error 'package not found'
+'package not found'
+navigate to the physical location where the controllers are installed and start the server from there.
+You may also check for missing libraries and install then using pip
+if you have issues connecting winTAK to FTS, try to deactivate the TAKChat plugin, under the plugin section
+If you have issue connecting to FTS using SSL, even if you have downloaded new certs, you need to manually delete the old files from your device. In WinTAK (tested with 4.9) you can find certs files under
+you should have 3 certifications files in the format + * [IP]_FreeTAKServer-Hash + * 198-199-70-185_FreeTAKServer-2-a3_wbu7kirkizulslz1pstvv0xoo5qbcrr4.p12.dat2
+and another 3 in the format + * [UserNAME]Hash + * FreeTAKTeamSupporte4fddab2-6102-4ab6-a9ec-0fee8edf8b10.p12
+If you have issues sending datapackages directly to clients via FTS, make sure the -IP
argument you specified can be reached from your device.
+A quick way to test if it works is to take a picture with Quick Pic in ATAK and send it to another client. Please also note that for that test ATAK clients needs to be on different network (ie one on mobile and one on wifi), because if you run them in same network (wifi, vpn, etc) they will just use same multicast group, bypassing FTS completely.
+When you post package to specific contact in ATAK, following happens:
1) Datapackage is uploaded to server, recorded in database and stored in FTS directory
+ 2) Client receives payload with URL pointing to datapackage so ATAK can download it
Assuming you want to run open-to-everyone FTS instance, and you have server hosted somewhere, you need to specify public IP address in -IP
argument. And just in case, -IP
also accepts domain names.
+If you run it at home and port forward on router doesn't work, check if you receive actual IP address and not being NATed and ports 8080 and 8087 are not filtered - you can ask your ISP about that.
FreeTAKTeam youtube channel
+GHOST_DA-B6 has created a set of videos on youtube detailing how to install and set up 1.5 FTS on raspberry pi SBC's. +This is not updated to the current version of FTS +You can view his RPiFTS video series on his channel.
+ + + + + + +Below is the installation commands and comments for the installation of FreeTAKServer on a windows computer. Please notcie, the FTS team is not supporting Windows as an official OS for FTS. please contact the original authors
+FreeTAKServer Manager has the ability to Start, Stop, Restart, Install and Uninstall the FreeTAKServer & FreeTAKServer-UI.
+FreeTAKServer provides Situational Awareness and other capabilities such as:
+the preferred way to install FTS is by using Pip, that would solve all the required dependencies. the offline release requires additional manual work and has to be used only in the cases where internet connection is not available.
+Download and run the installer
+Choose the installer option.
+ +Check pip, tcl/tk and IDLE and the Python test suite.
+ +Make sure you add Python to environment variables for easy use.
+ +> python -V
+> pip --version
+> pip install flask
+> pip install flask_login
+> pip install flask_migrate
+> pip install flask_wtf
+> pip install flask_sqlalchemy
+> pip install email_validator
+> pip install gunicorn
+> pip install coveralls
+> pip install coverage
+> pip install pytest
+> pip install flake8
+> pip install flake8-print
+> pip install pep8-naming
+> pip install selenium
+When all the requirements have been satisfied install the FreeTAKServer
+> python -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]
file for editing.The contents must be changed fo that the Windows paths can communicate with FTS
+Edited contents for windows machines:
+import os
+currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+from pathlib import Path
+class MainConfig:
+ """
+ this is the main configuration file and is the only one which
+ should need to be changed
+ """
+ # this is the port to which clients will connect
+ CoTServicePort = int(8087)
+ SSLCoTServicePort = int(8089)
+ # this needs to be changed for private data packages to work
+ DataPackageServiceDefaultIP = str("")
+ # User Connection package IP needs to be set to the IP which is used when creating the connection in your tak device
+ UserConnectionIP = str("")
+ #python_version = 'python3.8'
+ #userpath = '/usr/local/lib/'
+ # api port
+ APIPort = 19023
+ # Federation port
+ FederationPort = 9000
+ # api IP
+ APIIP = ''
+ # allowed ip's to access CLI commands
+ AllowedCLIIPs = ['']
+ # IP for CLI to access
+ CLIIP = ''
+ # whether or not to save CoT's to the DB
+ SaveCoTToDB = bool(True)
+ # this should be set before startup
+ DBFilePath = str(r'C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer\\FTSDataBase.db')
+ # the version information of the server (recommended to leave as default)
+ version = 'FreeTAKServer-1.5.12 RC1'
+ MainPath = str(Path(fr'C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer'))
+ ExCheckMainPath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck'))
+ ExCheckFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck\\template'))
+ ExCheckChecklistFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck\\checklist'))
+ DataPackageFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\FreeTAKServerDataPackageFolder'))
+ # format of API message header should be {Authentication: Bearer 'TOKEN'}
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ id = str(uuid4())
+ nodeID = f"FreeTAKServer-{id}"
+ # set to None if you don't want a message sent
+ ConnectionMessage = f'Welcome to FreeTAKServer {version}. The Parrot is not dead. It’s just resting'
+ keyDir = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.key'))
+ pemDir = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.pem')) # or crt
+ unencryptedKey = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.key.unencrypted'))
+ p12Dir = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.p12'))
+ CA = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\ca.pem'))
+ CAkey = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\ca.key'))
+ federationCert = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.pem'))
+ federationKey = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\pubserver.key'))
+ federationKeyPassword = str('defaultpass')
+ # location to backup client packages
+ clientPackages = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\ClientPackages'))
+ password = str('defaultpass')
+ websocketkey = "YourWebsocketKey"
+When finished configuring MainConfig.py
open the config.py
file for editing
+Edited contents for windows machines:
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+License: MIT
+Copyright (c) 2019 - present AppSeed.us
+import os
+from os import environ
+class Config(object):
+ basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ SECRET_KEY = 'key'
+ # This will connect to the FTS db
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + 'C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer\\FTSDataBase.db'
+ # certificates path
+ certpath = "C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer\\certs\\"
+ # crt file path
+ crtfilepath = f"{certpath}pubserver.pem"
+ # key file path
+ keyfilepath = f"{certpath}pubserver.key.unencrypted"
+ # this IP will be used to connect with the FTS API
+ IP = ''
+ # Port the UI uses to communicate with the API
+ PORT = '19023'
+ # the public IP your server is exposing
+ APPIP = ''
+ # this port will be used to listen
+ APPPort = 5000
+ # the webSocket key used by the UI to communicate with FTS.
+ WEBSOCKETKEY = 'YourWebsocketKey'
+ # the API key used by the UI to comunicate with FTS. generate a new system user and then set it
+ APIKEY = 'Bearer token'
+ # For 'in memory' database, please use:
+ # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
+ # if set then url_for('static', filename='', theme='')
+ # will add the theme name to the static URL:
+ # /static/<DEFAULT_THEME>/filename
+ # DEFAULT_THEME = "themes/dark"
+class ProductionConfig(Config):
+ DEBUG = False
+ # Security
+ # PostgreSQL database
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_USER', 'appseed'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'appseed'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_HOST', 'db'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_PORT', 5432),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_NAME', 'appseed')
+ )
+class DebugConfig(Config):
+ DEBUG = True
+config_dict = {
+ 'Production': ProductionConfig,
+ 'Debug': DebugConfig
+In order to run the server and the GUI two terminal windows must be opened and the commands below must be run:
+> python -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+> cd C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\FreeTAKServer-UI
+> set FLASK_APP=run.py
+> flask run
+Now your server should be running. User = admin
, Password = password
and GUI link
If you would like to setup a Batch file (to run the server on a double click) use the commands below:
+Create a .bat
file to run the server on double click and on startup:
+start cmd /k python -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+cd C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\FreeTAKServer-UI
+set FLASK_APP=run.py
+flask run
+Now to run at startup: Go to Run (WINDOWS + R
) and Type shell:startup
, and paste a copy of your StartFreeTAKServer.bat
file there.
++To check python version
+python -V
To quickely check your IP
+COT error v1.5.13
+ +FreeTAKServer documentation for end users
+Description | +Link | +
User Docs: | +https://freetakteam.github.io/FreeTAKServer-User-Docs/ | +
PyPi Install Docs: | +https://freetakteam.github.io/FreeTAKServer-User-Docs/Installation/PyPi/Linux/Install/ | +
Server Download: | +https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTakServer | +
Server Releases: | +https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTakServer/releases | +
GHOST_DA-B6 has created a set of videos on youtube detailing how to install and set up FTS on raspberry pi SBC's.
+You can view his RPiFTS video series on his channel.
+ + + + + + +Below is the installation commands and comments for the installation of FreeTAKServer on a windows computer:
+Install python from python.org
+Download and run the installer.
+Choose the installer option.
+ +Check pip, tcl/tk and IDLE and the Python test suite.
+ +Make sure you add Python to environment variables for easy use.
+ +Now check that python and pip are installed and working correctly. You should be able to open cmd anywhere and do this check:
+> python -V
+> pip --version
+Once you have checked that Python and pip are working install the requirements:
+3.1. +Run install one by one.
+> pip install flask
+> pip install flask_login
+> pip install flask_migrate
+> pip install flask_wtf
+> pip install flask_sqlalchemy
+> pip install email_validator
+> pip install gunicorn
+> pip install coveralls
+> pip install coverage
+> pip install pytest
+> pip install flake8
+> pip install flake8-print
+> pip install pep8-naming
+> pip install selenium
+3.2. +Run install from a file.
+From a file Paste these requirements into a .txt file requirements.txt
for example:
+now CD into the directory which containes said requirements.txt
file and run the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
+When all the requirements have been satisfied install the FreeTAKServer.
+> python -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]
+After the installation has finished open the MainConfig.py
file for editing.
The contents must be changed fo that the Windows paths can communicate with FTS.
+Edited contents for windows machines:
+import os
+currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+from pathlib import Path
+class MainConfig:
+ """
+ this is the main configuration file and is the only one which
+ should need to be changed
+ """
+ # this is the port to which clients will connect
+ CoTServicePort = int(os.environ.get('FTS_COT_PORT', 8087))
+ SSLCoTServicePort = int(os.environ.get('FTS_SSLCOT_PORT', 8089))
+ # this needs to be changed for private data packages to work
+ DataPackageServiceDefaultIP = str(os.environ.get('FTS_DP_ADDRESS', ""))
+ # User Connection package IP needs to be set to the IP which is used when creating the connection in your tak device
+ UserConnectionIP = str(os.environ.get('FTS_USER_ADDRESS', ""))
+ #Path to the site-packages dir in your python installation
+ python_install_path = 'C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages'
+ # api port
+ APIPort = os.environ.get('FTS_API_PORT', 19023)
+ # Federation port
+ FederationPort = os.environ.get('FTS_FED_PORT', 9000)
+ # api IP
+ APIIP = os.environ.get('FTS_API_ADDRESS', '')
+ # allowed ip's to access CLI commands
+ AllowedCLIIPs = ['']
+ # IP for CLI to access
+ CLIIP = ''
+ # whether or not to save CoT's to the DB
+ SaveCoTToDB = bool(os.environ.get('FTS_COT_TO_DB', True))
+ # this should be set before startup
+ DBFilePath = str(os.environ.get('FTS_DATA_PATH', fr'{python_install_path}\\FreeTAKServer\\') + "FTSDataBase.db")
+ # the version information of the server (recommended to leave as default)
+ version = 'FreeTAKServer-1.7.5 Public'
+ MainPath = str(os.environ.get('FTS_DATA_PATH',
+ Path(fr'{python_install_path}\\FreeTAKServer')))
+ ExCheckMainPath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck'))
+ ExCheckFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck\\template'))
+ ExCheckChecklistFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\ExCheck\\checklist'))
+ DataPackageFilePath = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\FreeTAKServerDataPackageFolder'))
+ # format of API message header should be {Authentication: Bearer 'TOKEN'}
+ from uuid import uuid4
+ id = str(uuid4())
+ nodeID = os.environ.get('FTS_NODE_ID', f"FreeTAKServer-{id}")
+ # set to None if you don't want a message sent
+ ConnectionMessage = f'Welcome to FreeTAKServer {version}. The Parrot is not dead. It’s just resting'
+ certsPath = os.environ.get('FTS_CERTS_PATH', fr'{MainPath}/certs')
+ keyDir = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.key'))
+ pemDir = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.pem')) # or crt
+ unencryptedKey = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.key.unencrypted'))
+ p12Dir = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.p12'))
+ CA = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\ca.pem'))
+ CAkey = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\ca.key'))
+ federationCert = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.pem'))
+ federationKey = str(Path(fr'{certsPath}\\pubserver.key'))
+ federationKeyPassword = str(os.environ.get('FTS_FED_PASSWORD','defaultpass'))
+ # location to backup client packages
+ clientPackages = str(Path(fr'{MainPath}\\certs\\ClientPackages'))
+ password = str(os.environ.get('FTS_PASSWORD', 'defaultpass'))
+ websocketkey = os.environ.get('FTS_WEBSOCKET_KEY', "YourWebsocketKey")
+When finished configuring MainConfig.py
open the config.py
file for editing
+Edited contents for windows machines:
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+License: MIT
+Copyright (c) 2019 - present AppSeed.us
+import os
+from os import environ
+class Config(object):
+ basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ SECRET_KEY = 'key'
+ # This will connect to the FTS db
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + 'C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer\\FTSDataBase.db'
+ # certificates path
+ certpath = "C:\\Software\\python\\Lib\\site-packages\\FreeTAKServer\\certs\\"
+ # crt file path
+ crtfilepath = f"{certpath}pubserver.pem"
+ # key file path
+ keyfilepath = f"{certpath}pubserver.key.unencrypted"
+ # this IP will be used to connect with the FTS API
+ IP = ''
+ # Port the UI uses to communicate with the API
+ PORT = '19023'
+ # the public IP your server is exposing
+ APPIP = ''
+ # this port will be used to listen
+ APPPort = 5000
+ # the webSocket key used by the UI to communicate with FTS.
+ WEBSOCKETKEY = 'YourWebsocketKey'
+ # the API key used by the UI to comunicate with FTS. generate a new system user and then set it
+ APIKEY = 'Bearer token'
+ # For 'in memory' database, please use:
+ # SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
+ # if set then url_for('static', filename='', theme='')
+ # will add the theme name to the static URL:
+ # /static/<DEFAULT_THEME>/filename
+ # DEFAULT_THEME = "themes/dark"
+class ProductionConfig(Config):
+ DEBUG = False
+ # Security
+ # PostgreSQL database
+ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_USER', 'appseed'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'appseed'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_HOST', 'db'),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_PORT', 5432),
+ environ.get('APPSEED_DATABASE_NAME', 'appseed')
+ )
+class DebugConfig(Config):
+ DEBUG = True
+config_dict = {
+ 'Production': ProductionConfig,
+ 'Debug': DebugConfig
+In order to run the server and the GUI two terminal windows must be opened and the commands below must be run:
+> python -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+> cd C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\FreeTAKServer-UI
+> set FLASK_APP=run.py
+> flask run
+Now your server should be running. User = admin
, Password = password
and GUI link
To uninstall do:
+> pip uninstall FreeTAKServer
+> pip uninstall FreeTAKServer-UI
+Then in the C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\FreeTAKServer\
delete the FTSDataBase.db
In the C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\
path delete the FreeTAKServer
& FreeTAKServer-UI
If you would like to setup a Batch file (to run the server on a double click) use the commands below:
+Create a .bat
file to run the server on double click and on startup:
+start cmd /k python -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+CD /D C:\Software\python\Lib\site-packages\FreeTAKServer-UI
+set FLASK_APP=run.py
+flask run
+Now to run at startup: Go to Run (WINDOWS + R
) and Type shell:startup
, and paste a copy of your StartFreeTAKServer.bat
file there.
++ + + + + + +To check python version
+python -V
To quickely check your IP
the FTS team supports a public instance of FTS with the last version installed so that you can test it.
+In order to use ATAK with a FTS server you need to: +1. Download required files +2. Configure using import manager
+The easiest way is to open this article in your Android phone, so that all the files will be already available there.
+Download and install ATAK 4.2 (updated Feb 24 2021) +* Play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atakmap.app.civ +* Secondary https://files.civtak.org/ (use CivTAK Community OwnCloud Repo) +* Alternative https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bbpvABH3zS1y-8iNbSlkmu4FgUocV0F0/view?usp=sharing
+Download the configuration fts-official-pub.zip at this link +/docs/fts-official-pub.zip
+WinTAK has a known issue with the TAK Chat Plugin. +You Must disable the plugin or you will have frequent disconnects from FTS.
+Navigate to the plugin management menu.
+ +Then select unload on TAK Chat
You can now connect to FTS by navigating to Settings
-> Network Preferences
-> Mange Server Connections
From there you can add your FTS server IP or host name and port.
+ + + + + + +ExCheck
+ExCheck is a plugin for ATAK and WinTAK. It allows users to collaborate on the execution and monitoring of tasks based on templates. +To use ExCheck, you need to have a server that supports it. FTS supports the plugin since version 1.3. Version 1.5 supports also ExCheck in the WebUI
+in Wintak (since version 4.1) you can find the plugin as ExCheck under the plugin tab. +On the top of the window you will see two buttons. a list of active checklists shows up below them.
+with the buttons You can: +- create a new Template +- create a new template based on an existing one +- Join active checklist +- Start a new checklist
+You need to define a name , a description and at least a task, to be able to save the template.
+standard columns can be modified or deleted, +- No: sequence of the task +- Description: name of the task +- Req. : this step is required to complete the checklist (???) +- Callsign: TBD +- Net: TBD +- From: TBD +- To: TBD +- Codeword: a code word for this task +- Due relative DTG: the timing of the completition of the task required field
+after that you have created a task you can righ click the hamburger menu (the 3 lines) to the left to: +- Delete the task +- add some background color +- Toggle linebreak: allows to create a block of tasks
+Works like the previous, only you will start the template by modifying an existing one
+When you start a new checklist, the current status is saved locally and on the server.
+Allow you to participate with others in completing the checklist.
+As soon a checklist is started, you can click on an action and set it to be completed. You can also set back to pending a completed item. +It's also possible to add Notes (those are only visible opening the task item) +If another team member changes the status of a task, you will get an update.
+to delete a checklist, you need to open it and pres the delete button
+the plugin for ATAK is yet not available to the community (Dec 2020). +Functionalities are similar to the WinTAK version. +Tests indicate that FTS has the same level of functional support
+ + + + + + +Since version 1.9 FTS supports a complete video management function. +you can: +* Upload to FTS a video end point using the client (ATAK only) +* Download an existing video endpoint from FTS
+Additionally FTS will automatically send to all the connected clients video streams information coming from FreeTAK UAS or TAK ICU using the API
+ + + + + + +The CLI has been sunset since version 1.5 of FTS, because of the new way to access the server.
+It may be reintroduced in the future.
+To access the CLI open a new terminal and run the command:
+sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.views.CLI
+Command | +Purpose | +
help | +List all commands | +
start_all | +Begin all services type | +
start_CoT_service | +Begin CoT service type | +
start_data_package_service | +Begin data package service type | +
stop_all | +Terminate all services type | +
stop_CoT_service | +Terminate CoT service type | +
stop_data_package_service | +Terminate data package service type | +
change_connection_info | +Change the address and port of the server you're connecting to | +
show_users | +Show connected user information type | +
kill | +Kill the full server type | +
show_DP | +Show all DataPackages on the server | +
remove_DP | +Remove a DataPackages on the server | +
add_api_user | +add a user and a token for API consumption | +
show_api_users | +show a list of users and their tokens | +
remove_api_user | +remove a user and a token for API consumption | +
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol for secure communication. FTS supports SSL since version 1.3.
+Since version 1.5, FTS features automated SSL generation and deployment.
+The automated generation and deployment is easier, please consider using that approach.
+For more details, read the FTS manual here.
+This method requires understanding of complex console commands.
+We do not provide support for certificate generation or deployment issues.
+We are currently exploring tools like YAOG to simplify the process.
+Some of the steps below to create a server and client certificate are adopted from:
+ +choco
package managerGo to:
+and install the choco
package manager.
Next, temporarily append the choco
executable to the PATH variable.
After PowerShell is closed, the appended path will resort back to its original state.
+$env:Path += ";C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin"
+To permanently add to the PATH variable, refer to:
+Next, install OpenSSL:
+choco install openssl
+Do not close PowerShell because you will need it for the next steps.
+Most likely, you will be running a 64-bit system. For a 64-bit system, enter:
+$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin"
+For a 32-bit system (unlikely), enter:
+$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win32\bin"
+Go to your home directory.
+cd ~
+Make an invisible folder called .certs
mkdir .certs
+Go into the .certs
cd .certs
+Create a private key for the CA certifcate.
+openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ca.key
+A ca.key
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+Next, create CA certificate from the newly created private key.
+openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
+Creating a Certificate Authority (CA) involves generating a self-signed root certificate with various metadata fields. Below is a table that describes some of the common metadata fields that can be set in a CA certificate.
+Metadata Field | +X.509 Attribute | +Description | +
Common Name | +CN |
+The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or name of the CA. For root CAs, this field often contains the organization's name. e.g. https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam | +
Organization | +O |
+The legal name of the organization that is running the CA. e.g. FreeTAKTeam | +
Organizational Unit | +OU |
+The division or department within the organization that is responsible for managing the CA. | +
Locality | +L |
+The city or locality where the organization is located. | +
State | +ST |
+The state, province, or region where the organization is located. | +
Country | +C |
+The two-letter ISO country code for the country where the organization is located. | +
Email Address | +emailAddress |
+The email address for contacting the CA administrator. | +
Serial Number | +N/A | +A unique identifier for the certificate. It is used to identify the certificate within a CA's database. | +
Validity Period | +N/A | +Specifies the time period during which the certificate is valid. It includes a start date (NotBefore ) and an end date (NotAfter ). |
Key Usage | +N/A | +Defines the purposes for which the certificate's public key can be used, such as digital signature, key encipherment, and certificate signing. | +
Extended Key Usage | +N/A | +Specifies additional purposes for which the public key may be used, like server authentication, client authentication, code signing, etc. | +
Subject Alternative Name | +SAN |
+Specifies additional host names or IP addresses that are protected by this certificate. Useful for multi-domain or wildcard certificates. | +
Issuer | +N/A | +Information about the entity that issued the certificate. For a self-signed root CA, the issuer is the CA itself. | +
Version | +N/A | +Indicates the X.509 version used. Most modern certificates use version 3. | +
Signature Algorithm | +N/A | +The algorithm used to create the certificate's signature. Common algorithms include RSA-SHA256 and ECDSA-SHA256. | +
You will be prompted to enter in certificate details. Here is an example:
+You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+into your certificate request.
+What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+For some fields there will be a default value,
+If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+A ca.crt
will be outputted to the directory.
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+Generate the server private key.
+openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out server.key
+A server.key
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+Next, generate the server certificate signing request.
+openssl req -new -sha256 -key server.key -out server.csr
+You will be prompted to enter in certificate details. Here is an example:
+You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+into your certificate request.
+What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+For some fields there will be a default value,
+If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
+State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:CA
+Locality Name (eg, city) []:Los Angeles
+Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Acme Corporation
+Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Dev
+Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Wile E. Coyote
+Email Address []:wile@acmecorp.com
+Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+to be sent with your certificate request
+A challenge password []:badpassword
+An optional company name []:Acme Corporation
+A server.csr
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+Next, generate the server certificate.
+openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 1000 -sha256
+Something similar to this will be outputted:
+Signature ok
+subject=C = US, ST = CA, L = Los Angeles, O = Acme Corporation, OU = Dev, CN = Wile E. Coyote, emailAddress = wile@acmecorp.com
+Getting CA Private Key
+A server.crt
and ca.srl
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 42 ca.srl
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 820 server.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+These are the same steps as above, except for the client.
+Generate the server private key.
+openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out client.key
+A client.key
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 42 ca.srl
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 client.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 820 server.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 382 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+Next, generate the client certificate signing request.
+openssl req -new -sha256 -key client.key -out client.csr
+You will be prompted to enter in certificate details. Here is an example:
+You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+into your certificate request.
+What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+For some fields there will be a default value,
+If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
+State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:CA
+Locality Name (eg, city) []:Los Angeles
+Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Acme Corporation
+Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Dev
+Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Wile E. Coyote
+Email Address []:wile@acmecorp.com
+Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+to be sent with your certificate request
+A challenge password []:badpassword
+An optional company name []:Acme Corporation
+A client.csr
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 42 ca.srl
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 client.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 client.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 820 server.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+Next, generate the client certificate.
+openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt -days 1000 -sha256
+Something similar to this will be outputted:
+Signature ok
+subject=C = US, ST = CA, L = Los Angeles, O = Acme Corporation, OU = Dev, CN = Wile E. Coyote, emailAddress = wile@acmecorp.com
+Getting CA Private Key
+A client.crt
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 42 ca.srl
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 816 client.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 client.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 client.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 820 server.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
+For example, install JRE8 if you do not have it installed:
+choco install jre8
+Go into the Java folder:
+cd "C:\Program Files\Java\"
+Find the JRE folder:
+which will output something like:
+ Directory: C:\Program Files\Java
+Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+d----- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM jre1.8.0_311
+Go into the JRE folder:
+NOTE: Your JRE may be a different version
+cd jre1.8.0_311
+Go into the bin
cd bin
+Output the absolute path of this directory:
+which will output out something like:
+C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311\bin
+Add this directory to the PATH:
+$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311\bin"
+Now go back to your .certs
cd ~\.certs\
+Enter this command to generate the keystore:
+keytool -genkey -v -keystore fts.keystore -alias fts -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
+You will be prompted to enter in keystore details. Here is an example:
+Enter keystore password: badpassword
+Re-enter new password: badpassword
+What is your first and last name?
+ [Unknown]: Wile Coyote
+What is the name of your organizational unit?
+ [Unknown]: Dev
+What is the name of your organization?
+ [Unknown]: Acme Corporation
+What is the name of your City or Locality?
+ [Unknown]: Los Angeles
+What is the name of your State or Province?
+ [Unknown]: CA
+What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
+ [Unknown]: US
+Is CN=test client, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=US correct?
+ [no]: yes
+Something similar to this will be outputted:
+Generating 2,048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity of 10,000 days
+ for: CN=Wile Coyote, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=CA
+An fts.keystore
will be outputted to the directory:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
+---- ------------- ------ ----
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 944 ca.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 ca.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 42 ca.srl
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 816 client.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 client.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 client.key
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 4019 fts.keystore
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 820 server.crt
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 626 server.csr
+-a---- 11/10/1775 6:00 PM 232 server.key
and client.crt
certificates to the keystoreAdd the server.crt
to the keystore:
keytool -import -file server.crt -alias server -keystore fts.keystore
+You will be prompted to enter in details. Here is an example:
+Enter keystore password: badpassword
+Owner: EMAILADDRESS=wile@acmecorp.com, CN=Wile E. Coyote, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=US
+Issuer: EMAILADDRESS=wile@acmecorp.com, CN=Wile E. Coyote, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=US
+Serial number: 1667f79b550a2605c2fc04de3da4e3a63f921e99
+Valid from: Fri Jan 07 04:21:32 EST 2022 until: Thu Oct 03 05:21:32 EDT 2024
+Certificate fingerprints:
+ SHA1: 7A:2C:F4:58:6C:3E:CB:C3:C5:FA:F8:2C:74:8E:E2:9B:58:75:B2:D0
+ SHA256: 14:6F:7E:04:C6:25:69:83:55:21:9F:99:17:9C:AE:28:7C:CF:74:20:C5:60:FD:36:2F:57:68:68:30:FE:D8:EB
+Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
+Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC key
+Version: 1
+Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
+Certificate was added to keystore
+Add the client.crt
to the keystore:
keytool -import -file client.crt -alias client -keystore fts.keystore
+You will be prompted to enter in details. Here is an example:
+Enter keystore password: badpassword
+Owner: EMAILADDRESS=wile@acmecorp.com, CN=Wile E. Coyote, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=US
+Issuer: EMAILADDRESS=wile@acmecorp.com, CN=Wile E. Coyote, OU=Dev, O=Acme Corporation, L=Los Angeles, ST=CA, C=US
+Serial number: 1667f79b550a2605c2fc04de3da4e3a63f921e9a
+Valid from: Fri Jan 07 04:24:30 EST 2022 until: Thu Oct 03 05:24:30 EDT 2024
+Certificate fingerprints:
+ SHA1: AA:09:6D:16:13:CD:45:AD:41:45:99:7D:39:C3:55:11:AC:BC:F5:28
+ SHA256: 46:75:A7:59:80:8D:CE:52:78:DD:7D:B9:17:90:BE:A9:6C:9E:33:F3:44:84:1C:21:74:59:54:08:D5:28:AC:92
+Signature algorithm name: SHA256withECDSA
+Subject Public Key Algorithm: 256-bit EC key
+Version: 1
+Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
+Certificate was added to keystore
+FTS has a web UI since version 1.5.
+Please download the web UI manual here
+FreeTAK Server User Manual
+FTS V. 1.9.9
+Jul 2022
+Welcome to the user manual for the FreeTAKServer (FTS) Web User interface (webUI)!
+FreeTAKServer, as of Release 1.9, provides Situational Awareness and other capabilities such as:
+FTS webUI allows administrators to easily manage the server.
+This video, based on a pre-production version, provides an overview of most features described in the manual
WebUI is a completely separate application connecting to the FTS backend.
+It uses an API to seamless query server functions. Depending on his deployment, may or may not be seen from remote machines.
+ +This section provides an overview of the installation process. Refer to the online documentation for details.
+To install FTS and the UI type in a console
+sudo python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer[ui]
+your administrator will need to configure the following files
+Start FTS
+nohup sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS
+Start the WebUI
+nohup sudo python3 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/run.py
+Open a browser and navigate to [webUIIP]:[PORT]
+For example
Insert the user and password created with the function “System User” (see 4.1).
+Click login
+The function “Don't have an account?Create” could be useful to provide anyone with the link to the UI with the ability to create a System user. For security purposes it’s disabled in the standard configuration and his activation should be avoided
+First login can be done using:
+It’s strongly suggested to immediately create a new user and delete the generated one.
+To the Left of the main screen, there is a menu with 6 sub menus. These are: Home, Mission, User, Connect, Configure and About.
+ +Each of these is linked to a different screen with specific information to be seen and edited. The current section is highlighted with a blue dot
+The Events button is currently inactive. It provides a list of the last 5 events.
+The user button allow to log out or to edit the current user Profile
+Use this screen to change the current login user password, token and group
+Here the main information about FTS can be visualized. This information is periodically updated from the server. You can change this period in the UI configuration ([UIInstallation]/UI/app/__init__.py****
+. Default, expressed in milliseconds are
The status of FTS services is visualized as a series (6) of rotating concentric circles. The information is color coded:
+This section shows the start and current run time of the FTS, as well as the number of connected clients. The start time is provided by the server, so if you are in a different time zone you may see negative up times.
+In this section the % resources required by the server are displayed as its consumption of CPU, RAM, and Disk. The gauge shows both numerical (RAM: 32) as well as visual (circle ~⅓ full) values.
+Last Errors and other log messages will appear here
+Since FTS 1.8, the UI has a Tab to a webMap. The webmap is a separate component, part of the FreeTAKHub concept (seehttps://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKHub for more details)
+ +The webmap is a partial TAK client only. It displays all the connected clients and the COT sent from the moment in which it connects. Clicking on another tab closes the webmap, no memory of past events is kept.
+Following functions are also available:
+Measure distances and bearing
Import KML
+Drag and drop a valid KML into the map to display it (server only, not shared with clients)
+Add markers to the map (right click) and send to all the connected clients
Attitude: the attitude of the target toward the users, reflected in the color
+Name: unique name of the marker, if the same name is re-used, it will move an existing marker
+Delete an existing Marker
A multipurpose section with a broad role in managing data and files
+From here one can see, add, download, delete and hide available data packages.
+The default maximum size for a Data Package is 15 MB. You can change this size in the UI configuration([UIInstallation]/UI/app/__init__.py** **
+For future development,currently non functional . Will allow users to share data packages, CoTs and ExCheck lists with others, organized in “missions”. Still under development as of this version of FTS (V 1.9).
+ExCheck allows users to collaborate on the execution and monitoring of tasks based on templates. To use ExCheck, you need to have a server that supports it. FTS supports the plugin since version 1.3. See this article for an example of how to use it:
Allows you to see, add and delete ExCheck templates.
+The uploaded template must be valid in a XML format.
+The federation function allows FTS to connect to another server of the TAK family and exchange information such as COT and chats. The current implementation (1.9) does not allow sending Data packages and Missions yet.
+To set up a federated connection with another server you need to upload the certificate authority to the target server.
+Under the certs directory there's a file called pubserver.pem containing your server public certificate. +Download this file, rename it to something easy to remember like FTS204.134.0.60.pem and upload it to the Legacy TAK server you want to federate to.
+Here one can see the status of federated servers the current instance connects to, as well as deleting, editing and adding news ones.
+In the event the status remains disabled it is likely there was an error in the creation of your federation, the associated error message can be found in the farthest right most column of your federation(you may need to scroll to the right to see it).
+ +Allows the user to add or delete System Users and edit user group permissions.
+This panel shows all of the registered users of the UI and allows the user to add and delete users. A System User, other than an anonymous one is associated with a group, a Token for API, a password that can be used to login into the ui and finally certificates allowing to securely connect to FTS
+ +Add: This can be done by clicking on the “add” button (bottom right of panel). An extension will appear, with empty fields for the new user’s name, group, token and password.
+Name: name of the created user. For the certs deployment to work must be the same as a connected user (see below)
+Group: group of individuals this user belong to (team a, team b, team c)
+Token: gives an unique combination that this user can leverage for the FTS REST API. NOTICE: the field token is for any alphanumeric string. the prefix 'bearer' is NOT part of the token. The name “_Bearer authenticatio_n” can be understood as “give access to the bearer of this token.”
+Password: unique password that can be used for interact with the FTS
+Certs: true/false. If true certs will be generated (see below)
+ When creating an user In the UI, you will find a new flag. By selecting "mobile" you will generate an push a certificate that should work with:
in alternative selecting desktop will generate and push a certificate for WinTAK +Once the fields have been filled, simply press submit to add a new user.
+ +TAK clients can connect to a server using TCP or secure connection (SSL), this requires the creation of valid certification on the server that needs to be deployed to each client.
+FTS supports an advanced system to generate and distribute valid certification.
+When creating a system user, by leaving “certs” on “true”, the user will automatically be notified of his new connection, butonly if he is connected to the same server at that moment.
+FTS will:
+++Since ATAK 4.6 the ability to use non secured data packages has been disabled.
If the user is not online at the moment of the certs creations, it’s possible to deploy the certifications by:
+Since FTS 1.9 it’s possible to deactivate a certification bydeleting the associated user. The next time the user tries to connect to the server using the certifications, will get anIO error.
+Future functionality, not currently active. +Allows to create and assign permission to groups. When activated, will filter what an user can receive from FTS.
+A menu that can be used to create Center Of Target (CoTs) using a “Human API” and send system messages to FTS users.This is a User interface to some of the FTS Public UI (seehttps://freetakteam.github.io/FreeTAKServer-User-Docs/API/REST_APIDoc.htmlfor complete description of the API)
+Can be used to create a CoT (also called a geoObject)
+ +fill out the fields with the desired values.
+Allows to see, delete and create new emergencies on the server
+ +Using this function, the user can create a custom team member (friendly Dot) on the ATAK map, who will however appear like a real TAK user.
+ +To create a new member simply fill out the fields with the proper information. Once finished, press “send” (bottom right of panel).
+This function allows users to send system messages to all connected TAK clients.
+ +To send a message it suffices to enter the message in the top field, and then specify the sender name in the field marked “sender”. Once finished, press “Send”.
+Used to configure services and federated servers.
+7.1 System Configuration
+Here the services can be turned on and off and a port can be assigned to the service.
+The Data Package IP is initially determined by the starting parameter of FTS.
+sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS -DataPackageIP -AutoStart True
+FTS supports following services:
To turn a service on and off:
+To change a service port:
+See 4.4 Federations.
+ +FTS and UI version notes and special thanks
+ +A description of the software
+Current running version and IP, important when reporting bugs
+A list of individuals and organization that have contributed to FTS
+A list of libraries and other projects being used
+ + + + + + +the suggested way to edit Configuration files is by using WinSCP, however if you need to edit files in the console you need to use wim
+cd /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/FreeTAKServer-UI/app
to see the list of filesvim __init__.py
{"use strict";/*!
+ * escape-html
+ * Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk
+ * Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe
+ * Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */var $a=/["'&<>]/;Un.exports=Ra;function Ra(e){var t=""+e,r=$a.exec(t);if(!r)return t;var o,n="",i=0,s=0;for(i=r.index;i