Releases: FreeLANMan/PCEmulatorPlus
Version May 2024
- Now with the Commodore VIC-20 emulator made by Fabrizio Di Vittorio!
Why add an 8-bit computer emulator if we already have a 16-bit PC emulator?
This works without needing a microSD (or SD) card.
It's easier to copy apps between different microSD cards using just a TTGO VGA32 card because of the minimal size of the apps (most take up less than 50Kb of storage).
It can compensate for any flaws in PCEmulator.
Some small general improvements that I don't remember.
Version January 2024
Now you don't need a monitor to listen to your audio files!
Changes in sound tones when starting an application in audio mode:
Key - App name - signal that plays when it starts:
1 - WebRadios - Si
2 - Chat Server - La
3 - Music Maker - Sol
4 - Timer - fa
5 - Audio Player - Mi -
Some small general improvements that I don't remember.
July 2023 version
Now you can open .jpg images straight from the SD card!
s = slideshow mode (shows all images in the folder automatically)
r = reduce image
e = enlarge image
backspace = exit application
Limitations: 400 x 300 resolution, 64 colors. Only jpeg without progressive compression.
I recommend converting the images to this resolution and to 32 colors with Floyd–Steinberg dithering for best results.
v0.8 Mai23
Now with apps that work without a display!
Apps list:
jpg view (from SPIFFS)
Wi-Fi Safe
Web Radios
File Browser
Chat Server
Audio Player
-Audio: (no display mode)
- Web Radios
- Chat Server
- Music Maker
- Timer
Used libs:
TJpg_Decoder by Bodmer version 0.0.2
ESP32-audioI2S por Wolle
FabGL by Fabrizio Di Vittorio version 1.0.9 And
Board arduino-esp32 by espressif version 1.0.6
Now with Audio Player!
Apps list:
- PCEmulator
- jpg view (from SPIFFS)
- Wi-Fi Safe
- Web Radios
- File Browser
- Chat Server
- Audio Player
Audio Player:
Now you'll also be able to listen to audio files (mp3, wav, ...) directly from the micro SD card. Adding this functionality required a lot of system resources and is therefore severely limited.
- Mono only
- No controls, you will have to change the volume on the device you are using as a speaker. Or in the code.
- Only 1 audio file at a time.
This functionality will probably be changed in future versions since the plan is to have applications that work without needing a display and the way 'Audio Player' is currently working still has this need.
How to use WebRadio:
Keys from 1 to 0 to choose the radio.
'Up' and 'Down' keys to change the volume.
'Backspace' key to exit the app.
The key needs to be pressed for about 10 seconds to work.
You can add radios by changing the code. It would even be possible to place several radios on the letter keys. You can also change the code to play playlists over your local area network (LAN).
The idea is to make the system also work without a monitor and will be implemented in future versions with more apps.
Used libs:
- TJpg_Decoder by Bodmer version 0.0.2
- ESP32-audioI2S por Wolle
- FabGL by Fabrizio Di Vittorio version 1.0.9 And
- Board arduino-esp32 by espressif version 1.0.6
Release 0.6: Now with Webradios!
How to use WebRadio:
- Keys from 1 to 0 to choose the radio.
- 'Up' and 'Down' keys to change the volume.
- 'Backspace' key to exit the app.
- The key needs to be pressed for about 10 seconds to work.
- You can add radios by changing the code. It would even be possible to place several radios on the letter keys. You can also change the code to play playlists over your local area network (LAN).
The idea is to make the system also work without a monitor and will be implemented in future versions with more apps.
Used libs:
- TJpg_Decoder by Bodmer version 0.0.2
- ESP32-audioI2S por Wolle
- FabGL by Fabrizio Di Vittorio version 1.0.9 And
- Board arduino-esp32 by espressif version 1.0.6
"O sketch usa 1766738 bytes (56%) de espaço de armazenamento para programas. O máximo são 3145728 bytes. Variáveis globais usam 57456 bytes (17%) de memória dinâmica, deixando 270224 bytes para variáveis locais. O máximo são 327680 bytes."
The PCEmulator by Fabrizio Di Vittorio plus more applications for a more complete system.
Release 0.5: Five Apps in main menu: -- PCEmulator (The main app for use many O.S. and apps)
-- App ChatterBox: Horizontal chat room server (connects to a network and opens an AP to receive connections). This application can be used even if the Esp32 is not connected to a video monitor. Just repeat the keys used to activate it: Enter, wait <10 seconds press Enter again. Original code:
-- App JPG View: Only .jpg files on internal memory (SPIFFS). Only files with <1Mb for now. Only 512x384 pixels visible (can be change in the code) Original code: fdivitto/FabGL#160 (comment) (Alternatively you can view .gif images in 4 colors and 320x200 using the 'Compushow' application available on the HD-Geral disk image, by PCEmulator: sharing I recommend 1st converting the image using the GIMP application with scale image/canvas to fit in 320x200, sharpen filter, indexed mode: 'generate optimum pallete maximum colors 4', 'color dithering Floyd-Steinberg Reduced'.)
-- File Browser: by Fabrizio Di Vittorio. You can move files between internal memory and microSD card.
-- Update time: by Fabrizio Di Vittorio. Download the correct date and time from the internet. I intend to add functions in future.
Used libs: TJpg_Decoder by Bodmer version 0.0.2 FabGL by Fabrizio Di Vittorio version 1.0.9 And Board arduino-esp32 by espressif version 1.0.6
"O sketch usa 1558458 bytes (49%) de espaço de armazenamento para programas. O máximo são 3145728 bytes. Variáveis globais usam 55616 bytes (16%) de memória dinâmica, deixando 272064 bytes para variáveis locais. O máximo são 327680 bytes."
Release 0.3:
-- App JPG View: Only .jpg files on internal memory (SPIFFS). Only files with <1Mb for now. Only 512x384 pixels visible (can be change in the code) Original code: fdivitto/FabGL#160 (comment)
(Alternatively you can view .gif images in 4 colors and 320x200 using the 'Compushow' application available on the HD-Geral disk image, by PCEmulator: sharing I recommend 1st converting the image using the GIMP application with indexed mode, 'generate optimum pallete maximum colors 4', 'color dithering Floyd-Steinberg', 'interlace'.)
-- App ChatterBox: Horizontal chat room server (connects to a network and opens an AP to receive connections). This application can be used even if the Esp32 is not connected to a video monitor. Just repeat the keys used to activate it. Original code:
-- The PCEmulator:
Used libs: TJpg_Decoder by Bodmer version 0.0.2 FabGL by Fabrizio Di Vittorio version 1.0.9 And Board arduino-esp32 by espressif version 1.0.6
"The sketch uses 1558186 bytes (49%) of storage space for programs. The maximum is 3145728 bytes. Global variables use 55616 bytes (16%) of dynamic memory, leaving 272064 bytes for local variables. The maximum is 327680 bytes."