- ENH: Per atom virial for NOTB
- Automatically use correct GCC switches for legacy Fortran code
- Bug fix: SlaterCharges and GaussianCharges could case segmentation fault because of uninitialized value
- Fixed regression in makefile.inc
- Minor fixes for the Intel compiler suite
- Docker and Singularity containers
- Drop support for Python < 3.6 (#34)
- Bug fix: Reading EAM tables
- Bug fix: Python bindings should recalculate only when necessary
- Update Python interface for recent changes in ASE
- Bug fix: Wrong neighbor list construction for small negative positions (#30)
- Bug fix: Default system of units in DFT-D3 when using Python or LAMMPS (#27)
- Select elements in SlidingT
- DFT-D3 dispersion correction
- Variable-charge model
- OpenMP parallelization of the grid portion of PME
- OpenMP parallelization of LJCut
- Variable charge model
- Support for DFTB3.
- Updated to support latest ASE master.
- Fixed random hangs when running with LAMMPS.
- Bug fix in C-H interaction of screened REBO2 potential when running within LAMMPS.
- Updated for ASE 3.15.
- Bug fix in SCC-DFTB.
- Fixed memory leak.
- Improved introspection of the electronic structure obtained in tight-binding calculations.
- Fixed segfault in tight-binding materials database on Mac OS X.
- Support for ASE's Atoms.celldisp parameter
- Bug fix: Atoms outside the simulation cell are now treated correctly in periodic and nonperiodic cells.
- Removed LAPACK dependency for everything that does not use tight-binding (in particular the LAMMPS moduls)
- Updated LAMMPS pair_style for LAMMPS >= 07Sep16
- Bug fix: Proper inclusion of numpy extra_link_args in setup.py
- Bug fix: Fixed problem with tilted orthorhombic cells
- Bug fix: Set element charge from skf file. Only affects tight-binding runs with Slater-Koster tables from dftb.org
- Particle mesh Ewald Coulomb solver
- Regression fix in empirical bond-order potentials (dimers were handle incorrectly) - regression introduced in 0.4.4
- More robust EAM (low and high density configurations)
- More robust version extraction for LAMMPS and standalone code (uses versioneer)
- Maintenance: Fixed problem with passing c_null_ptr through c_f_pointer when using XLF
- Bug fix: Occasional NaNs in bond-order potentials
- Maintenance: Fixed segfault on BlueGene
- Preparation for PyPI release
- Minor fixes to tight-binding solver (when used with MPI domain decomposition)
- Support for new ASE calculator interface (thanks to James Kermode)
- Regression fix: Charge extrapolation did not work because charges were overriden with initial charges at every step. This was introduced when changing to the new ASE Calculator class.
Python 3 compatibility.
Python interface based on new ASE Calculator base class.
Tight binding: Removed necessity for an 'elements.dat' file. Code auto-detects elements from files found in the database directory.
Tight binding: Added support for d, sd and pd electronic configurations.
LAMMPS interface automatically checks git fingerprint to ensure compatibility between pair_style and Atomistica library.
Fixed proper stopping of timer when errors are raised or passed in some parts of the code.
General mechanism for object introspection from Python
Exposed NOTB internals to Python (Hamiltonian, overlap and density matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors if LAPACK solver is used)
Made NOTB per-bond analysis tools available from Python (added get_per_bond_property method)
Some bug fixes to parts of the standalone code
Implemented charge extrapolation for SCC NOTB
Fixed a couple of OpenMP related regression that broke compilation.
Fixed a regression that lead to wrong unit conversion for Hubbard-Us.
Fixed a regression that lead to OutputEnergy not being called.
Coulomb solvers now have an energy_and_forces rather than a potential_and_field function.
Added standalone molecular dynamics code. Source is in src/standalone and Makefiles are in build_standalone.
Dipatch generator now parses the additional 'features' key in the @meta data. Features can be 'mask', 'per_at' and 'per_bond'. This enables passing of mask, epot/wpot_per_at and epot/wpot_per_bond parameters to the potential. (These parameters can be omitted from the interface if unused now.)
Added mask parameter that can be used to turn on/off contribution from individual atoms. Contributions are additive, i.e. epot(mask) + epot(.not. mask) gives the total energy.
Fixed TabulatedEAM. Never worked properly but does now for unary systems.
Size of internal neighbor lists (EAM potentials and BOPs) is now computed on-the-fly.
- Corrected another bug regarding handling of PBCs in ASE.
- Corrected handling of PBCs in ASE.
- Fixed buffer overflow bug in atom type handling in LAMMPS interface.
- Added harmonic spring (with cutoff) potential.
- Added double harmonic potential. (Two harmonic springs at different distance, useful to model an SC solid that is isotropically elastic.)
- Added proper handling of PBCs to ASE interface. (All systems were periodic so far independent of ASEs PBC setting.)
Added support for non-orthogonal tight-binding (NOTB) with charge self-consistency (SCC).
Added Coulomb solvers (required for SCC-NOTB).
- Compatibility with IBM XL compiler suite on the BlueGene architecture.