Welcome to IronHook and thanks for considering to contribute. We welcome your contributions, so IronHook may include more features.
Please open a pull request if you would like to contribute new or improve existing feature. If you would like to comment on or discuss content but don't have concrete changes yet, please open an issue.
- Step 1: Fork this repository.
- Step 2: Clone this repository in your local machine.
- Step 3: Create new branch.
- Step 4: Define base classes or interfaces in IronHook.Core.
- Step 5: Define ORM related models in IronHook.EntityFrameworkCore.
- Step 6: If you want to develop or edit the database technology, make definitions in the library of the relevant technology. For example, changes to PostgreSQL provider should be defined in IronHook.PostgreSql.
- Step 7: Save and commit changes. Don't forget to use gitmoji when committing.
- Step 8: Submit a Pull Request.
- Step 9: All Done.