diff --git a/docs/examples/ui-table-cell-types.json b/docs/examples/ui-table-cell-types.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d84a4745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/ui-table-cell-types.json
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
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+ {
+ "title": "My Column",
+ "key": "columnA",
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+ "width": "",
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+ },
+ {
+ "title": "My Other Column",
+ "key": "columnB",
+ "type": "text",
+ "width": "",
+ "align": "start"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "URL",
+ "key": "link",
+ "type": "link",
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+ "align": "start"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Progress",
+ "key": "progress",
+ "type": "progress",
+ "width": "",
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+ },
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+ "title": "Row",
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+ "width": "",
+ "align": "start"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Trend",
+ "key": "array",
+ "type": "sparkline-trend",
+ "width": "",
+ "align": "start"
+ },
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+ "title": "Bar",
+ "key": "array",
+ "type": "sparkline-bar",
+ "width": "",
+ "align": "start"
+ },
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+ "title": "Tick/Cross",
+ "key": "boolean",
+ "type": "tickcross",
+ "width": "",
+ "align": "start"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Spot",
+ "key": "color",
+ "type": "color",
+ "width": "",
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+ }
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diff --git a/docs/nodes/widgets/ui-table.md b/docs/nodes/widgets/ui-table.md
index 3fdb9ab50..c67f3dd9a 100644
--- a/docs/nodes/widgets/ui-table.md
+++ b/docs/nodes/widgets/ui-table.md
@@ -16,9 +16,19 @@ dynamic:
# Data Table `ui-table`
Renders a set of data in a tabular format. Expects an input (`msg.payload`) in the format of:
@@ -47,19 +57,58 @@ The table will be rendered with colums `colA`, `colB` and `colC`, unless "Column
- **Click**: The full row becomes a clickable entity, and the `ui-table` node will _output the full object_ associated to a row when clicked.
- **Checkbox**: Each row has a checkbox, and the `ui-table` node will _output an array of objects_ associated to the checked rows when a checkbox is selected.
+### Configuring Columns
+![Screenshot of the configuration options available for column types in Node-RED](/images/node-examples/ui-table-column-config.png "Screenshot of the configuration options available for column types in Node-RED"){data-zoomable}
+_Screenshot of the configuration options available for column types in Node-RED_
+If you toggle "off" the "Auto Columns" option, you will have more control to define the columns for your table. For each column, you can define the following:
+- **Key**: The key in the object to use for the column data.
+- **Label**: The text to display in the column header.
+- **Width**: The width of the column, can be in `px`, `%`, or any other valid CSS sizing.
+- **Align:** The alignment of the text in the column. Can be `Left`, `Center`, or `Right`. Note that some columns do look odd with "Center" alignment as the header does also contain space for the sorting icon.
+- **Type**: Defines the cell's type and controls how your data will be rendered for this column.
+### Cell Types
+![An example of a ui-table displaying various of the cell types available](/images/node-examples/ui-table-cell-types.png "An example of a ui-table displaying various of the cell types available"){data-zoomable}
+_An example of a ui-table displaying various of the cell types available_
+- **Text**: Renders the cell as plain text.
+- **HTML**: Will respect new line breaks (e.g. `\n`) and basic HTML tags.
+- **Link**: Renders the cell as a hyperlink. The `Link` field should contain the URL to link to.
+- **Color**: Renders the cell as a colored box. The `Color` field should contain a valid CSS color.
+- **Tick/Cross**: Renders the cell as a tick or cross. The `Value` field should contain a boolean (`true`/`false`) value.
+- **Progress**: Renders the cell as a progress bar. The `Value` field should contain a number between 0 and 100.
+- **Sparkline - Trend**: Renders the cell as a small line chart without axes. The `Value` field should contain an array of numbers to be plotted.
+- **Sparkline - Bar**: Renders the cell as a small bar chart without axes. The `Value` field should contain an array of numbers to be plotted.
+- **Row Number**: Renders the row number into the cell.
+#### Example
## Dynamic Properties
-## Examples
+## Table Configuration
### Search & Filter
+The `ui-table` node can be configured to include a search bar above the table. This will allow users to search and filter across all columns, and automatically search across all columns when you type.
+#### Example
![Example of a Data Table with Search & Filter](/images/node-examples/ui-table-search.png "Example of a Data Table with Search & Filter"){data-zoomable}
*Example of a Data Table with Search & Filter" enabled.*
### Interaction
+Example that show how a table will appear with different selection types chosen.
#### Default - No Selection Events
![Example of a Data Table](/images/node-examples/ui-table.png "Example of a Data Table"){data-zoomable}
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/public/images/node-examples/ui-table-cell-types.png differ
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index 000000000..d5ebdef9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/public/images/node-examples/ui-table-column-config.png differ
diff --git a/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.html b/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.html
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index 000000000..f6e708ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
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diff --git a/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.json b/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.json
index ea18e838c..4461935b5 100644
--- a/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.json
+++ b/nodes/widgets/locales/en-US/ui_table.json
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
"autoCalculateColumns": "Auto Calculate Columns",
"key": "Key",
"label": "Label",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "width": "Width",
+ "align": "Align",
+ "alignLeft": "Left",
+ "alignCenter": "Center",
+ "alignRight": "Right",
"column": "column",
"selection": "Interaction",
"search": "Search",
diff --git a/nodes/widgets/ui_table.html b/nodes/widgets/ui_table.html
index 3381379f8..81d69a9ec 100644
--- a/nodes/widgets/ui_table.html
+++ b/nodes/widgets/ui_table.html
@@ -1,5 +1,61 @@