title | description | position | category |
Init 命令 |
Init 命令 |
3 |
命令 |
当执行s init -h
$ s init -h
Usage: s init [options] [name | url]
Initialize a new project based on a template. You can initialize the application that conforms to the serverless devs project specification through GitHub, or you can initialize the application provided by the source by configuring the source.
$ s init
$ s init project
$ s init project -d my_dir
$ s init project --appName my-express
$ s init project --parameters '{"serviceName":"websiteService"}'
$ s init [email protected]:foo/bar.git
$ s init https://github.com/foo/bar.git
🚀 More applications: https://registry.serverless-devs.com
-d, --dir <dir> Where to output the initialized app into (default: ./<ProjectName> )
-r, --registry <url> Use specify registry
-h, --help Display help for command
--parameters <parameters> Initialize with custom parameters
--appName <appName> Modify default Application name
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | 默认取值 | 参数含义 |
dir | d | ./<ProjectName> |
项目初始化的路径/目录 |
registry | -r | http://registry.devsapp.cn/simple | 源配置地址,类似于Python中指定pip源,或者Node.js中指定NPM源 |
parameters | {"serviceName":"websiteService"} | 初始化参数 | |
appName | my-express | 应用/项目名称 |
通过s init
$ s init
🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome
? Hello Serverless for Cloud Vendors (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯ Alibaba Cloud Serverless
AWS Cloud Serverless
Baidu Cloud Serverless
Huawei Cloud Serverless
Tencent Cloud Serverless
Dev Template for Serverless Devs
此时只需要选择对应的选项,按照引导进行操作,即可。例如选择Alibaba Cloud Serverless
? Please select an Serverless-Devs Application (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯ Quick start [Deploy a Hello World function to FaaS]
Container example [Deploy function to FaaS with custom-container]
Web Framework [Deploy a web framework to FaaS]
Static website [Deploy a static website]
Best practice [Experience serverless project]
? Which template do you like? (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯ [HTTP] Node.js 12
[HTTP] Python3
[HTTP] Java8
[HTTP] C++ (custom)
[Event] Node.js 12
[Event] Python3
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
$ s init
🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome
? Hello Serverless for Cloud Vendors Alibaba Cloud Serverless
? Please select an Serverless-Devs Application fc-runtime-starter - 快速部署一个 FC 函数
? Please select an templete fc-http-nodejs - 快速部署一个 nodejs12 http函数
💞 Document ❤ Star:https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs
更多关于默认源对应的应用信息,可以参考Package Awesome
通过s init [name | url]
,可以通过s init start-fc-http-nodejs12
$ s init start-fc-http-nodejs12
🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome
? Please input your project name (init dir) start-fc-http-nodejs12
✔ file decompression completed
💞 Document ❤ Star:https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs
以Github仓库 https://github.com/devsapp/puppeteer-app
为例,可以通过s init [email protected]:devsapp/puppeteer-app.git
$ s init [email protected]:devsapp/puppeteer-app.git
🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome
Cloning into 'puppeteer-app'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 35, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (35/35), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Total 35 (delta 10), reused 30 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (35/35), 6.59 KiB | 3.30 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10/10), done.