- Enhancements
- You now can define your own specific Generator for every model, not just in a global config level.
- You can deactivate generation auto to ensure a UUID is provided
- You can deactivate the validation and authorize recording a empty UUID
- Enhancements
- Add validation model of presence and uniqueness
- Update Ruby from 2.1.2 to 2.3.1
- Use last version of the gem Ammeter => 1.1.4
- Re-add generator specs
- Add bin/console
- Enhancements
- Lazy assignation of UUID
- UUID always available, not only after validation
- Enhancements
- decrease time of migration for big table
- change after initialize to before validation for avoid loading this hook each time we have an instance (iteration case)
- Enhancements
- don't override settled uuid and make sure model have uuid field
- for avoid manual attempts to set uuid at nil
- Bug Fix
- Change bad naming of migration files
- Enhancements
- Little enhancement
- Skeleton and first parsing